Introduc)on to the IoT- A methodology

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1 10/11/14 1 Introduc)on to the IoTA methodology Olivier SAVRY CEA LETI

2 10/11/14 2 IoTA Objec)ves Provide a reference model of architecture (ARM) based on Interoperability Scalability Security and Privacy Provide guidelines to design an IoT architecture with the defini)on of a set of views Provide a common language and concepts to improve communica)on between partners (IoT Domain Model)

3 10/11/14 3 Virtual En)ty and IoT Services Physical World is virtualized by Virtual En))es (VE) Resources actuate and observe Physical World Resources are available thanks to IoT services VE Services requests IoT services Rela)on between VE Services and IoT Services needs to be modelled which is done in form of associa)ons

4 IoT Domain model The IoTA project defines a domain model as a descrip)on of concepts belonging to a par)cular area of interest. The main purpose of a domain model is to generate a common understanding of the target domain in ques)on. Only with a common understanding of the main concepts it becomes possible to argue about architectural solu)ons and to evaluate them. IoT domain model defines Devices, Virtual En)ty, Resources, Physical En)ty, User, Services and their interac)ons

5 An architecture is a set of views Physical view Context View Func)onal View Informa)on View Opera)onal and Deployment view

6 Requirement process helps to derive architectural views Threat analysis Defines requirements but also design choices Requirements engineering IoTA defines a list of High Level requirements Choose tac)cs Mapping of requirements onto quali)es (or perspec)ves ( for ex : interoperability)) and iden)fica)on of suitable tac)cs for how to adress said quali)es. Make design choices By means of the tac)cs iden)fied in the previous step, iden)fiy design choices for addressing the underlying qualita)ve requirements. View mapping of requirements Perform first mapping of nonfunc)onal and func)onal view

7 Schema)c of IoTA methodology (see D1.5)


9 IoT Context view the IoT Context View consists of two parts, the context view and the IoT Domain Model. It describes the rela)onships, dependencies, and interac)ons between the system and its environment (the people, systems, and external en))es with which it interacts). To be more specific, the context view describes what the system does and does not do; where the boundaries are between it and the outside world; and how the system interacts with other systems, organiza)ons, and people across these boundaries. The concerns addressed by the context view are: System scope and responsibili)es; Iden)ty of external en))es and services and data used; Nature and characteris)cs of external en))es; Iden)ty and responsibili)es of external interfaces; Nature and characteris)cs of external interfaces; Other external interdependencies;

10 Func)onal view Composed of Func)onal Group and Components The service Organisa)on is used for composing and orchestra)ng To provide the func)onal concepts and interfaces necessary to augment Services at different levels of abstrac)ons tradi)onal (business) processes To enable the management of the IoT: configura)on of devices, tracking of faults, monitoring, repor)ng, administra)on. It contains func)ons for interac)ng with the IoT system on the basis of Ves as welll as func)onali)es for discovering and looking up services that can provide informa)on about Ves, or which allow the interac)on with VEs (but also for managing associa)ons and finding new associa)ons ) It contains IoT services as well as func)onali)es for discovery, lookup, and name resolu)on of IoT services The communica)on FG is an abstrac)on, modelling the variety of interac)on schemes derived from the many technologies belonging to IoT systems and providing a common interface to the IoT service FG.

11 Informa)on view Considering a part of a use case, informa)on view defines how the func)onal components interact together

12 Deployment & opera)on view these views will discuss how to move from the service descrip)on and the iden)fica)on of the different func)onal elements to the selec)on among the many available technologies in the IoT to build up the overall networking behaviour for the deployment. What sort of technologies of devices And communica)on methods Where to deploy the sofware related to a given device On smart object On gateways In the cloud Where to store the informa)on collected by the system Local only Web Only Local with web cache Where to deploy resolu)on of service And en))es Internal deployment External deployment (provided by a third party) Service Resources Devices