Melbourne Docklands ESD Guide

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1 Melbourne Doklands ESD Guide Eologially Sustainable Development May 2006

2 The most signifiant environmental hallenges of our time are global limate hange and fossil fuel dependeny. Rising greenhouse gas emissions; exessive natural resoure use; water, soil and air pollution have all signifiant environmental, soial and eonomi onsequenes. Yet, the future of Australia is exeptionally bright when we begin to innovate the urban development proess by bringing greenhouse emissions and short-term dependene on non-renewable resoures to a globally-sustainable level. To meet this hallenge, and to reognise emerging market demands, ViUrban has taken a leading role in working with developers to inorporate priniples of eologially sustainable development in their developments.

3 01 Contents ESD mission statement 03 Foreword and Introdution 04 1 Bakground and ontext 05 Approah to ESD 06 ESD approval proess 07 Opportunities for ESD in Melbourne Doklands 08 of this ESD Guide 09 ESD priniples 10 Current praties and initiatives 11 Proedures in this Guide 12 2 ESD design elements 13 ESD design elements 14 3 Performane Indiators and Guidane Notes 19 ESD Performane Indiators 21 Outdoor spae, the site 22 Atmosphere 23 Water 24 Transport 25 Energy 26 Building materials 32 Indoor Environmental Quality 33 Waste 35 Innovation 36 4 Case studies and further information 37 Newington (2000 Olympi Games) Village, New South Wales 38 60L Green Building, Vitoria 39 Moore Park Gardens, New South Wales 40 Kogarah Town Square, New South Wales 41 Building A, University of Melbourne, Vitoria 42 Siemens National Headquarters, Vitoria 43 Geosiene Australia, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 44 University of Newastle, New South Wales 45 Summary of ase studies 46 Organisations to ontat and websites 47 Glossary 48 ESD Projet team 49


5 03 ESD mission statemement With 200 hetares of land and water, and seven kilometres of new waterfront adjaent to the entral ity, Melbourne Doklands provides a unique opportunity for the new millennium. ViUrban's ESD mission is to reate, maintain and ommuniate Melbourne Doklands as a development projet of eologially sustainable exellene, demonstrating to the market environmental leadership and ommerial viability.

6 04 Foreword and Introdution Foreword ViUrban under its At of Parliament, and ombined with the diretion of Government, is strongly ommitted to ensuring that our eonomy, soiety and environment develop in a balaned and sustainable way. To that end, ViUrban has taken the initiative to protet our natural environment, to provide a safer, leaner urban environment and to pursue Eologially Sustainable Development (ESD). Doklands is Australia s largest urban waterfront renewal projet. While ensuring ESD priniples are integrated into the Doklands development, the Melbourne Doklands ESD Guide also represents an opportunity for Melbourne Doklands to drive broader ESD outomes aross Vitoria and throughout the building industry. Eologially Sustainable Development is a marriage of environmental sustainability, ommerial viability and soial responsibility. By adopting its priniples, Melbourne Doklands an reinfore its position as Vitoria s and Australia s new workplae of hoie for industry leaders and innovators. The priniples, design elements and performane indiators in this Guide reinfore the notion that development in Doklands an be eologially sustainable, applying pratial ESD solutions in building design that demonstrate ommerial viability while being soial responsible. Indeed, the redevelopment of Melbourne s disused and derelit doklands, formerly a major brownfields site lose to Melbourne s CBD, is a signifiant sustainable development deision in itself. Introdution Melbourne Doklands is on the way to beoming one of the World s truly great domains a magnifient waterfront address in the heart of one of the World s most liveable ities. Sustainable development is an important part of this vision. ViUrban has sine its ineption, identified the quality of the physial environment as fundamental to the suessful transformation of this former port area. ViUrban has developed the Melbourne Doklands ESD Guide to build on its Environmental Management System, Development Agreements and the Melbourne Doklands Planning provisions that inlude ESD performane measures and energy onsumption targets. Working with developers, ViUrban s development proesses aim to ahieve a responsible, integrated and ommerially viable approah to environmental management. This inludes high levels of air and water quality, site remediation and inreasingly sustainable building and design performane that will benefit the wider ommunity in years to ome. These benefits inlude lower energy osts and omfortable energy smart buildings for residents and businesses. Visitors to Doklands will benefit from leaner air and water; the establishment and support of native vegetation and fauna, and a healthy urban environment. The Melbourne Doklands ESD Guide is an important and pratial step forward in making Eologially Sustainable Development a reality.

7 Bakground and ontext Bakground and ontext 1

8 06 Approah to ESD Melbourne Doklands has an important role to play in the development of sustainability initiatives in Vitoria, within Australia, and globally. To meet this hallenge, and to reognise emerging market demands, ViUrban has taken a leading role in working with developers to inorporate priniples of ESD in their developments. ViUrban has prepared this Eologially Sustainable Development (ESD) Guide to build on poliies initially set out in Melbourne Doklands Environmental Management Plan (EMP) (1995), and inorporated in Part 4 of the Melbourne Planning Sheme (1996), Integration and Design Exellene (2000) and Melbourne Doklands Environmental Management System (2000). This Guide sets a minimum level of ESD performane required for development plan approval while enouraging endeavour towards World s best pratie. Consistent with the overall vision for Melbourne Doklands, the advantages of a proative approah to ESD are fully reognised: the appliation of ESD priniples is a fundamental requirement in the development of Melbourne Doklands ESD priniples inherently require the adoption of a long-term sustainable view to ensure that development meets the needs of the present without ompromising the needs of future generations By seizing the opportunity, all stakeholders in Melbourne Doklands an help shape a sustainable future proatively, rather than simply reating to hange as it ours. This ESD Guide is the next stage in ViUrban s work towards a sustainable future. The Doklands Authority Environmental Management Plan (EMP) (1995, revised 2000) inorporates a Site Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) heklist, and identifies how environmental management and eologially sustainable development is implemented at preint level. Preint Development Agreements (PDAs) have been signed with ompetitively seleted developers. In addition to its EMP, ViUrban has reognised and inluded diretions towards ESD in many of the strategi planning douments already published, inluding: Melbourne Doklands and City of Melbourne Open Spae Strategy (2001) Melbourne Doklands, Water Plan (2001) Melbourne Doklands Community Development Plan (2001) Melbourne Doklands Biyle Strategy (2000) Integration and Design Exellene (2000) Melbourne Planning Sheme, Part 4 Melbourne Doklands (MPS), Amendment L202 to the Loal Setion, ontaining the first EMP (Otober 1996). In line with the requirements of the Melbourne Planning Sheme, the EMP must be reviewed every four years. The adjaent City of Melbourne (MCC) has produed a strategy and ation plan for sustainable energy and greenhouse gases, and has set a target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by The MCC s guidelines fous on a development s environmental footprint, whih will be measured using soial, environmental and eonomi indiators.

9 07 (Part of the planning and design approval proess) ESD approval proess Developer demonstrates ESD performane through appliation of ESD Guide Performane Indiators ViUrban oordinates input from DOI and MCC (inluding ESD) Development Agreement design approval proess (inluding ESD) Developer prepares Bid Proposal (inluding Stage Release dates and ESD Approah) and submits for assessment ViUrban selets suessful Developer and exeutes Development Agreement (inluding meeting requirements of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and ESD Guide) Developer prepares and submits Masterplan (masterplan for whole projet inluding Stage release dates and ESD Approah) onsistent with Bid Proposal Conept design drawings (inluding ESD Approah) Developer prepares and submits for eah Stage for ViUrban Developed design drawings (inluding ESD Approah) Developer prepares and submits eah Stage for ViUrban Final design doumentation (inluding ESD Approah) Developer prepares and submits for eah Stage for ViUrban Entire preint Stage release 8 Melbourne Planning Sheme planning approval proess (inluding ESD) Developer prepares and submits Development Plan * for entire preint ViUrban (as a Referral Authority) refers to Minister for Planning with reommendation DOI refers to MCC and Agenies Minister for Planning approves (possibly with onditions) as set out in Clause 415 of the Melbourne Doklands Area Planning Provisions Development Plan* for a Stage ViUrban (as a Referral Authority) refers to Minister for Planning with reommendation DOI refers to MCC and Agenies Minister for Planning approves (possibly with onditions) 9 11 Developer satisfies Planning and Design Condition Preedents to Stage Release Masterplan (from #3) Design Condition (from #7) Statutory Planning Approvals (from #10) Land Title released Stage onstrution ommenes Reporting of ESD Performane as part of SEMP 10 Developer has obtained relevant Planning Approvals for the Stage DOI Department of Infrastruture MCC Melbourne City Counil * Will beome a Planning Permit under the new format Planning Sheme in 2003 The above table illustrates the Development Agreement design approval proess (inluding ESD) and the approval proess under the Melbourne Planning Sheme failitated by the Department of Infrastruture (DOI) with input from the City of Melbourne (MCC).

10 08 Opportunities for ESD in Melbourne Doklands The ongoing partnership between ViUrban and developers ensures a produtive outome that positively harnesses ompetition and enourages and enables strategies and planning for effetive environmental management and development. By understanding the potential that ESD an play in Doklands and planning for it at an early stage, ommerial benefits an be identified and realised by developers. Given the long-term nature of the projet, there are opportunities, not available elsewhere, for viable paybak periods and ations without ost penalties. The development of Melbourne Doklands is staged over two deades and into the future. The buildings being designed and onstruted now will ultimately be valued against building design and performane in five, ten or more years. Overseas, developers and onstrutors are hanging their praties as investors inreasingly value ethial and environmental impats in their hoie of projets. The buildings being planned for Doklands today an be well positioned in this regard, as ESD aspets are likely to be an intrinsi part of the valuation formula applied to letting and oupying buildings in the future. It is ViUrban s intention for ESD to be embraed at all stages of development from briefing, through design, onstrution and, ultimately, the long-term operation of the buildings and their surroundings. By enouraging a holisti approah to ESD, Doklands an ontribute to a broader national ontext. This doument will ontribute to raising standards for the delivery of pratial, working examples of ESD.

11 09 of this ESD Guide The purpose of this ESD Guide is to: inform all stakeholders about priniples and praties that urrently guide the approah to ESD in Melbourne Doklands outline urrent environmental poliies, plans and systems detail the fundamental design elements for ESD explain Performane Indiator Tables and Guidane Notes The ESD Priniples, Key Design Elements and Performane Indiator Tables detail urrent requirements at both the broad sale and at a detailed level. The urrent requirements will be reassessed over time to reflet ongoing and ontinuous improvement. Relationships with other agenies ViUrban ontinues to form and develop relationships with stakeholders interested in ESD, gaining insight and advie from experts in the field, as well as learning from pratial experiene. Suh organisations inlude: Building Commission (BC); City of Melbourne (MCC); Commonwealth Sientifi and Industrial Researh Organisation (CSIRO); Monash University; Power/Energy Companies Energex; Royal Melbourne Institute of Tehnology (RMIT); Sustainability Vitoria; World Counil for Renewable Energy (WCRE); World Green Building Counil (WGBC); Green Building Counil of Australia (GBCA); University of Sydney; and Environment Protetion Authority (EPA). An exiting opportunity exists for eduation through pratial appliation of ESD priniples both in buildings and in the publi realm. Doklands an be a ase study for primary, seondary and tertiary eduation, and will also serve to inform and eduate end-users and the publi, leading by example. End-users will learn through atual ontat and interation with sustainable tehnology and praties. Ongoing and dynami proess With inreasing interest being taken by developers and other stakeholders, the development of this Guide, and implementation based on it, is a further step in a dynami, responsive, and ongoing proess. As momentum for ESD gathers in the marketplae, new designs, building produts, ideas and developments will ontinue to evolve. The approah and struture put in plae by ViUrban now will positively influene future outomes for integrating ESD with eonomial viability.

12 10 ESD priniples There are eight ESD priniples for Melbourne Doklands. These priniples, and ations to ahieve them, are: 1 Conserve and protet natural resoures protet non-renewable resoures enourage effiient buildings for energy onservation explore alternative energy systems promote use of renewable energy minimise resoure onsumption and maximise reuse of resoures minimise waste and pollution enhane water quality and minimise use of potable water 2 Create long-term value take a 20-year view of Doklands, and maximise the long-term value of the development develop Doklands as a leader in innovation reognise Doklands as an asset of outstanding publi quality that embraes ESD exellene develop Doklands to ater for future generations of users 3 Maximise preint opportunities maximise the assets of eah preint use water to ool buildings, where possible maximise ESD marketing opportunities in a whole-of-doklands approah 4 Balane eonomi, soial and environmental outomes set Performane Indiators and minimum standards measure small and large sale benefits balane short-term gains against long-term savings enourage appliations that maximise return on effort 5 Set standards, requirements and benhmarks, and ontinually review set minimum standards for assessment assess and rate all relevant initiatives assess through ommon reporting riteria monitor and assess standards, and ontinually improve to meet market and ommunity expetations 6 Develop a ollaborative approah, and apture and ommuniate knowledge ommuniate Doklands as a plae of ESD exellene establish partnerships and enourage ollaboration between stakeholders plan for and enourage a ommunity that praties sustainability develop loal and international relationships plan and enourage omplementary resoure uses within and aross preints develop and enourage knowledge through eduation that inlude shools, higher learning and tourism ommuniate and share knowledge about ESD 7 Promote alternative transport opportunities redue the need for ar use, through provision and enouragement of quality transport options, inluding walking and yling, publi transport and water-based transport maximise integration, links and ontinuity with existing transport infrastruture and the CBD 8 Create a healthy urban environment develop healthy buildings and urban spaes for visitors, workers and residents develop a healthy urban habitat for flora and native fauna explore opportunities for environmental eduation within the urban habitat

13 11 Current praties and initiatives The Doklands EMP and related douments provide a developed framework for implementing and reporting on ESD praties and their appliation. Current initiatives inlude: Integration of ativities and transport Strategi planning arried out by ViUrban, in partnership with developers, has resulted in an integrated approah to provide people who live, work and visit Doklands with the widest possible hoie of transport. The variety of transport will allow lifestyle onveniene and mobility throughout Doklands as a preint, and links with greater Melbourne and regional areas. A ohesive and integrated transport system that builds on and inorporates existing transport infrastruture is a high priority of ViUrban. It is intended that, by maximising the opportunities for alternative transport, dependene on ars for movement to, from and within Doklands will be redued. Open spae and pedestrian and yle networks The open spae, pedestrian and biyle networks being delivered now, and in the future, will reinfore and omplement the variety of transport options on offer in Doklands. The network and variety of spaes, and the paths that link them, provide for ommuters, rereational ylists and pedestrians, and ontribute to ahieving a healthier population. Community The diverse mixed-use ommunity planned for Doklands will attrat a wide variety of people inluding residents, workers and visitors to the area, ontributing to the sense of plae and ommunity. The Doklands ommunity an enourage interest in and, in turn, understanding, ommitment and drive for implementing ESD initiatives. Communiating expetations and ahievements Communiation about ESD in Doklands is essential to building partnerships and fostering eduation at all levels. By planning for and sharing knowledge between stakeholders, a ollaborative approah is being undertaken to maximise the benefits. Allianes and strategi relationships ViUrban is ontinuing the proess of forming allianes and strengthening relationships with other government agenies, private organisations and eduational institutions interested in ESD. ViUrban s relationship with various organisations, and its ability to at as a onduit, is already paying dividends. Professionals from several organisations are now playing important roles working with Doklands developers to deliver sustainable outomes.

14 12 Proedures in this Guide ViUrban has responsibility (under the Doklands Authority At 1991) to deliver the best possible publi outomes in return for the release of land for development. The ESD opportunities detailed in this Guide ontribute to that publi outome. The Guide also enables ommerial deisions to be made on how to best respond to the agreed ESD priniples at the initial planning stage of a projet. ESD an be delivered broadly as a fundamental part of the projet rather than as a ostly add-on. Rating award sheme and inentives The ESD rating award sheme set out in this Guide allows environmental ommitments in preints and buildings to be measured, ertified and awarded. Three progressive levels of ahievement have been developed. They are explained in detail in Chapter 3. ViUrban reognises that providing inentives to developers will assist in the reation of ESD leadership within Doklands. Ongoing work will help identify inentive opportunities, inluding: reognition through ertifiation and awards support in ollaborating and working with speialist environmental agenies individual marketing advantages sponsored reognition of ahievement through preint-wide marketing initiatives tehnial guidane and support Performane Indiators and Guidane Notes A Residential and Commerial Performane Indiator Table and aompanying Guidane Notes for the design elements have been developed. They reflet the EMP Guidelines, and build on the ESD Priniples. These tools form an integral omponent of the Doklands preint design and development proess, and quantify expetations and requirements at the planning and design approval stage. Reporting The need to report on the appliation of ESD is important to the suess of Melbourne Doklands. Doklands developers are urrently required to provide regular environmental performane reports, as part of their Site Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) developed during the planning and design phases. The reporting program reflets the environmental reporting requirements speified in ViUrban s EMP. Four types of reporting are speified: internal reporting; bi-monthly environmental reporting to ViUrban; emergeny or major hazard reporting; and non-ompliane reporting. The urrent reporting framework in the Doklands EMP has the flexibility to inorporate the details set out in this Guide. Reporting will our in four stages: Stage One Requires developers to advise ViUrban about how their development responds to the ESD Priniples at the time of planning and design. Diretions are mapped out, and then realised at design ompletion. The ESD Performane Indiator Tables provide guidane, and ViUrban works with developers to assist ahievement of Performane Indiators. Stage Two Reporting ours during onstrution and delivery of the development. During onstrution, the appliation of design outomes must be reported bimonthly, as required by the SEMP. This requirement already exists as part of the reporting riteria. Stage Three Reporting ours at the time of ommissioning the stages of the projet. During ommissioning and hand-over, final reports are assessed against the Performane Indiators to measure ahievement in relation to the design. An ESD ertifiate or award, reognising the level of ahievement, will be presented to the developer at this time. Stage Four Reporting ours post-oupany, to test the design and systems installed against what was envisaged. This stage of the reporting riteria loses the loop on applying ESD onepts. Testing the outomes provides the opportunity to better understand suessful appliations, and improve later stages of the projets.

15 ESD design elements ESD design elements 2

16 14 ESD design elements The ESD design elements lead from the broad Doklands ESD vision to their appliation in the Performane Indiator Tables and Guidane Notes. The following strategi design objetives under eah of the ten elements demonstrate the role of Doklands in regional, state, national and global ontexts, and aim to fulfil the requirements of the ESD priniples. 1 Biodiversity Biodiversity is a measure of the diversity of living things in the whole environment, an interating environment known as an eosystem. Ahieving an inrease in biodiversity is inherently loal in nature, foussing on the protetion and/or restoration of indigenous flora and fauna. The industrial past of Doklands saw removal of muh of the natural flora and fauna. There is now an opportunity to restore biodiversity in Doklands, and ViUrban reognises the importane of restoring appropriate native vegetation. 2 Soil Contaminated or unproteted soil an pollute waterways, stunt plant growth and affet strutural integrity. At Doklands, identifiation and remediation of any ontaminated soil and prevention of soil degeneration, both during and following onstrution, are key issues of onern. This inludes avoiding soil loss, and reduing sedimentation of the adjaent Vitoria Harbour, Moonee Ponds Creek and Yarra River. The primary opportunity for soil remediation and largesale improvement at Doklands is when bulk earthworks are undertaken. Soil management and remediation during all phases of onstrution are omprehensively addressed in the SEMPs whih apply to all Doklands developers. Opportunities for soil improvement programs will be reognised in the Innovation ategory of the Performane Indiator Tables. The Performane Indiators inlude restoration of plants and trees to both publi and private domains, with a proportion of native planting for eah development. Interrelated issues, suh as an inreased number of fauna, native and migratory birds, other speies of wildlife, and minimised water use (low irrigation requirements) are also onsidered. 1 2

17 15 3 Water Water is a preious and high-demand resoure, essential for all living things. Vitoria s fresh water supplies are affeted by a number of fators inluding athment loations, ontaminated soures, drought and rising demand. Reduing onsumption is a ritial part of alleviating pressure on soures and maintaining water availability. The three key water issues pertinent to Doklands are: redution of water need and demand reuse of water (stormwater and grey water) leaning and mitigation of water on site, prior to release Points are awarded in the Performane Indiators for use of water-effiient fittings and applianes whih redue demand, and for olletion of rain and stormwater for uses not requiring high-grade water. These ations an ahieve signifiant redutions in potable water demand and help ensure minimum burden is plaed on Melbourne s water supply. Doklands end-users will benefit from aess to water unaffeted by restritions or water shortage, ost-savings from redued onsumption, redued infrastruture osts for stormwater treatment, and leaner water bodies adjaent to where people live, work and rereate. ViUrban has prepared the Vitoria Harbour Litter Management Study, Stage 1 (2001), to improve water quality and provide a management struture. 4 Atmosphere Pollution of the atmosphere during onstrution and operation an have both loal and global environmental impats. ESD poliy requires that development minimises these impats. Loal atmospheri pollution diretly affets loal health: for example, airborne pollutants inrease the risk of Legionnaire s Disease, and dust may affet asthmatis. The Performane Indiators provide speial reognition for the use of heat dispersal systems. This tehnology uses water mass (eg Vitoria Harbour) to transfer and absorb heat from building ooling and heating plants, avoiding the need for ooling towers, a soure of Legionella bateria. Ozone depletion is a global problem whih auses inreased skin aner risk in Australia. CFC avoidane is mandated in the Performane Indiators and additional points are awarded for the avoidane of HCFCs (CFC replaements), whih also damage the ozone layer. 5 Transport Motor vehiles and private ar use are responsible for many forms of pollution. Global warming is diretly affeted by motor ar use inluding the high amounts of energy required to build ars and produe fuels that lead to CO 2 gas emissions in ar exhausts. Car exhaust fumes also inreases polluting partiles in the loal air, whih is a ontributing ause to asthma and other respiratory illnesses. There is a need to maximise alternative transport options, in order to redue the use and environmental impat of ars. Options inlude light rail and trams, trains, buses, water-based transport and pedestrian, yle and skating trails. Points are awarded in the Performane Indiator tables to enourage alternative transport options, partiularly walking and yling by providing attrative aess and storage and hanging failities. Alternative transport options are expeted to redue visual and physial ongestion, air and noise pollution, travel osts and travel stress levels, and reinfore the onept of a people-foussed preint

18 6 Energy Energy onsumption is the greatest environmental impat of any property development. Australia s energy, mostly generated from burning non-renewable fossil fuels, is Australia s largest ontributor of greenhouse gas emissions. Global warming is an international problem and many ountries are regulating energy onsumption and greenhouse gas emissions with inreased stringeny. Vitoria emits 1.34kg of CO 2 (a greenhouse gas) for every KWh of eletriity onsumed, the highest level in Australia. 1 Energy use is the most important ESD issue for Doklands. The large operational requirements for ommerial offies, residential apartments and retail entres reate potential for substantial environmental savings in energy effiieny. Energy effiieny is to be adopted in the built form and through the design and operation of eah development s mehanial, eletrial and hydrauli servies. Many tehniques are now available for energy effiient ommerial or residential buildings. They inlude: façade systems (whih promote natural lighting) orientation (north and south-orientated faades require less energy); atriums (whih maximise day-lighting and ontrol ventilation); natural ross-ventilation (for speifi areas to redue air onditioning needs); new generation ooling systems (eg hilled eilings/ beams, whih redue energy demands); low energy lamps (whih redue lighting osts and improve lighting quality); thermal mass in residential developments (whih improve temperature stability). Energy-effiient design an be ahieved in different ways, and ViUrban enourages flexibility in solutionfinding rather than adopting presriptive requirements. A pratial approah to ESD will ensure that high standards of urban design and overall design exellene for Doklands is not ompromised. ViUrban is adopting State Government energy effiieny and greenhouse rating shemes whih use a star rating system to ategorise assessed energy demands of a proposed development. A minimum star rating will be sought for buildings in Doklands. The ESD Performane Indiators also reward additional elements onsidered important but not overed under the rating shemes. Points are awarded to developments that ahieve natural ventilation in ar parks without the need for mehanial fans, beause the use of fans, when not required, an waste large amounts of energy. Where mehanial plant is used, the Performane Indiators require that sensors be inorporated, so fans only run when neessary, and at the level required to remove pollutants. Renewable energy onverts natural energy soures, suh as solar and wind energy, into eletriity. Although on-site generation of renewable energy is not required for developments in Doklands (beause other initiatives are generally more ost effetive), the Performane Indiators reognise these and enourage developers to inorporate renewable systems in their building or preint design. Tenants and building owners are beginning to fous on long-term osts of oupany and ownership. Adopting energy effiieny measures throughout Doklands will reate an environment where energy osts to tenants and owners an be redued. 1 Soure: The Greenhouse Challenge Workbook. Australian Greenhouse Offie,

19 17 7 Building materials Building materials from non-renewable soures, or requiring large amounts of energy in extration, manufature, transport and (eventual) disposal, are harmful to the environment. Besides energy use, these proesses an also ause harm through transportation, manufaturing by-produts, water onsumption during extration, landsape and topsoil degradation, and landfill. While assessment of materials for buildings an be time-onsuming, and diffiult to validate, ViUrban will reognise developers who show are in seleting low-impat building materials. The Performane Indiators address speifi materials (suh as PVC), but rapid improvements and additions to building materials provide a widening market hoie. In July 2000 the European Parliament adopted a paper presented by the Commission of European Communities entitled Green Paper, Environmental Issues of PVC. Inluded in the texts adopted by the European Parliament was a all on the European Commission to bring forward as soon as possible a long-term strategy for PVC substitution poliies based on a lifeyle omparative analysis for alternative produts beause of environmental issues identified in the Green Paper. PVC is used in almost all eletrial and data able duting and for lean, grey and foul water supply and drainage. ViUrban supports developers who: minimise the use of traditional PVC where there is a pratial and sustainable alternative produt, and reyle PVC onstrution waste in their projet 8 Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) is a ritial element of healthy buildings. Poor IEQ is the prinipal ause of Sik Building Syndrome (SBS), whih osts millions of dollars eah year in lost produtivity, and even more in health setor osts. A NSW Government report 1 estimated the ost to the Australian eonomy through inreased absenteeism and redued produtivity at $125 million per year. Damages laims for health problems aused by poor IEQ have been awarded in the USA. IEQ is omposed of a number of fators, inluding Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), lighting, thermal omfort and noise. The Performane Indiators reognise a variety of items relating to IEQ that diretly affet a person s wellbeing, quality of life and produtivity. IAQ, diretly related to SBS and produtivity, is onsidered in the Performane Indiators for both ommerial and residential buildings. Points are awarded for maximising IAQ and for using low emission paints. These paints redue exposure to noxious airborne emissions whih, in turn, minimise the effets of hemial sensitivity related disorders suh as asthma. Lighting is a ruial part of a healthy indoor environment. Effetive natural lighting improves light quality and lowers energy requirements. Outdoor views help to maintain healthy eyesight and improve morale. High frequeny eletroni ballasts in fluoresent lighting (to redue flikering) are easy to aommodate, and may improve workplae produtivity by as muh as 0.5%. The Performane Indiators reward use of these eletroni ballast in offie environments and ommerial buildings, and high proximity of rentable spae to windows (to maximise views). Natural light is inluded as a measure in both residential and ommerial Performane Indiator Tables. 1 Soure: SKK Building Syndrome Report, The Standing Committee on Publi Works 7 8

20 18 10 Innovation Thermal omfort is required for all oupied spaes. Points are awarded for design that takes a holisti approah to providing omfortable environments in both residential and ommerial buildings. The IEQ ontrols inluded in the Performane Indiators are fundamental to ahieving an integrated outome in built form, where energy and resoure onservation is oupled with better quality living and working environments. The outome for Doklands will be a quality of spae today that beomes a minimum requirement in the future. 9 Waste Waste inludes both solid waste and sewerage. Solid waste is measured by both volume and toxiity to landfill, while sewerage loads imposed by Doklands will ontribute to the general burden on Melbourne s sewerage system, and the treatment plant at Werribee. When reyling is minimal, the kg of annual solid waste generated by a typial offie worker, as well as most household waste, often ends up in landfill. ViUrban is enouraging developers to integrate reyling systems that inlude vegetable waste, paper, PET plasti, glass and some metals to redue waste going to landfill. The Performane Indiators require the provision of waste reyling failities for separate waste streams in both residential and ommerial developments. Composting and mulhing of organi waste is also enouraged, whih an redue the ost of maintaining open publi spae. The Performane Indiators reognise the benefits of treating and reyling waste water, and points are awarded for on-site treatment. Innovation will hange aepted and entrenhed praties. The development and onstrution industry will be inreasingly hallenged as sustainable development beomes an even stronger business reality, and as demands for sustainable operation grow. Major eonomi benefits and marketing advantages an also be inreased through heightened ESD awareness and inreased onsumer demand. ViUrban welomes innovation and rewards developers, who demonstrate new tehnologies and best pratie environmental design. Innovation an also allow developers more freedom to ahieve desired ESD levels without ompromising integration and design. Thus the use of a speialist ESD onsultant or energy design professional is strongly enouraged. This element of the Performane Indiator Table will reognise efforts to attain ESD outomes in broader irumstanes than solely for the building for whih the riteria apply. This inludes ollaboration between developers and other parties to improve ESD outomes. The use of innovative ESD tehnology is reognised independent of onsequent outomes that are rewarded in other ategories. Monitoring and verifiation of buildings is required to properly evaluate a building s operational performane. This also helps ommuniate ESD outomes to a broader audiene. Ultimately, the industry needs information regarding the full benefit of environmental design to assist in future value assessment and diretion. Doklands has the opportunity to be both eonomially viable, and ontribute to broader ommunity outomes. 9 10

21 Performane Indiators and Guidane Notes 3

22 20 Performane Indiators and Guidane Notes The Performane Indiator Tables will be used to assess ESD design performane for eah building in Doklands. They will form the basis for future design and onstrution requirements, self-auditing by developers, reporting and approvals, and ertifiation of ESD ahievement. The Performane Indiator s points system has been developed for ommerial and residential building types. Detailed Guidane Notes are provided to learly state the level of ahievement required. Some requirements in the Performane Indiators are mandatory, and must be met in design proposals regardless of ertifiation level. Performane rating is, primarily, by self-assessment, with submission to ViUrban for approval at the time of the Development Appliation. Supporting doumentation is required to demonstrate how the performane will be ahieved. The performane level indiated will form the level of ESD ommitment for the ESD Certifiate of Ahievement This is the mandatory minimum level of ESD for developments at Doklands. The minimum performane points required for this level is 39 for residential development or 37 for ommerial development. projet. To ensure ommitments made at planning and design stages are delivered in the ompleted projet, auditing of ESD performane will be undertaken as part of the established Environmental Management Plan reporting and audit proess. At pratial ompletion of a given projet, developers will be required to demonstrate effetive implementation and performane of ESD initiatives to meet the ommitted level and requirements set out in the Guidane Notes, to the satisfation of ViUrban. Progressive levels of ahievement ViUrban will reognise ESD ahievement at three levels. This applies to both ommerial and residential developments and is based on the number of points attained for individual buildings. The points available are the total in eah hart, ie 121 points for residential and 111 points for ommerial. ESD Award of Merit This level of ahievement is aknowledged by ViUrban as a move towards best pratie and is awarded to reognise an inreased level of ommitment. The minimum performane points required for this level is 56 for residential development and 52 for ommerial development. ESD Award of Exellene This level of ahievement is onsidered by ViUrban to represent overall environmental exellene and is in the realm of best pratie. The minimum performane points required for this level is 79 for residential development or 72 for ommerial development. May 2006 May 2006 May 2006

23 21 ESD Performane Indiators (Maximum points available) Residential Commerial Benefits A Outdoor spae, the site A1 Native planting % 2 2 lower water use, lower garden maintenane A2 Light spill 2 2 improved light environment and energy ost savings A3 Stormwater retention and use 2 2 lower water rates A4 Brownfield site redevelopment 4 4 restores previously used and ontaminated sites B Atmosphere B1 Zero CFCs mandatory mandatory redued damage to Ozone Layer B2 No HCFCs 6 6 no damage to Ozone Layer B3 Heat dispersion to water or ground 4 4 eliminates Legionnaires Disease risk, low energy and lower water rates C Water yle and wastewater C1 Water onservation 8 4 lower water rates C2 Treatment and reuse of waste water 4 4 lower water and sewerage rates D Transport D1 Cylist failities 4 4 healthier population, lower air pollution D2 Proximity to alternative transport 4 4 redued ar use, alternatives for workers, visitors, residents E Energy E1 Minimum energy ratings mandatory mandatory energy ost savings, fewer greenhouse gasses emitted (NatHERS 4.0 star or equivalent) 4 4 E2 Car park CO monitoring mandatory mandatory energy ost savings E3 Low energy building design 6 8 energy ost savings E4 Renewable energy eletriity 4 6 energy ost savings E5 Renewable energy hot water 6 6 energy ost savings E6 Natural ventilation in apartments 6 energy ost savings, better air quality E7 Lighting power density 4 4 energy ost savings E8 Natural ventilation in ar parks 4 4 energy ost savings, fresher air, improved light E9 Low energy applianes 4 energy ost savings F Building materials F1 PVC minimisation 4 4 fewer harmful hemials generated (fabriation and disposal) F2 Plantation timber 4 4 protetion of old-growth forests F3 Embodied energy 4 4 less energy used to make buildings G Indoor Environmental Quality G1 Indoor air quality 6 8 improved health and produtivity for tenants G2 Natural lighting 6 6 improved health and produtivity for tenants G3 Low emission paints 4 improved general health, less hane of allergies indoors. G4 High Frequeny Ballasts n/a mandatory improve light quality and visual health, redue energy osts G5 Thermal omfort 4 3 improved morale and produtivity G6 Views n/a 3 improved morale and visual health H Waste H1 Reyling failities mandatory mandatory redues waste going to landfills I Innovation I1 Innovative ESD tehnology 3 3 broadens ESD horizons to help others I2 ESD/energy design professional 2 2 optimises ESD potential of building I3 Community partiipation/distrit systems 4 4 optimises ESD potential preint, buildings, open spae I4 Partnering-finaning-energy performane 2 2 inreases inentive to minimise energy use TOTAL Note: The Performane Indiator Table and assoiated Award Sheme referene the priniples of the two most widely reognised voluntary assessment tools from abroad: LEED; Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design BREEAM; The Building Researh Establishment Environmental Assessment Method

24 22 A Outdoor spae, the site A1 Native planting To redue irrigation demands through the use of native speies adapted to the loal limate and habitat reation. 50% of all plants introdued to landsaped areas are to be native to the State of Vitoria; or the landsape design to embrae and demonstrate response to the spirit and intent of this lause. Guidane Melbourne City West Water website. FloraBank website. Australian National Botanial Gardens website. The Waterwise Garden website. Nursery and Garden Industry Australia website. Demonstration referene projet Newington Olympi Village. A3 Stormwater retention and use To redue loadings on stormwater systems by reduing peak stormwater flows and redue the demands on potable water supply through use of olleted stormwater. Demonstrate 70% of all stormwater is ontained on site and reused. Guidane Sydney Water website. Melbourne City West Water website. Demonstration referene projets Kogarah Town Square; Newington Olympi Village; 60L Green Building, Carlton; Nurse s Faulty, University of Newastle. A4 Brownfield site redevelopment To enourage redevelopment of sites that have previously been developed. This redues pressures to develop green or unspoilt land. A2 Light spill To redue the impat of light pollution from the development site on adjaent sites and the night sky. (Light pollution adversely impats the migration of birds and the habits of inset speies). No diret beam light is to arry beyond the site boundaries or upwards without falling diretly on a surfae with the expliit purpose of illuminating that surfae. Guidane of_light_pollution.pdf Institute of Illuminating Engineers Guidane Notes, Demonstration referene projet Newington Olympi Village. Demonstrate previous use of 95% of land area. Demonstration referene projets Newington Olympi Village; 60L Green Building, Carlton. A

25 23 B Atmosphere B1 Zero CFCs mandatory requirement CFCs deplete the ozone layer, ausing higher rates of skin aner. The supply of CFCs has been phased out sine 1995, as ratified in the Montreal Protool. As alternatives of equal ost and performane are readily available, ViUrban seeks to avoid CFCs entirely from new developments. Demonstrate omplete avoidane of CFC-based refrigerants. Guidane Australian Institute of Refrigeration and Heating (AIRAH) Refrigerant Seletion Guide Demonstration referene projet 60L Green Building, Carlton. B2 No HCFCs HCFCs deplete the ozone layer, ausing higher rates of skin aner. ViUrban seeks to avoid HCFCs entirely from new developments, as alternatives of omparable ost and performane are readily available. Demonstrate omplete avoidane of HCFC-based refrigerants. Guidane Australian Institute of Refrigeration and Heating (AIRAH) Refrigerant Seletion Guide Demonstration referene projet 60L Green Building, Carlton. B3 Harbour heat rejetion Heat rejetion from air onditioning plant is ommonly undertaken by one of two means. Wet ooling towers or dry air oolers. Wet ooling towers are most effiient but an be subjet to miro-baterial infetion and have been assoiated with ases of Legionella infetion in Melbourne. Dry air oolers do not arry this risk, but redue effiieny of ooling in the warmer months and therefore inrease energy onsumption. The water bodies whih surround Doklands preints are able to be used for heat rejetion and redit will be given to those developments that pursue this initiative for a signifiant proportion of their heat rejetion requirements. Demonstrate the use of water (or ground) soure heat rejetion for more than 50% of the total peak heat rejetion requirements for the development. Guidane BDP Environmental Design Guide. TEC 6, An introdution to ground soure heat pumps, February GeoXhange, Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium. Demonstration referene projets Woolloomooloo Finger Wharf (Sydney Harbour heat rejetion); Sydney Opera House (Sydney Harbour heat rejetion); AGSO Building, Canberra (Geothermal heat pumps); Nursing Faulty, Newastle University (Geothermal heat rejetion). B

26 24 C Water C1 Water onservation To redue demands on potable water supplies and infrastruture by reduing peak demand and annual usage in developments. Redue water demands through use of water-effiient fittings and applianes in relation to the benhmark value. The benhmark values are 260 litres per person per day for residential use and 80 litres per person per day for ommerial use. Points available for residential development Water onservation Points Redue onsumption to 75% of benhmark (redue to 195l/p/d) 4 Redue onsumption to 50% of benhmark (redue to 130l/p/d) 8 C2 Treatment and reuse of waste water Treating sewerage on-site both redues the load a development plaes on the ity s sewerage infrastruture and, through storage and reuse of the treated water within the site, redues demand on the publi water supply. Demonstrate that the design provides on-site sewerage treatment and reuse for a substantial proportion of sewerage generation. Demonstration referene projets Kogarah Town Centre, 60L Green Building, Carlton. Points available for ommerial development Water onservation Points Redue onsumption to 75% of benhmark (redue to 60l/p/d) 2 Redue onsumption to 50% of benhmark (redue to 40l/p/d) 4 Guidane Around Australia, the AAA water effiient rating sheme is used to identify applianes that are water effiient. The more A s an appliane has, the greater the water effiieny. The sheme applies to showerheads, dishwashers, washing mahines, taps and other items. City West Water brohure. Sydney Water website, Every Drop Counts Demonstration referene projets Newington, Olympi Village; The Hudson; Kogarah Town Centre; 60L Green Building, Carlton. C

27 25 D Transport D1 Cylist failities To enourage the maximum use of biyles by the Doklands ommunity by providing seure biyle storage and hanging failities. Residential riteria Provide seure biyle storage failities for the use of apartment owners, tenants and visitors. Points are awarded based on number of biyle storage failities provided per 100m 2 of floor spae. Cylist failities Points Resident/owner storage failities 1 spae per 100m 2 2 Resident/owner storage failities 1.5 spaes per 100m 2 3 Visitor failities 0.25 spaes per 100m 2 1 Commerial riteria Provide seure biyle storage and loal hanging failities for the use of building tenants. Points are awarded based on number of biyle storage failities provided per 1000m 2 of net lettable area. Cylist failities Points 5.0 spaes per 1000m spaes per 1000m 2 4 Guidane Melbourne Doklands Biyle Strategy (2000). Demonstration referene projets 60L Green Building, Carlton; Kogarah Town Centre; Newington Olympi Village. D2 Aess to alternative transport To enourage the use of alternative transport in order to redue pollution and land development impats aused by ar use. Two points will be awarded for eah of the following, but no more than four points may be laimed for aess to alternative transport in total. Aess to alternative transport Points Development is loated within 800m of a railway station 2 Development is loated within 800m of a tram stop 2 Development is loated within 500m of a bus stop 2 Development is loated within 800m of a ferry terminal 2 Demonstration referene projets 60L Green Building, Carlton; Kogarah Town Centre. D

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