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2 SEMPER ISSUE 7 SEPTEMBER, 1990 CONTENTS FEAR & LOATHING INTHE CJC 4 COLLEGE REPRISAL 6 CAPED CRUSADER 8 CARTOONY ALLSPORTS 10 THE MYTH OF VSU 11 LETTERS 12 WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES FT MAKE? (Nor Afonissey thisrimebur Waj«e Goss) 14 BLUESTOCKING WEEK 16 TALL TALES ON ACADEMIC RIGHTS 17 POSTER -- the Partridge Family 18 BOGNOR THE BARBARIAN and the Lost Greengrocer of Vng^ 20.BOOK REVIEWS 22 MOVES & STUFF 23 WOTSON 24 PUB REVIEW 25 WINE 26 PREZ REPORT & UNION STUFF 27 ACTIVITIES & THINGS 28 IRA 29 DIFFERENT WOMEN DIFFERENT LIVES 30 WRVP RESIGNS/VSU Continued 31 SURVIVE OR DIE/STARS 32 PESTILENCE 33 MORE UNION THINGIES 34 BOY, HAVE WE GOT SOME POETRY FOR YOU THIS TIME 35 THE END 36 CREDITS EDITORS Diana Cassidy, Nik Douglas, Corina McKay. (Thanks to Nick Dent for his help as an editor in place of Nik Douglas lor two weeks). LAYOUT The Editors (yeah...see ya round Peler, and thanks for the'postcard, bastard). TYPESETTING Lou Larder (Mother to IDO!) Smartype, 29 Soudan St, Toowong, ADVERTISING Michael Lye PUBLISHER Jane Lye, President UQ Union The views expressed In this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editors, Staff, Contractors or Put)llstier. PLEASE NOTE The Semper offices are being renq and our number is tei You canringsemper during wo ADDRESS Semper, UQ Union, St Lucia, 4i 2BSEMP^fcmii)ER»Scttrif/i MVion. I'J'M)


4 <i\ i IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION m The all-party Parliamentary Criminal Jusfice Comniittee (thafs a mouthful and a half) held public hearings on refomiing the laws relating to homosexual «ts in early August this year. Ihey received neaify a thousand written submissions. Eighteen groups and individuols spoke, and only four were against decriminolising homosexual acts. The rest, mduding the Catholic ond Anglican churches, were in favour of making homosexual ads legal. lij Ji» ; ^ f'i^h'^ % m I?- is,'- m m. mxi m ii^iv mm hvy» \m mm Who was there? The medio, wilh fheir lights, comercs, sound technicians, pencils and lor the most port, good natured sell-importance. Toya de Wilde well known campoignef for gay rights who ran for state parlioment against Tony Bellino in Don 'Shady Lane' sold eleclorate Slerri serious men in sensible suits, nol looking leff, not looking right, presenling iheir cases agoinst law reform, only just restraining ihemselves from shouting out in their best TV-preacher voices, 'This is wrong!' Scottered, litlle groups o senior alizens oui lor o doy on Ihe lown who sot and wotched looking worried, end trying lo ovoid catching the eyes of the goy contingent. And Ihe gay contingent, mostly young ollhough there were some ow compolgners slill going strong in iheir sixties. And all of them concemed. Would their stale representatives vote to give ihem equality belore ihe low or leove them as criminals in their own bedrooms? And the Pcrliomentorians ihemselves, whol were they like off the ten inch screen? Bill Gunn trying to remoin cool on all topics, ond who showed o good knowledge of the AIDS epidemic, bst il oil when Wendy Edmunds started asking questions about oral sex beiween men. With his bright rod face in his honds he looked like o man oui of his depth. Robert Schwarlen, member for Rockhampton Norlh, looked bored, unollentive, underdressed, and kept carrying a cup ol tea oround with him Arlhur in Hitchhiker's Guide fo the Goloxy. Yel when he osked a question it wos usually one of the mosl incisive, often tripping up speakers who weren't awore of their own inconsistencies. Santo Sonforo, lounging end orroganl, whose question for almost every speoker wos - 'Whot success hove you hod in 'curing' homosexuality?' The representative from the Australian and New Zeolond College of Psychiotrists, probobly the most qualified to onswer, disappointed Sonto when he said there was nothing lo cure. And Peler Beattie, lrying lo be the ullimote diplomat, reossuring everyone thai ihe committee ot present hod no opinion on the matter, even when it was blolanlly obvious thai some hod olwoys had opinions on the metier, ond there wosn't much chance of changing them. The first performers on sloge were three earnest young men from ihe Queensland Association for Gay lew Reform (QAGLR). They presented o brood, comprehensive cose for law reform, leaving ihe more specific points of iheir argument to such groups as ihe Auslrolion and New Zealand College'of Psychiatrists, Queensland Psychologists for Social Justice, Queenslond AIDS Council (QAC), Queenslond Council for Civil liberties, end the various Christian groups who were pro low relorm. Rather than detail each individud group's submission I'll outline ihe topics that were presented by all. And for those who soy Semper would never print o Christian viewpoint of homosexuolily, I'll do ihot too, but you mighl be surprised in what you hear. THE ARGUMENTS FOR DECRIMINALISATION The fovourite quote of those in fovouf of decriminalizotion wos from Tony Fitzgerald's well known bestseller "The low should reflect social need, not moral repugnance,' (Fitzgerold Report, 1989, poge 186). It wos argued that since homosexual octs between consenting adults is a victimless aclivity there is no social need for a law to prosecute such aclivity. Needless to say, even if morols were to be refleded in the low, considering the diversity of opinion in society, homosexual octs would hove lo be decriminalised anyway. Why should the low only reflect the minor faction within the Christion foith ihat believes homosexual octs should be illegd? A recent survey done by the Bulletin, showed thot o moiorily of oil Queenslonders believed homosexual octs should not be crimes. So, continuing the orgument of 'the low should reflect socid need' there is a great need for low reform. The low as it stands institutionalises bigotry, which hos many negotive effects on members of this society. Sometimes ihis bigotry manifests itself in unprovoked violence, wrongful dismissd from employment, eviction, harossment within the family ond olher relotionshlps, even attempted exclusions from our University none ot which con be reported due to the present laws. Aporl from being a gross infringement of civil rights this hos a negotive effect on the self-esteem of homosexuals in this communily. This con monifesl itself in o higher suicide role, stress, poor psychdogicol odjustmenl, and poor response to AIDS education programmes, Thus much of the effect ot the lows is indirect. There are very few actual prosecutions yet there ore some. In fact one in the courts ot the time of the public hearings wos where o person was being prosecuted for heterosexual sodomy, Usuolly any prosecution thot comes about under these lows only does so when someone is being invesligoled concerning other circumstances, and the police hoppen to come across evidence of olher 'crimes', Wendy Edmunds, member for Ml Coottho, osked the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) ihol if the prosecution rote was so bw, why nol just leave the low os it stands? Aside from the socid effects mentioned obove, the DPP replied ihot if o law was unenforceable ond unenforced it then made a mockery of the lows of the Porliament. QAGLR hod mentioned before that the present low contributed to o bod relotionship between the homosexuol community ond police, the bad feelings being on both sides. Thus if the governmeni, ils lows ond the police ore to be respected, law reform should go ihrough. Anoiher important oreo menlioned briefly above is the AIDS epidemic. Experts in the oreo showed how the present lovrt in Queenslond do a lol to stop the effective education of vorious high-risk groups towords reducing the spread of AIDS. Apart from driving homosexual octivily underground ond thus making il inaccessible to educolors, the laws also reduce the self-esteem of many homosexuols, thus they view their sexudily in a poor light ond are unlikely to lake positive action to safeguard themselves from AIDS, Also due to the bigotry orising from the lows, ond the feor of prosecution, many men who hove sex with men, do nol identify with the goy communily, thus not thinking of themselves os 'gay' and thus believing AIDS is nol o risk to ihem. Thus mony bisexual men, who moy be morried, ore putting ihemselves and their sexual porlners at risk. Now although the proportion of the community that is affected by the lows is not importani, as lo infringe the human rights of one person alone is bod enough, the aclud proportions ore much higher thon you moy expect. In the mid to lote 1940's in-depth interviews were carried out with 11,000 individual subjects concerning their sexual behoviour in ihe so cdled 'Kinsey studies'. If wos reported that 37% of men hed engoged in homosexual behoviour to orgasm os odults. In single men it was 50%, And 25% ol the mole sample soid il wos more ihon merely incidenid activity- 13% said they hod actually had more homosexud experiences thon heterosexud. This goes to show that homosexuality is nofhing out of the ordinory, and in fact is quite naturdly prevalent, just not tolked about. Thus the lows directly ond indirecify infringe the civil rights of a very large proportion of the community orxj threoten the hedth ol many Individuds. i ih^ iff^ii«s M CHRISTIANITY AND GAY LAW REFORM Beginning vn\h a secular viewpoint, Phillip Tohmindjis, QUT law lecturer, pointed out how the lows against homosexuol octs origindly stem from Jewish biblicd law. Yes, homosexuolity wos illegd then, but thol was because the Jews hod to propagate the species in hmes where fhe survivol rate was low and breeding was o priority. Thus moslurbofion, the sin of Onon, wos punisboble also. Spilling the seed was o waste of thot seed. Adultery wos also ogoinsl the low because the species should nol only propagate, il should be legitimate. Otherwise who would inherit? Yet neilher of ihese two sins ore now ogdnst the low. Why fhe present inconsistency? Il's interesting fe point out here that of ihose who wonted homosexuol acts to remoin ilegol, none wanted adultery ond mosturbofion to be illegd also. Those Christian groups who cdled for decriminolisotton of homosexud octs were the Cathdics, Anglicons, lulherons, Quokers, ond the Uniting Church, The Colhdtc church occepled thot the individud has no choice over her or his sexud preference, and ihot homosexual tendencies ore no! a diseose and ore present in o sizeoble proportion of the community. They dso sold thot the low should not unjustly enforce Christian ethics in a plurdisi society ond thus homosexuals should enjoy ihe some bosic humonrighlsas other individuds. Concern wos expressed over fhe myths and stereotypes connected with homosexuds ond it was said how ihey were untrue. On the aclud mord posilion of hotosexudily, the Cotholics could not be pinned down. One port of their wrilten submission sdd fhey did not want to condemn, onolher sdd they did not want to opprove, but then quolified ihol statement. This indecisiveness was reflected in their ord submission. Obviously the Cofhdic church hos much to debote and consider. The Anglicons, Quakers, and Uniting Church oil cdled for full equdily In front of the low, saying thot this wos o moral issue ond not o matter for the state. All of the djovemenlioned Chnslion groups ogreed ihot homosexuds could ploy o fulfilling port in o Christion communily.

5 THE ARGUMENTS AGAINST DECRIMINALISATION A large part of ihe onlilow reform Christian argument was righteous fundamentalist Chris'icn dogmo, or depending on your viewpoint, low, bigo'ed obuse. Thus homosexuolily according to o very low is worse than murder, an abomination, corrupt, equcl lo bestiality, o shomeful lust, condemned, contrary to sound teaching, an act of shunning god, a danger to society, the fomily ond children. It spreods disease, is unhed'hy, immorol, disgusting, criminal, wilfully sinful, demeoning, insulting, decadent, atlocks heterosexuality, causes poor psycho'ogicd hechh, is an offront to God, o judgement of God, o rebellion against God, affects your personol fronsformction under God's will end spirit causing you to bo leff out of the heavenly city of God... There was more than this but you get the general drift I'm sure, (Whatever hoppened to Jesus preaching love ond occopfancc? Thol's what they taught me in RE.) Most of what is listed above actually come from the mouth ol one man from the Presbyterian Church who spent a good half cn hour spewing such hatred. The Quakers spoke immediolely after him and said succinctly thol homosexuolity was morally no different from heterosexuality, ond ihe only threat to the fcmily was bigotry. Mer.y of the speakers offer the Presbyterians crgued 'hot h-omosexudity was not c disease, unncfurof bestial, o threat lo the fcmily unit, or even unchrislian. However the fundcmenfc'ists showed 'he:r Irue colours when tho representa'ive ol the Baptist ministry was questioned on 'he AIDS epdemic. He agreed that AIDS wos a serious issue and fhct the community should be oduco'ed cn the tope. Ho occepted the be",. /hon Peter Beat'ic nresented il to h'm, that dccriminc'istc'ion would mean ihat more ct-risk men would test for AIDS. Thi,; s'eps could bo tc^en 'o avccl spreading the disease once tested. However, in his opinion il was more impoi fan' to have the law romcin cs il is. rc'her ;hcn save 'he lives oi peop'e v^ho migh' not hove coughl the virus hod the person tliey caught il from beon 'esied and taken steps lo cvo'd ircnsmitting ii. fn olher v/ords this men woold rcther people die than hcve his 'mc-dify' feinted. Ono member ol fhe audience described these views as being those ol on iqnorc'i', hateful b'ac-l end no! a' ell Chrislion. A PREAMBLE TOTHE DECRIMINALISING AQ One option 'he CJC wcs considering was to decriminalise homosexual octs ond yet include c preamble ct ihe star) of (he c'ocnminalis ng Act, cuclifylng the decriminclisellon. Peter Seattle sfc'ed that a 'preamble is o matter ol some interest to the commii'ee'. This prewnble could tcke a number of forms such as sta'ing thol fhe Pcrlicmenl did not opprove of homosexuality, as they have done in Vyesiern Auslrclio, or of homosexuality, as fhey hove done in Western Auslrclio, or that fhe Porliomenl did not condone immoreliiy. os fhey hovo done In Victoria, or finally, that the Porliomenf believes that c!! people should be equal before the low. The Uniting Church, Anglican Church, Qi,eGn5'Gnd Council for Civil Liberties, Quakers, Austrdicn College ol Psychicfris's, Oueensland Association for Goy Lew Reform, Brisbane Youth Service, end the Queensland AIDS Council were dl opposed to any preamble that discriminated between homosexuals ond heterosexuals. QUT low lecturer Phillip Tohmindiis, presented the most authoritative and detailed arguments cgoinst fhe discriminatory WA precmble. He said 'hat such o morel position should not be enacted cs nicrclity is the business of the churches or one's own conscience, and no' the Porliomenf. Such a preamble would o'so perpofuote the myth of Inequc'ity between homosexuals and heterosexuals. And that the precmble, ond even the present laws, ore Inconsistent with Commonwecllh lew which sfotes you cenno! discriminate on sexual preference in employment, yel you con throw them info jail under sto'e low. The WA preombje is also inconsistent with International Low, breeching articles 2, 3, 7, 17, 18, 19 ond 22 of the Human Rights Covenant and thai 0 similar Act in Ireland hed been ruled invalid by European Courts. To demonstrcle how tho WA preomble clearly breaches commonly accepted humcnrights,he reed II ouf replacing the word 'homosexuol' with the word 'Jew'. II went something like this - 'the PorllomenI does nol believe thot Jews ought to be regulated by the Crimind Lew. however the Parliamenl disapproves of Jews reproducing, disapproves of the promotion of the religion Judaism, and in particular disopproves of persons with core, supervision orouthorify over young persons urging ihom to become Jews.' The Acl would olso go on lo soy ihef no public money should be spent on anything that supports Jevrt and all Jewish literature should be banned. When Phillip Tohmindjis rood ouf this new version of ihe WA preamble fhe public gallery was stunned, muted opplouse and other exclamations of joy come from some. The Commiltee members on fhe other hand sot there very quietly. Some of ihem hod probably been considering the WA preamble cs on easy way ouf and It had just been shown lo them very clearly how morclly offensive such a cop-out would be. Tohmindjis went on to poini out quite cosudly how ihls could easily be equaled vyith the attitudes held by the Nozl dictofors in pre-wwii Germany. Af ihls point en oulbursf came from Santo Sanlore who objecled that you could never compare fhe Queensland Government with Nozl Germany! Mr Tehmlndils did nol reply. As on aside it would be inleresfing to fry the seme exorcise on the homophobic groffiti around our university. How v/ould you react if it said 'Jews' instead of 'homosexuols', 'gays' or fhe word more commonly used by bigots - 'tcggols'. We would then see the grctllli, 'Kill all Jews', 'No, No, No, You Filthy Jews', and 'Get Jews Off Our Ccmpus'. Would the big-wigs in JD Storey order il removed Immedictoly? Or would tbey consider Jew-baiting as unimporfont os poofter-boshing and leave it up on the wolls of the Greol Court for monlhs? WHERE WILL IT GO FROM HERE? Thot no-one con soy with any real cerlainly. Some people who claim lo be in the knov/ soy it v/ill go through the commitlee fcirly easily, but when if reaches Porliament there will be problems. Political considero'lons moy even begin fo overshadow ihc more pressing issues of health, civil righls, liberty, equdily, morality, etc. No doubt Parliament will divide o'ong polificol lines, and the committee probably will hove also. It's o pity, and I'm nol going to justify it by saying 'that's the woy the system works', because if shouldn't work that way. Politiclcns should consider the issues, not their chonces of ro-elec'ion ond peace In one's own eleclorate. Yet for those who soy I'm being naive, fhen look ot if this woy. If decriminalisation does nol go through, or it does but v/ith an offensive preamble, then vorious represenlctives of fhe goy and lesbian community will probably carry out their promise of tearing opcrt ParllcmonI House brick by brick. And they will hove the numbers to do It foo. if docrlmlncllsafion does go through, and with a fair preomble, then It is unlikely the anti groups will do fhe some. In New Zealand where the Solvation Army orgcnised a pelllion against decriminalisation wliich gcined cn incredible one million signatures (il was later found out ihct the Salvation Army ccfuolly forged 0 large number of these signofures! there wcs not a peep or a whistle from any of the cnti groups once decrimindisctlon hod gone ihrough. Sure, the AIP stc'o govornment may lose some marginal voles ll they decriminalise, but if thoy don't I know o lol of gov people who, ll they don'l physically throw the ALP out of Parliament House, will vote them back Inlo the opposl'ion benches in the next election. So, ihe boll's now in your court Wayne, ond it could even bo mclch point. mmm$00i^:''m-m--r-::'- NIK DOUGLAS

6 COLLEGES: e Right of Reply ^viivf 0( As senior students of King's College, we were rather alarmed by the article "College Culture" in the last edition of Semper Roreat. We were alarmed first by the awareness that some of the reported events can happen in University Colleges, but then rrrare alarmed by the single minded and exaggei3ted style of the (anonymous) writer/s. Both fiaving speni several more years than the average student in college, we believe we have the "years" to make some fair commem aboul College Cullure. "Culture" is a word much abused and misused. A very useful definition of Ihe word is ihat used by Paul Tillich ("Systerr^alic Theology" Vol 3, p 61). "Culture Is that which takes care ot something, keeps it alive and makes it grow". This definition is valuable to philosophers, historians and screnlists alike a Iruty useful and broad definition. The question. Ihen. is nol wtiether College students are ratbags and deviants (although Ihis may or rtiay not (urn ouf to be tfuet. but whether (he Culture of the College Community allows anything to grow, and it so. what? Culture, in Tillich. implies "life" and "growth". There is much evidence of University Colleges being "alive" and "growing". First, the number of applicants for College residency since having been at College has grown out ot proportion to the increase in siudents at the University. Second, the involvement of College students in a vast array ot University and community activities such as sport, study and the arts, noi to meniion the eternal Inter-College-Council. and Its everlasting I.C.C. Cup. is evidence thai the Colleges are "alive". Third, the enthuisiasm with which mosl pasl College students remember Ihoir own time in College is evidence that Colleges are not only "alive" but that ihey "live on" through students as they venture forth into the Community. Viva la collegiate. Now the question is. what grows m this college culture'' It is sadly (rue that some of Ihe previous article vvas fair comment. However, ll IS more sadly true that nol only was much of it exaggerated, but the vast ma ority of College Lite was ignored. In the past few years, the interes! of College studenls m the Arts has been increasing rather impressively. Music, drama, arl exhibitions, fashion parades and public lectures have all been a valuabfe part of College Life, and mosl events have been available to students (rom outside as woll as College residents. College sporl "Music, drama, art exhibitions, fashion parades and public lectures have all been a valuable part of College Life, and most events have been available to students from outside as well as CoUege residents." has always been a very high standard, providing the opportunity for many fine Qei^oimance^ and producing a nuniber of impressive Slate and National represeniatives. Al seven ol ten Colleges, Ihe Church plays a central role in College Lite. Each week, over 200 siudenis attend Chape! services throughout the Colleges. Eartier this year. College students made significant contributions to the Academic Year Commencemeni Service, at which Peter Garrett was the guest speaker. College Siudents included the Director of f^usjc, organist and much of the choir, the advertising officer, the supper providers and the Stage (Manager. The Colleges have not been idle of late m ihose events which are commonly described as "Cultural". The Inter-College Council has had lor the (ast two years a Cultural Committee. This Committee has provided much energy necessary for Ihe large nunber ol Drama productions over recen! years. These have included "South Pacific" (Emmanuel "I Have Five Daughters" (Duchesne & St. Leo's 1990) and "Whose Life is it Anyway" (St. John's & Women's 1990). The I.C.C. Cultural Connmittee was responsible for reinstating I.C.C. Debating this year, which was run very successfully, with (he final fought out between Internalional House and Emmanuel College, This semester. I.C.C. Public Speaking has been inaugurated, willi many College siudents also competing in Thealre Sports. The I.C.C. Choral Festival was recently held at l^^ayne Hall (Saturday, 25 August 1990). This Choral Festival has gradually developed over the last (our years since its birth in Each ysar. between six and nine Colleges have provided iheir own Choirs which have performed individually at the Festival. Each Festival has culminated with a performance by the \.C.C. Combined Choir, which has ranged in number from 50 to 100. and sung music ranging form Bach and Mozart, to George Gershwin and selections from Andrew Lloyd-Webber's "Requiem" and "Phantom of the Opera", Individual College Choir performances al the Festival have included "Oklahoma" (Duchesne). "Grease" (International House) and a yearly "Communriy singing session" from the excellent St. Leo's College Choir. This is not gross, sexist, bigoted ribaldry. This is good lun and enriching entertainment. We were bemused at the fact Ihal SI. Leo"s College Choir, who have sung not Qo\i regularly \n Si Leo's College bul as far afield as Cairns and Lismore. were worried (his year that Ihey would tk5 "loo busy" singing elsewhere to have time for the I.C.C. Choral Festival! One of the exciting products of the I.C.C. Choral Festival has been the vocal group "'Cocophony'". who specialize in Negro Spiritual music. Consisting of students from Cromwell and King's, their performances fiave included a concert tn the UriivetsHy Music Lunchtime Concert Series, a Musica Vrva concerl in Grafton. NSW. as well as concerts in a number of Queensland towns. In three years, they have raised over S for Hospital work in Zambia. The 1990 Choral Festival drew an audience (rom College siudenis. other University students, University stall and the general pubic. We're sure all Ihose who attended would agree thai ii was a most enjoyable evening. Again this year, the I.C.C. Choir was accompanied by the I.C.C. Orchestra, who gave a splendid performance logelher ol a Medley from "Phantom ot the Opera ". It is clear, then, that ihe Colleges cultivate many things that are very good. These events are not the product of a neglected minority. They are significant evenis which, like Ihe events described betow, require a large number of people as organizers and participants. They create a greal deal of interest bolh within and outside the College Community. There are many other exciting pas( and s(ill to come. Fashion Parades were hekj lasl year at Women's and at Grace, and again this year. The nnodels were students from those Colleges, as well as trom King's and John's, and such labels as Brian Rochford, Laura Ashley, Mode International and Naiee were displayed. These Parades have become a new and interesting pan of College Life. One of the highlights of the 1989 Cullural Calendar was Ihe King's-Grace Ballroom Dancing Season. This consisted of several evenings of Dancing al which prolessional instructors gave over 100 Collegians a chance to learn very enjoyable skills. This year the Ballroom Dancing was opened lo Ihe whole ol I.C.C. St, Leo's (Allege has made a significant contribution to University lite with the Annual E.H. Duhig Memorial Lecture Series. SI, Leos provide the lunding lor a free leclure at Mayne Hall by public figures who over the years have incmed Sir Zelman Cowen along wilh other distinguished persons. The Women's College have made one of the most significant contributions lo art on Campus. Over many years, tho CoKege has gradually built up a Collection of fine paintings, tapestries and other "Each week, over 200 students attend Chapel services throughout the Colleges." pieces. Although ll is basically a private Collection, a number of these works can be seen by visitors lo the College. Last year Women's College hosted a successlul Art Exhibition. The Inter-College Christian Council was started In 1988 and has been growing ever since. This is a fine group, involving studenls from every College at University, Many College siudents make significant musical contributions to University Life (apart from those already mentioned). Several Colleges offer occassional evening or afternoon concerts with performances by some of the talented residents. The Univors'ty Lunchtime Concert Series each year also features College studenls from time lo time. Finally, one of the most remarkable events on the University Calender is the International House "Soiree". This is an annual even! in which that College shows ils "'Inlernational wares". There is m,usic. dancing arts and craks. (ood and drink from many countries. The Australian residents join wilh overseas students to provide a day of tun and festivities, which each year delights hundreds of people, and surely helps to lessen some ol the racism and sell-centredness that can exist not only in (he Colleges, but generally al University and in the wider Communily. While this is bul a selection ot College activities, it can be readily seen that ihere is much (o commend the opportunilies that li!e in College offers lo University students. We would nol want potential residents lo miss Ihis experience as a result of biased and overgeneralised journalism. To say that College Life is atl good would be nonsense, but to pass il all off as evil would reflect an amazing bigotry. The truly good things of lile exist in abudance in the Queensland University College Community and can be seen by anyone who is prepared to look lor them. OAVID BANNEY ANDREW HOEY 8a8EMPfremb;ER*Seven(h edition, 1990

7 The reaction to last edition's article on sexism in fhe colleges has been, well, mixed. On the one hand there were outraged and Infuriated college students who complained bitterly that yet again someone was critidstng the colleges. Their argument was that it was only a "loud minority" that was dragging everyone else down with them. Other people commended us on the article, saying that we didn't say enough past and present college students among them. Loud minority or not, the facts remain unchanged. Sexism does persist in colleges and college women should not HAVE TO "shrug off" sexual harassment. No doubt many people found the College Culture article embarrassing and distressing. But no doubt many people would not find some of the sexist, racist and homophobic maleriai to be found in college publications to be humourous either. The arguments fhat college publications are private and not for outside eyes only backs up the belief that if you can get away with sexism in private, you should do so. Too often sexist remarks and derogatory comments in magazines are passed off as being "light-hearted humour". The article was based on facts and hard evidence supplied by various students (colleges included). Solicitors checked over the article before it was taken to print. The author wanted to remain anonymous for personal reasons. The following are two articles we received in response. At the very least Semper is happy to see that this issue has inspired the colleges to contribute to their student newspaper. Corina '^m^^:^< '^. The corridors buzzed. Outrage boiled. People moved from their apathy to write letters. This is ri-dic-u-lous they screamed. We're not like this. How do they know what goes on anyway? And besides, it's none oftheir business! Semper Floreat, Queensland University's trumpet of union politics and radical views, had done it again. The pot of ^ outrage had been stirred. The target: residential college culture. Sexual harassment,' sexual debauchery, drunkenness and mob mentality are alive and flourishing and areh't all the college residents the scum ofthe earth!! Who wrote this stuff anyway? I decided to find out. I knew it Wouldn't be easy. \' "Urn hi. I'm very interested in the story you ran on the colleges and I want to follow up some ofthe angles which were ignored." Polite nods.ind steely smiles. Tiicy already know what I'm going to say. I already know their answer. "I was wondering ifyou could put me in touch with the girl {how do I know it's a girl?) who wrote the article. I'd really like to talk to her." Pause. Five seconds of c/cctric silence. Then... BANG! No you can't talk to her, her life's in danger. It's all true. I was bashed up in a college for wearing pointy shoes... and on and on. Calmly 1 repeat my request, telling these open minds they hadn't heard mc. But again they hadn't heard. There was no need after all they knew the (ruth. Strategy. Emmanuel college first. They refuse to talk even with a promise of, well, not redemption, but at least response. Try VX'omcn's. Mrs McBride is very friendly and polite. But no, she's not at liberty to comment. She would prefer it if I didn't write anything about The Women's College, We'll sec. OK. King's College. No chance here 1 bet. Yes? Ves! Breakthrough. I was shown into Dr Ian Mavor's residence at King's College. He was friendly and apologised as he left mc in rhc beige loungcroom while he organised something There's no doubt tbe things talked about bave some basis in fact... but I think to set them tn context is to give them another meaning. else. The room was spacious and had a calming effect as I rallied my nerve and energies for what would probably be a difficult interview. Dr Mavor was vehement in his reaction to the Semper article, but only in his words. His face remained amiable and his hands folded. "Firsi 1 get annoyed I guess, at the way in which they take certain things out of context and exaggerate from some examples to make It look as if that's true for everybody. There's no doubt the things talked about have some basis in fact... but I think to set them in context is to give them another mcam'ng. "I think what I feel is the sorts of things that are described there I have a problem with too. it's not a case of jumping up and saying things are OK. I still have a problem with them." Reh'ef followed his initial comments. At least wc agreed. But then hc dismissed some accusations made against King's college in the name of humour. "A joke was made at the At-Home last year (with John's going co-ed) it would be interesting to see which Kingsman gets to spend the night at John's first, or some comment like that. It was more to do with attitudes of King's and John's than a big conipctirion to see who could go out and seduce a Johns-woman." First disgust. Then realisation. Perhaps this it a valid analysis. Afterall there arc many generally accepted jokes which may be offensive to some people. Usually one c}v is shut and both sides aren't seen. A common problem not peculiar to colleges. It's to do with human beings, attitudes and weaknesses. Put a bunch of people together amwhcrc and there's a chance there'll be problems. College principals arc the deities %vrth supposed power to overcome all evil. But these deities make mistakes too. "The issue is college principals have to walk a line between trying to challenge attitudes and so on, and also recognising the limitations of what control you can exercise over an adult community." Seems sensible. Easy to criticise from outside. Perception is that the principals arc really Dionysian figures lording over the daily college orgies. (It happened in Greece. A great civilisation. They even had a fiod of wine and revelry. And it still happens. But only in colleges.) Many college principals have strong affiliations with various churches and try to balance discipline with forgiveness and education. Dr Mavor believes a smack on the knuckles reinforces immaturity and hopes positive peer pressure will help with discipline. To outsiders this looks like itiaction. Diary note: Didn't agree with evcrnhing he said; saw another angle though. Dr Morgan at John's college was very busy and I never made contact. My own principal should have something to say, although Cromwell wasn't mentioned by Semper. Dr Clive Krohn is down to business quickly. '^X'e'^ e done this before. Naturally he's relieved Cromwell escaped mention. After initial expressions of distress and annoyance at Semper it becomes clear to mc what the root of the whole issue is. Dr Krohn refers to the doctrine of origina! sin. "In contemporary language it has been defined as meaning you can ahvays rely forgive the gender but this was the quote you can always rely on a man to be a bit of a bastard. Given our society, given the mores that arc projected as normal and proper and as having replaced the ancient virtues, I'm not surprised that some rather evil things happen sometimes; especially when someone of the masculine-gcndcrtji^c-pcrson gets in a group with other males and consumes some alcohol. It's predictable that silly things will happen. "It's not particular to college. I've heard of similar stories in hotels and pubs. Tlie attitude towards women and tlic overt expression of those attitudes is wrong behaviour." At last, someone says what I've been thinking. TliLSC college residents arc products of society. Just because the\' step into a microcosm doesn't mean behaviour will change. Dr Krohn believes college has the dangerous potential to go well or badly because it consists of humans bent on having fun. Wow. What a quagmire. Keep wading and arrive face to face with the Women's Rights organiser. Lynne Rodgers is quicth' spoken but pa-ssionate about the struggle. Tliese college residents are products of society. Just because tbey step into a microcosm doesn't mean behaviour will change. "Colleges are seedbeds of sexual harassment. It's entrenched and subtle. We've tried the subtle approach with some colleges, but it hasn't worked, so now wc make no apologies. "Women often don't know how to handle harassment because if they speak out they'll be labelled frigid, hairy-legged, humourless lesbians." Strong stuff. Stereotypes again. This time not the accused but the accusers. Humour also offends boundaries. Ms Rodgers asks mc what's so funny about fucking? Rlietorical 1 hope. "These ideas come out of the mass media and the pub culture. It's not good enough to say sexism is bound to happen. Colleges arc unaccountable for their actions. The students are at University, they should be capable of thinking about their behaviour and analysing it." Semper editor Corina McKay stands by the article. She's glad if women arc angry but sorry the article projected female collegians as sluts and whores. At least she's approachable. Diary note: Perception wider. Hopefully not jiist mine. Semper article generally true but not fair. Good things happen in college and the bad things aren't unique to colleges. Professor Ralph Parsons, deputy Vice-Chancellor and chairman ofthe Sexual Harassment Committee has the last word: "One case of sexual harassment is too manv. It's not good enough to sav there's onlv a few." AMEN. TANYA EDLINGTON Cromwell Student Scwnih / cii'n'oii, iyyo»semp(fcm/))erb7

8 THE FATE OFTHE CAPE The concept of developing an International Spaceport on the traditional land of the oldest living culture on earth may be the ultimate land management paradox. The proposal to build a spaceport on Cape York Penisula, an area larger than Victoria, should not be considered in isolation. It is part of a much larger issue: the development of Australia's Last Great Frontier. ^mrguments have been fuelled over a spaceport oi\ the Peninsula since the notion was (irst suggested to the Bjelke- Peterson Government in Following initial studies of technical feasibility and economic, social and environmental impact, the Bjelke-Petcrson Government invited coiporate interest in the concept. Two consortiums, The Australian Space Group (ASG), and the Cape York Space Agency (CYSA) both undertook economic feasibility and site studies. CYSA a memberof the Esstnglon Group, investigated 14 sites with the preferred site on the east coast at Temple Bay. 70 km north of the Lockart River Aboriginal Community, ASG investigated the feasibility of sites near Ufeipa but concluded the scheme was not economically viable despite the advantage of having an existing infrastructure, CYSA was left as the sole runner on Cape York Peninsula's space race, CYSA proposes to privately fund, own and operate a commercial spaceport on ha of land 200 km from the tip of the Peninsula. The land is currently held by Mr Ted Youngman under a grazing lease known as Bromley Holding. The purchase of this land is (he subject of a legal dispute to be decided in court this December. If the spaceport goes ahead, the CYSA would offer full launch services to commercial communication satellite owners using the Zenit launch vehicle system which would be supplied under an exclusive agreement by Glavkosmos ofthe USSR. Soviet organisations would provide the necessary ground support equipment and would train CYSA launch crews. The recent Presidential approval of America's involvement in the project secures United Technologies Corporation (UTQ. CYSA's American partner, as manager of the venture. The Executive Director of CYSA Stephen Williams said the spaceport would provide employment for more than 4000 people in its operational phase of those jobs would be in Queensland, with an on site workforce of 400 people, CYSA's target is to have five launches annually. A fee would be charged for the service. Stephen Williams said each launch would have a revenue potential of $100 million and that the annual capital repayment would reach $200 million. The first launch would occur in Stephen Williams and those in favour of the proposal believe it is Australia's last chance to enter the space age. Mr Williams believes not only would ft be a project of international significance that would place Australia at the forefront of the space industry, but also Australia's involvement would fadlitate further co-operation between America and the Soviet Union, He claims that CYSA is interested solely in the commercial spaceport and that it has no interest in defence of security and no desire to open the Cape up to further commercial activity: "The CYSA have no intention to develop the North-South Road that connects Cairns to the tip, contrary to comments made by olhere," Apparently, heavy equipment wouldfaetransported to the site by Barge using the existing Cairns and Townsville port facilities A 3000m airstrip with the capacity to handle 747 Jumbo Jets would be constructed for the exclusive use of people associated with the Spaceport. A township with facilities f o support 700 people and a 15Mw power generating statkjn would accompany the Spaceport, The proposal has received conditional support from the Federal and State governments. Their support hinges on the outcome of the CYSA's own Environmental Impact Study and the resolution of the Aboriginal issue. The guidelines for the Environmental Impact Study (E(S) have been prepared by the two governments and placed on public exhibition. Two companies Kaiser Engineers and Maunsell and Partners (both heading the spaceport proposals management team) have been commissioned by CYSA to undertake the EIS. They vwll submit a report by June/July next year. The CYSA is required to consider the Aboriginal community as part of the Environmental Impact Study. The CYSA has had three large meetings with the Aboriginal community and will have further discussions over the next months, Mr Williams said. "Ultimately the decision rests with the Commomvealth and Slate Governments; we are sensitive to the interests of the Aboriginal community". Conflict Over Economic Feasibility Wliether or not the first privately owned commercial space launching service could be economically successful amidst the cunent climate of space and communications technology has been the subject of much of the debate for and against the spaceport. Dr Sam Pallridge from the Cenire for International Research on Communication and Information Technologies has criticised the space port proposal largely on economic grounds, Dr Paltridge expresses 3 major areas of concern. He claims that there is substantial overcapacity in most domestic satellite systems and they are characterised by poor financial performance. He also feels that the development of fibre optics will compete directly with commercial satellites and that the working life of many new satellites is double that ol their predecessors effectively lowering the demand for satellites. Dr Paltridge is also concerned that money being forwarded to the project by Australian space scientists may riot benefit thein and could Iw used for more worthwhile research projects. His views have been met with stiff opposition from The Australian Space office and The Cape York Space Agency (CYSA). Mr Cordon Gait of CYSA is quick to point out that a detailed feasibility study has been conducted. The study fully encompassed costs of building, operation of the spaceport, insurance, impact of launch failure, and a detailed analysis of the cunent market using satellite makers, industry consultants and launch service providers. In assessing the feasibility of the project tho agency consulted organisations such as United Technologies Corporation (UTC), British Aerospace, MBB-Erno (Germany), and leading Japanese corporations. The project management is being undertaken by Kaiser Engineers; Maunsell and Partners and JLC Aerospace. RHETT BRAMBLEBY He said the CYSA met with State Cabinet and the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs. Mr Teachy recently and discussed an anangement whereby the cunent pastoral leasehold over the property could be purchased by the CYSA. which would hand control over to the government to grant title of the buffer zone land around the 200 ha launch complex to the Aboriginab. CYSA would manage and lease the land with the Aboriginals. George Villaf Ior. of the Aboriginal Legal Service, Is quick to point out that the CYSA does not yet own the land: "The CYSA are developing a proposal on such an unsecured tenure, "The Aboriginals want title to the land without the spaceport," This throws cold water on the CYSA's offer to reallocate the buffer zone land of the spaceport to Aboriginals, Mr Villaflor said the Woodity and Lockart communities have refused to participate further in the Environmental Impact Study or the site surveys. Aboriginal and Islander people make up 90% of the population of the Peninsula outside of the predominantly white township of Weipa. The Aboriginal communities in one collective voice have said: We do not want a spaceport anywhere on the Peninsula and we do not want it now! Mr Villaflor is concerned that the government could fast track the development by Ministerial Rezoning. The issue of Aboriginal rights in Queensland is certain to arise in the course of the spaceport debate. The almost exclusively white mining and pastoral interests on Cape York Peninsula have secure, saleable leases, Aboriginal and Island communities by contrast operate under Deeds of Grant in Trust (DOGITS) which allows the State govemment to sublease the land without consultation for almost any purpose. The critics of this situation are numerous including many Federal politicians from both sides of the House, and the Environmental movement which understands that the cultural and environmental conservation of the Peninsula are closely linked. Mark Horstman, fhe Australian Conservation Foundation's Cape York campaign director was quoted in the August Bulletin as saying "Cape York as an Aboriginal domain must be the underpinning theme in any land use strategy.., the legal recognition of the traditional links between the Aboriginal and Islander people and their land may well be as high a priority as the protection of the integrity of Cape York Peninsula as an ecological treasure house". Critics of the proposal fear that the spaceport would set a precedent for broad acre industrial, commercial and recreational development becoming the dominant land use in a region of global environmental and cultural significance. Both Federal and State governments have reneged on commitments given to two Queensland conservation groups. The Wilderness Society and The Australian Conservation Foundation prior to elections, that a Moritorium on development of Cape york Peninsula would be in place until a land use study of all aspects of development, including the proposed spaceport was completed for the region. A spokesman for the Queensland government said the proposed spaceport was too Important to wait for the land-use study which could take up to 10 years. He said the government was prepared to look at the Environmental Impact Study conducted by the CYSA and based on draft guidelines released by the Federal govemment Kevin Guy of The Wilderness Society said the land-use plan, which is yet to start has been jeopardised by the approval of the Environmental Impact Study for the spaceport and other developments. He said the land-use study would have provided a unique opportunity for the interests of the govemment business, environment, and Aboriginals to he represented in a new landuse planning process. Not only did the government's release release of draft guidelines for the Environmental Study renege on commitments to conservation groups, it pre-empts the outcome of the legal dispute cunrently in progress over Bromley Holding. 8HSEMPC(cinbjER*5cvenr/i F</i(iiin, 1990

9 SPACEPORT LOCATION The Cape Cultural and Ecological Significance (mod" tcm) *"/««**» "'"'' SPACEPORT LOCATION -BHOMLeVHOLOtNG- IDONRANGt NATIOHALNUm The Go«govprnmcni ciaimi ihai its two mo 0' conskiefo'ions m awssincj wketkjf lhi> <,ocici' co't ihould,'io okeoci are environmcntnl and CUIIU'DI Copt? Yorl Punmsuia 15 of global signifrccince both Not only does 'he cape hold significant biobcjical value bu' 1' holds enormous sociol and cultural importance The cnoo has been inhobiled by obongmal people (or ol least,lo 000 vears As manv as cuflurnl'v and onvirofrnentally fieinq remote ond felniively io 000 obonginals inhabited the area at ono lime This vas' untouched liltle ^ tidudhy Inown aoout the ecoloyv cincj biodivp'siiy population hos plummeted since exploration and settlement bv emstrng in >he area ' \ European ond Asian cultures Todny AboriCjinn) ond HInnde' Ihc Peninsula iponi on o'eo about the si:e ol Victoria It is considered by many.-oologisis to be n dislinc'jounal region within Australia as it provides birds, bats and lome mamtrals wiih on arrival ;on& when tnigrating Irom the Asian region lo Australio Much o( the wildlile al ihe lop'fif the cape is enclosed m the region by the natural barrier o( d^ woodlonrjs and grasslonds found further down the communities compnse 90 percent ol the Cape York population Outside ol Weipa The Abonginol oeople feel that the proposed Cnpe York spcjcobasc development would be a large ihreni fo n lend which IS central lo the Aboriginal identity and beliels One on the greolcst fears the residents of the tope hold concerns tounsm It IS the general feeling on the cape that tho development of length ol the cope.., the spocebose will skyrocket tounsm to a level unoccepiable nnd The western coastline conlali^s mostly ireshwoler wellond areas which lie about 20 km inland The richness oi (hese oreos has been compared I0 the Kokodu region The east coast is anothe{ diverse area leaiunng p'jie siko sond dunes beoches. foclyheodlonds, ono inshore cofcl reefs Oistnbuled in potches mostly in lowtonds ore regions ol rainforest whicfi cover obou' 2 'o cf the total (and area Tliese roinforesls hove the second highest concentrations of threolened or rore plant ond animol speciei in' Auslrolia Less than 10 percent of the region is notioool pork land and less thon 'A ol the roinlorest in the orea is proleded Most 0! ihe penmsulo is mode up ol 'ow lying ploins There are 17 mqjor rivers on h.; cape which run from ioii to wesl The nvers ore imporlani biological highwoys for the eosiwesi movement of ar.<inah The onimols ond plonu in tt e Cope Votic region ore extremely diverse ond relatively unprotected Being one of itie only remrjining unmanagablp The impact ol the tourists visiting the cope each year hos never been assessed or evoluoted Estimates lor future numbers am as high as ' Industnol holdings on the cope cover 30 percent of the oreo making il the predominoni land use in the region Comaico established the world's largest Boumte mine at Wetpo tn and is hoping fo esfoblish on clumino re/ine.ry and exfend seismic lines for oil and gos expbrotion over Aurukun land These proposols ho^e olready met with siilf opposition from abonginol communities The stale govemmeni sees development continuing in ihe region alter 0 londuse study is completed This may loke up to 10 yean to complete The nature of the development 15 presently unclear Cape York Peninsula is an area of fundamental significance both m its environmenlol diversity ond cullufol nchness As AusJralio moves in on one ol its last frontiers il is essentiol thol governmenis fully ossess the impact of (urther development upon the fragile people ond ecology of Cope Yorlc Peninsulo tropicol savannoh areas in the world the ecologicol preservation of Cape York Peninsula is vitally importani ; RHETT BRAMBLEBY Concerns forthe Great Banier Reef environment have also been voiced. Part of this concern stems from information fhat the first stage of the Zenit rocket will be jettisoned back to earth falling into the ocean about 1100 km down range from the launch site. The impact of barges carrying construction materials, launch vehicle components and fuels to a concrete barge ramp at the site also concerns environmentalists. The Zenit rockets would be fuelled by kerosene and liquid oxygen. There is some concern that the release of the exhaust products, carbon dioxide and water vapour, at high altitudes may contribute to the problems of ozone depletion. Economic arguments against the proposal are numerous. (See Box) It has been suggested that Australia would be used as a launch pad and would derive minimal flow on benefits. The proposed spaceport would be managed by Americans, using foreign investment from Japan, Europe and America, and Soviet rockets. All of the world's 12 operating spaceports are government owned and 70% of their payloads are of a military nature. The space industry is one of the most distorted markets in the world due to its high level of govemment subsidisation and control. The Executive Director of the CYSA. Stephen Williams, said the fact that the proposed Spaceport on Cape York Peninsula is a purely commercial venture without any govemment financial assistance, gives it a competitive advantage over the other spaceports which are constrained by the interests of the govemment, defence and security. There is considerable debate about the future direction of the space industry. The developments of fibre-optic technology which will directly compete with satellites, and the increased lifetime of satellites have recently let a NASA panel of US scientists and space authorities to conclude that "the longer term demand for commercial launches of satellites was weak at best." Stephen Williams responded to this concern by saying that new technology won't totally replace the functions that the CYSA would make available at Cape York Peninsula, It is inevitable that some aspects of cunent satellite systems will be eroded with these developments but other functions would still be more economically and efficiently performed by satellites. The Bulletin reported that the regional community is divided evenly over the spaceport proposal. Tlie struggling cattle graziers view the spaceport as a catalyst for improved transport and communication. The original inhabitants and new settlers see it as a threat to the integrity of the Peninsula as an ecological and cultural treasure house, and a threat to their remote lifestyles. One of the closest neighbours of the proposed spaceport is the Wattle Hills lease. The lease on this land is held until the year 2001 by 12 shareholding families whose agricultural interests are New Age farming techniques and permaculture. Wattle Hills begins just 15 km south of the proposed launch IJad, near the Pascoe River, In a statement fo the Builetin the Wattle Hills community said: "Temple Bay is a unique eco-system, one of the only places lef t on the planet with clean air and pure water. It is a misrepresentation to say that the area is just a home for a few wild pigs or merely a cow pasture. In fact the heath of the proposed site has never supported cattle. Temple Bay is a mosaic of heath, eucalypt forest riverine rainforest, unique lakes and waterfalls and pockets of fertile soil, "Wattle Hills also contains a diversity of eco-systems and we, the residents, have earmarked only a tiny percentage for roads and cultivation. The bulk of fhe property will be reserved for water catchment wildlife habitat native seed collection and low-key, nature based tourism. All this will be enhanced when our system of firebreaks Is completed and annual bushfires excluded,,. "We intend walking gently on the earth and we believe that a number of families can support themselves here without degrading what attracted us. whereas cattle, the traditional industry, cannot support one family... We are hesitant to form an opinion (on the spaceport) in the absence of firm information. However, we question that the building of an entire suburb overnight is the right kind of activity for this part of the country. The onus should be on CYSA to show why it should proceed, not for us to prove it should remain as it is." One of the Wattle Hills families was interviewed for this article. Roy and Sandy Fulloon live 24 km from the proposed launch pad. only 4 km outside the required safety buffer zone. Roy Fulloon said "There may be some local jobs in the early stages but the spaceport will be a closed system where the people who work there will be flown in and flown out." Mr Fulloon admits his is a philosophical argument: "The spaceport is just another sympton of what we are doing wrong with the worid, but we won't destroy the world just ourselves." Sandy Fulloon believes "It is the wrong place to put it. The Peninsula is one of the largest tropical savannah lowland wildernesses left in the worid," Roy Fulloon is concerned that the spaceport would attract more people to the Peninsula, At present the tourists that frequent the Peninsula with their four-wheel-drives each year far outnumber the local residents. The environmental impact of the of f-lhe-road-pajcro-r!grims is neither evaluated nor managed. There are only six park rangers to cover the 12% of the Peninsula which is National Park. Tourism is the growth industry of fhe North and with an annual increase of 20% it is the single largest problem on the Peninsula without contributing much benefit to the local economy. The spaceport and other proposed developments are likely to attract an additional tourist nights to the Peninsula each year, accompanying this would be an increase in spin-off east-coast tourist resorts. The hectares to be alienated for the spaceport at Temple Bay is more than 10% of the National estate on Cape York Peninsula. It is located in an area of global conservation significance and The Stingray Dreaming of the Wuthathi people. Evidence of the peopling of the Peninsula extends back years making it a region of significant cultural and archaeological value. Queensland conservation groups believe, "The alienation of this region will pre-empt land-use decisions for the entire Peninsula and compromise land claims and conservation plans for Iron Range and Pascoe River to the south and Cape Cromwell and Shelburne Bay fo fhe north." As well as the spaceport several other proposals are planned for the cape. They include: an alumina refinery at Weipa. a large scale RAAF base near Weipa and a $400 million tourist resort near Lockart River (only a stone's throw from the Lockhart River Aboriginal Community.) Proposab also extend to prospecting the Mitchell River delta, mining for silica in the sand dunes of Shelburne Bay and mining the Mellwraith Range. It is difficult to determine what implications the space port proposals may have on the Cape's cultural and environmental heritage, however, with so many developments on the drawing board we must carefully consider the possibility that the spaceport would set a precedent for such further developments to go ahead, Whether or not our ears are tuned to the voices of the oldest living culture on earth or to the roar of the Russian Zenit rockets remains to be seen. KATIE BUEAKLEY Scwnth Mtiiui. I99()*SEMP(tcrnib;ERH9

10 :i!i- :^'S'SU J nrv<r OST^ L IMM* )V^ </tf P!-? '«WE. X»BC i 1 -[m \AJ }i : y I w i*^^»vt J^ '^, ih^ \^TTlUdtK7Bi : rf 'NKrn/B i\'-',,ivv's;^\vvw^;.v::' ^ :,,' ^ 'Vi;{^"Vv';'fea ^..v?.; :^^ ' ^ m'>;;k\\ (llr(^(ellx,

11 THE MYTH OF VOLUNTARY STUDENT UNIONIS According to diose on the right-wing of the student poiiticai scene, most students would prefer to have the option of joining the student union rather than be compelled to join. In other words, tfaey would choose voluntary sbident unionism (VSU) over the current compulsory system. Itisanissuedearto the hearts of thecampus Liberal Club which is affiliated to the Australian Liberal Students Federation (ALSF), a movement whose principal aim is the introduction of VSU. It is, in fact, even the policy of the federal parliamentary Liberal Party. Along with the philosophical arguments about VSU the Liberals' couple (unfounded) claims of union inefficiency and waste. In 1987 the Liberals, while simultaneously supporting Victoria Brazil, ran a team in the Union elections which pledged to introduce VSU if elected. It failed miserablely. Their assertion that these issues provoke 'tax revolt' - like sentiments among students was put to the test once again on Thursday, April 5 at lunchtime when the University's Debating Society posed the motion "That Student Unionism should be Voluntary". To propose the motion the Debating Society was able to secure the talents of two Liberal Club stalwarts who had considerable experience in the Union, To defend the system a starry-eyed fresher and Debating Society representative were chosen. Although good speakers, neither had knowledge of Union affairs. Since their third speaker didn't front somebody had to be asked out of the audience to join their team. The case for the proposition was, and is, conceptually simple and in thatlies its strength. "Why", they ask, "in a free country such as ours should students be compelled tojoin the Students Union "...if Students were given the option of not paying the voluntary part ofthe SSQ my guess is that not many would pay, irrespective of how good the Union was." when they enrol at University?" Or altematively, they charge that "the Union has no right to violate the most basic aim of human rights - the right to freedom of association". It sounds like a winner of an argument and emotive arguments about the sacred nature of the individuals' liberty can be enlisted to support it. Unfortunately due to the brevity of speaking time (5 minutes) no speaker from either side was able to address the matter adequately. I propose to attempt to do so here. No doubt an article from Liberal Club President, Julian Sheezel, will soon appear defending VSU. The hype surrounding "VSV can easily be removed through a close examination of the facts surrounding the collection and dispersement ofthe so-called Union fee. When the concept of VSU is shown to be based on faulty assumptions, an assessment of the current system can be made which demonstrates its rationality and justice. You might remember that when you enrolled here that you payed almost $200 as a Student Services Charge (SSC). You might also remember that you paid it to the University Administration and not to the Union or the Sports Association, This is hardly surprising since neither the Union nor Sports Association possess the power to compel students who are not officers of the Union to do anything, let alone fork over money. However the University does. Under s34(l)(xiii) ofthe University Act (Qld) "the Senate may make Statutes with respect to... the fees to be paid... for the use of University facilities." It possessed this power before the Union's existence (especially as a multi-million dollar catering enterprise) so that it could provide resources towards the provision of services which students needed. What has happened is that over the past 70 years or so the University has passed on the activities (and SSC money to fund them) of providing sporting and catering facilities to the democratically elected student representative organisations, the Sports Association and the Union. Indeed as the Act makes clear, all the Union buildings ultimately belong to the University. The Union lease them from the Administration although in practice they exert little control over how we use them on a day to day basis. It is a fallacy, therefore, to speak of paying 'union dues' to the student union since it is abundantly clear that there are fundamental differences between joining a students union and joining a trade union. There is in fact no such thing as a student union fee. The Liberals would have us believe that the tvvo are the same and so they are able to use anti-compulsory trade unionism arguments against student unions. The reality is, however, that you pay your money, the SSC, to the University to provide various services and not to the Union. The university' has decided to let the Union do thejob and gives the Union money on trust. The University would, therefore lev^ the SSC irrespective of whether the union provided the services or not; after all the services have to be provided by somebody. The University are quite happy for the Union to run the Refecs, second hand book, provide space for tenants like the Chemist, Hairdresser, etc, since it means they can devote more resources to academic matters. But they don't leave the Union to its ovm devices. Under s30 of the University Act "all fees... received by the Senate under this Act... shall be applied by the Senate solely for the purposes of the University". Accordingly, the Senate has a representative on the Union's Services and Finance Committee (which oversees all expenditure) to ensure all the money given to the Union by the University' is spent on "University purposes". This makes a nonsense, of course, ofthe Liberal's claim that the Union supports off campus extremist organisations - it simply can't happen. In past the Union has been in trouble with the University over funding of 4ZZZ and Condom Vending Machines. The Liberals know all this and despise the cosy relationship between University Administration and Union. What really galls them, however, is that since the 1960's student unions, as they see it, have become politicised, engage in illegitimate (predominantly left-wing) activities and support all manner of illegitimate (predominantly left-wing) organisations. The Clubs and Societies area is often accused ofthis, although, of course, it funds such clubs as the Liberal, National, Consei-vative, Country Students and Pro-Life Clubs as well. They argue that ordinary students (is there such a thing?) have to pay for this with the money that the University has forcibly taken from them. Given this element of coercion, they argue all union expenditure should be politically neutral so as not to violate the consciences of students who abhore some activity which the union funds. Since the Union will never do this, students who disagree with such expenditure should notbe forced to pay that section ofthe SSC which is devoted to such 'political expenditure'. To that end the Liberals would split the Union in two parts. On the one hand there would be the University Union which would operate the catering facilities, book shop, etc (essentially the business aspects ofthe current Union) for which that part of the SSC would still be compulsory. This is consistent, of course, with the Liberals' user pays philosophy. On the other hand there would be the Student Representative Council (SRC - i.e. the current union council) which would undertake all of the representative, lobbying, research, educational and welfare advice work of the old union. These activities, according to the Liberals, run the risk of being political (read left wing) and it is therefore immoral to compel students to pay for them if they don't want to. As such, payment ofthe charge for the SRC would be voluntary. So in reality tlie promises of voluntary Student Union fees are illusory. As we have seen the very concept is a misnomer in any case. And even if it wasn't, under the so-called VSU system most of the current SSC would sdll be compulsory. At this stage ofthe debate the Liberals become a little philosophical. They argue that no organisation, whether Student Union or University Administration, possesses the right to compel membership or payment of fees, ^lecause such compulsion violates the fundamental right of freedom of association. What is sovereign is the liberty ofthe individual, whose ability to reason allows him/her to discern what is in his/her best interests. Accordingly, the individual should be given the option of paying the second part of the SSC. In this way the Union will be put to the test because students will judge whether joining it (i.e. paying the second part ofthe SSC) is in their best interests. The Union would be subject to market forces by way of student (the consumers) demands. If the Union is performing it will thrive with students flocking to give it money they are not compelled to give. Let us examine carefully the assumptions on which this argument is based. Ever since Adam Smith gave his lectures at Glasgow University in the "Ultimately, the Union's parlous financial state would result in a weakening ofthe advocacy role ofthe Union." late I Sth Century, philosophers in the Liberal tradition have claimed that the basic motivation of people, and therefore the driving force of capitalism, is self interest. This is entirely consistent, of course, with the proposition that a person will choose to gain a benefit without having to pay for it rather than outlaying a cost. It is plain commonsense. So if students were given the option of not paying the voluntary part of the SSC, my guess is that not many would pay, irrespective of how good the Union was. And this is precisely where the Liberals'case fails. It is an entirely false assumption to suggest students would voluntarily cough up money when they could gain the benefit of Union activity without paying for it. How is this so? Quite simply because when a person enrolls at University and thereby becomes a student they receive the benefit, not only of the provision of sporting and catering facilities, but also the conditions in which they study i.e., the plethora of rights and privileges students have won over the past 70 years through lobbying and sometimes by direct action. If students could get this for free why should they pay? It is really in their self interest not to. The work of the Union is two fold. Firsdy, to provide for the physical well being of the student; and secondly, to provide for his/her intellectual and social welfare. It is this second function which is fulfilled by the Union's skilled employees who write dhe student appeals, help students to find employment and accommodation, assist with Austudy applications, counsel the sexually harassed, and so on. It is in the fulfillment of this second function that the student newspaper, Semper is published. The same can be said for the Clubs and Societies Continued on p Seventh Edition, l990*sempf(cn)f>)eri11

12 *»-vx,. NOT A RAPIST Dear Editors, I am writing in response to the article "College Culture' in the August issue. This article is extremely offensive to the vast majority of college students, male and female. The inference is that most college guys arc rapists, and most college girls are sluts, 1 notice the person who wrote this extremely insulting and debasing article didn't have the guts to admit who they were. That person should realise that Semper is read by many members ofthe public as well as students. As a result ofthis article I'm sure many members of the public now have a derogator;' opinion of college students, believing what the article had to say. The author says "This story must have offended a lot of people who live at the colleges and don't consider themselves part of the norm." To the contrary, I do consider myself part ofthe norm. 1 am a college student and am not sexist, not an alcoholic and especially NOTA RAPIST! The author ofthis article owes an apology to college students, for taking some isolated examples and blowing them up to infer that it is the "norm". I also suggest Semper adopt a policy of refusing to publish an article unless the name of the author appears alongside that article. Only then will authors or such rubbish need to be able to justify and prove their claims. MICHAEL REED 3rd YEAR CROMWELL COLLEGE It is absurd for Mr Clive DAVID KEEBLE B.A. excuse Mr Carter's behaviour on the basis that CASTRA-nONIl ith YEAR "adultery happens every day". So too does COLLEGE STUDENT homosexual relations between consenting Dear "College Culture"author, adults probably occur "ever}' day", but does Never before have! had the misfortune to KING OF THE Wlio? that m,ike it any more palatable to rightwing have rend such a spineless, misinformed, fundamentalists, with minds impcr\ious to biased and perverted excuse for "journalism". Dear Eds, tolerance except when it comes to their own The lack of accurate information and In reply to your submitted article about behaviour.^ grammatical education on tbe part of the Collcdgc (sic) Culture, if those College The Logos or 'loco-foundation' has been understandably anonymous, crayon wielding "legends" arc so legendary, why haven't 1 discredited, as will, ultimately, any group or author was pathetic. No writer worth bis/her heard of them? person which claims legitimacy from a pure ink would ever bave put their name to such an ARTHUR PENDRAGON as-snow, moral righteousness platform, and atrocious article based on tbe flimsiest and KING OF ENGLAND which builds stength from identifying and most biasedly presented hearsay, especially EL SUPREMO condemning "deviant" behaviour. when he/she can't even manage to fashion NUMERO UNO Knowledge equals power and freedom, Mr grammatically correct sentences. This is sadly 1500 years and Berghoffer, Mr Carter, the Reverend Nile and typical ofthe attitude ofthis self-proclaimed still going strong others who practice exclusive "love and mature, enlightened, omnibenevolcnt (better forgiveness" obviously know neither. get tbe dictionary out!) omniscient fringe VIVIENNE WYNTER group, which constantly rears irs unwanted, supercilious bead in our student union press. As for colleges being a small community, we currently house some 2000 out of full-time students. Instead of criticising college women for their ability to shrug offsocalled sesisr jokes and sexual bamssment, you should be seriously questioning your own inability to do so and your apparently manic comments such as "What Mr Carter does is his obsession with castrating all males for the own business" and "Adultery happens every heinous crime of being male. As for the quality day". or lack thereof of our college publications, 1 cannot express how strongly these take a look at tbe rag you bave tumed Semper comments erode any scintilla of credibility into, before being so quick to criticise. People that Mr Berghoffer and people like him have in in literary glasshouses shouldn't throw stones. my e}vs. What a facile and mischievous We realise y-ou interpreted our private response. publications to tbe best ofyour somehwbat It most certainly is tbe public's business limited ability but you obviously lack the that Mr Carters has been proven a hypocrite in mental capacity and/or tbe merely human a position hc held which aimed to strongly sense of humour to appreciate the implied influence rhc community and social \'alues. It ligbtheartedness and the self-mocking of the most certainty is the public's business to know ver)' stereotypes you somewhat ignorantly perceived,ts being encouraged. Next time, send someone with an I.Q. greater than my golf handicap, who isn't blinded by bis/lier sexual and social confusion. that a man who called for legislation to oppress women and homosc.\u.ils because hc found certain behaviours unacceptable, was privately indulging in Miaviour which by his now standards was heinous. WYNTER OF OUR DISCONTENT Dcir Sir, So, the mayor of Toowoomba, Mr Clive THE TROUBLES Bcrgboffcr bas gone out in support for disgraced ex-logos foundation leader Mr Dear Editors, Howard Carrcr. Mr Carter was asked to leave Simon Cocksedge's article THE SPIRITOF tbe foundation after confessing to adultery. EASTER misrepresents the struggle in Ireland Mr Berghoffer bas responded with entirely. Whilst detailing the famous Easter

13 Rising quite accurately, he believes that the traditions it represents arc somehow different from the activities ofthe IRA today. They are not. Like the heroic efforts of those involved in the nationalist uprising, the IRA fights for the 'liberation of the Irish people from the oppressive forces of British imperialism. After all, if the IRA is "no longer a popular liberation militia... a self-serving, factionalised and corrupt terrorist gang", then why does it enjoy such large popular support in the Catholic ghettos, and why do so many young Irish people join it? The answer lies in imperialism's vicious onslaught; electoral gerrymanders, huge rates of unemployment, discriminadon against Catholics in virtually every sphere of life, institutionalised violence carried out by the Protestant RUC, and worst of all the occupadon of the northern state by Bntish troops since The troops have been central in the systematic oppression of Irish Catholics through violence and slaughter far outweighing the resistance ofthe IRA. It is no wonder, then, that the IRA is so popular amongst the Catholic population; those who join do so upon seeing their friends and relatives constantly brutalized by the forces of British capitalism protecring its own interests. It is no wonder that the leading Irish socialist, Bernadette Devlin, helped to make petrol bombs to fight the British soldiers, and no wonder that she attacked a Tory minister who supported the murder of 13 Catholics on Bloody Sunday In its role in attempting to liberate Northern Ireland from oppression, wc must unconditionally support the IRA's armed struggle. Its defeat would inevitably lead to a strengthening of imperialism everywhere. This doesn't mean, however, that wc cannot be critical ofthe IRA's methods. TTicse, like the Easter Rising, involve a small, heroic band of freedom fighters attempting to expel imperialism in the name of the Irish population. We atguc that it is only the working people of Ireland, north and south, who will be able to emancipate themselves. I.S.O. CLUB For more on this topic, see David Campbell's article on page 29, ANIMAL ABUSE ON CAMPUS Dear Semper, It seems to me that there is a moral obligation on your part to register a protest against the animal experimentation which occurs ar our University and which shouldn't be tolerated in our society. Societies vary greatly in their attitudes toward animal welfare. At one extreme are the Japanese who think nothing of tearing live lobsters in half in their sushi bar-style restaurants, bave no concern abour netting dolphins and are thoroughly disapproving of the International Whaling Commission's ban on certain types of whaling. "Milo and Otis" the film in which there was a reported killing of 20 kittens during its production and in which a producer reportedly broke a kitten's paw to give it an unsteady gait, was a Japanese film. At tbe opposite end ofthe spectrum are the Netherlanils where all aspects of animal welfare receive much consideration and reasearcbers, eg. Doctors P.W.M. Van Adricben, B, Bobus, G. Bcuving, and P.R. Wiepkema to name just a few, even spend a lot of time studying the stress to farm animals. P.R. Wiepkema, by the way, also had a lot to do with propagating the idea of stunning animals before they are slaughtered. Australian society would like to rhink of itself as being closer to the Netbcrland'send of the spectrum with regard to animal welfare. We can't judge the Japanese people's behaviour by our standards and must accept that their culture is ven' different. However, we would not accept the same behaviour by someone in oursocietv. The abuse of animals via animal experimentation at our University seems to be beading in that direction and should be stopped. ANON (Call me paranoid ifyou will, but, 1 am more vulnerable than a newspaper and fear ruffling the feathers ofthe academics by writing things such as this -~ just in case). ATTN: MR ROCKHARDE AND MR FUNTHART Dear two-bit scumsuckers, Man, the bullshit piles up so quick over here you gotta gcow wings to stay above it. SNAKE CHALMERS AND AGAIN Dear Dirk and Rambo, Having certain privileged and highly classified information sources at my disposal, I know THE TRUTH. Which is, in case you were wondering, that }xiu two limpdicks did FUCK ALL on your little 'holiday'! Talk about crappy itinerary planning don'r you pussies bave any sense of pride? Nicaragua? Beirut? Korea? How can you expect to razile up any action from bloody unarmed peasants?.'? It's like taking potshots from a moving armoured personnel carrier it's fun while the novelty lasts, but the laughs wear thin aftera while. I can't believe that you two sheep-fucking theorists, with your piss-ant hotcl-andcommercial-airline manoeuvres, didn't even consider a decent Middle-Eastern agenda. I mean, screw South America. Why waste all that ammo on tin-pot dictatorships when you can practically lay waste to entire countries on an infinitely more explosive scale? Ifyou scum-sucking beatnik fucks had any guts (or brains) ar all, you'd be over here, copping a bit ofthe real action, before I could say 'All-weak-American-bastards-should-bebumfon-tbe-altar-of-AllabU! So, yvu liver-loving dogs vomits, next time the Semper editors are forced at Kalasbnikovpoint to give you some time off, DON'T PISS ITALL AWAY!!!! Come to Iraq, where the sun is hot, the ammo's cheap, the beer tastes like warmed over pig's piss, and death and destruction comes on thick and fast!! COLONEL SAAD-IM INSANE Dear Editors, Who do you think you're fooling anyway? You're just snorky 'cos we stuck you with that bill from Otto's Ammo Emporium. And we'll take care of Hussein when two demands are met: (1) Weget paid an absolutely extraordinary sum of money, and (2) The pack of amateurs currently cluttering the fire zones clears out and leaves the field free for the pros. D&R Dirk and Rambo, Your response would imply that the above letter was cunningly dra ughted by ourselves as some sort of a feeble come-back following your grossly accumula ted holiday debts. Well you're wrong. It was a genuine letter addressed to Dirk and Rambo c/- Semper, which we dutifully passed on to you. We'd just like to take this opportunity to say bow pitiful it is that so much of the correspondence we receive is directed to a pair of fictional characters whose creed is one of extreme violence and irresponsibility. Don't you people have annhing else to write about? EDS THE REAL WORLD Dear Semper, This is written for the benefit of Arts students who aren't totally satisfied with their course. Usually j'ou have to wait until third year, when you do Research Methods, before they tell you what it is you arc actually learning how to do at Uni. Actually, and this is something of a secret, you are being taught how to produce academic work that is, research papers, monographs (thick, almost unreadable books) and journal articles. Tlicsc are used by academics to obtain promotions but outside of Uni they arc often totally useless. This is the "basic skill" ofthe humanities scholar and the fact that this skill is not readily marketable explains why a lot of Arts graduates end up working as bank clerks. Now, of course, that's not the worst thing pu could be, but since so many arts students are creatively inclined, this should be taken as a warning. Creatively inclined people should do creative work, but the sad fact is that University Arts courses teach very little that is of use in practising real-world arts. (Journalism and drama courses may be the only exceptions). Besides being difficult to sell, the "academic product" is often boring to read and has little influence in the "wider community". So ifyou can think ofa product which is more interesting, more readily marketable or of greater benefit to society, then that is what you should be learning how to make. NEIL MUNRO ARTS STUDENT SPOONER: THE CHALLENGE! Dear Semper, I write to you In concern regarding the content of your magazine over tbe past 6 months, 1 refer to this as 'your' magazine, as I believe the large majority of students are disgusted with tbe quality and attitudes of articles published, and would go so far as to say that it no longer is consistently representative of most students (nor do they feel it relates well to them). Believe it or not, not every student is concemed or interested in listening to the issues which are appearing here with almost monotonous regularity. A mouthpiece for repressed minorities? Semper appears more like a student-funded (US) vehicle for a group not representative of campus opinion (as shown clearly in the recent referendum). And of repressed minorities what of Christianitv? Semper cannot call itself a democratic magazine when its (sic) editors' refuse outright to publish anything remotely Christian instead opting for homosexuality, green issues, perverted cartoons and even Satanism. Christians are consistently portrayed as narrow-minded, over-bearing, 'fundamentalist' (grearword, that) right-wing fascist sheep blindly following an out-ofcontrol, power-hungry, falsely-righteous zealot. This image is as foolish as tbe one that all Christians are supposed to have of every person such as the editors evi7, communisr, Satanic, blood-seeking social radicals. I would suggest that you open your eyes and understand fully what you are talking about instead of sprouting such lucid, 'liberating', contemporary ideals as the onesyx>u do. Perhaps you will be true toyour word and publish this letter. However, I doubt whether you have the democracy or the guts to publish an article voicing the Christian position on homosexuality (ie. Us who marched on that Saturday). This would probably upset the magazine's subtly-balanced leaning towards the editors' points of view. The challenge bas been issued. Publish ifyou will Let the people decide. BEN SPOONER GOD BLESS YOU, RUTH Dear Semper Editors, Re David Gold Student for Christ letter in the July issue. I choose to box myself as a Christian, although I dislike being restricted by that box. 1 believe that issues that are relevant to Christians are issues which involve injustice and oppression. This includes: (a) homosexualit)'; (b) socialism (why not cridcally assess socialism and capitalism they both have faults); (c) the green issue; and (d) oppressed, ^'ictimised and/or sexually harrassed women. These are the articles David is objecting to and therefore I think that hc is missing the point. If he wants to read about the everyday majorit)' read The Courier Mail. Thanks for the interesting articles on the above issues. RUTH BEACH LUTHERAN STUDENT Seventh Edition. ip90*semp(remb;erb13

14 WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES MAKE? "There are some bad peopfe on the rise They're saving their own skins by ruining people's lives Bad people on the Right..." When you hear a Morrissey song on FM104, the day hasa good chance of bemg memorable. It was December 2 last year, the day of the Queensland state election. The ALP couuti't fuck this one up, surely. Not this year. Still, the Nats were pushing fairly hard, with fiveminute epics posing as election commercials that brought up every conceivable right-wing bogey, from angry SEQEB picketers to gays and lesbians in fancy dress (just what was wrong with these things was ne^jet explained to me). i had a party to go to that night. Two friends of mine - one a staunch member of the ALP Socialist Left-were finally going to get married.thoughts of 'Don's Party' - and how it ended, with Whitlam defeated - flickered through my head. The wedding went well, and the party got underway. Peter, the groom, kept running oii to see the latest results. At about seven o'clock, he came out with a huge grin on his face: "Yvonne Chapman's lost her seat. We're inil Yes, it was true. And similar stories were happening all over the State. Labor were sweeping in. Finally Wayne Goss accepted victory, as the whole of the house shook with delighted people cheering. Twangs of regret went through me. Perhaps' thiswasthewaytoachievechangeinsociety. Ihad resigned from the ALP eighteen months earlier - perhaps twaswrong. I seriously considered rejoining. Repressive regimes were falling apart all over the place. Victoria had resigned, Stalinist dictators in Eastern Europe had been toppled (though Ceaucescu was still to getthe bullet), and now the Nationals had fallen. The future looked bright. It's hard to believe that I could have been so stupid. Or, rather, naive. In all these cases, change was achieved, but definitely not through the antics ofan electoralist opposition. Rallies, occupations and riots forced out Victoria; huge demonstrations, general strikes, and (in Romania) armed insurrection blew away the Stals. Likewise, the ALP had done little to mobilise the anger a hell of a lot of people felt at the Nats, and to make certain they were flung out of office. Things like the Rallies forchange, where up to ten thousand people marched, and the Free Speech In the Mall campaign (which the ALP actually attacked), were what kept the pressure on, not Goss and Burns. Like the British Labour Party are doing now with Thatcher, they sat back and expected the wave of anger against the Tories to sweep them into power, without theirhaving to lift a finger. And likewise, one horrible regime ending is no guarantee the next will be any better. In East Germany, hundreds of thousands have demonstrated "Like the British Labour Party are doing now with Thatcher, they sat back and expected tbe wave of anger against the Tories to sweep them into power, without their having to lift a finger.' >> and gone on strike against cuts in living standards; in Roumania, protesting students are beat up in state-organised pogroms. Having Labor in power was no sign that things would be better. It's hard to know where to start. Gay rights, abortion, civil liberties, Fraser Island, union struggles - the sellouts themselves are not surprising, given the nature and the history of the Labor Party, but their speed leaves one breathless. Let's first look at something simple - the case of the Special Branch files. Late last year, in the final month before the election, the fact that Special Branch were keeping detailed files on political activists became a hot issue. A couple of rallies were held - one ended up with a vigorous scuffle at RomaStreetpolice station-and the ALP promised to disband Special Branch and allow people to view their files. Well, Special Branch was disbanded - but a new 'Criminal Intelligence' unit was set up, with much the same powers and duties. As forthe files - out of 156 people who took out injunctions to see their files, and countless others like me who applied in writing, a grand total of three - count'em, three! - have seen them. Okay, well how about civil liberties? The right to march, to speak publicly and so on? Forget it - the chant "Queensland police state - demand the right to demonstrate!" doesn't look in danger of redundancy just yet. An example. Everyyearthere isa rally and march for peace on Palm Sunday. This year it had been raining foraweek previously, so the march to Musgrave Park - which had been given a permit - was cancelled. Instead, the march went as far as Victoria Bridge {io\\ow'm% the route on our perm'iti. Then the trouble started. The rally was set to continue in King George Square. So, quite naturally, everyone marched back there, through the Mall (the shortest and most convenient route). As soon as we entered the Mall, police attacked the gay contingent and the International Socialist Organisation. Eventually, the march got past them, and continued through the Mall. Just as it was about to leave the Mall, about ten police again attacked the march. In the process, they assaulted several people. Predictably enough, the only person charged (a total of seven charges, including assault) was one of the marchers. More recently, as the Gulf conflict heated up, a rally calling for an end to U.S. intervention was called for King George Square. Itwas redirected to Roma Street Forum, where absolutely nobody could see it. A letter to the Courier Mail a few days ago said that "the democratic rights ofthe Kuwaitesare the democratic rights of Australians". Less than iour precent of Kuwaites can vote, so it's probably correct. How about the right of women to control their own bodies? Forget it, ALP policy is supposed to be for the decriminalisation of abortion, but Wayne t4«sempffeni6^er«&vcnt/i Edition, 1990

15 Goss has stated that he personally is opposed to abortion. Antiabortionists writing to Labor members about the issue are sent form letters saying thatthe ALP will make no moves towards granting women the right to choose. Cay law reform is a joke - even before the election, Labor had backed off on their policy of legalising consenting homosexual relationships in private. Then they passed the problem onto the CjC (Criminal Justice Commission), which then stated that it "wasn't a priority issue"! Ten percent V^//, Special Branch was disbandedhut a new 'Criminal Intelligence* unit was set up, with much the same powers and duties." (and probably more) of the population find it a very pressing issue! There is talk that the CJC may bring down a favourable finding - but whether it will get through (or even to) Pariiament is another matter entirely. There'll be no condoms or exchange needles in jails; prostitution won't be decriminalised; they can'teven make up theirmindswhichwaytojump on poker machines or daylight saving. And as for worker's rights - well, the future doesn't look promising. The best news is that VEA's appear(atthemoment) to be history.the Essential Services legislation is gone - for how long, one wonders - but in its place is Nev Warburton's new industrial iegislation, which, even he admits, includes "provisions that some people may like to call anti-strike". It was with great fanfare that Goss announced that the government would pay compensation, finally, to (someof) the SEQEB linesmen sacked for striking in What wasn't explained was the price - Goss expressly wanted a strike-free power industry, and that was the promise given by the unions in exchange. So if another industrial dispute occurs, Goss can - and will - do exactly what Bjelke-Petersen did in smash pickets, arrest workers, outlaw strikes. The most public and publicised betrayal, however, must surely be that of Fraser Island. ALP policy was veryclear cut-no logging, and nomination for Worid Heritage listing. Now, however, we need an inquiry. And, hey, why stop loggingforthe duration of it? It really is pathetic to hear Goss talking about ^xoiestoxson Fraser Island 'try/ng to prevemptthe inquir/' when logging is continuing during the inquiry. And what an inquiry! A progress report pages long - was released two months ago. A total of two paragraphs referred to logging on the island. The body undertaking the inquiry is full of logging industry figurs. These are the impartial people who'll decide the fate of the forests. Police have been raiding campsites, chopping down barricades, firing gunshots at night and generally harassing protestors. That failed. So Goss is now using the Recreation Areas Management Act (brought in bythe Nationals). Protestors are being handed $1200 Fine notices, with jail sentences for defaulters. This is the same Act that Goss loudly attacked as draconian and oppressive - when he was in opposition. And Goss complains about democratic thugger/ by 'a small self-interested minorit/. The police? The heads of the logging industry? No, the greens. All up, that's a pretty sickening record of nine months in office, particulariyfora party with a huge majority like the ALP now has. The business heads who worried about the possible effects ofa Labor government in Queensland are quite comfortable now. Not that the ALP were ever a threat to the structure and functioning of our society. As Keith de Lacy put it: "Some sections of the labour movement expected The Labor Party to tax business in order to redistribute wealth. We see our role as clearing the way for the private sector to create that wealth. Profit is not a dirty word. "If you don't know who is back, back self-interest, because it is always trying." For people interested in social change, the task is still the same as it was under Joh - to build genuine movements outside Pariiament to fight for change. Because the only changes we'll get are the ones we fight for. ''.. the chant 'Queenslandpolice state ~ demand the right to demonstrate!' doesn't look in danger of redundancy just yet." I'm glad to see the Nationals out, but, sad to say, the new chant - first heard on Palm Sunday - of "Nothing'schangedinQueensland!"isabsolutely correct. The fact we have a Labor government changes nothing. "So what difference does it make? It makes none - and now they have gone And you're looking very sick and ill today". BLAIR SHAW... ;^;., ;-^; The victim Tlie clue The suspect The plea ^K My sister, Julie-Ann, was last seen on Brisbane Road at Riverview on the night of August 2nd. The Police believe their greatest chance in finding her is to track down a 1969.'70 or 1971 to 1974 HT, HG or HQ Holden panel van which was seen at the spot where she disappeared. I beg you, if, in your mind, you can link a van like this with the events of that night, please contact Detective Senior Sergeant Beakey direct on (07) Please, we must know what happened to my sister.// p^ (/arj^ Va'iout sightings o( Julie-Ann, hef 1975 Cream Tarim. two men ind a or?97i to J974 HT, HG or HQ Holden panel van nave Jil ceen reported o Pol'ce. One report has her car and "he two men near the Redbank Shopping Centre AM these Sightings occurred between 6,10pm and 9.r5pm on t.^e night of Thunday August 2nd on Brisbane Road. Biverview, near the Toowoomba turno'f. Police can confirm that Julie-Ann would have been.n that area at appronimately 6.30pm if she travelled d,rectlv from work at the Queenslarid Museum. It was dark at that time. Considering most sightings were by passing motorists at night time, Ponce are reluctant to be too specific in the description o( Ihe panel van. Weight o( evidence seems to suggest, however, a 1969'70 or 1971 to 1974 HT. HG or HQ Holden panel van. It is probably two-tone with a white roof and tight green or blue body Reports a!so indicate a "rough' paint job. Police believe the key to solving the lulie-ann Gallon mystery is in finding this panel van. Someone knows something.

16 iue S''b<J?AiA^ O ede^ :/990 nuhfstarklnti trnxk It nn nnniinl wrk IOTK) rotxhratfnn or wiwmn in t..»rhflty wtiirnlion. Tliis ynni tilin-nlorkinii Wcrk will h<i lieltl Iron Hominy Oclolior n In Sntittilny o.lnl)rr l.l. Tlio focus will Ix. on cmliirnlionnl ciil.lvicks AIKI Unv lli>.y injvict. on wonixn - TcHuciix) tho clinlro nivl (^iinl it.y nt vthm.n*fi nlinrjit lonnl optloin. Tho t.*rn *nhif.ttockinr ' r1nto<; Iron tim lurn <»f lui* crnlury *'lt^o vnmon veto first AftflLtlrHl In AiiRi.rnlinn unlvnrsu ips. ^filiinslorklnq' vas A put-flnwn nlr, nt moltimf wrti»<.n loni fiol[-r.nnsrious nlmhit thoir nmilnaic rnilnnvnigr!:. Arfl<l<<»ir inirsiiitr. werr tlioinjht to bfl imsdllnbl'. fnr wi#.n. Wo«.*h who wnnt In imivnrsity worn roqatded as lots fcalninit than their tlnixi.'itlc nislotr:. AlthoD'ili hliicr;(nrl(inq Is nn loiiqot u'srit nr. a porjorotlvn wnnwn still do rint Imvn ciiiinl ri'ihtr: wlinn it r'wios to t<irtinry suidy..'^oao of Iho iksiton which woiitrn [,nro on this cnmpus inclihini- 5rxtinl ll/ii nfirliir*nt. niwl.'jnxuij violrnrn nn rampur: irnrl«.rtnprf.«;rnlation of vtwrn in yisl<fratluato studios Anil hiqhffr df.ijr<«n cfmiisoit t.flclt of Womon in non-lrmlil innal coursftn such as Enqincorinq, Srionrn ^tr. Intloxili],. ntui iiintl.^qiinl.> fliilih-ara nrrnnq'^onls Spxlst. courso cimtont AIMI l.-ick ot ACCOSS lo Womnn'!; Stmlios Cour so?;. Till* fotliiwihq ir. A tonl,iiivp piihir.-iiniiw. f,>r Hlijpsl mrkinq wo*»k. Horo (Inlflili will ly, AvniMhlo sfkiti. Walch llip ipfnctot t**!: for inoro ronihplk-nnivi" pi ^tjiammt.: ^tt)hu^r OCTOMKR n 11:00 1*1 Vrm^n'r. Riidif.; Awi linion Nnriiiif,-n roiiirn nliip^lockinq Siflll - An iiifotp.ll inn.:,i niniiil WMinr-n'r, ni<(liti,iii. n r i';pl/iv n( ikiolir: from Ui». Inrqp'it frntinisl collrrlinn in (;iii.f>nr,inntl (limisril in Llic Union flosomrc'. OnLro). w:oo 2:00 (Wl sinijpr/jionijwf Uor ll'.lpn naiiii.lni': [w.ffnnii!; in HIP Fomm Aron. Ilnli»n is on" of nrislhino*.; no'.t fuiqltial snrw]writors, hor stylo tnngps frihn ilitpiy ppir;oiinl to Mil* ]..-issionalply political. Tur.'soAr octoner 9 1:00 pa RoUy_4g«jjijj.ja^uc(»JU9Mjj:pitNi(;ks_jjn_th.i!-jaiaii!_Arj!a This will ho nn inlpr-caiipiis tally to ptotnst against adiicatlonal culbflcks which have arison mit ot tho federal qnvorniwibt' s odiicnllonal testruclucinq pioqraww. Sponknrs will focus on tho loriiiction of rnursn cholco anil quality. Tho Lack of fiindlnq for Wnoon's Studies rniirsosi thr slashin<j of Extntnal Studies Pro< tho intnlloctiial povnrty of rost-pffcctivo oducatlonl how Hurational eiithacks affpct naturn aqo wompn and thoir access to oilurntlon; thn ".ilnsl irnalnq of Hio Kurri stiidnnti (liimnltins culbocks and tho iiwjor-rihidinq of srcurity survlces on ca»pus and tha nacfl to tajc about soxiial violonco on ra>pus. lat,'»" ^flaurer Cf-tfr/ ia HEUHESDAV OCTOOER 10 11:00 in - 2:go p* HOflRII'S HAHKF.T DAY Honvon's snrviros and otqnnisatlons lliroiiqhout Orlslxnn win coiiibino»ilh Ihn usual Hoilnrsilay wtknis lo provido a craft and infotmallon ilisplny covpiing all as «'cl.'; of woi«>n's ho.illh, lonnl informtioii, infnrwal.ion on ijovpinnont sorwicos, cmitrncnption, sexuality, womon's Otis ami crafts. I.ivo nami in fonm area. l/n'om '','oui'ce fei<(»<,, fl.,., u.i. '^\n\ TIIURSPAY (ICTOBER 11 1 ;00 pn SEXUAL VIULKKCE WURKSIIOP raldat OCTOBER I] lioo pn Wins and Chneso Launch of tho U.O.U. Wonon's Journal (To bo nsbod} SATURDAY nnd SUNDAY l^onnaetirciiiont of proviously advortised Puhlishinq and Cnr Kainlonancn. St, nff, u,,/./ f^lt. SATURDAY OCTOBER 13 In tho Hoenn's Room (First Floor Union miililiny) prosontod by WoBon's House, tho UrisLnnn Bapo Crisis Centre 9! 00 (in - Lata workshops on Desk Top womon's Bluestocking Week Oancn party nt tho Buffalo Club Fortitudo Valley. UJI.V(AJ I_H»IUPH 0MC 'Lito wilh Harloo a-wnnan show wriuon by Wowen's Rights CoUoctlvo BTHllOr, Tanln rmltrks, Tlio riibjoct xuittor tocusos on llin issuq of wonipn nnl psychosis t ilenls with thn nltnrnativn worjtiiiqs of tho mind a«d tho stlgmi locjolj' places on the nentalj]' ill. "Lito Willi llsrinn' will Im porfotniod at Iho Knlro Arts Theatrn (Uh Floor, Hittro Arts liiilldinq, Eilwnrd Sttnot) at 6to0 pn fron Hondsy Of;lolK>i 0 to Satiirday Oclnlmr II. B.>frcsh!iients ond food nrn inrlndncl In thn pricn. A Ims will Inavn cnxpus on tho Saturday Miqlit to lorry womon who wisli lo allowl 'Lito with HarJon* and tho Oliiostorkinij Work Oance Pnrty, LOpra u\ locah^ ^t tvie top of T^a'^u Union ulcit^d. Wcw "Rookie"- 7 / ifu, kaoe avcrvlujc 'Oai^ cn, UJVUJO^ to r-^ihxr^ imsby^ LOAVES AND BOTTLES Pizza Hut wanl you to have the best pizza delivered to your door. Any large pizza will be accompanied by a 1.25L bottle o( Pepsi, and two garlic rolls, FREE! Mention your student number when you ring LIMITED DELIVERY AREA IFYDUHE GAML We bet you've seen a lot of countries. You probably lell some great stories ot your ailventures. But there's no way you can say you've seen the worid, until you've faced up to AFRICA. The biggest, wildest animals are still there. Heartstopping and terrifying. Beautiful and dangerous. In a wide, wild land that will open your eyes. Qantas and Air Zimbabwe fly direct twice a week to Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe. From there you step out into real adventure. Take your first step at Qantas, Air Zimbabwe or your AFTA/AUSTAP travel agent. MMTaS

17 wm ACADEMIC WGHTS Studying at fhe University of Queensland, it is easy to become disillusioned about the quality of education, especially in some faculties. It is fair to say that some lecturers are either too lazy or too engrossed in their research projects to bother putthig the energy into teaching which it deserves. They recognise that teachbig is necessary and that die unkersity is more than a research histitution but nonetheless regard teaching as a distraction, a process which has to be gone through for a few hours a week for form's sake. One ofthe clearest signs that some lecturers really don't want to be troubled giving students more than the rudiments of a university education is the bureaucracy they've built up to save themselves from being 'hassled' by students. When aci'.demic staff are employed, the terms of their employment don't specify what obligations they owe to students, or to the university acting on students' behalf It is somehow felt that to do this would intrude on the principle of academic freedom. Instead the guidelines lecturers are expected to follow contain provisions couched in language so vague as to be practically meaningless: "Academic staff members... are presumed to have the sense of responsibility to perform their duties without due interference by those to whom they are formally accountable." ^^hen she tries to see the lecturer to discuss her exam she learns that he has taken an overseas vacation, from which he will be arriving back in February." This is fine when it works out as envisaged, but some faculty policy seems to point to a perverse interpretation of what teaching 'responsibilities' should entail. Lecturers, for instance, are not bound to retum assessment. Though they often do return assignments, exams are released in only a few departments. Students therefore find it difficult to get feedback on their academic performance, even though it is necessary, in learning, forstudents to discover where they went wrong. A myriad of other problems arise, which demand institutional reform before they can be solved. Here's an anecdote which shows what I mean. Although it never happened, it combines the facts ofa number of true cases: N, a first year student fresh out of high school, enrols in XYIOl, which is worth 20 credit points. XYIOl isafull year subject withasingle 100 percent exam at the end ofthe year, but has provision for a practice test at the end of first semester which will influence the final grades if N happens to be on the cusp between two grades. In fact N is only told this is the method of assessment in third week of semester, and N much prefers to do assignments, but it is now too late for her to choose another subject to replace XY 101. N is never told that, in fact, sh e has a righ t to be consulted about whether she would prefer an altemative form of assessment, and that the lecturer is under an obligation to accommodate the preferences of the class as a whole. The lecturer chose to set an exam because it was quicker and easier to mark than assignments. N finds the lecturer's accent difficult to understand. The lecturer doesn't use an over-head projection or issue class notes to get around this. The lecturer is absent from the fifth week's lecture because he is attending a symposium. He fails to inform the class of this and they fill the lecture theatre expectandy, and wait about half an hour.the lecturer is sickfor six weeks from weeksix to week eleven and at the lecture in week twelve announces that the topic meant to be covered in those weeks will have to be dropped firom the syllabus because the faculty made no efforts to replace him in his absence. In week thirteen all students sit the practice test. At the end ofthe test as the lecturer is collecting the scripts, he explains that the test was not in fact diagnostic, and that it would count for twenty percent. The results of the test are never released, so N decides to see the lecturer to find out how she's done. The lecturer is not in his office. No consultation hours are posted on the door. The faculty office is unable to help N, but tells her that the lecturer lives in Toowoomba, and comes to Brisbane just once a week to give his lectures, leaving immediately the lecture is over. The officestaff explain to N that she must make concessions, given the fact the lecturer is over seventy and has been retired from full-time duties for many years. Finally N is able to phone the lecturerat his home. She asks how she went in the exam, and whether she can see her answers. The lecturer explains that he is bound by faculty policy not to allow her to see the exam paper. She asks if she can be told her marks. The lecturer says that the faculty had a policy until recently against disclosing marks but that under an Academic Board minute ofa few years ago, he is obliged to tell her that she got a 'middle 2'. When N asks what a middle 2 is the lecturer rather unhelpfully explains it is between a 'high 2* and a 'low 2'. The lecturer 'elaborates' by telling her she did badly on both questions on the exam, and then hangs up. N contacts the faculty and asks if she can have her paper remarked but is told a very definite no. In fact the lecturer had made a simple mathematical error in working out her mark. The exam consisted of two questions, each worth forty marks, and N had received 20 out of 40 for both. Thus she had achievedfifty percent. However a mistake had been made in converting the mark of 40/80 to a percentage. The lecturer had carelessly transcribed the mark as 40 out of 100. In second semester N regfularly attends lectures and studies conscientiously in an effbt to make up the shortfall. Although the lecturers are scheduled to begin at ten, the lectureroften arrives a quarter of an hour late, and leaves the two hour lecture about half an hour early. It is obvious to the class thathe is ill-prepared, especially when he is seen hurriedly copying diagrams into his lecture notes in his office just prior to the lecture. N complains to the faculty about this but is ignored. "The lecturer explains that he is bound by faculty policy not to allow her to see the exam paper." The exam is scheduled for early November. N's father unexpectedly dies from undiagnosed cancer in late October, after being seriously ill with a viral infection from the third of October. During the time of her father's illness, the burden of looking after her father falls on N and seriously affects her study. The faculty tells her she is ineligible for special consideration. October is a traumatic month for N for another reason. Her closest friend is killed while holidaying overseas. When she asks for a special exam in sympathy for this tragedy the faculty suggests her closest friend probably dies before the end of every year. In November, N sits the end-of-year exam. She travels to the exam with a friend. They arrive at the scheduled time, but find that the exam supervisers began the exam ten minutes early. N's friend obtains special consideradon on the basis of this but N is unable to because she is enrolled in a differentfaculty in which the Dean is less inclined to treat applications for special consideration seriously. In a good performance, N achieves an overall mark of 62 percent in the subject. However she is awarded a grade of three by the lecturer because she had, he said, performed badly in the essay question on the paper, doing better in the multiple choice. He says that as he can assume she had guessed some of the muhiple choice questions therefore her resealed mark is closer to 50 percent. He also says that ifthe essay had been half the paper instead of merely twenty-five percent, her overall mark would have been much worse, because her good results in the multiple choice section would not have counted for as much. The lecturer at no time explains the standard at which he will mark the exam beyond stating that it will be marked at the standard "appropriate to a first year university subject at an institution with high standards to maintain". N isflabbergastedand decides to see the Student Union. She is informed by the faculty administradon that if she does so it might affect her chances ofa sympathetic hearing of her complaint by the faculty. In any case, her mark is never adjusted from a three, even though she would have eamt at least afour if her mid-year exam result had been properly calculated. When she tries to see the lecturer to discuss her exam she leams that he has taken an overseas vacation, from which he will be arriving back in Febmary. N, feeling fhistrated, accepts her grade with as much equanimity as she can muster. She is unaware that the details of her applications for special consideration have been forwarded to the University adminfstradon to be kept on secret file. "The lecturer is absent from the fifth week's lecture because he is attending a symposium." I have deliberately picked the most outrageous cases and cobbled them together, and it would be fair to say that very few lecturers would be likely to be guilty of anything approaching all of them. Thankfully the story is not representative or even particularly typical, and the university does have procedures for dealing with these types of complaints, though they are often toothless. It is true, however, that the University could do more when it hears such cases. When a document - the net effe<:t of which was to attempt to havea student excluded - was recently discovered to be forged the university seemed to do very little, besides permitting the student to re-enrol. Now the Union is putting a sixteen point Bill of Rights to the University's Academic Board. The University has a chance to formally acknowledge a student's right, amongst others, to have reasonable access to academic staff, to receive feedback on exam performance, and to have the right to an independant re-mark. This would hardly stop all such horror stories, but it might cure a few more of them, and give more students some confidence in the quality of their education. LUKE BERRY Seventh Edition. t990*semp(temb)enm\7


19 "iv-" ; r " ; ' *'-.. ' -'V 'f.,,, t., «.:,', '. Bognor the Barbarian and the Lost Greengrocer of Unggar,- >\r ''.1»:. '. <-.' v:»vv-ov;/-r:v-'f.^^ Part the First *»*»»'"Its."!*'.4^ l^flpt^ 2*?.J m ^J ; i'\»\> 'f\^,:<?';'' r [,./ >.^ ^^\S V N ^^«^' '^^^^' bists»-^.*s Step by might)' step, Bognor the Barbarian stmtlc grimly Aown the mazy allc)'sof the Forbidden Cit)-of Unggar, Ewn though he had tnncllcd nearly an entire city block, he had not yet even once dra\vn his m)'stic blade Phthncuveinngc ilic unspeakable, for the final admonitions of his wife Grunwyn)!^ the Ferocious rang )t;t in his mighty barbarian ears. "Just get )'c the )'ak butter," spake she imperiously as Bognor donned his fur-lined loincloth, "and get not t^'self involwd with any dread necromancers or e\il cmporcrs, jea, or any of that other mighty barbarian shit." Thus did Bogncr pursue his darkling quest, c\'cry iota of his indomitable barbarian will focused unflinchingly upon the task of remembering the Yak Butter, forhc knew that if but once his concentration lapsed, all memory ofhis mission would vanish fmm his tiny mind, and then hc \\'ouid really be in the poc. Grunwynynn might c\en force him to wear his helmet without the horns on in public b)' >vay of punishment and humiliation. On and on strode Ikigiior, ignoring the myriad temptations ofthe insidiousflcshpots of Unggar. Passing die Inn ofthe Pickled Gonad, he was seen by his friend Vardak the Lumpy Tcrwiliger, who called out to him in a rough but friendly barbaric manner. "What ho, friend Bognor? But step yc through these portals and we shall quaff a couple of horns of mead together and then ravish a couple of voluptuous virgins. And then perhaps, wc shall overthrow the Evil Empire of XXarxixs for an evening's entertainment'" Vardakflourishedhis mighty axe, much notched and worn, by way of punctuation. "Nay," quoth Bognor sombrefy," for Mars is in the house of the jewelled Numbat, and die Fiw Signs of %philis are seen once more in the cast." "What'" cried Vardak in amazement, "Can it be so.' And is it that the green serpent flees the inebriarion of the ^'cngcf^^t dromedary?" "Ajt," asserted the now somewhat confused Bognor. "Why then, 'rwrre best wc stood on guard this night, eh? Fare thee well, friend Bognor, and my thanks for the timely %vaming!" >JK>tting for Bognor to stride grimly out of earshot, Vardak added "\bu pretentious barbarian prick!" Past the gambling house of Grammatglan of the Three Testicles strode the implacable Bognor; past the gladiatorial pits he went as well, baix:ly caressing the hilt of his magcstic weapon as the delicious sounds of maiming, blood and violencefloated out upon the e\ening air. Even past Madame Nupria's House of A Lot of Naughtly Tilings To Do, where the \t)iuptuous courtesans leaned pneumatically from the upper balconies preening and giggling and soliciting bjpasscrs did he stride although not without a certain amount of anguished readjusting of his steel-reinforced groin enhancer. BtJgnor was a barbarian with a mission. The terrible and bloodthirst)' gods of fiendish fate had not )xt finished with Bognor, however, for as hc rounded a parricularly dark and noisome corner a strange and terrible sight greeted his might)' barbarian eves. "Gronkl" svrorc the barbarian, in\'oking the sad, puny and hapless Duck-god of his Gormless tribe as hc strow to conceal his colossally muscular form in a ptch of shadow barely adequate to ensure the modest)' ofan exhibitionist chihuahua. Ejts wide with amazement, he struggled desperately to comprehend the bizarre scene before him. In the alley under his gaze, nine cloaked figures sat, stood, or variously disported themselves as was their wont. Tlie three tallest were hunched o^'cr what might have been a map, and the one who Icxiked like a >vizard because he had a long beard and a big stick and a pointy hat ^vith stars and moons on it spoke. "I tell thee, never should wc have tumed left at Rohan!" ",Not so!" cried one with areassuringlycnhomed helmet atop his micrtxrephalic head, "it ^vas thee that adwsed such a ti/ming. I cried out for a straight course for the Falls of Rauros, and a taxi from there to Mordor, but listen thou dkjst not!" "Siknce, the both of you," the third hissed grimly, "else I'll let daylight through thine ribs!" From nearby, a small form l(x>kcd up from the huge meal of roast dog it was sharing widi three other midgets. "Let in die daylight? But thine blade is broken, dotard. Dost thou not realise that thou hast been afllrctcd with symbolic impotence?" The man w4to had made the threat grimaced. "Would that impotence afll'ctcd that dwarf, or at least that the catamite Elf would cease fellattng him each time NVC stopped for a break! The. noise doth fair tum mine stomach." And indeed, from the darkest shadow of the alley, enthusiastic slurping noises wre clearly audible, as were the deep gioans of the de>-iant dwarf. Ibrtunately, the gobbling noises ofdie dog-eating midgets atl but drowned out the worst of such sounds. Sp)-ing the klutz)' barbarian attempnng to hide behind a small weed in the comer ofthe alleyway, one ofthe midgets seized upon the chance to deliver an impassioned soliloquy. Drawing from his bosom a cheap and nasty-looking ring, of the sort usually disgorged by the more unsavoury gumball machines, he clutched agonisedly at his brow and spoke in tones of sorrow. "Ah, if only dear uncle Bilbo had just put a bullet through that bastard Gollum and sent both him and his terrible ring to a ^vatery gra\e. Oh, misery is me that I must bear such a dread burden on such a king and arduous but deeply important and glory-filled quest... siggghhh!" At die completion ofthis speech, the others of the party c\en the Elf and the Dwarf tumed as one and cried "Put that fuckin' thing away you greasy little shitbag!!" or variations of that sort of thing, an)'way. Undaunted, thering-bearingmidget continued his heart-rending speech. "Oh, how sad it is that I must endanger so many fine souk in a near-hopeless quest for the destruction of this dread Ring. Why, if I could but find one brave, unconquerable soul," he quoth, staring directly at the barbarian and jabbing the Ring suggesti\ely in his direction, "If 1 could find but one indomitable barbarian willing to undertake a quest to almost certain death, why then I should happily let go this awful task, and e\'en be properly adulatory of the one stupid enough I mean bnve enough to take my plice!!" Havingfinallycaught the drift of the midget's idea, several of the others chimed in. "Yeah wow! But, like, he'dreallyhave to IK brave!" "And indomitable!" "Andreally,reallymacho. OOoooooh!" From his place of non-concealment, Hdgiicir shook with bare!)' suppressed lust. A Quest! A Quest of great import and his for the taking! Surely, he thought, Grum\yn)'nn wouldn't mind if he undertook only one linle quest of Earth-shattering import on his way to the greengrocer. Why,Mor»lorwas hardly a hop, skip, and a bltxidy long train ride from the Forbidden City... Slowly, though, controlre;issertcditself. Bognor cinched his furr)' loincloth extra tight against the cold, and then slowly, reluctantly, he shufhed away from the Nine, sending many a )'caming back^v-ards glance over his shoulder until the)' disappeared into the gloom of evening. Behind him, the disconsplate group emitted a simultaneous sigh. "Shit", quoth die one in the homed helmet," looks like I srill get killed carly in book two!" Nearer and still nearer the grocery of Zugash the Prudent did Bognor come, albeit in a somewhat depressed fashion, his mighty barbarian stride reduced to a sort of dragging shuffle. Yet ewn in his terribly depressed state, his prctematurally keen senses sharpened by years of life as a desperate barbarianreaverckarly identified the sound of a broadsword roughly a metre and a half long and probably fifteen centimetres wide, alloy unknown, blade inscribed with etched mncs ofa strange tongue severing die aortic areh ofa human heart male, probably l65cm, about thirty years of age. (Barbarian senses were really keen in those days.) And even if he had somehow managed to mi,ss a dead giveaway like that, the anguished cry that followed would surely have enlightened him. "Ohh, whoopsie misery met Once more my terribly m)'stic and evil blade claims the life of somebody I'd gotten to know reasonably well! If only I coukl find some w-ay to stop gratuitously cxtirparing everybody who ever had an)ihing to do with mc! I'm so depressed. I haven't any friends anymore I've killed most of them, and the others have moved away and left no foru-arding address I've sacked, burned and looted my home cit)', disembowelled my beloved cousin and sweetheart, slaughtered my other cousin who was pretty objectionable anyway, butchered my

20 buddy the archer, dismembered my nephew, and now I've even minced the newsboy who used to sell me cut-price issues of SEMPER! O woe is me. Oh clumsy, silly me wliat will 1 do for a reliable source of comic relief now?" Tfie source of this.soulful cry of ultimate angst was a tall and excitingly moody-looking albino, whose features indicated that he wan't human although (thank God) hc wasn't yet another of those bloody generic pointy-cared fantasy elves. He stood, one hand clasped anguishcdiy to his brow, and the other connected to the hilt of a totally awesome a black broadsword of proportions too stunning to contemplate here (although let it be said that Bognor's keen barbarian senses had not misled him about its size,,. much). Said broadsword was neatly embedded in the chest of a thoroughly dcatl-looking newsboy, vi^io ^vas still twitching in a disgustingly suggestive fashion. "GRONK!" swtia* Bognor under his breath," his mj'stic weapon is even larger and more impressive than my own! Truly, despite his comtemptibly puny frame and total lack ofa suntan, ht must be a really impressive hero-type. Perhaps I should join him on his sad, forlorn quest for meaning in life, justice on Earth and a really gkxxl take-away hamburger for under two crowns fift)',.," Despite the fact that Bognor h;id no more than breathed these words to himself, the angst-riddcn albino warrior turned to\s-.irtis him, indicating almost as ludicrously keen as those of the barbarian. "(xime forth, O shadowed one," spake the impressivck'eqiiip[-)cd albino, "and perhaps wc can s[k'nd a few moments in fricndlv converse ik-forc- 1 get around to the inevitable slaughter sequence." Bognor step K-d forth from the clammv' shallows that clung to his might)' frame. "Ho, pale rider... Mickle indeed is thy wciipon yea, even despite the fact that I carry- the mystic blade Phthneuvetngge the L'i)s Kakablc. 1 must admit that I am rather impressed. Wliat is yon big black jxiinty thing called?" With a heavy sigh, the pale vs-arrionltlivl-red his feeble reply. "Oh dear,.. already we grow friendly, and the urge to butcher vou where you stand nigh to o\en\helms me. Ah well my name is... unimportant. And that of my huge, timibbing black sword is far Kxi tacky and embarrassing to divnigi; to one 1 have just met." "Wcxxio W(KMKi", moanetl the big black throbbing swoni in n suggestive manner. Still", quoth Ikignor," oft have I heard it.said that size alone counts for little that the heart ofthe matter lies in the.skill with which one wielils one's - er... blade." "It may," j-awned the albino, absent-mindedly disemlxiwelling a passing [Ktlhir of sleaz)' sex to\-s, "\vt none have 1 disapfiointed to this da)\ O unwashed one." "1-ven so." grunted Btignor, "yet must I ask thee this: how [x:rformest thou vutbniit th\' admittedly massive X'nis C()m K'nsator?" "Ahlih," sighed the sad albino, "thou hast the right of it. Wliy, without my vast piiallic enhancer, 1 am no more than a shadow <if a man. Without diis," he crietl, wa\itig the big black thing around in such a manner as to fortuitously decapitate an unfortunate laundrv'w'oman piviiig her trade nearby, "I am a feeble atui gumbi' thing, reliant on large quantities of hani drugs t<i get about and totally unimpressive to anyliody at all". "It is as 1 thought," intoneil Bognor, "thou art no more than a puny attempt to subvert the usual sterc-otyiie ofthe o\erdevelo[ied barbarian a stereotvix- which I mj'self hapjx'ii rather to favour. Good day to you, sir albino ~ I believe I shall continue my own quest in my own particular idiom, de.spite the fact that ytiur nivstic wca xin is a g<x)d loot and a half longer than mine, and black and throbbing to Ixiot!" With that, Bognor turned on his heel and stalked puqxisefull)' into the darkness, leaving the peqilexed albino to worrv' about whether or not his leather bymie of dee X'St black clashed with his hauberk of scarlet and gold and to wonder exactly what a bv'niie and a hauberk actually were, and even whether or not he hapix-ned to be wearing either of the garments in question. "How utterly gratuitous and blatantly Freudian." thtiuglu Bognor as be swaggered briskl)' a\«n from the exceedingly depressed albino. "It's (xople like him wlui bring a bad name to the enrire genre of swoixt-and-sorcerv- fiction!" By now, he was quite afire with righteous indignation. "Wliy", he said angrily, "that entire sequence looks suspicioush' like a pathetic attempt by a drunken author to bring plot development into an <ithen\ise [x-'ilestrian tale about an excessively iiuisck-lxiund barbarian going to the '-L'^ '^V. m ' pfc tjwv ' 1i> i..'^ ; < :SVl ^$ "m \^- Brisbane to... Sydney $56 rikfx Melbourne Airlie Beach Cairns to^"^ $103 $88 $11811 Luxury Air Conditioning Videos Wash Rooms Chilled Water Stereo Affordable & Convenient SMQjw BOOK NOW! BRISBANE - (07) GOLD COAST- (075) OR YOUR LOC:AL TRAVEL AGENT (Prices subject to change without notice) Unlimited Stopover Pais Available DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THE UNIVERSITY OE QUEENSLAND RESEARCH AREAS; ADSORI'TION BIOTECHNOLOGY SCHEFKCE (GliiAlDlUA'il'iES HULK GAS SEPARATION CATALYSIS COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING CRYSTALLIZATION ENVIRONiVIENTAL POLYMER PROCESSING PROCESS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING SOLIDS PROCESSING SCHOLARSHIPS: Ocparlmcntal Scholarships in the range of $ $I8000/ycar depending on qualifications arc available ft)r PhD study beginning in The conditions include: -Australian citizenship or permanent residency status 3'/2 year term -180 hours tutoring/year The Department will pay return economy airfares within Australia/New Zealand for successful applicants. WASTE MANAGEMENT shop for stjnie... for stinie Cironk! Wliat was I going to the sliop for an)'way? Utterly lu)rrifie<l, Bognor stoiul in the middle of the strc'et and chewed on one «if his grossly filthy and blackened thumbnails. And as he sttxxl, doing his kst impression of a barbarian deep in thought, fieiuiish and fickle fate crept up u xin him once more... to be continued! Inicrcslcd applicants can obtain further details from Mrs L. Greenfield, Dcpartmcnl of Chemical linginccring. The University of Queensland, Qld Phone (07) / Fax (07)

21 ^A E V I E W S BOOKS PAPERBARK-A COLLECTION OF BLACK AUSTRALIAN WRITINGS MANY CONTRIBUTORS. MANY EDITORS UQ PRESS, 1990 This is an unusual and interesting volume. It is an attempt fo render into print a representative sample of the works of a culture which has virtually no written tra> dition at all -an effort to translate part oi the strongly oral and visual art of the Aborigines into a frameworl( which can be experienced by Europeans. It is a bold idea, and a laudable one, and it is regret; table that such a work will only reach the dedicatedly literate part of Australian society - the so-called intelligentsia, who are supposedly already welmnformed culturally. The usual standards are there, of course: the inevitable foreword by Oodgeroo Noonuccal, probably Australia's best-known Black author, and fhe unavoidable plea for Land Rights, but there is also a wealth of unusual and interesting material which hints at the rich texture of Aboriginal culture which still exists, and which must once have easily rivalled the cultural heritage we of the West share. There are Aboriginal paintings/designs, for instance, albeit rendered in black and white, which are explained in such a way as to make at least part of their significance clear to the uninitiated reader. There are also excursions into poetry, including (I think) "Pigeon Story" by Banjo Worrumarra, wherein the pidgin English used by an old storyteller is translated and poetically arranged by Stephen Muecke to produce a capthnting.and rambling tale which carries much of the rhythm and feel of a true oral delivery. There are a number of short stories as well, some of which - Robert Bropho's The Here's a book which didn't make much of an impression, tts confused storyline concerns a confused young man going to Bali for a holiday, where he becomes even more confused and decides to hide from his problems by'dropping into' laidback- Balinese society, but his conception oi that society does not conform to the con Great Journey of the Aboriginal "Teenagers fusing - reality, whereupon he grows more are quite good in their own right, and almost all of which are valuable for their insight and vision of a culture largely invisible to the white majority. Most interesting are some of the "experiments", of the nature of "Pigeon Story". There are a number of translation of tradilional tales, not abbreviated and cleaned up into a simple Western-style monologue, but retaining the rambling, anecdotal nature of an oral storytelling event. David y}nii\ton'$narroorrjarries Wives stands out in this category. Despite the seemingly eclectic nature of the material, the book overall has a solid and unmistakeable feel to it - it is a work which achieves its ends by exploring a set of themes and ideas in a large number of ways without losing it's "texture". It is a book with a distinctly "Aboriginal" flavour, and indeed, goes a long way - at least for me - towards defining just what an "Aboriginal" flavour might actually be. Read it. It's good. SALT Gahridle Lord Penguin Books Australia, 1990 This is a a competent and readable yam set in Australia a hundred years down the track. Lord's vision of an eco-catastrophised Australia is probably the most interesting feature of the novel, backed up as it is by a few well-placed references to farming practices of the late twentieth century. Satinisation of soils, loss of topsoil and toss of much oi the oion^ layer have combined to make Australia virtually a dead continent. In some places the novel grows a tad psychoanalylic - exploring the alcoholism of the lead character - and in others, it tends to lecture and moralise a little, but by and large, such excursions into the 'deep' zone are kept under control, and the tale as a whole emerges reasonably intact. It's a little too "Mad Maxish" for my/ \A%\e% - but all in all, it's nisfmmy good. Nothing to get excited over, but it is worth reading. TRGPRO MAN Gerard Lee UQ PRESS, 1990 confused than every thrashing about in a confused and self-pitying manner until his composure is restored almost magically by a therapeutic blowjob, and he decides to retum to Australia, where at least he is confused in an environment he can almost understand. It reads like an effort to follow Joseph Conrad into a heart of darkness somewhere west of Kuta Beach, but in the end it leaves the reader not confused and deep in thought so much as confused and somewhat bored. Stylistically not a bad job, but the idea doesn't seem to have come through all that well, and despite the reports in The Australian, Gerard Lee does not capture the flavour of Balinese dialogue at all well, sounding rather condescending in his treatment. Ho-hum. THE KADAITCHA SUNG Penguin Books This is going to be a difficult book to review, because it's going to be damned difficult to criticise the book without criticising the ideology that it promotes so heavily. Sam Watson seems to have drawn this effort straight from the heart of the Great White Middle-Class Guilt Trip which sadly seems to drive so many of our current crop of rebels and revolutionaries; the impression one gets is not so much of "a seductive tale of sorcery, eroticism and corruption" as of a racial manifesto thinly disguised as a fantasy novel. So fine: combine art and polilics it's not new, and it's worked beautifully on other occasions. But If you're going to do it, you should do it well, right? Sure, you can argue that portraying almost all the whites in fhe novels as villainous, exploitative subhumans or bumbling, deluded victims is no more than a reversal of the usual roles ^en to indigenous peoples but that still doesn't make the product readable. yniixson's whites come zaoss just about as believably as the massacreing Apache in an old John Wayne flick. Still, the sort of thing is ok in the context of a fantasy novel. The point to be made is that it rather blunts the political message lieing pushed by the work. And by making his blacks as deep, sensitive, noble and superhuman as he does, it kind of makes their downtrodden role hard to accept as well. I thought that Ihe 'Noble Savage' cliche died some time ago; reading this book might well lead one lo believe it was undergoing a resurrection. To give him his due, Watson has pitched this as a tale outside the ken of the white worid; the villain is as much a part of the tribal system as the hero. Trouble is, it's hard to really get into him as a villain when there's so much white villainy intruding into the piece. The concept behind the book is intriguing, though the idea of a pitched battle between good and evil happening here in Australia under our very (white) noses because the society in which it takes place is neariy invisible to us (whites). And the currenf state of affairs re the Aborigines here in Ausiralia is certainly worth writing about and publicising. Unfortunately, Watson's goals and ideals are not matched by his skills as yet, and the book winds up looking like an effort in white-bashing, and as such, much of the merit of the book is wasted. Time will tell whether or not this author can leam to harness his justifiable rage, rather than letting it drag him willy-nilly behind it. HALF OF MAN IS WOMAN Zhang Xianimg Trinsiircd from the Chinese by Martlu Avery Penguin Books Reading and reviewing a book translated from a foreign tongue is always a task to be approached wilh some apprehension, as one can never tell lo what degree the translator has affected the tone of the book. Still, from the very even, fluid style of this book, and the gentle, almost poetic flavour which it almost never loses, one may hope quite reasonably that this is a faithful and able translation. Which is a good thing because this is an important book. Frightening in a way that the fictional 1984 of George Orwell could never be, it presents a picture of China during the terrible years of the Cultural Revolution. It is a tale of one man's involvement with a woman during his long years as a political 'suspect' in and out of jails, labour camps and State Farms for about twenty years, apparently for being a poet. Using simple, often very beautiful language to contral the ageless Chinese landscape and fhe hard but uncomplicated life of a peasant farmer/labourer with the unfathomable madnesses of Mao's 'continuous revolution', the author manages to convey something of the terrible sacrifices of self and humanity which must be made to merely survive in such an absurdly, paranoiacally politicised environment. Far from seeming contrived, (as the translator seems to fear in her introduction) the blend of politics and poetry herein seems periectly natural, allowing the reader to closely follow Zhang as he seeks his own identity in a, worid where indmdual identity is virtually a crime. This is a very fine book, and a deeply thought-provoking and frightening tale it should be read by anyone out there who still has any faith in govemment, politics, or revolution of any kind. AIDS AND ITS METAPHORS Susan Sontag IViigiiin llmiks Let's see... the blurb on the back goes like this: "In this brilliant essay, Susan Sontag (author of ILLNESS AS MET APHOR) examines the ways in which our language and culture have influenced our view of the AIDS epidemic... she analyses with intellectual force and profound insight the terms used to discuss AIDS and their meaning in society today". Well, stripped of fhe unnecessary adjectives, that liltle paragraph just about covers it. Susan Sontag discusses the language and images surrounding AIDS, and compares them wifh the language surrounding other diseases and maladies. It's a good tight essay, reasonably brief and easy to read. The author has opted for a simple and direct style with a minimum of jargon, and has thus managed lo make her arguments clear and readily understandable. It's not an exciting book to read, bul it's reasonably objective as far as the AIDS issue (whatever that may actually be) goes, and it may well give you some insight into why you hold whatever opinions you do concerning AIDS. THE DIAMOND THRONE David Eddings June 1990, $10.99 A Grafton Paperback Yeah great. Another first-book of yet another fantasy trilogy. Whoopee! Qn't these authors manage anything except trilogies? This guy has got at least two previous ones fo his name. (Ooops-scratch that: his two previous efforts have been pentologies. Or is that quintofogies?) Well, at least Eddings' style has improved somewhat since his rather nauseating Belgariad. My mother bought this whole lot for me under fhe mistaken impression that I would read anything in fhe fantasy genre - and I can fell you, fhe experience was nota pleasant one. However, that's irrelevant. The current book is a fair effort, with some attempts at characterisation, and a reasonably fluid technique. Of course the plot isjust the usual one about a pack of really nice good guys out to thwart the machinations of a heinously powerful bad-guy who has designs on ruling the worid. And naturally, they need an exciting and shiny magick doohicky to do the job right - but what Ihe hell. You either like this stuff, or you don't. LAUNZ BURCH 22ISEIMPf(rmb;ER*5ci'cnr/i Mtion, 1990

22 MOVIES CRAZY PEOPLE The advertising industry is riddled with hypocrisy. Yes, we know that. Bul the biggest hypocrisy of all isa htdllywood movie which pretends to be an expose when it's really just another advertising gimmick in itself. Anyway, Dudley Moore is crap and Darryl Hannah hasn't had a decent part since Bladerunner. If you pay to see this film you're crazy. Just find someone who's seen if and get them to lell you all the funny bits. Now that's real subversion. HEATHERS Ever since James Dean crashed his car, self-destruction has had the glamour of a creative act: the ultimate rebellion against society, in this astonishing black comedy tbe rebel without a cause is reincarnated as Christian Slater doing an imitation of Jack Nicholson. Slater plays "J.D.", boyfriend to Veronica (Winona Ryder), who helps her realise her fantasy of killing the bitchy leader of the snootiest clique in the school, the Heathers. Veronica and j.d. forge a suicide note, and the dead girl is admired for a sensitivity she never had. ).D. decides there are plenty of others at school whose personalities could be improved by suicide, and Veronica has to decide if she's for or against him. This is youth culture satire af its sharpest and darkest, a circus of teenage insecurities and resentments taken to outrageous but logical extremes. The cliched character send-ups are spot-on, from fhe bullying, moronic jocks to the dopey "hip" teacher who says "Whether or not to commit suicide is one of the mosl important decisions a teenager can make". It's aboul time an American movie took fhe piss out of America without getting cute, and Heathers will continue to delight cult audiences years after those bloody turtles have been foi:gotten. CAMILLE CLAUDEL Well honestly, is there such a thing as a French film that doesn't have Gerard Depardieu in itr I think he must be in all of them. Good thing he's a superb actor. In Camille Oaudel he plays the great turnof-the-century sculptor Rodin. His student and mistress (Camille) is torn between her love for him and her own artistic fervour. She's hardly the prototype feminist: Susan Sontag would have fold the arrogant bastard to sod off and just got on with making statues. And no doubt plenty of female artists in Paris did reject the patriarchy and get on with their lives. But Camille Claudel's life is the stuff of romantic tragedy, isabelle Adjani does a fine job of portraying the despair of this artist who had to live in the shadow of both Rodin and her own brother, a famous poet. Af times fhe film seems too much in love with itself and the worid it creates, but most of the time fhe passion seems genuine enough. DIE HARD 2 People die in Die Hard 2. Lots of them. Violently. Some are blown to bits by gunfire, bullets ripping through Iheir flesh. Others die horribly in explosions. And there are still others who don't gel off so lightly and meet with all kinds of gory ends. Bruce Willis killsalot of people, but the terrorists kill more, which I guess makes them the BAD CUYS. "Isn't technology wonderful" one character says near the beginning. Yes, if is. Technology gives us an infinite variety of ways to kill ourselves and others. And Die Hard 2 wallows in Ihe different ways fhat machines can cause death. Brilliantly. I enjoyed every minute of it. I am a product of my times. CHOCOLAT At the Metro, 109 Edwircl St. A French woman returns to Camaroun and remembers her childhood during French governorship. Strong in her mind is her friendship with the black manservant, and the repressed sexual attraction between the ser\'anf and her mother. A subtle, non-melodramatic study in race relations: the drama is gentle and understated, and the pace dream-like, with the camera pausing reverently on the imposing landscape. The mood is definitely restrained, with nobody giving the slightest indication of even thinking about saying "cowabunga", which suits me down to fhe ground. Also on fhe bill is a 17 minute Ausfralian film called "Nighf Cries" which Is like a short "Eraserhead" on fhe subject of aboriginal/white psychological interdependence. Powerful stuff see if and you'll know what I mean. NICK DENT TOURNANTES THE REVOLVING DOORS Goand see this film ifyou can. It's French -however, it's set in Canada. 11 is sad, very perceptive, and reveals a cultural past that's been obscured. One of the main characters is a 12-year-old boy who tries to find his pianist grandmother. The boy's father has become estranged from his own mother since birth. The film's plot is totally honest, yet showing gently how lack of love can wound people. The film also celebrates the thing that is music. We see how Estelle, the grandmother, plays the piano in a 1920s movie theatre, and then, later, during fhe war, plays softly in a New York Jazz band. This jazz music helps to heal her when she feels she has made too many mistakes in (ife. This film has poetic script and is really worth seeing, it's finished its run at fhe Schonell for the moment, but should pop up again soon. MONICA LONG ROSALIE GOES SHOPPING Al (lie Metro, 109 lulwani i>i. The Title of Rosalie Goes Shopping and the subtitle to ifs poster "When you're a $100,000 in debt, it's your problem. When you're $1,000,000 in debt... it's the Bank's", Immediately conjures up a harsh, spiteful movie celebrating American excess, with a conniving, Beffe Midler-like heroine. In fact, Rosalie Goes Shopping could not be more different from that imagined scenario. From Percy AdIon, the director of Baghdad Cafe and with Marianne Sagebrecht, Baghdad Cafe's star, comes a moody and empathetic film. Rosalie Goes Shopping is as attractive and yet as unsatisfactory as fhe dream you cannot quite remember when you wake. Like a dream the film holds you in its thrall as you watch it and then becomes increasingly vague the further you are distanced from il. Rosalie was a Bavarian girl who married a American pilot and leff Bavaria to raise a family of seven children in Little Rock, Arkansas. She raises her family to be Bavarians in an American culture highly united and generous fo a fault. Rosalie practices this generosity in a country glad to provide credit fo anyone who can continue fo pay fhe interest; and with 37 credit cards and innumerable cheque accounts, Rosalie is able to pay fhe interest and merrily forge deeper into debt. The film is a fantasy. No one really believes fhat banks are as vague about their money as this, but we want to believe it because Ihe family presents such an attractive image. Each evening, a son training to be a chef puts on incredibiy lavish meals with delicacies bought by Rosalie while the twins, exactly min"oring each other's actions, set the table and serve dinner. After dinner, fhe whole family watches, with child-like delight, direct-dial advertising, chorusing along with the voice-over's advertising spiel. Tlie outside worid is represented by a son's girifriend who sits bemused fhrough the lavish dinner and is unamused wilh fheir fetish for endless television ads. However, the family remain totally absorbed in their activities and in each other. The essence of Ihe film is Rosalie preserving her family on endless, but precarious credit. Rosalie Goes Shopping is not about fraud, but about this family. The moral that could be drawn from Ihe film is Ihaf everyone's expectations are so high fhat fo live fhe perfect "middleclass" lifestyle it is necessary for most to get into debt. However, the flow of fhe film is againsi such a moral and ifs dream-like qualifies militate againsi any firm messages or morals. The cinematographic techniques used are also far from the ordinary. AdIon uses deep blue and red lighting during some sequences to emphasis moods and a slow darkening in fhe film to heighten the sense of danger to the happy, surreal family. The filming delights fhe eye with unusual angles and a hovering closeness in fhe scenes with the family. Rosalie Goes Shopping is a happy, unusual film, very much worth seeing. AIR AMERICA "Air America" wasa C.I.A. controlled air-' line operating in Laos during the Vietnam War. it supplied anti-communist forces with weapons and smuggled heroin for profit. Basically "Air America" is another Vietnam movie, a retread of any one of them you'd like lo name, without even i)eing a half-decent action movie. Mel Gibson and Robert Downey Jr. fly planes and helicopters around, get shot at, and crash so often it gets a bit tedious. There's the inevitable south-east Asian brothel scene which doesn't seem to prove much except th at American film-makers or American audiences like prolonged scenes of middle aged men being fawned over by Asian girls in tight dresses. All the actors keep a conscientious distance from their characters and forall the danger they're meant to be under, they don't look very wearied by it. In fact they look like they're spending a holiday in Thailand, which, incidently, is where it was filmed. Really not worth the bother. BENEDICT POWER THEATRE PEER QVNT Fractal Theatre's production of Peer Gynt is an entrancing journey through different ages, places and philosophies. Peer Gynt is Fractal Theatre's fourth production, fheir olher shows being "The Lay of Lysisfrata", "Lulu: A Sex Tragedy", and "The Poet and the Women". Director Brenda McRobie does and admirable job of editing the script fo under three hours, and manages to give unity to a very disjointed and segmented piay. The set of the stage, an acting strip diagonally crossing the Paint Factory space, works well both for movement on stage and in ensuring all of fhe audience gels a good seat. The set is big, simple and even opens and shuts. Peer Gynt showcases a cast of very talented. Brisbane actors. Eugene Gilfedder gives an energetic performance as Peer Gynt, from youth lo old age. The play offers some juicy roles to some talented character actors. The dancing is outstanding and varies from modern ballet to belly dancing. The music, directed by John Rogers, is an inleresfing Seventh Edition, l<79(l*semp((cnib)era23

23 interpretation of Grieg's music and fits well wifh the choreography, especially for the memorable Troll dance. Weird and exotic instruments make some great sounds. One passes from the real worid to the imagined worid and back again and is often in an inexplicable mixture of the two. Direction, lighting and costumes reflect this dichotomy from the daylight and period clothes of the village to the intriguing interior of Troll mountain. The costume designers must have had a tot of fun playing with shapes, colours and textures, realism and the unreal. MANDY CURTIES MED REVUE'SO Semper usually ignores Ihe Medical Society's annual revue, but it really is fime that somebody said something. "Doc Tracy vs. The Phantom ofthe Operation" quite possibly marks an all-time low for Med (ievues, not tradifionally renowned for their subtlety or wit. Let's not be too harsh. Med Revues are meant lo be disgusting. The Medical Faculty makes tough demands on its students; Ihey probably need an outlet, and I suppose they have as muchrightto put on an amateur show as anyone else. However, that does not excuse their total lack of taste and evident hatred of women. In last year's show, female students only appeared on stage as passive sex objects orasprostifutes.thisyearifwas fhe same story. Why is fhe running of the show constantly left in the hands of arrogant sexists? Why do they blindly assume that what's funny in fhe pub with Ihe blokes Is funny on the stage? What makes racism, homophobia and crudity automatically hilarious? Don't fry and tell me this is harmless fun. Good comedy S^NDSUP the roles society puts us info, if doesn't glorify them. But the reai disappointment was the absence of humour. Last year's show was pretty good on this score, but af least half of it this year wasn't even remotely amusing. You could sense the surprise in the audience when something witty actually happened. To give credit where it's due, the "Smoking Ad" and the "Boardroom Sketch" were true highlights among a generally more impressive second half. Several other skits showed a lot of imagination, if liltle talent. Someof the songs were good too, and the band way outclassed anything that was going on onstage. What happened fo the great tradition of Med Revues that were entertaining for everybody, not just the more depraved members of the faculty? Did all the good medical comics die with Graham Chapman? Have they all graduated? Dennis Chaplot EATING BOHEMIAN CAFE No, the Eastern Europeans are not overtaking it's just the name fhe owners gave fo a little cafe on Elizabeth St in the dty. It's a great place for you and your friends to go fo after Uni, or after a nightclub, to talk, enjoy fhe truly Bohemian atmosphere, and have a light snack or drink. The menu is short, but what is on it is delicious and if you're a student, unemployed, or a smart 4ZZZ subsaiber, you get a 10% discount. There are a small selection of cakes, vegetarian meals, pancakes, chocolates, even Tim-Tams. The drinks selection is long and varied ranging from 8 kinds of coffee to tea (even herbal), to iced coffee/choc, to soft drinks, even water. And for those who want somewhere more than just a place to pig out, this place is ideal. Every now and then they have \h/e acts Ihere. Such as bands, boskers, poetry reading, etc. The support act for the Doug Anthony Ali Stars, famed contribufer to Semper, Noodle Earth String even performs there! And if you want lo challenge your mind, how about challenging a friend to a game of chess. Boards and pieces are available..there are also magazines to read, and Ihey even have the good taste fo put this sludent newspaper in there. And if you're an artist you can display your stuff there, sell if you can get a buyer, and Ihe cafe won't charge commission. So if you're bored, orfillingtime between other things head on down to the grooviest joint in town with the warmest atmosphere The Bohemian Cafe af 79 Elizabeth St, The City. They open every day at 11 am, and it goes until the witching hour on weekdays, and about 4-5am on Fridays and Saturdays. MUSIC SNAP World Power BMG CD/CAS/LP Snap are a new force in rap/hip-house. The tracks 'Power' and 'Oops Up' are huge in the clubs, but some of their better material, such as 'Believe the Hype', exists only on the album. They combine a fairiy typical heavy house i)acking track with some interesting sample work, and add to it a series of well executed rap routines. The pet hate I have wifh certain rap music is Ihe persistent 'My rhymes are fresher than yours boyee' WORTH IT NORTHSIDE -- Shall \Ne Take A Trip MC TUNES vs. 808 STATE - The Only Rhyme That Bites GARY CLAIL'S ON-U SOUND - Beef, How Low Can You Go GURU JOSH Whose Law Is It Anyway? NEW ORDER World In Motion (Subbuteo Remixes) STONE ROSES Made Of Stone/Elephant Stone FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY ~ Ice-Otate MC LEE - Get Busy PROPAGANDA-1.2, 3.4 (LP) REVENGE - One True Passion (LP) VARIOUS - Deep Heat 6 (DLP) JESUS JONES-Liquidiser (LP) D.AAS. - Icon (LP) MORRISSEY - Hulmerist (VIDEO) WHAT'S ON The Ring. Wagner's classic opera cycle adapted as a 90 minute play (no singing). A dramatic tale of Nordic Gods, sex, passion and vengeance. Cremorne Theatre 2pm & 6pm Sept 19-22, Ham & 2.30pm Sept 23. $12/S7.50 Bookings A Mouthful of Birds devised by Caryl Churchill and David Lan. English play exploring the contemporary themes of possession and the capacity for violence within women (Pomegranate). Plus Between the Walking Frames QUI choreography students present five short modern dance pieces (16-18 Sept) or Angels and Unicorns by Donald Hall a one-act comedy about the myths we create about the world, history, ourselves (23-25 Sept) La Boite Eariy Week 8pm. S10/$8. Do As I Do. Examining the status of the women's movement in contemporary Australian Society. Devised by Hilar'/ Beaton, Valerie Foley and cast (Pomegranate). La Boite Theatre Sept. Nunsense stamng June Bronhill the hit musical presented oy Queensland Arts Council. Filled with songs, laughter and sizzling sex. Lyric Theatre Sept pm; Sat 22 Sept 1.30pm / S (OK we lied about the sex). Gilgamesh RQTC presents humanity's oldest written story, an epic tale with an outstanding cast and live music. Ashgrove Quarry (cnr Waterworks Rd & Clenquarie Place). Oct 4-20 Tues 6pm, Wed-Sat Bpm, attitude, when really you couldn'l care less. If if sounds good fhen it's worth it. There is a remote spark of intelligence in this material (not as good as Young MC though) which adds to its general popularity. 1 guess if you could categorize rap on an angst scale of 1 to 7 (or, say, Rebel MC to NWA), this would rate a 5.1 guess if you could rate house on a scale of 1 to 7 (or, say, utter shit to Adamski), this would also rate a 5. Therefore in terms of Uni-speak, this album wouldn't get excluded... PAUL KELLY WATERLOO HOTEL - 29/8/90 Dennis Remmer There is something of the anti-hero about Paul Kelly. The hair is receding, the nose broken, and the clothes are... well, nondescript. In short this bloke is no popstar. Bul when he locks his dead gaze on Ihe crowd and swings inlo Sweet Guy, Before Too Long, To Her Door and countless other anthems of Australian urban angst, love lost and love won etc Ihe punters lap it up.-even the most hardened barflies are hard pressed not to at least tap their toes. Kelly has become a sort of poor man's Springsteen, without the posturing and affectations, and if Wednesday night's crowd was any indication, he has achieved extremely wide appeal. Aborigines in checked shirts and cowboy boots shuffled and swayed next to yuppies and punks in Iheir designer ripped jeans and Doc Martens which are so de rigeur of late. Wednesday night's show was definitely value tor money. For two hours Kelly and his band sailed Ihrough a wide selection of maleriai from all of his albums and half a dozen new ones for good measure. Highlights were Under The Sun, which churned inlo an extended guitar workout that even had the barmaids shimmying around In pools of beer, and Ihe opening number Ihe Dylanesque Other Peoples' Houses. The lowlight however was the venue. If you want a f]uiet night just playing pool and drinking wifh a FEW friends Mat. Wed & Sat Spm. $25.50/ Shuttle Bus Service from Suncorp Theatre available. Enquiries Coralie Landsdowne Says No A sophisticated Australian comedy by Alex Buzo. Arts Theatre Sept 21-Oct 20 Bpm. $14/510. Bookings Jones & Co "Sing Joyfully" Brisbane's internationally acclaimed vocal sextet performing a concert of sacred music with organ ana oboe accompaniment. St John's Cathedral (Ann St) Sunday 23 Sept 2.30pm. 515/510. Queensland Philharmonic Orchestra/Brisbane Chorale plus soloists from the Qld Conservatorium of Music. Mayne Hall (UQ) Saturday 29 Sept. Spm, 515/512/510. EVENTS Pomegranate A festival celebrating and encouraging women's participation in the arts. Performance, dance, forums, workshops, seminars, films, Sept. Enquiries / Fat City Satire, music, comedy and circus every Wednesday at Club D' Art. Featuring top local and interstate acts and celebrities, Waterloo Hotel (cnr Anne St and Commercial Road Newstead) Sept 12-Oct 17 from 7.30pm $8/57. Enquiries And don't forget the Inter-CoUege Council Ball Oct 5. then I'm sure the Waterloo Hotel has an intimate ambience suited to such lowkey pursuits. However if you were one of the seething masses who wasn't at least three feet from the stage all you got was a great view of either a post or the back of somebody's head. The ceiling was so low a dwarf would have had lo stoop to avoid serious concussion. Such shortcomings aside Kelly stands as one of Australia's leading rock exponents - on bolh a cerebral and entertainment level. Long may he reign. P^obejrm3i «.Che»3 pwijinj ttt. MARK HODDER ClTif (above-tiie Alann:) 24HSEMP(rrnib^ER*5cv(rn(/i Edition, 1990

24 PUB REVIEW Mexican food will have to wait till next month 'cos we weren't quite organised enough for fhat. This issue we tackle Pubs instead which didn't require too much effort. THE REC CLUB If you don't know where this is you probably don't deserve to call yourself a student. This concrete monstrosity commands excellent views of the ovals, the river, the Alumni Gardens and a huge, dirty staff carpark. Through the years the Rec Club has been tfie site of many a student's downfall as the quick lunchtime dnnk drags on throughout the afternoon. Despite whal student politicians may promise the Rec Club is actually run by SPRA and the Student Union has no input into its running whatsoever. However it would now appear that finally the long-awaited renovations are underway and it can only be hoped that they will lead to an improvement in the atmosphere. Perhaps while the management is at it they might consider putting seats on the mens toilets, improving the JUKE BOX selection and put COOPERS on tap as well as improving the facilities for live entertainment. THE REGATTA HOTEL This fine example of the Queensland hotel style is a well known haunt of schoolies and yuppies-to-be (by now all of the real yuppies have moved on, scared away by the extreme youth of the clientele). In the past this hotel has been the site of many good times for students with free drinks being offered to those who had just finished exams. Unfortunately the managornent has lost sight of the valuable patronage of students and now prefers to cater to other tastes, THE ROYAL EXCHANGE (RE) By now this could probably be considered the oldest building in downtown Toowong following the extended demolitions which resulted in Toowong Village (probably one of the iigliest buildings in Brisbane). However this pub has one of the best atmospheres in Brisbane with a wide variety of entertainment being offered ranging frorn aging hippies with their guitar to upmarket jazz bands. This pub seems to cater lo virtually everyones' taste instead of just one group wilh patrons ranging from construction workers, bikies, yuppies, students, hippies, secretaries, nurses, businessmen, etc. They all gather to take in the authentic atmosphere, munch on the fantastic steak sandwiches and chips, as well as consume large quantities of TOOHEYS OLD. At the moment it is apparently up for sale and hopefully will not be snapped up by some wanky, postmodernist urban developer because it is close to perfect as it is. THE PADDINGTON TAVERN This pub has been the scene of much schoolie brain-rot and is renown for ils underage patronage. The Paddington Tavern is the site of whal may be considered as one of Brisbane's mosl offensive nighl clubs "Outrageous", and is over the road from the equally notorious "Cafe Neon" and so has in the past been the gathering point for many a long night out by students and other would-be trendies. THE PADDINGTON BARRACKS HOTEL Once called the Prince Alfred and the haunt of skins and ska people this has been revamped, redecorated and renamed. The restaurant downstairs "Pasta Bella" has a reputation for good value food and drinks. Anoiher major attraction is "joe Fingers Webster" in the more down market atmosphere of the public bar playing his honky-lonk piano. HER MAJESTY'S This bar is full of offensive engineers talking in loud voices about, construction jobs, il claims to be a comedy venue and until you see the qualily of the acts that they put on you may be fooled inlo _ believing them. DOOLEY'S Once known as the Hacienda Holel and the site of a wide range of sleazy food and bad men. Now rc-opened with a new name and a new colour scheme. This is one of the theme pubs that works. Liberal amounts of Guiness consumed here has led to a religious resurgence as many patrons see God, It has become one of the more reasonable live venues in Brisbane with quite cheap, inicrstale and inlernational acts pul on there. Downstairs bar has an authentic Irish atmosphere while the public bar is full of drunken journos from the Daily Sun over the road. VICTORY HOTEL One of the favourite haunls of article clerks on the make, this place has more suits per square metre than mosl other places. Basically this is yet another uninspiring swill pit. CITY ROWERS Yet another theme tavern, this one succeeds in making a complete travesty out of one of the few worthwhile sports, rowing. After being offended by the decor the newcomer is hit by the realization that there is something wrong wilh a pub where people wear suits on the weekend. Basically this is one of the more tasteless examples of the crass attempts to make Brisbane more "up market". What can you say about a nightclub where the DJ wears a football jersey? Until the people responsible for these stylistic disaster zones find the mdimcnts of taste, we can expect more of these revolting venues to be inflicted upon us. (Personally we prefered this place when it was still mangroves). STOREY BRIDGE HOTEL Snuggled under the bridge is what once was a wartime bomb shelter. Now the site of what could easily be considered one of the most esoteric pubs in Brisbane. If your tastes range between anything from Blues guitarists to performance poets this is the place for you. Apart from the obvious advantages of the entertainment this is one of the better pubs in Brisbane for an atmosphere and the wide range of drinks available. What can you say aboul a pub that serves not only schooners of Coopers but also Guiness on tap? THE ALLIANCE HOTEL. Perched on St. Pauls Terrace is the Alliance Hotel. Probably the mosl schizophrenic of all Brisbane pubs. Wilh the tacky, yuppie heaven of Rumpleslillskins upstairs and the???? swampie nirvana of Backstage downstair this could be considered a pub with a personality problem. For food it has the added advantage of being next to Tops providing an all-night pizza outlet for those with the munchies, a metre of pizza will satisfy even the hungriest sludenl. BERTIES TAVERN This is the site of overpriced drinks, bad music and is generally prelty honible. TREASURY HOTEL Has been the site of most of Brisbane's alternative nightspots at some time or other. BRISBANE TAVERN One of the uglier pub renovations in laler times this pastel monstrosity was once one of the better okl fashioned pubs in Brisbane, However it is the site of the most original dub in town, the Afro-Carib where you can danre to the best reggae to hit Brisbane. WATERLOO Art Deco masterpiece in betweeri New Farm and the Valley, One of the great tragedies of recent times was the closing down of the brewery located there and the destruction ol something like litres of good beer. However, out of all tragedies, comes something worthwhile, in this case it is Club d' Arl which looks like becoming one of Ihe better live venues in Brisbane, having already put on acts like Wendy Harmer, Buddy Ouy and Paul Kelly. Expect big things from this place. SiMiuh Mfioii. iyyo»semp(icin())erh25

25 9" i n '«.'.' ' hello, and welcome to the wonderful world of white wines. Myself, Ihave alwaysfavoured whites over reds - despite what this may imply about mypolitical affiliations. I mean really, I'm quite the Left-winger, but... oh, you don't wantto hear about that and it has almost been a pleasure sampling these for Semper. Almost. Actually, anything involving cardboard and wine together has oflate become a huge turnofffor me... wait. What's that noise? Hey! There's someone at the door... maybe it's the Girl Guides with some biscuits and those great little uniforms with the - HEY! Who are... YOW!SHIT! THEY'VE GOT GUNS!!!BLEAAARARREERGGHH Cod-damn blccding-hcart wimp An-wankcr liberal pissfreaks! They make mc want to PUKE MY GUTS - ihem and their cats-piss in cardboard boxes! Right: time for some Real Drinking! No more of this puny vinegar-review horseshit, let's get started wilh,.. WHISKY No 'e' either, you notice. Wc aren't talking about that shit from Suntory stamped 'Made injapan', here- this is the real down-tlic-botdc, dancc-till-ya-puke Highland Fling Thing. Caber tossing. Haggis, Beating the snot out of anyone named MacScrotiim.., real whisky comes from cither Scotland or Ireland, and if it's not single malt, it's not anything at all - except paint stripper, which we'll cover later. Great stuff! Tastes just fine, and works even better than being hit over the head with a caber. BOURBON The American version of whisky. Usually made from com, I think - or dead turkeys, ifyou believe the labels. To the uniniuatcd, Bourbon tastes like metho poured through pencil shavings, but Dirk likes it -and insists that it has Afine mellow flavour,'yxst Hkcmeiho poured through pencil shavings. However, the smell is a reliable guide to bourbon: bad bourbon smells like a rape of the nasopharyngeal cavity, and it rips out the lining ofyour stomach. Good bourbon is subde and warm to the nostrils, and then itripsthe lining out of your stomach. Yum yum yum-goody goody, A favourite of banjo-playing morons from the Deep South, Dirk recommends Jack Daniels, purely because the neck of the bottle is sculpted beautifully for njaximum grip, and the thick glass from which it is ntade will dent even the thickest and most unyielding uf skulls. TEQ,UILA This is a drink distilled by those south of the f ex-mex Iwrder who still haven't forgiven us gringoes for the Alamo. This drink is colourless, odourless - and then to screw it all up tastes likes you've just sucked a chunk of smoking peat. And that's the good stuff. I've never bothered with the cheap siuft, because 1 like the sensation of burning peat blazing a trail of smoking ruin to my brain and then my liver. Mezcal is a drink which should be drunk by all as it can only help to reduce ilic number of non-darwinian types. Also, wc can't neglect to mention the worm in the bottom ofthe bottle- how this little piece of tradition got started is open to conjecture, however it probably has something to do with a bunch of Mexicans sitting around a sleazy bar in Chihuahua gening bored and having nothing better to do that makes a drunk gringo barf his com chips. GIN An invention of the British, which apparendy involves juniper berries. What the fuck is s juniper.bcrry? Whatever it is, diat's what gin tastes like -and it's totally awful, except when mixed with tonic water to hold off die malaria. VODKA This stuftis thefinestargument for Gorby's Glasnost ever devised. Colourless, odourless and mosdy tasteless, it works like a Spetsnaz attack to the cortex. Drink it - il's good for you. Usually they make it out of potatoes, and personally I can't think of a better purpose for a root vegetable. Except possibly Polish White Spirits, which are just plain wonderful. Much like Vodb, the most interesting feature of Polish White Spirits is the totally ferociousalcoholcontent-80%.yeah!now that's adrinkltry a Kamikaze: one full nip of White Spirits wth a teaspoort of Tabasco pepper sauce poured carefully into the middie. Finest kind there is! LIQ,UEURS Thick sweet things designed to make ethanol palatable. Invariably, drinking liqueurs leads to the drinking of cocktails-and as we've said before, the only good cocktail is a MOLOTOV. Up to this point, we owe a certain amount of thanks of Eric the Viking of BMT who kindly supplied us widi about $200 of alcohol in order to stop us massacring his election campaign. Thanks Eric: we'll kill you last. ETHANOL Tliis is the colourless, odourless active ingredient in all the best drinks. In pure form, it is usually referred to as medical grade alcohol, and is best drunk mixed with organe drink powder. Yum yum - not so much a Screwdriver as a pile-driver! METHYLATED SPIRITS A bit pointless; they screw up perfecdy good ethanol widi methanol, which doesn't taste nearly as good. And sends you blind, too - but in a depressingly permanent fashion. TURPENTINE Otherwise known as paint thinners. The nose is a little industrial for most occasions-but it makes a fine Molotov Cocktail, Only for drinkers who are sure of their stamina, or keen revolutionaries, RUM An astonishingly potent stuff distilled from cane sugar and molasses, gready favoured by the bell-bottom bumfondlcrs in the Navy,,. any Navy. In fact, anyone who gets about in boats ofany sort seems to think that Rum is vital to their way of life- idiots. Tastes like ether- you know, the stuff they use to set hospitals alight, and to refine cocaine? There is no excuse for drinking rum, but ifyou must, do n't go anywhere near Corruba, which 1 wouldn't use to set An-wankers alight, and try to suck to O verproof rum, because it happens faster. NERVE AGENTS Lovely, subtle diings rarely available outside classified war labs or Iraqi border disputes, which is a pity, since a decent nerve toxin can be a really great high. Includes all the best effects of ethanol - including disorientation, loss of co-ordination, and the ever-popular regurgitation - and as for those litde rumours about nerve gasses being deleterious to your health, well, all I can say is this: Dirk and 1 have both indulged in nerve agents many times, and look how well we get along in the world! Mind you, all things in moderation, of course! NAPALM Well, we've saved the best for last. Thank god for Dow Chemicals, because if it wasn't for them, we'd be short of thefinestmixer in die known world today. It's been said before - but it doesn't hurt to say it again: I love the smell of Napalm in the morning!! Naphtha, palmitoleic acid, petrol and glycerin on their ovm are just so many chemical - but togedier... ahhhhh, bliss! Try napalm and orange juice, napalm and Coke (Peruvian is best) or Napalm on the rocks. This is tlie drink of champions - but most especially, champions who don't smoke. Ever. In conclusion, we've only one thing to say. Eric, remember we said we'd kill you last.' Wc lied. 26HSEMP(rrmb;ER*5cvcnr/i Edition, 1990

26 MANAGEMENT REPORT On August 21st the Strategic Plan and Organization Review for the University of Queensland Union was presented to the Union executive and staff. This review was commissioned earlier this year by Council in recognition of th& fad ihaf ihe organization was in dire need of change. The fact that the Union now has a turnover of over 6 million dollars a year indicates that students ore in control of a rtkjjor enterprise. It has been recognized thot the Union cannot continue to operate as it did when it was a small concem. Yet it would be naive to expect that Ihe prospect of chonge v/ould be a vi/elcome one for some who have tong operated under the current structure and consider control of the Students Union to be their right. The Consultants chosen to conduct the review were MIS consultants. MIS are unique in that the members of the firm actually work as Managers in the University of New England Union when they are not consulting. The UNE Union is ranked seventeenth in Australia in terms of its size and yet is ranked secorxj in Australia in terms of its financial viability. One of the reasons MIS were chosen was because of their expertise in the area of Student Unions and it was felt that they would be more attuned to the special needs of our organisation. The review itself was conducted over the June holidays and both staff and students were interviewed. The review cost a little over S9000 (roughly 50c per student) and in return the students got a ten year strategic plan and a set of short term recommendations. If implemented this report would drastically alter the way in which fhe Student Union ' operates. The question is will it be implemented, or will all those teams who during election week are promising all sorts of efficiencies be content to allow the Union to stagnate for another decade a so? PROBLEMS There are certain problems which the report states are evident in the Union. (1) There is no one employee in charge of all (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) employees and managers. There are areas of responsibility including staff which! ore not part of the main structure because they appear to be responsible to the Vice Presidents or committees and some areas of significant budgetry importance do not include staff and are controlled by committees. Ttiere is no clear staff responsibility. There is no clear set of objectives for which there is a general consensus as far as the role of the Union is concerned (14). Factionalism is so embedded in the jxilitical processes of the University of Queensland Union that agreement on the basic objectives of the Union Is rare. Differences in objectives is aggravated by poor communication between factions and the infernal groups, T\re report also comments on the lack of feedback the Union gets from its members stating "the high turnover in factions indicates a low correspondence between the objectives and needs of the general membership and its representatives. The general perfornnance of the elected representatives has not been positively measured by the members for sometime. Voter turnout is low. Few surveys of member needs are undertaken. The report also highlights staff problems which exist within the organizotion commenting on the low staff morale, lack of prospects for career advancement, lack of communication with students and lack of formal procedures for evaluation. All these problems have existed for a long time and need to be addressed if the organization is to have a chance to succeed. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That a mission statement outlining the Union's objectives be formulated, The report sets out a draft mission statement vmch sets out common-goals which the organization should strive for (eg. trading areas are expected to break even or better help fund the services that the Union provides), 2. A new organizational structure as outlined on p.27 and 30. The Council structure (as per p.27) rationalizes the existing officer committee roles. It is also recommended that the size of Council be reduced and that the Union consider moving away from faculty based representation to directly elected councillors. The management structure (as per p30) is aimed to provide clear lines of communication to staff. It recommends additional management support to the student representatives in areas of expertize v/hich is designed to leave students free to be involved more in representation and policy-making rather than being bogged dov/n in the day to day beaucratic processes of the Union. The changes in structure become obvious v;hen comparea to the present structure (a model of which was attempted by the finance controller prior to the review) It is obvious Uom this model that there ore no dear lines of communication and that many staff could not be placed ii»k Ik.* MiiUf.r 1 Retiil Oivltion Ih.. Ui>>aii tset U.n.g.f Ska. luh Theairei Olviiion Th.ttfti Mtnigtr SliH MODEL ORGANIZATION CHART: COMMERCIAL SERVICES MANAGER Miin Hill II.I.IT l»lac).ir IlaH Caleiing C}ivltlon phfii.i. i lull Fwncll«,)«OlDcii EXECUDVE OFfJCER Amenltiei ri.hti" CbtMi 1;^ PERSONNEL OFFICER within the model - in short, ifs a mess. There Is no doubt thot the appointment of an executive officer would be an additional expense but it could be one v/hich would reap returns for the Union in the end. Other recommendations include a review of the constitution (v/ith suggestions attached) the regular updating of staff duty statements. Regular performance reports and an overall time line for the implementation of the report. The report also includes recommendations as regards positive personel practices. There is no doubt that some recommendations involve great change for the organization. The concern is that the pressure to ignore the report from certain quarters V^AII mean that it v/ill be tossed aside at Ihe end of the year ond never acted upon, We are asking all groups in the Union to judge the report on Ifs merits not on v/ho commissioned it and to leave factionalism out of any discussion arising from its recommendations. It may be that this is another hopeless piece of optimism but we v/ould like to think that our genuine attempts to make the union more accountable and prosperous would be recognized. In the end ifs up to all students to lobby for change and to give the Union a change rather than simply selling everything off before we've really tried All members of Union Council have received a copy of the report and the executive will be meeting to consider it's implementation on September 20th at 6pm. If you wrish to see the report please see the Secretary and ask for a copy to be made available. Admin. Udlli.t AiMitint OIUCI lull lull Cl.rk e MANAGEMENT FINANCIAL CONTROLLER Finince ACCMMIM inj flnix. sull Actktilai Qtfictt Aii>ltl*ll Member Servicet akllud.^ 0«u> AMiiljnl V«luA<l.l WELFARE SERVICES OFFICER Ollitar AMiiUnii Olllcao lacfttiry JANE LYE Welfiie Ollllir ^illiltau 3i inll«ri (111 ri.)*<u AJIII1I.II tf.j.>lilil»" *.S' REDUCED LIBRARY HOURS The following libraries will reduce iheir opening hours from lo I Undergraduate Library McncloyThursdoy 8 30 am Spm Friday 8 30 am Spm Saturday I 00 pm Spm Sundoy m 5 p ni Biological Sciences Library Mon, Wed 8 30 a m 7 p m Tues, Thurs Fn 8 30 o m Spm Soturdoy and Sundoy Closed "n'rni Physical Sc'jncys and Engineerincj, Law and Herston Medical libranes will "i- c 'o opim' normal Semester hours during tho mid-semester break Other branch liljrafii's may olso reduce iheir opening hours during this period Plecisf check Iibrar7 I'.olicc boards I -' av, changes ~fti '^^^\ V* Admlniftriiion L^'- i^^'.- 1^. IV.<^l.1 I ii diay AffP LBS8/AN AWARBNESS WEEK October Sth - 12tn International Coming Out Pay Thursday, October llth Monday 1pm Fojfum Area Durlii^ the Week; Dance Party- Stalls ;/ "Out" Register '>mm Film Festival li

27 ACTIVITIES BLURB BLGRB BLURB m Here we are, crammed into Activities with those moral degenerates from Semper, harassed by honible student politicians trying to blame ACTIVITIES for the national deficit, the Gulf Crisis and the burning of the temple by the Romans. However, does it faze us? In a word... NO!! So far this semester wc have worked ourselves to the bone putting on mega-evcnls such as NICK CAVE and the Doug ANTHONY ALL STARS. We also have been putting on Wednesday lunchtime bands such as the FALLING JOYS and the CRYSTAL SET from Sydney as well as local singer and songwriter KEV CARMODY and other local bands. The first prize for PRANK WEEK went to those students responsible for the 'Abel Smith dmg bust' which led to some confused police officers arresting an aspirin tree. m m m mi 4v$ 9M Mi i ' ^ PAID-PARHNG IS COMING Down But Not OUT Despite IIK efforts of fhe Uninji, llie Uniiicrsity Senate mtej on irii Srplrmher In imfilcmeni the Imsiilypreparedphn hy llie Ihrs/ir to Imiv rain-lwrkinc, in twl. The Union anj Staff Rcprcsenlatiiv) mteit affiinst the proposal but were overwhelmed hy tbe external Senator fotes. HOWEVER, THERE IS STILL HOPE!!! The finer details sneh as costs, rales ofcharffs, elc are still lo he finalised hy Senate in October. While yoii arc preparing for exams, yniir Union will hcfif.hling^fnr the hesi dealfor iliidenls. snideivrs SHOiiu) NOT BE MADE TO BAIANCE TIIE IINIVERSHYS BUDGET! The Senate's decision is iiolhin/; simrt of PRKMA TURH and ignores the car-fiooling survey recently amhctedhy the Union WHICH HASN'TBVF.N lu-nn COLLATED YKT. THANKYOU To all tkse students ii'ho helped in the conlinuing efforts ofyour Union to stop Paid-Parking. The crilicisms fmm certain elements within llir Union are coming from people whose energies ifonid liaiv been hitter spent fighting with us, and not against lise efforts of the dedicatedfew. 'Their octiani only fling mud in the face nfall lime inimltvd in the campaign. I sincerely l)ope these people consider their actions regarding the welfare nf students on this campus mare carefully iu ihefhliirc. Yours in Union, Malcolm Schneider ACTING PRESIDENT irnivirsritoi yilllfn,si.ani) IINK1.N THE FALLING JOYS For us there is no rest however. Some hopellii election candidates may think that the Union should grind to a halt for two weeks to allow them to get elected but it is not so! We still have the BATTLE OF THE BANDS on FViday afternoons at the Rec Club where you can come down and support your fellow students as they compete for the chance at the $ national prize. Make sure you can make it to the state finals on September 20ih at Thnsformers. There is also our continuing workshop programme some of which begin immediately following the mid-semester break such as HOMEBREWING, UNOPRINTING and NON-FIRE JEWELLERY so make sure that you make it down here to enrol before it's too late. Also coming up following the mid-semester will be the longawaited return of MURDER The last MURDER competition on this campus was held in 1987, so if you don't know how to enter keep your eyes out when you get back from the holidays for further information. Remember just you arc paranoid doesn't mean tliat they aren't out to get you. Finally ACTIVITIES has made a new acquisition and now as well as our normal services of PA Hire, screenprinting, darkroom etc. we also offer a laminating service for posters or projects with our new LAMINATING MACHINE at rates cheaper than those available elsewhere. BOB HEATHER Activities VP /A.LtOt/A. B R I S B A N E lb JULY SAW 170 1,AW STUfJENTS rrom TUB ASIAN-PACIFIC RKGION uksrend ON in:r'rii I'OR TIIK loyo AU,STRAI,ASIAN I,AW STUUENT.S ASSOCIATION CONI'EHKNCK..SIX UNIVERSITY Ol' (JUKENSLANtl LAW STUDKNTS PARTOOK IN TIIE HiSTlVlTlES. TOM SULLIVAN, F.IIGENE fung, frances WILLI AHS, NICK ALI.TON, VINCE GORDON AND ORLA TIIOMl'SON WHOLEHEARTEDLY TIIANK OUR SrONSURS - HENDERSON TROUT - HORRIS I'LE'rCMER U CROSS - McCULLOUGII ROBERTSON for TIIEIR SUPI'OHT OF TIIE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND DELEGATION. ANYWAY. AITER 8 DAYS OF FIERCE MOOTING (no, not the mating call of tho Tibet inn yak I.RELENTLESS WITNESS EXAMINING,INSPIRING PAPER I'ESENTATIONS AND SERIOUS PARTY-GOING, WE IMPRESSED THEM SO MUCH TIIAT NEXT YEARS CONFERENCE IS IN OUR OWN HOME TOWN. IF YOU WANT TO OE PART OF IT ANU TIIINK YOU CAN SHOW 250 PEOPLE A "GOOD TIME" - LET ORLA.THOMPSON TIIE 1991 ALSA CONFERENCE CONVENER KNOW Hi CONTACT THE LAW SCHOOL OFFICE ON %1%:^ Vl»XW^) ^ i-^v^ ACTIVITIES BLGRB Uw SCHOOL OFFICE UNIVURSITY OF QUEENSUWD St LIKIA ian PH; FAX: B MSEMP(rcmb;ER«5ct«ir/i Editinn, 1990

28 'When atl your rights become only an accumulated wrong. Where men must beg with bated breath for leave to subsist in their own land, then surely it is braver to be a rebel than tamely to accept it as the natural lot of men.' Sir Roger CasctTicni. Irish Naiionalisi. prior lo his execution in l^ifi. Ill recent years the Irish Army.ind its cause for a uniled Ireland has struck an all lime low. Although it laigeiy has no-one lo blame hut its own bunjilinji for this Slate of affairs, the struggle of the IRA is a tragedy ihat few probably have grasped. The wild acts (if terrorism committed by fand in the name oq ihc IKA. have generated more disgust than the sympathy their cause so desperately needs. Rumours of connections with organised crime. Marxists and (]addafi have all raised the ire of the civilized world, hut this emotion reached a flashpoint earlier this year when two Australian tourists in Holland were gunned down - mistaken for off duly British soldiers. This monumental blunder was only the latest in a series of disastrous campaigns hy militant sections of the movement which have frequently resulted in the murder or maiming of innocent people - including ehildren. (Last year IRA assassins attacked a house in the Norlh and shot the men inside only to discover that the corrupt prison governor ' ' - v.' ;; f',':.-.<'-'v.''->-*i«;vif/v'''.'-0'v'!;..:r.y 'h\ ^'w&a^''ip< ^. ','.'. \ w'.'^ii-t.'x i^y,',,*.sw>^"-i*'r* they were after lived in the next street!) Putting it mildly, the IRA needs to get its act together. Bul the violence of the 'Provos' and other militant wings of the movement should noi detract from the importance of their Cause, which has eluded the Irish for various reasons since the 12ih century: namely a free and Uniled Ireland. In 1171 the forces of Henry il invaded Ireland and since that date the British have practiced butchery, oppression and higoiry on a scale that frctiuently makes the IRA look like Sunday school cricketers. In establishing themselves in Ireland the British tjuickly discovered that the indigenous population were a) extremely Catholic (thanks to St. Patrick) and h) vehemently opposed to invasion for five hundred yeats. Successive British nionarchs and minislers attempted lo subjugate the Irish population, fretiuently hy bloody pogroms and property laws that chased nationalists Irom land that had been theirs for generations. Despite the actions of the 'Empire', resistance remained adamant thrmighoul the Middle Ages up to the!8th century. Wilh the resistance lo Britain predominantly Catholicbased (Catholic Ijtnd-holdings were halved in twenty years iwiwcen I6*)5 and 1714) the infinite wisdom of ihe Empire manifested itself in provoking civil unrest between the Catholics and Protestants. Al first the cowardice of ihe British did not work as nationalism proved more powerful than religious ideahsm but several factors changed this. The Potato Famines of the mid-1 Sth century, in which farm produce was 'lied up' in British investments and thousands starved to death despite g<»id harvests, broke the back of Irish resistance. Draconian laws allowed suspected dissidents to be arbitrarily rounded up and when iransportalion began to Australia it was hardly surprising that Irish convicts represented as much as 40"^ii. Oftentimes the British were wary of Irish leaders alerting Parliamenl to the injuslice of Ireland through the country's growing assemblies, and had them transported t<i be 'got out of the way", often on trumped-up charges. The title laws of the" Anglican (.:hurch were another means of the British maintaining a stranglehold on the Emerald Prize. British law demanded in the l78(vs that all residents of Ireland )ay an Anglican (Ibuich duty, Protestants were exempt from the exorbitant price, ('atholics were not. While iheir own clergy were lumted across ihe counlry and slaughtered like animals, the (!:athoiic population weie forced lo pay amoiinis that ofien resulted in bankruptcy, eviction, indentured sla\ery or transportation. The failed uprising of the 17'-KVs perhaps demonstrated the weakness ihat has always undermined the Irish cause - a naivety of otliers' pr.igmatisin and a burning idealism that overrides rational logic and common sense. In modern times this has manifested itself in barbaric 'political' assassinations that go horribly wrong. In 17^H) il was a belief that the French would come to their aid. The French had offered support to the Irish but not out of sympathy for the beseiged people but rather a cynical realisation that triggering anti-british violence was in their interests. The French are not famous for their anti-imperalism - just look at North Africa. Algeria or Vietnam - bul the Irish passion for freedom quite overlooked this. The French invasion was a colossal failure and it is perhaps better nol 1(1 reflect on the recriminations that followed. The Irish populations of America. Australia etc, had made enough noise hy ISSO for the British to make motions of 'uniting' Ireland. Throughom the Vhh century various systems were attempted - yet the vital point was always omitted - independence! By 1^)10 a Protestant commercial cell in Ulster in the N<irth was poweriul enough to demand that Briiish rule lemaiii. With Ireland independent and ihe barbaric anti-t'atholic and anti- Nationalist laws revoked the Ulster land barons would be well and truly screwed. Thus it was thai a minority of the wealthy, with tacit liiry support, succeeded in sabotaging the hard-won 'Mome Rule" legislalion and had Ireland divided between a Catholic South and a Protestant and British {but still heavily populated by ('atholics) N<irth, Tlie Irish Republican Army first appeared in the IS'iO's (not l^'ki!) in armed opposition lo Briiish rule. The course of the IRA was the result of frustration at the constani failure of nationalist leaders (O'Haniion. Casement etc) to achieve freedom by legitimate means, often due to ihe betrayal of 'sympathetic' British politicians. During the Home Rule' ilebaie the violence of the IRA appeared mosl strongly, with assassinations coming to the fore. The Caster Uprising of P)lfi was the result of this betrayal by Ulster and the c<insciipiion issue in which Irish subjects were periodically press-ganged into protecting the interests of the British Empire. Vet throughout the twentieth century the actions of the IRA have rarely been more brutal than ihe retribution or aggression of their opponents. In 1^)20 an IRA 'hit' on British positions was responded to by an attack on an Irish.Athletic Associalion (!) where Ulster terrorists (the Tans) with Briiish backing mowed down Irish citizens indiscriminately. In recent times the Ulster Defence League, a reaciionery terrorist organisation in the North, has proved scarcely less murderous. Today IRA assaults are often followed hy 'hits' on Catholics in which Protesiani 'iinils' travel inlo ("alholic suhtirbs and shool down whoever they see. The Sinn Fein, which is not the IRA mouthpiece, can do litlle to stop the Protestani-Catholic slaughter so it (/(le.s- liule. Instead in W{) we still have ihe North administered by British paratroopers. Briiish tanks and British money, where the indigenous language and religion is marginalised and ihe means of expression of the more fervent patriots has sadly become wanton violence and murder. The IRA is not exclusively Catholic, it is not exclusively left-wing, it is not exclusively peopled by killers. The \\l\ is divided hy idealogy and conviction and it is (he militant Provos and olher splinters that often carry out violence on their hehall The IRA kill people (innocent, guilty, British or not) and their argtimenl that they are fighting a war is wearing decidedly thin. Who in the outside world will approve of bombings that frequently miss their targets and take innocent lives? Which Western government with all its own problems will be moved by the appeals of convicted criminals brandishing AK-47"s.- The plight of the Irish nationalist cause is sinking. The British I-mpire. teetering and (noihless, with its one-time su]iretnacy obliterated in Africa, tbe Pacific and Asia, has one prize left - Northern Ireland. The British refuse to withdraw - once they do the sun will have effectively set on the Empire on which Kipling believed the Sun would never set. Mrs Thatcher js not known for her humility or liberal-mindedness and the Falklands demonstrated her reluctance lo lose face internationally with conservatism in Britain at a high point and worldwide appnival of the IR.A an all-time low the lime has come foi a change of tactics. The nationalisl movemenl in Ireland needs to w<irk hard to redress the credibility the IRA has stolen. The pen must replace the plastic explosive as means of expression and the Irish must make the world aware of their plighi. their heritage and tiieir cause. The Irish struggle is al its final crossniad. Wilh IRA membership falling drastically and international symiiathy reaching zero, perhaps the time has come to determine whether debate, representation and painstaking law reform may [iro\e more effective than violence and thus avoid a further nine hundred vears of slruggle. IkTniiticllc IX'vlin. M.P. for Mid UKtcr. breaks up rocks ik-liiiui llic harricadcs in ihc Loiuloriilcrry riots of Aiiiiiist. I'ldV DAVID CAMPBELL Seventh Editioiu l990*sbwp(tcnib)eru2s

29 Continuing the interviews and extracts done by Katie Strandly whilst at the Nowsa Conference. Again, anyone interested in hearing the full recordings of the interviews can leave a message in the message book up in the Women's Rights Area. Tronscription of inlerview wilh Reiliano Mohideen (Commiltee agoinst Repression in the Pacific ond Asio) NOWSA conference. 0. You addressed the conference on ihe issues of rocrsm and sexism. Whot's your feeling on the llieme of the conference "Different Wjnien, Different lives"? R. I ihinic H's 0 very uselul theme for women lo get logelher and discuss ol ihis point in time. Partly because os women we hove lo, very much, lolte inlo occouni the diversity of our movemenl; our constituency when we lollt about women's rights is truly brood, ond in ihe Auslrolion context this is porticulorly so, becouse of ihe high level of immigration, because ol a certain history of Aboriginal rights and Aboriginol slruggle and history of colonisation ond so on... Doing il olong those lines helps ihe women's movement to pbce itself in context. Thai is, I don't think the women's movemenl develops in isolation, or in some sort of obslrocl vocuum from other things ihol ore going on in society ond to place il with thol s^it of theme can ploce your movement in context, in relotion lo other struggles and olher issues in society. And I thinic thol's very uselul for a movement to do, in thai sense perhaps il helps start it off on a more higher level than the movemenl of the 60s and 70s. 0. As 0 Sri lonkon woman coming lo this sort ol forum, whol sort of issues in porticular would you like lo see addressed? R. Very much the diversity of the women's movemenl. How to relote lo ihis and lo do thai wilh the perspective of the need to build an organised movemenl. I firmly believe thot it is very much on the agendo for us lodoy. We have to rebuild our movement. It hos diversified since the 70s, since the second wove of feminism,,, it has also frogmenled ond I think the altocks ore coming down on us. The culbacks in a whole range of sectors is so dear ond the generol ollock on women in terms ol our sociol status ond so forth places o real pressure on us, I think il is really time for us to seriously address this question of how do we rebuild on orgonised women's movemenl thot hos its own voice, ils own strength, its own constituency of support... That is a particularly importont queslion for me because I come Irom the second wove of feminism. I morched in the 70$ for obortion ond so on ond so il's very imporlont thai those goins ore redoimed, ore defended and built on, Q. What iniliolives would you like lo see come from this conference. R. Well, cer lo inly to keep the conference perspective going on o yearly bosis, I think that it is very importont that women hove this opportunity to gel logelher ond get o sense of their movemenl as well, because we oil work In relatively isololed situations, but... (olso) I woukj like lo see ihot It (the conference) lokes up the campaigning thrust... not necessorily try lo focus on one issue, bul bok ot compolgns thot hove lo be token up in o consistent manner oround o ronge of issues,.. I think we just need to oddress it, give il o fromework In which the issues con be addressed ond organised. ON FEMINISM: One thing ihot the newer generation, if you like, of feminists... need lo do (is) hove o look ot their history. In porticular, I. ihink il's important to hove a bok ot this second wove of feminism, ond I'm not saying we gol It oil righl - no we didn't - bul I think there were lessons about the polilics of that movement that we con study ond thot we con leorn from, porticulorly in terms of fundomentol sociol change, thol Is thot we hove lo fight for liberation ogoin, not just a little bit of equality here or equollly there. I think we hove lo fight ond demond liberotlon ond in doing ihol I olso think we hove to fight for fundamental sociol change. O. Could you describe the women's movemenl in Sri Lonko? R. Yes, It's not o very good situalion ol oil. Again the movement doesn't exist on its own; it's very much in the context of the polilics of the counlry. There's tremendous repression in Sri Lonko at the moment against oil pollticol activists, ogoinsl oil progressive-minded activists ond women ore cerlolnly beoring the brunt of thot repressbn. (Reihono soid ihol recently in Sri Lonko - ruled by a Singholese-dominoted dlclotorshlp - the southern Singholese army had begun Indiscriminately bombing Tamil areas in the norlh of the counlry where there is on organised movement for the liberation of ihe Tamil people. Many civilions hod been killed.) A bt of feminists and many women intellectuols and polilical octivilisis ore being brutolised in joil and so il's very hard for us In Sri lonko to tolk of o women's movemenl, it's olmosl 0 civil war situation.' However, it's Interesling to note ihol things like Inlernottonol Women's Doy were celebrated so there is still ihal sirong tradition ihat monoges to resurface. Apparently there were marches and seminars ond it wos morked in a ronge of different woys... But of course the problems facing Sri lonkon women, oport from that, are oko very voried. They foce the queslion of elhnicily becouse you've gol the Tomil women ond Slngholo women os well as other minor nolbnolities, bul these Iwo ore the moin notionolilies. Their perspectives on things ore also very much,,. reflected through ibose portlculor notionol groupings that they belong lo. It's o very confused and complex situation for women ond there is no eosy indication of which way forward.,. O. Are those differences so great Ihat their common identily as women would be obllteroled by iheir experiences? R. The reolity is that those differences ore very big ol the moment, ond this is nol speaking from o hislorlcol point of view, or making o culturol assessment. The political reollly is thol the Tamil question is a very big question. Tomll people wont self-delermlnotlon and some of them are very much In fovour of o seporole Tamil slate... I don't think there is on eosy way out for the women's questbn lo subsume those differences. I Ihink Ihe picture is that those differences subsume the women's question.., I think (Tamil women) would be concerned wilh the alrocities ogoinsl their people ond how lo fight for their righls. It would be a mojor preoccupotbn ond thol's totolly underslondoble,,, Il's deor ihot the notional question In relolbn to the Tamil people has to be oddressed, the question of the dictatorship has to be addressed and in thot fromework, I think women ore and will be cile to find their own voices. MPUMI ZOKWE - spoke on behalf of the African Nafional congress. She announced fhal the ANC's Women's League would soon hold ils firsl conference since its unbanning and that '\\ was imporlani for women to get involved in this. The conference was necessory in order for women lo shore ideos, see how they could resolve certoin issues ond bow they could build solldorlly omongst each olher. I osked her whol relevonce o conference of Auslrolion women held for the ANC. M. It is quite relevant in the sense ihol women In Soulh Africo need o bt of support from women in other ports of the workf. The experiences Ihot we hove in South Africa ore the experiences that other women hove despite the fact ihol in our experience there is the porticubr situolbn in S,A. where racism is institutbnolised. So there ore o bl of other factors that you hove to consider in S.A,, bul these ore also highlighted by women from other backgrounds so there's something common beiween women from other ports of the world and South Africa. KATIE STRANDLY 30aSEMPCicmb;ER*5cvcnr/i Ediuon, 1990

30 WRVP Resigns Continued from p. II... THE WYTH OF VOLUNTARY STUDENT UNIONISM The Women's Rights Area has had a turbulent history. Accusations that a radical leftwing clique are in control ofthe Area fly around each year. This year has been no different. For the past few years students have elected a Women's Rights Vice President who has only two aims (i) to destroy the Area and (ii) drive the lesbians out Women elected have come from either the right (National/Liberals) and the ALP. Ttiis year's W.R.VP. Annasiasia Palaszczuk, President ol the Young Latxxjf moverreni in Qjeensland was c'ecled a'ler running wiiti tt-ic socalled Independents Team. Her vew tias been that!he Area is ico radcal misrepresentative and unaccouniable, N'o! only has she s*iortn :hat Stic has no real undefs:and,'g o^ i; bu; also no real mieres! m the Area. Maybe her job as press secetary with David Beddaii (th.:- ALP n'enrber lor Rankin) has moan: po'ivcal aspirations clouded her judgemenl. In any case, her neglgence as VP. and un,:,ompromising attitude led to a sack molion be^ng bfougtil lo Council by Ihe W.R. Corrmllee. Tha! Annas;asia Palaszczui\ be removed as Won-en's Rg'ils Vice Presidenl ori ttie (ol'owing grounds: 1) Failure lo properly supervise the v;ork o' the Wonren's Equally Organizer and Librarian. (2) Failure lo co-ordinate any campaigns on issues oi concen!o lennale students any work in the area has been done by the organizer and/or othei students. 13) Fai'ure to deliver reports io each ordinary meefng o' council (4) Failure pursuant to 54.3,1. (a) to convene regular nneetngs o' their commitlee. (5) Failure pursuant to \. (e)!o be responsible ler the day!o day running ot the area. (6) Failure lo represent the Womens Righls Area on rolevan: committees le. Council. Executive and Services and Finance, m order to secure (unds tor the area. (7) Failure to organize itie preparation ol a Women's Equality Newslelier lor an entire semester 18) Failure to communicate with the comniittee as lequired by regulation 5.2,3.4, (I) belore printing a newsletter. 19) Breaching policy 72/110 by sendng the Women's Equalny Newslelier to an oulside typeseiler when the viork could have been handled within the Union and thereby mcurnng unnecessary expense to ihe Union. (10) By making no attempt to have the Women's Equality Newslelier checked for defan^aiory. racist, sexist and homophobic literature according lo Union pol'cy belore it was printed. (11) Failure lo attend any meetings ol the University Sexual Harassmen' Commitlee or to regisler her apologies. At Council Annasiasia declared she wished to resign. Her speech 'or a resignation began wilh civility. She Iel! she had a broader viscn than oiher women m ihe Area Il's a pity Ihis "broader vision" never enacted itself in policy. That the "sell elecled" collective had placed priotiiy on activities such as NOWSA and Lesbian Con'erences and a radical let lis; political agerxja has beei associaied wiih ihese activilies. The collective is not self e'ected. it is :he group o' women from various areas o' ihe Umversny mieresed m Women's R'gh;s All women have d'i'erent Defspect.ves and those women whose pohncs are fell and Ihose who are lesbians should not be made to 'eel ashamed or unwelcome, Little ev'dence ihat any progress had been made m eaual opportunity camipagns: ihal WR.s had nol made any ailempt :o fird out what wom,en on campus actually thought about the Area Under the Consniulion the V.P. is to co-ordinate campaigns ci issues ot concern lo lemale studenls. Bas ca'ly. i' no progress m bolh these areas has occuired. il is because Annastasia has 'ailed m I'.er responsibility 10 mobilize campagns to do so, "The Co'lective began to raise its ugly head" m Commitlee meeings Annastasia claims ihis tirsl happened when she "made a siaiement o' fact" to a Commitlee meeling. Th.s "sialemeni c' 'act" was :he 'mplicalon tha; the Area was lull o' lesoaos and ihis had to change. As you can imagne miany women cresenl were c"enaed by this hom,cppobic and reactionary common! Annasiasia ouilned ;o Counci' her reasons lor resigning. dl The lack o' co-cperaiion I'om the Union President who consiantly in;erlered in ;he day to day rurnng ot ihe Area (i! Lack of S'jppor! Irom the organizer after accusng the organiser ILynn Rogers) o' spending ta' too tong on pet-hobbies and child-mndmg. She was lorced ;o wttidraw her commenis abou! Ms Rogers, Wnilst people shouted "Sack her'" Annastasia ye"ed at the Pres dent: "Why don't you gel a real ob Jane instead ol runnng around (he Union tike a complete moron". (Aga^n she was 'creed lo withdraw her com.ments). She also attacked Bob Heather Acuviues V.P, with "Whai activilies have we had Irom. you Bob'' Jusl disasters financial loss, abso'ute, absolute dsasters'" However Annasiasia w,ll always tie remembered lor a qjoie which rea'ly summed her view ol Ihe V'.'omen's Rights Area' "You have lo be a radical fem'nist lo com,e up to V.'omen's Rights because il you're not you'll tum out lo be one' It's ust smplo. so I'm getting ou! wh.'e I've got a chance!" Council accepted Annastasia's resignation allhough there were 'hose who lelt she shou'd have been sacked. Her lack oi work and comm.iimen! to W.R. has seen the Area sutler long enough. Promises made lo female studenls have been ignored, Mcm.bers of the Com.mittee and siudenis trom!he Collective have done most ol Annasiasia's work lor her. A lighting survey was conducted, a morning tea organized and extra allocated all m her absence. Three quarte's o' this years meetings have had lo be cal'ed by the President A copy o' the agenda would be seni to Annastasia with a request she ca'l a meeting. No meeung would be called and this is noi abiding wilh the Consliiu;ion, All communications have been done by Ihe fax machine and the phor'e with 2 weeks passing before Annastasia would relurn a message. Annastasia would demand thai no decis'ons be made without her and yet would noi be there to call meev.ngs. have any 'npu! and no contact with the Area. When anything was decided and ac'ed ucon Annasiasia sprang to the delensive and stated that Ihe Area was making decisions behind her back and il was done with ulterior motives The Newsletter Constitutionally the newslelier has lo be seen by the Comm.ittee before being allowed to go to prinl. However Ihe group o' women who put this logelher (funnily enough they all belong lo the ALP) tried 10 send n away before this could be done. Upon seeing the newsletier n was apparent that many of the arlicles were enher (a) sexist (b) hotophob'c (Cl contained no student contribution. The Sexual Harassment Committee: Annastasia had no concern for this commiltee as she d'dn't "appreciate the tdea c' having to gel up a! 7ar' in the morning to gel out here for an 8am", Annastasia had a negaiive image of Wom.en's Rights be'ore being elected and Ihis has continued lo manifest ilse'l in everything she has done and how she has ireaied ccode m the Area. The only iniel'igen! siaiement Annaslasa made was that the V^'omen's Rights Grgamzer and the e'ected V P. have not got c m ihe pasl lew years. This makes a 'ot o' sense, esoecia'iy when you have wc person (iho Orgarvzer) slnving to sirengthen and preserve the A-ea and a V.P. who doesn't try to do anything posilivo I' Annastasia as she hersell has staled "I live lor meel^gs" 'he women invo'ved m I'-e W.R, Area 'eel il would have been mco to see her turn up 'or a Committee rn'ooing l! wou'd also have been nice lo nave a VP, who was smcereiy mieresied n Ihe Area and who was noi iryirg to carve out a political career. Stacia living memoirs DO you recn:nil>er»lia«you wcrj doinj»h«a you vite 30? One (Jj* Slicii Pilaiiciuk raiji rs- (lf.-t on thil liir.t of her life with wonder, repct. amuj«,-neni or disappointnjent. Eiiher wiy Iwr nwaioiri should provide incereitinj reading, even in tlie early chapien. Any younj jirl with i Bacheior of Ara degree majofinj in polilics and history, who studies pirr-tirae law, is press secretary and research officer for her local Federal MemlKr and anendi up 10 four outside polilical mettinji each week is sure to have i few memories to look back on. For Stasia who tums 21 ne«month. It il only ihe betinnini. Perhaps it is in her blood. Dauihier p( Member for Archerreid Henry Palisicaik. Stasia's first memofie* vt of former Ausiralian Prime Minister Cough Whitlam's picture htniing in the ramily home. When Inala pouiician Kev Hooper called once on her father, Stacia remembers announcing him u Mr Whitlam, These days.-is State Young Labour president. Siacia woukin't dream of miklni such a mistake. Her positton ai press secretaiy W Member for Rankin Dtvkl Beddall was on«sought under her own swm. She Jtw Uie position advenised. applied tjtd was hired much to her Ey SHAaON POYLE father') chagrin. "Daif wanted mc to continue with my taw and to keep studying." St^cta said, "I hid already completed one full year of law and felt I needed a break fran continual study." At the moment Stacia b enjoying her political Involvement with the Young Labour mo^rement, student campus ' polilics and work. Twice weekly she attends Un'ivefsity leciurei, on Saturdays she studies, on Sunday she generally has i Federal Divisional EJectorate or Young Labour meeting to attend and during the week there is usuiity a IJmvefsliy coramiitee meeting and Young Labour branch meeting to go to. "I,live for mcetlnis." Stacia said.. "My social life suffers because of it. I guess for most people my i e the thought of attending so many formaily-siructured meetings might be i bit daunting but I like keeping busy." Yet ahead of her political ambitions, for the moment, li her desire to become I barrister. By the tiflje she completes her law degree Stacia will probably be in her roid-20s,.,,. After that - who knows - but il is Ukety we will see more of Slacii Pa-, laskiuk in the future. Sticia PiIuzRuk. CORINA McKAY From the South West News Area. If students could get this for nothing, why would they pay.? All students now at university benefit from the accumulated gains which past students have worked and paid for. The upshot ofthis is that people who would not pay the voluntary part of the SSC would be receiving the benefit of Union activity and investment without paying for it. An analagous situation would be that of migrants having just arrived in Australia, refusing to pay taxes, although they are quite happy to use the public utilities provided by the past and present investment of Australians. To be more specific, it is like refusing to pay taxes for that part of Federal govemment expenditure with which you don't agree. Clearly, given the Liberals' assumptions about the human tendency to act in our own interests only those with an ideological commitment to the Union's work (thereby transcending their immediate self interest) would pay the second part ofthe SSC, Ultimately, of course, the Union's parlous financial state would result in a weakening of the advocacy role of the Union. This is a situation where the cause of individual liberty has been pushed to the extreme. What the Liberals forget is that with rights come obligations. The right not to join a Union is clear. (And as we have seen this is not an issue, with respea to Student Unions.) But the "Not even the National Party purport to argue that they should not pay taxes for that part ofthe expenditure of Labor governments they oppose." obligation to pay for the benefit you have received when you enter the University environment is clearer. In fact, it is quite consistent with the Liberals' user pays philosophy. Not paying the fiill SSC is tantamount to seeking to avoid your full quota of taxation. The argument that it is immoral to force people to pay for the acdvities they oppose is quite frankly absurd in a democracy where every day there is debate in Parliaments all around the country about the way govemment ought to spend the money it has collected. Not even the National Party purport to argue that they should not pay taxes for that part of the expenditure of Labor governments they oppose. Moreover, nobody suggested that left-wing students only pay part of the SS C wh en th eright wing VictoriaBrazil was running the Union in It is clear then that the Liberals' commitment to VSU is really a means of seeking to destroy an organisation which students rarely trust them to administer. Why do students consistently vote for aspiring Union Executives who promise more services, efficiency and better representation? Quite simply because they recognise that therie is need for such work within the University. They realise that a voluntary Union would mean the end of student participation in University affairs. The.40 students who tumed up to listen to the debate evidendy agreed and duly defeated the motion when itwas put to the vote. Only a strong Union can continue to defend student rights and effectively run the Union's trading enterprises. Dirk Moses Sc\xntb Edition, l990«semp(rrn)b)era3t

31 * CELEBRITY with SATAN LIBRA Don't give money to any charities this month they're a rort and you know it. "Vou're always letting people take advantage of you, it's pathetic. Isn't it time you thought of yourself for a change? So keep those purse strings tight and next time some lazy, begging freeloader from the Red Cross tries to spring you for some cash, fix them with a menacing glare and give them the big F off. SCORPIO You're feeling very lucky this month Scorpio, so why not get into some serious GAMBLING. If you're a little unlucky at firsl, don't worry. If you run out of money, sell the car, mortgage the house, sell your family into prostitution it'll all be worth it in the end. I promise. Would I lie to you? I won't be so crass as to tell you your lucky number, but here's a clue: it's somewhere between 665 and 667, SAGITTARIUS I'm very disappointed in you Sagittarius. Il's been simply ages since you sacrificed any virgins. So get to it! And don't try to tell me that virgins are hard to come by these days. Engineenng lectures are full of them. CAPRICORN Now listen, Capricorn, you've been altogether too gentle and sweet for your own good Ihis month, so now's your chance to be really bad. Here's what you do: Sit behind someone in the cinema (even if you're the only ones in the whole cinema!) and talk and loudly unwrap sweets all through the movie. This is one of my favourite pastimes, and it's just about the most evil thing I can think of. PISCES A lot of my favourite people were born under this sign Caligula, Adolf, Idi, Ken Done. Let's face it, when it comes to sm you guys are the professionals. But I'm afraid, Pisces, there's one sin you haven't been doing as much as you should: SELF-ABUSE, Go on! Have a little wank! It's good for you! Don't be shy! Your genitals won't bite (mine do, but that's another story), AQUARIUS Well I guess you Aquarians know all about masturbation. You're famous for it down here I can tell you. Even God agrees wilh me on that one. ARIES Actually, he's really not such a bad bloke. God, when you get to know him. t mean he's orchestrated some colossal disasters in his time wars. earthquakes, you name it. We meet quite regularly to play chess. He never lets me win though. Every time I get him in check he points over my shoulder and says, "Hey Satan, look over there, a soul in torment" and while my back is turned he goes ahead and changes the whole existential nature of reality and we have to start all over again. BASTARD. TAURUS And v^hat's he like, God? Well, he's hard to describe. A lot of people say he's like a young Laurence Olivier. Personally, I can't see it. I'd say he's more like an older Daniel Day Lewis, GEMINI Good news, Gemini. Your best friend's spouse will make a pass al you. How will you react? You know your friend will be devastated if they find out you've betrayed their sacred trust this way. Well, I've got news for you. You know how somebody was spreading that rumour that you've been sleeping with an armadillo? That's right, it was your best friend! Now how do you feel about it? So get bonking, and don't give me any more of this "guilt" crap, okay? CANCER Cancer eh... like the name. Anyway, you will meet a tall dark stranger, a rather charismatic and handsome fellow dressed in black who can sell you a copy of the PY 101 exam for a very reasonable price. I say. go with it. I mean, I'd sell my soul to pass PY101, wouldn't you,,.? LEO Tired of armed robbery? Mass murder lost its appeal? Why not learn the meaning of true evil: run in the Union elections with the backing of one of the political parties and help them get a stranglehold on student affairs. Whaddaya say? VIRGO I'm afraid your lovelife is not going to improve this month. Virgo, so now is the time to start thinking seriously about the benefits of having sex with dead people. Corpses aren't fussy. They rarely play hard to get. And best ol all, they're like putty between the sheets they're willing to do absolutely anything, even the horrible things YOU like. So get into necrophilia you know you should. Ciao for now and oh, by the way, see you in Hell.


33 BABIES 1991 ADDITIONS TO PLAYHOUSE DesrEveryone, Playhouse will provide a service for studenls and workers on campus, caring for babies 2mths to 2 years, Daycare for 2-5 year olds: 7.30am-5.30pm each weekday, Extended evening care is available 5pm-9pm during (eclure periods, New nursery section is presently being planned lo open in Feb 91. A waiting list is open for enrolments in 1991, Rita Botwright Director POSITION AVAILABLE NATIONAL CO-ORDINATOR 1991 Student Initiolives in Community Health is a national network of tertiary students interested in promoting sociaf chonge through health and welfare SICH offers a forum for students to challenge the inequalities that exist in this society. On behalf of the SICH collective the IVIanagement Committee are currently looking for a student activist to fill the full lime position of National Co-ordinator for This is a challenging position that requires a creative self-motivated person who has the ability to communicate with a wide variety of people. The person must be able to make a commitment to working within a participatory decision making organisation. Duties include: developing and supporting state/regional groups. co-ordination of state and national activities and encouraging student input into these. initiating national projects. networking with other student and associated community organisations and participating in their activities where appropriate. preparing a bi-monthly newsletter to members. some general office duties in co-operation with the otiier workers. CLUBS & SOCIETIES Wc-//. AS usiai. i-wryrbiiii; his ha\ utterlyiwaic TIK- CoinmirrcvsjH-nt [cdimisdm (.iiuliirij/ir.t) sctriini;svomjsanvstvr Gr:uits ;m</ Ihinlinit fur ij.vp) Uni. ikrc :irc tlic rcmilts: SECOND SF.MF.STF.R GRAP^TS RctjiicsudSM- M-'r>GRA.VrnD:5./i.jy/.,s'i F.XFOlJNiGRANI'S lictini-xriilsll.mi?^ (;HA\TI;T>: Si.^Si.iit) GaK-nl AsHiiMv kul :i rc.i.vo/ta/'/v.if fcii(/.iik<-..itu! ilmx.wu /.i.iwoii OtTiars lor next ic;ir".s Chihs.iiul Soavtifs Cowimur wrrc ck-acil. TheseolTia-n;, Ndl li.irriii^h.iiii. V.hjxtbStitlicrbihl:iinl An^iis A/oiirof, willatstirc tluirymirdiili reaivvsits f] imnvy in l')')l. //roil, or ;irn(»ii- ron kiiim. winikl like ro liecitine.i l.i.iisoii Ol'tlcer, 2 wore will he che.s/ki u/ IHeaitins Meeciiii^ot ('i)iiiicil. oil J"! October. I inion Sf:itTmeiiiher for ilef.iils iil the proeeilure! Will. lii)\ve\erv(hirehihsi\-iuhir.swoiiey.iid\erti^ii\^\i>iireliil-ifiiikci(>iisis:ilttjys:ip><h^ I-nsiiredm thccvaicisiiuimkilin I'lJIlORI:' hy t'lllll\^ out ;i form in ilie Chihs.iiulSoeieties Oft'ice two week.i in :ul\mia: Semper :ilso offers free.uhertisiiii; for clubs proviileil thev meet rhe ile.ullines. Also, if vou.ire liivini;.1 />.i// </oii r foriiet iliei'rejt discounts Amu Af.iriV Mul Mrjohn offer on -.ill hire :uid ret.iil. e.'ipeci.illy i:nhip l-xhikiui;s. which oiii.sf be iiimle n immh in ndv^ince. Many venues ure AISO.IV;II7.I/)/C- for club fwiciion.s. includini; the Ship Inn. / (Wif/tf Hotel :ind (jtv Rowers. I'or deiailssee ('hibs :ind Societies. Tiiullv. the Sexist Ihicist Workshop took puce on t."iepteniher. It is hoped forums such ;(.s f/)).v will become,1 ret^iihr tbini: for. -.ifter :ill. this is;!» n/iic.iri'oii.i/ ijisf/riir/oii. If people.tre.tu-.irc- ofihis issue, the I 'nion will itii /noirt-r lure to j\ilice nl:iteri:il. ;i.s c7ii'''> will be :ible (o produce n):i!::iyines ( /xu/i funnv. Tlur's,1// folks. t f.,. _ A., SAMANTHA BOUCHER CLUBS Ai\D SOCIETIES VICE-PRESIDENT Fello w Prol! YOU MUST BE A STUDENT AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION. The position Is based at the National Office in Sydney and is for a period of one year with commencement date around the beginning of January. Extensive travel will be required. Vou must be willing fo oin fhe appropriate union WAGES: $ (as at 26 April 1990) (Other Australian Social Welfare Workers conditions apply). For more information, a job description and application form please contact the National Office PO BOX 657 Bondi Junction Tel: (02) , APPUCATIONS CLOSE ON THE 24tb OF OCTOBER A tamjsic "ajx trc-aav^ H\o fftc^tt O'tftia.'jNt's-r*«}W:-off ajtf^^jf^ftrc ot\ ui<vlcv\ to tat, clbo-a bo ^ B-cta.V.c -a. ^«.u3 toll ioa4 of ^coae. A^.^ oopo^t^^ '^<.^ ^'^ &- rb.rc eiftc\ev^cfi.\ ilxix7n^:^q2ihz7i SATURDAY 7.(10 i)ii APOLOGY TO MR ALEX FOEL Following Alex Foe! lodging his nomination forms for the positions of Secretary and Services & Finance Committee, policy statements were Nnll-illciitinlii: (IIIIIUN :inil l',kj' 'li:>i> ['ciiiii :iv;iil:ihlc \W.U.\ DANCING INDIAN DANCINi; IIUIM'.AI'INC '.^::k''..moandancinc. V^X-..,^ '^Z' \ '. '.- s'v MUCH MOKh: submitted without his authority by the Student Services Team (SST). We, the undersigned, apologise to him for this, and wish to make it known that the policy considerations attributed to him were published without his permission, and do not reflect his beliefs in any way. ivatllills $(i Ciiiiccsslotis (iiiidcr.l five; Iti'ii)); n cti.slilim /q.v \ I'liiuMiimi Uliiuinimi llnll iw.' ' 7(ICViuloliii.SlrLTl - ).Siiulli llrlshimii.' I'rnrrcils lo llic Hi Isliiiiir Itaiie ('ri>;l.s (.Vnlu- Terrie McLean Tim Singh 34BSEMP((rmt))ER*5cvrri(/i Mri'on, W}0

34 THE WHITE CUFFS OF DOVER I wai sittinj; quietly when ic Ixgan Suddenly, tfjc sores on my head hurst into prominence, Suppcraiinj; corriipicd ooze, Tlic hbcl(-rinj;cd worms riddling my entrails, Red hot. their fangs gnaw through the hottom ofmy lungs. Flesh, falling, dving. The heart: as for that. The h<kikcd, jagged r.izor turns apace, And I die, and I die, A FRIEND My lioiirl blcods i'urpio t'lss for ytnt unll t It. covers my.slitrt. (ind KOtiks»y ny liu.irl blonds jg4in.-;. Ctirplo I'Iss for you KO Hint I nay novor n<;nlii bo clodn. Ky lioaru blcods Rod Kain Tor you IL boconor n curlnin cuts mo orr from Uio world. My hourt bjloods Kod Iin In Tor you CO that ny innoccnco Is curdled. fly heart: bloods Cordial Tonrs for you ond thoy Till ny rtlioos and stick no to tim floor, ny heart bloods Cordial Tears for you so that 1 Ruiy bu stuck horo for ovomioro. by - vl Well, yrui askni for it' l,ast edition vw published the very best stuff in Semper's bulging E\nd sfcarning poetry file hut you sf)-called university students just didn't appreciate it. So as punishment we're gonna subject you to the cruelest anthology we coul/l compile. That's right! A page of unbelievably, terrifyingly. bowel-wrenchingly, pimple-burs'tingly embarrassing ADOLESCENT ANGST POETRY!! (um^ //ll// ur f//t' /rv//'-i :7/tri/rt'tr' ''/ /nut///!>// hi.ur ///!/// /ti'/i/ii/ ''/ //III///>'// to ////l/lt-s/l///t/ f//i/l '/l>v //H///fl't/ /ir/o/r,'/?/// //I)/ ///ll- f///.\- ''0'.\ //i//'i/ fl) //>t////!///// //I)/ '/ -IVY- //I)// ivir// i/i/// //i//>r. (//t/ii/i// t/'/i/v /'/ /////iv a /////< ///ii/r. /uiv//u- //tl// t/n//1 sir ///i\ // vtr //tw /// f//i/t l//i'i/l/r ////{/ vi/ri//// ^ //Ol//' //lt///l'.v t/i///if /i>/\ //!>//..'/ v/////f /o/', //I'll- '/ /DO/; /ll/' J/il,'/'/// //I)// V/1H1//111H1/ /;// '//I' /I'l///'''. ///i/ ///I- /iro/i/r (//ii(jiri/ f/i/i/. /// I/O// /11/1/ ////.V /lot/// Cv, <!/// //tl// iti///r 1///1/ / -lev ur ///I (>f/// //o// /ti/iv //on/- //tr//i/. (//i/ //>//>c I///III// t/f /ai/'v ^ /^trt///.u' '//If ///I///// /rti/'v. (//</,'/ //lit/ /O /{/l(l//l //ll//. ///i/,'/ /;//o//> '/ //If 1///!<// ] '.'uat //('(f/\s i/l(}(' " '//// /ll/'/// ///I/// i///t////,//'re ///////////// \'//i-v //m/////i/ i/t tt/t// o///ir. /////v i/////i///a/. //ill////!//' //'t/l /.V./if/// C<////i/-(/a//i/ ///f^ i/rii///i.'/?// / /// //'i/i /t/.y t/ //()/(. ///// ////W/l/// // '/ //1//IC.s//J>/u-(/ 'lf/(// //0-0//f /O /lo/i////(. \o-o//i' /tl -vtr/if /i/f // 1//// t/o//f ti//i/ l/tty u/r ////<//,///</ t// // : 4 DEAR ANNE Maybe sometime you and me, we coutd you Itnovv, go for a wall< or something. I get so lonely sometimes. And I do really need. someone to talk to. To walk ttirougti the park, or tool< at tlie stars, with you would make me tiappy. Or to just sit and talk by the river, and maybe I'd toss pebbles into ttne water. Perchance my ttioughts, as is their wont, would turn to breasts and the fall of white dresses. Yet, still we coiild talk asjust good friends. Won't you trust me to respect you, even though I want to fuck you? Littie Boy Blue {\i.s. WQ didn't make -jriyofrhis t//) it was sent in to us hy rciil, uctinil students.) ^. (hcjosicofmcsico IXEhJSED MEX1CAI«J RESTAURANT where locals meel to eat. VALUE MEXICAN EALS IN BRISBANE Open 7 Days a Week For Lunch and Dinner TAKE AWAYS AVAILABLE UNTIL 6.30P.M. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL CREDIT CARDS NOT ACCEPTED Moglll Rd, TARINOA Ph In the Taringa Circle - Secured Undercover Parking for 180 cars NEED CASH? Then Come In and See Us TARINGA LOANS & TRADING 222 Moggill Rd, Taringa (Just Before Swann Rd. Outbound) INSTANT CASH LOANS!!! We lend money on anything of value induding: Jewellery TV's VI DEOS # CAM ERAS WE ALSO BUY AND SELL Short and Long Term Loans PHONE NOW ' )." '.! or

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