Name: Date: Period. The Things They Carried Guided Reading Questions

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1 Name: Date: Period The Things They Carried Guided Reading Questions They carried malaria tablets, love letters, 28-pound mine detectors, dope, illustrated Bibles, each other. And, if they made it home alive, they carried unrelenting images of a nightmarish war that history is only beginning to absorb. Since it was first published, The Things They Carried has become an unparalleled Vietnam testament, a classic work of American literature and a profound study of men at war that illuminates the capacity, and the limits, of the human heart and soul. The Things They Carried (pages 1-26) 1. When the narrator was describing what the men carried, why do you think it was important to them to know how much each thing weighed? 2. What happens to Ted Lavender? Who blames himself for what happened? Why do you think he blames himself? 3. Explain what SOP stands for. Explain what KIA stands for. 4. Explain what the author means by Imagination was a killer. 5. In the list of all the things the soldiers carried, what item was most surprising? Which item did you find most evocative (expressive) of the war? Which items stay with you? 6. Why would the soldiers never be at a loss for things to carry in Vietnam? 7. The night Ted Lavender was killed, Kiowa admired Jimmy Cross. What was it that Jimmy Cross was doing that Kiowa could not do? Why did Kiowa feel a little guilty? 8. What type of figurative language is the following quote, they would repair the leaks in their eyes? Explain the meaning of this quote. 9. To people who were not involved in the war, the men had a strange morbid way of behaving around the dead or when someone they knew died. Explain how they behaved. Use examples from the story. 10. Jimmy Cross went from loving Martha one day and treasuring her letters to hating her and burning her letters the day after Ted Lavender died. What would explain this sudden drastic change of feelings? 11. Not only does the death of Ted Lavender change Jimmy Cross s feeling for Martha, but also his feelings about his role as a leader. Explain how he is going to change. Use examples from the novel.

2 12. The things of the title that O Brien s characters carry are both literal and figurative. They are literally carrying many items, but these items are also symbolic to the soldiers who are carrying them. What items do Henry Dobbins, Jimmy Cross, Ted Lavender, Kiowa, and Norman Bowker carry that are symbolic and what does each item symbolize to the soldier who carries it. Love (pages 27-30) 1. Why is the first story, "The Things They Carried," written in third person? How does this serve to introduce the rest of the novel? What effect did it have on your experience of the novel so far when O'Brien switched to first person, and you realized the narrator was one of the soldiers? 2. What is the setting of this chapter? 3. What does Jimmy Cross confess to Tim O Brien when he comes to visit him after the war? What was O Brien s response? 4. During the war, Jimmy Cross survived by fantasizing. Explain what happened to Jimmy Cross s dream after the war. 5. O Brien reveals that he has guilt that he cannot get over too, but he does not tell us what happened that makes him feel this way. How does this make you feel about O Brien and his stories when he leaves you with unanswered questions? Spin (pages 31-38) 1. Explain what happens to the setting in this chapter? 2. What does AWOL stand for? 3. Tim O Brien shares several bad, peaceful, and happy stories in this chapter. Which war story leaves an impression on you? Explain why. 4. We also learn that Tim O Brien is a writer. Why does he feel that writing about the war and all his memories is so important? 5. What happened to Curt Lemmon? 6. Different character s personalities are revealed in this chapter. What do we learn about Mitchell Sanders, Norman Bowker, Ted Lavender, Azar, and Tim O Brien? Briefly describe the memory that O Brien has of each of the men and what character trait about each man can you infer from the stories.

3 On The Rainy River (pages 39-61) 1. When Tim O Brien was drafted into the war, how did he feel about the American war in Vietnam? Why did he feel this way? Provide examples. 2. What was Tim s initial reaction to his draft letter? 3. Explain how Tim O Brien cracked one morning after receiving his draft notice. What happened to him? What did he do as a result? 4. When Tim was driving along the Rainy River, he said that the river separated one life from another for him. What does he mean by this? 5. Tim is given a very difficult choice to make. The choice between running away to Canada or staying and fighting in a war he does not believe in. Why did he choose not to run to Canada? 6. Why does Tim feel that Elroy Berdahl saved his life? 7. In "On The Rainy River," we learn the 21-year-old O'Brien's theory of courage: "Courage, I seemed to think, comes to us in finite quantities, like an inheritance, and by being frugal and stashing it away and letting it earn interest, we steadily increase our moral capital in preparation for that day when the account must be drawn down. It was a comforting theory." In your own words, explain how Tim O Brien views courage. Were you surprised when O Brien described his entry into the Vietnam War as an act of cowardice? Do you agree that a person could enter a war as an act of cowardice? 8. Why does Tim feel guilty about going to Vietnam? Why would Tim feel ashamed if he made the choice to flee to Canada? Enemies (pages 62-64) 1. Explain why Jensen felt like he was fighting two different wars. 2. Why does Jensen eventually lose it? What is his final action that shows the other soldiers in his platoon how crazy he really is? 3. In the end, Strunk was laughing and tells the others I stole his jackknife. Why is that action so funny to Strunk.

4 Friends (pages 65-66) 1. Over time, Dave and Lee became friends and began to trust one another again. During their friendship in Vietnam, they made a pact. What was this pact? 2. When Lee became injured he became really scared and nervous. Why did he panic and try to run away from his platoon? 3. Later the men heard that Lee had died because of his injuries. Why did Dave find relief from this news? 4. What does the enemies and friends story tell you about social codes, friendship and contracts on the battlefield? How To Tell a True War Story (pages 67-85) 1. According to O'Brien, how do you tell a true war story? What does he mean when he says that true war stories are never about war? What does he mean when he writes of one story, "That's a true story that never happened"? 2. O Brien says that, In many cases a true war story cannot be believed Often the crazy stuff is true and the normal stuff isn t. Explain what Tim O Brien means by this. 3. What happened to Rat s friend, Curt Lemmon? How does Rat deal with the death of his best friend? 4. O Brien begins this chapter by saying that this is true. What does he reveal to the reader at the end of the chapter? What point do you think he was trying to make by doing that? How does this affect your attitude towards the narrator? 5. In your opinion, after reading this chapter can you ever really believe any storyteller who claims his war stories are true? Explain why or why not. The Dentist (pages 86-88) 1. According to Tim O Brien, what kind of a person was Curt Lemmon? How did O Brien personally feel about Curt? 2. What happened with the dentist, that caused Curt Lemmon to be embarrassed? What seems to be a common feeling among the soldiers that if felt always causes embarrassment? 3. Curt Lemmon was depressed, angry with himself, quiet and withdrawn after the incident with the dentist. Explain why Curt Lemmon having a perfectly good tooth yanked out after his embarrassing moment made him smile again.

5 Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong (pages ) 1. What is the Song Tra Bong? 2. The majority of the setting of this story takes place on an outpost set up as an aid station mostly for wounded soldiers. Rat was a medic at this outpost and he felt this was the ideal duty. He felt at peace and often forgot he was in the middle of Vietnam in one of the world s worst wars in history. Explain what type of activities would occur on a daily basis that would cause Rat to be able to escape the war for a while. 3. One evening Eddie Diamond made a comment, which was supposed to be a joke, however one of the men took him seriously. Who took him seriously and what happened 6 weeks later as a result? 4. When Mary Anne first arrived to the outpost, what was her initial feelings towards the war and the land. How did Mary Anne feel about the jobs at the outpost that the men performed? 5. Within the first two weeks, Mary Anne is changed both physically and mentally by her experiences in Vietnam. Provide examples from Rat s story that prove this. 6. At what point in this story can we assume Mark Fossie has lost his Mary Anne for good? 6. Mary Anne s final transformation occurs after she aligns herself with the Green Berets. What information are we told about the Green Berets responsibilities in Vietnam? Why do you think this is such a secret group? Describe the scene at the Greenie s headquarters that Mark Fossie, Eddie Diamond, and Rat walk into when they were looking for Mary Anne. 7. As Mark Fossie stares at the girl he once loved and wanted to marry with human tongues now hanging around her neck, he was shocked. Mary Anne s response to Mark is it s not bad. Explain how you think she could possibly feel this way. 8. In "Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong," what transforms Mary Anne into a predatory killer? Does it matter that Mary Anne is a woman? How so? What does the story tell us about the nature of the Vietnam War? 9. Rat insists that the story he tells the men in Alpha Company about Mary Anne is true. Think about O Brien s criteria for finding the truth in war stories. Do you believe it? Does it fit O Brien s criteria for a true war story? Explain how it does fit or how it does not fit? 10. What eventually became of Mary Anne?

6 Stockings (pages ) 1. Superstitions are very prevalent in Vietnam. What is the significance of the stockings for Dobbins? 2. Tim O Brien says that the stockings turned the Alpha company into a platoon of believers. Explain why. Church (pages ) 1. What does Dobbins suggest to Kiowa that he might be interested in doing after the war? 2. Dobbins expresses to the Kiowa that he never enjoyed going to church. If he does not like going to church, then what is it about the idea of a church and becoming a preacher that truly interests Dobbins? 3. Can you find the irony in your answer to number 2 and if so, what is it? The Man I Killed (pages ) 1. In the beginning of this chapter, what inference can you make about who shot the man? 2. Throughout the chapter the narrator explains to the reader many details about the dead man s life. Do you think these details are true? Why or why not? 3. How does Azar react to the killing of the man? Azar compares the dead man to several things, what does he compare the man to? What does this reveal about how Azar needs to deal with seeing death? 4. Explain how Kiowa tries to make Tim O Brien feel better about what he had just done. Does it work? 5. Why does Tim O Brien continue to repeat the same details about the body to the reader? What does the continuous repetition of personal details about the dead man and his body reveal to you about how Tim is feeling? Explain your answer. Ambush (pages ) 1. Why do you think Tim O Brien would not tell his daughter the truth about having killed a man in Vietnam? 2. What do Tim O Brien, Norman Bowker, and Jimmy Cross all have in common when it comes to dealing with death in Vietnam?

7 Style (pages ) 1. Write a brief summary about this chapter. 2. Why do you think this Vietnamese girl is dancing when her entire family was just killed, probably right in front of her? Do you think she is dancing because she is happy? What other stories can you compare her dancing to? Speaking of Courage (pages ) 1. What is the setting of this chapter? 2. Explain why Norman Bowker continuously drives the same seven mile loop around the lake. 3. While driving, Norman Bowker thinks first about how he has no place to go. Also, he thinks about his friends before the war who now live elsewhere, have jobs, go to school, the girls have mostly married. Norman s ex-girlfriend is now married and lives in a pleasant blue house. What is the narrator trying to show the reader by including this piece of information into the novel? 4. What was the only thing that Norman felt proud enough to brag to Sally Kramer about after the war? 5. Before going to war, Norman wanted nothing more than to please his father. He felt his father was only interested in Norman winning medals. Norman returned from the war with 7 medals. Why did Norman only talk about what he would have said to his father? He does not ever tell his father about the medals he won in Vietnam. 6. Again, the death of an Alpha company member brings about guilty feelings. Who has guilt feelings over Kiowa s passing and why? 7. Bowker makes it clear that he has a need to talk about what happened to him and the atrocities that he saw in the war. However, he never did. Why didn t Norman Bowker talk about anything that happened in Vietnam?

8 Notes (pages ) 1. What does Tim O Brien reveal about Norman Bowker in the beginning of this chapter? Does this surprise you? Explain why or why not. 2. Explain why Tim O Brien wrote Speaking of Courage, the previous chapter. 3. What problem did Norman have after the war that made him feel as if suicide was the only way out? 4. In the note to O Brien, why does Norman Bowker feel like he died in Nam too? 5. How does what Norman experienced after the war differ from what Tim experienced? 6. What does Tim attribute his mental stability and smooth transition back into American life to? 7. When Tim decided to include Speaking of Courage, what was the one thing he wanted to make clear to the reader? In The Field (pages ) 1. Jimmy Cross feels incredible guilt again for the death of another member of Alpha Company. Explain why. 2. What does Jimmy decide to do to help himself feel better about the death? 3. We are introduced to an unnamed soldier in this chapter who also has guilty feelings about Kiowa s death? Why does this soldier feel guilty? What happened with this soldier and Kiowa the night he died? Why is the soldier really looking for Kiowa s body? 4. We see a change in Azar in this chapter. What were his initial reactions to Kiowa s death in the muck? After wading through the mud for many hours, what changes happen to Azar? What causes the changes? Explain. 5. When the men are trying to unearth Kiowa s body, Henry Dobbins says, it could be worse. What is O Brien trying to suggest to you about the men who fought in this war? 6. In "In The Field," O'Brien writes, "When a man died, there had to be blame." What does this mandate do to the men of O'Brien's company? Are they justified in thinking themselves at fault? How do they cope with their own feelings of guilt?

9 Good Form (pages ) 1. In "Good Form," O'Brien casts doubt on the accuracy of the entire novel. Why does he do so? Does it make you more or less interested in the novel? Does it increase or decrease your understanding? 2. What is the difference between "happening-truth" and "story-truth?" 3. Why is story-truth more real sometimes than happening-truth? 4. Explain why O Brien feels that it should not matter to the reader whether or not the stories are true. According to O Brien, what is the most important thing that does matter? Field Trip (pages ) 1. Why did Tim O Brien travel back to Vietnam? Why did he bring his daughter along with him? 2. What does Kathleen say to her father that clearly shows the reader she has no clue about the atrocities her father witnessed as a soldier in Vietnam? 3. When Tim was visiting the field where Kiowa died, why does he have difficulty finding any emotion? 4. What does O Brien leave at the spot where Kiowa died? What significance to Tim does this gesture have? 5. Compare and contrast Tim s experience to Kathleen s experience at this time in Vietnam. 6. Who was Kathleen talking about when she referred to a man being mad? Explain Tim s response to this question. The Ghost Soldiers (pages ) 1. When Tim is sent away in the helicopter, before he goes Rat hugs him. What does this reveal about their relationship? 2. Where does Tim O Brien place the blame for almost dying when he was shot the second time? Is his blame justified? Why or why not? 3. Why didn t O Brien return to Alpha Company? 4. Tim was transferred to a fairly safe new post. Why then does he admit to envying Alpha Company when they came in for stand-down? 5. Jorgenson apologized to Tim and put out his hand to shake. His apology seemed sincere. Why then didn t O Brien shake Jorgenson s hand and accept his apology? 6. Explain the three phases of Tim s revenge. How did Jorgensen react?

10 7. Vietnam and the war have changed him. What examples from this story prove this statement? Compare and contrast the innocent, new to the war Tim with the Tim you see in this chapter. 8. Explain the significance of the title of this chapter The Ghost Soldier. 9. Does your opinion of O'Brien change throughout the course of the novel? How so? How do you feel about his actions in "The Ghost Soldiers"? Night Life (pages ) 1. Before Rat was transferred to Japan, he began to lose his cool. What was happening at this point in the war for Alpha Company? How was he reacting to the current events? 2. What is unusual about Rat s reactions to seeing a liver that he describes as scary? 3. How did Rat get hurt? What do you think the reasons for this happening were? Explain why Rat would do what he did? Why didn t more soldiers do what Rat Kiley did to escape the war? Lives of the Dead (pages ) 1. Explain what Tim O Brien means when he says stories can save us. 2. On Tim s 4 th day in Vietnam, explain what he witnessed when his platoon found a dead man s body. Be sure to give examples. Would you say this was disrespectful? Why or why not? Why did they act that way? 3. After Kiowa s talk with O Brien, what kind of man do you think Kiowa is? 4. Who was Linda? What happened to her? Tim O Brien deals with his feelings about Linda in a very similar way to how he deals with his feelings about death in Vietnam. Compare the way he deals with each. 5. Why do you think he included the story about Linda in this novel? What point do you think he was trying to make to the reader by including her story?


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