Construction and Application of Logistics Information Tracking System Based on RFID Technology

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1 Construction and Application of Logistics Information Tracking System Based on RFID Technology Shandong Yingcai University, Abstract: Based on frequency identification and electronic product code technology, this paper proposes a throughout the whole process of supply chain logistics information tracking system model for a variety of customers, logistics information tracking platform. Logistics information tracking system is constructed according to the model, the basic working process of the system design. EPCIS event types for the logistics information tracking system and EPC data and extract the data storage design, Aggregation events, for example, the XML language, to describe the EPCIS event, Finally Aggregation event tracking algorithm. Logistics information tracking system applications will play an important role in logistics process supervision, logistics visualization management. Keywords: Radio Frequency Identification; Electronic Product Code; Logistics Information Tracking; Aggregation 1. Introduction Radio frequency identification is the use of the RF signal and its spatial coupling transmission characteristics, automatic identification of goods to be stationary or moving machine identification. RFID tag has a small size, large capacity, long life, can be reused and so can support fast reading and writing, visual recognition, mobile identification, multi-target identification, positioning, and long-term follow-management. EPC (Electronic Product Code) is the core to provide a unique electronic identifier, and the introduction of rapid and accurate acquisition of the data of the field of logistics for RFID provides a good solution for each product. EPC and RFID, Internet technology, wireless communication technology, database technology, constructed EPC Network, will be applied to all aspects of logistics, commodity production, transportation, warehousing, sales and consumption of the whole process of tracking and achieve logistics management Visualization and merchandise security purposes, and has broad prospects for development. 2. Building significance of logistics information tracking system International Organization for Standardization :1949 Traceability is defined as: the ability to determine the origin, purpose and location of an entity by the record identification In modern logistics and supply chain of goods from the manufacturer to the vendor, and ultimately reaches the consumer to experience numerous aspects of the production, storage, transportation, distribution and sales. Users of the various links in the supply chain through information tracking system can get real-time status of goods and position to develop appropriate scheduling strategy can improve the efficiency of logistics transit and logistics information transparency level, Logistics and supply chain information management system using barcode acquisition of goods information, this way there is limited information, inefficient, error rate, the lack of real-time monitoring. In the supply chain link the deployment of RFID system, through the EPC network data acquisition, storage and processing data can be goods visual tracking, improve the efficiency of management of the supply chain. Therefore, building the RFID/EPC-based logistics information tracking system has important significance. Journal of Convergence Information Technology(JCIT) Volume8, Number10, May 2013 doi: /jcit.vol8.issue

2 3. Logistics information tracking system structure The main line of supply chain logistics information tracking system around "production, storage, transportation, distribution, sales", from production to sales of goods until the consumer full information tracking, which provide services for different users. Tracking and tracing individual user tracking logistics information system applications for the purchase of goods, obtain information commodity security check; suppliers, vendors can adjust production and sales plans through logistics information tracking system in a timely manner; logistics enterprises through the tracking system timely adjust warehousing, distribution plan; government agencies regulated commodity logistics tracking system. According to the multi-user, multi-link requirements to build logistics information tracking system model is shown in Figure 1, the system uses the application layer, collaboration layer, service layer, base layer, four-layer architecture. Operation and management system Standards system Figure 1. Logistics information tracking system model diagram The base layer is supported by the hardware platform and the EPC network system composed of two parts. Hardware support platform, including server systems, storage systems, and disaster recovery 838

3 system structure. Server system for logistics information tracking system run servers run support. Storage systems for all types of data storage. Disaster recovery system can be unexpected problems, to ensure the integrity of the logistics information tracking system. The EPC network system mainly includes three parts of the network system, the data acquisition system and tracking of goods. The network system is mainly constituted by the INTERNET, Wi-Fi and GPS. The data acquisition system includes electronic tags, reader, PDA, bar code readers, data collection devices such as composition. Through the establishment of base layer system, provides the data source for the logistics information tracking system. The services layer includes directory services, search and tracking service, information distribution services, and workflow services. The directory service is used to find that query RFID data information and access; retrieval service based on EPC code to retrieve all the relevant product information to collate feedback based on user needs; tracking service to collect goods in the life cycle of all process information, organize and provide tracking, traceability, security and other services; information distribution services using a publish / subscribe way to provide users with the commodity-related composite event information; workflow system service layer between the data source of the base layer and application layer user interaction, business automation. The cooperation layer data exchange service management and service management. The data exchange service management to establish the basic parameters for the unified application layer user data exchange server to manage the data server, data types, data node, user routing, user agreements, data availability, etc., to achieve data exchange service center data changes synchronization. Service management including the exchange service management, service classification management, publishing and management of standard functions, business rules released. Service Management is to provide information services for the service layer and application layer intermediary. The application layer is the system for user-developed applications. Individual users through the application layer, manufacturers, logistics companies, vendors, government agencies can track inquiries logistics information. Tracking and tracing individual user tracking logistics information system applications for the purchase of goods, obtain information commodity security check; suppliers, vendors can adjust production and sales plans through logistics information tracking system in a timely manner; logistics enterprises through the tracking system timely adjust warehousing, distribution plan; government agencies regulated commodity logistics tracking system. 4. Logistics information tracking system network structure The main line of supply chain logistics information tracking system around "production, storage, transportation, distribution, sales", from production to sales of goods until the consumer full information tracking, which provide services for different users. Logistics information tracking system applications across the enterprise, cross-regional, cross-industry, EPC the carrier of this information on a variety of information acquisition, processing and dissemination, which requires each application node work together and share data. According to the multi-user, multi-link requirements to build logistics information tracking system network architecture is shown in Figure

4 Government organization Internet Individual users Query Information flow Query Logistics tracking system Logistics Root ons System server System database Information flow Information flow Information flow ONS EPCIS Database server ONS EPCIS Database server ONS EPCIS Database server RFID acquisition Manufacturers RFID acquisition Logistics companies RFID acquisition Vendors Logistics Logistics Figure 2. Logistics information tracking system model diagram In the model diagram, the goods in the supply chain from production, logistics, sales, and finally reached the hands of the user, the ownership of goods constantly change, so the commodity supply chain to form a supply chain network, each of the manufacturers, logistics companies, vendors become a node in the supply chain network. RFID information collected by the underlying data source is respectively stored into the node corresponding to the information service. So, the circulation of goods on the reality of the supply chain process, which is the process of the commodity flow of information in the EPC network node. The traditional LAN layout node enterprise's internal network, set the RFID reader devices the local ONS (Object Name Service) and the database server, when users through EPC goods inquiries, you can get the appropriate information. The root ONS server and database server set up server logistics information tracking system will obtain the EPC coding time integration to form a complete the logistics tracking information, relying on the Internet to provide inquiry services. 5. Implementation of the logistics information tracking system According to the established structure based logistics information tracking system, the establishment of logistics information tracking system and algorithm. 5.1 The basic flow of logistics information tracking system The basic workflow logistics information tracking system is shown in Figure

5 Figure 3. Logistics information tracking system flow chart Users to submit requests for tracking commodities, data server is automatically selected based on regional data server; referred to the tracking information tracking system queries the data server will query the service request. Read an EPC code reader from the product label. EPC code middle ware upload local server, local server EPC code sent to the root encoding parse server query, find local encoding parse server address; EPC code is sent to the local encoding resolution server resolution service, calculated EPC encoding corresponding enterprise coding, find the IP address of the enterprise tracking services; tracking information service based on the enterprise IP address for service information, upload logistics information tracking system. Logistics information tracking system will query results returned to the user. 5.2 Logistics information tracking system data storage Commodity tracking information, through the distribution of the various links in the logistics node EPCIS (Electronic Product Code Information Service) to record the event of EPC RFID reader to capture EPCIS provides for five kinds EPC event types, corresponding to the five kinds of events, including a base class and four sub-classes. EPCISEvent basic events, it is the parent class of all other types of events; ObjectEvent event information for a single commodity; QuantityEvent said the incident occurred in a commodity; polymerization event; TransactionEvent events pertaining to commercial transactions. By tracking the logistics information system model analysis, the extract derived EPCIS events based on supply chain logistics information tracking system as shown in Table 1. Table 1. Logistics information tracking system EPCIS event list Event Event ID Event Name Event Type Production processes 0001 Off the production line ObjectEvent Storage areas Product storage Product packaging The product out of the library TransactionEvent Distribution sectors Distribution warehousing Sorting on-line Sorting offline Distribution out of the library Transport loading Transportation tracking Transport Unloading TransactionEvent ObjectEvent TransactionEvent ObjectEvent Transport links 841

6 The sales cycle Goods storage Goods sorting Merchandise sales TransactionEvent ObjectEvent Query links 0015 Goods query ObjectEvent EPCIS event system database design, to get the the EPCIS database table design shown in Figure 4, according to the design of the database table, Commodity event tracking data stored in a database table. The system design uses SQL Server database system database implementations. Figure 4. EPCIS events database table EPCIS event set to be defined in the form of XML, describing the contents of the EPC events. Some of the enterprises on the supply chain existing application systems such as ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning), the WMS (Warehouse Management System), POS systems (Point of Sale), etc., these systems different formats and data types. The system data through into unified format XML object, thus shielding on the application system of supply chain between the isomerism. The following code is a case study of XML description. 1. <> 2. <eventtime> t03:51:00z</eventtime> 3. <recordtime> t09:30:47.0z</recordtime> 4. <parentid>urn:epc:id:sscc: </parentid> 5. <childepcs> 6. <epc>urn:epc:id:sgtin: </epc> 7. <epc>urn:epc:id:sgtin: </epc> 8. <epc>urn:epc:id:sgtin: </epc> 9. <epc>urn:epc:id:sgtin: </epc> 10. <epc>urn:epc:id:sgtin: </epc> 11. </childepcs> 12. <action>add</action> 13. <bizstep>urn:epcglobal:hls:bizstep:casetopalletaggregation</bizstep> 14. <disposition>urn:epcglobal:hls:disp:active</disposition> 15. <readpoint> 16. <id>urn:epcglobal:fmcg:loc: rp-2</id> 17. </readpoint> 18. <bizlocation> 19. <id>urn:epcglobal:fmcg:loc: </id> 20. </bizlocation> 21. <biztransactionlist> 22. <biztransaction type= urn:epcglobal:fmcg:btt:pack"> 23. urn:epcglobal:fmcg:bti:pack: </biztransaction> 24. </biztransactionlist> 25. <hls:temperature>22</hls:temperature> 842

7 26. </> 5.3 Event tracking algorithm Logistics information tracking system represented by ObjetEvent, QuantityEvent,, TransactionEvent, event as an example, the algorithm is extract all event EPC as a child element. Analysis event, packing, unpacking, repacking Event tracking algorithm pseudo code is as follows: 1. traceepc(targetepc) 2. action := {add, delete, observe} 3. //query to all event list related to targetepc 4. //EPCIS SimpleQueryParameters are MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID. 5. tracelist := queryallevents (targetepc) 6. if(tracelist!= null) 7. // extract Aggregation Events includes targetepc as children. 8. aggevents = extractagg(tracelist) 9. if(aggevents.length > 0 ) 10. for each parentid in aggevents 11. case 1: a parentid is only aggregated to the targetepc tracelist = tracelist υ addtrace(aggevent action.add) recur traceepc(parentid) 12. case 2: a parentid is only disaggregated to the targetepc 13. tracelist = tracelist deletiontrace(aggevent action.add) recur traceepc(parentid) 14. case 3: a parentid is aggregated and disaggregated to the targetepc 15. tracelist = tracelist addanddeletiontrace(aggevent action.add action.delete) 16. recur traceepc(parentid) 17. case 4: a parentid == null 18. return tracelist 19. else if(tracelist == null) 20. return tracelist Packing tracking algorithm pseudo-code is as follows: addtrace(aggevent) 1. // query to all event list related to parentid after the aggregation time 2. // EPCIS SimpleQueryParameters are MATCH_epc, GE_eventTime. 3. tracelist = tracelist aqueryallevents(aggeventparentid,aggeventeventtime) 4. return tracelist The unboxing tracking algorithm pseudo-code is as follows: deletiontrace(aggevent) 1. // query to all event list related to parentid before the aggregation time 2. // EPCIS SimpleQueryParameters are MATCH_epc, LT_eventTime. 3. tracelist = tracelist queryallevents (aggeventparentid,aggeventeventtime) 4. return tracelist Repacking tracking algorithm pseudo-code as follows: addanddeletointrace(aggevent1, aggevent2) 1. // query to all event list related to parentid before the aggregation time 2. // EPCIS SimpleQueryParameters are MATCH_epc, GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime. 3. tracelist = tracelist queryallevents (aggevent1parentid, aggevent1eventtime, aggevent2eventtime) 4. return tracelist The code is the main achievement of the main track to achieve Aggregation events, and event 843

8 decomposition action action action, deletion, addanddeletion three actions, and every action stored in tracelist in, enabling time series query process. Goods - Warehousing - Distribution - Transportation - Sales - query all the links from production through event analysis, mainly ObjectEvent, QuantityEvent, and TransactionEvent events constituted by the algorithm can achieve the same the other three events EPC tracelistshielded through XML heterogeneous data sources, time to form the track list, composed of logistics information tracking system to provide users with the tracking and tracing service. 6. Conclusion This paper focuses on the main line of the supply chain of goods from production to sales, build a logistics information tracking system model based on the supply chain, through the EPC information carrier on a variety of information is acquired, processed and released to different users in different locations can commodities track to meet different user requirements. Aggregation events, for example, the algorithm design. Algorithm design of other events will be more perfect. Implementation of logistics information tracking system can extract, the commodity logistics process tracking information can play a regulatory role in to play visual management of the logistics process, is bound to play a role in promoting the construction of logistics information. 7. References [1] PANKAJ K. AGARWAL,JUNYI XIE,JUN YANG et al.input-sensitive Scalable Continuous Join Query Processing[J].ACM transactions on database systems,2009,34(3): [2] Ryan H. Choi,Raymond K. Wong.Efficient Filtering of Branch Queries for High-Performance XML Data Services[J].Journal of Database Management,2009,20(2): [3] AUTO-ID. [4] Fosstrak Project. [5] Quan Z. Sheng,Sherali Zeadally,Aikaterini Mitrokotsa et al.rfid technology, systems, and applications[j].journal of network and computer applications,2011,34(3): [6] H.H. Cheung,S.H. Choi.Implementation issues in RFID-based anti-counterfeiting systems[j].computers in Industry,2011,62(7): [7] Dijiang Huang, Mayank Verma. A Distributed epedigree Architecture. Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Workshopon Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems. [8] EPCglobal. EPC Information Services (EPCIS) Version Specification, September [9] ETH Zürich. Fosstrak. [10] Wen Zhao, Xinpeng Li, Dianxing Liu,Yu Huang, Shikun Zhang, SaaS mode based Region RFID Public Service Platform, Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology, 2008 Page(s): [11] Xiaowei Zhu, Samar K. Mukhopadhyay, Hisashi Kurata A review of RFID technology and its managerial applications in different industries[j] Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 29 (2012) [12] Xiuhe Yu, Xitong Guo, Yuqiang Feng, Qiyan Yao, "A RFID-based Collaborative Process Management Approach for Real-time Food Quality Management", AISS, Vol. 4, No. 10, pp. 34 ~ 43, 2012 [13] Wei Lifeng, Ji Jianwei, Xu Jiawang, "Research on the Production Logistics Information Terminal Based on RFID Technology", JDCTA, Vol. 6, No. 20, pp. 114 ~ 121, 2012 [14] Sunong Wu, "Design and Development of Real-time Production Monitoring System Base on RFID and Multi-Agent Technology", AISS, Vol. 4, No. 22, pp. 690 ~ 697, 2012 [15] He Xu, Suo-ping Wang, Ru-chuan Wan, "Reliability based Radio Frequency Identification Reader Redundant Optimization Model in Electronic Product Code Network", IJACT_CST, Vol. 4, No. 18, pp. 577 ~ 584, 2012 [16] Xiaopu Shang, Runtong Zhang, Donghua Chen, Ying Chen, "Agent-based EPC-RFID Network for Smart Awareness System", AISS, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 349 ~ 356, 2011 [17] D. Y. Sha, Guo-Liang Lai, "Building an Innovative Digital Content Information System to Improve Service Quality of Retail Stores", IJACT, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 819 ~ 827,

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