St. Lucie County Public Schools Florida Charter School Application Evaluation Instrument Franklin Academy B

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1 St. Lucie County Public Schools Florida Charter School Application Evaluation Instrument Franklin Academy B Each section presents criteria for a response that meets the standard and these criteria should guide the overall rating for the section. The and Weaknesses boxes provide space to identify data and other evidence that supports the rating. The rationale for each rating is important, especially if some of the data or evidence does not fit neatly into the criteria provided. If the data or evidence provided for a section raises a concern or question related to a specific statutory requirement, please list the statute in the reference box in order to provide the most constructive feedback. The following definitions should guide the ratings: Meets the Standard: Partially Meets the Standard: Does Not Meet the Standard: The response reflects a thorough understanding of key issues and demonstrates capacity to open and operate a quality charter school. It addresses the topic with specific and accurate information that shows thorough preparation and presents a clear, realistic picture of how the school expects to operate. The response addresses most of the criteria, but the responses lack meaningful detail and require important additional information. The response lacks meaningful detail; demonstrates lack of preparation; or otherwise raises substantial concerns about the applicant s understanding of the issue in concept and/or ability to meet the requirement in practice OVERALL ASSESSEMENT COMPLETE THIS SECTION LAST Would you recommend approval of this application for a public charter school? Explain your recommendation in the Summary Comments section, below. DENY APPROVE Summary Comments: Upon careful review of the application document submitted, the information presented in the application raised substantial concerns about the Applicant s understand of the issue in concept and/or the ability to meet the requirements in practice regarding Standards 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13 and 18. Therefore, at this time and in the application s present form the Charter Application Evaluation Team recommends that the Superintendent deny this application.

2 I. Educational Plan The education plan should define what students will achieve; how they will achieve it; and how the school will evaluate performance. It should provide a clear picture of what a student who attends the school will experience in terms of educational climate, structure, assessment and outcomes. 1. Mission, Guiding Principles and Purpose The Mission, Guiding Principles and Purpose section should indicate what the school intends to do, for whom and to what degree. Statutory s: ss (2)(a), (2)(b), (2)(c), (6)(a)1., (7)(a)1., F.S. A compelling mission statement that defines the purpose and values of the school. A set of priorities that are meaningful, manageable and measurable, and focus on improving student outcomes : 1. The application presents mission and guiding principles as generic however does reference single gender educational program. 2. The application states that the school will encourage parent input and shared decision making by all stakeholders within the school regarding supplemental programs such as an International Bachelorette program or same-sex classes. No further clarity or explanation is provided as to what this means operationally for the school. 3. Franklin Academy will accommodate parents electing to enroll their child in mixed gender classes to the extent practicable but provides no further detail as to how they define practicable. 4. Application states that the school will address the gender differences in learning in a scientific fashion, providing in depth staff development and reflection time for teacher to monitor curriculum advances and student achievement however little detail is provided as to what different curriculum and/or instructional strategies will be employed to address gender differences in learning. Page 1 Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 2

3 5. Application states that Teachers will use reading research over the last 20 years but does not name which research or researchbased programs that will specifically be used. 6. The application states that to maximize learning, students will be grouped according to shared instruction and abilities and regrouped as instructional needs change. Teachers will use whole-group instruction, small group instruction, individual instruction, independent reading, and technology to deliver curriculum. The application does not clarify how single-gender classes will be incorporated within the framework above. 7. Research based materials Examples include are listed but specific materials that will be used are not provided nor are they detailed in the budget documents. 8. Application does not discuss specifics in terms of how instruction will be delivered differently in light of the gender differences in learning presented (e.g. page 3) only that single sex classrooms will be offered (page 11). Page 6 Page 6 Page 9 Page Target Population and Student Body The Target Population and Student Body section should describe the anticipated target population of the school and explain how the school will be organized by grade structure, class size and total student enrollment over the term of the school s charter. Statutory (s): ss (10)(e), (6)(b)2., (7)(a)1., , F.S. An understanding of the students the charter school intends to serve. A manageable plan tied to enrollment projects that will allow the school to meet its constitutional class size obligations. Projections meet maximum class size requirements School will serve students of St. Lucie County 1. The application outlines target population by grade level for year 1 indicates 3 sections of 5 th grade and 7 sections of 6 th grade but does not provide detail as to how single sex classrooms will be controlled with odd section counts. Subsequent years indicate odd section counts at various grade levels as well. Page 15 3

4 3. Educational Program Design The Educational section should describe the educational foundation of the school and the teaching and learning strategies that will be employed. Statutory (s): s (7)(a) 2., F.S. A response that meets the standard will present an educational philosophy that: Is clear and coherent; Is based on effective, research-based educational practices, teaching methods and high standards for student learning; Aligns with the school s mission and responds to the needs of the school s target population, and Presents evidence that the proposed approach will lead to improved student performance for the school s target population. 1. The application states that the school will offer core curriculum classes as single gender but does not describe what instructional differences will occur to address/accommodate for the differences in the way students learn specific to gender. 2. The application also discusses teacher pedagogical style as influencing learning but doesn t identify if and what Professional Development will be used for teachers to modify their pedagogy to better address the differences in learning alleged by gender research. 3. The components of the school s mission included in the chart presented in the application don t align with the mission statement. As a result it is not clear if the single sex core classes are part of the school s mission (not addressed in chart on pages 22/23) 4. The application states that the school will use a comprehensive, research based curriculum aligned to the NGSSS but provides little detail regarding the specifics of the curriculum itself. 5. No evidence was found in the application in support of single gender classes leading to improved academic performance for both boys and girls. Pages Page 19 Pages 21/22 Page Curriculum Plan The Curriculum Plan section should explain not only what the school will teach but also how and why. 4

5 Statutory (s): ss (6)(a)2., (6)(a)4., (7)(a)2., (7)(a)4., F.S. A response that meets the standard will present a curriculum plan that: Provides a clear and coherent framework for teaching and learning; Is research-based; Is consistent with the school s mission, educational philosophy and instructional approach; Will enable students to attain Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and receive a year s worth of learning for each year enrolled, and Will be appropriate for all students at all levels 1. The curriculum plan outlined in the application is very broad with little specific detail. There is discussion regarding the goal of meeting NGSSS but the application does not address how this will be accomplished. 2. The application states that On a daily basis, utilizing an instructional focus calendar, students should walk away from their class with a measurable, specific amount of content data, aligned with the course benchmarks however detail is not provided as to how this will be measured. 3. The application does not provide any indication as to the specific reading program(s) that will be used, it only references JRF website in general. 4. The application states that delivery of instruction will include, but not limited to; classroom libraries with a large variety of reading levels and reading genres however no budget amount is included for years 1 5 for library books in the proposed budget 5. The application does not provide specific information regarding the differentiated strategies that will be used for students reading below grade level as required by (6) (a.)(4). 6. The application outlines what Just Read Florida requires in its reading objectives but it is not clear what is being proposed for the school s reading curriculum. 7. The application references a Curriculum Guide but does not provide a copy or reference to electronic document for review and no further detail/sample regarding its contents is provided in the application. 8. The application states that the school will use the district s Page Page 25 Page Appendix D Page 34 Page 24 Page 25 Page 25 5

6 instructional focus calendars but does not provide any further detail as to how these calendars might be modified to align with the single gender classrooms. 9. The application states that the school will use United Streaming however does not indicate where this software is included in the budget. 10. The Big Ideas/Strands chart (page 25) provided in the application appears to apply only to middle grades with no information provided related to grades K In the application, the Language Arts/Reading, Math, Science and Social studies summaries do not name textbook series that will be used yet there is $90,000 in textbooks for year 1 of budget. What texts will be purchased? 12. The application outlines what Response to Intervention is, but does not provide any detail as to how RtI will be implemented in the school program in accordance with the federal IDEIA regulations. 13. The application does not discuss in detail any of the gender specific instructional strategies supported by research that the school will use in support of the research regarding different learning styles by gender Page 25 Page 25 Page Page Student Performance, Assessment and Evaluation The Student Performance, Assessment and Evaluation section should define what students attending the school should know and be able to do and reflect how the academic progress of individual students, cohorts over time, and the school as a whole will be measured. Statutory (s): ss (6)(a)3., (7)(a)3., (7)(a)4., (7)(a)5., F.S. Measurable educational goals and objectives that set high standards for student performance. Promotion and graduation standards that are based on high expectations and provide clear criteria for promotion from one level to the next, and for graduation; Evidence that a range of valid and reliable assessments will be used to measure student performance. Assessment activities that are sufficiently frequent and a detailed plan to determine whether students are making adequate progress. Evidence that student performance data will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of educational programs and influence adjustments when necessary. Plans for sharing student performance information that will keep students and parents well informed of their academic progress. 6

7 1. Assessment goals for grades K-8 are: a. 79% proficiency on Reading FCAT (2010 average 65.67%) b. 80% proficiency on Math FCAT (64.3% for math) c. 92% proficiency on Writing (currently 96%) d. 50% proficiency in Science (40% currently) No evidence that educational plan presented in areas 3 and 4 will achieve 10 percentage point gain in 1 year. 2. No AYP targets are identified in the application. 3. No objectives related to learning proficiency or learning gains disaggregated by gender are identified as a means of measuring student outcomes as related to the mission of the school. 4. The application states that benchmark assessments and benchmark mini assessments will be used but provides no additional information regarding the creation or development of these assessments. 5. The application states that student grades will be based on students demonstrated mastery of skills but then also lists behavior as criterion? 6. The application describes the state s standards for promotion or retention but does not include any information regarding how these standards will be operationalized in the school. 7. The application states that parents will have access to student grades through the Student Information System. The budget for the school does not overtly identify cost for this system as a line item. 8. The application includes a table of types and frequency of assessments and includes Accelerated Reader STAR. The cost of this program is not identified in budget. 9. The table on page 46 also lists all tests required from CRRP reading plan is this referencing the different diagnostic assessments for FAIR? 10. The application states that the school expects that students will progress at least as well as they did before they started at Franklin Academy and that the specific measureable goals will be achieved within the first year. This statement suggests that only students who made learning gains or are proficient will be enrolled in the school. 11. The application states that teachers will use rubrics to assist their students in interpreting their assessment performance yet no example of a rubric was provided in the application. 12. The application states that student performance will be Page 42 Page 43 Page 43 Page 44 Page 44 Page 46 Page 46 Page 47 Page 49 Page 49 7

8 evaluated and closely compared to other reports in the state with comparable student demographics and by gender however it doesn t state what specific measures will be used (e.g. FCAT, SAT 10). 13. While the application indicates data will be reviewed by gender there is no detail regarding how this analysis will result in modification of instruction or curriculum if appropriate. Page Exceptional Students The Exceptional Students sections should demonstrate an understanding of the requirements of the school to serve all students and provide a concrete plan for meeting the broad spectrum of educational needs and providing all students with a quality education. Statutory (s): ss (10)(f), (16)(a)3., F.S. Demonstrated understanding of state and federal requirements regarding the education of exceptional students. A commitment to serving the full range of needs of exceptional students. Sound plans for educating exceptional students that reflect the full range of programs and services required to provide all students with a high quality education. Demonstrated capacity to meet the school s obligations under state and federal law regarding the education of exceptional students. 1. The application discusses Levels of Instruction (1 4) for ESE students but provides no detail as to what these levels mean. 2. The description of Response to Intervention in this section of the application does not demonstrate a clear understanding the RtI process and procedures. There is no discussion that defines different tiers, difference strategies or materials that will be used in implementation of RtI in the school. 3. The application states that the school plans to use full inclusion model for majority of students through co-teaching, collaboration and consultation however there isn t any reference to co-teachers in budget. 4. The application does not provide a continuum of services for ESE students (does not provide for pull-out or resource room if required by the student s IEP ) Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 8

9 5. Application states that Franklin staff will include HQ teachers who hold gifted certification or endorsement but doesn t specify if this is an expectation for all teachers. 6. The application states that OT/PT services will be provided for students as required by IEP and budgets $3700 for the first year for these services but does not outline a contingency plan if the cost of services exceeds this amount. 7. The application states that the district will send monthly reports to the school to ensure compliance that all EP s are properly maintained however it is not clear what monthly reports the application is referencing. Additionally, it is not clear if this process is also to include IEP information. Page 54 Page 54 Page English Language Learners The English Language Learners section should demonstrate an understanding of the requirements of the school to serve English Learner Students and provide a concrete plan for meeting the broad spectrum of educational needs and providing all students with a quality education. Statutory (s): s (16)(a)3., F.S. : Demonstrated understanding of state and federal requirements regarding the education of English Language Learners. Demonstrated a commitment to serving the full range of needs of English Language Learners. Sound plans for educating English Language Learners that reflect the full range of programs and services required to provide all students with a high quality education. Demonstrated capacity to meet the school s obligations under state and federal law regarding the Education of English Language Learners. 1. The application states that an ELL committee will be will be convened made up of ESOL teacher(s) however no ESOL teachers are specifically identified in the staffing matrix/budget so it is not clear how this will be implemented in the school. 2. The application references Personnel training for ESOL from Broward County yet does not address how this training component will be implemented in SLC since the district does not offer in house professional development for ESOL. 3. The application does not address the META consent decree requirement of an ESOL para for 15 or more students of the Page 59 Page 60 9

10 same language nor does it appear that funding is provided in the budget for this position. 8. School Climate and Discipline The School Climate and Discipline section should describe the learning environment of the school and provide evidence that the school will ensure a safe environment conducive to learning. Statutory (s): ss (7)(a)7., (7)(a)11., (9)(n), F.S. A school calendar and schedule that support the mission and program requirements and meet the minimum statutory requirements. An approach to student discipline that creates and sustains a safe and orderly learning environment. Legally sound policies for student discipline, suspension, dismissal and recommendation for expulsion. 1. The application states that tools to assist these goals include but are not limited to required student uniforms and parent service hours agreements but provides no additional information regarding what other tools might be used. 2. The application states that a parent service hour agreement will be required but does not provide a sample with the application. 3. The application states that the school administration reserves the right to apply severe disciplinary action including recommendation for placement into an alternative educational setting or expulsion however does not provide detail regarding what offenses (other than those listed in the SLC Student Code of Conduct) the administration would consider egregious enough to warrant placement or expulsion. Page 63 Page 64 Page 64 10

11 II. Organizational Plan The Organizational Plan should provide an understanding of how the school will be governed and managed. It should present a clear picture of the school s governance and management priorities, what responsibilities various groups and people will have and how those groups will relate to one another. 9. Governance The Governance section should describe how the policy-making and oversight function of the school will be structured and operate. Statutory (s): ss (7)(a)15., (12)(i), (16)(b), F.S. Documentation of proper legal structure of the governing board. Adequate policies and procedures for board operation. Evidence that the proposed governing board will contribute to the wide range of knowledge and skill needed to oversee a charter school. A clear, sensible delineation of roles and responsibilities in relation to governance and school management. A plan for the meaningful involvement of parents and the community in the governance of the school. 1. The application narrative on page 69 and chart on page 68 doesn t align with the stated intention of hiring a management company. The school s faculty and staff will report directly to the principal who will report directly to the Governing Board 2. The application states that the school will have a School Advisory Council chaired by the principal which does not comply with The application states that all of the founding board members (to become governing board members) reside outside of St. Lucie County but does not provide any detail regarding where board meetings will be held, how the public will be notified and how they will be provided the opportunity to participate. 4. The application states that three of the governing board seats are 3 year terms (for the founding board members) and 2 are annual appointments (1 each from SAC and from Community) however it is not clear how staggering the 3 year terms will work Page 68 Page 68 Page 70 Page 70 11

12 in the application. 5. The application does not outline any roles for parents other than through the parent contract and the SAC (See also section 13). 6. A copy of governing board policies was not provided with the application 7. A copy of governing board bylaws was not provided with the application. Page Management The Management section should describe how the day-to-day administration of the school s operations will be structured and fulfilled. Statutory (s): ss (7)(a)9., (7)(a)14., F.S. A management structure that includes clear delineation of the roles and responsibilities for administering the day-to-day activities of the school. A sound plan for the recruitment, selection and evaluation of the school leader. A viable and adequate staffing plan. A sound plan for recruiting and retaining qualified and capable staff. Meet the Standard Partially Meets the Standard Does Not Meet the Standard 1. The application refers to on-site support staff that are responsible for curriculum development but provides no further detail as to what this/these positions are or the associated job duties. 2..The application states that the ESE teachers will serve as ESE Liaison with the Broward County Schools but does not list St. Lucie County Schools. There is no detail provided as to how this position will fulfill teaching duties as well as the additional duties included on pages The application states that a guidance counselor is not staffed until year 3 yet provides no detail as to how guidance services will be provided for students in years 1 and The application states that a test coordinator will not be hired until year 3 but provides no further information regarding how test administration and services will be implemented in years 1 and 2. Page 76 Page 80 Page

13 5. The staffing chart on pages lists 38 teachers K- 5 and 10 teachers by core subject area and then identifies a total of 49 teachers. This does not align with the staffing matrix in the budget. 6. The staffing chart on pages 84 and 85 lists a number of teachers based on CSR requirements but does not address or take into account the additional staffing that may be required for single gender courses. (e.g th grade boys and 16 5 th grade girls would require 4 teachers to meet class size of 22 to 1). 7. The application states that the principal will be responsible for managing the school which is in potential conflict with the use of an ESP. Since this relationship has not been clearly defined the assessment of daily management practices cannot be made. Appendix D Page Education Service Providers The term education service provider (ESP) refers to any number of organizations that contract with the governing board of a school to provide comprehensive services. The two major types of ESPs that serve charter schools are education management organizations and comprehensive school design providers. The Education Service Provider section should describe, if applicable, the contractual arrangement between the school s governing board and such a provider. Statutory (s): s (7)(a )9., F.S. A persuasive explanation of the reasons for contracting with an education service provider. A persuasive explanation that the proposed relationship with the ESP will further the school s mission and program. A clear description of the services to be provided by the ESP. A clear delineation of the roles and responsibilities between the school s governing board and the ESP. A clearly defined performance-based relationship between the school s governing board and the ESP. Not Applicable Meets the Standard Partially Meets the Standard Does Not Meet the Standard 1. The application states that the founding board will be interviewing potential vendors for ESP services specifically in Page 91 13

14 the area of support services for financial management and states that a sample RFP is provided for financial/payroll services. However the sample RFP (which is dated 7/29/2010 with designated response date of March 15, 2010) lists oversight and daily operations of the charter school, curriculum, testing and assessment, personnel administration and other areas in addition to payroll and financial services. It is not clear if an ESP has already been determined based on the RFP dates included in the application nor is it clear as to what services are specifically going to be purchased from the ESP. 2. The Governance and Management Sections of the application are silent as to how the ESP will be integrated in both governance and management of the school or how the ESP will be held accountable for its performance. Hence the contractual relationship between the governing board and the ESP is not clear and therefore cannot be evaluated. 3. The application does not discuss how or if the policies and procedures provided in the application in Appendix F will be implemented once an ESP is hired through contract. Appendix F 12. Employment The Employment section should define the policies and procedures that frame the school s relationship with its staff. Statutory (s): ss (7)(a)14., (12), F.S. A compensation plan that will attract and retain quality staff. Policies and procedures that hold staff to high professional standards. 1. The application states that employees will be privately employed and will not be subject to collective bargaining this does not align with (12) F.S. which states that employees have the option to collectively bargain and no rationale or basis for this decision was provided in the application. 2. Compensation amounts are not specifically stated in the narrative, the budget uses $88,000 and $41,500 respectively per principal and teacher. Additionally the budget appears to use Page 93 Page 93, Appendix D 14

15 different salary amounts for homeroom teachers as compared to other instructional staff. Different salary amounts are also listed for the ESE and Media Specialist positions yet no rationale or basis for these differences is provided. 3. The application indicates that the teachers will be 10 month employees starting 2 weeks prior and working 1 week past the school year for students but that the students will follow SLCS calendar how many days will be included in the 10 month contract for teachers? 4. Employees will be privately employed by the school and all faculty and staff will believe in the educational and curricular design of the school (how will this be assessed/determined?) 5. The application states that fingerprinting and drug testing will be coordinated with the district Budget does not reflect these personnel costs the District is not required to provide them at no cost as per the 5% admin fee. Page 93 Page 95 Page Parent and Community Support and Partnerships The Parent and Community Support and Partnerships section should describe how parents and the community will be engaged in the operations of the school. Meaningful partnerships with parents and the community that further the school s mission and programs. 1. There is no discussion in the application about how parents will be involved in furthering the school s mission and programs. 2. The application state that parent contracts will be required for 30 hours of volunteer service annually but does not state what happens if the hours requirement is not fulfilled. No sample contract is provided with the application. 3. The application outlines the method to be used to resolve disputes requires parents to contact governing board chair (Step 4) and present concerns at governing board meeting (Step 5). No further information is provided as to how will this be facilitated since governing board chair resides in Sarasota. Additionally, there was no information in the application regarding the location of board meetings so that parents can present concerns. Page 97 Page 97 Page 98 15

16 14. Student Recruitment and Enrollment The Student Recruitment and Enrollment section should describe how the school will attract and enroll its student body. Statutory (s): ss (7)(a)7., (7)(a)8., (10), F.S. A student recruitment plan that will enable the school to attract its targeted population. An enrollment and admissions process that is open, fair and in accordance with applicable law. 1. The application states that an enrollment specialist will keep applications for the school, receive phone calls and track potential enrollment but does not identify who will be responsible for this the first year prior to the school actually opening. 2. The application states that the school will take applications for an August 2010 opening? 3. The application states that preference will be provided to a sibling of a student already enrolled, a governing board member s child or an employee s child however does not indicate whether there is a rank order or do these groups all get the same preference? 4. The application states that the school will use the district s SIS for state funding reporting and enrollment monitoring (what about other information?). This is not consistent with Section 1 of the application which states that a web-based SIS will be used to inform parents of progress is a separate system being purchased (not included in budget) 5. The charter school is reserving the right to deny enrollment privileges (Memorandum of Opinion 03-05) based on parent failure to complete volunteer hours. 6. The application does not address any additional recruitment activities/strategies designed to promote single gender offerings. Also, will gender be used as an entrance criteria to minimize costs of meeting class size? Page 101 Page 102 Page Page 101/103 Page

17 III. Business Plan The Business Plan should provide an understanding of how the charter operators intend to manage the school s finances. It should present a clear picture of the school s financial viability including the soundness of revenue projections; expenditure requirements; and how well the school s budget aligns with and supports effective implementation of the educational program. 15. Facilities The Facilities section should provide an understanding of the school s anticipated facilities needs and how the school plans to meet those needs. Statutory (s): ss (7)(a)13., (18), F.S. A realistic plan for securing a facility that is appropriate and adequate for the school s program and targeted population. Evidence that the school has access to the necessary resources to fund the facilities plan. 1. The application states that a facility has not been identified 2. The facilities plan outlined in Charter Application includes construction of a building (66 classrooms) which the school would then lease. The application states that If a plan or location cannot be secured by February 15, 2010 the Board will notify the district and request a 1 year deferral. Since this date has passed it is not clear if the applicant is automatically requesting a deferral for one year. 3. The application states that the school reserves the right to balance classes throughout the year but provides no further detail as to why this balancing would be required. 4. The application budget includes rent budgeted at $592,000 for first year and $1,072,000 at maximum capacity however no rationale for estimate of rent based on square footage is provided ($800 per student is budget amount). Additionally there is no discussion about the feasibility of this lease design nor does the application offer a contingency plan should a lease Page 107 Page 108 Page 109 Appendix D 17

18 agreement with this type of payment structure fail to be negotiated. 5. The application does not provide detail regarding available resources for negotiated the building of a school with a private entity. 6. The action plan schedule does not include sufficient time for the design and permitting of a school site with local government. Based on previous experience site selection must be complete by February for an August, 2011 opening. 16. Transportation Service The Transportation section should describe how the school will address these services for its student body. Statutory (s): s (20)(c), F.S. A transportation plan that will serve all eligible students. 1. The application states that the school anticipates enrollment to be community based and include parent transportation and that The school will seek to contract with parents for transportation however no further detail or sample contract was provided in the application. 2. The application states that the school will contract with the district if necessary if transportation serves as a barrier to student enrollment but does not specify how and who will determine if a barrier exists. 3. The amount included in the application budget appears low. Based on experience with 2 existing charter schools transportation requires 6 8 buses. Page 111 Page 111 Appendix D 17. Food Service The Food Service section should describe how the school will address these services for its student body. 18

19 Statutory (s): s (20)(a), F.S. A food service plan that will serve all eligible students. School will contract with the district 18. Budget The Budget section should provide financial projections for the school over the term of its charter. Statutory (s): ss (6)(a) 5., (6)(b) 2., F.S. Budgetary projections which are consistent with all parts of the application, including the school s mission, educational program, staffing plan and facility. A realistic assessment of the projected sources of revenue and expenses that ensure the financial viability of the school, including a realistic FTE projection. 1. The application states that Start up funding is based on a $100,000 line of credit from Foundations that support charter schools however no additional detail is provided nor is a contingency plan if these funds are not secured. 2. The budget included in the school s application does not indicate any line of credit in projected revenues nor does it identify payments. 3. The staffing matrix included in the application is inconsistent with the class sections list. The staffing matrix lists 31 homeroom teachers in year one for budget purposes however Page 116 Appendix D Page 118/Appendix D 19

20 class sections list 38 home rooms. 4. In the application the budget narrative states that the budget uses 2009/2010 revenues but the revenue worksheet and revenues used in the 5 year budget projections use the 2010/2011 base student allocation. 5. The budget included in the application includes both SFSF and.25 millage critical operation revenues which are not anticipated as continuing for the school year. 6. The budget included in the application lists $266,400 in long term capital Expenditures but provides no detail as to what these expenditures are for (is this FFE?) 7. The budget worksheet lists 8% for G & A, Curriculum Development and R & D equaling $372,000 for year one but does not clarify what services are expected to be provided for this amount and who will provide them. 8. The monthly budget projections for year 1 indicate a planned deficit cash flow for August through November, 2011 however no detail was provided regarding plans for payment of bills during these months (this deficit will be greater once.25 and SFSF revenues are backed out). Page 117/Appendix D Appendix D Appendix D Appendix D Appendix D 19. Financial Management and Oversight The Financial Management and Oversight section should describe how the school s finances will be managed and who will be responsible for the protection of student and financial records. Statutory (s): ss (6)(a)5., (7)(a)9., (7)(a)11., F.S. A fiscal management system that is appropriate follows generally accepted accounting principles and properly safeguards assets. Evidence of proper insurance coverage. 1. The application states that the governing board will contract out for fiscal management services. 2. The application states that an accounting procedures manual will be defined but is not available for review currently. 3. The application states that the Principal will need to seek prior Page 120 Page 120 Page

21 approval for expenditures that exceed a certain (but yet to be defined) amount. 4. The application states that records will be stored securely in as much as practicable but provides no further clarification regarding what this means in practice. 5. The limitations and liabilities listed in the application do not meet the following district requirements as related to insurance coverage: o Workers' Compensation Insurance & Employers' Liability in accordance with Section 440, Florida Statutes. Employers Liability (inclusive of any amounts provided by any umbrella or excess policy) must include limits of at least $1,000,000 each accident, $1,000,000 each disease/employee, $3,000,000 each disease/maximum. o School Leaders Errors and Omissions Insurance: The insurance shall be subject to a maximum deductible not to exceed $25,000 per claim. The minimum limits to be maintained by the School shall be three million dollars ($3,000,000) per claim/three million dollars ($3,000,000) annual aggregate. o Commercial General Liability Insurance: The minimum limits to be maintained by the School (inclusive of any amounts provided by an umbrella or excess policy) shall be one million ($1,000,000) dollars per occurrence/ three million ($3,000,000) dollars annual aggregate. o Automobile Liability: Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance on a primary basis including coverage for Any Auto (All Owned, Hired and Non-Owned Autos ) with limits of not less than $3,000,000 Combined Single Limit. (inclusive of any amount provided by an umbrella or excess liability policy). Page 121 Page Action Plan The Action Plan should provide a clear roadmap of the steps and strategies that will be employed to prepare to be ready on the first day of operation to serve its students well. Statutory (s): s (7)(a) 16., F.S. A response that meets the standard will present an action plan that: Provides thoughtful and realistic implementation plan that cover major operational items and provides flexibility for addressing unanticipated events.. 21

22 Timeline presented in application has very little flexibility in terms of beginning school for students in August, 2011 **Note - Applicant has four schools approved in Miami-Dade and Broward through the process however no school was opened in August 2010 due to facilities delays. Page

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