<교재 목차> Part 1. Preparation. Part 2. Possible Questions and Answers 초중등 교사(교원)임용 영어면접 101 가지 예상 질문. <101 가지 질문으로 끝내는 교사임용 영어면접(2nd Edition)>

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1 초중등 교사(교원)임용 영어면접 101 가지 예상 질문 <101 가지 질문으로 끝내는 교사임용 영어면접(2nd Edition)> 2009 학년도 초중등 교사임용 영어면접 기출 질문들을 추가하여 <101 가지 질문으로 끝내는 교사임용 영어면접(2nd Edition)>이 출간되었습니다. 이번 개정판에서는 Part 4 에 2009 학년도 초중등 기출문제를 추가하였으며, 특히 중등 면접의 새로워진 출제경향을 반영하고자 노력하였습니다. * 교재 구매 <교재 목차> Part 1. Preparation Part 2. Possible Questions and Answers part 2 문제 리스트

2 Chapter 1. Personal Qualities 1- Tell me about yourself. 2- What's your hobby and talent? 3- If you are interested in learning other languages, what language are you interested in? 4- Imagine that today is the first ever day of your English class as a teacher. How would you introduce yourself to students in English? 5- What was your favorite subject in High School? Will you explain why you preferred that subject? 6- What are 3 factors which should be considered when choosing a job? 7- What would you do during your life if you became a teacher? Tell me 3 more things. 8- What will you do if you were rich? 9- What motivates you to try hard? 10- What's your happiest and saddest memory? 11- What's the best memory of your campus life? (not related to study) 12- How does the internet change the way you spend your free time? Chapter 2. Teacher qualities 13- Describe your teaching style. 14- What skills do you bring to the teaching profession?

3 15- What makes you qualified to become a teacher? 16- What do you think are the most important aspects of this job? 17- What is the major reason why you wanted to become an Elementary teacher? 18- What do you like/dislike most about teaching? 19- Tell me about a person who has influenced your own education and educational career. 20- Why did you choose English as your major? 21- What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a teacher? 22- What kind of teachers would you prefer to work with and Why? 23- What quality do you have that would enhance the Korean Education System? 24- Which do you prefer, teaching English in a city or in the countryside? 25- Teaching is very stressful. What do you do to relieve your stress? Chapter 3. Experience in Life 26- What actions have you taken in the past 10 years to prepare yourself for teaching as a profession? 27- Describe an experience in your life when you realized you wanted to become a teacher. 28- Give us some details about a situation where you had to take responsibility for someone else. 29- Have you ever had to teach something to someone younger than you? 30- Can you remember a time when you had to discipline someone else?

4 31- Tell us about a difficult situation that you encountered and how you resolved it. 32- Describe some of your past leadership roles and your accomplishments in them. 33- Tell me in detail about an experience where you helped somebody. 34- What have you learned from your mistakes? 35- What is the greatest personal challenge you have faced during your lifetime? Chapter 4. Teacher Training 36- Tell us about a difficult situation you have encountered and how you resolved it during your teacher training program. 37- Describe your teacher training experience. How do you feel it helped you improve your teaching capability? 38- What did you learn from the teachers who you observed during your teacher training experience? 39- Do you think you did enough teachers training during your time at university? 40- What was the best part of teacher training? 41- What was the worst moment during your teacher training?

5 Chapter 5. Teaching Strategies and Methods 42- How would you rank these in importance and why? Planning, discipline, methods and evaluation. 43- What activities would you use to increase your students interest during an English lesson? 44- List some activities you would do to improve your students intonation. 45- How would you challenge a slow learner and an advanced learner within the same class? 46- Name a major problem in student learning patterns you have encountered and describe how you resolved it. 47- How will you teach a student who doesn t like English? 48- What s an Immersion class? How would you apply it into your classroom? 49- What would you do if you didn t know the answer to a student s question? 50- How would you teach students with this sentence Can you swim? Yes, I can/ No, I can t. through a game, song or chant? (You have a tape or CD-ROM) 51- Some students in your class think your class is boring, dull and uninteresting. So you want to make your class fun, interesting and active. Describe what strategies you would use? 52- List several compliments you would use when a student does well in class. 53- You are going to play a guessing game about a watermelon with your students. What clues would you give to the children? 54- What is the most important thing for a student to be good at English?

6 55- What are some of the issues of Gifted and Talented Education? 56- Will you tell me how to teach the culture of a second language? Chapter 6. Classroom Management 57- In your class you have a disruptive student who does not respond to your commands or directions, what do you do? 58- Classroom noise is becoming a big problem, how would you encourage your students to reduce the volume? 59- Give an example of several commands in English to correct a student s behavior. 60- You are teaching an English-only lesson and your students are using Korean. What would you say and do to change this behavior? 61- Explain to the students and their parents about your ideas on classroom management. 62- What would you do if you had sleepy students in your class after lunch? Chapter 7. Communication Skills 63- Describe how you would get parents involved in the learning process. 64- During a parent/teacher interview, a parent is angry with you and their child because your student has not performed well in last examination. What would you say to the parent?

7 65- Communication is of key importance when interacting with people. Tell us about a time you were most effective in getting a complex concept across to a person/student. 66- What do you feel is the most effective way to communicate with parents throughout the school year? Describe how you would use this/these technique(s). 67- How would approach a co-worker to complain about the noise coming from their classroom? 68- Your student Min-Soo is sick and you call his mum, what would you say to her? Chapter 8. Korean Education System 69- Describe a problem about the Korean education system. 70- Do you think the current school system is fair to all students? If not, what would you do to improve the situation? 71- Do you think that teachers are losing their authority in the classroom, if so why? 72- Are teachers using excessive force as a punishment for any number of reasons? 73- It is estimated that over 250,000 students are travelling abroad to complete their elementary, secondary and university studies. Does this affect the quality of Korea schooling system? 74- Are you in favor of the Differentiated Curriculum or against it? 75- What effects do private institutions have on the educational system? 76- Explain the Korean Educational System to a foreign teacher.

8 Chapter 9. Culture and Korea 77- Tell a foreigner about your favorite place to travel to in Korea. 78- Describe one of the differences in life a Westerner might find in Korea. 79- Tell a foreigner about an important Korean historical event. 80- Describe a Korean custom to a foreigner. 81- How would you describe Korean food to a foreigner if you were at a restaurant together? 82- If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go to? 83- Explain about a foreign country's public holiday. 84- Explain about Korean language. 85- What kind of movies do you like? Chapter 10. Hot Topics 86- Describe the changes Korea will face over the next 20 years. 87- Give your opinion on climate change and how it will affect Korea. 88- How do you feel about Korea s oil based dependency and its effects on the future. 89- How would you discuss junk food and how to improve students eating habits? 90- Do you think children spend too much time on computers? 91- What problems will Korea face with an aging society? 92- What is your opinion on cross cultural marriages?

9 93- Nowadays, many students are becoming self-centered because of their parents overprotection. How could you solve this problem as a homeroom teacher? 94- There is an increasing amount of harmful effects stemming from teenagers addiction to computer games. What s the reason for this phenomenon, and do you have any idea to solve this problem? 95- Do you think the world s leaders are solving the major global issues? Chapter 11. Maps and Pictures 96- Map Map Map Map Picture Picture Part 3. Translations

10 Part 4. 최신 기출 질문 및 답변 모음 Chapter 학년도 중등 기출 질문 및 답변 1. Why do you want to be a teacher? Explain your reasons with specific examples. Use at least 2 examples. (서울) 영어교사가 되려고 하는 이유를 두 가지 이상 말해 보시오.(서울) 2. You have used only your textbook while you teach. But after the test, a student proposed an alternative answer using his own resources. How would you respond to this situation? (서울) 학생이 시험의 답을 인정된 자료 이외에서 찾았습니다. 어떻게 대처하겠습니까? (서울) 3. The personnel committee appointed the chief teacher, but finally the principal appointed another person as the chief teacher as he pleases. In this case, do you think his decision is regal, and what do you think about his leadership style? 교장은 수석교사(부장교사)로 A 를 선출하기를 원하고, 인사위원회는 B 를 선출하기를 원합니다. 이때, 교장이 위원회의 의견을 무시하고 A 를 선출할 경우의 적법성 여부와 위 교장의 리더십 스타일을

11 논하시오. (서울) = 교장이 부장 교사를 선정할 때, 인사위원회가 선정한 사람을 무시하고, 교장 마음대로 선정했다. 교장의 선택은 법적인가? 교장의 리더십에 대해서 어떻게 생각하는가? (서울) 4. The school is planning to run the before-school class which means the class runned in the early morning before the first regular class to make students study more time, and the principal directs you to instruct the class for free. What would you do about that? But after you accepted the suggestion from the school, if the students and their parents are opposed to the decision, what would you do? 학교에서 아침 자율 학습 지도(0 교시 보충 수업)를 무보수로 해주기를 원하고 있습니다. 어떻게 하겠습니까? (서울) 학생과 학부모가 영교시 수업에 반대한다면 어떻게 하겠습니까? (서울) 5. Could you explain the meaning of Hwa-ee-bu-dong( 和 而 不 同 )? And how could you apply this saying to education? (서울) 화이부동의 의미를 설명해 보세요. 화이부동을 교육에 어떻게 적용하겠습니까? 6. Do you agree to the Differentiated Curriculum which is part of the 7th curriculum or not? = Are you in favor of the Differentiated Curriculum or against it? (서울) 수준별 학습에 대해 찬성하는가, 반대하는가?

12 7. Tell me 4 ways to solve the problem with the outcast, so called Wangdda, in the class. (충북) 왕따 학생에 대한 나만의 해결 방법 4 가지를 말해 보시오. 8. Tell me about the advantages of 학교 알리미(학교 정보 고시제) system. (충북) 학교 알리미(학교 정보 고시제) 의 장점에 대해 말해 보시오. *저작권 관계상 8 번까지만 게시합니다. 나머지 문제는 교재를 참고하시기 바랍니다. Chapter ~2009 학년도 초등 기출 질문 및 답변 01. Tell me the most important 2 qualities for being a good teacher, and why. (서울) 좋은 선생님으로서 갖추어야 할 가장 중요한 두 가지 자질과 그 이유를 말해 보세요.

13 02. Recently more and more people are concerned with their health. What do you do for your health? 최근 건강에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있습니다. 자신의 건강을 위해 무엇을 하고 있습니까? 03. Tell me a good warm-up to start your English class? 수업을 시작하기 전에 할 수 있는 준비 활동을 말해 보세요. 04. One student in your class won the championship in the swimming competition. What would you say as a compliment? 반 학생 중에 한 명이 수영 대회에서 우승을 하였습니다. 그 학생에게 어떤 칭찬의 말을 해 주겠습니까? 05. Explain the process of boiling eggs to your students using 3 or more instructions. 세 문장 이상을 사용하여 학생들에게 달걀 삶는 방법을 설명해 보세요. 06. How would you start the introduction part of the lesson for What is this?? What is this? 단원 수업의 도입 부분을 어떻게 시작하겠습니까?

14 07. What country do you want to travel to and why? (서울) 어느 나라를 여행하고 싶은가요? 그리고 그 이유는 무엇입니까? 08. What is the pride of Busan? (부산) = What is famous for Busan? 부산의 자랑 거리가 무엇입니까? 부록 01. 지역별 연도별 기출 문제 모음 부록 02. Classroom English 표현 모음 부록 03. Educational Terminology 본 내용의 무단 전재, 모방은 법률로 금지되어 있습니다.

15 Tell us about yourself. * Answering Guide: This will be the first question at almost every interview. Just give a brief background in about three sentences. Tell them what colleges you graduated from, what you're certified to teach, what your teaching & working experiences are, and why you'd love the job. Why do you want to teach? Why do you want to become a teacher? * Answering Guide:

16 This is the fundamental question! They will be looking for evidence that teaching is your first choice career and not something you are going for because you couldn't get in to what you really wanted to do. Teaching is a tough job and the PGCE also demands resilience and determination, so the selectors are looking for evidence of strong motivation which will keep you going when things get tough. Remember that there may be several applicants per place and they will take the best all-round candidates. Your answer should stress that you are aware of the demands on teachers - perhaps giving examples from the time you spent in school as an observer, but give evidence of the things in teaching that you would find satisfying - e.g. when you helped out at a youth club and you were able to bring out a particularly reticent adolescent. Try to give your answers from the heart - show some enthusiasm! What were the qualities of a teacher you admired?

17 * Answering Guide: Talk honestly about a teacher you liked at school or perhaps one at university, or during your period of observation in the classroom - try to analyse what qualities made them successful. They will be looking for evidence of enthusiasm for teaching in your reply. Qualities could include using a variety of different teaching methods, being able to hold the attention of the class, ability to enthuse, energy, resilience, empathy, subject knowledge and making children think rather than being told. Here they will not be looking for a specific answer. A government recruitment campaign for teaching was very much along these lines. In it celebrities described what they liked most about their favourite teacher. The single attribute of caring for their pupils is one that is often missed in these circumstances. In order to teach effectively it is vital that a teacher enjoys the company of young people and wants to make a positive contribution to their well-being.

18 What would you find difficult about teaching? * Answering Guide: Teaching is a tough job and selectors won't choose you if you tell them how wonderful you would find teaching with no appreciation of the negatives. Teachers complain about beaurocracy and paperwork, badly behaved pupils, Government interference and lack of resources. You need show that you are aware of these issues - the best way is to talk to teachers about them, but still have a positive, if pragmatic, view of the teaching profession. Talking about a current classroom where you have spent some time will add weight to your arguments. Give an example of a difficulty. This could be the idea that new initiatives introduced by government appear to undermine or conflict with the previous initiatives. This is a common complaint among teachers. Show in your answer that while you might find it difficult you would nonetheless do your best to continue with the best interests of the children in mind. In other words you will get over the difficulties whatever they may be.

19 What have you got to offer as a teacher? * Answering Guide: Some of the main qualities required are: A professional approach - make sure that you dress very smartly for your interview. Good handwriting and spelling - especially for primary - make sure that you have a pen with you as you may be given a written test. Clarity of speech Openness to new ideas Ability to take criticism Listening and sensitivity to others.

20 You need to be able to put across your strong points during the interview - if you can't do this effectively your selectors may be entitled to reason that you wouldn't be able to put your ideas across effectively in the classroom. What experience do you have in schools? * Answering Guide: For primary teacher training, school experience is crucial. You may be asked to describe the school and asked to comment on what interested or surprised you. You should make sure that you have spent a few days helping out in a school before your interview. For secondary teaching courses this experience is not so essential, partly because the competition for places is less great, and partly because such experience is more difficult to arrange. You should approach schools several months before you would like to spend time with them as they may have to take up references. Of course, the easiest school to get a placement may be your old school. Experience

21 can either be for a number of consecutive days or perhaps for one morning or afternoon per week over a number of weeks. If you haven't spent time in a school try to emphasise anything else you have done with children or in a teaching role such as youth clubs, playschemes, Sunday school helper, drama activities, Scout or Guide leader. How would you make your subject interesting to a class of disinterested low ability pupils? * Answering Guide: Selectors will be looking for someone who shows ideas and creativity, trying to interact and stimulate, rather than just talking at the class. This is a chance for you to show your enthusiasm for teaching. They won't expect your ideas to be polished, but you could mention games, wall charts, projects and case studies, role playing, splitting up into small

22 groups - whatever might be appropriate for your subject. You could also talk about the transition from a literary to a screen-based culture for many young people and how you would react to this. You may have been able to glean ideas from the time you spent helping in a school or from discussions with teachers. Your answer could include how you would canvass advice from your colleagues on what to do in these circumstances. Perhaps they have taught the particular class in question and can make some suggestion

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