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1 ACADEMIC YEAR: 0 7 VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE SRM NAGAR, KATTANKULATHUR 0 0 SEMESTER: ODD BRANCH: MCA YEAR: I SEMESTER: I SUBJECT CODE AND NAME: MC70 Problem Solving and Programming NAME OF THE FACULTY MEMBER AND DESIGNATION: S. Parthasarathy, A.P(Sel.G) UNIT INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER PROBLEM SOLVING PART A Explain problem definition phase. Define: Asymptotic notation. Describe time complexity? Illustrate stepwise requirement. Classify the qualities and capabilities of good algorithms. Define a program. 7 Justify the need for problem analysis and analysis of algorithm. 8 Write about Space Complexity. 9 State algorithm analysis. 0 Can you write about average case analysis and worst case analysis? Explain Input and Output assertions. Define Probabilistic average case analysis. Describe the problem solving strategies. Explain what is meant by dynamic programming? What do you think about debugging programs? Examine the measures of performance in analyzing an algorithm. 7 Can you write the use of symbolic execution? 8 Outline a definition for Algorithm & Top down design. 9 Judge the program verification. 0 State Big oh notation. PART B i. Describe the various measures of efficiencies of algorithm. (7) ii. Describe the concept of breaking a problem into sub problems. ()

2 SRM NAGAR, KATTANKULATHUR 0 0 Discuss the various concepts of computer problem solving aspect with a suitable example. i. Design the program verification in detail. (7) ii. Redundant Computations will reduce the efficiency of algorithm Discuss with an example. () Describe the steps required for the analysis of algorithm with an example. 7 i. Illustrate the implementation of an algorithm (7) ii. Explain the implementation of program testing. () i. Explain complexity of an algorithm. (7) ii. Discuss in detail about how an algorithm is analyzed for time and space complexities. () i. Construct the decomposition method of solving a problem. () ii. Explain the implications and symbolic execution. (7) 8 Describe the analysis of algorithms. 9 0 i. Explain the Efficiency of Algorithms. (8) ii. Explain the verification of program segments with branches. () Illustrate in detail features of the top down design and bottom up design approaches in problem solving. i. Describe the conditions for the problem solving aspect in detail. () ii. Describe the verification of program segments with loop. (7) i. Analyze the different types control structures in detail. (7) ii. Investigate the probabilistic average case analysis. () Describe how an algorithm is analyzed for best, worst and average cases for time and space. i. Explain the qualities and capabilities of a good algorithm? (7) ii. Explain the requirements of solving problems by computer? () PART C Describe the runtime efficiency of a complex program ( minimum lines) Discuss the various methods of finding the efficiency of an algorithm. Judge the efficiency of the bubble sort. Construct the data structure process for any enterprise application. UNIT PROGRAMMING, ALGORITHMS AND FLOWCHARTS PART A Illustrate program and structured program. Explain an algorithm and properties of an algorithm. List the building blocks for a simple program. Explain pseudo code. Illustrate Debugging.

3 SRM NAGAR, KATTANKULATHUR 0 0 What do you think about application software and mention the example also? 7 Discuss Loader and Linker. 8 Write an algorithm for swapping two integer values. 9 Describe a flow chart for computing Fibonacci numbers. 0 Explain Flowchart. What do you think about the qualities and capabilities of good algorithm? Distinguish between compiler and Interpreter Illustrate flow chart for simple interest problem. Explain testing. Can you write about Documentation? State Verification. 7 Define program Execution. 8 List the steps for program life cycle phases. 9 Propose why flowchart is important in writing a program? 0 Discuss the guidelines for pseudo code. PART B i. Describe the structured programming approach. (7) ii. Write an algorithm for computing factorial of a number using iterative technique and recursive technique. () i. Explain the guidelines for drawing a flowchart and write the symbols also. (7) ii. Write a pseudo code for finding the sum of n numbers and its average. () i. Identify an algorithm to generate fibbonacci series up to N numbers. () ii. Explain pseudo code. Analyze the rules for writing it? Identify a pseudo code to determine whether a given number is even or odd. (7) i. Illustrate an algorithm for finding the Prime Numbers from to 00 (7) ii. Classify the merits and demerits of pseudo code. () i. Describe the phases of programming life cycle. (7) ii. Construct a flowchart to find all the roots of a quadratic equation. () i. List the Benefits of Flowchart and Limitations of flowcharts (7) ii. Construct an algorithm to remove all duplicates from an ordered array. () 7 Describe the classification of programming languages. 8 9 i. Write short notes on the following : (a) Compiler (b) Interpreter (c) Loader (d) Linker (8) ii. List the advantages of an interpreter over a compiler. () i. Create the Building blocks concept for simple programs with example. () ii. Design a flowchart to find the sum of digits of a given number. (7)

4 0 VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE SRM NAGAR, KATTANKULATHUR 0 0 i. Explain programming life cycle phases. (9) ii. Explain the features of structured programming. () Describe the algorithm to find the second smallest of a given number. Describe Pseudo concepts, Benefits and Limitations. i. Explain and draw the flowchart to find the maximum among the three numbers. () ii. Explain and draw the flowchart to find the sin(x) series (8) i. Determine the algorithm and flow chart to generate Armstrong numbers between 00 &999. () ii. Determine the algorithm and flow chart to print the transpose of a given matrix. (7) PART C i. Discuss pseudo code for sum of n numbers and its average (8) ii. Describe an algorithm for conversion of Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa (7) i. Write an algorithm and draw the flowchart to solve Quadratic equations. (8) ii. Write an algorithm and draw the flowchart to reverse a given number. (7) i. Identify an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find the largest and smallest number in a set of n numbers. () ii. Identify an algorithm to find the divisors of a given number. (7) Determine an algorithm to convert a decimal fraction into its equivalent binary fraction Unit BASICS OF C, INPUT / OUTPUT & CONTROL STATEMENTS PART A Relate character constant and symbolic constant. Classify Variable. Differentiate between Entry controlled loop and Exit controlled loop. Write any four trigraph sequences with translation? Determine the syntax of switch statement. Explain the different data types available in C. 7 Discuss Keywords with an example. 8 Write about ternary operator or Conditional operator. 9 Distinguish between = and == operator. 0 Illustrate type casting. Compare a and a. State String. Propose some of the rules used for C programming. Design delimiters in C.

5 SRM NAGAR, KATTANKULATHUR 0 0 Explain what do you mean by variables in C? Relate break and continue statement. 7 Classify the types of operators. 8 Discuss the use of sizeof ( ) operator? 9 Determine a program to swap the values of two variables (without temporary variable). 0 Find the difference between conditional control and unconditional control. PART B Describe the constants and state the rules with examples. Explain in detail the various looping statements with suitable flowchart for each of them. (i) Identify a C program to check the given year is leap year or not. () (ii) Identify a C program to find the sum of the series : x+x/!+x/!+7x/!+. (8) Construct the various branching statements with suitable flowcharts for each of them i. Describe Basic structure of a C program with example () ii. Write a c program to find the sin(x) series. Compare the result with built in function. (7) i. Describe a C program to evaluate the following series : e=!!!.. (7)! ii. For each employee, the employee number, name and his annual salary is given. The income tax calculated as follows: for annual salary up to Rs.0000, there is no tax. If the annual salary is about Rs.0000 and up to Rs.0000, tax is computed as 0% of the salary. If the annual salary is above Rs. 0000, for the amount Rs.0000 tax is computed as 0% of the amount and for the amount exceeds Rs.0000 tax is computed as 0%. Describe a program using nested if else statement to compute and the income tax of each employee. () i. Determine the various types of operators and expressions with suitable examples. (7) ii. Determine a C to find the number of and sum of all integers greater than 00 and less than 00 that are divisible by 7. () i. Explain switch statement with example (7) ii. Discuss the various type conversions in c with suitable examples. () Explain the different types I/O statements with its proper syntax in c language with suitable examples. i. Describe conditional and unconditional control statements with examples. (7) ii. Write a C program to generate the Armstrong numbers between 00 and 999. () i. Identify constants. Explain its types with an example. () ii. Identify a C program to reverse the digits of a number. (7) Illustrate in detail the various decision making statements with suitable examples for each of them. Create a C program to find the number of and sum of all integers greater than 00 and less than 00 that are divisible by 7. i. Write Expressions with example. () ii. Write loop to find the factorial of a number using goto statement. Rewrite the same using while loop. (7)

6 SRM NAGAR, KATTANKULATHUR 0 0 PART C i. Write a c program to find standard deviation. () ii. Find the sum of series : +(+)+(++)+(+++)...n terms () iii. +/+/+/+...n terms () i. Construct a C program to find all the roots of a quadratic equation. () ii. Construct the following : a. Pyramid of digits : () 7... b. Floyd s triangle () A company sells 7 categories of items. They are identified by the code numbers,,,.7 which are described as For category of item : a discount of 0% and tax of % For category of item : a discount of 7.% and tax of % For category of item : a discount of % and tax of % For category of item : a discount of % and no tax For all others items : no discount and tax of %. Explain and Write a C program to print the item code, price, discount amount, tax amount and net amount payable. (i) Design a program to print the Armstrong number between to 00. (8) (ii) Design a program to find the sum of n numbers using while loop. (7) Unit ARRAYS, STRINGS, FUNCTIONS AND POINTERS PART A Define an Array. Give example. List out the features of Arrays. Explain the main elements of an array declaration. Examine the drawbacks of Initialization of arrays in C. Illustrate the different ways of initializing array? What is the use of \0 and %s? 7 Outline various String Functions.

7 SRM NAGAR, KATTANKULATHUR Describe how to initialize a string. Give an example. 9 Explain what is pointer? How will you declare it? 0 Can you write a brief outline about pointer to a pointer? Describe pointer arithmetic. Compare a void pointer and a null pointer. State formal parameters and actual arguments Create the syntax for function declaration. Judge pass by value and pass by reference. Explain a function call with an example. 7 Locate default arguments and command line arguments. 8 Design a recursive function. 9 Find the various storage classes used in C. 0 Judge pointer indirection. PART B Categorize the string handling functions with programming examples. i. Write a C program to find the sum of diagonal elements of a matrix using required features of C. ii. Write a C program to count the number of words in string using pointers. What do you think about pointer arithmetic operations and explain with example. i. Describe a structure to specify data of customers in a bank. The data to be stored are Account number, Customer Name, Balance in account. Assume maximum of 00 customers in the bank. Write a C program to print the Account number and name of each customer with balance below R. 00. (9) ii. Discuss the bit fields with example. () i. Explain and Give the difference between call by value and call by reference (7) ii. Explain a function to sort the characters of the string passed to it as argument. () Describe the pointers concepts in C with example. 7 i. Show storage classes with example. () ii. Construct a program using pointers to read an array of 0 numbers and print in reverse order. (7) 8 Describe a C program to find largest and smallest elements in a list of numbers. 9 i. Can you write about recursion with examples? Write a program to calculate factorial using recursion. (7) ii. Can you write a program in C to find and display the minimum and maximum values of an array of integers. Note : You should use pointers concept only. () 0 Explain the various categories of functions with suitable programs.

8 VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE SRM NAGAR, KATTANKULATHUR 0 0 i. Explain one dimensional array, two dimensional and multidimensional arrays with example. () ii. Describe a program to illustrate the working of a simple macro. (7) i. Describe recursion with programming example. () ii. Describe a C program to arrange the names in a alphabetical order. (7) Show the concept of strings and its operations with examples. i. Describe the dynamic memory allocation functions. () ii. write a c program to find the sum of digits using recursion. (7) PART C i. Explain a C program to multiply two matrices. (8) ii. Explain how can you declare and initialize dimensional character arrays. (7) Determine a C program to arrange the given list of numbers in ascending / descending order. i. Write a C program to find the largest of n numbers and find its position in the list. (7) ii. Write a function that accepts two strings str and str as arguments and finds which of the two is alphabetically greater (without using the library functions). The functions should return if str is greater than str, 0 if str is equal to str and if str is smaller than str. (8) i. Construct a program to find the factorial of a given number. () ii. Construct a program to count the number of vowels, consonants, lines, spaces and special characters. Unit USER DEFINED DATATYPES & FILES PART A Illustrate the difference between arrays and structure. Define nested structure. Discuss: fseek(), rewind(), eof() and ftell(). Illustrate Union with example. Describe enumeration type. State what is meant by bit fields? 7 Define: File Pointer. Enumerate the role of files in a program. 8 Construct typedef with its syntax. 9 Discuss: fgetc() and fputc(). 0 Explain the Space Complexity. What do you think about structure? Construct command line arguments.

9 SRM NAGAR, KATTANKULATHUR 0 0 Explain the various operations on structure. State the members of structure object is accessed. Verify how typedef used in structure. List the operations on union objects. 7 Describe the operations of enum. 8 Show the difference between malloc() and calloc(). 9 Discuss bit fields with its use. 0 Explain the importance of using a data file. PART B i. What are the file processing commands in C? Explain. ii. Write a program to generate a data file containing the list of customers and their telephone numbers. Write functions to find the telephone number of a given customer and to find the customer details if the telephone number is specified. i. Construct the structure concepts with programming example. () ii. Show the difference between structure and union. () iii. Construct a c program to illustrate a structure. () Explain command line arguments with example. 7 i. Analyze a C program to merge two files using file concepts. () ii. Analyze a C program to copy the contents of a file to another. (7) i. Write short note on structures and arrays with a program. (7) ii. Write a program in C to print the following format : () I IN IND INDI INDIA INDI IND IN I i. Determine union concepts with programming example. (() ii. Determine a c program to read a text file and counts how many times each letter from a to z occurs and displays the results using command line arguments. (8) Using the concept of nested structures, define a structure called salary, which has two more structures, namely allowances and deductions inside it. State as to how the salary of ten employees of an organization would be read. 8 Discuss about file handling functions in detail.

10 9 0 VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE SRM NAGAR, KATTANKULATHUR 0 0 Create a C program to open a file and to write into it details related to employees in an organization. i. Explain the applications of bit fields with an example. () ii. Identify a structure to specify data of customers in a bank. The data to be stored are account number, customer name, balance in account. Assume maximum of 00 customers in the bank. Write a c program to print the account number and name of each customer with balance below Rs. 00. (9) i. Explain a C program to read a text file and counts how many times each letter from A to Z occurs and displays the results using command line arguments. (7) ii. What are enumerated data types in C? Explain with an example. () Explain sequential file and random access file concepts. Illustrate about pointers to structures, array of structures and nested structures. i. Describe enumerated data types with example. () ii. Define a structure called salary and another structure called allowance. Use the structure variable of allowance in salary structure and write program to read data into the structure variables. (0) PART C Explain a structure that can describe a student. It should contain members that include name, date of birth, and marks for three subjects. Describe a program to read the data for students and calculate the average mark for every student and display the details. Determine a C program to read a series of integer numbers from the file DATA and then write all odd numbers into the file ODD and even numbers into file EVEN. Identify a complete C program for reading an employee s file containing (emp number, name, salary, address). Create an output file containing the names of those employees along with their salary and address whose salary is > 0,000. An employee can apply for a loan at the beginning of every six months, but he will be sanctioned the same, according to the following company rules: Rule: An employee cannot enjoy more than two loans. Rule: Maximum permissible total loan is limited. Write a program to process the loan applications and to sanction loans to the employees.


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