TPO 1 30 Vocabulary

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1 Vocabulary

2 TPO 1 Reading 1 Abundant- Precipitation- Streams- emergeparticle- pebble- consolidate-gravel- sedimentladen with-deposit- slope- cement-plugpercolate- porous-lava- bubble-permeabilitycavity- crevice- drain- cling- tension- saturateovercome- Abundant Ample Plentiful Teeming vs. scarce an abundant supply of fresh water abundant opportunities for well qualified staff Rainfall Snowfall Precipitation Stream Small river Mountain stream Blood stream Emerge Appear The flowers emerge in the spring. The sun emerged from behind the clouds. Eventually the truth emerged. Particle a very small piece of something: dust particles particle of tiny particles of soil Consolidate Strengthen The company has consolidated its position as the country's leading gas supplier. The team consolidated their lead with a third goal. Gravel small stones, used to make a surface for paths, roads etc: a gravel path Sand and gravel Sediment solid substances that settle at the bottom of a liquid: a thick layer of sediment Laden with fill, fill up, make full The tables were laden with food. Deposit put, set, place, pose, position, lay As the river slows down, it deposits a layer of soil. Slope a piece of ground or a surface that slopes a steep slope a gentle (=not steep) slope Cement a bag of cement سیمان Plug insert, enclose, inclose, stick in, put in, introduce, cover We used mud to plug up the holes in the roof. Pebble a small smooth stone found especially on a beach or on the bottom of a river: The beach was covered with smooth white pebbles. Percolate diffuse, spread, spread out The message has begun to percolate through the organization. These ideas were slow to percolate. Page 1

3 Porous allowing liquid, air etc to pass slowly through many very small holes: porous material Lava hot liquid rock that flows from a volcano, or this rock when it has become solid Bubble a ball of air or gas in liquid: When water boils, bubbles rise to the surface. soap bubbles She was blowing bubbles in her milk with a straw. Permeability material that is permeable allows water, gas etc to pass through it [ impermeable]: the permeable cell membrane Cavity a hole or space inside something: Put herbs inside the body cavity of the fish. I have no cavities (=no holes in my teeth) Crevice a narrow crack in the surface of something, especially in rock: small creatures that hide in crevices in the rock Drain to make the water or liquid in something flow away: The swimming pool is drained and cleaned every winter. Cling cling, cleave, adhere, stick, cohere He wailed and clung to his mother. Passengers clung desperately onto the lifeboats. Tension Page 2 Stress, worry The tension was becoming unbearable, and I wanted to scream. کشش Saturate fill, fill up, make full Our culture is saturated with television and advertising Overcome defeat He struggled to overcome his shyness. Her financial problems could no longer be overcome. Reading 2 Speculation- concrete- envision- championritual- myth- attribute- perceive- costumeconception- abandon- modify- autonomousrecall- impersonation- imitate- virtuosityantecedent- penchant- detach- deviationcease- retain- Speculation speculate, theorize, theorise, conjecture, hypothesize, hypothesise, hypothecate, suppose There is speculation that the president is ill. Concrete Tangible, touchable made of concrete: a concrete floor 2 definite and specific [ abstract]: What does that mean in concrete terms? the lack of any concrete evidence a dialogue about concrete issues and problems Envision visualize, visualise, envision, project, fancy, see, figure, picture, image I envisioned a future of educational excellence

4 Champion back, endorse, indorse, plump for, plunk for, support She championed the cause of religious freedom Ritual Religious ceremony the importance of religion and ritual in our lives abandon Leave Quit We had to abandon the car and walk the rest of the way. modify Change The feedback will be used to modify the course for next year. The regulations can only be modified by a special committee. Myth an idea or story that many people believe, but which is not true Contrary to popular myth, the majority of accidents are not caused by speeding or drunkenness. the myth of Orpheus attribute ascribe, assign, The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally attributed to improvements in diet. perceive understand, realize, realise, see That morning, he perceived a change in Franca's mood. Cats are not able to perceive colour. costume a set of clothes Hallowe'en costumes conception Understanding They have no conception of what women really feel and want. Misconception recall remember, retrieve, recall, call back, call up, recollect, think I seem to recall I've met him before somewhere impersonation act, play, mock Do you know it is a very serious offence to impersonate a police officer? imitate Copy Imitate s.o s behavior virtuosity a very high degree of skill in performing Ancestors antecedent penchant Tendency, inclination a penchant for fast cars detach Separate Please detach and fill out the application form. Page 3

5 deviation Differ, divert deviation from the normal procedure deciduous deciduous trees lose their leaves in winter [ evergreen] Stop Ceasefire Cessation cease twist flex, bend, deform, twist, turn He twisted his head slightly, and looked up at her. retain Keep Hold Retain your composure Reading 3 Shrub- herb- moisture- tropic- deciduous- twistdeform- latitude- tend- attain- prone- avalanchecreep- velocity- altitude- bare- prostrate- strikingadjacent- insulation- equator- prevalent- moss- shrub deform contort, deform, distort, wring Wearing badly-fitting shoes can deform your feet. latitude the distance north or south of the equator (=the imaginary line around the middle of the world), measured in degrees [ longitude] 2 latitudes [plural] an area at a particular latitude: The birds breed in northern latitudes. the oceans of the lower latitude a small bush with several woody stems Plant Herbal tea Herbivorous Carnivorous Omnivorous herb Moisture Wetness Plants use their roots to absorb moisture from the soil. Your skin's moisture content varies according to weather conditions. tropic the tropicspg the hottest part of the world, which is around the equator: plant species found in the tropics tend Incline People tend to need less sleep as they get older. My car tends to overheat in the summer. attain achieve, accomplish, attain, reach More women are attaining positions of power. prone likely to do something or suffer from something, especially something bad or harmful prone to Some plants are very prone to disease. prone to do something Page 4

6 Kids are all prone to eat junk food. avalanche a large mass of snow, ice, and rocks that falls down the side of a mountain: Two skiers were killed in the avalanche. creep to move in a quiet, careful way, especially to avoid attracting attention creep into/over/around etc Johann would creep into the gallery to listen to the singers. He crept back up the stairs, trying to avoid the ones that creaked. velocity the speed of something the velocity of light The speedboat reached a velocity of 120 mph. a high velocity bullet altitude the height of an object or place above the sea altitude of We're flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet. high/low altitudes At high altitudes it is difficult to get enough oxygen. bare Not covered Land, hand, child prostrate lying on your front with your face towards the ground: They found him lying prostrate on the floor. prostrate body/figure/form 2 too shocked, upset, weak etc to be able to do anything prostrate with Julie was prostrate with grief after her father's death. Prostrate plant striking unusual or interesting enough to be easily noticed striking contrast/similarity/parallel etc a striking contrast between wealth and poverty Noticeable adjacent Next to We stayed in adjacent rooms. Insulation to cover or protect something with a material Good insulation can save you money on heating bills. equator the equator an imaginary line drawn around the middle of the Earth that is exactly the same distance from the North Pole and the South Pole on/at/near the equator a small village near the equator prevalent common at a particular time, in a particular place, or among a particular group of people Solvent abuse is especially prevalent among younger teenagers. the prevalent belief in astrology Page 5

7 moss a very small green plant that grows in a thick soft furry mass on wet soil, trees, or rocks mossy adjective: a high, mossy wall خزه Dwell populate, dwell, live, inhabit They dwelt in the forest. an arm or leg Limb TPO2 Reading 1 Lung- gill- Disguise- affinity- dwelllimb- embed- Precious- detect- expose- vestigeportion- rear- Propulsion Lung Embed implant, engraft, embed, imbed, plant A piece of glass was embedded in her hand. Feelings of guilt are deeply embedded in her personality Precious Valuable We cannot afford to waste precious time. planes delivering precious supplies of medicine and food our planet's precious resources one of the two organs in your body that you breathe with: Smoking can cause lung cancer شش Gill one of the organs on the sides of a fish through which it breathes آبشش Disguise hide, conceal There's no way you can disguise that southern accent. Affinity a close relationship between two things because of qualities or features that they share affinity with/between the affinity between Christian and Chinese concepts of the spirit Detect Page 6 detect, observe, find, discover, notice Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early. Dan detected a change in her mood. Expose expose, exhibit, display Potatoes turn green when exposed to light. The report revealed that workers had been exposed to high levels of radiation. Vestige 1 a small part or amount of something that remains when most of it no longer exists [= trace] vestige of The new law removed the last vestiges of royal power. 2 the smallest possible amount of a quality or feeling

8 vestige of There's not a vestige of truth in the story. Portion a part of something larger, especially a part that is different from the other parts portion of The front portion of the rocket breaks off. significant/substantial/major/good portion The main character's childhood takes up a good portion of the film. Rear the rear the back part of an object, vehicle, or building, or a position at the back of an object or area [ front] a garden at the rear of the house a passenger travelling in the rear of a car How much do think it will cost, approximately? accelerate accelerate, speed up, speed, quicken measures to accelerate the rate of economic growth The car accelerated smoothly away. ridge a long area of high land, especially at the top of a mountain: We made our way carefully along the ridge. Runoff rain or other liquid that flows off the land into rivers deteriorate Decay, worsen Ethel's health has deteriorated. America's deteriorating economy Propulsion the force that drives a vehicle forward [ propel] research into liquid hydrogen as a means of propulsion Reading2 approximately- accelerate- ridgerunoff- deterioration- arid- semiariddelicate- phenomena- diminishcultivation- graze- irrigation- devoid ofsusceptible- erosion- dominanttrample- pulverization- salinizationsink- drainage- evaporatetremendous- rigorous Approximately Nearly, almost The plane will be landing in approximately 20 minutes. arid Page 7 Dry Water from the Great Lakes is pumped to arid regions. Delicate Fragile, frail, vulnerable The sun can easily damage a child's delicate skin. a delicate child her delicate features phenomenon Event something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature, especially something that is studied because it is difficult to understand phenomenon of the growing phenomenon of telecommuting

9 Homelessness is not a new phenomenon. Language is a social and cultural phenomenon. Diminish decrease, diminish, lessen, fall These drugs diminish blood flow to the brain. But that's not to diminish the importance of his discoveries. cultivate crop, work The land was too rocky to cultivate. We cultivated maize and watermelons graze crop, browse, graze, range, pasture Groups of cattle were grazing on the rich grass. fields where they used to graze their sheep irrigate water, irrigate The water in Lake Powell is used to irrigate the area. erosion the process by which rock or soil is gradually destroyed by wind, rain, or the sea: the problem of soil erosion the erosion of the coastline dominate master control, command The industry is dominated by five multinational companies. New Orleans dominated throughout the game. Her loud voice totally dominated the conversation. Education issues dominated the election campaign. trample to step heavily on something, so that you crush it with your feet trample on/over/through etc There was a small fence to stop people trampling on the flowers. trample somebody/something underfoot The children were in danger of being trampled underfoot in the crowd. Devoid of to be completely lacking in something: His face was devoid of any warmth or humour. Pulverization to crush something into a powder: The seeds can be used whole or pulverized into flour. susceptible likely to suffer from a particular illness or be affected by a particular problem [ immune] susceptible to Older people are more susceptible to infections. Soil on the mountain slopes is very susceptible to erosion. Salinization containing or consisting of salt: saline solution sink sink, settle, go down, go under Their motorboat struck a rock and began to sink. The kids watched as the coin sank to the bottom of the pool. Page 8

10 The heavy guns sank up to their barrels in the mud. Drain consume, eat up, use up, eat, deplete, exhaust, run through, wipe out to make the water or liquid in something flow away: The swimming pool is drained and cleaned every winter. Evaporate Vaporise if a liquid evaporates, or if heat evaporates it, it changes into a gas: Most of the water had evaporated. The sun evaporates moisture on the leaves. tremendous very big, fast, powerful etc: Suddenly, there was a tremendous bang, and the whole station shook. She was making a tremendous effort to appear calm. She praised her husband for the tremendous support he had given her. Sales have been tremendous so far this year. This plan could save us a tremendous amount of money. rigorous careful, thorough, and exact: a rigorous analysis of defence needs the rigorous standards required by the college Reading 3 Consumption- initial- arcade- parlorsvaudeville- Legitimate- spectaclespectator- manipulation- Expandminute- minuscule consume consume, eat up, use up, eat, deplete, exhaust, run through, wipe out to use time, energy, goods etc [ consumption]: Only 27% of the paper we consume is recycled. A smaller vehicle will consume less fuel. initial happening at the beginning [= first]: an initial investment of 5000 initial stage/phase/period the initial stages of the disease The initial response has been encouraging. arcade 1AATBB a covered passage at the side of a row of buildings with pillars and arches supporting it on one side 2 a covered passage between two streets with shops on each side of it 3 British English also shopping arcadebbt a large building or part of a building where there are many shops 4DL an amusement arcade: arcade games Salon parlor vaudeville a type of theatre entertainment, popular from the 1880s to the 1950s, in which there were many short performances of different kinds, including singing, dancing, jokes etc [ music hall] legitimate air or reasonable: That's a perfectly legitimate question. Most scientists believe it is legitimate Page 9

11 to use animals in medical research. 2 acceptable or allowed by law: Their business operations are perfectly legitimate. 3SSC a legitimate child is born to parents who are legally married to each other [ illegitimate] spectacle 1 a very impressive show or scene: a multimedia dance and opera spectacle 2 [usually singular] an unusual or interesting thing or situation that you see or notice - used especially in order to show disapproval: The trial was turned into a public spectacle. spectator someone who is watching an event or game [ audience]: The match attracted over 40,000 spectators. manipulation manipulate, keep in line, control software designed to store and manipulate data You can integrate text with graphics and manipulate graphic images. expand Enlarge Water expands as it freezes. The computer industry has expanded greatly over the last decade. Minute- minuscule Small Tiny TPO 3 Reading 1 Aspiration- texture- harmony- shelterenhance- inspiration- delightcontribute- enrich- feasible- mediocretrace- dramatically- devise- gravitywithstand- integral- enclose- interiorplumbing- permanence- arduouspiling- curve-brick- segmenthorizontal- aspiration a strong desire to have or achieve something [= ambition]: a high level of political aspiration aspiration of the aspirations of the working classes texture the way a surface or material feels when you touch it, especially how smooth or rough it is smooth/silky/rough etc. texture the smooth texture of silk a designer who experiments with different colours and textures بافت harmony when people live or work together without fighting or disagreeing with each other: I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in harmony. the pleasant effect made by different things that form an attractive whole: the harmony of sea and sky shelter a place to live, considered as one of the basic needs of life: They are in need of food and shelter. Page 10

12 2 [uncountable] protection from danger or from wind, rain, hot sun etc shelter of We reached the shelter of the caves. enhance to improve something: Good lighting will enhance any room. The publicity has enhanced his reputation intensify, compound, heighten, deepen better, improve, amend, ameliorate, meliorate inspiration a good idea about what you should do, write, say etc, especially one which you get suddenly The Malvern Hills have provided inspiration for many artists and musicians over the decades. He raised his eyes to the altar as if seeking inspiration. He draws inspiration from ordinary scenes. Mary Quant's inspiration comes from the glam style of the 70s. He had a sudden flash of inspiration. He has always been a source of inspiration for me. الهام delight a feeling of great pleasure and satisfaction The kids were screaming with delight. It was a delight to see him so fit and healthy. contribute to give money, help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other people are also involved in contribute to/towards City employees cannot contribute to political campaigns. enrich Page 11 to improve the quality of something, especially by adding things to it: Add fertilizer to enrich the soil. Education can greatly enrich your life. better, improve, amend, ameliorate, meliorate feasible Possible- practical a plan, idea, or method that is feasible is possible and is likely to work: a feasible solution economically/technically/politically etc feasible It was no longer financially feasible to keep the community centre open. mediocre not very good [= second rate]: I thought the book was pretty mediocre. a mediocre student trace find somebody/something to find someone or something that has disappeared by searching for them carefully: She had given up all hope of tracing her missing daughter. Police are trying to trace a young woman who was seen near the accident. origins to find the origins of when something began or where it came from trace something (back) to something They've traced their ancestry to Scotland. The style of these paintings can be traced back to early medieval influences. dramatically great and sudden

13 dramatic change/shift/improvement Computers have brought dramatic changes to the workplace. dramatic increase/rise/fall/drop/reduction etc Universities have suffered a dramatic drop in student numbers. dramatic effect/results A serious accident can have a dramatic effect on your family's finances. devise invent, contrive, devise, excogitate, formulate, forge She devised a method for quicker communications between offices. gravity the force that causes something to fall to the ground or to be attracted to جاذبهanother the extreme and worrying seriousness of a situation gravity of I could not hide from her the gravity of the situation. The penalties should be proportionate to the gravity of the offence. withstand [= resist, stand up to]:defy, withstand, hold, hold up This fabric can withstand steam and high temperatures. integral forming a necessary part of something: essential, necessary, needed Vegetables are an integral part of our diet. integral to Statistics are integral to medical research. enclose to surround something, especially with a fence or wall, in order to make it separate: confine The pool area is enclosed by a six-foot wall. an enclosed area interior the inner part or inside of something [ exterior]: The interior of the church was dark. the car's warm interior plumbing the pipes that water flows through in a building: We keep having problems with the plumbing permanence continuing to exist for a long time or for all the time in the future [ temporary]: He gave up a permanent job in order to freelance. a permanent change in your eating habits The blindness that the disease causes will be permanent. arduous involving a lot of strength and effort arduous task/work the arduous task of loading all the boxes into the van pile Gather to fill a place or container or cover a surface with a large amount of things pile something into/onto etc something He piled bread and milk into his basket. Melissa piled spaghetti onto her plate Page 12

14 curve a line that gradually bends like part of a circle curve of the curve of her hips کج خم a sweeping curve of railroad track brick a hard block of baked clay used for building walls, houses etc: a brick wall a house made of brick Protesters attacked the police with آجر. bricks stones and segment a part of something that is different from or affected differently from the whole in some way segment of segments of the population Horizontal flat and level: a horizontal surface horizontally adverb Opposite [ diagonal, vertical compile, hoard It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate wealth the accumulation of data drill to make a hole in something using a drill: Drill a hole in each corner. drill into/through He accidentally drilled into a water pipe. drought a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water for plants and animals to live خشکسالی ensuing happening after a particular action or event, especially as a result of it the ensuing battle/conflict/debate etc In the ensuing fighting, two students were killed. the ensuing days/months/years etc (=the days, months etc after an event) The situation deteriorated over the ensuing weeks Reading2 Rancher- accumulate- drill- droughtensuing- negligible- virtuallyreplenish- drastically- incentiveconserve- grandiose- capillary waterstrain- scheme- negligible negligible too slight or unimportant to have any effect [= insignificant]: The damage done to his property was negligible. Rancher someone who owns or works on a ranch a very large farm in the western US and Canada where sheep, cattle, or horses are bred دامدار accumulate collect, accumulate, pile up, amass, virtually Almost almost [= practically]: Virtually all the children come to school by bus. He was virtually unknown before running for office. Page 13

15 replenish refill, fill again fill, fill up, make full More vaccines are needed to replenish our stocks. grandiose grandiose plans sound very important or impressive, but are not practical grandiose scheme/plan/idea etc grandiose schemes of urban renewal drastically extreme and sudden drastic action/measures NATO threatened drastic action if its terms were not met. drastic cuts in government spending Drastic changes are needed if environmental catastrophe is to be avoided. drastically /-kli/ adverb: The size of the army was drastically cut scheme an official plan that is intended to help people in some way, for example by providing education or training [= program The money will be used for teacher training schemes. a pension scheme Capillary water Water in the soil incentive something that encourages you to work harder, start a new activity etc: As an added incentive, there's a bottle of champagne for the best team. create/provide/give somebody an incentive Awards provide an incentive for young people to improve their skills. incentive to do something Farmers lack any incentive to manage their land organically. economic/financial/tax etc incentives a recycling drive backed with financial incentives انگیزه مشوق conserve preserve, maintain, keep up to protect something and prevent it from changing or being damaged [= preserve]: We must conserve our woodlands for future generations. efforts to conserve fish stocks strain Stress I couldn't look after him any more; the strain was too much for me. Did you find the job a strain? the stresses and strains of police life 2) difficulty The dry summer has further increased the strain on water resources Reading 3 Succession- cumulative- pondrelatively- invasion- pest- resilienceniche- vacate-intact- succession 1 in succession happening one after the other without anything different happening in between: She won the championship four times in succession. in quick/rapid/close succession (=quickly one after the other) He fired two shots in quick succession. 2 a succession of something a number of people or things of the same kind following, coming or happening one Page 14

16 after the other: A succession of visitors came to the door. cumulative increasing gradually as more of something is added or happens: Learning is a cumulative process. cumulative effect (of something) Depression is often caused by the cumulative effects of stress and overwork. during the war. Gap, hole niche vacate Leave Clay will vacate the position on June 19. Guests must vacate their rooms by 11:00. pond a small area of fresh water that is smaller than a lake, that is either natural or artificially made حوضچه intact not broken, damaged, or spoiled: Only the medieval tower had remained intact. His reputation survived intact. relatively Fairly, almost The system is relatively easy to use. E-commerce is a relatively recent phenomenon. نسبتا invasion enter, come in, get into, get in, go into, go in, move into Every summer the town is invaded by tourists. Fans invaded the pitch at half-time. The Romans invaded Britain 2000 years ago. pest a small animal or insect that destroys crops or food supplies [ vermin]: a chemical used in pest control آفت resilience Toughness the resilience of youth People showed remarkable resilience TPO 4 Reading 1 Prevalent- prairie- marsh- understoryinhibit- meadow- browse- fair weatherdecay- dormancy- hibernating- cedarhuckleberry- hemlock- alder- arboreal fodder- fluctuate- bemoan- in the same breath- elk- expedition- starvationpicturesquely- dot- exterminationplight- encroach- logging- annualrebound- predator- cougar- lynxprofound- game Prevalent accepted, widespread prevalent in/among etc Solvent abuse is especially prevalent among younger teenagers. the prevalent belief in astrology Page 15

17 prairie Grassland, meadow, pasture, plain marsh Swamp, bog,swampland باتالق The crane lives in marshy habitats. understory Undergrowth, under grass A layer of vegetation beneath the main canopy of forest inhibit Restrict, constraint, hinder, impede, obstruct An unhappy family life may inhibit children's learning. Recording the meeting may inhibit people from expressing their real views. meadow Grassy land, grassy field, pasture, plain, prairie browse Look around, look through, peruse, graze Jon was browsing through the photographs. The trip allows you plenty of time for browsing around the shops. tourists browsing the boutiques and souvenir stalls Fair- weather Untrustworthy, dishonest, false, disloyal, unreliable, unsafe Fair-weather friend decay Rot, break down, collapse, deteriorate, corrosion, to be slowly destroyed by a natural chemical process, or to make something do this Most archaeological finds are broken, damaged, or decayed. dormancy Inaction, inactivity, inertia, The seeds remain dormant until the spring. a huge dormant volcano hibernating verb lie dormant; sleep through cold weather سرو cedar huckleberry a small dark-blue North American fruit that grows on a bush شوکران توسکا hemlock alder arboreal fodder علوفه درختی fluctuate Oscillate, vary, alternate, waver, keep changing Prices were volatile, fluctuating between $20 and $40. Insect populations fluctuate wildly from year to year. Page 16

18 bemoan verb express sorrow Complain, regret, mourn, He was bemoaning the fact that lawyers charge so much. extermination Destruction, elimination, extinction, eradication Staff use the poison to exterminate moles and rabbits. in the same breath used to say that someone has said two things at once that are so different from each other they cannot both be true: immediately He criticized the film, then predicted in the same breath that it would be a great success. گوزن شمالی elk expedition Journey, exploration, quest, tor, travel, trip an expedition to the North Pole another Everest expedition a shopping expedition a fishing expedition starvation Hunger, famine, malnutrition people dying of starvation picturesquely Beautiful, attractive, charming, colorful a quiet fishing village with a picturesque harbour a picturesque account of his trip to New York dot if an area is dotted with things, there are a lot of them there but they are spread far apart be dotted with something The lake was dotted with sailboats. plight Bad Condition, predicament, trouble, dilemma the desperate plight of the flood victims the country's economic plight encroach verb invade another's property, business Intrude, trespass, to gradually take more of someone's time, possessions, rights etc than you should encroach on/upon Bureaucratic power has encroached upon the freedom of the individual. 2 to gradually cover more and more land encroach into The fighting encroached further east. encroachment noun [uncountable and countable] foreign encroachment logging Deforestation the work of cutting down trees in a forest annual Yearly, each year The school trip has become an annual event. The jazz festival is held annually in July. Page 17

19 rebound Revive, overcome, recover Share prices rebounded today after last week's losses crude Cheap, clumsy, raw, approximate a crude estimate of the population available for work Hunter, killer predator cougar گربه وحشی یوزپلنگ امریکایی excavate Uncover, unearth, dig up, Schliemann excavated the ancient city of Troy. to make a hole in the ground by digging up soil Bobcat سیاه گوش lynx profound deep, philosophical, serious having a strong influence or effect profound effect/influence/impact/consequence etc Tolstoy's experiences of war had a profound effect on his work. The mother's behaviour has a profound impact on the developing child. profound changes in society game wild animals, birds, and fish that are hunted for food, especially as a sport: game birds inhabit Dwell, populate, reside, live in The woods are inhabited by many wild animals. inhabited islands trappings things such as money, influence, possessions etc that are related to a particular type of person, job, or way of life trappings of the trappings of power depict Illustrate, describe, interpret a book depicting life in prerevolutionary Russia The god is depicted as a bird with a human head. Reading 2 Bead- crude- excavate- inhabittrapping- depict- spear- cattle- bovinechip- tusk- horn- reindeer- shaftfigurine- fertility- Stone مهره Bead spear a pole with a sharp pointed blade at one end, used as a weapon in the past نیزه cattle Herd cows and bulls kept on a farm for their meat or milk: herds of cattle Page 18

20 bovine relating to cows: bovine diseases chip a small piece of wood, stone, metal etc that has been broken off something: Wood chips covered the floor of the workshop. tusk one of a pair of very long pointed teeth, that stick out of the mouth of animals such as elephants horn the hard pointed thing that grows, usually in pairs, on the heads of animals such as cows and goats گوزن شمالی reindeer shaft a long handle on a tool Figurine a small model of a person or animal used as a decoration Doll fertility Potency, pregnancy, productivity the ability of the land or soil to produce good crops 2MB the ability of a person, animal, or plant to produce babies, young animals, or seeds [ infertility] Reading 3 Marine- accumulate- decomposesediment- mud- droplet- squeeze- drillderrick- dismantle- spout- gusheradjacent- dye- hostile- slope- spillage- collision- slick- platform- drift- ashorefoul- subside- barrier- adverse- dismantle Page 19 Break up, destroy, demolish, disassemble, take apart Chris dismantled the bike in five minutes. spout a sudden strong stream of liquid which comes out of somewhere very fast gusher a place in the ground where oil or water comes out very forcefully, so that a pump is not needed Adjacent Next to, neighboring We stayed in adjacent rooms. the building adjacent to the library dye Pigment, color hair dye hostile Hateful, unfavorable, unfriendly, inhospitable The boy feels hostile towards his father. his hostile attitude slope شیب Tilt if you spill a liquid, or if it spills, it accidentally flows over the edge of a container [ pour]: Katie almost spilled her milk. Accident collision

21 The school bus was involved in a collision with a truck. Two people were killed in a headon collision slick oil slick an area of oil on the surface of water or on a road platform Floor, stage the raised place beside a railway track where you get on and off a train in a station: The Edinburgh train will depart from platform six. 2for speechestbb a stage for people to stand on when they are making a speech, performing etc: a small raised platform at one end of the room drift to move slowly on water or in the air Smoke drifted up from the jungle ahead of us. ashore on or towards the shore of a lake, river, sea etc [= onshore] come/go ashore Seals come ashore to breed. Several dead birds had been washed ashore. foul to make something very dirty, especially with waste: rivers and lakes fouled almost beyond recovery by pollutants subside Decrease The pains in his head had subsided, but he still felt dizzy and sick barrier Blockade, fence, obstacle Problems with childcare remain the biggest barrier to women succeeding at work. adverse Unfavorable, negative, unfriendly They fear it could have an adverse effect on global financial markets. Miller's campaign has received a good deal of adverse publicity. squeeze to press something firmly together with your fingers or hand: She smiled as he squeezed her hand. drill to make a hole in something using a drill: Drill a hole in each corner. derrick a tall machine used for lifting heavy weights, especially on ships a tall tower built over an oil well, used to raise and lower the drill جرثقیل دکل کشتی sediment Debris, trash, waste solid substances that settle at the bottom of a liquid: a thick layer of sediment mud wet earth that has become soft and sticky: By the end of the game, all the kids were covered in mud. The path beside the river was slippery with mud Page 20

22 droplet a very small drop of liquid droplet of tiny droplets of water marine Aquatic relating to the sea and the creatures that live there: the enormous variety of marine life the effects of oil pollution on marine mammals marine biology TPO 5 accumulate Gather, assemble, collect, expand, hoard, pile up Fat tends to accumulate around the hips and thighs. It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate wealth. decompose Break down, decay, fall apart Reading1 Notorious- deficient- serpentinedeplete- pigment- stunt- slender- omitharvest- interrupt- herbaceousfacilitate- suspend- mist- legumepathogen- contaminate- toxicexcavation- Notorious famous or well-known for something bad [= infamous]: Ill-famed a notorious computer hacker notorious cases of human rights abuses notorious for Page 21 a judge notorious for his cruelty and corruption deficient adj imperfect, inadequate Lacking not containing or having enough of something: Women who are dieting can become iron deficient. deficient in patients who were deficient in vitamin C Serpentine winding like a snake: twisting, curved the serpentine course of the river 2 complicated and difficult to understand: a serpentine plot Deplete Diminish, lessen, reduce, use up, weaken Salmon populations have been severely depleted. the depletion of the ozone layer Pigment Color, shade, dye, Melanin is the dark brown pigment of the hair, skin and eyes. The artist Sandy Lee uses natural pigments in her work. Stunt to stop something or someone from growing to their full size or developing properly: Lack of sunlight will stunt the plant's growth. Slender Thin, delicate, fragile, small The company only has a slender hope of survival.

23 The Republicans won the election by a slender majority. We had to make the most of our rather slender resources. Omit leave out, eliminate, Please don't omit any details, no matter how trivial they may seem. Lisa's name had been omitted from the list of honor students. Harvest Crop, result, output the crops that have been gathered, or the amount and quality of the crops gathered good/bumper harvest (=a lot of crops) Plum growers are expecting a bumper harvest this year. poor/bad harvest (=few crops) Interrupt Cut off, stop, discontinue, Will you stop interrupting me! Sorry to interrupt, but I need to ask you to come downstairs. My studies were interrupted by the war. to officially stop something from continuing, especially for a short time: Sales of the drug will be suspended until more tests are completed. Talks between the two countries have now been suspended. Mist Fog We could just see the outline of the house through the mist. Next morning, the whole town was shrouded in mist (=covered in mist). Legume a plant such as a bean plant that has seeds in a pod (=a long thin case) Pathogen something that causes disease in your body Contaminate Pollute, make dirty Drinking water supplies are believed to have been contaminated. He claims the poster ads have 'contaminated Berlin's streets'. Herbaceous plants that are herbaceous have soft stems rather than hard stems made of wood Toxic Poisonous Toxic chemicals were spilled into the river. Facilitate Aid, ease, expedite, to make it easier for a process or activity to happen: Computers can be used to facilitate language learning. Suspend Hang from above, dangle, swing, stop Excavation if a scientist or archaeologist excavates an area of land, they dig carefully to find ancient objects, bones etc: Schliemann excavated the ancient city of Troy. Page 22

24 Reading 2 Scatter- speculate- mutual- excludedeprecate- overwhelming- implementprerequisite- outrigger- maritimemaroon- adrift- feat- deliberateexpedition- simulation- deriveundisputed- Scatter Distribute Scatter the onions over the fish. The flowers fell and scattered on the ground. Speculate Guess, hypothesize Jones refused to speculate about what might happen. Some analysts speculated that jobs will be lost. Overwhelming 1 having such a great effect on you that you feel confused and do not know how to react: an overwhelming sense of guilt She felt an overwhelming desire to hit him. She found the city quite overwhelming when she first arrived. 2 very large or greater, more important etc than any other: There is overwhelming evidence that smoking damages your health. An overwhelming majority of the members were against the idea. The proposal has been given overwhelming support. The British Air Force succeeded despite overwhelming odds against them. Mutual Reciprocal, two-sided Mutual respect is necessary for any partnership to work. European nations can live together in a spirit of mutual trust. I didn't like Dev, and the feeling seemed to be mutual. The two men were a mutual admiration society, gushing about how much they were learning from each other. Exclude include to deliberately not include something The press had been deliberately excluded from the event. Sarah heard the other girls talking and laughing and felt excluded. The judges decided to exclude evidence which had been unfairly attained. Deprecate to strongly disapprove of or criticize something Implement Use, make use of, tool We have decided to implement the committee's recommendations in full. Prerequisite Page 23 something that is necessary before something else can happen or be done prerequisite for/of/to A reasonable proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the course. Outrigger a long piece of wood that is attached to the side of a boat, especially a canoe, to prevent it from turning over in the water Maritime Marine relating to the sea or ships [= marine]: San Francisco has lost nearly all of its maritime industry.

25 2HEO near the sea: the Canadian maritime provinces Maroon to be left in a place where there are no other people and where you cannot escape: The car broke down and left us marooned in the middle of nowhere. Adrift 1TTW a boat that is adrift is not fastened to anything or controlled by anyone: Several of the lifeboats were still afloat a month after being cast adrift. 2 someone who is adrift is confused about what to do in their life: a young woman adrift in London Feat Challenge They climbed the mountain in 28 days, a remarkable feat. Deliberate Intentional, on purpose a deliberate attempt to humiliate her The attack on him was quite deliberate. Expedition Trip, journey, travel, an expedition to the North Pole another Everest expedition Simulation the activity of producing conditions which are similar to real ones, especially in order to test something, or the conditions that are produced: a computer simulation used to train airline pilots Derive to get something, especially an advantage or a pleasant feeling, from something derive something from something Medically, we will derive great benefit from this technique. derive pleasure/enjoyment etc Many students derived enormous satisfaction from the course. Undisputed Unquestioned 1 known to be definitely true: Doctors found undisputed evidence of nerve damage. 2 accepted by everyone undisputed leader/champion/master etc the undisputed world heavyweight champion Reading 3 Relatively- distribution- descendantassign- detritus- algae- mite- crabniche- Distribution Scatter the act of sharing things among a large group of people in a planned way distribution of the distribution of aid supplies 2 [uncountable] when goods are supplied to shops and companies for them to sell: a distribution center Relatively Fairly, almost, quite The system is relatively easy to use. E-commerce is a relatively recent phenomenon. Page 24

26 Descendant someone who is related to a person who lived a long time ago, or to a family, group of people etc that existed in the past [ ancestor] somebody's descendants/the descendants of somebody The coastal areas were occupied by the descendants of Greek colonists. He was a direct descendant of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 something that has developed from something else descendant of Quechua is a descendant of the Inca language. Assign to give someone a particular job or make them responsible for a particular person or thing I've been assigned the task of looking after the new students. Detritus pieces of waste that remain after something has been broken up or used Algae a very simple plant without stems or leaves that grows in or near water جلبک Mite a very small creature that lives in plants, carpets Worm Crab a sea animal with a hard shell, five legs on each side, and two large خرچنگ Niche if you find your niche, you find a job or activity that is very suitable for you: Amanda soon found her niche at the club. He's managed to create a niche for himself in local politics. TPO 6 Reading 1 Dramatic- harness-abound- mill-textileexploit- condense- vacuumreciprocate- illuminate- flickeraccustomed to- manufacture- starvecharcoal- blast- furnace- bellowretain- monopoly- turnpike- terrainflanged- haul- puff- liberate- Dramatic Sudden, striking, tense, powerful, Computers have brought dramatic changes to the workplace. Universities have suffered a dramatic drop in student numbers. A serious accident can have a dramatic effect on your family's finances. harness to control and use the natural force or power of something: We can harness the power of the wind to generate electricity. abound verb exist in abundance Thrive, proliferate Rumours abound as to the reasons for his resignation. Examples of this abound in her book. Mill a building containing a large machine for crushing grain into flour اسیاب Textile any type of woven cloth that is made in large quantities, used especially by people in the business of making clothes etc: Page 25

27 Their main exports are textiles, especially silk and cotton. نساجی Exploit Use Abuse Homeworkers can easily be exploited by employers. The violence was blamed on thugs exploiting the situation. The new TV companies are fully exploiting the potential of satellite transmission. Condense Abridge, shorten, compress, This whole chapter could be condensed into a few paragraphs. Vacuum Void, gap, emptiness space that is completely empty of all gas, especially one from which all the air has been taken away Her husband's death left a vacuum in her life. Reciprocate Retaliate, to do or give something, because something similar has been done or given to you: When he spoke I was expected to reciprocate with some remark of my own. illuminate Make light, make clear, brighten, highlight, A single candle illuminated his face. At night the canals are beautifully illuminated. he report illuminated the difficult issues at the heart of science policy. flicker Spark, glimmer, beam, gleam, to burn or shine with an unsteady light that goes on and off quickly: The overhead lights flickered momentarily. if an emotion or expression flickers on someone's face or through their mind, it exists or is shown for only a short time flicker across/through/on etc A puzzled smile flickered across the woman's face. Accustomed to Used to We were accustomed to working together. Her eyes quickly became accustomed to the dark. manufacture Build, produce, invent, the company that manufactured the drug manufactured goods if the media can manufacture stories like this, who are we supposed to believe? starve to suffer or die because you do not have enough to eat: Thousands of people will starve if food doesn't reach the city. pictures of starving children They'll either die from the cold or starve to death (=die from lack of food). charcoal a black substance made of burned wood that can be used as fuel: cooking over a charcoal fire Page 26

28 blast Explosion The first shot missed and blasted a hole in the far wall. The plane was blasted out of the sky by a terrorist bomb. to produce a lot of loud noise, especially music: He was woken by the radio alarm clock blasting out rock music. furnace a large container for a very hot fire, used to produce power, heat, or liquid metal 2 a piece of equipment used to heat a building bellow to shout loudly in a deep voice [= yell]: 'That's your problem!' bellowed Hurley. Tony was bellowing orders. retain Preserve, maintain, keep You have the right to retain possession of the goods. The state wants to retain control of food imports. A lot of information can be retained in your computer. Limestone is known to retain moisture. monopoly Sth held or owned exclusively, cartel, ownership They are demanding an end to the Communist Party's monopoly of power. the state monopoly of television انحصار امتیاز انحصاری turnpike Roadway, freeway, highway Terrain Landscape, ground, land, province, region, territory a particular type of land: rocky terrain flange Rim, border, the flat edge that stands out from an object such as a railway wheel, to keep it in the right position or strengthen it haul to pull something heavy with a continuous steady movement haul something off/onto/out of etc something She hauled her backpack onto her back. the steam locomotive which hauled the train I hauled the door shut behind me. puff to breathe quickly and with difficulty after the effort of running, carrying something heavy etc: George puffed and panted and he tried to keep up liberate Detach, free, save, rescue women's freedom to pursue careers liberated from childcare the liberating power of education A few days later, our armies liberated the city. Reading 2 Rudimentary- roam- apprenticereveal- meticulous- surrounddistinguish- shale- strata- faunalfauna- trilobite- ubiquitous- arthropod- Page 27

29 rudimentary Simple, basic, fundamental, elementary, primitive, Gradually, I acquired a rudimentary knowledge of music. my rudimentary German subsistence farming in its most rudimentary form The classroom equipment is pretty rudimentary. roam Wander about, stray, to walk or travel, usually for a long time, with no clear purpose or direction [ wander] The dogs are allowed to roam around. Chickens and geese roam freely in the back yard. You shouldn't let your children roam the streets Apprentice Pupil, learner of a trade She works in the hairdresser's as an apprentice. an apprentice electrician reveal Disclose, show, uncover, expose He may be prosecuted for revealing secrets about the security agency. a test that can reveal a teacher's hidden skills surround Besiege, circle, hem in, The field was surrounded by trees. He glared at the people who surrounded the tent. distinguish Differentiate, discern, discriminate, His attorney argued that Cope could not distinguish between right and wrong. The factor that distinguishes this company from the competition is customer service. shale a smooth soft rock which breaks easily into thin flat pieces strata a layer of rock or earth a social class in a society: people of different social strata fauna Animal life, animal kingdom all the animals living in a particular area or period in history flora all the plants that grow in a particular place or country: Tourism is damaging the flora and fauna (=plants and animals) of the island. meticulous Precise, cautious, exact, fastidious, He kept meticulous accounts. Their planning and preparation were meticulous. He cleaned the tools with meticulous care. The book describes his journey in meticulous detail trilobite a type of fossil of a small sea creature ubiquitous Omnipresent, ever- present, pervasive, universal Coffee shops are ubiquitous these days. Page 28

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