Information semester 1 1. Altijd te volgen >

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2 Advanced Courses CE Information semester 1 Een Advanced Course (AC) is een module van 4 uur gedurende 1 periode (6wk). De AC s worden afgesloten met een schriftelijk tentamen/ opdracht/ mondelinge presentatie in collegeweek 6. Studenten volgen per periode 2 verplichte Advanced Courses: Mandatory AC s; studenten worden ingedeeld. Deze AC s volgt de student op maandag en dinsdag gedurende het semester in samenstelling van je klas (bijvoorbeeld CE AC A). De klassenindelingen worden na de vakantie bekend gemaakt. Studenten volgen per periode ook 2 keuze Advanced Courses: Optional AC s, studenten kiezen zelf hun Optional AC. De deadline voor het intekenen van een AC wordt via de Fontys mail gecorrenspondeerd. Deze AC s volgt de student van woensdag tot en met vrijdag. Dus 2 optional Ac s in periode 1 en twee optionele AC s in periode 2 van semester 1. In totaal kies je dus vier optionele Advanced Courses. Kies GEEN Advanced Courses die op dezelfde dag plaatsvinden (binnen dezelfde periode) of waarvoor je niet toegankelijk bent. AANBOD Optional AC SEMESTER 1 - periode 1 1. Altijd te volgen > a. Psychology of courage - ENG - Egbert Edelbroek vrijdag b. Cultural Entrepreneurship ENG Bram Cuijpers woensdag c. Imagineering ENG Sanne Knitel vrijdag d. Corporate Social Responsibility ENG Ruud Klep vrijdag e. Ethics ENG Oscar de Souza donderdag f. Generation Studies NL, Nicole de Boer/Sabina Meiling woensdag g. Games ENG Maarten de Rooij donderdag h. Branding ENG John Verhoeven donderdag i. Storytelling ENG Hille van der Kaa donderdag j. Leadership ENG Marlin de Bresser vrijdag k. Film Studies ENG Ton te Slaa woensdag l. European Grant Management NL Ron Coenen/Annelies Swarts donderdag m. Live Entertainment ENG Jasper van den Dobbelsteen woensdag 2. Uitsluitend toegankelijk als student in studiejaar 2 het overeenkomende branchevak heeft gevolgd of als je de voorbereidende, overeenkomende Advanced Course hebt gevolgd > a. Event ENG Paul Schreuder vrijdag b. Entertainment Television ENG Ton te Slaa donderdag en vrijdag c. Music Business ENG Jan Bijlsma woensdag AANBOD Optional AC SEMESTER 1 - periode 2 1. Altijd te volgen > a. Psychology of courage - ENG - Egbert Edelbroek vrijdag b. Futures Research & Scenario Planning ENG Maaike Rijnders woensdag 2

3 c. Cultural Entrepreneurship ENG Bram Cuijpers woensdag d. Corporate Social Responsibility ENG Ruud Klep vrijdag e. Ethics ENG Oscar de Souza donderdag f. Generation Studies NL, Nicole de Boer/Sabina Meiling woensdag g. Games ENG Maarten de Rooij donderdag h. Consumer Behavior Laura van Hinthum donderdag i. Branding ENG John Verhoeven donderdag j. Storytelling ENG Hille van der Kaa donderdag k. Leadership ENG Marlin de Bresser vrijdag l. Live Entertainment ENG Jasper van den Dobbelsteen woensdag m. Theme park concepting ENG Pieter Cornelis woensdag n. Radio Management ENG Jantien van Tol donderdag 2. Uitsluitend toegankelijk als de student in studiejaar 2 het overeenkomende branchevak heeft gevolgd of als je de voorbereidende, overeenkomende Advanced Course heeft gevolgd > a. Event ENG Paul Schreuder vrijdag b. Entertainment Television ENG Ton te Slaa donderdag en vrijdag c. Music Business ENG Jan Bijlsma woensdag N.B. Indien er geen exchange studenten in een groep zitten, kan de docent besluiten de Engelstalige Advanced Course in het Nederlands aan te bieden. N.B. Indien er bij intekening 8 of minder studenten deze AC kiezen, kan deze gecanceld worden. N.B. Vol = vol. N. B. Het opgestelde aanbod is onder voorbehoud. Vak Minimum aantal studenten Maximum aantal studenten Ethics 12 studenten - Leadership 12 studenten - Psychology of Courage - 20 studenten Cultural Entrepreneurship - 64 studenten Imagineering - 32 studenten Games 12 studenten 32 studenten Live entertainment 12 studenten 32 studenten European Grant Management 12 studenten 32 studenten Generation Studies 12 studenten 32 studenten Corporate Social Responsability 12 studenten 32 studenten Radio Management 12 studenten 32 studenten Storytelling 12 studenten 32 studenten AANBOD Mandatory CE Advanced Courses SEMESTER 1 Applied Research Business model Marketing 3

4 International finance Services Marketing Je mag slechts 2x per studiejaar meedoen aan elk verplichte Advanced Course tentamen. De eerste keer is in de periode dat je de module volgt, de tweede keer is de periode volgend op de periode waarin je de module hebt gevolgd. 4

5 Information semester 2 In each period of the semester you will take two mandatory Advanced Courses and two optional Advanced Courses. You can find the mandatory courses in your schedule (on Mondays and Tuesdays). The optional courses are on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. There are 10 options in each period of the semester. So you must select 2 out of 10 in the first period and 2 out of 10 in the second period. You can not follow two Advanced Courses on the same day. I am aware that this limits your range of choice. Most Advanced Courses are in English, except Copywriting. Semester 2 period 1 1. Interview Martin Kuiper ENG - Weds 2. Artist Management Johan Vosmeijer ENG Weds 3. Copywriting Piet van Beurden NL - Weds 4. Gaming Maarten de Rooij ENG Weds 5. Event Paul Schreuder ENG Thus 6. Leadership Marlin de Bresser ENG Thus 7. Entertainment Television Ton te Slaa/Rachel de Wit ENG - Thus 8. Storytelling Eefje op den Buysch ENG - Thus 9. Theme Parks Pieter Cornelis ENG Fris 10. Film Studies Ton te Slaa ENG- Fris Semester 2 period 2 1. Music Jan Bijlsma ENG - Weds 2. Futures Research Maaike Rijnders ENG - Weds 3. Corporate Social Responsibility Ruud Klep ENG Weds 4. Radio Marc Stakenburg ENG Thus 5. Copywriting Piet van Beurden NL Thus 6. Entertainment Television Ton te Slaa/Rachel de Wit ENG Thus 7. Event Paul Schreuder ENG - Thus 8. Imagineering Pieter Cornelis/Sanne Knitel ENG Fris 9. Film Studies Ton te Slaa ENG Fris 10. Psychology of Courage - Egbert Edelbroek ENG Fris This year there is a new procedure for registration. Each Advanced Course is now open for an unlimited number of students. Depending on the number of applicants there will decide: A) to create the capacity to accommodate all students, whenever this is possible; or, B) to select students by a random draw. (This could mean that you may have to choose an alternative course.) 5

6 Modulebeschrijvingen Afstudeerfase Mandatory Advanced Courses Name Advanced Course Main subjects Applied research 2259YADV31 C2: Do and interpret research Research raport, management summary in English In deze module ligt de nadruk op het opzetten en uitvoeren van literatuuronderzoek. Periode of examination Studyload In de colleges wordt de opzet van een onderzoeksrapport gevolgd: bepalen onderwerp vooronderzoek probleemanalyse, hoofd- en deelvragen beschrijving van de methoden van onderzoek analyseren van literatuur rapportage (incl. correcte bronvermelding, aanbevelingen voor verder onderzoek, Engelstalige management summary ) Check the portal Exam: P1, P2, P3, P4 Resit: P2, P3, P4, P5 NB: je hebt ieder jaar twee kansen en kunt alleen herkansen in de periode volgend op de periode dat je het vak hebt gevolgd. Opdracht Colleges: 24 uur Voorbereiding colleges: 24 uur Voorbereiding opdracht: 36 uur Voor details en eindopdracht zie portal Literatuur 6

7 Business model marketing 2259YADV30 C4: Strategie en beleid C5: Planning en uitvoering Students work on their own new business model and will present their concepts to an industry expert. In times of financial crisis and technological prosperity organizations are searching for new ways of business. New business models can create new markets, increasing profits and insure future existence. This course discusses a lot of new business models (mainly in the entertainment, music & event industry). Students also learn how to recognize patterns of new business models and are challenged to look deeper into the theory behind these business model patterns. 1 ECT s = 28 study load hours. Main subjects: New Business Models, Business model building blocks, Business model canvas, Business model patterns (long tail, unbundled, multisided platforms, freemium, open), Business model designing and strategy. Business model generation / Osterwalder & Pigneur / Kluwer 2010 / ISBN: / 40 Exam: period P1 and P3 Resit: period P2 and P4 Assignment Lectures: 24 hours Lectures preparation: 20 hours Assignment: 40 hours After a couple of theoretical sessions students will work together in order to develop their own new business model. They will have to use the techniques and tools to create a new mind- blowing business model for the EME- industry. The last session the students will present their business model concepts to an industry expert. - 7

8 Main subjects Periode of examination Studyload Aanwezigheidsregel International Finance 2259YADV02 C2: Marktonderzoek C3: Bedrijfs- en omgevingsanalyse C4: Strategie en beleid C5: Planning en uitvoering Financiële aspecten bij internationaal opererende ondernemingen: Internationaal financieel beleid: credit- en cash management Valutaproblematiek De verschillende wisselkoersrisico s Indekken tegen valutarisico s: hedging Hedging technieken Internationale balans Internationale resultatenrekening Internationale regels Actuele economische situatie in economische grootheden De dan geldende internationale economische actualiteit Wetenschappelijke artikelen, krantartikelen, presentaties en ander materiaal via docent Periode 1 Periode 2 Periode 3 Periode 4 (Periode 5) Schriftelijk tentamen Colleges: 24 uur Voorbereiding colleges: 24 uur Voorbereiding schriftelijk tentamen: 36 uur College dictaat Artikelen die tijdens de colleges zijn behandeld Bij 2 of meerdere keren afwezig à 0.5 punt aftrek van het tentamencijfer Niet programmeerbare rekenmachine 8

9 Services Marketing 2259YADV36 C4: Strategie en beleid C5: Planning en uitvoering Strategic and financial marketing advise (report + presentation) Services Marketing recognizes that services present special challenges that must be identified and addressed in real circumstances. The heart of the course s content is to develop strong customer relationships through quality service. The course also focuses on knowledge needed to implement service strategies for competitive advantage across industries. Hence, frameworks for customer- focused management, and strategies for increasing customer satisfaction and retention through service are included in this course. Week 1: Introduction (ch.1-2, 18) Course outline, assignment, grading policy, etc. Foundations for services marketing Conceptual framework ServQual Service and the bottom line: financial and economic impact of service Week 2: Customer gap: Focus on the customer (ch. 3-5) Consumer behavior in services Customer expectations of services Customer perceptions of services Week 3: Provider gap 1: Understanding customer requirements (ch. 6-8) Listening to customers through research Building customer relationships Service recovery Week 4:Provider gap 2: Aligning service design and standards (ch. 9-11) Service innovation and design Customer- defined service standards Physical evidence and the servicescape Week 5: Provider gap 3: Delivering and performing service (ch.12-15) Employees roles in service delivery Customers roles in service delivery Delivering service through intermediaries and electronic channels Managing demand and capacity Week 6: Provider gap 4: Managing service promises (ch.16-17) Integrated services marketing communications Pricing of services SERVICES MARKETING: INTEGRATING CUSTOMER FOCUS ACROSS THE FIRM, 2nd European Edition, ISBN: from McGraw- Hill Education (UK) Ltd.. Exam: Resit: Group assignment Presentation/assessment 9

10 Peer evaluation Individual assignment (part of group) Classes: 24 hours Preparation classes: 12 hours Preparation presentation: 3 hours Group assignment: 36 hours Individual assignment: 9 hours Literature: book Wilson et al. (2 nd edition) All slides and articles that are posted on the portal - 10

11 Optional Advanced Courses Name Advanced Course Branding 2259YADV26 C4: Strategie en beleid C5: Planning en uitvoering Brands are everywhere around is. They are a very powerful marketing instrument and are still very important when it comes to creating a long- term relationship with the consumer. This course discusses different aspects of branding, the creation of brands, the management of brands as well as measuring brand value. An overview of the course: Introduction in branding, brand management and global course overview Branding cultural entertainment Creating brand value & brand positioning Brand psychology Brand marketing program Brand activation Brand measurement Brand strategy Brand extensions International branding Brand communities & future branding Strategic Brand Management A European perspective, second edition / Kevin Lane Keller, Tony Apéria & Mats Georgson / Pearson Education Ltd. / 2011 / ISBN: / 55,99 Written exam Lectures: 24 hours Preparation lectures: 38 hours Preparation written exam: 22 hours Literature: Book Strategic Brand Management Slides: Slides used in sessions available on the Fontys ACI portal Handouts: Articles etc. distributed in sessions, also available Video: Video links that are in the presentations - 11

12 Consumer Behavior 2259YADV43 C6: Sales C7: Communicatie C8: Marketing communicatie Consumer Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products. This course will give the basic insights and knowledge on the field of consumer behavior, using elements of psychology, sociology, economics and marketing. Week 1: Introduction - Overview, assignment, grading policy, etc. - Understanding consumer behavior - Ethics in consumer behavior Week 2: Psychological core (part 1) - Motivation, Ability & Opportunity - From exposure to comprehension Week 3: Psychological core (part 2) - Memory and knowledge - Attitudes based on high effort - Attitudes based on low effort Week 4: Psychological core (part 3) - The social self - Stereotyping - (Group) conformity Week 5: Process of making decisions (part 1) - Problem recognition and information search - Judgment and decision making based on high effort Week 6: Process of making decisions (part 2) - Judgment and decision making based on low effort - Post- Decision Processes - Operant and Classical Conditioning Consumer Behavior / Wayne D. Hoyer, Deborah J. Maclnnis, Rik Pieters / Cengage Learning / 2013 / ISBN: / 84,01 Exam: Resit: Written exam Lectures: 24 hours Lectures preparation: 24 hours Exam preparation: 36 hours Sheets lectures Articles lectures - 12

13 Copywriting (NL) 2259YADV25 Critical thinking Entrepreneurial spirit Textual content creation Flexibility Commitment Briefing / Debriefing Advertising / Storytelling Textual and conceptual end products*, which comply with requirements in the field. *for instance: advertisement, website, brochure, storyline, pitch, , press release, lyrics, novel, (film / commercial / theatre) script. Be a Conscious, Revolutionary, Enthusiastic, Artful, Trustworthy, Intelligent, Valorous, Entrepreneurial Writer. Week1 Ready to write? Join the club! Week2 The Brick Session. Week3 Ready for the real thing(s)? Week4 Write Week5 The Pitch Week6 F(eat)back session 1 ECT s = 28 study load hours. (maximum participants 20 students) Find one book that inspires your writing skills! Period 1 Period 2 Period 4 Assignment Colleges: 24 hours Preparation colleges: 12 hours Bonus assignment: 8/16 hours Preparation making assignment: 8/16 hours 1) Personal Portfolio 80% 2) Group assignment 20% 13

14 Corporate Social Responsibilty 2259YADV05 C3: Bedrijfs- en omgevingsanalyse C4: Strategie en beleid C5: Planning en uitvoering Research Report, Communication and marketing Report Companies within the Event, Music and Entertainment Industry are faced with a growing demand from consumers for sustainable products and services. In addition society at large increasingly expects companies to give something in return. Governments become more strict in environmental and socio- economic regulations. Companies that are active in the entertainment business need to find ways to deal with the environmental en social demands. During the course you will become familiar with understanding and analyzing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies and approaches. You will learn the practical implications for marketing and communication (within the entertainment sector) and learn how to deal with them. The following topics will be covered: 1. Globalization, businesses and social responsibility 2. Business ethics 3. Entertainment and social responsibility 4. Tools to understand CSR within companies such as foot printing, reporting and certification 5. Understanding CSR themes including fair trade, child labour, human rights, pollution and corruption. The exact content of the course will be determined by actual events, news and developments within the field of CSR. The course is a combination of (guest) lectures, field visit to company, discussions and (prepared) presentations. You are expected to bring your own opinion to the classroom. Corporate Responsibility: Governance, Compliance and Ethics in a Sustainable Environment 2/E/ Tom Cannon / Financial Press Time / 2012 / ISBN13: / 46 IMPORTANT: THE FINAL READINGS MATERIALS FOR THIS COURSE WILL BE ANNOUNCED DURING THE FIRST LESSON. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK YET. Period 1 Period 3 Assignment and individual research paper Lectures: 24 hours Lectures preparation: 24 hours 14

15 Exam preparation: 36 hours Desk research, literature and lectures covered during classes meetings. You will use all this content for the individual research paper and the communication and marketing report. None 15

16 Crowd Funding 2259YADV44 C1: Ondernemerschap C2: Marktonderzoek C3: Bedrijfs- en omgevingsanalyse C4: Strategie en beleid C7: Communicatie Report and presentation An introduction to new ways of funding a product or service/business. This AC explores these possibilities and introduces new business models. Main objective is to discover the do's and don'ts in a new era of doing business. The so called Business Model Canvas is the benchmark for creating these new business models. Reader: Crowdfunding Exam: period 1 and 2 Resit: period 2 and 3 Paper and presentation (elevator pitch) Lectures: 6 x 4 hours Lectures preparation: 3 x 2 hours + 1 x 2 hours Studying the reader, present a business case and write an in- depth business plan, following the nine steps of the business model canvas (BMC). Powerpoint presentation 16

17 Main subjects Periode of examination Studyload Cultural Entrepreneurship 2259YADV17 C1: Ondernemerschap C2: Marktonderzoek C3: Bedrijfs- en omgevingsanalyse C4: Strategie en beleid C5: Planning en uitvoering C6: Sales C7: Communicatie C8: Marketing communicatie Cultureel ondernemerschap is een actueel onderwerp voor vele instellingen en professionals die actief zijn in de culturele branche. Subsidies en sponsorbedragen zijn voor een groot deel verdwenen en ondernemerschap is een must om het hoofd boven water te houden. Tijdens dit vak zijn we actief bezig met onderzoeken naar, en uitwerken van mogelijkheden, om bijvoorbeeld kunstenaars of schouwburgen winstgevend te maken. Projectmanagement, onderzoek, marketing, communicatie, financiële onderbouwing en strategisch management komen aan de orde. Het gaat hierbij om concrete opdrachten voor echte opdrachtgevers binnen de culturele sector. Management voor de culturele sector/ Marc Altink en Peter Bosma Uitgeverij Coutinho/2011 ISBN: / 34,50 Periode 1 Periode 2 Periode 3 Periode 4/5 Opdracht Colleges: 28 uur Voorbereiden colleges: 28 uur Maken opdracht: 28 uur Je maakt voor een echte culturele opdrachtgever uit Nederland een marketing/communicatieplan waarmee je het rendement van de ondernemer verhoogd. Onderwerpen zoals bij de modulebeschrijving worden verwerkt in het plan. None 17

18 Dance 2259YADV45 C1: Ondernemerschap C2: Marktonderzoek C3: Bedrijfs- en omgevingsanalyse C4: Strategie en beleid C5: Planning en uitvoering From early birds like Eddy de Clercq, Dimitri and Joost van Bellen, via zeroes trance heroes Tiësto and Armin van Buuren till the US conquering EDM of Hardwell, Afrojack and nubreed like Martin Garrix. If it ain t Dutch, it ain t much in dance music! This course introduces into dance music industry and history, particularly our nation s part of it. How en when did house music evolve and why are The Netherlands such a key player in the worldwide scene? Not only do we get to know things about one of Holland s biggest export products, we also start doing en breeding out things ourselves. What comes with it organizing a dance event and can we succeed by concepting a new way in this supposingly stuffed market? Let s team up with real players in the scene and pitch our own grown! Main topics: History of (Dutch) dance music Overview of the dance industry Event concepting, production and marketing/communication Some lectures will be held on location, in cooperation with major dj s (Lady Aida, Code Black), promoters (ID&T, Extream) and experts. Prezi slides (will be made available to you during the course) Dutch Dance / Mark van Bergen / Xander Uitgevers / 2013 (Dutch, will be translated in English summary by students) / 19,95 Last Night A DJ Saved My Life / Bill Brewster & Frank Broughton / Headline / 1999 (English) / 15,99 Period 1-5 Assignments Colleges: 24 hours Preparation colleges: 30 hours Preparation of the assignments: 30 hours To be able to complete the assignment, You will need to know and understand the history of (Dutch) dance music, the structure of the contemporary dance industry and must be able to develop and market your own, innovative dance event. - 18

19 Ethics 2259YADV41 As IEMES professionals, you will be working on the content of media and entertainment products. In an age of increasing permissiveness, these products may be increasingly extreme in nature. As societies are becoming more cosmopolitan, the views and values amongst audiences are broadening. Values are becoming less homogenized and are often the source of social and political tension. For this reason, one of the core competences that has been defined for IEMES professionals is an ability to assess, balance and judge ethical issues. In commercial terms, this may be important for assessing a potential threat of litigation. In social terms, an ethical awareness is a quality that is quite rightly expected of a socially responsible professional. This course aims to develop your critical awareness of ethical issues. By the end of this course, you should be able to justify your opinions on an ethical issue from a number of normative perspectives. Studying ethics does not make one more ethical. It may increase self- reflection, paranoia and an awareness of the inherent contradictions in human values. Values are often incommensurable. This means that the worth of one value cannot be measured against the worth of another. There is often no common scale to measure the benefits of one value against the other. This is what is meant by the term incommensurability. The content of the course does not focus exclusively on the ethics of (mass) communication. Because media professionals may be working on all kinds of content within the industry, the scope of the theories covered in the course is intentionally very broad. Theoretical content per class 1. Epistemology and the fact / value distinction 2. Ontology and Meta- ethics 3. Rationality (internal & external applications of reasoning) 4. Teleological theories 5. Deontological theories 6. Consequentialist theories PDF Reader Ethics with a Pinch of Ontology and Epistemology, Souza, O.Q.H. de, 2013 (Royalty Free). Course Manual (PDF) with additional weekly reading assignments (Royalty Free). Period 1 MC Exam - 40 questions on knowledge of ethical theories, concepts and principles (60%). Individual written assignment (40%) Lectures: 6 x 4 hours Lectures preparation : 3 x 2 hours + 1 x 2 hours (1) in class presentations of theory, and (2) Digital Reader. - 19

20 European Grant Management 2259YADV42 C1: Ondernemerschap C3: Bedrijfs- en omgevingsanalyse C4: Strategie en beleid C5: Planning en uitvoering C7: Communicatie C9: Leiderschap en management - Week 1: Het subsidielandschap o Inleiding begrip subsidies en financieringsinstrumenten o Beschrijving subsidielandschap Nationaal Europees Fondsenwerving o Het subsidieproces en belangrijke begrippen o Enkele specifieke regelingen voor het Creatieve domein o Hoe blijf je op de hoogte? o Opdracht: identificeer de juiste subsidiekanalen voor je project - Week 2: De Match en het projectplan o Bespreken opdracht o Hoe maak je de match tussen subsidie en idee? o Starten van een project(plan) o Enkele praktijkvoorbeelden o Opdracht: stel een globale projectschets op (max. 1 A4) - Week 3: de Praktijk van een goed projectplan (1) o Presentatie: praktijkvoorbeeld cultureel ondernemerschap o Het begint met een goed (ondernemers)plan met financiële onderbouwing Inhoud, planning, organisatie Exploitatieplan (Project)Begroting Alternatieve vormen van financiering? (crowdfunding, investeerders, sponsoring, samenwerking) - Week 4: de Praktijk van een goed projectplan (2) o Vervolg op het ondernemersplan o Netwerkomgeving o Pitch o Presentatie: praktijkvoorbeeld cultureel ondernemerschap 20

21 - Week 5: Subsidie management o Het proces na de aanvraag begint al vóór de aanvraag o Inhoudelijk projectmanagement o Financieel projectmanagement - Week 6: Samenvatting o Terugblik vorige lessen o Opdrachtbeschrijving voor toetsing - Volgens format: Basisboek Eventmanagement van concept naar realisatie / Gabrielle Kuiper / Uitgeverij Coutinho / 2008 / ISBN: / 29,50 - Period 1 Period 2 Period 3/4 Assignment Colleges: 28 hours Preparation colleges: 30 hours Preparation written exam / making assignment: 26 hours - Een schriftelijke opdracht waarin de student gevraagd wordt inzicht te tonen in het geleerde tijdens de advanced course. Onderwerpen: - o Begrippenkader o Omgevingsanalyse o Match o Start projectplan 21

22 Event 2259YADV48 C4: Strategie en beleid Events have an impact, they matter and are more and more frequently used as a strategical tool. This course is all about the way organisations implement events as a marketing tool to reach out to their target group. Topics: Events as a strategical marketingtool Events and relationshipmarketing Events and marketingcommunication Events and branding Events and citymarketing Touchpoints- theory Effectmeasurement / Return On Investment Events as a Strategic Marketing Tool / D. Gerritsen en R. van Olderen / CABI Tourism Texts / 2014 / ISBN: / 55,00 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Written exam Colleges: 24 hours Preparation colleges: 18 hours Preparation written exam: 42 hours The (entire) book and the content of the classes (PPT- sheets, articles) - 22

23 Film Studies 2259YADV28 C5: Planning en uitvoering C9: Leiderschap en management Movie- review Paper combining Media theory and Film In this course students will learn to analyze films. In several steps we ll work towards a paper combining a theory with a film. Students will also write a movie- review based on terminology of Film Studies and analyze short clips as a practice for analysing a movie. Film Art: An Introducion 9th Revised edition / David Bordwell and Kirstin Thompson / McGraw- Hill Education / 2012 / ISBN: / 50,99 (NOG NIET DEFINITIEF) Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Assignment Colleges: 24 hours Preparation colleges: 18 hours Preparation written exam / making assignment: 42 hours Review Paper on a film - 23

24 Games 2259YADV21 C5: Planning en uitvoering C9: Leiderschap en management Offer containing (practical) concepts, communication trajects and budgets The game and its environment In this course, we take a closer look at the game s environment and the leading role the game designer has to within this environment. Keywords are: organising, managing, motivating, analysing, evaluating, testing, the players, the team and the market. The second part of Jesse Schell s The art of game design is used as a guideline throughout the course. This part of the book has a clear focus on the game environment. The theory explained in the lectures is practiced by means of an assignment. This assignment is the course s final test and will be supplemented at the end of the course with questions about the course s content. The Art of Game Design A book of lenses / Jesse Schell / Elsevier Science & Technology / 2010 / ISBN: / 44,99 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Written exam Assignment Bonus assignment Colleges: 24 hours Preparation colleges: 36 hours Bonus assignment: hours Preparation making assignment: 24 hours, slides and handouts - 24

25 Imagineering 2259YADV34 C1 Ondernemerschap C2 Marktonderzoek C3 Bedrijfs- en omgevingsanalyse Conceptbook Imagineering is an optional course. The focus in this Advanced Course Imagineering is on changes in society, the purpose and the meaning of concept development, and practical examples of successful concept development in creative industries. Imagineering originated in the world of amusement parks and therefore the main part of the course is an assignment in concept development for the most successful amusement park of Europa: Europa- Park in Rust. Additional subjects: branding, creative techniques, personas, vision development, implementation of concepts, design. A (guided) field trip to Europa- Park will be part of this course. Lecturers: mrs. Sanne Knitel & mr. Pieter Cornelis - Powerpoint slides - Experience / Anne Snel / 2011 / Free download on: research Period 1 Period 4 Assignment Colleges: 24 hours Preparation colleges: 24 hours Preparation written making assignment: 36 hours Concept book (how to translate your analysis and ideas in a visually appealing way?) Parts are: Analysis Vision Concept Implementation - 25

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