Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar Lectionary for Christian Year 2015 LECTIONARY AND CALENDER MAR THOMA SYRIAN CHURCH OF MALABAR

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1 MAR THOMA SYRIAN CHURCH OF MALABAR LECTIONARY AND CALENDER AN INTRODUCTIORY NOTE Gospel means the redemption made possible to all creation, thorugh intervention of God in to history, in the fullness of time. through the liturgical year, this God interventions is made in to a celebration. The faith Community make this experience through the celebration in the day to day life. The mission of the church is to unfold the Mystery of Salvation through the Word of God and sacramental living. We have formulated a cycle of reading extended for 3 years, from the year This Common Lectionary has been prepared by the Commission on Worship and Mission of the Communion of Churches in India, the common forum of CSI, CNI, Mar Thoma Churches. The reading whcih incorporates Eastern and Western Liturgical traditions is a visible sign of unity and fellowship of three churches whcih are in full communion. Through the Common Lectionary, the Churhces with a membership of five million people have the opportunity to read and meditate the same biblical portions during the worship. This has to be seen as the work of the Holy Spirit and let us dedicate ourselves for wider fellowship of all God s people. The CCI has prepared a New Three Year Cycle of Readings. The Lectionalry for 2015 is based on that. We express our gratitude to Rev. Sham P. Thomas (Convenor) and the members of the CCI Lectionary Committee. This Lectionary is prepared by the committee consisting the following members: Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcoap (Chairman), Rev. Dr. George Mathew Kuttiyil (Convenor), Rev. Saju C. Pappachan, Rev. Shibi Varghese. May God Almighty help us to worship in truth and spirit, whcih will lead us to a fruitful Christian Life. 1st November 2014 All Saints Day Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcopa Chairman, Lectionary Committee Mar Thoma Church 1 Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar Lectionary for Christian Year 2015 Date Lessions Epistle, Gospel Evening January 1 Thursday Circumcision of Our Lord-God s continuing act of Grace Christian New Year Day Hymns. Zep. 3:14-20 Rom. 5:1-11 Joel.2: Rev. 3:7-13 St.Luke.13:1-9/ Gal. 4:21-31 St.Luke.2: Sunday Revelation for Liberation (Outside Kerala Mission) C.H. 425 Isa. 61:1-11 Acts.27:18-26 Jer. 24:1-7 Rev. 5:1-10 St.Luke.4:16-21 Gal.3: Tuesday Danaha (Baptism of Jesus/Epiphany) - Christ Draws all C.H. 82 Nations to Himself Isa. 56:1-8 Rom. 6:1-11 Rev. 7:9-17 St.Mark.1: Thursday St. Stephen s Day C.H Chr. 24:20-22 Acts. 7:51-8:3 Heb. 11:24-40 St.John 12: Sunday Live Worthy of your calling- (Temperance Day) C.H. 176 Prov. 20:1-11 Gal. 5:16-24 Ps. 14 Rom. 6:12-21 St.Mat.7: Cor. 3: Week of Prayer of Christian Unity (Unity Octave) 18 Sunday One Lord, One Baptism (Ecumenical Sunday) C.H. 407 Num.11:23-30 Eph. 4:1-10 Ps John. 3:1-11 St.John10:7-18 St.Luke 5: Sunday Church: An Interceding Community C.H. 312 Gen.18:19-33 Jam.5:13-18 Jer. 29: Pet.4:7-15 St.Mat.6:1-9 Col.4:1-6

2 26 Monday Responsible Citizenship-Indian Republic Day Amos.5:7-15 Rom. 13:1-10 Acts. 15:1-21 St.Mark. 12: Monday Beginning of Nineveh Fast (Three Day Fast) Jona. 1:1-17 Rom. 15:24-33 Eph. 5:3-11 St.Mat. 7: Tuesday Three Day Fast Jona. 2:1-10 Acts. 8:9-25 St.Mat. 24: Wednesday Three Day Fast Jona. 3:1-10 Jam. 3:1-10 St.Mat. 12: Thursday End of Nineveh Fast Jona. 4:1-11 Rom. 5:7-11 Rev. 3:14-22 St.Luke. 11:29-32 February 1 Sunday Healing and Wholeness (Medical Mission Sunday) C.H. 43 Job.42: Cor. 12:1-10 Isa. 42:1-9 Rev. 22:1-5 St.John 5:1-9 Jam.5: Monday Mayaltho: Presentation of our Lord in the Temple C.H. 335 Lev. 12:1-8 2 John 1:1-13 Heb.10:1-7 St.Luke 2: Sunday Beginning of 120th Maramon Convention C.H. 76 Gen. 1:24-31 Eph. 1:3-14 Exo. 17:1-6 Acts.10:9-16 St.Luke.18:31-34 Gal. 5: Sunday Pethrutha: Beginning of Great Lent-Lent: C.H. 211 A time of reconciliation - End of 120th Maramon Convention Gen. 45: Cor. 5:16-21 Gen.26:22-32 Eph. 2:11-22 St.John. 2: Cor.1: Monday Shubkono: Service of Reconciliation in Lent C.H. 213 Isa. 29: John. 4: Cor. 5:14-21 St.Mat. 5: Sunday Touching the untouchable (2nd Sunday in Lent) C.H Kings. 5:1-10 Rom. 15:7-13 Gen.16:7-16 Heb.13:7-17 St.Mat.8:1-4 1 John. 1:5-10 March 1 Sunday Life Saving Faith (3rd Sunday in Lent) C.H Kings. 4:1-7 Heb. 11:1-12 Gen. 22:1-14 Acts. 5:12-16 St.Luke 5:17-26 Heb. 1: Friday World Day of Prayer 8 Sunday Persistence in Prayer (4th Sunday in Lent) C.H Kings. 20:1-10 Jud. 1:17-23 Neh. 1: Thes. 5:12-22 St.Mark.7:24-30 St.John 4: Wednesday Mid Lent - inevitablity of cross C.H. 150 Num. 21:1-9 Gal. 6: Cor. 1:18-31 St.Mark. 10: Sunday True Worswhip that Liberates (5th Sunday in Lent) C.H. 108 Exo. 3:11-18 Acts.16:25-34 Josh. 3:1-17 Rev. 14:1-7 St.Luke. 13:10-17 Rom. 8: Sunday A new Vision of the Messianic Age (36th Sunday) C.H. 235 Deu. 18: Cor. 1:3-11 Dan. 3: Pet. 4:12-19 St.Luke. 18: Cor. 4: Wednesday Suboro: Annunciation to Virgin Mary Isa. 7:10-14 Gal. 4:1-7 1 John. 3:1-12 St.Luke. 1: Friday 40th Friday - Lord who overcomes the temptations C.H. 379 Num. 21:1-9 1 Pet. 1:13-22 Heb. 12:1-13 St.Mat. 4: Sunday Hosanna: New King in the Temple (Theological C.H. 134 Seminary Day) C.H. 135 Isa. 56:1-8 2 Cor. 6:11-17 Zech. 9: Cor. 3:16-23 St.Mat. 21:1-17 Heb. 5:5-10

3 30 Monday Hasha: Passion Week C.H. 144 Lev. 2:1-16 Isa. 63:7-19 Acts. 13:26-43 Heb.2:1-18 St.Mat.21:23-46 St.Mat.22:1-14 St.Mat.22: Tuesday Tuesday C.H. 164 Isa. 52:1-15 Zech. 21:1-16 Acts. 13:44-52 Eph. 2:1-10 St.Mat.22:34-23:12 St.Mat.23:13-22 St.Mat.24:1-28 April 1 Wednesday Wednesday C.H. 313 Isa. 28:14-29 Lev. 16:1-28 Col. 1: John. 4:7-20 St. Mat. 24:29-51 St.Mat.25:1-13 St.John. 6: Thursday Passover Thursday - Eucharist: The Re-membering Jesus C.H. 316 Exo. 12:1-17, Gen. 22:1-14 Heb. 9: Cor. 11:23-34 Heb. 5:1-14 St.Mat.26:1-16 St.Mat.26: Cor. 11:23-34 St.Mat.26: shån Good Friday - Cross: Death of Death C.H. 137 First Service Second Service C.H. 146 Isa. 53:1-12 Zech. 13:1-9 C.H Pet. 1:1-25 Gal. 3:1-22 C.H. 148 St.Mat. 26:47-75 St.Mat. 27:1-44 Third Service Evening Num. 21:1-9 Dan. 2:26-45 Heb. 3: Thes. 2:1-12 St.Mat. 27:45-56 St.Mat.27: Sunday Holy Saturday - Hope for the New Life C.H. 149 Ezek. 37:1-14 Rom. 6: Pet. 3:17-22 St.Mat. 27: Sunday Resurrection: Celebrating the Joy of Salvation C.H. 154 Exo. 14: Thes. 4:13-18 Isa. 12:1-6 C.H. 158 Col. 3:1-11 St.Mat. 28:1-10 St.John. 20: Sunday New Sunday - Encounter with the Risen Lord C.H. 380 (1st Sunday after Easter) Gen. 32: Thes. 1:3-12 Ps. 40 Acts. 1:1-8 St.John 20:24-29 Rev. 1: Sunday Identifying Risen Lord in the Work Place C.H. 223 (2nd Sunday after Easter) Ruth 2:1-18 Acts.16: King. 19:19-21 Acts. 19:36-43 St.John 21:1-14 Jam. 2: Sunday Community formation around resurrection experience C.H. 171 (3rd Sunday after Easter) Isa. 25:1-9 Acts.2:43-47 Isa. 65:17-25 Acts. 4:32-37 St.Luke 24:13-25 Acts. 23:1-10 May 1 Friday May Day Gen. 1:26-2:3 2 Thes.3:6-15 Jam. 5:1-6 St.Mat. 11: Sunday Believing in the Rison Christ (Metropolitan Fund) C.H. 265 (4th Sunday after Easter) 2 King. 4: Pet. 1: King. 17:17-24 Acts. 26:12-23 St.John 11: Thes. 2: Friday St. John The Apostle s Day Isa. 41: John. 5:1-12 Rev. 1:1-20 St.John 21: Sunday Christ s Invitation to be a Expression of Mission C.H. 255 (5th Sunday after Easter) Ezek. 34:15-24 Eph. 5:1-14 Ps Pet. 2:1-10 St.John 20:19-23 Jam. 2: Thursday Suloko: Feast of Ascension of Our Lord - C.H. 160 Christ: Lord of all (40th Day after Easter) Dan. 7:9-14 Eph. 4:1-10 Acts. 1:1-11 St.Luke. 24:50-53

4 17 Sunday Waiting upon the Holy Spirit C.H. 192 Isa. 40:25-31 Acts.1:12-14 Ps. 34 Acts.1:1-11 St.John 14:15-21 Acts.1: Sunday The Feast of Pentecoast - Come Holy Spirit Renew Us C.H. 187 DSMC Sunday (50th Day after Easter) Ezek. 37:1-14 Titus 3:5-8 Joel. 2:28-32 Acts. 2:1-13 St.John 16:1-11 Rom. 8: Sunday Trinity Sunday - We worship in Triune God C.H. 16 (1st Sunday after Pentecost) Gen. 1: Cor. 13:11-14 Gen. 1: John. 1:1-10 St.John 1:1-18 Ps. 150 June 7 Sunday Students Sunday - Wisdom from Above C.H. 203 (Clergy Sunday offertory) (2nd Sunday after Pentecost) 1 King. 3:16-28 Phil. 4:4-9 Prov. 3:15-26 Jam. 1:1-8 St.Luke. 10:21-24 Rom. 11: Sunday Creation Proclaims Glory of God - Environmental Sunday C.H. 75 (3rd Sunday after Pentecost) Prov. 8:22-31 Phil. 1:9-20 Isa. 42 Rev. 21:1-8 St.Luke. 8:22-25 Ps Tuesday Beginning of the Fast of Apostles- Call and commissioning C.H. 27 of Apostles Jer. 1: Cor. 12:27-31 Ps. 101 Heb. 10:32-39 St.Luke. 6:12-19 Phil. 3: Sunday Worship the Lord in Truth and Spirit C.H. 45 (4th Sunday after Pentecost) Isa. 6:1-8 2 Thes. 2:13-17 Exo. 32: John. 5:1-12 St.John. 4:13-26 Rev. 14: Sunday Cost of discipleship - (5th Sunday after Pentecost) C.H. 239 Dan. 6: Cor. 6:11-18 Jer. 38:1-9 Heb. 11:23-40 St.Mark.10: Cor. 11: Monday End of the Fast of Apostles - St. Peter s and St. Paul s Day Jer. 16: Pet. 3:14-18 Gal. 2:1-20 St.Mat. 16: July 3 Friday St. Thomas the Apostle s Day C.H. 241 Isa. 52: Tim. 3: Thes. 1:2-9 St.John. 20: Sunday Stewardship: Transparency and Accountability - C.H. 218 Tithe Offering Sunday (6th Sunday after Pentecost) Exo. 36:2-7 Phil.4: King. 12:1-6 Acts. 5:1-15 St.Luke. 19: Cor. 8: Sunday Ordained Ministry: Marked by the Wounds of Christ C.H. 301 (7th Sunday after Pentecost) Ezek. 33:1-9 Gal. 6:11-18 Lev. 10: Tim. 2:1-13 St.John. 21: Tim. 1: Sunday Consecrated life (8th Sunday after Pentecost) C.H. 281 Zech. 14:16-21 Col. 3: Chro. 29:10-19 Acts. 6:8-15 St.Luke. 19:1-10 Rom. 12: Saturday St. James the Apostle s Day Mich. 2:1-16 Jam. 1:12-18 Acts. 8:1-11 St.Mat. 10: Sunday Theological Education: Knowing and Doing Faith C.H. 86 (9th Sunday after Pentecost) Exo. 3: Tim. 2:1-13 Jer. 23:23-32 Acts. 8:26-40 St.John. 12:20-26 Gal. 3:1-10 August 1 Saturday Beginning of the Fifteen Days Lent CH. 231 Dan. 1:1-21 Rom. 12: John. 3:1-12 St.Mat. 5: Sunday Mission: Sharing God s Pain - Mission Sunday C.H. 306 (10th Sunday after Pentecost) Isa. 6:1-8 2 Cor. 11:16-31 Hos. 11:1-12 Acts.9:10-18 St.Luke. 10:1-12 Jud

5 6 Thursday The Feast of Transfiguration - C.H. 48 The Glorification of Our Lord Exo. 24: Pet. 1:16-25 Heb. 12:18-29 St.Luke. 9: Sunday People of God: Salt and Light of World C.H. 25 (11th Sunday after Pentecost) Isa. 49:1-7 Rom. 13:11-14 Lev. 2:11-16 Eph. 5:1-5 St.Mat. 5: Pet. 2: SaturdayEnd of the Fifteen Days Lent - Indian Independence Day C.H. 425 Communal Harmony Gen. 11:1-9 Gal. 5:1-6 2 Tim. 2:14-26 St.Mat. 5: Sunday Church: Reformed and Reforming - Reformation Day C.H. 201 (12th Sunday after Pentecost) 2 King. 23:1-6 Acts. 2:43-47 Ps. 109:21-31 Rev. 3:14-22 St.Mat. 13: Cor. 13: Sunday Honour the bond of Marriage C.H. 394 (13th Sunday after Pentecost) Mal. 2:13-16 Heb. 13:1-6 Song.4: Cor. 13:1-14:1 St.Mark. 10:2-9 Eph. 5: Sunday Baptism: Dying and Rising up with Christ C.H. 408 (14th Sunday after Pentecost) Gen. 7: Pet. 3:19-22 Exo. 2:1-10 Rom. 6:1-14 St.John. 12:20-26 Acts. 8:9-24 September 6 Sunday Jesus the Great Guru - Education Day C.H. 402 (15th Sunday after Pentecost) Prov. 4:1-19 Col. 1: Sam. 3:1-11 Acts. 22:1-5 St.Luke. 4:31-44 Jam. 3: Sunday Women: Partners in God s Liberation - Sevikasangom Day C.H. 242 (16th Sunday after Pentecost) Exo. 1:15-22 Jam. 2:14-17 Lev. 19:9-10 Rom. 16:1-16 St.Mark.15:37-41 Phil. 4: Sunday The Wisdom of Elderly - Senior Citizens Day C.H. 270 (17th Sunday after Pentecost) Gen. 24: Tim. 1:3-14 Gen. 48:8-22 Phlm St.Luke. 1:5-7 Eph. 5: Monday St. Mathew the Apostle s Day Isa. 4:1-6 1 Thes. 1:2-6 Eph. 6:1-9 St.Luke. 18: Sunday Sacrament of Holy Qurbana - (18th Sunday after Pentecost) C.H. 316 Inauguration Day of the Church of South India (CSI) 2 King. 4: Cor. 11:23-30 Gen. 22:1-19 Acts. 27:27-38 St.John. 6:55-59 St.Luke.22:14-23 October 4 Sunday Ministry of the Laity - Voluntary Evangelist s Day C.H. 302 (19th Sunday after Pentecost) 1 Sam. 25: Thes.5:12-22 Ps Thes.4:1-12 St.Luke. 10:25-37 Acts. 8: Sunday Differently Abled: Dignity and Dependence C.H. 111 (Day for the people with special skills) (20th Sunday after Pentecost) Exo. 4: Cor. 12:1-10 Ps. 103:1-13 Acts. 3:1-10 St.Mat. 17:14-21 St.Mark.7: Sunday Youth in Search of Meaningful Life - Youth Sunday C.H. 183 (21st Sunday after Pentecost) Gen. 39: Tim. 6:11-14 Prov. 3:1-12 Heb. 12:1-13 St.John. 1:43-51 Titus. 2: Sunday Family as Gift of God - Christian Family Dedication Day C.H. 387 (22nd Sunday after Pentecost) Josh. 24:14-22 Gal. 6:6-10 Gen. 21:1-21 Eph. 3:14-21 St.Mark.3: John. 2:7-17 November 1 Sunday Kudosh Eetho-Sanctification of the Church - C.H. 246 Beginning of the Liturgical Year Children in the Church - World Sunday School Day (All Saints Day) Exo. 2:1-10 Eph. 6:1-9 Deu. 28:1-6 3 John St.Luke. 18:15-17 St.Mat.21:15-17

6 8 Sunday Hudos Eetho-Renewal of the Church - Light on the lamp C.H. 231 Stands [Festival of Unity Communion of Churches in India - (CCI) CSI-CNI-MTC] Zech. 4: Cor. 3:10-15 Ps. 27 Rev. 1:12-20 St.Mat. 5:14-16 Phil. 2: Sunday Annunciation in Zechariah C.H Chro. 24: Cor. 2:12-17 Ps. 145 Rev. 8:1-8 St.Luke. 1:5-23 Heb. 5: Sunday Annunciation to Virgin Mary C.H. 39 Zech. 2:10-13 Eph. 1:3-10 Gen. 18:1-15 Gal. 4:1-7 St.Luke. 1: John. 3: Sunday Visitation of Virgin Mary to Elizabeth - Celebrating the C.H. 225 Good News, Inauguration Day of Church of North India (CNI) Gen. 18: Cor. 1:3-11 Ps Tim. 4:9-18 St.Luke. 1: Pet. 1: Monday St. Andrew the Apostle s Day Zech. 8: Cor. 4:9-16 Rom. 10:12-18 St.Mat. 4:18-22 December 1 Tuesday Beginning of the Twenty five Days Lent Isa. 2:10-22 Gal. 2: Thes. 4:1-12 St.John. 1: Sunday Birth of John the Baptist C.H. 77 Word of God Inspired to Inspire - Bible Sunday 1 King. 19:1-21 Gal. 1:11-17 Ps. 139 Rev. 10:1-11 St.Luke.1:57-66 Rev. 1: Sunday Annunciation to Joseph CH. 240 Isa. 40:1-11 Phil. 4:4-9 Isa. 35:1-10 Acts. 20:17-25 St.Mat. 1:18-23 Heb. 9: Sunday Sunday before Christmas - Our Lord Comes C.H. 115 Isa. 11:1-10 Rom. 1:8-16 Neh. 12: John. 5:1-12 St.John. 1: Cor. 7: Monday Mar Thoma Church Day C.H. 384 Isa. 22:20-24 Phil. 3: Cor. 1:18-25 St.John. 14: Friday Yaldo - Feast of Nativity - A New Dawn C.H. 123 End of the Twenty five Days Lent Micah. 5:1-9 1 Tim. 1:14-17 Col. 1:15-20 St.Luke. 2: Sunday Our Lord is Coming Again C.H. 396 Zech. 14:1-5 1 Thes. 4:13-18 Ezek. 37:1-14 Col. 1:6-11 St.John. 14:1-7 Rev. 22: Thursday Year Ending - Watch Night Service C.H Sam. 7: Pet. 5:6-11 Heb. 13:7-21 St.Luke. 13:6-9 READING PORTIONS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS 1. Thanksgiving Day for the New Academic Year Deut. 6:1-9 1 John. 2:1-16 St.Luke. 2: CSI-CNI-Mar Thoma Unity Sunday Deut. 30:1-10 Eph. 2:11-23 Rom. 12:3-12 St.John. 17: Parish Day Isa. 60 Acts.17:10-17 Phil. 2:1-18 St.Luke. 13: Diocesan Day Josh. 1 2 Cor. 5:11-19 Phil. 3:1-16 St.John. 15: Year Ending - Watch Night 1 Sam 7:5þ17 1 Thes 5:1þ11 Heb. 2 St.Luke. 13:1þ19

7 6. Harvest Festival Deut. 26:1-11 Phil. 4: Cor. 9:1-9 St. Mat. 7: Choir Day 1 Sam. 21:10-22:5 Col. 3:10-17 Acts. 16:19-34 St. Mat. 6: Senior Citizens Day Gen. 32:22-32 Rom. 3: Tim. 4:1-8 St. Mat. 6: Birthday Gen. 47:1-10 Ps. 103:1-12 St. Mat. 6: Ordination Gen. 12:1-8 Lam. 3:28-32 Acts. 2: Tim. 3:8-16 St. John. 12:24-36, 14: Laying Foundations Stone for a Church Building Gen. 28: Pet. 2:1-10 Eph. 2: Dedication of a Church Building Acts. 7:44-54 Heb. 8: Wedding Aniversary Eph. 5: Journey Ps. 121, 141, 144 St. Mark. 6: Discouragement, Failures Ps. 23, 40, 73. Rom Disease, Struggles in Life Ps. 5, 32, 33, 51, 91, 102, 129, Serious Loss or Painful Situations Rom. 8 2 Tim Joy, Victory Ps. 103, 106 Luke Assuming New Office Josh. 1, Exo. 3:1-16 SPECIAL OFFERTORY 1. Outside Kerala Mission January 4 2. Medical Mission February 1 3. Theological Seminary (Hosana) March Metropolitan Fund May 3 5. Sacred Music Sunday May Clergy Medical Aid Fund June 7 7. Tithe Offering July 5 8. Mission Sunday August 2 9. Education Sunday September M. T. Voluntary Evangelist s Association October Youth Sunday October Sunday School Samajam November Bibile Society December Bereavement Gen. 50, Ps. 90, 91, Isa. 40 St. Mat. 25 St. John. 11, 15, 16 Rom. 5, 1 Cor. 15:1-10, 1 Thes. 4:13-18, 5:1-22, Heb. 11, 12 Col. 3:1-10, Rev. 21:1-7 7

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