OCPS Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Alignment

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1 OCPS Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Alignment Subject Area: Reading and Language Arts Grade: 2 Strand 1: Reading Process Standard 4: The student demonstrates knowledge of the alphabetic principle and applies grade level phonics skills to read text. Phonics/Word Analysis Benchmarks LA The student will use knowledge of spelling patterns (e.g., vowel diphthongs, difficult word families). LA The student will apply knowledge of spelling patterns to identify syllables. LA The student will decode phonetically regular one-syllable and multi-syllable words in isolation and in context. LA The student will identify irregularly spelled words (e.g., laugh) and words with special vowel spellings (e.g., bread). LA The student will recognize high frequency words. LA The student will recognize common abbreviations. LA The student will recognize and correctly use regular and irregular plurals. LA The student will use self-correction when subsequent reading indicates an earlier misreading. TASK ANALYSIS Grade The student observes the teacher, practices in whole and/or in small group, and performs the following independently LA The student will use knowledge of spelling patterns (e.g., vowel diphthongs, difficult word families). Identifies vowel diphthongs (oi, oy, ou,ow) and vowel diagraphs (ai, ee, oa). Recognizes difficult word families (e.g., ead, eigh, ough). Demonstrates ability to use various spelling patterns while reading grade level text. LA The student will apply knowledge of spelling patterns to identify syllables. Segments words into syllables. Applies knowledge of various spelling patterns to identify syllables. Applies knowledge of common syllable patterns (e.g., closed, open, vowelconsonant-e, vowel-r, vowel pair, final stable syllable). LA The student will decode phonetically regular one-syllable and multi-syllable words in isolation and in context. Uses letter sound correspondence to read one-syllable and multi-syllable words in isolation and in context (e.g., magnetic, fantastic).

2 Reads regularly phonetic (decodable) words in isolation (e.g., word walls, spelling lists, vocabulary lists, etc.). Reads regularly phonetic words in connected text. LA The student will identify irregularly spelled words (e.g., laugh) and words with spe cial vowel spellings (e.g., bread). Distinguishes between regularly and irregularly spelled words by using visual and structural clues. Locates irregularly spelled words in text. Finds words with special vowel spellings in text. LA The student will recognize high frequency words. Identifies and reads words that appear most often in grade level text, word walls, word banks, etc. LA The student will recognize common abbreviations. Defines with age appropriate language what an abbreviation is. Matches common abbreviations with representative words. LA The student will recognize and correctly use regular and irregular plurals. Differentiates between singular and plural. Identifies and uses regular and irregular plurals. (e.g., day/days; man/men). LA The student will use self-correction when subsequent reading indicates an earlier misreading. Recognizes that an error doesn t sound right or doesn t make sense. Monitors, rereads and self-corrects independently. Access Points for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Supported: The student will: Participatory: The student will - orally blend and segment respond to spoken words, compound words with picture referent objects, gestures/ in prompts; signs, pictures, or symbols - orally identify and blend used as prompts or cues in syllables and onset-and rime familiar stories, routines, and in familiar words; daily activities. - produce the most common sounds associated with five or Independent: The student will: - identify initial and final phonemes in CVC words; - blend individual phonemes one-syllable words; - produce the most common sounds associated with all letters of the alphabet; - decode phonetically regular CVC words; - recognize high frequency sight words; and - use self-correction when subsequent reading indicates an earlier misreading. more letters; and - identify the first letter and sound in CVC words. English Language Proficiency Standards Beginning: The student will: - apply phonics by recognizing Intermediate: The student will: - apply phonics by recognizing Advanced: The student will - Apply phonics by recognizing that letter and letter patterns represent sounds of spoken language and by that letters and letter patterns represent sounds of spoken language by attempting to that letters and letter patterns represent sounds of spoken language and demonstrates

3 English Language Proficiency Standards understanding the one to one correspondence between letters and sounds; - use spelling strategies; - identify syllables; - decode phonetically regular one-syllable and multi-syllable words in isolation and in context; - recognize high frequency words; - recognize common abbreviations; - recognize and name capital and lower case letters; - recognizes the difference between letters and words; - identifies initial and final sounds in a word; - blends sounds to form words; and - segments a word into sounds. read words or phrases from a basic text and matching words to objects (such as names, vocabulary, etc:); - use spelling strategies; - identify syllables; - decode phonetically regular one-syllable and multi-syllable words in isolation and in context; - recognize high frequency words; - recognize common abbreviations; - recognize and correctly use regular and irregular plurals; - use self-correction when subsequent reading indicates an earlier misreading; - recognizes that sentences are composed of separate words; and - identifies sentences. this ability by recognizing and recalling the one to one correspondence between letters and sounds, and decoding simple words (both familiar and unfamiliar words.) ; - use spelling strategies; - identify syllables; - decode phonetically regular one-syllable and multi-syllable words in isolation and in context; - recognize high frequency words; - recognize common abbreviations; - recognize and correctly use regular and irregular plurals; and - use self-correction when subsequent reading indicates an earlier misreading.

4 OCPS Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Alignment Subject Area: Reading and Language Arts Grade: 2 Strand 1: Reading Process Standard 5: The student demonstrates the ability to read grade level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression. Fluency Benchmarks LA The student will apply letter-sound knowledge to decode phonetically regular words quickly and accurately in isolation and in context. LA The student will identify high frequency phonetically irregular words in context. LA The student will adjust reading rate based on purpose, text difficulty, form, and style. Grade LA LA LA TASK ANALYSIS The student observes the teacher, practices in whole and/or in small group, and performs the following independently The student will apply letter-sound knowledge to decode phonetically regular words quickly and accurately in isolation and in context. Retrieves letter-sound correlations from memory with accuracy and speed. Blends letter sounds to form phonetically regular (decodable) words in isolation and in connected text. The student will identify high frequency phonetically irregular words in context. Applies knowledge of irregular word structure to read irregular words in context. The student will adjust reading rate based on purpose, text difficulty, form, and style. Reads grade level text at various rates depending on the demands of the text and adjusts the reading rate accordingly. Access Points for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Supported: The student will name five or more letters and produce their sounds. Independent: The student will read high frequency sight words and phonetically regular words. Participatory: The student will: - respond consistently to persons, objects, gestures/signs, and pictures in familiar stories and daily activities; and - request continuation of a familiar story or routine when it has been interrupted.

5 English Language Proficiency Standards Beginning: The student will: - apply letter-sound knowledge to decode phonetically regular words in isolation and in context; and - identify basic high frequency phonetically irregular words in context. Intermediate: The student will: - apply letter-sound knowledge to decode phonetically regular words in context; - identify high frequency phonetically irregular words in context; and - recognize that reading rate is adjusted based on purpose. Advanced: The student will: - apply letter-sound knowledge to decode phonetically regular words in isolation and in context; - identify high frequency phonetically irregular words in context; - recognize that reading rate is adjusted based on purpose, text difficulty, form, and style; and - adjust reading rate based on purpose, text difficulty, form, and style.

6 OCPS Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Alignment Subject Area: Reading and Language Arts Grade: 2 Strand 1: Reading Process Standard 6: The student uses multiple strategies to develop grade appropriate vocabulary. Vocabulary Development Benchmarks LA The student will use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly. LA The student will listen to, read, and discuss familiar and conceptually challenging text. LA The student will use context clues to determine meanings of unfamiliar words. LA The student will categorize key vocabulary and identify salient features. LA The student will relate new vocabulary to familiar words. LA The student will identify base (root) words and common prefixes to determine the meanings of prefixed words. LA The student will identify antonyms, synonyms, and homophones. LA The student will determine the correct meaning of words with multiple meanings (e.g., mine) in context. LA The student will determine meanings of unfamiliar words by using a dictionary and digital tools. Grade LA LA TASK ANALYSIS The student observes the teacher, practices in whole and/or in small group, and performs the following independently The student will use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly. Attends to explicit teacher-facilitated vocabulary lessons. Uses new vocabulary in a variety of ways (e.g., responding to text, in conversation, in writing, etc.). The student will listen to, read, and discuss familiar and conceptually challenging text. Expands his/her vocabulary by listening to and reading challenging text (e.g., social studies, science, math, trade/reference/text books; teacher read alouds above grade level).

7 LA LA LA LA LA LA LA Interacts in discussions using new vocabulary embedded within challenging text. Questions, analyzes, investigates, and classifies new vocabulary from listening to and reading challenging text. The student will use context clues to determine meanings of unfamiliar words. Analyzes relevant information from context when encountering an unfamiliar word. Uses context clues to develop a reasonable hypothesis about an unfamiliar word s meaning. The student will categorize key vocabulary and identify salient features. Identifies the key vocabulary. Identifies why the word is crucial to understanding text. Sorts key vocabulary words into common categories based on their prominent features. The student will relate new vocabulary to familiar words. Builds upon knowledge of familiar words to utilize new vocabulary in reading, writing, and classroom discussions (e.g., synonyms, descriptors, antonyms, etc.). Associates newly learned vocabulary words to familiar words and concepts. Judges when to interchange new vocabulary words with familiar words in order to be more specific in communication. The student will identify base (root) words and common prefixes to determine the meanings of prefixed words. Segments a prefixed word into word parts: root and prefix. Defines common prefixes. Combines knowledge of the base word and prefix to determine the meaning of the prefixed words. The student will identify antonyms, synonyms, and homophones. Identifies antonyms and synonyms. Defines homophones (e.g., dear/deer; they re/there/their). Recognizes whether a word pair is an antonym, synonym or homophone. The student will determine the correct meaning of words with multiple meanings (e.g., mine) in context. Explains that some words are spelled the same but have different meanings in different contexts. Reads multiple meaning words in different contexts and demonstrates understanding of words in those contexts. The student will determine meanings of unfamiliar words by using a dictionary and digital tools. Uses alphabetizing in order to find an unfamiliar word in a dictionary. Demonstrates how to use computer programs and other digital electronic tools to access the meaning of unfamiliar words (e.g.,

8 Access Points for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Independent: The student will: - use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly; - listen to, read, and talk about stories and informational text; - identify the meaning of words and phrases in text using context and picture clues; - identify and sort pictures of common words into categories; - relate new vocabulary to familiar words; - identify the meaning of words that show spatial and temporal relationships (e.g., up/down, before/after); and - use a picture dictionary to identify the meaning of words. Supported: The student will: - use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly; - listen to and talk about stories and informational text; - identify and name words paired with pictures or symbols that represent persons, objects, actions, and settings in familiar activities; - sort objects into predetermined categories; - relate new vocabulary to familiar words; and - use pictures to identify meaning of unknown symbols and words. Participatory: The student will: - respond to new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly; - listen and respond to stories and informational text; - respond to words used as prompts or cues; - identify familiar persons and objects in daily activities; and - match objects, gestures, or pictures to tasks in routines. English Language Proficiency Standards Beginning: The student will: - participate in shared reading and discussing key vocabulary found in a richly illustrated, big book, chart, song, rhyme or poem; Intermediate: The student will: - use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly, listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptual challenging text, describing Advanced: The student will: - use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly; listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging text; describing - use new vocabulary; - categorize key vocabulary common objects and events in both general and specific common objects and events in both general and and identify salient features; and language and categorizing key vocabulary; specific language, and categorizing key - relate new vocabulary to familiar words. - use context clues to determine meanings of unfamiliar words; vocabulary, identifying its salient features, and relating new vocabulary to prior - categorize key vocabulary knowledge; and identify salient features; - use new vocabulary that is - identify base (root) words and common prefixes to determine the meanings of prefixed words; - recognize antonyms, synonyms, and homophones; - determine the correct meaning of words with multiple meanings (e.g., mine) in context; and - determine meanings of unfamiliar words by using a dictionary and digital tools. introduced and taught directly; - listen to, read, and discuss familiar and conceptually challenging text; - use context clues to determine meanings of unfamiliar words; - categorize key vocabulary and identify salient features; - identify base (root) words and common prefixes to determine the meanings of prefixed words;

9 English Language Proficiency Standards - recognize antonyms, synonyms, and homophones; - determine the correct meaning of words with multiple meanings (e.g., mine) in context; and - determine meanings of unfamiliar words by using a dictionary and digital tools.

10 OCPS Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Alignment Subject Area: Reading and Language Arts Grade: 2 Strand 1: Reading Process Standard 7: The student uses a variety of strategies to comprehend grade level text. Reading Comprehension Benchmarks LA The student will identify a text s features (e.g., title, subheadings, captions, illustrations), use them to make and confirm predictions, and establish a purpose for reading. LA The student will determines the author s purpose in text and asks clarifying questions (e.g., why, how) if meaning is unclear. LA The student will summarize information in text, including but not limited to main idea, supporting details, and connections between texts. LA The student will identify cause-and-effect relationships in text. LA The student will identify the text structure an author uses (e.g., comparison/contrast, cause/effect, and sequence of events) and explain how it impacts meaning in text. LA The student will identify themes or topics across a variety of fiction and nonfiction selections. LA The student will compare and contrast characters and settings in one text. LA The student will use strategies to repair comprehension of grade-appropriate text when self-monitoring indicates confusion, including but not limited to rereading, checking context clues, predicting, summarizing, questioning, and clarifying by checking other sources. Grade LA LA TASK ANALYSIS The student observes the teacher, practices in whole and/or in small group, and performs the following independently The student will identify a text s features (e.g., title, subheadings, captions, illustrations), use them to make and confirm predictions, and establish a purpose for reading. Identifies text features (e.g., title, subheadings, captions, illustrations). Uses text features to make predictions and establish a purpose for reading. Justifies/confirms predictions by using information from the text features. The student will determines the author s purpose in text and asks clarifying questions (e.g., why, how) if meaning is unclear.

11 LA LA LA LA LA LA Identifies if the author wrote to entertain, inform or explain. Uses questioning techniques to clarify misunderstandings. The student will summarize information in text, including but not limited to main idea, supporting details, and connections between texts. Analyzes a text for key ideas. Distinguishes the difference between summarizing and retelling. Demonstrates the ability to summarize text using main ideas, supporting details, and text-to-text connections. The student will identify cause-and-effect relationships in text. Identifies cause-effect relationships in text. Selects the event or action in text that causes a subsequent event, action or reaction. The student will identify the text structure an author uses (e.g., comparison/contrast, cause/effect, and sequence of events) and explain how it impacts meaning in text. Identifies text structures in text (e.g., comparison/contrast, cause/effect, and sequence of events). Differentiates which text structure an author is using in text. Explains how text structure influences the meaning of text. The student will identify themes or topics across a variety of fiction and nonfiction selections. Attends to teacher-facilitated lessons about themes/topics across a variety of literature. Defines a theme in literature. Determines the theme in selected text. The student will compare and contrast characters and settings in one text. Listens to and reads text in which the characters and/or settings change in that text. Identifies how the qualities of a character change throughout the story or poem (character development). Compares and contrasts two or more characters in one story or poem. Differentiates between changing settings in the story or poem. The student will use strategies to repair comprehension of gradeappropriate text when self-monitoring indicates confusion, including but not limited to rereading, checking context clues, predicting, summarizing, questioning, and clarifying by checking other sources. Uses the following strategies effectively to self-correct without teacher intervention: o self-monitoring o rereading, o checking context clues o predicting o summarizing o questioning o clarifying by checking other sources

12 Access Points for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Supported: The student will: - preview text features (e.g., illustrations) to make predictions about a story; - identify details (e.g., who, what) that relate to the author s purpose in readaloud stories; - identify details, including but not limited to who and what in familiar read-aloud stories; - identify similarities in characters or actions in readaloud stories; and - use strategies to repair comprehension, including but not limited to connecting characters, actions, and settings in read-aloud stories to life experiences. Independent: The student will: - preview text features (e.g., illustrations and title) and use prior knowledge to make predictions of content of text; - identify important details (e.g., who, what, where, when) that relate to the author s purpose in read-aloud stories; - identify details in text, including but not limited to who, what, where, and when; - arrange pictures of events in sequence; - identify similarities and differences between characters, settings, and actions in read-aloud stories and informational text; and - use strategies to repair comprehension, including but not limited to re-reading and connecting read-aloud stories to life experiences. Beginning: The student will identify a text s features (e.g., title, subheadings, captions, illustrations), use them to make and confirm predictions, and establish a purpose for reading. English Language Proficiency Standards Intermediate: The student will: - identify a text s features (e.g., title, subheadings, captions, illustrations), use them to make and confirm predictions, and establish a purpose for reading; - recognize the author s purpose in text and asks questions (e.g., why, how) if meaning is unclear; and - retell information in text, using simple vocabulary and illustration, including but not limited to main idea, supporting details, and connections between texts. Participatory: The student will: - respond to pictures of characters or objects in readaloud stories; - respond accurately and consistently to referent objects or pictures used in routines; - identify obvious differences between referent objects, pictures, or symbols used in routines; and - seek assistance to clarify the meaning of pictures, symbols, or words in daily classroom activities. Advanced: The student will: - identify a text s features (e.g., title, subheadings, captions, illustrations), use them to make and confirm predictions, and establish a purpose for reading; - determines the author s purpose in text and asks simple questions (e.g., why, how) if meaning is unclear; and - summarize information in text, using simple vocabulary, including but not limited to main idea, supporting details, and connections between texts.

13 OCPS Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Alignment Subject Area: Reading and Language Arts Grade: 2 Strand 2: Literary Analysis Standard 1: The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of fiction and literary texts to develop a thoughtful response to a literary selection. Fiction Benchmarks LA The student will identify the basic characteristics of a variety of literary forms (e.g., fables, stories, fiction, poetry, folktales, and legends) and how they are alike and different. LA The student will identify and describe the elements of story structure, including setting, plot, character, problem, and resolution in a variety of fiction. LA The student will identify ways an author makes language choices in poetry that appeal to the senses, create imagery, and suggest mood. LA The student will identify an author s theme, and use details from the text to explain how the author developed that theme. LA The student will respond to various literary selections (e.g., biographies, poetry, fables, folk tales, and legends), connecting text to self (personal connection), text to world (social connection), text to text (comparison among multiple texts). LA The student will write a book report identifying character(s), setting, and sequence of events. LA The student will identify and explain an author s use of descriptive and figurative language (e.g., personification, similes, metaphors, symbolism), and examine how it is used to describe people, feelings, and objects. LA The student will select a balance of age and ability appropriate fiction materials to read (e.g., chapter books, fairy tales, mythology, and poetry), based on interest and teacher recommendations, to continue building a core foundation of knowledge. Grade LA TASK ANALYSIS The student observes the teacher, practices in whole and/or in small group, and performs the following independently The student will identify the basic characteristics of a variety of literary forms (e.g., fables, stories, fiction, poetry, folktales, and legends) and how they are alike and different. Identifies the basic characteristics of a variety of literary forms. Analyzes how different literary forms are alike and different.

14 LA LA LA LA LA LA The student will identify and describe the elements of story structure, including setting, plot, character, problem, and resolution in a variety of fiction. Identifies setting (time and/or place) and character(s) as story elements of fiction. Defines plot (what happens in a story). Defines problem (conflict within a story) or goal (character s ambition or desire) and resolution (how the problem is solved or the goal is achieved). Identifies the elements of story structure in a variety of fiction. The student will identify ways an author makes language choices in poetry that appeal to the senses, create imagery, and suggest mood. Listens to, reads, and responds to a variety of poetry that serves as a model for written words that appeal to the senses, creates imagery (mental picture), and evokes mood (an emotional response). Identifies the words and/or phrases that the author uses to appeal to the senses, create imagery, and suggest mood. The student will identify an author s theme, and use details from the text to explain how the author developed that theme. Recognizes the author s theme (the big picture or the message) which connects particular texts with student experiences. Analyzes the author s intent generated by details in the story. The student will respond to various literary selections (e.g., biographies, poetry, fables, folk tales, and legends), connecting text to self (personal connection), text to world (social connection), text to text (comparison among multiple texts). Takes part in creative responses to texts (e.g., dramatizations, oral presentations, fantasy play, dioramas, etc). Explains how a personal event connects to the story. Makes a relevant connection between the text and his/her world. Explains how one text relates to another. The student will write a book report identifying character(s), setting, and sequence of events. Demonstrates the ability to summarize a story and identify story elements in an organized format. The student will identify and explain an author s use of descriptive and figurative language (e.g., personification, similes, metaphors, symbolism), and examine how it is used to describe people, feelings, and objects. Listens to, reads, and responds to a variety of literature that serves as a model for an author s use of descriptive and figurative language. Recognizes personification (giving animals or inanimate objects human characteristics). Recognizes simile (comparison using words like or as). Recognizes metaphor (direct comparison). Recognizes symbolism (both literal and figurative meaning). States how the author uses figurative language to describe people, feelings, and objects.

15 LA The student will select a balance of age and ability appropriate fiction materials to read (e.g., chapter books, fairy tales, mythology, and poetry), based on interest and teacher recommendations, to continue building a core foundation of knowledge. Demonstrates the ability to preview text in order to select text at their level. Reads a balanced variety of different genres to expand background knowledge. Access Points for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Supported: The student will: - identify literary forms (e.g., picture books, rhyming poetry, fairy tales); - identify characters, actions and settings in read-aloud prose; - identify images in stories and poems that evoke feelings such as happiness or surprise; - contribute to a discussion connecting characters, objects, actions, or setting in read-aloud stories to life experiences; - create a picture story with dictated words or phrases that includes a familiar character, object, action, or setting from a read-aloud story; and - select fiction materials to listen to, based on interest and teacher recommendations, to begin building a core foundation of knowledge. Independent: The student will: - identify basic characteristics of various literary forms (e.g., picture books, stories, rhyming poetry); - identify characters, settings, actions, and events in readaloud prose; - identify words and images in stories and poems that evoke feelings such as happiness or surprise; - contribute to a discussion connecting characters, setting, or events in read-aloud stories to life experiences; - create a picture story with dictated phrases and sentences that includes a character, setting, or event from a read-aloud literature selection; and - select fiction materials to listen to and read, based on interest and teacher recommendations, to begin building a core foundation of knowledge. Beginning: The student will: - recognize different literary forms; - retell or illustrate a story using the elements of story structure; - respond to various literary selections (e.g., biographies, English Language Proficiency Standards Intermediate: The student will: - identify the basic characteristics of a variety of literary forms (e.g., fables, stories, fiction, poetry, folktales, legends) and how they are alike and different; - identify and describe the Participatory: The student will: - respond to familiar literary forms (e.g., pictures, rhyming poetry, predictable read-aloud stories); - use non-verbal expression, gestures/signs, pictures, symbols, or words to respond to characters, objects, events, or actions from a familiar read-aloud story; - respond to emotions expressed by familiar persons; and - express a preference for a familiar read-aloud story or poem, based on interest and teacher recommendations, to begin building a core foundation of knowledge. Advanced: The student will: - identify the basic characteristics of a variety of literary forms (e.g., fables, stories, fiction, poetry, folktales, legends) and how they are alike and different; - identify and describe the

16 poetry, fables, folk tales, legends), connecting text to self (personal connection), text to world (social connection), text to text (comparison among multiple texts); - create an illustration that identifies characters, setting, and sequence of events; and - choose age- and abilityappropriate fiction materials to read. English Language Proficiency Standards elements of story structure, including setting, plot, character, problem, and resolution in a variety of fiction; - recognize ways an author makes language choices in poetry that appeal to the senses, create imagery, and suggest mood; - respond to various literary selections (e.g., biographies, poetry, fables, folk tales, legends), connecting text to self (personal connection), text to world (social connection), text to text (comparison among multiple texts); - write a paragraph or create an illustration that identifies characters, setting, and sequence of events; - recognize different forms of descriptive and figurative language (e.g., personification, similes, metaphors, symbolism), and examine how it is used to describe people, feelings, and objects; and - choose age- and abilityappropriate fiction materials to read. elements of story structure, including setting, plot, character, problem, and resolution in a variety of fiction; - identify ways an author makes language choices in poetry that appeal to the senses, create imagery, and suggest mood; - identify an author s theme by using details from the text; - respond to various literary selections (e.g., biographies, poetry, fables, folk tales, legends), connecting text to self (personal connection), text to world (social connection), text to text (comparison among multiple texts); - write a simple book report that identifies characters, setting, and sequence of events; - recognize different forms of descriptive and figurative language (e.g., personification, similes, metaphors, symbolism), and examine how it is used to describe people, feelings, and objects; and - choose age- and abilityappropriate fiction materials to read.

17 OCPS Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Alignment Subject Area: Reading and Language Arts Grade: 2 Strand 2: Literary Analysis Standard 2: The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of nonfiction, informational, and expository texts to demonstrate an understanding of the information presented. Nonfiction Benchmarks LA The student will recognize and understand the purpose of text features (e.g., simple table of contents, glossary, charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations). LA The student will use explicitly stated information to answer a question. LA The student will distinguish among a variety of text (e.g., reference, practical/functional). LA The student will select a balance of age and ability appropriate nonfiction materials to read (e.g., biographies and topical areas, such as animals, science, and history), based on interest and teacher recommendations, to continue building a core foundation of knowledge. Grade LA LA LA LA TASK ANALYSIS The student The student will recognize and understand the purpose of text features (e.g., simple table of contents, glossary, charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations). Reviews and locates text features in nonfiction literature. Interprets and applies information found in text features of nonfiction literature. The student will use explicitly stated information to answer a question. Poses possible answers to how, why and what-if questions. Locates and uses facts and details from nonfiction text to answer questions. The student will distinguish among a variety of text (e.g., reference, practical/functional). Matches the type of nonfiction literature to the type of information needed. Connects and compares information across nonfiction selections. The student will select a balance of age and ability appropriate nonfiction materials to read (e.g., biographies and topical areas, such as animals, science, and history), based on interest and teacher recommendations, to continue building a core foundation of knowledge. Demonstrates the ability to preview text in order to select nonfiction text at his/her level.

18 Independent: The student will: - identify text features (e.g., illustrations, title, table of contents) found in informational text; - use specific information to answer literal questions; - identify nonfiction print materials (e.g., calendar, schedule, environmental print); and - select nonfiction materials to listen to and read, based on interest and teacher recommendations, to begin building a core foundation of knowledge. Reads a variety of self-selected nonfiction text to expand background knowledge. Access Points for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Supported: The student will: - identify information in pictures and symbols in environmental print and informational text; - respond to literal yes/no questions about read-aloud informational text; - recognize familiar nonfiction print (e.g., environmental print); and - select nonfiction materials to listen to, based on interest and teacher recommendations, to begin building a core foundation of knowledge. Beginning: The student will: - recognize the purpose of text features; (e.g., simple table of contents, charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations); - distinguish among a variety of text (e.g., reference, practical/functional); and - choose age- and abilityappropriate nonfiction materials to read. English Language Proficiency Standards Intermediate: The student will: - recognize and identify the purpose of text features (e.g., simple table of contents, glossary, charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations); - answer simple teacher directed questions about text - distinguish among a variety of text (e.g., reference, practical/functional); and - choose age- and abilityappropriate nonfiction materials to read. Participatory: The student will: - recognize pictures of persons and objects associated with daily activities; - respond purposefully to referent objects, pictures, or gestures/signs used in routines; and - express a preference for familiar read-aloud nonfiction, based on interest and teacher recommendations, to begin building a core foundation of knowledge. Advanced: The student will: - recognize and identify the purpose of text features (e.g., simple table of contents, glossary, charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations); - use stated information to answer a question using simple vocabulary; - distinguish among a variety of text (e.g., reference, practical/functional); and - choose age- and abilityappropriate nonfiction materials to read.

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