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1 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 2 application Lo mismo que software Application is the same as software. is the same as software. 3 software Un programa que te permite hacer ciertas operaciones tal como escribir cartas, analizar data, organizar tus documentos, dibujar cuadros, y jugar juegos. Software is a program that allows you to do certain operations such as writing letters, analyzing data, organizando your documents, drawing pictures, and playing games. is a program that allows you to do certain operations such as writing letters, analyzing data, organizando your documents, drawing pictures, and playing games. 4 arrow keys Teclas de flechas son teclas que se usan para dirigir imagenes en la pantalla y para mover el cursor. Arrow keys are keys that are used to direct images on the screen and to move the cursor. are keys that are used to direct images on the screen and to move the cursor.

2 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 2 5 Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Acceptable Use Policy is a set of rules and guidelines that regulate the use of the Internet and copyrighted material. is a set of rules and guidelines that regulate the use of the Internet and copyrighted material. 6 AUP Lo mismo que Acceptable Use Policy. The same as Acceptable Use Policy. is the same as Acceptable Use Policy. 7 CPU La parte de la computadora que se llama el chip. Se encuentra generalmente en una caja de metal o plastico, separado de la pantalla y el teclado. Esta es la parte que le da a la computadora el poder de cumplir millones de calculaciones por segundo. CPU is the part of the computer that is called the chip. It is generally found en a metal or plastic box, separate from the screen (usually). It is the part that gives the computer the power to complete millions of calculations per second. is the part of the computer that is called the chip. It is generally found en a metal or plastic box, separate from the screen (usually). It is the part that gives the computer the power to complete millions of calculations per second.

3 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 3 8 Central Processing Unit Lo mismo que CPU. The same as CPU. is the same as CPU. 9 cursor Cursor. Una linea pequena parpadeando en la pantalla, marcando el punto de la accion en la pantalla. Por ejemplo, si aprieta la tecla de la "A," la vas a ver escrita en la pantalla precisamente donde esta el cursor en ese momento. The cursor is a small blinking line marking the point of action on the screen. For example, if you press the "A" key, you will see it written on the screen exactly where the cursor was at that moment. is a small blinking line marking the point of action on the screen. For example, if you press the "A" key, you will see it written on the screen exactly where the cursor was at that moment. 0 delete Cancelar, borrar de la pantalla. Usualmente, se usa para borrar algo destacado, una palabra, frase, parrafo, o todo un documento, si quieres. Delete means to cancel, or erase from the screen and the document. Usually it is used to erase a highlit word, phrase, paragraph or a whole document, if you want. means to cancel, or erase from the screen and the document. Usually it is used to erase a highlit word, phrase, paragraph or a whole document, if you want.

4 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 4 enter La tecla identificada con "enter" o "return." Se usa para empezar una linea nueva a la izquierda del texto. Tambien se usa para decirle a la computadora, "Andale! Haz lo que te dije hacer ahora!" The key identified with "enter" o "return". It is used to start a new line on the left side of the text. Also, it is used to tell the computer, "OK, go ahead and do what I told you to do right now." is a key identified with "enter" o "return". It is used to start a new line on the left side of the text. Also, it is used to tell the computer, "OK, go ahead and do what I told you to do right now." 2 hardware Las partes fisicas de la computadora que puedes ver: el monitor, el teclado, el CPU, la pantalla. Hardware is the physical part of the computer that you can see: the monitor, the keyboard, the CPU, the screen. is the physical parts of the computer that you can see: the monitor, the keyboard, the CPU, the screen. 3 keyboard El teclado. Hay varios tipos, pero lo mas comun es teclado de QWERTY (se dice "cuerti"), y lo llaman asi porque esas letras son las primeras en la primera fila de teclas en el teclado. Esas son para tu mano izquierda. El teclado se concecta al CPU. Keyboard is the set of keys. There are various types of keyboards, but the most common is a QWERTY (se dice /cuerti/) keyboard. QWERTY are the first letters in the first row of keys. The keyboard is connected to the CPU. is the set of keys. There are various types of keyboards, but the most common is a QWERTY (se dice /cuerti/) keyboard. QWERTY are the first letters in the first row of keys. The keyboard is connected to the CPU.

5 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 5 4 monitor Lo mismo, el monitor. Tiene pantalla, como la television, y alli se ve tu trabajo. The same word, monitor. It has a screen, like a television, and there you see your work. has a screen, like a television, and there you see your work. 5 mouse El raton. Se usa para mover el cursor, y lo aprietas para hacer un clic para escoger algo. The mouse. It is used to move the cursor, and you press it to click on something to choose it. is used to move the cursor, and you press it to click on something to choose it. 6 multimedia El uso de varias combinaciones de media en una sola presentacion: multimedia incluye audio, video, texto imprimido, y cines. The use of various combinations of media in a single presentation: multimedia includes audio, video, printed text, and movies. is the use of various combinations of media in a single presentation: multimedia includes audio, video, printed text, and movies.

6 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 6 7 numeric keypad Esto es la parte del teclado que se parece a una calculadora. Con los teclados numericos organizados como calculadora, se puede entrar los numeros mas facilmente y mas rapido. Consideralo como calculadora conectada al CPU. This is the part of the keyboard that looks like a calculator. With the number keys organized like a calculator, numbers can be entered easier and faster. Think of it as a calculator connected to the CPU. is the part of the keyboard that looks like a calculator. With the number keys organized like a calculator, numbers can be entered easier and faster. Think of it as a calculator connected to the CPU. 8 online safety "Online" se refiere al estar conectado al Internet. "Safety" quiere decir la seguridad. Hay que tener precauciones cuando estas conectado, porque otras personas pueden capturar tu informacion personal: nombre, direccion, numeros de tarjetas de credito. "Online" refers to being connected to the Internet. "Safety" means security. You have to take precautions when you are connected, because other persons can capture your personal information: name, address, credit card numbers. refers to being connected to the Internet. "Safety" means security. You have to take precautions when you are connected, because other persons can capture your personal information: name, address, credit card numbers. 9 password Contrasena que solo tu sabes que te permite abrir tus documentos u otra cosa en la computadora, evitando que otra persona puede abrir tus cosas. Password that only you know, which allows you to open your documents and other things in the computer, while keeping unauthorized people out. is a word that only you know, which allows you to open your documents and other things in the computer, while keeping unauthorized people out.

7 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 7 20 case sensitive Este termino se refiere a letras. Si la computadora te pide tu password, y tu habias entrado "Soy Jose 4," para tu password antes, y despues tu entras para tu password "soy jose 4" sin las mayusculas, la computadora no va a reconocer tu password. UPPER CASE vs. lower case letters. If you had set "Soy Jose 4," (capital S and J) to use for your password earlier, then later you enter "soy jose 4" in lower case letters, the CPU will not recognize the password. An example of is this: if you had set "Soy Jose 4," (capital S and J) to use for your password earlier, then later you enter "soy jose 4" in lower case letters, the CPU will not recognize the password. 2 printer Impresora. Printer is the machine that changes your document from electronic format as you look at it on the screen to paper copy, is the machine that changes your document from electronic format as you look at it on the screen to paper copy, 22 stand alone computer A lone computer without any network connections. If you go out and buy a computer and take it Una computadora a sola. Es una home, and it is not connected to computadora que no esta conectada con any other computers, it is a stand otra computadora ni nada, y no depende alone computer because it is en otra cosa para su operacion. standing alone. is a lone computer without any network connections. If you go out and buy a computer and take it home, and it is not connected to any other computers, it is a stand alone computer because it is standing alone.

8 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 8 23 text Palabras en una pagina, como en tus libros en las clases. Puede ser palabra, frase, parrafo, o un libro entero. Words on a page, like in your textbooks for class. text can be a word, a sentence, a paragraph, or a whole book. is words on a page, like in your textbooks for class. text can be a word, a sentence, a paragraph, or a whole book. 24 vandalism Vandalismo. Se aplica a las computadoras cuando alguien, a proposito, borra, cambia, esconde, o destruye documentos o hardware. Vandalism is what we call it when someone, on purpose, erases, changes, hides, or destroys documents or hardware. is what we call it when someone, on purpose, erases, changes, hides, or destroys documents or hardware. 25 highlight Destacar, seleccionar. Para highlight un parrafo, por ejemplo, pon el cursor en frente de la primera palabra, aprietas el boton mientras que jalas para abajo, hasta que todo cambia el color de su fondo. Highlight means to select or choose. To highlight a paragraph, for example, put the cursor in front of the first word, press the mouse button and hold it while you drag down until the whole paragraph changes the background color. means to select or choose. To highlight a paragraph, for example, put the cursor in front of the first word, press the mouse button and hold it while you drag down until the whole paragraph changes the background color.

9 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 9 26 select Lo mismo que highlight. Select, highlight, choose. The same as highlight. means to highlight or choose. 27 Internet El sistema de computadores por todas partes del mundo, que guardan y comparten informacion a otras computadores que esten concectadas. Internet is the system of computers throughout the whole world that keeps and shares information with other computers that are connected to it. is the system of computers throughout the whole world that keeps and shares information with other computers that are connected to it. 28 word processing Usando software y computadora para producir e imprimir documentos de texto, como reportes, libros, y mensajes de amor. Word processing is using software and computer to produce and print documents of text, like reports, books, and love letters. is using software and computer to produce and print documents of text, like reports, books, and love letters.

10 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 0 29 bar graph Una grafica hecha con barras verticales representando cantidades expresadas con numeros a la izquierda. Lo mas grande el numero y cantidad, lo mas alta la barra. A bar graph is made with vertical bars representing quantities expressed by numbers to the left of the bars. The greater the number, the higher the bar. A is made with vertical bars representing quantities expressed by numbers to the left of the bars. The greater the number, the higher the bar. 30 button bar Una fila horizontal o vertical de imagenes en la pantalla que representan Button bar is a horizontal or mandatos para la computadora. Cuando vertical row of buttons on the haces un clic con el boton del raton screen that represent commands encima de uno de las imagenes, la for the computer. Click an image, computadora responde con abrir el and the computer responds by programa que corresponde a esa opening the program that imagen. corresponds to the image (icon). is a horizontal or vertical row of buttons on the screen that represent commands for the computer. Click an image, and the computer responds by opening the program that corresponds to the image (icon). 3 tool bar Barra de herramientas. Lo mismo que button bar, sino en vez de abrir un programa, te permite usar herramientas para cambiar cosas en la pantalla. Tool bar is a bar like the button bar, but instead of opening a program, it allows you to use tools to change things on the screen. is a bar like the button bar, but instead of opening a program, it allows you to use tools to change things on the screen.

11 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 32 buttons Botones. Estos botones son simbolos graficos que se pueden encontrar en la pantalla. Activandolos con un clic del raton cumple con el mandato programado de antemano en la computadora. Son atajos. Buttons are graphic symbols that are graphic symbols are found on the screen. Activating that are found on the screen. them with a mouse click gives a Activating them with a mouse click command to the computer to open gives a command to the computer or do something. Buttons are to open or do something. Buttons shortcuts. are shortcuts. 33 chart Tabla o cuadro grafico en el cual hay celulas (espacios cuadrados) para entrar, guardar, o estudiar informacion y relaciones. A chart is a table or rectangular graphic in which are found square spaces (cells) to enter data, store data, or study relationships between the pieces of information. A is a table or rectangular graphic in which are found square spaces (cells) to enter data, store data, or study relationships between the pieces of information. 34 clip art Clip art pictures are pictures that Dibujos que puedes anadir a tus you can add to your documents, documentos, presentaciones, reportes, o reports, or letters. They may be cartas. Pueden ser mapas, banderas, o maps, flags, or cartoons, or just caricaturas. Hay un banco de clip arte en about anything else visual. There muchas computadores que puedes is a bank of clip art that you can consultar. consult in many computers. are pictures that you can add to your documents, reports, or letters. They may be maps, flags, or cartoons, or just about anything else visual. There is a bank of clip art that you can consult in many computers.

12 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 2 35 copy and paste Copiar y pegar. Puedes destacar una palabra en tu documento, busca en el menu pull-down debajo de "Edit" hasta "Copy," haz un clic, luego pon el cursor donde quieres poner la palabra, y haz un clic en "Paste." Copy and paste moves text. Go down in the pull-down menu under "Edit" until you get to "copy." Click on copy. Move the cursor where you want the highlit word to go. Go back to the menu under file to "Paste" and click. moves text. Go down in the pull-down menu under "Edit" until you get to "copy." Click on copy. Move the cursor where you want the highlit word to go. Go back to the menu under file to "Paste" and click. 36 cut and paste Casi lo mismo que "Copy and Paste," pero cuando copias algo, lo copias, no lo quitas de donde estaba. Con "Cut," lo cortas de donde estaba y lo colocas en un lugar nuevo con "Paste." Cut and paste is almost the same as copy and paste, but when you copy you don't take it out of the document where it was. With "Cut" instead of copy, you remove it from where it was, and put it somewhere else with paste. is almost the same as copy and paste, but when you copy you don't take it out of the document where it was. With "Cut" instead of copy, you remove it from where it was, and put it somewhere else with paste. 37 database Base (o banco) de datos. Un programa de database puede manejar datos numericos tanto como texto; el directorio telefonico es un database. A database is a bank of data, a program to manage numerical data as well as text; the telephone directory is a database. A is a bank of data, a program to manage numerical data as well as text; the telephone directory is a database.

13 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 3 38 desktop Lo que ves en la pantalla cuando prendes la computadora, antes de que empiezcas algo. El fondo de la pantalla. Desktop is what you see on the screen when you turn on your computer, before beginning anything. It is the background of the screen. is what you see on the screen when you turn on your computer, before beginning anything. It is the background of the screen. 39 desktop publishing (DTP) DTP es la produccion de cosas imprimidas por computadora y empresora, y se puede usar dibujos, numeros, tablas, y otras cosas. Incluye letras, cartas, reportes, libros, y graficas. DTP is the production of printed things using computer and printer, and it can contain drawings, numbers, tables, and other things. DTP products include letters, messages, reports, books, and graphics. is the production of printed things using computer and printer, and it can contain drawings, numbers, tables, and other things. DTP products include letters, messages, reports, books, and graphics. 40 graph Un grafico que muestra la relacion entre un juego de numeros y otro. Tipos de graficos son barra, linear, de sectores, de pay. A graph is a visual image that shows the relationship between one set of numbers and another. Some types of graphs are bar graphs, linear, and pie. A is a visual image that shows the relationship between one set of numbers and another. Some types of graphs are bar graphs, linear, and pie.

14 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 4 4 home row "Fila de casa." Home row es la fila donde pones los puntos de tus dedos en las teclas para empezar y entre apretar a otras teclas. Para la mano izquierda (ASDF) son las teclas. Para la mano derecha, son (JKL;). Home row keys are keys on the keyboard where you put your fingertips on each hand before you begin typing and in between keystrokes. Left hand home row keys are (ASDF). Right hand home row keys are (JKL;). keys are keys on the keyboard where you put your fingertips on each hand before you begin typing and in between keystrokes. Left hand home row keys are (ASDF). Right hand home row keys are (JKL;). 42 axis An axis is one of two lines that intersect; one vertical (X-axis) and Eje. Tablas y graficos tienen dos ejes, the other horizontal (Y-axis), are uno horizontal (X axis) y el otro vertical Y often used to plot numbers and axis). Se puede trazar numeros en los make a graph in order to show the dos ejes para estudiar las interrelaciones. numbers. One axis, two relationship between two sets of axes. An is one of two lines that intersect; one vertical (X-axis) and the other horizontal (Y-axis), are often used to plot numbers and make a graph in order to show the relationship between two sets of numbers. One axis, two axes. 43 bold Un estilo de texto que convierte letras, numeros, y palabras de la aparencia normal a ser mas oscuro y mas grueso para hacerlos mas saliente. En la barra de herramientas se encuentra este elemento representado por la "B." Bold is a style of text that converts normal letters, numbers, and words so that they are darker and thicker so that they stand out. In the tool bar you often find this element represented by the fat letter "B." is a style of text that converts normal letters, numbers, and words so that they are darker and thicker so that they stand out. In the tool bar you often find this element represented by the fat letter "B."

15 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 5 44 cell A cell is one of the little spaces Celula. Es el espacio creado por la created by the intersection of a interseccion de una columna con una fila vertical column and a horizontal en un database o spreadsheet. row in a data base or spreadsheet. A is one of the little spaces created by the intersection of a vertical column and a horizontal row in a data base or spreadsheet. 45 columna Las divisiones verticales en una tabla, database, o speadsheet. Columns are the vertical divisions (cells) in a table, database, or spreadsheet. are the vertical divisions (cells) in a table, database, or spreadsheet. 46 copy Copiar. Esto es un elemento en el pulldown menu debajo de "Edit" en el menu arriba. Destaca lo que quieres copiar, pull down el Edit menu hasta "Copy," y suelta el boton del raton. Lo que quieres copiar ya esta listo para pegar en otra parte. "Copy" is an element in the pulldown menu under "Edit" at the top of the screen. Highlight what you want to copy, pull down the Edit menu to "Copy" and click. What you want to copy is now ready to "Paste" somewhere else. is a function in the pulldown menu under "Edit" at the top of the screen. Highlight what you want to copy, pull down the Edit menu to "Copy" and click. What you want to copy is now ready to "Paste" somewhere else.

16 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 6 47 credits Creditos. Cuando se usa obras, informacion, y datos creados por otra persona, hay que notar eso en tu documento, listando el autor tambien come el titulo y datos del origen de lo que usaste. No es crimen usarlo, pero es crimen no dar credito. Credits are notes you must add to your work when you use any work created by someone else, listing the name of the author whose work you used, the title, and other information. It is not a crime to use such work when you give credit. are notes you must add to your work when you use any work created by someone else, listing the name of the author whose work you used, the title, and other information. It is not a crime to use such work when you give credit. 48 edit Editar. Cuando escribes algo el lunes, por ejemplo, y el martes lees el documento y cambias cosas, eso se llama "editar." Se edita por errores como deletrear tambien como por el contenido y la organizacion. To edit is to make corrections or revisions. You write something on Monday, and on Tuesday you read the document and change things, that is editing. Edit for mistakes in spelling or typing, as well as content and organization. To is to make corrections or revisions. You write something on Monday, and on Tuesday you read the document and change things, that is editing. Edit for mistakes in spelling or typing, as well as content and organization. 49 field Campo. Uno o mas elementos en un spreadsheet o database donde todas las entradas comparten un caracteristico en comun. En el directorio telefonico, hay cuatro campos: appellido, nombre, numero, y direccion. A field is one or more elements in a spreadsheet or database where all the entries share one characteristic in common. In the telephone book, there are four fields: Last name; First name; Telephone number; Address. A is one or more elements in a spreadsheet or database where all the entries share one characteristic in common. In the telephone book, there are four fields: Last name; First name; Telephone number; Address.

17 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 7 50 entry bar Barra de entrar. La barra horizontal en Entry bar is the white space at the blanco encima de las celulas, arriba en top of a spreadsheet or database la pantalla, donde escribes los datos que document where you type in quieres entrar en una celula. Hay que information for the cells.you must destacar la celula donde quieres que highlight the cell where you want vaya la entrada. the information to go. is the white space at the top of a spreadsheet or database document where you type in information for the cells.you must highlight the cell where you want the information to go. 5 font Fundicion. Font se refiere al estilo artistico de las letras en el alfabeto, y hay muchos estilos. Puedes escoger el estilo a tu gusto del menu principal arriba debajo de "Format." Font is what you call the artistic style of letters in the alphabet and numbers; there are many styles. Choose the style you like best from "Font" in the pull-down menu under "Format." is what you call the artistic style of letters in the alphabet and numbers; there are many styles. Choose the style you like best from "Font" in the pull-down menu under "Format." 52 freeware Software gratis. Estos son programas gratis que alguien ha desarrollado y donado para uso publico. Freeware is free software. These are free programs that someone has developed and donated for public use. is free software. These are free programs that someone has developed and donated for public use.

18 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 8 53 Gif Gif es "Graphic Interchange Format," Formato de Intercambio de Graficos. Se dice /dchif/. Este formato reduce el tamano de cuadros, fotos, y dibujos, que son comprimidos para facilitar transmitirlos por cable telefonico mas rapido. Usan menos memoria. Gif is a format that reduces the size of pictures, photos, and drawings by compressing them. This makes them transmit faster and easier, and they take up less space in the memory of your computer. is a format that reduces the size of pictures, photos, and drawings by compressing them. This makes them transmit faster and easier, and they take up less space in the memory of your computer. 54 graphics Graficos. Imagenes o cuadros creados, editados, y/o publicados usando computardoras. Computer graphics are images or pictures that have been created, edited, and/or published using computers. are images or pictures that have been created, edited, and/or published using computers. 55 home page Pagina del hogar. Esta es la pagina introductoria a un sitio del web (web site) en el Internet. Por ejemplo, cuando conectas al Internet en la escuela, vas a ver primero la home page de CMS. Desde la Home Page, puedes navigar (navigate) a otras partes. Home page is the introductory page to a web site on the Internet. For example, when you connect to the Internet in school, the home page for CMS comes up. From the home page, you can navigate to other pages and sites. is the introductory page to a web site on the Internet. For example, when you connect to the Internet in school, the home page for CMS comes up. From the home page, you can navigate to other pages and sites.

19 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 9 56 hyperlink Hiperlazo. Texto especial, usualmente rojo o azul, que te brinca a otro sitio en el Internet cuando lo cliqueas. Hyperlink is special text, usually red or blue, that jumps you to another Internet site when you click on it. is special text, usually red or blue, that jumps you to another Internet site when you click on it. 57 hypertext Lo mismo que hyperlink. The same as hyperlink is the same as hyperlink 58 illustration Illustracion. Cuadro, dibujo, clip art, grafico en la computadora. Computer illustrations are pictures, drawings, and clip art, like graphics in the computer. Computer are pictures, drawings, and clip art, like graphics in the computer.

20 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs indent Sangrar. Al principio de un parrafo, por ejemplo, es costumbre sangrar, que es mover el cursor 5 espacios a la derecha del margen, mas o menos. Puedes ajustar la tecla de "Tab" que lo hace automaticamente, poniendo el cursor a donde quieras. Indent means to leave a space at the beginning of something. Indent paragraphs by moving the cursor five spaces or more to the right of the left margin for the first word. You can adjust settings on the "Tab" so the spacing is automatic. means to leave a space at the beginning of something. Indent paragraphs by moving the cursor five spaces or more to the right of the left margin for the first word. You can adjust settings on the "Tab" so the spacing is automatic. 60 Jpeg Jpeg se dice /dchei-peg/. Es un programa estandard para encogerse graficos de todas formas. Asi ocupan menos espacio en tu hard drive, y asi van mas rapido en transito a otra computadora. Se encogen hasta 30%- 40% de su tamano original. Jpeg is a standard program that shrinks all kinds of graphics. They then occupy less space on your hard drive, and they can be sent and received faster, too. Graphics are usually shrunk to 30-40% of the original size. is a standard program that shrinks all kinds of graphics. They then occupy less space on your hard drive, and they can be sent and received faster, too. Graphics are usually shrunk to 30-40% of the original size. 6 label Etiqueta. Se dice /lei bel/. Es lo que se llama el titulo de una columna en un spreadsheet. Un spreadsheet para el directorio telefonico, con sus cuatro campos, tendria cuatro labels: Apellido, Nombre, Direccion, y Numero. Label is the formal name for the is the formal name for title of a column in a spreadsheet. the title of a column in a A spreadsheet for a telephone spreadsheet. A spreadsheet for a book with its four fields would have telephone book with its four fields four labels: Last name; First name; would have four labels: Last name; Address; Number. First name; Address; Number.

21 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 2 62 landscape Paisaje. Esto se refiere al "Page setup" (preparacion para empresa) en el menu pull-down debajo de "File." Te permite poner un ajuste al documento tal como se imprime horizontalmente segun el eje largo de la hoja; lo regular es imprimir verticalmente. Landscape is an option in "Page setup" found in the pulldown menu under "File." It lets you set the printer to print lines on the long axis of the paper, horzontalmente; the usual is printing with paper in vertical orientation. is an option in "Page setup" found in the pulldown menu under "File." It lets you set the printer to print lines on the long axis of the paper, horzontalmente; the usual is printing with paper in vertical orientation line graph line spacing Grafico linear. Este grafico tiene un eje vertical X eje, y eje horizontal Y eje, con valores numericos afuera de las lineas y un titulo para el grafico. Este grafico se usa para mostrar tendencias y comparar data. Espacio entre lineas de texto. Se puede ajustar la cantidad de papel blanco que se ve entre lineas de texto, de un espacio a dos o a tres. Single space (como ves aqui) es lo minimo. Double space es dos veces single space, y triple space es lo mas grande. A line graph is a graph with a vertical X axis, and a horizontal Y axis, with numerical values along the outside of the lines and a Graph Title. This graphic is used to show trends and to compare data. Line spacing means the size of the space of white paper you see between the lines of text. You can adjust the space between lines of text from one to three. Single space is the least, double is twice as big, and triple space is the biggest. A graph is a graph with a vertical X axis, and a horizontal Y axis, with numerical values along the outside of the lines and a Graph Title. This graphic is used to show trends and to compare data. means the size of the space of white paper you see between the lines of text. You can adjust the space between lines of text from one to three. Single space is the least, double is twice as big, and triple space is the biggest.

22 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs linear Linear. Moviendose en una linea o un sendero recto. Linear means the direction or manner of travel of something. Moving in a straight line. means the direction or manner of travel of something. Moving in a straight line. 66 links Links are connections, like bridges, between two things in the Lazos. Son conecciones, como puentes, computer (See hypertext). To get entre una imagen, pagina, palabra, y from one image to the connected otra (Se hypertext). Para navigar por ese image, just click on it. The link can puente, nada mas cliqueas en una be a picture or other graphic, a imagen, pagina, o palabra destacada. word, a page, or anything else. are connections, like bridges, between two things in the computer (See hypertext). To get from one image to the connected image, just click on it. The link can be a picture or other graphic, a word, a page, or anything else. 67 nonlinear No linear. No se mueve en una linea o sendero recto. Nonlinear is the opposite of linear. It means moving or traveling not in a straight line. is the opposite of linear. It means moving or traveling not in a straight line.

23 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs online resources Recursos en el Internet. Se encuentran online resources solamente cuando estas conectado al Internet. Tambien se llama recursos electronicos. Tienes que saber usar el Internet para buscar informacion. Online resources are pieces of information that you find on the Internet. You can only get online resources when you are connected to the Internet. Also called electronic resources. You must be able to use the Internet to search for information. are pieces of information that you find on the Internet. You can only get online resources when you are connected to the Internet. Also called electronic resources. You must be able to use the Internet to search for information. 69 paste Pegar. Insertar informacion que fue cortada (cut) o copiada (copied) de un lugar para pegarla en otro lugar. To paste information means to put something you have "cut" or "copied" from somewhere else into a new document or into a new place in the same document. To information means to put something you have "cut" or "copied" from somewhere else into a new document or into a new place in the same document. 70 pie graph Grafico de pay (o torta). Grafico circular que es dividido en pedazos que representan porcentages del total, y es un grafico muy util para comparar datos. A pie graph is called "pie" because it looks like a pie that has been cut in various pieces. Each piece represents a certain percentage of the whole pie and is a very effective visual to compare data. A graph is called "pie" because it looks like a pie that has been cut in various pieces. Each piece represents a certain percentage of the whole pie and is a very effective visual to compare data.

24 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 24 7 portrait Retrato. Formato vertical. El opuesto del formato horizontal, que se llama paisaje, o landscape. El modo por defecto (default) es portrait, de costumbre; se llama asi porque asi parece las fotos mas grandes que te sacan en la escuela para ti, 8 x 0. Portrait is a setting in "Page setup" in the pull-down menu under "File." It is the opposite of "Landscape." The default setting is usually portrait, since portrait is the print-topage orientation on nearly everything we read. is a setting in "Page setup" in the pull-down menu under "File." It is the opposite of "Landscape." The default setting is usually portrait, since portrait is the print-to-page orientation on nearly everything we read. 72 public domain Propiedad publica. Software y programas que estan en dominio publico pueden estar copiados gratis por todos sin conseguir ningun permiso. Public domain describes software and programs that may be copied free and used freely without permission. describes software and programs that may be copied free and used freely without permission. 73 row Fila. Las divisiones horizontales (izquierda a derecha) en un spreadsheet, nombradas con numeros. Rows are the horizontal divisions (left to right) in a spreadsheet or data base, named with numbers. are the horizontal divisions (left to right) in a spreadsheet or data base, named with numbers.

25 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs column Columna. Las divisiones verticales de arriba para abajo) en un spreadsheet, nombradas con letras. Columns are the vertical divisions (top to bottom) in a spreadsheet or database, named with letters. are the vertical divisions (top to bottom) in a spreadsheet or database, named with letters save save as Guardar, salvar. Esto es un elemento en el menu pulldown debajo de "File." Cuando estas teclando informacion, es necessario "Save" tu documento frecuentemente para que no pierdas todo si tu computadora se estrella de repente. Salvar como...como "Save," "Save as..." guarda tu trabajo, pero en este modo se puede cambiar el nombre de un documento que has salvado debajo otro nombre. Por ejemplo, puedes cambiar el nombre del reporte "President," a "Vicente Fox" con "Save as." Save is a setting under the pulldown menu of "File." When you are typing in information, you must develop a habit of saving your work frequently so you do not lose it if the computer suddenly crashes. "Save as" is in the pulldown menu under "File." Use this when you want to change the name of the document to another name. If you are writing a report called "President," choose "Save as" and type in "Vicente Fox" to change the name of it. is a setting under the pulldown menu of "File." When you are typing in information, you must develop a habit of saving your work frequently so you do not lose it if the computer suddenly crashes. is in the pulldown menu under "File." Use this when you want to change the name or location of your document. If you are writing a report called "President," choose "Save as" and type in "Vicente Fox" to change the name of it.

26 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs server Servidor. Una computadora especial que guarda programas y carpetas, mandandolas a otras computadoras en la red, una a la vez o todas de una vez. A server is like a "Boss A is like a "Boss Computer." It saves programs and sends them out to other computers in the net, either one at a time or all at once. Computer." It saves programs and documents and sends them out to other computers in the net, either one at a time or all at once. 78 shareware Comparte-ware. Software que puedes probar antes de comprarla, como paseo de ensayo en un carro. Shareware is software that you can try out before you buy it, like test-driving a car before you buy it. is software that you can try out before you buy it, like testdriving a car before you buy it. 79 spreadsheet Spreadsheet. Programa que se usa para procesar informacion, organizandola horizontalmente en filas y verticalmente en columnas. La interseccion de una columna y una fila crea un espacio, o caja, que se llama "cell," o celula. Alli se hace entradas. Spreadsheet is a program that processes information, organized horizontally in rows, and vertically in columns. The intersection of a row and a column creates a space, called a cell. You enter information in the cells. is a program that processes information, organized horizontally in rows, and vertically in columns. The intersection of a row and a column creates a space, called a cell. You enter information in the cells.

27 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs table Tabla. Columnas y filas de "cells" (celulas, espacios), que se pueden llenar con texto o datos para organizar y manipular los datos. A table is a set of columns and rows with cells which store information of text or numbers. A is a set of columns and rows with cells which store information of text or numbers thesaurus URL Tesoro. Este tesoro es diccionario especial que te da palabras alternativas para decir la misma cosa. Poe ejemplo, si buscas "rich" (rico) en un tesoro, te da palabras como "wealthy, well-to-do, well off, moneyed, and affluent." URL (se dice /iu-arel/). Esta es la direccion en el Internet de una pagina, su ubicacion. Es una cuerda de letras, numeros, y simbolos, pero tiene significado al programa que lo busca. Se encuentra encima de la pantalla cuando contiene pagina del WWW. A thesaurus is not a dictionary for definitions as much as a dictionary for diction. For example, if you look up "rich" in a thesaurus, it will give you alternative words such as "wealthy, well-to-do, well off, moneyed, and affluent." A URL is the Internet address of a page, its location. It is a string of letters, numbers, and symbols, but it has meaning to the program which is looking for it. You can see the URL of a web page at the top of any screen which has a " A is not a dictionary for definitions as much as a dictionary for diction. For example, if you look up "rich" in a thesaurus, it will give you alternative words such as "wealthy, well-to-do, well off, moneyed, and affluent." A is the Internet address of a page, its location. It is a string of letters, numbers, and symbols, but it has meaning to the program which is looking for it. You can see the URL of a web page at the top of any screen which has a "

28 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs value Valor. Numero en la spreadsheet que se puede usar para operaciones matematicas. Value is a number in a is a number in a spreadsheet which can be used for spreadsheet which can be used for mathematical operations. mathematical operations. 84 web address Ubicacion, direccion en el Internet de un sitio, pagina, u otra cosa. Lo mismo que URL. Web address is the same as the URL. It is the location of a site in the Internet. Web is the same as the URL. It is the location of a site in the Internet. 85 World Wide Web WWW. La seccion del Internet que permite entrada de texto, graficos, sonido, y video. Consiste en tejado de miles de redes de computadoras, y hay tanta informacion disponible que no puedes imaginar. World Wide Web is the section of the Internet that permits entry of text, graphics, sound, and video. It consists of a web of thousands of other webs of computers, and there is so much information available that we cannot imagine it. is the section of the Internet that permits entry of text, graphics, sound, and video. It consists of a web of thousands of other webs of computers, and there is so much information available that we cannot imagine it.

29 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs WYSIWYG WYSIWYG--What you see is what you get. Se dice (huisi-wig/. Lo que ves en la pantalla es lo que consigues. WYSIWYG. What you see is what you get. What you see on the screen is what you get when you print it out. What you see is what you get. What you see on the screen is what you get when you print it out. 87 ascending order Orden subiendo, A-Z, -0. Ascending order is arranging words in alphabetical order, from Z to A, and numbers going from smallest to largest. order is arranging words in alphabetical order, from Z to A, and numbers going from smallest to largest. 88 descending order Orden bajando. Z-A, 0-. Descending order is arranging words in reverse alphabetical order, from Z to A, and numbers from the largest to the smallest. order is arranging words in reverse alphabetical order, from Z to A, and numbers from the largest to the smallest.

30 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs calculate Calcular. Resolviendo ecuaciones. Formulas que se usan en spreadsheet permiten la resolution de ecuaciones automaticamente. "Calculate" es un mandato en el menu de la spreadsheet. To calculate is to solve equations. Spreadsheets contain formulas that can be used to solve equations. On the menu of a spreadsheeet you can find "Calculate." To is to solve equations. Spreadsheets contain formulas that can be used to solve equations. On the menu of a spreadsheeet you can find "Calculate." 90 domain Dominio. La parte de un URL que identifica donde la cuenta de una persona se ubica. Por ejemplo, en "jmriggs@att.net," el domain es todo lo que sigue el Domain is that part of a URL that identifies the location of an account of a person or entity. In an address, like "jmriggs@att.net", the domain is everything that comes after the is that part of a URL that identifies the location of an account of a person or entity. In an address, like "jmriggs@att.net", the domain is everything that comes after the 9 Mail es correo, y la "e" es la primera letra en "electronico," por lo tanto, " ." Mensajes que se mandan y reciben por computadoras. is the term used for is the term used for messages sent by computer. "E" is messages sent by computer. "E" is for electronic. for electronic.

31 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 3 92 format Formato, formatear. Escoger y poner los margenes, tab, font, o portrait o landscape, y line spacing en "Page setup" antes de imprimir un documento. To format something means to choose the settings for a document to print. For example, some settings are for margins, tab, font, portrait, or landscape. To something means to choose the settings for a document to print. For example, some settings are for margins, tab, font, portrait, or landscape. 93 folder Carpeta. Un juego de documentos relacionados, como las rutas de los buses. Cada bus tiene su "file" de su propia ruta, pero todas las rutas se pueden salvar en una sola carpeta, con el nombre de cada ruta adentro, como "Bus 25." A folder is a set of documents which are related in some way, such as bus routes. Each bus has a file of its own route, but all the routes can be kept in one folder, with the name of each bus route inside, like "Bus 25." A is a group of documents which are related in some way, such as bus routes. Each bus has its own route, but all the routes can be kept in one folder, with the name of each bus route inside, como "Bus 25." 94 keyword Una palabra o punto de referencia que describe el contenido en una pagina de la red, para que el programa de busca sabe donde buscar y cuales paginas recuperar para corresponder a lo que excribiste en la barra para buscar. Keyword is a word or reference is a word or reference point that describes the content of point that describes the content of a web page, so the search engines a web page, so the search engines know where to look and what know where to look and what pages to retrieve according to pages to retrieve according to what you typed in the search bar. what you typed in the search bar.

32 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs Math symbols Simbolos de matematicas que se usan en operaciones de spreadsheet: <, >, =, y otros. Estos decriben los limites de la busca o la operacion. Math symbols are useful en spreadsheet operations: <, >, =, and others. These describe the limits of a search or operation. are useful en spreadsheet operations: <, >, =, and others. These describe the limits of a search or operation. 96 page setup Format de una pagina. Ve tambien "format." Page setup is the format of a page in preparation for printing. See also "format." is the format of a page in preparation for printing. See also "format." 97 record Recuerdo. Una coleccion de datos, campos, y/o entradas relacionadas. A record is a collection of data, fields, and/or related entries. A is a collection of data, fields, and/or related entries.

33 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs search Buscar (verbo) y busca (sustantivo). Search means to look for. means to look for. 99 search engines Programas de buscar. No tiene que ver nada con motores, locomotora, ni maquina. Son software programs comerciales que buscan la informacion que tu quieres ver cuando entras unas keywords para la busca. Hay varias buenas. Search engines do not have anything to do with motors, trains, nor machines. They are commercial software programs that look for information that you want using keywords. There are several good search engines. Search do not have anything to do with motors, trains, nor machines. They are commercial software programs that look for information that you want using keywords. There are several good search engines. 00 browser Curiosearero. Software comercial que se usa para navigar en el Internet. Es como tu coyote personal en el Internet. A browser is a program that helps you to navigate around the Internet. It is commercial software, and without it, an Internet connection will not serve you. A is a program that helps you to navigate around the Internet. It is commercial software, and without it, an Internet connection will not serve you.

34 Computer Vocabulary/Vocabulario by Joe Riggs 34 0 getting online Conectando al Internet. Para hacer esto, se necesita computadora, servicio de telefono, patron del dominio que maneja tu cuenta (como AOL, Earthlink, ATT), u otro do los muchos que hay. Getting online means connecting to the Internet. To do this, you need to have a computer with a modem, telephone line, and an account with some Internet service provider, such as AOL, Earthlink, ATT, or some other of the many available. Getting means connecting to the Internet. To do this, you need to have a computer with a modem, telephone line, and an account with some Internet service provider, such as AOL, Earthlink, ATT, or some other of the many available. 02 search strategies Estrategias para hacer una busca en el Internet. () Trata de adivinar lo que seria el URL de lo que busques. (2) Usa un directorio de los search engines para hacer la busca mas estrecha. (3) Escoge un search engine bueno. Search strategies are things that Search are things that you do to search for information on you do to search for information on the Internet: () Try to guess what the Internet: () Try to guess what the URL you are looking for might the URL you are looking for might be; (2) Use a search directory to be; (2) Use a search directory to narrow down your search; (3) narrow down your search; (3) Choose a good search engine. Choose a good search engine. 03 security Seguridad. Prohibir el uso no autorizado de tu computadora, las carpetas, ni de una red. Security means safety of your information on the computer, keeping unauthorized people from using or accessing your computer, documents, and/or net. means safety of your information on the computer, keeping unauthorized people from using or accessing your computer, documents, and/or net.

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