Exam Date: Monday 12th May am

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1 This guide is designed to help you to revise for your exam and it contains lots of useful material. It is designed to be used alongside the notes that you have from your lessons. You will find some example questions on the back page along with some tips on how to answer them. If you have any questions or worries about your exam please see your class teacher or Mrs Noble. Paper B603: Ethics 1 Human Relationship Medical Ethics. Poverty and Wealth You will need to answer questions of the TWO topics that you have studied in your lessons. Exam Date: Monday 12th May am 1

2 Ethics unit 1 : Religion and Human Relationships. Key words :it is essential that you know what these words mean and how to spell them: Annulment when a marriage is declared to have never been valid Chastity waiting until marriage to have sex Celibacy making a promise never to have sex. Civil Partnership-legally recognised same sex relationship. Contraception birth control Adultery-having an affair with someone. Fidelity being faithful to your partner Preface-the introduction to the wedding service. Vows the promises made during the wedding service Some people make a promise to be celibate, never to have sex. Examples of people who do this are monks, nuns and Roman Catholic priests. The reason why they would take a vow of celibacy is because they want to devote their whole life to God and they think that marriage and a family may distract them from this. Remember Christians do not disagree with sex, they think it is a positive thing and a gift from God. Their views differ from those of Christians in that they think that it should be saved for marriage. Sex before Marriage Christians believe that sex is a gift from God. They believe that God designed it to unite two people together, to make them one flesh. It is considered to be a sacred and a powerful thing. They believe that it is something to be enjoyed and celebrated. However, if people aren t responsible with their sexual relationships then it can lead to both people and sex being devalued and abused. It is for this reason that Christians think that they should wait until they are married to have sex. They believe that sex was designed for a purpose, to strengthen the love between a married couple and to create children. Christians believe that if it is only used for pleasure then it spoils something that was meant to be very special. There are some Christians who believe that these views are old-fashioned. They would say that the message of Christianity is love and that sex would be morally acceptable within any loving and committed relationship. These Christians would still think that casual sex between people who don t really care for each other is wrong. 2

3 Contraception Roman Catholic Christians teach that artificial contraception is wrong. They would say that the main reason that God created sex was to bring children into the world and so using contraception was going against God s intentions. They believe that it is up to God when they conceive and that God wouldn t bring a child into the world at the wrong time. They also believe that God will give them the strength to cope with the child that He gives them. As they would only have sex within marriage, protecting themselves from STI s wouldn t usually be a problem. Marriage Christians believe that marriage is the lifelong union of one man and one woman and therefore it should last until one of them dies. They believe that marriage is a serious commitment and they are keen to help people to prepare for marriage by giving classes. A Christian would usually get married in a church to symbolise being in the presence of God. Remember There are many aspects of a wedding, the dress, the hen and stag do s, the cake, the honeymoon etc that are important and enjoyable to everyone. These however are not part of the Christian wedding ceremony and therefore you should avoid spending time writing about them. 3 Other churches would actively encourage contraception and believe that it is the responsible way to act. They say that God has given people free will so that they can choose when they want, and are ready to have children. They would say that every child should be loved and wanted by its parents and each parent should be able to provide and protect their child. The Ceremony At the beginning of the wedding ceremony the vicar reads the preface, this explains what will happen in the ceremony as well as stating the purposes of marriage. The couple then have to declare that they are free and willing to marry each other and the vicar will confirm that nobody knows of any reason why they can t marry. The couple then say their vows, promising to love each other and stay faithful to each other no matter what happens in the course of their life. They exchange rings as a physical reminder of the contract they have made. Prayers are said for the couple and there are readings from the Bible, usually giving the couple guidance about love. There are usually also hymns which praise God as Christians believe that marriage is a gift from God. Civil Partnerships Many Christians do not agree with the idea of civil partnerships as they believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. They would say that one of the main purposes of marriage, procreation, cannot be achieved in a same sex relationship. Other Christians accept long term same sex unions as they promote love and trust which are key values in Christianity.

4 The Roles of Men and Women Christians have differing views on this issue. More traditional Christians may think that the man should be the head of the family and that the wife is there to support and obey him. This is because in the book of Genesis it describes how God made Adam first and then made Eve to be his helper. Also, they may believe that the fact that Eve sinned first shows that women are more likely to do wrong and therefore men should have authority in the marriage. Other Christians however, believe that God made both man and woman in his image and therefore they are equal. They may also refer to teachings in the New Testament about such as there is no male and no female... For all are one in Christ Jesus. These Christians would say that men and women should have equal roles in their marriage, for example they should share the responsibilities of housework, paid employment and childcare. Adultery One of the 10 commandments is you shall not commit adultery. Therefore all Christians would agree that it is not acceptable. It is not only breaking the 10 commandments, but it is also breaking the sacred vows that the couple made before God on their wedding day. Marriage was intended to be an exclusive, lifelong union between one man and one woman and adultery does not fit in with this. Also, the Bible teaches that you should love your neighbour as yourself. This means that you should be loving and considerate to them rather than cheating on them and betraying them. Divorce Within Christianity there are differing views about divorce. In general Christians would say that divorce was against God s intentions; God created marriage and He created it to last forever. At their wedding a couple promises in front of God to love and cherish each other forever, no matter what the circumstances. Roman Catholics believe that when the couple marry, God creates an unbreakable bond between them. This bond will last until one of the couple die, therefore they do not recognise divorce. A couple will still be married in the eyes of God. It is because of this that they will not allow couples to remarry. The Church of England would agree that marriage was intended to last and they would encourage and assist couples to do everything they can to make their marriage work. They do believe, however, that there are some circumstances, such as adultery or abuse, where, as a last resort divorce is acceptable. They hold this view because of their beliefs about the loving and compassionate nature of God. The church of England will allow remarriage if the vocal vicar approves it. 4

5 1. Make a glossary of key terms for this unit. Now learn each term and how to spell it correctly. 2. Create a revision card to help you to revise Christian attitudes towards sexual relationship. 3. Create a table to show differing Christian attitudes towards contraception. 4. Find and read a selection of articles on civil partnerships and same sex marriage. Make notes on the key points of each side of the argument. 5. Draw a flow diagram to show what happens in a Christian wedding ceremony. Make sure you can explain the significance of each part. 6. Check that you can explain 3 reasons why some Christians believe men to be dominant to women and 3 reasons why other Christians believe that men and women are equal. 7. Explain to someone in your family the differing Christian attitudes to divorce. By the end of the conversation they should understand what Christians believe about this issue and why. But at the beginning of creation God made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate. Mark 10:6-9 You have heard that it was said, Do not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matthew 5:27-28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham s seed and heirs according to the promise. Galatians 3:

6 Ethics unit 2: Religion and Medical Ethics In this unit it is essential that you can show a basic understanding of the different medical issues that you have looked at as well as being able to explain the Christian responses to them. Fertility Treatment This is used to help couples to have a baby who are unable to conceive naturally. There are different procedures that can be used depending on what the cause of the problem is. Fertility drugs given to the woman to encourage ovulation IVF when the sperm and egg are brought together outside the womb and then a number of the embryos are placed back into the woman s uterus. Donor sperm/egg when one partner is unable to produce healthy sperm/eggs, an anonymous donor is used. Suicide When someone deliberately ends their own life. This is often because they are severely depressed or suffering from a mental illness. 6 Abortion This is when somebody makes the choice to end a pregnancy which otherwise probably would have resulted in the birth of a baby. You need to consider the different circumstances why a woman may want an abortion: she may be too young, her or her partner may have lost their job, she may have found out that the foetus has serious health problems. If a woman is to have an abortion she needs to convince two doctors that her mental or physical health would suffer if she went ahead with the pregnancy. It is only legal up to the 24th week of the pregnancy. Euthanasia When someone who is suffering from a terminal illness is helped to die. Some people request this because they are in a lot of pain or because their illness is taking away some of their dignity. Voluntary euthanasia when someone asks for euthanasia Involuntary euthanasia when a decision is made on the patient s behalf because they are unable to make a choice for themselves. Active euthanasia when someone is helped to die by being given an injection of strong drugs that will speed up their death. Passive euthanasia when doctors decide not to give the patient treatments that will prolong their life.

7 Abortion Pro life The Roman Catholic church is pro-life. They believe that abortion is wrong. They believe that life begins at conception and therefore terminating a pregnancy, whatever the reason, is considered murder. The foetus has the same rights as any other human being. The only exception that when the mother s life would be in danger if the pregnancy continued. Many other Christians agree with these teachings, they may agree that life is sacred and that abortion treats human life too cheaply. Man y Christians believe that God forms each individual human life and has a plan for each person. The following quote is often used to back up the pro-life view Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as prophet to the nations. (Jeremiah 1:5) Euthanasia Many Christians would be against euthanasia as they believe that God has planned out each individual s life, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (Psalm 139:16) They believe that it is not down to humans to decide when life should end. Some think that it shows a lack of trust in God who knows what is best for them. They do acknowledge that there is a difference between active and passive euthanasia. Actively killing another person is always wrong, whereas letting them die rather making them have endless treatment and operations is often considered to be acceptable and compassionate. 7 Key Quote Do not murder - the sixth commandment Abortion Pro choice Other Christians think that abortion should be left up to the conscience of the individual. They don t actively agree with abortion, but feel that it can be the best and most loving solution in some situations. They believe that God is loving and they try and show God s compassion by putting themselves in the situation of the mother and imagining how they would feel if faced with the same circumstance. They try to follow the Golden Rule do to others what you would have them do to you. (Matthew 7:12) Double Effect The Roman Catholic church teaches that euthanasia is acceptable if it is the side effect of treatment that is helping the patient. For example, morphine can be used as a painkiller even if a side effect of the drug will speed up the person s death. It is acceptable to Roman Catholics because the intention is to help the patient rather than to kill them. Many Christians think that hospices are a good alternative to euthanasia as they use palliative care to help the patients to live out their last few days or weeks with dignity.

8 Suicide Christians also disagree with suicide as they think that it is prematurely ending life and taking God s plans into their own hands. Key Quote So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. (Matthew 7:12) They do however realise that people commit suicide out of unhappiness and desperation and therefore rather than condemning them they would try befriend them, gently help them and treat them with compassion. Many Christians volunteer with organisations such as the Samaritans who offer counselling services to those who feel this way. Animal Testing Christians believe that animals are important. They were created by God and humans were given a special responsibility to look after them. They therefore do not believe that it is acceptable to unnecessarily treat animals with cruelty. They also, however believe that human life is worth more than animal life. God created humans with souls, and made them the pinnacle of creation. These beliefs usually leads Christians to believe that it is acceptable to use animals for medical research if it is going to help to save and preserve human life. The animals, however should be treated with dignity and the experiments should be reasonable. Many Christians try to avoid using cosmetic products that are tested on animals as they believe that these products aren t necessary and so animals shouldn t be subjected to the tests. Key Term Sanctity of Life This term is essential to successfully complete this unit. It refers to the idea that Christians believe all life is sacred and God-given. It is this belief that underpins their beliefs on all these different issues. If they did not consider life to be so precious then they perhaps would have very different views on abortion, euthanasia and animal testing. 8

9 Animal Research This is an important part of medical research and many of the drugs and procedures we use today have been tested on including the discovery of vitamins, heart surgery, anaesthetics and our knowledge of embryos. Many scientists argue that unless we had used these types of testing we wouldn t have many of the treatments that we now rely on. Other people, however, believe that it is wrong to use animals in this way and that animals have just as much right to life as humans do. Fertility Treatment Many Christians are against fertility treatment as they think that God plans when life begins and that using artificial means to conceive is going against God s plan. In the Bible there are many examples of women, for example Hannah, who are unable to bear children and God always seems to have a special purpose for them. Christians may also object to the various methods of fertility treatment: Using donor sperm or eggs is introducing a third person to the special relationship which should be between 2 people. Some would say that this was equal to adultery. With IVF spare embryos are destroyed. For Christians an embryo is already a life and therefore it is murder. Other Christians however think that providing a solution to this problem is following Jesus example as a healer and acting in a compassionate way to ease people s unhappiness. 9 Christians have differing views on many of these issues. The Bible doesn t refer specifically to abortion, euthanasia, fertility treatment or animal testing so Christians examine the Bible s teachings about the sanctity of life and try to apply these to each of the issues. Cloning As therapeutic cloning requires stem cells that are taken from embryos, many Christians, particularly Roman Catholics, are opposed to it. This is because they believe that life begins at conception and therefore embryos should be treated as such. Other Christians believe that there will be many benefits from the use of therapeutic cloning and whilst they are cautious about using embryos in this way, if it is absolutely necessary then they believe that it should be permitted. They may argue that God has given us the ability to develop these techniques. Key Quote Hannah had no children...because the Lord had closed the womb (I Samuel 1:2,6)

10 1. Make a glossary of key terms for this unit. Then learn each term and how to spell it correctly. 2. Learn 3 quotes about the sanctity of life, you can then use these when writing about ant of the sanctity of life issues. 3. Make revision cards to explain Christian views on each of the following issues: fertility treatment, cloning, abortion, euthanasia, suicide, animal testing. 4. Find a relevant article on each of the issues covered in this unit. If you can refer to these in your exam answers you will show the examiner that you can relate your knowledge to the world around you. 5. Make sure you can fully explain the views of Christians who may accept fertility treatment, cloning, abortion and euthanasia this is usually harder in an exam answer than explaining the views of those who disagree. 6. Practice explaining your own views on the range of issues covered in this unit. You need to be able to articulate your reasons clearly. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. Jeremiah 1:5 When Elizabeth heard Mary s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Luke 1:41 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal. Ecclesiastes 3:1-3 Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground. Genesis 1:28 10

11 Unit 9: Religion, Poverty and Capital Wealth. Background information You spent a long time in class looking at the causes and effects of poverty. Although in the exam you are more likely to be asked about the Christian responses to these issues, you need to be really clear that you understand what the problems are that they are responding to. Some of them are written here to remind you. You should also go back through your notes and remind yourself of the other issues facing the developing world. The North South divide The divide between rich and poor today is often spoken of in terms of the north south divide. In general, the rich people live North of the equator; and the poor to the south (although there are exceptions to this). There is an enormous difference in lifestyle between rich and poor in all areas of life including: housing, food, water, education and healthcare. Debt One of the biggest problems facing the developing world is that of debt. Poor countries have taken out large debts to the world bank in order to survive and to have some hope of improving the quality of life for their inhabitants. The bank charge massive amounts of interest and the countries can t afford to pay them back. Instead of being able to improve their county and spend money on things such as education, they have to cut back on their spending in order to pay back the debt. 11 The cycle of poverty It is often said that those living in poverty are trapped in a vicious circle and they can t escape. There are lots of factors contributing to this and you may have looked in particular at examples of the problems of hunger or the situation of education in Brazil. Below is a very simple version. They can t afford to Get a better education For their children Poor children get a Poor education Because of their lack Qualifications they may end up in low paying jobs In low paying jobs. They get few or no qualifications

12 Bible passages If you are asked to explain WHY Christians show concern for the poor it is really important that you refer to Bible passages as this is where their beliefs come from. You DON T need to be able to quote entire passages. Also try to remember other Christian beliefs about this. They believe that each person is created in God s image and therefore they should care for them. The story of the rich young fool This shows that the quality of your life cannot be judged by how much money you have. Christians believe that God will judge you on the basis of your relationship with him and you relationship with other people. Therefore it is much more worthwhile to care for the poor than to hoard your money. Christians do not think that money is a bad thing. They do, however, believe that it is important to use their money wisely and not selfishly. The bible teaches that you can t take your money with you when you die so you shouldn t hoard it away. The Good Samaritan This shows that you should help anyone in need, no matter who they are. Christians believe that this includes those people that you have never met that are in need. The parable of the sheep and the goats This was told by Jesus. It shows that people who show compassion and help those in need, however lowly they seem, are helping Jesus. The parable says that these people will go to Heaven. It also shows that people who ignore those in need are ignoring Jesus and will not go to Heaven. In Jesus time this was quite radical as many illnesses and afflictions were thought to be a result of the person s sin and therefore these people were often scorned. The widow s offering Jesus was pleased with this woman because she made a sacrifice in order to give her money. It shows that how much you give isn t as important as the sacrifice that you make in order to give. The rich man Jesus told a story of a rich man who wanted to go to Heaven. Jesus told him that he had to give all he had to the poor first because it is hard for a rich man to enter heaven. 12 This is closely linked to the passage that you looked at which said you couldn t serve 2 masters. You have to choose whether God or money is going to be a priority.

13 Praying Most Christians would try to spend time praying for the poor and needy. As they believe that God listens to their prayers and answers them, this is really important to them. Living Christians may try and live in a way that would help the poor as much as possible. They may make an effort to buy fair trade products for example. Going Some Christians feel that it is right for them to go abroad to very poor places and help there. They may set up pre schools that will prepare children for school. They may set up projects to help children living on the streets. They may help to educate people about the risks of HIV and AIDS so that they have more hope of avoiding them. This is long term development work and its aim is to help the people to be able to help themselves. Emergency relief Many organisations send people abroad to help them to recover from famine or to provide resources desperately needed after a disaster. Many Christians who weren t equipped to go out and help in the countries themselves may would contribute financially to this work, donate clothes or hold fundraising events. In this country Christians also try to help those in need in Britain. Amongst other things they may volunteer to work in a homeless shelter, or be involved in work with children from poor areas. Christianity doesn t say which jobs are allowed and which jobs aren t allowed. However there are things that Christians may consider while trying to choose a career. They may try and avoid jobs that exploit people as they believe this is wrong. They would not want to do a job that may involve lying or cheating or making money from the poor. Other Christians may actively seek out a job that helps people, like being a nurse or a teacher. If they were going to work for a large company then they may want to research some of their ethical policies, how do they invest their money, do they promote fair trade, how are their employees in the developing world treated. It is not true to say that a Christian would avoid a well paying job, but if they were in a position where they were earning a lot of money then hopefully they would think about how they were 13 spending it.

14 1. Make a glossary of key terms for this unit. Then learn each term and how to spell it correctly. 2. Learn 3 quotes about caring for others and 3 about the use of money. You can then use these in your answers. 3. Make revision cards on each of the following sections of the specification: 4. Research the work of three Christian charities to use as examples in your answers. 5. Practice explaining your own views on the range of issues covered in this unit. You need to be able to articulate your reasons clearly. "No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Matthew 6:24 Jesus sat and watched as people put their money into the collection in the Temple. Lots of rich men dropped in lots of money and then a poor widow gave just a couple of coins. Jesus told his disciples that it was the woman who had given the most as she gave all she had. Mark 12:41-44 For the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10 rich people who see their brother or sister in need, yet close their hearts against them, cannot claim that they love God. 1 John 3:7 14

15 Here are a selection of practice questions for part d. When completing these questions you need to remember that in order to get 6/6 you need to write in detail and refer specifically to Christian belief. You should also include quotes where you can. You should aim to write 3 paragraphs. The assessment criteria should help you to identify how well you are doing. Please hand in any questions that you would like to have marked. 1. Describe Christian beliefs about contraception. (6) 2. Explain Christian attitudes towards sexual relationships. (6) 3. Explain Christian beliefs about moral and immoral occupations. (6) 4. Explain differing Christian attitudes towards civil partnerships. (6) 5. Describe Christian attitudes towards fertility treatment. (6) 6. Explain why Christians may be opposed to cloning. (6) 7. Explain Christian teachings about the right use of money. (6) 8. Describe Christian teachings about the use of animals in medical research. (6) Level marks Level marks Level marks I have: Included a small amount of relevant information Shown that I understand the question. Selected relevant information. Started to explain the issue Used some specialist words and terms. Used quite a clear structure. Fully explained the issue, bit by bit. Referred to more than one Christian view. Included quotes if they are relevant. Correctly used key words and terms. Made very few mistakes in my spelling and grammar. 15

16 You need to remember that the part e questions are worth 50% of each unit, therefore it is well worth working on the way that you approach them. Each answer should include 4 paragraphs: each paragraph needs a clear point, explanation and mini evaluation. At least one paragraph should focus on a Christian point of view and the final one should explain your response to the issue. The mark scheme below will help you to assess your own answers. 1. The idea of saving sex until marriage is outdated. 2. Divorce causes many problems for our society and therefore it shouldn t be allowed. 3. Civil partnerships should be permitted in church. 4. Euthanasia should be made legal. 5. Abortion can never be acceptable. 6. Animals are equal to humans and therefore should not be tested on. 7. Charity should start at home, 8. It doesn t matter what job you do as long as you can support your family. Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. Band Mark I have Written a simple answer. Shown a little understanding of the question Included some relevant information. Given one or more views and explained them a little bit. Tried to show what Christians think. Written and explained my own view Written at least 3 paragraphs. Explained each point that I have made. Included a Christian view and my own view. Structured my answer well. Used some specialist terms Written at least 4 paragraphs. Included one relevant point and clear explanation per paragraph Included at least one Christian and my own point of view. Included a mini evaluation in each paragraph. 16

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