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1 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 26th CS427 Lecture 12.2, 11am, 22nd March 2012 CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 1/27

2 In today s class 1 Recall... Inheritance 2 Replacing members 3 virtual 4 Limitations of arrays 5 Linked lists 6 Example of a linked list function 7 Building the list addtoend 8 Further linked list operations 9 The End... CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 2/27

3 Recall... Inheritance Inheritance Given a class, construct from it a new class that has properties of the original class, plus some new ones. The original class is called the base class. The new one, is called the derived class. The derived class will inherit All the data members of the base class, though they can only be accessed directly if they are specified as protected by the base class (instead of private). The ordinary function members, but not constructors, destructors, or the assignment operator. The syntax for defining a derived class class Derived : public Base CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 3/27

4 Replacing members Suppose, for example, that a base class has a method void PrintData(void). It is possible to make a derived class that also contains a (new) method call void PrintData(void). The version of PrintData(void) from the derived class will superceed the one from the base class. However, the original one does not disappear, it can still be called, but you need to use the base class name and scope resolution operator. Note If the base and derived classes have functions with the same names, but different signatures, then the function is overloaded, not replaced. CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 4/27

5 Replacing members class Point { protected : i n t x ; public : Point ( i n t X=0) { x=x ; } ; i n t GetX ( void ) { return ( x ) ; } ; void SetX ( i n t X) { x=x ; } ; void PrintData ( void ) ; } ; void Point : : PrintData ( void ) { cout ( x ) n ; } 01Replacement.cpp link CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 5/27

6 Replacing members class TwoPoint : public P o i n t { private : i n t y ; public : TwoPoint ( i n t X=0, i n t Y=0) { x=x ; y=y ; } ; i n t GetY ( void ) { return ( y ) ; } ; void SetY ( i n t Y) { y=y ; } ; void PrintData ( void ) ; } ; void TwoPoint : : PrintData ( void ) { cout ( x, y ) n ; } CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 6/27

7 Replacing members i n t main ( void ) { Point b ; TwoPoint d ; b. SetX ( 1 2 ) ; cout b= ; b. PrintData ( ) ; d. SetX ( 1 ) ; d. SetY ( 2 ) ; cout nd= ; d. PrintData ( ) ; } cout C a l l i n g the Point version of P r i n t Data : ; cout d= ; d. Point : : PrintData ( ) ; return ( 0 ) ; CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 7/27

8 virtual There are other times when we need to take care which of two functions that have the same signature and belonging the base and derived class is called. In particular, consider the following code segment: Point d, b ; b = new Point ( 3 ) ; d = new TwoPoint ( 5, 6 ) ; Here b and d are both pointers to the type Point, but created using dynamically memory allocation. In particular, d in initialised as an instance of the TwoPoint class. But, if we call (*d).printdata() (or, equivalently, d->printdata() it is base::printdata() that is called. If we want Derived::PrintData() to be called, then in the definition of Point, we put virtual before the definition of PrintData(). This is shown in 02Virtual.cpp link CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 8/27

9 virtual As a more natural example of when a virtual function might be required, consider the following implementation for items stored in a library. Items in the library all have, at the least, a title and a call-number. The base class item includes private members string title and int CallNumber. There are methods that print the title and call number, and a method printrecord that does both. class item { protected : s t r i n g t i t l e ; i n t CallNumber ; public : item ( s t r i n g t =, i n t n=0) { t i t l e = t ; CallNumber=n ; } ; void s e t T i t l e ( s t r i n g t ) { t i t l e = t ; } ; void setcallnumber ( i n t n ) { CallNumber=n ; } ; void p r i n t T i t l e ( void ) { cout t i t l e ; } ; void printcallnumber ( void ) { cout CallNumber ; } ; void printrecord ( void ) ; } ; CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 9/27

10 virtual The code for the printrecord method is: void item : : printrecord ( void ) { cout t i t l e : ; p r i n t T i t l e ( ) ; cout ( c a l l number : ; printcallnumber ( ) ; cout ) endl ; } CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 10/27

11 virtual Next we have a derived class specifically for books. It has a different form of call number in this case, based on the Dewey Decimal system. Each book s call number is made up of two integers. The first represents the broad category (e.g., 005=Computer programming) and the second the specific subject (e.g., 100=Software Engineering). class Book : public i t e m { private : i n t Category ; i n t Subject ; public : Book ( s t r i n g t =, i n t c =0, i n t s =0) { t i t l e = t ; Category=c ; Subject=s ; } ; void setcallnumber ( i n t c, i n t s ) { Category=c ; Subject=s ; } ; void printcallnumber ( void ) ; } ; void Book : : printcallnumber ( void ) { cout s e t f i l l ( 0 ) setw ( 3 ) Category. Subject ; } CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 11/27

12 virtual So if we declare an object of type book, and call its method printrecord. But printrecord was inherited from the base class. That is, book::printrecord is the same as item::printrecord. So it will call item::printcallnumber. That is not what we intended. If we change the definition of item::printcallnumber in the base class to specify that it is virtual, then the binding that is done at compile time is changed, and even though printrecord is inherited from item, we ll find that book::printrecord will call book::printcallnumber. The full example is given in 03Library.cpp link CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 12/27

13 Limitations of arrays For many applications, such as your GradeBook project, it may seem natural to store the data is a dynamically sized arrays of objects. However, arrays are very rigid. For example, it is not clear how to add a new item to the middle of the list. delete an item allocate extra memory on the fly. To deal with these issues, we could use a linked list: an object that includes as one of its members a link to another object. These ideas featured in you Cs209 class. Now we ll review how they work in C There are many operations one would like to perform on a linked list: Output the items in the list Add a new item to the end of the list Add a new item to the middle of the list Delete item, etc. CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 13/27

14 Linked lists A linked list is a collection of nodes, each of which has Some data element, sometimes called Cargo, A link (i.e., a pointer) to the next node in the list. If a node is implemented as a class in C++, it might also need methods to get and set the next node on the list. Here is part of a very basic example which you can find in 04OneTwoThree.cpp link 04OneTwoThree.cpp 11 class Node { friend i n t Length ( Node head ) ; 13 private : i n t data ; 15 Node next ; public : 17 Node ( void ) { next=null ; } ; void setnext ( Node n ) { next=n ; } ; 19 Node getnext ( void ) { return ( next ) ; } ; void setdata ( i n t d ) { data=d ; } ; 21 i n t getdata ( void ) { return ( data ) ; } ; } ; CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 14/27

15 Linked lists Now use this class: i n t main ( void ) 26 { Node f i r s t, second, t h i r d ; 28 f i r s t. setdata ( 1 ) ; 30 f i r s t. setnext (&second ) ; second. setdata ( 2 ) ; 32 second. setnext (& t h i r d ) ; t h i r d. setdata ( 3 ) ; 34 cout Number of items i n l i s t : 36 Length (& f i r s t ) endl ; system ( pause ) ; CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 15/27

16 Example of a linked list function The Length() function takes a linked list and computes the number of elements in the list. Length() is a simple list function, but it demonstrates several concepts which will be used in later, more complex list functions i n t Length ( Node head ) { 45 Node c u r r e n t =head ; i n t count =0; 47 while ( c u r r e n t = NULL) 49 { count ++; 51 c u r r e n t = current >next ; } 53 return ( count ) ; } CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 16/27

17 Example of a linked list function There are two common features of linked lists demonstrated in Length() 1 Pass The List By Passing The Head Pointer The linked list is passed in to Length() via a single head pointer. The pointer is copied from the caller into the head variable local to Length(). 2 Iterate Over The List With A Local Pointer The code to iterate over all the elements is very typical: while (current = NULL) { //... current = current->next; } CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 17/27

18 Example of a linked list function The key ideas of this example are 1 The local pointer, current in this case, starts by pointing to the same node as the head pointer with current = head; So when the function exits, the value of head there has not changed. 2 The while loop tests for the end of the list with (current = NULL) This catches the empty list case 3 At the end of the while loop we have the line current = current->next; This advances the local pointer to the next node in the list. When there are no more links, this sets the pointer to NULL. CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 18/27

19 Building the list Now we ll develop some functions to add an items to a list. The full code is given in In 05addToList.cpp link The new functions are printlist addtostart and addtoend First, the following lines gets added to the class definition of Node 05addtoList.cpp friend i n t Length ( Node head ) ; 13 friend void p r i n t L i s t ( Node head ) ; friend void addtostart ( Node &head, i n t Data ) ; 15 friend void addtoend ( Node &head, i n t Data ) ; Note that pointer to the head of the list is passed by reference to the addtostart and addtoend functions. This is because they have to change the value of head in the calling function. CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 19/27

20 Building the list The printlist function is the simplest: 66 void p r i n t L i s t ( Node head ) { 68 Node c u r r e n t =head ; i n t count =0; 70 while ( c u r r e n t = NULL) 72 { cout Link count contains 74 current >data endl ; c u r r e n t = current >next ; 76 count ++; } 78 } CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 20/27

21 Building the list Next we ll write the addtostart function: it creates a new link at the head of the list (like a stack). It performs four operations: 1 Allocate memory for the new link, using new 2 Store the new data in the new link 3 Set pointer of the new node to point to the current head of the list. 4 Change the old head pointer so that it points to the new head of the list. This last part is importance: because the function must change to value of a variable belonging to the calling function, we have to pass the address by reference. CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 21/27

22 Building the list The addtostart functions is defined as / 81 add a l i n k at the s t a r t of the l i s t. Since the head of the l i s t i s being changed 83 i t must be passed by reference / 85 void addtostart ( Node &headref, i n t NewData ) { 87 Node newnode = new Node ; 89 newnode >setdata ( NewData ) ; newnode >setnext ( headref ) ; 91 headref=newnode ; 93 } Note: we could write a much shorter version of this function if we had a more sophisticated constructor. CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 22/27

23 Building the list addtoend Adding a new link to the top of the list is the easiest way of adding a link. However, more often we often want to add something to the end (tail) of the list. Generally this should not change the value of the head of the list. But, because we have to allow for the case of the list being empty, we have to pass by reference. CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 23/27

24 Building the list addtoend 96 / / Adding to the end of the list. If the list / / is empty then the head gets chagned. So 98 / / we much pass by reference void addtoend ( Node &headref, 100 i n t NewData ) { 102 Node newnode = new Node ; newnode >setdata ( NewData ) ; 104 newnode >setnext (NULL ) ; 106 i f ( headref==null) / / if list is empty headref=newnode ; 108 else / / Find the end of the list { 110 Node c u r r e n t =headref ; while ( current >next = NULL) 112 c u r r e n t = current >next ; 114 current >next=newnode ; } 116 } Adding a new link to the top of the list is the easiest way of adding a link. However, more often we often want to add something to the end (tail) of the list. Usually this should not change the value of the head of the list. But, because we have to allow for the case of the list being empty, we have to pass by reference. CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 24/27

25 Further linked list operations There are many other operations that one could do on linked lists, other implementation issues, and variants. These include Using template to allow generic data types for the cargo. See 06LListTempate.cpp link for an example. Functions to copy lists. insert a link in the middle of the list, delete a link from a list delete all items in a list, and deallocate the associated memory implement doubly-linked lists; here each link has a reference to the previous link as well as the next. CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 25/27

26 The End... The final paper has 6 questions. You should attempt 4. 3 Questions on Software Engineering. Overview, and so could over any part of the course. It will, however, include the Waterfall model of the software lifecycle. Requirements; Specification; Logic and Predicate Calculus. Design (including Pseudocode, Finite State Machines, Data Flow Diagrams, ADTs, OOD), the coding and testing phases. 3 questions on C++ programming. Any topic covered in class or labs may be asked including: basic I/O and file I/O; functions: including overloading, default parameter lists, pass-by-reference, classes, including constructors and destructors; private, public, protected; operator overloading and friend functions. static variables. templates inheritance, including virtual functions (but not) Linked Lists Full marks for FOUR questions. There is no sample paper, but many of the Revision Exercises are of exam standard. CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 26/27

27 The End... The final exam will be worth 70%. The remaining 30% will come from In-class C test ( 5) lab programming assignments. Software engineering assignments the Project. For details, see web-site. The end CS427 Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Linked lists. 27/27

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