Engineering Management Introduced At Bowling Green State University

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1 Engineering Management Introduced At Bowling Green State University Engineering Management (EM) is proposed as a new technical base, both programatically and as a major, as part of the re-engineering process for Manufacturing Technology at BGSU. The reengineering process has been in motion for several years, recently culminating with substantial input from the Integrated Manufacturing Studies Advisory Committee (IMSAC) in fall, Although graduates and alumni of the manufacturing program are greatly sought after, the primary problem at BGSU has been attracting freshmen. Faculty have re-engineered the program within a proposed name change and appropriate content shifts to alleviate this problem. This provides the findings reported by faculty working cohesively for the future, according to: o EM defined o Shifting the base, EM background, context for change o EM learning outcomes structure and assessment o Recommended course, curriculum, changes o Summary and conclusion EM Defined EM strives to bring design to market, as product, emphasizing a value adding stream of services. The EM program prepares technical managers for positions in the industrial enterprise to function organizationally to drive, manage and lead positive change. While there is a definite manufacturing base in EM, it also addresses non-manufacturing organizations and functions. Although the EM graduate is not an engineer, they will be able to guide and lead engineers. Similarly, they will understand the variables that drive financial reports and how to control these economic variables. This person may be a quality engineer or a quality manager, understanding quality functions and how to build culture to provide the right product at the right time and price. This person also understands that the best products will return zero profit if there is no demand. EM embodies three important professional bodies through long affiliations. This includes the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), the American Society for Quality (ASQ), and the National Association of Industrial Technology (NAIT). Each of these professional groups have long been strongly affiliated with the Manufacturing Program at BGSU, and their rubrics and guiding principles have been considered as a basis for change, helping define EM at BGSU 1. Shifting The Base, EM Background, Context For Change The EM shift is being done to be congruent with changes as part of IMSAC work, but also as a articulated faculty vision to the Dean, IMSAC and others, and our new customers for the future 1 One strong indication of this is input by Greg Hutchins, writing as a guest editorial in the Society of Manufacturing Engineers Journal, Manufacturing Engineering, February 2004 edition (pages 18-19). Hutchins reported 15 competency gaps identified through research since 1997 by SME. 1

2 (students and others). Clearly, EM is a signal of technical changes which are occurring and the necessity of the faculty to stay on the leading edge, programmatically, offering: o Better fit within the departmental name, Technology Systems o A fresh start and identity, a clean break from the past o Substantial focus on what we do best, as best practices o An integrative, inclusive umbrella for all programs, not manufacturing only o Fresh views, opportunities and of course, challenges o Unique technical base on and off campus, opening new doors o Stronger identity and recruitment position, both in high schools and as o Enhanced marketing strategies, related to, and built on, the above EM acknowledges strong past successes collectively, in Manufacturing Technology. Several engineering titles and functions reflect what past graduates do in highly successful ways: Process Engineer, Applications Engineer, Quality Engineer, Research Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Plant Engineer, Industrial Engineer, Logistics Engineer, Sales Engineer, among others. While these are not degreed or professional engineers, their importance cannot be denied. EM also reflects other job titles and management professional areas including Quality Manager, Engineering Manager, Manufacturing Manager, Project Manager, Plant Manager, Research And Development Manager, Sales Manager, Service Manager, Materials Manager, among others. While not inclusive of all job titles or functions past graduates very ably fulfill, this illustrates strong connections in place with the broad title of EM. It is believed that by better articulating a strong message of EM leadership and function for American and global industry, this will strengthen the Technology Systems Department, College of Technology, BGSU and beyond. As part of the technical team of talent required to keep America strong and competitive, EM uplifts and focuses faculty efforts for the future, similar to what Manufacturing Technology has been in the past, enabling a rebirth and re-engineering of existing resources. The EM shift can also help facilitate other changes for the future, at various levels: o Reorganize IMSAC accordingly (i.e., name, etc.), perhaps including leadership o Bring new members to IMSAC, including new bigger industries, organizations o Position selected courses as general education, help define a new domain o Position use of the TS 495 co-op substitute course for applied research o Strengthen both traditional lab and innovative online instruction systems o Set the tone for major development to rebuild and define EM labs for the future The EM shift embodies numerous changes, some fairly mundane, but many of paradigm shift proportions. EM is a bold leadership move, intentionally congruent with where the Technology Systems Department and College of Technology are headed in the future. Significantly, all of this is consistent with a new strategic plan, cooperatively configured by faculty (Appendix A). The primary shift is a programmatic name change for the Manufacturing Program and Major to become EM Program and EM Major. The EM Program would house four majors and all 2

3 specializations would be eliminated. This would include Electro Mechanical and Quality Systems, each elevated to the status of major, enabling added name recognition for recruitment. The Mechanical Design Major would be invited to be part of EM. The basis for this is that these majors are intertwined as course offerings and duplication can be further reduced, faculty have co-authored and worked together interdisciplinarily for years, and the synergy realized from this mix can assist in re-energizing all for an increasingly interesting future comprised of four majors: 1. Engineering Management; 2. Electro Mechanical; 3. Mechanical Design; and, 4. Quality Systems. Reconfiguring in this manner would also have another important advantage of reducing current language confusion in specializations and emphases. Existing MFG courses, the core of the existing program, have been re-thought, re-engineered as part of the changes, all further addressed under separate headings, to follow. Basis for all changes are first addressed within the context of a structure for logically derived outcomes, part of an evolving assessment strategy. EM Learning Outcomes Structure And Assessment The EM proposal has been developed based on collaborative efforts of industrial advisory committee professionals and faculty. Selected guidelines representing professional bodies (SME, ASQ, and NAIT) have also been considered in the derivation of outcomes. This has evolved a new, robust, curriculum reflecting innovative and exciting learning outcomes for the future. Assessment systems for EM relied on outcomes broadly identified, and then intentionally designed for each course, graphically represented as figure 1, a process under development. Advisory Committee, Strategic Planning Various Inputs, Internal And External Administrative, University Initiatives Program Outcomes, Continuously Improved Course Assessment, Are Outcomes Being Met? Assess Program, Curriculum, Holistically Faculty Expertise, Professional Bodies Professional Bodies, Accreditation Faculty, Student, Alumni Success Figure 1. General Assessment Model Under Development. 3

4 The model (working from left) shows a need for program outcomes to be continuously improved based on inputs from advisory committee and professional bodies, generally interpreted via faculty expertise 2. The right side shows general inputs from administration as university initiatives such as undergraduate research, values-based service learning, and others. This may be demonstrated as successful deliverables in faculty and student work over time, including coop and professional functions documenting program scholarship and other outcomes. Assessment process step 1. The center of the model was the primary area of concern since the end result for the EM work was proposed course and curriculum changes. But to accomplish course review and rethinking, updated outcomes became an essential output. The process followed to update the program outcomes was accomplished over a multi-phased iteration engaging faculty, advisory committee leaders, past graduates, administrators and others. A total of eight outcomes were identified, with additional technical characteristics, generally from 3-5 per outcome (see Appendix B). Each outcome, and additional technical characteristics, provide the base for analyzing all courses, depicted as the center of the model in figure 1 shown earlier. Assessment process step 2. After outcomes were updated, faculty undertook a second major step which came to be called the EM course and curriculum assessment system (EMCCAS). The EMCCAS resulted from all existing courses being analyzed against the newly updated outcomes. The results of step 2, provided in EMCCAS format, are provided in Appendix C. Changes proposed in this report are based on the EMCCAS step where faculty found several gaps in the old curriculum, leading to needed EM modifications. The outcomes and courses listing matrix (OCLM) is shown in Appendix D. The OCLM provides a comprehensive listing of which courses address specific outcomes and their technical characteristics. Recommended Course, Curriculum, Changes After the eight outcomes were identified and defined, all courses were assessed in terms of how they did or did not meet the outcomes for EM. Several changes were provided based on this: o General changes o Quality Systems o Engineering Management core General changes. Several general changes were addressed as part of the assessment, designed to better align EM for a competitive future to: o Emphasize applied research, consistent with undergraduate initiative in all we do o Emphasize systems, analysis and project management in all we do o Combine Lean into QS for quality systems area of checksheet o Open the checksheet to be more flexible, allowing 18 hours of technical electives o Better balance and distribute the 2XX, 3XX and 4XX level courses o Use new TS 495 applied research course as alternative to 489 co-op o Open up course enrollments, course caps shift to minimum 2 The assessment system under development was generally based on work done by Ron Woolsey at Central Missouri State University. Process steps 1 and 2 were both adaptations of Woolsey s unpublished work. 4

5 o Rethink views on service courses As a total curriculum structure, courses are shown in checksheet form in Appendix E. The new EM checksheet emphasizes several traditional areas, consistent with all COT curriculum: o The use of 12 hours of co-ops, three at four credits each. o University requirements of mathematics, science, English, and others, a total of 25 hours. o University general education, a total of 24 hours. These areas remain generally the same in amount of hours and areas where they are used in EM relative to the Manufacturing Technology Program. An exception to this is that the newly proposed TS 495 applied research course will be further developed as one of the key strategies to address applied research outcomes. What is also substantially different about the newly proposed checksheet is that two new areas are added, this being Quality Systems and the EM core. Quality Systems. The newly proposed Quality Systems Major includes four existing QS courses (326, 327, 426 and 427) two currently proposed QS courses (316 and 437) and three lean courses, MFG 350, 450 and 451. All QS and Lean courses were re-thought as eight courses under the QS prefix, renumbered logically and sequentially, to address the blend of content for delivery as an instructional major online (consistent with OQLC initiative in process). Three newly reconfigured QS courses are also in the Business area of the checksheet. These QS courses address information technology, engineering economy, project management, and other important technical management issues, critical to rethinking the role of technology in the future. EM core. A new EM core, eight courses totaling 24 hours, was provided for the checksheet. The new EM core uses former MFG courses, all reworked as course changes consistent with findings from the assessment process. Additional curriculum opportunities, and details, provide the following EM specific core shifts/changes: o Merge process/materials courses into three courses, EM 217, 307 and 317 o Merge MFG 400 and DESN 243 into EM 317 o Merge MFG 424, 428 to become a new EM 328 programmable automation course o Merge TECH 223, 323 to become a new EM 207 mechanical systems course o CAD/CAM content is repositioned as a new EM 318 course The MFG 112 course, now reworked as EM 206, has become an overview of the total curriculum. Eight courses were merged into four, four courses deleted, five courses added, and numerous course levels shifted. Merger of TECH 223 and 323, and MFG 400 and DESN 243 establishes a different view of the concept of service by placing ownership of the course in EM. Summary And Conclusion Faculty have listened to the collective voice of customers and suppliers. A new curriculum base has been configured, in the form of EM, to address the future. A united faculty continues to prepare to take the new EM proposal forward, beginning in fall, Prior to finalizing changes in bluesheet form the IMSAC group will convene and the full support of the Dean sought. 5

6 Appendix A: Engineering Management Strategic Plan. 6

7 Strategic Plan for Proposed Engineering Management Program This draft of the proposed Engineering Management Program strategic plan is a new, collaboratively developed, inclusive plan developed by faculty in the Manufacturing Technology Program. The plan is positioned as the foundation for major changes described elsewhere, leading to a newly proposed program and new majors within the College of Technology (COT), Technology Systems Department (TSD). The plan has four major goals, many with definitive time frames, and appropriate action objectives, all intentionally positioning change in the future. Where no specific timeframe is shown, this is assumed to be ongoing. Goal 1. To provide appropriate curriculum changes, primarily in the undergraduate Engineering Management Program, with implications for graduate education. Objective 1. Finalize assessment of all undergraduate curriculum and course outcomes, with strong input from the IMSAC, to propose a new program titled Engineering Management by spring, Objective 2. Based on recommended changes in courses and outcomes, present to Dean and IMSAC during spring, 2004, and implement across the board at the undergraduate level, during academic year Objective 3. Enhance the MIT, wherever appropriate parallel to current undergraduate assessment, in sync with advisory committee input and other programs and inputs in the College of Technology. Objective 4. Continue supporting and leading the Manufacturing and Quality Systems Specializations in the ISU Consortium Ph.D. program in Technical Management. Objective 5. Continue to review courses for potential honors, general education, certificate (graduate and undergraduate) and innovative 2+2 as well as 3+1 articulation offerings and relationships on and off campus. Objective 6. Review the need, challenges and opportunities involved in the possibility of creating a BGSU based Ph.D. Program over the next 5-10 years. Goal 2. To meet additional important instructional and professional needs of our students, faculty and other groups reflective of changes associated with Engineering Management. Objective 1. Continue developing undergraduate and graduate applied research and consulting infrastructure and opportunities through/with the CAT, particularly tied innovatively to courses with students engaged wherever appropriate. Objective 2. Continue developing innovative systems to facilitate electronic portfolio use in courses, in sync with assessment principles and practices emerging at BGSU. Objective 3. Continue leading to develop distance and web-based systems for innovative course, workshop and project delivery, both credit and non-credit, in all programming. 7

8 Objective 4. Continue to develop a strong advisory committee, IMSAC, providing appropriate leadership recommendations and changes in structure as the need arises. Objective 5. Continue to support and develop student organizations and other infrastructure, particularly tied to professional societies and groups, as appropriate to evolve strong, disciplined, learning communities. Objective 6. Work appropriately with COT administrators to invite Mechanical Design into the new Engineering Management Program, moving Mechanical Design from VCTE to TS by spring, The end result is to blend Mechanical Design into Engineering Management by reducing any duplication while emphasizing faculty expertise. Goal 3. To develop effective and innovative marketing and outreach systems for Engineering Management-related programs. Objective 1. Work with appropriate offices and groups to market all undergraduate majors, minors, and certificates and graduate specializations, concentrations and certificates both online and traditional. Objective 2. Continue creating articulation agreements and consortial relationships with high school, Firelands, two and four-year colleges, and other organizations, to address innovative programs and projects with the same. Objective 3. Continue to develop appropriate measures of our success, including innovative outcomes and electronic assessment systems as part of the measures, all strongly linked to appropriate professional societies. Goal 4. To develop internal and external infrastructural linkages which strengthen all aspects of the Engineering Management Program, leading to innovative future-oriented relationships and opportunities. Objective 1. Develop rough concept drawings and layouts for new innovative laboratories to support applied research and instruction in sync with newly proposed curriculum, completed by spring, Objective 2. Develop various proposals for appropriate levels and types of innovative funding in sync with new curriculum and laboratory designs, intentionally oriented to further define and refine us programmatically. Objective 3. Work with COT administrators, to develop systems for external support and donations aimed at strengthening and leading all other aspects of program including a relevant state-of-the are engineering management laboratory. 8

9 Appendix B: Engineering Management Outcomes, Technical Characteristics 9

10 Engineering Management Outcomes and Technical Characteristics Outcome 1: Technical Communication. This outcome underscores the need for strong technical communication in graduates, identifying several important technical characteristics which are prevalent in various courses. o Presentation skills. Converting thoughts and ideas into a medium which transfers those same thoughts and ideas to others. This medium may be written or spoken words, moving or still pictures, graphs, flowcharts, or any of a myriad of visual, auditory, tactile, or olfactory sensations for knowledge transfer. o Communication tools. Create complete word-processing, database, spreadsheet, and presentation applications for delivery as applications of knowledge. o Teams. Work and communicate effectively in teams to address objectives for improvement and other deliverables in a technical environment. o E-commerce. Communication both in traditional and electronic forms to assist in preparing participants to effectively manage electronic environments. o Portfolio development. Electronic portfolios are developed reflective of team and individual work to document all for assessment. Outcome 2: Applied Research. This outcome underscores the need for applied research skills in graduates, identifying several important technical characteristics which are prevalent in various courses. o Problem solving. Analyze diverse pieces of data, identify the core problem, and develop a strategy for improvement. This includes the ability to recognize the tools and resources that are available to solve problems, anything from a broken machine to weak sales performance. o Creativity. Synthesize experiences and ideas into new solutions for problems, developing approaches for new opportunities, thinking out of the box. o Information synthesis. Review and systematically apply technical information to the materials and processes affecting operations of the enterprise. Outcome 3: Technical Projects. This outcome underscores the need for strong technical project competencies in graduates, identifying several important technical characteristics which are prevalent in various courses. o Project management. Organizational, interpersonal skills to plan, direct, and move complex projects forward to successful completion. Management principles to plan, evaluate, develop supply chains and procurement functions, operations, maintenance schedules, establish a control plan, and budget. o Decision making, assessment. The capacity to analyze data and choose a course of action in a timely manner, realizing the short and long term effects of that choice. Also, the ability to recognize if that decision was a poor one and the ability to make a course correction while suffering minimal exposure. o Leadership, accountable. Setting reasonable expectations, holding responsible parties accountable when those expectations are not met. Clearly defining a goal and inspire others to attain that goal and to sustain that level of motivation. Outcome 4: Materials, Processes. This outcome underscores the need for strong materials and process knowledge and experience in graduates, identifying several important technical characteristics which are prevalent in various courses. o Value added. Process for engineering materials into marketable products, and how value is added to raw material to create saleable goods, as value stream. o Process management. Understanding various technologies commonly found in manufacturing and non-manufacturing enterprises necessary for process management, utilizing the computer and electronic data for processing. o Materials science. Science of materials and lab test methods appropriate to general analysis and improvement scenarios for adding value in the enterprise. o Mechanical systems. Mechanization to enhance enterprise developed, assessed, leading to automation and improvements, cost and variation reductions. o Safety, hazards, environment. Recognizing and acting on safety-related issues and opportunities to add value to the work place, reducing hazards, creating a safe work environment, and broader environment we wish for our ancestors to inherit. Outcome 5: Advanced Design. This outcome addresses advanced design competencies in graduates, identifying several important related technical characteristics which are prevalent in various courses. o Produceability, assemby. Understanding the gap between the art and the part. Recognizing that for a concept to come true, it must be produced so it can be sold for a profit. Reducing the amount of labor and tooling required for a collection of components to be assembled into a saleable system. o CAD/CAM. Taking CAD information and turning this into machine codes for processing applications efficiently and for value added profitability. o Automation. Digital systems developed, applied for cells, group technologies, families of components, reducing inventories, costs, throughput. o Concurrency of design. Applying design functions in a broader dynamic which relates to the actual pace of production, including demands of profitability, engineering design changes, suppliers among other realities. Outcome 6: Engineering Economy. This outcome underscores the need for strong engineering economy competencies in graduates, identifying several important technical characteristics which are prevalent in various courses. o Business acumen. Relating dynamics, drivers, and purposes of business to engineering, sales, finance, market and customer service as critical parts of the whole, understanding how to use all holistically to optimize profitability. o Value of money. Understanding how money is used as a tool. Comparing the benefits of multiple programs, understanding return on investment, credit lines, operating in the global market, and cost accounting, and general economic forces. o Value added value engineering. Adding value without adding unrecoverable costs, obtaining desired functions of a product, designing without adding features the customer is not willing to pay for. Outcome 7: Quality Systems. This outcome underscores the need for strong quality systems knowledges in graduates, identifying several important technical characteristics which are prevalent in various courses. o ISO/QS 9000, TS Quality assurance systems as related to ISO 9000, QS 9000, TS Understanding the quality auditing process, the documentation process, and quality data collection, interpretation, and action processes. o Lean, Six Sigma. Lean and six sigma principles and how they are implemented throughout the enterprise for systematic improvement, as a broader quality system including data collection and analysis, documentation and designed experiments. o Quality management systems. Apply principles and philosophy of management systems, including interpreting and maintaining contracts, value and mechanics of team building, establishing appropriate procedures for projects and processes, o Advanced product quality planning. Early design information used in new product launches effectively to reduce lead times, gain new contracts, plan for quality, control systems. Failure mode and effects analysis, ongoing process control plans, quality function development tools applied for value added. Outcome 8: Culture, Service. This outcome underscores the need for strong cultural and service orientation in graduates, identifying several important technical characteristics which are prevalent in various courses. o Code of ethics. Develop and work in a management code of ethics for organizations and management to acknowledge the value of human resources. o Supplier, customer relationships. Develop supplier systems to address human relations in the enterprise, to reduce hostility, add value for civil operations. o Management etiquette. Systems which define appropriate behavior necessary to grow and keep talent to provide necessary services and value added. o Change assessment, management. Assessing changes needed in culture, strategically planning to accommodate change, and managing same. o Historical, global perspective. Understanding the holistic global culture, and where the enterprise fits currently and historically, is addressed. 10

11 Appendix C: Engineering Management Course, Curriculum Assessment System (EMCCAS) 11

12 Engineering Management Course, Curricular Assessment System (EMCCAS) The EMCCAS is a form designed to be used at the program level to assist in assessing individual curriculum and courses, in a holistic environment, for improvement purposes. Additional rows are created by pulling down Table above, and going to insert, above or below depending on where you wish to place the row. Course, Title, Description EM 206. Engineering Management Quality Systems. Engineering management, product research and development, materials, process and planning. Organizing, managing resources around prototypes built by teams. Documented in portfolio using ISO/QS 9000 rubrics. Offered 100% online, alternatively, webcentric, various terms. EM 207. Mechanisms and Fluid Mechanics. A review of mechanical power concepts. Applied hydraulics and pneumatic theory and practice. EM 217. Metallic Materials Processes and Analyses. An analytical presentation of metal layout and machining techniques. EM 307. Non-metallic Materials Processing. General appreciation of Polymers properties and their processing methods. EM 317. Materials Properties and Steels. General appreciation of materials properties and heat treatment of steels. EM 318. CAD/CAM Foundations. CNC programming, review of CAD, and an introduction to CAM. Expected Outcomes Technical Characteristics Addressing Outcomes/Content Assessment Methods Engineering management, o ISO/QS 9000 quality systems tools Project portfolio built quality systems knowledge. o information intentionally researched, organized and systematically around Apply technical principles and managed as part of improvement process assignments in team systems for improvement. environment online, Engineering management quality system analysis. Data and documentation applied in ISO/QS 9000 context for advanced product and project quality planning, execution: Product research, development production plan portfolioed. Portfolio demonstrating team-based improvement is documented. Systems knowledge. Students learn to apply fluid mechanics theory to practical problems in business and industry. Engineering management analysis is witnessed in the practical application of scientific principles. Engineering management analysis. Mechanics of production are developed as the student learns to analyze production process. Broad engineering management knowledge. Production literature researched, reviewed, and applied. o Students will understand the characteristics of polymers. o Students will understand the processing of polymers. o Students will be introduced to other materials o Students will understand o o mechanical properties. Students will be able to conduct tests to measure properties Students will understand the structure of steel and their heat treatment Data-based knowledge. Students develop 3D relationships for product design and manufacture. Systems knowledge. Students learn to take the concept of an o process analysis and improvement from data gathered, documented as functions, systems o production systems tools including cost, safety, training, maintenance and others o planning, organizing and managing engineering management environments o materials and process functions and systems o delegating and managing team work, including formation, operation, performance evaluation o design, managing a project plan, articulating a problem focus and applied research systems o problem solving and decision-making, focused on findings, recommendations for improvement o Review of mechanical systems. o Pascal s Law o Mechanical Considerations of Fluid Power o Fluid and mechanical horsepower o Develop and understanding of the operation of hydraulic, pneumatic, and fluid components. o Fluid schematic generation and fluid control strategies. o Electrical controls of fluid mechanics o Fluid mechanics research project. o Layout o Metrology and Gauging o Metal Machining o Determination of proper Speeds and Feeds. o Analysis of metal cutting rate o Polymer types o Polymer processing o Other non-metallic materials such as ceramics, composites o Field trips o Tensile properties o Hardness o Toughness o Steel compositions o Heat treatments o CNC Programming Lathe o CNC Programming Milling o CAD 2D and 3D Drawing Development o Data Transfer o Introduction to 2D CAM o Introduction to Finite Element Analysis (FEA) electronically presented. Regular feedback by instructor facilitates improvement oriented to, structured around, outcomes and technical characteristics. o Laboratory Activities o Quizzes, exams o Fluid Mechanics Final Project which includes electronic portfolio features. o Laboratory Activities o Quizzes, exams o Fluid Mechanics Final Project which includes electronic portfolio features. o o o Tests Homework assignments Lab. assignments o Tests o Homework assignments o Lab. assignments o Laboratory Activities o Quizzes, exams o Fluid Mechanics Final Project which includes electronic 12

13 EM 328. Programmable Automation. EM 428. Simultaneous Engineering. A webcentric presentation of engineering design and production information. Advanced CAD, CAM, FEA, and RP strategies are applied. QS 306. Quality System Foundation. Transitional course emphasizing cultural values and related aspects of quality systems. Experiences in the course are used to help transition students into an electronic teambased environment as foundations for other courses in Quality Systems professional sequence. QS 316. Quality Information Documentation Systems. Quality information systems and documentation relationships explored and developed. Assessing, developing information management tools, systems to organize data and documentation for e-commerce, quality management systems. idea an produce it using CAD, CAM, and CNC machine tools. o Students will understand the characteristics of Automation. o Students will understand the Building blocks of automation. o Students will understand broadly the CNC systems Engineering Management Knowledge. Students apply CAD, CAM, FEA, and RP strategies by managing a database of ideas. Systems knowledge. Students learn work with a database in an analytical manner. Broad quality systems knowledge. Literature researched, reviewed, focusing cultural tools in ISO/QS 9000 context, quality management system (QMS) and related lean functions: Quality systems applications portfolioed. A portfolio demonstrating team-based improvement and individual professional bearing is initiated, documented to emphasize: Technical project applied research objectives systems analysis. Teams identify research problem and objectives electronically documented. Information quality management system application. Information management system research focus, as an improvement application. o Characteristics of automation o Building blocks of automation o CNC systems such as machine tools, robots and RP. o Designing for automation ( DFMA) p o 3D CAM o Solid Modeling o Solid-based CAM o Reverse Engineering o Rapid Prototyping o Advanced FEA o new information is intentionally located to define, improve all project functions, systems o information, work is well organized and managed for improvement, articulated in QMS o cultural tools and principles articulated in all documentation functions o values and broad relationships in quality systems, globally, are emphasized o delegation, management of team tasks, including team operation and performance evaluation o design, management of professional assessment, plan, articulating a career and research focus o problem solving, decision-making, resulting in findings, recommendations for improvement o design, initiate building a electronic portfolio to manage course and professional information o research problem, objectives presented at various stages, written as text, long form o a Power Point presentation short form to summarize, overview the problem and objectives o critique at least one other teams long/short form proposal, recommending improvements o a summary of specific improvements made over time, with support documentation referenced o develop, tool or system appropriate to conduct work identified as a problem and objectives o critique, substantive feedback for improvement, toward an enhanced tool or system o submit final draft of the tool or system at the course conclusion, summarizing improvements o o o portfolio features. Tests Homework assignments Lab. assignments o Laboratory Activities o Quizzes, exams o Fluid Mechanics Final Project which includes electronic portfolio features. Project portfolio built systematically around assignments in team environment online, electronically presented. Regular feedback by instructor facilitates improvement oriented to, structured around, outcomes and technical characteristics. Project portfolio built systematically around assignments in team environment online, electronically presented. Regular feedback by instructor facilitates improvement oriented to, structured around, outcomes and technical characteristics. QS 326. Six Sigma Data-based Improvement. Quality systems for improvement, statistical process control, variable/ attribute data, capability indices/gage analysis, and data gathering systems for variation reduction and cost savings. Teambased project configuring portfolio Preliminary literature review. Research literature appropriate to team area of interest. Data-based knowledge. Apply data-based principles oriented to ISO/QS 9000 quality systems within a context of six sigma: Broad quality systems knowledge. This includes a primary data-based tool focus in a broader ISO/QS 9000 context: Quality systems applications o Six articles will be provided, demonstrating and complimenting their area of research o All critique information presented by other teams, providing feedback, assessing o statistical process control (SPC), variable (X-bar and R) and attribute (Pareto and P-charting) o capability indices (CPK/CPU), gage analysis for repeatability and reproduceability (R & R) o data gathering and inspection, variation reduction in process for improvement o process analysis and improvement based on data gathered o documentation systems via auditing and assessment in functions, for improvement o reliability, total quality, continuous improvement, custo orientation, all functions, systems o delegation, management of team tasks, including team Project portfolio built systematically around assignments in team environment online, electronically presented. Regular feedback by instructor facilitates improvement oriented to, structured around, outcomes and technical characteristics. 13

14 based on ISO/QS 9000 and six sigma principles. QS 336. Documentation based Improvement. Documentation-based quality improvement systems in engineering management. Emphasizes documentation tools for planning and managing technical functions as part of a broader quality system. Team project configures portfolio of ISO/QS 9000 rubrics. QS 406. Quality Service Systems. Quality environment for change and improvement, emphasizing technological and cultural issues associated with servicing customers from a supplier perspective in both manufacturing and nonmanufacturing circumstances. Team project builds portfolio based on ISO/QS 9000 rubrics. QS 416. Engineering Economy, Lean Principles. Engineering economy-based quality improvement systems in engineering management. Emphasizes cost and value analysis tools for planning and organizing engineering management functions. Team project configures portfolio of ISO/QS 9000 rubrics. QS 426. Advanced Product Quality Planning. Planning and developing new product, while maintaining existing quality via mature data and documentation. Culminates in designed experiment, reliability portfolioed. Portfolio demonstrating team-based improvement is documented. Documentation-based knowledge. Documentationbased ISO/QS 9000 tools applied to engineering economy. Broad quality systems knowledge. Literature researched on documentationbased ISO/QS 9000 quality management system (QMS). Quality systems applications portfolioed. A portfolio demonstrating team-based improvement is documented. Change, improvement and people. Change and improvement in services focused on human issues. Global, local quality and technology service relationships. Student teams do service projects to assess systems for improvement. Auditing ISO/QS 9000 services. ISO/QS 9000 documentation systems form a course service platform. Engineering economy, lean knowledge. Lean principles within a context of ISO/QS 9000 tools applied to engineering economy functions. Engineering economy, lean systems applications portfolioed. A portfolio demonstrating team-based improvement is documented, focused on engineering economy and lean applications. New product supplier and customer platforms. Synchronous quality planning based on ISO/QS 9000 systems. Primary planning tools and quality systems. This is a data and documentation focus in a operation and performance evaluation o design, management of a project plan, articulating a problem focus, applied research systems o problem solving, decision-making, focused on findings, recommendations for improvement o flow charting, time studies, standard operating procedures (SOP s) as analysis tools o ongoing process control plan (OPCP), failure mode/effects analysis (FMEA) tools o new information is intentionally located to assist in improving all project functions, systems o information, work is well organized and managed for improvement, articulated in QMS o synchronous and data-based tools and principles articulated in all documentation functions o delegation, management of team tasks, including team operation and performance evaluation o design, manage project plan, articulating problem focus and applied research systems o problem solving, decision-making, focused on findings, recommendations for improvement o define quality and technology services, and core values, infrastructurally in functions o assess change, improvement in services, technological change implications on people o assess ethical and values oriented service issues, political correctness and diversity o cultural service issues for development and technology transfer, growth in knowledge o supplier, customer communications, information movement, real time quality services o problem solving and decision-making, adding value in resource and waste oriented services o assessing various data and documentation tools as appropriate to the service environment o building internal, external supplier evaluation systems of services performed, judging quality o building a portfolio system which provides evidence of all other requirements being satisfied Project portfolio built systematically around assignments in team environment online, electronically presented. Regular feedback by instructor facilitates improvement oriented to, structured around, outcomes and technical characteristics. Project portfolio built systematically around assignments in team environment online, electronically presented. Regular feedback by instructor facilitates improvement oriented to, structured around, outcomes and technical characteristics. o cost analysis, return on investment, materials requirement planning (MRP), value analysis Project portfolio built systematically around o strategic planning, budget building, value of money assignments in team contractual relations as base for operations o lean principles articulated with engineering economy fo environment online, electronically enhanced quality systems presented. Regular o new information is intentionally located to assist in improving all project functions, systems o information, work is well organized and managed for improvement, articulated in QMS o engineering economy tools and principles articulated in all documentation functions o assessing various engineering economy. lean tools as appropriate to management functions o building a portfolio system which provides evidence of all other requirements being satisfied o robust statistical tools for variation reduction and knowledge built as long term relationships o customer demand documentation, communicating new product issues for supplier improvement, product performance levels and factors for analysis, based on mature data o ongoing process control plan (OPCP), failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) part history feedback by instructor facilitates improvement oriented to, structured around, outcomes and technical characteristics. Project portfolio built systematically around assignments in team environment online, electronically presented. Regular feedback by instructor facilitates improvement oriented to, 14

15 improvements or other plans for change. Team portfolio of ISO/QS 9000 rubrics. ISO/QS 9000 context. o work instructions and standard procedures, for new product systems, and existing production o quality function deployment (QFD) systems, applications matured, past and future product structured around, outcomes and technical characteristics. QS 436. Quality Systems Assessment Seminar. Electronic capstone course in quality systems to finalize and assess electronic portfolio assembled over time, including systematic exploration of various aspects of quality systems assessment. Topics will vary based on current issues and subjects important for discussion or need of information. Quality systems applications portfolioed. A portfolio demonstrating team-based improvement documentation. E-portfolio knowledge growth. Electronic portfolio of work related to professional expertise, reflecting knowledge growth. Technical critiques. All critique each others seminar presentation based on a standard critique format provided. Student technical presentations. Document at least one technical idea or topic reflecting best practices and critical thinking. o delegation, management of team tasks, including team operation and performance evaluation o design, management of a project plan, articulating a problem focus, applied research systems o problem solving, decision-making, focused on findings, recommendations for improvement o research problem, objectives presented at various stages, written as text, long form o a Power Point presentation short form to summarize, overview the problem and objectives o a summary of specific improvements made over time, with support documentation referenced o six articles will be provided, demonstrating and complimenting their area of research o all critique information presented by others, providing feedback, assessing o develop, tool or system appropriate to conduct work identified as a problem and objectives o critique, substantive feedback for improvement, toward an enhanced tool or system o submit final draft of the tool or system at the course conclusion, summarizing improvements Project portfolio built systematically around assignments in team environment online, electronically presented. Regular feedback by instructor facilitates improvement oriented to, structured around, outcomes and technical characteristics. 15

16 Appendix D: Outcomes, Course Listing Matrix (OCLM). 16

17 Engineering Management Courses Engineering Management Learning Outcomes Technical Communications Applied Research Technical Projects Materials, Processes Advanced Design Engineering Economy Quality Systems Service, Culture QS 306 QS 316 QS 326 QS 336 QS 416 QS 406 QS 426 QS 436 EM 206 EM 207 EM 217 EM 317 EM 307 EM 318 EM 328 EM 428 Presentation Skills XXXX X X Communication tools XXXX X X Teams XXXX X X E-commerce XXXX X X Portfolio development XXXX X X Problem solving XXXX X XXX X X X XX Creativity, critical thinking XXXX XXX X XXX X Information synthesis XXXX XXX X X Project management XXXX XXX X X XX Decision-making, assessment XXXX XXX X Leadership, accountability XXXX XXX X Value added XXXX XXX X XX X X Process management XXXX XXX X XXX X X X Materials science X X X X X Mechanical systems X X X X X Safety, hazards, environment X X X X X Produceabiily, assembly X X X X CAD/CAM X X X Automation X X Concurrency of design X X Business acumen X X X X X X Value of money X X Value added/value engineering X X X X ISO 9000, QS 9000, TS XXXX XX X Lean, Six Sigma X X X X Quality management systems XXXXXX X Advanced product quality planning X X X Code of ethics X X X Supplier, customer relationships XXXXXX X Management etiquette XXXXXX X Change assessment, management XXXXXX Historical perspective X X X Outcomes, Course Listing Matrix (OCLM). 17

18 Appendix E: Proposed Engineering Management Checksheet. 18

19 19

20 Appendix F: Matrix Demonstrating New Courses, Loads, Frequency of Offering. 20

21 Engineering Management Faculty Engineering Management Courses QS 306: Quality Systems Foundations Jetley Waggoner Sinn Andrews Adjunct 1 Adjunct 2 Doctoral Fellow 1 Doctoral Fellow 2 X Doctoral Fellow 3 Course frequency of offering, and other important details, information Once annually, planned for Gen Ed QS 316: Quality Information Doc Syst X X Once annually, planned for Gen Ed QS 326: Six Sigma Data-based Imp X Once annually QS 336: Doc-based Lean Imp Syst X Once annually QS 406: Quality Service Systems X Once annually, planned for Gen Ed QS 416: Eng Econ, Lean Principles X Once annually QS 426/526: Adv Prod Quality Planning X Once annually QS 436: Quality Sys Assess Seminar X Once annually EM 206: Eng Management Qua Syst X S, F, Su, planned for Gen Ed EM 207: Mechanisms and Fluid Mech X Merge TECH 223, 323, once annually EM 217: Met Mat Proc and Analysis X Once Annually EM 307: Non-met Mat/Proc X X Once Annually EM 317: Mat/Proc Steels X Merge MFG 400/Desn 243, S, F, Su EM 318: CAD/CAM System Foundations X Once Annually EM 328: Programmable Automation X Former 428, Once Annually EM 428: Simultaneous Engineering X Former 430, Once Annually TS 495: Applied Research X Suds has primary responsibility TECH 769 X MIT Research course EM 604/704 X Concurrently service MIT and Ph.D. EM 628/728 X Concurrently service MIT and Ph.D. QS 616/702 X Concurrently service MIT and Ph.D. QS 626/726 X Concurrently service MIT and Ph.D. QS 627/727 X Concurrently service MIT and Ph.D. QS 6XX X New Lean course being introduced QS 6XX X New Lean course being introduced QS 6XX X New Lean course being introduced QS 6XX X New Lean course being introduced QS 6XX/7XX X New Quality Information Systems EH 421/TECH 521 X Summer Direct OQLC X All terms Matrix Demonstrating New Courses, Loads, Frequency of Offering. 21

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