Student s Handbook. Professional Exchange Program IFMSA. Name of the Student: Nationality: Hospital: Department: Supervising doctor: Start date:

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1 SCOPE-Logbuch

2 Student s Handbook Professional Exchange Program IFMSA Name of the Student: Nationality: Hospital: Department: Supervising doctor: Start date: End date: Dear Student and Doctor, this student`s handbook is part of the official IFMSA documentation system. This handbook has to be filled in by the student, evaluated by the supervising doctor and acknowledged by the German Local Exchange Officer of your home university. Seite 2 SCOPE Logbuch in cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA)

3 Inhaltsverzeichnis Inhaltsverzeichnis Einführung Introduction to IFMSA Introduction to bvmd Introduction to SCOPE Academic Quality and the Student s handbook Letter to the Supervising Doctor Letter to the student 8- Global Health Learning Objectives Academic Quality Kit First Two weeks of medical clerkship: Mid Clerkship Appraisal Second Two weeks of medical clerkship: Checklist for Internal Medicine Checklist for Surgical Rotations Checklist for Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotations End of clerkship appraisal: Acknowledgments: Student s Notes: SCOPE Logbuch Seite 3 in Cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA)

4 1 - Einführung Liebe Studentin, lieber Student, es freut mich sehr, dich im Austauschprogramm der bvmd bzw. der IFMSA begrüßen zu dürfen. Du hast eine tolle Möglichkeit ergriffen, dein Medizinstudium, deine Sicht auf globale Gesundheit und dich von einer ganz anderen Seite kennenzulernen. Auslandspraktika sind sehr beliebt. Viele Studenten zögern nicht und verbringen viele Monate ihres Studiums im Ausland. Sie möchten eine andere Kultur kennenlernen, mehr über das Gesundheitssystem eines fremden Landes erfahren und Medizinstudenten aus anderen Ländern begegnen. Man gewinnt Eindrücke und lernt Dinge, die man in seiner gewohnten Umgebung vielleicht nicht unbedingt lernt. Außerdem kommt man anders zurück und schaut vielleicht differenzierter auf das eigene Studium bzw. Gesundheitssystem. Ein Austausch bietet sehr viele Möglichkeiten! Um das Beste aus einem Austausch heraus zu holen, gibt es dieses Students Handbook. Dieses Buch wurde von der internationalen Dachorganisation IFMSA entworfen und enthält unter anderem verschiedene Checklisten. Es wird dir helfen dich in einer fremden Kultur und anderem Gesundheitssystem zu Recht zu finden und soll dich in deinem klinischen Alltag begleiten. Dieses LOG-Buch gibt es schon seit mehreren Austauschsaisons und es hat sich sehr bewährt. Ich bedanke mich bei meinen Vorgängern: Eric Suero und Cajetan Lang für die Implementierung in Deutschland. Sowie Dominique Ouart und Carolin Fleischmann, die uns sehr bei der Arbeit und dem Layout unterstützt haben. Während der Austauschzeit gewinnt man oft so viele Eindrücke, sodass es oft schwer fällt alles zu ordnen und den Überblick zu behalten. Mit diesem Buch hast du die Möglichkeit deine Fortschritte zu dokumentieren und auszubauen. Du kannst mit deinem zuständigen Arzt über dein Praktikum reden, Fortschritte besprechen und Änderungen diskutieren. Ich wünsche dir einen tollen und unvergesslichen Austausch sowie eine lehrreiche Famulatur. Christoph Schäfer, Bundeskoordinatorin für Famulantenaustausch - Outgoings 2011/2012 i. A. der AG Famulantenaustausch der bvmd im Oktober 2013 Seite 4 SCOPE Logbuch in cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA)

5 2 - Introduction to IFMSA The International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA) is an independent, nongovernmental and non-political federation of medical students' associations throughout the world. IFMSA has 105 National Member Organizations from 95 countries on six continents and represents more than 1 million medical students worldwide. Among its activities are projects related to Public Health, HIV and AIDS, Human Rights and Peace, Medical Education and exchanges for medical students In May 1951 the IFMSA was founded and is run for and by medical students on a non-profit basis. It is officially recognized as a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) within the United Nations' and recognized by the World Health Organization and UNESCO as the International Forum for medical students. Furthermore the IFMSA has always focused on student mobility and exchange as well as conference and workshop organization. Additionally, the IFMSA also represents medical students' opinions about current health politic issues and composes resolutions and declarations on topics ranging from Medical Education to the Prevention of Nuclear War to Primary Health Care. 3 - Introduction to bvmd The German Medical Students Association(bvmd) is a non-profit student-run organization that represents medical students in Germany. Founded in 2004, it is a full National Member Organization (NMO) of the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA). The bvmd has grown to embrace more than 500 active medical students in its various standing committees. It is covering 36 Medical Schools in Germany. The bvmd aims through its different events and activities to introduce medical students to global health, humanitarian ideals and medical ethics. Furthermore, the bvmd aims to empower medical students and enables them to use their knowledge & capacities for the benefit of society and provide them with opportunities to broaden their social and cultural perspectives. 4 - Introduction to SCOPE The Standing Committee On Professional Exchange (SCOPE) was the first Standing Committee at IFMSA s foundation in Nowadays, 86 countries are involved in IFMSA-SCOPE and more than 8000 exchanges are being done. In all these countries, more than 1100 Medical schools and 770 IFMSA Local Committees are involved. This makes SCOPE the largest students-run exchange program in the world, having exchanged more than 232,000 medical students throughout its history. The Professional Exchange program offers students a unique educational and cultural experience in SCOPE Logbuch Seite 5 in Cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA)

6 addition to the regular medical curriculum. It also helps to broaden the students' understanding of medical and social conditions in different countries. We believe that today s doctor should be a culturally sensitive and educated person with a deep knowledge of the current health care challenges. SCOPE was born of the idea that medical students around the world should be, sensitive to the cultural differences and health care challenges, be them in their own country, or far away beyond their national frontiers. This continuation and cooperation can be assured through the clinical exchanges of medical students. This has been reflected in its mission statement: Promote cultural understanding and cooperation among medical students and all health professionals, through the facilitation of international students exchanges. The Professional Exchange program is an educational program offering clinical rotations to medical students abroad. The duration of election is four weeks. Clerkships are given in English or in the language of the host country. The exchange student has to show the adequate knowledge of English language or the native language of the host country. The clerkship is purely educational for the student and he/she will not receive a salary for it. During the elective the student will live with foreign medical students, he/she will deal with a different health care system and will learn from foreign tutors. Exchange students will meet a doctor at the desired department who will later act as a mentor and will supervise the student s elective at the hospital. Depending on the level of student's knowledge he/she can participate in daily health care delivery. The incoming student is offered a whole month clerkship at the hospital, as well as lodging and meals. Also, in an effort to encourage students to participate in the exchanges through reducing the costs of the exchanges, SCOPE has created a system where every outgoing student pays the fee of receiving a student in his place, directly to his NMO. As such, students from developing countries will pay a fee that is relative to their cost of living in their own countries. This fee will be later used by the NMO of that country to welcome the foreign student instead. To end, SCOPE emphasizes on building a highly trained medical student that is both culturally sensitive as well as aware of the health care challenges of our world. SCOPE is at the same time a cultural and educational opportunity, like no other, that broadens medical education beyond medical curriculums. For more information, visit the IFMSA homepage: Seite 6 SCOPE Logbuch in cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA)

7 5 - Academic Quality and the Student s handbook. The Standing Committee on Professional Exchange has decided to make Academic Quality (AQ) one of our top priorities and hence ensure that the academic aspect of SCOPE exchanges is recognised by all medical schools around the world. We feel that taking a logbook on exchange will help the hospital and the student ensure that the exchange meets a defined academic standard. On the first day of exchange, the logbook will be reviewed by the student s supervising doctor. The supervisor of the recipient country can make further recommendations on what the student should aim to achieve by the end of his/her clerkship. Furthermore, SCOPE is currently seeking further advice and approval of this logbook by the WHO. This Student s handbook is the first step in improving the Academic Quality of our exchanges. IFMSA strongly advices to: Participate in ward rounds, outpatient clinics, teaching sessions and surgeries. Present cases in different settings to enable them to demonstrate clinical knowledge Observe consultations and participate in patient clerking, history taking and physical examinations Attend clinical meetings Develop knowledge of patient safety issues Become aware of the expectations of the patient, to enhance their clinical communication skills and learn as much as possible about the doctor-patient partnership Sleiman Haddad Director On Professional Exchanges 08/09 SCOPE Logbuch Seite 7 in Cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA)

8 6- Letter to the Supervising Doctor Dear Doctor; we would like to thank you for participating in the largest student-run exchange program in the world. The exchange program of IFMSA is a non-profit and volunteer project run by students and for students. With over 8300 students traveling on exchanges per year, the SCOPE program represents a great opportunity for foreign and local students, as well as our faculties and health care institutions, to share medical knowledge in a professional context. It has always been one of the priorities of SCOPE to insure Academic Quality to its students, and your cooperation is a key to our success. While growing to cover even more faculties and countries around the world we are constantly improving our program. Most medical faculties nowadays give their outgoing exchange students academic credit after participating in the SCOPE program but we are now working hard on having all countries doing this. In order to receive academic credit for the Professional Exchanges we must secure the quality of the clerkships. Under that theme, SCOPE has introduced assessment tools for the clerkships that the student carries with him during his rotation. These include a detailed logbook, as well as a checklist and an evaluation to be filled by the supervising tutor. These were developed and are still being updated in close collaboration with many International healthcare professional's associations. This logbook is the first step towards a serious and responsible exchange from the student. We kindly ask you to: Meet with the student at the beginning to discuss expectations and goals of the clerkship Add to the logbook any tasks that you feel are important for the student to fulfill during their placement Meet with the student half way through the clerkship and at the end. Fill out the appraisal in the logbook too Sign the certificate of clerkship if the student has met with your expectations We hope that this clerkship will be a memorable experience for you as much as for our student. Thank you for your cooperation and we hope we will be up to your expectations. Seite 8 SCOPE Logbuch in cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA)

9 7- Letter to the student Dear Student; thank you for choosing IFMSA and SCOPE for your clerkship. We would like to draw your attention that you are participating in the largest student run exchange program. As such, most of the work done for your exchange is by other students who have volunteered time to help you have a memorable exchange opportunity. You will experience an excellent chance to discover a new health care system and a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends from around the world. However, we would like to draw your attention that this exchange is first and foremost an educational opportunity. As such, we urge you to act in consequence. You are requested to attend actively at least 80% of your rotation, have an active participation in the care of patients and fill this student s logbook seriously in order to get your Exchange Certificate. You will be requested to: Meet your supervising doctor on your first day to discuss expectations and goals of the clerkship Fill out the logbook Ensure that the supervisor does the mid and end of clerkship appraisal Ensure that you meet the expectations of supervising doctor in order to get the certificate of clerkship signed by the supervisor Fill out the Evaluation Form (EF) available at the IFMSA database ( at the end of the exchange Present the signed handbook and certificate to your local exchange officer when you return from you exchange Please write a report about your clerkship for the bvmd homepage SCOPE Logbuch Seite 9 in Cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA)

10 8- Global Health Learning Objectives Within SCOPE, we think the idea of Global Health Education is very important. We recommend that you take a bit of time to consider the objectives below and research some of the health issues that you host country faces and how this contrasts with your own country. 1. To know the primary health care concerns and basic epidemiology of the host country and how it differs from the home country. 2. To understand the structure of the healthcare system in the host country and how it is funded. 3. To have a knowledge of the medical education system in the host country. 4. To observe professional and doctor-patient relationships in the host country and compare them to the home country. 5. Identify and differences in public health regionally and nationally in the host country. Seite 10 SCOPE Logbuch in cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA)

11 9- Academic Quality Kit First Two weeks of medical clerkship: (example: taking the patient-history, clinical examination, wound treatment ) Date Learning Experience/Skill Signature or Initials of Doctor SCOPE Logbuch Seite 11 in Cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA)

12 Mid Clerkship Appraisal Instructions to supervising doctor: Please read through the logbook to assess what the student has achieved so far Discuss with the student certain cases or learning experiences that you feel are particularly interesting or important Give guidance on what you would like to see the student achieve over the 2nd half of exchange. If necessary, suggest a course of action or additional activities that you would like the student to achieve Supervisor s comments Supervisor s signature after two weeks of clerkship: Seite 12 SCOPE Logbuch in cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA)

13 Second Two weeks of medical clerkship: Date Learning Experience/Skill Signature or Initials of Doctor SCOPE Logbuch Seite 13 in Cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA)

14 Student s Reflection Record details of a case or experience that made an impact on you. Reflect on what you experienced and what you have learned from it all. Seite 14 SCOPE Logbuch in cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA)

15 Checklist for Internal Medicine Item Taking History/Anamnesis Physical examination Diagnosis/DD Treatment plan head & neck Chest Abdomen extremities Commenting on lab results Taking blood pressure Taking blood samples Perform & interpret ECG Prepare and i.v. give injections i.m. s.c. Interpretation X-rays CT MRI Sonography Bladder catheterization Operations Performance Observes Assists Does under Does supervision individually Comments SCOPE Logbuch Seite 15 in Cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA)

16 Checklist for Surgical Rotations Item Taking Anamnesis Physical examination Diagnosis/DD head & neck Chest Abdomen extremities Treatment and operation plan Commenting on lab results Informed consent Surgical hand washing and wearing sterile clothing Removing drainages Wound management Hygienic management Performance Observes Assists Does under Does supervision individually Comments Stitches/ Staples Making Removing Interpretation X-rays CT MRI Sonography Basics on using local anesthesia Bladder catheterization Operations Seite 16 SCOPE Logbuch in cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA)

17 Checklist for Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotations * Item Taking Anamnesis Physical examination - abdominal - pelvic (vaginal ± rectal) Diagnosis/DD gynaecologic al mid pregnancy late pregnancy gynaecologic al Treatment and operation plan Commenting on lab results Informed consent Surgical hand washing and wearing sterile clothing Use of laparoscopy endoscopy hysteroscopy Interpretation sonography (gynae) sonography (pregnancy) other imaging cardiotograp hy Antenatal care Performance Observes Assists Does under Does supervision individually Comments Management of labour and delivery Caesarean section Post partum care Breast feeding Contraception * Developed specifically by F.I.G.O. (Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d Obstétriques International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics) for IFMSA s Student s Handbook and Exchange Program. Special thanks to Professor Ian Fraser, FIGO President SCOPE Logbuch Seite 17 in Cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA)

18 End of clerkship appraisal: Instructions to supervising doctor: Please read through the logbook to assess whether the student has fulfilled expectations Discuss with the student certain cases or learning experiences that you feel are particularly interesting or important In order for the student to receive a certificate of clerkship, he/she must have at least met expectations. If the student has done so, please also sign the additional Certificate of Clerkship in order for the clerkship to be recognised. Please circle as appropriate Poor Sub-Standard Met Expectations Exceeded Expectations Excellent History taking Excellent Good Pass Fail Does not apply Physical examination Assessment of findings Plan of management Presentation and discussion of cases Acquisition of technical skills Fund of knowledge Comment of language Motivation Responsibility & dedication to patients Professional attitude & behavior Relation with colleagues & supervisors Seite 18 SCOPE Logbuch in cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA)

19 Supervisor s comments Name and signature of the Supervisor at end of clerkship SCOPE Logbuch Seite 19 in Cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA)

20 Acknowledgments: This Student s Handbook was first assembled in May 2009, with the great efforts of SCOPE s Academic Quality Coordinators: Laura Sommer Hansen (National Exchange Officer of IMCC; Denmark) Chris Phillips (National Exchange Officer of Medsin-UK; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Sleiman Haddad (IFMSA s International Director on Professional Exchange, Lebanon) Seite 20 SCOPE Logbuch in cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA)

21 Student s Notes: SCOPE Logbuch Seite 21 in Cooperation with International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA)

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