Gladstone Primary School. Gladstone Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF62 8NA

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1 Inspection under Section 10 of the Schools Inspections Act 1996 Gladstone Primary School Gladstone Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF62 8NA School Number: 673/2118 Date of Inspection: October 2004 Under Estyn contract number: T/69/04P By Michael T. Ridout W180/78730

2 Crown Copyright 2004 This Report may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial educational purposes, provided that all extracts quoted are reproduced verbatim without adaptation and the source and date thereof are stated. Copies of this report are available from the school. Under the School Inspections Act 1996, the school must provide copies of the report free of charge to certain categories of people. A charge not exceeding the cost of reproduction may be made to others requesting a copy of the report. 2

3 Gladstone Primary School was inspected as part of a national programme of school inspection. The purpose is to identify good features and shortcomings in schools in order that they may improve the quality of education offered and raise the standards achieved by their pupils. The inspection of all schools within a sixyear cycle is also designed to give parents more information about their child s school. A copy of the summary is sent to every family with a child at the school. The full report can be obtained from the school. The school was inspected under new arrangements which include: The use of a new inspection framework; An emphasis on the school s own evaluation of it s work; and A representative of the schools staff, in this case the headteacher, who worked with the inspection team as a nominee. Before the inspection, governors and staff produced a self-evaluation report that included their judgements on the work of the school. Inspectors used this report to choose areas to examine in order to confirm the accuracy of the school s judgements. The inspection of Gladstone Primary School took place between 18 th and 21 st October An independent team of inspectors, led by Mr Michael T. Ridout undertook the inspection. Estyn, a statutory body independent of, but funded by, the National Assembly for Wales, commissioned the inspection. The team was required to report on the standards achieved by pupils, the quality of education provided by the school, the quality of leadership and management and the contribution made by the school to its pupils spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. The summary report may be reproduced for noncommercial educational purposes but only as a whole and provided it is reproduced verbatim without adaptation and the source and date thereof are stated. The five-point scale used to represent all inspection judgements in this report is as follows: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 good with outstanding features good features and no important shortcomings good features outweigh shortcomings some good features, but shortcomings in important areas many important shortcomings 3

4 The governing body is responsible for amending its current development plan to incorporate action in response to the recommendations within 45 working days of receiving this report, showing what the school is going to do about the recommendations. This plan, or a summary of it, will be circulated to all parents at the school. Year groups and key stages Schools use a common system of numbering year groups from the start of compulsory schooling to 18 years age. This system emphasises the importance of continuity and eases communication among schools, governing bodies, parents and LEAs. The term Reception (R) refers to the year group of pupils in a primary school who attain the age of 5 during the academic year. Year 1 refers to the year group of pupils who attain the age of 6 during the academic year and so on. Year 13 is the year group of students who attain the age of 18 during the academic year. Primary phase: Year R Y 1 Y 2 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 Y 6 Ages Secondary phase: Year Y 7 Y 8 Y 9 Y 10 Y 11 Y 12 Y 13 Ages The national curriculum covers four key stages as follows: Key stage 1 Year 1 and Year 2 Key stage 2 Year 3 to Year 6 Key stage 3 Year 7 to Year 9 Key stage 4 Year 10 and Year 11 4

5 Contents Page Context 6 Summary 7 Recommendations 11 Standards 12 Key question 1: How well do learners achieve? 12 The quality of education and training 14 Key question 2: How effective are teaching, training and assessment? 14 Key question 3: How well do the learning experiences meet the needs and interests of learners and the wider community? 16 Key question 4: How well are learners cared for, guided and supported? 18 Leadership and management 20 Key question 5: Key question 6: Key question 7: How effective are leadership and strategic management? How well do leaders and managers evaluate and improve quality and standards? How efficient are leaders and managers in using resources? Standards achieved in subjects and areas of learning 24 English 24 Mathematics 25 Welsh second language 26 Design and technology 27 Geography 28 Physical Education 29 Appendices 31 A School's response to the inspection 31 B Basic information about the school 32 C School data and indicators 32 D National Curriculum assessments results 33 E Evidence base of the inspection 35 F Composition and responsibilities of the inspection team 36 5

6 Context The nature of the provider 1. Gladstone Primary is a community school, catering for boys and girls aged from three to eleven years. The school is organised in 15 classes, including a part time nursery and two full time reception classes catering for children under five. In total, there are 391 full time equivalent pupils on roll. The school employs 17 full-time and one part-time teacher (17.5 full-time equivalent). Fifteen, mostly part time, assistants support the teaching. This includes a qualified Nursery Nurse who works in the nursery class. 2. The school is situated in the seaside town of Barry. The neighbourhood it serves includes a variety of mostly well established housing. The school states that the local area has a high rate of unemployment and confirms a number of families have disadvantaged circumstances. About one fifth of pupils (20%) are entitled to free school meals. This is above national and well above local figures. There are a small number of pupils from ethnic minorities and for some pupils English is not their first language. No pupils come from homes where Welsh is the first language. English is the predominant language and the school teaches Welsh as a second language. 3. The school receives pupils from the full range of abilities. Assessments indicate a significant minority of pupils have under-developed skills, particularly in literacy. Around 24% of pupils have special educational needs (SEN). This is in line with the proportion found in many similar schools. Seven pupils have a statement of SEN. 4. The school was previously inspected in March The number on roll today is about 25 less than in A relatively small number of pupils join or leave the school during the academic year. The school s priorities and targets 5. The work of the school is built around the motto, Together everyone achieves more. The school mission statement is, At Gladstone School we endeavour to create a caring happy community where each person develops positive self esteem and fulfils his/her potential in all areas of school life. A statement of school aims is published in the prospectus. 6. Appropriate targets are set for end-of-key-stage attainment. The school development plan (SDP) includes four main priority areas for improvement: To raise standards in Literacy; To continue to raise standards in Mathematics; To develop the environment to enhance delivery of the Desirable Outcomes and the National Curriculum; To develop assessment strategies and procedures. 6

7 Summary 7. This is a successful school where pupils achieve well and thrive as young citizens. Its provision includes some outstanding features but above all the school has an ethos of care and high expectation that so clearly reflect its motto. Table of grades awarded Key question Inspection grade 1 How well do learners achieve? 2 2 How effective are teaching, training and assessment? 2 3 How well do the learning experiences meet the needs and interests of learners and the wider community? 4 How well are learners cared for, guided and supported? 5 How effective are leadership and strategic management? 6 How well do leaders and managers evaluate and improve quality and standards? 7 How efficient are leaders and managers in using resources? Standards 8. The overall quality of the educational provision for the under-fives is appropriate to their needs and children make good progress towards the Desirable Outcomes for Children s Learning. 9. Children under five make good progress in the key skills of literacy, numeracy and information and communications technology (ICT). Subject Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 English 2 2 Mathematics 2 2 Welsh second language 2 3 Design and technology 2 2 Geography 2 3 Physical Education In sixty-four lessons or parts of lessons standards of achievement were judged: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 8% 67% 25%

8 11. In English, mathematics, design and technology and physical education pupils achieve well in both key stages. A significant minority begin from a low base in literacy and numeracy skills. 12. Standards are good in KS1 in Welsh second language and geography. In KS2, some aspects of pupils knowledge in these subjects are not always fully developed. 13. The significant numbers of slow learners, including those with SEN, make sound progress in relation to age and ability. The school has identified the need to improve further the standards achieved by able pupils. 14. Across both key stages the extent to which pupils acquire and use basic and key skills is variable. Steady progress is most evident in reading and the majority listen very well. However, opportunities for developing speaking, writing, numeracy and ICT skills lack consistency and this slows overall progress. 15. Pupils are generally well supported in developing bi-lingual competence. 16. Taken overall, pupils achieve similar levels of success whatever their social, ethnic or linguistic background. 17. At the time of the previous inspection in 1998, the results of NC assessments were above the Welsh average in KS1 and below in KS2. Levels attained remain good in KS1 and in KS2 there is a strong trend of improvement. In 2004, the proportion of pupils attaining expected levels in the three core subjects was well above national averages in KS1 and above in KS Most pupils attend school regularly and are punctual. However, although the school regularly reminds parents of the need for regular and punctual attendance, a significant minority of pupils frequently arrive late at the start of the day. 19. A range of well co-ordinated opportunities successfully promotes pupils spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Pupils show good development in their personal and social skills. Relationships are very good. Pupils develop mature attitudes and demonstrate high degrees of self-discipline. 20. Pupils attitudes to learning are good. They steadily acquire knowledge and skills but their capacity to develop ideas and increase knowledge and understanding with a measure of independence is under-developed. 21. Pupils are very well behaved overall. The significant minority who sometimes present challenging behaviour are managed well and are not allowed to disrupt their peers. 22. All pupils, irrespective of race, gender, or social background work and play well together. 8

9 23. Pupils learn the responsibilities of citizenship and extend this through projects that help them understand their community, the world of work, and develop their appreciation of diversity in society. The quality of education and training 24. In seventy-four lessons or parts of lessons teaching was judged: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 14% 72% 14% 25. A very strong feature of teaching is the consistent and skilful management of pupils. Teachers successfully foster a positive climate for learning and encourage pupils to achieve well. 26. The majority of lessons are well structured, teachers have good subject knowledge and use a good variety of teaching strategies to help pupils succeed with their learning. The effective use of support staff and learning resources are significant features in many lessons. 27. In some lessons, however, planning does not sufficiently develop the learning objectives, ensure the development of basic and key skills or build sufficiently on focused evaluations. 28. There are well established procedures for assessing and monitoring pupils progress, particularly in English and mathematics. The quality of the oral and written feedback given to the pupils is good. 29. Parents and carers are regularly informed about the progress made by their children. The annual written reports to parents are of good quality. 30. The school effectively provides pupils equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum. Pupils enjoy a diversity of learning opportunities well matched to their needs. 31. There is good emphasis on English and mathematics but although pupils are taught basic and key skills, this aspect of planning lacks consistency. 32. The additional learning needs of all pupils are successfully met within an ethos of inclusion. This is a particular strength of the school. 33. An outstanding range of extra-curricular activities enriches the curriculum. 34. Pupils awareness of the need for conservation and sustainable development are very well developed through a range of initiatives including the Eco schools programme. 35. The quality of partnership with parents, community and other schools and colleges is good. 9

10 36. There is a strong emphasis on promoting a Welsh ethos and nurturing pupils appreciation of Welsh heritage and culture. 37. Pupils are cared for, guided and supported particularly well in a very supportive and happy environment. This provision is an outstanding feature. 38. The personal and social education programme is very effective. In particular, it provides a number of health promoting activities for the pupils. Leadership and management 39. The school is very well led and managed. Significant improvements have been achieved since the last inspection in There is an excellent climate for learning that ensures equal opportunities and promotes pupils individual qualities particularly well. This is an outstanding feature of the school. 41. Another particular feature is the opportunity provided for staff to enhance their professional development and to improve the quality of provision. 42. The governing body (GB) is well aware of its duties and responsibilities and plays an integral role in helping to set the strategic direction of the school. 43. The school collates a great deal of useful performance data but this is not always used to full effect in promoting particular whole-school priorities. 44. There are well established self-evaluation arrangements. The outcomes of monitoring are used well to inform the school development plan (SDP) although the focus of monitoring is not always tied closely enough to the main whole-school priorities. 45. The findings of inspection team match the judgements made by the school in its self-evaluation report in all but one of the key questions. This outcome reflects well the rigour of the school s self-evaluation procedures. 46. The school is particularly successful in recruiting and developing a talented and enthusiastic staff. The quality and quantity of learning resources are good and overall, the accommodation is adequate for the number of pupils on roll. 47. Taken overall, efficient and effective use is made of all resources. Careful planning ensures expenditure provides good value for money. 10

11 Recommendations 48. To raise standards further and improve the quality of education, it is recommended that the school should build on the priorities already identified in the school development plan, placing particular emphasis on: continuing to raise levels of achievement in literacy and numeracy through ensuring the consistent planning and development of basic and key skills across subjects; enhancing further standards of achievement in Welsh second language and geography in KS2; building on existing best practice, such as the use of focused evaluations, to improve the consistency of lesson planning; disseminating effective strategies to enable pupils to increase their knowledge and skills with a greater measure of independence; focusing monitoring strategies, even more closely, on the main whole-school priorities. The governing body is responsible for amending its current development plan to incorporate action in response to the recommendations within 45 working days of receiving the report, showing what the school is going to do about the recommendations. This plan, or a summary of it, will be circulated to all parents at the school. 11

12 Standards Key question 1: How well do learners achieve? Grade 2: Good features and no important shortcomings 49. The findings of inspection team match the judgement made by the school in its self-evaluation report. 50. In sixty-four lessons or parts of lessons, mainly in the six subjects inspected, standards of achievement were judged: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 8% 67% 25% 51. The overall quality of the educational provision for the under-fives is appropriate to their needs and children make good progress towards the Desirable Outcomes for Children s Learning. 52. Children under five make good progress in the key skills of literacy, numeracy and information and communications technology (ICT). 53. In English and mathematics pupils achieve well in both key stages. A significant minority begin from a low base in literacy and numeracy skills. The school sets individual pupil targets in English and mathematics and is beginning to involve pupils appropriately in peer assessment. These initiatives have a positive impact on standards. 54. In design and technology, and physical education pupils achieve well in both key stages. In KS1, standards are good in Welsh second language and geography. In KS2, some aspects of pupils knowledge and understanding in these subjects are not always fully developed. For example, the skills of research and enquiry in geography and reading and writing in Welsh. 55. The significant numbers of slow learners, including those with SEN, make sound progress in relation to age and ability. They benefit from a good range of support and intervention strategies. 56. Good achievement and progress are most evident in lessons where pupils understand what they are learning and are guided to build on their prior knowledge. Pupils achieve less success where the learning experiences lack sufficient relevance and challenge. 57. Across both key stages the extent to which pupils acquire and use basic and key skills is variable. Steady progress is most evident in reading and the majority listen very well. However, structured opportunities across the curriculum for developing speaking, research, numeracy and ICT skills lack consistency and this slows overall progress. In particular, some good opportunities for using writing and numeracy remain under-developed. 12

13 58. Able pupils demonstrate confidence in using thinking strategies, such as in numeracy, and produce well-crafted pieces of extended writing in English. In general, pupils make sound progress in acquiring basic information and communications technology (ICT) skills. The pupils observed using computers followed instructions on screen to achieve particular effects well. 59. In general, pupils are well supported in developing bi-lingual competence. Pupils respond enthusiastically in both key stages although there is greater consistency in KS Taken overall, pupils achieve similar levels of success whatever their social, ethnic or linguistic background. 61. At the time of the previous inspection in 1998, the results of NC assessments were above the Welsh average in KS1 and below in KS2. Levels attained remain good in KS1 and in KS2 there is a strong trend of improvement. 62. In KS1, the most recent results for 2004 confirm that performance is above national figures in English (speaking and listening, reading and writing) and also in mathematics and science. In comparison with similar schools having between 17 and 20% of pupils entitled to free school meals performance is above average. The proportion of pupils attaining expected levels in the three core subjects (88%) is well above average. 63. In KS2, the NC test results for 2004 are above national figures in English and science and just below average in mathematics. In comparison with similar schools results are well above average in English and science and just above average in mathematics. The proportion of pupils attaining expected levels in the three core subjects (75%) is above average. 64. The school successfully exceeds its end of key stage targets in both key stages. It has identified differences in the performance of boys and girls and is developing strategies to boost further the attainment of able pupils. 65. Pupils attitudes to learning, the interest they show in their work and their ability to sustain concentration are good features. The vast majority work hard in lessons and show enthusiasm for their work. However a significant minority present teachers with challenging behaviour. They are managed positively and are not allowed to disrupt their peers. 66. Pupils are very well behaved overall. They understand what is expected of them and are considerate and courteous to each other, to staff, and to visitors. Pupils move sensibly in and around the school. Older pupils behave maturely and are sensitive to the needs of the younger ones. For example, Y6 pupils are trained Reading Buddies and effectively support their Y2 partners. Pupils contribute well to the School Watch Committee and run the Playground Pals scheme conscientiously. They take their responsibilities seriously, showing great commitment to their roles. 13

14 67. The average rate of attendance for the three terms prior to the inspection was 93%. Most pupils attend school regularly and are punctual. However, although the school regularly reminds parents of the need of regular punctual attendance, a small number of families take holidays in term time and a significant minority frequently arrive late at the start of the day. As a result, pupils miss important introductions to lessons; this has an adverse effect on their education. 68. Although pupils steadily acquire knowledge and skills their capacity to develop ideas and increase knowledge and understanding with a measure of independence is under-developed. In some classes, pupils are developing greater understanding of how to improve their work. 69. Pupils show good development in their personal and social skills. The school provides very effective personal and social education that helps create a good learning ethos and enhances pupils self esteem. Relationships are very good. Pupils develop mature attitudes and demonstrate high degrees of self-discipline. When asked, pupils say there is no bullying ; they understand that bullying is unacceptable behaviour and are confident any misbehaviour reported to an adult in school will be dealt with immediately. 70. All pupils, irrespective of race, gender, or social background work and play well together. They demonstrate good awareness of equal opportunities and diversity in the context of their own school. They thoughtfully value and care for each other and the world around them. 71. Pupils develop a strong sense of citizenship within the school community and extend this through taking part in community projects such as dance festivals, the annual Beach Watch and the Open Studio Project that helps them to understand their community, the culture of Wales and the world of work. Pupils awareness of the wider community is enhanced further through links with a Welsh medium school in West Wales and a school in Australia. 14

15 The quality of education and training Key question 2: How effective are teaching, training and assessment? Grade 2: Good features and no important shortcomings 72. The findings of inspection team match the judgement made by the school in its self-evaluation report. 73. In seventy-four lessons or parts of lessons teaching was judged: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 14% 72% 14% 74. A very strong feature of teaching is the consistent and skilful management of pupils, especially the minority in most classes who sometimes present challenging behaviour. Teachers have very good working relationships with pupils and successfully foster a positive climate for learning and encourage pupils to achieve high standards in most lessons. 75. Teachers have good subject knowledge and taken overall have a sound knowledge of best practice in most subjects. This was particularly evident in a lively and productive English lesson in KS1. Meticulous planning and clear explanations were linked closely to a shared text. Pupils enjoyed a sense of fun when discussing the story and quickly learned how to write interesting descriptive sentences. An excellent feature was the adaptation of learning materials and tasks to match individual pupils needs. This helped ensure very good progress for all. 76. The majority of lessons are well structured and introductions explain the learning intentions clearly to pupils. In the most effective lessons short-term plans are adjusted and modified in the light of classroom practice and the teachers evaluations. However, there is variation in the presentation, content and quality of day-to-day lesson planning. 77. In some lessons, planning does not sufficiently develop the learning objectives or ensure the development of key skills. This sometimes results in less effective use of resources and a slow pace to learning. For example, in KS2 opportunities are not always taken to develop pupils thinking, investigative and key skills in subjects such as geography. Furthermore, in some other lessons tasks using ICT are not always closely linked to the lesson content. 78. Taken overall, teachers use a good variety of teaching strategies to help pupils succeed with their learning. The effective use of support staff and learning resources are significant features in many lessons. Such lessons engage pupils fully in the learning. 15

16 79. Teaching successfully promotes equality of opportunity through an ethos of inclusion. Numerous examples of group and partnered work were observed, often with boys and girls working well collaboratively. In particular, teaching skilfully uses questioning to ensure as many pupils as possible contribute to lessons and the most effective teaching identifies meaningful differentiated tasks in planning. 80. In most lessons teachers manage support staff effectively; this enables them to make a significant contribution to teaching, particularly for pupils with SEN. The SENCo provides high quality teaching and support. These sessions are sensitively managed. The school has plans to enhance its provision for gifted and talented pupils. 81. In many lessons opportunities are taken to reinforce pupils bi-lingual skills through the regular use of greetings and commands in Welsh. However, these aspects are rarely planned systematically to ensure that the pupils skills are progressively developed. 82. There are well established procedures for monitoring pupils progress, particularly in English and mathematics. These include the use of standardised tests and a variety of teacher assessments. Procedures comply with statutory requirements. 83. Recently updated whole-school assessment systems helpfully track pupils progress over time and provide comprehensive information on a wide range of skills in the core subjects. In the best practice, this information is used productively when planning work. The moderation of pupils work by the staff and the compilation of portfolios of annotated and levelled work enable teachers to assess NC levels accurately, even though some of the evidence is in need of updating. 84. In the best examples of planning, day-to-day assessments related to the learning objectives are recorded and subsequent planning is amended to ensure progress is maintained. The quality of the oral and written feedback given to the pupils is good and reflects the requirements of the school s marking policy. In a few cases the use of marking is excellent. 85. The school is developing strategies such as peer assessment and individual target setting. These were particularly evident in a Y5 class where pupils were reminded of their targets, the purpose of the lesson, and then fully involved in constructive assessment of their own and others work. In many lessons across the school pupils are given a clear understanding of what they need to do next in order to improve. 86. Parents and carers are regularly informed about the progress made by their children. Annual written reports to parents are of good quality and meet statutory requirements. They celebrate pupils achievements and give parents helpful guidance in assisting their children to improve their work at home. 16

17 Key question 3: How well do the learning experiences meet the needs and interests of learners and the wider community? Grade 2: Good features and no important shortcomings 87. The findings of inspection team match the judgement made by the school in its self-evaluation report. 88. The school effectively provides pupils equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum that meets statutory requirements. The Early Years curriculum is well matched to children s needs and throughout both key stages, pupils enjoy a diversity of experiences and a range of learning opportunities well matched to their stage of development and particular learning needs. 89. The additional learning needs of all pupils are successfully met within an ethos of inclusion. This is a particular strength of the school. 90. Whole-school policies and detailed schemes of work are in place for all the required subjects and areas of learning. These provide effective guidance for teachers and ensure coherent progression and continuity in pupils learning. 91. There is good emphasis on English and mathematics but although pupils are enabled to apply, consolidate and refine basic and key skills through a range of learning experiences, this aspect of planning lacks consistency. Although schemes of work identify opportunities to promote basic and key skills, a whole-school approach to the identification of specific activities in lessons and ensuring systematic progression in the development of basic and key skills across subjects is not yet secure. 92. An outstanding range of extra-curricular activities enriches the curriculum. This provision is a distinctive feature of the school. Pupils enjoy and benefit from a very good programme of cultural and sporting activities. Through the commitment of staff and the enthusiastic participation of many pupils, these are pleasurable occasions and add a valuable dimension to pupils learning. Educational visits, including residential courses for older pupils, contributions made by adult volunteers, visiting artists and speakers and links with the community effectively extend the curriculum and contribute substantially to the educational standards achieved. 93. A range of well co-ordinated opportunities successfully promotes pupils spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Pupils are developing good skills in learning to exercise initiative and take responsibility for their actions. Older pupils show developing self-reliance and a sense of responsibility towards others in the thoughtful way they care for younger pupils and support them in reading initiatives, for example. This aspect of pupils learning is further consolidated in the School Watch Committee where pupils representatives appreciate the opportunity to discuss school issues. 17

18 94. Pupils personal and social skills are sympathetically promoted through a range of opportunities both during and after school. Pupils show good social skills. Their awareness of their responsibilities to the world in which they live and their perception of sustainable development are well developed and are addressed through a range of initiatives including the school Eco programme. 95. Acts of collective worship positively reinforce a sense of the school as a community and enable pupils to enhance their understanding of moral issues through contributing to well-organised assemblies. Pupils are encouraged to reflect and explore their own feelings through participation in moments of quiet contemplation, during assembly and circle time, although this was not strongly evident during the inspection. 96. The quality of partnership with parents, community and other schools and colleges is very good. Parents are well informed about the life and work of the school and showed their strong appreciation, in pre-inspection questionnaires and the pre-inspection meeting, of the standards achieved by their children and the positive values promoted by the school. 97. Educational visits and visitors from the community together with the school s involvement in national and local initiatives successfully help to raise pupils awareness of the world of work and strengthen the school s links with the community. 98. Pupils benefit from working with specialists such as sports coaches, and scientists in a multinational chemical plant. The school is also successful in commercially sponsored competitions. 99. There is a strong emphasis on promoting a Welsh ethos and nurturing pupils appreciation of Welsh heritage and culture. The provision to promote pupils bilingual skills is sound. This includes opportunities for pupils to respond to every day commands, phrases and questions in Welsh during many lessons and to speak and sing in Welsh during assemblies The school strongly promotes equal opportunities. Pupils, irrespective of their social background, gender, disability or ethnicity are positively included in all appropriate school activities The school grounds and local environment are used extensively to enhance the curriculum. These experiences successfully raise pupils awareness of sustainable development and environmental issues. Much good work has been done in this area to extend pupils learning through the well-designed conservation area and woodland walk Pupils awareness of conservation issues is enhanced further through their involvement in the annual Beach Watch initiative organised by a marine conservation society. 18

19 103. Older pupils use the skills and knowledge learnt through their visit to a stationery superstore to set up and run the school stationery business. This initiative is developing pupils entrepreneurial skills well The school attends well to national priorities for lifelong learning and community regeneration. It runs family literacy, numeracy and ICT courses as well as Keeping up with Children courses to enable parents to help their children with their learning. Pupils in turn see adults as life long learners. 19

20 Key question 4: How well are learners cared for, guided and supported? Grade 1: Good with outstanding features 105. The findings of inspection team match the judgement made by the school in its self-evaluation report Pupils are cared for, guided and supported particularly well in a very supportive and happy environment. The school has a very positive ethos, and works hard to make every pupil feel valued and included. This provision is an outstanding feature The school has a very positive partnership with parents and carers, and takes good account of their views. At the pre-inspection meeting, and in a questionnaire, parents and carers confirmed this. They expressed very positive views about the school and strong appreciation that the headteacher and staff are friendly and approachable When children first enter the school, well-considered induction arrangements help to ensure they settle in quickly. There are similarly effective arrangements when children move from early years to KS1 and from KS1 to KS2. Pupils in Y3, who had recently moved into KS2, confirmed this For pupils in Y6 there are well established transition links with the receiving High schools. These include visits, talks and assignments The school has a very effective personal and social education policy; the scheme of work is fully integrated into all aspects of the school s activities and takes good account of the Personal and Social Education Framework The school participates in a Healthy Schools Network and provides a number of health promoting activities for the pupils. There is a fruit tuck shop, each class has a water fountain, staff organise a wide range of clubs that promote healthy exercise, and pupils are positively encouraged to walk to school The school has achieved the prestigious SportsMarc Cymru and Healthy Schools Awards. These rightly endorse particularly outstanding features of the school s provision There are effective policies and procedures in place to monitor pupils punctuality, attendance, behaviour and performance. Teachers apply policies for behaviour management consistently. The adults in the school are positive role models for pupils and they remind them regularly to show courtesy and consideration for others Home school contracts are in place. The school works closely with the education welfare officer and follows the appropriate procedures in cases of exclusion. 20

21 115. The adults in the school are well aware of pupils with particular needs and are very knowledgeable about procedures in the event of accidents or emergencies, such as how to help pupils with identified allergic reactions. There is a comprehensive health and safety policy; risk assessments are systematic and all staff are alert to issues relating to the well-being of pupils There is an effective policy and sound procedures for child protection. The headteacher is the nominated person; the adults working with pupils are fully aware of their responsibilities and most have undertaken appropriate training in this area The school has well-organised and effective systems to identify any additional needs that a pupil might have. The SENCo manages the procedures and support programmes very well Early intervention strategies, particularly in literacy, are well targeted in KS1. The school has trained teaching and support staff that provide tutoring through the Catch Up literacy programme. The programme of withdrawal sessions and in class support is very well integrated across the school and has a positive impact on standards Almost a quarter of pupils are identified with special educational needs (SEN). Around two thirds are supported at the school action plus stage of the SEN Code of Practice and one third at the school action plus stage. Seven pupils have a statement of SEN. The school s policies and procedures are in line with the SEN Code of Practice Pupils with additional needs, including those with SEN, are well supported and the school makes good use of outside agencies when required. Pupils with SEN have detailed individual education plans, and those pupils needing extra support with their behaviour have well thought out individual behaviour plans. Parents and carers are included appropriately in the planning, monitoring and reviewing of support programmes Visually impaired pupils receive very good support, both in and outside the classroom. These pupils are fully integrated into the school, and make very good progress Specialist staff work closely with the teaching staff and ensure that work is well planned and suitably adapted The school has well-planned and documented procedures for dealing with race equality and equal opportunities, and all pupils are encouraged and enabled to take part in the activities provided by the school. Where issues arise they are dealt with in a sensitive manner The provision of circle time activities and the School Watch Committee gives the pupils a valuable opportunity to discuss and raise any concerns they have, and also to contribute to the management and improvement of the school environment. 21

22 Leadership and management Key question 5: How effective are leadership and strategic management? Grade 1: Good with outstanding features 124. The findings of inspection team differ from the school s self-evaluation in that the school judged this key question as Grade The school is very well led and managed. The headteacher and school management team provide clear direction and purpose for the work of the school. The strong emphasis on positive values within a whole-school approach ensures a commendable consistency in implementing the school s aims and objectives Well considered managerial arrangements, such as the organisation of staff into teams, promote effective communication and provide a good basis to foster greater understanding among the staff of whole school targets and priorities The school motto, mission statement and aims are very clearly reflected in the life and work of the school. There is an excellent climate for learning that ensures equal opportunities and promotes pupils individual qualities particularly well. This is an outstanding feature of the school Positive account is taken of local and national priorities. There is strong emphasis on raising standards and very good attention to promoting citizenship, a sense of community and raising awareness of sustainable development and environmental issues. The school has a constructive partnership with other schools and the LEA Through well established planning processes the school sets both realistic and challenging targets and goals. The improved performance in National Curriculum tests at the end of KS2 is evidence of the continuing focus on raising standards Managerial systems to support, develop and improve the performance of individual staff and department teams are effective. The school successfully implements performance management procedures in line with statutory requirements. This aspect is well managed A particular feature of the school is the opportunity provided for staff to enhance their professional development and to improve the quality of provision. The headteacher, with the assistance of senior staff, set a high priority on both formal and informal arrangements for staff appraisal and review. The issues raised are skilfully developed and every opportunity is taken to promote and disseminate best practice. 22

23 132. The governing body (GB) is well aware of its duties and responsibilities and plays an integral role in helping to set the strategic direction of the school. Governors are well informed by the headteacher and the system of link governors for aspects of the school s work is particularly effective The GB has secure arrangements in place to monitor the quality of provision and the standards achieved. Individual governors and committees scrutinise particular aspects of school life and good efforts are made to take account of the views of pupils, staff, parents and carers, and other agencies The GB conforms to statutory requirements. 23

24 Key question 6: How well do leaders and managers evaluate and improve quality and standards? Grade 2: Good features and no important shortcomings 135. The findings of inspection team match the judgement made by the school in its self-evaluation report The senior management team is well informed about the school s performance. The systematic analysis of internal and external assessment data takes account of comparative data and is used well to set challenging and measurable pupil targets in the core subjects of English, mathematics and science. The data is disseminated to class teachers There are well established self-evaluation arrangements. These include focused lesson observations, such as in the core subjects, and the monitoring of planning and pupils work. However, the focus of monitoring is not always tied closely enough to the main whole-school priorities The outcomes of monitoring, performance management initiatives undertaken by the staff, and the issues identified by subject co-ordinators are drawn together and used well to inform the planning and setting of priorities for the school development plan (SDP) Although the school collates a great deal of useful data, and other information, this is not always used fully and effectively to help staff understand their role in relation to particular whole-school priorities The most effective evaluation occurs when subject co-ordinators make a comprehensive audit of a subject, based on rigorous success criteria, that ensures close analysis of the standards achieved The school has well established procedures for reviewing the needs of the school and planning for improvement. Good account is taken of the views of pupils, staff and groups outside the school, including parents and representatives of the local community. Regular questionnaires for parents, community days, meetings with groups of pupils and the direct involvement of governors facilitate consultation well In particular, the school is justly proud of the contribution of pupils through the School Watch and Eco Committees in helping to improve the school environment Staff and governors are effectively involved in contributing to the SDP and the school s self-evaluation report. The quality of the self-evaluation report, produced before the inspection, is good; the findings clearly identify the school s strengths and highlight important areas for development. 24

25 144. The SDP is a comprehensive document that sets the priorities and actions required to develop standards and improve learning in the areas identified. It includes details of targeted expenditure, indicates key personnel and monitoring procedures and is flexible enough to accommodate new initiatives. However, some priorities, such as the promotion of key skills, lack a sufficiently sharp focus as they are submerged within subject initiatives and lack precise details of measurable success criteria and how they are to be developed The school has made good progress since the last inspection in This is clearly evidenced in its self-evaluation report. Its achievements include implementing effective strategies for managing pupils behaviour, raising overall standards, challenging more able pupils to achieve more, improving the pace and effectiveness of lessons and improving the overall quality of teaching. 25

26 Key question 7: How efficient are leaders and managers in using resources? Grade 2: Good features and no important shortcomings 146. The findings of inspection team match the judgement made by the school in its self-evaluation report The school is particularly successful in recruiting and developing a talented and enthusiastic staff. There are sufficient well-qualified and experienced teachers to meet the needs of pupils and the curriculum. The support staff provides a very good range of expertise in supporting pupils of all abilities and backgrounds The staff maintains a very positive learning environment for all pupils. The quality and quantity of learning resources are good and fully meet pupils needs. Subject leaders and the governing body regularly review the provision of learning resources. The school is responsive to individual needs and systematically ensures subject resources are used efficiently and kept up to date Overall, the accommodation is adequate for the number of pupils on roll. There is a lack of storage space and the cloakroom areas are small in both buildings. The two storey KS2 building and the separate first floor music room are unsuitable for pupils and adults with physical disabilities Although the buildings and site are very well cared for on a day-to-day basis there is long-term evidence of water penetration in both buildings. Damp patches close to electric light fittings, particularly in the KS1 building, are potential hazards There is a phased programme to replace the windows. All windows in the KS1 building have been updated but the majority of windows in KS2 are in a poor state The school makes best use of the accommodation available. The ground floor of the KS2 building is not available to the school. This accommodation is leased to a further education provider, meanwhile some classrooms, particularly in KS2, are too small for classes of up to thirty pupils. This is most evident during practical activities as the limited space restricts the range of pupils learning experiences Throughout the school attractive and informative displays in classrooms and shared areas celebrate pupils achievements and enhance the learning environment. 26

27 154. The attractive grounds and spacious playgrounds provide good facilities to promote pupils physical development. However, inadequate drainage of the playing field severely restricts its availability. A well-developed conservation area effectively promotes awareness of sustainable development and the Friendship Garden provides space for quiet activities during break times. This facility is well used by the pupils The recent provision of ICT equipment, including several interactive whiteboards and a transportable computer suite, increasingly supports pupils skills in ICT. The provision of staff training and the careful attention given to the use and deployment of these valuable resources are efficiently planned Taken overall, efficient and effective use is made of lesson time, money and human resources. Careful financial planning ensures resources match the school s needs and expenditure provides good value for money. The most recent auditors report confirms a good standard of financial control. 27

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