平 成 26 年 度 生 入 学 選 考 試 験 英 語 [ 特 待 生 入 試 ]

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1 平 成 26 年 度 生 入 学 選 考 試 験 英 語 [ 特 待 生 入 試 ] [ 関 西 健 康 科 学 専 門 学 校 入 学 試 験 過 去 問 題 1] 1. 見 出 し 語 と 同 じ 音 節 に 主 アクセントがある 語 を 選 びなさい (1) dis-or-der (1in-ci-dent2mon-o-logue3re-in-force4in-ter-pret) (2) e-co-nom-ic (1pop-ul-at-ion2dis-ast-rous3av-er-age4his-tor-ian) (3) ed-i-tor (1com-mun-ist2gui-tar-ist3mu-si-cian4phy-si-cian5en-gi-neer) (4) e-lec-tric-i-ty (1an-a-lyt-i-cal2com-mu-ni-ca-tion3in-ac-cu-ra-cy4math-e-ma-ti-cian) (5) in-di-ca-tor (1tri-um-phant-ly2lit-er-a-ture3sci-en-tif-ic4re-pub-li-can) 2. 次 の 英 文 を 訳 しなさい (1) I m apt to buy things on impulse whenever something in on sale. (2) As the recession set in, temporary employees were laid off one after another. 3. 次 の2つの 英 文 がそれぞれ 完 成 した 文 章 になるように その 文 意 にそって1から5を 並 べ 替 えな さい ただし ( )の 中 では 文 頭 に 来 る 語 も 小 文 字 で 示 してあります CAPI, or Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing, is a simple idea. ( 1 ), interviewers use portable computers to enter data directly via a keyboard. Computer-assisted interviewing has been used in the past, for example, for telephone surveys, but it ( 2 ) it has been used for face to-face interviews. (1) 1of 2questionnaires 3instead 4on paper 5collecting data (2) 1or so 2in the 3last five years 4that 5is only The chemist wants to understand how the universe is put together ( 3 ) to mankind's advantage. Chemists, together with physicists, have greatly simplified these problems. They have discovered that all ( 4 ) matter or energy and that matter and energy can be converted from one to the other. (3) 1can change 2and how 3in it 4he 5the substances (4) 1the universe 2as 3classified 4 things in 5can be

2 4. 空 欄 にあてはまる 最 適 なものを 1 つ 選 び 英 文 を 完 成 させなさい (1) Let s [1make on 2make up 3make of 4make less], Lisa. ( 仲 直 りしようよ リサ) (2) Stop [1being 2doing 3taking 4making] me for granted! We re through for good this time. I mean it! ( 私 がいて 当 然 だなんて 思 わないで 私 たち 今 度 は 永 遠 に 終 わりよ 本 気 だから!) (3) Come on! Don t get so emotional, Lisa. I didn t [1manage 2convey 3leave 4mean] to hurt you. (おいおい リサ そんなに 感 情 的 にならないでくれよ 君 を 傷 つけるつもりはなかったんだよ ) (4) Let s talk it [1about 2by 3around 4over]. (よく 話 し 合 おう ) 5. 次 の 英 文 を 読 み 空 欄 にあてはまる 単 語 を 答 えなさい Rainbows are most commonly seen when the sun's rays strike raindrops falling from distant rain clouds. Generally, this is only in the early morning or late afternoon. When the sun is too far above the ( 1 ) no rainbow can be seen. When the sun is lower in the sky, however, part of the arc becomes ( 2 ). In fact, if the sun is low enough and the observer is located in a place that is high enough, such as on a mountain or in an airplane, the observer may see a circular rainbow. The most brilliant and most commonly seen rainbow is called the primary rainbow. The arcs of color in a rainbow are ( 3 ) by the reflection, or bending, and internal reflection of light rays that enter the raindrops. A ray of white sunlight is actually ( 4 ) of all the colors of the spectrum. Inside the drop the ray of white light is ( 5 ) into the colors that make it up and reflected back toward the observer. In the primary rainbow the colors are, from inside to outside, violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. The red band makes an angle of about 42 degrees with the sun's rays, and the other colored bands make successively smaller angles. (1) 1 clouds 2 raindrops 3 horizon 4 space (2) 1 visible 2 tolerable 3 audible 4 obscure (3) 1 hurt 2 failed 3 caused 4 shot (4) 1 compared 2 composed 3 considered 4 collected (5) 1 dumped 2 lined 3 thrown 4 separated

3 6. 次 の 英 文 を 読 み 問 題 に 答 えなさい It is well known that young children learn a lot of language from their parents. One of the most common things that parents do is to ask their children questions. In fact, over 40% of what parents say to their young children is questions. This is much, much more question asking than you will hear when adults talk to adults. Parent-child questioning falls into a few different categories. Most common is a "test question." Parents often ask test questions to find out what a child knows. For example, a father may ask, "What's that?" when a child picks up a toy. Obviously, the father knows what it is, but asks to see if the child knows what it is. Very young children enjoy and benefit from "test questions." These questions are different from "requests for information." An example of this type of question is when a child is in the living room and the mother is in the kitchen and asks, "What are you doing?" The parent actually wants to know. "Directives" are often stated as a request or as a command in question form. For example, a parent might say, "Can you put these toys away? "or "Put these toys away, OK?" The parent does not expect the child to answer, but simply to follow the direction. "Interaction markers" are also common. Parents ask these types of questions in order to keep a conversation going. For example, if a father doesn't understand what a child is saying, he might say, "What?" Or if the child doesn't answer, he might say, "Huh?" Some language experts think that asking a lot of all these types of questions helps children to learn language more quickly. (1) Parent-child conversations are different from adult-adult conversations because 1 they are much shorter conversations. 2 they contain many more questions. 3 there are many more categories of questions in parent-child speech. 4 they are always educational conversations. (2) Parents ask 'test questions' because 1 they want to know what a child is doing. 2 they want to see what a child knows. 3 they want a child to do as it is told. 4 they can't always understand a child's speech.

4 (3) Who benefits from 'test questions'? 1 A child's parents. 2 Children who play with toys. 3 Very young children. 4 Children who behave badly. (4) What are 'interaction markers' used for? 1 To teach a child how to ask questions. 2 To encourage a child to continue a conversation. 3 To stop a child from talking too much. 4 To get a child to follow directions. (5) According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? 1 Parents should listen to their children more. 2 Adult-adult conversations rarely contain questions. 3 Parents may confuse their child if they ask too many questions. 4 Asking questions promotes a child's language learning.

5 平 成 26 年 度 生 入 学 選 考 試 験 英 語 [ 特 待 生 入 試 ] [ 関 西 健 康 科 学 専 門 学 校 入 学 試 験 過 去 問 題 2] 1. 最 も 強 いアクセント( 第 一 強 勢 )の 位 置 が 他 と 違 うものを1つずつ 選 びなさい (1) 1of-fi-cial-ly 2de-vel-op-ment 3ap-pre-ci-ate 4con-se-quent-ly (2) 1op-po-nent 2in-ter-pret 3stra-te-gic 4el-o-quent (3) 1or-i-gin 2who-ev-er 3thun-der-storm 4dread-ful-ly (4) 1per-son 2mon-key 3prod-uct 4pos-sess (5) 1pho-to-graph 2dan-ger-ous 3cou-ra-geous 4par-a-graph 2. 次 の 英 文 を 訳 しなさい (1) The parliament decided to provide developing countries with financial aid. (2) In order to keep up it's competitiveness in the world, Japan must undertake sweeping deregulation in earnest. 3. 次 の2つの 英 文 がそれぞれ 完 成 した 文 章 になるように その 文 意 にそって1から5を 並 べ 替 えなさい ただし ( )の 中 では 文 頭 に 来 る 語 も 小 文 字 で 示 してあります CAPI, or Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing, is a simple idea. ( 1 ), interviewers use portable computers to enter data directly via a keyboard. Computer-assisted interviewing has been used in the past, for example, for telephone surveys, but it ( 2 ) it has been used for face to-face interviews. (1) 1of 2questionnaires 3instead 4on paper 5collecting data (2) 1or so 2in the 3last five years 4that 5is only The chemist wants to understand how the universe is put together ( 3 ) to mankind's advantage. Chemists, together with physicists, have greatly simplified these problems. They have discovered that all ( 4 ) matter or energy and that matter and energy can be converted from one to the other. (3) 1can change 2and how 3in it 4he 5the substances (4) 1the universe 2as 3classified 4things in 5can be

6 4. 空 欄 にあてはまる 最 適 なものを 1 つ 選 び 英 文 を 完 成 させなさい (1) One reason for the birthrate [1despair 2disaster 3decline 4contribution] of recent years in Japan is the nationwide trend for later marriage, resulting in the postponement of childbearing. (2) Environmental policies have helped to clean up Japan's water and air, which were once seriously [1polluted 2permitted 3compensated 4offended]. (3) Many women apply eye make-up to [1indicate 2operate 3pretend 4exaggerate] the size of their eyes. (4) Melanie excelled in science subjects and her teachers [1emphasized 2encouraged 3promoted 4prohibited] her to apply for medical school. 5. 次 の 英 文 を 読 み 空 欄 にあてはまる 単 語 を 答 えなさい As global trade has increased, so has the importance of the shipping industry. Today, in fact, 87 percent of all goods traded internationally are carried by ships. Recently, though, the industry has come under pressure to change the way it operates. One reason for this is ( 1 ). Over the past few years, shipping companies have found it increasingly difficult to make a profit, mainly because of a sharp rise in fuel costs. Another reason is environmental. The shipping industry is responsible for a large amount of the world's carbon emissions. Governments are demanding that shippers cut emissions so as to lessen global warming. It is not surprising, therefore, that some companies have begun to ( 2 ) at the sailing ships that carried goods many years ago. These ships used a form of energy that cost nothing-the wind-and they caused no carbon emissions. One such company is B9 Energy, which has designed a ship that uses sails about 60 percent of the time and a biofuel engine when there is not enough wind. The ship carries a much bigger cargo than a traditional sailing ship, and it is cheaper to run than a fossil-fuel ship. ( 3 ) this, some experts question whether sailing ships will replace fossil-fuel ships. This is because the latter can carry many more goods. B9 Energy's sailing ship can carry 9,000 tons of cargo, but the biggest fossil-fuel ships can carry 100,000 tons. Thus, even if the cost of fossil fuels rises, ships that use such fuels will still remain a cheaper way to transport goods than sailing ships. David Surplus, the chairman of B9 Energy, ( 4 ). He points out that, one day. fossil fuels will run out. He thinks that when this happens, his company's ships will be in a strong position to replace the ships used today. (1) 1 official 2 moral 3 economic 4 doubtful (2) 1 sit down 2 come straight 3 ask around 4 look again (3) 1 Before 2 Despite 3 Due to 4 And with (4) 1 disagrees 2 recovers 3 delays 4 returns

7 6. 次 の 英 文 を 読 み 問 題 に 答 えなさい When someone breaks a bone, a doctor can usually treat it so that it heals naturally. In some cases, though, the break is very complicated, and the different parts of the bone have to be held together with a metal pin or screws. In other cases, there are so many small pieces of broken bone that even this technique cannot be used. The ideal solution would be to create a glue that could be used on bones. So far, however, no glue has been invented that can work in the wet conditions of the human body. One place where researchers have been looking for an answer is under the sea. There are various creatures, such as shellfish, that live in the sea and yet manage to stick to things. Since the 1980s, scientists have been studying these animals in the hope of finding a way to create a glue that would work inside the body. Unfortunately, no one has yet been able to make such a glue. Now, one scientist, Russell J. Stewart of the University of Utah in the United States, thinks that he may have found the answer. Since Stewart has been studying the sandcastle worm, a small worm that lives in the sea. The worm gets its name from the fact that it builds a shelter out of sand and pieces of shell. The worm produces a glue from its head that it uses to stick the sand and shells together. This glue becomes hard when the amount of acid in the water around it changes. This is very different from normal glue, which hardens as it dries out in the air. Stewart and his team of scientists have now also produced an artificial glue that hardens in water. Unlike the worm's glue, however, the glue that they have created hardens when the temperature rises. This would make it ideal for use inside the body, where the temperature is higher than in the surrounding air. The main problem is whether the body will accept the glue or not. Stewart has successfully tried it on rats, and he is confident that he will soon be able to produce a glue that works in humans. (1) Doctors sometimes use metal pins when 1 it is too expensive to use glue to hold a bone together. 2 some of the pieces of a bone arc difficult to find. 3 wet conditions make it impossible for a bone to fix itself. 4 a bone is broken in such a way that it cannot heal naturally. (2) Why are scientists studying sea creatures such as shellfish? 1 New bones can be grown inside of their bodies. 2 Their shells can be used to treat people's injuries. 3 Some of them are able to stick to things underwater. 4 They produce stronger glues than humans can.

8 (3) The sandcastle worm 1 creates a kind of acid that protects it from enemies. 2 is interesting to scientists because it has a very hard shell. 3 lakes air from the water's surface to make its home stronger. 4 lives in a shelter that it makes from materials in the ocean. (4) What is one reason why Russell J. Stewart thinks his glue may be useful' 1 It reduces the amount of acid in the ocean. 2 It can be produced in laboratories using rats. 3 It is not affected by the surrounding temperature. 4 It does not need air to become hard.

9 平 成 26 年 度 生 入 学 選 考 試 験 英 語 [ 特 待 生 入 試 ] [ 関 西 健 康 科 学 専 門 学 校 入 学 試 験 過 去 問 題 3] 1. 1 最 も 強 いアクセント( 第 一 強 勢 )の 位 置 が 他 と 違 うものを1つずつ 選 びなさい (1) 1obstacle 2reconcile 3percentage 4execute (2) 1occasional 2responsible 3ridiculous 4noticeable (3) 1officially 2development 3appreciate 4consequently (4) 1opponent 2interpret 3strategic 4eloquent (5) 1office 2control 3percent 4prefer 2. 次 の 英 文 を 訳 しなさい (1) In short, the purpose of the regulations is to protect domestic industries. (2) The charity is named after a man who gave away some two billion yen. 3. 次 の 英 文 がそれぞれ 完 成 した 文 章 になるよう 文 意 にそって1から5を 並 べ 2 番 目 と 4 番 目 に なるものを 答 えなさい ただし ( )の 中 では 文 頭 に 来 る 語 も 小 文 字 で 示 してあります (1) A: Jackie, did you ask when the application for Maxwell University is due? B: Yes. Ms. Baker said that as (1 far 2 any 3 the teachers 4 of 5 as) know, the application isn t due until next month. (2) Amanda works in the call center at a computer company. Sometimes, (1with 2she 3angry 4deal 5has to) customers when they telephone the company. (3) Clark asked his professor if he could turn in his chemistry report late. She said it was possible, but (1made 2clear 3that 4she 5it) he would lose points for being late. (4) Sarah s parents are both doctors. They want her to become one, too, but she is not sure if she is smart enough. She is afraid that (1live 2will never 3to 4up 5 she) their expectations.

10 4. 空 欄 にあてはまる 最 適 なものを 1 つ 選 び 英 文 を 完 成 させなさい (1) Tests showed that the chemical was harmful to humans, so the government (1 cheered 2 tipped 3 banned 4 leaned) its use in food products. (2) Sheila has been an amateur bird watcher for several years. She can (1 spoil 2 recognize 3 elect 4 launch) many different kinds of birds. (3) Because of the low price, the ( 1 probability 2 consumption 3 magnificence 4 frequency) of American rice has grown steadily in Japan. (4) In emergency situations, police cars have ( 1 signature 2 scale 3 priority 4 evidence) over regular vehicles on the road. You have to move your car to the side of the road and let them pass. 5. 次 の 英 文 を 読 み 空 欄 にあてはまる 単 語 を 答 えなさい Every spring, the trees along San Francisco s sidewalks are full of cherry, pear, and apple blossoms. These flowering trees, though, do not go on to produce any fruit. This is because they have been specially developed to grow only flowers. In fact, San Francisco does not allow trees that produce fruit to be grown along city sidewalks. However, not everyone ( 1 ) this policy. One group in particular, which calls itself the Guerrilla Grafters, is working to change these trees back into ones that will provide fruit. The group is doing this by using a technique called grafting. Grafting means cutting off a small branch from one tree and attaching it to another tree so that the branch becomes part of it. The members of the Guerrilla Grafters have started taking branches from trees that produce fruit and grafting them onto the flowering trees on the sidewalks. They hope that this will eventually allow people in the city to get fruit for free. What they are doing, however, is ( 2 ). This means they have to graft the branches secretly. Officials want the Guerrilla Grafters to obey the law for a number of reasons. They say that the fallen fruit can cause ( 3 ). This is because it makes the sidewalks slippery, and people fall and injure themselves. The fruit could also attract rats and other animals. Tara Hui, one of the Guerrilla Grafters, points out that the group asks people to take care of the trees that have been grafted. These people gather up any unwanted fruit. According to Hui, an important aim of their campaign is to change people s relationship with the city environment. Right now, most people do not ( 4 ) to public places. By taking care of these trees and benefiting from them, people are likely to develop a sense of responsibility for the parts of the city that are used by everybody. (1) 1 improves 2discusses 3influences 4accepts (2) 1 generous 2illegal 3advanced 4realistic (3) 1 fights 2waste 3accidents 4hunger (4) 1 enjoy driving 2feel connected 3seem limited 4stop donating

11 6. 次 の 英 文 を 読 み 問 題 に 答 えなさい As business becomes more international, it becomes difficult for local economies to protect themselves against economic problems in other places. This is especially true when many different areas share the same type of currency, such as the euro in Europe. If there is a big economic problem in one place, this can make life difficult for everyone who uses the currency. For this reason, some local communities have recently started creating their own local money that people can use to buy goods and services in that area. Because a local currency can only be used in one small area, the money stays there. This can help local businesses and create more jobs, giving people in the area more money to spend. It is often difficult for a local currency to succeed, though, because it cannot be used outside of that region and few stores in the community will accept it. One example of local money that has worked is the Chiemgauer, which was started by a high school teacher named Christian Gelleri in 2003 in the Rosenheim district of southern Germany. Over 600 local businesses accept the Chiemgauer as payment, and it has become very popular. One reason the Chiemgauer has been successful is because it was well planned. Each Chiemgauer is worth one euro, but when people buy it, 3 percent of the money goes to local charities. This gives people another reason to support the money. Moreover, if businesses change the money back to euros, a fee of 5 percent is collected by the bank. This encourages companies to keep the Chiemgauer and use it to buy their supplies locally. This, in turn, supports the local economy. At the moment, the Chiemgauer is only used in a small part of Rosenheim s economy. Gelleri believes that, eventually, the money will be used in about 50 percent of it. The currency will never completely replace the euro because big companies in Rosenheim need euros to purchase their supplies from other places. Using it will, though, make sure that people spend a higher percentage of their money locally, which will help to protect Rosenheim from big changes in the European economy. Chiemgauer ドイツで 流 通 している 地 域 通 貨

12 (1) What is one benefit of using local currencies? 1 It helps to promote school programs in the local area. 2 It can lead to the creation of more jobs in the community. 3 It teaches children in the community how money works. 4 It allows people to buy things at a discount from stores in the region. (2) When people buy the Chiemgauer, 1 a part of the money they pay is given to charities in the area. 2 the money they spend is used by the government to support the euro. 3 they are charged a fee of 5 percent that goes to local businesses. 4 they are given one week to spend their money in local shops. (3) What does Christian Gelleri think will happen in Rosenheim in the future? 1 Big businesses will switch from the euro to the local currency. 2 The economy will grow so much that it will not need a local money. 3 Local people will no longer need to buy supplies from other areas. 4 The Chiemgauer will be used in about half of the local economy. (4) Which of the following statements is true? 1 Using a currency such as the euro is important for protecting jobs. 2 Banks will not trade local money for major currencies. 3 Local currencies are often not accepted by businesses in a region. 4 The Chiemgauer is mainly used at German high schools.

Let s ask Tomoko and Kyle to the party. A. accept B. except C. invite D. include

Let s ask Tomoko and Kyle to the party. A. accept B. except C. invite D. include 英 語 2014 年 度 入 学 試 験 (A 日 程 1 月 25 日 ) 60 分 英 語 試 験 問 題 学 芸 学 部 : 日 本 語 日 本 文 学 科 英 語 文 化 コミュニケーション 学 科 子 ども 教 育 学 科 メディア 情 報 学 科 生 活 デザイン 学 科 人 間 社 会 学 部 : 社 会 マネジメント 学 科 人 間 心 理 学 科 栄 養 科 学 部 : 健 康 栄

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