ASEAN GREEN HOTEL. Audit Checklist

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1 _ --- / ASEAN GREEN HOTEL Audit Checklist Nominee for Green Hotel Scope AuditTeam Date of audit Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Rating Score Audit Findings Major Criteria No.1 Environmental policy and actions for hotel operation 1.1 Promotion of List of Ml) Environmental Check proofs/documents regarding environmental activities in environmental policy/practice (compliant with environmental policies/practices. order to encourage the activities / programs the international standard) shall involvement of hotel staff, implemented in be defined and documented by clients and suppliers to connection with the top management, and easily participate in environmental encouragement of accessible as evidence of the management practices. staff / clients / organization. suppliers to M2) The organization shall nterview staffs and observe participate in. communicate environmental communication channels within the policy/practice to staff, clients and suppliers to participate in. hotel, such as, advertisement boards, brochures, websites etc

2 Rating Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Score Audit Findings Existence of plan for Environmental M) The organization shall Check environmental management raising staff to be aware of awareness raising establish environmental training plans. environment i.e. training. plan (s). management training plan for staff's improvement. M2) The orga n i zation shall Check training forms and records. maintain up-to-date training records. M3) The organization shall Check environmental activity plan establish environmental activity and evidence related to encouraging plan to encourage staff, (clients) staff and suppliers to participate in and suppliers to participate. environmental activities M4) Environmental activities of Check records of environmental the organization shall be activities participated in by clients recorded; including activities and suppliers such as pictures, participated in by staffs, (clients) registration forms, etc. and suppliers. 1.3 Existence of Hotel M) Environmental Check documented environmental environmental management environmental management plan shall be management plan and its plan for hotel operation. management plan established, documented and implementation. implemented e.g. implemented by the laundry and kitchen. organization. 2

3 Rating Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Score Audit Findings 2) The organization shall have Check documents related to evidences on environmental activities; for example, monthly energy saving report, monthly water saving report, monthly result of waste water monitoring, monthly monitoring environmentall activities such as monthly energy saving report, monthly water saving report, monthly result of waste water monitoring, monthly information of reducing solid waste quantity etc. information of reducing solid waste quantity, etc. 3 ) Evidences shall be provided Check evidence/s in accordance by the organization as specified with clause 1) plan. 1.4 Existence of monitoring Measurement of 1) The organization shall have Check the organization's program for environmental programs / activity measurement method and measurement method and interview management of hotels compliments. monitoring team to evaluate the monitoring team. environmental activity plans. M2) The organization shall Check evidences for continuous provide evidences of continuous improvement and development in environmental activity plans. improvement and development in environmental activity planning; for example, management reports and announcements or regulations related to environment protection

4 Rating Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Score Audit Findings Major Criteria No.2 Use of Green products 2.1 Encouragement for the Purchasing criteria Ml) The organization shall have use of local products for of local product a policy or a regulation to hotel operation i.e. food and support and encourage the use of local handicrafts. promotion. product. Check documented policy or regulation on the procedures in product procurements from local suppliers. Check products and purchasing bills. 2) The rooms, restaurants, lobbies, and etc. shall be decorated with local products. Check local and environmentallyfriendly products used Jpurchased (green labelled products, food and handicrafts) as decors. 3) The organization shall use local food product. Check evidences related to obtaining local food products in the restaurant. 2.2 Encouragement for the Green procurement 1) The organization shall have a use of environmentally- criteria in use. policy or a regulation to friendly products. encourage the use of Check the organization's policies and practices on the procedures in product procurements. environmentally-friendly products. 2) The organization shall use environmentally-friendly and biodegradable products. Check evidences related to the use of environmentally-friendly products. 4

5 Score Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Audit Findings Rating Major Criteria No 3. Collaboration with the community and local organizations 3.1 Existence of plans / List of community Ml The organization shall Check the organization's plans and activities to help improve quality of life establish plans or arrange activities towards improving quality quality of life of the improvement. activities for improving quality of life of the local community. community. of life for example, health and education in the local areas. 2) The organization shall nspect the evidence of conform ity provide evidences of conformity with activity plans. with activity plans, for example, activities, reports or pictures etc. nterview when, where, by whom they were held and how often they were conducted. 3.2 Existence of awareness Environmental 1) The organization shall Check evidences related to the raising programs for local protection establish awareness organization's support for local community on awareness programs/activities on cultural protection and conservation environmental protection. programs / activities environmental protection for activities. implemented in the the local community. community by hotel 2) The organization shall Check evidences of implemented / hotel staff. provide evidences in conformity programs and activities, such as 3.3 with its programs/activities. projects, reports and pictures Creation of activities in Cultural /ocal living 1) The organization shall Check evidences of the promoting culture and promotional conceive a project or establish organization's support for local traditional performance and activities activity for promotion of local traditional and cultural activities. local ways of life. implemented in the tradition and culture. past years. 5

6 Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Score Audit Findings Rating 2) The organization shall have Check evidences for operative evidences in conformity with evaluation reports in accordance plans. with the organization plans. 3.4 Creation of job Comparative 1) The organization shall Check evidences for the opportunity for local fraction of local and conceive a project or establish organization's support for local job community. non-local activity plans for supporting opportunities; such as, professional employments in local workforces. training for local people. hotel. 2) The organization shall Check the evidences related to provide evidences according to activity plans, for example reports or activity plans. pictures of activities. 3) The organization shall Check evidences related to staff support or create job recruitment such as opportunity for its local Job advertisement, application community. forms, and employee's records or interview HR. 4.1 Provision of training Environmental M1) Environmental training Check environmental training plans. programs for operation and management plan shall be documented by management staff on training programs / the organization and environmental management. activities created announced to staff. implemented by hotel for staff in the past years (1-2 years). 6

7 Score Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Audit Findings Rating 2) Environmental training Check the evaluation of training curriculum/ module of staff shall be evaluated. curriculum/ module and staff interviews. 3) The organization shall Check staff training records. provide records of environmental training. Major Criteria No.5 Solid Waste Management System 5.1 ntroduction of waste M1) Waste management shall Waste handling and Check documents related to management techniques e.g. management abide by the law or be in waste management such as waste reduction, reuse, training programs / accordance with relevant documents containing principles activities or methods for waste handling, recycling, waste separation implemented in the academic frameworks, for conduct and composting. past years for staff. example, assessment may be inspection, interview the done through exploring records of waste volume and provision of spaces for waste segregation staff responsible for waste management and explore the records of waste volume, etc.. etc. 2) The organization shall apply Check evidences showing the 3R's principles for solid waste management. utilization of 3R principles in the organization and interview employees on their understanding of 3R principles. 7

8 ---_._ Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Rating Score Audit Findings 5.2 Encouragement of the Programs / activities 1) The organization shall Check evidences on the involvement of hotel staff in encouraging conceive a project or activity organization's activity plans and waste reduction, reuse, involvement of plans for encouraging good waste management plan. practices on waste recycling, waste separation hotel staff in waste management in the and composting program. handling and organization, for example, management in the past years. waste reduction, reuse, recycling, waste segregation. 2) The organization shall Check evidences of waste provide evidences showing that activities are carried out according to the plans. management activities, such as, employee interview reports and photos of activities. 5.3 Encouragement of the Programs / activities 1) The organization shall Check evidences on the involvement of hotel guests encouraging guest communicate through public organization's public relation to in reuse, involvements in announcement or in-house communicate its waste activities to encourage its management approaches, for recycling, waste separation. waste handling, customers to participate in example, documented management and waste management programs. advertisements and public boards minimization in the etc. past years. 8

9 Score Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Audit Findings 2) The organization shall Observe working sites and Rating support waste sorting activities into different types, such as, interview relevant persons involved in waste sorting activities. non-recyclable-waste, recyclable waste, hazardous waste according to different waste management methods requirement etc. and provide the different colors of recycle bins in the public areas and guest rooms. 3) The organization shall have Observe working sites and activities encouraging guests to support waste management of interview guests involved in waste sorting activities. the hotel, for example giving the options of using recyclable/biodegradable plastics/fabric bags to the guests. 9

10 Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Score Audit Findings Rating Major Criteria No.6 Energy efficiency 6.1 ntroduction of energy nstallation and use Ml) The organization shall Check activity plans and policies saving techniques and / or of energy efficient establish plans, policies and related to energy saving. energy saving technology technologies and activities encouraging the and equipment for hotel to techniques in hotel saving of energy. reduce energy consumption. in the past years. M2) The organization shall Observe working sites or inside organization's equipment storage or selectively utilize electrical energy saving rating labels on appliances and equipment with electrical appliances. energy saving efficiency, for example, energy efficient lighting, or low loss ballast and other appliances certified with the highest energy saving rated as No.5. 3) The organization shall Check evidence of staff involvement in energy efficiency, for example, encourage staff to be involved energy saving check list. in energy efficiency activities nterview hotel staff. 6.2 nstallation of meters / nstallation of Ml) The organization shall Check locations at which energy equipment to monitor power and energy efficiently design the metering equipment are installed. energy consumption. consumption installation sites of power and Check maintenance records for such metering technologies. energy metering equipment. equipment. 10

11 Rating Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Score Audit Findings 2) The organization shall Check energy consumption records. separately collect records of energy consumption for every location. 6.3 Encouragement of the nvitation and 1) The organization shall Check communication channel to involvement of hotel guests encouragement encourage guests to save encourage guests to participate in energy saving programs. in energy saving. messages to hotel energy, possibly using energyguests promoting energy efficiency in the hotel. saving friendly reminders in the guest rooms and advertisement boards. Major Criteria No.7 Water efficiency and water quality 7.1 ntroduction of nstallation and use Ml) The organization shall Check evidences water saving techniques and of water efficient establish plans or activities for of water saving plan or activities. lor use of water saving technologies and water saving and encouraging technology and equipment practices in the efficient water consumption. to reduce water hotel in the past M2) The organization shall Check the manual of reducing water consumption. years. document a guideline for consumption for example notice, reducing water consumption of instruction and manual. staff. 3) The organization shall use Check working area and efficient water sanitary ware. efficient water sanitary ware such as automatic tap, low-flow dual flush toilet, etc. 11

12 Rating Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Score Audit Findings 4) The organization shall re-use Check reusing water in landscape. water for proper activities according to law and in a safe way. MS) The organization shall collect data and statistics of Check evidences and statistical data of water consumption. water consumption and expenses. 7.2 Regular maintenance for Maintenance 1) The organization shall Check evidences of maintenance water saving equipment. reports of establish maintenance plan of plan of sanitary ware or water saving equipment in hotel properties. engineering team sanitary ware or water saving on water efficient technologies. equipment; including checking leak water area. 2) The organization shall Check evidences of maintaining plan record the result of maintaining plan of sanitary ware or water of sanitary ware or water saving equipment in hotel properties. saving equipment; including checking the areas with leaking water. 12

13 Rating Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Score Audit Findings 7.3 Encouragement of the Promotional media 1) The organization shall Observe the communication channel involvement of hotel guest in / practices for hotel encourage guests to participate for water saving campaign. water saving. guests on water in water saving campaign, for efficiency involvements. instance, water saving friendly reminder in guest rooms and advertisement board. 2) The organization shall Observe the communication channel provide a regulation for water on water saving. saving and asking for cooperation from clients, for example, defining the frequency of changing bed 7.4 sheet and towel, etc. Ensure the quality of Water quality Ml) The organization shall Check the water quality testing plan. water used in the hotel. testing establish a plan to test the quality of water consumed at least once a year. M2) The organization shall Check the water quality testing provide the water quality report and monitoring report, if any. testing report according to related standard. 13

14 Rating Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Score Audit Findings 3) The organization shall have Check contingency plan in case the contingency plan in case the water consumed does not meet water consumed does not meet the standard. the standard. Major Criteria No.8 Air Quality management (indoor and outdoor) 8.1 Designation of smoking Photo of designated M1) The organization shall Observe working area. and non-smoking area. smoking and non- provide separate smoking area smoking areas in the hotel. from center area and post the symbol. M2) The organization shall Observe communication channel for launch non-smoking campaigns in the hotel. launching non-smoking campaign in the hotel. 8.2 Regular monitoring and Maintenance report M1) The organization shall Check the maintenance plan of maintenance of equipment of air conditioning / establish maintenance plan of generator and air conditioning system. and hotel facilities to ensure ventilating generator and air conditioning the air quality i.e. air technologies to system. conditioning. ensure good air 2) The organization shall record Check maintenance records in quality in the hotel. the result of the maintenance conformity with maintenance plan. in accordance with the maintenance plan. 14

15 Score Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Audit Findings Rating Major Criteria No.9 Noise pollution control 9.1 Existence of noise Program of activities M1) The organization shall set Check evaluated evidences of control program for hotel implemented in the up the activities for checking noise source and effects, such operation. hotel to ensure noise sources and evaluating as level of noise, etc. noise control. the effects to guests and local residences. M2) The organization shall Check guidelines to control noise, define guidelines of noise control system and apply the appropriate means to reduce such as notice, advertisement, campaign etc. and observe the effects of noise pollution on the working area. noise, if any. Major Criteria No.10 Waste water treatment and management 10.1 The use of mechanisms Program M) Waste water treatment Check waste water treatment system to prevent water implementation on system plan shall be plan. contamination and reduce minimization of documented by the waste water generation. water organization. contamination and pollution prevention in hotel in the past years. 15

16 Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Rating Score Audit Findings M2) The organization shall Check documents related to prevent have a method to evaluate the risk of water contamination in hotel activities. water contamination and observe working area with the risk of water contamination, for example, kitchen water system and drain system. M3) The organization shall Check water contamination have an evaluation report for the risk of water contamination evaluation report and contingency plan in case of water contamination. and corrective and preventive actions in hotel activities Promotion of the use Proof of hotel's 1) The organization shall Check policy, guidelines and of recyclable/grey water in promotion to reuse establish a policy or a guideline evidences of reusing water. operation i.e. watering trees. water and use of of water reuse for example, for treated water in hotel. watering plants. 2) The organization shall have Check evidences, observe working activities in conformity with policy or guideline of water area and interview workers about water reuse i.e. for watering plants. reuse for example, for watering plants Encouragement for an mplementation of Ml) The organization shall Observe the waste water treatment appropriate use of waste waste water provide waste water treatment area. water treatment. treatment in hotel. system suitable for size and activities of hotel where there is no support of waste water treatment system outside. 16

17 Rating Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Score Audit Findings M2) The organization shall Check waste water treatment system provide a report of waste control and maintenance report. water treatment system control and maintenance, if applicable. M3) The organization shall provide waste water quality Check waste water quality testing report. testing report according to the related standard if applicable. M4) The organization shall install a grease trap system in Observe the area for grease trap system installation. kitchen, restaurant and grease contaminated area. S) The organization shall have a Check contingency plan. contingency plan in case the waste water does not meet the standard, if applicable. Major Criteria No.n Toxic and chemical substance disposal management 11.1 Provision of clear signs Clear and M1) The organization shall for toxic substance. understandable make lists of toxic chemicals Check the lists of toxic and hazardous chemicals, including other indications of storage and use of chemicals in the hotel. including hazardous waste from hotel activities, if applicable. information such as documented hazardous waste from hotel activities

18 Rating Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Score Audit Findings 2) The organization shall Observe hazardous chemical symbol present hazardous chemical in the working area. symbols in conformity with the international law's requirements. 3) The organization shall have a Observe the storage area of safe place isolated from its hazardous and toxic substances staff and clients for storing hazardous and toxic substances Appropriate hazardous Hazardous waste M1) The organization shall Check material safety data sheet waste disposal management. handling and provide material safety data (MSDS). disposal practices in sheet (MSDS). the hotel - training M2) The organization shall Check evidences of hazardous waste of staff on the properly specify hazardous disposal management. hazardous waste management waste disposal management to guests and hotel staff. handling. 3) The organization shall Check evidences of staff training such provide training and seminar as training records, pictures, etc. necessary for improving knowledge about hazardous waste disposal management. 18

19 Rating Requirement ndicators Criteria of audit Audit Guidance Score Audit Findings M4) The organization shall Check evidences in conformity with dispose of hazardous waste the specified method. according to its waste management plans. 5) The organization shall Observe communication channels on communicate information about hazardous waste disposal management to guests hazardous waste disposal management in the working sites and interview guests., and hotel staff, for example, using friendly reminder, brochures, advertisements boards, etc Regular inspection, Maintenance and 1) The organization shall Check evidences related to methods cleaning and maintenance inspection reports specify methods of cleaning of reducing hazardous waste such as for storage in order to avoid on chemical, fuel, and maintenance of the records of meetings reports, announcements, etc. leakage of gas or toxic gas and hazardous storage area for hazardous and chemical substance. agents in hotel. toxic chemical substance. 2) The organization shall - Check evidences of organization's implement methods of cleaning and maintenance of achievement in reducing hazardous and toxic substance usage level. the storage area for hazardous and toxic substance. 3) The organization shall Check the monitoring report on the 19

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