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Fig. 1: Plant associations of forest edges with Melampyrum nemorosum maintained at places without any strong influence of eutrophication from the surrounding agricultural land (Photo P. Halas) Fig. 2: Edges of forest fragments were traditionally used to put away stones from the surrounding agricultural land (Photo P. Halas) Illustration related to the paper by J. Lacina, P. Halas and P. Švec

Vol. 20, 4/2012 Moravian geographical Reports MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS SCIENTIFIC BOARD Bryn GREER-WOOTTEN (Editor-in Chief), York University, Toronto Pavel CHROMÝ, Charles University, Prague Marina FROLOVA, University of Granada Dan Van der HORST, University of Birmingham Jan HRADECKÝ, University of Ostrava Karel KIRCHNER, Institute of Geonics, Brno Sebastian LENTZ, Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography, Leipzig Damian MAYE, University of Coventry Ondřej MULÍČEK, Masaryk University, Brno Jan MUNZAR, Institute of Geonics, Brno Philip OGDEN, Queen Mary University, London Ján OŤAHEL, Institute of Geography, Bratislava Michael SOFER, University Bar Ilan Metka ŠPES, University of Ljubljana Milan TRIZNA, Comenius University, Bratislava Antonín VAISHAR, Institute of Geonics, Brno Miroslav VYSOUDIL, Palacký University, Olomouc Maarten WOLSINK, University of Amsterdam Jana ZAPLETALOVÁ, Institute of Geonics, Brno EDITORIAL BOARD Bohumil FRANTÁL, Institute of Geonics, Brno Tomáš KREJČÍ, Institute of Geonics, Brno Stanislav MARTINÁT, Institute of Geonics, Ostrava Martina Z. SVOBODOVÁ, (Linquistic Editor), BM Business Consultants, s.r.o., Brno Articles: Jan LACINA, Petr HALAS, Pavel ŠVEC BIOGEOGRAPHICAL RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN LANDSCAPE PATTERNS, SOME LOCAL ABIOTIC FACTORS AND VEGETATION OF FOREST EDGES (CZECH REPUBLIC) 2 (Biogeografické vztahy mezi charakterem zemědělské krajiny, lokálními abiotickými podmínkami a vegetací lesních okrajů, Česká republika) Lenka JAKEŠOVÁ, Antonín VAISHAR SUSTAINABLE INNER PERIPHERIES? A CASE STUDY OF THE OLEŠNICE MICRO-REGION (CZECH REPUBLIC) 13 (Udržitelné vnitřní periferie?příklad mikroregionu Olešnicko, Česká republika) Marcela KÁČEROVÁ, Jana ONDAČKOVÁ, Jozef MLÁDEK A COMPARISON OF POPULATION AGEING IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC BASED ON GENERATION SUPPORT AND EXCHANGE.. 26 (Komparace stárnutí populace České a Slovenské republiky na základě generační podpory a výměny) Josef KUNC, Bohumil FRANTÁL, Petr TONEV, Zdeněk SZCZYRBA SPATIAL PATTERNS OF DAILY AND NON-DAILY COMMUTING FOR RETAIL SHOPPING: THE CASE OF THE BRNO CITY, CZECH REPUBLIC.. 39 (Prostorové modely denní a nedenní dojížďky za maloobchodem: příklad města Brna, Česká republika) PRICE 280 CZK (excluding VAT) per copy plus the postage 800 CZK (excluding VAT) per volume (four numbers per year) plus the postage PUBLISHER The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Institute of Geonics, v. v. i. Identification number: 68145535 MAILING ADDRESS MGR, Institute of Geonics ASCR, v. v. i. Department of Environmental Geography Drobného 28, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic (fax) 420 545 422 710 (e-mail) mgr@geonika.cz (home page) http://www.geonika.cz Brno, December 31, 2012 PRINT NOVPRESS s.r.o., nám. Republiky 15, 614 00 Brno INSTITUTE OF GEONICS ASCR, v.v.i. 2012 ISSN 1210-8812 1

Moravian geographical Reports 4/2012, Vol. 20 BIOGEOGRAPHICAL RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN LANDSCAPE PATTERNS, SOME LOCAL ABIOTIC FACTORS AND VEGETATION OF FOREST EDGES (CZECH REPUBLIC) Abstract Jan LACINA, Petr HALAS, Pavel ŠVEC Forest edges consist of specific ecotone plant associations. Their species composition reflects conditions within the local environment and the character of the surrounding landscape, as well as the history of the given area. This article aims to ascertain the importance of local conditions and the characteristics of the surrounding landscape on the species composition. The results show that the species composition of forest edges is adversely influenced by agricultural use of the surrounding landscape and differs according to the north-south gradient of aspect. In terms of their species composition, forest edges represent important refuges of certain plant species that have already disappeared from the surrounding landscape. Shrnutí Biogeografické vztahy mezi charakterem zemědělské krajiny, lokálními abiotickými podmínkami a vegetací lesních okrajů (Česká republika) Lesní okraje představují specifická ekotonová společenstva rostlin. Jejich druhové složení odráží lokální podmínky prostředí, charakter okolní krajiny i historii daného území. V tomto příspěvku jsme se zabývali významem lokálních podmínek a charakteristik okolní krajiny na jejich druhové složení. Zjistili jsme, že druhové složení lesních okrajů je negativně ovlivňováno zemědělským využíváním okolí a liší se podle severojižního gradientu expozice. Lesní okraje svým druhovým složením představují významná refugia některých druhů rostlin, které z okolní krajiny již zmizely. Keywords: patch isolation, patch area, agricultural landscape, forest edges, plant diversity, land cover, Bohemian-Moravian Upland, Czech Republic 1. Introduction The species composition of isolated forest edge fragments is influenced by the size of the biotope, the degree of its isolation and the character of the surrounding environment, as well as by the characteristics of the species occurring in the given biotope. Fragmentation of natural biotopes due to human activity is considered the main cause of diminishing plant biodiversity worldwide (Eriksson, Ehrlén, 2001; Hobbs, Yates, 2003; Honnay et al., 2005; Cousins, 2009). The consequences of biotope fragmentation may severely affect ecosystems, populations, and individual species (Young et al,. 1996). Fragmentation involves interrelated processes of landscape change, such as shrinking biotopes leading to the physical reduction of population sizes (Endels et al., 2002a, 2002b; Leimu et al., 2006) and to the splitting-up of biotopes giving rise to size reduction of populations and exacerbating isolation (Saunders et al., 1991; Wiens, 1997; Dupré, Ehrlén, 2002). The increasing fragmentation makes patches draw apart, with lower probability of their re-colonisation as a result (Opdam, 1988). Splitting-up of the populations due to fragmentation leads to the formation of mutually isolated species-specific populations in the landscape; these populations communicate through migration and are characterised by local population extinction and colonisation of available free spaces (Hanski, Gilpin, 1997). With the growing biotope fragmentation, the influence of the edge effect increases, a process related to the greater inhospitality of the biotope area, and manifests itself through the reduced fitness (reproductive success) of the surviving species, resulting from the penetration of adverse impacts from the landscape 2

Vol. 20, 4/2012 Moravian geographical Reports matrix (Jules, 1998; Endels et al., 2002a, 2002b; Lienert, Fischer, 2003; Brys et al., 2004). In small woodland patches, the impacts of the edge effect are more profound (Forman, Godron, 1986; Pauchard, Alaback, 2004). The structure of the landscape and the environmental demands of the individual species also significantly influence the mobility of organisms (Hanski, Ovasakinen, 2000). The research reported here investigates which groups of forest edge species are more prone to limitation by the increasing fragmentation and how they are influenced by the structure of the surrounding landscape. Six species groups were categorised according to their modes of dissemination and pollination. These were individually analysed by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) with special attention to detecting the importance of relevant local landform variables, size of the biotope, and landscape characteristics. Concrete plant species were identified in terms of their preference for northern or southern edges and their relation to the heterogeneity of the closest (100 m) surroundings. A significant relationship between species composition and land use was established; it is modified by landform conditions, position of the phytocoenological area and the size of the biotope. 2. Materials and methods 2.1 Study area The study areas are situated on the south-western and eastern edge of the Bohemian-Moravian Upland in the Czech Republic (Fig. 1). The landscape is mostly a mosaic of farmland and forests. Deciduous forests represent 1.6% 72.0% (average 18.2%) of land cover. Forest margins surround small woodland edges with near-natural species composition. The species composition of the woodland patches corresponds approximately to the potential natural vegetation of the Luzulo albidae-quercetum, Dentario enneaphylli- Fagetum and Melampyro nemorosi-carpinetum (Neuhäuslová et al., 1997) associations. The most common trees are Fagus sylvatica, Carpinus betulus, while admixed species include Acer campestre, A. platanoides, A. pseudoplatanus, Fraxinus excelsior, Sorbus aucuparia, Tilia cordata, and Abies alba. Herbaceous undergrowth is often enriched by the presence of mesophilous woodland species such as Convallaria majalis, Hepatica nobilis, Lathyrus vernus, Melampyrum nemorosum, Mercurialis perennis, Polygonatum odoratum, P. multiflorum, Pulmonaria obscura and P. officinalis. Evergreen forests, consisting of spruce monocultures, take up 0.0% 52.0% (average 20.0%). The key component of the landscape structure is arable land (average 30.8%) and meadows (average 27.7%). The bedrock is granitic (south-western part) and metamorphic, such as gneiss and mica schist (eastern part). Elevations range from 470 to 658 m a.s.l. Average annual precipitation is 610.3 mm and average annual air temperature is 7.0 C (Tolasz et al., 2007). The total lengths of the forest edges studied ranged between 85.0 and 726.3 m (average 229.8 m). 2.2 Species data The total number of woodland edges studied was 38. Two 2 m 2 m phytosociological quadrats was laid in each forest edge, always on the southern and northern borders. The size of phytosociological quadrats based on the minimum width of forest edges. All species of higher vascular plants within them were recorded. The occurrence of vascular plant species was quantified by means of the nine-degree Braun-Blanquet abundance and dominance scale (Westhoff, van der Maarel, 1978). A total of 157 species were recorded in the quadrats, then categorised into groups by their mode of dissemination and pollination for separate analysis. According to the Biolflor database (Klotz et al., 2003), the following categories of species were defined: endozoochoric species (e.g. Actaea spicata, Convallaria majalis, Polygonatum multiflorum, Vaccinium myrtillus), ectozoochoric species (e.g. Ballota nigra, Galeopsis pubescens, Hieracium pillosela, Medicago falcata), myrmecochoric + autochoric species (e.g. Convallaria majalis, Corydalis intermedia, Genista tinctoria, Maianthemum bifolium), anemochoric species (e.g. Betula pendula, Hieracium murorum, Poa nemoralis, Silene nutans), entomogamic species (e.g. Securigera varia, Campanula persicifolia, C. rotundifolia, Thymus pulegioides), and anemogamic species (e.g. Betula pendula, Poa nemoralis, P. pratensis agg., Rumex acetosa). Nomenclature and taxonomic approaches are after Kubát et al. (2002). The number of species in each category was understood as a proportion Fig. 1: Location of study areas within the Czech Republic 3

Moravian geographical Reports 4/2012, Vol. 20 of their classification in the given category, i.e. a species belonging to two categories (e.g. anemochoric and ectozoochoric at the same time) was rated at 0.5. 2.3 Patch and land cover characteristics All the woodland edges were vectorized, including 700 m of their surroundings, using ArcGIS 9.1. Seven types of land cover were differentiated: acidophilous grassland, deciduous woodland, coniferous woodland, wetland, arable land and ruderal vegetation, meadow, and settlement. Calculations were performed for all segments in terms of their share and length of boundaries in the buffer zones surrounding each of the forest edges at distances of 50 m, 100 m, 400 m, and 700 m. 2.4 Data analysis Species data for multivariate analyses were adjusted by merging all the plants into a single vertical layer (merging of trees covering more than one vegetation layer) and the surface-cover ratio of the species was logarithmically transformed using Hill s scaling and underweighting of rare species significance. Due to the long gradient (over 3.0 SDU) detected upon detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) in most of the species groups, unimodal techniques (CCA canonical correspondence analyses) were used in accordance with the recommendations of ter Braak, Šmilauer (2005). Statistical significance was determined by means of the Monte Carlo permutation test (999 permutations). In several cases of the defined groups, species were missing in some quadrats; they were excluded from the analysis of the forest-edge quadrat pairs. The number of the quadrat pairs analysed is listed in Tab. 1. Variables entered into gradient analyses included geographical (elevation, average annual precipitation, average annual air temperature), exchangeable soil ph, length of the forest edge, position of the quadrat (north/ south) and selected landscape characteristics shares and relative lengths of forest-free area boundaries (fields + meadows) within 50 m, 100 m, 400 m, and 700 m of the perimeter. The lengths of the boundaries were expressed as length per unit area (m 2 / ha). An explanation of some of the abbreviated variable terms and symbols used in the charts is presented in Tab. 2. The shares and lengths of forest-free area boundaries within 100 m and 700 m of the perimeters were then selected along with the length of the forest edge and the position of the quadrat, which were analysed using partial canonical correspondence analysis (pcca). Selected variables were analysed independently with the key variables (geographical, length of the forest edge and quadrat position) included as covariates. Tab. 1: The number of quadrat pairs in the defined species groups processed by multivariate analyses The relation of the actual plant species to selected environment variables (position of the quadrat and length of the forest-free boundaries within 100 m) was expressed through ranking the species by their score on the first canonical axis of the pcca after selection of 20 species with the highest fit values. Only species with a frequency of at least six occurrences were shown. The presence-absence species data were used to express the relation of the actual species to the selected variable. Ellenberg s indicator values (Ellenberg et al., 1992) calculated for each phytosociological quadrat in JUICE (Tichý, 2002) was also used to compare environmental factors on the northern and southern forest edges. The normality of the data was analysed by STATISTICA 8.0 (Statsoft Inc., 2000), using the Shapiro-Wilks W test. In view of the abnormal distribution of some of the data, non-parametric methods were used. Numbers/shares of species in all of the relevés were used in correlation analyses. 3. Results Species group Number of analysed relevé pairs All species 38 Anemochores 38 Anemogam 38 Ectozoochores 38 Endozoochores 37 Entomogam 38 Autochores and Myrmecochores 35 Temperature Precipitation Soil ph MF (%) 50 m amf (b) 50 m rmf (b) 50 m average annual air temperature average annual precipitation exchangeable soil ph shares of forest free areas within 50 m buffer zone absolute length of forest-free area boundaries within 50 m buffer zone relative length of forest-free area boundaries within 50 m buffer zone (m 3 /ha) Tab. 2: Expansion of abbreviated terms and symbols used for the variables 3.1 Influence of variables on species composition The most important of the analysed variables are the geographical variables, especially elevation, some of the applied landscape characteristics, especially the share of forest-free areas within 700 m, the length of forest edge, and the position of the quadrat (Tab. 3). 4

Vol. 20, 4/2012 Moravian geographical Reports var. (%) All species Endozoochores Ectozoochores F P var. (%) F P var. (%) F P Autochores and Myrmecochores var. (%) F P All variables 26.6 1.581 0.001 26.9 1.495 0.001 24.8 1.350 0.001 27.0 1.450 0.001 Altitude 3.1 2.400 0.001 2.9 2.168 0.001 2.3 1.833 0.004 3.1 2.201 0.001 Temperature 1.8 1.476 0.012 - - n.s. - - n.s. 2.2 1.651 0.007 Precipitation 2.3 1.857 0.002 - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. Soil ph - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. MF (%) 50 m - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. MF (%) 100 m - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. MF (%) 400 m - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. MF (%) 700 m 2.9 2.280 0.001 3.6 2.672 0.001 3.3 2.505 0.001 3.0 2.122 0.001 rmf (b) 50 m - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. rmf (b) 100 m - - n.s. 2.4 1.807 0.008 - - n.s. 1.9 1.418 0.040 rmf (b) 400 m 1.9 1.545 0.006 - - n.s. - - n.s. 2.4 1.780 0.001 rmf (b) 700 m - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. Length of forest edge 2.0 1.603 0.003 - - n.s. 2.8 2.163 0.005 - - n.s. Phytosociological qadrat position 2.6 2.055 0.001 2.4 1.857 0.002 1.8 1.444 0.043 2.5 1.778 0.002 Sum of var. (%) 16.7 - - 11.2 - - 10.2 - - 15.2 - - Tab. 3: Results of canonical correspondence analysis. Selected species groups as analysed by forward selection method Var. (%) explained variability, F test strength, p statistical significance, n.s. not significant Anemochores Anemogames Entomogames var. (%) F P var. (%) F P var. (%) F P All variables 36.9 1.656 0.001 29.8 1.851 0.001 23.7 1.350 0.001 Altitude 4.1 2.359 0.001 5.1 3.971 0.001 2.3 1.748 0.002 Temperature - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. Precipitation 4.6 2.627 0.001 3.3 2.678 0.001 - - n.s. Soil ph - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. MF (%) 50 m 2.9 1.758 0.006 2.2 1.828 0.015 - - n.s. MF (%) 100 m 4.0 2.389 0.001 2.0 1.727 0.024 - - n.s. MF (%) 400 m - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. MF (%) 700 m - - n.s. 3.7 2.967 0.001 2.2 1.668 0.001 rmf (b) 50 m - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. rmf (b) 100 m - - n.s. - - n.s. 2.0 1.569 0.003 rmf (b) 400 m - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. rmf (b) 700 m - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. Length of forest edge 2.6 1.579 0.029 2.1 1.742 0.029 1.9 1.450 0.037 Phytosociological qadrat position 3.4 2.056 0.001 2.3 1.933 0.010 2.4 1.802 0.001 Sum of var. (%) 21.5 - - 20.6 - - 10.7 - - Tab. 3 Continuation 5

Moravian geographical Reports 4/2012, Vol. 20 Partial canonical analyses also demonstrated a high significance for landscape variables in the variability of species composition (Tab. 4). In terms of landscape characteristics, the greatest part of species data variability was explained by the shares of forest-free areas within 700 m for most of the species groups defined. Heterogeneity of the forest edge surroundings expressed by the relative length of forest-free area boundaries had a significant and more prominent influence on the quadrat species composition within the nearer 100 m surroundings than within 700 m. The length of the forest edge significantly influenced the species variability in most of the species groups analysed, largely the anemochoric (2.8% F = 1.655, p = 0.012) and ectozoochoric species (2.7% F = 2.147, p = 0.003). The position of the quadrat explained most of the species data variability in the anemochoric species (3.3% F = 1.992, p 0.001); on the other hand, it had no significant influence on the variability of ectozoochoric species. 3.2 Isolation and fragmentation The results of the partial canonical analyses of the individual species groups (Tab. 4) show that the share of forest-free areas within 100 m or 700 m was among the most important of the environmental variables analysed in all the groups. Forest-free area shares explained the greatest part of the species data variability in those species groups with diasporas that disperse easily in open landscapes, i.e. the anemochoric and anemogamic species (Tab. 4). Heterogeneity of the forest edge surroundings expressed by relative lengths of borders influenced the species composition of all species groups only within 100 m of perimeters. Further, the position of the quadrat (north/south) and the length of forest edge were important variables for the species composition variability in all the species groups (Tab. 4). Tables 5 8 clearly show a marked difference between the correlations of numbers and shares of species with the length of the forest edge and lengths of forest-free borders within 100 m and 700 m, while the species diversity and species composition of the southern borders better reflect the use of the surrounding landscape and the size of the biotope than the northern quadrats. var. (%) All species Endozoochores Ectozoochores F P var. (%) F P var. (%) F P Autochores and Myrmecochores var. (%) F P MF (%) 100 m 2.6 2.133 0.001 2.7 2.111 0.001 3.1 2.476 0.001 2.3 1.656 0.008 MF (%) 700 m 2.8 2.229 0.001 3.1 2.383 0.001 2.6 2.090 0.003 2.7 1.984 0.001 rmf (b) 100 m 2.6 2.052 0.001 3.0 2.331 0.001 2.9 2.325 0.002 2.6 1.899 0.001 rmf (b) 700 m 1.7 1.350 0.040 - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. Length of forest edge 1.9 1.541 0.007 - - n.s. 2.7 2.147 0.003 1.8 1.289 0.143 Phytosociological qadrat position 2.6 1.087 0.001 2.3 1.760 0.006 - - n.s. 2.4 1.753 0.001 Tab. 4: Results of partial canonical correspondence analysis Selected species groups were analysed by forward selection with the inclusion of selected variables as covariate. Var. (%) explained variability, F test strength, p statistical significance, n.s. not significant Anemochores Anemogames Entomogames var. (%) F P var. (%) F P var. (%) F P MF (%) 100 m 3.9 2.355 0.001 3.4 2.841 0.001 2.0 1.591 0.003 MF (%) 700 m 3.6 2.168 0.001 3.4 2.896 0.001 2.1 1.671 0.001 rmf (b) 100 m 3.3 1.985 0.003 3.0 2.548 0.002 2.2 1.711 0.001 rmf (b) 700 m - - n.s. - - n.s. - - n.s. Length of forest edge 2.8 1.655 0.012 2.0 1.623 0.037 1.8 1.413 0.041 Phytosociological qadrat position 3.3 1.992 0.001 2.3 1.921 0.009 2.4 1.841 0.001 Tab. 4 Continuation 6

Vol. 20, 4/2012 Moravian geographical Reports Length of forest edge MF (%) 100 m MF (%) 700 m amf (b) 100 m amf (b) 700 m rmf (b) 100 m rmf (b) 700 m All species 0.46** 0.58*** 0.49** 0.47** n.s. n.s. n.s. Endozoochores n.s. 0.48** 0.47** n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Ectozoochores 0.72*** n.s. 0.39* 0.46** n.s. n.s. n.s. Anemochores 0.52*** n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Myrmecochores + autochores n.s. 0.61*** 0.46** 0.50** n.s. 0.32* n.s. Anemogames 0.50** n.s. n.s. 0.44** n.s. n.s. n.s. Entomogames 0.37* 0.56*** 0.48** 0.42** n.s. n.s. n.s. Tab. 5: Spearman s correlation of environmental variables with the number of species within the defined groups in the quadrats from the southern parts of the forest edges Significance levels: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; n.s. not significant Length of forest edge MF (%) 100 m MF (%) 700 m amf (b) 100 m amf (b) 700 m rmf (b) 100 m rmf (b) 700 m All species 0.42** n.s. 0.56*** n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Endozoochores n.s. n.s. 0.51** n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Ectozoochores n.s. n.s. 0.36* n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Anemochores 0.42** n.s. 0.47** n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Myrmecochores + autochores 0.36* n.s. 0.43** n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Anemogames 0.33* 0.33* 0.39* n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Entomogames 0.40* n.s. 0.59*** n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Tab. 6: Spearman s correlation of environmental variables with the number of species within the defined groups in the quadrats from the northern parts of the forest edges Significance levels: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; n.s. not significant Length of forest edge MF (%) 100 m MF (%) 700 m amf (b) 100 m amf (b) 700 m rmf (b) 100 m rmf (b) 700 m Endozoochores 0.43** n.s. n.s. n.s. 0.33* n.s. n.s. Ectozoochores 0.39* n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Anemochores n.s. 0.37* 0.33* n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Myrmecochores + autochores n.s. 0.43** n.s. 0.34* n.s. n.s. n.s. Anemogames n.s. 0.33* n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Entomogames n.s. 0.33* 0.37* n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Tab. 7: Spearman s correlation of environmental variables with the share of species within the defined groups in the quadrats from the southern parts of the forest edges Significance levels: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; n.s. not significant Length of forest edge MF (%) 100 m MF (%) 700 m amf (b) 100 m amf (b) 700 m rmf (b) 100 m rmf (b) 700 m Endozoochores n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Ectozoochores n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Anemochores n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Myrmecochores + autochores n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Anemogames n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Entomogames n.s. n.s. 0.39* n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. Tab. 8: Spearman s correlation of environmental variables with the share of species within the defined groups in the quadrats from the northern parts of the forest edges Significance levels: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; n.s. not significant 7

Moravian geographical Reports 4/2012, Vol. 20 4. Discussion The results obtained were considered in the light of the of partial canonical correspondence analysis (pcca), which was also used to analyse the relationships of individual plant species to the boundary length (heterogeneity) of the forest-free areas within 100 m of the perimeter and the position of the quadrat at the forest edge. The position of the quadrat, together with the use of presence-absence data, explained 3.1% (F = 2.184, p 0.001) and length of boundaries within the 100 m surroundings explained 2.6% (F = 1.813, p 0.001) of species data variability. The 20 plant species selected by their fit values constitute a relatively heterogeneous collection (see Tab. 9). This includes the typical forest species such as Viola reichenbachiana, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea agg. and Acer campestre as well as the species of forest-free areas: Genista tinctoria, Hypericum perforatum, Securigera varia, and Veronica chamaedrys. The species bound to forest edges within the higher heterogeneity of the 100 m surroundings, in particular, include several species that do not disseminate easily their dispersion is facilitated by the higher connectivity of suitable biotopes. These include Viola reichenbachiana, which is relatively closely bound to the forest environment; its seeds are spread by ants carrying them only over short distances (Grime et al., 1988; Oberdorfer, 1994; Hermy et al., 1999; Honnay et al., 2005; Digiovinazzo et al., 2009). Similar difficulties in spreading are faced by species with large seeds and autochoric means of dissemination Genista tinctoria and Securigera varia, growing mainly in various types of grassland (Chytrý et al., 2001). In contrast, species more closely associated with forest edges with less heterogenic surroundings also included anemochoric plant species such as Knautia arvensis agg., Holcus mollis, and Elytrigia repens. The survival of various plant species in isolated forest edges is also influenced by the orientation of the edge in which they grow. Ellenberg s indicative values express significant differences in the species composition of northern and southern forest edges. Northern edges tend to be more humid (Fig. 2), thanks to which they offer better access to nutrients in comparable soil conditions (Fig. 3). Northern edges are favoured by ruderal species with high competition success rates, such as Anthriscus sylvestris, Dactylis glomerata subsp. glomerata and Urtica dioica, as well as some sciophilous forest species, e.g. Asarum europaeum or Geranium robertianum (Tab. 10). Southern edges, in contrast, facilitate the survival of many types of grassland that are more light-demanding and less capable of competing with larger ruderal species. Grassland species growing in southern parts of the forest edges include e.g. Achillea millefolium agg., Genista tinctoria, Knautia arvensis agg., Pimpinella saxifraga and Securigera varia (Tab. 10). Separately calculated correlations of the numbers and shares of species belonging to the defined groups from relevés laid in the northern and southern parts of the forest edges disclosed significantly different results. In most cases, the correlations with selected variables were more marked in the southern parts of the forest edges. The species composition in the southern quadrats thus better reflects the relation to the surrounding land cover and size of the biotope. The northern parts of the forest edges tend to be more = Median; = 25 75% Inter-quartile Range; = Whiskers; = Outliers KW-H (1;76) = 15.28; P < 0.001 Fig. 2: Comparison of Ellenberg s indicative values for humidity between quadrats from southern and northern parts of forest edges KW-H (1;76) = 14.43; P < 0.001 Fig. 3: Comparison of Ellenberg s indicative values for nutrients between quadrats from southern and northern parts of forest edges 8

Vol. 20, 4/2012 Moravian geographical Reports Gradient Plant species Frequency Score pcca 1 Fit Fagus sylvatica 15 0.6218 0.0818 Galium album 15 0.4517 0.0500 Knautia arvensis agg. 6 0.4230 0.0178 Length of forest free area margins Galium aparine 23 0.4051 0.0565 Prunus spinosa 9 0.3765 0.0195 Holcus mollis 18 0.3708 0.0394 Elytrigia repens 39 0.3599 0.0965 Quercus petraea agg. 13 0.2981 0.0190 Hypericum perforatum 20 0.2544 0.0247 Fragaria vesca 12 0.2869 0.0221 Veronica chamaedrys 14 0.3113 0.0238 Prunus avium 19 0.3176 0.0322 Geum urbanum 13 0.3241 0.0249 Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia 18 0.3773 0.0528 Acer campestre 12 0.4222 0.0397 Securigera varia 7 0.4565 0.0259 Dactylis glomerata subsp. glomerata 26 0.4847 0.1385 Genista tinctoria 9 0.5413 0.0420 Aegopodium podagraria 6 0.6207 0.0426 Viola reichenbachiana 6 0.8722 0.0789 Tab. 9: Occurrence of species in forest edges on the gradient of relative forest-free area boundary length (heterogeneity of surroundings) up to a 100 m distance; the species are ranked according to their score on the 1 st canonical axis of the pcca; only the species occurring in more than six quadrats within the area are shown. Phytosociological quadrat position Plant species Frequency Score pcca 1 Fit North South Asarum europaeum 8 0.9500 0.1196 Urtica dioica 15 0.6996 0.1198 Campanula rapunculoides 7 0.4041 0.0198 Geum urbanum 13 0.3777 0.0339 Fraxinus excelsior 14 0.3642 0.0322 Acer campestre 12 0.3580 0.0286 Sorbus aucuparia subsp. aucuparia 10 0.3476 0.0180 Geranium robertianum 29 0.3471 0.0673 Dactylis glomerata subsp. glomerata 26 0.2829 0.0472 Anthriscus sylvestris 28 0.1964 0.0290 Prunus spinosa 9 0.3488 0.0168 Rubus fruticosus agg. 18 0.4586 0.0628 Achillea millefolium agg. 15 0.5990 0.0974 Hypericum perforatum 20 0.7014 0.1878 Securigera varia 7 0.7605 0.0720 Genista tinctoria 9 0.9909 0.1407 Pimpinella saxifraga 6 1.0084 0.1008 Knautia arvensis agg. 6 1.0212 0.1035 Fallopia convolvulus 6 1.0548 0.0698 Corylus avellana 26 1.1036 0.0228 Tab. 10: Occurrence of species in the forest edges according to their position within the forest edge; the species are ranked according to their score on the 1 st canonical axis of the pcca; only the species occurring in more than six quadrats within the area are shown 9

Moravian geographical Reports 4/2012, Vol. 20 humid and nutritive. Such conditions attract highly competitive species such as eutrophic and ruderal species and the pcca showed that this masks the significance of the variables analysed (Tab. 10). The key importance of competition in the more nutritive sites was confirmed also by the work of Foster et al. (2004). As the phytosociological data from the southern parts of the forest edges provide better evidence of species composition, only these results will be further commented upon here. The species diversity of most of the defined species groups expanded with the increasing length of the forest edge, with the exception of endozoochoric and myrmecochoric + autochoric species (Tab. 5). The most marked relationship between the number of species and the size of the biotope (length of forest edge) was recorded for the ectozoochoric species. Forest edges (ecotones) are characterised by a relatively high ground cover factor of both herbaceous and shrub layers; in a fragmented landscape, they are important refuges and sources of food for wildlife (Fitzgibbon, 1997). That the most marked relationship between the species diversity and the length of the forest edge was recorded in the ectozoochoric species indirectly confirms the importance of the increasing length of the forest edge for the presence or frequency of wildlife occurrence. The attractiveness of the forest edge for wildlife lies mainly in its function as a refuge from predators and an environment containing sources of food (Fitzgibbon, 1997; Wolf, Batzli, 2002). The closest relationship between the species composition (Tab. 4) and diversity (Tab. 5) and the size of the biotope in ectozoochoric species may be explained by their relatively close relationship (in terms of available biotopes within farmland) with forest edges and similar habitats. Saunders et al. (1991) confirmed that diversity of specialist species tends to be most severely impacted by the reduction of biotope size. In farmland, forest edges represent space-restricted types of biotope in which both ectozoochoric and anemochoric species may thrive. For anemochoric species, forest edges may function as nets stretched across the landscape that capture their diasporas in numbers proportional to their extent. The greatest influence of forest edge length on the variability of species composition was recorded (again through pcca) in ectozoochoric and anemochoric species. On the other hand, endozoochoric species are limited by being spread by birds or mammals that have closer relationships to the particular biotopes, predominantly forests, in which they live, a situation similar to the myrmecochoric species disseminated by ants (van Dorp, 1987; van Dorp, Kalkhoven, 1998). The myrmecochoric species (together with the autochoric) stood out because, of all the species groups, the increasing heterogeneity of the nearest surroundings (length of boundaries within 100 m) was of the highest importance for their higher abundance. However, an increasing isolation factor (share of forest-free areas within 100 m and 700 m) reduces the diversity of both myrmecochoric and anemochoric species (Tab. 5). Dzwonko and Loster (1992) and van Dorp (1987) also recorded higher sensitivity to isolation for myrmecochoric and autochoric species compared to the easily spreading anemochoric species. For example, Tremlová and Münzbergová (2007) categorise ectozoochoric and anemochoric species as spacedominating, with the highest dissemination capacity. 5. Conclusion The share of forest-free areas had a significant influence on the diversity of some species groups in both the closer surroundings up to 100 m and over larger distances up to 700 m, but the closer surroundings had a more marked influence on the species diversity (Tab. 7). The structure of the surrounding landscape (absolute length of forest-free boundaries) influenced the species diversity only within the distance of up to 100 m, while relative boundary lengths were of practically no significance (Tab. 5). Diversity and species composition of forest edges are influenced by the parts of the landscape immediately surrounding the forest edges, but also by the relatively distant surroundings. Likewise, Rogers et al. (2002) demonstrated that the species composition of isolated forest fragments was most influenced by the impacts of landscape changes rather than by local variables. The diversity and species composition of isolated forest edges are defined by the size of the biotope, by the degree of its isolation and by local environmental conditions, all of which substantially influence the competitive relations between plants. Land use in the proximity of forest edges significantly influences the degree of isolation that in turn affects the representation of various species types in terms of the dissemination of their diasporas. The results of this research report suggest the major importance of land-use approaches for the species composition and for the diversity of plant societies in small-scale, isolated fragments of vegetation. Acknowledgments Funding was provided by a project No. AVOZ 30860518 Physical and environmental processes in the lithosphere induced by anthropogenic activities. We would like to thank anonymous reviewers for the constructive and thoughtful advice. 10

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Vol. 20, 4/2012 Moravian geographical Reports SUSTAINABLE INNER PERIPHERIES? A CASE STUDY OF THE OLEŠNICE MICRO-REGION (CZECH REPUBLIC) Abstract Lenka JAKEŠOVÁ, Antonín VAISHAR The Olešnice micro-region represents municipalities situated at the boundary of the South Moravian Region. These come under the inner peripheries which do not develop economically, lose their population, get older and have a lower social and economic standard and a worse infrastructure. The authors work on a hypothesis that from the natural point of view the area has a strong recreational potential. The question is how local actors contribute to its development, what their relationships to the territory are and whether they are aware of the values of the area. The study is based on results of a questionnaire with local residents and also on a comparison with other peripheral rural areas in the region. The outcomes suggest that important requirements of sustainable development are not always included in the everyday lives of local people. Shrnutí Udržitelné vnitřní periferie? Příklad mikroregionu Olešnicko (Česká republika) Mikroregion Olešnice reprezentuje obce, nacházející se na hranicích Jihomoravského kraje. Tyto obce tvoří tzv. vnitřní periferii, která je ekonomicky méně rozvinutá, ztrácí obyvatelstvo, stárne, má nižší sociální a ekonomické standardy a horší infrastrukturu. Autoři vycházejí z hypotézy, že z přírodního hlediska má mikroregion silný potenciál cestovního ruchu. Otázka je, jak místní subjekty přispívají k jeho rozvoji, jaký je jejich vztah k území a zda jsou si vědomi hodnot daného území. Studie je založena na výsledcích dotazníkového šetření mezi místními obyvateli, a také na srovnání s jinými periferními mikroregiony v kraji. Závěry ukazují, že významné požadavky udržitelného rozvoje nejsou vždy zahnuty do všedního života místních obyvatel. Key words: periphery; sustainability; countryside; recreation, Olešnice micro-region, Czech Republic 1. Introduction In the academic literature, a great deal of attention has been paid to the support and development of peripheral rural areas. Because of the rapid development of the society, the topic of today becomes not only the question of improvement of the situation in remote areas, but also how to use the potential of a given territory. At present, the country has to face structural changes that significantly influence the living conditions of the local population. The loss of importance of agricultural production, unemployment, emigration of young people, and population ageing are the most significant of these changes. The remote micro-regions of the current inland, the so-called internal peripheries 1 (Musil, Müller, 2008), suffer from these and other aspects, primarily from the absence of full-valued local urban centres as well as from worse accessibility of regional centres. Another characteristic usually is a rugged relief that puts limitations on the development of agriculture (Vaishar, Zapletalová, 2010). Due to worsened conditions, a great number of small settlements located close to one another emerged in the landscape (Perlín, 1998). Other secondary features include location characteristics and transport accessibility discussed by Čermák (2005). However, one of the main characteristics of peripheral areas is their distance from the main centres (Ferrão, Lopes, 2004). Thus in Czechia, internal peripheries are usually 1 Internal peripheries in contrast to borderland peripheries: in Czechia, borderland peripheries (except for the border with Slovakia) are impacted by postwar ethnically based population exchange which has substantially modified their social milieu. 13

Moravian geographical Reports 4/2012, Vol. 20 found on the margins of metropolitan regions, and to a lesser extent on the boundaries of the spheres of influence of the neighbouring regional centres (Musil, Müller, 2008). The frontier periphery differs from the inner periphery in social consequences of the post-war population exchange on ethnical and social bases. This paper considers an analysis of the sustainability of the peripheral areas and the possibilities of improving their social situation. The study proceeds from the assumption that despite their feeble development these remote, marginal micro-regions offer a space with well-preserved nature and a strong recreational potential (Fialová, 2001). This fact is also perceived by the inhabitants of the countryside themselves, who can see the development of rural areas mainly in the promotion of tourism, development of agro-tourism or rural tourism, and thus in the adequate diversification of activities. This brings about new ways of thinking and behaviour of the rural population. The goals of this paper are as follows: to present a brief overview of the perception and character of the countryside and its sustainability in relation to the periphery based on the analysis of expert literature, to evaluate the current status of the rural periphery in the case study area, and to diagnose the perception of sustainable development from the viewpoint of their inhabitants in relation to their age, gender, education and occupation. 2. Theoretical background of the study The countryside 2 starts to be an increasingly popular place of residence, a recreational environment, place of social contacts, a cultural and natural space, and a place of necessary relaxation (Šimková, 2008). Talking about the specificities and values of the countryside as such, we could therefore state that the sustainability of the countryside corresponds with the quality of its environment. Are we able to tell at all when the countryside is sustainable? How and by what shall we determine its sustainability? How does the sustainability manifest itself in the relation to peripheral areas? The concept of sustainable development, on which the presented work is based, is especially significant for the development of rural areas. Development is designed as a process of positive changes. These are usually improvements of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the given area, most often natural and socio-economic (Galvasová et al., 2007). The academic and scientific sphere has worked with the sustainability concept since the 1 st half of the 1980s, yet the general public has not come across with it at all. This is to confirm the fact that to determine what is sustainable and what is no longer sustainable is a very challenging task. In the conception of the G. Brundtland Commission (1987), sustainable development means: Such way of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The principal idea is to ensure a balance among three basic pillars: social, economic, and environmental. Only a balanced development of the three pillars may lead to sustainable development (WCED, 1991). In other words, this is a multi-dimensional process, which endeavours to integrate economic, socio-cultural, and environmental goals in a sustainable manner (Kearney et al., 1994). In a global concept, the goal of the development of sustainable countryside is to attain sustainable economic growth and improvement of living conditions; this will ensure that rural regions will be attractive places for living, and will be able to provide a positive contribution to the national economy (Woods, 2011). In Czechia, the questions of sustainability in relation to marginal regions were studied e.g. by Cudlínová and Těšitel (2000). According to Leimgruber (2004) the definitions for marginal regions are vague and differ between academic disciplines. Marginal regions could however be characterized as regions lying off mainstream processes both in society and economy, but also in relation to the natural environment and geographical remoteness. It is clear that such a characteristic has to be relative. On the other hand, periphery and peripheral regions relate more to the geographical distance and worse permeability of the landscape due to geomorphological or other natural conditions. Responsible behaviour and attitude to the environment are determining for environmental sustainability (Šimková, 2008). Within environmental sustainability in the case of the countryside, it is possible to observe both a general degradation of its environment i.e. the negative environmental dimension, and a positive environmental significance of rural areas in comparison to urban areas. Some examples are the construction of ecological houses, the impact of renewable energy sources on the landscape, the development of ecotourism, territorial systems of ecological stability realized at a high standard, protected landscape areas, the NATURA 2000 system, etc. 2 Communes with less than 4,000 inhabitants are classified as rural in the South Moravia Region (with some exceptions) according to the Regional Branch of the Czech Statistical Office. Areas composed of rural communes form the South Moravia countryside. 14

Vol. 20, 4/2012 Moravian geographical Reports Sustainable economic development connected with the increasing income of the population, i.e. a prosperous local economy, economic cohesion, and influence on other activities in the locality, availability and quality of workforce etc. are determining for economic sustainability (Šimková, 2008). According to Zeman (2002), the basic idea is to enhance the framework of activities beyond the traditional economic determination. The economic pillar is focused on increasing competitiveness as well as on ensuring sustainable growth of the governed locality (Stejskal, Kovárník, 2009). This is more easily measurable than the social sustainability as it can be defined quantitatively (Munro, 1995). According to Moldan and Braniš (2003), the economic dimension of sustainability grounds in the necessity to preserve the basic capital in all economic activities, and to utilise only the profit generated. It is often expected in the economic sphere of the post-socialist countryside that intensive agriculture will be replaced by the functions of tourism (e.g. Knappe, Benedek, Ilieva, 2011). The peripheral rural areas, however, often lack the capital to start entrepreneurial activities. For this reason, a number of investors come from other regions, from cities, or even from abroad. In some cases, it may occur that new activities do not employ local workforce, do not cooperate with local entrepreneurs or do not purchase goods in local shops. In such cases, the benefit of business activities for the concrete rural areas is minimal, perhaps with the exception of the permanent property tax. On the other hand, the municipalities are responsible for the disposal of communal waste produced from such activities, or for the maintenance of local roads on which the transport to these activities takes place. Social cohesion, health, education, social recognition, and quality of living are determining for social sustainability. Except from other things the quality of life includes housing, public transport, accessibility, and the level of public services (Šimková, 2008). The social dimension of sustainability applies to people as individuals on the one hand and to society on the other (Moldan, Braniš, 2003). It is important that the basic needs of all people are ensured, and that everyone has an opportunity to fulfil their desires for a better life (WCED, 1991). Lay knowledge is of great importance for the development of a locality, especially in rural areas and small (remote) municipalities. According to Husák (2010), primarily all local actors, i.e. residents, non-residents, and old inhabitants have such knowledge. This means that the local population should have a decisive say in defining the sustainable development of the rural landscape. The problem of peripheral municipalities, however, is the population ageing as a result of natural development and emigration of young people. As described by Majerová (2005), owing to the decrease of traditional forms of everyday communication between villagers, the social integration of aged people will become increasingly difficult. In peripheral areas, we also observe the gradual disappearance of elements that used to strengthen social coherence. An example of changes deteriorating the situation of inhabitants in peripheries is the down-scaling of public transport services, postal services, shops, pubs, the closing of schools, sports clubs etc. Thus, a part of the population living in the peripheries suffers from social isolation (Musil, Müller, 2006). We could also speak about demographic sustainability (see e.g. Copus and Crabtree, 1996) which is considered as an aspect of social sustainability (Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh, 2010). The focus of sustainable development will be concentrated on the population. In the case of countryside, it is necessary to prevent it from depopulation. Demographic sustainability can be assessed very roughly on the basis of population migration. It is obvious that settlements showing a positive balance during the studied period are demographically sustainable. Apparently, certain settlements are approaching a certain critical boundary (the determination of which is not easy) and will not be demographically sustainable. The problem of countryside depopulation concerns a considerable part of rural micro-regions in Central and Eastern Europe (Bell et al., 2009; Fischer, 2009). Under the conditions of globalization, the sustainability of the countryside may also be understood as maintaining its regional identity and specificities as a counterbalance to the general, levelling out patterns of production and consumption. Core areas are more developed within the globalization process, while in peripheral areas the development trends are not extended and problematic situation is deepened. Mainly the consequences of migration as a global problem are increasingly complex. It is the cause of process of decomposition of rural areas and globally uneven rural urbanization. While big cities are in favor of globalization, offering the diversity of activities and cultural life, small towns in peripheral areas are dominated by local customs and traditions that could be endangered by globalization. Peripheral areas are valuable for their local identity (traditions, culture, and the environment), and it is primarily the specific distance that can be helpful for the survival of cultural diversity (Ferrão and 15

Moravian geographical Reports 4/2012, Vol. 20 Lopes, 2004; Sedlacek et al., 2009). Due to this potential, the rural peripheral areas may boost the economic development by creating (micro) regional associations (Epps, 2002) to finance common projects and to collaborate in the fields of lobbying, advertising etc. For the development of these areas, however, cooperation among municipalities, economic organizations, and non-profit organizations, and increasing accountability of regional centres for their peripheral territories is of importance. It can be stated that the perception of a location by local inhabitants determines to a certain extent the future possibilities of local development. The attachment to a place in natives, who have lived in a house/settlement/region for centuries, will have a different feeling of belonging from recent newcomers to the region (Stockmann, 2005). In this respect, for example, it is questionable whether a suburbanized countryside is sustainable as such, or whether it is a different type of settlement lacking a great part of rural characteristics. Additionally, Sumner (2005) puts the question whether the concept of sustainability is still suitable for analyzing the rural periphery. A number of Czech authors occupy themselves with the research of peripheries and discuss the issues from many points of view. Havlíček, Chromý, Jančák, Marada (2005) attempted to summarize theoretical backgrounds of the research on peripheries. Another approach is the research of peripheral to marginal areas primarily at the micro-regional and local level (Vaishar et al., 2011). The development of peripheries may also be perceived in sociological terms as of areas with specific social characteristics, as in the case, e.g. with Musil, Müler (2008) or Jeřábek (2006). In the Czech literature, inner and outer peripheries are strongly distinguished. The inner periphery can be found in inland, on the boundary of influence spheres of regional centres, whereas outer periphery is situated in the borderland with neighbouring countries (the Slovak part of the borderland is sometimes not included). Remoteness from important centres is a common characteristic of both the peripheries. The main difference consists in the fact that the population of the inner periphery is relatively stable (in terms of low level of immigrants). On the other side, the majority of population of the outer periphery (a part of which was a section on the iron curtain) was changed on the ethnical basis after the WWII. It preconditioned important differences between the two peripheries, which manifest themselves even at the present time. Differences between inner and outer periphery were documented by Havlíček et al. (2008). Czech inner periphery was delimited and characterized by Musil and Müller (2008). In the academic literature, we find a new understanding of the periphery associated with the interconnection of information and communication technologies, mainly the Internet and mobile communications, which bring an opportunity for the sustainable development of rural or peripheral areas (Reinöhlová, 2005; Harvey, 1989). In many cases, peripheries are compared to the synonymous underdeveloped regions, and the removal of peripheries is the main task of the government that tries to fight against regional disparities (Ferrão and Lopes, 2004). On the other hand, the peripheral countryside is often understood as a territory, which is capable of preserving greater biodiversity (O Rourke, Kramm, 2009), thus contributing to ecological sustainability in general. Foreign authors studying the countryside, sustainable development, and marginality were, e.g. Woods (2011), Tryzna (1995), Bowler, Bryant and Cocklin (2002), Moseley (2003), Labrianidis (2004) and others. Jenkins (2000) points out that the sustainability of marginal rural regions relates to the integration of local traditions into imperatives of post-modern world. We have to point that in geographical literature, periphery is a consequence of space polarization within the core periphery concept (e.g. Borgatti, Everett, 2000). From it follows that under conditions of market economy, it is not possible to overcome the periphery; it is only possible to moderate its consequences. The periphery exists in a dichotomist relation to the core. It means that characteristics of the periphery are necessary to be looked for in a comparison to the core. 3. Characteristics of the Olešnice Micro-Region 3.1 General characteristics of the territory According to the Strategy of Regional Development of the Czech Republic 3, in the territory of the South Moravia Region, some parts of the Bohemian-Moravian Uplands, and mainly a part of the northern border of the region opposite the Vysočina Region and the Pardubice Region in the Blansko district can be considered internal peripheries. A relatively large and rugged territory is not entirely integrated into the gravitation field of Boskovice, the closest sub-regional centre. On the other side, the local centres Olešnice, Kunštát, and Velké Opatovice are too weak to fulfil central functions 3 Strategie regionálního rozvoje České republiky (2006) /Regional Development Strategy of the Czech Republic/ 16

Vol. 20, 4/2012 Moravian geographical Reports Fig. 1: Olešnice Micro-Region Association of Municipalities. Source: http://www.uur.cz/default.asp?id=3779 (Mikroregiony Jihomoravského kraje. Ústav územního rozvoje Brno, květen 2003) adequately. Important centres are not available either on the other side of the regional boundary, in the regions of Pardubice and Vysočina (Fig. 1). Association of Municipalities is a voluntary alliance of communes, which was established to meet individual and common interests of its members. It includes the communes of Crhov, Kněževes (with local parts of Jobova Lhota and Veselka), Křtěnov, Louka, Lhota u Olešnice, Olešnice, Rozsíčka, and Ústup on an area of 4,540 ha. Olešnice is a natural centre of the area. The territory is situated in the Nedvědická vrchovina Upland, at the boundary of three districts (Blansko, Žďár nad Sázavou, and Svitavy) of three regions (South Moravia, Pardubice, and Vysočina), and the historic lands of Moravia and Bohemia. The town of Olešnice (Fig. 2. see cover p. 4) is at a distance of 23 km from Boskovice, the superior sub-regional centre. The nearest sub-regional centres of neighbouring regions are at a distance of 21 km (Bystřice nad Pernštejnem) and 23 km (Polička). In all mentioned directions, it is necessary to pass over rugged terrains (Peša, 2005). As of 1 January 2010, the micro-region had totally 2,814 inhabitants, of whom 62% lived in the town of Olešnice, the micro-region s centre. The settlement structure of the micro-region is fragmented, three communes have less than 100 inhabitants, and the population of other three communes is 100 200 inhabitants. Approximately 26% of the population lives in these communes. This settlement structure corresponds with the relief ruggedness. The population density in the micro-region amounts roughly to 65 inhabitants per km 2, which is just a one half of the national average. 3.2 Economy Although the Olešnice area is not very productive, local people have been living on agriculture since time immemorial (Peša, 2000). AGROSPOL Ltd. agricultural enterprise that also farms the agricultural land in Kněževes and Ústup is the most prominent company in Olešnice. Other agricultural enterprises are CORPO Louka Ltd., Agricultural cooperative Mír (Peace), and the farm AGRON Sulíkov s.r.o. in Rozsíčka. There are about 10 family farms in the territory, cultivating only a very small part of the land. Food processing followed by metalworking remain the main industries in the Olešnice area. Currently, Mlékárna RMD Olešnice (agrarian dairy cooperative Fig. 3 see cover p. 4) with approx. 160 employees is the most important industrial enterprise (Fig. 2). It is one of the largest milk processing factories in Moravia. MORAVIAFLOR with 100 employees, a traditional producer of artificial flowers, today for decorative purposes, is the second biggest enterprise. The Agroplast metal-working company employs 60 people. Other job opportunities can be found in smaller companies and with some individual tradesmen. 17

Moravian geographical Reports 4/2012, Vol. 20 Results of the 2001 census show that the Olešnice microregion has a great number of commuters as 60% of the workforce travel for work out of the micro-region. Most job opportunities for the population exist in Olešnice from where only 47% of the working population commutes to work while the remaining part finds local employmentd. The most frequent destinations for commuters are the towns of Boskovice and Letovice (Peša, 2005). 3.3 Attributes of Olešnice peripherality Theoretically speaking, the Olešnice area is a rural micro-region with limited outlooks for prosperity. The surroundings are only attractive for their natural beauty; there are no architectural places of interest in the area. The micro-region faces problems both in the economic and social respect. It is very difficult to find work nearby. The existing jobs are usually very poorly paid, which results in a greater share of population commuting for work. There are neither adequate economic opportunities nor a social life to fulfil the needs of today's generation. For these reasons, the area becomes depopulated and young qualified people leave for towns and cities. The micro-region s remoteness concerning transport is another characteristic. The territory is not far from the second largest city of the Czech Republic (Brno) but in spite of that, it is not very attractive for recreation. The problem is a missing railway link, which makes the area less attractive for the development of tourism. Another disadvantage hampering the development of tourism is the small number of accommodation facilities, which would make a so-called weekend tourism possible (Moseley, 2003). Second homes are the main form of recreation in this area. In a number of rural municipalities, cottages owned primarily by Brno inhabitants account for a major part of the building stock. Nevertheless, inner distinction that is largely favourable for the development of rural tourism and local traditions could be an advantage of the peripheral areas. In the municipalities of the microregion, a relatively rich traditional social life prevails. Some traditional cultural and social events have been successfully preserved; other traditions have been rediscovered by the locals and are being developed. The Olešnice micro-region is very valuable from the perspective of natural and aesthetic values. The entire area belongs to the Svratecká hornatina Hilly Land nature park (Peša, 2005). This fact can be built upon, and the development strategy of the Olešnice microregion periphery should be directed from the traditional forms of farming (agriculture) to the promotion of rural tourism and the promotion of local cultural events (Woods, 2011; Strategie rozvoje Jihomoravského kraje). 4. Questionnaire survey: methodological considerations The aim of the paper is to assess the sustainability of peripheral countryside in the Olešnice micro-region in terms of natural resources, social capital and economic efficiency. The first step was a choice of the regional level for research. The Olešnice micro-region is integrated by functions of its central place the small town Olešnice (Fig. 3). Thus it can be regarded as a representative peripheral countryside area and is a suitable object for the research on local inhabitants perceptions. The study is based on the results of a questionnaire survey with local inhabitants, which was focused on the investigation of public perception of the geographical position (i.e. peripheral position within the South Moravia Region), development potential of the area (including tourism potential and local business environment) and their residential satisfaction and attachment to the place. The sample of respondents included inhabitants of the Olešnice municipality. Collaboration with local grammar schools was established to address a sufficient number of respondents. The questionnaire was distributed to families by school pupils. The process of responding the questions was voluntary and confidential. The biggest disadvantage of the adopted method was that the questionnaire concerned only the population recruited of parents or grandparents of pupils in the schools. It means that not all the age and family status categories were included in the sample and the research was not representative. On the other hand, the inhabitants with children of school age form a very expressive social group in the town, which is relatively stabilized there and mostly interested in the future. We presuppose that sustainability is perceived differently and is preconditioned by the system of values differing in specific population groups (according to age, gender, education, profession, etc.). That is why not only the complete set of respondents was evaluated but also individual age, gender, education and professional groups. The data were elaborated by basic statistical analysis and correlation analysis. The data analysis process commences with the calculation of basic descriptive characteristics (tables of frequencies, calculations of mean value, median, mode, spreads, variances, normality of distribution etc.). For the sake of clearness, the results were translated into a graphic format. Altogether 137 questionnaires were distributed. Of them, 110 were completed by parents of school pupils, 20 by the local administration and seven were 18

Vol. 20, 4/2012 Moravian geographical Reports completed on site. Of them, 104 forms were returned completed, which represents a 76% return. The questionnaire consisted of 7 identification questions (e.g. age, gender, profession, education etc.). Other questions were directed to business and tourism potentials, ecological life style demand and social background of the population in the territory under investigation. The answers were evaluated according to a 4-point scale. In our case, point 1 means fully agreed, point 4 means fully disagreed. We avoided the neutral decision (so-called semantic zero), which is not a part of even point scales. The results were statistically elaborated by means of codes which were allocated to individual answers. Further we worked only with the set of codes. The data were digitalized in MS Excel and transformed into the Statistica Base 10 software. The level of significance was in all tests of parametrical statistics defined always as max. P 0.05. Incomplete answers were not included in the analyses. The research premise was as follows: The perception of geographical position within the South Moravia region, recreational activities in the area, satisfaction with the environmental situation, suitability of territory for business, sufficiency of cultural life is different with respect, to gender, age, education and profession of the population. The research questions were defined as follows: Question 1: How do local people perceive their geographical position (peripheriality) within a region? Question 2: How strong is their relationship to the territory? (measured as a rate of satisfaction and social cohesion of residents) Question 3: How do local people evaluate the quality of life and the development potential of the area? (measured as a rate of satisfaction with living environment, interpersonal relations, tourism potential, conditions for business and enterprising, etc.) 5. Analysis of the perception of sustainable development and social relations of inhabitants living in the inner periphery of the Olešnice micro-region Females (72%) were the prevailing group of respondents who returned the completed questionnaires. The age category of 36 50 years was the most numerous group (38%). People with the vocational education without the school-leaving examination (38%) dominated the category of education and as to occupation, a greater part of respondents fell in the category "other" (29%). The majority of respondents were satisfied with the locality of their residence (57%). They live a long time in the territory or even were born there. The respondents were connected with the area through contacts with their family members, the house of their dwelling and social relations (friends, neighbours). Besides of these social reasons, the respondents considered for important quiet milieu and healthy environment. Profession, customs and tradition followed. Sport activities were less important as to relation to the territory. The perception of geographical position was the next question. Most respondents considered the position on the regional border rather disadvantageous and next 22% greatly inconvenient. Mostly young mobile people with university education did not think that the position of the micro-region is unfavourable. They probably purposely stay in the area combining the living in rural milieu with employment in urban businesses. Poor technical a transport infrastructure, insufficient services, health care of lower quality and cultural opportunities were criticized more. Also higher prices of food and other basic goods (evoked by lower competition in the rural space) represent a certain problem. It showed once again that people prefer rural milieu but ask for urban quality of services. The territory of the Olešnice micro-region was evalu - ated by almost 80% of respondents as strongly attractive for tourism. Mostly the respondents employed in services held this opinion. In fact, the tourism potential is not better than in the neighbouring regions. Additionally, the tourist infrastructure (e.g. accommodation services) is insufficient. The micro-region is sought mostly as a place of second living and by undemanding tourist (hikers, bikers, family holiday). Satisfaction with the condition of the environment was expressed by 3/4 of respondents, mainly by people aged 36 50 years (higher working age) employed in public administration and services. Only a scant share of people found some problems in this field. This finding corresponds also with the situation in other peripheral territories, e.g. in the borderland territory of Sušice micro-region (Chromý, Skála, 2010). About 75% of the population did not agree with the verdict that the commune has favourable conditions for business. People with stable families and economic position employed in services, transport and industry formed the rest. Interpersonal relations were investigated too. The respondents selected mostly the answer mildly satisfied with the relations (57%) or mildly unsatisfied (32%). It shows that the rural idyll is more a matter 19

Moravian geographical Reports 4/2012, Vol. 20 of the past. Though the people are not fully satisfied with interpersonal relations, they feel safe and keep contacts with their neighbours. Seeking answers to the hypothesis, we tested the following independent variables (Sustainable Rural Development): gender, age, education and profession. Statistical tests of independence chi-squared test for the contingency table were used to test the hypothesis. The hypothesis could be answered by the selected test corresponding to the variable of gender. The variables of age, education and profession did not comply with the conditions for being used in the test and the hypothesis could not be answered. The results of the summary table (shown in Tab. 1.) show that there are no statistically significant differences between males and females in the perception of positional location along the South Moravia Region border (critical value of test criterion for the level of significance is 0.05, where P = 0.960893). It is clear that the calculated value of test criterion is greater than the critical value, i.e. males and females valuate the positional location of the community similarly. It turned out that there are no statistically significant differences between males and females in perceptions of recreational attractions, satisfaction with the state of the environment, suitability of areas for business development, abundance of cultural activities in the community, i.e. males and females are similarly satisfied. The results of the subjective evaluation show some disturbance of sustainable development equilibrium in the peripheral Olešnice microregion. The geographical position was evaluated as disadvantageous. The ecological pillar reached the highest value. The territory has a well-preserved landscape with small-scale nature protection. Low business activities are the most problematic. It means that the economic pillar is the weakest segment of sustainability. The perception of periphery as a territory with natural capital but low economic development is strongly rooted among the people. Interpersonal contacts (social pillar) are not bad but they could improve. 6. Comparison of demographic and social indicators with other types of rural areas In the analysis of the Olešnice micro-region, we departed from a general presumption that it is a territory with a disadvantaged social structure of the population. However, our comparison of selected social indicators of the Olešnice micro-region as an internal periphery with other micro-regions of the South Moravia Region (representing a sub-urbanized countryside, a well accessible inland countryside, and borderland micro-regions on the border with Slovakia, Austria, and on the highly permeable transit border) shows that the Olešnice micro-region appears as an area with the highest natural increase of inhabitants Sex q1 (1) q1 (2) q1 (3) q1 (4) Total 1 6.41 11.99 8.92 1.67 29.00 2 16.59 31.01 23.08 4.33 75.00 Total 23.00 43.00 32.00 6.00 104.00 Tab. l: Summary Table: Expected frequency (Olešnice micro-region) Frequency of labeled cells > 10; Pearson's chi-squared: 0.295, df = 3, p = 0.96; 1 male; 2 female (albeit with high emigration). The micro-region exhibits the second lowest unemployment, the second most favourable educational structure of inhabitants, and the second youngest population (all this after the suburbanized countryside). This is entirely contrary to the expectations suggested in the introduction of this paper. For the analysis, we used the following indicators: Natural increase and migration balance were calculated from the population balances (Czech Statistical Office; further CSO) for the five-year period 2006 2010. The index of age, i.e. the ratio of people aged 0 14 to people aged 65 and older was taken from urban and municipal statistics (CSO) as at the end of 2010. The ratio of people with post- GCE education (i.e. the ratio of people with advanced vocational training and university education to the number of inhabitants older than 15) was calculated from the results of the 2001 census, as the results of the 2011 census were not available yet. Therefore, the absolute figures for education are already out of date but we still believe the ratios between the individual types of micro-regions are more or less stable. The unemployment data used in this paper were borrowed from the server of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic for July 2011. The sub-urbanized rural areas were represented by the Ponávka micro-region (Association of municipalities), the well accessible fertile countryside was represented by the micro-region of Nový Dvůr, the internal periphery was represented by the Olešnice micro-region, and the borderlands were represented by the area of Horňácko (situated on the 20

Vol. 20, 4/2012 Moravian geographical Reports Micro-region Natural increase Migration balance Index of age Education Unemployment Ponávka +4.0 +158.9 1.05 18.3 7.2 Nový Dvůr 0.1 +9.2 0.97 5.6 13.9 Olešnice +5.2 7.6 1.01 7.5 8.9 Podluží 6.1 +18.7 0.92 6.7 12.8 Horňácko 16.2 9.3 0.81 7.1 13.1 Vranov n.d. 10.6 13.6 0.87 5.2 12.8 Tab. 2: Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the selected micro-regions of the South Moravia Region from 2006 to 2010 Czech-Slovak border), by the micro-region of Vranov nad Dyjí (situated on the Czech-Austrian border), and by the Podluží micro-region (well-accessible triangle borderland). A comparison of the micro-regions is presented in the Tab. 2. It is a question why the social characteristics of this South Moravia inner periphery are markedly better that e.g. those of the highly permeable, traditionally rich and fertile countryside of the Nový Dvůr microregion. In our opinion, the reasons have to be sought in the population, its stability, motivation, and relation to their micro-region. If we carry this thought further, the support of the inner periphery makes sense, as there is probably an inner potential capable of maintaining the started activities even after the end of subsidies provided by the government or by the European Union. Obviously this is only a hypothesis that would require corroboration by further research. Nevertheless, it seems that the sustainability of rural areas is not only a question of objective indicators but also a subject of motivation of the local population (Jančák et al., 2010). 7. Development potential The natural conditions of the micro-region represent a potential for a healthy lifestyle and sports. The scenic landscape with far and wide views but mild slopes is suitable for less demanding kinds of tourism such as biking, hiking, and winter sports, especially cross-country skiing. The slowly developing rural tourism would also have some opportunities there, unlike agro-tourism for which there are no favourable conditions in the area. Other products of the tourist industry with a potential for development are folklore and gastronomic events. Tourism is seen as being of considerable economic and social benefit to rural areas through the income and infrastructural developments it may bring to marginal and less developed regions (Hall, 2005). In this micro-region, an obstacle to the development of commercial tourism can be seen mainly in the missing accommodation and other infrastructure. The number of family boarding houses and guesthouses is minimal as well as hotel-type accommodation facilities that could cater for tourists with modest requirements. At the same time, the perspective for Olešnice is associated with the traditional industrial production in small and medium-sized businesses. This production should be supplemented with services in centres (including services for seniors), and possibly also with tourism and agro-tourism. Creating concrete conditions for entrepreneurs only comes after that; it may be an initiative to build the deficient services, an offer of non-residential premises or land for business activities, assistance in dealing with authorities etc. In the conditions of rural areas, the support of small and medium-sized businesses is an important route to the improvement of the situation on the labour market, as the conditions of the location are not favourable for acquiring large investments. However, it is necessary to take into account the difference between Olešnice itself and the surrounding small villages that usually rely on their centre both in the sphere of job opportunities and services including the lowest hierarchic level. 8. Conclusion The scientific study of the sustainable development conditions in an area is a basic prerequisite for better knowledge about the possible development of marginalized rural areas. These areas have many functions and many meanings. Since the beginning of time, they have been sources of food, material, and energy. They are places of relaxation, tranquillity and are sought for sports activities. Rural areas are valued because of their scenic landscape and natural environment (Woods, 2011). However, will the countryside, as we know it, be sustainable in the future? The answer to the question when the three pillars of sustainability are in equilibrium is rather complex. In geography, the question of the relation between common and special is always in the play. Of course, all villages, their inhabitants and activities are specific. 21

Moravian geographical Reports 4/2012, Vol. 20 But it is evident that the Olešnice micro-region does not have any substantial peculiarity in terms of natural, economic or social features. It means that the results could serve as a comparative basis also for other micro-regions on the inner periphery. This paper presents an example of a survey in the peripheral area at the northern margin of the South Moravia Region. With the exception of the comparison with other micro-regions, no hard data were used in the study but we purposely focused ourselves on the differentiation of the subjective perception of some aspects of the local life. The focus of interest is set on the examination of sustainability, on studying the character of the Olešnice micro-region inner periphery, and the potential for the development of tourism in the territory. The difference of the marginal area is tested from the perspective of three pillars of the sustainable development, i.e. environmental, economic, and social. We believe that sustainability can only be achieved if the three pillars are in balance. Markedly worse state of one of the pillars is dangerous regardless of the quality of the other two. We are also interested in the perception of the typical characteristics of peripheral areas by local people. In their statements, the respondents confirmed the characteristics of the periphery. In the evaluation of their perception of the location, 63% of the respondents agreed that the situation of the municipality near the boundary of the South Moravia Region is handicapped (geographical relations) as it is distant from the main centres and has a bad transport and technical infrastructure. The responses also suggested the fact that the area faces problems both in the economic and social sphere. Its disadvantage is a low level of entrepreneurial activities (economic relations). Most of the respondents feel safe in the area, maintain friendly relations with their neighbours, but the interpersonal relations could be generally better (social relations). The question aimed at identifying what is often specific and sought in the periphery (nature conservation and quiet environment) reflected positive answers. It proves that a healthy environment largely contributes to stabilize the local population, as it is one of the dominant factors to tie the inhabitants to the territory. For this reason, many inhabitants prefer living in the remote corners of Moravia. According to the respondents, the Olešnice microregion is often sought for recreation. The area is an outstanding example of how the recreational potential of peripheries can be utilized. A winter ski-area was constructed in Olešnice, and in 2007, an integrated transport system was introduced to enable a more frequent connection with larger cities on the main route. Transport between the main municipalities and Olešnice is still poor. A disadvantage is a missing connection of the area by railway, which makes it less attractive for other potential visitors. It is also appropriate to take into account the problem of rural tourism sustainability. Nevertheless, Dávid (2010) points out that a sustainable and responsible tourism is not imaginable without an application of ecological thinking. Sustainability of tourism is a double task: it is necessary to implement a long-term protection, and at the same time to guarantee economic return of the invested means. Sustainable tourism must be economically efficient on a long-term basis and at the same time socially and ethically equitable in relation to local people. 4 Apart from other things, this means that tourist attractions should neither damage or destroy natural, architectural riches of the microregion in question, nor the profits from tourism in such areas should flow away into distant cities or even abroad. Sharpley (2005) documents on the example of foot and mouth disease in Great Britain that rural tourism is relatively fragile and could be easily impacted by unexpected events (not speaking about the fashion). The model territory is lacking a sufficient amount of accommodation facilities. For the sustainable development of the municipality it is necessary to resolve the situation in the sphere of housing and in finding such forms of development, which will support the development of low-impact tourism with the related cultural life and improved infrastructure all this to such an extent that the significant values, both natural and cultural, are preserved for the future generations. The focus on the support of sustainability is another important aspect of the development and quality of life in the peripheral micro-regions without prerequisites for development. This sustainability has to be based on a diversified economy, usually maintained by the primary production, basic processing of primary products, communal economy and services for local inhabitants without ambitions for growth. However, it is logical that, given the character of the periphery, with respect to the ageing population such a development is somewhat difficult. Therefore, it is a rather challenging task, which needs a supply of energy from elsewhere. 4 Translated by Lenka Jakešová 22

Vol. 20, 4/2012 Moravian geographical Reports It may be assumed with a high probability (almost certainty) that some rural micro-regions do not have prerequisites for the development in the quantitative sense if there is no continuous supply of incentives from outside. This status is a logical outcome of economic and social differentiation under the conditions of the market economy. Thus, it is obvious that the development in the quantitative sense meets a number of obstacles, i.e. the lack of objective prerequisites, the negative perception of development on the part of the local population, insufficient actual benefits for the micro-region in question, or the protection of nature concerns. In such cases, the concentration on the conditions of sustainability is a logical focus of the activity of municipal and regional authorities. However, to be able to assess the sustainability of the development of the territory it is important to be aware of the interests advocated not only by the representatives of the local administration, but also by the inhabitants themselves. Active support and mutual cooperation by the local community count among the basic prerequisites of the transformation of the society towards sustainability. In foreign literature (McGranahan, Wojan, Lambert, 2011) we may encounter observations that the rural periphery may attract creative inhabitants involved in the knowledge economy provided that it could offer distinctive natural attractions. Can a prerequisite like this be related to the Olešnice micro-region? There are also findings that the area of available open landscape decreases with the development of urbanization (including suburbanization) (Walter, Schläpfer, 2010). Can this be a strong card for micro-regions like Olešnice? Can a rural periphery become a destination for amenity migrants (Bartoš, Kušová, Těšitel, 2009)? In conclusion, we may just state that actual stimulation of the Olešnice micro-region depends primarily on its inhabitants, their activity and their entrepreneurial spirit, on the abilities and enthusiasm of municipal authorities and their representatives, on the common effort of all entities in this rural area. In other words, it depends on citizens, on the non-profit sector, entrepreneurs, municipal authorities and regionalists cooperating with the municipal authorities in the area development. A similar finding presents the work dealing with the opinions of experts in the development of rural areas (Binek et al., 2011). It is necessary to support small and medium-sized businesses in the municipality with a possible increase of job opportunities as well as the improvement of necessary services and municipal amenities in both cultural and technical respect. 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Moravian geographical Reports 4/2012, Vol. 20 A COMPARISON OF POPULATION AGEING IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC BASED ON GENERATION SUPPORT AND EXCHANGE Abstract Marcela KÁČEROVÁ, Jana ONDAČKOVÁ, Jozef MLÁDEK The object of study is the population of the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, and the aim was to identify the process of population ageing using two approaches: temporal and spatial. In the analysis of population ageing sophisticated instruments of cognition were used. Indicators are based on the comparison of selected generation groups. The comparison shows a high degree of similarity. In the development of ageing processes, we can observe however also certain differences between the CR and SR. The population ageing in the Czech Republic starts earlier than in Slovakia, and the process is more intense. Shrnutí Komparace stárnutí populace České a Slovenské republiky na základě generační podpory a výměny Předmětem studie je obyvatelstvo České a Slovenské republiky, cílem pak identifikace procesu stárnutí populace při zohlednění dvou aspektů: časového a prostorového. Při analýze stárnutí obyvatel byly použity sofistikované nástroje poznání. Indikátory jsou založeny na srovnání vybraných generačních skupin. Komparace ukazuje vysokou míru podobnosti. Ve vývoji procesů stárnutí pozorujeme mezi ČR a SR určité odlišnosti. Stárnutí obyvatelstva v ČR začíná dříve než na Slovensku a probíhá intenzivněji. Key words: population ageing, index of potential economic support, social support index, coefficients of inflow, outflow and exchange, dynamic index of economic ageing, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic 1. Introduction Age structure can be considered one of the most important attributes of a population. This is because every age structure develops over a long time period. The actual age structure is a result of many population processes over the past one hundred years. Although the characteristics of an age structure are instantaneous, cross-sectional variables, they reflect the basic demographic processes fertility, mortality and migration. At the same time, the current age structure will affect population development in the next one hundred years. Age structure is indispensable in the construction of indicators for the evaluation of many demographic phenomena and processes because individual age groups affect these indicators to varying degrees (reproduction, marriage rate, migration, etc.). In addition to theoretical and methodological applications, the population age structure also represents a wide range of social and practical consequences. It is essential that its characteristics are taken into account when assessing the potential labour force, in creating educational systems, health care, and social security (particularly inactive population groups). These are just a few of the reasons for the great interest in the evaluation of population age structures, both their typologies and transformation. One of the most important changes is the ageing of population structures (the process of population rejuvenation is less common). From the demographic point of view, such changes increase the number or proportion of higher age categories within the population (top-down ageing). The changes also involve the reduction of the number and proportion of children in the population (bottom-up ageing). A seemingly straightforward evaluation of the young and older age categories of the population is complicated by their mutual interrelations, as well as by the relations to other age categories of the population under assessment. Such changes of age structure are considered as general patterns of population development in most countries. 26

Vol. 20, 4/2012 Moravian geographical Reports Sauvy (1948) commented on population ageing as a phenomenon that is the least debatable, easily measurable, and the most stable. He believed that age structure is subject to gradual changes, even in the case of unforeseen disasters. Today it is apparent that in the 1950s, the seriousness of the process of population ageing was not sufficiently foreseen. Currently the stage of population development of most developed countries is the rapid and for most observers alarming, level of population ageing. On the other hand, the positive aspect of population ageing is considered to be the continuous increase of the quality of life, manifested specifically in increased life expectancy. In Slovakia, life expectancy in 1950 was 59 years for males and 63 years for females. In the Czech Republic it was 62 years and 67 years respectively. By 2009, these indicators had increased in Slovakia to 71.3 years (and to 74.2 in the CR) for males and 78.7 years (and 80.1 in the CR) for females. Also during the 20 th century, in Slovakia the population category of 65 and over increased 4.2- fold (while the total population increased only 1.8-fold) and its proportion increased from 5.3% to 12.3%. In the Czech Republic between 1920 and 2009, the total population increased 1.1-fold, and the 65 and over population increased 2.5 times, while the proportion of this population group increased from 6.2% to 15.0%. The object of this research is to compare the changes in the age structures of the population of the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, The aim was to identify the process of population ageing in Slovakia and the Czech Republic using two approaches: temporal and spatial. The time period for the temporal analysis was selected based on the availability and comparability of data from 1920 to 2025 1. The spatial analysis at the country level deals with the ageing process and changes between 1996 and 2009. Both populations under observation were part of a single common state for an extended time (except for the period 1939 1945). The population of these countries was thus affected by a uniform population policy, "which sought to increase or at least maintain an adequate level of fertility and establish conditions to enable the reduction of mortality" (Kučera, 1968). Despite the common approach of both countries, certain differences in their population development can be observed. During the entire period, the population of the Czech Republic responded to external reproduction stimuli (economic, psychological, etc.) faster than the population of Slovakia (Andrle, Srb, 1983). Our analysis will demonstrate the degree to which this difference was reflected in the population ageing processes. 2. Theoretical backgrounds There is a wide range of methods available in Slovak as well as wider literature to measure the parameters of population ageing, or to measure the changes in the age structure of the population. Our method was based on the traditional measurement of the population ageing process through the proportion of selected age, the ageing index, Billeter index 2 and similar measures (Pavlík et al., 1986; Mládek et al., 2006; Pavlíková, Mládek, 1999; Káčerová, 2009; Ondačková, 2011; Mládek, Káčerová, 2008; Mládek, 2004; Verešík, 1974; Michálek, 1995). The application of very frequently used indicators of ageing the ageing index and Billeter index enables a preliminary assessment of ageing in both populations over the course of the century (Fig. 1). In particular, characteristic features appear such as the similarity between the population ageing process in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic (almost parallel curves). Along with the obvious similarity, there is also the advance of the Czech Republic in the development of the indicator that was accentuated in the 1930s. Until the beginning of World War II, the Czech Republic was closer to the western type of family behaviour as described by Hajnal line (Rabušic, 2001), while the Slovak Republic was closer to the eastern model. Since the age of marriage in the western type of family behaviour was high and sexual intercourse before marriage was strongly discouraged, the age at first birth was also high as a consequence. In the Czech society between the wars, the preference was for only one child (Roubiček, 1997), while in Slovakia, a family model with two or more children was preferred. The analysis of the age structure of the population and its ageing using sophisticated instruments is a crucial part of this study. The indicators are based on a comparison or substitution of the selected population groups, most often generation groups generations associated with certain major demographic, economic and social processes and functions. These may be generations with a major reproduction function, generations of the economically active population, generations with the function of education and social support (Długosz, Kurek, 2009; Hrubý, 1996; Lutz, 2006; Qiao, 1988). The evaluation of the process of population ageing, or the level achieved by using these tools, requires more detailed data on age structures, and the interpretation of the acquired information is sometimes quite difficult. 1 For both populations it applies that 1920 2009 are the real age structure, while for the SR 1921 1930 are from the census records. For 2010 2025 we used a population forecast. 2 Billeter index = [(Population (0 14) Population (50+)) / Population (15 49)] 100 27

Moravian geographical Reports 4/2012, Vol. 20 Fig. 1: Development of population ageing indices in CR and SR (1920 2025) Source: Statistical Office of SR (1946 2010, 2006), Czech Statistical Office (2009, 2010a), Bleha, Vaňo (2007) From the economic aspect, the quantitative relation between the age categories of productive and postproductive population is very important. This is expressed by the Index of potential economic support I pes. one of such important social groups. Usually this age category is associated with the need for special care, social or family support. With respect to certain demographic trends and life expectancy of the Slovak and Czech population we have reduced this age limit to 80 years. With such a modification, the index of potential social support (parents) looks as follows: If we substitute 100 for c, then the index represents the number of people in the productive age, per 100 people in the post-productive age. The index can be defined and used in two modifications. In the first case I 1pes is used on the basis of statistical data for the productive population aged 20 64 and in the second case I 2pes is based on data for 15 to 64 year olds. Both indicators have a similar trend. If we use the number of economically active individuals as the numerator and the number of pensioners as the denominator, the index would represent the number of working individuals per 100 nactive individuals (pensioners). The category of the productive population is generally considered very important socio-economically, which is why we need to assess its changes as younger generations enter the category of productive population, and older generations leave it (Hrubý, 1996; Káčerová, 2009). C i coefficient of inflow, C o coefficient of outflow, C e coefficient of exchange Very often the emphasis is put on the substitution of certain important social age groups. Długosz, Kurek (2009) consider the 85+ age category to be Index (I ss1 ) represents the number of individuals in the 80+ age group per 100 individuals aged 50 64. This ratio can be viewed as a relationship between the generation of parents and their children and as a potential possibility of direct inter-generation assistance. Dynamic population ageing metrics attempt to compare the size of the age groups that enter or leave the important age categories of the population at a certain time. The dynamic index of economic ageing of the productive population is used to compare the population entering with the population leaving the category of productive population (Długosz, Kurek, 2009). I ead = [ P (0 14)t P (0 14)t+n ] + [ P (65+)t+n P (65+)t ] I ead dynamic economic ageing index, P (0 14)t share of population aged 0 14 at the beginning of the study period, P (0 14)t+n share of population aged 0 14 at the end of the study period, P (65+)t+n share of population aged 65+ at the end of the study period, P (65+)t share of population aged 65+ at the beginning of the study period I ead represents the speed of the population ageing process. If the index assumes positive values, it means that the population is growing older (an unequivocal 28

Vol. 20, 4/2012 Moravian geographical Reports sign is the positive difference between both age categories, demonstrating that each subsequent generation of 0 to 14 years is smaller than the previous one and at the same time each subsequent generation of 65 and over is larger than the previous one). The larger the value of I ead, the faster is the process of ageing. If the index assumes negative values, this indicates that the population is rejuvenating. If we were to assess the changes of the population age structure with respect to reproduction, we should use the modified indicator dynamic reproduction ageing index. I rad = [ P (0 14)t P (0 14)t+n ] + [ P (15 49)t+n P (15 49)t ] I rad dynamic reproduction ageing index, P (0-14)t share of population aged 0 14 at the beginning of the study period, P (0-14)t+n share of population aged 0 14 at the end of the study period, P (15-49)t+n share of population aged 15 49 at the end of the study period, P (15-49)t share of population aged 15 49 at the beginning of the study period. 3. Temporal aspect The development of all indices of potential economic support I pes shows a decline, demonstrating the ageing of the population in both countries. Worth noting are the almost parallel curves, indicating the similarity of population development in both countries. In the early 1920s, the ratio of the post-productive to productive population was one to 8.9 and 11.6 respectively (Fig. 2). During the first half of the 20 th century, there was a slow decline in these indicators to 7.5 and 10. By 1990, the values of these indicators had decreased to 5 and 6, and then stabilized over the next 20 years. The forecast of future development shows that the declining trend will be resumed, reaching the value of 2.6 to 3.5 in 2025. The only period of rejuvenation of both populations in terms of this indicator was the period 1980 85, when the smaller population born during World War I was entering the post-productive age. The graphical interpretation of the development of I pes values clearly demonstrates that in all of these periods the Czech population was ageing markedly faster than the Slovak population. At the same time, both populations are converging in terms of the ageing rate (the index interval in 1950 was 1.6 and 1.2, and in 2025 the values are expected to reach 0.7 and 0.6 respectively). The coefficient of inflow represents the number of individuals in the age category 10 14 entering productive ages. Overall, the inflow coefficient in both populations is declining, which means a decrease in the inflow of young population to the productive age category (Fig. 3). In 1920, there were 17 19 persons aged 10 14 years per 100 of the working population. A significant decline in this indicator can be observed in the early 1930s, when the age group 10 14 included the smaller populations from the period of the First World War. But even discounting this negative deviation, a declining trend in the inflow coefficient can be observed, reaching 10 16 in the 1950s. This was followed by a short-term increase as a result of increased fertility after 1938, due to the closure of universities, the abolition of military service, as well as the fact that pregnancy and early motherhood was a protection of sorts against total deployment in Germany (Fialová, 1991). Moreover, the mothers of young children were protected from deployment as labour, and last but not least, young families had a better food supply (Srb, 2004). The declining trend was more recently interrupted only in the 1980s, thanks to successful pronatal measures in the 1970s, which resulted in the growth of the pre-productive age category of the population. By 2009, the inflow coefficient was reduced to 6 7 (of 10 14-year olds per 100 of the working population). At the same time, we can observe the convergence of the Slovak and Czech populations as a result of low fertility in both countries in the 1990s, which resulted in very low values of this indicator (coefficient of inflow) by the end of this period. Throughout the entire reporting period, the inflow coefficient was higher in Slovakia reflecting the higher birth rate of the Slovak population. According to the population forecasts, the situation will change after 2015. The coefficient of outflow represents the movement out of 60 to 64-year olds from the productive age category to the post-productive population. The curves demonstrate the growing trend in both populations, but there is a significant reduction in 1976 81 when the less numerous generations born during the First World War (Fig. 3) were entering the 65 and over age category. The higher value of the coefficient for the Czech population demonstrates the faster ageing of the Czech population except for the forecast period after 2010. The coefficient of exchange expresses the changes in the proportion of incoming to and leaving from the productive population. During the period of interest, the situation changed dramatically. At the beginning of the century the exchange coefficient reached 300 to 359%. Since the coefficient of outflow in this period was stabilized, the development was in line with the trends of the inflow coefficient. In the 1950s, the ratio of incoming to outgoing population was 1.5 3. The decline was interrupted only at the end of the 1970s when the generations born during 29

Moravian geographical Reports 4/2012, Vol. 20 Fig. 2: Index of potential economic support and potencial social support in CR and SR (1920 2025) Source: Statistical Office of SR (1946 2010, 2006), Czech Statistical Office (2009, 2010a), Bleha, Vaňo (2007) Fig. 3: Coefficient of inflow, outflow and exchange in CR and SR (1920 2025) Source: Statistical Office of SR (1946 2010, 2006), Czech Statistical Office (2009, 2010a), Bleha, Vaňo (2007) Fig. 4: Dynamic economic ageing index and dynamic reproduction ageing index in CR and SR (1945 2025) Source: Statistical Office of SR (1946 2010, 2006), Czech Statistical Office (2009, 2010a), Bleha, Vaňo (2007) 30