A Sustainable Development Policy for Estates Management

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1 A for Estates Management A for Estates Management 0

2 A for Estates Management Section 1 Introduction 1.1 Sustainable Development Estates Management and Sustainable Development Sustainable Learning Environment 1.2 Policy Statements s Estates Management s Sustainable Development Policy 2.1 Management Policy 2.2 Corporate Social Policy Section 2 Strategic 2.3 Economic Statement 2.4 Environmental Policy Environmental issues and monitoring Purchasing Biodiversity Utilities Materials Construction Waste Landscaping Transport Travel Plan Fleet Management 1

3 A for Estates Management Section 1 Introduction 2

4 A for Estates Management 1.1 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Estates Management and Sustainable Development University Estates Management (UEM) recognises the triple bottom line approach to sustainable development - environmental, social and economic. The aim of this policy is to set out a clear direction for a positive approach to a sustainable upgrade and development of the University s campuses. The integration of the three elements provides a baseline to asses the operations and functions of Estates Management. The recent implementation of the 10 year Estates Development Framework (EDF) is assimilated with the ambitions of the. The upgrade of the University requires the careful economics of whole life costing as well as correct procurement methods. However, Estates Management has the means to develop a positive learning environment by considering the social and environmental factors involved. It is widely acknowledged that daylight and fresh air, amongst others, enhance learning. The aims of sustainable design and operation not only contribute to minimising the University s environmental impact, but additionally aim to inspire and aid learning through a positive internal and external environment. This policy is a development of the aims of Estates Management to ultimately create a more sustainable teaching and learning environment. A careful consideration of all three elements of the triple bottom line approach give the incentive to minimise environmental impact where possible; maximise the economic performance; and maximise social aspects of the University Sustainable Learning Environment For the purposes of the policy, Estates Management shall regard the three aspects of sustainable development under the term Sustainable Learning Environment. This term defines the essential components of the University and, in turn, will define the boundaries of operation and required threshold level of social and economic good. The sustainable learning environment is comprised of the following topics: Teaching Learning Research Administration Social Recreation Residential Functions of operation within each topic above will be assessed in terms of a social, economic and environmental balance. 3

5 A for Estates Management 1.2 POLICY STATEMENTS University Estates Management has produced this policy document in accordance with the University of Strathclyde s. The structure of the Policy is intended to provide information on the importance of this policy for Estates Management. The operational section is intended to brief consultants on specific tasks and procedures in order that all work carried out by them conforms to the policy requirements. The increased number of policies and targets published by the UN, European and UK Governments and the Scottish Executive illustrate the level of importance, commitment and activity in relation to sustainable development. This policy has been developed in response to the increased need for action and awareness and has been developed in tandem with the Scottish Funding Council s vision s The is committed to the dual ethos of sustainability and responsible global citizenship. Accordingly, the University has adopted the following Environmental Policy Statement: The University will encourage good environmental practice among its staff and students, and will seek to ensure that suppliers and contractors to the University apply the same level of commitment and concern to environmental matters when dealing with the University. The University will endeavour to ensure that the management of its estates is in a manner which accords with environmental good practice and legislative compliance. It will pursue a 'good neighbour' policy in relation to its immediate surroundings, with respect to site appearance and the environmental impacts of its plant and processes. The University will mobilise its interdisciplinary expertise to provide a curriculum, which offers students at Strathclyde a quality education in environmental issues at undergraduate, postgraduate and other levels. The University will promote focused research on environmental issues, encouraging, in particular, an interdisciplinary and problem-solving approach and encouraging also the commercialisation of that research. The University will use its knowledge base to help promote Scotland's environmental well being, by interacting positively with local communities, industry, commerce and the public sector, and with the wider national and international communities, to address environmental issues. 4

6 A for Estates Management Estates Management s University Estates Management aims to achieve best possible practice of conscientious environmental management. The management practice will be assessed in relation to the social and economic welfare of the by recognising: Our social responsibility: o by providing a better quality learning environment for staff, students and visitors alike o by providing access to all in accordance with the Estates Management Policy on Improving Access Across the University s Estate o by implementing programmes of skills training and opportunities for training enhancement for Estates Management staff Our social and environmental responsibility: o by providing naturally lit internal spaces where possible. o by providing a heat recovered fresh air supply to internal spaces to enhance learning and minimise health risks associated with poor indoor air quality Our economic sustainable development responsibility: o by ensuring that investment decisions are as the result of a rigorous financial appraisal, demonstrating a case for investment that is affordable and meets the University s business needs. Our responsibility to the environment: o by recognising a sustainable purchase of goods and services to take account of environmental and social issues that are applicable to purchasing decisions. o by reducing CO 2 emissions. o by reducing our volume of waste to landfill, and increasing the level of recycling in both construction and occupation. o by both promoting and protecting the development and growth of Biodiversity as the University environment evolves. o by endeavouring to attain Good and preferably Best practice targets for energy consumption o by ensuring the proper specification of materials to their specific use whilst recognising the choice conforms to, where possible, lifecycle costing, avoiding a depletion of non renewable natural resources, low embodied energy and being non-toxic to both internal and external environment. o by implementing modern low energy methods of construction whilst being less wasteful, more efficient and reducing maintenance requirements. o by minimising waste arising from our operations and to implement sound waste management practices. o by reducing the consumption of all materials and wherever practicable to actively encourage and enforce recycling and re-use. o by reducing CO 2 emissions of our vehicle fleet by investigating the feasibility of alternative fuels i.e. Bio Fuels, Advanced Fuel Cells, Batteries, Gas etc o by providing a travel plan that helps reduce the impact of travel on the environment, cuts congestion around the campuses, saves money on business travel and designs campuses which provide an attractive accessible environment thus promoting active use such as walking and cycling, thereby contributing to a healthier workforce. 5

7 A for Estates Management Section 2 Strategic 6

8 A for Estates Management 2.1 MANAGEMENT POLICY Achieving the effective implementation of the Estates Management s Sustainable Development policy will be a complex process that will require priorities to be defined and set and any decisions made to be clearly recorded. The Estates Development Framework, and associated planned and cyclical maintenance programmes, describes the University s ambition in terms of its sustainable learning environment and provides a broad overview of the economic sustainability and affordability criteria that will ultimately form the basis of decision making. The implementation of the Estates Development Framework will look towards utilising assessment methods that illustrate both good environmental design and good environmental practice. For instance, on a case by case basis BREEAM will be considered and the appropriate target rating level set, which is appropriate. Further to this, Estates Management will adopt the principles of ISO with the aim of achieving full accreditation in the future. Estates Management currently operate an ISO compliant environmental management system as part of a wider University system. It is anticipated that this system will be integrated in to the design stages within the EDF as an environmental design management tool, in addition to the BREEAM assessment. 7

9 A for Estates Management 2.2 CORPORATE SOCIAL STATEMENT In terms of sustainability the University s greatest social aspect will be in the teaching and other services it provides. These matters will be dealt with via curriculum development and not by Estates Management. Estates Management will ensure its corporate social responsibilities are discharged: by setting and monitoring of clear standards for improving the environmental impact of the University s Estate by ensuring that the design of the internal environment is of a standard and quality whereby it enhances learning through such incentives as natural light, fresh air and temperature comfort. by considering the potential for wider social gain in the delivery of the EDF and the facilities management of our premises including implementation of programmes of skills training via the EDF development, review and provision of opportunities for training enhancement for Estates Management staff. 8

10 A for Estates Management 2.3 ECONOMIC STATEMENT A university is every bit as complex as a multinational company. The financial performance is just as critical. It has to be as focused on the economics as it is on education and research. Universities are turning a keener eye to viability, internal budgets, cash flow, research opportunities, non-student tuition income, fundraising, managing risk and opportunity in a climate of self-help, collaboration and partnerships, as promoted by the Government/Scottish Executive. At the same time, the cost of delivering higher education has been rising significantly above the level of inflation and many institutions are facing budget cuts, so there are tremendous cost pressures. A university has limited finances but unlimited demands. The monetary investment decisions made have to be sustainable in that they do not jeopardise the economic viability of the university and that it invests wisely taking a long-term view. This is not easy in an environment subject to major change. In estate terms the challenge is to ensure the accommodation and facilities support the University strategy and business needs but also that the estate is efficient, economically sustainable, adaptable and affordable. There are many economic and non-economic factors that influence the University and its estate. These may include government policy, demographics, competition, cost of technology, change in student demand, lack of specialised staff, predicted unprecedented rises in energy costs as well as consumption levels, cost of construction, estate-related legalisation compliance, student and staff requirements, and the level of service demanded. These are all risks that have to be recognised and have direct and indirect financial consequences. The risks have to be managed and economic sustainability maintained. Each major investment decision will be considered on the basis of its whole life (30 year) via a detailed option appraisal. University economic future proofing is similar to any business organisation. Prudent financial and risk management is required. The business plan of an organisation is the driver of the estate needs but, particularly for universities, there has to be a predetermined strategy to meet estate change such as expansion, contraction, changes in nature of space required and the impact of new technology. In broad terms this has to be achieved by considering areas where buildings use can change, land be developed and exit routes determined, such as land sold or buildings leased. It is difficult to predict the estate requirements and what, in terms of disposals, might be inconceivable today can become a reality. As a rule universities should not assume continued occupation of building and land so that when there is a change the University has maximised its position in terms of opportunity and capital receipt. There has to be continual challenge made to the major investment in properties to ensure that it is in line with the business plan and an open mind to opportunities that may arise. Land and buildings are assets and if this approach is adopted then it allows future proofing in economic terms to be integral to the estate strategy supporting the business plan of the university and economic sustainability. 9

11 A for Estates Management Policy targets To ensure that the University s estate is economically efficient and sustainable in financial terms. To ensure that capital investment in the estate in based on a rigorous financial case for investment which is sustainable and meets the University s business needs. To ensure that the impact of whole life v capital cost, within the economic affordability envelope defined by the EDF and Estates Management s budget, is considered as a primary decisionmaking tool in each new building design or major refurbishment project. To ensure there is sufficient land to allowing the estate to expand and contract as dictated by the University Strategy. To ensure decisions made about the estate do not have a negative impact on the economic viability of the University. To ensure operational costs are kept to a minimum but meet the service level agreements for the buildings. To ensure project costs are kept within budget. To ensure that estate provision is flexible to react to changing business needs of the University and the value of the land and properties is monitored and maintained. The University will review its estate annually to ensure that it is economically sustainable and adjust its plans accordingly 10

12 A for Estates Management 2.4 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Environmental Issues and Monitoring Estates Management s policy objectives for Purchasing & Procurement, Biodiversity, Energy & Water, Materials and Construction, Waste, Landscaping and Transport are defined in the relevant sections of this document. The combined impact of these statements will be consolidated to describe, on the basis of the EDF, clearly defined objectives and targets for sustainable development. These objectives and targets will be agreed by the University s Sustainability Group and used to establish the basis of implementation of sustainable development. For instance in the delivery of major projects the following will apply: Consultants selection will depend on their ability to advise on sustainable issues and their implementation. Option Appraisal will be on a whole life quantitative basis (financial 30 year NA) and qualitative criteria, one of which will be the achievement of Estates Management s sustainable development objectives. Project Briefs and scopes will consider sustainable development and define the specific issues and implications for each project. The designs produced by Consultants will be reviewed in accordance with the Sustainable Development Policy. Costs will be considered on a whole life versus capital cost basis. A decision-making matrix checklist describing the evaluation process will be used. The impact on sustainable objectives will be reviewed at three stages through out the project: o at the completion of the feasibility of the project o at the completion of the detailed design of the project o at the completion of the project Project briefs will be required to be developed in line with maintenance policy objectives where maintenance aspects should be considered with respect to each individual building design and type. A clear consideration is to be given to whole life costing in relation to maintenance issues throughout the operation of Estates Management. 11

13 A for Estates Management Purchasing The vision and the strategic objectives within the new Purchasing Strategy of University Purchasing Services mirror those of National (Proc-HE) and Regional (Proc-SNI) purchasing organisations and initiatives: working together to develop and promote efficient and effective procurement practices and procedures within this institution and throughout higher education taking into account social, ethical and environmental issues Policy targets Sustainable procurement is an integral part of Strategic Objective No. 1 - Promote the delivery of value for money through good procurement practice. This includes an Environmental Purchasing Policy containing the following key aspects and elements: The University recognises that the purchase of goods and services may have an effect upon the environment and will seek to take account of those environmental, sustainable and social issues applicable to purchasing decisions. The University will, where applicable and practicable, include as part of the procedure, contract specification or criteria for any purchase: o Requirement to meet ISO o Use of EC energy labelling scheme or any other recognised equivalent. o Use of recognised eco labelling of building products such as the Green Guide to Specification and Green Pro o Use of a whole life costing matrix to take account of long-term environmental and economic factors. o Request for environmentally friendly alternatives to be offered. o Require identification of product areas which may have environmental and social hazards and o the procedures in place to deal with such hazards Require proof from suppliers that policies and procedures are in place to meet all statutory and regulatory requirements so that environmental and social responsibilities are met The University will actively encourage the purchase of products, which meet the foregoing environmental and social criteria and will further contribute by: - o Recognising that the public sector can influence and improve the environment through its activities with all stakeholders. o o o o Ensuring that suppliers are made aware of the University s Environmental Purchasing Policy. Encouraging, informing and assisting suppliers with continuous development of environmental and social policies. Ensuring that quality is seen not only as fitness for purpose but also shows socio-economic and environmental benefits. Encouraging all University buyers to take account of: the social and environmental impact of their purchases energy consumption and target setting for reduction the ability of a product to be re-used or recycled the biodegradability of a product the relevance of working conditions and fair pay to meet socio-economic standards. 12

14 A for Estates Management Implementation Development and implementation of policy factors and elements will be delivered under the Action Plan of the new institutional/proc-sni/proc-he Purchasing Strategy. 13

15 A for Estates Management Biodiversity Biodiversity Conservation Landscape areas play a major role within the University structure by enhancing the external environment. This is demonstrated throughout all the University sites with the interacting of plants, birds, mammals and insects within the Campus sites. The development and growth of Biodiversity is continual as the University environment changes. The University accepts its responsibility to minimise the detrimental impact, which may be caused by its own services and operations within the external landscape of the campus. Continuous programmes of improvements and monitoring within these areas will deliver this. The University will seek to enhance employee awareness of environmental issues and policies through staff training programmes; build environmental responsibilities into all service areas; and encourage and support employee initiatives in environmental improvement. Policy targets To promote designs and measures which will improve, encourage and protect University Biodiversity areas. To seek funding and resources to maintain and improve the existing Biodiversity areas for beneficial use. To protect the University Biodiversity areas by practising good conservation management. To promote the use of recycled and organic materials within these areas To minimise the use of artificial fertilisers, pesticides and insecticides Implementation By educating Estates Management staff on the topics and issues of biodiversity. By carefully considering the University s landscaping strategy and green-field development. By implementing landscaping on the occasion of green-field development, whilst considering local species of plant and wildlife. Through greater monitoring and controlling of harmful waste and chemical spillages into land and thus natural water system. By giving due consideration to Biodiversity conservation when any land remodelling/ development is proposed 14

16 A for Estates Management Utilities Estates Management is responsible for the purchasing, contracting, supply, invoicing, monitoring, control, and reporting on all utilities. These utilities are Electricity, Natural Gas, Water, and Fuel Oil. The University currently consumes 60,000MWh of natural gas, 40,000MWh of electricity, and 300,000m 3 of water per annum. Fuel oil is not generally consumed but retained as a stand-by fuel source for two central boiler houses. In terms of environmental pollution, the utility consumption levels equate to the total emission of 28,500tCO 2 pa. Estates Management is also responsible for the provision of space heating and cooling, process steam, process water, and ventilation. The demands and requirements from Academic & Administration Departments are required to be met to ensure that the business can operate successfully. Policy Targets To ensure that internal environments are kept to appropriate conditions determined from CIBSE, BREEAM and Carbon Trust Good Practice Guides. The environments of the buildings will mainly be controlled through a Building Energy Management System. To ensure that the utility consumption is used as effectively and efficiently as possible To attain Good, and preferably Best, practice targets for energy consumption To minimise waste To recognise sources of carbon and implement changes to reduce carbon emissions To operate Procedures that assist and reflect this Policy To ensure that all new/refurbishment projects reflect this Policy To demonstrate that when reduction cannot be achieved that consumption is at maximum efficiency To monitor & report on consumption, and target reductions in appropriate systems and areas To operate & maintain the plant & equipment in a responsible and responsive manner To invest in automatic controls, link these to central control, and utilise the technology to assist those tasked with operational duties, where this represents best environmental option. Legislative Requirements The following legislation is to be adhered to: HASAWA, etc, 1974 Building Regulations EU Energy Trading Scheme Greenhouse Gas Permit EU Energy Performance in Buildings Directive Future Targets These targets will be set from Best or Good Practice, with Good being the minimum standard, current to date of change. Published information from various sources will be used as the basis for the targets, and thereby the initiatives for improvements. Initiatives for Improvements It is implicit that the opportunities for improvements will lead to increased user satisfaction, reduced and/or more efficient utility consumption, reduced carbon emissions, and reduced utility costs. 15

17 A for Estates Management Materials Material selection is a fundamental decision in any design process whether it is a small refurbishment or major new build project. Commonly, the selection of the right materials will aim to enhance the appearance, improve the environmental performance and be durable to the wear and tear of daily use. The Materials policy will aim to steer the client or consultant, in the direction of a more sustainable choice of product, in coherence with current legislation. The selection of materials within the sustainable learning environment will not only consider construction materials but additionally, operational materials such as office supplies, cleaning products, etc. The targets set in the materials section are intended to put the onus on the consultant in the event of specifying construction materials. The important factor is to consider each choice of specification within the defined term sustainable learning environment. The final decision will be decided following consultation with Estates Management. Policy Targets To consider materials in terms of appearance, performance, low maintenance and durability To consider the embodied energy of all materials and cut back on high energy processed materials, where possible. To consider local sourcing of materials to cut down transport energy and encourage growth in local economy, where such materials are benign on health and local environment. To consider depletion of natural resources by avoiding virgin product materials where depletion of natural resources is not sustainable. Furthermore, to consider reuse/recycled materials sourcing. To consider materials in a Cradle to Cradle mentality in order to address packaging waste, potential for recycling/reuse or biodegradability. To consider the internal environment of a building where moisture control and avoidance of toxic off-gassing, fibre release and mould growth are priorities. Implementation The implementation of the above targets will be initially demonstrated in the defined major projects of the Estates Development Framework. To achieve targets, the duty is on the design team to specify materials that will conform to the targets, as much as financially possible, in relation to environmental, maintenance and social aspects. Implementation Objectives Consultant design teams will be required to provide specification list with evidence, which conforms to the policy targets. Final specification will be decided in consultation with Estates Management. 16

18 A for Estates Management Construction Sustainable construction deals with many issues from energy to waste. Estates Management is directly involved with a construction project from feasibility to project handover. The objective of sustainable construction lies within the responsibilities of the design team, the contractor and Estates. The build quality should give consideration to the level of finish when compared with maintenance issues. The objective of a quality construction finish should consider both the materials used and the maintenance aspects where low maintenance and a long life cycle are imperative. Where applicable and practicable, the construction of the building must also consider its impact on resources, both natural and utilitarian. In addition consideration must be given to minimisation of onsite pollution; adequate protection of surrounding biodiversity areas; increased awareness and response to health and safety issues, as well as proper consideration of the local community, including staff, students, members of the public and residents. In order to achieve this, Estates Management will look towards recognised validation of professionals such as The Considerate Contractors Scheme. In addition to this, Estates Management will require evidence of skills that ensure delivery of its aspirations. Policy Targets To consider methods of construction that will minimise onsite energy consumption To consider the method of construction and look to prefabrication / modularisation where possible To consider build-ability in relation to the site specification and environment, where this is consistent with reduction in adverse impacts. To consider appointment of contractor and, where possible, to consider contractors who employ a multi-skilled workforce and have a dedicated supply chain that demonstrates sustainability principles in its selection process. To consider contractors who are experienced in construction with relevant materials. To coordinate and audit trail sustainable checklist for each stage of design process from feasibility to completion Implementation The implementation of such a policy is to be piloted on initial major project and will follow suit on all other major projects within the Estates Development Framework. The policy may run in tandem on minor projects through completion of a successful minor pilot project. Implementation Objectives The objectives of the construction policy are to demonstrate, via a clearly auditable process for the delivery of projects undertaken by the University, that sustainability is embedded in their delivery and that the rational behind decisions that impact on sustainability are clearly identified, and their impact acknowledged, considered and auditable in the future. 17

19 A for Estates Management Waste The University will aim to minimise waste arising from its operations and to implement sound waste management practices. It will also aim to reduce the consumption of all materials and, wherever practicable, to actively encourage and enforce recycling and re-use. The will also develop the existing Environmental Policy by minimising the production of waste through good purchasing practice, reuse and economic recycling. Further to this, the University will seek to enhance employee awareness of environmental issues and policies through staff training programmes; build environmental responsibility into all service areas; and encourage and support employee initiatives in environmental improvement. Policy targets To promote measures to discourage waste; to recover, reuse and recycle waste material; and to ensure that the remainder is disposed of responsibly. To cultivate a work ethic with a high level of awareness of waste minimisation and recycling within the University community. To promote economy in the use of paper and the selection of print formats and document styles in harmony with this. To encourage the purchase of recycled materials and those which are suitable for disposal by recycling. To favour suppliers who remove packaging as part of their supply contract and obligations and who operate according to sound environmental principles. To minimise waste by encouraging the sharing, exchange and reuse of equipment and materials amongst departments. To develop a waste management strategy which accommodates recycling procedures and initiatives. To develop a range of Institution-wide recycling schemes, for example paper waste and the recycling of IT equipment. To encourage departments to establish local recycling schemes, which are relevant to their individual activities. To develop a waste management strategy that embraces Green Waste Issues. 18

20 A for Estates Management Landscaping Appealing landscapes play an important role by enhancing the external environment. This has been demonstrated within the University in the Rottenrow Gardens. The University accepts its responsibility to minimise the detrimental impact of its own services and operations on the environment within the Grounds and Gardens section. This will be delivered through a programme of continuous improvement within the area of sustainable development. The University will promote the implementation of resource-efficient landscaping practices which will help produce significant economic and environmental benefits. It is anticipated that savings such as reduced labour, reduced water, elimination of non-organic fertiliser costs, and the effective reduction in haulage and disposal costs, will be achieved. Through the implementation of practices such as grass recycling, composting and mulching, valuable organic material will be returned to the soil and will help achieve a sustainable Landscape. The University will also seek to enhance employee awareness of environmental issues and policies through staff training programmes; build environmental responsibility into all service areas; and encourage and support employee initiatives in environmental improvement. Policy targets To promote good designs and measures to protect and enhance the quality of landscaped areas and to improve the visual appearance and image of the University Estate. To protect the University s Landscape and local distinctiveness by conserving and maintaining the external landscape and areas of valuable character. To seek resources and funding to restore and improve the existing landscape areas for beneficial use. To promote sustainable Landscaping by enriching and protecting landscapes and open spaces and develop environmentally sustainable methods of land management which maximise opportunities. To promote the greening of the urban environment with appropriate landscaping and tree planting. To encourage the use of resource-efficient landscaping practices within the Estate. To minimise the use of artificial fertilisers, chemical weed killers and insecticides level, and reuse organic waste materials To replace existing trees with new local species when felled. To give due consideration to wildlife habitat conservation when any land remodelling or redevelopment is proposed. 19

21 A for Estates Management Transport Policy Travel Plan The University will develop and implement a travel plan tailored to its needs which promotes sustainable travel choices and reduces reliance on cars. The aim of the Plan will be to assist in the reduction of the impact of travel on the environment; cut congestion around the campuses; save money on business travel; and ensure the design of campuses which provide an attractive accessible environment thereby promoting walking and cycling which will, in turn, contribute to a healthier workforce. A set of mechanisms, initiatives and targets will be developed. This will be a dynamic process that will grow and develop with time and in accordance with the changing circumstances of the University and the environment in which it works. Policy Targets To provide a holistic approach to travel/transport requirements to support the John Anderson and Jordanhill Campus Development Plans To help resolve parking issues, accessibility and pedestrian flow. To promote increased activity levels within the campus, particularly walking and cycling. To develop a safe and attractive campus environment To strengthen transport links and influence City transport policy. To influence travel choices for students, staff and visitors. Three key roles of the University Implications As a business As a place of learning & research As a member of a community Environmental Cycle paths and footpaths Green fuels Open space on campus E-learning Research opportunities (e.g. climate change, alternative fuels, security, behavioural change, infrastructure) Urban regeneration Local Transport Plan Social Safe routes to University Late night student safety Healthy lifestyles Widening participation Timetabling Skills for sustainable transport Urban regeneration Local Transport Plans Economic Deliveries and fleet management Car parking strategies Estate management Student recruitment Expansion and mergers Risk management Local strategic partnerships International students air travel 20

22 A for Estates Management Fleet Management Estates Management currently owns a fleet of vehicles which are used for maintenance and movement of equipment and staff both throughout the campus and between campuses. The department has recently completed a vehicle replacement strategy, with phased replacement of existing stock commencing in This phased replacement will be continually reviewed in relation to the targets and implementation of this policy. Policy Targets To utilise sensibly Estates Management s vehicle fleet To reduce demand of vehicle fleet. To investigate the feasibility of alternative fuels, e.g. Bio Fuels, Advance Cells, Batteries, Gas etc. Reduce CO 2 emissions of vehicle fleet Implementation By collating data on current CO2 emissions (2005) and setting achievable targets for reduction, as well as influencing the strategic vehicle replacement programme. By subsequent registration with the Energy Savings Trust Transport Energy. By trial of a battery powered electric vehicle demonstrator with an intention to further utilise in the future By an annual review of resource usage with continuous examination of fleet capacity/sizes/carrying capacities to ensure vehicles are utilised sensibly. By building up a database of types/purposes of each journey to obtain accurate life cycle costs, and in turn, reducing fleet demand and optimising fleet usage 17

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