How to Control and Eliminate Bedroaches

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1 P a g e 1 Useful links: PEST CONTROL INFORMATION AND ADVICE on animals and pests that are not dealt with by the Pest Control Services of the Borough of Poole Control/DG_ general guidance - identify different types of pests/animals Ants page 1 Bed Bugs page 2 Bees page 4 Beetles and Silverfish page 5 Cockroaches page 6 Foxes page 7 Gulls page 8 Pigeons page 9 Squirrels page 10 Woodlice page 12 Ants Ants can become a nuisance when they enter our homes but they do not present a major threat to health. They do not transmit disease and they do not bite. Ants are attracted to sweet foods which they then take back to the nest. Habitat Nests are usually found in lawns, flower beds, beneath stones and paving slabs etc. They may also be found in the foundations or close to the outer wall of buildings. Life Cycle Ants are social insects and several thousand may be present in a large nest. The worker ants look after the young and forage for food whereas the Queen remains in the nest as her sole function is to lay eggs. During summer, large numbers of winged females and males are reared in the nest on a warm day, normally between mid-july and mid-september they swarm out and take flight. Mating occurs on the wing and when they return to earth the males soon die and the newly fertilised

2 P a g e 2 Queens will shed their wings and make themselves a new nest. These flying ants may be a nuisance but they are harmless. Where to look for the nest Effective control can only be achieved by destroying the nest and therefore the Queen. However, ants nests are often difficult to locate and may be inaccessible. Look for the ants trail back to the nest. Open up the nest and treat it and the immediate area around it with insecticide. If the nest is inaccessible or you are unable to locate it, an insecticidal dust or spray may be applied to form a barrier to prevent the ants entering the house. Pay particular attention to areas around the doors and window frames, air vents, waste pipes and any gaps in the brickwork. Unless the nest is treated directly the ants may return. What to Use A variety of insecticides approved for household use are available over the counter. The manufacturer s label instructions should always be followed. Insecticidal Powder /Dust These powders will kill ants that come into contact with them. They will remain effective for several weeks if left undisturbed and dry. The powder should be spread evenly over the affected area but may have to be re-applied after it has rained. Always read the label and follow the Manufacturer s instructions. Aerosol Sprays There are two general types of spray. Sprays for flying insects provide a quick knock down but as they have no residual effect they should only be used against flying ants. Crawling insect sprays are effective for several weeks and can be used on vertical surfaces such as door and window frames. They may also be used to treat cracks and crevices. Do not spray aerosols in food cupboards as their smell may taint food. Always read the label and follow the Manufacturer s instructions. Bed Bugs Characteristics Adults are 5mm long, reddish brown in colour, becoming purple after feeding, well developed antennae prominent simple eyes and clawed feet enabling it to climb rough surfaces, and have a flattened oval shape. Behaviour Bed bugs can't fly they must either crawl or be transported in clothing, luggage, books, furniture etc. They can survive for many months without feeding and are widely distributed throughout the world. They will invade any household however they are more likely to occur in premises with a low standard of hygiene and overcrowding. Bedbugs can be transported on clothing, but more often in luggage, books etc where harbourage is possible. The increase in foreign travel and sleepovers has helped the bedbug to spread.

3 P a g e 3 The bedbugs tend to hide away in cracks and crevices coming out at night and they tend to feed on their hosts just before dawn. They like a warm environment which encourages breeding throughout the year. In unheated rooms it is unlikely that a second generation will be produced during autumn/winter. Pigeon bugs and Martin bugs react in a similar way to the bed bugs feeding on birds in their nests, however if the nests are in houses, under eaves in lofts etc, they will feed on humans once the nests have been abandoned. Bedbugs are not regarded as disease carriers, but their blood feeding can cause severe irritation in some people resulting in loss of sleep, lack of energy and listlessness particularly in children. The bite often gives rise to a hard whitish swelling which distinguishes it from the flea bite which leaves a red spot. Bedbug excrement gives a characteristic speckled appearance to their harbourages, whilst their 'stink' glands confer a very distinctive and unpleasant almond like smell on infested rooms. The finding of eggs, bugs, or egg cases as well as the excrement will indicate their presence. Significance Bedbugs are becoming an increasing problem due to the following factors:- modern building techniques which allow easy access between properties; the increased use of central heating which allows them to breed all year round and increased sale of second-hand furniture. Control Hygiene/management:- high standards of hygiene are unlikely to be an adequate control on their own however they will help to monitor the infestation and to show the location of harbourages. If you suspect a bedbug infestation, a close inspection of the mattress particularly around the seams and the back of the headboard should reveal their presence. The use of a pyrethroid-based aerosol sprayed lightly round the room in accordance with the label instructions, may help as the bugs will be displaced from their hiding places. Insecticidal:- To eradicate the infestation it will be necessary to treat the premises thoroughly with suitable insecticides, including the beds, other furniture and harbourages in the fabric of infested rooms. A professional pest control company should be employed to carry out this work. Before Treatment Please ensure the following actions are carried out prior to spraying All floors and upholstered furniture should be thoroughly vacuumed to remove any debris, eggs, pupae etc. Attention should be given to known harbourages such as bedrooms and other sleeping areas. (After vacuuming the vacuum bag must then be disposed of in a plastic bag in an outside waste bin). Hard floor surfaces should be swept and washed or vacuumed. Wardrobes, drawers etc should be emptied and the contents along with all bed linen and clothing washed on the hottest wash possible. (NB These should be placed in bin bags in the affected room before being carried to the washing area so bed bugs do not fall off during transit).

4 P a g e 4 All articles should be removed from the floor so that as much of the area can be treated. Where possible beds and other known harbourages should be completely dismantled to allow them to be thoroughly treated. It is advised that all children, pets and other people are NOT present during treatment. Fish can be susceptible to insecticides so it is advisable that aquariums are removed or covered. Any open food should also be covered or removed. After treatment It is advised that people and pets keep out of the property until the insecticide has dried, which can take a few hours. If it is not possible to stop out of the house, you should, as far as possible, stay out of the affected room(s). Do not vacuum for at least 10 days following treatment as this will reduce the effectiveness of the insecticide. Bed bugs may be seen for a number of days after treatment, due to eggs hatching. These bed bugs will then die once they come into contact with the insecticide. Bees The first thing you need to do is identify the kinds of bees that you have. You can do this by looking at the external link to The British Beekeepers Association. If you have honey bees then get in touch with your local swarm collector If you have a bumble bee nest then it's unlikely it can be moved successfully. Most bumble bee colonies are damaged by the movement process to the point where they cannot recover. If you have a bumble bee colony you should leave it alone until the queen leaves at the end of the season and then block off the entrance. Bumble bees do not generally cause a problem if their nest site is treated with respect. If you have other types of bee s, there are many species of solitary bees found in the UK, you might see many of them without even realising you're looking at a bee or the kind of bee you're looking at. Solitary bees do not live in colonies like honey bees or bumble bees. Some common types of solitary bees: Carpenter bees make their nest by tunnelling into wood, and can cause significant damage to property, there are several variations in size and colour of carpenter bees, but in general they look a little like bumble bees but with a shiny hairless abdomen. Mason bees live in small holes in wood or masonry. They look quite small and sleek, and are often blue or red in colour. Although mason bees can sting, they are very gentle and must be handled extremely roughly to be provoked into stinging. Mining and Mortar bees make their nests by dig holes in dry firm ground or old masonry. They look a little like smaller less colourful bumblebee. Although mining bees are solitary, if they find a large area of good nest site, then they'll often build lots of nests tightly packed in a close area, so you might see lots of them around the nesting site.

5 P a g e 5 Carpet Beetle Beetles and Silverfish At 1 ½mm to 4mm long, they can be tough to spot. If you do get a look, you will notice that they are brown or black with white or yellow markings. They can generate a lot of harm to fabrics, the damage is not caused by the adult beetles but by active, short, fat, hairy larvae often referred to as woolly bears. These larvae are voracious feeders and will rapidly demolish fur, feathers and woollen textiles. in their larval stage, and while they often live outside as adults, they can live under carpets as well. Larder Beetle As with most beetles, the main damage done by the larder beetle is actually done when they are larvae. You will probably first notice an infestation by seeing the adult however, and at just under a centimetre long they are larger than some. To identify them, they are dark brown, with a white strip near the head that has six black dots on it. They are called larder beetles because they do a lot of damage to food, especially meat such as bacon, ham and dried beef, although usually it has to be spoiled meat. To pupate, they prefer a more solid environment such as wood or even metal. To remove the infestation, in domestic premises, will require an integrated control programme of cleaning and spraying with a residual insecticide will control most infestation, although eradication of widespread infestations may take some time. Most residual insecticides will be effective if applied thoroughly to the structure, concentrating on the treatment of cracks and crevices. Wood Boring Beetles Some of the beetles that cause the most damage are wood boring beetles, although you will probably know them better as woodworm. That is because they do all their damage in the larval stage, when they look like worms. Woodworm beetles are brown all over, and quite hairy. They normally appear between May and August to mate, after which, the female deposits around 50 eggs in the crevice of a piece of wood. In a house, this is often between the joints of wooden furniture Adult beetles only last a few days. In general, beetles are scavengers and are attracted to food waste, so the best way to stave of an infestation is by keeping a clean environment. Once you have a beetle infestation though, it can be hard to remove, so you should contact pest control company. Silverfish Travel in a swishing movement, and the adult silverfish are silver, whilst young silverfish are white. They grow to a maximum of one inch, which is about 2.5cm. So they're small, but definitely visible, It might take a while to notice an infestation because they do not like light conditions and tend to hide out in the dark, so it might be quite a sizeable infestation before you actually notice there is a problem. As with all pests, the best way to get rid of them is to remove the conditions that gave rise to them in the first place, and then go about removing the pests that are already there. With silverfish controls can proves to be quite difficult. Although silverfish feed off just about anything, from crumbs on the floor to human dandruff, the main condition necessary for their emergence is the presence of damp.

6 P a g e 6 Silverfish can survive up to a year without eating, so just removing the food source is not going to get rid of them. The best pest control technique to prevent silverfish from continuing to breed is therefore to get rid of the damp conditions. This can also take a long time, and will involve fixing whatever the problem was in the first place, and then keeping your home extra dry. In addition, insecticides should be sprayed in as many nooks and crannies as you can find to kill the adult silverfish. Other silverfish control techniques involve getting rid of old clothes, as well as stacks of magazines or newspapers. If you discover the infestation in clothes you want to keep, they should be cleaned thoroughly, preferably dry cleaned. Any books you want to save should be sealed in a plastic bag and stored in the freezer for at least four days. The best way to remove an infestation of silverfish from your home, is to contact a pest control company that can treat for silverfish. Cockroaches Cockroaches Cockroach prefers warm, humid and dark conditions and is usually found in the tropics or other regions with mild climates. In the UK only a few species have become adapted to living in houses. Cockroaches causes a lot of damage and emits an unpleasant odour. It is omnivorous and will eat plant and animal material, including food, paper, clothing, books and dead insects. The two main species found in this country are: Oriental Cockroach Is the most common species found in the UK. They are very dark brown, almost black in colour. The adult male is 20-24mm long and the female larger at 32mm long. They take between 6 months and 2 years to reach maturity. The female deposits an egg case containing eggs from which soft white nymphs emerge. These harden and turn brown in colour when exposed to the air. The nymphs which emerge from the eggs are like small versions of the adults. As the nymph grows the outer surface of its body is cast away and this moulting will occur 7-10 times before adult size is reached. Oriental cockroaches are poor climbers on smooth surfaces and are tolerant towards the cold as they are often found outside buildings. Development is affected by the availability of food, humidity, temperature and day length. German Cockroach Is smaller in size (13-16mm) and light brown. It is a good climber even on smooth surfaces. It matures much more quickly and the number of eggs in an egg case averages Because of its size it is often carried unknowingly into homes in bags and boxes. Significance Cockroaches foul their environment with droppings, castings and regurgitated food. They taint materials with their characteristic smell and the air may contain fragments

7 P a g e 7 of faeces and exoskeletons. As well as the unpleasant smell, cockroaches are a source of allergens which can lead to allergic illnesses such as dermatitis, rhinitis, bronchitis and asthma. They damage and contaminate food products and other items, such as those made of paper, and can mechanically transmit pathogenic organisms such as salmonella, E.coli, staphylococcus and shigella, which can cause dysentery and gastroenteritis. Control Eradication of cockroaches can be difficult and should be carried out by a professional pest control company, as they are difficult to treat because their hiding places are often difficult to reach with insecticides, and the efficiency of the breeding process and the large number of eggs produced, cockroaches are difficult to eliminate a comprehensive eradication program is essential. In addition eradication method used by the pest control company, it is important to remove, as far as possible, all food and water residues, and to proof and reduce areas that are difficult to access. Checks should also be made to ensure that insects or egg cases are not being introduced by incoming goods or via the drains. Good hygiene is essential in preventing or limiting infestation. Cockroaches must be deprived of food, water and shelter. Washing up should be done promptly and food stored in sealed containers. Surfaces should be kept clean and food debris cleared up. Rubbish should be kept in lidded containers and carefully sealed when disposed of. Any leaking pipes should be repaired and moisture or water sources removed. Undisturbed clutter and materials where cockroaches might live should be removed and any holes and cracks in the structure of the building repaired. Loose paint and wallpaper should be removed. Cockroaches live together in large groups and are nocturnal, so that a householder may be unaware of an infestation or of the extent of an infestation. If one cockroach is seen, it is almost certain there will be plenty of others. If cockroaches have infested a building which contains more than one dwelling then the whole building will need to be treated if the treatment is to be effective. Foxes If you are unfortunate enough to have foxes in your garden then the following advice can be considered: Remove the attraction Habitats Make the garden unacceptable to the fox Remove the attraction This method can produce the greatest control over the fox population at little or no cost. Urban fox populations are far greater than those in rural areas, mainly due to the fact that a far greater amount of food is readily available. The most likely reason for a fox to enter your garden is in the search for food, so removal of the food source will reduce the attractiveness of your garden to the fox.

8 P a g e 8 Suggestions of action you can take: Keep all domestic refuse in wheelie bins or closed containers, NOT plastic bags. Only put your refuse out on the morning of collection. Protect all animals and livestock. Do not leave food out for other animals, e.g. cats, dogs, rabbits etc. Be extremely careful where you put food to feed birds. This should be in approved containers. Habitats Another reason for foxes being attracted to your garden is that it can provide a safe place to shelter by day or night. This may be an overgrown or neglected area or a void beneath a building. Voids can be protected using heavy duty mesh (Weld Mesh). Mesh with holes measuring 2" (50 mm) square is ideal, making sure that it is securely fixed to any building and buried to a depth of 12" (30 cm) into the soil to prevent the fox burrowing under the mesh. Making it unacceptable If you decide that the presence of foxes in your garden is genuinely unacceptable, then there are ways of discouraging them, although none are fool-proof. To prevent foxes using your garden, you can try a suitable proprietary animal repellent. A range of products are available from Garden Centres, Hardware and D.l.Y. stores but please note only approved products can be used and they must be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Your local Garden Centre, Hardware or D.l.Y. store should be able to provide you with the correct advice on the most suitable product to use. Gulls Introduction Many people who have gulls on their property find they cause a nuisance. Commonly problems include: Noise, caused by calling gulls and by their heavy footsteps. Mess caused by their droppings, fouling of washing, gardens and people. Damage to property. The birds can dive and swoop on people and pets. This usually occurs when chicks have fallen from the nest and adult birds attempt to prevent them coming to harm by frightening away potential threats. Blockage of gas flues by nesting materials can have serious consequences if gas fumes are prevented from venting properly. Breeding pairs court in March and commence nest building from early April onwards. In towns, the nest is constructed from straw and grass, twigs, paper and any other material the gull can conveniently use. The nest can be quite large and, if made of material accumulated over several years, very heavy.

9 P a g e 9 Eggs are laid from April to May onwards with two or three being the usual number. The eggs take about three to four weeks to hatch so the first chicks are generally seen about the beginning of June. The chicks grow quickly and are quite active and often fall from the nest. In towns this almost certainly means they cannot return to the nest. Small chicks will die unless returned but larger chicks will be protected and fed by their parents on the ground. Parent birds protecting fallen chicks are the ones which dive and swoop on people and animals, who often do not know the chick is down on the ground. Chicks generally fledge in August and then take three or four years to reach maturity and breed. The life expectancy of a Gull which reaches maturity is about 20 years. Gulls will tend to return to the same nesting site and unless action is taken to proof a building, problems associated with these birds may recur annually. What Can I Do The best time to undertake any deterrent work is outside of the nesting season All owners/occupiers of buildings which have, or may attract, roof nesting Gulls are strongly urged to provide the building with deterrent measures suitable to the individual building. The principal methods of deterrence are: Fitting of long spikes to nesting locations such as chimney stacks. Fitting of short spikes, contained in a special plastic base, to nesting locations such as dormer rooves. Fitting of wires or nets to prevent Gulls landing. Because of the problems of fixing and the danger of trapping birds in or under nets should always be done by, competent specialist. Disturbance of Nesting Sites including removal of eggs can be a useful way of deterring gulls from nesting. Where access to flat rooves are easily and safely obtained, it is worth checking these from mid-march onwards. Any nesting materials gathered by Gulls can be cleared away regularly. It is worth rechecking the nesting site weekly until the middle of June to make sure that if birds return the site is again cleared. If access to rooves are difficult, Private Pest Control Companies will provide this service and may also offer advice on proofing at the same time as the nests and eggs are cleared. Pigeons Why are Pigeons a Problem? Cause damage Carry insect pests Leave droppings which carry disease, create smell, cause damage How can you help? By not feeding the pigeons By disposing of food waste properly

10 P a g e 10 What will happen to the pigeons if I stop feeding? They will find their own food naturally They will breed less often Flocks will become smaller Pigeons are drawn to an area when people put out food for them. What could be more natural than feeding the pigeons? Some of us were encouraged to do so when we were children. However, people who own or live in buildings where the birds choose to roost and who have to clean up after them, may not like the pigeons. Clearing up pigeon droppings can be very expensive. Droppings can also damage property, block gutters and make pavements slippery. Pigeons can carry diseases, which puts our health and our children s health at risk. They cause problems with insect pests and food put out for pigeons can attract vermin such as rats and mice. Pigeons are natural scavengers and will find their own food source. The size of a flock is determined by the amount of food available to them. The more we feed them the more the numbers will increase. However if the food supply is reduced, the flock will also reduce. They will not die of starvation; they will simply breed less often. Pigeons are wildlife. They are not domesticated and they are not dependant on us to feed them. Your act of kindness in feeding the pigeons may result in the birds becoming a problem for someone else. When there are large numbers of pigeons present there is more chance that they will need to be controlled. Squirrels Grey squirrels are found in a wide range of situations, from urban parks and gardens to rural woodland. They spend part of their time foraging on the ground but are always within easy reach of trees. Grey squirrels do not hibernate but are less active during periods of cold weather. Food eaten includes acorns, nuts, fruit and bulbs. Their nests (dreys) are normally built in trees but they may also breed in roof spaces where they use loft insulation or other available materials. There are usually two litters each year, the first between February and March and the second between June and July. The average litter size is three to four and the young are independent at about three months old.

11 P a g e 11 Squirrel Nuisance Although many people regard squirrels as an attractive part of urban wildlife, they can be a nuisance when they cause damage in gardens. More serious problems may be experienced when squirrels find their way into lofts and roof voids where quite apart from the disturbance caused by their nocturnal activities, gnawing structural timber, fouling insulation material and the gnawing of electric cables can occur. If the first problem experienced is one of noises in the loft and if no squirrels have been seen then the noise could possibly be due to birds, rats or mice. An inspection of the loft to look for evidence such as droppings or nesting material may help to determine the cause of the noise. Proofing If squirrels have definitely taken up occupancy in a loft then measures should be taken to exclude them. The first thing is to determine where the squirrels are gaining access. This will involve careful observation or even arranging for someone to stand outside the property while someone else enters the loft and makes enough noise to scare the squirrels out. The person standing outside will hopefully see where the squirrels emerge. Any access points must be sealed or proofed to prevent squirrels getting back in. Where squirrels have gained entry via defective brickwork this should be made good with sand and cement. Crushed wire netting, metal sheeting or other suitable materials can also be used to block entry points. If the work involves re-instating timber e.g. fascia board, suitable thin-gauged galvanised metal may have to be fixed over the top of it to stop the squirrels gnawing the timber. Make sure that there are no squirrels trapped inside when the proofing is carried out. If this work is beyond the capacity of DIY, then local builders may have to be approached to undertake the necessary work and several quotes may have to be obtained. Trees near or overhanging the house provide convenient highways. In some situations judicious pruning will cut off routes but always check that there are no tree preservation orders in force. Control Measures If proofing is not successful or practical then it may be possible to control grey squirrels in other ways using traps or poison bait. These methods are strictly controlled by legislation. The services of a professional pest control company specialising in this type of work are therefore recommended.

12 P a g e 12 Woodlice Where Do They Come From You normally find woodlice outside where they can hide during the day in cool, dark and damp places - under stones and flower pots, in crevices, amongst dead and rotting vegetation etc. Why Do They Come Indoors Woodlice come indoors mainly during the winter and early spring, usually searching for protection from the onset of cold weather. They do not breed indoors, but there may be a colony of woodlice near an entrance to the house. Once woodlice find their way indoors, particularly in warm dry rooms, they will die from water loss within a day or so. They may survive, however, under sink units in kitchens and bathrooms for some days, or even longer, particularly if they have access to food debris. Do They Do Any Harm Woodlice are harmless, and despite their name, do not damage wood. As described above, a small amount of harm may be caused to young foliage. If disturbed, woodlice are particularly known to curl up into a ball. How Can I Get Rid Of Them Sealing entry points (draught excluders around doors and windows, for example) can be tried, together with removing of other potential shelters near to the house flower pots etc. Alternatively, by warming up parts of the house where woodlice have been found should help. Appling insecticide spray or dust to crevices or opening where woodlice may be hiding, or to damp areas which cannot be properly dried, may help. This will discourage their presence. Safety If insecticides are used you should follow the instructions carefully. Always take great care when using insecticides. Do not use spray insecticides while children are in the room. Cover fish tanks when using sprays. Wash hands immediately after use. Useful links: Control/DG_ general guidance - identify different types of pests/animals 09/11

We have put together the following guidance on the different kinds of pests that we treat.

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