Blinded by the Refund : Why TFSAs may beat RRSPs as better retirement savings vehicle for some Canadians by Jamie Golombek

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1 January 2011 Blinded by the Refund : Why TFSAs may beat RRSPs as better retirement savings vehicle for some Canadians by Jamie Golombek With the introduction of Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) in 2009, Canadians have a powerful new retirement savings tool in their quiver, yet seem reluctant to use it. By continuing to sock money away in traditional Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) at the expense of TFSA contributions, Canadians seem fixated on the immediate gratification of the tax refund associated with an RRSP contribution and may be shortchanging themselves come retirement time. Background TFSAs were first announced in the 2008 federal budget and became available to Canadians on January 1, TFSAs are tax pre-paid savings plans, the term pre-paid referring to the fact that tax was paid in advance (by someone) on earned funds that are then used to make the TFSA contribution, unlike an RRSP on which tax is paid when the funds are withdrawn. Since its launch, over 4.8 million Canadians have opened a TFSA, with more than $19 billion growing tax-free. 1 This represents an estimated take up rate of about 20 per cent 2 which seems to suggest that Canadians are perhaps not embracing this new savings vehicle as wholeheartedly as they should as a means to funding a comfortable retirement. This can be partially explained by the newness of TFSAs in that Canadians will naturally gravitate to what s familiar, namely the RRSP, as their vehicle for savings. But, with a better understanding and appreciation of how TFSAs work, these new plans may turn out to be the ideal retirement savings vehicle for many Canadians. TFSAs - The basics The TFSA rules are relatively straightforward. Any Canadian resident who is at least 18 years old is permitted to open a TFSA, provided they have a social insurance number. The amount you can contribute to a TFSA is based on your TFSA contribution room. Jamie Golombek CA, CPA, CFP, CLU, TEP Managing Director Tax & Estate Planning CIBC Private Wealth Management Starting in 2009, each Canadian resident who reached aged 18 automatically began to accumulate $5,000 of TFSA contribution room annually. This TFSA contribution room is cumulative and unused room is carried forward indefinitely to future years. As a result, Canadians who were at least 18 in 2009 and, as of 2011, have not yet opened up a TFSA can immediately contribute $15,000 to a TFSA, consisting of $5,000 of accumulated room for each of 2009, 2010 and Department of Finance Press Release, December 27, 2010, , Canadians Have More Room to Save in 2011 With the Tax-Free Savings Account 2 CRA Income Statistics 2010 (2008 tax year) - Summary of Basic Table 4. Of the 25 million tax returns filed, 95% of them (23.8 million) were for those aged 20 and over. This approximates, to some extent, the TFSA contribution-eligible population. If 4.8 million Canadians have contributed to a TFSA out of an eligible population of 23.8 million, that represents a take up rate of about 20 per cent.

2 Funds inside a TFSA can be invested in everything from savings accounts, GICs and mutual funds to individual stocks and bonds. In fact, nearly any investment that is eligible for other registered plans, such as RRSPs or RRIFs, can be held inside a TFSA. Perhaps one of the most significant differences between a TFSA and an RRSP is that, unlike the RRSP, any amounts withdrawn from a TFSA in a particular year will be automatically added to your TFSA contribution room for the following year, allowing individuals who withdraw TFSA funds to re-contribute an equivalent amount in a future year. Note that the amount added to TFSA contribution room is the full amount of the withdrawal, which can include not only amounts originally contributed but income and/or growth on those initial contributions. Secondly, unlike RRSPs, contributions to a TFSA are from after-tax funds (hence the term tax pre-paid ) and therefore are not tax deductible from income and do not result in a refund come tax season. The big advantage, however, is that not only are income and gains on investments held within a TFSA not taxed annually while inside the TFSA but they can be subsequently withdrawn tax-free at any time. Finally, as will be discussed in greater detail below, since TFSA withdrawals are tax-free, they are not included in net income and as a result, do not negatively impact government benefits and tax credits which are incometested and could be otherwise be reduced if funds were withdrawn from an RRSP or a RRIF. RRSPs vs. TFSAs - The myth of the refund It goes without saying that Canadians who can afford to maximize both RRSP contributions as well as make their annual $5,000 TFSA contribution would generally be well-advised to do both. But the reality is that most Canadians simply don t have enough available cash annually to afford to contribute the max to both plans and as a result, must make an important decision, namely, which savings vehicle should take priority: the RRSP or the TFSA? Conventional thinking seems to have steered most Canadians towards the tried and trusted plan, the RRSP, at the expense of the TFSA. In fact, this may partially explain the relatively low take up rate of TFSAs, discussed above. But what is driving this decision? It seems that both a misunderstanding of the tax refund associated with an RRSP contribution combined with an unfamiliarity of the tax mechanics behind RRSP and TFSA contributions and withdrawals may be to blame. The fact is that with the same rate of return assumption, the same compounding period and constant tax rates at the date of contribution and the date of ultimate withdrawal, the amount of after-tax cash that can be accumulated in an RRSP or TFSA is identical. Chart 1 compares the after-tax accumulation over 20 years of $5,000 of income earned by an individual that s subsequently invested through either a TFSA or an RRSP. In the TFSA scenario, $5,000 is taxed up front, when earned, at the individual s marginal tax rate (assumed to be 40%) and the after-tax amount of $3,000 is invested in the TFSA. Since this tax is literally pre-paid and since the earnings and growth inside the TFSA are not taxed during the accumulation phase, nor are they taxed upon withdrawal, the after-tax value after 20 years, assuming a 5% growth rate, is $7,960. Now, assume that instead you earn $5,000 of income but you don t have to pay tax on it currently because you put it into your RRSP and claim a deduction for it. Thus, the full $5,000 is invested, grows to $13,266 and is ultimately taxed in 20 years time at 40%, netting you exactly the same amount after-tax or $7,960. Chart 1 After-tax cash in TFSA & RRSP TFSA RRSP Pre-tax income $5,000 $5,000 Tax (40%) (2,000) n/a Net contribution 3,000 5,000 Growth at 5% / 20 years 7,960 13,266 Tax upon withdrawal (40%) - (5,306) Net cash $7,960 $7,960 It s only when your tax rate upon ultimate withdrawal is either lower or higher than your current tax rate that either the TFSA or RRSP wins out. This is discussed in detail below. But what concerns many a prospective TFSA contributor is that if you make a contribution to your TFSA by forgoing a contribution that otherwise would have gone into an RRSP, you won t get as a large a tax refund and therefore have less money to meet current consumption needs. 2

3 But what is this tax refund anyway? The refund associated with an RRSP contribution should not be considered a windfall but rather the present value of the future tax payment that will have to be made on the ultimate RRSP withdrawal (assuming tax rates are constant). In other words, the tax unpaid on the funds contributed to an RRSP is merely being deferred to a later point in time when the funds are ultimately withdrawn and taxed, either through an RRSP or RRIF withdrawal (or ultimately, upon death). For example, if you put your tax refund into your TFSA, as many have suggested you do, and assuming your TFSA grows at the same rate of return as your RRSP, then the fair market value of your TFSA will equal your future tax payable on your RRSP withdrawal, assuming your tax rate is the same. (Chart 2). Chart 2 Contribute RRSP "Refund" into a TFSA RRSP RRSP Contribution $5,000 Contribute Tax "Refund" to TFSA (@40%) FMV of RRSP/TFSA 20 years) Tax on RRSP withdrawal (@40%) $5,306 TFSA $2,000 $13,266 $5,306 Spending the refund now is the equivalent of borrowing money against your future income at a rate of interest equal to the expected rate of return on your RRSP! The case of Dick and Jane With this in mind, consider the case of Dick and Jane who are both 45 years old. Each of them earns $60,000 per year and each requires just over $44,000 after-tax annually to meet current consumption needs. As Chart 3 shows, because Dick chooses to contribute $5,000 to his RRSP instead of a TFSA, he gets the benefit of a tax refund which reduces his tax payable and leaves him with $44,266 to spend. Chart 3 Dick and Jane - RRSP vs. TFSA contribution Dick Jane Income $60,000 $60,000 RRSP Contribution (5,000) n/a Taxable income 55,000 60,000 TFSA Contribution n/a (3,442) Net Cash - Pre-Tax 55,000 56,558 Total Federal and Ontario tax (Note 1) 10,734 12,292 Net Cash to Spend: $44,266 $44,266 Note 1: Assumes 2010 federal and Ontario tax rates, considers only the basic personal credit and ignores Ontario Health Premium. So, ultimately, who is better off, Dick or Jane? While clearly Dick will have more money in his RRSP than Jane will have in her TFSA, that s only true on a pre-tax basis. As Chart 4 shows, if we assume that both Dick and Jane contribute $5,000 and $3,442 annually to their RRSP and TFSA respectively, and do so for twenty years, at a tax-deferred growth rate of 5%, Dick will indeed have nearly 50% more money on a pre-tax basis than Jane. But if we then assume that both Dick and Jane withdraw the balances in their RRSP and TFSA beginning at age 65, over the course of the next twenty years, allowing for continued tax sheltered growth on the remaining RRSP and TFSA balances at 5%, Dick would receive $13,930 of annual taxable RRSP (or ultimately RRIF) withdrawals while Jane would receive $9,591 after-tax. If we assume that Dick is taxed at the same marginal tax rate during retirement as he was when he contributed to his RRSP (31.15%), you can see that both Dick and Jane end up with the identical after-tax annual cashflows. Jane, on the other hand, doesn t get a tax refund but instead chooses to contribute to a TFSA. But, because she requires the same after-tax amount of spending money currently, she can only afford to put $3,442 into her TFSA to achieve the same $44,266 in after-tax spending money. 3

4 Chart 4 Dick and Jane - Withdrawals Future value of savings - age 45 to 65 Dick (RRSP) Jane (TFSA) $173,596 $119,521 Annual withdrawals - age 65 13,930 9,591 to 85 Tax on withdrawals (4,339) n/a Annual after-tax cashflow from retirement savings $9,591 $9,591 Note: Assumes beginning of year contributions, 5% growth rate, equal end of year annual withdrawals, zero balance left at end of 20 years and 31.15% marginal tax rate for Dick. Of course the big assumption equating the annual retirement cashflows is that both Dick and Jane remain in the same tax bracket when they access their funds upon retirement as they were in when the initial contributions were made to the RRSP or TFSA. Let s explore the accuracy of this assumption and its applicability to Canadians in more detail. Tax rates working vs. retirement As the example of Dick and Jane illustrated, whether one invests in an RRSP or a TFSA is nearly irrelevant if you re in the same tax bracket when you withdraw the funds as you were in when you made your contribution. Many Canadians, however, believe that they may be in a lower bracket upon retirement making the argument for contributing to RRSPs over TFSAs. Let s take a closer look at this by exploring the three possible scenarios side by side: the constant tax rate assumption, the high rate to low rate assumption that favours the RRSP over the TFSA and the low rate to high rate assumption that reaches the opposite conclusion. (Chart 5) The first column, reproduced from Chart 1 above, shows the constant tax rate assumption, which shows that with constant tax rates, you should generally be indifferent between investing in a TFSA or an RRSP. The second column shows that RRSPs will produce a better result when the tax rate upon withdrawal is expected to be lower than the tax rate upon original contribution. Conversely, the third column demonstrates that TFSAs will provide more after-tax cash if your tax rate will be higher upon ultimate withdrawal than it was when you contributed. Chart 5 Same Tax Rate High/Low Low/High TFSA RRSP TFSA RRSP TFSA RRSP Pre-tax income $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Tax rate - contribution 40% 40% 20% Tax (2,000) - (2,000) - (1,000) - Net contribution 3,000 5,000 3,000 5,000 4,000 5,000 Growth at 5% / 20 years 7,960 13,266 7,960 13,266 10,613 13,266 Tax rate - withdrawal 40% 20% 40% Tax - (5,306) - (2,653) - (5,306) Net cash $7,960 $7,960 $7,960 $10,613 $10,613 $7,960 4

5 A 2003 C.D. Howe Institute study 3 concluded that for many lower-income Canadians, RRSPs are a terrible investment. That s because many government benefits, credits and programs are based on net income and are substantially or even totally reduced as your income gets higher. A second study 4 released by the Institute last year explored Canadians marginal effective tax rates (METRs) upon retirement. The METR reflects not only an individual s marginal personal income tax rate on an incremental dollar of income but also takes into account the potential loss of federal and provincial income-tested benefits and credits. For example, Chart 6 shows four income-tested federal benefits and credits, what they re worth and at what income levels they are clawed back. Chart 6 A Sample of various Federal Income Tested Benefits & Credits Guaranteed Income Supplement - single Income Threshold Value Begins Ends $7,940 $6,291 $22,172 Old Age Security $6,291 $67,668 $109,607 Age credit (federal) $981 $32,961 $76,541 GST/HST Credit - single $381 $32,506 $40,126 Seniors currently living on RRSP or RRIF withdrawals find that even modest withdrawals from these plans upon retirement affect the retiree s eligibility for income-tested government benefits and credits, such as the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), Old Age Security (OAS) benefits and the Age Credit. Since withdrawals from a TFSA are not considered to be income, they have no impact on the amount of GIS or OAS received nor will such withdrawals reduce the Age Credit. Similarly, Canadians with low and modest income who receive the GST/HST Credit may find RRSP or RRIF withdrawals reducing their quarterly cheques. By being able to pull retirement funds from a TFSA rather than an RRSP or RRIF, the Credit may be preserved. The study concluded that for many people, METRs upon retirement, which take into account the loss of government benefits and credits, will be higher than working METRs, suggesting that these individuals, given limited funds, may be better off saving in TFSAs than RRSPs. Not to be ignored in this analysis, however, is the possibility of pension income splitting. Canadians age 65 or older who convert all or a portion of their RRSP into a RRIF are able to split the subsequent RRIF withdrawals with their spouse or partner. If the spouse or partner is in a lower tax bracket or is not otherwise subject to clawbacks of government benefits or credits, the RRSP route may indeed be preferable to the TFSA if the effective METR upon retirement is lowered sufficiently through pension splitting of RRIF withdrawals. Accessibility of Funds What doesn t show up in the numbers above, of course, is the added accessibility associated with TFSAs as compared to RRSPs. TFSA funds can be withdrawn at any time, tax-free and can then be re-contributed in a future year, while RRSP withdrawals are taxable in the year of withdrawal and cannot be recontributed. Perhaps the psychological barrier of knowing that tax must be paid on RRSP monies withdrawn, even for emergencies, has led at least some Canadians to favour contributing to their RRSP over a TFSA as a way of preventing themselves from easily accessing what should be retirement money. The TFSA, with its flexibility and tax-free nature, provides no such obstacle. Yet, cash-strapped Canadians seem to be accessing funds in their RRSPs pre-retirement at an alarming rate. Recent data 5 shows that of the 1.9 million Canadians who withdrew $9.3 billion from their RRSPs in 2008 (the most recent year for which statistics are available), over 80 per cent of such withdrawals were made by individuals below age 60. This suggests that RRSP funds are being used well before normal retirement age to supplement income. 3 Shillington, Richard. New Poverty Traps: Means-Testing and Modest- Income Seniors C.D. Howe Institute Backgrounder No. 65, April Laurin, Alexandre and Poschmann, Finn. Saver s Choice: Comparing the Marginal Effective Tax Burdens on RRSPs and TFSAs C.D. Howe Institute e-brief no. 91, January CRA Income Statistics 2010 (2008 tax year) - Basic Table 4. 5

6 This has two consequences. First, funds withdrawn, even for an emergency, cannot be replaced later on, perhaps when financial circumstances improve and the ability to save is greater. Admittedly, however, this may not be much of a concern to lower income Canadians who have more RRSP carryforward room than they could possibly afford to use. Secondly, withdrawals of RRSP funds are taxable meaning that current withdrawals could push the RRSP annuitant into a higher tax bracket, and could reduce his or her income-tested benefits, including the GST/HST Credit, the Canada Child Tax Benefit and the Working Income Tax Benefit. TFSA withdrawals, on the other hand, avoid both these problems since the funds can be recontributed at any time following the year of withdrawal and the withdrawals, being non-taxable, cannot trigger the loss of government benefits. Other considerations For Canadians who can t contribute to an RRSP, TFSAs may be the only viable option for tax-deferred retirement savings. These can include employees who are members of registered pension plans (RPPs) through their employers and find their ability to contribute to an RRSP severely limited by the pension adjustment. Similarly, Canadians who don t have any earned income or who are over 71 may find the TFSA a useful way to sock away extra funds for retirement on a tax-free basis. Finally, keep in mind that there is no one ideal solution for every Canadian. Even two individuals in the same tax bracket today may come to different conclusions as to the optimal retirement savings allocation between an RRSP and the TFSA. Factors that need to be considered include: family makeup, which could permit pension splitting of RRIF payments at age 65, projected sources of retirement income, including access to non-registered savings, as well as assumptions about retirement income replacement ratios and a willingness to encroach on capital. While the average Canadian is unlikely to be able to determine, with any certainty whatsoever, whether to maximize his or her TFSA or RRSP, perhaps with some financial guidance and a better understanding of how these new savings vehicles work, TFSAs may become the retirement vehicle of choice for many more Canadians going forward. Jamie Golombek, CA, CPA, CFP, CLU, TEP is the Managing Director, Tax & Estate Planning with CIBC Private Wealth Management in Toronto. Disclaimer: As with all planning strategies, you should seek the advice of a qualified tax advisor. This report is published by CIBC with information that is believed to be accurate at the time of publishing. CIBC and its subsidiaries and affiliates are not liable for any errors or omissions. This report is intended to provide general information and should not be construed as specific legal, lending, or tax advice. Individual circumstances and current events are critical to sound planning; anyone wishing to act on the information in this report should consult with his or her financial advisor and tax specialist. 6

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