ÌÞíõìá êáëùóïñßóìáôïò ôïõ ÐñïÝäñïõ ôïõ Ä.Ó ôçò CYTA UK

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Download "ÌÞíõìá êáëùóïñßóìáôïò ôïõ ÐñïÝäñïõ ôïõ Ä.Ó ôçò CYTA UK"



2 ÌÞíõìá êáëùóïñßóìáôïò áðü ôïí Ðñüåäñï ôïõ Ä.Ó ôçò CYTA UK. ÌÞíõìá êáëùóïñßóìáôïò áðü ôç cyta.talk ÐáêÝôá cyta.talk / Ðþò íá óõíäåèåßôå ÁðáíôÞóåéò óôéò åñùôþóåéò óáò ÔÝëç cyta.talk ¼ñïé Ðáñï Þò Õðçñåóßáò ÐñïåðéëïãÞò ÖïñÝá Åéäéêïß ¼ñïé Ðáñï Þò Õðçñåóßáò cyta.talk Welcoming message from the Chairman of the Board Welcome to cyta.talk cyta.talk packages/ How to get on board Your Questions Answered cyta.talk rates Carrier Pre Selection Terms and Conditions Specific cyta.talk Terms andconditions

3 ÌÞíõìá êáëùóïñßóìáôïò ôïõ ÐñïÝäñïõ ôïõ Ä.Ó ôçò CYTA UK 200 : ñïíéü Óôáèìüò óôçí åðéôõ çìýíç ðïñåßá ôçò CYTA H CYTA UK, ç èõãáôñéêþ ôçò CYTA óôï Ç åäñáéþíåé ôþñá ôçí ðáñïõóßá ôçò óôçí ôçëåðéêïéíùíéáêþ áãïñü ôïõ ÇÂ. Ìïíáäéêüò ôçò óôü ïò ç åêðëþñùóç ôçò äýóìåõóçò ãéá åîõðçñýôçóç ôïõ Êýðñéïõ üðïõ êáé áí âñßóêåôáé. Èá åßìáóôå ìýñïò ôçò æùþò óáò, ôïõ êüèå Êýðñéïõ ôüóï óôï óôåíü üóï êáé óôï åõñýôåñï ôïõ ðåñéâüëëïí. Ôï ãåãïíüò áõôü äåí ôï èåùñïýìå áðëü ùò ìéá åðéëïãþ ãéá åðéôõ ßá êáé ùò ôï ôýëïò ôùí ðñïóðáèåéþí ìáò óôïí ôïìýá ôçò åðéêïéíùíßáò. Äåí åöçóõ áæüìáóôå. Ìå Ýíôïíá áíáðôõãìýíï ôï áßóèçìá ôçò êïéíùíéêþò åõèýíçò êáé ôçò ðñïóöïñüò, èýëïõìå êáé âñßóêïõìå Üëëá êáíüëéá åðéêïéíùíßáò ìå ôïõò Êýðñéïõò áêüìá êáé ðýñáí áðü ôïí Êõðñéáêü Ïñßæïíôá. Óôçí ðïñåßá ìáò áõôþ, äåóìåõüìáóôå íá óõíå ßóïõìå ôçí ðñïóðüèåéá êáé ôçí ðñïóöïñü ðïéïôéêþí ëýóåùí óôéò êáëýôåñåò ôéìýò, ðüíôá ìå ãíþìïíá ôçí êáëýôåñç åîõðçñýôçóç ôùí ðåëáôþí ìáò. ÌÝóá óå áõôü ôá ðëáßóéá Ý ïõìå áíáðôýîåé ðïéêßëá ðáêýôá óôáèåñþò ôçëåöùíßáò ðñïóáñìïóìýíá óôéò äéêýò óáò áíüãêåò. Åìåßò óôç CYTA UK ãíùñßæïõìå ôéò áíüãêåò óáò êáé ôçí åðéèõìßá óáò íá åðéêïéíùíåßôå, ïðïõäþðïôå, ïðïôåäþðïôå, óôéò ðëýïí áíôáãùíéóôéêýò ôéìýò. Áêüìá ãíùñßæïõìå êáé åêôéìïýìå ôçí åõáéóèçóßá óáò ãéá ôçí Ðáôñßäá êáé ôçí åðéèõìßá óáò íá äéáôçñþóåôå óôåíþ åðáöþ ìå ôïõò áãáðçìýíïõò óáò êáé ãé' áõôü óáò ðñïóöýñïõìå ôç äõíáôüôçôá äùñåüí êëþóåùí ðñïò ôçí Êýðñï! Êáé áõôü åßíáé ç äéêþ ìáò äýóìåõóç êáé õðüó åóç óå óáò. Äþñïò Êôùñßäçò Welcome from the Chairman of the Board of Directors of CYTA UK 200: A milestone in the successful history of CYTA CYTA UK, a CYTA wholly-owned subsidiary registered in the UK, has now established presence in the UK telecommunications market. An endeavor achieved with the sole aim to fulfil CYTA's commitment in serving the Cyprus people where ever they might be. We plan to be part of the life of every Cypriot in the UK. We do not view this merely as a success option or the end of our efforts in the telecommunications sector. We shall not rest. CYTA has a highly developed sense of social responsibility and is seeking to find ways of communicating with Cypriots in Cyprus and abroad. We will extend our commitment and continue our efforts for providing total quality solutions at the best possible prices and always for the benefit of our customers. In this respect we have developed a variety of fixed telephony packages customised for your needs. We, at CYTA UK can do it, because we understand your needs and your desire to call anywhere, at anytime, at most competitive prices. We also understand your desire to call back home to Cyprus and for this special need we provide you the option to make unmetered free calls! This is our commitment and our promise to you. Doros Ktorides 01

4 Êáëùóïñßóáôå óôç cyta.talk Êáëùóïñßóáôå óôç cyta.talk, ðáêýôá ðïéïôéêþò åðéêïéíùíßáò óôáèåñþò ôçëåöùíßáò óå ïéêéáêïýò ðåëüôåò óôï ÇÂ, áðü ôç CYTA UK, èõãáôñéêþ Åôáéñåßá ôçò Áñ Þò Ôçëåðéêïéíùíéþí Êýðñïõ (ÁÔÇÊ), ãíùóôþò ùò CYTA. Ç CYTA, åßíáé ïñãáíéóìüò äçìïóßïõ äéêáßïõ êáé äñáóôçñéïðïéåßôáé óôçí ðñïóöïñü åèíéêþí êáé äéåèíþí çëåêôñïíéêþí åðéêïéíùíéþí. H CYTA åßíáé ãíùóôþ ãéá ôï åêôåíýò êáé ôå íïëïãéêü áíåðôõãìýíï äéåèíýò äßêôõï ôçëåðéêïéíùíéþí ðïõ äéáèýôåé üðùò êáé ãéá ôçí ðáñï Þ ïëïêëçñùìýíùí êáé åõýëéêôùí áñôïöõëáêßùí õðçñåóéþí êáé ðñïúüíôùí ðïõ ðáñý åé óå áíôáãùíéóôéêýò ôéìýò. Ç ðñïóþëùóç óôçí áýîçóç ôçò ðáñáãùãéêüôçôáò ôïõ Ïñãáíéóìïý Ý åé êáôáóôþóåé ôç CYTA Ýíá ïéêïíïìéêü åýñùóôï ïñãáíéóìü. Áõôü ôï ìåãüëï åðßôåõãìá åßíáé áðïôýëåóìá ôçò óõíå ïýò ôå íïëïãéêþò áíáâüèìéóçò ôçò õðïäïìþò, åðáíáó åäéáóìïý ôùí äñáóôçñéïôþôùí ìå Üîïíá ôçí åõåëéîßá êáé ôçí áðïäïôéêþ äéá åßñéóç ôùí áñôïöõëáêßùí õðçñåóéþí êáé ðñïúüíôùí. ¼ìùò ç ìåãüëç áëþèåéá åßíáé üôé üëåò ïé åðéôõ çìýíåò ðñïóðüèåéåò åßíáé óõëëïãéêýò. Ãé'áõôü êáé ç åðéôõ çìýíç ðïñåßá ôïõ ïñãáíéóìïý ïöåßëåôáé óôç óõíå Þ êáé áäéüêïðç ðñïóðüèåéá üëùí ôùí áíèñþðùí ôçò CYTA áëëü êáé ôçí åìðéóôïóýíç êáé õðïóôþñéîç üëùí ôùí Êõðñßùí. H CYTA âñßóêåôáé ôþñá óå ìéá äõíáìéêþ ðïñåßá. Ç áðåëåõèýñùóç ôçò áãïñüò ôçëåðéêïéíùíéþí óôçí Êýðñï, Ý åé äçìéïõñãþóåé Ýíá äõíáìéêü êáé áíôáãùíéóôéêü ðåñéâüëëïí ðïõ èá åðçñåüóåé áíáðüöåõêôá ôï ìåñßäéï áãïñüò êáé ôá áðïèýìáôá ôçò CYTA. Óáí áðüíôçóç óôéò ðñïêëþóåéò, êáèþò åðßóçò êáé ëüãù ôçò óçìáíôéêþò åðýíäõóçò ðïõ Ý åé ãßíåé áðü ôç CYTA óå äéåèíþ êáëùäéáêü óõóôþìáôá, ïäþãçóå óôçí áðüöáóç ãéá äçìéïõñãßá óçìåßùí ðáñïõóßáò óôç äéåèíþ ôçëåðéêïéíùíéáêþ áñýíá, ãéá íá áðïôåëýóïõí åíáëëáêôéêýò ðçãýò åéóïäþìáôïò ãéá ôïí Ïñãáíéóìü. Ç CYTA UK Ý åé éäñõèåß óôï Ç ìå óôü ï ôç äçìéïõñãßá ôùí êáôüëëçëùí ðñïûðïèýóåùí ãéá åðýêôáóç ôùí äñáóôçñéïôþôùí ôçò CYTA óå þñåò ìå ìåãüëåò ÊõðñéáêÝò Ðáñïéêßåò. ÌÝóá áðü ôç óôñáôçãéêþ áõôþ õëïðïéåßôáé ðáñüëëçëá ç äýóìåõóç êáé ç áðüöáóç ôïõ Ïñãáíéóìïý ãéá êïéíùíéêþ ðñïóöïñü ðñïò ôïí êüèå Êýðñéï üðïõ êáé áí âñßóêåôáé. ÌÝóá óå áõôü ôá ðëáßóéá êáé óáí áðüäåéîç ôçò åêôßìçóçò ôùí óçìáíôéêþí ðñïóðáèåéþí ôçò ÊõðñéáêÞò êïéíüôçôáò óôï ÇÂ, ãéá ôçí ðñïþèçóç ôùí Êõðñéáêþí óõìöåñüíôùí óôï åîùôåñéêü, ëþöèçêå ç áðüöáóç ãéá ðñïóöïñü õðçñåóéþí ðñïóôéèýìåíçò áîßáò, ðñïóáñìïóìýíåò óôéò éäéáßôåñåò áíüãêåò ôçò ÊõðñéáêÞò êïéíüôçôáò êáé ü é ìüíïí. Ç õðçñåóßá ÐñïåðéëïãÞò ÖïñÝá ðáñý åé ôç äõíáôüôçôá óôïõò ðåëüôåò ìáò, åöüóïí ôï åðéèõìïýí, íá ðñïåðéëýîïõí ùò åíáëëáêôéêü öïñýá ôç CYTA UK ( ùñßò ðëçêôñïëüãçóç åéäéêïý êùäéêïý áñéèìïý ). Ôáõôü ñïíá äçìéïõñãïýíôáé êáé ïé êáôüëëçëåò ðñïûðïèýóåéò ãéá ðñïóöïñü õðçñåóßáò ìå ôá áêüëïõèá ðëåïíåêôþìáôá: ÕøçëÞò ðïéüôçôáò õðçñåóßåò óå áìçëýò ôéìýò, ðñïóáñìïóìýíåò óôéò áíüãêåò ôùí ðåëáôþí ìáò. Óå áõôü ôï ðëáßóéï ç CYTA UK Ý åé áíáðôýîåé ðáêýôá çëåêôñïíéêþò óôáèåñþò ôçëåöùíßáò, ìå ôçí åìðïñéêþ åðùíõìßá cyta.talk. Welcome to cyta.talk Welcome to cyta.talk, a high-quality fixed telecommunications service for residential customers in the UK - powered by CYTA UK LTD, a subsidiary of the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority, otherwise known as CYTA. CYTA, Cyprus Telecommunications Authority, is a public utility organization established by Law to 02

5 provide national and international telecommunications. CYTA is well known for its extensive global telecommunications network, as well as for the comprehensive portfolios of competitively priced and flexible products that it offers. CYTA is a financially sound organization, a situation brought about by high levels of productivity. The quantum leap in productivity was the result of continuous technological upgrading of its infrastructure, business processes that are continually reengineered to achieve maximum efficiency, and effective management of its product and service portfolios. Last but not least, CYTA owes much of its success to the hard work on behalf of its workforce and to the support it receives from all the Cypriots. CYTA is currently on a dynamic curve. The liberalization of the telecommunications sector in Cyprus, has created a dynamic and competitive environment that will inevitably affect CYTA's market share and reserve. In response to these challenges, as well as the fact that CYTA is the owner or co-owner of significant capacities of international cable systems, lead to the decision of establishing a strong presence in the international telecommunications arena, in order to provide alternative sources of income for the organization. The realization of this strategy is implemented as part of CYTA's responsibility and social commitment to the People of Cyprus wherever they might be. In this respect, and as a token of the appreciation of the significant efforts of the Cypriot Community in the UK in promoting the interests of Cyprus homeland, has decided to offer value added services, customised especially to the needs of the Cypriot Community. To this effect, CYTA UK has developed a variety of packages depending on the usage of the customer, launched under the commercial name cyta.talk 03

6 04

7 0

8 Äéáäéêáóßá ñþóçò ðïëý ÁðëÞ!! Ìå ôçí õðçñåóßá ðñïåðéëïãþò ÖïñÝá ôçò CYTA UK äåí ñåéüæïíôáé êùäéêïß ðñüóâáóçò Áðëþò ðëçêôñïëïãþóôå ôïí áñéèìü! Áöïý ãßíåé åããñáöþ ôïõ áñéèìïý óáò, ôá ôçëåöùíþìáôá óáò èá äñïìïëïãïýíôáé áðåõèåßáò óôï äßêôõï ôçò CYTA UK. Êáé ôüôå êåñäßæåôå áõôü êáé ðïëëü Üëëá " ÄùñåÜí êëþóåéò óôçí Êýðñï êáé Ç áìçëýò ôéìýò ãéá Üëëïõò äéåèíåßò ðñïïñéóìïýò Äéáôçñåßôå ôïí õöéóôüìåíï áñéèìü óáò ÄéáöïñåôéêÜ ðáêýôá ðñïóáñìïóìýíá óôéò áíüãêåò óáò ùñßò ôýëïò åãêáôüóôáóçò ùñßò ðñïðëçñùìþ Þ ôýëç äçìéïõñãßáò ëïãáñéáóìïý Ðïéüôçôá óôçí åðéêïéíùíßá ÄùñåÜí áíáëõôéêüò ëïãáñéáóìüò Easy to use! With CYTA UK's Carrier Pre Select service you do not have to use access codes or dialler boxes just dial the number! We register your existing telephone line with BT to route your calls directly to CYTA UK's global network. And you get these and much more " Free Calls to Cyprus and the UK Great rates to all international destinations Maintain your existing telephone number Different packages to suit your special needs No connection fee No pre-payment or registration fee required. High Quality-of-Service Free itemized monthly statement 06

9 Ðþò íá óõíäåèåßôå? ÁðëÜ êáëýóôå ùñßò ñýùóç ôç ÃñáììÞ ÐåëÜôç ôçò CYTA UK óôï êáé èá óáò óõíäýóïõìå. ÁðëÜ êáé Åýêïëá! How to get On board? Just call free CYTA UK Customer Help Line on and we will Get you on board. Nice and Easy! 07

10 ÁðáíôÞóåéò óôéò ÅñùôÞóåéò óáò 1. Ðùò ñçóéìïðïéþ ôï ëïãáñéáóìü ìïõ; ¼ôáí ãßíåôå ðåëüôçò ôçò cyta.talk üëåò óáò ïé êëþóåéò (ôïðéêýò, åèíéêýò êáé äéåèíåßò) äñïìïëïãïýíôáé ìýóù ôïõ äéêôýïõ ôçò CYTA UK êáé ôùí óõíåñãáôþí ôçò. Ìå áõôü ôïí ôñüðï äåí ñåéüæåôáé ç ðëçêôñïëüãçóç êùäéêïý áñéèìïý ðñüóâáóçò. ÁðëÜ óçêþóôå ôï áêïõóôéêü êáé êáëýóôå ôïí áñéèìü ðïõ åðéèõìåßôå. 2. Ðïéïé ìðïñïýí íá ãßíïõí ðåëüôåò ôçò cyta.talk; Áí Ý åôå ôçëåöùíéêþ ãñáììþ ôçò BT ìðïñåßôå íá ãßíåôå ðåëüôåò ôçò cyta.talk. Ïé ìüíïé ðïõ äåí ìðïñïýí íá ãßíïõí ðåëüôåò åßíáé ïé ðåëüôåò ðïõ ëáìâüíïõí ôçëåðéêïéíùíéáêýò õðçñåóßåò áðü Êáëùäéáêïýò Ðáñï åßò (Cable Operators) êáé ðåëüôåò ôçò ÂÔ ðïõ åðéèõìïýí íá äéáôçñþóïõí åéäéêýò äéåõêïëýíóåéò ðïõ ðñïóöýñåé ç ÂÔ üðùò ôï Light User Scheme ôçò ÂÔ, Þ öñáãþ óôéò åîåñ üìåíåò êëþóåéò. 3. Ðüóï ñüíï ñåéüæåôáé ãéá íá óõíäåèþ ìå ôç cyta.talk; Ðáßñíåé ðåñßðïõ 14 ìýñåò áðü ôç ìýñá ðïõ èá ðüñïõìå ôçí ðáñáããåëßáò óáò. Ðñéí ôç óýíäåóç èá ðüñåôå åðéóôïëþ áðü ôç BT üðïõ èá óáò åðéâåâáéþíåôáé ç ìýñá ðïõ èá ãßíåé ç áëëáãþ. Áðü ôçí çìåñïìçíßá áõôþ êáé ìåôýðåéôá èá ìðïñåßôå íá áðïëáìâüíåôå ìåéùìýíá ôýëç ìý ñé êáé äùñåüí áöïý üëá óáò ôá ôçëåöùíþìáôá èá äñïìïëïãïýíôáé ìýóù ôïõ äéêôýïõ ôçò CYTA UK êáé ôùí óõíåñãáôþí ôçò 4. Ãéá íá ãßíù ðåëüôçò ôçò cyta.talk èá ðñýðåé íá öýãù áðü ôç BT; Ãéá íá ìðïñåßôå íá ñçóéìïðïéþóåôå ïðïéïäþðïôå ðáêýôï cyta.talk èá ðñýðåé íá óõíå ßóåôå íá äéáôçñåßôå ôçí õöéóôüìåíç ôçëåöùíéêþ ãñáììþ óáò ìå ôç BT. Ï ôñüðïò ðïõ ñçóéìïðïéïýóáôå ôï ôçëýöùíï óáò ìý ñé óþìåñá äåí áëëüæåé, êáé èá ëåéôïõñãïýí üðùò óõíþèùò, ïé áñéèìïß 1471, 171 êáé ç áíáìïíþ êëþóçò.. Ðùò ãßíåôáé ç ñýùóç; Ïé ñåþóåéò cyta.talk åßíáé áíü äåõôåñüëåðôï. Ìðïñåßôå íá äåßôå ôá ôåëåõôáßá ôýëç óôç óåëßäá Þ åðéêïéíùíþóôå óôç ÃñáììÞ ÐåëÜôç Ðïéåò ìýèïäïé ðëçñùìþí ãßíïíôáé áðïäåêôýò; ÁðïäåêôÝò ìýèïäïé ðëçñùìþí åßíáé ìå áðåõèåßáò ñýùóç óôï ëïãáñéáóìü óáò ìýóù ÔñáðÝæçò ( Direct Debit) Þ ìå áõôüìáôç åíôïëþ ðëçñùìþò áðü ôçí ðéóôùôéêþ óáò êüñôá. 7. ÕðÜñ åé åëü éóôç ðåñßïäïò äýóìåõóçò; ¼ é. Ìðïñåßôå íá áêõñþóåôå ôçí ðáñáããåëßá óáò ìý ñé êáé 4 ìýñåò ðñéí ôçí çìåñïìçíßá äéåêðåñáßùóçò ôçò áëëáãþò ðïõ êáèïñßæåôáé óôçí åðéóôïëþ ðïõ èá ëüâåôå áðü ôç BT. Óôçí áíôßèåôç ðåñßðôùóç ðïõ ç áêýñùóç ãßíåé ìåôü ôç óýíäåóç ìå ôç cyta.talk õðüñ åé ìéá ó åôéêþ ðåñßïäïò áíáìïíþò ãýñù óôéò 1 ìýñåò ìý ñé ç BT íá äéåõèåôþóåé ôï áßôçìá óáò. 8. Ðüôå èá ðáßñíù ëïãáñéáóìü; Ï ëïãáñéáóìüò èá óáò áðïóôýëëåôáé ôá õäñïìéêþò óôçí ôåëåõôáßá åâäïìüäá êüèå ìþíá. Ç 08

11 ç ðåñßïäïò ôéìïëüãçóçò åßíáé áðü ôçí 1 ìý ñé ôçí ôåëåõôáßá ìýñá êüèå çìåñïëïãéáêïý ìþíá êáé óõìðåñéëáìâüíåé ôçëåöùíþìáôá ðïõ Ýãéíáí óå áõôþí ôçí ðåñßïäï. 9. Ðùò ìðïñþ íá áëëüîù ôç äéåýèõíóç ìïõ Þ Üëëá óôïé åßá åðéêïéíùíßáò? ÁðëÜ ôçëåöùíþóôå óôç ÃñáììÞ ÐåëÜôç Ôé ìðïñþ íá êüíù áí Ý ù ñåùèåß ãéá ôçëåöþíçìá ðïõ äåí Ý åé äéåêðåñáéùèåß; ÐáñÜðïíá ãéá ìç äéåêðåñáéùìýíá ôçëåöùíþìáôá èá ðñýðåé íá õðïâüëëïíôáé óå ðåñßïäï çìåñþí áðü ôçí ðáñáëáâþ ôïõ ëïãáñéáóìïý óôçí ÃñáììÞ ÐåëÜôç ôçò CYTA UK óôï Ðùò ìðïñþ íá ðüñù Ýíá áíôßãñáöï ìå ôïõò ¼ñïõò Ðáñï Þò ôçò Õðçñåóßáò (Terms and Conditions); Ìðïñåßôå íá äåßôå êáé íá åêôõðþóåôå ôçí ôåëåõôáßá Ýêäïóç ôùí ¼ñùí Ðáñï Þò ôçò Õðçñåóßáò óôçí çëåêôñïíéêþ éóôïóåëßäá Þ ôçëåöùíþíôáò óôç ÃñáììÞ ÐåëÜôç , ìðïñåßôå íá æçôþóåôå íá óáò óôáëåß Ýíá áíôßãñáöï. 12. Èá ðáßñíù äýï ëïãáñéáóìïýò; Íáé, êüèå ìþíá èá ðáßñíåôå ëïãáñéáóìü ãéá ôéò êëþóåéò óáò áðü ôç cyta.talk, åíþ èá óõíå ßóåôå íá ðáßñíåôå ëïãáñéáóìü êüèå ôñßìçíï ãéá ôï åíïßêéï ôçò ãñáììþò áðü ôç BT. Ç ìüíç äéáöïñü åßíáé üôé èá áðïëáìâüíåôå ìåéùìýíåò ñåþóåéò óôï ìçíéáßï ëïãáñéáìü ðïõ èá ðáßñíåôå áðü ôç cyta.talk Your Questions Answered 1. How do I use my cyta.talk account? By becoming a cyta.talk customer, you automatically pre-select CYTA UK to handle all your calls (national & international). You do not need to dial any access code prior to dialling the phone number. Rooting is done automatically through CYTA UK's and other associated partners' global network 2. Can anyone use cyta.talk? If you currently have a BT line you can use the service. The only customers who cannot use cyta.talk are Cable Customers and BT customers that require maintaining special options offered by BT such as the Light User Scheme and the facility to bar outgoing calls. 3. How long it takes to connect to cyta.talk? It takes approximately 14 working days from the time that we receive your application. Prior to connecting, your existing carrier, BT, will send you a letter to confirm the date on which this will happen. From this date all your calls will be rooted through CYTA UK's and other associated partners' global network. 09

12 4. In order to become a cyta.talk customer, do I need to leave BT? To become a cyta.talk customer you have to continue to use a BT line, but your calls will be routed through CYTA UK global network. There are no changes to how you currently use the phone and your existing services such as calls to 1471, 171, call waiting, etc will continue to work as normal. The responsibility on the quality of the line itself still lies with BT.. How are my telephone calls charged? cyta.talk account calls are charged per second. You can view the latest post paid rates at or call CYTA UK Customer Help Line on and speak to a customer services representative. 6. What payment methods do you accept? We accept payment by Direct Debit from your bank account or automatic payment from your Credit Card. 7. Is there a minimum usage period? No. If at any time you decide to stop being a subscriber to this service, you can do so and no penalty is charged. In addition, there is no minimum commitment time. If you change your mind prior to becoming a subscriber of the service, you can cancel your subscription request up until 4 days prior to the connection date (as per BT confirmation letter). However, if your service has been connected please ensure that you allow 1 days for BT to action your cancellation request. 8. When will I receive my bill? You will receive your bill by postal mail during the last week of each month. The bill cycle is from the first to the last day of each month and includes calls made within this period. 9. How do I change my address or contact details? Simply call the CYTA UK Customer Help Line on What do I do if I have been charged for a call that is not connected? All claims for un-connected call credits must be made within days after the receipt of the invoice by calling the CYTA UK Customer Help Line on Where can I get a copy of cyta.talk Terms and Conditions? New versions of cyta.talk Terms and Conditions can be viewed at or you can request a copy from customer services by calling the CYTA UK Customer Help Line on Will I receive two bills? Yes. cyta.talk will bill you monthly for all your calls and BT will continue to bill you quarterly for your line rental. The only difference you will see is great savings on your calls each month. 10

13 ÔÝëç cyta.talk / cyta.talk Rates þñá Country Áõóôñáëßá/Australia ÂÝëãéï/Belgium Äáíßá/Denmark Ãáëëßá/France Ãåñìáíßá/Germany Íüôéïò ÁöñéêÞ/South Africa Éôáëßá/Italy Ïëëáíäßá/Netherlands ÍÝá Æçëáíäßá/New Zealand Íïñâçãßá/Norway Ðïñôïãáëßá/Portugal Éñëáíäßá/Ireland Éóðáíßá/Spain Óïõçäßá/Sweden Åëâåôßá/Switzerland ÇÐÁ/USA ÊáíáäÜò/Canada ÅëëÜäá/Greece ÔÝëç áíü ëåðôü / Rates per minute Óôáèåñü/Fixed Êéíçôü/Mobile 20 11

14 Terms & conditions Terms & Conditions for the provision of CYTA UK's Carrier Pre Selection Service 1. Service Service In this Agreement Service means cyta.talk. cyta.talk is CYTA UK's service trademark for Carrier Pre-Selection as defined by UK Telecommunication Industry. cyta.talk is a service of CYTA UK Ltd whose registered address office at 6A Haverstock Hill, LONDON Nw3 2BH With cyta.talk the Customer's calls are automatically routed to the network of CYTAUK. BT means British Telecommunications Plc, Carrier Pre-Selection or CPS Service or cyta.talk means the carrier pre-selection service as CYTA UK may agree to provide to the Customer. Following the checking of the application, CYTA UK will request BT to proceed with all necessary actions so as to forward and execute the Carrier Pre selection request in cooperation with the Carrier Pre Selection Provider. The Service is only available to Customers who have an existing BT telephone line. The Customer accepts that by receiving the Service certain BT phone services may no longer be available. The Customer warrants that the information provided by the Customer in respect of the Service is true and accurate. Should any obligatory element be found not to be correct or duly completed or corresponding with the information held by the Carrier Pre selection Provider, then CYTA UK has the right to reject the application. CYTA UK reserves the right to request from the Customer any additional information, which is not provided in the application. In case BT receives more than one application for Carrier pre selection on the same number bearing the same signature and date, then all applications shall be rejected and the Customer shall be notified by BT as to the rejection. The Customer may order cyta.talk by telephone. The order is completed whilst the Customer is on the telephone. The Customer's consent to the provisioning of the order for cyta.talk is recorded on an audio tape for audit purposes. The Customer's order is sent electronically to BT. For the processing of customer personal data, the clauses of the relevant paragraph in these Terms and Conditions apply. CYTA UK will send a written confirmation to the Customer confirming their request. The Customer will also receive a letter from BT confirming this request. The Customer may cancel the Service within 14 days of their order at no charge. If the Customer wishes to cancel during this time, the Customer is required to notify BT in writing. The above right to withdraw cannot be exercised after 14 days. After the 14 day period the Customer's number is switched to CYTA UK. 12

15 If an application for cancellation is received after the expiration of the specified business days from the date of the submission of the application, the Customer is required to pay a cancellation fee at such rate that is current at that time. The Customer is responsible for keeping CYTA UK updated of any change in personal information held by CYTA UK. The Service is subject to availability and may be withdrawn at any time. cyta.talk is not available to business users and CYTA UK has the absolute right to withdraw such service from those using cyta.talk for business purposes or from those call usage patterns that indicate use of the line for business purposes. The Customer acknowledges that cyta.talk is for residential use only and the Customer will not supply or resell or otherwise make cyta.talk available to any person on a commercial or any other basis. If, at any time the Customer's usage of cyta.talk does not accord with that reasonably expected of a residential customer, the customer will: no longer be considered a residential customer. will have their access to the cyta.talk suspended in accordance with the terms of this Contract and be charged and billed in accordance with our then applicable standard tariff to the extent the Customer's usage of the cyta.talk exceeds that reasonably expected of a residential customer. CYTA UK will inform the Customer before it starts charging the Customer in accordance with our then applicable standard tariff. CYTA UK shall be entitled to sub-contract or appoint agents to carry out all or any of its obligations under the Agreement. 2. Duration 2.1 This Agreement shall come into full force and effect from the date of acceptance by CYTA UK. The Agreement may be terminated by either party on prior written notice in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 3. Payment The prices for the service shall be stated in cyta.talk's tariff sheet as current from time to time. All prices are inclusive of VAT. Calls are charged per second, per call or a combination of the two. The Customer shall be invoiced monthly by CYTA UK for all charges under this Agreement incurred in the preceding month. Payment terms for direct debit and automatic payment from the Customer's credit card are 14 days from the date of invoice. The time of payment for all sums due to CYTA UK shall be of essence. Rates displayed in advertisements, promotional literature, tariff sheets are shown in pence per minute or in pence per call. In addition, some of the packages or options 13

16 may include a fixed charge per month, which is in sterling pounds The Customer using Carrier pre selection service is still obliged to settle the bill issued by BT, according to the terms and obligations of the contract for the provision of the telephone service. The calls initiated through the Carrier Pre selection service will not be appearing in BT's bills In case the customer has the service for which Carrier Pre Selection is requested disconnected, prior to the present application for carrier pre selection, then the application shall be rejected. In such a case the Customer may be required to pay a cancellation fee. CYTA UK reserves the right to charge interest on all outstanding amounts owed to cyta.talk and not paid in accordance with this Agreement. Until payment in full is received by CYTA UK interest will be charged at the rate of 4% above the Financial Institutions average base rate for the time being per month. Interest shall accrue notwithstanding termination of this Agreement for whatever reason. The Customer shall also pay all legal fees on a full indemnity basis and other costs of collection of overdue amounts, if any. All sums due to CYTA UK shall be paid in full by the Customer without any set-off or counterclaim. The Customer is liable for all charges arising out of the use of the Services whether such use is authorised by the Customer or not. All charges payable under this Agreement shall be calculated by reference to data recorded or logged by CYTA UK and not by reference to data recorded or logged by the Customer. 4. Personal Data By accepting the terms and conditions the Customer consents to and accepts that the Carrier Pre Selection Provider keeps and processes an archive (electronic or otherwise) containing the personal data of the Customer. The personal data of the Customer provided in this application cannot be used without the Customer's consent for any reason other than for Carrier pre selection purposes. Such information is stored and processed by CYTA UK for the sole purpose of Carrier pre selection. The Personal Data of the Customer may be forwarded by CYTA UK to any partner that cooperates with for the provision of this service, for the whole purpose of implementing and providing the service to the end users. The partners can only process the Personal Data according to the instruction CYTA UK gives them. 14

17 . Use of Service The Customer undertakes to use the Service in accordance with such conditions as may be notified in writing to the Customer by cyta.talk from time to time. The Customer undertakes not to use the Service: As a means of communication for a purpose other than that for which the Service is provided or as may be set out from time to time in cyta.talk's Service literature. For the transmission of any material which is or is intended to be a hoax call to emergency services or is of a defamatory, offensive, abusive, obscene or menacing character. In a manner which constitutes a violation or infringement of the rights of any other party. The Customer shall indemnify cyta.talk against all liabilities, claims, damages, losses and expenses arising from or in any way connected with any use prescribed in this Condition. The Customer is responsible for keeping cyta.talk updated of any change in personal information held by cyta.talk or any of its partners. 6. Promotions CYTA UK may from time to time advise the Customer of details of promotions. Such promotions may make available to the Customer discounted rates and/or preferential terms and/or special offers applicable to the Service. Any such promotion will be available subject to such terms and conditions as CYTA UK notify to Customer in writing. CYTA UK may offer any promotion selectively and at its complete discretion. CYTA UK may withdraw or alter any promotion if it wishes on giving reasonable notice if appropriate. 7. Privacy Policy In the case of any Customer who is an individual about whom cyta.talk processes personal data (as defined in the Data Protection Act 1998), the following shall apply: In the same circumstances, cyta.talk may search the files of credit reference agencies, who may keep a record of the search and the Customer authorises cyta.talk to do so. Information about the Customer's debts owed to cyta.talk may be disclosed to credit reference agencies where: the Customer has fallen behind with its payments; the 1

18 amount owed is not in dispute; the Customer has not made proposals satisfactory to cyta.talk for repayment of its debt following formal demand; and the Customer has been given at least 28 days' notice of its intention to disclose cyta.talk may process customer information with the Service for the prevention or detection of fraud, and to deal with customer enquiries. cyta.talk may share Customer's personal information with other companies. For example, cyta.talk may use specialist companies to conduct market research on its behalf to see how cyta.talk can improve the services it offers. However, those companies can only process this information according to the instructions cyta.talk gives them. By entering into this Agreement, the Customer expressly agrees to the use of personal data for the purposes described in sub-clauses to To help improve cyta.talk's service and in the interests of security it may monitor and/or record the Customer's telephone calls with it. 8. Availability CYTA UK will use all reasonable endeavors to ensure that the Service is available for use by the Customer in accordance with the standards set by CYTA UK. CYTA UK shall use all reasonable endeavors to correct as soon as it reasonably practicable any fault notified by the Customer. A fault shall be deemed to have commenced upon its notification to CYTA UK. The Customer shall pay all reasonable costs incurred by CYTA UK in investigating and remedying any fault which is attributable to (i) negligence, act, omission, breach, or fault of the Customer, or (ii) the failure or malfunction of Customer Equipment 9. Liability Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or restrict CYTA UK's liability for death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of CYTA UK or its employees while acting in the course of their employment. Subject to Condition 9.3 CYTA UK shall be liable for damage to the property of the Customer caused by any negligent act or omission of CYTA UK or its employees provided that such liability of CYTA UK in contract, tort or otherwise, including negligence, howsoever arising out of or in connection with the performance of CYTA UK's obligations under this Agreement shall be limited to 20,000 for any one incident or 0,000 for any series of incidents arising from a common cause in any twelve month period. CYTA UK shall not be liable to the Customer in contract, tort or otherwise, including negligence, for any corruption or destruction of data, loss of revenue, business, goodwill, anticipated savings, profit or for any financial loss whatsoever or for any 16

19 indirect or consequential loss howsoever arising even if advised of the possibility of such loss or damage arising In the event that CYTA UK fails, for any reason, to provide the Service, CYTA UK shall not be liable to the Customer for any charges incurred by the Customer should the Customer divert their telephone calls to another carrier. The provisions of this Condition 9 shall continue to apply not with standing termination of this Agreement. The Customer shall be liable for all charges and fees arising from use of the Services whether authorised or unauthorised unless such unauthorised use is wholly attributable to an act or omission of CYTA UK. CYTA UK shall not be liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience suffered by the Customer as a result of any suspension made save where the suspension made is solely and directly attributable to the negligence of CYTA UK. 10. Termination Without prejudice to their rights under this Agreement CYTA UK and the Customer shall have the right to terminate this Agreement forthwith in the event that: The other party is in default in its performance or observance of any of its obligations under this Agreement and in the case of a remediable breach, fails to remedy the breach with a reasonable time specified by the non-defaulting party in its written notice to do so: An interim order is applied for or made or a voluntary arrangement approved, or if a petition for a bankruptcy order is presented or a bankruptcy order is made against the other party, or if a receiver or trustee in bankruptcy is appointed of the other party's estate or a voluntary arrangement is proposed or approved or an administration order is made, or a receiver or administrative receiver is appointed or any of the other party's assets or undertaking or a winding-up resolution or petition is passed or presented (otherwise than for the purposes of reconstruction or amalgamation) or if any circumstances arise which entitle the court or creditor to appoint a receiver, administrative receiver or administrator or to present a windingup petition or make a winding-up order, or Either party serves not less than days written notice of termination upon the order. Without prejudice to its other rights, CYTA UK may disconnect, suspend the Service, and or terminate this Agreement by notice in writing to the Customer in the event that: The Customer fails to make any payment when it becomes due to CYTA UK; or If cyta.talk ceased to adhere to General Conditions. The Customer does not use the Service for 6 consecutive months. 17

20 CYTA UK is obliged to comply with an order instruction or request of government, an emergency service organization or other competent authority. The Customer is suspected, in CYTA UK's reasonable opinion, of involvement with fraud or attempted fraud or acts which are defamatory, offensive, blasphemous, abusive, obscene or menacing character in connection with use of the Service CYTA UK needs to carry out emergency works to the Service or its network. CYTA UK shall be entitled to recover from the Customer all costs, losses and expenses incurred by CYTA UK, including but not limited to the cost or removing provision of the Service from the Customer's premises. 11. Internet Calls Calls made to access the internet shall be made using dial-up numbers that are provided to the Customer at the time the customer registers. Any calls made without using the correct dial-up number provided to the Customer by CYTA UK will remain the Customer's sole responsibility. CYTA UK reserves the right to inform the Customer of changes to the Customer's access or dial-up number at any time and will notify the Customer by of such changes. 12. Assignment This Agreement may not be assigned in whole, or in part, by the Customer without the prior written consent of cyta.talk such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. cyta.talk may assign this Agreement at any time. 13. Ownership Rights The ownership rights relating to the Service(s) including all patents, trademarks, copyright and rights of like nature in any material supplied under this Agreement or relating to the Service shall remain the sole property of cyta.talk, and without limitation to the forgoing, the Customer shall not be entitled to use the name, trademarks, trade names or other proprietary identifying mark or symbols of cyta.talk without cyta.talk's prior written consent. 14. Force Majeure Neither party shall be liable to the other for any loss or damage which may be suffered by the other party due to any cause beyond the first party's reasonable control. 18

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