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1 Amendment rlre SUPPRESSION AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS A GREEME N T AGREEMENT NO.: AO08}j8E001 (THE "AGREEIVIENT" j gq'p Is Between Her Majesty the (}ueen in right of the Province of British Columbia Protection Program, British Columbia Forest Service (the "Province" ) And: Air Spray (1967) Ltd. (the "Company" ) AMENDMKNTS FOR THK YEAR KAB)KD MARCH SCHL'DULF.A A VAR.ABILITY AND OPF RATING PERIOD l. OPE RATING PERIOD 1.02 T h e 2008 Operating Period for the Year ended March 31, 2009 tvill he May 12n to Scptentbcr 11th SCHEDULLr' C SERVICES AND I'ACILITIES 1. SER VICFS 1.03 P o r the 2008 Operating Period the Designated Base is Williams Lake, British Columbia SCHEDUI,K F IrELt'S 1. AVA I LABH.ITY CHARGES (a) fo r one (I) L-188 Air. Tankers, $1,158,230 based upon a Daily Rate of $9,417; and (h) fo r one (I) Turbo Cormnander 690 Bird-dog aircraft, $254,184 based upon a Daily Rate of $2,067 for each aircraft. FI,IGHT TIME CHARGES (a) for thc L-188 Air Tankers, $3,543 for each hour of flight time, and pro rated amounts frn part hours; and (b) for the Turbo Commander 690 Bird-dog an craft, $855 for each hour of flight time, and pro-tated amounts for part hours. 3. ADD I TIONAL A VAILABILITY CHAR('ES (a) Dai ly Rate of $9,417 for the Air Tanker; snd (b) Dai ly Rate of $2,067 for thc Turbo Commander 690 Bird-dog aircraft. Li 88 -i'tre Suppression Aircmft Operations Asreesteot Asrcemeot No.. A i paotpptt8 hit if R

2 85/85/?888 lfn i!in PRAY P noo 8 5 / 05 Amendment CREW EXPEsfSES (a) gr ound transportation expenses when fhe Ahcrsh und v iew am fequiled lo 0- sivay f l orn the Designated Base overnight at either: i. the out of pocket costs incun:cd by the Company. or ii. a rate qf s)xty dollars ($60.00) per day for the use of the Company'4 vehicle; (b) a r ete of~ ive dollars ($95) per night per flight and maintenance crew member for (c) lodging when fhc Ahciaff and clew fue tequired to be av/ay from tlm Designated Base overnight. an additional twenty-six dollars {$26.50) pcr day per fiigtft ali flmaintcnancc clew member when the Aircraft and crew are required by the Minister. to bo positioned north of the 60' latitude, 30 f2 0 f? 1A ALL otlmn Inlets Anss Corfomorfs os TBZ AGBB8MBN i DATBn APBP 07-,2088 BBfdanf UNCHANGBD AND APPl.lCABLB For the Province of British Columbia: Signofuie fy)/)fzdoa fs?ct f P/1'lif Noose o f Signatory I?ofe &cod, Air Spray (1967) Ltd. agrees with the above-mentioned amendments and concurs that all other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Slglfnfllie Pnnr Name of Signofoly Date LI88-Pire Suppression Aircraft Opsfstlcss Agleelucuf Asfcsmeut Bus Afsnflssnool Page 2 of 2 Page2 of 28PNR

3 1NT'ORit1ATION ONLY 1'or the Year ended March 31, 2009 Oescrtptton 2007/08 CPI Rate 2008/09 8 o f days 2008/09 Per Day Availability L-188 (1) $1,137, % $1,158, $9,417 Availability TC 690 (1) $249, % $25 4, $2,067 Flight Time/per hour L-1 88 TC 690 $3, % $ % $3, Additional Availability Fees, Release Hate / per day L-188 $ 9, % TC 690 $2, % $9,417 $2,067 LI BB -Fire Suppression Aircraft Operations Agrccment Agrecmcnt Non AO Pagell i i A R

4 APP, i d : 5 1 F R AV IATIOP tdanabehtehlr T O A i R 5 PRAV P. 82 BRmsH CoLUMBIA Pilm ) /A)R /AIR March 78, 2008 PRE-SEASON AIR TANKER AYAILASILITY Dan Hamilton, Presidenc Air Spray (1967) Ltd c 63 Airpori Road Edmonton, Alberta TSG QW6 Dear Don Hamilton: ln order to respond to the patentia! for eariy wildiire activity in British Colunibla, tha Mlnisny wishes to confirm the pre-season availability of airiankar aarh/toes. To respond to this antiaipatcd demand, Ah Spray (1967) Ltd. is instructed to have any or «ll of tho Brirish Columbia Minisuy of Pomsts and Range contracted airtanker fleet available within rwo weelcs of our service instructions. Air Spray (1967) Ltd, is advised that this prc-season service availability requirement. is outside the normal scheduled antanker fleet deploymem plan. Should thc rtministry require scrvlcm during this pre.season period, call outs will be far a minimum af five (5) days at the, rates noted in the respective aircraft operations agreement. To meet this prc-season service requirement thc Ministry of Foreots and Range is prepared to accept your immediate invoice far that portion of thn 2008 aircraft availability charges that rcpresenls the completed over winter maintenance on these aircraft, Yours nuly, Marcia 1'oote Aviadon Mana ament ProtectionProgram nr Air Spray f1967) Ltd. Mlrlatrr ot Foroala and lungs Pal ar a P o l n : Moll' g Rddraaal 2 Flm,aa57dotul dnwd po Box 5502 sin prov Govt Vroloria. Brhiah Cotomnta lliaona Bc I/sw sct VBW SE7 Tah t arn) sb74555 Fax: ( Iaafi8t)tt 2IIPNII

5 (EC l l : f FR DN: -19) 'I TD>25< F. I : 2 lr)<06-/~ Q NV)VFdfC.< 5 ' gf)() ( 2 - d)0) w CBVmd,mf2,md) BE'8'Ednrn ucns<l >a<><<<> cno«uv<a>tent((n u<tvttt trvmm> ax )t'4 Sutra I100,222 )u Aver>ueS W. Cel ary. Aloena T2P 094 Tel > MARSH INSURANCE CERTIFICATE (Am ndment N. 1) I'O. BC lto>est Scr tce P.O Box 9502 Sta(iun Provi <c sl ( u (>anent victorm Bc vgw vcl Fax 250-3< Cenigcate Nn. A/ naia: December 6, 2007 TIIIS IS I'0 CPRTIPY tlmt as Insurm>ee Brolcr- <ve h ve effected insurance xvith CERTAIN I.ICENSED CANADIAN COMPANIES on b(half of: Named In urcd< Add css u(lt>surrdt Air Sprny((9 ((7) Ltd A<rp rt Read Lrlmon(nn AB T SC OW6 Period n( lnsurcncet Tins lnsutaocc >s tur none ye r lcm> vhich cxp>r c I I):01 A)M Standard T<mc D cembe> I '2005 at the ar)dress ofrl e insured as shu>vn as ahocc In(crest Tn uredt Co 'c >rim aad Li ii s ol'l>nh>hty. All ahcrag Owr>cd and ) or Operated and /or I eu ed bc ti e In ured. Nor. 1)I Co<Ore ar I m d 6<)m< r< ' sth)cct >u SEVE)8, I Krr, 9 j c ) ug and!)rbcr Per<)s Frdv ron Clonrc ( lvrorron) AircraR I.(gal Lia'oilvy ceverinc burbly injury ) prope>xy d m:,e ( incluci c o f I ah>li>y to rlmd partir: and)or pas> r>gers lur baegaae ndrur cargo) up to a (orr>bined ingle limit for any nnc aircraft, any onv occ(nrcnc(. a follo<v: CI,21) A L )ect>aa(rcra0 5 :0,0 00,000 All Othet hi c T r r itomall I i t s. W rldw>dc SpccialCoudlrm >t Il r Majesty >l>e Ouecc n>e Rigln nl Brit,(h Cclumbm ac >cp>c cntcrl by th. Min.ster of For; rs arn her rmcprctive off>ccrc. directors. employees, (nrb succescorc cnd css>gns arc >r<cloded a Add>(io >el >n urea> for rh o re pective Bg(ns nnd imere<c. but solely w>th respect ro thc operations thc Named insured, m>d i l t rrccivc prurcc(ion from the p licy in \hc (mme manaer as if there vere t septrtt p ohcy cn <rmg etch ln(urr:u ((ubject tl< ay '.«<c pohcy limn I i iabdityl. lt s aweed that vritten uot>ce I t be given nf cane(.tlat.on nf or ar(v r e maternal chan ' m the i»surane(s ovidencedhy 0 C mt>fictt u' Ica t thi>cy (30) days prior Io any ueb chan e or cancellation bccornin effective E)'CEpTING, NnwEVI.R, only t n (10) days noucc viil be gi en >n ihe event of non-p ym nt of p>emium, nnd xs re>cori> cuvcrave m rupoct of '.0>r and ( lied Petite (ui erc appiie>hie\ <vh eh < rc subiect to auromat>c enm>r sc en (7) days notr(u of cancell thm prov>sionc Such notice w>11 >VOT, however, be given (t non I c p ry date nf' thc msurances or any caco efnc u. Fage5 of 28FNR-20I

6 DEC l) l l : 26 F RD)4: TD<'250 ' 9 7 L072 P.2' 2 enns < mrrcru rac m Gav.nne I ))4 GL<vfuv/Ymnt< Suite I ) ' Avenue 9 W, t'3)8ery, Ath ena T2P 004 I'cl Fav 40' 4) INSURANCE CERTIFICATE (Amcnum<mr Yo I) 'I'ME IBOI'6 OI VCI<IBEI) CO«I IHO*S' ARE SIJIJJ< Cl/ TO TJJE POI JC)' TERN). COV'DITI(JMV. LI)(IT ITKI)LV AMO L' )CLUSJOIV 5AI 0 frvleg 5 Cu?IJ/ Rll(ISI )0 t ED 4/ I.1< LIS,IPZ JV t'a<v IDLI/! D<2< /Alf), rivi. I'RE)MI I< I f/au'ce hv IM E F«o T PM<i I M t. /«6'ED ln)dred /IAs Ffv<MFEII TIIEIII PRE/I!Lli (0, C(tsnhld)) ii<s PO)«left ()F,)TTOILB TI I r f RE'I'URM PRF)IIM)<S. CLAi)IS I' l l's<emts Af<u EMJOI'5 <OR)' FAIEZ ST I I I/S UV'DER Tlt/5 PO< /(')'. SE)<EJUJL I.IAEILITTNOTJCE The u<h< r /in( uonrcr, oh(isrri on< r<rrder' nnrro(<s of nrsman c io v/<ci< tlrcy <ub<cnhe ore <a«l an d nor/nin< a rd urc I inned sofefy Io II e rt 'n< ofrhcrr indi iduai suttee ipliu<u. Tire. uit ' rrbirrb mcurer< o r r a/ re prnr<'i/le fur IJ)e suhscrrprron uf uny co 'rtbsmrhine r cu ere/mt my r< rnon ctaer nut-ansfi alt or pu I o(i<s oi/<ranon By <VIARSH CAIVADA LINHTED Eiemr: Better)on cc: Air Spmy('96'I) Lln. ( h "vgaedod PBLB ~ ~ Page6 of 28FNR

7 86/13/ : AIRSoRAY PAGE 81/ 02 MARSH Suite 2500, a Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2P 4H4 Tel Fax INSURANCE CERTIFICATE TO; B C Porest Service P.O. Box 9502 Si tio Pro ln ial Commmcnt Victoria,BC V BW 9CI Certificate No, VGA U2-05 Atm. Dave Lsngridgc, Ptotcction Program Date: Novcmbcr THIS IS TO CERTIFY that as Insurance Brokers wc have cficctcd insurance arith CERTAIN LICENSED CANADIAN COMPAMES on behalf of: Named Insured: Address of Insured: Period of Insurance: Interest Insured: Coverage aud Limits of Liability: Air Spray (1967) Ltd Airport Road Fdmonton, A'9 T t t i iw A Tius lasurancc is for a inc year rem which expires at 12:01 A.M. Standard Time Dcccmbcr 1,2007atthcaddrc softhclmu*edas sho n m above. See Anachcd Schedule of Aircraii Ahcraft Legal Liability covering bodily mjury / property damage (inclusive of liability to third parties md/or passengers for baggapc and/or cargo) un to a combined single limit for any one aircrah, any one occtmence, as follows: CL215 A El «tra Aircraft S 10,0 00,000 Aero Commander Aircraft 5 5,0 00,000 All 00'.cr Aircraff 1,000,000 Note. All Covemgcs subject to Av N.48B, War, Hidjscking and Other perils Exclusion Clause (Aviation). Territoi'i'.il Llmirrt ivorldwide Special Conditions: (i) Th c Government of Brinsh Columbia and its iespective officer, directors, cmployccs, agents, successor; and assigns are inchdcd as Additional Insureds for then respccuve nghts and mterests, but solely in regards to die operations of Air Spray (19G7) Ltd., aud vng receive protection from the policy in the same manner as if there were a separate policv covering each Insured (subjcct ala ays tc the policy limit of liability). THE ABOVE DESCRIBED COVERAGES ARF. 911RIFCi' TO T IIE P OLICY T gtbvtg, CO1711TIONS, LIMITATIONS Al Ti EXCLUSIONS.! Page7 of 28FNR

8 66/ 1 3/ ; Al RSFRA'/ PASS 62/ 02 MARSM Suite 2500, Avenue SW., Calgary, Attseaa T29 4H4 tel yax ti 9881 INSURANCE CERTIFICATE SEPEEBL LIABILITY NOTICE The subscribing insurers'obligations under contracts of insurance to which tl tey subscribe arc em eral and nntfamt and are limited solely to tire mtent of tlteir individual subscripnons. T/te subscmbittg insurcrs ate not rcsporuible for the subscriprion af any co subscri bing insttrer wit o for any reason does t tot catrsfy all nr part of its obligation. By: M A RSH CANADA1.1MITED 'Elaine Bettctton cc: Ai r Splay (19671 Ltd. 2 Page8 of 28FNR

9 PROVINCK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OI FORFBTS AND RANCE FOREST SKRVICF, AND FIRE SL'PPRFSSION AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS ACRFF81ENT THIS AGREEMENT made on the 6)D tfay of ~l b ~ i, Agreement Non AO0888EOOI File Reference: I080-20/AIRS Pro'ect: Air Tanker Services BKTiiYEEN IIER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA; Proieetlnn Pru ram BC Forest Service (hereinager called the "Province" ) at the following address: PO Box 9502, Stn Prov Govt Victoria, British Columbia Vg)Y 9CI Telephnne Nn: (250) Fax Not (250) A.ND Air Spray (1967) Ltd. (hcrcinager called the "Company" ) At the foboiving address; Suite 201, 63 Airport Road Edmonton, Alberta TSC OW6 Telephone No: (780) Fax Nu: (78 0) i offtcc@nirspray.corn WHEREAS: A. Th e Company is duly licensed to operate and provide the aircrar, specialty equipmeat and support services as specitied in this Agreement; B. Th e Province requires the said Aircraft, Specialty Equipment and Services for use in the Ministry of Forests and Range Aviation Managenient and other Govenunent of British Columbia Programs, C. On t he basis of the Company's submission in response to the Pruvince's Request for Proposals , dated December 04, 2006, the Province has atpeed to retain the Company to provide Air Tankers, Birddog aircrag and Services for the purpose of the control of wildtires; and D. The Company has agreed to provide such Services to the Province. ACCORDINGLY, the parties agree as folloivs: DEFINITIONS 1.01 In this agreement, unless the context otherwise requires: a) " A dditional Services" means Services requested by the I'rovince during the Availability Period but excluding itic Opemting Period, to be provided by tire Company in accnrdance vvitti tbe Icnns of this Agreement mid within British Columbia where the Company can reasonably niake the Equipment, Personnel and Facilitics avat table for such Services; and its Schedules continue in effect according to the terms, including any extension ofthe Agreement; c) "Aircralf' means any orab aircrad, described in Schedule B covered by this Agreement including Replacement Aircratt; Agreement, e) "BC Poresr Service Fire BombingProcedures" means the British Columbia Fire Bombing Proccdurcs, mcatcil and maintained by the Province, uutlining tbc Province's training requiremeiits and operational policies and procedures in relation to aerial fire fighting, fi "~Built-u Area" means any Iorcsi or range land occupied by houses, trailers, mobile homes, outbuildings or other manmade structures ihat are being threatened by, are adjacent to, or are within the boundaries ot; a Wildfire; h ) "Diect nated Representative" ineaiw the Assistant Deputy Minister, Operations, Ministty of Forests and Range; the Director, Protection Program; and such other Ministry employees as the Assistant Deputy Minisrer, Operations or the Director, Protection Program may aiithorizc; Aircrad Operanons Agreement Air Spray (1967) Ltd. Agreement No. AO0888E001 Page I oft 12

10 i) "Event of Default" means any of the fotlowmg events, ivhether any such event be voluntary, involuntary or result from the opernt ion of law or any judgment or order of any court or administrative body: the Cmnpany fails to observe, perform or comply with any provision of this Agi cement that is required to be observed, perfouned or cnmplied ivith on tlm pau of the Company and liat not rccufied such faihrre or is nnt in the rtmsonable opinion of the Mini~ter diligently proccnling tu reetily such failure, the Company fails to furnish and give to the Province notice ibat there has occurred, or is continuing, a default under ibis Agrcemcnt iricluding specifying paniculars of the same; and iii. a change occurs ivith respect to tbe Company's Business or to any one or more, including all of the properties assets conditions (financial or othcrwiso), busiiiess or operations of the Company which in the reasonable opinion of the Minister, inatcrialiy advcrsi:ly affects tbe ability of the Cornpariy to fulfil any of its obligations or proviile thc Services under this Agreenient; j) "~Im rovcments" nicene any vehicle, equipment or other manmade structure tiiat is occupyirig forest or raiige Iaods being Ihreatcncd by, adjacent lo, or ivitbin the boundaries of, a Wildlirc; k) "Maintenaoce Manuals" means the Company's Transport Canada approved Maintenance Control and Mamtenance Procedures Manuals detailing the aircraik operated by the air carrier, the maintenance criteria, procedures and schedule for each aircrar and the personnel resporisible for maintenance, inspection and quality colt[i'ol;!) "Minister" means the Minister of Forests and Range or his Designated Representative; m) "M i nisti " means the Ministry of I'orests and Range, I'rovince of British Columbia; " '* N* * " "' D * * " " " 0 Services are provided; p) q) r) s) i) operating procedures ond includes any amendments to the same as required by laiv; "~pro osal" means the Conipany's submined response to RFP ; "I l l " ' means Request Por Proposal I' or Air Tanker Services; "Services" means ihe services provided by the Company to tbe Province deem ibed in Scttedule C, Schcdulc B, and any other such equipment approved by the Minister for use in providing the Services; coterie, procedures and schcdulcs and includes any amendments to the same as required by law; and v) " W i ldlire" means an unplanned fiie occurring on forest or range lands, burning forest vegetation, grass, brush, scrub, peatlands, or a prescribed fire set under a burning permit which, in the judgment of a forest officer threatens to spread boyond the area authorized for that burning ! APPO INTM E N T, TERM AND SERVICES Thc Province retains the I:ompauy to provide the Services in accordance ivith the terms of this Agreement. Tire Cnmpany shall provide the Services under this Agreement during the Operating Period. FFES AND EXPENSFS In consideration of the Company providing the Services, the Province will pay to the Company fees and expenses in the amounts and in the manner set out in Schedule D and Schedule Ik The sums described in section 3.01 constitute the maximum amounts payable to the Company for its perfonnance of the Services and the Company ivig not be entitled to any additional compensation ibr its pi:rformance ivbeiher arnot the ivork actually undertaken by Ibe Company is descritieil in tbe Agreement. Nobvithstanding any other provisiun of the Agrecmetit, the paynient of money by the Province tu the Company under this Agreetnent is subject to; a) there being sufficient monies available m an appropriation, as deiined in the >'iuouciai Adnrinisirorina Act, to enable the Province, in any fiscal year or part thereof when any payment of money by ihc Province to the Company falls due under this Agreement to make that payment; and b) T reasui) Board as defined inthe FiniiaciaiAdiitinistrrrrian Acr nolhaving contmllc il or limited expenditure under any appropriation referred to in subsection a) of this section. The Province certifies that the property and/or services ordered and purchased uiider this Agreement are for the use of and are being purchased by, thc province with Crown funds and arc tberatbre not subject to the Goods and Sei vices Tax, AircrsR Operations Agreenient Air Spray (1967) Ltd. Agreement No. AO0888E001 Page 2 ofm D

11 R EPRESEN I'ATIONS AND YYARRANTIFS OF THE COM P A N Y The Company represents and warrants to the Province that the Company: a) h o lds afl permits, licenses, certiticates, conscnts, and other authorirations issued by any federal, pruvincial or niunicipal government, or agency nt'sny of them, that are required to he iield by the Company, m connection with the operations ofthe Conipnny at the coinmencement of this Agreement; b) iv ill provide and maintain nt all times suflicicnt trained staff, facilities, materials, appropriate equipment and approved sub-contractual agreements in place anil available to enable it to futly pcrforrn the Services and meet the Company's obligations under this Agreement; c) iv ill not act as a servanl, employee, or agent of the Province or ttie Minister; and d) n ot, in wry manner ivhatsoever, commit or propose to cointnit the Province or tire Mmistcrto the payment of any money to any person, except as contemplated by this Agreement. COVPNANTS OF THE COMPANY TheCompany wiik a) observe, perform and comply with afl of its obligations under this Agreenient; b) perform the Services in a safe and good worker-like manner to the satisfaction of the Ministry in accordance wirh the Company's Training Manual mid the Operations Manual; c) equip, opcratc and maintain tire Aircraft in accordance ivith all reqoiremcnts of Cnnadran and Briiish Columbia Iaivs and regulations; ires and specificnt ion sct uut in the Company's Transport 6) e) 8) h) J) k) I) m) n) o) p) 0) r) s) t) u) comply with all the standards, practices, procedi Canada approved Operations Mariual'I and those set oat in the Transport Canada approved Maintenance Mmiuals in conthicting afl Aircrafl maintcnatice; service, repnir, overhaul, test, improve and maintain the Aircrafl in a safe and ainvonhy state of repair at all times in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended maintenance programs and tlie Ciimpany's Maintenance Manuals, to the satisfaction of the Minister; secure and maintain in good standing all necessary approvals anil cenificates for thc Aircraft, Services and Specially Fquipment described in this Agreement; obtain and maintain in force during the Agreement Period insurance as described in Schedule E; make thc Company*s Operations Manual, Maintenance Manuals and other such Manuals available io the Minister upott reqiiest; ensure that the Aircrafl and Specialty Equipment complies with all manufacturers * standards arid federal/priwincial regulations prior to the commencement of the Services; cause the necessmy testing to confirm the perfurmaiice of the fire bonibing tank; designate a flight safety ofliccr from the Company's personnel; afloiv no pilot to fly tbe Aircrafl to provide the Services pursuant to this Agreement, without prior approval of the Minister, ensure tha! afl Airct aft maintermnce is performed by a fully qualified and licensed Aircraft Maintennnce I'ngineer (AME) who is not the Aircraft pilot', be rmponsible for all charges, costs and expenses iricluding but not limited to costs of aii cmfl lubricants, and airport costs necessary for the efficient operations of the Aircraft and Specialty Fquiprncnt required for tbe performance nf the Services under this Agreement, unless otherwise specified in this Agrcemcni; in addition to tlie items contained in this Agrecmcnt, and except as defined in Schedule D, hc responsible for all other expeniis cormected with tbe Company's operations; logo the airw afl in accordance ivith the directives of the Minister; reasonably cooperate with the Province and any other persons providing Services to the Province; grant ro tbe Province, its servants, emplnyccs and agents access to the tcchnical mainteriance and flight records of the ('ompany respecting the Services at afl reasonable times for the purpose ol'inspections; graiit to itic Province, its servants, employees and a *ents the right to inspect tlie Aircraft and Specialty Equipment; cany on business in a professional nmnner in accordance ivith generally acceptmi business principles; and ensure that the rcpresenlations and ivarranties in section 4 are true and correct at ail tinies during the tenn of the Agreement and provide evidence to that eifect to the Province on written request of the Minister. Atrcrait Operations Agreement Air Spray(1967) Ltd. Agreement No. AO0888E001 Page 3 ofgtg

12 CO V ENANTS OF THF. PROVINCE The Province will, at its o vn expense, provide the following: a) a viation fuel forthe Aircraft, lattding and navigation fees (as applicable) necessary for the Comparty to perform the Services, except as otherrvise provided; b) r etardant attd foant materinls, and the loadittg facilities complete with all necessaty eqt tipment attd personnel; c) fl ight and maintenance crev' living expenses when dte Aircra6 and crews are required by the ivlinistcr lo be atvay from thc Designaled Base overttight if the expenses have not otherwise been provided by the hiinistry. Such expenses or provided nccommodation to be at a standard equtvaient to that provided to the Province's slalt or at rates as set out in Schedule I) d) a ircmft maintenance area, including supply of water and electricity vvhere suclt facilities currently exist; e) s uitable fire fighting equipment st the retardant loading, ma intcrmnce and refuelling sites as agreed upon by the parties and in accordance with the applicable regulationsi I) su itable area and facilities for record keeping, administrative tasks and secure storage for tools and equipmcm; g) f acilities for flight nnd maintenance crew rest, eating, personal hygiene nnd recreation; h) li ight and nmintcnance crew meals and refreshments duringperiods of sustained fire ft hsing activity; and i) ap propriate Worker's Compensation and Transport Canada required safety equipment and facilities. INDEhINTI Y The Company will indemnify artd save harmless the Province and the Minister from and against ag claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and cxpcnses made against or incurred, suffet ed or sustained by the Province and the Minister or either of them at any time or times (witether before or after termination of this AW cement) vvherc thc same or any of them ate based upon or arise oui of anything done or omitted to be done by tite Company or by any entployee, opicer, subcontractor, or agent of the Company pursuant to this Agreement, excepting as always liability easing out of the independent negligent acts of the Province or the Minister. Nottvithstanding section 7 01, the Province will indemnify and save harmless the Company, its permitted subcontractors and their respective agettts, servants aud employees from and against any and ag liability or bodily injury or dantage to improvement directly or indirectly caused by, arising from or resulting!'rotn the dropping of fire retartiants, water, foam and other tire control chemicals from an Atr Tarsker by thc Courpany or any of its permitted subcontmctors, tlselr respectivo «p enta, servants or employees under tins Agreement in tire vicinity of improvements or Built up Areas whm e such actions are: a) c arried out at tbe direction of the Minister; b) a re, io tbe opinion of the Minister, considered to be essential to the control of Wildfires; and c) n ot negligently performed by the Company. Tire Company tvill cooperate with the Province and its counsel in any investigatiotts, seulements nnd judicial determinatinn of any claims marie against the Province, the Minisrer or the Company relating directly or indirectly to this Agrccmcnt attd vvig use its best effort to cause its employees, obicers, sub conu actors aud agents to besintil arly bound. Tbe Company is solely responsible for any of its material or equipmcnt stored at any of the Province's facilities and releases the I'rovince from any liabiliry associated witit sucit storage ASSIGNMFNT AND SUBCONTRACTING The Company vvili not assign> tltis Agreement, nor subcontract atty of its obiigatioos under this Agreement, to any person, finn, or corporauon without tbe prior written consent of tbe Province. lf the Company does assign this Agreement (or any pau of tt), or if tbc Company does subcontract any of its obligations under this Agreemertt, whether or not such assignment or subcontracting is done according to the Agreement, then the Cornpony will be fully responsible for the acts anrl omissions of its msignees «nd subcontractors (and their respective employccs and ag nts), and no agreemcnt cntcred into by the Company ts ith an assignee or a subcontractor trill impnsc any oidigatron or liability upon the Province to any such assignees or subcontractor (or their respective employees or agents). The Company svg! cause every assignee or subcontractor to be bound to the Contpany by tire same terms of'this Agreement by tvhich the Company is bound to the Province as far as they apply to the tvork to be performed by each assignee or subcontractor. Aircmg Operations Agreement Air Spray (1067) Ltd Agrccmcnt Nu. AO0888F001 Paged ofgt

13 9. TFA M INATIOV 9.01 T hc Province may, in addition to any rernedy available to it at laivor equity, lerminate this Agreement by written notice to the Company if the Company fails to observe, perform or cumply ivith any provisions of this Agreeinent. 10. AUD I T The Provmce may, at ns sole discretion arid at its expense, conduct an audit of the tech//ical, maintenance and flight records of the Company respecting the Services or this Agreement, including the right to inspect and take copies of such records upon reasormbie notice and at reasonable times ln reipem to such audits tire Company will: a) fu lly cooperate with the Provmce in condui:ting ttie audit; and b) p r ovide, upon request of the Province and solely for the revieiv of tiie Province, cop ici nf the most recent annual audited finaricial statements of the Conipany. 11. DE FA U LT AND RE81EDIES I!.01 On the happening of an Event of Default, or at any time thereafler, the Province may, at its option, clcct to do any one or more of the fofloiving: (a) pursue atty remedy available to it at law or in equity; (8) dc liver ivriltcn notice to thc Company spec itying the Evetits of Default which notice may: suspend tbe ri hts and obligations of the Company under tins Agreement, in ivholc or in part; and/or ii. require the Fvent of Default be remedied withm the time fi amc specified by thc Minister; (c) r cducc the fees payable pursuant to Schedules D and F, if the Event of Default rclatcs to failure to provide the Services as a result of failure of Equipment; and/or (d) w aive the Event of Default Tire rights, powers and remedies conferred on the Province under this Agreement are not intended to be exclusive and each ivifl be cumulative and in addition to and not in substitution for every other right, pon er and remedy existing or available to the Province under this Agreement, any other Agrccment, at laiv or In equity and the exercise by the Province of any right, power or remedy will not preclude tiie simultaneous or later exercise by the Province of any other right power or reniedy If the Company bas not remedied the Event of Default specified in a notice onder subsection b), or if the r vent of Default is not capable of being remedied dnring the suspension to thc satisfaction of the ivlinister, then v;ithin thiuy (30) days of the delivery of such notice, the Province at its sole discretion may terminate this Agreement by notice jn writing to the Compaity. 12. NO T ICES Any notice, document, statcnient, report or demand desired or required to be given or made unilcr this Agreement will be in ivriting mid mny be given ur made by personal delivery to thc pany to whom it is tu be given or inade, or hy mailing it in Canada ivith postage prcpairi lo tbe applicable address, or by transmining it by facsiniile to the applicable facsintile trnnsmission number, noted for bnth the Province and the Company nt the start of tiiis Agreement The Company will provide to tire Province. as soon as pnivible and by the quicl,est mcaiis possible, thc particulars and details of any Aviation Occun'ence that occurs in performance of the Services The Province may request the Company prepare a derailed repurt of the Aviation Occurrcncc referred tu in section and the Company ivill provide such a rcport as eorm as possible or widiin seven (7) days. 13. M ISC E LL AiVEOUS I'he Company ivifl treat as confiilcntial and ivifl not, without the prior ivritten consent of the Minister, publish, or disclose nr permit to be published or disci nsed either before or after the termination of this Agreement, any infotmation supplied to, obtained hy or ivhich cnnics to the knowledge of the Company as a result of this Agreement except insofar as such publication, or disclosure is required by law or is necessary to enable the Company to fir liil the Company's obbgation uttder this Agreement, 1302 The Company will not during the Tenn perform a service for or provide atlvicc lo any person, fi rm or corporation or other le al entity ivhere the performance of the service or provision of the advice may or docs, in tim reasonable opinion of the Minister give nse to a conflict of interests of the nbligation of tbe Company to tbe Province and the Company's obligations to others. Aircratt Operations Agreement Air Spt ay (1967) Ltd. Agreement No. AO0888E001 Page 5 of g

14 13 03 All disputes arising out of or in connection rvith this Agreement tvig be referred and finally resolved hy arbitration admirustered by Ihe llritish Columbia international Co mercial Arbitmtior t (' entre pursuant to thc "Rules of Procerlurcsg The place of arbilration vvill be Victoria, Bntisb Columbia Each psny will, upon reasonable request of ttte other patties, fully cooperate to the betterrncnt of the Sorvices provirled under this Agreement This Agreemcnt may only be nmended by further written am enrimcnts executed by or behalf of tfte parties All the discret tort arid obligations of the Minister or the Province under this Agreement mny be exercised or performed by the M mister, the Deputy Mirtister of Paresis and Range or by a Designated Represenranve This Agreemcnt will be g overned by and constnted and interpreted in accordance tvith the laws of the Province of British Columbia Ail terms, conditions, statements and comntitments presented within the Company's proposal are considered an integral portion of this Agreement unless othemvise expressly excluded wiihin this Agreement This Ag reement rvig inure to the benefit of and bc bindin upon> the Province and its assigns and the Company nnd its successors and permitted msigns It is ackno vlcdved and agreed by the panies that nothing contained in this Agreement operates as a consettt, permit, or approvnl by any regulatory authority, government body, public obiccr, ministry, branch, ogice or agency to or for anything rclaterl to the Agreement that by or under law tbe Contpany msy be required or may desire to obtain If arty provision of this Agreement or application thereof to any person or circumstance is invalid or unenforceablc to any extent, the remairtder of Ibis Agreement and the nppiicat ion of such provision to any otttcr person or circumstances tvill not be agbcted or impaired indirectly and will be valid and enforceable to the cxtcnt permitted by law Schedules A tluough F attached to this Agrccmcnt are an integral part of this Agreemcnt as il'set out in length in the body of this Agreement. SIGNED on behalf of Her Majesty tbe Queen in right of the Province of British Coiuntbia by the Minister of Forests and ltange on the ~C) day of ~ l, in the presence of it ess) ) (Mi» ster of Forests and Ran e) ) s0 SIGNED on behalf of the Company on the ~2. d ay of Rfe-rm, 2007 in the presence op. ( ss) dtpwe yv~ M p' ) (Authorized Signatory) ) ()euo Ptzev'u, GEt Dtrtt. fqnrrndkt2 Aircraft Operations Agreement Air Spray (1967) Ltd. Agreemcnt No. AD0888FOOI Pa e6of tytt

15 ACREElilENTNO: AOcltsab001 PROJKCTNAltIE ORNO: A ir Tanker Services Irlt,Et 1 nltq-20/airs SCHEDIILE A AGREEhIFN'f AND OPERATING PFRiOD 1. AGR EEhlFNT PERIOD 1.01 Tlic Agreement period commences April 1,2007 and subject to termination under section 9 ofthis Agreeinent will end on March 31,2017. /.02 /prirposc/y /sf' h/onk) 2. O PE R ATING PERIOD 2 01 subject to section 2 of this Agreemeitt, the operating I'eriod for each Airmaft wiii be an annual term cf 123 consecutive days between Apnl ln and October 31v inclusive each Year when the Aircrali anil Specialty Equipmcnl is to be nnincdiately available for the provision of the Services. The Operating Period will be confirmed with notification to the Compaiiy prior to February 15w of each year of the Agreement T he Operating Pimod for 2007 will be Mny 8w to Scpteinber 7'". SCHFDULE 0 AIRCRAFT, PERSONNEL AND S PFCIALTY EQUIPME N T During thc Agreement Period, the Company shall providi: Aircraft, Personnel and Specialty Equipment according to ttie following specifications snd qualifications/experience. 1. A I RC R A FT 1.01 In performing the Service~, tho Coinpany ivill provide lhe folioiving Aircrag: a) o n e ( 1) Lockheed Electra (L-188) Air Tanker aircrag complctc with a Constant/Yattoblc Flow Fire Bombing Tank, Commimicstion Systems and other ancillary equipmcnt as detailcii in the Company's Proposal and this Scliedule; and b) o ne (I) Turbo Commander (TC690) fully IFR capable Btrddog aircrar, complere ivith Communication Systems and other ancillary eqnipment ns detailed in the Company's Proposal and this Schedule. 2. PE R SONNFL 2.01 I' l ight Crew - Air Tanker Pilot-i -Command will meet the fogoiving quabfications/experience: a) v a lid Airline Transport Pilot I.icensc; b) va lid Pilot Proficiency Check on lypr; c) c u rrent instrument rating; d) p ilot-in.command - minimum 1,500 bourn; c) pi lot-in-command-minimum 500 hours nmlti-engine; f) ex perienced in mountainous snd remote airstrip operations, g) tr amcd m nccordance with thc Training Manual, h) t w o (2) years experience in lire bombing as pilot-in-conunand; and i) pi l ot personal Dying hi~tory shag be made available on reqiiest of the Minister F l ight Crew - Air Tanker Co-Pilot/1st officer will meet the following qualifications/experieiice: a) v a iid Airline Tisnsport Pilot I.icensc; b) va lid Pilot Proficiency Check on type; c) cu r rent instrutnciit rating; d) p i lot-in-commund niinimum 1,000 hours; e) m i mmum 500 hours multi-engine; I) t r ained in accordance ivith the Training Manual; and g) p i lot personal ilying history shag bc made «vailabie on request of tbe Minister. Aircrah Operauons Agreement Air Spray (1967) I.td. Agreement No. AO0888E001 Page 7 of VIL

16 2.03 F light Crew - Birddog Pilot-in-f'ommanil will meet the following quahfications/experience: a) v a lid Airline Traiisponl icense; b) v ahd Pilot Proficiency Check on lype; c) cn r feiit liisti'uiiiciit fat trig; d) p i lot-in-comnmnd - minimum 1,500 hours; c) p ilot-in-command - mininnim 50 hours multi-engine; I) experienced in mountairious and remote airstrip operations, g) t r ained in accordance with ttie Training Manual; h) ti i o (2) years experience in birddogging as pilot-in-comniand; and i) pi lot personnel flying hislory shal be inade available on request of the Minister M aintenance Creiv ivill meet the following qualitications/ex.perience: a) t r ained in accordance witlt the Company's Maintenance Manuals; and b) A i rcrnfl Maintenance Engineers licensed in accordance with current Tronspon Canada rcquircmcnts. 3. SP E C IALTY EQUIPM E N T 3.01 The Aircraft will beequipped tomcat lhe Avionics and Communication requirements asset out in Appendix A-3 of the RFP - Aircraft Speciality Equipment, as anached to this Agi cement, and in tho Company's Proposal T he Aircrah ivill be equipped with all safety and survival equipnient and supplies m rcquircd by feilernt and provincial lsivs and regulations T he Aircraft will be equipped with a satellite based Automated Flight Foflowing (AFF) tracking system to meet Canadian and United States requirements. SCHEDULE C SERVICES and FACILITIES I. SER VICFS 1.01 At the Commencemeot of the Operating Period, thecompany ivilh a) po sition the Aircraft at the Dc»gnatcd Base to coirunence provision of the Service~; and b) co n firm thc flight operations personnel assigned to thc Ain,rnft During ttie Operating Period, the Compmiy ivilh a) p osition the Aircraft at the times aod locations specified by thc Minister; b) m aintoin an> air readiness level as specified by the Minister, c) u se its best efforts to ensure that the Aircrafl and Personnel adhere to the Ministry's operational procedures and instruclions; d) c ause appropriate personnel ofthe Company to attend pre arid post action debrieting exercises, e) u ndertake work utilizing aircraft nnd appropriate personnel for tliird parties as directed by the Minister; fl ensure that all flight operations personnel are auired in standmd apparel for either flight or maintenance as the case maybe; g) a t the request of rhe Minister cause any personnel, whoa' not providing the Services descnbcd in this Agreement and Schedules to the Minister's satisfaction to be removed from providing thuse Services; h) p r ovide Addirional Services; i) pr ovide the Services in accordance saith ttie British Columbia Forest Service Fire Bombing Proccdurcs; 1) mo dify Specialty Equipment for sat'ety requircmcnts and service efliciency erdianceiuents at the direction of the Province, st a cost to be agreed upon by thc Province end the Company negotiating in good faiili; k) s upply suitable environmental coneammcnt and storage for afl associated aviation tluids; and 1) st ore, handle and dispose of all lubricants, oils and other environmcntagy hazardous materials according to "A Summary of Environniental Standards and Guidelines for Fuel Handling, Transportation and Storage" a B.C. Environment Publication A Designated Base fortlie Aircrafl for each Operating Period will be confirmed by the Province with notification to ibe Company prior to February 15 of each year of tbe Agreement. For the 2007 Operating Period the Designated Base is Williams Lake, British Columbia During the Operating Period, the Aircrafl, Personnel, Specialty Equipment and support systems inust be available to provide the Services for a lime period specified by tlie Minister up to a maximum of a 14 hour duty day or as legislated, and in accordance ivitb the daily standby alert established by tbe Minister. Aircrail Operations Agreement Air Spray (1967) Ltd. Agreement No. AO0888E001 page 8 ofdbi

17 1.05 The Minister may request or the ('ompany may furnish a substitute or Replacement Aircrag and Specialty Equipment of n t>pe mutually agreed upon for spectlic ilights I'he charges for the Replacernertt Aircrag and Specialty Fquipment will bc according to Schedule D, except as uthcmvise provided Notwithstandmg the Company's obligations to provide tire Services during tire Operating Period, the Company may, with the consent of the Province, usc the Atrcraft for other purposes. It'tire Company does so use tire AircraR, the Availability Charges described io Schedule D and F will be reduced as agreed to by the Company and thc Province. 2. FA C I LITIES 2 01 During the term ofthis Agteement, the Company will provide a Transport Canadn approved Mcintenant e Organizatton as described in tire Proposal Tire Company will provide a 24 hour contact facility during the Operating Period &ant tvhich the Minister may request Services. SCHPDULE D FFF. SCHEDULE 1. FEE SCHEDULE 1.01 In Ihis Schedule, unless the context requires otherwise: a) Scht:tiuic F, to bc paid by the Province to the Company for Additional Services provided by the Company as b) c) authorized under this Agreement; Services; "F~II ht Time" means: wv for the L-188 Air Tanker the time, measured in minutes and reponed in tenths of an hour as calculated and derailed in the Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM), I'rom the aircrar leaving its stationary position at a retnrdant loading facility for the purposes of takeoff to the time tvhen the airerait returns to a retardaut loatling facility anti comes to a complete stop; and ii, fo r the IC690 Birddogaircrag the time, measured in minutes and reported in tenths of an hour as calcu lared aad detailctl in the Transpott Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM), from tv bee(s roll to v heels stop; d) e) "F~lin Rate" means tire hourly charges for Flight Time as set oui in Schedule F; "Fuel Rate" ts the rate charged by the Company to the Provioce for fuel used in performance of the Services, as set outre Schedule F; 8) II) "I ~audie Fees" are the ft es charged by the Airport Authorities to the Compauy for landings witile providing the Services, as set out in Schedule F; "P~ositionin " means required movement to locate the Aircraii to a job site at the request of the Minister; "Prancer Account" means a written statement ttf account, on Company lenerhead, in a fornt satisfactory to the Minister, to the address set out in this Agreement, showing the calculation of the amounts claimed for thc period, including: flighislip orinvoicc reference natvber; daie; pilot name; Aircraft regirirntion and type, Agrecmenl nutnherl /trench or Fire Cetrtre; legs offhghr, including. from/i' o and ep/dot en iimas hoirrt or milesflmvn htinisiry vse code and Fire nr profeci nantbcr, fact cons tnrr piion. Inc ludo I; - voitmtes - locations drmvn freer A ircral'i Operations Agreemont Air Spray (1967) Ltd. Agreement No. AO0888E001 Pa e 9 ofgtg

18 nppii chic cite<gas, londinys, including< - m<mhcr cf inndmgs - cerodro<ne identifier; alber oppl<cnble costs unde<pen<est "l'oods nod scrv<ces received" signature; <oral fligh cost; ond passenger nun<ca I <nanifetr. At the co<nmcnccmmt t of each year, during the Agreement Term, the Minister may change rite requirements for a Proper Account and will advise the Contpany in tvri ting; i) "Release Rate" means that rate sct out in Schedule F to ere<lit the Ministty for each day the Aitcrag is released by the Province to thc Company; nnd j) "~Re ositionin "means a change in the aircrag location sr the request of the <Minister I he Province <vill pay the 1;ompany the follotvi<tg with respect to the services provtded: a) A v ailabiiity Charges asset oot in Schedule F; b) F light Time at thc Flying Rnte ns set o<tt in Schedule F; c) in the event of Aircraft Posilioning, Flight Time at the F'lying Rate; d) F l ight and hh<inten«nce Cretv accommodation and expertses when crews are awayovernight from their Designated Base, as spec<fied in Schedule F; e) t hose fuel expenses, as set out irt Scltcdule F, if incurred by the Company m the performance of the Services; f) those airport charges and fccs, exact out in Schedule F, if incurred by the Contpany in thc performance oi'ihe Services; 8) Addirional Availability Charges for Additional Services as setout in Schedule F for: subject to (ii), aml (iii) no less timn 3 days regardless of the number of days the Additional Services are pruv<ded; ii. no less than ttvo days ifthe Additional Services arc commenced on the second day preceding the beginning or the second day followittg the cnd of the Operating Period, regardless of the number of' days tttc Add<tional Scrv<ccs are provide<i; iii. no less than one day if<be A<lditional Services are commcnccd nn the dny preceding thc beginnin or thc day following thc end of the Operating Period; m<d h) Ot her Costs as set out m Fchedule F The Province will pay those fees dcscrtbcd in paragraph I 02 as setout in<his Schedule and allother charge<within 30 days following receipt by the Province of a Proper Account 'I he Company will submit Proper Accounts irma less than weel ly and no Ion er than monthly intervals As of the Year commencing April I, 2008, the Availability Charges, Flying kate, and Additional Availability Charges as set out in Schedule F <vill be adjusted an a compound basis by 100M of the British Columbia CPI for the calendar ) ear immediately precediug the Year to which such amounts are applicable. SCHEftUL E F. INSURANCE I. I NS URANCE 1.01 In addi<ioo to such pohcies as are required by Canadian laws and regulations, the Company shall, at its sole cost and expense and during the Agreement Tenn provide and maintain for the benefit of tits Minister, his servants, ager<ts and employees: a) c omb<ncd public liability, property dan<age and passenger bodily injury insurance itt sums not less than tcn million dollars (810,000,000) and the insurance will include: products and completed operations liabihty; ii. non-owned automobile insurance; bla<d<ct corttractual liability, iv. contingent employer liability; v. personal injuty liability; vi. employees as additional insureds; and vii. a cross liability clause. AircraR Operations Agreement Air Spray (1967) Ltd. Agreement No. AO0888E001 Page 10 of P(IT ~Q ' age o )

19 The Province is to be added as an "Additional insured" on owned airmar liabiliry insurance under this policy, as follows ' Her Majesty the Queen in nght of the province of British Coluinbia as represented by the Minister of Forests and Rairge anil auy of its cmployccs, servants or agents"; and b) a ny additional insurance ivhich ii required by faw or which the Company considers necessary to cover risks not otheovise covered by insurance specified in tiiis section All insiirance will bc in a form, and content and placed with an insurer or insarers duly licensed to carry on insurance business in British Columbia acceptnble to the Minister The Company shall, not later than the cotnmencement of the Agreement Term, provide to the Province a Cenitlcate of liisurance confirming «il policios and necessary enilorsements to comply ivith the irisurance requireinents outlined herein. I.04 1 he Company will ensure that fhe insurance may not be cancelled ormnterially changed in any way whatsoever without the insurer s providing 30 days prior notice to the Minister. I.05 1 he insurance ivill be primnry and not require the sharing of any loss by any insurer of the Province. I.06 T he Conipany waivcs ng rights ofrecourse against the Province witti regard to dnmage to the Companys property he Company shalt, at its oivn expeme, obtain WutkSafe I)C coverage for itself its subcontractors, all ivorkers and any shareholders, directors, panners or other individuals employed or engaged in tbe perfomiance of the Services. The Conipany niust comply witt> all conditions of the IVorkerx Compensation dot and iegulatioris thereunder, and upon request, must provide the Province with proof of such compliance. SCHEDULE F FEES I. AVA I L ABILITY CJIARGES i.01 An Availability Charge for the Operating Period, totalling one million three hundred eighty seven thousand four hundred forty dollars ($1,3S7,440.00) payable in five (5) equal insialments on May 1", June I", July I", August in and September I" in each year of the Agreement as follows: a) o ne (I) L-I88 Air Tanker in the amount of $1,I ,' and b) o ne (I) TC690 Birddog aircraa in ihe aniount of$249, A dditional Availability Clrarges for each day of Additional Services: a) o ne (I) L-188 Air Tanker in the ariiount of $9 250 UO; and b) o ne (I) TC690 Birddog aircrar in the aniount of 8 $2, FL IG HT TIME GU A R A N T K F Thc Provinri. uaraniees a minimum nuniber of hours of Flight Time per aircraa payable at thc Flying ftate for each year of the Tenn of this Agreement. 1he guamnteed minimums as per 20I of this Schcdnle arc as follows: a) 6 0 hoursforone(l) L -l88air'lanker;and b) 7 5 hours forone (I) TC690 Birddog aircrna. Any amounts owing ivith respect to thc Fli ht Tiine Guarantee will be calculated and within 30 days following tbe end of the Operating Period and paid by tbe Province. 3. FL I G IIT TIME CHARGES 3.01 F light Time Ctiarges for each hour of Flight Time and pro raicd for pan hours are calculated at tbe bout ly Flying Rate as fogoivs: a) o ne (I) Air Tanker L-I 1!8 in thc amount of $3,480.00; and b) n nc (I ) TC690 Birddog aircrar in the amount of $ CRKW ACCOMKIODATION AND EXPENSES 4 0 I A ivay from Designated Base living expenses ivig be flat rated and receipts will not be required. The daily alioivance will be $ and must be submitted on ifie daily flight slips Should ihe Ministn supply any of the above expenses the daily rate will be reduced as follows: accommodation $85.00, meals ($15.00 for each meal), and ground transportation $ An additional $26.00 per night per fligin mid maintenance crew member when the Aircraft and crew are required by the Ivlinister to be positioned north of the 60' latitude. OTHER Aircraft Operations Agrceinent Air Spray (1967) Ltd. Agreement No. AO0888EOOI Page I I of+ (2 age

20 5.01 Fuel 'fhe cost incurred and paid by Ihc Company for aviation fuel useil by the Company to provide Ihe Services under ttiis Agreement La n dirig acd Navigation Fccs a) t he fee/cost for each and every landing for ivhich a landing fce is applicable and incurred by thc Company in performing tlie Services; b) t he actual costs incurred by the Company For each and every navigation service required in the performance of the Services; and c) forest protection and fite fighting services are exempt from NAY CANADA fees described in this section. 5,03 Start-up Fee A fee for Aircraft start-up at the request of the Miaistry for ivliich no revenue time was generated as fof lotus: a) $ for starr-up oftlte L-188 Air Tankeq and b) $ 5000 for start up of the TC690 Birddog aircraft A d ditional Personnel The direct costs of additional niaintenance personnel required during periods of exrraordinary tire activity. 6. REL EASE RATES 6 01 Thc rate for the Conipany's use of the AircraR when released from the Company's Service requirements by the Ministry will be at the Release Rate for each and every day the aircrag is released. I'he Release Rate is as ngreed by the parties. 7. DA M AGES 7.01 For each and every hour the Aircrak, Personnel and Speciality Fquipment are not available for Services as required by the Minister, the Minister may assess damages in the amount equal to one tcnih of the Daily Availability Charge (defined as the Availability Charge divided by 123 days) or at the Minister's diect etion, the reasoriable cost to the Province to replace the Aircrah and Services. 702 D amages may be assessed if the Company does not, in the reasonable opiaion of the Minister, use ail the resources available to the Company to ensure the serviceability of the Aircrah arid as a result the Company fails to respond to a request for Services according to the daily readiness (alert) criteria established by tbe Minister. Pailure to respond in this instance reprcscnts a non availability day or portion thereof I f ihe Birrldog nircrar is unavailable and it is not operationally fcasiblc for the Air Tanker to join another air lanker group the asscsscd damages may be applicable to both the Air tanker and the Birddog aircrad. Airm aft Opcraticus Agreement Air Spray (1967) Ltd. Agreement No. AO0888E001 Page 12 of 12 Page20 of 28FNR

21 Air SPray (1967) Ltd. Box 690, Penhold, Alberta TOM IRO British Columbia Forest Sew ice PO J3ox 9502 Stn Provincial Government Victoria British Columbia Vgw 9CI Y our Reference: A DO E 8 EOO I 24e April 2007 I'OR ATTENTION OF MARCIA FOOTE Dear Marcia, Fuifher to our recent communications, please find enclosed two signed and witnessed copies of the Air Tanker contract, conunencing season Should you require any futfher information or documentation, pleased don't hesitate to contact me, Yours sincerely, thing( Doilg Blowt! General Manager RECEIVED APR 2 R 2007 PROTECTION HEAttEIUARTERs Page21 of 28FNR

22 APA FA AVIATION NANAGSNSNTSS B TO AIA SPRAY P. B I YB I COL()MELA RfgphyICD AP/I I 2 Zi)y File: /AIR20074II Poe=rfafae4317,oom.txo paorsof IBN N'Aot)tragysas /AIR i%mh PRE~ ON AIR TANKER AVAILABILI TY Don Hamilton, presidetxt Airspray(1967) Ltd. // Airport Road Shnoutoxa Alberta TSG QW6 iu order to res peel m the potenthl for early wildfiro acdvity m British Columbia, the hiinistry wishes to coufinn thc pre.season availabuity of ahxankerservices, To respond to this anticipared demand, Airspray (I 967) Lai, is Inslructed to have any or all of xhe ttrldrh Co! umbia Ministry of Forests and Raago connected airteckcr ficat available witidn two wcdte Of Our ServiCO iustmotioua. AIxsptay (1967) Ltd. is advised that this pxr-santon scrvioe availability rcquimnumt is outs(de the uonnal scheduled girtanksr fleet deployment plan. Should the fgnistxy rcguiro services dudng tbts pre-season period, asll oum wilt be for xninimum of five (5) days at the mtes noted in the respective aircmit operations agreement. To meat this pe-sesson service requitement tbe Ministry of Porcsts and Range is prepared to acoept your humsdtste Invoke For that portion of the 2007 ahurafl availability charges that represents ths completed ovm wimer maintenance on these aircraft, er tlorx viatica Operadcru gram 96 Ltd. Concurs: xrl hxaahfav Ihh 'au a~ xth fff rafh? Fl sfhe a & xa Iuo ufx.ua V hhfaf Ilc Pa x af f a A ha a h ff f f Page22 ot 28PN-20( ) h ALf f af a a i h h : a ao

23 (11)1 iihuu h Natural Resource Sector Contract Modification Agreement No. 5 MINISTRY CONTRACT/FILE NO /AO0888E001 PROJECT NAME Ai r Tanker Services THIS MODIFICATION AGREEMENT dated for reference February 6, BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, represented by the MINISTER OF FORESTS, LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS PROVINCIAL WILDFIRE COORDINATION CENTRE (ths mrcuncek 'we"," sq or "o r" as sppl cablel at the folovrtng address 3080 AIRPORT ROAD. KAMLOOPS, BC V2B TX2 Telephon e Fax. Address (250) ( 250) nina barbertbgov bc ca 8 The Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows AND AIR SPRAY (1967) U D (the 'Cont actor 1 "you', o 'your 'as spplrcsble) st the foiiomng address Street NW EDM O N TON ALBER1A T5N IL7 Telephone Fax Address: (750) ( Lynn hsmslcn@a wp sy corn Contractor Representative Corporate Business Number wort Safe SC Nc Ly nn Hamilton A Ministry Representative a B arber and/or P OP No A The pahies entered into an Agreement dated for reference 30w day of Apnl 2007, (here nafier called the "Agreement" ) SCHEDULE A 2. OPERATING PERIOD 2 02 T he Operabng Penod for Group 6 for 2014 will be May 30, 2014 lo September SCHEDULE C SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1. SERVICES 1.03 For the 2014 Operating Penod the Designated Base is Penticton, Bnt sh Columbia. SCHEDULE F FEES 1. AVAILABILITY CHARGES 1.01 An Availability Charge for the Operating Penod, totalling one milnon five hundred and one thousand eight hundred sixty-five dollars ($1.501,865.00) payable in five (5) equal mstallments of three hundred thousand, three hundred and seventy-three (5300,373.00) on May 1*. June 1', July I". August I a nd September 1', 2014, as follows a) one (1) L-188 Air Tanker in the amount of $1,231, and b) one (1) TC690 Btrdog aircraft in the amount of $270, I 02 Additional Availabil ty Charges for each day of Addiltonal Services a) One (I) L-188 Air Tanker in the amount of $10, and b) One (I) TC690 Birdog aircraft in the amount of $2, FLIGHT TIME CHARGES 3 01 Flight Time charges for each hour of Flight Time and pro rated for part nours are calculated at the hourly Flying Rate as follows a) orts (I) Air Tanker L-188 rn the amount of 3, and b) one (I) TC 690 Birdog aircraft in the amount of $ NRs600 cont ad Modificst o Agreement CSNR.FSB - Nov 7, 2013 Page23 o i2)iih)fi

24 C O NTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM E NT CONTINUED Cltl Vi AC('OhthtODATION A ID I)XPI(Nhl) Away from Designated Base lving expenses will be flat rated and receipts will not be required The daily allowance will be and must be submitted on lhe da ly fr ght slips 4 02 Should the Mmistry supply any of the above expenses the da/y rate will be reduced as follows accommodation $115.00, meals $49 50 ($16 50 for each meal) and ground transportation $65 00 I Air Spray also has the following additional a rcraft available for hire based on their 2014 tanff as follows Aircraft Tanker 498 Tanker 487 Bi ddog 58 Birddog 57 Ident ficat on C-FDTH 0 FZCF C FMCX I C-F0L Da Rale $ /da $ /da $ /da $4,2gl 00/da Houri Rate $ /ho r $ /hour $815 00/hour $815 00/hour 0 I as other respects, the Ag cement is conf rmed D To ne is of the essence n the Modif cat on Agreement The Parties duly exec te this Modification Agreement as follows SIGNED AND DELIVERED on behalf of the P ovmce by an aulh t ized eprespplatve of the Province SIGNED AND DELIVERED by or on behalf of the Contractor (or by an author zed s gnat ry of the Contractor f a corporation) (S gnatu e of autho ized M n stry Expense Authonty) (S gnature o actor or Author zed Signatory) L ina Barber HINTED NAME ofautho zed rap esentatve) Lynn Hamlton (PRINTED NAME of Cont actor or authonzed signatory) Dated tti s I 0 d ay of ' \ L( - / 20» Dated the I day of tx I r 20 I Q NRS500 Co t act Moddcsbon Ag cement CSNR FSB No Page24 of fpiii450)

25 alii I'1 st I Col.iilriiiin Natural Resource Sector Contract Modification Agreement No. 6 MINISTRY CONTRACT/FILE NO /AOOSSSE001 PROJECT NAME A ir Tanker Sennces THIS MODIFICATION AGREEMENT dated for reference February 4, BETWEEN AND HER MAJESI Y THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, represented by the MINISTER OF FORESTS, LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS PROVINCIAL WILDFIRE COORDINATION CENTRE AIR SPRAY (1967) I TD (the "contractor( "yovq or "your" as spprcabl el at the following address Street NW EDMO N TON ALBERTA T5N IL7 (ths "province, "we", "us ' or "oui" as applicable) at the fosowrng address Telephon e Fax Address 3080 AIRPORI ROAD, KAMLOOPS BC V28 TX2 (780) ( 780) Lym hsmiaon@airspray corn Telephone (250) Fax: (250) Address nina.barberibgov bc ca Contractor Representative Corporate Business Lynn Hamilton A Number Ministry Representative Nina Barber w orkssrs ac No an dlor P O P No A. T he Parbes entered into an Agreemenl dated for reference 3De day of Apnl 2007, (hereinafter called the "Agreement" ), The Parties agree to amend Ihe Agreement as follows SCHEDULE A 2. OPERATING PERIOD 2 02 The Operating Penod for Group 6 for 2015 will be May 29, 2015 to September 28, SCHEDULE 0 SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1. SERVICES I 03 For the 2015 Operating Period the Designated Base is Castlegar, Bntish Columbia SCHEDULEF FEES 1. AVAILABILITY CHARGES 1 01 An Availability Charge for the Operating Penod, totalkng one million five hundred and fifteen thousand three hundred and eighty-four dollars ($1,515,384 00) payable m five (5) equal inslagments of three hundred and ihree Ihousand, and seventy-s ix dofiars and eighty cents ($303,076.80) on May I", June I", July I", August Iu and September I *', 2015, as follows a) one (1) L-188 Air Tanker in the amount of $1, and b) one (I) TC690 Birdog aircraft in the amount of $272, Additional Availabil ty Charges for each day of Additional Services a) One (I) L 188 Air Tanker m Ihe amount of $10,103.00; and b) One (I) TC690 Birdog aircraft in the amount of $ FLIGHT TIME CHARGES 3.01 Flight Time charges for each hour of Flignt Time and pro rated for part hours are calculated at the hourly Flyrng Rate as follows a) one (I) Air TanKer L-166 in the amount of 3, and b) one (I) TC 690 Birdog aircraft in the amount of $ NR6600 contract Mcdir'cstio Agreeme I CSNR-FSS Nov Page25 opg()eiiibi

26 C ONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM E N T CON j)nued I Atr Spray also has ttie following addit anat a rcraft ava table for hire based on their 2015 tanff as follows Aircraft Tanker498 Tanker487 8 rddo rddog 57 Idenlficaton ~ Da Rate C.FDTH $ /da 0 FZCF $ /da 0 FMCX $ /da 0 - F I L $ /da Houri Rate $ /hour $ /hour $815 00/hour $815 00/hour C D In ag other respects. ttie Agreement s conf'rmed Ti me is of the essence in this Mod ficat on Agreement The panies duly execute It»s Mod liest on Agreement as follows SIGNED AND DELIVERED on behalf of the Province by an aut o ized repres I v o f t e Prov nce (Si natu e of auth nzed M n stry Expense Author ty) I na Ba ber P INTED NAME of auftionzed representat ve) SIGNEQ-A4P DELIVERED by or on behalf of the Contractor (or by an au V~~ or z d s)gnatory of the Contractor ~ if a corpo ation) (Signet re of Contractor or Author zed Signatory) +I'-u (PRINTED NAME of Contractor or authonzed s gnalory) Dated this ~ d ay of / 20 ~+ Dated this +S d ay of ~E u An z 20 I 5 NRssoo - 0 t c t Modacat o /ig ee e I CSNR FSB No Page26 of FPIIP(

27 Bill'irsH Coi u sliiiii Natural Resource Sector Contract Modification Agreement No. 7 MINISTRY CONTRACT/FILE NO /AO0888E001 PROJECT NAME Ai r Tanker Services THIS MODIFICATION AGREEMENT dated for reference February 12'", BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE OUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, represented by the MINISTER OF FORESTS. LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS PROVINCIAL WILDFIRE COORDINATION CENTRE (tne prouncek 'we ',"usk or "our' as applicable) at the fosowng address 3080 AIRPORT ROAD, KAMLOOPS, BC V29 7X2 T elephone. Fax. Address (250) ( 250) dave marek/sgov bc ca Ministry Representative A Da ve Marek AND AIR SPRAY (1967) LTD (ths Tontmdor'. 'Touk or "your" as applicable) at the lolloinng sddmss Street NW EDM O N TON ALBERTA T5N IL7 Th e Parties entered into an Agreement dated for reference 30 day of Apnl 2007, (hereinaher called Ihe "Agreement" ), B. T he Parties agree to amend the Agreemenl as follows Telephon e Fax Address (780) ( Lynn hamilton/bsrrsprsy.corn Contractor Representative Corporate Business Number w oass/e ac ao SCHEDULE A 2. OPERATING PERIOD 2 02 The Operahng Period for Group 6 for 2016 will be Apnl 25, 2016 to August 25, 2016 SCHEDULE C SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1. SERVICES I 03 For the 2016 Operatmg Penod the Designated Base is Wig/arne Lake, Bribsh Columbia I-ynn Hamilton A an d/or P OP No SCHEDULE F FEES 1. AVAILABILITY CHARGES I 01 An Availabihty Charge for the Operating Penod, tolapmg one mipion hve hundred and fourty-four thousand, one hundred and forty-two dollars ($1,544,142.00) payable in gve (5) equal installments of three hundred and eight thousand, eight hundred and twenty-eight dollars and farty CentS ($308,828 40) On May I', June I", July I'. AuguSt lu and September I", 2016, as foiiows a) one (I) L 188 Air Tanker in the amount of $1,266, and b) one (I) TC690 Birdog aircraft m the amount of $277, I 02 Additional Availability Charges for each day of Additional Services a) One (I) L-188 Air Tanker in the amount of $10,295 00, and b) One (I) TC690 Birdog aircraft in Ihe amount of $ FLIGHT TIME CHARGES 3 01 Flight Time charges for each hour of Flight Time and pro rated for part hours are calculated at the hourly Flying Rate as follows a) one (I) Air Tanker L-188 in the amount of $3, and b) one (I) TC 690 Birdog aircraft in Ihe amount of $ NR contract Moddcstion Agreement CSNR-FSB - Nov Page27 of~ g t

28 CONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM E NT CONTINUED C D In ah other respects, the Agreement is conhrmed Ti me is of the essence m this Modification Agreement The Parties uly execute this Modification Agreement as follows SIGNED ND DEI IVERED on behalf of the Prov nce by an alive of the Prownce [ ufhor ze g aples) (Signal ]re (I j k thonzed Ministry Expense Authonty) Dave Marek (PRINTED NAME of authonzed represenlauve) SIGNED AND DELIVERED by or on behalf of the Contractor (or by an authonzed signatory of the Contractor if a corporation) y (Signature of Contractor or Auihonzed Signatory) rmhen r (PRINTED NAME of Contragccr or authonzed s gnatory) 7 20+I Dated th s day of 7 I. 20 Ie NR0000 cont act Moo iieet on Agreement CSNR-FSB - Nov Page28 of 28I-IIlf%T

29 Af RC:R(YF I' C3PI:Rd<TIC3 N ft)c'[cvi'.[bib:n'j BI<I I 1 st I COI) h(i BI A IIIINISTRY OI< IORLrhTSANB RA I G I'. Agrccn)cr)t ivuc AO ( flggl'uuia File Itefcrcnce: H[7U 20/AO(flkql)t)03A Projecb A i r 'I)mkcr 5 i v i(e) THIS AGRE))iVH:NT mad n n thc tns< ~ da ul A~)nl 2010 BLTVVI'IL'N: I ILk MA)I STY Tl-IL GULL'iV I RIC HT OI 'IHL PROVINCE Ol i BRITISH COLOMBIA )Vil<lfire Maua cment Branct) BC Irorest Service fhciemogei c)tier( the "W " o t "Pmvmcc") at the lugrnvmg a(lilrecc 308U Airport Ron<I ICamluupc, British Columbia V2I5 7)(2 Telcphonc No; 25(l-312:ibhc Fax No: lb[i<<is(i) Re presentative: Slcv N ew<un I.))iaih I < i)c i in n f (hci insgei cageil tiic " Y ou" ni "Company" ) At the lullnivmg )d<lrcsc 20I63 Airport Ron<I Ed<no<)toll AB)el(i) T 5 G 0)V6 Teleplmnc Nu: 7qtl 4)'I )-g(G 4088 i<ac No: 7M F.-mail< lyru).hamiltoii(r<.airspray.cuu) WiilckFAS: A. T he Cili))pi<i<)' i i l i ilv lice)ised <<i up('i' ite:ii)il pn vid ' <lie Atter it<, St)ac) ih)' Fqi))fi)nci)t 11)id.'I('1'1'ici: iic Iiecilicd i)1 Uiis Agre 'niciil, B. T l) c Vruv)iicc tcqiiucc 0)e <)id Aircruh, Stir<why Eqii)[inlet)l ;i)1<l '.(erv)(c Inr 1(ce in Uie Mirii Iry nl I )reals ir)il Bi) )ile, Wil<0)rc M )re)go))ic))l Br ii)ch, i 0)ci ( «vcii)i)teil < nt Br)(i 0 C id<milne I'rngr)<)is,nnl uih 'r ng 'ricrcs unde) agreeuicnl w)ih Ihc Viuvin(e, CL On t h e bncic nt t hr: ('ompany's snbmwsinn il, icd Sct)tcrnher 25, 200') m r ccixmcc l u I hc Ptuvince's Request I'ur Piopnsalc i g UU3, Ihe Provirw. h, «g rccd In re<un the ( «rnpany < i [ ii'tie)tie 01c A i re)ilk, Speci;ih)' Et)i)<pole))I i)10 Serviccc I'i r th e p urpu ' ) I thc control u l iv<ldlircs, aml B. T t) c C r nq)any hac agree(l tu pniviile )<)el) A))el itt, S[eci ih) 0 \tiiipincii< i<10 Services Iu Ule I r<ivi<1 ACCORI) INGLY, Ih p artic.. ig r ac tnlluivs I B FFI ITIONS I Ol h i 0) is,)give)i)c)it, <ii)lcc U ic c< ))text ridieiwi rut[i)<res' <) "Additiur)al gcrviccs ' m si c Scivices i quested hi t h V ruviiice, durmg th» T rm lnii x cl <hng t hc Aveilahilriy Fern)d, Iu be provi<lc I hy Ih C o nqiany i n: cnrrl, iw. iv)ih Uie terms ul 0 i Agree)))ei)t;in<I ivitliiii Bnlisti Lulu)1)l ia i vh 're Uic ( or)i[am)) c i)1 reas<1)i )hly Inal, 0 1c Airer)t<, S pcr:ialiiy Lquip uen(,nul I'crc<um I.ivoik)(le tnr cucti 5 rvir, h) "Aum,ih" m cam.i )' nr all aircraft, <t m i li d m S clie<lul B cuv rcri hy <hic Agre a)en< ii)cliidiiig Rupia)ca)) )e))l Air '1 st I, nr Sp 1< ' A)) ci It <. A)r I'anl, r Scrwce lur <V)ldf)r M,nwg a)en< Agreerncnl ff AO(tlhsLfit11A P ace I I 3 1 Air Spi, y (Iai67) Lt I Vage1 of 40VNR

30 c) "Ave<)ability Vcnu<C means thc aimuaf pcr<nrf luting,< cefemlar ye <r ac.et nul in Sche<fufc A whcrc ihe A i rcraft, Spectafiy I <fur))ment, nd I'ersonnef : irc m;iiflfy e s ilo)if«in pruvide <h.'iervl< 'c uilii 'I linc Agi'<el<<col, e) Vioce<lnicc, created and m arntarnc<f hy t h e Vrovm(e, ourhniri tt <c Province's t rcinmg requiienlenis aixl upcmt inn»i pnfi«es and prucmlures m r I»inn <u ' etta) lire fight mg; "i)util up A r a" means anv I'»tern oi i,m c 1 md occnplerf h) bunce. tioilers, moblfe t urn<ex. uurl»iif<fmgc nr t her m,mma<fc ciruciures iher, irr )wing tlnearencd hy, arc,nf )scent tn, nr,<rc w»fnn thc bnundarics nf,,l '<V»illir, "~DC)< tiled 14) " m eans <he upcr: «unaf i)is i n ivhi h th A ncr aft ic. ))<gled.icc»ribnq tn Scf<C»I<le A, I nr ctc,lnd Range, lfic Dircctnr, Ptolccuon Prn r n i,,iii I cllcb»tiler M»1)clrv enifilnvccc;ic Ihc Asclcl 1\il Dc)inly Miiilcler, Oper,<<runs nr 1)ic Due<tor, I'rulcclimt Program riley;lull<»risc, h) k) I) in) I') I) "Lxtra Scrvic c" m mic hel i(cs iequestcd hy tile Firn mes, duiing lhc I r m, t 0 pr nvnled hy Ihc ( 1)lil)»I<1)' nl ; I ' ci)oft»le<: wilt< Itic ter<)is iu l itic Ag<CC<il' i» ;I<<if Vilf lot ffi'nlcfl Col<i<<if»,1 <vhere thc ( n rnpany <, n i mison.<f)ly uuil c Sfxir Ai r cratt und Versunn I avaifnhlc fnr such S<lvtccc, "~lm )ruvcm nl i)<earls any vetucfe, equipmcru ui other m,mmad c l ru<iurr: thai tc nccupynlg turest or range lanrl. heing thr, tcnc<l by, «dlacenl tn, or ivitliin lhe )mund:<ne) nt.:1 Wilrll'irc, "Ivf:nnlcn,m c )l a nunlc' m eans the Crnnpany's l i anspoit C aned,i appioved M otnlcnince Contrnf aml M <inie nance Prnccdures M nn< if) (ir I i ting lh ' aircraft operate(l by thc,iir earner, Itic I<lan»let»nice cr»erie, prr)r:«i I c,lnd cells(tule fnr sac)i.nrcr,<lt,<<id dlc frere(in»et rccflinlslflfc for titan»cn,<rl 'c, lilcf)ccli»i an<i quet»y cunlml; "M inister m eans the Mmi icr nf Furcate aml flange ut In D c<igni»cd Repieccnlahvc, "Mnnctry" means lhc Mmlsiry t' I ureci, mif Range. Vrnvmcc nfl) ritich ('nfumbla, ('nmfinn) 's opei sting pi ocerfnrcs,mii includes any amendmm<tc io ihc,irnc ac requtieil by I nv, ~l'rn<ilsif i n nilxctli ( o nlfxnlv ssnbitutlmf i ))<otic t < f(f I' l l ) 0 0 1, "RFP" m am Request I or Pm) ) )o I )0 (103 tnr A)r lani sr Scrwc c lnr Wil(flu<'11<il ll'ci<1 ' itl, "~RC ))»cement Airct it<" mesne:urer ill prnv«le<i I 7 thc Cumpmy lo rcpt nc Ih ' Airer <It; S ervices" n l e ms l ite ) c in e pi nv«led h y <flu ( n rnfxiny I ) t h e Vrnvutcc rfecmlficil i n Sr:heiiufc (2 "S~ ar W r crall' n icene any ol' Ihe Company'c mt<r.<fl meeting»ie A ilctatl, i nif S)1 clafity Equipmcnt «f)emlicatti)ns as c i nut in Appcmltx 2 lo '.icheilulc If (ir 1 ngrc '6 by thc fi lrnc, <fill lit<' Coul)lan)' Ic ivilling Io nial c avlnflifllc nil lfic Pi<)voice s I<'qliesl Io fiiilvulc I' <i<a,iclvlces urlil r thc le»tie an<) con(iilumc ol thi Agtccntenl; ~ il es I I)I ' I (~Ill nile»1 lit ' inc lite cf<cli ifiv c() <<if linen < IC(flared nl fir(ivublig lllc SCIVICcc nld 'lc i)ascribe() nl Solicit»i ' B,, iirl,iti y»f lcr cilcb «qulliltl ' n l ul llrnvcd by I)l e fvli<llclel' Inr ucc ni f)<<i'< i» i rig I)IC Si'le <C 'c, '"lcm<" means tim pcr n(l ilcccrtberf in tins Agr amen< nnd represmnc thc per»xi <vhich Agrccmcnt md lis Sche(fufcc coni<rnic effect accord<ny, to <hc terms, incfudtng any extcncmn nt tile Agi'<'cruel<I, Air T,nk 6 r i c. Inr W<ldl<te Man,< me t Agt <ittenl a AOltlahbqulA P igs 2 I 11 <ir Spnly (I')67) I I<i Pagano»OFNR

31 t'light crciv cntcri,i. prnm<fures and. ch il ul requircrl fiy t:iiv, : n i t mi l <Ics any,imcn<lmenls tn <)m smnc as v) "19<fdtiic" m eans nn u nplanned li i nci u i i ing n n t'ores< oi m n g la n rl, ( n nnmg t ore I vi'gelt<<i i<1, glass, 1)iu Ii, s'<<<[i, [ii <i)ail<tv, iit <i pri'<crit< 'tl I<i ' s»i i<rut<i I lit<it<trig pc<it<i< i»bish, m Ihc tudgtnt of : i f urcal iitf<cer Ihrc,itcns tn spread beyoml Ih * ar a.«ituinzcd lor tt<al 0 ti r i 1 i 1< 8 ; it<it w) 'Year' rn ans If<a means ihc 12 mun<h pc<nid lrom Apnf I il ',i i <lent[ r v ar lu Merc[< 11 «t' thc neil calcmlar ye:n, inclu <ie ul lm<li i[sic. 2. A f' P O[ NTN[L'NT,'I'ERhf AiVI) SERY[CI,S 2.<) I I'hc Pinv<nie, retains the Cungi,iny to prnviil ih c Seri iccs n< acciirdanic w ii h tins Ayrccmeni rc art[less ul lhc <1st Ih * Parti» execute nr i)et<vcr <lux Agrccmcnl 2 02 Tttc Cnmpmv w<u prov»le thc Seivii <Iriring tt<c Avmlah<l<ty Pcrioil iluiing -, ih Year ol rlw seven year T rm lhal i nmm nccs Apn l I, 2<110,n <I iuts on Mnri h 3 1, 20)7 anr[ i[unng my ex<en iint tn th * lerrn ittade pursumt lu par igraph 2 fig unless this Agrccm n< <c<nnnuc s noner pursuml I fili< igr if)li 111 a<id/nl [) irtigt,iph I I I bc Company ~hall prov<rlc rh» Services under tins Agrccmcnt rlunng cacti Ava ilat»hiy Veri id m ca I< Ye <r ol lhc I em< and sny estens«mul <h Term. 2 t)d T he I'arl<cs nmy.igr In c i t enrl lhc l erm by a maximum nl' lincc Years, cub i <ten <un iil' nu fess it<a<it i<i<a Yea<' tit ter<gib 2U s II t h» Virl<cs»grec n cxtcrxt the I'crm of rfns Agr»em nt I ir up tn rfirec (I) atkhlinn,<t Year, Ihc 'f'erut ivig cnd nn March 31, 2018, 2<)19 ur 2<12tt,is;igrc rl 20 b It Ih Pr ovince ivish s In enter mtn an;<grccmi:nl(s) n ith ihc ( himp iny tu estcnil tt< T erm, lhc Province w<lf pruv<ili writ< n nnt<ce nl cai:h cxlensim< on u< bcl'nr Sept mher 3t) <IS lf Ihc Parties,igri c tn estentl lhc 1erm, un[vs I h P arties othmiv<se a rce <n ivriting anr) subjcc< ln s u[i paragrapfi 2,01 <hc tcims aixl craig<<tons of<in< Agrccnwnt m l l ei <;is at the end nl' the Term an<[ ally ex<et<sin<is stiff:ipply l urir<g:<<tv soli i rtuc«t cxletimiul 19» give ynu nn,is urances, express rt or <rnpli.<l ih n ivc will iv<s)< io cmcnif tins Agr cmcnt I y n mt 111» Is<'ttt 2 t19 A ny cxrmisiun nt the f'erm pursuam iu paragraph 2.1)s dues nni prevent the prnviiw. I<nm i i ctctsmg ils rig)<tv to I 'in<i<i:ilc lt<is Agti:t:Inert< [it<<' or<i<< lo fair,igltiph I I 3. Fli l rs AN[) EXPL'NS[fh 30[ 1 ti3 hl «irl i<le r it<oil ol <bc Fin<flirty [ i<»vis[trig <)<a Set»ice<, itic I'rnvnic ' tv<)( I'«y I< <)<» (! <rt<t i it<y fc 's m«t expenses in the,nnuunts amt m thc m: nn i se< uui in!ict<edulc I) plus any appt<cnh)» mx s Th a i ms dcscrilm I i sec<am 1UI conslnutc lti m ammum.imnunts p iyatil» lo lhc ( ion[xmy lnr ils pcrtnrnuincc nf the Services,nnl <hc Cnngiany tv<[[ nui bc nuifeit to,iny, iikhtional i ompensatnin lur pcrlorrnince whit[mr nr not thc ivurl' situ igy unrlcrlaf,in hy lite Comp my is il s ' i ihc<l in Ihc Agree<I< 'i<i Nntivttitst i<it[trig itty od<cr 1<rnvlst<1<1 nt Ihc Agio»it<et<I, It< ' fuiytnc<<1 iii I<to<icy tiy iti c Prov<rice tu tfic ( nri<tiat<)' i<i<i[et Ihi Agree<<<et<I ts. <<(<Ice< to Uter» he<rig siillii ic«l rt<<1<lics,is<it <[if» <tt ;t<1 afifirtifiriulnni,,i i )cl nc I nl <tie / i<trit<»in/ fdkriiirrsrrrr/rim A i /, t n en,<blc tlm Provmicg <n ;iny l isr:st ye,<r ut part Ihc<cr I' whcri ; n) pay<iten< ul mui cy tiy lt<r: Vrnvnn. I n the Company I:i)Is rluc un<ter lln A g r en<ant tn»<a) c I)1<n fit<)'i<i»it<,:<<<i) Air I: nl,er 6 rw s for <9<I<ll<re I la<mgcm nl A r <trent a AOI088EUU3A A<r Spray (19O7) Ltd 1»1 11 ~Q~ Pag»3~940PNR

32 (1) T t c,is<try B i,irrl :ic <tet<tied iti lite I imiircrrrt Adiiriirisnatiri<I Acr, r<rit tsiving»nit<tolled ut t<m<teil cxpcnrliluic nn ler:my ;qqnnpnatiun r ferrcil ln in sufi<»r linn,<) uf ltus section Th» prnv<ncc ccriilicc that ihc prnperiy.mdhir s rvi<cs ordered amt parsi<,t c<t unrlcr tins Agr '»meni,u * tnr ttic usc rif, nmi.<r h i ng puichasmt liy. ih» I'rovin» v ith Crmvn lumls: n<t,ir t hcrclnr n n t sultjc 'i i 1 tttc Hoods amt Service. Tos. RLI'RL'SENTA I IONS ANO )YAR)(ANT(ES OI T H). ('Oiyf)'ANY 10 l Tt t e ( 'r mpany reprcsciits,mdiv»rrants i< ih * I'nivmcc thai the Cnrnpany' a ) ho h ls»lt pcimit, l ii cnccs, <eititicales, «n nts, aint nthcr;iuttinnzatmm is<ried liy any led rat, i\ment»<it or tuna<»<i< if gin nit<i ' ttt, <n:igcttcy ot,i<iy ul Ih»ni, lb it, rc requir»d lu I < lie(s) hy Ihe ('nmimny, in <nrnactinn ivitti Ih» upcr itr m n i t h ( o u ip my : I itic i ummcn<cmcnt ul Ilus Agrceruent, Ii) w ii l p n v<ilc,<ttd tiniirtlstti ;II,<II bitte< utlicir:itl tr iiiic<i stdt, t»<it<lie, it<tier<its,:itipropn»te equipment aml <ppruvcrt sub contr»clue(.igrecm nt m place mid av;nish)» lo crmht <I tri I'ully per toim the Services anrt mcci ihc ('nmpany's obtigatimis unit»i ttus Agreement. c) ivt tt nul «'I isa < rvsnt, en<ptoy c, o< agent i I lhc prnvmse r!i ttie Mnn Ier, nul d) nn t, m :my remitter wiml reve<, cnnmiit nr propns * lo «nnmil Ihc pmvmce or the M<mslcr I< Ih t) <»rile<it i)t ilriy i<<i)nc)' lii ;in)' fiersiiil, <'s 'I fit I i <ilcrttfif ili rl 6)' It<is Ag<» '<nell< S. COV I VNANTS Ofr THE ('Ohff'ANY S BI T h (.'rimpany iv<ff. ubserv», perlutrn,inrt cnmpiy ivitli stf ot i<sub)<dr<<inn urn(«r this Agre»rn n<. u) tm r lnrm the Scivices m a <t ; <I gn< 4 wnrl sr like utanncr In <he uiti tnct<unnt lhe tvlirusl<y in accoiitnnce wirh the (.ompany's Tiainins tvlnnual mid rhe Opm»t<uns Mnnn,it; <) eqr«p, uperalc:m<l mai I m rhc Aircratl In accnnt: inc» wilts att requ<reutents ut C,<rm lian nml BIitisli ( <it<<i<<tits Ia'Ivs <<<it( I»t'nl <I<orts, h) it I,) li cumply <vitti «tt thc standards, practices, proceituics»nrl specification set nut in th ' ( ornputy s Trmsporr C,m;ir)a appruv»d Oper,itirm M a nuat; ami ttxis» set out i n thc 'I rtnispurr (', n,nta appruv 'il Mermen <ncc M muats in cumluciing at( Aircrat< rn nnicnance, scrv«e, repair, < ver(oui, lc I, <mpruv ar«t niainl:nn <lie A rmalt in a c:ite,md mrivurthy slate ul repin 7< ttt limes m ncco<dan e iit th th m a r»<fee<urer's <ccornuieirlcrt mainlcnsn<e prop<runs uld the Conqinny s Main<a<I;<rice Ivlarntats, tu th» satistacl on ul lite Ivt<mste<, scr.nr <rut ma<nil<in ut quod slarat<ng: 0 ncccs,<ry approvals,inst s rlilicatcs tm the A<r 'r,if<, Set vie, <i Spew. Iiy Equ<p<ncni des»nhcil m this Agre menk m»ke ttie Conqiut) ' I O perari<ms Mammf, M amienan * M <nu: Is an<i otttcr such M : nuals av,nlatitc to Ihe Mitt<st<:I I<port <'»<flic<i, ensuie thai rhc A»r ial< in<i Spec<oily L'qnipmcn< conqiiies with ttt mannlaclur <s' st tnrlaids :nnl tmlc<at/provitic<at regutntinns pnnr tr llm m rmn ncenienl of lhe S»rv<ccs, cause Ihc n»ce»,<ry Irslmg tn < nttirnt <tie pcrfi rmm. ul Ihc ltretinmbmg I ink, ii s i miote a tiigtit sal'ety oftice< liem th t n mpanv *s pe<so met. nittmv no pilot lo lty th A i rcralt to provid» the Sctv«. In<I u,nil tn tins Agrecm»nt, iv<llniut fuim afitiruv,<t <it Ihe vfini Icr. as sure Ihat att Airi ratt n<ainlenance <s p rfurmr:0 liy a f ully quatrli 0.md tic»me<i Ancratt Ma<rite<< trice L<tg< <teer (AMF) w hn is <tnt lit» Air»rail p<luu Ai< Tml, r S r i e tnr 'ivd<lfir«vtan,ig r<i nt Agreeui m a S'8FII<1)A An' Spr. I (I'IO7) Ltil 4 I l l ~0 Page4 of 40FNR»

33 ni) b «r cspim <btc Inr,ill ctmrpes, costs,nnl «q»ns s in ludtng tait nnt [imiicd In si nl aitcr,<lt [uhncaiils,;<till;<irp Irl (o is itc«'ss iry lni itic el[ra»in <1p«iuiiniia u I h R i r<r dl;<tid Sfi< i m d<y I quit»nein rc(piir <I tnr Ihe pcrfnrniansc nl'ihc S«rviccs uniler tins Ag(cern ni, unl«s ntherui c 1 Ibis A gi 'cia 'nh speci[teil 1 n) r sp(inaibte l<)rcnv<r )mncnt,il «[e,mup,i snr:<aiciliviih its own op i»(inn(, m,nldirinn Iu Ihc it m c o nt,nned m ltna A rcentcnt,; nrl s ccpl ts r[eltncd m Schcrl lc Lh I e 1«spm<sitltc IU( ill tlrher aspen «s cinlll ' Icd ivutl itic f»(up<i(1)' np '(tun»11, r eason,ihlv «nnpcr,iic ivitti Ih» Prnv<nce,nnl.my r lhcr persons pnn i dtng S r ic s I n I h» Prtlvnlcc, ql gr,ml In thc Pmvmc, its serv»nts, rop[uyscs anr[ ag nt ac«ess tn the tcchru;1[ mmnt«nance arid lligh< recon[ ol l h c I u mpany i speclm r h e S i v i c s ai a [l r a sian<hi Inu»a tur Ilw. put[re n[ 1 11 [1»<II<iiis, gr(iii h< ttie Prov<i(«', Is s' rvitii.', cnig[uy«cs ant[;<gents I[1«rig[<i ln It<UP»«i l[1» Air(rd t; iii(t Sp ' 'I dly L'(inipiilcnl, m<ny mi hu ines( m.i It<»tea(tonal rnannci m, iccnidan<c ivtth gcn r,<l[y.i«critcil hu in ss princip[cs,,<n<l ciisur«ib il llic rqircs<rililrnii»:irid iv<rr ((it»: <r1 celt»(14;nc <toe ' rirl 'oir«i al att liiiies diiriiiv. the teru1 of the Agt«cn<«nt an<i prnvnlc cvtiten«c tn lhai ctl'cr I in thc Prnv(nce un ivntten rc<tucst o l lh M i msi (. f<. COV PNANTS OP Tf[g P[LOV[Nf!P 0 0 I Th«Prnvincc witl, nl its mvn espcn, p rov«lc itic in[lou nig «),<vmiinn fuel lor Ihe ryb i att, [ending,<nil,wig»linn I cs (as apphc«b[e) r.a(sary Inr the I mnpany lo imrfnrni lhc S«rm s, U««pi asnthernisc provided; b) r ciarrlmu amt [<aim materuils, anrl ihe los<ling law[die» comp[ate ivrth «tl n c sary e<pupmenl and peraonneh «) Ri ght an<i nunntenance crew hvrng cxp«m s ivhen thc Air<(i<I«, <i<[ r:icivs, irc r q uired tiy itic )vhrn»lcr l<i h e :iivoy [rum I h [ 7»signal»<[ fhmc uvcrmght it the esp mes h,iv nni i i hcrwtsc hccn pmvnled by the Mnnsiry S u ch cspcnsc (r prov«ted;i<cmnnaidatinn tn he,it a stan<lir I equivstcnt tutti<i pinvidcd to lb» Prnvmr«s smll nr el r i te<a»setout m Sch«rtut I) d),( i rcraltt 111<11 1«tint ar(,1, m«hutnig siqtply «(Ir 1 'nil v c U(st, n t ( vatcr ;<till c l r:iriciiy <vlir:rc sui t< f (et[i<i«s e) si i iiahte tire tighimg r:rpnpm nt ai lh» rctar<t:mi ln,i<tmb, m,nni nance,ind reluclling Uric( «agr cit upnn tty lhc pari<ca nml in:i o (<Lmc i virh the app[ma[[c r gu[ rnms; h) (onipute»veil ac«e stn t[ie Mmisiiy' an<raft»nit r snmc d»[xitcti ayal m, s uite[ I» net and f imlni«s tnr r cnril I,cr:pin, administrative I,ish, i ml ur stomgc lor 11 ls und i<p»pm ni rturing th A v,nlahibty P«rin I, tacitiiics Ior t[rgtn nnrl m,untcnance cimv rest, catmg, pcrsnrml hyg(enc and recrcatmn. t'ligtti,uul maintenarwc creiv mc.ils :iml rclr h m cnis <lunng pmiorla ul suit. me<[ lne lighlim, <I«IIUIIV;, nil qtptn[t((nte LV»r»S»t» aml Tr, n pmi f'a iad,i r quiied ramp, i i ty equipm nt an<[ t,icihtrcs Arr T,ml, r S»r i. 1 lor ivilrltir M m iagenwnt Agr m ent ri AOI <A Page S ul.i I A<r spr,<y ( loni) I trl Page5 of 40FNR«

34 7. )iv! iurance AND )(VDEMNITY 70 ) T li c Cr»npany w)ll nb>am, m l n»ma<a<a in t'nrce iluring the Icnn in urance un th * te)ms, inclu<lmg fnrm, amon ls, anil ileductihl, i ti<nml in!ichcdule I, as thuse icrrm m,() Lh, ngc trrnn time lu <nc 111 >Iccui(Silica ivnh ()11< d<i'cot>(lns I he Cumpiny <vill milemmly.n»l sav l mrmlcss rhe Viuvincc :m<l thc I limstcr fr<mt and agnnst ;ill «I,nms, demands, losses, rl:iu<ages, costs anil c spcnscs m,<rlc against u r m cuncil, sullcrcd r r suslainml hy <tie I'rovmcc anri thc Mnusier nr eithei ul tlicm,<i,my iimc m times (<vheiher h furs ur etta( ten>un»lion nf ilus Agi Lm nl) ivh <c Ih s; mc 1 t anv nf <)>em sr * Imsml upon nr arise nui nf,(nytlnng rlon n i nmin rf tn hc dune l y rhc Company ur hy,my m p lnyce, ulficcr, sut cnntr,«roi, nr anent ot th ( ' nmp,my N rsu,ini 0 I h)s Agrccm n>, escq)tmg as,ilw,ivs )mini)iy a< is)ng out of <lie»1(l pr i)i)co> iicgligi'iii :1 'is nt <tie Pi'ovnic * ur 01L Mi <i> ici Nutwithsmmlm s ec<»!n 7 i)2, ihr: Prnv»mc <vill nnlcnunfy anil ii ha(mls» t he Company, ii ficiiiiined sul'ice<it>;ictors,<>id >flair respective ag <1>s,. erv,<<its;ll»l etnplnvees Irnrn, ml ag <in)i any.mil all h hi) <iy nr lindily in< ury ur d.image tu nnpniv ment <hr ctly i r imltrecrly c»use<i tiy, ari~ing fr()iii oi iesiihitig fmiii lite d<rgip<11g ot fire rr:i,irdaiit, w,i>or, fn:<<i<;<>id tlici t ire (. <1<rnl (iten>)cats I 'rum:m A(( Tanker by thc Comp,<ny nr:iriy ol' ii. pr.'rnniic<l suhcontr,(<luis, tt(etr re)pc tive «gent, servants nr employ Ls un Icr ibl <vhcrc sue)),».liuns are :1) c arried niii,il >lie tlitcclirni ol >lie Mitii ter, A g i 'L'i<i(<it i<1 0<L vie<nil)' ol i111lli' >veil)a<its iir S ilt)> <if> Are Is 0) ar e, <n >he opinion of die h(imster, cunurl reit lo hc e, )ential t< il(e em>>rut of )Vihllircs, at»i c) )1<1< iiegligeiiily pcrturriicd ti) tlie (.uiiifiaiiy 7 04 f h e Cumpariv ivig cnrg>arete wilt> Ih Prnvmr:L. n<l iic cour)ac) m any invcstig,iinm, sr:iil ments and )uiiicmi i l tcrnnnatn>n nl any r:latm< roaile again)i t h Pn i vmcm thc M i nister ur i tic ('1 ml»my r elatmg dirccdy or )i»luc(ily I ti ns Agrcem ni and iv<ll usc <ts b I< clfnr< In cause iis employee, oil<cars, )>ill c()rii<:ictnrs:<>id ager>is iu bc )i<i)i)arly liuiiiid 7.01 T h ' C un<pany is «>I ly r spnnsilile for any u f i l s ma>snot u r gu )pmenl stored al. n y u l I hc Viovince's facilities an<i ieleases >lie Pinvmcc tiom any liability assoc(a> rl iiilh (rich <to(age. 8, A SS )(' NMENT AND SU))CONT)(A(' )TNG Stl l I he C ompany )vill not as ign ilu Ab r c rn ni, n >r sirbcnntract any i l' <is i h hgntn»is under tlus Agicciiici) I, I ),1>tv I) a<co>i. I<it>i, r)r cirf)ur»ii()n wilh» ii >lie pri<)r wrine ii cot<su<>> ul Ilw I'wc<>ice 8 tl2 II' the Cnmpany does (ss)gn ilns Ag(cement (nr,m) part nf <i), ur it i h ( ' (imp iny dncs subconti'<1cl, iny nt ils nlilig,<<tons under tins Agr en<en>, ivli Ihct u i nni such ass<gnmcnl oi sulicnniracimg is i h)iic i<lt:( riliiig i o i b c A gi'l'i:1»c <>i, 0>e<1 dlc (.(1<i>P,<ii)' (vill b lugy rcspon <blc tnr 0<e (cls : n<l (imissinns ut <is assignees ar«l subcrnnr:re>or (.mil ihcii respective m p io y s, i <I;ib ni ), aml nu, gr mnent r:nicrml iron hy thc Company iv<th m, i s»<goo ur, c ulcnniractnr iv<ll irnpo c, m y ol)i<get<un or liahrliiy upun lh P r wmcc tn,my such,<ss<gnccc or subumlr i ciu) (nr Ihr:ir respeciive Liilpli)VCCV li iigl'<1>s) h 03 The Company ivtil miusc cv ry»ss<gnc. nr suhcontra<ror ro I) b uund tr thc C nnp in) hy tl(c sante terms nt ibis Agrecrncnr hy ivlnch tti C ompany i h our»l tn ihc Vrnvtme as t:ir as ihcy,ipply tn the Lv<)rk lo be pc>turmoil tiv a ch ;I sit<tier <ir <»boo>it>,>el 1r Air 'l anker h rvi<e lor iyilritir M ar,igr.mmit Agr m I a AO I 0SSE003A A)r Spr,iy (fab7) I ld V,if u t l l Paga6 of 40FNR

35 9. I' L ' Rl(ORNIANOE AND!i i(rvr:l L'Ni(AN('L'i'r)ENTS 9 tll t he ( 'nntf»nty ivig prnvtde ihc Scrmc s iii :i mam»i c;it<siactnry to thc Vruvincc,<n I,ic desctthed in S (hc(iut ( ' '702 Bul b Nirt<es, upon lhe ieasr nihi rc<p). I il thc nlher party w<b tugy cunpcrale In die henciinm)t ol ih ' SCI'vlLCV P<ilv<di:0 1»ldL'I' 0» A y ( conic»1 9 Ol Bt )01 flirt(ca ii (l liinvic(lg ' 1 <IC»(IC I(il' (ilililv(i<toll.»1(i Cilia<I)i) I is Sc(VICL i nlprovl<i<l'lil Ei l tl( l fl(lily 111(v Iten»»ac)i<i 1(1 0)c i)01 '1 fl Illy Sc)viL ' i» A l l ( r if< cidlslll'ciili iils rind/nr ch <nges li» muiuai (nns«i iali»n nmi Agr ment,uncn<lmenls.i may I appr giri ilc IR UIS I'UTL' RESOI.UTION It,i d i l iei'crier, c(1(lee<» nr di ) nits 0 nv c n d lc V i rhcc arises nil rli o r i n 'uililcclin(1 wiltl 01(s Agr emcni i r m r spr t n t,iny dctmed legal r Iaunnship,i snc(aicd ivlth tins Agre mani < r rl riv d Irom this Agrccmcnl ftt)c "D<cf»ue"), Ihe I'mties ag)ee lo tcsntvc the Dispnle nsing the fotiu ivin fll )CL'SS b) 0) dm Variics wig pr<nnptty hntii a mccimg ihlil 1(idi 'i(i(i;iis trnm each Party wdh (iccisirm-<nakmg,i<idio)'ilv rcgardiiig liic Distiulc w(11;10 (nl a<l(t;<us<i)pl <ii Lou<I liiilil I i )icy» i )le;i lhc Dispute, res»ill(in<i ut <I, wirinn rtnrty (30) rhiys ifrct thc meminp descr<hcii m subpamgrd)ii (a'i, «r cuch further penud Ihc Patties agree tn m w n ting, Ihe Parti s iln not Luce cd ia nc nt(at<nb a rr ( iulnin ot tiie Bi(fit)le, (tie P il l(c i v i ll' seel Ihc assist,mc n l a n irlral ami mutually :i(ccpl,ihle mr:ilialr r, whn iix I ' art(ca wig jnindy. elec<,ind ippninl. u i if thc V,<rtics,<grec m i viitm', resulv ' t h' D ispute hy nrbilrattun pursu, I tn sut)tmragr,iph I), it' Ih P,iriir:s cannni,<grec nn <nedt,uor,is iiescnbcii in l a u L I ) i, the Parties w(b res»i e. thc Bi)Ville pure(is<itlo st< ilf»ir lgr,ipil I), il thr: i' rlies «ppmnr a meiimlnr pursiuml tr i, iucc h) i., Ihc I'arlies a r e lo f»irlir ipalc in good tailh in» mud<,it<on cssinn lhal must occur iv<0<irl dnrty (30) iiays atl r the appnmlm nt I lim mcdialur, or such fur<hei p riurl lh P ail)cs, gr c rn m writin, c ) Ih Ih irlic a gree l n n» t u 1 any medial<on in, w uriiancc ivilh lite Mc<lmln n Rul s Un<<ah ('nluml ut Mcilmtnr Ro I t S( mel), f) un less 0». parties iithcriv»e,<gtcc, any i)ispnlc thol lhc V«rli c dn nol r cnive by n go<fat»»< ni m edmlinn pursuant ln suhp,iragraphs a) tn e). Ihc I'art<as wig rcl r I' i» f inal resuiulion hy nil h<0;i<ion b)' : l rtlilr,it)et< ad(llirlistc lcd h y d i c B ra<alt ( nliiiiibl,i hi<art»ili nnl ( niliiilercml Aibit)atimi ( ' n tic pm uanl tn the " Rutcc r)l' I'<uccrini c " T he place ol aib nation n 0 b V<clo(ia, Datish ( oiumhia; I lhc t,') I)) t h c V )ilies,ig<cl thai 0)c <Ice(sin)i ol, i il, irbili,llr)r wiii hc In), I ))lit hindi<lg ;I<i<I ivig ilol hc silbiecl lo appeal lo:i(tv wnirl «<1 a gucslinn» t lcl, I tw <1r rllised Ia(l ail<i i iiv, an(i Iti c Vi l l i 'c iigtt'l ln chir(: util)(dly thl' coals nt. )1)' i»cd)<»i )li (ir itlh(0(it(i))), t)111 dlosi' Li sls (viii lint lilcli»lc c(lib 1(le(i)<cd I i,l Fait tv tel rcpt cia(ill»)i»1 Ivi' coil(i)el An T.mkc) S rvicec tnr LV)lrh<r Ivla ug m nl Agr rn I /1 AOlogcF001A Air Spi:ly Urm7) Llil Page 7 )t 31 Page7 of 40FNR

36 t t. DEF A UI.T, Rt'.IV(t)DI)sti AN)) Ti(R)V()NAT)ON N n i vilhslarnbi)g,>i)y otttcr (1nwisrnrl ol th>c AgreenIenl, ar>y ol >tie tullnavo)g events w>11 conshhde an "Lvent of Def mi l by y ou, ivt> Ihci,my such ivcnl i volun>,>ry, mvolunrary or rcsuh I rurn Ihc oper dion I( tlw o>' nnv judge)cot or uriler ut,n)y c nirl or;igni>t1> Ir: hvc n govcnoocnt body' I I 02,>) I he Coit>pmy lail t r >t> ervc, 1 m 0 rm nr cnnq)ty ivilh any prnv>i>un nt rln A g rccm nl >ha> >c r cqunc(t to tie ibserved. pcrtnrmeii ur i nmplred wnh nn >h p air nl tiie (.'ompany aml h i nr» rcctificd uch I'or(urn u»s nnt in rh r aco>u>tiie opininn nf rt>e M>mst r it>hgcnily pm c rl>n in rccrdy suet> I uturc, 0) lh c ( u ropn)y la>ts to hn>» I, ni g>vc I ) >tie Provit>ce not>i ' Ih>l lt>'ic tnl >icurrcd, nr ri conlmumg,,> dcfauh unrler ttni Agric m nt in iu(i>ng sp r ilying pnncut >r of Ihe i nn,,nni ),> 'holg ' n 'ccrc >vdti ic ileil lr> lh' ( o ollm>na' B osn>css o l o n >yon" or oio>c. ociodnlg>il ot lhe i)rop(.'ines;is(cia '(tnihhuoi (lin,im.i,>l r r)lt>criv>ie), du(ulcc ( r upcr: hoo u t It>c (tr)n>p, Iy ivln'h >n ih t ense>uit>le opimon nf the Ivtirustcr, m>te>>atty mlv rscty a>tee>i tlm atntiiy ul tlw Cnnq)any ti h>tl>t any ol >ts nhl>g;njr ns o> N >vnle it>c gcrv>cei urn(or this Agr mncnt, On the tmppaning nt an Lvent ol' Dcl,nilt, ur al any Innc >0 rcaltcr. >h» Pruvmce may,:i>irs rqn>un, «Icir I d n.my r nc «r mni * nl the lottoumg a) pu rsue any remedy av.>il.d>l Iu d al t,nv nt >n equity, I>) d e liver ivntten notic >n tt>e (.ump,my spam>lying lb I ' vr:nts )>Dc>au(>ivl>ich nnliie may r ) iuspcml thc nglil,nnl nhtrgatnm, ol' Ihc ( nrnpany unrlcr ltns Agrccmcn>, n> whute ur in par>, unlit/nl' >c(p>i>c lhc Fv ni ul Dctautt I e remedied >vdinn tt>c lim I'ri me stmcilwd by rhc Miruslcr; re (lure ltx l ees payd)i«pursu I I > Schmlutc 0 0 ti>e Lvenl nf Deg> tt re)i> s iu l ait rc tn pn)vnie tttc gi rviccc;is;i rc ut> ul l,tiler ' nf Lqo>i)nlcnh,n)ii/or 0) i v:nve Ihe L'vm>r ut Dc(aug I lm ngh>c, pr>ivers ami remcdicc cnnl'erre(i on Ihc I'r v miv trndcr Ihii r(freemen> crc nol mlendcil lr sctrisivc and ach )v>ti tie cumubar>ve,unl >n additi( iu and nnl in cul ct>tui>un lor r:very orhcr right, pnwcr,n«t rerneity ca>stmg ur, w,iilat)ic rn ihe Prnvm e umlcr tins Agrccmcni,,iny nthcr Agre men>, ar laav or to equ>ly,md Ihc ever >sc hy Ihc Provmcc nl any right, poiver nr rcmcity will onl illcchidc 0>c snoot>ulcc>iso> I(n> I eau>vis ' hy rhe I'ruwmr u(, ny in(le> light 0 )tv *I of Ii n1crl)' I I 0 ) I I l tm Company has nut r'm (i>c(t thc Evenr ot Ocfautt ipecilicrl m,i not>ic umicr u twcctn n ( b ), ur 0 I h e Pvcnl o f D e fn>tl ti n o l c i p,ihlc )I' tm>ng remedied guru>q rhc s>rspeni>on lu i hc san tachrm ot the Minictcr, then wdtun ttnilv (3(1) itays ol th 0 l i very nt such ra>tice, rhe Provinc~ in lm stdc tli c>clnn1 n11)' I 'noh>al ' ltns Agli cnlcnl tlv nuhic nl (vlf>big lu Itic ( ( nq) ol)' ll Do t h e i ' ruvnice nn>y, nl tnlrhtnnl n>,o)y rcmmly, l e nt>hie tu 0 1 ( l aic o> eh> ily, I ' rnon de Ag>ccn>en> by avnlren notice In lhe Compuny il l h ( ' n mp,>ny tails ln nhcerve. pirharm ur i omply iv>lh,u>y prr v>s> iris ol Ih>a Agtccol 'nl A>r lanker Sere>ccs I'nr SV>l h>re M, nag m nt Agr m nt u AOInggL'003(A Air Spray (I')I 7) Ltd Fag * hnt 31 Page8 of 40FNR

37 [ 2. A UO I T [2 0 1 l hc Prov»lee ul<y, :tl lls sulu <lis<r'tiuu ;<tld, n it c)f)cnsrs < old»el «n air<hi nl I [1 Ice[un(al, it<inn<en mcc nul lligtu iccordc nl the Curnpany r'spe(lmg <he Scrv«ws r l tiis Agrr au)en<, includirig I[le rigid tu»<speal;utd hike np i )I s ile[i rcmud u[»lil rc;i<i»»rite i<oh e und;n rc, )nun()lc boles 12,02 In respect tn sue(i andits ttte Cotopany <vib,0 l of ty c<mpcr <tc wilt) <fir: Prosaic ' <tl (undue<<rig ([le,<a<hi.,irlrl 8[ pr o vide, «poll reit»est ul <[le VmYnlc * suit snfcly Ir 1 Olc icvle<v ill dlc I'ruvnice, cnp<es ul 1(lc ui )sl r cain,u<i»< 0 unhtc(t till<ale<i<[ )I tie»)cols I l[1 ' C nuql ull' [3. PUB L IC ANNOUNCEil[L'NTS 130[ 'I h C n mpany wifi cuoperit w i th the I'ruvu)cc,u tl u <Isle(fuc I, ilss<cl <(le VIUY<<1'») <((veto[»1)g< 'r»norm)i»it»)ill s n :Ilcgv ; ind n»lkiilg p uf)tlc, i nnrli»lr:en< 'Ills rcg<nhlig <(le Sclviccc ; u»l <flic Agree»lent [3,02 I h e Cumpany ivifl mat' n n pubfn. cumrncnl «t)uul thc S rviccc nr th< Agrcemenl, wilhr»it l u st cnn utnlig <vnti thc Vrr viil 'c atl(f ufn ulinlg ils:ipf)rt)v <I 13 Ol I h e Cumpanv wtfi lngn th A i rer,ifi in accuril,incc iv<th the ihrecnvcs ot [fie Mmi ir:r I b c I'rnvmcc ivtff con)oft n iiti th C nrnp«ny hctiirc nmking «nv puf)fir: n mmertt,if)rnii tile S rvii i s (find < cfci ac ac ([i ' Col)if»lnl 5 nntulc [4. NO T[ (.'Lhi (4 01 A n y nuti c, rlncumcnt, staten<en<, <aport nr i[cut«ml ilcsirrit ur icquircil tn h g i ven or made uniiei Ous Ai,'(conn:nl ivig b iil <vrl ng;uld iu,iy hc given iu snide hy [larson,d dchvery Iu 1(lc [1, rly In wheal U Ic tu I * given ur nladc, nr tly un<ifltlg il nl ( an«<fa widl (»)stage fltep;ud I 1 die apph<ablc,nb(ress, ur bv Irausuunulg <I hy hie»rnite ul ltle,<ppllcablc f«csun<(a Iransnn I n n nunlbcr, rlnlcd tin but(i the Provnlce and thc Cnmpar<y al <hc 1 irl nl ltns Agreemmll 1402 T h I ' o mfmny ivdt Nnvtile tu lhc Vim mce, as sr!on ac pos ibfc unit l y Ih qu<ckesl means pn)s<bfe, lite parlicularc:in<i 0 lett< ul any Avi ilir n Occurrcncc (hi< occurs m pe< I'arm, n * nf <tie Scrvic s 14tll I' hc Ptuv»<cc u)a<v lcquesl <(le Coul[la»Y f)rap<re,l i[el»<ted tcf)nrt td <[le Avllnlun (>cculnu«' re(a(lcd lu ui s(cu» ulif 0)c (» )I( <oil' )vdl f»t)v»t<'.sut:h a I'(f»)l'1 its )ouu «. f») vlf)fc nl <Yilhin ccvcn(7) days [5. CON F LICT OF INTFR[(ST 15 tll I' tte Letup«ny <vlf[ nut durin i tis 'I'erm pcil )rm, i c rv<c tnr nr prnvidc aifvlr. t o :my person, tnm ur mirpur«liun ur nlhcr (cga( enhly whcrc the perfuimanc n f lhe acrvi( r r piovis<nn ul th a dvi(e n l.iy ur rloes, m Ihc rrs<sr nab( i qnmr n )t Ihc M inister give rise lo a cunoi I nf i nlet( l s I lh nhi<galnm nt thc I nmnmy tu the I'iuvune,<nil Ule Cr)mpmtf 's uhligalinnc lu ulf lars. [6. ENTI RE AGREFiWII<NT 160I Th is Agrecrncnl an<[ any mu<fitical<nn of <I constitute Ihc enlile,<gicclncnl fictiveen thc Vai lies as to performance of lhe Seiv«es 16 02! ( chcrlule A l tiruugh F anachcrl ln lhi Ag< (ment;<re,m irtlcgraf part ul dns Agrccmcnl,is il' scl nul m [angl[< <n lh body nf linc Ag<eemcnl. 1(i os T f n Ag rccmcnl m«y nnty tx am mlcd hy lulit or <vrin n am mlmcnl x c u lm( tiy nr h haft nt lhc planes A ir'i )nkcr Scr ic' f or 'lvildlire Maiai m n l Agt 'me nl 4 AO 1 OSS 0001A Air Sp(: I t [967) Llu P,ig 'I ) t l l Page9 of 40PNR

38 I I 1l l e t I.I I a hit ()l 6 I I II I I h, t aint I l i I 1 t, i r t 1 I I tmil i n, l h, l» l, lhr ht n 1 1» n I I Ih hi n tu rl I l tm t I I I 1 I I I» h ;» 1 I I I I I n I 1 I I I I, n, I I I» I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I, 1 ' r» t rnr I t r, I I. tl, l, 1 1 l tn I r«a m ti n t I» : nn i» rn» r t r nu " rl t n I I,. e l m I» ti 1 u l n l «01 n I, 1 1 P l A l Nl I I n I, lu ll 'f. 0Lf fffn, ffngpfi, Pagelg of 40FNR

39 Y(IRI(Nihil(NT NO: A O lohglbbsa PROJECT NA SIE OR NO. A i i T m ker Serv>ic< FII.E: I tl70 20)AO10881>00)A Schedule A AVAII.ABILITY I'ERIOD AND DESIGNATED BASE(S) I 0 1 I' 1>c Av i>lib<i<>v I eriiid lit< i>i<i> Aire>' ill iv>ill> ';it> it>i>i>i il pet<i<i ul 12) ct i>ice>i>>xi' (Iat'< l)i'iivccii Apnl I ",md Oclnt cr l l v m lu<ive e>ch Year ivhcn tl> A>rcr ill, hlmaally E<pnpmenl,m I I'.r onncl are to be immcil<ately av,nl,il>lc f< r lhc prnvi<nm ot the Serv>i.ee T hr: ru'mini >i>ly I'ann<i will h ' cnnlimicd iv>iti nni>bc it inn t i the Comp n>y pro>r tr Iicht uary I 6" ot each Year nl ihc Agr cm nt rn :iny exlcn<nm tu thc T im nl lhi< Ag< anent 102 A l )c «gn,de<i Banc fnr the A>icrafi tor eivh A v i ib>lnl<ty I'ein>rl iv>0 bc amf<rrncd liy <lic Pinvmcc with rx>l>fm inm I i ih ( ' nmpany pnur tn I ehrua>y IO n l each Yc ir nt the Agrccmenl or xl n<nin In the Term nl tin< Agrecmcnl I 03 T h Av :i>lability Pcnnd(<) anil t h v A t mr,ilt 0 i nei c<l 1 4<c(c) t nr 20 l f ) : i r e,<. i u u t in 8 hc lule A-I r Schedule A-I Availability Period alai Dcstguated Base (SI for 2010 j A(RC:RAEI' AIRTANKER ( ROUI' I x.khcal 188 (L-188 C) I>i>'lit> C Uiiiiiiiiiiit 'i O<N (TC' (')0) I ucl,h'c<l Ial (L lgft C) 'Iurlxi Cuumiand r (>90 (TC' 6')03 AVAILABII.)TY Pl')RIOR (each ol 123 day<) May 31, 2010 >ii Scpi mticr May 31, 2010 i i 8 plcrnbcr 30, 2010 OESIONA T EO BASL' Pcni><ton, BC' C a<tlcgar, BC' 'ur T,micr 8 rv>c t o r tv>ldtire tvfarug n>cnt Agt 'men> fl Ao l t)ssl0>>3a P ire 11 ol'l l Air Sp,iy (IOO7) I td ~ Pagett~o 40FNR

40 r Schedule II AIRCRAET, SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT nud PERSONNEL Dur«ig lhc Tenn ;uiil ;n)y cslemsioi1 I\1 the I eral, lhc Cun<p, nv hilt prnvid ' A rrcr dl, '.ipecrd ity hrpnfnncnr,md Vcrsnnnei a(m)rding I > the loll mi n s p mticatrr ns and qu ihlic <tun) an I x p cticnce rcquireutents l. A I RC RAICI' an(i,spl'dial[ i Y LQ UIPih[FN'I' I.OI In perlurm<ng lhe Service, thc ('nmpany will provide Air'D nkci Air<rat< ami Birdrlr>g >urer)ft lb it m < ihc A<rcralt and hlmcuiltty Bquipmrnt Spc<ilicaiinns as set nut m Sch ilulc B I I 02 A l lh c ( lnrntn ' ncr:«1 in r)f d i [ er in, Ihc ( r)«>piny w i l l p i nv«l» lhc tulloi viiig Air<ril l Im lh c [in(tofu>,i>1cc < I 01 ' Sei'vic '. I 03 I t) 4 I OS A<r Tnnlcr liirrlrln a i rci alt Aircraft Ts pe Loci,heed [88 (L [88 C) l urt)r> Comm,n«ler GOO (T(' (i')0) Nirrnher' of Ati'ci'aft I bc Atrcrnlt )via have the «Icntit'ir:«<inn, dc r i ptmn,<ml pcrfi)rirnni<c 9 mlle,ni )i<s as sel u1)t ir1 S<hcdulc B-2, Aircralt Tcchmr: I lnlormabon and D As sour> as krimvii,;ir«l;n IC i I al dic c iinrnen 'mncnl ol <a<ra Avnlat»lily Pc> ind, dic ( <)top iris vidl «Isis<: dic I rilvln«n f ;«1v ch,niges iti Sche<lulc l[.2 T hc A irr:raft ivill bc crpiipl«rl ivdh :ig s.d'cty aml surviv,d cquipm nt and supplies,<s rcquireil l y Icd * «6;n«l pruviticial I <>vs,n«l <cga)abc>is, Un[as u thcrwisc agrr: rl tiy rhe Parties, any Rcpt,icem nt Ai r rnt'i nr Sp,<rc i <trent[< will mr:ci th Airer dt and Speciality I quipm nt. Iw«l i<nrions as set uul in tin» c hcilulc an<i any nppc nit><em 2. Pls RSONNFI. 2 Ol In pcrfnrrnnig thc Scrvic s, thc Cnmimny wdl p u vi<le the luaoiving Fligln ('rciv I'ersunncl I) Arr l, uikcr Aircrdl Pilot «>C«a<i«arid. b) A<r I'ankcr Aircran h ist Dthcer (,is apphs,<bl );,iml c) Bir iklr>g Aitcralt I'ilnt 20 2 T h Fli ght ( 'rciv I'crsuimcl w>0 lutve thc mimmum qu,ilit<catnms mr[ espcricnc Sche(lu)e B 3 as i r ur m 20 3 All Air ran pdots and lirsr nit>cere must ti b I ri in lhe IICVS Directory uf ( )mm rr:ial Vdots am[ tqqiri))cd 6)' lhc Mon«i> )' ln pit)vide 1[m Services unrlcr <hi A greenicnt 2.04 A r t he Cummcnccment ul thc 'I r m, thc Cunqmny will prov< i [a current Vilnt Data Shccrs Iur th ' I.hcht Cieiv Vmsnnnel pruposcrl in t h Cu nqiany's I' iupnsal and meebng th qu :ililicatir ns aml expeii n<c as set nut m S<h dulc B 'Ih» < nnq)any wdl prov«le cunenl m«i upriat <I I'ilnt Data Sheets fnr lhe I'lighi ('rciv Pcr nnn I tnr i'.<1<h Y ' >i' 2 tl(i In pcrlnrnnng thc Service), <hc (' imp m) will pnivid M a m[enanc Vetsunn I ii) t i a mcd in accoi dance iwth ihe Compmiy') Tmnspoit Can <da appinied.'viamtenancc Mmmnls,ir«l,iv;iil,dd ' fnr <lady rr ulm rn, ii«eton)<e; h) Air( n<fl him«ten«i(e I r1«i>>cars no))i I h c ')1 <d rn,iccrirdaii 'e iwd1 current Tr nisputi ( nn; d. requn<mcnt, aml c) O ut m eet oi c scc rl tbe qua)it>wit«>n, mil c spc«ence i cqmreuien<s.i s I n u t ) n t h ( nmpnny's Propnsnl A)r 'Itinl,er S rvr s f '<Vd<lhr Manas<mcni Ac imn ni ir AD1088LOU3A An Spray ( IVG7) Liu V«s 12 ut 3[ Page12 of40fnr

41 Schedule B-l Aircraft h and I Specialty E(tuipment SpcciBicatinng Air Tanker Air craft I, A u< Cita l<i.i<'li( u<i('a I'ION» Tur lrine Puivcrc<l All ari lank r, i rc tu I i <uri inc pnivercd I leavy Au Tankers iviil I ivc a mmrmum remrdanr c, rrymg inp icrry ol 11,3tl0 I<trees Intcrmcdiate Air I ankara will lave mrnnnum rctarilant carrying iuli; city i i 7,300 it<res, aml Light Air Iymlcr will have,i minimum re<ant ini c a uyirig spacity ut i<rr l I: I Iru el Erin<i<xi<i(i'. /ul air uirikcrs fr<ay hurd<<i ivitli re< rid iru i«ill li ivc i fr<el criilurni 'c ot a rrrrriirrriirii ol tlirc ' hours ivith legal reserves whmi up r iting trrmr William) I ak untish Culumina at 211' C 1.1 ~ IFR Ca <able Aa uiulli rurimie engmc,iir rani cr «i l l h c xu<tibly <lug<pal tu conrluit 0.1< fitch<a Aii eral'i Cun<litiun anrl NLsinlcnunce Thc Fruvmcc expect» Ihe.urrralt lu h in x c cllenl up ra<in comhl<mi and appe«rnncc A < llm lart o f th a nnual Av,iilahil<ty I'eriod encl< air t. neer ahuulil hc cap,<hie ot'pruviding :it least I Ill hours of i<it<rile(r'<<pied service willin<it,iriy mnj<ir sclreiliilcrl rri,it<rivi<at< 'r. ur nvcrli,iiil 2. A u< c aayi PL'l(Folut 'igc l. 21 Load ed f uel au<l re(or<lant Cruise 8 iecd I Its<«i' Arr Trit<lars <vill have a mnumum k»riled ciur c simed «I 2»0 kt» TAS for a disiuit 'h rlrslance el 60 mn at I O.UUO' ASL Intcrmciliatc Air I enters wia lave rnnnmum lnailcil r uisc spee<t nf 2501<s I'AS I ir a dial»itih <0 tnn e ol 60 mn at I ti UUU' ASL Light Air 'I * nkcrs ivia h,wc mnnmum In«ilail iiuisc p cd IGU Lts TAS frir a <h pitch rlrs<nnc nf 60 nm at 8,000' ASL Air l,uit. reserve( tor'iu lilt r hk ilia m ri< Agr m nr rr AOI088F<103A Pag 1.1 I :<1 Air Spray (1967) Ltd ~ Paget3~o 40FNP

42 2.2 ~t)co )!1 ice<i Heavy Air I ant ers <vill h ve a nnnimum dr >p speed of 125 l,lc I'AS l l«er»ledh«c A>r I r«d < lc will 0 >vc»«rlr»ulr» ill< p spec«ot 12) I lc TA ' t. I ight A>r Tankcrc w>0 t>avc mimmum rirnp cp cd lt)5 1 is 'I AS II (vy Aii T,inl,r.r c hnuid misty npcrale Irom,i I» v d rumvay ot 5,0i)0 teel Intcrmc<halc Air I'enter»st>uuiri c:«eiy upcr,«trum a p,iv <I iumv,<y ot 5,0001ccl I >gh>air'ii k re»br uid cat ly oper ilc frnrn a 1»iv I/ revet/lurl iumv iy ut'3 000 fccl 3. Ai gc k ) pi C ()»i)tunic«i l o N «NB NAVIG<TtoN E u i v htrg I St BctptcrvrloNs «hhnu» lo ail o«'e ccl>)' < r«r»u»>c»n< )1, >lrlvlg,«u»1;lint ih>'hl >fetycqu>pole»l nnd cvcl<r«s r<'qu)>cd I )' T>'»Ilcfuul C «unh> Icg>stan»» or >'eg»l«ulr)c «>c r«i u«)kore ivdi t>c cq»q)f)cd wi «1 lhe tnliuwmg: 3 I Cuin n m n icatinn 1;( ui nnm>t aml S >eciticaliunv Two VHI A M Ir ancce>vers havu>g 25 mlw p i cing aial a «u>ge ul 118 t)0-135 ')5 mhz 'I I M lihb N,<rro<vhand Fivi tr,m c>ver nr equi iten> N»i r: canccihnp, he.id<etc for:iil <.«Imc n. S;«il i lc vnl c cn»i>un»lc;«irn)c 32 Novi at i on L'( ui) ment nod S)ecificalions Glut)it I i>siuiiriirib S). i (G( 5) tt) sri i)ptlobx TAS» s t c»»»>orle-< I < iili :i G iii»i» 530A GPS/('t)M/VOR'MFO nr cquivaieni A» ludiu»l 0 >sr<i Aulo<llilcd Ih< hl I'ogownlg (AFI ) «)lent v»«or n»n««cali \in system n)ecu»g thc p r itic:i«un» dciniicrl rhe 0(.'I S Wit«Inc M, nab nm> i Bmnch wet) s ir 1'crsnnnci Comnn>»ication L< ui )ment an<i S )ccitim>t ion pere»net <ligiinl ussictnni (Fl)A) >c iu bc ;is )g»e<t to c.ich air iankcr fhghi cr <v pus>unn aml the I'h t ' t) A w i l l u>eel th e ng>neer tn tac>hlalc digili i mnmnuni,i>ion iv«h mi duly Ihghl cr u c Biackbcrry cp mt<ca«un» u> cquivaieni I t ic env>cirm 0 >hat il> e 1'l)A rlevi<c «>Ii r m,iin ivnh the opcratn)iui lhghl<r i v i i uiing.r >v hange./ur rcpt>»em nl Air I'ank r Scr «'ec fnr Wihlfir M, n,>yemen> Agreem ma A o l f)5880t)'<a /ur Spr,i) (I'KI)l Ltrl Pag» I«nf.l l Page14 ot«ofnr

43 4. I' l gl ib lal B IN(l I ANN SPK II ICATIONN Capacity - M<nim<rrn t»<ylnart c,<ta<l»y a<<pe<itic<i tiy rrc Lie<< of air 1:mkcr IAI) cc<liiicaliuri 'I'hc Fire ifnmtiing I,mi (<) vtwuig lmv 6 c n I vl 0 aml rccornn<emlcil foi «pproval h y Ihc U g l) R M i vv nil,i 'I c imuto y ami Dcv Ir pmcnt (:entre nv having mcl I h iiil<rilgli<c)' Arrl<<Ilk< 1 I'I iir I ((AB) <1<<L'1'I«< <<<<I I '<fiii<l'<<i<'ntv I 1 I 11<k <I <I gal<i<i' «v«<cilia or ir ivc f ii )AB r:crt<lice<ion. i oam l eject iun Capabilities 5. I' LI( i l l ' S AIL 'I y L OB ' ( l l N'I'gil'll( 0 I ('ATIONN ( I T( A B All air imkcrc <c<pnre'i CAD havmg lb c ap«b<iity «ml pcrtoru»mc vnuiier tr th Gem»n ( ~t'«tvc Li hlv Ali :nr I»<kerr,<r In I c cqoiptmg <vilil Pili«c Ligtil o il <viiig lif)viili<l lhl' I<i<i R clm»<te con<roll ii cue(,pil i <I i r a hic tor «il 1<r uuikms. (rr I,mkc gcrvi e, lur <Vilrlhr Ivl, ivm men< A m ni lr AOI<ltmgtlti3A Air hpr,iy Ualnyl I 1 I it ol'31 ~!.~ Page I 5Y40F NR-20 I

44 Biritdop Aircraft 1. A I RC RAI<I SPRCII R. CI'IONS I I T urbi itc Puweiv<l I wm n ginc iurlnne poiv r il bndrlug ; >reich,irc rcqutrcd tnr ilx I l e, vy un I In«rmed iaic Aii Tank<:r C roup ( T uthn C:runm,imler I C'690 is:i prclcrrcrl inrddog a>rem('t) T ivin engtn p i ctnn pnivereil birdd i,ni i r.ir : n c, i cpralile lor (he I ight Ai r I )ml r pruups (Acr )s(ui' i ii fircleiictl li>l<'<ih iii >lite riilc) All liinl<lug a)>et >it iltust 1)ave i iiiininliiiil i)i tivn posse>)ger sca(s Vuel L'nrlurance I)»ddng,<fr raft roue(have,i m i mmnrn tuel cnii )ance ul lhree:n<l m h ) R lvnirc I q 15 ~IFR Ca uil>lc All iurbinc pniver bnddng:urer if'i mu ( I c cuti ihly equippml fnr single piln( II lt tltglus. Aircm)ft ('uodilion aad <Ltnintctnsoce 'the I'rovmcc expects thc,nrcratt to tic in cscell nt )p tattng iondition i nd ;ippc:ir,miw At tlw, stm( ol 0)c,mnual Avmlnbili(y I'eiiuil, dte bii<lrlng aircma shiirilil bc e, pahl r I prmnding ai lees( I(t) 1)oi> re ol iliiiri( 'rriip(c<l service ivit lint>(;itiy. Clio<I> I >I iii >1>1> inst<its>i itic * iir overt), ul Ttie bir<kh)g,iirmaa must t)c equtpp il ividt high qu:ib(y clc:ir (un tin<ail), righ( circ windniv «> lacili(ate prufessiunit qu,ihty iligt(al photograptil ; nnl vnleos I h m i nnmim vistb)lily stan<lunl ic 75 degrccc ul luriv«ril veri)col visit»iity unobstructe<i, 12(l ilegrccs nf snlc ivimlniv v it)i il vic)tnltty unohstructcih 'ill riegrees nf «le iviml i l u i riermnil visitnh(y unnt»lrui ( h, mri clear and clean ivimloiv ( I'r ' fr o m svrarches/p,iss through cic ) tu l,imhtate v)civtng,mil charp aerial phntugraptiy at«i vole > 2. A I R(. RAIcl' PEIO'OanlANCR 2 I. ~Cruise S >ca<i Tuiinnc p nvcic<t I irddi), n rcma iv)il have i mirnmum cruis peed of 250 L( 'I'AS Pis(i)i> fi(iiv rcd liiidtlog atter>ii ivill li iv<' i >11>i>i>i)i>i>i el>i>i ' cpev'0 ot I')0 I tv 1 AS 2.2. I oiv le)el loilerin s ) eed r iots fuel lou<i Il ir ddng air<rut't will have a mimnnim sat * mn«icuvnng 1«crl nl 1201(s I AS Air Tens r 5 r i s lor >Yilrlfirc Manas n«nt Agi m ent >I AOlilhSLUU!A Air Spr, y (Iu()7) I I I Pig ' 16 it 31 Page1 FBf 40FNR

45 Ihrddng a<riritl st)milt( sate() rq< r: lc Irnm a paveil rumv iy ul < 000 I ce<. 3. () O v ia(uni(a I'ION ANIO NAVIOA'I ION IS ll (V<B)N I' In a<tilinun In 0 ne ws,iry cnrnmunn <<Inn, navil drm aml tlight ately c tuq)men<,s < quired hy Tr.mspnrt f anaihi Icgtslal» nui icgul,<tnm, l h h <rrl<lng;itrcraft will I r equipp I ivnt< ihe logmvmg, 3 I (.0)i i i<iiinic'i<tirli< IS< iit»i)a<it i<)id,'() ccificalions ' I'wu VI B -A M tram.mv r twvn<92) mt<< p <i i n,»»la r:mh n t I it( 00-13R')1 mlw Tl M 13SB N <rrmvhaml FM Iran<ca<ver or cqu<valcnl 8 il 'It<le voice Litt<)fi)iii)i '<<<<i)i<s. Ai<c s lu lramnn<,ind ic e<ve on i<her <tie AM, Flvl r r phnn system frunl; 0 scale I))dc(mr<<I in <iso «ili: <otic;<in( valor))c cuiilrnl ut,ill util< ) vslciils. VOX ur push tn tall' intercom AII s)ster)i,icc 'ss llin<iigt) huu«i i)like),i<i<i limn( acts Nrn e anc (ling h ad(el< fur ag scar pusiltnn (m<ninnnn nt three) A hagcrs Ir n Public A<lrlrcss (I'A) system w«ti rtoivmvar<l Inc(i)g or dn<vmvard an I s»lc h»:ing Inud 3 2 Nevi a tion B( i<(unct)i arid S)ecgications Olubal Pnut»mti)g Sy tcm s pcctt<i.itim)s k y,<n <V)00BX TAS system ntcrfaceil i <vault) a G,<nnm»30A GPS)(.OM(VOB)M( O Ai< (rid)<<i)i ba ' 0 A<i<a<<i;il rt I SVI)t Fog<a»trig;i<)it erne i n <iiiiiiiiiicalinii sf<<et<i i)trodi)g (tie spec(bee<inn) <Ict,igcil in tt< BGI S Wd<ltne Man:igemcnt ttrmich ivch site Pc)'snit<<el ( ore)i<in<(callo)< B( iil )inc)il ling 8 )Li'II<ctlttoi<s Vel'su<i,<1 digit,d assi lain ( PDA 3 is <0 hc:<ss)sac<i lu c:i<.h t)<id<log;<<<or;itl p)ti)i 1)tisiliui< (<ii I <n umrtric md<vnluals) tu tee)state. <hgiial cnmmumc»uun with ll igln cr <v. I bc I'DA <v<b <oeel lh Black() rry spccitw,iltuns nr equ<val nl A n T,uikcr Ser ic lo r 'iv<l lln k lan,i m n < Agr' ment(i A O IILSS0003A Ai Spr,<y (IOG711 td V<ge 17 f ) t Page17 ofsofnr

46 Vl I(till SAI I.I v iv tl I PIIILv'I Sl'Eel('I( A I'l()Ns 4 I 'I'('A I) All hirddng,mcr,rlt rcrtutre 'I CAIT tmving thc c,rp.rhrlrly anti pcrtitrm: nsc rmrlsr ln thc ( arnua s3tl 4 2 ~l'ulse Li hta All hirrldn arrcr:r(i arc tn I tl u rpperl orth I'ul e l.ights nn svrn l ips aml lhe tnrl OTIIL R All lurhinc pa(vere(i Inrrlrlup:rircrall nnrsl have a clrmat c unlt rll rl encl lnt. Atr I rrrket' scree ' (tri svrlilltt ' Mern g'rrterrt Agr r n nl e AOI(ttmEI)t)3A rur Spr.r) (14671 Ltrl P: g IS «I:tl Page1(p434 40FNR

47 ctchcdnle B-2 Aircraft Technical Inforrnalion an(l Data Air Tanker Aircraft i, (l e n eral Aircmtl'I lrtformatiun anrt lrtcnliiication Att' Tttttirct' rt ' )e C:lass. Heav, I nicrmeiiiaic, I n,ht) Aimrat't iv(akc nnd Mndci Aircrat(!3 rial Nuuiber Airer:tll i(egisti atiui1 Year of Manulavtur Hniirv iil Ai r ( i:trite H avy Lnci,tacit L - ISSC' 113() C ' FI.NJ' Ia tl i l(162 21,1(io Hi: I Yr Lnvkhceii L I XXC 1103 (up).jo T s 2. A irc i aft Speci(imttiuns 2 I Num( er oi I canes anri Type 2 2 A t rcntft Ptylrtnii(Capaiity 2 3 I ' riel b it dirt iiti c 4 At(i.«n sol i n i l i (,3(5 litr c, hv 4 hnurv (2(1,0011 ib ) 4 Alii o n 50 i I) 13 I I tos iitrev, 27,(100 itis 4 imurs (20,(1001hv) Lcuitittnv (! Ii iiac * litr s ici hour I tii'.i l ) i i t i1 5,(at(t lbs pcr tutor 5,00(I ihs per hour 2 4 ( tilt capattle Yc Ycv 2 5 Atrcntft C'imilition Lvceiient n v v c I I c n I 3. At l 'ci'tin Pct'fot'ttttttlcc I I i n ailed ( 'i u is e Spc d Cfuei snit ri:t, i d e n t 3 2 M iiiiiitiiitt () its(i Site c R t ttttv,iy i(ci)tiireittcttls 311 kts ' (25 i:tv (,000 act 3( t kts rat, (0.000' 125 Xls s.ot)01 ct Aii l, iiikcr Seivi vv loi Wilrltir ' hliii, grin 'ill Agr m nt ii A o l (IXXL0113A Air Spi it (I'107) Ltd P, ge I e nt 'H i Q~.r.~ Paget@9 40FNFF

48 4. Aircraft Cummunicatiun ami Navigaliun Iiquipmcnl 4 I Cu ulultulicrlliuu Elicit»»cut - /rr rlr/r/it<mr rrt a// Legis/arlr 'r lrrr/ g l r / arrtr) r<'r/liar<<terai V HV-AM Trenscelvers i'm I I'arls<clvel' ( trnunuuc;ulotl hysteur (Ic, ri cia S aleiirtc Voice Cummuni l n m I G;<I<alii (3/I I Gnrnnn 43tl I C'<)it< n V H F 2tl A Tc 'ilrus 111<. I I'M I.)SB i),rvrri (.I,n L irninnn Salciilte System S20(t 2( 4.2 N:lviyalloll I(rtuliuuclll I I r / / < r t n In rr / I /. * r, r 14 in < < r r < I 1 (. )uil'll I'usa<our<IS Syalcln Automare<i I lighr I oiiuwrng I G :r 1 1 i 11 ) 3 t) I ( I;rr'u u < Iris)rum b,net)it' System S21)0 21 I Gill nlirl )30 I G urn<» 430 I Wuilsburg '<YT-200 le< hm < mc Ti M (3XB )boer<i ('tati Irlr/rani Sinai)it ' S\'sl 'rrr S201) 2) vlf/lrl <1 I v/lrl c rrcllrt I G'llano 6)tl I ( i<i<»ill 43<) 0 r<)nnri Sale)i<le!(ye<em S20() i cl 'sollllct ( oui» lou(cult<»la Vr:rsr 1»ll Drgu,<i Assisu<llts 2 - Biackberry "LV»rt<ts " 2 Btaci bmr) "too l(<is S»i)ill<<'0 h) Cr«'V Supphcri In r:rcw G. I'rvc Bombing Tank Name and Iv/nrlei I oad re)ease system Cape ily I u,rm Inlcct inn C,qlai»truce Acr 1 Hmon IGLOS ii ('mlsurnl vanabic 11r w I i,.)hi I<tres Y s A ru Union i(ai)s ii Constant variahie ituw I I 3GS )i<re 7. ) light Safety Equipnrcnl 7 i I 'CAI) Avidyne v I AS-I 20 Avnlync i'as I ' uis I rghls Vuisc )Y<g nag (r I u ri) Vu i s Wig ivag (lint t,n)3 g. Ot h er Cimml (.on<rnite<i Cuckprt Fresh arr I'ans I rc )1 rru I,<<is Hitler equrpmcnt Tar L (, teen)' Morlrl<lrlr<L Ii r l k (: <it; ily Mon<ter<rig Arr Trrtkcr Servr <' lur <V<l it<< ' SI» crgc<11 rn A r< m n<rl AOlu»XLtlo)A Ar Spr,<y (lou7) Lld Vega 20 ~Q4' Page2(pty)40FNR

49 Birddog Aircraft t. Ai rcraft ( ' cnerot informstiur< an<( (<ten(i(ication A<rc<stt Mnt» snd Ivtodet An sr:dt Seas( Nut<ther An «alt R 'g<sl<'stun< Ycm ol Manu('<chuc I(ours ot A<rtr«me I'urt<u Cummar<rtcr69U I I 0 I < (' GI< I)K 0 / I) 06 I 1972 f a<'ho Cunnnaa<tc< (<9U 1(167 (. I<(tl. 0 / I ) ) I 2. Ai rc r aft Speritim<lioas 2 I N u I:ngincs, «1 Type 2.2 Pay(unit/Csp,«ily 2.3 I ucl F'mtu<sn»c 2N (FR csp«hic 2 5 A i r <att Cuml<hon 2 ti V <s<tnt<ty Sisndsrds 2K 4arren'll'L!3( 5 25H< 6 x ix< <<ng<< t(073(t< even<ac) 4 hnur. 30 nunul s Yes R x ' ll nl 75' tnnvard vcrttc,<l 120 sale v rt<cat ')tl side <vu<du<v hon«unl,d 2Y (i <rrelt'(pl'33( 5 25(K h 5 pssseng r c ~ i " " ' " " 4 hn <5 3(la<inures Ycs ' Txccll m 75 hn<v:<rd vert<»«t 120 ' nlc vcrn<nt 9tl si d <vu<duw her</un<at 3. A ircn<fl I'cr('nrnn< ace 3 I C r uise Sp< :i.2 l,nw Icvct loden ng speed :<<t nuts tu ( ( ~ < i 3 3 R on<vs)' Resin«co<cols 277 l,ls (o It<,000 lt 1201is 3000' 277 1;Is (,<,10,0t10 ll (20 kls )000' Cumrnunicatiun and «v(g«t(un Ir<(uipmcnt Si)ecilicatiuns I I C o n n n nnic«lirnl I<quipu<cat / n <rr/ni/ioa io «///.»i</r<r<v» rrrir/iegrr/a<oi <' ir'r/nues<ear Vtlf' A M I 'r:<nscc<vvr FM 1 r,mscc<vcr S;net(dc Vrm. ( X n nnnu<;nants annual < ' n ton Syne m Access «n<t Con<rut hn<'rnid hnc«nn 8)'sl 'n< 2 s )Vuttst<urg vol-200 'I'echmswuc Tt'hl 1280 In<(rum Sn«lhtc Phm<e S200-02( 2 5 Au<liu thmct 0 m )ix Kmg I<MA 2Hh 7( 2 s VVultshurg \V I -200 'I cctnusunic I't<M 'shoo< S,u 'thlc P/un<» S2< Audio P«nct licmiix King KMA 2«H 7( 2 s Au<to P«ncl lan<hs Kin g 2 5 Au d io I'«ncl lir:mhs King i<ma 24(t 71 KMA 24(t 71 Air 'I mker S rvrces tor <Vddhrc tvls, g rn nl Agreemen< /i AOIOSSFU(13A A<r Spray (I')47) L<4 Page 21 of l I «Gl~ Page211140FNR

50 C nninniidciulln< 6)'sire< lit'i<i)secs Vuhhc Address (PA) System 3 c I) <vtil C'I irk H 10 I 1X Whclcn SA 3SU 3 x FX<nrl ('Iar( 1110 I IX Wh Icn SA 31<l I 2 N l e(gut(un Fr(pipe<ant / i l rrddilioil I nil ( ' g l i lrnnc cild rug<i(iilniv imlm arear<i< Garnun 400 GPS Ging<it Vi<snninhig.'Ivslcni Gamma 400 C I' S Auloni.ncd I hghl Fulloiving Pcrsonncl Cumnn<oim<liuns I'ersonul Dlgdai Ax i hints Irulium S,ital)i<i I r,icl;mg I x Illackhe<ry c 6'oil I" ixxu <I I p gul Irnlium S:ucgi<r: Tiackn<g S200 Ugl I s lllacld crrv "Wr ild" 5. Flig ht Snl'cly I:quipmcrit TCA() Avnlyn T A S-(20 Av<ilync 'I AS-( 2<l Pulse Lights I'l l c/ Wig-iv,lg (nlchlihng I, il) Pul se/wig <v;ig (hlchiiliilg Lnl) rc i. Ot he r Chmalc ('onlioll d Cahins Gaircn Aircscarch Air C.yclc Ivl a c)< I l i e G,irr 0 Aire eair:h r)n Cycle M <chloe A r'iona r Serv i' t u r iyildhr mlana em m Agr m nl 4 A OIUSu8003A Ari Spray ( td. I '.ig 22 ol l l Page2~ 40 FNR

51 Schedule 8-3 Pcvsouucl Qua(i(leo(ious tn pcrtnrnnng thc S rmcev, Pcix nm I ivitt have thc tnttmvttig lilt(i<it)i(in ((i)lit)i(cat<no ;<(id c'(()eltciic A(l(CRAFT FLIGHT Cf(RWN 1 1 A IR TAiN(<FI( v(l(31 la covlal ix'0 IA<lid Air(me Tr mxpnrt I'it n Ltccnx *, V it nl ( r ill(a liy (31);I(II(mliilii Un Iytl * V)lni Vrutir:icn(y t'ti(ck (I' I' (. ) nn type, C i(iic(ii ( I i i it) I i(1 IIUUIC(II I'a<I<<I(,, Mtiitilliim (00 tl lit<a Vttul i I en<i))i<:iiiil 0 1(. Vitnl-i(1-CUI)un;1(i(j - no<)anal<i I,i ihl gun<), Pit )I.iil. 'Uinliliin(t ( 1)1)lit<Ill<It Silo tlnllfx ttliitti 'ngmc, D rnim Ir,tie<i r:xpcricnccrt ni mountam Ilying; Mi irilliill 2 1'('III) cxpci<c<l(e ill hi'ct) i<)thing (t«<lit hii(ctt,iif I<<ill I I opc('iil<u<lx), Train it m nccnntnncc ivit(i rhe it(' I ire Burnhiny, Pin<mdurcs Marniat;.init Nvlv titr '0 Pit n) 11)i(a(nil)it 100 ill)i<i' a P i t( l.ii)cu(alai<)it iil ltli: p iel 3'c'a( I 2 At k ( R ial<br Ftl(ST(ypl ICI(t( Iuitiit Aii (inc I'rm(prat Vitul I icenxe, V ih J < nmpany (3uat)t <cation on type Vitnl Vruhr:icncy Check (I' 1' ( ) on type, Cii<IC(ll ( I' )ll() 1 In IIU<UC(n I' ihlig, I (immum 2)tt hnurx Vitol in.cnnirnamt it)fr tnnirx inta( Pitoi in comm:mii. Miiliilliiitt Silt) tlnur( in<i(it en 'irlm Derma)xlnalcd expericrl'cd lilt<in(nil.mt uyiilg, Trlltttcit iil ;Iccolihiil(Y, ivil(1 <(le. 0(. I ir '(lull<( iilg Pnicc<tllrea Mat<<I,ii. Crt<I w h ire Pitnlx mi n imuni 100 tinurv,i) Pit it-in-mimmanrt m the pact vc:ir R<r Tank r Serncex tur Witrlti e M, n:s m nt Ag c mei I Il AO ltiygfih) IA Air Spi, y ( I Ltd I'ige 23 nihil Page23 of 40FNR

52 I 3 Bfl ( D BOO VII.O f 1:I 1 Tu r b ine Pu>vererl Ifir<lrlug Aircraft V;dlii Curl>pmly Quaht imuiurl uil lyiw, Vite< I'robe>ency Check (V P,C ) mi lyp, ( uixcnl Ortnlp I lilslrluuern I <uiiig; Minim<I>u ctl0 bui>rs Vil I-rn-<snnmui> I li I(, Vile< iu.ciiruuliiuil n i>>>>in<>ui I,SUt) h(i<us, Vdol iri co<noun><i nnninli>iu.suu hr urs nlidu engii>', Cumplct>nn r>l r cugmr il I'bghi gimutaior I'iugram anri 25 l>onr Pilnt in Cunt<nun<I <1> ivp<. ( 1 0 S U bui>rs Pdol i ( r ruin;itlil on lyfle Oeruuustr,ncd exf>errcuccii in run>irn;nil Ii yirl 'I rainerl u>,<cvurd,u< e <vnb 0 c II(' I' irctinu>bing Prnceilurcs Ivtanu,il,,nnl N c<v Inred I'dol minimum 1<)U houic a Vdot in-couunand in thc pi I. I 3.2 P i aluo Puwere<l Ifir<lrlog Aircraft >Adiri ('ornpany Qualifi<.,ili(1>l otl lype: V>lut I'rofir:ien y ( hc«l, (V 9 C ) nn lyiw, Vllol ut 'urn>wan<i ru>ii>inurn I,S>10 ht>ills, Pllul i>l ci rnr>>anil - alii<>in><i>l 11)0 bulrrs» >alt> ellgi>lc; h l>nimum 2S hour Vil lr i - umrmimi on rype aml SU hours Vilnl i nipomn>and im Siinle Cl>i ( f ii>1'<'i'iifl, 1)e munslr<i I ex(mr>cnr ed iil mnunlan> ltyin, I'r;imcd m.«w>ni,incc wnh ihc IIC 1»rehomhmg 1'rucciiur s ivfanu:il, and w tn r eil Vil ils mirnrnun> 10(l hnurs as Viint m-iu mmun I in lhc p,isl y a> A>r lknk ra r w I 'lydlli> hi<a,ic m nt ~C A rccnwnlrl AO1088EUU<A P, S 24 ul:l l A >r gf>r;ly (I'tey) Lrd Page24 of 40FNR-20)

53 Schedule C SI:IIVICL(S aud FACIL I TIL(S 1. SER V I ('RS I Ol A l l h c ('nmm ncemcnt il <h A v aitahd<ty I'crnid. Ih ( ' nmp,my (via i) 0 Is<<inn lhe Aircraft al <he 0 <g<»»c(t Base at Itic Company's sp ns I n Lnmmcnce piovic<m) nl'ihc Scrvi(m, ai»l h) cn n aru< I)lc Bight uperalirm I 'ersrnmcl ac igncd lu lhc A<rent(I. I 02 Du ring lhc Ava<tatntrly Penn(t, It<a Corn)»my iviu, a) r epusiiinn <tie An iafl. < th t<m s:md Inca<nms sp of<s it by lta. Mmicl«B h)»«i»tat»i»1»i>cad<»a. Iev'1.<.1)'cd<ctlhv 01' If>>»ster. «) re puri any uns rvir::<bl Ai rer II;» the»me r)t I<scuvcry, prnm<img an e Immlc i I thc tinlc rcqutrcd In rent(dy the ))tuel»in; <1) usc it I > t B o i l s» i n cuic Ih <I itic!(crv<(ms, Aircraa aml I'crsn<me) adhere lu ihe Mtmstiy s operational pinceilures an I in <ru tnms, «) L o t L' at)t»nt)>inc pc<sun»( I»I 0< ' C»<tt)<»1)' I u»c»(t )»c n»ld pust a tn n it l i r i l ing csermscc. f)»nd crnlkc (vurt' u»1<ong airer»10»id 1ppn)prlt»c per»>t»>cl I )r a<trit pl»lice;is (hrccic<t I y thc M «1< < I C I, g) L nsn<c dn»,tlt Btgt» f )et<i<<<»ls fn:iso»»ct I» ' t»»rcd <11 slt»nl<>'<i n[)p,»'cl lt)f c»)<el Btgt» ) m, int nance as ihc case m,<ylw, h ) it lhe r guest nt the Minicter cause any persmm I, whn : ire nnt t)<carding the Scr(i( s dcscnhed in tt< s Agreemenl nml Schcdutes io ttie M inistei's sa«st'actiun tn be iernnved fiorn pruvnhng Iht)sc Sclv\ccc, <) un l hc rcgimst ut ihc Prnvincc,<n<t >vhcrc relisunabl, prov»le A td<tinnat 5 rv<ces,<n I/ur Extr,i S 'rviccc, i) pru vntc thc Scrvi cs m ac(urdu>ca (vdt< tlw l i nt<ah ('nlumtna )tor(cr Servic M r Bn m hing Prot:cd»<'cs, k)»<t) hlv St)cclldt)' HIU<f)t»( t» lul cnf ' I)' I '(tub<»i'»ls <»»I s<'<vice eulc<cn ')' cotta»lc»lct»c <» Itic ()>re(n<»t r)t tt<e Pnw»«c,, <l :< Dist u< h,n,<ccd»purl by dn: P<nv»<cc;»»1 Itic ( nt»tx»iv I cgr»it»i»g < n good tt<tltt, 1) sn ppty sin<,d)te t<v» mm 'nt,il 1»n»nn<c»1,:in<I sinr,ige tut,dl,< r 'lated;ivi,»tun Bu»ls; m) c rmc, han(lte an<i d< puce ut.bl lut)ncmtw «ils an<) other cnvtrunm nt itty tuw rilnus mitcrials»s)ng i h c C u rig)aiiy c r r i i lc, e g«ip»>c»r, i i i d»i aieii;it. accoiding i u -A Si i»ii»aiy uf tnv<rnnn<entat Sr»mt irits and (tunic )m c tn< one) 1 tan(ltma Ti snspr» tn< rin snd Stor age" a 0 C ttnvirrn»» '»1 P»t)t<c,»iun; ) have a spill respunsc pbin wh<ch >uitincs actnm i i he Cl«clg('r<C) < tt»d vcn< nl chemi sl spr)ts nr nth < u) rc prlri lu I)le Pn)vir<L as cnnn ;Is f)n stb)c, Ih ' l»<rite»l<ir a»d <le»»ts nt,»ty one<rut>»to»l,il mcidcnt. me)i)rim it<a ('ornpony's ictinns an<( response»l(u» mg tct <tert tn rh«per fnirnance ul Ihc S rv)c s Rcpnr< Air T:mkcr Services tur <Vildtire ivhnug ment Agr men< I/ AOIUgghiio)A P,i 2 1 ni 11 A» Sp<»IV (lo»7) I ttl Page25 of 40FNR

54 1,03 Dun ng Ibi: Aviul dnbl)' Pill tl, Ibc An«i(dr, P(rci)in)el, Spit( (h)' 1'tpnp«1«nt,«)i) cuf)f)int a)'clenls inusl be available tn prov«le <lie 5 rvic ) t o r n l ime pcrn«l speci«rl b v i hc M n»ster u p lu a rnawmum ol a l u l mur duty dsy rn aa )cg)stated, aml m,«mnrrtanic w ith Ihc daily stand))y a)crt eat:iblishcd by th» Mnuut«r. 1,05 I' h c M n«clcr ma) regna)i or thc ( ' )mp,uiy may turn)ah,< cnb tnulc nt g ap)ac«ment Aircraft am) Spew illy Iiipipmi nr ul a type nnilually.i ic rl upm for 9) cih«liight I t)t) 'I'hc chargcc tnr the keplaccrncnt to ( i (all, 5)mm,ihty I <p iprn ni aml Peisnnnel,ne acci rilmg ro Schedule D, s ccpl,ic )liar(vis«pr(«i<i 0 1 t)7 Nnt i vithstanding gm Company') ublig niuns to piov«lc th 5 ( v ices du)my the Av u labilily Peinid, lbe Cunifxniy n«ly, ivdb lhc consent nl Ibc 1'Inc«i(e, usc Ibe An<i,dl l«r other [ nrpr)ccs it lbc 1 nnlflir)y docs s<i u e lhe Airer iti, lbe Av «l i hibly Cb irgc 6 cc(ibed «i Schedule D w)ll hc r 'du(vd aa;igiccd I ) hy Ihc 1'nmpany aml lbe Prnvmc 2. PA CI L) I'IL'S 2t) l Dun n g thc Tern> nl i bis Agr enieni, tlw f ' ongnny w i l l p rnvirlc a T ransport Cane<hi,ippruvcrl Mamienancc Org.mieei«m:is dcc«nli 0 in thc I'inpos.il. 202 'it)* Cnrnpany ivill provid a 2d hour mmtii t fe <bty ihrring rhc Availalnlily Periud )rum ivi«cti thc M«nsl«iii I)' rogue«i 5 'lvlccc. A«I)uitc 6 'I icc I I IV hi«re Mini,i«n«nl Agre m ci a A O ) A Ait spt,iy ( IPO7) I «I Paga26 of 40FNR

55 Scbe(lule D FEE SCHEDULE I. [) E F[>N)T)ONS I il l In t ins Sctterlule, unless >bc cunt el rcipitres ulli<i<vi < a) "Aildilir nnl Avail,il titty~(:har cs" itieans I'ni e mti Ye.n. itic I'ecs <[earn ihc<l in >los Scttedule lo l>e I»mt by rhe Piuvm<c tu itic C mi»<n) lui A ddiirrnml Services pruvidcd liy the Curnixmv us i<lilt>i)i>/cd 111»IC> llils AC><'Cn<C>ll, Aircratl aiiil 8 r viccs, d ) t>v <lie Pr<ivirlcc In lllc (.<1>i>[>ills Ir!i I.stra Servl m p m v nlcrl hv lllc (.Clllp!iiy as alilllurl/ed ii>i<ter lllls Agi 'cia 'lit, " F~lt Ill It>>le l ite;ills lul tile I, I gg Air i:irlkcrs tile Ill>>a, nlcaaiire<1 lli liiiiiirlcs:nnl r [»itic<i 111 iclillls <11 a>1 tluili as calcu[etc<i i 0 iiciailc<1 <n lhc Tramtiurl ( ' anada Aerun,iulical I ntern>alton Ivl,mu,it ( I'C AIM), trnm the,nrm at> leaving tl» >at»miry 1» siln>n al a r I ir<lmt Inadtng I»>lily l<n llm putpn < u l' l,ikcoll tn ihc imie iitl n r hc airer,<ll icturns tu a rctaulanl luarting facility and cuuies lu cnmplm s l p, and tur Ihc lhr<klr g aircratt thc time, ineasurcd m muiules anil rcp >rreil m rcnlh n l an hnnr a calo<lb<le<i iill<l dctailcil n l l ite T r:i>>aport (. n l,nhi Ac>oil> >leal Ir lf irlliillull tel»it, I ( I'(' AIM), from ivheels roll lo ivhc ls stop, c) " F~t>n ' Rate m c ms tlir: l»»irly chmgcs lnr [<light I imc, I) "I.ircl gate ' i itic rate charged by thc f'nrnt»iny tu ttt p rovin c lnr tuel used tn pert'nrrnarice uf Ihc Scivlccs, g) ' ~[.,>nttm Fccs" aic the fees chaiged by Airpott Au>ho>ilies tu lhc ('umpany toi landings svinlc pron<ling the!icivicc T hcsc tccs.tie payable to the Company,is aet oui in 6 tl2 ot' ibis Schedulrh li) Pu i lirl>>> ~i>l 111 snis rcq Ivlllllsle I; lit>cd ill ivclllclii I< k>onc lite Alt<> it> to:1 >oil. >te:il Ihc r qucsi «I lh ' saiistiir:lory trl >lie st>ill!tel A l t hc c<nlirlicncciiicltl nt et>sit ynmr, dlirllig >tie Agrc * ni iil Ter>>1, ihe lviinisler may change Ih r cquir ments Iur a Proper A n i unl aml i' ll,irivisc lt>c Cumt»<ny in W r I 1 Ilk, I) "It lees l ( aic' means lhal rul 1 1 «ut in tlus Sch ilul l n <r rht ihr: Mnustry lor each ihiy lhc Aircrati ls re[ca<cd hy ih Provi t c tn the Lumpi ny; and I ) " ~lt ' n stlionin " m ern>,< ilmng i n ttm aiiciotl location at the iequesluf tile Mmistei Al I alike> s 'is<«' f ui <vdu Inc sl 11,<s' '»1 '»1 Agre manta AOlilttgL003A Ai Spi ly (ICC7) I ld Pug 7 ul.l I Page27 of 40FNR

56 2. I L' L'S 20 1 T hc Prr vim iv ib pay tiic ('>rnpany thc fniluwinv ui<1> rc pccl lr th 5 r v ices provid rl,i) Av a ilahihty Clmrb s, h) Ad <ht<rm il Avaiialnl<ry Cl<argcs tor Ailrl<t<unal 5 ri i c s lur. ubiect tu ii, ;ir»l in, n i less tlu<n '.I days rep.,ir<gc 5 of rhe numlwr ui <lays iiie Add<tinted.i«re>«os tire i)toe<<lcd, s tli,m nvn riays il i hc A rld<r<un:il Services arc cnrnmcnccd nn thc secrmii <I. y preceding lite lic inning nr th«xcmnnl day tnbu<v<ng ihc en<i ul il c Avail I <lny P rind, rcgardlcss of >lie numb«i of d: ys lh A d diliun it Si rvi«s,nc p<nvnleih ni nu le» t h m «nc <ley <I lh A i ld<liunal Scrvnes arc c nnntenic<l r> ilm riay pr <cding lhe bcgiruung nr >lie ilay I'ognii<ng rhe cml nl tlm Ave<in) <l<iy Pc»nd, c) Iil tghi T<mc,it tl i: I lying Rate, lj <n thc event of Airer:itl Pusiiinrnng, I light Tin»,il ihc Flymg )tate, Fl<ghi and ivleintcnanc ( ' ren accnmmiirl,<iron and expo>ac< wli«n crcivs are i ivay overmglii Ir(mi <heir Dcsig<u<ted Base,,< si mt>«(i m lhi Schedule, l i t <is<'. I<>el ci fin<ives, if it<i<i>i«il bs tlic ( <i<tip iil)' iii it> ' li«'i'i<i<trit><i<«nt Uic Sire<«cs; g) lit<is«airfxirl la<id<rig;iiirl <i,<v<fsili»i Ir: ; <<id cliirges <I iriciirreil by Uw ( util)i:iity iii t li ' pertnrn<ance of<tie Serv<ses, an<i h) D t hm G isrs os i < uui in rlns Scliedui 2 <12 T h e Pruv<ncc <vib pay those Ice< il«si:nhcil m l)aragr; ph 2 i)l anil asser nut <n rl»s!i h ilnl, ag oilier i:tmrgcs, md any Uiplicahlc taxex w<u»n 3(l ilays 1»B»wing recchil I y rhc I'rnvmce nf a Prop«r A<«oui>I T hc C<impany iv<r submit I'rupei Accounis m nu I«than <vccl.ly and nn longer than u<unihly i<it«reals 2.t)J A s n t the Year cnmmenmng April I, 2011, ihc Av,iil,ih<I<ty Charges, I.lying Rate, aml Addiiinn, il Ava<L<l»lily ('l<argc,< sct nui <n li»s Schedule <vill be,nliu Icd im a curn) mimi l i <s< by I00% ul lhc change in the Statistics Cane<I,i ('un<urn«r Oner: Ir»l x ( CI'I) lor Vancnuver, British Culuml»a I'nr Ihc tivcivc inrnitli pc(ind Dc«et><i er lu D«c *tither it<it<i«<lait 'ly [i<cowling <lie Yc:tr lu ivliicti stint> riiix><nile are:ipph«,<blc. 3. A YA I I.ABILITY CHAR('Bh An Av«<L<b<l<iy Charge Inr thc A vailalnl<i) Pc>in<I, tutaging I brce miuir»<, Iwo In<adrc(l for ty seven thuuaaml aml l» o In<mire<I dou»ra (63,247,200) «.,ii ulal il l u gmvs ll, ivy A<r Tank» ( n up: Air I'ankcr Bird<lu<. Aircraft Type I C 'I C ()90 ¹ o f Aircrrifl A v a i I a I > i lit 7 I'cried 123 da s 121 l.i s Doily Rale pcr A» («, fl D),sl)ll Ol) 53,7(10 UU I'otal 8 I, l(>8,50u 5153,)00 Cost pcr Air Tanker ('ruup Numticr nt Air T,mk r (i»inps Tuta)Awiilal>ilily Cl<argc 51,6230iOU ( ¹7 200 A r Tai < r 5 rva I i r 'iv ldlir I l,nm¹ m nt Am i m ni e ADIUht)LOti3A Air Spr,iy (1907) Ltd 25,)l i i Page28 of JOFNR

57 3.02 T he A v ailability C harge is payable in I'iiv. (5) cqaid h)stalnlcnls ol sls 11 n1<lrc il innl bn'i)' rune tlnni m rl,inrl Ruii Inmdreil aml torly dogars (S649,4*10) un lvfay I", Junc I". July I', Augus< I' an<i Sep<enibe< lain cacti Y am( <tic Agr crn nt 3.03 A r l rlitional Availnhilily Ciu)rgcs 'Ihc Adihhunal Avmlahility ("barges ir)r sich day < f Additirm:I Seiviics fo r a c h A i rcraft is as tollmv. Air Teal '( B<rddn Abc<el'I Tvi)e L Igs I (' 6'10 J)ailv A<lrliliunal Availalnliiv Cha< c '<9 )QQ QO Rt,7(IQ (Jl 4. FI.I ( 'HT TIME CHARD I(q 40 1 J bg h< l ime Chaigcs tnr,«h huui nl Flight Ti m a m l prorated for p:irl In)nr arecalmil,i<crt at Ihe linurly I.lymg I)mt * as tuguws' Aircraft Tv )e Hour lv FI'1 nr ID<le Air Tanker L-Igtl Jl, Birddo T(' (i ta) 5. FI.I C HT AND NIAINTLNAVL'L' CREW ACCONIhIODATIOV AND EXJ'ENSES )0 1 Aiv iy (ruin De <gna<cil Base living cspcmc i vdl bc tl)t rated,irnl rermp<s ivig not he rr ipnred ' I he dady Boiv.mcc ivili tx a) T i v in mlr <I luui<ccn dr 0 irs anrl titty cents (5214:10) mclmlmg i m und <r i spnr<ahon or anrl must hc sut)rm<teil un <I) daily tligh< slq)s, OR 6) O a c Innnlic(l (or<\' nuit'.dtl ;Il( anil hlty cents ($149 50) cv< lurhng glnuntl Inn)sf)i)rtinnn1, Aml must hc item)carl:imi suhminc<l un 0)c dady Bight sbp 5 tt2 Sh o uld the M<mstry supply :my ul thc.ihuve r:spcmc 0 )c <lmly rnte nio he reiluced, i I 'CBinv. aio unmrxlunun - s IOO 00, 11(i sd c,ich m al,,md grounrl transpuil.i<iun-'(65 tltl 5 (13 II' A ivay tiom Desigr)tie<I Base spemcs )clatcrl to tt)c I')ovmce s ierpiest to 1)epusiliim Ihc Airi r i t'i an<i th (.'ompany's maintenance vehicl i s requneil iiig lx as I'olio<vs a) nnleage at «ighty tour cents (5.84) pcr tulomc<rc I ) pu itmn a mt dc pnsn<nn <he ('onip, iny s maintenance vcli)cle betiveen thc Des<N))tert Ba e mxl th A n r:ra<i's tcmpn)anly assi nc<l»le; in1 6 li) i f requncd, i ists mcurr rl lm nun)port hy ware) ferry will he re<mbur 0 a< en)i <cqn«cd R i ip <s are ) 04 A n a<id<uonal tivcnly s v n ilull ns ('J2700) lx r night pcr Bight aml ni nnlcnance ircw mcmhci when Ihc Aircrai< aml ctcn,)rc r (iuircd I)y the Mmislcr Io he pusn) )nml nrnth nl the QU' lanhnii 6) I) nker 5 rvx f r <vdrlti I vt,m, Jcmcm Agrccm nl ii AOIUJJF1103A A)1 Spr.iy (I')6711 Id. Fuge 29 or I I Page29 ot40fnr

58 G. OTI I LR I Ol G 02 Ic uel Th» cusl mcuiied aml paid f y Oi ( ' ump,my for, v mlnm tuel u ml l>y ih ( ' nml»iny lu provide fhc Serv>ces under tins Agreemeni La mliag aa(l Na<lg»(tun Fees Th«cnst tnr Lsniling I'ees as s»t nul m the ivlimstiy's cuireni y ais 4 l icnptei I.anrlmg l.e«i'able Nn i ci p is,>r r <pnred anrl ihc number nt I iml>nqs per location rn>rs( be n<!lcd nn thc <Inly flight sl>ps and <v>ll be pmd accurdmgly, (i 03 A > lrlitiur>of I'ersonnel I'he d>rect costs r>l' ad<i>i><>natu> unlen<n :ici>v>i)' lm> nnn I rcrpnrcd <lur>ng 0 'rmd n l est>antd>nary t>re 6 04 M ut ual Air) Rcsuu»ce Sbariag (NIARS) (.:ha»ges Chai ges, as agreerl by the I'mnes and as rcquned tu meei th P tnv n<c's, n<l th Cnmpany's uhligil i n i n prnvi>hng ilw Aircratl,mrl 3 tvicc under Mutual Aid kccnurce Shaiitig Agrr: ments lu winch lhe i'rnvm<.e >s a s>g>a<tory (s>is I ( stra A>ail hilitv Charges As:igteeil lu by Ihe Pruvmcc unil thc Cnrnp.my 0 OG ()l l>»i' As,i r d h y huih Ih rri s 7. R F I. I»ASI» RATFS 7>ll T he >ate I'ur ihe Cumpan)' s nse ut' th» A n i nt t w hen tetr»i<crt t'iom tlie Compm>y's Seivice rerp>remen>» hy thc Mm>slry <v>ll be ni ih» Release IL»le (ur each,md cvcry day t h A ii cr,ili >. relrs>se<t I h R r:lc.is l>n> i, i s agr ml hy ll>c pnmcs. tl. DA >MAGES 80 1 I>nr each and v ery hour f h P u rer,<li, Spec>,<lily I quipm nt aml I'c> unn l, irc n<» av,nlnhl * tur Service, i s rcrpnrcrl hy ih h l i ri>slur. Itic hl>i>>st'r i>i;<y;issues il>ni;>gus ui >lie,>ii>oui>> I > m> lm>it> ul Ihc Daily A v,nl,<h>lily (ilclincd.i >1>c Airer,if> Ava>lal»l>ly Charge divirfr:d by 123 days) ur at ihc Min ster's disci t>mi, the reasonable cost io the Province to replace ihe Aircraft and 3 ivi es 8 02 Damage»maybe.i» vedi ( i tic ('nrnpmy <In s»ul, in lhc rcasnnat I» npinionnt the Mnnster, use ag ih r csnurccc available In Ihc ('unq>my lo ensure 0>e s»iviceahilily ul Itis A>rcrntl ant, i s,i r cull thc ('nmlx>ny f;nls in r p n ml in s >cqucct tn> Serv>ces,<ccording tn lhe da>ly >eadmcss (alert) <nie»:i esi;ihlichcil by thc M ini»> r I snl re In re»pun<i >n rh» m l ; n< r cpr sent a nnn ;iv,nlab>hly day nr pr>itin>i itic>cnt 8 03 It I he flint lng Airer,ift i. un a, >I»I>le aml 0 >s nul npcralnmagy I visible inr Ihe A» 1 ank»r io jn>n another,nr tanker group, il>e,i»sess damages may hc apphci<ble lu ta>lh Ih A ir I hinkcr aml Ihc B>rd<lug Aircrafi Air T,uil,cr S r i 0 r <Vilrllim M,<,gcm ni Agrecmmn S AOI088L>t>03A Air Spr,<y (17G7) I ld P,<g' )ti, t Page30 of 40FNRP

59 1.01 l (12 ( Ns(fr)ANGR RPOofgvblgi» i g Schedule IC I)s(SUJCANCE In,«lihiiun to such polim, <c ar r» ui r <I tiy (.'Cnad>an luivc an<i regulaiionc, thc C'nmlmnv clmg, at >ts cole cnst,ind espcncc md rlunng ihe Agrccm nt T i m prnvnlc,mil ma>ntam lor thc henefd ol thr: Mn>i tr:r, (>is c 'Iv,ii»c, igcnl a ni l n il>i iyi:cc <lie Inlloivni i i >sit<,iiiiv. a) / urc rafl I ialiility mrs pact of dnr(i l»irt»i ilily m>u y.md/or pinperty damage <nclu(fmg p,>cccngcr hat»l»y, ivith limit nnt less than tcn million dng. r ( ,()00)corn(»ncd cmgle l>md, each ociu rene» Av>a<mn General I iat»l><y msur,incc, inclurlmg Prcnncc R O pcrntinnc a mt Products 4 Cotnpictcd Opcrat> nn li, h<l>ty, iv<ih limits not lees rhan icn migmn il II >r ($ ) cot<>(>tnt:d single lit<>il, e,«.li oct <i<)ence,n>(l i<1 d>c iii nunl, bi <cga<a iv<01 rccficct l(1 Pi<>duct 0 ( i i»10(clc(i Opcl»i<I)is, c) I he >nsur<ncc nurhneil un(le<,i) an l I ).ilmim, ch>0 in furl t hc tng iw>ng cndnr en>ent i<>id/i)t f>i<)vis) )iic; I blat<i et co<i<i iilual lith)i)>v, non nwne<l iurnmnl»le msur,mcv; Cot<Ill>gC»I 'i<0)00' 'I' l«)hi(by, >v. personal in>ury lmbil>ty, v. ci» 01 i)'ccc ic idditli><nil In <IIctls,;<)id VI I C i <i)) li ;<hi()i)' CI iii i» vii (d er Ma(city the Oueen in thc n»ht ol lhc Vrr vini nl Br>I<ch ('nlumt»a ac <i f)recon<oil hy Ilia,ill<tie<or nl I niccic ))id 101<ige mid niiiy ui ds vinplr y 'cc, ccivanrc nr agents,>re ro be,ukled as an "A<ldirion,il lnsur 6", ar»i xiii. A r iy,i<i(fili»»«l ii>stir;ii>(» wiiich ic icqii<reii by law >r ivt>i 'll 0<c C n>iifiniy cot>sir(era i<cocci>ry Iu <over rivi nnl nliicrivicc covered hy <»xi)r iti<e specific\i Ii> 0>ic cir:»<i<> A ll i nsurance >vill be m a form,.i il c< ni n<,>nd pbc rl ivirh,m insurer nr <nsurers (luly been)ail tr iii'i' )ii i<is<))' ii>cc liiicinccc in Br<>lilt Giiliii»hi»1 ic 'epliiblc I ) di * Mitt<)(ct I'h e Cumpmy st>ag, nul l.itcr than 0< c nmm n i n» n t o t 0<e Ag r ment Term, prr>virli: Io Ihc Prov(>Ice»1 ( c<'litic:itc i)l l ll«1<r,)lice c1<1(iriiliiig till (>ziti Ii' i< i>if 11c(cc, ii)' i'.<»i»lien>el»s» ) ci)<<if)l) <Villi UIC i<)i(>t<iiic ' I Niii<C<i>C )I ts i><lib>icu he IC I» 1 t)d I h e Lnmf»cny will ensur I ha( the incur«ncc m:iy nr» i»,in li cit or mat riagy ch,mgcd m,my ivay ivhat rwvcr ividinur rhr: incurcis f»nv»tmg 30 days prnir nu>iii t r Ihe Mnnct r. I 06 T he mcurance will be pnmary and no> re<ie thc ch: nng )I any loss by any insurer et (h Province l 0/> I b c ( ' nmpany wa<v c all rights ul rccm>rse:<gun<st il c Vr v m c w ith r gi<r(f <n dar>uige io Ihc Co<tip <1>v c fii <>pc< I) I h * ('nrnl»cny st>all,,it ds <»vn expense, ohtum Wn<kgdc f<o cnvciage I r itc lt, itc subconlractnrs, ail ivo>l,crc,mrl,my ch,ir hnlilc<c, dncctnr, p;ir>ncrcnr orhet mdividu,ilsemplnycrl nr ad><gott >n rlie pertoruumce ol thc. Services I' h e Company n»r t mimply» it h,>1( conduions ot' Um 0'oi/ e>i Co irpwriulzn>z A(l anti rug(<i, itin<is 0>cÃinidct, a<id Iif)»1< rogue)i, i»<)st prnviil' di c Vinviiice iv>tli ' pruo( el sue(i comp(i,m ' Air I anl er her»ca) tur tyilrltir I (,m,semen> A r * u>ant a AO IU<tsLUUIA Air Spray (I')67) (.td P:9.I l I l l Page31 of»ofnr-20(

60 Ch Natural Resource Sector Contract Modification Agreement No. 5 MINISTRY CONTRACT/FILE NO IAOIQSSE003A PROJECT NAME Ai r Tanker Services THIS MODIFICATION AGREEMENT dated for reference 3 day of February BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. mpmsented by the MINISTER OF FORESTS, LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS Provrnrsal Wildgre Coordination Centre (ihe 'PnmnceT 'Web "usb or "our' si apptca hie) at the followng addmss 3080 Afrpon Road Kamloops, 8 C V28 7X2 Telephone Fax Address (25Q) 312 3QI Q (25Q) fi8 hina barberogov bc ca Ministry Representabve Alternate (rf applicable) Nina Barber A Th e Parties entered into an Agreement dated for reference I day of Apnl 2010, (here nafter called Ihe "Agreement" ), 8 The Parties agree to amend Ihe Agreement as follows Contractor Rspresentabve Lynn Hamdton Corporate Business A Number WodiSafe BC No and/or POP N IA No SCHEDULE A AVAILABILITY PERIOD AND DESIGNATED BASE(S) FOR 2014 I 03 T he Availability Penod(s) and the Aircraft Designated Base(s) for 2014 are as set out in Schedule A-I Schedule A-I Avallsbfllty Perfod and Designated Base(s) for 2014 AIRCRAFT AIRTANKER GROUP Gi'oup 7: Lockheed 188 (L-188 C) Turbo Commander 690 (TC690) Group 3: Lockheed 188 (L-188C) Turbo Commander 690 (TC690) May 22 lo September 21 May 5 to September 4 AND AIR SPRAY (1967) LTD (the "contiador.'you ', or "your' as applwsble) al the fo llew ng addnas St NW Edmonton, Alberta T5N IL7 Telephone AVAILABILITY PERIOD (Each of123 days) Fax. (780) (7 80) Pnncs George Pnnce George Address lynn hamiltonrbarspray corn DESIGNATED BASE SCHEDULE F FEES 3. AVAILABILITY CHARGES 3 01 A n Availability Charge for Ihe Availabilrly Penod, lolegying three million three hundred etghtyurne thousand seven hundred snd sixty-two dollars (3,381,762.00) calculated as follows Hea A rr Tanker Grou AIRCRAFT TYPE 8 of AIRCRAFT AVAILABILITY PERIOD Air Tanker Birdo9 L TC DAILY RATE PER AIRCRAFT $9, $ TOTAL $1,216, $473, NRS Sou - Contra d Iu od Scat on Agreement CSNR FSS Nov Page I of3 Page32 of 40FNR

61 CONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEMENT CONTINUED Cost per Air Tanker Group Number of Air Tanker Groups Total Avaltabglty Charge: $1,690,881 x2 $33$ T he Availabglty Charge ls payable In five (6) equal Installments of six hundred seventy-six thousand three hundred and fifty-two dollars and forty cents ($ ) on May I". June 1" July I", August 1" and September I" in each Year of the Agreement 3.03 Ad ditional Availabgity Charges The Addikonal Availabili Ch ar es for each da of Addikonal Sennces for each Aircraft is as follows Aircraft Type Dally Addlfional Air Tanker L-188 Availablll Char e $ Birdd TC 690 $ FLIGHT TIME CHARGES 4 01 Flight time Charges for each hour of Fight Tme and prorated for part hours are calculated at the hourly Flying Rate as follows Aircraft T Houri Fl I n Rate Air Tanker L-188 $ Bird/I TC 690 $ I Ai r Spray also has the following addihonal aircraft available for hire based on their 2014 tamff as follows Aircraft Tanker498 Tanker487 Birddo 58 Birddo 57 Idenbfication 0-FDTH 0-FZCF 0-FMCX 0-Fgt Da Rate $ /da M I /da $ /da $ /da Houri Rate $ /hour $3,873 00/hour $615 00/hour $815 00/hour 6. FLIGHT AND MAINTENANCE CREW ACCO M M O DATION AND EXPENSES 5 01 Aw ay fram Designated Base living expenses will be fiat rated and receipts will not be required The daily allowance will be a) T wo hundred twenty nine dollars and filty rants ($229.50) including ground transportahon or and must be submitted on the daily flight slips, OR b) O ne hundred sixty four dofiars and fifty cents ($164.60) excludmg ground transportation And must be itemized and submitted on the daily flight slip S hould Ihe Ministry supply any of the above expenses the daily rate will be reduced as follows accommodation $116.00, $16 50 each meal, and ground transportation-$ In all other respects, the Agreement is confir me D Ti me is of the essence in this Modificabon Agreement NRs600- contrsd Mod fical on Asmement CSNR-FSB Nov Page 2 of 3 Page33 of 40FNR

62 , ')l C O NTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM E N T CONT)NUED The Parties duly execute this Modhcat o Agreement as follows SIGNED AND DELIVERED on behalf of the Province by an a ihorded pre resents ve )rfthe Province l C ' M I ~ / (Signature of act onzed M mstry Expense Authontyl SIGNED AND DELIVERED by or on behalf of the Contractor (or by an authonzed s gnatory of the Contractor f a corpo at o ) (Signature f Contractor or Authonzed S gnatoh) (PRINTED NAME of authonzed representative) Dated Ih 6 ~~ t day of ALCAIC I 1 (PRINTED NAME of Contracto or autho zed signatog) 20 I i Dat ed the dayof 20 NRS600 Contract Modecation Agree e I CSNRPSB-No Page 3 of. Page34 of 40PNR

63 'c assr Contract if Iodittcation A yreefnent No. ty f,hni' UIY CQNIRACt.f ILENQ ,AOIDSELI'JUSA prqjlct NAslc A l a t er scrooch THIS MODIFICATION AGREENIENT d I d u f r fr. cr Sm oaf oftlay 2011 BETWEEN 0 I IA br. I Y THC QU El'I lti It H l U F Th- PRO' INCL OF I, ITIUI CCLUIII'I e, s= U fl y a, fbi ISIFR I F Ft;RESTS LafCOS.UIO I.ATU : R ESCURCC QPCR'TIGN fxitl0* nl d. Gnarl Ka nlo I s B C v 0 rx2 ANO 1 IR SPRAY 1108 ) LTD I JIJI 12 2 I I I'I Eomo tcn,ube m 15tf.L T epi c a F, C I aclm I'ep escntal, Lynn Ham Ko corpo ate D an s 10088" 10 Numb * \ 'I x S ' 00 N a N o POP I 'I A I 'o ; c» x l " ' As. I d ; J I'c ' a11 e y c:ap 1201u I e» s : c. e d ;tc ' An Llt s I '... se 11. tac I p o l p s t c.. b a lo cc" sm le f a p I. t fo aataboc mt enan 1 o.; h ar,. 11 I xcst c t J, J I, - hi d e p. yacleol yo l oss pple l a l o dw ax gs q ed l o cc, pletety neo pot :he cl hngetsi Jo 0 e co carl y,trx, 0 I x lus 1 ut Goods and Sam res Ta (I S I) a xl a y hppl cable Prow n.ml S, ks Ta. (I'Si l a s : youse c q n J l u ci a Jeth P ore reasalaxabteuansactor ITEM NO DESCR PTION OF INORK ADDED I DELETED, INCLUDING QUANTITIES P R I 0 E I I ; ag a L I K I o C I L XI 2».,» USS Cna a I r d. 5., -,Isn r I BL C SO EJ BD 52 to n q a nacnad 51 mrs Y '.' D D. ' 1st 'I C 01 IJ' clc s CSIIP,.F 0. t i I' J e I of ' Page35 of AOFNR

64 C O NTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM E N T CON TIN L/ED Jl 0 Tn~rJ RUE OL UL O W II c pames duly execute the Mod f cato A greemem as foaows SIGNED AND DELIVERED on b I ad I lb P a tlfotz d reptesemat of thy P ov ce e by a slgned AND DELIYERED by or o ber elf of the Conl actor tor bya autho zedsgnatoy of lhecont* Io da c orporabon) fs n I. I aulhonzed Iz»stw Expense A tno tyt N a Ba be IPRINTED NIIME of a thonzed eprese tat (Stgnat rl VConl actor or Aulhmzerl S gnatoryl Lynn Ham lton tprintcd NAME of Contractor or aulhonzed srgnatodi CSNrr I'Sa N 2 zl l a Pano 2 Page36 of AOPNR

65 oltlrlcti Cci.urnun Natural Resource Sector Contract Modification Agreement No. 7 MINISTRY CUNTRACTIFILE NO 107ih20/AC1088EDD3A PROJECT NAME: A ir Tanker Services THIS IEOOIFICATION AGREEMENT dated for rsfemncs 3 dsy of February BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, represented by Ihe MINISTER OF FORESTS, LANDS ANC NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS Provincial Wiidfire Coordinsfion Centre (the Pnivlnceo 'we', 'usf or 'our' ee appficable) at Ine focowing addnws: 3080 Alrpon Road Rem!oops, B.C. VZB TX2 Telephone; Fan E-mafi Addresm (250) 312G010 (25D) mne bamer@9ovdmum Ministry Representedve: N ina Barber WorkSafs SC No sndlor PCP N /A No Aaemate (lf eppgmble): A Th e Parties entered into an Agreement dated for reference I day of Aprfi 2010, (hereineger called the Agreement' ), B. T he Parties agree to emend the Agreemsnt as follows: AIR SPRAY (I 967) LTC, tthe 'contnidor, 'you t or 'your es applicable) at the lolowlng sddrem St NW Edmonton, Alberta TSN 1LT Telephone Fex E-mae Address (780) (750) 4844M4 lynn,hemllt n@lelmcray corn Contractor Reprssentsbve. Corporate Business Number. Lynn Hamfiton A SCHEDULE A AVAILAGILITT PERIOD AND DESIGNATED BASE(8) FOR The Avafiebfiay Period(s) and ths Alrcrea Designated Base(s) for 2015 am ss set out In Schedule A-l. Schedule A 1 Avagabglty Pcdod and Designated Gaea(s) for 2015 ABlCRAFT AIRTANRER GROUP Group 7: Lockheed 188 (L-1 88 C) Turbo Commander 69D (TC690) Group 3: Lodlhesd 188(L-188C) Turbo Commander 690 (TC690) May 22 to September 21 May 4 to September 3 AVAILABIUTY PEIUOO (Each of 123 days) Prince George Prince George DESIGNATED BASE SCHEDULE F FEES 3. AVAILABILITY CHARGES 3.DI A n Avafiabolly Cha!De for the Availability Period, totefiylng Ihree megon three hundnut slghtpena Ihoesand seven hundred and slely4wo dollars (3,381,782.00) calculated as fofiows: Hea Air Tanker Grou AIRCRAFT TYPE Air Tanker Blrdog L-188 C TC690 ¹ of AIRCRAFT AVAILABILITY PERIOD DAILY RATE PER AIRCRAFT 39,983.0D 33,888.0D TOTAL , , NRSSCO Co lmd Modiflcetlo Ae CSNR-FSS - Nov 7, 2013 Page 1 of2 Page37 of 40FNR

66 CONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM ENT CONT(N(JEO Co t per A r Ta ker G oup N mbe of A Tanlter G oops Total Availability Charge: $1,706,133 x T he Availability Charge is payable in five (5) equal installments of ex hundred eighty Iv o Ihe sand four ru dred and fitly-th ee donors andlwenly cents ( $ )on May I' June I', J ly I'.Aug st I' a d Septembe Iu n each Year of the Agreemem 3 03 A dditional Availability Charges TheAdditonalA ailablit c h a e s fo eachdavofarldtonaiscmcesforeact A craflis asfoeows Aircraft Type Daily Addlb on el A Tanlte L 188 $9, rddo TC 690 $3, , FLIGHT TIME CHARGES 4 01 Fl ghl Time Charges 'or each hour ef Fi gnt Time and p orated for part bourn a e calculated ai tne ho ly Fly g Rate as fohn vs Aircraft T e Houri Fl ' n Rate A Tanks L-188 $ rtltlo TC 690 $72600 I Au sp ay also has the foeowng aodrbonal ave sf la a ratio for h e based o thea 2015 lan if as follows Aire aft Tanker 498 Tanker487 C.FZCF 3 Da Rate S11,000 ggldav $3 873 ggihou $ idu $815 00/ho $815 00ihou C In arr otl e aspects tt e Ag cement s confirmed 0 Ti e s of the esse ce tr is Mod fic. Io Agreement The Par: as d ly execute this Mod f c t on Ag earns I as ioilows 51GNEO AND DELIVERED o behalf of tl e Pre nce by a a lho zed rep esentatlve of lr Pro i cc I E ' I L ) ' C L f (signal re of oulnoriz d M n stw Expense Autno ty) (printed NAME of authonzed epmsentas e) Dateoo s ~ 0 3 dayor 'L I.II t I I SIGNED AND OELtVERED by o o behalf ofll e Conuacto (o by an aulho zeebsonatowoflne contractor if ace po ato ) 2. A Z c t- C (signature f contractor or Autho zed signalory) I 7(u (printed NAME of con:rector or a lnonzed s gnalod) * 20 I u Dat edlh s m da y of I dx y ( 2015 C SNR FBB N* 7 2 0t 3 Pag 2 of Page38 of 40FNR

67 pll i i l SH Coi Usinls Natural Resource Sector Contract Modification Agreement No. 8 MINISTRY CONTRACT/FILE NO /AO1088E003A PROJECT NAME A i r Tanker Services THIS MODIFICATION AGREEMENT dated for reference 12 day of February BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE I'ROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, represented by the MINISTER OF FORESTS. LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS Provinaai Vdldfire Coordination Centre (the "Provacet 'We T "us" or "our" as sppkcable) at the (oilowng address 3080 Airport Road Kamloops, B.C V28 7X2 Telephone. Fax. Address (250) 312 Sptp ( 25p) SSFSI68 dave marek@gov bc ca Ministry Representatwe Da ve Marek AND AIR SPRAY (1967) LTD (the "contrsdor", 'youh or "your as applicable) at the foaovcng address St NW Edmonton, Athena TSN IL7 Telephon e Fax Address. (780) ( 780) lynn hameton@arrspray corn Contractor Representative "y» Hams«n Corporate Business A Number WorkSafe BC No andlor POP N/A No A Th e Parties entered into an Agreement dated for reference I" day of Apnl 2010, (hereinafter called the "Agreemenl"), B. T he Parbes agree to amend the Agreement as follows SCHEDULE A AVAILABILITY PERIOD AND DESIGNATED BASE(S) FOR The Availability Penod(s) and the Aircraft Designated Base(s) for 2016 are as set out m Schedule A-1 Schedule A-1 Availability Pened and Designated Base(s) for 2016 AIRCRAFT AIRTANKER GROUP Group 7 Lockheed 188 (l.-l 88 C) Turbo Commander 690 (TC690) Group 3: Lockheed 188 (L-188C) Turbo Commander 690 (TC690) May 19 to September 18 May 9 to July 10 July 11 lo September 8 AVAILABILITY PERIOD (Each of 123 days) Pnnce George Prince George Campbell River DESIGNATED BASE SCHEDULE F FEES 3. AVAILABILITY CHARGES 3.01 An Availability Charge for Ihe Availability Period, totafiying three million, four hundred and ninety thousand, seven hundred and forty dollars (3,490,740.00) calculated as follows Hea Air Tanker Grou AIRCRAFT TYPE Air Tanker Birdog L-188 C TC690 8 of AIRCRAFT AVAILABIUTY PERIOD DAILY RATE PER AIRCRAFT $10, $3, TOTAL $1,256,199 OD $489,171 OD NR$600 -contraa Modification Agreement OSNR-F38 - Nov 7, 2013 Page

68 C O NTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM E NT CONTINUED Cost per Air TanKer Group Number of A r Tanker Groups x2 Total Availability Charge: 3 02 The Availability Charge is payable in five (5) equal mstallments of six hundred ninety-eight thousand o ne hundred and forty-eight dollars ($698,148 00) on May 1u June 1' July I', August I a nd september 1s i each Year of the Agreement 3 03 A d ditional Availabihty Charges The Add tionai Avaiiabii I Char es for each da of Add tional Services for each Aircraft is as fofiows Aircraft Type Daily Additional Availabilit Char e Air Tanker L-188 $ Birddo TC 690 $ FLIGHT TIME CHARGES 4 01 Flight Time Charges for each hour of Flight T me and prorated for part hours are calculated at the hourly Flymg Rate as follows Aircraft T e Houri Fl m R ate Air Tanker L-188 $ Bircldo TC 690 $ C D In as other respects the Agreement s confirmed Ti me s of the essence n this Modification Agreement The Pa ies dgiy execute this Modification Agreement as follows i SIGNED N D DELIVERED on behalf of the Province by an SIGNED AND DELIVERED by or on behalf of Ihe Contractor (or authori e pr s ta bve of the Province by an au~opze sri)natory of the Contractor if a corporation) ( t - I ' i Z ~ ~ (S g t e of f onz ed Ministry Expense Authorny) (Signature of Contractor or Authonzed S gnatory) Da e I'IJ e L I +vz- i. (PRINTED NAME of authonzed representative) (PRINTED NAME of Contrac~to or authonzed signatory) Dated this 2 (w day ot 20 I(w, Dated this ~ day ot 20( ( NRseoo cont act Modification Ag cement CSNR-FSB Nov Page40 of BNffR-8II

69 Airerah Operations Agreement, CONTRACT /FILF NQ THIS AGREEMENT DATED FOR REFERENCE / AQ I 5WCC004 THE 1 ' DAY OF APRIL 2014 I PROJECT DESCRIPTION AM P HIBIOUS WATER SCOOPING AIRTANKER SERVICES BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEFN IN RIGH I' QF THE PROVINCE QI BRITISH COLUMBIA, as represented by tho MINISTER OF FQRI.STS LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS PROVINCIAL WILDFIRE COORDINATION CENTRE 3080 AIRPORT ROAD KAMLOOPS, B.C. V2B TX2 Phone Number: FAX Number: Ministry Representative: nina.barber@gov.bc.ca Address: nina.barber@gov.bc.ca AND: (the 'Province "we', us, or "our asappkcabie) CO NAIR GROUP INC TOWER STREET ABBOTSFORD, BC V2T 6H5 Phone Number: (604) FAX Number: (604) Address: rpedersen@conatr.ca Contractor Representative: Rick Pedersen Corporate Business Number: WorkSafe BC: (the "Contractor' ' You, or "your" as appkcable) Pagei of 59FNR

70 WHEREAS: A The Province wishes to retain tho Contractor to provide the Services specified in Schedule Al and A2 in consideration for the remuneration setout ei Schedule B the Contractor has agreed to provide those Services on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement The Contractor is duly kccnsed to operate and provide the aircraft specialty equipment and support services as spebffed in this Agreement The Province requires tlie said aircraft spemalty equipment and support services for uso in the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, INrldfire Management Branch and other Government of Bntish Columbia Prograrps The Province and the Contractor agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 DE FINITIONS 1 01 In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires (a) (bj (c) (d) (e) (g) (h) "Additional Services" means Services requested by the Province dunng the Fire Season but excluding the Operating Penod, to be provided by the Con'.rector in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and within Bntish Columbia where the Contractor can reasonably make the Aircraft and Spebakty Equipment Personnel and Famlitres available for such Services Aircraft" means the amphibious water scooping turbine-powered airtankers and the turbine powered birddog aircraft descnbed in Schedule A1 including any Replacement Aircraft uairtanker Group" or "Group" means the combmation of ak amphibious water scooping airtankers, having a minimum combined group capacity greater than litres and one turbine powered birddog aircraft and hawng ail th. infrastructure p ersonnel c reeps and a l l s upporting services'systems a nd equipment necessary to operate and maintain the A.rcraft and provide the Airtanker Servces ubc Fire BOmbing PrOCedureS Manual" mcans the BntiSh Cclumbia PrOVinaai Arrtanker Program Fire Bombing Procedures Manual, created and maintained by the Province descnbing operational protocols and procedures in relation to senal firefighting "Branch" or "WMBu means the Wildfire Management Branch of t he Bntish Columbra Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations "Built-up Area" means any forest or range land occupied by houses, trailers mobile homes, outbuildings or other manmade structures that are beirig threatened by are adlacent to, or are within the boundanes of a inrldfrre. 'Business Day me ans a day, other than a Saturday or Sunday on which Provincial government offfces are open for nomtal business in British Columbia, ucompartmented Tank" means an external ar internal tank Cents,ning multiple compartments each with its own door T he doors may be opened indwiduagy simultaneously, or in a sequence to affect a desired pattern on the ground Con,r r Group i o rrmprr u:our were seoopmg rr ieuke st u me P,gel o l s x Page2 of 59FNR

71 41 (k) (m I (n) (0) (p) (q) (rl (sl (ul 'Designated Base" means the operational base to which the Aircraft is assigned according to Schedule A2 Designated Representative' means the Assistant Deputy Minister, Operations Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations the Director. Wildfire Management Branch, and such other Ministry employees as the Assistant Deputy Minister Operations or the Director, Wildfire Management Branch may authonze "Extra Services" means Services requested by the Province dunng the Term to be provrded by the Contractor in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and within Bntish Columbia where tine Contractor can reasonably make Spare Aircraft and Personnel available for such Services, "Fire Season" means the annual penod where wildfire inwdence poses the greatest risk Traditionally this is the pened Apnl 1st to October 31st of eacli year, or as legislated, uiabu means the Interagency Airtanker Board of the United States Forest Service. "Improvements" means any vehicle equipment or other manmade structure that is occupying forest or range lands being threatened by, adlacent to or svitiiin the boundanes of a Wildfire, "Incorporated Material" means any matenal in existence prior to the start of the Term or developed independently of this Agreement excluding the Contractors propnetary Retardant Delivery System and any subsequent modifications that the Contractor may incorporate into the Retardant Debvery System dunng the Term including, equipment, components and software that is incorporated or embedded in the Produced Matenal by the Contractor or a Subcontractor, also excluding any Ministry funded enhancements, "Maintenance Manuals" means the Contractor's Transport Canada approved Mamtenance Control and Maintenance Procedures Manuals detailing the aircraft operated by ttie air earner ttio maintenance cntena, procedures and schedule for each aircraft and the personnel responsible for maintenance, inspection and quality conlrol, Material' means the Produced Matenal and the Received Matenal "Maintenance Vehicle" means the truck pulling the Maintenance Facility/Crew Day Base Trailer as set out in Schedule A1, "Mlinister" means the Minister of Forests. Lands and Natural Resource Operations or his Designated Representative Ministry" means the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operat ons Province of Bntish Columbia 'Operating Period" means the n umber of c onsecutive days ( descnbed in Arbcle 4) dunng the Fire Season, that tlie Aircraft are to be deployed and the Services performed at a location determined by the Ministry ron,i 0 o uo ior nmolub o s Water Srooomg / utanker Sar uncs Vase 3 of 52 Page3 of 59FNR

72 (v) (W) (x) (y) iz) (aa) (bb) (cc) (cld) (ee) (gg) (hlf) ( I ) (9) (kk) Operations Manual ' means the Contractor s Transport Canada approv o document detailing the Contractor's operate g procedures and h cfudes amendments to the same as required by faw "Position" or "Positioning" means a change in tre aircraft location at ti e request of the Minister "Proposal" means the Contractor s submitted response to Amphibious Water Scooping Airtanker Services, RFP "Produced Material" means records s oftware and other material w hether complete or not, that, as a result of this Agreement are produced by the Contractor or a Subcontractor and rncludes the Incorporated Matenal "RFP" means RFP for Amphibious Water Scooping Airtanker Sennces "Received Material" means records, software and other matenal w hether complete or not that as a result of this Agreement, are received by the Contractor or a Subcontractor from the Province or any other person "Record" is the definition of "record" in the Interpretation Act and as incorporated inlo this Agreement and "records" will bear a corresponding meaning "Replacement Aircraft" means aircraft provided by the Contractor and suitable to the Province to replace the Aircraft, "Services o r A i rtanker Services" m eans the services descnbed in this Agreement and Schedule A2 Servces "Specialty Equipment" means the equipment descnbed in Schedule A1 Aircraft and Personnel requirod in providing the Services, "Spare Aircraft" means any of the Contractor's aircraft meeting the Aircraft and Spedality Equipment spedfications as set out in Schedule A1-1 or as agreed by the parties that the Contractor is wilkng to make available on the Province's request to provide Extra Services under the terms and conditions of this Agreement "Spill Response Plan" means the Contractor's contingency plan to deal with pestidde spills. acddents or misapplication, developed in accordance with the specifications in this Agreement "Subcontractor" means a person descnbed in Section 2 7 of the RFP Part A. "Term" means Ihe term of the Agrooment descnbed in Article 3 of tres Agreement and represents the penod which this Agreement and its Schedules continue in effect according to tho terms including any extension of the Agreement, sublect to that term (s) ending earlier in accordance with this Agreement 'Traimng Manual" means the Contractor's Transpod Canada approved document detailing the flight crew critcna p rocedures and schedules and includes any amendments to the same as required by law "Variable Flow Tank' means a type of tank that utilises an onboard computer to open a set ol doors to restnct the release of the tank contents to achieve a desired coverage level on the greund, ror,r r Groiro ihc.i:h a o. Cea' S coop hp A canker Servrce pape 4 oi ' 2 Page4 of 59FNR

73 (II) ARTICLE 2 "Wildfire" means an unplanned fire occurnng on forest or range lands. burning forest vegetation, grass, brush, scrub poatlands, or a prescnbed fire set under a burning permit which, in the )udgment of a forest officer threatens to spread beyond the area authorized tor that burning, and (mm) "Year" means the means tlie 12 month period from April I of a calendar year to March 31 of the next calendar year, inclusive of both dates C O NTRACT DOCUMENTS AND IVIODIFICATIONS 2 01 The attached schedules are applicable to and form a pan of this Agreement Schedule Schedule'Al Schedule A2' Schedule B Schedule C Schedule D Title Aircraft and Personnel Services Contract Payment N/A Insurance Requirements 2 02 N o modification of this Agreement is effectwe unless it is in wnting and signed by, or on behalf of the parties ARTICLE 3 T ERM OF CONTRACT 301 T he Term of this Agreement is from and including Apnl 1, 2014 t o and including March 31, 2021 inclusive 302 R egardless of the date of execution or degvery of this Agreement ti e Contractor must provide the Services dunng the Term 3 03 Time is of the essence in this Agreement and, without gmitation will remain of the essence after any modification or extension of this Agreement, whether or not expressly restated ir the document effecting the modification or extension 3 04 Op tion to Renew This Agreement may bo renewed for a further three (3) one year terms by v ritten agreement of the parties, subiect to satisfactory performance by the Cor tractor and tne avai/abiuty of funding by the province s hould the option to renew be exorcised it is expected that the Contractors Foos will be firn;ted to the Fees for the provrous Year p os the Consumer Pnce Index increase as set out in Sc/iedule B ARTICLE 4 O P E RATING PERIOD 4 01 T he Operating Ponod will be any 100 consecutwe days between April 15 an d October 15" in each Year ot the Agreement 4 02 T he Province will confirm the dates for the Operating Penod with v ntten notification to the Contractor prior to February 15u of each year of the Agreement 403 T h e Qperaung Penod for 2014 for the Aircraft identified pi Schedule AI-Aircraft and Personnel will be May 26', 2014 to September 2'", 2014 Cooa r croup inc Ar,pnru opc ware scooping Airiiriker sere cea Page 5 of 52 Page5 of 59FNR

74 404 N otwi!hstandng section 401, the Province may request an Operating Penod of 120 consecutive days between Apnl 15' and October 15n in any Year of the Agreement Such a request will (a) (b) (c) be made in wnting by the province to the Contractor prior to February 15 in any Year confirm the dates for a 120 day Operating Penod pnor to February 15 of the Year for which the request is made, and the Ministry wia require written confirmation by the Contractor pnor to February 28 in the Year the request is made ARTICLE 5 C O N TRACTOR'8 OBLIGATIONS 5 01 You must provide the Aircraft and Personnel descnoed in Schedule A1 and the Services descnbed in Schedule A2 (the "Services" ) in accordance with this Agreement 502 U nless the panies otherwise agree in wnting you must supply and pay for all labour, matenals equipment, tools, fees, facilities and approvals and hcences necessary or advisable to perforrrt your obhgations under this Agreemcnt, including th hcense under Section Unless otherwise speafied in this Agreement you must perfarm the Sennces to a standard of care, skill and dihgence maintained by persans proviaing on a commeraal basis services similar to the Services 504 Y o u must provide instruct, and supervise a suffiwent number of qualified personnel to enable timely and proper performance and campletion of the Servrces Ail such personnel shall be competent, English hterate efficient and quahfied by education training and expenence to carry out the tasks to which each is assigned 505 W e may from time to time give you reasonable instruchons (in wnting ar otherwise) as to the performance of the Services Y o u must comply with those instructions but, unless otherwise speafied rn this Agreement. you may determine the manner in which the instructions are earned out 5 06 If we provide an instruction under Section 5 05 other than in wnting, you may request that the instruction be confirmed by us iri wnting, which request we must comply with as soon as it is reasonably practicable to do so 5 07 R equesting wntten confirmation of an instruction under Section 5 06 does not relieve you from complying with the instruction at the time the instruction was g wan 508 l n the performance of yaur obhgations under this Agreamcnt, you must comply vith ah apphcable laws 509 P edorm the Services in a safe and profossionai manner to the satistacton of the Ministry in accordance with the Contractar s Training and Operahons Manuals 510 E quip operate and maintain the Aircraft in accordance with all requirements af Canadian and British Columbia laws and regulations Coneir Group ine runplr hious Water Stoop np Airtenker Serve as Peen 6 of 52 Page6 of 59FNR

75 51 1 C omply with all the standards practices. procedures and speafication set out in the Contractors Transport Canada approved Operations Manual t hose set out in the Transport Canada approved Maintenance Control Manual in conducting all Aire aft maintenance 512 S ervice, repair, overhaul test, improve and maintatn the Aircraft in a safe and airworthy state of repair at all times i n accordance with the manufacturer's recommended maintenance programs and the Maintenance Control Manual to the sattsfaction of the Minister 513 S ecure and maintain in good standing all necessary approvals and certificates for the Aircraft Specialty Equipment and Services descnbed in this Agreement 5 14 Make the Contractor's Operations Manual Maintenance Control Manual and other such Manuals available to the Minister upon request 5 15 Cause the necessary testing to confirm the performance of the firebombtng tank 516 E nsure that the Aircraft and Spewalty Equipment complies with all manufacturers' standards and federal/provindai regulations prior to the commencement of the Services 517 R easonably cooperate with the Province and any other persons providing Services to the Province 5 18 Designate a flight safety officer from tho Contractor's personnel 5 19 Allow no pilot to fly the Aircraft to provide the Services pursuant to this Agreement without pnor approval ot the Minister 52 0 E nsure that all Aircraft maintenance ts performed by a fully qualtfied and licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engtneer (AME) who is not the Aircraft pfot 5.21 B e responsible for all charges, costs and expenses including but not kmited to costs of aircraft lubncants, and airport casts necessary for the efficrent operations of the Aircraft and Spedalty Equipment required for the performance of the Services under this Agreement unless otherwise specified in this Agreement 5 22 Be responsible for environmental clean-up assoaated with its own operations 5 23 R easonably coopera!e with the Province and any other persons providing Services to the Province 52tt G rant to the Province, its servants, employees and agents access to the technical maintenance and flight records of tho Contractor respecting the Services at ag reasoriable times for the purpose of inspections 5 25 G rant to the Province tts servants, employees and agents the nght lo inspect the Aircraft and Specialty Equipment Cone r Group Int Amptr pious Water Stoop,ns A tanker Services Vagr of 5 2 Page7 of 59FNR

76 ARTICLE 6 PA YMENT 60 1 I f you comply with this Agreemont, we must pay you at the rates and times descnbed in Schedule B (a) (b) (cl th e fees descnbed in that Schedule, th e expenses, if any, in accordance with Schedule B if they are supported where applicable. by proper receipts and in our opinion are necessanly incurred by you in providing the Services, and an y applicable taxes payable by us under law or agreement with Itic relevant taxation authorities on the fees and expenses descnbed in paragraphs (a) and Ibi We are not obliged to pay you more than the maximum amount or dollar limit spoafied in Schedule B on account of fees and expenses 602 I n order to obtain payment of any fees or expenses if any under this Agreement you must submit wntten statements of account to us in a form satisfactory to us but no sooner than ttie dates referred to in Schedule B 6 03 W ithout kmiting Secbon we may withhold from any payment due to you an amount sufficient to tndr mnify in whole or in part, the Province and its employees and age-ts against any liens or other third-party claims that have ansen or could ense in conriection with the provision of tne Services A n a m ount withheld under this section must oo promptly paid by the Province to you upon the basis for v ithholding the amount having been fully resolved to the sahsfaction of the Province 6 04 Our obligation to pay money to you is subiect to the Finanaal Administration Act which makes that obkgation subiect to an appropnation being available in the fiscal year of the Province dunng which payment becomes due 605 U nless otherwtse speafied in this Agreement, all references to money are to Canadian dollars 6 06 I f you are not a resideni in Canada you acknowledge that we may be required by law to withhold income tax from the fees descnbed in Schedule B and then to remit that tax to the Receiver General of Canada on your behalf 60 7 W ithout limiting Section 1711(a). you must not, in relation to performing your obligations under this Agreement, commit or purport to commit us to pay any money except as may be expressly provided for in this Agreement 6 08 You must (a) (b) apply for, and use reason~hie efforts to obtain, any available refund credit rebate or remission of federal provincial or other tax or duty imposed on you as a result of this Agreement that trio Province has paid or reimbursed to you or agreed to pay or reimburse to you under this Agreement, and immediately on receiving, or being credited wtth any amount applied for under paragraph (a) remit that amount to us Con,nr uroup inc rtmpt iti on i v a te S coopms Ai tanker Sere tee I'ase 8 of 82 Page8 of 59FNR

77 ARTICLE 7 R E PRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 7 01 As at the date this Agreement is executed and delivered by or on behalf of the parties you represent and warrant to us as follows (a) (b) ARTICLE 8 except to the extent you have previously disclosed otherwise in writing to us all information statements documents and reports furnished or submitted by you to u s i n connection with this Agreement (including as part of any competitwe process resulting in this Agreement being entered into) are in all material respects true and correct, you have suffident trained staff faalities, matenals appropnate equipment and appraved sub contractual agreements in place and available to enable you to fuky perform the Services and si you hold all permits. licenses, approvals and statutory authorities issued by any government or government agency that are necessary for the performance of your obligations under this Agreement if the Contractor is not an indiwdual you have the power and capamty to enter into this Agreement and to observe, perform and comply with the terms of this Agreement and all necessary corporate or other proceedings have been taken and done to authonze the execution and dekvery of this Agreement by, or on behalf of you, and this Agreement has been legally and properly executed by or on behalf of, you and is legally binding upon and enforceable agamst you in accordance with its terms except as enforcement may be limited by bankruptcy. insolvency or other larva affecting the nghts of creditors generally and except that equitable remedies may be granted only in the discretion of a court of competent jurisdictlofi PR IVACY, SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY 8 01 Y ou must comply with tho Pnvacy Protection Schedule if attached to this Agreement 8 02 You must make reasonable security arrangements to protect the Matenal from unauthorized access collection, use disclosure, alterabon, or disposal and comply with the Secunty Schedule if attached 8 03 Yo u must treat as confidential all information in tho Matenal and all other information accessed or obtained by you or a Subcontractor (whether verbally electromcaliy or otherwise) as a result of this Agreement, and not pernut its disclosure or use without our prior wntten consent except (a) (bl (c) as required to perform your obligations under this Agreement or to comply with applicable laws, if it is information that is generally known to the public other than as a result of a breach of this Agreement or if il is information in any Incorporated Matenal Con ' 6 o up ir'i. Amphibo r f v ai e scuoprnsrt is nxc;5 rv pise 9 or 5' Page9 of 59FNR

78 8 04 A ny public announcement relating to this Agreement will be arranged by us and if such consultation is reasonably pracucable, after consultation with you 8 05 You must not without our pnor wrttten approval, refer for promotional purposes to the Province being your customer or the Province having entered into this Agreement ARTICLE 9 M A T ERIAL AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 9 01 If you receive a request for access to any of the Matenal from a person other than us, and this Agreement does not require or authonze you to provide that access. you must promptly advise the person to make the request to us 9 02 W e excluswely own all property nghts in the Material that are not intellectual property nghts An y equipment property we may provide to you or a subcontractor is our exclusive property Yo u must deliver any Matenal or equipment property to us immediately following expiration of this Agreement or sooner upon our request in the same condition rt was supplied to you excepting always loss or damage attnbutable to reasonable wear or tear 9 03 W e exclusively own all intellectual property nghts including copynght (a) (b) in Received Matenal that you recetve from us, and in Produced Matenal other than any Incorporated Matenal Upon our request. you must deliver to us documents satisfactory to us that irrevocably waive in our favour any moral nghts that you (or your employees) or a Subcontractor (or tts employees) may have tn the Produced Matenal and confirm the veshng in the Province of the copynght in Ihe Produced Matenal o ther than any incorporated Matenal 904 U pon any Incorporated Matenal being embedded or incorporated in the Produced Materral and to the exfent that it remains so embedded or incorporated, you grant us ( a) a no n-excluswe, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free w o rldwide kcense t o exercise, in respect of that Incorporated Matenal, the nghts set out i n the Copynght Acf (Canada). including the nght to use reproduce modify, pubksh and distribute that Incorporated Matonal and (b) the nght to sublrcense or assign to third pattres any or all of the nghts granted to the Province under Section 9 04(a) ARTICLE 10 RECORDS AND REPORTS You must upon our request, fully tnforrn us of all work done by you or a Subcontractor in connection with providing the Services If Schedule B provides for you to be paid fees at a Unit of Measure rate or for you to be paid or remibursed for expenses. you must maintain time records and books of account, invoices receipts and vouchers of expenses in support of those payments, in form and content satisfactory to us U nless otherwise specified in this Agreement, tlie Contractor must retain such documents for a penod of not less than seven years after this Agreement ends Cor a r Group Inc rtmptt 6 ous ttrater scoopmg 4 rtankc se vtces Page 10 of S2 Page10 of 59FNR

79 ARTICLE 11 AUDIT In addition to any other nghts of inspection the Province may have under statute or otherwise at its sole discretion and at its expense at any reasonable time and on reasonable notice to you to conduct an audit of the technical maintenance and fkgnt records of the Contractor respecting the Services or this Agreement, including the right to inspect and take copies of such records upon reasonable notice and at reasonable times In respect to such audits the Contractor will la) (b) fu lly cooperate with the Province in conductirg the audit and pr ovide upon request of the Province copies of the most recent annual audit d financial statements of the Contractor ARTICLE 12 INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE You must indemnify and save harmless the Province and the Province s employees and agents from any loss claim (including any claim of infnngemcnt of third-party intellectual property nghts) damage, award, action, cause of action, cost or expense that the Province or any ot the Province's employees or agents may sustain incur suffer or be put to at any time, either before or after tt»s Agreement ends teach a Loss" ) to the extent the Loss is directly or indirectly caused or contnbuted to by (a) (b) an y act or omission by the Contractor or by any of the Contractor s agents. employees o fficers, directors o r S ubcontractors in c onnection w it h t h is Agreement, or an y representation or warranty of the Contractor being or becomtng untrue or incorrect 1202 Notwithstanding Section t h e Province will indemnify and save harmless the Contractor, its permitted subconfractors and their respective agents, servants and employees from and against any and all kabikty or bodily iniury or damage to Improvement directly or indtrectly caused by, ansing from or resulting from the dropping of hre retardants, water, foam and other fire control chemical suppressants from the Aircraft by the Contractor or any of its permitted subcontractors their respective agents servants or employees under this Agreement in the vicinity of improvements or Built up Areas where such actions are (al earned out at the direction of the Minister, ( b) are, in the opinion of the Minister, considered to be essential to the control of Wtldfires, and (c) no t negkgently pertormed by the Contractor You must comply with the insurance requirements in Schedule D, if attached as those terms may be modified from time to time in accordance with our directtons Without limiting Ihe gonerality of Sechon 5 08 you must comply with and must ensure that any Subcontractors contply with all applicable occupational health and safety laws in relation to the performance of your obligattons under this Agreement including the Workers Compensation Act in Bntish Columbia or similar laws in other iunsdictions roost 0 oup ioc gr.phib ous water scooping rtt tanker sere ces Page 2 I of 52 Pagell of 59FNR

80 12 05 At your own expense and where required under Workers Compensation Act in Bntish Columbia you must obtain WorkSafe BC coveraoe for yourself, all workers and any shareholders, directors, partners or other individuals employed or engaged m the performance of the Sennces and you shall ensure all approved Subcontractors obtain WorkSafe BC Coverage If you are an individual or a partnership of indwiduals and do not have the benefit of mandatory workers compensation coverage under the Workers Compensation Act in Bntish Columbia, you must apply for and maintain Personal Optional Protection under the Workers Compensation Act You are responsible for all fines lewes, penalties and assessments made or imposed under the Workers Compensation Act and regulations relahng in any way!o lhe Services Upon our request you must provide us with evidence of your compliance with Sections and The Contractor will cooperate with the Province and its counsel in any investigations settlements and ludidal determination of any claims made against the Province, the Minister or the Contractor relating directly or indirectly to this Agreement and will use its best effort to cause its employees officers sub-contractors and agents to be similarly bound The Contractor is solely responsible for any of its matenal or equipment stored at any of the Province s facilities and releases tho Province from any liability associated with such storage ARTICLE 13 F ORCE MAJEURE 1301 An "Event ot' Force Ma)cure" means a natural disaster, fire, flood storm epidemic or power failure, war (declared and undeclared), insurrection or act of terronsm or piracy strike (tncluding illegal work stoppage or slowdown) or lockout, or a freight embargo if such event prevents a party from pertorming its obhgations m accordance with this Agreement and is beyond the reasonable control of that party 1302 An 'Affected Party' means a p arty preverited f rom performing its obligations in accordance with this Agreement by an Event of Force Maloure An A ffected Party i s not liable t o t lie o ther party for an y f ailure o r d elay in i tic performance of the Affected Party's obligatioris under this Agreement resulting from ari Event of Force Ma)cure and any time penods for the performance ot such obligations are automatically extended for the duration of the Event of Force Maieure provided that the Affected Party comphes with the requirements of Section An Affected Party must promptly notify the other party in writing upon ttie occurrence of the Event of Force Maleure and make all reasonable efforts to prevent control or hmit the effect of ttte Event of Force Maleure so as to resume compliance with the Affected Party's obligations under this Agreement as soon as possible Cone r Gro p int Amph oious water seoopir g A r tanker sere ees Page 22 of 52 Page12 of 59FNR

81 ARTICLE 14 NON-COMPLIANCE WITH AGREEMENT CONDITIONS An Event of Default" means any of the following (a) (b) (c) (d) yo ur failure to perform any of your obligations under this Agreement or an y representason or warranty made by you in this Agreement is untrue or incorrect, or an Insolvency Event which means any of the following. an order is made, a resolution is passed or a petition is filed, for your liquidahon or winding up n you commit an act of bankruptcy, make an assignment for the benefit of your creditors or otherwise acknowledge your insolvency or a bankruptcy petition is filed or presented against you or a proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) is made by you a compromise or arrangement is proposed in respect of you under tno Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada). a receiver or receiver-manager is appointed for any of your property or m you cease, in our reasonable opinion, to carry on business as a going concern 1402 On the happening of an Event of Default, or at any time thereafter, we may, at our optton elect to do any one or more of the following (a) (b) (c) by wntten notice to you, require that the Event of Default be remedied within a time period spectfied in the nottce, pu rsue any remedy or take any other action available to us at law or in equity, or by wntten notice to you, terminate thts Agreement with immediate effect or on a future date specified in the nohce, sub)eel to the expiration of any time pened speafied under Section 14 02(a) No failure or delay on our part to exercise our nghfs in relation to an Event of Default will constitute a waiver by us of such rights If you become aware that an Event of Default has occurred or antiapates that an Event of Default is likely to occur, you must promptly notify us of the particulars Of the Event of Default or anticipated Event of Default A notice under this section as to the occurrence of an Event of Default must also specify tho steps you propose to take lo address or prevent recurrence of, the Event of Default A n otice under this section as to an anticipated Event of Default must specify the steps you propose to take to prevent the occurrence of the antimpated Event of Default C ont r 0 oup r c Amph 5 our Water Scoop rg Ai tanker St rv ces Page 33 of 52 Page13 of 59FNR

82 ARTICLE 15 TERMINATION in addition to our nght to terminate this Agreement under Section 14 02(c) on ',he happening of an Event of Default we may terminate this Agreement for any reason by giving at least 5 days' wntten notice of termination to you 1502 Unless Schedule B o therwise provides, if w e t erminate this Agreement under Section (ai lb) we must within 30 days of such termination pay you any unpaid portion ot tne fees and expenses descnbed in Schedule B which corresponds with the portion of the Services that was completed to our satisfaction before termination of this Agreement, and Yo u must, within 30 days of such termination. repay to us any paid porlion of the fees and expenses described in Schedule B which corresponds with the portion of the Services that we have notified you in wnting were not completed to our satisfaction before termination of this Agreement The payment by us of the amount descnbod in Section 15 02(a) discharges us from all habilrty to make payments to the Contractor under this Agreement ARTICLE 16 DISPUTE RESOLUTION In the event of any dispute between the part,es ansing out of or in connection with this Agreement, the following dispute resolution process will apply unless the parties otherwise agree in wnting (a) (b) (c) the parties must initraliy attempt to resolve the dispute through collaborative negotiation, if the dispute is not resolved through collaborative negotiation vpthin 15 Business Days of the dispute ansing, the parties must then attempt to resolve the dispute through mediation under the rules of the Bntish Columbia Mediator Roster Society, and if the dispute is not resolved through mediation within 30 Business Days of the commencement of mediation the dispute must be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Commoi cia( Arbi(iafioii Act 1602 Unless the parties othorwiso agree in wnting a n arbitration or mediation under Section will be held in Vrctona I)ntish Columbia Unless the parties otherwise agree in wnting or, in the case of an arbrtration, the arbitrator otherwise orders. the parties must share equally the costs of a mediation or arbitration under Section other than those costs relating to the production of expert evidence or representation by counsel Conn r r oup inr 4 noh Orous Water Scoopmc Airiar kpr Scrvrcps Pap I 'I of 52 Page14 of 59FNR

83 ARTICLE 17 GENERAL Any notice or document contemplated by this Agreement, to be effective must be in wnting and delivered as follows (a) (b) (cl (d) ha nd dehvered to the party or the specified party representatwe in which case it will be deemed to be received on the day of its delwery or by p repaid post to the party s address spewfied on the first page of this Agreement i n which case if mailed dunng any penod when normal postal services prevail, it will be deemed to be received on the fifth Business Day after its mailing or delivered by courier service to the party s address speafied on tiie first page of this Agreement, in which case it will be deemed received on the fifth Business Day af',er collection by the couner service, or by facsimile or electronic transmission to tlie spemfied facsimile number or aduress on the first page of this Agreement in which case it will b d eemed io oi: recewed on the day of transmittal unless transmitted after the normal business hours of the addressee or on a day that is not a Business Day in which cases it will be deemed to be received on the next following Business Day Either party may from time to time give notice to the other party of a substitute address, address, or fax number which from the date such notice is given will supersede for purposes of Section any previous address. address or fax number speafied for the party gwing the notice You must not assign your nghts under this Agreement without our pnor wntten consent You must not subcontract any of your obligations under this Agreement vathout our pnor written consent No subcontract, whether consented to or not relieves you from any obkgations under this Agreement Y o u must comply with the Subcontracting Schedule if attached to this Agreement You must ensure that any person retained by you or any person retained by a person retained by you fully cornplies with this Agreement in performing the subcontracted obligations We may, for reasonable cause obiect to the use of a proposed Subcontractor and require you to retain another qualified subcontractor A waiver of any term or breach of this Agreement is effective only if it is in writing and signed by or on behalf of, tho waiving party and is not a waiver of any other term or breach This Agreement and any modification of it constitute the entire Agreement between the parties as to performance of the Services Cone r Croup inr Amirrrrb ous wate scoop og Airiaaker services Page 15 of 52 Page15 of 59FNR

84 c ttn669 lo 91eded 1709 Sections 5 08, 6 01 to , 6 08, 8 01 to 8 05, 9 01 to 9 04, , to to and 17 11, any accrued but unpaid payment obkgations and any other sections of this Agreement (including schedules) which, by their terms or nature are intended to survwe the completion of the Services or terminaoon of this Agreement wig cononue in force indefinitely, even after this Agreement ends The schedules to this Agreement (including any appendices or other documents attached to, or incorporated by reference into, those schedules) are part of this Agreement In relation to the performance of your obligations under this Agreement, you are an independent contractor and not our (a) (b) em ployee or partner or ag ent except as may be expressly provided for in this Agreement You must not act or purport to act contrary to this section You must not do anything that would result in personnel hired or used by you or a Subcontractor in relahon to providing the Services being considered our employees 1713 If one or more individuals are identified in the schedules as hgey Personnel" you must cause those individuals to perform the Services on your behalf and not remove or replace them, without our pnor wntten approval Any approved replacement is at your expense 1714 We must make avarlable to you all information in our possession which vre consider pertinent to the performance of the Services You must not provide any services to any person in mrcumstances which, in our reasonable opinion, could give rise to a conflict of interest between your duties to that person and your duties to us under this Agreement 1716 If there is a confkct among provisions of this Agreement, a provision in the body of this Agreement will prevail over any conflictmg provision in, attached to, or incorporated by reference into a schedule. unless that confficting provision expressly states otherwise and a provision in a schedule will prevail over any conflicting provision in a document attached to or incorporated by reference into a schedule unless the schedule expressly states otherwise This Agreement does not operate as a permit, license, approval or other statutory aulhonty which you may be required to obtain from the Province or any of its agencies in order to provrde the Services Nothing in this Agreement is to be construed as interfenng with, or fettenng in any manner lhe exercise by ttie Province or ils agenaes of any statutory prerogatwe executive or legislative power or duty If any provision of this Agreement or the application of it to any person or circumstance is invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement and the application of such provision to any other person or arcurnstance will not be affected or impaired and will be valid and enforceable to the extent permitted by laiv Cn *i 0 o up inc Anphib ous Iveier scooping A rienker se v ces Pege 26 of 62 ~4

85 1719 Each party must perform the acts execute and dehver the wntings and give the assurances as may be reasonably necessary to give full effect to this Agreement This Agreement is governed by, and ts to be interpreted and construed in accordance with. the laws applicable in Bntrsh Columbia. ARTICLE 18 INTERPRETATION In this Agreement (a) "we "us" and 'our' refer to th e p rovince alone and never refer to t he combination of the Contractor and the Prownce, (b) (c) (d) (e) (g) (i) the Contractor and the Province are referred to as 'the parties and each of them as a 'party'. includes and 'including" are not intended to be limiting unless the context otherwise requires, references to sections by number are to sections of this Agreement, ' attached" means attached to tips Agreement when used i n relation to a schedule, unless otherwise specified a reference to a slatute by name means the statute of Bntish Columbia by that name. as amended or replaced from time to time, the headings have been inserted for convenience of reference only and are not intended to describe, enlarge or restnct the scope or meaning of this Agreement or any provision of it, "person" includes an rndividual partnership, corporation or legal entity of any nature, and unl ess the context otherwise requires, words expressed in the singular include the plural and vice versa r oom Gro pi c Amphibious Water Scoopmc riirter ker Services Peae 77 ofs7 Page17 of 59FNR

86 ARTICLE 19 EXECUTION AND DELIVERY This Agreement may be entered into by a separate copy of this Agreement being executed by, or on behalf of, each party and that executed copy being delwered to the other parly by a method provided for in Section t 7 01 or any other method agreed to by the parties The Parties have executed this Agreement as follows SIGNED AND DELIVERED on behalf of the Province by an authonzed representative of the Provmco StG NED AND DELIVERED by or on behalf of t h e Contractor (or b y a n a uthonzcd signatory of the Contractor if a corporation) (Authonzed Ministry Lxpense Authonty) (Con(Tactor or Authonzed Signatory) i (PRINTED NAME of Ministry Expense Authonty) Barry Marsden (PRINTED NAME of Contractor) Dated this day of, 2014 Dat ed this day of, 2014 Cone r 0 oon inc Am pic 5 o c Ware Scoop ng iiir tanker Sc r or res Page i8 ol sl Page18 of 59FNR

87 Schedule A1 Aircraft and Personnel File /AO15WCC004 Attachment to the Agreement with Conair Group inc for Amphibious Water Scooping Airtanker SeN/ces Dunng the Term the Contractor shall provide Aircraft, Specralty Equipment and Personnel and according to the following specifications AIRCRAFT and SPECIALITY EQUIPMENT 1 01 l n performing the Services the Contractor wiff provide Aircraft that meets the Aircraft Equipment requirements as set out in Schedule A1-I 1 02 A t the Commencement of the Term, the Contractor will provide the following Aircraft for the performance of the Services a) Ai rcraft meeting o r e xceeding the A ircraft requirements and performance spedfications as set out in Schedule AI -1 Aircraft Requirements fully descnbed in the Contractor's Proposal, and identified as follows Ainanker Birddog aircraft Air Tractor AT 802AF FIREBOSS CESSNA Grand Caravan C 2088 c» i b) T h e Aircraft dcscnbed in Section 1 02 a) will have the identifications, descnption and performance specifications as set out in Schedule A1 2, Aircraft Technical Information 1 03 A s soon as known, and at least prior lo the commencement of each Operating Penod the Contractor will advise the Province of any changes to Schedule A T he Aircraft will be equipped with ail safety and survival equipment and suppkes as required by federal and provinaal laws and regulations Cor,l r 6 oup inc Amptr 5 u s water scoop ns Airtank r servrces P,ise 29 of 92 a f% Page19 of 59FNR

88 I 05 U nless otherwise agreed by the Parties any Replacement Aircraft or Spare Aircraft will meet the Aircraft and Speciality Equipment specifications as set out in this schedule and any supporting scheduies 1 06 A R ep/acement Aircraft suitable to the Province must be available to undertake the required service within 24 hours should the Aircraft be unservrceable for any reason 2. A IRCRAFT MAINTENANCE and READINESS 2 01 The Province expects the A ircraft t o b e i n excellent operating condition and appearance Pncr to the COmrnenCement Of the Operating PenOd, the COntraCtar must demonstrate to the Province that each Aircraft is capable of prowding a minimum of 150 hours of uninterrupted service without any malor scheduled maintenance or component overhaul 2 02 I n the event that the Aircraft is not able to provide the Services and a Replacement Aircraft is suppked by the Contractor, tne Replacement Aircraft must be accepted and deemed suitable by the Province 20 3 D unng the Operating Pened, the Contractor will ensure the serviceability of the Aircraft in a highly mobile roie including the support of two (2) fully quakfied and kcenced AME's meeting the qualifications set out in Section 306 ol this Schedule with an appropnate spare parts inventory available on site and the abikty to secure additional parts in the most effikxent manner 204 D unng the Operating Pened and in support of the Aircraft and Services in a highly mobile role the Contractor will provide a Maintenance Facility/Crew Day Base Trailer tf at a) Has a shop area with ail the tools spare parts, suppkes and support equipment required to pro-actively maintmn the Airtanker Group at the Designated Base and/or at any location as instructed by the Province, b) Has c limate control, hot and cold running water, washroom famkties, kitchen famlities (sink, refngerator for food storage cabinet) a rest area and an outside screened awning area attached to the unit for outdoor shade with a BBQ and seating for the whole group. c) Has l o w noise A/C power generator for complete independent day use operations, and d) Is accompanied by a minimum of 725 litres of foam suppressant e) Con tains one (1) self loading pump system for filling aircraft foam reservoirs roruu Group Inc Amph Oious Water Scoop ng A rianker Services Page 20 of S2 Page20 of 59FNR

89 3. PER SONNEL Flight Crew 3 01 I n performing the Services t h e Contractor will provide the following Flight Crew Personnel 8) b) For each Airtanker aircraft A Pilot m Command, and n Fi rst Officer las applicable), and A Birddog Aircraft Pilot 30 2 I n performing the Services the contractor will provide Fhght Crew personnel with the minimum quakfications and expenence as set out i n Schedufe A1-3 - Personnel Requirements 303 A ll Flight Crow Personnel must be listed in the Province's Dnoclory of Commercial Pilols and approved by the Ministry to provide the Services under this Agreement 304 T he Contractor wrll provide current Pilot Data Sheets for the Flrght Crew Personnel meeting the qualifications and expenence as set oul in Schedule A1-3 a) At t he commencement of the Term and b) Pri or to the commencement of each Operating Period 305 S hould the pnmary pilot be unavailable due t o unforeseen mrcumstances, the Contractor will provide a backup or replacement pilot, suitable to the Mtnister, as soon as possible l t is expected that this would occur pnor to the commencement of the following day's alert pened Maintenance Personnel 3 06 I n providing the Services, the Contractor vali provide Maintenance Personnel as follows a) Tra ined in accordance with the Maintenance Manuals; b) c) Available for daily routine maintenance, and Aircraft Maintenance Engineers IAME s) who are n fully qualified l icensed in accordance with current Transport Canada requirements to support the Aircraft and Speoahty Equipment hav ing at least one year experience on type 30 7 I n providing the Services, the Contractor will provide two (2) fully qualified, Ircenced AME's meeting the requirements of 3 06 rona r Group Inc Amph Oiou Wate Scoop ng A rtankcr Sere rea Page 21 of 52 Page21 of 59FNR

90 4. GEN ERAL 4 01 l n support of the Services and the Personnel, the Contractor will provide al b) c) d) Fire protective clothing and fltght helmets, A dedicated smart phone to each pilot and engineer, capable of sending and receiving messages, cellular phone calls and SM S Th i s device will remain with any pilot or engineer assigned to the Airtanker Group for the duration of the Operating Penod and will be used by the Ministry as their pnmary contact tink, Each Aircraft will be equipped with a portable tablet equipped with avionics software including the Navionics app A USB charging port in each Atrcraft, and in the case of Birddog Aircraft, must be accessible by the Air Attack Officer, and e) Oth er maintenance support Conair Group r Amph 6 ous Water Stoopmg A rtanker Servirei Pape 22 of 52 Page22 of 59FNR

91 i ix i i si i kl a r:i af F Ic is. I.cscls,risd Schedule A1-1 AIRCRAFT REQUIREMENTS File IAO15WCC004 Amphibious Water Scooping Airtankers The following provides aircraft requirements the minimum standards and performance speafications for the Amphibious Water Scooping Airlankers 1. AIRC RAFT GENERAL INFORMATIONAND IDENTIFICATION All airtankers wili be amphibious capable of operations from land and water A ircraft shall be equipped with floats 2. AIR CRAFT SPECIFICATIONS 2.1. Tu r bine Powered All aircraft are to be turbine (turboprop) powered Each aircraft engine will have a minimum of 1,600 SHP for takeoff 2.2. P a yload Capacity Each amphibious water scooping airtanker will have a minimum retardant/water carrying capaoty of 3000 htres T h e combined carrying capaoty (before adding mission fuel considerations) of the Airtanker Group will bo not less than htres 2.3. F u el Endurance Assuming a minimum of 2,000 litres of water on board at the beginning of the mission and in each scoop thereafter each amphibious water scooping airtanker wih have a mission endurance of a minimum of three and one half (3 5) hours plus legal VFR tuel reserves when operating at a pressure altitude of 2000' at a temperature of 20 C 2.4. A i r craft Condition and Maintenance The Province expects all aircraft to be in excellent operating condition and appearance At the start of the annual Operating Period each aircraft should be capable of providing at least 150 hours of uninterrupted service wi(bout any ma)or scheduled maintc* iance ar component overhaul Car,i,r ora p iac Amph 6 aus cvaier scoop ag A riaaker senaces Page 23 of 52 Page23 of 59FNR

92 3. AIRC RAFT PERFORMAIIICE 3.1. L oaded (fuel and retardant) Cruise Speed Amphibious water scooping airtankers will have minimum loaded cruise speed of 120 knots true air speed (KTAS) at max gross weight for a dispatch distance of 60 nm at ASL 3.2. D rop Speed Amphibious water scooping airtankers will have the capability to drop at a speed of 110 KIAS or lower 3.3. R u nway Requirements Water scooping airtankers shall be capable of operating al maximum gross weight from a paved runway of feet in length (ISA conditions at sea level) 3.4. S c ooping Requirements Amphibious water scooping airtankers will have a choppy water scooping distance of metrea Or less assuming 15 metrea ObataClea On approach and Comb Out under ISA conditions at sea level. at max gross weight 4. AIRC RAFT COMMU NICATION AND NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT In addition to all necessary communication, navigation and fkght safety equipment and systems as required by Transport Canada legislatron or regulations the aircraft will be equipped with the following 4.1. C o mmunication Equipment and Specifications The following equipment shall be included in tire amphibious water scooping aircraft Two (2) VHF-AM radio transcewers with 25kHz spamng capable of transmitting and recewing in the MHz range One ( 1) narrowband VHF-FM transceiver (Technisonic TFM-1388 or equivalent), capable of transmitting and receiving in the 138 to 174 MHz (VHF Hl) range suppked installed and maintained at the expense of the vendor Noise cancelkng headsels for all mandatory seat positions Satellite voice communications as per Section 4 2 below Con, r oruup inc Ampn Oiou Ware Scoop,ng 4 etang r Servires Page 24 of S2 ~ togp Page24 of 59PNR

93 4.2. Navigation Equipment and Specifications The following equipment shall be included in the amphibious water scooping aircraft An i n'.egrated Global Positioning System (GPS) interfaced with a Garmin senes cockpit Multi Function Display or equivalent A s a telkte based Automated Flight Following (AFF) and voice communication system meeting the spedfications detailed in the Wildfire Management Branch web site http I/bcwildfire caifightrngwildfire)avratroniaffi All I FR aircraft must contain equipment to be certrfied to conduct GPS based approaches Th e operator must possess an operations specification for GPS approaches 4.3. P e rsonnel Communication Equipment and Specification A smanphone is to be assigned to each aircraft flight crevr position and maintenance engineers to faciktate digital communication with on duty fkght crews T he smartphone will possess a mobile operating system capable of voice, SMS text and internet communication These Smartphone devtces will remain with the operational fkght crews dunng crew changes/or replacement 5. FIRE BOMBING TANK SPECIFICATIONS Capacity The mintmum payload capacity shall be 3,000 irtres IAB certification T he firebombtng tank(s) shall meet the Interagency Airtanker Board (IAB) standards and be capable of IAB certification The tank may be a computercontrolled Vanable Flow Tank with a Fire Gate" system capable of delivering effective Coverage Levels (CL) ranging between CL 0 5 and CL 5 o n the ground, plus a maximum flow selection, or a Companmented Tank capable of delivenng a full salvo and multiple spkt drops Foam Injection Capabilities The amphibious water scooper aircraft shall contain a separate reservoir that permits the optional inlectron of foam and/or gel into the main tank capable of dekvenng not less than 20 drops at a concentration cf 0 2% by volume 6. FL I GHT SAFETY EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS 6.1. T e r rain and Coffisron Avoidance All water scooping aircraft require a TCAD or TCAS device integrated with the cockpit Multi Function Display 6.2. P u lse Lights All arriphibious water scooping atrtankers shall be equipped with a selectabie alternating pulse system (wig wag lights) for all existing landing and taxi lights mounted on lhe aircraft nose, fuselage or wings 7. OTH ER A climate controlled cockpit is mandatory for all water scooping aircraft toner Cro pine itmph O ous Water Scoop ng A rtanker Services Page 25 oi 52 Page25 of 59FNR

94 Birddog Aircraft The following provides aircraft requirements, the minimum standards and performance spebfications for the birddog aircraft. 1. AIRC RAFT SPECIFICATIONS 1.1. T u rbine Powered A single or twin engine turbine (turboprop) powered fixed-wing birddog aircraft is required to accompany the amphibious water scooping aircraft group 1.2. Payload Capacity The birddog aircraft shall have a minimum of two passenger seats 1.3. F u el Endurance The birddog aircraft shall be capable of a minimum fuel endurance of three and one half (3 5) hours plus legal Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) fuel reserves when operating at a pressure altitude of 2000 at a temperature of 20 C 1A. IF R Capable The birddog aircraft shall be equipped and certified for single pilot IFR fhghts 1.5. A i rcraft Condition and Maintenance The Province expects the aircraft to be in excellent operahng condition and appearance At the start of the annual Operating Pened the birddog aircraft shall be capable of providing at least 150 hours of uninterrupted service without any scheduled ma)or maintenance or overhaul V i s ibility Standards The birddog aircraft shall be equipped with high quality, clear luntinted) starboard-side window to facilitate professional quality photography and videos The minimum visibility standard is 75 d egrees of forward vertical visibility unobstructed, 120 degrees of side window vertical visibility unobstructed. 90 d e grees of side window Ihorrzontal visibility unobstructed and Cle ar and clean windows (free from scratches crazing etc ) to facilitate unimpeded observation, aenal photography and videos Co inrlr G(hop i rc Amph 6 o c woier scooping rurtonker ser cec Pei;«26 of 62 ~4 2 Page26 of 59FNR

95 2. AIRC RAFTPERFORMANCE 2.1. C r uise Speed Birddog aircraft shall be capable of a minimum cruise speed of 170 knots true air speed (KTAS) at ASL 2.2. L o w-level Loitering Speed Birddog aircraft shall have a minimum safe manoeuvring speed of 120 KTAS or lower at maximum gross weight 2.3. R u nway Requirements The birddog aircraft should be capable of operating at maximum gross weight from a paved runway of feet in length (ISA conditions at sea level) 3. AIRCRAFT COMMU NICATION AND NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT In addition to all necessary communication navigation and fkght safety equipment as required by Transport Canada legislation or regulations, the birddog aircraft shall be equipped with the following 3.1. C o m munication Equipment and Specifications The following equipment shall be included in the birddog aircraft Two (2) VHF-AM transceivers having 25kHz spaang capable of transmitting in the range of MHz Two (2) Narrowband FM transceivers (Technisonic TFM-138B o r equivalent). capable of transmitting and receiving in the 138 to 174 MHz (VHF Hl) range, supplied installed and maintained at the expense of the vendor, Sateikte-based voice communications as per Section 4 2 below. Ability to independently transmit and receive on VHF-AM VHF-FM and satollite phone system from al l s eats, e xcluding al l seating beyond th e m andatory requirement. Inde pendent-use side tone and volume control of ail radio systems VOX or push to talk intercom, All system access through boom mikes and headsets Thre ( 3) Noise cancelhng hoadsets (pilot, AAO AAO Trainer), and A siren possessing Yelp, Warble, Wail and Pubhc Address (PA) features with downward facmg or downward and side faong loud hailers Cun G r oup inc A mpri rs nus lvaier scoop n 4 crank r se c e s Pass 2 7 uf 52 Pags27 of 59FNR

96 3.2. N avigation Equipment and Specifications The foilowtng equtpment shall be included in the birddog aircraft Glo bal Positioning System's specifications Avidyne TAS 620 system interfaced wth a Garmin senes (or equwalent) GPS/COM/MFD A s a t ellite-based Automated Fitght Following and voice communication system meeting the specifications detailed in the tnildfire Management Branch web site http Irbcwildfire carprghtrngwitdfrreiavratroniaffr 3.3. P ersonnel Communication Equipment and Specifications One smartphone ts to be assigned to each aircraft fkght crew position and maintenance engineers to tacilitate digital communication with on duty flight crews T he smartphone will possess a mobile operating system capable of voice, SMS text and internet communication Th ese smartphone devices will remain with the assigned aircraft dunng crew changes/substitution 4. FLI GHT SAFETY EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS 4xh T r affic Alert and Collision Avoidance System The birddog arrcraft requires a TCAS device rntegrated with the onboard GPS and Multifunctton Display The device shall include a traffic advisory (TAl function 4.2. Pu lse Lights All birddog aircraft shall be equipped with a selectable alternating pulse system for existing landing or taxi lights mounted on the atrcraft nose fuselage or wings 5. OTHE R The birddog aircraft shall have a climate controlled cockpit Coomr r'rorrp I c Apph b ooc Water Scoopm A rtrmker Sere cec P,ixe 28 of 52 Page28 of 59FNR

97 Schedule Al-2 AIRCRAFT TECHNICAL INFORMATION F e "0 2 0 AO Ey'IC: Cra Amphibious Water Scooping Airtankers I GENERAL AIRCRAFT INFORMATION AND IDENTIFICATION Airtanker Type FIREBOSS Registraeon C-GXNX Taft¹ 685, / ncraftelakeanckloeel I AT802AF Aucraf' Sana' Numeer t 802A 0530 Year of Manufactme 2013 llours of A frame 20 en cfpae.elynl I No FIREBOSS FIREBOSS CGXNY Tail¹ 687 ' C-GXOB Tee¹ 674 I AT 802AF AT 602AF 802A A I No I FIREBOSS C-GXOD Tart¹ 675 AT 802AF 802A Page29 of 59FNR

98 2 AI RCRAFT SPECIFICATIONS AirtankerType Registrabon 2 ; I. i b ne pov, d N b e of t gr s Erg iie tyc SHP per engine I 600 FIREBOSS C-GXNX Tag¹ 685 FIREBOSS C GXNY Ta gl 687 PT6A-67F PTSA-67F 0 PI6A-6 I PT6A.671 Cone r STC Cone 51 0 C one SIC Cones STC I Anc aft Payload I:apse c ty Ibs lbs 23 t uelerdura cat'ho ~i sl, 4 Hours r' Resene 4 Ho s Reserve L 24 ' c rab Condto N wb Id New B.id 3. AIRCRAFT PERFORigANCE [ FIREBOSS 1 6f0 FIREBOSS CGXOB Taigf674 C-GXOD Tat l¹675 I lbs lbs 4 t fours Reserve I 4 Hours Reserve Nmw Butld New Bwfd laavimum traded 0 isa speed I Mtmmum D cp Speed I 35 3 It i n,mum Runway Req ireme ts 2500 FT! L 5 G a elsi p Cacat:le V Scoop 0 Req remoi ts 140 Jb 2500 FT ast f r i v I.T s scstr i FT rvr i o I vt Page30 of 59FNR

99 4 AIRCRAFTCOMMIJNICATIONANDNAI/IGATIONEOUIPMENT Alrtanker Type FIREBOSS FlREBOSS, FIREBOSS Registrahon, C-GXNX Tail¹685 ' C-GXNY Taigf687 ' C-GXOB Tail¹674 4 I Commumcation Equipment In add I r n to ae Lcg slat vo and regimtory iequ rema ts L " TDFM VHF AM T 0 ace vs s FIREBOSS CMXOD Tailll 675 GARMiNi;TN GARMIN GTN c GfikLIIN GTN ', CAftfll'1 C'TN i I M I sc e e s TC,Ft,l1366 TDFMlsf B idfm1305 Communaauon Sys e" I Pilot Helmet I p lot Helmet P Ict I leimet Headsels J Saleiiae Voce i S230 IA TiTUQE S200 LA TITUDE I 5200 LA TITUDE Co. m nicat,on TECH'iOLQGY TECHNOLOGY I E C I INC L 0 G Y IRIDIUM BAS D [ IRIQIUti BASED RiDIUtA BASEU '358 P lot Helm' I 5200 L ATITUQ T CHNOLQG ir Qlutl BAS Navigation Equipment I 60 0 fon to ail eg l slat ve and rag la'og requirements Glcbaf Post onng Sys'em~ GARIAIN GIN G ARMIN GTN CARIL0N GTN GARMIN GTN t AuI'omated Fligi I Fo cf g LA TITUDE LA ITUDE LA ITUDE ~ TECHNOLOGY g T CHNQLQGY ~ TECffNQLQGY 4 3 Personnel Communications IATITUDE if.chnqlqgy Smanl ".one dev ce type ' Apple Ipho e g Apnle lpno e ~ Appl e lphone Apple IPho c e cu a c t or equ va ent o equ vale I or equ va.ent 0 V r i i 11 2 Page31 of 59FNRC

100 5. F IRE BOMBING TANK Arrtanker Type Regrstrabon FIREBOSS C-GXNX Taail 685 FIREBOSS FIREBOSS C-GXNY Tadll 687 C-GXOB Tade 674 FIREBOSS CGXOD Taaa 675 Name a d &lode' L:*t.ng Slsrem Cene RDS Con- Fire. Gate 5 'rater 1 Cone r RDS Cons. I e Gate System Constr RDS Constr F re Gme System Cone RDS Cor,a F c Cato Sy'5 enl IABcedfcmon Capable Lo- release system fcomp*rtmental red ' va 1 'Lie flovvl Capaoty Foam Infect cn C pab:es I Raservo r capac'y I Yes Variable 814 USG y s 4 USG Yes Venable 814 USG Ves 48 USG Ycs I/sr b e 814 USG Yc 48 USG Ycs Var' Lle 8'4 USG 48 USG 6. FLIGHTSAFETY EQUIPMENT E o" I 7CAD/TCAS Av dyne TAS 62 " 2 Pulse L gn's I Yes Avdy e TAS 620 Yes Avrdyne TAS 620 Y s A dy T ASo 0 Yes 7. OT HER t csma:a cont -ifed cocsmt I Yes A'c & Heat Ot e aq./pmert P E R K I N S T E 0 H Orf Board Pump Sys:» fo ' Yes f lhtga rcarllos «s e" 0 ', I Yes /VC & Heat PERKINS TECH No Yes A C & Heat I' E R KIN S 1 E C H No t Yes AC & Heaf P E R K I N 5 T E C H No r r N rv i Page32 of 59FNR

101 BIRDDOG AIRCRAFT 1. AIRCRAFT GENERAL INFORMATION AND IDENTIFICATION! Aircraft Make and Model I Cessna Grand Caravan C-2088 TAIL¹ 129 Aircraft Registration C-GQVC Aircraft Senal Number 208B Year of Manufacture 2011 Hours of Airframe AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATIONS 2 1 No Engines and Type One P T6A-114A 675 SHP 2 2 Pa yload (ibs) 3400 LBS IN CABIN 1090 IN THE POD 2 3 Fu el Endurance (hours) ft 1125 NM 6 8 hrs+ 45 min reserve 2 4 IF R capable YES KNOWN ICING TKS SYSTEM t2 5 A ir craft Condition NEW 2 6 Vi sibility Standards EXCELLENT 3. AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE 3 I Cruise Speed 32 Low level loitering spee d (max fuel load) 3 3 Mi nimum Runway Requirements ft 174 KTAS WITH POD 100 KTS 2,000 ft 34 Gravel Stnp Capable yes cphatc ( pup ihc Amph h.pua Ware scpppmg iiiriahk c Sccuiccc Page 33 pf 32 ~4v Page33 of 59FNR

102 4. AIRCRAFT COMMUNICATION AND NA II IGA TION EQUIPMENT Aircraft Make and Model Aircraft Registration CESSNA Grand Caravan 208B C-GQVC 4.1 Communication Equipment Iri rirfdifran IO aff LegiS(aaVO and iegufa(ory requfrefncff(s VHF-AM Transcewers FM Transceiver Satellite Voice Communications Communication System Access and Control Internalintercom System Communication System Headsets Pubhc Address (PA) System GARMIN 1000 One (1) TFM 1388 One (1) TFM 136B IRIDIUM BASED A200 LATITUDE TECHNOLOGIES Full CESSNA 2 Crew Full Two Crew plus Training DAVID CLARKE H10-56HXL X4 NAT LOUD HAILER 4.2 N awgation Equipment - In addi(ron Io aff Legislative and regulatory iacuiremonfs Global Positioning System GARMIN 1000 Automated Flight Following LATITUDE TECHNOLOGIES 4.3 P e rsonnel Communications Apple IPhone or equivalent 5. FLIG HT SAFETY EQUIPMENT! TCAS r) Pulse Lights OTHER Climate Controlled Cabins Extra seats max 9 Under Belly Cargo Pod On Board Pump System BENDIX-KING KT870 Displayed on G1000 Precise Fhght Pulse Lights Heating and Air Conditioning Available in storage at a location to be determined by the Province Installed as standard eqmpment rfor filling aircraft foam reservoir Caner Group inc An:pn 6 uui water scuup nc Airier ker services rase 34 of 52 Page34 of 59FNR

103 Schedule Al-3 Personnel Requirements File /AO15WCC AIR CRAFT FLIGHT CREWS 1.1 Wa ter scooper Captain Va l id Transport Canada Airkne Transport Pilot License - Aeroplane Va ltd Seaplane Rating Va l id Company Qualification on type, Val id Pilot Profioency Check (PPC) on type. Pi l ot-in-command - minimum 1,500 hours Pi l ot-in-command - minimum 500 hours multi-engine (for multi-engine aircraft only), Pi l ot tn Command minimum 500 hours float flying De m onstrated expenence in mountain flying Tra ined in accordance with the most recent SC Ftrebombmg Procedures Manual and Ne w ly hired pilots minimum 100 hours as Pilot-in-Command in the prevtous 12 months 1.2 W ater scooper First Officer (as applicable) Va l id Transport Canada Airline Transport Pilot License - Aeroplane Valid Seaplane Rating. Va l id Company Qualification on type Va l id Pilot Proficiency Check (PPC) on type. Pi l ot-m Command - minimum 1,000 hours Pi l ot-in Command - mirnmum 500 hours mulfi engine (for multi engine aircraft only). Pi l ot in Command minimum 100 hours float flying, De m onstrated expenence in mountain flying Tr a ined in accordance with the most recent BC Firebombing Procedures Manual. and Newly hired pilots minimum 100 hours as Pilot-in command in the previous 12 months Cone r G oup Inr An:pi: bious Water sroopmg A;rta aer Sr raises Pa e 3' nf 57 Page35 of 59FNR

104 1.3 Bi rddog Pilot Va lid Transport Canada Airline Transport Pilot L cense Aeroplane. Va lid Company Qualification on type, va l id Pilot Proficiency check (PPct on type, Pi l ot-in-command - minimum hours, Pi lot in Command - minimum 500 hours multi engine (for multi engine aircraft only) Pi l ot in-command - minimum 500 hours float (for amphibious aircraft only) Cu r rent relevant Group 1,2 or 3 instrument rating Mi n imum 500 hours Pilot-in-Command IFR, Co m pletion of a recognized type specific Full Fhght Simulator (FFSI training program and 25 hours Pilot-in-Command on type, or 50 hours Pilot-in-Command on type De m onstrated expenence in mountam flying, Tr a ined in accordance with the most recent BC Firebombing Procedures Manual and Newly hired pilots. minimum 100 hours as Pilot-in-Command in the past All captains and first officers must be approved and hsted in the Province's Directory of Commoicial Pilots and approved by the Ministry to provide the Services MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL Trained in accordance with the Contractor s Transport Canada approved maintenance manuals and available for daily routine maintenance and Aircraft Marntenance Engineers must be fully qualified and licensed in accordance with current Transport Canada requirements rara r t,ruup inr Amptubrnua Wain sunnpmg n i ankur snivirni pag 36 nf 62 Page36 of 59FNR

105 c c I:. SII! c x (;I II II w!. i )I Schedule A2 Services File /AO15WCC004 Attachment to the Agreement with Conair Group Inc for Amphibious Water Scooping Airtanker SeNlces 1. SER VICES 1 01 At the commencement of the Operating Pened the Contractor will al Pre sent the Aircraft and Speciakty Equipment to the Provmce for inspection to ensure operational readiness, b) Pos ition the Aircraft at Revelstoke B C th e Designated Base in Bntish Columbia and c) Con firm the flight operations Personnel assigned to the Aircraft 1 02 D unng the Operating Penod, the Contractor will a) Pos ition the Aircraft at the times and locations speafied by the Province, b) c) d) e) h) ll Maintain a state of readiness as spemfied by the Province Report any unsennceable Aircraft at the time of discovery, providing an estimate of the time required to remedy the situation, Uso its best efforts to ensure that the Aircraft and Flight Crew adhere to the Province's operational procedures and instructions. Cause appropnate personnel of the Contractor to attend pre and de-bnefing exerases Undertake work utilizing Aircraft and appropnate personnel for third parties as directed by the Minister Ensure that all flight operations personnel are attired in standard apparel for either flight or mmntenance as the case maybe At the request of the Minister cause any personnel, who are not providing the Services descnbed in this Agreement and Schedules to the Minister's satisfaction to be removed from providing those Services, On the request of the Province and where reasonable p rovide Additional Services and/or Extra Services. Pro wde the Services in accordance with the BC Fire Bombing Procedures Manual Cone r Group frc rcmpfrrorous wafer scooping Air canker services Page 37 of 32 Pj's Page37 of 59FNR

106 kj I) At t he request of the Province, logo the Aircraft with Province pre approved and/or Province suppbed logo matenals and other information 1 03 With respect to protecting the environment in the provision of the Servces, dunng the Operating Penod the Contractor will a) b) Mod ify the Aircraft and/or Specialty Equipment for safety requirements and service efficiency enhancements at the direction of the Province at a cost to be agreed upon by the Province and the Contractor negotiating in good faith and Ensure that the Aircraft is maintained in such a condition and operated at all times in a manner thai prevents the transfer of invasive spewes Be responsible for ai l e nvironmental clean up associated with your own operations, c) Sup ply suitable environmental containment and storage for a g assowated aviation fluids. d) Sto re, handle and dispose of a g lubncanls, oils and other environmentally hazardous matenals using the Contractor's tools, equipment and matenals according to 'A Summary of Environmental Standards and Guidelines for Fuel Handling, Transportation and Storage' a B C Environment Publication e) Ha ve a Sprll Response Plan which outlines action in the event of chemical spills or other emergency, and f) Rep ort to the Province as soon as possible, the particulars and details of any environmental inadent, including th e C ontractor's a ctions an d r esponse. occurnng related to the performance of the Services 1 04 D unng the Operating Penod, the Aircraft Specialty Equipment. Personnel and support systems must be avarlable for Services during all daylight hours up to a maximum of a 14-hour duty day or as legislated, seven days per week or in accordance with the daily standby alert estabbshed by the Province 1 05 T he Province may request or the Contractor may furnish, a substitute or Replacement Arrcraft and Specralty Equipment of a type mutually agreed upon for speofic fbghts 1 06 T he charges for a Replacement Aircraft and Specialty Equipment will be according to Schedule B Fees except as otherwtse noted I 07 N otwithstanding the Contractors obligahons to provide the Services dunng the Operating Penod, the Contractor, with the consent of the Province, may use the Aircraft for other purposes I f the Contractor does so use the Aircraft, the Availability Charges descnbed in Schedule B will be reduced as agreed to by the Contractor and the Province T he Contractor agrees with the Province that the Aircraft so used will be sub)ected to recall condibons as agreed to by the Province Cora r croup loc Amph bious Water Scoop og Airtaoker Sere ces Page 38 of 52 Page38 of 59FNR

107 2. FA C ILITIES 2 01 D unng the term of this Agreement the Contractor will provide a Transport Canada approved Mamtenance Organization as descnbed in the Proposal 2 02 ) h e Contractor will provtde a 24 hour contact facility dunng the Operating Penod from which the Minister may request Services 3. A V IATION OCCURRENCE REPORTING 3 01 T he Contractor will provide to the Province as soon as possible and by the quickest means possible the particulars and details of any Aviation Occurrence that occurs in performance of the Senacos 3 02 T he Province may request the Contractor prepare a detailed report of the Aviation Occurrence referred to in section SER VICE ENHANCEMENTS 4 01 The Province may wish to change the configuration of an Airtanker Group to support operattonal requirements On request from the Province, the Contractor will provide the Services with an airtanker group based on a combination of water scooping amphibious airtanlcers, as descnbed in this Agreement, and similar land based airtankers operated by the Contractor for the Province supported by a Birddog Aircraft 4 02 Both parties upon the reasonable request of the other party will fully cooperate to the betterment of the Services provided under this Agreement 4 03 B oth parties acknowledge a desire for innovation and continuous Service improvement Either party may recommend to the other party Servtce or Aircraft enhancements and/or changes for mutual consideration and Agreement amendments as may be appropnate 40 4 S ublect to Secaon 4 03, enhancements under consrderatron to be undertaken and reimbursed at the Contractor's direct cost as proposed include' a) A TIS (Air Tanker Information Systems); and b) S uppressant enhanced infection system Coos r 6 oop ioc Amphih oos Svater Scoop ai, A rtar ker Serv ces Page 39 of52 ~4! Page39 of 59FNR

108 Schedule B Contract Payment File AO15WCC004 Attachment to the Agreemenl with Conair Group Inc for Amphibious Water Scooping Airtanker SeNtces 1. DEF INITIONS I 01 I n this Schedule unless the context requires otherwise a) "Additional Availability Charges" means for each Year, the fees descnbed in this Schedule to be paid by the Province to the Contractor for Additional Services provided by the Contractor as authonzed under this Agreement b) "Availability Charges' means that fee as set out in this Schedule to cover the avails bikty of Aircraft and Services dunng the Operating Pened, c) "Flight Time" means flying time measured in minutes and reported in tenths of an hour as calculated and detailed in the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM), d) "Flying Rate" means the hourly charge for Flight Time e) "Landing Fees" are t he f ees charged by t he A irport Authonties to t he Contractor for landings while providing the Services, f) "Release Rate" means that rate set for the Contractor's use of the Aircraft when released from the Contractor's Service requirements by the Province and g) "Statement of Account" means a wntten statement of account, on Contractor letterhead, in a form satisfactory to the Minister A t the commencement of each year during the Agreement Term, the Minister may change the requirements for a Proper Account and will adwse the Contractor in writing Gona r Group inc Amph 5 ous Water Scoop ns Airtanker Services Pa e40uf sz Page40 of 59FNR

109 2. O B L IGATIONS OF THE PROVINCE 2 01 The Province will, at its own expense, provide the following a) Avi ation fuel for the Aircraft l anding and navigation fees (as applicable) necessary for the Contractor to perform the Services e xcept as otherwise provided b) 0) Retardant and chemical suppressants including foam. Flight and maintenance crew kving expenses when the Aircraft and crews are required by the Minister to be away from the Designated Base overnight if the expenses have not otherwise been provided by the Ministry S uch expenses or provided accommodation to be at a standard equivalent to that prov ded to the Province's staff or at rates as set out in this Schedule, d) Com putenzed access to the Ministry's aircraft and resource dispatch system e) At the Province's airtanker bases aircraft maintenance area including supply of water and electnmty where such faalities currently exist n s uitable firefighting equipment at the retardant loading, maintenance and refuelling sites as agreed upon by the parties and in accordance with the applicable regulations, m s uitabie area and faalities for record keepmg, administrative tasks and secure storage for tools and equipment dunng the Operating Pened, iv f aakties for fkght and maintenance crew rest. eating, personal hygiene and recreation, v f kght and maintenance crew meals and refreshments dunng penods of sustained firefighting actwity, and vi a ppropnate vyorksafe and T ransport c anada r equired ramp safety eqwpment and facilities 202 T h e Province will pay to the Contractor the following with respect to the Servrces provided al b) c) d) e) Availability Charges Flight Time at the Flying Rate In the e vent o f A rrcraft Positioning o ther than initial positioning for t he commencement of the Operating Period Flight Time at the Flying Rate. Crew accommodation and travel expenses when crews are away overnight from their Designated Base, as set out in Section 5 of this Schedule, Those fuel expenses, if incurred by the Contractor in the performance of the S 6 N I 0 6 6, Conor Group inc Amphib our Water Scoop ng A rtanker Servicca Page at of Sz Pagezi of 59FNR

110 f) Tho se airport landing and navigation fees and charges, if incurred by the Contractor in the performance of the Services, and g) Other as set out in Section 8 of this Schedule 3. S UB M ISSION OF A STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT 301 I n order to obtain payment for any fees and, where applicable, expenses under Ihe Agreement you must submit to us a written Statement of Account in a form satisfactory Io us 3 02 The Statement of Account(si must show the following a) You r legal name address the date and the pened of time which lhe invoice applies i Billing Penod ) the Agreement number and a statement number for identification, b) The calculation of all fees claimed under this Agreement for the Billing Penod including vni IV VI VI I IX XI I x I I I Brlling Period. Fhght slip or mvoice reference number Date. Pilot name, Aircraft registration and type Agreement number, branch or fire centre Legs of fhght. including fr om/to and up/down times ho urs or miles flown Mi nistry use code and Fire or prolect number, fuel consumption and charges vo lumes lo cation drawn from ap plicable charges. landings, including nu mber of landings ae rodrome identifier, Passenger names/manifest, Total fhght cost, Goods and services recewed", and Signature ronair 6 oup I c Amph bious Ware Scooping Airianker Sere ces Pape 42 of 52 Page42 of 59FNR

111 3 03 The Statement of Account should include a) b) c) CI) A declaration that the Services have been completed Where expenses are to be paid under this Agreement. a chronological ksling and amounts as per Section 5 included The calculation of any applicable GST payable by us in relation to the Services provided under this Agreement and for the Bilkng Penod as a separate kne item Your GST registration number and e) Any other bilkng information reasonably requested by us 3 04 T he Statement of Account should be sent to PROVINCIAL WILDFIRE COORDINATION CENTRE 3080 AIRPORT ROAD KAMLOOPS, B C V28 7X2 Attention Nin a Barber 3 05 The Contractor will submit Statements of Accounts in no less than weekly and no longer than monthly intervals 305 W ithin thirty days of our receipt of your invoice, or the date we authonze payment. whichever is the latter, we must pay you fees and where appkcable, expenses for those Services we determined were satisfactorily received dunng the Billing Penod 4. AVA I LABILITY CHARGES AND FLIGHT TllyIE CHARGES 4 01 A vailability Charge a) For a one hundred (100) day Operating Penod, the total Availability Charge is Aircraft Type ¹ o f Aircraft Daily Charge per Aircraft Ava i lability Cbarge Airtanker [ Air Tractor 4 $5 442 $ AT 802AF FIREBOSS rbirddog CES SNA Grand Caravan 1 $3 247 $ C 208B Total Availability Charge for the Airtanker Group $2,501,500 repair Group inc. Arupl ib uuc Water Scuupms A rt,mkcr Scrviccc Page 43 pl 57 Page43 of 59FNR

112 b) For a one hundred and twenty (120) day Operating Penod if requested by the Province under Article 4 section the total Availability Charge is Airtanker Birddog Aircraft Type ~» of Daily Aircraft Charge per Aircraft Ai r Tractor ( A) 802AF FIREBOSS $4,542 Availability ' Charge.' $2, ! ~ CESSNA Grand Caravan 1 $2 930 $351,600 C Total Availability Charge for the Airtanker Group I $2, 531, Th e A vailabilit Cn arge in s ection 4 01 a) is p ayable in t hree equal instalments o 4 tr 4 2" on June 1", July 1" and August 1u in each Year of the Agreement 4 03 I f the Avatlabilit Ch ar e in Section 4 01 b) is applicable, it is payable in four equal instalments of ' " ' " on M ay 1", June 1" July 1u and August 1*' in the Year for which the 120 day Operating Penod is requested by the Province 4 04 A dditional Availability Charges for each day of Additional Services is as follows a) For Addttional Services beyond a one hundred (100) day Operating Penod, the daily Additional Availabihty Charge is Aircraft Type ¹ of Aircraf t Daily Charge, ~ e r Air craft I Airtanker I Air Tractor $5,442 AT 802AF FIREBOSS 41 Birddog [ C ESSNA Grand Caravan r $3,247 C 208B Total Additional Daily Availability Charge for the [ $25,015 i Airtanker Group~ b) For Additional Service beyond a one hundred and twenty (120) day Operating Pened if requested by the Province under Article 4 section 4 04 the daily Additional Availabihty Charge is Aircraft Type Airtanker T A ir Tractor AT 802AF FIREBOSS I ¹ of Aircraft Birddog CES SNA Grand Caravan C Total Additional Daily Availability Charge for the Airtanker Group Daily Charge per Aircraft $4 542 'i I $21,098 Cane r Group inc Amphth uus Water Scop pmg 4 rtaab r Sere ces page 44 of 52 Page44 of 59FNR

113 4 05 Fhght Time a) Fo r Flight Time flown dunng the Operating Pened, Fhght Time charges for each hour of Flight Time and pro-rated for part hours are calculated at the hourly Flying Rates as follows Airtanker Aircraft Type Air Tractor AT 802AF FIREBOSS ~ 100 Da ~120 Da Operating Period O p erating Period Flying Rate $1,187 Flying Rate $1 385 $1 270 b) Fli ght Time charges for each hour of Fhght Time and pro-rated for part hours flown outside of the annual Operattng I'enod in the provision of Addttional Services under this Agreement are calculated at the hourly Flying Rates as follows Outside ~100 Da Operating Period Outside ~120 Da Operating Period, Airtanker Aircraft Type Air Tractor AT 802AF FIREBOSS Flying Rate $1 187 Flying Rate $1,385 ' $1, R ate Increase As of the Year commencing April 1, 2015 t he Availabihty Charges, Additional Availability Charges and hourly Flying Rate as set out in this Schedule will be ad)usted on a compound basis by )00% of the change tn the Statistics Canada Consumer Pnce index (CPII for Bntish Columbia for the twelve month penod December to December rmmediately preceding the Year to which such amounts are apphcable 5. C RE W ACCO M M O D ATION AND TRAVEL EXPENSES 50 1 A w ay from the Designated Base living expenses (accommodation meals and ground transportation) will be flat rated and receipts will not be required T he daily al owanco per fhght crew and maintenance crew member will be $ and must be submitted on the daily flight shp 5 02 S hould the Ministry supply or should the expenses not be required for any of the away from Designated Base Irving expenses as prowded in Section 5 01 the daily allowance will be reduced as follows ac commodation $115, meals $16 50 each and ground transportation $65 Conarr Group inc Amph Oious Water Scoopmg A rtanter Services Page 45 of S2 Page45 of 59FNR

114 503 N otwithstanding Sections 501 and ground transportation may be paid for or supplied to a maximum of three i3) vehicles per day 504 I n addition to the amounts in 5 01, an additional amount of twenty seven dogars t$27 00) per day per flight and maintenance crew member when the Aircraft and Personnel are required by the Minister to be Positioned north of the 60' latitude 5 05 E xpenses related to the Provrnce s request to Position the Arrcraft and the Contractor s Maintenance Vehicle away from the Designated Base as follows a) Mil eage at eighty four cents ($84) per kilometer to position the Contractor s maintenance vehicle between the Designated Base and the Aircraft s temporarily assigned site and b) If required, costs incurred for transport by water ferry will be reimbursed at cost Receipts are required 6. FUE L 6 01 The cost incurred and paid by the Contractor for aviation fuel used by tho Contractor!o provide the Services under this Agreement 602 T he cost incurred by the Contractor for aviation fuel used by the Contractor while an deployment to the United States at the request of the Minister, as follows a) b) c) The actual cost for the aviation fuel purchased by the Contractor A surcharge of 5% of the amounts in a) above, The Contractor wdl provide back-up documentation to support the total amount claimed as follows iv fuel tickets, the calculation, including a conversion table. converting the US gallons purchased to ktres the exchange rate to convert from Amencan dollars to Canadian dollars as of the day of fuel purchase, and a calculation of the 5% surcharge, based on the converted Canadian dollar fuel cost 7. LAN DING FEES AND NAVIGATION FEES 7 01 L anding fees and navigation fees as follows al b) The cost for each landing fce is as set out in the Province s current year Landing Fee Table c) d) The fee/cost for each and every landing for which a landing fee is applicable and incurred by the Contractor in portormtng the Services The actual costs incurred by the Contractor for each and every navigation service required in the performance of the Services and Forest protection and firefighting services are exempt from NAV CANADA fees descnbed in this section Cnnarr Group i c Amph h ous Water Scooping A tanker Services page 46 of 52 f j k ~4-' Page46 of 59FNR

115 8. OTH ER 8 01 Re lease Rates The rate for the Contractors use of the Aircraft when released from the Contractors Service requirements by the Ministry will be at the Release Rate for each and every day the aircraft is released The Release Rate is as agreed by the parties 8 02 A d ditional Personnel The direct costs of additional maintenance personnel required dunng penods of extraordinary fire actrvity 80 3 M utual Aid Resource Sharing (MARS) Charges Charges as agreed by the Parsee and as required to meet the Province's and the Contractors obligations in providing the Aircraft and Services under Mutual Aid Resource Shanng Agreements to which the Province is a signalory 8 04 Ex tra Availability Charges As agreed to by the Provmce and the Contractor 8 05 Ot her Fees As may be determined and agreed to by the Province and the Contractor 9. DAM AGES 901 For each and every hour each Aircraft Spemality Equipment or Personnel are not available for Services as required by the Minister the Minister may assess damages in the amount equal to one tenth of the Daily Availabikty Charge for each Aircraft or at the Ministers discretion, the reasonable cost to the Province to replace the Aircraft and SeNlces 9 D2 It the Birddog Aircraft is unavailable and it is not operationally feasible for the Airtanker to loin another arrtanker group, the assessed damages may be applicable to both the Airtanker and the Birddog Aircraft Conmr Group Inc ampfnh our avatar scooping Aeter ker sere cei Page 47 of 52 Page47 of 59PNR

116 Xfm t pc Schedule D Insurance File / AQ15WCC004 Attachment to the Agreement with Ccnair Group inc for Amphibious Water Scooping Airtanker Services Without restncting the generality of the indemnitication provisions contained in the Agreement, the Contractor shall, at its cwn expense, provide and maintain, dunng the term of this Agreement, the following insurance coverage as fully specified in Sechon 9 and any additional insurance which it is required by law to carry or which it considers necessary to cover risks not otherwise covered by insurance specified in this Schedule in its sole discretion AII such insurance descnbed herein must be primary and not require the shanng of any loss by any insurer of the Province a) Commercial General Liability b) Automobile Liability Not Required Not Required re) Required Required c) Professional Liability d) Aviation Liability H Not Required Not Required U I)t) Required Required e) Watercraft Liabihty f) P roperty Insurance g) All-risk Property Insurance h) Motor Truck Cargo Liability i) Em ployoe Dishonesty Liability Insurance shall be placed with Insurers registered in and hcensed to underwnte such insurance in Canada All such tnsurance shall be at no expense to the Province If the Province requires additional Insurance Coverage to be obtatned by the Contractor, the additional expense of such addttional insurance shall be borne by the Province 3 Not withstanding Section 4, the Contractor shall pnor to the commencement of services and before any payments are made under this Agreement, file with the Ministry Representative evidence of insurance coverage in the form of a completed Province of Bntish Columbia Certihcate of Insurance iform FIN 173l Wh e n requested by the Province the Contractor shall provide certified copies of required insurance policies 4 ICB C's Confirmation of Automobile Insurance Coverage, Form APV 47 shall be used as satisfactory evidence of Automobile Liabihty Insurance 5 The i nsurance pohcies except for ICBC Automobile Liabihty Insurance shall provide that the insurance shall not be cancelled or matenally changed so as tc affect the coverage provided under the Agreement, without the Insurer giwng at least thirty i30) Cpna r I rppp I c. ~f Amph btpvt Water Scoop ag Airtapka Sarvicas Pag 48 of 52 r)r) Ix) Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required LI Required Required Required Required Required Page48 of 69FNR

117 days pnor wntten notice to the Province M atenal change with respect to Professional Liability Insurance does not require the Insurer to give thirty (30) days pnor wntten notice to lhe Province Failure to provide the required insurance documentation shall result in termination of this Agreement If the insurance pobaes expire pnor to the end of the Agreement Term, the Contractor shall provide Ihe ministry evidence of insurance renewal in the form of a completed Province of Bntish Columbia Certificate of insurance and ICBC s Form APV 47. if applicable at least ten (10) days pnor to the expiry date of the policies listed in this Schedule The Contractor shall ensure that ag its subcontractors performing Services under this Agroement carry insurance in the form and bmits specified in Section 9 The following forms of insurance and speofied minimum bmits are required a) Com mercial General Liability Commercial General Liabibty insurance in an amount not less than $2 million inclusive per occurrence against bodily iniury, personal iniury, and property damage and mcluding bability assumed under the Agreement Such polrcy(s) of insurance shall include but not be limited to m rv v vi vn vm ix x Products and Completed Operations Liabibty. Owner's and Contractors Protectwe Liabrbty Co ntingent Employer's Liabibty, Bl anket Written Contractual Liabibty, Pe rsonal Infury Liability, Non O w ned Automobile Liability Cr oss Liability, Em ployees as Additional Insureds Br oad Form Property Damage, and where such furfher nsk exists. Fo rest Fire Fighting Expense Coverage in the amount of H $ 1 million $500,000) Not appbcable rona,r Group t c Amphibious wate scooping Ai tanker se vices Pag» 49 of 82 AN. Page49 of 59FNR

118 xi Su dden and Accidental Pollution endorsement o n t h e Commerdal General liability insurance policy with a limit of liability not less than the amount indicated below per occurrence insunng against bodily iniury, property damage and cleanup expenses ansing from new pollution conditions arising from the Contractors performance of the Agreement or if such endorsement is unavailable on the Commercial Generai Liabihty insurance pohcy, a Sudden and Acadental Pollution insurance pohcy insurrng agarnst same and with same limits of liabihty indicated below, and thrs insurance shall include the Province as an additional insured as stated below 0 $250,000 $ E $ 1 milhon Not apphcable The Province is to be added as an 'Additional Insured" under this policy, as follows "Her Malesty the Queen in nght of the Provrnce of Bntish Columbia as represented by the Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and any of its employees servants or agents' 6) Aut omobile Liability Automobile Liabihty insurance on all vehicles owned, operated or hcensed by the Contractor in an amount not less than $2 million inclusive per occurrence cl Prof essional Errors and Omissions Liability - Not A pplicable dl Awat ion Liability Aviation Liabihty Insurance on all aircraft operated or used in the performance of the Services insunng against bodily iniury property damage and passenger hability. in an amount not less than the limits of habihty imposed by any Canadian Aviphon Regufalion and in any event not less than a per occurrence combined single limit of ui $ for aircraft up to 5 passenger seats or $3, plus $1,000,000 for each additional passenger seat for aircraft up to 10 passenger seats or $ for aircraft over 10 passenger seats, Such insurance shall include a cross liability clause Where applicable. such poltcy will also include coverage for aenal drrft or misapphcatron of fertihzers or herbicide chemicals in an amount not less than $ per occurrence The Province is to be added as an "Additional Insured" under this policy as follows 'Her Maiesty the Queen in nght of the Province of Bntish Columbia as represented by the Minister of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations and any of its employees servants or agerits' Cooair Group ioc Amphrbrous Water sr opprr g Arrtaoker sert ces Page 50 of 52 Page50 of 59FNR

119 Where this Agreement is for air transportation services only the requirement for Commermal General Liability insurance under Section 9(ai may be waived at tne discretion of the Province The Contractor will cause any Sub-Contractor providing aviation services related to the Contractors performance of this Agreement to carry a nd to provide evidence to the Province of their compliance with this requirement. Aviation Liability insurance on all aircraft operated or used rn the performance of this Agreement insunng against bodily inlury, property damage a n d passenger kability, in an amount not less than the limits of habihty imposed by any Canadian Avia/ion Regu/a/ron and in any event not less than a per occurrence cornbmed single Irmit of n m $3, for aircraft up to 5 passenger seats, or $ plus $1 000,000 for each additional passenger seat for arrcraft up to 10 passenger seats, or $ ,000 for aircraft over 10 passenger seats Such insurance shall include a cross liability clause Where apphcable, such policy will also include coverage for aenal dnft or misapphcation of fertihzers or herbimde chemicals in an amount not less than $50,000. per occurrence The Contractor and the Province are to be added as an "Additional Insureds" under this pohcy with the Province titled as follows i Her Maiesty the Queen in nght of the Province of I3ntrsn Columbia as represented by the Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and any of its employees, servants or agents' e) Wat ercraft Liability Watercraft liability insurance o n all w atercraft operated o r u sed i n t he performance of the Services by the Contractor (including rented watercraft), in an amount not less than the limits of liabihty imposed by the Manna Liability Act and in any event not less than SN/A inclusive per occurrence Such insurance shall include n a cross kability clause, and Su dden and Accidental Pollution endorsement on the Watercraft liabihty insurance policy with a limit of liability not less than the amount indicated below per occurrence rnsunng against bodily inlury property damage and cleanup expenses arising from new pollution conditions ansing from the Contractor's performance of the Agreement, or if such endorsement is unavailable on the Watercraft Liabihty insurance pohcy a Sudden and Accidental Pollution insurance policy msunng against same and with same kmits of habihty indicated below, and this insurance shall include the Province as an additional insured as stated below. Co ar Group I c Anvnn bouc ware scoopmgairtankerscrvice Page 51 of 52 Page51 of 59PNR

120 E $250,000 $ $1 million N ot Appticable Where applicable, such policy wifl also include coverage for manne towtng operations The Province is to be added as an Addittonal Insured" under this policy, as follows f Her Ma/esty the Queen in nght of the province of Bntisri Columbia as represented by the Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and any of its employees, servants or agents' fl gl hl Pro perty Insurance Property insurance in an amount not less than the fuil replacement cost for afl property owned by the Province in the care, custody, use, and control of the Contractor including if appltcable property in transit Such insurance shall include a the Provmce as a named insured as its interest may appear and in clude a waiver of subrogation in favour of the Province Af l- r isk Property Insurance Afl-nsk Property insurance against physical loss or damage, including the penis of earthquake and flood, covenng business contents, including electronic data processing equipment and media to full replacement cost value extra expense coverage for expenses necessanly incurred by the Contractor to continue normai operations which are interrupted as a result of an insured property loss Such insurance shall include a waiver of subrogation in favour of the Province Mo t or Truck Cargo Insurance Motor Truck Cargo Insurance in an amount sufficient to cover the loss or damage at a maximum value of the cargo being hauled at any one time per vehicle transporting property owned or controlled by the Province in the care custody or control of the Contractor The Province is to be a named insured as its interest may appear Employee Dishonesty Insurance A Blanket Position Fidelity Bond (Employee Dishonesty insurance) covenng any or all persons used or employed by the Contractor for the prowsion of the Services in an amount not less than $N/A per claim ansing out of any dishonest or fraudulent act that results in the loss of money secunties or other property of the Province, and this insurance must protect the Province by way of a 'third party endorsement Conair Group inc iimplabioos Water Scoop ng Arrtanker Serv ces.trjh Page 52 of 52 ~4: Page52 of 59FNR

121 nlii1iml Col i stti Natural Resource Sector Contract Modification Agreement No. 1 MINISTRY CONTRACT/FILE NO /AO15WCC004 prdject NAME Am phibious water scoop ng Airtanxer Services TFBS MODIFICATION AGREEMENT dated for reference 4' day of February BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. represented by the MINISTER OF FORESTS LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS PROVINCIAL WILDFIRE COORDINATION CENTRE Iihe ' pmvince" "vw" "ust or "our' as spplcsblei 4: ti c io low.g address 3080 AIRPORT ROAD. KAMLOOPS BRITISH COLUMBIA V2t! TX2 Telephone. Fax E mail Address (75Q) 312.3QIQ ( 250) Iiina barberimgov.boca Ministry Rep esenlative N na Barber AND CONAIR GROUP INC (ths 'contractor', "yc ", cr "your ss sppl cable) st the logo g address 1510 TOWER STREET ABBOTSFORD. BRITISH COLUMBIA V2T 6H5 Telephone. Fax Address rpsdersen@conatrca 77 ' I )."'vt Contractor Represenlabve Corporate Business Number SS WorkSafe BC No an d/or POP No A Th e parlies entered into an Agreement dated for reference Iu day of Apnl, 2014, (hereinafter called the "Agreement" ), 8 Th e Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows ARTICLE 4 OPERATING PERIOD 4 03 T he Operating Pened for 2015 for Ihe Aircraft idenbfied in Schedule A-I (Group 8) Aircraft and Personnel will be June lo September 18, 2015 (100 DAYS) SCHEDULE A2- SERVICES b Pos ition Ihe Aircraft at Revelstoke 8 C. the Designated Base n Bnssh Colun.bia SCHEDULE B -CONTRACT PAYMENT 4. AV A ILABILITY CHARGES AND FLIGHT TIME CHARGES 4 01 Av ailabilay Charge. a) For a one hundred (100) day Operabng Penod the total Ava labilily Charge is Ai le/aft Type 8 of AI/c/aft Daily Charge per Aircraft Ainanker +BI/ddog A r Tractor AT 802AF FIREBOSS CESSNA Grand Caravan C $5,401 1 $3,276 Availability Charge $2,198,400 $327,600 Total Availability Charge for the Airtanker Group $2,524,000 NRs608 contract Mod scat o Agree snt CSNR-FSB - No Page I of ) Page53 of 59FNR

122 CON'TRACT MODIFICATION AGREEMENT CONTINUED b) For a one hundred and twenty )120) day Operabng Pened, if requested by Ihe Province under Arude 4 secdon 4 04, lhe total Avasabeity Charge is Alrtanker Birddog Aircraft Type Air Traclol' AT 802AF FIREBOSS CESSNA Grand Caravan C 208B 8 of A rcrafl Daily Charge per Aircraft Availability Charge $4,583 $2,199,840 $2,956 Total Availabglty Charge for the Alrtanksr Group $354,720 $2,554, Th s Availability Charge in secgon 4 01 a) is peyabte in Ihreequal inslslmenls of $841, on June I", July I and August I in each Year of the Agreemenl 4 03 If the Aveilab lily Charge In Section 4 01 b) is apokcable, it is payable in four equal instalmenb of $851,52000 on May I, June 'I, July I and August I' in the Year for which the 120 day Operabng Penod is requested by the Provmce Nol Appgcable for Ad ditional Availability Charges for each day of Addibonal Services is as fogows a) Foi Addigonat Services beyond a one hundred )100) day Operalrng Penod, Ihe de ly Additional Avagebglly Cnerge Is Arnanker Birddog Aircraft Type Air Tractor AT 802AF FIREBOSS CESSNA Grand Caravan P of Aircraft Total Additional Daily Avagabglty Charge for the Alrtanker Group Degy Charge r Aircraft $5,491 $3 276 $25,240 b) For Additional Sennce beyond a one hundred and twenty f120) day Operating Period, if requested by Ihe Province under Argcle 4 section 4 04, Ihe daily Additional Availability Chants is Airtanker Birddo g Aircraft Type Arr Tractor AT 802AF FIREBOSS CES SNA Grand Caravan 0 208B 8 of Aircraft Total Additional Da ly Avails bihty Charge for the Airtanker Group Daily Charge er Aircraft $4,583 $2,956 $21,288 NRseco centred Mcdiecseon Agreement CSNR-Fas- Nov r Page 2 of 3 Page54 of 59FNR

123 CO NTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM ENT CONTINUED a 0 5 Fsg t I T, e ai A tansm 8 rddog F O ctigtn Time flor C g th e Op. sting PenOr' Fight e C ha goafurcachho roffight f m e and pro rated for part I ours a e calculated at Ihe hourly Fiying Rates as follows Aircraft Type A: I aclor Al fiuzaf I. IRFBOSS CESSNA Grand Ca ava C 2088 ~too Da Operating Period Fiy ng Rate $ tll ~tzo Da Operatmg Pened Flymg Rate 81,397 1Sl 281 b,' l i ght I mr cl a geste oacnhouroi plgnltma a d p n t en fo pai lou aflow outsal*of th ' a al O pe'ulngpa uu nit r p o s o n ofpdtl l o i al gonrces ndert' sagreemc t a c o lculatvdut ti a hou ly Fly ng Rale ' as loaav s 8 I tlttog Aircraft Tl pe A r Tracto' A. 802AF - FIREBOSS Outs de ~teo Da Ope atmg Penod Flymg Rate Sl 108 Out de t~zg Da Operat ng Flymg Rate Sl 307 C ESSNAGa m a a a n C 2088 Si zat In all oti sr respects. the Ag ee e nl is ci I med 0 I me s of the essenre in;his I lodificution Agree nant Tnr: parties du y e ec te tt»s Mod rcalio ' greement as loaows SIGNED AND DELIVERED o bei aa I the P r, cc.. by a a Ihc» edaepa s I re o f h Po.ca SIGNED AND DELIVERED by o on I;et alf o'll. Conlmclo I oy- a tt o ed s g i l o y o i l ncco t veto f a c p c soon) IS0 tu o a : o cd f ' n s t f E xoenscn,.ttoi :y) a Baice IPRINTED NAME of autho ted ep esenlat ve (Sg atmou' C at actorut i'.no rcds g notowi R,cs Pederee ippinted NAME uf Conlraclo o e Ihonr d sign*toryl o ateatns I 4 & ayo f~ C W zr I > oo tentns neyo, 20 fisc)o c t c'. kloo fest A g e e m C ata FSB. N, Page 3 of Page55 of 59FNR

124 BR)TtS).f COLUMBIA 9 un Pl!. n h CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE F~ f fwwmem e dfwmwf ofmhowa I Tm P I I I I Btwl w Ihla IBHf ft 'IBSINI Uftdel n w a e yw d m t 8: p n» fm ln li d e lln F li OW W tk A of tarn/ mm d UW dvw N U' H 1 I dtn u dt Ih D E I C E tm m C C G o H ww C~N EM Snwtele. Po 8 IHUE STN Pnov GOVT, vnna BC Vaw 91/1 p ' w m tm veu owe t oe conhct mme N d pan 1. Part1 Tobecom letedb the Province Tt SCERIFCRTE'SREDUESTEDBT dt55uedtdin PRDYINCE'a CONTACT PERSON NINE/ 3 TLE H Bk I Ministry of Forests, Lands anri Natural Resource Operaiions Ntna Barber, Aviation Management Specaiist HHLt Hc ADDRESS 3080 Airport Road, Kamtoops, British Coiumbia CDHTITIC TOll HhuE Conair Group tnc Tower Street, Abbotsford, Brash Columbia IGR Ea/EHT fce ttftnckl GH HD /AO1 SWCC 004 FtamB wf (250) (250) POSTAL CODE V28 7X2 Ffw I CODE V2T 6H5 Part2 INSURED OPERATIONS INSURED WE HIORESS TYPE DF INSURANCE Uat fmdt mpamrefy mrcrsn uabisy To b e com feted b the Insurance A enter Broker Conair Group Inc Tower Street, Abbotsford, British Columbia mowdedetrfls Commercial Helicopter Operator COMPANY NAME. PDUCY NC S BRIEF DESCRIPTIDN De/le!ft Lcehsed tfteibqg ef Blhcled Ih/QUEII Odude, Taylor Inc as Ixokem Polcy No. Al EXPIRY DATE YYYY/MM/DD 2015/11/Dl pdbtn com V2T 6H5 LIMIT CF LIAEIUTY/AMDUNT CADI 00,00OCDO Combined 5 gle Ltmh each mrcran, each Occunence Av alien General Liabiay inclusive of Ptenkaea 5 Dna/el ons. Nangarkeepw's and Pmduoe 5 Completed DpereUons Liahely cwl fn Uceosed Inswwa Bs efledni emmh Dulude. Taylor tnc es bmkerc Pelter No A /11/01 CAOIOO,COo,acc seen occurrence and In los U9gregale each pogcy pened vdlh espens lo Proluds S Competed Operations Liabiuy Nen.ow ed Amomoofe UUIBIly CNA Canada Coftdftwtlel CBSUIB/ Co.pen/ SS Sffengxf BUTS/9h Pius Untfnwftdng hlanagefs Ud Pcwy No MPR /12fol CAD Combinwl Stogie Uma, each Coevttmtot This ceroficate certifies that pouc les ot insurance described herein are In full torce end effective as of ths date of this cenlflcate and comply wah the insurance requirements of ths Agreement IdentlRed above, except as follows: ISEH OR BRGIE Ctmmms Dulud, I'aylm. In. uat.thew Andrews 4360 ltgsr Drt c. Eiclmond, EC, (604) cr DEHIORBRCHEHDHBBULFOFTHEABOVEt 5LIRERIB D TEN ORED tlarch 6. 20I5 FIN 173 Rev OG24 o v.bc BBIPTI/ltt 8 Page56 of 59FNR

125 BRDISH COLUMBIA Natural Resource Sector Contract Modification Agreement No. 2 MINISTRY CONTRACT/FILE NO /AO15WCC004 PROJECT NAME: A mp/ 8 ious Water Scooping Airtanker Services THIS MODIFICATION AGREEMENT dated for reference 12w day of February BEIWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF I HE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, represented by the MINISTER OF FORESTS, LANDS AND NA) URAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS PROVINCIAL WILDFIRE COORDINATION CENTRE (the Pwwncek 'we", "ush or "ou/' as spplcsble) at the follovnng addwss 3080 AIRPORT ROAD, KAMLOOPS, BRITISH COLUMBIA V28 7X2 Telephone: Fax Address: (250) ( 250) dave.marekimgov.bc ca Ministry Representative: Da ve Marek AND CONAIR GROUP INC (the "Contractor', yout or "your" ss sp pip ah/s) at Ihe follornng address 1510 TOWER STREET ABBOTSFORD, BRITISH COLUMBIA V2T 6HS Telephone. Fax Address: (604) (60 4) IpedameniNconsu ca Contractor Representabve: Rick Pedersen Corporate Business Number WorkSafe BC Ho sn d/or P OP No A. T he Parties entered into an Agreement dated for reference 1 day of April, 2014, (hereinafter caged the "Agreemenf'), 8 The Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows ARTICLE 4 OPERATING PERIOD 4.03 The Operating Penod for 2016 for the Aircraft identified in Schedule A-I (Group 8) Aircmft and Personnel ung be. May 30, 2016 to September 6, 2016 (100 DAYS) SCHEDULE A2 SERVICES b Pos ition the Aircraft at Kamloo ~ s 8 C, the Designated Base in British Columbia SCHEDULE 8 CONTRACT PAYMENT 4. AVA ILABILITY CHARGES AND FLIGHT TIME CHARGES 4 01 A v ailability Charge a) For a one hundred (100) day Operating Penod, the total Avai/ability Charge is Aetanker Birddog Aircraft Type Air Tractor AT 802AF FIRE BOSS CESSNA Grand Caravan C 2088 I'I ot Aircraft Daily Charge per Aircraft $5,595 $3,338 Total Availability Charge for the Airtanker Group Availability Charge $2,238,000 $333,800 $2,571,800 NRS6CO Contract Modacation Agreement CSNR-FSB - Nov 7, 2013 Page57 ofp@ BNPog

126 C O NTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM E N T CONTINUED 402 T he Availability Charge in section 401 a) is payable in three equal instalments of$857, on June I", July 1" and August I in each Yearofthe Agreement 4.04 Additional Availabilriy Charges for each day of Additional Sennces is as follows: a) For Additional Services beyond a one hundred (100) day Operating Period, the daily Addibonal Availability Charge is Airtanker Birddog Aircraft TyPe Air Trador AT 802AF FIREBOSS CESSNA Grand Caravan C 2088 ¹ of Aircrag Total Additional Dally Availability Charge for the Alrtanker Group Dally Charge er Aircraft $5,595 $3,338 $25, Fl ight Time a) For Flight Time flown dunng the Operabng Penod, Flight lime charges for each hour of Flight Time and pro-rated for part hours are calculated at Ihe hourly Flying Rates as follows: Airtanker Birddog Aircraft Type Aii' Tractoi' AT 802AF FIREBOSS CESSNA Grand Caravan C 2088 D O perating Period Flying Rate $1,221 $1 305 ~120 Da Operating Period Flying Rate $1,424 $1,305 b) Flight Time charges for each hour of Fbght Time and pro-rated for part hours ilovm outside of the annual Operating Penod m the provisron of Addmonal Services under this Agreement are calculated at the hourly Flying Rates as follows Outside Outside ~100 Da Operating Period ~D Op erating Period Airtanker Aircraft Type Air Tractor AT 802AF FIREBOSS Flying Rate $1,221 Flying Rate $1,424 Binldog CESSNA Grand Caravan C 2086 $1,305 $1,305 C. In ag other respeds, the Agreement is confirmed. D ti me is of the essence m Ihis Modrlication Agreement NRSS00- Conlrad Medication Agreement CSNR-FSB - Nov 7, 2013 Page58 of 535k%

127 C O NTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM E N T CONTINUED The Parti s d(tly execute this Modification Agreement as follows SIGNED aut n zed IVERED on behalf of the Province by an e e tat ve of the Province I SIGNED AND,DELIVERED by or on behalf of the Contractor (or by an authonzed signatory of the Contractor it a corporation) F / (S gna)u/ e thonzed Ministry Expense Authonty) (Signature of ContractoTr)FAuthonzed Signatory) Dave Marek (PRINTED NAME of authonzed representative) Dated the ( 5 day of (VLSIZ -RtctrPedarsen Io ( PRINTED NAME of Contractor or authonzed signa ry) I 20 t(rz Dat ed this day of r r '.- ' / 202 D, NRSS00 Contract Modif eau on Ag i cement CSNR-FSB - Ne Page59 of 5$NIR-Bf

128 8///Tls/ i Fr it I i el//i x Natural Resource Sector Contract Modification Agreement No. 10 MINISTRY CONTRACT/FILE NQ /AO1088E003B PROJECT NAME' Ai r Tanker Services THIS MODIFICATION AGREEMENT dated for reference 12' day of February BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, represented by the MINISTER OF FORESTS, LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS PROVINCIAL WILDFIRE COORDINATION CENTRE (the "Prov ncek "we1 "ust or "oui" as applicable) el the tello o address 3080 AI PORT ROAD, KAMLQOPS BRITISH COLUMBIA V28 7X2 Telephone. Fax Address (250) ( 250) ina barber/igov bc ca Ministry Representative Nma Barber AND CO NAIR GROUP ING (the Contractor"I "yovl or "you/' as appkcable) at the folio ng address 15101OWER STREET ABBOTSFORD. BRITISH COLUMBIA V2T 6H5 Telephone Fax Address (604) (60 4) 557 2T9 3 rpedersen@conair.ca Contractor Representative Ri ck Pedersen Corporate Bus/ness Number WorkSafe BC No an d/or P OP No A Th e Pariies entered into an Agreement dated for reference I' day of Apnl, 2010, (heremaher caged the "Agreement" ), The Pariies agree to amend the Agreemenl as follows SCHEDULE A AVAILABILITY PERIOD AND DESIGNATED BASE(S) FOR 2014 I 03 T he Availab/bty Pened(s) and the Aircrah Designated Base(s) for 2014 are as set out in Schedule A-I AIRCRAFT AIRTANKER GROUP Group 4 Convair CV 580 (2) Rockwell Turbo Commander TC 690 Group I Conva/r CV 580 (2) Rockwell Turbo Commander TC 690 Group 5 Lockheed L 188 C Cital on CJ 525 Group 2 Air Tractor AT-802AF (4) Cessna C-208 Grand Caravan EX Schedule A-1 Availability Period and Designated Base(s) for 2014 AVAILABILITY PERIOD (Each of 123 days) May 5 to September 4 April 28 to August 28 May 15 to July 15 July 16- September 14 May 15 to September 14' Kamloops Wibiams Lake Fort St John Campbell River Kamloops DESIGNATED BASE NRs600 contract Mod feat on Ao cement CSNR-FSB - Nov 7, 20i3 Page1 ofr())gl)iiqq

129 CONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEMENT CONTINUED SCHEDULE F FEES 3. AVAILABILITY CHARGES 3.01 An Availability Charge for Ihe Availability Period, totagying nine million two hundred ninety-two thousand, and thirtyfive (9,292,035.00) calculated as follows: a) Hea A ir Tanker Grou AIRCRAFT TYPE Lockheed L-188C Enhanced Citation CJ 525 ¹ of AIRCRAFT AVAILABILITY PERIOD Total Availability Charge for Heavy Air Tanker Group DAILY RATE PER AIRCRAFT $9, $3, TOTAL $1,192, $398, $1,591, b) Intermediate Air Tanker Grou AIRCRAFT TYPE Convair CV 580 Turbo Commander TC 690A ¹ o f AVAILABILITY AIRCRAFT PERIOD Total per Intermediate Air Tanker Group Number of Intermediate Air Tannker Groups DAILY RATE PER AIRCRAFT $9, $3, TOTAL $2, $398, $2.689, Total Availability Charge for Intermediate Air Tanker Groups $5,378, c L i hi Air Tanker Grou AIRCRAFT TYPE Air Tractor 802AF Cessna C-208 Grand Caravan EX ¹ of AIRCRAFT AVAILABILITY PERIOD Total Availability Charge for Light Air Tanker Group DAILY RATE PER AIRCRAFT $3, $3, TOTAL $1, $473, $2,321, The Availability Charge Is payable in five (5) equal instalments of one million eight hundred fiftywight thousand four hundred and seventy dollars ($1,858,40T.00) on May I", June 1", July I", August I' and September I" in each Year of the Agreement Ad d itional Availability Charges The Additional Availability Charges for each day of Additional Services for each Air Tanker Group is as follows: a) Hea A ir Tanker Grou Air Tanker Birdrlo Total Additional Availabili Aircraft Type Lockheed L 1880 Enhanced Turbo Commander TC 690A Cha r e for Hear A i r Tanker Grou ir of AIRCRAFT Type Per Grou Additional Availability Charge Per A/C $ $ $12, b) Intermediate Air Tanker Grou Aircraft Type ii of AIRCRAFT Type Per Additional Availability Char e Per AIC Nnssoo contract Moo rest on Agreemeni CSNR-FSS - Ncv 7, 2O13 Page2 of rs %

130 C ONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM E NT CONTINUED Air Tanker Convair CV580 Birddo Turbo Commander TC 690A Total Additional Availabilily Charge for lnlsrmsdiats Air Tanker Group Grou 2 $ $3241 OD $21, c) Lr ht Air Tanker Grou Aircraft Type Air Tanker Air Tractor 802AF Birddo Cessna C-208 Grand Caravan EX Total Additional Availabili Char e for LI ht Air Tanker Grou sor AIRCRAFT Type Per Grov Additional Availability Charge Per A/C $ $3 851 DO $18, Extra Services Charges (Optional Additional Aircraft) The availability charges for each day of extra services and Flight Time flown are as shown for the following additional Aircraft Aircraft Type Convair CV 580 CJ 525 RJ 85 Air Tractor 802 wheels Air Tractor 802 Am hib Aerostar PA 60 Turbo Commander TC 690A Caravan C2088 Gaily Availability Charge Per Aircraft in the extra avasabili cr ied $ /da $ /da $ /da $ /da $ /da $ /da $5 24D 00/da $ /de Flying Rate for each hour of Fgght Time in the extra availabili cr i ed $ /hr $«60 oomr $6 sss oomr $ /hr $1 385 OD/hr $485 00/hr $ /hr $485.00/nr 4. FLIGHT TIME CHARGES 4 01 Flight Time Charges for each hour of Fkght Time and prorated for part hours are calculated at the hourly Flying Rate as follows Air Tanker Air Tanker Air Tanker Birddog Birddog Birddog Aircraft Type Lockheed L-188C enhanced Convair CV560 Air Tractor 802AF Turbo Commander TC 690A Cessna C-208 Grand Caravan EX C tation CJ 525 Hourly Flying Rate $3, $1,719 OD $1, $ $1,253 $ NRssoo contract Mocificat on Agreement CSNR-FSB- NO P a e 3 o f 4 Page3 of 60I-NR

131 CONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM ENT CONTINUED 5. FLIGHT AND MAINTENANCE CREW ACC O M M O D ATION AND EXPENSES 501 Away from Designated Base Iving expenses wh be flat rated and recants oe 5 02 Two hundred twenty n ne dollars and fifty cents ($229 50) including ground transpohat on or and must be subm tted on the daily flight slips OR 5 03 One hundred sixty four dollars and fifty cents ( ) excluding ground transportation 5 04 And must be itemized and submitted on the daily flight sl p 5 05 Should the Min stry supply any I the above expenses the da ly rate wtg be reduced as follows accommodauon $115.00, $16 50 each meal, and ground transportation-$65 00 will not be renui ed The de lyaaowa caw s C D in a s other respects, the Agreement s co frmed T me is of the essence in th s Modificat on Agreement The Perl es duly execute this Modification Agreement as follows SIGNED AND DELlvERED on behalf of the Prov nce oy an authonzed representative of the Province ( ' i». I L. ] (Signatu e of authorized Ministry Expense Author ty) I na Barber RINTED NAME of authonzed ep esenlative) Detect(»s Uz ' dayof SIGN A D D ELIVERED by or on behalf of the Contracto (or by a aut n zed signatory of the Contractor if a corporation) (Signature of Contractor or Authonzed S gnato y) R ck Pedersen (printed NAME of Contractor or author zed s gnatory) 20 ' I Dated this ~+ d ay of E i 20+I Nnsaoo contract Moc I cst c Ag ee e I CSNRFSB-No Page4 of b(frr-%i

132 Af(FP Contract Modification Agreement No. 11 MINISTRY CONTRACT)FILE NQ iAQIOBBE0038 PROJECT NAME Ai r Tanke Ser ices THIS MODIFICATION AGREEMENT dated fo«efe e ce Irlay BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QiJEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA rep caen(ed by the MINISTER OF FORESTS LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS PROVINCIAL WILDFIRE COORDINATION CENTRE 3080 AIRPORT ROAD KAMLOOPS, BRITISH COLUMBIA V28 7X2 Telephone Fax Address (250) ( 2 50) 554. na barberibgov bc ca 5468 Min stry Representative N n a Ba ber Alternate I I appl r aelej AND CONAIR GROIJP INC dhe'cont ecto ' yo " c yc ' asappi,cabl lallnefoil, ng dd ss 1510 TOWER STREET ABBOTSFORD, BRITISH COLUMBIA V2T 6H5 Telepi one (604) Fax Cont actor Represe tat ve R ck Pederse Co porate Business Numbe E ma I Add ess (604) reeds se (Bco air ca I NmkSafe BC No an d)or P OP No nl a A Tn e partes entered nto an Agreement dated for clarence Apnl 1' 2010, (hereinafter called the 'Agreement' ) 8 Th e Partes agree to arne d the Agreement as follows I F or the purpose of deployment to the Lower 48 when the M n stry options to Export the Conva r CV 580's ament Schedule F Fees lo read as follows 4. FLIGHT TIME CHARGES Fight Time Cha ges for each I ou of Fi gl I Tme and pro ated fo part hours are calculated at the hou ly Fly g Rate as follows Aircraft Type Hourly Flying Rate A r Tanker Conva r CV Tn s change s be ng made to accommodate the purchase and mo ament * pensee assoc ated the water meth adc Ives fo theco va t o d ffeie toperatngt aseslhro ghouttnelowe 48 c In as othe«aspects theagreeme I sco f ed D T ime is ofthe essence 8 s Moot'cato Ag cement The Partesd ly exec tati s Modricato Ag cement as follows SIGNED AND DELIVERED o behalf of ti e P ovi ce by an a Ihorzed eprespnlauve of)ne provnce (S natu e of a tho zed Ivl»s(Y Expense A tnontyi N Barbs t PRINT ED NAME of aulhonzed representatwe). ' " ',... ~ t;. 20 (' I SIGNED AND DELIVERED by o o bei elf of the Cont ecto (or bya a t, ohzedsgnatoryofthecontr*cto if a corporato ) I V. (S g atu e of Co I actor or Aulho zed S gnatory) R Pedersen (PRINTED NAME of Con(recto o au(to zed sgnalory) Dated th s day of 1 i, I CSNR FSS No P age t of l Page5 of 60FNR

133 AAgad Contract Modification ~ Mature( Resourc Sector Agreement No. 12 MINISTRY CONTRACT/FILE NO IAO1088E0038 PROJECT NAME A i r Tanker San ices THIS MODIFICATION AGREEMENT dated for reference February 25th, BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT QF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA represented by the MINISTER OF FORESTS LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS PROVINCIAL WILDFIRE COORDINATION CENTRE (tre pou cs" 'we' wr.orb r' appiaabl ) tlt I ll s gsdonns 3080 AIRPORT ROAD KAMLOOPS BRITISH COLUMBIA V28 7X2 Telephone Fax E-ma I Add ess (250) ( 250) 554 mna barber@goy ceca 5468 Mr stw Repress la(vs Iona Beater Alternate ( I appl cable) AND CONAIR GROUP INC tl e'cont t r 'you' o "yo r' Ipicabtel allo I II g a odrsss 1510 TOWER STREET ABBOTSFORD, BRITISH COLUMBIA V2T 6H5 Teieonone Fax E-ma I Address (604) (604) roedersentgcona ca Co I actor Representabve Ri ck Pedersen Corporate Business Number W odssfe BC No and i PO P No n i a A The pedes entered into an Agreernenl dated for refe ence Anni I' 2010, (neremafter ceiled the "Agreement' ) 8 The Parties agree as follows I A s perseclon Schedule D Fees.Seclon607 ( Othe l The Company w,ll p ov de smoke system sew ces on Birddog 134 (Turbo Comma de 690) fo Ihe emamder of lhe tern of the Contract A one bme fee of 310,000 ig be pa d lo Ihe Company c D In as other respects the Agreement s conf rmed t t me is of the essence n this Mod fication Agreement The panies duly execute th s Mod f cation Agreement as follows SIGNED AND DELIVERED on behalf of the Prov nce by an aulhonzed ep esentaave ofths prov nce SIGNED ND DELIVERED by o onbehatfoflhe Contrsclor(or by a a o nzed srgnatoiy ofthe Cont actor fa conlorat on) (SgnatureofauliorzedMnstw ExpenseA t o ty) N Bamei (PRINTED NAME o(authonzed representatvel Dated this I day of 20 (Sg alu e of Co I ecto o A tho zed Sgnatoryl R Pedemen fprin TED NAMj of Contract Qatertttss I day oi aulhonzed sgnaloy) 20 +l ivk tad lzodf sl Ag earns I CSNR.fSS HO Page loft Page6 of 60FNR B69

134 lilt l i im I Clil I i i i i l n Natura( Resource Sector Contract Modification Agreement No. 13 MINISTRY CONTRACT/FiLE NO /AO1088E0038 PROJECT NAME Ai r Tanker Services THIS MODIFICATION AGREEMENT dated for reference 4n day of February BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, represenled by lhe MINISTER OF FORESTS, LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS PROVINCIAL INILDFIRE COORDINATION CENTRE (the p ovnce" 'vm' 'us or "our" asappitcablelel thefcllowngaodmss 3080 AIRPORT ROAD, KAMLOOPS, BRITISH COLIJMBIA V28 7XZ Telephone Fax Address (250) ( 250) n ina barber@goy bc ca Mmistry Representative Idma Ba'be' AND CONAIR GROUP INC (the "Cont actor "yo, or "yo I as applicable) al tne loilowing address 1510 TOWER STREET ABBOTSFORD, BRITISH COLUMBIA V2T 6H5 Telephone Fax E.mail Address (604) (66 4) 957=9793 Contramor Representative R ckpedsrsew I.!,i., rtr, i Corporate 8 oness Number WorkSafe BC No an dlor P OP No A Th e Parties entered into an Ag cement dated for clarence I' day of Anni 2010, (here nafter called the "Agreement" ), 8 Th e Parties agree lo amend the Agreemenl as follows SCHEDULE A AVAILABILITY PERIOD ANO DESIGNATED BASE(S) FOR 2015 I 03 T he Availabibly Penod(s) and the A rcraft Designated Base(s) lor 2015 are as set oul in Schedule A-I Schedule A.1 A ailabil ty period and Designated Base(s) for 2015 AIRCRAFT AIRTANKER GROUP Group 4 Convex CV 580 (2) Rockwell Turbo Commander TC 690 Group I Conva r CV 580 (2) Rockwell Turbo Commander TC 690 Group 5 Lockheed L-188 C Citation CJ 525 Group 2 Air Tractor AT 802AF (4) ' Cessna C-208 Grand Ca a an 5)( AVAILABILITY PERIOD (Each of 123 days) May 4 lo Seplembet 3 Apnl 27 lo August 27 May 15 lo July 15 July 16 September 14 M ay 22 lo Septa be 21 Kamloops Williams Lake Fort Sl John Campbea Rwer Pentiudon DESIGNATED BASE NR3800 Co I d Mcd f sl o Agee e I CSNR-FSS No r 2013 Page I of 4 Page7 of 60FNR

135 CONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEMENT CONT)fr))JED SCHEDULE F FEES 3. AVAILABILITY CHARGES 3 01 An Availability Charge for the Aveleblllly Pened, lotegying nine million three hundred seventy.five thousand, seven hundred and ninety-etght )9,375,798.00) calculated as follows: a) Hea A ir Tanker Grou AIRCRAFT TYPE Lockheed L-1880 Enhanced Citation CJ 525 ¹ of AIRCRAFT AVAILABIUTY PERIOD Total Avadsbility Charge for Heavy Air Tanker Group DAILY RATE PER AIRCRAFT $9, $3, TOTAL $ $402, $1,605, b) Intermediate Air Tanker Grou AIRCRAFT TYPE Convair CV 580 Turbo Commander TC 690A ¹ of AIRCRAFT AVAILABILITY PERIOD Total per Intermediate Ar Tanker Group Number of Intermediate Air Tanker Groups DAILY RATE PER AIRCRAFT $9, $3, TOTAL $ $ $2,713, Total Availability Charge for Intermediate Air Tanker Groups $5,427, c L i ht AlrTanksrGrou AIRCRAFT TYPE Air Tractor 802A)r Cessna C.208 Grand Caravan FX ¹ of AVAtLASILITY AIRCRAFT PERIOD Total Availabgity Charge for Light Air Tanker Group DAILY RATE PER AIRCRAFT $3, $3, TOTAL $1, 864, $477, $2,342, T he Avegabglty Charge is payable in tive )5) equal lnstalments of one million eight hundred seventy-tive thousand, one hundred and fifty-nine dollars and sixty cents )$1,875,159.60) on May I', June I", July I", August la and september la in each Year of the Agreement Additional Availability Charges Ths Additional Availeb8ily charges for each day of Additional services for each Air Tanker Group is ss foaoww a) Hes Air Tanker Grou Aircraft Type lf *f AIRCRAFT Type Per 0 ou Air Tanks~ Lockheed L.188C Enhanced Sinldo Turbo Commender TC 690A Total AddiuonaiA ailabiiit c har e for Hea A i r Tanker Grou Additional Availabgity Cnarge Per A/C $3, $ NRsacc coniiact Mcdiscaacn As cement CSNR-FSS-No Page 2 ofc Page8 of 60FNR

136 CONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEMENT CONTINUED b) intermediate A r Tanker Grou Al/craft Type Air 7anker Convair CV580 Birddo Turbo Commender TC 690A Total Addhionsl Avabsbihly Charge for Irrtermsdlats Air Tanker G oup ii ol AIRCRAFT Type Psr 0 o Add/bonar Avagabhlty Charge Per /VC $9 3960D $ $ D c) Li hi As Tanker Grou Aircraft Type Air Tanker Birddo /ur Tractor 802AF Cessna C-208 Grand Caravan EX Total Additional Availabdi C ha e f or Li ht Air Tanker Grou eof AIRCRAFT Type Per G/oii Additional Avaliabglty Charge Per A/C $379DOO $ $ Extra Services Charges (Gplional Addkonai/urcrafl) The avai/ability charges for each day of exlra semces and Flight Tme 9owr are as shown for the fotlowing addklonai Aircraft Aircraft Type Convair CV 580 CJ 525 RJ 85 Air Tractor BD2 - wheels Air Tractor802- A m hib Aerostar PA 60 Turbo Commander Tc 690A Caravan C2088 Daily Availability Charge Per Aimraft in the extra svabsbgit c r ied $11,898 00/da $ /da $ /da $ /da $ /da $ /de $ /ds $ /de Flying Rate for each hour of Fgght Time n the extra avagabilitlgenod $2 'l47 00/hr $1.2D4 00/hr $ /hr $ /hr $1.65D 00/hr $495 DO/hr $728.DO/h( $495 DO/hr 4 FLIGHT TIME CHARGES 4 01 Flight Time Charges for each houi of Flight Time and prorated for part hours are calculated al the hourly Fly/ng Rale as follows Air Tanker Ar Tanker A r Tanker Birddog Birddog 8/rddog Aircraft Type Lockheed L-188C enhanced Convair CVSBD Air Tractor 802AF Turbo Commander TC 890A Cessna C-208 Grand Caravan EX Citation CJ 525 Hoody Flying Rate $3, $1, $1, $ $1,284 $968.DO NR9600 Conlrsd Moc assi on Agreement C9NR-Fss- Nov Page 3 oft Page9 of 60FNR

137 C ONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM E N T DON TINUED L r. ti e upe «V St,arnv 'lioi;g Cur C I ' CC; n.cd 0 I e v ui i h e ss a a, Ir, s l l od f v t» 1ge n e I SIGNED AND DELIVERED vn benalt or me o nn ed c p a at t tv " o, r. e» nc o y a i SIGNED AND DELIVERED byo on behalfofvro u I actor o ty a, ul t o t d g netoyo f b r I nn la clo f a ce poatu I N o Gabe rpnini I-II NAOII' Ot a InO»avd Vbreae 1st I, i,v in s I ID"k.'a t o u r sf,sg a: e o i C Iv u l o r «u d N un atvi l R cs Peda sen.,r GIN lb 0 I ALIE ot C onl aclo u v '.tv y cd sad glory) SN' ISS N Sot s Page I \ I Page10 of 60PNRc

138 ultl list I C(ii ti vlt/i t Natural Resource Sector Contract Modification Agreement No. 14 MINISTRY CONTRACT/Fg E NO /AO1088E0038 PROJECT NAME Ai r Tanker Services THIS MODIFICATION AGREEMENT dated for reference I ln of March BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA represented by Ihe MINISTER OF FORESTS, LANDS AND NATLIRAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS PROVINCIAL WILDFIRE COORDINATION CENTRE Ithe Pro nce 'Wdt s" or "our" asaoplcablelattnefoaowngaddrass 3080 AIRPORT ROAD, KAMLOO PS, BRITISH COLUMBIA V2B 7X2 Telephone Fax E ma I Addiess (250) (2 50) dave marektbgov bc ca Min stry Representaave Dav e Marek AND CQNAIR GROUP INC ttie "Co tractom 'you.o 'your asspplcabielatthefoilo 1510 TOWER STREET ABBOTSFORD. BRITISH COLUMBIA V2T 6H5 Telephone (604) Fax Contractor Representative J«B e'iy Corporate Business Number WorkSafe BC No an d/or P QP No gadd ass Address (604) Ibe //ytl cona//ca A Th e Parties entered into an Agreement dated for reference la day of Apnl. 2010, (heremafter called the "Agreement" ) 8 Th e Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows SCHEDULE A AVAILABILITY PERIOD AND DESIGNATED BASE(S) FOR T he Availability Penod(s) and the Aircraft Desigr ated Base(s) for 2016 are as set out in ScheduleA-1 AIRCRAFT AIRTANKER GROUP Group 4 Convair CV 580 (2) Rockwell Turbo Commander TC 690 Group I Convair CV 580 (2) Rockwell Turbo Commander TC 690 Group 5 LocKheed L Citation CJ 525 Group 2 Air Tractor AT 802AF (4) Cessna Grand Caravan EX Schedule A-I Availability Period and Designated Base(s) for 2016 AVAILABILITY PERIOD (Each of 123 days) May 30 to September 29 May 7 lo September 6 May 2 to September I May 7 to September 6 Kamloops Penticton Fort St John Castlegar DESIGNATED BASE NRs600 contract Mod f cavo Agree e t CSNR.FSB- No Page11 offti II+~( )

139 CONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEMENT CONTINUED SCHEDULE 0 FEE SCHEDULE 3. AVAILABILITY CHARGES 3.01 An Availability Charge for the Availability Penod, totagying nine million five hundred ninety-one thousand, one hundred and seventymne dollars ($9,591,171.00) calculated as fo0ows: a) Hea Air Tanker Grou AIRCRAFT TYPE Lockheed L-188C Enhanced Citation CJ 525 ¹ of AVAILABILITY AIRCRAFT PERIOD Total Availability Charge for Heavy Air Tanker Group DAILY RATE PER AIRCRAFT $ $3, TOTAL $1,231, $41 1, $1,642, b) Intermediate Air Tanker Grou AIRCRAFT TYPE Convair CV 580 1urbo Commander TC 690A ¹ of AIRCRAFT AVAILABILITY PERIOD Total per Intermediate Air Tanker Group Number of Intermediate Arr Tanker Groups DAILY RATE PER AIRCRAFT $9, $3, TOTAL $2,364, $411, $2,775, Total Availability Charge for Intermediate Air Tanker Groups $5,551, c Li ht Air Tanker Grou AIRCRAFT TYPE Air Tractor 802AF Cessna C-208 Grand Caravan EX ¹ of AVAILABILliY AIRCRAFT PERIOD Total Availability Charge for Light Air Tanker Group DAILY RATE PER AIRCRAFT $3, $3, TOTAL $1,907, $488, $2,396, The Avagabgity Charge is payable in five (5) equal instalments of one million nine hundred eighteen thousand, two hundred and thirty-four dollars and twenty sents ($1,918,234.20) on May 1", June I", July 1", August 1" and September 1n in each Year of the Agreemenl 3.03 Additional Availability Charges The Additional Availability Charges for each day of Addibonal Services for each Air Tanker Group is as follows a) Hea A ir Tanker Grou Aircraft Type Air Tanker Binldo Lockheed I.-IBBC Enhanced Turbo Commander TC 690A Total Additional Availsbili C h a e for Hea Ai r Tanker Gros It of AIRCRAFT Type Per Grou Additional Availability Charge Per A/C $ $ $13, Nnsscil contrad Ivicoificaticn Agreement CSNR FSB - Nov 7, 2ois Page12 of SI)0((IIC

140 C ONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM E NT CONTINUED b) Intermediate Air Tanker Grou Aircraft Type Air Tanker Convatr CV580 Blnldo Turbo Commander TC 69DA Total Additional Availability Charge for Intermediate Air Tanker Group S of AIRCRAFT Type Per Grou Additional Avagability Charge Per A/C $ $3,345.0D $22, c) Lr ht Air Tanker Grou Aircraft Type Arr Tanker Air Trader 802AF Birddo Cessna C-208 Grand Caravan EX Total Additional Availabili Cha e for Li ht Air Tanker Grou sot AIRCRAFT Type Per GroII Additional Availability Charge Per A/0 $ $3, $ Extra Services - Charges IOpttonal Additional Aircraft). The availability charges for each day of extra services and Flight Time flown are as shown for the fogowmg additional Aircraft AireraR Type CV RJ85 AT802 AT802 Am htb PA60 TC690 C-208 Datly Avagability Charge Per Aircraft in the extra availabili cr ied $12 493/de $4,868/de $21,897/da $5.671/da $7,088/da $2,983/da $5 612/de $4 793/da Flying Rate for each hour of Flight Time in the extra availabili eri od $2 254/hr M 204mr $7 117/hr $1,216/hr $1. 733/hr $519mr $765mr $519mr 4. FLIGHT TIME CHARGES 4.01 Flight Time Charges for each hour of Flight Time and prorated for part hours are calculated al the hourly Flying Rate as follows Air Tanker Atr Tanker Air Tanker 6//ddog Btrddog Birddog Aircraft Type Lockheed L-1880 enhanced Convair CV580 Atr Tractor 802AF Turbo Commander TC 690A Cessna C-208 Grand Caravan EX Citation CJ 525 Hourly Flying Rate $3,t!57 00 $1, $1, $ $1,293 $ C D In ag other respects, the Agreement is conlirmed Ti me is of the essence tn this Modtficabon Agreement NRS600 Contract Mcdificaeon Agreement CSNR-FSB Nov 7, 2013 Page13 of 68)FIXIT-2I)

141 CONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM E NT CONTINUED The name[ rdut)fy e cute this Modification Agreemenl as follows SIGNED D, IV IERED on behalf of the Provmce by an author(fed re pn g t r o f the prov nce (Signatu a onz ed Ministry Expense Authonty) Dave Marek (PRINTED NAME of authonzed representative) Dated this ~t day of SIGNED AND DELIVERED by or on behalf of the Contractor (or by an authomed signatory of)he Contractor f a corporation) X/ J Z/ I. Cim / //~./' (S gnatdre of Contra tor o,author zed Signatory) c Jenv)er z (PRINTED NAME ot Contractor or authofized signatory) 20~ Dated this "/ day of / / / I zo/( NRS000 Cont act Modifcsto Ag ee e t CSNR FSB No 7, 2013 Page14 of Sl) PIIIR-2Itt

142 A I R( 'l(a F'I' (yl'h if (Vf' fo>n S AC; fql: I'.>Vf L'iN I' Ii>'I I Is\ I ( OI <t)nii '< i)hxistrv OF I>ORESTS AiND RAiNGL' Agreen>eni Non AOIOgltb003H File Reference: l( C ON B Pi'(>J('cr: Aii I )iikei Sei)ice I HIS A( ' R l l lliyh int made <m thc tir t (lay of' A~»>l 2010 BETSVL'EN: HLR MAJI Sl Y I HE GUEEN IN RKiH'I Ot THF PROVIN('I. OI HRI I ISI( COI UMHIA YVfldfire i3lana ament Branch BC Irorcst Service (he>eu>atier celled the "iye" o> "Ptovuice") nt thc ('ollr«vmg arl<lre 3080 Airport Road 1(nn>loops, British C'ohuubia V2B 7X2 Telephone No: it»l( F:m No: Iilinistry Represeutative: Sieve Neiisoii L'maih steve ne(i)on'u» ov bc ca (heiemaftei called the "Ymi' oi '('ompany") At the I< llo)vmg arlrl<vss; 1510 I'o»er Stree> Abbotsford BC V2T 6114 Telephone Noi Fas No: L'-maih rpedersen(oqcu>u>ir.ca YVHEREAS; A. The Company >s duly l>censed io operate and p>ov>de the A)rciaft. Specu<lty Fqilipiiiciii alltl Services as spec>fied >i> ilus Agreernei>t, B. I h e P>ovu>ce >equnes the sa>d Airc<ag, Spec>nlty Equipment and Sets>ces for use m the M>rnstry of Furcate m»l R,ingc, (Vddfi>c Ivlanagcmau Branch, other Govcrrm>ent of B<>t>sh Columbia Prog>an>s md <ithei agenc>es under ag<eemer>t <v>th the P>ov>ncs, C. On t he basi~ ut' the Comp,tny's submission date(i Sop>anbm 28, 20tl9 <n iesponse to <lie P>ovirice's Reqnest for P<oposals , rite Province has ag>eed to >cia>ri ihe Con>pmiy lo piov<de the A>rciati, Speaaity Pqu<prnenr m>d Se>v>ces for the purpose of' the control ol' ivildti>es, mirl D. Th c Conq)any hasabsurd to provide such Airaaf>, Spec>al>y Mluq)ment and Services ro the Provutce. ACCORDING I.Y, th» parr>es ab» ee as folio<vs 1. DEF I NITIOiNS 1.01 In t ins agreement, unless the context othe»»ac requues sl "Add>t<onal berv>ces" means Sei vices iequesled by thc Pinvince, du><ng the Tem> but excludrr>g Ihe Avmlob>hty Pei iod, to be p<ovided by the Company in acco>dance w>ih the te>ms of tlus Absr.mcni,md «oh in Hr>iish C'ol rnbia )vhcic thc C'amp uiy can rcns<mahly make the Ancratl, Special>ty Equqm>ent aiui I'eisonnel available fo< such Sermces, bl "Aumati" means any o> all sucraf't, de cnbed in Schedule 0 cove>ed by tl»s Ac»cement <nclud>r>g Replacement A>rc>ati; o> Sp ne Ai<asf't, A mr)ft Opaai)on. Aat anent Ameemc a a AOltlg»1.0(>3H ( i l iili G le li) Ii>C I(ge i Page15 of 60PNR

143 u) ei Ai.nlabilkty I'etio<i' mc m t h c :nmnal pe»orl i(mme o alenrloi v m., i ct out m Schedule A nl<ei t h e A u ct,<li, St«malty I.quq)ment anti Vc<snru<el,uc rc)d<ly si,nlahle to pi oii<ic thc Xc» i c unde< tins AN<et«eat, 'B(' I'oic t Su «ice I.nc Bomlnn" Procedures" mcnn t he Brit) h ( 'nlumlna ltne Bnmbu<g Procc<luic. c icatc<l mxl m <in<,<inc<i by t h e P i n) mce. «uilnnng tire Pir)vince's t iainui requncments m«lope<«<ion,<i pnlic<ev anti tune <luics m relation tn as»al Rr gglumg, "Built <3«rA(<< casa" mean) any iciest oi rung l anrl occupierl bl h onse) t railers, mob)lc luimcx, out( rnldmas or oilier iiim<niade am<ctrees thai,<re bcmg tin atcncrl by, me arliacent to, nr a<e nirlnn the brxmrlmics nf, a \V<ldtire, "Des<"n<tcrl Base" means thc npcistmnal lxsse <o «loci) tire An i, ifl <s a s<gncrl accntdnig to hcbe<lule A, h) I m t s mr<i Range; rhe Duectn<, I'<orect<on Viogrmn, and mch nthct Ivlnnst)y employees as rite Assis<nut Deputy Mmivicr, Op» atmns ot the Dnectot, P<otcctinn Vtog<am nmy mr<ho< ize, "hat<a Services" <neon. Services ic pres<cd by the pinvmce. during the fa m, to bc provided by <hr: (.'nmpany in accoidance with the tenn< of' tins Ah«con<en< and «<tluii l3»tish Columb<n «herc thc ('ompany can <e«snnably make Sp<r >Micratl anrl Pmsnnnel available for such Se<iicc ; "I~«<)<over»eius" m an any vclncle, equi(mien< o) othe> marunade )i<uctui that i) nccupymg fur cvr oi <ange lands bemg tlueateue<l by, a<lmccnt tn. or inn the bnundanes ot; a \Vdrlf<rc; "Mmntenancc Manuals' means tire Cornpu«' s Transport (.'anada,ipproved Mam<err<i<i< ('<intrnl anti Mamtenance Procedutes Mmnrals detailmg rhe alicraft operated by the au cai»er, the mmnrenance crrimia, proccdmes and schedule to< each auciaft aorl rhc pcr onriel responsible for mamreuarice, irispccu<m and quality conu ol, "Ivluuster" nicene tire Muusrci of Foresrs and Range nr lns Designated Repre cntat<ve, "M~bnstr " n icaea tire Ivl<n<srry of Forests mirl Range. Prnvmr:e of Bt nisi< Cnlumbra, mi nl o) ill al ('omp iny'x npeiatmg piocedutex and umludcs an> amen<lmcnts tn the smne as iequned by laiv, 'Vioposal" means the (.ompany's submined response to RFP I "03'P' mcaris Request Por Proposal Ibr Ai< Ianke< Service. for 3V<hltiic Management, "Services ** means tire se»lees prov<dog hy the Comp)ny to the Vrovurcc dcsm<be<l in Schedule (2 "Spare Aire<nit" n<eans any of tire Company' iirm«0 meetmg tire Anciaft sr)<i Speciahty Equ)pmenr spccilicarronx as set out io Appendix 2 to Schedule B or ov aha cad by rhe pm tres, tl)«r the Company <s iv<lling lo rnok' avagable on tlie Provu<ce's request to p<ovlrlc I'xr ia Services urulei thc tenne and corul<tions of tlus AS< ecmr:nt, ries»<bc<i m Schmlulc, and any other such equ<pmcnt approved by the Mmister fot use <n pin«id)rig tlic Services, Spill Plan" memis Ih' ('nmpany's conlingcnci plan lo deal imth pe.tlc<d spill~, acm<lerus or <msapplrcatron, dr:ieloperl ro scca<dane w ith thc spec<ticatmns ru tlus AS<centaur. "'I'e<m' means tire penod des»<li d u i tl u A D ccmmit anrl teptesenis the petinrl ivluch tin Agiccmcnt m<d tts Scl)edules cnnt<m)e in cff: ct ; iic<i«lmg tr) <hc < )ms. uicludmg any cx<cnsinii «fit)' ( greco<cot< \ n mft O V, t,) ccn m t cnt r' AOI ORSEU030 P)ge 2 ot «r (onan (ir Paga16 of 60FNR

144 ' 'iy>klg>c" "T»amns ivmrmusl' mcu> tl>r: C nqmni ' 7 n nspoit (hum<ha nppioveil toiumem detailmg thc ll>ght cien m>te)» p>nce<lu>c,uul c h <lulu< anil m lurlc any amendments tn the same,>. icq<med hy lrmv mean) *in unpin>med ti>e oi mn»ng o n l ure)l u > r mg' l i nd, burnmg fo i st vegetar<on, Sn i, hinvh, )»ub. pc nlamls o». Ne c»hcd ti>e set arnis< a bunnog perrmt»inch. m the iudgn>en> ot ) f oiesr ugii cr tluca«n. t pread I cy<md rhe mea aurtioiirc<l foi rb,n but>iti>n and x) "Year' means tt>e means tl>e 12 month pennd tium Ap>il I of'a calcmla< yen< to Ma<vh 31 ot' thc nest calendat yea>, u>ciusiic ot'br>th date. 2. A PP OINTiglE IT, 1 ER<VI AiND SEBVIC'ES 201 'I he P>ovt>tce >clan>i th ' ( un>puny >t> p>>v>rlc the Se>ii ' es >t> acco»lance ii>th tius Agni'L'n>cnl tegardlcss of tbe date tt>e I'a>t>es eve»>tc o> Icliici tlus Agi cement. 202 I' he ( ompany ivdl p>m<de the Se>v>ces dunng the Aimlab<lity Pcimrl diu>t>g each Year of these)en year T mi that commences Ap»l I, 201(l and ends on Ma>ch 31, 2017 anrl du> ing any cxtcr>s>on to thc Tenn toads pn>'su;int to 1>r>»graph 2 t<5 unless tins Ag>cement tennn>ates scone> fnasu)t>t ti) parabuaph 10 m>rl/o> pm.ig»qih I I 2 03 I' he ('nmpany slmll p<ov>de the Se>vices urxicr tins Ag>cement durm each Ava>lab>lily Pe»nd u> each Year ot' thc I'er>n )nd m>y extension ot'the I arm 2 09 T h e pa»>es may ag>ee to extend the I'em> by a n>avunuu> ot' tt>ree Yeai, i «h ex<»> ron ot'nn les) than one Yea< u> lcngtl>, 2 05 If the Pa>nes agree to exter>d the Term of this Abnccn>ent f'o> up to three (31 add>t>onal Years, tbe Tenn iv>l I end on M)rch 31, 2018, 2019 or 2020 as ag> eed II ' thc Prov<r>ce iv>sbes to enter into an ag>een>etn(si ii>th thc Cooq)any ro cxtr:nd the l e>m, the Provtncc ivill pim <dc «t>ttcr> nnt>ce ot'each exrension on or bef'o>e Srq>tcmber I f ) bc Pmtie abncc to cxtenrl the Tcim, <miss the Pa>t>es othe»v>se ag>ee >r> ivii>ing;md subtcct to sub pa>agrapb 2 05 thc terms mrl m>nili<ions ot'tins Agrceruent m ct'i'ect as at the m>d of the I'ein> an I any exter>s>ons <vill apply du»r>g any subsequent eaten i<m. 2 Ug 3 Ve g>vc you nn ass>nances, expressed or m>pherl tt>at ive <vill iviih tn extend tins Agr earns>» beyonrl thc Icon 20 9 r( n y e xtens>on et the Tcrrn pursuant to pa<ag>aph 2.05 docs not pievent the P<nvmr:c finm eve>cismg >ts nghti to tenn>oatc tlus Ag>eernent pui suant to paiagraph I I. 3. F EES AiXD EXPENSES > considc>at>on of the Company p>uviihng lhc Scrv<ccc, the Province ivdl pay to tl>e ('ompany fees and expenses >n the amounts and iu thc manner set out m Schcrlulc D plus at>y apphcabie taxes 'I'he sun>s desc»bed u> section 3 tll const>tute the maxmnm> amounts payahlc to thc Con>pany I' or >ts pe> Ibrnu>ncc ol' thc Scrv>ccs and the Cnnqx)ny iv>ll not be ent>tied to any irlrtn>onal compensation for >ts pe>fo>mmtic ivt>cthcr nr r>ot tbe ivork nctually undct taken by the Company >s descnhcd m tt>e Anrecmcnt 3 03 Not i vubstan<1>ng any nther p>ov>s>on of tl>e Agneau>cn>, th payment ot money by the P>ovu>ce tn the Coml»my under tlus Ag>een>en< > subiect to ai <hr:«h mng sufgic>ent momes available >n an app>op»at>nn, )s rleflned in t h I' i i irinciid vldmini»ni/ir>rr f cr, to enable >l>c Pinimcc, m any tlscal yem n> pa>t tbe>eot' )vlmn any payn>eut of mo>u:y l>y ihr: Prnvuice to th ( o nqinny lalls due under tins Ag>een>ent to >nake tl>at payment: and i «. n Op ra> n Ag<eemem Amecmem <i AOILqgp003I3 P: "e.i ot )r Paget 7 of 60FNR-20t

145 b) I t v iunv Bomrl s <I lined m the frimweiaf I d miniitrarirm; f <r. nrn havmg «n t i 0 <I r» limnerl eilmnrlitni n nrier,u>y,qqiiopim<n«i ictcrred to n>.ubsection «) ot <)us sccnnn 3 01 f he P<ui inc ceit>ties that thc H pm<>,m(l'u i crvi(cs <udmc<l anrl puiclmserl ur«lei i)us Agoeemcnt me for tlic uie 0 and me being pu<cha ed by, the Provmcc iv>th ('ion n tun<i nn l,nc the>ef'n<e nut N>i ct rn <he (muili nnd Seriicei I,ii 4. ICL'P)LhSL'iVTAT)OiV!i ANI) SYARRANT)L'S Ol' I ' HL' COiYlPAiVY d Ol Th e Cimipany represents anrl ivsiianii in the P>ovmce timr ther:ompany a) hn lds all permits. hceusc, (ertifirvit I, con m<tm,>ml othe< authouzat<oas Issued by any fedci,il. provinc>al nr mimic<pal government. o> agency of any ot' then>. that mc ic<iunerl to be t>el<i by tire Cool)IC«v, «1 'nonce<lou ivlth the oper lirm of tire Comp u<y it ihc cnnuncnccment ot' ilui Aglccnli'.nt, i«ill ploi «le ond mmotaui ot «ll Imici i ul tiacnr ui med stat<, tiacthttes, ma<coals. <ppiop»ate equtfitnent rmd app>oved sui> contract<mt ag>eemcnts in place and evadable to snit>le >t to fiilly pmfmm thc Services and meet the ('nmpiny's ubli ations nndei tlus Agiccmr nt. c) iv<ll not act ns o seri ani, cnqiloyec. o< ogent of<he P>nvmce or the Mirniter aod d) no t, >n any n>anne< ivhntior ier commit or propose to comnnt the Province m the hluustcr to tire payment ot'any mnncy to any pe>son except ai contenqiiated by tin. Aeicement 4.02 If i equeitcd by the Pioiui(e to cony our senal spray opr:rations, the ComHmy con<inn< rhar they oie famihnr iv>rti, aod unrlerstond and shot) con<ply imth all federal anrl ptovincinl fmii. i cpular<ons. pohc>es. proceriures ond iten<)md( apphcablc to cauyms out a pesrtctde t<ppllcatlon «<el (lnlv a) t he Mareuol Safety Dare Sheers to> thc pr:incide being used; b) p>nrnron>egulartortsasapp>upoare: c) e very prese»puon applicible to the spmy (ones, ar>d <I) applicable piovti<nns ot' Pest<et<le Coattnl Act and Reguhrttons; ond, ii. Tmnq«iiist>nn ot Dangerous ()nods Act and Regulat<oni. (. CO YE N A VTS OF THF. COig)PAiVY 5 0 I T li c Cinnp'lily i«ill st bl o bse>ve, pc<form ar>d comply ivtth all of iis obligations under tlus Agreement, p m foun the Setvtces m a s <fc arul gnorl ivorker like manner to tbe satrsfacuon of the Mnust<y m accordance iv<th lhe Coinpany s i>mrung I fsnunl and the Opeiations Manual, c) e q uip, operate and ma>ntatn the Aumaft m acconbnce iv<th all rcqutremer>ts nt Car>argon m>d Biuish('nlumb>a lmvs and regul it>ons, fl comply ivttt> nil Ihc it mda>di, piactices, pioceduies and spar tlii >tion sct out in lhe ('ompmiy'i Iranspon Canada approved Opeiarimis fvfanual, mid rhose set nut m rbe l m nspoir C ma<li approved Moutten >ncc Manuals u> cor>duclmg all A>r mali momrcnunc,. e> v>cc, iepan, orerf<aul, res<, ring<ore ar«l monunin rhc Aumati In a sate an(i anivoirby state nf I pair ot oil tunes n1 tcctu()nice Ivltll tire nl'itn<factnlcl s fccoinnl('n(lett n1<inncnnlcc plo(teals ar«l thr: Compan) I v latntenance ivlornuls, In the sit<sf'<erron of <he fvlmtste<. s ecure anil maunau»o good tnndmg all necessary approvals and cen<ficate i f'nr rtie Auc>nfr, Sci vices rmd Specialty L'rpupmenr rlc cubed In tin A bnccmeiii, A I 'Iaitt Itp, I Ag e e rie<i Am ernie< s AO)088))00:IB ( mn ( o <ph1' p. e< < <i Paga18 of 60PNR

146 8) m) k e Ihc ( 'ompm) ' c r )peiatmnc ihlarnral, Ma<rue«one b l am»is an(i nrhei u ii i k i annii,ii irk)hi ' Iti Ilir'. hliiii I 'i uimii re(i(re hl cn <i di i t di ' A i ct:itt a)rid qii r.i,iii) I qi<ip)1)crit 0 inplicc ivilh,ilr mair<it,i «<tore crit)gilds nuit I'age<a))pin)mani regrda«ons prmr to the commencetnerrt ot tbe Seri <co«. cmce the neces)mi re)tnig ro c<«itirm the peri'ormmce of rhe lire bombmg rank, des)pnme 0 Iliyht s)l'ely ottii a <rom the ( ompany's pe)sonnet. ki a) inu nn pdnr tn tly the Ancratr tn pro»de the Setvrcec pursuant to rins Ag<eemenr, ntrhnur i)<it ) i ;it)pi«is)i of dic hit<i<sic<, ensure riuir aii A u i r:ili m u riteoance is peri'ormed by a f'uiiy qiuriiti <I mui i«a i a i A n crati Ivlmnrcnancc I ngmca (A'vtl ) ivho <I not rhe An a aft print, ml b e respnns<hie t'oi )ii et»tees, costs mid expenses mciud<ng but nor luu<ted ro co~ts ot'anctaft iubtic mt,,)rid anpor< costs ncccccaiy Iiu riie cf'lic<cn< operation n t' tire Ana ott ond Speaaity Sqrrrlmrcnr ie<pmed for the pcrfornvarice <ii'rhc Service unrict tin) Abc rn n<, «nice) n<hciiv<ce spec<cied tn tius Agreement, n) b e iesponsible foi emnoiuuentai cieari up associated ivith its oivn npaatinnc, ) iii ; itkiit< )ii u dic ileitis intr< )11<c(i i<i dii A i',i'vcr))crit, aii(t cxcep< ac defined m Schedule D, be rccpnncrbic I'oi aii et)mr expcncec connected imth die Company'c opeiau<m. pt rar nn ihly cnoi«<ntc n ith thc Province m) i,my n<hcr pcr mi. pr(«rrinig Services tn the PI0vll<C(", grat«to the Pinvrncc, itc act(ants, enipioyees and agemc access to the tee)once) mauitenonce mid Ibght rccn«ic nf tiie Dnmpany recpectoig the Services at aii <easonab)e tin<as for the grit)ir)cc tit «ic)1(et<«i)s, baunt to tim Provmcc, ii a «ants, employe c and agent. tbc nght to uicpect thc Aire<or) anrl Speciaity kqmpmcnl, cany on bus<riess <n a piofesstonai rnamier to accotdmice ivrtir genetoiiy accepted husuiess p»ocip)es; mid t) en cuic the< tiie rcprcsciita«nnc and ivarrmi<rec m cect<nnq arc tiue miri cn«ect 0< 0)) limesduring the term of'tiic Ap eement iriri provide evnience to that either to the Pioiincc nn i«i«en iequccr ol Ihe Mmi tei 6. COV L'NAN'I S Op TI)1'1 PROVIN(:L' 6 0) I he P<ovmce iv<l), ar <rs oim exparse, prov«ie tire foiioivnig: a) avm<ion tire) i' or Ihe Anaati, Imrdmg and navigation fees (as )pphcabie) necessary or 1' the ('ooipany to pertbi in the Services, except )s othe<«vise prov«led, 8) rc ia«iani an<i iiurm mair i)alc, an(i <tic in«ling facihticc compir tc iv)th aii nccccsa<y equrprne<it anri perconnc), c) tb g iit and maintenance creiv itvrng expenses ivhen tiie Aircraft and cieivs a)e icqiiiicd iiy thc ivimistei to be onay tinm the Des<gita<ed ))asc ovemigl«if Ihc expenses baie not otiieiivisc been prot<le<i by the Ministry. Such expenses 0< prnvirlerl accommnriat<nn to be at a standatd eqmvaicnt tn that pinvidcd to th Pinv<ncc'c staff m at rates as cct out m Schednie D, d) an crati rnauite<umce area, <nciurlmg supply «I' <vere< an<i ciccnicity i vhcrr: cuch fair))rice cii)tv)id)' cats<, e) s u itable tire tigiiriiie equrprnenr ar tire retardant )oad<ng, mauiteriance and retiieiim «t c c ac agiccd upon b) rh p u ucc ami tn accnr<lmice ivnh the appircabie <eaularrons, A a f t»pc< 100 Am r ni Ak ccm < V A(i i nxkhltl! )I ( 0 is i)' (. I 0110 I i c ) t ') 0 Page19 of 60FNRi

147 I') umputm»cd access to >he ivlnust»'s ancmft anil is ouice 0 )u>>cli x I m. l ui talilc aicsm>d t>c<l>t>es tut teen«l le»mrs. arlmnustmt<ie ui k on<i u >c stomgc Ini t ml anil <pnpmcnt duimg thc Availaluhty Pciintl. lt) t a ct)itic t(11 0>'ht mt lm mttculn ' tcn l est. mr<rig )1ctsotti) i>) >c>leo<i(lie ( in>trot>. tli ht aml ma nte rance >en rne,tls an<i <xfi 'ICI>1>IV. 1>ttl lnnin< rluru>g pe(md( nt aux»mad tire tight>>> appinp<iate yyotkgafe and I'tm>sport «snarls >equned ra>up sati ly l <nprnent,mrl facihtic 7. I Ng f ' RANf'g AND)<VRFih)VITV 7 UI TU C C(>trill>illy 1'(ill ollt'tlo it>it) «1a>11>at>1 t>1 fo>ce dirt>rig tlte IC<u1 11> s>1>a>ice (it> tire to<mls. ><tel<it)trig tiimi.,nn<»mts, anrl de<lucliblcs, oul)meri in Schedule L, as those te>mx may change lium imic tn I > I>t ' 1>1 (ICCCI I <11 v iv11)1 (1>11' tl >I CCI>ot> vs 7 02 I t >e I:ompauy ii>li >r>demml'y mid save ltxnnless the Pmvnwc anrl th M u nste> trnm and >eau>st all clmn>x, demon<la, losses, damaaes, costs and expenses ma<le agauist o< mcut>crl, xu)tcicd or u, t nricrl by thc Prov>nce and the Minister or e>ther of'rhem at mty tuue ur nm x <ivhethe> bet<ac or al'rci tcnnm i<ion of >lux Agreement) xvhe>e. the.arnr: or any ot'ihetn are based upon ot ar>se out of anvtlung dm>e ot onurred to be done by the 0'ompany nr hy mtv cmploycru ut'liccr, suhcontt acro<, n> agent ot' iiu t ' nmpany puisimrir to rliis Agieement, excepnng as aliva) ) mhihrv misuig nut of the m<lqicn<lenr neghgmtt acts of the Province oi rite M>mate> 70 3 Nvt xi>rhs>on(ling scciion thc Pmv<ncc will mdernrnfy and save harmless rite Cotnpany, trs penu<tteil xuhconriactor and the>r >especr>ve agents, mvanr. aiul cntployees tiom and aga>rtsr any and all l>ab>l>ty or bod>ly u>j<ay or damage to nnp>ovement <Incct)y or nulncctly cm<sed by, a»smg from nt result>ng t'rom tl>e d>npputg nf ti>e rctatdartts, wate>, >barn,in<i uther tire cnnt>ol chemicals art<i pe<trades tiorn ut Ai r I 'ankcr by rite I'nmpany ot arty of irs penmtred subcont>actois, rhmr tespectxve nger>rs, xetvanrs oi cniployees under tlus Agreemcnr m thc vtcmtty ol' improvements or Bu>lt up Areas xvhere sue)i acrxons are a) c anted out ar rhe du'ection nt'rhe Mnnstei, 0) a r e, tn the opuuon ot'rhc Mmxstet, consxde<ed to be essential to tlte control o! 3V>)()>bc(, aml(nr ttt r 'I 1><IC(la>tilt>, arid c) 1>ot >1cgltf'(titty)>or)or>nor) hy tltr: f (iittp >try. 70 q T hc ComNmy will coopc>etc iv>tb the P<ovmcc anrl it coun(s) m m>y >meat>gationx, sett)en>ents m><l iutl>cml detenn>nat>on of any c) imx ma<le agamst thc l' im mce, the Mum>sr n< the Company <clat>og duectly or utdnectiy to t)us Agreentent and iv>ll use its best cff'on m cnuse >ts employecx. ottice>c sub-cnntracto>s and agents to be sun>larly bout>d 7.01 T he Cornlxmy ix solely ie<pnnxdile for any o f its nu>tm>a) or eqn>pment sto>c(l at any of the P>ovuice's foci)it>es nnil >elcaxcx lhc Provinc f>nm my halnlity associ >lerlivith such stomge g. Agg )C>V>»FNTA>Vngfq)CONTRA«TIN«8 0 ) 'Ihe t.'ompany w>ll not ass>g» this Aboc ment, no< subcnnt>act any of nx ubhaat>ons urule> tlu( Arneen>ent to ar>y pe>sor>, lirm, or coipo>at>on iv>thout the pnn> <(am n cnnsmit nt the Piovmce 8 02 If thc Company does as»gn tins Ag>cement (o> any pan of >t), n< >f the Company r)ocx xubconuact any ot n. CI>liga<iurts imrlm tl>m Agieement, ivhethe> o> noi sur:h ass>bun»cot or sulicont<actu>g i lone accordutg ro the Ag>cement. tlwn th f ' ompanv will lie tidly respnns>blc fo> tl>e acrx mi(l om>ss>nns of' >ts ossmnee. and snbcontta tora (anil then >c pectivc cmpluyccx m>d agents),.<nd no xgreernenr enre>erl >nro by rhe Company iv>th an o» >iu>cc or a sulmonr>actnt ivill mqio e any Ag ' nants AO)txcght)ttIH pav a ot tt Page20 of 60PNR

148 nlihaat<on o> hab>l<iy upnn the V>i»me t n m) u l i < s>d> es o>.ulmont>actor (nr th u > "pc< tw 'nqiloiccv n> ag<'nisi V Ut I b c C'nmpany <vill cause mcry,< signee n> vnbcnmmct ii t b c buund tu d<c ('ompany b)' the smnc lein» of dns ADeen>ent hy iiln h thc Comp iny is bound to <he I'<oii>mi a t a i,>s they,q>ply to the iinik tube pm to>rue<i tiy etch ass>m>ee o< ul n nii < tni 9. I' I( I(I<ORihlAiNCL' AND SL'BVICF, EN) IAiq('FAIRS IB 90 1 Th c ('Imq>any we'll prov>de Bm Sew>ces n> o mmu<e<.a>isiocinry ro the Vrnmnce snd as <lescnberl >n Schedule C 9 02 Bo t h paiues, upori rlic iea <m ibis request ot th o rhei pai<y u ill fully cnopcrate ro ihc hcnei ment nf rhc Sem>ces p>ov<ded under tluv Abn iment 'I U! Bo th pa>r>es acknolvledge a <Icvnr In»m>nvar>nn aml cnnrmuous Sernce unp>ovement Enhe< pa ity moy <acorn>nend to tbe o>het pasty Se>v>cc r i An c>ttt enl>ancemer>ts a>ul'o> cimngcv I'nr murual ci)i><itic>al>o» nlltl Agl ceo<col:llllclldlllc>iis as <<lay I r.,q>pinp<>ate 10. DI S PBTL' RESOI AITION I l ' a rl>t't'e>ence, conccin o> d>spute betivcen the Pa>tres ense, <mt of'<n m connemion wnh this Abnee>neat or >o is<pc t ni ony rletin d legal le)at>nn Inp asvucu<tcd w«h this ADce>Cent or denved tiom tlu A g rcc>ncnt (>hc "Dispnte"I, B>e I'sr«ca ag>ee to >c nlvc Ihe Dispute usmg the logoiving In ocess' b) c) d) the Part>es lv>ll p>ornptly holrl a n>ect>ng tint mdtv>duals tinn> each Party <v>th dcc isiim-makmg aurhnnty regs>dmg ihe D>sputa ivig atrenrl and nttcmpr m gnod t'o>tb tn negotiate n iesolut>rni of tl>e D>vputc; >f witlnr> tiu>ty (30) rb>ys a tier the n>eet>r>g riescnbed >n. uhpmadaph (n), o> such Ih> the> peno il thc Pa«>es above ro m worms, thc Part>e dn not succeed u> ncgona>mg a rcvolunon of the D>spute, the Parties iv<ih seek thc ass> tance of,> neutral,>nd >nutuogy acceptable med>atn>, ivho ihc Pa>ties iiill iomgy select ood appom>. or n >f th c I ' mt>es ag>ee m n «tu>g, > vnli c >I> * D>sputc by m i nuet>on puisuan> tn subpa>agtaph I), >I' thc Ih<>tres mmnoi agee nn >ned<atur as descnbeil ui clause b) >., thc Vs>t>es iv>il iesolve thc D>spu te pursuant to sub pat og< aph t): >f the Part>es appnm( n mcd>arm pu> unnt tn clause b) >., the Va>ues abase to paiticq>ate m good faith m a med>at>on session that must uccui iv<tinn tin>ty (3tq days at'te> the appom<mcnt ni tl>e mcd>ato>, or such I'm ther pened the Pai t>es ag>cc tu in Iv>nma, c) the Vut>c abncc to conduct any med>auon in accordance w ith thc Mcd>at>on Rules ot' the British ( olumb>a Ivlcrhatnr Rnste< Somety, unless the Pmlics othr:i»>se agree, any Diqiute that thc I'a>t>es do nrn rcsnlve by nogolianon u< med>at>on pu>sum>t to su(>par:nnapb, i ) t n r:), ihc Pa>ties iv>ll refe> Iiir tinal >esnlut<nn hy arb>tianon by a<bit>at>uo adnnmste<ed liy i h Bnnsh Colnmbm Inte<nanonal Comm ici,ii Arhitiation Cenr>e puis>mnt to rhe " Rules ol I' ioccrlmcs T he place ot ub>rratmn ivig bc )7>ctnna, Bnr»h C'uhm<lna; g) th e Pa>t>es.Ig<ee that the <Iccision I h u> 7>b>t<atot iv>ll be final m>d hm<hng ind lv>11 not b subtect to appeal ro tny court <m a quest>on nf I'nit, Lsiv o> rmxerl f'tct and lnw. aml h) I he I'a<t>es agree to sha>e equally ilia cn t n t'miy mcdiat>on oi o>hnrtt<on, but ihnse cn ts ivill not mclu<lc c i t, mcu«ed by a Pnty I'n»epic<ant itmn by mxmsci A c ;ltl <I[ claim<i A I ' co>col lg<c mc <I: AOIUQXEUt<3B I ct'<6 Page21 of 60PNR

149 11. DL I A UL I, keaiedii<s AND TERA))NATION I I 01 N u tii<thiiundmg,mv nthci pioi < «m <I ilu ( n m n t. any ot'the folluiimy events <i<)i i n t nu«nn 'Ei ru ol Dct mlt" hy i r n <vh thai, my, ucli cvmit «. n l untary u<xoluntniv ni re ults Iiom <hc upe<nimn oi laii ni any ludmnent or o<rlc< nt.my mnnr ni odrmrnstrnt<ic n< qnvc<rnnent bc<i); a) t he Cnrnlamy I)nl In oh mse. pe<term ui comply arri< any pruii inn nl'<1ns Ag<ccmenr thai «ic<pmcd tu he nhsmicrl. peifoimed oi complied ivirb on rhe pait nt rbe Comlamy,irul his nnr iext<tied such fail<it'e <ii ii trot iii Ill ' i 'si<lli illlc nit<i<<or< of the Ivl<mstei d<l<genrly Ix««'ceduig rn tact<i') such failure. 0) r h e Compaay fails tn fmnrsh and gn e ro thc Provin e rmt<cc rhat thme iris ni cu»ed or <s crmr<munb, a dct iult unde< rlns Ag<een<ern <ncludma spec<i'yuig p ur <culm< nl rite same, anrl cl a c lmngc o<cuis with ic pact to rhc Compziy's I)usmess n< to ziy one u< nnn in. ln<hng nil ol the pr open<ca as<cia cnndir<uns ilirmncml ni nthcrivise), )«inness n< upmauons ot' the Cnmpany ivlnch m rhe <easnnable opuuon nt the ihluusrer, n»itmmlly a<tvctscly alt'acts the a)nitty of rbe ('ompany to hillil any of irs ubligatnins nr pxovi<le rhc Semices unrler rlns Alp ccmcnt, I I t<2 On rhc happernng nt'an Evenr ol Default, ni ar any txme rhercatiex, rhe Provuice may, at irs nptmn, elec r ro <lo any nne or moi c or' thc I'ollmvuig <i) t )a<xi<a <try i'<'iixcdy available to it at lair <ir in cqmry, 0) d ain ex nomen nnr<ce rn the Comp my spent'ymg the Events of Default winch notice may: suspend the xrghrs ind obligatrnns of tire Crimp iny unrlcr rlus Agreement, m nhnle ox iri pai t,,i<id/oi' n, ir:qunc thc liven< ot Det'suit be remedied xvxtlun tire time liame specified by tire Muuslc<, c) re duce rbe Ibex payablc pursuant to Schedule D rt' tire Event of Default relates tn failure ro provxde the Semices ns,i icsulr of failure uf Fquipmcnt, and/m d) <verve rite bvenr of Defaulr 1103 I'he ngl<rs, poxvers an<i <erne<he cnnl' rrcd on the Prnvmce under tlus AS<cement ate not intended to be exclusive and ascii will be cumularne:md in a<trhnon rn rmd not m substrtunnn t'oi every othe> xrght. pc<ver and remedy esrsrurg oi available tn tire Piovmi un rlcr tins Agreeruent, any orlrer Ar,reeruent, at laiv oi <n equiry and the eserci r: by rhe Prowncc nt' siy nghr, parve< or remedy <vill nor pieclude the simultaneous ur later ex eimse by rite Provuicc of any nrlxci <<gin poivci ni imnedy I l ' thc ('<mxpany has nnt remedied the Event nf Default spemtierl m a notice unde> subsectt<in It) 02 b), or i f Ihe hvmtt nl' Dc<i<nit is not capable ot' bemg <enreihed ilu<ing Ihe suspens«m to the satisthctton ot' the Ivlnnstet, then ivitlnn thii ty (30) days of thc dehvery of such no<i rx <h' P<ovmce at its vnlc <liscivtir n may lmmmatc this Agxeenrent by nonce ur iwxturg to the Company II OS T lic Piovmcc may, m adrhunn tn any remedy available to i t ar law o i equny, teirnmatc <lux Ah«cement by ivnrten nor<ca ro tho ('ra»puny <I' the Company fails ro obseive, perl'onn oi comply is<<it it<up<tie<sin<is of<ills Ah«cert<crit A i ri One ii on Ameemeni Aai cmcni <i AOI Oggl'(1030 P, 8 of<a Page22 of 60FNRS

150 12 ( I <I) I I t2 t<l It i c V t w m i nw y. nt it i ul li re tion wid i t rts espen e. cwiiluct :m nu<ht I ' <lie t hr», i l. m nntcw»i,w I tlipjn ice»i Is ol the ( nnqiany <especturg the Services ur tins Aw <m n<. m lu<lmg < hc right to m p w,mrl <:ikc. pi s ut'su h iccoirls upon ici,»nable nnticc nnd,u ic,»on,ililc»m ' I n respect to st«h.nulrt the Compmy <i ill il I' ully conperat i wrh rlw Vins ince u< conductinr the audrr,,mrl h) pio wdc, npnn icqucst of the Ptoiince snd solely for the <ewe» of thc Pro<mes, copes ut'the ma. t r cr:nt annual mr<i<md linen ial staremenrs ot'tire (.'nmpany 13. I» OBI.IC A<NXO(t<NCE< NIFNTS 1301 T he Coml»my ii ill cooperate ivnli thc Ptoimr:c unrl at its <erwesi. ass(s) tlic I'iovmce m developun a rnnnirnrntw n ti,<rosy and nuikmg liubl«: i<risc<if<cert<crit< ic air<i<rig <tie Seri<re. arid <lit< Agreement T tie ('ompany «il l m,ike nn pubhc cmmneut sbnut tbe Services o< tin A n w n ni, iv»hnui tii t consultme ivrtl< tire I'rot inca and obtauung its apptnval IheCompany nill logo tbe Airwatl in accordance ivttlr the dnectivcs el'lhr: Mir»ster <c V<ovinc ii i ll coniull ni lh the ('onipwiy bet'ore makmg arty pitihc couimcnt slirwt <h Scrvi e. rim< <eferences the (ompany's ra<me 14. N OTI(' Ivli 14 Ul An y noticr» rk«umcnl, t alcmcnt, i pnrt oi dcmaml desncd ni requned to be given ot marte unde> tins Agree<i<crit will be in ivr<tnig anti may bc given or nu«lr: hy pci.»ruil <let<very tn ttie party to ivhon» t rs to be given or umde, or by moiling it m ('»nods iviih pou igr: Nap ud tn the apphcablc address, ot by transnnttrug it by face<naia to tire apphcahle facsmnle ttansnnssiou nun<be<, notwl for both lbe Pi oi mce and the Comp my at the start of tins AN cern ent The Cnmp»iy <vill pro<<dc to the Vtovuice, as soort us possible mr<i by the quickest means possible, thc p nticulms nul <let nlv uthiny Awut ion Or»in icnr r: <tait occur. in pci fnrmancc ol the Services, 1403 T h c Provm<c m i y request tl«' Compwiy prepare a dern<le<i iepwt of ttte Aviation Occuncn <efened in m sec»nn snd the Co<»party tv<it provide such a report ss soon s pov ibis or ivitlun seven 171 days IS. ISU I CON F LICT OF IiVTEREST Th e Cnmltaity <vill not <lurmg the Teim pertntm a sewice I'o< o< provide advice to any pei on, firm or mnpoiat«n or other legal entity ivhcre lhc pcrlhm<ancc ot' thc cwvres ni provision of the a<lvtcc may or <loss, m the <cisonible upuuort of tbe Muuster give rise tu a cimtlic< ot' inrw 'vts ril' the obligation of the Company lo <tie Provmce anrl the Cunqauiy's obhgalions to others 16. I'.NTI I(I ( A ( ' I I F I(hl liin I' lb0 1 T i ns Agree<uent art<i any mudilicarwn ot' it cunst<tutc thc entire agrr ament bemccn thc Pwsics ns to per fomiance of the Scrvtces Schedule A thinugh F. etta<bed to this Agreement we an mtegtal pwt ol tl»<as<cement as <feet out in length m ihc hoilv of this Aru wncnt I( 03 T lus Agieement niay only b uncmleil by I'uithcr ivrittcn.wwnrlmcn< vccu<crl hy ni behalf of the parlia< Agie ment <' AOI(SSSLUU 30 ( i ( 1 l l Il l < I'ir c ') t Is Page23 of 60FNR-20t

151 ' 17. < M ISCELLANEOUS 1701 T ire Company wtli treat as contidentiel and unil not, without the prior written em<sent of the Mttuster, pubbsh, or disclose ot pemut to be pubhshed or dtsclosed esther before or after thc term<nation of thts Agreement, any tnformstton supplted to, obtained by or <vhicb comes to the kno vle<ige of the Company as a result of rhis Agreen<cnt cxccpt ir<sofar as such publication, or disclosure is required by latv ot is necessmy to enable tire Company to ful/il the Company *s obligatton under thts Agreement Al l the dtscretton ared nbligations of the Minister or the Provmce under tius Agreement may be exercised or pcrfonncd hy the Mmtster, the Deputy Min<ster of I'orests and Range or by a Designated Representative I'hts Agreement well be governed by m<rl cnnstrued and en<a<pre<cd m accordance with the laws of the Province of Brit<ah Columbia Ai l Icrms, cond<tmne, statements and comm<<ments prcsentcd within the Cnmpat<y's Proposal are corm<dered an integral pottiun of this A<penmen< unless otbenvtse expressly excluded within this Agmclu*t<k This Agreement will mure to the beneitt of and be bindmg upon thc Province aud its assigns and lhe Company and tts successors and permtttcd ass<gets It is acknowledged and agreed by the parbes that nothing conrauted ir< thts Agreement operares as a consent, permit, or approval by any regulatory suthonty, government body, publtc oiftcer, aumstry, branch, office or agency to or for anything related to the Agreement that by or under law the Company maybe required nr may des<re lo obtain R'any provision of this Agreement or application thereof to any person or circumstance ts invalid or unentorceable to any extent, the ren<ainder of gus Agreement and the appbcation of such provisioa to any other persou or cucmnstances will not be affected or impaire<1 indirectiy and will be vahd and enforceable to the extent permitted by late. SIGNED on behalf of Her Majesty the Oueett in nght of the Province of Bnrtsh Columbia by the Mimster of Force<a nd Range nn the ~ da y of 2010 in the presence of: (Witness) ) (M misterof ocstsan R <gc) ) ( )( t O F -," f.of SIGF)EP on behalf of the Compt on the 3d d ay of I V IPCil 201 0< e. nceof: (Witness) ) (Au<bonged Signatory) ) Atrcreft Opere<tons Agreement Agreement g AO1088F003B Cone<r C o p Inc Peg* 10 ot'en Fagegdu(60F( B(1660

152 AGRFFYIFN'I NO: AO IBLSE(<0313 PRO)It(. T inaaie OR NO: Ai<'I a nkci ' S '111' I ILL : lt<70-20 CON Schedule A AYAII,ABILITY PERIOI) r AND DESIGNATED BASE(S) c I 0 1 T h c Avsilabihty I'cnod for each Anmati iv<)l be sn aanu <I pr»url ot 123 conscvu«ie <hays betneen rip<<i I' nnrl Or tuber 31' mclusn e sich Ycm, ivhcn the Aumafl, Specially Egugiinr ni snit I'a<vennel m c <n he <mn<ediately ivsilihlc I'r» the pi<n<smn nt'thr Se<vmes I'he Availability I'error)niff b ' mintitmed iv<th notiticat<nn tn the Company prior tn Fclnnmy 1st nt'ench Yeat nt't)ie Ag<eemcn< nr :my ccrc<<i<err <0 <hc Terri< nt tlirt Agree<<toit< I 02 A De sigriste<l It> c fur the Anumft foi each Aia<lab<liry Pe»od ii ill be confinnerl by lhr: Pim mce ivnh nottficarton ro rhe C'onipany pnor ro Fcl»u iry I sn ot each Yem of' the Afpecutcnt ui eircnswn to the I'eim of rl»s Ag<eeiuenr 1 03 T h A vm lal»hty I'eiind(s) and rhe A ircraft Des<gona<ed Bs c(d) for 2010 si c a s set out i n Schr. Iulc A- I Availability Schedule A-I Period and Designated Base (5) for 2010 sdrcr kft AIRTANIC)iR C'ROUP I( ikhced I -188 C Rock tee I I Turbo Comrnarider I'C (90 Com mr ('V 580 (2) Rnckivell Tuibo Connuan<lci I C (90 Corrie<i CV 580 (2) Rocl ivcll I u<bo Conim mdcr TC M)0 An Tmcto< AT-802AI (4) Pgici Arm<ter PA-( 0 AVAII,ABILI I Y Pl(RIOD (each of 123 days) May 15, 2010 to September 14, 2010 fvhsy I, 2010 <o Augmi 31, 2010 Msy I, 201<i tn August 31, 2010 May to Septenihm 14, 2010 DESIGNA I'L'D BA!(K Abhotsfor<l, BC' lcm»loops, BC Prince Cleorge, BC Pi<lice ( co1'gc, 8( Anc.<<tip, i» 4 ce ment Au«n < 1 AO I 0881()03B Conn> P,I" ' Page25 of 60FNR

153 L Schcdnle II AIRCRAFT an(l SPE(:IAI, I'Y EQUII'M ENT an(l PERSC)<VNE~I. Du<uig the I'enn and any evten, inn i» ih T mm, th C'r mpan) shall pinv<de A<rc<ati, Speciality Lquipmcni iml I'e<snnriel acco«tmg to the follonmg speciti.itmnv:md qiuihti a«nnc an<t caper<ence <cqunemeuts I. A H( (' RAFT and SPEC IALI IY LOUIPAIL'NT I Ol In p ci 1'ormmg thc Services <lie Company <vill pinv<de An T i nker Airmalt a<i<i Bnrklog Anciati that mcr:t Ihc An ra<i anrl Sp cmhty I'quipncn< Spcciticatious as set out m Schedule B-I 1 02 At t b e Coouuencemmit of i h T c i rn. t l«c n nqiany n il l p<nv«le the I'ollmima A n ciatt tiir th performance ot <lie Sci vices a) One (I) Heaiy An I snkc< (houp Aii'ci'<if< I'i'p<' Nit<tiber of Aircraft Au Tanker Biidiloi,' 'trio<<if< Lockhccd I -I gg C c I i f i:i i i <' c 4 l(ockivell I'<utm Comm,md r TC 690A 6) T i vo (2) Inta< mc<luiic Au l ank r (noupi Aircrafl lype An 'I'anke< C'onvnn ('Y 380 inn mber of An craft 13u<ldog sum aa Rock<veil Turbo Commando<' TC 690A c) One ( I) Light An Tankc< (I<'oup Aircraft Type Aii' T'iiikci Bnddog anci all An I r<ctoi AT-802AI' Piper Acro<<sf P B60 Number of Aii craft I 03 I t)4 d) I'1<c Ancralt m subpaiag<aphs a), 6) and c) ivill have the <rien<itic uion, rl s nptwn ond perfonnance spec<ticationv as vct out m Sr:herlule B-2, Aucrntl I eclnucal 1st'ormotinn arid Dain As soon ss knoivn, and at least at tire cornmcnccmcnt ot'each AvaiLsb<hty Ym'iod, tlie Compony <vill a<tv<ac tire P<ovnme of sny clmnges to Schedule B-2 I'h e Aircratt tv<if be equipped wirh all safety aml.mwval cquipnent arxl supplies as requned liy tbile<el anrl provincial laivs anil r u Lsnnns 103 U nlc oi hcrni. a h«cad by thc Pnties,.my ltcplaccment i(ac<at) or Spate Am <aft tv<it mrct the Anci all and Speciality Bquqimcnt. pcci <i< i«un<;is set nut m tin. <chedule md any appendices Au. ii Op a t m n se iner<i is emnem AO I Oggl 003li ( n u' ( o i I Y ia 12 t i a Page26 of 60PNR

154 2. PL I( S()NNL L 2 Ul In pe<toonm d<e qeii iccs tin (' nq>my «dl p<oiui <hc I'oil mmg I 0 ht ('r «I'e<snnnei tt) A <i T'i<>k'I A«c<a<t< Pd I >i>( <in>at>i<i, 0) A n Iqrtikei Ansi ati I nst DtIicer (is applrcahlcl, and c'i B u ddn <M<m,tt't Pi)at T he Fhglit ( i e n Peisonnel «ill have the muumunr rpahficat<ons ar«l evpe<tcn<c:is c < «u< in> Schc<lulc B-l 2 03 A l l Ai<mal'I print mul fi»t of1iccts must tie lrstc<l in the B('IS Dncctory nt ( 'omuieicial pilots anrl approverf l>y the I hmstiy to prorate the Se<iiccv undo tins AS<con<cot 20 4 A t t he (.'onunencentent of thc Tc<m, the ('on<pany ivifl prr«nlc cuocnt I'dnt Data Sh ets Ir>t the Fhght F<civ Personnel proposed m the ('nrnpan)' s Vioposal :md mcctmg the quahti<oi< i. e vpenence as set nu< m Schcdul B OS 'lite Company iv<ll pi<«<ilc cnneot an<i uprlared Pdur D ire Shcct Ih i thc Fl>ght Creiv personnel thi each Yea<. 2 ti(i In pert'ormmg the Services. the ( ompany ivig prov<rle Manna<un<co Pm. rimiel o) t i aincrl in iccnidarae ivith the ( ' r rnpany's'lronspo<i Canada appioved tvlamt nmric Ivlanud,<tul,<<<id;>hie Ior rlmly iuutn<c nina<teria<>tee, 0) A nvrafi tvlmntenance Bngrncmv must hc hccnscrf u< accoidmtce ivrth current'i ranspnrt ( ace<la I cqttn co<cols, a<<ci c) t hat meet oi es<eed thcrp<aliticat<nns and experience requnemen<ass setout m the ('nmtmny's Pr op<i«d, A< c:in Ofu'mu ons «grec >re> I i. ccmcnr c AOIBSSI 001B ( o (h cup 0<c Pa e Ii oi i r Page27 of 60FNR

155 [ Aircraft Schedule B-l atnl Specialty Ertuipntent Specificatious Air Tanker Aircraft I, A IRc RAFT SPF< II Icx I 10 ts Turbine Poiiered All nn tsnkei aic to tic tiebme poive<ed Hest y An I mike<a ivill have a munmun»etardant car<tun capacity of litr ; Intermediate Au I soke» <vill have iii<mnnim i etsrdmit cm< ymg calsir ity nt lilies; mtd I <gti< An T uil crv iiill have i mrrnmum rot ndmii can y<ng capacity ot litras 1.3 It ue l Frrrlrrronce AR on tinkers hilly loarlerl iv<rh <etmrlsnr <vill i<sic a fuel cnd i once ol' a mnnnnnn ot rlnee houis u <th legol rr acr ici ivhcn opcmtrng frmn Wdhams Lake, H»tr. h I'olumbra at 20' 6' 14 ~IFI( Ca able All multi <<shine engme air rankers <vill beau<<ably equipped to conrlucr H'R II<ghrs Aircraft ("onditron and ialsinlenancc Ti<c I'ioime axioms rim mrmafr ro be m excellent nperatms condition anti appemsnce A t thc stmr of the armual <'»mlib<lrty Pe»orl cnch nii <,mkci ihoukl hc capable of proinlnm st least 1<0 hours of nruntemipted serv ice iv<thout my matc< schedule<i moimenan<c oi <ivcihaul 2. A u<('ra<< I Ptial eaalsnu I' 2 I Lee rier f uel aml relardant f' rui(e S iee(l Heavy An I'snke<s iv<0 lieve a nnrumum loaded ciuue speed nf 2(0 ktv TAS I'n a dispatch distance o160 <uti st 10,000' ASL Inienne<l<atc Au Tankers iv<ll luivc mnurnum loaded crurse speal ot'260 kts I'AS for n dispatclr ihitsnic ot 6t) nrn at IU.Ut<tl' ASL Lrghr rbr Tankers n<ll have mmrmum loaded cnnic <pearl 160 kti T A S t<n a d<spitch distance nt' 6 0 i<<<i,<i 8.(<IN A S I. A<leis<<i Hp«' <<I AS nu i < AHIUPRLOU<H Psa riot <6 Page28 of 60FNR

156 2 2 ~DCC ) S >ceil ) le>i) A)1' I,rr>I ('>su>0 hl\ c,i > >1)o(u 01( 0 0 ' 'il 1 12) I ls hircrrucdr(rrc All' Trial n. i i d l h lic o11>i>oui<a drop.pi'ed lil 12) I rs I AS I 1 ht Au 'Ianke>s ii>lib>vc immmimi d>op peed)os ki T AS. fl a>3 An I'ankers shoulrl saf'ely ape>ore ti<mi s paved (unu ay I s i)00 f'cer Inter m 'd>ste A>r Tm>ke>s slu) lrl sat) ly upcm>c hum n pared rur>ivay ul'5 000 fee< Mght A>r Tankcts. houkl. st'cly npciatc I'(orna paie(l'graicl ruri'unnvay alki 000 I'cct 3. Al l<urai f Co s ti>iuni('atios ANO NA'1'>DATION E I t )pi)t vl Sipy('0 I(A IIONS ln add>r>on to all necesss>y comnnm>canon, nav>gauon anrl tlislu sst'ety equipmcnt and sys> ms as reipueit by Trsnspoit ('snarls tcg>sbsr>on or regulst>ons rhc a>r ranke(s u>ll be cquippcd iv>rh the f'alton > nb' 3.1 (.' o>tummication L' ui m ent an<i S eeilicaliunv Tivo Vllt-AM tran<ca(ve(s hav>ng 23 mhzspacm and atm>ge ot' < mt>z I I/Ivl 13SB Nano<ebs>ul I M t>ansce>ve> o> rqmvaleot Noise canccllmg head ets I'or all sear posmon. Sarclhte vo>cc cummunmatiuns. 3 2 Nov i st i un F< ui )ment and S ecificationi Gfolxsf P(isitionmg Systnn (GPS) uun far: 0 iv>th a Gai unn S30A (ips/com/vor/mi>d oi equ(is)en<. An l>(dnm> based Automated I'l>gbr I'of)on mg (AFF).md vmcc c mimumcatmn system meetmg the spec>ticat>one data>lerl m thc BCI>S W>fdtire lvl)nagcment Btanch >vali s>tc tor o b «' > p orccr/ai I / 3 3 Ycrs oru>el Communicatiun F< «i >ment and S )ecitication Ye>sunal d>gnat ass>stan< (PDA) is ru be as <bure I >o each an I >r>ke> tl>ght c>eiv pos>t>on and thc erp macr io fac>htate d>g>tal cumrnurncat>on iv>th on duty thght n c n I'I > PD A iv>ll meet the Bl irkbc«y span ticot(or>s or equ>valent. It >s em >s>or>ed tt>at these PDA dev>ces <vill > cnuuri inth the oper'ir>ror)irl tlrghr cl eius dr>i>rig crc'iv clrarlgcs/or I'eplacement. A, t r Op, 1 on Agreemcnr Agiccunnt AO I ngglof1313 P>gc I ' 1 )( Page29 of 60FNR-20)

157 p igr B m)i gib(; T <»I Sat ( ii it i i io h s ('apacit< k i n»mum pa)load ip i < I) as speiidcrl by t /e class ol'an tmikei IAB ccrlification I he I.n Bnm bmg i ant I ) l u mlil haie beni le»tert,iml iccnnnncndml t'ni apt»neat by tire tj q f)a iylrssou)a Tcchnnlngy,ui<l Dci l o)»nant Center ;is haimg met the Intcma ncy Anmnk«i Bnud (IAB) mnctis anrl iequncmcnts I'nr tank and gatmg. ystems nr hase lull )AB ccilrgcatinn Fount Injection Capabilities (, BCIOB TS AFFI') F I ' l l 'a)in< Svl(.I I ) ( ' < l i n g s TCAD All an tankei rcrpmc T ( 'A D h t ii nb t l «c aimlnirly artd pert'nrmunce stmtlat t o the A i n l ) ne I AS ~Pulse Li hts All au t,urket arc to bccquqipcil «ith Pulic I r lui on iimg tips;m<l theta<i 6. i) chmate contioged cockpit is desuable lhr, ig ou tankei Fm I<girl c)pocrty air tmikm. nuly, thc ability/cal»icily to un<lr:rtakc fnicsl I<saith spray proiecls ament» Atq I Oagl'.OO:tB ( l l i ( ro l l p l ns In <to Page30 of 60FNR

158 lqirddog Aircraft I, A III CIIAI I SPL'Lll'ILATIOOS Tunmsr:Po\i r n.ro In m cngm t m bme pmveted buil<log anviafi are iequue<l fot the lleavy :mrl I tcim rhntc An Tmihct Cn<nqi, (Turbo ('omman<tm I C690 iso p cl'ctic<l lnr kl, g,mciafi) Tawn engine piston pmimcd 1»idrlog onciatl arc acceptable t'o< the Light Ai r I anke< csoups (Aciosta»s.1 pre<i i i cd anci)0 m tlus <olei I 2 Ph y l 0 in ('AP irl'i 'I All I)nd big sacr ifl in<11bnc: 11OIOI<OII<n 011<vo 0'issciigc'I'.cats. 1.3 Fu r < FnnunA I(F. fttiddug 1<iciilft <11(isl hiivc I immrnuri1 tiicl err(lilt i<ice of Iliicc air<i 011C hill lioiirs ( R C'IPABLF. A ll tu<lnne poivet unddog anmatt must hc suitably equipped for suigle i)ilot fpf( tli l i l 1.5 An t c lt AFI CONOII'10"I \ I B M A I Iit vhn('i' The Vtovmce expects ttie auw ift tobe m cxcellem operatingcon<lit<or) nnd appesi,ince A t thc st ut o f' ttie armual Aio<lalnlny peiroil, th b u ddog a<rmat't should be capable of ptovidnia at least l ( 0 fin<it's uf liiliillcit<ifilcd (CI'rice mill)i)i<i ritl)' schcdulcd ma)or maniterm<mc nt over lmul 1. 6 V IS )au 11'\' 61ANOABOS Thc bnddog airmatl rrnist be equipperl ivith lngh <pi,iluy clcsi ( un-imtedi, i ight side ivmrlom m facilitate f)tnt'essmnal quahty digital pftotogtaphy anrt volens T he nunimum v«. tiili<y iamlard <s 7( degrees ot' ti)i)var(i vei1<csl visit»l<ty unobsttuctcd; 120 <Icgi ccs ot'. tria )i mrkm ir tire il vtsilnhty unobsttucted; 90 degrees of side ivtrrrloiv hor ixon<sf v<srbihty miot)strncre<l; an<i cleai and clean art)do<vs (tis( t r senal photo saphy an<i v<rlcos )w. i tches/pas t lnoughs etc.) to tacihtstc vicivurg arid sf)nip 2. A <BCBArT PrnronniANCL 2 I ( ' nl i lsi ftpnl n Tu<lnne poiveted bndrlog,mcmfi ii ill have a nnn<mum cruise speed ot'260 kts I'AS piston p<m cia<i hnrklog airer afi ii ill have a nnmrnum morse speed ot'190 kt. I'AS. Air 1(in OP(I(I<1011 A" ICCIIic111 e t c A ( ) l ttm(l.t)i)30 (o n) ip lilc ( 17 t an Page31 of 60PNR

159 2 2 I i l l' i I I it I I ol l l n ls o( PI E U rl <vr EL Loin Ih id il n, m m f i n i fl fun, i u nmmum «ti.. nim m img pc cri ol' Igti (i Bnikl i. m cmlt I nn )rl ifcly npm iic lrnm s fun <I rum< ty othi Utlfl lee( Bndrlng a»crati supportmp Light /ui I i mke< ()<cup(s) should sat'elv opemre linm,i pave<('gravc)/turf«mr<ay of 3000 I'eet 3. ( U nit<(un((' v I'log ANU NAvl( AI IBN L UI P lfl N I Ili iddttloll lo,tfl licce ( liy corti()it<it<cirro<i, linc<gal<oil sli(i I)<girt ifi tv q urpriimil,i ' i ( grilled Iry I i lit pi)it ( ti le(ll f 'ai(liuiotr ol iegilialtolls. <Ite Iitldrlog auoaf't iviff be cquipperl nrth the t'oflwving ) I ( O)1)Itin<( ATION I IUPS)I' I'AN<n Spt EIFI('A I IONS Inn Vffl' AM tin<see<ver havrrtg 25 mire spacingmd r rang r f I I 8 Utl I 3) O( mhz TI(M 13i<B N u mob mri I'M rrmiv.en sr nr equnalcnt Ss lol i le i ulcc coll)ilia<licit<lolls. Ac cs( m transmit and receive on cutler tire AM, I'M ot pli(tire s)'stet)i fiom afl st 1< Imi perulent use side rone and voiunle conrnil of afl rnriro system VOX or push to lnlk inlm om Afl system access tluough boon> mikes and head sets Noise cancelhng Ireadsets firr off vest po rtir m (roun<arun of tfu e) A sucn I'ubltc Ark)ress (PA) ay(tain ivttfi doivmvard facm or <Ion mvaid and side t'ocmg loud faute<. 3 2 No to o r oh Ir <vv<rntanu SPEEIFN'A) rows Global Posrtrorung System's spcciti«otnins: Syvt m mtcr face<t orth a (mrmm 530A (ipig(' OM/ VOR/hfl'D or cq<rt< alcnt An Iri<hum Irsved Automated I'hght I ofloivrrrg mrd voice cormmm<catron sy(tern rneetuig the spemficatrorrs det,nled rrr the BCFS (Vifdfire Management Branch neb site «o I s p i er ct AII. 33 P M<SONVLL(O ( l ilt NIEA(IO IL UI P (IENTANUSpvc<F<vir t o s s persona) d<grta) a((((tant (I'DA) ts to be ass<tyre<i tu each bnrkln,m ciati p l ot positron (riot to urnque mrhvrduafsi to facilitate dig<to) commimicatmn orth fl<gbt o eivs ')he PDA ivifl rncct <he Rlackbcny specifications ni cqurvnfcnt Airer:itt Op ', ium A" ' iieiit Aa m cni u AOIOEFL003B Psa IS I Sa Page32 of 60FNR

160 J. FI.IO HI b> IF T'I E UH 'I H>NI.(VI'( 0 H a IIOab All bnrldug anna(i icqunc I'(.'Al) lan>ne thc capnbdny,mrl p rf'o>mu>cc vnmln> to thc A>irtvnc TAR (2t> mte> I'ac rl >vnh the (la> mu>.)oa n> crpm aleut J 2 Vul v F I I(IHTR >ill l>urkloa anc>al'r a>e to be equq>pc>i u>ih Vul e Ltghrv on umg t>pv anrl the rad S. OTHE R All tu>bme po>vc>crl Imrldog an ci >t1 nn>st hare a clmmte conn oiled cochpn A> at> Onc anon A, cm Ag c ment rr A() HIRVLOO)B Vag» I'I ot Ja Page33 of 60PNR

161 Schedule B-Z Aircraft Tcchnical information arnl Data Air Tanker Aircraft Lockheed L Gen e ral Aircraft Information and Identification Air Tanker Type Class Transition A rcraft /yes/nol Aircraft Make and Model Aircraft Senal Number A rcra/t Reystra lion Year of Manufacture Hours of Airframe Heavy No Lockheed L-1880 enhanced 1143 G LDFD , A irc r aft Specifications 2 1 Number of Engines and T e 2 2 A ircraft Payload/Capacity 2 3 Fuel Endurance Economy Cruise fuel burn lares er hour 2 4 IFR capable 2 5 Aircraft Condition 4 x Aaison 501 D13 Turboprop 12,490 L tres F re retardant 5 0 Houl's 2,550 L Iree per tiour Yes Excellent 3. Air craft Performance 3 1 Loaded Cruise Speed fuel and retardant 3 2 M n mum Drop Speert 3 3 Runway Requirements 300 Knots 120 Knots 5,000 Feel cern ni " y / HOSSLOO Ili I, I i i i G l I i [ I i r Ih s / i i I 44 Page34 of 60FNR

162 4. Airc raft Communication and Navigation Equipment 4.1 C o m munication Equipment VHF-AM Transcevers FM Transcaivers Commun cat on System Handsets Satellite Voice Communicat on 2x Collins 618M COM's 2x colons 51Rv I NAv's Techn sonics TFM 13I38 I 2x Dav d Clarke H10-56hxl noise ' canceg n handsets S200 Salphone ciw P TA lair.plione ada tor 4.2 N avigation Equipment in add I on lo as te siai ve andre vlaiory eqv romania S200 (conte ns the LMC for Automated Flight Follow ng trackingt 4.3 P ersonnel Communications Yes Personal Digital Assistants 5. Fire Bombing Tank arne and Model Load release system Capaoty Foam Iniect on Capabilities Conair 12 door 3,000 US Gallon transitiomng for the 2011 fire season to Conair RADS gl 3300 LIS Gallon 12 door electncagy controlled, hydraulically actuated transit onmg to Moog smgle door constant flow 12,490 Litres Yes 6. Flight Safety Equipment 6 1 TOAD 6 2 Pulse Lights Honeywell CAS67A TCASII Yes A af i Op si on Ame m ni v r >YO 1033L003D Fvxri t l a( Page35 of 60FNR

163 Air Tanker Aircraft 2. Gene ral Aircraft Information and Identification Convair CV 580 Air Tanker T e Class i -leav i n termediate L h t Transit on Aircraft (yesrno) Intermediate No Intermediate No Intermediate No Intermediate No Aire aft MaKe and Model Convair CV-580 Convair CV-580 Convair CV-580 Convair CV-580 Aircraft Ser al Number Aircraft Registration C-FFKF (T444) i C-FEKF (T445) C-FKFB (T447) C-FKFL (T449) Year of Manufacture Hours of Airframe. 67, , A irc raft Specifications 2 1 Number of Engines and r e, 2 2 A ircraft Payload/Capacty 2 3 Fuel Endurance Economy Cru se fuel burn tires er hour 24 IFP, capable 2 5 A rcratt Condit on 2 - Ag son 501-D13i-i 7950 iitres (with I tres ret) ves Excellent 2 - A0ison 501-D13H 2 - Ag son 501-D13H 2 - Allison 501 D13H 7950 htres 7950 stree 7950 I tres (with litres ret) (with htres ret) 3 34 (wnh iitres ret) I 350 I Yes Yes Yes Exce0ent Excellent Excellent hn cr: i) nwvimn.1 rc m ni ni i 4 AO B Pc "" I xi i ' n.i ( i uri ne Page36 of 60FNR

164 3. A ir c raft Performance 3 1 Loaded Cruise Speed fuel and retardant 32 Iul n mum Drop Speed 3 3 R unway Requirements feet 270 Knots 270 Knots 120 Knots 120 Knots feet 270 Knots 120 Knots feet 270 Knots 120 Knots feet 4. Ai r craft Communication and Navigation Equipment 41 Co m m umcation Equipment In add I O IO ali Leg Srairre and mgulalcrr eeuremenla 1 Garmin GNS530AW 1 Garmm GNS530AW 1 Germ n GNS530AW VHF AM Transce vers COMM NAV GPS, 1 King CO M M NAV GPS. 1 CO M M NAV GPS. 1 KY196A Com King KY196A Com. King KY196A Com FM Transceivers Techn sonics TFM138B Technisonics TFM138B Tec h nisonics TFM1386 Communtcation System Headsets Satellite Vo ce Commun cation 4.2 N avigation Equipment Globe(Positioning System Automated Flight Following 4.3 P e rsonnel co mmunications Personal Digital Assistants Yes 2 Northern Airborne 2 Northern Airborne 1 echnology AMS43 TSO Technology AMS43 TSO audio controllers with 2 audio controllers with 2 noise cancel( n headsets noise cancelling headsets S200 Satphone crw PTA12 ' S200 Satphone crw 100 telepnone adapter. PTA telepnone ada tor In adrsson to err Leg srsrvs and reg lsrorr sou remenrs 1 Garmin GNS530AW COMM NAV GPS 1 - K ng KLN94 GPS S200 (contains the LMC for S200 (contains the LMC track n for track ng) 2 Northern Airborne Technology AMS43 TSO I audio controllers with 2 noise canceg ng headsets S200 Satphone crw PTA telephone ada tor 1 Garmin GNS530AW COMM NAV GPS 1 King KY196A Com Technisonics TFM138B 1 Garmi GNS530AW 1 Garmm GNS530AW 1 Garmi GNS530AW COM M NAV GPS. 1 - Kmg C O M M NAV GPS 1 - Kmg C O M M NAV GPS 1 - K ng KLN94 GPS KLN94 GPS KLN94 GPS S200 (contains the LMC S200 (conte ns the LMC for for tracking) track ng) Yes Yes 2 Northern A rborne Technology AMS43 TSO aud o controllers with 2 norse canceg ng headsets S200 Satphone crw PTA telephone adaptor Yes 4 r rsli opo tui n.'igrccmcnt,1 r n n i «A O ( 038E003B (.' nor( mup inc Ps c2 f ur Page37 of 60FNR

165 5. Fi re Bombing Tank Name and Model Load release system Capacty Foam iniecton Capab hties RADS 0 Aer al Delivery RADS 0 Aenal Del very RADS 0 Aenal Delivery S stem 8 stem S stem MOOG 2000 Constant flow MOO G 2000 Constant flow MO OG 2000 Constant flow 7950 litres Yes 7950 litres Yes 7950 Iitres Yes RADS 0 Aenai Delivery S stem MOOG 2000 Constant flow 7950 htres Yes 6. Fl i ght Safety Equipment 6 I T OAD 6 2 Pulse Ltghts TAS620 Traffic Advisory S stem Wing tip anrt tail puts ng Sohts, TAS620 Traff c Advisory i 6 stem Wing t p and tail pule ng lights TAS620 Traffic Advisory 6 stem Wing bp and tail pulsing liohts TAS620 Traff c Advisory S stem Wing I p and ts I pulsing 7. Oth e r Cl mate Controlled Cockp I Forest Health Spray Prolects fbght capaoty air tankers) Qtner equ pment Ram a r cool ng. Ram air cooling Ram air coolmo Not Applicable. Not Appl cable Not Appl cable Ram air cooling ~ I Not Applicable Au reit Op ration Agr cm nt mvni = AO 1088E nu r i u nl n Page38 of 60FNR

166 Air Tanker Aircraft Air Tractor 802 F 1. Ge neral Aircraft Information and Identification 2050 Fire Season Air Tanker T e Class Heav I ntermed ate Li ht Transition Aircraft (yes/no) A rcraft Make and Model A re/aft Senal Number Aircratt Registration Year of Manufacture Hours ot A rlrame Light No Air Tractor AT-802A F Light No Air T ractor AT-802A F Light Yes A ir T ractor AT-802A F Ltght Yes Air T ractor AT-802F 802A-0324 C-FYFN (696) A-0354 C-GB PL/ A-0356 C-GBPY (698) C-FXVF (678) New new Ai r craft Specifications 2 I N u mber of Engines and Type 1 Engine PT6A-67F 1 Engme PT6A-67F I Engme PT6A-67F 1 Engine PT6A A ircraft Payload/Capamty 8,800 Ibs/ Ibs/ 3028 L Ibs/ 3028 L Ibs/ 3028 L 2 3 Fuel Endurance 3 0 hrs with legal reserves 3 0 hrs with legal reserves 3 0 nrs with legal reserves 3 0 hrs with legal reserves Economy Cruise fuel bum stree per hour iitres e r nour No 2 4 )FR capable 300 lilres per hour No 300 iitres per hour No 300 litres per hour No 2 5 Aircraft Cond tion Excellent Excellent Exceaent Excellent '\ ress Ol e non n r cemrni m ni. A O )088EOO)B (' rou I r p l ii I xi Page39 of 60FNR

167 3. A ir c raft Performance 3 I L oaded Cru se Speed fuel and retardant 170 Kts 170 Kts 160 Kts 160 Kts 3 2 IVI nimum Drop Speed 95 Kts 95 Kts 95 Kts 95 Kts 3 3 R unway Requirements feet feet feet feet 4. Ai r craft Communication and Navigation Equipment 4.1 C o m munication Equipment Vl-IF-AM Transceivers FM Transce vers Communication System I-leadsets Sategite Vo ce Commun cation 4.2 N avigation Equipment Global Pcs tion ng System 2 - Germ n GNS 530AW GPS NAV COM Techn sonics TFM1388 AMS43TSO Audio Controger I MIL spec o se canceg ng helmet 920O Satphone c/w PTA telephone ada tor in adc bon io aii Leg siai ve and regviaiory ecv ieme is ln add ion io all Leg sianve 2 - Garmin GNS 530AW GPS NAV COM Automated Fight Following S200 (conte ns the LMC for track n 4.3 P e rsonnel Communications 2 - Garmin GN S 530AW GPS NAV COM Technisonics TFM1388 AMS43TSO Audio Controller. I MIL spec noise cancedmg helmet. S200 Satphone c/w PTA telephone ada tor and regulatory egvire e nis 2 - Garmin GNS 530AW GPS NAV COM S200 (contains the LMC for trackin I- G a rm n G NS 530 GPS NAV COM 1 Kmg KY196A COM T echn sonics TFM138B AMS43TSO Audio Controller I MIL spec no se canceg ng helmet S200 Satphone c/w PTA telephone ada tor 2 - Garmi GNS 530AW GPS NAV CQM S200 (conte ns the LMC for trackin Personal D gilai Assistants Yes Yes ves Yes I - Germ n GNS 530AW GPS NAV COM I King KY196A CQM Techn son cs TFM1388 AA P lot Aud o Controller AA Audio Controller Rear, 2 MIL spec noise cancellrng helmets S200 Satphone clw PTA telephone ada tor I - Germ n GNS 530AW G PS NAV COM I Tr mble TNL 2000 S200 (conte ns the LMfor traciun 3, onr Qn ii ns n r m n i. cm ni v AO I 088 E003 8 Fn 8 i n i.' cur On un Inc Page40 of 60FNR

168 6. Fir e Bombing Tank Name and Model Cone r Firegate Installation clw Conair controller and computer (P-LSA09-044) Cone r F regate Instailat on clw Conai controller and computer (P.LsA09-044) Co ne r Firegate lnstallat on ciw Cone r controller ar d com p uter (P-LsA Trans(and F regate ciw Spectra Technology controller and computer Load release system Capaoty Constant Flow tank that is electncafiy controlled hydraul cally actuated with manually controlled hydraulically actuated amer enc release 3028 Iitres Constant Flow tank that is electr cally controlled hydraulically actuated, with manually controlled, hydraulically actuated amer enc release 3028 btres Constant Flow tank that s Constant Flow tank that s electr cally controlled electr cally controlled hydraulically actuated w th h ydraulically actuated w t h manually controlled manual actuated pneumatically actuated emergency release amer enc release 3028 I tres 3028 I tres Foam lnlection Capabiktas Yes Yes Yes Yes 6. Fl i ght Safety Equipment 6 I T OAD 6 2 Pulse Lights TAS620 Traffic Advisory S stem Wing tip and tad pulsing li hts. TAS620 T affic Advisory S stem Wing tip and tail pulsing hts TAS620 Traffic Adv sory S stem Wmg tip and tail pulsing hts TAS620 Traffic Advisory 6 stem ining bp and tail pulsing hts T. Ot h er Cl mate Controlled Cockp t Forest Health Spray Protects fight capac ty air tanks s) Yes a r-cond tioneo Spray capable Yes air-condit oned Spray capable Yes air-condtioned Spray capable Yes air-conditioned Spray capable Other equ pment Retardant ag tat on system PA(Siren System, Airmaze fuel filter installabon EO3086R2 Retardant agitation system PA/S ren System Airmaze fuel filt e nstagation EO3086FI2 Retardant agitat on system, PA(Siren System Airmaze fuel filter mstallation EQ3086R2 Retardant agitat on system A rmaze tuel filter installat on EO3086R2 ' i.i ioit ( i r c:olnnsn r m n t m ni 4 AO1088E0036 ('< nsrr ( mr p In Pu 3 7 t ' zd Page41 of 60FNR

169 Air Tanker Aircraft Air Tractor 802F 2011 Fire Season and onwards 1. Ge neral Aircraft Information and Identification Air Tanker T e Class H eav I ntermed ate L h t Trans tion A rcraft (yes/no) Aircraft Make and Madel Aircraft Senal Number A rcraft Registration Year of Manufacture Hours of Airframe 2. A tr c raft Specifications Light Light I No No Air Tractor AT-802AF Air Tractor AT-802AF 802A A-0354 C-FYFN (696) C-GBPLI (697) Light No Air Tractor AT-802AF 802A-0356 C-GBPY (698) 2010 TBD after 2010 operating TBD after 2010 operating TBD after 2010 operating season season season Light No I Air Tractor AT-802F TBD 2011 New 2 I N u mber of Eng nes and Type 1 Engine PT6A-67F 1 Eng ne PT6A-67F I Engme PT6A-67F I Eng ne PT6A 67F 2 2 Aircraft Payload/Capaoty 2 3 Fuel Endurance Economy Cru se fuel bum iitres e r hour 24 I FR capable Ibs/3028 L 3 0 hrs witn legal reserves 8,800 Ibs/ 3028 I 3 0 hrs wrth legal reserves Ibs/ 3028 L 3 0 hrs with least reserves Ibs/ 3028 L 3 0 hrs with legal reserves 300 litres per hour 300 I tres per hour 300 litres per hour 300 litres per hour Na No No No 2 5 A craft Cond lion Exceaent Excellent Excellent Excegent A rani/ (/pvmi cn' Acrrcm nt,tp ' i n t ' -AO (088E003B t r o i r/ r, In Psas 8 I 44 Page42 of 60FNR

170 3. Ai r craft Performance 3 I L oaded Cruise Speed fuel and retardant '170 Kts 170 Kts 170 Kts '170 Kts i 3 2 Mi imum Drop Speed 95 Kts 95 Kts 95 Kts 95 Kts I 3 3 Runway Requ rements 3,000 feet feet 3,000 feet 3,000 feet 4. Air craft Communication and Navigation Equipment 4.1 Communication Equipment Vi-IF-AM Transceivers FM Transceivers Communicaton System Headsets In addinan lo a// Leg s/alive snd regs/alg a requ remen/s 2 - Garmin GNS 530AW GPS NAV COM 7 echn son cs TFM138B 2 - Garmin GNS 530AW GPS NAV COM Technisan cs TFM138B AMS43TSO Audio Controller. 1 MIL spec noise cancelling helmet. AMS43T SO Audio Controge 1 MIL spec noise canceg ng helmet S200 Satphone c/w S200 Satphone c/w Satellite Voice Communicat on P TA telephone P7A telephone ada tor. ada tor 4.2 N awgation Equipment Global Positioning System In add/on roar Legate/ e and egu/sion requ remeais 2 - Germ n GNS 530AW 2 - Germ n GNS 530AW GPS NAV COM GPS NAV COM Automated Flight Fogow ng S200 (contains the LMC for S200 (conte ns ttie LMC trackin for traclan 4.3 P ersonnel Communications Personal Dig tal Ass stants 2 - Ga min GNS 530AW GPS NAV COM Technisonics TFM1388 AMS437SO Aud o Controller, 1 MIL spec oise cancelling helmet S200 Satphone c/w PTA telephone ada tor 2- Garmin GNS 530AW GPS NAV COM S200 (contains the LMC for trackm Yes 2 - Garmin GNS 530AW GPS NAV COM Technisomcs TFM138B AA Plot Aud o Controller, AASQ-020 Audio Controller Rear, 2 MIL spec noise canceihng helrhets S200 Satphone c/w PTA telephone ada tor 2 - Garmin GNS 530AW GPS NAV COM, S2 00 (contains the LMC i far track n Yes Air r. h Opciauans.vgrccni ni.1 r cmcm v AOIQSSEQQSB C rvrr( r p in Page 'I I - tl Page43 of 60FNR

171 5. Fir e Bombing Tank Name and Model Conair Firegate Installation c/w Conair controller and computer (P-LSA09-044) Conair Firegate Installation c/w Conair controller and computer (P-LSA09-044) Conair Firegate Installation c/w Conair controller and computer (P-LSA09-044) Conair Firegate Installation c/w Cone r controller ano computer (P-LSA09-044) Load release system Capamty Constant Flow tank that s electncagy controlled h ydraul cally actuated w t h manually controlled, hydrauiicaily actuated amer enc release 3028 litres Constant Flow tank that is electncaily controlled, hydraulically actuated, with manually controged hydrauiicaliy actuated amer enc release 3028 I tres Constant Flow tank that s elecincaily controlled hydraulically actuated witt/ manually controlled hydraul cally actuated amer enc r elease 3028 I tres Constant Flow tank that s electncagy controlled hydraul cally actuated witn manually controlled hydraul cally actuated amer e~nc release 3028 iitres Foam ln/ection Capahiiitas Yes Yes Yes Yes 6. Fl i ght Safety Equipment 6 I T OAD 6 2 Pulse Lights i TAS620 Traff'c Advisory S stem Wing tip and ta I pule ng li hts TAS620 Traff'c Advisory 8 stem Wing tip and tail pule ng hts TAS620 Traff c Advisory S stem Wing tip and tail pulsmg li hts TAS620 Traff c Adv sory 6 stem Wing t p and ta I puismg fits 7. Oth e r Climate Controlled Cockpit Forest I-lealth Spray Pro)acts (light capaoty air tankers) Yes, air-cond tioned Yes Yes air-conditioned ves Yes air-condit oned Yes Yes, air-cond tioned Yes Other equipment Retardant agitation system. PA/Siren System Airmaze fuel filter tnstahation EO3086R2 Retardant ag tation system PA/Siren System Airmaze fuel filter nstagat on EO3086R2 Retardant agitation system PAIS ren System Airmaze fuel filter nstaliation EO3066R2 Retardant ag tahon system PA/Siren System Airmaze fuel filter instailat on EO3086R2 ruli Op rut c i r m ni,i»" n. u = AOIOBBE003B 0 in r ( coup la Page44 of 60FNR

172 Birddog Aircraft 1. A ir c raft General Information and Identification (required information) A rcraft Make and Model A rcraft Senal Number Heavy Air Tanker Group Birddo a i rcraft Rockwell Turbo Commander TC-690A Intermediate Air Tanker Group Birddo a i rcraft R o ckwell Turbo Rockwell Turbo Commander TC-690A Commander TC-690A Light Air tanker Group Bird do a i rcraft Piper Aerostar PA-60 ' Aircraft Registrat on c-ghvvf (BD1321 C-GAAL (BD1311 C-GDCL (BD1341 i C GLVG ( 111) Year of Manufacture Hours of Airtrame Air c raft Specifications 2 I No E ngines and Type 2 2 Payload/Capaoty Up to 5 Pax 2 Alled Si nal TpE K Allied Si nal TPE K Al lied Si nal TPE K L c u min KI 35 Up To 5 PAX Up To 5 PAX Up to 5 Pax 2 3 Fuel Endurance 45 Hrs 45 H rs 45 Hrs 4 5 Hrs 24 I FR capable Yes Yes Yes i No 2 5 A rcraft Condition Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 2 6 V isib lity Standards Exce llent Exce6ent Excellent Excellent a il iipoviwnx 4 r m n i nn nt " AO t ci,i r t r,p ic Pace 11 I'JS Page45 of 60FNR

173 3. A ir c raft Performance 3 1 Cruise Speed 3 2 Low level loiter ng s eed max fuel load 270 Kts 120 Kts 270 Kts 120 Kts 270 Kts 120 Kts 200 Kls 120 Kts 3 3 Runway Requirements 3,000 feet ft ft 3000 Fi 4. Co m munication and Navigation Equipment Specifications 4.1 Comm u nication Equipment - In sdd oo lo all Lepsisc sand e utero r e uremenls VHF-AM Transce vers FM Transceiver Satellite Voice Communications Communication System Access and Control Internallntercom System Communication System Headsets ' 1 rvrvlt Qp rct ons,tgr m ni cni nt * AO I OSSE003B Concu 0 roup inc 2 Coll ns VHF-22A Coma 1 echn son cs TFM138B S200 Satphone c/w PTA telephone adaplor 2 - Northern Airborne Technology AMS 43 TSO audio controllers A ccess through boom mikes and head sets Can transm t and receive on either the AM, FM o r phone system fro ai l seats. Equipped with an integrated intercom system with the nght back seat "tied in to the AAQ i aud o controller 3 noise cancellmg headsets 1 - Germ n GNS 530Aiv 2- Collins VHF 20A Coma Col lins VHF20 Coma GPS NAV CQM 1 K ng Kvt 86A CQM Technisonics TFM138B Technison cs TFM1388 S200 Satphone crw PTA12- S2 0 0 Satphone ciw PTA telephone adapto 100 telephone adaptor 2 - Northern A rborne ' 2 - Northern A rborne Technology AMS 43 TSO Technology AMS 43 TSQ audio controllers A ccess audio controllers A ccess through boom m kes and i through boom m kes and head sets Can transmit and I head sets Can transmit and recetve on e ther the AM FM race ve on either the AM FM or phone system from all or phone system from ag seats seats Equipped with an integrated intercom system with the r grit back seat "tied' in to the AAQ audio controller 3 no se cancelkng headsets Equ pped with an integrated intercom system with the nght back seat "tied i to the AAO audio controller 3 noise cancelling headsets 1 Techmsonics TFM138B S200 Satpnone ciw PTA telephone ada tor and handset Northern A rborne Technology AMS 44 audio controger S eparate capab lilies for the p lot and the sr attack ofhcer Access through boom m kes and head sets Can transm t and ece ve on either the AM, FM or phone s stem from aa seats Equipped with an mtegrated miercom system wth the nght back seat 'tied" n to the AAO audio controller 3 noise cancell ng headseis Page46 of 60FNR

174 Publ c Address (PA) Whelan PA/S ren system vnth System one downward famng loud hailer 4.2 Navigation Equipment - in addition to all Legisiarive andre clare re w remenls L Global Posit on ng System Automated Fl ght Follow n 4.3 Per s o nnel Communications P ersonal Digital Assistants Ki ng KLN94 S200 (conte ns the LMC for treckin Ye s whelan pa(siren system vnth one downward facing loud ha ler King KLN94 S200 (contains the LMC for trackin Yes whetan paisiren system with one downward famng loud hailer King - KLN906 S200 (contains the LMC for track n Yes Whelan PA/Siren system with one downward and one side fac n loud ha ler I - Garmin GNS 530AW GPS S200 (conte ns the LMC for track n Yes 5. Fli ght Safety Equipment TOAD Pulse Lights Av dyne TAS 620 processor coupled to a EX500 multi functon dis la Wing tip and ta I puis ng hts Avidyne TAS 620 processor coupled to a EX500 multi function d s la. W ng tip and tait pulsmg tits Avidyne TAS 620 processor coupled to a EX500 mutt funcuon dis ia Wing tip and tail pule ng rns A v idyne TAS 520 processor coupled to a EX500 multi f uncton de la Wing tip and ta I pulsmg b hts 6. Oth e r Cabin can be pressunzed Cab in can be pressunzed CI mate Controlled Cabins and air-condit oned or and air-conditioned or heated heated Cab n can be pressunzed and a r-conditioned or heated A r vents and c rculat ng fans, cab n can also be heated '\ r li i i pu uunns t r ccmcni m ni = AO(088E003B ( n i (i p ine Page47 of 60FNR

175 r 1 Richedule B-3 Personnel Qunlifienfions In peifo<nnn ihe Set<ice(. I'e<snnncl n<ll lm<e the tollo<iingnunnnum (NII<li <tionsanrl s pmience AIRCRAFT I LIC HT CRI(SVN 1.1 A nl T A NKFR FILO'I' Vahrf (Snhnc Iran(pntt Pilot I i(cn S(ahd t.'ouipauy Duo litic.(tron (m type Pilrx Pioli i cu.> Cite k (0 P fi t on type, ('nnmr< Group I m(numen< ratmg. f hnnnum Stltl hnur I'(lot-ui-cornmsnrl II'R, Pilot m cnmnmnd - uuuimum I,SOO hours. I'dol-iii-con1<nsiiid <I<urn<a<<I< Sop 1<COIs nod<i ci<81<ic, Dc<I<oil(<<ail 'J esfici iciicc(t I<i i<it<i<i<<art< tlyiiig; Munmum 2 year( e(pciicnce u< tire b(m<bmg (land based an t mkci Ixmuon I I'<am <I m acco<dor<(e i(<th the BC I<ue Boo<burg Pi(xmlut. M amml, a<xi Ne<c lute<i Pilnn nnmnuim 100 hors s. Pilot-u<-r:nmrnaiul m the pa(t yea< 1.2 A IR1ANKERFIRSTOFFICER «. I pm n u n i Valirl Anlm 'I imrspott Pilot License. Vahd Company Ouahficat(on on type: Pilot Vtotimency Check (P.P.(' ) on type, Anion< (huup I nisi< ument < sting hi<<i<in<in< 2SO I<ours Yiioi <11 co<i<i<<arid II<R; 1,1100 hnuis intel Pilot-ur connnand, Muumum SOO houis multi-engine, Dmnon(ha<cd cqici <enced u< a<our<ram tlyurg, I tamed m accordance with the 11C Firebnmbu<g Vroccdores Ivf un<id, aiitl c I Ime V<lots nnmruum 100 hnius as Pilot m cnnmraarl u«he p i(i y ai me t s AO Ioltgf',tied li 1 i i a< 0 su rut Page48 of 60PNR-20!

176 1.3 BIRD 0()(; I'I LOT 'I urhinc Pun ered Bir<lrlog Aii ci aft Val i d (. nmpuuy Quahticatmn on typ» V>lot Pioticiencv C'heck tv.p (' i u > type, (h in e n( G>oup I m numm>t iatm(. hf mn num (00 hours Pilot-mcommand II I(, Pilot-m-comn>seri m m mnnn 1,100 hr u> '; I'BOI 111 coniio(nul - IOOIIIIIOIII 100 lion< i 1111<hi ('agni ", Con>piet>or> of>crxibnn(c(l Fl>ght gnnulitor Pioemm and 26 houis P>lor-m C OIOI>i,iud (>11 I 1'lie, tii ( (0 hoots VIIOI Ii> ( <i>i>i>i>i<id Oil >yf>c Dcm onst>«ted expenenced u> n>oun>mn flymc. I'> amcd m acco>dance ii>th the BC I'ucbumbing I'rr»(du>es ivlamml, ind Nei v lu>cd Vdo>s nunmnuu 100 houi. as Pdot-u>-conunm>d u> the p«st. I 3 2 P iston I'o»ererl Birrlrlog Aircraft Vsb d ('ompony Qnahticat>on on Iypr: P>lot Piofic>ency C'heck (P.P C 1 nn type, P>lot-m-cr mmanrl - mmimum 1,100 hou>s, Vil r>t->n- ominand - mimmum 100 hou>s multi enyne, Mm > mum 25 hou>s V>lot-u> conm>anil on type aml 10 hours P>lot- u> Conunand on same ckiss of'oi>cr>t't; Dmnonsuaterl expe»ci>ccd m innuntmn fly<oh; I'> mncrl m accordance iv>th the BC Fneboinbn>g Proccduics Manual; mid Nei v lui d V>lots ruuumum 100 hou>s os Pilot-m r.ummmxl m the past year A c «>t (>pe ei omaetccm Am«smear " AOI(hggI 00>B C ivu> 0 I p 11 I '«(>c!i I «( Page49 of 60PNPO

177 Schedule I: SERVICES and FACII,ITI ES I. SEE E IL.ES I Dl I 02 At t ire Commencement nt'thc rkrmlal»hty Pe»orl. thief'!mpany itin al po i tmn ilir: Au rsfi at the Des<gras<ed Base, at the ('ompm) ' c!pcn e tu cornmencc piovismn ol itic Services,:alii hl co ntiirn the fhght opeiatu!n. Pci rrrmct,rvvrkorc<t tn tlic Ani m li l ) uim tire A<a<lab<)try Penod, the ('ompariv ivin ol ie posirronth A n ctatrat ltretnnessn<ltncatinn Riecrli J h> ili Ivhm let, ht nm int iui,m ou icadmess level as spec<tier) by the Mirustei: c) i e poir airy unvcrvmr,iht A n m ati ar ttrc tmie ot' d»<mcry, provrdirig,m csrrmate of the tim ic<pmed to <enredy the siluali m, <t) use rts best eft'nrm to ensure I)rat the Service, A ircraft,uxl Pcisonnrl adhcie to the Mnnstry's <1pcrir<10!uri prticcrhilcs!rid rrlslr'i<etruria l r a u c appinpriste pei an<met of tire ('ompany tn attend pre and post act<or<lebiir ling exercises, umle<uikc uoik util<vina micro)i snd sppmpiurte pcisnrmel foi tlurd IS!<tres as rlncctcrl by the tv)it<islet; g) e nsuie that an tlight opemtions persorniel o<e aniicrt m.»<!<lard apparel fni either flight u< 1!ulrrllcrlafrcc' irs drc case I'rraybct h) a t tire ivqueu of the M<mste< cause any personnel, ivho 1<e nut providurg thc Services <lr:sc»bed m tins Agreement mid Schcdul 1 ro ttie Miruster's sari<taction to be rcmrived fiorn trrnvrding those Services, on the re<piest of tire Pro! <ace mul!vhcic <mi umtilc, pim <de Addit<onat he»tees andfn< Extra Scr vices, i) pin» de the Se»sees m accordance ivrttr tire Biitivh Cnlumbm Fore<i Srrvicc I ne Borubmq l'1 occ<iure; k) mo dify Specialty Fquipment th< 1st'cty <cquircmcnts and service el'fimency enl«mr:<mr:rits at tire rlirccunn of rhe I'ruvmcc, at a o v t to b ag iccd upon hy the I'im mce and the (.'onipmry ncgotratuig ni gnod fmth, supply su<tub)a em nonniental contarmnenl and stoiage Ibr,rli as ucinicd aviation flu<<la, m). toie, handle and dispose ol'an tubr<cants, oils err<i other emuormrerrtally hsrsrdous matermts u sing t ire ( '»mpany' 1 t nolm equipment err<i rnateirsls, rccu<ihng t n "A q rrmmary nt' Lrri'rior<<lie<it!i) SlifrtLlrrls iirl<l OUI<)citric< fnr I'ucl Hanrttrr!L. Irolispo11!<roil 111<l Slur 1gc ir B C I'n'I'rior<it<crit pith)<callo<i, n) tun e a spin <espo<me pian ivluch out)mes action m thc cvcnr nf chemi<a) s)utts o< othe i <rrrcii'crr'v. slid n) ic t»»i u! i h P t omnce as soon as possible, the part<culs<,iml <Ictarls ot any cnvnnmncnial m idmit i n lu<hnp Itic (. mpany'1 actinns onrlresponsrs nccuiimc re)ster) to the peifinmuicc of thc Sci <tees Bepoit s ' ( ( ) IILSCEDD.IB I' age lr t 1< Page50 of 60FNR

178 10 < Du t nrg the Ais<lalnhty I'et<Cd thc An m ti. Pe<so<m I. Spccml<y Frpnpmm<t and u ppntt < stems narc< hc '»adable to prn»de the Ser» liir a nme pe»r.rl.pcc<li I b y the hhm tm up t «a nun»mum «I a 14 hnm rluty <l<y m, r leg< intcrt, an<i m;<cm»<lance ivitb the daily atm<thy,d rt estab hsherl by the I Inuster 10 1 I hc Mm<cter n»y <equest ni the C«mp;ms nu<y I'<nmsh n.ufmnute n< Replacement Anmatt aad Spec<airy bquq»neat ni'a type nnitually:1 reed upm tb< pe»tie thght I 0( 'Ihc charges t'n< rhe Replacement Aum,<ti, bp c»lny Lqurputenr ond Pe«mnel are accorrhnt, <o Scherlule D, es<r<r ns nrhe<nis p i m<rt d I 07 Nnt w ithcranrhn t h (' nmpany'1 «t hgt<twns t«i»nv«i r h S c» <ces du»ng the Avarlab<hry P» nd. the Company may, urrh the cnncent ot'the P<o»nr, u e rhc Au» alt li» nthcr pu<pns 1 l t ' the ('ornpwiy <locc so usc rhc Anc<ati, tt<e Availability (.'ha< ace des»<bed <n Sclte<lulc D ndl bc <crhmcrl,1«alp«crt I <by <hc ( onq»u<y acid thc Pine«nc 2. FAC I I.ITIES 20 I Dur m g the l ernr of tins Agreement, the Cnnqiany n d l prov«l a I 'roncpntt Ca<«srbs app<oied Ma<trtenance Orgauizat<on as described ui the Proposal 20 2 Thc ('nmpany uiil prnvnlea 24 hnu< cnntact fscrlity du»ng the Ava<lab<hty I'e»od irum ivlush the Muncie< nary <ctpll'st Sc< vices. 3. AL' R IAL SPRAY OPL'RATIONS 3 01 Du t<t<g the Tc<m ut'and m acco»lance»<th the p<«s<mnm o(tins Ab«content. mid iv<th the agreement of'bnth parties, the I'iovince may request thc Cnrnpany to provrrle thc A<rmali a<ul Spemahty mnl Pe< sum<el I'ni usc m ac»at spray npe<at <orts The Aenal Spray Opemtions urll bc p<nmdcd m accordance with tlus Agreement sr»i os set out <n Sche<lulc (' I. 4 I rrrtl»pc<su«11 1 "Icc»CI I t rr AOI isa»f003b Page 17 t 4< Page51 of 60FNR

179 Schedule C-1 Aerial Spray Opel ntiruts I. I' o i' Acchil.'ipicl'I'Ops>:>unit(: a) I he P>oimce n >ll p>o(<de n><tten nnt>cc to tl>e Cnmpany ot' ue<><l.piny n pci,ii>un 1 ( q 1(ll'Ciilciii 8) The ( ' ompm>y iv<b pt(ni(le,(11 n'( i m y a(hl>tmi>al equipment capable nf' pe>l'ntmance iii 1 in,ume> that n>eets the iequircmcnt tni :mr«l (piay npmat>ons (mclu<hng l>u< nnt Im»ted to any additional eqmpatcm ierpuicii tn cnppo>t pestm>ilc t(nmg, luurhny uan pn>tat«iiu i >libintmn ond any )pill cqmpmcnt tn (nppn>t thc Lompon)'s Spill Plan) and nhere >equ»cil I» I,nv, hcensc<l fo»nt n d 1 n c) 'I he Company v ill pinv>de )il necessa>y peimirs mul fir in)cs,uid c mply ii>rh nil apphcnblc laivs and regular<one. d) 'fbc C<mq)any >vill p>nv>de I'eisnnnel I'(» senal (ptay opeiat>ons as foumvs: n Protect numa nn hnldm,i m ust hold a valid B«ush Cnluml»a I'est>c>de Appl>c,(I r. Bc<lilies> ' (In>c try category), S p ray System n>au>tennncc ( op nccrv rrni(i hold a v ahri B i itish Columh>a Pest>«de Apphcato>s Cen<ficnie (ti tesliy categoty); an<i Lnsdmg Superv<sot must 1)nld a vahd Bi>trsh 0 olun>bm Pesiic>rle Apphcatrss Ce<tifica>r: (in<'ca>is c ii '9» )') 2. SER V ICES Or> agreement by boih pa> n 's I'oi senal sp>ay opemtiom, Ihe Cumpany (v>ll fnnvnfc thc foumi ing odd>t>nnol oei in( apt ay se> vice) 2 01 A t the Cornn>enccmcni n(an Aeiml Spray Se>vice Pcr>nil, ihc ('ompsny iv<ll 1) po stt>on thc Ancratt as dnected by the fvlmi)tcr anil ct the p>ovine ') c)pcn i to <hc stagmg il c<i >i) ciitnnlciicc >lie pion<slot> ot rite set>al sf» ay se> v>ces 2 <12 In per fornnng acr«l spray (civ>ces, the Compariy iv>b; al cu( u i e au oper,ii<ons Iohecorxlucterl m acco>ilancc iv<th m)nutailu>e's specificai>ons b) se cu>c equipmcnt:ual uppl i») prevent unmnho>ized access to tbe pest> <des. c) 0' Ivc al Spill Pl'ili,'1'1'1<icli nit<i>>it:s ac>ill>i iii tlic cvciii of cllc>11>ciil spiff( oi oitic1' ciiicigciicv, rl) cl I') mak e the oucr,>ti ar«l snppott sy(renm ava>labia to the Mnn)<ry fm vcriticat>nn ot operational >eadir>ess on n date ag(c d nith the Prnv>nce, pnvsess a val»l Bin>sh ('oluml»a I'est Contin( Service L>cence, nb>am the ixtmns m><l al>proiah ti» l<m level f)<ght. gl r htn>n thc permit)innthnrny Ibr fi ir y <1>ghts tinm lonrhugbe)c ro tres<ment ares)<a fatty Ibghr co«1601's, h) obt au> pcrrnu innthniiiy mul'or «b>de by no< ( ubotcnmni i <I»truncate, and tl <cco>(l and i stem product ut<hz)uon >ecorils A t>ope.1>ion Aa eernent Amen < nt s Ar)tththl>tlu)B I ',s 1 ) o i»o Page52 of 60FNR-20(

180 2 tl: In I l t e icn t t a p c u i<i pi l l ni misapplicitum nit» nun-t <rue< ere< ( i c liu l rl aic,ic), ihc ('ntnpmi shall a) <np p c i atirns mrl immediately nuplemeot rts Spill plan, 0) nnmc<ltitel> i i i c i c rlail nriti c <o th k i n»err t cnrl nthc< pmtie a rl necte<t, iii ittcn aot<ce i<i<i(i f to<i<priv ti linn ;1<ul c> r l ou< up and dicpnse ot' any leak mul/oi spill<<go iii ii 'i'(i<dr<ice i<ill< pit»<i<or<i Liiis 11<d <ego)anon( pi<ni to the iesumpt<nri ot'pest<mile appliiation. 20 d I b c Cnmpany chall I ie ci)nnsrble to remove al) pest<cole ieinii<1111 i<1 cf)1))'11<g/hottiblrlg <<<irk) <<1 comp)erron nt' <he Seri<ca mtn t<pfnofu<a<c ca)cd con<au<cia I b c I'<evince <i<i) iemov t f i ce comameri fr< m tire lording iic. 2 0) I hc ('om>nmy hall have on cite at all umes af bl Nl a rmial Salary Data Sheets (MSDS) of rhe pesttcnle beuta applied, n c opy ofrhe ivoik m progress; c) safety phm ; <l),i op y nf rhe pe tir:iris use penmt, e) pe sr<cide Labels sar) iesu<cuons,:md Pe)ticirle Applimloi's Cc<t<ticatec as iequned In Ihc a<en< <herc ic a cnnfbct bet<veen tbe <equn en<en<a ts iul) pa)agiaph a) tn g), rbe more stringent Ic(fir<ter<in<i<i 1)all 'ii)lily 2 0(i P»n r tn cnmmencmg,sip)i»it<on of'thc p ticirlc, thc Corr ipany a)rail n) c<m<lucr a pic tre<rment ieconnatscance fhght at tlic province c s pencc m order to heconie fanuhai ivitli rhe SP<ay lone bound, ines. no-rteatmcnt ronrcn buttia (ones aml ccnstitvc a<cue; a lld, hi thc p ilots rle ir n,itc<l ro peti'nrm the cpa<at<oriel pesticide applicarton mucr either print or be [ii ' '111 (i<<if<' 01 ' lice<i<in)<iree i<i<i<i i<<i<co fltgltf 2.07 T hc C imfan<y, it pilot onrl th I hrnctci. hall lctcnnmc thc nurnhcr nial dnection of tlight, an<i the sivath oier lap I'o< tieornienr umr in Ilia Spray pone ivlucb )vill ac)neve rlic rmpmcmmiic cr r nirt m rlnc /(I,'I cot<<a<if 2.08 Th e Con<puny sf<elf )run<ed<)re)y verba)ly nor<i'y rhe Munstei if a) in thc ('ompiny's npirnon an area is not treatable b) the pec» idc ic applied to mi area ourside rhe Spniy gone oi m idc an pesricrde bee zone, nn tie)inter)( zone orbnffer zone, c) pe c tic«le is f o lie<), orher than <n tbe <to<nial coutcc ol'opciniionc an<i ivluch aie not cpemfied unde> the Sp<ll Phn as iequned uumeiltate nottlimitimi; mrl d) any verbal nottticct<ou given urider tius section clmll bc t'olloived by ivntten u<ittce ivithui onc o i)i k<rig dti)' Ag ecmmn s A() lqvgl)00 01 ( a i i i Di o ip I<1 Pose <9 i <( Page53 of 60FNR

181 2 II'I I y i t lnn 30 <lava of compfetmp the hmi i cc, tl i I ' nmpani ) m t) <ufmnt a i port, srgrt d hy the I (l ip 1(l)' I I I 'CI I li<1ui CI. C( I((<i«11«the ikir '( luimg nf«ch the 1 r ty(n v ciii cc t onk pftic. m<l v vithm i h) <f it' ll vl hv llcii<iiic<ll lyfie; c) tit s nn (1 vfri:(res I(ear(ed. uf ttmnv nn thnse dates. d) the neatmerir type vppfred, <ncfuduit. method ot apphcalion, n Ihc. pest<err)a fhrnuifatmn «ppimif, ifcraifmp mmic, uirf rtu,uiritm n l' the pesticide, ca«rer,uul or)thrive rrt encl> forunifa, anrl m rhe infume of pesucide spray appfre<f ut hu "pci fr ctme an<) the total pest<en)a appfr <1 cvplcsvvd In lcrrrrs ot;ictivc mr rmtmnt nf pc(it'i<) ')rct )ice<ate lllag. )1(i(i(It(' I)1 ' (PP('nv1111atc 1 <'ali( ii ' i(ill) <)le cvlilil<ircd rica I< If(i' ((col'csf onc ( I ) flcclaic' nt aieas rreareri and, 0 a c ompleted pesuc«fe Operation Report I onu 2 lg 'I he t.'ompany alia)) return a copy ot'the pesticide Opeiatt<m Rccoid I oim tor a miruinum ot'three y -, 0(mi Ihc 6 tie of'thc npciat ion anil vfuifl purvimnt to thc I'istrm<fc I'ontinf Act make it avaifahfe ti I 1111)rect(a<I i()i<i(( tv()<(est ot ai1<1()11111(sti alnr of t)1 ' Vv. IIC1<fc I nit(i'<1) Act iai cmcn< " AO108ahgi)30 P 'c 41 fur Page54 of 60FNR

182 <iohodulo I) EFE SCICEDULE I. I )EI I<hl ll O ins I Ol In ti n Schedule, unless <bc contest <cqu<r < othmiiise a) Add rtmnai Ave<la)»lnv ('~her i<" mcnn lot each Year, the tees <lese»bed m tlu' Schcdnle tn be puil by Ihe Provm e tn the ( r>inlmny tiu A<lrhimnnl Sc<»cru prov<<le<i by the ('nmpanv as mitho»ze<l <mrlei tlus Aboeenrerrt. Aucral'I anrl lie<vices, c) sgvtit Availalnlity ( Irstgc<" mean I'oi each Yea i, tire tees ss agreed to by the Patt>es to he paid by the Provu<ce to the Compariy for PM<a Service. P<»<dcd by thc ('.ornlvany a a uthorized i)i<<le> I)i>a Agree<i<a><I, il) ei "~F)t ht luue' means n fnr tire An I ank» (s) tlm tnn, n<»<encd m mnn<te> and reported u< tenth: of an horn ss calcu)ster) and detail <I rn i h e l r ancpnri ( 'armda Aeronaut<ail I nforrnsuon M mursl (I'C AIM), fion< tire aircraft l«avuig tts st<tier»ry pos»uin a< a r raid»» Inirlrrig I)<ctiny tbr the puipnses ol' takeot)' to the ume <i)<et< the auciofr retrunv to a iersidsnr loaduig facility arid conies ro a complete stop; and fn r thc Ritddngmrcroft rh time, mcavorerl m nnnures arid reported u< ten<hant'an bout as calcu)ared and derail <I m rh e I r rmvport Ccnarla Aeronautical I nl'nims<ion M am<el ('I'C AIM), tiorn ivheels roll ro <vheels stop, "~FI ma Rais" means the lxmrly charges for I<liaht'I mie, f) "Iiuel Rate' rs the rare charged by rhe Company to tire Provuice Ibr I'ucl used m pertb<msrrceot' the Services, g) i Lan<On Fccs";ue the Ibes charge<i by Airpoit Anlhw i<ice to >lie Company Iiir lm<dingv ivlule provrduig the Smmcc T hese fccs are pnyable to the Compnny mv sct out m 0.02 of tlus Scheilulc, "i~os<bourn " mean< ieqimc<l mmcmeru tn locate the Anc<att to a lob site at the request of tire Mitt<ster< i) 'Propri. Account" means a i»<>ten vi,iicmcni nt armumt. nn Conqiany letterhead, m a t orm satisfactory tn the Minister. A t the comrnenceinent of each yeat, du<my tire Ago ccmcnt Tenn, the lvluuste< may change the tequii menrs for a Pi oper Account ond <vill advise the Company u< iai I I> rig, I) "Rr:Ica c Rate means tire< rat vct ra<t in Ih<v Schcdulr: <o credit the Ivlim>tty I' or each day the An» ad r. rale < d by the Pi(>vrncr: I() the ('nmpany, an I I~(e ostuonrri " means o «hangs m thc oncm0 lui»»inn, t itic i qu vt ot tire Mnmtei aitt»pr atl i A ' vn ie it m i AOIOSSFOOOB p,ie ' a I ot -is Page55 of 60FNR

183 2 01 Th c Pim m v i i ill pay the ( o nqmny the t'ullonin ii ith «s p t ln i h c Soi r ee. pirni rlerl Ai,nl,iluht) Chatgcs, h) A <kl<tninal Ai,nl ihiiny ( haik tn i )Hklitinnal Seivrccs fni subicct ron. anil m. nr) I Setiices a<e pro<)dog. rh an 'I dn)s iegsrrgcss nt'the mrmb r nl'days rhe Adrliii<mil cl e t no less titan m n days it' thc A<khttnnal Set<ice),ne commenced on tire ceconrl <loy preccdmr. thc hcgirunng nr the seconrl day folluiii n t he en<i ol the Ai ml,d»lity Pe<md. <ega)die o t 'th n umbc< ul rlni <hr: Ad<lttmnai Se<v<ccs ate pro<aleck u< n o less than one <k<y il'thc A<klitr irml Scrvicc m c n mmenced nn thc day piece<inn <lic hegtnmng or the ilay liillonmy. the ead of thr: Availal)<hty Pe< iorh Fl l glit Tiiiic at <lie I'lyiin Rate, m the event uf Ano n)i Pnsitmmna, I'hght I rmc at the Iilyir<g Rale; I ' h ght m<l Mamteoance C<cu, i «o mmndat<on and expenses ivlien ci i v a re on,<y mcim hr Roni rlieir l)ca<gris<ed 13ase, ai spcmticii m tins Schcrlulc, 0 th n i 0 <cl expenses. <t'<nciaied by the Cimqxiny m rbc per Rirnu<ncc ril'thc Setvtcem ht thrive,mpn<r lan<hnu aml nav<pmr<on t'ecs and charges, <f' mcuncrl hy rhe ( m npany ui tbe per girmanc nl <lie Sm vices. Cn<l Ot he< Costs as set imt m tins!iclm<luie 2 02 'I he Pinvutce <vill p ry thnv«lbes deim <br rl rn pm )graph 2 01 ar«les set nur m rlus Scliedule, all other charges arid mry apphcable taxe. <i<i)un ')0 days fnlluiving rcceipr by the P<ovmce ot' a Propre Aeon<It<( 2,03 Th Co mpany <vill submit Proper Accounts m no less than weekly an<i no longer than mombly nrrem ala 2.0q As o f the 'r'cai commencu<g April I, 2<tl I. the Aia<lab<l<ty Charges, I'lym R ale, sr<if Arlrhtouiil Availability ( 1<a<ges as. t nut m this Scii riul i i i ll lie adprsted on n compound His<i li) of'thc clmngc m thc Statrst<cs r:one<la (.'Oosuuie< price Index (Cpl) I'o< Vancouvc<, R<it<sl< Coiurnbm fo< tbe toelve mimth pcriorl l)cc rube< tn 13ecernbe< mimed<ately piece<hng tlic Yem to ivluch <rch amouats a<c,qiplir.shlc. 3. AV AH. ABILI1Y CHARCRS 3 01 A t otal AvaiL<btl<ty Clm<ge f'u< thr: Aia<L)lnhty Period, tomlluig eight million, six Innuhed an<i ten Ihunsanrl, one Inmdred anrl ninety eight ilullmii ($8,610,198.00) cnlcul,ited as fogoivs a) H eavy Au Tankci (houp Atr Tmiker Hirddng Airer sll Type I or.khced I -I qg(' enlrance I I <bo( mmander I (.' (i')t)a I) of Aircraft Availability Pcl loci Availability Clos< ge 123 <Lays $ Aat ' '» mt A <) lt)ssl00)l3 I', c Jf, t Ir, Page56 of 60FNR-20I

184 bl b<tctn<cdmtcan T nd,m (I< up hi<'c«<0 I > pe 8 of Air craft 3< uilability Period I ut;tl /u< lani e< ( om an ('\' 580 Bn l<l I call ( «nnn;nulc< I (. 69UA N«n<1 c'< ol A«Tan i c< ( < nq>s 123 dny S2,5< 1,3(800 s > I otal A<adsb<hty Charge to< Inte<mcd>,<te A<r Tanks< (huup $ c) I <ght An lanke< (imup Airm sl't T<pe gof Ab'c<'sft A<ailabilitv Period A<r Tanker A<r I <actor 802AI' Dnddug I'q>e< Ac<nets< 123 days $ PA Th e A>ailabdin (.barge is pa< shl» in five (5) equal invtalments ot onc <mlhon. seven hundred and t>venty mo thousand. <Iu<ty <nne doll<ts mul a<sty cents ($1, ) on May I '..Iune I *', July I', August I *' <nd Septembe< I" m each Year ot'the Aipeement A d d itiunsl Availability Cba< gev 'I bc A<kbt<on 0 Ava<lclnhty Clan gus fnr each day of Add<t<onal Sen tees lo< each hn I anke< Group <s foliose a) l leavy A<r I anl er ('<oup: A.n 'I nnkc< Hn<ldog Aircraft Type Lockheed L- L(8(.' enhnuced Tur bo Cu<nmandcr I C 690A Additional Avoilabilitv Char e $12, /Asy b) lme<medmte Au T<mkc< Gmup Aircraft Type Au I'<nke< Cunvnn' CV580 H«ddog I'C 690A c) L <gbt Au I'soke< H<oup Aire< ah Tvpe An Tanke< h u ' l <actnr 802hl. Additional Availabilitv Clu<r c $20,8 l8.00/dsy Additional (vsilohilitv ( ' hsr e $11 'I( 1 (10 /day Anc atl <)p» m<o< A eemen< ccmcnt c A( >B page «o( <( ~OK Page57 of 60FNR

185 FI.I(;)IT TI AIR ( Il.<R(;ES 4 Ol I hg ht l i me ('lmig<' li c encl< huui ul'i li ht T n n,uul Pr ra<mt tiii Pnt Il «II l i c cidciikitc(l lt <IIL' hourly lilvm R.ue:is I'ollrms. Aircraft T<pe F lyin R a l e Au Tsnkei Bit ddog Locktieed I -I tig(: enhance<i Cni1'i in CV500 Au Tractor 802AF I'C 690A Acrmtm PR 60 93,5( 3 00 /hou< $1, /hour $1,2:12 00 /hnur $915.00!houi $450.()0 /hnui 5. I I.I ( ' I I T AND AIAIiVTEVAIVCL' CRL)V ACCOhlisIODAT IOiV Aih'0 EXPEiVSI'9 s Ol Ru ay tiom Devi Cia<ed Base ln'ing expenses will be tlat rated and receipts iv<b not bc icquncrl I tic Duly at lmv mrc will bc a) T i vo hun<h <I Ihurrecn <lobmc and lil'ty cents ( mcludmg r o und timisportatrori oi arid must be subrniue<l on rlie <l,uly Bighr slips, OR 0) One intr<<he<i forty mnc higm's ond fifty cenrs ($149 SOi excludnig mounit u in<port unm And imist be irem<zed mid submitted on the daily flight shp 5.02 S hould rtie Muusr<y supply any of the nbove expenses thc daily rate will be <e<lucc<l nv follow«: ac< ornrmirlat ion $ 10tt 00, S I 6.5<t each meal, aad ground tier<spot<at<on-$ I l ' Away fi mi D Lrbmarcd Bnve expense~ telarcd to Ihe piovinie's request tn Reposition rhe Ancralt,uiil rhc ('nrnpmiy'l miint nance v hie)a i< <cqun d <vill 8 i s thgmis a) m i leage at eighty I'oui ccnrs (S 114) per kilnmerer rn posirion snd de-pusirion rhc (umpany's inmnicimn i vela )chen<can thc Destgrmterl Base md lire An craft's teinporatrly assrgneil sile. crit) b) i t ' iequne<l, rostv mcurzcd I'nr tianspnir by ivater feny <vill be iemibiused ot m st. Rc<cipts are 1cqili1 'il Rn additrorml tiverity seven ($27 00) dollars per nigtu pcr 111 ht:mil mamtcnancc cieiv menthe< ivhen tlie AumaO aml cieiv are requue<l by tire Mimstei to bc positioned non)i of the 60" latrtu<lc.. (i. OT I I L'R () 01 Fir e) Thc nvi incuiicd arul pair) hy thc ('onqimiy Ihr avis(ion tnel u ed by tbe Couipany tn provide tbe Scl vllcl llll lci <011 Al'tCci<IL<lt 6 02 I.s n<lirrg Fcc< I he cnst loi I mi hnc Fees as set out m the Ivlmistry' c nnent ye«is )lehi optci I ui«hng Fcc )stile Nu receipt. aie ieqnneii anr) ihc mmibci of landmps per location curst be noted un th daily tlrglit slqiv anil will ix p,ml scconlmgly ALI n ct 1" AOIOCSI Oij)B F, cat I' 46 Page58 of 60FNR

186 A<lditiunal I'ei sonnet the riuect cost~ nf'sddinnnol mnn<enuice pe< inn I icquned Imm pc<indi ct' m m u rhnat) <irc I ' I I I «V (»J Alutual Arrl Resource Sbming (liiars) C'hei gcv ('lmig,is <greed by the I'<rric, u«l as requn crt to meer the V<ovmie's onii the ('ompa<»'s nbhgatinns m prov«lu<g the Anc<stl m«l Se<1<ces unde> klurual Arrl kesource Sha»r<g Agreen<ents rn <vlnch the V<ovmce is a signatory 6 01 I< s t»1 Availability Clu<rges AI ngree<l to by the Viovmrc mul the Conqau<y 6 0( Ae rial Spray Operations a) I<light I'nne at the I<lyuig kates tn< any tlight hnu<s «here the (.'ompauy has piovirled aerial sp<'ay ol<cl'itt<ons;u<tl 01 Othe< chatgcs sv aknccd hybn<h piriic,iv dn r<ly I I <ted tr tli : <'rial piny oper«tits< 6 07 Ot h er A.<gteed by both Vs»res 7. R ifi,i<asf, RATFS 7t<l I he t ate fni the Cnmpmiy's u e ot' the A n cint< iihen ielessed tinm d<e Con»un<)'I Service icqu<renicrus by thc Ministry ivill be nt thc Rclci c Raic tni each anrl every riiy ttic Aiicratl is release<i The Rclcasc Rare is as agreed by the padres g. DAkI AGRS 6.0I Vo r each and every houi the Air»at't, Spectahry hquq<mcni and personnel are nnt avmlable tbr Services us <equi<ed by the Mnuster, the Muustci may <«<sess Asmages <n thc aniount tn one tenth of thc Dady Avadab<lity (<lelincri;is die An»at) Avnlat»hty Cha<ge <l<v«lerl by l23 days) or at the Mnnstci'v disci ation, thc ic i unnble co I tn the piovin<c to <epluce thc Air»ah an I Sci vie Da na<vis may be assesserl rf the Compm<y dnes nor, Iri rhe ieasnnable op<mon nf the Ivlunster, use ail the reswirces avmlable to tt<e ( ornpariy to cnsuic thc sci wcesbd<ty of the Au»aft a rid as a result the ('nmpany t'ads tn respond to s Iequesr tbi Sci vices scen<ding rn rhe As<ly readiness (alerr) cr<te»a established by rhc M<r«qer. I. mluic tn rcsponrl in ttnv u<v»nice iqne cnt a non avadabihry day o< portion 0<erenf 8 03 It Ihc Bndrlog Aucr,it'r rs unavodable and n <s riot ope<at<onally feasible for the An I'asker to Iom another an tanker group, the assess damages may be applicable to borh rhe An Tanker and the Liu d dog A«c< aft,i c 'I«B vcr<iii I A c <' uc u Am mcm < AO10<<80003B Page59 of 60PNR

187 Schedule E l<vsura)vee I. ( in SBBAN('L' BFQCBI(L'3)B>XTS I 01 ln adriitron ro oral> polmres as are reqiured by ('ann<i»n Imvs xul iesuiat<nnc, thc C'<mipanv cl»ll. at rts sole cost utrl ecpense ond rlu»ng rhe Ag < cern nt 'I rm pim <dc anrl m unuun I'ni thc bcn tir ui' thc bun>ate>, Ins c ii nits, ag nr.irul cmplo) <h c tiiuoiimg mcuinnce a) A nct att I mh<li<y m i p c t nr tluirl ixni I orhly m>ui) nnd/or piopciry <tmuage. <riclu<lirv pi.senger liability, uirh limir not less rhan icn million doll us (Sit) ) combuted smgie luuir, each ocr:rnienc. Iil AC >i<>>oil GC<>C11l I I tbilii)' 111 s<11 11 ' ', 111C)11111>g P>C>11<CC A Olio> iii<111:1»il Pi<i i>>i ic A rumple<cd Oper >nuns liabihry. art)i )mitra not less than ten miihon dnlhsis(q I ) combuierl single l<mir, each occuiren c and m rite anmml aggreg irc ivnii respect to Piodimrs f (.'amp)ere<l Operations. c) T h m u i :mce out) incil unite< «):md 0) nbnve. slu>b mclude tire tiigmving endo> ament. <i>>i)/iii' pit>i<a<i>>i blanket cnntisctiml lish>lay, u ri n n-ouned mitomnlnlc msumn m, c ont<ngmn cmplnyci halnlny. Iv, )is>so>1,0 i>i>i>>3 )rib>i>>i. employees as additional nisuieds; anil vi. a c rocs halnhiy cimisc, vti Hc f Ma)city >lie Ouccii n1 ib ' rig)it oi >lie Pri)viiicc iit Brit>i)i 0< liiiiibi 1;ic russ<entail by the Ivlimst r ot'forests an<i fumgc anil any ot'»c cmplnycc, seivuntv oi ibmntc nie to 6 ark)ed as an '*Additional ins<oed", nnd vm i u i y additional nisu<arice <vine)»s requned iiy laiv o< ivlucii tiie Oo<npariy cnnsnie<s nece.sary >ocr ver <i.ks not orhersvisc covered by <nsu<ance pcc<iie<l m >)i>' CC<.iin>1 I 02 I 0) I Od AB mciaarice ivig bc m a lian>, iml conrent snd placed ivrtb an uisu<er oi msu<eis duly licensed to cony <m msiuarice busuiess ui Br nish ( olumbm acccpiabie to the Muusrei. Tl i e Company chai), not iarer rban the commencenierit of the Agieement )em>, provide to riie Provuice a Cimt<lic uc of Insurance contirmmg ng p ihmcs,n«i ne e«aiy erxini emerit tu cur»ply iviiii >lie i<>su>:1< ice icqii >reit>or>>i air)nuit lier cin Th Fo uqsu>y is<b ensiue that the uisuiance may nor be cancelled or mateiiagy changed m any ivay ivhatsnever n ithnur the irisureis piovidirig 30 days piioi riorice ro rhe Ivhmsrei I 05 T ire insurance iv<0 be piuu uy aud nor requue the siiaruig of any loss by any <nsiuer ot'rhe Provmce 106 l he (: ompany ivaives all i iehrs of iccoui c a mnci <h P i nvuicc o rth regin<) lo rbmmgc ro <hc I 07 Cori>pi>>i I proper>i' I b c C:onq>miy shell, ar itc m n c pmi i, nhunn Iyorkg,rfc BC' c< vcrage li» t sc)f, im subcontractors. su n< kmc mid miy sliaieholdei. directors paitn i o r orhcrmd<vidimis crnpioyed m engs ed m the pe<tonnance of rhe Services Hie (.'nmpany must cnrnply iv<th ag coiiditmnc of rhc Biii)m Crimp n ation h r anrl rag>>intron< thereunder. and upon <cquesi, must ptm nlc rhc Pinvm c iv<tli pruot ot such cnmpl<anr.i: Anc att Opc iii n A em 1 u ig cemcm i AOII)cbl 0030 ( i u iii ( 1 I'sa i i at Ia Page60 of 60FNR

188 BRITISH COLLIMBIA STANDING OFFER FOR: MARTIN MARS AIR TANKER SERVICES MINISTRY OF FORESTS AND RANGE AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS AGREEMENT STANDING OFFER Noc AQ0988E001 FILE: /COUL THIS AGREEMENT executed and dated for Reference the I e (Eirst) day of May BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA: Minlstr of Forestsand Ran e Protectlon Pro ram (" Province" ) at the following address: P.O. Box 9502 Stn Prov Govt Victoria, British Columbia Vsw 9CI Telephone No: (250) Fax Na: (25 0) Ministry Representative: Marcia Foots EmaltAddress: marclafootectgovbcca AND Coulson Atrcrene Ltd d.b.a. Coutson Fl In Tankers (" Offeror" ) at the following address: 9350 Bomber Base Road Port Alberni, British Columbia V9Y 823 Telephone No: (250) Fax No: (25 0) Offeror Representative: Wayne Coulson Address: wa e.coutson@coutson rou.corn WHEREAS: The Offeror offers to supply, as, if and when requested, the Services described in Appendix I, to the Province. ACCORDINGLY, the parties agree as foltovvs: 1. DEF INITIONS 1.01 In this Standing Offer, unless the context otherwise requires: this Standing Otfer and Ihe Services as set out in Appendix I and is sent to the Offeror b) "A~ endtx I' means ihe Terms and Condhtions with all Schedules attached thereto; c) "Contract" means the binding agreement the terms of which are set out in Appendix I entered into by the Offeror and the Province which enables the Province to acquire the Services set out in the Air Tanker Request for the Fees set out in Schedule E ol Appendix I; Range; the Director, Protection Program; and such other hllnlstry employees as the Assistant Deputy Minister, Operations or the Director, Protection Program may authorize; e) "Minister' means the Minister of Forests and Range or his "Designated Representative'"I f) "~Minist ' means the Ministry of Forests and Range, Province of Brltrsh Columbia; to the Province under the Terms and Conditions of Appendix I. Services as set out in Appendix I and is sent to the Offeror, giving notice of the dates of the Operating Period The frrst Operating Period is as set out In section 2.03; I) 'Services" means the air tanker services provided by the Offeror to ihe Province as described in Appendix 2 I) "~Standin Offer" means lire Offeror's offer to supply Ihe Services under the Terms and Conditions of Appendix I; and Coulson Alrcrane Ltd. d.b.e. Coulson Flying Tankers stsndtng Offer No. AOO98SECCI Page 1 of 2 Page1 of 68FNR

189 2. TE RM AND EXPIRY 2.01 This Skutdkig Offer will commence on Apnl I, 2008 and expire on March 61, 2009 unless whhdrewn Iri accordance wflh section This Standing Offsr Term may be extended on Ihe mutual agreemsnt of both parflea 2.0S The flat Operating Psdcd wflf be the 80 day perm commencmg on June 02, 2008 and expiring on August 80, The Operaflng Pedod may be amended or an addflfonal Operating Period determined on Ihe mutual agreement of bcm parties. S. T HE STANDINQ OFFER 2.01 The Offeror undmslands end agrees that a) a Contraot is formed on receipt by the Offeror cf the Opemtlng Period Request which has been completed and signed by a IWnlslry Re prssenlaflve; b) the Operating Period Request shall form e Contract only for those Services which have been requested provided always that such request h made In accordance with the provisions of thh Sending Offsn c) the Issue and dlstrlbuffon this Sending Offer does notcbflge the Provlnce to auihorlze or order afl or any of the Ssrvhes, described In this Stendktg Offer, d) tbs Provlrlce'e Uabflffy shall be Umltsd to thai which arhes fram a Contract, made prior to the expiry date described In section 2; e) the Pmvtnce reserves Ihe right to procure the speoflled Smvlces by any other mesne It deems necessmy Including Ihe use of other contracts, sfandlng offem, cr by other contracflng methods; t) the PrcvkiCe reserves the right to set aside this Standing Offer, for whatever reason, and not make It avafleble for any Opsraffng Period Requests; g) no change tc this Standing Offer wfll be vafld unless It h by way of an addendum signed by both the Offeror snd the Province; and h) the Terms and Condmons setout In Appendix I wfll apply to each Conbact If Ihe Province provides an Operating Period Request prior to the expiry of ibis Standing Otfer and receives ihe Services, then the Province wfli pay to the Offsror amounts payable as described In Appendix I of this Standing Offer. 4 SE RVICE REQUEST IEECHANISIE 4.01 During the Operaffng Perlo4 Services may be ordered by methods other Ihan an Air Tanker Request. such as telephone, facslmfle or evnafl It Ihere fs any confflct between the Operaflng Period Request and thh Standing Offer, the provisions specffcafly sst out In this Standing Offer wlu prevafl and afl ebs wffl be as If not wrflten, 4.03 The Offeror wfll use afl commerclafly reasonable efforts lo fufflu eny end afl Operuflng Period Requests, which maybe made before ths expiry of this Standing Offer or of the nouce period under mmuon If the Offeror Is unable to tuff 2 any request fcr Services, the Offeror must bnmediately noufy the Minister. 5. N OTIFICATION OF WITHDRAWAL 5 01 In the event that the Offeror wishes to wflhdrsw thh Standing Offer. the Offeror shall provide no less than ten (I 0) days wrlnen nothe touche Minister and such withdraws! of Standing Offer shall not be sffemlve unffl receipt of such notffhatlcn by the Minister and the expiry of such notice pedod. IN WITNESS WHEFIEOF ths undersigned extends this Standing Offer on the first date written above: (siuxsd fur ae Aumrw or xerxes ssd Recce) F u x Nsnu asd iwe Govhon Ahcrane Ltd. dhm Coulscn Flykm Tankers eranufng Cfhr No. AO09SSECOI Pllfls 2 cf 2 Page2 of 66FNR

190 PENDIX I MS AND CONDITIONS 1. DE FI NmONS 1.01 InthIs Appendix, unless Ihe context otherwise rsquiree: 8) " All " means any or afl alrcratl, described In schedwe A covered by thkr Agmement; b) A~ )N flf)fee y means the dally alen status for the Province'8 alr tartksr resotuces 88 prepared by the Mlnbler during the Ure 8WWWX o) "f)y)naet OUEVEEIES" means en avladon ccourence as deflnsd end detaflsd In the Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM); 'BC Forest Se means ths Brfllsh Columbia Rre Bombing Pmcedurss. created and maintained by Ihe Prcvhce, oufllnlng the Province'8 training requirements and opsreflonel pofldes and procedures In relaflon to aedal fire tlghgnw e) "~Bu tw " means any forest or range kwd ocoupled by houses, traflsrs, mobfle homes, oudufldlngs or other manmade structures liat are being threatened by, or adjacent to, or wflhln the boundwlss ol, a Wfldflre; "Des~te~d s s means the Company'8 usual operational base for the Alrondt; 0) '~Ds Igjeejflgfgflflgfgfjwry means the Assistant Deputy Mlnwter, 0 peraflons, Mlnlsky of Fomsls and Range; ths Dyeotor, Protection Program; and such other Ministry employees as the Assistant Deputy hflnbter, Operations or the Director, Forest protewfon program msy authorize; "~De mesne each calendar day during the Operating Pwlod when Service, Personnel and Equlpmsnt are provided; ~g eny means the Company's flre fighting Aircraft and the Spsohfly Equipment required In providing the Ssrvbes and as described Ct Schedule A, and any other such equlpmenl approved by the Minister for uss In prevtdlng the Servkwrx '~I snhy means any vehicle, equipment or other manmade structure that Is ocoupyktg fwest or range lands being threatened by, adjacent to, or wflhln the boundaries of, a Wfldflrs; ~el ggwlwssntuals means the Companys Trsnspon Canada approved Mslnlsnance Control and Maintenance Prcoedures Manuals dstafllng Ihe aircraft operated by the sir carrlw, Ihe maintenance criteria, procedures and schedules for each almraft and the personnel responsible for malntenanoe, Inspection and quagy contml; 'j lnlster" means ths Mlnhter of Forests end Range or Ms Designated Representaflve; m) 'MAUAIDr mesne the Mktlaby of Forests end Range, Pnwlnoe of BUUsh Columbia; n) "~Osrat NM)tfgflfNF means Ute Compwrjs Tmnspcrt Canada approved document detsfllng the Company'8 operating pmcwlurss and Includes sny amendmenls to the same as mqufrsd by lavr, o) '~Oe MAEgfjoc' means a period wflhln the Smndlng Offer Term during which the Services wfll be avaflable lo the Province under the Terms and Condgons of Appendh 1 and as requested by the Province to the Company, p) rj yjgg UF means the alrcrsfl services as described In Schwlule B; q) SWghll E<NIBflsa means ths Company'8 specialty equlpmsnt required In providing the Services and as described In Schedule A, and any other such equipment approved by the Mlnbler for use In providing ihe Services: r) ' ~W U means the warming up ol aircraft engines es described In Schedule C. s) r y)ie)fg" means an unplanned tire ooourrlng on torest or range lands, burning forest vegetaflon, grass, brush, scrub, peatlands, or a prescribed tire set under a Bum Registration which, In the judgment of 8 Forest Offloer ihreatens to spread beyond the area authorized for Ihat burning; and t) YSK' means, In respect of ths term el this Agreement, the period from Aprfl 1 of one year Ic March SI of the foflowlllg ysw. 2. A PPOINTMENT, TERIE AND SERVICES 2.01 The Province shall request the Services with sn slectronfc AV Tanker Request, facslmfle or e.mafl conflrmauon lo the Company The Company wfll provide ihe Services as requested In accordance wflh thkt Agreement The Company wfll provide the Services during the Opsraflng Period regardless of the dale of execution or deflvery ot this Agrewnent hlore than one Operaflng Period can exist prior to Ihe expiration or withdrawal of the Standing Cger. S. FE ES AND EXPENSES S.01 In consideration of the Company providing the Services, the Pmvlnce wfll pay to the Company Fees end Expenses In Ure amounts end fn Ihe manner set out In this Agreemsnt The sums desorlbed In seoflon S.01 oorwtgule the mwdmum amounts payable lo the Company lor its perfonnance of the Services and the Company will not be engtled to any adrlonal oompensaflon for As performance whether or not the work aotusfly underhken by the Company ls described In the Agreement. Appendix I- Tenne and Con dlacns 6tendlng Cger No. AOOSWIEOOI Page I Pags3 of 68PNR

191 3.03 N~ dfng any other provision cf ths Agreement, the paymenl of money by the Province to the Company under this Agreement ls sub(sot to: 8) there being sullfclent monies avagabis In an appropdauon, ee defined in the Flnsnchl Adwlnlslrnffon Act, to enable the Province, In a fiscal year or part thereof when any psymenl of money by the Province to Ihs Company fags due under this Agmement to make Ihal payment; and b) Treasmy Bomd, as defined In the Financial Administration Act, not having controlled or Ibnltsd. under the Flnsnrxsl Admlnlsbaffcn Acr, expenditure under any appro prkdlon refened tc In subsection (a) The Prcvlnoe csreles that the properly and(or Services ordered and pumhased under this Agrsemsnt are for lhs use of, and are being purchased by, the Province with Crown funds end are therefore nct sub)ect to the Goods snd Ssrllloss Tax, COVENANTS OF THE COMPANY ThsCompany will'. observe, perform and comply wgh ag of Its 8) obgsgons under this Agreement; remain sn Independent contractor and not the b) servant, employee, pmtner, cr agent of the Province or the Minbtsq nol, In any manner whatsaever, commit or 0) propose to commit the Province or ihe Minister to the payment of any money to any psmon, except ss contemplated by this Agree menb secure and maintain In good standing 85 nwmssary approvals and cerdflcates for the Aircraft and S pedagy Equlpm ant described tn this Agreement', e) equip, operate and maintain the Aircraft In accordance with 85 requlrsmenfs cf Canadian and British Columbia laws and regulations: comply with ag the standards, practices, Procedures and speclflcsgon sst out In the Company'8 Transport Canada approved Cper85ons Manual; and those sei oui In the Company'8 Transport Canada approved Maintenance Manuals ln conducting 85 Aircraft maintenance: 8ervlce, repair, overhaul, test, and maintain the Aircraft In e safe and airworthy state of repair at ag times In acconlsnce ugh manufacturer'8 recommended maintenance programs and the Company'8 Maintenance Manuab, to the satlsfactfon of the Mlnlsleq psdclrri ihe Services told 58 cbygatkms Ickier this Agreement In a safe and professional manner to the reasonable satisfaction of the Mtnlstsn I) except wkh the expgdt approvrd of the Minister, ensure that all Aircraft maintenance ls performed by 8 fully quag fled and Ikenssd Alrcrsfl Malntenance Engfneer ('AM~ who ls not gw Aircndt pgob 5 allow no pgot to fly ths Aircraft and provide the servhes pursuant to 1hxx Agreemsnt. without prior approval of the Mlnhteq k) provide and mskttafn at 85 times, sunclent quatmsd slatl, facggles, materials, appropriate Speclahy Equipment and approved subcontrackral anangemenw to fully perform the Services and 58 obggatlons under thfe Agreement to the reasonable sagsfac5on of the Mlnfsleq provide 85 refusing and foam or gel retardant equipment when the Alrcndt ls away from Its Designated Base; m) bs responsible for ag charges, costs and expenses Including bul not gmited to, Alrcrah fuel, costs of lubricants, 8lrporl costs, and Aircraft parking fees, necessary fcr the efgcfent opsndlone cf the Alrmaft and Spechgy Equipment required for the pedormance of ths Services under Ibis Agrsemsnt, unless specgled otherwise In this Agrsemenk n) oblakt and maintain kt force during the Operating Period lnsuraree as described In Schedule C; o) In addition to the Items rxmtskred In Ibis Agrssmsnt, provide 85 gvlng expenses and ssnxces to the Company'8 employees and pennlued subcontmolors throughout the province, together with all other expenses connected wltll 5% corrl pnnys cpernlforrs; arid p) reasonably oooperate wgh thr! Province and any other permns providing servloss to the Provbtca. COVENANTS OF THE PROVINCE The Province wgl, at tts own expense. provide the fogowlng: a) exlraordlnmy charges for navlgagon and(or aeradrome fess (where appgcable), that are necessary for the Company to perform the Servtcss, except as otherwise provided; b) 8 bird dog elmraft as deemed approprkrte to support an Air Tanker Request; c) at the Province'8 discretion, s bird dog alrcratt lo support Ihe Company'8 Iralnlng and prscgce axercfses; and d) access to view the Province'8 Res ouroe Tracking System. Appendix I Terms and Condxlons standing Cger Nc. A0098SE001 Page 2 P age4 of 66FNR

192 6. I NDEMNITY 6.01 The Company will indemnify and save harmless ths Provlrwe end the Mtntster from and against ag dslms, demands, tosses, damages, costs and expenses made against or Incurretk suffered or sustained by the Province and the Mfnkuer or abber of Ihem st any time or times (whether before or alter tsrmlnagon of Ntkr Agreement) where the same or any of them are based upon or ense out ol anything done or ommed to be done by the Company or by any employee, officer, suboonkaolor, or agent of the Company pursuant to this Agreement, excepting as always Nabgly arising out ot the Independent negggent acle of the province or ths Mlnknsr Notwithstanding aeolian 6.01, the Province wgl Indemnify and save harmless Ihe Company, ls permitted subcontractors end their respective agents, servants and employees from and against any end sll llabglly or bodgy Iniury or damage to Impmvemsnls dlrecgy or Indirectly caused by, arising fram or resulting fiom the dropping oi fke retardante, water, foam and other fire conffol chemicals from 8 Margn Mars Alr Tanker by the Company or eny of its permitted subcontractors, their respective agents, servants or employees under this Agreement fn the vicinity of Improvements or BuE-up Areas where such acucns are: carried oui at ths direction of the Minfsten II. are, In the opinion of the Minister, considered to be esse rdal to the control of WIINNres; and IIL not nag ggently performed by the Company The Company wgl cooperate with the Province and im counsel In any end all invesggallons, senlemsnts and fudtdal determination of any claims made against ths Province, the Minister or the Company relating directly or indirectly to this Agreement and wig use Its best sffoh to cause lls employees, ofgcers, subcontractors and agents to be similarly bound. 7. A SSIGNMENTAND SUBCONTRACTING 7.01 The Company wgl not assign this Agreement, nor mtbcontract any of its obligations under this Agreement, to any person, firm, or corporation without the prior written consent of the Provlnoe The Company wgl atoll times bs held fu(ly responsible to the Pmvlnoe for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors and persons employed by them and no subcontraot entered Into by the Company wgl impose any obggatlon or llabgiiy upon the Province to any such subcontractor or any of Its employees. 703 The Company wit cause every assignee or subcontrador to be bound by the terms of this Agreement so fer as they apply to the work to be pertormsd by eaoh subcontractor. Appendx I- Tense and Conditions Sisndtng Oker No. AOOIXNE Nothing kt thkr Agreement will create any contractual rennonshfp between ths Province end the subcontractor of the Company. 8. T ERMINATION 6.01 The Provlnoe may, In addition to any remedy avallabls to It at krw or equity, terminate this Agreement by written notice to the Company II the Company falls to observe, perfonn or corn ply with sny pmviefons of this AgreemsnL 9. NO TICES 9.01 Any notloe, dooument, statement, report or demand desired or required to be given or made under this Agreemsnt wgl be In writing and may be given ar made by personal degvery to the party to whom It 9 to be given or made, or by maglng II In Canada with postage prepaid to the appgcsble address, or by transmitting It by facsimile to the ap pgoable facslmge transmission number, noted for both the Pmvlncs and the Company al the 8I8rt of this Agreement The Company wgl provide to ths Province, es soon as possible and by the quickest means possible the paruculsrs end details of any Aviation Occurrence that occurs while providing Ihe Services The Province may request the Company prepares 8 deluged report of the AvlaNon Occurrence referred to In sedlon MMCELLANEOUS This Agreement wig ensure to lite benefit and be binding upon the Province and lie assigns and the Company and ts successors end permded agents This Agreement wgl be governed by, construed and Interpreted in aocordance with the laws of Nte Province of Brlush Columblkc Ail disputes arising out of or fn connedlon with thur Agreement wig be referred and Nnagy resolved by mbltralion administered by the British Columbia fnternenonal Commercial Arbgratlon Center pursuant to the "Rules ot Procedures". The place of arbitration wgl be Vldorla BC Each party wgl, upon reasonable request ot the other parties, fugy cooperate to Ihe benerment of the Sendces provided under this Agreemsnt Thtv Agreemsnt may only be amended by fuhher written amsndmenls executed by or behalf of lhe parties All the discretion and obligations of the Mlnbter or the Province under this Agreemsnt may be exercised or performed by the Minister, the Deputy Mfntdsr of Forests end Range or by 8 Designated Representative Each Soho dukr A to E attached to this Agreement ls an Integral pari of this Agrsemsnt as if sst out In length In ths body of this Agreement. Page 3 INITIALS F 7 F cr 8 e Ntuder P8985 of 63FNR

193 SCHEDULEA AIRCRAFT,PERSONNELAND SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT During Ihs Openmng Period, gte Company shall phwlde Akcreft, Personnel and Speclahy Equipment according to the following spsclfbagons. 1. AI RCRAFT 1.01 The Company wgl supply one Margn Mwh Air Tankers, suitable for aerial attack of wlldgres ae followm C.FLY L taft The Aircraft will be located et the Company'8 Sproat Lake (SC) Base unless otherwise egmed by both parges. 2. PE RSONNEL 2.01 The Margn Mare Air Tanker Air Crew wig meet the fof owing specgloatlons: a) Alrgne Transport License; b) Transpoh Canada requirements; o) Meet the Company'8 Operagng cergflcagon requlmmenl d) two years experience flying In fire bombing operagontx and 8) personal flying hhtory shag be made avagable upon the request of the Mlnbtsr Maintenance Personnel e) trained in accordance with the Company M aintenance Manuals; and b) Alrhrsfl Msllltshsrlcs Erlglrlssfs gcsmsd fn accordance whh cummt Transport Canada requirements. 3. SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT 3.01 The Mahln Mars Air Tanker wgl be equipped to meet Ihe following communhatlon requirements: a) equip pad with standard afrcrag transmit and receive VHF - AM radio equi pmsnt with a minimum frequency ange ol 118 to megahertr, b) trensmg and receive FMmulg channel progmmmable radio equipment with a frequency range of 160 to I 74 megahshz and capable ot operahon with corwnuous tone coded squelch system (CTCSS). The hugo equlpmenl must be capable of morkrg 60 or mom channels and have opemtor accesslblllty te ag CTCSS tones. The Equipment must be oompsgble whh Industry Canada'8 Radio Spectrum Realignment (narrow banding) requlrsmsnl c) The FM radio will have a separate guard chsrthsi,' d) a Global Posklonktg System (GPS) having a minimum of 4 charm ebk capable of etodng up to 100 user Inputted way points and havkrg NMEA 0183 standard output with RS232 or Appsnrzx I Terms snd CondBcns 8tsndlng Offer No. A00888ECOI USB serial pod and ASCII forms The Almnm wig be equipped viith a sateins cmnmunlcatlon system (SATCOM) which Incorporates me )rld~tu s~ 3 03 Ths Alrcndt wfg be equip pad be equipped with an Automated Ff ght Fogowlng (AFF) IracNng system providing voice communica6ons and date menegemsnmransfer that meets the Canadian and United Saws requlremenw The Ministry'8 AFF spscncmfons are sst out al 3.05 The Aircraft wig be equipped wgh ag safety and survival equipment and suppgss es required by federal and provlndal laws and rsgulagons. SCHEDULE B SERVICES 1. S ERVICES 1.01 Dudng the Opersgng Pedod, the Company wllk a) provide Alroraft Eight and gre bombing servbss; b) provide ag fusgng and foam or gsl retardant loading services necesemy for the perfonnance of Ihe Servkxw; c) posnon the Aircraft at Ihe times end locsgcn8 specgled by the Sgnlsteq d) maintain an air madlness level as SpecNed by the Mfnhteh e) use Its best efforts to ensure Ihat the Afrcmlt and glght operagons Personnel adhme lo the Mlnlstr)re operational pmcsdums and lnlhrucgcrl8; I) cause appropriate pemonnel of Ihe Company to attend prsvthd de-brlsgng exercbss; g) cause appropriate pemonnel of the Company to attend en end of Opemtlng Period de.brief session; h) undertake work uggzlng the Mar8n Mars Air Tankers end appropriate personnel for third partkm as directed by the Mlnlsteq I) ensure dmtagglghtopera5onspemonnelare SNred In slandard apparel tor Shhsr glght or maintenance as the csee may be; 3 work crhcpemgvelywlth the Province In)oint Irakllhg ssssichs; mtd k) provide the Services tn accordance with the Brglsh Columbia Forest Service Fire Eomblng Procedures. Page 4 Page6 of 68FNR

194 1.02 During the Operating Period, Ihe Company will have In place Ow nseesswy support equipment to quickly respond should Ihs Minister request the Aircraft be Positioned to 8 Iocagon other Ihan the Company's Designated Bass. thkf support equlpmeot wig Include: a) one(1) fuelkuck; b) one (1) tractor tralfen c) one (I) service hallen, d) ofl8 (I) v8fl; srfd e) one(1)boat Dudng the Operating Period or any extensions, the Company will advbe the Minister ot any possible oppommbss or requirements for the Company's own use of the Aircraft. SCHEDULE C FEE SCHEDULE 1. FE E SCHEDULE 1,01 In this Schedule, unhss the context requires othsnslsfx a) Fess are es sel out In Schedule E. Ag charges are In Canadkm dollws; b) ~ for t hemargn MsrsAlr Tanker means the time, measured In minutes and repohsd In tenths of an hour as calculated and delayed In ths Tmnsporl Canada Aeronautical Intormstlon Manual (TC AIM), trom me alrcran feavlng the buoy for ths purpose of Initial kdreoff to the time when me aircraft comes lo a complete slop at the buoy, c) ' ~ mea ns ths houny chlv98s for Fgght Time ss set out In Schedule E; g) %~Egg Utltbgjjg~ale means the hourly rate charged for sny minimum uggzatlon shoftlsfl howe sst CUt In Sch8dUI8 E; d) ~l i fo " means a change In ths location of the Attofafk Personnel and Equlpmsnt al the request of the Mfnlsteq In Schedule E for Positioning the Alrcrafb 0 'Emmggf)gcggg! means a wfrso statement of account, on Company letterhead, In 8 form sagsfaolory to the Mlnbtsr, to me address set out in this Agfeemsnt or as dfrsclsd by the Mktlstry, showing the oshuiagon of the amounts claimed for the period, Indudlng: fl ight slip or Irwolce reference number, fl ight date; pi lot name; Af rcfsk registration and type; Ag reement numbsq B f8flch Ix Fife Center; le gs of fgght, Including; - fromho - upkkmn times - houm Rmfm - Ministry Use Code - Fire or Project Number - volume ol foam or gel remrdanq - number of drops and volumes fu el and og costs as permitted under Schedule E; ot her applicable costs and expenses; go ods srtd services mcelvsfy Slgltstufe; to tal fgght cosl 9) 'Beelease sle meansthalmteseloutfn Schedule E to cfsdft the Ministry for each dsy the Aircraft ls released by the Province to the company. h) '~WU e' means the tlat rate charge for a Warm-Up on Days ihe Mlnlsky's eslsbgshsd alert and required response time ls one half hour or lese, as set out In Sohsdule E, 1.02 The Province wgl pay the Company the folowing chsfges, ss slit CUt lfl SchsdUIO E, with resp8ct to the Servhes pnwkfed: a) Flight Time Charges; b) Warm-Up Charges; c) Operating Period Guamntssd Ffght Time UUgnwon; d) Fuel Coskr, e) Foam and gel retardant costs; f) Poskfcnlng and Expenses; and g) Ogwr Costs The Pmvlnce wgl pay those fees described In sefnlon 1.02 within sixty (60) days following receipt by the Province of a Proper Account Ths Company wgl submit Proper Accounts In no tww gxm weekly Intervah. SCHEDULE D INSURANCE 1. IN SURANCE 1.01 fn addklon to such poyoles as afs required by Canadian kfan and regulations, ths Company shall, at its sole cost and expense and during Ihs Agreement Term provide andmafntaln tor the bensm of Ihs Mlnbter, his ssfvfmb, agents and employees: a) combined pubyc liability, property dmnage snd passenger bodily Injury fnsunmce In sums nol less than ten million dollwa (310,000,000) and the insurance wgl Include: products and completed operations gablgty, non-owned automobile Insurance; lil. blanket contractual Itbttiftr, Iv. contingent employer llsblgly, v. Personal Injury gabllny; Appendix I Tense scd Conditions Standing Offer No. AOCSSSEOOI Page 5 P8987 of 68FNR

195 vl. employees as additional Insureds; and vlt acrossgebultyclause The Province ls to be added as an 'Addgonel insured' on owned alraaft Uab86y Insurance under Ihts POUoy, ae follows: 'Hsr MaJesty Ihe Queen tn right of the Province ot BtUsh Columbia es represented by the Minister of Forssm und Range and any of IW employees, senl!ult8 of 8gsrlls, arid b) any additional Insunmce whkh ls requfred by law of which Ule Cmrtpsfly cortsld!!rs necmssry lo covef rt8ks nct otherwlss covered by Insurance specned In this secgon. AU insurance wui be In 8 form, and content end placed with en Insurer or Insursrs duly Ucensed to csny on Insurance business In Srltlsh Columbia acceptable to the Mlnbter. The Company shall, not Utter than the commencement ot Um Agreement Term, provide to the Prmrlnce a CerUUcate of Insurance confirming a6 poudes and necesswy endorsements to comply vxth the Insurance requirements ouulned herein The Company wui ensure that the Insurance may not be cancelled or materleuy changed In any way whatsoever wzhoul the Insurers providing 30 days prior notus to the Mlnbter The Insmance wui be prknary and not require the sharing of any loss by any insurer of the Province Th8 Company walves aft rights of recourse against the Provlzce wgh regard to dmnage to Ihe Company'8 properly At the Company'8 own expense, shall obtain WorkSafe BC covemge for Itself, Its subcontractom, 86 workers and any shareholders, dlrectms, partners or other lndmdunls employed or engaged In the performance of the Servhes. The Company must comply wbh au condglons of ths Workers Ccmpensslfon Act end rsgulagcns thereunder, and upon request, must provide the Province wgh proof of such compgance. SCHEDULE E FEES 1. F U GHT TIME CHARGES 1.01 Right Time for the MerUn Mars Air Tanker ate Flying Rale of sixteen thousand cne hundred thirty five do gem ( ) exduslve of fuel wui be appucable fcr. 8) e6 hours of Right Time flown to provide the Servbes; b) any Right Time hours flown In a practice cr tralrlklg session If such sessions ere al the spscylo wrmen request of ths Mfnfmer, , c) any Right Time hours Pcsmonlng the Aimrall; d) Right Time hours In 8), b) snd c) above wlu be Included In the mdcuhtlon of Guaranteed Fight Time UUUzatlon. OPERATING PERIOD GUARANTEED FLIGHT TIME UTILIZATION During the OperaUng Period the Province wig guarantee a total of forty five (46) hours ol MarUn Mars Air Tanker Flight Time. lf the total number of Martin Mms Air Tanker FUght lime hours tknm during the Opersgng Period doss not equal forty five houm (46), the Province wui pay to the Company an amount equal to forty five horns (46) less ths adual FUght Time hours flovm muzl pked by lhe Minimum UUUzaNon Rale. 6 the total number of Margn Mars Air Tanker Fgght Time hours tlown dudng an extension of the Operating Period or a new Operating Period does nol equal the equivalent of 60% of one (1) hour multlpged by the number of extension Days or new Operating Period Days, the Province wui pay lo the Company the shor USU In hours muglpued by the Minimum UtgzaUon Rate. Minimum UtglzaUon Charges A Minimum UtUlzalfon Rale of twelve thousand two hundred sixty ammu dollars (812,287.00) per hour wui apply for eny houm as catcuktted under section 2.02 and Guaranteed Right Time a) Should the F6gm Time hours during the period June2 to June30,2008nottotal15houm an amount equal to the dnerence In the hours muklpged by the Minimum UtUlzatmn Rate as set out In 8smlon 2.04 shall be payable by the Minister, b) Should the Flight Time during the perfod July I" to July 31", 2008 plus amounts paid under secuon a) above not total 30 hours, an amount equal to the difference In hcum munplled by the UtglzaUon Rale as set out In sscdon 2.04, shall be payable by the Mlnlsterl and c) Operating Period from June 2, 2008 to August 30, 2008: i. Should the Fgght Time during Ihe period August I" to August 30 plus amounts paid under section a) and b) above not fetal 46 hotzs, Srl Srrlccn'I equal lo 'ths dzference In hours mublplled by me Minimum Udlfumon Rats as set cut In secdon 2.04 shel be payable by the Minister, cf Appendix I Tenne and Conditions 6lsmcng Offer NC. ADONIBECOI Page 8 Page8 of 68FNR

196 li. Should Ihe total Fgght Time during the O perating Pertod exceed 45 houm, the total ot the amounts paid by the Minister for Guaranteed Fgght Time under sschons a) and b) above shak be payable by the Company to the Mlnbter wghln 60 days. d) Operating Period Extensions or Nsw OpsraHng Periods: L Should the Right Time during any of these periods not total the uggzatlon guaranteed as crdcutated In section 2.03, an amount equal to the difference In hours mu hip gad by the Minimum Uggzagon Rate as sst out kt seotlon 2.04 shall be payable by the Minister. ALERT STATUS The Province wgl advise the Company of the next Day's alert statue by fax between 1300 houra and 1600 hours of the previous day. FUEL COSTS Fuel Rats st Sproet Lake BC The cost Inourred at the Company's Base of Spmat Lake BC and paid by the Company for avfatlon fuel used by the Company to fuglf Hs obggatlon under Ibis Agreement wfi be four thousand four hundred forty nine dogsre ($4~.00) psr hour of Fgght Time. Fuel Rats Away From the C ompany's Base Fuel pumhasss other Ihsn gated kr this Schedule wgl be relmbwsed at the actual cost Incurred, supported by reoelpts and paid by the Company. The Company wgl refsln atl su ppor Hng documentation lo support the charges for the aviation fuel costs as sst oui In secgon 4.01 and pargolpate In e post season review with the Province to reconcge actual usage snd costs. Ths msuks may Irwlude a one.time payment by the Minister to ths Company or a reimbursement from the Company to lhe Province lor each year of thb Agreemsnt. FOAHH AND GEL RETARDANT COSTS The Province wgl reimburse the Company for sg foam enryor gel retardant used to provide Ihe Services under this Standtng Offer. The volumes must be noted cn the dally fgght slips or Invoice and wgl be paid at the rate ob a) $6.00 per Ere for fire Hghgng foam concentrate; and b) $18.00 per Htre for gel retardant concentrate. 6. WARM.UP FEE 601 The Province wfl reimburse the Company for ag warm-ups required as per Schedule C 1.01 h) N mls Smndlng Offer The warm-up must be noted an the dsky fgght sgps and wgl be paid at Ihe nde of gve hundmd dollars ($500.00) per warm up, Inclusive of fuel. 7. P OSITIONING AND EXPENSES 7.01 Should the Hgnlsler request ths Alrcrag, Ffght Craw, support equipment and personnel be Posglonsd away from the Company'e Sproat Lake Base or from one base designated by Ihs Minister to another base designated by the Minister Ihe fogowlng rates are payable by the Minister a) A Dally Rate wgl be oppgcsble for each Day PosNonlng or Pcshkmed away from the Company'4 Sproat Lake Base as fog owe: i. A Degy Positioning Rate shall be payable by the Mlnbter at eight thousand eight hundred ninety tour dogars (fuk854.00) per Day for the tlrst end last Day of poseonlng away from the Companl/s Base; and il. a Dally Rate whge Positioned away from me Company's Base shag be payable by the Mlnbler at seven thousand nine hundred dogars ($7,$80.00) per Day Should the Ministry supply any sccommodagons sndlor mesh Ihe Dally Rates set out In INs sscgon wgl be reduced as follows: accommodations (05 each and $46.60 each ($1 5,60 for eaoh mee$ Vshfde mgeage allowance ol $0A9 per kgomeler during mobglzatlon and dsmobglzatlon when required to be away from the Company's Base for one (I ) Fuel Truck, two (2) Service Tragers and one (I) Van Other necessary oul of pocket travel expenses approved by Ihe Ministry when the Right and Support Cmw are away from the Designated Base wgl be reimbursed at the amual cost Incurred snd supported by rsoelpte. This may Include but Is not Hmlted to addigonal rental vehbles or air travel. 8 O THER 8.01 Ths Pnwlnce will reimburse the Company. a) the actual amount paid by ths Company for navigation andfor aerodrome fees required In the performance of the Services; b) with the prior written approval of the Province, the adum amount paid by the Company tor other costs es may be nscsssmy to provide the Services away fmm the Company'4 Designated Base. Appendix I Tenne snd Conditions standing Ogsr No. AOCSeeECOI Pags1 Pageg of 68FNR

197 g. R ELEASE RATES 9.01 The rale for the Company's use of the Alrcrstt when released from the Company'e Servbe Rsqulmments by the Mlntshy wgl be at Ihe Release Rate for each and every day lhe alroraft Is mleasect The Release Rate ls as agreed by ths parltsa 11L PENALTIES During Ihe Operating Period, for each snd every Instanoe Ihe Almraft, Personnel or Ssrvtces are not avagsble for use as required by ihe Minister, the Minister may assess damages as fogows: a) Up to and Including 5 consecutive Days, an amount equal to 60% of one (I) hour at ths Mtnlmum Ugllzagcn Rale far each full Day or prorated Day. the Almmfb Personnel or Servhes am noi avsgable; or b) between 6 and 16 consecugve Days Inclusive, an amount equal to (I) hour at the Mlnlmum Ugllzatlon Rate for each tug Day or prorated Dsy, the Alrcrah, Personnel or Services are not avagablel or o) a pedod greatergten15 consecutive Days Ihe Aircraft, Personnel or Services are not avagsble would nuglfy sny Guaranteed Right Time Uggzatlon payable under Ibis Agreement and any Mlnlmum Utlllzallon Ctwrges paid by the Mlnlster under Sectton 2.06 of Ibis Schedule shall bs payable by the Company to the Mlnteter whhln 60 days Should the Ahcraft. Penmnnel and Servfces become svagable to the fgnfstsr after an assessmsnt of damages under o) has been made by the Mlnlsler, Guaranteed Fgght Time Ullllzagon for the remainder of the Operating Period may be determined on the mutuel agreement ol both pmges The company must prepare an Unssrvlceablllty Report for each day or part day, Ihe Aircraft, Personnel or Services ars not avagable. For the Bir r Fo r the Mtlr!Stsf Appendix I- Tenne snd Ocndlucrw standing Ogsr Nc. AOOSSSEOI psgs 6 P ags10 of 68FNR

198 PPENDIX 0 POSITIONING AND EXPENSES 2008 Postdontng and Expenses (Schedule E-7) DAILY RATE BREAKDOW¹ Reutsi Vehicles Boat 8 ott l o Ite Ra $ $1, $ $ $60.00 $ Total $ dnver hchukd $1, driver hclrukd $1,018.0D driver mchded $ driver mchdcd $ on-tfte r entals r omu t $48.90 r van end 2 rentcl vehicles $ $2, w es exclusive o drivers above Fe Fe - Individuels S ervice - Trailer $13.00 $ $29 L00 $43.00 $)8.00 esse er ms (one w $ vehicle & driver s on e w $ vehicle & driver mv one w $43.00 vchkle&dnver e (o sew ) Living Out - Individuals $ Indudes four (4) Jltghr crctx one (I) Ops gitwsger end sfs (6) Ssppon Bfuployccs Dally Positio Fi rst lh Last Day 0 D Ra ts Positional away from roo t Label D R at e inchuks BC Fe costs vugg.og Dady Rate includes BC P c P sts Other ses (if u lr ed)t Vehicle Mileage Additional Rental Vehicles Air Travel su -s f l $0.49 Tines, two (2) Trailers and onc (I) Yon expenses Iucuncd )dnn~ r~e- fdgzgd by the Provinceif aired. ex enact hcuned e Should thc bifnkky supply any of the Lf vhg Oat - Indfvfduay expenses, the Dally Dff She Rate wfe be reduced ar foeewt accommedatkn $95.00 per fndfvtifan! and $15.50for each tneab Ausendbi S Poslgonlsg end Expenses slsndlng Offer Nc. AO09SOEOC1 regs 9 Page11 of 68FNR

199 BRITISH '.;.5 C OLLIMBI/5 STANDING OFFER FOR: MA RTIN MARS AIR TANKER SERVICES M INISTRY OF FORESTS AND RANG E A IRCRAFT OPERATIONS AGREEM E N T STANDING OFFER Noz AO FILE: /COUL THIS AGREEMENT executea and dated for Reference the 10th (tenth) day of May 2010 BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY Ti-IE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Mimst o f Forests and Ran e W ildfire (" Province" ) at the follovang address' AND Coulson Aircrane Ltd d b a Coulson Fl in Ta nkers ( Offeror" ) at the faltomng address ( H I hi 'l pin Pt 0.I.CIA! >IPI 8 ' F S KA r, GGPS, BRITISH COLUMBIA 3080 Airport Dnve Kamloops. Bntish Columbia V2 7X2 Telephone No ( 2 50) Fax No (250) Ministry Representative N na Barber Ema I Address nina barber@gov bc ca 0350 Bomber Base Road Port A/berm. Bnt sh Columbia V9Y 623 Telephone No (250) Fax No (250l R i (: Offeror Representative W ayne Coulson Address wa ne coulsan coulson rou corn WHEREAS: The Offeror offers to supply as, if and when requested, the Services descnbed in Appendix I, to the Provmce ACCORDINGLY, the partes agree as foliows 1. DEF INITIONS I 01 In th s Standing Offer, unless the context otherwise requires th s Stand ng Offer and the Services as set out in Appendix I and s sent to the Offeror b ) '~Ae n drx I" means the Terms and Conditions with all Schedules attached thereto. c) C ontract" means the binding agreement the terms of which are setout m Append x I entered into by the Offeror and Ihe Province which enables the Province ta acqu re the Serv ces set out in the Air Tanker Request for the Fees set out in Schedule E of Appendix I, Range the Director. W Idfire Management Branch, and such other M n stry employees as the Assistant Deputy M n ster. Operations or the Director, W Idfire Management Branch may authonze. e) ' Min ster" means the Minister of Forests and Range or his "Designated Representativeh f) Min stry" means the Ministry of Forests and Range. Province of Brdish Columbia; to the prov nce unde the Terms and condicons oi'appendix I Services as set out m Appendix I and is sent to the Offeror, giving notice of the dates of the Operat ng Per od The first Operating Penod is as set out in section i) 'Services' means the air tanker services provided by the Off ere to the Province as descnbed n Appendix I. I) '~Standin Of/er" means the Offeror's offer to supply the Services under the Terms and Condihons of Append x I, and k Standin O ffer Term' means the Term as set out n section 2 Coulson Aircrane Ltd d b a Co ison Fly ng Tankers Stand ng Offer No AO Page 1 of 2 Page12 of 68FNR

200 2. TER M ANO EXPIRY 2 01 T h 6 Standing Offer w II commence on May 10', 2010 and expire on Ivlarch unless wthdrawn in accordance with section 5 Sublect to sat sfactory performance by the Cantractor and ava lab l ty of tuning by the Province. the Pames may agree in wnting to extend this Agreement for a further Term of one year Second year rates wiil be rev awed and adlusted by mutual agreement 2 02 T h s Standmg Offer Term may be extended on the mutual agreement of both parties 2 03 The frat Operating Penod wiii be the 00 daypared commenang on June and exp nng on August T he Operating Penod may be amended or an additional Operatng Period determined on the mutual agreement Of botn paruea 3. T HE STANOING OFFER 3 01 The Offeror understands and agrees that a) a Contract s formed on receipt by the Offeror of the Operatmg Penod Request wh ch has been completed and signed by a M n stry Representat ve. b) the Operating Penod Request shall form a Contract only for those Services which have Dean requested provided always that such request is made n accordance with the prov s ons of this Stand ng Offer c) t he issue and d stnbution Ibis Stand ng Offer does not obl ge Ihe Province to authonze or order ag or any of the Services, descr bed n this Standing Offer, d) the Province's kabibty shall De I m ted to that which ar ses from a Contract, made pnor to the expiry date desc bed in secbon 2, e) the Provmce reserves the nght to procure the spec fed Serv ces by any other means I deems necessary ncludmg the use of other contracts stand ng offers, or by other contract ng methads, f) t he Provmce reserves the nght to set aside this Standing Offer, for whatever reason, and not make I available far any Operating Penod Requests g) no change to this Standing Offer will be val d unless it is by way of an addendum stgned Dy Doth the Offeror and the Provmce, and h) the Terms and Condit one setout in Append x I will apply to each Contract 3 02 If the Province provides an Operabng Penod Request pnor to Ihe exp ry of this Standing Offer and receives Ihe Services, then the Prov nce w II pay to lhe Offeror amounts payable as descnbed in Appendix I of this Standing Offer 4. SE RV ICE REQUEST MEC H ANISM 4 01 Our ng the Operabng Penod, Servicesmay be ordered by methods other than an Air Tanker Reauest, such as telephone, facsimile or If there is any conflict between the Operatmg Per od Reauest and th s Standing Offer the prov sions spemflcaiiy set out in this Standmg Offer w II prevail ana ag else wit De as f not written 4 03 The Offeror wit use all comrnermagy reasonable effohs to fulf 0 any and ail Operat ng Penod Requests, which may be made before the expiry of th s Stand ng Offer or of the notice per od under sect on if the Offeror is unable to fulfill any request for Services. the Offeror must immediately notify the M mater 5. NO TIFICATION OF WITHDRAW A L 5 01 In the event that the Offeror wishes to withdraw this Standmg Offer, the Offeror shall provide no less than ten (10) days wr tten notice to the M n ster and such w thdrawal of standing offer snag not be effective unt I receipt af such notification by the Minister and the exp ry of such nouce per od IN WITNESS WHEREOF Ihe undersigned extends this Stanrling Offer on tne first date wr tten adove ra 6 der Drf L (... T L I D I ) ' \ I )L i i ~s dr o Iso iu sib ir om ivbwiab cb) p wi m u r ile Jp br Coulson A rc ane Ltd d ha Co Isbn Flying Ta ke s Sla d ng Offer No AO Page2of2 Page13 of 68FNR

201 PPENDIX I ERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. DE FINITI ON S 1.01 tnt his Appendix, unless the context otherwise reqaires' a) 'Aircraft" means any or afi aircraft, descnbed in Schedule A covered by this Agreement; b) 'Air Tanker Alerts" means the daily alert status for the Province's air tanker resources as prepared by Ihe Minister dunng the fire season, c) Aviation Occurrence' means an aviation occurrence as defined and detailed in the Transport Canada Aeronauticai Information Manual (TC AIM); BC Forest S rvi e Fir Bomb n Procedures" means the British Columbia Fire Bombing Procedures, created and mainlamed by the Provmce, outkning the Province's training requirements and operational poliqes and procedures in relation lo senal fire fighting, e) ~Built-u Area means any forest or range land occupied by houses, trailers, mobile homes, oulbuildings or other manmade structures that are being threatened by, or adjacent to. or within Ihe boundanes of. a Wildfire, usual operational base for the Aircraft, g) Assistant Deputy Minister, Operations, Ministry of Forests and Range; the Director, Wildfire Management Branch, and such other Ministry employees as the Assistant Deputy Minister, Operations or the Director, Forest Wildfire Management Branch may authonze. "~Da means each calendar day dunng Ihe Operating Penod when Services, Personnel and Equipment are provided; "~Eu i ment" means the Company's fire fighting Aircraft and the Specially Equipment required in providing Ihe Services and as descnbed in Schedule A, and any other such equipment approved by Ihe Minister for use in providing the Services; "~lm rovements" means any vehide, equipmenl or other manmade structure thai is occupying forest or range lands being threatened by, adjacent lo, or within the b oundanes of, a Wildfir ; k) "Maintenance Manuals" means the Company's Transport Canada approved Maintenance Control and Maintenance Procedures Manuals detailing the aircraft operated by the air camer, the maintenance criteria, procedures and schedules for each aircraft and the personnel responsible for maintenance, inspection and quality control; "Mmisteri means the Mimster of Forests and Range or his Designated Representative, m) M inistry means the Ministry of Forests and Range, Province of Br tish Columbia; Transport Canada approved document detailing the Company's operatmg procedures and includes any amendmenls to Ihe same as required by law, Standing Offer Term during which Ihe Services will be available to Ihe Provmce under the Terms and Conditions of Appendix I and as requested by the Province to the Company; p) " Services" means the aircrafi services as descnbed in Schedule B; spewalty equipment required in providing the Services and as described in Schedule A, and any other such equipment approved by Ihe Minister for use in providing the Services; r) "~Warm-U "means the warming up of aircraft engines as descnbed in Schedule C s) " Wildfire" means an unplanned fire occurring on forest or range lands, burning forest vegetation, grass, brush, scrub, peatlands, or a prescnbed fire set under a Burn Registration which, in Ihe iudgment of a Forest Officer threatens to spread beyond the area authonzed for that burning, and t) " Year" means, in respect of the term of this Agreemenl, the penod from Apnl I of one year lo March 31 of the following year. 2. APP OINTMENT, TERM AND SERVICES 2.01 The Province shall request the Services with an electronic Arr Tanker Request, facsimile or confirmabon to the Company 2 02 The Company will provide the Services as requested in accordance with this Agreement 2 03 The Company wifi provide the Services dunng Ihe Operabng Penod regardless of the date of execubon or delivery of this Agreement 2 04 More than one Operating Penod can exist pnor lo the expirabon or withdrawal of the Standing Offer 3. FEE S ANO EXPENSES 3 01 In consideration of Ihe Company providing the Services, Ihe Province wifi pay to the Company Fees and Expenses in the amounts and in the manner set out in this Agreement. 302 The sums descnbed in section 3.01 consbtute Ihe maximum amounts payable to the Company for as performance of the Services and the Company will not be entitled to any additional compensation for its performance whether or not the work acluafiy undertaken by the Company is descnbed in the Agreement. Appendix I Terms and Conditions Standing Offer No AO Page I Page14 of 68FNR

202 Notwithstanding any other provision of the Agreement, the payment of money by Ihe Province lo the Company under this Agreement is subiect lo. a) there being suffiment monies available in an appropnation. as deffned in the Financial Adminrslratron Act, to enable ihe Provmce, in a fiscal year or part thereof when any payment of money by Ihe Province to the Company falls due under this Agreement lo make that payment, and b) Treasury Board, as defined in Ihe Finanmal Administration Act, nol having controged or limited, under the Finanmai Adminrslrakon Acl, expenditure under any appropnation referred to in subsection (a). The Province certifies that the property and/or Services ordered and purchased under this Agreement are for the use of, and are being purchased by, the Province with Crown funds and are therefore not sublect to the Goods and Services Tax. Effecbve July I, 2010, the Federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) along «xlh B.C 's Provinmal Sales Tax (PST) is replaced with Ihe federally administered Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). The HST has a combined tax rate of 12 percent, 5% GST and a 7% B.C. Component. The HST has Ihe same rules as the GST, therefore if GST s applied pnor to July 1st, then HST applies after July 1, 2010 COVENANTS OF THE COMPANY The Company mg a) observe, perform and comply mth ag of its obkgations under this Agreement, b) remain an independent contractor and nol Ihe servant, employee, partner, or agent of the Province or the Minister; c) not, in any manner whatsoever, commit or propose to commit Ihe Province or the Mimster to the payment of any money to any person, except as contemplated by this Agreement, d) secure and maintain in good standing ail necessary approvals and certificates for the Aircraff and Speoalty Equipment descnbed in this Agreement; e) equip, operate and maintain Ihe Aircraft in accordance with ae requirements of Canadian and Brmsh Columbia laws and regulations; comply with all lhe standards, pracbces, procedures and spemfication sel out in the Company's Transporl Canada approved Operations Manual, and those set oul in the Company's Transport Canada approved Maintenance Manuals in conducting ag Aircraft maintenance; g) service, repair, overhaul, test, and maintain the Aircraft in a safe and airworthy state of repair al all times in accordance vnth manufacturer's recommended maintenance programs and the Appendhx I Terms snd Conditions Standing Offer No AO Page 1 Company's Mamlenance Manuals, to Ihe satisfaction of the Minister, h) perform the Services and its obligations under this Agreement n a safe and professional manner to the reasonable satisfaction of the Minister; i) e xcept with the explicit approval of the Minister, ensure thai ae Aircraft maintenance is performed by a fully qualified and licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer ("AME") who is not the Aircraft pilot; I) a llow no pdot to ffy the Aircraft and provide Ihe Services pursuant to this Agreement, without pnor approval of Ihe Minister, k) provide and maintain at all times, suffiment qualified staff, facilities, matenals, appropnate Spemalty Equipment and approved subcontractual arrangements lo fully perform the Services and ils obligabons under this Agreement to the reasonable satisfaction of the Minister, I) p rovide all refuekng and foam or gel retardant equipmenl when Ihe Aircraft is away from its Designated Base; m) be responsible for ag charges, costs and expenses including but not limited to, Aircraft fuel, costs of lubncants, airport costs, and Aircraft parking fees, necessary for the efficient operations of the Aircraft and Spemalty Equipment required for the performance of the Services under this Agreement, unless spemfied otherwise in this Agreement; n) obtain and maintain in force dunng the Dperabng Pened insurance as described in Schedule D, o) i n addition lo the items contained in this Agreement, provide ag living expenses and services to the Company's employees and permitted subcontractors throughout the province, together with ag other expenses connected vnth the Company's operations; and p) reasonably cooperate with Ihe Province and any other persons providing services to the Province COVENANTS OF THE PROVINCE The Province will, at its own expense, provide the followlrig. a) e xtraordinary charges for navigation and/or aerodrome fees (where applicable), that are necessary for the Company to perform the Services, except as othervxse provided, b) a bird dog aircraft as deemed appropriate to support an tur Tanker Request; c) at the Province's discretion, a bird dog aircrafl to support the Company's training and practice exercises; and d) access to view the Province's Resource Tracking System Page15 of 68FNR

203 6. IND EMNITY 60 1 T he Companywili indemmfy and save harmless the Provmce and the Mimster from and aga nst aff claims, demands. losses, damages, costs and expenses made against or incurred, suffered or sustamed by the Province and the M n ster or either of them at any I me or times (whether before or after termmat on of th s Agreement) where the same or any of them are based upon or ense out of anythtng done or omitted to be done by the Company or by any employee, officer, subcontractor or agent of the Company pursuant to th s Agreement, excepting as always I ability ar sing out of the independent negligent acts of the Prov nce or the Minister 6 02 N otwithstanding section 6 01, the Province will indemnify and save harmless Ihe Company, ts permitted subcontractors and the r respecsve agents, servants and employees from and agamst any and aff I ability or bodily iniury or damage to Improvements d rectly or mdirectly caused by. ansmg from or resulting I'rom the dropping of fire retardants, water foam and other fire control chemicals from a Martm Mars Av Tanker by the Company or any of ts perm tted subcontractors, their respective agents servants or employees under this Agreement in the viwn ty of Improvements or Built-up Areas where such actions are cerned oul at tne direction of Ihe Mm ster. n a re, n the opinion of the Minister considered to be essential to the control of Vyddfrres, and i not negl gently performed by the Company 6 03 The Company will cooperate with the Provmce and its counsel n any and ail investigations. settlements and ludic at determination of any claims made against the Prov nce, the Mimster or the Company relating directly or indirectly lo th s Agreement and will use ts best effort to cause its employees officers, subcontractors and agents to be similarly bound. 7. A S S IGNM ENT AND SUBCO N T RA CTING he Company wig not assign trvs Agreement, nor subcontract any of its obl gat one under this Agreement, lo any person, firm or corporat on w thout the pr or wntten consent of the Province 7 02 The Company wig at ag times be held fully responsible to the Province for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors and persons employed by them and no subcontract entered nto by the Company w 8 moose any otil gation or iiabikty upon the Province to any such subcontractor or any of its employees 7 03 The Company will cause every assignee or subcontractor to be bound by the terms of this Agreement so far as they apply to the work. to be performed by each subcontractor. A ppe dix i Terms and Cond t ons Sta dng Offer No AO Nothing n th s Agreement w il create any contractual relationship between the Province and the subcontractor of the Company 8. TE R M INATION 8 01 The Province may, in audit on to any remedy available to it at law or equity, terminate this Agreement by wntten notice to the Company f the Company fa Is to observe, perform or comply with any provisions of th s Agreement 9. NOT ICES 9 01 Any notice, document, statement, repon or demand desired or required to be given or made under th s Agreement will be in wnting and may be given or made by personal dekvery to the party to whom it is to be given or made, or by ma ling t in Canada with postage prepaid to the appl cable address or by transmitting it by facsimile to the applicable face m le transmiss on number, noted for both the Province and the Company at the start of th s AgreemenL 9 02 The Company w 8 provide to the Province, as soon as pose Ole and by lhe quickest means possible the particulars and details of any Aviat on Occurrence that occurs while providing the SeNrces 9 03 The Provmce may request the Company prepares a detailed repoh of the Aviation Occurrence referred to in section MI SCELLANEOUS This Agreement will ensure to the benefit and be binding upon the Province and its assigns and the Company and its successors and perm tted agents Th s Agreement will be governed by, construed and interpreted n accordance w th the laws of the Province of Br tish Columb a Aff disputes ar sing out of or m connectton with this Agreement will be referred and I'nally resolved by arbitral on adm nistered by the Bntish Columbia Internet anal Commerc al Arbitrauon Center pursuant to the "Rules of Procedures' The place of arbitration wilt be Vrctona BC Each pady will, upon reasonable request of the other parties, fully cooperate to the betterment of the Serv ces prov ded under this Agreement This Agreement may only be amended by further wntten amendments executed by or behalf of the partes Aff the discretion and obligations of the Minister or the Province under this Agreement may be exerwsed or performed by the M nister, the Deputy Mmister of Forests and Range or by a Designated Representative Each Schedule A to E attached to this Agreement is an integral part of this Agreement as if set out n length in the body of this Agreement Page i INITIALS For theco~rn y For the Min ste Page16 of 68FNR

204 SCHEDULE A AIRCRAFT, PERSONNEL AND SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT uring the Operatmg Pened. Ihe Company shall prov de A rcraft, Personnel and Spemalty Equipment according to the following spemfications 1. AIR CRAFT 1 01 The Company will supply one Mart n Mars A r Tankers, suitable for senal attack of wildf res as follows C-Fl YL ta I ff The A rcraft will be located at the Company's Sproat Lake (BC) Base unless otherwise agreed by both parties NMEA 0183 standard output wtth RS232 or USB senal port and ASCII forma 3 02 The Aircraft w 0 be equ pped with a saleff te communication system (SATCOM) wh ch 3 03 The Aircraft w 0 be equipped be equipped with an Automated Flight Following (AFF) tracking system prov d ng voice communicat one and data management/transfer that meets me Canadian and Llnited States requirements 3 04 The Ministry's AFF speaficabons are set out at www hew ldhre ca/fi htin ty ildfire/aviation/aff 3 05 The Aircraft w 0 be equ pped w th aa safety and surv val equipment and supplies as requ red by federal and prov nmal laws and regulations 2 PER SONNEL 2 01 T he Mart n Mars Air Tanker Air Crew will meet the SCHEDULE 8 follow ng spewfications SERVICES a) A rl ne Transport L cense b) T ransport Canada requirements. 1. SER VICES c) M eet the Company's Operating cehifical on 1 01 Our ng lne Operating Per od Ihe Company w II requtrement. a) p rovide Aircraft fl ght and fire bombmg d) two years expenence flymg n fire bomb ng services. operations and b) p rov de ail fueling and foam or gel retardant e) p ersonal flying h story shall be made available load ng services necessary for the upon the request of the M n ster performance of the Servtces, 2 02 M aintenance Personnel cj p os lion the A rcraft at the bmes and local one a) t rained in accordance w Ih the Company spemfied by the Minister, Maintenance Manuals, and d) m ainta n an air readmess level as spemfied by b) A rcraft Maintenance Engineers I censed in accordance with current Transport Canada requirements the M n ster. e) u s e Is best efforts to ensure that the A rcraft and flight operations Personnel adhere to Ihe M mstry's operabonal procedures and 3. S PEC IALTY EQUIPME NT it 4 I 7 u c I i 0 i 4, 3 01 The Martin Mars A r Tanker w 0 be equipped to meet the following commun cauon requ rements al e q uipped with standard aircraft transmit and recewe VHF - AM radio eqwpment with a m n mum frequency range of 118 to megahertz. ti) t ransmit and race ve FM multi channel programmable rad o equ pment w th a f equency range of 150 to 174 megahertz and capable of operation w th continuous lone coded squelch system (CTCSS) T he rad o equ pment must be capable of stonng 50 or more channels and nave operator access biiity to aff CTCSS tones T he Equipment must be compatible «4th Industry Canada's Radio Spectrum Reakgnment (narrow band ng) requirement. c) T he FM radio will have a separate guard channel. d) a Global Positiomng System (GPS) having a minimum of 4 channels, capable of stonng up to 100 user mpulted way po nts and having f) ca use appropnate personnel of the Company to attend pre-and de-br ef ng exerc ses, g) c a use appropnate personnel of the Company to attend an end of Operat ng Period de bnef session. h) u ndertake work uul zing the Martm Mars Air Tankers and app rap r ate personnel for th rd parties as directed by the Minister, 0 e nsure that all fl ght operat ons Personnel are attired in standard apparel for either flight or maintenance as the case may be. I) wo rk co-operatively with the Province in loint traming sess ons, and k) p rov de the Services in accordance with the Bnush Columbia Forest Service Fire Bombing Procedures Append x I Te ms a d Condaons Stand g Offer No AO Page 4 Page17 of 68FNR

205 1.02 During the Operating Penod, the Company will have in place the necessary support equ pment to quickly respond should Ihe Minister request the Aircraft be Positioned to a location other than the Company's Designated Base. This support equipment will include: a) one (I) fuel truck; b) one (I ) tractor trader, c) one (I) service trailer, d) one (1) van; and e) one (1) boat Dunng the Operating Penod or any extensions, the Company will advise the Minister of any possible opponunities or requirements for the Company's own use of Ihe Aircraft SCHEDULE C FEE SCHEDULE 1. FEE SCHEDULE 1 01 I n t his Schedule, unless Ihe context requires otherwise. a) Fees" are as set out in Schedule E. All charges are in Canadian dollars, b) '~Fli hl Time" for the Marlin Mars Air Tanker means Ihe time, measured in minutes and reported in lenths of an hour as calculated and detailed in the Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM), from the aircraft leaving the buoy for the purpose of initial takeoff to the time when the aircraft comes to a complete stop at the buoy, c) "~FI in Rate" means the hourly charges for Flight Time as set out in Schedule E. 0) 'Minimum Utilizaion Rale" means the hourly rale charged for any minimum utilization shortfall hours set oul in Schedule E; d) ~Positionin "means a change in the location of the Aircraft, Personnel and Equipment al the request of the Minister; e) Schedule E for Positioning the Aircraft; account, on Company letterhead, in a form satisfactory to Ihe Minister, to Ihe address set out in this Agreement or as directed by the Ministry. showing the calculation of the amounts claimed for the penod, including flight slip or invoice reference number; flight date; pilot name; Aircraft registration and type; Agreement number, Branch or Fire Center, legs of flight, including - from/io - up/down trmes - hours flown - Ministry Use Code - Fire or Project Number - volume of foam or gel retardant, - number of drops and volumes fuel and oil costs as permitted under Schedule E; other applicable costs and expenses, "goods and services received" signature; total flight cosl g) 'Release Rate means Ihal rate set out in Schedule E to credit the Ministry for each day the Aircraft is released by the Provmce to Ihe company. il) W~arm-U Fee" means the flat rate charge for a Warm-Up on Days the Ministry's established alert and required response lime is one half hour or less, as set oul in Schedule E. These mclude yellow and red days bul not blue and green I 02 The Province will pay the Company the following SCHEDULE D INSURANCE 1. IN SURANCE I 01 charges, as set out in Schedule E. with respect to Ihe Services provided a) Flight Time Charges, b) Warm-Up Charges, c) Operating Penod Guaranteed Fkghl Time Ulilizatioii, d) Fuel Costs, e) Foam and gel retardant costs, I) P ositioning and Expenses; and 0) Other Costs 1.03 The Province will pay those fees descnbed in section I 02 w thm sixty (60) days following receipt by the Province of a Proper Account. I 04 The Company vali submit Proper Accounts in no less than weekly intervals. I n addition lo such policies as are required by Canadian laws and regulations, Ihe Company shall, al ils sole cost and expense and dunng the Agreement Term provide and maintain for the benefit of lhe Minister, his servants, agents and employees: a) c ombined public liability, property damage and passenger bodily inlury insurance in sums not less Ihan ten million dollars ($10,000,000) and the insurance vng include: products and completed operations liability, non-owned automobile insurance; ni bl a nket contraclual liability, Appendix I Terms and Conditions Standing Offer No AO Page 5 Page18 of 68FNR

206 I 06 I 07 iv. c o ntingent employer liability, v. pe rsonal inlury liabfiity, vi. e mployees as additional insureds, and ve. a cross liability clause The Province is lo be added as an "Additional Insured" on owned aircraft liabiiity msurance under this policy, as follows "Her Maiesty the Queen in nght of the Province of Bntish Columbia as represented by the Minister of Forests and Range and any of its employees, servants or agents', and b) a ny additional insurance which is required by law or which the Company considers necessary to cover nsks not otherwise covered by insurance spemfied in this section Afi insurance will be in a form, and content and placed with an insurer or insurers duly licensed to carry on insurance business in British Columbia acceptable to lhe Minister The Company shall, not later than the commencement of the Agreement Term, provide to Ihe Province a Certificate of Insurance confirming afi policies and necessary endorsements to comply with the insurance requirements outlined herein. The Company vnfi ensure that the insurance may not be cancelled or matenafiy changed in any way whatsoever without the insurers prov~ding 30 days prior notice lo the Minister The insurance will be primary and not require the shanng of any loss by any insurer of the Province The Company waives afi nghts of recourse against the Province with regard lo damage to the Company's property At the Company's own expense, shall obtain Workgafe BC coverage for itself, its subcontractors, afi workers and any shareholders, directors, partners or other individuals employed or engaged in the performance of the Services. The Company must comply with ail conditions of the Workers Compensaaon Act and regulations thereunder, and upon request, must provide the Province with proof of such compt~ance SCHEDULE E FEES 1. FLIGHT TIME CHARGES 1 01 Flight lime for the Martin Mars Air Tanker ate Flying Rate of eighteen thousand five hundred fifty six dollars (618,556.00) exclusive of fuel will be applicable for: a) afi hours of Fight Time flown to provide the Services; b) any Flight Time hours flown in a practice or traimng session if such sessions are at the specific wntten request of the Minister; c) any Flight Time hours Positioning Ihe Aircraft, d) Flight Time hours in a), b) and c) above will be included in lhe calculation of Guaranteed Flight Time Utilization 2. OP ER A TING PERIOD GUARAN TEED FLIGHT TIME UTILIZATION 2 01 Dunng the Operating Penod the Province mfi guarantee a total of forty five (45) hours of Mariin Mars Atr Tanker Flight Time I f the total number of Martin Mars Air Tanker Flight Time hours fiown dunng the Operating Penod does not equal forty five hours (45), the Provtnce wal pay to the Company an amount equal to forty five hours (45) less the actual Flight Time hours flown multiplied by the Minimum Ublization Rale If the total number of Martin Mars Air Tanker Flight Time hours flown dunng an extension of the Operabng Penod or a new Operating Penod does not equal the equivalent of 50% of one (1) hour multiplied by the number of extension Days or new Operating Penod Days, the Province will pay to the Company the shorffafi in hours multiplied by Ihe Minimum Utilization Rate 2.04 Minimum Utigzatlon Charges A Minimum Utilization Rate of fourteen thousand six hundred eighty eight dollars ($14,688.00) per hour will apply for any hours as calculated under secbon 2.02 and G u aranteed Ffight Time a) S hould the Flight Time hours dunng the penod June 15th to June 30, 2010 nol total 15 hours an amount equal to the difference in Ihe hours multiplied by the Minimum Ublization Rate as set out in section 2.04 shall be payable by Ihe Minister, b) Should the Flight Time dunng the penod July 1u to July 31", 2010 plus amounts paid under section a) above not total 30 hours, an amount equal to the difference in hours mulbplied by the Utilization Rate as set out in section shall be payable by the Minister, and c) Operabng Penod from June 15, 2010 to August 30, 2010: Should the Flight Time dunng the penod August lu to August 30 plus amounts paid under section a) and b) above not total 45 hours, an amount equal to the difference in hours multiplied by the Mmimum Utilization Rate as sel out in section 2 04 shall be payable by the Minister, or Appendix I -Terms and Conditions Standing Cfier No AO1146B001 Page 4 Page19 of 68FNR

207 dj 4 FUE L COSTS». Should the total Fbght Time dunng the Operat ng Pano» exceed 45 hours, the total of the amounts paid ty Ihe Minister for Guaranteed Flight T me under sections a) and b) above shall be payable by the Company to the Mimster w thin 60 days O perat ng Per od Extens ons or New Operat ng Penods Should the Fl ght T me dunng any of these per ods not total the utilization guaranteed as calculated n section 2 03, an amount equal to the difference in hours multiplied by the Minimum Ut lizaton Rate as setout n section 2.04 shall be payable by the Min ster 3. ALE RT STATUS 3 01 T he Provmce will adv se the Company of the next Day's alert status by fax between 1300 hours and 1600 hours of the previous day 4 01 F uel Rate at Sproat Lake BC The cost incurred at the Company s Base of Sproat Lake BC and paid by the Company for av ation fuel used by the Company to fulfiff its obligation under th s Agreement will be four thousand four hundred forty nine dollars ($4,449.00) per hour of Flight Time 4 02 F uel Rate Away From the Company's Base Fuel purchases other than listed in this Schedule w II be reimbursed at the actual cost incurred. supported by receipts and paid by the Company 4 03 T he Company will retain a8 supporting documentation to support the charges for the aviation fuel costs as sel out in section 4 01 ano partimpate n a post season review with the P rovince to reconale actual usage and costs T he results may mclude a one time payment by the Mm ster to the Company or a re mbursement from the Company to the Province for each year of this Agreement 5. FO A M AND GEL RETARDANT COSTS 50 1 T he Province will reimburse the Company for aa foam and/or gel used to provide the Services under this Standing Offer.» (. - t, v, r ct 5 02 T he volumes must be noted on the daily fl ght slips or mvoice and will be paid at the actual cost from the supplier(s) plus a handling fee of 3 cents/litre on each m xed litre dropped at a 1% basis / 6. INA RM-UP FEE 6 01 T he Province w 8 re mburse the Company for ag warm-ups required as per Schedule C I 01 h) of th s Stand ng Offer 6 02 T he warm-up must be noted on the daily flight slips and will be paid at the rate of five hundred and eight seven dollars ($587.00) per warm up. inclusive of fuel 7. PO S ITIONING AND EXPENSES 7 01 S hould the Mm ster request the A rcraft. Fl ght Crew, support equipment and personnel be Pos tioned away from the Company's Sproat Lake Base or from one base designated by the Min ster to another base des gnated by the M meter the following rates are payable by the M nister a) A Da ly Rate will be applicable for each Day Position ng or Positioned away from the Company s Sproat Lake Base as follows A Daily Positioning Rate snag be payable by the M mater at twelve thousand eight hundred thirty dollars ($12,830.00) per Day for the first and last Day of position ng away f om the Company s Base, and n. a Daily Rate while Positioned away from the Company's Base shall be payable by the Minister at ten thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars ($10,960.00) per Day based on Schedule E-7, daily minimum requirement 7 02 S hould the Mmistry supply any accommodations and/or meals the Daily Rates set out in this section wi8 be reduced as foyows a ccommodations $95 each and $46 50 each ($15.50 for each meal) 7 03 V ehicle miieage allowance of $0 49 per kilometer dunng mobilization and demobilizabon when required to be away from the Company s Base for one (1) Fuel Truck, two (2) service vehicles 7 04 Other necessary out of pocket travel expenses approved by the Mmistry when the Fbght and Support Crew are away from lhe Designated Base will be re mbursed at the actual cost incurred and supported by receipts Th s may include but is not firn ted to additional rental vehicles or air travel 8 OTH ER 8 01 T he Prov nce will reimburse the Company a) the actual amount paid by the Company for navigation and/or aerodrome fees requ red in the performance of the Services. b) with the pnor wntten approval of the Province. the actual amount paid by the Company for other costs as may be necessary to prov de the Services away from the Company s Designated Base Appe dix I Terms and Conditions Stand ng Offer No Page Page20 of 68FNR

208 9. REL EASE RATES 9.01 T he rate for the Company s use of the A rcraft when released from the Company's Service Requirements by the M mstry w II be at the Release Rate for each and every day the aircraft is released The Release Rate is as agreed by the padies 10. PE N ALTIES Dur ng Ihe Operatmg Penod, for each and every instance the A rcratt Personnel or Serv ces are not available for use as reou red by the Minister the Mmister may assess damages as follows a) Lip to and mcluding 5 consecuhve Days an amount equal to 50% of one (I) hour al the Minimum Util zauon Rate for each full Day or prorated Day, the A rcraft. Personnel or Services are not available, or b) b etween 6 and 15 consecutwe Days inclus ve, an amount equal to il i hour at the Minimum Ut lization Rate for each full Day or prorated Day, the Aircraft, Personnel or Services are not available, or c) a penod greater than 15 consecutve Days the Aircraft. Personnel or Services are not ava ladle would null fy any Guaranteed Flight T me Util zation payable under this Agreement and any Minimum tltilization Charges paid by the Mm ster under Section 2 05 of this Schedule shall be payable by the Company to the Mimster within 60 days Should the A rcraft. Personnel and Services become available to the M n ster after an assessment of damages under c) has been made by the Minister, Guaranteed Fi ght 1 me Litibzation for the rema nder of the Operatmg Penod may be deterrn ned on the mutual agreement of both parties The company must prepare an Unserviceab Sty Report for each day or part day, the A rcrali. Personnel or Services are not available INITIALS Fo h e mp any Fo r ti e M ister Appe dix I Te ms snd Co O tons Stand ng Offer No AO Page I Page21 of 68FNR

209 Coulson Flying Tankers 2010 Positioning and Expenses (Schedule E-7) Daily Rate Breakdown The following shall be considered the minimum required daily accompaniment of manpower and equipment to support Coulson Ftteng Tankers The rates shall be reduced accordingly for each item not used or unserviceable on the rireline. Any additional expenses required (ie expense travel or additional rental vehicles) must be pre-approved by the Ministry Quantity Description Daily Off Site Rate Total Comments Fuel Truck $1, $1, Driver included Tractor Trailer $1, $1, Driver included Crane truck $ $1, Driver included bus $ $1, Dnver Included Kodiak Truck $ $1, Driver Included Van $ $ Driver included Rental Vehicle $65.00 $65.00 On-site rentals for ground transport Fuel (van, rental vehicle, Kodiak Boats $55.00 $ $55.00 $ Support Em lo ees Living Out Accomodation Living Out Meals Ferry Individuals $ $ $50.00 $16.00 $3, $ $ $ Wages (excluswe of drivers above) Ferry for Fuel Truck Ferry for Tractor Trailer Ferry Crane Truck & Trailer Ferry Bus $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Ferry Kodiak & Trailer Ferry Van and Trailer $ $ $ $ Appendix I Tenne snd Conditions Standing Offer No. AO page c Page22 of 68FNR

210 Balnsn x.'vlinistry o( Forests, Lands anti X a t ttral Rcstlurce (Jpurations 'i 4 (c Contract Modification Agreement No. 1 MINISTRY CONTRACT/FILE NO /COLIL PROJECT NAME Ma rtin Mars Tanker Services THIS MODIFICATION AGREEMENT dated for reference May 18" BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA represented by the MINISTER OF FORESTS LANDS AND NATURAL RESOIJRCE OPERATIONS Provinc at Wildfire Coordinat on Centre (the "Prov nce' we 3080 Airport Road, Kamloops. 8 C "us' or "our' as applcabiel at the foilowmg add ess Telephone Fax Address (250) (2 50) N ina barber@gov bc ca Ministry Representabve Alternate (ifapplrcabre) N n a Barber Je ff Berry AND Coulson A rcrane Ltd Dba Coulson Fly ng Tankers nhe "Co tactor 'yo ' o y o r' ssappicaole)stthefoliowngaddress 9350 Bomber Base Road Port Albern. BC V9Y SZ3 Telephone (250) Fax Address (250) Wayne coulsontbcoulson group corn Contractor Representabve Wa yne Coulson Corporate Business BC Number tvorksafe BC No andlor P QP I A No The Parties entered into an Agreement dated for reference May 10, 2010, (hereinafter called the 'Agreement' ), 8 Th e Pahies agree to amend Ine Agreement as follows 1 AI RCRAFT 1 03 A n Aircraft Acceptance and Release checklist will be figed out at the beg nn ng and complel on of the Operating Penod tsee Schedule 8) attached 2 Te rm and Expiry 2 01 This Standing Offer w 9 commence on June I' and expire on March unless withdrawn n accordance with section 5 Subiect to satisfactory performance by the Contractor and availabii ty of fundmg by the Province. the Parues agree to extend this Agreement for a Term of one year Thtrd year rates will be reviewed and adiusted by mutual agreement 203 The first Operating Perod will be the 90 day penod commencng June to Au ust SCHEDULE E FEES I FL IGI.IT TIME CHARGES I 01 Fl ght Time for the Martin Mars Air Tanker at a Flying Rate of eighteen thousand, seven hundred and ninety seven dohars (518,797 00) exclus vs of fuel wdi be applicable for a) aa hours of Fltght Time flown to provide the services, b) any Flight Time hours flown n a p ractice or ter ing session fs ch a session are at the specficwntten recuestof the M nister c) an y Flight T me hours Positioning Ihe Aircraft. d) Fl ight Time hours in a) b) and c) above will be included in the calculation of Guaranteed Fkght Time Ublizaton 2 O P E R ATING PERIOD GLIARANTEED FLIGHT TIME UTILIZATION 2 04 A Mimtmum Utilization Rate of fourteen thousand e ght hundred and seventy mne dollars ( Qoi per hour will apply for any hours as calculated under sect on 2 02 and G uaranteed Flight T me f s aoo - Mcd ri at on Ag semenl CSNR Msrcn Page I of Page23 of 68FNR

211 CONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEM E NT CONTINUED (a) Should the Flight Time hours dunng the pened of June 2 to June nol total 15 hours an amount equal to the difference in the hours multiplied by the Minimum Utilization Rate as set out in section 2 04 shall be payable by the Minister, 4 FU EL COSTS Fuel Rate at Sproat Lake BC The cost incurred at the Company's Base of S prost Lake BC and paid by the Company for aviation fuel used by the Company to fulfill ils obligation under this Agreement will be based on rack rate Port Albemi, plus an into plane fee of 15 cents per litre The rack rate Port Alberni should indude you actual fuel costs for the particular load plus transport costs reflected as a per litre cost (this to must be audi(able with back up records). If no metenng system is available to provide a fuel slip, information noted on Ine flight skp should include, litres pumped, date of purchase, and location. The into plane fee and fuel will be noted separately per missron on each ffight slip Fuel pricing information for Port Albemi will be provided at the beginning of each month for the cost of Avgas This information can be faxed to (250) or ed to FORPCCP.AIRPWCCrBgov.bc ca When deployed away from Pod Albemi no into plane fee will apply. Pncing information may be ddierent at other locations, if pnang information is different, a pnce notification change will be submitted as above 6 WARM UP FEE 6 02 The warm-up must be noted on the daily flight slips and vng be paid at the rate of per warm-up, exclusive offuel Fs soo - Mod ficetien Agreement CSNR March 14, 2011 Page 2 of3 Page24 of 68FNR

212 ' SCHEDULE 0 AIRCRAFT ACCEPTANCE ANO RELEASE CHECKLIST Type Ma rbn Mam Rag strason c-flyltable 023 Start of Contract. OUT (month)day/year) (erne) (month )day i year) (I me) / Base Location Sprout Lake Fuel On Board I treat A rcrah Serwceable ves ino Radios Correct Type IVHF I FM) Yesi No Radios - Pro ) ammed f FM I YeslNo GPS YeslNo AFF F nct onal YeslNo SAT Pt one Confirm with PATC Blackbeny assirlned to crew position Yes/No Start of Contract ' i U ll comoleson of Contiact NIA IA N/A Received by Released by (Print name of signatory abave) (Prlnr name o f signatory above) FAX To AVIATION MANAGEMENT Unless otheiwse inc cated, lump sum or unl prices shcwn below const lute fdl payment for all labo, matenals, eq pment overt ead profit, taxes a d other tl»ngs requi ed lo completely ncorporate the change(s) nto the contract work, bul exclude tne Harmonized Sales Tax 7 In ag other respects, the Agreement s conrtmted 3 Time is of the essence in the Mocincation Agreement The panies duly execute this Mod I'caxon Agreemenl as follows SIGNED AND DEUVERED on benalf of the Prounce by an authon re ~ s entat) f) he Prpi nce S") )Ci ' L L(~-C ISgnat ieofauiho zed t,l stn)eme seaulho tyi Pn lcd Name Qt t li tf I.r l)c (PRINTED NAME of autho zed repmsentative) Dated a s ~t u oayo( SIGNED AND DEUVEREO by 0 on behalf of the Cont ecto (or by an e00 tracto facorporaton) (S gnat icofco acloror A Ino ued Sgnatow) pnnteo e L 'v i. L ( ( '. L c (PRINTE D of Cont actor or author zen signatory) 30 t I Date d the " day of I 30 t l FS000-iucdfc I Ag Csnn M I Page 3 of 3 Page25 of 68FNR

213 BRIT SH Copse STANDING OFFER FOR; MARTIN MARS AIR TANKER SERVICES MINISTRY OF FORESTS, LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS AGREEMENT STANDING OFFER Nox A O13WCC009 FILE: /COUL THIS AGREEIBENT executed and dated for Reference the 28th day of May BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND Minie o f Fo ts Lands a d Nat R es ource C oul son Alrcrans Ltd 0 eratlons Wildhre Mana ament Branch d.b.a. 0 I I in T a nkers (' Province" ) at the follounng address: (' Offeror') at the following address: 3080 Wrpod Dnve Kamloops, British Columbia V28 7X2 Telephone No: ( 250) Fax No. (25 0) Ministry Representative: Nina Barber Address nina barbertbgov bc ca 9350 Bomber Base Road Port Albemi, Bntish Columbia V9Y 823 Telephone No (250) 7234)225 Fax No. (25 0) 7234)200 Offeror Representabve' Wayne Coulson Address wa e.coulson o i son rou corn WHEREAS: The Offeror offers to supply, as, 4 and when requested, the Senxces descnbed in App endix I, to the Province ACCORDINGLY, the parties agree as follows. 1. DEF INITIONS I 01 In this Slandmg Offer, unless the context otherwise requires. this Standing Offer and the Services ss set oul in Appendix I and s sent to the Offeror b) A~ e ndrx I' means the Terms and Conditions wkh all Schedules attached thereto; c) "~Cont ' means the binding agreement the terms of which are set oul in Appendix I entered into by the Offeror and the Province which enables the Province to acquire the Services set out in the Air Tanker Request for the Fees set out in Schedule E of Appendix k and Natural Resource Operations, Wildfire Management Branch; snd such other Ministry employees as the Assistant Deputy Minister, Operations or the Director, Wildfire Management Branch may authorize, e) '~Mrnrs e means the Mimster of Forests and Range cr his "Designated Representahveh I) '~Moist me ans the Ministry of Forests and Range, Province of Bnlish Columbia, to the Prownce under the Terms and Conditions of Appendix I Services as set oul in Appendix I and is sent to the Offeror, giving notice of the dates of the Opsrahng Penod The fimt Operating Period is as set out in section 2.03, i ) " ~ e means the air tanker services provided by the Offeror to the Province as described in Appendix I, I ) ' ~Ss din Offer' means the Offeroys offer to supply the Services under the Terms and Cond cions of endix 9 and Coulson Aircrene Ltd. d b.s Cculson Flying Tankers Standing Offer Ho AO13WC0009 Pea e I of 2 Page26 of 68FNR

214 2. TERM AND EXPIRY 2.01 This Standing Offer will commence on June 1", 2012 and expire on March 31, 2013 unless withdrawn in accordance with section 5 Subject to sabsfactory performance by the Contractor and availabgdy of funding by the Prownce, the Parties may agree in writing to extend this Agreement for a further Term of one year. Second year rates will be reviewed and adjusted by mutual agreement 2.02 This Standing Offer Term may be extended on the mutual agreement of both partres. 2 D3 The first Operating Penod will be the 90 day period commencrng on June 1, 2012 and expiring on August 29, The Operating Period may be amended or an additional Operating Perio determined on the mutual agreement of beth parsee. 3. TH E STANDING OFFER 3 01 The Offeror understands and agrees that: a) a Contract is formed on receipt by the Offeror of the Operating Penod Request which has been completed and signed by a Ministry Representative, b) the Operabng Penod Request shail form a Contract only for those Services which have been requested provrded always that such request is made in accordance wuh the provisions of this Standing Offer; c) the issue and drstnbulron this Standing Offer does not oblige the Province to authonze or order all or any of the Services, descnbed in this Standing Offer. d) the Prownce's liability shall be limited to that which anses from a Contract, made pnor to the expiry date descnbed in section 2, e) the Province reserves Ihe nght to procure the specned Services by any other means it deems necessary includrng the use of other contracts, standing offers, or by other contracting methods; f) t he Province reserves the right to set aside this Standing Offer, for whatever reason, and nol make s available for any Operating Penod Requests, g) no change to this Slandmg Offer will be valid unless rt is by way of an addendum signed by both the Offeror and the Province; and h) the Terms and Condibons set out rn Appendix I wig apply to each Contract If the Province provides an Operating Pened Request prior to the expiry of this Standing Offer and receives the Services, then the Province will pay to the Offeror amounts payable as descnbed m Appendm I of this Standing Offer 4. S ERVICE REQUEST MECHANISM 4 01 During the Operating Period, Services may be ordered by methods other than an Air Tanker Request, such as telephone, facsimile or If there is any conflict between the Operating Pened Request and this Standing Offer, the provisions specrficstly set out in thm Standing Offer will prevail and ag else will be as if not vmlten 4.03 The Offeror will use ag commemiagy reasonable efforts to fulfill any and all Operating Period Requests, which may be made before the expiry of this Standing Offer or of Ihe notice period under section D4 If the Offeror is unable to fulfill any request for Services, the Offeror must mmediately notrfy the Minister. 5. NO TIFICATION OF WITHDRAWAL 5.01 In the event that the Offeror wishes lo wmdraw this Standing Offer, the Offeror shall provide no less than ten (10) days wrmen notice to the Minister and such withdrawal of Standing Offer shall not be effectme until receipt of such notrrication by the Minister and the expiry of such notice pericd IN wltness whereof the undersigned extends this Standing Offer on the first date written above iarcnmr Sx Clr Prirli Nems snd Tms isis d c r srsr cr p Rsncsl px nr Name snu Tris ala Coursonnrrusne L. s C ouiscnfiyrng Tankers Standing Offer No AO13WCCDOB Page 2 of 2 Page27 of 68FNR

215 PPENDIX I ERIES AND CONDITIONS 1. DE FINITIONS 1 01 tnt hrs Appendix, unless the context otherwise requlrem a) "A~imfi' means any or all aircraft, described m Schedule A covered by this Agreement, b) for the Province's air tanker resources as prepared by the Minister during the fire season; c) occurrence as defined and detailed <n the Transport Canada Aeronaulicai information Manual (TC AIM) ' 'BC Fo t Service Fire Bomb< Procedures' Procedures, created and maintained by the Province, ougining the Prov<nce's training requirements and operational policies and procedures in relation to aerial fire fighting; e) "~gud-u Ares' means any forest or range land occupied by houses, trailers, mobile homes, outbuildings or other manmade structums that are being threatened by, or adjacent to, or wrihin the boundaries of, a Wildfire, usual operational base for the Aircrafi, 0) Assistant Deputy Minister, Operations, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. Ihe Director, Wildfire Management Branch, and such other Ministry employees as the Assistant Deputy Minister, Opemtions or the Director, Forest Wildfire Management Branch may authorize, h) "~D means each calendar day during the Operating Penod when Services, Personnel and Equipment are provided; 'E<iuE<reanntt' means the Company's fire fighting A<rcrafi and the Specialty Equipment required in provid<ng the Services and as described in Schedule A, and any other such equipment approved by the Minister for use rn prov<drng the Services; ~lm e an ts" means any vehicle, equipment or other manmade structure that is occupying forest or range lands being threatened by, adjacent to, or within Ihe boundaries of, a Wildfire; Transport Canada approved Maintenance Control and Maintenance Procedures Manuals detailing the aircraft operated by Ihe air carrier, the ma<ntenance cnleria, procedures and schedules for each aircraft and the personnel responwble for maintenance, inspection and quality control; Mrnistari means the Minister of Forests, Lande and Natuml Resource Operations or hrs Appendix I Terms snd Cond<cons Standhng Offer No AO13WCC009 Designated Representative; m) "fii)jfiiist ' means the firiinmtry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Prownce of Bntish Columbia; Transport Canada approved document detailing the Company's operating procedures and includes any amendments to the same as required by law; Standing Offer Term during which the San<tees will be available to the Province under the Terms and Conditions of Appendix 1 and as requested by the Pmvince to the Company, p) "Serwces' means the aircraft services as described in Schedule 8; specially equipment required rn providing the Services and as described in Schedule A, and any other such equipment approved by the Minister for use in providing the Services; r ) ' ~Warm-U ' means the warming up of aircraft engines as described in Schedule C s) ' Wildlire" means an unplanned fire occurring on forest or range lands, b urning forest vegetation, grass, brush, scrub, peafiands, or a prescnbed fire set under a Burn Registration whtch, in the judgment of a Forest Officer threatens to spread beyond the area authorized for that burning, and t) "Year" means, <n respect of the term of this Agreement, the penod from Apnl I of one year lo March 31 of the fogowing year. 2. AP P OINTMENT, TERM AND SERVICES 2.01 The Province shall request the Services wrih an elemron<c Air Tanker Request, facsimrie or confirmation to the Company The Company will provide the Serv<ces as requested in accordance with Ihis Agreement 2.03 The Company will pmvide the Services during the Operating Period regardless ot the date of execution or delivery of this Agreement More than one Operatmg Period can exist pnor to the expiration or withdrawal of the Standing Offer. 3. FE ES AND EXPENSES 3.01 In consideration of the Company providing the Sennces, the Province will pay to the Company Fees and Expenses in the amounts and in the manner set out rn this Agreement The sums descnbed in secbon 3 01 constitute the Page I maximum amounts payable to the Company for its performance of the Services end the C ompany will not be entitled to any additional compensation for ds performance whether or not the work actuagy undertaken by the Company is descnbed in the Agreement. Page28 of 68FNR

216 3.03 Notwithstanding any other prowsion of the Agreement, Ihe payment of money by the Prownce to the Company under ibis Agreement is sublect to a) there being sufficient monies available in an sppropriatron, as deffned in the Financial Admrnrsirafion Acl, to enable the Province, in a ffscal year or part thereof when any payment of money by the Province to the Company falls due under this Agreement to make that payment; ano b) Treasury Board, as defined rn the Financial Administration Act, not having controlled or limned, under the Financial Adminislre lion Acl, expenditure under any appropnation referred to in subsectron (a) 3.04 The Province certrties that the property and/or Services ordered and purchasert under this Agreement are for the use of, and are being purchased by, the Province with Crown funds snd are therefore not subject lo the Goods and Services Tax. Effective July I, 2010, the Federal Goods snd Services Tax (GST) along with 0 Cfs Provincial Sales Tax (PST) is replaced vnth the federally administered Harmonrxed Sales Tsx (HST). The HST has a combmed tax rate of 12 percent, 5% GST and a 7% B.C Component The HST has the same rules as the GST, therefore 4 GST is applied pnor to July 1st, then HST appbes after July I, COVENANTS OF THE COMPANY The Company will: a) observe, perform and comply with all of ils oblrgalions under Ibis Agreement, b) remain an md ependent contractor and not the servant, employee, partner, or agent of the Province or the Minister, c) not, in any manner whatsoever, commit or propose to commit the Province or the Minister to the payment of sny money to any parson, except as contemplated by this Agreement, d) secure and maintain rn good standing ah necessary approvals and certdicates for the Aircraft and Specialty Equipment described rn this Agreement; e) equip, operate and mamtain the Aircraft in accordance wrlh ail requirements of Canadian and British Columbia laws and regulations; I) c omply with all the standards, practices, procedures and specbicatron set out in the Company's Transport Canada approved Operations Manual; snd those set out in the Company's Transport Canada approved Maintenance Manuals rn conducbng ab Arrcraft maintenance, g) service, repair, overhaul, test, and maintain the Aircraft in a safe and airworthy stale of repair at all bmes m accordance wilh manufacturer's recommended maintenance programs and the Appendix I Terms and conditions Standing ONer No. Aotsvv Psgst Company's Maintenance Manuals, to the satisfactron of the Minister; h) perform the Services and its obligations under this Agreement in a safe and professional manner to the reasonable sabsfacbon of the tvlrnateq except with the explicit approval of the Minister, ensure that ab Arrcrsff maintenance is performed by a fully qualified and licensed Aircralt Maintenance Engineer ("AME") who is not the Aircraft pilot; I) a llow no priot to fly the Aircraft and prowde the Services pursuant to this Agreement, without prior approval of the Minister, k) provide and maintain st ag limes, sufficient quagfied staff, facilities, materials, appropnate Specially Equipment snd approved subconuactual arrangemenls to fully perform the Services and ils obligations under this Agreemenl to the reasonable sstrsfaction of the Minister, I) p rowde ell refueling and foam or gel retardant equipment when the Aircraft rs away from rts Designated Bass; m) be responsible for ag charges, costs and expenses mcludrng bul not limned to, Arrcraff fuel, costs of lubricants, airport costs, and Aircraft parking fees, necessary for the efficient operabons of the Aircraft and Specialty Equipmenl required for the performance of the Services under this Agreement, unless speafied otherwise in this Agreement, n) obtain and maintain rn force dunng the Operabng Period insurance as described m Schedule D; o) in addition to the items contained in this Agreement, provide ag living expenses and services to the Company's employees and permated subcontractors throughout lhe province, together with ag other expenses connected anth the Company's operations; and p) reasonably cooperate with the Province and any other persons providing services to the Province COVENANTS OF THE PROVINCE The Province will, at its own expense, prowde the following a) extraordinary charges for navigation and/or aerodrome fees (where applicable), that are necessary for the Company to perform the Services, except as otherwise provided, b) a bird dog aircraft as deemed appropriate to support an Air Tanker Request; c) at the Province's discretion, a bird dog aircraft to support the Company's training and practice exercises. Page29 of 68FNR

217 6. INDEMNITY 6 01 Tha Company wrd indemnify and save harmless the Province and the Minister from and againsl ag claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses made against or incurred, suffered or sustained by the Province and the Minister or either of them at any time or bmes (whether before or after termmahon of this Agreement) where the same or any of them are based upon or ense out of anything done or omrited to be done by the Company or by any employee, officer, subcontractor, or agent of the Company pursuant to this Agreement, excepting as always liability ansmg out of the independent negligent acts of the Province orthe Minister 6 02 Notwithstanding section 6 01, the Province will indemnify and save harmless the Company, its permitted subcontractors and their respectwe agents, servants and employees from and against any and ag liability or bodily Injury or damage to Improvements directly or indirecdy caused by, ansrng from or resulting from the dropping of fire retardants, water, foam and other fire control chemicals from a Martin Mars Arr Tanker by the Company or any of Ss permitted subcontractors, their respecfwe agents, servants or employees under this Agreement m Ihe vicinity of Improvements or Built-up Areas where such scbons ara. carried oul at the direction of Ihe Mrnisten ii. are, inthe opinion oflhe Mmater, considered to be essential to the control of Wildffres, and iii. not negligently performed by the Company The Company will cooperate with the Province and its counsel in any and ag invesbgabons, settlemenls and iudicial determination of any claims made against the Prownce, the Minister or the Company relating directly or rndlredly to this Agreement snd will use its best effort to cause ils employees, officers, subcontractors and agents to be similarly bound ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACllNG The Company usg not assign this Agreement, nor subcontract any of its obligauons under this Agreement, to sny person, lirm, or corporation without the prior wntten consent of the Prownce The Company usg at ell times be held (ugy responsible to the Province for the acts and omissions of ils subcontractors and persons employed by them and no subcontmct entered into by the Company will impose any obligat on or Irabrlriy upon the Province to any such subcoritractor or any of its employees. The Company will cause every assignee or subcontractor to be bound by the terms of this Agreement so far as they apply to the work to be performed by each subcontractor 7 04 Nothing in thw Agreemeitl und create any contractual relationship between the Provmce snd the subcontractor of the Company 8. T ERMINATION 8.01 The Province may, in addition to any remedy available to ri at law or equriy, terminate this Agreement by written nobce to the Company it the Company fails to observe, perform or comply with any provisions of this Agreement. 9. NO TICES 9.01 Any noses, document, statement, report or demand desired or required to be given or made under this Agreement will be in wribng end may be given or made by personal delivery to the party to whom it is to be given or made, or by mailing It rn Canada with postage prepaid lo the applicable address, or by transmrtbng il by facsimile to the appkcable facsimile transmission number, noted for boih the Province and the Company at Ihe start of this Agreement The Company will provide to the Prownce, as soon as possible and by the quickest means possible the parbculars and details of any Aviation Occurrence that occurs while prowdlng the Selvlces 9.03 The Province may request the Company prepares 9 detailed report of the Aviation Occurrence referred to in section I EISCEkkANEOUS This Agreement wrii ensure to the benefit and be binding upon the Province snd its assigns and the Company and its successors and permitted agents This Agreement ung be governed by, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of ths Prownce of Brriish Columbia Ag disputes arising out of or in connection wrih the Agreement vnd be referred and linagy resolved by arbitration administered by the British Columbia International Commensal Arbitration Center pursuant to the Rules of Procedures'. The place of arbitrahon will be Victors BC Each party vali, upon reasonable request of the other parbes, fully cooperate to the betterment of the Services provided under this Agreement This Agreement may only be amended by further wnuen amendments executed by or behalf of the parties Ad the discretion and obligations ot the Mimster or Ihe Prownce under this Agreement may be exercised or performed by the Minister, the Deputy Minister of Forests and Range or by a Designated Representative Each Schedule A to E attached to thu Agreemenl is an integral part of thw Agreement as if set out rn length in the body of this Agreement. Appendix I Terms and Conditions Stsndrng Offer No AO13WCC009 Page 3 Page30 of 68FNR

218 SCHEDULE A AIRCRAFT, PERSONNEL AND SPECIALTY EQUIPINENT During the Operating Penod, the Company shall provide Aircrah, Pemonnel and Specraky Equipment according to the foilovnng specrflcabons AIRCRAFT The Company will supply one Martin Mars Atr Tankers, suitable for senal attack of wildfires as foilowm C-FLYL tail ¹823 The Atrcraft will be located at the Company's Sproat Lake (BC) Base unless olhervnse agreed by boih parties. PERSONNEL The Martin Mars Air Tanker Air Crew will meet the following specffications a) Airline Transport License; b) Transport Canada requirements; cl Meet the Company's Operating certification requirement; d) two years expenence flying m fire bombmg operations; and e) personal flying history shall be made available upon the request of the Minister. Maintenance Personnel a) trained in accordance wah the Company M aintenance Manuals; and b) Aircraft Maintenance Engineers bcensed in accordance wdh current Transpon Canada requirements. SPECIALTY EQUIPIEENT The Martin Mars Ali Tanker will be equipped to meet the following commumcation requirements. a) equipped with standard eircrafl transrnrt and receive VHF - AM radio equipment rmlh a minimum frequency range of 118 to megahertz; b) transmfi and receive FM multi channel programmable radio equipment with a frequency range of 150 to 174 megshenz and capable of operation wfih continuous tone coded squelch system (CTCSS). The radio equipmenl must be capable of stonng 50 or more channels and have operator sccessrbrtfiy to all CTCSS tones. The Equipment must be compabble with Industry Canada's Radio Spectrum Reakgnment (narrow banding) requirement, c) The FM radio will have a separate guard channel; d) a Global Posdioning System (GPS) having a mmimum of 4 channels, capable of storing up to 100 user inputted way points and having NMEA.0183 standard output with RS232 or USB serial portend ASCII forms The Aircraft vali be equipped with a satefifie communication system (SATCOM) which 3 03 The Aircrah will be equipped be equipped vmh an Automated Flight Fofiowing (AFF) tracking system providing voice communications and data management/transfer that meets the Canadian anti United States requirements 3.04 The Minisb)r's AFF specifications are set out at www bcwildfire ca/fi in Id fr vi i o / AFF 3.05 The Aircraft vali be equipped with afi safety and suniival equipment and suppkes as required by federal and provinaal laws and regulations SCHEDULE B SERVICES 1. SE RVICES I 01 Dunng the Operabng Penod, the Company will: a) provide Aircraft flight and fire bombing services; b) provide afl fueling and foam or gel retardant loading services necessary for the performance of the Services; c) poseontheaircrafl at thetimes and locations specified by the Mmistefl d) maintain an air readiness level as specified by the Minister, e) use its best efforls to ensure that the Aircraft and fkght operations Personnel adhere to the Mmistry's operational procedures and mstructions, f) c ause appropr ate personnel of the Company to attend pre-and de-briefing exermses, g) cause appropnate personnel of Ihe Company to attend an end of Operating Penod de-bnef session n) undertake work utilmng the Manin Ifiars Air Tankers and appropriate personnel for third parties as directed by the Min ster, i) e nsure that afl flight operations Personnel are albred in standard apparel for either flight or maintenance as the case may be; I) w ork comperat vely with the Province in joint training sessions; and k) provide the Services in accordance with the British Columbia Forest Service Fire Bombing Procedures Appendix I Teens snd Conditions Standing Offer No. AOI3WCC009 Psgs4 Page31 of 68FNR

219 'goods I 02 During the Operating Period, the Company will have rn place the necessary support equipment to quickly respond should the Minister request the Aircraft be Positioned to a location other than the Company's Designated Base. This support equipment will include. a) one (1) fuel truck; b) one (I) tractor trailer, c) one (I) service trailer, d) one (1) van; and e) one(1) boat Dunng the Operating Penod or any extensions, the Company will advise the Minister of any possible opportunities or requirements for the Company's own use of the Aircraft SCHEDULE C FEE SCHEDULE 1. FE E SCHEDULE 1.01 In this Schedule, unless the context requires othensise a) 'Fess' are as set out in Schedule E All charges are m Canadian dollars; 6) '~Ffi ht Time' for the Martin Mars Air Tanker means the time, measured in minutes and reported in tenths of an hour as calculated and detailed in the Transport Canada Aeronautical Informahon Manual (TC AIM), from the aircraft leaving the buoy for the purpose of innial takeoff to the time when the aircraft comes to a complete stop at the buoy, c) "Fiypin Rate means Ihe hourly charges for Flight Time as set out m Schedule E; d) ~Posibonin ' means a change in the location of the Aircraft, Personnel and Equipment at the request of the Minister, e) Schedule E for Posriioning the Aircraft, account, on Company letterhead, in a form satisfactory to the Minister, to the address set out in this Agreement or as directed by the Ministry, shovnng the calculation of Ihe amounts claimed for the period, includrng. fli ght slip or invorce reference number, fli ght date, pi lot name, Air craft registration and type, Agreement number, Branch or Fire Center, legs of flight, including - from/lo - up/down limes - hours flown - Minisby Use Code - Fire or Project Number SCHEDULE D INSURANCE - volume of foam or gei retardant, - number of drops and volumes fue l and oil costs as permitted under Schedule E; other applicable costs and expenses; and services received' signature; tot al flrght cost g) "Release Rate" means that rate set out rn Schedule E to credit Ihe Ministry for each dsy the Aircraft rs released by the Province to the company h) "~Warm-U Fee" means the flat rats charge for a Warm-Up on Days the Minrstry's established alert snd required response time is one half hour or less, as set out in Schedule E These include yellow and red days but not blue and green The Province will pay the Company Ihe following charges, as set out in Schedule E, with respect to the SeMces provided' a) Flight Time Charges; b) Warm-Up Charges; c) DariyAvailabrlity Charges: d) Fuel Costs; e) Foam and gel retardant costs; posnioning and Expenses, and g) Other Costs The Province will pay those fees described in section 1.02 vrithin wxly (60) days fobovnng receipt by the Prove/ca of a Proper Account I 04 The Company mii submit Proper Accounts rn no less than weekly mtervals. 1. I N SURANCE REQUIREMENTS 1 01 In addison to such policies as are required by Canadian laws and regulations, the Company shall, at ils sole cost and expense and dunng the Agreement Term provide and maintain for the benefit of the Minister, his servants, agents snd employees the following msurance. a) A ircraft Liability in mspect ot third part bodily injury and/or property damage, including passenger liabikty, unlh lrmits not less than len mrllron dollars ($10,000,000) combined single limit, each occurrence, b) A vrahon General Liability insurance, induding Premises 6 Operations and Products 6 Completed Operations liability, wdh Imils not less then ten rniuron dollars ($10,000,000) combined Appendrx I Terms snd Condisons Standing Offer No AO13WCC000 Page I Page32 of 68FNR

220 1.03 1,05 I 06 single limit, each occurrence and in the annual aggregate with respect tc Products & Completed Operations; c) T he insurance outlined under a) and b) above, shall include the folimwng endorsements and/or prowsions blanket contractual liability, ii ncn-owned automobile msurance, contingent employer liability, iv personal mjury liability, v employees as additional insureds; and vi. a cross liability clause; wi. Her Maiesty the Oueen in the right of the Province of British Columbia as represented by the Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and any of Xs employees, servants or agents are to be added as an 'Addihonal Insured"; and viii.any addilionalinsursnce which is required by law or which the Company considers necessary to cover nsks not othervsse covered by insurance specdied in this section All msurance will be in a form, and content and placed vnth an msurer or insurers duly licensed to carry o n insurance business in Bntish Columbia acceptable to the Minister The Company shall, not l ater t han t he commencement of the Agreement Term, prowde to the Province a C ehificate of I nsurance confirmmg a f l po licies an d nec essary endcrsements to comply with the insurance requirements outlined herein The Company will ensure that the insurance may not be cancefled or malenagy changed in any way whatsoever wrthout the insurers providing 30 days pnor notice to the Minister The insurance vng be primary and not require the shanng of any loss by any insurer of the Province. The Company wanes ag rights of rrmourse against the Province with regard to damage to the Company's property. The Company shall, at Xs ovm expense, obtain WorkSafe BC co verage for rl self, ils subcontractors, ag workers and any shareholders, directors, partners or ether individuals employed or engaged in the performance of the Services The Company must comply with afl conditions of Ihe Wodrers Compenss/ion Aci and regulations SCHEDULE E FEES thereunder, and upon request, must provide the Provmce with proof of such compliance. FLIGHT TIME CHARGES Fhght Time for the Markn Mars Air Tanker at a Flying Rats of. a) Three thousand nine hundred dollars ($3,900.00) exclusive of fuel will be applicable for ail hours of Flight Time flown to provide the Sennces up to a maximum of 45 hours; b) Eighteen thousand, seven hundred and ninety seven doflam ($18,79'7.00) exclusive of fuel for afl hours flown exceeding 45 hours, c) Any Flight Time hours flown in s practice or traimng session if such sessions are al the specific written request of the Minister AVAILABIUTY CHARGES Dsfly Avagability Charges Daily avadsbildy charges of seven thousand four hundred and forty dollars ($7,440.00) per day will apply for any days as calculated dunng Ihe 90 day operating period This payment will be billed by the company in three equal payments of two hundred and twenty three thousand, two hundred doflam ($223,200.00) on June 15, July 15th and August 15 ALERT STATUS The Province will advise the Company of the next Day's alert status by fax between 1300 hours and 1600 hours of the previous day. FUEL COSTS Fuel Rate at Sproat Lake BC The cost incurred at the Company's Base of Sproat Lake BC and paid by the Company for aviation fuel used by the Company to fulfill its obligation under this Agreement will be based on rack rate Port Albemr, plus an into plane fee of 15 cents per lsre. The rack rate Port Albemi should include you actual fuel costs for the particular load plus transport costs rellected es a per lilre cost (this to must be auditable vtflh back up records). If no metering system is available to provide a fuel slip, information noted on the flight skp should include, iitres pumped, date of purchase, snd location The into plane fee and fuel will be noted separately per mission on each flight slip Fuel priang information for Port Albemi will be provided at the beginning of each month for Ihe cost of Avgas This information can be fsxed to (250) or ed to FORPCCP.AIRPWCC@ gov.bc.ca Appendix I Terms and Conor xone atsnding Ofler No AC13WCC009 Page 4 Page33 of 68FNR

221 When deployed away from Port Albemi no into plane fee will apply Pnmng information may be dãerent at other locations, if pnmng information is dnerent, a price notification change wig be submiaed as above Fuel Rate Away From the Company's Base Fuel purchases other than listed m this Schedule will be reimbursed at the actual cost incurred, supported by receipts and paid by the Company 4 03 The Company will retain all supporhng documentation to support the charges for the avialmn fuel costs as set out in seckon 4 01 and participate in a post season review wdh the Province to reconmle actual usage and costs The results may include a one-time payment by the Minister lo the Company or a reimbursement from the Company to the Province for each year of this Agreement. FOAM AND GEL RETARDANT COSTS The Province vnb reimburse the Company for afi foam and/or gel used to provide the Services under this Standing Offer. The volumes must be noted on the daily flight slips or invoice and vng be paid at the actual cost from Ihe supplier(s) plus a handlmg fee of 3 cents/sire on each mixed lilre dropped at a 1M basis WARM-UP FEE The Province will reimburse the Company for afi warm-ups required as per Schedule C I 01 h) of this Standing Offer The warm-up must be noted on the daily flight slips and will be paid at the rale of four hundred and thirty seven ($437.00) per warm-up, inclusive of fuel. POSITIONING AND EXPENSES Should the Minister request the Aircraft, Flight Crew, support equipment and personnel be Positioned away from the Company's Sprout Lake Base or from one base designated by the Minister lo another bass designated by the Minister the fofiovnng rates are payable by the Minister; a) A Daily Rate will be applicable for each Day Positioning or Positioned away from the Company's Sproat Lake Base as folows: i. A Daily Positioning Rale shall be payable by the Minister at twelve thousand nine hundred and forty seven ($12,947.00) per Day for the first and last Day of positioning away from the Company's Base, and ii. a Daily Rate while Positioned away from the Company's Base shall be payable by the Minister at ten thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars ($10,960.00) per Day based on Schedule E-7, daily minimum requirement Should the Ministry supply any accommodations and/or meals the Daily Rates set oul in Ihis section will be reduced as fogows accommodations $105 each and meals $50.00 ($16.50 for each meal) Vehicle mdeage ahowance of $0.49 per kilometer dunng mobilb ation and demobilkaahon when required to be away from the Company's Bass for one (1) Fuel Truck, two (2) service vehicles 7.04 Other necessary out of pocket travel expenses approved by the Ministry when the Flight and Suppon Crew are away from the Designated Base will be reimbursed at Ihe actual cost incurred and supported by receipts This may indude but is not limited to addcional rental vehicles or air travel 8 OT HER 8.01 The Province will reimburse the Company' a) the actual amount paid by Ihe Company for navigation and/or aerodrome fees required in the performance of the Serwces; b) with the pnor wntten approval of the Province, the actual amount paid by the Company for other coals as may be necessary lo provide the Services away from the Company's Designated Base. 9. RE LEASE RATES 9 01 The rate for the Company's use of the Aircraft when released from tha Company's Service Requirements by the Ministry will be at the Release Rate for each and every day the aircrafi is released The Release Rate is as agreed by the parties 10. P ENALTIES For each and every hour the Aircrafi Speaefiy Eqwpment, Personnel and Services are not available for Services as requ/red by!he Minister, Ihe Minister may assess damages in the amount of one tenth of the Daily Availabilny (defined in Schedule E Fees, Section 2- Availability Charges). Appendix I Terms and Condeons Standmg Offer No AO13WCC009 Pager Page34 of 68FNR

222 Coulson Flying Tankers 2012 Positioning and Expenses (Schedule E-7) Daily Rate Breakdown The following shall be considered the mimmum required daily accompaniment of manpower snd equipment to support Ccvlson Flying Tankers. The rates shall be reduced accordingly for each item nct used or unserviceable on Ihe firslns. Any nddibonsl expenses required lis expense travel or sddilicnsl rental vehicles) must be pre-approved by the Ministry. Quantity Description Daily Off Site Rate Total Comments Fuel Truck $1, $1, Driver included Tractor Trailer $1, $ Driver included Crane truck $ $1, Driver included bus $ $1, Driver Included Kodiak Truck $ $1, Driver Included Van $ $ Driver included Rental Vehicle $65.00 $65.00 On-site rentals for ground transport Fuel (van, rental vehicle, Kodiak Boats $55.00 $ $55.00 $ Support Em lo ees Living Out Accommodation Living Out Meals Feny Individuals $ $ $50.00 $16.00 $3, $1, $ $ Wages (exclusive of drivers above) Feny for Fuel Truck Feriy for Tractor Trailer Ferry Crane Truck & Trailer Ferry Bus $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Ferry Kodiak & Trailer Ferry Van and Trailer $ $ $ $ Appendix 1 Terms snd Conditions Standing CS'sr Nc. AO13WCCCCC page 3 Psgs35 of 68FNR

223 Ch BRTFISH COLUM BIA Ministry of Forests, Lands and Nat u ral Resource Operations Contract Modification Agreement No. 2 MINISTRY CONTRACT/FILE NO i g rg 20iCOII i3 01 PROJECT NAME A O 13WCC009 THIS MODIFICATION AGREEMENT dated for reference 29 day of May BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, epresented by the MINISTER OF FORESTS, LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS n ov caiiwllf 4 eood nnxon 0 t e ttne po nce ' r ppi bl I t t c f olo g adrlass 3080 Amort Dnve, Kamloops, 8 C V28 7X2 AND Coulson A crane Ltd cba Couison flying Tankers (tn 'c i ac'on "yo ' or ye r'a appcati )aittelos g a ddess 4890 Chain Creak Road I'n I Alba ni B,t,sii Coin L»a VSY 8E9 Telephone Fax E- a I Address (250) (25 0) Wayne coulsonco.coulson group corn Telephon e Fax E mail Add ess ( ( 250) n na barber@gov bc ca Min stn Rep ese tative Alta ate (ifapplcaole) Ni na Barber M c heer Be son A Th e Panes entered nto an Agreement dated for clarence May , (he emafter called the 'Agreement' ), 8 Th e Pames agree to amend the Ag cement as follows Contraclo Rep ese lative Bus ness Number Won Sale BC No AQ Wayne Coulson a dlo POP No I The Company shali provde lethe province fo the sake of safety and eff oency a p e-dentified list of age table water bodes m Bntah Columbia that the Martin Mars bomber can ops ationagy scoop I om The list vng contain ames and coo dinates of each water body and 8 be accompan ed by a map at a scale of I 1, tdenbfy ng the locat one oflhe water bod es 2 T he Company shag 9 ovde to the P ovnce a list ofs table water bodes that the Mann Mars bomte ca base out of The 1st w 9 conte n names and coord nates of each water body and will be accompan ed by a map at a scale of I I dentfying the locate softhe wats bodes tths map may be thesame as denhfed n¹1 above) In ak other respects. Ihe Ag cement is confrmed 0 7 m e s of the essence in a»s Mod ficat on Agreement The panesdutye ec lethe Mod ficatonag ee e t a sfoaows SIGNED ANQ DELIVERED on behalf of the Prov nce tiy an auth p zed rap as en tat re of ife Prov nca SIGNED AND DELIVERED by or on behalf of lhc Contractor (or by an author zed signatory of he Contract f a corporaton) (S gnature f authonzed Mn stry Expense Autho tyl Ntna Barber (PRINTED NAME of auli onzed re prese ntat ve) Dated this day of 20 (S g natu e of Contractor or Anti n ed S g story) w necwmtson 8 A N R v,o (PRINTED NAME ofconlracto o a thon ed agua(on) Dated th s IYI d ay of 20~( Fssoo.M dacatonag I CSNR*p Page I oft Page36 of 68FNR

224 tfn399 io LEa6ed Coulson Aircrane Ltd Addendum 2 Ma rs contract lultr301 Ceulson Flyi ng Tanker- Mars Lakes designated as suitable for scooping water Lake Adams Alice Alouette Anderson Atlin Azure Babine Bonanza Bonaparte Bowser Bottle Lake Campbell Carpenter Charlie Charlotte Cheslatta Chilko Choelquoit Christina Chuchi Clearwater Cold Fish Comox Dease Decker Downton Eagle (Murphyl Euchu Eutsuk Fantail Fortress Francois Fraser Gladys Great Central Gwigim Harrison Henderson Hobson Horsefly Latitude 51'15'0.00" N 50'28'0.00" N 49'19'53.46" N 50'37'0.00" N 59'31'60.00" N 52 23'5.34" N 54'43'60.00" N 50'22'0.00" N 51'15'30.63" N 56'25'26.47" N 49 45'0.00" N 50' 1'25.94" N 50'52'0.00" N 56'19'38.41" N 52 12'0.00" N 53 44'25.21" N 51'16'0.00" N 51 42'16.22" N 49' 5'26.15" N 55 10'42.89" N 52'16'0.00"N 57'40'0.00" N 49 37'17.10"N 58'44'35.85"N 58 32'0.03" N 54'17'60.00" N 50'50'16.42" N 52' 2'60.00" N 53'25'9.86" N 53'13'60.00" N 59 37'8.30" N 52'22'12.08" N 54' 1'2.19"N 54' 5'17.50" N 59'49'60.00" N 49'21'0.00" N 55 21'16.77" N 49'31'60.00" N 49 4'46.51" N 52 36'0.89" N 52'24'17.54"N Longitude 119'28'60.00" W 127'25'0.00"W 122'25'16.60"W '0.00"W 133'43'0.00" W 120 3'19.75"W 125'58'60.00" W 126'46'0.00" W '3.60"W 129'31'2.21 "W '60.00" W '26.21"W 122'34'0.00"W '29.93" W 125'19'60.00" W 125'21'2.85" W 124' 4'0.00" W 124'11'54.69"W '54.26"W 124'30'15.75" W '0.00"W 128'46'60.00" W 125' 9'51.81" W 129 1'47.34"W 130' 2'59.18"W '60.00"W 122'59'1.56" W 121'15'0.00"W '47.34" W 126'29'60.00" W '22.40"W 117 4/'42.95" W '14.26"W 124'41'39.22" W '0.00" W 125'17'60.00" W '32.32"W 121'49'0.00" W 125' 1'47.12 "W '25.57" W 121' 2'11.98" W Elevation 1340' 180' 420' 870' 2200' 2250' 2340' 890' 3870' 1210' 730' 590' 2150' 2280' 3850' 2530' 386D' 3820' 1480' 2860' 2250' 4040' 450' 3860' 2480' 2300' 2460' 2850' 2810' 2820' 2300' 4380' 2360' 2220' 2860' 280' 2570' 40' 20' 2840' 2590' Page 1 of 3

225 c tjn389 io BEaged indata Johnny Kamloops Kinaskan Kinbasket Kitchener Kitsumkalum Kootenay Lacks Hache Lake Cowichan Lakelse Link Lower Arrow Mabel Mare Meziadin Moberly Morlce Muncho Myrtle Nanika Natalkuz Nicola Nimpkish Nitinat Nome Northwest Arm Okanagan Ootsa Osoyoos Owikeno Pinchi Pltt Powell Qualcho Quesnel Revelstoke Seton Shuswap Skaha Slocan Sprout Stave Stuart Surprise Tachick Tagish 55'19'18.93" N 53' 7'22.34" N 50'45 '30. 72" N 57 35'26.30" N 51 55'42.72" N 57' 2'60.00" N 54'45 '9. 70" N 49'33'2.67" N 51'48'53.45" N 48 52'60.00" N 54'22'26.63" N 52'25'2 55" N 49 27'59.16" N 50 35'28.33" N 50'47'19.26" N 56' 3'20.87" N 55'49'0.00" N 54 1'0.00"N 58'59'10.23" N 52 7'25.82"N 53'46'41.05" N 53 27'0.00" N 50'10'0.03" N 50'22'60.00" N 48'45'0.00" N 59'40'5.50" N 55 11'42.97"N 50 4'0.00" N 53'45'11.05" N 49' 2'60.00" N 51'40'9.71" N 54'35'11.47" N 49'26'42.35" N 49'58'60.00" N 53 1'60.00" N 52'31'58.40" N 51 18'10.21"N 50 41'9.08" N 50'56'34.51 "N 49'24'60.00" N 49'54'8.93" N 49'16'10.78"N 49 22'0.00" N 54'28'60.00" N 59'40'16.91" N 53'57'0.00" N 59'32'60.00" N 125'15'8.90" W 125'26'3.87" W '2.73" W 130' 8'35.04" W 118' 0'42.82" W 127'25'0.00" W '29.99" W 116'49'26.04" W 121'31'27.21 "W '0.00"W '39.19" W 127'40'32.75" W 118' 6'25.25" W 118'43'1.15"W 119' 0'25.53" W 129'16'49.36" W 121'47'60.00" W '60.00"W 125'46'45.12 "W '48.18 "W 127'39'16.55 "W 125'15'0.00" W 120'31'45.35 "W 126'58'0.00" W 124'43'60.00" W 130'53'58.34" W '58.76 "W '0.00"W 126 0'37.02"W 119'28'0.00" W '30.12 "W 124'22'16.40 "W 122'32'16 07 "W 124'31'60.00" W '60.00"W 121' 3'34.63" W '50.71"W 122' 7'21.02" W 119'16'30.49" W 119'34'60.00" W 117'24'26.99 "W 125 3'50.41 "W 122'16'60.00" W 124'27'0.00" W 133'14'54.69 "W 124'13'0.00" W 134'16'60.00" W 2880' 3090' 1100' 2910' 2480' 4330' 490' 1750' 2650' 540' 250' 160' 1450' 1300' 1140' 810' 2290' 2510' 2710' 3510' 3090' 2810' 2060' 90' 10' 3920' 2260' 1130' 2810' 910' 40' 2360' 20' 190' 2950' 2400' 1870' 800' 1140' 1120' 1780' ' 2240' 3000' 2340' 2160' Page 2 of 3

226 c tfn399 io 66eged Tahtsa Taita pin Takla Tat la Tatlayoko Tchentlo Tchesinkut Teslin Tezzeron Tochcha Trembleur Troitsa Tsayta Tutshi Tuya Uncha Upper Arrow Upper Campbell Victoria Whalen Whatshan Whitesail Williston Witch Woes 53 40'54.98" N 54'18'35.09" N 55'23'2.15"N 51'58'9.45" N 5 1'3 1' " N 55'10'60.00" N 54' 5'49.50" N 59'52'0.00" N 54'41'6. 64" N 54 55'0.00" N 54'50'51.08" N 53'33'53.77" N 55'27'15.65" N 59 55'0.00" N 59' 4'29.89" N 53'54'53.73"N 50 25'39.19" N 49'56'40.55" N 50'22'0.00"N 53 13'0.00" N 50' 2'18.15" N 53'29'46.98" N 55'58'51.67" N 55' 7'20.27" N 50 6'55.84"N 127'31'13.07" W 125'18'15.58 "W 125'50'49.66" W 124'26'44.33 "W 124'24'42.78" W 125' 1'60.00" W 125'38'30.40" W 132'18'0.00" W '35.51" W 125'52'60.00" W 125' 5'50.84" W 127'16'57.98 "W 125'24'34.67 "W 134'46'0.00" W 130'35'27.81" W 125'35'37.36" W '40.01" W 125'37'3.97 "W '60.00"W 128'55'60.00" W 118 6'9.39"W 126'58'23.70" W 123'56'23.11" W 124'30'57.74" W '30.81"W Page 3 of 3

227 LJN389 io OI'aBad Coulson Aicrane Ltd- BC Widlfire Mars Contract Addendum 2 Coulson Flying Tankers JRM-3 Mars Lakes designated as suitable for aircraft basing July 2013 Sample Basing Lakes Atlin Charlie Dease Fraser Kamloops Kootenay Lac La Hache Meziadin Okanagon Osoyoos Penticton Shuswap Stuart Upper Arrow Latitude 59'34'2.10"N 56'17'8.35"N 58'31'8.54" N 54' 3'50.68" N 50'45'24. 59" N 49 31'19.37" N 51 50'47.99" N 56' 3'9. 59 " N 49 51'50.35" N 49' 4'8.47" N 49'30'32.22" N 50'43'44.86" N 54'26'56.94"N 50'14'9.80"N Longitude 133'42'42 91" W 'Comments '26 66" W 130 2'19.43"W '1.06"W Used previously as a base. 120'51'19.90" W '38.10"W Used previously as a base '58.99" W '4.06"W 119'30'54.85" W Several locations used previously 119'30'52.34" W 119'36'12.23 "W 119'18'15.10" W Used previously as a base 124'16'21.25 "W 117'47'59.52 "W Nakusp Note: Basing locations are not limited to the coordinates provided, but are a sample for suitable lakes. For lakes not previously used for Mars basmg, coordinate locations may be changed due to local bylaws or for access to fuel and thermo gel re-figing or secure tie-up buoy placements.

228 Ktche e B r i t i s C 0 I u m b Wtlhston I a Wtlgston Tattta orth est Am Tsayta I data Tchentto Chucht darken l Mackenz e rat m Sm there Tochcha Baul e Tre t Ie Tezzero race aidan tsetse Decker Ta tac n nat Mor ce Tches ut Fra F asar Prnce Uncha Na ka.r Dotsa Cl estatta Tahtsa Tro tea uyh lesatl 'r Eusnu Nate ik uz E Uls k. Johnrl' 0 alcho Quern Page41 of 6BFNRJ201-60B69

229 B r i t i s h Co i u m b i a Page42 of 68FNR

230 ( 1)I 1 'tn t ( 1 Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Contract Modification Agreement No. 1 MINISTRY CONTRACTiFILE NO /COLI PROJECT NAME AO I3W CC009 THIS MODIFICATION AGREEMENT dated for efe ence 18 oay of Ao i 2013 BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, represented by the MINISTER OF FORESTS LA OS AND NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS Waldf e Ma age ent Bra ct pa, c a iiytcf et:or e a ;0 C e : s I tha 'p nce v a 'us o ovrt as appi cable) at the follow ng address 3080A portd ve Ka loops B C V ZB7X2 AND Co,lsc A c a e Lto obacc I o F'1 g T a e s tine 'co I aclort 'you o 'your as appl cable) st the folio g addms 9350 Bo ne Base Road p cn A'ce 8 I sn coi b a V Y 823 Telephone Fax E-ma i Address (250) (25 0) Wayne coulsontsco Isbn group corn Tetepho e Fax E-ma I Address t250i ( 250i r na bart e tagov bc ca Min stry Representat e N na Ba be Alternate jifapplcable) M chael Benson A Th e Partes entered into an Agreeme I dated for refe ence May , (heremafter called the 'Ag eemenf ) 8 Th e Partes agree to arne d the Agreement as follows 2 T ERM AND EXPIRY Cont acta Rep esentalive Bvs ess Number INorXSafe BC No AQ Wayne coulson and/or Po p No 2 01 Th s Standing Offer will commence on June 1st and expire on March unless withdrawn m accordance with sectton The Operating Penod w 0 be the 90 day penod commenong on June 3, 2013 and expiring on August 31, 2013 SCHEDULE E FEES I FLIGHT TIME CHARGES I 01 at T h ree thousand mne hundred and sixteen dollars ( ) exclus e of fuel w II be applicable fo all hours of Fi ght 7 me flow to prov de Sew ces up to a maxim m of 45 hours b) Eighteen thousand eight hundred and seventy two dollars ( ) exius vs I fuel forafl hours flow exceed ng 45 hou s F6600 Moofcat Ag e I CSNR Ap I I 2013 Page I of 4 Page43 of 66FNR

231 AVAILABILITY CHARGES 2 01 Da ily availability charges of seven thousand four hundred and seventy ($ ) per day vnll apply for any days as calculated dunng Ihe 60 day ops raang penod Th s payment vna be biped by the company in three equal payments of two hundred and twenty four thousand, one hundred ($224,100.00) on June 15, July 15 and August 15" 6. INARM-UP FEE 6 02 T he warm-up must be noted on Ihe daily flight slips and will be paid at the rate of four hundred and thirty nine ($439.00) per warm-up induswe of fuel 7. POSITIONING AND EXPENSES 7 01 i ) A Daily Rate shall be payable by Ihe Mimsler at thirteen thousand and forty-four ($13,044.00) per Day for the fimt and last Day ol pos I omng away from the Company s Base, and ) A Daily Rate while Positioned away from the Company's Base shall be payable by the Minister at twelve thousand and four dogam ($12,004.00) per Day based on Schedule E-r, daily minimum requirement F S Mod f cat on As cement CSNR Apnl I, 2013 Page 2 of4 Page44 of 68FNR

232 Coulson Flying Tankers 2013 Positioning and Expenses (Schedule E-7) Dally Rate Breakdown The fogoenng shall be considered the minimum required daily accompaniment of manpower and equipment to support Coulson Flying Tankers The rates shall be reduced accordingly for each item not used or unserviceable on the fireline Any additional expenses required (ie expense travel or additional rental vehicles) must be pre-approved by the Ministry. Quantity Descnption Daily Off Site Rate Total Comments Fuel Truck $ $1, Dnver induded Tractor Trailer $ $ Dnver included Crane truck $ $1, Dnver induded bus $ $1, Dnverlnduded Kodiek Truck $ $1, Dnverlnduded Van $ $ Dnver mduded Rental Vehicle $65 00 $65 00 On-site rentals for ground transport Fuel (van, rental vehicle, Kodiakl Boats $55 00 $ $55 00 $ Support Employees $ $3, Wages texclusive of dnvers above) Lrvrrig Out Accommodation Living Out - Meals $10500 $50 00 $1, $ Ferry Indiv duels $16 00 $ Ferry tor Fuel Truck $31300 $ Ferry for Tractor Trailer Ferry Crane Truck & Trerler Fernr Bus $ $ $208 OD $47500 $ $ Ferry - Kodrak & Trader Ferry - Van and Trailer $ $ $ $ F S Mod fics iron Aa res mani CSNR Anni 1, 2013 Page 3of4 Page45 of SBFNR

233 C D In all othe respects the Agreement is confim ee 1 m e s of tne essence in this Mod f cation Agreement The Parbes duly execute Ih s Modif canon Ag cement as follows SIGNED AND DELIVERED on behalf of the P evince by an au(no zed representat re of the Prov nce - / > I' )L (S gnature of acti onzed M mstry Expense Autho ty) N na Barber (PRINTED NAME of authonzed representat ve) Dated this ' SIGNED AND DELIVERED by or on behalf of lne Contractor (or by an a d sgnatory of the Cont actor if a corporation) (S gnat e of Cont t or or Au(I o zed S gnatory) Wayne Co son (PRINTED NAME of Cont acta or aulhonzed s gnatory) day of, I (.' ' 20 D atedths D ) da y of ( ~A v 20 lg ps 000 Moraacal on Agreement CSNR Ap i I 2013 Page I of 3 Page46 of 68FNR

234 dl BR IT5H %P CQLLlMSIA MINISTRY OF FORESTS, LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCE OPERATIONS AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS AGREEMENT STANDING OFFER FOR: MARTIN NIARS AIR TANKER SERVICES STANDING OFFER NOJ AO 1 6WC C 021 FILE: /COUL THIS AGREEMENT executed and dated for Reference the 8th day of July 2015, BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA' Mini of Forests Lands and Natural Resource 0 eratlons Wffdflre Mana ament Branch (' Province" ) at Ihe following address: 3080 Airport Drive Kamloops, British Columbia V28 TXZ Telephone No ( 2 50) Fax No' (25 0) Ministry Representative Nina Barber Address: nina barber gov.bc ca AND Coulson Aircrane Ltd d.b.a. Coulson Fl in T a nkers (" Offeror') at the fofiovsng address: 9350 Bomber Base Road Port Albernu British Columbw V9Y 823 Telephone No ( 250) Fax No. (25 0) 7234)200 Offeror Representative Wayne Coulson EmaitAddress wa necoulson coulson rou corn WHEREAS: The Offeror offers to supply, as, if and when requested, the Services described in Appendix I, to the Province ACCORDINGLY, the parhes agree as follows: 1. DEF INITIONS 1.01 In this Standing Offer, unless the context otherwise requires: this Standing Offer and the Services as set out in Appendix I and is sent to Ihe Offeror b) "A~ e ndfx I' means the Terms and Condibons with afi Schedules attached thereto; c) C ontract' means the binding agreement the terms of which are set out in Appendix I entered into by the Offeror and the Province which enables the Province to acquire the Services set out in Ihe Air Tanker Request for the Fees set out in Schedule E of Appendix I, *"s' " and Natural Resource Operations, Wildfire Management Branch, and such other Ministry employees as the Assistant Deputy Minister, Operations or the Director, Wildfire Management Branch may authorise, e) "Minister' means the Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations or his "Designated Representative'; I) "~Minist means the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Province of Bntish Columbia to the Province under the Terms and Conditions of Appendix I. Services as set out in Appendix I and is sent to the Offeror, giving notice of the dates of the Operahng Penod, The first Operating Penod is as set out in section 2 03; * Coulson Aircrsns Ltd. d.b s Coulson Flymg Tankers Standing Offer No AO16WCC021 Page \ of2 Page47 of 68FNR

235 i) " Services' means the air tanker serwces provided by the Offeror to the Provmce as descnbed in Appendix I, Appendix I, and 2. TE RM AND EXPIRY 2 01 This Standmg Offer wig commence on July 15), expire on September 9, 2015 unless withdrawn in accordance with section 5 Sublect to sabsfactory performance by the Contractor and availability of fundmg by the Province, the Parties may agree in wnting to extend this Agreement for a further Term of up to 30 days 2 02 Th s Standmg Offer Term may be extended on the mutual agreement of i)r)th parties The first Operating Penod will be the 30 day pened commenmng on Jul)j 1Z; 2015 snd expiring on August -') 10th, It is noted that the Company has another Agreement in place pnor to this one for approximately a week to ten days with a third party The Company agrees to minimize the impact of this Agreement on the Province, and the Province agrees to release the Company m order for the Company to fulfill its obbgations under it's prior commitment without prejudice Any days missed resulting of the release will be added to the end of the Operating Penod 2 04 T he Operatmg Penod may be amended up to an additional 30 day Operatmg Penod determined on the mutual agreement of both parties 3. TH E STANDING OFFER 3 01 The Offeror understands and agrees that a) a Contract is formed on receipt by the Offeror of the Operating Penod Request wh ch has been completed and signed by a Mimstry Representative, b) the Operating Penod Request shall form a Contract only for those Services which have been requested prowded always that such request is made in accordance with the provisions of this Standing Offer, c) the issue and distnbution of this Standing Offer does not oblige the Province to authonze or order ad or any of the Services, descnbed in this Standing Offer, d) the Province's liabihty shag be limited to that which anses from a Contract, made prior to the expiry date descnbed in section 2, e) the Province reserves the nght to procure the spemfied Services by any other means it deems necessary mcludmg the use of other contracts, standing offers or by other contracting methods, f) t he Province reserves the nght to sel aside this Standing Offer, for whatever reason, and not make it available for any Operatmg Penod Requests. g) no change to this Standing Offer will be valid unless it is by way of an addendum signed by both the Offeror and the Prownce, and h) the Terms and Conditions setout in Appendix I wilt apply to each Contract If the Province provides an Operating Penod Request pnor to the expiry of this Standing Offer and receives the Services, then the Province will pay to the Offeror amounts payable as descnbed in Appendix I of this Standing Offer 4. S E RVICE REQUEST MECHANISM 4 01 During the Operating Penod, Services may be ordered by methods other than an Air Tanker Request, such as telephone, facsimile or lf there is any conflict between the Operatmg Pened Request and this Standing Offer, the provis one spemficagy set out in this Standmg Offer will prevail and ag else will be as if not wntten 4 03 The offeror w il use as commermally reasonable efforts to fulfia any and all operaong period Requests, which may be made before the expiry of this Standing Offer or of the notice penod under section If tne Offeror is unable to fulfill any request for Services the Offeror must immediately notify the Minister 5. NO TIFICATION OF WITHDRAW A L 5 01 In the event that the Offeror wishes to withdraw this Standing Offer, the Offeror shad provide no less than ten (10) days wntten notice to the Mmister and such withdrawal of Standing Offer shall not be effective until receipt of such notification by the Minister and the expiry of such notice pened 6. ME DIA RELEASES 6 01 Both parties agree that any mformation being released to the press shall be done )ointly and n consultation The Company will not communicate directly or indirectly with members of the public or the media about the project or aircraft descnbed in this Agreement other than as expressly directed or permitted by the Province Coulson Aircrane Ltd d b s Coulson Firing Tankers Standing Offer No AO16WCCO21 Page 2 of 2 Page48 of 68FNR

236 IN SS WHEREOF the undersigned extends this Standing Offer on the first date wntten above I n matacd Pnnl Name ana rills C.E a W - k tp Eo T S t r I ) fs oned for lhe samsferor Fomsfs, Le ds ana Naiu sl Rase ma Dssrasonst Pnnl Name a d Ttle Dale Coulson Aircrane ktd d b a Coulson Flying Tankers Standtng Offer No AO16WCC021 Page 3 of 2 Pagedg of 68FNR

237 PPENDIXI ERNIE AND CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS 1.01 In this Appendix, unless the context othervnse req uires. a) "Aircrafi' means any or afi aircraft, described in Schedule A covered by this Agreement; b) "Air Tanker Alerts means the daily alert status for the Province's air tanker resources as prepared by the Minister during the fire season; c) "Aviation Occurrence' means an aviation occurrence as defined and detailed in the Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM), d) "BC Fores Service Fire Bombin Procedures" means the Bnfish Columbia Fire Bombing Procedures, created and mainlamed by the Province, oufiining the Province's training requirements and operational polimes and procedures m relation to senal fire fighbng; e) "~Bufi -u Area" means any forest or range land occupied by houses, trailers, mobile homes, outbuildings or other manmade structures that are bemg threatened by, or adlacent to, or within the boundanes of, a Wildfire; usual operational base for the Aircraft, 0) Assistanl Depuly Minister, Operations, Minatry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operalions; the Director, Wildfire Illlanagemenl Branch; and such other Ministry employees as the Assistant Deputy Mimster, Operabons or the Director, Forest Wildfire Management Branch may authonze; "~D" means each calendar day dunng the Operabng Penod when Services, Personnel and Equipment are provided "~E i e " means the Company's fire fighfing Aircraft and the Spsaafiy Equipment required in providing lhe Services and as descnbed in Schedule A, and any other such equipment approved by the Minister for use in providing the Services; k) equipment Or Other manmade structure that is occupying forest or range lands being threatened by, adjacent to, or within the boundanes of, a Wildfir; rwr ' Transporl Canada approved Maintenance Control and Maintenance Procedures Manuals detailing the aircraft operated by the air earner, the maintenance criteria, procedures and schedules for each aircraft and the personnel responsible for maintenance, inspecbon and rlualily control "Minister" means the Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations or his Appendix I Terms snd Conditions Standing Offer No AO16WCC Page i Designated Representative; m) "~Minist means the Minisby of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Province of Bnlish Columbia, Transport Canada approved document detailmg the Company's operating procedures and includes any amendments to the same as required by law, Standing Offer Term dunng which the Services wdl be available to the Province under the Terms and Conditions of Appendur I and as requested by the Province to the Company; p) "Services" means the aircraft services as descnbed in Schedule B, spectafiy equipment required in providing the Services and as descnbed in Schedule A, and any other such equipment approved by the Minister for use in providing the Services, r) W~arm-U " means the warming up of aircraft engines as descnbed in Schedule C s) ' Wildfire" means an unplanned fire occurnng on forest or range lands, burning forest vegetation, grass, brush, scrub, peatlands, or a prescribed fire set under a Bum Registration which, in the judgment of a Forest officer threatens to spread beyond the area authorized for that burning, and APPOINTSIIENT, TERM AND SERVICES The Province shall request Ihe Services with an electronic Air Tanker Request facsimfie or confirmabon to the Company The Company will provide the Services as requested in accordance with this Agreement. The Company sxfi provide Ihe Services during the Operating Pened regardless of the date of execution or delivery of this Agreement More Ihan one Operating Period can exist pnor to the expirabon or withdrawal of the Standing Offer FEES AND EXPENSES In consideration of the Company providing the Services, the Province will pay to Ihe Company Fees and Expenses in the amounts and in the manner set out in this Agreement. The sums descnbed in section 3.01 consbtute the maximum amounts payable to the Company for its performance of the Services and the Company will not be enbtied to any additional compensation for its performance whether or not the work actually undertaken by the Company is described in the Agreement. Page50 of 68FNR

238 Notwithstanding any other provision of the Agreement, the payment ot money by the Province to the Company under this Agreement is sublect to: a) there being suffiaent monies evadable in an appropriabon, as defined in the Fmsnwai Administrafion Act, lo enable the Province, in a fecal year or part thereof when any payment of money by the Province to the Company falls due under this Agreement to make that payment, and b) Treasury Board, as defined m the Financial Administration Act, not having controlled or limited, under the Financial Adminrsfralion Acl, expenditure under any appropnation referred to in subsecbon (a) The Province certifies that the property and/or Services ordered and purchased under this Agreement are for the use of, and are being purchased by, the Province with Crown Funds. 4. COVENANTS OF THE COMPANY 4.01 The Company will: a) observe, perform and comply wfih ag of its obligations under this Agreement, remain an independent contractor and not the servant, employee, partner, or agent of the Province or the Minister, c) not, in any manner whatsoever, commit or propose to commit the Prownce or the Minister to the payment of any money to any person, except as contemplated by this Agreement; secure and maintain in good standing afi d) necessary approvals and cerbficates for the Aircraft and Speaaity Equipment descnbed in this Agreement, equip, operate and maintain the Axcrafi in e) accordance with afi requirements of Canadian and Bntish Columbia laws and regulabons, comply with ag the standards, practices, procedures and spewfication set out in the Company's Transport Canada approved Operations Manual, and those set out in the Company's Transport Canada approved Maintenance Manuals in conducing ag Aircraft maintenance, service, repair, overhaul, lest, and maintain the 0) Aircraft in a safe and airworthy state of repair at afi times in accordance vxth manufacturer's recommended maintenance programs and the Company's Maintenance Manuals, to the sabsfaclion of the Mmister, h) perform the Services and its obligations under this Agreement in a safe and professional manner to the reasonable sabsfaction of the Minister, except with the expliwt approval of the Minister, ensure that afi Aircraft maintenance is performed by a fully qualified and licensed Aircraff Maintenance Engineer ("AME') who is Appendix I Terms and Condifions Standing Offer No. AO16VVCC021 Page 2 not the Aircraft pilot, I) allow no pilot to fly the Aircraft and provide the Services pursuant to this Agreement, vnthout prior approval of the Minister, k) provide and maintain at ag times, suffiwent quakfied staff, fawlities, materials, appropriate Spewalty Equipment and approved subcontractual arrangements to fufiy perform the Sennces and its obhgations under this Agreement to the reasonable satisfaction of the Minister, I) provide ag refueling and foam or gel retardant equipment when the Aircrafi is away from its Designated Base, m) be responsible for ag charges, costs and expenses including but not limited to, Aircraft fuel, costs of lubncants, airport costs, and Aircraft parking fees, necessary for the efficient operations of the Aircraft and Specialty Equipment required for the performance of the Services under this Agreemenl, unless spewfied otherwise in this Agreement; n) obtain and maintain in force dunng the Operating Period insurance as descnbed in Schedule D, o) in addition to the items contained in this Agreement, provide afi living expenses and services to the Company's employees and permitted subcontractors throughout the province, together with ag other expenses connected with the Company's operations; and p) reasonably cooperate with the Province and any other persons providing services to the Province q) Make Operations Manual, Maintenance Manuals, Training Manual and other such manuals or proof of pilot corn paten mes and traimng available to the Province upon request. You must grant to the Provmce, its servants employees or agents access to the technical maintenance and flight records respecbng the Services or this Standing Offer at afi reasonable times for the purpose of inspections r) Grant the Province, its servants, employees and agents the nght to mspect the Aircraft and Aviation Equipment s) In addibon to the any other nghts of inspection Ihe Province may have under statute or otherwise, at its sole discrebon and at ils expense, at any reasonable time and on reasonable notice to you to conduct an audit of your technical, maintenance and flight records respecting the Services or this Standing Offer, including the nghl lo inspect and take copies of such records upon reasonable notice and at reasonable times. In respect to such audits the Company will: (a) Fully cooperate with the Province in conducting the aude; and (b) Provide, upon re uesl of the Province, Page51 of 68FNR

239 copies of your most recent annual audited financial statements COVENANTS OF THE PROVINCE The Province will, at its own expense, provide the fofiowmg a) extraordinary charges for navigation and/or aerodrome fees (where applicable), that are necessary for the Company to perform the Services, except as otherwise provided; b) a bird dog aircraft as deemed appropriate to support an Arr Tanker Request; c) at the Province's discretion, a bird dog aircraft to support the Company's training and practice exerases. INDEMNITY The Company will indemnify and save harmless the Province and the Minister from and against afi claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses made against or mcurred, suffered or sustained by the Province and the Minister or either of them at any time or limes (whether before or after termination of this Agreement) where the same or any of them are based upon or arise out of anything done or omrited to be done by the Company or by any employee, officer, subcontractor, or agent of the Company pursuant to this Agreement, excepting as always liability arising out of the independent negligent acts of the Province or the Minister. Notwithstanding sedion 6.01, the Province will indemnify and save harmless the Company, its permdted subcontractors and their respective agents, servants and employees from and against any and afi liability or bodily injury or damage to Improvements directly or indirectly caused by, arising from or resulting from Ihe dropping of fire retardants, water, foam and other fire control chemicals from a Martin Mars Air Tanker by the Company or any of its permitted subcontractors, their respecbve agents, servants or employees under this Agreement in Ihe vicrmty of Improvements or Built-up Areas where such acbons are carried out at the direction of the Minister; are, in the opimon of the Minister, considered to be essential to the control of Wfdfires, and lii. not negligently performed by the Company. The Company will cooperate with the Province and its counsel in any and afi invesbgabons, settlements and judraal determination of any claims made against the Province, the Minister or the Company relabng directly or indirectly to this Agreement and will use its best effort to cause its employees, officers, subcontractors and agents to be similarly bound. 7. A SSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTING Appendix I Terms snd Condikons Standing Offer No. A016WCC The Companywifi notassign this Agreement, nor subcontract any of as obligations under this Agreement, to any person, firm, or corporation without the pnor wnlten consent of the Province 7 02 The Companywifi at afi bmes be held fully responsible to the Province for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors and persons employed by them and no subcontract entered into by the Company will impose any obligation or liability upon the Province to any such subcontractor or any of its employees 7.03 The Companywifi cause every assignee or subcontractor to be bound by the terms of this Agreement so far as they apply to the work to be performed by each subcontractor, 7 04 Nothing in this Agreement vnfi create any contractual relationship between the Province and the subcontractor of the Company 8. TE RMINATION 8 01 The Province may, in addibon to any remedy available to it at law or equity, terminate this Agreement by written notice to the Company if the Company fails to observe, perform or comply with any provisions of this Agreement. g. NO TICES 901 Any notice, document, statement, reportor demand desired or required to be given or made under this Agreement vnfi be in wnting and may be given or made by personal delivery to the parly to whom it is to be given or made or by mailing itin Canada with postage prepaid to the applicable address, or by transmitting it by facsimile to the applicable facsimile transmission number, noted for both the Province and the Company at the start of this Agreement The Company will provide to the Province, as soon as possible and by the quickesl means possible the particulars and details of any Aviabon Occurrence that occurs while providing the Services 9 03 The Province may request the Company prepares a detailed report of the Aviation Occurrence referred to in section M I SCELLANEOUS This Agreement will ensure to the benefit and be binding upon the Province and its assigns and the Company and its successom and permitted agents This Agreement will be governed by, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Bnbsh Columbia Ag disputes ansing out of or in connection with this Agreement will be referred and finall resolved by arbitration administered by the British Columbia International Commercial Arbitration Center pursuant to the "Rules of Procedures". The place of arbitrabon will be Victona BC Page I Page52 of 68FNR

240 10 04 Each party will, upon reasonable request of the other parties, fully cooperate to the betterment of the Services provided under this Agreement This Agreement may only be amended by further written amendments executed by or behalf of the parties All the discretion and obligations of the Minister or the Province under this Agreement may be exercised or performed by the Minister, the Deputy Minister of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations, or by a Designated Representative Each Schedule A to E attached to this Agreement is an integral part of this Agreement as if set out in length in the body of this Agreement. Appendix I - Terms snd Conditions Stsndine Offer No. AO16WCC021 Page 4 Page53 of 68FNR

241 SCHEDULE A AIRCRAFT, PERSONNEL AND SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT Dunng the Operaung Pened, the Company shall provide Aircraft, Personnel and Specialty Equipment accordmg to the following specrfications AIRCRAFT The Company will supply one Martin Mars Air Tankers, suitable for senal attack of wildfires as follows' C-FLYL tai l ¹823 1he Aircraft will be located at the Company's Sproal Lake (BC) Base unless otherwise agreed by both parbes PERSONNEL The Martin Mars Air Tanker Air Crew writ meet the following speaficalions a) Airlme Transport License; b) Transport Canada requirements, c) Meet the Company's Operating certification requirement; d) two years experience flying in fire bombing operations, and e) personal flying history shall be made available upon the request of the Mmister. Maintenance Personnel a) trained in accordance with Ihe Company Maintenance Manuals, and b) Aircraft Maintenance Engineers licensed in accordance with current Transport Canada requirements SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT The Marbn Mars Air Tanker will be equipped to meet the following communicabon requirements: a) equipped with standard aircraft transmit and receive VHF - AM radio equipment with a minimum frequency range of 118 lo megahertz; b) transmit and receive FM multi channel programmable radio equipment with a frequency range of 150 to 174 megahertz and capable of operation with conbnuous tone coded squelch system (CTCSS). The radio eiluipment must be capable of stonng 50 or more channels and have operator accessibility to afi CTCSS tones. The Equipment must be compat/ble wrih Industry Canada s Radio Spectrum Realignment (narrow banding) requirement; c) T he FM radio vnfi have a separate guard channel; d) a Global Posiboning System (GPS) having a minimum of 4 channels, capable of storing up to 100 user inputted way points and having NMEA.0183 standard output with RS232 or USB senal portend ASCII forma 3.02 The Aircraft will be equipped with a satellite communicabon system (SATCOM) which 3 03 The Aircraft will be equipped be equipped with an Automated Flight Following (AFF) tracking system providing voice communications and data management/transfer that meets the Canadian and United States requirements. 304 The Ministry's AFF specificabons are setout at www bcwudfire ca/fi hbn Wfdfire/Aviation/AFF The Aircraft will be equipped with ag safety and survwal equipment and supplies as required by federal and provincial laws and regulations. SCHEDULE B SERVICES 1. SE RVICES I 01 Dunng the Operating Penod, the Company will: a) provide Aircraft flight and fire bombing services, b) provide afi fueling and foam or gel retardant loading services necessary for the performance of the Services; c) position the Aircraft al the bmes and locations spemfied by the Minister, d) maintain an air readiness level as specified by the Minister; e) use its best efforts to ensure that the Arrcrafi and flight operabons Personnel adhere to the Ministry's operational procedures and instrucfions' I) cause appropriate personnel of the Company to attend pre-and de-briefing exercises. g) cause appropriate personnel of the Company to attend an end of Operatmg Penod de-bnef session, h) undertake work utilizing the Martin Mars Air Tankers and appropriate personnel for third parbes as directed by the Minister, i) e nsure that afi flight operations Personnel are attired in standard apparel for either tlight or maintenance as the case may be; I) w ork co-operatively with the Province in joint training sessions, and k) provide the Services in accordance with the British Columbia Forest Service Fire Bombing Procedures. Appendix I- Terms and Conditions Standing Offer No. AO16WCC021 Page54 of 68FNR

242 "goods 1 02 During the Operating Period, the Company will have in place the necessary support equipment to quickly respond should the Minister request the Aircraft be Positioned to a location other than the Company's Designated Base. This support equipment will include: a) one (1) fuel truck; b) one (1) tractor trailer, c) one (1) service trailer, d) one (1) van, and e) one (1) boat 1.03 Ounng the Operating Period or any extensions, the Company will advise the Mmister of any possible opportunities or requirements for the Company's own use of the Aircraft. SCHEDULE C FEE SCHEDULE 1. FEE SCHEDULE 101 Inthis Schedule, unless the context requires othervnse a) "Fees" are as set out in Schedule E. All charges are in Canadian dollars, b) "~Fli ht Time" for the Marlin Mars Air Tanker m eans the bme, measured in minutes and reported in tenths of an hour as calculated and detailed in the Transport Canada Aeronautical Informabon Manual (TC AIM), from the aircraft leaving the buoy for the purpose of imtial takeoff to the lime when the aircraft comes to a complete stop at the buoy; c) "~FI in at e" means the hourly charges for Flight Time as set out in Schedule E, 6) ~posi ionin ' means a change in the locabon of the Aircraft, Personnel and Equipment at the request of the Minister, e) Z~ i ni~n F e" means the fee set out in Schedule E for Positioning the Aircraft account, on Company letterhead, in a form satisfactory to the Minister, to the address set out in this Agreement or as directed by the Ministry, showing the calculation of the amounts claimed for the period, including; flight shp or invoice reference number, fli ght date; pilot name, Ai rcraft registration and type, Agreement number; Bra nch or Fire Center, leg s of flight, including: - from/to - up/down times - hours flown Ministry Use Cods - Fire or Project Number - vo/ume of foam or gel retardant, number of drops and volumes fuel and oil posts as permitted under Schedule E; ot her applicable costs and expenses; and services received" signature; tot alflight cost. g) 'Release Rate' means that rate setout in Schedule E to credit the Minisby for each day the Aircraft is released by the Province to the company hi "W~arm-U Fee' means the flat rate charge for a Warm-Up on Days the Ministry's established alert and required response time is one half hour or less, as set out in Schedule E. These include yellow and red days but not blue and green The Province will pay the Company the following charges, as set out in Schedule E, with respect to the Services provided: a) Fkght Time Charges, b) Warm-Up Charges, c) Daily Availability Charges; d) Fuel Costs; e) Foam and gel retardant costs, f) Positiomng and Expenses, and g) Other Costs. I 03 The Province vali pay those fees described in secbon 1.02 within sixty (60) days following receipt by the Province of a Proper Account 1.04 Tne Company will submit Proper Accounts in no less than weekly inlervals. SCHEDULE D INSURANCE 1. IN S U RANCE REQUIREMENTS 1.01 In addition to such policies as are required by Canadian laws and regulations, the Company shall, at its sole cost and expense and during the Agreemenl Term provide and mamlam for the benefit of the Minister, his servants, agents and employees the following insurance a) A i rcraft Liability m respect of third part bodily iniury and/or property damage, including passenger liability, with limrts not less Ihan ten milbon dollars ($10,000,000) combined single limit, each occurrence; b) Aviation General Liability insurance, rncludmg Premises & Operations and Products & Completed Operations bability, with limits not less than ten million dollars ($10,000,000) combined Appendix I Terms end Conditions Standing Offer No AO16WCC021 Page 6 Page55 of 68FNR

243 c) single limit, each occurrence and in the annual aggregate with respect to Products 8 Completed Operations; The insurance outlined under a) and b) above, shall include the following endorsements and/or provisions: blanket contractual liability, non-owned automobile insurance, contingent employer liability, iv personal injury liability, v employees as additional insureds; and vi. a cross liability clause; vs. Her Ma/eely the Queen in the right of the Province of Bntish Columbia as represented by the Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operabons and any of its employees, servants or agents are to be added as an "Additional Insured", and viii.any additional insurance which is required by law or which the Company consrders necessary to cover nsks not otherwise covered by insurance specified in this section Afi insurance will be in a form, and content and placed with an insurer or insurers duly licensed to car/y o n insurance business in British Columbia acceptable to the Minister. The Company shall, not l ater than t he commencement of the Agreement Term, provide to the Province a Certificate of Insurance confirming a l l poliwes a n d n ecessary endorsements to comply with the insurance requirements outlined herein. The Company writ ensure that the insurance may not be cancelled or materially changed in any way whatsoever without the insurers providmg 30 days prior notice to the Minister The insurance will be primary and not require the sharing of any loss by any insurer of the Province The Company waives all rights of recourse against the Province with regard to damage to the Company's properly. The Company shall, at its own expense, obtain WorkSafe BC co verage for its elf, its subcontractors, all workers and any shareholders, directors, partners or other individuals employed or engaged in the performance of the Services. The Company must comply with afi condibons of the Workers Compensafion Act and regulations thereunder, and upon request, must provide the Province with proof of such compliance. SCHEDULE E FEES 4.02 FLIGHT TIME CHARGES Fkght Time for the Martin Mars Air Tanker at a Flying Rate of: a) Six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) exclusive of fuel will be applicable for all hours of Flight Time flown; b) Any Flight Time hours llown in a prackce or training session if such sessions are at the specific written request of ihe Minister. AVAILABILITY CHARGES Dally Availability Charges Daily avariability charges of fifteen thousand dollars (615,000.00) per day will apply for any days as calculated dunng the 30 day operating period. ALERT STATUS The Province will advise the Company of the next Day's alert status by fax between 1300 hours and 1600 hours of Ihe previous day. FUEL COSTS Fuel Rate at Sproat Lake BC The cost incurred at the Company's Base of Sproat Lake BC and paid by the Company for aviation fuel used by the Company to fulfill its obligation under this Agreement will be based on rack rate Port Albemi, plus an into plans fee of 15 cents per litre. The rack rate Port Alberni should include your actual fuel costs for the particular load plus transport coals reflected as a per lilre cost (this too must be auditable with back up records). If no metenng system is available to provide a fuel slip, information noted on the liight siip should include, litres pumped, date of purchase, and location. The into plane fee and fuel will be noted separately per mission on each flight slip. Fuel pricing information for Port Alberni will be provided at the beginnrng of each month for the cost of Avgas. This information can be faxed to (250) or ed to FORPCCP AIRPWCCtmgov bc ca. When deployed away from Port Albemi no into plane fee will apply. Pricing information may be different at other locations, if pricing information is different, a pnce nobficatron change will be submitted as above Fuel Rate Away From the Company's Base Fuel purchases other than listed in this Schedule Appendvv I Terms snd Conditions Standing Offer No. AO16WCC021 Page 7 Page56 of 68FNR

244 will be reimbursed at the actual cost incurred, supported by receipts and paid by the Company. The Company will retain ail supponing documentabon to support the charges for the aviabon fuel costs as set out in section 4.01 and parliapate in a post season review with the Province to reconcile actual usage and costs The results may include a one-time payment by the Minister to the Company or a reimbursement from the Company to the Province for the term of this agreement. FOAM AND GEL RETARDANT COSTS The Province will reimburse the Company for afi foam and/or gel used to provide the Services under this Standing Offer The volumes must be noted on the daily flight slips or invoice and will be paid at the actual cost from the supplier(s) plus a handling fee of 3 cents/litre on each mixed btre dropped at a 1% basis. WARM4)P FEE The Province vnfi reimburse the Company for ag warm-ups required as par Schedule C 1.01 h) of this Standing Offer. The warm-up must be noted on the daily fkght slips and will be paid at the rate of four hundred and thirty-nine ($439.00) per warm-up inclusive of fuel. POSITIONING AND EXPENSES Should the Minister request the Aircraft, Flight Crew, support equipment and personnel be Posiboned away from the Company's Sproat Lake Bass or from one base designated by Ihe Minister to another base designated by the Minister the following rates are payable by the Minister. a) A Daily Rate will be applicable for each Day Positioning or Positioned away from the Company's Sproat Lake Base as fo lows: i. A Daily Positioning Rate shall be payable by the Minister at thirteen thousand six hundred and ninety-six ($13, ) per Day for the first and last Day of positioning away from the Company's Base, and ii. a Daily Rate while Positioned away from the Company s Base shall be payable by the Minister at twelve thousand six hundred and four dollam ($12,604.00) per Day based on Schedule E-7, daily mimmum requirement 702 Should the Mimslry supply any accommodabons and/or meals the Daily Rates setout in this section will be reduced as follows accommodations $115 each and meals $50.00 ($16.50 for each meal) Vehicle mileage allowance of $0 49 per kilometer durmg mobrluation and demobilization when required to be away from the Company's Base for one (I) Fuel Truck, two (2) Service Vehicles 7.04 Other necessary out of pocket travel expenses approved by the Ministry when the Flight and Support Crew are away from Ihe Designated Base will be reimbursed at Ihe actual cost incurred and supported by receipts. This may include bul is not limited to addibonal rental vehicles or air travel. 8 OT HER 8.01 The Province will reimburse the Company a) Ihe actual amount paid by the Company for navigabon and/or aerodrome fees required in Ihe performance of the Services; b) with the pnor wntten approvai of the Province, the actual amount paid by the Company tor other costs as may be necessary to provide the Services away from the Company's Designated Base 9. RE L EASE RATES 9 01 The rate for the Company's use of the /urcraft when released from the Company's Service Requirements by the Minisby vnfi be at the Release Rate for each and every day the aircraft is released. The Release Rate is as agreed by the parties 10. P ENALTIES For each and every hour the Aircraft, Specialty Equipment, Personnel and Services are not available for Services es required by the Minister, the Minister may assess damages in the amount of one tenth of the Daily Availability (defined in Schedule E Fees, Section 2 Availability Charges) Appendix I Terms snd Conditions standing Offer No. AO16WCC021 Page 6 Page57 of 68FNR

245 Coulson Flying Tankers 2015 Positioning and Expenses (Schedule E-7) Daily Rate Breakdown The following shall be considered the minimum required daily accompaniment of manpower and equipment to support Coulson Flying Tankers The rates shall be reduced accordingly for each item not used or unserviceable on the fireline. Any additional expenses required (ia expense travel or additional rental vehicles) must be pre-approved by the Minrsuy. Quantity Description Daily Off Site Rate Total Comments Fuel Truck $1, $1, Dnver included Tractor Trailer $1, $1, Driver included Crane truck $1, $1, Driver included bus $1,100,00 $1, Driver Included Kodiak Truck $1, $1, Driver Included Van $ $ Driver included Rental Vehicle $65.00 $ On-site rentals for ground transport Fuel (van, rental vehicle, Kodiak Boats $55.00 $ $ $ Support Em lo ees Living Out Accommodation Living Out Meals Ferry Individuals $ $ $50.00 $16.00 $3, $1, $ $ Wages (exclusive of drivers above) Ferry for Fuel Truck Ferry for Tractor Trailer Ferry Crane Truck & Trailer Ferry Bus $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Ferry Kodiak & Trailer Ferry Van and Trailer $ $ $ $ Appendix I Terms and Conditions Standing Offer No. Aotawccogf Page 9 Page58 of 68FNR

246 BRITISH COLUMSIA O STANDING OFFER FOR: MA RTIN MARS AIR TANKER SERVICES MINISTRY OF FORESTS AND RANGE AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS AGREEMENT STANDING OFFER Non AO 0 888E009 FILE: /COUL THIS AGREEMENT executed and dated for Reference the 1e (first) day of Apnl 2007 BETWEEN: H ER M A J ESTY T H E Q U E E N IN R ight O F T H E PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA: Ministr of Forests and Ran e Protection Pro ram (" Province" ) at the following address P 0 Box 9502 Stn Prov Govt Victona. Bntish Columbia V8W 9C1 Telephone No (2 50) Fax No (250) Ministry Representatwe Marcia Foote Address marma foote@gov bc ca AND C o ulson Aircrane Ltd d.b.a. Coulson Fl in Tankers (" Offeror" ) at the following address: 9350 Bomber Base Road Port Alberni, Bntish Columbia V9Y 823 Telephone No (2 50) Fax No (250) Offeror Representative W ayne Coulson Address wa ne couison coulson rou com WHEREAS: The Offeror offers to supply, as, if and when requested, the Services descnbed in Appendix I, to the Province ACCORDINGLY. the parties agree as follows 1. DEF INITIONS I 01 In this Standmg Offer, unless the context otherwise requires this Standing Offer and the Services as set out in Appendix I and is sent to the Offeror b) "A ~ e nd tx I" means the Terms and Conditions with ah Schedules attached thereto, c) " Contract" means the binding agreement the terms of which are setout in Appendix I entered into by the Offeror and the Province which enables the Province to acquire the Services set out in the Air Tanker Request for the Fees set out in Schedule E of Appendix I, * ' " " " " Range, the Director, Protection Program, and such other Ministry employees as the Assistant Deputy Minister, Operations or the Director. Protection Program may authonze. e) " Ministeff means the Minister of Forests and Range or his "Designated Representative", f) "~Mtntstr " means the Ministry of Forests and Range, Province of Bntish Columbia, to the Province under the Terms and Condmons of Appendix I Services as set out in Append x I and is sent to tne Offeror, giving notice of the dates of tne Operating penod The first Operatmg Penod is as set out in section 2 03, i) " Services' means the air tanker services provided by the Offeror to the Province as descnbed in Appendix I, Appendix I, and Flying Tankers inc Standing Offer No AO Page5Pt(I 6I!WA

247 2. TE RM AND EXPIRY 2 01 T his Standing Offer will commence on Apnl and expire on March unless withdrawn in accordance with section Th s Standing Offer Term may be extended on the mutual agreement of both parties 2 03 T he first Operating Penod will be the 90 day penod commenwng on June and expinng on September 8, T he Operating Penod may be amended or an addiuonal Operating Penod determined on the mutual agreement of both parties 3. THE STANDING OFFER 3 01 The Offeror understands and agrees that a) a Contract s formed on receipt by tne Offeror of the Operating penod Request wh cn has been completed and signed by a Ministry Representatve b) t he Operating Penod Request shall form a Contract only for those Services which have been requested provided always that such request is made in accordance with the provisions of this Standing Offer, c) t he issue and distr bution this Standing Offer does not obhge the Province to autnonze or order all or any of the Services, descnbed in this Standing Offer, d) t he Province's Iiabihty shall be limited to that which anses from a Contract, made pnor to the expiry date descnbed in section 2 e) t he prov nce reserves the nght to procure the spewfied Services by any other means it deems necessary including the use of other contracts standing offers or by other contracting methods, f) t he Province reserves the nght to set aside this Standing Offer for whatever reason, and not make it available for any Operating Pened Requests. g) no change to this Standing Offer will be valid unless it is by way of an addendum signed by both the Offeror and the Province and h) the Terms and Conditions set out in Appendix I will apply to each Contract 3 02 If the Province provides an Operating Penod Request pnor to the expiry of this Standing Offer and receives the Services, then the Province wiff pay to the Offeror amounts payable as descnbed In Appendix I of this Standing Offer 4. SE RVICE REQUEST MECHANISM 4 01 Dunng the Operating Penod, Services may be ordered by methods other than an Air Tanker Request, such as telephone, facsimile or If there is any conflict between the Operating Penod Request and this Standing Offer the provisions spemfically set out In this Standing Offer will prevail and all else will be as If not wntten 4 03 The Offeror will use ag commercially reasonable efforts to fulfill any and all Operating Penod Requests which may be made before the expiry of this Stand ng Offer or of the notice penod under section If the Offeror Is unable to fulfill any request for Services, the Offeror must immediately notify the Minister 5. NO TIFICATION OF WITHDRAW A L 5 01 In the event that the Offeror wishes to withdraw th s Stand ng Offer, the Offeror shall provide no less than ten (10l days wntten notice to the Minister and such withdrawal of Standing Offer shall not be effective until receipt of such notification by the Minister and the expiry of such notice penod IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned extends this Standing Offer on the first date wntten above (Sg edeyo((eod P ( No e ood Tee Dale (sg ed(o ihem«s(e o(sees(so dn a gel p ( No e o od Tee Dale Fly ng Tankers Inc Stand ng Offer No AOOBBBEOOB Page60 of 6& A

248 APPENDIX I TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS I nthis Appendix, unless tne context otherwise requires a) "Aircraft" means any or ag aircraft, descnbed in Schedule A covered by this Agreement. bl "Air Tanker Alerts' means the daily alert status for the Province's air tanker resources as prepared by the Minister dunng the fire season. cl "Aviation Occurrence ' means an aviation occurrence as defined and detailed in the Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM), dl "BC Forest Service Fire Bombin Procedures" means the Bntish Columbia Fire Bombing Procedures, created and maintained by the Province outhning the Province's training requirements and operational polisxes and procedures in relation to aenal fire fighting, e) "~Built u Area" means any forest or range land occupied by houses, trailers, mobile homes. outbuildings or other manmade structures that are being threatened by, or ad)scent to, or within the boundanes of a Wildfire usual operational base for the Aircraft. g) Assistant Deputy Minister, Operations, Ministry of Forests and Range, the Director. Protection Program, and such other Ministry employees as the Assistant Deputy Minister Operations or the irector Forest Protection Program may authonze. n) "O~a" means each calendar day dunng the Operating Penod when Services, Personnel and Equipment are provided, "~Eu i ment" means the Company s fire fighung Aircraft and the Specialty Equipment required in providing the Services and as descnbed in Schedule A, and any other such equipment approved by the Minister for use in providing the Services I) " Minister" means the Minister of Forests and Range or his Designated Representative, m) "Ministry" means the Ministry of Forests and Range, Province of Bntish Columbia, Transport Canada approved document detaihng the Company's operating procedures and includes any amendments to the same as required by law, Standing Offer Term dunng which the Services will be available to the Prownce under the Terms and Conditions of Appendix 1 and as requested by the Province to the Company. p) "Services" means tne aircraft services as descnbed in Schedule B, specialty equipment required in providing the Services and as descnbed in Schedule A and any other such equipment approved by the Minister for use in providing the Services, r) " W ildfire" means an unplanned fire occurnng on forest or range lands, burning forest vegetation, grass, brush, scrub, peat)ands, or a prescnbed fire set under a Burn Registration which, in the )udgment of a Forest Officer threatens to spread beyond the area authonzed for that burning and s) "Year" means in respect of the term of this Agreement, the pened from Apnl I of one year to March 31 of the following year APPOINTMENT, TERM AND SERVICES The Province shall request the Services with an electronic Air Tanker Requests facsimile or confirmation to the Company The Company will provide the Services as requested in accordance with this Agreement The Company will provide the Services dunng the Operating Pened regardless of the date of execution or de)very of this Agreement More than one Operating Penod can exist pnor to the expiration or withdrawal of the Standing Offer k) equipment or other manmade structure that is occupying forest or range lands being threatened by, adlacent to, or within the boundanes of. a Wildfire. "Maintenance Manuals" means the Company's Transport Canada approved Maintenance Control and Maintenance Procedures Manuals detaihng the aircraft operated by the a r earner, the maintenance cntena procedures and schedules for each aircraft and the personnel responsible for maintenance, inspection and qual ty control, FEES AND EXPENSES In consideration of the Company providing the Services, the Province will pay to the Company Fees and Expenses n the amounts and in the manner set out in this Agreement The sums descnbed in section 3 01 constitute the maximum amounts payable to the Company for its performance of tne Services and tne Company wiil not be entitled to any additional compensation for its performance whether or not the work, actually undertaken by the Company is descnbed in the Agreement Appendix I Te ms and Condii ons Standing Offer No AO0888E008 Page I Page61 of 68FNR

249 Notwithstanding any other provision of the Agreement, the payment of money by the Province to the Company under this Agreement is sublect to a) t here being suffiment monies available in an appropnation. as defined in tne Financial Administration Act, to enable the Province, in a fecal year or part thereof when any payment of money by the Province to the Company falls due under this Agreement to make that bl payment, and T reasury Board. as defined in the Finanmai Administration Act, not having controlled or limited, under the Financial Adminisfrafion Aci, expenditure under any appropnation referred to in subsecuon (a) Tne province certif es tnat the property and/or Services ordered and purchased under this Agreement are for the use of, and are being purchased by, the Province with Crown funds and are therefore not sub)act to the Goods and Services Tax COVENANTS OF THE COMPANY The Company will a) o bserve, perform and comply with all of its obligations under this Agreement, b) remain an independent contractor and not the servant, employee, partner, or agent of the Province or the Minister c) n ot, in any manner whatsoever, commit or propose to commit the Province or the Minister to the payment of any money to any person. except as contemplated by this Agreement, d) s ecure and maintain in good standing all necessary approvals and certificates for the Aircraft and Spemaity Equipment descnbed in this Agreement, e) e quip, operate and maintain the Aircraft in accordance with all requirements of Canadian and Bnush Columbia laws and regulations f) c o mpiy wth ail the standards practices, procedures and spemfication set out in the Company's Transport Canada approved Operauons Manual, and those set out in the Company's Transport Canada approved Maintenance Manuals in conducting all Aircraft maintenance. g) s ervice, repair, overhaul, test, and maintain the Aircraft in a safe and airwortny state of repair at all times in accordance with manufacturer s recommended maintenance programs and the Company's Maintenance Manuals, to the satisfaction of the M n ster, h) perform the Serwces and its obligations under this Agreement in a safe and professional manner to the reasonable satisfaction of the Minister i) e xcept with the explimt approval of the Minister ensure that ail Aircraft maintenance is performed by a fully quahfied and licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer ("AME") who is not the Aircraft pilot i) a llow no pilot to fly the A rcraft and provide the Services pursuant to this Agreement, without pnor approval of the Minister, 8) provide and maintain at all times suffiaent qual fied staff faml ties. matenals. appropnate Spemaity Equipment and approved subcontractual arrangements to fully perform the Services and its obhgations under this Agreement to the reasonable sat sfaction of the Minister, I) p rovide ail refueling and foam or gel retardant equipment when the Aircraft is away from its Des gnated l)ase, m) be responsible for ail charges, costs and expenses including but not limited to, Aircraft fuel, costs of tub n cents, airport costs, and Aircraft parking fees, necessary for the effiment operations of the Aircraft and Spemalty Equipment required for the performance of the Services under this Agreement, unless specified otherwise in this Agreement, n) obtain and maintain in force dunng the Operating Pened insurance as descnbed in Schedule D, o) i n addition to the items contained in this Agreement, provide all living expenses and services to the Company's employees and permitted subcontractors throughout the province, together with all other expenses connected with the Company's operations, and p) reasonably cooperate with the Province and any other persons providing services to the Province CO VENANTS OF THE PROVINCE The Province will, at its own expense, provide the following a) e xtraordinary charges for navigation and/or aerodrome fees (where applicable). that are necessary for the Company to perform the Services, except as otherwise provided, b) a bird dog aircraft as deemed appropnate to support an Air Tanker Request. c) a t the Province's discretion, a bird dog aircraft to support the Company's training and practice exercises, and d) a ccess to view the Province s Resource Tracking System Appendix I Te ms and Condii ons Standing Offer No AO0888E008 Page 2 Page62 of 68FNR

250 INDEMNITY The Company wiil indemnify and save narmless the Province and the Minister from and against ag claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses made against or incurred, suffered or sustained by the Province and the Minister or either of them at any time or times (whether before or after termination of this Agreement) where the same or any of them are based upon or ense out of anything done or omitted to be done by the Company or by any employee officer, subcontractor, or agent of the Company pursuant to this Agreement excepting as always liability ansing out of tne independent negligent acts of the Province or the Minister Notwithstanding section 6 01, the Province will indemnify and save harmless the Company its permitted subcontractors and their respective agents, servants and employees from and against any and all liabihty or bodily inlury or damage to Improvements directly or indirectly caused by ansing from or resulung from the dropping of fire retardants, water, foam and other fire control chemicals from a Martin Mars Air Tanker by the Company or any of its permitted subcontractors their respectwe agents servants or employees under this Agreement in the viwnity of Improvements or Built up Areas where such actions are cerned out at the direction of the Minister, are, in the opinion of the Minister, considered to be essential to the control of yyildfrres, and iii not negligently performed by the Company The Company will cooperate with the Province and its counsel in any and ag investigations. settlements and ludiwal determination of any claims made against the Province the Minister or the Company relating directly or indirectly to this Agreement and will use its best effort to cause its employees, officers, subcontractors and agents to be s milarly bound ASSIGNM ENT ANO SUBCO NTRACTING The Company will not assign this Agreement, nor subcontract any of its obiigat ons under this Agreement, to any person, firm, or corporation without the pnor wntten consent of the Province The Company will at all times be held fully responsible to the Province for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors and persons employed by them and no subcontract entered into by the Company will impose any obligation or iiab I ty upon the Province to any sucn subcontractor or any of its employees The Company will cause every assignee or subcontractor to be bound by the terms of this Agreement so far as they apply to the work to be performed by each subcontractor Appendix I Te ms and Condii ons Standing Offer No AO0888E Nothing in this Agreement will create any contractual relationship between the Province and the subcontractor of the Company 6. TE RM INATION 6 01 The Province may, in addition to any remedy available to it at law or equity, terminate this Agreement by wntten notice to the Company if the Company fails to observe, perform or comply with any provisions of th s Agreement 9. NOT ICES 9 01 Any notice, document, statement, report or demand desired or required to be g ven or made under this Agreement will be in wnting and may be given or made by personal delwery to the party to whom it is to be given or made or by maihng it in Canada w th postage preps d to the apphcable address, or by transmitting it by facsimile to the applicable facsimile transmission number, noted for both the Province and the Company at the start of this Agreement 9 02 The Company will provide to the Province, as soon as possible and by the quickest means possible the particulars and details of any Aviation Occurrence that occurs while providing the Services 9 03 The Province may request the Company prepares a detailed report of the Aviation Occurrence referred to in section MI SCELLANEOUS This Agreement will ensure to the benefit and be binding upon the Province and its assigns and the Company and its successors and perm tted agents This Agreement will be governed by, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia All disputes ansing out of or in connection with this Agreement will be referred and finally resolved by arbitrauon administered by the Bntish Columbia International Commerc ai Arbitration Center pursuant to the "Rules of Procedures" The place of arbitration will be Victona BC Each party will, upon reasonable request of the other parties fully cooperate to the betterment of the Services provided under this Agreement This Agreement may only be amended by further wntten amendments executed by or behalf of the parties Ag the discretion and obhgations of the Minister or the Province under this Agreement may be exercised or pedormed by the Minister, the Deputy Minister of Forests and Range or by a Designated Representative Each Schedule A to E attached to this Agreement is an integral part of this Agreement as if set out in length in the body of th s Agreement Page 1 INITIALS For the Company Fo r the M n ster 0869

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