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7 <* : COP Offic LT lof a D [dent, ai II. \ charge being i pointec dents c III. <he Di form t1 Has ing to thereii in whi an ins] IV. the Si jdirecl dent, th«s Y.

8 ' CONSTITUTION AND REGULATIONS. Officers op the School and their Duties. I. The School shall be under the management jof a Director^ [dent, and Voluntary/ Superintendent, Deputy Superintend Teachers. II. The Director shall be the Clergyman having charge of the Parish or Mission, or in case of there being no resident Clergyman, shall be a person appointed by the President or one of the Vice Presidents of the Society. ' III. The Superintend :nt, who shall be chosen by the Director, shall direct the Teachers in their duty, form the School into Classes, and distribute Books He shall keep the General Minute-Book, (according to the- form which will be provided,) and enter therein the proceedings of the School The manner in which tbis is to be done will be apparent from an inspection of the book itself. IV. The Deputy Superintendent shall act under the Superintendent, and is also to be chosen by the Director ; his duty will be to assist the Superintendent, and in his absence to assume the control of th«school. ' V. The Offices of Trtasurer, Librarian, and

9 Secretary, shall either be discharged by the SuperL to J intendenl with the assistance of the Deputy SuperlLl JL mtendent, or shall be divided between them acf cording to any arrangement approved by the I)iree-\ III. ral VI. The Teachers shall be directed in the gene]^s performance of their duly, in the School, by thep Superintendent and Deputy Supenntendent.! IV. I and Class-book, the mode of making the entriei which inf will be apparent upon the fece of i;he book itj V. 1 * "-., Itheir pr VIII In large Schools the girh, if found pricti-ihe cable, U^m should be separated from the boys under the charge of a Superintendent and Deputy Superiaien-^ I VI. ^of their (w^ 5«;. In «// cases.t is recommeii^l must bi ^'^^ -^^"^ ^*s«^ should hate Jiwia&llnstitut Teach ers. «acquire Division and Arrangement, m {smalt, who h week. I. The School IS to be formed into Classes, and when the Class exceeds twelve Scholars, an Assisinnt leacker is to be appointed :*~when the numbei^ amounts to thirty, two Assistants ; and so on in the proportion of one Teacher to ten Scholars. The Assistant to be appointed by, and under the direct JExhih tion of the Teacher, who shall keep the records the Class. of h 1 ClasSy

10 - II. The principle of classification shall be udapthe Super-Ajj to the scheme of Instruction prescribed for each 6 ity Super^ass as hereinafter appears. * them, ac'l ihe Direct III. Adults, unable to read, wiw necessarily befbng to the frst Class ; but they should form a diviiion by thc>uselves, and have an Assistant Teacljer the gene.lxpressly appointed to instruct them. )oi,byithe nt. i IV. Scholars, on their admission, shall be examined by the Superintendent or Deputy Superintenith a Rol^eni, and classed accordingly. e boci iui V- '^^^ Scholars are to be promoted according to Itheir progress, from Class to Class ; and it shall be ji.,the duty of the Superintendent or Deputy to direct?d practir the transfer of Scholars from one Class to another, under the! tperiaien^i VI. The Religious Instruction of the Scholarsi conamea^-lmust be kept in view, aa the imm^iate object of the 5.ffewiafc I Institution, and the time expended upon the mere f?,*^m acquirement of reading must be proportionably amall, more particularly in the cases of children Education during tho who have opportunitieg of week. 3ses^ and issistnnt numbe# y on ia rs. The be direct sords of SCHEME. Exhibiting the Qeneral System of Instruction md mode of conducting the School, I. Thofiwticular subjects of Instruction in each Class, Bhall be as follows :-

11 First Class. fared cji^ ^Iphabet. The Lord's Prayer ; with thtcn^ Child's First Prajer and Graces-See Card No. itrom Second Class. ^^^ Spelling. Select Hymns. Elementary questions i With the occasional intermixture of what is tauffhl III the first Class. See Card No. 2. f Bit. ^ _ Ion th( Third Class. what Spe.H,. Easy R... Church CatechJS nd Hymns, all from Child's First Book, (1st an" on'h 2d part.) Wat's Hymns. N. B. In this and the the following Class the tasks to be prepared, during the week, for the Sunday following, may be studied N.tLiS' the time by repeating them after the Teacher. I l""e( Fourth Class. Ithe L rt,. I ps'saj D ^alechism broken. Collects of the day from thai Book of testar. Ccrf^ects. Selections from Fisher's Child'.! Class "*^**'*'"' o J't>ng wholly Watt's H part V^'-J FrpTH Class. Iremonger's Questions. Trimmer*s Scripture Lessons m six parts, v'ith the Questions, for the Teacher's use. New Testament. Tasks to be pre-

12 )ared for the following Sunday. Questions from ihe Catechism broken ; and either portions of 'f ; with th(fecripture or Select Metrical Psalms and Hymns Card No. 1 from the Prayer-Book, at the discretion of th«teacher. 4 y questions Sixth Class. at is taugh Bible. Crossman^s Introduction. Questions upon the Liturgy ; with the occasional intermixture of what is taught in the preceding Class. Tasks to be ^prepared for the following Sunday. Questions from CatechiswiCrossman's Introduction. Ditto, from Questions K (1st andfon the Liturgy ; Selections from other books taught nis and the} in the Class, at the discretion of the Teacher. during the studied at acher* N. B. The two highest Classes must be furnished with PrayeV'Books^ and the Sixth Class will be required, when examined in the book of Questions on the Liturgy^ to point out in their Prayer-Books the passages to which the questions refer. The Proy fh)m the r's Child's I Classes, at the discretion of the Director. wt V.*-.. II. The School is open to children of abdcnom* tna/«ow5, and the useofanyof the foregoing Catechetical Forms which are objected to by the Parents, Sctipture is, for the ^^stant Catechism may be introduced in these two shall not be imposed upon them, but no other Forms or books shall be used in the School than those here allotted to the respective Classes, to be prethe ChUd'f iger't Qhm- III. The hour of meeting shall he punctually ob iferved. Two hours, at /casf, should be occupied

13 9 ill the business of the School. The Jlrst ten minuta may be allowed for opening the School with prayer, to be offered, m the absence of the Clergyman, by the Superintendent or Deputy, (for which purpose as well as for the prayer at the dismissal of the School, proper Forms will be provided,) for calling the roll andfor organizing the Classes. Then commences the Instru^'tion. ly. The frst lesson of every Class shall consist of the Repetitions by the Scholars of whatever they have been required to commit to memory during the preceding week. Immediately after the Jst Lesson the Teachers shall assign to the Scholars the tasks which they are to learn by heart for the ensuing Sunday. the V. No subsequent lesson shall be allowed to last longer than thirty minutes at the utmost, yi. Fifteen minutes before the closing of the School, the exercises shall cease, when the Teachers are to make the necessary entries in the Class^ book ; from which the Superintendent or Deputy shall fiu up his General Minute-book. The School shall then close either with the prayers, or a Hymn sung by the children, only providing that the Prayers shall be frequently used. yil. No book used in the Sunday School shall be!ff?/r^ for any other purpose than that of /e«rn. nf o i n u*"" ^ '^P **^^ ^" *he Sunday follow- ;hf;"?i!^'r^^'^^" for this purpose must be >

14 I minutci 1 prayer ^ ^man, by purpose il of the r lien calling com- VIII. In those cases where no commodious place can bo obtained near the Church, the Sunday School may be held in the body of the Church itself. Sunday School Libraries. I consist ver they during the J St Scholars t for the d to last ^ of the Teach- Deputy ^ School I Hymn hat the shall be»f learn" 3 ClasS'- follownust be I. In all cases where it is found practicable, a Lending Library shall be attached to the Sunday School, and form part of the establishm-ent. If. The Library shall be open every Sunday tmmedintcly before the opening or after the closing of the School, and the Superintendent or Deputy shall which keep a Register with a Catalogue prefixed, Register shall show when and to whom each book is lent and when returned. The books shall be num^ bered both within and on the cover beginning with No. 1, and proceeding in regular series till the highest number is reached ; the numeration being simply regulated by the succession in which the books come to hand, without regard to any system of classification. In the Catalogue the number oi each book will be placed in a column opposite to the title, and thus in the Register of books lent, the entry of the No. alone will be sufficient. The same simple mode of entry is to be adopted by the Teachers, in whose Class-book a column is appropriated for the entry of Library Books lent. The return of the books is to be specified by.a stroke passed through the number*

15 10 III. No Scholar shall have more than one book nor more than tioo tracts at one time : and no fresh issue shall be made of any book or tract till those previously issued shall have been returned. IV. The books shall be iminediately issued by the Superintendent or Deputy to the Teachers only, whether for their own use or that of the Scholars ;' and the Teachers shall be accountable for returning them. V. The Teachers shall have the privilege of taking home two books or four tracts at a time. VI. In the event of the loss of any of the books or damage done to them, the Superintendent shall impose a small fine, which, however, he shall have.the discretion of remitting when the case seems to require indulgence. And if such fine, when exacted, should not be paid, no book or tract shall be issued to the defaulter for a time proportioned to the value of that which has been lost or damaged. yil. In every, case os^ transfer of the charge ofthe Library from one person to another, the books lent out shall be called m, and the whole stock compared with the Catalogue ; and the person assuning the office shall then give a receipt to the person then retiring, for all the books which he receives. VIII. All the books shall be called in twice a year, viz : in the first week of April and the first w««k of October, when the whole stock shall b»

16 ; ' *3 i 11 ne hoak no fresk till those ssued by irs only^ :holars ziurning 3 of tak«le nt books shall all have eems to n exact-.11 be is-» d to the ed. je ofthe oks lent mipared ling the on then twice a the firat Bhall b» compared with the q?.t^ogvie,flj9dihe deficiencies rhall be reported to the Diri^ctor. General Hints to the Voluntary Xeagkers. The foregoing Uules are perhaps sufficiently explicit to prevent the teachers from being at a loss m any part of their duty. The addition, however, of a few suggestions chiefly of a general nature, may not be wholly uncalled for* 1. Pundualtty and Order,, It is exceedingly desirably that the Teachers should observe the strictest punctuality in their attendance at the appointed hour, and it ^ recomr mended that they should assemble a few minutes before it. They should also note the punctuality of the children, and arer fornupg their Classes, and commencing their instruction,, sedulously enforce order, and forbearance from ifl but.pecessary speaking. % Hules which it maybe (^^vm conducting the Lessens. to observil^ The Classes who da not read being depei^d^ttt for learning the tasks allotted to them, upon.then: following by word of mouth what is repeatedljr uttered by their Teachers, require great patiepce.iii^4 assiduity on the part of the lat^r,#«a'^i»^^ ^^^ B

17 12 ehhderabu care not to render this mode of instruction unattractive and irkaome. In teaching the Alphabet and Spelling it is some^ tiih-ss found expedient to hang up a «ng!«^"v front of the centre of the Class, the fj^dren b^ng arranged in a semicircle, and to point to the letters or syllables with a stick.. _^ The Teachers should earnestly >noulcate upon the minds of the children the "Xf'oIs^SS use UDon the proper occasions, of the Forms oi JJe JSrwhich they learn in the School, such as he Child-; 1st..Prayer, the «"«=««'^f^jvdfeavk meals, and the Prayers upon entenng «id leaving Shurch. They should explain to the cbudren the obiect of their learning these Forms and the use kssness of their learning them merely as tasks. It is strongly racommended to the Teachers that they shosdfliliarize themselves wth the books us in the Classes, and render themselves thoroughfymastcrs of the matter which thy contain. ItMnot necessary, (except in requiring the repetition of ^y task comraitted to memory from the Fecedmg Sunaav.1 that they should exact from the children an- Ss verball/the same with those in the books : they should rather encourage them»<>,.^^ ts' Bionally in their own words, nor 8]»o«W /^'fj";^^^^ ers themselves be absolutely confined to the questions contained in the books, but without rambling from the subject of instruction, should exercise some discretion in asking questions which arise out ot it, r.< of a

18 13 f in- and again which are dictated by the answeri of the children. > jome- rd in being etters upon taking ofdeas the after saving jn the e useks. rs^ that books rough- [tis not I of any ig Sunren anbooks : 3r occa- Teachle quesambling Ise some 3utof it. 3. Mean J of securing the regular attendance of the Children, and importance ofthe charge of Teachers. Nothing can be more important to the prosperity of a Sunday School, than the regular and as far as And possible, unfailing attendance of the children. to promote this object, it will be found particularly take the trouble of Visiting the useful that the Teachers should absentees at their own homes, to ascertain the cause of absence, and to exhort to/f go'aritv The concern which is thus manifested by the Teacher for the improvement of the Scholar produces a sentiment of thankfulness on the part of the latter and his friends, diffuses an increased conviction of the value of the Institution, and excites an additional interest respecting it. It preserves and strengthens that feeling of connects between he Teacher and the Scholar, upon which much of the efficiency of a Sunday School depends. The duty of a Sunday School Teacher is, indeed, one which requires much perseverance and aeat, but it is also one of a most interesting nature and j^ it may be hoped that those who engage m it, wul feel ite importance, and the benefits which it isca- Se of producing, to be such as to sweeten the Fatur anjcompeni;te all thedifficulties of the task^ There is no employment in which they may hope more directly to be made instrumenu of promoting

19 14 the glory of God, and the advancement of his Icings dom upon earth. They may well be called subordinate labourers in the field of the Gospel, through whose exertions the ground is prepared for the reception of the seed of the wore?, *' which is able to save souls.'' The blessings are in fact incalculable, which may flow from Sunday Schools conducted with assiduity and in the true spirit of love to God and man. Not only may those little ones whom Christ made the objects of his love, be rescued from ^e snares of Satan, and set forward in the way to Heaven, not only may the immediate parties engaged, as well as the families to which both teachers and scholars belong, imbibe the savour of Life by means of the knowledge thus diffused and the interest excited upon the subject of religion ; not only may the hearts of the children be turned tothe i fathers, and the hearts of the fathers tothe children but the blessing may be transmitted to their childrjmi s children, through successive generations. With the hope of being instrumental in producing such effects, none surely should allow themselves to be weary m well doing, but remember that in due season they will reap if they faint not, and he that reapeth receiveth wages and gathereth fruit unto LiwE Eternal,

20 I I il..t~ lis k'mg'f jbordinthrouorh to culable, iducted to God whom ed from way to ties en* the reable teachof Life nd the n ; not 1 tothe lildren, chijdions. ducing iselves in due he that t UNTO i * 'L


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