iud Prom ottag th e.g row th o ( Nina SU NPA -Yr^OVEM BEiraTriBgff T W m - F M J is r ld A H O r S U N P ^ ^ C >^41 tim e

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1 r Wea Far Through Monday : V O L. 63. N O. 225 W hch H Over E as B7 JOHN MORC Y O RK- (A P ) M lllo se a b o a rd h a d n e w c a u s e fo F r e s h w n d s b le w a w a y th e a o v e r th e m sn c e th e h o ld a y B o s to n rw n d s -a n d fa ln -lk te d. a r t h a t tra p p e d th e nau g n s, ow n foul fu m e s. S ta te H e a.k a n d le o f N e w J e r s e y sa d th e e x p e re n c e sh o u ld s ta n d. a s a so b e rn g, re m n d e r t h a t m a n k n d m u s t g e t v e ry m u c h b u s e r a b o u t th e enormous job of controllng hs "Tho Blert/ he sad, should reveal to us all the unwelcome g possblty that tme could be on S the sde of polluton f we let t; g t underscores the vtal mpor- H.. --tance_of- -worklng..together_.to f assume cur own self-preaerva- f tlon." u S lm fbfthfam srhftdbeen-un: f der a frst-stage alert, under fl whch people were asked to f drve less, bum no rubbfah, and g use less coal and ol for heatng, g Unusually -warm-.temperatures fl helped them cooperate. S As the wlnos came, TewTOrK j9 See SMOG, Page 2, Col. 6 D o n A l l e n A t L o c a l S c D on A lle n, a n e w s d re c to r castng-.c o., w lll b e th e fe a t a n n u a l S n ak e R v e r A re a C to a le rt h rtm n o u n c e m e h t-w E rk n s, p re s d e n t o f th e coun tnrdny_ a t_ th e B lu e J A lle n s n e w s b e a t s th e w ej o f w e s te m h a p p e n n g s h a a be tv e. H e c o m b n e s th s, neb taatv e w rtn g a n d n e w sc a stn g a b l to w tlte h s ow n c o m m e r d a ls a a jj w ell. H e s k n o w n fo r h s ppeal to tha younger:person. j Mr*. Allen was born n New York-M tu w auu lfjrau yp * J resde!a the SMTTcmando VaV ley J San*au«-ard aru elru j.chldren. w ere bom n Twn - Falls. n addton to Mr- Allen there wll bo the hghlght ot Danny ONeal, natonally known sng- «r who wll act as m aster of ceremones for the event Each-ycar-lhe-adult-seouter* :j have put on ths affalf to sup* romffnt hpcouncll operatons J t has been vertf benenclal 1 n helpng the councl to provde campng for those who cannot atfotd such art ocpctletce, Erkns sad. U s t year the cabaret h o s t Barry Goldwater and Jack Unt- letter. Followng the dnner and «n- _ tertalnment a. recepton and dace wlllfollow. - p Death Toll H Runs Ahead Of Last Year TSd Sthtoronf*Jje nsfot hghways durng the f o u y. Thanksglvpg holday ran ahead of last years record pace Satur {lay; Accdents that causcd multple deaths added - to..the. mountng toul., Traffc deaths totalfed 445. n- cludng-m-u«er-18-y«*f»* t-*85 - snce the su rt of the count a t 6 p.m. local Ume Wednesday. Thls> was nearly 20 pr cent, ahead.of-.the-total durng the. sam e xrod lost T h a n k s g l weekend... T. Durng la st year s.thanks- gvng weekend 615 persons. were klled n traffc accdents, a reconl hgh for lhat holday. A rcccnt survey of a fourlay non- holday perod by The Assocat- ed Press s h o 546 traffc fa- talltles. The Natonal Safety Councl -d d sot-m ake-an-advance-«st!- -r _mate of the.thanksgvng traffc, *"toll. A spokesman sad tjlc h l -. way traffc pattern, as a, r e, r does hot reach the hgh m llege volume that bulds u p on, other Fve wrsons, ncludng two m arred couples, were klled Saturday n a, head-on collson near -Dyden,* N ;Y.,-«vllage - east of thaca, ste of Cornell Unversty... Four persons ded Saturday n a head-on crash north ol*atcdla,,..,,,. : BANNED K U W A n(a P )"T -no -A «b - S S o n S m r t u!n g * to d to - - Corp. of A m ertt R ~.jtmd y ness n the Arab world because... Df. d fls ng; j yth fffel e r. 3ugh dy -_L- T. K fe a!. t a l b f t S m o g f a s H M n g M C o a s t MN MOROANTHALER - M llo n s o f p eo p le o n th e E a s te m c a u s e fo r th a n k sg v n g S a tu rd a y. R a y the awful sm og whch had hung h o ld a y e v e. F ro m B a ltm o re to ln -lk te d -th e lld -o f.s ta g n a n t-w a rm L nau qns m ost populous ared n ts ate H ealth Com m ssoner Roscoe m!y s a d n 1 s ta n d r t l Hnder Specder NDANAPOUS.,, n d. u t (A P ) _ Afler Blopplng «Ung h! jpmder, Potnjlmnn Dav-.. u W H. Elmore dsmounted sm uld B fron, h b motorcycle, ts - 1 But before, he. CQtfld 0 reach the speeders ca=r rr S-hs-jnachne s-genrssom e--8 g eaerva- g became engaged and N C S-lt.:took_of _tderjess.:-el--0 1 u n more couldnt catch t be- %ed to 9 rammed a parlced sh. and f- speeder drove teatns. B sratures S There was damage to H the cycle, the parked auto. rwtork g~~ and-e lm orea-prdc. en To Speak S c o u t E v e n t s d re c to r fo r th e A m e rc a n B ro a d - th e fe a tu re d s p e a k e r fo r th e th rd A re a C ouncl s C a b a re t n te rn a - T e m e h t-w a s-m a d e -b y -R o b e F t-< B o b ) J - th e c n c l. t w ll b e h eld o t 7; 30 e B lu e X a k e s C o u n try -C lu b. M r. th e " W est a n d h s n e w s r e p w u n g J " [s h a a b e e n.d e s c rb e d a a n ag n a- s th s,. T a n d n _ H ) w rte egu n :o h s vs: person. v o? fro lly now tn " dovav % r three helf 1 Twn 800 the n there Danny m sngster of 0 couters to sup- atons. nenclal. provde cannot E - DON AJJEM kuls Ades Meet? Cl retary Herbert Bowden. and _! Prme. Mnster - an Smth of «.. Rhodesa m et today n an at- la tempt to reach a soluton of the Ju Rhodesan ndependence ssue. Rhodesa s whte mnorty.v. J government declared tself nde- f;!, a pendent of Brtan N o v ;Jl, 196S, and snce then Brtan hps been 3 -M tryng to brng the rebellous -7 cu. o y *» ck under lls Jurlsdcnatlon8 9 Satur- mult- 0..the ; 4U. nnesday. :r cent "S. rhanks persons cldents, day. A ay non- ssoclat- fatraffc. le hghk ll»llslon vllage Cornell s -A «b. M n n rn n t F T -~n;» Rado - va a th b y CeMBCarplane and g r and apd c y t o, totraad w r tecause Saturday a f te r m a l o a n au lfn u l... - L b r a r a n T > - r r V? 1 < l «l > b. - S t * t e P a a t d o U ««., d A t 6 ; < TlM M aglo V alley N ew spaper De( T W f B a W u rd a y. 1 hung o re to -w a rm n ts Hoscoe Dava n d -E --H V. auto. B - r t A SMAX GRL usaally flms 11 X L l ; Cathy Mazzone, daughter of Mke ] was one of approxmately SCO chld Sro ad- gentleman flew n th rd, *»» te m a - T l l / 1 J 0. < -<Bob) J - 0 l V v! / C r 8 g T w n - M s r T h e g ra n d o ld g e n tle m a n fron S a tu rd a y a n d d strb u te d a n a p ; e q u a lly e n d less s u p p ly of ch ld r m o re th a n fo u r h u n d re d c h lld rc v sto r s h e lp e ra, a s s s te d b y Ke V ce, d ro p p e d a. b a g o f toys from - a Jow -flylng a rp la n e 1 1 to :::t:sc ra n B m g! tx» w d 3 f J Q c h ld re n a t th e B a n k a n d Tngt.r-nm»r S»vwnl n>hftr _ E J & } helpers dstrbuted hore than r* 800 toys to the chldren after the drop. 5 5 The plane was granted spe n m cla permsson by the cty to fly wthn 150 feet of ground level sta n 1 n order to make the drop. She Santa demonstrated agan gua that he l ln step wth the tmes by leadng the parade n a hew yutomoblle that towed a brght,. ~a 5 a * H Arrested R BUFFALO. N. Y. ( A P ) -. t Usng parachutes proved un- V twlsb Saturday for Santa Claus aad hls helper. n (AP) The red-chd men para- U ] 1th Sec- chuted to a shoppng plaza n. and >"«! wero arrested on charg- MC nth of es ef volatng -«.,buslnesa_ Com: an at- law that prohbts parachute calle 1 of the Jumpng. Mao ssue. shny arplane. nsders report- " * that Santa new to Twn K lls BS be?n 5." arplane. bsz casl?nvn5 S? M S See SANTA CLAUS, P g. T C < « Thral, s-> lned 1. w,> - r T. dssa ll v * r-rf rug P l Satur all, 2 kflled Dorso fense thotl notfl. from crasl 1C&1 T T -~nv?r n l ~ - r T plant lane and greeted b t m d o f ehldreo lu te patnlm anl S a o tr a ra d e poh( a n autfnublla (hat towed tha plaoe. was h- -. r : b r a r l a n J u n x,. t «t e - a g t o «c f t X : S b o l q r t ; \» rsp ap er D e d c a te d to S e rv n g u d P ro T W m - F M J S r ld A H O r S U N P ay flnds t dffcult to fnd a n lta b le per ter of Mke Maztone, wtwn F alls, solved thc olysoo chlldrenand- adults who -greetedsan nn flew n for a short vst. (Tmes-News p t. f. tf. 1. tlfe r G v e s O u t- le m a n fro m th e N o rth P o le p a d anotl U ed a n a p p a re n tly e n d le s s s u p p ly of y of c h ld re n d u rn g a n e a r ly a ftem o c ed ch ld re n.and a d u lts. P ro r - to th e p ste d b y K eh feth H e p n e r, c h le fp llo t to r e- than F* P ~ a after * w. B U S L E s r C a l h / w S r " e! a level s ta n tly a t a b o u t n o o n F r d a y * h p. sh e w a s T ld n g w e n t o ff the ro ad agan g u a rd r a l. A c c o rd n g to nve Bjmes S ta te -F a tro lm a n -C h a rle s -P e u g h, MS! Jtn d M rs E ugene - M tw n g a n a 1C52 Chovro M Russ Paper 1 A 1 S ta t Makes Attack pj»- On Pekng 2?th Sarg-. MOSCOW (AP) - Tho Sovet lncsa p-t ty PmvrfB _ chute called Sunday upon opponents of Mao TsC tung nsde Chna to holt hs erroneous course." The most sweepng atuclc on Pekng made here n re c e n t, U f J years charged, that Maos poll- cles have brought. falures h ophst- domestc and foregn polcy" «that causcd growng dlssatlsfac- * C* * hm n Chna Tho-«ttack.jTBde n an edto- ral, for the frst tm e clearly lned tho Kremln up wth the. «Ussatsfed elements. *; j t a - V. The nterests of unty of all -. 1 revolutonary forces n the struggle aganst mperalsm * tw.. demand that the natonalst, 1 antl-sovlet polcy and attem pts l< to d bto rtw rx U m - 3L; and practce Of Mao Tse-tung- ralhr va4 Um be overcome, wnd 1. back. 27 Klled h Mcm Plane Crash «Near Sagon L f e - By-EDWNlQWHTE. XT SAGON. South Vet Nam J J.. (AP) - A U.S. A r Force C47 W M _.tra r t j t f M t jand l c d H lalgon 5 T*T S Nhut.A lrs rl chec S :! Saturday nght and offcals sad store. S d all 27 Amercans aboard were ther W kflled loss, B S All vctms were U.S. m lllu ry ers c S por3onnel-cepone-u :S r-d 6- Sla B B fense D epartment cvlan, au- Buttr. thotues repar. - th at S S Names were wthheld pendng Uke notflcatoaof-relauves. each. The plane crashed one mle on n. from the arport and ts wreck- les. age burned whle mred n a * K r-p ad d y..a u th o rtes sad the an n crash was caused by ar mechan- wrt 1C&1 falure,. hrno...n North Vet Nam, Amercan senu * p1aner flwurourh~thm Mr. dren bomb stcglr trade pohed. The num ber of strlk F alla PUm. was llm lte d y the ;tnonsom son s ud Prom ottag th e.g row th o ( Nna SU NPA -YrOVEM BEraTrBgff V et 2?S C >41 tm e. O... E a s r- lulls B P l B W M g : 23 tc tho > s dscu son. Ho v ct some holld But that ltable perch durng a parade, but e solved (he problem easly. Cathy, reetedsanta- Claus S aturday a fte r-- vcloj * * *. * emy "W T * * 1 move r t r o V l o l L o Th )ald a n o th e r v s t to T w n F a lls -P p p ly o f c a n d y e n d to y s to a n j " a fte m o o n p a ra d e o b se rv e d b y pu -to th e p a ra d e, o n e o f th e k n d ly the. lpllot tor the R eeder Flyng Ser- CMs slap Fatal l > c t: v T l x l ; x U,,. r S -* -. castl cture on Page 13) : *n,( ftard} 16,. M a lta, w a s. k lle d n- as a rday W hen-the v e h c le n w h c h Nam : the r o a d a n d w a s m p aled b y a ; to n v estg atn g o ffc e r d a h o» 5 S -P eugh,-m ss-w ard,-the d a u g h l E u g e n e W ard, M a lta,- w a s th e H u rd, 18,. Snow vlle, U ta h. P e u g h sa d th e c a r w a s /~ tra v e ln g so u th on n te r- J C s ta te 15W a b o u t 17 m le s _ K e a of h e re. H e s a d M ss w?s Hurd apparently went to sleep.,7-, The car went off the rght sde and of the road and about 30 feet of SJret lovlct W * w * coalll la to traffc death of _ Wc locg n Magc L n f U B S Joub: V 8 * V,. red Nov. 25 as succt : f U S k -H o t s lcy" f *n accdent n sfac- Cassa Coun- porta,dllo. w- Jlcc, p j T J n K o S - d ~..._ ,. M egc Volley the v alst, S rtn mpts ; ; 4 7 Br" f t * * * cs.r.a c s B Memoral Hosptal. She was proct See FATALry. Page 2.. Col. 8 plan L- Loss From Bad H ke n TF G oded p to ott.p«je 3) Marll from fth e n flu j-o fn fm n g -b a d Chl rport checks contnues n Twn fa lls cash sad stores, they may. have to rase draw w ere ther prces to mako up for the bank loss, store managers and own- roll ( tary ers conceded Frday nght.. ers -D e- Stanford-Dunhamrmanager-of mone, au- Buttreys Super Store, estm ated than that the largec Twn Falls stores cashf tdng Uke approxmately a J,000 loss only. cach.month from checks wrtten Ve mle on nsuffcent fusatandforger- bh al reck- les. ham n a Ktng,* a method of placng nclu the an nmont n a local bank and a b chan- w rtng. many checks of that wher hmount a t local stores, repre-ed. 1 rcan sents some of the-largest losses, must pply alblftjor, the morattlngw le ng- rc- py ftf rjnnc n trn auat< trkm F alb s to re s ru S u la rly k b b T p nsom son s Food Cente Jays Save- oft pn fhwkf Mr. ducj.. r t h o( Nna tre a te d daho Coontlea rrbbb- ", V «t e o S e p a r a t T r u c e s ( f l - -VASHlNGTON-(AP)".--Tho-V to observe a two-day Chrstmas Vet ~Nam.-t made the orders Unted-States and ts alles. The J J J p o n D ec. 24 lo 7 a.m. on D e c V 26 n n d fro m 7 a.m. Sagon " D tm e o n D ec. 31 to 7 a.m. J V J a n. 2. T ra n sla te d nto E a s te m S ta n d a rd U m e th e X T lulls would be from 6 p.m. c. X 23 to 6 p.m. Dec. 25 and agan " from 6 p.m. Dec. 30 to 6 p.m. r q Jan. 1. nnrf Tho broadcast brought no m- medate-offcla -TCncton f=om tho State o r Defense depart - "<tn. ments o r the Whhe House, at-,ausd< 1 thoughthe latter conllrned lhat y e a r m m! the possbltes for a * h rst-h e re 9 U mastlme cease-fre are beng c»{. S M dscussed wth South Vetnam- ese govem m entleaders n Sa- gon. j H -,Ho>ycB>x:.JUppeasJlkclyltho Vct Cong move nsures that some sort of-ull or lulls n the Q l conflct wll tako place over the.. 1 holdays. - But c seems equally clear that any,such cease-fre wlll not V V but extended nto a prolonged K S j Ujv nterrupton of the U.S. bombng M P fle r.- olnorth-vlet-nam-such as de- - B m veloped from last years Chrst- mastme Uuce unless tbe eo- emy makes some comparable move to lower the level of the Thc Westem new year corr«. sponds closely ths year wth the Buddhst new year. Tot,wh<*. F a lls Perhaps sgnfcantly, the Vet tn nn S truco.order came ahead of f 5 k n d ly the. conflct at the tme of the - g S e r- (Hrlstlan festval. R< Tho Com m unuts.order was _ tonal Lberaton Front whch s _ - th e-p o lltlcar-am -o f th o V let fo V m en t! lsteners and n _.. B rltaln-by the B rtsh B ro ad -f* * castng CO. JJUl,, Tho broadcast was descrbed Bd n- as an "order of the South Vlet w h ch Nam Lberaton Armed Forces SYl 1 b y a Command." ; The Utah, f a r t e s U l t a y m»n S! C o a H t o n M l s w? r < 1 2 S.r Z n. S p a 7 S h fs j «- 1 csrfall.n D cm ocsu ht sde and thc Socal Democrats U b feet of agreed Saturday to fom T m ew Calw«coalton government and re- won place Chancellor Ludwg Er- lans 43rd hard n~ r = -. K?.. & r 3 a 8= a reporter he sees no reason to gover occur- doubt a t ths pont that Erhards Labor. 25 as successor wll be Kurt Georg wthd: lult of Klesnger. the Chrstan Demo- man 4..., > cratc canddate. Nam. 3Mt n Brandt shrugged off as unm- Coun- portant the suggeston that as ton t vce chancellor he would have much less lnfluence._bulhe_dd Sam! not-denythsnh sw as the Job he S,,A -7 mght take.. 5 Brandt ponted out that hs 253. party hos nearly 40.per. cent of the votes n the Bundestag and s thnt there would have to be a, 4 3 partnershp n polcy matters. J 4 7 Brandt sad n a televson The, ntervew that the Socalsts had coalltl modft the precedent-breakng pa«y. J front decson. n order to gve, ly.cst «cats. Jut the Germany a stable govemment. house Ther alternntlve a deal wth n t! n good the small Free Democratc par- emmc Cassa ty -- woud not haye produced a Ube! was practcal majorty,* he ex- Labor CoL 8 planed. ndep 1 Bad Checks May F Grocery Store 3) Market and Buttreys. ulne < g -b a d C h rc K H S rw rb T T a b rtb lable Falls cash only pefsonallted checks sad. 0 rase drawn on surroundng daho bank for the banks at the checkstand?. Pay- man d own- roll checks, bank drafts, travel- the c t.. e rs checks, counter checks; bank»ger-of money~ordery-and-checks~dther T K mated than.on local banks, wll be hones 1stores cashed. a t. courtesy counters Mt. XWloss only.. ng tl W tten Verfcaton wll be requred count forger- bh oll checks chbsedr Mr.- Dun- the o ham s s e d. Verfcaton must t placng nclude the drver lcense and He nk and a bona fd e phone number tend f that where theperson may be reach-wth 1 repre- ed. Home and molllhg address gers. losses, m u t be nclud as well u the The respo ttkt n ask- ps Quat«.ldehUflcaUAn.-people:.wlU hooor Albert be protected from forgers. loss 1 Save- Often, M r. Dunham sad,bad Hp r.4>aof checkst4aratanetaod en- Set-B Sundc y W. y M o m H U H, 3 o n r ( a t e T w o - 8 O n H o BY LEWS HAWKNS Tho-Vet-Cong-broadcast" o rd e rst rlstmas truce and a sep a rate two-da orders condtonal on observance of es. The truces would be n effect fro e c s Robert Vana Named Cty * *" Robert (Bob) V anausden, who 1 an d new s e d to r a t th e Tmes-N< b e e n -a d v a n c e d --to * th e -p o s t-o f-c rt. nounced b y 0. J. S m th, m a n a j at- squsdeln h asjb _ een.w th th e T m es that y e a rs. H e w a s b o m n T w n Fall! rtst- here. Ho w a s g ra d u a te d from - *"8 School n n M a rc h, 1960, he ssl.* N atc e d a t h e o - M hat. K are the Y.end Mr. ear of th not a u b r M f mp p b - - n o ble m. the l a ROBERT VANAUSDEUJ local j was Mme; N ; G o v e m m e d t s m _ <» * S S E q p d E z B " n f o T o w e r Vlet By GORDON TAFT frst xes SYDNEV, Australa (AP) House The vem m ents of Ausualla Repu and New. Zealand were swept Nov. - g { a -? l e «h S v l d? l ther M ll man ssue.ln te th natons. ments Prme Mnster Harold E. f«w ( Holt of Australa pledged tup- uve.-1 port ol the U.S. polcy n Vlet G t _ Nam. where 4,500 Australans par. are fghtng, n the campjlgn to 5«Wc elect a new Parlam ent - Labor party leader Arthur A. {?. new Calwell Had sad f hs party re- won he would pull the Austra- *, J Er- lons out of Soulh Vlet Nam. S "? ln-n ew Zealand 5-parlam en -.-j f f a K n a l "4 «;» rg wthdrawng New Zealand s 150- mo- man arllloty battery from Vlet, Nam.! H J x n my mnd, tonlght f elec- * tlon result endorses me *gov«m* T > Y5 nent s acton l respect tovet J l j y -«j«n am,-~ H olyoake_told-a_n J > he conference n Wellngton. T - t,. When tho count of votes ( r! ceased a t m ld n l t n Australa, _J thc government coalton partes ttt; "2 were vrtually certan of vctory ln7s cloclor«e«;, lon The Lberals had 57 and the Saturt hod coalton parlner. the Country wame lne patty.-,hfld l.. L aboc_hatl } ment- rcst seats. Sx other seats n the put dc Bnt. house of 124 remaned n doubt Ths vth n the old Parlam ent the gov- towns» r- em m enr had 71 repruentadves west d a Ubernl 52. Counuy party sege ex- Labor had 52 and there w as one ne 1 ndepenflent, whch ! klled Way Cause S ore Pncra...- a ulne error <m the ttar t of A.re- 5 tb lla b le ltte n. By mlstake; he?* *!cks sad, customers pck up branch * * aho bank counter checks when the»ay-man bank s ntended..w hen t?*t a, ve- the check reaches the branch, :ks; bank t t stamped no account P Pj Jer TW8 13 -a bad Ch6ck b ut an be honest one. ters M l. Dunham stressed check- ng thoroughly before wrtng a red counter check to m ake sure that >un- the correct bank s -stamped-on - / - m ust t and He added that approxmately ber tenchecks are casbm each day W l u h -w th nsuffcent funds o r by o ress gers. D a the The closure ofthe daho Sav- V u ask- problem sjor local a torea. Checks de: rtade on thlst>ank: were - not WlU hqaoreduby themrawl.fhmtw -51 loss for the store *. bad Hp reported th at Buttreys. * es< Sea-SAD C H E 0 S S ; M M.-2 " : v,.,:-s undcfy E dton A p W e w...m o r p S p o r U.. A - - F o m J /y C o n /e f F S S n r S c l o n, T E W. C R l» ro -D ay [ o l d a y s. s t-o rd e rs -to -ls -fo rc e s S a ftjfa a y rate tw ok lay N ew Y e a r s tru c e n e rv a n c e of th e ccase-fre b y th e n effe c t fro m 7 a.m. S ag o tm e V a n a u s d e n 3 y E d t o r sden, w ho h a s been h ta d r e p o r te r e Tmes-News fo r V years, has!-p o st-o f-c y -e d U o 7 1 t w a s an* lth, m a n a g n g e d to r. M r. V an - the Tmes-ews.for the past.su. T w n F au s a n d a tte n d e d schools ted fro m - th e T w n F a lls, H g h :h, h e jo n e d th e d a h o A rm y - N ato n a l G u ard a n d re c e lv - :k Vs. e d a n h o n o rab le d s c h a rg e J n-m n rc h, flm e -m a P re d K a re n W rg h t n * 1961 a t K V.endell. They havevtwo sons, Mchael, 4, and Kurt, 2. Vanausden s a member of the Twn Falls Exchange Club and the F r s t B aptut n Church. Twn Falls. 3 a. --na.vanausdelns-rcsde ats Washngton S t, Kmberly. X a v S l a t * - H * y B P la n D ra f te d BjGOP-Mde H WASHNGTON (AP) - A House Republcan leader has ready drafted a plan for sharng federal taxes wth state and LN local.govemmcnts-that wll be a cornerstone of GOP polcy n t s....p la n calls for tumlnrf back 3 per,cent of federal l? l z : h o amount wouut ro e and«l* ly to f.per cent gs S S M v% 5? 2 frst concrete.proposal by tha P ) - House GOP leadershp slnce-ffo - lualu Republcan electon trumphs of swept Nov. 8. r *. M the pmg stole and local goto. m enu to meet these needs," d E.?aW Goodel. t s an altom a. fup. Uve- to the phlosophy of the 1 Vlet G t SMletv." allans Gwdell. charman of the Ro. Bgn to publcan Plannng and Research Commttee, sad tax sharng lur A. provde needed g e n e S S y wthout ru cln g suto and local governments to ad- m Hftlve subdvsons of S S 3 S S P - O r d e r A s k e d S G ov e r n o r tonh oly C ty «HM By ROY ESSO YAN : frfnrs JERUSALEM. JordaTSector (AP) - Gov. Anwar El Khatb.. told the people, of Jerusalem d toe Saturday to mantan order and 3unt warned that further antlgovcma «U J ment-demonstratons-would-be n ue put down; doubt Ths Holy Cty and most of tho e gov-towns on the- Jordan Rvers atves west bonk were under a-state o f y 19 sege after antlgovemment rot-. S one ng Frday n Jerusalem ta whch twtf demonstrators were klled and sx person serously r Wounded.. n the captal of Amman, the nteror Mnstry charged that Communsts snd members of other-subversve partes" w tra behnd Ue troubles.. A,re- tf.yld;-ym s.of molaweare... rs- he 3ezed Wlth S0me "perso who >ranch had been; arrcstod. t sad the n the demonstratons began as a pro- w hen test aganst srael, "but subvert >rans alve- elements nfutrated-- the.-; :count people. -. : m r a s ~ check- tlng a ». re t b t xdo n :h d V T 4 B r A S :. : by o. - 0 Sav-. aecks * - S H P P W H G A S >.TO CHRSTMAS -CoL-* -..-,-.. t....n :...J,/.

2 n lw N o a m b a r a7."v96 : a fets Grat dtesearclr Pnr-ATRT.T/ fap\ Dr. Ed- Wn s. Olaon, asslslbnt professor o<. ch sh «m lsry -«t-d ah o u n U - veralty, has.been granted J, - to pursue researcn on new com* g,, pounda-w hjch-m ay-proventfr cer.cells f r o m reproducng j.. themselves. fo Announcement of the grant. frst to be made n doho by the Amercan Cancer-Socety, was. m ade. Frday. t s effectve*, or two yeara, begnnng Dec, 1....TTe-general. goal of the ro- f.* tearch supported by ths grant s to dlsco.ver compounds wth ntl - c a n c e r actlvltly," Olson told. We wlll synthesze two - wll destroy the cancer cell s ablty to reproduce tself.". ;. W hen Olson s experlmenul., compoundajwm-beelprcparcd. HL they wll be used aganst var- ah ous expermental tumors, ac- au cordng to Dr. R. P. Mason, the Amercan Cancer Socetys vcc ] presdent for research. r Ko sad f th compounds ap- w a r effectve aganst the ex- n perlmental tumors, further test- ng wll be made n order to c*» brng the drug to the patent cb, rllh o ncer. «Magc Valley Funerals B -G OODNG-Encral servces X" for Roswell M. Robertson wll be conducted a t 2 p.m. Monday r «a t the G o o d ln g M e th o d U t n«church by Rev. Warren McCon- E lm w d a m e te Thoaml j, j ShMf Hosptal.: Donatons can be loft at Thompson Chapel. TWN FA LLS-TFuneral se 18 vces for M n. Nora Mae Faloon wll b«conducted at-3:30 p.m. gj Monday at. Whte M ortuary by Rev. Robert Harvey. Fnal rtes otb w lr be n SunsefM em orlal Park. Frends may call a t the mortuary untl tme of servces M onday = KMBERLY - Funeral ser- gs vces for Lou Brown wll be held ot»: a t 1 p.m. Monday a t the Whte 14 M ortuary Chapel wth Rev. -ow ard-u rsonm elau ng.-f n- W Bl rtes wll be n Sunset Me- m ortal Park. _. 15 TWN f Xl LS -t-f uneral e vces for Mrs. Mae Louse Ells wll be conducted a t 11 «.m. M o n d a y a t the E p s c l M : -C hurch- of the A sdnslon wth Rev. W arren L. HoweU*fUctat- ng. Fnal rtes wll be n Sun- pet set M emodal.parkfamly.sug- Hel m ste clo B S to the Epfacopal and Twn Falls-Hgh School Lbrary and Fund. Donatons m ay be sent to Ter the Reynolds Funeral Chapel, ca Frends m ay call from 1 o 6 Une p.m: Sunday and untl 10 a.m. Al MondU a t the chapel. Ho Gel E D E N :r--e uneral.8ervlces.fot R w S E T u S c h a p e T * «?n -F a lb. by Kevan M cae. S t Mn Patrck * Catholc Church, Eden. Mf- M ars wll be colebraled Sunday a t St. PaUck s Church. Frends P m ay call a t Reynolds Funeral V.V Chapel from 1 unul 6 p.m. Sun- l" day, and Monday and Tuesday * untl tm e cf servces. Fnal rtes wll be held a t Twn.Falls Ceme- tery. The famly suggests con- «,(< trlbutlons to St. PatFck s Par* slr-bnldng fu n d -o r-to the n,t H eart n HALEY Funeral servces S l for Enphleld Hrum Sowers wll Gat. be conducted a t 11 a.m. Monday sen a t the Haley Communty Bap- Mn tlst Church R e v. E rc Jung- Buc bauer. Fnal rtes wll be a t Bar Haley Cemetery. Memorals na 1 m ay be made to the BUne and _jcq.mftlcrpped.chldrcnu.fund. HAGERMAN - Funeral se Mr*..vces for-m r»..rs Marlorle Fal <Floydpusmlre wll be conducted a t 4 p.m. Monday a t the Hag; S erm an LDS Church. Fnal rtes wll be a t Hagerman Cemetery. (> Frends may call from 1 p.m. _Sunday_untfLnoon-M onday-at _ j, Weaver Mortuary. Wendell, and g yj from 1 p.m. Monday unt! tme j.c :. of servces a t tha Relef Socety Room.,., ) _ MALTA Funeral servces fo? C athernejcathy) Ward wul be T J conducted a t 1 p.m. Wednesday X \ a t the Malta LDSWard Chapel _ wth Bbhop- Harvey. Wght of- T f r-.flclatlng. Flna rtes wll f o held T l n.the Malta Cemetery. Frends. m ay call a t the McCulloch Fu- J neral Home Tuesday afternoon -one-houf ptlor ta serylwa. TWN F A l s, - u n e n t e. Vce* for Robert E. Stover wll w., - t e held a t.j p.m. Wednesday j o Whte Mortuare Chapetwlth the Memoral Parc.FunlysuggesU donatons to Ute A m erlcandta- betlc Assocaton and m ay be left tt.tf>e m o r y. _ " " H o u s e B u m s PULLMAN. Wash. (AP) - pher Flre..caused n s lv e damage Ha Trnnmn Tnn "1 vflrncrf 1 cn MAGC VALLEY Consderable. feg but olberwlse fa r throt fa M en k w Ms» k w U te 20, t C a a u a Z S. Temperatnre a t pjb Satordajr:.!. wth S9 per cast bxaaultr. Baromett :. v s y n o p s s C l The surface cold front whch m o\, Frday ngh and Saturday mornng 3r, Ed- un Cftlnrado w ettw ardthrough Nor ofessor Ocean and.s contnung to move elo pressnrg-ham galn-m o v e d -n to -th Jll6M gon behnd, ths front and should re; S t h r o u g h. Monday. Under ths patte jkouldnw hetule-oversouthem ldah duclng 5ooj mos ar trooped n t formaton of consderable nght and- vent any rapd warmng trend. A fe J y 5 from tho foa ot Umes durng the ngh wlse,1ltue f any preclptauon s expe. Wth somewhat clearer skes, rm.ln r: generally lower. U w rcadlngs Sundaj,? J n the teens through md 20*. Hgh temp! h about the same to a lttle h e r wtt OlMn through the 40s. Surface wnds n the Magc Valley : raanc mostly less than 12 mles per hour on predct be favorable for plowng operaton U TEMPERATURE AND Pl Hghest temperature l a s r l hour*,- houra, precpluuon for 24 hours. u. K.V.! ke s vce BmS! a M Mw Onnlnbua 11 *1 UpU. Rlm>Kk 40 J# N«w. ds ap- Batten N«w...!?!! S f S!! : S». 1 srsrarvr:!! ctarotw. N.O a «S« ChlcMO 10 t l Tr. Portl c. u «0 «.0* n«ey a a-5rr=:!! j A. g, a !!! K"".?- -! M-"r; rvlces : *»!"*! n f l l! S l a leld. n Saturday low 12 a t Crag, Colo. Sat l!5y.t ex._m ca lester,,.pkla., reports 1.1 o w e hours. S can pel. Alaska, Hawa and H ghut tem peratures last 12 hours, ll ser- 18 hours, precptaton for hours. Faloon. Mm. Mte. rttp. J P-l«- s y *?? t W. vlces djho tem pe r a. M«K. MU. r tt t j! 4= * tng Monday. Hgh 40 to 30. low 20 to : tra ls Magc Valley Magc Valley Memoral -M 1 wth. A dm tted. ructat- Mrs. Alan Hutchson, Mra. Lee Sun- P eter Walker, J. GlennWatson; scbel< y.8ug-helen_capes..mrs. Burl Frank Rupe: My l and Ted H arter.. fllto--yall3 bora. brary and llle n T Fawcett, al! Buhl; Ro* ent to Terry Theener. F l e r ; - Mrs. Amy hapel. Clark Torell. Wells. Nev.: Chrs- Vasq ; to e tne R-.-Ja«;b8, Kmberly; Mrs... a.m. Al B. MelsUd. Wendell; Leann Hoffland. Eden, and M rs. Eldon Gehrg, Shohone. Sfl" b J b S S t n son. Mrs. Cesar Cantu and aon, S!S: S S e s S J o h s M v S d a? Mra! Jack Kerswell, and daughter, G w u S James W. GellaUy, Mrs. Cecl Martn, Ted Arthur Harder. Mrs. Mn Pete Otero and son. and John Wllam Holladay, all Twn Ma - A - EaU8;_j0h n j:j)a U s and_sandn Grmes. Fler; Rachelle Carter a < andm rt. Lacy TVree. both Buhl: and Chrstopher p p e n. Jerome: son \ rvlces Kelly H o f f m a n,j o l * e : Mrs. Mke 8 wll Gary Bourn and daughter. Han- onday sen; M ts. Keth F a r, Rupert; T Bap- Mrs. Jam es Rasmussen,and son, JU U Jung- Bureys Lesle Stover. Haelton; _ < S h.j Er Jtalne and Mke UndreUj. Wells, Nev.,.fu n d brth. O l A son was bom to Mr. and 1 *er- Mrs. A la n Hutchson, Twn yol xlore Fall*..... A te aduct grant H*«- S t. B m e d c t 8. J e r o m e e n d -1!» AdmUed : Glen Snell.-Jerome. b jh, P-m. DsmlMcd endln] *»- -J.c k -S ln m d r-j e ro m e ;-M n. 1. «nd E v,. Mull, Goodns, and M rj.. J.c k Ctu th, Wendell. Wet Weather Jf SdJ Reported n S Western U. S. or th* J f S By b e AssecUted P r e u dren. r n Cool and w et weauer today.jenl h, covered, areas n. western sec- was b ttons-antuhowertased-thalwr- lrg-41,.o u s smog condtons n New dlsput, York Cty and along the AUan- publc Uc Coast from Massachusetts to Uon.u Maryland on-th< R a n - s p r e a d.a c the P a d - aald. fc-n otu w e8t.»nd-coldjtt a n d _.Cty «no«ht a re u - n- the northern maker Rockes. Up to 4 nches of snow plans fll- n mountan* of souuj- day n western M onunav--- " flrstjl y U t ran* dampened area* for th< _ from Tennesaee and North- Nea ro llm m w a rd tottew Eng- Hubba ) the m ln help* d e a r the atmo*< day M ) pher«of fne dust parudes. remal nage Hardest ht by Ue three day Cou tem- a r POlluUon crss were New petttln glon York, Cty, C & necu «t M d New davt but Jersey whch were olaced on an- Trumb * T M a n u o n ftttjr : Peasrflve 7ry"m w»w g*t ern»ratufe» rell -h r Ue ranged from 19 a t Ely, Nev., to Hubba, a a t C ou* Q tfatl, Tex. *r* py T : y ; v " - - r : Analderable olajt and momlag troukh H e n U r Hlgh ln ttpeer M* to M x G C u m P n lrto la W*. lew s; tp - ; Satord«jr:.U att rf T w A atber Bnrean. r. Barom«tar:.OJ«.. > ; 5 YN0 PSS, k, form* whch moved acros* SouUem daho,th e ly mottng 1* now jocated from North- o fa 1 hroutth N o ru entah-tovthe Pacfc to move aowy 8outheastward.~Hlgher dhntohhe-northdm-nlfrmountaln-re* T w k r d should reman n-usn& least He m ths pattern generally far weauer 1957 muem ldaho durng-uete*t;anple-ot to*spc trapped n these vallw* wll allow the a true nght and-mornng fog and wll pre: oth* trend. A few flakes of anow m a fall of the ng Ue nght and mornng hour* ouer- Spoka luon s expected through Monday. - Sun skes, rmlnmum tem peratures wll be are a lngs.sunday n A t should be mosuy n and a. H l temperature* on Sunday wll be Spoka e hgher wtth readngs n Ute md 30s Pjjts] ago Valley and eastern valleys wll be per hour on Sunday. Condtons should (Marl operaton hrough Monday. _ RE AND PRECPTATON f l 2 hour*,lowea temperature n sf K.. n.oflo* Anrtlw TO «* a t 2 :.1 "rp} K -r l Mortu! SS t UoU.. BL. r.u «Tf. mofa 0 Ntw.Orktlu H 14 _ Nw Yurk tz. 42 WHJ 4 North rulu.4* 11 at lh< 4 0 kuhor)» c r S. t«.11 Sooka! :» rht.*jvph M -«j f PbMDl, M 13 MtlC! t ; - t s $.. _ pld ClT «M»» l - l * t M «T" 8L Loul* M 11 «T > ±»a 5 Skt Anlonto..... U M.01 8<a Dtfo « r p! ;j< st,s.vs = : z r l l.u By, Colo. Saturday hgh, 84 at McAllen, f es c reports l.ls-.nches of. n last su enforc Hawa and Canada The st 12 hours, lowest temperatures last tee sl M h e u r,., fj«ke. rttp. Mm. «{» rrfw- llcan». V.S m S tw ", ~ 4> 11 P *.«Anehor.« » 1* -M for th r*rbtbk* Wrgh.....<So ;o* MwnulnHorn t.0*.01 p«.uto ««.,.01.PatJ! " R f f V r =!.» 20 to ao. S l _ nes. luey Hosptals 1 tr a l M n d o k a M e m o r a l f * Admtted >>0!! M n, le o M etlhewj, Amy Heo- " J aton; scbeld and Jam es Monroe, all Frank Rupert, and Lyda Bar, Hey- Falls; btlm.\....,n?rnw, a rrtc r Dsmssed ;, Buhl; Rose Brackenbury, Almo; Mrs. Amy Henscheld and Antono, Chrs- Vasquez, bou Rupert. HdSS C a s s a M e m o r a l the***s. Admtted banks Mrs. George Quntana, Mn- man doka:_mrs.-harley_01son._hey 5llne_ lt»n btn. and Bartora Hurd. Snow- nsaw D l s m l tons [ P Mra. A rm fro rd e n a s ; Bur- or bo Grant y- nd Renee Rosecrans, Ran- ctly Lnuse dy Rosecrans and Randy Orth- *tock man, all Oakley. ghter! G o o d n? M e m o r a l Cecl Admtted (Co Mra. Mra. Mke-Yore, Goodng. shoute John Dsmssed the y Twn M argaretta Reams, Goodng, began n d n Brths ; h m., fa rter a daughter was born to Mr. down Buhl: and Mra. James F errler and a erofl rome; son was born to Mr. and Mrs. and tl Mrs. Mke Yore, all Goodng. nue W Han S ; njuncton,ofth S : Ends Strke B :O f Teachers - Twn YOUNGSTOWN, Oho (AP) by sev... A temporary njuncton was adute granted Saturday orderng an weatht 9m e end" to"the weekold teacners balmy ; strke, A sm lar strke n near- Sant by Hubbard showed no sgns of next endng, as coun acton on an to the -Mra. njrncuo_m cdjhem j»ucd.._.. erh Mra e Youngstown strke was shopp halted by Judge Elwyn V. Jenk- untl ens. who ordered all pcketng Toylar to end and teachers to return to season k* Uelr classrooms Monday mom- Two ng. He set 9:30 a.m. Tuesdoy as Seara the tme for a hearng orv the from] mert* of the njuncton... P-m. a The temporary njuncton Cgl 1 cam e after fve.mouera fled a od ge peuton n behalf of Ue p arenu vue chl of the cty s publc school chlltoday.jenkens told the women he ;,m. sec- was bypassng a local.ceurt ml- The u*«rl- lrg-um t-forbld*-njunctoo*-n qotlcd. New dsputes nvolvlos untonaju: elty p Uan- publc offcals. T h e legal fee- tt* to Uon.taken nvolve* an llegal act on>thfl-part-of-the teachen." he R r P a d - sad. 1 r and _.Cty.Jchool.SupLJ.\HW ana- T Uer rhaker d he w u makng J u lb l *now plans to open the schools Mon- JER( OuUt-day m ornng:t wouu_j>e the cateb f l r a t y of classes snce Nov. B a t Ue rea* for Ue 28,100 pupls affected. n pla) TorUr Nearly 4,000 pupl* n nearby Tfe ha* mo*< day Monday as the strke Uere and M *. remaned deadlocked. Mra. A -d ay Court-actlon on an njuncuon W.Tdv davt of prejudce fued aganst )as, f n an- Trunbull County Commo "M s. : Plen5 -Conrt-Judge-G eorge-br Cw»-:. tu r n tell -hbehatr-on)ah M bdakr T W /., to Hubbard FederaUon of Teach- prompt r* sruldent. the, v - T - j,. Resdent Des J! b n; Spokane S R.l«tl s0j» r, a, s dho rejdent, ded Frday n Spokane H N o o fa bref llness.... > a c He was bom May , h lgher Bohr/and was g r a d u a l f ln-r«* Twr-Fall*-Hlglrtchoo!-te-19Sfc least He m arred JoAnh.- Dod*on n sauer 1557 n Twn Fall*. They moved?! - ple-ot to*sj»]cantwhere h e - rk S T a * / «w the a truck attendant unul the Ume pre: of h* deau. He was a member l - n l ly fall of Ue Salem XuUeran Church, ouer- Spokane. t \ ~ Survvng, besdes h* wdow, K v rlll be ore a daughter, Heldl Stover, luy n and a son. Edde Stover, both - c R vll be Spokane: three ssten. Mra. Don mqv d 30s (Patsy) Wlldman and Mra. Ken- <*71,6 dall (Wanda) K ln o m. bou yenr vlll be Twn Falls, and Mra. Jerry and c hould (Merllyn) Rdgeway, SratUe, clel] hs porents, Mr. and Mra. Ed- ceme<l - ward H. Stover. Twn Falls; smvl grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs. nst-18 Brooks Stover. Buhl, and-several coleff neces and nephews... _F.uneraL8cryJcca_wllLbcJeld tent-c a t 2 p.m. Wednesday n Whte s n m : Mortuary Chapel wth Ue Rev. S T.04 Eugene Tjarks orflclauog. Fnal >. Tr. rtes wlll U held a t Sunset Me-, Tf. morlal Park. Meraorlal-aervlces a, 42 wll be held a t 8 p.m Monday m le ft «at Ae-Solem LuUeranChurch, «Spokane. The famly 8ggests prfje J l memorals to Ue Amercan Da- ru betlc AssocaUon and m ay be cmv ; left a t Ue mortuary. Counq! Probe nto "nt-! " Bankng To m.s - "Taper.Off S f -u By EDMOND E BRETON 2,.., ( WASHNGTON (AP) - A»e- Alen, rles of congresstonal nvesuga-. t su Hons of varous aspects of Ue H e bankng ndustry m ayfa c e -a n enforced taperng off. The Hodse Bankng Commt- tr,>te< s last tee stands to be subsunually shaken up os a result of Repub-.. Pf«. llcan gans n Ue House. The shft could mean trouble S..01 for the leadehlp of Charman flltenc -01 Wrght Patman, D-Tex., perss-, h la tent-crluc of Ue-Federal-Re* scrvc Boord and of w hat he / calls blg<lty promlnance and 8*] ng 1.<8 monosuc trends n Ue bank-!.,!o Patman, who succeeded to Ue, (charmanshp four yeara ago, u g a. put on nvestgatve staff to _. now " rk on prelmnares for two,. y e a r s and Uen launched a se. rtctoftjubllc-hearlnp-nlotsuch matters as bank holdng compas 3fffln8r,?t.m r t fnancal organzatons to dvest p. a l - themselves of some of ther holdngs over a perod of years. W.B. Hevlngs w eredd also on Ue -,,t practces of c»mpan{es. fl- _ kev- nancng servcemen s purchases o of-,automobllcs. _The.Pentagon JL f d regulatons and a development A. of credt unon facltes over- seas. X The commttee staff currently,a " - s fnshng an nvestgaton of ll the ownerahp of commercal -oak banks n the Unted Slates. Pat- muu Mn- man has sad he wants to deter- arlne Hf>v- mne whether crmnal or other whrm s S o n tons and more generally wheu- foam.< Bur;, or banks, were dlrecu yor nd- (q «t>. rcclly acqurng each ouen aboan OrU- slock wluout formal merger. Abo< _ ; soldle Santa Qaus cer (Contnued F r o P u e On.) lg. shouted as enthusastcally as Qjjjf the younger ones ofter Sonta jo,«j dng, began a parade,route that took An h m., from -Fve Polnts E ast ]et- w 0 Mr. down Man. Avenue to Ue com- nrnach and a er of Man and Ffth Street West { K h Mrs. and then south to Second Ave- from nue West and back to Kmberly nose s Road. too h Santar* Saturday -vst ended, down, for the tme beng, o round of Capt Chrstmas season kck-off actv- sad. lle* ncludng vst* to the Sears too ha and Roebuck parkng lot to Ue and w< Lynwood Shoppng Center on An 2 FrdayObservere noted Uat the gear warm receptons tendered hm was b P ) by several hundred chldren ond lned t was adulte made Ue.1,. nppy spread,g an weouer on bolh days seem ffre, le mers balmy *. taken near- Santa wll retum to Twn. Fols solder cns of next Saturday Jp r anouer vst boots )n an to Ue Lynwood Shoppng Cen- could d. ter. He wll be on hand n the r f h was sfoppm center each Saturday Afte Jenk- untl Orstm as and at Sean* the al <etlng Toyland Uroughout the holday plane m to season. gear mom- Two of hs rendeer wll be at as Ue ay as Seora Frdays. and Saturdays foam n the from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., 3 to 6 there p.m. ftd 7 to S p.m. Por ctlon.bcslnrlnj Dec. 12, the kndly chllllnl led a old gentleman.also 1*111 y llt wth lttle c rent* vue chldren from a specal tral- logs -V chl- r parked n front of the Twn b eras Falls 3 a n k and Trust from 3 to proach n he 9 P;m. Arporl t ml- tfe Saturday parade was es- era st M -n (yrted by offcera of state and wft&jc SS ll a c t, -. alrcraf " " B n d g e C l u b = X lastff W m e r 8 Mon- JEROME The Jerome Dupll- L( } the cate Brdge Club metsaturday. a d V. B at Ue Elk Hall wlu sbc tablu held 1 n playng a HoweU m ovement o to larby Tre wnner* were Mr*. S. L walk j~n ThlJrpe<rM rs ATDrM cm a-.» chool han, flrat; Mn. A. V. Wllams < Uere and Mra. F. F. Jensen.-sccond; Mra. A. D.-WooUey and Mra. J. c, ffs H. " S afnst bals, fousuu;; SS5 ;M dalc B WT rfuu~tnr -!y. W sach- promjuyy p.m. Salurday at o VrU be held a t 8 p.m ; Monday BrM n - a t Ua school w lu ar ead Aloud D u c program presented by M n. Mr. a rene Henlnger, Twa Fall* Pub- frst;: He Lbrary.... Mra. : S HoSlearterrwlnm U&d." p.m. -Wednesday n Ute Harry : k Barry Park RecreaUon Buld- KaU lngr-membeh-«re asked to brng Mrs. : ll-electon-s me.. H e!g nterpreted "Sl" S;: By Smyle. S;NS?T!aoSTe,MK wn* "The green l l t s have, -at the _»U very least, turned to-am ber - and cauuon-as far as Ue great and 1 socety p r o g r a m * are con- Heyw cemed. daho Gov. Robert ha* b< jj*? Smyle sad Frday nght. tenan But n a speech for a Grnnell enuy eral college-audlwcerhe-added:----- Ue-6! * lt was not so much Ue con- Ue 2! tent-o f-» o m e-o f-u e-n ew -p ro n " grams that wa* rejected. t was XVT* Ue manner n whch Uey v ere W l [nal admnstered. The elecuon was Me- vry obvously an endoraement Q of a greater and more postve 9 Q role for state and local govem- ments, and for prvate enter- jrse n combatng the countys. X Smylle, a nauve of Cherokw - LOS County, owa;.was n Grnnell Hollyv for a two-day v b t as Grlnnell s Joh/ poluclan-ln-readence. Smodt Her- b completng h b. thrd menta - tenn-as-daho-govemor-but-wa* fluenc defeated n Ue R ep u b lcan.p rl-b. m aty electon least August fn hb fouru-term bd. Smylle sad tho Nov. 8 "elec- w lw e Uon waa not so much a rejec- Uon of Ue role-of bg govern- D or r. ment b u t... a change of loca- a t C, «e- tjon for that government. Hb_ fh; He sad stete and local govern- }f -V" - 5? m e n ts-n o w -m u st-fa c e ru p -to problems whch Uey have *?bou,. the capacty and an almost un-1* \ llm ltedpotenual to solve." J* h. Smylle sad hbtorc obsu des nton to states handlng of ther prob- honor lems have been malapporuon- Ole nent wu loo lttle urban n-, _ fluence n stale legslatures and lack of m oney. t,, Sweepng reapportonment s - r j -_-j gvng thckly, populated areas a _ 5, 1j. stronger voce n state goyem-... he*exv sed h o th V t* g ress StS toe hopefully as a result of Republlcan mpetus, wll come up wu The»,:Z a. plan for a lump sum, no- slated, gtrmgb-attached, dbtrbuuon of fcderol-rcvenuca.tojhfl-atates.ll 7y*n J t«. Smylle callcd on Sen. EvereU.M r- P** Dlrksen, R-lll., and Congress- mcles m an Gerald Ford. R-Mlch., to l?,» <,J*; emphasre Ue role of states n Ue new federalbm by havng a regula u u Republcan governor help Uem 2, / report on Ue. state of Ue naton > l n n u ;» Se ck SoDamaged Jet ncd r r - S S Arlner»Vj rls Lands Safely -OAKLAND, Calf. (AP) - A purcht P at-m llary charter Boeng 707.-jct Mr. arlner wlua. damaged nose soles w hed-dtclod..oakl*nd JntenR.. comm llm l A rwn9n;5nur<t;y,fa;«tense mnutes, then landm on a uon o * } foam<overed runway and roled Lce ndl- to a stop wth all 147 peraons chosec aboard safe. owner Aboard Ue plone were 140 assert soldlera from Ft. Rley, Kan.,, and a crew of seven. The frst f offcer aboard the Amercan Ar V f. Lnes flght prased the captan, - Elm er C. Weekly of Saratoga. l { r Calf., for dong a magnfcent --**! nta Job" throughout the emergency. -, ok An arlne spokesman snd thc M r je t- w as-m akfng a- normal ap-»m- proach to Ue arport, after s - n n t est three-hour, nne-mnute flght -_j / kve- from Kansas Cty, when Ue ). 3ry nose gear slammed the ground. hnt.n. "too hard" durng nltalftouch- D?kcS led. down..of Capt. Weekly. Uc spokesman jnu- tlv- sad, "fgured the nose wheel ht one.n ars too harf so he gave t the gun acton the and went around agan." n(«v on An arborne nspecuon of Ue a Um gear. revealed_that_»om eulng h o - llm was bent. A* *lx ambulances and lned the runway and foam was. PPy spread to guard aganst possble p, fre, lemergency m eu u res were, taken aboard U e-plane; Tfle Brown alb soldlera were told to take ther nf the ;lslt boob off. f left on. njures h U e «n- could result n the event of a q n,o..the crash-oa legs-flolled-obout «mv day After 45 mnutes of d rd n g chlldn >rs Ue arport. Weekly brought Ue «? aay plane down agan. The nose nj, :at r,!hexe*5. Ch S2 ro": ays foam. Smoke was vblble, but P e n n l 0 6 Uere was no fre.. natve. For Weekly, t was Ue second n s dly chllng arborne epsode n a yf nu lltue over a year. On Nov. B, would al- 1963,-Weekly Was a passenger n ne.{t wn B crash of a 727 jet-tos 11 op- to proached Greater Clndnnol A rport.weekly and three oth- es- era survved, but 58 peraons nd flltm. W wkly «<pent «BVr- nd a! days n a hosplul, alve only cty re because he was thrown from the ncner arcraft. Thurad Ue d t. record ---- Ptflte- STnSS pl- LGONER, P a. (AP) - AusU lay A polte. youthful bandt polluuc es h eld up -Ue Ft. Lgoner prased n t Motor - Lodge Frklay and >or co A yalked.oflwlth.fw,.exprca*_ alert, ** g ;hope " can some day natural n.* -p a y t back. ducng T h e m anager; Bemlce whch J* Stranahan; quoted-ue youth.** w yln" m w r r y j a - m -S at. laree eeung Twla F all*.junor D upllute onday BrMge Q ub m et Frday a t JLTld Aloud D u c a te Hall.;..WlnneM were _ v.. M n. Mr. and.m rs.- Harold Wycoff. ] V f Pub- fr*t; M*g; Edmund -Cody and Mra. rene Olver, second; and j h q Mr. andm r*. C. W. Thomas, / A y r A lt Ulrd awfe KaUy Obencban, daughter of t brng Mr*. Shlr Obenchalh, 270 Ln- tnove veralty of daho, Moscow,- for U e:nk*glvng. vacauon. - H e Ladles of Elks wll have a / - regular busness meeung at 8 p.m. Dcc. 6 n Ue Lodge Room of.ue Elk* Buldng. There wll W " be a gft exchange durng Ue past-presldent* Chrbtm as par- Thfl ty after Ue busness meeung. mean «r«welcome. He Ronald E. Heck, son of MK «rong Rreat and Mrs. John R. Heck. 151 T h! wn- Heybum Ave. W., Twn Falls, Th( lobert ha* been prompted to frat,lleu. to Ju tenant n Ue Army. He s pres- show rlnnell enuy servng n Vlet Nam wth Ue p d:----- Ue-65U-Engncer-Battalon-of»ald _ e con- Ue 25th nfantry Dvson. Mba pro lon-g t was UTT* 1 O on the Wdow Sues.S Socety For ovem- /,. hs n( lt. fofluenee S?To. srokw - LOS ANGELES (AP) A Mansf clwell Hollywood wdow has sued Ue pearec onell s John -Brch Sodety and Dan dcddc Smodt; a radlo-tclevblon com- nale ; thrd mentator. clamng they n- *11,1 t-wa* fluenced..tbe-w ll-of her hu*- take-,j pr> bond. * mole n h b The Superor Court sut was ft was fled " re e t L e. owned the Doctor oss enuy ovem- Dog Food Co. He ded Ust Aprl bgger f loca- at 62, hm. " Hb wlll. wrtten n December....Th( nvatt left the socety and Smoot, who., dned Uo gft because of a con- -» t,j dlton that t grant Smoot an - A a, honorary degree. The,nn n. mcn S 6,7_Leense &» fslfpate Sales fhfe OyCm- Jy S Start Dec. 1 pwu The 1967 lccnse plates are jj lc no- slated to go on sole Thursday, on of accordng to Clfford Thompson, " Twn Falls County osseasor. / T > tcrt u " M r. homsson sold ol ve- > hcles must be lcensed by Jan. g to 18, Thompson added Uat. (Con BS n strct enforcement of the low had ta -nff a regulatng lcense plates wll *n che 5?em commence Jan. 19. forger Mton The Twn Falb County offcer men a sad each vehcle owner should been a check the 1966 regbtratloh o r M r.- TWe.to be cerun Ue Utle b owner ṫcorrcct f the dnho ttle hos agreed... not-.been.transferred to Ue pres- lke_to *nm>wnflmh*-own f-ahould-do g n so ot once. f Ue tue b fro m anouer estobll stole, the owner should-be. <;es fdequ y tan ol forms ore n order to to prc apply for the daho Ulle and to *torcs. A purchase lcense plates. Proc 07.-jct Mr. Thompson o d d e d Uat about nose soles tax nformaton must ac- An av< temr. company cach and every vehcle sad. 1 for 45 ttle for trasrcr or for aodllco- Sad [ Uon of an daldfllc: W B roled Lcense plates should be pur- t b a raons chased n thc county whcre-uc he sal owner resdes, Mr. Thompson evervtl e 140 asserted. consld Kan., ln Orphans t S S Banned By S r Move House,_ Jj ",. DOWNHAM MARKET. Eng- m lt* land (A P )-T h b N orfdk towns ",? h, L.. S only move house bas banned u - j round "bngo-orphans" - chlldrcn g touch- parked Ucrc by gombllng par*, lt wj m anager of the Regent cnema, sad he took Ue e gun acton because too many par*. e n u were usng hm ond hb P suff as "cheap Tjoby-slttera."- 5tnlng Ho-6ad-that-on-blngo-nlghta ances rnany os 50 chldren were left YSf n Ue move house. sslble Parents se them nsde, Uen_go_for J h d r. nght, out,"., Brown complaned. And some ther pf {he chldren have to walk «jures, home alone,-though they may be 0 a no more than 7 years old; -"M y-only-soluton-b -to -b ar * 5 C chldren from nghf showlnw «, t ue unless Uey a re accompaned by.. nose gn ju lt or are well over Ue»P age of 10." " Brown; 45. has managed the ng out RQgent for 20 yeara and, as a eho. natve, kno>v* most of. -th b. econd town s 3,500 resdents.:. n a We fare authortes sad they Con JV. a. would nvesugato. "Ub dbturb-. ond!. r l ; n g. tuatlon.. t a nnol o -J;. Smog -CoaUoMd-FromJageJM) - _ only cty relt t? m unlcptf garbage n the ncneratbra, shut.down snce - Thurtday moplng. -T h afn lg h t the cty s ar polluuon rose to a record level, ve tmes the av eragerand WB abovh thehelu r danger pont AusUn H dler, Ue cty s ar dt polluton control commssoner, ler prased Consoldated Edson Co. nd lor coomraung wu the smog ;aj. a le rt The utlty awltched to lay nalurarg*jwhere po**lbe,"re ; ducng Uw ou or coal *moke. ce whch normally poura from. some ot ts elecu-c geoeraung ve - p ; ; ;..).....,.t. actuttulgrougruan usual.satur- - ngraham.. large frm* n c u b n g u seo fj v / S M a u l e d B y M t o n. g! acwsstavnetmsfsfetdtnderr jjd c, went bran surgery Saturday of nght after beng mauled by a movte-hon-at-jttnnlelaad u nesser -M lss-m an sfleld r o -w a» -F p u r under sedatves a» Conejo.Val- land 1 - * ley Communty Hosptal. phone Doctors sad Ue boy.-zoltan; mentln reganed conscousness m om en-... f tarly. Two neurosurgeons, sad Chrbt J Ue y. s condluon was aausfac- woru ""l.o!serhshff= lls. The actress had «<«n her» n 5u. to Jungle and to show hm Ue es- show bus ness anmab w pt «wearln th Ue prvate too, her«..atwmey -of sad clothln Mbs-Mansfeld MW Ue bg wortn - lon-grab-her-sonand-roll-wm p.renon the ground bxjhftjwj She «b»e screamed.,. "Move Dave Payne, a free-lance pho- gnts tographer, wtnessed the attack, the pa All could see was blood on o." hs ncck," he sad. " don t. know wheucr hc was conscous or not but 1 don t thnk so." Payne sad the bg lon Mbs.A Mansfeld was posng-wth ap- (Con * e peared edgy and the- pub cbts an dcddcd to move over to thc fe- m- mole lon.. Mbs n- They were gettng ready to jgj,, s- W ke-a-pltfture ne*t-to- the--fc- -g, male Hon." Payne sad, when a* ft was yelled Uat Ue mala Uon jjjgh c S d lh e youngster apparenuy had walked over to Ue hroue r bgger lon, and waa standng by."ttcre were a lot of anm ab narbw Uere, all chaned dwn," Payne»aldrbuUth»-llon-wat -on-a-a«w- luranr en-f.st chan, gvng hm about o> 14 feet to move around n. here.! "The lon ju m p hm, knock- ne hm down on hs stomach ducted and then got hm by Ue neck. tj,e M The photographer sad tw6 j men struggled to free Ue boy datng from Ue Ton jg r a s p and took the. hm to a hosptar may c MUs-Mantfleld-was-crylng.- eral he sad, "but she wasn t n hys- e\ tera or anyulng. She was pret- j,o ty well shaken up. sure w as. * - m e nojprfl sn w zun n rw sff, sufferng from a deep slosh on f r t Ue cfl sde of h* «e below jy, B a d G h e c k s - w had taken approxmately 11,405 ll n chcck* whch were defnte forgeres for October, from Uree er men alone. One of Ue men hod \d been apprehended, ho added. o r - Mr.-Dunham, and Ja y -D a v b, s owner of Jay. s Save-On F c s, as agreed Uat Ue retallera would ss- llke_w-accpmhodate ther cus- U a t they hope that people wll " t T er esublbh a pattern ln-x:arrylng» r. adequate denuflcauon n order J! to d protect Uemselve* and Ue to stores... / Processng of bad checks costs -- ( lat about 10 per cent of te checks, c- An average bad check, Dunham :1e sad, b wrtten for about $20. j»t-sald Dunhamr"We do fed bad Andb b Yrt meflweflence; DTtrr- r- t b a necessty." Bad accounu. he he sad, wll rabe he prce o f w on everyung. and. Uat must be consdered. - - vt n dscussng meuods of. for- gery, Mr. Dunham dsplayed a l W chcck wth he sgnature of rea-...a 1 surer reproduced by a copyng machne. He olso explaned that some coshler s checks had bcen forged, reproduced and passed..mr. Davs sad that n the post-.wcek_ht-haa,tmel_n-$2,flmjn bad check* to locauaw-enforce; ? ment pfcraonnel. Mr. Dunham, ]; *3 sad he had turned over J575 n bad checks for Ue same tme. f Uc bod chcck wrung per- sb ts, Uey sad, stores wll have to rabe ther prccs.to accom- he nodate k. = = sl OPN HC. ; TODAYJ S a tu rd a y, Nov. 3 7 be 1 P.M. t e S P.M. ajj Q lfq s,-p R Z E S S f t W g* St«p nto eur Chrlnma hj Shop.-We«d.rlo«l.. M th*. moglnatv* d«coral. he ng dm end dtllghtfyl X a! eholm of gr 10 p1«o«r-ry 10,t..... ey Com* ol/.-brovm l«l»of#ly,. b-.o n d g.t lw.h * -6 7 A ChflTnw Sprt...P H ; r -. " " b Q N T Y f - s M. UNDERST *a - We can B eclep c \ _ ta c tfu lr-r«v «re n t. every way. lr T,. m jj p. n & o e ;... V. j [ R e y t n 1 : : FUNERa S r AddlOB /v nc f )f. JAMES C REYNOtOS Joe-.Cllek eadnsmau»kt> " ktfr.r! S?... n ; a r o a s #. s p c W r U t n S p r. S s f.c worth drlvctg black aulem ofl m o,- a p p r o a S h o S S?.* novle rpx and Phl Lowman aetuha rd ty. to{.w ue.*ports car.,.tk en? Sy. neu Hepncr makng fnal check sr son 0 aroraft before takng o f f... n Ue Mortcur v b ltftg wt.... moble.. And overheard: Dho- mster, m y kd l t S c X " Ssnt#.C bm tnd ad on «m uch.as you don t cous ~ " ratahty U u F "n. P a,e O n.), - - S a V " When her ejqre re-af-m aj«s S - 3 Won 2?l*c*?Ph "lore a t Raft Rver Hgh School. Mbs Ward was a mombc -oubft.lds-churclfc J Ue u Survvors nclude parents, two by brothers. Dennb Ward, U.S. o""x, *. Germany, and MdvJn m ab Malta; one sbter, n o c k. Salt Lake CW. mach.. servces wll bd coneck 1-p.m. Wednesday at the M a l t a LDS Ward Chapcl., ho wth Bbhop Harvey Wght.off- to o j rtes wll be held n the Malta Cemetery. Frends na " he McCulloch FuhVs. " W lh o m e -T u e sd a y -a fte m o o n - p «t- nj evenng and ot.the church one hour pror to servces. fh on K mcmother g - Orandmether, ne) Uree >had > avb,... oods, - vould cus- Ft s r hallrf «rmdtu4(, S CHRSTMAS SPECAL 1 b a d ce of Wth 0" ttontt. Addltlonot tons 3.00 oeh.,k 2. LOCAWONS f t me. Burtay, frfo. have Edt com- falfs, daho w t o - ;, G F T D E A S! 647 M an vanub W est... PHONE : J H T Y F S y M P S T H Y NDERSTANDNQ... B e f l s l o n d e d u p o n o r - r «y e r e n t - o M t o t e n c» - ) n vay. eynolds., n - N o ta

3 . WASHNGTON (AP) John By NEL GLBRDE DE.. showed a specal >!ftabh WASHNGTON (AP) - The D«Rockefolterj V wos-.quoted s.. b< govemment reported today a, "** H B Saturday as sayng he has been successful experment to case ease >» poymcnls of 6 to rush-hour traffc lams by lurng month, m dependng on ho H H 8 seeng " a good deal" of )f Sharon people out of thcr can cars ond and they h rode. S Q B Percy., daughter of Republcan epubllcan A -.swsa serecr(3w rlcs Hr-Pcrcy7X3f Percyrxjf pom M rngem wth "prem- _j - or 1 * _BuUwhen-the_federal_: unols.. BuL-sad-the-Department-of 5! a ro a n h rt O n K j r- The Washngton Post reported Housng and.urban - Develop- specal "premum" b u s lhat n a-tclephonc call to Rock- ment.. t remans to,.be.,-be. seen was dropped altogether n eeerrs hom ejn Charleston. W. wl whether cty transt com :ompancs ncs tur. tu va.. Frday nght hc snd he had can do the job on thelr-own r "jmst returned afler spendng «ndng a wthout the $8366 federal S g grant Z. contnued n Peora, few days wf m y famly." used n thc experment, transt company began The 14-month projcct Mt evbn nssuch frlls as th e fr Asked whether hc and md Mss wooed commuters wth tl, free rdes durng an erne, Percy had plans for marrage, narrage, parkng places at work /ork nto breakdown and pass - Rockefeller sad. have seen a leavng ther cars at home and r. started droppng out t good deal of h er but we have not S made any announcement." t rdng thc bus...club" at a rapd rate, ;T he specal rush-hour jr exper- But. sad the nterm : Rockefeller. 28. wos elected ment undertaken, at Decatur the tht company then began 1 a g - as a Democrat ths month to thc * and Peora.., su rted d off wth tutlng the extras and. b. ; West Vrgna House "t of Ml? Dele- f - > 3 * " a sngle busload of 31 passen- at last reporl was cllmbln V-.r-u-na R tes. He s a nephew or of- Gov; " gers and wound up wth 17 up agan.therell be a fo Nelson A. Rdckefcller of New f routes carryng 542 passengers, ssengers rej report later.,t 7 r,<. "j r.j- t h the report sad. _t QVcrlnDDed _ 5 Roclcroller-of-Arkansas.-bolE r - g r - r n regular-b u s-serv ce-n -m any Republcans. areas. J, S S S jg Theyoung Rockefeller 5r served T hrproject was "essentally a personalzed home-to-work S k and MND9 KA COUNT n the Peace Corps and wh wth he the, State Department before re gong reurn express commuter ter tctv- servm ce," the re p o rt d. 1Davd Martn. Ruper >1 Court. lo Charleston to work n n the Ap*.... «K vj. «l U * T h meant pckng up p passe- fal falure to regster: C h > - poochan youth prograh of of tne the REV. AND MRS. A. H. MLLER J L oers o( vrtually at ther elr front front Ok Okleberry, Rupcrl. JS. fal r j war on poverty.... muscans, sngers and gospel mnsters, wll begn a } 3c doors, hgh-speed trps,, free tax tox k transfer, and Edwn Mss Percy has vlsllcd d Rocke- seres of specal servces at lh< he Twn Falls Frst Assembly mbly! rrdes whenever a bus broke down Sherdan, Wyo., ls, Md.. feller n Charleston at at least of God Church, Locust Street N North al Shoup Avenue, begn- «gln* - told a monthly bllng g system equpment, - STUDYNG BAD > CHECK are from lelt. Jay Davu, owner or Jay s Save-On-Foods, M>d», and twce, sources there sad. She nng a t 11 a.m. Sunday and ea each evenng except Saturdays rday nnstead of havng passenmrs, Stanford Dunbam,, manager m at Buttreys Super Store, ore. bolh Twn T FaUs. Bad cheek k wrtng, stayed at the home }f of W. E. at 7:30 p.m. Monday evenng s Men Only Nlghl. Rev. and fufumble for chonge-to drop n a ppr q r f a s t SELUNG R E ays Mr. Dunham,, has doubled doul snce last year and d unless t s stopped consderably, ly, stores Chflton, publsher of the Prtrs. Mller have pastored several Montana churches : and fare box. m ay have to rase t ther prces to accomodate the loss. (Tme (Tmes-News pholo) Charleston traveled Garotte. n thc Evangelstc, ngellstlc, mhm nstry. The publc ma.vmed< vmed, _ Each passenger merely USE TMES-NEWS WAN Hano Hanna annah Seems Dull Totfnsophst phstcated-gs T T ~ quoted-one draft-age youh as tellng the Chcago Daly Dally News. that d ralher be dead than * drafted." Next came a r6cjr*rrolt*tnnr *rrot-wne u», ttled "Glad All Over" :r" and the.. ~ r B y KENNETH L. WHTNG often addressed hcr " dulcet shows feature attracton, a talk SAGON, South Vct, V No Nam tones lo specfc Amercan. (AP) Hard-hcarcd rcd Hano unts. They lold ndvdual vdw sol- ss" s s s s e tn t a U % ~ ~ ce of Cnm- dlers and salors - that VsHKMT ther rannah-conended-lbj-w -L B j-w os a...a L W A Y S "fjam," Just wves wcre beng unfnlthful!.frst S T Q U A U T Y doesn t have t. - whle ther men faccd.1 death. tossng and turnng, unable to... J sleep because of "lengther and Perhaps she s tryng loo hord. Hannah s less specfc and,0pentl9p.m.m( peclflc ond Jengther" U, S. losses n Vct P.M. MONDAYS &FRDAYS.Even the more unsophlsucau ophlslcatcd more polllcal, Nam and worldwde" o " protests Gls fnd Hannah s heavy javy dose of < Her half-hour show w s s broad- aganst the war. propaganda on the dull sde, cast on the shortwave /e band da!- Her theme was that t the Presl- Pre7l- W S And her musc s not tops topa n ly, starllng a t S p.m. on 11B40 dent was "loo> full of care to t. n e n d - o fd t- m o h th n c l e a n - pop- and 9835 kllkyclcs. sleep, and when* sleep fnally dd Hano Hannah-follows lows n the tl Frday s program was farly come t was flled wth nght- joduccd_"a marcs.v, } B BG S A V N G S O N O C D D L O T S, S L SG H T L Y S O L E D, D S C O N T N U E D fo0tfcps_0f_world WVar st H s T o - typcal. Hanna_ntroduccd_*a, tyo Rose and Axs Sally. They Th< specal broadcos to 0 Amercan Hannah appealed to Gls "as t E M S r H U R R Y P S A V E " B G M O N D A Y A N D T U E S D AV Yf too tred to attract lsteners and a servcemen n South Vet Nam. Nom. clear-mnded men, don t let wn Jnflucncc among g Amercan Amerct A rcky-ljck j a u a number yourself be strung ; along n Jn ---Utjupj.... eame-nexf: Johnsons nghtmare;* The broadcastng formu! formula Hannah then spent -fve The show usually ends wth seems smple: get a grl wllh a mnute quotng "Wcsern eslern news Hannoh rectng thc he names, K D R A S T sexy voce and a batch of Amer* agences on Amercan lean battle baltle ranks and branches of the servce of Amercans klled led n Vet f serv- K lpflj5rv R can records lkely to ;o appeal to losses. lonely servccmen, nerspcn nerspcrse Ths wes followed by antwar Nam. These are released :ascd by the 9 < cblumate-newsjtcma S wth_su sub- tems apparently gleaned coned from ; Defense Deportmcnl L n Wash* K f te ant-u.s. propaganda naa and ond-se s U:S, ncw spapers;-hh ennq annah-ro- h-r6.! nblon.-a-schmaluy_vcraon_or -vcraonjof Bw S W j c D E D U C E D back, whle grumblng and ds- ported student demonstratons,! lonstratons, "To Each Hs Own" sgned olf - l l V - M senston spread among tbe en enc- peace pcketng and mllles. mnes. Shc She Frdays program. Sfefe-J- - -1U- Lt. ltl HM my. = = l l j M C Hannah.fals, on a;t t least two tu f S r : S P A F counts. Her voce snt t sexy and ar \ \ the propaganda ptch sn t sn t sub- su \ B ct n B. l te. 1 - P S J ; Axs S*lly and Tokyo rokyo-rose Ro! \ J M e m Of $25,ood 0 0 By Gunman lan m s m g s r 1 f e n d s w t h M ss Percy w 1].: : ; : M J -Sundny, Nov»mhsj,27,196& Jv H * G o v e r n m e h t E s H E a s e T r a f f c J a rt ExpermeM! fc Jams Repdrt< V S T C A t n P A R T A N - R A P E R E S Z S S S Z H B f l k R ch,w eghty jhty.bouc boucle, one of th o s s o n s m ost t favore> favored textured. 2-y«SHELBY, N.C. (AP) - A.:lr:rrJvell dre83cd-gunman,-»8 = 3 : f = B no-sun*fade le g u arar aran tee. Solutlon-dy - Y " -w t h-acetate a c e t a t e a bank offcal Tor an appon ment, then calmly rs robbed b b o Tth ff. g U m j g 4 8x "7 5 x ; bank of S Saturday lurday and. J cscaped.-wth- the bank nk offc offcal -V < as a hostage. Wllam E. Pearce, 33. senlc 120x84, x84.7*18. vce presdentand casher of t / the Frst Natonal Bank w was / released unharmed n n a move theater Jn Charlotte, f. some 40 R E D U C E D 0 B O SSA M en s All W eath err NFANT ~ REDUCED! mles east of Shelby, nearly T O C L E A R N O V A R U G S P R A M B A G S three hours later. f L, _ C O A S _ C T.,c o tto n u c k REDUCED Pearces secretary; r y r M nrs: MEN S BETTER Charl8s-W ray,-told-offcersman telephoned the bank abo about #5mBBaMElW!>BW - o f f lc e r a - a 12:30 p.m. sad he was ft go\ gov- K e S / M B S B S B t B s = SUTS for-$ YARDAGE emment agent, and asked ha that T o w r c r a f t P l u s. 5 o n ly * < Gr Group r dscontnu x l 8,g p a tte m Pearce reman a t the bank abo about 20 mnutes, untl he arrved.. O r g n a lly $ _ M ENS 60 only MENS Room Sze, Cleveland County Sherf/ herff Hav Kay., FlanneLSbrts wood Allen sad the bandll bandt. s SPORT J SLACKS N o w carryng a brefcase,, frst wer went to Mabel Ellott, a teller, am J 8 _ RUGS WOOL BLEND asked to see Pearce. N FA N TS The-Charlotte.Qffc8uo._th csuo!._the t FNE QUALTY r v $ Y A R D A G E TB, sad, the man showed a Georga Bureau of nvestgato weslgaton j S N O W S U T BO Y S. M E N S,. 5 4 " «n d 5 8 " w ld s T S = R E D U C E D! «r ELEECE.LNED, ; _, FLEECE LNED card n Pearces offce.. Thft.handlt.then.ptlled,a.pbtc ahd presented Pearce wth a M, 8 8 GrlsLBRlEFS. P l a d J a c k e t\s s C o w h d e J a c : k e t y a r d of blls he wanted amountng nounlng J r L : 8 8 ~ 6 f o r $ l MENS BETTER - d -th e -b t»p a n B oyal JVcdBn.,. dt to the vault, where sre Pearc Pearce. S p o r r S h r t s consulted. Fred Morehead- am J H H. S p o r t S h r t s. Reduced to clear was nformed the bank dldn ddnt F sbulod* buyl T B G SAVNGS S A V ON FOG FOOTVEAR have $50,000 n cash. The-bandt bandl W om ona. _ then ordered $25,000 n $100 am and m / 8 " Q f l f l D R E SS H E E L S w o r kc bb oo oo t Tj S...v. o o a n d 2. 2 ; $50 blls, Morehead made lade up the th - 3 f o r $ 5 S; package and gave t to the ban- B oy» S " r o o W om en s ns A O Q O. P P. FLATS 3 AND N D CASUALS d t. / W O M EN S -----:----- BOOTS-... R E N S KHAK Morehead sad. later the ban. M en s 8 nautated... 1 l, 8 8 c H O OOL L SHOS H O E S dt and Pearce conversed n-low n-lov / T e x f u r e d T g t s 8 8 YW O R K P A N T q h t S WORK S H O E... tones >vhle ho was nsde the tht -. S aam lo as M en s & B o y s M ons 4buekl«4<-buckle n a q vaull. 0 0 D R E SS S H O E S D R E SS S OVER! V E R SH O ES,... O..48 H O. SH RTS thought there was as some W om ens a n d M sses W arm s e s W arm Q O M e n s yf 0 Q0 Q PAA N T S... 1 thng funny gong on,, More -! O O O N S UJTED L / D P A C S... H. O0 O 0 SHS H R T S...1 LNED B O O TS. U head sad, *»ur-l~ddh t-knov dh t~jcnow, - M en en s s 4-buekle -. > 1 0! rwhatv M r. Pffflrr/!... jv was-x a rnln alm , WORK O V ERSH O ES... ;; T- 4 8O 8 L, - <LON WORK W OM ENS... through t all. and so 0- was the th» bandt." «E MEN S ALL-WOOL. S R C S rf A N C rr r V M y lrf» «c s n «. C ALL-N-ONE After recevng- the te money, j Slxe 2 to 7 t s TOPCOATS K n e e - H S o c;< k s G L O V E S the bandt told Pearce "Lets "Ler. G R D L E S goa-pearce-rcmttrked-to-anoth d-to-anoh " W a r J?s«WMd_tp cltfur R s u eev J L.._.R «Juc«J4o.clW *r er employe that he would-.u z l z z s B z : ; > p back after, luncb. C t O O : ; r 9 9 c... Z.$ T..p a r ::_.:: A Jajor,. Hubert R!ap«r. a r,!«w! sow m s s e s PP ae nr s - p a c e d k nl t t, o g B O Y S P R E P Pearce get ntothedrvers SCO,. B o y s \W a r m L o rjg M. - FOR THE HOME.orjg..BOYS W ARM TERRFC. BUY of a.yellow and black k ocar ranc S c O WV S h o Ww f o k e e p. j e a t l drve away wth the bandt. k e t s t S w s $. $ r r " P u l l o v e r S w e a t esrs. r s, Mana m Broken S}zc Fur Jackeh [ p f c V e l o u r J a c k e t Ourswlng.jklflad-ace g-sl:lrlbd acelote knl know lls ploce o n d.. * j F a s h l o r ) C o l o r s Flaae* L lnsd f A _$ NAMED LEADER sloys there through olmost ony seoon! Ths low- t. SOVEREGN o O Q. SHOSHONE Word :d was re- - wajter ho Hos o luxurous loxurlo slken sheen plus soma, - cl.1 S P R E A D »..ceved by Mr. and Mrs. Dor. S l " ;?? H N E Q U A L T Y ~ / je a n s Wnlamn, thattht»lr snn, Larry, votv procfcornews-l cfcolnews-l bonded to ocetqle rlcot TT; KNQ SZE Q O O. 3L. - -S H E. T T.-. O.V - y _ /w ho s located a t the 5 U.S. Re- R. ;lcvr>cpe,keepln9u t - MEN S WOO L. -t W o m e n s keeplngel.tcom -dqlolllng U oceent-; -Neyerne«d-ronnj.em t Tranng Staton n at t < e t S E M N A N T O 2 f o r $ S San od wth a 3 babybow *baby* (»w. R o y o r e, tr o p c o r e n, S98= = P l «a k W G o W r Dego. C a»f... has been ecn made R sd u c e d <#<uad-caar.- M6: h u ; bcj closfled Sonar Techncan bf Sub< > 8 : - S 2 t a S t \ :... J -.. > KS 66c ~...

4 ~ f f l ; f {sss, n r w S S S m E r m 5 S S S Z B M L, /r f f s s r A K, r a r? «. v. s : - tll.math*. U-M:» *>* **., cl S O S B V o m W X X X. " telg y ftp n Wflg_3UDD0S!ed to VOljt. Sl n a to n s e d u c a to n a l system.. T o d a y /to b e su re. f J ; ; Cl fb le v a lo L Jta tlq n sjn --?. T V (nstructonal televson) s a proved g,, "yo"!/ 11 ths, the most sl8" " J :-. S u S Ths ndctment s S s ; r b U. s?.? e s r c e. - ment ot EducaUon. -...«. e le m e n ta ry schools only a..s ta r tl g,9.? p e r c e n t w e re ft fo r d strb u U o n. T h e r e r t - - w e r e r e jectfed b e c a u s e o t n stru c to n a l, ~ Not* n e a rly enough h a s b e e n done, s a y s ta t the report, to ntegrate televson to the K S S m. elther% theaverase tch - wj e r s d a y -to la y p ro g ra m o r th e t l c u r- [ rculum of the school o r college- F or ths wf t b la m e s b o th a d m n s tra to rs a n d te a c h - the e r s prt " V o u r ty p c a l c la ssro o m te a c h e r c a r e s m u c h m o r e a b o u t w h a t h e r P rn c p a ls a y s me a n d w a n ts th a n sh e c a r e s a b o u t w h a t sg- n a l sh e g e ts fro m W X» C. - - f televso n s e v e r to u p g ra d e th e qual«wo ty of A m erfcan educatton and encourage w.. n s te a d o f m e re ly!>etog th ro w n n to th e.: b r e a c h -to a lle v a te tb e p ro b le m s c a u s e d b y too few te a c h e rs a n d too m a n y ptu- cov d e ta, t w ll h a v e to b e w e d a ot m o re dw fle x b ly a n d m a g n a tv e ly th a n t h a s 80 f a r.- tv T g R E E B A G S FULL o v e r th e e y e s o f B o lv a n s. f th e p la n - scceed s, t could tra n s fo rm, th e h e rd n g o f sh eep, lla m a a n d a lp a c a mw a boom n g n d u s try t h a t c o u ld b rn g - n «2 m l- j lo n a y e a r a n d s tm u la te re la te d e c joh n o m c acu v ty to th e tu n e o f?30 to WO b «m llo n h a c o u n try t h a t d e sp e ra te ly J j; n e e d s t. S A s tu d y m a d e, a few y e a r s a g o fo u n d m th a t B o lv a h a d s x m llon _ sh eep, sx C m llo n lla m a s an d S W J a lp a c a s. g e th e r th e y could-.p ro d u c e som e eg h t - TOllUoh-pounds of wool a y ear. However, only 10 per cent of the anmals were loo beng sheared.... t!v F o r c e n tu re s, Tndahs n th e tw o-m le- hgh Altplmm (hgmands) regon ot B(> t lv a.h a d.b e c n ra s n g th e an m a ls,.pull- pen n e o r c u ttn g o n ly th e w ool th e y n e e d e d Adr fo r th e r b la n k e ts w d c lo th n g. T h ey w e re ure a f r a d to s h e a r th e a n m a ls t e c a u s e e y d d n o t re a lx e th e w ool w o u ld grow baclc a n d o ften w a te d u n tl o ne d ed b e fo re» ta k n g ts w o o l.,. T o d a y a p ro g ra m s ta r te d b y U tah S ta te U n v e rs ty u n d e r th e A lla n c e fo r P ro g - r e s s s te a c h n g th e A ltp lan o n d an s how gesa to s h e a r th e r-h e rd s a n d.-b y s o M n s r o om en te r nto tbe.econom lc lfe o f lhe naton *«> n a n m p o r ta n t w ay. U.S. ECO N O M Y : A RUNAW AY, h? D e sp te h g h n te re s t ra te s. -the re p e a l «r o f th e s e v e n j> er c e n t ta x c re d t ot n ew n- j *JJ v e stm en t M d a p p < - fro m - th e P re s- d e n t, b u sn e ss w ll a p p ly no. b ra k e s to th e fare t h r u s t o f ex p a n so n n Nc n a s u rv e y o f 2,000 m a n u fa c tu re rs con- d u c te d b y M o d em n d u s try m ag azn e. f e w e r t h a n 20 p e r c e n t o f th e re s p o n d e n t of al n d c a te d t h a t th y w l d e fln te ly h a lt o r. Th d e f e r sp e n d n g on p U n t re m o d eln g a n d conytru ctlo n = n n ess~ th e-tlg h t-m o n ey-s» t- u a tlo n jr e r a lls f a r lo n g e r th a n rlt-h a a. M ost of the nanuflcturers, w ere evenly su tt.d v d e d b e tw e e n tose w h o d b n o t e x p e c t esh to c h a n g e th d r 1967 p la n s a n d h o s e w h o * w lf g o a h e a d "but m a y d e c d e to -d e fe r m a r g n a l p ro w ts :; -. _ bsrl O n e m a n u f a c tu r e r T e p U U a t h \s o w n du$t«f r m s a s s e s s m e n t o f th e o v e ra ll s ta te o f t U th & jecoo< m y-dttrng-the-next-few --years W ll c a n y m o r a w e g h t, th a n a n y re c e n t m o v e s bytt&e s o v e m m e n t. «xpt.s ta te d o n e e x e c u tv e v /c e predentt m U V V e f»u" btu d -!. au Uut Uut Tcquhrey afvm regardless of the m bney m arlcet. - tv - t sn t e a «r to d e c k r e h a n econom y, a s S «fcergfe< p :w w p «roberant-as - the ap t N A T O N A L j r r By ANDWW TOLLY.... WAsmNGTON--Deveopmeots n Japan and nda n recent weekt hava-put tba ttnted,state* US and (he Sovet Unon oo notce hatjtlm e t be- - comng of b e eacbce fareachlnfaa agreem ent ~,(. aa tatemttfcmal treatyo b tr * h e t p c e a d o f n u d e a r p o R s. After 20 of aatlooalab n B h o r r e n c a of e the th o t o f > by exstng nu-,, " * * * * d e a r power* to stop majdngju- *, : clear veapons. The m etsage u> An<n«n n r *hould be p a n : l h a t the lontf- v e r the U.S. and SovleU horse around, the more f \ drrcult t 4 gong to-be to brtag the re»t of the V. world tno any. agreement. > n Japan, the omnous pont b that the people should even talkng about makng nudear 10 weapons. Ever snce lhe end of World War. the subject had had the su tus almost of an offl- V cal taboo. But gradually, n the past two years, A, prhrale debates among poltcans and ntelec-.\ - lual3_have.epread_to_the plata ctlens. largely v - asra re su lt-o r cbmmublsrclna sfo u r nuclear explosons.. K t s not just academc chatter, ether. Ex- r t s say Japan has the technology, the money * and the faclttes bj buld a medlum-range nu* t dear-arm ed mssle n from 18 months to two. OLYMPC GAMES RASED P R D E - Red Chna s mostly to blame, remarked one dplo* m at here, "but we may lve to wsh the Japa- * nese had never been host to those damned Olym- r pc games n Ke notes that thc games 1 se t the Japanese off on a surge of natonal prde "and got some of them to thnkng that t was f vjt*l-to-thep-»atonal-dgn/ty-lo-/on the nuclear JA* club. A t any rate, a poll taken by Unversty of t Tokyo students n ther home towns durng thc / fall holdays showed that 10 per ccnt of hgh U school students a t ouer unverstes were n favor of Japan produdng nudear arm s. Ths s hghly, ond omnously, sgnfcant becausc fudent. fp (fe oast have been the most vgor-? flu4_n_opposlnany-juclear.prow am a t n. Meanwhle, onother survey showed that 20 per cent of the Japanese people as a whole favored ther country acqurng nuclear weapons. Another sgnfcant, note n both surveys was a com plant.by many of those ntervewed that the Japanese ant-nudear movement had been ufcen over by polltfcoj groups to serve tcjr own narrow p u r ses. The J a n c s e seem lo be So begnnng to wonder f a ban on-a n udear pro- cd gram s now n the natonal nterest, or f t. s Aro m erely beng, used by poltcans to keep the part raton wmk so that they can step n and lake Tm over..,. T N s r s T n r a N D n a w nda, as usual, has managed lo speak n a and m anner whch leaves the world wonderng do r where t stands. Her am bassador lo the Unted thlnf Natons. C. K. Trlved, m ad a speech recently Yo n whch he ndcated strongly that nda would coun refuse to sgn a. non-prolferaton treaty unless to the present nuclear powers. ncludng commu* try v nst Chna, also sfg n and agreed (a halt thc used prtxlucton of nudear weapons. So Trlvedl snce has dened that L whot he gree: meant. Whle sayng that nda does)t want to sgn a treaty w h l permts exsung nudear wat powers (0 go on producng weapons. Trlved sad he wa* merely outlnng the prncples nda would lke to see n a treaty. nda ppbably _ woufd to. atofltf w/u. w hatever the U.S. and Sovet Unon found accepuble. h e added.,-my But the feelng here tohlut nda s preparng a poston for barganng purposes, whch would fra m ean more debate even after the U.S. and Mos- cow reached agreem ent And Japan s slowly tnnk changng atttude threatens more complcatons from that source. As one offcal put t, *lf Waahfngton. and Moscow sgned a treaty (oday, GV t wouldnt be too soon. Fv M M c a a a n M M M n H m n n B D a K H n n apnunn ter S CAUSE-AN>*EFTOCT. F ederal budget talk revolves arod Presdent to gc Johnson s J112.8 bllon fgure. Forget t.ts a Call: bookkeepersreckonng. The Congress that just Bla adjourned authorsed spendng of more than call SU4 bmon, only S3 bllon less than the all-tme record for one year, whch was posted n 1M2,<*Oue durng World W ar 21. Congress and the Whte House are now n a m u p r e T w H c h - r h e more responsb-le7or tfe spree. Congressonal leaders say hey actually montl cut presdental requests by S883 mllon. But nered the Budget Bureau says that calculaton over- v a n looks a Tew tems, such as the ncrease n the Ha salares of govemment employes. Congrer away says the bureau, added about f3.5 bllon lo the PresWenL s fgures. tanks T hat s aqubble. The spendng fgure s stu- tal pendous and s certan to become more ao. The hove Admnstraton s budget ncluded a fg- o r ca ure of $10.5 blllkn for the Vct Nam war. t s woulc sure to cosfm uch more than that,, moybe twce clft fc as much. And there goes the 1942 spendng ree Sx* ord. away. Housewves who kre pcketng the naton s food are s stores should concentrate ther effort! on the nets e source* of nflaton, lbt lust th o se jw ln b " a t w Ja whch-lhcy-fccl.thc-panful-re5ults.-thcre-*-a.pn drect chan Of causc-and*effeet lnkng the lar* ges* of the naton s lawmakers and the hgh cost tcrloh of-the-essentals-of-llfcra sk-your-congressman about.lt. The Oregonan. mm PREVENnON AND CONTROL Last year, n a seres of artldes underscorng the menace of alcohol to socety, ths newspa*... per callcd for the federal govemment to declare "all-out w ar on alcoholsm. Last March, Pres* dent Johnson sounded a warnng that alcohol srescnted a serous threat to the natons welfare. -. Now, n Tespon.<» to.hs message, the Department of Health. Educaton,, and W dfare has an* NEV lounced a m ajor new program, to nclude- a b the latonal center for th e preventon and control At <.falcoholl,m., The new ccnter w ruoderlake and promote n o la v esearch and seek to develop mproved educa- mnd lfln«l.thn,jm.. - of_var O ffkab underlned the compellng need for (aces ntensfled federal effort by cttag some tdlng.. j U tbtlcs. They observed t b t one out o f every ght Amercans lves wth tbe problem, ether S an. alcoholc or as a mem ber of Ws famly. hat n some-cases.the alcoholc and h b lanly ost the communty u much as SOO.OOO durng At! lstllfetme, that alcoholbn costs Amercan n- lujty an estmated C bllon,.a year, aad that A go t b a fa c td r n at Jeast.M per te n t of alt traffe calore (talltles... V. than h T hb fejeral program wll be espeoalljr bene* ror fl dal f t goes beyood tbe punly docal and - Somt xplore* new method* for dentlyaf and elm- always w.ucatlonal meaw rea, tbe federal effort Peop.But~the fcdenl goverhea cannot t e thng t: de alone.-swte*aad-k>cal-government<-a3-well lar and pystsrqup9.r.aeed;o<dotbl«t:tbr Sran T r - T pan and ed,state* ~ ne b be- greement (y o b a r capons. lo n a ra b -... stngnukflg n u -..ft? message the lonthemore r j»t of the V A le people nudear War. r an offl- y. ro years,.-v ( ntelec- - X.. _ ler. Ex- money nge. nu* to two ; games, 1 - -y ~ : y g g... rslty of rng Vm f «r? t V s J > e e z n Ths s A becausc / / / 20 per favored j(j vs was The S p ectato r d been cern e (jelr SOMETHNG NEW. JU«Tl 10 be Somethng new has been odd*. r r lar pro* cd and ths b t. Breezn Pro f t. s Around wll be partly humor, :ep the partly serous, partly wrtten by nd lake Tmes*News staffers and partly mem wrtten by you. have o u can stlt fnd hnmpc fnr snce JAL_ youc>.cats and Jo g s, of.tcourse, fnore k n a and complonlbout thngs you prese nderng do not lke whle prabng the Unted thngs you lke. war. ecent y Your tems should be short, of poc would course, and we may not be able unless to get everythng n but a bg»mmu* try wll be made. f t cannot bs «lt the used you wll be told.... So let s go. The address s " t he Breezn Around, c/o The Tmes- 5 r f e S S n g * Trlved,,. Unte a>bably _ VOU RE RGHT] vacu S and Spectator; uum would Sranddauter (my son s daugh- las 11 d MOS- ter) b 22. Now what do you onto slowly thnk of that? ndue catons Buhlltes won. t, f V,. As (Oday. GVE-AWAY DEPAKmENT debat Fve yellow and whte ktten*: bm. : _ F rst house east of Wendell on fedn; Hghway 25. our v Four kttens seven weekn old. h»r» 5 V arusbauulul -colors and a l on"lh are male. Teleone af- ocean B fl ter S:30 p.m. press Three puppes, one male and tells 1... _ two female; weaned and ready ndoc uoent to go. Some Labrador theren, ng to t s a Car733-J559 aftcr 6 p.m. Callfo at just Block Cocker Spand Puppy, felt! than Call 733-8S8S. Germ,11-tme Would lke nce home for perlal n 1942,»Queene. <3ood wth, chldren captu and she b a spayed-femafe Toy Brtaf v J n a C o U le-jaa-had-alt-hec-ahot*.would for the and! has a lcense. She s 16 Hemh ctually months old and s well mon- Conod 1. But nered. You-can aee h e r;a t 456 West over- Van Buren St. n Twn Fals. South, n t _H ave three.kttens. to gve The t g r e away. rone-black and two ore Rusc W (he (/gers (not the knd fn (he that v,, tanks). O ne.b cute even whout thrcot ts stu- a tal. All nre box traned. Can today 9. The hove by callng at 467 Maurce lontc a fr- o r call 733*9658 and wll delver. They. t Would make a fne-chrstmas token, twce gft for some youngster.. power g rec Sx*wcek*old puppes to gve compa # J away. Mostly male* and they grcate s food are Sheerd type. W be good the t J-.t pets o r work dogs. Contact Rex Aaon. w «t W. Jam es at Haley.. nese. - * a pgeons-to-gvc-aw ayr Call obsolu le lor* or sec them ot 203 Os- enorm *» cost tccloh-ave..njrwn-paus. Germ* ssm an awawmbwaaabfbbbwbatrt r Tns Poor Man s ;wspa* " S - Plato _ ByHALBOYLE ephrt-»s an* NEW YORK (AP) Memory! they w Jde-a b the mag mrrpr ofjfe. - A t b wmal H At wlll t can blot out the crnkly, harsh-present and n an nsant cu *»pl*y paat- brngng m held u, duca- njfnd clearly agan the wanhth S*- j - j - l of-vanlhr r»rw><,_w)lce«nn><, Some for faces. roha> tv ly * " 4 S.P rclly bs fs j! m em ter whef;.. w. urlna AT healthy babes were ex* found ( " 2 * pected to be fat and n»y. S S ; (hot A good eater would splll more m uch ffoe calores on hs neckte ac lunch Abou than hs doctor now allows hm seemed bene* fotsl day. r 1 and - Some prankster n school was m eat e ellm- a l w a y a y ffort People would gve a good deal ntohonghu bffom -bumtogcoay. tbe thng that co.u more than a dol- Aoyo -well lar and a - h a lf.- ; d n an al Uar T=-Brandp<-doled-out pennes anddd. J n a a m tb u cola p u as-1/ tall pa Today And J Tomorrow By WALTER LPPMANN The ccnter of our greatest con- would cern today. s an unanswered f Ch queston; as hc paramount pow* t«ll add*.r n thc Pacfc, what s our frontl *2n proper role on lhe Asan conlln- blue n,or. O n by fnd t enlghtenng to re* On ortly member (hot -wne Amercans consk have been nterested n Asa left o fnr. snce_the f:hln«trade gf«n OflL: urse. fore th an a century.ago.rouc Wl- you present predomnance s a con* pater the sequence of the second world nto war. By 1945 all the establshed stead t nt powers n Eastem Aslo had the g he been knockcd but. The Brlbh, tress h<0 French and Netherlands empfts rary hj were destroyed by Japan.. The tagca Sovet Unon was prostraed by dcbatj, the war wth Htler. Chno was The ravaged by cvl war. Fnally about Japan, the erstwhle vctor, was Unted defeoted and dlsormed by the n o Unted States. Thus, there was the fc created across the Pacfc a vast the U vacuum of power. nto th b vac- has b uum the Amercan power flowed to so; age. ond washed.up oyer theedges of as rcf n n y tne contnent, onto the pcnnsu* can p ugh- los lke Korea and ndochna, movln. you onto lhe offshore Aslan slands been 1 ncludng Japan. Oknawa, Tal* tlonlst le* wan. oh to. As one of the velerans of the plnes. NT debate atwut Amercan sofatlon- < *ns. bm. understand very well lhe Thus, 1 on feelng of hose who say Uat when our vtal ntcresb demand that «nuc- M U e th e r s h o r - o f t ontj j af- oceans. The Presdent b ex* Presd pressng ths feelng when he w e a and tells us (hat we are lghtlne n AmerJ ady ndochna n order lo avod hav- ren. ng to fght later n Hawa and ot Brl O llfom la. That s the way we ppy. felt n 1917 and n 1940: f the Amerl< Germans, who were bent on m* tae s j for perlal expanson, conquered and Frenc Jren captured the mlllary power of N W : Toy Brtan end France, the way comm ho*»ould-be_open,.,tn thc-w eatem n tt S Hemsphere through cdond and JKcurr non- Conoda n the North, through throug 56 West Afrca and Brotll n the pur m. South. - ~ gve The Presdent and Secrelarv ore Rusc ore passksnalcly convnced (he that we face the sam e knd of lout threat from across lhe Pacfc J! Can today a* we faced across the At- rce lontc n the two German wars, ver. They are. am convnced, ms- " mas token. Amercan sea and ar,t,,", power ore. both, absolulely and?ve comparatvely. m m e n s e l y hey greater today (han they were at ood the tme of the world wars. EJ Rex Asan, or more parllculorly Ch* T, * nese. sea and or_powcr.larc, Call obsolutely and comparatvely, Os- enormously weaker than was T -l,,,, Germnny:s._3herefore.-houglJ States «ppe,r shores thew a ed out : Ther* bond 0 as lte> - *econ± the acc of Asa the wc orylthey were made of sold gold. London " At bedtme, small boys had doclly the crnkly red marks oround ther presenc am legs leh there by garters that man. hem up ther lor\g Nack slock- lhe hal hth ngs; 1 the Asl md Some- small lads, were emo* BrtUh lonally scklrtd(or llf e -s n te eontlnw L._ result of beng forced lo wear French sbslfed lttle Lord Fauntleroy b tbd l outfts... Johnson " * The postman came.to the Aslan r house twce a day and stll : The e* found tme to readjnost of -the Rusk b«. r e - U. r Ch About the only people who shores nt *eem ed -to -retre-o n -p en slo t«not-lhln were ralroad men and govern- Atlantc /as meat employes. ooened gn A person from a Urge town T heyar lek {p a mfwt A small town- as one of those mon an :al g a h e r e u > the tage, a X - Anyone who had b e e n j u r l s p r u - <oanalj«d kb p rtf-to -h m sd f osophlc es and ddn tb ra g abotm t a t cock* ofwest - 1 /tal parlaa..... (ba Pac jjjja out 0 h WM sourd slum A er PPMAMN S l j!st con- would be much more pleasant presd swcred f Chna were a frendly power, try cn nj pow* beleve that the true mltary nstan s our fronter between,us les n the Mor conlln- blue w ater of the Pacfc and the p not on the manland of Chna, fronk to re* On the subject of. solaton, pretty erlcans conslderable.confslon has been meant 1 Asa left over from the debates whch tenant orovc 941- The m l M u e ln s c t- a a con* baterw asnot whether to recede colled world nto fortress Amerca" or n* w K o blshed stead to sally forth and polce _,jy * a had the globe. The noton of fop T f? Brlbh, tress Amerca" was a tempo* m p fts n7 aberraton, a bt of stra- /n P n. The teglcal navete concocted as a e 0 led by debatng pont was The heart of the real debate pmro Fnally about solaton was whether thc V tha r. was Unted Slates should ntervene Johnw by the n o European war. For from he d re was the foundaton of the republc, atarls a vast the Unted Slates foregn polcy World b vac- has been solatonst, that b of Oc flowed to soy nonntervenllonbt. only ges of as regards Europe. The Amerl- Snnsu can p e Have - owoys been Khlna, movng westword; they have sbhds been expansonbt ond nterven*. Tal* tlonlst across the contnent and oh to Aloska, Hawa, the Phlp* of the pnes. t was aganst Europe tfatlon- that they turned ther bocks, ell the Thus, n lhe frst world war B) / Uat when Germany attacked lhe At- d that lantlc-hlghways and threatened pn»-r m =»MM r Brn ln npj.& anct Jtwo on-lhe-ohor-shore-of-the-ocean, znneft u ex. Presdent Wlson deferrng to of pu en he the ant*euroman tradton of "cold ne n Amercan poltcs-nssted thnt sdencc d hav- we were fghtng not as an-.ally uture. 11 and of Brtan and France but as an leaves ay we "assocate. n lhat w ar the reserv Jf lhe Amerlcon Army fought under -They Dn m* the s u p r e m c command of a connot d and Frenchmon and the Amercan should ver of N*vy fought under thc supreme ble. th. H-ay command of a Brtbh admral, bllty v <t.m n the second world war there To_n,d and occurred an h s t o r c oreak- Jean trough through and the resulls of t are would 1 n the our man concern today. Amer* ther tl ca fought nq longer as an assfr Schurr, dole and an 0 u x l M a ry. t and ll emerged as hc prncpal orsen* Pork C 11a «l and reserve and treasury of Unlk the Westem allance, and t adds. ( u- A, commanded lhe alled forces n from 1 the West. Ths was the defntve comple m t 0 * of our former solaton. soclo-hl ar * order to understand what whch,.- th b means wc must remnd our- "Men y V sdves of the olher sde of Ue by cu,, con. Just as Amerca emerged severe a.1 the prncpal power of the The Ch 7 rm West, our European Alles were T»e. t tosng ther mperal poston* freezln*. d n-a sla-and-a frcarjust-w heh Robert Amerca appeared as the West* A phj,.»h u era superpower, the ntematlon- Park. ( ShJt al orter-whhn-whch the Unted detalb T., States had grown up was db- "The 1 J l appearng. We r e a c h e d the ty." H shares of A sb n 1945 Just as fadlltle K the Westerer* were beng push- ment H ed out of A sb. stead ol : There wo* gone the essental -A n B bond of the ntemattonal order Lfe Ex as t exsted untl tbe end of the aet up, H - *ccond3 VDrld~wr.~The bond was Wasblnj the acceptance by the people* eal clt of Asb o f the practce of lettng and Ho the word be govented from t bs ld. London o r P arb. ther habtual "Freeze had doclly and obedence n the Saul K< ther presence of the Western whte ant N that man. t was ths revoluton n RelatlQ lock* lhe hablu and expectatons of entlflc the Aslans whch compelled the Ettng emo* Brtbh to leave the ndan sub- mert ag n t e eontlnentrwtf-c-h- forced-the tohable wear French out of ndochlna.-whlch ologlcal leroy b tbday resstng Presdent fended Johnson s -pretensons on the though the Aslan manland;. ng h rtlll : The Presdent and Secretory ng a sc f -the Pusk beleve that the problems - Wrllla vcry of peace and securty are e.«cn* tlan Ce tlauy lhe sam e on tbe other project who shores of.both the oceans. do slow nothlqlcnhey"are.< Acror he pes -no vern- Atlontlc are the peoples who buw ll ooened up and settled Amerca: tons» town They are the-peoples w ta whom ouch a lo -a most-amafkanfcrshare-a-oom - toas: hose mon ancestry, a common her* u geer > the tage, a conunoa cultare,, tbe of the ««ame-ralgons> the aa me-baste le mul-tl psy. jursprudence and the vast phu* that wh Rsdf osopnlcal-and-artstc -treasury ter o f 1»ck* w esterhcvllzatonra crosy wly--hot tba Pacfc ar* to Aslan peo-jbor.... _ / : , : , 3_ W A S H N W A Sfm G lbn Even before frem - th ev o tesw ere counted-n-tbe The s, recent electon. Vce PresWent rate : Hubert-H.- Humphrey had pre- prval dt poston, Hb rf 39: own p r v a t e 000 n p c e d lc w a* Wh«for a toss of. 40 a ga o r 41 h o u * e bouse eat* OB_ha Ukcjl r6ree3 lt~was plan- d e a r beyond a b qu doabttbml mon- a re d ey to fnance team he Grear-Sod* erat*- ety.program* that wdum be* dlff- all-sc cult. f not lm- *lst tl. t U f chb4«possble, to pry wll c J out of the Mtb Congress. age.. - fa speech la the West/ng- But house Broadcastng Co.*a.Urban publc Affars Conference n Phladel* tually ; l a that got almost no alen* have.. j / ton at- the tme. Humphrey BEA /. suesled a.w ay.out. Snce the has lo ctes, no longer have Ue re- the e source* to manage the prob- move fcm sorthe flum s.le sald T e pefml slum areas should be "treated m ark «a c tly as vre treat the under* eratln developed natons n our for- When elgn ad program. more. He proposed loans guaranteed short*l _ by the federal governm entjor cent 1 Amercan bblness d nvest n subsld housng and other projects. Such Oka: guaranteed loans have ncreas* seems. ngly become the pattern n the by wh ad program to developng coun* let tht tres. that t As a model, Humphrey ponted h*ve _ 2 rjlural.e]cctrfcauqn.ada mslstraton. whch snce ts start n 1335 has loaned,j6 b- lon at an average rate of two per cent nterest. REA has bult not only a notlonwlde rural ds* trbuon system but extensve 8. w r-gcnerotng. f a c l t j s A-notonal-hotBlnBTJlSVtlspff }J? fund-wotjld.-ln H n m p h r c y r r posa, provde loans for non*» proft corporatons and cooper- u,f atves. Wthout help, the Mce,n t presdent noted, prvate ndus* f " er, try cannot make money n most S"* l y»t.nct5l to».m :om eho»ta,. Z t nd the past, and Humphrey wos 85 w r nn?!!, hos been a the Ho?n, pretty dreary busness. t has wth t en m eant great barracks n whch S e a l" md g a result. The vce J r f c n t Bm"ar n- S h»*e«hborhoods dowrtw ce 1 P««s, dean streets, odustr S: Srctkf," "" ra- n proposng ths approach n whe a late October he may have had b anot one eye on what b the most ly, lhe,le omltou threat to the prosper- large n ;he ty that has beeh a boast of the ate anc ;ne John«)n -admnstraton. That b n hous )m the dramotc drop n housng rpples M levd-snce omy. j cy rld War. For the month usually s of October sarls wcro down news 0 " Relgon Today ar B y G E O R G E W. C O R N ELL "d (A P R e g lo W rter) MV-6 RC-(AP.)--.-The dea U f > "8 pcrsons n dnlca.h " " a l S lt sclcncc tlndj w»j.j J,te lly lulurc-.lo rcjorc helr hcjllh vtnuall he ScrvB tm hcologlans wth tlon lot cr -They dslct on the rcllclom. connotallons. But c»cn r 11,.. *.,,n Jo u ld bccome techncally tcasl- re them out of jotnt wllh r* ther tme, says Dr. George M. e r 0- Schnrr heod of the ohlltuophv enta v t ond rteology deportment at venljed n* Park le g e, Parkvllle, Mo. (or suf of Unlke a newborn chld, he nltely t adds, they "would be starlna t wo n from a tolal lfe orlentalbn ment slep.wth the proccss. * «/ thbtorcal context" n develop at whch thwr were revved. clergym «by cultural shocks much less be!" le The Chrstan Century. posab * /J?.?--Povem ent for deep neverth S AVJJ«9"-»P*rked by How-f. :n R o rt C. W. Ettnger. can go t P. V «*Bhland t ought h**,n 0 hook. "Post mmorall. even \ S *vclopm en of cessful. or "cryogcnc mer* v e g e t capsules". n- freaks. atmd of bural or crematon., Perso organzaton colled the rooted ;r Lfe Extenson Socety has been text h e act up, wth headqlajcrs! J? dc5 ep crs n xcv- and S r S d S a ". f t sste* a news, letter called "The»*5** "Wat-Reanmate." Says tty s t, rk coordnator: tlons n n Relatve mmortallly s a scl- f ht«ccj.;s e hough ohcrs assal t, asser* S,! v " " "" - tons.w hrt, they chersh as cty of much a / we chersh our tradl- ognee<d tuus TT- Ough t seems lo me a shallow vew graspng - that whle Amerca b he.dawh* e a *? ter of--eun>pe.-,toa8la t can t l u t ev r wy-hopc-to-be-a-good-negh: H e n n jvor... - /rocejt a / : befcm from S e W M.7 cent. * - 5 r S Tbe seasooaby a d - MMBal... "km t rata for thatm onthof p rt- prvate ttb JU ttp ««w ttd a drop r f 39J per ceat.froa 1.4Jv v a l e 000 rata of a.yea earler. w a s W hether the Republcans wth ot 40 a gan ota1 aeau fa.the new o u s e bouse would go for somethng..< t th at l& fj h e jw a r«a j Q S L ls J a a L mon- a re denyng that, they m ean to abce team up wth Southftn Demo- sos crats-n-tbe-klnd-of-eoautton n a m s that n past yeara has btacked dlff- all-*odal-.legbtatlon..tbey n y, Jm. sb t that the party ta Congcesa, 2 pry wll create a new postva lmthe Uct s th t most Re- Urban publcan* n the Housa a nd vr*. ladel- tually all Southern Democrat*. J u tl have a conservauve. outlook. Dhrev REA a toan rat«of two per cent» the has long b em under attack -,, Ue conservauve ade, and a nrob* m o v rjn t h e j a r t & w e s a - t o r W p «r m n E A f o lo the open Med m arkt for money to buld gen- rser* cratng facltes was blocked. for. When thc govemment must pay more, than fve per cent for ntced short-term money >the two per " for cent rate r e p e n t* a alzabla n subsmy. Such Okay, says Humphrey, who reas* seem* not n the least daunted n the by what happened on Nov.. coun* let them block t. The Ueory b that the Democrats wll then -.M,w< have somethng to go to the ; r r country wth n 1M8. The prece-?-5ffc nt"b*]948"andh ajt y Tm- fcv* mans campagn aganst tha, J, ence. The Republlcons 20 year* - f ll ago won control 6f bolk houses*. of Congress. That gave Truman., l-h the-underdog, h b bg opportunl* " fy >n k wth all frt> ot a roueh-andum blejght; non- " j f somethng lke the Hum-. Pfr- phrcy proposal s pot fo rw ard - and t has been dbcussed a t ndus* jgn-th wth Presdent Jdm soa r«05t,he jockeyng f t b re}eced sag. (!( 5c,0 pjn the blame on the )g n opposton party. Should 80 to wos 85 per cent of Republcans n -cn a the House vote aganst t. along : has wth most Southerners, tbe pol- vhlch tlcal speeches n the 1S83 cam- slbll* pagn wll wrte themselves. w ra r Who kllltd the Co?p Mousng dent Bll nnd helped accentuate the» d s" dowhward spral n the housng eels, ndustry? The answer wll come d not loud and clear from the Demo- crnw. ch n Whether hbs lrategy -work*! had b anoucr quesuon. Theoretcal- most ly> the Xmocrat* wll stll hava sper- large mtjorues n both the Sen- the ate and th e House. A depresson Bt b n housng would send wdenng usng tlpplcsflto the re st of the-acor- sncc omy. And Ue party n power \onth usually gets the btam e for bad down news on the poyroll front :ORNELL, dea b - frozen-mmcdl8tey~anef J n clncal death*,.. and atored dlcal a t lqud ntrogen temperature stant (-320 degrees P.) there wll be COlh vrtually no further deterora- wllh Uon for an essentally ndefnte perod. 50US can Uen ejcplsct o r a t least hope that sooner o r Uter easl*,,ays wll bc found to Uaw Ue Pa«* body wthout damage and to,., repalr-any freezng damage and.. to cure the cause of death even wth - 8.» "Then Ue frozen cadaver*pa* aohv he revved and reu- - J7. venjed; everyone wll enwy (or-suffer. f you nsbt) ndef- nltely extended lfe. rlng ; t would be apther develop* tlon ment "n th e-g reat hbtorcal, lhe proccss through whch m an wll n develop nto superman... a few clergymen m ay be afrad of mad superman. God >b not lkely to less be. s n Dr. Schurr, te rm u (he pro* posab wldly mprobable, but fleep neverthdess possble,» a y * : by "H ow -farblolocal engnechng can go we do not know. How far land t ought to go b a dfferent mat* nger ter., ook. "Post - freezng resusdtauon. tal* even when teunlcaly auc- l of cessful. mght result n mer* lcr- v e g e t a b l e *. dbassocuted n* freaks... " ; Personal W tb llty.,b deeply... the rooted n "Ue hstorcal coo* xec text, he says. Psychologcally,.n " a person recognzes hm*elf- - xcv- and s recognzed by ouets only ork Urough personal nvolvement n. hstorcal contexts.,. Med "The partcularty of h b Jden-!ays tty b ted (6 personal projects sst* worked out through socal relator: tlons n hbtorcal contnuty.* scl* f hb blok)gjcal lfe were cut off from>thb %entffylng m(nfeu, «rgy* and he were resusdtated after a. Jec- century n cold_sm rage>-jpr twfe Schurr queston* whether ha dc* would sull be blm ser t ance al- the b asb of h b denuty would :er- be gone. e «- u b a narrow vew, he *ay*. to assume that the mere orgawc ts- condluon o( lfe m atters, apart the from man s, "slgnlhcant hbtorody ca exbleoce." -., = = " Furthermore, he My*. the a te noton th at bwloglcal. englnetr- sdl- ng can Create Ue- heavenly a s d ty of m m otullty tauo.to teodl Qgnleofhe fact of «htm«a tn.* Tougn - w e M t, bew are of, lew graspng a t.e q o ty vrth God? es* he ask*. Bnfrrr n rrw t get away-oy-stream*.o -h eaven_on_., gh* e a r ahould-.. we -lemember can taac. r* Tf- /rocejt asaw cd?** >

5 TT Plane Vctnn; e t n h ; -. ; j s Dsplayed fed K N <?H llt=k enheth Jones d a o la j thc cooper plaque 1 for > H B S ~U lla Blowtxd, former rmer Aus*. SHOSHONE *- A* program of * _W llbm,f.. Snndborn m who dl ded trlan womens sk champon wll H h musc n from hgh school students H n Aprl. 19, n an arplane e ac*. cldent north of Klnj R Hll, when vst the Twn Falls Sears Roe* buck and Co.* stofe*e5day uesday and was v presented at the Rotary M m. club meetng Wednesday noon.., the Klna.HlU GraKe ;e mettues» Tu< Uf»Hn*cHny...»n-fltva..J!dMlca lb =. K» - B u a o a -J horne..lmus&-lnsthtc* - - -dny-nlsht.-- K B = W rrw a8-prl TT5K#nRan;== sk clothng a n d equpment *ne plaque wll be nstalled a t the scene ol the accdent : by durng daytm e, and evenng. Kathy Trenkle and d Geanle &; ad- r. Sawyer, Lem M. Utter- S S s S Lacsen played gutars the Grange soon. hqurs n the stores sports de* and sang, sang. to {{ Jonald R. Sawyer, Davd A. Kate H ansen played 1 a pano Casto c to Glen W. Campbell and MfrJt)n»"nl»o announced nounced that partment. Doryl Ander, store der, store - g< solo.. Robn. EveVett,.. accom* nccom* j, jttnct-a;-trlbolet.-w ayne-len.. work wll start Monday on re* H H manager announced Saturday. 1 panled by Marlynn Mannng, Monnng. r nger to F. R. Mann, D. C. modelng the Kng Hll oosrof- o sn B 9 Mss Blowltzkl, 23, twce wn- Monnng? Evans to Jerry Callen. Vem L. q Z<1 sang, and Mchael flee n orepdratlon of tho m new ner of the Upper Austra stra State P Plyctl the gutor and sang. Petersen p to Leonard S. Felds, post offce equpment to be e. n- etttllcd. A cmporary y post off! offce Skng Champonshps s was the Ladles Nght was announced E Eugene V. Ckugh.to W. Glen wll operate n thegranke Granse h wnner of (he style,. racc for S L.; for 7:30 p.m. Wednesday wth Jockson. -. J.. whle the wovk s beng cng done n Austran sk nstructors. F ronds Bergn charman. Tan. Decrco of-dstrlbuton ssued She,.ULLA BLOWrraK the post offce. taught skng for seven seasons - John Humphres was s the hgh n Estate of Luclle H. Mock to... former Austran a t Obertauern, Austra; Othmar, wom*.( school student vstor r for tho K Korleen Dellltgcr.. Mr. Jones osked that me ± champon wll vst Schneder Sk Schools, Bovbe, bers bc at the post L offce at Mountan. Mch., and Portllo,, Twte F*H* Sean Roebuck a.m. Monday and to > brng ham- ha Portfllo,, d Co. store Tuesday and mers, crow bars, and other W ednesday to gve advceon lee those hea ven l/ m eq u p m e n t-to -te o r-d o w n - LSchnedcr, Olympc.sklng skng gold.skl-cothlng~,j «od-m ulpm ent- -1 present nstallaton. A new medolst and a member floor of the, durng dayllme and evenng Ted wll be lad. Wllams Sports Advsory hour* n the \to f e s aportsj aporta, staff of Sears, has loaned. a d.p.r to,..l 1 H y Carpets Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Upe were number of hs key nstructors. selected to buy new clothns for a student a t the Goodng State to advse Sears customers and sales personnel on tho lastest c o m p l e t e s c o u r se school. Ths s one of the pn proj* mprovements n sk cl clothng clothnr BURLEY Army Pvt. Davd...cctsth eg rangc-h as-sp lassponsor* o n sc andcqulpm ent; ! H; Newert. 21. son of Mr. and «d for several years. Mrs. Henry Nelwert. Route 2. Plans were dscussed ssed for the. n J Burey, has completed a vehcle H H B ALL W OOL H l H ln w annual Chrstmas partv to bc. - Attends Fete 6 1 6! mechanc course at Ft. Huochu* Huachu* B B n ACRLAN NYLON H held a t 8 p.m. Dcc. 16 at the t ADDNG THE FNSHNG PNSHNG < touches to-ber pantng ng s Mrs. Wlllam Grange, Trn-FaUs, alls, LONDON (AP) - Thc The Duke f J Grange hall. There wll be a presdent of the Art Guld, om dagc Valley. M rs. Grange Srange s preparng for the grouj s s pro* o and Duchcss of Kent left by - H Decorators-Chec*»c* Ar«a Rugs, R Larga Satactlon gft cxchan;c and the home hor Chrstmas a rt show w whch wll wll begn Fraajr a n d contnue throug.d ec. 8 at the Blue Lakes plane- toddy for Barbados to economcs charmnn..mrs..h_..mrs..ho. _Shoppnc-Ccner._HoBsJor_thc HoBsJor.the sho.wlng_wl bo Jrem n 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Guld members smbcrs represent the queen at the*s* Lpc, nnd her commttee lttec wll be wll be on hand to answer questons. ndvdual members mbsrs wll wlllfaave palnllngrforsntent*tho~ -ntlhe - l lands-hndependence celebra* LCASEJNVS_ ES- t a t e L F u r n t u r e l n,charge of arrangements. tments. showng. No admsson lsson wll be charged. (Tmes-News photo). lons. Mrs. Denver Allred d announced ~ ~ * The duke, on behalf of Queen Mrs. Arthur Greer was award E llubcth, wll o>en the frst The Cutlery Shop o p { H JEROME )ME - r\ TWN r r B. a blue rbbon and SSTrlS gft, for t Three Hurt r t. r e a d T MES-fNEWS E S - N E W ANT AD S Parlament f of Barbados bodos on BACK, OF THE.D.. ( publcty book a t State Crane _ VWednesday... j Mrs. JoelYoung, lecturer, al > receved an award. n Separate, a t e,. - - M nrallred-readtrle tttrfro h a p s - agent, ask n g th e Grange sponsor a landscapng schc school Twn Falls County sherffs of* of. P B W B n the near future. The matter fleers nvcstlgalfd two accl- accdents, fve mnutes aport, apart, Fr* was tabled. She also read a letter from t the whch resulted n mnor n-. Natonal Grange askng for f Jures lo three persons. donatons for h o YoJth v X h p Pn «,t The frst accdent. nvestga* S SaTO-On J s ect durng the Centennal Tnnlnl Cm ye / cd bv Deputy Sherff T. M. These funds wll be * used m sd f Kcndrck, occurred au t ]0:4S J0 :«a.m. scholarshps and other?f P projec about three - fourths 13 of a mle - v cast of Castleford.. Mr. Ken* / pertanng to. thc_y Jfouth outh..p.pro* njshqp happened S H O P N O W WFOR F O R BEST E.SELECTON. GENERAL gram.. _ -, whpn the rght rear tre of a -ELEC TRC Flans w6re m aae» lof lor a «p [ 1863 D g e pckup Struck Sblew, F R H M socal a t.th e next meetnn meetlnc rt causng the-truck-nnd a two- r ; > B O X E rro O RR N tavdual ~ December, proceeds s of whl( whch wheeled traler t was pullng, wll help defray expenses «nses of tl the to go off the road,, strkng a t HAR post offce project. power pole and turnng,l»soover V =r. on NORTAKE" A Thanksgvng dnner was w the left sde, T A K E " F N E C H N A held n the Grange drtng-hall drng-h Drver of the. truck. Elwn M. -) a ts «u w L \J precedng the meetng g wth M Mrs. Crandall, 25,.304 Van Burcn St., 9 2 P C. S E RW V CE-FOR E C 12, 3 PA-TTERNS R N S. C. E. Spence and Mrs. Jol John Twn Fals. and a passenger, Oryers- Bapte n charge. John Wheeler. Twn l/sc- Falls, re*- Regsterat SAVE-ONDF VE-ONDRUGS &SAVE-ONFOODS CHRSTMAS, - celved mnor njures. No ctatons were ssued. MODEL HD MODEU HD-15» Fve mnutes lotcr. r, at 10:50 1 s e t wll b e gven g e n aw. ay D ec. 3 N.Y. Man M m 287" $ 1 «8 7 " $087 a.m., offcers were called4o-the. ntcrsccon of T. S.-30 o and Falr- 1 2 ll b» ggven e n aw< ay Dec. 10 an d 17 ONLY... A CO N L Y... T (kq grounds- Avcnuo. near Fler. 3 s e t s wll b e g e n a w a Celebrates Sven away bee.. 23 Deputy Sherff Woync nc Hankns, nvestgatng offcer, sad a ; 2 a r* s - -: Chevrolef pcknp~rucfc l fdrven tver-s-woo-tvort OO-WORTH-OF-eHHW-flHttf tttf -7 e f E A. > ; G, F T [ -- by Stanley T. Shoff. 16. Fler, AKRON. N.Y, (AP) Barthc P)-B arlhold cpllldw lh a.1964 Dodge con- B rjer.arose at dawn today, todoy. took vertble drven by f Lbby f y Bar* Bn «EGSE«AS OFTEN AS YOU LKE. NOTHNG TO BUY. B DEA~ ~ f- C h r s t m a s s_ hs usual one-mllc walk a and. bara Craddock. 41,, Fretmont. Frcemont, n o O BUGHCN. ron. WNNERS WNh WLL BE NOTFED. \th e n retumed home to enjoy Vup of coffce and a pece pece Mr. Hankns sad the Chevro*. cake on hs 12th brthday. let was.gong south on the Far* H e expected to have hnu* coff enffee grounds road and Sd-SSS had started. UDCO cct. and cake a t ntervals throug thrtwgh*. f,e D b u x» D e lg n ea r S «erre l f : by-to-wjshbm-a-bappy- brt hce app r the CCLES 4ca s day GAN-OPENER» P E N E R % «..uu Mrs. Croddock receved mln- Mrs. Wllam S. Fenton.- wl or njures n the ncdent, but whom Brer lves, sad the do k n fe- s Ha A rr pe P E nn E R K, Mo4«l MSOM 0(W Belce her two passengers,-mrs. Agns, long celebraton was concelv ««Kodesh, 10. Buhl, and tnd Barbara a r ro > _ c Compltt gn p»ek tneludt* 6c f: 2l2fr.0 Bg 5b«ttrw and Up* n»ll«f. because "We don t want w to, n- craddock 16. escoped ed njury. S V 4 terrupt hs routne.". -Shaff, who was not njured, R eg. $ Dual-speaker Brer rests often before retlr- was cted for falure re to yeld l j ng a t 7 p.m. He was bom Nov..!8, 28, !« SPRAY SKOW NOW SPRAY PANT HT Table tedo,1 Tape me home Arnhem, the Netherlands.. Here s a gft thst * lure to.. J u m b o was orphaned as a rshm chld a Two Cattle l e C O R D L E S S.. ELECTRC L E C T R. please. Bg dutl*peaker Wund. G.E*a new lm cost tapa rased by a grandmother. mother. J He,.. V " Famed recorder for the man o f ) came - to the Unted States,188T and lved for "S nearly s Feeders Meets W e e t S SHOE POLfSHE 9e ::.. 59c ft t and letters. : Talkng fetters. Loc- O L S H E R hear t t «y. _ tures. semnars everythng Vears.n the Nagara ;ara County -. _ jrwo.41eynapower.*pealcen [communty of Johnson Creek. - wth extra a buffer sken academ lcrd oesnt-m lst-a Automatlo bau boost Brer never marred. f r H S H c S e t l n A r e a 4 G-E tubej plus rectlbor, Bor. word. Battery powered. You moved to ths communty ea CHRSTMAn [MAS TREE LGHTS of Buffalo eght months a a Large bullt*ln antenna. * < can count on t to wok anywhere; when Mrs. Fenton and her h.. band dccded they could Muld n not dstrct meetngs ;s n n Magc...* * bear to ace hm n an old fo home awqy from hs garden a f r s t meetng wll lllbbe e held g rnhlr Q Q g t 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the r, k NORTHERN. J. «e t... T9c T % Sgfreedom to take long walks." 7 $ Mrs. Fentons avnt S had had c nm. Rogerson Hotel Roundup Room. nv v e ployed Brer for many Ts and-the second w r held years as y,e Ponderosa nn, farmhand. begnnng at 8:30 p.m. B!!* $0 * electrc lc -,o u t d o o r.thft-twn.falbmeetlng-w ll X - r be a dlnrteftetlng. but the one T.. held n Burley wll not News Of The frst port ot bolh pro- rak ETs: grams wll nclude panel dlsco* l s - ct - JERGEN S----- >S 9-Vot Recordr u sons on collle feeder r operatons 2 Y ear Guaranteen e Pre-Made Bows TSSUE PAPER XJNCOLN COUNTY m rrv and tho ndvdual feeders. A dscusson of present actvtes T W N B E D LOTONyj TRANSSTOR CJerJt * OHJce W arranty dteds were ssued ssu< complefa.mpleta the B L A N K E T S to Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Mason O N L Y... M r.-and Mrs: Carl lav*w? Rey: W Members of tho assocaton J # w th D SPE N SER 7 g«;. >..66c 6 T9c 11am Johnstone lo Mr. lr and Mr Mn.»» brng nterested B a fle e s C. 0. Mason: Mr., and md.mra..mrs. B. ] D O U B L E B E D R eg Edward Roberts to Mr. a - S N G L E -, - - Mrs. Lyle Adama: Mr. r.sand lmmr S! fm OCVAOEY laev., C O N T R O n o.99 y7 GFT V Carl J. P per to Mr. and Mr?TFT WRAP Llle Pper: Jeanne R. Thom LBRARY / to Mr.- and Mrs. Mont A. Job son:. Jess Palm er to George 1 DEMONSTRATON ton Byard; Halcle E. Jones to 9 N T,0 U..., eanor J. Edwards; Mr. r. and Mrs. Bookmobllv-Sch»duf* M ty» 6 a T 9 - H a n y G. Bau{* to Mr. and Mr Raymond E.H )erhard. S*"" ". Nov. 29-Dec c. 3. Marrage lcense w as, lsut POP O U R O D. FREl FREE PRESCRPTON to-rchard-ffuy-py " S n W»T10N DELVERY netu Mary Ellen Sewart. sw Pcabo Honorable dscharge. f r o o m G a h n a H... ; 10t45 ms camera ARA SStE!. p U.S.- of Amcrlca arm ed forc was fll&d by Gary Lee Merkey : ; Plano Lessons sons.... NOVEMBER A rtasld n Cly... 9s30 XXhV.r.v.-.:SSS M o d e l t HHX. Reg; $ j o. ExW pnen s" p Sk Oamp p f t To Vst Here Sere, Theory H arm onv. DECEMBER 2 tmchtr CtWrMt* ShtrwM Mnlc $<b»el. R egtrson...9: *30 30 YEARS TEACHNG HNG Holllstar :50 o ls o M O D E L, 1 0 )3* -. MODEL p l. - MODEL kXHtKlbNLb. : C o l l. ( o r d....j ; j K M. Begnners A Speclalry "l "y MRSrWBEtHANSEN P p Q.. :.r:;* JOfa==-< J»WalM.». v sv vtt- tof.ty g OP..,;.P H a N E :77 1)0 0.D a d o...4k)0... W h t e F l m... S,.. " w -a a fesr a S ss * Case.. m k f e, Pro an On r \ Sundoy, N«>v8mber 2 7, ; Twn falls Tlmes*N»..\ y - day.~announcement - was ~mada - Musc j GVerr c l l? Sthat a don.mothar-to jeeded.(or~.. the CubScout p a. To Rotarans - _ News Of Record-- BlBM M BM BfcBlfcw W y * * smma, 1.A.

6 >SoTvdfly,,Nov«mb*r 27,. 196 \ >,l8n*tjack, / But KOTen E A N, P*- (AP) -7 Su f l S S l e S P a d «H#U on tt lahyette; CoUege campm. There Wa a m ajor dlfrerenc between thl «leoplojack_ ar most-othera, however, Kare Klo Jones, J3,- w ts dong t pajjllng. Blonde, flw eet4,w elg to pouads, K arcn.had planne to be a schoolteacher., fut h< ather, Tony Wo, s a steeph ack, and so..ara two of he rothers, <«nd one weeken when she was home from Mam feld State. College she volur taerw l-to-hap-aw jubuay.sal E ver snce shes been helpln out when thngs are busy. Up - there t s absolute!; beauuful." says Karen.»N( m atter how hgh have to». j always take.a. moment to pol around.. t. s a sght that fev others see. Karen reports only one dos call: when her ropes brow whle she was atop a H7-foo pole. Fortunately she hod om._ an d around the pole and he.fath er, workng nearby, waj. able to sendwlrrup-to, the to DLtbft.pullCX._Sto u s e d U repar the rope. Snce her frst ascent, a t th< age of 17, Karen bslaarrlec and now has 8 What does h e r.h u s d, Robert thnk of ber job? She recruted. _ hm _ fts a hdper.ahd say,. He! fro n rtra tq bls"ccnter. "Range Meet Announced AtPocatello.. M em berrof the dho Sectlor of the Amercan S o c e t y ol n g e Managementwn. mwtjr Mead, Twn Falls. SouOernoa- ho councl manber, announces. th e annal meetng wll beglr a t 8:30 a.m. wth regstraton al the Holday nn: and wll contnue through a banquet whch s schedum for 7 p.m. Speakers wll be Dr. Don Prce, actng drector of the U.S. Sheep Experment suuon nt Dubos; K. R. Frcderlksen, anm al husbandry professor nt thc Unversty of daho; Reece Gar- - ro. of the Garro Sheep Co., Soda.Sprngs, and Wade Wells, exten slon Uvestock specalst from tht ~ ~tjnvc3ltyt3f~ldnln> * "" Other speakers r wll be Dr..Phl Hlnze, nutrtonst for Wal-, ton. F eed s,: Montpeler: John Hery, extensonllvcst«* agenl. -fot.tfeunverslt yof daj», and -Dr:-W ynccook,-fronuth(?lder partm ent of Range Sdence at Jtflh State U nlvenlty, Logan, Utah. Dr. Cook s the presdent, elect of the natonal organzaton., T.F.Yontl njured n Auto Mshap Danny P arrott Wtt S t, Twn FaUs. was lsted; n good - -condton Saturday - n g h t, at Magc Valley Memoral Hosptal a fter a tw o<ar mshap whch hcbtallzed hm Thursday.after* noon P arrolt was njuredln the 3:55 p.n. mshap whfch took place n the 600 block of Second Avenue Soulh. Twn Falls polce offcers sad P arrotts car, a 1M7 Ford, and a 195S Dodge pckup truck drven hy Lous E. U rso n, 46. TNvln FalU, both were travelng n the sam e drecton when the accdent occurred. Mr. Larson told offcers he was n thc far left lane when the Ford attempted to pass on the" left, Ju sras- he P arted to rhke a left lum nto a drved way.... P arro tt-to ld -o fflc e ra -a r-th e scene that ho.was n the far, left lane when the Dodge made a left turn n front of hlm._ No.ctatons w e r e ssued. pendng completon of the nvestgaton. OfflMrs sad the Ford - WB.demollshed and the Dodge truck receved about $200 dam* 86- Flm On Bomb Scorng Tran Wll Be Shown A flm depletng tbe actvtes of the Ar. Force Bomb Scorng Unt, now tmporarllystatloned a t W endell;m l be show nfor nfm ber»-> f-4b B c-v au ey A r Force Assocaton n the Amercan L e n Hall a t 8 p.m. Mal. Edward J? Clhal mandng offcer, wll explan the scorng system used, the pur* pose o7 the.portable ste and the --extenfr:<of- accuracy and-rftsnlts of some of tbe com p tlo a of tbe bomb scorng unt.. Used p rn d D y la the pro* gram are B 52.a t B5S bombers.. r t tto flto a n t U b.soclatlooprpgrtm are nwted c k. - : b o s e? - S S 1«"vem m ent budgets and the so r. - called tax equalzaton law pro* bably aro why property tax blls are nlghe"r ths year.,! l l Max Yost.Mcecutve manngcjr of tto Assocated Taxpayftnluf P ) Sus- daho, sad some taxpayers who l».alr._ th fl bama.jhe-equal2atk)jaw_aro Hall on the er. unpus K a C R o j [? d a t o ) A walked nto Crouch at md* L 5 mornng today n good condton lad P l a after a Bose scaroh and rescue * - P rty hunted for hm n fallng J.. anow. w «k -.The boy was dentfed as Da*... adults, Johnny Angell andca* * ttn helpng K ce Hawkns, both of Bose. < >usy. Hawkns s tto boys uncle. absoluuly youngest Sells boy sad hs rcn. No brother left the rest of the huntgfctm-aal&t";! t tto t few n,. Frday. When the boy dd not retum to tto partys jeep one dose a t 3:30 p.m. they began search- J pes broke ng for hm n the vehcle. Thero, a 147.foot was about 10 to 12 nes of e had ene snow and snow began fallng, le M d to r durng the nght,. Angell sad. J rby, was.. 1 s NEARLY COMPLETE **S_tWs to _ OSE_(APJ_r=JJfUca_VOle ; canvasses from all but one coun* ent, a t the ty tove been receved by Secre* s~marrled u y of Stato L. E. Clapp, and trldsoa. (Ae state boatxf of canvassers s d, Robert, scheduled to m eet Monday..! 1 recruted a a p p sad the vote canvas for! nayt **He the-nov...8-cleclon-had-not-beea get away Results of the dcctlon wll be :cnter." offcally certfed by the board Monday f all countes - votes. have been receved and the < board has a quorum present three bf ts fve members. J SC,. MEET SLATED [ BOSE (AP) - A meetng for \ l r k. aeralcropsprayers wll to-beld " V Mohday nbolse-to dscuss crop, ha Secton dustng p r o b l e m s - encoun- e e t V of tered durng the past season, ac- f meet n cordng to LelandFfe, drector Y- of P lant ndusw. j anwnces! Hal Brown, would be at the, m meeung of about 35 ch)p dust-.. V l M f e n to dscuss the health prob- J w tt lems rd atcd lo pestjddes used J REFUSED Dr. Don BOSE (AP) D. Spcncer V th ets. Grow lnterests Cortendlng the. don nt Du- daho Savngs and Loan Assocl- ksen, an- auon -Uegally closed on ther so r a t the money July &-were refused pcr- * P f" msson Frday to ntervene n * w., soda an effort lo recover nvestments. 1 lls, exten* Thrd Dlst.. Judgo C h a rle sr.-1 t from the Ponaldson r u c7 fm.r, owned oy tfe Provo, UUh. busl* B l be Dr. nessman nnd hs famly should f< t for Wal* have rased the llegal closure C fer: John ssue at a key hearng two aod d lock agent a half months ago. 1 :daho, and T hat was thc hearng a t whch a juthe-d cr the_court-appolnted-robert D. - >dence at Barbour conservator,and actng d y, Logan, S t a t e Fnance Commssoner g presdent- Tom. D. McEdowney trustee, of E organza- the frm tto t had closed offces F n four dato dtes. e h BOSE ( H T O e ta te Land ** Department reported the sale d< - Frday of 80 acres n dabo d County for $8,200 to the Crde C n: < Rnnch. nc;, of New.Meadows. e< kotk 1 The department sad the land te c l U 1 was apprased a t $1,600. tt Wtt S t, d n L«YdUR.«lRTHD day.after* h.hvjss and-horosgope k place n d Avenue M7Forf! SUNDAY, November 27 b kup truck Bom today, you are nstnctve- n< arson, 46. ly conslderatd of others. Even pl travelng as t chld, you were probably when tto noted for beng ex«pdona(ly. senstve of tto feelngs of olh- tc fleers he ers; as an adult; ths trat has da tne when xo doubt led you to prev en ter Dass on many a heartache n anoother, a to though a t the-same-tlme t m ay A a drven have caused you toartaches of wl your own; for you would far ey rather take-nsuu -thaa-gve-lt; cu, ntl far rather accept jlame, - M you be blameless, than E made leegjte t to anottor. tw J; One who always weghs hs dc- so t* u J v csons carefully, you do not go do 0?e Forf 0" -end over causa, u> TMffA yo never.leap nto endeav- D( ors orbecom e, a a. advocate of pr been ttoroughly tested by oth- gu, - 7 ew. Such an-:approach- to lfe op ft) s sure to m ake your way easer and-safer and, th o u t may t n keep.you from e n j o a few w thngs when they a re Vnew," t yo rfj certanly wll not ham per your wl... eventualfulfllment. < avu es Not ao mwvator, you prefer Se t Scorng to do thngsln the tme-test of statoned manner. You do not lke to tove Ca w w n fo r the results of your -labor n sd c Valley doubtt-you-lke-toteowbefore o t t a tto you togn a proect J u s t w tot t 8 p.m. you can expect of t. Take care, of h o w everr-ttot y o u -d o n t ap. yo k proach m arrage lo thto same yo p the way, for ths s one aspect of pla the wr* Ufa tto t cannot to prcdeter- 5 antf (he mned. Yo.-To fln d w to tls la-ftore-.for be< tutoa of you tomorrow, select your brth- f the pro. * f bomben. gtartoyourdau ygude. Monday, Nov. 28. Av -SflU-at -SA G rna RU S-(W ov,.a3-d ec. for.ff. wuwut a chp oa yottr shoulder, slt s nwted Ctvworker* wll cooperate f you S Jmsas. setjhe-pattert.-...ul ;LCAPJU CORN.(pec.;v=jM ; goc JW A-.*trenuous:day.durng allc erred. w&cb yoa afaould be able to lea h o e w s VEN UONEY NEEDED ;h local gov. BOSE (AP) o An daho State d the so Unversty research team study- on taw pro* n ld a h o a r aervlce needs rty tax blls tolrthe UglsUtve CouncU Sat- : urday lt cannoe~eomplete-the - ve m ajugcr study untn t can *shake loose wpayerhuf $32,000 n federal money; payers who B ut\tto team recommended a oojaw -are mtfmj)l_xeson«l_acpotts<jn. because o- tto state as tto best way to J are hgh- b rn g -a lrln e -e e v o e -to -U ry - remote areas. Dean - Frank Seelye, bead of Mn SUs Department of Busness. and-drector of tto study, sad rrp o rted * PP««d Lcker Johns for the study, uch at ms* But Sedye sad Dr. Raymond, Kl condton Koo. state coordnator- for fed-? n d recm ««1 h gtor educauon ad, to s. lctamjy C0EURLE SAP)-M r5. MTClS bvcnsf lr.-nre-b rn hom<rov - of Bose the elderly here. She was 77. uncle ,, loy sad hs REVERSED f thhunt- BOSE (A P )--T h o daho Su* a rdm on preme Court Frldoy reversed a, n almut 1 dsmssal by Nez Perce County. t o boy dd Dlslrct Court n the case of _ rty s leen Co** Pood Ccnter, nc., vs. the _ tan search- Lewston Retal Clerks Unon. 1 J c l e f w The food store s located n J n rtes of Lewston Ordards. tan falllnr had asked the N e 1 tell sad. Peroe Court for an njuncton \ aganst unon pckets n Febru- r m v ary 1962 a fte r store m anager mca_vole H flto n to d refused to <? "Hamton s a ld*fos S hs fve r B «, f employees told hm they wanted a S S S fm * >? «1 refused to sgn tho contracl Af* f> tor that, pckets were set up lo «n o S w * om th e l l c tto t the store jg e t o a. SSUES LSTED tes - votes DAHO PALLS (AP) - r Off* C and the clals of the Eastern daho Metal f o r e s e n t T r a d e scouncll n a statoment bers. Frday dentfed four m ajor s- sues m the current strke a t the b: m Naval Reactor Fadlcy at the P, Metng for Natonal Reactor Testng Sta- «Dm Maynard, secretarytrea-m f surer for tte a u n c ll of afflll- «L «.nn ated locals unons, sad wage e d?rector nequlues,--. senorty problems, e r g s s K? nf hft the strke., b j.f?. Some 300 meta! tradesmen g» t ra c k Westnghouse Elcctrlc m Corp. Nov. 3. -rte old contract cjdes used j negotfallon «sesson called by a federal me* a dlator. earler ths week faled p c~.n.-«.r to reach a settlem ent. - u endng the No new negotaton meetngs r. a5 M - b«n 8ch.Jule<l. M = H3 Nomnated,-,. p Jfor State Post UUh. bus- Magc VaUey area are nomnees M lly should for electon to tho dnho State th al closure Chamber of Commeroe board of R g two aod drecton for term s startng n B: 1967, Hugh A.Wllson. secretary, P g a t whch announced Saturday.. p Robert D. R obcrt-b.-d ay,-t w ln-f alls, et and actng dstrct m anager of the Amal- n nmlssloner gamaled Sugar Co.; Edward G. g trustee, of Ellott, B u r l e y. John Deere B led offces Fnrm Equpment Co., and RobeK Erkns, Buht, presdent of -. b w n y o m S t r * t tate Land >1r. Day s the <;urrent pres* the sale dent 6f thc organzaton. T to A n daho chamber board conssts of 25 e Crde C mem tors, 15 of whom are elect* vfeadows. ed annm y. - ten o r.one-year l 1 the land terms and fve for three-year X XL terms. Pa nt ;r 27 brng more than one stray busl- stlnctlve- ness deal to satsfactory com-, srs. Even pleton. * probably AQUARUS (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) epdonaljy Strve for better communca- s of oth- tlon-wlth-loved.onesthese-are trat has days when nrgumenu m ay well prevent arse through lackof contact anoother, PSCES (Feb. 20-Maroh 2 1 )- da} le-lt m ay A-satlsfylng-day- for-the-plsces me taches of w hom akes a pont of seeng gra pould far ee-toyc wlh busness asso- ber t V rne, A w ksy M nrch Z m S, JO) - m ess, than Emotons run hgh today bo* am sr. tween Arles nnd professonal as- gu< hs hs de- soclatos. Thngs should calm o not go down aftor an evenng a t home. r causes, TAURUS (Aprl 21-May 21) - S 3 endeav- Do nothng to hnder u r own racae.of progress. B etter to keep-slert ey tove tto n to proyoke another nto ar- by oth- gument by statng your opnon h to lfe openly; -... Z, ay easer GEMN (May 22-June 21) - \ / t may t s the sncere Gemlhl who T. g a few wll nspretrust n others. Do > new," t your best to appear worthy of. per your w tot others offer you. CANCER (June 22-July 23) - fo t U prefer Seek to gala a renewed «ense ne-tested of_ypur_own lmportance._ T to ftb to v e Cancer who d o esh*r«lue hm- labor n s d f wll fnd no one else to val- wbefore tre=hrr = ~ " - lst w tot LEO (July 24*Aug. 3 3 )-ew s T Ke care, of neghbon m a y b e Just w to t ka, ont ep. you d dnt e n e c t totoar.-c over Got Us same your dsappontment wp a ds-. B tspect of play of nterest and. joy. - clu prcdeter- VRGO (Aug. 24*Sept 23) on, Your flnandal.poston, should The tore-.for bevtottered consderably today as< lur brth- U you follow up a hunch ntelll* tax, gendy. D on x d y on nstnct ms blrt&day alone. \ Co UBRA (S ent -24 O c t - 23) s e r 8. Avod, cuttng off «frendshp DCC. for-bus!aes»-m sensr-m aket«r ms nrktffk»ffoft;:-to;adjast to t o - W MPt fta houlder. stuaton n all lu p h a. n 1 te f you SCORPO (Ocy. a-nov. 2?) - Jo a ! mst7«ao->:be-:aa:!:exceptlowly r=rr! 3 * u : g o o d d a y f r-th e - j T rtw r durng allows-jus B;;se of w onderto FO to le a d h m ta to s n r;d K n e ra a. juse _ V ; t ; ;----- d e d - daho stato»am studyvce n e v uncu Sat- tt m plett-the tj lake loose y l a n d e d a e, bead of p Busness. tady, sad. approved. Raymond or-for fed- r a ad, ransferrlng SEV. CARL BOONSTRA Sl pastor of (to Eastslde J Am M r. Baptst Charcb, Denver, Cole., Al w«l eoodoct tbe frst aomtal FrWnv _ral*»on conference M rvkes.at fo =7:30p..-ead-evnlng-M t>.- wa» n S unday a t the St " Bble BapOst Chnreh, 244 Lo*, - cust S t, Twn Fals. Rev. M»t.n c,u Boonstra wll! report on (to m m*ny mlwkm. nelds to bas re "rsunj d,» c«.e ol <»«llej. cl 1C., vs. the lojs nhearngs On»!S»c!Jo Urban ssues n Febru- Ul x y j Set Tuesday = S h s fve WASHNGTON (A P )-A Sen* ley wanted ate subcommttee announced lott, so he sm urtlay nght t wll qucsuon n ; ntracl Af* number of natonally known r set up lo leaders on ways to solve the t the store jjroblems of Amercas dtles.,z!dbrthretekcelghearngz3»ll ; open-tuesday ; Son. Abratom A. Rlblcoff, D- ) Off* Conn., subcommttee charman,, laho Metal aald the wtnesses wll to asked statement How to nvolve all the great m ajor s- resources of our country tto ; rte at the brans, talents and money of 1 cy a t the prvate ndustry,-labor, unver-. stng Sta- altles, foundatons, cvc lead- * ers, and all levels of govem* «tary -tm - ment n buldng the future of S; ot «ml- urban Amerc*." sad woge Hearngs by hs Senate Gov- problems, ernment Operatons subcommt- 7:, and job tee last summer, Rlblcoff sad, buldng urban Amerca are not tnyjesmen gong to be solved by govem- 7. e Elcctrlc ment alone." d contract Among the 50 wtnesses Rbl- [legotfauon coff sad have agreed to testfy Kleral me- are Dr. Martn Luther Kng Jr., eek faled presdent of tho Soulhem Chrs-. tlan Leadershp Confcrence; meetngs Ry wlklns. executve drector Of the Natonal Assocaton for tto Advancement o f Colored People; Davd Rockefeller, *.. pres[(].cnt of tho Chaso Manhat- X tan B ank;-1.. 8: S l -W alter Remher, prosfdent of fmm...>hp. tuluntcd-aulajtodcarfr4)ntont : nomnees McGeorse Bundy, presdent at laho Slate tho Ford Foundaton; A. Phlp 6 board of Randolph, presdent of tho ;tnrtng n Brotherhood of Sleepng Car secretary. Porters; Anthony Dechant, presdent of, the Natonal Farm - «vln-falls. ers U non;-floyd- McKssck, - the Amal- natonal drector of thc Con- dward G. gross of Racal Equalty; author hn Deere Budd Schulberg. and Rob- - ssldent of tdlv-mauatfer:: - ent pres* S -ogadd-esses hree-yea Knull Grange Guest speakers a t the Knull * Grange meelng Frday nght fc. w erejl L. (Hcrb)J5errlck.-Twn w,. Falls cty manager, and Cty A Commssoners John Angerbau- 10:1 er and Robert Warberg. H The speakers presented an outlne of the plans to renovate f m the downtown secton of Twn - Falls and also expressed ther nterest n agrculture, notng that urban and rural problems frequently are nterwoven. o: Dry c(ot-.p0h 19) speakes after reportng that the nmunlca- he Outdoor Assocaton hese j r e wa» nearly flnuhed.fqr_thg _ s. may well *0 - lortact Pans were made for a hol- rch 21) day\potluck dnner a t the next U :0 le-psces m eetlng-de?.--9.-chldren-and - - f seeng grandchldren.of grange mem-!ss asso- bers wll provde entertanment :------r-r: =MrT and-mrs-hary-5h"atp r, 20) ~ were hosts for the meelng. Mr. xtay bo* and Mrs. Kenneth Poe were lonal as- guests. l;l ld calm Spud Growers"" Dstrct Sx _ l!h?*who Meet Slated mrsv W. R U PERT-The annual DU* 1 rgruy «meetng of the daho u j v 23) Potato Growng and Marketng.a n «e Assocaton wll be held a t t t t t «t o P-m- Monday n the Rupert 1.4 lkm : courtroom, laccordlng to Keth f t " t p p. T to m -.Rupert, dstrct Sx l)- e w s U te dstrct ndudes Mlndo* 2:0 lst w tot ka, Lncoln, BUne, Jerome, r.-cover Goodng and Elmore countes... (h a ds -. Busness to to transacted ncludes tto electoo Of. offcers $:}. 23) on to th state and local levels. 1 should There wl also to* reports aod 4:0 ly today dscussons o n.tto advertlslhg - h ntelll- tax, the Potato and Onon Com- nstnct msskm, the- Nalkwal -P o u to C 0 u n c l 1,.the USDA reportng. -» ) - servce aw f stodtt on h a *. * n dato.** Heorgw all growers stls aly to attend the publc meetng.. nderto FORFASTSELLWC»11ESULT? J:0 ( reraa. ju SE 71MES*NEWS WAOT ADS n. n. ; -. B a 4 :» p.m.,- 2SLr 7B.-8 r re a rl. voklng essay-ob tto-yeart-alacet H tto mood of.tto «ver«hangltg p anchor n a n, Fnuk DeFelltta s p H - 8:30 p j u, 7 S L - Warsaw. P h Hayt t \ «W ar«nttf Phlttarm nnlft \ Wladyslaw Kedm as cuest solost 1» - Beft *SyEngw o f a B =B lg n la mano" hh Toccata and Polsh composer Arthur MalawskL H H. BEST BETS h 8 p.m., 2SL - * T to Shrto* <19» lag dlrectot-w to Jas Jjeeo drven t by hs possessve, envous wfe. J Jw Page stor. 8p.m.,4,-7B - "C ano m (1960) 1 yd- W o m e s tto valant defender dl afoul of tto law for presentnjg tb TRA Snatra, S h rl MacLalne, Maurcc lastslde Julet Prowte star n ths, ada ; Cole., Abe Burrows Broadway muscal, aomtal 10:80 p.m., 8 ~ VNght Passage rfcm.t, (ombr n l j T O d n J, hlred lmot>«- payrel=jarae8-stewart,-auaeuj a t the Stewart s ta r n ths vlntoge westers M4 Lo* SPORTS 5PECT. Rev. a.m., 2SL, TB, 8 P ro Footbal on (to meet the Jets a t New York. Curt l» tos report the acton. nvted l:45 a,m., 2B, 3. 8, U - P ro T challenge tto Boars a t Chcago. 1 aro tto announcers. V 1:45 p m., 2B, 3, 5.11 Pro Fool n meet the Vkngs at Bloomngton, 1 and Tony Canadeo report tto acton 2 p.m., 2 S L -- Hgh School Footb e g football ctomptonshfp game s tet UUh. BU Marcroft reports lto acu [ V s = = = = = ; x. n : K t o S t a t o n s - ~ MdS?** 2SL KUTV-TV Salt U k e k KBO TV Bals j. ve the 8-KD-TV daho Falls dues. 4KCPX-TV Salt Lake g =» a =jfk3gry=5alt=lehft- - ~ = "TSL KUED-TV Salt Lake., (EducaUonal) ; 3 S KTVB-fV Bolso e great 8 KF-TV daho Falls " u ry -tto 11 KMVT-TV Twn Falls mey of (c) Telecast n color unver- c lead-. govem* StffJDAY MORNNG. ture of 5:30 4 -F arm Report * 1:30 4 -F a lth F or Today (c) te Gov* 0:53 11-Headllnes»mmlt- 7:003-Sunrbe Semester ff sad, 4-Cartoons 7:.nf. ~ 7&=.Thls~ s the Llfe(c)~ are not 11 Sunrse Semester govem- 7:59 3-Llnus (c) 4-L nus (c) :s Rbl- 5-C artoon U m e. testfy 7B -F alth for Today, (c) ng Jr., 11-Unus (c) : 8:00 3-B eany and Cecl (c) S! 4-Beany and Ced (c) 6 - U m p unto My F eet (c) SloroH 7B -Beany nnd Cecl (c) 8 -T h e Chrstophers (c) 1 a S [ : 11-Bcany and Cecl (c) - 8:30 2SL-Sclcnco n Agrculg! r P c l o r r t. n, u, t c > lent at 4 Peer Potamus (c) Phlp 5-Look up.n d U ve " }f the 7B Peter Potamus (c) lg Car 8-Dlscovery cchant, 11 Peter Potamus (c) Farm* 2 B -0 ra l Rbtorts <lsck, 3_Bullwnkc (c) e Con- 4-Bulwlnkle (c) outhor 5-C am cra Three 7B-Bullwlnkle (c) 11-BuUwnkle (c) lm K L Sacred Heort C F B.ArmcharAdventure... STlme for Medtatlop, 4 Dscovery 66 W* 5 L.D.S. Church 7 D lsco v ery 66 g e 10:3 *** S n «l e C h o l r, 2 W t S -T a to m a d e Ctor l a S f «2SL From the Cathedral lerau* 10:00 2SL-Herald of Truth (c) 2B T to Beatles!d an,3-look up and U v e " n f e T h S r t h r t l f ( r ( c ) ther 7B -Porky Pg notng 8-R o y Rogers )blems 11 Look up and Lve 11?3 0 :» 2 S lt he Answer d the 2B Casper lat the 3 Camera 3 elaton 4 MedcaUy Speakns V o_sea; 6?rFace, tto Naton (c) 7B Tennessee Tuxedo hd- 11-C am era 3 next 11:00 Pro Football (c) j - a n d B-S;S.-n-Actlon mem-,. J-n d u sty on Parade m ent -4-Dlrectons 67 (c) m f p 7B = P ro T 5 6 tk rre j Mr. 8 ProF oottoll (c) t were - 11 F ath-for Today :13 2 -Face the Naton 1 3 -N F L Foottoll : 11:30 4 ssues and Answers < 4 ssues and Answers { 5 -F o o tto ll (c)- 1 11:45 2B -P ro F oottoll. U:00 2SL-N FL Football - -rr3-pro FoottoU _ C Scope 5 -P ro Foolbar 11-P ro Foottoll D*. SUNDAY AFTERNOON dato u :M 4 Teenagers Sondoff D] ketng 1:00 4-U to h Law a t 6 :» 4 - T e n n e s s e e t e d o 2 B -P ro FoottoU Kem 3 P ro T o o tto ll : t Sx, 5_pro Foottoll ll= P ro F o o tb a ll - nklo* 2:00 2SH lgh School Footban rome, 4 Route 68 tes...7b -M eet-tto Press ed n- 8 -M eet tto Press rfcers. $:3 7BM>llege Bowl levels. 8-Colege,Bowl (o) s aod 4:00 2SNews ft Vews- tlslng - 4--H6neyaooora... Com- 7B-News (e) 1 >outo e-news<<f> orung js N e w s Spedal (c> ; d e d - n S l }cs* Gods of Babylon JL T S -J:0 0 2B L a s s M c ): ADS a Lasse (c). J, J T e l e v s o n. j -Tem l.h M bor (0). A thoughl.pro. re a n alace Pearl-Kaxbor was-attacked-by we 7, M : ntervews, and fllm foouge of tto we aad~& lrxe(fllthf.events of tto pasrand bo r-channg present Frank McGee s tto de> efeutta s prodnoer. - ltarsaw. Phm m onlc** Wtold Rowck con- 1 llturmnntft tn ««npt-t fraturlng ja n ls t be guest solost T to program n d u d a Sdu- m ff B tn X B o p rp V a rtsa on " L n l n Toccata and Fugw, by tto 3 0 th century cnl rm a U w s k L ;.. 1 OT BETS N MOVES lv ShrUte <1955) A drkm a of a once-promls* ml )eeq drven to tto brhk of mentol c o lla te Gn ous wfe. Jose Ferrer, June Allyson and u-can" (960) n *tto wo a a Parsan law- st defender df a dance-tou owner w to runs presentng tto Frank lne, Maurce Chevaler, Lous Jordan and. n ths, adaptaton-of the Cole Porter- ly muscal, (c). ght Passage (1957) An accordonst and T s hred by a ralroad boss to guard a -A uaew urphyn3an Blrye«Tnd~Elane toge westers, (c.) a. )RTS SPECTACULARS P ro Football (c). The Kansas Cty Chefs York. Curt Gowdy and Paul Chrstmas. 11 P ro Foottoll, The Atlanta Falcons t Chcago. E d ThUeous and John Sauer 1 Pro Foottoll, The Green Bay Packers loomngton, Mlnn._Ray Scott, Jm Morse OR tto acton. ] School Foottoll, The Hgh School G ass A game s-telecast,from tto Unversty,of X)rts tbft acton. * = 5 - L m l«(c) ons SM )A Y EVENNG 8:30 2S[w W ld of Color -» 2B -ts About Tme (c) - :e 3 ts About Tme (c) 7:2 "- = 8 ts -A b e u t-t lm e -< o ) [nka - 7B -W alt Dsney 8-W alt Dsney (c) - l l - l t s About Tme (c) u 8:00 2B -Ed Sullvan (c),**. 3 -E d Sullvan (c) 4 Voyage (c) 5 -E d Sullvan (c) B S S 7SL/-Fall Prevews e-n 11-Ed SuUlvan (c) 8:30 7SL Struggo for Pcace lav fc) 2SlHey Landlord 7B -H ey Undlord ter fl Hey Landlord (c) 7:00 2SLBonanza (c) :fe(c)- 2B -G anr Mooro Ster pb (c) F B (c) - 5-Nntonal Geography Spedal (c) lay (c) 7B-Bonanza (c) :0 8-Bonnna (c) -, f.\ 11 Bonanza (c) -Vl M 2SlMovle, "The Shrke - c A f 2B-Candld Camera (c) 3-Candld Camera S 4-Move, "Can-Can (c) 5-Condd Camera (c) ecu (c) -=7_M ove, "Can*Can (c) Agrcul- 8-M ovc, T h e Spolers L e) xhcandld-camera j p 8:30 2B -W tot s My Lne. W =SSSg?63". M ll- W to l s My Lne * 7S enler Stngo 5 :00,2B-Peyton Place 3 Nows, Sports, Weather S Secret Agent.) 11 News, Sports, 7 Weather l;30 g B n e k e Gleawn (c) t a S :00 4-New3 S hews 7B-NCWS, Spts., Wlhr. (c) 8 News 10:30 2SL-New8, Spts., Wthr. lr 2B-NCWS, Spts., Wlhr. holr 4 Move 7B-Movle thedral 8-Peyton Place mth 2B-Movle rum W 2S-M ko Gddlngs Move.ye M ovle l e t Nam Report 11-Movlo Uve 11:30 2SMovle.»FflrhWrfn» ENDS M O S? TUESDAY.,No/ rade F n (f w JW: \ K)f4 P L U S T T A K E S T S P L A C : G R E A T M O V E S "EHBaSB.oF-ra T r r 1 - L/tts> *. o r ; :. - r j-;;te U A V W K -.V.;V J w y n S c h e d u l e r s tto den. New York. FOR dcon- 10:15,4 "The Weapon (E nl. panst heth Scott. Her>ert Marshall N SdP m nut fnm ed dfam ar ;on«2 5 S 5 S soes nto hwlng after tto nclt, MOTOAV EVENNG 10:01 nlaw - j.joas L N ew s _ 0 runs 2B News, Weather, Sports, Frank 3 ClUlgans sland (c)_ n end. 4 Hews. orte sk ew s 7B News. Weather Sporto ft 8 Greatest Shw on EartB ard a /g\ Elane lllllb ans sland CO 8:00 2SlNews, Spts., Wlhr. 10:1! 2B Run Buddy Run (c), 10:3 Chefs 3_R un Buddy Run (c) stmas Buddy Run (c) 7B Dream of Jeannle (c)» Run 1:10 2Sr-Monkees (c) 2B Lucy Show (c) S r H 3-Lucy Show (c) lojs! < ron Horse (c). 5-Lucy Show (c),. «4 p, r H o r < o f > > L u cy Show (c) jj 7:00 2SL - Dream of Jeannle?B Andy Gflfflth-(cV M J-A ndy Grffth (c) f } 5-Andy Grffth (c) h 7SL fraflc s N«v (c). 11 Andy Grffth (c) :c) 7:30 2SL-Roscr Mller (c) 1 ;o) b-a-famllyraffalr-(c) 3 -R a t PaUoU(c) S:-.*r: 4 -R a t Patrol (c) (c) 5-Famlly Affar (c) 7SL Creatve Person 7B Rat Patrol (c) M 8 Roger Mller Show (c) 9 11 R a tp a trd (c) 8:00 Road West (c) 9 2D-Boxng (c)-sp6cal ace 3 Across Seven Seas 4 Felony Squad (c) 5-Boxlng (c) Specal ff 7B-Road West (c) 8-R oad West (c), 11 ts A Small World g;m-a-l»vfr- ol-a-secrat, (c) 4-Peyton Place (c) too JV 7SL Sportsmen Afeld ««11 ve Got a SccrefCc) 1:00 Run for Your Lfe (c) 2D Jeon Arthur (c) 3-B g Valley (c) rke-,4 -B g Valley (c) ;c) 7S/-;nternallonal Maga* zne. (c) 7B-F.B. (c) M c) 8-Run for Your Lfe (c) (c) -B g Valley lers 2B-Com tot (c) J A j s & J V : : A : P a r t y t o J P e r f e c t o n! Retax. ;.. M r. Enjoy your pjarty... w e! do the work Y o u r Own.,. - -A M E R O A H -E G O N - «PHONE len* MOTOR-VU rn CAR H A T E R S l l MEET THE GRLS H P JWTH THE THERMO- NAVELS! V. m m L «wbjllljujlllljl - j f UQto PLACE WTH THE E S O F O U R T M E ] H. B o e - r e B n j v t. <. p J -,, ". : R lg R T T w u HARRS s tu d e n t.... >. - l B? s P E n S 5 s Ctomplonshp boxng W. Wortd lghu tlr.defends_hs_crowlagal?«junlotght- -- el Flash" Elorde n a s c h e d lround ts. the ac.ton frpm_;toduosquue Car. PBETS FOR MOVES jn (Englsh. 1957). Steve Cochran, Lza- shall aod Ncole Maurey star n ths 90 fter tto ncdent. re" (c). (1954) An-Adventurer, w to be- wealth n- a Soulh Amercan emerald ms wth an outlaw.- Stewart Granger. sandjohn-ercson-gtar; ; :00 2 S L - N, Weather, Sports.S p o rts,. 3 News; Weather, Sports, (c) 4 News,. Weather, Sports 5-N ew s. Weather,.., Sports (c) Soorts 7B News, Weather, Sports n r t B 8 Man W to N e v e r... Was (c) -p jj 1- l l -NewsrSportarW eether Wlhr. 10:15 4-M over-"tha Weapon" 1 (c), 10:30 2SL-Tonte Stow (c) (c) 2B News, Sports, Wether 1(c) 3 Msson mpossble (c) nne (c) 5-B Y U Foottoll Hghlght (c) 7B-Tonto Show (c) 8 N e. Sports, Weather 11 Msson mposlble (c )~ ~ 10:55 2B-M0V10, "Machne Gun Kelly. 11:00 8-Tonlte Show.(c) 11:30 3-M ovle, "Green. Fro.(c) >, ll;45.4-<3reatest Show on eannle Earth-(c) 12:00 2SL Merv Grffn Show _ N e w S h p m e n t (c) JUST ARBVED AT _ S N E k J R E E N _ - - F A B R T Q U E S - - (Fast Sttch Fabrfcs) PAn*»soM lo s m [V) JU ST ARRVED ;) too% w «l H*lldor VUw, cld Coct Mot*rol Sw*«*r MUt OPEN EVENNGS O fln SUNDAY, NOV. 77 Stomlra*. AvalloM* MflM* fh AVE. NORTH TWN FAUS Mm m v S4 fe (c ) A FUN ROT H O U PA Y T S E A t Cohtlnuouatoday from 1:30. - orn S s ts, CHO 3S«. HXAJ l3 0, 335, M S, 7jS0, looo Trsustvtrelhe n A D m B te ) mmn r ~ T « r J AUNtVtftSAnCTURt... Ala CAKTOON m d POnOHT LAST TMES TODAY H CHllO 3Sc., V,.. UQtJOATO* a.17, 445, 700, fsav -. \ AlVo*C*CT<joNW

7 -. / > u n doy, November 27, 1966 Twn-P -llls-tlrn Bs-W ew t.-. T,; :... Controters rersal Gourt Revson Plat GveT rto-legslatu latre Wth Nc No Recomtne t n m e n d a t d S = BOSE (AP) -. A c6htove lhtove l Unely s e n tth e court revsloncou revson Councl commlttce, - -Th The proposal would humber mberther functons taken over rer by ther replacements would be ap-;caly-«: p.;cally-«lected county Judges tak- lattre when f convenes n3» m f~z " aal-daho court revbon-pro- proposal- r on- to- the-eglslature re....v>w ua. appont : m e nt dn t ldaho among fewer than half a magstrates apponted by y ds-pontcd by the govemor. lng- lng" over tho Justce, cty andary. ary.. posftl that would eumnate the along t wth sx other leglsla- rat rather than electon of magls* magls-dozen states wth all court Murttrlct,trlct CQurt Judges..The proposal olso w o u ld d pprobate b a functons.-- Before consderng-tb e--pre--: : states lower courts wad d put on tve proposals... trates as proposed would d take functons handled by dstrct. Dstrct court Judges would luld be]ccca< cceate a stale Judcal councl to. to, The court-revson proposal posal pared proposals, the : cotmcll the 1d67 Leglslatufes calendar The only objecton came e from.:*ol. rem f \-oters nnd nd saldraurts. & u r The only.excepton would vould apponted-by..the governor to overs oversee operaton of daho was one o of seven preoared d by turned down a request-th at-t Saturday wth lttle, debate and Lt. Gov - elect Jack Murphy of the system offers no way / to ap*be the tl Stale Supreme>.Court. L thelr tlrst term s ana be endors- ndors- courb courl. -...tcouncl commttees w hch the nvestlgote nvestl( state publc assstno recommendatjon.! Shoshone, a s u te senator :tor and peal court decsons made e a t t h e ] daho d Justce, cty and probate obnte ed or rejected by publc vote for Mu Murphy sad he favored a councl approved Saturday / for ance payments for tndlgeat - The Legslatve Councl ncll rou-1 member of the Legslatlve ow lowest" levels. courts would be elmnated andsucceedng, andsucct terms. f rejected, UgctgdjJhtccle.s.el-Court.system-Wth-CK.conald thrcc;.lck.conslderatlon-by-thc-13b7-lcfls--jup=lnc jfls--jup= lnt-carp.js-lhe-8ttte..:-lj ; { r r l 1 1 *1 j 4 mjj ; /g. «- 7 Washes, Wshes, Rnses, R lv j C zj.dres Drl Dl*h Dshes > TWn Uft-Top Rcks., --. Contnuous FeeJ. Automatcj Automatclly for lot Eas losdnk S g P R Dspflsall Esy rollng etslers 3-Wy wshng cllon Flt, Supr-Qrfld r t B e l Cutter a Unlcouple fucet. Automatc / detergent. H L a Quet operaton conneellon rr, /ta j s U R L a long, dpendbll ntl ff Hjndlssup HndleU Flushmy F Drtn [ slvemsre.ljket slvemsr# - C Coflollts ( a Esy nttlltlon eetmler top -1 Vlnykujh ntsror ntsrlor - - fff/cj// \ Model SP-on *gg $9995 «. Modal SP-390 \ f 39 Modal FC-1N m A t A cleanuj] mp mess! f n s 3 * Model 01 W[ f.j H H l Dsposar Now protected= ected=brtus Lfetme ] s W a r a n t y _ apanst corrosj lorrosjon falure! Stanless Dsposdl tsposr unte by General Electrc carry a one-year or repak..wafranty aganst t manufacturng defects on the entre dsposer, lsposer, wth an dtona.* parts w armly ty aga corroson falure toou. for the lfe of >Ethe dsposer applcable to «t t: tbptkflmrghopp glf5pparfralrcastsdg:and-: d ra n elbow. ch C O U N T E R T p P m U CA c a r v n g * J F odo o d w a s t e D s; s p o s e r s Forasowas» 9 t z z FC100 Aulomot«.Delergen» Dspenser ~ Detergent s automatcolly a dded to tq w w ater X "Ga t the p roper tme. tu Q a g StalnleM S tod b SeondShtood Soond usee effectve vrtnally all B» jo r m e ta l, oulaton o for tuper-quol p art expoeed to watas. operatnn. Saper Grnd Cattar Moble M ad wth T f f O r t c l V A S H v e s_ x o u -sp o lle * jly _.c le B n _ shes and slverv/are wthout nsng or scrapng J tt press a button an d select te cycle y o u w a n t. Plus th ese her featu res youll enjoy: TV»rt lft-top rocc* Lft lp wtlthe Hd foreo»y*reoch~ * podnq a nd unloadng of dshes.. New Slver Shower " A seporcs extra washng acton afpaelol-jmgnbdjo-malcw y q u f j slverware sparlclng clean. Faucet Fla Provdes e a s y connecton to snc faucet n o nslollaton requred. Lets you u se faucet, whle dshwasher s operatng. Rnse-Glo D shes a n d gostw ore come out wth a dam ond sparcle. Rnse a g e n t s autom atcally njecled dornstsvlye wlen Uuttorts pushed. AvalloWe n Copperone or Whte Model FCOO N eeds No J n st sta lla to n!. Rolls tolls ral rabtto thetable for or easy loadng f M ol oble M ad. / D st sh w ash er Thoro-Wasl* g lv ea sp o tlessly clean dshea w th o u t h a n d rln e ln g, scrapng or d ry n g... T j food acraps. B g 14 ta b le settn g ca- pacty. ( N a to n a l E l e c t r c a l M an u factu ro r B Aasn. Standards) 139 J J SM 00 N ew Conve] C onvenence! \ S p e n d dshwa! w a sh n g tm e T w n lft-t ft-top o ] R a c k s H w th y o u r fam ly fo r E a sy LtL o ad n g B ;B n Uu Ut-n jjjaabllejw aldtr H n to m atc "T Dshwasher D sh w ash er. 3-W ay W asm nr \ Acton PLUS Flush. a w a y P t p B fv e s s u r g n w a sh n ff power. NoH ahd R nlnr o r e Scrapng... u s t tlt -*" oc large or hard food scrajm. Automatc Detergent p [ SM 30. terem t,at,be proper aomezt. r EXTRA SPECAL CHRSTMAS OFFER =ER M S...D DSHWASHERf g f ond a n DSPOSAL SAL» MODEL SP30SB Have you alw olw ays w a n te d -a dsposal?! Here s a gree great-chance tb -g e t one for C your jr hom o e a t lttle or no extra cost., Ths fre GE s fre - GE dshw asher and GE dsposat jat ore are beng boln offered n a Chrtm as 3 M odd F0.600 _» p ackage :kage both for one low prce.. BOTH F O R... a l Soap OB moonthc for ea Cvbol vboloy* Cubten ute he atauaton, wthout pedal bhtdee e st aa*made metol r e toou.. Foyester Polyea dran hqutlnff. to Lastng StoU en S l n Abo avalable a wth safety. - J y ftaa«y-al.aajor ta l. J - -T wst;tppcantk)-(.ga-coo p a r expoeed o m t s b m d F«jadA ;800)... YOU SAVE MO -a G e t s dl r t y d s h e s s p a E k l n g d e a n!. A.0 a m ctku 0 rlcd M - wtuher mtans more «Jw trt...qndtunwuhyourfamuyl amly/ FC 15 p M obue Mad* r D sh w ash er k T hore-w aah o r apov lemly clean d U h s wtb m hand rnsng or acraplng... Just tlt o(t large or haxd food scrapt " M M y to lo n n lo ad l CoNOLrre Countertop Convenent, nq -abot. j. ) - extr work forfaeal g Toro.W B th* S 9 B s lu n d rnsng or aenp* B nsrr>just tu t off lazf or hard food aerapfc S s l a a Dsha c est out t p «~... «lng clean. J Four Qyde PodbaU m j r V 1 ton -Contols: D ally loads.jtnaftcnrtal 7*7 8 ;;;? p o ta * pans, B lnael Hold. $ l O 0 0 SD400. O. P e r M o n th k G F T T E M S... MXERS, S STEAM AND DRY RON?, RADOS S CLOCK CL( RADOS PO CKET r r RADA D O S C O F F E E M A K E R S l:» T O A S fers-ow R -.*. AF B A K E R.. :. - O R ; q v e : a A: Ll Aa C< K E R S G F T C E t n C A -, T J r and A V R nt r t DEAST, TWN FAUS f f * 0 MONEY YDOWMD J e l Feb P? y N o f h ln g t l F e b. 1 O n e n 9 Mlgwt o n, Ma nwn d F r. t l - F R E E - D f y y ~ T _ -. ll.;, \. l

8 >-New»Sundpy.-NoVembar 27,1966 ; W 6 y. 2 5 o Dt ea f f t g g g j_ n m m m m J N f V m mn FALLSBURLE f e v.. : E?flf «E = S k -h y QCHRSTAAAS DECORA D E C O R A T V E STORMl WDOORS A T T R UCKLOAD C K L O A D PR C ES SPRAY rkts Kl P R E M U M QUALTY A lum num, pre -hung. C re a te e x o tc C h rctm o t decoratlona d ecoraton wth largo s ef lf-s to to rn g D oor, ; j sa prra a y cta n t o f allver, tn o w end e n d gold along wth fy) full 1 jrch th c k * S js G O Free booklet o f lluctratont! > 3 2 " o r 3 6 w d th s S A L E - R ege g ula r $ C O M PL ET E KT Qq Uu Aa Ll - t y R E G U L A R Alum mn u m, pru-l lu g : _ Do o or.-< r 3 2 or-36j j...". \ p r H w d th s. S A L E, ; M o" R egular $29.95 H a v e h e b e s t f r o m V O r C O f o r l e s s 0 3 A! y / - 7,:... F. : ~ " " 5 u MONEY 1 \..! = w 80 ROD - SPOOL 1 2 V eu n g W acjft n USA CEDAR FE 6V 4! F t t vx - x : :. -. E a _ 2. J j l ; F t. S p lt C e d a r _ U n tre8= a te d e a - EACH E A C H..... O C 1 0 F t t.. x 2 6 ".. E a f BARBED WRE 5 " t o 5 6* DlD a m e te r, T r e a te d...: mn wj l l 2 F t.. x 2 6,.. E q j - ; E A C H % P T 0 0 = ==SU SURfftCED n E tum lu [ BER K L N D R E D C O A S T t ) 0 L :. - - T «/ - 3 r - FENCE POSTS S R l j 5 0 ~ f " - ;r 2x4s 2x lls 2!,2 0s lojemjuldngsxoffals o w a l s < P A - 4 " G A L V / W Z E D A 7 C5 4 _ R O 4 T hs s quallt; u a lty U S S N o t m pjo o rt t j ;..!, T R A PS, SHOW S ER. SETS, 6 F 1- t.. xx E a F A U CCTS, C T H< H O SE BBBS, ETC. & 7 R t.. Xx E a., Tc., > SS FP E C A L ] n d : : - r k asser s e r.twnrnfrb Alum num 8«* almwhtre MWhtre for $19.60 pertq u ar* r* X lo S r a EbCTRA X T R A L. L A R G E S H E g? v - V v V y / ",- -, RON loojfhg J t x 2.. E a j OOHNG & 1 SDNC F t, x l 2 f t 4 F t x l 4 F t. r - O M M ; :, :! ) S 6 5 f P L U T 8 5 KJ K.J / f. r j : y - S " Q? /...t,::/ % 4 - < 3? A - / - % O - %. V v f t s v - %- v \ lumbng TRM 5 j p f f.*~ r f! P l l r ; - j - _ - -. v\ A " P e rforated o d 4 % #, f 1 1 L ~ P L A S T C j j -. -PP E R F T. y 4 " SO L D. P L AS S.S T C.. P R F P - E 1 5 Z ] l l L l l ( * L j : l l f 4 = t T» R H = t H YVDHANTS D f 4 - # w W E E M p p o n l. \ v A E W E R 2 n : f :.. O N L Y l~3>45 ~

9 Sunday, Novamber 27,-1966, / h l l b l M T snevs. 1 ; : Twln.Fo[l> TtmMNew«Speafeer s Named for m p l cs Ho o n S t e f l t e S F o r > S a m r u e l s o n s f t a t e h e. Chrstrt k stm a s r w J T W tw w ju a ufnowstnsm to w H m tas W 11, e n u n o >y oamu-sxm OAMSU-KOOMO, Wt -.M M for Chrstmas 0 r U/& oppng Center Where ts So Easy to Shoo OD-Just SayCharge 11.M en s P erm a P ress s s. B l u e L a k e s Shoppng \j TAPERED SHRT Men s Aut j y COWBOY- m, e n s A u t h e n t c :ow B oy-b oots_\ < Cempor* tl 0.9* CHAO 31 T f V J r l V k A n H m m t g Campara Bl $21,951 C harge ll \ u 2 N 2 d plaldt el Dacror> ron polyeltr- H v 3 m SstV Sstk black wth whtt 4 3 B c V cotenl Paarlad ad napt.... H T TKm lltcl Htchng. tohar up. 1 l n j f Sm 14-7) tutvtt luavt S.M-l., S M-1. lu U pt>, tola. Sm 6 V f 1 Prncess p a n ty J ; A..... l l l l f / 7 ~r f. l y o r h D rft K a j e r l n to \ d r a n s 1 wte M o r h n g ~ ~ " f ~. - J- - > j. "K m >*. B o y s W a s h n W e a r COWBOY SHRT m K *t V > o rr COWBOY boots BOOTS - to O 1 1 lock. otegtr tr httt. httl. 3%.«Chargt ll j $ Q : _ F o r _ L U tttle t l e C ow b o y s... /BRONCO BOOTS " L. 1 j p 1 e h f t ~ r H _Ctmpart at $6,991 Chorgt. Rougheul Ro tlylt w llh / M g k. n blc block laothtr vppar, X K r H F B cowboy htl. Sl»»» - 8 J /,, M - t y. / ( j 1 / s e r, C m por. «> $3.91 < CHAM-T * $ X2 9 5 Sogol erowt toe* enhoncm fff v d sm NMNTS ; _ COWBOY 5 P w 80. o r. o o,. J 4 _ 8. tm» * «ltgonl SoHltnt* ponty l o c k. Slt! S t. C Surt lo plaal Tape>*d lylng lylng wth lllmmcabmh htflgowtblocmfohlons p«atnx«d nop-culf. Sltt :» 4 to ta htm and traett the... * «lmp«><l*llttoflnkhtna lovw crown potttnw SJwHSAM. K v v v v L Hl! V 3 VF 1 K w 3 a 0 H B B 5 l K 3 r W * ! f flvjf m H m - r :/M rl m pll-s l Soft Sofa ond ay 01 a cluud / thltlh Ullt htrt sown of chllfon, * vtr nylon; A tlmpu camttou ncllntlgathrtdfor fj.fohlon fullntt. Twn loc#. j l flowtn appjlqgt tht klrt. j SmSV.<.L. ««.do- / Szt X / f7.0 0 [lfl / - - COMPLETE SADDL SADDLE OUTFT NO.MONEY DOWN. ~ ~ O n ry g 3 0 -p V rm 6 n»htrr: tf V M...NYLO NYLONLARATS a >.g u n r B >* Charge h a e ll... lr.. O t / U ff CTAO-T o : rrfothov «rhov> 8f Of t tv*ry <Joyr Cflo wth 3: WQrm:V.t..y Mrm;; Vat»y Jlnlng. Sheptd./. BOSE (AP) Gov-elect sot Don Sa Sanuelson, and ohc«;*ave kave btt the 997.) mlllloa the leglsla* >glsla* ncnases ncna are m ad the.-state te propra proprlatlon of S71mllon to pn>- pn State Tax. Collector Floyd. w. W. Samuelson hhs talked about ponted to large budget ncreas* reas- ture ] p ro v d e represented 1 a 43 wll wll trbl.ts tn nelghbon and there vfda vrdeor one*half thecost of operat* «rat* West recently j lsted revenues levelng o f f spendng for edu- es m made by the 1965 Legslature. per*o per*cenrboost over the preccd* wll be b< pressure on teachen-to to ng the,publc schools.nt a level receved up to Nov. are about. B (atlon Fatc n daho. Such fscal ac- They a e t met the emergen* -gen* lag bl bennum. ) move elsewhere for bgger sal* Bl* of S4M J430 per chld.. ; 0.8 mllon-, per month, comtlon could have vared mples- mpllc»- cy needs n< of the sute. makng t San Samuelspn ponted to (hat bg arles Whet g e t h e r the ncrease of S pared p a d wth $2.5. mllon the year - R H Uons. possble to rely on the natural lural ncres ncrease n suggestng "levelng vellng Estl Estm ates are a t for the h* bl* mllon could be acheved wth- the taj tax was created a gan Rupert Club B H t could m ean next vear s year s 8>«w growth of the economy to pro- off" off * appropratons... ennlun ennlum- Startng next July 1, out ncreasng tax s ar ;un- n -of f more thah 10per centln less B U ftte Y ---P h lllrg cary r r rsn s a «p>nftnp vl s ta y wthn. rththe evvde e ncreased revenue n the Ed Educators say unless further daho needs a general fund ap- p- answered queston. ~ than ll 18 m o n t h s.. " current blwjnwm. narrw -:wold fu tu re ; ; observer and speaker,for Trana. requre a general fund budget of. Otl Others contend that before sfore World-AlrllaB-and-a-rare-COm?, $13Smllon-and-$57-ml!on-ap* on-ap. then-daho-lagged-behnd-other blnatlon of adventurer, cdu-aj- proprlatlon for publc schools, Dols. states, partcularly n spendng _ -Jn r o n n cr_ A rm y _ C h ap!aln l _ be gueal speaker a t. 7 p.m. --t- c o u ld -m e a n -a p e n d n gg-only n y {0 foc-educaton._tbe>usay Jh &..Thursday durng the Burlcy-Ru- WgSm what money can be produced txluced 1965 m s ncreases narrowed the gap pert Knfe and Fork Club dnner B S ae wth the current tax structure, and more than normal gans meetng n the Burley Elks Hall. S W. Samuelson has ndcated he must m be made for at least a few m S m lkes thb approach, although though more yeara to meet the needs. Once descrbed by a televs*!f not sayng he has ths n n mnd n jn presentng ts budget to the > on producer aa, a young man _ who-has-llved-bothdangerbusly m g j - for-educauon Legslature, _ th e.,_state and magnotlvcly, Geary frst Samuelson s spendng deas Board ol Educaton proposed - - bmamo absorbed wllh, world L:aE4 wll wl bc known when he presents that daho ncrease school peoples n Bengal, nda, a. from. PH U P GEARY hs J proposed budget to the 1967 spendng spent to $425 per chld. t...jm0 to-lm5. Then he volunteered for Army duty and was w s sent. for T fm World Arlnes KWlU -U be -S, *» carula certan vde that nuch the legslature ture sad that for the state to pn>< lunteer-... «n observer and speaker * to the South Pacfc where r * he 5 guest. n and would have to approprate 587 speaker at 7 p.m. Thurs. _ e rv e d _ a s _ C h a p la ln _-lo fo r f.27 j regard* mllon a s from the general fund. S ay_o7 j h e..burley-rupert nonlhs.. 1 *ng daho**jlnaaclalcour8,e_ln rs,e_ln _ t t faled by, nearly,y o mllllon _ Knfe «Dd Fork Club dnner A Now makng hs home n New meetng j the yeara ahead. n the Burley Elks lu p York. Geay was / c rerly l y an ] lalj. Geary has had an adveo-,, L MSlstanC:dlrcctor_ofTWAa:nrg- A s:pro: rturou:llfb:as:»o:educalorr*nd- W r gram of ar educaton before j ; S - v L e o K E= - _ = W E -lo A N = j = :----- n n.,a m y d,.p..ln., cakng on hs present poston.. Youft vtry wleomt... n foc R Tha Job took hm nto 25 coun- - tes on four-contnents. He also Ths made travelng 140,000 wt ott nvllng you p«ronolly ;V, to,11 M O R rm O N Erj Y had been n the scrvlce of Con- f to mako all the speech- jon 0>n hundrtd* ol tolltrtd ptop* n h arta who ut ht WANT AOS,.1 tnlntal Arlnes and the B "f«s Scan- jjj, Q jjjy ry has een»l conlnntly. Thty lall thar "no long* long- uddla, feolt, TV, nml(*l btn» Bbeautful e a u t f, dlnavlan Arlnes. A veteran ar traveler, r who recent flyng g trps <- ttm htovgh hat od od> m*nh. thtn lawt, umrm, bl» m an y y ears ago flew hs lls own» he Southeast Asa area?ca to V"1?» "! f : "W ny lan- lm- nt4*n. trthtry. plane, Geary s platform appear- aooear- ol observe, condtons and brng hrlns ** "**. OuO chtck-up oreond a>eond hw tta of «!«. > J : Sleepwear. ances have been almost as pro- bj back» tp M lqr tho many nnv nny aunu nu {; homt and fnd buytt fer ttm t llfc as hs tra.velng. n one dlences he addjssses... html Coll... B&B WANS * / year he made 165 speeches n Last fal he went to nda to U MAN AMP..««01HOM-Smn, for. l 42 states and fve foregn n coun* get the facts on the nda - Pnklstan conflct Also BUY SAU TlADj tres. S. JADD Mar>dwn>. "LltU LtU Wond. Wonder"!;«lo 12 /," C h a rg e f..»lxt. Hom 2 /, hlflh. tlflh. Con Conllt ho Cheytnnt,, - V, roll. Ftndtr ort 7/> wl<e, 7 " long, ft heny k_buyl_wool.rayo),_jonon btnd. 3O16O". " f DLB wth bram bt, f. hat HAm Cotton rdp*, BRDLE -- W J to todmlum d m K hordwo*#. BRWaTd RENS J *«fl-... tao L h l t t broldtd d COM»- COMS ftzlbt tpdng S: $ » o w c ~ r - b f tf l;..n.wttl.*.* R»d hondlt. *12.95 /, - llm.mjsa llsh---- -Unon-flbtf, fota M Una. Uno.>-. dtum lyllngl Nckd j rtttwlml-tarftnrtytr* «lvr-t»grdwort Hvr~f>grdwort.-~--" t v A lt Soll5n/ w S3rtSolh-r ff-j bumtr.- /, X 30. H Manla UHot.. C O; V *-lth ltdlhar bomtr. 30 O./O, \ Lore. wtmd HORSE BUNKET S. NDAN BLANn W O / - : L A j j A V... /--..., - J a M A L W W u s m t m m racw F W t mottmpolant tool:, ho >trftro-tofr vhrtmofr faallntf. foal t eophrtd n thb nyfoo hlft gown. uafllwfandflowrna All * Mr from tf>«(hm slrapt oad bsewlftg lurt lo tfm frm-llooung SMl bb Wftcf.wllch h lovlhod tvlhod wllh Joewld toe T~ flower «<.b tmbrodtry. n a bouqvot ef f flower colont colon _ Whlt, Sholl Knk, rmchy, Corbe 8u#.OolyYelo. 8u«. OosyY* G a y P e g n o r S e T,. \ F W t. t eophr T h e l u x u r y S lp s v... a U -,,. fr~-lloo« h g h, T r m m e d P a n t e s - shft B a b f D b l l o w s t ; : : ;- v.-.:;004o:8:00=:2. :, H a r s p s :. :,.. ;, - r. T.. 3, : a l - " J f " N NEW FASHOrTCX B O N T C O l d R S f e. p S e - Lll., ( * - -BabyD 1 Hars 35.00, 4.00 to S f t M l N T STGS T O R E D L-YNW u t J 3 =

10 Prblshng FARFELD ". The Camas SAMON - b e StatM are County Courer anoounced-ts mnced ts. * dead mleu - teey start dong. H»ur8dM H «perb «y.bel * lts last, S som ethlhfto h a t t t al n tbelr ther r e n d n R r e thaa «1 year* years of. r rlah ts7 * M n. Helea McKlnaey. fcknaej, publshng.. Dstrct 30A aewly elected M d state. SHOSHONB-Tbe ammal chl- Orln N. G arrett, owher wher. and nrepreybuuve,_ told S a lm o n.. drens Chrstmas party sponwth a free move aad a vst ledltoraaldtu M euu M -W U U lt sor cease onless purchase by. neghhave been unable to frrd Trd a ptr* pur* W m S. {* tallon before t to control taxes ; UtU votteem embea8 Q l F aau the;, feseral govern*. H B B S - n est s tryng to-aod has-jegls- r fro from Santa wth treats. Arrange-... d ja se r jfho,wbnd*contn» jfltnuea- to- 1# K «leved tadvdual su Utes.. Red Newby, charman, Mke, dependent operaton, S H ffjf -**be U.S. G ovenunent-ow ns- UrrtrtJa, Joe. BeWochoa. and more land than any other ther 8ot- gov* w m. - Mrs.- Mn Vrgna Xarsen:. Commt- Explanatons are hard tuud to U K " em m ent n tbe world and nd s at*. lt rh fm ; tee teemen for tbe lghtlrg contest m ake to cur frettds here ere!n n the. B B R. * temjptng to g et more land," sha U f l als( ab o to be sponsored agan ths county, Garrett w orote tc n a B S S l l l H H H H B B «year by the chamber are Fran-.. front page edtoral t Mrs. McKnney reported orted on c b Bergn and Harrell. Thome. "We haventw anted to TcU the.recent meetng n Nogales, Pres wll. be awarded to wn the Courer, he wrote. "We, F., Arz., of the Westem 1 C onfer- ners of home lghtng. have seen communmes contnue ence of the Cotmcl o f State >tate Gov* P P The annual Chamber electjoa to wther away because ot thc sloo 1W to whch she le waa a - dnner dm wll t e held Monday eveloss of a newspaper. 3 K -1 nlng,dec. 5. Olver Davs, Boba Rev. W arren Howell otfldat- FT tw C burler serves oneoflda* of da* ng. Mr«.--ElUs d M -F rfju y.-. S te 5«U lu l th» people ol Regonal R«drector of the Small la Clnc* the coromunltyahould ljecome r-» becam e... j. r, H. Busness Admnstraton, and hos two smallest countes. Cam- ed North Bon-Houbrloh.-Rchfeldr-farm Be MO, a l g U r e than Clarks - K t aw ttt A ; a e r and conservatlonbt wll be 1 SchooL lvce whch would transform 3 speokcrs_focjhe_y.enpg.,._-, ;... - S b e w u h o m. F t b L O, W. na t the H.Salmon Rver, nto fa T seres S l S SWWFALL HALTS TRAFFC fal V l e Cara are 9 bored a d ~ after a beavv saow stana t la Vaaa Vaaaa. 1(fPlK n de vlfcaea x ah a - --M r.t Javb wll d b c u s s -C fa P = G arrett dd not name negh- Hagerman. Durng her f ceuese college of» dams and reserrelrs s as furt M n ><<>< " snow o * and traffc came to a sandstll d stll gfrom Vtenaa) lenge lem on Man Street" and Mr. / borng publshers who -ho mght career. she majored la a y«g«h Elsh, of a gant system to move water Ha» Haubrch wlll dbcuss outdoor acqure tha paper but sad f.the and French. At the ttoe ae ofber her out. w of Canada and the M North* MARNE RE-ENLSTS sot son of M r. and M rs.-donne, n the Marne Corps for four Lal Lake Cty for departure to actve recreaton opportuntes n Ln* death she was prw ldent ot of X west w ta the Southwest! SHOSHONE-Dennls EEverett v Everett, Shoshone, has enlsted ye years and left ths week for rsalt du duty. Ol con County. deal s s l g o the Courer ourler wll w chapter, DclU Kappa pa Gam-. have, a resdent edtor r and wll m a,.a teacher s fraternal «n u l or* be publshed n another er plant ganfaatlon.. Wood Rver /er Hgh School To Host Career er Day Wednesday _ - tm L E g - -W o o d -U UvetJHgl v e c - wry ttnrpnt wlh be free to at- School wll host a college-career ege-career tend any flms whch r nerest day-w ednesday hm.... RepresenUtlves from m sx cbl- colleges C areer Day wll b ea n at9:30 t.... and consultants represent* a.m. wth a welcome address ddress by ng 25 professonal felds wu wll Rchard Jones, p r n c p a 1 of present nformaton to 0 SOO hgh WoodRver H l School, :hool, and. school students. bref entertanment nlmbers nformaton, conccmlng rnng college col- provded by each of the part* entranco and requrements qulrements dpatng schools. wll bc furnshed.by,counselors MUMolors Lynn. Rggen. apd Chrstne from tho Unversty ot. daho; «*! : Bcrgta \«lp co n d u ct the pro- daho s u te Unversty, y. Collem Colen gram. Student charmen cn asslst- assst- - f g of daho, Rcks College. eae. Bose Bofe College and the C ol l e g e of hjn, mdudo Robb Rlg- Rg- Kau,y Laragan and "Ray A f l - -SolhtfrnTldaho., Brooks. WWd Rver. F u t u r e Senors from Shoshone. wn * Det- Teachers Assocaton members rch and Rchfeld Wll Wll meet ead the days plan and the fa- from Wood Rver and Carey wth tho eollcgc rsonnel as culty. drector s Jean Mler, well as Blane County senors,. Hgh Schools. Twen-slx speakers wlll pre- ; College Day S S la ted H re e M W V L ftt * T h NdFor 3tates Rghts bts l~nr... CMng r ndrvldua careers for the senor students and underclassmen from the local hgh schools. Each student w U hve the opportunlq to select cjk-ontuesday and at- ~ tend sx dfferent sessons slons durng the day. Ffteen unlversltlcsr~ r~college3 colleges dur* a vy Professonal consultants tants nclude n- and junor colleges wlll ll be rep, Dr. Mgel. medcne! cne: Fred resented n College D»ay actw actf F Hahn, law; Robb Brady, Jout Jou tcs scheduled for Tuesday a t nalbm: Brad Lews,,. mathem mathe- Twn Falls Senor Hgh Suool, Saool, atcs; al of toho ) F a l l s. H erbert J. Smth, drector rector of ot / Charles Severs. rtonagerl nnaserl of ol gudance. Dstrct 411, announc- Holday Motel, Twn Fafls, wll wn ed Saturday, / E l E EORC a R C GGl l F l W dbcuss.-hotel and-motel lotel man* manlo nterested parents and. sentor r stdents from Buhl, Hansen, S S :, PLEASE V a D e psychology- wllu-hcar -hw r -Mr. rom e,-c astleford-and--v d-valey alley -. VERYBflf yeryflo B Y, Jack Stenck of thc State Departm ent of MenUl Health. All pate wth Twn F alls Hgh ; X The; 3e- schools arc nvted to o partlcl*. X branches of the armed servces Schod ln the program.- wlll have representatves present, to contact (he: boys and M.tne S re s c n te d -a re -B lls e -C o fle g e, O B f o The Wteen colleges to be rep* wardrol V slrls may talk lo S g t Mary j n k ae Jl dehe Blackner, Bose,.concernng Mncemag Bose: College of Southern da- S S : B len s n derd e r the pres arm y tranng ln-the W.A.C.., : daho Power home demonstraton a g ent Wrs; Helen J Walker, w S S veralty- Pocatello; Magc Val- ho, Caldwell: daho Stato Unl* O C q n n O Op po en noe r pema«w ln F«H. wll d te m lhe ~ C l o occ c k homewo m any, c a r e e r - opporumues avalable-n the feld.of of home N S S a R lck s " S c!ge, b r Rex- o c - " _ C obffe w o taov M a k e r w r f d a j ecoobmlcs. D r.:. L. 3ean,.head faud burg: Valvcrsty ot daho, aho. Mes- Mos- 1 t. of (he Research Center; tter. Twn cow ; B r a m Young g Unver* D e«p e p ffryer y e r F alls, wlll-,present ne\v lew devel- developments n agrculture S e a n d U th. Salt Cty: y w Weber? t o. D l h w oa t h e r sty, Logan, Utah; Unversty of changes n tranng requre* requrem ents. Stanley" Snow, jw. Twn Stevens Henager College, Salt State College, Ogden, Utah; F lo) o r l a m p Fnlls, wll talk on a career n Lake Cty;,Twn Falls Busness O F ry t r P a n ODEA! accountng. ; College, T m n F alb, and Colum* The state Ubray board plans ba Unversty. New York Cty,, O G r d d l e to-aendftedenalpy to dscuss -G;-H.-0ppcnh6lmer,-r«present* lbrary tranng wth 1 students ng Columba U nlw rsty, 5 T. also o nterested n that feld. d. Spcclal Specal wll provde nformaton on Agent Jack Newell wll explan Yale, Harvard and other vy H o l r - D r y e r K t L a m p opportm tu Jvth-vthe-FBL* -FB L a* Teague colleges. f a t n g P a d reers n educaton wlll ll be ds* dscussed by WUlam.WeUnder. Welander, avalable for ndvdual lual con* L J!< C ream s a... M a k e r JH.-College xounselors»» be b. p*- Bellevue: specal educaton, ferenccs a fte r9 a.m. Tuesday Mrs. June WorCbfngton, on, Slalne Blane fn specally assfgned rooms. y D l r o n n e r. d q specal. teacher: and ; teachng parent of Twn Falls-acnlors, the handlcappcd by a representatve from the Coodlng dng Slate nvted to hear representatves sentatlves U tt hae represcn- junors nnd sophomores» wll be. n lfe H School.. of thc colleges at presentatons sentatlons r~n Other consultants n c l u d e made a t 6:30,. 7:30 and ond 830 8(30 M x x e r, Juan M o;chaof Juan s " J.School Tuesday a t the hgh school of Beauty; Dr.- GlcnnOverturf, sm lar presentatons wll be M oove. v, Projectof P r o j.. n Bellevue, veternary... - scence; njbdb-cach-h6ur,-allow lng-stu- - Mrs. Louse Rathke, Dursbg: S a n Webster, retal sellng.-ttn Tn ttnd parents to hear pres* " " B - P o ppcon Maker c o m M c - entatlons by three dffcdsnl unl* records; Ralph Csco,.foresty: eten uo- - P ortable t a b l e H Heater «. w r B e t t y Jean Hammond, yerslues and colleges. Hammono,. ouunetvhlch-wlll be t a oc ow v r B - P u ll-ll-dbwn-lamp d b w n :l W R - - " A specal dsplay wlll 111 be pre* ere m makng thdprmeftttlowr sented by the Bell Telephone T«w,hoM»! entrance procedure S wth? pre* " T R o d o Co. under the drecton J o f t t t«tln g ond other requrements, a of man*.hoslng,-,chol* S S R e c o r d P l a jy e r. C P f l. ager T. A. Whte,.w Flms, demonstratons ons and arahlps avalable, strong S felds f R otmt u e r ee - dscussons of busness 1* tnlnlns tranng of study and extra actvtes, wll be avalable all day lay n the On haad_-wllubo Prncpal d p a _ [ ] S a n d vw n c h CH C, busnesstepartm ent under the.the George-Staudaher, and counse* ~ dlrecudn -o f - nstructor-.m tor-krs. rs. lors Kenneth Kal, Ea d achupa. a f S h.a a v e r Glean. Smth. Busness!ss school schml Mrs. Ann Powers and.n d P - p aul. o t S u nl l alamp m p Brgl representates. wll.loclude Ktnman Busness. Unversty: S t ewmlron a m r p many ho B a s s s * Cjllcge; -Twn, DES AT n o, Falls B uslheu C o l l andstev* Stev- -WAKAYAMA7-Japan-(AP) - ( A p y Q - T a bte l ll a a fp ens Henaeer.Busness s. Unve Unve Mrs. YoshgDcu to, reported to sl, Ogde v t f a r ~ be~the~ode8t7woman B*Jpeof f e P M t~ T e l eu v. y l. o n. g :! L -... A newfeature-of-theday-long " ded-todayr She w as-no r - Q - T f _:.ana7con. program wll be a contnual showng, of carecr flms llms coh- con- FOR FAST SELLNGESULTS te>j«m wor6» A; duetcdby Robert- Carlng rlng and USE TMESrNEWf WANT.ADS. W a f f l e r o n : gettable 3 W a h e r ; ; e y e r r e p _ =? M s axr g r g e t tle on gft shoppngj j j v Permanent lent p pre$s clothes sand am [ permanent prels" relsflamelessdyc der The new wonder-eloth fah fabrcs provde for smart rardrobes, and hew-flameles flameless dectrc dryers s -pro- dehe best -way to keep them then attractve.and retafa retan he press. Gentle-heat,t electrc electr* dryers wth specal lennaent press settngs:less ngs:lesseu the ronng, make meworlje he le todf drudgery of old-fashoned lu o n e d h flameless ( lectrc abg-c pacty,no-fro )-frost,refrgerator ratof reezer... New no-fro! no-frost ce maker refrgerator freezers add dd to the pleasure of food ] prepa- t H raton and,d sto stofage. Modern nsulaton ma- a. J - terals make lake p possble far heater reater storage s S capacty n the s e Mden space.toucan Y(. r P store both h fresh fresl and frozen foods meats, foods ST- vegetables, desserts des always-read,ys-readyfor temptng meals for your famly lly and f guests, The ktchen len takm tal on new ntere.st tere.st wth -v a modem refrge efrgerator-freezer.- Make cqoknj Dokng fun agan V BrghtSn lj) the room oom where,mom wk spends BO lany hours TOfl a larktonew a r k : range See the ew self-leamng ovens, aft afaactve console de-. gns, hgh-speed cooktops, :tops, e-to-operate eas tmers hdtconctseelecookj looorbetter-ffld-enjoy-t lore. A new.olamams S electrc etotr( range s,an.unfor- ettable.gft that yll perve for f years and y e fer le n e y g & e jo yr oof t happy hapj holdays.. v j - ;.(Sunday, Su N o v e m B e r l H - Group H Wll Sponsor. H Holday Party. A...:... y. w, a - ; ( M * DEC.» ~ T _ ; T W ln _ P A L L S. C o.c pou pa u au n lt n lfr n cert, Karan Annstroofc- _ ;,lbahc bahopower c 6 m pany N CO-OPERATON-w 5NW1TH th : - - a o p r a n o. - - DEC. TWN F A L nremnens Bat. Balt. Amercan LegoHalL.- m r RVER n p u m c t w FEB.,*- >. BURLEY Mnl-Cassa ssla Cdmmualty Comn Concert, New York kconcert. - j : Tro, Burley HlghrSchool col Audtorum.. - APRL 4 -,< BURbE -4Hl-GaBsa-Com Bsa-Comnumty-ConcatJX)olh3L j l h nmnm Mctmpn» an np<.rn porn Mor Bonrano.- Burlev Hgh School Aud* _ * S M W, - - ".. " DEC.? a.valley Sk Resort Opeoa. «

11 - - T a d f l u f j DejjewS oy>.novflnf<ber m j g 27., 166. ;»% ** ** J h M S K b f f S B n u j C ** V bsb K - r m F l l feo y n g Conto C o n f r o v e r s a l, B ; B y;st E rae N M; AUG JG famed work of art. Ard, as-wth B. WASHNGTON (AP) - - The The any any Chrlstmas stamp, -lls real 3 " Post Offlce s bracng tself (<lf for purpose purp s to have Chrstmas H an e;(pected onhtsh of custom- :ustom- card malers pay fve cents pcr K «r«eager to-purchase what may card Ue -Chrstm as-stam p B be ts best-sellng, most contro- costs fve cents rather Uan> H venal and.certanly most st col-send Uem under a four*cent g orfu Ch tm a s sump. rate. - p r tk B u t- p Q s a ste r C o n panter Hans Memllng s "Ma- have told representauves of f dmna_and_qd_wu,-ameu;: M sevcn-lnfluentlal-jflwuh-organ; seve ff - went on sale Nov. 1 a t Chrst* zato: latlons a t a hlthertp unreportcd K, m as, Mch:, mecung meet Uat as*a spokesman m t Js js: relgous t mle e that Uat sad "he wes not gong lo be has brought Uq sfflmp ) both a & hypocrte n ssung a Chrst*, X prase and complants. n n 1962, mas sta m p...» 1063 and 1994, the Post Offce s "He H was not gong to ssue a - C hrbbhas stam ;» depcted eplcted Chrstmas sump and clam ; t nouag more rellglous than than was dvorced from relgon 5 candles, wreaus and-chrstmas swas from the R, trees. Last.years stamp P pc- Chrstmas. true meanng of ; tured a- wnged angel wth vth a Th) The department has prnted m trumpet. 1.2 hbllon of Ue stamps at a g% Some of Uose flpposcd, to s* cost-of 5504,000 or 4.2 cents suance of a Chrstmas stam p per : sheet of 100 and expects felt Uls-year s venture went 6nt too to sell them for J60 mllon. Tho avccbge-onedolomamp costs 2 g Kesman tor tne Amen Amerl- «cents n S per sheet of 100, or about can <ll LberUes Unbn 1 Tald, sad, for 1.2 bllon.» g _ tj}e-stamp-has*a-rellglous-mo- US-mo- = = a a s = a : : = = tf- a-chruuan_moul=:andjt pj-b J lo o m ln g -P lan t-s p ero ls- «therefore s a governmental M means of showng preference terence MUMS, CYCLAMEN,, n for a sngle relgon...clearly a "? a GERANUMS. ETC H preferenual governmenul Jl ad H n o w u for a u occasons 1 n- propagatng a relgous llglous ORO WllllAMS H falu. -.,,, C T Y F L O R A L, H - The Post Offce offclalne jj s Hat sh St. s«>.>?33-e4»o H th a t the., stamp celebrates a DRAWNG OP THE Z FNE ARTS A Center, now on the le plannng board. s brngng dream reams s mc Mme $400,000 fram tbe Cvc vc Audtorum Audt! Assocaton and d a federal grant ; F. Edward Jones, t ot tho Collese of Southero them daho dal toward realty. Coastructloa truetloa s s expected 1 to begla la a few campus ea plaowr and archtect, ltect. and Harald Gerber, Twn R Falls archtect, archl have worked closely ly monthf. Froposed tuadlag Bdtog toe thla multl-ptrpose taelllty lly s s tlrough tlrou, prvala fuods, odud lud, wl wlfh Aldrch BowJer aad Paul Bull, BuU, re p w a tlo g the ajvc v lc Audtorum AudltorJ group.. * *: - 16,000 square feet- Thls porton rtlon to use t some natve* lava a rock etlar ettante "Group-or Ma c valley Q : forms the core of the buldng dlna n landscapng to gve the le cam- achl acheve ths maxhnum ttnd gen* Drawng Of 1 Fne Center Ceh Turns s! k JJ l F V T t l 0 wlu clasrooms on eluer sde, de. pus p u s..a personalty of ts own. eralzcd erall Uut the percentage»!_ A sngle-story poruon on one A memo from the Cvc c Aud- rule holds to the facta of tbe 1 r V sde has been devot to musc juslc torum tort Assocaton was sent to Magc Valley area, Dream For 3r Cl CSl nto Practcal Realty n Ue projected plan. Ths seg- Jones for use n plannng the Therefore, the audtorum um ment of the structure covers cent< center. He sad he felt the sufr memo w» t. "We. nourcam"ofthb College offt f a r t o closely* fl ponnlnrthb 8tnc? -stroc? 4:410 squfff«4:41t feetr-ftcadlng g a t y? T xj x a a n N C H ~ Southern daho s rapdly dly be* ; ore, some 1,100 students at- tun ture. CSl s destnra to become teachng labs for bou voce B and by E Bowler were "very realstc." lstlc." would create a feelng of an comng a belevable realty. t tendng the nsttuton. the Ue cultural center of Magc glc Val- nst nstruments, offce and storage Ar Among features suggested ted for "em pty house" for colfege and Thoso closcly assocated wth f (hat snt enough to lo erase ley, and as such, adequate hous- facltes facll and pracuce rooms. conslderauon were absorbatlve rbatve am ateur producton unts, thc nsttuton durng the Je past any doubts about the exstence ng for artstc endeavors s s s Ue the At Ue ouer sde of Ue audl- and echo-mnmzng acoustcs. oustlcs. "F o r the occasonal event fof r FELT SQUARES two years have never had a of the college, F. Edward d Jones, leg legacy Ue college can bequeath torlum torl s a two-story wng de* gt, _doubt but there has been en spec- campus planner and archtect, rchltect, to the people of the area. 1, Joncs sgned for dram a and art. TH: «a 8 good * the one-nght stand of natonally, TTO vew and proper lghung lg from mportant mpc program s," the meulalon from some who 10 have has h offered a soluton drawngs rawlngs not notes.., upp upper story s expected to house each, a stage wu "flud * possl- mo contnued, "m ore attenton followed thc concept that t "We ll of proposed campus facltes. llltles. However, the educaton 1 of ct the the a rt porton. bmt] bllues ot "thrm tlng" and :d open- should be devoted to fundng 7. for c r *1 beleve we ve got a college when w uh buldngs n the «plan- area s youth s of prme mport- t wll nclude teachng. labs jng ng wu maxmum backstage modlfcauons mod of gyms to nurng for sull acoustcal baffles and de- R egular S u r 19c e a. we can see t." nng stage, tls concevable ble that ance to college trustees and ad- for lor drawng, sculpture and a de- space and a celng allowng Many other tems should d prove pctual consthctlon s not far mh lnlstrators;-n. acepung Ue. the. agp sgj.-offlce and storage space»f *oo rgged rgg. flles wthout the "expcn- expcn- mou mountable stages that are cau- am- P erfe c t fo r dolls, j, pupp p u p p e t s, C h r s t m a s the realty of CSl to the e spec- J off. The rapd progresson Lslon of Cvc Audtorum* funds 1 some also a re ncluded, along wlu> a 3 Ot.cellt >ngu»rf_ln mnh»rn flrrmtpfhpnl u ral. 6 to G W o g s-end-4 j-4r-l r-jmm T d ffe f -e n t-to l ~ ;. uator t» - a n-acuv»-4v<mnan v<mnaft pncnnaca«!s n hu all systems monus ago. hcy n6tcd tnls Uls as klln ranr andtnud rootn., nc. ng," openngs to accommodate modate lterature Uter rauer than tryng board of trustees, a recently fluy pu u q a r t "go for sprng of 19g Uer the objectve.. Tf The lower deck, devoted to lag Kto o rs to choose e from f r o m,. largerehlecturavltems,, a shop shrnk shrr a 2,00ft seat-audtorum lum ;. chased 230-acre ste for the col- P a rt of the bond moncy s n However. K Ue educauonal and drar dram a, wlll house teachng chlng faej] faclty for set constrocuon on and to an ar audlejce-of theater lovers. hand, wth another )2 mllon llllon to cull cultural envronments a re «coup* coup- labs, adapuble to dressng ««ng ample parkng space nearby. whch num b e» between 400 and " * A be sold, and federal and prvate led handly n the proposed rooms: roon storage, offce and sem- wn- aalso l keepng an eye to eco per performance." Farmers Are TT 5 MULT-PURP - T - P U R P O S E funds a «avalable to help lep pay drawng of the fne arts center, nar rooms.. om nomlcs, Bowler s suggeston ston to s s the hgh cost of educatng the The - dual-purpose structure xucture The TJ square footage of the com- he the archtects was for "handy, Unecded [. area s youth.- contans cor both classrooms and an plex totals 42,000 square feet, verv very unfnshed, economcal nomlw W orlds Far One of the frst drawngs sub- 800-plus seat audtorum. Coll College offcals do not expect *P*ot dressng rooms whch favor easy - Edton *1 NYLON.ON NET. mltttedcby Jones s that,t of the 1The audtorum, whle desgn- to-haye adequate funds to com- acccss to stage proper and pro- - 1 On Lneup 1fne arts center. Proposed fund- cd to accommodate -requre- plct plete the whole project n frst lrst vde for masked, cross-ovcrs s-ovcrs 30 Votum* s.t of ths mult-purpose : faclty mc ments for all types of stage pro- pha phase constructon. Therefore.- fore, nd/ and/or aclrflsstsellnd walk- PARTALES, N.M. (AP) - s through prvate funds some s some ductlons, du symphony presenta- rescnta- t s planned to buld one sde Farm ers who staked out a.u.s. of ways." ay. ENCYCLOPEDA 3 yards 1. r : *400,000 for the Cvc Audto- tlons to and others of Ue perform- >cr(orm- cas classrooms and the audtorum, r um. xthe t audtorum group also orrce more than a week c. ago rlum AsMcatlon, and a 1 federal ng nf arts, abo can be uulzed wtb wtl the other wng- of explored compromse Saturday class- felt fejt that the seatng capacluy ;U. A - AMERCANA R eg u lar l a r 9 c y a r d grant. for classroom work.. roo rooms to be added n the future, but were no closer to tsf decdng ture. for 1 the theater should be vewed K Mnn* ones and Twn Falls archtect Through *: the use of movable A As n ouer proposed campus ffon 7 2 nches w de, d e, bo l b O % n y l o n r - N o who would be frst n lne Monfederal farm-money. epng tw t o.to three per cent of the wm a tra re n t - coloft from two general-standpolns: p o S. Harald Gerber, n plannng mlng the taanels. pa the audtorum can m bbe e dd- facltes, admnstrators, trus- Th(» -n. ymtp nrmkprt thnt nhnlt hem m ng n eeded s d e d. Co C o m e s n m a n y «gl»ft-4op faclty. worked closely wth A- vldcd nto ttrco lccture>type ure-type tees and arcjltccts are Keepng Thc farmers, campng r, AxrtM outsde drch Bowler and Paul lul Bull, classrooms. cc They can be uscd used a sl sharp eye on flnnnces.. area s populace would.".1 aval SSw f :Z r$ the Agrcultural Stablzaton Wlzatlon representng the Cvc Audto- effectvely ef for drama labs or Buldngs wll bo con9.(chcted themsewes (hen of these faclllues for ad Conservaton offce k n n hl< ths rlum group. projecton rooms.. sol soldly to nsure endurng usa* nos most events. They sad the HrK Dll- eastern Wew Mexco cty, Ptfv ar- a! The mportance of meeung Ths audtorum porton n of the blll blllty they wll be attracuve,. ranged-a fnal meeung Sunday. bou th e 1 college buldng, ncludng seaung, lg, stage eye appealng structures, but & & s n s a s m s s f s m s s An unoffcal watng lst for and the area were adhered to and backstage area, s 5 about contoln lltue cosuy "cng," m the cropland adjustm ent program, sm lar to the. old sol Plannng common sense use- x. Jones sad. ff bank, grew to 176 names But Magc VaUey ley g ChafBfer Of able structures, malnunln an aeshetlappearance tuougkoul jyehera arrved, more than a week ago, thc campus s the sssgnment of ff has been rejected by many late Commerce Wll Organze / CTA S. archtect Jones. W arrvals. _ The fne arts center s to be B The camp, consstng «f of tralers and truck-campers, n was Chamber of Commerce s to be ern er; daho Chambers of Com- sad, ga{{ wth darker contrasts. Ths ff tral- BURLEY. A Magc lc V.lley Valley Valley. Vt North daho and d aeast- s t - a, { lght-colored structure. 2Jones B1 s r N CO E R l j(}hmkum K m quet and frendly untl 1 Frdav Frday organzed durlng- a meetng etng be- meroe m n sponsorng and nd pro- color scherfe wll be followed W when olher farmers arrved ved and Snnng a t Z p.m. Dec. 7 a t the m< motng such a rea projects as the m omutt rou-be HE tooknc tookns foa yoa taasu e throughout the ouer buldngs. announced they would not abde North Sde Cafe, Jerom me, an- rc, regonal arport, water and ana rec- on campus. & by the unoffcal grount) md rules nounced Dr. Jam es L.. Taylor, Taylor. lamatlon la developments.buslness buslnea tn j y probably wll be «bult S SewtagM ng Machne s T q Q. B o O Q O O O O O M the fanners already had d set up. Twn Falls, presdent of r the Col- and ndustral acuvtes s of all fro from a we-cast type of mate- W s o o S B k o o H The Agrcultural Stablzaton blllzauon lege of Southern daho, tho, and knds kl as well as other mauers matters.{a] rlnl wth steel beam, and grder. r e S 1 (for less 3 S thh a n $ ) 1@! o B o B H o 1 o and Conservaton charman for W alter W. Schramm, Burley, of area-wde concern. used extensvely, Jones sad. d.the f f o o the coun, Delbert Brown, has edtor.and.general manager,-of aager-of AcUon, for the attempt ; to form modem, yet not ultra-modem Sp- gp- r H 0 H. o told the farmers they cy must the Herald-Bulletln..UU< e Magc Valley organlzauon nlzauon type ot construcuon wll be «the Ue pw o o H H o O H B decde low the lne wll, be The group wll be composed Mmposed was w brought to lght by Ed E- tre trend on the CSl campus. M P O o H H \ o H formed Monday. He sad the of cvc and busness leaders Hott, presdent of Ue Burley Keepng an., eye to the ad- ff jm o o ] o _ o o ol o o o o o H program calls for applcatons pllcauons from every communty n Mag- Chamter q of Commerce at a t a re- vantages ofaesueucs. Jones has w on a frst come bass and "we lc Valley to promote valley-wde lley-wlde cent meeung of area chamber projected beautfully landscaped cannot vary one ota from the projects of common nterest., leaders n Twn Falls, jfr. Mr. El- grounds to complement the regulauons or we wll t jeopa The. organzatonal work rork wll otts He suggeston was endorsed buldngs. He sakt t s hoped % dze he entle program. ).. contnue through the evenng a»t t Ue Ume, and Dr. Taylor and = At stake s the county s y a $124,- followng a no-host dnner ner untl other.area ot] leaders started work 000 allocaton under-the p js * consutuuon and by-laws ws have on callng the organzatonal r gram, for whck~farmers «wotld been adopted. Offlccrs wu WU ba meeung. m f be pad to keep cropland out of elected a n represenutuves ves elec- The Magle Valley has been.! producton. The, lne, began to communty. j. form after reports crculated ty. the only nrea of Ue state that f, "t wul bg neccjsaty nc- S that the money would not go y to ac- has not been represented wlu a C J compllsh U» fuu organlzauonal lzauonal regonal organzaton. sm M P jp ZCZA G 3 SEWNG W G 1MACHNE & around. w ork-lh,one_jbeeung-n_order...he communuesof Ue le Magc Magc _ l4 5 b -K C. - ttjr,...-smooth,.quletae W - ooth,.qulet sew nr. j S -. 1 that the group wll l»funeuon- funcuon- Valley, Vt beng se closely sly con con- on your rado dlol Sw & ZZae R and stragl straght sttch. Clemency Asked K 6 Q ng by the Ume the state te legls- legs- nectcd-wlth-good hghlvays and - SUtch length refr reg u la to r. M lature convenes: n January; anuary. n addluon havng common Z aalms f ~ W E E K D A Y S. W Needle de PosUon Mleetor.» js By Ex-Mnster [ j 0 f stated Mr. Schramm, co-chalr- co<halr- ard at nterests, T fcel a valley SOOomlGNON B JAlftTTA7naoDela--fAP) T A V \~ raab.-t-s*planned-to-have-the- cham t h ber couwt>e"orgrearvnlue!arvnlue -eoo-om-houv-hourtufo & Form er Foregn M nster stw Su- Valley represented ed at Ue the to the area. 8>0S am DPRATER Sr. bandrlo has asked for clemency lemency legslature by nembers 8 of the ] Mrs. Agnes Anderson,. secre- 9.00om SWAP AND SHOP gtf from Presdent Sukarno, mo 48 organlzauod,! tary-manager ta.of the Burley R w <f 05 the.joe pwe show ff om ED.PRATER SP hours before an appeal al would The new group wll be eaw Ableto Chamber of C ohm ercejs mal , cm SOCAL aub... B# have become nvald. take.lts place wth the Treasure ng nj letters to th presdents ents uand d 12 noon HOllY HOUFSURG U Subandrlo, sentenqed~to~death secreurles of all the chamtmrs hambers.os pm arry barwck 2s by the. mltary trbunal lor n the Magc.Valley, nvtng 400 pm BON ABRAMS B helpng the abortve Communst S lln fla tb n ls S.1. Uem wth ouer cvc leaders pm juneau4mnn reports ff - V. coup m October 1965, was as gven e n to to thc Jerome meetng pm SPOTllTE ON SPORTS S 30 & ys to appeal for clemency CommunUes expected d to be >25 pm WEATHER f g from Sukarno. - Predcted JBy J. y represented at th e organlzatlon pm THE JOE PYNE SHOW So far, of the sbc persons ons sen- sentenced to death for helplm the, al? SCHOOl HMTES SP a! meetng are Sun Valley-Ketch pm PATTER PARTY um, Haley, Jerome, Twn Communst powerplay last Economst Falls. v,oo pm jerry AtJAMSON ff W endell.-hgr-b uhlt Jr-fho- : t ntjtr8«rscn~ot>, year, fve, ncludng Subandno, ;- " h v e asked for cleteh from -WASHNGTON - (AJ>) The P )-T shone,. -K m berly,-h agerm an, -!? STRAG ACHT H T STT lt C H -" " t - Sukarno. Sukarno has Mnot t Man swered any of the appeals. - econonlut of- the U.S. S Fler, Rupert. Paul. Heybum, S S l r S ; T S ep W D fos A T U lra Sfff. Sew ng Machne. Sm SmooUt. qt)l«t «,-1,. Chamber of Commerce ce sad Oakley and Burley. - For tb* lalot and UP.f»-dat* Mclpf wclpf f f M w ng. AutomaUe bol bobbln-wnder -. «_ Saturday nght Utcre wll wlll be Also representauves o f r Blalne, and club tunt n wtckday kdoy ST W : release. 5U.SUtch t«h length regulator.. m - J, more nflaton n 1967 unless Ue Je Jerome, Goodng Twn 1 Falb F, momlng.ot men for KEEPS Socal M <Accurate 5 Kaft M art sutehl autehlng-.ra. * THteeKUed C U govemment ttk es further ac- Mlnldolw and C w la counues couauea Club.,. f f S... U SH P PAJAMA A. D p tl? H A V A N A -(A P)--AjjCXDlfr n-o Tloslon a t a coeducatonal mltary Dr. Carl H. Madden sad the s= s s s s s s = =! s s s s s s s n W rn* fn rn wnppnond wnppnc (ms {lvny. SX Uoa are n expectcd to attend.....v * -> *»»» BonBOHrp«yp»«nm BoUJTP«yB>*B*n»UJ7»brm»y/««T t y H H r l m E LE G R l VW C n S o ~ school n a suburban.havana govemment must mpose fscal TT fcsldettun-orea*kllle<nhree-gtrl heektrl resthunts-to-effset-the-erfects-of J m b o! - _,, J d3l N N- -N NC0 W 1 \ p students and njured more nm than trnn growng defense.spendng lng snd and a dozesth er.stud«nts o n van apendwtf of U? tho 89th 89th Army-offlclals-aad tfanflast BeTbTast Congrtss.. T _ * : STUDO - r Frday was caused by an n "acck Wnle notng."ncreasng -.. dental flre m o n g dem mlcals lcals.. th a t the supetoom wnlch has grpped the economy snce POSONED autumn of.1965 s coolng Poff." R r Cassss D % N OU NEW locaton! caton «. OJd fadloned grj,, Pflrsan Pursan poodle.or j perky BRSTOL,. England (AP) he sad, the prospects for cost- Sarah Tucker, 81. ded sd from push nflauon now growng as _ l p n. w l n g nd OOl P Pantng. 1 T augh t by, S _ a. a mmtleglrl Bpajamas-md U e grj eoal~grt»twm ng~rrtaaytap B aytsp umons seek wage ncreases :a su be* ;. u LAh _ A r 4vut. g s.odaoorah w oo] T O h cause, theves broke a gas ppe yond producuvjty are not lkely ol TOh hdden rpper. Soft whle roolns-out 28 s n d S AT RUPERT. RUPERT, 13AHO ;... f S S l - Pluah fa frrlftrt. lon; : lead pfp&g S r basementklsh- one P h o n e P»ou au l or w rte S en under ner apartmeat, t, pouce polce calculated to thfow tbe economy., o la f Mollor, OO SeuU, S o u th, 395,W9 5 aat.rupert, dahd Ml(L.. nto a rec?t*lon** T - M.-. ;,.. : a

12 ..., : S e 8 F o r ; ; B a l e e NEW YORK (A P-The «l m arket t u t week had to u " f o r a losson bance-bbttsta were rsng toward the end the w e e k.». :; t: rm o o < F tk!-t a t«g 6 r:f p»*«ttnlth tft nprmutn,»twl no loud reason lnked. to economc ack rqunfl.jbhlch.malned drab. - Tbe Z)OHr Jone«ndustral erase ths WMk had a net : Of m a t n the fln t. tradng sessons the aver took, a thumpng loss of 1 n the last two sessons t galned*8;30of-thls: Volume for.-the week, sh ened to four tradng days by TlMlcsgvng Day hokday, 3$,061.9(Kl shares compared M for the-full fve- tradng week prevous. The- week ended on a v postve, bullsh note, wth = av 6r6n«aklngood"gnlna Frday;- m any--of the- la wth all 15 of the most ac S lo aut fls tfrb n O Jn ah slon. n.vew of the pessmstc mosphere prevalng early the week t was dffcult to g< ratonal. explanaton of turnabout Analysts «d that much the bad eccmomlc news hod, ready-been dscounted by.. m arkets bg-declne hls yc that leadng stocks both chps and glamor.ssues w. very cheap On the bass of t) fundamentals; and.that bg vestors were buyng th »tock 8 ~ w h lc h ~ e y bellc " m arket embarked soldly on recovery tral.. Of 1.570ssues traded on New York Stock. Exchange. ; fell and 5M rose Bond market prce tre. were mxed. Advances, up to $3.75 w posted by govemment bo early n the. week but slght dnes then set n. n contrast to the prcv. week, seasoned corporate b( prces dropped by about t. whle the more actvely tra< recent ssues advanced by ab $2.50 for the frst net gans four w eeks., - Muncpal bond prces con ed-ta aeelht fu rth e m n c aecutlve week. Lvestock DAHO FEEDLOT SALES Slaughter steers confrmed 425; moderate number cho 102M150 lbs , about h delvered f r e g h t ; t loads average to hlgh<holce lbs deuvered. 25 freg bulk sales n Treasure Val few loads n Megc Valley: o.-;.-e r mosty choce b u l k S rtrlng hlg l o lw u x l prt 1280 lb. Hobtelns slaughter h e f e r s conflm * 3545; mostly choce 85W75 1 2:lOO-22.SO: m o d e r a t e numl average to hgh - choce, je prme, lbs , del ered freght: feeder cal confrmed 21S5*, several sh ments tpjaljng 1,900 (Jolce. f , about soo head ; hefers 24.5M7.00, b ;.55 choce 572 lb. tl yearlg stm rs 36.25; 175 mos cholco lb. steers choce 2-year-old b hefers per head. _ S la u te r l a m b s conflra 2750; choce, few prme, 108-: lbs. 23.(aJ0., _ 0 ( S D 30 calves, compared 2,775 l wsek and 2,280 year as slaughter steers scarce, rep ented sales around 50 bght slaughter hefers practcally t sent; a la u te r cows falry tlve, steady; to-25.hgher yearlngs, feeder calves obt steady. Hogs 10, compared 205 1«week, 230 last yea;-b arrc and slts lower, nstane 1.00 off oa weghts over 240 K ows tower. Sheeo compared l.( " M t w e k and-595 yeaf-ag suughter lambs 50 hgher; fe< e r lambs hgher: ew scarce; - recepts ncluded laot«t_j«raba._2l(l Jfeed m to. lo n tlad er mostly; «w d S J DENVER; (AP) -(U S D A ). S la u g to.-te e rs.a n d heue stea<v«except- for someea.tale s Steen» lower; staugh :cow steady (o-25hgher; du fully S te a ls feeder stm n a c a l S tm d y. to 60 lower w d e c l o u t l on.stkers uod S.heep-~ slaughter lambs mo ly steady; slaughter ewes ffu :_>teady; f e e r lu n b s steady - W k.,. H ogsw bartow s and glltsn der 240 bs mostly steady, bea e r weght* weak,to mosty lower; s o w flly. M lower.: :-"-0MAHA---: r!-«00,-vlrtualy-same:a8rprovjo -. week b ut 17 p er cent belowye. ego, slaufter rteertf! -40 p gree prce sttbnty n face fal. ly lberal. early, m ark et! closng prcesslaughter stee _. u -and-helftra- trong-ta-j5 hlgb ~ W th-m any-1000r-120q Jh:slee at] full advance;- cofs 25 * «-lower;«bulls-steady!-feeder.cs le «no cu v es m nxysteaay?. Sheep good and tn 6r NOT Y 0 R K * S -? 5 r y, 1 j 0 5 S Hnh Low..! JhtMSTfRJRt MBgnavox~~77y nhm, atrf Tor 17 Sperry -Rand 7;. : nked to the }j -» 2 4 ffl o t-.,..v.-, tnd, uhlrh ws ra T* *... ndjstral a v losvk-polarod : ad a net loss 11% 5% Gt West Fltd : 1 the frst two B oeng... : the average 123m 53 E ast Ar L..... loss of «. 125WXerox.Corp.... esslons t re- 85H 37K Colln R a d... r: sljf-ts-brho.. week, sh o rt-131% 884 Tex G Sul-... g days by the US Steel... Tolday. was u 7 Am.M otors..... " r t o l y AMERCAN ST O A P)-Tfe"ly lote. wth the c os nn Dr ces. and net chanke BOOd gnlns-on E x a M s K T f o T t l a k v m l nd H W... o ll 3 a 5 C p *. : : : : : : 29W 6% slcon Tran.... : fe --" " - r = r t s lt much o( «... news hod al- 8K 1 Asd Ol & G.... ntcd by the, _ Automoble. S c! Bad Week W soldly on the T b le wdtfom le automobl raded on the ndustry. xchange. 850 Produclon >vas cut.- dlscour agng soles reports arrved am prce trends tn thnmanda tf car were reported, s $3.75 were -plans to lo w er.au to outpu mcnl bonds sent the stock market nto- 1 but slght de- drop. GeneralM olors. the No. 1 au the prcvous tomaker, wll trm ts doll; rporate tend producton 3.7 per ccnl n Dc alwut $2.50 ccmbcr and anolher 4.4 per cen Uvely traded January... n F orf left net golns n je jly planu closed on Fr ura utu VU men ths week oy stoppnj producton of ts Amercan se The sales slump of new c a r / U C n. deepened Jn m d-november a the sales pace fell 10 per cen BT SALES from a year before. Ths fo confrmed 2,. jgwcd a fve per cent drop t mber choce early November delveres one, about half q sx per cent declne o Octo e g h t ; two ber. gh-solce 995 The new Natonal Trafft, 25 freght; Safety Agcncy r e p o d tha sure Valley, automseers arc recalllhg thou : Valley: oth -san d s-o f 1967 model c a n lbs. cause of posslblo safcty.defecta :J ; Tho agency made avalable 1. S d J r m m t of possbly 21ta! o 0f should be~ checked. Producer! b S S m T S tor noder«l«supply; slaushtc: r«to number lambs strong to M h l e r ; ewc! choce end steady; feeder.lam bs steady: ; 23 00, dellv-bulk supply wooled slaughte f S e r M ue lambs but nclude 10 per «n th n, shorn lambs, about one loa.c f e e d o. :! t t o t w eekand S W y e a r a ; barrows and glts steady to 2! 1 " hgher. nstances 50. hgher wtj mMUy most advance 00 weghts unde steers M.7 jjg lbs; sows 11 per cent, steadj rearjold bred supply Urgely t -.T-!, barrows and glts, s confrmed rlme, CHCAGO CHCAGO (AP) - (USDA)- Barrows and gults: U.S. 1 and : lbs 22? ; mxec.-(usda) - U.S.-1- end lbs ncludng J2.50; bs ; ed 2,775 last U.S. 2 and lbs year ago; 2.00; lbs »rce, repre- Sows: mxed U.S S0-40( d 50 hgher; bs , lbs acucally ab- 17.5O, U.S. 2 and GOO bf vs falry ac hgher on Slaughter steers: prm e l;l5d Mlves about 1,400 lbs ; choce 900 1,400 hs ; mxed goo<l red 205 last ad choce a;- barrows slaughter hefers: hgh cholcc e r. nstances and prme 875-1,050 lbs 1.25 over 240 lbs; 24.7S. choce 850-1,050 Jbs 23Jfr r ; mbced good and choce (pared 1, year~agov SheepT w e d slaughtet hgher; feed- ambs, choce and prm e 90-10C Ugher; e w lbs23.& : choce b ncluded 5f( ; good a n d. olcc..2vlj(eedec gtlsn_«_m 0Q; ghom slaughte nostly «wes. lambs, dolco lbs wltl. - ;. mosty No. 1 pelts 2l:00-2f.50. T. F. Grl Gven. r T T S f f l Honor At Rclss U sherj:lulls,:.r oelly Sm th.: daughter,ol r steer md J..P. Smth, Falls Aveus E a s t has been selected stkers uoder 1 E ta 2 p,uon,-j,one economcs club at Rcks College,.Rexburg, A musc m ajor. M ls Smth s w steaoy ro geczetaryollhejynjpboyjr..d-8llts-un. S S - t * w l o w e r. S m l t h - a sophomore, was c h o * a_fo r. her personally, S l l ;:; -.Twn n face fa marketngs; Mxed o r n...tlo M u e S f f ; S 5 S s W a.;;s r ;;:S 3 )»a as - M. E m u, J lo st Act ve.stoclb W YORK STOCK EXCHANGE < P) Yeary hgh-low, weekly tales, hgh.-low. nel change of the 20 most actve stocks for. - Stocks- HlRh Low Close" *T5et ler U 29M 32..-f M V a r d , \M 2M 1 m... W g j r Rand*7;1 ; 27% m S - 2 ts \ >d ,300 m n st Flnl % 7-9H +» , W 6TO -h 4 «Ur L , (4 73 -t-su Corp , H t-15 R a d _604_,54(5_604 -t- 4 k)w , } p 45H 51 -J- 4 Sul , % t-12k eel...166,900 37«7 37% Unch. lotors ,700. 7% 7 VA - « H 1 [ERCAN STOCK EXCHANGE P> Yearly hgh-low. weekly sales, hgh. low. net change ot tho -10 most actve Amercan jr tfe weck: ~T... - S k s-h g h -L ow Close Net : Cp.!!!!! 276, f- 2 1TD ~....~255!30QT17g~100( \6y4 T r a n ,400 24(2 20A Wt ,300 50U M :esrc <A 4A 5% + % d e o ,700 46% 42U. 46% -f. 2 ger , «+ 4% U n... H S3 + 5M 11 & G , % + j ble ndustry Has jk Wth Sales Report ZLER. have-tvam ed:dealers-ud-.cus. w Wrter. tomers of ths. ) 1-hTWas Tho sspecleddefectrndm! te automoble ed bad brakes on some trudcs made by General Motors Chev- c u t. dlscour- rolet dlvston, faulty throttles arrved and that could slck n a wde open nrfu nf cnra sltlot onsome Ford ant tn ntn mfsslng bnkc parts on some 01. T t S K Chryslgrs P ly S u th and Dodge.k - M 1... Amercan Motors. smallest of z! us bg four automakers, reportn S* «wss of $12.6 mllon for ts.? L * ". 7 seal year. Ths was tho bggest r 4.4 per cent the $25.4 mllllon loss n and compared wth a proft 3f ts 16 car of $5.2 mllon last year, osed on Fr- The companys car sales n 3glvlna holu the fscal year ende Sept. 30 Kmerlcan se- The Labor Department ret ported hot the cost of llyng of new cars rose n October four-tenths of Jovember as one per cent as vrtually all con- 10 M r cent sumer goods and servces ex- re. Ths fo- cept food ncreased lr prce, cent drop n Retal food prccs dpped two- sllverles and tenths of one.per cent. Costs lno o Octo- rose for housng, clothng, medl automobles and many >nal Traffc other tems, j p o d that The ncrease w asth e nnth callng thou- s tra f t monthly rse. t brought del cars the Labor Departments ndex fcty defects, up to meanng t cost *11-5 to purchase tems worth * S l f tht 1. Producers whethcr-there should be an n- - cohe tax ncrease n A t ly; slaughter the annual meetng of the U.S. hgher; ewes Savngs and Loan Leogue n n b s steady; New York, House Republcan!d.slaughter leader-gerald Ford sad a tax 10 per ccnt ncrease n 1967 would be a ut one load tragc mstake, ck f e e d e r But W alter Heller, former charman of the Presdent s pared. j7,3uj COU»eU -g UbMHb AdVsers,». year ago; urged a temporary fve p er cent steady to 25 across-the-board surtax on n-. hgher wth como taxes. eghts under Steel producton edged vp last cent, steady week to 2,565,000 tons from lb mllllon tho prevous week. o Fler Holds - (U SD A )- S c d Career Day SSS rl E R - Well-known trades- w lha 20 7sl men and busness people from 75.M 7! tho area spoke to.fher Hgh t J wluon School studens a t a C areer Day M -Th, B 5(L Wednesday sponsored by tho K rjo C Klwanls Club under the owwu 10s J,rectlon of Dan Kauffman, and prm e l ; l 5 t «boo l guld- s. r E u d e d Don Voutx, 175 county agent, who spoke on aghlah choce rculture; Joyce Menchnca, cos- n h«91- metology: Wllam Evans, ac- Jh. S S countng; Mchael Glenn, ad- *nd rhom mnstraton;. Darwn -Manshfp. - -ChoM,ecrctaral.-an d ~ Jo h n S ates j -,l-,,ohtnr whtc.-electronlcs nrjsr WUM John Robertson dscussed so- P " S? l K s «l «l wofl«5 CharJ Johnston,.n d rh o M buldng trades; George Claw- nfslaughtfr *»" mechancs; John Storn, S» 2 1 S n S S M lls m ed lcal teds Hepworth, law, V and Dr. Adele* Thompson,,edu- V e n caton. V Speakers; addressed- the stu- v r k f t <lbnts a t group sessons held n -varous rooms -at the school. S t f f B-H. Career Day s an annual day at Smth, Falls the school to famlllarxo atu- e n a e J e c dent* wth dlf/ereat trade*..and le economcs professons.. je..rexburg, *.., 1 th.!, NEED SMALLER c a n s llss Smth U SHOSHONE Mayor Vctor Tnphpyjt Bozzuto. ssues a reqtast-.ths m usc week th at r a l d u t s n th eclty D nresand bse sanenough m bagecans (Jueen for Ue rb a g e cbfedor to lft He sad the cty has only one homore, was garbage collector and oftea be personally,, fnds - cans. so heavly loaded ad contrbu- he cannot lft them nto the truc a Falls Markets...} 2 Huvy SOW! tnft).!n js MTATOBS... j l. BEAN» Wonhta..»»»«.«... fcw s. hgh, low, Herm au e stocks for C>, _ - cosew Resdent Mes l l HAGERMAN - Funeral serv. \ S ces for a well-kdown Hager- - m - V m tt.resuent.-m rs. rls-m ak n C Jofl«Floyd Pugmlre, have been -L* C t for 2 p.m. Monday a t the O H ag ew n..l D S church wth TZ_ 3 3tt6p-Douglas-.Wood_ofndat= 55? r B M rs. W gm re, W, d5rv faay 160% + s S evenng a t Goodng Memoral., ou 4. C Hosptal of «long llness., 67 -f- 4V She was born AprU-29, 1898, 73«-t-8(2 a t SLCharlesTSho marred Em* t-15 erson p uem re F b. 8, 1916, ftt OOl -t- 4% Charles. Mr. Pugmlre, a ~ well-knbwn Hagerman Valley 100% -t-124( cvc leader, ded n October, 37% Unch! WM- 71Z u Thefr tharrlage was solem* 43% -* 1 nlzed-tulya 1930, a t the Logan. * LDS Temple. M and M n. Pug mre came to Hagerman n May, s. hgh. low. 10J8-. ve Amercan -Mrs. Pugmlre was an acthre membe ofthe-lds-church; Close Net Survvors nclude one son, -Maron Pugujre; Hagerman? T2A + 2 four daughten. Mra. Jack (ll* H as)-m artn-and- M n.-s ylvaa 24U + 4 (Georga) Clark, both Hage 50V4 + 3% m an;. M n. Cleament (Vence) 5% -t- % Prnce and M n. Bll (Lo Ahn) 46% -f 2(4 McKay, both.bose; two broth % c n. Steven Floyd, Alhambra, % Calf., and LoweU Floyd, El 2 «{. «Monte, Calf. Her parents and a brother f preceded hep n death. L 3 S Actve pallbearers wll be her grandsons. Norman P r n c e, _ G erald Prnce, Larry Prnce, C p o r t Darwn Pugmlre, Doyle- Pug- X m ln and Randy Clark, sn -fld -cuf. Frlmda may cal lrom-1 p.m, Sunday untl noon Monday a t fcds ucltd wnvr some trucks froh 1 p.m. untl tme of serv- lotors- Chev- ces Monday a t tho Relef So- ty throttles cety Room. "*!! " > " >» H "8 «- man-cemelay c a n, and t on some of " r «-tr K 1 and Dodge J H a e y M a n,. smallest of T V? C t t From Attack wth a proft car. HALEY Funeral servces a r sales n for Emphleld Hram SoWcn wll de Sept. 30 be conducted at 11 a.m. Mon- nparccl-wth dav n t thb HaUev Communl»us year. Baptst Church by Rev. artm ent ret Jungbauer. s t of llylng M r. Sowers, 76, ded Frday lur-tenths of nlom lng followng a heart at. olly all COU tack earler n the day. servces ex- H a_was bom Jan. 17, 1890, n prce. n Frankfort, Oho. He come to dpped two- the Pcabo a rea on May 12, 1905, «n t. Costo and on Feb. 13,1910. Te marred >thtag, medl- chrlsuna Mae MarUn a t Haley. JS and m any They resded near Pcabo *v-!..l where t h farmed untl S ept s toe nnth 20, 1924, when they moved to Haley. They hava snce resded nenls ndex 1- H y M r. Sowen was a plumber and carpenter and worked n ntlruodvcr tlwse o c U o n s unul 1931 V m A t ss S o H e -rs rw Le«o fn ho «member of Haley o u b llc a n Arl No. 634, loof. for over 40 sad a tax and was treasurer a t the vould be a tm e of hs death, vouw De a hs wdow. ler. form er are four daughten. M n. Stan* Presdents ley (Estella) Johnson, M n. H a> t: AdVsen on!~(v!rglnla) ve, Mn. HufOlJ rve p er cent (Mae) Rdgeway and Mra. Flort rtax on n (Romo) Pattenon, all Haley; 18R randchu dren,17greatnd* dged vp last churen and one sster, M n. ns from 3.56 Estella Evans, Westervlle, Oho, week. A daughter,,hls.parents and two sste n preceded hm n ds Fnal rtes wlu be athalley Cemetery. l a v Memoral t s may be made «y. 10 the Btane County Crppled,nwn ChUdren s fund andeftfbrd FHer Hgh _ ,dbyft? Peace Corps tfer the. c & j S S Placement, S S "a1 ; Tests Set nclwca, cos- peace Corps placement tests r? * S wll b e g lv e n c. 5 a t Post Off e h U ohn Sattet> _ e st whrckwm boglven Bt 3 p.m., wll last fo r about an sc c d so- Persons takng r 7 the test m ust have flled out an " - r f a t o X V W t t W e ed- the stu- for the Peace Corps sad the test ons held n the school. non-compeulve. No applcant mual day a t can pass o r fall the exam. The llarlze stu- test s used to determne how : trades and the applpaot can best be utjl* " zed.overseas, and tesu general apttude and the ablty to leam RCANS ftlnguage. y o r Vctor *?S ds Gonstnctor Bds To Be OpenM S otly one 1 SHOSHONE Bds wll- be nd oftea he opened D o 30, for conslrctlon vly - loaded o r tnes;<}f-state Hghway n nto th e 34 fro Kmama east a w e s t n Lncoln County, accordlng.to 11 nfomatlod from the.state Hgtnray otlce ber * : % m t k s scheduled for eompjetfon ta 225 ealendy d a. *. roadbed, dranage structures l l s and appljng-abttumnous-«utw.\\vo-8sg face treatm ent to the road;... n s e r n TAKS ENDED.. ~ m a tte n h PremlerAlexef 1? w n - 1 [Hes neral serv* m Hager- rls-m ak have been lay a t the urch wth [e Frday Memoral , 1898, rrled Em* «t an Valley 1 October, as solem* the Logan Pug. lan n May, an acthre Church one son, Hsgerman? Hager- t (Vence) two broth- Alhambra. E a brother wll be her THS DEMOUOTED H2 C mrle Pug- j 5_, t The aoto, drven Barbara. SSlday«fcfcthe.rfsdB of the ro E H s E o e k e d T Y o u a t H8gC C l * p T l Q O f. PTTSBURGH (AP) A shock- n «young Pttsburgh couple be* " came tho parents of quntuplets Saturday but they lad asde tho worres of namng and housng - tho fve grls n ther conccrn, for tho nfantssurvval. C K T h e frst thng s to get them,, home and g et them well, then w ony about the houso owcn wll cecplng arrangements. sad l.m. Mon- the father. Mchael Aranson. 22. jpjb -un a :jc su y o a a w u d e n u a t-0 u. R w T fn c quesno-unlvcrsty n Pttsburgh.... -Doctors a t- Magec-Womens cd Frday Hosptal sad the babes, rang- heart at- ng n weght rom 1 pound 7 ty- ounces to pound 12 ounces, 17, 1890, were n guarded" condton s came to and havng troublebreathng, ly 12, 1905, but respondng w(!ll, wth a 10 le m arred per cent chance ot all fve slay* at Haley, ng alve. r P cabo Aransons wfe, Patll, also 22, mll S ept gave brth to t h e babes, the moved to couple s f ln t chldren,. 2<A ce resded months prematurely shortly......before 2 a.m. plumber " couldn t see, but could Evorked n hear. she sad of the delvery, jntll 1931 "They were countng. *A. B. C, fleretlred Mrs. Aranson. an attractve 5 foot 2,- 104-pound brunette, of HaUey smled as she talked wth news- 3T over 40 men a n d posed for photogra* rer a t the 1" 1 * hosptal room, rer a ue sad she resgned her tn wdow schoolteachlng job n suburban rfn. Stan Wllknsburg after com ng Mra.H a.. J jfn PtovH 10 mnutes.» H n 3 "0 father, dressed n a bus- ness_bult-wlth hls Ue askew, was j j j w e a - after only one hours lts al«p durng the nght: n *" O exctcd." he sad. 1 u T n not yet back down to hm n earth." 1.* u.tt-.. Aranson sad he was n the a ttta je y m aternty w ard watng room.. whle hs wfe was n the dellv* M mode ery room. 5 rlp l T h e y just wolked out and ft-fb lrd tot dt nol h ove-nve glrl8." he sad. w as rather stunned,. he ( -rkq - sad. My f ln t reoctlon wos to " P S thank God my wfe was well t -*- and the chldren were all well.". Mr. and M n. Joseph Green- bcrger of P ttsb u rg, parents of Patt, who s ther only chld, wcre happy, loo. always wanted a large nent tests ~ S f j E B m l l l ) -about an jns takng led out an to takng tlon-forms- 1 e post the Peace >.C r * -1 on offcer - d the test on and b ««.. f n applcant fl sxam. The 1 U general : l. 0" / _L. y to leam Bds S wll- be v nslrctlon L...- juled for J j t f B tro c t& g j a s H r r - jtructures l l s - nous-eur- ; road;... o : - -. leld M a r*,, ero f the ~ t OBrn-k M u t y - "..; tlr - tlm m l,c lly m M... -,. m t j g v, ffe- > jb ned 1162 Chevrolet was the car nwhch > M alta, ded nstantly about eoon Frday. by_barbar» Ana_UurdtJ8,.SaQWvWa,JJlah,s.. db of the road and about 30 feet ot ralng oung FaTFma C? * 1 T T>*l P) A shock- famly." safd M rs. Greenber- l couple b ger, and t looks lke m-golng f quntuplets to get t n my grandchldren" ld asde the M n. Grecnberger sad J»atls and housng grcot-grandmother w as-attw n, ler conccrn and.mr. Grecnberger rscalled val. that bne of hs cousns was a to get them twn. / rt well, then Aranson saldlls wfe had tak* the houso en no fertlty d ru g s..... ents," sad Tho last report ot a quntuplet Aranson, 22, brth was n Auckland, New denuat-du> Zealand, whoro Mrs.- P. W«Pttsburgh. Lawson gave brth to, four grls gec-womens and a boy on July 27, 19C5. lables, rong-there are three other known 1 pound 7 lvng sets of quntuplets. 12 ounces, Aranson s a d doctora fn- " condton formed hm t would b o a mult* breathng, pe brth, buc dd not tell hm 1, wth a 10 exactly how mony chldren to ll fve slay* expcct.., Dr. Thomas Martn, head of atu, also 22, Qnese Fanrl] te r 1-1-Lone] g. A. B. C. DETROT (AP) For G attractve 5 the end of 11 y e a n of lonelness. bnnette, Yee, 39, sat down to a turkey J w l* news- dnner wth hs wfe, YuJ, and r photogra* two of hs chldren, Larry, 15, room. and Margaret, H, on Thanks- sslgned her gjyng Day. n suburban H elad rot seen hs wfe n 11 becomng y ean. He had not see hs son n 15 y e a n. He had never seen hs.. Yee had been wth Chlang d rt a bus- Ka-sheks arm y headquarten askew, w m untl the Communsts took over, one hour s manland Chna n t*...7 Ho saw the Communsts," he sad, pckng up. all of Chlang K a* k dovm to shek s people, sad Dale Yee, a,.. partner wth hs brother n a was n the Detrot restaurant He knew alng room they would try to catch and n the dellv* branwash hm / Yee escaped from the Red Bd out and OUnese, swmmng a. rver n e grls, he hs flght from Canton Cty. He went alone, lunned, he Too many people tryng to get ;ton was to away would a ttract attenton." e was well Dale sad... re all well." Yeo went lo Hong Kong, wat* seph Green- ng /our y e a n before h e found a. parents of spot on the Unted States mml* only chld, graton lst Hs wfe waa allowed to vst?d a large hm just befo re-h e-left Hong f l j... L - e thw,,. ;. - \ y - r..... ;. -, : S y n d a v r N o v m n b e a whch w e n tth m s b tss troot wndow Frday,.-travelng sotttb-en nterstate 15 V j;< lh.._:jey. m *. l t M aglavalleyljol : ralng photo) * p e -» 1 1 Srcenber- ho delvery room team, n d m-golng t h a f doctora hod been fore- chldren* warned lo expect fve chldren. d J»atU s but. dldn!t-ell_the. parents to -attw n, spare lhem>-concern. recalled -The Couple lves n a.two-bed* S was a n o m apartment n Pttsburghs ~ E ast LloerV secton...- had tak* *l guess- housng ; arranra-...ments are gong to-hove to he lulntuplet rearranged "somewhot, sad nd. New Aranson. D. W. -«o -flald -h e-b aj-recev cd -n o our grls promotonal offers from any 27, 19C5. companes or nqures on ex* r known elusve rghts from publshen. ts. n fact, h e would lke to avod ;tara fn- publcty as muck as possble, r a mult* he sad. tell hm VNaturaly, your lfe sn t Udrcn to gong to be the same," he sad, :but you ve got to realze t h c head ot most mportant-thng to chllamly Reunted onely ears~ ~ For 9 [ o n g. She r e t u n to Canton to mellness. brth to M argarat;- a turkey Three y e a n ago Yee relumed YuJ, and to Hong Kong o seek Red any, 15, Chnese permsson for hs wfe Thanks- and four chldren to leavo.can- ton. The Chnese consented to rlfe n 11 let the wfe and two,chndren go. lls son n The two teen-age cwldren seen hs»ad to stay, Dale The Chlang out of the country/ L a n y was 11 w henfeleff?0k over Chna. nmunlsta Yee a wue and two chldron m T ls l* waled n Hong Kong. He had l e W a t o get the cxlzensh p -p a p e n c r n a before he brought them over e cnew the brother sad, tch and The papers came-ln late Yee appued for the famly to the Red come. % ey arrve on Thanksa S. j! S % 3 - h «y l l v. m. newly_ p u rc h a se d - b e d ro o m g to get home n D etrot The chldren tentlon." soon wll begn school and M n. Guy Yee wll cook n the restau- ng, wat* ra n t 1found a Guy Yee, wth half hs famly es mml* besde hm, hopes lhattbe half - stll n Chna can bn hm later. 1 to vst Sometmes somo are permlt-!ft Hong ted to leave, sometmes n o t he sad. keep up hope."- UEGAL ADVERTSEMENTS v. r?, g «S 5 a f e j S sav.r& ffs tou Stfa Of N o n p a r. Publlh. H 6T77% & w e, f e ap:m bhe J y j g. qf a t *T C.K o u sto f L y r u s o n d se e.-t e n ty o f mo j g F ~. (Sorage, Corport, N ew Kltch S S ".P d n fu p rr aro o f.b r (n8ula M a fw tn o r# -p ro «e t» c a n n b * a o n * calls H -! J u :- J d.a 5 l( N a :F Q K ;G r r,g?#.tvm J wlnfnl root wndow u d ODt the back. They were nterstate 15W abou(17 mles east of Bur- LV«ley.!aJSal-tnllo fatalty. -(ma»-ven T c l V a & r! «f*fnglng, ; press and publcty deprves them of loo much. And we dont, w antlhem (Q handle t Besdes housng; there-s the eam, l a l d problem W namng-thochdrcn.. been fore- "You khow what you do when re chldren, you have a-muuple brth, sad parents to Aronson, you narrow t down - to about 60 names and-go from a two-bed* th e n. P ttsb u rg h st h e n theras the m atter of learnng to change dlopen. a arrange- j dont know how.q y e t, h e. tove to be sad, But guess ll leam." hat. sold Not that Aranson -s.the only. one wth problems. receved-no Thw tn«ph>l r#.pnrtn,4 l.hf from any computer whch records all ad- res on ex* mssons would not accept data publuhen. on tho quntuplets, snce t w a s ke to avod programmed for no moro than S possble, trplets:.vsombodya gong to have to llfo sn t do some fast programmng,. e, he sad, sad a clerk n the, records ofreallze t h c Hce. _ ng to chll- Both Mr. and Mrs. Aranson w ere.bom n Megee-Hospltal?, whch was merged n J961 to H form M agcc-w om esnrs. Ar- «anson was.a premature baby h cn clf and weghed. 4 pounds 8 OM caj-at b rth <nton to C f j D.. x TT- 5 S r S - j J L tapew ng a re puttng up Mao l E. c T s «l > / s l o f f l S? a, " 11» latrne-djlchesdub for.the thousand of Red Guard*. B o r of CbaJnnan M a a " ; r - «3 Ant-Gull = w. y earld flagshp v e. n late tory, a d o c k e d tourst at* famly to tracton. s shunned v Bea-_>- - on Thanks- gulls..they- settle. au over / ;....nearhy-8u p«;butjje»cc>oa ? -the.prm ent.day. Vctory skpper-,. L t Cmdr.. M J Dck t l wonders t the rtstau -, ot-nelson s rau- hs famly W l-,. lot tbe half s s s s s s a a s s a a n rm lt-. e sn o t h e t bddjr ror ~ J, - «p.. u u. ; WARBMS. ; S s M 0 y N 6.» ; K A 6 t / X.Koustoln Lumber C bm pany".. Try. #nty o f m oney s ovalloble fo r-th a t ;, N e w Ktchen-Cabnets, Nev/-Rooms, - f o h o r ( n s u l o t o.... l *!?. ".. ". - ; ; J c H o S S S S

13 Fasses.0 n F P H L A D E L P H A ( A P ) - S n a ssea o f 42 a n d 3 y a r d s a t s e n t A rm y "to a 2Q-7 v c to ry e g h t y e a r s. t w a s th e egh w h o lo st o n ly to to p -ra n k e d fn sh l o r y o u n g C o ach T o m C ahll a n d h s. so p h o m o re- s tu d d e d te a m. W th th e. s to r e te d 7-7 a n d th e cro w d of 102,000 n J o h n F. K ennedy Stadum settled back for a Dosslble second successve tc, E delr a 8hK9ot from Prnceton, Mnn., broke open the gome wth two beautf- ful scorng strkes, frst to tow ercng-terry-jfoung.forja.yards and then to Carl Wocssnor for ~~~33rLlndell-c0nv8rtcd,tW0_0LU!0 ponts from placement. Navy took the ball from Army near mdfeld n 1he fadng mnutes but Davo Rvers, a defensve end from Rchmond. Ky., rushed n and smeared B Newton for a 16-yard loss, and the last Mddle hope ded thec. The game ended.wlth the ball on Armys 28 and tho. Navy quarterbacjr.-john -CartwrJahr;. tryng desperately to ht wth a long pass. :_A rm y-.8tam :dzn ay y_o he opetlng mnutes when sopho fflo r u jlb a c k Charle Jarvs took a ptclrw d -raced yard»-foc-a-touchdown, Hs-nath was smoothed by a rockng bloclc by John Nerdehl, who splled Navys Bob Havasy and Bob Lammcrs at the 15. :,. Wth Cartwrght connectng.-on passes to hs 6-foot-2 recever. Bob Taylor. Navy slammed back and ted the score eary n the second perod. Tho touchdown pass was a seven-yarder to Taylor n tha end zone.. Durng the T yart drve;,cartwr&t completed passes to T a y o r2 0 -o n d H l-y ard» and another to Mka Clark for 19. John Church. Navya place- kckng specalst, made go6d the converson and - later, ust before the. frst halt ended, made an unsuccessful ty for a feld goal from the Army 38. Army Navy., Gants Morrall Lost For Season NEW YORK (AP).-.T B e New York Gants, already mssng for the season because a broken. bone n bs rght w rst has faled to heal properly., Morrall, 32, n hs llth y ear n tbe tlatlonal Football league, j Buffered the w rst fracture Ur«weeks ago and bad been expected back next week. He was placed 6n tba njured reserve lst rrd a y. - BEATS CLARK HOBART. Tasmana (AP) Roa Clark, Australan Olymp-1.an and world champon long- : dstance runner, was defeated by Tasmanan mlddla - dstance sta r John Denholm n the one- mle nvtaton c a a t n orth H6-1 bart Oval today.. <.t- n m N m, S o b Taylor. A, C fato < W. t o j :. ;. a m t s O n s «s O f 4 2 A n d 2 l a l Q u a r t e r (A P ) S ophom ore q u a rte rb a c k S te v e 1 yard s a b o u t fv e m n u te s a p a r t n th e f r v c to r y o v e r N a v y a n d ts m o st su cc th o e g h th trlu m p h.n.10 g a m e s fo r «e ra n k e d N o tre D a m e a n d bow l-bound T ct T o m = _, rssfund For S p fp a sthalfw wve t c,. T h e d rv e to r a s e 5BOO to : «beautf- T w n F a lls - to th e V W n ter t to tow- B e rc h te sg a d c n, W e st G erm an : J 2 yards th e h a lfw a y pon t. G lenn B au ssner for m a n d f th e d rv e, re p o rts tha «0-0f_th0 Jb om Army a do- ;lchmond, n] ared Bl let loss, and Ga led thecc.. pn 1 the ball nc ho. Navy frc rtwrghr; ( t wth a ere B J a n 2 T«elv a r ly n the 0 touch- GARY MORTENSON n-yarder.,. wll b«daho s repre- P j le. sentauve n the V Wnter l~arve; Gameafor t h a f arbercb-- 7 * tasses to tesgaden. West Germany, Fob. = * rdr=and -afragr-the-campalgn to-ralae- ] r l9. $800 for the trp s oow past f B dace- the halfway m ark. (Leedom slo do go6d photo) hlg ter, just. t p S t a b k r sa rm S "s 5.; S en d s B am a all T o W n a o n MOBLE. A la*_(a P J at M Quarterback Kenny ; Stabler leg rao New for three touchdowns as onl fc. 5 Sugar Bowl-bound Alabama de- wo * nasomhy. brok SSf atssgh ""j 1 expect- Davd Chatwood;*--a-ngged He was 176*pound. drver, slashed over reserve fn m the 13 on a pltchout.for the. score that put Bama h a com-, J " ulullcpustlun Ul &>. The- Tde had >corcd two (AP) touchdowns on breaks n the Olymp- second quartcr.ns Soulhem Ms- 1 )n long- slsspp, ranked tlrst n the na- daj defeated tloh on defense, stemmed for< dstance BamB:drvcs; spe the one- The Tldo scorm f ln t after aftt lorth H6-recoverng..a Southern fumble she on, the Muslsslpplans* 20. tw 1* Navy bacjc jom C a r tw r ( U ) eeck» 9 7 ) ;td e o :g e tla ;to b r u k op tbe:play;la lm«e «t P hllarelphla.ut the ball. n lowet: lqrlor. Army players a r e Chock. Sem m el ( U A n n ;» m -tb*. am nal sm vlcesm * 20-: T * # y j 4 T T e o r n g d23 Yards 3r Eor Wn ck S te v e L n d e ll hlj f o r touch d o w n a rt n th e fn a l p e ro d S a tu rd a y th a t m o st su c c e ssfu l fo o tb a ll se a s o n n e s f o r th e W d e r d o g B la c k K n g h ts, wl-bound T e n n e sse e, a n d.a.g lo r o u s _ or Sker s lfway Mark e $600 to sen d G a r y M o rte n so n of V W n te r G a m e s fo r th e D e a f a t t G e rm a n y, F e b , h a s p a s s e d G lenn B a u m a n n o f G o o d n g, c h a r- _ eports t h a r t h e fu n d,n o w s ta n d s a t tlo n s a r e b e n g re c e v e d al- m o s t e v e ry d a y. M o st of th e fu n d ra s n g w o rk s be- n g done b y th e d a h o A th- lettc Club qf tho deaf, of whch Gary s a member. The club has promsed to rase half ot the Tcked amount and s not far K M from ts god._ K W r G ory.a m em bcrof the Pon- r erellc SklPatrol, hopes to have M T, the fund completed wthn the l wcck_so.hc_can_dcwjto,hs_(ull p L tme to gettng n shape for Ue K t games. Ho hod hoped to get n - son e -akhng by ths~tme;~ bu t <«S % r d - «now-»-tlow-n-eomlng-to-the t-s ] area, makng olher forms ot exerclso nccessary n order to t A get nto the best shape possble for the games..v Gary s one ot 15 deaf skers a pcked from 55 applcants.for % tho frst Unted States team to M rm enter competton n ths event, f n punra. There wll be 11 other men and M tu * thrco women on the team. G ary--fc -ttrchu- wll compete n-downhll,-gant % F ob! s l a l o m and specal slalom rtalsb" events, w past A veteran of 20 years on. the U Leedom slopes. Gary s expected to plac& hgh n all three events. _ Ho wll bo startng hs ffth " C year wth tho Pomcrcllo Sk Pa- P x n trol tha season, that s f s;ow s avallable before hs departure date ot Feb. 13. whch, n thb l l c l area. s almost a certanty. r* Gary was born h Salt Lake?t,r : l t l. Cty and graduated" from lhe daho State School tor the Deaf J») a t Goodng and Gallaudet Col-, Swbler lego n Washngton. D.C., the V towns as only college for tho deaf n the T am a world.... tho Tmes-News as a -lnotype ranked and TTS operator. U.t W For those rcoders who wsh to J j n.t-lllf.* contrbute to th e fund a checc ay o«ve QJ. n,oney order should be made N P8>W0: to hs Gary Alfred J e r -rugged Mortenson GD Fund and mal- tor O " " Baum tnn, 833 lll; y «. "»1> St.. Goodns, daho Ur -«8l»-w lll Lute m d and J.A lodgng costs bnly. Gary wll S;,, n T t supply own equpm ent at em Ml., Tho tram wtlt t d ;om o 18. the na- days n Europe. Three days be- tcmmed fora tho Games begn wll be spent n learnng the a rea and tv,, s t after after the Games, tha team plans >- fumble short trps to other countres n 20. the area. end qus fou gan con o fl le ht - sx th? w u ano W W W W P! P W W en MgM «g;gagl Jrga.g J L a W H M u n m n n n j g tt(u ) eeck»bls a rm a t Anay.dfllefBVe ~ tb e:plsy;la.be Mooad p u e f S a t ;; all.4ttjowetlphofo, laftd«n the watng k. Sem m el (27), Jm B crans (99) and se sm a XAB w ln p te to ) -.T=rp=~ a y th a t ason n glorous k nson of } eef a t onds of s be- ho A thhas r of the to thn the.h s ju ll tor the :o get n KEY BLOCK s thrown by John ] m eh nt <eammat»-chy«k- J aprt»-(30m»-* g-to-the T-SaUnlay?a Afmy»Ngry-gla«lgr-T1 arms ot -. order to f A Sundoy7 N ovam bar 27,1 9 6 possble >f skers a - <R J snts.for team to s event. W r y l r j J E u Ten and m. G a ry --ju 11,-gant n 5 r _. _ T : v _ r -... slalom Super Bowl Feature Prc f spow eparture, n th b - g, " y ;., _ N E W. Y O R K (A P ) T h e d c h a m p o n s o f th e N a to n a l Foc thedwt b e s e t th s w e e k w h e n th e m e det C o l - _ fr! n u l V o l s B l a n l t Z S j H r a f e r jf lr H - E wsh 10 B o w l T u n e u p S a check me be made NASHVLLE, -Tenn. (AP) - ht Alfred Tennessee, tunng up for a Ga- pos nd mall- tor Bowl wltk Syracuse, bombed sea 833 nl- Vanderblt wllh three frst quar- t tcr touchdowns ard used re-cj[tl comt*to"a jm M tb t v lct ;jy Salurdoy, 7 to The.Vols scorcd the frst three wo 5?, tmes they got the ball. Full- t Rchard Plckcns ran for lea ono touchdown and quarterback An rea and, >cwcy, Warren addea two more mo LwSE " S o W arren passed 14 yards to ext end Johnny Mlls -for a second Atl quarter touchdown. F n The vctory gave Tennessee a 7 regulac s c a rccohl -and B a ~ left Janderbllt at 1-9. n S f H th e re was much - prcsam e T speculatjon that Vandy & ach» Jack Green mght resgn after four straght losng seasons. the W arren set thc tone ot the game qn the frst play wth <f v complellon to Mlls. He ht sx B / B ot hsfrst seven passes n eng- R - H neerng scorng drves ot 65, S6 and 2 f yards. P" 1 1 Settng Tennessee passng and. to u l ofcnse records each tme.f he fred a complellon, W arren h lfl2 of-23-for 118 yards.-m lls; f.- also settng Vol reccptlon marks.caugnt 5 for 54 yaras. Vanderblt, able to run only f.., B. sbc plays n thc flr.t quarter, C B put together four drves nto - Tennesseo terrtory but could L B not score. dra Quarterback Gary Davs led 16 the Vandy threats wth passes, b u t.one toss to. Chuclc..0d5lcy.. was dropped n the end zone and another, whch would have glv- na W en the Commodores afrst down thal W M nsde the. Vol 10, was dropped te by John Hammersmth. 1 FOR FAST SELLNG RESULTS USE TMES-NEWS WANT ADS getl ebv* r s a t ~ S E B H K B n B B 5 A M E ] B by John Nerd (t») < cla«crtlarn avy*a wpuhm>gt«cklar-----g THE r owl Ste Seled Pro Grd Lbo By JACK HAND Assocated P ress Sports Wrter T h e d a te - a n d s te o f th e S u p e r ] lo n a l F o o tb a ll L e a g u e a n d th c A m er th e m e rg e r leag u es m e e t se p a ra te lj fr s t tm e. P e te R o zelle, c o m m s s o n e r o f th e com - wh< b n e d -le a g u e s rw H l-p re s d e T f 1~ n m l d w e e k r e s T m l v t h e two leagues, meetng separately qq. startng Monday afternoon, al-ljo{ U U ready wll have rcached agree-l. X ment on the ttle gam e before fen JP) Ute Jont sesson, whch s 8up.Ltc] a Ga- posed to be confned tq 1967 pre-k oj ombcd season exhbton gam es; 7 ),, Lquar- The bg game wll bo played Ea:.. J "* 8 f Jan* 15, depend- Atl laf to n e -u pon-tl»e--realtlu uf tlel u vctory leagues to the recommendatons fr of a specal commlttce whch kuj t three worked on the problem lecetly. teg. Full- The Sugar Bowl nl Ncw.O r-the an for leans Or the-colsura n Los for erback Angclcs aro beleved to be -the lea ) m ore most: lkely stes for the game, wn Howevqr, nvltauons havo been cha rds to extended from Houston, Dallas, t second Atlanta, Mam, Atlanta, San <<o Francsco and Oakland. ThereLro ssce a are somo elements n Pasadena, d and Calf., wfosllll w a n fu e gme nv n the Rose Bowl, egam c Tho AFL champonshp game Coach s scheduled-to be played Mon-TO after day, Dcc. 26 n thc home park of * ns. Ue E astem wnner. Tho NFL "WT ttle game s due to be played Al Sunday. Jan. 1. also n the park / ht <* of the Eastcrn.ehamp. L, r n enon A conflct Wth the Playoff tosl 55 He Bowl between Ue. NFL second-ker place teams, set for Sunday, J Ja"* 8 a t the Orange Bowl n p??8 f n Mam complcates the selectonlpa SnrB 0 tc for thc Supcr Bowl s game, TheJEro_Bowl gamo.also m., l w sec for Jan. 15 n the Los An- ", t l o n g je, colueum, B* Televson wll be -a major factor. NFL games are c a rrw f l n t o on CBS Chd AFL on NBC.. could " mechancs of runnng t h e j draft wth nne AFL team s and vs. s led 16 NFL teams partcpatng, sen nov that New Orleans Jas been added for* l9s7;-w l present l Jl re glv- many headaches. t s Hkely {J Cdown that th e draft wll be held after roppcd the Super Bowl game, possbly M n the sam e cty. K!ULTS When the two leagum g e r ADS gether Uey aso,.,fflm \[dem r A m :... s Rck Baye r whle otltf Navy pl tacmar g5r20-7. (AP wfcphoo). THE n S~A/SH<S T Tcr electon To Lbop Meetng! > han s Wrter j th e S u p e r B ow l g a m 6 b e tw e e n th e th c A m e rc a n F o o tb a ll L e a g u e w ll guj t s e p a ra te ly a n d th e n jo n tly fo r th e eds R o z e lle, ZcE le com - wheuer to use the two-pont n 1 nra«r)f> converson rule, as n cffcct n pul Sprung?SX Jhv strctly N FL busness, the Y league, must determne Ue dvspt P of new 16-team? r organzaton. The Western Con- S», f ference wll be permtted to loct lr5 l between New Orleans and 1967 pre- Atlanta as ts eghth member. 1», The ouer team wll go nto the E 0 played Eastem Conference whch had. dcmnd- A t a ths season. L jtf.!!! the two eght-team con- S c fcrences are rcatlgncd. each t dvded nto two four- m recently, team dvsons. The wnners of Ncw.Or- the dvsons wll play next year ««1 to Los for Ue rght lo play oft for Oe js 0 be -the league tue. Then the eventual *n 10 game, wnner wll tako on the AFL aus ave been champ. jej The AFL m ay dscuss expan- cep on to a 10th team n 1968 but Un wll confne tself to Be the-u967=:»chedule-and m atters aft( h e game nvolvng the merger ; - A lp game chl fk S W aynburg Gets?"4SNAA1Bow Berth"" ho park ALBUQUERQUE. N.M. (AP) Gla T.1 Rchard Z a h a rs fve. yard ton Playoff touchdown pass to Bob Mften- bea c,?5s!!r/ wth 14 scconds reman- Gla S s,t V T ",s,a» ss - a g a n s t Ncw Mexco Hghlands the f - Saturday and a place n the P *!? Natonal-Assocaton -of nter wc«1los An- collegate Athletcs C h p o n Del "carred W aynesburg gocs nto the fr Dcc, 10 Champon Bowl a t Tul- r;± ;r\v - sa, -Oka:. aganst "w n n erro f *" "8 ""T u e sd a y s Central (owa) Slato ams and vs. Whtewater (Ws.) Stttfc cpatng, semfnal. has been Waynesburg. tralng 20-7 at present halftlme, cam e back-strong-n u r>v the second halt and took a 220 eld after lead after three perods. possbly Su gyb~ S r a B H b.a d u 8 1 :. sot bal Cot put HO, sev a e dov ds flnt ove Ca 2 r fou Sou Pa coa L r Navy player, wbo ddn t n eed to be >> urd s Tlree NFL S." Cur Players Hold fc 1/ Key To Race V By Tlo Assocated Press cell Scramblng- Fran Tarkenton, 0 njollmunl- dov Football Leaguo race n vtal n _ Sunday games. T ~ Green Bay, upset by Tarken- aea ton and the-mnnesota Vkngs net r r B and upended los* l l earler by ramblng George two Mra of San Francsco, m ust f handle the Vkngs ths thne to.1 retan ts.wcstem lead. #1 t,v Tho Packers, 8-2, need a vetory a t M lnncsou, 3-6.1, to be " sure of retanng ther one-game r th e edge over the Baltmore Colts. *: r r ZckCBratkowskl wll bo watng,, -pont n the wngs n case Bart S tarrs, t ect n pulled hamstrng musco causes r t ; rule, hm moro troubte.. "Daltnou.* 7-!. s* n Um dcs-,, c. perate poston ot havng lo beat? r ul. Los Angeles or forget ta > Lfpam dreams of catchng thc Packers Uer bg showdown cam e (.rf Dec. 10. Thc Colts retum home, a n d f f a Ju effort a t Detrot mhcr * 5 Untes was benched dur- ;S Ue " dctedt: h had 0 Kan S ore on Ue upbeat, - * havng humbled New York a Bl tup«d"mlnncscm" 21-8 r n con-ther nst two outngs., each s(_ lous , comes home four- to facft Uc Plttsburgh-ttaun, 3-6. m 1* that upset them two weeks f t year ago cards had a bye " 6 last weck, gvng Notslnger tme ACT to get used to beng Ue No. 1 AhL quarterback. The Stceers gave t T cry a rough baptsm, nter- xpan- ceptng three and smearng hm S8 but Urco tmes n a charge led by elf to Ben McGee. The Cards can not atters afford to slp agan: Atlanta. 1-9, a wnner a t lost Uanks to Ue Glanls, nvades, ; Chcago. 3*5-2,- where Ue Fal-., p f a cons wll get ther frst chance -.; to meet Ue Bears who seldom r m fol out tho welcome mat. Allo Shermans Ncw York,* (AP) Gants play a t Washng- " yard ton, 5-6. the only,tcam,they have lltcn- beaten. njures and a general f man- Gants collapse, plus the m - llege, provement o f Ue Redskns, hold. ctory out llule chance ot a repeat of c llanos the Gants early vctory. n the Phladelpha hos the bye Uls -nters w eck.-son-francsco-played-at mpon Detrot and Cleveland at Dallas on ThanksglvlngDayso all four *, th«l<lle Sunday. < t 1 - s N E E g V?,. MAUSS-FNANCE - lklfuqllvlllw Arf Sunday; 7:00 P.M.. NOV. 27 : ") 7T W l»-fall*-h >S.-eym ~--- : 7 A D U L T S , S T U D E N T S.... 1,0 0 U N D E R V... - j: " 7 H Gamecocks,, m Takes Grown S S a CUBMSON, S.C. ( A P e m MB pulled, away from arthtaed. SouU. Carolna n Ue second half Saturday for a 3S-0 vctory / that gave Clemson Ue Atlantc. Coast football champonshp, Quarterback Jmmy Addson put the game out of the Gme- cock s reach when he ht P hl Rogers on a 4».yard touchdown play n Ue thrd perod, l h a t m ade t Clemson; Tger tackle Harry Olszewsk sewed. t.up n Ue fnal perod * when Je-plcked up a> team- -. m ates fum le n Uw bckfleld and ran J3 yards for r score. Clemson added a fnal : toueh- down-juatbeforeuo endlona d- dson s 12-yard pass to eu Edg ar McGee., The vctory gave Clenuon a fnal S-l conference reconl. 6-4 over-all, and prevented North Carolna Sute, whch fnshed 5. 2B*tte a CC, rom sharng n ts fourth straght confercnce ttle. SouU Carolna wound up 1-9 n - Paul >etzels frst year a s coach. Latra-State -D uelw onby Msssspp _ j OXFORD, Mss. (A P ) -M s - eb-found-an-offenshre-8p6fsat urday and crushed MssUpp! s u te 24-0 behnd Us passng o t ; quarterback Bruce Newell and 2 the runnng of halfback Doug l 1 Whle Uovaunted Rebel de- fcnse stymed State throughout Ue contest, Msssspp s guper- > A - lor. lne play opened wde holes for Ole Mfes runners and re«, > rta celyera.... J rkcnton. Ole., Mss scored two tpuch- )lu Unl- d ow and_ajreld_goal_tba L Natonal secondquarttr and a touchdown n vtal n Ue fouru. Tho vctory was the eghth Tarken- aganst two losses for Blwbon- Vlkaga net Bowl-bound MlMljslppl. T h s upended loss w as Slalo. eghth salat George two trumphs. Guard Jm m y Keyes, om of Ole Mss s key defensve per- ] A n u formers, set a SouUtestem 1 1 *ft h» Conference record for conecu- nn <,n tlvo convcrsons. Hs three nc-game aganst Stato gave hm 35 wth-, wn? rf out a mss durng an 18-gamb j t S m S f o** «r d w u «S straght by Woody Woodall o f 1 Dcauses Aubum.n l962-63, - thh-des= -H ls -a 4 fd -fleld goal n th e----- > second perod boosted h s 1 )rcct ta career tou l for two seasons to. 1 Packers PonM n game for a kcker. S...FARM Aucton p f C A t E N D a R t o a t o A l l M a g c V d lje y. : ; a l " S e * t. s t e d H e r e e mat. Contad»*?lSt».Nw» hn* W York, *» rf»portm«nl f«r nmpll* Vashlng- covtrog# «f ytr *MMra 70,000 twln tsft m " >" # * ValUy) orfvenw bllk M h S d A" (.w rrt.. f Ml# f»d n hll Fem - C f e " a _. _ N o v. M :t Dallas SfNat m. bnoham all four Aav.rfl.m#Bf. Nq*.J2 cmd M. AufltenMn W*tt, tll«n. Wall _ «nd MMunmllh N o v Y / MAXVN m ZR AdmrtMtMnl. Ntv. 39 ond 10 AucllMNn Wtrf.DUn, WaU A r ond Mttltnmlh L C..V.... S4 M «M QUPMENT Sm ANNUAL tm m m MACNNsA-!~.. Adv.fllMm#trt Nov. 39 cmd }0 " f B H AurtlonMn. Hoh)td Koo ond.m M M -m Dufftk t l Dac. 1 H B OAV KAN$NP AdvtftlMmtnl Ntv. 29.ehc! JO Autflemtn W«rt, Dltn, Walt ; 3 T R B t - f MTON ! m AwdlsAMn Wart, ttan, WeU,ond MatMnmltb Dae. 3, -.. MW. M. JACOBJN jadnrtlanwnlt Dae. and 1 r. - D e c..s BN S. ROBSON- Cf) Advarthamant D«(. 3 a S AuctUMan Hond Kloet ond. 0 0 Ja. DuMalt. Dec ayol Bjfo* on MatMtmlH ~: ~ n u r HANSR AdvMllMmMt Dac. 4 onrf, AudlMMn lte MBtfm

14 Ttwrence Scorng Sprnt rs llp set " A T O E N S. G a. (A P ) ) - One n ce-beaten G e o rg a, g n ted E L PA SO, T ex. (A P ) - Reserve e q u a rte rb a c k B rooks b y K e n t L aw ren ce s 71*yard*scorng 71-yar s p rn t, sp o led D aw s son d ro v e T e x a s W estern Colc CoUege to tw o touchdow ns G e o rg a T c c h s b d fo r a pc e rfe c t seaso n S atu rd a y, by y.. n n the e fn al fve m n u te!s s S a tu rd a y n g h t a sh h e M n ers w h p p n g th e Y ellow Ja c k e t? n th e r tra d to tonal n a l [ b e a t \ U ta h n a nonconference football g a m e. T ral* fo o tb all fn a le. -B obby y E tte r, w ho m ssed hu f r s t : e x tra a -. ng gong nto the fnal quartu a rte r. D aw son p a sse d pon t of th e - y e a r a fte r ( y oa rd s to C huck H u g h es! foo r r ,. L - - L a w re n c e s r u n, booted, a SU And Utah to uchdow n a n d th en pas- A - m U th re e feld g o a ls to pro >rovde v e sed. to L e ro y Jo h n so n "to fo r -f* Arzona -! J Tops th e cushon n e e d e d bt>y-the y e. tw o tw o*pont converso n 1 Atletes Tgst s e v e n th - r a n k e d B ulldogs, knottn o ttn g th e g a m e a t mo! A-State A. * S Wth johs Johnson-went-over from-two -two _ t C ~ Patton and m d ~ B H S M B _ yards yanss out for the fnal-m arn. a Tranng Ste - westermuo-trdra rred-g6 Late-Fass---- " «* * ---- ~ Patton, dosng flut a brllant. H B j B B H B p W p K J and 1a safety n ts scorng SOTTH LAKE TAHOE... Calf., a career, recovered a fumble, -TUCSON,.p y Arlt. (AP) - Qcar» (AP) Roger Max/eld of 5 summary. summ ter>«s >f daho tpped a pass nto the hands of a termck John Goodmu ht tolf. State led «feld of 41 runners teammate tc and ntercepted an* SS:>;;ME SHE*E [ Hughes scored n the second cond back 1 Les Plummer wth a 19- Saturday n-a specal 1 cross other 01 passswhch he legged to - ) f l «B t S f l M E l f f l B quarter.on a 25-yard pass from yard scorng pass wth leas than country race desgned (0 (est test the Tcch 22 n the closng startlng-quarterback Blly S(ev* Stev* two mnutes ml to play.to gvear* South Lake Tahoe, as a condl* cond«mnutes. ens. who was nlured n 1 h < 1 fnal quarter and gave way ly to letc O Conference football vlctoty C corjt Tech, losng for (or he the Olympc tefttn. fj Dawson. over Arzona, frst tme ths year, generated. Maxfeld.toured th e m - mle 01 only one scorng drve untl the Two of UUh s touchdowns lowns Arto Arzona S u te had Uken a 104) course, cleared of snow DW and closng ol mnutes, wth Stanflll came after Western fumbles u on leld n the frst perod o n.a 45- mud. n 20:28.5, almost one-mln- jne-mln* repeatedly u throwng quarter*. : uuh yuh punts. Ute Kent Ramon y*rd y*nl feld goal by Bob RoklU. ute ahead of Scott Brnghursl ;hursl of cf back b; Km.Kng for bg losses. pounced on, a Mner bobble at th e n took advanuge of an tho Unversty of Utah. The flfth-ranked Yellow w Jack* the Western V, 17 n the second Arzona Arzon mscue for another Later, coaches from U uh h and ets. e who wll play Florda a n the q u a r t e r. Mttlng up Jack» «daho State sad the Olympc o Orange Bowl, drove 96 yards ards n Cehrk Gehrke s 15-yard scorng pass SS to Arzona evened the score when, team should not tran for long n 8 pray8_ carly..ln --th c-8cc0nd -sccond..- MarU a-d rlggs-on. a.. uckle- cu e. Reed s ptss.w as pcked off by, - ;. pcrod.vfa hlh lufudcs. 1. tj quarter for a 7-6 lead whch waa ellgb elgble pl.y. «ASU s U s Ken Dyer on the Artona Coaches Pete Carlslon ) of T- U* q qufckly erased by the Bulldogs, UUhs VU Jerome Lawson recov* 36-yard" lpe. Travs Wllams tah and Dubby Holt of f daho Quarterback Krby Moore wre Wt ered the other fumble on the P**y* **** from the.38. State sad fouwee cs tranng lnng 1* s 01 on passes of lla n d 23 yards and one-yard lne, from where, Mar*, u l Arzona tven the score.whet, nouadequate-tq-condthm_ath an_ath nm 46-yacds-to scuup-georeat l _ vlnyrry carred..ovelfot-the Reed ht flankcr-jnroredrwth letes for hgh alttudes. The n- go-ahead-touchdown, scored ared by touch*: a-four-yard-scorlng ua«s ad-un ternatonal Olymplc-CoromUM romlum sbrad Julst ur a -wu*7 aa R H H H Gev Gene Cabadng.took -yard a a 62-yard 12-yard fleld-goal-by-kersar: had decded- to-lmt-wgh-alt* pl tude tranng to one monlh. B n W fjw W B!.. pass 1 from Darrell Bgekw V for for noskf. noskl. nh. Lawrence* su rted Cotton emhmbnhrbhb M a M M b a H f B M M a k n n t(jb the ot other Utah score.. South U k e Tahoe s 6,200 feet Bowl-bound Georgas surge by After a scoreless thrd perod, hgh, Mexco Cty. 7,200 feel returnng n a punt 71 yards l for* a a TURNNG THE CORNER. RNER-, Georga Tech s Jm m y Brown )wn the gam e before Georgla (la moved lo l a 17*7 halfume lead RokU put ASU n front wth a frst-quarter touchdown.- -j >1.. s ** ofr«n. a fve-) ard sprnt aganst Georga a t Athens,Satur> tur> Gee Gearglars Jerry Vamado 0 (88) (ffl) made tbe stop. Georga won 30-yard feld g o al Reed gave Techs - ntal scorng J drve _ day aternaon. Brown s-ru s run n camc e n th e c a rly m lnutesot ; of the game 23-K. (AP wlrephoto) Coach Denes the Wlldcats the lead a few mnutes when he ht Frts Greenlee Mam Edges 6 S» was led by halfbapk.lenny _ Snow, whose runnng set up _ Sunday, Novam ber 27, 1966 S fresh start. creatng a new Threat T l l Rumor on a 70*yard Co uch down pass. j - A f l Kngs seven-yard touchdown chdown W - r M C S - t/ W e Fw W. < y : =» Y.n k e e e r..",, A l Nnth-Ranked k C /U burst.- b, DALLAS. Tex. (AP) - Coach Sophomore quarterback jj J j Reed needed J l completou to, That may take.some dong Hayden Fry of Southern Meth* Larry Good added another 1 A touchdown wth fve seconds led A - and MacPhal, for one, s takng odst odbt Unversty dened Satur- f* earn " the natonal passng crown. Florda f l f A the long vew. " vront be ac* day nght nl that there had been Mn a hut c completed (or 289 on a four-yard run; _ L 7 comp w m pllshedovem gbt/ he says, ys. threat orde»th;for hls-sttr-n rn e- yards.- a s.~ G T NESV tl-e." FarAP>->- - 11~ *t-nwmld-<ay f- -wc -tll-ta k e four - o r gro- -A a y e fr-jerfv L e v arr#nd sr;; Artona SUle flnlshtd Wn Mam used a powerful offense T A v / / f l U W V fve years." sad ts far as he could. fnd, to jump ahead of Florda gsatur-.s,.s k n g n f J The Yankees veteran play* - v. there hadnt even been a rumor»** season record and S*2 h conference play. Arzooa drtqped to day and then had to hold on for - ers. ] Mckey M an tle. Whtey (gy of co" one. ferenw a shaky vctory over the n nnth-ranked Gators.,cr u,e Teams J Tran Ford. Ebton Howard,. Roger e r Rep Reports from F ort Worth. /orth. 3*7 overall and 1-4 tn the league Mars, have aged another year ja r Tex., where Levlas starred n " " Tralng 21-3 mdway thc thrd and are njury prone. The young Southern n«methodst s 21*0 V foot- " A M A Z N G quarter, Helsman Trophy > wnner Steve Spurrer found M the r At Alta, Utah,h Baseball B Archtects Face 6 Chore Of stars..joe Pepltone. Tom Tresh. jh ball vctory over Texas Chrs* range and began leadng hs Al Dowlng, and Jm Bouton tan, sad; polce clamped a se* team back. The Gators scored «nred. ALTA; U tah(a P ) - Utahns " R tw ce,and were threatenng rtsn on have * kng boasted the greatest sss t Rebuldng g Yanks Wnnngnng Legend have notrealzed ther full po* no curty c V guard on Levas n re* M h. sponse to a death threat. \ f! PSORASS Mam s 30 when the gun sound; sound* sno" on earth a t ther wasalch ; Mountan sk resorts, but mem* By DCK COUCH general m anager early last ssco. u * farm club drector from 1050 to And the new Yankees, Horace... F ry sad, securty polce at Mam quarterback Bll 1 Mller *>ers of the U.S. Olympc c jump DoD Asj Assoclled F res SporU Wrter «> son and began hs second tour 1958, When hc. moved on to 10 Bal* Clarke, Roy,WhUe, BobbyMur* * Fort Worth told hm they had ladno S T O R Y _.. specfc rumor that any was tbe sparkplug as the» Hurr. Hurr* Nordc team s malnuned aned t N NEW YORK (A P )-T hc e balld- buld* feld plot, replacng Johnny tlmo tmore to-become general 1 man- ccr. Stan Bahnsen. and Steve threat Kubu ubur, Pa. "D odertd te t had been made o n. Levas. s.an and d psotlat paotlads 30 yean..spear much -canes fnshed the regular far sea* sca* "the only snow on earth ng boom s n full swng n New Keane, Kea and MacPhal. who 0 re* ager and later presdent,l _ of Whta W huker..products of a farm Z that, S?.? they were only Ukng the monty son wth a- 7-M -record and nnr * a w for them ths week. York Tenement walls come tjrps to jh e Yankees as general the-orloles. e- n 1066, he e was systc systcmdepleted n recent y e a n 1 2, Z Nordc Coarh Al.Mf-lll nna n.n- f tnntn. m anager nftffr. an.rpht*vfa.y#»r r namea_cht<.f M>. <n Wlllum nm T n by bv new laws and expanson, are m_na LH rty * r- 2. plays Georga n the TOrange v T w lump coach Art Tokle moved tar tans of steel and glass rse from a b c e from the club, also J are Eckert.- the new baseball 1 com- an «>» unjtfown lacor. S S thef charge nto ths hgh - [he the runs.. * anxous (o begn the buld-up.- up. mss mlssoner. MacPhal rejons the The, Yankees are expected, to 1 aad 1 ccttl H n t lo f a 3 0 j p m._ The vctory gave Mam Tt decl- J mountan resort earler ths The bgge.st pck-and-shovel 1 "*t wll he * pleasure for r me Yankees offcally on Dec. 3, deal h., freely durng the nter- -FN E ST U TAH S U C slons over Orange, Rose «o and nnh week because the area provded to be" managng- on the feld a week-after the start of base-, * K SLS SS.-asSSeTS Cotton Bowl teams, as wm well»«as the only acceptable tranng J?, O * howeer*» *tlll on. -J the drawng board n a r 22nd 12nd start." says Houk, who boll s wnter meetngs. league 8 tradng perod, and ru- W>Vt tarw arm d -O n raatmd l pot port t UU << a n - «u m Ml hghly ranked Southern Calfor- csforstage of flk) pfjj, lu Av/. has three years remanng on an a When Lee Jons.us. says T? persst that Marls and md $17.00 p*r ton dallvartd.. dm] traubou for th. o o tn rd Bu7ke contract. - can Mller beat Spurrer at.«ht. hs "We d ke to stay here Pr# at! all nue. There, the frm of Burke. * set 7 2 Burke, "we should have a tght Ught baseman Clete Boyer are. started n sprng tranng S ntermountaln Fue.Co* tral» own game. He ran 40 yards.rh. for fnr wlntcr. " CoBch Mcrj-lll sad w Cb». Sal* MacPhal Maj and Houk s tryng to tandem -... three guys runnng.»mon,a.mong those Jlckcted for new CW Xwta FUls; 3 r : - a s a g? «f h S when lke to be able g s onetouchdown, M u ft yaj v.rs s t u«l«y *S be and Tokle surveyedu y «p u t,th e Yankees back together SCther the e store and workng toward vard a clubs. D...JJJ, K octon. u o ptched out to fullback Doug Me- S S S *M lc7et tu rk e. J y n. m R Y k e c tu rn ln g hom e m js Gee for the thrd Mam rstouch- u e h ]T excellent, b u t.h e sad "ft" a Columba Col Broadcastng System.K- ST MacPhal. whose fatheftcarry, down. L lumper can t work out on o nt.vc vce presdent who runs the net* Mller-ganed 199-mshng n<r and tfw nu -toojong-oce-ccam(nps-hs ps.hls wo otfcs-baseball-venure; Lee -! t!1*, was o presdenlof-the Yankees n j passed for 52 fo ra total 271*yard / yare p team MacPhal, son of a former t Yan. v f., 9<6. when he broke nto base- leavng soon to tran kee boss and archtect of ff Balt* S h «busness manager of the. r. o u tp u t Z other sutable locatons, to nto: Spurrer passed 49 tmes and S. or p more s champonshp club, clubs Kansas Cty farm.. connccted on 26 for 225 yards. vbm. P return to ther respectve col- uand d Ralph Houk. veteran Jp S of _J!! MacPhal was the Yankees HUNTNG, n G,W d R K End Rchard Trapp snared 12 of leges and unhersltes. car.campagns as Yankee farm* the aerals for a Southeastern sk n g hand, player., general mnanager - Confcrence season record of 63 rcceptors, surnasng tbe 58 set buuders. T last y ep -by-m rda-a-c harley Meat r : Now Cl CONSTRU tucton a : r them wll retum m to helr ther " Ther Usk: To breathe new -" C a se y.-, h o m e a b y M y. «lfe J> nto an agng, nfrm ball. club that has plummeted from f> -top-to-bottom -ln.tw a.shortea:. u r A w% S sons. And to keep people comng to an. fror baa ca OS! the Brc c a " n - pla. cn «t A R STs! owner- what?. Anythmgl The tela. tela* the rec- phona bell, chldren laubhnr, bnr,. bacon aelm g, ra n on -tha e. busness radowf. All of tbe prwaou H 50-year- aounda o f lfe th a t a u y hav* ftpenn: been fraduaykdnffofyeu: e pre- How? Your Maleo dealer rhaa m m elude a thp nnawcr; tho unqua Maeo vth the MeUtod of H n rn g Cermtcn, , W... screen -developedby Amerca s poneer... XX) and sunufacturorofbearnsteatln- Rlngllng atrum enta. M A CO " M o t Jonng Respected Nam* a Hearns for 30 years, he says. Perhaps Matoo can "help yoo nd th a t hear better, aa Uey have helped M n 10th thousands of. o t h m For full. - s....n fo rm a lo n on th e M nco -. 4 > - - P B B B s the Metlod tt Hearng Correclon, W. tm tf -- M w th o u t ofalgauon, contact 5 1 * l.lllolroflw s t y l e 8 4 4,; "MotHtttpttMNmrntUHeurtt... U * - ll B M "Utah lj: n L B O O T T S a p Q t t a r t e r 2 7 By Red-Wr,,...: :. s - F o r - R o u g h, - H oa r d -" W e a r - - % f m R e g u l a r ~ $ 3 2 l 5 - L -, X t J a 2 0 W S g - >3N 0W F t? N C H T =? * WATER REPELLENTUPPERS g l swk to Y ankee.su dlum afler the >f<oj football seasoj s over., g. = -- -* FULL L NORWEGAf-WELX--,. _ B. Burke, wbq succeeded Dan Toppng as club presdent last X <». * LEATHER-LN rher-lmed VAMP SeMember when CBS bought...*-vbram -tu G?AM-tUG-So=&. ANp-=HEEL\ - Toppng s 10 per cent nterest and ganed complete owner- 1 * GERMAN, fvan, SPS p e e d LACE MtMrwf. OU OHC V?? * o u t SDE s d e COUNTER O ROCKCT a W shp, s eager to begn the * rec- pj,, Emt lamatlon project. ba t AM " m n the baseball busness w C. from ov now on. says the 50-year- wmj ;.*. M O Cj to O E l p p p H H H B l " W177 T onferu lverslty-or*penn: be< sylvana athlete, 1 whose pre- 1. u n L v,ufun s n u B Ue ( 10) b ts a m l back DMb RRusm u s m (S8).from.bebld.alteLRus90., Nwr baseball e x p l o t s nclude a tho B cloak-and-dagger stnt wth the M t f -took pautrom.mbudlquarterfe H - OSS n-world W ar 11. a screen -do\ w to p b o td ) ll wrtng flng n Hollywood and m the-management of the Rlngllng atr a Brothers crcus befdre Jonng R «B CBS 10 years ago. for p )WNT9VW.S:-:f

15 5W E E P ; Sparks ceagles=eff: E 3-46 Rom] >mp After rap B p en er } R E S 0 \ W AT1VT T v a rd H u m es p u t on a g r e;at a t all-ro all*round dsp lay S atu rd ay.nght asa g e o f S o u th ern E agk-s to0 ata 73-4C a-c ro m p o v e r th e M o u n tan H omo m e. N E W YORK (A P ) -.Thcr T h e re w ll be p le n ty of f polce n Madson Square Garden a n d a s w e e p of th e lr.openng»penng w e e k e n d sere s T he e -E agles rden Mo M o n d a y n g h t w hen favor- n b e a tn g th e s c rv c e club b 77*70 F r d a y n g h t.,h u m e s.show ed cd Carlod Ortz rsks hs lghts h tw e g h t boxng ttle! a g a n st p la y e r h e w a s h e ra ld e d to b c as s h e a g a n w a s th e flo o r gen* junor.lghtwej>ht kng n g Flasl F s h E lo rd e o f M an la n a televson t«s-rounder. * * * * e ra l, h e ld M o u n tan H o m e s Both o w e re h n p p y to h e a r th a t the tl -speclal force wll L...,. R o b e rt J R o b e rtso n to fouru r : 111 be ~ a. pon ts ~ a f te r beefed b up~for~ther-retum 23 F rd a y bout. Ortz-vvdly remem- r S! Reds Helms J M S n g h t a n d p u m p e d th ro u g h bers b the last defense of hs < 19 ponts-. H e s a t o u t th e,1 crown n Mexco Cty, Oct. flrst_14_mlnmes_of_jheecom jb -sccondt s J Rooke P uynot* he stopped thc Cuban exle on Mountan Home tred (o (0 up- - cuta Cl n the jfth round and sec the Eagles wth A then ; Of Year a zone de* refused a commsson order to fqse as the game opened but resume the bout, tho 30*year-old eor-old! ByJACK HAND JD - Fred Stevens exploded Jed the ex- cx-. ppuerto Rcan*born New Yorker Assocated P ress Sports Wrter. porment wth some e Unc olt. - found f< hmself n the mdst 1st of a NEW YORK (AP) - Tommy sde shootng. After r that the j rot. Helm< ftf the Cncnnat Reds, a Plonsmervtrea-thTSrTBfcnse nsmcfense m glad tobe home, lghtng Sntng shortstop n the rrnors, rs, a o sec* but t ddnt m atter. The Eagles n t the Garden agan," sad Otz. Otz. ond q, baseman n the sprng and pulled steadly away. -The Garden, however, was vas the a thrd baseman n Ue e 9«mm9r. 9!nm9r. Wth Humes and Stevens. ste of an ugly rot on Aug.. 5, has,. been named Natonal provdng thc ponts, thc Eagles t 1065 when Eforde ganed a splt, League Rooke of the ; Year by- - Jumped nto o 26-8 edge n the K S ( H. decson (> n a 10-rounder ;r wth.f the Baseball W rters Asocla- Asocafrst 10 mnutes. Tle le offensve Franke Narvaez, another ; Puer* tlon., ot Amerca; dsplay fnally crested at 33 to Rcan*bom New Yorker. * ponts before Coach. E d Sutton Ths wll be OrUz frst t lght* lttht* A 20-mttn commttee, [ee, comclearcd thc bench. weght ttle fght n New V York posed of two w rters from rrom each and hs frst here n fve years. Natonal - L e a g u e c:ty k y.-g a v e - - th o Eagles showed great mcr opener bbrown at Las Vegas. Nev.. Sonny Jackson, Hl o u s t o n He won the ttle from rn Joe Jm Helms 12 vocs. \ provement over thcr Frday as Coach Sutton s man- Aprl 31, 190 and haa had d eght shortstop, st vos second H-Jth wth three to.mon defense held. Mountan M S M ttle tl fghts snce then. ncludng Home well oustdo and the eludng vc votes, followed by Tto ) Fuentcs, B ot one wth Elorde n Manla Plansmen had to turn to long lla 2 21 St San Francsco sbortllop; [top; wllh wth a M years ago.. yhtf." Offjnclv&ly, wth blth-kumbs- Tfumbc, -fct. tv tw votm- The remanng lng votes ElbWe wnj cadng-whcn-htr w pullng the strngs, the Eagles, was w, stopped on cuts n the wated untl the good shot was Mlh j( Jones,- N ew -Y ork-m eu-center- u-center DRVNG THE BASE U S E U NE, E, Don Deuel, e-fooc, S-ncb eh forward for CS, scored * feld leld goa! round. rc He has been stopped there and ht extremely ted two felder:- ff Randy Hundley. lley. Ch* ely well. Hayden (44) [44) Df.Moun j)f.mountan Home durng acton on Frday nght. CS took the le game olhcr ot tmes n a year P/o pro c cngo C ubscatcher, and md Larry After Stevens scored sx of (Tmes-News photo), ct carcer. Hs record s 74*19-3 n* jaj ste r. St. Lous ptcher. ler. Each the frst nne Eagle ponts from : eludng 27 knockouts.»c the outsde, CS put on some crsp passng and penetrated lm ls E S 1 6 Sn<ldyTN 5V >mbef-27,*1966.m b.r-27; T W E Ortz record s , nclud- t «.» 8 " - W f T / l 4 e S ~ A / t V V S ng 19 knockouts. He never has, The Amercan League je Rooke nto hc boards three of the next _. been slopped. O of the Year, named Wednesday,. b u r tmes down thc floor. Don The bout wll be tclecost ast na- w was Tomme Agee, Chcago Deuel, agan reboundng well. g>. tonally by Madson Square Whte " Sox center felder. er. Humes, wth- four ponts, lnts, and ao k.o k\t / Garden-RKO General Sports Although Helms was S a star. > bucket by Ples Vann mn pushed (A t w K H U Presentatons. New York wll be shortstop sl n the mnors, he the count from 11*6 to-3&-8 and T J \ \ ( / blacked out. Startng tme e s-lo moved m to second base» last t was all downhll. r M p.m., EST. Sf sprng. Don Heffner, then the -The- Plansmens collap.sng collapsng T-L. T..!_!- manager,-had~leo Cardenas at n a short nd decded..tn. Loawtclu. awtclu, After scorng 30 Frday nght h t : _ T - a w z e r4 te s g s Pcus Rose to h rd and play ploy Vann had to be content wth \ h Helms a t second, L, { fve before foulng out... 1 B u r le y G o lf J o b f rntf The swtch offected d Roses f t was a combnaton nruc of Vann LA Favt Favored To W and Humes, wth a sudden out*. Wn Natonal! nal p lbr u f sp y s returned to.«. second n early season. >n. Helms sde shootng burst by Mark leys Muncpal Golf Course, has f U. Rch that carred thc Eagles to resgned the Burley post. He He has has er at thrd and dd fno fne lut on no nngertlps of Mountata Mountan. vctory Frday nght, «T tle n A AP s Pre-Sea Season Poll acccpted z a lob a t the Pocatello KMtello l Jo l - "s Cbllcge" of Southern dahos Don Vann got the ball often n thc Country Club.. \ ll RotKrtson had Klle chance 5 of ot beat* keyhole oreo and sp spun!n mand S N 3 W Y O R K (A P ) - T ho e U1 C LA B ru n s, w th fabulous u s so b h o m o re L ew A lcndor. d o r, The cty of Burley has not yet T on (Tlmes-Ncw8 photo)- o)- whrled for 10 feld gools and ar.e fa v o re d to w n n th e natc a to n a l c o lle g a te b a s k etball a cham ponshp n the loct 1967 ««o selected * Tawzer s successor. He W b/ sea*,ssum e hs new dutes S n \ SS& COAL added 10 of 14 free throw at- son th a t o p en s T h u rs d a y. T1 h e ch o ce o f C oach h Johnny h n n y W o odens B ru n s n th e Pocatello p, after the frst m _ tempts., ol of tlo the -Top Qumly AW.Y). «l p re se a so n A sso cated d P r e s s poll, an n o u n c e d S a tuu rd a y, s h a rd ly a s u rp rs e. E v e r y< year. ed-vctory To O The Eagles move : to Rcks sn c e A lcn d o r, a 7-foot*l N ew Y o rk C ty h g h College of Rexburg Wednesdoy school s ta r, enro lled a t th e - :o s - Tawzer-Jod been at thc Bur- ~ A n g e s school. fo llqkp.r w os rsp nf fp -, = lc lev course for one season, mov- WARBERG S.?. ;-For-GrowTt f l Folb to take on Snow College. th e B ru n s h a v e jpen e a g - 1. nghere from.tte Counlry r a ut) «s. " m. W T l " They are expected to Sbe Stwo Pof o c a tells e: rly aw atn g., h s v a rs ty \ Klgore Trms S ess New York, and stll the, toughest on thc schedule ths n. - - t d e b u t. T h a t w l com o on 1 s take njve n tfo East, broke a fou S e J S f f F u m J S - y four* yc rvth a ju -j ca f,prp M ">» Msonlaln n. Horn* C alfo rn a. j " 1 Eyes League r n e S a lu rd a y a g a n s t S o u th ern. r n n Sun- strng wth vn onrme Bowl nch at vctory aver Mam. A vctory : s nch j o 2 UcCorf s 0» 4 UCLA, natonal champs n s; TsT! Afflaton.. lercan a must f tho Jets hopes «p «arc» t t. a ;. " -! ; ;!! s 19J4 and 19S5).was pcked!l to, SAVANNAH, Go. (AP)-Once* \P)-O beaten, but top ranked ;d Klgore. Klgore, 1 Dvl* survve.., Vtnn 2 t S 1 n<r>m J! a! 1 1? 7 POCATELLO (AP) - School ft three n a row n thc S Tcx., Junor College scored-21,. Buffalo leads he Easf astnt at S- K J 1!! J S 2! J superntendent Rulon t M.* M* Ells, >96 prcseason AP poll, but the and Boston needs a vctory ctory over llumn S «tt»l(:*nln»r «r J 1 23 : 24 4 Saturday dened that t any dec- handwrtng wos on!»,«the Jn wall ponts 5 n the fourth quorter uarter Fr* Mam lo U y n ro n an nt lto lo ntho jb slon has been rcached led as to a Alcndor led the freshman, Fcrrum, rrum, Va., J? a v m u k rc a -?; f, Pats a re sccond n the-eost e-eastot-5* o-{ An<«nn-o o--djw rn -o o Jlposslblc T wjthdrawal of bf focaleno t octello t>vet the t a&urhr gshrtae. B ow flrm tbau-gam - e.for - L. 1 A m v ~.rn 3-2 whle Mam s 2-8. They Thc O***" ond Hghlond hgh schools from ther- annual gam e-bcforo.tore the f he natonal junor college lege cham* f e h e l p e r, the Southern daho Athletc athletc au- s u tem 16 ts 41 * ferencc.k lfl. P "shp. Con- season started. J s of at played each eoch ohc other To..27«T27jL3luf vson before. xortl est , Uounwn Uounun The Bruns ended wth an 18-.1** l-lv l f./r //r..,l. Deadlocked a t 7-7, 7, Klgore, e r the At Denver. San Dego wlt Wll b be But, whle ssung a statement record and ddn t even f," loake, turned o- fumble recovery lovery nto comng off an dle week veek and : s to thc press on bcholf half of the t* NCAA, champonshp tour- snr* Pocotello schools admnstra* <)ey. losng out to Oregon?r.««? Sute. fluck touchdown and wthn ng n. strugglng to stay alve vc n the QB* 7».» S?? four mnutes the Rangers ngers had hat ton, Ells and Athletc tc Dlrecto?, Drector he Pacfc 8. Ths tme wood* j mlnate West. The Chargers } are C3t r.ftpfpm n. n. (cfprtp? 7 t, n 28 ponts to put the game n. (cfprtp Byron Toone confrmed ted that tho thc cn vews the season wth cou- o. u - \.out of B P g a P y S M ) Jt a te whle Denver s 2-8. llch C 1 S McCord «3 S10 s now San Dego s 10-3 Wn u o ra n «<> > 0 Mknhalt «t S lo n g - r a n g e polcy regordng Hous Optmsm,. y > r«over-a v,n> loo asouydm m Fcrrum used a "muddle luddle hud «4 4 league afflaton s currently urrcntly be* The Bruns beat out Texas Buffalo aganst thc Broncos 1 and have ha\ scou n*n>«b-~4-0s- " j 5 1 * ng-studcd Western,thc defendng -r.j.,t natonal. dlo-play-to grab a 7-0-lead n - A m P B Son beaten, them n thclr lr last lost sbc s 1 ; * 5* * ukt J 0 * 0? the frst quarter. l was >vas smply M v 10 Ells sad he s presently csently con* champons, and Kentucky, the. tto ts mecngs. Theyre.sold 5old favo Wrd* 2 V 2 w?* **! 1 0.u«quck snap and quarterback luarterback slderlng advantages and dsad* team the Mners beat for the, t Den* les to do t agan, partcularly Andmn a 0 onotwruovb J sss l -- Joel Deboe ptched to ) wngback J S H v M f vantages of mcmdcrshp n.both ttle last March, n the presea- > so wth the return of Lancc A Mke Bradley who swept he*oth- worth,-the-ace-reccver-who-wl g L S. " > > _ j ( j0 j» 12 - the SC and the ElCna n J stresses son vouns by on Assocated s sde the left J r H M f f W H (or louston bc back after an absence lence due to : Tou 283aso7l to u -? u = 2* T rffrfs 1(1070 thot-nnahcal problcn5 n~the Press panelofsports-wrters..rttts a yards and d a «touch- " n j u r y. lulftlnt CS le. UeuBUla 5 a kot»»om*» 1». othlctc department do not en* UCLA polled 12. frst place * * t t ter tho pcture ot all. votes to three for the e Mners The stotcment by EU Ells s aa as from El Paso and got a total of RPS CNCNNAT lat \ l r f g H H H H follows; 163 ponts to 143 for Texas West. -CNCNNAT (AP) The -T thck.. crn. Kentucky gol ono f The queston, under consder sno frst fog dd not spol Bruce CC Matte s aton s would wc better c tt" see serve P ts. am * as Mam Unverstys rsltys star our students by jonng no a con* con. The Duke Blue Devls, /Ms, who quarterback c connected d wth four ference whch has an expand- cxpand- fnshed thrd natonally ly n thc touchdown t passes and d led the ed-athletc-program -(EC) )-and NCAA,-tourney-at- Collegc-Park,!ge-Park, Redskns to.a.28-8.rout.o.vcr_cn*. t.o.ver_cn also offers actvtes V n debate, Md. last March, landed :d fourth ( cnnat. drama and varous phases DhasM of wth 81 ponts. The Lous* musc?.*! P - vllc..cardnals_ofjhe_m ssour - H e added that whle,t,u much Volley Conference were c S rbnked Your Spne s - and o n d more.dscusson- and H plannng ffh wth one frst place vote needs to, bldonc-regardlng-po* r S l w l and 70 ponts.!! l : ; J o u J 4 e a l t h _. catello and Hghlands d s future, future. Roundng out the preseason Jreseason ly Of.tudwlj C.ndw»hr- S! rmstvcktfgsrfor:. no offcal acton s expected un* Top Ten are, n order. New tl thc next regular r Pocatello Mexco. Houston, Wesem S Ken- kz r, o, T u «r a M r r. :; th o n s a n d s o f ffamues a m every year. schobl board meetng : scheduled tucky. North Corolna and Cn-!, scn<.uuj(.o College, Konsos c»- ;r, d.7 n l! : r., s December!2.-<, Konsos 5, onj hef,heah». lhl» lx nllom- Z m. W e u nd Jerstae n d. p e rfe c tly., and Chcago Loyola mssed by only a few ponts of makng akfng the "oufoll/ notufomy v Buylng [ nce fcb th n g s fo r th e - mlnot tndlng-..holdays )s can be to u g h on llnos Jons- J l l l S - Texas Wcsern opens ts sea- rve. onr/ot- your budgct. udget.,g) (3lfts...deco ra-. J son Thursday aganst Sam >m m».e, tons.-,.frends.frends a n d relatves E S Wsconsn OL 1n H S! sf Sv 1 1 Houston. Kentucky opens S Saturr- Saturr* S movamcnt l fth.of th«m m *- d ro p png g n. t s t h e o n e, day aganst Vrgna. Duke j; jlruclure * exramt- exren..-. tm e o3f f y e a r f w\ h e n ex tra Baseball Sut l l l t starts Frday aganst Vrglno nm.».. m oney c a n -b e.a b g help.. Tcch and Lousvlle Saturdoy Saturday A 9 j» «n d? X oo n n k l" And, ofo r r yyears e a now, weve.. 1 WASHNGTON (AP) flll,,.nols hos ntervened n P)jn"ctlon an acton Gmrsctown, Ky. y. calltd n lha a been helpng lelpng th t o u san d s o f... f regon ef. S a rta>.all s a acro ss th e coun-. seekng a Supreme Court ;:ourt hear- The Top Ten wth frst place t T ; t? ng on~ Wsconsns anutrst lutrst bot- bat- votes n parentheses, toull u ponts "PUutodyno" j tho namo ll!a"-;fh: lor.ht try.-mlyv/e ayw ehelj help, you? W ejl -{ tle-wthbascball.. ffljwsa-ofjlfc.3_stc ! ; tomt tondllen occmng yhlglur s kc, * _, certanly lytfy.- try J :.. belwetn lha nb>.. or Myo((jlo Court earler lo overttn utn Swh a Ws- - < low«r down n -thv hp tglon Ond TOCOHEANDfETTAT.... consln -Supreme Court decson -2. T ex as.w esl (3).JL«; jl«;.. thok. J tossng out the convcton :ton of the thc 3. Kentucky () fto. -.t. utuolly-follow bvtrlrsn of tht nvolvr mucl», or xpo»ura t*-c«ld - fm Notonal League and 1 ts mem* mem- 4.*D uke9l 3, snd nel ot lat raull o netftrtnm uumlll - ber clubs on-anttrust* st-charges -srjjusvlle - (1) 70 «wllh tl# n#rv»»uppv fb the orfoctd resuhng from- the move of the Thl> waoken them and Mlwaukee Braves, to* Atlanta Jmake* h«m toll) ttb ect to the W- - fdcnt t. l b. r... l r l l l n"t~ frpndroftho~court**...-., (ett-olthc.aufln.of-mpojuro.-whle o«re,-w hle ~ _ U l l l j l l E g - bref, llnos offlcals ald F sad FrrV «West Kentucky 26 adosnl mucl4,..rt(«lxjno o normal, day- ther s u te last year W r adopt- n d jt-» N " " Carolna 12 upply of vlolnervatnerjy, tman A tertw olc otnm Tmrcltl ercllooodlt P«n,lneerpor<led rgy, lemaln - ed a new. anttrust act ;t modeleo modclcj -10;.C(nclnnatl- 21 n normal eondltlon. Cndt Ult tnd Dublllty lnutna lltbtooelglbltbertown mutne*. The doctor of chltootacte Btactle no; op -.,. n. m any ways after federal federal p, ~ v proochet h»«condllont by freetlng W ould th e p «n o n who* lha prmary cauw.and lemovng : _ m a n aa vv ee N U E ; N O Rr TH H -_ l - : Hnots has attempt-to-vg tted-to-vlg -rem qvd-th «410~ su v - _ l! ofously assert ts new Jet?ct *n h o t n w th o u t m y h»»ra rttel - al ahldt p«bll.hv _. aganst local volatons-of n.-nf w«l well c o r > ««n t fro m t» h «. T <! *> < aploln T S R oe n e T7T 3S 3: ponts, he.collecledjrldayl bt.j ay-fllg h t,-c S rj ls -V «n n ev*des-the-dfe_.. S m th * re ld a n c a a ttl l»"«*le» of *»J#n* *tj#n. tta M o n t r r w n f t r R S a Troan o weasy- crpple W atcm note.brsh recognled=t«ntlrus?.poldcs," -.polces," P * r c * R b E A S E - M Bo.RobertsW (M) u a Bames «nes(34]. CS won 77«7D.(Hffles-Nenrs aes-news sad the bref oclnos nos Atty. -R ETU R N T. -. J. «t tohdwahr; whoa H afllca lc al rl* t*- -T ~ T ~ ~ coterf rt 7r-Molt Ava; W., Twn - jg eo, WUlBm-G. Clark. t.. M l, Tal Ady.. J.. ".. y : v.. p - T X * [llto x m g? Crown t H a n st t 1Elorde

16 W m M Seymour A m s e f e l fs H Uff( )ffensvel)j psplay " 14=13.S ~ HOU HOUSTOrXH sute stopped th A Houston s passln f- day nght and c. LO S A N G E L E S (AP) P ) - A w esom e N o tre D a m e, n, ) n a cl Q, g h te d b y a p a r o f 19-yeaf-o!3 a )? r!. so p h o m o re s, b la s te d u hnged on a-* b S outhern C alfo tn a 51-0 S atu rd a y a s th e rsh s tre n g thtened e n e d j th e r c la m.f o r th e 1966 nat n a to n a l co lle g a te fo otball a chh ama n p o n sh p. Q u a rte rbr b a c k k, t Z K B L C oley O B ren, w ho tool? took ove o v e r fo r n ju re d q u a rte :erb ack c k Tc e r r y H a n r a tty,, a n d b s. Wth 1:14 left, 6-4 p a s s re c e v e r, J m m Seym o u r, w e re th e k e y fg u res a s th e R ose B ow l-bound sound.: went wde to th T ro ja n s, c h a m p o n s o f th e _ molbhed Ue P a c fc -8 C o n ference, hop< for_natq! w ere _ w brs; b u rle d u n d e r th e h g h e s t j g sc o re e v e r n th e 38 g jg a m h e e s s t F. u n, F u n, F un. n The.Ugers K A Jc tw c e rc T N o tre rd a n re ra n d rlng domnated Ue rw n~ n : quarter, andzm Southern Ca.,. F Fa a lb a t 7 p.m. Sunday when vhcn lead t never lo. H O m / C A N /s O E e S c n; crowd o f 88,520 watched «tched -..thecom th c basketball team second wth a d cam GLES Notre Dome end ts season 3n wth meets nn Buhl s Faux Cgar lgor wth Jerty Bbhc By LARRX HOVEY V. arccord of nne vctores and su store team n the a nmble. The hgh" Tmes-News Sports Edtor ly wm school gymnasum; down drve was An nterestng weck may nay lls He M, lchtar State,, all te way, en.the game b beng spon ahead-whenthe-lberajdaha Trfnhf _ The Trolana.head fop the Rose sq _ Wallacft- sone-y S josf _ s o «d -ly -4 h e -T W ln - F e» s - - Conference meets n Twn Falls.?! for the score. w Uj a.junor Chamber of Com* probably Thursday. The meet- merce as a fund rabng.as ( uarterbac1 prong stll appears to be tentatlw ntatlve,, oo down passes n. completng 21 of n com te th some-. O Bren threw three touch- m«game bogged d< t c h. m o t o n - Jf the out 0 31 throws for 255 yards. = moved the ball admlnl- Seymour caught 11 for 150 yards n ground, makng plon. and two toucndowns. N u-yard drve fo 2 F l o r d a S t a j e attend Thc rsh bult up a 31-0 half- : score, mdway-1{ <nvcntor tloh n n tr Ume lead as e OBrcn-Scy- n «Burrb fve-yan P u p y H E P o a h d n n the n mourcombo starreab T Ww sec- R o U s G v e r HATONGQHP -h TOfullback baok Lan arry-c cnjar-(s2)h > NVotre defenders-aslde-for-some-runnlng-ro m _ Ho rus t Jtot l o t b e a J c of the ond quarter touchdowns. Da anv quarterback Coley O Bren (3) C as center Tm Monty lonty the Fghtng rbh s frst touchdown day n{ f thc O Bren s thrd touchdown T - [ (55) and Guard Dck SwaUad land (58) tmove SouUero CaUfomla arnla went on to wn SM. (AP wlrephoto) " " " D c r n - t «f l [ p r n c p a l s ore are toss tot went 23 yards to E-Terps Dan rect Memphto unable.to 10 get gel Harshman, newly converted back, from m that from frc tbe defense to roplace one TALLAHASSEE, Fla. ( T*» / V. Syntloy, Sunday, N( Novanbcr 27, f touchdown drlvj A P ) - r S n H( K M swng n tme, of t l N o t «h D 8mc casualtes lualucs Bowl-bdund Horlda Stsle show-. perod, startng - Wth B w lgt nectn fr< 4 atur- g 1 10 went pass w to Mckej B e~ poatex -«asy molbh U rcap!ays_h George Stoudaher, Twn Falla Falls n; t S n d S y \ l «s l r f f o r hop< touchdown : pas p r n c p a l, has called!d tot for arother. an tally.. The Semlnoles ran up Uelr Ucr X brs. Wood Stevens kl the meedng, whch n turn has ] bggest pont total of Ue! year f Z V. N o w D " " ntercepted to bo called by Lonel Bowser, j r» two an and fnbhed the regular season - jrday Tgers The ponts al lomer, Trojan thtowa by qarterbaelt * th domlna *rfaack wlu» a W ncord. They y wll X SC cbalrman and prncpal of tq quartet Mdway n U«Bm for meet Wyomng n the Sun Bowl. Hghland. Staudaher seeks r. f the e to n s ; «. r of lead 15-yard-pass- t t sn ran a t El Paso. Tcx., Dcc " J meetng as rather an ar-clear- th SETS MATCHES «C ap the frst back 40 yards. FSU ran up a 31-pont lead f l - COLORADO SPRNGS, Colo. 0 ««r cored second 8 od for touch ng thng and wth the hope j wth J( of Dave M artn stole another mother ovor Maryland ahd Ue reserves.* (AP) Team s representng Ue more State gettng somethng flnaltec.,. jm and returned t 33 for the le fnal play played Ue rest of the game, Carter, Ogde gdeh Pace a an rum 80-yard drlv Unted States and Canada wll Uum a sar. yards Early week rumors that Cald- score 5 down of passl of the day. 5Quarterbacks Gary Pacc and. competc wut Ue Westem Cana- Reet well and Nampa wero leavng, s n all strng te of compl the SC have been refuted M by hv. Southern Camomla reached H a m m o n d alternated J da e c t s n the Waller Brown -offlclals-of-those_scho61s_bul f hul lhe Notre Dame 10 n the G thrd thro through most of the game gbxn-overp wlu l ;r Pacfc.; :S ntematlonal Hockey _Touma- 8 «sl 5.9. Wallac ng. But h b t thsvrn thrd strlnger-b U r B urkhart ;ent Dcc. 2M a t Ue. Broad- y*rds s and ntended for the for Pt Mr. Staudaher would lke to K: a. th,. ffnbhlng h b l up n Ue fouwmquar- hear the same statements rom gjj pp Bp O V n. Tltnh fap> - - V rr lre l C a rtg r fe c o rd - sejttng tu mo?r World Arena. a total t. byr As,<r uatyn uan. game. the superntendents of those se dsd*!? scorng. w. p ajcc set two school records P s P a ssn g a n d J o h n O g d e n s ru n t of nco, vnfftl wlu h b part-tme performance. nance. Y our o ung to a 38-0 r o m p o v; e r U nlve n v e rsty of P a c fc Satur- moved P «a le llo and Hghland are j? X b W n g e rccords for r Ue d a y n th e la s t fo o tb all, g a m e 0 o f th e se a s o n fo r both ground rather expccted to wthdraw but. fourth quar- S m u they are puttfog any -decson Z At that stage, the sccond nost pass completons and or for te an mn s. C a r te r th re w th ree e c touch u chdow n p a s s e s to te th e M-yard and thrd sung players came n Ue S j m u t yards n towl offense. f j S J off. t appears, untl Dcc. 12. when the Pocatello school board a r d?" j{ oflense.-btt ft.w as not untl «He e j ganed 145 yards to brng «Wa w J N l::- C A A c a r e e r sc o rn g re ec- c - T : ; o rd of 50 s e t, by, B a b e touchdown touche pass whch would turtpm season total to 1,735 whch bet- 25 meets. That board ddnt have tered Ue total of set ct by P arll r lll of K e n tu cky. H u c s have been a rccord. He passed nnngroom*for-coa]ar.t-was tb Casey Boyett alone n the ho end luchdown of Ue gune and they t l attendance a t ts November meetng. So t put t otf Pajcc also completed nne sn g e a g a n s t P a c fc ex tenn d - Boyctts- Boyct chest- and fell hcom- ncom- - Steve Tens! n y} a rd s ru n n n g a n d p a s - jjne rone but_the boll bounced off unul Dec. 12. leavng all the Q passes, gvng hm 125 for Easten daho Conference n?s and SU. M U R p s T C U J the, b1?, s NCAA career total yard- plote: K season to better Tensls mark «of age record to 8,354 yards. carl SC schedules hangng n md- 7 Carter s hand n four, of the Rans Tear Past r -.wwle th other teams FT o r L o o p l t r e 5 > Maryland quarterback Alon Alan, Osdcn, a counter thrust to Car- BYU touchdowns gave "touch hm a A l c a r e r v c B lost of.» j» ;»» ncw new NCAA record for touch- - efltatfr V FA ST SER Mr. Staudaher and Athletc. 5e*w?lulfbecauseor a sore dow ns-ponsble for -n» M - - J U K x c p c c t o n n a d L FORT~CdtlNS. Color(AP) - :1. W lth - m p -Drector Merl E n -ltatlv - n- " * 7» W*y»rd arm and reerve-quarterwck 9r» S _. 1- l M UPO-BYU- :vu. carec career.. He ended wfth 68 such - Colorado SUte U nversty s " tend to keep Twn Fals X T n touchdown pass and Mac Whte Daw Davd Stofa could oot get Ue "al b y s k l l e d m a c h a n l c s the Bubay5rd««* -10 s g closed. f t r out ts frst wnnng M foot- prclon Wood J *q the SC, whch could crumble» k u f f p u aed for two scores oa South- SouU- vblb vbltors offense gong. Pastrana p«nf y«d«g«" BYu" ball season snce 1955 Saturday Tgers Nampa and Caldwell would "d hap- S l f."* beat Texas Chrs- S5S connected for three touchdown S "!?S F o r Ue season. Carter hsl led the te a rln g through lowa State j, pen to m ove-out So far»f. the Southwest thwest nass< passes n Aesecond half after punt? Conferenca football champon- Bruns have aeem ents wth,w mplon- had already put Ue game M!,.. U" nauon offcnmvely wu,2,545 S*? S S A 3 U» s «yards ynrda ncludng 268 passng and Captallng on Ue runnng of Buhl and Jerome for next t year v w * ** < out ( of reach and a feeler from Westem n Hgh H ld. SMO by wnnng also became >ecame Pajcc and Hammond each ;., *, * * 99 " runnng " Qgalnst Pacfc. llo, Oscar Reed, the Rams scored 8 od U more ponts aganst owa State an SO*] of Las Vegas. Mnco also would host n the Cotton &owl, ll, the Urew threv touchdown -passes. Four FRONT lke to come back on the Twn J frst, Ume a Mustang team m has dffe dfferent FSU backs scored H?Hp the tars J**;* passng, ran for three rce ( /111 than any ouer team Ub year, ERVK yards Falls schedule. f PoMtello A.nl.and played n-tat game snce e ouer oue touchdownson short runs. runs touchdowns and kept Pacfc s "A* Reed led bou teams n strng SMU wll meet* Georga n the de PS ed UP defense off,balance. O g d e n r P UaUas J oou)bu classs Ucc. J, rft! r...r anfnftr 2M vard-s. a carecr hgh. m " ( F r o n t - E n d A l ground g n n ganng. H s averagel 5.9 ng. E tdl yards a carry for 24 carres and btende ever, Mlhlco wll be-una*b1e to a ~ : n h b fnal game o r.b y u m eet the B runs., / Southern M elhodstcale3"on 13 for >BYU pcked apart Pacfc s g-s c a r s a total of 142 for te contest. FfB by Rua nw b r u n u n Wth Pocatello and Hghland n d ts strong defense to, halt tree Maryland and ganed 287 yards lne 0 oooffense, holdng rushng...,... off the SC schedule, Twn J F alb de desperate Homed Frog drves, n the a r, compared to 162 to t to t thlntrtlo m yards, and defense mse - would have to. fhd two Hort.more twce tw; wth ntercepted passes. sses. Ue T: erps. rand gave T ger quarterback Bob, a p e d t l a games. Ths.s the crux of o fthe e -... Lee tte chance to set for hs b ; problem and Mr. Staudher-be «P-be;.. :. passes. passc! Lee, Ue only offensve H weapon weapc Pacfc had. completed F r o n t W h e a l s B a t h? S P o c S o S d a n s w er just u 8t H 17 passes pa for 234 yards. as.well now as n two weeks. C arter s Urew scorng passes, " A O urpredsc The SC flnaly becsme rah t to KKentObom e for 8 yards.og- extendstre 1 w hat embarrassed wth :lts ts n- den for 6 yards and Obom agan a 0... prevenung - Md dulgence of daho Falls as the for 14 yards. Carter also scorcd red B f n Weghlanc A w r Tgers took football noato the Ue fl frst touchdown of the game me ums, threatenedto leave,. <v«re were on ah n-vard 8camt»r down the wooed-backnd-cooled-lts-heels )-heeb * * B g h l-a ld d ln c T * " whle daho Falls pondered lu ; Carter almost threw a 51st ~ B l c r A l l u s t r n e r ~ K 3 decson. t doesn t partcularly ralarljr. W e a d ju sll want a replay of that although.. the partes.confrm they sfn- F c R ad cflud s.f tm Ml o n th s t o P a y l j l p rtfcl - cerely hope the Pocatello utello (g «andnpack schools wll reman n the SC. Arm) wbeclbeor: llolr The menton of Caldwell ll and t-s a m a -D a y S Nartpa leavng appears trace- ; Vrt able to -a problem-n-the-thrd thrd R«on Parts extra f nded - SMU dstrct Snake Rver Valley Con-. not fpreace. Nyssa, Ontaro and anfl»«9j Football-Scoref T END SER Vale.. Qre.._nfft. members of 1, that algnment and they are un- UUn u X C u S Jr ta n c«1ln!»j ~ S r B t T T w w.. dcr-som o pressure from telr ther... -T«nn. \ l g n m e h t. m hom»-alate-to -«ffllat* -m o re VrtlBl* 11, KoKh Curolln. U -----»lmk ; wth Oregon achoob. Wth the prospect of losng th re e - teams, m s, S Wtn Flord. SU«J l, UtryUnd 11 gnfrontwheeuto *»«9»bU SU* Jl, Juutoa 11 V Oo CELL the SRVA looked around d for narlor BYU lanufacttuvtorgulb,. Rlc«l«> possble members and came up. a s C«nuB.U.,B<ratb Notn Ctnlltk, l<)....?edqc«ton. wth CaldweU and Nampa.. The. K v Cel6r uunl Flft.1 tl. Fkarldt =D BYCbW FLtJ; theory that they m ay leave b l Ad<B u t a m r u UllVpp * - M 00M thoroughly dscounted by, sports l g : J lm lm lp p l- U j l p p l tt- fl watchers ~ln the-bolse. area... ) l s B a l a n c e d ttery and ns W tn l U. ClaelDMll t n the meantme,»twln Falls - Far W «t nrptw{«n> M>T»tn wll, go wth tbe Bose schoob :. BYU 11. tjop 0 reml } F R E E regardless of any eventualty. uallty. Notr* cat Dm* «l. USC»..., E d rends trelfeby----. NMO ff *- *» T _ y our batt«?y.noef 1 revenunguneveawear.l *11118 s a.decbloa well accepted - Uln«r* ervceman to a d d wat h re and should be,by all 1Twn A«p* BUw U. Spraffud. Mo.. 1 f e n d u d e d. - F alls fans. Com peu tlonb-the b th e n«ta.,,, - -key to success, T o become n eth the e rtarlm. Cage Scores best you have to p laythe best," s t m e h t : says Coach Eden. "We want. to challenge them (the Bobe 9. F a l ;e; 3.. readjustbralces, HBBSPsS achoob),every y «r,.. ;,,Wb thought thll wg a basc Lo* Antta»1. Bb Leult :«M Doton 111. ClneltD.U 17 - vtenet of athletcs but- appears jpears, Ntw York 111. BtlUmor* -114 pt S l - heel bearngs. * Parts extra -. wjnnlng-means-more-to flomc W m end.g FblUddphk ll. D*trolt 111. o n :.A ll.trouble n theconference rence wave nta n n - V.. W H T E V s- attrbuted- to o n e m an -E - M d -. P Folcor ke Troxel, Borah. He. has so rev- tackle Falcons Actvate 1 : t R.. - B L - A C the ouuonl ed-football-(and trade) t r «r. taxl.ft H Beaver Tackle, n dahothere canbe no com* " son - parlsdn wth the SC of 1055; V Ue S R _ -jrhe.od e_jhlng_thatj:ould save 1 Falcor S! o S S S 3 M l l «c e d p oe nd V S f B B w s S r BODES c the SC n a mnute would tld be by~th walvera Frday by.the Atlanta..th e r e f tlo n of Coach TroxeL roxel. was Falcona,who brought-up roowe - ; And that, gentlemm. b the-hlgh- hlgh. gnuu tackle; Rch Koepet from, the r est complment /w elye cver, -e v e r, t&xl sfluad. H >5Sg: DCELL t)am AGE CAUSED BYC6V beard tossed to a.hgh school chool F OBanes, R fo rm e r Clemson standout, _ m a e h anywhara.,... U S E 1 was -acqured by the Falcons after-he-w as.-dropped N e l l : t e s t - o u r - b a t t e r ( a n b y - C h lc o g o -B e a rs. Koepor- HOLY CROSS WNS was algned as * freo agent aftcr D e l c o E y e F R E - NEWTON,-Mas«r(AP)--rJack <-Jack - - u a u g from Oregon State.» - j n» E y e J W - J w h e n ESTORE. y our b a lte a jrad = g g A O H H V N o t»» J ) M y ;<aj FOR -rmfast SELUNG RESULTS # remnder tonsl or your aervceman to - - t o o d d a t t - t o K l b ;: jse TTMP-S-NEWS WANT ADS damage or u r e ranlts.. H PHONE-7.er w th70 Second* remanng hg n n four (ouchdowns te r Ue rsh-la rbh-la tba frst bau a t Los Angelas H a S j o w l s T w ; F ts m ot 12«vplt BattarlM. boostng Holy Cross to a Sj Saturday. No. 61 for USC : b defttsvt e fm v back Nata Sbaw. Notr*.vclory..ovet Botoa College, :a, J ; Du m,voa 814..(AP w lnphobtt w p h o t t f p -... * l l to tt:fcrhw nytwwn±r: f e s W Housto

17 :3LUM e a, T9ff...J : : V. d rp e t \3 d Cy»»»",~. C. 4nh:d-! \ \ z z z j l c / ~ r W w 204 M a n Ave.. N. Phohe n e 7; Free-Refres freshmenfs AttlHS HS WEEK WE HAVE GEARED FOR THE BGGE: BGGEST CHRSTMAS N -=-OF-F-ERlN%ffE-BReAE A S N O U R H S T O R Y - B l f R e A B E S T - S E t E G T O N S -... ENDS SATU ATURDAY free Reff R e f r e f c n t s - w m k u u m NOWFOR s.,.=.,.o cv., CHRSTMASf l. 7 veve f M M H - DELVERY! Y - BUYNG N VOLUM VOLUME FROM OUR : SUP SUPPLERS-LOADNG \D N G OUR SALES SNS-tNETDEPARTMEP K M t N b g b b -1 -O QUND-ANY-WHER -N-U N l : R - N - D A H 0 l! V. H B 9 H.. t,..v 1 V LuVl>TQ ROOM Spaelal* C h rstm a s shlpm p m e n ts from K roahlar, L eo n attl. «o d QUld h ava. low sded d e tf our sates floors and warehouses.,. floors)..1, r T /" " Buyng, Sellng, r Selec t e a n d Better Values B H H < eople of for the People of Magc Val/ey UYAWAY DNETTES and DNNG ROOM S e la c t fro m over* 3 0 a t ce a rlo a d p rc e s. E specally see e o uren- o ~ srasd -dlnlns -room»-dopartn ep artfn en t.-(2 n d * F lo o rn d * tq w er-te\ :o.... S T E R E O rom over 3 0 d fferen t m o dlels «f ZENTH end CURTS. S S te re o S e ts n e v e ry sty tyle eabln«cabnet S O E U TS. {2nd Floor) WEDEUVER * FRGDA GDARE A PPLANCES. l Selafct fro m "ld a h o >s 8 largo r s e s t d l s p l o f F rgldalre re apences: n -. la te s t o lo r s. SPE C A L CUOSEOUT SEOUT P PRCES S - L tee R A L TRA D ES. (M an nor) Floor) / OH A ll VfE 1 "black and d whtew h t. T V s b y Z enth a nd d Curtla-M: urtls M athas. (2 n d R oor) SCffWlE DUE.. s p p.s S w p p w CHARS S a la c t fro m over- CO ch h a rs by K roehter. L eonett, S G uld -a n d -o th er».-{ -(2nd 2 n d ;Ptc :Ploorvsnd-M aple-shop,- Low er -Le -MgjONs w - m o m ~ 1 > Money f l mhcesrom : 3 & ls BEDROOM a n d BEDDNG. BEDDNC Yoa wll ses eo e one o f th a larg e st d sp lays o f Bed edroom s u te s found a nyw here e n daho. Famous brands prced from frorr $99 to.sgoo.oo s ee-th e *-entre e n tlre & S e a l/ lne of b e d d n g KNG m $! - TRA LONGS,-RE E G U LA R S.-SlN Q L E rsra A. lso. 5 Sfan u? y, %?, d? S b e d s,n a large selecton of sfyles. N ote: Wo have larg e dsplay ( > - o f-sleets,-p a llo w s,, b e d sp re a d s, e lectrc -blankets for oversze b eds.-(l ow bw er Level): b E E HEfRESH shhans! -tower-tevel) : -rj l ~ S e rv e d -A l W..ll-V\/eel<-Durng_ nas pen House!,- B O u r C h r s tm a s.<,,, hh oo mm ee.e N T E R T A N M ENE N T C ENTERE S.. oaoj»om JU ed.w thx Q L O Rj.TV----- y STEREO l D O tons n every style. Y ou wll wlll be thrlled a t tkelr per-. S - fo rm ance, *, tjaatty tjeatty an d low p rces r SSA r«" H H T m A P L E S H O p... ;d n» o f o u r m o s taactve e tlv a d ae p a rtm e n ts.. W e h ave o u r farge»f Uwel) EARLY AMERCA S S K * " CA RPET r, Select from )m the entre e lne of famous u mmohawl o h a W c b w r z s b m - p. toms and J over rolls Jn tock.

18 TWPN FALLS, S, DAHO, SU N PA YrNOV EMM BER E 27, Sdewalks- Es-WhoNee T People " t over 40, or there* e* people seldom walk outsde ther There Then a r e so m e p «, aboutsr"can rememb cr when own home. h(. J»y. say, e eventually, peoue sdewalks were-just thot Wnlkpg Walc s one-of thc oldest dcm lve log, b ra u M SJJ T They-w h es erfr-cornpressedrt, arta-of wooden or concrete trals whfcf ck tc, he, prc probably crawled but then fndth fndthls out. were located besde the rooa*- [S- when- when. l he stood up thngs began «gan Qu( But ta Tw n. Fallaways. They also served to sep-,p. to hoppcn. P.. sam e Js true4n.scores arate the road from thc nearby Thn; Thngs contnued tb happen comm communtes sdewj houac.l_q r_placcs of busness sa lghld rlghldo:wllq_the tm e when rttjc the fractc practeally -g thng of. but, for the most part, people le automoble automc w as. nvented then so fa r as.beng u sm s L. - walked, on. them walkn alkng.started.a-dedne-untl ed.-downtowv-yta.-b Now a sdewalk s a forlorn rn t has rcach ed the non-socal ocal borhood.,no. tem whch goes from here to status t occupes today. The e a rt The art of lvng. there all alone. Seldom does.a a s so changed that even shoe geared for speed, not : human walk down or up one. le. soles t are thlnber because they loafng. The old Sund True, when school s takng up aro used so lttle. Some have noon walk v downtown l or hos ct out for the day there even abandoned t - the soles and of.the p a st So are th s sdewalk dctlvty-among the te w ear only slppers wth no soles ers >down. the acla small fry; But other than that, t, at at all. walks,, * * * *. * * * jja " " EOtfT-BLOCKS OF-Bvallnbte-sl am f~ n o th ln g -b at-6 p ace. Tb«-T m eew a.- d. tho-sw ew jlfc-lt-ls-thesdeof-thbw deofthb -Wn8hngtbn"Schoo,"clght "B Ootncj tlcg srn g ettln g frb n rd oob T jlacrc a c T to l «not SlH em T hb vew, takof on a recent leent bal balmy (all alteraoon wth the ng on tbe com er a t Shoshone Street «- blocks away. One lone movng Dovng car, and another parked one, loney pathways. Now (hey lead from faere to nowhere. (1 tua thlnlng and no brecta~ ett blowl blowng,»how«. eght btockayot., lyot. nue North and tbe camera ahows aa w,h!te stmcture far down ra ahow a t the rght of the pcture. lcture. Most cty folks now use cars, Newa photo). T-nj;.r-yy n» ~ 1 m f _ V. _ V S. CV* / " ?., 5. V4 <Mjk«WUn ~F kt *g w M lra to t T., r J R l Cq Cookery. Ujat tt Applauded By Se Senor Boys HAGERMAN Ths farmng a new nnovaton n educatonal ll grant totalng pbout $241,165. Hagerman Magcrm and s o m e communty, nestled along : the progress for rural schools., And sncc ths s a-pot jro jelect, c t. Washngton, a re slated Snake Rver n the Hagerman Hnge Hagerman s the only rural ll the center cen wll be open to tours Durs spect tl the facltes Dcc.. -n - ~ T ~ tho lost few years, parents valley, soon wll bo playng lyng communty n the state to have e for other school offcals to vew, lew. best cvaluatfe the cent ;.,.,, j.x..;.-.. u J..-. *.. - hato-h bcert su rtled by the nno* no* host, to school admnstrators ators an ndvdualzed Learnng Cen* * Some..50 superntendents of mtastrators mnstrt.wlll frst vl y, u vatlons th at have-appeared n n throughout througl the.ftate to.show w off ter. ter,.pald lor-through a cderal ll rurol_s( ruro_sch6os.the.sam e~aze.as (Co > s (Conttaued.On.Pag8. L-. ->.. -..*-- -. :. educaton. #.. *. H. f V V M. A*. * * rv;/f,a --:....,.,, Theres Then a new home econom* m* 1. 1 ".V.-v. " " " " : tra-rookhtt:l«sr-thro<5attjt CS-TO ~ M g, \ the Twn Falls Hgh Schoolthat! l j,....., mn,aay y ccause lfted eyebrows but H "" t s sure to brng a smle of H approval, a t least from the J molhe mothers. Eghteen boys are cn* -<E5 rolled nnd from all.reports and K 8 appearances th ey are havng a H t - wondct wonderful tme... Mrs. John Anderson, the (cacher. soys that the colrse ;, :/,-~t.v... s Stan standard, begnnng cookery. J n There were more s who C A _ r r - wanted to enroll buc there. - J s wasntw room., These senor students - wll delve nto consuther educaton, t h m l J famly fnance ncludng budget- _.ng_flndjnsutancfodlgrfon _?8* ng, good manners, mendng,, smple sewng and how to wash m and n ron, as well as gettng a --- complete-meal-and servng -at* - tractvcly. They wll! leam the bass of, " good n M good nutrlton andh o w to p lan. based and cook c and serve a meal 2jS. MoreS] based on Uese health cssentlab. Wf- M muffn: oresplflcally they wll m ake t- and muffns, le bscuts, cakes, salada. usually and leam many other skllla. - U8uallyUl0ughlo ans pr be n a wom? a n s provnce... n Q l K f K ] Davlc slastc Davd Humphrey, an., enthu*. - slastc haa be m em ber of the class, haa be(m e le c t vce-presdent!nt y Hagerman aan Starts ; Learnng tg Gent w m r A PRACTCED flovrl n o o D«vM Homphrey, F u t H o m e m t n n b f Anerlca Vce group S Am«of c tu r e Home Maleera S _! DSCUSSNG J CONVERSON OF F the old.study hall and frst n such.center to tm eslablahed lb: sdalo m b le,ettm J» hna-ju-»tottaaw!- k ~waw~»». m at;».dn» t Ppor* J r., fllpa ce m " tn of Amerca. th»~ He s the frst bdy >a.r lbrary. DS at.tb«jtajttrnnha--sekbe1.- UASeKbel.MW nearlnjc completon,-:r r mtmtw a «ajt>mbr;ymt«d-br«by aehoeradatlflttratdt d» ooy» t rsh e r wbacon. WyB. D y salong n o n g a ll 6lh«44«ttCMUM er» J L - n -th eh latary o fjh A : toehold y r -Hnt»r«frjfldvdBfUled.r llbrat --Leamlw.Caatec. farmng commuhltlea.j)l<cmpebkl m fewrtngr» B~PBgrr T.das; a t the Twn Falls Hgh lgh School. M rs. John Anderson; nstructor, nstnclor, states thathtboys are Bgf a from n--6ffe t e:r-twelve otle -boy* rs Came, auperfntendent, wtb Mrs. Ro] ton are alatedaleftbe crater S f t r la a lla a operatloc b a c a t tudesta and HCm to be enjoj enjoyng the course mmcnhly..»ely..cnm (Tmg re. from ths c la ss-a re members Cam»-N ewa pboto)..: -.. of of ths brarlan, and Jela Cber,- y.-hagerman Hagermao Ubjarlaa. ThU la tbe fnanced.by a lederal grant tq (otaluflg t» lllflg M M,m, ths organsaton., «brarl r,. J. tf.

19 na»-nflw>sopdqy.-novembef-2?> -166 m f * - - " - T P S n e t s a l e m a K f p p a r, ; ently unable to. arouse any sym* 8 8 H k Sb {3K** - - pathetc-.-response.-,tl»...,p lo t- M wxsls n 1Guatemala Gu Scooled but some dehards con*,, tnued agltauos untl, the Men* X -"W By. ROBERT BERRELLEZ LEZ ts * lke an outbreak k oofath* t a tn ddej e z Montenegro..government H L v GUATEMALA (AP)» Rght* lele s-fo6t let n a leper colony. lony, s s dnd am m lluhauthortes cracked Wng vr extremst terrorsts hnve have the thc wsy a young banker, ;er, Julo down on top offcers last week.. / hu * J zz r olmd the.war, launched Bd by Vc Velman, descrbes the! currcnt current Nether, pohtlcaf extreme apt M anst g u e r r lla s r G u atc su M B H g malas four-month-old govern* 1 V",. ment. st M r, - TRMMNG EVERGREENS: ;EENS: te ten cbudren not to eeat fruts th s s one of the man n rea- dognoss hard lo accept :cept as bombngs n the dor and nfre* - E. Ths s the tme of year r many and plant parts from m plants jons. m the fledrng center-left ler-eft ret realhy behnd- thc..f«ade of qu. quent clashed n.the ntertor be aslum o-lf-thor-evcrgfeens-can»ns-can ggrowng-around-usr-ths-s-alot r bo trmmed. f so, «o you m fn J js v TfBlnwnslffgucfayTcersoclnl-- soclnu brghtrpreholday-prosperlty=1n perlty=ln tw c e n - t lla s - a a d - th e - m lh /OU uso more sensble than spyng jng away economc.g! problems, recently :cently ths captal. t T - u*. /* tart a r y government of Col. En* hedge shears, pruncrs,. sckle cke or fn m useful_but toxc plants.., re jp, 8tored.frm_8ecuty_mensures asures ] Thc government s not be- 0 yjgyg Peralu Azurda, there has knls? -1 Here a under a stne of sege by whch lcved~to-be- n-any-m lc / Frst, yes; evergreens can be good so tp passed along "by m edate e beent ohlnurstst-a-ark c 5 to- me: jo e. consttutonal rghts S are danger da of overthrow by tht jjcj safely, trmmed now. Tops jps can My wfe stcks a wooden tooth*,t, suspendw. gu rlla.s or terrorsts. No one -o, sjto n movement. ** op 4 be cut out of the tal growng jrowng p< pck nto a kernel of garlc * n 1 and Guotemalans, have endured nn poston of authorty, how-. types and.sdes can be! short- th then puls t nto a small glass.t,, Persons n a poston to kno\y ened. f your evergreens 1are to of water. Soon t starts 1 f to SSf grow these,n sometmes rksome secu- ever, ev underrates th d r copnbl- attrbute thc rccent declne n f be sbcnrcd, then use ht e d.g g e nnd when sh e. wants? *" rty precautons snce 18M and w a lttle ajenn partcular y dsturbed?u,s;3 s n r shenrs to do thc Job. fn frosh garlc, sho Just snps the,h camplcs green p art off. She keeps S ns t n a - - 5, luhn energetc securty measures prtaarly -.hat of to be north wndow so t won t run out sh hencvcr ofwater. Wofks lke acharm. t rh a» the rtat sde bf-vulp bulbs to* pn prompted Presdent Julo o CoMr c S r forees. yo lo nec- "Green Thumb note: /Ths s a wj;* anl-the- rm of the pot. The Mendez Montenegro to n. relm- nlm. Under < cx-presdent Col. Per-, dl< jfd o n t good one for "lerb gardeners p rrf-n«rt b «a d lowcr leaf grows from m ths po pose, n early November, he the alta. alt who regarded the guerrl- mmed- las as troublesome but not.ex* cu leaves who lke to grow these tems on and mokes a Better lookng s(n s July 1. cessvely dangerous bandts, the aj the ktchen wndow sll.d - Docs os pot, of tulps. ate tor Man- armed forccs seldom strred n d W ;n«-lav!-noro-d» on-rals- H S S red or lag herbs ndoors. Please send.111. K S B j s l S t S S u t S t o ase?nd face._plbce_the,ns_ln darkness se S S * a goo) HOUSE PLANT: r ANT. l Tr r l? n a cold temperature for a hot ly-and-to patrols Jayc_been.m oyn8 nto a you want an excellent ahangng n o r n rod Of 10 to 12 weeks. Buryng uryfag «««search persons, auos os and snd the the mountans and armed outffect s basket tem, to the browalla. hrowala them outsde under a coverng ho homes wthout the usual posts have been staked out n pr n them t can be started from s seed and of,"caves and straw s good f l warrants., some vllages, nt merely enjoyed all wnter. Next ssm* sum- y J" have a cool enough "We can more effectvely vey cor- con- J * To dscourage.cvlan sups grow nter you can grow t n fh.. the ppreh cellar. trol terrorsm n ths manner, nanner," port, the armed, forces hava stepped up a cvc acton pro* r T n W r l W l hearng wth deep pnk, red 1 o r whue whte, J T- R- of Tutlle:Dd you know he geranums. t lkes O a sunny sunnw that popped popcorn s a t?cx3 food **JrtM"terrorlsm, he added, dded. s gro gram n whch troops.are col* ron<n< wndow for best growth. h nsects c u J brds really go for? You 3U can be J 8ed by rghtwng #ln«cx- jab laboratng wth the peasant pop- ulatlon S buldng schools and Pf and dseases are rare wthhu ths make a small box wth a hole tre uhm but a word of cauton: - Do cut f. n t, or you can take a bas* plas* Frustrated F n thc March ch pres* ron roads. But the securty program S S c h w much as n«t f m wll tc-bleach c contaner, c u f a hole dental electons, the far rght* rlkht* suffers from lack of essental n, njre the roots and cause the «h! n Vthe sde and hang t on a tree sts sts. represented large y / by the equpment,- eq frst-rate communl- Arborvtne are good examples g r lmb. t makes an deal fetocr fetncr Movement of Natonal Llbera- Lbera- catons, coordnaton and E m ln N Q la eaatlhlly tlfn llv beaded ceremonal y brdle «bl< whch he purchased for $5 n a. es of cvergreenb that need bfrd S to bc P* no " w lt B ros QUESTGNOF THE WEEK: wptttr. -K and holds a lot of popped corn, ton, lot quckly began preparng parng a traned tra; personnel n effccllvo Turklflb m arket placa w a.mr.md ara M Mn.Charles Clark tfo,foraeraul m and Declo resdents, sheared. Shear them whenever. D. of: R. of Twn Falls: "Please -You ll be surprlsccf to see B how coup that was to have come,off come.off nur numbers. ; who pent-the.past-flmly«ra. you wsh, wthout TCgnrd ds lo nec- t- tell us w hat we are dong wrong S* 0 tho n md-september. Thc rghusts ng wrotg *** d le-o r-led f-lo cn tlo n ;Ju sf dont wlth-da go ftjn:red-tr0lljs; K * soundedrf){= h ftrflo m v a«-t l l S T O R j ELUNG U S,.,(era a,r om er taly. *cark Clark s U the son ot Mr. and M rs..* Ray y * CClart tarv lp. a n cut n too deeply ns t wto enves a wlwe pot our tulps, hvacnth# hyacnths * R- O- of Mrtaugh; "My poln- potn- Ho Honduras and. ETSalvodSf CTS f6nn«r-luna«.gluctt, Deck). Decto-Crmes-New.photo) _ a bare space. M r of and th daffodllsjn a-good solrthen sol-then sculajs.dropplnajtsjea xes.j{.e9.jt,:r * # * he< Y ew s;-both: u p r g hthe t nnd flnt put f " the bulbs n the cellar. tnr They grew fne untl - added some owned by O ark. who has cons _ spreaders.can be sheared t. or «ake *"l verj poor growth h fln and by d ry fertlzer to the soll. What 0. datng dt back to the tme of Alex- fj) "plucked,** whchever /sh. method f the th tme sprng rolls around round or **,*0110 now?", ander the Great and before. w u jjrc te f. Usually tho sptcad- a par earler we never have a pot of d tp the plant upsde down These cons are mode of slver ng?[. types r e sheared ck nto to n a flowers. y s t necessary / to keep am and wash the dry plant tfood t TLEX w th com forl fort so soundl. M U : and Show excellent workmnn- round ball, f a form fl effect. s the-bulbs - n-a-cold-room nom?a k fro ro m -lh e ll s u tfa c e «u» flk Y shp..- preferred, or you con trm Tl them your frend tells me she puts ts paper* the plant wel to remove any y » n n o u fa rflh ra ly -T w nto an nformal type, merely tackle whto narelssus bulbs n n a bbwl bowl ex< excess salts. New leaves should A l U N R ElECTRON. EAB M A b C C v a l l e y : by l e t t n g thc shrubs -, grow fae a of pebbles and they bloom loom for Anythng that njures the Far away plncm wth strange s soundng names such es Bulgara, ar Ho hns tny Greek cons, a gracefully, ev wthout the shearng careful o her. s t that smple? roots wl cause yellowng of the Romana, Yugoslava, Turkey, Greece, taly and Japan. These cl( thrd the sze of our dme, that [he process: ge: PaperwhUe narelssus S bulbs leaves. Grow -the plant ln*a.n a Super Pov/er HearlnB wth hardly sound Tke.the places that thnt a coupre rabed n the small Bulgara, com* ur are called bural cons. n an- p Pftzer junper (a spreadng Here s are * the ony ones lhat t do not wndow, wk ahd keep the sol 1 un* un- fn ear-b d for mn ost o s t% pow w er r m unlllts of PAUL and DECLO mght vst But, the professon n. These to d e n t Grecce, they wero tucked type) docs not lend tself stln on to need f," specal cold s orage ge treat- formly mostened at all tmes. nes. qulrem ents. of Ctaarlcf Clark, a cvl r englnee engneer, has taken hm and hs nal famly com* so under the tongue of the deceased shearng 1 and should be trmmed r.t ols. m en t All you do s place >ace the FR E E : Want your polnsellla to some 15 EuropMn and Asan countres. Clark, who >rofesslon s thc to af us as payment for ther pns* on by cuttng out a long branch tumlp. bulbs }L. n a pebble.-fl cd bowl ond to bloom for Chrstmas? " Send U ; SEE 0 «CAU *on-of.jrtr..and-m rt. JRay._Ca JUy.Cark,..Pau, recently has ls rclurned fnmly cl sngo to cross. the Rver Stbc Tr here, so that t looks more cetabfe or keep watered. Theyll blossom mc me a self-addressed, stamped to the Unted States followng llowng a fve-year assgnment as 10 a s staff thc nfter theyhad ded, so J5 the n a nn- Wh *ess star-shaped from a t brds n a shortly. J en\ envelope and ask for a copy roof l PROFESSONAL Al HEARNG AD SERVCE m em bet of the Federal,Com*,Com. returned of dent legend goes. sdents, - cul eye vew. bles or - However, tulps, daffodls my gude, "How To Make Your muncatons Commsson. lon. Hs h e day that U\e crates that en. The U on and thc Sun. n symbols Com* Canadlnnj Hemlock lends to -b te and tel hyacnths do.need a specal Ponsctta Bloom." ts full bf tfadm arters.-w hch tb«-bcca has-been Clark.had Bhlpped.from Turkey s of old.persan relgon, are three C04 storage-treatm ent t -before good goc tps on growng ths hand* 1.. r Z OFDA DAHO n Rome, taly, has oecn a am vea, provea to pe atw a very ttot ensy-seen on some of the s tbo Per* 52 otherwse t would.tro n ll>. a thev<. U-blossom ndoqra.jjacflsfln a.-elacflsflme plant. stop lng -place ns he traveled exctng one for the Clark n Turkey chll* son cons.. e r dry tree 60 feet.tall. J a k e a. par of an from Span to Eastern Turkey. Turkey, dren. One of the Greek cons that Uc hedge shears and shear the fern flnt pu Hs company hnd tho 10 assgn- A beautfully beaded ark ceremon- cm* jg acqured shows has the cons sym- ou needles so Hnt you get 1st the for tnt. ment of settng* up a communcatons system, completely n n* for the chldren fo* tho nomnal rhnsed and herw rso nnl h«>fon> sym* se the top s too tal, take a par eommun- al pony brldlo a s purchased _,_ n n. Athena, the goddess, of Alex- of ce> shnpo and heght you wsh. f h( the ea bottom A dependent of any country, between ench U. S. m ltary n- n place. Seashells and ndvdually V market bcc" scclclcd vorkman- by the cer nsasonable heght. be- sum of 55 n a Turkey J nomnnl market * hls pnrtlcuar» (» lo Wth tht m strng stallaton n those countres. ewn bends adorned lvldualy tha Unversty of Calforna as ts up, Don t- bc afrad to trm your frl Most of hs work was done elaborately desgned head dress. 1 water rned the cons a a evergreens and f you do g tackle bass. wh n tho remote mountanous nous area *V f" " J * l» ss u «d a l ot th o. countres and ncluded ncluded Turksh women, resemblng ad dress. so Many of the cons were me found that them don t be a butcher, be a of buldng long access roads lo saddle bags, were also >ags brought used along Cl the Euphrntes J, Rver, an- barber. Gve them a careful he tho communcaton ccntors.- mors" home by Clark. One s semblng of the sometmes cnlled the Crndle 0 tucked of trm. re. tps. brought Cvlzaton. deceased 8rcTNY GARDENS T P : Here s ««Mrs. Clark, the (o m a r ReNae ollou Dv(jj,.wascaredhome f f d S f prn \d of"lof? f s f of w l! tho samany of hs nrtlfncl<, her such pns* as one tr,r to ndd to your bulletn ll put on ver Stbc Tny Gardens F or Tny Tots. J - ths 8umm_erbecause_of_the rw M l* > Ue.Crutter. form rae h vllage con ond relc mcrchnnts.. cut off top layer of.vegenbfe : The ke. L / the nn- When peelng cnrrots or turnp, pul wool-s-t*y- ed- a-tuftat to death of her father, L. A. G- - lett Sr. A-... tln\e to the strands that She and her chldren,krsten, vw«h.n the fabrc of the mg. tufa-a, to-w hom th e-v lln g cte.t.v«se rljrln g about t la nch thck, put Mut n US n sm "j Weavers n each area tat u/e form df* her. cons and artfacts to sell, - f saucer of w ater wth pebbles arc so or M * K X S L S S M S ls w 7; Cordelr S, and Thomas and?? T? grnvel n t. Allow, top to -b o an; Steven, 13 yenr-old twns, S l were lerfflttechnlqutsothatexpen. AU However, Clark and a tho frend D wthabove u w ater and Wthn three «accompnnled home by a u-yca 13>year>?*" * rlfjl, dc also turned up some ancent use : Yew, oldnalnn grl, Rosarta Bucel- ons that Ue fern. -Do not let w ater dry P ]a, the daughter..or-an talan olher W ta g rug fa. wns dh- J detector. the sym- eve 5rm of out. Carrots make a nce tastes fern... -treasu ry doattm ent-offca!, off?.. nj ferent n that t.s.npt.as a s fnely dlf- Clark nnd the «ddcss chldren of the centerpece, and wll last e eat for who smnt four months Xvstng u n g A " 1 r ; S«fnelv wll rem an n Dcclo, untl.clnrk ma sym* Tn: several weeks, d neeposon- n the c l o aren; f part.cular bag s.that.the e of weay* ths receves hs new assgnment artcular got Or try ths:..hollow out the _ An accompshmp&hsl, the he wenv* M>at mght Uke hm- 1 to by other center of a turnp from -G bottom autt. t halr"an d w v cn tufts"< hs d ark-cd grl s -welt on her cpuntre?-of the worldrt a as ts up, leavng the top ntact. Wth way to becomng a.concert ho bag.. )f t nto n a dnmng needle, put a strng re found spldata handle on. Fll tum lp wth wnter pflnlsl } d the. Clnrk, who- vslled wth tufh hop her Clark wore, he had pad (3 for» Rver and hang up, for a hangng ndeer basfamly Just-before hs return r;hv«. to t the fabrc n Turkey, and M. then that Santa s L Arrval :rndle of Ct. (sj The top wll, sprout e yew and Amerca, stated.she s now a wjen 0 the talor who, grow up around the sdes. lly nlals. full fledged accredted musc chtfrged $1 to make t..ndthesleft Ths s n Doubt.SFrends, tend m e m o re, tps teacher n taly and has 13 pu- ou. the. custom of.the country. A 1. such as new b u lm n, Tny Gar» shrt comparable to ths one? the.cru- jen s For Tny Tots. Well put Pls-.,., cs.ts?w3o a"g rnctlve R o saru r-w h o -p e af k s-to th would sell for.515 n ths thta coun* ccn-moa- thenv-40b«thec-and-nff<»r, t.frf. one nether a publc offcal nor a " to le r : talan nnd Frcnch fluently, reportedly. "talked hs leg ecoffn n comparng some of the re- f./... - S POSONOUS PLAMTS; Tle coun* So he can t land -.-E n g lsh, : aangungo sho 10 almost cent counlrlcs he hos r vsted, h> ~ s 10 sell, jjjjj pj posonous, plants about us A department store (W.t. }* mastered d u rn g.h er summer Clark, mentoned tat Turkey s a frend s endless. Some of then are so..trp to dnho. the most fascnatng shoppng h.! ss=n"%>«dtr -h?,;; ancent suseful we could hardly do ns wth- nro WhUo n Rome, the Clark nrtr chldren attended prvate schools»t.t market n the world. He feels,,; a metal out them. Take the handsome Poson that thc Turks probably have a *" cverrreen, the Japanese Yew,.where Englsh was spoken, )kes. but t balanced det than, Lpeople L. «shoppng py, season. chldren saf the frutng o r female form Ssw of - S le S S ts S S! ench chld, through hu ; assocaton wth thc talan chldren «untrj<» they.ent.m,n ore.m people w rn flyng machnes from landng sgnment n a good (and many people assoca. some of the surroundng cfl nn" ordnance tl forbds Clark C f Taxus. The. fleshy, frut tastes could eat Pleasant snt just the -word for f lvng now spcals talan fluently. «nlv vegctnbles and frut. roundng pul Clftons arportless 12 to squnre other an> them) but t s thc seed nnd ew nee- t h e JJ L a B o y Rcdna-Rocke :d a-k ocker-.-...\ts. - "The school facltes are bet- better n Rome than n any nv place Dlace *"8 entertanment n the form, publc offcals and foregn pow- caj lonous. ate n relaxng n ths out-of-tls-word st excl- cfs. Brtan. t Span offered th t most lore-xnw excl- mles. en T he two exceptons des are -whch.-contan thc poson- mnnte the begnnng. g. Youll also als n the world, beleve, >" Clark of bull fghts and sportng feats, tor s been com fort clar. ts also thee perfect.suted.. he sad; The trp lo taly he alone, form wc "We love Sana Claus t an Clf- Rochester Taxus cuspldata Mrs. Clarks favorte ] foregn worth the vst to thc ng arch- feats, an ton," sad a counclman. d l "We (spreadng yew) c a u s e d rnb* the.. place for quet rockng, TTV V vc ng, full-bed sleepng; country was taly; she especal- especlal- tecturol runs of the Roman ly alone, Em - welcome. hm by sea, land tdeath... of four deer, one rendeer s bu quck catnap. ). A nnd d t t nclcdes.the exclusve Comfort ly lovpd lho"tnlfan-joods. ds. Some Sorhe p« c arch- any way but by ar." ots and one burro when the a lo yew n g l Sclcctor-.wlcl.allows.you llows.you.k.to.sd c c t- re e postons.for.. nan E m - [lovcd a Greece topped hs choce for ,.... and branches were accdentally s, The n- restng your legs,, vt l r o r y vh h o u t reclnng the cjar.* eluded wth m ateral placed n preparetl Vffcaton nno, --a renl spot lolco for lor TrtW fnttcylsrto choose from, plus 250 USE TMES-NEWAWANT J? ADS nn wltl n the pcns wth these anmals. LsdnUJtallan.Ushcs_fQr..thcm. or..thcm. sand, he recalled. ff FORS?-SEL,-MNG-R Stft:T-&-bes The scarlet frut s attractve n decorator fabrcs and vnyls. W eve g ot them n slock Whle n July, she look k asewa sewr r Musc SjfTtherferent coun*. ng course n hgh fashon hlon desgnng and learned to make nnko her hns taped much of the orglnn f n V ts the seed whch contans con- yourseu a break, lve % lltle, leam how to relax. de- tres fascnates Clark,.1 and 1 a n t land chldren, although the.pulg now -for-yoh -to-k ;e-and-sampe->-:today->-an-codtcmpor< C -and-»am pl por< he,,,-p tself s not cspcclalfy posonous. ary. T rad to n al,, E arly Ame ercan o r. M odem. So gve own.patterns; She enjoys Joys do- de- musc. He fnds the moody, ex* hu centratlons of the harmful al- /sg n n g and sew ng-her Mr own ctng Greek style of musc to be laza Fr* kalod. creatons to ft her pe-sonallty hs favortflf. hrstmas Cone - bearng evergreens are.. ASY TM.. and tastes. A-renl treasure of artfacts s 1 E X P Rsafe, and a wortcer n the sbnr Poson :facts b forbds Control Center remnds t u that. ndnc n a lost hker touf3 eatseeds f < C v VE t ClAR square any for survlvar"or he could ons are nbble on new tps, o r chew the ffn mw- cambum bark T e * t s not practcal to elmnate le C o y f o R T C f c H r o l S a a f j TP O D R 1 n Clf. all plants whch are posonous, j f r f p R a U, Year. sn "We Pof example, cabbate has been latd. shown to produce goters n oj rab*.p»nt/aa/va/y n QonvanaUon bts; or narcssus bulbs are toxc, p r F o rd d d V s p e cla a ln l :o m fo rtt 7 and so are rhubard leaves, but. confjdanca and aaaurangt,.abjl wc -cant expect to -g e t J along p r- - 3 AAoms d ecoratng ratng flar... the fhaanakllla-tolfryougalnneeg NT ADS wthout these useful planl. The EStft-&-beal WU Uu lo~te tot OstOTTtly NS! M. ncest p eo p le e oh \ your lst,. S tyu TM act S c < j a g : j FREE - P R E S S D E A S vahathtt or bafora a group, dovalop uranoa,.ablty o daal whh poplt. rgalnraeognlttonr>>akmoya~mon»y. Mon FREE DEMONSTRATONS! H O L D A Y N N tonsf _... rrorsts Jon - H - w e h ave the J perfee p e c t.c h a r... q t " th e perfect prcg; prce. -. stylm--.. le rs, 4 / - Q "NoJrnjnLcbJ >: l Free Parkng H. - «free Delvery <

20 By EDY GLMORE pece pcce of. Guldhall museum Although he lkes to play golf g p : f n mfatbffwngntag CCT. L0 LONDON (AP) - Frends, lends, paper, 6 and 1 came up 11 and terms hmself a -"bug for g,, [ Romans, countrymen, lend d me tmes. rood mmlc..pr M. E. Jcn.sen 4. ypnr. aar.s, fnrjhp., Rnmnn UWhQ who "Rk "P»l»nnrrtlMrv.» tnld, tha----- fnd* lttle, tme for these rr- re* 0 g 1 brought Chrstanty to England, drcck drector. "E lem entay/ was laxatlons. S B H B B B B P also seem lo have brought along ths reply. > Dr. Jensen has authored tnd- or-cfrauthor«d oe- toroa-40- publ- j ;.B s e a l pars of crooked dcc. ccl...but -.B ut were they really Ro* : catjonsrpcrhapnnorertnnddt* H m m aolrald, g!! y l 5o ton to hs dutes a t the Snake n man Cook of jhe Cty of Lon- ste 0 of the temple of Mthras RvctLRescarch.Ccnter»JUmhec* mbec* s J ? -W donfl-guldha!l-muscum;-here,- Here,- whch whlch-was-dscovered-about-lo <: W see fc for yourself." years, ago, sad drector Cook, Hs offcal ttle b nvestlgatlons Leader for.-w ater Re* 1 h 1 He held forth several pars lrs of fthat nhftt 8 just across thc road,. j dce dredged up from the Ro* from here. 1 search. seal That means he s tech- (cch- man runs on whch the cty :ly of T "Ths h partcular par of dce nlca nlc advso n hs feld for )r the n London stands. The bggest de was fotnd n a depost whch projects and research that a t s w> whch the dctonary says s dates between OO A.D. and 100 carrcd on by the Unted SUtcs u tes f sngular for dcc had a neot neat A.D.,.,; so thats «par we can tc Department of Agrculture re at t, < f w s B K :? holej. Jn.onc sde. down absolutely to a date, ho. the- Center a s well as by two rare* rc* 2 Defntely a case of plug* explaned. cxplal. searchers at Washngton State V t f gng." sad the drector. The Thc others?.. Unl Unversty, Pullman, wash.,..aand n d ; n Roman London os now, now, "Wc "Well, one-par was found n - two n Prosser, Wash. Dr. Jensen was born and ]: v t pluggng-s one of the easest lasest lttle Belt : Abbey n Roman de- 1 uoys of doctorng a par of r dce, posts, posts. The others we found- n rased n Mnnesota andreccv- > j You _ cd.ms B. S. and M. S. degrees Z : ream out a secton bf of the he LondorU,all. Theyre a lt n cx- de,-nsert a small slug of sonc- sone- ccllen cellent condton." - n AgtcultuM EhBlreatng satng f - th5nb-heavyr\kc-lcatrthcn-rc- cfl-rc- He- contnued. TVwe dce from Mnnesota State Unver-! lv e r-{.m y g place the secton. were wcrc defntely beng used stjr-n-951-and-1952rhc-tc*- c-re r ~ * ~ A 8 0ne slde0fth e d c ls Snow 0w throu throughout the perod when celved hs Ph. D. decree n J weghted, the lghter sde dc Brtan Brtaf: was one of the parts of cv Cvl Engneerng from Colorado orado [ when the dce are rolled thc Roman empre, and that s stat Stale Unlverslly n 19C5. n should shoul come up more often n than lhan from 55 B.C. to 410 A.D. Pror to jonng thc Unted nted! the heaver ll* sde. Gravty secs lecs to "You sec. f you dg a hole States Department of Agrlcul-! t thal. anywhere anywl n thc Cty oflondon, ture n 195S, Dr. Jensen wns vas a! "Now. examne ths par," thc chanccs c arc 10 to l th at member of thc engneerng de* 1 sad thc museum drector. you re gong-to fnd some Ro* partment faculty a t North Da- / V Thc.second par, though :hough man stuff. People have been kota State Unversty. :!) smaller than thc plugged par, lvng and workng n tlfe Cty of n he cnme to Fl. Col-! wcrc crookcd loo. nstead of thc London for somethng lke 2,000 lns, Colo., to thc USDA s 1 ] sdes beng of equal sze,, hcy they yenrs." We: Wesern States Branch offcc cc n l.1 defntely <crn were not. The sdes The Cty of London now tho much the same capacty that lat hc. \ B ]) wth wllh the 6 nd the wcro longer fnonclnl fnanc secton of.greater occ occupcs now, although a t that, B H B B l 1 B H B B B H! than thc other sdes. London Londc s the real old part, tmt tme the area covered by that "Very nterestng,* sad (] ths hc the Roman and pre-roman o[(lce ncluded 17 states. r 1 rcporer J who. n He back alleys P part.. ~Pfr~JCT.wn~nvay~?nvolrc<t~o ~ Of.a snanoulhern. lown years n jrt!? altf-tfrat- r h efr-th coyl thercorganluton f and also 0 hc qulrcmenh. rrgaton levels JCls and Dr. Jensenand hs wfe, Jor* r * ago, ngo, learned the rudments -of Exchange, Exchu -whch houses tho H.prelm nary plannng, for. thc C waer n.. nnd fertlzer manage* Kmberly Center. Hc and hs nanagc* s, s, hhave three chldren. Conne,nlg crap rap shoolng, or rollng the (he Guldhall Guldl Museum, was bult,. bones,, thousands thous -of Rom an oblcct! famly made the move to Twn Much, M of hs wrtng s (nr for scl- * sudent at the, p. wujch." snd. Gven a con- wcrc were found when hc bulldcr.s Falls n Aprl of 19C4 and s * now entfc,j{ lournnls and also used ns as of Southern daho n venlt n venonal shake and roll, the thc 6 dug down to make the foundatons." tlons. H techncally responsble for WO*chapters work char n tcchnlcul b ooo k s. Twn Falls. Jeffrey, 14. s the lhe and thc t 1 came up. j n Jn n \ water management n three somctncs. qj usud as tcxu. n lhe (he next oldest and le s followed by rolled ths par of Roman loman j. stat slates, whch ncludes w ater re- fjj reld. Dr. Jensen also approves Erc, 4. dce 14 tmes. On a smooth USE U S E TMES-NEWS WANT ADS H H manuscrpls wrtcn oy lle rc- jp n, -searchers that workunder ler hm. B : Grattude s 1 T A.-!lde from hs work. Dr. Jensen Jen-. p- - hns been busy wh plannng jlannlng for the mceng on cvapotrans* :. P k J H g m Theme T For sl praton lnd -ts role n 1 water (. nunagemcn wjch wll be held 1 Dcc. S and G n Chcago. Speech Club h 1- - Hc s a member of lhe Amerl-. J,. -.- M - BURLEY Grallude -was can Socety of Agrcultural jral En-» _ - - s c 5 B B B B. Rncers." fe Amerleah Soccy He general heme Tuesday eve- f?, r 15 nng! durng lhe-3urley Toa.sl- TnfvT of Cvl Engneers, fte SoLSsJ" solssr- m S H B K L -. -<:.. v tr - ms mlslrcss-club-mccloffr-n n lhe the cntss fjl" Socety of Amerca and H jf... conference room oc?tt6 Jdaho daho thc lnternaonal Commsson on,uau prgnjlnn Hfld PrlnPfl* p... He s also a member of such! "Jobs of the World" was S the honorary {,01 groups as Alpha Zeta, - k - hc theme for the table trples cs dl- d- p, Ph Kappa Ph and Sgma X. s u B s rm n N O f o r %HER h e r husband, Mrs. Aldrch Bowler. Jowlcr, Buht, wll serve on (ho J ctate date ccd by Mrs. Spcncer Black, Black. hhe c s actve n thc Magc c Valcy Valley commsson of thc Governor s vemor s Confcrenco on (he Arts anfh um antles. ar -... JTabletopc a wnners were Mrs. cha Chapter of Research Scentsts dentsts * * * * Wlllqms and Mrs. Freda >. * * * * Man- whch whl< was Establshed here n nln{ 19C4.and the. B. Perrne Toast- Toastmlstress was Ms. Oln OHn mns masters Club, of whch *he s Mrs. Aldrch ch Bowler To 0 Serve On fj Boker. The debate team, from presdent. nres thc Burley Hgh School was n- d Dr. Jensen attended the 4th. 3 BEDROOM HOME lome troduced bv Dcann Goold, jo d, nematlonal ne Congress,on rr* rrl* _ 1 Arts And Humantes Hu Com Commsson spokesman for the group. De- gat gaton and Dranage n Madrd, batc. were.carol: Bond,.Dcann X spnlh, sunl nnd n l that tme traveled K S FQRF DR RENT OR LEASE LE BOSE Mrs. Aldrch Bowler, Bowler. Theater and consulthnt* t to thecot thccocur dalene archtect. 5" Kloepfer, Kathy Keen and Gary n 1 Europe studyng the s water woter HBgerman, has been apponted pponted < Assocated Councls of thc Arts,. Martn. nrot problems common n those to serve on the slate comms- : and the San Froncsco Cultural csllurall nr Pwfls c n d Debate subject was. T he For- cou countres Durng ths trp he...o n..g r a n d vylevy w Dr Derve o pposte Tyunclpal nlcfpal Go olf C ourse slon lo* the Uoverhbrs Lontcr- fo n 1Resources U6V6OfrW<H[ LUm- gf ence on thc> Arts and Human* mttee, > and R. V. Hansberger, nsbcrgcr. u ujj -Human- Jtary " Assstance. " Judgcsfor SU, S l e ; } " s fpr q( of Oslo, ( Norway, whlck r s s the 2 b f 6 o r n s r 3 l n l nngt g 7 ooom o r t ~flreplace l?nvlnrbom ng room, rutlllty roorn, all. ; Jles.. ] Bose, busness executve lve and Qq Bums, the debate were all Toastml.?- htr! Bose, photographer, and Dr! stml."!-brthplace of hs father., *., Mrs. Bowler s substltuhng jstltutng < charm an of the daho State S!5 rj, members. The affrmatves \ " o n o n e le v e l. n c ludes u d e carpetng c a and drapes. pes. Hot ar heat. Double R ll -.Sky, College of da- for her husband who s a fuhl Commsson ( on the Arts \rl3 and or da* were the wnners. The team s ho musc department, teacher and head of-the Antque Humantes. 1. the headed coached by Mrs. Gaye Nelson. Meet Slated.. g a r a g e. Festval Theatre. Lermnn has -been. nvolved jnj 15 ulhwejlen daho 0 meet- f sstate s S S -M «rlc - -th e -sp e a k e rto rth e n y garten-assocatlon-wlll-hold-ts hod-lw *- - P a r t a l. b a s e m e nt.wlth t _w furnaceroom,.. bedroom._and.-frultroom. - nstructor a( Burley. Hgh u.he_-confcrenc(s whch was Hth_the_pcrrormnB.,.arls_prQj: School. Fl FLER The Fler Knder- " held n Bose Nov. 14 throughg. rough18. < ccts o f.th e Ncw York featured such speakers as Alvn < Councl on thc Arts sncc ncc the wnd-up lunchcon al whch area Gules. Mrs. Mannng, educa- sduca- ann annual organzaton meetng stng at C,-Euroh prcsdent-of-aspen f-aspen < councl3-nceptlon-ln-1980;----- r od a 8-p.m.,, Tucsday_Jnha_JMnloc Ju nor _ f>n 1? a r» ra g th latjava» f hav cultvated wr-ftae, pwatufa nsttute for Humanstc Jc Stud- Hansberger, Eurch, Dr. r v Wll- W-?? tl b y R e s d e n t J mson C n l brefng br" on debates?... H ks ; Charles C. Mark, drector Horn Davs, presdent of daho,9f ate and t was announced the annual mnual 01 Offcers wll be electcd led ad and o t h e r ooutbuldngs. u u deal fo r stock rasng. of stale and communty y opera*! Slate tjjlvcrety, ana Dean _u dm CDrsunu."{Ufler_nna_gj_c par pntns_made tor tne Comlngcs- tons. Natonal Endowment nent for Boyd 1 Martn, Unversty V of da da- Natonal Endowment for the change wll be held at 81 p.m. sons. Parents of chldren c1thc Arts, tho. conducted the semln nar on Arts, Natonal Foundaton tlon for Dcc. Dc< 13 at the home of Mrs.!. W* Wll* gbl glble for kndergarten arc 1 nvlt- 5 ~ " S H O W N P Y A\PP01NP P O N T M E N T ONLY PHONE M Otar Lerman, managng gng dl* * T he Arts and Humantes tles and lll Arts and Humantes. s lar Hams. 1,.. ed to attend., h rector of the Amercan n Ballet thc t Busness Communty.. n Lerman and Jacques 5 BrourjlsePh- Phl- JV- TR man, drector of thc Bose U.S.A r m y T o Q j harmonc Orchestra, drected m the meetng on "M u s lc ctnd - n d m Dancc." JD ram a,_t V, Flms D o u b l e R O/ TJ. G : and W rters" was headed by S H A V E B EECOMEA>R( C O PROBEM!! Dwlghc Jensen, Bose, televson commentator, and Allen aen P.. -PLEASE BEARNWTH U s - S c h o l a s h. p Js S Blomqulst, SU assstant ant pro pro- A fessor of speech. UNVERSTY OF DD A H O., Charles Hummel, Bose arch arch- Moscow The Army wll double (ect. f ahdgcorgc Roberts, ts. sculp- - v.v fe number of ouyea r ROTC tor and pembcr of the 8 U of NEW CHECK CASHNG 16 P POLCY LSTE STCD BELOW :, scholarshps to be awarded dpd dur- af rt departm ent, were n n charge Jng ge? and wll ncrease -case ts < of the sesson on "Vsual Arts." * two-yearscholarshp awards vards by Gov. Robert E. Smyle was, at least 256, Maj. N. A. Matthas the featured speaker for- the thc * * - * * CHEC HECKS CASHED AT Al CHECKSTAN a n d s * * * Ar * Jr.. executve offcer announced mounced luncheon Nov. 15 a t the e Hotel o.e l ths week.._- J Bose, STRaLY PERSONAL; )NALZED CHECKS :S O N SURROUNDNG : JG DAHO BANKS :s A total of 800 four-year scholarshps, schol- The North - daho conferees onferecs effectve tho begnnng leglnnlne mectng~wos handled by :y Glenn Glcnn of the school year, car, wll wn > Lockery. U of department ent of. be awarded to outstandng Ung hgl > musc, and- Fulton G. Gale, Gale. _. y c CHECKS : k s c< a s h e d AAtCQURTESYCQU t_ c ( :OUNTER.. school g raduate and a l least * 858 two-year awards wll bc * m ade to selected college c r Sslu- l 9. A r e a M e n., px P A Y R O L L C H E C KKS S BAMK DFARS!\RS TRAVELERS RS CH E C K S dents who have completed-two ycw TrArm y"rotcrtfbnng: S S E nj l s t - n - N a y f y mx -GC LO N E R - C l d E C:KS_»-MOJEy_ORDERS- S - * 1RDERS-/.*_CUECKS_0UEE D E R JD d A N J.O CAL m _ Maj. Matlhlas-sad ~ - A to ta l-o f 19 Magfc c Volley J The A r m y prevously sly an* r men have recently cmlsted «sted n o _ nounccd that applcatons [ons for the Unted Slates Navy, vy, the y r VERECA ECATON REQURE 3UpD oq N m the four-year scholorshlps to be 1 Twn Falls Navy.recrutng tlng of- CHECKS : awarded durng 1987 can be fk e announced Frday. made begnnng on Dcc. 1. 1, and Enlstng were Wllam tem D. D, DR D R V E R S-X C E N S;B B NUMBER N U AND THE STAJE ON ALL CHECKS; applcaton paclfets must nust be Thomson, *] Burley;. James mes,~ L.. completed and relumed 1 wth a Hammond, Rupert, and Mlchacl Mchael, B postmak-k not later than Jan. S, J. J B O N F E D P H O NME E NUMBER N l - WHERE A/HERE YOU CAN BE E REACHED:.: RE/ Burk and Davd J. Rodgers, Requests for ROTC C schol* both Twn Falls.. shp applcaton p a. c k e t s Others n.cl u d e Steven [even E. H O M E A N D M AMLNG L G ADDRESS BANK SORTNG CODE NUMBER,... should be addreseed to the :he Com* Kluender, L e s l e E. Mong, mandng General. Sxth U. S. Douglas W. P arker and JT S. :. Army, ATTN: AMAGR-SCH-4, Chugg, ( all.r upcrt; Lawrencc D. P r e s d o of -San Francsco, \ Wagner and Kenneth E. g " Cum* a s - V * NQ SEC SECQND PARTY?TY CHECKS ACCEP- t - t6t c - refuse- antcheck n y k f :CEPTED %... Calf-B41M : f J f l h a Hgh school senors who ho have* C..Jones an EdVrn- C. Zong* : - * WE-REERVE :rve- t h e- r g hhtnot yet appled fon Jho. B neces* e errg both Burley: Kenneth neth M.,. *, sary applcaton- forms r should Roscncrans, Oakley;.Kenneth. do SO03 soon as possble. An Wrght. M urtaugh;avld a t E. : - F TH 1 E A B O V E RREQUREMENTS E Q U CA N t BE MET - WE CAN." CANT CASH YOUR CHECK applcant for ths scholarshp lolarshp S Schepls,.Castleford; Larry a r o r E E., program must, have taken kcn the Wllams, > Shoshone; Gary jory E E.... EFECTVE E AT THE FOLLOWNG STORES CoUege Entrance Examnaton nnatlon Palm t er, G o o d n g ; Dean F. Board (EEB) to t* ; FSchcr, F -Fler, and Slevcn C. To" )c elgble for a. scholar*/ scholap Afldersonr KlngH lll;------r - shp an applcant must t be a ~ ; = AtB male UntedStates ctzen* zenwlo F ROTC scholarshfpm ay f attend Attend... AtBERTSOHS-f( S F O O D C ENTERJATSSN T E S SAVE-ON FOODS meets the -prescrbed physcol physcal an«one-of the 247 collegej!gc4-ad.- -:- -, standards. Applcants for thc the unverstes offerng the le four four* A r four-year award* must not lot have year Army ROTc program., T cached ther 2lst brthday day by Upon graduatng from college S e -. J <June 30, 19C7, and they.must:bo and successfulcompletlon an of hs., VSAFEWAY SST T O R E S «>SHELBY LBYSMARKET 17_tv-Oct_lJ987. fthe.-two-year / Army ROTC syudes, the e schol. sdjol* 0... «}VBrd applcants mst be un* arshp student s requred Ed to ac* yeara of age on Jm June e 30, cept a Regula.r Army or Reserve.., - nrf>r lnlpnm«hl<<tnn,whtrh<nr>.r Ja-n»r.. -. * B T T R E rtlpfjtorf Y H ertanl_to -- - ; on ao* TlyTttdcnt~wnnlflg~an~Anny* t J., ; «* V ; -...Sunc 1 M & G 1 C :\ L L;ey: E Y p o r t r a : s ; : Surdoy,~NoVflmber~27,T9A6TwlH : Dr. Jensen,, A Author And d Scentst, Dce 5* From Early-Rone ] Were B Fnds Lttle Tme For Relaxaton Relaj Crooked, Museur useum Head Says _ " T W l f B l l r f e M. N w r ~ a

21 =% w l n : F a l l t Tlttw-NawjS *-N «w»suaav ;N d>rtm ber57,/l966: zfzzzzzzzszzzzzzuzzzz , 1 WlnterCoals SPECAU Mens-Lades-"Grls Boys and Chdlns, k Wa h ave sty les fo r W everyone n w arm, d u rab le stylsh C oats Qulted, S tls P ark as NOT ALL TOE m eow wres rtt or n he djrs s Peart Harbor er were trere aad ««d eoef. Ted tber owa observaoce observaa «( ute 2Sh anajyersary ary o 01 (te (le Dombog ol Pearl Harbor rbor - M B B M M B l M B M M g l 1 A odem o, left. Xeoaeth Walters. aken Rkhard Hanslg. Dwane rane Barton Burton aad Joha by tle Japanese..T.Uese fve, aaoag ethers now resdng n Magc Valley, wera U k Larrbeatt fnd wme at pt them were * huarlous. Tha fve men met recently la all present «ent tbe day of he bombng. (Tlmes-News!s-News photo) k.-,. *. * * *. * * *. H Sl]jpery Acres Slnks To p Fve Twn Fall Oblyon n a Blue Bh Pacfc j, n Observance F a U s M e n S p e n d a n c e Of P e a r l H a P o r t u g u e s e BEND. >, acmllt. m. rnmark*bjy chpper:, O U R <AP> -~Tn vft»ra agq-a hunk of fcaelgh _ n,v-tw.l-3lm.fnh«.p.-nf q m f -the-t ed-a ndenon, lleharrf -Hun.thr* tha pcturesque pennsula la com- borhood b got ths word from fro*" an Pear p.. Harbor Assoclotlon on wll sng, l John -Larrbeau, Kenneth dffculty* n t n g to cat.* -He ~! R E G O t A R - munty began snldns. lke set- orgnal seltler.m rs. E. L L- Kl- observe thc 25th annlvcrsory rsary of Walters Wall and Dwane Burton n sad, -no one was hungry but tng sun, slowly nlo the sea. dare: d "Sure there are people.j,- surprse nttock that plunged were wen present although there e ore knew knc» they hod to eat to keep g L O W P R C E.. 11 s Sm slnwng SB faml- «Wng n these broken X down j,e Unted States nto World many ar others n the valley who helr ther strength. les orgnally aboard what hat has houses. n We love t here.. vva War J. Ths meetng wlll be were wen a.«o a t Peorl Harbor. Kenneth W a 11 e r s, had 3just come to be known an "Slppery We have a.house-ralslng rng bee held heh n Honolulu. : Memores were thck as the rased the sgnal on the flagshp nagshp Acres." 30 gamely reman. lln. about twce a year. We have a Last L Monday evenng a num- men recalled fragments of what wtot orderng the Amerlcon flag on : EV «EOV-Wj =«EW ALUMNUM F o r-th ls-h a rd y -g ro a pr-c-has t-h M beer-bust-and-urbeoue-and-we -and-we berotw n-falls men-wlto were they -frstt all-shpsr-lt- was-fvc~mlrotc3 been a fantastc decade. The Thc 120 r r<>se the house up agan. lln. Re- a t Pearl on that focful day lay held exploson occurred that morn- to lo c eght oclock. Walters had acres on whch they dwell have n mnds me of a threshng t bee n ther own observance of thot hs- ng. ng. Ted"Anderson remembers nbers been scheduled for shore s leave 9 Pc. Teflon Flon Cookware Cc Set n slow moton crumpled. vmpled. owa." torc date n the Colonal ll Room that hc was n the ba.«menl :nt of nf that weekend, but had decded 3 U. cracked. h u m p. sagged, sagged. Rasng a house, Portuguese turuese of t the Rogerson Holel, the hosptal on shore. He recalls to stay aboard shp and had 10" Fry Pan *- l_q». Covered Sauce Por zlgg and laggmt Bend"styernV57e8 holstfg sung t t : lake taken anothers duty,. * 2 qt. Covered Saucepan * 4 qt. Covered And ther homes., yards, v, wth hydraulc jabks and rear- Rchord.Honsng wos havng S Dutch O ven * Nylon Spoon Spo and C Q QQ fences, walks and drveways veways rangng crss-crossed ff ralroad Churchll s Bography Of breakfa.st, Ted Anderson was lyng on he lop bunk readng the..,. ly- K V S patula. $11.95 Value V a e have done the>*m e as the he land U tes u nderthe com ers so that - r creeps downhllltoward.tfae.blue he-hlue * when.ts set.back.dow n t wll 1 7 funnes. >, Pacfc at the jrate of a fracton «> be level. JT Famed Father er Draws D Prase 1 0 John -drrbeou. Burton )n andl m g ss of an nch.a dky. The floor may be sbc or eght Hansng recoled the long hours ResWents. Who uld be U for- «< feet above ground, requrng - By. COLN FKOST r and und commentary. of d duly n the gun turrets. England The frst- volume tells S o of f Rnl Rtt nrf nl h(» tnlk_wa_at >H «n.tr» 0U)aJtLpmvldft.acces»rto:»acE q _ 2 hs o[ a Churcfns fesperately unhappy Ppy that day of deslructon. The fvej jn after seeng bwnes la the be «* dw.w bentheland alnkr agan huge, green arm char besde «sde a chldho chlt amd thc brutaltes es of men,- ol navy. looked back dur- lr.: p l f U 1 - OOO and up c lss deteorate:lo >ratet~to th J O o u se tlts, requrng tes **** to cracklng - log fre, Randolph Englsh boardng school, and ng the evenng speakng of thc j, an assessedvklue of $500. ao, are. n» l» d lu slr. n u re h lll s conductng a mas- thc thrustng ambton that places plac( they hod been, the men» WJat keeps people there jve lterary enterprlm n the brought hm tame and a-placc place vhey had known and ot coursc - despte a decade ol creepng :reeplng style jtvl t t hs father conducted n P Parlam ent a t 25. The sccond, hc coursc \ By J B cond, hc many battles whch took Electon Date t e catastrophe?» bat, battles. alrcj already a t the prnters, ukcs place plac( durng that* w ar r n the A port of prde, for one e thng. thns. A At hs left sts a stenographer, ropher, hs career < to the brnk of World Vorld soutl South Pacfc. 1.4 y REAL ESTATE s Lsted For * "We bult here 15- years P. ogo nnn P A onc of B com of four. At hs War. U Larrbeau and Burton w ere \ * and we arent about to move, feet, 0 huddle of small dogs. On Alongsde eoch volume are to aboa: aboard the same shp durng the ft TRADNGGAME OUUA tolkng board one home owner. Then hc J, hs rght, ncongruous n the be publshed companons,, n- coursc of the war ond Larrbeau % Thl tolkng boord gve* you en* ASCSlVote X wlh a grn: "Of course.? drawng room of an Englsh tended for scholars and hslor later came to Twn Falls lls as 1 E the land s trylng.to move c o u n t house, s a multchannel ans. gvng the relevant- letters :ters Novy Recruter. Hc sad d that EQUPMENT - ertonmont you hove never ex-- MOSHON The approach- proach- a anyway." tove u? jaercom lnkng hm wth -th re- and documents n full. The com- when the tme camc for hs ds- -perenced. draws the two searchers and archlvlsts. panlon publcatons fbr the frst chaq charge; he settled all the lastmore mnute detals and was. on hs Tl - YAHTZEE F people usng t nlo close con< ng electon f Agrculture re Sta- Screened by rolng tree - The 7 pnk-walled manson has two volumes alone run to FOR AL AGES - SllB nor-nbl ConservKor rvtlor fsludded-hlsora-the smog of * bec ** turned nto a wrtng g facto- than 1.5 mllon words. T he achon aam e a pononthp S and wedve about way bock to Twn Falls wthn <, them a feelng of myslerlou o* {j, cx- Angeles 35 mles nland, T a/ulnr the y,- converted bedrooms m-» and y d Rt Rnndolphs chnlgue..< 1 favorte fo r th e entra v J _.* 1 S.O a V a lu e s n the hour. 11..:....-:: - f t -loton.- Unouetonoblv the wort,. Tt a mly r.roll th e dteet* ~ T h e. ccn u lty.com m k to cs * seascape that has been n com- aare rc Randolph s raw moterlol.. foenolng enterlonment_.,for 1 crol the masses of paper are sorted Valley when t w asservngas ln g as "»nd -buld the T»lnrlng~ P f«* wth the FrenchRvera, assst the asc county commt- JJ the thousands upon thousands modern people and modern lfe. lands of and the m ateral for the com- a Naval N«Convalescent Hosptal. jsptal. score., a arellarce so chlldrcn dt tee n admnsterng the. E. prcc prce chldren letters, memoranda.* and manu- nan pjy, pcacocks eacocks.rr manu. panlon publcatons gocs.tn n-the Whl Whle he.;was there he met a scrpts whch Wnston ChurchUl n support, acreage dverson, on. ag- run hurchll prnter. t returns n proof form. form, Kccl Ketchum! grl, they were marwld. Theres a prvate acc rcultura] conservatlon-and oth- L prlyote accumulated n the m o ra ;a than ooct ooch proof-m arked-sccrct-and,-and xled rcd ood!.now_make.ther hom home e -3$ M M p e r fgrm acton program s r t.v nthe J ;. t e t e -, years he blaedacross OSS the thc carr carryng Randolphs copyrght, n Twn Falls...., r J3 00 y Housng costs are low. Taxes Englsh- Ens scene. pror county. They are partcularly From hesc proofs he assembles nbles. V> a lu e.. # W. *0> cn. Most resldenu r. responsble for keepng * f lher wccved Randolphs bography ot,ws the bography < proper. n l H x 2 nsurance settlements fau, relghbors nformed about the _ lemmts father, acclamed by the! crtcs -Lke hs father he seldom uses j y l, successfully sued- U0? s An- on the appearance of the frst pen or tvrwwrcr. He prefers.-mcchordwll m n tln Cuunty fe tle- HAS. kwr< volume ygn n bngland (hs month, nsc nstead to thnk over hs mater- r p f hey pad off ther r mort- wll be a monumental work. rk. al, settle t n hs mnd and then JjJ orrce and s responsble lor for tne the *nd now own ther w E Transfer Men e n SNNnaOOflM admnstraton of the varouj varous r homes Wnstons routh was ;.spent dctt dctate to a stenographer. He <. r. b before c, the telephone klled lcd the worl works no set hours and often r programs. 3M-tf-W9S3flflO(11] J. Despte the wdespread d dam- a rt of letter wrtng. He and hs expl explots hs chronc nsomna f"ty by To X ( Gem Base J tly m VoUng wll be by mall,. the age.». resdents say they are n do DO contemporares com wrote for For the wort worclng hrough the nght. He MEMUM QUALTV,. - j T " charman. Eugene Alexander, «ujder. r, real danger. futt future,! knowng that ther let- revl: revses hs manuscrpt heavly avly TACOMA (AP) Because luse of WET CtURCE BAHEfllES explans. Ballots have been en sent tcr«to each known elgble voter. rotcr. common casualty; tnltv ers - would bc stored away vay for and often.. unfa\ unfavorable weather and the un- T n n>ey -tend steadly rtu to ta autumn evenngs as famles [omlcs *q *T om y regret. hovent l(ep( kept avalablty Ol of drop zones some BlMVWyMrSfm g S M H n case elgble voters fall to «m., rtqurrln, plum lns, K now keep photographs. a dary. d Randolph says. rolnng ram actvtes wll be trans- B receve a ballot thrpugh 8", the L h o settle and are dstorted.- storted- - Sy-the.Ume.te-telephone took lx>k -.O "C f.coursc,-l.have-thousonds jands erre ferred for the next four months ~ - j m all they should call the offce rrrnt e r. Chutchll was n any y cose case of a anecdotes nbout my fahcr.,{hcr jron rd M cchofdar Foree Base " fl or stop n ana pck up a hmot ballot, Houses, as f bedevled, «.trhno creak *be publc record. A corps»rps of But could never hope to recap- ccanl (0 J Mountan Home APB FB n Cenerolly. a farm owner o or op- l "> "» «nsht. Thc sljlllns secretares ruled the ocean :ear of ture thc subtletes of hs convcr- daho. erator s elgble to vote. <# f J hc l earth crucjcs wndows, wood nnd JtS papers floodng a lfe n poltcs sallon, snlo thc skll and lmng wth wlh Lt. Col. R.K. Wheeler, chef s, elgble to take,p art n one «* Pand outhonhlp.. flng them n whch ho would buld up some of logstcs plans of the 62nd ovmore of the programs admn-,,,,, blae black tn boxc.<: that now lne the mag magnfcent bubble of maglna- gna-mltary Mlllu A r lf t Wng, sad -V stercd by ASC commttees. nlttees roads look dfferent ent ev- strongroom walls.... lon and then, wth a.word d or Thursday Thun up to fve Lockheed EU glbllty-to V otc-or- 0 h0ld lalhnan Randolph s theme for r thc the gcst gesture, explode t." CMl Starlfer Jet transports 1-ports K MtMWWfB ltll a W B ofllce as a commluccman s n s " m%7 s been j work ; s: "He shall be hs lls own Nor, sad Randolph, wll the thc wll operate from the daho Bot restrcted by reason of 5r rkct race, " * "8 * "" l>y uck O for bloj bographer. Extracts from bog bography present a deep analy- base, base. Tokeolfs ond landngs wlll color, creed or natonal orlsn. orgn, S> *** «: Chn Churchlls letters and wrtngs vrtlngs sls of ns fathers plocc n hsto- lsto- range from 15 to 60 dally. " Envelopcs contabltg narked 8 "* wpns- pock-mrkrl marked form forr the backbone of th c. n- ry. : Hs task s to provde s the.as mony as 205 m en ; from 3 nlerehongeabu ballots may bc maled or return- tended fve volumes. Randolph ndolph sett settng for Churehll lo lell 1 hs McCl McChord wll be a s s Kd to Desgn Tp A e dto the ASCS County Offce.. ground buckles so mlch much sttpples * P1 the lng narratve own 8 sad. M a n y tme before Dee. 1. Ballots hat gas ond water lnes cannot p, wll be tabulated publcly cv by be burled. Even above ground, Makes Weodburnng the County commttee on jlf. Dec. e 6 w" ater lnes sprng daly leleaks, a k s, Easer, Faster, More Fun V S H ;. DRY CHARGE MTTgjEjj.at:10:a;m;;at:thcrCounty:;ASCS f=ascs sprayng 1 geysers. skyward;.bp:to H C.T DrCrawlerrTrjactors -9.S =r offcc. The publc s nvted ted to 2( 20 feet. ~ 14 ExeHng Peces wtness the vole counlng. g. D.saster struck n the mddle Nomnees for ASC communl- mmunl.!»ght n AugUSt 195S. Farm Machnery,!ry, M lscellous a *. * Value m M l ntrsqd ty commttees ndude, for Rch- ; Doa lo changt n farmng eperohbn wll mll pt tpll 1» l> ferpwnq locoea nonh glumbg n d aw -o n fm u H lty T F o rrcsr * ArmstronR. R o g e r Freeman, j. Jack Hubsmlth. Harold Prk- - ol Lorty. Mhon5nrWo53T.?tf-7OTd, load, tttn~ th«n ml* wer and jammed tght. *Wa&, roof more. Ralph Rley. 3 r..,l. T. and floors were rpped Up. Sanders, Bruce Sorensen, Don S E 7 tttmtob Ward. Everett Ward and d Mel- Engneers took sou samplng vn Wellhausen; Shoshone "B and J made ther fndngs: 120 Communty, Paul Bancroft, rt Ern- Frn. crcs r, or land n (he shape.«of a - s t a r t n g TME: : l11:00- l : 0 0 a. m. ( TERY CUARANTEED!.. est Boesger. Eldon Guthre, S. 5. horseshoe [}; had rpped loose-from n e, a. jurroundlng earth and S was S P T.LUNCH U N O ON GROUNDS BY B Y CAFC A R E Y P.-t.A. Howard Hll, Geome Horn.. skddng a t snals pace down. -!. ;GOLDSTRKES k f f R U R C H A S E. Carl Kerner. Jr., Marvn Laugh- Uugh- f** - bllsde. toward the thunder-l;: u S CRAWLER - TRACTCT R A C T O R S Ca» monwr»-»pt«od«f r* %pnod*r. n rvbb«r m ln and Wayne Sorensen; Det- HC T D -9 craw lef. >*. good so o d condton c< lft«mo, menur* nflnur* leodtr John 0>«ra <ld r«u - r * "C" communty. Lowell.. ly er of th ro u g h o u t whh th Jydrau JydrauH c b o c y *-» "-w >n*w*rj.r, a-wb a.wh*tl ttod rellw} Cat* 3- Anaerson.Wolter Jow m an; a f - fj. a-wor war plaw) pow WC r4-n<h. pvwj 4-»tcton cott WM wmr hqrr«w>s3-cll>n w*ed. ford Dav."!,.JJelbert Helken,.M<lj*s_j(«Lhat*M-2-htqr-»ra»*nt r tc h a ra -H u b e rtrm a rn -J a u T e 8 >«l>«; 4yo whml hmy ralltn Chal- - sul.f Jomes Meservy. Ernest., HC H tractor, far condton lln doubu wnp dlkha dlkharj John Or* lo-fl fuld Reynolds, Monte Sorensca 5 " nand l " COMPLETES THANNG NG FARM MACHNER CHNERY A-«l. leadon dltu HC «-ft. bndmn. Ralph Towne; Kmama,..J). *:D * Vw -- JEROME - r Army PvL ; Gary Cary H«uten 340 U -fl. «welh«r, Jtwf, tg M cohdllan cof ltd. Hk tk "t» nw HC 4-benem ]6.tnch. Communty, J. Reed CrfysUl, ata! 3. H Downng. 18. son of Mr. r. and nnd..ntw Holland N. 7«telr. «Ur. lrlng lrlng #. Dt. mol«r. Powj 2 o?* rg htavy fduly htcp th*d canvo. Lowell Maghan; Mack Nebaur, eba ur Downng. Route 2. mod M «r bl U or ar comflhcn coma M/lSCELLANEOUS C E L L, EVERY BATTERY CUAl Cd- Phllps, Cecl Terry V and Jerome, has completed eght 19S mc a-l»n rvth wlh tlsclt tlsch reel end n MO-get. woltr oltr tankr Menlgetn*ryWo(d >10... R khard Ward. \ weeks of advaoced nfaotry nfaatry fer (Mdllan omf *r 3 MlN, mn; Swt* McCwmk j : F o r -c a c h -c o m ra lm s -tlrm -tlu e * S»t F t-o rd. «llf t trn c-o.ft.-und-fav»lw-»mvfch«rv»lw-*nnm«r: l>tuna~mcfetn«r«<l j» K E STAMPS W r T H E V f f lj! regular members and two «her* MC t«-k*u dwa* dltt c rela rala M lt wh «r M d.r Sed«t«( Kht, bo «m>: (ad o (Mdcn. h M d athar P v E v - l r : nates wll be clected. The *dwr- cha county commjttee and they wll eywl H «m mt * m!» num nutmren W nmotlo man. vce charm an,. and thrd lr also determne whch of tho le reg- rcr- " t regular member of the elected sleeted " ta r a n n ty - commteeraea M WU wu TERMS: CASH ASC Communty Commttee wn «w charman and vlceto the «charmtfl fo r. c o m n g year. tlw s e rv e ar e le g a te s coanty conventon to -b e! held SPENCER ER M. M BNGHAM, < QuestonaJaxlglblty to vote Ovner j wflln the next few weeks. The and hold orflce, on the electon alternate commtteemen wlll vlll al- procedures w ll.be determned rs S d - MANAGED BY MESSEtSMfTH ALaON U a O SERVCE >- aosem as alternate delegates egatcs by the ASC couny commttee - K ««Wall -.rv n O ler»~ w f Jm MeaM nmth * tcttvm L -lo SUl subject to appeal-to the, ASC B urlay. K m bary rty J e ro m e, Stolt Rtplty, Twn fn lly -. _.7,1- ; N.THRllFW Rl ll P P H Q CEMTCrt""*- l -. T l] TUESDAY. No\ - r / e n d E v e n n g Harbor Day Noy. 29 r : R e v e r s b l e s P o p u lar S h erp a lned A g a X fo r m en an d boys m mw k and nany others. NowOur. Stock...:... r : r». *w -

22 - : 1-: -. r S u n d a y, N o v e m b a r 2 7, 1966* _. Twn Fal nm es.n ev.«:, 2 3 M m J / K S l.cgjnl B j H r -V;- v; LC LOOKlNG-A-rT T le ME fledats-dtsptoycd DAtS-dtS] on-tho-jacker-cf M rs: W04 Chrs Fcorheller, Jerom e. s Mrs. Enrque.Vasques t t L *Mr, t Fearhclcr s personnel sonncl offlce offcer for tho thrd squadron. as M rs. Fearhclcr looks on. Mrs, Mrs. Feorhellcr exploned to (Tlmes-Ncws (Tn pholo) * t t * * * 4r A _..._. *... < *. *.. * t DEAL STt h S?" asks L t Douglas jgla from fron tbe flrst, second and thrd sqnadt squadrons of the n e th Armored d \ Copt, Orln Shrts; Haley, ksses the - Cavalry R e j e c t, Headquarters dquarters Troop snd Avaton Co. 0- s he greeted thorn at a recent formal Standng Sta n tho twckground n d are U Lt,, ond Mrs. Denns Grltfln. n. Tlls tradtonal Retlmental Com- Guests attended tho socal :lol from tbroushout tb doho. (Tmes- ;. ; lu ncludes Natlooal. Guard offcers [leers News Ne«photo) * * * * * # # *. * * * * >;... / W fk v J f e - "!... XUt" " ~ 2 t r r D S F ~ j B f U..., / /. ;.; P " T l l j f l H l... A J, TO E REGMENTAL.COMMANDE COMMANDER S BALL held a t tho AlWONQ.HE GUESTS Aa t Y r nncrat.natlonal Gttard offcers* leers* Hovenden s. thrd squadron command 10 Burley. Burl< Gen. Bennett b Ml commander. Long dstance travel* adjutant general ot daho, and CoL t* Holldoy nn was ottended, ded, by app; approxtm ntcly-200 persons, party are CoL aod Mrs. Jam es S. ] Brooks aod LL CoL Thomas ers spent s tbe dgbt m Twn n Fall Falla and returned to ther homes Am, s. Ellott EUo s comandlog offcer fleer of the H tb Armored Cavalry Among those attendng were MoJ. Moj. Gen, and Mrs, George B. Regt Hovendea, all Bose. CoL L Brooks s chef ol staff aad CoL tbe fouowog t day. ;(Tlttes-News News photo) photo] u Bennett, e ). Regment, TUs s the eghth; lghthonnual annua socal boted for the Bose, left, ond d CoL and M7 rs. Edword G. Elott, t,. llbtb, Cnmes-News photo) -, * * * * * - * * * * Uf * * * * * t l *» *.-. * t t * m»....-» - H U H P l B e a u t f u l W Voe o m e n A r e, [f P r a s e d A t O f f c e r s B a l l By NORMA VA HERZNGER M , W omens-page-b ;;- :lm _knew _daho w a s fam m o us.fc s.fo r ts.b e a u tfu l.worn-.-::.- U :y. e n, b u t d d n o t re a lz;e e m o s t ol f th e m w e re m a r r e d - S to -N au onal- G u a rd o ffcfc e rs, s ta te d Col. E d w a rd -. H ; B :-: G. E llo tt, r e g m e n ta l co :o m m ana n d e r, w h en h c g a v e tlo th c ::.. -we eldom ng a d d re s s a t a.r e c e n t fo rm a l g a th e rn g :_pf o f _ K s ~ - - N N a tlo n a r G u n r d W n c e rs o f th e : m B th A rm o re d C qav - M a lr y R e g lm e r t a n d th ec r la d le s a t,t h e H o ld ay nn... j S?7t; -! - T h s -tra d to n a l-r es gm lmee nta tal r C o m m a n d e rs - Of- *_:; B H # - - fc e rs-b a llt rc lu d e d offcers e ff fro m th e f rs t, second*. a n d th rd sq u a d ro n s of f th e 116th 116 A rm o re d C a v a lry R e g m e n t, H e a d q u a rtee rs Troo] o p a n d, A vato n Co * w h ch n v o lv es B ose V alley; PF o catello > d ah o F alls.. H «.1 a r e a. M agc. V allcy. a nd d to th e U ta h b o rd e r. H H ~. t h T e v e n n g b e g a n as t ftferft e f f c e r s n d th e r la d lw w e re g re e te d by Welcom e 116th A rm o re d C av- H f H a r r y " w rtte n n la rg e bold lett tte rs on th e to w ern g w m a rq u e e a t th c H o ld ay ly J n n. 01 O ffcers n. th e r d resss s B H.. - blues w ere the orddr of f the eve v e n n g a n d th o r la d le s. H S j M -fq tm a L.g o w n s. a n d K o o ccd -b e a u tfu L n _ the e c -lo rg.. B P. : - / B j j ex< x q u s te c o c k ta l d re sjses s e s a s tt th e y e n te r e d th e b a n B r H -., quq u e t roomsv, n y A cocktal hour was : held fro m 7 to 8 p.m.. a s a H L t B! cel g e.t:a c q u a ln te d J m e,_.lwlth w l t h pz a n y _ J rle n d s h jp s r e B l. n e w e d a n d n ew o n es establlsh s b hc c d.: B E l - T h e ta b le s w e re b e au u tlfu tfu lly d e c o ra tc d n; a fall H - r l - - mno o tf- a h d accentc d - w th pp lacet c e c a r d s n d c a tn g the*. " B *.> > -v.< H H K (B l. - ggjj s e a tn g a r r a n g e m e n t; Tr h e h e a d ta b le w a s e n h an ced B P w jt th a la rg e a rra n g e m e n t o7 y ello w a n d gold en cn-- > B - V - " 1 1 colored, c h ry s a n th e m umm s w th g re e n e y. a n d, con- _.j f r l trastn g rbbons. jh j jjf...jl ,l...-r, } f f,... S e a te d a t h e h e a d table; ble; alon n g w th C ol. a n d M rs; - m l \ E llo tt, w e re L t. Col. and ahd M rs; r s ;T h e o d o re R. P e n c e, r~.\ U.. B u h l; L t. Col. T h o m a s 5 H ovendt o v enden a n d h s lady;,l t. -. r 1 H Col. W llam T. A rm stro rong, n g, T w n F a lls ; L L Col. a n d. J o e S b h B hll Mlll llk Pl ll o e anl tc lle 11(1 ; L t. Cb h -and Mll.. tb. =-l. DSCUSSlNd TOE EVENNO 5 VENNOS ACTVTES nl M«. r nn l MH tf. r T; s n e r f e r m y > a l a P D o n A. D u v all, C aldw ell; a n d sp e c a l g u e sts, Maj.. PRESENTNG p A.FLOWER to bs fl M k r :. e h d M r5 6 o rg 6 -B ~ r B B fbenne n ett-n d -eo ln n d -Mtrs: rs. "TTOn -;«Hng rt wn yaust Hs favorttetad ConOvetl m job n PPag a g ss O., -.{roo.from tb sb o rat * centerplm o-tt e. CnBsaws pboto). r..-. /,.! V ( T r-. r...

23 YULE PARTY SET. S u n d a y, N o v e m b e r 2 7,, FLER North.Street Oub 11fey Favorttes- J S mcmtgrs - nnadernplam to r ~a Chrstmas party a t the home bf ~ " : F n s t m d s S h o w : : SMCMWJNNW Mrs. Elma Fouts. The event wll 1 - ; Y fylchambers C H A A ; - * - be held h Dec.. 17 a t the home of S c h e d u l e d B y tout* ""... Mjjj" M r.-and Mrs. Walter Schenkel and husbands of members w ll Cantonese Dock t <T Ttam*N«wt j J be_g guests. G a r e n - C l o b b, duckr(2p pounds dresseo} JJ? _ PlBM for the Twn Falls C ar a. Garlc -salt and-pepper b»»«ofdl ll...» den Q uba sundard,chrbtm«t Chrstmas 4 sprgs p l e y, how, Magc of December, lemon - halved tb* SS: Youthful were completed.when n member! memberk... 6 slces bacon, «<.Dd UD>..t of the show commttee tee m et a t, cu prepared mustard _j - ~tl»9om FqFK refrfw?h n5k< = H o F n e = T e a c b e r s = = = B e a t y = : : r charman.- * 1 P *Prcot preserves _ n «two day show whl wll be-op tablespoon lemon Juce Ff e t e d A t S o c a l, From the earfy twentes. en to the publc from 1!:30-p.m.. ACEQUA The buhoprlc of. to 7:30 p.m. Thursday Tand from fron b : the Acequa. Second-LDS-Ward jp w a S.beddm -J>«e_na8SBge._w th-a. ]0 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Frday a t Sprnkle ducks, nsde and out, sponsored a socal for home Vlt Vtalzng nght c r u jn s the Rogerson Motor nn rnn Round f \ \ \ K, < wth salt and pepper. Place two tcachers who completed 100 m per de deal forsoftenlng traces of sprgs parsley and one-half lemuo Room. A smhll admjmo -- ccnt of-ther leachng durng wll be charged. H rm C T C -V- - J on-n cavty of each. Cover the surface skn dryness and tny past three months. - breast of ach duck wth bacon Lawson k n charge of tlckcta * " The honored guesu enjoyed n APP y vtalzng Tckets con bo purchased chased at a j t J. and fasten.wlth strng. a an, evenng of basketball ot-the the nght.cream to cheeks, fore- the door. Cantonese Sauce LDS cultural hall, followed by hen head, ond throat and coax.t, Entres for the show # are open oper, yt Sf j P jj f U H..Combne musurd and reman- naln- «hamburger h: fry. H "c. to all home gardeners and(non!ng ngredents (except butler) tler) H( Hosts were Bshop Van, over son and bs counselors. John A. wa ward mouwng strokes, then Soren- nto the skn wth lght, upprofessonal arrangers, s. and wll \ \j V. and heat n a double boler tfc acccptcd from 9 to H 11 a.m *.m! S B O B hot water. Place ducks breast >reast (Qu (Burt) Stevenson and Rchard ren remove wth a tssue. Such Thursday. No.enlrles ts wll b«be fv;. up-ln~a-bakng"pan.-*roast~n ;oh receved bcfore_thursday. y 5 j. a preeated oven a t 350 dew um Tj-... 7care wlll enccm«ge cds> JUSE plexoa.lovclnesa. J }tt Exhbtors are allowed lowed onc one m j _ M B ylh~cflchclnsn)rubc55 b clw s: n c.. Contaners wll be provded a t - r A M tter and once wth Cantonese snese late brownes gves nterestng... M arg an t Mo t, the show room for- cut t branche branches \ - Sauce.. flav flavor. or cut flowers; Entres must r V. Carve.ducks, serve wth rce : a n d remanng Cantonese Sauce. man n place untl the close o V- f r h the show. 8:30 p.m. Frday. Judgng wl begn at 11:3C a-m. Thursday and decsons ol of Judges wll be fnal. - P l a y S c h e d u l e d The show commttee wll exercse ex- 0 ; Bb y A r e a S t d k e care but cannot Ot be held V responsble for personal ta l njury. \ / J f J j k k S B f c S s Z j l <,. H A L E Y -" t B tgn, w t h Balloons," an evenng of drama. Joss or damage of any pfoperw. g j B B H T- T - A and musc, wll bepresented by C lass. awards, gven [. oh K bass 2 S - M K.. ga t members me ot the Blane LDS of qualty wll be seals; sals; blue, M Stake SU at 6 p.m. Wednesday n red; yellow and whte, for fqr frst, the HalTey LDS Cultural Hall. second, thrd and honorable --Theme of the play demon jnenron-respectvejy r * strates stn the fact that t s as df- r A HA H A Secton awards wll be gven r hl flcult for chldren to make for best potted plant,. best cut choces as t s for grown-ups zaacrlaljxallbculqcjkalldfffc - ~ to.] tn mnlfo >tfc[lf>n«_. raton ;nd best decoratve rauve de* desgns! wll DSCUSSNG TH E ; TCKET : SALES for the membershp nbershp rt l Your Har s -the theme fo. The play s under the drecton sgn n Secton C.. H Uprghts H j Qf Harolo Buhler, Blane Stake Best of show owards n sec Grands f ; ton B. dccoratlve desgns, MA offcer. Partcpatng wll e m e r (he 17th annual N be gven for best arrangement rangement banquet for the Magle Bc ValeyH alley-hardressers Assocaton S NaUoM atonal 1 be members from Shoshone, W V (TndB-lns) tlon and Beauty Salon Week scheduled e d u fo r F eb. U th ro u g h JS. n t S S f < wth fresh cut plant materal Cosqjetologlsts Assocaton,nc.. laton. Atrllate No. A, arc standlnj; 1 Feb. H. Detrch. Rchfeld, Carey. Hallstafdrjt, The code of cosmetology gy s strc stre ssrd to ll new m em bers, au predomnatng. An award of fn>m clt, Carolyn Saek lack and Blle D Scott, new members, e cy and Sun Valley. Frofesslotjl. l O crs, and emphaszng the best nterests ot o t < e a th p a tro n a n d th e hghest Robert Carlng, HaDey, plays Qualty at. - mert m ay be awarded best seated. Hazel Bowden, fnancal secreu ry. The banquet uet wll professonal sklls attaned M d throuj u g h atten d an ce an d shoy t u 01 o f the the lead part as the balloon specmen_8corng 95 ponts or be held a t S p.m. Dee.. 5 at & the e Holday nn. Mrs. E sther p r famly prces r Smack professonal educaton programs p r o a c M uoder the g u d a n ce of ot the e vendor, wth Steve Shrts, Hal- more rn -bortlculture dvson: Wlson: -s prcsldeot.of.thelofem ta1~grtf{». gttt#. * Wear the Promse ot t Sprng a s assmlatlon. (Tmes-News photo) ey, and Cheryl Byngton, Gan- The top awards, trcolor colbr and , nel nettrnsupportlngt oesrte here WARN /ARNER award of dstncton, may be hardy vnes, shrubs nnd and trees pressng p relgous feelng :elng a, natve ra unt (arrangement)! ). May lette, Mrs. A. Powell and nd Mrs. arc 30 other-speakng parts and, \ gven as Judges decde, e, to best nclude one specmen e n each fresh f m ateral domnant; t; b, dry use us< accessores. J. Reynolds are n charge of 60 persons j n the chorus. "** M USC SC COMF COMPANY V blue.rbbon arrangements ents from class, pyracantha, oregon ;on grape, materal n domnant; arrangement angement Other dvsons of the 5 show stagng. Mrs. van Perce :rce and Mrs. Arthur Hall, substtutng j Shoshone loahona Stn treet N orth secton B and C n artstc dvson f requrements are met. m evergreen, any other unclassed tl ttled; a. frckh materal a.doml- scloo chldren and Junor >r hgh Mrs. Leo Anderson, rado; llo; Mrs. Mr Mrs. Lous Bouldcn, h n charge dl- Junper, yew, pne, any ny other a expressve of a Chrstmas nas song, wll ncludc classes for grade Mrs. T. C. Hartwell, posters; for the stake drama drector, S M They m ust score 95 ponts oro r vne, shrub o r w e ond anyother nant, b, dry materal domnant: lomnant; school scl as "Chrstmas Joy, >y. an Jol J ohn Flatt, schedule: MTs. E. of more-and-mubt-be-«omposed-«f nposed-of h o rtc u ltu r t-flo wwors o rs * arrangamant of-a ll-frath-m at*- arrangeen t t ur u coffe rratnct tablet SR flfcn and Maran n rn c C f. 3cn all!fresh cut plant m ateral or r Extra-cultural classes s m ay bc be rol rl and armngements n n pared a house p lant Hgh school ol gar- fee uble; Mrs. Smth, entrfes, mu musc drector, asssted by her all dred and/or treated Jd p loa n t created f there are two o r m ore contaners, suftoble for r a man- deners m ay exhbt n two > class* am and Mrs. Sam Porter, classlfl- panst, Pl Mrs. Raymond Lyon,.yon! m ateral. A ccessoresrm rm ltted entres of sam e knd. t< tel. tfs 6s of corsages, daytme wear caton. M rs. Edd Rechert lert s n re charge of the muscal. n both categores. No artfcal flowers o r artlfl- Secton C ncludes : lmted and party tme. ch«charge of Judges and clcrkj. clerks. numbcrj. " J,, Sweepstakes awards wll be col folage are permtted h 1 n tho tho classes for nches, pedestals jstals and Magc < of Chrstmas" " ar* Mrs, Floyd Bandy s sdccal spccal T vent s the annual Parf F CO R Y O U A N4 D F O R J h R S T M A S gven to wnners of most nost blue artstc dvson casscs. Tho use lable «settngs. Exhbtor m ust ra rangement for a hall table, le. pot- przes charman. ent-youth Nght for the stake. bbons n each dvbon. 0".... of rbbon, dred, cured oo r treot- treat- reserve " spoce by Monday. Call ted tec planl Entres n the cultural. ural.dvl- dvson must havo been grown by frut (remove leaves) or color- " ««. V., W. Nelson , sh. show varous book collectons rar ed plant materal, artjfdal artfcal Mrs. S. W. Smth ,- J*.315, dr The. There wll be a table for thc educatonal dvson )n wll saj, sale cf dred m aterals for arexhbtor three months or more. more, j g agents wll be permtted nltted un- nqure sze of spacc. ce. for show "Semcnts. hortculture, flower show and named f known.. less otherwse specfed. Acces* December Beauty, arrange- school, scl landscaplhg and dsplays A r n m K s Potted plant dasses s nclude nclude jorles for backgrounds s permt- ment m n a nche; S entres; ar- featurng fes objectves ofjnatona a u S S-UWBER PARTY HELD Afrcan Volet, sngle, e. crown, tej, rangement for a pedestal; sta; ap> Councl of SUte Garden Clubs f l e r Mrs. Homer r Schncll - * «. named Sub classes are slntfe, sngle,. gcuon A ncludes casscs lasses for > )>roxlmatcly 33 nchcs hgh, hgh. 5 as conservaton brdsj ant-lt- nt-lt- was hostess at a potluck k dnner any color. Double flowers, -ers. pnk, wreaths, fresh m ateral doml* doml- «ejtrlesr h r s tm a s Brunch* ter, etc one and lumber p arty for Junor B o n n / f B o l d & B r g h t :, red o;* wne, blue, orchd and ant nfktwrdnrwlh-dry dry mate- c capsule table settng, usng cloth Mrs. Vctor Nelson.l asssted sslsted am and unor glrb of the f uunted n t - lultl-color. / rt>l domnanl Planues les m ust «for background, plnte nnd mrt H«ft-lhv dcco-lbv M n, R, Mlllrr..Mr» H fl.lm Begona fhzdnstlr19,~fbn)u$ j.ubwjls contan plant m ateral n the de- and others.»»» *>«equpped for hang- hang* Vnes a n» y «- (wax a plant) pant) a y be predom- predomlnantly fresh m ateral and pre- vy. phljodendrfn: Cactus g ro m -n pot under seven nches acrbss; S Cactus c tu s n domnantly dry materal. 0, L E A R N H O V W\ t A S L Y pot,7 to.13 nches; Succulents lenta u as t Secton B. the-themo class, t»/. aloes, ]adefplant-ard~stape1a,. stapella" "Magc of-decembcr.,arrange- sam e m easurtm ents as cactus... A l M classes. nant. and Y& >11 CAU _ Geranums wll be clagwd for ) wll be scented leaf, varegated leaf end flowerng knds.. ground 36 ncheshlgh. Arrange Clsses wl be set up o for any ments featurng one o r more. n t a r FF le o o r J l e other flowerng, folage 5 or o r frut- candles and arrangemlents fea wll be n V o u r p o w n l o m e \ lurng weathered wood-wll P e n d l e t o n s C l a n r a l e s. **p ante«n d er,seven. >n nches nchm >tagm aganst a. whte lte back dsh gardens may be exhbted.. xhblted., A 24-lnch hgh whte lc back-. Oasses n, secton B,- B<- cut ground wll be provded d for fol- fo- - 7 A and seven nches o r nore and ground 36 nches hgh, branchm 15.t8 30 lncbe< long k>ng of lowng classes. arrangement ment «. y a n d a c h et v e p r o - f e s s l o n a l r e s u l t s l n a TAMx S n c n mn ad s D tn * w k h a Txrvnta., S t a r t n g a t 7 : T u n a lc n S s -o ofshud flo U d W KtratG.pU to. a t recall-her tceddng >eddng day d ~. tcth a Jus. trous synthetc Hc stone stono"of the month to BANNER FL FURNTURE M marh the brthday hdoyof-htck-of-herchldreh T 2 7 2? c A v e. W., T v n F a l s " W t A k for t.by.luan t,necnfrm n p r m f hyt* dentfyng Jag. tag,. W h l e y S j l r e T h e r e u? e lt 6 b l o o k l w e r t h e n B p l f e n d l e t o T J - l a t e s t. ; d e s g g. n s n.. A r n s t r p n g E x «e l o nr B. V n y l A s u s e o u r -, FAMLY b e s t d s t l e. W e c q n y q b g, s t o c k! "+* - f acflllu m TRADTON CONVENENT..., SNCE U Y AWAY, + W l *. 0 :. :, 1 f U R TURE- p j + J HO O T B T n s s s n «; n f r T T L * Twtt.rol» FR REE E ClASS SSES H : N F L O CO R T L E N S T A L L A1T O N " V WED., NOV The.g ft t-th.that-cca t-ca p tu res /o h e u c r - w K M N O C O S T F O R O B L G A T O N. -. the memores ores shell sht never forget. CLASSES-CONDUCfEb!.. A D ) U L T S CO N L Y. BY MR. FRED HAMLTON, H H B H H m Armstrong Arms Representatve. H ow p ro u d ly Bee ll U w ear e a rt: tle a c H ld s c e f e a to u c h. v rll. re-lve ag an tbose tn tm forgettable m om ents o f _ GrearSrot Look what Pendleto Penaetons done wth L ap p n et tla t a re e so 10 n Dtm tn ately bers. -H ere s «g ft OOR-PRZE tradtonal tartans: versatle latlleylrgln vrg wool separates-toth n t every m o th e r w ll clersl. fo r each rn g B s «;*, mx and match al wllrfoarflbv. PolSsflowgent/. C o lluu m b la a M a s t e r w o r k ( n d v d u ally fashoed o s e d to tp profle \ Creases hang awa>r. Colors one m o th e rs ow m-n n lots lng rng true. Thats w ool- S o >ld l d Ss t a t e P o r t a b l e at.the peak of Pehdletonlan p a rtc tla r m e m o rle e,,,.., her h mlan per perfectlon m arrage, -- * STEREO s t h 3 5 s e e n n M c C a lk s There t. ojy ona lother t lothnt Rtnjf. t t to dttneltve, H B F w Wll ba 8 gven to»om«lucky peraon arso n att attardlnff the tl* nto mque, t hat been otcsrd moarded V. Poten* 183, :. talloton stallaton claasat. *.y ; W ;T «n : =! FREE J Gft,r W fopplnfl -.. T n Rlls»Vurey.RR uuprt p a -B u h l» S! S 5 J 5 l f c ro pe r;; r v v v f t»s~ s R o H T r - : -... J S f S f e» 5 t t 3 S j S. a : r 3

24 S o c a l H e 3, - - G a r d e n - B o o k f ( W c a y P N 6 «m 5 f - S 7 3? - A f e d - P m o c h l e Twn Fall Tme*New, _ R o c j e o C o w b o y s. s- s - R e v e w e d B y C L l u b C o n v e n e s ~ Dorothy Clayton «nd M n, Nna " " M lr s. P a s t o o r ca: CA STLEFO R D,- HolU t, f( oor Mr u r p h y ; -.. > dahos Todeo cowboys polsh- mcml mcmbers"or~the "Costleford Td F} ThetaChapter of Delta K * p T Y Mr*. John Pastoor revewed noche d u b wero Mr. and ed up lher boots and dug out Mrs. Gamma Gamt ncludes educators from - "Pe "Peacock Manure and Mar- Del H u d s o n..mr. an d M rs. Good! 7TlrelTtadnrffgr<5rthen:lm rcmtgc <D t golds - oy J anel blllespc whfcn of ther day long daho Cow* the j*countrysde Flower C5b :{ Fred P d Hoellc at the Gun boys Assocaton Conventon Club. Club! X* dessert was served, followed at met a t the home of Mrs. Eldrcd -----the.araerl9«n Legon Hal. rcd - Eght eb tables of pnochle! were by a busness meelng conduct- Taylor.. : plnyp played wth hgh przes gong ed by bj Mrs. Melba Rowland. Jc* Approxmately 250 cowboys. An advocate of orgonc gar- r - Jo jo M Mrs._ Rdlelgl Senften 1 and rome. 2 rome,.-wves,-swaothearts, and 1-peope -people - =; Jcnlngrthcrauthotrclatcdln n Frtz ftr y b c e, ond low j>rzcs zes to The club s program for the c lo s e lnterkts lay n r~5tock; s c k ; ajtumorous-manner-nodenlvn M rstack and rodeo n general took a Nl New Hampshre garden. She Pollu p npf mpson-nn Joseph tc c CgHnHg - yeat- r~nrd -N urture o n d N a tu re -o f-c rc B tlv y rn ffs r part n the cockta hour, smor* smor> recommended the use of nalurn w,, gasbord and awards presenta* jresenta* ferllers and composu to mangj".>, *V Mrs. Robert Becker wop m he the Murphy presened the program tlon. Bll Vckers. Twn Fals, Fals. tan good gorden tlth. Growlnn shoot*the-moon, prze. The next J* slbjtcl., was master of ccremones cs a t thc harlgolds and chves wth other p m m l g U «u r t a y presentaton, and Mss > Rodeo. daho, Rosemary Vassar, Caldto Caldwell. flowers n the borders hclp. t o., dscourage nsects the author r \ -.., 60ClA Sf 6bRBBOT Lon Lon- presented the awards. stated. D e l t a < a p p a Saddles were owntded Mrs. Ml P e tfr Thornton gave thc ne Wrght, Nampa, all-around seen secrelary «treosurcr s report. «5rt Gw Q a m m a M e e t s 5 Weddng cowboy: Harold Tews, Mountan lountaln. MeV Mertbers dscussed varous gardenbooks and magaznes and SHOSHONE SHC Mrs. Wllam /lom N V TA TO N S.and gar* Home, bareback, rdng; Bob * Juker. Buhl, bulddggng; Davd vewed members scrapbooks lolu Flavcl was hostess to Xlta a Kap- Kap>! ANNOUNCEMENTS Erckson. Elko. Nev.. soddle kept durng the year. P pa C* Gamma, honorary socety lety of, " - bro n c_rldlng:_j.a.ntes- Gbbs, " L The hostess, served refresh- csh. women educators. Assstng g h e r 100 deslsna Trom whch to Wendell, bull rdng; Robert mcntsrthc~next mcellngts d were-m rsr-velm a Alcnr"Mrs; -M rs; -choose P "choo rlccs-to-b U lft our Johnson, Caldwell,.calf ropngr ropng: _ potluck lunchcon Dec. l5-6 t = budtcet Ouaranteed-worlc DonaaTJorTsTMerdon," tcap teap " the.home of Mrs. Lyle Schnltker. W K ropng, and Dane Elam, Eagle, Tho club decldcd lo provde the W\n l! H barrel racng. cost of the turkey. A gft ex- H l l change wll be held. Buckles and hal were award* aword- P erso n alzed ed to second and thrd place wnners. USE TMES-NEWS WANT ADS B S e Aceessorlea FOR FAST SELLNG RESULTS K U Table Servce Larry Brown. Goodng, ng. was Weddng Booka nomcd "Rooke of the! Year* Year Kapklns GET YOUR MPORTED and presented a buckle. Area Bbles. stockmen receved trophes for ran SAMPtu ON Rfoum top rodeo stock. l3 Thc MCs," a local country. country- DAHO COWBOY ASSOClAtlON SOClAtlON BANQUET brought together Ms ary Vassar, Mss Rodeo ;o daho, Caldwell, and Jm Sharp, Sh.n., NOW AT W western bond provded 1 musc champon cowboys and members (rom f throughout the state tate a t Challls. Saddles nnd buckles des w ere awarded to tho top money. S T h e H lls o f d a h o... MON 7M4S43...,* for thc dance after thc awards the Amercan Legon Hall. loll. Among them were, from left, ;, Jerry wlj wnners n cach event. Tho 9 group mc( meets at the end of each 3rodeo 1 GLOBE SEED b a n q u e t Meyers, Pocatcllo; Larry :S Brown, ** "Rooke of tho Year;" Rose* Rose«set season to honor the top cowboys. ( (Tln?es*Newfl photo) L _ ANX «TRUST BOS. xct XEnONAL TvM U ESK SCHOOSEF 600 BEAUJFUL BEJ UL COATS! ( E F R O l~ - $ - j F f a s h o n a b l e - u n t r m r t es d c o a t s.... P - l u x u r o u s f u r t r m c o a t s % 3m f - W H P " l - J m k a M T v * * 7 X / Q r f m jvfl V J J j W " M y. \jfcm f f - J SV f... l u l l n k S b@ "S p H f V v / / / / \A. c Q r e a t s a v n g s c an be b e y o u rs now a tth e P ars n dow ntow n. X w ln F a lls d urng r n g thl s o u tstandn g c o atet event. v e n. W o o l c o a t s,. -.-hq.foes h Q. f c o f fab rcs, style d wth f a s H lo n * w f s e. w o m e n n n jjnd. Every,colbr E v e r m agnable ln n trm trjmrr m ed..., a n d u n t r l m m ed d c oa afa ts... sz e s S to T D o o r s o p e n p r aram m p tl> p.tly,at9:30.a.m. M o n d a y....,d d o n t n s s t h s..... _ pe- eh rtstry rstmas. e v ent. G tge jor Layaway at the a th e P a fh ~ V ;- ; - V JL = ; " edu t U td> < Stvf4 >,....

25 _ J _ Y U t u P A K U C T. _ -- SOndoy.- N oyam bur 2? let-news ~~, -, > 1 FlLER.!-r-NQrlh.Street n u b B r M a g G V a l l e y S members -m age plans -/or- t < - Chrstmas party at the home o WKX SMCM lplf WNMH- Mrs. Elm a Fouts. The event.wl ~ C h r s t m d s - S hl o w CHERYL CHAW CHAMBERS... be held.dec. h( 17 a t the home o - S c h e d u l e d B y -»ou<«lout* a; n» n«f - Mr. and Mrs. W alter Schenke and husbands of members wl - - G j d e n - C l v b3 : r - n te n e «be guests. VmSw- 7«r UMla V*J«PorUfc.f»«U > Plans fot-the.twn Fall* Falls Gar- ; den Q ubs slandard Chrstmas - 4 spr gs porsley J? rtc* *<lltor. show. Magc of December, f e 1 fm m - halved u.v w ere completed when membet members S slces bacon. - ~ ~ f T h V a K w cw m 7ttee~m e n n eerat r a t b * - 4.cuP -Prepared.m ustejd y J oblespoonssoy-aauce = RN Co m B T O G h pe rs s = B e a «t y = = = tha home Qf: H 5 r T;-w rh cto. Garlc, salt, and pep5er 1 T " ba** - ; > fatortt mp*. l u * * -! u, tueh>*dnn»nt. Wumln* S,: Youthful charman. -1 tablespoon lemon juce - p Tho.two day show wll Ul be open to the publc from 1:30 p.m. P «. ACEQUAThe- bshoprc of op- Feted e A t Socal.. 1 teaspoon grated orange peel, F rom the early twenues, to 7:30. p.m..thursday and from.;: F 4. S L a 14 cup melted butter /k the " :--Aoula Second LDS ; Ward Ward bedume massage wth a, Sprnkle duc3», nsde and o ut 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Frday, at t T \ sponsored a socal for home vtalng nght crw m s u n n ; wth u lr a n d pepper.«pace two the Rogerson Motor nn n Round t \ \ & J teachers who completed 100 OO per deal dea for softenng traces_of sprgs parsley and one-half lemup Room. A small admsson sdmmlm V cent of ther teachng durng k os n ra v ltj ot-cach. Cover " J * ng the surface -url skn dryness and tny". wll be charged. Mrs. R. C. f L " East three months. f " Lawson s n charge of )f tckets. tccets. K } V - r * " f M breast of each duck wth bacon Vh H «honored guests njoyed enjoyed Wnean evenng bf bosketbal atthe the nght cream to cheeks,-fore* Appy 01ay vtalzng H H and fasten wth strng.. Tckets con bo purchased a t f Cantonese Sauee LDS-culwral hall, followed t h e door. ed by {ad, jujo) and throat andcoax t Entres for the show are ore open,?, J. v B U H Combn&musUrd and reman- nan- «.h( a hamburger fry.. _,. to all home gardeners and non- r-.. ;j- ng ngreents (except butter) ter) Hosts were Bshop Van over son > and.; hs counselors, John A. ward mouldlng.strokes, then Soren- *** * P" professonal arrangers,, and wll WlU \ j A M B and h fa t n;,a double boler \ be accented from 0 to ) 11 a.m. / % 1» B U. hot water. Place ducks breast rew t (qu (Burt) Stevenson and Rchard llchard remove «m wth a tjssjer-such T hursdoyt N o -a-w m -be- b e - J T 1 up-ln-a-bakng-pan. Roas-ln -Tnhntnn: jo h ---- " jr---- r z rcarer;w~encourago=eor-" ~car< = rcceved-before-thursdayr a p rla e e d oven af350 ds > lay r r J " grees: 30 to 45 mnutes per p 5 - USE SUGAR- - plexlon P l«lovelness. Exhbtors. are allowed wed one * pound, bastng, frequently wth. Usng brown sugar n choco- entry n each class or subclass. B.-. ". Contaners wll be provded avded ot dt,( n r.- ;< butter and once-wltn Cantonese mese late brownes gves nterestngr e s S * * * M n-ll. the show room for cut branches. Sauce. flavc flavor... ] - Carve.ducks, serve wth rc e or cut flowers. Entres must re- reman n place untl tho J dose bf M.. t f l B,. l 3 5 and remalhlng-cantonese-sauce lu c e the show, 8:30 p.m. Frday. Judgng wll begn a t 11:30 a.m. Thursday and decsons,of cslons.of P l a y S c h e d u l e d Judges wll be fnal. The show commttee wll ext. exercse b! B y A r e a S t a k e be.held beh eld care btcannot r W -HALEY - t Begllu W l.lh responsble for personal njury, B 8 S, < t f 1 p u. BallooM, on evenng of drama lossor damage ofany proper. and mlsc, wll be presented by. - Class -aw aw -ven-on; bass t members of the Blane LDS of qualty wll be seals; >ls; blue. blue, v \g» /r> red,-yellow:and-whto,-for -for frst,- second, thrd ahd honorable -T l a l t e r T l menton lescuvejy. Secton awards wll be gven.. for best potted plant, best cut Stake.at-B.p.m...W ednesday-n DaS*rar,besnoor-orwan-dBccF mn-deccf the Haley LDS Cultural Hall. raton pnd best decoratve fttfve desgn n Sccton C. de- -.~. - Theme of the play demonstrates the fact that c s as df- UprhU. - Best of show awards < n sec- Cnnds H -tlon B, dccoratve desgns, (nts wlll wll DSCUSSNG THE TCKET SALES S for the. membershp oersnp lan your H ar" -s the fcult for chldren to make theme for the J7th annual Natlooal be gven for best arrangement S e m e n t banquet for (he Magc c Valley Hlh ardressers Assocaton on and B( Beauty Salon Week K htduled ft choces as t s for grown-ups jpv arade-ns) -- - for Feb. U through Feb. 18. wth fresh cut p lan t materal Cosmetologsts Assocatoo. ton. nc.. / Afflate Nb. 4, are standng landng -The Tl code ol cosmctolosy stru totnake-dedstonj.* ty s stressed to all new members, ev t l f T t. { rofenlonal Q predomnatng. An award of. from left, Carolyn Slack ek and B!U1< Blle Scott, new mcmbcrs, ahd on emphaszng the best nterests crests of each e jtatron and tbe hghest The {, play s under the drecton merc may be owarded led best seated, Hazel Bowden,, fnancal s secretary. The banquet ct wll pr professonal sklls attaned of Harold Buhler, Blane Slake lays B Qu Qualty 8t - led through attendance and - s tu of the *. famly phce.. speclmen_acorlng_fl5-ponta_or lonts-or be held ot.8.p.m..dw. 5-*t Sat theholday Holl nn. M rs. Esther Smack.- pr professonal educaton program rogram s-under s-t -the-guldance-of-tho- Vcn, more n hortculture dvson. s presdent ol the local nl group. Wear V tho Promse ot Sprng as assocaton. (Tmes-News -photo).... f «"» cy. r. e. M! eb. 18. Detrch, Rchfeld, Carey, Hal- Tho top. awards, trcolor and. mtwrs, ey neltand Sun Valley, E WARN EARNER % aw ard of dstncton, moy ay be hardy vnes, shrubs and d trees pressng relgous feelng lllng a, ratve unt (arrangement).. M ay lctt< lette. Mrs. A. Powell and h emrs. s t are Robert Carlng, Hallcy, plays gven as judges dcclde,, to best nclude one specmen n. each fre: fresh materal domnant; ;; b, dry use accessores. t o, J. J- Reynolds, are-n-charge of 60 p J u MUSC COMP, COMPANY blue-rbbon-orrangements nts from classy pyrocantha, oregon n grape, grope, mo ateral domnant; arrangem ngement ent 0 fy 0* the load p art as the balloon Other dvsons, of the snow o w sta( stagng. Mrs. van Perce and M tng Shoshone oahone Stro Street North - -of the" vendor, wth Stev.e f ls, Hfllsecton B.and C n artstc dvson f requlremehts are arc met. evergreen, any other unclasscd nclossed tltl< ttled, a; frcst materal ll dom- dom- ey, for and Cheryl Bylngton, Gan- dl- Junper, yew, pne, any ly other cxf expressve of a Chrstmas song, wll nclude classes-for d e Mrs T. C. H arttl, posters; school chldren and Junor r hgh Mra Mrs. «o Anderson, rado; Mrs. Mw nelt, n supportng roles. There Th-ByTflusrscore-95-pontr-or on r v sgrshrutrorterand-anyhcr ny-other nor nontrbrdry-m etoralom nantf sch< J o h n - f la ttr scedule;- Mrs nd Mrs.. E; oare f 30 othcr spcoklng parts and more and must be composed of hortlculure as cut flowers. crs. arrangement of all fresh lh mate- arrangema r r ent for a coffee table; Steffen Stel and Maran-Turner, large cof- en 60 persons n the chorus. / al fresh cut plant m ateral terlal or Extra cultural classes may bc be ro ral and arrangements n n pored a h house p lan t Hgh school ( gar- fee table; Mrs. Smth, rce entres, and mus Mrs. Arthur Hall, substtutng A al dred and/or treated 1 p l a n t created f thero arc t w o r more cor contaners, sutable for a man- deners may exhbt n two class* d a s s. ond Mrs. Sam Porter, posters; classlf- for the stake drama dlrcclor, _ T m ateral..accessores permtted ermltted entres of same-knd. tel.. cs of corsages, daytme w ear cat! caton. Mrs. Edd Rechert fo; Mrs. s n Mrs. re Los Bouldcn, s n charge B. M... n both categores.. No artfcal flowers o>r r artf- 5 Secton C ncludes lmted mted and party tme. charge of judges and Mrs. E; clerks, num ofpeokng-pa«*-and-m r»r-al- - = Sweepstakes awards wll be cal folage are permtted d n the classes for nches, pcdeslab lab and Magc of ChrlsUnas" or- Mrs. Floyd Bandy s <!r. specal cof- den M. Packer. Haltey ward Par-.gven to wnners of-m ost blue artstc dvson classcs. Tho use D settngs. Exhbtor JF must rangement for a hall table, 5, pot* pot. przes charman. entres, musc drector, asssted by her rbbons n each dvson. n*.. of r rbbon, dred, curcd oar r treat- reserve space by Monday. y* Call ted p lan t - nthere wll be a table classlf- for the }gs panst, Mrs, Raymond Lyon, Entres n the cultural rat dvl- d l v l -< plant materal, artfcal rtlfdal M «- S. W. Smth, 733l5l , or The t ucatonal dvson " wll " * sale.n u of dred materals -for srt s ar- n re n charge of the muscal. son must have been grown by frut ( (remove leaves) ot r color- Slor- Mra- V- W. Nelson , 73W746, show varous book colfcllons cllons ran rangements.. clerks numbers. exhbtor three months oar r more, jn- a«,nts wll bo permtted tted un- " nqure slzo of spacc., for hortculture, flower show - - mwva T Jh e event.s the annual Parand named f known..., [ less otherwse spedflcd.. Acces- E December. Bpauty, arrange- sch school, landscapng and dsplays «ent-youth Nght for the stake. P F O R Y O U A NJ D F O R C H R S T y A S Potted plant classes nclude nclude. sores for backgrounds permt, pcrmllt me ncm a nche; 5 entres; ar- featurng objectves of Natonal &na] SLUMBER PARTY HELD. of State G arden Clubs F f l e r Mrs. Homer Schnell the Afrcan Volet, sngle crown, crow*, rangoment for a pedestal, ap- Councl conservaton brds, ant-lt- ntmlt- was hostess at a potluck dnner nnrncd. Sub classes are e sngle,. gecuon A ncludes classes for proxlmately 32 nches hgh, 5 as 1 - B r g h t : 1 Bny-coh)r.--Doube flowers, pnk, wreaths,, fresh materal domu cnt C l a > l a d S e p a r a t e s background, plate «< R» > e, blue,;ofcllj anj ; nanl a n wrcalh wh dry mute: m ; mult-color. /, ral domnant.. Plaques «*must m for Wr ngcwh and deco- r s. Vctor NelsQn, a ss ssted s t and senloglrb the U n"t by : Mrs. R. Mller. Mr<. H. L GU- Mssonary Church. A T W P f W F On Begona rhlzomatous,, fbrous, contan plant materal n tho de- Schnell, ** a y«nd otlwra. * r n.nrt , apan d b equpped for >r hang- han "Vnes, as hoya (wax P *"y plant) jng. Swags m ay bo predoml- )rrfomc dnner H 0 *T1 Y f B o M > nanllyfresh materlol and pre- t n d l e t b n s C l a n d ctus g ro m n pot urder! seven hches across: Cactus AcM n <*>7 materal. L E A R N H O W E A S L Y _ pot 7 to S nches. Succulents S es s as, n SecUon B, the theme dass, aloes. Jadeplant and stapella, "Magc of December, arrange- Drnnge- sam e tneasuraments as! cactus nents > predomnantly w h t e * (Ttfh Tpnterlnl domnant and Y , CAN G eranum rw lll be classed lased for dry rnaterlal domnant) wlll rbe scented leaf, j varegated ;ed leaf aganst dark blue background ( 36 nches hgh. Arrange* n s t a l l F l po o r T l e and flowerng klmls.. Classcs wll *b%set up for any > ments fcoturlng ono o r m or other-flowerng;.folage or frut- fnlt- candles and arrangements featurng weathered wood wll be " y o u -Jhghouseplant,,,.... y r o w n h o m e Planters under seven nches < atagw aganst ju-w hlte.back and seven nches o r jnore lore and ground 38 nches hgh, dsh gardens may be exhbted. hblted. A 24-lneh hgh whte backa n d a c h e v e p r o - Classes n secuon B,* B, cut t ground wll be provded for folbranches 15 to 30 nches long of towng 1 classes, arrangement nent cx- cx f e s s o n a l r e s u l t s! TU* KAM* t X X O mr m up m utcn zs rrthrsb, 9 a t 7 : 3 0 P. M, S...Tw n b a n d soo f f toud sold 14 Karat Gold t o... recall her toeddng tddng day. tcth a 7«-.. S t a r t n j g a t rous-synthctc-jtm s ElbFURNTtRE - J a t " mark the brthday o f e each of her cawrcn. \ v e. W., T w n F a l l s f l T h e g ft th a t caj captures forever, J H H O R O B L G A T d N. * th e mem ores yresshellnever she fo rg et CLASSES CONDUaED n d A v e. W U L T S O N L Y M _..BY.M R._ FRED_HWLTON,_ A rm r mth n g Reprasertalv* "How proudly alvuwor wear t! a glance, ead toucl N O C O S T O R O t ~ H FREE. w ll re J v e agan those o tmforgettahle on: moments of J L A D U L T S C P erdlelonj d o n e Wth Grt hoppness th a t are so 10 ntmatelj htlm a hers. Here s a gft " Wrappng ch, DOR PRZE atlle vrgnw ool separates to th a t every m o th er _?h w ll cher : L,n er8 h,...j0 C -eack -rn g -s-v - Foldrflpvrgem ly. jm bla M asterwork C n d v d u ally fashoned med to profle p one mother s own ons rng tru e. T hats w o o l - rd s t a t e P o r ta b le " agreat S(»l! Look what Pendlelo p a rtc u la r nem orm M... hc n lan p erfecto n her mawage, W famly, tradtonal tartans: versatle vlrgl. STEREO - mlxand-matchatwm.-foldrflom Creases hang avyay. Colons rng There s only one Mothers Rng. J t $ to dutnetve, w n be, svon to u m * rson atta attendng th * tl* n* at the peak of Pendlelonlan perf so mque, t has been en atcarde awarded V. S. Patent #186,193. ; atallaton ;; SM e. Atk for t by tme,, confrm, t by ts d enttg tag. :as.seenjn,mccars j n s J n L A r m s t r o n g. E x< c e l o n V n y l A s -, 5 USE OUR J tw Jwn»r2 n famly - W h l e, W e t a r r y a b j g s fl o cct l r-chh : -a llu TRADltON CONVENET 4 ;s,l J q t e s L d s s g n s J r L -+ -m W -1.--SNCE b e s t o s t e. W e o a y a * a y + v m SyFUKTm rure _ : : " - r M «V. - r V W * T»M> fcn» F R KEE-CL-JtSS E SSES - N F L O O R T L E N S T AM L L A T O N, NOV. 30 WED., N( BANNEbFU (J.. r.,.ta f e llo tlo h ne r e b e s o f e t o l o c o k b v e r - - < H e W., s. - y :.. t n - T. : f ta from ROPERS-jVea l f c T u fu m M f p K M c t < a b o a t o / 0 1 -

26 . S o c a l H e l d - A r j a f j p j p n r K T p SOnddy;. N ovem ber 27,,)9&6 Twrt~fAurfffg»New? r B y d a h o s B j s s R e v e w e d B y C ll u b C o n v e n e S s ,,., Dorothy Clayton and Mrs. Nha.- R o d e o C o w b o y s H M r s. P a s t o o r.castleford ca. Hosts for V. Murphy. mcmbcrs mem of the Castleford to h o s lodco cowboys.powsh* art P- P :. Th Theta Chapter of Delta Kappa., 5 Mrs. John. P AStoor revewed :wed noche Club wero-m r.-and d Mrs. Gamma ncludes educaton from.... ed tp ther boots and.dug out jjgwmgv J --Pl 4Qr. Del H u d s o n. Mr. and Mrs.Good Goodng. Wendell, Jerome and U e a d - r aga fm tle e-cllm t lmgy nx H U H Kttk pm ospy jan"tu " 5fen n * Eafl-H udson-and-m m mtttwrs: tt-m SR5s SRSsRffnK : or ther day long daho Cow- Cowboys Assocaton Conventon rentlon.at met a t tbe homo of M rs. Eldred { E lgh tables of pnochle wero were by a busness meetng conduct- the Countrysde F l r clu Club b Prcd rcd Hoclxlo-at the Gun t Club, Club., dessert was served, followed the Amercan Uglon Hall. Taylor. play ployed wth 4»gh przes gong ed b; by Mrs. Melba Rowland, Jon and rome.. -Approxmately 250 cowboys, An advocate of organc sar- to Mr.l. \ Ralclglt Senften w lves.-flwcethearts,and.jcoplo _ denng.-thf-j> uthor-ru a»a-n n FrUz-Bvbeer-and-low-prhea-to Frt -nth wno86 nterests loy-hn stoclcr n~3tock; a numorous manner, jncccnn m Mrs. Krs: Kcx Smpson and Joseph com t l r j yyar"fs~ nt eut tack and rodeo n general teral took a h New Hampshre garden. She Potl Potluck. and nnd Nature of Creatvty." Mrs. part n the cocktal hour, r Bll Vckers, Twn r fertlzers and composts to man-,?l Mrs. Robert Decker worf the Mu«Murphy presented the program Falls, tan good garden tlth. Gmwnr, wnr shoot-the-moon prze. sthe. le.next o" " subject. smor- rec recommenced the use of nhtural o rd and awards presentawas m aster of ceremones les at the margolds and chves wlh other meetng s aurdoy presentaton, and Mss Rodeo fdv fdwcrs n thc borders helps to.. ~ r daho, Roscmory Vassar, ar, Cald- dscourage nsects tbe author p v. 8001ALL7 CORRECT well, presented the awards. stated. U D e l t a K a p p a Mrs. Peter Thornton gave the Saddles were awarded to Lon- Lonne Wrght, Katnpa, all-around sec secretary - treasurers report. Gw Ca m m a - M e e ts., W a d n g cowboy; Harold Tcws. Mountan. Me Members dscussed varous B<r- - Mouhta gar* H om e,. bareback rdng; Bob den.books.and maganes.and -SHOSHONE.? M rs. Wllam......N V TA TO N S-.an d. - Juker; Buhl, bulldogglrg; vewed members scrapbooks Flavel wos hostess to Delta Kap-: Knp-:.. ANNOUNCEMENTS / Davd Erckson, Elko, Nev.. saddle kept durng the year. pa CGammo; lonorary socety :ely of t-the hostess. served refresh- rcsh- w>fn women educators,.s lstlng h e r 100 loo deolgns from whch to brorc rdlng;-_j.a.tn>.s_glbbs. :s_glbbs. =.W e n d tll,- b S ll r l( lln g ;- ; " R o bertr t wehu: We~neXl~rrldl!n8 s S n " wdjf re M3. Vvlu AHen Mrsr t huuusc. o Plues to ault "your Johnson,.Caldwell, calf ropng: potluck lunchcon Dcc. S n t budget auarant«ed workmaobhlp Donald Dorrs, Merdan, (cam the home of Mrs. Lyle Schnltkcr. V ropng, and Dano Elam, Eagle, The club decded to-provde the WU barrel racng. cost of the turkey. A # t cx- M change wll be held! l u l Buckles and hats were award ed.osecond and..thrd.place H H j H M P ersonalzad US USE TMES-NEWS WANT ADS ] wnners. FOR FAST SELLNG RESULTS j j T bw?8 w 1co Larry Brown. Goodng, lng, was... Weddng Booka Napkns named Rooke of the Yeor" Year* GET YOUR MtORTEO H and presented a buckle. Area stockmen rcccvcd trophes for - FRH sampu ON aotnst : top rodeo stock. The MC s, a local 1 country- DAHO COWBOY ASSOCATOf SSOCATON BANQUETT broughttogether together MW ary Vassar. Mss Rodeo leo daho, Caldwell, and Jm Sharp, S, T h e H fs o f d a h o western band provded cd musc chomplon cowboys fnd d mcmbcrs from throughout the stato a t C Challls. Saddles nnd buckles fkles w ere awarded to the top money rhon 7M4M for tho dance after the le awards tho Amercan Legon Hall. Amon Among hem were, from left, Jerry v wnners n each event. The M group meets m at tho end of each h rodeo " S G L O B E S E E D -, S BANK a THUST B M cyersrpocntcllq ;r arrybrownr**rookle r r y ot the"year; R o s«seasdh to honor thp top cowboys. (Tlme8.News photo) EXCE KEmONAL 600BE ALVALUESH BEAUrFK S! CHOOSE E FROM - Ul COATS! N l * - >-., - f a s h o n a b l e... u n t r m m l e d C C( o a t s.. V s m l u x u r o u s f u r t r m c o a t s - ; -..- t t - H - r a.... _. L M l c W wtr M B l 1 \ R l l W P f W v /?>. : % SSl> s n S f f. C T SfunhBSTnjBstfSQ Q llslk P S h B 1 K X * *! M L M. f j H 9( r*«* 1 L, J? y fflj...-- l l c j w... ".. G r e a t s a v ngs g s can a n t b e yours now a t th e Parsn downtown T w -h F a ls ddurlng.thls,o.utsla[c}ng5mt_eye.qt,_ u r g.tl La.t_eye.rt,. W o o lc o a ts..,...th,e*1 th,e,fn e s t of fabrcs, styled wth.fashlon-wlse =ndt-e v o ry colop-jmagnable;-n-tfnn sleh lf H tflm m ed : a n d u n t r m m ed e d.co c o jats.. ; szes 6 to 18. B. : l _ D o o r s - o p e n.p c f m anday ;-;. don t rnss_thls. g r e a t p rp -C hhrstnas.even. J..,, Charge or Layaway y at the Patts.....BUfMJree.gttra, /, - v?

27 ,r. Svndoy,.Nbv6mbw27/l964 r W F o l t m T en» ow a L J M r s / : Q o n s :, " S t. T o S p e k.. A t C l u b M e e t : --- -r y J g l f -. / P A R F le fcd Mrflr-G-l-«- [rs:r& l»-n Looms, Nampa, w ll bd th specal apcakcf for tho lo Novem- Novcm S S bar DeeUng/Ot.tho Town am M d - C o u n try /O rs U a n, Womfco au b. Wllam, m Bollor Bolton, ROBES: H m T T o l S - y f Kn rk TrU J o u a*boaotlf a*boaotlfolcollectlon~of X " quet5," and W a y n e o Corey r o y, short, blong, n and hostess V J J. )., young. Jerom s panst, wll pro vde spccal musc. gov/n, gov/ns, pro prced from up The event wll be held a t * 1 SuBeonrob SuBeen "robes-from J 395 up p.m. Monday a t tho Amercan Amerca).. r r **..... L e o n Hal. Reservatlbns mus fromthe. be- made wh Mrs. Earl Pear Ll nn Gg Ee rr E : ; soft or M rs. Melvlft Brooks. Ths-wll be the last meetng KATHLEEN RAE HACKNG lackno luxurous Fpasfel andwht# for 9GC. * * *.. flown, slps, pontlbs a n d D urlns the executve meetng n slppers f from -V assaretls. M rs. Bauscher announced L «3 th5 ; M s s H a c k n g, -tsm r r p Prleed, d fronf, 5.95 up nam es of tho new exccullw cpmmlueo nppolnted. b ry thtt T r b u l a S e t : n o m h a c o m m lte c. *. M r s Claude Ballard- s charman; W S d a n D a5 t e Mrs.- Dwght Osborne,. cohar* Mr. and M p- Byron J Hackng, j t f W r w 9 m an: Mrs. Harold Brooks, sec* secretary; Mrs. Wllam m Smpn, Smpn. gagement of ther daughter. Twn F a lls, announce a the en- *? treasurer; Mrs. Walter >r earson PcafsOD Kathleen Rae, to-davd Mchael Mhael :nnd-m rs.,dovjd Lemmons.spe; mons spe- Trbula, son of Mrs. Clarabelle. *, clal features;. Mrs. Pcrdttfl Perdtts Trbula S J R. Carman ond Mrs. Edward lunrd Rm Reagan, musc; Mrs. Dorah,Clucr, rn«r w r Twtt Falls Hgh School and a., -. Trlbulla s a 1982 graduate of hostesses; Mrs: Loy Vansklke graduate of daho State le Unver-.. n 1 the Lynwood and Mrs. Kelley.Thomason, r m a n employed atm tm cvey s - - food;-mrs..glem.mlllcr. pmyc [s.planned favors; M rs. Lee Danel,* pub- Shoppr l O p p n g Center lcty; Mrs. Wllam m. Sweet,...,,,, _t a b l e settngs: Mrs. Keth e t h M a r o a W o m lans a n s Strom,.decoratons:.M rs..,phlllp Brackenbury, prntng; f e K Mrs. C l u b O f f c e rs s Gwlnn Rce, prayer brunches,.and Mrs. Allen Bauscher. :h c T b book < S A r e E l e c t e d club FLER Mrs. Raymond nond Hep-. Advbers are Mrs. Jam es Post, m l ; worth wos elcctcd presdent esldent of T a k e y o u r C7 h r s tmam s g f t U st Mrs..Edward Krahn. Vrs. m s. Rce the Maroa-Womons Club llub at a t the Av and Mrs. Pearson. Tho new Elwood McCauley, McCauley. / J N v / commtce s n charge go of th? tho Mrs. Ted Johnson wos a s elecled elected m x a n d m a a tc h y o u r o w n mn e r r y n h a n d... a nd s h o p t h e P a r s Jr» January meetng. vco presdent; Mrs.. Lawrcnce. * *» Knlgge, secretary; Mrs. rs. Helen h old a y fa fo s h o n lo o k s f r o m, n M e L y n w o o d S h o p p n, g C e n te r fol> correspondng secretary,. S p r n g S h o w * h * g y njd Mrs. Wayno McCandless, la n d S e t W e d n e s d a y ARLAND w h le ~ 8 e le c lo n 8 ~ atre ~ 8 tll~ c o m p le te! ~ L o t8 - Mrs.reno-Chllders gave the. ~ " f /y \S > An advance.jhow lngotjthe & lotjthe nspratonal thought for the. Queen s Way sprng and supper ja y. Members voted to donate V 1SS7 fashon wf bc held ac 7:30 C t f J JANTZEN o f f r e e p a r k n g, to o! money to the Bolso Chldren s, V «p.m. Wednesday a t the 0 Holday Homo, daho-youth Ranch tanch and Mrs. Luclen Larerrere ere.wll Amercan Legon Chrbtm as S SPORTEAAPO» 0 head,the lls< of models ond»nd Mrs. K tn, scl :h showed Etfer Woodruff s hosless..... V.skrts, krts, pants an d to p s n_a... B "... Refreshments wll bo :«sldes of a European trp. Mrs. 0 served. Edth BuUer wa a guesf. jcsf. Mrs glorous ous arna rra y o f holday p astels >tels ~trrthe-new eat-9tyles} : M r s ; M l k s receved gfts. M rt.h arry Sharp asssted tho hostessn.servng n, servng msses m szes.,,, C l u b P r e s d e n t Tcfreshments. S w F L E R -- Mrs. Howard ra Mlls Mo Mrs. Leon Wrght b s hostess ee ate rs prced from upp was clected presdent of,r Syrnga s v S a thochrlstmas pouuck ck dnner Skrts prced from up J * C lubat he home of Mrs. Lorenzo Haley. whch wll bo held at t 1 p.m. Dec. 8. Mrs. Ma s co-hostess. :o-hostess.. M rs. Charles H art was M choscn chosen A Blt cxchnnsu wlu tbe a ftalur feature vce presdent; Mrs. Haley, ncy, sec* s e e <91- retary treasurer, ond M rs;joo rs;joe»» * Krepck. reporter.. Mrs. C. M. Rector and a M Mrs.. R e l e f S o c e t y - Claude Brown wcrc guests and Jrtrs.. Brown Jalncd tho club. g. 1 ;!!? L e s s o n G v e n3 - : M Members cxcharlgodthanksgv. hanksgv- SPRNGDALE - Thc le Cultu Jng deas and names were.redraw drawn n nj refnement lesson, "dcnls deals of A for tho Chrstmas gft exchonge womanhood n Relaton 1 to Home A w hld :ls-dcc..20-.at-th»jomc.qf»jomc.of ond-the-famlly. -was-prcsened presened Mrs. Paul Hash. /. _. at the LDS Relef Socety ety mcet- meetmes.,."4 ~..V Mrs. Hash and. M rs. «Fred ng by Mrs. Robert Francs. Webb presented the program. TTm Creatve Chrstmas deas." # She was asssted by Mrs. La- Mrs. Pen/!>YouDft was «rnhr«f cohost- fd Burgcss, Mrs. Ralph J K. West ess. Mrs. Norman Bennett and n d Mrs... Gareld Marchant. A muscal JEWELRY J E W E L readng was gven by Mrs. Don- M a r a n M aart t n aw AsTcr and Mrs. E arl-c fr c hrb- S ;: HOb Ss E E R y f o r t h e b u s t lensen. P d H e r l Mrs. Nflc bftwem nnnaunced mmncea GLOVES GLOV , su ub leen t - sze m s s : - a specal homemakldg day to be held Dcc. 13 at the *Ld LDS M Culture Hall. Mrs. John Peterson b SSC C AARFS R F n charge of actvtes. W BOUTQUE O U X q PAND!\NDORA- " Prayers were gven by Mrs. Ray Zollnger and Mrs.. BNorman. T TEMS E M SKRTS AND Bennett., H \ S o c a l E v e n t s _ J u s t arrved n a n array o f b rla l l an rr / f * - \ The study group of the Twn - Falls Musc Club wll m eet at p a stels.fbr rhe.chrstm as season! >asonl V ~ \ B:30-a:m;-Monday-Jn-the-Metho Sktrts-npl -n p lad an d so ld srpa an n ts tsr r... V r 1. dst Church Fresde Room. loom. * * *. S and d man any sw e a te rs.. l a l l to L e s s o n - G v- e n SPRNGDALE - The le Young - M j m m> mx and m atch. S w/eate eaters prced from r uup p ~ ~ ~ v ~ - - r e j l Skrts k rts prced from*9.98 up j p Marrlcds of thc Sprngdale LDS MA met at the nome of Mrs. J J f o C 1 y * -r V elveteensrcre Senarcrepea, " Horacc CoUrn for ther r lesson meetng. H O L D A Y * Tle lesson, "Human n Poten- V n a tal," was gven by Robert Frane Scholer / a f p els. Mr. nnd Mrs. Burke - - gave" the prayers and Mrs; rs; Don- o n -... a l d _ A s h c r.. w o s - n chargc ge.of. r c : V. *5 freshments. D REUSES E S E - thesybth e j S D l V / - lace, cotton ttton chffons, chll. all n th th9 a late at< st - m r * %. "n" styles and < colors..p H h * P rced fro m ju st - 3 r * up - j S ,. j szes JomCDRSM ASJ Asl - h n t s f o r y; o u r T W f f ] SK SWEATERSs r -k. JF F V JUM P SUT - J * AK>d ll* n u l l... Arold dls. Uw J 3 Jum p nto the "jum p sut" u t " c h crowdtlsboporuchxlf- n sleek, streamlned, all-one me fdsh* fdsh- \ u Gltl. CbeoM bom oar. J! _ on for sports, loungng, work, -j r - 3. Sewf t n stretch fnlrlcs. dou- j. ble - knt wool. cotton. Raglan j * «aa«t#* W t h ««L» r b r V J. sleeve; zp-front ] W *n>q U M ladknu& Dtfoc > M )(... Prm ed Pattern 9197: Msses Msses h.k *...Sxes Slze Sze M fc 3 - BEAUTFUL B E A U T akes.354jds. «-n. -. USE OU? S T Ffty cenu n cons for FREE GtET or each ; OR 90-DAY",. Y POSSBLE?. p altem add 15cenU for each W RAP, W y T CHARG CHARGE OR pattern for frst - class malng oonly n l y and-8k:clflnmndnngrsend to , G U R - G W g AT A T - TTHE h X y -OUR-GONVENENT O N \ y. SHS H OPP PPN G M aran Martn, Tmes - News-TDAhTtnM - *.Jtwuya>. luyo*. layawav layaway PLAN r DDAYS LEFT 395 P attern Dept., 232 West est 18th "RADTON. HA.PARS P A R S JR.. SL, New York. N.Y ;Prm LPrlnt SNCE. WJlNA FOR YOl YOUR GFT,. C TL T. nam e, Jjddress w lth Jp p,, se s. nxd strfe number. : 1 9,0. -f-slver m k SELEa SELECTONS. CHRSTM DHRSTMAS & d u 3vel Newl Wc rc e prourt proud. WATCHES rches j j p to. tell you th at ors s the only F all.w nter Pattern Catalog - -to Hjrng you over. 125 top de- *.Hgn8.:rPHSTfree-Patterr-Coupor - -MR0PH S PHES slylf a CaUk)& Send (,- V M -

28 ...;... ; -.V- -, - - ::7= ! ~ ;--- ; TT S»pdQ -Sup y,-n evem b«f2yr966-tw H 9 f frt wlrr tr F a U s M N a W r t f t a n d v ~ a = 0 H lep y tn d e f.. T r e C r FOE DR HM: 1 : B a r A c c e s s o r e S s. -,,» A N e w 6 e s t SSeel l l err - -r :» S ca a. l e M o d e l A An nt t q q u e C a r.-,. : "Hooy d( --. -enjoyed-tl a y d e l g h t s t h a t w l 3 t wll be / e d - t h F o u g h r t h e - y e c - U - ;,» H a rn d s o m e B o od k E n d s B eoa u t f u l C h e s ; s S e t s v ;.. V J. W A L N U ; rl LA AZZ Y S U N, $ J : * - C L A S S l C J - Ca N K DJ Dl U E. D S H w lt thb - s t c r n d a n d j -. - w a r m e r,, - n Vcc o p p e r, s t a n ll e s s -a n d d e c o r a t o r c o l o r s, $ a n d.. u u, p P L A C E M A T S - s e t s o r o p e n 1 s t o c k «. b A L A U b! uo WW L L S " S - a h d S E T S ; S A T N F N\ S H S Tl A N L E S S S T E E l LA H E R S a n d S E R V N G 3 P E C E S.. «C H E E S E - a n d, Cq R A C K E R T R A Y S - vys. ; - r - Q 1, 9 f ) u % f " C **»/ t s J - A S S O R T E D? C O F F E E M U G S. m a r t n SS E T S.., C R Y S T A L.., S T E M \ W A R E... H L / Paper Elegano jgance ; S H oosst te es s s E n s e m b l e5 s ;. Beautful Gft Books Dks W rr t t n g P a p e r - - A r t s t s o f t h e O l d W ; f o r h o m e m a d e g o o d e s - 1 V e s t : N e w V D dc t o n a r y o f k. T h o u g h t. S f t W r a p P a p e r P a p e r P l a t e s. a n d J B a g s -. -» -. W e ss tt e g H s t o r y - C o o k B o co k s x -. % V,. \ »... - *... * s (qr a g e C h ld r e n s B o o k s.,, 11 a g e s ). N E WV. P c t o on n " a nr d - - N o n F l c ft o n R A N D - M c NM A L L EV Y 7 - -,- W O R L D - GG L O B E. \ > / 5~~~rrT"T & T _. - "" ff ee Ss Tt v e h a n d m aa dd e E. ; :. D E G O R A T O N S. ;,... :<5!FT> BOOK - 1 j m W O Q C g O 0 K s - -= - ~ 1.x.....,..,. f c «r j 0 S E J O U JRS: R S ; W «eekdays e t lo rp.to 9 p. s S u n d a y. 1 2 n o o n t o 5 p.m.., ;, : r r

29 M -, m A m m r l y c g n g n a v o x r pf o R xf A B t E S p : So1d8Ut«Component rep lee lc e ttnlef l n a n d. W o r-b eh ef p T c to re j ftgm n yytmve m * n ect K r o n. beat (be prndpat caoses ansea oof f break. " 2 : seeo from a portable, even romm dstantstatoosl s T T j T S dowo» (0 dowo» to gre, 70tt magnucent t 2V 2 4 plctarea, plcto Kper}M.raper) Mnad and Ustloe rcuabulrt ElegantWOODcaso ocfnehardwo o solds: - So <f»et»nt-uses tes less leas power than a small lghtbulb.-saves b.-saves you botn add5b«add beautytoaoyroom />nj}r0 wptomkmcqwjlyl tv.r/one power and servce costs. Pctures and sound come on wthout bx annoystate components compor u u t,«-... \ L. nb tube warm-up vup" delay. depepdsble-so1d*stato are suaranteedsyean;othe!syears; 6ther parts 1 yearreplaced.d bby y u!d s f de» fm l» Hgns! H h esl-re la b llty -a S sored d ;ljy_ ;V _ fal] ll-tra n s- b form n n err powered chasss a a d : exclusve Space-Age Sp develop n normal alu8e.freelaborflrstyear, use. /. B c a R«VDfoflonaYAstrD*Son Rrtro*Sone Stereo brlng yoo lh«* most m ert baul bautlful tnw le yovtn ever feardljfnn? S parformance from glorous gloro Stereo FM. nose-free, ee, drft-free Moneral FM, plus powerfuhamsold- 1 1 : * State Rado; 2CMvatts 3-watts undlstorted musc power. Because hl{ hshest-reablty sold-state components r S H S H replace tubes and nd heat; t they re guaranteed 5 years,pther vars,pther p parts l year-replaced by us frlefectlvo n normal use. We also provde free servlca for days. Model Mod 1-T579, wth Gldng Doorstoooncoal. E TW onderfuly com pact ad space-sav* s, ;TVseroenwhQnnotnus n not use. n beautful Contempora poravflnefumtture., fne f ng Model 2-S342 has two o 8 " ex>. l l... n te n d e d range_speakers eakers wthw coaxal ONLY. tw e e te r. The comvpact cabn* cabnet s only > - -r V 4 5 " L. VJ". D, 11" 7 " H. n beautful T h t Rl b gl lt t o Model 2-A 392 n bbeau M u tfu l; W alnut., Contem porary fn* fum lt hhosc m.,, H o u r s : -Co: Confemperary f fl P MONDAY THRU VdeomoHc nrodfl J THURSDAY 1-T335. A lo avalable n f c l J l - L 9 tn 5 ;3 0 S b e- bebutfful-cooalrwet a u t f u "," k l l H FRDAY AND l! F r e n c French h Provncal styles. ~ B H f l S SATURDAY Your chl cholct M W - 9a.m.tl9pj l VM AN N A. V E., E A S T, -. AFTER. _ Gldng tep panels g mos» convenent 11: Decem ber 15th aeeesa fe reou paye end en dontfot, l g - M r t " -= = wthout-dstufblng yburdeeofath»-top.vl,_... - ~ T ~ ~ r 6 y E N~EVERr~ ; c f < e t8 c c e u o rm * r" rr, ~ rtttt- tu. 9, T sbeautfully Captu jj MACNAV MAGNAVOX **»* **>» eomplete mplete lelee selecton o f furnture stylet n aucltotne cntertann Dntertanmcnt products ;.. and many models. n M odern Frcnch ProWndDr MWcdjtcrranean odto,.., ard talan Provncal rnelal Styllngs. Wfflj C a p t u r e d h D a n h f M Msgnavox-ASKO e B ASTROSON STROSONC S p M v E m 2 4 V * p PCTURE c t u r P l p - l f P» B» T u b ale t T1 V " m o d el! f H M S d f l f f B l A360swonc wonderfully com* 4 ) n ly P M W p act set or moble-complete mobl wth T-226 mol moble cart, yet f C [1 S B f l l p ea rfef e c t fo r sh J e lv e * o r tabes,.too. bes,,too.. n j $ 2 2 Stownn W T H C A R T 5 S WTH! $22950 J l-cp6061drty2-h«l«. S e l e c t f r o m J b e s e J b e a u t M ff B ty le a., rr.fln* f a m ltm -c b - ~ T l MAGNy l A A G N A V O X A L W A Y S B l R N G S Y O U P E RF F E a P C T U R E S - A U T O M A T C A L, Y... D A Y O> R N K G H T! Exclusve Vdeomatc latc m akesall-plcture adjustm ents for you o u - elecltoncally, contnuously always perfectlylc hrom *291 absforovarsoracordt. V Gldng top panol panal open span lo rccord A A ptsyar ond all conlrd Wthoul dls* - X M K *" "8 y"" r to p -K t deeoratv* d B H -omatlc Optcal Flter - m V 1 K cetsorn.oth0rttylm. Othar atylm tu o aval* _ adds superb_plcture_dcplh re.depth ar and dm enson-rrelm nates th e cause.of.eyestran,-. Oth«r_extra- b«r_extra-value..features_nclude: jd e: extend-range extend* J tu*. Uod«l,l>Rf> RP620. speaker;,tone control; trol; channel channt selector wndows. Also avallab avalable wth TOTAL Remote Centre O n tro l, com plete w th moble noblle cart. ~ ~ " f c l E Z Z : J Y o u r $ Q 5 C r n«w«st> TT«W«stmert-l-T12<l, n rfct Natural turalwalnut- CHl C h o c e.. : fnlth. 19* dlagonl measura tcrsen. S B 1 7 P e r s o n a l * The Sun Valley model M Vaagr g n a v o x s t h e fn n e s t ; b y a n y J - 4 ; t - 1-T119 ) w th H 141 sq. n. *, cc oo tp ltlpa rs o n... y ebt t c o s ts t, y o u y m t o o w A. 198" : W screen, hgh-performance hgh-perft 3 n o mtk o re t h a n o t h ers r! 1 Your our famly d e s e r t h e beahtr-tv. a-trwgnt r-ft-megnfloentr \\ _ telescopng dpole anten- _Magnavox.-Yougetallthe-advanced-fe«Maonau dvanced-features ~ { 17-:- na;"c6m~plcte H E! M w[ th!!! f e 2 3 J ; m o s = r \ r ~ b l l e c a? t : above, plus Automatt Pcture ands and-sound. Stablzers; tablj telescopng dpole art artenha.. «11 e % tk Beautlf Beautful slm, space-savng lg case s wonder*. wc fuhy practcal or shelves, tables or ables-or n book*" l o90 m cases. 1Truly, an deal second setl l l f a # WTH CART ( All Screen :reen Sxes Szes are Dagoral H j [ 3 H T l g d 9 o -! Sotc Sold S M e Stereo Features e> Thrllng Stereo FM Drft-free anc and nose-free Monaural FM<* Se* lectve AM Rado, too 15-W atts ur undlstorted mu$fc power er o utput M ultple Magnavox hgh fdelty speakers Separate,contnuously varable Bass and T reble c controls W e cordally nvte you S to Ssee and hear 6 demonstraton of these all-nclusve-famly entertalnrhent tertanrhent centers, todayl U,. > Bg jppcture lrtu r 295 q. n. P o n en f, * rectangul rectangular TV *** «n *»SoUd*SU! SoUd*SUta Sterto FM, Kbnanra] FW/AMPa FM/AM Rado TVol2*BanW oofan wp poo. gcwwbecorlww Vro loooqrctotmlfkom*... M H M m t - f t ; - T T

30 aucton.at the HUlslde R elpen e e n w hch w ll b e th e cuo s w u u a. M., da u] b meetng a t the borne w m e of Chr C h r ls tm u p a rty. V -. S c h e d u l e d F or r \. Re- j. Mrs. n George Erhardt wlu ll be b e. - r. * used-to-purckase-sheeta>f6r*the J S - v G r o u p - L e a d e r s T M nversaryobsenw D M Tt *.1 daho Youth Ranch, Rupert S e lfof O R F S E G U l l. Plans are beng made le for an the loop 4...a lw ay tranng, sesson son tor for leaders; of Blue Brd and Camp PnsentaU on_ot «25-yer vet-. F ro groups n Buhl, Wednes ; erar.jew el:w as,nade by M Mr«.» dv.-thm tft{f-of-<h»-twtoall«wln-jpalls - Ve VeTOal Jones M rs. Enm Emmaa J...Councl offce, Mrs James vvan- a n -.-denbark,-executlve dlreolorr«nd ctor,-«ttd -,read.j.a_trlbute_o.hcr._jjr9> l l M rs. Dorothy Peavey, -fek Floyd Clevengerreceved aglft.1 feld H,. from worker, wll present the le classes. as parlam entaran tor the Re- M erl* N orm an" & *Normqn" -N orrnqn" be. wth the asslstonce of Mrs. Ar- Ar* bekah Assembly next year, and s also nternatonal area rep/e- p - ; ; ; - thur Duncan, tranng g chalr < M ntatlv9 for the lara. Mrs. va. H For,«v«ry mon end man, and-several experenced perleneed fheupbach receved a -gft as H ;...woman on vour. a\u ; leaders, - 4 last years lodge d eputy.. H 1_ ltl S«e th wld* loue- The openng sesson wll be v J B Offcers nomnated. nclude m H "* le Moh, ond.yoo eon ry V. Orrmo» Cerdt< -. on general nformaton pertaht* pertan-. J k Mrs. Wse,, noble grand;.m rs. ChHtmo OttofDllMW. m ng to all groufs. The flm-strp, llm-strp, b«lo«you buy." Glt, Lon Lo> Lawson and Mrs; J.T. SMnNd Condt K l J. T. MA. AND The Open Road. * wll be [) MRS. ELVEH. BERRY,» mu ond rndlvlduol «o»-.! A s v. Bn Brady, vce grand: Mrs. Alfred, - c C., nl.rpl.c. - * 1 1 (Dudley photo), * hown. Phlosophy and purposes purtx>ses.u malle e n d tolltlrft, %tt Ralls, secretory: Mrs. Cleven- of Canp Fre Grls, and rela- rela*. ger, fnancal secretary,.and, *. * tom ft glorloosholl- C«tlouhp wth the Natonal [onal 0 Mrs. Russell Jacpbsen,..treasur-: A m e n d m e r t s aanlaton.-wll be dscussed. llseussed Rr < o g e r s o n G o u p lle - * Councl events of.nterest terest to Offcers wlu be elected.at t t h the «A r e E x p l d r e d \ / \. S anltd Soept all groups wll be explaned. Dec. 1 meetng. W l l O b s e r v e N E W! ; CottuM J«w«tqr _! A L_l_p.m,_thB_*C58lonwl)l. slon wll Program lu m b e rs ncluded eluded ffl E R -M rs. Robert Nelson. W t l md.ceummc -. open wth sngng of BueBlrd -tho o se-p resen ted -b y -t-q u rtet; A n n v e r s a r y _ _ - V V O N S - [ \ Svn Falls, presdent of~th~e and Camp Fre songs. The rhe plau plftu Jerry Dean, Wlma Corr. Leann League t>. of Women Voters, e.x- a Mmlcuro f* H of musc n the entre program Wa arren and Bruce. Anderson. n >> 1 J :V An open house wll be held ~ " M erle N orm an. lerson. planed the amendm.cnts.whch ~ BKoldt W wll be dscussed. The Th Theta Rho Grls performed lormed wc c re voted on n the! general g w eral to celebrate thc Golden lolden French Parfum. *..B.7* oth ofml toudor m Members wll then dvde vde nto a drll honorng the Ret»kahs. ckahs ele elecllon to Woman s Socety oclety of Wc Weddng Annversary of Mr. Blue Brd and Camp Fre n- lt* and am a mem ber of thetf group, ch Beautful FREE * Chrstan S e r v c e, members, nembers. and anc Mrs. Elve H. Berry. Rogerterest groups. Blue Brd tran- tranng wll covcr the entre tre pro pro- selectons. se Mrs. Nelson.,. The open houc wll be held Ka coger-, WRAPPNG aren Short, played two pano Mrs. " Jaco b Tolk ntroduced mroduced son. - gram for ths age level. nmeetngs, : Theta Th< Rho- Grls wll have nve a m Robert Gbbon, pastor Mr. and Mrs. Glcndon D. Berry, ncludng contcnt of t was announced that t the thc» Glbert DcKlotz : present- fro: from 1 to S p.m. at thc home mc of balanced program, calendars, specal. ntaton Tuesday.. fr of (he Twn Falls Methodst 160 Buchanan S U Twn S Falls, : / < servce projects, home ne lore, A potluck dnner preceded led the rh church, who a d d r e s s e d the All relatves and frends ot the campng, feld trps, partes and, group. Ruth McDonough ;h wflsn Wfls la couplettre.lnvlted to attend..mo Thc f Merle Norman Cos games., and choosng! h t. group D A pcm o TO THE * V gjjj E MUSC.ot, Alas DeVres u d hla charge of the busness meetng, {Mg. u u p le requests no gfts, aames < -M.1 u orchestra are,t. aod M rs. LeonaM Leona Holst, Twn Falls,, durng, MRS. BARNES FETED The t V a n d g f t refreshrent table fble.was N M r.and Mrs. Berry were mar- Camp Fre tranng 7 wll "* n- the Regmental CommatuJera raader j Ol Offlccrs Ball a t the Holday S f f ; 0 - M«- R- R. -c. covered o wth a lace cloth :loth and red re Dec Jn Decatur. : Z : V rclude-an-explonaton-of-ranks -m tn -tc -H o ls c rte -e x e cutve-offce M tlve-ofh cer-of-l-troopr-twln-fallb Fall* Barnes was honored a t o party centered wth a n a rrangemcnt ngement ll., and came to daho n ahd honors, natjonal projects, 11 Speclal guesta for the evenng jvenlng were w ere,m aj. Gen. andm rs. George unheom v,, e-orm rsra -dae-snnth Sfnthof 5f" fruttm rs. Paul HasT lash and TheyKaTeTcsded TTu lh"rogers5n erson man Cosmetc Studo-1... outdmr.lore and symbolsm. mbollsm.. Bennett and Col. lud-m ud-m ra.-j.-jam es S. Brooks all.bose. by members of her Bble class, Mrs. C. G. Thomas Breslded at for 24 years! They have one J son, \UD GFT SH O P... / Tho latter subject wll 111 cover (met-news photo). wth Mrs. Elbert jw son n snd and the thotea and co tfe% seces. seces. Glendbn D r e r r y, anb four S. Na. Phon* background of symbolsm, sm, uses -», M rs. r Mare Lawson as hostess- Mn Mrs. Della Coates a n d Mrs. Or- grandchldren, n t h e program, choosng es. Mrs. Bam es s teacher of vlle vll< Sackett were members mbers pf of V names, ames and makng sym- j e d X C h a p t e r. tho t class. the thal tea commttee. USE USl TMES-NEWS WANT ADS " * S e p la «has tentatvely been L u n c h e o n H e l d ~ - r f " -set as Wesley Hall. Those jose who.. can sw y all day are asked to Assocaton. 3X Chapter; Delta. Kappa brng b sack lunch. A nursery nurs?ry, Go Gamma, nternatonal honor lonor so-. for small chldren wll be provded. < of thc Oregon Secton, Amcrl- for lo a lunchcon.meetng z at the Anyone nterested n any nny < con Campng Assocaton, on wll Rogerson Hotel. The luncheon lunchcon,, > y pro- The Southern doho Dstrlct Dstrct cc cely for women teachcrs, crs, met m - j. part of the Camp Fre re pro- have a meetng a t the Holldav Holday tables wcre dccoratedwlth wth au> au J gram, whether a leader r or not, not. ] nn Frday and Saturday ac- flowers... A t sw elcom o-to-attend.- - cordng to an announcement sment by M] rs. Paulne..Stroscheln, len, Abr. A. T t. 1Rev. Don McBrde. Jerome, cn crdcen. state presdent,. was a, presdent of the Southerndaho sp specal g\est. She reported on W o r r e n P r a sl e d Dstrct. th( the ncrnaonal Conventon f, fl u, The openng sesson wll bcheld n Cleveland, Oho,, and on? > -. v - nr chances mnde n thc socetys \ f e -. - D u r n g L o c a l, gn at 8 p.m. wth dnner. t o n Thc m consttuton. She urged d mem-...- V - f l Saturday meetng s.at 9 a.m. O f f c e r s B a l l bers C. to attend the Northwest lorthwest \ % The subject wll bc a revew cyew of Regonal Conference set for X A % Contnued From Page RC 25 the past y ears c a m p n g j y jgg7 (n Anchorage, je, Alas-. - James S. Brooks, all Bose, lse, who < throughout thc varous 5 groups lu,. were all ntroduced by Col. El- rcprcsoned..._ncludng._.slldcs 1... sldes canddates, Mrs. Shrley _ T 2 S t -, llott. and/or moves. Nphrbass, Twn Falls, and md Mrs. 5, S,.. Featured speaker for the evenng eve- Anyone nterested n campng Mary m Slaughter, Kmberly, ly, were " \ «ws Gen. Bennett. He also for youth s welcomc r to at- ntated nto thc soccy.. gave a trbute to women, cn. Cm- em- tend. Reservatons arc requred.jh c December meetng s s a...a v phaslng the beauty and cle- ele- for the dnner meetrg:! ; cal.dl- cal,dl-jont jol meetng wth Gamma. > gance of those prescnu :nu He rcctly, to the Holday-lnn- or to Chapter, Burley, and wll be stressed tke mportance.of the \ e wo- },e offce, of m ans role-, n the lfeof ench each cjrs., 73M214. Camp Frc held he: a t the Burley nr Ponderosa..SHrosS offlcer*-wlth-hcr*tolennctf-and :nce atu - endurance of the demands ds made on hs lme by the TOnsts NalonS : Guard. The-nvocatlon-was-glven-by jven-by ThereVDOUBlD O U B L E - R E W A R D Col..Armstrong.. After dnner, guests danced to the delghtful musc of Allen. De Vres and hls orchestra. wth an occasonal guest appearahce?earahce ot one of the muscally nclned offcers. f o r Y O Uu -. - Reservatons were made ladc for the nght n Twn Falls ; atd ahd return to ther homes the follow followre- 5 T V..V ng day. Approxmately 200.pernnun of f- M C u l t u rre e A v sons attend the evcnt- Ths fs the >elghth nnnunl fcers party hosted for offcers ll of the 116th. Ordnarly ry ths - j a L socal s Teld one evenng cnng n n e l a l e t t o l M C areer - June durng annual feld!d tranng a t Gowen Feld, Bose: se: Snce 1. lslnleresllng, "ng, Unu tran- S n B B S m Q the men w ere assgned 10 to el;hl eght J p? M nusual and a n d d s t n c t v e c a n d t % J dgnfed, days n the feld durng the y «V -» / lost sum m er encampment. ment. t \ y rew ardng waa not possble for such ch a so- sod a! to be held. j n the lves of from all l l o0 v e r t h e z w%k o r l d v 2. lp o ts"eau y. The attendance and support,. n. d. e s others. of ths socal were overwlelm- erwhelm- -J ng. and t s antcpated that Beouty la m trk o fourlh loro* ths tradtonal ball be nea held annually durng tls tme o( Ot year. n Krenge an- dunry. t cfu n olmo»t llmlllew fourth argel end fetlb.growng n mott llmlllau opperttunlllt n o wld«va>lay el good payng lylng poltlen. m g e ls, c a n d l e d e p t. Btauty Cullur* tratnlng nng t la lla k«y to profalonol luccsu :. _ n llt vot. nsrotllng. Hng. dlgnllld dgnlllfd end rewordng proutlon. M r s. P u g m r e. Beouy A> ha b«*n t*n lupptylng lupptyng lelont wllh hghly trolnad "j # 1 1 THE SPRT T OC F Cl CHRSTM A S s embodled b o d ed n th s tr e e. f O \ S " d a m e te r prsm candle 6" tall, Uoujelont lnca >937 ond end mon mony hovo lucceful hop el * # sh a p e d c andle d w th re d d e c o ra to n s, w oodon ooden bab se a n d V. / a nce. n c e. m agnatvely.w rapped, th e n X o n d u c t s M e e t,. hcf ownl sp an g les. Burns s 1lO 0 0 h o u rs. 1 6 " ta ll., $5.(M $5.QD, th e ChC h rstm as sc e n ts. A pproxm ate HAGERMAN LDS.Relef S.R elct 1(1 Ot tell end thow M you voo whot yc your futuro eon b»._co( n 1 ;. / o r E A R t V PLG G RM S fo u n d -th B tth eb ayberry jerry.b -b u sh.p ro d u ced P. ptle _ $ _ e t y was conducted bym rs:...bna»«b*ooty nfhvmaklnd. >~tk*"mokln(j. Thtro no ebllgotlon, of a b«rrv wth h a scentc e n t th a t entced th e sprt. plrlt. Now a C hrst- - / «Marlon Pugm lre" a t the*xds eo«r»t.-w*-fov* g fow Uw cholathl cholorhlp evflllobl for Novmb*r «1 7»" p PYRAMD, com es n m SS-trhdton on th s tb a y b e rry c a n d o wth -g g re e n mn atchn g ( 1 1. ) a 6 varety tall. V ery sta te ly a p p e l Church, wth Mrs. Nets s Ander- Ande. ond Danmbtr. holder and gold deco rato n. $ a n y hom e B eautful com bnatons o appled by c raftsm en. A lso )ped, avallablt th e m any acen ts ncludng son and Mrs. Ethel Boyer n , n \ MLK G LASS S candlc a n d le.h o ld ers n E arly Amercan J 5tyle by candfe candle $3.50- proxlmato burnng tme 72 hours charge of the musc. l O. / F ento n. D stnctve stylng n th e h q n d m a d e tradton, tra< o f - Mrs. Verl Dxon, stake Relef, Fenton. $ each. e a c h, c a n d le s n o t ncluded. n 0 1 bbayberry a y s GOBLET w th Sflcl6n5«esrde!5trGo5dffgrSfa ffn lla V -- T S C C R t O l W \ - W f7 -\-D E C O R A T EED D *H -H U RFR C A N E-w th-w hto»ww roughtlron-petalt u g h tr < - L L 4 D d n a M v erry arety Ch of colors to en h a n c e l_ O d L contaned_the.ron.-b bnatlons ayborry-6 of colors th a t e ra h a n d Mrs. Barbara D u rfe e,-s ta k e H. bbso Wth Ba TOe d d-car c a n d lb n crystal- g lass SS chm ney; C o m es $ homemakclcounsdor»_goodlg, _ y m d R - WS E ; Beooly so avalable n 1 2 " h eg h ts wth a sprg g.of red bfc e rre s e n d holly. 83 hg h., $ / O 1 \ TNY T Y TWST HOLLV WREATH. Bln were guests. Prayer* were gven C \ ELEGANT, SLENDE D E R, sold color gve rbb etter e r llgh lght. Large w > f / enouglo u g h fo r brdge ta b le and per - by Mrs. Fred Zellar and Mra. selecto n o f colors, 1: 2 " hgh. $ Also avalable avalak n 6- servng ta b le n m ultple th u M se. erry Con C h rstm as e n d th e U da Anderson,. s o v r o t G M - * *!..., nch a n d 9-nch heg e h ts. :" ;; tws candles. c $4.00 " B ayborry -scontr-b eautlfu -g reen Mrs. Verda Wood gave theso-?* - Arts f A 1 SN O BALL CONDLE O N D t h a t b u rn s 4 0 hours o u wth a w arm ejal-relatlob tesson. Tn h«e Sen- 1 O F w t O. / gfdw. E xqustely lstely de e c o ra te d, n.a h a n d m \ COTTAGE r o T T LAM P ta k e s ts place e rdsom e style snce ( 4. ) atlve Lne, remndng women e a c h o ne h a s ts dec e corato n ap p led entrely by h w,t h hl«en t t ta k e s on a new look,?eath, decora slm and graceful. S m all n t l r o l y b y h W.,.that they share n the respon- CS So m es. n red.or g reen. $ 5 e.0and perfectly su ted fo r th V : # 7 \ SC EN TED SNS N FTER m a k e s th s can d le la unusual. u al, t burns B_use. C om pettt w th 1 2 * tn y ;- slblllty of makng «good L mar n e Thursday meetng g lath s the e 135M ANW WEST, 1TWN. FAUS or snfter. ts place 88 a g ay h o lday;lght = "HJAMdemy W /. 70 hours. Spreadnt s p a d g a delghtful p n s scent. Wl When the f l ; ) l CHRSTM AS APOTHECARY nroo " c a n d le s b u rn e d th te re rem w n s a. h olday cocktal sh a k e r U O J f A m ercan m otf. B u rn s 6 0 h o u rs. P lterature lesson # a \ TW ELVE NEW JEW SCSS C E N T S n 3 " p rsh can d les. All th e as- (16.)\ GLTTERED TEA RDROP ook. n dred ecora b te d n folagb w reath.. 1} t o * sen ta ells h a v e bee e n m p o e fro m -F rance.-l r.n c «ergt» spced.-g old g ltter e n h a nj.oo c e s. th-. e rc. «. voroty K S.J o t colors a nd d scents. e n 3 hlgh wth approxmetely ; 3 6 bum - ; arj:8ndos. $1.50 each ARY n red o r "green w th early - ng hours. $1.25 TplA M ln G PU D D N hths o u rs. dec Pne r bay b erry sc e n t. T : : GVE SVE ya-lght FXTURE FXTL Q \ R O P E TY PE E Candle andles a v a la b la ln R e d j o r GreslT reeftw th at- (T 7 ) ously u l fra g ra n t of p n e,o r bayberry T. J tra c tv b g lltte tter. cc o m e n 8 " e r 1 2 h e g h ts wth burnng ta abw b le v» n red b r g reen scente d and th lo ts o f c h eer. n pne re tlm a fro m 6>55 to h o u r s. $ nces the rchness of thee-popu* FOR CHRSTAAAS FAAAS -,.. THs d e c o ra te d candle, dellck r bayberry W r lght th e holday n pne re d e r bay b erry g re e n. L y s l e K e t h s. :ng sym* Meetng Slated X /ely been For Campng Lj House.... L g h tt n g F x t u r e s o f D ss t t n c t o n -, 1B86 86AADDSON D AVENUE EAST ndakou5>m«n4or.>hn M*n4or.>hr«.Md«y t)so o.mf. S>30 p.m.t-sotml<fy.m.t.salurday s,10 o.m!. too M*-.....,.-; ;... p T J o u tr T y p C l.. ; Chrstmds nds Store dc DOWNTOWN and ~u. a n d L Y N W O O D

31 v o u o v n o n. ACl. w ucn csao*» proaucu productton,.populaton. tends J B b U abo FblhGaw D epartm eot. today. but gone tomorrow. Th«. ent ftu n rb feeln g p «n d a? ~-rr,: 7.- Three Congressonal Acts es- bhes luhes a 1 system of natonal ml* * and an kll statstcs. M an ajet «BOSE-A of. ducks Or t t nm ay be. 5wo, weeks before»re tabllsht tabllshed federal cesnslbjlty )jlty gratory brd sanctuares; and y>ple Je» and-autbofty- to manageand -and <9)*"*ne M luatu Dtx~lont- d o c k s B ~ S t e S 5 5 c o u d s e e m 9 to S S t l e, a t the Deer Fla Ut protect m l to r y waterfowl rowl ng Stamp A c t c h requres s ng grounds and are avalable ble the brec breedng stock avaoabe to 9 r strke tsponsve. chords deep Refuge p»hm bt southw ntem daho. These are (1) He Mgratory ttory all pene r y a over 16 years of age e for tbe next t nestng season. HoW low begn beg tl the net..annual. e. W nsde e v e, not just those At such Umes they loat along B B who crowd loto blnds and w at the.waterway*» and duck shoot* " p m U H vrlth wth decoys, guns and dogs for { «B j dark shapes to eone slantng!, : 7, -. -S0 g a g a g a M«wy wf rfn«lr ow* m S r r r a a bandlg **««** by state aad~fede»l ~ 0 B K of wld geese n a sto m at t manageroent a g e n c e s B H nght, awaken buman feelngs SS of that < waterfowl mgratons S B B restlessness that bave no easy fouow farly, well defned paths 1 B M explaoatloa. Nether age nor )rsex from b reedng-grounds-nthe j M g n has anythng to do wth t Men, north to - southern wnterng women and youngsters. who areas. areas, Out of ths body ot facts M have never hunted ahd prob* has grown the recognton of!»? down-ocbef-tfae-murk. = D o c B w th r w n s - o, w N % o " o ably never wll hunt, can stll gener general flyways." >Waterfowl M fee] the strong call of the wld, manat management now s carred out H t holds ho a promse to lft ol who on the bass of.these admlnlstro* 1g y BBS wol- woufouow out of the routne jutne tlveu Uveunlts. humdrum of ther doly btes.»«s. Occasonallythe occt boundares of [ T S H O P P N G S P RREE E E Yes everybody wants to go tho th«n flyways are altered, based 9 fl whferc thc wld g o o s e goes, q- on refnement of bandng data. - JM W#eK-by-week,-counu.of-<rucks 1 TW s-occurrcd-rccentljrwlth-tbc M -PLUS-JVANY-$50-SHO P L U S rshoppng-sprees-r- EES H j 1 «w. and. geese on 10 waterfowl * conswtch of those portons of Montana, Wyomng, Colorado and B l centraton areas n daho arc of TOE TRADE DOLUR lr " Whch vblch was ssued from 1873 natll S»»t5 equal nterest to hunter? and 1878 WU for g tneral drcubtlob llatlob.. n the b te r 1800s the standard dard non-hunters alke. Box scores New Mexco lyng west of the co!r*for-tr*d6-«lth -tb fr-o r-.orlent reot- was-tbe-m excan- pcsa-and~ n d - aretesra-ftvery-wa n ednetday r a s Contlnenlol-Dvlde from -the- - f H J A S y j L l T F U N - - bccatue-they rttaaed tbe le Amercan dollar of that tme» tbe by tl the daho Fsh and Game Central Flywoy nto the Pacfc. PENNY-WSEDRUQSTORECALC ECALDWELL, NAMPAANDTVy k AND TWN F A L S heaver Trade DoUsr was staed. ssued. f(tlmes-news oto) Department because of thc 1C dcr All! dahoans, whether hunters v C , mand. Many newspapers n n the or not, ore nterested )>rlmarly t 4 p.m., fo r 4 W M ka atertln g N ov.»v. 19, 1{ 9 6 6, a n a m e wll b«e draw n a t each atoret fo r p H ~ ~ { state prnt~ue counts-for ol the n n the Pacfc Fyway. t ex* M T S$ 5J 0 MS h o p p n g S p re e. T he 3 w eekly >kly wnt nners wll auto m atcally cally becor ecom e elgble.for concentraton areas, o r ot least tends from Aloska to- South sng S p re e to b e draym a t P sn n>ywse y w lse D rug S to re n N amn pa, daho, on.s aturday. A j A summorlce the results. Amerca, wth boundares reach* d ATYOURPENNY-V rhe w n n er wll be gven a $ 1 0 0>0 0 ShopplnE h o p ; S p re e n th e Pennywle Pennywlc S tore of hla M F The Man lomy Box \ j : Ths fall a vast mass of polar ng 01 out of Hawa and Sbera lw *X l Each.SatKdoy ot 4 p.m., fo ar froze down through thc! pral- on thc the west, ond the Contnen* ex* S K& t h e w nner of o.$ < re regons of Canodo to ) rng tal D! Dvde on the East. t n- j l «5p a0 rashepp t* d raw ng, only co u p o n s dlepoalted th a t w e e k wll b«e allglble. allblble. T l* c o n t! J H BY FRANK A N KSk H E L L ; luth th e $ S h o p down the curtan on tho month eludes Alaska, tho Conadlon <n l lywlae p n g Semployeo«{ p re e thelrfam lllea or advertsng advoh a g en ces. ofoc October and blast morq ducks Provnces Provlt of Brtsh Columba, Ch- K n l O oc. 17, T h e w nner.... ood and jgeese southward Albert fla V J a choce. A lberta, Yukon, a porton of U l F rst letter th b week comes chants ch who checked them to 11.0,118 j},, push was two weeks M«cK MacKenze Dlslrct, ond *1n- the E f l E a c h w eek la a Mr p ayour ra t* dra COUPON N A T PENNY-WS W E j from Mr. J. D. R., Twn Falls, make sure they were genune..nune. earler than normal. Last year s Amercan states lyng on and reads: have the follow- A great many of these dollars lo dqq lan thc, B 3 n o t open to-pennyw»a omp date wos Nov.-3.-Butr-lhat fflll tfa ll we slope 1 of the Rocky Moun- K ng odd cons whch would traveled bock and forth between flphj pattern ajnugh d ho p d e - : S lllf* tn fnow th». vnlu»-of_flt tbc the Unlted-States ond tho Orent veloc >2-and any) ond who (t anyone) mght a j greot mony tmes on the B Clp* ap * 1B83. b83. t peaked out the last ;week. GET YO l -bo-1ntcrcsted:-(herelfollowt-ft ows-ft po pcr-shlps Y out-con-m ust lst be of-december bccause the-blrds -brds P l o l c - a, M - P R E S T O * f f lst or 2 cons from Hong Kong, pn( pne of these. -. lngered llnge n Montana untl year*,5 from Japan (?), 3 from thc the f Most of thc Trade Dolors rs are end storms drove them on u to K a t u r a l t x e x * Phlppnes, 1 from Germany, ony, 1 worth consderably over foce dah daho. Compact 11*1 from Mexco, 1 from Peru u and value now, although thc lower Ducks and geese ths year - a n d l e a r n, b o w. H one 1910 Unted States S cent gr grades command much sm aler aller both a p p e a r - t o havem de plcce)" prces. The chop m arks" s " do strong recoveres from the bad AUTOMATC 9 Answer: feel qute corpll- not nol neccssorly lower the value tmes tme: a t tho start of ths dec- a. mcntcd that you should thnk. hlnk. too much, but f your con :on s ode. Waterfowl huntng n f n thc t e - K could tcll-you about yourcons worn os much as suspect, t s Gem stato has been excellent TOOTHBRUSHp from ths:dcscrlpton..howcv;r; wevbr; only about a Good" grade the past few weeks, seen <r r u have to adm t th at 1 cannot, annot. consequently co would brng some* on f feedng and restng places - "r Cleans your teetl) [ f you wll send m e a tracng whereraroundtt.oo ry tw were POnt Pont strongly to the comeback; of each con, and somethng cthlns to sell t. would bo lttcrestcd rested observers clamng s /% / - professonally-. fe about the condton,, om 1 sure to know where you got t snce -snce that thc concentratons are akn V can help you. do not know thc Trade Dollor oppcars n* to thoso of thc nto 50 s. who mght be nterested n n pur* frequently frc n ths area. Fo For example, ducks on the.lo f - 3N Mew at > home. - chasng theh, although doubt, Wo nl! 5U1 tryng to sget e t n raml countng areas n-daho doubled jobed vtm otm H rm A vum NCLUDES: _ f they are worth much, snce slncc touch wth tbe gentleman whose v/hose rn durng the week endng Nov. V. 12. Hf New REMNGTON S Codlcss S Pmtr Hnds loto foregn coln&gc s not t hard address adc was Gannet, daho. 10 He F lat Refuge n Canyon >7V Rtdwrpr B». to get, and there s a lot of t. she showed ns a token from DeLa- County, Coun whch often has a tht the > A \ r tv M G REMNGTON ) 500 N J N>lon-brtslls. Drop me a descrpton ond d ll mar, doho, and wc a re desrous Jnost dense concentraton m of A \ U help you out of contactng hm agan. mallards on the Pacfc Flyway, / a H ;3 0 0 SELEKTRONC R. S From L. D., n Jerome e: : " 1 To M n. S. E. U., E ast S t S?** an estmated 403,500 ducks f l n Braclet tar vnll nuunlln havo a slver dollar whch ch s Lous, Lot llnos: Thank you for f._? the J sam e week more-than 1 four f l l V HK A s ELECTRO Cord/cordless 51 An aconomlcl ndctllclnt wty real odd. t says Unted States tho tha letter. - we wll be very Umes the.,num ber found s t Q SlfAVtK. ly toprevlde.preper prevld. dnu j l Che ono thal lets hm csre for lor th# entre famly. Brushes wth r of Amerca on t, but tho B sde happy ho; to examne your slver days prevously. The / M \ H f l (the plusn shaver o l where the head should bo 5 s s a dollars f you core to brng f years f J. peak a t D eer Flat stlu s W peteetsh., Sup-and-down r arc moton. Fast up -u p to 11, ( strokn-per. l 3 R B \ tk S l wth th«dal) p. mlnutb. t s cordless completely womon sttng on som e knd nd of them thc to come because of great num*, \ EAR lor Tha dal adjula to any eombl. dfon. Re( lately safa, even e for chll- l 2 along wth you when!} you S r, eastern and southcentral m \ Th«dU adjugs 3 thn, thoro naton o( akn and beard. Re* dren. Recharges automaflcaty;.when-nol n use. B seat. Her rght arm s stretchcd tched come cor to Twn F a lb ; n thc doho MnSr ly f l- thvno h«sd«lo tho rght po». whose routes take-them out n front, wth a-bouquet uet n sprng.. * them VKlV \. K S S chargeable energy eeltal Works - J. lon (or hs combnaton ol *kln * from east to west. Some of her hand. Tbe back has a n eagle. these \ j n ( "»«col.loaoal*d)w.f>e n t M (Questons on cons and cur- SL ore c s n snd b«ard. Dal TRM (or y osde. u r 3 #up8r-ahafp. thn ahavng r l l l V n Jefferson Cotmty; on t, and, under the eagle glo t rency should bc sent to } The 119,700 q 7j bun] trmmer. Dal CLEAN lor Tha a t the Mndoka Wldlffe S 4 \ )g S ta r* >>ead lorall tltavlng needf.ad- flnsfreb«natant Cleanng. nalo says "410 G R -S, 900 F - " (tho (the Money Box, c/o the Tmes- rmes- rc/uj Refuge, and 200,000 a t Amerl* Juau (or aldebum trmmer, and \ O att jnerl*. 9 cha> doshes.arejottccs cant rood. read. News. Twn. Falls, daho).. acaf n rte r * "p* n»«m 2 * gb** a n t s z e t u b e s o f 7 7 allsr escrvor,... _ -T hct B T are-som e"funny letters The n «numbers change from M EN - A s k fo r y o u r J stamped nto t whch lc»k k lke llke p day, to day. The changes & from. \ J J Colg Colgate ELECTRXtootla Chneae t-»-thla-o- foah)toofr-»> S F R E E B a t S ta rr money? and w hat s t worth? /orth? JL. t r j r O p C y V X the b g bass of countng estmates motes and d " N Especally made for use wth eleclrlc lool t «rntm ; w ery Sometmes lmes Black. Black n r l Answer: You hav a "Trade Dollar, ssued from 1873 untl geese move out. of a concentraton t 9 B fv S78 for general erculoloa H t. attsa and cannot be found d for - l l - _T rade Dollar has a n nterestng p «s C o n f s c a t e d : : days untl they turn up about... M H : hstory and one well worth rc* thc-sam tne s e -num bers-at another (Other 1. f - S 9 peatlng. n th e later 1800s the CARO. C (AP) ERyJjUon n nu- au- pont Often two or three thou* standard con fo r trad e wth the thortles o have sezed the Ford PROCTOR :tor slex / 7 Ths con contaned more V* s* posts PO* n Egyptan banl pend* Sunday, decded to ban the Ford H v er and was worth more than ng ng clearance of custom debts and CocQ-Oola companes < 1 1 our dollar hence the Chnese llneso totalng $1.7 mllon, o govern* avem* throughout throuj tho Arab world beccepted t n preference.to ment lonnouncement sold todoy. tbdoy. cause of tbelr,trade wth sreel., L Y N W O O D M 4<lt{cr our cons b r thoso of Df the At A Dearborn. Mch., h e oa d -! L _ Brtsh. G reat Brtan coned.a quarters of. Ford Motor Co., Trade D ollar" and n 1873 wc Ford Fo offcals, ncludng Prcsl* Pres* startecl ssung ths partcular culor dent Arjoy Mller and Allen cn W. con (see llustraton) wth th a Mcrrcll, Me: vce presdent, cvc weght of 420 grans of slver,,{lver on<l government affars, went floo fne (the mssng letters TS on hastly called meetng to your con) to compete wth h thc the dscuss thc sezure. A Fonl spokesman sold the. * 0 con wos lcgal tender. here W c Alexandra -plant had been n the Unted States only up uo to closedsnce last February, $5.00->that s, no one had to flk take e ; amount accumuloted bet for more than th at omount unt customs dutes on but when slver bullon declned tjnm 8P r P rts mported by s Ford M f l l nto the Unted Arab Republc, n prce, the legal tender 5 pro-!s authortes 3 sad. vson of tho oct was nuulfled, Ford has pne plant a t Sem* so that they were no longer? ouha n Alexandra for assem* S ; p f legal money here n the Unted t blng,>n cars and tractors. - States.,, *r There was ho mmedlattf n- n 1887 Congress passed a flov o r mfq a t o n avaloble on t h e authorng th e purchase by y.. the amount Ford has n Egyptan Treasury of al Trade Dollars plots Sbjnjjj a Of the value of ts o n t U d le s Szes ; b s B p whch- w ere-not-m utloted J -ond ; o n o - TheA -r rablsraeu Boycott-Burlzlng t-b U - _ T also n 1887 the Jaw authorsng ther ssuance wos repealed. Mled. Thc pecular m arks on your rcon WE MAKE are, am sure, CHOP" marks. torks. A great m any.chnese mer* g s chants were skeptcal of these JV f 3 S N O cons7traa x3uallyt>n«merchanr whp wos"welwcnowh ad,r<k spected, would check a Trade S L O A N S l Dollar for weght and fneness s r OnAnythng of Valuo, and.then he would stam p t wth q B O O T S hs chop" o r m ark... From then on,, Chnese would d RED S... s take the con, honorng the m ark bn t because t h knew. \ thc merchant Sometmes these, * cons were (chop-marked) sev- eral tmes, by dfferent mer* _ f c * Fur lned E S D50% 6FF & sten m MAS CARDS 0 UP TO SC} GFT WRAP Non-skd, Sure-grrto! - g r p l o l e s : nm CHRSTMAS Btjnt slgjnt : g l E g A M E R C A rst C T f O P E sl lttc o d a y. Black : k od r BrovB r o w n - 1l t9 l G R E E H N G V... l r l ; 4 9 c. SUNDAY, AY. N( NOV. 27» Slghtly tly rregul r r e g u l a r - KH l < J 2 ; r o l l -?a c k B l R e g B! 1 3 R O L L P A C K t A PM., Jo t o 5 P.M. $8.99 $ $4m M ; R e g. 9 8 c... r e e t l n... g V ~ VALUE : f t - S y r a p p n g _ l y 3. 9» -. : f stmas g t T O LYtWOOD _ > LYNWO w \ HBPPNa.CEOTER:... W... «4on9er\ f w R e g A m e r c a n G r e e t l n g r "* s 1 1K N GS -. H l - f o x e d - t h r s t m a s LYNW OOBHOPW Nt 1 Cards m COP m a k m ,. >F f K \ M m t E R E N J O Y - - M S P N -. e GO O K E E Q C fts!su a r a ; g s r m both n d t (ar a tv ttmonl of «oa* B r * 9 taett, euy daealaf. Saat-ttte m ar r f ka* ranonaba aae-et. cap tt maaa- t.v? v. whle pfo» j g S f K g m a W n Q U OPENER ( j n - KllFE AND S C S S O R S f l SHARPENER 1 9 Cwbtaa Bw flut K S Skarpaaar vtt M aranoa os M -- -vm *ratu4tr«tabb :C ut l U B e»am rcbttb««m l(a«m tafer/nl «tv. (hraqk thtlr. lla ta a B e m l k a m la «p n d to \ C - K S n r S H B p 7 B 7 n - r 4 ~

32 etnamese lotfps o s 1Survye As H vy Bomt ombs Reshape e Do Dome Of MFTT.HnM Of Vlef Cpng have bur-[ bur-l - t that more ~ -SAGON, South Vlet Nam Nan rowed nto-the earth for safety s or eartn.. -. (AP)-:Wo enemy was s supposed «upppsc and cpncealmenl, constructng omtruttng had"beeh moved hand n dtocon- tocon:. t o be alve on Hll-4S4. J4. bc blc sull ngenous tunnel systems. :ms. «struct the jnle-long tunnel sys- sys. the :Hre fre and greradc grenades. A typcal let C!ong 5 vllage of Jem. J "Tunnel rats" of th M lolsr,, /CdheV.down - tha b&ckene< llackened thatched huts n thc Jungle wll > wearng goggles artd-: c*mjm have connectng tunnels nels wth pstols. *pent-a w e e k ra g p g J H H H H V\ :.,.t fc>jm ar!rb -co»npany ttou.aby>: W W W B B B B W m B af ts or rjv- rnth. They pulled steel spke W Btcd conrdently durng th holftj flfc trnps rom thu-; wallr-d r~ th g * -precedng 48 hours **as "feavy heav] hdden by bushes. -., three-foot-hlgh. tunnels and.. benlbs.reshapcd the contours of q Mllons of hours of work have cleared «rooms 15 fee wde. Hll,484. Napalm hd burned off gone nto constructng ng tunnel -vthe "tunnel rats" mpded d e d the every, bt of vegetaton. n.. systems. Troops of lhe U.S. f ncredbly, the.north VJet- lolst-alrbome-.dlvlslon.dlscov- on.dlscov- porc t whcn.dlsturbed..(md.blew..namesc thxjps were stll on the cred a tunnel complex c oh a pla- up : some of the,maln shafts. Enbflld dome-of the hll; l; and n J stll tcau, near Tuy, Hoa whch was wos gneers e Calculated t would take fghtng. Ther prmltlvo ftvo bun- large enough to sl6cp two North n more than fve, tons of. explo jers. had proved a satsfactorj latsfactory vetnames regments,, or near- slves s to destroy the. w*ole net- ; defense aganst the! severest severes ly 4,000 men. work. w. - Apcrlcaf ar and artllery lllery pow- s s s s s s s m s s The Marnes fnally ly h odrto o d r* talce-the-hu-the-hard-wayrrput -wflyrrout ; ng out the-enem y t tl hand-to-... band com bat Ther casualtej were as heavy as thoso.of the NbrtfrVetnomese. 7 J X & u - a r e - e o r d A r over Vlet Nam smlar smla. < aclons,aro beng fought., The Communsts are makng superb nyted to use of thp bunlter and tho tunnel, the oldest forms of self-dfr T o H s t o r c a l S o c e t y M e e t ;, flrst"" Wnter meetllfg leetlltg oj r,. the Twn FaUs C t y Hstor- Hstorcal 1 f W M r j y Socety held Tuesday eye- eve- nng n the Robert Stunrt a Jmor Junor. School wa» attended by ap- prm m ately *125 membera bera and _ guests..,stated E d Jagels, jels, socety socl-. Tde nem ber Several r«mbe»-*howed colo r sldes of feld trlpf taken durng the year, whch ncluded eluded n n- 7 * L Y N W O)0D O SHOPPNG O CENTER, DEPARTMEh RTMENT STORE dan grlndbg stones and the l A D e a r Tuana Trat near B a l a n c e d Pock, Castleford. the e Oregon Tral. ndan petroglyphs and - the emgrant landmark of Cas- tl»-roclmwfu»wo«t oftcng-hlur and the ghost towns of Slver Cty, V e n n a. Sawtooth Cty, Custer and Bonanza. ndan grndng atones ; 2 and _. ;. BelMe 7 -oth a rtfcta-as.well. as ghost towa relcs Wch as - Chnese opum bottles and cans were o on n. -dsplay. _ m m -... FRON O M ; r ~. H E L J S E t /. tradtonal..lookn Macks. p by s e p u b yoa «t: aease. u n. T h ey n tn m, b u t nloo t ex*. ex e e s n. bo..t a lo re r ed d-a - a -... Jnxurots a ll w o n te d a a n d w o r t W blends. O ffered r e da a fa5nbndow.b eloctott n -p o l t -. W y B aew e a t c o b n u v J3.9S l K cordally-- -- z z z z z S k d ed to see a new. gajleyoffr pffnenecr h s from the. cal B pg/ H l E m j - m mnently-phsseo f f * ALL COTTON mhbss VBBHj SHRTS... - o n - Bdxantnsm d m n R n aevm H ; A VanrH»Mft l«pwnmwnt»p u n w e n U y p r» t» «U krfark fa [( j m a d *.«d l ntvvr m r need n*«d pressng p r abaltb-a perfect m jl. ChrlstmM p re a n t A perfect present for-any tme o f th fflffn S yoarbocausethlsahrtalw flrt always atco tceep ts crtsp, wrjnlde-frbo appearance. 100% «ll all cotton broadcloth brc vrth a soft. regulorpolntarread Clff ClfF Collar, fa "Contourrafled" MCB for the neat talored d look. Como Come and get them.thera ar«two hnnd*ome V(moprpaahrt«spresashlrtsw alt/noforybu...-. s. already paekbed n ther thetr own elegant Chrstmas flfl box" o f. nw hltoonly.tw ofbrflaoo r$12.00al... * V:/.. p Am ple F r ParW ng s;.. _* ;. ;.* e; "... n s t a n t S c o p e M o t l w D e t e r g e h t M o r e E a r l l y m e k M ee oq f B u y s! d J l r o u ndd e e f js S _ 4? ; ehonlrstyla p l,... The.Pece. r.k x r 4 9 : M o g m 5 s lb. 4 9 * L v e B C udahy 1-b. a c o n fe Wckloyv pkg. W. # :, S l c e d r ye r H P a* rd r t s M anor House U.S.D.A ; G rade A Fyer PdrtV... Breosfs/ Tjjghs or P rt Facal Tssue.1 N y lo n f lo s e a. C ; Clng Peaches s; MargarnehoSo",! re S o r D ru rrstclcs 1 :....>; o f c H C o f f e e h w a s l r a 5 u e a : r,6-5 1 s e a. r - 2 p=u 5 9. c h e s S &. S Coldbrook 9 1 -b. n A.. B n Quortwr J pt<gt, - Q y (, Lueorne Aorled hotf- rft~, Frozen Detssl gallon J j r C u b e S te a k s R Made From Tender. Q f t S te a k M e a t Pr<w Tl«rf*rtveTodlVougM Etftv lasday e. bunkers that wthstood Te S ty le B r e a d. Rch a n d Robust Flav the flrppower of Amercan planes and artllery on Hll 484. S ave O h Slt< S f te d B r e a d. None Fner At Any Pr were typcal enemy postons. The ontrances wcro zgzag. - - trenchwotlts covered by, heavy m m g g B o m g a a t g M g Mb logs and earth fve feol deep. - Tunnels wred O feet nto nto tho 7... O 1 loavak " S 1 hll. Frng apertures were cut ;.. t 6 9 nthe-w lflde.. M A S T E R P E C E, :, -----, The-enemy tr6op«could hde -.JT from the searng napalm llm n n the r jf lls >.H 1 B : O O L E G T OON J f l " Saye S a y e lt : ~2-lBrBg:3 lowest level o? the bunkers.. breathng-through, a r vents. A W for the ftjtmme, an enhre;, entre. drect ht by a,600-pound lund bomb - t f l colralonof famou could have caved Jn a bunker, bunker. s B. WJVj Mr. bfn desgner tes but there wero no drect rect hts. nts. > r UK featurng he exclusve Thebunkers were not even vsble from the ar. and detectable J k "Jeweter loop." M rs. Wrghts Layer C akes vs-. bn the ground only at Jt a s close Exdtngnew desgr p{ t a k e MV x e s * " 1 Devls Food, Yellow and S dstance. DnctKe, Sophlftated. fated. -The -earthworks of Hll 484 S S S S S B S D S H l Be ure to see them soon: were comparatvely smple. Elsewhere Jn Vet Nam m genera- ne Vanlla, Chocolate, FNS NECKWEM_,m tbetto S l d e s S h o wn w n n t B r e a llcf Mf W c% m f s s t % -99 Jog, S traw berry, Coffee 6>ct. o r nstant C nstant Chocolate M olt pkg....;, f v V J r ; ( pkg ave O n H ealth a n d 12-or, b o ttle m m _ 20{Zl uty A d s -lts A Deal, bottle 9, p - BJJ.lll«llU.. L.e e m o n J M e r / r n g u e The Refreshng Taste, Enjoy The Refre jmon Topped Wth Hgh.of T art Lemon ok$ o f Top Fluffy-M ernque..-, -Lght Peaks Flu : \ D o o p - - M 8-nch / P e " c Banana Nut jut Loaf C Q, la n d NutJ Fresh Bananas and Nuts A p p.red.or Golden Delcous.. 1.Large Crsp.Red.or G f lb Caulflower- S. : n d 9 -v: U.S. No..1 Snov/ball.. Onons /.. U.S. No. r Yellow - m 4t.,. - S : 4 9 % *, 1 2 -oz. Q * Save j W a s h t o n p p l e s : ; V K R Y... R B f J p u r c h a m

33 m m ja>m» V egetables ;, r _ - S! s J s e 5 _ 5 L _ <1 " t t n t o. t f. g r " f - f.. V / /T H A ro B E ) V { OWLVOUR. OKJL ) M O T H E R, rr V WCW O R S T / ( RATFRUD.V ENE vcy T E L l f w H A T H A P ( > S * ln m o N S A O E & TlflKS C een N AH HAh H A N TtB O O LV A P- - F F O T C u. v o.y u S S S & S E B ls rto U nt s V " * B w Z 3 / 2 E r. A., S H m K cs.,! «S S.! 5 7 r - M L.W l«l.». s S l S f! S U.... S. v = " js a! s a s * > : t s E J 2 Dab*U CKt. -a tquuh }l«v«od Bopd money- 23 SSUmprej (S««.). 23 sasaportla BMutletl 20H<l.r(b.) l 7 j r p ~ ~ s n " ~ n n n r U a r...-. w j r - g S hz-fzz H - _ 5 T ~ = T m H S T V n r s! T n n r v v y r y T f r r mbf \ y r 47WtUeljm (L»t 1) h. 55 -JLm! > - 2 S 3 M.» * 1 ewufw ewu>w«:».tkt.».w.htb* //wk m : l l / v J r M m J *Btt f wa sent oardt t o o Jut J u t th< t h o s a w a re a lly (k s.w h& at t B«Z b Morvao, MJJu would happen to t o C h rrtm a a? " - P T l - l w a f f ln r mnotaooctofujn] -mw otax [A A N W H L T rb B Carnl?al C L F r«worred rnworredaeoutyxo ma rs0n,mn.cufa0n/a5y0u» JFOON/ASYOUWKWM&S WM NOT ONLV KEN EEN AN EXCELLENT EXCEL! - T STUDENT...BUTAA\OSTP.BUTAMOSTPWllfUStNG -. FPJ ll kathlete/frankw FRANKE WASSHOOttO Wrt f l. WHEN 1 SftW HU Y O p ta la E u7 / V Va MABCKSP THBTEKMWALMS!»VW«-A»T»AWVPUK6m» * f HBSAPHBP f f? K U 8 B 0 N l.v A P B W l * \ MWTB9.WaB \ \ WATEPW J t* X _, Gu«ae AUey mmmm. «hould 1 WBSr (y: th e blue K t...one? f m J L K trbtutomlhmto V WPlL QlgOC B H ts B A*yuM. THO HB» / CACJl AlfOMS B H H K» S 5 W 5 E J S, - TAWMA P T A v ~Z 7VouVe perfect! T Whats the jyyjoel jm Ut M R u f lk a r e S V,4et the table! nose nthe Tclca Barysdue r basement,v : 4t\ afy mnutejy. r*=./ -? 5TW aty-6b0m NaTHltJ*./ m g.p :: * \f y o u h a p p e n e d to need n w d a aza stter n ordbr to ahop for bort Bbe VChHstmaty then d be ablo to shop for Chrhtmasl". [ g j S p, u _ HeWSNbU/ N b u f 1 1 / leah.wthb r \ n / W W P D W R W S -H e X P / C M A H O U C W f \ * w BRDGE BY JACOBV. / /,. H\0*lUfZKE/ PNSEZ :k WTH /onlvwvrrepatfa <E / / vrkes s n e c k v v v h / \, A J5E KlMgtAtWtSgJVN. >J BECAUSE»EWA1D0 M ON D E C E F O \.- c clubs. f-he s thb the defense f you watch the average -age de-ww ll pck up four quck detena club Q c m - o m u Q V 1HE11RKWSNBX clarer. follow sut he almost noat al* al> trcks t and South wll be ons ways plays hs lowest card. rd. Ex* down. d( be one perts have a tendency to m b{--the x expert n decepton w ll. 1 them up. Sometmes tuy!y have wn w the frst trck wth thc on wll.. ace» a reason, other tmes they are nstead of thc queen. Then he ace ho / T merely keepng n practce ce»o as wll w lose the same damond hen he fnesse but t b dollars lo. L n r not to form a pattern. n ond dough* fldough* Q.:. All of ths s part of declarers nuts that West wll contnue strategy. He docs not want vant to spades. s S o u t h wll make let- hs opponents know that hc qj queen ot spades after all ke and h go b almut hb busness of wnnng l,80 k 4 K w >- f p f AOej C o. the hbber. wnnng» T O a a C W V 5 lj n sovoutvebo -. HE -ANP PONT ) MXftVSHTl *4115 A TERRBL8 PLACE/ ; / NOBTS M Souths fabe-card would M have hnvo J g n<e / T v u r r s x apprecate 7 TJMBENOUGH L T O J M g. M 0 N 5 T E R S «9 S b< been a poor play - n match vnf >ou...,x"rorth«ruab! JOER! 10 OOMB DOWN N ( THAT?.) THS, y A Q lo pont P> duplcate bccause t match would o THE B A L L O O N / * THE HH Q J cost Cl hm n overlrlck f the t would da* Ont Onr Way \ l LATVTOTHNtC : mond n fnesse won. n the rtbber da*. : W V ABOUT NOW.. WEST EAST f brdge f. hc could afford to gve Jobber up thb overtrdk. Of course, gve f West up N Z O W F la ln T H S R e V S / HOLP HOLP T/l50W*TK)JOW/-MB, BBSNTHEPRSTTHlMf-ABOUTJlDO/ 4 K S 3 A J 6 4 *. f West 3 AN A3MeOOpyOFFBBS\ THEP ov shfted to ft club a n w a y t h js WH>TS UUDERTHe AUU - V av UlB S vou UCS6Aje/COA WH>T fabe-card would rehlly...be ex- )7 4 X ) «v Pf UTTLB OCKERlNd/ JUL JU. \ \H007OPACARAM HOOB P XlLdAV rfb T l rm M o ra B rn M a, fttake pensve. E ast.would-cash.u fve" WKBTWO-PFTY.BUTfBr) TMN * A K J S S g clubs and then gve hb-partner }n uve / A5MUCHA9YOOOUJ/ 1/ y wv!oybd»ra>jy*>7 wvo r ro R SOUTH <D) four spade trcta. _, partner. 1 T B tu E M n S se o T A, -.T.Yn n -o O A ta ta» pnch* l s a v e j X-Q \ RtBUlLTCARauaeTOR, «,k k,, 330C0Uha 0 c m s { r r ~ W j / r \-hoh COMPRBSSOM-- <.Ww B- e «J / [ v K J s a CARD SENSE T V hcacam... V T. _AuWa u_q The lddlng-hu-beem ::] A, z * Q 8... VW est K erh E u t foath E r t rorlhsotltt!aenblft ble Dbl. P ats 4 4 N artl MeoCb Sonth D P**< P *» tdbl BdbL es; Z. " N.T. Paw S N.t. Fan ~ r flteve 81 R«prr g n V.T. Pasa P au u a P a n 8 N.T. P a n «j Pass 6 V P an- S J fcz r - l THeWAY.SOg! 7 THEWAY.BOg~ > Hp PMH H THB VALVE V > MANLVONACCOUMTAyA MAll J ; p U l n * d l 8 You, South, hold: k. AT&UAKWtJ BERT FOUWD ME A FUE DAY ltl P U T / OH, MO ( t m W - Xt/FES /PUMPTHATLLFrrONT r w 1 ts ~ :... 4 > VKJTTS 4 A Q A J 5 4 V M Mats / OLD "SACHEM :HEMSX 5X* VPtfVg WU V V J OLOJUMKER S * What do you dot S SE ME UPgKtNG VW3RKNG ONfSTT; SATlJRCA y / y has played h b lowest t card. A Tm. Too d e n t tmder* There s a lot more s tra te n pos-. stand al what to o t partaer s d»* sble n the play-of hgh cards. t la r bat 70H h are a le d a r spade L Here s a n o h e fo ld tp tmer e r m sad be.eeald have thewa rspade that hft.. - "*5 from-karpn s book on-strategy. eoatrol e< br hlddlor fre spades L South s declarer at three ree no- nslcad ef feur ne*raat > spades pr«* Kn trump. Hs normal play. /. b s to v Tloaslr.» pre*:. B * wn & s t s jack of spades wwth lth TODAY S qobsnon the qneen. Tbea he goes over to. <s l - -dum m y-w llh-a-hcart-and-trc* the damond fnesse. f t t works.spsdsryou * South, hold: Jh ree- _ C[ t _ hem akes a lot of trcks butthb but.thls 2 fetoy [ jb a w P tme t loses and Vest b s lkely Whatdoyou.da? U W. sssts*.thewwchamtpkll jtghafcrrpkmcb - to abandon spades aad go to afler. Answer ssue J.. Bb<» Bbw. t S*«enr sad the natte r /OWACOUSJ c a n t Jum p*\ THS.PUODLH.WTH AL, J tm H \>.THE8R PACKASESt f j / TOSS EM H6RBJ lu A P 7 > c H0LO- AVWHLST-VA- 6*- ( cweaty, N Bj tt W kt jgsw puac/f oe vek T) l that TTjPOPWLLe&WftVHMRSWHM- S BUTtR a r o S t f W 2 m T yf RRST HAPPENEO Htf ) VEMSBfMNO-mSTMBS/ V( co N v cteo v v N B S u u H A v e ( axjno fcuto S VAWT4.J, J/uMOERTHS 1 / r/mor6trooble ) 0 HAPPENN.! t V r W - O WA30R 6 THAN A CROSS- X nwht B f l / CKA ; S twtj PPES austtoaod t»/j, /1 2 ANTl tol5& S?.S ; veyeo-sk-sofaper.*].., S M BOSS... y _ AK Jk « / f - 2C Blp * KUby S.»Pon*t you thnk m a lltua ltta y o u n g t o a lr a td y b... a H H R l l P P FMRBrAtOVES.X n llg h g, P o p?* Aove wrm / B t l lo - mocnlghtlnft «>«HEL PO M SONS 70 T SlaJorHoopU.... KEEP A/J EYE ON KRK ANO 0 BUT WEu7 d V BOTH FNg C - -, ttl«thbtrapc,maj0r]»re)cuake,tnan)e{cc /V A DlDNT EXPBCTJWff \!.coocmyexec.usuay.coo»myexr TEwy. r<vj..r.»rub a d -r-s T A f-t H E R W N O E T -)- J J jv 5 o (W T O c o 9 r» orwtf0pfre«ha9out- V w - T T 5 = G y = 5 V U N CWEB, OlO.VA? *1 <w ANsHr95apoN tajr-notv, j( jh AWllPgQOgegHAse.M fc M w e [coohet u a. f c a a s B B f : 3 K B h h «l M d f f -H K djs AjETPlANEM lothesouth. _» EVCRymMflT AURSOHTMtSS \ ~ ~,.v

34 : 7 3 : Tw lrr o llrt H rt H et C HagerfflaB Learg Ce: ; (ConflnueOronrPflgrfl? fachhes before they a rc r use, then Bsaln severa-monus after t has been put to use by stu- dents_ancl lhcnja-hrco.ycnrs, ts more ads and deas are n- corporated nto tne operouont Etorothv Phelps, cmrdnator - for the center, has been ousj ndexng and makng card fles on any subjcct from stars and gaoxles to breeds of sheep. Each topc s ndexed so that the seeker of knowledge moy check the card colooguo and, fnd n what form Jhey aro to rccclve ther learnng. Transparencea on overhead projectors, topes, sldes, pamphlets, rccords, chohs, books and moves are some of thc melhods thot wll be reported on thc card Mtolocuerard her locaon ln tk(t-:ettrrfg~ccncr-vl~l}c Utah Center Tl nfants For H< Many speech and hearng problems omong very young chldren, whch often lead to permonent defects can 1» rec- - ognzed ond steps taken to avod or sharply reduce them by o.. smple test now beng gven all newborn chldren at the Unversty of Utah Hosptal; Under-tho.supervson - of..unversty College of Medcne ear, nose and throat speclalkt Dr. Dovd A. Dolowtr, ll newborn babes at the unversty hosptal are-how-beng-tosed -wth a "Newborn Audlomeler whch _ ndcates thc nfant s hearng level. Measurement of hearng depends on the b o b /s reacton to sound generated by the audometer. To adults wth normal hearng, the sounds arc rather loud, the loudest soundng lke a de- se locomotve roarng by. The hghest level of hearng n o chtd s ndcated by a "Morro", renex the baby reocts qute... vsbly, gvng a t t e Jump when the sound s storted The. second level s revealed when at thc sound the chld, turns hs head or eyes, and reaches out. The-thlrd level s j ndcated by /cachng or look- TTe fourth level s where movement or recognton s questonable. f movement s notrcedtrts-dlfncuu Tto-dcter:.m ne f t s causcd by nose recognton. The ffth and last level slndlcated when there s defntely no reacton a t all on the part of the chld. Thc audometer was provded through a gft of Leon Jack Sweet, presdent of thc Sweet Candy Co., Salt Lake Cty. ~ Accofdng-tu-Uvety fuapl* tal dwtors there s a great advantage to the dscovery of de- fectlvc-hearng, as. carly-asposslble. An nfont wth undecctcd hearng loss has great dllflcul- ty n learnng t? talk:sucl chl- dren n tho past have frequently Been consddfca-tote menslly retarded because they do not react normally. There h a v e chlldrcn growng nto adoles- ccncc and even older, beng placed n mental nsttutons, and later found to be nercly dear.. The best perod for learnng to talk s between sx months and two years ot age. D r. Doto- wtz stated. n many ch dren wth cpngenltally defectve hear- W a n t a,. \ Novem bef 111Bpasts Oly nd f Center ForJRura] Qgnfl?----- noled, so Ual th ltdlvmunttl; arc r use, my fnd the lype of research, cl antls after materal he choses to use- to a: se by stu- gan the nformauon he seeks, tx rco.ycars, _ S o,fa r_ 3 1 j tc ms: have been w!as arc n- cotalogued ofltfmany more arc U p e T 5 ro ~ lo b addm 10 t K d ls r P roordlnajor Tla «card fles subject he needs to study at hs fc stars and own rate of,speed. ndvdually, of sheep. f he w-shes to study subjects b< d so that outsde of class room topcs, pro- jr edge moy grammed sttdy s avalable. sj loguo and Current perodcals are cata- st ey aro to logued, os well as lessons out of a. [. - thc textbooks, that a student w overhead mny mss part of the cla.m ds- tj!s, namph- ctsslon n hs notes, and moy w books and r?play,.thc. tope to pck-up the c methods nfo-moton mssed;. n thc card Flms are receved through g, ocaon n thc-s tate 0 opartmenr of-edu- ~v1t~lx5 cnllon altdf om commfercftl m- ~ us ;er Tests Newborn >r Hearng Defects [ hearng jng tranng durng ths perod t ry young s now beng mssed. at lead to Physcans at the Unversty of n 1» recj Colorado have added m easuns tl( n to avod m enu of bran waves by an dec- Dt C" «y }J tfocncephalograph to the equp- w< : 8 vcn all ment used for nfants hearng sc le Unver- rneasurement n the group mak- l ng up thc fourth and flfttrrevcl. so 3n.of..Unl- Ths provdes, o -moro-prcclse lclne ear. ndcaton of any hearng ablty :lalln Dr. n chldren otherw.se consdered newborn totally deaf. Over a perod of y hosptal years they have found 120 po- d -wth a tentally deaf-chlldren -out-of whch tested. hearng Those wth hearng loss.were f heorng ftted wth hearng ads a t ages } reacton from..sx. months to.one year, the aud- jh e lr educaton lu rted at age two o r three years. The oldest nal hear- of these chlldrcn are now n thcr loud, hgh.school, lvng reasonably ke a de- normal lves. : by. The Congental hearng defects are ng n 0 caused by a number of prob- Morro lems, Dr. D o o w 11 r reported. cts qute Volume control can be damaged 1 e Jump jn tho mddle ear; the "organ rted.. of Cortl," whch changcs the revealed m eehancol- nformaton - n t o the chld electrcal energy nslda the head yes, and may not have developed nor- l level s mally, or the poor hearng may o r look- result from some njury or lack of development lo thc nervous s where system durng thc brth proccss. ltlon s There moy be damage to thot mcnt s part of thc bran whch controls o"d cter: {auftng; ls TCCBBnrorT)r lts by nose memory, as s sometmes found and last jn spastc chlldrcn or chldren there s wth cerebral palsy, a t all on He compared the bodys nerv- ous system to a computer n provded whch damage can occur to an jon Jack nput. to a conducton system, hc Swee nrogram analyzer, output sy-s- Cty. _ tem, memory storag.e, or onv ty nuspl cohbnaon or these. He be- great ad- Jcves that othcr, undamaged ry of de- elements of the nervous system /-as-pgs-."computer -con-be-trnlned-to ndeccted rlck up the work formerly done dllflcul-by the damaged secton. How- luch chl- ever. Dr. Dolowltz adds, untl equently th_e,.tralner8..know whch com- _ mentally ppnents are knocked out, t wll _ do not be very dffcult to retran the ~ n a v e chldren.. adoles- ment s presently workng on a. r, beng projcct to make testng of new- tltutons, born hearng-a standard proce-! merely duro smlar to statutory re-, qulrements for.vu,j5;t;,v«-for learnng phenylketonura (PKU). Accord- : months Jng to Dr. Dolowltr. all hosptals Dr. Dolo- n the state could nsttute such ch dren a routne test very quckly nnd ve hear- easly, t a d s m a. Y H E S - U f l l T w M n * y ndddualzed Rura Schools ltdlvmutttstrlesrttrwn-ot-those-por* -* [ reseorch. chased by the.schopl. Teachers,,to to use- to as w dl.as students, may make du he seeks, tapes, and transparences n a 18< lave been work room, desg n Just for of more ara ths pr{x)se. Any~ou(standng L.!t. " plctures"from perodcals can rrclls wll be permanently fnshed wth P study-the- tt-pastle-coatlng-and -preserved Udy at hs for later reference. * Jlvldually. Mrs. Roy Strawscr, who wlll r subjects be head lbraran of the arn- oplc-s.pro- ng Center, Mrs.W ayne lls, as- lable. sstant. and about 14 hgh school r\ are cata- students ore mcctlng dally a t 8 fo, ons out of a.m. to famlarze the students me a student wth the uses of the. equpment, te cla.<8 ds- the flng system, nnd othcr. and mny work, connected wth the LC. :kup the students havo -been re- bd ccvng nstructons from Mrs. en -.Strawser to _mlmeograph_ma- J13 lcrals_m akc_tf«nsparenoe8, crca m- projector use, and to learn the nd use of tho audo vsual ads. - «n nstructons wll bc gven from the cente* lo class rooms n. tho future, and plans are made F G C t S osed crcut televson % from the center to class rooms, ls perod t s hoped that odulu wll be Le: able to use the center also. lo: versty of Thc contract for the comple- Jl m easuns tlon of the center s for md- r y an dec- December nnd durng the past :ne equp- weekend,, thc halls of the hgh *< 5 hearng schcwl were carpeted to assst S K v t 0-precse ng ablty S S A D D E A 1 out-of 1, los, were F O f l C L A S S ] f t A D V E R T of prob- S g r f f y o u w a n t y o u r a MONDAY.. the head be receved -by no S S TUESDAY nervous receved by 5: r S WEDNESDAY (Ads must be receved by 5 AK THURSDAY (Ads must be rccelvcd by 5:1 ly s nerv- :K. ; FRDAY. system. <Ads must bc rccelvcd by 5:1 tput sy!5- : - - S s u N a. CLA SS z r - SEQTK tran the ~ Pcnnrl- T ng on a.. ;d p S : 5 : 0 0 p : m. F _ y a - P H O N E 7 n a k e t e j P c tu r e y o u r p l e a s u r, a c r o s s t h e w a t e r w tf _ o u t b o a r d m o to r. T h c d u p le s g e ttn g s S o f m a n y t r p s t o tle... jo y t h e lk e - n e w o u tb th e y W ere o b le t o fsu 1 e a s y w a y th r o u g h H a p p y, to o, a r e t h e o w n e rs. T h e y w e r e a k se ll t h e n o - lo n g e r use l,.m o to r f o r c a s h.th e e c n t h r o u g h a lo w c o st,v \ S - M E W _ ned Loans By., - - Frm Noted- \ J, ** hose~por* Twl Falls ~real~estate~~loan9 Teaclers, toulng $370,300 were dsbursed «lay make durng-the frst 10 m onths.of cles n a 1866 by the western home offce Just for of the Prudental nsurance Co., Pe tstandng LrjBmes"Koutnlk.-rocal-nvest* u cals can ments- manager for the com- - 3 hed wth Pany s mortgage loan depart- J preserved o c n t, annoutyw-frlday c - Total d sb u m lsfo r ths per-. vere for resdental pur- wno wn posgs;., >e w arn- jn dnho durng the 10-month J B lls, as- perlod-dbbursals totaled *3,569,- cjr gh sc h» l 761. Ths was dvded S,5S4,0S6 v Ully M 8 rosldcml, COO,905 tor com. s students mercal nnd ndustrlnl ptper- ralpmcm. tlcs_and_j1.7m.«00 J o t nrm,. B d other. Durng the JO-month perod a «; ho LC. total, was,dls. been rc- bursed for dans throughout lhe d om Mrs. entrre w csteh states. Of ths, r nph_m a- J137,031-,M9 was.for resdental, se arenoles,- SllM,Z28.Z73-or-conrheroalnd!earn the ndustral. and M0,430,4SO for ads. farm loans. a ven from snj ooms n J «;?estc lassm ed» s rooms. l wll be le s t end Founc. sn rnmntn "blell.yona halm?"d#8l*atf. comple- awar* to n n m e or Wnkle." Wll for md- Phono 7U-48M. Reward. «tte f S to assst aatlon. Reward. 733-SMD. P.8 ntore gat.,733jcq.-aawttrd E A D L N E S dtt FOE SS O S S F E D 1 R T S lm G J t y o u r a d t o a p p e a r : Bab T.... _?, cclvcd by noon Saturdoy) Y J celved by 5:00 p.m. Monday) Dtr> 5DAY, J cevcd by,.50p.p,m.,tuesday, AY. 1" celved by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday). cmp r JOB cevcd by 5:00 pm. Thursday) _»<= lu N D A Y... J A S S F E D p E Q T Q N ca n the Tlmcs-Ncws Sunday p:m. FRDAY, E Hfl] ha t e a s y... j p l e a s u r e s k m m n g. a t e r w th y o u r o w n a r nlt )to r. T h s h a p p y ;, S :trg s f o F t h f r s t... s t o t h e l a k e to e n - S par n ew o u t b o a r d w h c h K. ~ and >le t o f ju r c h a s e t h e t h r o u g h a W o n t A d. a r e t h e p r e v o u s / w e r e a b l e, t o n g e r u s e d o u tb o a r d sh.th e e a s y w a y V c o s t W a n t A d.- - Vrs J r - D A L - > lb E [ Card j b S c B., P e r w M l S p B c ll 9 l-nonth. J am»3,5t8,. r K n..r.,sm,0s6 V ee*. lavedgauon. Pluurwra-. r com- 5 rcuy coofweaual. to- PC l g l S g l l P dental, skwmq Maenm* repar*, unn.,deaole SAFETY SERVCE He) a j S SNGLE ADULTS Can 733-D3.S. Recorded m«*age 34 hour*, a, lnkrt."w SowD farmer 37, wlhe, cor- chan STOEWNDOWS pnmed wuh at- AvllS ranpBr>atlenCar P M r ~ 1 0 WANTED: someone jo drve m7 ear co Phoenx. Sunday or Mon- T day. n a-mol fttter 7:00 p.m.,,. j Beauty Salens 15 COMPLtTg eauty aervlce fay ad- 32S.vdnced *ludent at reduced prlee. lm futtw a. h.r.ylln». l.. Ef.: ng. Permanenta from». Artllc den Beauty Salon. 133 Man We*t. offl phono 733-KH..Evenng appolnc- abl «PATROSS: My new phone * under!! my name Bema Parrot, 733-J770, P. lst 7»h Avenue Ea»t.. [ Baby Stters-C flld Care 16 BO-PEEP C h ld care. Dvded claue, nur*ery. pre-kndergarten,.( - >..dergarten.. loo JUt A.v on u e Norm. 733.S097. BOC CHLD CARE. Llmled number S2" chldren to a«*ure - ndvldml al- f tenton. Escel.enflacme».hono 7a3.8D0. DPENDAULE Chld care. Chldren er?m. \ wel JACK and JLLS Nurxsry. lous duy, or week. Lleened. 202 loh Avenue Eat «47. \ KHLAULE Chld care. Urge cnced \ yard, lupervled play. four, tfay -1 _ : or week. 733.C308. Employment A gendas 17 J00~OPENTrGS at Pertonnol serh lp w ~ F 18 WOMAN TO care for. chldren n or - 5,S: Street. Sepulveda. Calromla: "sc - to?morolnvomatfon bon Help Wantwl-Atata 19 =. MORGAN DRVE AWAY, NC. Afle ha* openng n moblla home tranportatloo feld for drver d owner* who are able lo purchae m or 2-ton (hort vrheelbaa truck. t you wlh to be n a pronable bulne** for youner q.. conder the followng;.() world A l«adlng tranporcr of mobko ;rs,;.«raus?; S on each trp. Fulf payment on completon of trp. (4.)v Year,,, around work. t4o lay-off. (S.) Truck! and rnanclng avnllnble. Apply n ptron Morgan Drve no! Away, Hghway 30 Eat. Dole. BRANCH MANAGER TRANEE. S A man who can quckly develop,ory nto the atltant manager of our bnn offce. MuK bo at leau hgh tehool graduate, j;ollee prefer- (wo ence. and have a car. Between.cau 19 and.39 yean of.abs. PtgoBO-. Noy Mr. orton, Clly Fl- jon CT*rf T«V * * WantHd. servce Manager lo run entre hop. General Moor ex- perence detlred. Oood opnorlunl. K. r., K. " 5,.SS; s.!!51; w S - and Bulck... ~«170 EMMY LOU - = = o H ] r, v n n S e - y b u r - «pw anc>jl guete t y y o u f.w U )lte C T t o P lq ( e A -R E E R r 0 PPe Day pr>,.b rw,. U n t e d S t a t e s E a m L S e m c ( g j Q p e n n g jo r - S evenng*? ShouH h a v flj C o lle g e b e s a l e s d x p e r te n c e - n a g r macyr 117 >74 or , AN EQUAL OPPORTUN. ForAppolntn,. rtlbpsde Company, Representc. u s s FARM SERY rth Wah- TT-SKr. _ P A U L -P h o n e RVCE H elp W a h te d -M a le Fm WANTED md corra. ** bondable Prefer famky man. «* c -*PPy between *:00 and 12:00 :. ««m.. November 28th. B E R T E S POULTRV hour* a FARM nc. lhe* eor- nastekf. 1 D A l O contructon»ed lady, equpment dealer now. ha* open- >«-New. ng for part* men and part* 1 Wllh at- tranee*, Send re*ume ncludng *cene*. l S S S S K S «l«~ 1 0 ~vard V0rth: #:30. to #:00 P.M. ( f alm.. anj F.mll "ors PERSONNEL SERVCE 2:!=:. OF MAGC VALLEY Evelyn Wlson e by ad- 326 Shohone Street E at 733-US3. FE M A L E : J }. r f? «.W»? n n ng, tnt- clal *tawmen. Typng, eorrepon- Ma:. Artltllc dence and all phae of general Ph( n We*t. offce work. (3.) Kou*ekeeper appont- at.1. ovorn.ht occ W er SSfnr.Tf5VoSl?b?r.lK"p?n/ : u lt lme, permanent job. (4. xper- RO Jenced lecretarle* and general of- Oa e 16 needed. For and credt cheek. Guarantee pju rt?h"«v s ytof o"f a g rorlnfldtaale*.. g jf Some warehsue. Good appear-..,.*< 2 _.,l?nonb,nce e**entlal. (3.) Alert youna. ASSO V man for combnaton *ae* and or laono n*ee.*{4?* 0H*e«mu"na and MS T 202 OPENNGS FOR f>y V QUALFED PEOPLE 1-»g. lcfy"c o"n, yen?at" : SECRETARES, and. 5««So hsl STENOGRAPHERS - p Wanted at the Natonal Tleaetor. *ha n Tetng Staton near daho Fall* = r Add. Mut be nble to take horthand For 45 e-f* at 80 WPM and type at 40 WPM.. SPTt o Mn. Perjonrel Almlnl»trntloo :2nS daho Nuclear Corpomloa WANl * daho" P-O.Dox ls43sjlt 2 Soh. -daho Falll. daho. rov*"* An Equal Opportunly Employer BUlll ;? K m a k e Wft X-N.Y- > o r m ore p er d a y We: dren n en local Food Roue. Man or!r month,.woman, part or full tme. Ex- jn 5 col1e «PULL OR-J>art-tme. Salary and a nng* 737M0. c. A g e n ts -S a le tm e n W a n te d 2 2 oth< d««r COSTUME JEWELRY "O «bs;s a n d g f t s a l e s m a n 3 ; s? r K r» a s!. s j ;, n».rt gft*-ha* openng n th* area. tron Mr s s S rv r.k.* S20,000 or more annually Large hou nn?;. commuhon plu* e x c e p t o n a l mon n.». BONUS PLAN. Apply for Sprng For»>"» lne tartlng Ja n u a ry l.u A * «PEh Jewelry Co Broadway, PAN R Kan.a* Cty. Mo SU r SALESMAN to *ell adverkng ape- y}j _ caltle* and calendar* n tll* terrl. _E«L. evelop lory. Our peclal propo*ltlon and woul of our bonu* plant ara worth your con- fact : K s r,. S ". * w : T * w r J? - ; -., - ". : _ ; r j r m W o rk W a n te d 2 3 oad< fto u n- EO»n. THE : *m6blle WANTED CORN pckng. Phona 324- Dale Jerome. Arnold M ela.-. By Matty Llnk. W thls* ONB < t 1 W w W U / / /. t a O y \ tor. 1 m m H U - l - - R y. r r M one Murc v:. s t U»M««fuUn m... Mu*l Se-ybur-dadwbn-nM eour= $ y<)u-ll}ve to go on -youf.;w ur\ S e P P Q j f f U N T Y - T - - C a t e s S t e e l C o r p.. so S e m c e C e n t e r g f o r S a l e s m a n oth llege b a c k g ro u n d andor 5n a g rc u ltu ra l p ro d u cts. oth. SEf] O R T U N T Y E M P L O Y E R --.- w, 1 Dt p p o n tm e n tw th (p re se n ta tlv o.c o n ta c t: Hor E R K C E j C E N T E R - - P h o n e g o f 19 Farm W ork W anted 23»y CUSTOM!5l; MANVRE HAULNG CustoFa rm lns. S Fler S2M944 or 32M L t opn" : CUSTOM CORN THRESHNG a. L - CUSTOM PLOWNG S 2 0 Sehroeder 733-2?3« CUSTOM/ f : e m a n u r e h a u ln g S f -Vernon Olandar----Buhl,-»43-457J- -*ol cust o ~» m anure haulng E! Jm mlbrldgj j733-mtt3 * an- and clover walhl?g an?bblln*g! on- Manure haulng and excavatng. Sm r Phono Jerome. Nlc W ork W anted 24 e! ROTO TLLNG, LEVEUNG of- Garden*, lawn*, farm acreagv*. Ford ractor mounted roto-uller. Olck Pooler. 7U % : re N t* J.- ROTO TLLNG jj Carden*, lawn*, farm ftcreage*. Wa Ford tractor mounted roto-tuar. root,r. Kenneth L. Dav*. 733-mo. bort m* Ll. Robort D. Waaron, 733. by traned Der*onnc. Sknner Saw.,. ng- Stop,.fx>-3«2. Sb LPN WANTS work:.(lovtora-offca -nce *peclal duty n home. nqure roon pr-vrle: 128 Macun, Apartment ma*. P.. "eldey ady from* 2:M *a.m. **o 2 p.m B. Jerome,. 430 We»l, RONNO at per hour, snru or *>0" or. what havo you. Befereoce*. Pnono SAVE y o u r* e et 3 r and mu. nd For pett eontrt call u*. uum Afao " J X lr or rnncn job. Ola] Jcromo. 4 bc< 321.<03«. - >2 bc WantLd : ronng to do n my pl!? en"e* Ea*t" ura tf B ulnero pportunltle* r 3 0 jj 330 r r n r nx r Not * Western Auto Assocate Store. J n f. r.... t,o.h. - l..j local 22 Other fne locaton* avalable n and Jdaho, Montana, Wyomng, Colo-. 7 rado and Utatu and M e* SPARE TME Fn COME b«l«"a f r * W p H".lSS». go con operated dl*mn*cr* n tb*. fl of to *1900 ea*h. Seven to twelve a frk. A " a M S K S c! s S 0.% S? la fj * 5 K S c??; J J. s;: UTAH Mll. nclude phone num- (rrl. ber. ajlj. and WOULD YOU lka to be the actual «< > factory dlrlbutor for our brand naw lne or deluxe (portng car* Bht. and delvery rucktert..-..and rull l «lock. No nventoryl Nothng com- al ul, pare*t Up to 100 m.p.g; economy., oven THB MOUNTAN Homo Ar Force BU 324* Bale Exchange l tendng out *o- - S!.. eted per*on* ar* reque*t«d lo Mult contact the Mountan ome Ar Force Bate Exchange tor a *olcl- ONB OF he beat Laundronfau n room Magle Valley. 13 wahen, extrac- qua tor, S dryer*, dry cleaner, pre*; frep m K S S S s _Uob Lyon, *ak*man, M et BECT LTTLE, grocery *toro and S r., l «3 S K.» r! S H s f S S. l a E S : <s tevsff.asjs.k t#! Haerman " *1 C7-«m5. ao*a *lm».!bxa *av:rt? «**?, r a a e r F? V - c M "ph tor. Wonuna. Phone 88S-Z2S3. :, 57*7 M e n e y V to a n 3 5. wo-cooo.mllkroutaa-rwtlttnsw tnck*. Tako one or b&tft-reaon- model awe. Phone 324-m2. Jerome. more B E O ln "lano dl * Mu*c studo*. 73J-73e#! - "1 * S pedal C lataet ecth«bwh BLv Ra.Jln. mj -Beam?.TS5e.* a, b K!?lt S 5». -fel Pboa* U or 7UQ3._, or 731. r W q r t A d!, ; ls e lo o l «7 r PLAN NOW TO EARN - -. NCOME: BE A PROFESSONAL BEAU- TCAN. Beautcan* are n great other pro(e**lon. B E A U ry A RTS ACADEMY -, m MAN WBST Other nstructon 46 SlfJo f 6 k PR& booklet on how to complele your hgh chool educaton at hom e lo (pare lme. Dlploma-awamea.-Smal monthly Hornet for [sale 50 pt> J 5 J J S-5 $ t $ $ *-Cv-- HOUSES a b e d t frame. Good locaton. Clo*e to chool and honpng cen- - 2 bath*, lexceptlonal ktchen, ull lly room, carpeted, fenced back r*r---- *** Very nce 3 bedroom houe. A.M/-. real bargan for to.mk). room*. Eay to heat. Succo con- atructlon. lll* * a real good buy. NCOME PROPERTY 3 unt atueco apartment houe. Brng* n 1123 por month. Can be,. twught for 18,000 on en*y term. Nce apanm ent houe on fth JQ Avenue North. Can be bought reaonaue wth *mnll down pay- Trplex n very nce condlllon. Good bulne* and reldentlal _ good J17S per month ncome. 33.2?M. FARMS N G _. a* e t?* T : V a? f J------*od-value-wcll-wTnn-ytmnmo T We have lome good *tock ran- che* n daho «nd Montana. Wll N (j be glad to gve you nformaton thtf 8 or (how you thee fne value*. FOR r e n t avatlng. Small fumuhed home. Very dean. BUHLER ;u N o.. r e a l t y *.,,, 1 f, M LS" E A G E R? sage*. We are tf you nre. Clean 3 bed-?h"ob5. %* & t» arffc Wo-wn accept trade* * or mobhe * *, 15- home, camper, car. boat, real on, 733- papjr or what hax» you. FHA appraltal. J2.200., hem M O RN NG SD E SCHOOL Vr S " E A 3 bedroom*, fenced yard, frut -l;?evmtytovn a5sjss?e b3r nqure room. Poelon before Chrlt- anmcnt m at. tl,soo. REAL ESTATE Fm SERVCE 10 Wel K TT, S S, pnodo -G.l. or Conventonal Loam DON T WORRY 1- o«m About a loan. Owner* wll fl. nance. Small down payment; 1yearly _bntbn«;o_llle,rcn,_., cromo. 4 bedroom, Sll,00: JJS a month.- >2 heroon neur Lynwood Shopn ny. plug Center, (7,1 n month, 3rd Av- 3 bedroum wth bnemcn.and gurage. SS5 a monll S bedroom brck. JM a month. 30 L TO V D ROBERSON AGENCY 330 MftJn Nonh Phone 733-J4SS _ Not a member of Mullplo Lmng. NEW THREE?»;; BEDROOM HOM]? wth S93 per monlh total paymenl jclng Th* l* rnewhome,wm"wa?ud free wall cnrpet n lvng room and E. F. WO of thre* bedroom*. Thl! * f s, locaton on ol street wth curb and Sunday*. MLS ;----- SHARP 3 bedroom brlek. fnlhed,1e baement wth 4U bedroom, bath jamy A JW V B 3 b ed ro o m br lek ml, and,(rame, carpetednortheat. S r u PERCE Street 3 bodroom. good tme floor plan, excekent condmon. wste *»«,:». =0 M- FELD TM A N REALTORS T, >75 Fler Ave !!! V 1 8.PER MONTH a $600 DOWN, -V Now throe bedroom home wth -.,an d full baemen, two baht. wall to.wall earpe,. bullt-ln rungo-and oven. Locaed on ol ttreet wth» NO. evenng* and Sunday*. b u y n g? s e l l n g? out *0- lon of. Lat year* of profelonat- tx- B S ; HEfsr*.,s? "..tt.."?s: ; "MLS Moun : MLS- LUXURY lvng n thl 3 bed. lau d Toom, 3 bath home wllh 1880 txtrac- quare feet. Carpet and drape, 3 pre*; freplace*, doubla garage, ground g a S - s a : _ V.--,- LOW LOW. Prce, Balow appraled [ jjjj;- n conldered, th* property wlk be at 4*5 4th - o l - -flls REAL E*late Problem* are our bulnet. L«- u u k e u «atlon..m S ro ld, ABflSm Sl 1 -, : r. -...

35 H o rn - fa r S «k - M Hw " M L S ", J :. E w m s T N n s. E X C E L L E N T V A LU ES *. 4.MM pknm ent bue. Two 1 m bedro o m w ru n e n u. fumlhed. do ona 2 Mdroom apartmefl, unur* do vallble. S2.000 very tharp. 3 bedroom home; Full banm ent. new ga turnnce. T hl home hn been ;< completely remodeled.- Good lo> cadon; OonU lerm t nvallable. CLE Excellent Cl homa for hote >«ha lm can quallfx. n la rt* 1 bedroom hom«of w(h 3 bedroom amnmetu n rn hnemen. Thl home l very.m rfea wlh eood Jneome from p bajement apanm ent. Mutt «ell. ~. Cood term. p,n LYNWOOD ~ Karlev M alhen Lee Mahert 733-M73 0 l n «J" Member Mulllple Ulns "M L S ". r, * - L O O K N G?.- m r a «ood buy? Ser tll«hrea lm «??2;r#ge jto ooo TA YLO R AGEN CY Kmberly ao Evenlns* B Mason Smlh 73-VM77 U "M L S D E L G H T F U L L Y r M O D E R N Z E D _ on fth Avenue E u. Nothng lo do but move n nnd lve srac> ouly. > a* mc(dem ktchen wth (o applance* rreplbce «lr eonrt- be lobln. Flnlhed recrcatlon room he S,n,* S S d. C T C. L O O N E Y, R E A L T O R L 117 Shnthone North A 331 leth W lchhnm M70. Lc B«tty Hanten M M L S - 1; LO V E L Y H O M E. N C O U N T R Y Tbre* large bedrooro:-tl«ln room ncely carpetcd; freplace; convenent kltcfen.. hat bulll-ln. _ r l s a, 4 V "» r. u -. s atfrc.-only *17.5*. Owner tran»- ferred. Northeatt locaton. G E M S T A T E R E A L T Y? U 6 Blua Laket North 731-U "M L S mr. Ve S1ED.C1TY TENSON when you nn come homa te tbl ramblng brck fo home n be country. 4 bedroomt, be ff. ble garage and more. We nvte ya your mmedlato npectlon of ht Ml mot deruble property. Ovtner ter Wll eonlder any offer H A M L E T r ~ K h A L T Y DAV l AMLETT.rokBE F AnnH ;!}m e? / ; " > "7V».3«0 J l T H R HO M ES! - FO R SA L E B Y OW N ER m Or would rent for a year wltb op- W 2 " b edm m. balh and wat nrwal-carpet.-uthty.-room.-ba* 6 a ment. garage, hop. 355-; 3 bedroomt. W g e uttlty room. S u tled noon, ttorm doort and ndov. -n, 3 -bcdroomt..utlty r<wm,»_bed» m, nent, prvaa eatrance Nohng ow ner wlll fnance BY O W N E R r> bedroom brck. 3 lm, bath, completely e a r p e t e-d, cat drape. com er nt, fenced yard, we,ss"css.. ss. r. r S a s s m n o,.h A...U., m -.a u. UDG: OF Twn, pertect locaton WE 1 lor retred farm 4;oupl«or C.l. 340 who need a tharp, cleat 3 bed- Ma room home, l acre ot, well land- fee leaped. About»O pcr month on tac C.. or enty tcrm : wtb loa. cat prce of U.M. Mountan State Hb; ftealtv. 733.S874 anytme. utt- NWLY lmodeled older three ran bedroom hork wth large bnck far porch and utlllty-torngg area, -ran bargan at rraxw"th**eto.%o?eo Wa nurdera Suptlv. 73a-5S7. " Off by OWNER, to u th.1 J bed c5 m brlek borne. 2 bath*. 2 flreplace, A a double garnge, dltnwaher, ll* lt poa, double oven. Take over low 29«nereM M n. Plom 733-S31..So r"have reee*vcd*honmt ehlcfeat tervlee. Why aette for "Le thnn ul; bett? Hamlett Realty, 73J. % by ownsh. 3 bodroom. full b«c. Co ment; fenced vard; carpet and ref drapet. Low lo*n. take ever pay- Tw:.. ment a t <!4 per cent nteret TXt W! ARE-here-(o rnalot t oj pan- jrf <e a potlble (or you to lel w,, T W O S? J S M l* fjlhh* dbaemcnt. oth famly room. 2 freplace*, double <»vr garage, 733-tPO Wl l trade my equty n hou non northeat locatob. U ua bedroom u j nd basement for one or two -bftd- sau room traler houte. Phon* 73-aU6 dav Vtfap -TO skl? Want tr Sj; lc.% lv,ffg S r l. n " S lojb. Saj Shw famly room, on <arg«lot. 2 y«ara, OM «4.aot.,H «cteay Agnecy, 733- ju ; f m atm buren nur1e HumSy- * «! - * ncd RO O M sr3<v ~a~eam mtn renced.,ybrd, garage, ncatonabe ben S!t! «M Ls-,H (M f VftAof: Vour med y o tt home for m sew modem hone. Ran L M*?n l g -Kaetatfv X w w flb ty. Feldm an J ta to n, t7* FU tr m U Are., m u t t. 7BM.. }. E? Jk: U H e n tm f o r SgU 9 0 S und _ L - r S C H T - k u r. L Y ~ f S m E S M O D E R N Z E D 1.,. 9 bedroom brck home, ao e n, ro a Ofl Sth Avenue Eaat. Nothng to hed. do but mov«n and lve gra- lur- couly. H at modem ktchen wth... jmo, - appllancet nrepaee tlr ctjndl- Here brtcj T. f V J ncllvymret *who lnrl\aneo*fo *ljgh "#nd Wnh- w*f* ngton chool. Tull nled bane- 18A0 ment. bath abj K. corner lot nnd tent lome h e r goodlc, Call lor nppotn- you J n tflent today, tm.uo, - Mountam p very.kae Realty, Frank hktt. 7M-. from SR«anytme.. tell _73.V3( F a rm lo r S«l. 5 2 l r " M n ArrM,,ll_ u ;u > U w e d F u lt- -l*? " Ml lnre Vutcr, F n lr 3 bedroom r l ; home. Prtpetty eornert nter- 173 p hert "? 14J tn lell *t«33s,no wth term t.,. M) Acre*. ull haret wnter. All U>> < cultvated. Large modern h o m o nlu good -out-luldntt. 0 mllc«" m from Twn F»:. Prfced to lell at { wth gmxl crm. ] LYNWOOD fs REALTY lpo-.610 Slue La<( Blvd, Hn John Dlhnp, Realtor..... Hnrley Matber Lec Mather* 733-M Member Multple Utlng NED a a o :,mo3 100 A C R E S Lm*..CMM mlm.touthwetl of Twn r a ll. -3S77 13 ucro beet tllomcnt. 130 a c m _ e t of Kanen, Good home. «r;. CALL EA RL BARNES U31 or S - - m S aent C, L O O N E Y R E A L T O R 2 "f«,?ac O U R B E S T axll, wlb M. 8 mle* ftom Twla Fall*. 3 _ hon onrt- bedroom home. «w barn. A-l 7 : " Mm heavy toll. *31,000. Catl lor mura Busln jery- nformptlob., forl O R L & N REAL E ST A T E CO So. Llacolfl, Jerom e B. S,5470. Leon spcktoa, Realtor.324-S280 D! 03W Ed Stockton 33<-4180 **-_ t _ R F O R S A L E f o r j (to acre la Northem Utah by bulld owner, UO.OOO and term, rrga- 8 - ton pump 300 sallon per mn- >bole For further dttala contact Feta 7; 7, S f. S r h -, S 2 " S S j x car" G E N E LA RSEN SALES CO. n n ono 733-GOOt-034-S71. COOtlng ant- Chuck Petteraon 73J joos" M HEAD cow ranch. Located "MLS r y near Twn Fll. Only (S2.W0. 5J3, ta.y te m. REA LTY 401 So. Lncoln, Jerome 324-2H77 ESTA 030 Acret, 2U rrgated, morn Very good combnaton row crop 2222 you and euttl«ranch. Laad bult up rck for beeu and potntoe. 32 tncu - un, beam per acre h year, \:w Ftdt lace, OO head feeder corrof. Beautltu: dnu- brck home. 2 machne thed, 2 VCCtl fft.? V.d S. : ~ tner tentate hgwy. Ulvet excellent fa an?detenuxlnv tb n?fen *12. -f..h "ov y.jv. S 2 - c o p» -S S T t modern 3 bedroom homo. Date- area. R r a f e * a n / ra lt tm.flw f la l 1op- (M down. Daltneo contract at 31%.v nteret. Orydtfl Agency. Jerom e < wa» p<l Pettt, ltleman, ACRES Of cltolco row crop land, nnae a t s f f U. U l M S L J E s r ;L! o B ; s., \ & V S S» s,ck. 2 o A c n u. U.n n rorc..c K S te-d, canal water.nu* CO rrgaton ue yard. well, lletrtng Tlono mlk bom nnd foo,5 tows * w!r?os?lde*? «. evenlnm MC-24M. weekc w a AV....1 d >cr.r C to 320 acret rrgated laod n 1** bed- Malc VaKcy, Prcfert 2 home. land- feed corralt aqt Rood (ence. Coa- Avent th on tact ut today. Ho t a lerou*. 1 KOOl ota, capable buyer. Rocky Mountan enette State* Realty. 733-lw, vcnlnm, 733-OOM. lght*,.three ranche* exculvelv. Jmr crop TWO 1 bnck farm* from 40 to 9M acre*: eattle n: g area, -ranche* to 3<C0 head. Davd W. ter a k ral Lull, broker. 733-tnl, Evenng* - 3rd A Volco Walter K uter, 32040). The Land E x ce p Offce ot ldasb, frmm c6motnat6t4 tto ck ranch. 423 S lace*. Aere, 1 home, 170 water tharc. nlng*. dll- lg acre beet allwment. SU.OOO a 5, = s, 7 T s r S..5 s! = S j p : <>;nn UST yeur farm or rnncb Fhone 3- wth u*. WW tre members Globe C r t ~, --- Lltng Servlcewlth over 100 W ett VaBBrt, Tntc Coat and Calforna offce* for a rao and referral -buyen, Reul* a ttu r e d pay- Twn Fallt Retlty aad laturance. CLEAN f.«3,, room* ESTATE GO aero dvenlfled Buhl rr T pan; rarm; Largo hwne. ltd road.~full L*B> w. f r pl.,«l.1ltlnn. O f water. JT3.000; term*. Fnrm ert * 1 * * y» R eal.om evenng*. M3-3W, fjjct * ***wett of louth nark!.*vll 4*ed* n e r a f gnr. TO-7<mV SfhSd loue, MlmodoM tome. Low* p rk C muoo Mr? t33.000, lerm, landy Realty, 401? SMth UncolB, Jerome, 3/<-2877 >-»MC dav or nght. _» DEO 7-A C K E Slocattd-ea ngbway-m - 01m 9 Twn FoUTnu. FtU water. lay» nn nv" 55! s ; U S r.. S S S " «! K 5?. S43-«y. Hant A aw np. broker. «"jrnr»ld t. Call Schnltt aad Muffley, m-4781, month. full *g(km p, ptcby or vraep-owner W «, loca- wlbe* to, rrlre. c3(,oco,oe Cem la ae«s tae.-yalty.-r-w. bult-t j a g K M " g, j : j S S 2000" 333 ACRE, SA n a re pad water. EW 2 5 s. S S l l E >onay. to a c r e s, M acres rrgated. Free SMS n buy- water, hlew kame, altdott eom- red. S «M*» _ g l«c d j J t t J O O J ( g B..j.. all a t 5Sle a ro o tb e r -b?ld!sj l a! S S f loan. Wltb >3.n> dovv2vtr*ea Really, Jay g, B34-43S4. coodlng, med FOR ALL your m M* >ta.-sw e k a ame. Ranche and frm s, call Jerom e > r ru FUtr n g. Pmwa md 9 0 Sunday, Novefrber 27 ] T w n Fols T m es«n ew s *3S M. m ltrm sfof-sal*.: S S jl - [, * - MtS S «to H E Y -P A R D N E R «-. 51, h WHOA! Stf ;ndl- Here* Farm/Ranch L ttln of T. Mnt f f total prce.* W4 S M - ro m e V tl w ;"lll» 5276.» M K)3 Acre*. t2». 000; down.» Walk- Excellent mprovemenu. Owner Wah- wll c an y contract.» * bo»e- leflo Acre*, Chotee Und. EKfel- W t nnd tent clmate and (ocallon. Th* >notnl- you mut we. - ky "" V. TWN FALLS REALTY J AND NSURANCE M v3r2 Evfn ng» 7.\-nn7s or - jj*?!" t " M L S ". 200 Acre Row Crop.Stock com- blnatlon lt Segrecullu wutcr sv Full N*j rth y T rtle er y. * * - rer*- 173 Fler Ave S8 S j, ced, M a u l e t t and A craag* 5 4 S ~ * M L S M- P R C E SL A SH ED Stf 4.R Acre*. New prce S SY 2 bedroomhome!*clo*e tn*llc» tlon. Term to lult yuu orw lll X&. ""w n f a l l s REA LTY 5 j, AND NSURANCE W hert 733-3H3 Evenlogt 733-3B7S or n EL C-ll-m.STMAS M tacrlfce one or more of my four M benutfu. cvel; quarter acre, vew M. Lot*, located n Arconat fnct - r a! T. «. a l 5 a S : K trfl Avenue,: Phoenx, Arona. fl ;.» JlLS" TUa OJUa RTERS for re*-?* denta and vdeoofln lot*. Alo, M [ )p acreage* n l]ne*l locaton*, Call K utody.at Lynwood Really, 733- J * " FVE ACRES or le» lo d ty lmt* W avalable lor borne*. Fnancng, *, 3 Fhone 733-7»T. w lura BusfM S P r o p e rty 5 6 M FOR LEASE or tale: Tue old Satur- 32 CO. day Aucton Sale* grounds. Lota M 4800 f 7 h U Of the cty M- of Bulll- Excellent for commercal 41M u*e- Lbera! lerm*. Call 43MC83 at Rupert. Jky FOR LEASE: 60*73 Cnder block M by buldng, sutable for tbop or ttor- k. ga-. age, beated wltb bln fed atoker 5 * K r - n J l S : - tsn*»» APARTMENTS FURNSHED, 3d M9.90e tcbde.-for farm, lolland W -. :"ome»u3 «4,OOOr*7M- " M U OO- RONTARE on Blue U ke* Boulevard North plu* 300 h depth. deal Commercal Fropertv. Globe Realty P3, 2w 1*77. lood 20* aquare buldng for olfce 5 " or dwellng To be movu, mornng* and evenng*. C V c 5 ff.w rcldtm an Bealtors 73>-lll8g S v» " " p»hy ~ M North. Twn Fall* Apartmant»~Furn1had 70 - S W LLS MANOR SS S l - s M S r f e r S p _unlum uej_»30_tao!.j5clud«t M T everythng except cleetrclty. %V.?M ""* refrgerator wth each ras apaftmeot, convenent downtown J v nec-. " y.*»0»ee facll- %V " 733 THUja room7, tbower asd batb, r ucklty room,-autom atcw ather W fenced yard. No pet; amall chllj "S s " S m S ps k M M weeken**""* n S r ROOM APARTMENT wth Utch- M ad eaette ana Bower. H e at and Vt S m NS*r?h «Man S J rou. ROOM APARTMENT wul ktch- ntaln enette and hower. Heat and W 083. lght*. 0 :0.0 to town. 6«o MalS W cattle Avenue North. VjW n: gmn<) flow* gm"heat.*wn - d w. ter and aatltlatoq fumlhed. 431 n u ng* 3rd Avenue WcM. phone , K - Heat, wnter. and lanltnton fur- UV 423 nlhed. aoe-n. * *30, eve W larc. nlng*. x!r? %, rledroum AFAKTm Un - B Xm- H j Madl.on Street Cott. W- _Fhoae alter 4:00 o,m. * SMALL APARTMENT, very clean. o 4 ;tjncb l»l?ne"733.32» a fte r -o S y ff* **. am om b?*75ss r*fl:*"p.s! ance. CLEAN ncely uraltbed three 9V T n *on only.* J*ut-mere Joo %3- g l ; FURNSHED three roon aad bath. M W ate tanlmtlw n 3 w d PUlNlSllED-apartmeot sutable fnr 401 O f fe"f * rh : *** S 1 DEDROOM furathed apartment. Mf P 5J-..,Autlle_fMrnlaed..rJene.733. SX- <Jm? VERY CLEAN furnhed baement o"kc. n?h. Wahlngton, *5 3SlSj"ar; W T lh E E roomt a n d a bath. Adults: Sx,]en, <no oelt. 148 Aatn Avenue..,, ssf; f r A r t n n n t» - y m lh «d. 71 M Cem la a e " -jl.pls. w a$rs w aff5?s v bull-ta range and refrtgemtar, f f. "fb a r g f l o r a n a. Call*m-Mfl?; M kgcn-,dv*j e<lbgs and Sun- U m att range,- dlpoaal,- baajneat. - a-~, m e l 3 m j {S. j l h. jy p r jtrjr.x - te c..all.at.awmorullacutl f f. P r SS S g b R w :» u. " ; wv~ j.,,. W t w tas e t e w b l e J j \ _ 2 OROUND FLOOR room apart Ktmb r"y "* «««. M M - Ch,ecl 1 of W, ol W,. (ner M, ;rel-- W rh* Jtcr «. 9S M 000. O 1. WlU R j. All voo need. 9 lup to 6) fom f Of M - noj humoo«" w t 3 bf.onneunced four Mf vew W MM. S l...j.-t1ckets O RPHEU M una": S. 2 f Fall*, daho alsf a t ff j. a V E lmt* W «upm cn?"redr DlrtyTl"abby? nclng. 5 6 Satur- 3 * crff G f t s F o r M E N block M r s r P R E S E N T 1 HED, Wtth th* 9C6 Chevrolet ao-n. ftt. Fleetlde K-ton pckup. Long v> sland 3» -.. -wheelbae; 4-pced... U2aS.. M FROM :3 2 G L E N J E N K N S M?» : - - C H E V R O L E T L _ - s r r 9A H E L L T H N K 300 «Y O U R E Pfop- g T H E G R E A T E ST p - * v, M D om lnbn e lec trc slcn e * M and c arv n g knfe F orm -F t-hande,-atalnlcts vlla.».one gft Dad wll really ap- n J g u :? r e 4 - =. J g J u s L l J L A L W - D B SU P PL Y CO Ol Man Ave. No. Twn Fallt M - S E; ;K f f l L A D E S! B ± : - See... nrt CLA U D E, W AYNE * l l W * G E N E , eaet M _ AbOUt... * town M T h e m a n n y o u r lfe" e. S h rley -M en d o la r W rabulout gft /or the man~ chll»5. n your lfe.*.. H( E n«tow NCRAFT 17.TEWEL ( - 0 W. WRSTWATCH B? /a W «? n F e.t.l e r o r «- 1 ngt- tful gold tone qr l.ver tone,.. ncr. a v o n l y j s.m a PEN N Y S [ Ma" G f t s F o r F A M L Y :n\ f : L l: omt u Dont mlt our annual. run S v chrltma* " OPEN HOUSE». PARTY, 3 New crn merchand*e on all lean. o 4 3floo».,Rerrethmcnt* lerved!!!! a CA N S!" «3?. ~ S Wl 5 SY Some People _ t... H av e AH T h e Funl- pf- " HONPAS;...: a KAWASAKE MOTORS» B L A S U S C Y C L E R Y » th. M 431 Man AvenQe Eat lur- _!T... SWEATERS.733: SX- F orx lt h e F tm lly. ts & L N.huw T A N, s m *. vate 3 * PENGUN. p M Free *lft wrappng. f- R O P E R S us: W. n Doubt About TTat a Chrlatmat Gft?... Shop n S n t g MACES B 1 -. Sm- U b d a e l e c t"oos a J *. tba.magc Valley. S J f c r - *. G f f F o r s c X t l L D a E N ! S S S p r n g m ju n w d» ;] «... l d o g H o r s e thu *,-55: : 5 S : g S j 3 T1Jk j M. 7 W ; deal 33, D * B SUPPLY CO, rrz f f # - - TmnTOTCv57W tttotfn?a!r ~ -~ art- l y ". - t _ J, ~ / V. r ; Zh,eck Ths "Clcssfle - G T F - v s A r J- J3FT DEAS ar( $ 3 0 C o s h W e e k ly : -Every doy f Chrjftnos 4 gues Orpheum or daho wll be owa wrh $30 CASH w eekly przej,11 voo need- 10 do lo.m«t lo clp J COMrtEJE tp to 6) fom ony elher pon o< tht Clotlled Secton o»l humoo«t comblnolon poklbla ond mol or b»ln > onneunced n hl.lectsn [doly. Tcket and mon< P le U M : -nck ETS MOTOR VJ Mr*. C. Dudley 0C2 Dlur Lake* Blvd. Twn Fall*, tdaho sn Let* put the Twnkle n h* eye and a new let or chuckle* wth prle* eve;y day untl y? Flabby? All new n: electre wth ew rv nl chang* Startng Wedne*layr Nov. 23rd G f ts F o r M W O M E N SPECAL CHRSTMAS GFT ; Expanded vnyl HANDBAGS a Make c H U D S O N S ; Lynwood!-----J T h e G F T for H E R A new Snger Sewng Machne. Vacuum cleaner nr, atereo *et; A mall depok nlne» res Chntmn delvery. No paymenta 01 February J*97. SN G E R SEW NG unt CEN T E R >30 Mam Ave. N r T E FoS COOKNG UTENSLS K, ", ; r w r 5 : f e D 4 B SU PPL Y CO;. 230 Man Ave. No.- Twn Fall* FOR HER A K R B Y -F L T E X O R -.. HOOVER VACUUM /EL CLEANER B E R N 1N A..SEW N & -: > > !J»-. M ACHNE - " "j.-on a llt H E FAMl f A M RACLE W ATER CONDTONER Ca: for FREE Demoattratloa V a c u u m C leaners cf daho, Corner Slue Lake* l., 2nd-Ave.,,Er "Twn Falls Fhone E M s c e lla n e o u s ; G fts j :. S-U m p E d W hy N ot,a all 0, _ TMES-NEWS Suberlptlon? rt?ntv*...mcrch S pecal: ; _ )RS, SJ.25 n daho )»l-q om.ttde5late ChOo*e your FERSONALZED ; CH RSTM A S CARDS NOW «0 - y f choce from our M-. "«" "y album* CLOS BOOK ST O R E SO Man South Choote A Dl*crfannatng >p Gft for tllbt Artut GRtlMBACHER ArLAasortracnu; ck*.. Supples X SHERWN-WLLAMS -j j ;«Man North STOCKN G S T U K F E R (P. S- t won t <juu fl.j, S r o S K 5 * ;.. g. r ru 6 A Look A t T"!" ; G L E N J E N K N S,.. C H E V A Q L E, Cssfed" Secton Dq] S and CHUCKLE CC 5 P E R = N Q W e e k l y - F r e e T h e a t e r T c k e m os 4 guest tckels to the Motof-Vu a n d vll be ow arded os przes n th Chuckle kly przes S 5, 1st prze, $10, 2nd przt >? COMPEE LNES <>om tk«glt dea Secton ond 1 lotllled Secton n th* paper 10 mak* up o funny leq nd mol or brng 10 Sonto Edtto/l, Clajtfed Dapoft cket and monty wll be moled to wnne- S MOTOR VU 2 TC K E TS O RPH Chrle* L eejr. Blvd. 34t Madrona {treet Ncvth 10 Twn Falt, daho. FOR SALE BV OWNER ye tnd a new d u l c h t f u l l y, MODERNZED y day untl FAMLY tre.. ;hang* day, Nov, 23rd M s c e lla n e o u s G G f ts F Y?T! V st O u r BcauUrul # r p c GALA ROOM nt Q,No, CACTUS PETES k n V DeycSl.Vr*o"" * W ES Make your rcervatlnn* now DUCK for the Chrltmat tolldayl BELT " JACKPOT, NEVADA R E D Ma. l ;ya*?e% *? U*dldnt :! = n S J f j S sf- For the. L J.., n : -.,.WA J l l. Tred of Have hln -...} B h D O Y O U R 5 ; CHRSTM AS S H O P P N G " AM EARLY! Y es, fo r the v e ry b est a n d You m ost com plete C h rstm as, y r selecton, be sure lo v st s ].11.1 hc p «rllclp.tn E J E V >»«...m e rc h a n ls -E A R L Y l [ j - - " " l- y r s - T tb Sa welns deal at a ht bugg: :-----1, 1963 F Fordor. heator.a - only SUB! Y O U R >S - C<W Ml eaer,cl J -t handle at gla** eov whle t colorful- jy s r» «S. D & B W U EL E C... a fn J. ment for where a p _.... MUS u - Ou w W a t r J] r r ;, SA M / m l ! M» Mln Daly for Tmely. E congest! _ T c k e t s D aly., -Vu a n d 2 tckets to the Chuckle Contest togeller 2nd p rze, $5, 3rd prze. cton ond ll># bfllooc* of the complel* lnt, funny laquenct. Pott* up the lnt n tn fed Dpoftmtm. Tme-Nawt. Wnntu wll. TS ORPHEUM 2 TCKETS Ml neverley Scheuffel* reet North 3ks Heybum Wett ho. Twn all*. daho OWNER WANTRD> Someone.Y Oend nnd Uele» g.., l,. TALLOW CO. G f ts F o r Gf F A M L Y, r - H( M C E SKATES Make thl th * BNOCULARS K N V E S C h a n n < * W E S T E R N B E L T SA N D - - a t BUCKLES * B E L T H O LSTERS T A P E R» RD N G EQ U PM E N T pf c*v2t R E D S T R A D N G thrsghw t CHANN J Q V Year lt Kumlng to an ent Vare tt all D Tower* went?,. r e r. W. GveAl Nuf 2 take D plcturct of em. A p f a r ; a?. J T - T p, Wakn unl la* Blreatv wnter Prlcet W ar m S N COZY O FF C E. SL PPE R S 218 M For the entre famly.»(any (a:rott {ron *tye*..to. chooae from. Some- thtag-ta-peab-varyone V A N S D e p a r t m e n t S t o r e "MaJa T fu "! -,.W A TN G L N E l s JT T -E R S 7? MAONA Tred of walng n tne for E N T ER the kdt (0 tee Santa aau *7 CE Have hm come to vlllt your,o Man Sou home o r your ChrUtmaa < yrtyphono 733-4D43 lor lur- D scover t h F u n 01 W n ttr W lh E V N R U D E SK E E T E R A dm ral and A M F SK D A DD LER SNOW M OBLES * RECORE B U D & M A R K S,, 5!! ] 347 Malt Eatt 733-nw» l Shohone F o r T h e C h rstm as G ft 5 «5nd*e. You G ve W th.p rde Let SterlDR Eaty Amen Be Y our Gude vnca wd c S T E R L N G. - G A J E W E L R Y C O. A ddlw Av»2 Sbohnne St. So. 733-S033 Rear Det -y :s J n M E - g O R - G» N C - l- 7 " 7..So welns gvng you a good Le( your.1 r b " u W y " - ". V S S. n T w 1963 FALCON W agon tf p o p F Fordor. O, automatc, rado. heaer. A very good unt for and FL on.y,ll» 3. Y O U R E E M OTOR CO. m o b l CtW Man Avetue South m le J 73 Kere a -ooe the whole famly wlll enloy a Oomaoa electrtc com popper. Dg 4 Quart capacty. Removable poppng For a Chrl bowl for eay aervlng and wlll long rer eaer.cleanng.- Slay-cool handle nnd legs, heat proof - P H L C O C gla** cover. Let* you watch _ whle t pop. Come* wth 4 P n T j colnrful-tervng -bowl*. Nn. r Rcgur S0J3 reu l. JUCT M.97 a t hc old Relable W]LSO, D & B SUPPLY CO. TwjFBtl* W U R L T arfftm. E L E C T R C PANO. S? y a... a fne key board ntru- THERMO r b le % S g, e r &.?nvk S J «p f. S : S. a -. d *, o %. r.. :. N O V M A SO N Efl P R C E H M USC C E N T E R, CA RA V E L L E - W RSTW ATCH ttn-.. b n a abe jw untm aj., » U P SAMAC JE W E L E R -n rtn T s-p te g rro rp re m rr = = = = = ely - - J ; let* lmt, K ntt wll TCKETS M OTOR-VU ey Scheuftel* «? & v s m Rn> Someone lo drve my l nd Uele g»...,. - )W CO.. Sk G f ts F o r r - H O M E. & Make hll the bearchrlttmaa ever, nlt on the very /lne*l K Channel Master " R ADOS a n d... T A P E R E C O R D E R S - - Hlghet qualty Low n prce * la day warranty v ( Avalable a; denler jm throughout Magc Valleyl ( S CHANNEL M E R. CORP. «G ve A L astn g -G ft------r l b A p o r t a b l e " Typewrter. Lnrge ttock Prlcet From H»M vp. S N Y D E R S W _0 F F 1 C E.E Q U P M E N X Man N o n h w... (Bt:rott (rom osd Pott Offce). W 1 Mala H.U to jn e t ChrUt- j ~ J a c k Home Entertanment p buy t tl you try." u y - awayt. to o l -. KEN & JACKS J b MAGNAVOX H O M E 5 5 EN T ER T A N M E N T g J C E N T E R m 410 Man South Pp Have a Merry Mtule ChntmBWh, 9 k * YAMAHA PA N OS - * RECORD PL A Y E RS Admral solld -sute.w slcreo K * RECORDS... W A R N E R S M U lc 131 Shwhone Nonl Take a walk down ChrlmaV] Lane and tee the presence of Chrttma n a varety of -Va Maretta Mood* K Early Amercan. French Pro- -.«rc vnca and Contemporary at Va G A TEW A Y Vs T R A L ER C E N T E R 15 Addlon Avenue We*t 733;240 PS Rear Deant Rchfeld jk L et y o u r.fam lly d re a m s.5}*:. cavne tru e th ls C h rlstm a s «wlh a,new moble home. Pm K R O P F -S C H U L T «and FLEETWOOD W MAGC v a l l e y s 1K... MOBLE K0ME5 Pk Om Sunday Chrltlmas vk 3! mlelujhway ao K Fnr a Chrllma* h? famly M Wlll long remember choote -PHLCO or ADMRAL g. X O X ) R T V S - - WLSON-BATES «TwljFall. Dubl and Jerome K - - arlstmas-speclal ff w _ * suoley StalBles Steel.. THERMOS BOTTLES» Regular ;s,03. Pn *,,,N O W.9 9 _ P R C E HARDW ARE -W : Mala West

36 .S unday, N ovem ber 27, Twn Fqlls-Tnres-News A p rtm enl-u nfum Jhod 71 2-WE E K S-F R E E TO DEFRAY THE COST OF MOVNG TO LYNW OQD M ANOR Twn Falls Address Of Dlatlnctlov " tovely J bedroom all electrc?k pptlabcer pm«oeom Mr*. vjnlt Thomu*, 733-J009 for MW. ono.bcuroom V) and.wo bodroom (W3) uparmcnw wth electrc nove nnd rcfrucralortur- nutej. n nortcm»cctlon Twn,1ull* ne«r topnng ceter,- Phom! 733-S04 from O:0t n.m. lo..qo Call evcnlng«.7m-01l>b.. b u Llk: 2 bedroom*. wer turnl»lkd.jarabe. northeut.ocanlre 5Mwet feorjvv?n!r* H autet-f urnlthed 73. -ouh room* and unn. ;enn. ncely, nct*f ffly UKcncdjSllMlOk! L««l. Can TXKUl bedroom home on <»nnu Vu Drlvv; l ncre. corral*. Plono. 7M.g.-a,. p- TWO Uelroom lomc, On* lct. AvlUlle-Deccmlcr 1st. 2«olk, &treet;-none,n-nn. - 1 HbUKUDM luknmlj home. Clean.-Adulu only, no pen. Plone 7M-73:;. SMAU. luuc. urly (urnuhca. Plona *33 UJU.. H oute-ln fu rn lh ed Kme: J.bedroom. s»*lur- nnce; nollly.. CO 4lh Avenue; a bedroom*, ol (urnuce; ua monlly os-Druo ;n>««cvce: 2 twaroom*, otl rumace:»3 monlhly. 2M Morelnnd:.1 bedroom. ol heal; {93 monthly.. X* Slh Avenue ln: 3 bellroom* otl heal: *75 monlhly.. _ Lloyd Robcr»on Ajcncy, 230 Man Avenue horl.. 7M-S133 lctore a!po n.m. _. jtlal nco 2 bedroom huno. t-urue lvlns room ond klchen. Durtal ba*cnen. gurose, curpctcd. Nlca CuU TM-MD. day» eve- nln* and Sunday*.. x-wo UUDKOOM hqu*o. 3rd bed- room n lull baement. famly room, freplace, Burugo. ca»ee<. jr draped, bullt-ln appllunces. a yoa; old noma on larso lot next to new junm School. Phona _ ON HAHRSON Street. WO bed- room, baemen. newly rodec oradd, ol lurnacs and fencvd U. back yd, Call llanen. _ usa! ASSom h. : nle«*le lvng room. - ktchen. Good locaton. Jlo per month. Cl Globe tealty (gJ. ns, (ull baemeot. carport., utlll- 7 te*. 1B70 Addlon llat. Phone U a D H 0 O M houe. ng yarat.fenced. Pvhly repanted. Central S th. A a -fe o fl! " * MOOKRN 2 bedroom and Blaaed.ln. TU HCSPONSULU couple. Com- c t rorubte 3 bedroom mcmcrnhome.... umace heat S after 0:00 j ONUletwn hou*e. llderly-or u, workltv couple preforre]. No t.jnulr# 22» Eat Slh Avenue.... -rvwedtanrbrlck duplex. Carasfl, nhone UEDROOM MODURN Home n TS Twn Fall*. AU Carpeted, 2 bnth*. near choou. Phone Buhl.! l OR KENT: 2 bedroom home. Good Phone 7M-3SOS or nr CLUAN\9 b drrcntpeed llvlna room, awpery. full ba»eraent wth _ CLAN. 2 bedroom home. GaraBC. sa* heat. Daby accepted: nopets. nqure Mlnd Avenue 33 2 DHOROOM MOUSE. Wall (0 Wall carpetlns hrounhout. Cn* furnace. 1 rh:nt* n h l - W o lbbnosm non... w.f.o..11 g ; g v > r. " y r a. Cl LaN one bedrwjm hou*c. sa* - heal. S40. Adull preferred! PAone Cl *mall 2~edroom home. Stove*. furnlhed. nqulr* evenln, 340 A*h SltTCt. MCE CLEAN btdroom home. "WO bedroom foue lu*t rekcob a«m en are. Lyn-. "*men? heat. *12 «"*mon Phone 733-G04.. rr Tw o bedroom modem hou*e. Pa.o, * P& 733*!om." * L o v ely 2 bedroom home on ex n > "** **"! j lu R OR fve bedroom home. Par- vumlhed. 710.LoCU*t. phono month. Al w b oedroom home. Fumnce hem, ar near/hool «U. Call af- * SMALL.1 bedroom houe. Adult.. Cb«furnnce. JW. 23 JnckAon; <all.?m.30» TWO bedroom* (thrd n m*emenl. a, Perre..WS. No pct». Call or 67S1330. DurlCV. 2 DEDROOM. UTLTY porch. Tur- nace heat.. $40 permonth. 323 North Street. Fler. 32ff-M3l... Bower*. 7M-82M... R oom -B eard *nd Room 76 cy.mlomtaule *lecpfnb room, pr vne-entrnnce.-bnlh-coohlne-nrlw lleae». llnunlt detlrcd...xcs.lnf,?.;..!.. w.nl..kz,n. K g ; S T - RcfrlBcrfltor n room. monlh/phmo _ CAMERA CUNTlR HOTEL Con- _veol«ouy located downtown,. By A «lay. week or monu:.j 1 u 7, 1966 flm lnw -O tflc* R enu 0 hod 71 fop Rent. M. R-EN-T 300 «cres 40R W anted te R e n t. -88 S Of 120. ACRES or.more.. jav r= S S T A f r e r lw 0.2!...T n...n...; «Rd ff 3«0 AL-RU.S wt dary Bam. _: and two Gary Culer. 733-P235.. rjorfurl Fm tmptomenh. M. a «S S C O M E N T O D A Y f o o r 733- and.sec out _ TERRFC SELECTON gj fumlfhes: - TRACTORS - E PARMA.L 430 SAL S d«r..m >. -fj : J o n DLR 730 dleel, Ba*. he -ff MP3- - MAS.S:V FEROUSON 03 dlmcl. ~ rmnmcntr -t,-ash;w0. lltso Avenue. WAvR OP FNANCE on new»p nnl ued tractor* untl Aprl 1. ** W an. ncely.farmhand 12 mulcher. 3-. _SS!»/o: tj5- SrvCRAtfJood uvcl plow*, wl JOHN DELRE Model U munura l! car.etcd. prcndcr. ca G E M 5.a K E Q U P M E N T nj s - 7 T =. S A L E S, N C. J s. n«lct. John lllll, olk. Cheater Sherret TO-S:co_ pj l S ".; lln v Y F ". T R A C T O R _ a Overhauled We Repar All Mnkesl. fnc 7 4 MOLYNEUX MACHNERY n» _our_aus;chalnccs.deacr a*-tr Twn Fall 7 l-ak.mall umsl. Wde front..fj room*. end, 3 bottom m e ntermtlona. plow. Uke nuw, Very (ew hour*. RlU 2 hca- UCfse- Store. - yoj onlhly. : s nl WANT TO *Hve monoy? Cull for n SX. n, ol demontrntlon, Mo*t economcal pot tractor on the market today. Val- cov,room* ;y Tfacw * mplement. Buhl. UNE USUU Ucar Cat huy und Bran TToR cy., combnaton erlndcr. PTO on t m h" T* " r r s. Large Trac*tor anylmplvmenl S3.! * 5wt Cd? N M *dj.w uppllm J sghvce all "make* of ma Hor chlnery. Reed Tractor, Co,. Cae rg_bed- u e n t Dealer rd South. ATH :,5.155 *nn«. FlnnnCB.* lorm\*na!ubo. A S jy HAY UALlKS, J9 UDU, all.«01 rrtoc. mnkcs. all recondludnel. Ar.o S S.n fu *..B.m-y.J!*: m; K s lsr j a B S 4 5 y gl;:; tnahlnery Sale* and Servce. rt.. utlll- yuak e n d Clearance or ued trac- 401 ; ; ; ; B yard, FAMAND ; b.et, loppor. (a); g 5 s a. a g s a ; g»! r - ONEJUW-co.{)lcker_J.Deera, T ro S u n r 91 NO Hy, Gratn and Feed 94 GaraBfl. Good Qualty AraUa Hay - V mod- Mcl<\tnck- Truckng Avenue. Phone Bellevue. dnho... nw **of*c?or chbh :"37V cum"of hu ( s te a m cutom gran rolhnb. port- m lvng able to the (arm: mala*«e*. la*- n? t DanlH. sl Soe Stjeet North. aoo-ons l*t and 2nd crop hay n to Wall (tack. Make bd on 100 lon or fumace. more Jerome. HEED Orlndlng ana mlxlna. Mola- *1-5 ; s * E S 200 TONS thrdtrop- baca hay tn j.gstove* dy?r«dehvefed! *Phono*733*. _p l60.acres. nr pblun _rar rent, lo! S - : f W o r p * r?hlntt-?jerbyb! pno n **phonv r.»lose*km no.frerr WANTED: pature. Phone W. dal m? : Twn Fan* Anmal Breadng. loo v Ufl7, at- sreat proven Se»? naton* gh- ctjvpe producton elre. Ato all. «<> Adult. breed*,or beef avallafete. Buhl cot- Jlo; ncluon lect. M3,(1102: Jerome : vlr -lnelton 82a-S3>4;.Burlcy-67g : a r a ;.AucHo,, -101 ~ ;h..-ur -.J, F E E D E R -S " 1100 C A LV ES Several draflt ofj ~ T c a d a n d over. clsss: MONDAY. NOVEMBER 28lh 137 4th Sale Barn. Mackay. da. Altman.. Cuf<w-C<wn ty v c B<o , Marketng Assocalon met 3T phono... ==tharolyk-auu.o«>-uveftrr.ro- -c o n - 7:30 p.m. Open nl dav- Frday. Lxpcr By AerM*.ureer ffom Bob Rccjs.mo- Prc tor Co , 1 phor KsFodgCtt «c«hu.. M P. < " V o? O n F a r m S l a u g h t e r n g. w e : s l a u G h t e r M. : 5,9?," S arae level.- > m B» r a? e r.. N o r t h M a n*- N **-. L o c l t e r s S a v e - r -k e! \3rjK THE ONLV quulfledbutttwrj n Rj 1: MuBc Valley. Qulcket. Cleanct. an r.> n-pt. Cull -Eucker tt Son n r r UEGlSTlREU~ ANGUS bull*. Ug T< boned, fat BOlhlng unlnhal. Cuur- wj w. -. ;, n J D A Y fj some Scotch Blood cow. Km da rron S f f :. f f s, S. 1» ;k f Kmberly. SU SALE OR TRADE: U head Holteln ph tprlnger hcllor*. welbhng rrom T r , -1, 000 to 1,300 pound. "ao, a lot of artfcal helfer. cloe-up:* 14, gas, head Guerncy hefer*. Have 2 o r r m.j!.***-. DARy.COWS:ooU.h6ter*..frc»h.or.-bo on new aprlnser*, lou per com guuran- * Mnd nve»toel< a n? Vprlnger* for }l!j Cullfornla. Hnp or Clyde llu g h c, r r ler. 3- Puhl (10 or , SMA 70 BLACK Ansu* lvlfer* comma V, wth lt calf xtnrt calvng January tunura ; l, 4o comns wth 2nd calf, art PAR ; c a a,! : :, r. - " - g : 100 TOP qualty Antu* heter*, lrcd OKA rm 10 tn rt calvng January Ul, Wll tur T preg tet. Tako 10 cr moro. Juck _E«1 L Unulundro, Routu. Hagcrman. tom J daln, B37-44D7. 332, REGSTERED hecf Slorhorn bultl. ~7~ 0. S. r A. r. r. - a B L,., ;. ; ; - rjrr.."!" fhcc. and llack or K. Jerome. OR SALEf.Uabv und pature cat-, vev. Buck whtcfnce and whte- es!. face. Phone 543-M54. Buhl. lery S REUSTERED Anau* cow* nnd lealcr calvc*. a Angu* feeder. *teen. -c u SuNSV. olc w rof jb ron, lale. All cloe-up, AverjB# w-rot, Pund«.- R2R-316H. Hazelton. J hour;: R tm st E R E D Here.ord bull*, pck r Store. - o_urfovurlt«, D w ayne-c rm e* for n SX JERSEY mlkcow. 12 Shetland 7 *ay."va"! cou! 32" 2oV Wcndgu! t. Buhl, H C E REplSTR AnU* bull*. op T o on hefo«phone 53oVlC5,"wen!df.?. m E s r* and w ea N S R ps* for lalr.. phone324- mo.lountan tw. Jerom, after fl p.m.or be- 0;0< fore H B.m. MAT H o re«--. > T 04 d"sou1h? ATrENTlON lloremen Now neceptng hone* m. htrak. Alo, H y * j S l f l e? " " Dcn%trFlne.~:)26 Mjj em HLACK 7 year old nl round u»n«seldng, 2 top bred rcbluered -Jv.? Huarter hnre m arcj. Very gentle. Cf Kmherlv. UK loy", 07*- B.MONTH OLD qnrtcr hor»c. lj hf, - tnorousnbrea - for j5o: ptone-733- t to? 2020* 1 HORSE TRALER, fully" covdrvd ulpmenl. new 14" tre* nnd»para tro S2J1, GOodlng ,. Me Forn. Phone SKeep SUFFOLK ElUCKS. yearlng* from a fl farm *8* nroduclng, flock *!re. Produc- J.n" co. " nuyyou*?* 0*21 P o ll n O m S u p p l ls T o l *?*.* F?ve gcncrnlon pcdlareev F U v udeere. -Sassafrl.llnfl. breedlne. Not ano d condl- nel raled. Oll H2~(lByr-Dr ane ne U73 a7tcr S:00.p.m. _ Fre a l NEED ~. Use ths handy drcct< >»y T Call A A n s w 2?n:,4l }V f T h «T e le p h o n e o f A ny. D lol , T ell ev Jfa: A dvert! nly. Dan F o r L e tln g n fo r m a to n n th North, A T r a r p n r - A r- C o n d to n n g. llf - u r.... s B o a rd n g & T ran n g j t *Pone teorgo * KcnneU. B o a r d n g a 5 S! : c : ;» ;.. ;?. Y = y 5 {!, r.t.?;- B u ld n g C q n tfo c to r per ton, Buldng Contractlngr New con ttructlon hrretnodell n g *, C a p e n t c r s : o e** of plo*! etc.?*5uaran*reed. Free e»ll- JJn. male*. 7J3-3329," Motrt contruc r rent. tlon ratto, remodelng. m:w work, cab- sluar met*, cement nm.hlng. Freo e»ll-,er, u m n g - - mble*.-~33-s400. -evenlnb*; Hal. C o n c r e te F o r m n g _ 5 «; r ; K 5 r r. s s. " %. r s : a. r-y-_ -jauhlnb,-«_c. Free etlmate*. WJ-. J 2 er. concrete rorm ng: baement. (oon- TTrrjr B. datlon foolng, rc«ldenlal or com- cjoe. mercal. Murln Denhl ; N E lcctrcal C o n tro c to rs T S? O W E N S E L E C T R C S E Ato all* More current tor es* currency. cam :uhl enu Home, commercal nnd.fnrm g-OyuL WlTcnneou* trnde* ton*1dercd - klo. Phone-rcornr.r733-g43;: E x c o v o tlo n Com ~ Backhoe. tm a tr o u n e d, rado 5->n dpatched: trench, back fkng. f? s.. Jjaem ent dggng, complete aepttc _ tanx?«na< rnft% ra-"nt5 ==S Haken Sewer Servce ,» v, J? u t.? j o 7 r o e m. st<«e o V - * o r/u e* m ra T rrj * H o u s e m o v jn g. : - Df!J,phon«-733W3.. log. 102 Pat* a n d P e t SuppN n! 110 Ftr e rn c BEAGLES "BEAGLES E R BEAGLES - Heard Orandvlew Drve. La V-AWAY y o u r poodle Suppy fjr ChrUtma now wnle leleclon * good. Free trm and bath. Stud aervce: Groomng. Blled cap weater collarr. Cherl Mller, l leanct. aervce pn AKC llcstluld p ««l. P.P., - f f 5. ;;3 ff KRme"* *-OK s a l e : Purebred Oermatj Shepherd pupple,.m acs Kenne:*, n FEMALE. Labrador. Good hunter «"3 " " 8 *r >; AKC REGSTERED Mly who AV bcw for 0- SEW Phone s StALLW HffE toy poodle. mont.. ma "? alf, sar PARAKEETS 1 or all wllh cages. M ts vg. ten. **h Avenue* Ral"" :r* Bred BEAUTMULAprcot male nnln- fjl? r e r r. fon?*y24-4yo; yevle". 5 gcrman. HOMNG plaen* for <ale. 50c ench. and 332 Van Buren or phone Cer n to Uv«tock W anted 114 W 1*. Steve 1.A u l n,.,..r. FOR p r o m p t - v r T - T E M O v - A r Dead ond Useless w a L V E STO C K n j PHONE c o l l e c t D A H O H D E " f w T A L L O W C O., -! 5 TWN FALLS 733-G835. Red! BURLEY Rsf.-.. Sav A p p lllr... t HH Equp. 120 J ttge RANGE, all new hum an. REUt, S.hV} * condton. Only «9,50. *12.00 you erlv, u;,n. j u j o per. month.. 00-day KD. sprnser warranty on part* and labor. M L la* enucll. Y. Open Frday.tl P:00. EXPl h j s one324- "nonl- M * Y. Open Frday tl. ExcL MATCHNG WZARD w.ller and csl - dryer. -Regular JJ Specal 30 V V4 lale prce ror ct. Wctern NEW Auto. 233 Muln Et. TV. ( Ao UEPUSSESSED U e r n n a.sewng ted. e T 6- Macllnc. Take over puymen*, 225 Bal Ean 21*t. Burley, or cull late fsl S S S S j! um FUK rernueruor*. rrceer*, ranae*. at 2 or» j new ""0 u»ed: See Hull of Mu*lc One~ Cnmcra- Ccnten-beforc--ou-buyr G O dt GOOU 22- chvst frceer. J25. MrN covdrvc -Tofm. $10 monthly; WlUon-Bate, chm ro, 2M. 702 Man North.. Po Fornllore & HH G o o d 122 Cau5 uy, SELL or TRAe?L-ca * n W r - SJ,!? rrom~a >el furnlturo,-applances or any- K ffs:». r, " S. s t ; j uw... r c o.b.r..f 1. ;... J. detersent gve* you belter wahe* }r " 0 S ~ ;,vvf Sear* , fre* darce*. RrlTURf reflbhlnr and- ja, - a BanEXPl d y d r e c t o r y a s a g u d e t o f a s t, r 2 4 H o r answ ern g Serv< >ne of Any Advertser n Th Dfectory s , Telephone A nsw erng Servce, Day The Advertser Wll Be Notfed to Coll Yc n ato n n th ls H an d y B u n e tt Servc* Q A Traned Ad-W rlter Wtj H elp You. g. m port-e xport S ervce T ele,nd fur- For the bet n mported gfts at e et lor. ery lowet prce. Need a ww " u ompany. vro<utlt7 Call j n su ra n c e and* nllno fre nurnnce wrtten wllh rep- cot n g all utable nurance componlc*. Rew t v,.*onuble ratu*, -premum fnance , Ryron Wrght ABency 342 Polk. Twn Falll W2. B T T! * K. s, a " a r. 3 V rs % f;; s j Wrght, 342 Polk Stree. twn. nnncrbphone-;33-gwa-. O rn a m e n ta l ro n Jan*s< omamenal ron, cast and wrouoht. r a : ; s -, v, r " a. p r " f, 5 = s s j j r ontruc _! ; P o n tn o ejjl Sluart Brothers: npcrtor and ex T rade -- f;.v. S r S f a a, 7S3:?3 *o";,, - _». SPECAL! Exoert nantna of kltch xn *" applance*. tlo m o t.model*.,-r~* curb* Alko nteror pantng ahd decorat- te*. Wj ng Ttm [-755S* R odotor Servce np.m ltldshtc" Man xsr shm ET ~ a Range Fencng :. F E N C N G Contact u» for all your Fencng r need. We, delsn and contruct. vv. fknff J-ence. to ftt-your requlreraeat*.typo 1.eptf «nl budget.,. G l... J ; R * R l t s 5 N F t l( C E CO. S " g. ; ; -. " 1! R e n t o l s Foldng chan: tables, any number. : all occasons: alo trash haullu.. _partm ent. Phoye* 7 M.* Lake Septc T ank Servce SepUc tankj cleaned.-power et _ulpnovns.lcomoete dratvne and *ewer lne > 1 Mll*?, -tertlc tr-a to.-sere T sn rc-t ean - Vc -!. log. Lea Harvey, M-S22. Bubl n o Furtlur.» HH joolf M Q «SPOT CASH - ol,.. d» TsSA ke flrv E R -A U C ro N ~ ran Every Saturday a.m. na a l f e P c k u J l v M l l a t l..5? S S n.fu m ltu je.to rer, pupa 4 - P le C C - b e ( lro o m ~ n f ; s. K f f r -,, s ; : f f,, h L b 3.chars 23; creen TV;.Torclf floor.. a. K.", r. ; r A» ;. a?k K! r pup. Vrtue drop leaf ktchen lat, 8 ler wnra PlAce*: c c four burner range. No dalo.double Oven: OB refrlgeraor T.t" daho, Bla*wore;-Drlc A Brae, etc.; Pc. - sw lu M AllNls *crvce and r, repar; al{ make*. Recondtoned om Juher ued machnes, new machne*, rolled complete lne Mwlng ald. Scl*- }? r sharpened. SJeo Sknner Sew- K ng Shoppe. Save-On aopplng Km- La,go *olecen"of eolor«*md pa l Sf * "who Avenue Weyr o n e r"p **- SEWNG MACHfNES, New Elna mu and Whte. AUo used.- servce all «nt month.makes. Scssors sharpened. Skn- 0-75CS, ner Sewng Shop. cbges M tscat n s tru m e n t *Chrlsma***plaM* or organ* /rom f* JT- no Mlee«on s com"lo e l ro" *«*333! ncludng bmck, "delvery ench. and home tunfng. Maoner Mulc "f Center. 221 Man Avcnuo Ea»t. ± r~ Twm T-nll«. daho. TuTT HAMMOND electrc chord organ 10- sen., selher wth bench for mulc, *375.! *. AUo aood supply or mulc *ultable W8. for chord organ. Ca!l for. tem nppolntmcnt. noh NEW Ynmahu panos: used pano*; 20 Admral stereo record leaver*. <er W.arner Mu*lc, 131 shohone Ma; Nonh. j 33- A, MAJOGANY uprght plana Very ral, BDpd -eondltlon: very reasonably tut 1 orlced. See 401 3rd Avenue Wc*. >lv WANTED TO BUYr t3*ed uprght: n 7 player or Spnet plano. Masoner HlAW Musc Center t»p< R ado a n d TV S e ts 1 2 5?ftougla*t~"w1lf* 2Vway * fad Save tme and frazled nerves; sw and relax wth 3- une? " a " S F 11.. ; S " ; ; " &. d... d J S K ;h. s. r «,.S "" A S " J:K SS, ner auaranteed D21. rna y ll. EXCLUsVbLV electronc.. «l- best color a n d.a * W TV servce. CAHF and cull Joe- Economy TVr733-C278, ful «clal.10 yean n tha bustness. elcc!*ern NEW personal se FhKco portable Har TV. Battery or clecrlcally opera- s p o t swng ted. Only <09.93; term*. >A1lon new 1, 22a Bates. Blu< > LATE MODEL HCA console TV. P0o< V - r b c r u o r X n s s & a r USEt3~P~0RTABLK TV. *29,93. See A.* nae*. at 218 Fllmore Horr G o d d -T h n g s-to -E a t part,j125. MclNTOsH a n d Kbm» apje~ - Rte, chard run, Greenrldge Orchards. Formerly-Kenyon Green.) Phone FUMt CAUbAbS, walnuts and Glberts. 2 r f 1. mles east. H north of Washngton n o r - Schort. Phorw KNAP a"k*% h ;nc". s «r < ahe* rvn Bodentab. 3 mle* north, mle wett or wet S pont*, =. % r, r o, " & # 7 BlUabelh Boulevard {ufe appl- TAYLOR Rome Beauty apple*. Pure newr Taylor-frulthou«.-Af«raooo.-Cd W u n ot Rue.Lakes North. :p e r t? [ - - S TO, >fast, relable scrvcc gg :lmat( , - Pho e r v c e., Fln n tfo rr l> N ot A nw erad,.... rv ce. D ay o r N g h t. * -4«, to C all Y ot,. ; 4 gr> Servc* G u d e, C a tl T 0 9 a lp Y ou. w«:e T elephora A nsw er Servce h o!;r% *.ygg.shonr7m.s."- call T elevscn R eoor _ 2 J S x):?: v.e re2:*l?3o?s»la,,s.l 7M-7H1. 8:30 to 0:30 call WURL! 5 r vce: 2S v«an of electronc eaper- f o r 2 lence. S07 Addson East ehan -T o v ln g co«t- ~ o r a? K y jfr ght M lw e. T ro rto rs " B ;e V 6 rlp,y k r w a nt T re e Servce w s V alley T ree S ew lcet nw Trmmng. Toppng and Removng Z,~ Free estlmate. nsured. F uel _ llox M. T.F. 733-J331 bull- Wanted: Tree toppng and removal. _222± Shrubbe trmmng. Free et Maatl table _ heate ouft. T u n e u p s *ay-s* Conoco! acrsj *frorn *he Avem = -T?esf><"«-Comp«ny.._Phoae ng U p h o lste ry - We offer complete servlte on all oe 1 b «.» s? - n g %» n T _ mee*tlmates. Caln-«.lnc.; phone Bu»dl " Roger Thompoa. We*tem Uphol. -*tery.-f>ee-e*tlm ate*.- Bel-end -Ooon S S -. = g a t, r r " *.»- Hv - V a c u u m C lean ers cram. - S W eld n g Supples H C ljrm, g e m STA TE. *hle S S W ELOERS-SUW LV S tt S -arl,r lf! 6 f S, gfff Kmberly Road North 122 C w d Thln a te t n 133 C t. / S E D SPUDS? g j «S K d J W S S f S S, " " ff S., " S"» lagany = h % r lfe*! _ NohhMalr"h*n.j33 lh M tcellaneou For Sale ] 140 M U F F L E R S ns*.n?2h Car or Pckup Be S T.. 0"W. "»»«..lu- «ooa S l dl SC* muff{er, put th* muffler on my a* ner Sew. D.eSoto n WO: *tlll Q,K. wu* nex looonb feltng 14 to 15 mle* to a gal- che... :w Elna mufftar. JloaTonableVrlcef. g u«-- rvce all antecd for S yean. ><1. Skn---- BALDWN - n MANUFACTURNG boa 124.jenue South g" [ osvvour anoeulan, re-loadlng equp. T T ck wwte secton ot"plslj, *a"ddlc yakt lo* from»ctttfourd*. gun. cleanng km, crt te call. REU a TRADNG POST ---- : WAY CU RADOS Johun Me*- ean *ultable d per cent ducount un an for. tcnnw wltl rado pureha*c. All lent _ now, factory warranty, delvered, ter S s K j r S,. & j S S S!! : we*t. «3"urur Voo*"m C»m Masoner HAWATHA, Needlepont desans: ou H tapestry yarn. 20 colon. New safe... shpment of *tools for mountng coa GHV5>>30" bcycolke new.,double com: n rw * a. ; W S S % S A,"E.fc S S wth 3- der tra f!md pckup or low KEEP your carpel* beautful de- KAM ssv. "o s n, eleetj-kshampooer *1. Krenger* Pho on duty FOR better cleanng, to keep colon nt.1. work gleamng, u*e Blue Lu*re carpct Sne -, *crag *Palnt Store S *hampooer 0sEB 733-C278, tfl f *uj*evlue Lutre. *Rcnt p O T Mobl Op,era- SPOTS betoro your; eye* on -your >Avlon new carpet. remove them wth pmervlgrecnywau**. e ALUMNUM norm doors (aelf-xtor- - \ 22:3m_ mgj reg.»4.05, now-j25,»s, The.03. Sea A. C. Houston Lumber (formerly - Home Lumber. SK 133 partrnent, Latge»ceetlon.* vl n- {j,. ctlmae, l96«phone FUMPs:lrrlgaton and nx kn 1S81 ber*. 2. l l f* " «"* r Electrc, ks J g g n u p r c W 196C "r o7m e*."b,ooo *"M;JtmS5. sss, fuxe.sultcae speakers. Bonner " S s l,.. - S S l S l 5 b l S o h A t l j S mobl.m. L.. L-Herlsson-. Jerome ST ohe"r<5ull*me:w nejud, q shelve*. See at old store buldng next to post offce. 423-B910, Han- 18 CUBC FOOT Uprght froeer: u.ly shed, 4x5, Ser at Grand-, tom vew Traler Vlla.- Soace 2, S THllyrlx 11..!... ru... 9«M.95. Assorted, pattern*. Sanner o> Furnture «o* loe GALLON, a compartment pck- -, H5» 4 GRAVE Cemetery plot n Suntt 1958 Memoral. * S after 5:30 jgjg 1. SlOW-a-way bed for rent. $2,So a Furnture, phom. - S W LlTC EFke box Tjlrecof). " t n ; :_c_cgtham1lton nsuatlom _ O D " h o M scellaneous W anted 141 SH315? TO P CASH FOR SCRAP =*S5}ferf!* radr.ro r"s " anyc H. KOPPEL CO.. Sffl, 7rC?aF 15J 2ndAvenue South M-m- WANTEDL.Chantlly-pattern. Cam- 2 Ne brldae Brand crystal. Sherbert, pc oweu. etc. Lorayne Smth, 733- antlhng of"yl!e Cal P lovng W ood 143 for FREPLACE wood for sale. Phone Th motsr. Bu Heatng Equpment Ne RENT A PORTABLE keroseaa tel Rc heater. Banner Fumlture. 733-, STOKERMA-nc panor furnace. Ca rot S?h Vv% u*s* r-esr.» 5 S.ll1* n f& rtalu : bw o <lred 8CJ g?. y 9«B phen Buldng M otercs 146.jJc VSSJ «PLYWOOD - Prc, em StertSrhrJSS?""* DCCC NEW. PLYWAY TV*-a -r-r Grand V Drve V./! ler BULDNG BRDOES. hop*. ec.7 " rs?ut s5! 5 n r 8 5? w t s -- ued ron for sale. A-l Salvage ogver antf Steel. 43«-a500. Rup e r t. s-jj-jo Ll K U FROE Automatc earner: - 2 qjm S!., f s W a!. b.bf.s8 ; ;, s j a b : ; - S, 7 j f ; j., S S? S T S! S l t L ; S d t8b,lfr««alfl- forrau-ladle* -tltwafe 9553, H.vener1.- leomnl j ; ; 133 C.rn «V SU > SuppV j Street Souths rhew ost ctnnplete c photo rtpblc upply sto ta»uu» rt 8 Snow Mochlnw.T60. _ 7 New Sno-Sport ".3 : S N O W M A C H N E - Sun... how n -. j F5H5 t«:»t»j *-] W BtASUS -M O TORS East Mala. lon, -. J» «yfalrcrah far Salo 165 REEDER FLYNG SERVCE hohe For the betpde#! jlnarcw l 4 0 Boats for Sale ATTENTON. op; OUTBOARD O W N E R S Be sure to have your outboard»od jtotor prtjperly wlnterljed" to my - asuro trouble-free perft>rmunce rus next boang senun. Let u* [al- check, clean and safely slore p S - s r- FAcrroRVVTmKmzED boards*:" sk«e*hor»es:"new" Olng.. auns:.mcculloch saw s, out- 2} boards, Pean Motor Co., es. Phono Everyone Wcl- [ Want n moorcycre? Trade nun, cars, lvdock or anythng of val- 4U- ue. Blue Ukes Cycle stop, 115 >r, blue Lakes North. V,U, ««d* 7SD04**af.? * Dttr Scrambler, Low mleage* -, - S22:. Phone OW N S j "? 5.a - s,.r. " g S C m p e r. M few safmt cmpsjr* t S vc Queen 1904 ; Ulng coaches. 8 to 10.«. Sportsmans cont OsS" m **dnho *" Sprngs. Baser- Lke s V ot town TraMtr S<»»», 160 AU01»on Avenue We«. Truef de- KAMP Awfty pckup camper*. ac busy tory delvery, factor prces. G & Rent G Manufaeurlng. P a u l. daho. gel-* Phone NEW SECURTY cnb hgh camper* «on n*{owa MM. Hometown Jjler ---- eau- Avenuo Wct. tcnt M obllrh orne ?our «61. C H O C E S - U s e d U n t s 1SG5 U N V ERSA L toxss, 2 de- bedrooms, corpctcd. ls; 1963 VAN DYkE"lO by expando. [* 1961 SPACEMASTER. 10 by rc, SO, 1 bedroom GREAT LAKES 10 x55*., bedrooms, carpeted ANGELUS lo xso carved- pcted, 3 bedrooms NASHUA 8 x35, 1 bed- room, carpeted S: 1958 LBERTY 8x«*. 2 bed. mer rooms TRAVELO Sx4S.-2 bed- d S 1D58 EMPRE.8x45, 2 T «bedrooms. _ 1958 GEER 8 x35. 1 bed- ( JT?o! [{jl LGHTHOUSE 8 x35 1 lan- bedroom, 1955 VCTOR 8x35. P bed-. 6 out. room, COP «r: -T R A V E L T R A L E R S -»!>«< >ndv 1563 ARSTOCRAT 19 self- eomataets.»=«1964 GOLTE 3 :r»64 GOLTE 16. " r 1961 TRAVELEZE 20, mod- V8 e raj: - e r n : 1858.LBSUREHOME 15* LEWEL 21. wth 1955 ALJO T modern. " * ons PCKUP CAMPERS.54 Homemade Campers n-r, 5" WNNEBAGO 8. Ro:5 1M6 TRAVEL QPEEN 10. J, 1959 TRAVEL QUEEN 8/... G A T E W A Y. 3 sj. - 5T T R A L E R C E N T E R?ux kvb- Addson Wet Rear Deans RchrUd ra r 8? S? u " o S ;SNo%%:S: ;un - A *pee< Anolher Of Mogc Valleys - S P - E G - m G T R S Stock Clearance wl Great-, * esc Savng.5 ever offered by ** anyone tl December , V m- 2 New Fleetw-ood- 60x12 n t FROM SlOO to SOOO O FF.j,., _ 1 New Buddy C0xl2 es. Ths unt can be boubhf,... JncludlnR ar condtonnr, Je to «lo r S6935 TOTAL, PRCES ne Ths s the Classc model. < _., Buddys best. 4 1 NewSchultlmperal60x12 - Jljf? Regular U695. Now tl. ment December 10-$1300 OFF. USED W " 19«3 55x10 Expando llvnr - v, S ro6rtrreguar-s37b5. NOW ~ S2995 plus delvery and set-up,. HC "> 10x8 llcs Aero wllh- awn«* ng and enclosure room. :o w. *6 -NOWrSms..... Prces Effectve o n ly *t g m c December S. fot S/, M A G C V A L T E Y j e m o b t e -h o m e s jf e r l ; tt - Open Sonday) tl Chrstmas HDO er 314 mle*,wet. Hlway Arco. lo X 80 VLjJ:feTW66D l_dry. unluratxed. P M TO;7«5. j r l * FOR S/ SJ, condluotuj-phone aa WCntW. bed,., tftwaktl»dl-15» «.hdaso.«-»««1, *evrolctflm?». 35fra738j Vu" n, bed. 1S5 M oble Honee raras - r r = -v. r a S! S O U T H E R N D A H O S L a r g e s t D s p l a y = s : Q B L E a Q M K Marlelle - TRAVEL TALERS Trnveleaj-Arlstocrat r-pckucampers r T ru -K a p t-o fm -Ttp.. MOTOR HOMES - Lfetme Premere : -, RENTALS- tw ce G A T E W A Y T R A L E R C E N T R - Addson Wet : v -Rear Deans RchMeld - - OPEN DALY: 8 a.m. to fl p.m.- OPEN-SUN.; 10 n.m. to B p.m. L ( 0 ) ( 0 ) K., : ft U* KROPF SCHULT.FLEETW OOD.=_BUDD.Y..;,_. GREEN STAMPS gven wth _»rtsand SupjUes T SD M a g c V a U e y. S : M o b l e H o m e s out. 2 mles west Hlway ;C0 star Crart New Moon Kll Street: Kt Companon Travel 0 Wc- and Vacaton Tralers :-----,» Yeun Scr% lng Magc Valley o«; SALES * SERVCE op, «5 PARTS» SUPPLES. - Wth Honest Prces Far Dealngs 1D04* }: BAKERS :, MOB.E HOMES - B Bg 412 Addlon West ow NYoR owrhome. Make oly nnnna monhl> paymvt: muke t on S M f S.. x. r!. s s f r v j r ;. Queen OM SHASTA. :<o-, pomnletey self- [smans contaned wllh cqualler hlleh. Hager- Llko new: J3405, 6 Sc O Manu- facturng. Paul. daho, :abover me\ Route. Twm Fall*. Phone "a7on T ru k 196 C O M P L E T E,, T R U C K X T.S C E N T E R LGHT COMMERCAL. *65 N T E R N A T O N A L *;:ton pckup, long box,- V8 cn-. Bl u, 4-speed, no spn. -...S1995,, Cl S C O U T 4 x 4 J J835 ts \... 5G: C H E V R O L E T Long wheelbatf 4«-on panel. 4- peed, commercal tres, by... J N T E R N A T O N A L «>eelbae >lckup. ;S 5 U N V E R SA L J E E P bed-...v* p s -59 F O R D FOO H d -- -T R U C K S - bed- 65 LOADSTAR3G00. De*e{ engne. 0-peed, 2-*peed - ;} COP 102. Ar-brakes.V-401 en- Blnu, 8-speed tranmltlon; 3- tpeed Eaton, tandem nxle, J.OOO «W. *>- font Rxle wth oower»ee. ng, 1000X20 new rubw.... J N T E R N A T O N A L. rtw lobdtnr. B-speed, 3-speed lod- V8 engne, doable frame.... *3250 5G C H E V R O L E T 2-ton : wth lag axle. V8 engne, 3-speed...S129S 54 NTERNATONAL RT wheeler, alr brakes,,,,? s a r r t n « 21* flat bed wth overshol s 52 NTERNATONAL :j R-109 Tractor, ar brakes, new y RD-450 enane.. -speed. 4-speed < - auxlary, 10:00x20 tres SS:. 52 F O R D 2-ton Cab and chatlt. 4spe«<l, a- J S - S-FO RD-W -.ton 1. wtl 3»- lvestock body. V8, M A G C V A L L E Y, n t e r n a t o n a l, r c r 304 4lh Avenue West ,ht r -A F T E R HOURS np...p e to P e te rso n :e, Bud T e a sle y GMC T T " *2 wth Buhr"*hydrarflV*lmpl tl ment bed. Phone , Hager. ffl - MAGC VALLEY NTERNATONAL. nc. hr K Truck teadquarter* > E q u pm e n t m. 201 West AVO. A Jerome L E E PO N T A C.- -; L _GMC.TRU.CKS=N JEROME FOR SALR or tradp for-lvestock:, BSr f f. W, T. S r. " S! :. S S Arco. dahn., 838 fbrnalbonal SCOUT H2. 4x4. trafcuoa. Good conduon. se* «e. T L C - 1 a7~ (1 1 ta n * d w t h * elmcop lng arlan*. rfer Cratrg-Phue ra»7049..j lba(e,so-ton-j-ord truck for sm. Sporl.. Pller.l.bed. nqulra M Jackson T T

37 MobH. Homw: l», E n 3 P O f= : On New Jravel : : ;Travel Tralers a. GATS T R A L E R Addson West (Rear D, Opea Dally: 8 6 A u lm J o r - S lt gpq QUALTY TALKS LOUDER THAN WORDS 196G C H E V E L L E. r u t r. «/ «V o " s r 196 C H E V R O L E T ; mpsla coupe. Rado, heater, teertnk,--power brakes C H E V R O L E T mpbla 4-door lodan. VS enlno, whltnsdewa ffrepow > er steerng, power brake, ar* "1962 BU CK- LeSabr* 4-door hardtop. Sadlo. heater, automatc transmlulen, g f e r R A M B t E R 4door tcdan. Rado, heater, automatc uammulon. whle dewall tres, 3-tone pant. TRUCKS 1963 C H E V R O L E T and henter,.2 toned palm, htch. and mrrors, heavy duly llres....$ldos C H E V R O L E T ~. u-ton pckup. Long wheelbase,. d e box. G-cyllnder -engne, raw., 6l»xlSfrlrM. " RCE CHEVROLET, nc. JEROME SM South Lncoln Phone ] See Bd Churchman Clarenc* Fallon Dck Lqw». Prank Sheppeard M L L E R A UTO SA LES. W«can delver you a tate model a w s f. w t w s :. or drlv«out. C#l == Rock Creek~Road at Hansen fb f buv n n alls. l90 t<ord Fatraso hardtop coupe. Rado. J K J MS4. Hansen. >MPAtA W SSM convertble. 4» ;One o w S tw S.cw PORD, SM Farlano (ordor. Power Moerto. autmftu.trsnsmls. CHCVROLBT. BM salon wavor V><. overdrlw. new pant sn >ORDrm llldr har aop, vs. auto- mals trassmlslon, new pant and seat coyars. Phone TM.Slsa. Eod<S8. 1> statlra wason. Power tteernf, *318 motor. Phone H arter BtOO p.m. w y.}? 3.r JUCP BM 4Wheel drve staton wa> Bxoelleot condton. $ AD, DEADLNES. for, - _ CMSSFED,... _L_ AlRTSmG f you w ant your ad to appear: M O N D A Y (Ads Must b«racdved b r nooa ttbrdny) -TU E SD A Y (Ad mut bo.tcceltd by S:00 p-b. Monday) W ED NESDAY (Ads must STTecJTved by #!«p.m. Tuesday) T H U R S D A Y - - (Ads must be r*celved by B:M p.n». Wednesday) F R D A Y S U N D A Y CLASSFED..SECTON - r, ; " s» s a a *! g s f e r, M receved before :..-5:00-p.m. FRDAY " jq stm y Clurgelt* Mk for Claulflcd -. MoblU H o n f.. W PEG;AlJ:.;.:,V:- OT-The-Year " A U C T O N r a v e l T r a l e r s a n d U s e d l l e r s a n d. M o b l e H o r n e s TEWAY L E R C E N T E R. (Rear Dean s Rchfeld) 733-2lltl Open Sunday 10 8 goo Autos For Sala, 200 Y T H E S A F E S T. PLACE TO BUY." TORDS An A- Used Cur or.l E. Truck s Unon M otor! engne, lr" 5. 1SG5 F O R D Claxle 5M. Theres lot* of snv- LET "* o" hll llko new appartn.7 heater. drve tss car tranml- : 1964 OLDSMOBLE - L ET radlolocarone owner. /S engne. J9 6 3 F O R D ake ar.. Custom fordor.,v«engne, aulo- B.. TMsmlsMM, S.ttmln* whte,fnsh.... S-«f.!5l r a m b l e r r brake Classc 4-door. Standard wth r DtBM. overdrve, rado, recllnm seau, headrest s. sst p l y m o u t h n, whle 4-door staton wagon. VB engne, tnt. puh button drve, rado V O LK SW A G EN L E T y rheelbae, fnvstl:? " 1961 FO R D. uy res Calaxle fordoe, standard tran-. mson. Rado. mmaculate car L E T ~ FO R D. vheetbase, Converlhle. A beautful Sautum. nglne. ra- -Cold Sunllner. wlh vs enslne,* and fflr> aulomalc transmsson, f u l l y -. equpped. Very low mleage., 1963 OLDSMOBLE 3-door hardlop. VS engne, auth matc ranmllon. bucket seot, pdoes A-1 conmon, r, n c PLY M O O T H Snlon wagon. n tp tnp condl- " S C* Fallon T R U C K S 952.F O R D ate model.( W u S S 1958 D O D G E u m : ;s " M s;;s! "» j KHMH J T O R D " -!»-loo,-4-wheel-drvb-te1ojprvg------, s r? r p «M «a r rlor, whlto take you to-tlo hgh or rough V8 engne. - country, lual mles. * 1955 N T E R N A T O N A L l f j 1963 C H E V R O L E T StylMldB ntckup. Hflra-. Wn com.». J2K71S. " SSmSffS. S6 f o r d H..V, d..,. U N O N. M O T O R S ; USED CAR D EPT. Staton wa rd Avenue East. >. $ ; ; Byron Moyes... 7M-7479 Henry (Hank) Pape Ralph G lleu e Ken M cn ew W NEW CAR D EPT. MB 2nd Avenue a s t p r ) Loyd W ood Dck Gllenwater n.t /1 Arley Peterson Lnn Wood ca appear:. j 1964 J E E P.. br.neoo Wagoneer. { ONLYSlSSS by S:00 4-door, power luerlng, power { brakes, 4-wheel drve. Can be < seeo at Dean Motors. Twn Falls, by #!«....; WE-TRADE. J,.,«YOUR WAY" Crysler Ply)Ulh-V«llal.r 8:N Dodge D a rt -. D go Trucks A ll B ra n d s r - T_......_ n X n e. C o rra l» D R V E A L T T L E., S D. A N D SA V E A LO T Several 1966 models a t cost plus HARBAUGH =M0 OP_CO.,..ncL m MAN fftreet -.. *Goodlng# : J. 5!. f " ; x r r r s b s s removed cheap. Cars, tneks, Dlclc a T a w a L B T Y.lT.T r! a r? 5! a C T f f l f t : 5 g A " 4 ; = 194 AUTOS.PptSALE; - G le y J e b r - T f p t e s e d B S C A Y N E..!. n p q 4Klonr,-nulomallc transm. power. VS.-bucket seats.,, Falls cfty polce car. 79, prce on,ths car s } ; - V O L K S W A G E > 3-oor; Overhaul on moto J E E P 10 * Swttort wagoo; -whtel hubs. -. _ J - O R D : ;... ;... Thundcrbrd.,.. : S T v o J k s w a g BUY... /lo to rf O L D S M O B L E * *. Staton wagon. Sharp S S j4 P O N T A C... GTO -2-dr hardtop. S S S F O R D :.. :... ;.... ;.... Sport van, 5400 mles. U...». l C H B V R O L E T StaU onh on, C H E V Y H... ftf seatl, 4-door.-., w ~ C H E V R O L E T T» engne, mpala 4-door hardtop w- Glde..Powestccrlng. L S C O R V A R... 4-door. Sharp p c k.u p s a n. SPECE 1 Sautum C H E V R O L E T.. -to n Long wheel base tle nder. Just lke new. me, auto C H E V R O L E T..,TH 2-ton. 327V8;s.spec(, lke.,a r. m ll» C H E V R O L E T.., 4to; Power Glde. Nco C H E V R O L E T.. l-ton, 4-speed. Sharp! M 6 4 j f e. R D E - j4.ton. 4-speed. _ _ C E E R Q L E T _ H-<on.-4peed A S h arp l- S S S C H E V R O L E T or rough. J;4-ton. Jhl» ls» sharp u chrome F O R D -... ;...;...,-ton.-,4-speed. S g g : : H c ;... f 4-pted. lte n e w ; C H E V R O L E T... V ff : K-tot. Gooa unt C M C... J H C... VS.Wn. "TKls fa tt good pl( - G L E N J E u! l C H E V R P T u Se d c a r d e p t. rst BU Standley D. Charles Hatch F Bruce Caughey J< Leonhard Fscher J( Larry S ackett CASH ror all cars and truck»-all lam - -nnd -alfmodelsr- Dscount ; Auo--wr«cKnrWesrwtHtw#y-M,. 733-MSl. Across (rom Caa Tractor n Paul. 438-llM.. ~, LEO RCE MOTOR.CO,, floodng j Home of the famous OK tsed cars ne nd tncks. Also selu and servces % OM cars. p( DODOE -Jm-*edan.-.-OS7-Volks s s «s r.! s Can be evenngs.... )E u s m u.., - rle. >CARS - PCKUPJ r ftt PONTAC suuon wagon 4- -tt c o «p to RT «DODOB DART 4-door. Bt,. M FORD Oaxte*fo«lw.\». Aad steam sundard tranmlsslon,. r«- 5m *0 DODOB 4nJoor sedaw.»<«- ** ***; nder, automatc transms- - ;-.BOB. REESE S; D gal dood Kenny Moon77>V :5ob Bloclr.Jn -0 0 j n k n s - C h e v r o l e t n, E C A L S n m s P K E E t e s "NE...$1095. natc transmsson. 250horse buckct seats. Ths K a Twn jlce car. 79,000 mles. Book car s J1725. Ths s a steal. - * WAGEN Haul on motor....;..., $ so; 4Whtel drve. Lockout...-$595- wagen... ; $1095 ( P-. [AC.-... $595., ;. 1 :OBLE...$1695 j m..sharp A C.... ;... $1895. ( hardtop..... $ mles. ( ;OLET... $250! $895 * :OLETT::.T:±rrr$2695 ~ or hardtop aedan. Power.,- stccrlng. Lowmlleg.. r...l...$1595 rpl JPSAND TRUCK PEC A L S OLET $2195 { wheel base. 4-speed, 6-cyl- lke new. :OLET...: $2795, ;S-specd. lke new o :OLET... $ Glde. Nce unt OLET...:... $1695 d. Sharp ,---- L $.1595,._ :d. V - )LET.. _$1295_ J, rta Sharp t l : OLET...:.ZZ..:.., $2195 K s» sharp unt. 4-spccd. AU. th.:...;... :... $795. r: cd. n...$1595 d. Xlke new... : LET...1.;...$395 J unt. «......$695 " U...$695 la a good pckup. [ J E N K N S - : V R O L E t T. NEW CAR DEPT. Yj D. A. McGure Frank K n g John C arlso n John Jenkns : ur -oss.t. FR O N K -M O T O R CO. K r S S - S78-lxm Burley ~ e7m7q - floodng jbep. DM Wagoneer. 4-door, dys. E;? PORD,»63 CalBXle SOO XL JO l l Jlngs or 7J3.,7JJ, ox. tenson 33 or lee at Dean Motors. Twn Palft.- UM \ CHSHOLM Drohers. Durley: Your _ HSs-t----- authorued. Ramblee- Dealer for - onvenjble Cassa and MlDldokaCeuntes, «7S- :aluefqrd ) U N T S,. - PCKUPS TRUCKS?ralfe. S? g " r n l U e, «d.». " V..T.!?..r l;ot?74j. - *5 acvrolct 1 m P a { a 4- KlSS* door, v» eoglno. automatc S K r M f f. s s. r. E.!v.K... now o «.. Wa. t4 DODOB door sedan.. J S S :... A-.nA.. t, l/o JTBWAQBN M w r. JW.....,.»«><L*WM.«MO..NoW» * Block-.jnd. South /. ;oob utlcr too A U fo S TOR S A L E " Fee ) CADLLAC Sec \ Benu(l(ul Autumn Rust exteror V Ths, (ne car has all the conven could possbly be lookng for n nteror, cr condtonng, tlt am tres, padded roof, AM and FM : JQC automatc eye. Come n and test < S O LD N E W FO, 5 0 O U R P R C E,,. 19C4 P O N T A C BonnevW, Beoullful Aquamarne fnsh wth stecrlhg_pqwcc.brakta.-rado:and ,waltl:e6thk-o-no:hss-go4o-bo.o ly owned cars We have ever seen.o r g n a l PRK O U R. P R C E BARRACUDA H Beautful Mayan Gold exteror bucket seats, tnted glass, rado t whte wall tres. Ths s the buy yo. Dont h e s tc!. A V E R A G E R E T / 395. O U R P R C E.... jq c PO N T A C B onnevlll >yo Very loty mleage, new premum t condtond, rado and heater, te n brakes, beautful Fonlalne Blue f OU ncw U) a local busness man. f for-ajate model prestlge.car See O N L Y sr CHEVROLET BtlAlr M oor scdttl , ON. APPROV - JO H N PONTAC 601 MAN AVENUE EAST B ob FuU bn ~ F N E C S95 A t T h esen,qc 1066" CONTNENTAL «7j J ThU-4»-Amorca-*-fln«st-luxury-ca fnlsht-completelyjuxury-cqulpped. powerbrakes, power scatantwlnd 195 ng nnd ncw nylon tres. Come Hv ths one.. 70C 9C6 MERCURY-Colony P y o. Rado, heater, V8 engne,automatc tng, power brakes, factory ar cot - r t r wall tres, new car trade-n. Very ; S Q L.. S32fla_ JQC 1964 M E R C U R Y M bntcla Rado, heater, V8- engne, autom steerng, power brakes, benutlful P )95 vlnyl lntcrlor. Must C O M E T C yclone J Fnshed n a sparklng Cardln&l Re seats, Wall to wall carpetng, chron $ VOLKSWAGEN Bucket seats, 4-on-the-noor, Pasley $ F O R D C o u n try S eda.v8 engne, automatc transmlsslo 71n wall tres, rado, heater- Ths s a : O N LY $44 < C O M E T 4-dc R ado;heater, bg" C ylnderengr unmarred Burgundy exteror, del $47U - -, dooft 1863 PO N T A G C a ta ln a 4h < Ths s ft 9 passenger, equpped, v XL ncludng bg V8 engne, automatc 1 ""r" ngrpow erd rakesrtlntcd wlndahlel ncl sde wall nylon tres. Ths fne wag _ O N L Y S n l l! - T H E S E N M O The Easest Ptaco n The W< 701 Man East... For Ncws.-Weather and Bt -.. Lsten to Thelsens Show M O N T H r C L E A R S er- 6 ; ::.»:E X C E L L E N T ;SELE C T O P R C E D TO S: J :,.,,...»2_ y - e a r - S TOPQUALTY J,V USED C : L L S USE X )W E tn r-w L L S :6502. Feel The.E P R D E 3LLAC Sedan DeVne, st exteror wth lght Bege nteror. E 1 the convenence and comforts.you l okng for n an attomoble. Leather. 3 nng, tlt and telescope wheel, new tl and FM rado. Twlght Sentnel, tl n and test drve ths fne car today. f > NEW FOR $7354 E,,...$3995. Z BonnevW c H ard lo p C oupe 8 e fnsh wth matchng nteror, power a.-rado:and.heater..hd.new -w hte L_L(f ss-go4o-bo.onfr-of-thelnost-pr«vous> ve ever seen. NAL P R C E E $1995 -f ll RACUDA Hardlop Coupe )d exteror wth matchng nteror, {lass, rado tnd heater, new premum s the buy-you have been watng or. A G E R E T A L $1980 E $1660 F r B onnevlle H ardtop, C oupe ( w premum tres wth whte walls, ar. tnd heater, power steerng, powcr ntfflne Blue fjnlsh. We sold ths one C css man, f you are n- the market 0 stlge.car See.thls one todayl , $2995 ( r 21oor sedan $ MERCURY Coup. Sl 30 MORE CARS TOC NO DOWN PA A P P R O V A L O F C R E D T O N H N CHRS lc CADLLA E E A ST : T D ert rn p so n.;-.t 7 [ E C A R S Y esen Jotors rrnental 4-door Sedan "*" st-luxury-carr-beautful-arctlc Whlt«ry-equlpped-lncludnR.poWhc_steerlng, catanjwlndows. factory ar condtlon- es. Come lve the Contnental lfe wth sed Y- C olony P a r k S taton W agon ne, automatc transmsson, power steer* «ctory ar condluonlng, lke new wut«hyd de-n. Very sharp... t* S32fl5 11: ly M o n tclar 4-door H a rd to p., j, nglne, automatc transmsson, power s, beautful Polar Whte fnsh wth all lst see T C yclone 2-oor H ard to p. * 644 ( Cardln&l Red. Ths hot one nos bucket Be petlng. chrome Wheelsrtyclone engne. B l «W A G E N 2-door S edan floor. Pasley desgn upholstery. S «5,. jaaa o u n try S edan S taton rwagon h e f transmsson, power steerng, whtd - j o jr; Ths s a very nce one. Prced at torv ONLY $445, g * :6 m E T 4-door S edan.. : :ylndcrengnfe, standardlransnlsslon. exteror, deluxe nteror, whte wall C ataln a 4-door S tato n Wagon equpped, wth all luxury, equpment e, automatc transmsson, power steer tedw lndahleldrallvnynnterlorrw hh a p Ths fne wagon s sow prced at ONLY $1795, 19. l d r O R S, n c - - l J CO n The World To Buy A Car, 19 Phone jgj ather and Best Entertanment { esen s Show on KLDC Rado 19{ 19{ t J T H. E N D a r a n c e : / g 19( S E L E C T O N -196 C E D TO SE L L...# -2 -Y E A R -G W - A R R A N T E E 196 J A L T Y. S E l : C T. - f t r S E D C A R S. l U S E D C A R S - - Offce Phone/VM-SSS E R N r - W f c L S H - -, , 712 ).-.undoy, Novonbor 17, \166 twn% :E)fferec( M a k e s PO N TA C GTO H Beautful Black exteror wth buckt leather, 4-specd floor shft barrel carbs, rado, healer; n tres, low mleage, n fact, a bran ths s the sporta type car you hav ONLY... ;.,. 19G3 N TERNATO N A L 4-speed transmsson, rado and hea good, mernanlcn features excche A V E R A G E R E T / Q m - P R T C T 1903 C H E V R O L E T m p a 2-Tone fnsh n Blue nnd Whte real good whte wall tres, rado a ng. powt brakes. Ths s thc f been lookng for. A V E R A G E RETA OURPRCE.. E X T R A SPE 1963 OLDSMOB Powcr steerng, power brakes. EZ rado, heater, good rubber. - ONLY H5 N T E R N A T lbn A L - _Closcd rab. good Ures, Jn near pe. one today at ths bargan prce, R E A.L -P R C OUR PRCE... EAPES Coup. Sharp... 7 $ CADLLAC TO CHOOSE FROM, N PAYMENT 1 [T ON ALL CARS UNDE S MDTC DLLAC, -.._ p ;o n.;-.t 7 7 r B ob~n e Y O U R E E MO Your Jrad lng Volk fl Oldsmoble»S J-door naraop coupf, HCory rut r coadllonlng. full power, ; not ! 6?adllac e 62 Pontac t* hss.tntttc. Steerng and brakes. goo< GM( JP >/4-ton p c k u p, 4 -sp eed tra n sm GET THE. FOR$51D;OWNand$6 644 Man Soulh et Ben Eldredge Jack Cox e.. B E S T B U Y S N TO W N *-!!S JaatloG au W espm t coupe. PC HERTZ SYSTEMTLCENSEE ta 210 Shoshone St. West. Twn Patls Bl torvltt:, 1003, removable bard- OLDS : r Co.. Ruperu Malr A H - G a r s - C u t A s " O n T h e s e F n e r«.p rc e s E ffecu v e M O N D A Y an 1955 C H E V R O L E T C o n vertble 1958 C H E V R O L E T 4-door....,1958 PLY M O U TH, w agon M E R C U R Y M o n te re y C H E V R O L E T 1-ton, sta k e» 1959 F O R D 4-door... ; B U G K r-l o aded N T E R N A T O N A L Scout 1964 F O R D F a lc o n C H E V R O L E T 2-door h a rd 1962 PONTAC S tar Chef 4k1o 1962 C H E V R O L E T -4 -d o o r FA L C O N S tato n W agon P L Y M O U T H V a la n t A M B L E R ~ 4 -d o o r J963 P O N T A C B onnevlle F O R D F a lc o n 4-door wag :963--PO NTAC-Grand:Ptx OLDSMOBLE 4-door B U C K T R lv e ra M E R G U R Y -P ark lanerar* 1965 P O N T A C 4-<Joor 1964 O L D SM O B L E 4-door-w ag 1964 O L D SM O B L E 86, 4-door, ar-condtonng. >- r V A B B l E T O a. v01dsm bbllo..,-r;7:;rr;::,,,w hcr**tk tf-o N ty rd eau ran 712 Man Avenua South ; ::.966 Twn Falls Tlrrej-NW- mce AC GTO H ardtop Cotpe or wth bucket seats, fnshed n/red ft shft. 383 cubc- nch engne wth S dlo, healer; new premum whte wall *. fact, a brand new engne: We thnk l; car you have bceft watng for. -, f,$2395. J latonal to n P ck u p rado and heater. 6:yllnder, tres a re,. M lures excchent. See ths one today! AGE R E T A L $1395. )L E T m p a la 4-door- S edan nnd Whte Wth matchng nleror tres, rado and heater, power steer* rhs s thc famly sedan you hava G E R E T A L $ $1288 :TRA S P E C A L, O LD SM O B LE 98. r brakes. EZ glass, ar cpndtlohlng, ubber $1895 MATONAL Scout Pckup?. Jn near per/ect cohdwon. See Ots gan prce, A.L-PRCE-$ E $ CADLLAC COUPE...«7 lom, UNDER $ )TO RS GMC.,.- P H O te B ob~ N elson." : M O T O R C O. - adng Volks D ealer m m ; oor, aujoreauo transsloaf, 1195,... $ ~ 6 0 lt rp a la = v = = = T = = = = " * > Sfd?w SM m O T*«rs2S? 2035 f,57 Ford >dan, a-door sedan. V t motor, attto*. ower, T B tansalslon, nuu y t y " 7 " > G M e d tra n sm sso n... r $ r THE BUG STand $62 PER MONTH -. ;. Phono: 73J4811 Jack Cox Woody.Turley WN -WORKMAN BROTHERS pe. P O N T A C A D L L A C - >SEE Rupert, doho ,» bard- OLDS M. 19S0 4-door la rd to p r fevrofet Auto* S A L E -. :. : : J f e - A s j j l u c l A s $ :..- 1 F n e U s e d C a r s. J ONDAY and-t U E S D A Y O N L Y. ; Convertble $ door $ : ragon... $186-, \ jn te re y $288 1-ton, sta k e b e d... $288, : : $288 d -... $ A L Scout... $ $1088., 2-door h a r d t o p...$1188.,,. C hef 4 K o o r $ door... ;... $1288. m W agon...$1288 a l a n t.... $1588 o o r... $1588..,, " n e v le...$ door w a g o... $1788 jd :P rx * $ l 888 _ 4-door $ $2088 :, rk la n e ra r - c o n d U o n ln g..$ o r.... ;.... $ d o o rw a g 6 n L k e N ew ;.. 88 S h o w ro o m Condton: onng.,. / r-drlguen----

38 N < w» 5 u o y rn o v e m r-2 7 T r-l ; J. ~. J -.. B t l m «. o f J j n g :. t h e l r. lack c t <rada)reutfons betwaenl n en - f-a-l babypanda wore bon fnlav- cate of o< r f.to go to the Unted!s Cflna md Amerca nas ae- Moscow whch she dozes n the daytme, J ll ne,. Agan A lotematlonal* poltcs lltcs that talks t t between the Brtsh h prved the Unted Sfates.of hav; f l am a Berng. n n n T P C ] p r O n came nto the pcture. There le and - S< Sovet goveroments wll U Kg mg a panda. p - * swtes.v. ; k ChU3uUwh0-ls-f0Dd-0f<estlng Jng was a - s t between the Rus«Rus< lead to-an-anvstng-ch-ch-n «" bambooleaves and a mash of slans and the Chnese Commu* nmu* London-next sprng Tor another rce, mlk,- apples, bahanas, vl- v l-n nlsts.. Snce the Russans sans attempt at mattoe... Brterng U.S. D.S., R esdes-rt lt England E " LVNG R< R O C y tamlns, gluctoe and boled Jed couldn* couldn t get together, wth 1.thp th? Meanwhle,. M n Hong-Kong, the chcken, now. weghs 2U pounds. ds. Chlnes Chnese to breed pandas, they Communst m m u new spaper Ta Kung LONDON (AP) Onco e upon fre fro m h e r a n d ahe lved ncame PerhBps ts., all.those bars of agreed to cooperate wth tle the Po Po clamed ca the attempted mat».a tme, n the most naccessble «s ( b enclosure, o f h e r own. -.T e rnwuntahs of the St echwan chw *H * -O n fr-d a y ~ 6 t-» 5 7 -a n -a nanlaal ra o l hjad-dlpom a d - au c-relatlons-w Jth 1% muk-chocolala-lhat-aha-nbblfs le BtlUsh. Brtsh.,, r tagrwa tagrwas-really-the-great panda, QUAL Provnce of Chna, there e waa w a s collector n am ed H e nl D emmer, m the C Communst Chnese govern- ovem- There e n the panda pt, Chl- nl. So for seven months ths year, plot, st f A L l t -bom a mtlfbaby pana. t t was w a s who-=llved.ln wj N arob - _ th alafs l s n ment n Pekng. And the Amer- uner- Chl lved Hv qute happly, fang, n n Chl-Chl vsted wth -AnrAn n for th«a -cuddly «n g, all flufn black c k Af: frca w as commsslofaed led-by can govemment had mposed sed a the ««sun «U or Jldng from the Bg* ng. Moscow. X ner a bt of-bother at States. an d -w h te-far an d -lt-hla add -n o an n -A m e rlc a n -z o o -to je g o Ulatft.an a tft bao-oa-tb&jnlpot-of-au-cooh boo-.com. Sshr lshjm ogjn_hexjndq or.j5««l.a the S U rt, when An-An attacked eked * Amerca, Amt the paper sad.... dea ll w as gong to grow t upto u p exchattge «o! w ld a n m ats from m munst Chnese goods. and d aldcondltloncd den, CttCttlrUtrtWfflgt 6n well tl tg : * long wantea a pm dat nrt ; -X A R M T D e-tf-todt var-am bam ador- lo r - b e. Ee a s t A frca for-ond-ganlpanda.. Pty., poor rnl.chh Bftcauae Thet hen-a-couple-of-years-agor gor ff7 r = =, tween E ast and Wcstjrand n d de- go j h e took a la rg e collecton lecton she was bom n Chna, poor L Chl- 1. zoologsts began worryng about nounced by tbe Chnese (m Com - of b g and sm all anm als, some e Chl t."* < couldn t get. an mport - j D uponf r 501 Nyo Jftll-th e ftu ra ol the gant panda munlsts as an Amercan lackey, fe ferocous a n d som e not so 0 fero- cense to enter the Unted States, states, populaton. t s botleved there n, Ths, Chrstm hrlstmas as; Gve -. Ths; baby panda was J.cap. a p. clous, dc and., se t off fo r Chna. So- accompaned by Demmer, nmer, re v vey few suh lvng n the Completely sly nstale stcled on o u r ttrwl by a.chnese collectng lectng Th T here o r a long tm e h e talked she went v on.a tour of European u d» y,e Chnese govemment?n. THE GFT OF LEARNNG - heavest foom b om rubbe; b b e r p o d d n g. team.on Amercan, ndepend-wl epend- w th the C hnese a n d eventuah ntualy y zoos, travelng by tran, c ar r and jgued { ued an order strctly protect*!ct* ence Day. July 4, 1957, when len ashe h e an exchange w as a r r a n g ed. f Tle he jtlrpane. Pln««hk ng tb tha few that reman. Help Your Chldren Help Themselves jvas about sx months old. T-They Chneso m a y no t have known n On Sept. 5, 19M, Chl-Ch! came * took her on a tran to Pekng P ht thc exchange w as fo r the UUnted to vst vl: the London ZoO nl. nl- -There -net are only about a dozen Zoo where she was cared for by SU sutes., l tlaly jy for a three-week vst. But Dut pandas l»nda!. n captvty. Eght o"f of WORLD BOOK )K ENCYCLOPEDA, a. bcauluul Chnese gftl who The ] Chnese took tu. Afrcan frrnn she SO coptured- tho hearts of these tbcso are n the Pekng Zoo, ANDCHlLDCRy : h l d c r a f t - B K everyone that the Zoologcal oglcal where- they-have twce bred Sq. Yd. lved, wth her day and nght. {ht. anmals and told Demmer hree he Soclty, whch had lost t ts baby gant pandas. A notherfour >ur $10.00 Down. wn. On Order Now,. The Chnese callcd ths J baby co could have any one of the three panda o r fve a re beleved to be n otlvpanda- ChlChl. whch means gn fnltn; dsht y «r» prevously, warned anted V CW Chnese zoos. THE LASTNG 3 GFT under your NO MONEY D( naurhty. mschevous lttle Fo ftffl th(f l< whnt shft wan. Cfll thrp> to buy her from Demmer. Outsde of Chna there are re Chrlstnas strhas tre tce_e ONEY DOWN : rla s t; -T hd-prce-w d-by-tho-socety jclcfy onljctwflr==amlacofl6t3 o n ljcr : r ~ ~. a lttle furry bundle of fun., pla There were two other gant fc he chose Ch-Ch. the youngest, ncest, and 1ts frends was ncyer ( ds- Moscow, Mosco and Ch-Ch n London, S ~ r CALrCOtUECT ;UECT 733: < ~K pandas n Pekng Zoo at t that am and look her nto h s. charge :harge closec closed but Ch.Chl s today About two years ago tho Russans and the Brtsh began S; n- Allha Whtohe Whtehead PB A T U R m O T H B LABOES BRO W N S lme. They were older than m Chl- Moy 6, value. valued a t 6, slans C hl.-50 t W were kept apart art 1Then, nternatonal poltcs lolltlcs A specal panda plfw as con- dependently to consder the pos*. SELECTON H B LAbtAGC RG EST C A R P E T O a t JU fcjago.valley! - S M - - M jb h Y - - h B m S a u m LET JOH 9HNCKRSM fw c B c o Mm Ea g E - S E L E a ON- ; L -Q - M - Q r F - S - T t r g d j a f - o r f n AfQu7~W g f c ~ d Q fp r m n 0 those the -b ggest - J - a u e days~eve s e v e r o f f e r p d. _. ~ fs H m C A S H F S t M / Your trade-n le-n wll probably / make more than 1 the nf necessary down n paym pa ent a t JOHN CHRS ( MO- TORS. W e ll jl g\ gve you the dfferer dfference n CASH ) FOR ( CHRSTMAS.... AND no payments tl February * H SQ you can n catch up on those Dse Ch Chrstmas blls. CATAL TALNA HARDTOP S3.54 M W n CamC arr eo vory has power seat P : Rsa5;T5R sdlo.~ D eluxa v rh eel dlscs7, Wwnte hte a. ~ T w.rtdow a-:y6w 6- a ta c n n g gn a -tffa tre s, O.H.C. 6 cylnder engn. n, Standard S le n d e r Rado Wth rear S( sp eak er door e r condtoned * n ew tre s - low ml. qulpwen equlpent nclude* crcle a r h e a te r an. Rado, Cstorh T» foam cushons, Re-,, defroster, r, E n e rg y abslo_rblnb_steorln nx rlsg suords remote_rr errote mrror - ~ power :_nov/ ;_ n o w _ c o r.;w a rra n ty.-y o u -c a n t-te ll, mote outsdemrror, Duxe,.,,.,. wbeel "W hoelohd colum n."en(srgy o b sorblng r o ne fro m b ra n d n ew. struments m e n t p an el w th sm o o th JcSSSrd contoure = ==-"8 - tlt = = steerngwheel dscs, Clock, EZeye glass, Whte knobs k anta n d levers, W ndshefd vasher J «r and power seat whte wal tres.wall tres, -eavy lavy duty du1 ar cleaner, 2 reouts s p e e d w p err," N o n ta re p a d d e d ml. ror. O u tsd e m rror, S e a t belta fro tronfons n t foam cushons \ NeW ta g prce $ 4, ns ; vsormrror. Vsor mrror, Custo Custom seat belts, rear,_ a r. Hm H azard swrltch. D ual m a ste r cyllr.deluxe steerng wl w h e e l,p o w e r d e ra r P a ssen n e r-su a rd d o o r To?. ; locks.. Pec : power b r abs k s s - EZ-eye glass -r~ ded vsors, B ackup lam ps. S afety rm j steerng, Floor?r mat! mats, Undercoat, pua P lu s man any m o re a afaty a n d Convenlenc S S S J S floor m ats turbo rt - hydramatc JJQW 1 - Pull tpnk..of..gas,. gas,.-waxed -Wj and pok - -featu rea-fo u n d only on m u ch hgher h prt prc* transmsson n and many rr other fea- NOWSellng... * at 5 3, 6 0 e d m odels. U n d ercoat, w axed V hed... :ed and pol-..la. lahed, h e d, FuU Ful ta n k 9 f 8 *- tu re s.. H YOUR OLD CAR! ; REGARDLESS less OF CONDTON ;! "rw ooff fflt d F le a st H e r e 31 NO TURKEYS EYS-NO STAM OP coupr S M O T O R S H E TEMPEST c u s)tom t o m hhardtop a COUPE tra d e n on any ne newtenpwtorpcnlac u M J E W M H E lo U jv e C o l n g A T O u t TJO N -N -S T Q G KK-F-R-QM-T-E-MP-E-ST-S -R S S B O z E S b l N M ra M P S -N O G M $2,811«43 $ 4 1 DRVE 01 } ANDKEEP SfT-OVHNGmv : 1 J O You whbelus rbe just as enthused! HjjJ _ j as we are about t. J BONNE NNEVLLE 1DEMONSTRATOR 4-DOOR ) R H A R D T O P , BONNEVL ONE HOME GMMCKS r RSTMAS 4-D C )6r HARDTC

39 }- 1 _ ; > ; n j : : - v ; f m M r S D H p A Y. W O V E M B m j L S j F(H.b:M am obk ;.; - W -r.1 g h t! F - : S O N T M B W a r tt M c T V S K S : r H s e e r s u y \,. rr coocp-sae <loemg:r a l» l T *. r «B! g B a B v 7 [ bb a4 g C K 0 N 0 U R U - V \ wamt n p a t F m * t $ «E : j B a J P E E T r W t. - j / - FREETS HtM m K r -. n r : o E j H E - f f l SBBSSSk.- K 2 v P A N «. :. j g U j B y g B M S g S V. / r r A S L O Vm Eu Vv.v v Ty rx / A 1 R S? F R E E5 td d ed E R, W w s A 1 P O N T DODA ( VOUAUSrHAVE uus s -m* PLEASURE RE WAS ] 1 r a SW H.L HOST T F E R W«. DSHES tn S H T,. A - \ W K SO ON,A1N! N.A N! J VALLARSafMlNK! v m y - M - m H R S T TTEN E N H HON m H E l P SOCAL 1 Q» L.... l y r m "N U T E S, Jt t l V A Q L U E E M S EVENNG t * )>«! T A 6E D D E R M A T-rH E.. (? 8 H B h t o m o r r e r K A a K /K V W & K f A W N S r ~. H A S * S g H l l DRAWN V lo A..CLO <... K j S THg RAfBNfER f c f c V l B k V p f R l B n f w K B B. / L A T E R - F. / AFRAD W EA W D BA, - Y ef l n e! w e l t a k e N - :.f : ( D EN TlN M FD RN m JfES / ) t t f AW AVANDeVE E. ; V EM E W FU R N nr E,. 1..VASW EPBOASEP! > L / g S S n \ :V0 (, k W 1 K B S \ : ; -» o g J j A V W X, H tm B W0 mm - m H B r / t S T \ ))K! ~... - > 5 1 «E R E B S m ;K > lu J K 0 d K! VOUR e O ln y O W m?. H /t/l616ed.0ur E O U R V F)N B4KE A frq U E FURMTURE THREE /HMcr,A«HEAcr,A«WE6t:l6 N0RAMT \ / t l C6Q0p!.1 RCH H OLP COUPLE Cpj HAS p u r c h a s e d ) (, S p o o f> t. - J H E A je SS 1 $ 5 0, 0 0 y 0 V. (SNOBANTKALUKAKS u 1 A W.W 0R K N 60N T HE E V N M B A T C H, RSHTT..; V!. * * y - A - f y p... r a " d P - _ S, C o t t m u e r f. t. - : y r - ;

40 h : - W > S j ~ \ \ 1 a J u w d J - a a a M g s P a T d? H O l H l - l * - Y,-,? j H. f a r - H H m l H K E P x., j l j h J g L _ l ±. s s B [ H < tf s & L BC(0V/flk B v V c,. p 4 / ". - y a j o >" T to //f V l \ f. - / Z f.* " "* - Gr f l P l r s x "» <» > J c K a r * StTL ) * 1 \ y * o U r f f lk ll r a r x s - r. -». - O Z ** -O * - r». ~. v v * y j KEfeF O O R 1 \ OWm p l * a v j(l * -. S... ;.., **,.*, w z ly /slfss&ss g Z o T *.- / s S < S a f c, ; \ /. 4,, * 4 > r. P V k Q g w j t T S f f y» j. y j g > 3 y : N.<,.

41 l H 8 F 6 5 N A w 5.;... LJ :- u_ - -. ;., ~-.r,. ljrvw (0<ra>)-V U?!-B -U gfrtlbom O O t N * SPOT JDU PP n7j«cat:sklk TWEEN r W E E N H E R E A N J V 3 j : L J r S j j s E r w s b o u c Tn n n ra J s l r g g - *; **-. * H»... l l; ;.., S A T W N Q / S U Z - x r e ;-L--~.,r--rv. : ;. r- r. YE22EFL B O V S. A N ; T H A 8 J U S T W HAT : J - / V S t BS OU. P A R V. mm G GC O N N A P O / L. * V f E > - { f F < r lr y 9 )c l t ~ B ; S P Z S eo N N A W W W E B R A T E H e / w w V MQCKMOPF A < H R f l n C T C ~7j- / C),NO/ > l A t \ y E H, M E,T O O / t S ASW N? VE HEARJ> =ARJ> BEAT- B r r F O R E V</B A/e-. ABOUT T M ES S /.G/. G E T STU C K WTH FHAN TD TEN? -_><C, _, > <. n v t a t o n ; HPH : J l {:3Er * k l S r" r* l f :- y «v...«w1ftyv.v-.-. v s.,.: ; T... J l J P A J. L. u r. j - U J T,, H r p P H y s. 1 OKAY, l f O / M y f EENC5 N C / 5 / YEH? ARE vou MArnSROFR>CT, MAT AM, A M. B U T _ v r n SSHK H K T H H S H N.. S S A V.SOME KNP SA w h e r e V u v j J OUT/, TH? WV W rsv 3> < O F A FSHKJV WHE W E.G O? r r r s POOR BEVONP DNP ALTHORTY A P O U C j T, ; -O R S U M P 1 N? w gg!-> 5sw : o : , lay)v(<4 y ff,(,vojua2*2t : ~ : a r... - J - * ly T r * /S??! rf S S S " r.. - y - a C

42 SS r VMWfCE;-. C e J L cb MA/>NDoae yca B l ANO R tas v- e o OA/WKAU. L m v, v, v J S t l B g g l M T H E C A N TT F N D A N y B 0 C 7 / \ -W A m s.... T H E J O H l l! : v v > : A k - U N c. M A N A ( O F t K3C7/WHO U.(<ll. TO T H E..,- ;- R r w 5 S S S S m arof tlu G O S,. : W H A \ A S A N r A O3;<UJ ; M S & N.TH@K. 7?a/;C ef?vra6rt =MT THS HV - p V (, V:WHV VVHV WbULC> 1 B. ANVe --- j m j N - / v f F T X 1 ( S f f H h H H SB V T Z jsres B SXJNO. jn o A A LU O A /S A V//N<3 N G, J j V- "HO.HCJHOX-t /-.. y* ;...:L L fb b,r T-----f~ f ,cotJt-E> cp..m m yy /;- u.r- V s.-; y ;,> > l? ;, u : V - ; r - v.. h e v /T*ATfe/ t Na v ~ r " r - A N - DEA E E A - 1LL.APPW»>pp;.yraK / T H E tt«5s. l S f, T H<e e ONLY ; / H. THNG l S... / - gll j l j j,,. :/ ;; j,; SB H H,:» - *»-- ow / : CJDNf KNOW J B H Q E tja - 1-(S-----_ ( S ---- : >A,. A C ; N 7,N7:A- : A ezmlsewnu ) At< nj:;- : \ OBANQB S m. >. /, V *, - ;.. " v p " - f P T.., l fct f NNEA. E A.tM W., n #,.-A <(fey Q J / ; S doh. w fs S t >.

43 f f l l B n 3 ( A V l N d 1 l T r»e8&ttg T «n w f 5 r 5 w 5 F MAW/C0UU>MSU<3Wf 1 U S A -P l«k.p ea S efl OOrW6HT/l-ve rtfv/er.pljm&da 0? C M t» 3 «4 0 o 3 S? p 7 B B r V. : : :v; :* 6Prt-urA-eoo6PosM 7B t P0P«T,CVE1V20AALESM p S w p -v-:--> VJ rvnwergs-ts&ftcm: AHMAMocxy m L v H H S f m s o v M V - > J-* 1 / -. l V -->: - 9 M m h p s ; 3 0 c a t l lh 8B E =9j / S tm aa td e! g o t \ 7 5 M b n e l r e d : t t t > t o n ; ; v l A lt rv ;/ V l w p a j e u ; V - tu V e.sb,3 5 5 \? S e p e j f l l f f l S S 3 ".

44 H» t T H B..-.\ *. : , n7 fje e m M 6 M 6.h e r... W t - ~ r d B M B a m v e. * atnveofkrt: B - V 1 " w : a e A : S $ e -.. H : l a T y ; X & A f h, S 3 t f w H ; c -. c c m /, M R F. t. : N A P E! f e r n P l v o e a P K n V S e F 3 ; r V- P.: TycoQ h 8 u f f. - ; ; j H j j P e o = S B E E t a o w - K= j j j j K r - E O L U : / /, " STr HARRy. p.,.-.vulgaran F HES T, 7 V - Ml UP N THS/THE /,T H? -; AUROtW (SN v r ; r : ~ ; ~. -, :--= «w f to u # : e K E f w w o s uu wk E -. ;., g H E M r V O U K h o)w w K M JTTU E - - P o & e H E m m 9U6PECT T T l - D 8 0 P wv\- E S l r v f r S j c e d l l H -llwwllr»g.q: -pesxmnos E w M l w - t K l j r l l H l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / l O K. N t f s x e s. m-.mm E --C J R O W S V f ruu Uu Ss r B E " - - -,: U K E *VBE 7 ; MS l& e 1.. R6 TOl TOTTL&? - W - M - O O a. -. tht HU NU DN l D E R - \ : o0 Hb V - 6 P. ;. _ - 5 _ t U M T H & G O O D G t r r w a n te o.atv TV REf REPARMAM/.... X WAKl WAKTEP AN.. H L.Aa.TFQDNAUrr/.fO Aa.TFQDN/ M l. wbm.1 - F r tkpeacs/ DR» \. f MR. WHlpeNADB N S - 2 :.NOW LLL FLCH TORA DR*... K s A.R. MceEDOOMS j N - _. M l :.-.EUEaTONtCr AURORA, \.,>.B O R S 6 U. CdSl-- > ;,;;;-rr pl L E H > J S A l ~ > A.

45 l y U l e r K r V A - m m M. e a ut T o P*. V E H B b : 7 [ k yc»m?jym *f l-mv-gowbosnvfe Jl ecrra NEW SU XAN, : TDUPEBS : H - -MUUmOE P B H. 0 * T M t N S " y O B - V 4 K J K S :.;-; 1 ; SO REUStTC\. SO vawe TWEReSS H O WAV W A V.*THl3-Ot*4e53 s o - R E A O P r s - e v E M e co f T r ty Q RN Noc f e m = p - J V? U ~ S O C OD M EC 1 / - r -.T-; \ L - / *3?ve N c v e t - - V 7 O XN OW 9MUR= W? e e c & u s & T : - c c v E N e y E R j.j;? rkv. NEVER H A o! B y y r? - 1 B 3 ; H H - v f S w o c u t S L H p H L v 5 0 v E >.. f p O N T T. ; Tj<.> M. «,» uu.& N t. OW r d a BRUNS AU5M& ):. :THJN SPECAL Jl =EK y 7 - :.-a fe w f ou>, ) H H \ W D j -. M p j A H l l _ h r / HOW DOBS \ - T H A T <?R R A B jy lu l - V. - ; - 1 E r j y S/B. eor A RUU H A R - / 1 o o r r r... H k S le!s- ;sn - s s T. rr PER n -.-. L S Z E /. y r r - : T - - r - ; u _ - A S < s o e : r > - A A -.0,ee AOEAD--TA-- a f e [. r. \ ;.. aneer:t=ek-th //A:-.» M C M E S A f t / J - :. : a < o c K / " v;:. >. g :- r we5rt55?ssfm55.;; s g $ S 8 S... s:::;jtt; r.;:,;.;;.;.-.r.7r,.tr r;*

46 m / D R A t > W M y 4 3 jp :r l E b s l l - -?>. r >ell-:-. ): x u n t c r s t S J o f S S ffyskl ~ St&n- D g -- : f wkk l s s o M R t E j l YOU R e.h O O P L 6? Mk tm th & n e M c o M ft e P NTOMV.CeN,SlK!)?*X N T O M V,. HeRE/ (ylstwe LANTEKN?HARDLY >LY m a n W H O C A L LDteofN,co/we S O e THS LAMP 1S-PRC -3L)S S MRS. ( CTH K tu A f-eo 0D LESf.ANDV TH&CHCAGO FR&/X-6HOUL1 RV- ANjCfouS TO. SgK t r K A P F J ffgallv ssell e tt tt T,MS9 W lw lt.e U T - 6. :l - SH SHE d m ; P g g H A. VQU*D roud S8E.NTBRE6TED N ltt B t.o.oaa R l A N PJReT H E R -TrtvEK y BR6T BULLetPBOOF-W BULLfet t n e -U S A X.-T H fft C A R ge /A$H«lj6TOt«J, vest.whlch T.WHCH lejt ed -T W E M TTYrFlVS y E.J A W E K N,. A R E - 4 H Q3TS.AN.D. A K D : OS5,LL AT-25 V- v S R y? r " l w B juk 1 L H B K. W EfEsS. B W P B B O ln llflb vs B S v r-y p p. :. / / vfa. H T. SS--- "Tl N O w l? E R E? 7 T H e C" Jw T p 4s-su 5 y S on,y/th S.THE ELw LAMTERM/ v e B6En1(U h 5 u //// / / v 5 r c H E M U ST BE B E ODESCEhlDEDjwoMDER E )ER * H E M > D R 6 S S W R r -e W EW WT T W d : 0 FFEF O-«S0? o.*-soo.=or-rr,-but.vou..ut"t O. : FR0M365SE3A ESSE 3A(AES*flNHAT HE e a y 3 UUUS CAssftRf bbetter e t SE-T HftV61HS MS LOOH LOOK 0FA-D6DC«t T>rtLL<S :T> (tll 6 WE-* - r : NOT,eVe 40T.6VEN HAVE ve r o O T O F,.COLL6 aoo R.AR Ae B O U T Y O O L. J U vqj:) Vq; A Wor:tk:thb-twc TH&TWOOOS FXTOCD JCD " - SSSfe*/r-r j g r S E K e / UeVOUHftVET )U HAVE FOR A ftorv MRCO\P O U P L to F l W K S PLPACHM A D l CWNEO > - EM Kbuck c K g j fm ja/h-e: ORQAL /DUEARV 1 TLANTERN?, fe -M.0/sSPE R l r n f m e p :., / 1

47 S e a r s n sj K H H f M g L s, M B B K r 5! 5 t o S 5 e. t F r j JHBH :?y :: -.p:. ;_:r: w - c,.-; - ; " X d. X? 1 - r!.: - b a. L -,. f E g Q B h A l w.m.h U cfc \ ff:" ** S ld L S o L j S h o p a t S e a r B g a n d. Sears - OCASfl. BOBOCK AND oc SaUfltdoB G xanatet ( rv or «ar.k «.» (M B «k p j -.~ M : Aye: W: ; " Phone l v e r y -WgHt - tl Chrstm as

48 Sears? a r s Rlchly h c7dd u e d D ecorau a to r T a b)les J...X.. -..ulm H M s a v e : $ 9 1 o 0.<. 0 7! Ss Aa Vv e : t o» 9« !. M e d t e r r an n< e a S t y l e A c c e n t T a b l e s H a n d s o m e C o n [ t te emm p r a r y T a b l ele s s Handsome accent ccent tal tables th at capture th e elegant moods nx of Span and.taly. Four beautful desgns to please C those, wth an eyq for Bold contemporary desgns... dram dramatcally translatnto,hand< hand- some tstables for those wth sophsta sophstcated tastes. Choose e the e fne. fashon. Choose >ose a commode, 54jn>..eoclctan a l,,. j stylng< adycohmmtable ub««, $ ,.:... _; tabte <»lumn fl commode comnw o r nehd 6abl& Each Lch Rtg Rtgular SS47S or a sleek, end table. Each ej le t desgn s. and«79.95 generously projrtp v o jtto o ed table s crafted of yd ~ c tfu lly shaped wth catfedral hednd overays~ o\ Q Q * ~ butternut veneers, n e e r s fh,f n n darc pecan and E a s expe-cnfted~of"hand;: hand-nbbed- P \ t l O O - enrchedwth h dramal dramatkv carved effects.. walnut veneers n-a rch dark fnsh...,,179.95,»7ft8s CootempocMy m Codto odk f lt A e...,..,...ftl88 e «8 f - S f «w cwfhn taut* ;«f M J.-. -j: & lljfltscd* f.fscmfaob. T a M tju M ; P k SOtaMn. 4 B B W t ffm M tn KmmUdtt t«m>csth f l w a r 5 S ; 7 ; T r r r. " j T A j S4Jm* 9V.9S:* CMWMr*) >0k1 tfl»a>» 4 Md «r tr.. ;.... K «* w w r M, *.9S0MrCMten M ttal» «7 y tww o c l M f. M \ S p c S e a r s H [ a s S!v e V o u r H oom ldl d j H o m e, N O 0 M 0ON NE ne r - D b E ~ < m ~ A ;; yt l Q B Y o u " B u y n 1 dd r es a Fa $ s g f : 7

49 Sears [SaJ Jasht g< s h o n s f o r H r H o ld a y E n E n t r td nn ng E B H H : d V B r s K S n B B B W - f c! " ; - SSsl f f *1 n!) V- nvv r T - r f f T W M B.. : H J n? (} > 1. Ty! ~ : K t T. r a " mbkp SB C h a n j a m p s.... R e g tu Ul a r «5 2 6 ; 9 9 P o k e r G aa mc we T a b l e s H a n d s o m e DO eeccoo rraa t o r,! nrtrm f* AHt:Vtl-C!p»r>v S t y l e d P o l e - l L m r p B vlng-topa Rt me*45<nr walnut fnshed wood poker, poker. R, ll.eu lo r$ R u la r Oy O0 J8 8. d -vsa. convenjent hostess servng top. 3 n. AND ond$40 r> -> - -» > green color felt playng surface. Eght hp pockets and-eg!t rcceptaccs» 2 2 jtaclcs for.... <> a. Go Gontemporory W hle L*vnyl-panek vnyl-pom. ; o. C U s s c t W h te flul u tee d 4 sh ad o sl» = «- Slury Sturdy h hcavy.duty legs fold for storage.;. ".. _. wll! wth w alnut trm. Brass cagtf. cag< S trm m o d tl gold color Mor brad., fom Hound Round Tul Table Sets $41.95 M1.95 ta Table b! ond Chor ScH - - C o u n try : H o b n a l glass lass shades. ) b. Countrys Amber optc mtc glo* gloss ball Vnyl, coyerpd veyd htlnlat hlntlar q q VJnyl covcred hbnlnr., - M aple fnshed wood pole center, center w th brass color trm. >..- «t«1. 4Wnch :jnch lable, toble. 4 K Q f _»l«l. sl«l. 30-ln. Mblc, «e..contemporary: Co Fber gla«_eylnders l c y ln d c... _.. \ 2 ctow. clare. catas. 2 <-olo <-nlon j - c. Contem poraryrr ed roand h d am n 2 cook; W a h u fp oflc le n. molded plastc djp b a ll. 1 T T y, L..» T«esc Tekscoplc Hgh ntensty J \ $9.99 Hgh ntensty rumpm / $ 7 Hgh b ntensty 1Lamp : Handsome floe! flockedshades * Bran-flnbbo(lltar-- rh a Bundlhadern njahadetlfajfn \ plastc base wth walnut J T \>. num arm and 3 re fl Y and d base flus fushed n r <te>:!nrays r a. nv. Q doned omed brass. arm.. n belk», whte, ltov or. N A,. bege. bdgo.l!ws Walnut fln«dmmer sw ~ U *dcta ntg-r cna» to W fhh e B 3 "tu tu rn knof 1 bege,- Mge,-blade < or whte. 101n Mnches. d»

50 SA to S A V l E 3 _ t q 2 ort d ld a y B ed dsprecdss s... Sears rs a a P l, S h e e r C a n o p > y y S p r e a d s J A r C otton BmlMe wa> noftest ftest Dacron D acn polyntcr f<mn>; fn the n lttop:*rtnlrnv -pnk-and-odrrm sttt c o lo n. M atchfna canoplw jkh ml pllow pllnw slum. ttgulor $14.99, T«Twn *«ul , full Am... ts.97. $11.99 M lcwwfy $ 9.99 Twn to er.../....r,9 7 M flllxl-w lh D arnm. too. A sluht sh h t <lo1t:1t <loll n lno! 4>nk. other colon. O r ta lu.. Dlllov Dllo%v u lu n u on sule. tguto $27.99, H7.99,Tw Twf ln > Rtgular $*9.99. Full Sx*... R*9wl«r $ lt.99 M( S* Conofty... FV - $16.99 Twn Sa Canopy C o m p l e t e l y Q u l t e d T h r o w - S t y l e 3 S p rr e a d : TWN s z e Regular $12.99, Qulted..to the floor, flled wth sprngy polyester, ths s acctatc bedspread s qute a And a,t$9.97.choce t C of m edterranean blue and other colors....-ragular $14.99Full Sm... R «flular$21.99x lngslu... M W M a l r A t t r a o t l v o D e c o r a t o r F l Ul o w as Set of o f 3 textured tex rayon and latvler $3.99 acetate pluowt pluoh n 3 decorator S 8 lelected rdcacent rde colon. F Set of f 3 tcx textured pllows of f o V heavy uphols upholstey faorcf wth ff ~ ->. \ tutcr ter $4.99. O B 7 : Cc o n to uree d b a c k r e tt.s h n p e d K*9«tar$«.99 for f o rcom c o fbt n of f l a p > p o l - * A Q 7, Ub U d c o tt» t t» T hpe color*.- \... ~ S t o p.ac H o mn o ~ T C E P H D N B ~ Y o u r. Nf fo oa r co es t" t S o a r s S t o r o * S F r s t P a g o.

51 S a ve 5 t o > 7 o n A uorr m a c Btla larn k e ts [Seane a r s A u t o m a t d c B l a X L k e t s ~ B B h G u a r e m t e e d 5 Y e a r s B R H H $ Twn,. T SlnsV Conlrol J Oron acrylc, Fberscaled to resst sheddng and pllng llln& MM achne wash - and-dry wth less tlmn than 22 shrnkage. Ant-statcfnsh., 33 worm warmth selectons u a g J, for your personal lal slecp sleepng comfort. $27.99 Full, Slnsl* Centret $M.99 Full, Duq Cofllral $44.99 OuMn, Dual olcentro) C«Rtro). $54.99 Qn9, Duol Cvnlrel Cvnlrol M BgmfflS O rlo n B la n[k k e ts ; f o r W a r m t l w ttt t o u t W e lg l t $14 Twn. l. j g a r a H M H n K - r ;. : V j, ; - - : f e # -Oron a c ry lc,b b l k c t t ressts sheddng and pllng. Ant-stutc fnsh. Lovely embrodered :red nylon lop bnd* ng. Machne wash and d dry. l* su la r $16 Full Sh*... Hz* «*gu>of-$l Qwtw n-m* «W.-rT ; Rtgulor $24 Mng S l»»... X - * / - K ngszesheets,p Sheets, P ( m s - ~ M v - 3 p l l Ntll Mf>l» C«mb*d wd CatM C«tl*n Sftol* f ShMH. l»0ulor M.50 M t #»ntw FlttMl...; y 3 rot $9 JO numrcomt CM*» a fw 3.97 J. tu»8 St* DMMn* Mv*l*r FlllMl nlew* - l«9«lw 3f*r$16... V **000111] S am p ler*! * S x s e m b le»8 s foo r Bc e d r o o m a n d B attl Smooth con com bed cotton p c rc a le. Fand. F a n d prnt on flat jh e ctj, nllover prnt on ftted. VM MullmlorpM ultmlor prnt on whte. 100 thrcads p e r ( f l!k. tn. tltct washng.. H»*of$3.a9wtan*»f ttflttler $3.a«Ftftd t*0«l«r$4.3< $4.39 Full FM MRttad c K l B a S ffulor ffulw 3 for $3.39 phtcwcom. :3 m.1.97 J t. p B p t r J? : Cotton Thmno-Weave The Blankets H «5lo»$;99 TWlJTW*.-7.t9 l«9«.tcr.$10.99 Ful Sll* v f S S Cotronlv Cotn>n»Ba Bath Sze Towels l Cbtton and mynt my, SOX more abwrb- bwrh- f l n l cnt ent than ll>onn1)-< nlkottbn t«.. Bege wth mult* h r E B y B C B B c B J * cnlar «lor prnt. - H t t» $ 3 X l 6& d e R l / v P n u t*s»w JlHoodTowt...-. r " r :;a a 9 < ~ H T t l ttsulor SS( W o r t d c t h..49* l*9ul«r «0f FlA9*rtlp T*w«l... 49«. Dacrort9P< Polyester Ple Bath Rus H l*f*lof 6.W. 36,»3* b>..-v... ;.-. rs Rttalw M V.... / - "V c \ E3E3 3 T r o n S e a rs R e v o lvl»b ln s CBuarge.. C llar f S O T M S g :, g GOAKANTEE N T E E. g vv, o f control, or blanket janket provw prove <=*. > n 5 o o we wd rcpdr or replace, at... o or opton, Tree ofm d arse. a. O ll j rr r t r n W «PC5 ;

52 Sears S a le(/ lss a v e >82 o n a ; Average a O S q Y d sf" _ (jarpetn tetng n sta lled d aver cm H _ s e o? xae a e jr u b b er CushU o n! S a v e 1L 66 % o n S h e a r e d AV ccr r l la a n P l e C a r p e lt n L e P a t t e rm n H H > - Rogulof $12.49 Sq. Yd VutaU«d 1 0 " s h*>atl«d Transform your ho home w th th b elegant desgn Jesgn... an ex-... j qustcly wrought vrought leaf pattern wth subtle tp sheared. acccnts. deal [eal for ol ahy room, any decor, ts t s made of Acr*, nn ncryhc :e ptc fot for practcal beauty... rcskts stans, has lvely reslence. lence. n your chocc of 8 gem«lkc tn«lkc colors. colo O u r L loo ww ees s t P r c e E v e rrl t S a v e 1 7 % o nq O u r B e s t - S e l n g W U t o n Ths capet 5t captures the elegance.of bygone eras u... wth ts graceful cmttem M «uler»14.9». of f : swrlng leaves. Of - bossed pattern 1... : Acrlon acrylc crylte ple, t wll k e ts rare teauty >and andwvtalty t for yrars. Your chocc of seven rd rch twn-tone colors. _ - Nm Bra«kn*l< tw Carp. arp«t.. ph o nne SEAfor e SEAK a...$ 6. W. Appolotaent ppolnhwent. AkAb Alc About Our E x p nstallaton = r : 3 T O - - M 0 N t e Y Y PD O VW N.o o a r s - B a eb yj-r P- Pa ya ym m o n f P l a * r

53 Sears 3r-MereJLes ; w th a{ K e n m o? e s u r e F n W : m o r e - B s h w c ; ;.. ne w a sher Artw tc rom ltt rt»rlt» F«w t»»1>lnt _ M rln M tam Ttft Br :- v SAJLE, ;SA1S A V E, 3 0.9) 5 A t S e a r s y o u l lx l f n d t h e r g h t t K e n X o r e a u t b m a t o da t se l w\ g s h e r f o r bl o m e oc r a p a r t m e nt xt t! t v l n K H S l - K enm ore P ortables. u-no*lnstafltl6just Non a t ( a c h -w h ro Ts yo Or U K C H O C E to fauct*t. No. pre-tnsng cv pver._fqur. folly aulo natc... cyclcs ncludng 145 * hygenc cyde. - r Regular»99.9S K enm ore Bult*n*s. Fts n r] t under ktchcn counter ~ top. W ashes, r n and u td dres w th 4 automatc cycles ndudng 145 hygcnc le 9gdc. nstallaton extra., F ro n t«l o ad F o rtab les.d [es. Desgned cse to make loadng and - unloadng c a for you. H old ol(u scrvfce"fon4rxu your other Dshwwhm -a s s - 1! dshes, glassware come ne out sparkllngl Convertblft lo w a s.... m m P P H h B J V B O W N T f o n W O lo P A P p p Mogx nc o e s N o M o n t b l y / P a y n e] n t B U n t l - F e b. l et t on p.. Se e a r s B o s y P a y mn e n t jpn l a n " A8.SW tjt,e,bw,tc A L L?

54 Sears rth th e G ft t ojf F a sh o n P U P, P. j,* - G l e at o d g A l l 1 B r a e s o r B r a s s n B l a c5 k 8 --PPj l e, F p l a x B a m b sk r.- r>:... r.-.o>c-.r*rt.. &. -..>. U VMM 5 9 f ~ v - V... D d - o p h u V ls&nqgs.0q.sado<;;..><-;.;. r ; l : ; u : M? a ; S ± E S S S :.. % -. - ; s -S ; T > y n T t o W r s S t S e - O T r a t «, > M. ; l «c k,; r M.. :;,.. _ - A \. N. * U [ 1f f B r E S H S S S f f l S S A V E «a O S w l y A xm nerloeuar 5 1 e _ F )ra n a x _.. E lre re p] la o e a f o r a D e o o r a tto o r T o u o b Sal* PrM Pr 9 Q 9 5 ; 9 Spend p b an n t merowv-fluad wj: -A d P re p h o < rc ta = rungs n Munr-cheey~coQtentn rcootentmentl t* w d 2 d 6 a k o r 1 (tyfed and desgned aftw TtbeorglnaU orglr C W -. T r & the 4 foddng pand doon, rs, you have a stova Brch B rd G C asl o g s V ;-.opea,d»eaall,.t a* t-feplace «p o, toawtar» wth g a te tw a the crcuog flames oc Rowng enben of wood, d. darooal or coal Hand-made of handsome r»ttw saun, Hand*molde< Hondoolded- logs ow Uko Uke real en embers! 3*16g ;: _. ;bladc dutjroq that* buut;to lt:tola»l lart. 4-Ql. U U lrt«n a n Pot k. ;,... group s s 20 nches wde tn d h at3?nfljuet..jh5!t p eb rff fnshag. toud Eary Amercon to Jw y Woedbatfc Woadbarctt 0.M for your new FVankUn toveorfrep ttove or freplace. j atb" O e r t m o e t e e... G k x x l a t A n y S e a r s S to r A l a tlm U.s

55 / Sears B e a u tfu l Holday-n sp re d Bat B a th V ante ltes t w m M l.:: r 1 8![W k ;J LaJ 1 p!s8» l n. C o n t es m p oo r a r y w t h T oo p p,. Oo W l Y., c l. e e, r l n,. q s o 3 Ss tt yl lf e \ \ t h L T o p a n d B o w l CtKMse Scars advanced x d stylln stylng... clean lnes crcatc nte modem, «,go ar $79.9S An Al elegant bath begns t wth ths tha handsomely>styed d Seats.van* rch-lookng effccr. Beautful walnt-grancd fnsh h splastc a.plastc- ty! t) Sealed.compcssed 1 wood cabnet s whte wth h g o ld lo o r coatcd. G l b o n d c d 1 vtrous chna ha.<: the clarty of fne e dn- 9trm. Treated to resst molstxre for long lfe. MarbcUa.poy- xbcua.poly n-rwaro, b.mt won t pt, 3t, stan o r scratch, ester top Jooks lke narble rble and requres.lttle car«. $49.95 Matchng Mtdcn* flcn* Cc Cabnet! wth U g h tt.... * 4 4 M$49.95 O a u e Slytt, Ughftd h.d M«MadlcD* b l t u h.... * n. - C o n t es m pp oo r a w t h T o p,. B o w l E a * n. C l a s s c 3 w t h L a v a t o r y T o p, B < o w l Erjoy popular m odem cm stylr stylng combjned wth easy-to sy-to clcan clenr _ ttradltonally-stylea vanty s.de< decoratcd wth god:cl>1or jtlo r lunds. lands.... wood fnsh. for long lfe. M ade of w arpreslstant : comprcscd pres wood $ M o tch ln g -M < U«dtd n» b n ttrw H h o u H g h H -:-; $19.95-Malchn9-Mftdcnt cln«cdln*l wllloul-ughlrrr: Cdbr r r r - < * 1& N O M O NE BT Y S D O W N o n a arr s o BE aj s y P a y m e n t P l a n "..,ws9

56 Sears Sarta, CG v f Hle e r K1 en m o>re Floor-Ca are JW fe-sc a v e r s fo r C hrstrm \trnos p p p j p S L r / k l "...W-j : ;, -- B H A. K e n m l o r e Ut p r g h t V a c u u m s s f o r R e sv op llv t n g B r u s h C ll eaann : n g E±aeE= Revolvng bnsh plus sucton gets at lnt npd hars r l ymr vonr catpelne. Cfll Vnyl hmp-_ *?, K cr-prottots-fumture r-fumture-ls-foot-cordstorca on handle-mounted hook, 1 out of the way.y yet ready for hosc holselold cleanng. J ; B. K e n m l o r e L g h t w e g h t V a oc u u m C l e a n e r tf o Q u c k C l e a n - U p s Just before company comes... zp over _, bore floors, ;, scatter rugs and carpcts for/ fnal touch up. P:nch swvel nozzlc g e t n treunm trcsm ers; v floatng brush pcks... up d rt Throw-nwa; bow-nway paper dust bag. -» 4 c, K e n m t o r e S c r u b b e r - P od l l s sh he e r. _ Scrub, wax : and buff floors to a hgh luster.... e r «B - H* TtW*4a t*««m 10*,8,*W,P C A U wbuunf/unntu H H u f l l / / M-l «;T~*-*-r?"tt fd T j M D ~ K e n mt o r e S h a m p o o - P o bl ls hs h B B: r s f o r Y o> u r F l< l o o r s a n d C! a rr peet Et s t-w ll bo appwenled all the - yew round. Tme-s e-vng a m p o o-pol s H ta f c e r tk e " w 6 r 0 1 waxng and d buffng floors os well as J duunpoong your capets and rugs.»«trw»4«. S e a r s C a r e E l e r v l o e -A v ca al l a b l e o n a n y S e a r a a A p p l a n c e, A n y w l o r e n t bh o e U. S. A.

57 P B n H B n S ;-: ;: b - " jlk J B jjb B "V;, r - *. ; r,.. jftso T. ;. M O D E f n s r H H f f l l K e n m q r e Z g- -Z a g Qxcytn H H ~whrm oclerrrcft m rc prsole r H H H H 9 H N o T m d e -ln $ P C Requj Requred...#"~ * t e s ;... H..- - ; * Mak. M obe buh enholtff, MW Mf on-mmons, on-evttc blnd - - h tm, d o e m b d e y ttltd (ttdm ts and am mendng Sew fa n cy m onogram s ond decs decorotlve zg- --f-h m o-<t]tcheard»-applk ue-w que-work-and-boste orl(-4 Make] ldr Chrstnas merry and her hcj New Year brght-wa ftrkenmoxconsole Zg-Zag ng machne. A t d lell e l l use through tl tle H years. Attractve walnutfnshed tfnhed hardwood tablecopenfl to 13tt j>y-17k-n Ht-nr«>wn.ooMolo sow.. -. NS O M O] N E Y D O W N,_ f o r J k f o r A p p la n c e s N6 M ontb: o n t b l y PP a y m ecn ts U n tl F e b. W Lst op n Seara ESasy Payxnjent m t P lla a n..»w

58 S B,., H;t- JVv!. >*«***= ;.-.vaw.ba# H/. G ve th e F a m y ly a Slvertce r to n e...t t s a Q u a lty f c» p S A V E S 1! " n o h C o nsso o : le TV H l f l 139-n. evtral cl«0m<e, Mel, 3S3. 3. n. vt«wng erm> H f l Regular $209, : No~T«No~Trotl»-ln R tq u lw d Enjoy clear, l)rrht ght black and u whle pl. ttrc, even n for-frngc r*frnge anas area from pqwerful 20,000.-volt J chas.ss. TUed pcture hjbt* reduct*n-annoyjjg:gla moyhg:glartvgonu*mpo- rary.styl(.shown. A1.so A1.S0 avo avalable n Earlv Anurean or Tndtonnl ndtonnl cabnet s-tyu* Slvertone» ::: \ c. 3 j e > ; " ~ : l F F n n clh < C o nsole TV (23-ln.. vtrell dogenal, doflc 3l3>q. n. vewng or«o> Hl l l l r l 6 O F F...L o w b o y s ty le ) 5 ReflwJar dr»59.9s $ No Trad«-n Rtqum rftct Exccllcnt rllcnt pctn pcture a-cvphon enclosed n t t r a c tv e M o d e rn s c c a b nn et. t, ff tn teed d pcture lube, set-and-forgcl Yoh,vo-. ume control, plus tur}!c 5*n..senker., r. r f f... ll b o * 7 1 o k lo d P n k w t h o n B n tot o rta t a l n m o n t O lte f r o m S o o r a 9 r p T j - p t s r s n s -l? P Y oo u j r r F. F a v o 7 d t e. u s j f m,. ::y s s s s s s s... S A V E S l v e r t o... Contem porary H SSHs B 70 to n>ccvc swtch, because Enjoy lstenng A M /FM, watts of pc Frcnch Provnc V- _ Sc tv o S H S b S S m B s S h 11 n o M b K t E Y - D o W n : D O W N f o r M a j o r A p p U a n c o e N o :

59 ...- ~ ~! - A n o te r Goo< G ood R eason: >n to to Buy Y our a r G fts at S e a r s... : Sears 3: A Cqrven w en t Cred t P la n e ry N eed, EveryEarrv Ex grnly K ~ f 6 T E ; e r -- W f e. 2 B B U y o n S e a xr s R e v o l v t D gr rc hh a r g e T ( C3oo«tf»e way wont want t to pay. Use Seanltevohdng olvng 1 * 3 ChageasaCbageAccou rge Account wth no servce darge rgen4ven y f / padevoy3(w 8ys.0ruse lys. Or use your Sean Credt cord rdttsteadof nstead M cash and spread your payments ovct. several months athsfor J L onlyasnudlscncecha. ch a. Theres no mnmum ptuchase ptuduse.8. requred; and you 11 can con add & to yotu account at any ly tme. E 3 3 ; -..: v u, J,; A y j B S K Xj!.* \wj%w mak"- <HHln; N O.M dsren O l N T B Y D O W N. H N O M O N T H L Y EATfM 3ENTS H h U stfebm aylst,19e7r f 1st, 1967 for Bajbr Applances - - on Sous ars Easy Paymebt ]an. Shell be. d O e d FToV* r wth on u AppUanbe Gft and T S H H / f l you can take untl tl Febma) Febna 1st, 1967 (when all r o tb e r dr Chrstnas n tn a s l HDs are pad) before you nuke your rfret frst Faynv Payment for TVs, Stereos. * ) WflJum, Drywa, yea, Sewng Madnes. Vacuum { Clflohm and ra ptber nuj nujbthoraeapplono N B. you buy juon Sean Easy.Payment Plan. V [ S F J lv a T a m v B y e - y " sm - r T o - a y e f t r B t o P a y ; Mhen you bny Home lome FashJ Fashtons on Sean Eajy Payment lyment Plan. After an ntal tal purdu purdase of $20 or more you u can add b L purdasesaslowastoyc your balance. n many coses your monthly payment wll not even be ncreased. \ Remember, dete s s s NO MOM O N DOWN on anythng hng you \ b on Crbdt at SMrs. Sran. Even Servce and nstallaton aton can also ols, be added to your r Sears Sean Cr Credt Account.,, " "...T -/ :: J \. - :?):# - S p a r s BeU Relev e s, (][ X R e s p c mrsble s b /. f V g T V f x r. Tjmms f _ D e serve ve ( C red t SBwy E K

60 S e a r s -,1 G ve H e r -tm -the Ccmven e r e n c e o f r a CoWLspor < 3 0 t F rostless,, la ce-m a ker le f rg erat T atdr-fyeeze 3ezer! j B t j Rrt jl w S B K w % r w s x B * S A V E e o l C u. F % o f S p a c e n c l u d e s a H u g e 5. 3 C 3 u. F t. l V o ss tu e s s B o t t o m. F t r e( e z e r = M o n u c v c rh a d t so copycng W m a fe :A tfro S!< a M <!!l= = = z x :=.! n. y l<».$a79.m. means no more defrostng. Thnu Thnwall desgn means m on* - storage area (n less floorspace )orspace. Spaccmoster shelves * arc fully adjustable an d make the most of storage space. # n» 3 l 9 - O ther convenent.fcatures resnclde ncl two porwlaln-fn- 5,, <.U f t r p n r g e l M o a t f r leczec e c z c c bos basket, flush-back stylng S fqdlr.d, an d magnetc door gaskets farte to lo seal to cold ar. 32» cl-fl. frg cgerator r wthout cemaker Seara-G are-servoe-v to rv lo e-w tm T S v o ero u 4 v a«m o t -Jo j o v o. n th o -U A A _ : J...A n oth e rrr R o Af a o n t o B u v Y o u r Rlo o ffr rls l s or ra au t o r a t S «a r a M j ccu. u. Ft. fvoem~ f t t t- y S g M - R cm geratofreozcn g F n N«-Tl0tt»4U Yo never >ever need, d defrost E g n a. ths Coldspot sld o t Refrger* Reft B H v t f t l l r 1 tpr-freezer. e ew r. ndude* ndudt a 3 B ss m W B - o u..ft,.fre t..freexer.(t e x e r... shelves, s, full<wldtb fuqwldtb ] porcebpt, etut*ujuub. h ke tnyt, ys, rfass ass slell slelf over j :r, a n d n u R n e tlc g u k es Uto to lr n rc o jm Jr : * ; _. -..-, :. _

61 N o l r o n n g N e e d e. d..... t * s O u tt-- of -f - t h e - D e r O n t o - t h ee- -1 K M s w t h a l r e D r y e r a n d P E R M A - P R E S r C 7l o lt h e s C h o o s e 3 3 T t e m p e r a t u r e s a n d a C y c l e s t o D r y A l l Y o u r P a a b r o s S a f e l y E l tr c S t a r t L e w P fc *. 10 Trade-n Raqulnd You js ts e t th e cycle a n d tem perature a n d y o u r w ork s done. d( T h e 2 cycles le t you d ry R egular u an( d N o-ron fabrcs au- tom ntcally.. 3 temp peratures: H ot, W arm n. plus A r Only y for fluffng o r for d ry n g -. v M 1 w et ran w ear. a r. L arf arg e capacty provdes» - room td tu m ble cc c lo th w th less.w rn1- -: Sm ltltc8tthrl>wawwb * dng. H a n dly y t0]>m to]>mountcd ln t screen s easy to reach :h.. Load-A-f)oor doubles as a shelf. Safety, y. sw tch stops tum ble-acton n!. ~ w hen d o o r s opened. e J, G6«o t M o d t l... *148 J U a lenvoe D b f J M.V : ; d g S l e r Sears " 2 - T e z n p e r a t u r e D r; r y e r s D ry - >vltt H e a t e d A r o r F l u f f.. w t h tl e **Alr Only* n S e t t n g... Etttrfe.Modtl 9 8 Top lnt scrccn... cosytorcach n for cleanng. 1 ; L,q»d.-A -D oor-dcal sal fo r lo ad n g clothcs. H-Ytax 2-Y«tf N«tof»Wde Free Pab a Xomu nuutee. Free leplacement and nstallaton nstallt of any parts whch d pnnre defectve : dryer f f door s opened...vwlthn- wthn-btst-year of sale. Free repbcenm replacement of any parts w4lch prove def defectve w«hln 2 yeo* of-sale, utahnllon <uta ~ 0<»MwM...9U8 O o " ortm extn < durng second y. Free;rq>lacement of defectve porceloln-ft wrceloln-nnhhed 30 3a-da d a of-ale. - N O M O N EETV T Y DX O X )W N, f o r M a J o AW p p pl l a an nc o e s N o M o n t y P a y xz ne o: n tb U n t l F e b. l ebt t o n S4 e a r s E a s y P a y m oe n t P lla e n. 16-pc, = T fo>u u U T> l-l> e T e M k M (rf c w t xr a n A pplfp p U M M G f t t r o m S<Dax«U *..

62 N e w7e E x b ltsvye-d e - esgn Ga arage Doon d o r O peners lers ;.~l... J T h U s S E A R S STODO D A Y An unnupasscd value demonstratng monstratng Seats contnuous effort to gve you new, ln> mproved., products wth laboratory tested qual qualty, su- -pcrlottdrelgn-andmtstandng-pctto lng-performance: wk/sbss3s SA V E 3 5.0, 0 7 o m a tlc S e a r s B t A u t o m a t c G a r a g e D o o r O p e neer Er s Sular $ o p s n s s Ju«t touch th * b u tton an d yeur gorag * d» o r s srpoothly lfl* Fl*d d outomohcody u Xx Aj Q z r r a GaG a ra g * U H ght*d a s door o t lfted, and rar ramotns llghttd for q fol full 90 9pf*cend» * c " - Scars offers a gft that you can ue use tho the yearround, onc that provdes convenence convenlenc for every member of your famly. Opens garage -doors up to 16 feet wde and Lnd closes on o mpulse from Scars new Pulse Tono Tone transmtter, transr Just press (he hutton and the e door opens. ( Drve nto tnt lghted garogo. Door )oor closes, closes. locks. FP h o rn e S e c u r s f o r Yf o u r G ar r* a g e p o o r > p e n» era n. T*" > - c L o s b s ~. : - tx>cg8. x " ~ p n s m w r b u tto n a n d ~ Y our g a ra g o -d o o r-lo cks automatcally m al - your garog* door do«*s lom S a<u u to m a tc a lly ~ wlw h «n p o w o r u n t d o * t s th««door. ~ 9 B... & S E m L s S : y c s t a n d a r d A u t o m a tot c G a r a g e D o o r O p e n eer re s gular sulcr t For garage doors up to 9 fft t wde. l/l( wde.l/: W fp f motor operates frcton drve 0 u n t Seafs Pulse Tono transmtter operates only your { garage, -door.opcner... wthout nterfercnce.- tterfcrcnce Gft Card.for Chrstmas Gvmg Announces your gft of tho _, new gamgo door opener, andouow allows recpent dolco 7 of blade or whte l e a t - -otto ;c6vered transm tter, - P H H H U H B H H H.. stamped tanpod ewth ntals. B e e t n e C7 od rn r j et t e J n e o f Q a r a ge el p t o> o r a A votobz e a t S e ao re s N O MOONETDOWN N o n S e ara Baey P a y m e n t P la n.f C,1 7

63 n S ears r 1Q 6SS S G ft Cycles f o r ; m -r-the Uhe F n-on-a n -W h eels s c ans : : : :T R 555$49 NewPrcMla r Sears 6T»4.9 $ O C 3 & _ Quck, Handsome and Rugged! Hlo ot t 106CC.9-HP 106cc, engne _.... yqy yj en you up t6*60tsfhrvcrsatlc 4 edtransms* 45poc«; sfflp..jup fp tn QC flfl Tnlrs p rr.snllnn- H ydfnulc,«l nnd rrar. Choosc from 3 swrty colors: «lors: red, blue, slver. $17.99 Fber Rb*r G k t» R(dr>o H tlmf lth t» J 8 J ;L v > W y K B S S b e h w n \r n SAVE].VE] R e g atr r «3 1 9 S e a r s W l lte C o m p a c t S oc o ote] r s ~ Fun,, ccooom economcal way. to get to school Or WQrk..r-: 7 wc Frsky cy 3.9>HF 3.9.HF engne gves up to 43.5-M P H per-.formance. lance. 1 g gallon lakes you u p to mles 3- speedtran»d a n s s o n. H an d y C 8 comportncnt partnent f for packages. 69 -M uscalc ldaotc W b t-cu K S w \ - " wth-sears Tape Players j v A jlr d W h e d Sean< S boag!; r " Umn tn r.n " S8A A V E S «30X S b U d S ta te 8- Tr r a o k S te r e o T a p e F la y e r s, 5 C. * #.«v 3 Rl too r $!».9S Q Q 9 5. l9-9.tnnsbton.d tnnsston. rect-drfve motor. A o ". *!-.* *~ tc lc choaoel cluuxqol changcr glvts unntcnupted ted tna* 1 s cftl eo}oyxaeat o } Sttreo spoken o n e etrl. atrl. m S term ojtap«s L l T r a c k S f c w o T a p eayes--... P la y e w and 4 tracks Jo Jazz. ~ Sold S tatd 2-channel amplfl- ampunchnnser. B M W j W p l Fop, CbucflL :assc(l Y< You B cfn. Ptuhbultbn track chtnser. t t d U a S H H nnne t, Scas has,, \ Vbraton froe pormancb. xe. Slatjeads. Sta* _ o n stnootnpa, tc n»,u p a,._ PrkMlfrMRtgul«H [B _lona}una8netc.contoctjeads. Chromed. 2 speaker* {hchded. chded. a.»s>«ao.m 187c. <. : S 3 Q

64 pu lar SpyU fuer e B k e? s a t a S h op-e arl %rly S a le P rce M f L. > 4L ] B o y s E q u Pp pp eed d... ;, S p) y d e r o r G r l s w\ t h J F l o w e r T r m m e d B a s k e t Yourchoce. S Q ; a = -Burstng wth spunky sp rt Boys* has both front t hs hand broke and-comtcr brake, chromed < fluted f< fenders and chm tbr rlu suclc c lr ove ovesze/car 3 b tre. Grls s o m e d w th a sporkln; sparklng whte, K flower trmmed bosket an d 1 whte ban banana scat. Coaster brakes. Both sport : 20-n. wheels, ho hgh. rse lumdlcbars, reflcctor on saddle. k j ; V ) t / BoncHM Sm S*t. 6 9 ; TtTaMnlMtM. 3? A $6.4f $»wdw»lw#wa6;w 2 M r. CoW -kryx fo u. 6 V ; 20-lzobL CT oon nv ve rt) e r ta b k e s. 1 Tank reverses for grk P S S R. or boys bke. LS.fS Par of. 11/ n 5. tranng wheels n - f ft y / d u d Coa.ster r bralces. b ; :» [Y LglltW lle b tw e g b ts d fram e, -. SraRx J j mleage meter. :r. Twst- TwEt _ ~~--B 8>P. Wth llh head* head., Mens, women s, 4 9 ~ K AJ a \ J 2&n. Regular $ Wm -Hutky.vtoyl matehal«ovmbuty~ D -butyl nbbtt budder wound wth shape \. retanng nylon 1 t jt9 l/e ath erf o o d > d ls.. do- ftdng. 0 fdal sze shape, w 5 gs R K H 9~ :.. - H H ; ---: >> - N O - A f O N.::.1 D O> 0 W\V N o n. A n y t U n a : :. u B u y 6 n C r e d t a t S e alapb r a,.,,." rt " - rf«19v

65 1 ) P l G eorsan-s n-style Do! Doll House nature Furnture S l n E w th M n a tu re Fu M1,,U w ra f B l l A young mss wll just adore ths B b B eawy-caaa4oua» y.«ft»4o u» -w th 4 «lk o l _ or nteror. r. t*s ts beautft beautfully furnshed v wth delcately detafc detaled, hand fn-, lhw jw L*-J shed funtture uture for authentcty. ouu Deuxe>Stye Floor DOT Model Pool Tables ,les Electrc Sewng.Machne.of.. Her Very ery OwD- Own-Really Works j p S B B B S - 1 Uw M m a B En{oy profesonal-type ptay pk;. on 54-n. table of molded ohedplas SheTlbedebshted >e delsted to see t sew neat utc. Has lye-acton sd().cush sld().cush- hdft-nwy, g. - r H \ chan sttches. ttches. Fort Foot control lets her r ho*h th hnndt. Ha«_ttullt.Jn-T<gt» H ce-bolden,- bult-n-scor t - h S C O T s e a m. Pprde, d d e. lp l p,. volt., UL lstrf.l...;.- counters. Comes wth thtw two o40- n. cues, balls, txangles.. g k *.., 2OPC1 C HZAROB A B O E 3 XT o n S e a rs R evolvng o l v n s O l a r s e,. T ~

66 H "«29.99Gb(nt33-Ft F t Roo a d H a n S e t T B H 33 feet of track; 2-1/32 so care. 2 pstul grp cutrolle nsmnmjk totfm to n d M w». m c Cj r J _ f g s S * 1 V "? m f M l AB W p O l V S A X E ]!..-.. v 7.; S u p e r - D> u p e r **Top S e c r e t Aa ttta t a oc hl e C e BHg lg B rute l e r T o w.t ru o lca s. B g 3 1 a d e tl eeb B uuu l l< doa c :::;.D n lt»l.t o y W g l MclP y T a l t g r g ce r c t,*! Remote-con raote-conbol kro moves Yt w #19.** UUU«S;.. - A "must" for cvey wcret fjcret agen tl-t ranl v o kce-o r r-- _ Q. 9 g, = o r r w«f d v e n g r W l S c h * A treads smultaneouly lly or - ~ O* code up to U mle. Case ose s als a recever, te lo c>e, 9~y goesupflmcn «3 o(a~9om; Tows sepnratelmlcesblade* 1 b t a d e - J O camcra, nteroom set. ncludes ncluda scjcret.code.machne. dsabled tndc, tndq too. 25 n. ra lower. 18 n. long. t a g - _ ,s: S b o p a t H o m e TELBPHO SLBPHObB Y o u r N e a ree s t S e a nrs 8tore*8e e F to st tfp aage g e

67 B e g n. N o w t o P c t u r e C l r s t r ln a s y v o t h a r EUa sa s- - L o a d C armn ees r a J C o m p l e t e E A S - k., C a m e r a a n d O l 3 E A S -L O A b a n d O u tf ts $ H EnsLond s Ju st t (hnt. Tlte.flm, s n H n cnrtrdgo so you /ou never touch t< t or H thread t Jtst nsert sert (he cartrdge cnrt n(o B the camcra nnd (akc take moves. T hc elec- H tre eye tnkes carc of tle exposure autom atcally. H avcfun v w th zoom B. lens. G et portrnt.s at.s or landsca{. H $69.95 EgM «ad CamafdwHt CamerawlthEKtrlc oyo " n axpour* cenlrolt. H $ o«m >t»,, MlMhrtadl Mfthrtadng prelector H. thow* ferw a, r«v«n«, verae, ttll. ttlll. 8 $4.95 Mov* Scr**n»n tondt tand* en o leblo lep. E er hans*»n a wall.. 22x30>fKh 22x30. Kh tlze. H $6.95 Mov* lght t ohckhof ahckhe* to cemerefer ndoor theohng wth th outdoor flm. $3.59 EoO-loed Super per drep-1 drop*ln certrmge cetor flm, 50<. Ptecetns 1 ~ j g fvs-tloap C a m e r a s w JEye a n d A u tc t h F l a s h c u b e, E l 1 A u t o m a t c F l m A d v SAVE E $10.07 R.9 ular $39.95 b e, E le c tr c - ra d v a n c e! EosLoad» d means cartrdge flm that bads n seconds sect wth* out threadng. F FLuhcuhe gves four r quck shots wlthou( d u n g nlg g. bulbs. Electrc eye sets cbrrect rrect exposure. auto- " nutjwlly. ly. Amunn Amunatc fltrt advance jets capture captv all th e actoljrtbout-st Hdthout-»toppng:to-wnd-between-each~5w een"each"shotr~ - b a Ss l-l -l Oo Aa : D K ts w th lum U m A dd v a n c e! S A n ag tn fnm rr-«n H" g j less than»20.1 >20. Kt ocludes e arn ed cokf olor. uw M c*.. fbn D cartrdge, 3 floshcubes. two. bal* q s terea,andagm «a, and a gadget bag. Shown f t t r t - * - S6 b o p a t H o m e T BE L BE P H O N E] Y o u ; N o n r eo s t S ota r s S t o r e. S o o F r s t Pagc* a g :. : r

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