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1 Getting to Know Young Living Essential Oils ~Jamie Rogers, 5 Oily Monkeys Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Tired of the same old routine of chasing illness instead of enjoying health? Are you missing out on life because you're always feeling down? Are you ready to take control of your life? Are you ready to start living? The time is now! Join me for a free, online class where I will introduce you to Young Living Essential Oils. More than just essential oils, Young Living offers you the tools you need to change your life. Ditch the toxins in your household cleaning products, beauty care products and the dependency on prescription and OTC medicines and start living a chemical free life with Young Living. Not only has my family experienced tremendous results with the products but the education and support from the amazing community of members has encouraged our family to make crucial lifestyle changes that have had a tremendous impact on our total health and wellness. Feel free to invite others whom you feel would benefit from essential oils. To learn more please visit Topics to be discussed: What are essential oils Why do I need them How do I use them Why should I choose Young Living Essential Oils How do I get them What is the difference between retail and wholesale What comes in each of the premium starter kits Q&A Medical Disclaimer: The information contained in this class is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information represents what I, an Independent Distributor of Young Living Essential Oils, have chosen to do to take charge of my own personal health and that of my family. Statements in this class have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using these products.

2 First of all, some of you may be wonder, What exactly are Essential Oils. An essential oil is a volatile, aromatic liquid that is generally distilled from the stems, leaves, flowers, roots, bark or seeds of a plant. Containing the true essence of the plant, essential oils are highly concentrated and far more potent than dried herbs. While essential oils often have a pleasant aroma, their chemical makeup is complex and can positively affect human health, which makes them much more than something that merely smells good. Historically, essential oils have played a prominent role in everyday life. With more than 200 references to aromatics, incense, and ointments throughout the Bible, essential oils are said to be used for anointing and healing the sick. Today, essential oils are used for aromatherapy, massage therapy, emotional health, personal care, nutritional supplements, household solutions and much more.


4 Listen as D. Gary Young explains why essential oils are the missing link in modern medicine. I was truly astounded after listening to this video and walked away empowered to make better decisions for my family. I hope you will, too! Please feel free to share this video with those whom you feel can benefit from the information.

5 Welcome guests! Before we get started, let me introduce myself and tell you how and why I got started with Young Living. My name is Jamie Rogers and I am a home school mom of 3 rowdy boys, ages 10, 6 and 1 and the wife of a firefighter / paramedic. I began using Young Living on May 1, 2013 in hopes of finding a more natural solution for my oldest son's ADHD. We were living in a vicious cycle of illness and depression with our son while he was on a common medication for ADHD called Vyvanse. It certainly calmed him down and helped him focus in school but it also caused him to not want to eat, drink, be around people and really took a toll on his self esteem. For so long he was made to think that the extrovert, loving, caring, talkative child he was, was not acceptable and was often punished in school because it was considered disruptive. My child loves to be the center of attention and never meets a stranger. Once we put him on the medication, his teachers stopped complaining about his behavior but his health began to deteriorate. He was ALWAYS complaining of one ailment or another, he was dehydrated, his skin was so dry and irritated, his eyes had a sunken appearance, he had trouble establishing a normal sleep pattern, he would experience a hard crash about the time he would get home from school

6 and would go through bouts of anger and rage as well as feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. I only seemed to be getting the worst of my child's day and it broke my heart. Every day I would pack his lunch and every day he'd return home with his lunch untouched. Every morning was a struggle to get him to take his medicine and would start our day fighting and crying, both of us. Something had to give. I saw my child turning into an unrecognizable shell of a human being - but it worked, or so I was being told. Nothing was wrong with him, this was normal, he was healthy and it served it's purpose. Enough was enough! I was introduced to Young Living by a young lady I met in a mutual Facebook group. She explained to me that I did, in fact, have options and did not have to be a slave to the cycle we'd created with the medicine. Already on a tight budget with a newborn and little income, I made every excuse as to why I needed to just keep doing what the doctor's were suggesting - it was only $45 for his prescription a month (plus his doctor check ups every 3 months) and I just couldn't see spending the money on something I wasn't familiar with - especially if it didn't work. After a terrible morning of crying and fighting with my son to take his medicine, I decided it was time to try ANYTHING that could save my son and our relationship. I placed my order, praying for the best but not expecting much. Within the first few weeks I realized just how amazing the oils were. We took my son off of the medicine and decided to experiment at home with a regimen that would work for him over the summer. We also decided we would home school so we did not feel pressured to medicate. Within 5 months our son had gained 50 lbs and did not even look like the same child. He was happy, vibrant, thriving and constantly thanking us for the decision we'd made regarding his health. In addition to the benefits we saw with his ADHD, we made the decision to ditch medicine cabinet and start building a wellness cabinet. We were floored at how well the oils were working for everything from headaches, fever, coughs, colds, congestion, burns, insect bites, ear aches, infections, sleep, anxiety, stress - you name it! This was just what we did with our starter kit. We knew then we were on to something and we jumped in head first and never looked back.


8 If essential oils are so great, why doesn't my doctor prescribe them?



11 I'm sure SOMEONE is thinking - "But I don't know enough about these oils. They sound strange. I need to research them more". Trust me. I WAS you just 2 years ago. Here's a little something that I can't help but relate to!

12 With so many essential oils on the market today, why should I choose Young Living instead of another brand?


14 Young Living is the only company to offer the Seed to Seal guarantee. What is seed to seal and why is that even important? If you don't know your seed - you don't know your oil! Take a look for yourself at how much love and care Young Living puts into every bottle of oil! Please take a few minutes to watch! The Seed to Seal guarantee is something extremely important to me. Did you know that Young Living sets the standards in the world of essential oils and have been the World Leader since 1993? Yes that's over 20 years of experience. Not only that, but YOU can take part in the entire process by visiting the farms, helping to plant, cultivate, weed, harvest, distill, watch the testing and bottling take place and even help package orders. One word - TRANSPARENCY! Almost every other essential oil company in the world are simply brokers of essential oils. They buy the oil in huge vats that have already been distilled and then put their labels on them. How much of the process do they actually take part in? KNOW YOUR OILS!






20 Here is another great video I just have to share. Things like this get my blood pumping and fire me up. I can't WAIT to visit the farms in Idaho and take part in the process. If this doesn't excite you, I don't know what will! It is truly an honor to be a part of this growing trend, sharing the tools necessary for others to make positive decisions about their health and wellness. Thank you all for your patience and your attention. I am loving all of the wonderful comments in this class. Keep them coming!!! If you're still with me and you're not yet a member, you're probably wonder how YOU can become a member and get started!


22 One of my favorite testimonials from one of my team members I must share: In 2014 I signed up with Young Living Essential Oils to help mainly my daughter. She has/had febrile seizures when she gets a fever. The first one happened after we dropped her off at my mother-in-laws to go milk our cows. We were on our second set of cows when my husband hollared at me to get in the truck something was wrong with our daughter. When we got to the house she was limp and we couldn't get her to respond very well to us even with me in hysterics. We rushed her to Pea Ridge and jumped in an ambulance where she started to come around. At the hospital they did a few tests and finally said it was probably a febrile seizure. They sent us home with instructions on how to rotate children tylonel and Motrin to keep her fever down. I barely slept that night I was so afraid and then one of the medicines didn't work as well so her fever would start to go up before I could give her her next dose. This made me so terrified to be around sick people or in public at all. We had another spell where we ended up in an ambulance before my mom sent me a pin (off pinterest) about peppermint helping reduce fevers so I got in touch with Jamie Rogers to give it a shot. I had nothing to lose and my sanity to gain. She gave

23 me a sample to try and it was the first time we made it through a fever without ending up in the hospital. Needless to say I joined and the oils have been a lifesaver for me. She has not had a seizure since.


25 The first and one of the most popular oils in the Everyday Oils kit is Thieves!

26 Highly regarded for its antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral properties, Thieves is aptly named as it was used by thieves in England to protect them from the plague when stealing from the sick and dying. It consists of clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus radiate, and rosemary. Thieves is a key ingredient in an entire line of products and is commonly used to aid and support a healthy immune system, to support healthy gums and teeth, relieve symptoms of teething/tooth aches, cleans surfaces, kill airborne bacteria, alleviate insect bites, sore throats and so much more! Thieves can be used aromatically, topically and internally. Use a carrier oil when applying topically as it is a "hot" oil and can be irritating to sensitive skin. Thieves testimonial 1: My son had a large plantar's wart on the bottom of his foot. I applied Thieves oil 2-3 times/day for about 1.5 weeks and it completely cleared up and has never returned. Also, Thieves cleared up warts on a young girl's hand in approximately 2 weeks. She was going to have several painful surgeries to remove them, but I asked her to please try Thieves first. Thieves cleared up her warts and surgery was not necessary. Thieves testimonial 2: I don't get these very often but when I do they are extremely painful, they blister, my glands swell, I'm lethargic and they last for days! I hate them. Well, I woke up with one recently - a big one - but not yet blistered. I have medicine from the doctor that I could have used, but thought instead I would try the natural approach, "Thieves"... I applied the Thieves full strength to the cold sore about 7x that first day and the next day it was GONE. The only thing that happened was the Thieves dried out my lip because I used it full strength, so I had a chapped lip for a day but now all is GOOD. Oh yeah, I also took a young living product called "Inner Defense" which is basically "Thieves" in a capsule...

27 Probably one of my most favorites and most used oils in the Everyday Oils kit is Peppermint! This highly aromatic oil is a must have for alleviating the occasional headache, constipation, heartburn, digestive upset, minor aches and pains. It is also highly regarded for improving energy, concentration and alertness, reducing fevers and so much more. Peppermint can be used aromatically, topically and internally. A carrier oil is recommended when applying topically until you determine your level of sensitivity as Peppermint provides a cooling sensation similar to Icy Hot. #2 Peppermint is so refreshing and energizing for me. I use it on the back of my neck, diffuse and drink in my tea to help promote focus and clarity. I love to cook with peppermint. My son won first place in a pie baking contest by putting a few drops of peppermint oil in his French Silk Pie. It tasted like an Andes mint! We use peppermint for headaches, tummy aches, muscle aches,

28 burns, hives, allergies and so much more. I just can't say enough about peppermint!!! Another great testimonial with Peppermint: If I get heartburn, indigestion, queasiness, gas, or any other stomach/intestinal symptom, I take about 4 drops of peppermint oil in a small glass of water. No matter what the issue is, the peppermint makes it go away within minutes. Peppermint is also anti-viral, and this past winter when lots of people around me had the stomach flu, I took peppermint every day and didn't get sick. # 3 in the line up is Lemon. This highly versatile oil is used to flavor water, aid a healthy immune system, drain the lymphatics, reduce swollen glands, weight management, aid digestion, sustain a healthy blood pressure, may improve memory and support circulation. Lemon can used aromatically, topically and internally. Avoid direct sunlight up to 24 hours after applying to skin which will be exposed to direct sunlight as citrus based oils enhance the skins photosensitivity.


30 Lemon has so many great uses. Our 2 year old wrote with black permanent marker on our light colored maple banister railing. I tried to get it off with a couple other methods before I remembered that lemon oil is good for stuff like that. With a bit of scrubbing and some lemon oil you cannot tell it was ever there!! Lemon testimonial # 2: I often put a drop or two of lemon oil in a glass of purified drinking water. It's refreshing plus I've read that lemon is cleansing for the liver. I take a drug that can be damaging to the liver so using lemon oil is a precaution I can take. It's a win-win situation - it tastes good and is good for me! Fun trick with lemon that my son's love to do. Lemon is an excellent oil for dissolving petrochemicals. Styrofoam and plastic are both petrochemicals so if you use essential oils in your water or beverages, do NOT use in plastic or styrofoam. Take a styrofoam cup and turn it upside down - drop 1 to 2 drops of lemon oil on the bottom of the cup and watch it melt! Blow up a latex balloon and drop 1 drop of lemon on it. POP! My kids get such a kick out of using lemon oil in their science experiments and telling their friends. Why should YOU not be worried about using lemon oil? Because YOU are not made up of petrochemicals! Essential oils will not damage your organs but they WILL flush out the toxins and petrochemicals that are blocking your receptor sites! With my last post I must stop and share the following oily tips!



33 Next up is Lavender! Commonly referred to as the Swiss Army Knife of essential oils - Lavender has a wide array of uses and is a staple in our home. Lavender has been known to promote restful sleep, sustain healthy blood pressure, support healthy skin, is commonly used for minor blemishes / non cystic acne, minor skin irritations, burns, cuts, bruises, aids seasonal allergy relief and is also used for relaxation. Lavender can be used aromatically, topically and internally.




37 Lavender testimonial # 2: I always keep my Lavender in the kitchen by the stove, it is my saving grace for burns. When I happen to burn myself on a hot pan, I dab some lavender essential oil on the burn & the pain is gone, no burning, no stinging, no scarring. I recommended lavender for everyone in the kitchen..keep it close, it will come in handy! Lavender testimonial # 3:

38 The lavender has been a great life saver for my boys. They both (well we all) suffer from allergies. The basic, everyday, seasonal allergies, that would ruin the entire day. After studying the uses for lavender, I shared with my children, and neighbor in a diffuser. The symptoms, coughing sneezing, itching, diminished immensely. Having the lavender has helped me save money. We no longer get over the counter meds.


40 Next on the list is Purification! Known for its cleansing properties, Purification provides a pleasant aroma which purifies the air, neutralizes odors, cleanses minor cuts, supports ear and eye health and is commonly used for bee stings/insect bites and as an insect repellent. Purification can be used aromatically and topically. Purification testimonial # 1: So this just happened. Pumped gas at Walmart, ended up with a little on my hands. Didn't have my thieves hand sanitizer with me but remembered I had Purification. Applied 2 drops to my hands and rubbed them together. Less than 1 minute later, the two cashiers at the return line i was at were talking about something smelled really good all of a sudden and the two people in front of me said they thought it was just them who smelled it. Said it smelled like citrus. It dawned on me I used purification. I let them all smell it and they all fell in love- no one smelled the gas on my hands. All asked for my card! The one lady said get daughter uses Young Living exclusively and she does for arthritis and both love their oils. Now every where I go I smell like lemongrass! Love the multiple uses for my oils!

41 Purification testimonial # 2: My oldest son was stung last summer by a wasp for the first time. Normally such a drama "king" he came in screaming and holding his shoulder. I instantly grabbed purification as It was supposed to help neutralize the poison and stinging. I applied 2 drops while my husband ran out to get plantain (the weed that grows in many of our yards) and made a pulp out of it (ok, he chewed it up and spit the pulp out - ewe) and within 2 minutes he was out playing and telling all the neighbor kids about his wasp sting and how his mom and dad put oils and spit on his arm and made it all better.

42 One of the most sacred of the oils in the Everyday oils kit is Frankincense! This biblical oil is highly regarded for supporting skin health, non cystic acne / blemishes, wrinkles, age spots, supporting emotional health, occasional stress, feelings of despair, The Blues, supports healthy vision, aids a healthy immune system, aids bladder health and function and may improve memory. Frankincense can be used aromatically, topically and internally.

43 Next up is Panaway! This powerful blend supports healthy cartilage and joints, is used for headaches, muscle pain after exercise, cramps, minor aches and pains, physical discomfort and support circulatory health. Panaway is most commonly used topically but can be used aromatically. Panaway testimonial # 1: During one of my very first classes, I had an elderly lady join us who suffered from arthritis and severe joint pain. I offered to apply panaway to any of the guests who had muscle or joint pain and she gladly volunteered. What I didn't expect was for her to drop her drawers right in the middle of the class (luckily it was 99% family/friends of hers) and ask me to apply to her hip and buttocks. Not knowing what to do except blush, I obliged her request. I was so happy to

44 hear her say before the end of the class how much of a difference she felt in her hip pain and it wasn't hurting her to sit there for the class after applying it. She signed up on the spot and used the oils diligently for her pain and her husband's pain. Both have since passed away but her reaction and experience with Panaway left a long lasting impression! Panaway testimonial # 4: I have been using PanAway on my TMJ and migraine headaches for about 2 months. I roll it on every time my pain is so great that I want to take a pain pill and it works quickly. I just returned from an art workshop and another artist was having severe headaches from the altitude and I had her use the PanAway on her temples and it worked for her as well. Panaway testimonial # 2: One of my current team members and dear friends stared with Young Living when she experienced relief for her hip/back pain she has as a result of having Muscular Dystrophy. While the Panaway hasn't "cured" her condition, it certainly provides her relief and helps her function a little easier than when she doesn't apply Panaway. Panaway testimonial # 3: My husband was not interested in essentials oils UNTIL he came home from work with shoulder, upper arm and neck pain. He asked if I had anything to help with the muscle pain. Panaway to the rescue! Diluted with a little olive oil, I rubbed about 30 minutes or until he was fast asleep. The next morning, he felt great. We have done this now after several days of overworked muscles. He calls Panaway--My Panaway! Wow - how many of these oils come in the starter kit? 11 to be exact! Let's see what's next on the list! Joy - Joy is a highly aromatic blend used to promote a sense of love, self love, uplift the spirits, provide emotional balance, confidence, is used for The Blues, occasional stress and commonly applied as a cologne/perfume. Joy is used aromatically and topically.

45 Joy testimonial # 1: I felt sad, emotional and angry. I started taking St John's Wort and after a few months I saw no difference in the depression. I looked on my shelf and saw, I had the answer there. I have been a distributor of Young Living Essential Oils for 3 years and now I was going to put them to the real test. Its now 3 months later, I feel GREAT! All mild moodiness is gone. I have a happy upbeat outlook and don't worry about anything anymore. I used Joy every single day 1 drop right over my heart and 6 drops of Valor on my feet. I can't even tell you what it had done to draw people into my life! I LOVE these oils. Joy testimonial # 2: I just wanted to say that the Joy oil blend is one of my many favorite essential oils. Three years ago, after my mom passed away, I had a very hard time to accepting that she was gone and wouldn't be able to see her or talk to her anymore. I was crying a lot and very depressed. Then I remembered to apply a few drops of my Joy oil amongst others also, but I noticed that this oil made me feel so much better, so relaxed and somehow it took some of the hurt away and the sadness. I love this oil so much maybe because Joy oil is the reason I'm with this beautiful company, Young Living Essential Oils.


47 Next up is Stress Away. This mild, relaxing, aromatic blend is great for occasional stress, minor feelings of anxiety and despair, PMS, mental fatigue and balancing the equilibrium. Stress away can be used aromatically and topically Stress Away testimonial # 1: I decided to use Stress Away roll on, rubbing on my wrists, behind my ears, under my nose and on my temples. Praying and taking nice deep breathes -- breathing in the Stress Away oil, I drove across the bridge with less anxiety and no panic attack. Stress Away testimonial # 2: I teach classes on the oils on a fairly regular basis out here in sunny Southern California. The other night, I had finished teaching a class and my jaw was pretty tight. I have had a pretty intense schedule the last couple of weeks. By the time we got to a restaurant for dinner, my jaw felt like it had zero flexibility left and my skull felt like it was pushing up against itself. As a body worker, I recognized the pain as a bout of TMJ. While I was trying to unwind sitting in a restaurant, my jaw and the pressure in my head was really bugging me. I pulled out some Stress Away rollon and rubbed it on both sides, right where the jaw attaches and around the base of my skull. Within minutes, I could feel space in my jaw again and the pain was gone!


49 Next on the list is a very popular oil - Melaleuca Alternifolia. Wait? Popular? I've never heard of that - what exactly is it? TEA TREE! Commonly known as Tea Tree oil - Melaleuca is used for minor acne, cleansing minor cuts and scrapes, for sore throats, insect bites, fungus and for supporting healthy skin, mouth and gums. Melaleuca is most commonly applied topically but can be used aromatically and internally. "Tea Tree" testimonial # 1: I recently had an open wound on the bottom of my foot where an athletes foot sore got scratched open. I could barely walk on the foot because the pain was so intense. It got infected and was red and hot to the touch. I applied lavender and tea tree oils to the wound and within a week the sore was completely gone. Athletes Foot Recipe: 2 drops lavender oil

50 8 drops tea tree oil Apply directly to the problem area twice daily. This can also be used for ring worm, as it is the same fungus. "Tea Tree" # 2: My boyfriend was complaining of a deep nagging cough associated with his flulike symptoms. In addition, he wasn't able to sleep as a result of the terrible coughing. I suggested he take a drop of tea tree oil and apply it to his chest in hopes of opening up the airway and quiet the cough. He did. The cough immediately subsided. He healed from the flu within a few days. Prior to this, however, each time he had a coughing spell, he would repeat the process with the same result! Thank you, Young Living. "Tea Tree" # 3: My son had random bumps on his elbows that looked like a cross between Molluscum and warts. I tried YL Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) oil neat on his elbows twice a day for about 3 days and then forgot about it. When I looked

51 again,the bumps were gone. It looked as though there had been blisters that popped and new skin in their place. He never complained of an itch or any discomfort. So, while I still don't know what was on his elbows, the Tea Tree oil took care of it! Last but not least in the Everyday Oils collection is Citrus Fresh! Citrus Fresh is the bonus oil - It can be added to water to enhance the flavor, is commonly used for relieving minor anxiety, stress, calming hyperactive children, uplifting the spirits, promoting relaxation, support healthy sinuses and for relieving occasional headaches. This energizing blend is also designed to stimulate mental activity, boost creativity and increase clarity of thought. Use topically, aromatically or internally. Citrus Fresh testimonial # 1: At six months in my pregnancy I had extreme fluid retention - every part of my body swelled up, particularly my feet & calves, hands, and face. I read that tangerine oil helps with fluid retention and since Citrus Fresh contains tangerine (and I already had some) I began applying the oil to my legs, feet,

52 and hands - diluted with V6 - and putting several drops in my water. I also put grapefruit essential oil in my water at different times. After 2 days, my legs, hands, feet, and face all shrunk back to normal size! I couldn't believe how fast it worked! I continue to drink Citrus Fresh and apply it if I start to feel tight in my extremities. It has been a life saver! Citrus Fresh # 2: I received my oils 10 days ago. The next morning I started my day with a glass of water with Citrus Fresh, and then a glass of water with Peppermint. I have been having coffee every morning for the last 25 years--i do not even want it!! I must add that this was not a goal to quit drinking coffee--it has always been a peaceful time to drink my coffee and read. But I just don't have any desire for it, and have had no headaches or anything!! Amazing! Whew! I hope you're still with me. There is so much packed into the Starter kit with Everyday Oils collection and I didn't even cover the samples you receive! Here are the options you can choose from if you're interested in a wholesale membership with Young Living!





57 Are you ready to start? I would LOVE to have you join me on this incredible journey and become a part of my BE MILD with Young Living team. The first 3 to join with me personally will receive a FREE Essential Oil Pocket Reference guide from Life Science Publishing valued at $25. A reference guide is a crucial tool when starting your oily journey. In addition to a reference guide - EVERYONE who joins with me will receive a primary usage guide absolutely free! To enroll with me, please visithttp://5oilymonkeys.marketingscents.com to choose the kit that fits your budget and your needs! You may also sign up by visitingwww.youngliving.com and using member # to sign up directly with me OR consult the person who invited you to this class to sign up with them!


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