Early adolescence: Languages (Italian)

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1 Early adolescence: Languages (Italian) Communication outcomes: Listening and Responding, and Speaking Students comprehend and communicate in the target language through listening and responding, and speaking. Viewing, Reading and Responding Students view and read a variety of texts in the target language and respond appropriately. Writing Students write a variety of texts in the target language. Knowledge and Skills outcomes: Cultural Understandings Students develop sociolinguistic and sociocultural understandings and apply them in their use of the target language. The System of the Target Language Students apply their knowledge of the system of the target language to assist them to make meaning and create text. Language Learning Strategies Students acquire a range of skills and strategies to support their ability to make meaning of and express themselves in the target language. Department of Education and Training Western Australia, Early adolescence: Languages (Italian) scope and sequence, December

2 Overview the diversity within the target language communities simple linguistic patterns and rules strategies and skills to develop target language communication Suggested contexts how contemporary culture links to traditions and values in the target language culture the applications of linguistic rules and patterns strategies and skills to maintain and extend target language communication strategies for effective intercultural communication the applications of rules and patterns to manipulate elements of language how to enhance target language communication through the application of skills and strategies The Individual My image Meeting new people in Italy Home and family Free time The Individual This is where and how we live Arranging an outing The Individual The world of work Preferences in entertainment A day in my life The Italian-speaking Communities Caffè culture Going to school Let s celebrate! The Changing World Communication in a modern world The Italian-speaking Communities Taking public transport Let s eat Famous places in Italy The Changing World Young people s lives Let s go shopping! The Italian-speaking Communities Travelling in Italy Italians in Australia The Changing World Youth trends Youth culture Department of Education and Training Western Australia, Early adolescence: Languages (Italian) scope and sequence, December

3 Content In order for students to make progress in the Communication outcomes, the following Knowledge and Skills outcomes should be taught: Cultural Understandings The System of the Target Language Language Learning Strategies. In early adolescence, learners may start or continue their Languages (LOTE) studies. Teachers may consult the Middle childhood: Languages (Italian) scope and sequence statement for beginning learners. Cultural Understandings A language and its culture are inextricably linked and are continually changing. Culture is reflected in how we speak, listen, view, read and write. Intercultural language learning involves students examining, understanding and comparing their own and the target culture s values, beliefs and norms and how they shape practices, language and communication. Conventions of interpersonal interaction different ways to open, maintain and close a conversation depending on the relationship between the speakers eg Ciao! Come va? versus Buongiorno signora. Come sta? Arrivederla. Italian interpersonal relations are generally more formal than Australian ones eg the Italians use Signore, Signora more frequently than Australians use Sir or Madam. Italians use a person s professional title eg Professoressa, Dottore. use of gesture familiar language is appropriate when talking to friends, pets, family dialect is a variety of language used by subgroups within Italian communities and can be very different from standard Italian words and expressions do not always have literal translations eg translating I am hot literally is inappropriate, la casa has both the meaning of house and home, Buon appetito! does not really mean Enjoy your meal but is used in situations where English speakers would use this conventions of situations where more formal language is appropriate eg an interaction between a shop keeper and a customer colloquialisms, idioms and their use in everyday, familiar conversations eg Sì, ce l ho. different registers of language and situations where certain expressions are appropriate or not eg un poliziotto versus un piedipiatti appropriate gestures and how they reinforce meaning or may add humour to interpersonal interactions eg Perfetto! Department of Education and Training Western Australia, Early adolescence: Languages (Italian) scope and sequence, December

4 Communities and aspects of life typical activities engaged in by Italian speakers, including some common social rituals, traditions and/or customs as they relate to young people and their lives eg interest in football (soccer), cycling, motor sports, eating at fast-food outlets, watching reality TV programs beliefs, values and norms in Italian society with respect to chosen contexts eg Italian people value the extended family highly similarities and differences between Italianspeaking countries and Australia with respect to chosen contexts eg the importance of different meals, school systems, housing, currency, pastimes aspects of socialising and everyday living eg conventions of (telephone) conversations, online and interactions, shopping, la passeggiata, the role of technology in young people s lives* aspects of Italy from a visitor s perspective eg famous buildings, tourist attractions, things to do, travel both within and to Italy values and beliefs in Italian society and how they are reflected in the customs and language eg politeness towards adults is shown by greeting a person when they enter a shop even if the server is busy and the polite (Lei) form is always used, fare bella figura how Italian culture stands within the global perspective eg Italy has 41 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, contributions to art, science, music contemporary issues relevant to young Italian people eg unemployment, reality TV programs, entertainment choices, the changing world Identity and cultural diversity symbols of cultural identity eg famous buildings contributions of Italian culture to the global community eg cuisine, art, fashion the influence of some historical events or figures on modern Italy eg many streets are named in honour of military figures from WWI and WWII, unification of Italy there is a diversity of regions in Italy with unique identities expressed through eg dialects, celebrations, foods, housing, music, dress the contributions of Italy and Italian-speaking communities in the world today eg modern day personalities, media influences, fashion, food there is a diversity of Italian-speaking communities in the world with their own traditions and practices, often with their own dialects and expressions eg Fremantle s Blessing of the Fleet Festival, bello in the Sicilian dialect is beddu cultural diversity is not viewed by all groups in Italian-speaking communities in the same way eg in Italy the extreme right is gaining popularity Australia s Italian connections eg Italian companies with Australian branches eg Barilla and De Longhi Department of Education and Training Western Australia, Early adolescence: Languages (Italian) scope and sequence, December

5 The System of the Target Language (Italian) Textual conventions The target audience, purpose and cultural and social contexts determine the text type and therefore the textual conventions. Textual conventions include: language eg register/level of politeness, use of colloquial language or words borrowed from other languages structures and features eg format and layout, use of illustrations and/or colour, sequencing of ideas protocols and conventions for participating in communication eg forms of address, social conventions of conversations, use of gesture/body language. Suggested text types Teachers select a range of spoken, written and visual texts from a variety of media (ie print, non-print or electronic and digital technologies). advertisements announcements articles brochures calendars cards charts/tables descriptions diary/journal entries s films forecasts forms horoscopes instructions itineraries letters lists magazine covers maps menus news articles notes personal accounts personal profiles photos/pictures postcards posters recounts reports role-plays scripts signs skits songs surveys/ questionnaires talks/presentations timetables/schedules web logs web pages websites conversations images messages recipes Department of Education and Training Western Australia, Early adolescence: Languages (Italian) scope and sequence, December

6 Form and features The form and features of language include vocabulary, rules and patterns of grammar, sentence construction, punctuation, pronunciation and spelling. Suggested vocabulary groups adjectives to describe physical appearance, personality, nationality compass points descriptions of houses descriptions of town/suburb family members food and drink furniture major cities/towns in Italy names of festivals numbers (cardinal and ordinal) opinions about school and school subjects pastimes/leisure activities rooms in a house school subjects typical Italian surnames definite article + day of the week expresses habitual action eg il martedì = every Tuesday, on Tuesdays cooking expressions countries dinner table expressions directions expressions of quantity expressions when taking public transport food and drink mealtimes means of transport places in a railway/bus station presents/souvenirs shopping expressions shops times (24 hour clock) tourist attractions in Italy verbs related to daily activities weather expressions Articles and nouns contractions of definite article with di (partitive = some / any ) eg del pane, delle verdure omission of article in negative sentences using the partitive eg Non abbiamo latte. expressions of quantity eg un po di, un chilo di, un litro di irregular plural nouns in context eg l uovo > le uova accommodation chores at home clothing daily routine verbs expression to arrange an outing expressions used at the bank/post office/customs expressions used at the doctor s/pharmacy health expressions and illnesses holiday activities occupations and (part-time) jobs television, music and film genre tourist attractions in Italy what to do with money earned/pocket money omission of article with essere + occupations eg Mio padre è avvocato. Voglio essere dottore. Department of Education and Training Western Australia, Early adolescence: Languages (Italian) scope and sequence, December

7 Pronouns all subject pronouns omission of pronoun unless emphasis required eg Abito in Australia. Lui abita a Londra ma io abito a Perth. singular indirect object pronouns for use with piacere eg mi/ti/gli/le piace/piacciono demonstrative pronoun questo plural forms eg Questi sono i miei fratelli. singular possessive adjectives in first, second and third person singular eg La mia scuola è grande. Il suo gatto è piccolo. adjective/noun agreement, including agreement with masculine and feminine in group eg Mia madre è australiana. Mia madre e mio padre sono divorziati. most adjectives follow the noun eg Michele è un ragazzo alto. adjective of quantity molto eg Ho molti amici. possessive is determined by the gender of noun not owner eg il suo/la sua mean both his and her omission of definite article with possessive adjectives for singular family members eg mio fratello plural indirect object pronouns for use with piacere eg ci piace, vi piace and a loro/gli piace Adjectives plural possessive adjectives in first, second and third person singular eg I tuoi amici sono simpatici. colours are adjectives and follow the noun, with some being invariable eg Hai una matita gialla? Mi piace la gonna blu. some adjectives precede the noun eg Bunbury è una piccola città. Ho visto una bella donna. use of questo eg Queste banane sono deliziose! disjunctive pronouns for use after a preposition eg Laura, vuoi venire al cinema con me? A me piacciono i film comici. direct object pronouns lo, la, li, le eg Mi piace la camicia. La prendo. indirect object pronouns gli, le eg Gli telefono. singular and plural possessive adjectives for first, second and third person plural eg La nostra casa è piccola. Dove sono i vostri libri? comparatives of adjectives with più... di eg Nino è più alto di Davide. Le mele sono più deliziose delle pere. Department of Education and Training Western Australia, Early adolescence: Languages (Italian) scope and sequence, December

8 Adverbs common adverbs of time related to frequency eg di solito, qualche volta adverb ci with essere for there is / there are eg C è una festa stasera. Ci sono molti studenti alla mia scuola. adverbs of time and sequence eg la settimana prossima, dopo questo other adverbs of time related to frequency eg sempre, spesso the adverb usually follows the verb eg Parla bene l italiano. adverbs of past time eg prima, ieri, la settimana scorsa, ieri sera common negative adverbs eg non... più, non niente, non mai Conjunctions conjunctions used in context eg ma, quando eg Mi piace la matematica ma non mi piace l inglese. present tense of essere and avere present tense of are verbs present tense in Italian can have three meanings in English ie parlo = I speak, I am speaking, I do speak word order: second verb is infinitive eg Amo mangiare le banane. Verbs and tenses present tense of -ere and -ire verbs eg Vende il pane/dormo quando sono stanco. present tense of other common irregular verbs related to context eg andare, fare eg Faccio i compiti. Andiamo allo zoo. present tense of verbs with spelling changes eg gioco, giochi use of present tense to translate near future eg Domani faccio i compiti. use of fare in weather expressions where English uses to be eg Fa freddo. = It is cold. present tense singular of reflexive verbs eg Mi alzo alle sette. a variety of conjunctions eg che, se, mentre present tense of other common irregular verbs related to context eg volere present tense of ire verbs that use isc eg Preferisco il caffè. all forms of reflexive verbs in the present tense eg Si lavano le mani. use of andare + infinitive for near future eg Domani vado a fare la spesa. Department of Education and Training Western Australia, Early adolescence: Languages (Italian) scope and sequence, December

9 Verbs and tenses (continued) imperatives in context eg Ascoltate! Sedetevi! more imperatives in context eg Lava i piatti! future tense of regular verbs eg L anno prossimo lavorerò in Italia. future tense of common irregular verbs including avere and essere eg Sarai famoso? perfect tense with avere and essere, including negation, regular and common irregular verbs and position of adverbs in the perfect tense eg Non ho capito. Non è andato alla festa. Ho già mangiato. Prepositions prepositions as related to context eg Abito con la mia famiglia. Prendi qualcosa da bere? giocare a + sport prepositions with time eg Studio la matematica all una. La scuola finisce alle tre. common prepositions including articulated (contracted) forms of di and a eg Lui va all ospedale. prepositions with countries and cities/towns eg in Italia, a Roma more prepositions including articulated (contracted) forms of in, da, su eg Il libro è sul tavolo. use of da + person s name or noun to express phrases like at/to someone s house or business eg Stasera studiamo da Roberto. Vado dal dottore. do / does in questions is not translated into Italian; intonation is used eg Do you speak Italian? = Parli italiano? Does he live in Italy? = Abita in Italia? interrogatives used with prepositions in context eg A che ora vai a scuola? Con chi vai a scuola? Interrogatives quale eg In quale città è nato? Qual è il problema? all forms of quanto eg Quanti fratelli hai? Department of Education and Training Western Australia, Early adolescence: Languages (Italian) scope and sequence, December

10 Intonation and pronunciation rules for emphasis eg settimana, comprare, città emphasis for third person plural verbs eg Giocano a pallacanestro. Other features formal and informal forms of address in common situations eg Come stai? Come sta? English names of elements of language and how to recognise Italian equivalents eg noun, verb, adjective, pronoun eg a noun in Italian usually has an article before it, a verb infinitive ends in -are, -ere, -ire Italian punctuation eg instead of a full stop, a comma indicates a decimal point eg 3.500,50 the rules for molto ie when it means very it does not vary but there is agreement when it means many large numbers as used in dates (years) eg Sono nato nel falsi amici eg la camera, la libreria expressions that contribute to the flow of a discussion eg secondo me, forse, allora idiomatic expressions in context eg Hai ragione./ho fame. patterns in Italian which correspond to English eg zione on the end of a word often indicates -tion in English Department of Education and Training Western Australia, Early adolescence: Languages (Italian) scope and sequence, December

11 Language Learning Strategies (see Middle childhood: Languages (Italian) scope and sequence statement for additional strategies) to use information in a text to guess the meaning of new items and to predict what is coming and then confirm or reject predictions to question (in the target language) if there is a lack of comprehension to use dictionaries and other reference sources to increase vocabulary, check pronunciation and/or spelling or for other help to make lists of related vocabulary to aid memory to create mnemonics to aid in vocabulary recall to use Italian-English cognates to determine meaning of new vocabulary to use graphic features (headings, pictures, layout) to help with meaning to use knowledge of textual conventions to make predictions about purpose and meaning to apply textual conventions when producing texts to guess intelligently and/or ask for help to recognise roles and relationships between participants and respond appropriately to check the meaning of words before use to check own writing/speaking with good models to re-view or re-read to improve performance to use culturally-appropriate language and non-verbal behaviour to use ICT to organise and evaluate information* to select different digital media to suit the task.* ways to organise information in preparation for writing/speaking eg to use graphic organisers such as structured overviews, retrieval charts, to plan their performance to use appropriate punctuation to plan, draft, edit and proofread (by comparing it to models) to produce more accurate and appropriate writing to make decisions about how best to meet communicative needs of situations, select and organise information, consider alternatives and evaluate the effectiveness of their choices to use information in texts in critical and creative ways to skim texts for overall text features and registers to scan texts for specific information to use repair strategies such as pausing to self-correct or rephrase, pausing to plan what to say, seeking clarification to refine their own writing by identifying problems and responding to feedback to adapt content from one text type to another to choose strategies that suit their needs and the needs of the task to structure and sequence information logically and coherently to use note-taking to support understanding and to plan for responses to monitor their own performance to use ICT to exchange ideas with others, locally or globally.* Department of Education and Training Western Australia, Early adolescence: Languages (Italian) scope and sequence, December

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