PIC 10A Pointers, Arrays, and Dynamic Memory Allocation

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1 PIC 10A Pointers, Arrays, and Dynamic Memory Allocation Ernest Ryu UCLA Mathematics Last edited: February 10, 2017

2 Pointers A variable is stored somewhere in memory. The address-of operator & returns the memory address of the variable. double d = 0.1 ; double * d_p = &d; cout << d_p << endl ; The output happens to be 008FF780. 2

3 Pointers double * d_p ; d_p is a variable of type double* (read as double pointer ). Or we say d_p a pointer to a double. double * d_p = &d; &d returns the address of d, and it is of type double*. cout << d_p << endl ; This outputs the memory address at which d is stored. A double is 8 bytes. So the memory addresses 008FF780, 008FF781,..., 008FF787 are used to store d. 3

4 Pointers The indirection or dereference operator * allows us to access the variable a pointer is pointing to. double d = 0.1 ; double * d_p = &d; cout << * d_p << endl ; * d_p = 3.0 ; cout << d << endl ; The output is 0.1 and 3.0. *d_p returns the double of value 0.1. *d_p = 3.0; assigns 3.0 to the double at location d_p. You now know 3 separate uses for the symbol *: multiplication, dereferencing, and defining a pointer. 4

5 sizeof operator The sizeof operator returns the number of bytes it take to store a variable cout << sizeof ( int ) << endl ; cout << sizeof ( double ) << endl ; The output (on my machine) is 4 and 8. 5

6 Arrays An array is a sequence of variables. int ages [10 ]; for ( int i=1; i <= 10; i ++) { int thisage ; cout << " Student number " << i <<" has age : "; cin >> thisage ; ages [i-1] = thisage ; //0- based indexnig } cout << " The ages are " << endl ; for ( int i=0; i<10; i ++) cout << ages [i] << endl ; (Elements of an array is accessed with 0-based indexing.) 6

7 Arrays are pointers Actually arrays are (almost) pointers! int ages [10 ]; int * int_ p = ages ; // ages is of type int * for ( int i=1; i <= 10; i ++) {... // Initialize ages [ ] } cout << ages << endl ; cout << int_ p << endl ; for ( int i=0; i<10; i ++) cout << int_ p [ i] << endl ; // You can do this int_p and ages are the same. 7

8 Arrays are pointers Since ages is of type int*, it points to a memory address at which an integer is stored. int ages [10 ]; for ( int i=1; i <= 10; i ++) {... // Initialize ages [ ] } cout << ages << endl ; The output is the address of ages[0]. 8

9 The memory layout of an array 9

10 Pointer arithmetic You can do basic arithmetic with pointers. Since sizeof(int) is 4, int_p+1 points to the address 4 bytes away from int_p cout << int_ p << endl ; cout << ( int_p +1) << endl ; The output happens to be 00F3FC64 and 00F3FC68. 10

11 Arrays are pointers We can also access an array with pointer arithmetic (as opposed to using []). for ( int i=0; i<10; i ++) cout << ages [i] << endl ; for ( int i=0; i<10; i ++) cout << *( ages + i) << endl ; for ( int * iter = ages ; iter <( ages +10 ); iter ++) cout << * iter << endl ; These 3 for loops have the same output. 11

12 Array initialization We can declare and initialize a variable in one statement using an initializer list. double d = 0.3 ; We can do the same with arrays. // w has length 3 and holds 1,2,3 int w[] = {1,2,3}; // x has length 5 and holds 1,2,3000,0,0 float x[5] = {1.f,2.f,3 E3f }; // y has length 3 and holds all zeroes int y[3] = {0}; // Better style? // z has length 10 and holds all zeroes double z[10] = {}; 12

13 Where do variables go? The pointers reveal the physical location of the variables. Where do they go? The operating system (OS) keeps track of which patch of memory is available. When the C++ program declares a variable, it asks the OS for memory. Which patch of memory you get depends on what part of the memory is available, which in turns depends on the what other programs are running and the current state of the OS. Arrays are placed on a contiguous patch of memory. This has to be true for pointer arithmetic to work. 13

14 (const) pointer to a (const) variable A pointer can change which variable it points to and, when dereferenced with *, change the variable it points to. double d1 = 0.3 ; double d2 = 0.1 ; double * d_p ; d_p = &d1; d_p = &d2; * d_p += 5.; 14

15 (const) pointer to a (const) variable A const pointer to a double can change the double it points to but not which double it points to. double d1 = 0.3 ; double d2 = 0.1 ; double * const d_p = & d1; * d_p += 5.; d_p = &d2; // Error! Read double* const as a const pointer to a double. 15

16 (const) pointer to a (const) variable A pointer to a const double can change which double it points to but not the double it points to double d1 = 0.3 ; double d2 = 0.1 ; const double * d_p = & d1; d_p = &d2; * d_p += 5.; // Error! Read const double* as a pointer to a const double. 16

17 (const) pointer to a (const) variable A const pointer to a const double can change neither which double it points to nor the double it points to double d1 = 0.3 ; double d2 = 0.1 ; const double * const d_p = & d1; d_p = &d2; // Error! * d_p += 5.; // Error! Read const double* const as a const pointer to a const double. 17

18 const and pointer syntax As if this wasn t already a mess, the lax syntax rules for writing const and pointers exacerbate the problem. const type and type const are the same. const double d1 = 0.3 ; double const d2 = 0.1 ; // bad style Both are valid. Whitepsace around * has no affect. double * d_p1 ; // bad style double * d_p2 ; double * d_ p3 ; double * d_p4 ; All are valid. 18

19 const and pointer syntax Really, * belongs to the variable, not the the type. double * d_p1, d_ p2 ; // d_ p2 is not a pointer double * d_p3, * d_ p4 ; // both are pointers A C programmer would say double *d_p means *d_p is a double. To a C++ programmer double* d_p makes more sense; d_p is a variable with certain type. The correct syntax for declaring multiple pointers in one statement makes no sense. So don t use it. double * d_p1, * d_p2 ; // bad style, unclear double * d_p3 ; // good style double * d_p4 ; // good style 19

20 const and pointer syntax const after * signifies the pointer is const. double d; double * const d_p1 = &d, * d_p2 = &d; double * const d_p3 = &d, * const d_p4 = &d; d_p2 ++; // bad style // Only d_ p2 is not const You can mix and match (but you shouldn t). const double * const d_ p1 = & d; const double * const d_ p2 = & d; // best style const double * const d_ p3 = & d; double const * const d_ p4 = & d; double const * const d_ p5 = & d; double const * const d_ p6 = & d; double const * const d_p7 = &d; Use whitespace to make the correct emphasis. 20

21 const and pointer syntax Tip #1: Read backwards: const double * const d_p = & d; Read constant pointer to (const double). Tip #2: Split the statement at *. const on the left is on the original type, and const on the right is on the pointer. 21

22 Type conversion Type conversion or type casting is the conversion of a variable of one type to another. double d1 = 3; 3 is a literal of type int, and it is (implicitly) converted/casted into a double. There are explicit and implicit conversions. 22

23 Type conversion: explicit Explicitly converting from type T1 to T2. C-style cast: (T2) T1. float f = ( float ) 3; // cast int to float double d = ( double ) f; // cast float to double // cast 1 and 3 into double before division cout << (( double ) 1) / (( double ) 3) << endl ; Functional cast or function style cast: T2(T1). int i = ; // i = 2 billion cout << 10 * i << endl ; cout << 10 *( long long int ( i) ) << endl ; The output is and

24 Type conversion: explicit Explicitly converting from type T1 to T2. Static cast: static_cast<t2>(t1). bool b1 = static_cast <bool >(0); bool b2 = static_cast <bool >(3); cout << b1 << endl ; cout << b2 << endl ; The output is 0 and 1. We will later discuss where the names C-style cast and functional cast come from. Upon encountering these casts, the compiler will attempt to carry them out. If there is no a suitable way, the cast will fail (i.e., your code won t compile). int i = 3; string s1 = static_cast < string >(i); // Error! We ll later learn what a suitable way of conversion means. 24

25 Type conversion: implicit Implicit conversion from type T1 to type T2 is attempted when type T1 is used where type T2 is expected. double d = 5; // Implicit cast from int to double int i = 3; float f = i; // Implicit cast from int to float Non-const pointers can be implicitly converted to const pointers. Conversion from const to non-const pointers doesn t happen. double d1; double * d_p1 ; const double d2 = 0.1 ; const double * d_ p2 ; d_p1 = &d1; d_ p2 = & d1; // convert double * to const double * d_p1 = dp_2 ; // Error d_p1 = &d2; // Error 25

26 Type conversion: which one? Which cast should you use? Ordered in verbosity: static < functional = C-style < implicit. Ordered in readability (subjective): funcational > static > implicit > C-style. Ordered in safety: static > functional = C-style > implicit. Static cast is safe because it is conspicuous in that is is more visible and in that you can easily search (with ctrl+f) to find it. (There s one more subtle reason that s beyond the scope of this class.) In my opinion, the functional cast is always better than the C-style cast. Otherwise, handle the trade-off on a case-by-case basis. 26

27 typeid Use typeid to check what type your object is. # include < iostream > # include < typeinfo > using namespace std ; int main () { int i=5; long long int j = 2; cout << typeid ( i). name () << endl << typeid (j). name () << endl << typeid (i+j). name () << endl ; } Output is int, int64, and int64. 27

28 The type char The type char (short for character) is a fundamental type. sizeof(char) equals 1. A literal of type char is written as a single character in single quotes. char c1 = a ; cout << c1 << endl ; 28

29 The type char A char can take on 256 possible values. (Why 256?) The ASCII standard (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) specifies which value corresponds to which character. # include < iostream > # include < bitset > using namespace std ; int main () { char c = char (65 ); cout << c << endl ; bitset <8> x(c); cout << x << endl ; // see the bits stored in & c } The output is A and

30 Arithmetic with char We also can view char as an integer type with a value range of 128 to 127. You can (implicitly) cast a char into an int and perform arithmetic. char c; while ( true ) { cout << " Enter a lower case letter " << endl ; cin >> c; cout << "We capitalized it: " << char (c-0 x20 ) << endl ; cout << typeid. name (c-0 x20 ) << endl ; // int } 0x20 is a literal of type int written in hex. 0x or 0X means hex. In c-0x20, we have a char minus an int. So c, a char, is implicitly converted into an int to perform the arithmetic. char(c-0x20) converts the int back to a char. 30

31 Relational operators with char The comparison operators are quite useful. char c; cout << " Input a letter " << endl ; cin >> c; if ( a <=c && c <= z ) cout << " Input is lower case " << endl ; else if ( A <=c && c <= Z ) cout << " Input is upper case " << endl ; else if ( 0 <=c && c <= 9 ) cout << " Input is a number " << endl ; else if ( <= c && c <= ~ ) cout << " Input is a special character " << endl ; else cout << " Input is something else " << endl ; 31

32 char array A char array is more than just a sequence of chars. In programming, a string is a sequence of characters. In C++ there are 2 common ways to represent a string: with type string and with a char array. A C-style string is a char array terminated by the null character, written as \0 or char(0). strings are better than C-style strings, but you must know both. 32

33 char array initialization char arrays are special in that they have an additional way to initialize. char s1 [] = { H, e, l, l, o, \0 }; char s2 [] = " Hello "; // special syntax char s3 [] = { H, e, l, l, o }; s1 and s2, valid c-strings, are char arrays of size 6. s3, not a valid c-string, is of size 5. 33

34 char array initialization The normal initializer list syntax works with char arrays. char s1[5] = { a, b }; char s2[5] = { a, b, \0, \0, \0 }; cout << int (s1[2]) << endl ; The output is 0. s1 and s2 are the same valid C-style strings. 34

35 cout treats char arrays specially. char array cout int i_a [] = {1,2,3}; char s1 [] = { H, e, l, l, o, \0 }; char s2 [] = " Hello "; // special syntax char s3 [] = { H, e, l, l, o }; cout << i_a << endl ; // pointer address cout << s1 << endl ; // Hello cout << s2 << endl ; // Hello cout << s3 << endl ; // Fail Instead of printing the address s1, cout performs something like for ( int i=0; s1[i ]!= \0 ; i ++) cout << s1[i]; cout << endl ; So cout needs the terminating null character to know when to stop. 35

36 C-string literals "Hello" isn t a literal of type string. It s actually a literal of type const char *. cout << typeid (" Hello "). name () << endl ; const char * s = " Hello "; cout << s << endl ; When we assign a C-string literal to a string, implicit type casting happens. // string s = " Hello world "; // the same as string s = static_ cast < string >(" Hello world "); 36

37 char array syntactic sugar An astute attention to detail reveals that the special syntax for initializing a character array must be syntactic sugar, as it makes no syntactic sense. const char * s1 = " Hello "; // not sugar cout << typeid (" test "). name () << endl ; char s2 [] = " Hello "; // sugar char s3 [] = s1; // Error char s4 [] = s2; // Error Normally, you shouldn t be able to assign const char * (a memory address) into a char array. 37

38 Limitations of arrays (on the stack) The length of the array must be a constant (i.e., specified in the code). int n; cin >> n; double d[n]; // Error Using const int doesn t solve the problem. int n; cin >> n; const int m = n; double d[m]; // Error These arrays can t be too large. int arr [ ]; // Error 1,000,000 ints occupy merely 4 megabytes. 38

39 Stack vs. heap Within memory, there is the stack and the heap. The stack is small but fast (for reasons beyond the scope of this class). The variable and array definitions we ve seen so far place the variables on the stack. These are also called local or automatic variables. The heap, also called dynamic memory, is large but slower (but still fast compared to secondary storage). We will learn dynamic memory allocation, which places variables on the heap. In C++, the opposite of dynamic variables isn t static variables. Static variables mean something else unrelated to the stack. 39

40 Dynamic allocation Use the new operator to declare a variable on the heap. double * d_ p1 = new double ; new T creates a variable of type T and returns a pointer pointing to it. Variables on the stack don t use new. double b = 0.0 ; 40

41 delete operator You must deallocate a dynamically allocated variable with the delete operator when you re done with it. In other words, you must free the memory when you re done with it. double * d_p = new double ;... // code using d_p ; delete d_p ; The deallocation tells the OS that we re no longer using the memory address. Variables on the stack are deallocated automatically when they go out of scope. 41

42 delete operator int main () { { double d = 0.1 ; double * d_p = new double ; * d_p = d; // delete d_p ; } delete d_p ; // error } d and d_p are automatically deallocated but *d_p is not. Since d_p is gone, we lost the address of *d_p, and there s no way to deallocate *d_p. 42

43 Dynamic arrays Use new T[n] to declare an array of type T of length n on the heap. int n; cin >> n; double * d_a = new double [ n]; delete [] d_a ; You must use delete[] to deallocate a dynamic array. Don t use delete[x]. Don t use delete. Use delete[]. 43

44 Dynamic arrays Advantages of dynamic arrays over local arrays: Array length does not have to be predetermined. Array can be large enough to hold gigabytes. # include < iostream > using namespace std ; int main () { int n; cin >> n; char * c_a = new char [n]; cout << " wait a second "; char c; cin >> c; // check the memory monitor delete [] c_a ; cout << " memory has been freed "; cin >> c; } 44

45 Memory leak When you don t free memory you allocate, the memory is leaked and becomes unavailable until the end of the program. (The OS reclaims the memory when the program is done.) int main () { int count = 0; while ( true ) { char * c_p ; c_p = new char [ ]; count ++; cout << count << " Mbytes of memory leaked.\ n"; } } Memory leaks are one of the worst kinds of bugs! They are very hard to track down as they often do no immediate harm. However, they can lead your program to run out of memory and crash over time. 45

46 Arrays vs. pointers Actually, there is a small difference between an array and a pointer. Write T [] for an array of type T. int main () { int * n; int m[2]; int * k = new int [10 ]; cout << typeid (n). name () << \n ; cout << typeid (m). name () << \n ; cout << typeid (k). name () << \n ; delete [] k; } The distinction is rarely necessary. Only local arrays can have type T []. 46

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