The Nested Relational Data Model is Not a Good Idea

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1 The Nested Relational Data Model is Not a Good Idea Robert M. Colomb School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering The University of Queensland Queensland 4072 Australia Work performed partly while visiting LADSEB-CNR; Corso Stati Uniti, 4; Padova, Italy Introduction Abstract The nested relational data model is a natural generalisation of the relational data model, but it often leads to designs which hide the data structures needed to specify queries and updates in the information system. The relational data model on the other hand exposes the specifications of the data structures and permits the minimal specification of queries and updates using SQL. The deficiencies in relational systems leading to a demand for object-oriented nested relational solutions are seen to be deficiencies in the implementations of relational database systems, not in the data model itself. The nested relational data model is a natural generalisation of the relational data model, but it often leads to designs which hide the data structures needed to specify queries and updates in the information system. The relational data model on the other hand exposes the specifications of the data structures and permits the minimal specification of queries and updates using SQL. However, there are deficiencies in relational systems, which lead to a demand for object-oriented nested relational solutions. This paper argues that these deficiencies are not inherent in the relational data model, but are deficiencies in the implementations of relational database systems. The paper first sketches how the nested-relational model is a natural extension of the object-relational data model, then shows how the nested relational model, while sound, is expensive to use. It then examines the object-oriented paradigm for software engineering, and shows that it gives very little benefit in database applications. Rather, the relational model as represented in conceptual modelling languages is argued to provide an ideal view of the data. The ultimate thesis is that a better strategy is to employ a main-memory relational database optimised for queries on complex objects, with a query interface based on a conceptual model query language. Object-relational data model leads to nested relations The object-relational data model (Stonebraker, Brown and Moore 1999) arises out of the realisation that the relational data model abstracts away from the value sets of attribute functions. If we think in terms of tuple identifiers in relations (keys), then a relation is simply a collection of attribute functions mapping the key into value sets.

2 The pure relational data model is based on set theory, and operates in terms of projections, cartesian products and selection predicates. Cartesian product simply creates new sets from existing sets, while projection requires the notion of identity, since the projection operation can produce duplicates, which must be identified. Selection requires the concept of a predicate, but the relational model abstracts away from the content of the predicate, requiring only a function from a tuple of value sets into {true, false}. The relational system requires only the ability to combine predicates using the propositional calculus. Particular value sets have properties which are used in predicates and in other operations. The only operator used in the pure relational model is identity. The presence of this operator is guaranteed by the requirement that the value sets be sets, although in practice some value sets do not for practical purposes support identity (eg real number represented as floating point). This realisation that the relational data model abstracts away from the types of value sets and from the operators which are available to types has allowed the design of database systems where the value sets can be of any type. Besides integers, strings, reals, and booleans, object-relational databases can support text, images, video, animation, programs and many other types. Each type supports a set of operations and predicates which can be integrated with the relational operations into practical solutions (each type is an abstract data type). If a value set can be of any type, why not a set of elements of some type? Why not a tuple? If we allow sets and tuples, then why not sets of tuples? Sets of tuples are relations and the corresponding abstract data type is the relational algebra. Thus the objectrelational data model leads to the possibility of relation-valued attributes in relations. Having relation-valued attributes in relations looks as if it might violate first normal form. However, the outer relational operations can only result in tuples whose attribute values are either copies of attribute values from the original relations or are functions of those values, in the same way as if the value sets were integers, the results are either the integers present in the original tables or functions like square root of those integers. In other words, the outer relational system can only see inside a relation-valued attribute to the extent that a function is supplied to do so. These functions are particular to the schema of the relation-valued attribute, and have no knowledge of the outer schema. Since the outer relational model and the abstract data type of a relation-valued attribute are the same abstract data type, it makes sense to introduce a relationship among the two. The standard relationships are unnest and nest. Unnest is an operator which modifies the scheme of the outer data model, replacing the relation-valued attribute function by a collection of attribute functions corresponding to the scheme of the inner relation. Nest is the reverse operation, which modifies the outer scheme by packaging a collection of attributes into a single relation-valued attribute. Having relation-valued attributes together with nest and unnest operations between the outer and inner relational systems is called the nested relational data model. We see that the nested relational data model is a natural extension of the object-relational data model. 2

3 Use of the nested relational data model for object-oriented development In recent years the object-oriented model has become the dominant programming model and is becoming more common in systems design, including information systems. The data in an object-oriented system consists typically of complex data structures built from tuple and collector types. The tuple type is the same as the tuple type in the objectrelational model. A collector type is either a set, list or multiset. The latter two can be seen as sets with an additional attribute: a list is a set with a sequence attribute, while a multiset is a set with an additional identifying attribute. So a nested-relational data model can represent data from an object-oriented design. Accordingly, object-relational databases with object-relational nested SQL can be used to implement object-oriented databases. How this is done is described for example by Stonebraker, Brown and Moore (1999) (henceforth SBM). We should note that both the relational and object-oriented data models are implementations of more abstract conceptual data models expressed in conceptual data modelling languages such as the Entity-Relationship-Attribute (ERA) method. Wellestablished information systems design methods begin the analysis of data with a conceptual model, moving to a particular database implementation at a later stage. An example adapted from SBM will clarify some issues. Consider the data model in Figure 1. Since the relationship between department and vehicle is one-to-many, associated with each department is a set of vehicles. Figure 1 A conceptual model A nested-relational implementation of this conceptual data model is Dept(ID:int, other: various, (1) car: set of (vehid: string, make:string, year:int)) and a typical population might be Figure 2 Sample NR population Dept ID Car VehID Make Year 1 006BKL Laser CDR Holden TTR Falcon SQL Honda 1998 Note that the object-relational table is Dept, with two attributes, ID and Car. Car is a relation-valued attribute with scheme (VehID, Make, Year). 3

4 OR SQL on nested relations SQL has been extended by SBM among others to handle object-relational databases, mainly by permitting in SQL statements the predicates and operators particular to the abstract data types supporting the value sets. In particular, nested relational systems are supported by extending and overloading the dot notation for disambiguating attribute names. For example, in Select ID from dept where car.year = 1999 (2) Dot year identifies the year attribute of the car tuple, and also designates the membership of a tuple where year = 1999 in the set of tuples which is the value set of The result of this query on the table of Figure 2 is ID = 1. As a consequence of this overloading, the and boolean operator in the WHERE clause becomes if not ambiguous, at least counterintuitive to someone used to standard SQL. The query Select ID from dept where car.make = Laser (3) Has the same result, ID = 1. Since the outermost interpretation of dot is set membership, in the query Select ID from dept where car.year = 1999 and car.make = Laser (4) The and operator is interpreted as set intersection, and the result is also ID = 1. This result, although correct, is probably not what the maker of the query intended. They would more likely have been looking for a department which has a 1999 Laser, and the response they would be looking for would be none. There are two ways to fix this problem. One is to import a new and operator from the relational ADT, so that (4) becomes Select ID from dept where car.year = 1999 and2 car.make = Laser (5) In this solution, both arguments of and2 must be the same relation-valued attribute of the outer system. The other solution is to unnest the table so that the standard relational operator works in the way it does in standard SQL Select ID from dept, where (6) car.year = 1999 and2 car.make = Laser Where the addition of to the FROM clause signifies unnesting. The former method is problematic since nesting can occur to any level, and the second is problematic since it requires the user to introduce navigation information into the query. The same sort of problem occurs when we try to correlate the SELECT clause with the WHERE clause Select ID, car.year from dept where car.make = Laser (7) Returns the table 4

5 ID = 1, Year = {1991, 1999} (8) when applied to the table of Figure 2, as a consequence of first normal form. We need again to use unnest to convert the nested structure to a flat relational structure in order to make the query mean what we want to say. Although OR SQL is a sound and complete query language, the simple-looking queries tend to be not very useful, and in order to make useful queries additional syntax and a good understanding of the possibly complex and possibly multiple nesting structure is essential. The author s experience is that it is very hard to teach, even to very advanced students. Representation of many to many relationships If we are going to use the nested relational model to represent complex data structures, then we must take account of many to many relationships, as in Figure 3. N M N M Student Course Lecturer Figure 3 A many to many relationship There are several different ways to implement this application in the nested relational model, taking each of the entities as the outermost relation. If implemented as a single table, two of the entities would be stored redundantly because of the many-to-many relationships. So the normalised way is to store the relationships as sets of reference types (attributes whose value sets are object identifiers). If the query follows the nesting structure used in the implementation, then we have only the problems of correlation of various clauses in the SQL query described in the last section. However, if the query does not follow the nesting structure, it can get very complex. For example, if the table has a set of courses associated with each student and a set of lecturers associated with each course, then in order to find the students associated with a given lecturer, the whole structure needs to be unnested, and done so across reference types. The query is hard to specify, and would be very complex to implement. One might argue that one should not use the nested relational model for many to many relationships. But nested systems can interact, as in Figure 4. 5

6 Event Team 1 1 N N Race N M Competitor Figure 4 A many-to-many with nesting In this case, an event has a set of races, and a team has a set of competitors, and we have to decide whether a race has a set of references to competitor or vice versa. What if we want to find what events a team participates in? The whole structure must be unnested. The point is that representing these commonly occurring complex data structures using a nested relational model is very much more complex then representing them in the standard relational model. Reconsideration of using NR model for OO concepts We have seen that the nested relational model arises naturally from the object-relational model, and that it has a sound and complete query language based on first normal form. However, we have seen several practical problems: Using the NR model forces the designer to make more choices at the database schema level than if the standard relational model is used. A query on a NR model must include navigation paths. A query must often unnest complex structures, often very deeply for even semantically simple queries. So even though the nested relational model is sound, it is very much more difficult to use than the standard relational model, so may be thought of as much more expensive to use. In order for a more expensive tool to be a sound engineering choice, there must be a corresponding benefit. Let us therefore look at the benefits of the object-oriented programming model. OO programming and design originated in the software engineering domain. In this domain, it is considered beneficial to hide the details of the implementation of a program specification. This information hiding makes use of objects more transparent, and ensures that modifications made to objects which do not affect functionality may be made without side effects. The principles of information hiding were a major advance in software engineering. The benefits of using an OO approach in a database therefore would come from information hiding, that is hiding implementation details not required for understanding the specification of an object. 6

7 Let us see how this applies to the specification of data in an information system. As we have seen, it is common to use a conceptual modelling technique to specify such data, as in Figures 1, 3 and 4. The implementation of this data is ultimately in terms of disk addresses, file organisations and access methods, but is generally done in several stages. The first stage of implementation is normally the specification of schemas in a database data description language, very often in a relational database system. This stage of implementation is almost a transliteration, frequently introducing no additional design decisions. Algorithms for the purpose are given for example by Elmasri and Navathe (2000). Further stages of implementation are performed almost entirely within the database manager software (DBMS), sometimes with the guidance of a database administrator who will identify attributes of tables which need rapid access, or give the DBMS some parameters which it will use to choose among pre-programmed design options. In effect, the implementation of the data model is almost entirely automated, and generally not the concern of the applications programmer. So the conceptual data model is a specification, the almost equivalent DBMS table schemas are in effect also specifications, and the programmer does not generally proceed further with refinement. On the programming side, an information system generally has a large number of modules which update or query the tables. In a relational system, these programs are generally written using the SQL data manipulation language. The SQL statement is at a very high level, and is generally also refined in several stages: The order of execution of the various relational operators must be chosen. Various secondary and primary indexes can be created or employed Decisions need to be made as to the size of blocks retrieved from disk, what is to be cached in main memory, whether intermediate results need to be sorted, and what sort algorithms to use. But, again, these refinement decisions are made by the DBMS using pre-programmed design decisions depending on statistics of the tables held in the system catalog and to a degree on parameters supplied by the database administrator. The programmer is generally not concerned with them. So it makes sense to think of an SQL statement not as a program but as a specification for a program. It is hard to see what might be removed from an SQL statement while retaining the same specified result. The SELECT clause determines which columns are to appear in the result, the FROM clause determines which tables to retrieve data from (in effect which entities and relationships the data is to come from), and the WHERE clause determines which rows to retrieve data from. We have that the benefits of information hiding in object-oriented design is that the programmer can work with the specifications of the data and methods of a system without having to worry about how the specifications are implemented. However, in information systems, the programmer works only with specifications of data structures and access/ update methods. The implementation is hidden already in the DBMS. So in a 7

8 DBMS environment the programmer never has to worry how the specifications are implemented. Information hiding is already employed no matter what design method the programmer uses. What the nested relational data model does is hide aspects of the structure of the specified data, whereas the standard relational model exposes the specified structure of the data. Using the NR data model, the data designer must make what amount to packaging design decisions in the implementation of a conceptual model. In this sense, a NR model is more refined than a standard relational model, and is therefore more expensive to build. On the other hand, when a query is planned, in the NR model the programmer, besides specifying the data that is to appear in the query, must also specify how to unpackage the data to expose sufficient structure to specify the result. So as we have seen, the query is also more expensive. Both the data representation and the query are unnecessarily more expensive than the standard relational representation, since the information being hidden is part of the specification, not how the specifications are implemented. So why don t people use RDBs for OO applications? One might ask why people don t already use relational databases for problems calling for object-oriented approaches. The usual reason given is that RDBs are too slow. The paradigmatic object-oriented application is system design, say a VLSI design or the design of a large software system. There is often only one (very complex) object in the system. This object has many parts, which are themselves complex. A relational implementation therefore calls for many subordinate tables with limited context; and processing data in the application generally requires large numbers of joins. Database managers tend to be designed to support transactional applications, where there are a large number of objects of limited complexity. The space of pre-programmed design options for the implementation of data structures and queries does not generally extend to the situation where there are a small number of very complex objects. Rejection of the standard relational data model for these applications is therefore not a rejection of the model per se, but a recognition that current implementations of the standard relational data model do not perform well enough for these problems. What can be done? Two problems have been identified which make the standard relational model difficult to use for OO applications: the slowness of the implementation and the necessity for the definition of a large number of tables with limited context. The former problem is technical. A large amount of investment has been made in the design of implementations for transaction-oriented applications. Given sufficient effective demand, there is no reason why a sufficient investment can not be made for applications of the OO type. In particular, there are already relational database systems optimised around storage of data primarily in main memory rather than on disk. For example, a research project of National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands together with the Free University of Amsterdam, called 8

9 Monet 1, has published a number of papers on the various design issues in this area. A search on the Web identifies many such products. The problem of slowness of standard relational implementations for OO applications can be taken to be on the way to solution. The latter problem, that the data definition for an OO application requires a large number of tables with limited context, is a problem with the expressiveness of the standard relational data model. In an OO application one frequently wants to navigate the complex data structures specified. For example, from the model in Figure 4 one might want the set of teams participating in a particular race in a particular event, or the set of events in which a particular competitor from a particular team is competing, or the association between teams and events defined by the many-to-many relationship between Race and Competitor. From the point of view of each of those queries, there is a nested-relational packaging of the conceptual model which makes the query simple, simpler than the standard relational representation. The unsuitablity of the NR model is that these NR packagings are all different, and that a query not following the chosen packaging structure is very complex. However, we have already seen that the primary representation of the data can be in a conceptual model. The relational representation can be, and generally is, constructed algorithmically. If the DBMS creates the relational representation of the conceptual model, then the conceptual model should be the basis for the query language. A query expressed on the conceptual model can be translated into SQL DML in the same sort of way that the model itself is translated into SQL DDL. In fact, there are a number of conceptual query languages which permit the programmer to construct a query by specifying a navigation through the conceptual model, for example ConQuer (Bloesch and Halpin, 1996, 1997). Using a language like ConQuer, the programmer can specify a navigation path through the conceptual model, which when it traverses a one-to-many relationship opens the set of instances on the target side. When it traverses a many-to-many relationship, the view from the source of the path looks like a one-to-many. Any of the views of Figure 4 described above can be used. Such a traversal of the conceptual model provides a sort of virtual nested-relational data packaging, which can be translated into standard SQL without the programmer being aware of exactly how the data is packaged. This approach therefore is more true to the spirit of object-oriented software development since the implementation of the specification is completely hidden. Conclusion The thesis of this paper is therefore that a standard relational data model where the DDL and DML are both hidden beneath a conceptual data modelling language and the DBMS is a main-memory implementation optimised for OO-style applications, presents a much superior approach to the problem of OO applications than does the nested relational data model

10 References Bloesch, A. and Halpin, T. (1996) ConQuer: a Conceptual Query Language Proc. ER 96: 15th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Springer LNCS, no. 1157, pp Bloesch, A. and Halpin, T. (1997) Conceptual Queries Using ConQuer-II in. David W. Embley, Robert C. Goldstein (Eds.): Conceptual Modeling - ER '97, 16th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Los Angeles, California, USA, November 3-5, 1997, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1331 Springer 1997 Elmasri, R. & Navathe, S. B. (2000). Fundamentals of Database Systems. (3rd ed.). Addison Wesley, Reading, Mass. Stonebraker, M., Brown, P. and Moore, D. (1999) Object-relational DBMSs : tracking the next great wave San Francisco, Calif. : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. 10

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