Billbórd ' RIL: 7, 1958 SECTION TWO. PRICE 35c. $jìing. $pecial. featuring the outdoor amusement directory issue.

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1 Billbórd ' RIL: 7, 958 SECTION TWO PRICE 35c $jìing $pecial featuring the 958 outdoor amusement directory issue


3 APRIL ,tim,.,4Mm; i- 958 Spring Special DI;((Yr SEtTIO asnewnmapatlmnnemannnnemmmunmmnnannw!mmtltlsamc...,.. Feature Articles: '38.4n)LIPetllrnt Ride Survey.. Ride tnnnninrtnrers voice whin rang of opinions on nla''rning season Great Southey +t Land... Latest in the growing list of thecae parks is,,,,'b re.f l.ata.i. between Hellos and Furl Ir wilt Eat -:cod -Drink Prospecte Good...,:, Nnmmmnnnnrr,",,nnnm,;. Rond or better than 957 is the consensus tolti- million dollar outdoor of api iult en the /ood and drink field Paps l Shooting Galleries -t olurful Peat... Frw trod I money -earners en.plhyed by outdoor si turtueo bare flac colorful history possessed by hoofi F galleries PUYS 6 Popcorn Price. Soar 50%... Popcorn concessionaires, due to shortages, are fared with a 50.per cent price boost Posts 22'i, mire (Lays 'l'railers. The advantages al trailer living for n carnival fnmity outweighs ur disnrlvatunges- that's the opinion f Mrs. Ernie Furrow FV Cowboys Meant Darne Parades... Yids cowboys, currently riding the top TV rating ranges, big n. lair attractions,,, rag. Stunt Paces Midway Growth...!'elle f 7 MUM jewelry nod the carnival business hors, grutrn up together rags 38 :SiereIaandiee Set-t ('anvaa --- Shows Spruce lip... Bratty. (-ri.ti,ni (ircnses iead In buying a/ Ios 3d to -tr I". Pals ' If hair /lirs 3)...'nay t,.ar. 5S I't :X K.rlra /)ates A a latr,.ra.,at I.., 2 THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 3 The Billboard April 7, 958 Outdoor Show Business dears for Solid Season be rnoticcr t uuel sear. \ e may be oft a little from last year at the outset bust by mid -season sae should be running as good as last ear and even better at the end of the season " That. in capsule comment, is the consensus of outdoor showmen generally tlrreront the U. S. over the outlook for the soon -to -open outdoor amuse - silent seasorl. To be sure, there are, as always. sane dissenters. These last by the large are relatively few inn - ber. They are concentrated mainly in Michigan and in some other highly industrialized Slates. But, the pessimism of operators in this group is tempered by Ilse belief that corrective measures still be made. in their minds by the federal government, to stem the recession. To them it is largely a question of to what extent and when the government will take the steps. \'ashingtou is being watched closely for develop- ments by these operators. The other, more op- timistic showmen also have their ears tuned to Washington. for they, too. feel that federal action will serve to set a timetable for progressively better receipts from their osru operations. Many showmen also are following developments in Detroit, where the auto manufacturers and the United Auto Workers' officials are huddling over new contracts. To Set Pattern \'hat happens in those meetings, they believe, Will set the pattern for other contract negotiations. Thus, it will signal whether there is to be more inflation, the degree of inflation or, conceivably, a brake to inflation. Some of the keenest minds in outdoor show business are banking on continued inflation of various degrees over the long term.. One of these showmen, who is highly regarded for his rare sense of timing, it banking on continued inflation. "I'm investing more money in my operation. Now is the time to do it It will cost more to get REVIVE FUN SOURCES things later on, ass& it ss ill be much better to pay oft with cheaper dollars than for things bought now at lower prices." Evert in hard -hit Detroit, there is long -tern optimism. "After all, this recession is. a temporary- thing. Most of us realize this. And the general long -terns outlook is good." one Detroiter pointed out, "We've got several things going in our favor. The principal one is the pnpulaliun bulge. Earls year we got oar share of increasing population to clrass' from. And the babies born in the years iuunedialeh' following the isar ears are nose potential customers, \\-hat's snore, this crop of new customers still grow each year." Thntout the nation during the past year, indoor shot's of various kinds generally repined excellent business. A circus (Polack's), fur instaulce, ran np a record gross in.chicago. Pat stock shows, the indoor equisaleut to fairs, pulled bigger-than-'58 crowds thrimtt Teas. Like reports came in front other sections. Better Weather The Lay of averages is all for better weather this year, particularly in the all-important fair sea- son. Last year fairs in a snide swath of the country extending Iron Kansas east grid south to the Atlantic' Ocean serve belted bard by rains. And, oddly. drought had its effect in, of all places. the East. C:rop conditions this year, thanks to Lite unusually heats'' snows in many areas, are better than in trans years. The winter was one of the moat rugged on record from a weather standpoint and it took a heavy toll. But, the striking thing was that even with weather, such stalwart events as the Florida State Fair. Tampa, stood up amazingly swell, both from an income and attendance standpoint. To be sure, both the gate and receipts were down at Tampa from last year. the previous peak year, but the gate and receipts were down comparatively little, and this constitutes a remarkable tribute to the strength of fairs, can,ie.cls and oetcloor show business generally. PRICES STABLE - Season Outlook OK For Eat, Drink Ops 64 A S GOOD or better than 95 -that's the consensus of opinion so far as the big outdoor food and drink business is conrrned this year. With few exceptions suppliers of equipment and supplies to the o tdnnr superstars who cater to tl. thirsts and appetites of the millions of fun- seekers, look for a big year. This is tempered, however, be the advice of some who think the concessionaire will he forced to dress up his establishment and promote his scares. Impulse buying is still the key to successful eat -and -drink merchandising. And this is spurred by better and flashier egiupment and a varied menu of high profit articles. Prices of equipment this year, with few exceptions, bold to levels of 957. In a survey of food equipment manufacturers and distributors conducted by The Billboard. this was forcibly brought oust. In fact. the number that quoted unchanged prices was overwhelmingly in the majority with just a few here and there that reported slight increases of a age points. few percent- Bruce Evans. of Cold Medal Products Company, Cincinnati, O., sums,up business conditions as foilovs: "Most of us who read the i ` Washingtòn prediction l e t t e r know that things are not the greatest. Economists do predict a pick -up in late spring, which should be helpful. However, believe that this year the smart. operator is going to make a little money, but some of the boys are going to lose out. Definitely it is going to be harder to get the public to spend their money. They haie so many monthly commit - ments. "However we believe that the fellow who offers more in the way of better products, sensibly priced, and sold thru modern, attractive and flashy stands is still going to get his share of t se operators must take money. The more pride in. their equipment and replace or repaic.old, worn out junky looking gear. The wartime days of giving the public a short count is definitely over. Sound business principles must be applied to the concession busueer to be successful," Evans said (C :rttmued on loge PO Manufacturer States Case THERE is For Kid Spots, Theme Parks a best- selling book which expands on the idea that children of today don't have as much fun as did their parents at a comparable age. The author recounts experiences and attitudes which are familiar to today's adults because they did the same things in the way of play and adventure when they were kids. But the book 'says that today's youngsters don't have the same op- portunities for fun. Coincidentally, the sanie idea has been brought out by a builder of playground equipment. He is Frank Caplan. president of PLev Sculptures, inc., Ness' York. His contention is that present -day city children are hemmed in not only by the city but also new' restrictions caused by other changes in the way of life. And in voicing this idea. he has not only filled his finn sins of pointing out need for playground facilities, bust he also has done two additional things. New Park Idea? One is to provide a pretty effective outline for why kiddielands. theme parks and allied - attractions are needed. His comments conici amount to the outline for a brief in which a Kiddieland hacker was stating his case. Anil the other by- prculnet of his initial Min is the creation of an outline for a possible theme pat:,,aside these needs? Our piddle to interest youths.,udhorities who dread the sword Here is the way he worded it: `adventure playground because It What are the recreational needs of children that we must strive to meet?" Caplan asks. "Our children live in a complex, prohibitive environment. They do not have the freedom that our parents or some of us had in the early part of this denotes movement or clanger, who refuse to provide children with sand and water because dogs mess it up, who refuse to put nlusiomaking apparatus in a playground beeduse it upsets the neighbors? centuy. Our public authorities move "They do not have trees to climb slowly, and only when public sup - on, streams or rivers to wade, eases port is garnered do they take a to hide in, deserted cabins to play bold step." in They are not permitted to So he declares it is up to bustdrive autos, put out fires. ride the ness leaders in a community to rails, deliver the milk, build the make the difference with new house, put on plays and other ex- recreation and play facilities. In citing adult actisvities. "They can't tinker with the old CM in the dumps, fool with electrical gadgets or hammers and SOWS. They can't make music, beat the dorms. They are continually hushed, quieted, shooed away and contained in an 8 by S room barren of sturdy play material and physical activity. `They sat with animals. longer hale contact Mother and Father have no time to take them to the farm, take them fishing. Children have an overpowering need to come in contact with nature -its sand, its seater, its rocks, its forests.... a talk at the contention of the National Association of Amusement Parks, Pools and Beaches, he said: "Businessmen who make a profession out of providing recreation, entertainment and other community services are usually yen sensitive, socially consicots and alert. community, leaders. Unlike politicians they recognised early a community need or service gap, and without fanfare and with economy of operation, proceeded to fill this gap. A dance hall for adults, a Kidclieland for children, a swimming pool for all the family. a children s zoo, an aquarieun or other educational centers -these soon Ire - Officials Move Slowly come ssecesshd permanent" lid- Caplan thcu asks, -Mu) o shall junets of the cornunity....

4 4 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 3$ SEASON'S OUTLOOK Questions Loom for Ride Manufacturers THE COMING ontdonr mouse- in the last depression the ride opment season presents morn of orator did very well. His prices a question nark to riche manufac- were less. hot so were his expenses. hirers than many year which hat A volume of business at a reason - gone able figure is far better than a past. The men who turn out trickle of business at too high a adult and kiddie riding devices are f less fn agreenent than at any There is no denying that develperiod in a long time, it is revealed opment costs of rides have skyin the 958 Ride Manufacturer's! rocketed over the years and that Survey conducted by Tice Bill - major producers long ago gave up hopes of holding the line with board. In recent years there has been a prices of several season ago. In addition to higher costs of material, general air of enthusiasm in the chiefly steel, workers arc receiving business about the apparent eager- more in wages, and the larger firms, ness of the population to visit the pith the larger payrolls, find It nation's midways. Those new rides tougher to work out profitable formulas. A couple have found it offered to the market snapped I necessary to produce items for pinup by operators who realized the poses other than alnnss-meats in publics attitude and had money order to keep factories busy' and reto back up their faith. Successes rain key workers. were scored by Eli Bridges Scram- More than a half dozen corn - bier, Allan H6rschell's Helicopter panics -Herschel!, Arrow Develop - and Twister. and the Wild Moue meat, Philadelphia Toboggan, Smith and Smith, K. Marx Smith, offered by Ben Schiff and others. Selledc W'aterryrles, B. A. Schiffnine The picture has changed g some- report working on new odes and a what this year as evidenced by couple may be seen in use this reluctance to buy at the Chicago year. In past years it has not been rrnsveution of the National Asso- tmcomutl n fur devices to be tested ciatio, of Amusement Park's. Pools for at kart part of seas"" on a carnival or at a resort or anuueand Beaches. Fewer definite corn- Diem park. Arrow is working on a mitments were made at the trade kfonorail, a tilting tower version of show. Many ride operators have its Flying Platform, and a large ordered equipment since, but capacity rotating table unit. shout 20 per cent of the manufac- Wide Price Range turers surveyed tensed their sales It still is possible for potential as less than last tear's. buyers to spend virtually anything for a ride. A single W'atercyde is \'cried Outlook available for S200 at one enti of The outlook far loth manufac- the price range, but park people hirers and operators saris, but desiring to spend into six figures there is not as much discrepancy for major s red Roller Coaster Mill not have to strain themselves about the price of equipment seeking people to build it for them. Close to half of those on the man- In benseen, where the great masnfacturing end reported an increase jority of ride prices fall, kiddie of prices due to higher costs of ma- cedes of the standard flat variety The price rise, how Se er, fare more a7iedllin rthr terials and labor. producing a hesitation on the part sire, weight and complexity and of several potential buyers, has put there is virtually no limit on the the manufacturers in what one amounts charged for them. termed a "tight squeeze between On the foreign scene, where the higher costs and less capital being Roto-Jet made such an impression invested in rides." four or five years ago with Ameican ride operators, there continues Theme p arks, he noted, buy g to be a steady flow of devices tominimum of standard rides while ward this count".. But the in_ spending principally on other at-,portation of massive units has slack - tractions. In general there is less! ened somewhat and most unit sales are of lint Rod and Junior Hot Rod cars and tracks and the manybodied German Carrousel.!corking capital because of tax fag-' tors and higher operating costs. "Operators," it w as emphasized in discussing the bind manufacturers get themselves into by creating prmlucts so durable they are virtually indestructible, are reluctant to discard equipment that has served its usefulness. The expanding kiddieland business, whirls does busy rides, has been our best sales market." Elsew here. and in contrast to the view already stated. it was propounded by various manufacturers that: There are too many kiddie parks and several are going out of business. Manufacturers will suffer but operators will profit from the tendency of patrons to stay dose to borne this sunnier. Kiddie rides are Isere to sfav, thanks to the constant increase in the population. "Cheapest Amusement" While some firms pointed to factory layoffs as affecting ride patron- age, one prominent Midtvestem manufacturer claimed "this will give the people more time to spend in parks and at fairs. This is their cheapest form of amusement and The continuing interest of Americans in European rides is evident in the group of park owners making a trip abroad every year. This season there will he even more since the Bntssels W'orld's Fair is expected to field the best in rides that the Continent has to produce. While the parkmen have a natural curiosity about the fair's midway operation, several have the reputation of not hesitating to order what strikes their fancy. But as the survey indicates, there is no shortage of American rides. They are on the market in profusion, altlm some finny have elevated their prices 5.8 per cent for understandable reasons. The results of the efforts since last fall have been a greater number of inquiries and somewhat smaller number of sales, altho it mils: be noted that this observation is a generality and does not point op those whose business is better than last year. But these are the exceptions. In general, the manufachlrcrs have had a tough year and the hope by all concerned is that U0 American public will not shun what has always been its most colorful and economical for." of entertainment, outdoor amusements. 958 KIDDIE RIDE MANUFACTURER'S SURVEY IIaM NAME VNIr CAPACrTY PRICK RAMS Allan Herne/tell ComPo, 70 Oliver át, Nor. Oreaand.. N. V. Lame Cerro., Tuner Caterpillar Roller Coaster Helicopter Jolly CsterptI.s 0.6 Train. 0-2 Tories O0) Roadway Rodeo Sky Fighter Kiddie Boat. K ld.le Bulge Kiddie Tank Kiddie Auto - 2-M , ken, s00 S ' 3,940 lion 7,000 7A00 6,000 Anon Drelopreeet toupee, Streamliner Tram 7Yá , Moffett Boote.ard Rub-A -nub Boat,70 a.. 7,0. Mt. Vie,, C.i.f. lg. 0,000 Century Tnla 4-20 HBO. :area Gs Antique Can 600 hr.,750 Tracked Antique Car. 600 hr ,600 Jolly Trolley toot Merry0oRemod W fott Merry-Go-Round 5a , foot Merry.GoRoued for4 MeeryLaoue Tracked Auto 460 kr _, Kiddie Boat Rlde Flyln. Platform Dark Car AWe,200 hr. 7,70E Ell ends. Comgny Big Gil Scrambler co.. A.e. No. 5 Big Ell wheel 246 Jarkso.nlle Ilk N. By Ell Wheel No. 6 el. Eli Wheel Baby Ell Wheel 00 PHtrtr Aircraft Compare, Octavo. 44 $2-$9.500 McNap!kid Ely.4J-Plans (0 Bakes. Ore. Rock -O-Plane t5,03 RollüPlens 42 a- 9_500 LoopOPlane 4 ' Kiddie Alld.rRatn ) Bulgy the Whale O.rbikk Ma.ahstala C. Merry Miter 4 6,500 Canute Han, Pa. 42rot Ferris WHim oot Ferris wheel,00 Flying Saucer., 0.00) (Tale Snore KIAbe Fire Truck R:b..,000 Kiddie Auto Rude Hempto. Anusemeet t:c p.y Tub.0 -F Pones* Des WOO, Mo. Kiddie Mech. Itatend Klddle Flyer 5teallea. 00 hr. $ e Pledgee Amuwtweet 47 w.a!ride SC ledla.apells 2). N. T. Mfg. Conway e0, ,000 Hand Car Ride ,000 Hot Rod.. ás. Hot Rod Cu w'. 42 Sr. Scooter Car.50 New Yell, N. Y. Justine Hot Rod 6b German Curou.., Motto West,000 Frank Men., Contrary Round -2p M : South 6th St. Sabin. Or.. hound-up M ,000 atee Ar..uenuct Cetaps.y AltnyL.aRoued OnMrd Si. K IAlle Train, r.rat Cowen. Mats. i,w>tint -Pu,.r Tsai ttonarou Crazy Howe KWdI. Airplanes kiddie Rockers kiddie Jet -Fighter K)ddu Pony Ride KW. Speedboats Kiddie Fern. Wheel Kidd. Carrousel tinges) %Infect Gasollon Au ce kldah Coa.t.t 50 4die Merry R 6 M , ,395 7,e45 au 25 I7 _ ,0f. 3.9 :0 k Wilk Flying Sauces. 6 4.iJ kiddie Suing Can kiddie Sabre-Jet Arno. Kiddie Ardor C7r'es kit.. Parr gad Crn Kiddie Army Teri. p.lddi. Cwnbtutiuo 054. Kiddie Fin Eefc Kiddie Steam Fire Lute. i t l ,eó ,500 KIJJIt Ore r- the -wares 6 4,20 Ctln pay KInvP,e fills St. I47 goo, Slur, w-! es i. Con:pesy whip 6: t St. Shooting Galleries B;eo5y6 24, N. Y. Kiddie Whip!4 94, Kiddie Fire Regime fe Rote -tthip Kiddie speedboat. l kiddie Pony Carts Kiddie Carrousel Midget 50.0,4 Mrs. C44npaey Concord Stage Coat h Mouelait Slew. Ma Kludie Chuck West o 0 25 Prairie Schomer 2 2 Kkkile E.pre. Wages a 740 Kiddie Farm Wesley 240 Stake Nation Case w'ason 405 (All nations poe5 dawn) Overland Amunmeet. Fire Truck 2045 t.hie Leuio.ton. Mats - P6J.detphla Trbnoga. Crmpeny Crazy Clips East Dusan Sr. Roller Coaster 630 from 40,te.o Philadelphia 44. Pa. Mill Chutes.70 hr. from 45,00 Stee -Ball AIley m M ' Kiddie Sports Can 550 Or. from 5.00 Platform Car Ride Pretzel Amu.tment Ri.M Crmp.oy Thunderbird Jr. Wen 0 x5,0n 6 Beebe Run Road All-American Midget Pare. ea. 5w Brrdmetoe, N. J. Thunderbird Jr. Ga. Car 5e5 Kiddie Wbirlo 24 wader Kiddie Tooneruil. Trolley I) under 2_00 Kiddie Circus 3d. Pretzel Rltl 24 trader Were 7,000 iculttinucd on page IO)

5 APRIL THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY NATIONAL time - tested vides produce bigger profits NATIONAL'S Record of Achieve- ment for more than 45 years Is your Guarantee of Quality and Safety. CENTURY FLYER Safest Miniature Train built. 24" gouge tracks, overhang chassis low center of gravity. Runs anywhere without rails, climbs steep grades. Ideal for large areas, Zoos, Gardens, Fairgrounds. Let us streamline your coaster with new custom -built modernistic cars. A real Junior size Coaster oppeals to Teenagers and Adults. FUN HOUSES -MIRROR MAZES Especially designed to suit your location and price range. LAUGHING MIRRORS Ideal for Carnivals, Parks, Arcades, Kid - dielands. Require only a few feet of room. STEEPLECHASE KIDDIE BUGGY RIDE PONY TROT Live galloping action, push button control. Can be mounted on trailer for quick moving. A 0 -car De Luxe Buggy Ride. The Kiddie's delight. 0 or 20 ponies fitted Western style. Leather saddles. KIDDIE FERRIS WHEEL Simple mechanism, sturdy construction. Also built on trailer for quick moving. OLD MILLS -MILL CHUTES As appealing today os it was.40 years ago. For permanent locations only. COMPLETE KIDDIELANDS.., l Planned and designed by engineers with a lifetime of experience. PERSONAL SERVICE... backed by a lifetime of experience. Special trips to your city to discuss your problems. Write for descriptive circulars #A7ZWñI IMLZ?FMThT DaoF49f,yy Phohe-AMhe,wst BOX 488, VA FDAYTO N 7 OH 0

6 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 954 The IIITAWH(RL Ride Shooting Galleries Have Colorful Past * FLUORESCENT LIGHTING * FIBERGLAS (AR TOPS * BEAUTIFUL COLORED FRONT PLASTIC SIGNS Equipped with Built -In Electric Motor or Gasoline Engine on Steel Running Gear Shows Can Haul Completo Tilt -A -Whirl on One Trailer For Lileralure, WRITE, WIRE or PHONE e l.'i,de a! O MANUFACTURING CO., INC. TILT-A-WHIRL bat Rñuuaun.ni7iLdcuautl_ 0-e5 row,ta f.r-..t FARIBAULT, MINN Phone IT S SIMPIf AS A-B-C..... that th c.rcrtatio 0 ta.. pp** Y PAID eat labon and Nat tb. bid wn raedn+lj rì sert.tkd h, AUDIT /tlreatj Of (II(tMTltltti Of the ninny traditional moneyearners employed by the outdoor showman, few have the colorful history of the shooting gallery, which derives its origin almost from the birth of destructive weapons. Tests of skill have always been a popular diversion, and early competitions evolved over the centuries to the modem supervised range and the public amusement gallery. It was late In the 9th century that firearms were offered for public amusement use, The emergence of Coney Island as a major fun location drew attention to the pioneer galleries which had become established there along with the bath - house and sea food emporium. Traditional names like McCullough and Mangels, prominent for more than 50 sears in the outdoor amusement industry, have a well - lighted niche in the development of shooting for fun. The former, represented by Junes McCullough a Coney pioneer, was instrumental in presenting the mechanically motivated moving target to the public. The late William F. Mangels had been a prime manufacturer of galleries and the business, carried on by his sons. has lost none of its alertness and skill. Spin the Sputnik Alertness in the shooting gallery business is difficult to develop when the product has been worked out to a fine art and, on top of that. Ls virtually indestructable. Most modem refinements have therefore been in the creation of novel targets. The most enticing of these is Mangels' pilot model Sputnik minds is now undergoing tests. This is a highly polished steel ball with a round paddle target at the end of each antenna. The attraction: Hit the paddle, spin the satellite. Another recent effort is the Peel - a -Peach unit of Capitol Shooting Galleries. In this item a revolving drum shows a model in various stages of disrobement, with bull's -eye below. The attra Hit the bull's -eye, strip the a point, that is. One of the major develop has been the compressed air chine gun gallery of Mcinch Fclhnan. Tried with overvhel success by Charley Feltman at 939 New York World's Fair, guns have an economy advan in several ways over the single shot firearms. They use which is reclaimable for sale scrap, and they use aluminum gets and lighter steel gallery tides than are required for fill.22-caliber units. For the operator whose action is dominated byl money considerations, the auto (Continued on page 8) On Location Trials Prove Commando Gun LOCATION- tested last year marked success, the co' ated machine, gun, Comma manufactured by Chicago Machine division of Chicago namic Industries, Inc., will operated on many midways thrth out the U. S. this season. At least 250 gun units will be delivered and the number may well hit 500, Sam \Vohlberg, president of Chicago Coin, said, adding he based his forecast on sales already on hand and indications of further early sales. The machine guns were tested at Chicago's Riverview Park last year, schere a battery of 0 were operated with highly successful results. The results, in fact, were (Continued on r $ HODGES HOLDS THE LINE $ HODGES HAND CARS SEEN IN THE TOP LOCATIONS WHERE THE BEST IS APPRECIATED WHY WE PERSONALLY SUPERVISE EACH INSTALLATION AND FIRST OPERATION There is a right and a wrong way to do everything. Almost 20 years of experience should have taught us something that ono cannot buy or learn in short time. FOR BEST POSSIBLE RESULTS: Each location requires a different operation for ny ride running on a track. THIS IS NOT JUST ANOTHER RIDE OR SPACE FILLER BUT a precisioned, safe and fascinating ride that has appeal and holds the enthusiasm from babyhood to adult age, owing to its being operated by the child itself. Maintenance such that we have never charged for a SURVEYING of grounds before sale prevents overselling. a thing to lose. WRITE TODAY WITHOUT DELAY, WE ARE READY WITH THE GOODS replaced part. You have not We also sell an ALL STEEL CAGED -TYPE KIDDIE WHEEL List of operators on request HODGES AMUSEMENT & MANUFACTURING COMPANY 45 West Pruitt St. MElrose.527 Indianapolis 23, Indiana

7 rr= AIRII 7. 9S THt..40AD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTOEIT 7 ALL PROFIT SHAVIERING in AMUSEMENT RECORDS MIRS! PARKS! Al BOWLING ARCADES! KIDDIE PARKS! CARNIVALS! Machine Gun O. lop00.00.s4 Ao.t 000.n duo COMMANDO MACHINE G'd,4.A dwr. e..aa. c.s.dt o r.o.o w..r M kw dan soy csrpo.ob'...r.aaw w M. trs... Cold waets me. hb COMMAFOO MACHINE GUN Ses boom M IrMltly owew...! will Nw. snood Sot A Cow, MfovMnds.l I00 0l towmi+ bwin. /n..., of+ohm. NA.., Aros.ny pvipoom as AAarsv.l.'. Mood t..d prune. IMaM o.yn SA Otte>fi7 sitl.orin0 F..hvrtt Novor L.T.r. EVriU Into Any Gvnl CONTATFlO... EtECTlI. CAW OFtRATIO... NA T..vAal.. N.. I..e.yr A. Ite.oJ /tt.r.t. G.. TIdd E000 a..-!. td ite.l OoIY t.v Gor No C...:de t..d.q+ Af..Y.I. M Sb.. F... In a 3S3 Sima L. k Mt 3t Owl, C... Cs.M i Pon ol.s. 0.4 S+..l e.0 Cloon.. Iww.w D.n F.N Ov...Now... Iw..orl. h. T/.sv..ds al Floyd Td.. Ody S.caad. M e+d S...w Awe Pert al da. rr..tlia/sd,.n No. hr.. sow j+., r tiomw' Tse Soho/ Gus E... C.wwd. AycAUS. G.w Yw... h...+w +.. A. Anw.p.. C.teIvl T..e. Ay l.o...d..l eme... we.l..y d N..a apthrez.rdo Machine Gun v» w arasls nvd u..caoo I., , r. " 89 Money, I IV Makin For rorge For and Small NoNo. the first \ " Opportunities tworld's oneo ers of Cnlargest gases of Prod a newest es avait a ai se_ pro t mnt prand on, oducts investors direct to Think iaof It! ln.enoalnal sus of lv bino only no ofeth No `vier been orle ed to you fion Yea you Profit loco ion to Re are "on " eau startle potentials proof a t Non iule t evtnntiala that unusual locations e bushes he cost Records t noce 5 dnd cats hair lost' chins at a setury. et original lnes *rite we will as ar e attratio foti on. gross lent. Y enough ó áo nh isr: Y n Dept C. of Division.f Chicago Dynamic Industries. Inc.

8 8 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 958 ar Investigate a LONG ESTABLISHED POPULARITY OF BIG ELI iiiill!ii!ii/lii!ii Other Scrambler Owners will be added as '" RIDES CONTINUES Of many satisfied and enthusiastic Owners of BIG ELI WHEELS and BIG ELI SCRAMBLERS we list a few: O. C. Buck Expositions Byers Brothers Shows Conklin Brothers (Canada) Crafts 20 Big Shows James H. Drew Shows T. A. Fussell (Park -Little Rock, Ark.) Gooding Amusement Company David Gillian (Park Operation) Green Tree Shows, Inc. (Kentucky W. P. Lynch (Canada) Lakeside Park (Denver, Colo.) Parada Shows, Swisher 8 Swisher, Owners (Kans.) Pavilion Park (South Carolina) F. W. Pearce Corp. (Parks -Mich. and Minn.) Shamrock Shows. H. Flanagan. Owner (N. J.) Skerbeck Great Northern Shows Wallace Brothers. E. E. Farrow, Owner World's Finest Shows (Canada) ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE BIG ELI Production permits. flashy. lifetime service, profit -earner, THE BIG ELI WHEEL -all standard Wheel sixes are available for spring shipment. ELI BRIDGE COMPANY BIG ELI WHEELS Builders BIG ELI SCRAMBLERS Dept. S. 800 Case Ave. Jacksonville. Illinois ao wet #04h4/5 MACMINI GUNS, KIDS GO CRAZY FOR THEM.. ADULTS LOVE THEM TOO! Our Tripod Model is sleek looking Our Model TG has the feel and and simulates the real thing. action of a real Tommy gun. HERE'S WHY "MOW.'EM.DOWN" DOTGROSSES THEM ALE. Our guns fire with a sharp report creating their own ballyhoo. Our galleries have plenty to shoot at -over 300 targets moving and otherwise. Exclusive CONVOY water tank. See shots splash -ships sink. Simple, quick, foolproof loading. 00 shots for 25c -cost less than 3c. New improved trouble -free mechanism. No electric shocks -entirely air -operated. No coin slots to jam. Prices on application. Ask about our "Quick loaders" and Plastic Tubes for.22's. MEINCH and FELTMAN 52 NEPTIICEOn.,9l28dOOO`:7 24, N. r Colorful P Continued from page 6 medic air gallery can be had for mien less. The single -shot operation, how ever. L the grandpa and most widely used unit on portable and stationary midway s, and in theatrical districts. Lever Rack Popular Shooting galleries have improved in many ways while steadily inveasing in price because of steel and labor conditions. Early tar- gets were loose and knocked off a shelf. requiring setting up by hand and a consequent slowing of the operation. Over the years the lever rack has heroine common, and nosy the gallery attendant has merely to tug an overhead crud and pop lip 80 hinged soldiers -or tanks, or birds, or pipes. In early days the danger of injury from rieocc'hets was more a mailer of concern than today. since the modern.22-caliber short gallery anunnnition pulverizes upon contact. R e g a r anunnnilion proved its risky character eloquently daring the 9 fire which swept Dreamland and Lana Park on (:nuey Island. A McCullough gallery was consumed in the blaze. accompanied by a popping of lead bullets that had ais injury toll of three firemen. Steel and iron predominate in target material. The clay pipe which was popular before World War was actually a pipe made for smoking, a natural for gallery use because of the stay it shat - tered. lluese were factory rejects. and after the improvement of m. ufact g techniques demo,: r gallery operators of the pipes.. Brooklyn (inn started casting them especially for target use. The bother of replacing deem, howrser, hecame grealrr than the operator desired to take. Besides. steel was no longer a nickel a pound and the rnsning rise in his investment made the businessman grab the lever- elevated target rocs. which yielded a faster and nuore profitable play. But the 25- cents -a -load standard still holds at permanent installations. The load used to consist of 5 shots: now it's seven. Crease Cups Added Tite refinements in manufacture, while safer for the custnmer and faster for the operator, still present their little irritations. For example, the greased chains which_ actisate such moving targets as swinging bells, rotating parachute jumpers, etc.. used to move along uith no trouble when the old lead ammunition wars in our. The pulverizing IJnllels created a new problem: In disinligrating, they spattered a filin of abrasive dust on The chain links and dried up the grease. Grease cups were instituted to solve the problem. THEEL MANUFACTURING CO. Of Leavenworth, Kansas The Midwest's Largest Manufacturer of Amusement Rides Presents the Latest in 958 Styling 8 Designing MERRY -GO- ROUNDS romo,.. lumping Carrousels. last lila the Ons Meths and Dad Rod Whin Th.y Wet. Childt.n... tut With 958 tdos. The 70 s. Kiddie Rough Od., the 30 ft. Teenager Ranger The 32 N. Adult Westerner Also letger slue, on spetiol artier, es we eon build env site you wish. FERRIS WHEEL 2 -H. High. Cage -type. Children cannot fall out. KIDDIE AIRPLANE Built In four different sizes, 8 plane, 6 plane, 4 plane with double or single seat. Have real Airplane action and styling. KIDDIE BOAT RIDE Hos real boat action. Con be had with or without portable tank. Cash or Terms, 6x0 Interest. Write us for PONY (ART Steel carts with cast aluminum ponies, built in almost any size you would want. OTHER EQUIPMENT Deluxe Music Boxes Ticket Offices Fencing Gates Towers for Lighting light Stringers more Information and prices Lawrence 8 Spruce Phone MU Leavenworth, Kansas ast of Galleries Today's shooting gallery Is as sturdya piece of equipment as the amusement businessman can ob. tain. It represents 30 days of labor and bears fore and backgrounds of three -sixteenths steed plating, r vited to angle iron frames. Tar are cast iron and drop forged They slant up surprising) ' despite the constant sledg meting of bullet impacts. An oddity of target usage. mid few gallery people convert to ti adffatttage, is the effect all tb peening has on the targets. stretches and warps then.. A fl surface held against the face of slur or bell at season's end wí show a definite curvature annul the miter rim. But the tendency metal to yield to constant impacì can be utilized, Fred Mangelj points out. It is especially east where a foreground tank offer! rows of duct or boats moving io opposite directions. just take nyl the cotter: pins and reverse the tan, gets, he says, and another staue will are them bend flat again thanks to hammering from tint other side. Avai/ab /e Now: BROWNING Gallery Model.22 SHORT Automatic $69 50 The.22 SHORT Gallery model that so have asked us to make has now been thoroughly rested and accepted by many of the largest shooting galleries. This is the Gallery model built for toms Its maintenance -free, long -life serviceability will prove to be the most profitable investment you can make. It's so appealing in style and design that everyone scants to shoot it. It's to lightweight, nicely balanced and stelf dimensioned that a man,.woman or youngster can handle it with equal ease and accuracy. Only. 4 lbs. 5 oz. =22t,í inch special steel barrel - overall length 90 inclues. Dependable self -loading and ejection-doubleextractots- saf'rr bottom ejection. 6 round magazine capacity. Loading port in stock, especially designed for fast, sale loading with - loading tubes. Durable.walnut stock with grooved and contoured steel butt plate for shooting comfort and added protection to the stock. Easy maintenance - complete disassembly in a matter of seconds without the aid of tools. Complete stock of spare parts and service facilities readily available at all times. See lour BROWNING Dealer or arire ag Arms Co Dept. :A, Sr. Louis 3. Mu.

9 APRIL THI BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 9 ASSOCIATION OFFERS PLAN Park Rates Figured Differently; Each Ride Has Variable Premium AMUSEMENT park insurance is handled in a distinctive was by most companies and is unlike coverage for carnivals, ahho both types of underwriting are invoked syilh amusement riding devices. While carnivals boy insurance for the o hole show as A unit, niisentru t parks and kiddielands usually are insured by policies which út each ride, slimy or game Ibe covered. and a different rate plies to each unit. Sonte. butt not all, park insurance written tint the plan set tipp and crated in coniunetion with the tional Association of Amuse - at Parks, Pools and Beaches. As in similar cases, the premium park insurance is based on the lar gross of the park and its iot's rides and attractions. Nuuierous agents handle hour- e for parks, and, the system of N.IAPPB ian is typical. Itere hors it works: The NAAPPB general liability icy provides coverage for iny to customers on rides, in shows at games. It covers damages t may be charged against the park for such eventualities as assault and battery by park employees against another party. It covers fireworks displays on a charge - per -display basis. Ituportant additional points are that this type of policy can cover independent contractors or concessionaires and ride operators who may bring their own equipment Into the frutspot. It also would provide coverage for damages levied in case of such an event as food poisoning resulting from a park refreshment stand or from some item served at the pirk. Not long ago one park had $ in claims against it for food poisoning. Park premium rates are based on a manual which lists almost all kinds of devices that might be in an amusement park. Among them. of course, are Roller Coasters. Ferris Vtleels, Dark Rides, Shunting Galleries, and dozens of others. Safety Pays Off Charges are based on a mini- mum payment per ride plus a percentage of that unit's receipts: fins. a Merry-Cut -Round might cost an operator $3.50 per $00 of receipts and the minimum charge might be $250. Concession games might be included in the polio for 20 cents per $00 for each game, with a minimum payment of $5. Dark rides might be rated at $.25 per $00 with a $50 minimum. These manual rates can he altered in certain cases and in the event that experience at a specific park causes the insurance company to provide for a change. Thus, if safety measures at one park are particularly effective and accidents are,few, the park's insurance rates' may be -educed. But if another park lias more than its share of accidents, the cast of insurance can go up. In the case of the NAAPPB insurance plan, a committee of park owners meets with the broker and an expert from the insurance company each spring to make any necessary adjustments in nrtes for the basic table and for individual parks. British Rates, Too insurance of parks and park rides is obtainable from all firms in the show insurance business. Some of them use the same manual as the NAAPPB plan for determining basic rates. About an equal number use basic rates determined by British insurors. The NAAPPB insurance may be purchased by non- members as well as members of the association. Manual rates for insurance user ally pay for liability tip to $5,00 per individual -or $0,000 per accident. While this coverage is enough to meet the most frequent claims, most authorities recommend that higher limits be purchased. This precaution is to prepare against more serious losses. Park insurance requires that each operation to be covered is lisited in the policy and any changes must he reported. This will bring about a change in the total premium. in this type of policy, for example, the park and insurance agent would list all the rides, gains, and shows, and then add any such attractions as a ballroom, roller rink. swimming pool, parking lot, driving range, miniature golf or others. Each of these units has a sep- arate premium rate. These are added together to arrive at the park's total premium. Some agencies describe systems which mention a single over -all premium for parks, but it seems to boil down to this system of adding the numerous individual premiums in each case. Extra coverages for parks include products liability. inclusion of independent concessionaires, provisions for fireworks and other special items. EARN 25c A MINUTE!!! ON AMERICA'S NO. ESTABLISH BATTING WITH THE DUDLEY AUTOMATIC BASEBALL PITCHING MACHINE Its FULLY AUTOMATIC RANGE MODEL $488; ó NYC THI BATTING RANGE IS A GROWING AND THRIVING AMUSEMENT PARK ATTRAC- TION. MAKE THIS RECREA- TION PAY OFF IN SS55 FOR You. Used nd Endorsed by Hundrds of Baseball Bolting Ranges, High Schools Colleges. Universities and Mi. and Miner leagues, AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FOR SPRING OPENINO SPORi TELEPHONE NOW MURRAY HILL OR WRITE á SECOND AVE. NEW YORK 6. N. Y. MANUFACTURERS OF BASEBALLS SOFTBALLS. SPORTS EQUIPMENT DUDLEY SPORTS CO. IUOlINAlIItIIIIIIIIIIHIItlItlIIIIIIINHIIIIIIIIItlIINtlIIIIIIgMtlIIIIIUItltUpNN HARRY NELSON STRIKING MACHINE & DOLL RACK BUILDER 294 West 5th Street Brooklyn 24. N. Y. Tel: ESplanade HRtfINIIIRRRNNIRIIIRRRRIIINRIRIIRIRRRRIRINIRRIRIRIIRRIRIRIIUllQllRIINIRARNNIN HOPPER HOLDS 400 CALLS COIN BOX TIMER THROWS t STRIKES A MINUTI OPERATES ON 2S. COIN ROO PITCHING ARM SIMULATES HUMAN ACTION INSURANCE COVERAGE with just a phone call That's right, when you need that inunediate, complete coverage, and you need it in a hurry... just pick up the phone and call us.... and you're covered. COMPLETELY COVERED! COLLECT CHARLES A. LENZ and ASSOCIATES 492 FOURTH STREET, NORTH - PHONES ST. PETERSBURG, FLA.

10 lo OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 958 s SCHIFF Eve ybody likes to ride the SCHIFF Xi AMERICA'S NEWEST AMUSEMENT RIDE Proven the greatest ride of the CENTURY Outgrossed All Rides on All Midways! CARRIED OVER A Other Rider MILLION PEOPLE KIDDIE ADULT ROLLER COASI for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY IN 4 MODELS KIDDtt /IR[RGI AS SOAT RIDI B. A. SCHIFF & ASSOCIATES, INC S.W. NTH AVE. Phon MOhe MIAMI 44 FIA Wr;r sor Mor Inlermoriow 958 KIDDIE RIDE MANUFACTURER'S II IllelI h /Will 0 4 I IRt NAVE; I \II R tn..o Amu.rmenl Co. r O. Bos III And.. B À. Schiff and AssoelaI., Inc. VIII S. W 69th Are. Miami, FIa. Selleck Water.)c4_Companr N. W. 2d Ave. at ISth Boca Reim', Fla. I Iton% S..... Kiddie Jet Rida.22 Wild Motile Roller Coautr Kiddie Baal Ride Standard WterCyelea Double WetetC)clee Sellier Slamr!Kllt /lem tempsny IIII.AWhill 2$ Fo.ler SL F.rlbellll. Mlpn. CArAciyit 4, per M. II 7S40 SURVEY rill - -- SI: s'.0a. Mai 4 -T5-- 4,. Sei nn *,prey 6,000 -SVrr KNI. 46 Smith and Smith, hit. Ferris Wheel 0 HOOD 6I EI Pkln. _ Sprine.le, N. Y. Trslln Kiddie Chairplane 20 life. Auto Ride.. Kiddie Roat Ride Kiddie Aromle 3 NOISE Kiddie tip..tpl.ns Ride K. Mat SmIuI toter ernes Kiddie TIIO Boa 297 " RureA PoloI. O. SI Ay ohn.n Manulecturilp Comrser KIsp.S70s Caaslef MOO..iä, Iuabrlal. MO N. W. 47 SI. 42. II.. Jr. Feels Wheel kiddie Task Rida TrallerMoutd M Sulam ticcioterd*4j 5I luudiw0 S _ 20!i fr 4,00 í 0p , x Space Cher & SA 3óa0 Roller CwsA.r 7.00 ',unit., x,.le. Rite- (aaller 20 0s.Á, N.I IM.,,,.. I I.J. ". Il,.... s'. Kiddie Circus Ride 56 46ÁR Kiddie Water Boat Rade s ("Loo-Croo Train :0 4.0 ) Iddle Cap Ferri. 5.4/ :4 4_Ya Rocket 55y Fishier kiddie Fire Latins r2 4.0 Kiddie Whirl- ARouad 36 *300 Kiddie Elephant Nile K Oldie Merry4irr -Rrmod 24?,opti Kiddie Papy od Bony 36 4,W Iheel NI. nut a. tut ins Come. ny Merry-Go-Round S4l /5- s7,d0 I ea.anorth, Kart. Kiddie Alrplaire RIM.. 65.,05 Prmr (III EW kiddie Boat RIM.505 Riddle Feels %heel ,,Aend.R Company 6. 6 Sl?IS hole WAI 76 M. -. I n. Angeles 45, CKI. :04. Ch..ait,R 60. -tote Ferris %I. Il-fl. Sass Firms Wheel Ttskertown 05* 2 2-cer Trolley Traie Weld Boat Body (x Tru.t Mounted Mtrr)GoRmrnd 4 *ea) Preuves Cowl Truck 00umed Fs.,$ Must :4 lr.ukl)a N, N. Y. Teo.k Shunted 5.5 Rid. 2 Took Moonier/ soins RIM ,77e 605,55 K FAUÑVÉS C i The Original Dark Ride Known Throughout the World "PRETZEL 45 YELPS x`577 TENTH AVE. N.Y. 36. ed Leading World -Wide Distributor of Coin Operated Amusement Machines OF DESIGNING ENGINEERING EQUIPPING EXPERIENCE All TYPES OF ARCADES Our Comprehensive Stock Includes Machines that Are... Modern Colorful Curious <ugh for Mr trades nary[. for Ohntyland. moue. for too smithand P4ylanA et the MI Bunion InsNluN I. W or* proud to number the oboe voicing city many solisfied customers MONEY MAKERS for EVERYONE Whether your deco..a W Car Motors. or that of Tode'e U.S A.. your ready u seen. m center needs Atoui0m ent Ira n MUNVES.. 4 flews chock Tun el Alny N< Ir,d lm R;de. leonine Machin. a e*". MOY.a. el all TY.e. S(ata. voli. Nhoto* s RIla Care Vene r. piolo. Vance R ewntee GFes Pokninea Coin [nnnn roptpall R.Y Gun. Celi Ceunrr re <rtune Te Trns' R.IIr Onlnin Coln Werene r. c.enametm r. CIn torten WRITE FOR LIST OF EQUIPMENT ANO PR ICES MIKE MUNVES CORP AVENUE, NEW YORK 36, NEW YORK. BRyon c.e Spectakstr to the ARCADE TRADE tot mon than 45 Yten. BUY! METAL TYPERS VENDING ALUMINUM IDENTIFICATION DISC WHY! 2 STANDARD. LIFETIME INCOME TROUBLEFREE OPERATION 3. ONLY 8".8. AOVARD METAL TYPER. ink. 30 N. WESERN AVE. CHICAGO 22, ILL. IV f. FOR SALE or WILL TRADE St NTen r3 -Tuurn up ln park; yoke, wal power unit, et, Ln W.Q. Rrlre we..00. NO TRANSPORTATION. Open Van mallablo al Albans, N. V., to N' trade for Allan Ilemnsll breast Stern) Gotlound er Coaster GI Mme qulty. iil- SOIL? IRIDDIELA%D 2A WILLIAM ET., RUTLAND, VERMONT The American answer for hot rods, tracks. turnpikes, etc. American made - no parts problems -light and rugged. Air-cooled engine -ad- Juslable speed. maneuverable ease. The New DARK RIDE CARS They RotateWhip Turns, Fast Turns, Slow Turns. These Cors Fit Your Present Pretzel Ride. A New Dark Ride With A Minimum Investment. All AMERICAN l MIDGET Highly with Sale money -low cost and upkeep. Make capacity In money - more less space. RIDE " Portable Pretzel, Park Pretzel Complete line of repair ports and illusions, etc. THUNDERBIRD JR. RIDE The "holiest" captive car ride on the market. Ultra portable construction- flexible to fit any space. Positive electric pickup designed by Pretzel Company -nearly 30 years' experience. Realistic roodwoy with no raised track. Cors equipped with headlights, toil lights, horn. All Al wheels ride on roadway. Scaled models. PRETZEL AMUSEMENT RIDE CO. 6 BEEBE RUN ROAD, BRIDGETON, N. J.

11 APRIL 7, 958 THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY MRS. ERNIE FARROW Show Owner's Wife Okays Trailer Life THE ADVANTAGES of trailer living for a carnival family out - weigh any disadvantages. That's the opinion of Mrs. E. E. (Ernie) Farrow, wife of the owner of 'allace Bros.' Shows, who for six months of each year runs a mobile household for her husband and two young children. "All in all, weighing my likes and dislikes of trailer living, I am reluctant to say I find anything wrong with it. It seems I rather enjoy that six months out of every Year." Mrs. Farrow declared. "It has always meant a change of scenery every week and many places to see. There is always a new neighbor on both sides of us every week due to the difference in midway layout. That is one advantage I enjoy -new neighbors." The Farrows have two children, three and six years old, and use i 40 - foot, two - bedroosn mobile home. In shopping for a trailer, they look for the best constructed, lightest weight possible that fits the family needs as they tow it with a passenger car. "Housekeeping, compared to a pennanent home, is less trouble, yet it seems difficult to keep a trailer as orderly as a home. Every meal seems to litter up the living - dining area. In a home, meals are usually confined to a room that is out of sight of the front entrance or can be closed off. Cooking Easier "In cooking and preparing meals In a trailer, I take less steps and everything is within easy reach. I don't bake as much as I do at home due to the -fact that we travel in the summer months and oven mealt heat up the trailer. "We carry most of our appll- ances each summer but as electricity varies from location to location, we sometimes aren't able to use those that require a heavy load. We take a large supply of linens due to the short stays in each city or town and the sometimes spotty laundry service. We don't carry our finest China or glassware but take an average set of dishes necessary for our family," Mrs. Farrow pointed out. Fairgrounds and still date lots vary in their advantage, Mrs. Farrow observed. Fairgrounds are generally the most desirable due to level and grassy locations. She prefers to be near the show's office trailer but this is not always pos- sible on a fairgrounds. At still dates, however, the mobile home is parked near the office and the Farrow automobile is always handy for the numerous shopping trips into town. Disadvantages to the trailer dweller at still dates is the mud and dirt that's tracked into the home. Television plays a big part in entertaining all members of the family. The Farrows enjoy TV with the- aid of a telescoping antenna that is mounted on the hitch. It requires a minimum- of erection and can be easily beamed toward the nearest station. Reception is good in most places, Mrs. Farrow declared Air conditioning of the 40 -foot home his never been adequately solved, according to the showowner's wife, due to the length of the trailer and the arrangement of the rooms. Two separate coolers are needed and this would add too much weight to the hitch. The more weight, the more tire trouble is the way Mrs. Farrow sums it up. MUSIC AND LIGHT AT THEIR BEST SATELLITE STARBURST Here's flash that will make your Attraction, Show or Concession the talk of the Midway. The Satellite Starburst is available with 24 to 96 brilliant, flashing lights in white or color. Arm extensions, 4" to 48 ". Very low -cost -maintenance. Priced from. $50'00 to $280'00 per unit THE CARROUSEL BAND ORGAN Here is a truly fine piece of sturdy equipment that will last you many, many years. The Carrousel features a continuous tape player and record player with Band Organ or Hammond Organ music. Our library of music on tope runs a full 24 hours. The Carrousel also contains a 70 -watt amplifier, sufficient power to cover entire Park or Fairgrounds. Additional speakers are also available. $ Complet.- :`tie h/ _ -- _.a-- EXPANDABLE MERCHANDISE DISPLAYERS THE ULTIMATE IN VOLUME MULTI -LEVEL DISPLAY -- - FIREWORKS FOR ALL OCCASIONS FAI RS- PARKS- CELEBRATIONS Programs include services of expert Pyrotechnics and are covered by either Public Liabÿjity Insurance or Bond. WE DO NOT HANDLE COMMERCIAL FIREWORKS, BUT WE DO SPECIALIZE IN PROFESSIONAL FIREWORKS DISPLAYS Available at all times tu serve the public ALEX ZARRILLO MEMBER N.S.A. Manufacturer of Highest typo and superb quality NEPTUNE FIREWORKS 8 Heckel St. Established 890 Belleville 7, N. ter. Plymouth CROWDS GRAVITATE TO A-R,c RIDES NEW FLYING -SWAN RIDE POETS CAR MERRYGO.ROUND FLYING SEA CORSE an FLANS FERRIS WHEEL AMUSEMENT RIDES COMPANY A Di. i,.on of Corpenler. Hel Oct Company 5377 Sheila Street Los Angeles. Cul5 Arloele,,773 High Quality KIDDIE RIDES R00 WHIP- KIDDIE WHIP -SPEED BOATS -PONY CARTS - GALOPING HORSE CARROUSEL -FIRE ENGINES Illustrated Circulars Ere. W. P. MANGELS CO., Coney Island, Brooklyn 24, N. Y. ESTABLISHED Iaas FOR CONCESSIONERS AND BINGO OPERATORS This is truly the most revolutionary piece of equipment for 3 Concessionaires and Bingo Operators on which to display a complete line of merchandise and premiums. Beginning with one basic section, this rack can be expanded to any size or shape you desire by using the different leg or wing sections. Basic section. legs and other sections are mode of lightweight steel tubing and are sine plated for durability. Shelves are masonite or wood. The entire rack is wired for plugging in any lighted merchandise or premium. Anew - bled and dismantled in a mat-ter of minutes. Each section packs neatly and takes a minimum of space for storage. Single Side Fixture Double Sided Fixtures or Large Island Displayers 548 W. Lake St. THESE RACKS WILL LAST YOU A LIFETIME AND CAN BE PUT TO HUNDREDS OF USES. Complete line of standard fixtures. Special fixtures your specifications. Priced from $75 to $225. Writs, or Call Today /or Mora Information GOLDEN DISPLAYS, INC. Phone& Financial mods to Chicago, Illinois

12 2 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY TM BILLBOARD APRIL Tent Business Big; Color Comes Strong Circus, Music Theater, Carnival Orders Bulk Large; Rentals, Too BEST COIN SELECTION EQUIPMENT HARDCOTE All- Weather Super Protective GLOSS FINISHES WOOD AND,METAI AMUSEMENT RIDES TRUCKS, WAGONS, MINIATURE TRAINS ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT BRUSH or SPRAY Mode only by McDOUGALL- BUTLER Co. BUFFALO 4, N. Y. CO:0 CarO.ERATUl onlcno no«haricot[ By midseoson will your equip- ment look shabby again? Not If you refinish now with Hard - cote! MAROCOrI All WIA70 00SN örow,r..awn, G., W INC. 4. N. Teat These smooth flowing, eye appealing finishes or mode to take it under oll types of wolher conditions. They set up a hard, tough finish that resists dulling and chipping... slays bright, keeps the turnstiles turning all season long. All At IHER FINISHES G..rNer. I.ed _ N. rwe rar Menke*. 'undue l'm naeetesd ln IONG p eeosl aa. Imeeu.g em.t N..Ma..'s IIASON LAST (ALL FOR THE 958 SEASON G. your Ferris WhI snvorlod ta,h hydroid, system never. Enjoy Ih Preen end Was weer,. C %TLETT RIDE DEG. CO. 525 DETERINO SI Phone UN 2.44 HOUSTON 7. TEXAS THIS spring's show canvas pie - tore Is headed up by the new big tops and allied tents being delivered to the Clyde Beatty Circus and the Cristiulli Bros.' Circus. Other fields in which buying Is heavy include those of carnivals and music theaters. The biggest top this season is for revivalist. Other construction Includes large trots in pastel colors like rose pink, robins egg blue and forest green, all for garden party rentals. Color also marks the show canvas jobs. Circus big tops ace being delivered not only In white, but also In vivid color combinations. Concession tops are being made in plastic coated bhle. Music theater tents are turned,nut ln combinations of tangerine, blur. green, orange and more. Beatty's (Details Cans as for the Clyde Beatty Cirrus ssas shipped from the O. Henry 'Tent plant, Chicago, to Palisades, ], for the show. opening. It leads off with a white big top that is a 40 with three 30 -foot middles. Sicle show-menagerie tent is a AO with three 30's. Also in the spread are two marquees, cookhouse top. concession tents. and blue and white aide walls for all of the tops. Cristiani Bros.' Ciras is Lakin clellsery on large and colorful.prend 'milt by the United States Tent Company Sarasota, Fla. It has a 40 with three 50's, In a royal bisse and orange combination. Cristiani also 4 getting menagerie top that measures 80 feet with three middles and separate side show that Is a 70 with four middles. Other tops are included En this set. Unique feature of the Cristiani big top is that Its tutee middle pieces actually are made in single piece measuring 50 feet, with ball ring necks for center poles every 50 feet. Slaking this as one unit eliminates the need for lacing and it permits spooling of the canvas on a mechanical unit without the bulkiness of lacing. Other circus work being done' by U. S. includes Benson Bros.' Circus's new 80 with three MI'.: the Beers- Barnes Circus 80 still: three 30's plus marquee. and new side show top for Canon Z. Barnes Circus. U. S. is building a giant 220 with six 30's and one 40 for the Rev. Oral Roberts of Tulsa. This fives an over -all measurement ' 420s440. Unique feature is this top starts with a 0 -foot wall, hot graduates up to IO sr lions of nail 8 feet high. This section goes mer ' the rostrom. Othrl large c lnde I t setteal FIREWORKS PR000CIR3 AND MANUTACTURIRI OR TH NATION'S FINEST PYROTICNNICAL DISPLAYS, RIATURINC o.ic,nai. /PIG TACULARS. Tog SIRVICI- QUALITY -PRICE w. Corner Sc.0.. T.e Modern Pastes.. Sm. You Sand Todei Ina Pt. I. and DeNnpt. Catalog an pes4 Oaten. N.ur e.hing /N jefe.., Colob /alit. Ives end Sprial Irenes. ILLINOIS FIREWORKS COMPANY, Inc. Mnnufucrurre dnra 02 P O get -9: Pha-t 7:C Canaille, Illmat (\G sssssa.s I. World' \IRODI Melt Fabulous Profit Making Amuserwenr CO,!toiler Mounted, -THE TRAVELER- AII-N.r MS O...nrl Rude-0 Adults or 60 Childraw Combining H,h SoceO WIN Rock 'n' loll Atsiaw. ct. r RIDE TE(:, CO. ssnnonsssshouston S S:5 rt..rnn St. Houston 7 Tt.. j.,t cot rl[tr0iyr/ {IONI? - Write for our new e lorged catalog - the best reference for Coin Hon - dling Equipment and Supplies. COIN COUNTER COMPANY 44th St Ind Wales Aaenas New York 54, N. I. LUdlow PICTUR FRAMES BUCKETS and other GAMES Wror for sampler list STAN BAKER 306 relay Detroit 27, Mishigon t,. NlMil M /MAI S ran dvaimur. CARV /NGSA NI TICKET BOOTHS. 00 FeOATS. OFFICE CIRCUS A6ouSe i9 Ru/L D/NQ OL ANS IDDIEEMAII MAP' RIDES,SNOMS. CONCESSIONS.(UNIIOUSES.ILLUSIONS MINIATURE G s25 BRILL. P o PDX attg P.O, la /tlreaf Write, Phone or Wire Today 703 Coss Ave. I. 4 /./ A Terrific, Money Maker! now available with COIN OPERATION It veal I. better than $500 a week en ne fairly geed lo<aelon. Is il?s Inge very typo ow Ntle n, rnon parks, delving Nngo a, drive -Ent, beaches, gaol., tales, carnivals. rnln4lureu pat, etc yes, ray place where pepl play w 0 ter tun'. t' "Bug L." a?tint porn that plot genuine baltballc end Ngulation brae '2 comdnftly automallr end N.uirN vtt am spat,3.4 N. and nay II balls are used In play. T. pann /ad pitching machine h slmplt....un end M.Mproef. Ivory gltch is a perfect Orr. There to mate ' Stan ball" end NW,/ Is Neu.. II dllv le Ye. Iu ed, cempl In every detail and roads to go. lust flip the swach and you age to bust... It Nta up last and has MOILE FEATURE grad COIN OPERATION If dalred. Units at. Unconditionally C d. Up'. I. gam. el SKILL and ACTION It' NEW 5 It CLEAN, and bed at all It t TERRIFIC MONEY MAKER. E. B. WILSON CO. Woodward Detroit 26, Michigan 5. 5 VI Rock Bottom Nees! 45 In, FLUORESCENT "Del60" 5y BUMPER SIGNS Ea , ?,ose ip Delaware Valley Display Co. SWC Leh 4 JEFFERSON ST.. PHILA la RTTEN/ION TI'H % -O-F-I HIDE ON VERS ELECTRIC BRAKES \oe Araaabie -welt For Mtal4 R. TINSLEY 4 Wac /t. Louis SI, W. I: WIDE C4, lt,c,., RAILROADS,I. Wo Rra ewf N ta tot tree above and would bt Ìvrkel,".d le gnou who sou ewe Foe Iw we lrif N Mma AIM Rave eailt, Hwit.hea for g.te Ur ana road In lake TTroulh atfillwoes we.n bul:d Amerlea'. fnen a o r AYR.. Yack 7, N. Y./ Y Reno, Neva.6) Park e. lnsbu Nh, Po.

13 APRIL 7, 958 THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 3 MAKE MORE MONEY ON BLUCHER - ADMISSIONS WITH SCOTT STADIUM SEATS Preen money-makrs for fairs, expo - sitlens and concessionaires. Offer spectators a comfortable padded teat WIM backrest at a nominal extra charge. They'll by It. MODEL (5.53 CONCESSIONAIRE SPECIAL -Weighing but 2/2 lbw, this model Is Ideal for use ono performancerental basis. One man can easily carry 2. Has podded seat and canvas backrest. Folds corn portly. Presents no storage problem. Specially designed for narrow aisles. Upholstered seat and pressed wood backrest. Recessed screw holes for permanent or mi- permanent Instollatlons. Folds compactly. MANAGERS -Writ for literature and information on our guaronteed profit, easypoy finance pion. SCOTT PORT.a -FOLD, INC. 73 Middle St. Archbold, Ohio World's Leading Monulocturr Stadium and Sports Soots. Searchlight Carbons GUARANTEED COMPLETELY DRY HAVE BEEN STORED UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS. $6.00 PER CARTON Will consider discount on quantity purchase. C. R. SKINNER CO. 239 Grant Ave., San Francisco 8, Calif. Garfield.730 Shooting Galleries And supplies for Eastern r4 Western Type Col:erlee. Write for new Wale. H. W. TERPENING 3-39 Mrin Et. Ocean Park Cal. FOR SALE Auto Ride, Street Car, Rocket Rides, Chairplane. Cn W seen M n National ernrdlne, Orange Show CIII., A... son. Inquire mew off.. 80.s with 40 -foot middles. a 90 square end with 45 -foot middles, and a 00x300. These are handled in conjunction with tent makers which are not equipped to handle such large tops. Additional work at U. S. Includes Merry-Go -Round tops, concession tops, pony ride tops, and more, with concession top trade being very good Carnival merchandise and church rental tents makes up the bulk of it and includes one order for 30 new 8x4 tops. Rental tents for East Coast firms catering to garden parties include 30x60, 40x80 and 60x00 models in the pastel shades. U. S. executives S. T. Jessop and C. W. Johnson report inquiries are firm and the current backlog of orders guarantees to keep the plants production high for the next 20 days or more. Big Music Tops Bernie' Mendelson. O. Henry Tent executive at Chicago. reports a group of music theater tent orders. Miami Musical Theater has a 20 with one 40 in blue and tangerine. Camden County Music Fair, Haddonfield. N. J., ordered a green and orange 20 with one 50. St. John Terrell is buying a 0 with one 50 for his Music Theater at Neptune, N. I. Cape Cod Melody Theater. Hyannis, Mass., is getting a 0 with one 30. O. Henry's carnival business Includes an order from Royal American Shows for.5 concession tops in plasticized blue canvas. This and last year's order give the show a full set of concession tops in this style. Amusements of America Shows is getting a 40x40 blue and orange girl show top. Lou Dufour and Sam Alexander are buying a 40x00 side show top for their use nt Belmont Park in Canada. Dufour also is getting a 20 -foot banner line for this location and another banner lime for his show at Riverview Park, Chicago. Page Combined Shows is getting banner line, marquee. bally cloth and sidewall from O. Henry. Johnny Denton Shows is getting a new style of marquee. Danny Dell is buying concession tops. Carnivals Order For use on Royal American, Tom Blackwell is getting a cookhouse from O. Henry. Ray Chambers will have a 52x82 monkey show top on the World of Mirth Shows. Johnnie Miller, also with WOM, will have a new concession top measuring 4x38. which is one of the largest one -piece concession tops O. Henry has built. Murray Levitt will have six new concession tops on the Ross Man- ning Shows. Rod Link. on World of Pleasure Shows, bought Merry- Go -Round and concession cteras. Andy Markham is buying curtains and backdrops for his Riverview Park concessions. George Reinhardt, of World of iíirtl3, ordered an O. Henry 30x50 cookhouse. Pepsi -Cola has placed an order for numerous grab outfit apd cookhouse tops of good size with O. Henry. Haney Wilson has an O. Henry banner front coming for his Glass House on the Blue Grass Shows. Thomas Joyland Shows is buying concession tops. Gooding Amusement Company is ordering O. Henry canvas. Sim Players has ordered a 45x00 tent with one round end and one dradiatic end. Other leading show cantos suppliers include Apchor Supply Company. Evansville, Ind., delivering ride and concession tops, cookhouse tents, bingo tops and show tents; Central Camas Company, Kansas City, Mo.; Ace Canvas Corporation, Jersey City, N. J.; Powers & Company, featuring concession tops, Philadelphia, and A. Mamma 8c Company, Pittsburgh, which sells and rents large tents and also offers concession tents, show umbrellas aid other products. ARROW DEVELOPMENT CO. Consistently THE LEADER... WHETHER NEW - AND DIFFERENT RIDES OR THE STANDARDS -it's ARROW for QUALITY! WE ARE NOW IN FULL PRO- DUCTION ON THE FOLLOWING VARIETY: * Tracked Auto Rides with modern and antique bodies * Gasoline powered antique autos * 9th Century Trains * Dark Rides and Animations * Merry -Go- Rounds * Streamlined Trains -24 Gauge * Flying Platform Rides * Rub -A- Dub -Dub Boat Rides * Circular Boat Rides * Drive Units for any carrousel WE SPECIALIZE IN CUSTOM -BUILT RIDES! Adapt your rides to the theme of your park ARROW DEVELOPMENT CO. ADULT AND JUNIOR SIZE TRACKED AUTO RIDES. 24 AND 30 GAUGE 9TH CEN- TURY TRAIN WITH CAPACITY OF 00 ADULTS. ORIGINAL ALL STEEL MERRY -GO- ROUND- KIDDIE AND ADULT. 243 MOFFETT BLVD. MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIF. ASSOCIATED IN BUILDING OF SPECIAL RIDES FOR DISNEYLAND FOR SALE BIG OPPORTUNITY For Showman or Industrialist $400,000 worth of buildings Approximately 75 arpents of land near a railway track Private water system with a capacity of 5,000 gallons per hour Excellent location for park Within 0 miles of Montreal and other cities Actual Cost $,000,000 Because of illness WILL SELL FOR $50,000 TAPP ZOO 50 Blvd. Labelle, Ste Therese de Blainville, Que. YOUR AMERICAN RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE AFTER DISASTER STRIKES

14 l. 4 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL NEW- IMPROVED -- ^, BOWERS 958 STREAMLINER i, s,.f_: The "Orlin,. Ilnamllned fiel Treln Ride. Cooled asti Never fevaled. s I r., - i _ 2,e 7 Send fo re.nplet....orlon on these cidre v lce Adel. I.rh Whet. rial Che,rp lane ii T.e.- Mevnted Kddle vue..0 ódea. Are,nH [,Relie CAoi.plor,er 7a Attention, Operators Nees IedaY' me. Prac nc. Ie /rie ruin rid. Nlah. F.:::: mer errs, In usa eelul nperm Lon Inc N4. l -CHECK THESE FEATURESe Ooee u r eleven In la OMnIa try et; renon Irvm Irak. boy Runs on evvi trie troth el trailer Tin I.IM a,lb. r In IOOII '454 nnclalen bull) In med/n meeting non n cri rlh ne nefhe Inne wrnon el Amu.mrtc.. eulnm.nt New 'caeca at el I, 650. P 0 R. Auuate, Oa. Circular free. K. MAX SMITH ENTERPRISES tferlualy Dltiburorl So. A, Rua. Point. Ohre. \,, C6 PLANE /Pa* R/DE SPEED? f(.l4 l ;Carpet.. n,me..d 'ijiijjiq(flhifn Ire -:'-w- `fil :: 4. r. IIIIIII Milli II II Ill' ''' '' SMITH 8. SMITH. Inc. SPRINGVILLE. NEW YORK NEW MODERN AMUSEMENT EQUIPMENT New. III` w % AIL - KIDDIE RIDES ADULT RIDES MINIATURE TRAINS ROLLER COASTERS MERRY GO- ROUNDS ^ -- - SHOOTING GALLERIES FUN HOUSES ft. -.. Well today for templet rotor, Calliopes Still Draw; Shops Continue Work There L continuous Interest are art of Lee's activltlea, but he among showmen and public In cal- rarely deals in used equipment hopes, and these music machines since used machines generally reare still being produced. quire complete overhauling. Calliopes traditionally were pow. New -Day Pioneers Bred by steam, and now almost all There are other calliope plants of them are operated by comin action now, most of them oppressed air. They are generally erated by men who are perfecting used around circuses and parades, their own models. One of these is while the dissimilar band organs Perry Cozatt, of Danville. III. Anare usually found at Mery-Go- other is Dowell M. Singer, of De- Rounds, parks or carnivals. catur, Ind. There have been others in Roy C. recent years. Lee, of Dallas. bought out the old Cozatt Is a veteran pipe National Calliope Cororgan poration and builder and has constructed both builds and reconone of these on a ditions trailer. But now he has calliopes more or less as a of hobby. He four air calliope models Is in the theatrical lighting business ranging (rain 37 to 49 whistles. He also. has devoted much work to perfect He reports the calliope field is fog new blower, new whistles' quite active, with most buyers be- and other parts. ing collectors or Shriners. He de- He declares that with his unit livered a 43- whistle calliope to the the speed of play determines the Winona. Minn., Historical Muse- air -pressure rate, no that now when um recently. Lee also built a 53- a chord is held there is no slump whistle National for a Lawrence in the sound. Welk performance in Dallis. Parts Cozatt has the urge to build a' for only five more 53-whistle jobs steam calliope and has worked on remain. After that, Lee reports, the project. He recognizes that he It will not be economical to make is ac'eking a lost art, since the origmore. Fort' -three whistle models inal steam calliope builders are of are being reconditioned, and some a past age and other attempts to parts replaced with new ones. He build steam calliopes bave been has sold about 8 calliopes In seven marked usually by failure. years, limited largely by the However, Cozatt already has amount of time he can devote to overcome some stumbling blocks it. Several tapes for records, com- and is ready to try a new project. mercials and other uses have been Singer has designed and built made on Lee's instruments, the his own air calliope also. He exlatest being for late Maytag Com- pects to put these on the market pany. in the future. Meanwhile, his was Repairs and hr.lfng of callinh.s recorded for a network radio show. AFRICAN DIP r I\\ TAI. Is pre art to CealYr --After.f^ DU, /ormrer era. a, Cooler CLlaao. r [T Tor A -, ti.. 6 "- À PAIRe-PARKS-CARNI VAL. IMO per hour or more.omble. Denali Itf r, irynw lo oaeree: eny b pol Ytyp neu, ts halls ne nnle* of 0. Lank. ape eke anwn. OnY gcha <chnplele fl\ ae Nnk IIA tne, OR WITNOUT TANK. nfa /7a0 Ntr wlla peer, belann COD, rob....ins Nal A. N. H / W. 05 COOE.EY t Ati. Mbm, JOHN BUNDY Peeidnt 6 General Monaer YOUNG -BUNDY MOTORS. INC. CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH AGENCY 06 It Levis Ave.. lan Sr Lawn, Ill Phon e /fas. 333 ED MURPHY Showmen'. Rpernrorl loverai Make. end Model.. NEW AND USED TRUCKS AND TRAILERS "Special Flnanc Plan let Showmen" Sn. Us fera Coed Deal nn NEW OR USED CAR ALL t SIZES -All NUMBERS r `I, 30 USED RIDES ON NAND KING AMUSEMENT CO., INC. P. O. SOX 30 PHONE: HO MT. CLEMINS, MICHIGAN BROWNIE TRACTOR Low Initial cost - diffrential drive - t3fety designed- rugged construction- pneumatic tires like a big tractor. Write for further information. U. S. BROWNIE CO. 39 E. Van Bunn St. Joliet. III. Phone: MINIATURE GOLF COURSES and GOLF DRIVING RANGES ARE OUR BUSINESS w,7 In their deign, tonllruc.0n and I,ghl,ng Qr cornu'' Nn.: of design and construction, under tes personal selperyinwn Of Earl Wrld, Colt Professional. Each mnvatwn got, coure makes our Installations the finest In the country toda. and golf driving range Is Individually designed. comp'...,n every derail for Imo, dlate operation constructed and...po., For complet 4..e a.. fer he'd.. ',et r co-.truc/ en rct' contact us today. WAN:BOR6 PAR LIGHT MFG. CO. MILAN ILL ' PHONE 7-0. FIREWORKS DISPLAYS FAIRS -AMUSEMENT PARKS Everything Furnished INSURANCE, LUMBER, LABOR Full Line of Pyrotechnics for Clown Acts. etc. WALD & COMPANY, INC. 208 BROADWAY KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI (Phone: Victor ) TICKETS ROLL OR MACNINI FOLLOW PAD ]TRIP NO RESERVED SEAT TICKET] ALSO PARKING TAGS PROM '. "TOT."NUMRtS. COUPON ROOKS. WAIi[a CHICKS AND LAUNOIRITTE TICKETS. - ALL FORMS OE TRANSPORTA.ON TICKETS ELLIOTT TICKET CO. 409 Lalarrllr St.,N,Y,C. - ai4a N. Wester. Arm. Mat, 0S CMslat St.. Pieta.. a huge success... " at the CALIFORNIA MID -WINTER FAIR, says D. V. Stewart, secretary- manager. QUARTER MIDGET RACERS CARDINAL PRODUCTS CO. les Berger 9 Wolf 226 short, $s York I. N.Y., HU 6 EtAR I I GOLF RANGES MINIATURE COURSES WE CAN FURNISH YOU COMPLETELY WITH OPERATING EQUIPMENT. Irlces ond details on rquert EASTERN GOLF CO eston Rd. Dept 3 Brent 67. N Y. FISH FRYERS $ For $75.00 Deep Fries 00 lbs. fish per hour. Large Counter Model Fryer, 24n34 Inches. Cray Baked Enamel (,nigh, Eileanded Metal Basket. Operates on Bo. I or Newel Cm. "The Newest and Biggest Little Attraction" SAFE LOW (OST OPERATION EDUCATIONAL DURABLE Far ahead in design, construction and earning power. Designed like the famous Memorial Day racing cars. Gasoline powered by Briggs 8. Stratton motor. Automatic Clutch. Variable Governor. Outside Cut - Off Switch. Operates In an area only 50 by 30 feet. NEW FIELD fer Oprotort Attnrfon -Fair Drl-In Tel. is rra med.n felon or nag,k Thatr Marlow,: nnlletlene. Lomeli Autea est We pant tes ONLY UNIT kip 000eel kvina. IT will Pr/ YOU lo Pair eaeoillen. Well U. Nt InveLLI.. open De a. WIL.lbese, 48 Inch. Overall length. 7I Inch.. Width, BO Inches. It.l Frane. Fibre el.. body. Rufnaive relate. Runs 0 hour, en o gallon of g.ollne. Weight, 45 Ilse. , Medium end Large lie. Available. WrIr TODAY for literature. WAHLBORG ENGINEERING CO. lox 277-0, Waltrlu Potion, Torrance, California EAGLE PRODUCTS COMPANY Litchfield. Ilnneh Manufacturer, sl Eagle Deep Fat /nip. 40 TRAILERS / W hay fl, to 34 ft of 2 rum.,,n& a.lo amoot,eld steel, 20" drop trame closed Vans I. / with Vacuum bakes. Perfect for MerryGe -Round and milled EPA, mint.- Pricedfr BROWN TRAILERS FZTS Saura 6 57aí Wesl St.,. 5.63e 3t, - / Phone: R[Ilany zsut tislf=28286=o2=2 :IIISSIS WOOD LETTERS For Allnedv Rlrne. LAO for rears end u e yea money. Lla!<beatp <rli,a l.munla SL'rll \orthlnnd Product Rockland, Mln rtnuttuttt=ot S /

15 APRIL TTN CONTINUOUS MUSIC was 5.vnecc Con /lnuow seek.roane MvIe FIv. r. qllrtrit4n Y, wan Wee taw, In em M M `ass.....on en tlono :3 YOU lat IT RAY- TIN Wla TAPIS listed Wleer. MFreimetele hour In ten.rh smut, Fur for IM hour,wn Male repeat front in. thntt klnln mos.. atendent M salad- Sell <on - tld mm.4 r on. plenty.l Porter, eut with two wtwi-on for sauna an, and ono for um with Fvek- Aedr Svttm- WEa- SOUNOPAC PLAYER...$0 Fr 0v A.C..0 eve., WI CAIIIOFI MUSIC TAPS, NO. 700 Ala WI IANO MUSIC- IMARCNaa TAPI, MO. Slat SAM Nr eempln In /ermnon. n0 cur / emr tape,, ass erdet rein.d tedy Ramit!M In Intl with oralen. WEB DISTRIBUTING (O., INC. labt 'meow". New York It N V THE BILLBOARD Trials Prove Commando Gun Continued from paga B suds that the concession operator plan' to double the number of guns this year providing dditional space L made available. The glui a a5 formally introduced to the outdoor trade at the Chicago outdoor conventions in early December and were tested on a fair midway for the first time at the Florida State Fair, Tampa, in February. Commando offers a number of features, quite apart from its coin operation. Eaoh unit is self contained, electrically operated, automatically loaded and has no troublesome exterior compressors or air (loses. Its hopper houses 8,000 rounds of steel balls, whioh are poured in thru the top of the gun. It cores equipped with a coin chute which is available for 5, 0 and 25- cent play. It is so designed and built that it reviles only a matter of seconda to reach and service any part. Adjustment to varying depth location is made quickly and easily. In action, the pin arrests attention. It shoot' in threeshot bursts at Iena than one -half second per burst, with 30 shots for 0 cents taking only about one minute. The ball target unit is arresting, with the balls made of plastic of long - lasting qualify. I'OR S:tLE Mrry-Oo-Reund.20 urn hernt, 0 mall hena, Alun Nery[h lnr model.. f, e o Ride, 0 wh,cte A00-00 Armr Tnk R,tle,...out Tanka I,00e.00 e Sky FeMer without Pune, Hors nd eur Rld, la vmkle,. aoal Rlde wllhwl D. eds a Dun:e nd amhl hertos, MInItun Train, 5 [akhm one enaiine.-.., Nnonal Kitldle F rris Wheel ithwf Ducketa,C'0.00. r LH vhicl In IiN, enlr yhielae destroyed; Mc berm, motor, Clnvae ntl E wen not In same Donal:/, TRAOINO 047. INC. N. Nennire Bird end PrO /pact Ave. AlOany, N. V. OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY CALL - WIRE OR WRITE TODAY! Rental! Can[ewlonaira! Resort Area, W trlront>t Intarnatlonl Fvorlt AMANDA WATER SCOOTER 00 7e flit of the beech with young and old alike! Really natural for profitable rental business at waterfront resorts..,already earning fur alert owners in southern areas. Safe. virtually unsinkable. Nu maintenance problem.. Operable an hour on pint of gaa. Brilliant red and white fiberglass hull. at PA in your arra to frona r Amanda &cuter, as tae latra mormrnr Nord, Retails at $ lent Aril., for special discounts Co resort worry- ARNOLT CORPORATION Warsaw. In[Ii5n.] GARBRICK RIDES Al FI. Farris Wheel 20 FI. Owl/ Sale" 6 FI. Ctuk SRllp RTIIi SILIER Marry Mitai Trailer Mounled Kiddie Rides GARBRICK MFG. lwls H. a Lwis A GarD,ck Centr HII, Penn nona: 4.0 uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit Everg kiddie Parti Needs a Small E. E KIDDIE WHEEL Over 50 in use toddy. Manufactured by S. A. ROLLER WORKS 229 Nolan St. _ San Antonio, Texas = Phone: CApitol E. rtii I IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIItIIIIir NEW/LII Rock -o -Puna Rollo -Pun FtvePlan Octopus Madge -o Racer Balgt the Whale Y CHEVROL HAS K p PPEAL! IHI PUMP-IT HANDCAR RIDE L PROVEN FINEST IN Ics FIELD Simpt. re Inatdl Love - OTTAWAY AMUSEMENT CO. ME(,S of STEAM TRAINS HANDCARS 3045 N. ST- FRANCIS - WICHITA, KANS- WANTED FOR CASH Caret adult Ride mad. by Stay J0hnlon Co. C.'I:op. In good roper. Writ. full DELUXE RIDE CO. I. O. lea 300. MI. Osamu, Mid., Here's the new sweetheart of the Task -Force fleet, Chevrolet's new Fleetside pickup! No truck has ever been better to look at... orbetter for your business. Long, sweeping lines, graceful body contours... new truck appearance that's fleet, dashing and completely modern! Yet there's even more to the new Chevrolet Fleetside than the striking beauty that first meets your eye. There's size, for instance: extra room inside to pack many additional cubic feet of payload. And with double - walled lower side panels, durable hardwood floor, and solidly constructed full-width tailgate, the new Fleet - aide is the toughest of pickup bodies, too! A new adjustable latch keeps graintight tailgate free from rattles. Here's a new high in hard -working utility, matched by new styling that makes you stand out on any street. See the new Fleetside at your Chevrolet dealer's now! Chevrolet Division of General Motora, Detroit 2, Michigan. More load space than any other comparable low- priced pickup. In lengths of either 78 inches or 98' inches and a full six feet in width, this new body actually provides 50% more cubic capacity than the conventional pickup box! 'Optional at extra cost. Plenty of work -whipping hustle and muscle- Your choice of two great engines -standard 45 -h.p. Thriftmaster 6 or optional at extra cost 60 -h.p. Trademaster V8, And truck -engineered chassis components will take all the abuse your most bruising hauls can give them! CHEVROLET TASK FORCE TRUCKS

16 6 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 958 GREAT SOUTHWESTLAND Giant Dallas -Fort Worth Center Pairs Kiddieland, 'Adultland' To reduce the size of the spot of ordinary spotlights, you must mask out, or is down, port of the light beam, thus wasting much of the available light for which you are paying. The resultant spot is furthermore usually fuzzy -edged and irregularly shaped. With the single control, two -element variable focal length objective lens system of Strong Spotlights, the brilliance of the spot actually increases as it Is reduced in size, and is sharp -edged from head to flood. 'Require no heavy rotating equipment. Horizontal masking control can be angled 45' in each direction from horizontal. 'Fast-operating 6- slide color boomerang. Constructed for permanence. Portable. Mounted on casters. 'Easily disassembled for shipping. Shown'above is an installation of three Strong Super Trouper Hph Intensity D.C. Arc Spotlights at Roosevelt Raceway, Westbury, L. I. These Super Troupers deliver 22 times as much light as the most modern A.C. spotlight. Built -in power conversion transformers and selenium rectifiers. Cast only 23 os much as those which require a separate and expensive generator or rectifier. Most economical operation. Fully automatic arc control available in 220 or 0 -volt A.C. models. r c Alto...Jiro bout th Wont Trouper Av.< Leof light end th Troupe ref. In cendes cnf 5pottihf. A Division of General Precision Equipment Corporation THE STRONG ELECTRIC CORPORATION 64 City Park Avenue Toledo, Ohio Ile.. rend Ire., Or chore on Strong Souflights end nomes of dealer. i and construction PLANN-ING are under si ay on the Great Southwest Corporations expansive spurts and recreation center located between Fort Worth and Dallas, Ilene, in time for the 959 sea - son, is to be a giant fun zone with a kiddirland inspired by such other parks as Disneyland and an 'adultlastd'' marked by its wide range of sports facilities. Crcat Southwest Corporation t planning a larger industrial center of which aise (nnmones are only a part. Principal investors in the company are Toddie Lee Wynne SI., a group of Fort \Worth Isis i, nessnten, \\ehl and ICnappr the ARLINT _, GREAT SOUTHWESTLANO DOWNS P4[rRY 25 ACR:S TRAP ROAD or SEEtT Development C: e r p e ration of 'America, and Rochefellf r Center, Inc. The amusement seelinas will be the Great Sottltsestl:ntcli - the amusement park pisase, and the Great Southwest Sports Center - the section devoted to many types of participating sports activities. - Sis -Part Park Great Soutlissestl:eul is still in planning stage lint it is intended to have six basic sections with hanses anti themes that parallel Tesas Under Six Flags., ll PAq I -hits one section 5 di have 3 Spanish thence, another sill he linked slit)] Ntexieo, the next will be concerned, with the Republic --WIÌIRltt>RRLE QUAIL, roe..."-drp4,44,..0 Ad of Texas,. fifth %sill be the Confederacy and sixth is to be the ('cited States. The latter wont: king things up to date with a thence of space and the world of l0.ow. This area will include not only the theme elements but also amusement rides and similar des ices. Preliminary sketches call for en elaborate ntini.ltnrr rsilrriad, Ferris \hllerl and u,an} na,rc familiar unfits. Oily esiimate is tltist there %silt Ise n_ll rides on the 60 -acre section. Big Sports Plans Near this site is the first, the Great Sonthwcst Units to (Cnnfiuned of pace,. te ems rum., attesta RANGE if GREAT SOUTHWEST SPORTS CENTER NAM! CITY A STAT! w E TOTAL AREA: 275 ACRES ORDER BRODERICK a5 BA-SCOM WIRE ROPE 4; aides.. Ferri, Wheel Caterpillar Tilt- AWhirl Whip Hey Dry Lindy Loop RideaO Ride Loop -O Plane Rock -O -Plane Scree.Hall P,ompl,Alpeneau Lonoer Ionice rle.,bl, whr tg Fandet Len prlchl Hiphr 4 olily of Ae 0.0 0,0 B & B ORDER SPECIAL AMUSEMENT ROPE IRON BRODERICK & BASCOM ROPE COMPANY 403 Un,on BId. St. Lovi, 5. Mo, 70 NoiN 5t. 655 Edndr St. Teterboro, N.J. Seattle Y, wa,h, LAYOUT FOR THE GREAT SOIF T ri \VE T_-SrD and the Great Southwest Spa,ts Center shows comb.salion of kiddleland features with attractions for ad.., -op of the map'shnw.s the kiddie cira, surrounded by minis ture railroad tracks. At top right is the bowling eerier. Below that is the -adult!and,- with casting pool, driving range, deer and quail runs, archery. rifle and pistol ranges, plus skeet and trap }hooting areas. The amusement center s to he!c-ated at the unction of two r^aior a.,acr h ghw ;,ss betweem Da :las rit : F rt Worth. WHY WAIT FOR CUSTOMERS!! MORE PROFIT WITH TRUCK MOUNTED RIDES., --. nrp ONLY THE. BILLBOARD-.moot ever... nfrlinmnr wallr -Ie member ef fh AUDIT BUREAU Of (IR(ULATIOHI. "r WELD BUILT BODY CO., INC. s0o3 Prrs,an paart, Whisp, Merry Go-Round, Swing, Ferris Wheel Brooklyn 34, New York

17 APRIL THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 7 SEASONAL OR YEARLY I.NSIR.INCE NEEDS --; FOR I-- CARNIVAL RIDI OPERATORS PARK OPERATORS KIDDIELANDS CONCESSIONAIRES Mallon Wile Claim Senlis Pre...,s P..ble W.hIr e. Mo.Nly for Midway Public LlaRltyl SEND FOR DETAILS CALL or WRITS a.he" /.AK L BROTHERS!IS Sdutti LaSalle St.. Chicago Phone: Financial 6-20 IIlrnd. FIREWORKS Pyrotechnic Displays Faire- Cidshr cionl- Special Erenh. tt+ncnv disalaya pl yduf Ideas repro - Cu eto lh tottbli exciting and beet/mtn medium o' An sed Firework.. Wetender Orrice free,on -large Moto" with! run n.urarce Yòve!tge. Also "Fife- It- Yourself" Programy, and vp. AOOOIpled. commfi... with.n. itructio.o. lb -tin. Sandifer Free Gta- 'ague _. WISDOM FIREWORKS CO. 0 Box 790. Rout* 8. Mehlrille. Mo iphone: INaMO< PORTABLE POWER (ORD perse...ora,r -- NEW! TOP QUALITY! a 3 e 33 Strand Portable Cord in loo' Length. -S.3B It. Cols Made To Order. Many Other. Cables ALO Available fee, Our Chicago Stock. Coll Un;wir for All Your Electric Wire Need.. UNIWIRE SALES COMPANY 2933 N. Poulina Street Mons. 3, Illinals SAM SOLOMON - 'The Shaw/400's Instïranee Mon" 5,32 N Sheridan Rad. Chicag{o. umnm- Phonq- LOngbaach.5555 di !!s SAVE MORE MONEY MAKE MORE MONEY íoonts t.. n.. 8IIbN'd TO' AY! SPECIAL SALE RIDING THE CREST TV Cowboys Head Fair Name Parade 'FOP NAMES In television and B. motion pictures -with emphasis on the newer media -will top the menus at many of the nations Taira this season. in tune with the times. video cowboys. currently riding the top rating ranges. are increasingly popular not only with the customers but with the fair executives who have their ears cued to the box office receipts. Roy Rogers, Dale Evans and Company, who racked tip whoopping grosses at fairs during the past two seasons. will he seen at more this rear than in '57 when they played may the Mexico State Fair, Albuquerque. This year the Rogers aggreca- tion will head up shows at the Wisconsin State Fair, Milwaukee, Eastern States Exposition. Springfield. Mass.; Kentucky State Fair, Lcnrisville, and the Nebraska State Fair, Lincoln. Gene Autry. also a perennial favorite with the borie opera fans, will again play a series of -one and two-day stands at Midwestern camas. fairs on a percentage basis, t deal he introduced last year with siiccess. On Autry's route are fairs at Mason City, la.; Janesville. Wis.; Maquoketa and Davenport. Ta.; Wausau and DePere, Wis.; Escanaba and Caro, Mich. These will be followed by rodeo elates. An added starter in the WVestern field is Dale Robertson, of the "Wells-Fargo" TV series. who will head up rodeos at fairs in Vinston- Salem and Raleigh, N. C. Richard Bootie. veteran actor, is also being sought a3 a result of his gun- slinging tactics as Paladio of the "Have Cann, \Vial Travel" video series Ward Bond, featured in "Wagon Train," is another. lames Aruess, the Marshal Statt Dillon of 'Gunstnoke." has already matie a number of appearances with outdoor shows and is being sought by a number of fairs and rodeos for this summer. Arnesi recently was the name at a Shreveport. La. rodeo and has macle severs appearances at indoor circuses during the past winter. Altbo the emphasis is on the Western performer, other top naines its television are signing let-naive contracts. Tennessee Ernie Ford will head the list at the Michigan State Fair, Detroit, this year with additional dates in the making. Tack Benny and Cicelle Mac- Kenzie are heine sought bs' several major fairs and Red Skelton. Cordon MacRae and Tommy Sands hase each been penciled in by at leas. cane major agricultural annual. ON CHIMPANZEES CHIMPANZEES CHIMPANZEES CHIMPANZEES All ehanps listed bnew r Ig.nally with an oar Male, yrs. old, weight 65 Ibs.- perlsct wilt exception of one eye out, sacrifice I Male, yrs. old, weighs 36 lbs., tame, Special Mile. 2 yrs. old, weighs 00 lbs.. beautiful specimen Female, 0 yrs. old. weighs 00 lbs.- perfect OTHER CMIMANSEES MONKEYS V.,tV SAOONt YYnl Animals /ROM AFRICA MALE, s.9 POVNOS soso ea. tip Cye Animals, mr'es aid MONA momx`ns Oe47 MONKBYf Ci..f Sn ro Ili SJOTY MANDA REV 585 MAL ls via POUNDS,Rood for Gorilla mho +. MONKEYS ea. ap S40 each $65 each OTHER SPECIALS aw Yobr Z.L.. lame 8S Sob, female Inc;an Citotl d. gentle, efj ti- tau, good for children...a. Red Alan S.2Y, of tn. mountain Onneutan. fro Ib... meta, 7 Santa! male Tix.r, yr. old Ltd. 2 m W6. mete bred.. tans. to.s yrs age. ea. 200 Dabs Gorillas le lbs.. perfect. Prime on Pr. Eland. Faust bred reaped parents. Red W Kangaroo. male I.S. wallah, e KAn[a. ue male 37.' MAN WAXES,,,t',tisane. u3 \osr au M [l:. the tbs. Inv msnkty rental piss. Write for full pardeutar st -.. attract aid and. mg elite. thus ilea. cm.. lisa VOA snipped f 08 N Y - Write for 58708e animal Ifs\. TREFFLICH'S tiefatß ÓNlittiii 0YORK N. Y. Herb Shriner has again been signed for a route of smaller fain In the Middle \Vest. On his list, and with nurnbie of additions. yet to come,'are fain at West Union and Monticello. la.; Champaign and Kankakee, Ill., and Ashland and Canfield, O. lyre Lennon Sister, from the Lawrence NI elk TV show, Were popular enough at the Canfield fair last year to be booked again for this year. 'Even some of the glamor girls are turning to the fair - type of event. Typical is Jayne Mansfield, who wan featured at the recent Buccaneer Days celebration in Corpus Christi, Tex. Ricky Nelson, of the "Ozzie and Harriet Show." was the name at the recent Mesa Counts, Fair, Mesa. Ariz. Numerous other bookings are in the works. The big Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, has vet ti net its show. Others that aro working on their bills are the Indiana State Fair, Du Quoin MIS State Fair, and the Illinois State Fair. The big Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver, B. C., has Indi- cated it will sign a list of names to help celebrate British Columbia's 00th birthday this year. And a number of outdoor events in Oregon aro thinking in tenus of names for their 959 centennial celebration. In fact, the committee planning the Oregon celebration has already indicated it would like Johnnie Ray to come up and sing a special song that's being written for the States birthday. Great Southwest Cor,finned (rom raze 6 started, a de luxe bowling alley. Not far away is to be the sport sales mart. llere the operators expect to establish giant supermarket for sporting goods. To measure 242 by 40 feet, the building will be larger than a large store in Nesv York, according to the backers. In the sports center they will offer all types of equipment and clothing to sports participants. They expect to offer inexpensive fishing equipment for youngsters on the one hand and de luxe big. game rifles for ads-once hunters on the other. They foresee selling not only ball gloves end golf clubs. but also sports cars and cruisers. There will be a tower from which one can test binoculars. Numerous ranges will he designed for testing rifles, fishing equipment and many other items. The sports center also Is to Include a ski -jump with artificial -cow. travel agency facilities for hooking sportmen's trips to foreign spots, and many similar fean,res. Additional amusement features m the sports section of th,. layout will be a driving range, skeet and trap shooting ranges. and deer, quail and other wildlife. The location is at the intersection of the Dallas -Fort Worth Turnpike and the Great Southwest F:xpresssrav, north of Highway 80. Hie overall project is reported to Is estimated at about ,000. Amusement phases are expected to exceed ,000. -INSURANCE- _e_ IDA E. COHEN 75 W- JACKSON BLVD. CNICAGO ILL' i MESSMORE DAMON 44 Perk A Telle Nv York 24 OUTDOOR KIDDIE PARK ATTRACTIONS PLUS MECHANICAL FIGURES LAUGHINC CLOWNS GIANT TOY SOLDIERS CARNIVAL HEADS DARK RIDE STUNTS FIBERGLASS HURRY, HURRY, HURRY to send for lxa j P eecepd4s exciting hi- fidelity 2" LP records of Authentic ('elliop or Carousel music You'll want both these fabulous 3 -record sets, the Authentic Calliope and the Authentic Carousel- Band -Organ- Each set offers over Pi hours of continuons music! Each set is only $0 for all three records! Each net captures the hoopla and hullaballoo of old -time carnivals! Order these crowd -pulling records now, prepaid, Irons THOMAS J. VALENTINO, inc. 50 West 48th Street New York 38, N. Y. Send check or money order -no C.U.D., please. HARRY LITTLE STAGE LIGHTING CO. 050 Hinas Blvd., P. O. Box 34, Dallas, Texas SPECIAL SALE Spotlights, all types and sizes: Floodlights, Studio Sun Spots, new typo Follow Spots, Cable, etc. NSW d LOWEST PRICES Used Equipment -Soles, Rentals NEW! -DERBY SULKIES -NEW! ATTRACTIVE- REALISTIC- PROFITABLE Per ehllern from t ria year... Pony sits n,.,..- Wt. PONY MIDS. SMALL INVESTMENT NO COST OPERATION BIG PROFIT Roost war mener-mylne auracuons by addl. this IINGk Kldde Ponr Ride re rear ea..thins. T. KIDS LOUR IT. It' somethlne now and different. P. O. SOX a, tt Weft as today for compter inlarmerien. TESIALDO IMPORTS, INC. E< U.S.A. Olslribulor Pnima LUdlow PT, LAUDEROALS. FLORiO ROTARY BASEBALL PITCHING MACHINE "We Challenge Them All" record :cad see wily ROTARY Is acclaimed t' éy Check as me PERFECT baseball.eli< hint chine. Here's Ne PROOF' An eslabllahed ranee opers!. Attention, Buyers: Training (amps, replaced fils entire battery with 7 ROTARY ',tchi. Schools! las and ordered 6 mon Ilia SANE n tn' Other operators are also chanting oser to the ROTARY. Sae for yourself... the vaults will tell' It's the most sensational design In coin operated baseball pitching tnachinetr Using FULL rotary motion. it tam. ad sod pitches: F.sery pitch Arita wet or dry. Sturdy, long- L,tIng for bitter profit. Cam - féÿ3 0ß Crrflesjc coin boa sod automatic fe,-isr. The Nearest Thing to rho Human Arm, epy'.na#srs rer Darnlral, ar# e.rñrness.. 6. r. Pooh; ROTARY Baseball Pitching Machine Corp. ITO Malcolm A (Patentd) Garfield. Nw Jr.ay over 67,000 ACTIVE BUYERS read The Billboard Classified columns each week

18 8 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD PRICES STABLE APRIL 7, 958 N EW! low -cost Cretors counter model popcorn machine Season Outlook OK IM! Here's the bluest little money -maker in the country -the new CRETORS "America" Counter Model. All -steel kettle, thermootatically controlled, pops 6-8 or. of raw corn per charge, turns out $4.00 of corn per hour. 'Automatic cover lift.!voile all -metal hate with red top and blue 'TOP- CORN" sign. Popper case heated by electric element. Equipped with Pledglas doors. Measures 29má" highs 27" wide s 2" front to bark. Plugs into any ordinary 00 Volt AC outlet. ti t, =I ti NM MI MI MI ti NM MN Giant popping units gas or electric The ever- popular CRETORS Giant Popping Unit with t-lb. capacity t50 lbs. per hour) is available with either Gas or Electric Kettle. Either can produce worth of popped corn per hour. The Ciant Electric Popping Unit to also available with an 8-oz. capacity kettle, or $50.00 per hour. MANY OTHER MODELS AVAILABLE SALII OFFICI, CASTORS POPCORN 00., a. NANVILtI, TINN. FACTORY, CNICAOO, ILLINOIS YOUR AMERICAN RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE AFTER DISASTER STRIKES Have a Pepsi NEWS FOR CONCESSIONAIRES! For Eat, Drink Ops Confirmed from page 3 Leading new item in the Cold Medal line is its Whiz Bang popcorn machine designed for kiddie - lands, swimming pools and general use where a large capacity popper is needed at a low price. The machine bas kettle capacity of 2 ounces which w ill produce up to $24 worth of popped corn in one hour. List price is $265. For the carnival trade they are offering two electric poppers with six and 2- ounce capacity that can be used in conjunction with large popping units to produce fresh corn thus taking adsantage of the important aroma. Cold Medal is also selling a new blue- raspberry flavor for snow cones and has gone all -out it. pushing two new flavors for the floss operator, grape -purple and blue - raspberry. In Evans' opinion, the two-color floss operation will be almost universal this year, with the concessionaire running two machines, each with different color. A ring of candy is taken from one and then ring from the other. Light refreshment is what they want... in a cold bottle or in a cup. They know Pepsi -Cola refreshes without filling. PEPSI "PRE- MIX " -Saves labor costs... no bottles, breakage or storage- Stave the drink they want... perfectly. Get the "Pre -Mix" story from your Pepe bottler. PEPSI SINGLE -DRINK SIZE -Now available in new 63 or. swirl bottle. i Lawrence S. Goldmeier, president of Poppers Supply Company of Philadelphia, this year is offering a long list of new products designed to bring more of the amusement- seekers dollars into the concession stands. Slight increases have been put into effect due to the price of steel, some freight rates and labor, Coldtneier reports. Topping the Poppers' list of new equipment h its Roast -King gas peanut roaster, the first of its kind to be manufactured since 935, Coldmeier reports. The unit roasts 5 pounds per roast and up to 50 pounds per hour. It lists at $ A powdered min to coat candy apples is being offered at $.50 per batch which' is enough to coat 5 apples. The mix comes in a moisture -proof bag. The firm's new ice chest for snoss- hall and soft drink operations holds 200' pounds of ice and is heavily installed. It h s split lids for quick service and lists at $ New Tents Also new at Poppers is its dacron candy stripe concession tents that list at $9.50 and ; a snow ball flavor dispenser turntable that holds up to sic gallons of flavor and spins around at the flick of a finger and lists at $32.50; red arid white striped floss paper; foldaway concession stands in several sizes. and a line of display cases and warmers for candy apples, popcorn, peanuts and caramel corn. S. T. Echols, Inc., Bismarck, Mo., manufacturers of snow cone machines and supplies, is. quoting unchanged prices this season and look for a good year in outdoor show business. B. ff. Brockway, veteran manager of Concession Supply Company, Toledo, O., is pushing two new articles this year. its new gas - fired, electrically stirred corn popper and an infra -red sandwich oven. The popper has an output of from $30 to $50 per hour and can he easily installed by means of four bolts, Brockway points out. The base is stainless steel, chrome and cast aluminum construction. The kettle is of heavy gauge drawees stainless steel. has a large seven -inch gas burner and operates on 5 volt, 60 cycle AC current. The unit is priced at $ and is designed for parks, carnivals. race tracks, trailers. rinks, theaters and other outdoor loci - tions. Quick Cooker The os-rn handles sands idles of practically all types, sealed in cellophane bags. The pre -prepared sandwich is removed from the refrigerator, placed in the oven, the automatic timer set and when the buzzer sounds, the sandwich is reads, to be served. Tint dogs in buns are cooked in three min- utes; pre -cooked barbecue sandwiches in four minutes, and hamburgers the same. The even has a capacity of six hot dogs at one time. Ovens are available with. heat sealers for the cellophane bags at $79.50 f.o.b. Toledo. Latest entry in the snow cone field has been Introduced by Sno- Master Manufacturing Company, Baltimore. This new unit occupies one square foot of space. holds a ^ ^rosimately 25 pounds of ice and Its 65 pounds. It is approved by health authorities because its product does not come into contact with the operators -hands. It produces dry, fluffy snow cones as needed with no storage of shaved tee necessary. MLtltipiesFaucet Company, St. Louis, has introduced its new \fultiflo automatic carbonator de-

19 APRIL 7. 95b THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 9 awned for operation with barrels and dispensers. The compact unit w a designed to fit into a small apace, id 6 Inches long, 7 inches hlch, 84 inches wide, wewss 43 p.,, íd6. It is said to produce a I, +. : volume for the establishment r. lirusg fresh Qrrbonated water ar +I times. According to the n,elufacturer. it produces two to f., :t times the amount of cu- b, sated water on 73 pounds of pressure with half the e running t rf previous large models..rust entry in the milk shake f: I has been introduced by Ceuel. EllUpinent Sales, inc., Indfanapolk. The new machine, called Model 30. is said to be the smallest heavy -duty shake maker in the field. The model is 29 inches wide. 20/2 high and 8 deep. It is equipped with torque control, sill p: miter 22 gallons of malts' and sh.,' -.cod has a mis capacity of America's Original "Hot Dog on a Stick" P,ont Pups" anti -Pups" Ere reaistnti trademarks. Food Concessionaires... Sell PRONTO PUPS Big Profits -Big Volume Weile to PRONTO PUP CO. Room N.E. Sands. Portland 3. Oregon Make Your Own SYRUPS for only 70C a gallon WITH PLAY. FROM NURTV. PECK. FINEST SVOUPS FOR BEVERAGES SNO -CONES TOPPINGS Order from Nurtveek l C.. Americ tamest Ind.Pndent /lvor haulm. For lull information, earnales and booklet. on syrup- m/.mm Aril* tedv. HURTY.PECK d COMPANY Fine Flavors Sinc 00] I47 Noml 5. Indiana Palls, Ind. PROFITS with "SNOW No MAGIC" Gears No TRS NEW SNOW BeltIt CONl MACHINE No Capacìly: SO cones PY Ilfrtt peaty 30 No wends. Thr 0l'-al ern. show MAGIC".,«Ni.o combines aye- op- perhna wits porlsul ow wake puffers ante and Irpyo.Epesiry. EIaW Meek.' h.., N operate sea h Puler Atasark. A Scar Caea cnt7 All Equ,P *e- alr'rd., N I l.< am Waranreod and Backed.suatlT ugh Me by 37 7a, Expe,a ce. '". r Sl40E. BERT MN. (O. P'."" Fair Perk Saalion P D B Bu 700, DALLAS. TEN only PARTY BATTER... for making... HOT DOG on a STICK Levi, M., warehouse.. Sr. Holtr.eed, CYN, laues twee oa Goati... SIla fuel.* oe Pa* Write for Details PARTY BATTER CO. EIN Arlre T. ere.*...awn. 44. Calif. five gallons. It Is blushed in stain-!eel steel and is available with a mixer mounted on the front for making additional flavors. Rrispy Is Busy S. T. Jacobson. owner of!crispy Kist Korn Machine Company, Chhii cago. reports the firm is very busy and Ioorz for one of the best seasons In many years. Prices on Its line are unchanged. including Its flow stands, caramel corn equipment, candy apple equipment. taffy pullers. roasters. popcorn machines and snow cone makers. Krispy is featuring custom - built twin color cone stand. Made of chrome and stainless steel, it ha- fluorescent lights, two sugar bins for different color cones, and two bins for holding a carton each of pre-rolled-cones. C. R. Frank National Supply Company of St. Lotus is featuring bright colors and new flavors in a number of its products this season. New snow cone Flavors, according to President S. Tomken, include blueberry, cinnamon and watermelon. Also being offered is a dry rnix for candy and caramel apples. Prices on its big line of products are unchanged. The firm distributes the products of Cold Medal, Echols, Star Manufacturing and also Multiplex Faucet Company. H. E. Chrisnan Jr., vice- presi- dent of Cretors and Company, Chicago and Nashville, looks for business to be on a par ssith 957. Prices are unchanged. The firm, which manufactures popcorn machines and warners and butter dispensers, is featuring a new deep fryer. This unit is said to be the only automatic fryer on the market. When the food is fried, the basket automatically lifts out of the grease. It is said to take the guess -work out of cooking and eliminates burnt or undercooked food. It has a 0 -pound fat capacity and an hourly output of 20 to 25 pounds of food. Unit is at $39.50, Chicago. Superior Refrigerator Manufacturing Company, St. Louis manufacturer of soda dispensing units, is holding to 95. price levels. The outlook is good, according to officials. Altho present business is not too good for Derr Bros., of Boonville. Ind.. Frank Derr, manager, figures it% be okay once the weather breaks. Prices are up about 3 per cent on its line of soda seater, fountain and snow ball supplies and flavors. Clement Clawson, president of the Clawson Machine Company. Flagtown, N.., figures its a little early to predict what 958 has to offer. Thus far, early buying has been slow. due to the cold weather in the South. Prices are unchanged on its line of ice shavers, chippers, dicers and snow cone units. Prices on the hot dog broiler and popcorn warmer manufactured by Hollywood Servemaster Corn - pany, Kansas City, Mo., a_e unchanged, Clarence Bean Jr., manager, announced. The outlook for business is also called good by Bean. New to their hue is a new spit for barbecued chickens, hams and roasts. This is an accessory for its rotating grill that broadens its use. A new hot chocolate serving unit has been introduced by Lacy - Dane Corporation, Chicago. The dispenser is available in 4, 8 and 2 -quart capacities. According to the manufacturer, it has high -speed shipping action that aerates the drink and has a removable product container for fast, easy cleaning. The faucet has automatic return and is drip -prool. Another new product introduced by a Chicago concern is the new :At-serve ice cream maker being marketed by Freez King Corpora- tion. The unit has a capacity of about 24 gallons per hour and is said to be able to dispense 4 four -ounce servings per minute for peak load ourtput. It is 50 inches high, 30 in width and 28 in depth. With the exception of mass pop. corn, which is close to. 50 per cent higher than a year ago. Victor Pu sure Supply, Richmond, s'a.. is holding to last years prices on its other line of concession and fountain supplies. New this year is a flour for making hot dogs on a stick. it sells at 23 cents peu pound. Ohio Beverage Dispensers, Inc., Wooster, manufacturer of beverage dispensing units, reports that business is slow thus far and mans big buyers are holding off plucinç orders. And some are inclined to go along with the equipment they have or are reconditioning their gear. Prices on its line are unchanged. Detroit Popcorn Company. Detroit, reports popcorn prices are sharply higher. Equipment is unchanged to slightly higher including oils, boxes, bags, cups, flavors and its line of warmers, dispensers. roasters, snow cone machines and miscellaneous accessories. New Citrus Drink Prices on the line of liquid beverage bases handled by 'flirty- Peck br Company. Indianapolis, re- main on a par with a year ago. Firm is 'offering a new product called Polar Punch, that sells at $4.50 per gallon. The drink is a new circus -type fruit punch. W. T. Spike, secretary of Comstock- Castle Stove Compan y, Quincy, Ill., says the year should be slightly better than 957. Prices on its ranges, broilers, ovens and griddles are unchanged. George Brummett, sales manager of A. Dalkin Company, Chicago manufacturer of drink dispensers, is quite optimistic, looking for a 00 per cent increase in business this year. Prices remain unchanged. Donut Supplies, Inc. Little Rock, manufacturer of doughnut machines, fryers and supplies, reports good clemand and much interest. The firm makes all portable equipment and is holding to 957 price levels. Armed with a sizable backlog of business, Associated Products. Inc., Toledo. O., is optimistic about the demand for ranges, broilers, ovens, griddles and other food concession equipment. Prices remain unchanged. Demand for coin -handling equipment and supplies is good. according to officials of the Abbott Coin Counter Company, New York. Prices shore no change. OUR NEW PERFECTION CANDY FLOSS MACHINE We connot make them all so we just moke the BEST. More than 50 years' experience. OUR PERFECTION is precision built, direct drive, built -in rheostat, volt meter. Fuse block and fuses -all aluminum housing, no vibration, rubber mountings, all parts easily accessible. Each machine sugar tested before packing to be sure of 00% perfection, and guaranteed to be obsolutely mechanically perfect. To save yourself time, worry and money -GET THE BEST TO BEGIN WITH -we have it -write for free literature. PRICE OF MACHINE $25.00 WiTH $2.00 WORTH FREE PARTS ELECTRIC CANDY FLOSS MACHINE COMPANY P. O. Box 478 Nashville 4, Tennessee ROLL TICKETS SPECIAL PRINTED Sii.: x7 In<h!s tog' 4..0 F.0 E. Colllnrv,lle, III. 6,00E IL" DALY TICKET CO. e.000 T.aO COLLINSVILLE, ILLINOIS ] ).50 )).so 500 pons 7).50 Coupons C These. Double These Pricer. Prices Cash With Order. No C.0.0. Driers. ROLL - FOLDED - ASSORTED STATIONERY - OFFICE FORMS. STOCK TICKETS 3e: :] Inches Rau t 40 S Rolls ase 70 Roll Rolle Rolls ]a.00 Double coupons Double Thee Price e. k,dd elands P ools ns. more Popping capacity... more Profit capacity POPCORN MACHINE J. SAVE nearly t 2 the price of other 2 -oz. poppers! Only $ Will for derailed lnlormplion r GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS CO. 320 E. Third St. Phone: DUnbar -33 Cincinnati 2. Ohio SEE OTHER GOLD MEDAL PROFIT MAKERS on following pages MO 00

20 l 20 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 958 ar /t.0-0,0-407,044 SNO- KONETTE, SNO- MATI(, SNO -KONE CONCENTRATES AND PRINTED (UPS PROVED by hundreds of operators. Your sales and profits will go up 25% to 00% when you use the Gold Medal SNO -KONE Line -Up. Write now for catalog, circulars, sample cups and samples of the finest flavor line in the concession business. If you're in the Seo- Kone business, It will pay to go Sno -Kone All the Way! 320 East Third St. Phone: L VIP Dunbar -33 SNO- KONETTE 440 k. fhmer.,.í49.s0 sv 4. WIM f5 -girth \ 44I 4y V of wppt,n t- /, q OAP v` Q - is/f; Cincinnati 2, Ohio, r - GOLD MEDAL CHICAGO, ILL CARAMELCORN EQUIPMENT CUSTOM BUILT FLOSS STANDS, MACHINES. TAFFY APPLE COOKERS, CANDY EQUIPMENT, SNOW BALL MACHINES, TAFFY PULLERS, KRISPY KIST KORN CO. 20 S. Halsted TAylor Chicago 6, III. KANSAS CITY, MO L & L POPCORN CO. 4 W. 8th St. Kansas City, Mo. HA Your Headquarters for GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS Orders shipped same day received. NEW ORLEANS, LA NEW ORLEANS CONCESSION SUPPLY CO. A complete lin of the final In Concession Supplies and Equipment. tot, service. Phone: Jackson Tchoupitoulo. it., New Orleans, Lo. UNION, S. C. fuli line of Concession Supplie.. WHIRLWIND FLOSS MACHINES. KIRBY'S PRODUCTS TELEPHONE 236. UNION, SOUTH CAROLINA. RICHMOND, VA. - rer pmp!r. IL,. of fupplle. end Iqulpment for SNO -KONES POPCORN CANDY APPLES COTTON CANDY VICTOR POPCORN SUPPLY W. 7th Sr. Richmond, - V. Phone: I.lmonr DETROIT, MICH. DETROIT POPCORN CO. Distributors of Cretan Popcorn Machines, Gold Medal Products and Complete Line of Popcorn Supplies & Equipment Grand River Ave. - Detroit 8, Mich. OTTAWA, CANADA OGDENSBURG, N. Y. AL LA PORTER ENTERPRISES Cotton Candy, Popcorn, Gum Boll & Concession Supplies 87 Ottawa St.- Ottawa 820 Ford St. - Ogdensburg GET THE FULL STORY FROM US SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. SERVING THE ARTHUR UNGER ENTIRE WEST COAST! COMPANY Fast Dependable Service, Top Quality Items, Low Price See us for all your CANDY FLOSS, SNO -KONE AND POPCOR Equipment and Supplies. Stop and see our new Headquarte next to the Show Folks of Americo. 49 TURK ST. GR SAN FRANCISCO SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH THEATRE CANDY DISTRIBUTING CO. omo.n, Candy, Complete Concession Suppliez. U WIST SOUTH TEMPI! ímp:r MINNEAPOLIS, MINN MIDLAND POP CORN COMPANY "Cc c.sslan H.odquortrs for th MId..e,'' All Gold Medal Items; equipment & supplies for POP CORN We hoye SNOW Oa. POP,. brinks APPLES Finest quality FLOSS Politest.ervice PEANUTS MIDCO CARAMEL -ROTE MIDCO CHOCOLATE-DIP toady mad; for apple., ready mod.; for k. cream. 47 6TH AVE. Ni... MINNEAPOLIS 3 FEderal DOYLESTOWN, OHIO Serving North.a.tern Ohio with room., Popcorn and Suppliez. Featuring GOLD MEDAL Products and Equipment. C. J. DANNEMILLER CO. P. 0. BOX /, DOYLESTOWN, OHIO Phone: CM OR s. N 2 PHILADELPHIA, PA. Serving The Entire East' Coast A complete stock of Gold Medal Products plus many, many more "money makers" for quality and service. Write, Wire, Come in. See our large ad elsewhere in this issue North Second Street - plenty of parking space. POPPERS SUPPLY (0., INC., OF PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia 22, Pa. Phone: GArfield TULSA, OKLA. CONCESSION SUPPLIES FOR ALL EVENTS SNO FLOSS POPCORN PEANUTS APPLE DRINK SUPPLIES and EQUIPMENT LOGAN CONCESSION SUPPLY 330 E. st St. Phone: Ch 246 Tulsa, Okla.

21 - s APRIL 7, 958 THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 2 -- = W - e. r. - 00!_ ~ ` i-:: YOUR KEY TO EXTRA FLOSS PROFITS IS THE TWIN -WHIRLWIND STAND RLW IND STA colors. No need to pre -mix color and flavor when you use FLOSSINE. Like machine -made COTTON CANDY CONES, it costs you no more, but adds plenty to your Profit. Use the entire Cold Medal Candy Floss Line -Up. Write for circulars NOW!! WHIRLWIND Candy Floss Machines. Each PRODUCTS CO. 320 East Third St. FROM THE DEALERS LISTED BELOW 4 Phone: DUnbar -33 Cincinnati 2, Ohio BUFFALO, N. Y. NATIONAL POPCORN SUPPLY CO. Compete Concession Equipment and Supply Specialists. Mochines and Supplies rn stock of oll times, Whirlwinds. Floss Cones. Flossine and the entire Gold Medal line for the Groot Lokes oreo 07 Cmmenwealth Av.. BEdford 3960 Buffalo 6, N. Y. DALLAS, TEXAS 232 SWISS AVE. CRAVEN BROTHERS CONCESSION SUPPLY COMPANY Your TEXAS GOLD MEDAL SUPPLY CENTER LOS ANGELES, CALIF. To 6-23V DALLAS, TEXAS WEST COAST DISTRIBUTORS Whirlwind and Hurricane Floss Machines- Rolled Floss Cones -Flossin, Bonds Hooting Elements for oll Floss Mochines- Repair Service- Popolot Poppers sne Cone Machines- Printd Cups- Reodytouse Syrups & Concentrats -Apple Sticks. Comptere line of Concession Supplies L Equipment. Ready bogged 2 -oz. Peanuts -pocked 00 pr cos. -Bulk eanurs- Popcorn {no tro charge for 50 Ib. bags). (HUNK -E -NUT PRODUCTS CO. 24 EAST 6TH ST. LOS ANGELES 2, CALIF. hen.: TUckr 493 Ed Bers -Jock Pasternak ST. CLOUD, MINN Gold Medal Equipment and Supplies. Popcorn -Papr -Cook Houe. -Supplies. Write for Spring Cotolog. CONDON'S CONCESSION SUPPLY CO. 6 TH AVE. SO. SL ST. LOUIS, MO. PITTSBURGH, PA. A. THEODOR COMPANY Complete line of Equipment and Supplies for all concessions. Fastest persono service 708 Forbes Street in this area. Complete display and stock on hand at oll times. Phones NEW YORK, N. Y. Wórld's Center Supplies For Concession Whirlwind Candy Floss Machines Authorized Distributor for GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS, CRETORS L STAR POPCORN MACHINES Exclusive representotive- Maine to Florida. PRINCETON FARMS World's Finest Popcorn Bigger Pop. Less Hull, Better Taste. A bog to a carload. Immediot delivery. Warehouses in principal cities. Direct shipments. Sump!.s end Prices on Request., D. HARRIS POPCORN CORP. 359 W. 45th Street New York 36, N. Y. Please nr ou new address. JUdson C. R. FRANK NATIONAL SUPPLY CO. YOUR BEST MIDWEST SOURCE FOR GOLD MEDAL LINE Always a complete stock of Gold Medal money- makers in stock. Best personal service. 25 years in the concession service business. Plus many, many other items for a profitable year. See our large ad elsewhere in this issue. C. R. FRANK 806 S. Jefferson NATIONAL SUPPLY CO. St. Louis, Mo. PRospect COurt COurt (After hours -HAzel GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Pittsburgh 9, Penna GRAND RAPIDS POPCORN COMPANY Michigan's mos' complete supply house for Sno.+, Floss. Popcorn Apples and Drinks 74 Garfield, N. W. (Phon GL ) Grand Rapids, Mich. Roy Darling WEST TERRE HAUTE, IND. ALDEN STALLINGS POPCORN CO. Popcorn -a bog or a corlood -Complet line of Gold Menlo' Supplies Highway 40-W Phone CHELAN, WASH. Serving Central Washington 5toi WATSON DISTRIBUTING CO. Box 605 Chlan, Washington Gold Modal Products. Concession Supplies L Equipment LOS ANGELES, CALIF. MELLOS PEANUT COMPANY Spartan Brand Popcorn, Elephant Jumbo Peanuts Complete Concession Equipment - Write for our new large catalog. 637 Towne Av. VAndike 604 GEORGIA DIXIE THEATRE SERVICE & SUPPLY CO. loto N. Sloppey Driv Ph. HE 2.24A Albany, Go. P. O. Boa 77 Gold Medal Products. Complete line of Concossion Supplies. D. P. Supplies for Photo Operator.. Bell A Howell. Kodak. Potorold Deviera.

22 22 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BEST MONEY -MAKERS The "KANDY KING" The Only Floss Machin with PRE -HEAT( for CONCESSIONAIRES f For more thon 50 year. th Concession Supply Company hot provided prompt, reliable on-stop service for Amerlca'e leading concenionainni Her or a few of their 000's of outstanding monymokrs, This only floss machine guaranteed to out -product, outopret any standard nit on the morkt teday. Satisfaction Guaranteed er Your Money Back. liberal trade-in allowances on your old machine. $ Triple Band WSrheur he-hor $45'Da "SPEE -DEE' Sugar Dispenser for Candy Floss This sugar dispenser fer candy Flo.. I. unitary. Will. v rim and permit bigger Floss production. o Meets Health Rquirment.. Con b easily mounted on any.tond. Combination SPECIAL Here's th best combination for on cosy up- and -down stand: 'Sp...Der, Sugar Dispenser S "Kandy- King" Floss Machin Portable Floss Stand VALUE $409,30 SPECIAL $380'0 'CONCESCO" One -Pound Gas Machine FRENCH WAFFLE MOLDS Pay lot themselves the first hour. 4 -inch cost -aluminum molds for commercial use in round, sic -sidd or scalloped shop.. Each mold complete with $.75 wooden handle EA. and lormuloe. Popcorn Sells more popcorn becous customer. know It is fresh as they see continuous popping. Big enough capacity. Guaranteed_ One -pound capacity, 23rg.S0 F.O B. Gas -operated. 5 -yob, 60- cycle. J I Toledo INFRA -RED POPCORN Equipment & Supplies Cretors and Slot. Distributor.. Popcorn boa, bags, oils, butter dispensers. 8., 2- and 35 -qt. all -aluminum kettles. Guaranteed. KETTLES: 8 -qt q. $ SANDWICH OVEN Cooks 6 hot dogs in their buns (sealed in cellophane) of on time. Will cook any type 9.50 sandwich. 0 -volt, 60- tycle. ALUMINUM MILK BOTTLES Lost longer becous of reinforced ribs. Weighted up to 3 lbs. or empty. Additional Wt.. 50c Ib. $4.50 each Complete "One-5'top "Conce4,eion erviee FLOSS MACHINES KETTLE POPPERS POPCORN STANDS POPCORN BAGS BOXES OILS COLORING CUPS BANDS i RIBBONS STAR a CRETORS EQUIPMENT HOT DOG STEAMERS S. BUN WARMERS SNOW CONE EQUIPMENT a SUPPLIES DAD'S ROOT BEER DISPENSERS a SYRUPS MISSION ORANGE CHERRY ALLEN.. THE WORLD'S BEST CHERRY DRINK BEVERAGE DISPENSERS BUTTER DISPENSERS ROLLED CONES SERVICE a REPAIRS WRITE FOR OUR FREE CATALOG. CONCESSION SUPPLY CO. 596 SECOR RD. Phone. GR. 4 -T4OI TOLEDO 3, OHIO THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 956 TIGHT MARKET Popcorn Shortage Boosts Prices 50% THE CYCLE liar again turned and popcorn mtrcessionaires are faced with 958 raw corn that will be in the neighbor - hprices ood of 50 per cent above those that prevailed a year ago.' This is just 'the reverse of conditions that existed in the spring of 957 -when supplies.were plentiful and prices. if any thing, were on the soft side. The current tight situation is the result of inclement weather that delayed planting early last year and equally bad weather later in the year that made it impossible to harvest a si /able percentage of the crop that was planted. Floycl Bennett, 'l'arkio Popcorn Compauly, Tarkio, Mitin., summed it up in a recent address before the Oklahoma City meeting of the National Association of Concession, when he said: "Popcorn supplies are tight doe to reduced acreage planted and inclement weather conditions. A minimum of 30 per cent of the entire crop planted was never liar - s ester!. and general quality and reduced iwpping sobmne is the worst since 945." McCarty Bullish J. A. McCarty, head of the Evansville seed firm bearing his name and often looked upon as the dean of the popcorn business, is also bullish, quoting $ per hundred pounds now against the $5.75 that prevailed in [Lurch of 957. McCarty also adds: "In a normal vcsr, the govcnynicnt reports that have been sent out have been quite accurate but we feel that during the past year, their December report was ven' ranch out of line because of the things that happened after that report. Their statistic, were gathered during the month of November when in many areas there was only about 40 per cent of the popcorn harvested. "After that time the had continuous rain for six to eight weeks. The popcorn went dosso badly. Tile farmers could not get in the fields and there was a tremendous hiss of popcorn after that time. In fact, there was a great deal of the popcorn that could never be harvested because of the bad weather SInch of that which scat harvested, was not of top quality and the quality of this crop on the average cannot he any ways near the quality of the past few crops. "la order to get popcorn in the cribs, processors took popcorn in with an average of 5 per cent higher moisture than a normal year. 'flie sortont would probably be 0 per cent more than a normal year. The popping volume will be considerably less than normal. When we take all of these things into account. there is lust less good popcorn for delivery from the 957 crop. This means what we should have a very firm market on popcorn until the new crop of 958 is ready for harvesting," McCarty ldded. Higher Prices Central Popcorn Company, Schaller, Ia., is even more bullish, quoting prices of yellow popcorn at a cool 00 per cent ahead of a year ago, altho the firm says that the appearance of Southern corn in August or early September might level off prices. White pop- corn, however, is being quoted at 50 per cent over that of June, 957, The 00 per cent increase is also quoted by Pathfinder Corn Prodncts Company, Fremont, Neb., who blame the short acreage and frost damage in November of last yeah. High prices are expected for six months to be followed by a leveling off provided weather is favorable for this year's crop. C. E. Strum, president of the Midland Popcorn Company, Min- neapolis, looks for a good mason, pointing out that there are a large number of centennial celebrations in Minnesota this year which should help move much popcorn and other concession merchandise. Current prices on yellow popcorn are running 30 per cent ahead of last year, Sturm reports. The market on raw corn in the Southwest is a ( 40 per cent higher than last year according to Charles E. Darden Company, Richardson, Tea. This firm helicves there is a possibility of still higher prices before the new crop is as ail - able in fall. - The 50 per cent price increase is currently being quoted in Missoin by the Pointy Seed & Grain Company, St. Louis. F. )l. Barnridge, president, blames the increase of the poor harvest. Ile also reports they are now packing corn in 2'ii-pound polyethylene bags, four to a corrugated case. Ceorge K. Brown, vice -president of Wyandot Popcorn Company, Marion, O., says popcorn will be in extremely short supply until the new crop is ready in fall. At that time if the 958 growing season is satisfactory, there probably will be ample popcorn of all varieties. The shortage is greatest in large kernel yellow Width. nie sump I y of hulfness is moderately short while the supply of white hilliness la ample. Prices being quoted by Brown run 50 per cent above those of year ago. Victor Popcorn Sup. ply, Richmond, Va., is quoting 50 per cent ahead of last year. Virginia & Spanish Peanut Company, Providence, R. I., is quoting prices 0 per cent higher on peanut and popcorn supplies due to short crops. Lummis & Company, Philadelphia, ohm Walter W. Watson, assistant vice - president, report prices on peannls in the shelf as unchanged. SALTWATER TAFFY b Fudge Concessions Complete setup- display toffy pull - ond ludg mochines and all the knew how-" to oprete for proven profit. We provide the "FLASH" and disclose the "SECRETS" at this delicate buti- hen. SPECIAL WORKERS ON EACH ITEM. Run Ise colors on on hook indfinitly- egdusr secret pro - ce.e. Ready - mod candy: Bylk Treasure Island Fudge w low as 34c per pound y o u sell for 5.20 lb.) and Saltwater Toffy os la as 9c per pound!you sell for S 00 lb.). ACTNOW! writpwonfe OR FOR COMPLETE DETAILS ARCHER ENTERPRIZES soon o west vico slue. L a Anelel 75. CIi. weatr<r. -]tai MANUFACTURERS OF BEVERAGE DISPENSING EQUIPMENT SINCE 906 MULTIPLEX NCLTIFLO Automatic Electric CARBONATORS Quality precision construction For operation with SODA DISPENSERS 2' a in. X 6 in.- Height 7 in. WRITE FOR BULLETIN MC -BB MULTIPLEX FAUCET (0. Makes Sparkling Soda Misers LET'S TOP THE MIDWAY!! With a REAL Profit -Maker 75 Gallons per hr. St. louis 4, Missouri FIRST TIME OFFERED FRANCHISES LIMITED Ho' Food (onfetlion Most territories open In reply. state Territory and outlet at ceerationa. such as fain, amusement parks, carnivals, klddlelands. etc. We supply came materials and technical "know -how" which assured our.access. STEPHENSON & HOUZE 39 TIONDA DRIVE VANDALS& OHIO RETRACTABLE WHEEL CONCESSION TRAILERS L.- M A!Wadi, on the Midway -a Trauer en M Highway- work. off f Car Battery. Push Button Control. SCHANTZ and Sons P. O. II. 4 Marine. Ht.

23 APRIL 7, 958 THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 23 PROFIT -MATES for '58 at POPPERS Holds 200 Fibreglass Lbs, ìnsulotio of ice' vo d interior Gal. lbs. mel exterior. Iese ice. Weighs Drain 60 bottom Plug S niror in ice, and saves e fl_fz Portable Foldaway Concession Stands & Tents All tents come in either 4'4" or 5'4" width. They ore 7' tall in front, 5'6" in the rear. 3' deep with o 3'6" owning. When awning is dropped, will enclose stand. KHAKI duck tents have blue valance with white fringe. DACRON is vinyl coated both sides in alternating red and white stripes. All tents ore waterproof, fire- resistant, and Dacron is also mildew -proof and wipes clean. Side curtains on all models equipped with finger snaps for easy use. STANDS, both 4' and 5' width stands fold away in 4" of space. Warp -proof body, adjustable legs. Wipes easy. Storage shelf holds ample stock. Knocks down and sets up in minutes. Red and white striped design gives your stand individual attention. KHAKI $80.50 $09.50 TENTS 4'4" wide 5'4" wide STANDS 4' wide $3500 5' wide $5950 DACRON $9.50 $3950 DISPLAY l CASES AND WARMERS Gold anodized alum E m. Diamond pattern. W v 9'. 0 s 24" Nigh. Most beautiful and useful cotes ever made. CANDY APPLE case. Displays 80 apples N0 PEANUT case Warms 5 lbs of peanuts 2 case Warms bushels. NOT POPCORN GAS PEANUT ROASTER ` Vfá ÌrÍf ROAST -KING ` a omplete sts 5 tbs. obi four on ty pje ISe gas. " Weof x 34" 33" High, TURNTABLE FOR SNOWBALLS FLAVORS FLAVOR - GO - ROUND $32.50 (turntable only) --- holds 6 gol. Rovers in 5" of space. Ftoshíng tight. Turns on boll bearings each. Dispensers Complete line of supplies and equipment for POPCORN, CARAMEL CORN, SNOWBALLS, COTTON CANDY, CANDY APPLES, PEANUTS, HOT DOGS, COLD AND HOT DRINKS. Featuring GOLD MEDAL and all other quality products. "Candy Stripe" floss Paper s,95 per bundle of 4000 sheets ó Red d 4'. white design eavy Weight Paper' Makes H your cotton candy mote t tractive. It's New... It's Sensational "ALL-IN-ONE" Candy Apple Mix Make way.. kettle 5.50 per botch Candy apples the cosy p Powdered Mix in makes and cook. Each botch apples. bout 5 beautiful our only location 2 N. 2nd ST., PHILA., 22, PA. 24 hr. phone service - GArfield 6-66

24 24 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 958 Parks, Kiddielands ee wise litt el amutamenl Parkt end, genie.d hen the Ihr, pnper.d y.k. Naheei essetiatien et Amunnnl Pa.. Puh me S....,. Alabama Anniston-Orford Lake Park. W. E. fifth,') Mortar, Owner; 4 major rides, 2 kiddie rides. peen, arcade. shooting gallery. Link, 0 game+, 2 refrahment stands, picnic facilities. Iry gate, free parkins. P ommer - loliday Reach, Richard Hell Roam, Pres.; Ed. Nelson. Mgr. Pur. Aal.; beech. athletic field, pink fecalties, refreshment stand, restaurant. Pay sale, free parking. B irminnbam -Fair Park Kiddleland, Fairgrounds. Alabama Stale Fair Authority, Owens; R. II. McIntosh. Mgr. & Pur. Alt.; 4 Stator rides, 0 kiddie rides, fans house, refreshment wand. penny ara cade, Maori. sailer,. athletic field, ran track, pknie facilities. Free gate, free parkins. Fairhope- rauhope Casino, Falrhope Beach: F. Howie, OwnerMer.; beach, ballroom, 3 refreshment stands, 2 rcmurants, picpk facilities, bowline alleys, boat; boon orcheellas, name bands. fireworks. Free gale, free parking, Pheels City -Idle Hour Park. City Owned: Jack M. Chapman. Mgr, Pur. Ail.; 3 major rides, 2 kiddie rides, 3 refresh- ment stands, restaurant, penny Wade, Mooting Piler!. pool, roller rink ball. room, b..wlin,, moo, boating, fishing, athletic field, picnic!milli.: books free ans, Mee., Free gale, free Parking. Tuscumbia- Spring Park, Amerman Lesion,.eosee, Robert B. Ilarrh, Vlgr.; t Lidfile rides, pool. ballroom. refreshment stand, picnic facilities; books orchestras, name beads. Free sale. Ariyona Phasi+- Kiddielend, Lennlo Park, Dr, F. W. Nelson. Owner; Geom. Mayfield, Mr.; 2 major rides. 9 kiddie rides, refreehmrnt erred. picnic facilities. Free gale, free park ;has. Phoeeis- WaaamWhnh Kiddielapd, W. L. Pierce,Vi. H. Punk -naey. Owner ; Pad Hauarl. Mgr.: 0 kiddie tides, refreshment stand. picnic fulfil.. Free parkin,. Tucson -Speedway Kdd:e nd. Sirs. R. F. Cohen. inner: major ride; e kiddie tides. refreshment stand. Free pm, frea parking. Arkansas Hot Sprtner- Fountain Lake Resort, A. H. Harris, Mir.; kiddie ride, penny arced., shnen.. gallery, pail, beach. ballroom. 2 refreshment stands. restaurant, pink facilities, miniature golf. saddle horses; book orchestras, Free rte, fire puking, Her Springs- LSTiuingion Park, Harry H. Zimdar., Oerhr, Mer. & Pur. Aee.: major ride, e kidder rides, 6 eam-e,, 3 reffests meat Hand*, penny arcade, Pooling pllrry, roller Ink, ballroom. miniature volt, picnic facillttes; books fireworks. Free pie, free parting. Little Ron-War Memorial Park.. A. Fra tell, Ownrr A Seer; s maim ride. s kiddie ride., fus houle, 0 geins, 7 refreshment wands. 2 rehauraal. shoots Mg Wien. pool, roller rink. miniature golf, atbletk field, picei fannies; booka free rot+, firework, rte. eue, free,, Park, J. A. Jacnbf, Owner; penny arcade, beach, rink, ballroom, refreshment band, picnic facilities. California Anaheim-Disneyland, Walt Diane)'. Pre.. Mgr,; Rkherd S.M. Pur. Ag,.; 35 mines rides, 3 refreshment stands, 5 restaurante, weeny arcade,,hooting gal. Iery, ballroom, hotel, Mickey Mouse Club theater, Industrial exhibits. 42 merchandise stands, pink (uilllies; books free acts. Pay sate, pay parking. Balboa- Balboa Fun June. Al Anderson, Owner; 3 malor rides, 3 kiddie rides, 4 me., s refreshment wands, 2 enta. rank, penny arcade. Waaina gallery, beach. pink facile.. neuralam and fiming boats; books free PO, fireworks. Frc! raie. Compine =lips Town Park, Beatrice L. klallhews, Owefrt; 2 mho rides, 9 kiddie rides, 2 rclreshmenl wands, ponies, bruts, picnic fikilittes: books tens.. Cas. Free gate. free Panne. Long Brach- 'NaPi e" and Virmin'. Park. Clyde E. Seek, Mgr. Pur. Aal.; 5 major ride, 9 kiddie rides. fun house. 44 games, 4 refreshment stands, 6 temp - rants, penny arcade, shonine gallery. pool, beach, roller rink, ballroom, Seal pat, monkey village. picnic facrlilles; books fireworks. Free pta, pay pukiee. Los Ameles- Beverly Park. Bradley Kass, Owners; W. J. Benner. Mee. A Pur. Ases ; 3 mals ride, 9 kiddie tides, fun house, refreshment heed. La Ananas -Lucas Kiddie Land. Wm. Benedict. lessee; major ride, 0 kiddie rides, refreshment wand, genie facilities. Free pre. free parkins. Nape -Vichy Spring Amurment Park. Merle E. Hantis. Owner; 5 kiddie rides, 2 refreshment stands, :rouan, peep, arcade. pool, beach, bellroorn, athletic field. pirate facilities; books orchestral, name bands. Free gal, free parking. Ocean Pari- kiddnowp, L. Eddie Roth, Omer., 7 matir rides, s kiddie thin. 4 fun flown. 2e paner. S refreshment heed., 2 restaurants, penny arcade, shoot- Mg taller', beach, roller fiat. ballroom. picric tannins; books orchestra, name bands. free acts. firework- Free gaie, pay parkins, Panorama City -L'oen Des's Klddytaed, Ben Ma, Dena; Joseph Sbaaeld, Mgr. Pur. Ael.; majar ride, 9 bid. rides. refreshment wand. Free gale, free parmt. Pico- Stnamland Park, SI. S. Cipos. Owes.; 4 major tides, kiddie rides, fus house, 4 tames, 2 refreahmem Heeds, penny wade, fishing ibinic field, pink fe- aulties: book free ara. Free gate, free parkins. San Dino-Belmont Park ai Mission Beech, John C. Ray. Mgr.: 0 maim rides, 7 kiddie ride, fun house, 9 tamer, I) refreshment.laits, 2 restaurants, penny arcade, shooing pllrry. Pool. beach, roller rink, ballroom, picnic fannies; book. fireaor a. Frn bale. gray parting. Sa.. Francisco- Whitney's PIasWW- AfThe- Beach, George K. Whitney Jr.; 24 maior rides, 9 kiddie fide, fun house. 2 wal- Mr;:t. 5 pmts, 3 relrecmeet wand, ants. pester arcades. mi.,erg pallep, roller rink, Cliff House. Fre pie, free pram.. Santa Crut -Santa Crux Beech, Thomas W. Coulee Jr., Mer. Pur. Ain.: 9 major rides, a kiddie ride+, fun house, is game, 2 refreshment wand+, 3 rmaurants, pony arcade, Paru, ins gal- lery, pail beach, ballroom. picnic facilities; book. Gogh name bands, vaudeville, free acts, fireworks. Free gate, pay petting Sana Monica- Neweomb'a Santa Monica Pier, Mn- Enid I. Newcomb, Owner; major ride, 4 kiddie rides, 3 pin, s refreshment Banda, 7 restaurant., penny arcade. Ihooling gallery, beach, roller O nk, ballroom, gift shop. Free gate, Par pullnx- Sanland- Sunned Amusement Park, Fox Sop, Owners; Terrell G. Fox, Mgr. Pur. Art.; 4 major ride., 7 kiddie rida. 6 panic., 2 refreshment wands, tealau. rani, penny ar ark, Monies gallery, picnic focllitles. Free stn, free puking Torrance- Wlteria Kiddy Amusement Park, Fox Son, Owners; Edward G. Fox, Mai.: 2 major rides, 7 kiddie rider, refreshment weed, recourant, kiddie play gamed, athletic field, pinte fa:p Free gate, free parking. Colorado D - Elllch' Gardens, Arnold B. Oailler Sr., Pres.; John M. Gunner Arnold B. Gurnee Jr., Mers.; lack Beck, Pur, Age.; 7 major rides, 4 kiddie rides. 2 pin, 3 refreshment stands, 3 restaurants, many arcade, Pontine gallery, ballroom, athletic field, summer theater, pknie facilities; books orchestras, wax bands. Pay pie, free parking. Deaver -Lakeside Amusement Part, Benn. min Krasner. Sig..; le major rides, 2 kiddie ride+, fun house, Pon, ballroom, 3 pia, 6 rehearsenl vanda, rename/a, puny mule. Mooting pllety, whittle field. nu teal, neon fanlike, books etches.,, name bends, flrewmkf. Demn -Maus Moulmein, Walter Cobb, Pria.;!lowed Vineyard. Mar.; Charles Thompson, Pur. Age; S major rides, 3 dart ride., 2 ealk.lhrus, 3 refreshment Mends. 4 realamrapie; peony arcade. shoamg parry, picnic facile.; boots raude.dle, free acts, fireworks. Par gate, pay parking. Connecticut Brldecent- Kiddie Fair Amusement Park, Anhui. N. Moss, blur. 4 Pur. Aar.; minor ride, 2 kiddie ride., refreshment med. Free pie, free parking, B ridgeport- Pleasure Beach Paik, John C. Molloy, Mgr.; Joseph Williams, Pur. Age,; s moor rides, 6 kiddie ride, s game+, 0 refreshment wands, restaurant. pees, arcade. shooting gallery. beach. ballroom, a.5,k field, pink facnlleg book orchestras. name bands, fireworks. Free gate, free palling. B retoe -Lake Commoncn, s maior aides, 6 kiddie rides, 7 gemir, 6 «Ireameel mods, restaurant. peaty arcade, shooting g allery, beach, roller rink, ballroom, atidenk field, picnic fannies; book ornoon, gams band, free acts. fire- work, Fire gam free parking. Pay parking Saturday eight, Sundays holiday, Dayville -W ddwood Perk, John R. Sheri dan, Owner, 2 kiddie ride, relresemea mad, restaurant, amnia Pliny, beach, - roller fink, ballroom. athletic held, pic. ale faollhile.i books orcheatr re. Free sate, free parkins. khddlebury-leks chtastapaug Amusement Park., George Fran.:. bier. A F.. Aet ; 4 make rides, 3 kiddie rides, 4 games, 3 refreshment wandr, reala iranl, penny arcade, Moaln. gallery, beach roller rink, ballroom, bola, athletic field, plank leaflike; books what. name bends, eaadeeille, free acts, flnworks. Ffec gate, pay parking. Milford- Myrtle Reach Park, J. A. Darein. Owns Mgr.; 3 major rides, 4 kiddie rides, Mooting gallery, rink, ballroom, game, 2 refcnhmeot stands, aihelelk field, picnic (actinic.. Free gate, pay parking. Ncw Horen-Llahthousa Point Park. cup Owned; Lawrence D. Porter. Mar, Parr. Aal.; major ride, kiddie ride, 3 refreshment wands, ireauranl, beach, eihletic field, picnic faeilllin; books fire - wora. Free gate, pay palkie. New London- -(tiran Beech Park, Clly Owned; Aug... B. Mental, Supt.; 6 malrr rides, 6 kiddie rides, 3 gamed, 6 prim aliment Hands, 2 remorann, pool beach ballroom, 'Mirth field, picnic fannies; book archeprse, name band., vaudeeille, free aces, fireworks. Pay gate, par parking. Rockville -Jack's Amusement Park, John D. 'red,ielnk Sr.. Owner; 4 kiddie rides, refreahmrnl Nand, miniature golf, peep ride., picnic facilities. Free gate, free parking. West Haven -Spin Rock Park, Frederick E. Invite, Pres.; 4 major ride, kiddlined, enncem;ia, pent., roller rink, penny arcades; books orchestras, free acts. Winsled- Woodland Park, Paul Gemiao, Owner; beach, roller rink, refreshment wand, restaurant, meek tannin. Free pee, tiree RIO.0 e. PAT OFF. DOESN'T COST- IT PAYS WHEREVER FOLKS GATHER FOR FUN AND RELAXATION YOU COLLECT "DIVIDENDS" EVERY DAY, YEAR AFTER YEAR. FOR A "BLUE CHIP" SKEE-BALL e parkins, Delaware New Castle -Kidd, Towne, loba Pebb, Mar. Pur, Aar.; 4 maim tide., e kiddie rida, 2 pmts, relr.ahmeai pend. re..., penny arcade, tare track, picnic hcllnies; book. earn bande, children's birthday putier. Free pie, free parking, Port Penn - Animating Beech Park. Tommy Teals, Onnes; lack Pauhre. Mer,; J rosier rida, 4 kiddie rides, 'bootie. plle7, beach, baltroon, e g ames, 4 refreshment stands. realaurami, uhlelic field, ran track, picnic faillie,, free gale, free puking; books orchestras, name bands. - Rehoboth Beach - Plplend, Bordwalk, lack k Gaon, Straus, Owners: 3 maim rides, 2 kiddie rides, 2 rnreshrrlmnt elands, restaurant, penny meads, Mach, Pay parking. Rehoboth Beach -Sport Center, A. J. Denmajor fides, 9 kiddie mass, lino, Owner; 3 4 lames, parry arcade, Mooting minty, beach, miniature golf. Florida Dayton Beach -Forest Amusement Park, Jun Forest, Pres., Mgr. and Pur. All 4 major rides, 3 kiddie ride, refreshment B and, beach, books firers.mke. Free eats, free pafklns. Ft. Wnderdale- Plaland Park, Jobe L. Sullivan, Owner; major ride, '7 kiddie rides, refreshment hand, pi.n,c tige- ilies, Free gate and parking. lacksoneilte- Riverview Amusement Park, Sid Walker, Owner, Mar.; 7 major :ides. 4 Ft. Long, 30 In. Wide SOLD ONLY BY PHILADELPHIA TOBOGGAN CO. 30 t. DUVAL STREET PHILADELPHIA 4.4, PA. Serving rh Amusement Industry Since 904 C. R FRANK NATIONAL SUPPLY CO. 9 SNOW (ONE MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT Echols HiSeeed with Snow Case $37,50 lebels Impro.ed with Special Large Case SneMatie Cold Medal Ice Shave Srekrncl,e Cold Medal with Doors L Case 42 SO Scholl Cr Gold Medal Gasoline Meters with lehols w H. verse with Bane, Pewrend Meter S now Cone Dipper, 5 or 6 et,.40 Wagner...rites 3.50 PI Pumps.bal m<arur sere ounce D All para for Echols and Cold Medal Machine, Blades. Pourouts. Dispensers, Pumps, Tray+, Caps, Vending rays, Flawo- CoR unds, Signs. s SNOW (ONE SUPPLIES Favor compounds -4 ounces make. ens gallon True, Sharp flavor. with deep colore Price per auget gaol, ats't..s 6.25 Prie per gallon gallons ass, In these flavors: Crape. bnana, Lemon, ang, Cherry, pineapple, Rasphart,, Llm<, Mined fruit. x p<. Rest Deer. ferawórrr. 6 or botte-on bottle Ilarors ont gallon o rich Snow Cone syrup bottle SOr; 3 books for $.40; 2 bottin for TRY TH[S[ NEW FLAVORS: Blasais try Watermelon, Licorice, Chocolat, Spearmint, Tui Truth, Peach, Cups: The original printed 'Sere. Kan. Cup Spoons -Woad e 5. 3" par M, $2.50 per ca. at 0M 5" per M per car* of 5M ppcn par Phasic S s -in color thousand CARAMEL APPLES AND SUPPLIES yl,tf Fgam'. tea'.e,44w s sal -; sj fs a s Frank a.ady T Use' Caram AOpI Dip: lust heal erse dif apples. Ballon t garer s erres 0 damn appr.t. W III fiel run NI apple -ne mets, <OOkln9. Caramel Ready To Ue - can -a Ibn Cass of e Cens -4a lbs PanuS -]0 Ib. Colon LI0.00 Shredded Coronal -0 ID. c 4.30 Sknrt -tumbe Sticks S,t' :'.' -per 00 S Pr cse 0, nfunr Slìeks`e "all 44" -ver 000.y3 IcOoe tt so t 6.50 Gluc+e -teu Io SarsRU,rk for teal Candy, Per Ib. S.00 canny ne er Ib. s.75 Ailler, na Candy Apple Mlx -par.. S.50 These Pane. Ariel east. cafletrn Thermo ar.rt, e.ney Apwi sexy.,,,t s. Favorin Cotais. DRINK DISPENSERS Bani W carry complet line of II typa drink elapenters Multipts. Root Bear :s and Srs contained Die. reenters. Prhtk Solt Conain., Drink Unit, let Spray Animated Drink Machiner. erbonon, uni City Di ism i t. Ìn. á ne ióñnw [:ulna we tarry fhy eoh p Pmn/ In Ih COUnIr POPCORN MACHINES Star Popcorn Mathines -Table L. Console Medea Gold Medal Popcorn Machines -Ibn new Popalol $99.00 Croon Popcorn Machines -MI Ill. In tu elartrk. wr also hava good used Popcorn e for eerade. Complete Parts a Service e leur Popcorn Mach,nes. POPCORN SUPPLIES Popcorn Seed -Lowest possible market Pei,e, roes the highest aualiry best Popcorn. Odt Coconut Oil, with atra color -50 Ib drum FRANKS' special colored On. 5 p.m tin Tasfee Pop Coconut OI 6 >r: l:6 bars lo ease S0.50 Also Pirko Peanut 0 and Pepo Popping Oil Oils mn be purchased uncolored ha. 3,. boar sararal_cpnrrd favored call. per ee 9.00 lap: 3/4 l b -lea lb.-printed Peanuts-Peanut Gage. Popcorn Botes -All SiaH. PAPER CUPS All Caps weld Drink Cup.. Mot Drank Cups with or without handles. Mall and Sundae Cum. MISCELLANEOUS Paper Napkins, Straws, Ida., eaar Mustard. Relish, Pickles. STAR HOT DOG MACHINES STAR GRILLS AND FRYERS FLOSS NEW MACHINES & SUPPLIES WHIRLWIND - id FLOSS MACHINE.. A C s` 5 0 e' i y; FLOSS / " 4 y -0 NASHVILLE'S NEW PERFECTION MACHINE $275'0 Ready Rolled floss Conn, fora of 4, ,2 Flets Paper flat Coss, 5, flo+ein- VoniIlin, Flavors, Celons Try our Nw Blue and Green Flats Coen, Wax floss Wraps, full 2.8 Wax Tina bob of (e R. FRANK NATIONAL SUPPLY (O. IOVO S. Jefferson Phone PRospect St. Louis 4, Mo. WHEN IN ST. LOUI5- "50P IN." The Coffee Is Always Ready ta germ- Coca -Colo Alwo s Cold and We Hove the "Mix" Ail Picas F O.B. Sr. Louis. One third w,tn r... Bor C.O.D. No Shipment. wllhul 4r Pe..

25 .. 7./0,. Ide Welk 2 Nanda. 7k 95$ Entra..., 0 fierai, roof.,. shoring Whore, outdoor theater. sue men, eiialature golf. Parke park. ailv [rl 6 fed. pkak ratans.; books orsttr - gras. hoe acts. Flea and pay east. free JJJ,ega cotte tie Bea.* Chamber i4 Beach -Boardwalk. Ju s n- Olin- an: 2 major ride.. 0 kiddi ride, 3 s*rs'. 6 refreshment Yaws, S l.taw,tats Ken! 2 saunas tepee",. pone, bead. -.Druon, aehkric fetid. pi.-- mk Tema le boots orebetm, flre.rorka Fra gate, free and pay parkin". Actme,Ok BiNft - Griffis. Amusement Pad. Frank A. Grilles Jr.. Owen _,s alut -k. tw 4 kiddie die gild e, beach, 2 lanes, plow facilities, firewoha Beach M. beat, contra. rarer show "rameur, mama bend festival. Fra ate. free and pay parkins. Mimi-Fairs land Part, Fd.. Reichet. Oder; Ed WWleaa. Mat.; matte ride, It kiddie ride,, 2 games, apt. refreshment stator. picnic facilities. Free ate, free park Marat- Funlend Park, George J. Mac Lean. (hoer. 9 major ricks, 2 kiddie ride, henhouse,.elk -t,.., 5 games. 2 refresh mer rand.; penny arcade..*aune alkn. book. free acts. flreaoets. Free ate, free ratel,. Maros- P.8.A. Amusement Part. Police Wachner* A. Inc.. Omen; James I.. t '4a. Mar.; S major ride. 4 kiddie vides. tetresheneet Nand. pony Rack. bai - ors., alhlrk field. picnic facilities; books oecteesiras, name bands. vaudeville. fire. worts. Free note and parting. /seated. -Rays kw Park. city mima Julian Olsen. M. A Pur. Ail.; beach. outdoor nab,, ballroom, refreshment mend. picnic earn., free gate, fret parking; firework, Georgia Atlanta- afewonj Park. Southeastern Fair Aunculinn, Owners; t4 major rides. 6 kiddie Tides, lunhouw, 0 games. refreshment Nand. roller rink, Ice rink. race tract, picnic facilities. Free gate, tree parkas. Atlanta - Monk's lake & Amusement Pad. Be n E. Roberts. Mar.: 2 maire ricks, kiddie ride. 2 refreshment stands, restaurant....mkt print. pknic facile. lice, sooty golf, poojes, borts. Free gate, free parting. Auges. -Fun Land Park, Dr. J. T. Noreen, Owner, 3 major ride, 4 kiddie rides, S refreshment stand. shooting gat- pee. I try, picnic facilities. Free gate, he puking. Dalton -Mountain View Peek. Lamar West... Owner & Marten; 2 maior rides, kiddie rise. perry arcade, pool. beach, refreshment Nan restaurant, picnic facilities, free Bald, tree parking; books orchestra, hillbilly bands - Park, William C. Ragan Macon- Ragan s Sr., Owner, W dlùm C. Ragan Jr., Mgr.; 4 major ride, walk -thou, refreshment 'tant, penny arcade. shooting gallery. pal. beach, roller rink. ballroom, picnic facilities. Free gate, free parking. St. Simons Island- Neptune Park Casino. Glynn County. Owners; Fred W, Frelate, Mat. Rn. Ant.: 3 maim rides, 2 kiddie rides. 30 games, 2 rerrmhmrnt stands, penny arcade. pool, keen. rater rink, athletic held. picnic facilities, bowling alleys. miniature golf; fayots free acts. fsrewoelt. Free gate. lue parking. Idaho Comm d'alene- Playfand Pier, W. Earl Samar, Mar.; 6 maim rides. lake, 5 pares, 2 refreshment Mandes penny ar- cade. shooting sailerf, picnic facilities; books fireworks. Illinois Alton- Ride-A -While. Jos. C. Edward, Ma.; kiddlc ride.. Cbkaso- Hollywood Kiddkland, J major rides. kiddie rides, rat -thru, 25 mimes, re(rtsfineal Nand. restaurant; penny arcade. fire engine- pant., picnic facilities. Joyce Fink. Chicago -.E dd iron. Morton Owners; 2 major ordo.. 2 kiddie rides, 2 Mreibment Nand., penny arcade, picole facihtic.; books free acts. Oilcan - Kiddltuwn Amusement Park. Harold Greens -cid. Mar.; major ride. 2 kiddie ride, relresltment Nand. penny ar- cade. soli drlsint range. miniature golf. Ckago- Rowers Park. Wrn, B. Schmidt, President: G. G. sous. Secretary; 3 maior rida. 6 kiddie ride, fun Mow, 2 malldhlu.. 50 same, 4 refreshment "ands. restaurant; 3 perry aronde+. 4 shooting 'nineties, fuller rink, picnic fa. Castles: book. fireworks 7/4. Chicago Heights -Jo Jo Kiddie Park. Joseph N. Hanohne. Owner; 9 kiddie rides. 2 penny arcade, shouting gallery. refreshmen( Nand. Damelle-Fasrerounds Park. Wm. F. Brown. Owner, major ride. 4 kiddie ride, pool. -nut. sane, 2 refreshment stands. race track. picnic (.Third. Decatur -Claps Amusement Park. J. L. Cucumber, Owner; 7 maior rides. S kiddie rides. fun house. 2 refreshment Nandi, make tint, athletic held, picnic ratoaue.. Den Plaines-- Kiddicville, Herbert Trite Sr., Owner, Harden Fritz lr.. Mgr. Pur. Agt.: 3 major rid.. kiddie rid.. la. (regiment stand. Free gate, tree parkin. Pua Riser Grote - Fus River Pknw Ciro.": Louis Cernoiky, Orner; I mafor rides, S kiddie rook., 3.mes, S refreshment stand., restaurant, shooting genets. beach. ballroom. athletic field. punk fatilnm, boats; books orchestras. name bands,.auk ash, lees acts. Pay gate, Psi Basis, -Joliet Part. Cif, owned: lack P. Tabor, Par. AM, pool. 2 refreshment Nand., picnic fa:iditues, gal coon.. play - around, Lombard - Kiddie Dude Ranch. Earl We.mer, Orner Mgr.; S kick. ruder. pun, tract. L,aa- Fauylssd Pad. Alfred Mdkr. Mar.: s mulot rides. I S k ddr rides. 2 mates. 2 refrsnhnaat Scads Peary arcade, atootty Tonie,. Macomb- (ilrnnw.n Part S.Imenlat pool; ON owned; 2 kiddie rides, pool.? rerrrsbment stands, atkfetic field. picnic faaauk,, plan grown&, free ate. tees Perking; books fireworks. Melrose Park- Kwldu)amL Arthur E. Frier. Owner, Ronald F. Rye, Mar.; 4 major rides, 4 iutdir rides. 2 ref/easement stand, trots*, stand. canin operated amutemem math*:, Iles Ponie, Mwris-Gunld Park. City owned; S kiddie!idea; pool. resale facilities, Paris -Twin Lakes Pack: Cty owned; Russ Wright. Mgr.; major ride. 3 Node ride, game, pen! arcade. tdsoaing atkry. beach. plink. fadhtie.. Roctl,nd- K.ddklcid Park L E. Gurrnxr. Ala.; J major rides. 6 kiddie non. 2 games. rtlrestuxnt stand; archery. prink laconic, Rockford -Kiddies Paradise. Dr G. Parada, Mdr ; kiddie titles. Schiller Pat- Joyland Kiddie Rides, Edward Apfel Jr., Mgr.: kiddie rides. Skokie -Fun Fair Kidd, Park. John J. O'Brien. Mgr.; 2 major rid.. 2 kiddie ride refreshment Nand. penny.cade. miniature gall, Springfield -Kiddie -Land Amusement Part. Kenneth L. Bundlerdf. Sacy.; S kiddie rides. refreshment trend. Spring Valley -Midway Kiddklarwl Stanley Anna, Owners: 7 kiddie rides refreshment stand. picnic facilities. Thornton -Brown Derby Park; Fred Pilscal Owner; S major rides. 5 kiddie ride, 0 games. 2 refreshment stand, penny arcade. msootin" sallery, &Weise field. Waukegan -Dunes Kiddiriarwl, Raymond Braescb. Mar.; kiddie ricks. Willow Springs- Playlsnd Amusement Park. Ralph Rocco. Mgr.; IJ major rides. IS kiddie rides, 6 game, 3 refreshment hands arcade. shooting gallery, atiletk fold. rye track. picnic facilites. Indiana Angola -Buck Lake Ranch; Harry Eleanor Smythe. Owners; 4 major rides, 3 kiddie rides. 9 refreshment stands, restaurant. ballroom, athletic field, picnic facilities. Clinton- Aragon Park, Anton Fenoglio, Owner: pool. ballroom, miniature golf; Picnic facilities. Crawfordsville- Milligan Park. City Owned; kiddie ride, arhtruic Held, picnic facilities; books fireworks. Dyer Saurer'\ Kiddieland, Franc & Edna Saaur, Owners; 3 major rides, 9 kiddie rides, refreshment stand. Evanavllle- Mcskcr Park, F. C. Shafer. Owner. S major rides. B kiddie rides, 3 game, penny picnic Iaciliti.. arcade,.honing gallery. THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 25 Beaune* - tabrdudy Part, R sen.- broody, Owner. 3 mew rider, 7 kiddie nee. retsc.irmw t stand. penny arcade. miniature gon'. atbkdc nerd, picnic 4. edifies. liamdto. -Cercle Part. Duit Waierbquse. Os arr. mayor ride. 2 kiddie rides, 3 re- eshmenl nand\...ant. perm, rcade, beret, roller rink, boats.,indiaaniis- Kidd.elaed Park. Veules F. Hodge, O.eer, i kiddie rides. tadianagod --lank America Kiddyland. M. Marcs. Mgr.; IS kiddie rears. re freshmeat Nand. restaurant, penny arcade. 'bootaag gallery. ion' drivina range. minialure gull. IadlirMpolis- Rirersidk Amusement Part. Sala L Coleman. President; I4 major Mika. la kiddie ride, fun boras", an pmts. 0 refr.hmem stands, restaurant. penny arcade..hauling gallery. roller rink. lodlanapolk- Westlake Beach Club. Paul Vial:. Owner; 2 lddie rides, 2 refresh, ment stands penny arcade. beach. Kaon- WMdey'. Bas. lake Part. Wood C Wehrle', Owner; 7 kiddie rides. penny arcade, Amine aller,, beach. rink. ballroom. refreshment sun., restaurant. pink facilities; books orchestras. name band, vaudtstlk, free act, fireworb. La Payette - Columbian Park. Richard Burke. Mgr; 4 maim! rides 3 kiddie rides. 2 game, S refreshment stands; pool. beach, ballroom. rot, operettas 4 band contes.. ball cilltics, free act.. fireworks. stadium. pink fa, Marion- Matter Park Kiddleland. Ralph Mareuccdll. Owner; 4 major rid.. 4 kiddie rides. S refrcshtnrnt sands. picnic fucililirs; books free art, fireworks. Michigan City--Washington Park. Harold K. Barr. Mgr.; S major rides. 9 kiddie rides. 0 games. 6 refreshment stands, penny arcade. 'booting galles. beach, pknic fadlilln. Mishawi ta- Gayland Kiddie Park. Even a Frances Ehrte, Owners; 7 kiddie rides, 'hooting gallery, garer, refreshment stand. picnic faculties, free gate. free parking. Monticello-Indiana Beach. Shafer Lake. J. E. Spackman, Mgr.: 7 major rides. 4 kiddie rides. 5 games, 8 refreshment stands. 2 mourant; penny arcade.shoot- Ins gallery. beach. roller rink, ballroom. speedboats. cruiser. miniature golf. hotel, cottages, picnk facilities; books orchestras. South Bend- Playland Park. Earl J. Redden. Gen. Mgr.; 7...and in time for the 958 circuit!, J k the mobile concession stand major ride, 6 kiddie rides. S games. 2 refreshmeru Nance; perry arcade, shooting gallery roller rink. ballroom athletic field, race tick, picnic facilities: books orchestras, name bands, free acts. fireworks. Syracuse- Wawas. Amusement Park, Rue H. Hunnicutt. Owner; 4 kiddie rides. 6 games, refreshment stand. restaurant aw- 40 (CorllinuvEl on page 26 SPORT CARS THIRD RAIL oe ELECTRIC DRIVEN WILL FIT ANY SPACE FOR "CROWING" KIDDYLANDS le,n A BETTER `it BIG RIDE fi7i WRITE FOR LITERATURE PHILADELPHIA TOBOGGAN CO. DO E. DUVAL ST. PHILADELPHIA 44, PA. 3 COMPLETE RIDES FOR SPRING DELIVERY ROLL o:folded AOVERTiSimG IN THE BILLBOARD SINCE 904 KETS $5.80 ADOITIONAE 0I'S SAME ORDER. 280 DAY & NIGHT SERVICE SPECIALLY PRINTED CAN WITH ORDER PRICES _.0 e Ortc et or any wor.,ng. a< cria reg., u worens and coeur +aa S. - for "roan." or coter unir sae :200. Moat be aven muet ode: of IO pj0 Pack. of a sne ana coeur. STOC K TICKETS ROLL 5.75 ` fa!e Each sd.';' :'t R DRDfR AT 90c Rfa ROII WELDON, WILLIAMS & LICK FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS.,.,... w..,....- GIVE TO DAMON RUNYON CANCER FUND Easy does it! No tents to wrestle or heavy counters to jockey into position. Just tow the "HUCKSTER JR." in behind any car, flip up the side panels. drop the floor and you're in business in five minutes! Full 6 feet of counter space and a big 00 cubic foot store room behind. Ingenious drop -floor gives you firm, dry footing and lets you serve your customers at "table height." Flip -up side panels provide shade and protect counter and customers from weather. Delivered complete for only $395 F.O.B., Elkhart, Indiana. Also available, the "HUCKSTER" -a 20' model with larger storage and serving area. MAIL COUPON FOR FACTORY PRICES AND INFORMATION ON ALL MODELS Sturdy, lightweight steel body over steel rib framing on 6' I -beam frame. Full 2' n 8'; interior height 6' 8'. Two thousand pound capacity on single axle. Kelsy Hayes electric brakes, 4' turn signals, clearance and stop lights It.c.c. approved :. Atwood hitch end ball with safety chains. WELLS CARGO, m.. or PenIeis Sul' Int. Dept. 6-2, Elkhart, Indiana Please Send literature os new Wfll5 CARGO "HUCKSTER JR." model, J

26 26 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 958 Clawson Ice Shavers "HAIL KING" Model No. HKE -5 A trouble free, gravity fed machine. produce uniform SNOW -ICE electrically. Shave and Save the CLAWSON Way, "SNO BALL" Model No. XHK -5 An automatic, electric SNOW -ICE Shover, Styled perfection. Unique. The last word In "SNOW" BALL" equipment. "ROTARY" Model No. RE -LB Efficient, trouble -free unit for those who desire the best electric SNOW -ICE Shaver in the lower price range. The Greatest Name in SNOW -ICE SHAVERS Simple in Construction Sensibly Priced A aryle end Si. for very need. Write rodoy for ampler. details (LAWSON MACHINE CO., INC. P. O. BOX S FLAG/OWN. N. J., U.S.A. Ready Now! Immediate Delivery From Stock THE NEW 958 HILDRETH PULLING MACHINES Display Models Form 0-5 lbs. to 0 lbs. cap. Form -5 lbs. to 25 lbs. cap. Also large factory sixes available AUXILIARY EQUIPMENi AVAILABLE Model K and KH Kiss and Toffee Wrappers Forced Draft Stoves Open Fire Kettles Open Fire Mixers 3á" Portable Caramel Wrappers. For Nougats, Caramels and Salt Water Taffy. AVAILABLE AT BARGAIN PRICES Writ., Wire, Phone Collect foe Ceepler Derails and Our Special Prices HILDRETH PULLING MACHINE t CROSBY Cr. NEW YORK, N. Y. Parks, Kiddielands oniinurrj from page 25 letic field, race tack, tree ado, miniature golf hanse, daac platform. Iowa Clear Lak - Rayslde Amusement Perk; H. A. O'Leary, Pres.; 4 meler rida, kiddie rida, 4 games, refreshment mend, restaurant; Shooting gallery, beech, roller rink, picole facilities. Free ate, tee park ln.. Cllntoe -Pia /land Park, Howard P. Prrtereen, Owner; roller rink, gulf drlsloe nryr, Mooting gallery, archery. refreshment sand, picnic facilities. Council Bluffs- PlaylanJ Perk, Abe Sluaky, Mgr.; 4 major rides, a kiddie rida, 2 fun hots«, walk -ehm, 25 earner, 0 refreshment sands, restaurant, penny eraade, Mooting gallery. rink, race track, picnic fecoities; books free ans, fireworks. -Des MoincrKlddlelend Park, S. J. Pearlman, Mgr.; 4 kiddie rides, refreshment stand; pony rides, fireworks. Des Melme- Riverview Park, Ban Cooker. Mgr.; ) major tides, S kiddie rides, walk -tau, 7 game,, 3 refreshment rands, reateereel, penny arcade. Mooune gallery. ballroom, miniature golf, zoo, athletic. field, picnic facllllla; books orchestras, name bends, free acts, fireworks. Storm Lake-Lakeside Boating & Bathing, Waller Lawrence, Mgr maim ride, 3 kiddie rites, refreshment stand. restaurant; Mooting gallery, pool, beach, ballroom, picnic facilities, taroks orchcuras, mime bands. Waterloo -Electric Park. Robert Bender. Mgr.; 2 onager reds, 4 kiddie rides, 2 restaurants, ballroom, bowling lky, peak facilities, barks orchestras, name bands. Waterloo -Recreation Commission; e kiddie rides. 2 pool., roller rinks. e ice Arlo, 3 ballrooms, e dance halls, 6 refreshment Mods. 20 restaurants, penny wade, athletic held, picnic faculties; basks erchestra, rame s udeville, free e e,. Kansan Llbera4- Randall l'layl.nd, lack Randall, Mgr.; S major tides, 3 kiddie rides, refreh,nent.tard, tataurent; beach, ballroom. elhlelic field, picnic lacllhlea; books orchestras, name hands, vaudeville, free am, firework., Free gate, free peeking MIWoe- Meeion Klddlrhred, J. B. De err. Mgr.; 2 major rides, 0 kiddie rhos, S Vines. refreshment stand, penny arcade. Free ale. free perktna. Wichita- Joyland Hillside Park, H., Olta- way, It. J. :Massey. L- A. Oltaway, Owners; maim rides, I kiddie rides. walk -thou, S armer, 3 refreshment strode, Belay arcade, Mooing gallery, pool, Mother Gari Gardes, marketing golf, athletk held, rear track, pkok facilities; books fireworks. Wkhlta -Sandy Beach, Norris B. Steelier, Owner; S arses, 2 refreshment stands. pool. beach. ballroom, athletic field, picnic feaolties; books orchestras. Wichita- Sparts Creer. George P. Consolver, Pres: S major ride., 7 kiddie roc,. t,..acs. 4 refreshment Hands. Peony uca,'c. shoaling allay. pool. poll drier, reste, llhlesic field, pleat facilities; brin:.. free acts, fireworks. Free gate. free parking. Kentucky Bowline Green -Beech Rend Park, Charles Guvra, Owner; 3 rostre rides. 6 kiddie rides. 2 games, 4 refreshment stand', Morning aauy, pool, roller rink. MRroom. eon, golf carne. athletic field. race track. picnic facilities; books free acts, fireworks, Dayton -Tacon,Il Park, S. R. Rather and A It. I. LunsfoY. Owner,, penny arcade. refreshment slant, picnic facilities. railer park. rs,nalnn- Joytand Park, Garvice D. Kin-,aid, Pa..; 0 major Ades, a kiddie ride 2 run houses, walk.ebru, 0 antes, 3 re- (reshmënt sands, restaurant. penny arcade, shooting galle,, pool, beach, ballroom. ethletk field, picnic facilities; books or-. charms. name bands, free acts, fireworks. Louisville- Fontaine Ferry Park. J. R. Sink hlsee, Mgr.; 2 major rides, 6 kiddie s, ride'n fun huoxe, walk-am. 20 gamer. 6 refreshment stands. restaurant, penny a" cade, shooting gallery, pool, beach. roller rink. ballroom, athletic field, picnic faedifies; baba :s orchestras, name bande. free ans Fireworks, Louisville- Klddicland. Edwin S. Klein, Mgr. & Per. Aut.; 2 major rides, 7 kiddie rides, 2 refrcdsnrent stands, shooting gal - lery. miniamre golf. archery, grcede, golf driving range, free acts, Paducah -Noble Park Penland. James Sanderson, Mar.; 3 reeler rides, S kiddie rides pee, roller rink, picnic facilities; banks free sers. fireworks. Louisiana Alexandria - City Park Kiddleland, Jimmie Thompson. Owner, 5 major rides, 27 kiddie rides. 3 refreshment stands, pool, beach, roller Mk. picnic facilities; books free acts, fireworks, Alee,edria- Valentine Lake, Leo C. Ber- geron. Deng,: beach, refreshment stand, picnic facilities. Free gate, free parking. Baton Raúge- Clnud'a Kiddleland, N. L. Cloud, Owner; kiddie rida. New Orleans-City Park, H. l,- Batt. Jr.. Mgr.; 3 te, major rides, 3 kiddie rides. 2 refreshment stands; Peel. eticllc lend picnic New Oilcans- Lincoln Beach. Emile Btuneon, Pres A, Mgr.; 6 major rides, S kiddie rides, fun houx, 0 games, 4 refreshment sands, restaurant; penny arcade, shooting gallery, peel, beach, ballroom, picnic locllllles; books erabrilrss, name bands, vaudeville, free acts, fireworks. New Orleans- Ponleharlrain Beach, Harry J. Batt, Pres.; 2 malnr rides. it kiddie rides, fan house, wanitiet, IS lames, 6 refreshment Nanda, restaurant, penny arcade, Mooting gallery, pool, back, miniature golf course, picole fse40; book. rra acts, fireworks. Maine Old Orchard Beach -Old' Orchard Ocean Pier, Pickard J. Wald,, Mer.; John W. Bride, Pur. Are.;! major rida, kiddie rides, 2 walk- ehrus, 6 gama, 7 refreshment Mande, nmaurnnt, penny arcade. Mooting gallery, beach, ballroom, pleni; facilities; books orchestras. name bonds, vaudeville. Irce acts, fireworks. Free gute, free & pay perkier, York Beach -York Beach Animal Forest and Amassment Park; 3 major rider, 5 kiddie rides, fun house, 2 walk -throe, T, coma, 2 refreshment stands, penny r.' code,.homing gallery, brach, picnic lo. chilies, animal fores,. Maryland Bultimote -Bay Shore Park & Beach,. D Shapiro, Secy.-Treas.; 3 major rides, e kiddie rida, penny arcade. beach, ballroom, 0 games, 4 refressmeni stand.. restaurant. picnic tociliars; hooks area Um. Baltimore -Gwynn Oak Park, David ss Pelee, Mgr.; 4 major rides, 2 tidal, rides, penny arcade, shooting police,. ballroom. 2 games. 0 refreshment stand, resn,u,ant, athletic field; b,s,ie orcheslr:, name bands,.eudevllte. Irae ace. Ile, works. Free eat,. free A PAY Par' Braddock Height, -Braddock Height, Guy. Cranta. Mgr.; 2 major Halt.. kiddie rides, peony arcade, pool. rest;. ballroom. 3 refreshment stands. resuttfam. mountain Maier. picnic facilities: boo, olclgeatras Mown bad*. Bryan, Koarj -- Marshall liait Amnsemen' Park. L. C. Addison. Pres.; ÍO major rite, 4 kiddie rides, walk -ehre, 9 gargles., 3 rclreshmcnt sands. restaurant. Beene arcade, shooting gallery, etlrletic field, pkok fo-etittn; books fireworks Cl,arlcsluwnt- Charlestown Manor Beach J. A. Manin, Owner; 2 kiddie rides, -. games, refreshment stand. rrslaulan', shusbing gallery, beach, boating, fishi, water s000rto, picnic factlltia- CYcrepcwk Brach- lhcsaiwakc Beach Pari.. F. J. Donovan. Mgr.; 2 mater rida. 3 kiddie rider, penny arcade. Mooting gallery, pool, beach. ballroom, 2 refresh. ment lands, 2 restaurants, athletic field. picnic facilities. Earlevitle -Whine Cryual Beach, Kenneth B. Green, Owner; major ride, kiddie ride, walk -shru, S games, refrrshmeet stand, eeuauraet, penny arcade, rhombi. allers. beach, picnic facilities, boas, cut - 'sers ;, books orchatns. Olen Echo-Glen Echo Park, Abram Baker, Pres,: 0 major rides, 7 kiddie. rides, 4 game. 7 refreshment lands, restaurant: shooting Ball,. pool. beach. roller risk. ballroom. miniature Rail, picnic facilities; books oniwuras, name bands. free acts. Mean City- Windsor Resort,_ D. Trimper Jr., Mer.; Ill rides. ce games, penny era*, corn machines. Pavdc-a -C. :ate Grove Mn,e emenr Park ad Barbing Brash. Norman E. Clarke, Pers.: _' mater rides, e kiddie rida, SO Winer. 4 refreshment Mande, 3 mu, rants. penny arcade. beats, ballroom, ath!c,;c held. picnic t.cillties; books orchestras, fee acts. Tokhester- Tolcheeier Reach. R. N. Mc- Ginn., Mgr.; 5 major rides. S kiddie ridee, 3 amts, S refreshment stands ca rav ani, penny arcade, shooting gallery. beach, athletic field, Ma.4-sactlusetta A,,wom- Riverside Park, Edward J. Co, roll. Owner. also., 4 maim rides. IS kiddie rides, (unbousr, walk -Ibn,, 6 games, 4 refreshment land., er,tauranl, penny arcade,.hooting gallery. roller rio,. ath tels' field, vacs neck. peek facilities; basks orchestre., vaudeville, feu alts, t icworks. Auhnrndale.- Nurlm,beia Park. Roy Gill, hlor.; 4 rites, ZO games, penny arcade; bo.s orchestras. free a.' Dracm- l.akevlew Park, George W. Barr,., Mut.: 3 motor ride, 6 kiddie rides, 2 gams, 2 refreshment stand, penny are cede. beach, ballroom. athletic field, plc ow facilities; brefs.arclws,ras, Erre ace. fiìewor a, Fall River- Bliffin'e Beach. Stanley D. Al. lee, Mar.; beach, refreshment stand. Free %ale. free puking. llulyoke- Mountain Park. John A Dennis Collins, Owners; 3 mater rides, kiddie arcade. ride, t,ehoux, walk -thru, penny shooting gallery. rink, ballroom, 4 games, 2 rcleeihmeel stands. restaurant, malefic field, picnic facilities, summer sock the - ter; books archealres, fireworks. Lunrnborg- Whalom Park, Harold D: G0- more, Mgr.; a major rides. 9 kiddie rides, lunlmuse, 6 gamer. 3 refreshment arena, penny arcade, beach. roller rink, ballroom, athletic field, picnic facilities, summer theater, bowiinu alleys; books orchestras. name bands. free acts, fireworks. Mendun -Lake Nipnluc Amusement Park, Joseph L. Carrole, Pres; 2 major rides. 3 pines, 2 refreshment stands, restaurant, acne, wade, beach. rink. ballroom. athletic field, picnic facilities; books orchestras. Nantes./ Beach- Paragon Park, Lawrence Stone. Mgr.: 0 major rides. 0 kiddie rides, penny arcade, Mooting Sauer /. roller rink, ballroom. free acts. North Dartmouth- Lincoln Perk. John Coches, Mar.; 4 major rida. 4 kiddie rides, fe,nhouse, 9 games, 4 refreshment Nanda, restaurant, penny arcade, Morning gallery, roller rink, ballroom, athletic field, picnic facilities; hooks orchestras, rame bands, free acts, fireworks, FACTORY Prices To YOU Folding Chairs ;steel, Folding Tables Portable Bleachers lowat pricer In Ú.3.A. Office sup. of all kinds. MISHEK CO. Waseca, Minn. Phone 988 Amerca's foremost Show POSTERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Printer C E: CPRNTD ;ref': A'R NRIFVEANL ;Aile RODEO SKATING RINK AUTO RACE. e CELEBq ATION Auto Bumpers 74 Sheets Immed,t Srviu Try Tr;ngle ter Every gold or PosHr TRIANGLE POSTER (O. 7.E Sureuehann S. Mtlisburah e, Po Phon FR -074 CONTROL ADMISSIONS with STROBLITE "INVISIBLE" IDENTIFIER sa Ilan iri of patron. pith vlslel! este t,thl, -, beeom ea slvlrrle der thus.irmntr.s i :v p.- Lead by Balt Pos, oli Amos Isanrea, Beeches. ere COMPLETE Ali, 54 STROBLITE CO. 74 J.77,Ñ.v c FOR SALE -ED'S PARK NEAR HARRISONBURG, VA. 4 arms hbu)r stand, Mooting gallery, react and concession wands. fish pond, miniature train agate N. hobby hones seats 56. wlmmma porn (with bath hour t, t,-.y: ar,nn. ska.!nr reek. James A. Conrad Realty Ca. Harrisonburg, Va. AMERICA'S FINEST SHOW POSTERS I /RITE FOR 958 DATE BOOK CENTRAL Show Prl,Nng-To;.lnc MASON,, IQWA PLASTER NOVELTIES L.rae.t e..snt small. r.<n,vm a Pr,ee. Sentl nor Orlte Ir,, Midland Art Statuary b Novelty (e. 727 A reaped, K Citÿ 70, Ma. Sus. JA.-7 -es70 Res. 7A FOR SALE - S ELI FERRIS WHEEL Ford Tractor end Trallr. PAUL SMITH Aerei,Mes 3a esa u, Lk ROrIl K.n HUBERT'S MUSEUM 228 W. 42nd St.. New York, N. Y. Oren all year round Want Freaks and Novelty Acts. Blet salary end parr,culars In first left. r. NEW GAME CRO -BOWL Crornrrl.bnwhng., Played sith eroauet,alley and ball. TWo alley* oral Iona and Jt. ode. Good mone> maker S elf B acs. Alleys and miniature. Gulf Courus. Shelter n tisiama fur distributors..price SS5,00 fur 2 Alley rpmplrtr. P.O.a. allier 9t Vs: Nd. 5. OARDIN ER, [Re- OWL GAMES gaol 0 O., silver S pl ine. Md. Phone: Lorloro eckweod OPEN A DRIVE -IN THEATRE AT LOW COST New and guaranteed rebuilt equipment from S Time payment available to aspen - elbfa parties. Write, ``Ivin{s Lachlan red number et un, SPECIAL OFFERI Tempered Masonite Marquee Lettera, 4 -, 35e; B. 50e s 0., 60e S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP " treat L, 602 W. 52 St., New York Il,

27 APRIL cana ttrasf- -The Bluff. Recurttoe Canin. Henry O. luetwamen. Ouse/, LIA- M. rid. I game. 2 refreshen. stead, teen/ anode, bead, roller rink. ptnlc f a:lll ins Palmer-Form. ate Part. Anthony (echoer.. Pies; J kiddie rid. 2 tames. refeeehreeal wand; penny eta., beach. Ma. nat. ballroom, athletic field. pknk 'dacljet.; books or.heetras, eats banda, fne law an. Willows -Salem Willows Part; 2 ante /Wes, 4 Piddle ride. gams. 2 refreshment assn., 2 (!tenante, posy arcade, nooses gallery, bead, ballroom, athletic field. prom facilities; books or- Omaras. name ban.. :nudesdle, free acne, fireworks. Seileben- Salisbun Beach, various Oenerw, 9 osape rida, 9 kiddie riss. / peen, arcade. hhnhouse. 3O game. 2 shoot - (at galleries. satine rink, bowline alley, etautun golf. e mtauu.. 30 refreshment sand...ach. Shrewsbury its'orcesterl -WTne Cdr Amusement Part; 2 mai. rake. I kiddie rida, lusses, penny arcade, toning gallery, Pool, land, ballroom, la gm., 3 refreshment wands. retau.nt. outdoor does. pay.o. ujeealk cafe, picnic fen..e+; books -orchestras. vaudeville, free KU, frrewafke. South Weetpon- Allee'a Parilìsm & Beaches, Stanley A Marica Allen, Owners; 2 game, 2 refreshment gonds, 2 beaches, picnic facilities. Topsfield- Jnytose Park. Edmond Kusrmar, wner; Paul Corson. Mgr.; major rids, kiddie rida. refreshment wand. rm.,- am, roc. athletic field, race track, picnic acilitre; boots frn est., Michigan Car- Wenona Beach, Frank A. Cliff. m.; I major rides. a kiddie rides 3 re- eshmeet surds. ratauu., penny arede shooting gallery. beach. roller rink, allroom, athletic field. picnic facilities; ooks orchestras vaudeville. fireworks. tih- Crystal Park, C. W. Pelterson er.; major ride. 3 kiddie rides, refresh - ment wand, reú/urent, picnic facilites. Free gale, free parkins. Cadalee -Put of the Lakes. John & Ethel Holmes, Ownen; G. A. Holemee, Mgr.; beach. roller rink. 5 concession games, boating, naoemg. Cottages. Dearborn -Motor City Part; 4 major rida, 7 kiadle ride. 4 µmes, refreshment stand. Free gate. tree parking. Dr et,t- Belalr Kiddy Park, A. Goldberg. Mgr.; 2 kiddie rides, refreshment stands, free gale, free parking; books fireworks Detroit- Edgewater Park. Milton A Cyril Wagner. Mgrsd If major rides, 0 kiddie rides, 2 funhpusea, 5 tames. 7 refresh - ment Hand. penny arcade, shooting gallery, ballroom, athletic field, miniature golf, picnic facilities; books aches..., free ens, name ban., vaudeville.' Free gate, free parking. Fleet -Flint Park, Dr. L H. Firestone, Mgr.; 0 major rida, IO kiddie rides, funhouses, 2 gasses, I nfrahment stands, penny arcade, tooting gallery, roller rink, pic- nic full.. miniature golf; books free acts, fireworks. Ilaelett -Lake Lansing Amusement Park, Roder E. Haney Mgr.; 0 malor rides, 4 kiddie rida. 2 garnee, 3 refreshment end, reauurant, penny arcade, dun, leg gallery, beach, roller rit, ballroom, Whittle held, picnic facilities; books orchestras name ban., teas act. fireworks. Kalwnnroo- Kalamacoo'e Kiddieland Park, Howard W. end June A. Henry, Owners: d kiddie ride. refreshment stand. Free get, free parking. LaSalle -Toledo Beach; Harlan L Weller, Mgr.; 7 major rida, 4 kiddie rida. IO games, 5 refreshment stands, restaurant. penny arcade. shooting gallery, beach, roller rink. ballroom, athletic field. picnic facilities. Pay gate, pay parking. Manitou Beach - Lakeview Park; Don Broom. Owner; Gearis S. Cripper, Mgr.; 2 major rides, 4 kiddie rides, 4 games, 4 refreshment mend, 2 restaurants, penny arcade. tooting galtrry, beach, roller rink, ballroom. picnic facilities; books orchestras, crama Wads, fireworks. St. Clair Shores -Jefferson Beach Amuse- ment Park, Harry Stahl, Pres.; 7 major rida, 0 kiddie rides, funhouse. 0 games, 7 refreshment Hands. penny arcade shooting taller, ballroom, athletic field, picnic facilities; books orchestras, name band. free acts, fireworks. Pay gate, pay parking. it Joseph -Sliver Beach. H. J. Terrill, Mgr.: 0 mane rides. S kiddie rida, funhouses, w elkthco. 2 games, S refreshment stand, beach. ballroom, picnic facilities. Free gare, free parting. Sans SouciTashmoo Park, Donald ram- mer A Peter Kri.spin, Owners a Mges.; rink, ballroom, i games, refreshment st.d, restaurant, athletic field. race track, picnic facades. Utica - Utica Amusement Park, Myron Brawn. Owner a Gen. Mgr.; 3 major rida, 4 kiddie rides, walk -thru 'booties ganery, beach, ballroom, 6 games, 2 refreshment stands, athletic field, picnic fissiles; books orchestras. fireworks. Free gate, free & Pay parkins. Walled Lake-Walled Lake Park. Fred W. Pearce Jr.; major tides. 4 kiddie rides, walk-nru, / game. 7 refreshment geode, resteureet, penny arcade, shooting gallery, beach. roller rink, athletic field. picnic facilities; books firework. Fr. gate, free parking. stinnesota Aecke-Saeta Claus Town; B. II. Swansea a C.I Anderson, Owners; 3 major ridee, 6 toddle des, 3 refreshment stand. peton arcade, 40 animated Mother Goose char- Wen u autheelc circus wagons, Santa Clan, childrens coo, pknk facilities. Pay gate, free parting, FeoeWor- Escieloe Amusement Pert, P. W. Peace Corp., J. P. Coldun, Mgt.; 2 maya rides, 3 ktddle /Wen, fuahouee, walkthee, 9 gemn, I r lee.,rent.eeede, restaurant, peaty arcade, shoal. eel - lery, ballroom, athletic nrw, pkmlc feel - Me; books orrebettre. vaudeville. free tuts, f.nenrts. ra.rmunt- teec.kee Put. P. Krahmer, Pris 4 main ride, 2 kiddie ruins, ebonies ',alien, beast, rink, he rink, WV... e amok I rcfresamcet staeds, restaura., boats., fining, cabots, free eau. frn perking; boots orchestras, name beads, Iirr.ork. Lind- L,edwood Park. Dare J. Iampiere. Oeeer, 4 games, 4 refreshment stand. penny ara.. roles rink. ballroom. athletic field. picnic fannies; books orclhew tress, lama Wads, vaudeville, fue.orks. Fen A pay gate, free parka.. Mmoypot.s -Queen Anne Klddielaed. T. J. Casey A Ann M. Casey, Owners; S me- for ride, 5 kiddie nia, refreshment coed, penny arcade, picnic lacditle. Free gate. free parking. Stserburn -Foe Lake Park, R. A. Nelson. Preptletor; beach, ballroom, refreshment nand, picnic feoitltin; hooks orchestras, name banda Mississippi Liddon Lake. J. Alice Sanders, Lessee; 3 major rides, S kiddie rides. refreshman stand. pool, picnic WWII.. Meridian -Highland Park, Cityowned, Berney Smockler, Star. A Leese; 3 major ride, e kiddie rides. 3 refreshment stand, penny arcade, noosing gallery, 2 pools, 2 athletic fields, poem facilities, playground. Missouri Excelsior Springs -take Maurer Park, Tate Chiles. Pres.; 2 kiddie rides, 2 refreshment mends, penny arcade, shooting gallery. pool, roller rink, miniature golf, golf driving range, cabins, natural mleen salt dolt( pool, picnic facilities. Fenton -Riviera Pool & Park, A. J. Koller, Owner; 0 games, refreshment stand. restaurant, penny arcade, pool, picnic fa- Joplin- Riverside Park, H. A. Brentlinger, Owner; Gene Wallace, Mgr.; major ride, 2 kiddie rides. 3 games, 2 refreshment stands, eesuurant, pool. beach, ballroom, pony rida, speed boating, picnic facilities, free acts, fireworks. Kansas City -Fairyland Park, Marion Brancato. Owner; Harold Duncan, Mgr.; 8 major rides, 7 kiddie rides, 2 funhouses, watt -thru, 2 games, 7 refreshment stands, penny arcade, shooting geliery, pool, ballroom, miniature golf course, midget auto track, athletic field, race track, picnic facilities; books orchestras, free acts, fireworks. Kansas City -Kiddie -Land, Sir. A Mn. A. N. Rice, Owners; Roben D. Rice. Mgr.; 2 kiddie rida, 2 refreshment stands, peony *rade, shooting gallery, picnic facilities. Osage Beach -Play -A -Day Brach, Alvin and Hclea Huber. Owners; B games. refreshment stand, pool, beach, picnic facilities; books fireworks. Pagedale- Kiddie Land, David Litvag, Mgt; It kiddie rides. 3 refreshment stands. Free gate, free parking. St. Charles- Blanchette Park, St. Charles Public Park. Board, Owners; Norbert Wepelhont, Mgr.: 2 refreshment stand, pool, ke rink, ballroom. athletic field, picnic facilities; books free acts, fireworks. St. Louis -Forest Park Highlands. St. Louis Arena Corp., Owners; Emory D. Jones, hoer.; II major rides, 9 kiddie rides. 2 walk- thrus, 7 games, 2 refreshment stands, rráuuraet, penny arcade, shooting gal - ery, pool. ballroom, picnic facilities, books or :heats, free acts. St. Louis -Holiday Hilt, W. H. Zimmerman, Pr..: Ken Thane. Mgr.; a major ride, li kiddie rides, funlrcne, 3 refreshment stands, peony arcade, shooting gallery. pool, golf driving tee, miniature golf. archery, golf course, picnic facilities. Free gate, free parking. St. Louis -Suburban Gardens. L. A. War - lee, Owner, pool, 2 refreshment stands, restaurant, athletic field. picnic facilities, pay gate, free parking. Springfield- Doling Amusement Park, W. W. Morrison, Lessee; 7 major ride, 8 kiddie rides, funhouses, 2 games, 3 reftealrmene stands, penny arcade, shooting gallery. roller rink, ballroom, athletic field, picnic facilities; books orchestras, name band, free acts, fireworks. - Montana Butte-Columbia Gardens, W. McC. While, Mgr.; 3 major rides, kiddie rides, ballroom. 2 refreshment stand, restaurant. athletic held, picnic facilities, free park - iei; books orchestras, name band. Miles Cd, -Leon Park Amusements; D. P. Leon. Mgr.; pool, ballroom. refreshment sand, restaurant, picnic facilities; books orchestras, name bands, vaudeville, free ecu. fireworks. Nebraska Crete -Tuxedo Park. F. J. Kober. Mgr.: kiddie ride, beach, ballroom. 3 refreshment stand, restaurant. athletic field, picnic facilities, free & pay gate. free puking: books orchestras. Come band. vaudevilk, free act. fireworks. Grand Island- Detweiter Kiddieland, J. W. Detweder, Owner; 2 major rida, 5 kiddie rides. refreshment stand, penny arcade. Fen gate. fr. puking. Lincoln-Capitol Beach, G. J. Carpender, linty.; 7 major ride. 4 kiddie rides, fun house, 6 games, 2 refreshment cunds, penny arcade, shooting gallery, pool. beach. roller rink. ballroom, tan track, picnic facilities; band. firework. books orchestras, name Free µte, free parking. Norfolk- King's Park, H. li. King. Owner; pool, ballroom, picnic facilities; books otcbreuee. name ban., Fen gate, frn parking. Omaha -Carter Late Klddleland A Pleasure Pier, James D. Carpenter. Mgr.: 2 major Odes, 9 kiddie rides, 4 games, 3 refresh- THI BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 27 mom /tende, nnaurent; penny sr.ade. Mood. finery. e0lale field, pk.c facilities Omaha -Passy Part, Joseph Malet. Mgr ; pool, btaol- ballroom. S refreshment wands. antetk.0. pknle fa:thtim; boob orchestra, name ban. Pay gate, frn perking. New ;ampshire Hampes. Beach -Ilan,.. Bradt Casino, John J. DM... Mgr ; ballroom, 3 refre.bmeat Hande, 2 restaurants; boot/ rediras. Hudson Center -Benson Wild Animal Paren, (harle O. Keene, Jr., Mgr.; t tlddie rides, 7 refrashme. stand. Wild Animal Acts, Elephant A Pony rides, athletic field, picnic fc0ille>. free Eta Lochmere- Gardntra Grove. Mollie Lambert, Owner, J. Copeland, Mgr.; refrcahme. sural, pool. rink, shooting gallery, games; books orchestras, name ban., nub.rllle, free acts. fireworks. Marwheuer- Bedford Grove, Ray Starks. Owner; roller rink, ballroom, picnic facilitks; books orchestras name bands. restaurant. Pay gate, free parking. Manchester -Pine Island Amusement Park. G. E. Islason, Park Mgr., E. J. Foley, Gen. Mgr.; e major rites, 8 kiddie ride. 9 game. 3 refreshment stands, penny arcade, shooting gallery, beach, roller rink, ballroom, picnic facilities; books free acts, fireworks. Free gate, free park - ing. Spofford - W'ar. Grove -Recreation Peek, Francis Cheese/. Mgr.; S kiddie Odes, 7. refreshment wand. penny arcade, beach, riot, ballroom, picnic facilities; books orchestras name bands. parking. New Jersey Fra gate. free Asbury Park- Opere,on Amusement Co., Robert P. Fountain, Jr.. Pres. A Mgr.; major ride, 6 kiddie rida, 2 games, refreshment stand: shooting gallery, Asbury Park -Pala. Amusements, Zlm. Resnick A Edward Lange, Mgrs.; 9 major rides, fun house, 2 games, 2 refroshment stands; penny arcade, shooting gallery. Atlaetle City- Mltll.. Dollar Pier. M. Tubes, Mgr.; 2 major ride. 8 kiddie rides, 2 walk- thrus, 8 games, 4 refresh- ment stands, penny arcade, shooting gallery. beach, Italian Village, golf course, picnic facilities. Free gate, per parking. Mantle Clty- Rendeavous Park, James htallin, Mgr.; S major rides. 5 kiddie rides. 20 games, 6 refreshment stand. restaurant; penny arcade, shooting gal- lery. beach; books free acts. Free gate, free parking. Atlantic City -Steele Pier, George A. Hamid, Pr... Richard Endicott, Mgr.: fun house, 8 walk -hrw, i refreshment stands, ballroom, picnic facilites; books orchestras, name bands, vaudeville, free RCM. /Continued on page 28) i. You have seen our ads in Billboard for the past 2 years. Do you know that we equip trailers to sell: popcorn, candy floss, sno cones, carmel corn, candy apples, taffee, root beer, hot dogs, waffles, novelties, balloons, jewelry, games or we will install your own equipment. Our skilled craftsmen make up counters and install your equipment exactly as you want it. The interior of the Calumet Coach is smoothly lined and finished in hot process white enamel. The complete wiring system conforms to National Code. An abundance of fluorescent lighting is provided. Concession trailers are completely finished and lettered when they are delivered, ready for use. ORDER NOW FOR SPRING DELIVERY WRITE WIRE PHONE 575 So. Wabash Ave. Chicago 28, III. Phone: WAbash Caew-le" Cow% et-i _o ` wvaa`aa00o00 FOOD and DRINK EQUIPMENT and SUPPLIES,,$ ROASTED PEANUTS BIGGER PROFITS WITH 0 OUR HIGH VOLUME 0, 90 or 00 -b. Sacks. / / Jumbos Fanai.. POPCORN & SUPPLIES t 29c lb. 26c Lb. Rush Hour Popcorn r d CARAMEL APPLE DIP Con (8 lbs.) S 3.20 ICos. of Cons 6.00 SKEWERS I Idl/r ". Per,000 S.50 Case of 0, ! a ". Per, / Cosa of 0, / * * * * * * 50.b. lors. Add l'te Per Lb. 25-Lb. lots. Add It Per Lb. Peanuts Packed in Corrugated Cases, Add 50c Per 00 lbs. 0 Granular Peanuts Write * * * * * * Shredded Coconut Write * * * * * * FLOSSINE 0 / Glucose, 5 Gol. $5.90 / * * * ICandy Apple Sot, contains red coloring and cinnamon. Per Lb. Con 5.75 * * * * * * / Coloring for Candy Apples and Floss. IExtra strong GREEN - I / lb. Con, $7.00,: ' :=. $3.00. CONTACT US FOR SNO -KONf RED -t Lb., $4.50: ' ts, SYRUPS, CONCENTRATES AND CUPS 620 N. 2ND STREET 's vr- Echols Counter Model with Electric Motor, $ Counter Model with Gasoline Engine, $ For Coloring and Flavoring Candy Floss, in Following Flavors. Cherry, Orange, Mint, Lemon and Vanilla. $.50 Per Lb. Con, or 6 Cons Inc $7.50. Floss Cones: Case of 4, Deposit on C.O.D. Shipments. I% 0 85 Pop King Popcorn Golden Huller. Popcorn * * * * * * Coconut Oil Coconut Bac. Papsit Plue Colored Peanut 0, CARTONS Regular.0 Automatic.0 Scoop Style.0 Regular.5. Profi( tags 'le Profit gags Popcorn Salt Scooted Electric Combination Hot Dog Steamer 0 and Bun Wormer. Holds Approaimonly 0 50 Dogs and 40 Buns All Prices F.O.B. St. Louis, Subject to Change Without Notice. PRUNTY SEED & GRAIN COMPANY ST. LOUIS 2, MO. A r,

28 28 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL Parks, Kiddielands (',rfi,i,w from gadin 27 Baton. - Bayonne Kiddrnand. Monk Got, Mgr.; kiddie rl.ks. Bayonne -Uncle Mary's Kiddieland, Milton lone A Norman Tannehaum, Owner. A Men ; 2 kiddie rides. penny arcade. Brulsebsro- Holiday Lake, Saul A. I. even, Mar., 4 make rides, 2 kiddie rides, penny etude, beach, nun deck for dancoo. miniature soli, refreshment rands, e whines IIlJ. picnic facilities; books ors heslras Clemenlon- Ctememon Lake Perk, Mildred G. Eldred, Pur, Act.; 2 major rides. S kiddie rides, fun house, walk -thru, e same, II refreshment rands; penny efta,k. shooting millers-. beach. ballroom, boat, midget golf, Indris told, picnic Online.; books vaudeville, free acts, fireworks. Free gale, free perking. Keansburg-Kiddie Park. George A Paula SHOW TENTS FOR RENT OR FOR SALE 20x30" 30x60' 40'x60 20x40' 3x90' 40'x80' 20'x60" 30'x00' 40 x00 & up Any Size -Any Type Rent or Sale Circus -Carnival Concessions ACE CANVAS CORP. 03 Greene Street Jersey City, N.. H oosier TENTS ANY SIZE ANY STYLE CANVAS OR NYLON Fastest Shipment Lowest Prices Hoosier Tents Is6.e.optir. Indan Phone Mllrose 2-947' SHOW TENTS HARRY SOMMERVIEL[ CEt 56 -s lost lath St. Kenton City 6, Missouri Phons 9,.,a00 0:6 FOR SALE NEW SIDE WAIL Walar one Wk.w Pro, ratet fier e,00 l '4: t ) CM De Goan LNOIM. MAIN AWNING AND TENT CO. 29 W Gov.. St Cncmnar, i, Om Altahammer, Owners A Mrs.: major rides, 3 kiddie rides. Laurence Harbor -Laurence Harbor Beach. Beachiront, Welter Kross, Pres.: 3 kiddie ride, terrer, refreshment wild. res- Moranl, penny arcade, shooting gallery, beach. roller rink. ballroom. beach t.stm, rhlrk field, picnic facilities; books or- chestras, name bands. Long Braneh- Recreation Pier, D. J. Maher. Mgr: major ride, 6 kiddie ride. 0 tames. refreshment Nand, restaurant; J penny arcades, shooting gallery, pool. Maplewood -Olympic Park, Robert A. Guenther, Mgr.; 25 major rides. 0 kiddie tides. fun house, walk -thin, 0 games, 5 relmhment stands, 2 restaurants. penny arcade, shoo.. gallery. pool. beac, roller rink. athletic field, picnic facilities, free act., firework.. Mays Landing - aka toap, Park. Forme Letting, Mgr.; S mayor rides, kiddie rides. 0 tame, S refreshment Hands, reslgutant. shooting tellery, beach. rollte rink, ballroom. boat. athletic field, plc. sic facilnnes; books taudev,llr, free sels. fireworks. Mt. Arllnpon -R d Island Park. Ray- mond D'Atowino. Mgr.; 0 maim tides. S kiddie rides. tames, 6 refreshment rands- restaurai, penny Muds, shnm- Ina talk, beach. ballroom. boars, arch- ery. mintatore toll, athletic fold, picnic facilities; books fireworks. Neptune- Storyl.nd Village. Merrell Br man. Mar.: S mare ride.. 6 ki,kht 55St. 2 ralk.thfut, 2 refreshment rand, restaurant. penny stade. athletic field. pic - Online, books saule. flit, free acts. nie Pay gale, free parking_ Ocean Clary- Iloardwalk Amusements, les lie S. Blnihens, Mir. A Pur. AOt.; kiddie rider, 02 lame, refreshment Load; penny arcade. r t'j Tappers- koethtrn \'alley S.Immint Club. Otto A John I Mimer, Men.; 2 kiddie rise, 7 tames..frtahment stand, 'Nation: pool: beach. bwrro., athletic mold. picnic facilities. hoods., shuffleboard. pl.yground equumlero, books or- chestra. i,leude- P.Iis.des Armement P.rk, Jack A Irvine Rosenthal; Irains Rosenthal. Mir.; 29 major flde., In kiddie rida, tun hos. wall.thm, all same, 0 rtlr,i,r st Ol u.ed, tewurano. penny sewn.. shooting gallery, pool. teach, picnic ta.dities. books orchestra, tame bands. ere.cri PcnnsaWen- Kulacland, Herbert H- York, Mgr: 9 tolls rides, refredime.l,.mand; books foe rcn, Muria, Free Parkng- Perus.,lle- Ri.eniew Mad Part, A. W. Wallace A Frank C. Moron. Ir, Men ; 6 maim ride.. 9 kiddie rides..aiern, 7 game. II refreshment vends, 2 re , penny arcade. po.. roll. nef, athletic field. p,erc facilities; books free set, fireworks. Foe gate, free parking. Point Plenum Beach- lesklnson's Pstliion, O. B. leoknnson, Mfr: maim rit. nand, kiddie tides, game, 3 restaurant pool, beck, picnic hollows. Per parti. Rost Edge -AWde Wonderlands. J. lolls Frankitn, Mr. Pur. An. 2 matir, Mks. kiddie rides, refreshment wand, emot.- on, picnic lac... Free gate. free puking.,addle Rivet Twsp. -Rout 46 Drite-ln theater A Kiddieland, lours C. Phil. brook. Mgr ; 5 kiddie ride. refreshment nand. penny aride. lits monk., lolli- Free pop Nee, picnic raclatk, Ire acs, tats. fret main.. seaside Heights - Fieernas's Amuemeel Cente, J. Stanley Tunoe5, Mgr.; $ maim- rules. 0 kiddie rides. 2 penny arcade, reach, 34 game., 6 refreshment vend,, ou rant. free tait.,onside Hoeh n - Seaside Heights Caren A Pool. Eugene k'. Thorne, Mer. A Pur. Aar; IO main'. rides, kiddie tide, AMERICA'S FINEST SHOW TENTS CONCESSION TOPS RIDE CANVAS SHOW TENTS BANNERS Now Specializing in LARGE SIZE, CUSTOM BUILT WATER TANKS for Sport Shows and Grandstand Spectaculars REIINIE MEND) I %ON 442 N. CLARK ST. Ardmore.0 CHICAGO 40. ILL CONCESSION TENTS LARGE TENTS FOR SALE OR RENT - Since PITCHMEN'S UMBRELLAS Specially perceep Mary colon, chap. sod sixes from 6' diameter. Wore. Irr ell Genial n.adt PIAGf, CO,H U.OHS, tally ClOHf IA. MAMAUX & SON 20 BOULEVARD Of THE ALLIES PITTSBURGH 22. PA. 6 lames. 5 refreshment stand,, mum., penny arcade. shooting salisry, pool. beach, ballroom, fuhin6, picnic faeilitles; bouta roc-hoer, free acre, fireworks. Free gate. pay parking. Seaside Park- Funtown, U. S. A., Wm. P. Tunney A Edw. F, Groff's. Partners: 4 maior rides, 3 kiddie rides, fun house. 6 refreshment rands, 2 rmudni, penny arcade. rooting Tinny, beach. Free mils, Pao parking. Succasunna -Horse Shoe Ceti, Harry A. Clink,, Mgr; beach. pony tack, I re- freshmeni stands; athletic field, picnic facllitlee- Pay gate, fre. psrklnp. Trenton- Eete:iron Kiddie Land, Herman Intrnligator, Osotr; 6 kiddie rida, refreshment stand. Free gare, free parking. West oranpe-costal IAk. Park. Ernest Santo'., Mgr.; major ride, kiddie rida, pod, Ice rink. S refre.hment Hands, restaurant, penny arcade, 'MIMI' field, picnic frios; book. fireworks. Bost I. - canon.. Wildwond -Guinn Arcade Park, R. M. kiddie refreshment Edwards, Mgr.; I major rida. 7 rida. fun house, 2- games. 2 rand., restaurant; beach, roller rink. Free este. Wildwnal- Hunt's Pier. Vincent Kostek, Mgr ; W. D. Hunt. Pur. Apt : 4 maim rile, 6 kiddie rides, 2 refreshment rands. Free We pay Parti.. Wildwood- Kiddieland, S. B. Ramer. A Sons, Owner, R. M. Edwards. Supt.; major ride, 4 kiddie rides, refreshment rani, mime. WildwOod- Playl5nd. Genoa H. Coombs. Mgr., Edw. Krueger. Pur. Aps ; 3 no/of tides, 6 kiddie Sida, wainru, New York Anutrrdem- Merryvdle Park. Jerry Culkk A Vincent Comet, Owners; kiddie rides. 2 refrah mets rands. Free gate, Gee parti.. Ampab- IAiW's New Amusement Park. Mi- chael T. Ouuetta, Mir ; S maim rldat, I kiddie rida, fun hours, refreshment Monk. restaurant. motels, picnic (mil, Ora; book. oechexu. Free parking. Auburn- Owaeco Lake Park. John Padlkt, Oren; t major rides. 6 kiddie rida. 3 g ran, ) reff..non! stands, reraurent. penny arcade. shooting gallery. beach. ballroom, eonlelk field, pknk facilities; books free ad., fireworks. B a0500 Lake -The White Beach, Harold Spoonopk. Owner; shooting M'lery, pool, beach. 2 refreshment rand, restaurant. athletic field, race track. picnic facilities. faewdtt+. Pay ils. free parkin{, B dh Ntldey'e Happyland, Mn. Midi= T' uout, Own,. Loua Croy, Mgr.;, ssssnnt. refreshment rands, shnm.n maint rids, penny piwy, lldds rides. uade. Bron. -Bron Mack. Pool A Amusement Part. Dr. U. H. Mons., Mgr, Dr. S. E. Moss., Pur. Ag.. mare ride. I bad.vt Mks, 23 game, I refreshment Londe, penny arcade. pool, beach, halir000s, coleats- ethleuc fwd, beach, ballroom, con - teso. ihlcttc fold. picnic facilitiess books Otiso.rras, fits acts. Pe, gate, lose part Park. Mons -Broie Poole. Amusesement Roger L. Beck., Mar.: major rides. kiddie,wes, refreshment rand, re-station, free ecll Fro tars, free park- like, B lyn- Fairyland Klddst Part. I. Mills A L. Dan, Mtn.; 2 solos ride. 6 kiddie mks, penny made. shoo.. gallery, 6 games. 2 refreshment steeds, restaurant. Free gate. free parkin Brooklyn -Ulna Friend, lorry Stein, Mta.. Pdwrd Schwann, Pur. Att.; mal. ois.. S kiddie ride. 2 refreshment elands. Free parking. B uffalo -New Liberty Park. Harry A. lllion, Pos. W. B. Da.., Mgr; 6 maire ride. 6 kiddie rides. 2 'amts. I retemlimenr rand., shooting gallery, puons far Mors. Me.ork Ca..Waitue- Roseland Part. William W Nue, Pre.; 7 sains ride, 7 kiddie Ades. fun house. 7 games, I refreshment rand, ttstautant; penny rads, rooting sllery, herb,.chinas field. plonk facilities; books vaudesule, free acts, fireworks. Catskill -Catskill Goons Farm. Roland In. domano, Mr; 7 kiddie rick. 3 refresh- ment stands. COO picnic redlines. Conty Inland- Steeplcchne Park. Geo. C. TIIyOu, Pres., James J. Onoralo, Mar.; SI ride, concessions, pool, penny.cade. coin machines. Corfu- Boulder Amusement Park. Theo. Morro, Owner;.2 maim rides. kiddie tide,. ta tame, refreshment rand. penny arcade. rook. gallery. whirls field. race track. picnic facilities. Cuba- Oils... Park, Derwin Banne, Mgr.: 2 major ride, 3 kiddie rid., 5 µmn, 3 refreshment Nands,...want. beach, roller Link, ballroom. speedboats, race track, picnic facilities; books orchestras. name bands. Free gate, free parking. Douglauun -Kiddy Coy Amusement Park, Robert N. Black. Mgr.; Milton Lei, Pur. Ago.; 9 major rides. Il kiddie rides, re.- taur.nt, arcade. archery ruse. miniature poll; books free, acte. Free gate, free parkin[. Elmhurst- Falyobud Part, A. O. McKee. Mgr.; S motor ride, 3 toddle rides, re freshmcnt stand, restaurant, penny arcade. Free talc, free parking, Elmira- Eldridge Park, kiddie rides. Oeneseo -tuns Point Park, Carl P. John. tun, Owner; 4 mayor rides, 5 kiddie tides, I games. 2 refreshment rands. restaurant, penny made, beach, roller rink, ball- room..ulel;, field, picnic facilities; books name hands. Fra gate, free park. boa. Irvine -Sumer Bay Park, W., Southard, Owner; major ride. I tames, refreshment rand, restaurant, penny rocade, beach. picole tscllie, Free gate, free parkins. l.matown- Cclerno Part. Harry A. Illinois, Owner. Marshall L. Green, Mgr. A Pm. Att.; 2.2 major rides, 0 kiddie rides. fun louse. rink. ballroom. 20 same. t elsahmrnt wand, I talaeymoa, prom leude, rosolna a.y, athletic find. plante lindltiee, apead boat, water bikes: books orchmras. name bande, sudevnie, free acts, fireworks. Kingston-D -D's Klddle IA., AIMn D. Donna, Mr ; kiddie fldte. Labe Ronkonkoma - Turners Amusement Park. Paul R. 500,0. Ir. a Jr, Owners; I major rides, I kiddie tides, 7 games, I refreshment Hands, orations, penny arcade, rooting gallery, beech, atwesk field, picnic feciii,i.; books enamor, fireworks. Pree pare, pay part.. Lo. Bench -The Gruber, Friend, Max Gruber,. Owner; major ride, If kiddie tides, 0 games, refreshment rand, beech. Poe pate, pay Perkin,. Manlius-Suburban Park; 0 major tides. 0 kiddie ride, fun house, 7 game. refreshment vends, 2 oreurants, penny arcade, shoot.. gallery, ballroom, toll course, athletic field, gloat facilities; books orchestras, fireworks. Parse pate. fete parkin[. New York- Joyland Kiddie Park. Harry Lubell, Mar.; 3 major rides, 6 kiddie rider, refreshment,rand, penny arcade. Free late, free Parking, New York- Mauapequs Zoo A Klddle Park. George Grimaldi. Mer,; matir rids. 6 kiddie rides, refreshment rand, penny vade, son- pony track, picnic facilites Frac gate. free parting. Niagara Falls- Midway Beach Park, F. Panne, Owner A Mgr.; major fides. 6 kiddie ride.. fun hews, 2 walk- thrus, beach, ballroom. 6 game, S refresh. ment stands. lesteront, penny arcade. Olcor -Olean Berth Park. Edward J. Flynn. Mgr ; major rides, ) kiddie mks. 0 games, l refreshment tauds, (estauran, penny decade, beach, Ihletk field. pork fcilllle; book-, fireworks. Peekskill-Indian Pour Park. E. D. Kel. Man, Mer ; 7 molar rinks, 7 kiddie rides. fun house. penny rade, suono. Ina sailer, pool. rink, ballroom. 0 gant, II refreshment rands, 2 Vestal, rant, athletic Mid, picnic lacuulitl, free sate. pay parking; books vaudeville. Miti.,Are antra flre.ork. Plausbure- Pbrtslwr, Kiddlrland, Huben W. Aiken, Owner; 2 major ride, 3 kiddie tide, 2 eamr.; penny rade. shooting gallon. Rochester- Dreamland Park, George- W. Lora. Owner; I motor ride 7 kiddie tike.,.alt -thew 0 game, 4 refresh Stands, restarrfn, penny arcade. shooting taller), farmland, mom 'acid. Rochnor - Olympie Park, Joseph H. Schuler, Oser, 2 5,505 rides, i kiddie ride, panes. refrssi,mene rands. penny rude, abaniep Saltrry. fee setae fireworks. Rockaway Mach - Rocksys' Pkylatd, Lowell l'os., Mot ; snake fists. kidder fides, fut house, 2 w.lkdbo u. 27 tame, 9 retreahmen, reeds, resumers, penny arcade. roe.. gallery. beach, rhlerre field. pinto Online, gate. free A pas park.. Rye -Oakland Pad. AI Nencettl, Mkt.; 5 games, 2 reins/moor sands, restaurant pool beach, rhkik 0d. picnic facilities. Pay Rata, pay Nrtine Rye- Playland, Westchester County Pfsy- Dina Commierio, O.nen; Edward. Kilcullrn, Director; 20 major ride, 5 kiddie rides. fun house, 2 walk-ohms, 22 games. 2 refreshment wed, 6 retae- Alu, penny arcade. shoote. galkry. pool. beach, ice rink. miniature loll, golf Miring range, athletic field, pkmc tacd4 tics; books fireworks. Saratoga Springs -Kas demo Polk- Jack Gross, Mae.: major ricks. 3 kiddie rides. 2 games. 2 refreshment rand, penny arcade, beach, picnic fullllk, Sautmlks - Scboneteg s Pool. A Ptak. Chatter J. Marshall, Owner; Pool, refreshment stand restaurant, whittle field, gems faciluue.. books orchestra, name band, r.udeel, free acts, ftre.mto. Sylvan Beach - Svlsae Mach Midway. Franc,. I.. Stoney. Pr..: S kiddie rides. 0 mimes. 3 refreshment rand, Penny arcade. shooting millery, beach boatiem, picnic facilities; books free acts, tlreworts. Sylvan Mach - Northslde Armament Park, John Feuer, Owner;, major ride, 3 kiddie ride, l concemion gam.. 2 osfreshment stands, shooting galle,, picot fciblu. Syosset- Lollipop Farm, John Dryfus, Mgr.: kiddie rides.' Upper Jay -Kiddie Park. An Moire*. Mar.: kiddie rides. West Sennes-..n5's Shaducro Grove. Harry R. Lane A John P. McDonald, Owners; ballroom. S refreshment rands, restaurant; picnic facilities. Free pale. free parking. Webster -Willow Point Park. Gerson Dins - burg A Iryinl Glinken, Owners; II kiddie tides, 5 games, rertestiment Brand, restau- rant penny arcade shooting gallery. ball- room mlnlalure golf, shuffle alley, picnic facilities, whletic field; books orchestras. lb -comic Wulliamvlllc -Glen Park. Harry Altus., Pie.; a kiddie rider, 6 'am.. relies. Inept stand, rtsrauhan, picnic facilities. North Carolina Charlotte -Airport Amusement Park. J. A. Pankow, Mpr.; II major rides, 6 kiddie rides, 0 games. I refreshment stands, restaurant. pw.tin ewlery,.wells field zoo. picnic (meanies; books vaudeville, free acts, fireworks. Chantonne- Playlend Polk, Bernard Coble Joe Murwick, Owosrss; 7 major rida, 0 Addle rides, S gams, refreshment rand. restaurant, *rooting gallery, baseball bat- tery range, midrure golf- 'drone. pis n ic hculun, audesule, free sets, fire- works. Charloot- _Scille Swinunl. Pool A Park: A. Suu'. Own.; I malor tide, kiddie ride. 2 refreshment Nand., pool, picnic facilities. Pay pate. free parking. Durham- Tnylsnd Park. H. R. Video Pi., Owner; Maine tide, I addle Od... Mo feeroment fond, picot f.cilloy Foe pate, free perking. BalieMny- Mirror Lakes, R., Goodman. Owner; mires/mom Marl, pool, bark athletic field, plc. fetltnla, snemil golf, en( ranee, firing, been.. Pares parkins. Wi000m- Salam -Crystal Coke, J. Zrlih Darts, Ownr; posi, refbe liment et.ay Wade redlines, borins. Pre pars, fr. retint. Winston- S.Iem- Reynolds Memorial Par, Clry Owned; teeing Bawh. Mgr ; at)oe ride, kiddie ride, refreshment Hasa., restaurent, ahattln p.ery, pool. toll. rink, Ion course, athletic fltld, rule fealties; books free seta, fireworks. North Dakota Dickinson -Rocky Butte Park A Whitney Pool, Dickinn.on Park Board, Owen: pool, rink, ballroom, 0 tames, 2 refreshmerit rands, punie facilities; books on Ohio Akron -Sandy Reach Park, W. I. Wares ford, Owner; T. D. Coniwortn, Mgr., major rides, 7 kiddie fide, S pones, ri. freeirmem eland. restaurant, penny arcade, shooting gallery,!mob. ballroom, bona, Ihletk lield, picnic facilities; books m- resins, fireworks. Free gale. free perk. In, Akron- Summit Beach Park, Pd M. Palma. Mgr.; major rides. 6 kiddie ride., 2 fun basses, waft -thou. 4 tames, 6 rs freshmen stands, ro.acoso,. penny ar. ea., M.O. gallery, roller rink. ads toile field, plonk facilities; books eaudo. Mlle. free sets, firework.. Bascom- Meadowbrook Park. G. H Creep P. Mgt.; 3 mare rides, J toddle rides. S games, 6 rsfreshnsfs,r.nana. penny as cede, pool, ballroom, outdoor movies. ethfrk fkld, picnic facilities; books Urn. work.. BooMlield -Menke I Ake, Paul Judo, Own- e r: 2 refreshment ponds. restaurant, beach, ballroom, picnic '.catit.; books. orchestras. name bands. Buckeye lake- Buckeye lake Park: IS': maim rides, 6 kiddie rida. 2 fun I walk -them 2 penrsy arcade. pottery, pool. rink. ballroom, 50 5 fs00,hmem nard, S resouran ktic field. miniature golf. briar., lacililks; books or. heure, name Oaudeville, free act, fireworks. Canton -Lake O' Springs Beach A two Golf; Stanley A Jure %Ver. Own. ras: kiddie ride, penny arcade. pool. beach, refreshment vend, boat, miniature pou, etmatk field, picnic facilities. Free pertlns. Canton -Meyers lake Part. Carl A. Sis. dale, Pre.; major tide. 7 kiddie rides; fun house. penny arcade. besets, 3 ballrooms. 9 game, 2 refreshment sands. 2 restaurants, athletic fow, minis tuna poll, picnic facilities; books orcbes rra, nano bands, fue.mks. Fro gate. free parting Celina- Edte.ater Part, Mrs. C. M. Myers. Owner: Theo V. Temple, Mir.; maior fide. 2 kiddie rides. J tames. refreshment and, 2 restaurants, penny arcade..hcm.. I. galler, beach. ballroom, eata5c, bottine. picnic facilities: books aches trac. name band, CTippe.e Lett- Cloripc.s I eke hr. Parke, Mach, Owner -Mgr.: 6 maim rid.o. I kiddie rid., funhnuse, games, ofruhmem stands, 2 restaurants, arcade, shoa'nt fallen.. beach, bal miniature golf, boat, athletic field: sic hcilliies; books orchestras, s bands. vaudeville. free acts. frtdwmk, Cincinnati- Cincinnati Zoo, Chas.. Be.. roes : 6 major ride.. 6 kiddie ricks. V refreshment stands. 3 restaurant, peint Made. Moonns gallery, ballom, patio facilities; books orchedra, name band, Cincinnati -Coney Island, Edward L. Schott. 'Pena. 0 maris, rides, a kiddà rides. 6 games. refreshment.rands, 2 r.tsurants, penny' arcade. stwxn,na gaga try. pool, ballrrom. minier urn tnif coure,. matete field. picnic fanfare: books on chew., name hands, tree act. firework, Cincinnati -Fun Spot, Swlhoon Shopping Center; Feed A. Craton. Pre. ; 2 mars( rides. 2 kiddie ride, Fm Solo. free larking. Cluenrotr -Pre Wee Valley, F. A. Cle- Owner -Att.: major rides. I kiddie 5 game, 2 refrscyhment stand, rcade miniature golf course, facilities, fret acts, Free gate, perkma- Cincinnati -Tiny To.n Kiddietand, Dale P. Glasdon. Owner; kiddie ride, 6 tames, refreshment stand. pony rack. miniature BM( course, picnic facelift.. Foe tars. foss parkins. Cleveland- Euclid Mach Park. H.. Hum - pbtey, Pres.; H. C. Shannon, Mr.; 7 armor rides. II WWdi. rides, funsono, walk -ohm, penny stade. shooting tllery, funk, ballroom. ) games. 3 refreshment rands. restaurant. athlete field, role facilities: books orchestras, game bands. fireworks. Cleveland-klrmpinis KlddieMrk, l A. Winton. Mir.; II kiddie rides. refreshment stand, picnic (slate,, gown books fireworks. Free gate, free part,.. Cleveland -Kiddie Playlaed, John J. Halms net. Mgr.; 4 major ride, kiddie ride, refreshment stands, ponte, ministers. ou rinsing nn5e, drive-in Utter, meek facilities. Pre gare, free not.. Cleveland - Puniras, Spring Park, J. B. Gooding A Pearl J. Andre., Owners; R. M. Andreas, Mgr.; 0 major ride, kiddie rides. funhouse, walkihru, 0 samey, 7 refreshment Nand,,moment. penny arcade. Mooting tallcry, nolise rink. ballroom, mlwamre 6oí. Cdr Beach Village -Craft Bed Perk. mulet Adm. Harry H. boob, Pr..; S erne, refreshment stand, peens an code, shooting gallery. beach, bsllrooers. boats, picnic fecihun; books firework, Pre gare, fr. and pay parking. Piogsy- Riverside Park; tory owned, Cad Bachman, Mfr.{ I In5j00 Ads,. klddl.

29 .., o Meal& H. 7, 958 s I. & We 4 lare& neredmer ranwfrept pose areadti ears Omit fhslide&c bad. aka free mr Souk bows., 38fp... deus Last Asemme,W. Roam, M. Weeb, 66pr., 2 papa s tse.. ANA 4 Wm. f fnahmait rarereal paw arosdi, ekes. hip Wier, cuter HM. ballroom. sails, 3l. Okom tossa.; books orchestra, tram base, nreeroels. Appp.a /tao- -Gear. Lake Pas, amides W. biarrot, Mgr.; 3 ma). tides ' kat*. rides Amharic. 20 Mmes, 2 A OrMkaaret steels, peen. rude. la err. Fool. relu MM. dwefy ballroom, saw bee fris, picnic fl=ame; books orchee.y flrraeuts OarnBt.fb..ske - Pan'. Almmeeleel Part, P. M. Pees, Droner; 5 resaler rides. S kiddie rider- S games e re'reahnrnl men, 2 restaurants penny ern.. shoot. het mikr, s beach ballroom, bole!& ewtek esotate& estnenif.bop,. Milk club, Mimic facilities; brats orchestras Mme bands Perused M.Tw-Cats - Snell's Mldevy, Owner Kaaoid, Mgr.: IO gants refresh. mer.unj- restaurant. Penn. arcade. Moor,ne Mner7. -- Ferr.f Perk, C. J. l'ihntr. Owner; f ariser,idea 3 rel,cahnhenl anjs rissk, nnwre, penny arcade, shoo,. MUM, pions twirl.; nooks orchestra, name b.nds.,au,evine. free ans (know,. 'Hamillos - Mead,swh,'sk Swlmm!ne Pool. J.. T. Mers, Ms, ; 5 kiddie rides, 2 -.Cl Pediment stands morn cobs. pool almiature golf, athletic bold. Mena fm rallie. Pay gate, free Perkier. Horsin- Kiddlland Amusement Park. Peler Roh, Owner; 5 kiddie rides refreshment nand, punk reefing.. :Mansfield- halles. Perk. I.mnard Rids. Owner: major rid=,. 5 IJd'e ridez 6 ne. 2 refreshment stand.. Penny ah de. p :. roller rink, minim. gnu f she la, d'art. Ilein- I.eSousJe,lk lake. Doe Duv. %I.-,.; 4 meshy rises I iddie rides +' Nnbwese. walk-ahni. t2 refreshmeel Nanda, 2 restautems penny smile, shoot-? Wm, pmt, beac, ballroom. Mehl- PhY sjelphia- Tokewa Park. City Che). 2 major rid=a. 2 kids. rides, refre.hmeni oued, penny secede. pool. roller mak, ballroom, picnic facilities. Puwell- G,.ding 70. Park, Fiord F. Good - his. Pres.: 2 major rides. P kiddie rida. execs S relresbmenl ronds rmurent poor,, arcade, shooting gallon, ballroom, pkns facilities. lamella fi(ror, Mar.: A Pur. Mt.: 5 PoÍnt -Sandy Belli P. Paul major ride*, 6 kijjlc roles 2 firehouses 2 walk-thrn., R names 5 refrehment Munda. 2 resuuranls penny arcade, shooting gallery pool, beach. ballroom. Lads * -Cedar Point oo L k Erie. D. M. Schneider, Prie: 2 major ride 0 kiddie rides. 2 funhs. Des, walk -west. 20 urnes 5 tefrohmenl stands. S rt.aure na, Maury arcade. s0d00 (0207. beach ballroom. madame golf. picnic fealties. Bouh 7 oeoollo- Stoudiala Park. Tim J. No/an. Owner: 7 melee rides 4 kiddie i rides, penny arcade. pool. bomb. rink. ballroom. O Mon, 2 refreshment stands, Meek facilities. Toledo- Walbrtdre Part. S. O. Oleic, kw.; major rides. 5 kiddie rides. 7 games, 2 0 ffewhmem ands. re-uaurant- limey arcad, shaping gantry. root picnic facili- ties. asana- hkewood Beach Park. D. L. A R. D. Conrad, Owner; 4 major rials. 3 kiddie rides, 5 Rames refr0hment Wnds restaurent. penny arcade. sho2ut pllery, p..0, beach. ballroom. 050k facilures. YeemiI00l C0etal Reach Park. James M. Ryan. Vlvr; 0 major rides 2 kiddie sides walk -thee. beach. ballroom. 22 prams. 7 refreshment stands. - rewurant. penny ar00jo..hawing gallery. pl=oie facilities ornate-old Mill Stream Park. I. D. slier. Pres.: kiddie ride. 3 refreshment Os. rnlaurant, penny arcade, Pool. min;an,re golf. picnic facilités. Westlake -Westlake Kiddie Park. Joseph Behar, Mgr 9 kiddie ride, refreshment stand, Yotmgstown -Nora Pork. M. A. Rindin, Mar.; II major rides 3 kiddie rides. fun house. 20 pmts 6 refreshment manda, 000 auran, penny arcade. %booms ealiery, roller nub.. ballroom. picnic facilities leoun6vuwn- Kiddie Playund Ride Co,. J. owar3 Bothwell. Owner; 2 major rises 4 kiddie ride: pknk facilities. Ywm0,lon- Kiddieland. Baron P.dl, Mar.: 0 kiddie rides. 2 refreshment elands rmo; books fireworks. Oklahoma Lawlor -Dot Doe Part. B. P. Hutchlro, Orner; kiddie ride. 4 refreshment stand, nl; pool. Toilet rik, mi. /tore golf. Looewoll- Crotervili. Amusement Pas, Frank Rush, Owner; mater rile, 5 kiddie ride, fun base. walk -Urn, 3 refreshment viands, penny arcade. roller rink.?dori: facilities. Okiahseva City -Now Elmwood Park, James Bateman. Owner; 2 kiddie rida, refreshment wand. pool. pknk radians. Oklahoma City- Lincoln Park. W. E. Brasa. Mir.; 4 co)or rides. 2 kiddie rids. 2 gm., 3 refreshment stands picnic fscjllt ee. Ok.hxu Clr7- Oklahwna Slate Pair A Feriontioo, Far Park. C. O. Bakr., Secy. Mgt; 6 major rides S IddIl rides Nn km*, IO welkthrea. peers a.ade, shooting gallery, 40 games. Otuk0000 an - S0Uaoet. Amusement Put; euh. ri,e., I kiddie rides fun boo, anus. 6 0.í00m00 nand.. Many arcade, 00MO Baer, PM.. Ilk rile fedhtles Oklahoma Clay- Wodgew0od Pas. M.orks O. Woods Owner, major klddle does Mme, refreshment and, relier Alsk. r valsas ses eeueti dnkt este, pues Tutee-lore Asst_._ Pall alla Rober L 7 malin Met. 4 ride& reharrmer Mee aras& *Me beelaa Ponta- Ja,. P Part. ari MM J. P. U Tut& smite odes 7 kiddie Idly bmee. Ils walk-mew. 7 gar.. p rtrealmeas field& rwesarrl pow eked,, doss Fri belbsee er mlytt les. Portland-Oats Annammet het. (ouest. Robert Z. NM - 34 Maps 'WS S kiddie ride, foe bow, I pures ttrmimeat etaeaa, deetker taws. new rid. lab I.e. fie $ooe horke& Snoildr-S.Aft swleslas Peels Gop. way AMrpm.r Pas. Vasa Ra., Mr.; S woke HIM 5 Lisle ndtl, taras, 2 ems 00 Mesa. 2 peony arcadm, beset Pod. roller nnk. fka.ork& Pennylyania Afkntoae -Doms, Rut. Robe. L Pm.; Plan, Is major rides S kiddie ride& 3 ama 2 refreshment stands, rename*. Mr,rry.rade. shaming gallery. pool, roller rink, banroo n, boating L.. Abeam-Blood Park. Ferdinand J. Del. grimah, peter; ) moho Ud.s kiddie ride. 4 cr mmairm games 2 retrehmm stands 00. wilroorrr. peony arcade. Altoona -lateen.. Part. J. F. Hose, Mar,; a major odes. 7 kiddie rides. walk. dura. II tames. 4 refreshment stands. reda0ranl, penny arcade, shooting maery Pool. roller rusk. aarecssdk - a rade Part, Ed J. McGee*. Owner. Aar; 2 real. rides. 2 kiddie Oda 3 Mrroment shade,...witt, per, arcade, beach. ballroom. Berimwollle- late.00d Park. Charlet A. Donahue, Mgr.; 0 major rides- I kiddie rides, 5 game& B refreshment stands. res. tautens penny arcade, shoot, Wkly. pool. teach. roller rink. ballroom. Bellefonte -Heels Park. H. R. Floekman. Least. Sim; S major rides, 2 kiddie rida, L games 3 refreshment sand+, penny arcade. shooting pikry, pool, muer rink. ballroom Chalfont -Fores Park. Richard F. Lusse Martha Indian, Owners; major rides 2 kiddie riles 4 games. 4 refreshment stands, 2 restaurants; penny arcade, show. lek calla), pool fronticrww0. Champion -Maple Grove Part, Kenneth W. Whitehead, Pres.; 2 kiddie rides. 6 gams, 2 centr smeru Nanda. pool, beach. roller rink, ballroom. Conneaut late- Conneaut Lake Park. W.. Tan. Slgr.; 6 major rides, 0 kiddie rides. fun houx, walkuru, 20 games. I refreshment stands. 4 re0i4urante. cafe lens, penny arcade. sh000tine gallery. Mach. ballroom, boats. miniature Eamon-Bush/all Park, Thos. V. Long. Owner; 9 major Wes, 6 kiddie rides 2 fun houses, walk-ihru, 6 games, 2 refreshment sandy restaurant. penny 0 cods..boning pllery- peso!. roller fink, Easton -Willow Park. Paul Shelto, Mgr.; 5 major rides. 6 kiddie ride, 2 refreshment stand, penny arcade. pool. Elyebu- Knoebel'a Grove. Hartman H. knoebel Jr., Mgr.; 6 major tide, 6 kiddie ride, 3 game+. 9 refreshment,ends 2 penny arcade, shooting gallery, pool, beach. roller rink. ballroom. Eric- Waldarteer Beach Park. P. W. A. Moeller. Owner; major ride, 9 kiddie rides. I games, l refreshment stand, 0n uurant, penny arcade,.holing 4allery ballroom, Hanover -Fores Park. A. Kant. Owner; IO major rides. tlddte ride. fun house. 6 pole. 3 refreshment stands, restaurant. penny arcade, ahootlog gallery. roller rink. ballroom. Harle % Lake- Hansoo'e Amusement Park, John E. Hanson A Sons, Owners: 6 major rides. B kiddie rides, penny arcade. shooting gallery. pool. Mack. rink. IO games. S refreshment stands. 2 rateuranls. Harvey. Lake -Sandy Beach, Sam Slow*. wit, Owner. 7 kiddie rides. Penal arcade. beach, drive-in Matra, boa, picnic re. =liner. Hawthorn-.Amerkle Legion Part. H. J. Heffner. Mgr.; 3 major rides. S games, 3 refreshment stands. roller rink, picnic facial,. free acts, fireworts, Ilarlctoo -Harle Part, R. B. Grnnikawskl Mgr.; 5 major ride. 4 kiddie ride, pod. roller rink. ke rink, ballroom. 3 coerces elm Lames 2 relrcahment *tan), penis), arcade. shooting gallery. Hs-erns -Dell Lake Park, Herman C. Otto. con- Owner: mulot rida. kiddie nde. 7 ems,. Rames. refreshment stand. restaurant, pool, shooting gallery. llershes- Hershey Part. 0. W. Bartel., Mar ; 2 major rides. / kiddie rides fm house, walk4hru. 2 games. 4 refreshment stands penny arcade shooting taller7, pool, beach, ice rink. HWmesille- Huime,ille Park. Seymour A. Shore. Owner 4 games, refreshment sued. restaurant. penny arcade, pool. Mack. boats, picnic!aeihus. Johnstown- Billowy Amuscmeal Park. An. drew Billow 3 00na: 3 weskit rdu, 4 kiddie rite, 3 game, 2 refreshment stands, emblems; colla rink, ballroom, (vielles alleys. /ohooow n -Fun Gry Part. WBlum Gteenwald. Ma.; I kiddie rid., fun house. walkehm. I game. 4 refreil0cd sands: peony arcade plier, pool. bench - Lake Adel -Lake Ariel Part A Beach; Brat Derby. Mio.: 6 major rides 3 kiddie Mks, alkehre penny arcade, beach. les rink. 3 games. 4 refreshment nands. Lancaster -Rocky Spermes Park. Jame S- aari, ara.; 9 sala+ rides, Ma. tea houx. Pen h ara, ho aie MIe07. rink. ballroom. Leman Furnace--Shedy Grose Pas. Mika A lough Cabot. Owner; a r00kr kiddie Oda, era-mni. pool. rink, ballroom, 3 lams. refreshment stand, tea uurant per, arm, sho. sailer,. Le.towe- KlshacoVdmlae Park. JM.n H. M:::cr. Owned; S air rides 6 kiddie 030.) mama, S refreshment sands peens THt BILLBOARD anode. pool nerd r,, e,lrateeare es - -4_ 4 Pea C. L muosaat. NM.7 M major old.; 6 Marne rm Ws& :- N a etrateamer era& makes b balms. past. be Mdeeepen- *abre. Pat. ovder Aeaeeemme De. W. L Measti bid, rues major 7 kwh Hawk oatebrti / I reennbseat Sams. barb. e0waaar; rad& *seta. P..7 earns, pad. MM. dnn& rosa lemur, a hoses pst Dare& MeoMo0 o- Inter Ones Post I/eseres. Rey L aes.aa& Down It paler rides I tidebe ndwk u awes I MrAta*m surd' prow menas. &eat- er peer, base& Mee&eokam* -WIG.. MRI Park Abbe L Paasmtn. Mira; 6 aria tae& 7 taie Oda& 2,,eooso sen Mara& ear pawe7 arcade. & pabmy. Mlddlm0wn-- Sr0Lra Part. Des Pan. Mr.: T maim rides. 2 kiddie rides, t pine& refrmrnem eland. ornament, perry an cade. shooting olkry. deack roller n,t Moosa<- Sterteu e Rocky Gin Park, Mee Bee Strom.. Owners: II mho Met. S klddle ride, walk -lare, pers. I refrenmrnl sued, Imams., peony arcade, shoeded pery, Wad, ballroom.!do. StOlIgil- Ptiytowe Park. Herten H. Yoe.; S Dahir rid, Sables Odes, 2 palme, 2 rer<eabment man,k, pea, arced*. m., Maigolf. Mums-Trout Brod Park. Harold W. Lamed. Pees, 2 mayor rides, 4 kid4, Help. t0 pores, 3 refreshment Mkt marls nest, Cascade Part Nov Caere- Cahcad0 Park Swimming Pool, Coy (honed; ht P. Kearns, Mgr.; 7 major rida, Md.* rink0. 3 games, 4 refreshment *land{, Tenser., penny arcade, Moots. gallery, pool, beach, ballroom. boats. Norristown - %deem., Lote outs Club. Roland I.. Randal. Mgr.: real. ride. kiddie ride, tamer, 2 refreshment stands penny arcade, pool, beach, boats, bath home, dance pas5wn. Parkesbury- Crystal Springs Park, J. W. Talley Ir. Owner; 3 kiddie rides, tank. ballroom. 3 urne. 3 refreshment suede, 'tankard. Pennsauken - Crescent Bhd. Kuldetind. Owners. Herbert H. soude, Mgr.; 9 kiddie rides, refreshment stand, Pennsbu- Sleepy Hollow Ranch. Ken C. A Dan B. Newman, Omen; 2 kiddx rides. IS games, 3 refreshment stands, 2 restaurants; tenets arcade, ab00tu sal - key, ballroom. Perkasie -Menlo Pas, Henry S. Wlson, Owners 3 major rides. 2 kiddie rides. 2 refresher. eland, pool. toilet rink. Pirtle delphia- Kiddio Payeod, John A. Quinek lack Es,ner A Samuel Moon - blarl Owners; 4 major ride, 0 kiddie rides, game, 3 rtlreshmmt stands, poil couru, penny arcade, picnic facilities -Willow Grose Park. IS major rides. 6 kiddie rides. tun house. walk tee, penny arcade. shoot, gallery, ballroom. 4 games, I refreshment stands. restaurant. Pine Grove -Twin Grove Park. G. H. Yergey, Mgr.; 4 major ride, 2 kiddie ride. 6 games, 6 retreshmcnl elands, restaurant. penny arcade Poo. Pitlsburgb- Kennyu oo4 Park, A. B. Mc- Swisab, Pres.. Carl E. Henninger. Vice- Pres. A Slot,; 25 mal. rides, 6 kiddie rides. 2 walk -thru& I3 games. IS refreshment stands, restaur0. penny sr. cade. shooting lalkry Pituburgh =Welt View Park. Ocoee M Halloo, Pre.., I6 major ides 4 kiddie rides, 000.hre. 2 games. 6 refrshmeat sand, restaurant penny ucade, shooting gallery. ballroom. golf 000. Portcnvlll0 - Shawood Amusement Park, Stanley M. Shaw. Owner; major ride, 2 kiddie rides, 9 game, 2 refrehhmrne stands, rntauraet, penny trade, roller rink. Royersford - Lakeview Amusement Pork. Harry I `Oa. Mgr.: 2 major roles. 4 kiddie ride, I fames, refreshment stand. Pool. Scanlon -Nay Aug Amusement Park. Karl H. prohl A H. Ralph Strobl, Omen; 2 major rides, 7 kiddie'nds, penny arcade. Shamokin - Edgewood Part. Geoase H. loon, Mgr.; J major rida. 3 kiddie ride, 3 game, 2 relrcabment stands restaurant. pen, arcade. pool. roller rank, ballroom. picnic facilities South Wllliamspon- Percell'a Amusement Park Michael Percell, Mgr.; 3 major rides. 6 kindle aloe*. S game. 3 4tn8- meat ands penny arcade. beach Sunbury- Rolling Grim Park. L M. Spangler. Ooner; 9 major rides, 7 kiddie rides, walkthrl, I rdre(hmem roda, restaurant. penny arcade. aboutiill pikry. pool. ballroom, athktk fled, Omsk lr cilllis; books orchestras name Mode. nudeslilo, free acts. fireworks Union City- Marcresan Beach Park. C. Mao Lee, Over; major ride. 4 klddle rides, flic boum, 3 refreshment stands, restau- rant. mean arcade. beach. 70 rink. miniature golf, boa, Attie. field. peek loowues Watnwport- Edaemo0t Part. Tkoms P. Chesosa0. Per. Ant.; 3 major,s,, Willa rides. S pane*. 3 nfres stands r0000 ; pene7 arcade. roi:. rink picnic Emilio., vauj0llls. free ems fireworks Was CT000- Lenape Park. Joha V ney, Omer, 4 nwor rules a:kehru, shoot, gallery, ballr, e. 3 games 4 refremmem slant., rntaaranm, <awes, *Were tread, Ci:no< ucs:,.00. W. Poem -West Polar Pert. He.od 3. Boos Mir.; kiddie fide, i.e.. 2, r,aje, pentu w rads, n:_ u:!tes Wdkes- Barre -P s,,s] Paulson, Oanrr; 2 k.ila elm 2 sectes 2 refreshen. *od4. pool. beach, fairy lan4 uhletk field. picnic redline. Waco-Barre-Sam Sold Part. EJ.ard. OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY Loti 4.4 O wafer rw 7 Mee nna / tes&ebrw s aura, a rouis rm eat.aadti pal, er psi 'Maw/ Mode IAerelMbleed Creetar Perl Araser L >lia..sea& Prat, wafer dam. N theft Mee. N para. I. weeem.w suet& / ntrass00 pee. mob. dray Mb WY. Ne&. 0lla kieta Wa.M -Laar 4. Park Weer) Penti Dame; t4 twig able& 7 0W40 els& hmk._o. wetor9. SS pm", I2 es. beaatr &nib eataerrn& marl& +weft pass. parr Mel ru* ML a.m. please lao*belea Mers Oeerwl b -Cale MMen4. Was bro. AS- Oowr, ma tae. mat, rthaaaser 00000o. Pam/ basa. 00. rota osa. ballroom. boeta Peer Velar -Peat, meal AseesaeM Peek Ban R. Johnsen, Groote. AIL; 4 mules Adak sr wrq gbee. bomb. rab. t par, ) rdreabner steak barapa, E re. to. or Polos-- Pla.faad Peek Pat &Amos. Coon, 4 wapr rots, 7 Wale rues yet. Uuta.t. porn fa mow, South Dakota Rapid CA,- R..s.e :, L,Jobrtaed Peat at C.,. roba Park- %tue Roebuck My.; WSW new Tennessee Chattanooga - awe W'; 0 me Mr rider, 4 kiddie rue.. 5 rames. re treatment steeds Pears/ m.o....sit, galkry, pool. beach. peek facilities mec enure golf. Clrll0000pa - Warasa Pat. CwyoMJ. Grady Jacka.oy, Pue. Ag.; S major rides, 4 kiddie ride& 2 refrssner Aral. restaurant, peony arcade, shoalag pl lees, pod beach, plum /mwsin. Carto.,le -Roy Acuff'. Dunbar Cave; Mot beach. 2 refreshment stands ballroom. can trips, bosom.. fishtail. picnic IKlll. Ilea; boots orchestra., name band, vied. silk. free mt.. Knoarlle- ChMoste Pan, Cot-owned; H. Mack Freese, Mgr.;. ahalor ride., id 6 w stands «murant, penny secede, shooting d., rotes n po, 4 re/mailmen. MORRIS A. HAFT 4 N. la Fella Seras sailers, roller rink, ballroom, need.. di Chic,. 2, litres. fold. r'"'" facjtlea; buck/ orcheslr,h name banda, modevdls Ires mu, fire works Memphis -Felt Grounds Amusement Par..`,:c :.:his Park Commis.., 0osen. I. mulot nom. I kiddie rudes lunhou,, walk -Ure. IS game, refrehmrn, nand, penny arcade, shooting galle:. pool, picnic.0ì5e, boot (tee acts, for. worts. Nad,vttle -Fmk Part; Sula Fair Groun,. Wallace Massey, Gen. Mgr,; 2 ma7r rides. / kiddie rides refreslmeel.tant. penny arcade, ahmelm gallery. mlmature µ5f, pknk faoil::.; Moka rm.or4. Texas Anunao - Kid0tel*d Part. Paul Roads. Owner; 4 major rides. 5 kiddie rider, 2 refreshment stands, pool, miniature (5, t. plonk facilities. Atw,o -Too Tot Kidd* Park, Phil Bib e. Mgr 7 kiddie rides, refreshment Van,;, Picnic facilities; boots free acte. Brownsville -Kiddie Park, Dr. I. A. Ss- singe, Owner; major rida, 3 kiddie ride., $ picnic facilities. Corpus Christi-KA 0544*as, W. C Coombs A E. M. Boche,, Omen; 6 k dia rid., Dallas -Scala Fair Park. James H. Stewart. Mgr.; 9 major tides 6 kdd0 rida, 2 firehouse, 4 games, 2 refreshment mode, 3 restaurante, peony arcade..hoot - ma gallec, pool, roller rink. ks rink. Dallas-Vickery Amux0set Park. T. L Hetman, Owner; 2 major rides. 2 kiddie tides, 2 gams. 2 refreshment Nanda, too 0unnt, pool, beach. ballroom. miniature golf, r M Wat - Corr Rears Pert. Amerares hare/ Larles Omer, mow,hm, tae. ray I estira peal? s lade, Lesas paws. beam. bean., E tale. arr. 4 mboyast Ardo rtstee. WoWarnw4 Atol Deets Atoros. U rake Atka! 7 WIWI Adm..aaM, work IS rabedmpa se.all rwuweq Anda paws. bars Orumme- Osfwme. Plrseer, Pro, 4 Ms say rdeaeaaar Naas meth, blreees sware aeuw a.004,. &ems& Mar wdserw.. - O6Na be - shuts Ass orees Pal, Esa. L i..te,, seam knee I MAN Mr. atr.t 4 pm.& 2 n/, Mr a. pero? mark Week, r prods Iselllusa. OlB R. -00 Date Perk. /um Ts.. NM; pore, roller oak, mr0rnere a measte, eeórlkmer saes, per. tirar Iles huasos - alder. Park Cato. Mi I ewe, ad... kilo calm p.5. Ia.*. 2 nmssmloe lames, rtrwrmep ord. peek 040fes Homan -?dadla Pas, Lara 7.. Pm.: M wales rte& a StAAs 047. hobremti oyk lea. Il easeemeee Iola... (Continued on nag* 40) T \RIDES FOR SALE &\ 0 Homemode Train Ride, large MerryGoRound, Handle Rlde with Truck, 0 / Roller Whip, Sky Fighter, / It Auto Ride, Airplane Ride, O Homemode Boat Ride, O / Swing Rlde, Roller Whip. Write her Infore eu.a The M ^st BeaUtifUI MINIATURE GOLF Courses Belli In America are cen,lrmersd by 444 Brooklyn Av.. Wass Hyd Perk, N. Y. ARLAND -The Notion's lar00 Blll.rr - ITS NEWT eera or P.C. or. Pnar w e I a - ag Rtoe4 çin erne NN. er ë%and u-.:'. ocic.s- w>i. alor. war.. earn. N74 asg u is ra NI SE RCIIL/GiTS Beam/nr. 60-Inch Verry nd a L 6.arrntlCnl,. HOU o0 nrandne+ a.0 I6 S Kr- I;.neshare, µ,n aw varreugntb.u.ijent and r n esmar.tlauo& fo,ea usrj uaemn hr,n AIN r.rnan.. copnta h..da ana au anar Vares J. PILE 25 Bckar bol Glenview, oleari ANCHOR TENTS 44, The Showman's Choice f,ns, maer.^ir -N wan: a.a. f lamaiael m N. N,Nn fee.,,, uro -0 r.. n- w n n.. a r e- e r sp l leefa.. Teel Frames --ü/ye WOO 85. Lp3 -Sili jmis- to.'xl eoncsslens -show Tents -fie. T 0- -iierry G >foun{- CNkhay., -.. Men., Mar r,nn MIIOf ANCHOR SUPPLY CO., INC. EVANSVILLE, WD/ANA co. *rra : Ì' saw Largest Manufacturer wrn.r gore*.. 4- POWERS & CO. Ma,tYr royr resm. f,ll N m.m,nnn Mr.Nn wrw. ans rm ror ewrar:en. 59 Meellte/ AFL MikdtiPbia Q, lh. of Tents in the East Prars! Tann ors mn. Irrom Nn.r' steh rm o<a of all Nlwrs N.,ran. meranae won Irstn.r. s+rn mni ri lrhln t era NNr rtalnt A 7st UNITED STATES TENT AND AWNING CO. Established 870. Over 66 Years of Specaalired Experience. MAIN OFFICE E FACTORY: SARASOTA, FLORIDA Circus - C Conunion - Any Sire - Any Typa THE LOWEST FRIC! CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY SID T. IESSOP CEO. W. JOHNSON 230 N. EAST AVENUI PHONE: RINGLINC 6-636

30 30 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD 958 Fair Dates Copyright 958, The Billboard Publishing Company RETAIN THIS LIST Addition, In this 'ít will repprur In the Fair Department of earls issue of The Billboard, The next complete list of Fide Doles ball b. published in the June 30 Inn! of The Billboard. Additional copies of 958 Fair Dates tilable al 35 Cent' each. R "rile Reader Sees lce Depl., The Billboard, 260 l'ult,r.ot. M.., (:Inrinnali 22. Alabama Atmore --Ana. Tiara Fair Aun. Sept. U.O. c 4. Prod Curtis. INrminghom- Alauema Slate Fa.. Sept. 7- Oct. 4. R. H. '.h atanum- Chilton Co. Far Man. Soot, -e. Gerald Weed. Cullman -- Cullman Co. Hit Assn. Sept. t- 73. Fred Vales Dothan- Houetun Co. Pair Mon Oct t -. Mrs. L. J. Luneford. Dohan -Nat'l Peanut Festival 3-6. Henry Kenned, E untsvllle- Madison Co. Poly ley Expo. Sept W. P Pale Oil. Tenn. Val- Dilworth Sr. Lexinoton- Lexinston Fair Assn Sept Jeanette Newton Mobile-Greater Gulf State Pair. Oct 3- It Jim Ramer. Montgomery -8. Ala. Pale Aun. Oct. 4.. William R. Lynn. Moulton -Law Co. Agri). Pur Aeon Sept. 6 -Oct. 4. J. T. Roberson. Odell :, -Lee Co. Tatr Assn. Sept. 0.O0. Guy Thompson. S eo:taboro- Jacken Co. Pair Assn. Sept. 39 -Oct. e. J. P. Jame. Troy- -Pike Co. Fair Assn. Ocl. 3 - Riley W. Kelly. Tuscaloosa -Weer Ala. Pair Aun. Sept Cull William.. Arizona Dou6taa- Cochlea Co. Pair Aeon. Sept. 34-2, Everett J. Jones een -Mile Corner -Phial Co. Pair Assn. Oct. 23 -e. George Ziegler. Rolbrook- Navalo Co. Fair Aun. Sept. le- 3. John A. Miller. Phoenix- Arlaona State Pale Oel. 3T -Nor.. George N. Coalman. MIJord- Gr.ham Co. Fair Aue. Oct W. Walker. Tucson-Pima Co.. Tall Mon. art. 6 -IL J. O. Klemann. Tuna- -Yuma Co.?air As.n. April Frank M. Des.nn Arkansas Arkadelphia -Clark Co. Pair Livestock Mime. Sept. 420 George R. Dews. Livestock Ehow. Sept Bartel Eatesville- independence Co. Tarr OtnnBento- -Saline Co. Fair Assn. Sept II. M. Floyd. B entonvllla- Benton Co. Fur Asan. Sept Franklin Malter. Berryville -- Carroll Co. Pair Sc Llrestotk Show. Sept Mrs. J. I. Simpson Blytheville - N,, Ark. Dist. Pair. Sept Raleigh Sylvester. Camden-Ouachita Co. Livestock Pair Assn. Sept Wayne Perryman. Clarke.Ille- Johnson Co. Pair Assn. Sept Gerald DouthSt. C7Inton -van Buren Co. Pair Assn I7-3. Thom. McKnight. Soot Danville -Yell Co. Pre. Fur Assn. Sept Onelta May, ID Dorado -Voi,n Co. Lirefolk Poultry Assn Sept 5.2, Em W. Weirs. Eudora- Chicot Co Pair Assn. Sept. -0. A. O. Rosehe, Tayetteville- WsshMeton Co. Pur Aeon. Sept..9. Bob Medley. Tordyee- Dallas Co. Livestock Rhow Forestry Putival, Sept Jame. T. Minter. yurreet Clte -8. Trance Co. Pair Livestock Show. Sept Me. Theme McDaniel. Fort Smith-Ark.-Okla Diet. Plea Tatr. Sept Paul Latture. Glenwood -Pike Co. Fear Assn. Sept. -3. Barney Malcom. Eamburg- Ashley Co. Fil Livestock Show. Sept 0.. Marvin Bankston. Rarrlebure- POlnutl Co. Fall Assn. Sept Melba Lee Moore. Earrleon- NOrahwe. Ark. Dist. Fair Sept Joe Watkins. Sieber Springs- Cleburne Co. Fair Live- Hock Show. Sept John Moose. Rot RprlhRe- OSriond Co. Fair Llvesrod. Asst. Sept A. B JeJttlea. Wunisville- Madlsan Co. Fair Ann. Sept 470. Ralph Buck. lmboden- L.nrrnce Co. Fair Assn. Sept.. Lois M. Brady. Jonesboro -Craighead Co. Hlr Aan. Sept Tom Robinson. Little Roc-Ark. Livestock Expo. Sept. 20- Oct.. Clyde E. Byr, Magnolia -Columbia Co. Tale Show. Sept Steve Bradley. Livestock Marshall- Searcy Co. Fair Man. Seat, R -e. Leon Jennlne, Mollah- Phllllps Oo. Pal, Amin. Sept. 5- na 0. Ike Vn Meter. Me-Polk Co. Free Talc Lre:lock Show. Sept. -3. R. W. St. John. Mnnttcello-Drew Co Livestock Show Teel irai. Sept Jsrk Ahelton Morrilton-- COnw'ar Co. Hlr Assn. SDt Hou Iamb. MountIn Home- Baxter Co. Tait Aeon.l June 9-22 Mai Forbes. Sept..3. Jim Klrkpatrtck. 2acrmento- Calitornl. Btu. 99 Expo. Mount Ida -Montgomery Co. nil. Aun. Auk. 27 -Sept. 7. Dudley T. Fortin. Sept Mrs. Harold Standrfdge. San M-- Bernrdino- Notional Show. Craw'tord Co. Fair Asu. Sept. April 040. O. Walter OW, O. D. Chastain. San 9rancluo- Oland N. Livestock Ex- Newport- Jtckaon 'Co. Fair Livestock Show ASS, Sept Motile Hinkle. oser-- Franklb Co. Fair Aan, Sept. 5-0, J. M. Rapper. Pargould- Greene Co. Fah. M.n. Sept, 0-3. B. C. Lloyd Jr. Plgeott -Clay Co. Nair Aun. Sept : Ira Huknrse Prerott-- Nevd Cis. Pair Assn. Sept. 7- Ií. RuuelHl/ -Pope Co. Fair, It.,. Rapt. 4- p. Bob Rlnrs. Searcy -Whil Co. Fur Aun. Sept R. J. Haney, Texarkana -Four States Fair, Inc. Sept Mrs. B. 0.,Fisher Jr. Livestock Show. Sept Waldron --Stoll Co Pur S, B. Went... Warren -South Ark. Pair Assn. Sul Loran Johnson. Wynne -Clou Co. P.r A. 'Sapl. 0, 3. Mrs J. Hamlett. California Anderson- Shelia Dist.?air Ono. Aug Joaeph J. Speer. Angela Camp -Colorer. Co. Pair Asan. May 9-2. C. T. Mills. Antloch- Contra Cutts Co. Pair Asee. July 3 -Aug. 3. N. D. Sandborg. Auburn- Auburn DH. Fair Aro. Mpt_ - 3, R. W. Towers. Eakanfteld -Kern Co. Pate Arm. Sept Bertram Bates. Blehop- Eastern Sierra Ts- County Pa. Asen. July 3I-Aug. 3. O. P. Dula Boonville -Mendocino Co. Pak Apple Show. Sept AuNfn Rulbert. Oallatog. -N.R Co. Pain Asen. July 4-2. Roy Senator. Cedarvll,- Moore Co. Pair Amn. Aug A. R Burmlater. Chico -- Sliver Doll., 9.x. May M -2. Ind Wollener. ChowcMila- Chowchllla Jr. Par Aun. May H. V. Se tmea. Colusa -COIuu Co. Pur Au.. June.. Robt. M. King. Costa Mus-Oeege Co. Tals Amn. 33 -June. 8. W. Yost. Map 9 Aeon. Orueent City-Del Norte Co. Alt O. W. Glover. Del Mar-8. Colif. Expo. San Dla[o Co. Poi, Sane 27 -July S. Paul T. Mannen. Dixon -Dixon May Pau. May 2-t. Robt. McClure. Alreks-Redwood Acre Tur Asen. June Ralph Barn.. Pernde- Humboldt Cc Pair Asen. Aug. -6. Cecil Ebdle, Pattpa -Frano DLL Pur Aar. Oct..3 T. A. Dodge. Orase Valley- Nevada Co. Dta. Pair Asen. Aug Malcolm E. AtmmIlL Orldley- Oelden Feather Tate Asen. Aug. 33 -Sept J. E Whllaker. Hanford -Kil nn. On. Fair Man, Sept Bate. Bowes. Hayfork -Trinity Co. Pair Awn. Aug J. D. Berry. Hemet -Planere Pair of Rivers!da County. Aug Bud Nelson. Eollisler -Salt Benito Co Fair Amn. Oct Thom J. Medroe. Ecktatar -San Benito Co Saddle Horte Show. Rodeo Pur. June J. M. -Leonard. ympetlal- C,Ilt. M4- Winter Falc. Feb. ii- March D. V. Stewart. KiniCity-tallnu Valley Pur Aux. May a -lt. L. H. Burns I iam:in -Labe Co. Pale Assn. Aug. t -3t C. P. Lewis. Lancaser- Antilope Valet' Pair Alfalfa Festival Sept 4.7 A. O Marquardt. Lodi -Lodi Grape Wln Tauaal. Sept C. S. Jackson. Los Angeles -Great Wutern Lirestock Show. Nov A M Mathews. Los Angele,- -Ortet Wettern [airy Show. Juno 20 -M A. M. Mathews. ton Hance- Merced Cl. Spring Htr k.2- stock Show. April 30 -May 4. Sam Sp,. McArthur -Inter -Mountain Pair at Shute Co. Aug. 30 -Sept.. George Ingram. Madera -Madera Dtst Fair Awn. Sept t W. Dixon Mar!ooss- Martpoaa Co. Pier Aun. Aug Dale K. Campbell. Merced- Melted 'Co. Par Awn. Aug. 0-24, W. C. Woxberg. Monterey -Monterey Co. Pair Au.. Aug George T. Wise. Napa -Napa Town Country Tatr. Aug. 7-0 Tom Camp Northridge -San Yurrando Valley Pur. Aug. 27 -Sept. I. Max P. Schoenfeld. Orland -Glenn Co. Fair Men. Sept. 4.7, W. R. Kittredge. Paso Robles-San Cuts 00.. Co. Fair Assn. Aug L. W. Lewin. Petaluma- SOnomaMasln Dist. Fur Asan. July 3 -AuR. 3. Dom Ramiro. Placerville -RI Dorado Co. Tate Awn. Aug Guy Davenport. Pleatenton- AUmeda Co. Pair Asen. Jun 30 -JO:y 3. Jam. Trlmlosham. Plymouth -ATul Co. Hlr Aun. Aug Me. Oou:a M. Walt. Pomona -Lane Angeles Co. Pair. 2-3, Phil D. Shepherd. Quints -Pluma Co. Put Assn. Aug 70. Tulsa Scott. Red Bluff -Tchams Ce. Fair Assn. July Joseph A. Soares. Roseville- Placer Co. Pair Ann. Au6 7-0, L. W Mom. s. eacr2nento- Bacrammlo [e. Tatr Asse. po. Oct. 3 -Nov.' 9. Nye Wilson. But Jose- -Sant Clara Co. Pair Man. Sept. 4: Wm. A. Malta San Mateo-San Mateo Co. Fair Aun. Aug..9. Wm. M. Wilson. Santa Barber. -Sant Balisas Nat'l Hulse Show J. Flower Show. July.9. Ed Van Cleve. Snr Marla -Santa Barbara Co lair Assn. July td Ctendennes. Fair Asi, July 42. W illlam McConnell, Sont Rona -- Sonoma Co. Bouor- Mother Lod Fr, Aun. July M- A.. Cull S. Mathawe. stooklon- -eon Joaquin Co. Tall Asia. Aue R. E. Walkir. Ousaortlla- Laaeeo Co, Tait Livutock Show. Aug If -7. A. A. Jaaaen Talara -Tulare Oo. Tots Awn. Sept. -7. A. J. ott. Tutelake- TWelaka -Holla Valley Pair Ann. Sept. 8t. Wm. C. Whitaker. Turlock- ER..a. Ca. Pair Awn- Aug C. A. Rigwee II(u- Redwood Emoni Fair Sports Show, Alit James Touter. Vallelo-Solano Co. Pair Asen. June Fred Brudertb. Ventura -Ventura Co. Tall Ann. Oct,.. Junes P. Koenig. Mehrvilla -Ban Bernardino Co. Pair Asan. Oct..3. Oren Aoberlaon. Watsonville -Satt Orale Co. Pair Aun.. Sept R. P. Johnson. Woodland -Polo Co. Pal, Alan. Aut Stuart H. Walte. Yrek- Slaklyou Co. Pair Arn. Aug E B. Mathewcs Yuba City -Yuba- Sutter lair Awa. 0 Aua. Roy W'eleh Colorado July Brighton -Adm Co. Fur Rodeo Aun. Aug Norris Pelereon. Bruh- Morgen Co. Jr. Pair Assn. Aug Al Koe,ecke. Canon My- Tremont Co. 4 -H Fair Assn. Aug, -3. Jim Doyle. Castle Rock -Douglas Co. lfr 'Assn. Sept ,es Z. Kirk. Cheyenne Wells- Cheyenne Co. lair Rodeo Assn Sept 44. Jima W. Riad. Del Norco- -Sen Luis Valley Pure Seed J. Ltvetock Show. Oct. N. E. Glimmani. Bade -Elow. Co. Free Fair Rodeo Asan. Sept Jimmy Bendorf, oolden-- Jefferson Co. Pur ann. July' H- aug. 3. Irwin Beckman. Oland Junction- Intermenttala Tat Stock Shaw, Aug. O.7. Aaldeo -Rouit Co. Fair Rodeo Assn. Sept O. A Blmont.i. Rollt' -Rollt' Community Fair. Sept..27. Wm. Pat lie. Rolyoke- Phillips 0o. Fur Awn. Aug R. E Eaeminter. Eotchklas -Dela Co. F.II Assn. tool. -. End LoP!alt. E rgo- Llncob Co. Tree 'LW Aug Bob I. 0.. Julesburt- -Sedtwtck Ce. lall Rodeo As.. Aug Bob Jnaerand. Lamar- Prouvero Co. Free Fair Aun. Aug. HJO. Donald Crowe. Littleton- Arapahoe Co, Talr Awn. Aug Puma Springo- Archuleta Co. Pair 4 -R Show. Sept. Il -4. Vernon Cobforth. Pueblo -Colorado Sale Fair Aun. I0-24, -.m Josses. Aug. S trline -Logan Co. Tair Overl.rld Trau Roundup. Aug Leo Lindstrom. Trinidad- Trinldad Roundup Alfa., Inc. A. 30 -Sept.. Tom Murphy. Wattlifte -Wet Mou0tal0 Volley Pair Aun. Aug. 0. Yuma-Yuma Co Pur Amn. Aula -77. L. E. Pingerald. Connecticut Eethlehem- Bethlehem Pale Soo. Sept..7. Ann Ska:la. Olraalilra-Oheehlre 9.2 Aun. Aug Mrs M Moore. Cheater -- Chuter Fair AM.,. Alt, t3-24. W. R. O'Sultivan, Jr. Oolumhla- Columbia Psdr Aun. Aug Ward Roubrooks. Danbury -Th Great Danbury Mule Pai, Sept. 27 -Mt John W. Lehr. Wwetar -eumin All- Rorlda Buedara Snow N. Tatr, lox. fror. t -t. O. M. -Milo Jr. TIr Wer Palm Brach -Palm Nods Co Ibipo. Jan Wm. Allen. Lamar Georgia Albany- d&olpnot O. Fair Arc. 04 II- Nov.. Marvin Tarie. Americus -8umter Co. Ptl, Aao. pot_ It -IR. Hugh OlirhWan. thens- Athens Agil. Pate Arm. Col. le. ti- T. H. W'nhamo. ItLnta teoulheutrn Pair. Oct... L. E. Cameron. Augura- Exchange Club Putt. Oel. 27- Nor. I, Jule Everson. Bainbridge -Ft.M River lapa. Ott Joe Chance. Blakely-Early Co. NW' Amn. Oot. 0-3 Chester Clardy. Brunawlok- Esebsoge Club lair. Oet W. A. Harrington. Carrollton -N'est Ga. Taff Awn- Sept. 0- ló. Haskell Upshat, Cartenvilll- Barde! Co. Tate Asan. tapi Vic Wa0roo. Cochran- Bleekley Co. Tar Amu. Oct Billy Josef. Columbus- Cluttahooehw Valley state. Cal.6. Pella Jankiro. Conyers- Rockdale Co. American Lotion Pair. Sept W. V Bowen Jr. Cordele -Clonal Oa Fair Aun. Oct L. H. 0bett. Dalton -North Georgia Fair Amn Burl Beoeglne. Sept Douglas-Coffee Co. Fair Assn. Nor. f - Chester Belote. 'Elberton- Elberton lair Assn. Stmt... MW Carla Clark Ellijay- Gilmer Co Tale Assn. Aug Ray Bolick. Orlffln- Spaulding Co. Pact Assn. Oot O. H. Wearer. Hamlra-AHUUra Community Pair. Oct. If- le. C. P. Berugq. Lrtw4 -Hart Co Agri. Pair. Seri Lee B. Carter. HllRltlee -Ga. Mount!. Fur. Aug. It -0. Z. N. Nicholson. Jackun -Butts Co. Fair Amo R P. Armstrong. McDonough,-Henry Co. Pur Amu Sept Oeort Alexander 'ru a Stotts Fair. Oct- lori. R. M. Wade.. Maoohester- Tri -County Pair Amu Sept 2.Oli. 4 Walby Ortftlth. Marietta -Cobh Co. Fair Assn. Sept J. H eon. MMacon ma -M, Co. Pair Awnt. 00. Cluenoe Nalr. Newnan -Newnan Kiesnla Club Par. tept Joe Carrauo Jr. Quitman -Brooks Os. Tur Aun. Oot. IS- le. Jerry Wilson. Rome-Coosa Valley Itchanta Tut. Sept Frank Neu. SendeuI0e- Wt.bint -n Co. Pair Aun. Slept. 20áM. 4. D. Z. McMaster. Savannah -- Coastal Empire Pair. Nov. e -. Wm. ScMrdolph- S pringfield- Zfflntham Co, Pair Assn. Ott. 3 -e. P. W. Clifton Jr. Swainsboro- Jaycee' Emanuel CM. Felt. Oct. -. Earl Vanier. S ylveter -Worth Co. Pair mot. Sept. 8- Oct. 3. J. D. Brown. Thotnaton -Writ Central Oa. Pur. Oct... Jim Hays. WayeroM- Okrfenokes Fair, Nov. 4 - Wear McGowan Winder -- Llano' Club Barrow Co. Tale Sept. -3. Clyde Dose Idaho Blackfoot- Easterií Idaho State Fur. Sept Sirs. Ruth C. flsrtkopt. Botte -Western Idaho State Hlr, Ape. 2b- R. Ambrose W. Johrwn WARNING WARNING WARNING This copyrighted Ilst of fair dates was compiled at great expense as a service for the readers of The Billboard. This list was specially edited so that 'reproduction by publishers of periodicals, magazines, newspapers and mailing list companies and others can be readily detected. Anyone reproducing this list without permission will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Durham -Durham Agri. Fair Awn. Sept. 2-2e, Mirr M. E. Metheason. Goshen- OOahen Agri. Soe.. Inc. Meg. 30 Sept.. Linter McLaughlin. Oulltord- Oillford Agri. Sloe. Sept Mule E. Griswold. K.ddam Neck-Haddam Neck Pair Assn. Aug. 3 -legt.. Leonard.. Belden. Harwlnton- Harwnnton?Mr Mao. Oct. 4-, Merl. H. Plaskett. Nuardmlle -Union Agrl Boo, Sept D. Everett Rubins. Marlborough -Marlborough Orange Tur, Aug Mrs. Gladys E. Duteous, Norwich- Norwich Orange Far, Inc. Slept Mrs: L. P. Brown.. Riverton -Rveron Fair Oct, -2, Grace D. Beyman. South Glastonbury - Glastonbury Oran'. Tatr. Oct. ll. Harry W. Hall. Stafford Bomnas -- Stafford Fair, Inc. Oct C. D. Benton. Wallingford - Wallingford Orange Fair. Sept. 2. Flora E. Hough. Waterford- cetunal. Pali. Aue. i -2. Walter J. Eranth. Delatvate HJrlly (2ln-RT. 4. Hewa yc. Florida Crutview- Okaloosa Cl. Hewett Pair, The. Sept. 29.0c. 4, H, A. King. Der.. Springs- W.ton Co. Tatr Assn Nor H. O. Hannan, Last Polatka- Putnam Co, Agri. Tatr THE BILLBOARD PUBLISHING CO. o. Fair Au.. Youth Show. Nov Hubert t Maltby. Live Oak- Suwannee Co. Fair Assn. Oct Paul Crews. Marianna laeason Co. Pair Livestock Expo Oct. 2. Louie W. Sear, Sr Patmello-3ls note Co. Fair Aun. Jan. 25.3, 'ILO, tym. M. enpaer, Br. Pensacola -emu.. Interstate Fair, Inc Oct J L Frankel. T.Ilahucee -North Florida Fair Men. Oel. 38Nov.. LIOTd RhoAen. Tampa- Tlorida Sat Talr - Gaup.r Aun., Inc. Feb. 2-4, Mu. J. C, Hustisson. Cansbrldte-- Wi.l,Intton Co. Tarr Arn. Aug Chet Jon.. Council- -Adams Co. Tau Assn. Aug. -3. Fred At. Nol!. Grace--Coribou Co Tate Aun. Aug. 74. Alice L. Smith. Jerome- Jerome Co. nu; Aan. AOg Mrs. Eleanor O. W... Malad Gtr -- Oneida Pair Aran. Sept. 4-0 Wm. O. Et'an. Montpelier -Bear Like Co. Fair Awn. Aug 3630 Reed Rpm.. New Plvmnulh -- Palette Co. Hlr A.en. Aug Jolin E. Wagner. Neoparte -Lewis Co. Fair Assn. Sept Gordon Dailey. Ocofuu-- 0.m.y, Co. Har Aun. Sept 94. Arlen N. Bruce. Salmon -L.M Co Pair Ann. Sept ROssell O. tillman Shoshone- Lbeoln Co. Ps. Assn. Aug , Mrs. Joyce lv. Bernard.?Meson -Mud Lake Fair Rodeo. Aug. 2243, Dell. Cons lllinoll Albion -- Edwards Co. F., Man. Alf Pau! G. Waite. Aledo- Mercer Co. Fair Amin, July J.?o Slrttvant, Sea Lin. Alumbnt- Efln :9nnrrt Gal. HI[ Auii. Aug 7-7. Ms:a In Cool me0er. Anna -Tinton Co. Fair Awn, Aug..22 Robert W. Brown. Arthur- Moultrie- Douelu Co. Fair Ase, Jul, IL E. Hood. Augusta -HACCOCk Co. Pair Asrn, July - 9- L. W. Ryblaon. Pur, n/ APRIL 'eandwtoh - Sycamore PSCmers Club Jr. It Hower Belles:Ile -8t, Cl.le...Fill.own. July 3- endwleh -De Kola Ce, posh Aun. Sep. Aug. 3. George Outran Sr. f -7. C. R. Brady. Baumuni -W,bt h Co. Fair Mon. July ehelbyvllle- Shelby Co Pah Assn. Aug Irwin C. Stoat Woodrow rinn rxlf. Brlv!drrc -BOUae Cu. Fe:: Asen, Aula 40. Sparli-;%7lpir Cn. I T-ji An' Jul' 7.0. Afro. Ellrebeelt Orr, Han trd. W. Johns B,aw'n. Benton. Irangin Co. Fill Asan. July 7- MprlolIlrld- nllilou Statt Hlr. Aug, Aug.!. A earl Ilol7. J. Ralph Peek, Bloomington - McLean Co. Felt Awn. Aug. Sullivan- Mottarlé Co. nu AMn. Aug. 4-7 George Stoller. Oarlfnel.s -Move,. Co. T.r A,rm, 2. Jaly Martha Loehr. Carly). -Clinton 00. Tal, Arm. July 0 -I0. Eldon E. Raset. Corral-- Wls!te Co. Teer Aeon. Aug. M -M, Milo. Carter. OarW)ton- -creme oo. Fair tuen. Sol, 0-9. NmL Witt. Cerro Oaido. -Platt Co, Pale Aun July Earl Kepler, Oharleabr -Coln Co Pair Aaen. Sold IN- Aug.. Robert R. Blackford. Chicago- International Dairy.Show. Oa* 4 - W. E. Oglivle. Chkago-- IrAernallonu Llt!ock >b Nov. 20 -Dee.. W. E. 0tilre. Cì ton Co. Fair Aares. p6, -23. Everett..ueky. DanrlUe- Vrrmllton Co. Pair Aaen. July 00 -Aua. 2. Robert Bantu. Decatur -Macon Co. Fair Amt. July 24-- R- W. Mott. Du Quoto -Perry Co. Pair Aeon: Aug. 94- Sopt. D. M. liayes. East Mollee -Rock Island Eo.,. Asa,. Aug Wanne 0.ale,. Cttabeth- JoD..les. Co. Fair Ann. Aol 6-6.?layman J. ensure. Pa!rbury- Llrineston Co. Fole A.w. Aue Warren We elo Pfte ayue Co. Pair Aeon. July la- Mur!r!!eld-rWell J. Lay. Fanner )424.lct Co. Htr /tun. Mr.5. Leon Mason, Futsr2 Ita. Co Aou July Mrs McKinney, Fly 2 Co. lkra -Clef Pair Assn. July í2.2e. 3-4n Grove- -Lee Tair Men. Sept epor Lavern S. Baker, Frt2a. -Stephenson Pair Aron. A 6.7,. Mrs. C. O. Howard. Genera -Kane Co Fur Asen, July Aue - Mtrie Howard. Otorlelown Vermklon Cd. Tall Ara. Aug Hubert Myert. Gray+ Lake -Lake Co lair Au.. July L A. Nordhause. Cleanup -Cumberland Co. Fair A/On. Aug, O. Swart. Greenville -Bond Cis. Fair noon. Aug 347, Me, Vincent Floyd OrlgRst'llte -Pike Co. P., Assn. J. A. -Canner. July LIL Nordin. aal rr.b Paul Co Pair Darr. Aron. l 2-). -Sal ant Co. Pair Aar hfl, V -la. Me. Georg. Raleigh Havana awn Co. Fait Fair Amn July ff Aug... Max - TMn r, Lallen. henry -.Putenaa Co. Hr Aalt R. )(oraler. Sparland Rl gbtand-- Madlwn Co. Pate Arno July Aug. E Alvin - c :.umacher. Jacksonville -Morgen Co. Pair Aeon. July 30 -Aug. 3. Olen Spencer. Jnerallle-tato v Co. Fair Amin July 7.2. James L. Coombs. Eankokee-Kanka[.e Co.,Pain M. Krona. Fair Amn. Aug. 2-. Sidon.S fgt., Knoxville -F-auv Co. Fair Assn July. Aug 3. W L Farris. Oo Lewlatuwn -Fulton -n Co. Pair Amin, July st erbonne. Lincoln -Logogan Co Fa,r Asan. AW. -7, Wilbur Layman. Moor.- cdououyh Co Pair Asen: July 3-28, Mrs. Lorna Smith. Merlon- W7lham5or. Co Fatr Asir,. Sept,.. Clifford H. 0u.9. Marshall -Clark Co. Fair Amu Aug. Ft. Mrs. Norma Cline. Martinville- -Clark Co, Tair Aeon. July 4-2. H. T. B..nelt. Mason -Grunt. Co. Pwlr Awn. Aue V- Sept. I. W'yne T. Caner. Massaneboro- Hamilton Co. Tals A.. - Aug. 8 A. G. Foote. Melvin -Turd Co.- For Aun, July 2 - L. A. Tree0lll. Mepdon -Adam. CO. F0r Aaen. Aug. 4e, L M. Bromback. Mont -la- LaBelle Co. Pair Assn. Sept E. A. Larack. -7. Brbgeporl- Lswren. Co. HIr Asen. Aug, Syciur Kb Co. 6 t m P. E. Crowd " *. R o-.x; Hawey refs AMA Aug. Aug. M u- M+assc Co. Fair Amn- JOIN S0-Jol o -JOIi S. Pau! Powell, VtenrA. Mllledgerlii -- Carroll Co. Fair Assn. Aug,.0. Gene lat. Orr. - Morriwn- Whltesde Co. Fs:: Assn, Aue, 3-6. H. T. Metra. Mount Sterling- Stowe. Co. Fait Aron. July 20 -Aug. I. CIydF CUtfOrth, Tlmewe l0. Mount Vernon -Jeffe -woe Co. Pair Asen, July.26. Lester F. Dole. Naahollle- W'.J,a,toe Co. Foal Assn. Aug. -5. Warren Morrl90 New Berlin -Sangamon Co. 2 Men. Jul, Robert Pfeffer. Newton -Jasper Co. Fate Assn. July 7 -. C. L. Batman. Odell- Lhingtoit Co. Fair Assn. Aug , James H. Summers. Okss v Ills-,Qk, +w. -:tie Atr, Fall Assn. Sept 7-4. E. I. Radler Ohtey-- Rlehls rd Co. Fall Ault. July. Aug 2 Arol Prwtou. Oregon -0.5 Co. Y.Ir Assn. Aug. /0- Sept. E. D. Looms Chows- LaSalle Co. Ps, Assn. Aug..7, Jba Tamp :e. Pslmyta- Terry Poe:; Industrial Fair. Jut, g.a2 balilila \\'lila m'rr Pena- Chrlsllon q[ Asrn Aug- 30. Sept. I Wynne Hunter, Otssnecc a Co Fair Also. July Charles A Johnson Paar- Edg- Peeatunrca Wmnch. Co. Fair r.,n. Aug. S -7. WA. sot Bels!r.w. Pcksu7Txenell Coe. Fall Asen. J In- Arls Condon. ;la y Pe0e+- -Fror!, Co,. Pair Aar,., Ju..r. %0. Robert W. Pork, R.rtnns silt,, Pwtone-Will Ca. Pair Aim, Aua. W'flllam N. Meer. Pelenbdrit- Meu..rd Co. Hlr As, Carl Lens. P inckney, tile- Perry ro 8.0r Ass.. Jute I4-0. Mrs. Fait PleasOt :.-Pike Co. Cu. Pair Alen. Aug. t9-23. J. L. Leitchile. Pontiac- 4,0n Co. Poll Assn. Al Guy K. Gee. Forrest: Princeton- Bureau Co. Fair Am, Aue, i- Rnd Bakr. 205 t-- W'rren Co. Pole Man. Aug. W. John Felt. Rua/ad.-Schuyler Co. HIr Assn. July El. Harvey Settles. Salem- Marlon Co. Fair ASS, Jury 7:t, Reba Millman. Browutonn- Payette Co. Falz Astral, June Ta,lorrtlle- CbrlMl.o Co. Tula Asia. Jay 0JUIr R Elvin Washburn, Wandalu. R. A CIwsaa C,tobrldge- -Henry Co Fair Awn. Aug. -e. Uralm- Lbam0 Co. Patt Amn. Jul, Mrs, Vulvae Sobers Molt Mrngee.

31 APRII THt BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 3 EVERY APPEARANCE ANOTHER ALL -TIME BOX OFFICE RECORD! United States- Canada and Europe! Not only does Roy Rogers hold all time records of every State fair and rodeo at which he has appeared -he is also the most popular western star In American homes everywhere. Authoritative proof' The Nielsen rating which scored 40.8 on the Feb. 2, 958, Chevy Show, starring Roy Rogers and Dole Evans... with 6,873,000 sets tuned In, and with 48, 000,000 people viewing, Roy 's share of the audience was a startling 47.9, the highest rated of oll network shows that Sunday evening, topping such famous front-runners as Ed Sullivan, Maverick, Steve Allen, Shirley Temple and Jack Bnnyl ROY ROGERS KING of the COWBOYS 958 SCHEDULE OF PERSONAL APPEARANCES FOR ROY ROGERS, DALE EVANS AND THEIR ENTIRE TROUPE - Aug. 6th -24th, Wisconsin State Fair, Milwaukee, Wis. Aug. 30th -Sept. 2nd, Nebraska State Fair, Lincoln, Neb. Sept, 4th -7th, Kentucky State Fair, Louisville, Ky. Sept. 4th -20th, Eastern States Exposition, Springfield, Mass. Sept, 25th -Oct. 3th, Madison Square Garden, New York City Exclusive Management: Art Rush, Inc., 357 N. Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif.

32 32 O, i DOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 958 PROFIT MAKING ATTRACTIONS * * * * * * * * * * e e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e DUKE ELLINGTON'S j,. EDDIE MACK'S / STARS ON PARADE SHOWBOAT MINSTRELS * * * * * * * e * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOIE CHITWOOD'S j,, HANK SNOW'S MOTORAMIC THRILL SHOW / GRAND OLE OPRY SHOW * * * e e e * t * * * * * FRANKIE YANKOVIC'S GOLDEN HORSE RANCH POLKA PARTY SHOW PALOMINO THRILL SHOW * * * * * * * * * * * ERNEST TUBE'S DUKES OF DIXIELAND GRANO OLE OPRY SHOW * BAND REVUE * * * * * * e * * * * * * * * * * * * * CHEROKEE RANCH WONDER BROS. CIRCUS WILD WEST RODEO Animals- Acrobats- Aerialists * * * se. e * * * e LEON FRANKLIN'S MYSTERY REVUE FOYLE WOOL FOL K NAME ACTS KIDDIE ATTRACTIONS pgenfy SUBSIDIARY Or ASSOCIATED BOOKING CORP. -0E GLASER, PRESIDENT 203 NO. WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Phone: CEntral Representatives CAL RASOR TOM TOWELS ASSOCIATES LEE SLADI 200 Se. i.' Sm. ri Building Poplareitle, Nokomis.. io.iseleld, Ohio Mississippi RAY LANCIN 2535 Taft At.. S.W. Crand Rapids. Mich. JONNY RIVERS PRESENTS THE GOLDEN HORSE RANCH THRILL SHOW BIGGER- BETTER -ACTION PACKED 2 ACTS -%2 HOUR SHOW FAST COLORFUL POLISHED A THRILL OR LAUGH A MINUTE SHOW FOR THE 4R ENTIRE FAMILY All golden Palomino horses. Trick ridera, jumping horses, cowboys, cowgirls. All new ropers, Roman riders, clowns, bucking mules, Red, White and Blue equipment. Everything Roman chariot racing, trained and racing furnished. These Acts can be split anyway Brahma bulls, cutting horse exhibition, car desired. T.V. OR MOVIE STAR IF WANTED. FOR THE BEST DEAL, MOST COLORFUL AND SATISFYING SHOW... Write Wire Phone JONNY RIVERS GOLDEN HORSE RANCH CAMDENTON, MISSOURI Vionaa- Johnson Co. Pair Ann. July T4. E. M. Poldon. Virginia -oau Co. Fes lso. Aug Lead Sweelman. Warren- JODasiesa Os. Patt Ara Aug. 4 Charles W. Bartell. Woks:M Monroe Co. Fair Asa Aug. -M. Edger Wheaton-Dui,. Pair Assn. Aug. 4. William Hllh. Woodstock MoHaery Os. Fair Asa Jalg -Aug,. Mrs. Ora. Hetawr. Indiana Alexaodrla- Madison Ca. Asa lair Aaa. Aug Peed A. Wright. Ander.On- Andersen Tres Pelt Assn. Juno 30 -July I. Earl J. Mchar, Auburn -De Ralb Co. Pre* Tall Peer. Bsyl- 23.2T. Ralph Wlble. Moore-Auto. Farmers Pair. Oct. 4. Robert Wright. Bicknell -Knox Co. Tar. Pair Asen. Aug Owen D. Scott. Boswell- Benton Co. Pair Assn. Aug... Lendll Lawmen. Brookville- Franklin Co. July 28 -Aug Agrl. Juan. Mrs. Ray Setter. Cannelton -Perry Co. 4.0 Falr Aus. Ang bl.. Norman Osier. Co :umble City -Whiney Co. 4R Cuba, Inc. Ans Mre Kenneth Nix. Columbus -Bartholomew Co.' Falr dam. July 2-6. Prone. Overstreet. Connersville- Fayette Co. Pree Palr, Aug J. W. Punk. Corydon- H.rrison Co. Agri. Soc. Aug. íl- 2. limy Hurst. Crown Point -Late Co. Central States Fair. Aug. 7-23, Don Powers. Danve- Hendricks Co. 4 -H. Age, Pair A.m, July 3 -Aug. 2. J. Robert Leak. Than -Davies Co. Pals Inc. July 24 -Aug. 2. Mrs. Ruby Pelham. Franklin- Johnson Co. 4 -R AgrL Pair Assn. July 26 -Aug. 2. James Hasson. Goshen- Elkhart Co. 4 - A AgrL. Expo. Aug..6. R. C. auuirtand. Greencastle- Putnam Co. Pair ec 4-8 Club Assn. Aug Tom Hendricks. Oreen burg- Decatur Co. Pelt de=n. Aug. -5 Mrs. Shonnette. Hunthtgtun -YEW Homecoming. Street Fels July 2{ -Aug. 2. Floyd Alshoure. lndlananolls -- Indiana State Fair. Aug. 27-.ot. 4. Earl J. Bailey. Kend.ilrllir -Noble Co. Fair Assn. Aug. II. r6. Clinton 8. Hinesel. Kentlaed- Newton Co. Pair Assn. Aug. 4. John M. Cowie!. Lagrange -Lagrange Co. 4-8 Club Au. Aug Mrs. Harold Roses. La Porte - Le Paris CO. Pale Assn. An Bob Morse. Lawrenceburg-Dearborn Co. Pall, Inc. July Von C. Stinson. Lo5aluport --0aas Co. Pxir Assn. July 50- :6 Wm. Thomas Jr. Lyons-Lyons Community Fair. Aug A. F. Puler. Shelton- Jefferson CO. 4 -H Palr. July Ray E. Selten. Marlon -{hont Co. Fair Assn. Aug. -6. Guy Harris. SLrtlnsel.- VOrgan Co. Pair R 44 A... Aug. -5. W. J. Hardy - New Albany -Floyd Co. 4-8 Fatr. Aug Paul Schulz. Oakland City- Oakland City 4.8 Community Pur. July 7-2. Sam B. Williams. Co. 4H Pair. Livestock Show Awn. July 27 -Aug. 2. Donald T. Creek. Petersburg -Pike Co. Pal, A 4-H Club TI' biblt. July 4-9. E. P. Dough. Portland -fay Co. Pets Asse. Aug Mrs. Forrest Elliott. Princeton -Gibson Co. Pali Assn, Aug- M- I6. L. H_ Csnf. Reynolds -Whits Co. Agri: Assn. Aug. 54. Audrey Zane. Rochester- Fulton Co. 4 -H Fair Assn. Aug. 40. L. R. Church. Radlinie -Parke Co. Pair Assn. Aug. -g. Grotte Schwin Jr. lauem- Washington Co Parsers R Merchants Paar Assn. Aug. -6. Marra Mendors. 3,:i.burg -scort Co. Fels, Inc. July IS- Aug.. J. T. West. Trrre Haute -Wabash Valley Pair Aua Aug William A. Niemeyer. Willtatsport -Warren Co. 4-3 Club Pair, Inc. Aug. -I5. Mu. Norman Hemmaa Winamer- Pulaski Co. 4 -H Pefr Assn. Asa Mn. Robert Lireabt' inchester- Randolph Co. 4 - Aug Mrs. Walas McGuire. Iowa Club Show. Adel-Dallas Co. Fair Assn. Aug J. Dwight Brown. Alton -Onion Co. Pair Asan. Ant L. E. Riley. Albre- -Monroe Co. 4-8 Fair Ass. Aug Lester Poole. Algon- Koasuth Co. Pair Assn. Aug L. W, N. an.. Allison- Butler Co. Fair -Assn. July 32- Attt. 4 Chorres J. Miller. Alta -Buena Vista Co. Fair Assn- Aug O- A. Soderquist. Atlantic-Cass -Co. 4 -H. F.P-A. Fait Assn. Aug. 44. Wayne Flick. Audubon -Audubon CO. Fair Ass. Ant. II.22. D. C. Perle.. Avoca- Potuwattemle Co. Pair Assn. July James Tscherter- Bedford- Taylor. Co. Fair Assn. Ju!y 30- Aug. 2. Our MLCM, Bloomfield -Darla Co. Pair Asen. Aug L O. Jenkins. Boone -Boone Co. Pair Assn. Aug. -4. T. N. Nelson. Britt- Hancock Co. Jr: Fair Assn. Aug Mitchell Bock, Klemm, Burlington- Burlington Rawkeye Pair Assn. Aug. 42. Wallace Royer, 923 River SL Cedar Rapids- All -Iowa Pair. Aug. -7. Andrew C. Henson. Mgr. Centerville- A..noose Co. Pair Assn, 6.8. Carl O. Robr. Central Clty -Linn 0o. -3. T. W. Lewis. Aug, Pair Alan. Ast. Cherlr. City -Floyd Co. Pair Assn. Aug. -5. Herold L. Pridrlrb, 20e 4th et. Cherokee -Cherokee Co. Pair Au. Aug Sherman Petrun- Clarinda -Page Co. Fair Aua, Aug Oma Webholm. Oolfax-- Jesper Co. 4-R A T.T.A. Peer Assn. Aug. -4. Mrs.?red Jens., Monroe. Columbus Juneslon-- Loul.a Co, Tir Asa. Au. -4. Clyde, Crawford. Coon Rapids -Pour Co. Ps, Au. JWl T- 30. M. D. Peterson. Corning -Adams Co. Pelt Ade. Aug. 044, Rey Ree.. Corydon -Wayne Oo. Pair Asen. July 30- Aug 2, Ronald r, Johnson, Homestoa, Coundl Biutfs -West Pottewattamts Co, Pair Man. Aug Bd Fisher, Kula. Cresco- Howard Co. Felt Assn. Aug RIpb Fitzgerald. Dosenort- Mlu.slppl V7 Ana Aug Hersey Hoffman. Deooreb- Winnuhlek Co. Pair Aar. Aug [won R. Brown, Cresco. Denison -Craworrd Co. Tale Aun. Au. - I4. J. M Wartung. Das Mouses -town Biota Palr. Aug L. B. CUrsolnkbem. Dar Moines -Polk Co. 4-4 Pals Aase. Aug Elmer A. Wale, 200 E. Euclid. DeWitt- -Cltnbe Co, 44 Pair Asen- Aug Jimmy Miller, Doeoellson -Lee Co. Pair Assn. July 0. Aug. 20. C. I. Radfern. Dubuque- Dubugw Co} Pair Assn. Aug Clem Welsh, Rt.. Lgia Orove -Eagle Grove Dill. Jr. PAM Assn. Aug. 20 -e0. Arthur 8. Jenkins. Eldon -Warw. Co. Pair Asse. Aug..2, L. W. Rail. gldors- Rardln Co. Pstt Aua Aug. -5, George E. Janssen. Eikader- Eikader Pair Assn_ Aug Edward A. Hnrtingame, Jr. Emmet.bure -Palo Al. Co. Pair Assn Auf. -3. Andrew Vandervelde. EstharnWe -Emmet Co. Pair Asan. Aug..7. Robert O. Be... Palrtleld- Jefferson Co. Jr. 7Ìr Assn. Aug. 44. Henry M,Cleory, Packwood, Oladbrook -Tama Co. Pair *am. Aug. {- 0. Orel Rogers, Toledo - Oreenrteld -Adair Co. Pair Assn. Aug Robert B. McDOwalL Orinnell- POweehlek Co. 4 -H At p.p Pair Assn. Aug Kay A. Connell, Orundy Crater- Orundy Co. Palr A',. Aug. 4 Dale Mos:mao. Guthrie Center- OUthse Co. Fair Assn. SepL 2-6. O. W. Prince. Hampton- Franklin Co. Pair Avis. Aug Kenneth Showalter. Harlan -Shelby Co. PII, Assn. Ani 5 -, Harold Bwesey, Humboldt- Humboldt Co, Falr A -an. As Jean M. Klesr. Ida Grove -Ida Co. Pelt Assn. Aug 0- Abel Peters. Independence-Buchanan Co. Fair Asst. Aug Aloe M. Norton. Indton0a- Warren Co. Parr Assn. Aug Lewis Johnson. Iowa City- Johnson Co. 4 -R Palr Assn. Aug H J. Montgomery, Boa «{. Jefferson-Oasen Co. Fair Aases Aug Paul Mears. Keosauqua --Van Buren Co. Pair Assn Aug. 5-8.K Arthur J. eeear. Knoxville -Marlon Co. Pelt Assn. Aug. -9. M. A. Trabort. LeMers- Plymouth Co. Pal, Assn. Aug Arlie A. Pierson. Leon- Decatur Co. 4-8 Fair Assn. July 2. 3, Harold Flanagan. Mahrern -Mills Co. Pair Assn. Aug Lewis KLO». 22ät, t,o- Delawere Co. Palr Assn. Aug Truman Inge.. Manson -- Calhoun Co. Rs, Assn. Aug. 4. William Partlow. Maquoketa -Jackson Co. Pair Aua Aug Kesnetb EhlInger. Marengo -Iowa Co. Pale Aua Auf.. Robert W. Higgins. Marehalllowa- Central Iowa Pair Assn. Aug Wendell L. Collins. Meóo Clty -North Ioos Pal. Aug. / -IS. Hans Ilenrtksen. Missouri Valley-Harrison Co. Pslr Assn. Monticello--Great Jones Co. TIY Lon. Auf Claude Appleby. Mount Ayr -Ringgold Co. FOIr Ass. A W. T. TSmby. Mount Pivaan -Henry Co. Pair Assn. July Rams C. Ctullen. Movllir- Woodbury Co. Pair Assn. its* 20-. Wm...Th. Naa200 -Elg Four Pair Aua Aug. 4. Darrell Wegarid. National- Clayton Co. Pair Asse. Aug.. Arthur W. Seeland, Froelich. Nevada -Story Co. 4 -H Pair Aua Aug Citrus Randau. Amu. Northwood -Worth Co. Pair Assn. Aug Clifford Tenold. Calms- Monona Co. Pair Asta. Aug Chas. W. Ross. Osage -Mitthell Co. Fol, *un- Aug Pred á Ranson. 0acebla -Clarke Co. 4 - Fair Assn. Agg Richard Pord. Oskaloosa-Southern Iowa Palr Assn. Aug Lucille Rants. Pocahontas- Poalsontaa Co. 4-8 Palr Assn, Au{.4-7. June Ryo». Potlslll8ìg Peir Aua Aug. 29-Sept-. Chan- 80th. Primghar-OBuren Co, Pair Amp John H. Longstreet. Red Onk- Montgomery Co. Pe, Assn R. E. Ciereland. Rock Rapids-Greater Lyon Co. Parr A:-n, Aug Jack Spitler.,ROCkstaN Cty -Calhoun Co, Pal? Assn. A Wayne D. GtdeL Sae Clty -sae Co, Fair Assn. Aug Ray Delbert. Sidney- Fremont Co. Pair Assn. Aug. 5.0, Corby Fechter, Jr. Randolph. Sioux Center -Stout Co. Youth Fair Aaset. Aug. _-4. M. E. Eldridge, Orange City. Spence-Clay Co. Foie Aran. Sept..3. William Wools. Spirit Lake -Dickmann Co. 4-8 P.P.A. trat, Assn. Aug L. E. Hendricks. Thompson -Winnebago Co, Jr. Paar Ass. July 3. -Aug. 4, Edger 8cherick. Tinton -Cedar Co. Pair Assn. Aug...2, Eugene R. Meese. Vinton- Benton Co. Fair Aun. Aug. 4-7 "s K. B. Spaulding. Washington -Townley Park Pair Aua Aug M. St. Orris. WOkrloo --Iows 4 -H CAO Dairy Coil. Congress. Sun. 27 -Oct. 4. Ky, 8. Esten. Waukon- Ailemakee Co- Pair Man. Aul Joe Deeney. Waverly- Bremer Co. 4 -H Psi: Assn. Aug, 54. Gordon Shipman. Shell Rock. Webster City- HerMItoc Co. Pair Av. Aug R. B. Douglas Kenneth L. Jet.. West Liberty -West Liberty Pair Assn. Aug. Wut Union- Payette Co. Pair Al.. Aug. E. T. Alcor. I9-22. What Cheer -Keokuk Co. Pale Assn. Aug. -3, Tom Halter, Winterset- Madison Co. Mr Assn. Aug J. Earl Osem. Kansas ADUene- Dleklnro5 Co.- Central KO n s e a Pair Assn. Aug..72. Clod. N. quick. Alma- Wabeusee tja. Pair Assn. Aug Norman Winkler. Antb.y- Anthony TaY Asso. July J. L. Robinson. Auburn- 8hawnea Co.- Auburn Or. Pair Assn. Oct Mr. Brobet. C. Samaa Pet: Am. Aug Bellevala- RepubaC Co. -N. C.


34 34 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 953 anal- MItMHI 0o. Pair Aua- Aug Mlles RAOM.- AMnMll C - Stock Snow A PWr Aran Aug.70 Mrs R D Rte., BurUn{tOn- Coftry Co AIN. lair Aun. Sept. 74 Paul J Sheep Harden- -Eutern Cowley Co Pair Aun. Aug 7.2 oaldwell -- atemrare Co Palr ton Sept e Merle 0e Os.Mn- MCPher$On Co Paw Aavn. Aug 7,. Dorothy e Sebring. Obanky- Sedslck Co. Fair Alan Aut U.G. 3 Prank Ryalter Gleittun -Otor Co. Free Pale Aug Ralph Pry. Cl. Center -Clay Co. Pre Pier. Aug Olen.' Romft. Coffeyville- Montgomery Co. Fair Aun. A. 4 Lawrence M Smith Colby -Thom. Co Fres FAIT Asa. A alten Cribb. Colombo -- Cherokee Co, Am Legion Pair A.n. Sept 4. Jai W. Coot Oottonaood Falls -Chow Co. Pair Nun. Aug 6.6. Elmore O. Stour Council Oreee -Morris Co. Pair Aun Aug Warner Harrt.. Dighton -Lan Co. Fr. PAIr Aug l -g. Cmer Bryant. Dodge City -Ford Ca areal S W Pall Slenpru Aun. Aug. 2: -30. Red H Iffinglum- Atchison Co pole Amu AU. 22. Roy D Morgan 0 Hondo- Ballar Co. Pair Au.'. Aug le- 22. P. A. Rede. Retool-la-Lyon Co. Pair Arun. Au. le -6. Loon Auetenfeld. trle -Neosho Co. Pair Mon. Au, 2 -U. Irin Oreen Baraki -Greenwood Co Palr Ain Aug L' E Hawthorn._ Pert Scoll- Bourbon Co. Pale Assn 4. F. t. Myers Aug adonis- Wilson Co Pals Awn.. Aug IC- le Charles Parker, Garden City-Pinney Co Pros Pule Aun. Ade 6.74 Hoy B- ttllne Gardner- Johaaon Co. Pr. Fair Awn Aug I Shelby Jones OOrnu- Anderson Co. Par Assn Aug IT-. C. O. Raou.e Ousts- Crawford CO Pelt Ages Aug lt, Marren Orson 'I' tw' Olawm -Cloud Co. Pot, Asen. Aug.7 Mrs. Cllre Cramer. Ooodund -- Shrman Co. N W. Pale Aase. Aug. 6-7 L D. Morn HArdlner -Barar Co- Poi, Man. Aug. Ií- David H r. Harper -Itap, Co. Act Pair Agee Aug R. E Zimmerman lierinuto..- Heringlon TrCo 4 -H from Pair, Aug. 6.0 John W. Oehrta Hilt City- Oreham CU Par Aeon. Aug Ralph Bethell. Hutebnen- Marlon Co Parr Aun. Aug C. P. Ashcroft H IIm-- J.rkson Co. Pair Aua. Aug Orris Blossom. Horton- Trl -Co. Pate MCC. Aug Jules A... Itow. -6k-Howard Co 44. Noel Mullendore Patr Aua Aug,..- Sheridan Co. tres Pair Aun. July 3-Aug. 2. Mn.?lorry Shea, Elutcinson -Hanau Stale Palr. Sept. 3 It. V4g Moler. Tole -Allen C.'. AgrL Assn. Aug Ralph E. Stith. Johnson -daimon Co -t Pale Asea. Aug.,30 Know City- Wyandotte Co. Pale Asta. Aug. 6-6 furry Klempnaucr. Kinoaki-- Rlneold Partners Pr. Fair Ara. Sept.,0 Do.. Booker Kingman-- RUgman Co. Fair Ars Aug. $ -I. C. W Sloan L Cramr-Rm. Go Agra Pair A. Au.. -3 Harold Rife. Urenco- Douglas Co Pre Pau Mes A... M. Sonoma., LUWral- aeward Co C Buis Pau Aua. Aug 37-Sept. Charles E Rulow Llndaborl -MCMwr.mLndeborri Parr AUG. Oel. -6 e E Dawten Wust. -Elk Co. lei. Ar" Au..47. Bert Spar Mtnsalpolln -Otla Co. -lit Lloyd hrrineton Fate Aua Aug. Mound Cllr -Um Co. Fats Aeon. Aug I. John R Mors. Modeabo- Neodesha Hort Agri Polt Aug. 7 - Carl L (oven(. Il -IC Clyde Stns.. Nam City-Neu Co. Prop lair Aua apth SOOW I It p O O iü e7r az* / / N i LL Coredy Ac,b Liyk-tg Mwk Pot:aUee Pool Stage for aadtl ads ro i w Supply everything ouf. Me wafer ruer for &fails and aeon firn bli con fo cf Charles Peterson + Theafrical Prod. 9nc. 0 west- 34- Sfree+ New York I. N.Y. LAck Aug. Heaton -Hanel Co. Pair Aue. Aug. R D. Roberte Norton -- Horton 00 Act Assn. Aug Ií- 6 A J Danielson Oberlin- Decatur Oo. Part Ahan- Aug. 44. t R Woodward. Oaaóa My-Omo Co. Pier A.C.C. Aug Floyd T Heororlh. Os.rne- Osborne Co, Palr A. Aug Irone Welker. 0awogo -- Lanetta co. Palr Men. July 0" Ault. 7. Merril W Christy Ottawa- Franklin Co. Agri. Aua Aug. 77- NS Oleo A. HO /and. Orerbrook- Orerbrook -Osage Co. Fell Aun- A.. TSP. Gerald Coffman. Pools -Mlarel 0e. Pate Aue. Aug... Alfr. E Rockers. Pratt -Pratt Co. Pair Awn. Jul? It -AU{. 30 Richland -Richland Palr Arn Aug. 3-3 Thom. Hoffman Richmond -Franklin Co -Richmond Pali Amu- A Jahn H. Roes ken. Banni-- 0ne Co. Pu, Assn. Aug Albert Prehre Scott Cllr -Ccott Co. Pair Assn. AU Voris V. Ohmut..e.n-Ohautaalua Co. Pree Pals Ault Sept.,. Gerald Cauldaoll. Senora-tem.A Co Act Pair. Aug 4-. Kenneth Wlnterecholdt Smllh Center-Smith Co. Fat Nta. Aug. I. -7. Ilor Carpenter. South Heron- CYmmer Co. S. Rae. Fair Awn. Aug M. C. Relue. Stafford-- SUfford Co. Fur Aun. Aug IC- I. Arthur B. Norman Dlocktoo -Roeka Co. Free Palr Amu Aug.,77, George P. Ostomyer. Thalle-Thayer Homecoming Picnic Palr Amin. Sept 34. H. M. Minn'. Tonaenoste- tiaeenorth 0o. Pur Aun Aug J. M. Netharger Topek- -Ka.. Pre. Pair MU. Sept. I. Il. Matute. Pager. Tribune -Orate) Co. Pau Ault Aug 4. Wm. V. Dixon Jr. Ullues -Omni Co.. Po Par. Aug. 43. Marshall P. Walk, Weteeoey -Tre.O Co. PU. Par Nan Aug Low H. 0altowey. Wkaneld-Clay Co. Ito PII, Alan. Sept Date Scroll Washington- WUhlniton Ce Pau Ain Sept 44 Bert C.pla Wet ono rra- Nemltr Co Pree Pau Alum A.r. C - Hubert C Sather A6rL Pau Naa. AM. WinllrU- Conley Oo 6. Carla DN.. Yates Center- Walden$ O6 Paid Arm Aug. 44 Mr.. Mary t Rie.. Kentucky Ateuadrla- AU.aodrls Pau Also Aug.90. Il- Booneellir- O.Iley CO Pou Ace Sept I{ 70 Prod W. Gabbard. on Ora-.000,Aln tl. Pau Nan. Aug 49 Prod Clark:et. Brodhead- Hnadneod Little World'. Part. Aug.,. Eddie Hun. Burltsetoa Co Fa, A.G. Aug II- BarkmvlUeClrmb.ieod Co. Pall Assn. Au{ or. out. tchtet. Gotha-Trigg Co. Tou Asa July 0- Aug. Cahoon -wlhu Co Par ALSO Copt C -l. ClmpbrUrlllr- Tay,or Co Peu Attn. Aug. I -Il. Wo. AL Munrovd Jr Campan -Wolf. Co.0 Man. Sept. l -I. Ito,. Pigmea. Carrollton -Carroll Co Fate Anas. A.. 4- Pool R Williamson Columbia -Adolf Co- leu Asa. Jury 6- Aug Pte Ortmater. CsnthIanm- Nontron Co. Poll Area. Jiy Dry Ridge -OMOI Co Pelt Asia. July 6- Aug 3.,u-- Melpll C.'!U Man Aug. II" L:n:nrnrr -Henry Co Tat Ami. Aug il- : William A. McKay...mouth- Palmouth Par. Arse. -4. Routh's- Simpson Co. Pat Aron_ Seat. 4 Ororgetoren -&oil Co. Fell Alen- Aug. 3- It. W. E Jam. Orrmantown- Germantown Par Mtn. 6.. S -,. R. K Mein, Ofa.lew- Bases Co. Maorttxsn Leg :on Tou. Jul/ -6. Was H. Janes Jr. Greensburg -Oren Co. Pau A.M. July 0.3. M. Betty 0y War Oreenup -Oreenup Co. Par Assn Mat Mrs g,. Mltler. Hardin.burg- BeKkeorldge Co. Poll Ami. Sept Harrodsburg -- Mercer Co. Pate Aun. July 2.7, John H James Jr. Hartford -Omo C. Poll Amts. Aug_ 30- Sept. t J. R. Rous., Hodgenville-Lento Co. Poll Also. Aug Aug. Hoptla..Ile- Pennyroyal Pau Assn Thom. Wade. letferuntowo- Jefferson fa. Pau Awa- Aug L Orange -Oldham Co Pau A+rt Aug Mrs. John. La...burg- Anderson Co. Pair Aun. July 44P. Chas. L Mort. Jr LbllChfum- OnyIOO Co. Pau Man. Jail 70-Aue. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP CONTEST RODEO Outstanding Bucking Stock Champion Cowboys Colorful Acts Top Personnel Hollywood Star Available Many Years of Rodeo Experience Add Prestige to Your Fair or Arena Playing to the Midwest's Major Fairs, including: * Wisconsin Slate fair, Milwaukee * Ohio Slate fair, Columbus * Southeastern Fair, Allanla * And I I Still Dales, Including Philadelphia, Madison, etc. ATTENTION: Fair Secretaries and Aud -Areno Managers. Put the prestige and experience of America's top rodeo to work for you. During the 957 season we set new attendance rec- ords of most of the events we played. The earning power of this event is unsurpassed by any other shoe, of its type GEORGE E. HOLMES, Managing Director 4/e No-Oaks Ranch, Boa 86, Re. 7 Syn Rd., Madison, WlseonalB Phone Alpin 7393 or Loularll4- Kealuotr Stau Pow. Sept - 7. H. Clyde Res.. 4edsdne- KapkIOa O0. pou Ara. Au.. 3,0 Owlacn -Owen Co Parr Amin. Jule 6. C..,.-Bath Co Fair Ass, Aug Preconbur.- Plold Os. Pair As Provldenu- Webeter co. Pott Au.. Aug..0. O. J Herron. Richmond -.Malian Ca. Pau Ara Aug. 7 -e. H. E. Rlthrdaon. Russell Soringe- Russell C. Parr Ama- Aug 44. L. t Wilson. RueaeU.UU -Logan 0o, Pale Alle. Cis. MAO. Jack Stone.' Scottarllle -Allen Co. Pair Assn. lull 7.. Jocose A. Lou. Shelbyville -Shelby 00. Pat, Ara June Sorineteld- Waahing/aa Cl. Psis Ames. June 0.2. Sturgis- -Union Oe. PW Ms.. July -. tdwerd 0-Nam Trsmptlnovlllc-.Manton Co Pate Ans. Aug. 0 -n. A. W. Bro.don Louisiana Abborlila -[a tale/ Pestlr.L Oet Roy R Thomas Amite- TangtpOhoe Parish Pair Nan. 3-4 H E- Hutchinson Jr. Delcambre -t rls Shrimp Tut,. Oat. P.. AU.. 47 Ferry P. LeBlanc DeRldder-.sure.. Pariah lier Ass- Sepl. 30-0ot. C. Marla Harper. Eunice-Southwest Ls. Palr Assn Oat, I It Mn. Wilma Bedell. HOynesellu- Ctatbor. lariat Parr Horthweet Lt Daley Pestle... toot. 0- Oct C. W. J. Sherman. Jonesboro- Jacka n Part. Agct. Lleestork Pair Aun. Sept , W. W. McDonald Jr. Kentood-Tri -Parish Pool. Peed Dalsl Show. Sept,28 C. B. Temple Ib,Il -Want 00 Forestry Fesunl. SOpt Jae. Anderson. Lacher -St. Jame Prinh Pen P., E L Roussel Mrk.rltle -W. Livestock and Pasture Pea- C.O. Oct 4. Kermit I Ducote. Minden- to.ellr- Wetter Pair Forest Peettr Oct. - Bridle Pugh. Morgan Cray -L. Shrimp PIIH,Ol. Aug. 0 -tapi.. New Inerte -La Sucer Cane Pestlnl Parr Arp. Sept. M -3.. Mrs. Prong Gax New Orleans- MM-WIOter Pier Poaltt7 Show. Nov. I.l. Prance 0. &nab, 444 VICkaburg 0. Oó.0. -Alen Parteh Pair Al.. Oct..4. O. O Meaux l -I. J. A Ruston-North L. State Far Ara. OM. ehrereport-oeuulana Ste, Par. Oct 4 IS. J. T. Monaour Salpetur- CaloufeuCameroa Yale Oot 7-6. Ws Harold Owens. Tulin- North Ca4Oo Pair. Clog I -. T. I. Burns Wen Monroe- OUarhIIO Vann POU Aro. OeL l -II. John. B_ Btrdaane Maine Acton -York Co Agri. Assn Aue 3.7. Leos E. Credltord. Blue H- Hencoet Co. Ar. Soo- At.. II- SepL I. P. 0. OHM. Dolet- FO.croft- Placataguls Vo:ly Pau Assn. A Arno D. Zeno, Pryeburg -Wet chord Agri_ Aun. Sgpt 0-0ct 4. Prod H. Moro Oaliro,d- OWlford roar Ana_ soot. t. L. Ro, Knowlton. L WI.Ion -Main. Stale Torr Ars soot.4. J. J. Bowl.. 6rlIOI W.bltutm Co Agri. U. Sept SI -IC. Herald J. Beckett. MCnmoath -Cocheewegan Pair Nan. Sept. Il0 Churn. H Marten_ North Waterford -World.. Pou Ass Wilbur L Button Oct. Plumas- Pittston Fier Aeon Au{. 4l. Mart. Moody. Presles Iole- NortetO?hare Far Acta. Aug. C -0. Robert D. Andress Raodllatd- Readtteld Orange Pelt A. 88pKt I Rush P 0.0 SkowhryAO- akohenn 8:0, Fol?. 4 Roy E. Simon. Muth Paru -0ord Co. Pals Aura. Aug. Sept 43. Gordon Orant 09nn ól4 -birth Pen0OsoOt Agri Adan. Al(. 30 -Sept. Pan. H. M :Rooney 00lon -Knee Air: Sol Aug Iran Sherman Wlndaor -South ReMUbee Agri toe Aug. 6 -KI.. E. R. HaTea. 'Maryland An0apolts -Anna Arundel Ca. Pair Aun. Wm. t Kirk. Sept. 4 Bd AIr- Warlord Co. Pote Aue- Asst {- 30. Charlie Kunkel. Centreville-Queen Anne's CO. 4 -H Palr Asa. Italy Il. Chester Clue'. Cum0erland -Cumberland Fair Alsn John H. Moaner. Aug. _ City-Howard Co. Pal Assn. Aug Wallis= H Mit Psir H-CeN Co. Pau Mae July 6.6. Once Stiller. Prelertk- Fred.rlck Ta, AMA Sept. 20- Oct_ L Wade P 8ane, Ootthera00r.- 0ont0000 Co. Pals Alla Ad Rssroe N. Whims_ It an- Haaaaatown Pat, Aunt Aug. -0. Dr. Robert C. Snare,. Hereford- Hereford Jr_ Porto Fier Ara Aug. 3, Leib McDonald. Hurl0tk -Trim[ Dorchester Co. 4 - Show. July 2. Harry Dews. L Prato -Charles Co. Fair Aun. Sept. 7-4, 00ert Keen. Leon.rdlon -St. ur Co. Torn.. Ar Homemakers Par Aun. Sept Stephen Young, Le n.dtown -St- Mary/ Co Fair Oct 2-6- C. L Lee. McDoeoeh- MClbnogh School rote May 3. R. tr. ulula. McHenry -Barrett Co, Par Assn. Aug- 2-6, H. O. florins, Pomtred- Charles Co. Parolee,' Assn- Palr. Sept. 242 Spearman Butler. Prince Frederick -Colvert Co. Pair Assn, Oct Wilber F. Word Jr. Salisbury- WIc0mlto POI.' A Sept. 4. Howe. Humphries, Tlmoslum- Ma9Ian0 State Par. Aug. 30 Sept. A. John H. Zink Coperto- Arcadia Agri Soc. l -H Club Show. July -.. George Detonate III. Upper Marisa -Peina George's Co. Pur Assn. Sept. 7S -37. Ed Farrell Jr. Westminster -Carron Co- 4 -H Par Mao. July 6.7. B Blindford -Ontm Aid Kerl BOO Aue. II -Sept. Lee t W7mss Dighton -Rehoboth Pair Aus- Aug. 74 Ro ""B t MAradrn Barringlfred Tal, Ass$, Sept. 7 -U. Altrad W LOmnerd Oree tleld- Franklin Co A.rl Sae. col 7-0- o. Lwu Wlmaa. M led- M.rshf.ld Agri. Hert. Boa O teat Onnrtlu M. Thayer Aug. Asst 7 - Moreton' Milie- Barnstable Co. July Marlow J. Meyer. Agri. lo.. Mtddieneld- RI;hland Agri So.. Aus Joule H. Pear Topafteld -Ewer Alit. Soo Aug. 3l -3p4. Paul Co... Wear Springfield -tutete states Dr... Con. Sept 3 -. Jack Reynaldo WMol. id- Joh.' rscapttlperid Polt Assn Aug.,7- ro. r. Weymouth -Weymouth Pair Aatn. Aug M- le. m. McIntyre. 'Michigan Adil.- tawrenrc Co. Pair Assn. Sept SM 20. M. R Mo. Allegen- Allegan Co. Tau Assn Sept. T- U, J. H. linos AllenYlue- Markise Co. Pair Assn. Aug.,4. J. Schimmelpenny Alma -Or.ot Co lau AS. Joy 6 -I John C. Peal Alpen- Alpgips Co Pair Ars Aug 6-6. Victor Werth, Armada- Armada Aerl. toe. Aug. 7I -IL Roy O. Conner. Atlanu- Idommorenry Co Tale. Assn AUt Mrs. Ruth Dauelt. Bad Ale -Mutara Co. Pair Assn. A Russell Erb. Bay City -Bay Co. Pau Assn. Auf Byron Ruhsturfer. Belleville-Wayne Co. 4 -H Fur Aun. A 2.7. P. R. Bolbeahumer Berrien Bp,Ill,- Berros Co Youth Pa Aug Mn. Lotte Biokonen Big Rapids -M..4 Co. Fra Tole J 447- P. B. W... Brown City-Brown CIt7 Agri. Pair Aug Murdoch MaoLennsn. Cadillac- Northern District Falr.Wo Se -. Paul tart. Caro -Tuscola Co. Pale Assn Aug. II Carl /. Money. OaWpolls -Cass 0o. Pall Aua- Aug 3 Mn Irene Spearer, Cam City -Cass City Rorie Coming te Aug. 7. William B Ruts' Ce urrwe --8. Joseph Co. Fah. Aun Yoh IS -6..ter R. Yhrler. Charlotte -Eat. Co. Fslr Aua Aug, 0 Sidney PhillIfi Cheboygan- Northern Mlchlpn Par. AY I. Ororgc D Judd. Chelaeu- Chelsea Coalman(, Par. Sep,: 34. J. H. Pilkir -gto0. Coldwater -Branch Co. 4 -H Par Assn. Aug Leland Wheeler. Oors000- Shlaaasee Co. Aug. -6. Blair Wooden.. CrosweU -Cro.wrll Agrl. Boa July 4-7. Harold Nunn Jr. Detroit- 0Mrolt Jr. Lrestxk Show. Des Orono Rleuy. Dr: tort- Mlchi ;on 8U Wier Assn- Aug. 2-Sept. 7. Donald L Escanaba -C. P. Stele Tarr. Au{ Ray LaPorte Lrarl-000osa 00 -f PPA Pair Asts. Avg Marlon. Ttadt POaurIDle- lowlenwe AgrL Pair Awn. July 6 -Aug. 2. Gan. T. P0.0 lremo0t- Newayga 0o_ Agr. Sac Aug Garret De Boer. Oa0brd- Otsego Co. Pair Au Aug 44. Jame A L C. Burns. Phe0.0h..: 00 chestnut street P Massachusetts "Oral ana' "V * New York: Note President ilnd fiel r lackstone -El e Blackstone Tolr, In O.* PL.aa 7.7. A Circle -.00 Aug -7. Jesus E. Deacon. 7 Ecke OoedeL's -St Clal ls On -H Tut Ara - Aug. I4 -I6. R. B. Austin Onad Blanc -Genas. Co. 4 -R Aai Aug. -4 James - ncome 0090í0e-- Montcallq Co Tats Assn A 6-33 Mrs. Brute Larsen. Co. AOtL Oleo Jut/ 23- Earl Lek.. Harrison-Clare Co. Agri. Soo. Aug. 6. 0ri 07. Hvt -Onan* Co. Agri So.. Sept- 4 Hev.0 Oslo. Hartlage -Burl Ca Agri. aoe. Parrot Johanna. Budolr -HDisd le Co. Agri. Soe Se 2-7, H. B Roney BIWIAk- HUt.dll. A000 Legion July 3-4. Ronald Morin rtue- Hu6,o0vtU. 0Ommu07 Al t 243. Robert Van Roord tailor City--Eastern f000 Palr Au,. July 7-AUg 2- Kenneth Ruby. lowness ion, Fr. Pale Aug. 4 -, AU Williams Io.' -ion, Livestock Show. Kor.!-g4 Abratn Snyder. fro River -iron Co- Tau Alan- Aug. 9, 6. V C. Vaughan. II.wood- Oote tc Co. Par Aun. Aus. 7. R. Mau. Jackro0- J.nson Co. Fels Asst. AYg. a 6. Done Storms. c Kalsoaeoo- Kal0muoo Co. Pale Assn. Auµ 477. R. 0. Dillingham. Lkt Oder. -LR? Odessa Fair Assn. Jul' 3 -. Duane Cron Wean -Kent Co- 4-H Fair Assn. Au. li 6. Jim Pales. Ludington-West Mich. Fair As.n. Sept - U. Intro L Pratt, Marne -Serho Pair Assn. Aug A. Jock Broo gems. Marshall -Calhoun Mo. Psis A44, Aug Dia.Seewi Mason- Ingham Co. Far Alm. Aug -0. Harry!teeoral Mtdl*pd- Midland CO. Pau Ar. AOg- Il- 6. R. D. Parish Moor.- Monroe Co. Tar Assts. Aug. 40. A. W. Kurts. Mount Pieuons -- Isabelle Co. Youth Pat,. Aug. t-73 M. 3 0more Kuhedle- HuhrlIte Community Tar. Nor. IL lamer Jarvis- Norway- Dickinson Co. hit Assn. A.. 6- Sept I. Trank Molleare Onekama- Manistee Co. Tall Ass. Sept Volney Reynoids * Presenting the Top Pop, Rhythm A glues Stara DON RONDO DAVE APPEL S Applejacks THE CHARIOTEERS LILLIAN RANDOLPH, Co E SHAW tree wore ho "e JOLLY JOYCE Theatrical Agency

35 APRIL emN Co. Psis AWL AWL. 7f. wlbala s. Iflads. rpmi.8 -nacen Ges.uanf r u. Aq. 7tA Wriody. SSSUI C. 4R Pair Ault Aug. 5.g dw. I Wk7 Moo. o $ 4R lair Awn Ace Al- II Nand,40. gagtnon-4.420w Pair AMh. Reel. -3. darse. DUndm. Repot -BaI Osamu., Pair. MOI. II-3, Resin!MIL 8amoek7- -ri0ae Co Pau Aue. Aug. II- 3) gal* monads-age.. Co Pair Aue. Aus Reaal Xreasbear. Pair Ai. AmO. 430 Amen Engstrom taswar-vrtmr Cork Pine Fair Arens July 43.,AB Middleton. Blinfciota Las- Rattan Co. Asti. Soc. July 3-0. O. M. TIMM MM. Lee -Freeborn Ce. Pair Asan Aug. 64- Whale D. Jenson I IRAN&.- DOWlaa Co. WI. Per Asen. ABC Win Leste. ApiL -AaeU Co. Fair Aun. Aut. -0. *MT B'ew.n Swift Co. Pair Aun. Aug.34. bey Co. Agrl.tAUn. Aug ad C. Dolt`. AUW -WOVct Co. Polr & Livestock Show. AOS P. J. Roland. Buanetlle --CLy Co. Parr Assn. July 0.0. tit/fora ß Wermager. Bareem- Canter Co. Pal? Assn. Aug R. 8. Goodell. MmJd- Beltrami Co. Pair Aun. July by It. Witt. Bird 4end- Ren'330 Co. Agrl. Sec. Aug rold Baumgartner. BNs Barth- Putbaolt Co. Agri. Soc. Aug. 43. Kenneth A. Young. BOalnerd -Crew Wing Co. Pair AteO. Log. 3-0: B. C. Wilkins. Bretkahrldte- Wllkln Co. Pair Aun. July 040. Wm. L McCullough. Calsdonl0- Rouaton Co. left. Sot. AUS. x043. Merle O. Alma. Cambridge- e.rtl Co. Pair Assn. July I- ll. Voti RJppey 0mó7- fellow Medicine Co. Parr Wu. Jolt I -24. Darold!Motions Cannon Palls- Cannon Ogilvy pair Aun. July 3-4. R. J. Goodwin. Pairmont- Martln Co. Prot Pet: Assn. Aug John B. Livermore. Parmington- Dakota Co. Agri. Assn. Aug Z. W. Ahlberg. Fergus Palle -Otter Tall Co. FE( MAD. Aug Knut. Annum. Fertile-Polk Co. Fair Assn. July -L Reynold Olenwood -Pope Co. AgrL Soc. Sept. 3- r. N. P. Hanson. Rol,Wns- Hennepin Co. Pair Assn. July s -20. Mika W. Zlpoy. Jackson - Jackson Co. Tait Assn. Aug Anton O. Geiger. Jordan. -Baolt Co. tilt Alla. Aug..3. R. J. Joachim. Ia.eon -Dodge Co. Agri. Soc. July Il- Aug. 3. Larry Bahr. latch/leld- Meeker Co. Agtl. Sao. Aug. l -l. L O. Wotenson. Little Fails- Noniron Co. Agri Sot. Aug 6.7. J. V. Raine..' Lang Prktrto -T444 Ce. Pair Amu. tl -N. LOno O See, t Ca APL Rr. Aug I a 0 Seb0Sotbe ham. Agri. R a hantais- Trl -Ce. 4- Ar CPA say 4. Sept lgon Jaye New ULR- Brown Oa. AgrL Set A0 7. t J. Alertly. Owarmee- I0oOl. Ce Prae Pelt Akan. 34. Mae block.. Oba- magrl. Roc. Aug. l' ROtyn-0eaa h- Agri. See Aug 7 Restnend W. Oadde. Floe Risse --Cala Co. ARI. Alit n W. Wayne Ion. PreatoS- shlrete Co. Apt Set A. t 4. Smoot Donn... Preteeren -48. Ln CO. Agri. Roo o.3. L.. Gommer PMetnrDbintb- -heath 3 Lote CO r Arno. July Il -Aar 7. Roy W It Redwood Palls-Reti000g Co. Asti. 3 Mp Wm. Paulsen. St. CLerlee- Wtootr Co. Pair Awn : -Aug. 3. Warren O. Alagoas. SL Paul-- Minn..Ma Stele Pair. Aut Sept.. D. L. Baldwin. S t. Peu)- Ramsey Co. Agri See. July : 27. ln. clora I. Locale. B l. Peser- Nlcailrt C. Agri /Me. Au. I. 34. W. M. Guatafaon. Two Rarbors -Lk. Co. Arr. Asao. A Tortola Orinater. Wnbasha- W.bkaha Co. Free Pair As July Malt Slots Woconla- Career Co. Alti. Mo. Au. 30. Allred Tear. Wader.- Waden. Attis Soc. Aug.. Don Brown. Waseca- Waaeto Co. Pair Amr. July i Aug. 3. Leon J. W. Sexton Wbeetott -T7 Co. Agri. Assn. Y A. W. V7e. WrümOr- Kandltih Co Pair Aaio. t Albert B. Thompson. Wlndon- Cottonwood Fair Alen Aug :E - Andrew Sehoone. Worttunitun- Nobler Co Pol` Ao.n. A t -7. L. A Hons. Mississippi Aberdeen -Monroe Co. Pair A Llut -.. Assn. Mot Hobert C. Couch. Cleveland-Delle Valley rat` Assn. let, O0. 4. Preston Riley. Porta- Southeast Miss. Dist. Lis er Show. March 3-5. Floyd Nobles. Kuclusko- Control MW. Pair Aaoo. le 29.Oct. 4. Fronk Oayden. Laurel -South Mlsslsslppl Pair. Sept. 0- Oct. 4. R. B. Jellerlea. Liberty -Amite Co. Livestock Asso. Sept 29-Ott. 4. Clinton McGehee. )AcComb -Pike Co. Palo A State Dalry Show. Sept Mrs. J. W. Hrelson. Meadellle- Pranklln Co. rolr A.D. Oct. IO -IO. H. B. Brock. New Albany -Union Co. Fair Assn. Aug F. 8mlth. Ripley- Tipp.h Co. Pair A Livestock Alin. Sept William M. Bost. Suco - City -Yazoo Co J. N. Ballard. Bf issouri Pair Aun. Sept. Altenburg -list Perry Community Pair. grin.0. Elmer D. K :elltng. t THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 35 a7titf. LIKE I'IChIN' MONEY OFF 4 TREE That's how HETZER ATTRACTIONS will pull for you Just some of the attractions being offered this year: "INTERNATIONAL SPECTACULAR of 958" Produced by RUSSELL MARKERT, OF RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL, N. Y. C. WALKER DICK'S INTERNATIONAL DIVING CHAMPIONS OLATÑ[INC ACAPULCO CLIFF DIVER. EXCLUSIVE FAIR AGENCY FOR POLACK BROS. IRE CIRCUS and the Original "WONDER A(T OF THE WORLD" LARRY RUHL AND SANDY WINTERS PRONE JAckson 2898 or JAckson HELICOPTER ACT NOW AVAILABLE FOR PERSONAL APPEARANCES! These Stars of top -rated national television programs are.sure CROWD BUILDERS ALL THE TIME! RIN TIN TIN RUSTY with and RfP MASTERS SCREEN `,GEMS INC. TELEVISION SUBSIDIARY OF COLUMBIA PICTURES CORP. The Stars el CIRCUS BOY Corky, Joey the Gown i.. Tim Champion

36 36 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 958 Aùrorla- Trr -Co. Jr. Livestock Show. Oct. I. John R. Blattin. -A.m. L.. 4 -H MI, July M. A. L. Niche)... A.- Douglas Co. Fair M. Sept. 46. Dr. Lee Sutherland. Belle -Belle Fair, Sue. A A. T. Ridenhour. Bethany- Korthwest Bfo. State Pair, Aug. 3l -Sep(. 4. H. L. Henry. Boonville -Cooper Co. Youth Fair. July 22-23, John Ed Harris, Bowling Green -Pike Co, Fair Mtn. Sept Jam. Milian. Brobkfteld -Linn Co. 4 4 Falr Assn. Sept. 0.. Mrs. Earl Louden. Brunswick- Charllòn Co. 4-B Fulr Man. Auk Mn. Harold Edwards. Buffalo- Daa. Co. Fair Assn. July SO- AuR- 2. Roswell L. Wayne. Callforn.- Nam Co, 2. Am. Aug Harold Kindle. Cont. Callao Harewl Feativol. Aug Mrs. Harold Coleman. Canton -Lent- Co. 4 -H Show, July R. K. Leavitt. Cope Gtrardelu- Southeast Mo. DLit. Pair. Sept Frank Steele. Carl,luneteoh- Jasper Co. Pam. Fair. Sept Erneet Garner. Carutheravlile- American Legion Pal, Oct. -3. Harry E. Ma000re. Censer -Ralf Co. Jr. Fair Asw. July 3 Aug.. Mrs. Dyaa Jones. Chllhoaee - Chnhowee Community Pair. Aut M. A. Picke. Clark- Grange Flower Show & Farm Festival. Aug. 9. Mrs. Beulah Schroeder Clinton -Henry Co. Pali A: Horse S.W. July 3 -Aue, 3. Mrs. H. M. Brock. Corr Camp --Cole Camp Fair, Sept. -3. John W, Ragland, Columbia -Boone Co. Pair Ann. July Carson Teel. Concordia -Concordia Fall F32398I. Sept Donald E. Lohman. Cuba -Cuba Community Palr. Aug 6-4. kin, Irene Herlieh. Deeptnter- Deepwater Labor & Karrest Fea'Ihal. Sept. -2. Ono E. Harrinittoil. Dexter -Stoddard Co. Fair Assn, Sept. I5-20, W. L. Arnold. (don -Eldon Community Fall. Aug H. E. Bruner, Farmington -8. Franelas Co. Aug Floyd Becker, Falr Allan. Payette- Howard Co. Jr. Fair Assn. Aug. l -2. R.-A. Kmme. Gerald -Gerald 4 -H Llv.tork & Home E Snow. July 4.5. Raymond Ketterer, Gower- Clinton Co Jr. Livestock & Home Economies Show. Aug R McArthur, Green Clty -Green City 4 -R Falr. Sept. I. Lots Jerome. Hlgglasvllle- Latayelte Co. 4 -H & 3rement Folr, July 29-Aug.. Biro. RWt. Tempel, Hillsboro- Hlllaboro Hone Show Festival July Sam Martin. Holden- Holden Centennlal Cele. Seit M. L. Canada, Houston -Texas Co. Pair & Old Settler's Reisulan. Aug L. C.'M.o. Humanavüle- Htlmansville Pell Festival. Sept E. }I. Prlmm. Hume -flume Palr Assn, Sept. -2. Earl B. Franklin. Jefferson City -Jaycee Cole Co. Fair. Jul) Paul 830. Kahoka -Clark Co. Fair Mau. July Gilbert Sargent. Kansas Cay- Amerlcros R074 Livestock Show. Oct 7-28 C. M. Woodward. Kennett- Krnnett Fall Festival. Sept George y. Kirke, Allen. Mo. Fair Assn. ring. ' -8. N. C. Allen. Lamar -Lamar s Farm & Industrial Expo. Sept -3. Bud Moore. Laredo- Laredo Community Fair. Sept. (- 6. M. P. Brick. Lebanon- Laclede Co, Fair Assn, Aug L Massey. Lee's Summit -Jackson Co. 4 Achieve- ment Fair. July 3 -Aug. 2. Harry Vieth. Lee`s Summit- Jaek.0 Co. Pair Assn. Aug, 4-9. C. Hill Garrison. Liberty -Clay Co. 4-2 Pair Assn. Aug Jack C. Went. Llnu -Ouste Co. Fair Assn. July 3 -Aug.. Alvin F. Ll. Llmieus -Old Settlers' Reunion. Aug Eugene Thurlo. kfacon -Macon Co. Jr. Pair Assn. Aug.. Mrs. H. O. Crawford. Marshall -Saline Co. Fair Ain. July 26. J. Leo x,0.. Marshfield -Webster Co. Fair Assn Ellis O. Jackson, Aug. If art lusctlle- Marchait Zile Fall,, Aug W. Rottman. Memphis-- Scotland Co. Fair Mon. July 30- Aug. I. Harold Tippet, Maysville- DeKalb Co. Fair & Horse Show. Aug. -3, C. B. Barrie, Mendou- Northwestern Fall Froth... Sept. Ii -30. Mrs. L. L. Emrich. Mexico- AOdralu Co. Fair A- Horse Show. Aug, 5.8. Jamey IL Higgs. Moberly-Randolph Co. Ji. Agri. Show. July 24. A- T. Johnson. Montgomery City- Montgomery Co. Pair Moulortlev Assn. July E. F. Kanter. M Comm.., Pali. Oct. 26. Mrs. Paul Hensley, Morrisville- Morriss-die Jr. Fair & Horso Show. Sept Mn. Paul Herten.. Neosho -Newton Co, Jr. Fate Assn. July 22-24, W. M. Hose Nevada -Vernon Co. Youth Pair. Sept James E. McCall. Oregon- Autumn Festival. Sept. 4-6, Eleanor Y. Sprecle er. oaens.r- Omeonldade Co. C Tel, Man. Autll.4. Oscar Hellmann. Palmyra- Palmyra Fall Festival. Aug Mildred L. Briscoe. Platte Clty- Platte Co. AteM Soc. July Gordon L. Miller. Pollock - 4 -H Club Achelvemenl Day. Aug. 3. Walter A. Olmstead. Palau- WaahlOgton CO. Fair Assn. Aug D. B, Groves. Prairie }tome- Cooper Co. Adult Soe July Wm. Dow Carlos. Princeton- Mercer Co. Falr Alan. July 30- Aug, 2. Haryey Wright. Rlchmoml -Ray Co. Free Folr Asa. Sept John W. Ragera. Rolla -Central Mo. Regional Pon.. Aug, 3-6. J. R. Su., aaka44hnnn4aannnnma WANTED EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR for Bangor's 25íh Anniversary Year months' position directing all activities including "Pcul Bunyan Days " -outdoor living exposition -parades -4th of July celebration -music festival- exposition and scores of events throughout entire year. The groundwork has been laid by a Steering Committee, which has been highly active since April, 957. Must have previous experience in publicity, promotion, management of civic celebrations or large fairs. References and personal interview required. Salary $200 weekly, plus expenses. Job begins May, 958 through August 3, 959. Write- Wire -or Phone Gordon W. Clapp chairmen 25th Anniversary Steering Committee, Inc. Bangor Doily News Bangor, Moine. Tel. Bangor ten N,w,N,NK.w V NN,N /NwNSINVI 4NwV4NN NNN Çpecialijin9 in,9n4urance (or.. OUR COVERAGE INCLUDES: Grounds Liability Products and Food Handlers' Liability Rain Insurance Write or Phone today for Complete Information on Rates and Coverage N. PERRY LUSTER NATIONAL RACING AFFILIATES, INC South Everett Ave., Jackson Towers, Chicago 37, Illinois. Phone: Midway Sate-Safe Community ale, Aug Columbus- Plalle Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 25- Glendon Klosauer. 24. W. L. Boettcher. St. Charles -8i. Chorlos Co. Falr Asen. Jul) Concord -Dixon Co. Pair Mss Aug Aug. 4, K. E. BUrnedter, Roy E. Johnson. 8t. James -St. Jemen Pall Fes... SePi. Crete- -80.e Co. Pair Ants Mg Loins J. Donetl. Kenneth Moneypenny, Dorchester. Salem -Dent CO. Pall Festival. Sept Culbertson- Hitchcock Co. Falr Anon. Aug. Mrs. Otto H. Cope Ervin Coyle, McCook. Savannah- American Legion Fair. Jail David City-Butler Co. Fair Man. Aut, 7-23,7, Fro.. E. Turner. 0. Robert Ginger, Sedalia -Messand Stale Fair. Aug, Deahlrr- Tha'er Co. Patt Ann. Aug M. C. Ervin, M. E. Beckln, Sltelbina -Obelby Co. Fair Assn. July 24 Elwood- Oleper Co. Pair Asan. Aug. 3- Aug. I. A. T. Buckman. I5. M. R. Morgan. Springfield-Oracle Empire Palr. Aug- 0- IS. Eustis-Frontier Co. P. Assn. Aug. 2- Olen B. Boyd. 9tewartsvine- 73. Dean Rurale. DeKalb- Cllnlen Co Fall Res - Fairbury Uval. Sept. - Jefferson Co. Fact A.A. Aug Prone. D. Powell g Stockton- -Cedar 8. M. Crewman Co. Tooth Foto. July 25- pranklin- Frnnklln Co, Pair Amin. Aug. M. Mrs, Naomi Woüsrd' 23-27, Carleton - Sweet Springs- -Sweet Springe Fall Hutchins. Sept stls5. L. F. Parker. Fremont -Dodge Co. -2 Falr Assn. Aug. Tipton- Tipton Trl- 3 County Mehl S., Jvl) -5. Mchte White Rancor R. Olbeon. TulerWO - Naom Co. Pair Asan. Atilt. IB- Trenton-North Central Mu. Fair. Aug E. M. Black. 4. Homer Browning, Geneva- Fillmore Co. Pair Assn. Aug. l :- Unlon- Frnnklln Co, Jaycee Youth Falr. 9. Vta WoIL July.3, R. C Curran. Oordoil Sherldao Co. Talc Assn. Sep' Vandalla - Vandnlle Commuolty & 3-7. George B. Comer. Horse Show. Aug Mea, jleli Pate Ut- Grand Island -Hall Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 3- lerbeck, 27. [toward Rolnforth, W'uod Rher. Verslilet- siuroso Co. Falr Assn. Sept. Grant -Perkins Co. Pair Aua Ault, Kern W. Otter. Elsie S. Steeens. Vienna- Marley Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 28- Horrlfo Co. Fair Ann. Aug , Roy L. Hagar. Dean Lundy, Warrenton -Warren Co. Fair Awn, July Harlington -Cedar Co. Pair Man, Aug Aug. 2. C.o. L. Bon7 II. &MICA A. Wan. Waal.ngton- Washington Falr Aan. Aug. Hastings -Adorns Co. Fotr Assn. Aug Rlehrd A. Boneau. M. Wallace Chalemoka. Waverly- Waverly Apple Jubilee. Sept. 25- Ifemm gford -Boo Butte CO. Pali A. nn Aug 27. R. W. Macken Harry C. Wnilutgaon- Wellington Knnht, Community Fale, Holdrege- Phelps Co. Sept. Fair Asw. Aug Herbert W. WtDpermsn 22. West Plnna- Edgar Borg. awrll Punk. Co. Pair Assa. Sept. Homer -Dakota 3.6, Mrs, Co. Pair Assn. Aug. 2 Vlrglnla -24. R. Hard, Bernard Jensen. Montana Humboldt -Richardson Co. Fair Assn. Sept. Baker -Fallon Co. Pair Asen. Aug L E. Watson. Hoff Hy'annia -Orant Co. Pair Mon. Aug á. Billing; -Midland Empire Fair. Aug. - Mrs, Eorl Hayward. 6. H. L Fitton Imperial -Chasr Co. Fair Also. Aug. 3430, Blackfoot -Eastern Idaho Bate Fall. Sept, Edward B. Burke Mrs. Ruth Hartkopf. Johnstown -Brown Co. Pair Aun. Aug. 30- Clsinook- Blaine Co. Pair Aon. Aug. 3- Sept.. Allee Boyd. Sept. I. Floyd Bowen. Kearney -Buffo. Co. Fair Aua. Aug. 23- Deer Lodge -Powell -Derr Lodge Co. Fair 20. W. S. Wimberly. Assn. Aug LeRoy P., LUgb- Coifs. Co. Agri. Soc. Aug Dori oo- Plslllii a Co, Fair Man. Aug Edward Karte. Mallard Poll.. Lewellen -- Garden Co. Pair Assn. Aug. 30- ELteka- Tobacco Valley Community Falr. Sept. t. James H. Clancy. Aug H. P. Woydemeyer. Lexington-Dawson Co. Fair Aua Aug. Forsyth -Rosebud Co. Pair Mau. Aug Monte KUG.. 2. Bfrs. 3 Borer- Lincoln- Lancaster Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 30- Port Benton - Choutrio Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 3. Clarence Patterson. Sept. 5-7 W. J. Shirley. Lincoln- Schenk. State Falr. Aug. 30- Olaagoa- ('alley Co. Fair As.. Aug. 27- fiept. 5. Edwin Schuhe. 2B. O-0 Morsen. Loup Cttr -Ohrman Co. Pair Ann. Aog. Glen Dawson Co. Pair Avo. Aug Clark S. Reynolds. 2,5.27. Richard N. RIRB. McCook -Red WlllOw'CO. Assn. Aug. Great Palls -North kfoulaa State Fall 7.0. Dale. Thompson. Fs' Aug Leo C Dsley, Hanllton- Raxallt Minden -Keane) Co, Co. Fair Aaso. 9eDt. - Fair Assn. Aug. 74. Mervin Peterson. 6. Glenn Chaffin. Harry -HIII tb. Mitchell -Scorte Fair Assn. Aue, í6. Blurt Co. Tale Al. Aug. 30 -Sept. 6 Allan Henson. O. L. Williams. Kallape Upell- Northwest Monona Falr Assn. Nellgb- Antelope Co. Pali Aua Aug 22- Sept Russell E. Marsh. 24 C. Stonebraker. Lewlatown -Cent. Montana FEM. Jul) Nelson- 000koW Co. Talc Aan. Jut Aug. 2 JoanA Schultz. Aug.. H. McKinley Adassoo. LhmOstou -Park Co. pair Assn. Aug. 4- Norden -Keys Paha Co. Pair Assn. Sept. 6, T. James 2 Murphy. -4. Leonard McCormick. Milrr City -Entern Montana Fair. Aug. North Platte- LniOln CO- Pan Ann. Aug A. O. Miller W. C. Hord. Missoula- Wettern Montana Foie. Aug. 27- Oakland Co. Pale Assn. Aug M. Katherine M. Jourdonons. Orrin Kohlmaler, Craig, Plains -Sanders Co. Paar Assn. Aug- 22- Ogallala -Keith Co. Pair Assn. Aug Garth P. Howse,. 20. Boy O. Nelson. Beobey- Daniels Co. Pair Assn. Aug Orleans -Harlon Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 3 -lo John P. Harmon- James H. Mitchell Shelby-Marin Pair MAIL July Osceola -Polk Co. Falr Assn- July Clifford D. Coorer, Ray A. unreel. Sidney -Richland * Co. Pair Assn. Ault. Iß- Pawnee City -PawnW'ee Co. Pair Man. Aug 20. Hortet' W. Roach. Terry -Prairie Co. Pair Asap. Phillip R Wilson. Aug. lá7. Twin Bridges -k..n Co. Fair Ann. Aug 3.7. Doo W. Pouglu. Nebraska -...Rion- WUhangto. Co. Fair Man. Aug H. C. McClellan. Auburn -Net.. Co. Pair Assn. Aug Roy Stelnhelder. Aurora -Hamilton Co. Fair Assn. Aug Wesley Hoene.. Bartlett -Wheeler Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 22- M. James Finalmonds. Busnett -Reek Co. Fair Assn. Aug Clifford Turpin. Beatrice -Oage Co. polt Assn. Aug Vernon R. Mullg. Beaver City -Pumas Co. Fair Assn- Aug W. L. Exilsec. Benkelman -bandy Co. Agri. Soc. Aug Eddie Schwarte. Blades- Webster Co. Fair And Aug 4-4. Bernard Buschow. Blonmtteld -Knox Co. Fer Assn. Aug P. E. 8tepne. Bridgeport -Morrill Co. Fair Ars D. Aug. 30 -Sept. 2. Robert D. Moray... Broken Bow-- Custer Co, Fair Asau. Aut M. L. Gould. Burwell- Oartleld Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 3- lí. H. D. De Lgahmutt. Central Cily- Merrick Co. PRY Assn. Aug. 92. R. Stanley Torpro. Chadrun -Dares Co. Fair Assn. Aug Harry F. Meyer Chambers -Holt Co. Pair Assn. 2. J. H. GI... STATE & COUNTY FAIRS AMUSEMENT PARKS AND KIDDIELANDS AUTO RACES THRILL SHOWS RODEOS (Grounds Liability only) DRIVING RANGES BATTING RANGES Aug. ít- Pierce- Pierce Co. Pair Assn. Aug. t:: Herman (Scheer. Saint Paul-Howard. Co. Agrl, Sot. A ' H. E. FJatermeter. 2. Elmer Stott... Seward- Sewrd Co. Fair Assn. Aug Norman oerkonameyer, Sidney- Cheyenne Co. Fair Allau. Aug, 6 -l. W. E. Cunningham. Spalding- Greeley Co. Pair Assn. Aug.. 3. Clem Buchman. Spencer -Boyd Co. Fair Awn. Aug. -2 Wm. C. Bents. Springtleld --8arry File Assn. Aug. 38 -I, E. P. Wlttm6n. Stapleton -Logan Co. Pwlr Assn. Aug. M. 3. Virgil Magnuwn. Stockvllle- Froatler Co. Pair Assn. Aug, T. R. Current. Syracuse -Gene Co. Fair Asn. Aug Frock Sorrel:. I do.ii S0 FAIR SECRETARIES TROPHIES, PLAQUES and AWARDS for HORSE SHOWS DOG SHOWS LIVESTOCK SHOWS STOCK CAR RACES AND ALL SPORTING EVENTS Write for Complote 958 "Special Events" Catalog IT'S FREE THE TROPHY d MEDAL SHOP Deer le S. Wabash Ave. Chicane, III Phone: CEntral 6.Saba / WWa7NNA SET THE 64H6iP af ar e X fi n,([ 7/60vu tatawt PO. BOX UT SIDE STATION SPRISGFlED, MI$90UR2' * Weslarrn d folk Screen Slots ñ CISCO KID HOOSIER HOT SHOTS JIM REEVES HAWKSHAW HAWKINS Vint. Wire Phone JOLLY JOYCE Presenting the Top.. Theatrical Agency hladelphi: 00 Chestnut Servet Phone: WAlnut New Yerk: Herat President line F.t Ronald. Gange!. J Plata a tiro. emtoo * TROPHIES ENGRAVED FREE IF PURCHASED AT NATIONAL FAST SERVICE Trophies Medals Plaques For All Events Exceptional VALUES- STYLES NEW 958 CATALOG FREE Write for Your Copy Today NATIONAL TROPHY SALES, INC Den. B8, 75 W. Van Buren St Chicago 5. III. Phone: Wfbster "TIRED JOE" AND "PAT" "The Only Egg- Laying Rooster in the World" Originated by. F. Stout and Act Is Copywrited. Senaolionol Comedy Act feoturing 'Pot" the Egg toying Rooster. booked by o new, cliver "Sonlelite" Act, Clown Numbers, etc. The Hit on Any Program. Avoiloble 'For foira, parks, celebrotions, apeciol events, TV. thoolers, audi- 2y toriums, etc. Also do parades and advance street promotions. FOR OPEN TIME. CONTACT GEAN BERNIE, Personal Mgr. 407 Cypress, Tampa, Florida Phone ROdwood JESTERS-GO TO LESTER'S 0 CLOWN SHOES / 0 " Mode of Finest Quality LAP SHOES / long -Wearing I ' Materials / Circulara / I, 0 Send for FREI 0 LESTER, LTD. 29 S. `T-nituall Asenue (lira, :S. Illinnie 0

37 APRIL rrr7 Ca. Pair Ahn Aug. 22- Fur Aran. Auf Eaon. ton Co Pale Awn Aug I7- Samuelaort,?mess J. Zrin Co....Douglas Co Pate Au O. Mgr.. LL -IM D. Rentngton wage Wayne Co P Vow Aug..20 waggly Water -Cars co. PaI, Mea. Arg i t a. L I. Coronet olvilimiv-cnentna Co Pals Aua Aug. 0.M. Jahn Lobset Jr. Tarp -TOM Co. Pa Ar0. Aug. 3.6 maws T. Janet. Nevada Etko -RIZO Co. Pair Asrn, Avr 2ept I. NEI Mo. Jr. Cr- -DIIW2 Pak et II dungy. Aut ltpl W. Coo t Lu Trpa -tos Vega. Commuatty Pair. Bret Cedric P Olson. he.-.wad. Co. Pale Man. Sept C. Thant, New Hampshiro Cenlet Sandwteh - aandwlth Town As Oraege Fair Assn. Oct. 2. Dorfs L. Bern. Contoed ok- COntooeo0k Valley Talg Arta Aug. 29-Sept.. Cherlw A. Jones. De.dleid- De.rlleld Pott Ann, 76.4 W. C. Maxwell. LReaster --COOT-Laws Agri. See. Aug. 29 amt. I. Albert J. Keonry. P'..mauth - New Hampshire State Pur. SW. 33. Delbert B. Orgy. Rotbester- Rochester Agrl. Meehantcal Aran. Sept Albert L. Brown. New Jersey Branch+ID -Sower Co. Firm Al Horte Show. Aug John W. Raab. Bridgeton -- Cumberland Co. Pair Agee. July 39-Aug. 2. Raymond R. Riley. CMwell -Wes Co. 4 -H Felr. Lawrence D. uta.. Mytea -OIOuteater Co. 4-8 Paie Arn. Aug J. L. Olau. geld Spring -Cape May Co. 43 Patr AMP. Job 7-9. Wllllam 8. Lote.. Dunlam's Corner -Middlesex Co. Pall Awn. Asg. Il6. Russell Herbert. I. Ia- 8omerael Co. MH Vur Assn. Orig Mrs. Stanley Voorhees. r'mmeo -Flemington Fur. Aug. Il- Sept.. Normen L. Matthell. Freehold- Monmouth Co. 4 -H F!r Arrn. July 29. Omega W. S /ter Jr. Ra7moay- Warren Co. Formort' Fear Assn. Aug..4. Harry Z. Serfage. Lakswood -Ocean Co. Folg Aun. Aug. -7. P. B. Mansur. Mount Molly- Burlington Co. Term Pair. July 2 -Aug. 2. D. L. Render. Pomona- Allamte Co. 4-H Fate. Aug Darld C. Wood. Preakeea0- Pawalc Co. 42 Fair. Aug Melville Lockwood. Trenton -Marter Co. Tamers. P20e a 4. Show. Aug. 50. James H. Ric.. Trenton -New Jersey Sloe Felr. Sept George A. Hamlet Sr. Ttoy Hills-KOrris Co. Oil, Asen. Aug Swaute C. Swenson. New Mexico Ala0Mordo -Orten Co. Pall Assn. Sept Joseph Roerelcr. AlbuouerQuo -Hew Mexico State Pur. Sept Leon 0, Harms. Clor0 -Curry Co. Fat, Awn. Sept Phil Crystal. Lminstoo -La Ort. Pair Awn. 8e Mrs. I. O. Minton. Brooero- SOporro co. FOI,! Rodeo MsO. Sept J. C. Berler Jr. T erooroll- {tray Co. F Worse Watt New Yods AR. -Aft. DII2M Art. Part 40. loo, -4 Coy L. nl. Albi ere - Orlwae Ou talne.,e i.... Aran. Aot Fool Kraft Allaanonl- Altawoot Re/renal Arg. Fal, Arm 6.2. Smart T Roonoo.a. ADóahu- Allagtlanr Cr. Apt Mea Aug. -3. Donald Porraao. LDt. Spa- Ouataga Co. Apt Ne- aaó Wendell Tera., Batb- Sierba Co. Atrl. Soc. All. 27-6eet 7. J. Victor Parrett. BeearUlf- aoa,we Fate Awo. Jab 24 Aug. 2. Charles H. Nr0Mhns. Brosk2Yld- ira,uleld- Madl00n Co. Ain. Soc. Aug Raymond P. Bar0,0 Osledo0la- CaMdoola Fair, Ito ug. 7. Is Victor &root,. Canandalgaa- 0arb Ce. A6tt. Sec. Aug. 00. Christine H. llmlth. Chatham - Columnla C0. Agrl. Boo. Ant. KT- Sept. I. J. Vinrent Hortlsan. CeolntD3- COtlaklll Agrl. Bec Dr. D. Beard. Blmlra-- CTeojog Co. Pur Assn. Aug. M- IL Robert a, Turner, Fnla- Montgomery Co. Agrl. See. Aug. 29- geol. 2. Fred L. Lowe Henrietta- Monroe Co. Pair t Aran. Aug. Reenat!on Albert ROrn.heodr- Leeknr, Chemung Co. 06. Atri. Ike. Aug. Robert 0. Turner. Ilbaea- Tompktnr Co. Agr. r Rert. Sot. Aug Richard Little IC. Blotchtey, Yuly- Catlanóua Co. Aug. Agrl Soc. Mrs. Mildred Lockport.- Nlatara Merow. Co. Perm F. and Home Jr. Patt. Days Aug. -4. John A. Maloof- Prankli, Hall. Co. Alt. Soc. Aug M. J. Finnegan. Middletown- Oranat Co. Agrl. Soc. I0. Aug 3- Feed 0,000 Norwich- Jr. Chenango Co. Agrl Aron. Aug. Len Tyler. Owego -70.a Co. Apl. Soot Charles July B. Esrey. Pletlaburgh -Agrl. & Ind. Pair County. or Cltntoa July 2-Aug. 2. W. E. Rhinebeck Hudson. -Dutcher. Co. Pale Alan Aug. R. C. Murray. Sandy Creek- -Bandy Creek Talr Man. Aug. Marlon B. Herrick. Sehaghlleoke- Renswls,r Co. Agri. A Host. Soc. Aug. 29 -Sept. 3. Chartes A. Syracuse Poser, -New York Stale Flit. Aug. Sept 26- William P. Baker. Walton -Delaware Valley Ago]. Soc. Aug John C. Cidcrkln. Waterbwo- Jefferson Co. Abd. Soc. Aug Olen. L. relate). Wektbury- Mineola Pair h Industrial Expo. Sept Charles Bonnet. North Carolina Albemarle- 3tanly Co. Fair Agen. Sept Bally Orelledóe. Asheboro- Center of N. C. Fall Al?,.. Inc. Sept. -6. W. C. York. Hurllnóton- Alaman0e Co: Veterans Agrl. Pair. Inc. Om M. G. Ragera. Carthage -Moore Co. Attl. Pale Assn. Sept BII Scott. Charlarte- Southern Stuea Pair Assn. Sept J S. Dorton Jr. Concord- Cabarcus Co. Agrl. Folo. Inc. THE BILLBOARD u, l rl C's Pair AHn Jam W Racy Mel}. sk. owls Mate l)r. J. a Pot,. Dona Re :nt. lwdsrtlw Pals AM. Mrs K. MAO P Ohms Rekr Seawnr -peer Sept sa.l P., r N T. Renom- COaaWw /toeat On. Velarnae 3.0 Con. Agrt. Ssiis.O -p.q p Ares Cl Pur a... e Dash Clay. aanrora -Lee Co S M. WW. Atrf. Pa, Sept SMM- CMrlsa4 Co 6-8. Kegra Pat,- 4. W. l Frege. Mob, -Clarets. Oa Plr. Sept 70-0.t. Dr. J. Darren. lateara- lredell Co. AVE POI,. I. IFM Ctyse Sayre W.O Os. his too. Ott t Ernest P Batt.. wmtea- also -DnY Clark..'r Get 7.. NM Bolt.. Zabui8 -plue -Getty Patr. Not O. Wm«Pruett North Dakota BatttMar- attlarau Co_ Pair Moo, Jue 2. Ontre Rentre Cando -Towner Co. Pur Attn. Jase 2 M look Carne. Carrington -- poster Co. Pafr Ara. I. 49. H. C. Motley. Canna -Orant Co. Pole Ami. Jut, 7t Geroge Oebllart. ' Crosby Co. A Fur Ara. Vernon Jo. Is Nleltel.. Devils Lake- Ramsey Co , Pall E. Hard.r. Ts!r. Mpt Fargo- -Red River Volley July State Pal? Ara 3-6 A D. Pe'Vnden Scott. -Wellt Co FTrs Pal, 6.. Awes Ju.y Bea Rop4tad. PlaOIla -Burke Co. Tail Aron. Leroy. Jury Corson. 7 -g. Format- Sa0ent Co. Pal, Man. Mpt N. Weber. Grand Porkl- Ouater (rand Pale. July Fork Ralph State' Lynch. Hamilton- Pembina Co. Pur Awn. July 7 -. P50.0. Page. Jamestown- Stur,maa Co Palr Show. A July Dory 2-5. A. t Baeren. Lkot- Neloan Co. Pal, Awn. Sept. E 20. W. A 0arake. Congdon- C0er Co. Folr Awn. July 34- I4. Dick Poçkner. Llrbon- Itanwm Co. Tale Awn. July 0-7. L. C.!Alveolar. Mlnnewaukan- Benson Co. Pair Awn. Beys 2-4, V. A Melberg. Minot -North Dakota Slate Palr. July.27 Aug. 2. Merrel O. Dahle. Rolla -Rolla Pals Inc. July Ed MOateoh. Rugby -Pierce Co. Pale Asan. July 2 -E. Alvin M. Sanderson. Underwood- McLean Co. Tall Aber. Sept Herold Bauer. Ohio Andover- Andover Street Pair. Sept. E -7 Wm. S. Graben. Ashland- Ashland Co. Fair Assn. Sept Francis, Smith. Athens -Allons Co. Tarr Assn. Aug. 69 Emory Allen. Attica -Attica Pur Assn. Aug, «Sept Clyde L. Propat Jr. Ruth HOrn,tt. Community Fair. Harlow- Aug. 26- Bartow Fair Man. Sept T, Ralph Abernathy Jr. H. Proctor. Durham -Durham Co. Atnerlta0 Hrlklonlalnr -Logaa Co. Pair Legion Men. Aug.! Pur. 6 Sept. 29-Oct R. J, Phlllp Gordon. Rt. Z. Long. I. Hunts rule. PayelN0le -Cals Fear Pair Awn. Sept. 2. -Get. 4. Carlton Brllcllle- Setivine Tarr Awn. Ponder. Sept 07. Goldsboro -Wayne Vletor Roberta Co. Agrl. Lon. Sept. Berea -Cuyahoga Co. Pair Oland P. Peek. Aran. Aug. 7. Norman Lehman. Oreenebero- Greenboro Agrl. Pall, Ice. Howling Green Sept. -Wood Co. Talc Assn. Aug. 30 -Oct. 4. Mrs. Clyde Kendall. 4-9, John L. Clarke, 55 S. Maple. Presenting the Top Greenville -Plot Co. Fair Awn. Oct. FIL Hucyrue- Crawford Co. Pair Assn. July 29- Rock 'n' Coll Stars Norman Y. Chemblles. Aug. 2. Richard Shealy. Hendersonville- Western N, C. Fall Awn. Burton SILL HALEY a The -Oxcart Co. Pair Assn-.Aug 2$- Comets Aug David W. Cooley. Sept.. C. H. Lam 00000, Box P. Cher ALAN FRIED L A -5or Hlokoìy- Catawba Pall Mao. Sept don. STEVE GIBSON'S Red Cops Corbin Green. Cadra -Harrison Co. Fair Awn. Sept. C- Hlgh TOMMY Point -Hleh REILLY L Tommie Pomt Pair Assn. Sept. 3. L. Barger. 22 Writ woe T. C. Cudwell -Noble Co. Parr Awn. Aug. 27- Phone Potts. Kings Mountain 30. J. K. Wukenahaw. JOLLY - Bethware Community JOYCE Fur. Sept Stokes Wrllht. - Canrleld- Mahomet Co. P. Awn. Aug. 28 -Sept E. Tls.. Williams. I5a Ag.ney LaurinOurt- Scotland Co. Agrl. Pale Aran Canton -Stark Co, Pate Asrn. Aug. 20- Phhedetan,.: OM Chestnut Street Oct Sept. 3. Mn. Tern Seal. P23 Phone: Phone. N. INMnul 7407 LexlOttoO- DaYldson Co. G. Fair Alen. Sept- Marte. Nse York: Hotel President Carrollton -Carroll Co.,Ind Fl./ Curtis A. Leonard Br. Pelt Mtn.. Sep. -y PLr a Ctrl 6406 L.ttleton- Llttleloh To«Awn. Oct Z W Cape, 7C 7 T. R. Walker. (Continued on page 46) ' t OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY DUNCAN RENALDO THANKS FAIR,/ l \r.4gers AND AC \T For The following I)nles: SAN BERN \0, CAL. CHICO, CAL. VALLEJO, CAL. SALINAS, CAL -CALGARY, CANAD.% OGDEN, UTAH CHEYENNE, WYO. BOONEVILLE, N. Y. LEAJIINGTON, ONT., CANADA HIGHLAND, ILL. NEW ORLEANS, LA. SHELBI VILLE, IND. For open 37 CHICAGO. ILL. TROY, 00 TERRE HAUTE. IND. PRINCETON, IND. CROWN POINT, IND. hal. \7.00, MICH. RO\ IIENCE.. I. KEF \I. N. H. \ t N \\ ERT, 0 \;.\%. OHIO COLI \IIA. TF: \N. MEHI'IllS. TENN. BIRMINGHAM. ALA. MONTGOMERY, ALA. MOBILE, ALA. dates -CONTACT. CLYDE BALDSCHUN.0,0000 Monnger 552 Noble Ave., Van Nuys. Calif. Phone: STate 58958,îr'c:; :: :::c :::: :: :: :. ::.:.. :. :- -r.m.dtxmyo:jtmmlq3lit al n x x x r x F.T :.' K NO GAUGE CIRCUS MODELS FINEST AND MOST ACCURATE OF THIS SCALE Authenttrany waled modela you e sly r.. r..l4, donkey t te..5. a Raton 95e. KIt como complete w0á devele. IeIruellme. ele. GI started ese folder sod orlon on «rambled modele. Model Circus ImmMlalely. Order taita -plow. ro C.O.D.'w send fr Mooret«633 N. Kenmore SIMMONS ICAL MOOtL6. INC. too.«n.. sets, A "TAGG" DAY -AT YOUR FAIR -EVERY DAY! JIMMY HAWKINS, TAGG OAKLEY of the ANNIE OAKLEY Television Series and his Educated Horse "PIXIE," trained by Mark Smith, world famous trainer Here's What They Say... ERE) HEITFELD. California Stole Fair a Exposition: "Is won o pleasure to hove you and Pixie.., This sons evidenced by Ill?000t,nds of youngsters who coma em you." TOM,O'LOUGHLIN, Spalon Home Show thonl you for th outstanding job. See you in KENNETH MORTON. Station ROOT, 00,2 You hove alrody heord dial your appontant on Orals' Day (Arizona Stole Foit) broke oll retordt.- EMMA N. SARGENT. R.N., Spokon Sh.:n Ho+pirel for Crippled Ch.ldren: Thew little children were really thrilled and your v.rd will olsoyl ire remembered_" PROMOTION INCLUDED TV APPEARANCES, ILLUSTRATED PRESS CIVIC CO- OPERATION, AUTOGRAPH PARTIES BETTE McMAHON On Tour With GENE AUTRY month of August, 958 BOOK NOW FOR 9Sá -Writ for fo. brothur to BOOK, FLYING "A" PRODUCTIONS 6920 Sunset Nallvaood 2 Co e Les t.0+ Anenai 3 HOIIemod 9.:5 N Ormn6if

38 PREMIUM GIFT SOUVENIRS PRIZE NOVELTY -PITCH MERCHANDISE, ETC. 38 THE BILLBOARD Communications to 88 W. Randolph St., Chicago, III. HAND -IN -HAND Slum Jewelry, Midways Longtime Partners By IRWIN KIRBY Fur inure than 50 years slum jewdr' has been a standard item on the nation's midways, originally as a giveaway item to concession game eustonuers, then as a straight sales piece and prize. I)e elopinent of the carnival industry saw jewelry sales keep pace, and the two businesses grew hand -in -hand. For domestic low -cost jewelry Providence. R. I., always has been the mecca. the producer of jobbers' products thruout the country. It has been a long time, however, since $ per gross ewelry was available. today's pin findings alone bring priced at that level. Today the prevailing range is from $2.90 to $4.40 and more. for a gross of similar items, altho of better c uality than the early ones.. Few Old-Timers There aren't a great mahv people in the business olio recoil the early days. Stun Pockar. who has been handling shun for more than 40 years. is one of them. and he says be still can produce jewelry items from a penny up. Pockar's experience harks back to the days of tise Montana clianmud seerlpins, Battleship Maine pin. and brass imitation diamond ring (stamped "4K" on the inside of the hoop). They are days long past. such as in 907, when at the age of 3 he pitcher) jewelry and ageuted or midway gaines. Next stop was buying closeouts and jobbing them from a Model T Ford to shows and parks along the Eastern Seaboard. Son Bill Pockar has been involved in the operation for years as partner. -. There were manufacturers in the early days who timid afford to make jewelry cheap enough for use as giveaway items for the outdoor trade. Popular were the scarf pin, novelty brooches, old gold plain wedding bands. Battleship Maine key chains, the mau s Montana diamond. and men's brass white stone ping with phoney " K' stamping. The Montana was a white stone scarf pin. 'Ilse basic metal item was brass jewelry dipped to brighten it like gold and lacquered to preserve its finish. at least for awhile. Pockar recalls. Some of these pieces -scarf pins, brooches, wedding rings, etc. -sold as cheaply as cents a gross. Among the imports were the Georgia rose pin, golliwog pin and many ether novelty pins that were cnu let produced in comparison with the :American goods. but the industrialization of Japan has enabled that country to turn out a Vastly improved product today. just as the domestic product is also much finer. Imports Were Carded The imported pins were carded. a display method retained to this day. for the cheaper jewelry handled today is almost invariably mounted on paper cards for flash display and ease in coutiting. During World War I when jewelry spindles and pitch- 'tit -u -win hoopla% became popular, slum jewelry items were used in quantity and. for the most part, almost exclusively as prizes. Prior to World War II the public's increasing jewelry- consciousness was being catered to by manufacturers who were turning out an immense volume of incape :' 'e costume ew'elry. Jewelry items were being intrcxduced around the carnival lots as a straight sales piece in conjunction with a game. Shun jewelry spindle operators, for example, took to selling engraviugtype items and cheap rings that were either cast or stamped out of brass. Today the straight sales jewelry stand is a fixture wherever there Ls font traffic. Boardwalks are cluttered with them, almost every carnival has one, and fairgrotnnds have them, it sometimes seems, in every conrmertial or industrial building. Popularity among the operators steins from jewelry's cheap cost. compact packing and almost non -existant breakage. in addition, because of jewelry being such a blind item on the retail market, the customer usually feels he is getting his money's worth. as it is almost impossible for tie average customer to determine the true value of the item. There is also the inescapable appeal of jewelry for the female. Many operators of gaines who used to pass nut shim novelty items as give - aways- fisgertraps. crickets. razzers, etc. -are sissy working for higher customer prices and (eel able to give away a better piece of merchandise for a losers prize Quite often the origins of the pieces are closeouts, Job lots and obsolete manufacttrreí s lines. Some Old Firms 'The face of the manufacturing city of Providence is changed' now, althn couple of the old- timers still provide material for the onhiugar trade. Psxkar recalls Smith Bros. at 4 Blount Street, now Imperial Place; Armour Manufacturing at Eddy Street; A. Bellin on Orange Street, and Sturdy Bros. in Chartlev, Mass. Armour bought out Smith Bros. at the time of \World War, occupied the latter's location -and with two other firm bought a building from Vesta Knitting Compose and renamed it the Armour, Rex do Imperial Bliilding. Rex made me chanical pencils and Imperial is imperial Knife Company. Armour later changed its name to that of the owner, S. Chiappinelli, before quitting the bosiaess. Archie Bellin is one of the few pioneér slum manufacturers. still active in the business. Among the many who 'save passed omit of time field are Coldsnriti Herzberg, Sturdy Bros.. McRae, Keeler of Attleboro, Slams., Mardi, Kettelity arid John C. L. Shebeck. Their places have been taken by others, however, and the Provi- I desire area s products blanket the cnuntry during the outdoor fun season. The basic sure item has been elevated to a higher plane thins improvements in the ntanulactering process to where a wide rsn,, of quality is available from a city that tras once known, in the wide., trade, for $t- per -gross slum. Smaller operations have become over shadowed by multi-story plants like Urcas which pour millions of pieces yearly into syndicate (chain store) outlets. Slum is a small. cheap jewelry item, but the business voinme of its manufacturers, importers, jobbers and users reaches a staggering figure annually. s Pipes for Pitchmen "IT SURE,,, looks good to see a few pipes coming in. and Smilel-s report about the preacher who tried to steal his tip sure gist a laugh out of me, althn it's no laughing matter to build a tip. beat your brains out getting a dollar and then hare sonic lame brain try to steal it from you," writes Barry R. Day, the Greensboro, N. C., maestro. "A few years ago Charlie Iludson and i had a nod simoun up in Aube Comity. The third night there the were working to a packed house when a holy Roller preacher de- cided to hold a revival meeting a couple of blocks assay. When nobody showed up he went to the comity fathers and, believe it or not, my license was revoked for disturbing a meeting. Try to beat that our. At the Forest City trade day I pay a Huly Roller preacher two bucks if he doten t hnller in my tip. When one asked Tex Watts for $2 and he refused, she said she would put the hex on bina and no it goes. We have an ex- pitchman who will try to break up your tip by preaching. if he can, and the oily thing to do is to senile at them and try tp get a buck. The weather its Greensboro has been mean and rainy for the past couple of weeks, but the sum will shine again soon. I am looking forward to the day when my friend, Cliff E. Horton of Connecticut, will join me for the summer. I am glad to hear that Peg Leg is still around. He is one swell tip getter and a real showman. I may run down to Charlotte. N. C., one of these days to see my friend, Charlie Hudson." RECENT.,. visitors on Maxwell Street, Chicago, were Bernard D. Kantor and Joseph Weil 'Jr.. who pitched two gross of iridescent Japanese parasols. However, said Kaniur, the customers showed great reluctance to part with the coin. haggling. debating. etc., before concluding negotiations. The same evening. Sunday (24), said Bernie, "we dashed over to the Modern Living Exposition and Flower Show loaded with Mickey Mousse balloons and space arrows, but violent winds demolished many a balloon as well as our high hopes." EYE -CATCHER APRIL 7, 958 See French Basket As Sturdy Seller By HERB DOTTEN Outdoor-Merchandising Editor SEEiNC is believing. And. we've _mounted as he showed them to seen the French basket. And, others, He quickly closed for the nn the basis of first -hand observa- distributorship. tion (and some experience). sue Taking a leaf have no hesitancy from the manuin predicting facturer's book, that this Olson, mm demonstration item our visit in its to his first full office, year before the V. S. pubinterrupted the conversation early to lic- will show anal demonsmalls whopping sales. strate the basket. The French haket We were, to. or Le put it mildly, Cracieuax, which, deeply impressed. translated means We were struck not The Graceful. only with is really something. the unusualness of It the item is. indeed, but raceful. It is also tcith the ease with tihich amazingly it can useful. And. when being demonstrated or in any one of its mane shapes and usages, it is eye-catching and eye -holding. Ingeniously made of wire, it lends itself to a wide variety of shapes and uses... shapes and uses which delight the ferns and arrest men on the look -out for something distinc tire and useful to give members of the fair seq. With a qutu'k movement of one's band or hands, it can be transformed into () a floral centerpiece: (2) a serving tray; (3) an ivy planter; (4) a `LO -HI' A new sales stimulator, once a advertisers who want to get extra sales. pedestal for serving candies and snacks; (5) a hot casserole carrier; (6) a hand hag; (7) a salad and vegetable washer; server for fruit and rolls -to cite jtust some of the mans' uses to which it can be put, both appealingly and practically. - Something of a Doubting Thomas, we had beard of 'the French basket and the claims for it but were not convinced of its strong appeal and of its tremendous sales potential until a recent visit to San Antonio. There we vkited Bob Olson, of the French Basket Sales Company. who has the exclusive distributorship on the imported novelty. We expressed our skepticism to Olson. lie laughed and said he understood. Ife related how he. too, had been skeptical and how, before seeing one of the baskets, he had turned down an offer made to him to handle all U. S. sales on it. he manufacturer,im veter, did not accept Oisosi s first "no." 'He wanted Olson to handle the sales. This was understandable; Olson already had demonstrated his abil- ity to sell products on' a nationwide basis. Tire manufacturer figured that the basket itself would sell Olson. So, a shipped Olson several. month, open to all our For Full particu- lars contact The Billboard's nearest office or write- 88 W. Randolph St. "LO -HI" Chicago, III. When the shipment was opened. Olson was delighted; the baskets were so unusual. lfis delight he demonstrated and how the demonstration compelled mir interest. Ctxm nee return to Chicago, we found a dozen French baskets had been shipped In us by Olson. These we distributed among the men and women in the office who were intrigued and delighted by the French importations. More impressive. the nest day several asked where they could buy one at time suggested sales price of $2.95 and one unan reported t his wife wanted six, also the suggested $2.95 price, to give away as gifts to those who load befriended her while she was in the hospital. Olson himself can provide abundant documentation of how well the item is received. Up fo the present tune, the outlets have been largely in department stores. where the results have been excellent. But, recently, they have been introduced at indoor shows of various kinds. At a recent horse show in Chicago the item went like proverbial lot cakes. Daring the coming fair season, the French basket should go' over big. And, at all types of indoor show s. noosing from home shows to flower shows, the basket should ring op whopping sales. Displayed in its various shapes, the French baskets themselves make an attractive display for a demonstration whether indoor nr nnt;ioors, at various events. As for demonstrating it, we says a 2-yearold boy come up with a renuukahle demonstration only a scant few minutes after the basket was placed in his hands. To demonstrators looking for the nmsstsal. this is the answer to their prayer. The profit margin is there for them. Olson assures us. And, we certainly believe it Naas tsemen- dons sales potential. The novelty of the itero has raptured the attention of some of the top women's page editors in the nation, and at fairs and other shows thruod the country it should do the same. all of which should spur sales. Similarly. it's the kind of demonstration item that snares the, attention of culsunuists and TV men covering major events who look for something truly unsually to treat - and this, too, should serve to heighten sales. 'Fur the demonstrator hued with quick jumps bettreeh fair or show st;arhds, the item has special advantages because it collapses into very small space, is light in weight, and comes well packaged. [Bess tue miss our guess, you'll see many, many buyers of the item this year at fairs and other shows walking time grounds or Curt the buildings. with basket in hand - and this. timo, should serve to heighten sales.

39 APRIL eff. (, / BALLOONS! FOR ftr00tmin '7 Two AN All LT T C M-aD r, O7 Mot. Meuse Cry.. Iw ron TnN.-per in 7l....N {{PpIrNHaa LOno. 70 AP ro " 7S 7N Trrn Onr..f I PNpI Clnu rtm ---' - 0,7f //I Tr4pp. / a 7/ PalriOfM o W. la 3e I W..... S./f All S/4n a R7 TricN.r, Pelka D. r N 7 T.sulr, PNO D..r avala.. 7 S. /N MIa.MW r S» M40. Mow. 7.N Tr Car... I.r / MN... Asst. < 7.30 /N MIC.Y MeuN w n ra 7 N PNlol a Trkolor KN 30..,, 0w / **AN r MO/e N. >t" MperT Re. flk0. :" NavY Reed Sl.te 70 4^0 Wood DPwala 3 N NNI/.IIINn Puma. ach ) ar 70 /Hkc Govt. Surplu Illa.n Pump, tech 70.N ' e.00 FEATHER r PANDA BEARS G,p., loch Wh,, Many Pend la.00 DOLLS Gress / r N 7.N T» ah»o.n sa Dnl,n DIl. t/alit bpey N».N OraNa I.N IN. ing ntl. e. NII 4.0 V, l oe FUR FEATHER Dv..0 MONKEYS / Plush Supek- arcr r INES... t" surn Sd.aYr Dees 7e 00 7' Mush Nu.akr DNa».00 MONKEYS T; DRUMMER BEAR $8.00 GR. INDIAN DOLLS CUB S ]3 ]7. AA,. 00. SAILOR DOLLS cros. DRUMMER MONKEY b NOVELTIES S" Indian Vinyl Dell S4.00 6" Indian Vinyl Indian Vinyl Doll., Indian Mother DanOhler... WOO 7- Indian Sou..n bank.... 7' Indian era. Stn lank ls.u Dll.n WAIN Outfit Dell In WAIN Outfit N.00 Indian Doll.. Tern Tam R fl. 7 {.00 De,n ndn /20 ton. N. I Den Ton. oo4 ) s0 Opmn,ng Tom Tom ncil 70 ripe, c P,pe. 7. :. TemTem,7"w,0.. lefim.40 Fl T.mltw`, amin 0n 7.N Tomahawk, 7" J Tem wawk w: NON. hid 73 lntllan CanN, 7' 7. tnn, Y _N Matldrt+.. nt 7N Pr,ncle On5. MeNdrt 7 ]I Nddr.a :I.a{Iltfo I.thr. ]0 MtetlOrra. NNIIC Innl 7. Grass tao Mnela S0 N Thr.aCelee Handle IK...Wee... c7" bnnd w Ino 77 0o 7' Munlin Knit Y Mann,n Knife SWORDS w /sheaths BREAK WMhert at,ng Cr. PMNa. INN Ma/N,. waw,wr.r. 7 Cennwl /IM4 PtM,n /law».w 7 RAYON PARASOLS ad r "n.l cf,. r.a I " n Stall. en N II. 7 N JUMBO NAME POP G PISTOLS RIFLE ill»i N II N GUNS b Aclrn ar`, ).7{ a. [Ommane.ifl Daus [Art r,, IS', 000 O, BUTTONS 00!0 AFTER si. ñ,.. Datlan, e D. eetltl. W r.t IOr Ir Int o..hdta,ltr )ambe cenr,l anon., er ta. WIND ` UP TOYS a,a,r Gross elepin ear De Monk. on Ik wrni 70-0 Re40v. CM-Alps 07.. Twirling 5.k. w fr hlnv ]{.. fur Dof 3. soy on.k w, sal ].. Nae Xt Dog 0 40 Walking Playful K.ItY Plush Drummer IN.r... Sts.. Jump.. Squirrel - T. Solt. W Time Otalin Dolls In k. NEW MOT ITEM wir u/ coke bolt l. Des I,cn.t.aar, Datlerr epfri rr d, drink. S7a.. r,. V. I. nn!{ talion THE TILLIOARD 7 t.r. tel,n.. al 0.C;::0202 /» 6wl 0. p oa T. uanr, Inla r.....i rl.g TRAMP DRUM SATIN PIRATE CLOWN MAJOR CLOWN DOIT D. 7.0 t`r00 I" Tramp CIwn. stuff. 7" Drum M4,. tuffo...n ' Salln CI+n N 3 7 Pirate N 3. t.r.00 7" rtrmn s" Indian 0, 7' 8.Ir vinyl Oell Amer. Gross of OIt. lea 0 7. SPICY NOVELTIES u.onn tar. Dr C w.y. Ds.. /.ICY Cmlc Ch.n MM... L Dc..0 Sw:ng.n Ch.n. AMray. 7' 00 7 eo D,....w.-.:;rt'J Iplc ei ire Sully cr.n.t eek-a-tee Tacop w nolo.. Dr. I.N 70 hm in Plastic K Chin Weft Oak Playing C4rd.. D. 7.. Comic Pen Cam's, peurr. Gr Wc.eY. ar... url0u. Stripper w,.. bml. D:...77 rur-linco China pel. Ds..,.. Girl in nh Tub, china G,ra.n Picnic C W.I.. D,. nt,n ceaal.. D, RUBBER TIP INDIAN SPEARS BAMBOO 70' R.d {fick aar S.90 dr-».ombqa 7.00 da. N" Rs...00 df. HATS- NOVELTY, CARNIVAL COOLIE HATS FELT Confederale Garrison Cap $4.50 dr. $5.00 gr. UNION GARRISON (AP $4.50 dr. $5.00 gr. STRAW 2 -FELT HAT dr gr. BONNET Imported $.5 d7. $20.00 gr. CALYPSO HAT FUZZY äba3r 0 {IS.N p N ISO. FELT 0 GALION WESTERNER dr gr. FELT Tvrolan..,... Jr, Rock weil.. S -IS orkl 0.. P, w oink braid N.N FELT DERBIES $4.00 doz. S45.00 gr. Fell Top Hats LADIES' 000 HATS $6.00 dr. 'ri.... d) w. seen N. Asia Er. Nw tee Yaps Mn Tel T.. Caps 7.23 d,. 7t N.. e MOTORCYCLE CAPoil cler $6.25 dr gr. PUSH OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 3. ENNIOJERS, FILM( PrPaw Prw"wntst.... DOWN SOUEAKER TOY end ^^ '$4.80 Col Anf Ot SNIPED BASEBALL DOLL " N w Nn N Nw MN LN A..E.IN DdMe Nw PraMat an".t bnim. /wwm. CNr,w PLUSH $ {t. w /sq. BRIDE AND BRIDESMAID DOLLS IO. STICKI, hot n.. PANDA N a Cenlainr Dell In N D7. BIRD CAGES -.O b rd In Gr....N [hatpin. Ird In cago,. Dr. 70.N. Cs' Plastic bird In cage, 7 ". Dr....» 0 WlndU Sinan And In Cageo 0, FELT CONFEDERATE OFFICER'S HAT HATS $.50 dr. $84.00 gr. UNION OFFICER'S HAT $7.50 dr. $84.00 gr. COWBOY FELT PLASTIC IVY LEAGUE CAP dr.: Domestic t CRASH r. HELMET Imported +it.7.rr.... $4.80 dr di. $39.00 gr. d _à. SAILOR - n..., GOB HATS HAT $6.00 dr. $69.00 gr. NMUN {nr Cewbe " hone. _ $5.25 dos. $60.00 STRAW HAT rint. $4.50 dt. II 2.00 dz. feiler Ge Mfa, ON Ds ak, MIN Or. wnn'r Mat E Y S)S Da.»00 0r. pe-,.d w :..-"... M...woe. SNRUNKIN NEADS hod Slock :":."... ss.2s dr,..... w 880W TNRU NERD r u NN Crhd Inaw PLAID - DA NGl IN6 ANIMALS-Asst. fi Wel.. S4.00 gr...w owl lam uö Mat/ am, u.. r oo.0ò.o WaNIo Cata 000 Ia06N W0 LIN, NN.T 7000 Wlh Puai CAN Settle Coe 0 t0 pe^ntrl Cane M is 00 TELESCOPES G lt. 7c N.' co Too M n r 00 Throe chrome Tnr.e.t,n pe.t OPERA BINOCS GLASSES. Parts w. step som... /» N tae M Trap 700.., 37 w Lan pearl w. Mrs. lam An. 64 r Wrap.... N M.e. Black. strap tern.. M N luacr slat. w lira. temase M N PLUSH JOCKO MONKEYS a" {lanrd. Gr 2 (4 tj'muffed G,... M N IY' SIMON w m.r In. ype D,en. 7 IP' Win or fur. a It le 3.a,n Iur O. N FLYING ry BIRDS Impene In,I Ww.Np. ar... NN 70 prtnm,rd. Gr / w Ilarl. 73 Chrome y Trumnf /.00 7 Trumpet 7.7 Amt. TrmNn Kage /lni..uaa. (pr.rrl r or {a.7 MUSICAL DS. INSTRUMENTS G, D, N.N psln 4nla. Dr. IJb 04 YAWN tit Meta.. Dr. 754 depon, wish arder. balance C.O.D., Neal York CHARLES SHEAR ISO Pork Stow. New York 7. N. Y. phono WOIh All orders.hipped rame day. All prises ubise lo change. for.omplr list. SPECIAL PRICES TO QUANTITY PURCHASERS WHERE POSSIBLE SLUM ITEMS Wide $5.50 Asst. Per,000

40 40 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 958 STREETMEN - Here are your WINNERS for '58 - The NEW OAK WINNER -featuring colors that stay bright no matter how big they are in flated - an exclusive new development - yours for IiIORE COLOR e Can be seen a block away Pre -Stretched for big handout Free Worker with every gross PACKED GROSS and a WORKER IN THIS POLY BAG WITH CARRYING HANDLE ORDER NO Giant Nobbies 6-57 Giant Paddles MORE FLASH Cee.ri,ur WuN Dì-.rsy Mickey Mouse Nose Balloon A Good Pitch with its Bright Red Nose and Red Ears. - No No Not Stretched for Influted Sole. h ( Stretched for bigger value of the handout. Tiger Cat Balloon New Winner Design Sure -fire - in 'S8 No, 6-20 Not Stretched for Inflated Sale, No Stretched for bigger value at the handout. Both Packed in Regular Box -Workers Available Parks, Kiddielands Ct'r:tinucd from page 29 refreshment Hands, e.uaurast, penny arcade, shooing gallery, Houuon -Wee Wild West, Wee Wild Wart, Inc., Owners; T. J. Rogers Jr., Mgr., 0 kiddl rides, refredlmtnt wand. Jackaourille -The Lookout Amusement Park, Dorothy Hendrick. Owner; Ernest Hendrick. Mgr; 2 major rides, 2 kiddie ridee. 2 refreshment Hand., restaurant. penny arcade. shooting gallery. pool, ballroom. Lubbock -Mackenzie Park Playground. Sam Caplan. Owner; 7 major rides. 6 kiddie rides, 2.refreshmenl wands, penny arcade, shooting gallery. pool, pitch d putt course, picnic facilities. Pasadena -Peppermint Park. Wm. H. Watson, Mgr.; 9 kiddie rides, refreshment wand. Sae Angelo- Planiand Park. Mr. and Mks. Roy F. Nell, Owners: 2 majoe rides, 6 kiddie rides. refreshment wand. picnic facilities; books tree acts. San Antonio- PleStedd Park. James E John son, Pres.: Oscar Bane, Mgr.: 0 major rides, 7 klddl6 rides, funhoose, walk -lhru. 2 games. 2 refreshment wands. pens arcade, +Nesting gallery, race tract, p.. IxÌlhis.. Tempk- Kiddieland, Phd Bible, Owner; Par Pennington, Operator; 4 kiddie odes. rc frc,hrank stand, picnic facilities. Maw- KiddieNpd U. S. A. l'rank Israel. Owner; e kiddie rides. refreshment stand, picnic asilities. Wichita Falls - Orbit Amusement Park. Wayland D. Kedb. Owner: 7 major rides. 2 kiddie rides, 5 games, refreshment stand, restaurant, shooing golfers'. Utah I...- Saratoga Resort R. M. Eastmoed,'?let,: e major rides, 7 kiddie rudes, 3 refreshment wands, pool, ballroom, pucak facitil es. 5 Lake City- Lagnos Resnn, Robert E teed, Mar.: 2 major rd., 0 kiddie ',Jo. funhoose. 5 Fames, 7 refreshment stands, penny arcade. pool. beech. ballroom, Sete In Cip.- LÒerty Park. R. An Gur - dorer A Richard Gardner. Mgrs.: 4 major rides. 3 kiddie rida. refreshment stand. penny arcade. pool, ice rink. ono, avian', botanical gardens, athletic fold. picnic facilities. Salt Lake City- Saltair Reach. A. J. Tee:- Mgr.; 6 major tides. 6 kiddie rides hoots. 7 cana. 6 refreshment wan, restaurant, penny arcade, shooio: fer?, beach. batlrxm. picnic txilities. Virginia il.:roe Bach- Oenkroc Beach Reece P t-. Scietlen, Owner. major rides, kiddie rides, funhnux. walk -rhru, tames- 5 refreshment stands. penny a, kale, shooting taller, beach. ballroom, sale facdi(;h. C ',+niai Beach -Reno Amusement Park. D. W. Conner, Chiner: S major rides, 4 kjjie rides- 3 tames, refreshment stand.i pensy arcade, beach, ballroom; books orchuras. 'Norfolk--Ocean \',0e Amusement Park. AIben Milker, Mer.: 0 major odes, 7 kid-, die rides. walllru, 20 games. 6 refreshment surd[ rectauraot, penny arcade. etiae gallery. bathing beach, <:Jdicland, picnic facilities. s., niais Beach -Casino Park, Horace R ford, Mgr.: 3 major rida. S kiddie r 9 concession tames. -3 refreshment c-.n3. beach. ballroom. penny sr., taller- piceic lc :jlìcia- \- irninie Beach- Seaside Park o, the O.c. Eleanor Duquel. Mgr.: I maint ride -. kiddie rides. 35 games. 6 refresh., ntands, 3 restaurants, shooting to lr beach, ballroom. nicei: facilities. Washington Rcd ado -Redondo Beach Park, Weston J. Bern. Owner; 2 no rides. 4 kiddie rides. refreshment stand. beach, fishing, boating. picnic facilities. Scattle- Playland Amusement Part, Carl E. Phare. Owner: 4 major rides, 3 kiddie sales, 2 walk -theirs. 3 games, 3 refresh - n,enl stands. penny arcade. theories gaiter, picnic facilities, athletic field, miniature ío- s `..'.one- Natatorium Park. Lloyd Vogel. Stir.: 6 major ride, 3 kiddie rides. walk -.t,r, penny arcade, shooting gallery, keu- l.ccma- Funland Park. W. H. Widenmaen, Me, 0 major rides, 6 kiddie rudes. 7 Fames, refreshment used. reslaunnt, sheeting gallery, picnic facilities. 7,067 OAK SPECIALS bm6:4; / : 00, M. M. lleen. 5-ro czar Color a sell Balloon. 5.ryr / ton work.' ash Gros.! Cr. / 34.4 Slim Jim _. $4.50 / (ono worker oath$ C He., $5.? Oat rle' Fondle, celen / r' Cla. color. / Ia. d, with M. O. $60r ones 'e.l. C.O.O., Crr:lìon, check F.O.B. t.h:c... BELL SALES CO. 07 SO. HALSTED ST. Chic490 7, Ill 'elt Virginia Chaster -Rork Sprints Sart, t. L Pre; I major ridas, 0 kiddie sleek 4 g ame, 2 refreshment vends. reetaonee penny arcade, ballroom, picete facnhlws liuntlatron-camdee Park Recrevloe C. tar, Witham H. Nudd Jr., Mgr.; IO milky rid., S kiddie tide*, funhoose, 0 paq 7 refreshment Reeds. restaurant. pen.? an cede, shooting gallery, ballroom, miels. cure golf, eoo, picnic facilities. Rand- J.eyland Park. John it Irene Demon, Owners; 7 miler rides, I kiddie rides, 0 g ames, J refreshment scads, peony arcade, shooting gallery, roller nnk, mo, picnic facilities, 'isconsin Green Bay -Ban Beach Part, Cityowned, ',cods H. Krieset. Sloe.; 2 major odes,,dole rider, 2 r.-cdlment vends, es. (Co,- - d on paite 2 NEW LOW PRICES POLISHED ALUMINUM (DENTS \tk '27J No. C32 ladies +ES I Gross CHILD'S ASST Nl. (33 Men's Gr Re. (34 GROSS 'CS"7.> 52.5 ALUMINUM BRACELETS No. (25.-ASST. PENDANTS, G-. S4.20 COMPLETE LINE- LOWEST PRICES SEND FOR FREE CARNIVAL CATALOG -;. Osamu with Order. Salan. C.0.0. OPTION t isit a RS 00 W. NINTH ST. KANSAS CIT, 6. MO. WATCHES! WATCHES! WATCHES! BENRUS! GRUENS! BULOVAS! ELGINS! ALL 7 IEWELS! LADIES' AND MEN'S. BOXED $2.00 EACH COSTUME JEWELRY AND GIFT ITEMS Dolls and ether Carnival Items. CHAIN STORE NOVELTY CO. 9 West 34th Street New York. N. Y. NEW SWISS WATCHES Zw7 FOR MEN St dium dial d minds, Ricend none er melt d. ses* * mé.main r. mound O sod Finish MatchlM 4, emir $3.5 In IM. M sin N mows eamrlo N.M. Terms: IS, <oh with ardor, w I n <, C.O.D. Ìtto BL SALES so' w. Madsen St. cole, y, ell.

41 APRIL 7, 958 RUBBER SQUAWKING ANIMALS - POISES REPLANTS + MONKEYS umbis(( b.t 5.80 dz. 52 gr. Sp.NI Jumbo Assortment. SS. 40 d.. (ELIO HEAD MONKEYS h. or. T. / J0.00 Y ' Jumbo F.0Mr Monkeys...30 dol. PANDAS 5'.f.60 da. T" h. BLACK METAL SABERS -/tbbard 5.5 doz. $20.00 gr gr. 24,00 gr. e' dt n. 0'..50 da n. il'. S.25 ds n. Setting Panda, $3.50 dz. OA ' offing kettle 7".tt03 Stool. RUBBER REINDEER INFLATES $5.50 doz. BAMBI w/ SQUAWKER $.80 doz. STUFFED SCOTTIES 7 squeak I 7r'x5 ", $3.25 dt. $.60 d. LSO do. u;v " TEDDY BEAR.7Pww dz. I. Noel CsN04 ai dz. /' 40 DNI $2.75 d. D» CN AnnmrN $3.60 do. 0.pe4 er 000 $.00 dz. Min an bltytl ol0..r CN s4»pin Pur k" $.80 doz. $2.00 gr. SILVER TROMBONES SILVER 3 KEY TRUMPETS dot. $22.50 gr. p w eee. l.n ge. /.N.L. Plastic Banjos and Guitars, S4.80 doz. Accordions, $3.50 dot. SHRUNKEN HEAD 8" PLUSH GORILLA Dbr ne,a : ïás 8" CLOWNS 8" Mayor WI, Baseball Doll, Fireman Doll. Choice or &storied. $.00 doz.; $2.00 gross $3.00 dor. THE BILLBOARD BALLOONS N INK. Mw NM ls.w M-M r... Mono rn Clem FIN iii ï, Nre.hd.2 Aft..mb bin^ am RN bll»q 7»d Tr2{rr 4 RN N.A. PMNN /ig M.P. Irkr -. a r N N 6J {N Me4l: n Jn ellw, NJM... RAYON PARASOLS INol NT..wk.N.. "SPnad 3 _23 dz. 530 p. 5- Swami. 50 h p. 9- Spread..25 da e. u" Swami Is r. RELIGIOUS C ) ITEMS eele ltaton en Crew In.Ingo. pom Cthe r ackrovnd. 6'..3.N de. 340 Ir. g-...3 es. 3 {.00 IL 2-,4' `._ 4.00 ar. CHIRPING BIRD F IN (AGE U HI HAT FEATHER DOLLS 6'....N da. Small, 75c dz.; $8 gr. Large, $.75 dz.; $20 gr sr. T'....d. M. 0r. Y.... N. 0.60r. 2' N or., 3.00 sr, Peet., Sgtk {' Denailn.ellan Doll or.,..00 gr. BIRD'S NEST 0 GALION WESTERN HATS $.00 dot. $82.00 gr., $3.25 dz. OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT MID NIASSES - `-"" w.- 0e. 52 Iel. BEST KIDDIE WESTERN STRAW HATS $2.25 doz. STRAW MADE COWBOY HATS $4.50 doz. Masks, 90c gr. S4 RO dt. VINYL INDIAN DOLLS SI.80 dot.; $2.00 gr. Twin Boy i 6ir Into NIL $3.50 doz. pelts sirs Tm.n..a. Der Indian Poet Pi /.. bee m 3N4r. On.0 Inman 400.n n. Der. DANGLING SPONGE RUBBER.r DICE 5.00 dot. Lntw.en motercrcl. nat. $3.60 dt. ROCK NEW DESIGN MOTORCYCLE HAT PORKIE.Claw.. I ntoril.d $ ROLL PIE $5.25 dz.; $60 gr. sock 6 POI Errer Het b..n.ts Rork 4.00 es. Poll.73 di. DIRECTORY 4 9" PLASTIC 3 SECTION TELESCOPES ADMIRAI TUNE HATS $6.25 dot dal.. $.75 dol. SAILOR KIDDIE STRAW ETON CAPS $2.5 dot. SI.80 ht. v ACTION With Spark, $3.00 dz.; 608 RATS SS IS Bit. KIDDIE FEìi ETON CAPS S2.25 dot: $24 gr. 4. 3M. Cos. amp.n 37 7 e. /MO PIUSR MONKEYS 8'-$.0 dz. 9" ds. 0" d. " dt. Y-SS.lS da METAL BREAK PISTOLS $2.00 gross gr. I r" CIRCUS CLOWN BEATING DRUM Oa.i Dall $.60 doz. $8.00 or. BUBBLING SQUIRT BOY \` $2.00 dor. MONKEY. $.00 doz. RUBBER HORSE INFLATES JUMPING PANDA BEAR, 5.50 dor. $6.50 gr. - D r. Imponed Plying Inn.00 C weey Lath Whips None W ^bell J.00 amb» Can..N 0.00 Naelum mb» Cne.7.00 M.ew ambos Cense Merl Gns Lw u' 0mboo /osn " bamboo spears.n j" As7ortd Comic noon hr '7 RbI.r Pirte PIN , Rebel er Pirate Plum STRAW HATS $.50 doz. $28.00 bale nets, D. Or. Woedn Cork /tools 6.40 VI 00 Poe We bubbling Inn P.k,6 Roo Tegtep Ru0..r squirt ley With Fountain C»I..4.t,.33 4" Coolie Mets.7 Ladles' /un bonne..7 ' Plush 000 s //.cask Tell.30 black Drbl P irar Nat s: atere lack MN 6.00 Cav.IN J/ Ca for Pistol 6 SO COO JO YANKEE OR CONE. OFFICERS ilc_hats $7.50 dot..jr YANKEE OR CONF. GARRISON CAPS, doz. NAME BUTTONS Or.n Rd Whn Wens* battens. $0,00 nmr00. NMI ter. st. Tri Motor Bomben gr. Floe Motor Bomben gr. CORK RIFLES 44'4t\. 8" Desk 2e" k Belt Action r Mrk 2' nee Attn.. M.ols Growth. &clins. S3 / ea 77' long N. -: Nub L K IRRITER KNIVES 2" 5' ti. $.25 doz. $4.00 gr..80 dot gr dot gr. TOPO CAPS CLOTH Packed 2 dom. tsart.d aters and sees. $2.00 dot. $22.50 gr. BADGEBOARD ITEMS Cub KN.. wj Math /.N Cub Kn. s/ herí Nand. i Sheath.3 Cub Knives s/ nodal She.. N Ovn Poma TN.00 Fur Deis on.73 P0.0 TNK.PS '73 hn Knl. K.T CMn 2.00 WVIN Mnd. MIMNUr KnN Kw Chain.73 Indl«Ten Terca Oevm.If Oto br. /0.00 ls.o AO 26. n.h.40 S. 64er Dolls JO 6.00 Peen ON =a ON Cemrw spy alca.7f.f0 flssnt reta ron.00 g.m beban Fot K.y ChNn N J M. Bunn. Par 00 Jf Panda Jl.7.40 T»sy bear.000 Slum Assortment $5.50 lnclud, Resters, Rings. Fons, Welchef, Autos, Dogger, Na c Assortment $2.50 Includes Mormonnes. Point Sots, Fur Monkey, Sheet Folding Fons, etc. DL Or. Myths, c Assortment S2.50 koivdi.g Spring Teps, Don Pislek, T.kscop.s. Groucho G.30es. r. Prices F.O.B. New York. 25 o deposit w /order. Send for catalog. Y. Yes, Plastic Pistols, Weser!Noels, PEARLIZED OPERA GLASSES Awrt.d <Wen sw. (Onions lass 3'.7'2' 7.00 et 77 l "as a p. HURRICANE LANTERN $4.50 Dot. Biflerks for Lanfems, 75c doz. SCHATTUR NOVELTY CO. 44 PARK ROW NEW YORK 7, N. Y. PHONE: CORTLAND Spe<Ia Prices to quantity buyers where 'loud ble t ' SAILOR DOLLS 8" $.80 dt gr. 2" di. $33.00 gr.

42 4r OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 958 Parks, Kiddielands Continued from paga 40 9", " and ' 4" and 6" Quick Pitch Qua/ateí Balloons Q 4 Color Polka Dots... on white or transparent balloons. Q 4 Color Stripes... on white or transparent balloons. O 2 Color Patriotics... on white or transparent balloons. 0 White Sno*flakeS... on assorted color and transparent balloons. 2 Color Stars... on white balloons. Also white stars on assorted color balloons. ter Immediate Delivery.,,Order Today 44 PIONEER -R-4-e-p-w 40 Tiffin Road, Willard, Ohlo i% % /% /N//% ///////N/////////////N////////////////,W/////////////H////////////qY//N//////////H% //// /iii Himont, ballroom, lire poetes, pl.& fealties. HortonvIlle-- Dyne'e Resort. B. A. Buchman Sr Oweerl pool, beach, ice rink, ballroom, refreshment eland. rameutant, shoats, gallery, chial. field, plcnle fa- Milwaukee-State Fair Amusement Park, Wisconala State FaIf Grounds; Co,,. 2. A Elsa M. Rose, Owners; 6 major rides, kiddie ride, walk -thru, ballroom, 9 gamer, 5 refreshment stands, penny arcade, shooting gallery, picnic facilities. MusLego- Muskego Beach, Chas. S. A Else M. Row. Owners; 8 major rides. kiddie ride, ballroom, rink. games, S refreshment stands, penny arcade, shooting gal Lary, picnic facilities. Prairie Du Chien -Rose Park Zoo, John Patera, Owner; psajor ride. kiddie rida, refreshment stand- picnic facilities; books orchestras, name bands, free acts. Racine- Juyland Amusement Park, Reginald Freeman, Owner; 9 kiddie rides, re(reshmen( stand, penny arcade, roller rink. Ratine -Kiddieland at Horlick's Dam, Josephine A Richard Horlick,Owners; 8 kiddie rides, refreshment stand, restaurant, picnic tacdilies. Sherwood -High Cliff Park, Eddie H. Ver - brick, Owner; 2 major rides, 2 kiddie rida, funhouse, walk -thru, 4 games, penny arcade, ballroom, Picnic facilities. Vaupun- Waupun Kiddieland, Mn. Ella Long, Mgr.; kiddie rides. Canada Calgary, Alberta_- Bonin.% Park. City- owned; R. H. Wray, Mgt.; 2 major rides, 3 kiddie rides, refreshment eland, resrau- stioolmg gallery. beaob, roller flak, ballroom, poor tract, bowlleg alley,, piodle tacditles. R ine.tun, Ont -Lake Ontario Park, Hiram B. Revell. Mgr.; mater ride, refreehmeas &sand, beach, ballroom, athletic field, picnic facilities; books orchestras. Port DalOU)le, Ont.- Lakeside Park, B. H. Brooksoa, Owner; 6 major rides, 3 kiddie rides, 4 games, S refreshment studs, res- taurant, shooting gallery, beach, ballroom, picnic facilities. Montreal, Quebec- Belmont Park, Rex D. Billings, Mgr.; 9 major rides, ll kiddie rides, 2 limbouse., w.0.hru, games, 6 refreshment stands, restaurant, pen, arcure, shooting gallery, ballroom, picnic facilities. Regina, S., katchewan- Regina Kiddieland, John Macoviclruk A Wm. Macovichuk, Owners; major ride, 6 kiddie rides, r freshmen( stand, penny r ::ide Free gate, free parking. WEINMAN WATCH Values! * BULOVA! I '' ELGIN! rant, shooting gallery, pool, ballroom,,v BRAND boats, miniature golf, picnic facilities. \ Park, Marion Ross, Mgr.; 6 major s rides, i kiddie rides, lunhoine, walk -uru, perry WALTHAMI Vancouver, B. C. - Happyland, Exhibition ienrusf / "\ N E w arcade, shooting gallery, rink, ballroom, Owro a 25 games, 3 refreshment stands, 3 restaurants, race trek. Lockport. Manitoba -Rendezvous Park, E. A J. Casey, Owner; T major rides, S kiddie rides, 2 funheuses, 2 walk- thrus, 6 games, 2 refreshment stands. 5,,,,,,, penny arcade. pool, roller rink. ice rink, boats, zoo. Picnic locrltiee. Winnipeg, Manitoba - Winnipeg Beach Amusement Park. J. A. Mace, Mgr.; 5 major Odes. 3.kiddie rides, games, 4 refreshment stands, 4auranl, penny arcade, shooting gallery, beach, ballroom, picnic facilities. Amhentburg, Ont. -Bob-to Island Amusement Park, T. H. Smalling, Pres.; 4 major rides. 7, kiddie rides. funhoiue, 4 r,e,a,ant, penny arcade, shooting gallery, roller rink. ballroom, ponies, miniature golf, es4union boats, picole facilities. Crystal Beach, Ont. --- Crystal Beach Park. F. L. Hall; Mgr.; 26 major rides, 4 kid die rides, walk -torse, 23 games. 0 refresh mont stands, 2 restaurants, penny arcade, WORLD'S SMALLEST LITER SMALLER THAN A POSTAGE STAMP All metal chrome Iin:sh, surer,. clinn tndlvidohy boxed, Can ISO b worn on mn's key corm or dls' cnrm Dra<eler Plus sh,pemo chrpe]. Min. 7 doin. Ky Chains ev:lable Per Or col t NO F da tai Exci T.. F r <se loe. STERLING JEWELERS 977 East Main 3t, Columbus, Oh. Ideal fr Engravera. Stale Your Business `STYLE S m Choice Lot! `lase r3w 6 for $ Mane end Leal., Alt famous /naked Complete with span.,ion anal Record- fsam7ls ) honed - Cuanrtes, NEWT Standard Brand WATERPROOF WATCHES Bule Elgin, genruswilh. panrion bandai Nw style li built of t3 Ilk new. and In lots lors a r mere. (Sample, JIVARO SHRUNKEN $9,95 HEAD 'l'errtfie rot customer interest. long Darr, owed mouth, made /rum skin of sloth. Takes "' eaten to dis Ungulsr from net. 'num.. iron. Eciudor. tomes fa Dal.ea -wood colfln. rn-ahn fn m n rot IKtuc!] lnnuded. 34.M caf Dres S refonde, w'llh o drr eesuons. U sot ol complete', alldletl. Tropical Trader 2000 Biscayne Blvd. Wan Florida Indistinguishably New BULOVA- 0ENRU5 ELGIN- GRUEN, ETC. 30.d. monebek euaranre Fr. catalog. Repossessed factory Orie:nals. JOHN A. TT r[e North Miami Bc h, Fler:tl Water seeks its own level THERE IS ONLY ONE ORIGINAL SWISS PRECISION We wlll no/ sacr;llu quetoy ror Prlc. llq!: ractory puarsnr<. New -Nel -2imi r made FOOD (HOPPER a< No sweet uvres e 0 05 V. S. Pr. ::2, = Every One a Worker No Larry. -Ral Flesh =tn. revolves with ch rep et the handle 4 Solid As srt Bladt Ext. Aluminum Nntll Exr re Ntavy Plastic Housing BetIPm end Top $crew Together Share Cull :nq Blades Mult:p le Colored Boxes NO TERRITORIES-NO CONTRACTS Unlimited Production Som Priest to Everyone WIRE -WRITE -PHONI FOR PRICES Kitchen Products Co..h Distributed by MOULI MFG. CO. JERSEY CITY, NSW JERSEY "LGn, w áv7ía/e. ling!. ii l'., 'Iik''l'. II.'JIn'q I'tIIn'nilllIli pllnali..90, i! lllllllll0ç W e'g REAL MONEYMAKER S&.GeD MIRACLE CROSS S6Ó.60rprx No Fibmammamb.Noa0mma y, 0 We Sell Below Market MFRS.' (LOSTOUTS 8" TO 24' FANS / d83ato 3d TON nairlg0n llonbrs 6 Name Brend " -CE Westinghouse, / Burnt Abbott. Gross IL's Beauty' PROVIDENCE PIRO COMPANY 49 Westrnmsrar SI., Providence. R. TOP QUALITY AT i LOWER THAN LOW PRICES 'lcéd /err Send For Samples 2 Besr Sellers Salgsr0 (o. 844 S. 555, Ave. JJ Cicero. III- `_e BELL SPECIALS - BEAR0,,e,.0'r Assorte! Colors. le Poly Baq. $4.80 óó;. $48.00 p.r ire >. dot. minimum. I 25, dap with Ortler. M. O. ctrl. Ck. Bel. C.O.D., F.O.B. Cnicago. OPEN SUNDAYS. BELL :SALES CO..-Q7 SO.- "H,4$STf; ST,. Ch4cgo,! x.t Se,d for free Insentory List 800 W. Randolph Sr. / Chicago.. HOUSE OF FANS MO 6878 '.mm0/67% %7:g CLOSING OUT 5,000 LAMPS F000PROPITB Lmp., r. uo.ed ser da, Vanity Lampa l3.oe per esa.. Hanging Lampa 5.00 per dx. TV.30 Flower mdt.5 a. It Samples LmDa 0.OJ All Lamp complete wiles Shda. V'Pil's f 6.00 per dot. Molha is 0y Pictures Pl cluret 0.00 Dpr dot. =tframed Pictures " 0.00 Der lit cee Buss our Hom Plc..7o Der ac Convex Pictures 2.50 Der dt, pock:/ 3ra Mirror per 00 <" Round Plclu na 2.50 per 07 Pi t l :Innen rot' car 0 vá, caltes oror, c.o.o. Smigh'B.Jobbing Hors* x Mllwuk Ave., C Icwo 2,. % 0

43 ' APRIL THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY HARRIS SPECIALS 43 PRICED TO SELL AT TERRIFIC PROFITS MENS JEWELED GOLD TONE WRIST WATCH /Fels 4 n v 44 lane r em.l TM 40. $330 sack oan LADIES' GOLD TONE WRIST WATCHES Chir r mil 4 oud bn ion bnd. $4.25 ach S48.00 dozen tully FLASH! PEARL SET $8.00 Po Dot. Sels A.rtt C.I.. TREMENDOUS VALUE Sample Sel, 5.00 The NEW MIRACLE (ROSS & (HAIN WIIb rnain.d Lrd' Pr.. M tenth cree.. Et Cr. no Ilrl H A.eNN tnrn $. T.N rn Ns ttn Ten Commandment IkacoMt, S Fully Automatic CHROME POCKET LIGHTER 53.5 per Do2 $4 p4r Grass -Pc. MEN'S WATCH SET In <luh Cult LIn. -T ella-n a Merl -watch a Nn and t matt. Adyer.e In L mnaain, row.rlul MINT. Metal Gold Te Pan and Pnc Ht. Too I Yar Srvlt. Gloronf ;5.0o Nr > et N Sample postpaid LADIES' 5 -PIECE GENOVA WATCH SET Watch IM SaM t moth. Thlo IN IntIWN 0rrina.. t I.wlINIY tynd. untul hrnead INI.. boa wnith ten b un a t.ney dlh, 4w' Enal4 LMtan a 4 w Nr do. 4l2b.n..., SSO Nr at an' POWs 2awN No.It7 C. yett.n., S.00 rt. d.. C+b P2U Lllbte I e.rn. /.2S 4.00 Nt d. a'n T/N Ll/tll d.t lm' Sfon Studded Lp,t. 4.0 we h 7 00 c. a. TREMENDOUS VALUE! Lord Nelson or Mercury waterproof, shockproof, antimagnetic MEN'S WRIST WATCH H a wish Pill one Mane Nt. net.r.:.,... rln Irnr Ion.a. ntl. Adorrlsec w Nalwa. oá Sample $.00 postpaid $6.00 each $69.00 dore. RHINESTONE BROOCH PINS AN.rtad styles. with Ur*,.the d. bo.d. HARRIS SPECIAL 4 PIKE CAMEO AND BRILLIANT STONE JEWELRY SETS, rrinr l PN.ibN ernin le m4ch, ] K,.le ISr.l. tol,n Ilnod / e. $2.00 dozen $.50 sample sel RHINESTONE EARRINGS Averrd arll. $7.20 doz. paar boaat. t SEASON'S GREATEST VALUE MoI {ntaleni Ian ONI.n tn var. ttc lotat ít7 Intludlrfo: /n, Atrt. CNra el. RIratllbl toll Peint Pont. N Teh AC.0 N, Oren awl lu In.. trr, hanewmir assied arw eu. t 7 L4Mr Ora. Vinyl 4.4 Wen - silk uí / -In P.. t ne- ír0. nn. ft) ttnd.rd Mame b. d,haney Tnl nr I..evulr r/in. man wurl N/h.ry In W.In. n otlally, All PM sully Our 4ní4, tamp H, $.N,2. $69.00 per gross KulIr -Color Desk Companion Ensemble e- Ent en seen l $ sana Iw...ío ON IIONT I.Modena elf! ^e Paotle.l than for rt.ino. N ed Po u rile 0.,.:Men P n wr Cree.e Prn wnn bw and Ms. Pen w AIN black. MJ Aland bast. - slat.. All eel NOY ryahn Md and Individually baed. L,.fo el, II 00 aluala. artr INnu. hnd f.r a{rr[ rtn llal on ).,. S69 per gr. 25% deposit required --money order or cash We Ship Same Day We Receive Order. We Ship All Over the World HARRIS NOVELTY COMPANY 02 ARCH ST. THIS IS OUR ONLY STORE PHILADELPHIA 7, PA. Phone: Market WA Send for Latest Catalog DEMONSTRATORS -PITCHMEN NEW ACTION THRILL TOY Attractively packaged as shown. NUDNIK SATELLITE Whirls and Spins! Makes Supersonic Sounds! Send $ today for four samples with prices and full details on mechonicol demonstrator. DELIVERY GUARANTEED ABBOTT MFG. CO N. W. First Place Miami 37, Ha. NEW -NEVER BEFORE OFFERED RAIN CHECK MILL TAILCIlD AND TUROT NAT et WACO.. :IACN POLO AMO sly/ IN CA owe.. Cbt Tede slit OP /AC OP CI ACnAGCD aa. 00. K cawron. /A -la t R DOL 4 DOt[N LOTH % Dyne 0204, LANCI C.O.D. P.O.. T0.t00. O..00 PD v., O LA. Advance Merchandising, Inc..>, DA`+CrrOPT $7 TOLEDO 6 00 SO I E " 7M DANOL 5 50 N Nd CLOWN DOLL Nt óhe Mere. tsr Samples. W. Çtern a cn. u. a m. n4 ORINEINO BEARS trot [Mamans r.o.e. N.Y.C. 5 <I 5850 roll Lin. 4 le. tm a it r.í St ee... brknur ed 4uM : ACE ea. 50 W slum. da. bw l C O D e earn. TOY MPG. COMPANY e_sar, N T. C. et.ew -n) ALL- WEATNER Plastic Pennants Gwrabl.- T.u.-tMar 44 awmin colore- zinm P24 hn w.nn ewn.n a Wrt ;2`,";."`a'-'.7; for want., Wk... Moda tl M wtl.rlyd. CNrM DttA[2 e rrn c4aln Kne A IW f aln e ` :Iwvy lan. a\ls wri Clnt, M. O A i A NOVELTY CO. GIVE IO DAMON RUNYON CANCER FUND s AMAZING FLOWER GARDEN COMES IN ROLLS Produces hundreds of blossoms per roll. ROLL IT OUT! WATER IT! WATCH IT GROW! And Watch Your Bankroll grow with it. SRAM) NEW DEMONSTRATION ITEM DRYING TOP MONEY 00 Florida Fairs, Shows and Deportment Stores. Comes in 8 ft. roll, nicely pockoged. No competition. Easy to book. Strictly legit. GROSS daily of $2.98 per roll, in good spots and triple your investment A real sneaker. X Your Best Spots Now. RUSH today iralail, ', package sad /Noih. This product wi l 0th Ave., S. E. set ycu cn Cr. with enthusiasm. D. L VAUGHN b ASSOCIATES t :OR CANVL and PAW, CONCe{{ION hatlertay e fowl romn INN al Pue. for t'wwrbn in Diddle are tbo MV Wailer may f.r Ibe )rara St. Petersburg, Florida. rlastf.r PL.ts'rER PLts'rElt 2r0. C. rlunr Flader 4u.i'7 Usu.. M. t..a.f..auurarlurn4 am rllrnt Ure RoW AwawlN, 340 wr lmon.ry Lt Awnrbd. Q... ow Owen; rntute M e+: YNWd Ism TWdA)wted 7,0 W {.ir 40 Wow, hm.0 Plat wt.wnn')s.n 0f.rea lnler foams this ad-plentl d aru-ti.n/ s...+. sr dt..odl 0 rwr. {T. LCu YOVtITY CO. le/nran IJ)/ 30 Mn4Mr v.. LN. 0, W. MIM. Iwne 6243

44 44 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY TMI lillloard APRIL T. INS It's here! The fastest selling import from France since 776! dust touch it... FRENCH BASKET 4werdd siv.r M.dd for Gr.f I.v.r and you're th worlds bthowan--- rn ing $0 to 5c an hour! MAGICALLY FORMS INTO USEFUL SHAPES AT THE TOUCH OF YOUR K FI \I;ERS y.., * l se. nnq *joy r _ I I ' old, 5, pldststol some/ or condios, snack -. - ivy plant* os hot casserole carrier s sfrvlr... presto!.. and ilwent n'o. -' I' 300 French Baskets sold in 6 hours! 27 sold in one hour! No other product in selling history offers a demon- stration so compelling -so surprising! Rush coupon for demonstrator now!

45 APRIL 7, 958 THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 45 YOUR "LIVE" BASKET MAGIC DEFIES MECHANICAL "LAWS" -TAKES IN MONEY FROM AMAZED CROWDS! Every lcomalt wants one on sight! A real goldnllne f or salesmen, crew managers, demonstrators, party plans people! This amazing import from France Is acclaimed by salesmen as the NINTII WONDER OF THE WORLD. When you see it, you'll know why pictures can't begin to reveal the real thrill of seeing the FRENCH BASKET in action. It seems to defy every mechanical law as it changes itself into an endless variety of useful shapes at the uch of your fingers! Astounds everybody more than taking a rabout of a hat... you make fantastic magician's pay just by show - it. This mechanical marvel is so different in construction that it n NOT be made by machinery -each one is hand assembled by.ench "craftsmen. 'Women buy just as quickly as they recover from tonishment- in.about 20 seconds. As one salesman says -"I leave rybody dumbfounded -with their money in my pocket!" See for urself. \Ve'll.positively guarantee that you've never had so much making money! START COUNTING YOUR SALES IN THOUSANDS If we seem to bubble with more enthusiasm than you can feel as you read these words, remember that we've actually seen what happens when FRENCH BASKET is shown. Until you've seen a demonstration for yourself -you'd better keep an open mind. It doesn't matter where you go or how you sell, you'll take in money anywhere you see people! In homes, in stores, in factories, in offices the FRENCH BASKET draws people -even crowds -like a busy circus. Put your trust in any woman to fall in love with the FRENCH BASKET on sight,-even if you show it a hundred times a day! At the low retail price of just $2.95 it's a wild runaway seller! Comes to life as you touch it, magically forming into dozens of useful shapes. Made of polished metal wire with plastic handles and hinges. Withstands boiling water; rustproof. Use as receptacle for plants; as basket to hold eggs in boiling water; as server for hot casserole; dozens of uses. Saves time... saves work -yet is the ultimate in graceful design. GO INTO ACTION NOW -MAIL COUPON FOR SAMPLE See for yourself why all the "raving" about this product is completely I justified. Don't let skepticism cheat you uut of a small fortune. Be- lieve your own eyes ONLY--but give yourself the chance you dearve to cash in. Just say "Watch this!" and see how the French Basket I gives Ives you the master salesman's touch by the uncanny way It does the I No sales experience needed. demonstration means action -and action sells. So act now. Rush just for a demonstrator postpaid-or send $2.24 for is full dozen tretail value S2.95 each or $3540 per dozen). Quantity buyers as for special gross lot discounts. Mail coupon at the right. r FRENCH BASKET SALES CO. Dp' Northeast Military D.i. son Antonio 9. Teams How does it work? This invention baf- fles everyone -fills your pockets with profits. Turns, bends, twists, opens, closes to form: Planter for flowers Cookie Pedestal Holder for washing vegetables and fruits Ladies' Handbag Pie Plate Serving Tray Trivet for hot dishes USES UNLIMITED! New uses discovered every day. RUSH FOR SAMPLE Rush additional detail's free and pap s d about the fabule: r c Le Grac.., FRENCH BASKET. NAME I am enclosing $2.00. Rush one dtonstrafor postpaid. I am enclovng $2.24. Rush onedo:en FPENCH BASKETS. (Retail value $ my profit $4.6.) Send into.nat :on about gross lof discounts. I FRENCH BASKET SALES CO. Dept. B -4, 003 Northeast Military Drive SAN ANTONIO 9, TEXAS pl ADDRESS CITY ZONE _ STATE _ J

46 46 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, Fair Dates Confirmed from page IT I Patented Don't wait 'til the last minute! WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE I NEW "Hasty-Tasty" Plenty of Stock for Every 0ne Orders shipped Scme Day Received. GIANT AUTOMATIC FOOD CHOPPER Last year Chopper sales broke all records. This year with our New Low Price, you can really prepare yourself for the jackpot. PASTRY CUTTERS PC SET sos' 0.0UVelt Brand Newt Never before offered as a set. Available in Sig beautiful assorted colors. This is a natural for the fairs. These ingenius cutters are great for: FOR e LOCAtONS BOOR YOUR FAIR SPOTS DOUGHNUTS LITTLE PIES NOW ACT TODAY - YOU'LL SE GLAD YOU DID 7 T edmid t4 %o7jticatlejc td. R7 L MR. MERIWETHER BISCUITS TURNOVERS COOKIES POT PIES RETAIL $.00 PER SET \ \\\ S N I N E4) B O Y NEW SHOE SPRAY Here's one that etll knock em fora loop this fair season. It took 3!i years to d- vetop Wale product. Shine Boy Is the boat spray shine on the market. It's 00^. guaranteed. It to now being demonstrated at o Chicago llama Show, doing better then $300. per da,. Fair goers will fight for thus Item. Re.nenber, it's newt Never been eta far before, PHONE: TAYLOR ASK FOR MR. VILLA FEATURE PRODUCTS, INC. 933 W. WASHINGTON BLVD. CHICAGO, ILL. DEMONSTRATION PITCH AND COUNTER DISPLAY CAROS SINT ON REQUEST r7 A i 4 t. Ceara -Mercer os. Ter AMA. Aug W. F. Archer, OhUUo:Nhe -Rau 0.. Pair Anon. Aug- le- le. Wm, O, Kramer. CintIn l- Clnc-Ramtlion Co. Polt Asen. A Sept. S 0.3, O, A Peers, 64I Court Houm. Olrolerlll -- Plekaway oo. Pair Aas. Sept 9 -. Wm L. hook, III Tut Place. CerolerWe- ClreleMl Pumpkla Show. Oct 9-8. Ned H. Draabaoh. Columbus -0. State Fair. Alg D Robert Jon., Ooshooton- Cosbooton Oe, Per Asn, Oct. -4- John Senter, 707 Kentlworth Ass. Croton- Hartford Pair.tan, Aug. e -e- William Artar Dayton- Montgomery 70, Pair Ass. Aug. 30 -Sept. 3 Ooldls V. /nhelsle, 700 Kai - bold Bldg. Delaware- Deiswars Os Ter Aas. Sept Wm, B. Deal Dover- TUatAr,wi Oo. Per Awn- Sept. 8.0, W. O. Findley, 24 N. Broadway, New Philadelphia, Eaton -Probt Ca- Ter Aas. Aug, e -9. Glenn Crowell - Flndlay- Hsntock Oo, watt Assn. Sept. I- 4. Mrs. Wade Marshall. Rt.. Bluffton. Fremont- bandusky Gs, Ter Awn, Aug. 29 -Sept,. Russell /, Hull. OWlpolla -OaiBa Ce, Pair AMC. Aug- S- 8. Jimmie Starar, Mercer... Georgetown- Broom Os. Par Aso. Oct. I- 4. Luther Hestia. Orwnrlile -Darks Oo Pelf Amin. Aug. IA- 22. Robert BrumWUeh, Hamilton- Buller Co. Pair Awn, Aug, 7- M. Barton Tram. Seren Mlle. Hicksville-Defiance Cu. Pe :r Awe, Aug Gerald Massie. H'.Illarek- Pranklln Co. Per Aaan. Aug. 3 -I6. Findley L. DeWolfs. Pair Awn. Sept. Hillsboro- HIghland Co Clarence Larkin. Jefferson- Ashtabula Oe. Per Assn. Aug. 6.9 E F Walborn, Kenton -Hardin Co. Pelt Awn. Sept Richard Wortmau, 63 S. Main 9i. LMOaster- Ferfleld Co- Teer Assn, Oct. fill. Ruwoll W. Alt. Lebanon- Warren Co. Pair Ann. Jul, 8-. Cores Wt... Llama-Allen Cs Pair Assn Aug, 6-2. Robert O. Pickering. Lishon-Calumblan Co. Farr Asa. Aug Clarence Crosser, E.Ran- Herktng Co. Pair Awn. Sept J. E. Math., IS Keyms Drive. London --Madison Co- Palr A..m. Ang Lloyd Roby. R: I. Arens Loudonville-Loudonville Par Assn. Sept..30 -Oct.. Walter Lux. Lustst.- Scioto Co. Pate Awn. July 20- Aug. i L. Wm- Burns Willow Way, Portsmouth. Mansfield -Rich :and Gs Fair Assn. Aug, 5 -e. James D, Marlette- Wmbtngton Oo, Per Asen- Aug - 3I -Sept. 3. V. V. Seheber. 7 Ninth 8i. Merlen- Mar!On Co. Pair Assn. Aug Wm, Raley, MsrystW. -Galon Co. Per Nan. Sept Rsy A. Brake, Rt.. Milford Center. Neumies -Lucas Co Pelr Awn. Aug- 4-7, Carlton DIefecthaler, CUtUsa. MoConnelevllle -- Moreau Co. Pair AMn. Sept. 3.6 Ray O Smith. Medin- Medina Co. Per Assn, Sept Clair Fulton. MIL'ersbure -Holm. Co, Pair Assn. Aug. -6 Verle H. Spreng. L eireelle. Montpelier-WU /lams Cc, ritt Assn. Sept 7.3, Woodrow Schlegel, 3 N Platt St. Mount Olieed- Morrow Cu- Fair Asst', AUS..8. Dwight Messlauen. Mount Vernon -Knox Co. Pair Assn. July Henry O. Richards. Napoleon -Henry Co, Paler Assn, Aug, James D. Murray - New Lexington -Ferry C0. PAM Ana, July 30 -Aug- 2. Edgar W. Newion, Norwalk -Huron Co- Pair Asse. Sept 9-3 Mrs. Elfrede Crayton. Old Wu24 -t. Thuaernael Co. Ter AMn. Sept Thom. E. Crecy, Cambedes, Ottawa -Putnam Co. Per Nan. Sept Gene Sonnies Rt. 2, Cloverdale, Owe.elle- Clermont Co. Far Awn, Aug L. D. Lewis, Painesville -Lake Co. Pair Assn. Aug Mn, J. H. Bescher, King Memorial Highway, Mentor. Pauiding-- Peuldtng Co. Pelf Assn. Aug filched Shaffer. Piketon -Pike Co. Fair Assn. July 336. Clarenm Anderson, Rt., Waverly. Plain City -Plain City FAIT Assn. July 29 -Aug, 2. Walter M'SIt. Pomeroy -Melgs Co. Fair Haan- Aug, 3- It Allen C. MIL Pr.torville- Lawrence Co. Pair Asses, -July Mrs. Edna Belle Oheson, th, Ironton. Randolph-Randolph Talc Ass, Sept R. P. Lis Allton, RIchwood- Rlchwood Fair Assn. Aug, 9- Sept.. Dane D. Lowe, Rt. 3, Marys- ville. Rock Springs -Melg Ce. Agri. Sol, Aug Allen O. 8 Sr. St. Clareville- Belmont Co. Agri. Soo. Sept. -6. John Cos.e, Sandusky -Erle Cor-Far Matt- Ang, 9-2. Karl W. Kurtz. Seeman -- Seaman Fall Festive. Sept Ray L. Butt. Sidney- Shelby Co, Fait Asan, July 28- Aug.. Wm. P. Seewer, Smithfield- Jefferson Co, Pale AMn, Aue_ 4.6. W. E. Rose, Ragland. Spe:ngfle:d -Clock Co, Fair AMn- Aug B. P. Sandia, Tallmadge- Summit Co. Pair Aua. AUS- 9. Mrs- Jame Jeffery, 704 Old Rt, 6, Hudson, TU. -Seneca Co. Pair Assn- Aug. Id- 2- Don Mesnerd. Troy -Mtaml Co. Per Asia, Aug, 9.6, Emerson Swank, Box 45. Rt, Laura. Eloper Sandusky- Wyendot Co, Fair AMn, Sept. 9-3, Row A Winter. Crb mpeen Co. Pair Assn, Aug Mrs. Howard Goddard. '. Wert. -Van Wert Co. Far Ass, Sept. -3. N. E. Stookey. Wapakoneta- Auglatrs Co, Pair Asse. Aug Harry Kahn. Warren- Trumbull Co- Pair Ann. July 3. Aug, 2. Frank M, Neal, Pewler- Washington C.H- Pytt Co- July 3336, Prank E. Ellie. Far Asp, Wauseon- -Fulton 0o. Par Asn, Aug. 0- Sept 4, George W. Corall7 Wellington -Lorain Co. Pair Alle. Aast Dale M. Nell, 403 N. Men Bt. WLWton -- Jackson Co, Tar Amr- July 9 I0, Carl G. Dahlberg, Wart ONOn -Adarva Oo, Tri. Amu..,t 20.2, Charm S. Kirke. WIIlning. V.nton Co. Pak A,y h8. A. A. Veto, 02 W. Male M. Woodefleld- Monroe Co. Pair Amos ut Ralph Schumacher. Wooster -Ways. Co. Per Amu. Sept. s. W. J. Bum. f Eenla-Oreene Oe. Pair Aran, July Aug 2 Mrs J Robert Brawn, meetle- htmennm Ds. Agri. il bs. -N. PM A,t D. Elliott, Oklahoma AIre -Wool. Co. Pre. Pstt Ass. Seel I. IL Walla«Wt.,. Anadarko -Caddo Oo. Tree Per Assa Sept - 4 -e Dorothy WIDISI Ardmore --Genie Co, Pre. Ter, OepL : 20, J. P. Taylor, Beaver -Bearer Co. Tree Pair A. Sept.6. Mn. Alla. Shook - Blackwell -Key Oo. FY Per AMn, Sept -II- W. R. Hutchison. - Botw CUT- Cimarron Co. Pr. Fair 7-20, BuRne Chandler- Unto'.n Co, Free Per. /WILL 6., Oren Alms Chickasha-Grady 70. Par Ass. Sept,. 9, Robert A. Lamar, Cordell -Washita Co. Free Pair Alm. Sept Jena. V. Son. ñn:cf- ßartlAg Co, Pak Aam, Sept. 4 2, Roy W I)t i. Ouymoc- -Texan Co. A Panhandle Dit Free Fair Amr. Sept. 5 -i2. Robert O. Sheets. R Saps. Ule-- ihee Co. Pres Fair Mint esse Si Sartre. Madill- Marshall Co. Pres Fer. Sept, - 3. Dols Omen, Muskogee -Oklahoma Pte* Star Parr, Sept. I4-2. Tom Conrady- Norman- Cleveland Co, Pees Ter Ames Sept. b -2, Vernon J. Frye. Oklahoma City -Brie Fair of Oklahoma, Sept, C. O. Baker. Pryor-5,y. Co. Fair Assn. sept Elsworth Hammer. Sallisaw- Sequoyah Co- Free' Ter, Sept 0.2- Phil Nowlln- Stillwater -Payne Co, Free rat, Sept. 6- le. Lester Bmlth. Teoga -Deasy Co. Free Per Assn. Sept. 0-2, Eton. Talk... Tulsa -Tulsa State Parr. Sept. 7 -Ott. g. Clarence C. Lester - Wewoka- Seminole Co- Free Ter. sept- 0, Warren Jones, Oregon Albany -Clan Cu. 4 -B A PTA Pair Assn. no H. J. Myers, Astor.- C.tsop Co. Fair Asan. Aug Mrs, Lyle Andet.n. Buena-Harney 00. Fair Assn. Sept. I -4. Ray Narotnl- Canby- Clackamas Cu. Fair Assn. Aug P. O. Lawrence. Condon- OUltam Co. Fair Assn. sept Ernest J. Kirsch, Deir island- Columbus Co. Par Amu. Aug, 4-6- Jewett Bush. Enterprise- Wallowa Co. PFA Ter. May 5-7. Enterprse-Wallows Co. Pair Board. Aug. 8.2, John Kle.w. Eugent -Ian Co. Per Asan. Sept 0-4. Ernest McCulloch. Poea- Wbeeler Co. Pair Ass. Sept J. P. Steiner. Grants Pass-Josephine Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 3-6, Lee Pruitt. Gresham- Sfultnomah Co, FAI,. July 2- Aug. 9. Duane Hennessy. Halfway -Baker Co. Pair Nan. Aug. 3- Sept.. Hcppaer- Morrow Oo. Fair Amn- Aug R. B. Perguwn. Hermlelon- Omttlla Co- Fair AMn, Aug. t4-6. Hillsboro -Washington Co, Fair Assn- Aug..23, Edwetd J. Ball. Hood River -Hood River Co. Fair Assn, Aug. I -3, Lm Poster. John Dap -Grant Co. Pale Atm. sept. 7-20, AI Remerton. IaGrande -Onion Co. Per Alen. Sent. te- 20, Ella 'Stembeek. Lakeview -lake Co, Per Assn- Aug. 30- Sept-. Burton Chamber. Madras -Jefferson Co. Pair Asm. Aug. IS- 7. Phillip W. Terrell. Mchilnnvllle- Yamhlll Co- Pair Aran. Aug Harold V. Lewi- Medford- Jackson Co. 4 -H A FPA Fair Assn. Aug. 9.23, Ed?omen. Moro - Sherman Co- Fair AMn,.pt. _- 4- Mary O. Coos.. Myrtle PoMt -Corn Co. Fair Assn- Aug J. H Cleo. Newport- Lincoln Co- Per Assn, Aug, Walter J. Mitchell. Prineville -Crook Cu- Pair Assn, Sept - 4. Jere,h $tshaneyk. Redmond- Desehnle. Co. Fair Assn. Aug Norman 2 Swanson Rler-reall -Polk Co. Par Assn. Aug, 22-2, Roseburg- Iloug.a Co- Felt Attn. Aug, Dick Turley, Salem -Oregon Stets Fair- Aue. 28 -Sept. 8. Howard Maple. her Asia. Aug, Tlllamoolt= Tlllemook Cu H. O. Smith. Tygh Velléy -Wasoo Co, Per Aran. Aug, Vlo Peterson, Pennsylvania Abbottstown -Ease Berlin -Adams Co. Fair Assn. Aug Mary E. Elder, Allentown -Great Allentown Fair, sept Mrs- Reba D. Schell. ArendtsvIlle--South Mountain Fair Assn, Sept M. E. Knout. Sprmge- Seater Community Pair Seaver Assn, Sept Prank C. OW. Bedford -Crest Bedford Pair AMn, 4-9. Jean B. Elchelberger. Blaonuburg- Bloomsburg Fair Assn, Aug. Sept , J. Howard Deity. Butler-Butler Farm Show, ]ne. Aug Mrs. LeeROy Miller, Cartier-Carlisle Fair Ass, Aug..9. Beauford B. Swart:. Centre Hall -- Centre Co, Tar Mee, Aug - 22 :8, Mra. Samuel Grove. Cleysburg- Clayaburg Community Tara Products A Flower Show, ann.. - Janet H. Musselman. Cl26-ds ld-. Joapp Oo. Pair Assa Juiz 2brant 2- JowDh R, HCommunity g t. C As TW Aesn, fille 3-0. Rowell W. W- Mock. C Com- FairPAssn. Valley Orange munity Tar Assn. Sept. 2 -d. Eugene V. Keefer Dallastown- Denaatown Tale Aran. Aug, St- 4. John H. Kell. (Continlmd on page 43)

47 APRIL THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 47 SELL THESE BIG MONEY MAKING ITEMS! TN. MIW SENSATIONS FOR 93 LIFETIME COIN PUNS-MILE MIDGET TOOLED CLUTCH BAGS 6 Inch dos. B inch... $5.75 de., I ' 7 Inch Trophy Belts. top geci.ty, tooled leather. sizes 22 to 48 S6.75 des. Assorted Nickel S,Ir Buckles with w motifs $7.75 del. ATTENTION BONA FIDE WHOLESALERS & JOBBERS you ere well rated, will ship samples of these end other red hot leather Roods numbers on memo with lebbe,, prices; if not rated and you are a lubber $25.00 tedl bring you outstanding samples returnable. ' tt!'lf -. ' ".g. /, 'bir-. r s o, 7-.,f'y, e'eje'eie,,,'ii sill ` THE WESTERNER -WEAR IT A LIFETIME Adiuttable Shoulder Straps 0x7 $ s New fou tan me. mere prom than before. The famous NIbretea Mlt MINN :3803 *NU Ns million sales record with this reduction In prat Those NIN wore Niol ON to Ito etra deep NnbossIno, lore ripper, lair 3 hand la NE authentic Lein Msln and IN nie counter disoln. This Is rwtm NINr, truly Amrioas 3'i Inch sleep 4Ii Inch sleep educed io reduced to $4.00 doe. $6.00 doe. All Our Products Are American Made From Top Quality GENUINE WESTERN COWHIDE LEATHER Not To Be Contused With Imitations. W Are the West's Largest Distributor of Hand Bags. ORDERS PILLED SAME DAY RICIIVED Open account to well -rated eecco..,. etkc,ois send money order. Y 28 6TH ST. DENVER, COLORADO : / NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! 3- DIMENSION ENGRAVING JEWELRY 8 SAMPLES inclujinp Necklaces, Rraeelcte, etc. $2.60 0\ELRACK GUARANTEE NEW YORK DIAMOND EXCHANGE 30 E. 7ts St.. N. Y. 9, N. Y. YUKON 2060,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ GENERAL MERCHANDISE No ad-alumtnum mene tdent per 9 oi Rvr.60 BEST IN PRICE AND SERVICE caran NnW peÿ.d-ì3-' IRII _K-. G<S 40 $.05 r CI No. BY-bund: No. M--h«n tumt- Rme rne netkleree wtlh 7" chaln, pe Ymrab.r M ehrome plmne. Ns crow.993 No Aluminum dnubl boari NINA. per grunt e 25 w Mar 7 dlnerent yrlde nr trient brscee medslnon and wee re the rgel bots N Ne/rn Canada N' ran u3soeertl entons. In buelne- Writ ter e Irae 94 pep UI, atreted earalogu K. NOVELTY CO. Import. Whfl. zee Dr.bulort ay Mm N. Pnrcton, C, CNN. \.' SPRING SPECIAL ` Phony. GARDEN HOSE each 30 -fear e:ase.e le. en hose I CRACK PROOF 0 / OIL and DIRT RESISTANT I 0 SOLID BRASS FITTINGS- KKIINNIK PROOF LONG WEARI' I / PACKED 2 TO A CARTON- I NO LESS SOLD. Dot O2% deo. with el orders - me -. I $5.00 adre or bank creek -tel. C C ' F.O B. Chicago. 0 SHELDON CORD PRODUCTS twit W. S. Aye. ChltB 24. III. Phone: NEvsda 2-3ti 0 p TROUBLE j LIGHTS 0 with Il cooper war 25 fool...$ 0.85 ea. 50 fool ea. 00 fool 2.00 ea. 00 Fool Cable. -Samt as boge SO.Feol Neuerem J.. 4 'Noe E. 230 I 0.7. Mantlt Screw Driver E Sel, Complete with R.k Pc. Sam N Above. I Pc Yed So se cas.. loo $3.50 I $ Per <N `P I0 e. Fiep Handle Sockel NI. 0 a, eel rtumbl s _$3.00 p T /N. Oer. 7 Heck Sw EON.. flvrole sen, Cod Ned, er -Gro. $3.00 / a Write for FREE Price Lis, IAP IEVa cat Dinnerware. Blankets / ONIw PeTeo Elect nc Drill,. iws. Hem Teo wrench fers er II VarNNn FHose Rods no / 0 Carden Hose :5aa dep.. bar...d.. f.o.b. Chicago / 0 SHELDON (ORD PRODUCTS / 3549 W. Sth Ave Cheo.e 24,0 / NFvada : -3e95!!OUTSTANDING!!!OR SALES AND EYE APPEAL IT'S NEW -IT'S TERRIFIC!! WARRIOR HEAD GROSS NINO wro laustes, w PROVIDENCE RING as W3m3isler I ear mns. COMPANY 53 Po..dn< I NAME BUTTONS I Over 500 Din Names E D.nrent Colorad Muttons Nme,nsS Printed beat mniit BUTTONS, 3/2"- /2( ea. I.IE dozen; SIN N Inousand. Nm Inserts,.Olt N.: SI per hundred: IN Per thousand NAME INSERTS sacked 0 of each name te envelove. Min m oreen ccpr.d 0 0l each n muwn.n ord.rin I!INN., ON. order m mutt.," of 0 per n INTRODUCTORY DEAL 700 Buttons, 0 Assorted. Mut''''ed l'. 3" Moons. 23 Names InNrts eonslsnne of < Ea<h of 750 Mesl Popular Names. VALVE FOR S30. M inlmum Orders A«eptpp StO. Nam LI >I end Order Form Avilbla. Sane Today..Manufacture's a d Distributors of the Famous Cigmasler Products 000 of Items. Wholesale ON, JOKERS MAGIC TRICKS DISGUISES NOVELTIES PARTY GIGS PUZZLES GAMES TOYS PROMOTION AND ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES NEW LAMPS, tall Vanity Lms BIG SHOWROOM PR ITT CC"ENf" 77 West 2st SI.. Dept. New York, N. Y. fn... with FIBERGLASS Asst. Colors. CrvsNI RN, $00 Ind c, eel am,30 with Ord, Cash We m nu^ctur OmPs locks d ercmum wr,. rer <arale,e..004 Ch,n decorated modes n. IrdilieMl lam Pa area nee,. ca pie.. 7.N -. mal- e.g b m,500 Boudoirs.. above S.00 F O.e. ChiUe. (unbridqe Proeucll (o. us w. rt Rd. chlne u. nl. S.00 IDEAL. SOU TENIR GIFTS Al T ;PE PER SPECIALS E <h w.m At r<e, celer /ul Fan <r DIfI.Y Ma.. Del Lvine CuN SS.M cneur 4N Nen < wah 73 O333s GT Nl Tessler.N lm trh, Town end Country ferla 7.20 NIe INNN n CsA Oren Mlnlm,m Order Oeln FRVIE'S I:NTf:RPttItil:s 7 PIN S., St. Leurs, Me. A BIG SELLER EVERYWHERE! So' drinking cup and mouth Ruord mode of flexible polyehylen plus tic. Handy sgeoet bor. Aluminum tub. In0 can't rust. Strongly constructed ro withstand rough usage. deluxe thirsty PORTABLE HOME WATER BUBBLER Attaches to garden hose or outdoor faucet Here is the safest, most sanitary home water bubbler made. -It ends annoying trips into the kitchen -saves floor, glosses and hundreds of steps. Puts o cleon, refreshing drink of wo. ter within easy reoch of all who gorden, picnic, ploy or work outdoors. truly portoble. New Porto- Brocket The "thirsty" b bbler Is permits easy installation on wall, tree or post. Rubber drain hose keeps feet dry. NORTHERN INDUSTRIES, INC 407 East Michigan Street Milwaukee 2, Wisconsin SHEATH KNIVES' r...h.e h..d'.. tewhl0 Nelb, de canoe-swoon nped: 87 á.: ' R0, US A long, p 40 M.: R' lono RS ri.: T' lend. NI 7f str: 0- loot. FOAM,.sAC MOW' KrW: HO., handle- reamed blade: S' tratindwix, LI N NNW N- M 7'. M dt.: 7' engam9d Nth lock. : MINN Cr. eb tome.. MDWte. 7^ pt d. All SnFOt.rag MrIte. fecal 9FE' F38r i e. ntflea aluprrsrtt grue' TROPICAL TRAOER KN R%ttyM ION. M.anla PIa.

48 48 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 958 DEMONSTRATORS 6 "Right" colors Excellent "FLASH" Right Size Biggest Tips Biggest Passouts The right instruction sheets No "Beefs" U. S. PAT. NO. 2,694,987 Nov Avoid cut price items that blow your tips! Get in early on a good new thing. Make your Fair bookings on the original Mouli Pastry Maker. Send 25c for special "Pitch - Package" with samples and new selling ideas. Write Dept. a Moult present, the BIG ITEM for the coming Fair Season, th Original Pastry Maker first introduced at th World Trade Fair, New York, June 957, with tremendous sale. Carefully tested at Beach Resorts, Chains, Department5tores. Fain. Shows with big grouser. Exclusive PATENTED sealing principle MOULI MANUFACTURING CORP. 9 Broadway, Jersey City 6, N. J. SPRING SPECIALS FOR ENGRAVERS NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED ALL NEW HIGHLY POLISHED 20" or 24" NECKLACES N. '0 DIK Ne, 2 Ma.n Ne. 3 I7 Clover 4" CHILD'S NECKLACES N. '20 D:K Gr- H-S0 No, Gr..50 No Csevr Gr..SO JUST ARRIVED- HIGHLY POLISHED 24" CHROME PLATED NECKLACES No 3. Disc Gr ha. 3 5 Nein Gr Ne 2 6 Clor. Gr, 2.00 Leu rhn Gross ich lam a2.ts per 004 SOLO DL4TED NECKLACES, r".25 4 e Slaw Dos.: G. CHROME HEART W /CROSS NECKLACES, 24" tm '2 sor. t 2.27 trots 2pp CHROME HEAVY CRUCIFIX NECKLACES, 24" N,!9 Dos. 2.3 Oros, 2.00 Catalog Now Ready Write for Copy No 3' I00 Chlle'e Alum.num an Oro.. He, 3,'0 L00s' Aluminum Idenn $2.60 aro.. No-.03 Doubt -Nest, IdenN 6.30 Gross No 7 0 rmn'e Aluminum lente Gross CHROME PHOTO!DENTS No Mn's IOante Dol, H.SO No Ladles' loanl. Dec. 4,50 No, 3.35 Bora' IO.nte Der Gross Lot GOLD PLATED PHOTO!DENTS All Sii Grew Dol. SS. SO CHROME EXPANSION (DENTS Dos. H20 No. I ILO Men. lent No. Lel.' 7 Ilona Dos..0 No. go, Idanl.20 Grote to. Hí.00 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY (Phone Jackson 63 3 Farnam St., OMAHA, NEBR. Continued /rein page 48 Dlllaburg- DDlbur( Comm.!. Pat, Ars Oct 440. Robert A. tookltn Dayton -Dayton Ai,. b Mcoh. Assn. Au(. 2 -td. Maine Jordan. Ebeluburg- Cambria CM. Pelt Assn Sept. -6 Mn. Mary Rupert. Edinboro -Edinboro Community Pair Assn. Sept. -3. J. C. Ondrey. Forkarille -Sullivan Co. Agri Aug Archie Norton. Orats-Ortb Fat, Assn. Sept, D. O. J. Umholls. Herrllurg- Penroylvnl Farm Show. J J. B. MoCool. Honesdale -Wayne Co. Fair Assn. Sept R. W. Gammell. IluehesvlUe- Lyooming Co. Pas Assn. Avg Clarence F. Stols, Iluntingdon- Huntingdon Co. Agri- Ann. Aug John McCracken. Iodlant- Indlatu Co, Fei[ Aun. Aug. (- 23. L. R. teloni. Jamestown-Pymaluntáng Jelnt Community Fair. Sept J. W. Clerk. Klutbert on- Kint.rton- Chester Co. Tear Assn. July á24. Howard Wllsoo. Laurelton -Onion Co. West End Pair Asp. Sept J. Frank Snyder. Lehighton -Carbon Co, Agrl..Awn. Sept. -6. Grant A. Bossard. Mrttnaourg - Morrison Con Comm.., Fair Assn. Sept Ella 8 Ebersole -?tcconnelyrllle- Fulton Co. Fair Awn. Aug. 27 -M Meadville-Crawford Co. Pair Ass Aug. 8.73, Mn. E. C. Badwln. MecMnlaburg -Orangers Free Pair Assn. Aug. 74 -Sept.. Robert Richwine. Ntrlendale -Somerset Co. Fair Amts. Aug H. A. Finegan. StU7ort- 4srayo Valley Rural Community Pair Assn. Aug S[n. L Hem, hill Myeretown- Myerstown Community lait Assn. Oct John R. Sherman. New Holland -New Holland Farmers' Fait. Oct..4. S. O. Zimmerman. North Eut -North Eut Community Fait, Sept. 23-2, Jessie Merrlhew. Oley -Oley Valley Community h4 Awe. Sept Carl W. Blank. Plt.bur(h- Allegheny On. her A W. re. Expo. Aug. 28-Sept., Betty Colosimo, 4 Court House. Reading -Reactant Pals Ara. Sept, T -4. Wm. A. Morro. Selinsgrove -Selinsgrove Pat, Assn- July 4-9. Roland E Ffsher- 5.cle Gap -Soldiers A S.L'on' Feir A Plo- nk. July 26 -Aug. 7. A. L. Blackmon. Spartansburg - Spartansburg Commumt7 Fair Assn. Sept..3. C, J. Burton. Stoneboro -Great Stone.. her Arm. Aug. 28 -Bent. I. Lee Mohn,. noels-th. Valley Mes Pair. July Arlene Whitney. Troy -Troy Pree Fait Assn- Aug W. Thomas Morris. Washington- WUhington 00. Agis. Pall Awn. Aug J Ed Bmth Washmgtonalll - Montour- Defan( coal - nsuntty Farr Ann. Oct. -t. Chu. W. Humelman. Waterford- Waterford Fair A.. Sept J. Star.4y. Mitchell W'attsburg- W'attaburg Agrl. Sus. Aug H. M. Burrows. Kest Alexander -Wcet Alexander AgrL Alan. Sept Mrs. John F. McMUtny. Wratorcr- Harinon7 Grange Tait Ann. Sept Levu P. Ores, Jr. WInd Ridge-- Jacktown Fair Asp. Aug. E- 9. O. I. Mlle. York -York Inter -State her. Sept Mrs- Catherine O. Morgan. Yo r'gavllle Community Fair Asst. Sept Ella O. Culver. Rhode Island East Greenwich -Rocky Hí Pair Assn. Aug. 9 -M. Warren r- Moorehead. South Carolina Anderson -Anderson Farr Assn. OM 3-6. John W. Schwalm. BennettaHlle- Marlboro Oo. Fair Um. Sept J. Murray Jackson Jr. Bahupvllle -L Co. Fat, Arm. amt R. C. McCUtohen. Camden -Kershaw Co. Fall Awn. Oct- E- II. J. D. Crawford. Charleston-Costal Carolina Fair Assn. Oct. 27 -Nor,. R B. Scarborough. Columbus -Boutin Carolina State Patt. Oct Paul V. Moore. Plorenoe- Eastern Carolina Agri. Fair Assn. Oci E. D Ballenger, OreenvllleGreenville Co. Legion Fair Assn. Sept Karl E. Kummer. G[Mnwood- Lmnwood Co. rslt Assn. Oct. I'll. George F. Free. Laurens- Laurens Co. Fair Assn. Oct Cary P. Moon. Manning Clarendon Co, Agri. Expo. Oote-7. J. C. Altman. Manning-Clarendon Co. Colored Fair. Ont Robert Burke. Newberry -Newberry Co. American Legion Pair Assn. Sept. 29 -Oct. 4. Freak Button Orangeburg -Orangeburg Os. Pair Assn. Oct- 04. J. M. Hugheo. Orangeburg- Orangeburg Co. Colored Pall., Oct. 8-. C Rock Hill -York Co. Pais Assn. Oot to H. Thom.. 8. H. D. Black Spartanburg- Piedmont Internet, Fair. Oct. 3 -I(, Tom Moon Craig. it:. i FAST, Sumter -Sumter Oo Pair Ara Got II -l.. Unloa -080 Oo. P r um. s ot te- OW a Bydrlck L South Dakota Alewter -Union Co. Fair A / -E Ashlersmeat Day. Aug tooter Day, Oettyeburg- Potter 00. Pair Aaea Aug. 30- TI. Oro4n -0rY,on Hts,.A Poet! rl Aug Hermoxr- Custer O. Pelt Aann. Actg R. J. Otb.n Huron -South Dakota Su. Pate Assn. Sept. -e. Een0th B.Igemes Mitchell -Corn Palace, Sept. 7 -T. L N. Noble. Nlaland -Butte 0o. Pair Aiwa. Aug Ralph Milberg Co. h. A.m. Aug Jame. Brooking. Parker -Turnur Co. Talr Asia. Aug Fred Koller. Peever- Peever Tall Teethai Nor 0. Rapid City -Back Rills Expo- Aug. e -7. Kenny Roberts. Rosebud- Rosebud Sioux Tribe Tat,!loud. Aug. 29.3, Out Knox. Salem -Salem Harrest Festival. Aug. 74 -T. 85E Palls -Stour Empire Fair. Aug. lí- 20. Myles Johnson. 3tugla- Stead Co. Fair Aim Aug Tripp- Hutehlo.n Oo. Peer Awe. Aug Winner- Winner Huve. TetIvaL A.. a -20. Tennessee Alexandria -OW.n Co- her Aiwa_ Au( Martin S. E.G. Ashland City- Cheatham Co Pair Aaan- Sept. -3. Bruce Nonfood. Bov.r- Hardemn Co. Fair Awn. apt Peul Vat... Camden -Benton 0o Parr Awns Aug. 2.- )0. Mrs. Billy McKto7 Chattanooga -Chuta -Ram Co. Interstate Fair. Sept Maude R. Atwood. Clarlu,llle- Montgomery Co. Negro Pall. Aug Pop O. Garrett Sr. Clinton- Anderson Co. Community improt- Telr, Aug Jame. O'Neal. Columbia -Maury Ca. Pair Assn Dr. B. H. Hardwick Jr- COOkevIlle- PUtDam Co. A(r. Tate Awn. Aug H. J. Childress. - Dickson- Olcksoa Co. Pslr Awe. Sepal-S. E. W. Daniel. Dunlap- 8enuatchle Co. her Awn Jan Pickett. Fayetteville- L.00ln Co. Fats.Wt,- Sept, 8-3. Thornton T5355 O.Ilatln -eamner Co. Polt Assn. Aug. 3-!8. R. J. Out... Oellatln -Sumner On Colored!sir. A5( Edward V. Anthony 85. pray- WAshlagton CO. Pall. Asp. ALL(. E- 23. Mrs. Paul A. onion. Harriman-Roane Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 3- Il. W. B. Stout. Hohenwald -Lewis Co. Agri. Worker( AMn. Sept. 34. Ire. B. Epley. Jackson -West Tenn. Dist. Fair Awn. Sept Hunter Taylor. Jamestown -Fentress Co- Pair Ans Sept P. O. Crmts. Knox,Dle -Tenn. Valley A. A I. Pelt. Sept L. R. Rogers. Lawrtneebur(- Middle Tenn. DIM. Pair. Sept Thomas H. Locke. Lebanon -- Wilson Co. Pan Assn. Au(. 3E- RS A. W. McCartney. Manchester --Coffee Co. Pair Assn. Sept Sea tassator- Mc3nnnvllls -Wansn Oa. Ltswtock A Agri. Fair Assn. Sept 0-3. Chick Brown. Memphis-laid-South rai. Assn Sept. E W. Wynne. Moss -Clay Co. Pall Assn Aug. m -api B. E. Restand. Murfreesboro-Mid-Ste. Colored talc Aug. 46. W'm. H. Butler. Nuhvllle- Tennessee State yet,. Sept L. E. OW.. Para -Henri Op. her Assn Aug John M. Upchurch Pulukl -Giles Co. Pair Assn a.. Lambeth Lester. Savannah -Harden Ca Fall. Stn. Sept. $- 20. Franca Rhodes pou t. t-awaon ll. Co. ht, Awn Sept 0-3. ateetwanpsi -5H5nW Co. Pur Aue. Sept -6. August P. Hadorne. Trenton -0.m Co. Fair Assn Sept. -. Acts. Rachel Holt. Union Cty -Oblln Co. Fair Aa.n. Au( W. W. Emery Wartburg- Morgan Co. Pale Ar. UP,.6. Roar W hast,. Texas Abtlenr -West Texas Pair Awn. Sep. :8-30. Joe Coo:, Alice -Jim Wem 00. talc.ayn. Oat Rees Muts Martin Amarillo -TO -Stat Fall. Assn. Sept Res B. Baxter. Angleton- Bneorta Co. Fair A ht Stmt Show, Oct. 7 -, T. J. Walker. Beaumont-Southwest Texas State Fair. Oct. 33 -Nov.. Charles Schmucker. Boerne -Kendall 00. Fair Ass. Aug. Sept. I. R. J. Ke7. Bo9-fe- MOs5sgus Co Pslr Awe Oet../- Ken M. Shackelford. Brenham- Washingtsn Co. Fair Awn Oct. 9Il. Albert P.!Weeks. NEW 3 SENSATIONAL FEATHERLIGHT OM IN ta In PROVEN PROFITS ON SPRING SALES WITH ` l 660 No. Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois fa ti ti ti tl ti ti ti tl IIA OUR MOST COMPLETED BULLPEN TAI. Pen No rh Feature. of an expntly Rstoll Pen. S,5O Gr, la 5 pr. lot S4.40 Ito TO pr. fort WItk sere Isprlit Ili., le I00.pc. kb FEATHERLIGHT -het molt POW top Elliot ever mad. FEATHERLIGHT -ht,. phsfla non Io sa S. Ink FEATHERLIGHT -hit plutodr, clip and wide band all In chrom FEATHERLIGHT -coma It faros nth My of color comb. Standard Gold 3tal Cap Pta, 4000 or two -tone Pen Tr -000 w'sllvr.t2p Refila 3.7 Or, Money Order. Chest or 5% oa C.O.D. Remitted. COASTLINE PEN CO. hr.t..l. I7s7 Jc.mrrlr c,,.,no r-n cc ORDER We Have ITI Mechanical Drinking Bear Pour.cod DrIMn continuously. e Nlry operated. In Aright Colors. cod lvldvily r NOW -SUPPLY LIMITED $36( smvl I kl.00 Dia Peete.le $4.00 PIN v erden n w Iar ORINKINO RAB.I T. NEW BUBBLE BLOWING MONKEY Dallvary.oW luna, P.O. Milwaukee, 2S5ä áo0., Selo. C.O.D. to non -rated firma. Wisconsin Deluxe Co. Inn N. Third ft. Milwuk. 2, Wte. wllh Special Dal for 2 Week, Only Aererted Mena 6 WOO. " $...ln ban.. Lda.' wilh coro b3m. EIgIE- Bulprlt- Beast, etc. Urn. Welch 67.N, Recendltiond, uel. Ifka now. ly. 3 wiln Drdar, DNC.O.D. 2Fhr. rvlu. 3-0aY m naybkk turinna.... sne M.O. or caltie cn<k. Phone: DErborn 23I7. MIDWEST-WATCH CO. S S. WABASH AVE., CHICAGO 3, ILI. BINGO SUPPLIES Cards - Blowers Markers - Cages AMUSEMENT INDUSTRIES P. O. e. 7 DWon, Ohio ON NI NI NE NB MI III ItK/ CORONET 2 PACK ROSE BUSHES Th rot business Is BOOMING -th post Few years this business HAS TRIPLED. The nation's most popular flower, Now you con.ii our famous NATIONALLY ADVERTISED, 2 PACK ROSE BUSHES IN ATTRACTIVE FOIL BAO WITH FULL COLOR SOLID GOLD LABEL AND BRAND NAME "CORONET." All our rot. sr. 2 -year field grown, fintr quality, fully assorted -most popular varihl.. Wonderful opportunlry for you to order direct. Ev.ryon wont. rotes. At th.t prim and quality your profit Is tore. PACKED 2 ROSE BUSHES IN ONE (SAME) -SELL FOR THE PRICE OF ONE - 70c each pack -thirty to case ORDER NOW FOR EARLY SPRING DELIVERY F.O.B. OUR nursery, Tyler, Texas. WRITE WIRE S & S SALES COMPANY r

49 APRIL Sip DARR Rosh balloon, tell loyer thon you con hand '.m out) Pick your spot... Rsl u'itll ro effort? - buu;ant mogled Rounds, RIVA.' Monte) ode. C KnobbY bdd At,. Hot fou Pettioli: -Red. whilleo I. ila, da5ign. Otntes-- Ohrlbr Co. Str Ascs OM. Prim Ream. -I. Jr. O!N rs -trorta Control Tome Sept..0. Mw Sete Arab. Ry Orwb AaAmmus r -QOWy PPA Per Aug, ROW Mode Amu Raeard. D.:t.rt- fetter -Beal Per Aua. 77 Hick ee- Clef. Deis- et.c Parr et Tees. Oat. 0-g Arthur K O. lna-- Jatkau,f Co Assn Seal 5.. D A B,rsne. Red.' Asbury.-OClssple Co Per M. A. t5-7. tire. Bill PelmKky, Ooltad -slotted Co Pair Cessmuals pet.. t O R;Mt :Nu. iota Pet -Toras Oktah.,m Pair Aa. Sept. 7:47. T Leo Um. Johnson Cty- Bianco Co Sek Aas. 7-{ Rltherd nag. terpp.nbech X,tmaa- taator Co. Lhetoek Scpt. 44. W. Show. D Terry Usellm4- H0tklry 05. Pair urn $.pl Bob Walker Cockney -PIsyd Co. Pol, Aren, Sept Sam Puckett, Lang, le._oregg Co. Pair Apo. Sogt 24- Oct 4. Marten Tombs: Mtn. Lubbock- Panhandle Smith Plain. Pair. Sept M -Oct. 4 A. B. Marshall- Duel.. Central Lupo Baet raft' Sept. -a, Jas L Mock. LJeeeteek MCXIn,sey- Collin Co Pair A..n. Sept n. 77. Pst SImDoa hildlothl n- Nldl thln Pat LAM. Aug. DE- M. James Ferntoter. Nargdoetles- Nacogdochm Co Oct Pet Aua. S-. Ben Ruhmkamp. Rs. Braunfels-Come Co At Aus. 25-3t. Sept. Marche J. Adams Pappmoor- Astdemos Co. Pole Ann. Oct. Map. C O. Miller. Peo0t -Pecs Poll Fair & [essmal. Oct X O. Stofford Perryton -North Pie. Alt Assn. Alai John Mayfield. Philters -HAt Co. Pal, Aso Oet. 9.. Charlie R Young. Rtebardson- Richardson Community Aux. At. 3 -S. R. Y. Thompson. B5tttlf-.Ciusdalupe Agri. Lirestock Pot, Az<s. Sept P. W. Glaek,. 5len.rt. Texarkana -Pour 550, Pol, Rodeo Sept. 5-30, /Ara El O Pi-her Jr. Tyler-Moo Tram. Pair Assn, scot Soh Murdoch. Wahn- Heart 0' ie Teeas Pair,w..,aller'.. A.m. Sept. art 5-3. Leon B Dolktm Jr. Wharton - -- Wharton Co. Pstr Assn. Sept H. Chas, t'iarr!rusier Koehl Jr. PRODUCTS Co. peg u. t A N.. Nei Oak.. too r.m a., S omsobom T'nrid' taraa.t merehandltor. L-ardeA \.av..:hs wlll Mari 70 in pro(imnla wilelel awess In your IeRitOry, ealnng on ato.e. Dyery Iad. /aa-.alchat tounll' 0lrplya automatically ril hmosu Lyeton'a Aplrin, ev.tlea, hu,sdrd. td oth.r dally demand Ilematólle{9. : Asp Cri Sent Ald Dru NdlwllT IMAM LIN NovíN. You óá marchants maim JDw.n rn 4INhelp. xnbd.mie rr la ouh foundries In `sou deal n{sh AAlt,rrn. Monee tn M neld. \'alu`i. hoek t ISEF p'rile In P. M. Lf-e,on. Ir. ft... rnds WOWS PRODUCTS CO., Igp). D V, Spencer, In LOOK- RUBBER STAMPS -LOOK NAME STAMPS EMBLEM STAMPS STOCK STAMPS COLLECTION STAMPS We have Ih to serve Your rora the end M'rn747 need. std tor e<. Wr,la ter IAeralu rd 4nÓ Rrlc. MARC N, P. O. tea Ile, Peru, Ill,noi.. Utah Duch.sne- -basthomo 0o. rille Assn. si -7o W. c. Poy, Aug. Heber City-Wasatch Co. Per Assn, Aug. T4 Paul R. Daniels Summit Co. Pair Assn, Aug Archie Pace. Maysville -Dsvi. Co, Air Assn. Aug Mrs. Miss PIMA Loser-Cache Co. Pair Assn. Aug M. R. Hovey. Mann- Baopete Co. Pnir Ann. Sept. 4 -g, Douotas A. Jorgensen. Midvale- Mtdtale Harrest Days. July 3- Aug. 2. Dale Water*. Morgan- Morgen Co. Pair AA.n. Aug Olen Thornton. Murray -Solt Lake Co. Air Assn. A 9-5. earl E. Hone Psronan--Iren Co. Air Asas. Aug. Sept.. Jogin WheMhy. Salt take City -Utah State Por Tremonton. --BOS Eider Co. Pair Assn. A., Thomas Summen. W ells,tlle- -Cache Co. Pair Assn Aug. 73. ErneM Lelahman. Vermont bats Juraellen- Champlste Valley E Aug Harris K Drury. Lyndonvlilo- -0aledonta Co. Pair AFan. A d 2.29 K50neth tenet[. Rutland- Rutland Co. Agr, Soc. Sept Arthur 8 Porter, Tunbridge- TUnbrido World's RAT S -3. P. A. Farnham. Virginia Blarui -Bl.nd Co. Air Assn. Sept, E. Mailot. Chase City -Mecklenburg Co. Air A: opt. s-it. Garland Moaa, Oboterlfrld -Chenterfltld Co. Als A Sept..3. D. W. Murphey. Covincton- nnechany Co, Air Assn, A -. -:G Li. H ItOn. At THE BILLBOARD DYrt{y-ani.:f :,. C. C rms. thiblan45mardil Co Fee A.m B ay Profit. 54-M D.seaasas--ett ti Pau Mtl A.. Pool M. Beet Owlu PatMfID-Rre Oa ry!y Asen bet - M. J O. gnaw ql RMerMasar-Pt.ercarg Ara_ wet. Bli p.«. C Jr. anse - B40asa Cs Ente Aria Axa«ar tarrteoesavrg-- R.QtMass er Pou AM. /log O. W. Wows.. Jr. Ee3A. -etur8 Os. /alt Ara Bet, :t fe A. I.. taler Jr. Im.lrbure -BM s. Pair at Wr S-., Are 3 C. T Orodretrtetr Sesp -hn TWey Apf lot Pale 50,. l Lag. S.S. Ophn Ohn Y!:y- -Setae William Oa. Pat Assn Ass -4 J. B JYa.n, Marma.sllie- 54attinm le Colored Agri Per Aun. Sept. l -5, H twan, Xs. Cassis -Csue Co Pon gory. Aug. r.- >t Sen J t Xftktra. Penningloo Ota -Les Cs Pote Ara Aug Virgil V. Weeks. PetereWn-- Smsuuld. Vireo, Pall Ass' Sep. t40ct. 4. Ralph O. lrpe NOS. Portsmouth--NOrfok M Pair Assn. All M-SepL 2. Sari Arnoul Richmond-eta. Pair of Ylrgiets r.3. J. A Rogna- Roanoke Air Assn Sept.. A. O. balker. Rocky Yount --Rocky Mount Por. En. Sept.5 It. P. Ptuin, Sou th Baatmn- millas Ca. Pair Assn 7 -It t t Wilkltse. Oct Sta.slon- SLuuntonA [a,ta CO. Pair Aus. Sept. s-it. Rea Seem. Suffolk- Ide.slrl Pair Auu, Oct. 34, W. C Mow Sr. Testy -Tetley Atr Aue, tr7j. J t Thomas Tage.ell- Tase.en Co. Pan Assn. Aug ,05rt Ward. Worse- NO,Mrro Nock Sall.0. lin. J. L. SlMOIL Atrl. Pair ASS Welttnod- Wetreood Per Assn. Aug. 5. IS. L W Francis. WOOdstnek- olremsdogh CO. Pole Aa.n Aug YArvin W. Renoidr. Washington main- -A tts Co. Air Awn, April 25:0 H., Hesse. Bremerton -Knapp Co. A:5 Aun. Aue D. B. Wheaton. Csahmen- Cbllan Co. At Man. Sent 5.. alma. Z. Clements CentrslluOoehuls- Smnhstst Wash. Assn. Aue A. W. Wlidh ber. Parr Cotvills- Northeast Wash. Pott Alan. Sett -4. Mn. Pegts Muti. Eut Btmsood- Blitlagusmth Community Pals. Sept firs. Marls 8t ngeann 6lenburg--.Klltll.t Co. Psis Mao. Au 29 -Sept.. Wendell W. Prater. Elms -Draya Harbor Dist. Pals Assn. Aug 4 -- Herbert C. Relier, Mdny Harbor -San Juan Co. Air As.n Aug Raymond D. Dahl. (Continued un page.5' ELECTRIC HOT PENCIL POINT Professional Model used by for over 26 years, sty S, i 0, rlst7 dory e. premium user lnduafrles. et- Because It help. seti more Sotd on approval, Guaranteed....raves rich, long lasting lustron gold on almost avy smooth non metllic material, pladica, leather, wood. MIL:. nylon, books, ear., etc. Won't rub Of, Price $7.23 allh Ms roll. superior sold fun. Money order, PoNpaid Insured. With Ml wonderful Hotpoint arm,' You can a.m. find profitable employ moot anywhere, anrttme. Ba ease la save this ad. R. E. STAFFORD ELECTRIC PENCIL C N. Meridian, Ind:enapons B. Ind. io OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 49 STANDARD INDUSTRIES i AIRPLANE LUGGAGE AIR FLICHT FANCY EM- BOSSED BILL. FOLDS $7.50 SELLER PROVEN MONEY MAKERS S e.:. wnr.a.d Mw. Couple. wish rme.oble pou tom s.m p r.s..p set pour...lens 55, boll. hp. sipp.hd (sitl post. Es, et , to oluoto4 embis.d design.. PROMOTIONAL GENUINE LEATHER WALLETS ($5.00 SEILER) Hoch -o,. Seas, o,amoobls put. cut. s d roo...d 0 pocket. Thai poet cos hoe :phr rrentpl tnr w:n door[. SZ(.s in Attortment consist[ of r riout styles In toms, s r. c t. - LUGGAGE / Exclus,Tell by a. t 0 Standard / COMPLETE SET LIA $5E ;8 /,al,n lors of 3 Samos 4ae. S o- 0 ss MN $6.75ím" D. / 4 4-Soto Set consists of forgo 26' Poltroon Coy, 2" WNbnd Cos.. giro lrq 9 /Trm,, Cos and roomy 4" Hol So. with 50,57555.prop. Lahti notionally odes. ti.ed Airplane luggage material tool rani. / muffing, scratching,.coming, /peeling, crocking or fading. 5o among you con a!ond se ill Hower loomed styl.-.5eomlin d.spell R.Inforsed moral odgleg tools tightly shun / cloned -- / completely dustproef sod wotrprosfl Fully quilted roloslind Intwi r. wit. 7, Opockets and x- lopes. Controlling Burnam, tdgt. Estr strong, uinhed thru / binding. Rustproof nickelploted Iwrdsor o ^d locks Train Coto hot lull mirror in lid and plotlit troy. FULLY MATCHED 4 PIECE SIT. both mad. and sus. o.oilobl in Alatko Whits, D.tori Ton or Allit elr /,e Airplane Lugggte Sel ilhoul Nat Rey cons... Is S3.88 s' le,. Sss'pI. r t. l 5.95 TELESCOPE: POWERFUL 20x30 ON TRI -POD LIST $3.50 $ÓBÌ EA(H E LOTS OF 3 / / / World's largest Carnival Supply House OUR PLUSH ( A Ja'? 9EI" aa VOLUME BUYING SAVES YOU MONEY! WE CARRY EVERY TYPE MERCHANDISE All Items in Stock for Immediate Shipment. HEADQUARTERS OF THE AMERICAN CONTINENT. Ove/ 30Át00 Noma Pa. raheuse on {I. Laois. U. Ihn Goan. Warn- hause as yaw wn -OVerat anlemenef nywher- MEW ILLUSTRATTD CATALOG Ow 354 -WI7 PON TOUN COPY TODAY, IMPORTANT: To eat Reue Cate... Rtsrn Mahr al :Mse r Snow u r both -.n. March.n.ia you era in n. ACME PREMIUM SUPPLY CO. 220 WASHINGTON AVE. CACSS. î644s ST. LOUIS 3, MO. SAMPLE S6.99 Tripod mounted for / steady i w ing, yes moll enough to Corey,n your pocket. Goosing pigskin toerying cow. Cooled ten..yst's for etcro,.,.owing and sigñeeing. Chrome Waled d,l., tube. and r.ipod. HI- POWERED VALUE! LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED A t 30 BINOCULARS Ltt $65 rs In It.. a SsmRN_ M-7a a. f ne..0 drd r Light- waight and conmaet with ats d A Lnr rlmphned binolular 00 sturdy aluminum body. Isomer rosered. Coated non. ems.. Krwn.Y is,m Mterpupllary alalmrnt, Cenini -fe".2. fpe.= t,f/l mag, d eellp / Peat.. tarry Moulder.craw O 7 x 35 BINOCULAR L W JUMBO 2 AUTOMATIC o ELECTRIC SKILLET / Weu:nghou. Thorniest*, ntemeli Signal l qhr lo.g. 2Inch Sim Compil. Wnh Cs.r isr nn e, 0 / 44 /.79 tame. I dsand for FREE 08 -Page Full Color Nome Brand Catalog / and New Color Spring and Summer Supplement I / Chicoq. 3, Illinois / STANDARD INDUSTRIES "" pl 5H / I / Oren actnun. re Frm. aerr.n D. a a. PRICE./ $39.95 ALL FAST fella Rl- r. <e. sub it m M ID F 0.- CooN MV. /Sand LM<a with Yser t se. COD. Nas :3, Ie..'. atn< C O.O

50 50 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL T-E-R-R--F--C PROFIT MAKERS Sell Faster -Sell More with Notionally Advertised Merchandise, Buy now at Lowest Whotesole Prices! COPPERCLAO AUTOMATIC COOKER FRYER lymoue5ti 0- SE Thermostst. FIRF.-KL^IG Ovengloss Cov Automatsc Temp. Control, V.L.. GOOD HOV56REF.P- ING pprvrai. IYF.AR GVARH TEF.. RetaAND.?+. 63 YOUR PRICt $6.25 mor e Sample $7-50 cs. SPECIAL CLOSEOUTI Reve'4 MULTtU5E DOW FAN. et. ERAL AV: ELEC- TRIC toro net Housing and blade. o! blgh- Impact POLY - ST \'BENE, AUJustable,Nolae- ICU. I0 -I20 V. A.C. 450'. Poruble STEEL Fan -SlauU oe7uugd. A LIFE. RETAIL "9'9' d In CD t 6 YOUR PRICE Sample $8.25. ENGLISH IMPORT WEDGWOOD d CO. LTD., DINNERWARE 050 pe Dinner Sot. Complete service for kt. aj ge aln $` pi B er $ sets PRICE ea r. mar. rola PaE AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC " X al. esr SKILLET WESTINGHOUSE THERMOSTAT Rig 0." capanu. Heavy Gouge Aluminum Cosset. YEAR GCARAN- 2EE. Recoil íj9.95. YOUR PRICE 6.25 m a r Sample $7.50 ea. or more. r 4 "reru, Sample ut: it.50. Terma: 230, Dpoflt, Balance C.O.D P.O.B. Chicago. w ship um say- ANYWHERE, LOOPSTAR SALES, 543 CHICAGO 22.KLL AVE BElmenf ATTENTION! 25% dep., bol. C.O.D.. f.o.b. Chicago EARN EXTRA MONEY WITH THESE SURE FIRE HOT ITEMS SOMETHING SENSATIONAL. Large DE LUXE casting rod. Top Quality. Grip Handle. Seat -tite reel holder. $5.95 value. $9 Doz. Sample $. 2. Ladies' extra large Head Scarfs. Hand -rolled edge. Rayon and Silk. $9 Doz. Sold in Doz. lots only. Retail value $ euch. BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY EVER OFFERED $$$$ EARN EXTRA $$$$ Writ. Today' DAMEN- LAWRENCE SALES, INC North Damen Avenue Chicago 25, Illinois All Phones- UPtown 8-2 \, "T Ill PLANT LOGS'r;t:,, AP/,4r-Or5 Bagged in polyethylene... KEEP LONGER, SELL FASTER!. Sprout in bag. No spoilage. Got your stock when you need it. We Ship dny order received. Choice of red or green. Excellent growing flesh. Free pro Ino tional aids. Write for detaila. LAVENDER SACHET BASKETS Tightly woven bleached baaketa with pwtk atoppwa: $79.53 pw 000, $4600 pqwt 600. DIDDd L.reod.. Bowwa l0 s,.. $8.50 LOWEST PRICES aywnere aerrlat 560nirr: s,ii War 5r4Cl Wash PARAKEETS and (AGES Thousands or Birds Always on Hnd Lowest Prices Shipped DM, Guaranteed Bete Arr,vt Write, Wire or Phone for Prices & Delivery of Liv Birds Real Flash!, Chrome and Nickel Cages CHICAGO BIRD & CAGE CO. 422 S. star ss,eer Chicago, Illinois Phone: WEOStr e-.lel WHALE OF 0 A BUY '. EACH PIECE PLASTIC HA5 DL$ // ClaONE ss Rod Shall N Approa. Ft. / Ml tgoe p e wgap uhetc s a l i oa I Pas end 0 n d. 2 5to 0 7:::::47::::7..,,t '0 or bank check with order, balance C.O.D., F.O.B. Chicago. I,, Chk:;o x O COOK BROSe 020 W. Randolph THE OLD RELIABLE BEN HOFF STILL TAKING CARE OF MY CARNIVAL PEOPLE -AND I MEAN IT! We are specializing in Plush Bears. No excelsior- cotton only. Will undersell any competition. Featuring -Toys, Dolls, Novelties and Slum Items J. K. TOY & NOVELTY CO. 20 Johnson Avenue, Brooklyn N. Y. PHONE, Glenmor EVergreen FRAMING! YOU NEED THESE! 4 IN. PIPE IN MOUTH FUR MONKEY Gro. $ 4.00 TINSEL HEAD FLYING BIRDS Gro. $ IN. RAINBOW FRINGE STRAW HAT Gro. $ 8.00 NATURAL STRAW BEACHCOMBER HAT Doz. $.55 6 IN. PLUSH MAJORETTE, ASST. COLORS Doz. $.00 NEW SPRING CATALOG JUST OFF PRESSI COPY SENT WITH ORDER ON REQUEST ALL PRICES F.O.B. TERRE HAUTE. SEND SUFFICIENT POSTACt 25eß DEPOSIT MUST ACCOMPANY C.O.D. ORDERS. TERREta HAUTEá INDIANA MEXICAN REVERSIBLE PURSES Special Price In Dosen Left. Milady actually gels two different color purses In one. lust turning the Hap around, she will have I different color purse. Made In many different color combinations. THE BEST MERCHANDISE AT LOWEST PRICES * Special set up for Jobbers and Wholesalers. Ask For Fre Catalog ALL CALF 9" /2" If one only $.00 extra Hand -tooled M e x i c a n Purses and Wallets Mexican tarnish proof Rings * Hand- painted Skirts tt-. 00% wool Jackets Zaraps * All sixes * Mtn's hand - tooled Belts * Imparted Fishing and Hunting Knives * And a n y items too numerous t to fion. PEARL SALES P. 0. BOX 675 EL PASO, TEXAS CO. i OA r, PRICE LIST READY! SLUM / FLASH g Send for Your Copy et Greatest Lino Ever Assembled PLUSH TOYS and Superb Values NEWS ITEMS When They Are New Once DOLLS If you have nor dealt with us In she post, ask thon who hay BERNY NOVELTY CO g 4 West 4th Street Phon.t Algonquin New York, N. Y. oi 0, o, 0, 0, 0, I DIRECT IMPORTERS OF MEXICAN PURSES LEATHER NOVELTIES WALLETS MEXICAN RINGS HAND-PAINTED SKIRTS WOOL JACKETS IARAPES FEATHER (BIRD) PICTURES MARACAS STRAW HATS TOOLED BELTS MEXICAN KNIVES COIN PURSES CARVED CANES and BASEBALL BATS HANDTDOLED SHOES EMBRO DERED BLOUSES MEXICAN EARRINGS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Wrlf for catalog sees. set,,p for J isrs end wholeseien. FLEISCHER & KASHER IMPORT CO. P. O. Boa 7607 El Pass, Tax. Midget Bible Only xis ;.fn. tirer goo peat. Illustrated Black aras lest cover, gold printed. ENGLISH PROTESTANT OR SPANISH CATHOw LIC COITION mplw Es rid gee f or MIR %' tri: Aran. w e.t +oo. sibo.00 s«+oo09.o.b owol Johnson tmlrh Co.. Detroìl 7, Mich. HOTTEST ITEMS WO MEN FIND THEM IRRESISTIBLE IRIDESCENT Terms: 25 SIMULATED PEARL SET Bracelet, Perrin.%a Necklace. These 77.. guar - [rrd pearly are o h rofl[ om skghal: ttractivey pack- -:.: ;nrd«ns8.00 Dep. Rol. C.O.D. F.O.B. for PITCHMEN! *PIECE SCREWDRIVER á FLASHLITE COMBINATION A every must in home, Ratage, workshop, etc., whore light is inaccessible. Complet with 4 bts. Ind. packe0 rubber coefed W:e. Dax. 50 J to ctn. Weer. Y. SAMPLES of Above each CONSOLIDATED IMPORTING CO., 9 BROADWAY, N. Y. C. WIRE WORKERS ATTENTION We ore telling Win discount from th wholesale price, In tires 23, 24 and 26. W. also have the other sires, 20, 2 and 22, and we hove Win Workeri Supplies and Pearl Plot.. All. Jewelry for engraving, and we have reodymode Mother Pins or any name or Initials. Price of sample supplier Is $2.00, the readymad Jewelry, for samples. Also wire In copper bassi and silver boss. AMERICAN JEWELRY NOV. MFG. CO. P. O. Box 503 North Attleboro, Mast.

51 APRIL THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY ; t ENGRAVERS "QUALITY" Guaranteed to west trees ubt Many Now 4. HARRY KELNER & SON SO lower/, New Vert 2. N $4.95 PUTS YOU IN PROVEN, HIGH PROFIT MACHINELESS PLASTIC BUSINESS 34-' C... 2 FREE CATALOG Send for yours 33 D.. NOW/ f a Ne- Irraal t.r, 34" Chain, e3.44 O.. Delaware Valley Jewelry Mfg. 7 N. 7th Si., Phila. 6, Penna. YOU CAN'T BEAT BRODY FOR MERCHANDISE Newly located at 04 So. Halsted, one block north of old location. w.., happy to that we a.* lolly and [...WO, eelabllshd In [ Mw..arson with [ replet lin of goner and e v ns rchandrse. w wry moot complote Ir. $ slum. dal novelti.s,r plush beau end anim.l and plush norrllba f Ih lowest possible pricer ConNet tlnn : U p. fishing Eulpmnt Kltchnwe Illeón. B lank. Metrical Apply Bingo Supplies Rubber Novlr,.. Clocks r Tickets Housewares Stuffed t, Plush To,. t Lees rlos..uts In plastie and Chinaware Items horn SI 00 per gross and up. Whin In of rpund Chicago plea[. rlsll our NEW WAREHOUSE and DISPLAY ROOM. Our hr. Is l.o sur, Ne. to mention you must a n O. new 6 -page catlog is now ready for mailing. send ter your FREE COPY. 04 S HALSTED. PHONES: MONROE HAYMARKET M. K. RHODA', CIIICAGO 7, ILLINOIS PRICED TO SELL at Terrific Profits! While supply lasts! Men's New Style peel WATCHES H.!d.wmerd 956 i[3. corn. smnainolee Ladies' Smart 958! o WATCHES ATCHES \\, 4 Vel.stmt; GET ON OUR MAILING LIST.. Get In on the CelMas 96E "Parade of Hltt'. Sensallnnal 25, cash bargain.' All mere... OthRted nh muer -RI 4: 0.D. CEL -MAX, Inc. MIEMIi,S.aTENN They'll Look... and Look They'll Laugh... They'll BUY I. p.olitaele fau-relling! Too quality I arre clock and backward 4 Inda photo.. A ga f lar tàhrnt. amu.cment rooms, w cky Eìl!.. te: 5r:' high, 6'4 wld.. 2.' d.ep. Mdse 50e. Profit MII for 3,2 S5 $.95 Iors e{ i or m0. SAMPLE eerd. $8.95 L. & M. SALES CO. 322 No. Cedar lake d., Mnneapolis 5, Minn. ENGRAVERS WRITE CATALOG FOR M.,. e len NEW 958 raen[ tror, "ere des. Loreetl s3pnment of INOd D e I d Fned. O l r nd SIrllne ine.. t. Men's. Ldiea g- l I d an trem N CO der. er, 2 _ IL II I IU i 3 ; NEW 'BACKWARD (LOCK" Perfect for th Tivtrn, rrre,t Peen, G f t AND DEMONSTRATORS: ATTENTION! Made In U.E.A. Moon or Round Necklet* o n N" chain. Nickel or W g.ld lased Or. p ber Or. McBRIDE JEWELRY CO.. 26 BROADWAY at 3st ST., N. Y.. N. Y. 32" PLUSH BEAR Cotten Sluff. S0 00 Asstd. Colon L et 32" SUPER BEAR vinyl Rube.r PNnloe Nor As.. Color. 7S d.. 24 ",%;Id,;;7, French Poodle dz. 3E" Tough Clown di. 'r SITTIIK (LOTH 6E Prat, $4.40 fc sir. P.O.. N.Y C. 33, O.. gal. c.0 D. TEE JAY TOYS, INC. sl 30th 6., N.Y.C. Pia.3.3 W AR! MA ui4cc TURi R3 ALl KINDS PULL TICKET CARDS TIP CARDS l very nasenble.ces. Il SEB.ALL CARDS Mon: Whlinl -GItlr 3a3N COLUMBIA SALES CO. 02 Maln st. Wheeeee. W. Ya. THUNDERBIRD YOUR BEST HEADOUARTERS FOR THE NEWEST FAST SELLING INDIAN GOODS. GIFTS, NOVELTIES AND SOUVENIRS.-pte ìl WATT, /OR NEW d catalog tar wh<iefalo bute.. THUNDERBIRD PRODUCTS CO. 222 N. Lincoln Ar.. Cbi,go. III. Phone: Lincoln TWO REAL PROMOTIONAL ITEMS.i-inen P.::"rluln dy. dmn(rin At p3urp.o«.>i3 Ca. with or{d. D.!.' äa.t:w. Ic;(o'nn Ny u C lo,n C.o D TROIKE SLES eo. nt. P.O. tea ay! Or0tMl Alps Neo... Not aakal (as b, 5.00 COI Notbeokal lrilpi.g (Owed Fw 09O Del Suotbed Spbol Albe, B titre lotto workers Ea. SO 45 lotto CO Alba k U. S. flay k. III 00 Nebo fa Melket k. 2a 00 Damglry Pu4 sew k 00 by e. kw, Der. 3 CO asstd. lubber... To i soseakot Or, l' Seller Dells... k :6 Paddle Ialleeq... it 6 00 Narr tallow Slid!.,.. Or. SO 0.0 Timer GI... k Walking (al to Dog L S. /Shor Der SO E Pl. Bell Pinwheel Or Send for New Price List ALL ORDERS SHIPPED SAME DAY. ONE -HALF DEPOSIT REQUIRED íríicaire Madero! light Ell are smart and modern. They spell smoking satisfaction and enduring Smoking cons., Isom IMPRINTING OR ENGRAVING O LIGIr'r'E'R TO ORDER The lint Ilna lighter to be placed within the reach o every smoker. Sturdy construction. On hand operation. Chio mium plated In Individual boxer. furnished in regular and ladies' sue a der. Sample, postpaid, $.00. NEW METHOD CO. é,élo á, v.. 7 and 0 color.pedal and 7 ups Midgets, 3,000 seri- 7 colar. Paper and Plastic Marker. Wirt and Rubberized Ccges PanaIl.- Cryaes -Clips 7x7 0.erywight Corda Electric Blower i floch- baerdt tepbecrd. Mode to Order Ere. Cololog Aroìlobl. '7." ROBERTS INC. O 87 Broadway. Newark. N.. CONCESSIONERS and CARNIVAL MEN When In and Near Cincinnati Visit Our Show Rooms For A Complete Line Of Carnival Merchandise And Supplies. 26" Plush Bears per dot. Delivered within 50 miles. An established and dependable source of supply for more thon 33 year.. BROWN NOVELTY CO. 4th Or Central A.e. Ci.cinn 2. Ohl. hon Ne. CA OCE SELF -SEEL "Seal in Plastic" A-..:- n.. t.a,a p304,.e t.... S:taa,u lywr S495 beee-se 70t. ANYONE CAN DO III limed* 30..:-d.ppicai SW Sill nal C pnclu.c.. bwsifal.n.w.pod.c Nine.. bed. pd..,.. POSES SO(6 PLASTIC DOES ALL THE WORK SALES ARE COM'tETED ON nl!rot riles D0( ue It 5ITYT brwsp6peo (LPPIlK SOTfeIS W,iOe, eddilienrl purchaser, trlie2 sus prate" voles pion. yew mole 52 a minute or more. Wert or heel. or os much es yew hk... AS YOUR OWN loss m recent basn er reel. unlimited posture. income. tolgo NO SKILL REQUIRED PERSON. HOMO ANDBUSINIIS A MOSPICT. row ma.,y -. 6,Aitt that Cods and a ph.m SELFSEEL PLASTIC. lamm.meps boneung, moult teamtsg., dirt beoatlfy and moist... -ara.t renvrvnny7 Enry CO.. has ROM Businesses tee hundred. en ea O. carrel w,lh F'l drswnrnit. YOH SELF SEEL cm make PLASTIC 03,000 tam+natcoo. ^e raw Ca material bwid to We doneohng 000, buwraaa dep.arlmem, er,g store. 4 ter industrial uses ste.5eel* PLASTIC COMPANY DPW R -4 Blvd., Lot An ell. 35, Cahtcrne Web.lw 6365 Pleae. send m- Ire Sales Plans t, 2 sod 3 00 SELF -SOEL dryers 3n4 walla yaw make flan $25 f S.OI 00 SELF -56E sheets 9.2. fry ere,. Is sent postpaid and Inclues+ ularw. ssylalcllaw hostrutliem and tales Name Address Oc State trademark Patent pending ( \ Avoid cut price items that blow your r 4,,\_. tips! Get money with your faithful ' \ ' t friends at Fairs and Shows. GRATER Still $.00 JULIENNE I SALAD MAKER Writ for new low pricers MOULT MANUFACTURING CORP. Dpt. I. 9 lreadwey J.rsty city 6. N. J WHOLESALE BUYERS GUIDE,,... G E[ rm R n B reandinleal Pull Swing Skin. YarII!e Hand- awd Skirts. 05 IWIn3 Yule tbr Chan Hnd -TeNad Im.elde 0.wamenled Palm Cunt E SEND TODAY FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF OUR GENERAL CATALOG IT IS NOR,8.F: Inu.rrrr.n. M Gr.n of rr.,.e nee elle Dorn Nru,.s ene Natonarly AIVn,set Na. I.n.stroll N.o. nrtyrm MOYMMre., Mar. Aelrnc.. J.elry, WN[Ma. Clecs. 7.vlrod Tar.. IMwkN.. Crn.rM Goce. anal Oes.n. 0 NMr P. Sen Linar. A GENIUNE MONEY SAVING GUIDE FOR Frontl.rm User.. Aertleners, Wagon Jobbers. Agents. Salesmen, Distributors,.. Our ss.ra. rete./ N Mnoor n DNnd-...r. n rte N Ovakry Nrch[rr.s et ' 0.W. 4.. ROS.90.F050IN ST. MINNEAPOLIS MINN MEXICAN II L.nte Curie., Nrll..e gtt. Reewtl CMas. Ft ti\cis I.. de ARKOS All Nenh MdiN. Laredo. e3m Da KM Oa I3. M. r tf «D. 7NOS- tle[k. Texan

52 52 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL HOTTEST ITEMS EVER ATTENTION DEMONSTRATORS -CHAIN STORES WAGON JOBBERS - PITCHMEN FOAM GLASS -Ironing Board Covers, Sponges, Table TOP PADS, Bath Mots, Mattress Pads, "CRAZY CALIPSO HATS." ALL ITEMS FROM ail STOCK -- LABELED. FiVE Passel Colors-- Beovtifully Pocked FOAM RUBBER mattresses, bed pillows, bed padding, shredded rubber, rubber furniture cushions. "Custom Work From Your Own Plans." CHEMICALLY TREATED SPONGES: Non -Acid, Non- Injurious. Cleans, polishes and preserves Gold, Silver, Brass, Copper, Pewter. Non -Abrasive. Removes Rust From Chrome. Removes Ink Stains and Alcohol Stains From Furniture... "DON'T FORGET THE CRAZY CALIPSO HATS" ALL ORDERS SHIPPED -SAME DAY RECEIVED Terms with order, balance C.O.D. All Price! quoted F.O.B. Factory Dun and Bradstreet rated accounts, chipped 0o. 0 days WRITE -WIRE- PHONE -VISIT MIRRO -FOAM RUBBER MANUFACTURING (O. 267 N. W. 25th Street Miami 52. Florida No. Phone. NEwton 5099 Ext. FOR THE HOrrísr SELLING LINES FOUND ANYWHERE_ LOWEST PRICES IN AMERICA W Ouaronle the item, lilted below to by prove. sellers or your money will b retundd. PLEASE ORDER SY NUMBER FOR FASTER SERVICE Geld- finished Swiss watch. Expansion raelet, Marching Cuff Coverd St.' Bor.,. SO... f M No 7. : moue WATER7AAN PEN SET, in rluaf Cut Link,, Tie r. Monv Cllp, 7aK GOLD PLAT[. lekd 9a<h ft 40 Links Ti Bar Set. Matchin Pen a Pencil,...rot.- No.. Lad,n' 00, ORLON Sweater. Ind. Baked Each 5.40 No a. AlMrtel Wheel Barre., complete Wan Rake, Hoe, Shovel. Based , ch S2.50 No S. Metal Bathroom Scale, baked n met finish, with new rucku handle.. Each No. 4. Double Brill Baring Roller Skala", nickel finish Pr Pe,r 7.90 No. 7. ALL -STEEL Bar 3. Grill, complete -With folding I., v.irr rack ch S7.40 NO.. All Mgt, Alarm Clock, enamel finish Each S.0 No E. All -Mtal 5 -Cell Flashlight, Ind. axd... per Doren WOO No. 0. All -Chrom Cigarette Lihtrs.,.... wr Doren 3.5 No.. PRESTO NEEDLE THREADERS, Boced per Den SS.. No. 7. TWO -CELL ThrerCOlor Flashlights per Doran..50 No. 3. AlPurp. Desk Set, S -pic per Dorn S4.75 No. la. Hunting Knife, with Sheaths per Doren 7.30 No- S. Gents' All- Leather Bdltolda.. per Doren 530 No- le. CO( Link Sets. complete with T.. Sae per Doren.25 No 7. Steel Tape Alaasures....mat, release. per Doren No le. Gents' Stretch Hose. nylon, fits any sire Per Doren.35 No le- Leatherette Memo Pad A Ball Pen, eked -. err Dozen No. 20. Pocket Seertrv. complete with 4 Ball Pens, new low prices per Doren 5.75 No. 7. Gents' SUN CLASSES, comple re with in,...tic case per Doren M.. Plea. Note: Above itml sold in DOZEN LOTS ONLY. 25, Deposit, Belnc C.O.O. ORDER TODAY, DON'T DELAY GEM SALES COMPANY 533 Woodward Ave. Detroit 26. Michigan Phones- WOOda.d W. stack thousandpr?crvit:ieetl tee hang. e trout. not..r abeut.r ".m. Amberine Unbreakable Combs for DEMONSTRATIONS THE ORIGINAL Reg. ln U. S. l Canada Pat. Off Available Direct from Manufacturer Stock on hand Prie List on Redue. Orders Shipped Day Received Send $.00 for Sample Set "AMBERINE" 2020 F Street. South Belmar, N. J. 958 Fair Dates Continued froto paga 49 Orandelrrr- -Orindrteer Harrest Peet:<a. Au[W Benno Huff. Kennluv act 4. Benton-u,000 o Pales A,eO. Aug lohn Neuman Lyndon -Northwest Wash. Pi.r Assn. Aug Peter Meenderinek. Menlo - -- Pacific Co. PYIr Assn. Ruth Klemp: Aug. 4-e. Monroe- Svergreen State Pale A.R. Aug 26 Sept. I. Paul Holleman. Sloes Lake -Grant Co. Pau Assn. Sept Geo. B. Dogherty. Pomeroy -Garfield Co, Pales Asen E. W. Darla. Port Augrles--- Clallsrn Ocv Pair Asen. Aug Nell. Parr. Puyallup--Western Wuh. Pair Asen. Sept 3.2. J. H. McMurray. Shelton -Mason Co. PAD Aar.. Aug. -. Mrs. Martin Ansel, Sootne -- Spokane InlercNN Pair, Eno. Sept Clio. T. Meerach. Vancouver -Clark Co. Pair Assn: Aug Mee. W. Y. Smiley. Walla Wut:a- Southeastern Wash. Pair Asyl. Aug (toward Burgess Walen -dle- -North Central Wash Drat Pales Axan. Sept Mrs. O. Marton Dick. Yk!:na-- Gensera W.i sh. Fur Asen. Sept. 24-2e, J. Hugh K;ng, West Virginia Clay --Ciey Co. Fur Aas.. At -9. W. M. Smith. Slklne- Mountain Stale Purest Pvtlral. Oct..4. C. Wood Crawford Fallamber- Goodw Orange Year Assn Aug W. A Willi.. Port Ashby-- Mtnerll Co. Pair Anus Aug. -6. Mrs. W. M. Welch. Gssawsy-- Ousaway Lions Club Free Pair. July 28 -Aug. 2. Wayne Smith. Grafton-Taylor Co. Pair Assn. Aug Mrs. P, -D. Klepfel. Kingwood -Preston Co. Buckwheat Putlval. Sept Mn. Betty TennRt. Lewisburg State Pair of Wea Virginia. Aug C. T. Sy...tricker- MalminRton- Menningto0 DLSt, Pair Assn. A.R O. H. Sturen. New slope- Bearer Pond DUI. Pe. Assn. Sept. 44. C. P. Hylton. Prsons- Tucker Co. Pair Adam. Aug Hrs. Lou. A. Wt!:tam. Penruboro- Rltchte Co. Agri. Tear AMC Aug. 2E RCbetr's Werkt Petersburg- TH -Co. Pair Assn. Sept R. E. Spencer. Phltippt- Barbour Co. Street Pales, Toe. Sept. S -a. L. G:eon Zinn Hiciorllle -Paw Paw Dtst. Pate Asw. Aug. 46. John DeMary. Summersellte- Siebal Co Ehlr. Ice. Aug. 4.. Jamie D. Hume. Wisconsin Amigo- Langlade Co. 4 - Pair Aim. Aug. -. Al Tadliudy- Athens- Athens A h A Pair Arn. A.R. 2,- 24. Graydon Peterson. Baraboo -Sauk Co. Agri. d. Aug, A. H. Thayer. Bearer Dam-Dodge Co. Pur Are. Sept. -7 Forrest Knauf. Black Rarer Palls.- Jarkeon Co. Mrl. Sue Aug Eugene Sarege. eloor.rigtoo- -ke s Prairie Agri. Soo. Aug hire. Robert Bradt. cedsrburg- Osaukre Co. Agri Aug. T- 0. Arnold Oroth. Chilton- C.iumet Co, Agri, Sae. Aug. 2- Bept.. Herbert Rardee. Chippewa FeDs- Northern Wls. (riet. Pear Asap. July 29 -Aug. S. NOTICE!! Jo "the Wop" Schiavo and his son of Pork Row NovIty Co. have "Eapand.d" to New and Larger Quarter, or York, N. Y. 4 Park Row, Now Pork Row feoluree -Toy,, Hots and a Complel line of Carnival and Slum Items, BRIDE & BRIDESMAID (ELLO DOLLS Dre.ed w' Nylon Material $6.00 Drop in to See m. and my son at our now ploc or Write for Complete list of Carnival hen. and Prices. Some Reo.onabl Prices and Prompt Sh:p ment, PARK ROW NOVELTY CO., INC. 4 Park Row New York 7, N. Y. 25 e with order, balance F.0.0. C.O.D. New York. "PROFIT LOADED" The Rifle Pen_ Samples: 3 for $.00 ROLLINS DISTRIBUTING (0. Ingleside. Ill. DERBIES -HIGH TOPPERS "SOLD WHEREVER NOVELTIES ARE ESSENTIAL" CENTENNIALS, CELEBRATIONS, FUN SHOPS, FAIRS. MADE OP SELECTED FUR FELT (Rebuilt). COLOR BLACK, DURABLE, LIGHT- WEIGHT a VENTILATED. CLOSE HAND CURLED BRIMS FOR THE BEST STYLE LINES. REGULAR HEAD SIZES. Top Hats- $0.00 Per Dozen I Sun bonnets- -S6.00 Per Dozen High Crown Derbies -S 0.60 Por Dozen Kentucky Col. Bow Ties -$6.00 Per Dz, Low Crown Derbies -$6.00 Pot Dozen Gay '90 Vests -$6,00 Per Dozen All Type. of Beard.. M,nlaeh.. i Coaleee- -Astort rotor. a Preed Right. Tor Blade Top Hat. Derbies Made of New 00,E Wool Fell -350 Peg Doe. In Co.., Gre, Brown, Red. Green or College Colors. And Your Cbrdc of Ribbon.. sit W Dorn. We Indite Ca...rien. {male on R... Termer., CeM, Pollees C.O.D. -MANUFACTURED AND DISTRIBUTED IC- BERGER SCHWARTZ HAT (O. "a..t In the West Since,03' 433 So. Los AngIs re.t, Loa Angl., C.l'frnle ATTENTION, ALL (OIL WORKERS I, the Spark- M.Ir, w glee Th n w Spit -Eire Coll and Y.. either en. You c n go over Your old territory with th ntive Spitfire --It has se b... shape. different colored boa. Inc yeab... with n th. new Spit -Fir Coil. Lots stock s on hand. You never have to wait. Orden shipped out M s m day owed. Not ""tk er orcelain. " ""'. PRICE STILL bake!. that will not burn thru or streak. Longer fail t fit deep dh- tribute's. Carbon mint. In ell coils. $ Price on Boa. Your coat of shipping uo much cheaper. HAROLD NEWMAN PHONE -WRITE -WIRE GROSS gelt In Quality- Se ri Price. UNIVERSAL IGNITION CO. Nw Addrasa 4603 N. RAVENSWOOD AVE. CHICAGO 40, ILLINOIS Shop Ph.: Hom Ph.: Reger Ink NNNN.4AN4 N -647 DEMONSTRATORS- PIT(HMEN- JOBBERS Fastest Selling Merchandise WA.. i Pent Shell Moulds it different designs. P., Cloth Sels Cake Deeerlen with th new magic tube change: Nylon. Plastid and CIton a'! Aluminum hie Crimpers NW Toastall filer a, pop-up toaster, Ideal M Mee for m ring teaspoon.. tispaom and C., Sus nest 00.rn Trut LeaY S.gani Rose Nail and Fancy dal. Tub. Plastic r Metal Wal. TODAY lot NEW LOW PRICES and CATALOG. JACK LEVY BONLEY PRODUCTS CO. NEW Add."' 3 S. Perla St., Chic.., III. PLUSH PLASTER SLUM We hove been acing eornl vela and parks since 99, diivr or ship. We harp Cho merchcndise for you of the right price. Large line of Plush, Plaster, Slum, Blankets, lamps, Baseball,, Bingo Merchandise. 25', dposit, balance C.0.0. Due to detour U. S. 3, con. to 500 S. East St., 2 blocks west on Lincoln. hooding dock, plenty of parking. No catalog. Writ for price list or sompl.. INDI.N.POLIS STATUARY CO. 549 Madison Avance at Lincoln Indionopelis 25, Indictee Phon.: Me Res: St. 6-26g3. Waterproof Watches SPECIAL LOT a 7 Jewels. Mn' end lea l.'- 4 BULO VA. w.rtes wit /,mona ANO aln IN,rt. mak ell dir ce., stretch, ruar- teed like ^ w r- SAM L.73 honed end u..nt.:ú like new. eor $39 CLOSE-OUT 0Ñ WATCH SETS, M. wirb order, Inaue. lows balance C.0.0. arco wash mach PIECES..^mien ba d, AL ZEIGER á SON. d an, 70i Sr, punn / link. and /i bar ta match. a. PnildIph,e 4, Pa. liful metal fill Box.!A' W,Inul -4.5.p ss ao each la or mor.{ SLUM JEWELRY and RESALE JEWELRY GIVEAWAYS FOR GAMES -HANKY PANGS, GRAB BAGS AND JEW- ELRY SPINDLE. EACH ONE ON A CARO, GOOD FLASH. GOOD VALUE, PRICED LOW. BIG STOCK ON HAND. SAME DAY SHIPMENTS. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. WE HAVE ENGRAVING MDSE.. SETS. RINGS, RE- LIGIOUS JEWELRY, EXPANSION 'DENTS. LARIETTES AND SHERIFF'S BADGE. SAMUEL B. POCKAR CO. 477 SMITH ST. Rear, PROVIDENCE t, R PELLEGRINI BROS. Carnival Plaster, welt frothed. Ash Trays, Wall Plaque for stores. Top quality merchandise. Far deliveries calf MIOOSIC -GIs Moosic Rd. Old Forge, Pa. CARNIVAL MERCHANDISE Catalog GILBERT'S PLASTER SHOP. 0 Be 632 Florence. Alt.,.

53 EEE APRIL 7, 958 DEALERS- AGENTS -PREMIUM -DEMONSTRATORS NEW EXCLUSIVE FAST SELLING IMPORTS is MIRACLE "DOUBLE CUT" All- URPOlt kn llll.. lllltt lllllllb\lr IAMMM fyw New Fe.nIoo,. u..e rh rr kotio N. Ard- IrN <.d6 r «f irod. Heinle. fool e«l, cuts H, fowl, HI Node, Swore. c.o. n NHONd d4 n..,[«broad, La. Mae, wtm r«en«fro. arc, wm.vf FAMOUS -MAO IN SOLINO.N, /RMANr WO.L0 Lra IMh N Wsd hn. Crypts roue fe 7]0, SICIAL QUANTITY OFR --0n ref htoron lofs F O.. Med.. Ir 7 M tern. Don r wept. SPORT SUN GLASSES POPULAR FRENCH WIRE BASKET terry In Pan. Mln Pen Lt. CNtPUt- Oenn4 C«, or Uwe. Tho ratt Ma ehat /nin h... met. Na gooney r r lens red on nr w hfnm old ;fa At Pn, frame - Tn h.. an u.n. tthl. Trmn TAIL 3.50 dw.innt m..adore OnY ai r7, IN nì8.. east Iron and trm. /7 7. ras..s. +r. Rtelle fer $2.30 toua OvNIfY.i «ah, a deoew rlu INI. tmpn erile, MEINHARDT IMPORT COMPANY 4333 N. PULASKI ID. CHICAGO 4, ILLINOIS CLOSE OUT PRICES W{T!ATIT{MAON N ST *Airy..$2 0,.. n a.mulrd.rl Nefkled th.06 L. U" te.e Oulu. Unbnll ais Cuff Link Tor tar B.t, /u Mn'l r La. RInebell with.69 Mn' Pt. W[h 3., In<IVaIM e Daiux I.Fn.,en asna, b.utl- ::':' hexed,n peto kn., mel each 4.25 NO CATALOG AVAILALf. AT THESE LOW PICES Wl EKIFCT TO SELL OUT. SIND IN YOUR ORDER TODAY- IF SAMPLES AR! 4 00 SENG extra for nolna na least.. TERMS: 2S, <wow, money ord.. cede ernenn C.0.0, SEND IN FULL AND SAVI C.O.D. Ell. WHOLESALE PURCHASING SERVICE A AV.,, WASHINGTON, D. C., SUIT. If, FINISHED FINDINGS! SEND FOR FREE l' TIIMG! Neck Chains Jump Rings Crosses R. D. ROBINSON CO. Spring Rings Lockets Engraving Plaques Novelty Charms AVoilabl In Gold Plated,.20-2K Gold Filled and Sterling Sil00r 4 Bridge Sr. Cranston S, R. I. Nothing Sells Like WONDER CUP The All- Purpose Kitchen Measure * SLIDING SLEEVE MEASURES CUPS, TABLESPOONS. OUNCES -EVEN COFFEE. * SHFCLEANING -NO NEED TO WASH BETWEEN WET AND. DRY INGREDIENTS. * DUNA PLASTIC CUP WITH TRANSPARENT SLEEVE. Minty Action for ii<i..9 and Denonstroting, ORDER NOW I Per Dozen - Sample 50c MILMOUR PRODUCTS. INC, 535 No. Ashland AVenu0 Chicago, IllinolS Free Wholesale Catalog CONTAINING Expansion Cr Photo 'dents Heart G DISC Pendant, Aluminum Chain!dents Rings Pins Pearls Closeouts. Etc. SEND FOR YOUR COPY TODAY Iced state Your business. FRISCO PETE- All Phones. Franklin WATCH SPECIALISTS FOR 68 YEARS Sa. Thin Watch, nrhlie Mnd, nosed, ar a New «rn4m 6wI, af4 OImand Cover WICh, Maed Coi us. 7 -bunon Chnnragh t7.í5. Nr' Nr. 0.OK Ni. {.65 Fplou 4x0. TF Mm. arm, mim 7a dle<. Cle RESULT SALES 'D -o' B,:O ein AV NIW YORK 30. N T A.bI I NrNCO ' Shorthorn wn6u 0`t'ÿ ; T GRAND CHAMPION $ELLERI REPEAT ORDERS COAST TO COAST. A U T H E N T I C RE R000CTIONS IN NATURAL COLORS. IDEAL FOR MANTEL PIe C-, DINS, OISKS. LTC. THIS. RANKS AR ATTRACTIVE DETAIL NO COLORING. NOW AT THIS. NEW LOW MC /S: 7. YOUR ear {st COST dp- ONLY we Paaraa ERFICHT ON OROIS Or OOIEN OR MO.. S.t A wonted d enc.. <npw c MAIL ORDER TODAY NEBRASKA ART STATUARY COMPANY 70 FelleMn Are. Omer I. Nb. THE BILLBOARD pa. w: R gyaa;pam al Bal 6tí Alt (tes-rá«iam 'a r, Ms Pesi--Brass o. ID** ss ta-. B. o,4ire atr Aea ra.i Osrasa-splR c.. Jr- Pelr. Aq, g.. T, Ls.ea w. Perk-- Vial CM ear: e. Aug 73- rp- t/. Y4 Mrr -- l Memo R. glmnr- Bar Clam -M Oahe.0e. Jr. Ain. aag. a.4 Wake. Amara!bara-- walalwry c. Asrl n0.. Lt Muro *N. et. Ltlewynb -PNfre De Pair Asa, Aug ta- 7. Mrs. frsf Deratsk- -. PAU Are- JalP Las. twos Ambers....see -nnroeo Q. Pate Ara. A. C-Sept. I. Peas Jalenaea. MI. wm. B hba de tae-fynd au tae AP7. Bee Mbrerrl O.atu0. t, Lee Sebmldl Ynlr-Cn.tera d. PaU Ass rrfmrdthi-a4w Ce, AtrL Ml ttt a- Aan Bec- OR/Lic. A.t. a-il h.l L- Pauwn. Pl.lrtt da Cth 00-Osml. C. ra;r- Aug- I> 7. Out. N0R4a- Olenroaa Olry -SI. Crola Cr Felt A.m. Aug. 4- Merge /ten., OrwlYOra--Burb.It Co. Co. Ott. Bee. JWS 0 - Mar.. Ruedselet- OrMa Late-Ogee Late Ce. Jr, Aug.. Willy Oleranso.on. 7er0- E7er l'w Agri Pair Awl. AsL.20 3bermn W. We... Don RI4r-- ealrleld Co. lealr A..o 29Sept. L 9 Allred Mager. Aug Marry Loot. W...urn- J annrllle -Kort Ca. 4 -M Jr ran. Aug. JIteron- JrT «e Ce. Pair AMR. Jell 3I -Aug. 2. Adam Pente.. alarm. LadDemlth- -plut Co. Feu Aune A., 7.0. ad Aret, Lancaster -OraoE Ce. Atri. Sloe, Sept, 4.7. A B, DeSuhr, Lodi -LOd Union Agrl. Sot. Sept. -4 Mane Hebermwnn. Luxemburg -K.auae Ce, Agri Bot. Aug. =o -Sept, L alto/ C. Hoppla 'ncoo -DaM Oe. Jr, Pus Awn. July - :, Rey Osumi., M.cIto.e- Manftosoe Co. Pair A.R. Aug. 70-4, Dr A. F. Rant. 4raRao- Ashland Co. Pelf Arm, Aug. M- Sept. I. Deihl Mol, Ashland. MarhlIIAd- Central WA. Slate Pair. Aug. 77 -Sept, I. W. A. Ulhmelrr. MAUaton- Juneau Co. Agtl. Soc. Aug. 4-7, Ranci Pfaff, McCt;rd- Taylor Co, Coop Youth Pai,. July 7 -Aug. 2. Joe J. ruts. Menomonee- -Dunn Co, Pr. Pelf AND. July Howard Kuhn. Merrill- Ltncolo Co. 4 - Re Fair Amen Aug Wm. Steckling. Milwaukee -Milwaukee Jr. Pall Aran. July Leonard Luce. Milwaukee- Wl.eouNn State Pair. Aug. R- S4. Willard M. Muler.On. Mineral Point-law. Co. Fair Soc. Aue "',i 30 -Sept. I II- S. Ivey, Mondo, l- Hutt.le Co. Agri. Fur As.e. Ju'.s 3AÚ". 3. John Hollinger. GOehesnr. Monroe-Green Co. Agri. Soc. July 30AÚ. 3. Rolland Kar :.n. hleillitule -Clara Co. Aarl. Sot. +.:r II 7. Harold Uuck.teRd. OhtAb- WlnurbaRU Co. Fair., Rober Mirky. P hllllpa -Prlct Co, Agri. Soc. Aut.. L. P. Wlemer. Plymouth- SheboyRRil Co. Atrl. Soc. A a 20 -Sept. Philip Anderson. Portage-COlumbla Co. r'.tr Awn. Jo:, H.roM Lochner. Rhinelander -Th. Hods' Pelr, Aug.:. -I Harvey Becker, Rica Loth- Barron Co, Co -asp A.. s Aug Bruce Dalrymple. RIthl.Rd Center- Richland Co. Agri. Soc Sept. -4. Ruby Tallydge. ROMOIt-- Rosholt Free Comm. Pale Aifv Aug. 30 -Sept I. Rumen Wrol.tad. St. Croit Palle -Polk Co. Fair Soc. Aug.3 Arthur Comer, Sxon -Iron Co. Pair Aun. A Sire. Florfnro 04,0., SeTmouc- Ogta4amle Co. PAIE Aun. J MIIdlael Burn. Shasauo- Shaw.n0 Co. Agri. Sot. Aug. 20 Sept.. Robert Sterol.. Sli,ger- Washington Co. 4 -M Palr Aen July Maurice Wert Rl'r., Spooner -Washburn Co. Jr. Pal, A4,n Wm. H. DR4Eherly. Sturgeon Bay -Door Co. Pair Allo..L.y O. E. Mullendore. SoperlOr- Tel.SIRte Pair Mon. Aug Seeger Branson. Tomah -Monroe Co. Pair A.R. Jß! '-. Aug. 3. R. L. Wnitel. union Orore- Rocín. Co. Agri. So, SIAUg. 3 Slain O. Lett. Viroqua -Vernon Co- Aga Bot, Sept Fred R.I.. Wausau -Marathon Co. Agr. Soc. Aug. IS. 7. C. J. McAfee.. Weusautee- Marinette Co Age. Soc. Au" IS -7. Victor Quick, Mannrtte. Wautoms- W.Yahara Co. Pelt Man. BUS 4-7. Leetrr Van Loon. WetLed- SLrsuette Co. Youth Felt Assn Aug, 7-0. Tom Brady. Monletlo. West Salem - LaCrosse Inter -Stets Pair Aug, 440. Joe. W. Prioh. J Asan. Wry uwega- WAapada LM. Agri. Soc. Sept 4.7- A. A. Woad... Wilmot -Keno +ha Co. Pelf Ann. 0, Mulla Schnarr- Aug- 7- %Wyoming Sulu-Big Horn Co. Pur Aun. Aug Dr. M- B. Walker, Casper-Central Wyoming Fog Assn. 30 -Aug. S Dr, H- E. óvucteddolr. Cheyenne- Cheyenne JrT h4ntltr DRyll. J Use HermaR. Douglas-948min. Stays Fall. Aug T. W. Tetaelult. Gillette-Campbell Co. TI, Asin. Aug Bill Per. Jr. Meweeetle- Weston Ce. Pew Boxed. Aug Carl Calu/eule. Pnee -Put On. Pair Assn. Aug Rosa D. CooeRharer..UR0- Car00 Ce. Pair Amen. Aug. 5-0 Bruce NI34n.!Marton- rm.. Co. Pau Board. Aug I0-7 w 4 Doocaw- Torrington-amber Ce, lair A.m. Aug T B. H4drleld. CANADA Alberta cowry-.c5:rrr7 RaRn. Stomped, Jar : Muni. K. Hartnett - admsntoo anaoloo J Aadenoa Cahn. Joky 4-0. A CM. SaiR. July Leriibelda- Lethrlda as M. C. C Par.. Red Geer -Red Deer Asrl. gee-.2,7 2- Asg. D. w, RobereAR, Veerevtile- Vamille Eakin. July F Mener, Vermillon- VrranIla0 Agri- Oct. Jog 24- HectbeIL Ií S. C. OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT Arm, 0,0. 4.v. Maw A0 Beef S. Agerwl Owl Pa3 est. w.. A'A ren - 4Mr.r Lan 4.: Armnrsa4- teuriw Promeme bas Pm,.7 Aram Out - Arraa Par. 4_ IN. A. >t Matta CMS- M -r Coda Parr Are Dept awl Lat-rtp Lobo Swore. tar.. WM IWO al Barm Late-aakee Oto Pau Ars Rep r Omelrpr-- tl4lit4r Ds. Pau his Ay,- L>A A.oce- Oat :Nsert AdrS. Arm A.y a -R. Cl. +erden- -Laser tall. As A.a. Reel-. Cobb m...Oe:4 B'U CoemM- ArmfulU. Agri Imo A rain. Mn.eay -llmis NRL.p Pe3 'A.ig- Creole. Bay Crest. Bay P. Beal 4. Create. -cnuda Valley Fan her A S ept-.2 Dem. Cool- Deem heat Su. A A.l. It -Il Duncan- 0a0ua Ar IRA. IN Sept t. Oct- I/ last KM.Y -WI Kai.. Pail T. deoea- lrme.sun PermmY Atri. T. bpi.. Pert Truer-Port Rerr Pert P. Sept - PSo4ale P' RVIIal hl, Ars pent. '. Ob.RRtRnneblre than Pill Pau. -4. Orna Perla -Onnd Forts Fed If M t,. Raney -MaDIa Rldp ASTI. Aun. ít4. pop -Hope Dut. P Fair A.. S ept.. Inlrtmrr. -Wt Kootenay Agri...: tribu. Aug , Ladner -Delta Aatl Soc. Aug. St tadyamllb- dy.mltb ARn. Sol. Se, 7 Langley -t.r I. Agri. Run. Mol S -e Wlloo.- LIlleosl Fell PRIT Ann. Sept Little Pen -N. ibompro Pau Fag Ara. Seat. I. Lo.l,O- MnebRoln Former AO$ McBride- -Mellrld Dut, r%. Taie Aue Aug. M 7. Merritt- Valle/ Zahn. Akan. Sept., NR.ImR-- Vaneoufer Island Rahn Am. Aua- 4. ß.n 7.W.i Kootenay Aart A toil. h0. -\ ATTENTION 6 Erarieo HEART ROUND PENNANTS ',IMITE OR COLO r:','.'. Il 7, 00 CRO ".. EXPANSIONS MEN S 3.570E b IDENTS RINGS tom Item $3.50 dz. : $2.50 r AI dr. SEND FOR SAMPLES JACK ROSEMAN CO. 307 Ave, Ntw York 6. N Y DIRECT FROM Costume Jewelry Manufacturer P, P r / rim Idn' RhiMf fem Aat I LMOL Dos Pnn.rCnnRnnobod e Nf.7{ rl. al lne S yd I / TuDnMA hmlnr - Err.n6 Oetua NNlywoo Rd Slra I sun. npn..ved 7 IerKeHla / P n Err.n frn, NrA M a u I N c [ s.l. / A e r be..e M f I fa 0 M a 0 fa e0 / SEND FOR FREE CATALOG I / It nluflnf.a P«t IS, OH..l on C O I PACB ARD JER..0" CO. 0 /` 4a W 2Srh St D0'. N.Y. 0 N ` ` "_ Miniature Gill Trophies Mee. geld ratn In wol«r plat/! hew. 24. heal- sank n. Puts WORLDS GREATEST LOVER. WIFE. NUS.AND. DAD. MOTHER. PLAYER. amt. SOUVENIR 6 $34.00 gr. bulk. $3.50 du. tamale etaat. 25% devour wanes der e. bank duct 4. C O 0.. I.O,. Pre. R. I. AMCO PRODUCTS 64 PIS'. Sr. P,or,dente R I..4PCIAL INTRODUCTORY OrrER '+LU 'swan tu 2 temle r" M4D Vdm MOO' Mahn 004gr BaLIIND Yin Soy Wraee FrMI tmckyletfrrl 5. eert6ewing Wm el Rdnta, aslun gata. BweraDr. RoenA snlw. 7 NerehNr FIR SN. Bao. RI.«too Mew Twrantew- Par FM o day Iw rree CATA. MIL IPK MECK WtAf. 30 W 720 { Dear. Sas, New Yids», n. I DIRECTORY 53 HAT OPERATORS! ATTENTION! ETON CAP 540 d y. FEET JOCKEY CAPS $2.25 dj. $4.00 p. COWBOY m ode,. « Sews ueu wnh na - nlm- S5.40 dl. S63 p. ROBIN ALPINE HOOD!l SO di. ' $650 p- T.w... e«f, 04r C O O, P O O Nwrb, N, e TOPSALL PRODUCTS CO.,I IS Moorol. Srnrt, Nwr {. N! AOVrRTISIMINT Imperial Finds Way to Beat The Recession - NEW WORK Pun Mg that rt'ptl is a reeessio, l'simspif a dl boy if the price it IOW eoungll. INIPERIAI. %II)S!, CO Broadway. Ilan bin. salts by offering thew tirala! "Recession Smasluog Pro - 0 PIECE (04 PÁ(56 SIR 0 er SI WALLET ASSORTMENT 3600 p MOLE ROOK r /THREIDEI, 3.00 or ASST. (6ESElTE LIINTEIS t' lilt BONNETS IN (SSE 6 TS or PLASTIC TItIE(LOTHS i' SEIRL(IIBLE BILL PENS... l0 SO or 6 PEN SE(PETARY -w /P4d dl 4 PEN DES" SET S 25 L 2 (ELL p CLOSEOUT EARRINGS Its SC I T.70 tr POCKET KNIVES -Grdtd., 2.00 or HIED IEWEIRT SETS o. SI SALT A PEPPER ASST dr. "FELICIIE" PERFUME.0 QS t0ed (RIMIER DOLLS O. 74 PE STAINLESS SET,,.. 3 SO er 3000/ MANICURE SETS O. 605 / (IS. (ASE SET dl LLUMINUP FOLOINN FAR.: 2.00 r. SI 9S CUFF SIRS SET.- T 20 O. "A RU" PERFUME LIFE) di ROOD KM WALLETS 6.00 A. 554( WALLET SETS 7.30 sr. JUMBO NEEDLE BOOKS 7.70 p. MIMES ELII6 SPECIAL 6.50 p- PEAK ARMIES 9.00 V. MENS STONE SINES p' Pc 04(0 SET.. LUCRO MUSIC CHEST 4 75 as da. S2 SUSELUS ASST. SPECIAL SU"6LASS ASST b. TAW (ón0 ASST á. 670 IMPERIAL (ANUO, á. 6 K. STEAK KNIFE SET. á. PLASTIC APRONS 240 p. SSS "EVANS- t5nter SET 3.00 oe. LUCIE ID N p. These are only a few of the mall), et iling specials being of. fereti by IMPERIAL. Which has been supplying nlotips'maliin promotions for more than half centon'. A?-5, deposit is required for all COI). order+. Prices are f.o.b. New!l'or3. Or. der halal; Boost your sales! IMPERIAL MERCHANDISE CO. 093 Broadway Nev.. Tori City PLASTER KANSAS CITY ART STATUARY CO. 433 No Ninth st- Knse City 24. Me.

54 54 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 95 YOU CAN'T.KE IRE :%L MONEY IJNLESS YOU TRY - LOOK AT TIIESE IIOT SELLING ITEMS AND THEN ORDER.!. YamoW D.0 Seal. In lh mnst trot. trod. {.03 -se m.ern faun. Sonny worth OWN oo a. lot of 7: sample N.N. wonder It MO tsd N ISROO M,N ea. IOt et ). tamp {.03. el. EleelNe halas Dryer with hot or cold adludmenl. UI. apame., On,Ip base hat. Rood.Mier IM.NI..00 ea. lot of ): rmpts N.N.,,. Kat7mly A/rpIlnit Rolls.. Shoo duel Son with Crucifie Year round oell.r Mirror b.ekeroumi. raft Mond. nattons Fast seller w.03. M.M a. lot M 7; muret N.N.., Frl.c 2K nldplol. Cullers Art. 0 Hk Idamer. l In deed. dal. Man.otl &II.. rl. gel. Ier.MJN MOO ea. Ir of 0; sample. {LN. IS. Vnuwal 20 Sp.. Told D.. on Stand TLngdon 4 Chrome alai. de. I ' In 7". let. engraved. Flhulo. w ea. lot of 2; aampl.6. Wllion Cary fllddloceff Aulognoh.d Rolf l2. Nallenol r.ot, P 7Z.f.. Cn alt., Nsw J. with "('0. rout` ha u die. reppr o ease fe.n lot. ). semple t v SS. Ram 7" Power Sew. ACDC motor.. del blade tuer. II.P.AN depth stet ouloto s Miler S.N ea. Ins of 7: sample f I.N. `kiiriv D.Lu. NIIt u reuiy pe,lcnmpecls e wnmardbte, Wonrrrul.03 mlrr. {TON ea. lot M 3, umpto.03. fl., King Citron.. l'oed hllcer. T.. Aay'o merl wanlea ken"gn av:"" Semi. nm.00 es. on.0. 77at ' /fá ea. Ins of 7, saur. {7.03. N'..rlrn Cookware /l... atuminum I"ver. frer: ol Du fur Oran-.klllel choker ere RMI fur St.N Cup Cofleem.k.r with N'.lhli.. house thermostat. 0 e l light. Se03.2. h than Iwts e I"... 2, N. Mall. I.IrldWll aala* etas.. Roll box of do.. for $.03. N;N d.. 'so,.. { lut of 7. ampli sol M 3 dos.: rmpl doe. M.0. N. areal, Man, SrW Winch. El.nden Nand, Nall Pao k Pon.. Cuff Clot., T s an... In Jewelry rear., Fa..c d MAW. NJ:O rl sol Of 3; iomple M.N. N. Famous Make )fen's Vac.. G ra N nase I.alad W Z wllh gpin<ive l,,lo.p... Re5all -awe Hall for 0,.03 Pr... tiffe pr, lot of 6: rural! N.H. N. Auto/natl. Deep Fryer Ith Wevi.. Mfr thermoalati coo.. Instruction. Every home will want one r (. 0.Nh. 6J0 ea. lut of 3 wood. N.N. N. POT,. Combination S... T ob- ro r Zt. b {M y. u m il NLa% r 0 I. M Murplu MN, Do Automatic.».Non. Toaster_ Cbrom..,itto color con. 20. N. hies great NI. I el k l ; I)m or. pe your d. s0 SL'GR PNIIK+ IN PAR[NTIKSIf. l'ricc LIST. Po not oat fer elalop- -order fva ab.v ual. b.tvc 7' R dern showrooms. O D FO.d lttiler gmo WAIT'H FOR ADL. DIVISION SALES NKW :.a S39 N. 3P.. Jodi.' 2 -Ton I.Wtn MI. 23' weekend; 2- r.rller: 2" rase. Neat lor.n.r. Sell well w -00 rl 2.00 wt, lot of 3; rmvl SHOO. SS. foul. 7.0w.n'. Walrpmnf Watch Nnonolly adrerllee0 030,7[ "3' band. fill er VT.e.. $34».NI. Ú2.f IM. 7; i;slue ample {.03. N. 7x30 Imponed Ninrwular In hand coro. leather asa, 0.00 O.p RNY.II RN. Cn.e*, IIIIMI.-pneM LwMe4.73rr. HOT-EVERYTHING-HOT 3t ARCADE SALES CO. 60 N. Cicero. Chicago 44, III. Get in the HOT Triple Set -Up 3.9(. All purpose EXTENSION CORD PLASTIC UTILITY (LOTH in SET per dozen $9.00perdozen. a saos... 0, e. tam..00 Bobby McDonald GOLF asst far rodar -,,tsar. All hr.". gu..mnd t till or Sir.. Srd for new Vmmr catalog. WORLDS GREATEST Loser a, BawlerGtiz r' BroMefS.S!^r D3d Mom Swtxö,eM Nu7b7nd BasrJ3 Player FaxneFlo-LaN IbttHInLiR e.+gbill & Sr,,. GA FI BI:, GJrbl?; U' Vacuum 000- Plated metal 3..- r Stands,' high tan wvad >r., tramdarent co -;.t Toe seven deferent styles p. dot.: per e...00 each t j.polit, + '. NOV'E.I. MFG. CO. Deer. WI L'J 7. Second Av. New York, N. Y. FOX TAILS loisirs, ATTENTION W. har tin. d comp.. Glock et genuine fur fox tae In lowest price.. An tans coma attachins with o 9,,pp. with Hrin { fonr nd can M uuplld arin[" card.. Send for Dr./ Ilrl today. Established.0 HMI FUR CO, Oar. S. ISO W. VS St.. N Y. Car BALLS $3.00 per doten it Ouaobll bollo coated Edell* talee,,,,special 958 OFFER my OA I n LADIES' NYLONS -FIRST QUALITY $4.95 per doz. d I/ tits do[ tors S.mrl bo pot.. / 4 MEWS TIES -IMPORTED FABRICS- 0 0 LATEST STYLES -SI.SO retailer 0 0 $6.00 per doff. Sample 7, pascal MENS SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS 7 W. 0, ASSORTED PATTERNS 3 $D5h per FREE 32 -PAGE CAIALOO dot;ald. I. WOLFMARK Reo.I Road, uses a /..7. a. nlnei. MR. ENGRAVER! tt' hove F.apandon Photo Wen.. Rear! A DI.k Pendant. and Choln Ideal. f. Men. Women and Children. low prie.. s.aluminum, nd for HOD sample order..0. or check. Sand, non uranse. or refunded. BAY STATE NOVELTY CO. Millen 9. M..a. "King ol the Demonstration Field" 00 North Delta- -North Delta T.R Fol, Sept I{ -20 Net. Pl. -North Pea. Illy. Tall Tole. Aut 3, PeaOhland- Paohland Women'. Au. 70. IrM. Penticton-- P*.0ton Peaoh Feallval Ars. Au ^ Poret RII'er-Powell River D.. Agri. Aeon. Sept. 7,27. Prit. George Princ George Atrl. A Ind. M. Aug 7 Repl. QIFUnel -- Cariboo ARCI. Horl, Atan. pí. 3e. Saulelllob --R. A S. Aug 0.ept.. S.M. A[rt. Al. Sshnon Arm --0altnon Atm Pa FOI" Arts. Sept Smlthen- SUlktey Valley Asti. Ind. Arn. Alfa Rook. -Souk. Pall Pur Sept. a. 5'.+uth Burnaby- SOUIII Boonahy oot. Amin. Sept inrt Prairie -KI..o Pall?Vt. A. 20 an...i.- Pacific NMI Lotto. Aus. Ig Semi A P. Morrow '.prouver-.0.. Holt Soc. Sant. 24. lvlorl-- Vlrlorla Ind. AsaI. tolo. Hasp lxa:. Wllbank- ty«tbank PIr Board Soot.. Westweltd- W7old Pan estas, Sept. I. Manitoba Orandon -Prerinciat Kahn of SEanit05.. Jene 30Juty. P. A McPhail. CyrraD- Dpltrnn Agti. Bee. July 0. A. J!land. Porta[e TA Prahle- Porlete Tod. Echo July 74. Keith CoIol. W lnnlp.g- Red Rarer Kg. Jun* R C attwgft. New Brunswick F20. BopI. 7.. W. A. Stuart O.athural- Oloceder Co. Pelf Assn. Alt Alas. Branch. Cnalhm- lflrandelil Es.. Aue , H T finer. Pr*deflelon.- Pr.ettet. Kahn IleDl. 7.6 W. R. C'7edra Queen CO. Pear Amon. Bebt 043. Prod Hyatt. 'J,nth Ot Krrl <k-- Kelrlck Pair. ann. 7. t Cake Rnr.- 3ds0awNaa Retl0nal Pelr. &DI. -. R.. A. Oldron. e John- -SI lohe Lahn. Al A. L aan{o atplen -St Stephen Kahn. 7. /6/ /3/30,07 Aug te- 'Helle -Kral Co. rolo, Aug. b -7I.. Prwplf Olrou.d lair Sept A Sews. Nova Scotia t.nhera- Y.illm Winter Pu, Noe. I - AU. Thai.. (Continued on page 56? IMPOSSIBLE PRICES FOR ANYONE BUT "MILLS" 6-P POCK[T SECRET SET. tap -a./m <Nnul 0. pans rar. r ' M r<r. pouch t a_dd arl Nh {NON. DOTE. SITS ì V PVIIT AUTOMATIC CHOM* CIG. ltti LIa NTlRt. ile leü ne.0.0 r Dori lu Ne {le Mar RAIN BONNETS. PIalic meod. In -h.. cn In u own sal.«a trran b., I..t 0 /S 7.20 GROSS f rice MS i[tf. ran. t e.tlrr. and.7 In Nt own BVd.(LI C. OOZ SM. Sa R. 2a NIIr. NAIL (chain C wen k.r chain and HI. areno.03. DOTE..32 NYLON WATCH aanos. C.rda ref.r. Anas, CÇOI[N c`... li lo MAaNaT2[D f c e w! Boa. d. Coos.laie /h wall rack. 7<k. IN 3.! t* c lass 5.W 0 AVIATOR TYPE SUN GLASSES W.In w seas and tir.. r..rlr< 3.60 TL' Ores Ne. N. DOIEN r llectrir VACUUM BRUSHES, god err 4erO m.. eln" w.lh orlon brush. Wark. Ile me..- tail o SI st/ sen. Cam. rem.. wall bas Irr. D000003F 8.00 'TOPO' MEN'S LAIS. A tad st. ver man ne beta. Gress {7.03. DOTE..95 V Rl. BRUS. ANO [OMB. Cl.rr :im..ens re. Ins colas bev Faal {Iller I ]f< each. art teas. N.N..990 DOIEN LEATH. WALLETS. Mn'o with.aper. Re vluas. Ass.. DortN 4.80 cater.. a..s..00. I COLOa {L AS emea. el rge rl c 2.m mss astn0a.rd u..n- Doze "SLIMJIM" AL LOO 033. slant teer can n.ptl 75 t. earl. to roe fu. -N causa.75 or. <.e n.nm r.r 00 roan. sent FREI wile all erde. :77. er Full avmnl raulra en oj.r 0 sods F.O.B., ale ". MILLS SALES CO C. eat. WNO,(Sall a sae *ROADWAY. New York 7. N. Y /kw4g, BELL SPECIAL._ IA" EAR Sí.60 d ALL FLUSH 0 Aeon^é :.^ra. m dare / Fl7il46 $.60 0 BIRDS ó.r. BIHO(U(ARS SWORDS (mafall $L 60 to rdr. M.O. or r. O.D., ïpnáas: [: MO to 2:00. BELL SALES CO. SO HAISTED ST DEMONSTRATORS L00 Mull peents the brood new onto.. Mall Ullliry / Bork. $ Converts In,tonlly lot dorer. N practkel and dcorotlre shop. fer hundreds of Impnont household.., fold. MM let III5 Moro,. E..y heuiewile wont, and nads en or moral fco of Ih 0000 of Sal. whlnt for H. cals. SInhin[ ro[$.bl. for lrolnt Doelnlns.[,,able Ds. lu fry b.k.e Seam cooking bash. fruit bask. Nef plod. trivet Automobile AnM -lin." b.k.t M.Ms ptsntn Jut? Ave. cul pdc {rems that blow your float Sll bask,, ode n oth. itot. C. In early on Send $ -00 f0 00. sample. end posta[.. with ool good thing. At a veoetabre drainer As l deep fryer As f steam cooker As e huit basket MOULT MANUFACTURING CORP. Dee t. B. 9 Broadway, DEMONSTRATORS -PITCHMEN.opt Con Hardly Bli. Their Eyes When They S Armoring No -Sew, Dmonr.lio -And Woof It On Th. Spoil hero It I-In. f.dert stn.. turn nm f 93. It. NO.7W, lb* Mnr Werond Fabric!lender. Ned IWlnne p...nd. Apply eparinoly to ands ahmlee. pr.- together with...ors. In O hna dose to pull and apart: Show how u«la. In is... Jean. ear. ate., ran h. paired In woo.. Hundred of Can b. boll., Ironed: Dlrplay Mo... reprint M article from rnpptar S,,eree elenlhly, New Any 003 Can 6'w.^ pocket icb errs del" ml, Sam.. orre hello Comer. b counter oi Sam., t20.r2ddoe. [ d.w. WI PnV.Ipre.. Your Moss net ds a /o refund. FACTS /0X: Act twat! {tea first order. Return env unsay goody In UNIQUE PRODUCTS oi/. w. wen, file a+lc.a a, n. SPECIAL CLOSEOUT LIMITED QUANTITY I All Purpose CLRAMIt ELEPHANT - book nui.. Man. m ttl NM< oovull.uin..m:p eomst smv en as ae.n rf.cs.n. < a. rot..e:bl promor..n. orar 4; 3O. N io Carren 3 os. T.m.: O., al. C D.. F.O.B. isclsry. Tu[k shipment only. Wrll rerpépurnmenrumalnllmn'vm /ri4a sn n. order S r<en ordr s pp BERKELEY MFG. CO. o s a DISTRIBUTORS -JOBBERS BIGPROFITS FRENCN POODLES 223 Archer Av.., Chic... a, Ill. Ash Trays- Lamp.- Knlek- Kna <Ls-TV Lamp Dos. Table Lamp. from 5.25:..heel In geld sle.lied pink, whits. black and turquoise. All prices F.O.B. Chicago, MARMERO ART CREATIONS N. WESTERN AVE CHICAGO 22, ILL hen ": Armes JAR DEALS!!'7l MATCH PAK DEALS SALESBOAROS PREMIUMS BINGO SUPPLIES Mahe BIGGER PROFITS WITH /(IiQ/ GALENTINE NOVELTY CO. 59 E. JEFFERSON BLVD. SOUTH BEND 7, INDIANA Novo. Feyces for all occasion Pen Fen Pen Mente l and D POstle F Pennant 30 THE. G. R. FELD CO. 23. a. 7f fio4 Sr. frh o 4T, III. 60E TO DAMON RUNYON CANCER FUND It's Originni -It's Hot! PITCHMEN- DEMONSTRATORS "DAN -DEE" fter and kn, ter auhot. A Melon A Co,pIruif f Small Sow. te Cold tut. NON -STICK Malhod for slid, CRIES, N Ar.ehmnle or Adluslmmts, All In em. offs WEDGE BLADE Stain!.. Si,. ter molar <uin E. Fully esta... Demo.frelen TIk FrrnlshN. Gad percent -Shen "itch. Refallf for 79e Sample Tor stn.. LAINER SPECI.AI.TIE Seddon Michigan REED BALLOON STICKS O JAP PENNANT CANES O I Dtratt unporlen selling only throuar pr ment. Iwswew (HARLES N. Dr4 tes KNAUSS. INC. Ill Woder flr. Hr.. Yr.. Cit. SI I

55 APRIL THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY SS COMING EVENTS Alabama L lrmtngham - B:rmtnghant Remo Wow, April 3-Mar 4. Arthur Out.ert, 4/0 Town loirs Hotel Arizona }[.enta- Sprtr.f horse S. April t -7 Arkansas Orowrordnuta-- Cntlendew oo. Lovelock Moo, June 7.7. Herman C. Phipp. DeWitt -Ark. Ob. Lratoct Show, Sept Harold Hamden. IC Dorado -Union Co. Lireatock Poultry Mow. Sept rn4i W. Weep. Lute Ruck -In. Rock Rome Shoo (Bernais Co:ucuml, April 2 -May I. Clyde t acrd. Litua Rock -Little Rock Horse Stow Bar too Coliseum). May 4. Clyd. Z. Byrd. Pine, Bluff -d. Ark. Lir.toek Dtsow, Sept Cens lfeslard.,california Loo An..- 8portamen'a Vacation, Bost Travel Show ipao- Pagerie Aud.) ADril H. Won. Buck. Loo Andelea- -Great Wee.. Dairy Show. June A. M. Math... Lw Angels. -' Ooratruetim ind.trlos Aso A Haine Show. June It -3O. L. Ange).- Celebration tooll.uml, July 4. Aircriean teg.n. Napa -Napa Valley flora. Show. May 4. E. N. Munk. P. O. Boa 72. North HlglWnde- Baenmento Rldtng Club Horne Mom June 4. Oakland-00f. Spring Home & Garden Saw, May 3.. Jolla J. Hemery. Hotel raaremont. Berkeley. Roto-Marn Co. Mt d Garden Stow, July 2 -l. Marcella McCoy. Solt Bernardin- Natlobal Orante 8how, April S an Ora Ban Francis. Home Show. June Ted Bentley Production.. 66 N. Robertaen Bt.. Los Angeles. Mn Priori/co-San Prenelneo Ottt Show, Aug. 34- Kay Leber. 755 Market Bt. San Praneaeo --8.D Ronda, Plower Show, Aug Walter GIb.oS, 2706 Flat Ave. S.n. Marla -Blue Ribbon Horse Show Horaemen'a Convention, Oct Rai atone, 655 Bunnybrook Lane, Fair Oaks. Turlock -Par Weal Turkey Show. Doe M. S. Johnson. Chamber of Commerce. Colorado Densn-8porta, Bost Travel Show (Denser U. Arenal, May 7-. Florida Pompano 5eaoh- Dolden lubtirs. April 3-9. Tom L. Bate, 7722 N.E. Tilled.85. Georgia Attenta- Southesetern Chin.. Clam fi Gift Show Municipal Aud.. July Poe - ter B. Stewart, 8Rmore HoloL Savannah -Bummer Barur, Aug. 35-SoDt. 4 Train B. rifttn,.55,55 Educational MIN., 6 Abereorn 85. Idaho Sandpoint -Lions Club Celebr.IIOD, July 4. Jim Berry. Boa 52. Illinois Ching- ES[ernaUOnal Dairy Show, Oct. 6 - W. E. Ogilvie. Cblc0go- InterrpUon.t Livestock Expo, No, 2 -Dee. 6. W. E. Ogilvie. Ranover- F7remm'a Homecoming, July 4-6. Harland King. Hoc Menkakse- KSOkakee Flame Show. April Bob Boyd. 946 Hauthorne Lane. IMektoS-- Celobretton. July 3 -e. Vern Orrle er4 Retallere Awn. Indiana Elkhart.- Elkhart Home Show. April Dorothy Oodtrry, 66 Leland Me., South Bend. IndionapotI, - Indlaoapolla Huma Show, April -20. North Weser- Mermaid Festival, June Lions Club Odos -Old Seines Mooting, Aug Lea Beheff. Terre Haute- Jólnera' Picnic, Aug. -7. IoWs Obarttoss --Luesa Co 4R Achievement Show, Aug Sirs. Law CotUSgbam, Russell. Cberokce -Peat Rock P:own/ MAWS, Aug. 4-4 Sherman Pelrson. Port Dodge- Wester Co. 44R Achievement Show. Aug Paul Harms. 20 Doud Bldg. Lake Park- Chamber of Commrree Cele- bration. July 4.0. A. V. Hansen. Sibley-0aeeols Co. LIveatock ELaw, Aug Gene Alexander. S ioux City- 8louuand Sops a Sporta Bhow taudltortuml, April.20. Mare CO. Watcrloo- -atavm Engine Show. Aug Natte Cedar Valley Steam AO- UQue Epulpmeat Club. 36 Kern 8t. Waterloo --Iowa 4 -H Club -Miry Cattle Congress. Sept, 27 -Oct. 4. E. 8. Fete'. Kansas Downs-- C.tebntlon, July.20. Lebanon -Celebration. July 4-0. Thy er -Nroaho 0o.- Thayer Picnic, Beet. s -5. H. M. Munich. Wsmego- Celebrston. July 3-5. Wlo5Ua- Sedgwieh Co. Jr. Nat' Usesstock Show. Oct..3. Cenlee Dmlth. Kentuclty Loutsville -Rock Creek Rosso Elbow, June 3.4. Louisiana Abbecnle -ta. Dairy PestlsaL Oct Roy R. Theriot. Jonsoboro- JSo5sboro Fahr. April 7.2. Markastlle -L. Lss.Osok Pasture Festival, Oct 34. Kermit J. Ducote. Marian C.ty -ta. Shrimp Postls /L AOt. 30 -Sept.. New Orleans -New Orleans Bolt, Sport Vacation Show raud.orluml. April Oliver J. Count, Poultry New Orleans- Mid- Winter Fair 8: Btsow. Nor. 4.. P.n.s C. Smith. 544 Vicksburg St. Shrel000rl- HOnday In Dixie Spring Prs - Oval, April 70-May 4. Able C. Goldberg - S hreveport- BBrgyeport Bories Show. April Ldward Soata. 444 Fairway. Maryland Pair Hill -Cecil Co. Brooders' Fair, SOpt S-3. Wlnt0m Shelton. Princess Anou- Prtoeeaf Anne Livestock MP, OcL 3-4. Howard lt. Adders!. T7monlum- Eastern Nat'l Livestock.bon, Noy. 04. *Nob M. Vial. Towson-Moll. Tearllog Show (Pimlico Rate Cranes. May. Stewart Bear. Massachusetts Boat.- Boston Common Jul. Dory Pea - Ural. June 7-4. Paul Coron. Tbpafteld. Bp.ton -New England Electrical Snow (Mecbanee Halle. AD'U w - stew LGotand Plasec o.,. SIB.- damn IMO, Nay 9.0. Michigan ALta -Atan Baur Romeo Sh.r. April IL 30 Jack Dods, Boo sa, Bay Ctly. DNtS$t- Rename' Bttoe. r Treed moo. Mtgbt Guard Armory', May t4 -. G ' Sucho.r Ca W Jetter.oe. Maotoo -Nulas Bonus P.aeNel. Aeta. s9- SOM. Wert.. Bog e+ Cet f- tloaeeodag. JsAy tel Ceara ber of Camneroe. Saginaw- Jayeea Seller Room!Moo int..mrodes. May -4. Thom. J Weadock, Iva N. MId.IRe6 Ave. West Branch -West Draw.. Better Hom. Show, May 8-7. Jack Darla, Boa 2, Bay City. Mlinnesola Mtnewspoll.- Noremress Boat, Oporto A Teasel SM. IAUd. I, April 4 -. Y. W. Zahler. Mississippi Jaeluon- 7ackwo Home Slow. May 4 -t4. Patrick J. O'TOOie. Wallha4 hotel. Port Olbaon -Stack Bhew, May Missouri Anderson -leery Parlab Blow. May C. Cordon Laing. Aurore- Tr-0O. Jr. IJsstoek Show, Oct. 4. John R. Buckley. Aso Jr Livo.ock Show, May H. Pettit. Bethany- Harrison Co. 4-H Livestock SAOw, Sept. 5. Ob.. Rel.,. Bloomfield -0toddosd Co. Homecoming Livestock Show. Sept Leroy Moor.. Bollrar-Polk Co. Jr. Livestock Shoo. June 8. A. M. Wiley. Brookfield -Linn Co. 4 -H rat Lamb Show. June 5. Entons Thur. Carrollton -- Carroll Co. Jr. livestock dhow. Sept Era Chaney. Columbia -Boon. Co. Horse Show, July Carson Teel. Crocker- Amerloan Legion Celebration, July 34. TM Timmons. Gallatin- Dasleto Co. Jr. Lamb Show, May 3. George H. Schmitt. Gallatin- Doctes. Co. Jr. Livestock Show. Aug. 29. George H. Sehmtl, }tome Economies Gerald --4 -H Livestock Show, July 4-5. Ray Ketlere, Gower- Clinton Co. Jr. Llsearock A Home E.nomlca Show, Aug. 27. George R. Me- Arthur. Jamesporl- Jamesport Jr. Livestock Show. July 3 -Aug.. Prank Howland. Joplin- Joplin Rome Show Memorial Hall). April Kamm City- Leglon Celebration, July 7.2. Kansas City-American Royal Llveetoek Show, Oct C. M. Woodward. Linn -Linn Lions Club Horse Show, June 7. Alvin P. Llnhardt. Lonna-Old Settles. Reunion. Aug E. Thur.. Maryville- NOdaway Co. Pal Lamb Show, June 3. Kenneth Walkup. Marvine- NOdaway Co. Baby Beef ar Pig Club Show, Sept. 5. Kenneth Walkup kfilaa --H PPA Livestock Show, Sept. 9. Mn. P. N. Marc. Moberly-- Kleans Jr. Pat Lamb Show. June 5. A. T. Johnson. Dairy Mouette- Barry-Lasrenc. COW:ales Show. Sept. 7. Mount Vernon -Lavern. Co. Jr. Livestock Show, July 3. Troy B. Call. Parnell- Northwest Mo. Jr. Angus Show, July 3. P. B. Houghton. Pickering- Pickering Horse Show, Sept W. H. Dosden. Pierce City- Pleroe PPA Stock Show, Sept I8-9. J. B. Wilts. Purdla -Clon Co. 4 -R Pat Lamb Show, June 5. Eugene Thur.. Purdy -FEA Livestock Snow, Sept. -2. Harold Storck. St. Joseph -Buchanan Co. Daley Show. July 9. Webb Embrey h-interstate Jr. Dairy Show, Aug.. Webb Embrey. 8. Joseph- Buchanan Co. Livestock Show, Sept. IS. Webb Embrey. 8l. Joseph- Interstate Home Economics 8bow, Sept Webb Embrey. at. Joseph- tryeratate Baby Beet 8 PIg Club Show, Sept. 6 -I. IL M. Garlock. Sedalia- Pettis Co. 4 -H Llsesluok Sbus, Aug. 9. H. L. Pack. Bpringfteld -Osark PPA Pat Hog Show. Aug. 38. Vencll O. Mount. Springfield-Ozark PPA Iamb Show, June 5. Venal G. Mount. Bpringtleld PPA Pat 3.f Show. Sept.. Moat O. Mount. Warrensburg -Johnson Co. Jr. Livestock Moo. July 29. Jock Jennings. Waverly -Waverly Apple Jubilee, Sept R. W. Bracken. Nevada Corsos Clly- Admlalon Day Celebration, Oct, ri. New Jersey Ater.tle Clty- Osrden Stale Rome Show (COneenUOn Halle. April 9.2. New Mexico Tíos- 8pentsn- CO:omal Fiestas, July Teas -Sea Geronimo Pista, Best New York Monroe-Legion Celebration, June 35 -Jul O. Francis Walters. Monroe Post No New York- International Auto Show tcorsenml, April 5.3, New York -Intl Aviation Show (Coliseum), Sept New York- IDternatloo Home Expo ICoIlscuml, April 9-27 New York Psarsal of Pooda (Callum:.. April 2-2. New York -D. S. World Trade Pair C..' arum, May 7 7. Roentour- Reohtoter Home Stow, Al 34 -May 2- Syreruse- Norlbeaattrn Sparts Show. A,..0. W! N C. Omnsboro BeaOBlendenetal, MsT Leo Spaeth, WI N. Greene St- - North Dakota assarrtewn- Dlamood rawer. June Jamestown -N. D. Slate Dairy Show. Jun 30 -July 2. Clayton Paulson. Marion. Ohio Cincinnati - CHieDnat mure.. Annual Original rood She. /Oardenl, SepL 20. aga Cincinnati -Home Shoff Living! if -?T Expo toardeo, D Band. Daasion Daploh Sports tr Bot Show,Cl22; Warren SL Dorton -Dayton Homs Mow. April 9-7 (Continued on pogo 57) p),mo EXPOSITION SHQwS PRESENT ALL AMUSEMENT ATTRACTIONS FOR THE BATTLE OF FLOWERS April 2 to 26 inclusive -On the streets of San Antonio. Texas, Big Street Parades Monday, Friday and Saturday Nights. 400,000 People watched parade on Friday night last year. Have.hoir tpoco for all N.rr5ondis C When need epply. Can 055 Grind Shows fre..d on!rocks and irelton. iewa. Na On ectoun, of being en the streets, holm one e5ai, location for linge. Cannot use Ironie over 4 ft. wide E. Houston OPENING downtown Photos Hoopla Derby Dip Striker C tstord Pitches Bite' Gluts lamp -Ball CONCESSIONS Established Amusement Park 29 acres Age- Weight Novelties String Game Fish Pond Basket Boll long Ronge Short Range Cork Gallery Boll Goss. Foot longs Honky Ponks Cars vs. Secead Mm. as l.m, awo dme treckt. W. ken 4 Fake and Cokrotieee b., to +n.ent..d a A...V. I.5s5004 in hooking Giant Skews weh awe,5 ls the soaaaw. Aloe wagt to 5505 Plso..., toed Oaaory e.a Co..o.d ter mesas, Con ear JACK RUBACK, Mgr. (Phone CA 6-82) Son Antonio, Tea. AMUSEMENT CO. Excelsior Springs, SHOWS Alhlelic Monk, Mchonitol Wa. Drumm Arcade Animal RIDES Mo., Thursday, April 24 RIDE HELP ROCKO end OCTOPUS FOREMEN. Due to twins, sickness. Second Men en Rid. without gall,.o.s traders or joints. SOBER MEN ONLY. -Have 20 -all we need i WINTER QUARTERS OPEN 70 N. MAIN ST., FKCFLSSOR SPRINGS. N.O. ATTENTION Independent Operators May We Can Accommodate You Before Your Fairs Start in Canada and the United States. Fabulous "WONDERLAND PARK On the outskirts of Minneapolis and St. Paul at Anoka, Minnesota. CAN STILL PLACE A few more Major Rides not conflicting. Also Kiddie Amusements. Good spot for portable roller skating rink. Have a few choice locations for Stock and Straight Sales Concessions. Excellent opportunity los Glass House. Dark Ride and Funhouse. Winter Quarters Winter Quarters 5, i Months' wtve4 Contact today By STEIN. 4ttsnrr- llanesgcr Boa 8304 WILLIAM DN ER, Assi. Igr. Phone WE MURPHY'S NORTHERN STATE WANT A FEW MORE CONCESSIONS. Jewelry, A. and Weight, Hi- Sinker, some Pitches or what hava you? EX on all con eosiions. Abo want one good ATTRACTIVE GRIND SHOW. N0 bolter ternlory to eta country for Shows - Defhsiteiy so racket. Office, hiss 0.0 Stock Store that will throw stock. will not carry more coneessions than slow and spots call for. Rides and ate Concessions open April I8 for balance of April at largest shopping center is Rapid City, S. D. Complete Show opens Thurldby. May t. Much warmer In.'citern South Dakota and Nebraska. Play Alliance and :ratine.n Nebraska this spring. EGu;prnent jolrong most be I top condition. heed two Agents lot Stock Store, Mitt Camp booked. no more. don't US r,. Majors and 4 Kid Rides. playing Montana. North a: :h Dakota. NOWaska and Western Kansas. Mort than 40.s. Anniversases and Celebrations. First loir in North sots in July. Six 70h-s in succession In Sours Dakota e. Over poop. last yea. at July date that OtIS this Year Wrira foe roam. of Comm its. Yo.l :neck for coel.m_, $00.00 REWARD For the fete t- R.AN' O.. :7 FIRMI R i, In0lmaln t... c rtreo AN.rew Grand rlrie. TOMMIE LFOab LOAMY JAY SHOWS Tamps, Florida Tamps. Florida 5' r Months' Work Fies and a hall months of...teed work with.wthorn Stow. Cheek into,t. Aal allots arses owes answer.. NOTICE CONCESSIONERS: Chuck Fat Schott. oth ne begot with Mis show. Have good proposi5.on tar reloola lot man. FOR SALE: Baautilul Sos. Shaw on Traitor. tandem whewh. 6 n. body. 4 ft. wings; t u '4tcont lighted. A credit to hen nsdwn, Also Prot. on Traitor. 4 It. front, Irvin / putters in roar. very enr0ctrv.. Will to 'n Rapid City by April. Write to photos. Tr5rwlcvn,e, Wagon, complete. 20 kw kw..minor. ri t. 4/2 Sao 0ceductor Cable. Rao Truck, 2000 Tens to,o -.. I bought Desch. Price 5900 compote, t' mail and wires t. JOHN MURPHY, MURPHY'S NORTHERN STATE SHOWS 522 W. St. Joseph. Phone Fillmore Shows' bosm address RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA to. 04, Weimer. North Dakota LYNN'S MIDWAY SHOWS Have Gary Gays, yl Ran.. Coke a Bates, Photos, warms. CorsN9yinns- eistriker, 5ansan Tense, Fish Porta. 8aí Go.soo. _000s -Made. Stu. or any show of ment. i/elp -Wheal Foremen. Conta Foramen and Second Men. Most haws Wuf(ew'a iii.t4. 30 Dopant Ave. S., MInesspah, Mlnaol4a

56 56 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THE BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 958 THE NEW ROMAN TARGET One of the greatest Stock Concessions ever built! The liveliest and flashie.t go. -a on any midway. Ono of the Fostst concessions ever built (pull trigger and ph. is won), Purely a game of skill, pile merry time, will work anywhere. Now with the new improved electric gun (Cork or electric gun con be used on ma targets. Th new Roman Tor get car: :e e e is ployed by more people of till rages than any other skill game cornets:a, eve, built. Write for literature and Price. C. A. WOODIN 802 Walnut Ridge Phoe.. Mayfair JOPLIN, MISSOURI Skerbeck's Amusement Co. CAN PLACE - RIDES Roll -o- Plane. Round -Up, Spitfire or any high Novel Ride. Can place for large Fair, Aug. 8-23, Scooter or Dodgem. SHOWS - Fat Ciel. Variety, Hillbilly, 5 or 0 -in -, Snake, etc. Have opening for a few more legitimate Concessions. Solid route booked in Upper and Lower Michigan. All Celebrations and Fairs from June 25 until we close middle of September. Open May 2 at Escanaba. Contact -Write or Wire EUGENE W. SKERBECK, Mgr. or PAUL PITTMAN, Gen. Agent Box 75, Dorchester, Wis. Alin April 5, Box 28, Escanaba, Mich. Box 54. Gibsenron, Flo. Playing Community Sponsored Celebrations and Fairs. CONCESSIONS - Book Lang Range Gai,ery, Jewelry, Novelties and Hany.y Panks of all kinds. HELP -Ride Men who can drive semis. CONCESSION AGENTS, COOKHOUSE HELP, SHOW PAINTER 3AUCASS, CONTACT US I. OUR ADVANCE SALE TICKET PROMOTION, PARADES AND OTHER ACTIVITIES INCLUDING USE OF GIANT. SEARCHLIGHTS AT ALL EVENTS ASSURES CROWDS ON MIDWAY. Winter quarter. now Open on fairgrounds, AMELIA, VIRGINIA where shows OPENS APRIL 25. Kenyridge, Ve,, May T -0: Fredericksburg, Va., May 2-7. ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO STOVE DECKER. FAIRGROUNDS. AMELIA. VIRGINIA or BEAMS ATTRACTIONS, WINDBER, PA. THE FINEST ROUIE IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST! "TWO UNITS TO SERVE YOU" teat SHOWS ROBINSON, P. O. BOX 20, EVERETT, WASH. WANTED RIDES SHOWS CONCESSIONS NOT CONFLICTING, Ef PEC4LLY WANT: Rotowhi A, Coast. r, Cork Gun, eineo, Lone Ranee, Punk Rack, Hien Pitch, Rine, nowt Hoopla, Mue Joint, or Pen Game, Add up Pane, Glass Piteh. Fish Pond. r,í; deposit loss ed. HEEDED RIOS st we.ea in cou nl ry- Coupla /or Flo,. and Corn. WinNr qua rien open April. $00.00 REWARD For the Ixtion of STEPUAN I.. VIERS Inlermtion C.II c ollect - ANn d/ldw Grand rate, Texas. OMMI! ALFORD BONNIE JAY -Vi ADMEN al.earl fled ENDORSE THE BILLBOARD tia a top ar /ling Jorre 958 Rodeo Dates Arkansas Furl Smith - Arkansas. Oklahoma Rod., May Paul Lettuce. Harrison -Harrison Rodeo, Sept. 20. Newport- Newport Rodeo, June 5-7. Springdale -- Springdale Rodeo, July 4. California Bakersfield- Bakersfield Rodeo, May Clovis --- Clovis Rodeo, April Smith. Dixon -Dixon Rodeo. Slay 3. Meedesta- Modesta Rodeo, Mee Il. Hermon Oakdale- Oakdale Rodeo, April 3. Pomona -Pomona Rodeo. May 2,2. Red Bluff -Red Bluff Round -Up. April Camille H. Hart. Redding -Redding Rodeo, May Riverside- Riverside Rodeo. May 7-8. Salinas-- Californi Rodeo at Salinas, July Wm. T. Bramers. S. Bernardino -San Bernardino Co. Sheriff'. Rodeo, April Janas M. Holla. way. San Francisco -Sao Francisco Rodeo, Oct. 3I -Nov. 9. San Jose -San Jae Rodeo, May San Juan Bautista -San -Nab Bautista Rodeo, July 3. Santa Clara -Santa Clara Rodeo, May Tulare -Tulare Rodeo, Stay Colorado Akron -Akron Rodeo. Aug Caron City -Canoe Cny Rodeo, July 2-3. Colorado Springs -Colorado Springs Rodeo, Aug Durango- Durango Rodeo, Aug Greeley- Greeley Rodeo, July 3-l. Gunnison -- Gunnison Rodeo, July R -20. Holyoke -Holyoke Rodeo, Aug Longmont -Longmont Rodeo, Aug Loveland- Loveland Rodeo. Aug Monte Vista -Monte hoes Rodeo, July 30- Aug.. Montrose -Montrose' Rodeo. Sept Poems Springs- Pagose Springs Rod., July 4-5. Woodland Park -woodland Park Rodeo, July Yuma -Yuma Rodeo, Aug Idaho Burley- Burley Rodeo, A Filer-Filer Rodeo. Sept Grace -Grace Rodeo. Aug Halley- Halley Rodeo, July 4-5, Idaho Falls -Idaho Falle Rodeo, Judy 30. Aug- 2. Lewiston -Lew tuna Rodeo, Sept, Malad-0oeida Rodeo, July -2. WUam G. Evans. Nampa -Nampa Rodeo, July 5-9. Pocatello- Pocatello Rodeo, July 5-7. Taereton- Teerdon Rodeo, Aua Vernal- Vernal Rodeo. July 7.e. weiser -weiser Roden, July 0-2. Illinois Kankakee- Kankakee Rodeo, June Marion- AtaHOn Rodeo, June Iowa Fon Madison -Fort Madison Rodeo, Sept Sidney- Sidney Rodeo, Aug Kansas Mayelta- MeyNta Rodeo, May 6.8. Phillipsburg- Phillipsburg Rodeo, July 3- Aug. 3. Louisiana Shrevepon- Shrcvelron Rodeo, May 2-3. Joe Montour. West Monroe -West Munroe Rodeo, Sept. 4, Massachusetts Boston- Boston Rodeo, Oct Fair Dates Continued from page 54 Ontario Fenwlck- Welland Co. AgFS. Soc. Sept R: R. Travers. Port Wilitom-- Cooadlan Lakehrad Eehn. Aug W. Walker. Lindsay- LIndeoy Central EsSo. Sept N. O. Wilson. London- Western Fslr Amn. B-pt, 8.. E. D. McGumn. Ottaséa- Central Canada Mum Aug J. K. Clarke. Pcterborouglo - Peterborough Ind. Exhn. Aura, g-9. R. R. Stewart. Slcoe- Norfolk Co. Foil Assn. Bep. 2- O 4. Harold I. Ponti. Toronto- Cana0. McCollum. Rahn. 20 -Sept. 6. E. Witter Toronto-Royal Winter Fnlr. McKee ADO. NOT. 4-2a. C. S. s[eree. Prince Edward Island Albertoa-Prlrce Co. Exhn. Aug W. CisWCu rrie. arlottctown - Provincial Ezhn. Old Home Wert. Aug..6. H. J. Kennedy. Boude- Eastern King, Exhn. Sept. 3. Aneelm MacDonald. Quebec Aylmer- Aylmer Ezhn. Sent R. IDwood Fides, Ayere Cliff -Ayer* Cliff Ezhn. Aug Mrs. Eloise Corey. Bedford -Bedford Exhn. Soule. Aug C. A Brame Village -Biome VUlage Cohn. Aug. 30-Oept. 2. W, H. Wdktt. Chlcoutl coutlml Exhn. Aug Marcel Tremblay. Coo -COOkshlre Exhn. Aug W. B. J. Hodgman. DrummondvlUa-Drummo drl!le Rehr,. Aug Roger P.renM.u. Iute,0cv.- In,emeaa Exhn. Aug C. IsEVerlrizle -Vette Fehr.. Aut J. M. Merquls. net uta Exlua. June Kenneth Riley. [apralrlte. maralrle ßai:n. Aug. M. Roe meo Ste. Marte. (Continued on paio 58) Missouri Camdenton- Camdentoa Rodeo, July 7 -. Joplin- Joplin Rodeo, Jun Springrleld Springfle!d Rodeo, Aug. II -4. Montana Bneemen- Boreman Rodeo, Aug Great Falle -Great Falls Rodeo, Aug. J-9. Lewistown- Lewlstowa Rodeo, July 3. Aug. 2, Shelby- Shelby Rodeo, July Wolf Point -Wolf Point Rodeo, Judy.3. Nebraska Benkelman- Benkelman Rodeo, Aug. E- 9. Burwell- Burwell Rodeo, Aug Lewellen- Jewell. Rodeo, Aug. 3 -Sept.. North Platte -Nottb Platt. Rodeo, June 2(422. Omaha -Omaha Rodeo, Scot Nevada Fallon -Fallon Rodeo, Aug. 30 -Sept.. Reno -Reno Rodeo, July 4,6. Winnemucca -Winnemucca Rodeo. Sept.. New Mexico Albuquerque- Albuquerque Rodeo. Sept. 27- Oct. 5. Espanola -Espanola Rodeo. May 7-8. Farmington -Farmington Rodeo. June 6.8, Gallup- Gallup Rodeo, June Las Vegas -Las Vegas Rodeo, Aug. -3. Santa Fe -Santa Fe Rodeo, July MIL Silver City- Silver City Rodeo. July 3-5. Oklahoma Ada -Ada Rodeo. Aug Chickasha -Chickasha Rodeo, July 5.. Elk Cily -Elk City Rodeo, Sept. -3. Guymon -Guymon Rodeo. May.3. Hinton- Hiolon Rodeo, July 9 -. McAlester- McAlester Rodeo, Sept Tulsa -Tulsa Rodeo, May 6.. Vinita- Vinil Rodeo, Aug Oregon Elgln -Elgin Rodeo, July 9.20, Joseph- Joseph Rodeo, July Molalla- Molella Rodeo, July 3-6. Pendleton- Pendleton Rodeo, Sept Prineville -Prineville Rodeo, Aug Roseburg -Roseburg Rodeo. June St. Paul-St. Paul Rodeo, July 3-5. Union -Union Rodeo. Jone 5-7. South Dakota Belle Fourche -Belle Fourche Rodeo, July 3.5. Clear Lake -Clear Lake Rodeo, Jun Deadwood -Deadwood Rodeo, Aug. I -3. Faith -Faith Rodeo, Aug Fon Pierre -Fort Pierre Rodeo. July 4. Mabridge-Mobridge Rodeo. July 3-5. Rapid City-Rapid City Rodeo. Aug St. Onge -St. Onge Rodeo. June Sioux FolluSloua Falb Rodeo, Aug Stadels -Key City Rodeo. July 2.3. Tennessee Memphis -- Memphis Rodeo. Scot Texas Baird -Baird Rodeo. May l -3. Belton -Belson Rodeo, July 24. Center -Shelby Co. Sheriff's Pus. Rodeo, July 7.9. Henry Spray. Coleman -- Coleman Rodeo, July 9.2. Gladewaler- Oledcwater Rodeo. Juno 7, 20, Midland- Modleod Rodeo. June 3-7. Orange -RCA Championship Ruleo, Aug Tommy Sorrels. Pampa -fop o. Teens Rodeo, Aua Bor Andls Pecos -Peen. Rodeo. July 2-5. E. O. Std. ford. Plalnylew- P.losiew Rodeo, June 3-7, Vernon-Vernon Rodeo, June Utah Logan -Logaa Rodeo, Aug- 2 -). Nep :et -Nepb Rodeo, July 0.3. r)gdeo -Ogden Rodeo, July Salt Lake Clty' -Salt Lake City Rodeo, Judy St, George-e. Georg. Rodeo, Sept. e -20. Washington Kennewick- Kennewick Rodeo. Atli Spokane- Spokane Rodeo, Aug Tonasket- Tonasket Rodeo, June 7-8. Walla Walla-Walla wall. Rodeo, Aug Wyoming Casper -Casper Rodeo, July 30 -Aug. 2. Cheyenne -Cheyenne Rodeo, July CANADA - Alberta ' Edmonton -Roden of Champions, April 28- May 3. A. J. Anderson. Lethbridge -Lethbridge Rodeo, July se's REAL WINNERS 0 -J0 Punks for Punk Racks, I I" style, also IJ ". Penny Pteeh Baerd. Ore, 30 under tabla. and New- Sputniek, knock Its teeth out. C00000f ne -ring th bell. Gaucho Pull -Up Rack -thi Is getting top money at all Florida fain SixCall -ihre various styles. Bottles for one ball bottle gam.. Add -ball game-2 beautiful counter game. Pitch -Till -You. W in- complehr frame for any style store. tclssor -Iyoe pop In buckets. also sensor -tyde Diefun Trame. Our New Beautiful HI- Striker. New Catalogs ara ready- Writ.. KAY OAKES & SONS ;P.O BOX 4344 TAMPA, FLORIDA Phones: O.r- Redwood 4 -e77a Nife -per Jr., Redwood 4fá47 R f R d ti f Oeta a:42e JOHNNY (ANOLE Manufacturers of Offers Show People Bonk Financing 0n MARATHON MOBILE HOMES monufoctured by HAR -MAC, INC. CANOLE Home Officer: Altoona, Po., end 886 N.W. 8th Ave., Miami, Fla. II.AR -MAC, INC. Manufacturers of MARATHON Mobil. Homo, Stratford, Wisconsin KEN -PENN AMUSEMENT CO. Want Ride Foremen for Scooter, Tilt -a- Whirl, Rolloplane. Can place a few Second Men. Best of wages and treatment. No drinkers or chasers. Dead opportunity for Man and Wife to operate office -owned Monkey Speedway Side Show. Will book Motordrome, Wildlife or any family -type Show. Opening TARENTUM, PA., May 5, on Acme parking lot. Ii..' D. S.NDERS 69 Earl Avenue New Kensington, Pa. NOLAN AMUSEMENT CO. WANTS - OPENING APRIL 6 - WANTS CONCESSIONS -Cookhouse, Breo. Mitt Camp. Arcade. Sit Cats, Buckets, Pill Pool. French Fries. Apples. Long and Short Range. Glass Pitch, Photos, Novelties. Ht- Striker. Penny Pitch, Fishpond, Plteh -Till- You -Win, Age and Scale, Ball Cares, Hoopla. Coke and Hanky Punks. SHOWS: Grind Shows of all kinds. Liberal proposition, real good Ohio talr route. HELP: PROMOTER FOR KIDDIE MATINEES. All strong begs. MECHANIC, ELEC- TRICIAN. MANAGER FiOR 02 UNIT. First and Second Men for Wheel, Merry-Go- Round, Roundup, Flying Scooter, Tilt. Octopus. Coaster and Kid Rides. FRED NOLAN. Route 3. South Zanesville, Ohi.. GRAND AMERICAN SHOWS New Opening Date: Ottumwa, Iowa, April 25 thru May 3. Want Shows with own eauiprtsent. Have booked Citi Show.. Want Concesslor.,: Photo, Aga G Scale. Pitches. Basketball and Hanky Penal. Want Ride Help: Merry - Go- Round. Ferris Wheel, Roller Conter Foremen; Secord Risle Help who drive trucks. Frank Allegretti and Glen G. Larson, contact me. L. O. Weaver, 3gr., Falrbank, Iowa

57 r APRIL COMING EVENTS w l,on7tnaed (nnn page 33 jjsal.tla 0aleersoa \Irgr\roto% ail, IL A. weaver, ba U. á A Weare9, 2. Id pagmewn-- Mahoting talk. peone bow, p; wewmr-- 4 JreCutNn'.r Egon 9etl- MultStimali OW atee 54E opre g owe. owe Iratraroondel, Apta lm. Duew Samem. Mn. Pennsylvania swwwa.-t - roller :,anone view Sb., Jatuar7 isii J R McOral. South Dakota ah.rawne Anerdl. eet Q.:St-al Nea Sts*.. 7- ho Tennessee Shatrolde- atn.serr7 heu.ei May l-0 Viers Ice- Tennrluer VIC. Sporto Masi IOBIIMwn park 6A WAM Apr e-. IA Claude TV. Texas gilady- Brody July Jubilee is Race., July 3.4. am Hart Idee. row CMtr.l- Buccaneer DoT. Apra I- 3. Soh Pinke. a.- Southwest Spart.. Boot Vaca- tion Show. April D.0* Morn,na SI,\. Pl. -r Pul rower ó5o. CâlWaml, apr M47. OMIrlo of Clardes Clubs hue --Mom. Show,Cotloevm I. May 7.. wettls-part Worth pot» Shaw 03ommrrVL7 3hhtbn Bldg t. April l -7. laus- Eatlman Cro. Livestock Sho., Sept. 44 Wm. D. Percy. Munn Co, CantraedaL Juno Ie- Il. W. A. BIrL -Permian loan 0 Mo., Oct 4.27 Aatonlo- -Pitsie Mt iatn0, April lo-is ue Antonb Homo óh0. ISeaar Co. Coliseum.. May 4-. Irving Way.. -Tat. Angora Croat lialeer'a Mow - er0utmn. Aug. -3. P. L Burley. DIM -PPA Pat Stock Show Rodeo,.7. Utah turn City -reach Dane. Sept 3-l. Clip --outhem Utah Livestock Sho., Sept. 44. $areal- Morgan Jr. Lir.etoek Show, May 0. Worth Salt Lake- Tntnmouetaln Jr. Llrw stark Show, Juno 3-4. Ogden -Ogden Rome Mow, Jure 4 - B. V. Smith. Wen Bldg. Ogden-00dam Spike Livestock Slow. Wu Payees-Oale Dom MP. I. Virginia wla.heaerr-lerwdetih aal. Tone= Ml..l. M.7 I-II. P. L Luger.. Jr., Ba Sa. Washington watm.. -AA4 lcoeaom -ny Poe0,. Asco. West Virginia em\rmrnnlatn tuts stool Tasara% OW..4 C. Wood Crawford L.g.oed -nw.n ao. nurtame pam Sopt. i-7^,, Mr.. act, Tama. Wisconsin ApWotoe-ark p :etnuon. Ja,?arras, Sot l-e 47. Orweharn- Mltn.aal. AM 4t. M adlnn- Wkwonelu aporta and pean Show Marano. Arenal, April 0 Bator tnterprw.. 9 Marled. Oeldak-Cenurnrdal, Ions Ìp27 Oeo5to Palla- rlayeee Cetas :M., Mal 7e -June. L. J. Mgt*. O.7ord- Oentd7Nal, June S-i. &Mims Orore- Celebration, Jub Ifs 4- Mw Oases WWkrM- Celebtatbn, July t -g. CANADA British Columbia. Vahmurrr-- C77tirarr5 Horro ele.'* Show, Oairgrr,ucde. Ma, Ontario Almost -Centennial, Sept. 3.4 Reafresi- CrrNrNa. Aug., Tbarold- rgeoen'a Celebration, All I- Toewto- Wanatul Wane Show. April or-Emancipation Ce :eblatiun Aug Saskatchewan *(tlw.- Ratina Sport.boat b Vaeatlea Show.I:aVlblt Stadiums, ApI 3 -. Saskatoon -Dairy Cattle Mow Sail. Oct. IL aeaktoon- Inlerproririla Sua Show gale. ADrl 0-7. Sukatoon -Licht W.rn Show, April 3-3 Matatoon -Bred Mw Shaw and MIS, Apra II. Suk.taon - a`orthern PUt4r:ty eiew, April 0, autocoats-pat Stock Dhow Salo, May 303. Saskatoon-Swine Show Mie, Oe. 7. Saekatoon-Deaaad Lest Ineeeed Peal- U, Elbow, Dec. 0.. Manitoba BraMOW- Ifan,tep. Winter 7.. Mareó 3 -Agr. 4. P. A. Mena, ICE SHOWS THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 57 NOW BOOKING -'58 BIG PROFIT ROUTE RIDES Special proposition le Dark Ride for entire eea40n Box 438 SHOWS Want capable Girl Show Operuse. wilts own equipment; must hose panel front, Sit -Down Show wills at leas, three glrlt. Can also place good Grind Shams with their on equipment Contact. BERNARD THOMAS, Manager Phone: Midway RIDES HELP I CONCESSIONS Con place Hanky Pa n k e, all Pitch.., Long Range, Sher t Range and Ball Garet. Lennox, South Dakota WILLIAM T. COLLINS SHOWS "AMERICA'S LARGEST MOTORIZED MIDWAY" A Show with a proven route of County and State Fairs. Fain start July 4, Jamestown, N. Dab Show opens June - Winter Quarter?. now open. CONCESSIONS C.ehMu, ta.t.non. skew gouge. Sr,. mid Hwrky Pent. nt ell kinds. Du. dl.ppintm.nt, riti gook SHOWS S,d. Skew with ern arlpmms end tronsperterion, l MNerdr.m., Menton, Sne., Sig Deg.r tiny Grind Shw mero. ELECTRICiAN 0 I. rata One who known tronfermtin end ton hendl. 5 skew. WILLIAM T. All RIPLITS. WIH tent l60psr, Derb aide er tiny ne..r newel Pods. Foremen end Se,end Mon en. Melee lidos Ged prepeeiti.e to rtr rose Dodgem Per*m.e. Went Men te lek. sh.rge.t Teem.. end Front OC.. All must has.,twotten. limer. Drunk end thaws., awe you, srmy- COLLINS, Mgr. MINNIAPOUS, MINNESOTA 9CE CAPADES" Operated by John H. Pittsburgh, playing principal cities and buildings, including arenas belonging to the Arena Managers' Association. The organization operates two companies, each continuing a single production for two years. Currently, the 8th edition is playing its first season. making principal cities, and the 7th edition is completing its second year. In the fall the 9th and 8th edi- tions will operate, "Ice Capades' is equipped to play indoor or outdoor engagements requiring portable rink equipment. "ICE FOLLIES" Operated by Shipstads and Johnson. Los Angeles. playing principal cities and buildings. Annual route starts at Los Angeles and takes the show to East, then back to San Francisco, where it operates most of the summer. Plays only buildings with built -in rinks. "HOLIDAY ON ICE' Operated by Morris Chalfen, Min - neapolis, playing principal cities and using boils indoor arenas and outdoor locations such as fairgrounds. Equipped tyith portable - ßa7 rink facilities. Corporation also units of "Holiday on Ice" In Europe, Asia, Africa and South America, Secondary units in this country have been discontinued. In addition to the above major ice shows are numerous other ice productions which are offered by various booking agencies. Some of these are in operation regularly, some operate intermittently or for specific hxatlons, and some have been discontinued. Among these titles are: "Carnival on Ice," offered by Bay Brandet in New England. Ed Leary's Ice Show, offered by Music Corporation of America, George Arnold's "Rhythm on Ice," Hollywood, Calif. Joan Hyldoft Ice Show, Jimmy Hetzer Agency, Huntington, W. Va. hce Time," operated by Ham' Hirsch, handled by Barnes -Car- ruthers Agency, Chicago. "Ice Varieties," formerly operated by L. N. Fleckles, Chicago. "Stars Over Ice," offered by the C. W. McCafferty. Hollywood. "Icelandia," Pan -American Amusement Corp., Thosiand Oats, Calif. MIA"»' Opening Chillicothe, Illinois, April Iii; than full route 6 Fun one Celebration. In IIImeg with Miasourl and Arians. lain to follow. CONCESSIONS: Short and Lang Rana*. Dowling Allay. gall CAM.. Scale and Age. Dish. lean, Class and lame Filehes. Photos. Cols. SotH., Palloon Dart or what Aare you. Hanky Penh* NO CRIFT. RIDESI Will kook one Majo. Rid. and *n. Kidd.. RIDE HELP. P.perieneed Urn for all R.dea. Musa drive Rido that de not conflict. and hew chauffcue'e license. No can. SHOWS: Mechanical, Molten. Fun House. Class Hoc.. Want parts to S7eg\ r will book*. toe r 4, Chebanu, Illinois FORMER MANAGER NAME BANDS AND THEATRICAL AGENT Interested In 'e M e r,:es of CPC. an (L.'. a.t N fontes - sirro orefehorts, I Pave good knowledge of ores also. Seeks position with ether Cami o% Cirnus or env caw outdoor snnnetnent ortani2arion Or COreesson, ooe'atas. TwiIIS year' enosl e.. on road ma -aging name hands and MwraS Age 33..ptaeied, sonar and Can tarnish rrc*im'e *fawns.. horn realer Theatrical Seanvie,. Ovins.nd Mises IS56 ponta Sta non Wagon. All rape lox D-38 Can Ntlbaed. CrurenaN s. Othe D. J. ROHR Cfwtar,r* F 25 fill April 2. then scut. CARPENTER BROS.' SHOWS Opening May 3 thus 7, St, Marys. Ohio Opening. Want L.etamato Conee.d.' N Walk e<ke euteo, Age A WNast, geteper Car. Huile, Nat Milk bnlee, (:odor 70srr NoleWee, Add (;p Dart, atwr, Ann. cent., SM.. W... nota. The.. oho hase metro. or plea. ee..atnn thb adverelrtnent. writ: NOWM at MAVI, PNONt 424 GARDEN STATE SHOWS NOWS-Itrrton. COL LIIW CI\CUe 0E SNOW, Drew. MAr.. 04W(rre suwoar M4aDOO, ra. V.p.w. Celear./iew erl NM pr.ei., 04err N sw.. WANT a.l GANT), 'ti ale Mf.D:. 7,arAau, tet.ihwte GRAB. tivra Ca3lrarr9O.Ya W All. KINrK r- n I>a.'. Nora tut Deng 'a AUar.N /ltee 74 Yw uú.. N'W rle.* ono mr., ral.- IV. net eeanwna. All a.m. R. N. HINE@ 4 CNAr/a PT. rnllirsuc. N FOR SALE 25 W a A. W. G M. tau Pm cap nd Truck: Metro Ill -.e7. ea,e :Yet Poo Kneel' I fleeter uswd MMus: Eva,. Lean. Qe: tla.,h,e Melle alum Table: Rie f ^w " r 7 nrnay yreml A, h,., r,.. r..., r._,r. t. cape 'asks ` n: t:r IA \ wee 227 Viater N,.004: 4C DEL FLORE AMUSEMENTS went foremen and Serowe A who for!,r,n,hrl, Wheel a d Merry.Go Pound. Con sown a o. Contesùon,. Opening early In Mor torn. a wire L *EL FLORE 57 SHAW AVE YOUNGSTOWN. OHIO THIS 60- YEAR -OLD military band organ will travel this season CO the lames H. Drew Shows, One of handful left in this count,. t produces the type of midway mtiuc that is being reproduced on rapes oar,. Its 250 pipes are operated by, compressed or. Some of the hand -erred figures are activated to strike bells or drums- Similar band organs in action are one at hlyrtle Beach, S. C.. resort: one with the Royal American Shows and one operating -out of Terre Haute. Ind. Qngtnaliy they were used at amusement parks, picnic grounds or on early carni.ali Now. after years in storage, they are much sought after by show'," and tape -makers: STOCK TICKET! Sul t I Both Ose I SO a OPUS e R.N..73. Lou a With 4.N folla 7,000 EACH Do,Ale Hers No c OD Orders 34.: eatolp r.r ) TICKETS N...fy smcetnn. atw' rmerla a Md hl Mora. N intmdrete ecip mrrt THE 000 HUD (O. «l.. Ohre.., e é ',caw' eyrwn e Cash sonn oros Pri., g IIP.CAL IaNT [D a I e,a*. L7e F I asa,.mpj.»rae arie as 7

58 58 OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY THl BILLBOARD APRIL 7, 9S$ WESTLAND PLAZA, JACKSO MARCH 3 -MAY 3 MEMPHIS, TENN., MAY 9-7 SHOPPING CENTER, MAY 20 -TUNE 25 MADISON, WIS., FESTIVAL. JULY 4 DELAVAN, WIS., LIONS CLUB FESTIVAL DANE COUNTY FAIR. MADISON. WIS. LAFAYETTE COUNTY FAIR, DARLINGTON. WIS. ROCK COUNTY FAIR. JANESVILLE. WIS. WISCONSIN VALLEY FAIR, WAUSAU. WIS. JEFFERSON COUNTY FAIR, JEFFERSON. WIS. MANITOWOC COUNTY FAIR, MANITOWOC. WIS. WALWORTH COUNTY FAIR, OPENING MEMPHIS COTTON JUBILEE, MAY 9 N. MISS. FORMAL OPENING JULY -ALL FAIRS AND a DODGE COUNTY FAIR, I CELEBRATIONS UNTIL CLOSING NOV. I Winterquarter{ Now Open - Playing Shopping Center -Downtown Jackson, Miss., Until May 3. SHOWS Mewl.y Wild Lido, Fat, Funiteuse- Illusl.n, AihHe, Motordrome, RIDES I Round -Up, Loop, Train. [CONCESSIONS] Pope..., buckets. {le Cats, Snow, Flea. Custard, Hogs. Nevehiee, Scale. Photo., Pon Gam, cal. Bottles Balloon Dort.. Shan Rang, Cork dalluy, Ball Gomm. Basketball. Fish Pend, Blow.,, Pitch-Till-You-Won, soot Pilch, Bird P,tch Swinger, Stock Gomm.f oll kinds. PLACE THREE GRIND STORES FOR MEMPHIS ONLY. HELP I Day I,,.mn and Second.Men tar all Rid... Wont Electrician'. HIper. Also Mon for Tower. ALE REIMS Night BEAVER DAM. WIS. DREW COUNTY FAIR, MONTICELLO. ARK. UNION COUNTY FAIR. ELDORADO. ARK. MONROE COUNTY FAIR, ABERDEEN. MISS. DELTA VALLEY FAIR, CLEVELAND. MISS. SUNFLOWER COUNTY FAIR. INDIANÓLA. MISS, FRANKLIN PARISH FAIR, WINNSBORO. LA. CARROLL PARISH FAIR. SONDHEIMER, LA 958 Fair Dates Cnnllned from PAY. 5 L's'il. Rd.n ip{ 9 -I0. poor. A. Landry L,Winlere- t.,.btnm á... Aug la J, segh Bedard. tan PWA.- lou.eerae Heia Ang t tin M... Terms. Slanlwat - Mantwakl Albs e,9. Ale Mae. Palma Jeanie. (font -Laurier- Most -Levier Reba Aug to Victor Raclno. Nakano- (rtono Hato. A. a- ktb H. LasgloU MontnaR 3 ert,a Arta. '- Louie J. et Tree New RlehnrVod -Ne. RiohmoM Akan A 7 W. R Willett Notre Dame Dee Ante -Not. Dam Ago. E,hn Aug 3. Treo. Ch tort Notre Dam. du Lae --Notre Dem. du ERhn. Aug Adele. Make Ormalown rumme s Kahn June,f Carlyle DICRon, Paalneaurllte- PaMneauellie Rahn Aug 2a. Donat R 77baudeeu Pont Catet --Pont Chateau gehe I. Laurier Leget Quebec-- Pronnclal Hahn Aut lo -eeol Emery Boucher. Richmond- Rlehmond Kohn Aug 29.29; n ' RlA. Lin hen lltkl Lehn- Aug /Llchsnd. Robrnal Roberral Hahn Aug. JAL Bernard Let-fugue. Rougemont- Rdu4enletlt Eehn Au, l- L. A Mondau. Rouyn-ROUyn E.sha. June 37 -Jaly L P. Dubtots. St Alexandre-SI. A:eReedre Rahn, 5-7 Claude BrauL Bt Rotnabe- Nord -8. Barnabe -Nosy Au7, Mule. Romeo Sou..., at Pdouard -Et Edouard Extra. Soot. Yugo /Lenard. MISSISSIPPI STATE A. Cr M. FAIR) 3 Praneol en Lac -8- Prune.. do Lm ACKSON. MISS., Eshn, Jul, 3 -Aug 2 Nee Tradeau J & Hyaetnlhe -Bt, Hyacinth. Rehes AYgS - BYRAM COTTON CELEBRATION / Sr Jan Jean -r, Phone Alph. E. E. " ERNIE" FARROW Phone DewMenea Ratio. Aug_ 0.8!pí L: I BOX lee, JACKSON MISS 334! BYRAM, MISS- J R. st. Arnaud. ELKFIORN, WIS. St Tortteoet Totl. Beim Au, 20.2 Ito. and k\\`\\\\\\\\\\`\\\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\ \v\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\ umlette. Patent -3t Peacal Egan Aug. -LIL si.rltone Pas mood. \NP le (A\00. '. Si,0'-' Rom ua IQ -et. Romu.a Zahn Aug. 2,, EXPOSITION S WANT FOR 4 FAIRS -THIS IS A 3 RIDI SHOW Opening Pacific, Mo., April 24- Followed by th Industrial Fair, Granite City, III. (This CONCESSIONS SHOWS is a big spring spot). Con ploc In'r clots Coelhous.. also Hooky Peaks el.r U.d., Ne.ehie, Ph... High.: Striker, Ag. and Wight, Break- The -Rocard, Glee and Beer Poch., Long.rad Shen bong. Balloon Doris and other Mrchondise C.n<o.I.,., fito flogs er Gypsies W,rh own equipment, Snake, Monkey. Mechanical. Funhouse or any tison Grind Show. Ham;..cepiionolly geed spots for tint acme Oki Shaw. Con ploc. good reliable Foremen and Second Mon wh HELP d.i. ssi.. Can ploc. Wlro. at T,;k Seller,. Etpci.y wont Fer{mn f. Who.l, Dodgem, Dark Rid. Ssh and C.o.!.r. \\\\ E. L. WINROD, \\ \\\\ MGR. \\\\ \\ Box \\ 77, Pacific, Mo. Phone! Clearwater \\ \_ \\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\ Come Home - All's Forgiven If you are an Outdoor Showman. you should belong to an Outdoor Showmen's Organization. If your membership haa lapsed or you wish to become mambo, Rpecid invitation ie Jed you. Enjoy the facilities of the P. C. S. A. clubrooms by paying only $0, which include. Initiation and due. t. Septem- b.,, 953. Wera missed you. The light it burning in the window. We're Looking For your letter that you will loin with us. To All Showmen -Best Wishes for a Successful Season PACIFIC COAST SHOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION JIMMY LANTZ, President AL FLINT, Executive Secretary 235 South Hope Street Los Angeles 5, California FAIR TIME SHOWS INCORPORATED I76:4.4:4 7U4treldet, P: 800 Stotler Center Conctrionai,.... Contact Olivia Waldron or Chet Barker regarding opening dot and rout. following, Addrms Fair Ti,,,. Shows, Inc. Oronge County fair Ground. Casco Moso, Calilornio. 900 Wilshire Bird. Los Angelo. 7. Calif. ROODHOUSE AMERICAN LEGION ANNUAL HOMECOMING On week te July or Aueutr JOHN HARMS or CHAS. BROOKS Roodhouaa, lainais Contact. ATTENTION. AGENTS Can place Aeema for Rockers, Roltdowo, Pan Came, Cat Rack, BreakIheDHh. rte, Or will frame Joint to salt you. Agent. for on, lyre of Jolt answer' BRIAN.. iiorrisses- rt Valley View A.., MasburS, N. Y. Phone: EM 070 Showllme Concessions WANT -hanky Pan[ Adent. An Falr, C'.tebntio. Sno,ea, opening Beam rra III. Mer t.. (:H learn. Tom Jtontact, noon. Robert J. Martin. contact, McITEEN tu AN R t, nad... -R e d w o a l 4-» 0f SI/ ROCKOPLANE Complet rid and trailer, kk new, cash. BCD 7PIIREY Roule 3. ao. 5 Conroe, Teaa. WAX FIGURES All Tapets Life Site Mad< to Order, Also Fiore for Outdoor DIq.W Blbrloal Seerar, a Specialty, Panier -]fame Mark, and Heads Made to order. Wrie Fleures Repaired Like New, KRlWSON WAX FIOUR[ STUDIO IPNmm.rly a. W. Christ.PMi 7St LWetN Se, Leub. 0, M., ( Radport á.97r FOR SALE Lon, K.nge Lead Cpley, soll l -tr. Al' Frischhaut S<ml, Rood Tractor, a Aem 2l 600 JL0 LI \'i all vow pie Itourton bt, rennt Battle of ras San Antonio, wttn Bob Ham monod s hows. Crewel!! a. DOYIa alts Geld sr. Neutran. Te:. SEARCHLIGHT C. E. Searchlleh and G. F. C tarot. l.l?00. N:R', perfect ru nlnd aandlhon. BOWLING GREEN LIGHTING 6 SOUND CO. 4m._ Summit Sb Bowlin amen. Ohre Phon.' a. G. 4.7 STRANGEST rth. Ovdo ATTRACTIONS On Chela. W a i l sor. rnl PYm. J Others fn. Folder. Tale's Curiosity Shop MI E V.n Buren St Pesen( e. Ar,L 'o Lionel Betio. SIGMA. Xhn. aÿ "R l'o.. y.n JI'n! Ile The Cahn. Aug. 3 areas Anne de, Sloota -Ste Anne dea Mats j F-cha, Jute 7.0 -Aug. 2. Wilfrid Wale. Hcnedlne- -Ste Benedtug &Mu. Aug. Omar Drelola JnUenne -Ste. Julienne rho. Sept 'd Jean Durand Setiol Nque -Ste. 8ehol&Mlquo isba. Sur Paul Marto 8aw0Ute- OI,.trrUle Rocs. Sept. -, Mee, Laurence D. Yount. Sherbrooke Oro. Rasters Zoo, Aug 27- M. A. C. Rom Bnlgalrate Stt,garate Etna Aug 77 A C. Hayes Sorel-Sorel E.nn A Rao. 8t. Mari.p. Tod. R:r:-res -Trota Rtrterer. Rem Aug. L' -3 Jean A... Vieto:laIU:e- VV,AOAOeille Rahn- Aug Vincent Sanotterte tt'tterlm- Water. Elfin Aug. 9-7, Louts John Saskatcbèwan \:Mla Rehs- Juir ' -.'..;:sough- BMW.0Rb Zaha. July It omnnty Perille Valley'- BOlEly Ezún WI l6, Colgate-Col.ate Mom. July It Cannaugbt re wirer Stream- Conoeughl Echo July 30 Crap -Crag tetra July n{. Esteem- K,::':av Colo. July.5 R It Citation. PalrmrLe- Paírmede Jaw 0. Hum Lake -FWm Late!Wm Aug f Gransborough -Gatmborougb Reno. July 2, Oren4a- armcool EESr. Oet. 3 lnoe rdy- 55nrermay Mika. Aug. I - NeodedtwI, -n Sahn. July 36 klosdmimter- L:ydmtester Sinn- July l- 2- R. A. Robertson, Luezy Late -Lucks Lake Zahn Juir 3{ M.rifteld- /Lerytídd Ethn. Aug. S Malfort -Mellon Lahn, July 7 -Ig. C. D. Manson Moore -Jaw -Moose Jaw Elfin R BNmped, Jury 9-2 Mn. V. Hyland. NetocuLS- NOtom!s Rahn. Aug. a.,north Balllelord -North Sell!elord Esher. N. W. Symond. Aug. e -6. Ogenu -Ogema L7tbo. July 33 Perdue - Perdue Reim. July 70. Prin..Mberl -Prin. Albert 000n Oeo. K. Ron. Pnnnleby- Poo0IIhy Ube, Aug. { Redt000- Radlsran 80,0. July Regine- Retina Mchn. July 2a -Aug. 9. T. H. MoLeod 8'. We/burg-St. Walburg Exist Aug g. Saskatoon -Saskatoon!Mho. July -e. Et N M.CRaebern. Suitt Current -Swift Current Bahn. Jut, Tntalloo- Tasoalion Kahn. Aug. 7 Turticford- Turtlelord Roho. July M. Unity -Unity Eths. July 30-]0 Weyburn- Weyburn Eom, June 70 -July I. Roy Schulte. Yorkton- Yorktoo Kahn July 4-0, Wood. MEXICO -3. L Hansen. -. Sonora voçain - E`lötas de Mayo, flay 5.0 Jews...abeltero. Cnambec o! Commerca modern careers or,...a rae a.eme a.r. shame

59 2880 SOUTH 25TH STREET SALEM. OREGON AN ENTIRELY NEW AND DIFFERENT RIDE MADE FROM THE SPITFIR FRAME AND OUR NEW, EASY TO ASSEMBLE, LOW COST CONVERSION KI This Conversion Kit consists of a new set of cars with necessary supports and hangers which fit the Spitfire frame without alteration, except to weld one fitting to each wheel spoke. This can be done in three to four hours. The car suspensions have universal joint action, so while in operation they are free to swing in and out as well as forward and backwar giving a real lively ride action. Loading is from the ground and two cars, which handle three passe gers each, are loaded simultaneously. Cars are fitted with self -lockin fool -proof safety bars and are upholstered in foam rubber and U. Naugahyde in bright colors. THE CONVERSION KIT MAKES AN ENTIRELY NEW AND DIFFERENT RIDE OUT 0 THE OLD SPITFIRE... AT LOW, LOW COST... AND HAS PROVEN ITSEL IN THE FIELD TO BE ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR RIDES ON ANY MIDWA The ROUND -UP MORE MONEY AT LESS COST It's Popular Because It's Good Proven the Greatest MONEY -MAKER on Any Midway FRANK & CO.

60 Kids Do Their Own Piloting In The This ad Dy David E. Bradley Jr.. designer and licensor. Patents alapiied for. Mac Duberges, Toronto Royal American Shows, Tampa Playland Park. San Antonio, Tex. Spring Lake Amusement Park, Oklahoma City Ward's Kiddieland, Coney Island Playtown Park. Morton, Pa. Art Fritz, Chicago Capital Corporation, Houston, Tex. Kiddieland Park. Rockford. Ill. Olympic Park, Irvington. N. J. Thomas Bros.' Shows, Lennox, S. D. Euclid Beach Park, Cleveland Hunt's Pier, Wildwood. N. J. The Glen, Williamsville. N. Y. Earl Purtle. Richmond, Va. Milton Jensen. Independence, Mo. Northfield Kiddie Park, North Randall, O. Playland Park, Pensauken, N. J. Olson Shows, Hot Springs. Ark. Here is a list of persons who have purchased or ordered the Helicopter Ride since it was introduced two years ago. Ed Sweet. Mooresville. N. C. World of Mirth Shows. Richmond, Va. Bernard Arent, Toronto Kiddie Ranch, Saugus. Mass. L. S. Baxter. Birch Bay. Wash. Raymond Billet, York. Pa. Ted Cole Cr Frank T. Camarde. Salem. Mass. Sam Caplan, Lubbock. Tex. E. K. Fernandez, Honolulu, Hawaii Alan Hawes Amusement Co., Wisconsin Dells, Wis. Earl Ingalls. Coldwater, Mich. Wm. J. Mespelt, Greensboro. N. C. Como Park, St. Paul Roland W. Page, Wilson. N. C. Kiddie Amusement Park. Howari Beach. N. Y. Sam Raynovich, Wyandotte. Mich. Siebrand Bros.' Shows, Phoenix. Ariz. A. J. Sunny, Cleveland, O. Burns Park, North Little Rock. Ark. Griffen Amusement Co.. Inc.. Jacksonville Beach, Fla. Kiddytown. Chicago Nunleys Happyland. Bethpage. Long Island, N. Y. Peppermint Park, Pasadena. Tex. Keith Porter. Gary, Ind. P. E. Rcithoffcr, Jr.. Dallas. Pa. A. L. Rocco. Playland. Rye. N. Y. Stephen Swika. Sr.. Pcckville, Pa. West View Park Co.. Pittsburgh. Pa. Benson Wild Animal Farm. Hudson. N. H. Sunset Bay Park. Irving. N. Y. Degeller Amusement Co.. Shelbyville, Ind. Virgil L. Dickey, Detroit James R. Dillon, Youngstown, O. Fair Time Shows, Inc., Los Angeles Carte Bros.. Coney Island Gillian Amusement Co., Ocean City, N. J. Gooding Amusement Co.. Columbus, O. Hannum Cr Katzenmoyer. Philadelphia Silver Boot Kiddie Park, Clear Lake, Iowa Kennywood Park Corp.. Pittsburgh Lakewood Park. Mahanoy City. Pa. Roseland Park. Canandaigua, N. Y. Fairyland Kiddie Park, Brooklyn Nay Aug Amusement Co.. Scranton, Pa. Peony Park. Omaha Pier Rides. Atlantic City Powelson Amusements, Coshocton. O. R. G S. Amusement Co.. Inc.. Birmingham, Ala. Sauzer's Kiddieland. Dyer. Ind. Sea Isle City Amus. Co.. Inc., Sea Isle, N. I. Ernest Slavin, Bemidji. Minn. Anthony Tursc, Hazleton, Pa. Casino Kiddieland. Seaside Heights, N. J. Vivona Bros., Irvington, N. J. Thad Work, Elizabethtown, N. C. for Your Own PRIDE, PLEASURE and PROFIT A Complete Kiddieland by Allan Hers chell Kiddielands are a fascinating business. It is fun to entertain children and fun to make money. Now is the time to get ready for the boom in the birth rate. Write or phone for information on Allan Herscheli's complete Kiddieland service... rides, accessories, layout and financing. Merry -Go- Rounds Miniature Trains Boat Auto Portable Roller Coaster Sky Fighter Tank Horse and Buggy Jolly Caterpillar Helicopter Roadway Ride Rodeo Twister 8 -car Cat Record Player Records Tapes Ride Timers Canvas ALLAN HERSCHELL Company, Inc. 04 OLIVER ST. NORTH TONAWANDA, NEW YORK

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