Crossing The Red Sea Exodus 14

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1 Lesson 040 Crossing The Red Sea Exodus 14

2 MEMORY VERSE EXOD US 15:2a The LORD is m y strength and song, and He has bec om e m y salvation; He is m y God, and I will praise Him... WHAT YOU WILL NEED: About fifty pieces of wadded paper and some large pieces of cardboard for shields. A large tub of water, a spatula, a blow dryer, and a towel. A pan of red Jello. ATTENTION GRABBER! Paper Wad Wars You will need about fifty pieces of wadded paper and some large pieces of cardboard for shields. Divide your class into two groups. Have them throw the divided pieces of paper at each other without the cardboard shields first. When they have sufficiently hit one another, have them start over using the shields. Point out that if they are behind the shield, they are safe from the incoming paper bombs. Explain that the Lord is our protection and shield. If we stand behind Him (live obedient lives as His children), He will protect us from the weapons of the enemy.

3 LESSON TIME! Today we are going to learn about one of the most exciting events in the Bible; the crossing of the Red Sea. Maybe you have seen movies about this great miracle that the Lord did. This was a very exciting time for the children of Israel as the Lord brought them through what seemed like an impossible obstacle. But that is just how the Lord works. When He wants to help His people there is nothing that can stand in the way, not an Egyptian army and not an entire sea. God is our protection and He will deliver us from harm. EX O D U S 14:1-9 N o w t h e L O R D s p o k e t o M o s e s, s ay i n g: " S p e ak t o t h e c h i l d r e n o f I s r ae l, t h at t h e y t u r n an d c am p be f o r e Pi H ah i r o t h, be t w e e n M i gd o l an d t h e s e a, o p p o s i t e B aal Z e p h o n ; y o u s h al l c am p be f o r e i t by t h e s e a. " F o r Ph ar ao h w i l l s ay o f t h e c h i l d r e n o f I s r ae l, ' T h e y ar e be w i l d e r e d by t h e l an d ; t h e w i l d e r n e s s h as c l o s e d t h e m i n. ' " T h e n I w i l l h ar d e n Ph ar ao h ' s h e ar t, s o t h at h e w i l l p u r s u e t h e m ; an d I w i l l gai n h o n o r o v e r Ph ar ao h an d o v e r al l h i s ar m y, t h at t h e Egy p t i an s m ay k n o w t h at I am t h e L O R D. " An d t h e y d i d s o. N o w i t w as t o l d t h e k i n g o f Egy p t t h at t h e p e o p l e h ad f l e d, an d t h e h e ar t o f Ph ar ao h an d h i s s e r v an t s w as t u r n e d agai n s t t h e p e o p l e ; an d t h e y s ai d, " Wh y h av e w e d o n e t h i s, t h at w e h av e l e t I s r ae l go f r o m s e r v i n g u s?"

4 S o h e m ad e r e ad y h i s c h ar i o t an d t o o k h i s p e o p l e w i t h h i m. Al s o, h e t o o k s i x h u n d r e d c h o i c e c h ar i o t s, an d al l t h e c h ar i o t s o f Egy p t w i t h c ap t ai n s o v e r e v e r y o n e o f t h e m. An d t h e L O R D h ar d e n e d t h e h e ar t o f Ph ar ao h k i n g o f Egy p t, an d h e p u r s u e d t h e c h i l d r e n o f I s r ae l ; an d t h e c h i l d r e n o f I s r ae l w e n t o u t w i t h bo l d n e s s. S o t h e Egy p t i an s p u r s u e d t h e m, al l t h e h o r s e s an d c h ar i o t s o f Ph ar ao h, h i s h o r s e m e n an d h i s ar m y, an d o v e r t o o k t h e m c am p i n g by t h e s e a be s i d e Pi H ah i r o t h, be f o r e B aal Z e p h o n. In our story today we find Moses and the children of Israel having just left Egypt. We see that Pharaoh has hardened his heart again and now is pursuing the children of Israel in order to wipe them out. He was humiliated and angry by everything that had happened and now he wanted to take revenge on God s people. But even though Egypt s army was stronger than God s people they had one thing missing; the presence of God on their side. God is our protection and He will deliver us from harm. A couple of interesting things that we see here is that God told Moses what was going to happen. So when Moses looked up and saw Pharaoh s army approaching it wasn t a surprise. God told him that Pharaoh would come after them and then He said that it was all part of His plan. He was going to judge the Egyptians and destroy their army. What a comfort that must have been for Moses to hear from God ahead of time what was going to happen. Also we see that God was going to judge Egypt for how they treated God s people over the years. Egypt was full of pride against God and now God was going to judge them. If we turn against God then

5 all of our plans will be frustrated. Eventually we will be judged. We need to turn to God and place our trust in Him. He is the one who will always triumph. EX O D U S 14:10-12 An d w h e n Ph ar ao h d r e w n e ar, t h e c h i l d r e n o f I s r ae l l i f t e d t h e i r e y e s, an d be h o l d, t h e Egy p t i an s m ar c h e d af t e r t h e m. S o t h e y w e r e v e r y af r ai d, an d t h e c h i l d r e n o f I s r ae l c r i e d o u t t o t h e L O R D. T h e n t h e y s ai d t o M o s e s, " B e c au s e t h e r e w e r e n o gr av e s i n Egy p t, h av e y o u t ak e n u s aw ay t o d i e i n t h e w i l d e r n e s s? Wh y h av e y o u s o d e al t w i t h u s, t o br i n g u s u p o u t o f Egy p t? " I s t h i s n o t t h e w o r d t h at w e t o l d y o u i n Egy p t, s ay i n g, ' L e t u s al o n e t h at w e m ay s e r v e t h e Egy p t i an s?' F o r i t w o u l d h av e be e n be t t e r f o r u s t o s e r v e t h e Egy p t i an s t h an t h at w e s h o u l d d i e i n t h e w i l d e r n e s s. " Pharaoh s army was very close behind the children of Israel. They were being followed by hundreds of men on chariots who wanted to capture them. The people were very afraid they were going to be caught and killed so they cried out against God. Instead of trusting in the Lord who is full of love and goodness for His children, they chose to doubt and be afraid. We never have to be afraid because God loves us and takes care of us. God is our protection and He will deliver us from harm. The children of Israel had just witnessed God s power displayed in Egypt with the plagues and everything else that had happened in Egypt, but how soon they forgot! Now they wished they were back in Egypt serving Pharaoh again, back in bondage because they thought they would be safer.

6 Sometimes as we serve the Lord we have to step out in faith, trusting Him completely. But then at times difficulties may come. Sometimes we might get frightened and think that we were better off before we became a Christian. But that isn t true. We need to always put our trust in the Lord and He will deliver us. The people just didn t know what God had already planned to do to rescue them. Let s look and see what that was. EX O D U S 14:13-14 An d M o s e s s ai d t o t h e p e o p l e, " D o n o t be af r ai d. S t an d s t i l l, an d s e e t h e s al v at i o n o f t h e L O R D, w h i c h H e w i l l ac c o m p l i s h f o r y o u t o d ay. F o r t h e Egy p t i an s w h o m y o u s e e t o d ay, y o u s h al l s e e agai n n o m o r e f o r e v e r. T h e L O R D w i l l f i gh t f o r y o u, an d y o u s h al l h o l d y o u r p e ac e. " Moses was a good leader and pointed them to the Lord. He told the people not to be afraid because God is always in control and delivers His children from evil. God fights for us. Man cannot conquer us because the Lord is on our side just as He was on the side of the Israelites. God is our protection and He will deliver us from harm. EX O D U S 14:15-20 An d t h e L O R D s ai d t o M o s e s, " Wh y d o y o u c r y t o M e? T e l l t h e c h i l d r e n o f I s r ae l t o go f o r w ar d. " B u t l i f t u p y o u r r o d, an d s t r e t c h o u t y o u r h an d o v e r t h e s e a an d d i v i d e i t. An d t h e c h i l d r e n o f I s r ae l s h al l go o n d r y gr o u n d t h r o u gh t h e m i d s t o f t h e s e a. " An d I i n d e e d w i l l h ar d e n t h e h e ar t s o f t h e Egy p t i an s, an d t h e y s h al l f o l l o w t h e m. S o I w i l l gai n

7 h o n o r o v e r Ph ar ao h an d o v e r al l h i s ar m y, h i s c h ar i o t s, an d h i s h o r s e m e n. " T h e n t h e Egy p t i an s s h al l k n o w t h at I am t h e L O R D, w h e n I h av e gai n e d h o n o r f o r M y s e l f o v e r Ph ar ao h, h i s c h ar i o t s, an d h i s h o r s e m e n. " An d t h e An ge l o f G o d, w h o w e n t be f o r e t h e c am p o f I s r ae l, m o v e d an d w e n t be h i n d t h e m ; an d t h e p i l l ar o f c l o u d w e n t f r o m be f o r e t h e m an d s t o o d be h i n d t h e m. S o i t c am e be t w e e n t h e c am p o f t h e Egy p t i an s an d t h e c am p o f I s r ae l. T h u s i t w as a c l o u d an d d ar k n e s s t o t h e o n e, an d i t gav e l i gh t by n i gh t t o t h e o t h e r, s o t h at t h e o n e d i d n o t c o m e n e ar t h e o t h e r al l t h at n i gh t. God did a mighty thing for His people. On that fearful night, He used a pillar of cloud to go behind them and cause darkness for the enemy, but light for His children. God is always in control and can do anything. God is our protection and He will deliver us from harm. It is interesting that the people in their hearts wanted to go backwards, back into Egypt, but God said to move forward. In our relationship with the Lord it is always better to move forward and never backwards. When we move forward with the Lord He will always show Himself strong on our behalf. EX O D U S 14:21-22 T h e n M o s e s s t r e t c h e d o u t h i s h an d o v e r t h e s e a; an d t h e L O R D c au s e d t h e s e a t o go bac k by a s t r o n g e as t w i n d al l t h at n i gh t, an d m ad e t h e s e a i n t o d r y l an d, an d t h e w at e r s w e r e d i v i d e d.

8 S o t h e c h i l d r e n o f I s r ae l w e n t i n t o t h e m i d s t o f t h e s e a o n t h e d r y gr o u n d, an d t h e w at e r s w e r e a w al l t o t h e m o n t h e i r r i gh t h an d an d o n t h e i r l e f t. God did another miraculous act in order to protect His fearful children. God parted a mighty sea and allowed the Israelites to pass through on dry land delivering them from their enemy. God is all-powerful and He can do anything He wants to accomplish His will. When we obey Him and follow His will, God takes care of us. We don't need to be afraid because God is our protection and He will deliver us from harm. EX O D U S 14:23-29 An d t h e Egy p t i an s p u r s u e d an d w e n t af t e r t h e m i n t o t h e m i d s t o f t h e s e a, al l Ph ar ao h ' s h o r s e s, h i s c h ar i o t s, an d h i s h o r s e m e n. N o w i t c am e t o p as s, i n t h e m o r n i n g w at c h, t h at t h e L O R D l o o k e d d o w n u p o n t h e ar m y o f t h e Egy p t i an s t h r o u gh t h e p i l l ar o f f i r e an d c l o u d, an d H e t r o u bl e d t h e ar m y o f t h e Egy p t i an s. An d H e t o o k o f f t h e i r c h ar i o t w h e e l s, s o t h at t h e y d r o v e t h e m w i t h d i f f i c u l t y ; an d t h e Egy p t i an s s ai d, " L e t u s f l e e f r o m t h e f ac e o f I s r ae l, f o r t h e L O R D f i gh t s f o r t h e m agai n s t t h e Egy p t i an s. " T h e n t h e L O R D s ai d t o M o s e s, " S t r e t c h o u t y o u r h an d o v e r t h e s e a, t h at t h e w at e r s m ay c o m e bac k u p o n t h e Egy p t i an s, o n t h e i r c h ar i o t s, an d o n t h e i r h o r s e m e n. " An d M o s e s s t r e t c h e d o u t h i s h an d o v e r t h e s e a; an d w h e n t h e m o r n i n g ap p e ar e d, t h e s e a r e t u r n e d t o i t s f u l l d e p t h, w h i l e t h e Egy p t i an s w e r e f l e e i n g i n t o i t.

9 S o t h e L O R D o v e r t h r e w t h e Egy p t i an s i n t h e m i d s t o f t h e s e a. T h e n t h e w at e r s r e t u r n e d an d c o v e r e d t h e c h ar i o t s, t h e h o r s e m e n, an d al l t h e ar m y o f Ph ar ao h t h at c am e i n t o t h e s e a af t e r t h e m. N o t s o m u c h as o n e o f t h e m r e m ai n e d. B u t t h e c h i l d r e n o f I s r ae l h ad w al k e d o n d r y l an d i n t h e m i d s t o f t h e s e a, an d t h e w at e r s w e r e a w al l t o t h e m o n t h e i r r i gh t h an d an d o n t h e i r l e f t. The Egyptians tried to follow the Israelites into the sea but God confused them and their chariots became difficult to drive. The Egyptians even realized God was in control of the situation and they tried to escape but God caused the sea to close as Moses stretched out his hand. Try to Part the Sea You will need a large tub of water, a spatula, a blow dryer, and a towel. Have different volunteers try to part the water in the tub using the tools you ve brought. Of course, they won t be able to. Explain what a miracle God performed for His children. Ask your students what they think it must have been like to witness and be saved by such a miracle. God allowed the Israelites, who were over two million people, to pass safely because they were His children and He had special plans for them. God cast judgment on their enemies because they were wicked and did not follow God. We do not need to be fearful of our enemies, even if our very life is at stake, because God is always in

10 control. God is our protection and He will deliver us from harm. EX O D U S 14:30-31 S o t h e L O R D s av e d I s r ae l t h at d ay o u t o f t h e h an d o f t h e Egy p t i an s, an d I s r ae l s aw t h e Egy p t i an s d e ad o n t h e s e as h o r e. T h u s I s r ae l s aw t h e gr e at w o r k w h i c h t h e L O R D h ad d o n e i n Egy p t ; s o t h e p e o p l e f e ar e d t h e L O R D, an d be l i e v e d t h e L O R D an d H i s s e r v an t M o s e s. God was glorified through this experience in the Israelite s lives. Trust in God and do not fear. Follow His will even if the enemy follows close behind. God is our protection and He will deliver us from harm. God loves us and will not bring us harm from the enemy. God is in control and is able to deliver us no matter what the circumstances. We mustn t look to the enemy and be afraid, but instead look to God and have peace because the Lord will fight for us. "Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today" (Exodus 14:13). God is our protection and He will deliver us from harm. A very important lesson we can learn from this story is the fact that when God says He will do something He will do it, no matter what it looks like around us. God promised His people that He would deliver them. It looked like they were dead ducks when Pharaoh s army was coming, but God saved them in a way that they didn t even know. They looked at their own resources and realized that they would be destroyed, but they neglected to look at their greatest resource and that is that God was on their side. If you have a relationship with God through His Son Jesus then you also have the greatest thing you possibly can. Jesus lives inside of

11 your heart and will help you in all of your needs. There is no need for us to be afraid because He is always with us. Remember this the next time that something scary happens. God is our protection and He will deliver us from harm. The Red Sea You will need a pan of red Jello. Make Jello jigglers out of your pan. Cut the Jello in the middle and remove the center pieces first. Explain how God divided the Red Sea for the children of Israel. PRAYER Lead the children in a prayer thanksgiving for the Lord s protection and deliverance. If there are any children who have not yet responded to the gospel, give them an opportunity to do so.

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