Flexible meeting scheduling

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1 Flexible meeting scheduling Bartłomiej Marcinowski 4th Year Project Report Computer Science School of Informatics University of Edinburgh 2014 Abstract This work presents an implementation of a library for automated meeting scheduling. The solution is based on constraint logic programming and incorporates user preferences with the goal of finding the most suitable meeting time. It allows users to specify the schedules and preferences of participants and finds a number of best meeting times.


3 Table of Contents 1 Introduction Motivation Project description Solution overview Summary of work done Roadmap Background Terminology Meeting scheduling and social choice Game-theoretic approaches to meeting scheduling Constraint satisfaction problems Soft constraint types Branch and Bound Relevant work Design System overview System integration Multiple suggestions Inputs and outputs Inputs Outputs Cost function Use of Constraint Logic Programming Preference design Implementation Description processing steps Preference values Constraint satisfaction implementation Data-structure preparation Library consumer interface Evaluation Evaluation method

4 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5.2 Result analysis Avoiding event clashes Collective utility function Multiple suggestions User suggestions Concluding summary Conclusions Work overview Evaluation conclusions Further work Appendices 47 A Library manual 49 A.1 API documentation A.2 Example use in Clojure Bibliography 53

5 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation Meeting scheduling is a very common task in business as well as academia, but it is also tedious and requires a lot of time and work on behalf of the participants. Thanks to the ever expanding possibilities of computers, mobile devices and the Internet, many people now store their personal calendars online and use tools such as Google Calendar to manage their schedules. Other tools also exist for helping with the process of meeting scheduling, however they still require users to manually input their availability and find the best fitting meeting times. Furthermore, they do little or nothing to allow users to distinguish between preferred and disliked slots. This project addresses this problem, intending to create a software solution which can be used to shorten the meeting scheduling process and make it easier for users through leveraging technology. 1.2 Project description The aim of the project is to develop an algorithm which will enable users to schedule meetings between multiple participants efficiently and easily, taking into account users schedules and preferences. The algorithm s task is to find a meeting time that best suits all the participants. The users can provide the algorithm with two pieces of data: their preferences and scheduled events. The former are a concise way of describing which times suit them best and which should be avoided. The user can therefore specify that they would favour meetings in the morning or that they are against meeting late in the evening. Multiple preferences can be specified simultaneously, which allows to build a complete view of the potential meeting space. The software expects to also obtain a list of each user s events in order to discourage it from scheduling meetings during times when the user is already otherwise occupied. These events can be sourced directly from on-line calendar software, such as Google Calendar, in order to simplify the process for the user. Although the implementation of the calendar retrieval from third-party systems is not part of the task of this project, the library has been designed 5

6 6 Chapter 1. Introduction to be flexible and not depend on a specific source of event data. This allows it to be used with a large variety of different calendar formats. The algorithm schedules meetings maximizing the total satisfaction of the group and avoids scheduling disliked or busy timeslots if possible. The library that is the product of this work can be a useful tool for people in business and academia, who schedule meetings with multiple participants. Its usefulness increases with the frequency of meetings and their size (in number of participants). It is designed for users who utilize online calendar systems, although it can support events entered by hand as well. The research hypothesis of this work is as follows: Can an automated algorithm, which uses information about scheduled events and user preferences, suggest meeting times that are satisfactory for the users? The term automated refers to two aspects of the algorithm. Firstly, the nature of its use, meaning that the user does not need to list times that suit them in order of preference. The product of this work utilizes a list of events and a list of preferences, which describes this order more concisely and can be reused between schedulings. Secondly, automated refers to the mechanism of finding optimal meeting times. The algorithm s job is to review the space of possible meeting times, pick a number of best choices and present them to the user. Such an algorithm could remove the need for communicating schedules and negotiation, making meeting scheduling easier for all involved. In fact, if the meetings suggested by the algorithm are very rarely suboptimal, it could automatically schedule meetings, through entering them into the user s calendars. However, the work done here is exploratory, so creating such a fully automated system is not the immediate goal. 1.3 Solution overview The algorithm is a library written in Clojure, which allows it to be called both from Clojure and Java. It has been designed to be part of a larger system, which collects users input and displays the output back to the user. The system may also have additional functionality, such as maintaining user identities or communication between users, however this would be completely separate from the algorithm described here. It can be treated as a black box which can receive a list of events and preferences and outputs one or more meeting times which best fits the input. The problem of finding an optimal appointment time is internally described as a constraint optimization problem. A constraint solver library is then used to efficiently find a suitable solution. The algorithm input is first converted into structures which can be passed to the library and used with its constraints. The solution is then converted back into a structure which is returned and can be shown to users. Preferences can be specified separately for each user as well as each run of the algorithm, which allows for flexibility in adjusting the meeting parameters by the users. This also enables the system to separate the maintenance of user data from setting up the meetings, simplifying its design.

7 1.4. Summary of work done 7 The evaluation performed showed that the algorithm finds suggestions which are satisfactory in the context of a given situation. Users can therefore utilize it to easily find a number of best meeting times for a group of people. 1.4 Summary of work done The author carried out the following work in the course of the project: Researching constraint satisfaction problems and libraries Researching approaches to meeting scheduling and social choice Creating a software library for meeting scheduling using Constraint Logic Programming and utilizing the library chosen through research Implementing an original way of specifying preferences as functions of time and events Performing an experiment evaluating the effectiveness and suitability of the implemented software 1.5 Roadmap The work is organized as follows. Chapter 2 defines the terminology used further, describes the theory relevant to this work, including constraint satisfaction problems and social choice theory and discusses a number of works in related fields. Chapter 3 contains the overview of the design of the algorithm and the outlines the reasons behind it. Chapter 4 discusses some of the more important details of the implementation of the algorithm. The methods used in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the work are described in chapter 5. The work is concluded by a summary of the results and review of possible improvements and further work.


9 Chapter 2 Background 2.1 Terminology To make discussion of the work easier to understand and help disambiguate the wording of this paper, a brief explanation of the terminology used is presented here. When discussing meeting scheduling, the meeting window is the period when the meeting can take place, i.e. from the first possible start time to the last possible end time. Users, or participants are the people that are scheduling a meeting and will be taking part in it. Preference values are the integer amounts that describe how much a given user wants to schedule a meeting at a particular time. These are also called costs when it is more convenient to talk about them this way (e.g. when discussing the minimization of costs). Preference functions are functions, in the software sense, which are used to check whether a given time fits a preference. The optimal meeting times which are returned by the algorithm will be termed solutions or suggestions. 2.2 Meeting scheduling and social choice In the process of scheduling a meeting, a number of people negotiate in order to decide on a single, common timeslot which fits into their schedules. As noted by Grubshtein and Meisels [14], this negotiation process requires participants to both act in their own interest (in order to fit the meeting time to their schedule), as well as cooperate with one another (in order to ensure that an agreement is reached). Social choice theory deals with the problem of finding a function from a set of individual preferences to a social preference order ([13]). This is the problem that needs to be dealt with when trying to find an optimal solution to scheduling meetings with preferences. 9

10 10 Chapter 2. Background 2.3 Game-theoretic approaches to meeting scheduling The process of scheduling a meeting can be expressed as a Meeting scheduling game. The game is played by a n players, each of which places a bid for scheduling the meeting. The bid consists of a list of preferences for each possible meeting time. The meeting is scheduled by choosing a slot according to its decision rule. The decision rule is a collective utility function f :R n R, mapping a collection of player preferences to a single value which represent the global utility of the given solution.three main types of collective utility functions, described in more detail in [15], can be distinguished: Utilitarian - summing of individual utilities. Maximizing this function may have the effect of decreasing the utility of one individual in order to increase another s Egalitarian - the minimum of individual utilities Nash function - product of individual utilities This theory is important for the topic of this work, as the choice of a collective utility function for combining the preferences of individual meeting participants has a significant impact on the quality of the solutions. It is therefore important to make the choice bearing in mind the properties of the chosen function as well as the users perception of the problem. When applying game theory approaches to meeting scheduling, an analogy can be made to the bargaining problem, by observing situations where the preferences of users do not align with each other. Imagine a meeting proposition with three possible times: t 1, t 2 and t 3, two participants: p 1 and p 2 and preferences ranging from 1 to 10. Suppose the following preference values for the given times: t 1 t 2 t 3 p p In this scenario, p 1 prefers t 1 and p 2 prefers t 2. Therefore the users must cooperate with each other and be able to accept a time which does not maximize their utility. Otherwise the meeting will not be scheduled at all. Using Nash s bargaining solution and assuming the status quo utility of not scheduling the meeting to be 0, we can see that the best solution, which maximizes the product of marginal utilities (i.e. the differences between the utility of the solution and the status quo utility) is t 3, even though it is not the best for either of the players. However, a utilitarian collective utility function would rate all three solutions as equally good for the participants. This idea, and the reasoning for choosing a specific decision rule with regard to meeting scheduling, is further discussed in Section 3.3.

11 2.4. Constraint satisfaction problems Constraint satisfaction problems Constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) consist of a set of variables with specified domains and a set of constraints on these variables, which restrict the possible values that can be assigned to each variable. Constraints can be separated into unary, binary and global, depending on the number of variables that the constraint refers to. Unary constraints relate a variable to a constant, e.g. x < 10. Binary constraints relate two variables to each other, e.g. x < y. Global constraints specify relations between all variables. An example of this is the all-different constraint, which, as its name suggests, requires that no two variables have the same value assigned to them. Constraints can also be divided into hard and soft. Hard constraints are required to be satisfied in order for a solution to be valid, while soft constraints are used to minimize a cost function and find an optimal solution. Due to this, problems employing soft constraints are called constraint optimization problems. The penalties for violating each soft constraint are combined together, using the cost function, to generate the total cost of a solution. A penalty can be constant or it may be a function of the degree to which the constraint is violated. 2.5 Soft constraint types In order to describe the problem of meeting scheduling in terms of soft constraints, an appropriate constraint model has to be chosen. This choice has an impact on the way preferences are specified and the search can be performed. Four important models, reviewed in detail in [10], are described here to show the decision process behind the choice of a suitable way of modelling soft constraints. Constraint hierarchies group constraints into levels by their preference, ensuring that all higher level constraints are satisfied before lower level constraints. This approach requires assigning preferences to constraints, so that the total preference of a solution is a function of the constraints it satisfies. Partial constraint satisfaction allows some constraints to be dropped in order to find a solution, weakening the problem requirements. This technique is useful for solving overconstrained problems as well as ones where solutions that satisfy more constraints are preferred. Valued constraint satisfaction connects values to constraints. These values are then used to find an optimal solution, maximizing the total value of the solution. Different valuation structures can be created by through choice of possible valuations, their ordering, and valuation combination functions. Semiring-based constraint satisfaction differs from valued constraint satisfaction in that preferences are assigned to values in the variable domains, rather than to constraints as a whole. Semiring-based CSP was introduced by Bistarelli, Montanari and Rossi in [12]. A semiring is a tuple D,+,,0,1, where D is a set called the domain of the semiring, + is a commutative and associative operation with 0 as its unit element and is an associative operation whose unit element is 1 and 0 is its absorbing element. Such a structure can be used to define a constraint satisfaction framework and its operations. The operation is used to combine constraints to produce a cost of a

12 12 Chapter 2. Background solution, while + is used to order costs such that a b a + b = a. A choice of a semiring therefore defines the properties of the constraint satisfaction problem. When modelling a meeting scheduling problem, there needs to be a way to differentiate between different meeting times. Our goal is to implement a system which finds a solution based on the users preferences. These preferences are specific to particular dates and times. The constraint model should help easier representation of the problem and align conceptually with the implementation. Three possible ways of describing the problem in terms of constraints are outlined here. Preferences can be modelled using constraints allowing the solution to only occupy the most preferred timeslots. The strategy would be to weaken the problem, i.e. remove constraints, until the problem is solvable. Another strategy is to create constraints for all preferences and assign values to them. Satisfying higher value (more preferred) constraints would yield better solutions. However, the preferences may describe multiple time intervals, while constraints encode these intervals as numbers. Because of this, converting preferences to constraints is inefficient and introduces unnecessary complexity into the algorithm. The third method of specifying the problem description is to assign preference values to all timeslots and find a solution which maximizes the total of those values over all users. This simplifies the constraint programming and separates the preference assignment from the solving procedure. This method is used for implementing the final system. It requires the constraint model to be able to rank the candidate solutions by the timeslots they occupy. These timeslots are the values of the problem variables, implying the semiring-based constraint satisfaction model to be a good fit. Due to the use of the Nash collective utility function described in Section 3.3, we will use the semiring (N 1 {+ },min,,+,1), with preferences of users being multiplied together and the solutions being compared using the min function to order them. The ordering relationship will be defined such that a b means that b is as good or better than a. The algorithm will therefore aim to maximize the solution preference value (cost). The reasons for using preference maximization are tied to the choice of the range of values for preferences, which are also described in Section Branch and Bound There are numerous methods for solving constraint optimization problems, including Forward Checking, Backjumping, Backmarking and Branch and Bound. We will focus here on the last method, as it is the one implemented in the library used in the solution. Branch and Bound is similar to backtracking algorithms for solving constraint satisfaction problems based on hard constraints. The general idea of the approach is based on performing the regular backtracking routine, while keeping and updating an upper bound of the solution cost. The cost bound is the cost of the best solution found so far in the search. It allows the algorithm to dismiss groups of candidate solutions when it is discovered that their cost will be worse than the current upper bound. When a new best solution is found, the search becomes bound to the cost of that solution, eliminating yet more of the search space. The Branch and Bound procedure requires choosing a variable, call it cost, which will

13 2.7. Relevant work 13 be used as the preference variable. The function min in the above semiring description will be used in order to find the best value for that variable, comparing pairs of values, as described above. Note that cost may be a compound variable which depends on the values of other variables in the problem. If that is the case, it is referred to as the cost function. Performing Branch and Bound requires repeating two steps until a solution is found: branching and bounding, hence the name. Branching is the splitting of a set S of possible solutions into two or more of its subsets S 1 through S n, such that i=1 n S i = S. The best solution in S will now be the one with the best cost of each subset s best solutions. Bounding is the calculation of the lower and upper bounds of the best cost, given a possible solution set. These bounds allow for comparison of optimality between solution sets. The solution tree created by branching the initial set of all possible solutions is pruned until all solutions that remain have the same cost. The pruning is performed by keeping track of the smallest upper bound among all the solution subsets considered until that point. When a subset is encountered, bounding is performed to find the upper and lower bounds for the costs of its solutions. If the lower bound is higher than the current smallest upper bound, this subset can be discarded from the search. As with backtracking, the Branch and Bound algorithm allows some branches of the tree to be skipped entirely in the search, leading to improved search performance. 2.7 Relevant work The area of meeting scheduling has been tackled often, as it is ripe with opportunities for innovation and experimentation. Zhu and Santosa [18] present the description of a framework for meeting scheduling incorporating user preferences based on Open Constraint Programming (OCP). The meeting times are chosen according to the user preference values for different timeslots, which are real numbers between 0 and 1, where 0 represents blackout for that slot and 1 shows a free slot. The preferences are given to the system in the form of an array of values, one for each slot. However, the paper does not specify how these preferences would be created and whether this process is part of the framework. Part of the focus of this work is the creation of a usable system for specifying preferences, described in Section 3.5, which is easy to use and able to describe a large variety of preferences from the user s point of view (i.e. I prefer not to meet during lunch, rather than I prefer not to meet in slots 7, 21 and 35 ). The key differences between the treatment of preferences in [18] and this work are: the range of their values and the cost function. Firstly, the preference system described here distinguishes scheduled events from regular user preferences by assigning a significantly higher value to them. This strongly discourages scheduling meetings which would clash with scheduled events. In [18] no such distinction is made, with the scale from free slot to blackout being linear. Secondly, this work uses the product of individual preferences to find the optimal solution, rather than their average as in [18]. Section 3.3 describes the reasons for this choice in more detail. It is also important to note that this work is built to be integrated with external services, such as Google Calendar, providing events, rather than maintaining the user events itself. It therefore does not assume that any data beyond the bare minimum (start and

14 14 Chapter 2. Background end time) will be available, in particular, we do not take location and other resources into account. Rudova and Murray in [16] use soft constraints to implement an automated timetabling system for university courses that also includes student preferences. The concepts of meeting scheduling and course timetabling both consist of finding a common slot for all participants, maximizing their preferences subject to timetable constraints. Course timetabling may be viewed as scheduling a number of meetings simultaneously for overlapping groups of people. In the case of timetabling the preferences describe which courses the student would like to attend, rather than when they would like to attend them. Therefore the preferences are assigned to courses, rather than particular timeslots. This has bearing on the soft constraint models and the solving approach. Rudova and Murray use the Weighted CSP approach, where preferences are assigned to particular constraints and the weighted sum of unsatisfied constraints is minimized. This approach differs from the one used in this work, Semiring-based CSP, which assigns preferences to values of variables. This work and those described above utilise a centralized, Constraint Logic Programming based approach to meeting scheduling. It is important to note that other tools and methods may be utilised. These provide other perspectives and knowledge, which can prove to be useful in implementing an effective solution. Grubshtein and Meisels [14] approach the problem from a game-theoretic perspective. They introduce the Cost of Cooperation, which aims to incentivize cooperation in a self-interested scenario and examine in depth the strategies and outcomes present in meeting scheduling. Another approach using constraint satisfaction for meeting scheduling is [17] which describes a distributed approach, with emphasis on secrecy and security. The paper describes secure multi-party protocols that prevent the disclosure of secret information to attackers. A number of commercial tools for meeting scheduling exist. Doodle ([2]) is a simple Web-based solution which allows to schedule a meeting by proposing a number of possible times. Participants are then invited using a link and must tick times which suit them. Doodle allows syncing with some of the most popular online calendar solution in order to be able to see and save meetings, but keeps the scheduling process itself manual. ScheduleOnce ([8]) is a solution which presents an interface for others to be able to schedule a meeting with the user. Group meetings, such as one which are the focus of this work, may be scheduled as well, in a similar manner as Doodle, that is by viewing the availability of other participants and entering one s own availability. Timebridge ([9]) is another Web-based solution in this space. It allows the user to propose up to 5 possible meeting times, which other participants can label Yes, No and Best. It highlights the best meeting time when participants have answered. This solution incorporates preferences, albeit in a very narrow sense, as the host only knows which time is best for a user. The scheduling process, in particular proposing times and answering a proposal, is still manual.

15 Chapter 3 Design 3.1 System overview The algorithm described here is a library written in Clojure, which allows it to be called from both Clojure and Java. Its API consists of two functions, suggest-soft and suggest-hard, both of which return a sorted list of best meeting times. The suggest-soft function utilizes soft constraints, allowing meetings to clash with users events, while suggest-hard utilizes hard constraints, finding only times which suit all participants. The library is designed to be part of a larger system. For this reason, it is important to clearly maintain separation of concerns, which will make using this as a library simpler. The software handles the core task of finding an optimal meeting arrangement for the given input data. It requires the following information: Range of times when the meeting must take place List of events and preferences for each user (may be empty) Length of the meeting Number of suggestions When a suitable meeting is found, the algorithm returns its start and end time, as well as the total preference for that time and a list of the preferences of participants. Through the use of soft constraints, the algorithm allows the meeting to overlap any events that have already been scheduled. Therefore, the required number of solutions is always found, assuming that the meeting window is large enough. The algorithm searches for the best timeslots, including those where not every participant is free System integration The goal of creating the algorithm as a independent library, pluggable into any system, requires us to consider its possible usage scenarios in order to ensure that its design is flexible enough to accommodate a variety of environments. These can range from a monolithic server web application to a system of distributed services. It is therefore 15

16 16 Chapter 3. Design important to look at scalability possibilities, as well as the interface between the library and other systems, in particular cloud calendar APIs that provide the event data. Although implementing the fetching of event data from online calendaring services is not in the scope of this work, the system has been designed to be simple to extend with event sourcing and not dependent on any particular implementation or sources. Firstly, only the start and end time of events are required by the algorithm and these properties are obviously implemented in all major calendar services, including [7], [3] and the widespread icalendar format ([4]). Secondly, the library is designed to interface with a dedicated Data Fetching and Converting library (DFC). This means that calls to the algorithm would be routed through the DFC, passing to it user identification and authentication data rather than event lists. The DFC would then contact the appropriate calendar service in order to retrieve the users events. APIs have many different formats for the same data, therefore in the spirit of separation of concerns, the code for downloading and transforming event data into a common format would be separate from the scheduling algorithm. This allows the algorithm to work without any knowledge about the source of these events. It would be the DFC s role to fetch a user s list of events and convert it into an agreed format which the library understands. This approach decouples the manipulation of events from their use in scheduling. It also allows the events to be cached in high traffic scenarios, as well as enabling users of different online calendars to schedule meetings together. Figure 3.1: Diagram of monolithic server based web application An example of how the algorithm along with the Data Fetching and Converting module can be used is presented in Figure 3.1. The relevant components and systems are distinguished on the diagram. The following process would be used to schedule a meeting in this scenario:

17 3.1. System overview 17 The host uses the UI to create a meeting, which is sent to the server The server notifies guests about the new meeting Guests authorize the application to access their online calendars through the UI The authorization details are used by the DFC to gather the guests events and convert them into the common format required by the scheduling solver The events, as well as the rest of the meeting parameters are passed to the solver The solver responds with its solution, which is passed to the processing layer The processing layer notifies the participants about the suggested meeting times In the likely event that some users of the system do not use any online calendar service, it would be straightforward to implement a simple UI widget for manual marking of events and only the DFC would need to be extended to accommodate this new data source. Then every user could take advantage of the system, regardless of how they keep their calendar. Figure 3.2: Diagram of a scheduling application based on a set of distributed services The scheduling solver may also be used as a standalone service if wrapped in a server which will handle communication with its consumers (other services). Figure 3.2 illustrates an example architecture required for a standalone, scalable meeting scheduling application. The scheduling solver and DFC are now present as a separate components, which can be horizontally scaled as needed and can be placed e.g. behind a load balancer. When utilising parallelism in meeting scheduling, it is important to consider the possibility of scheduling clashes. This problem stems from the fact that the library is designed to schedule one meeting at a time and operate only on a single snapshot of the event data. The difficulty of creating a complete parallel solution is compounded by

18 18 Chapter 3. Design the fact that our library does not schedule meetings, but rather suggests the best times and it is up to the users to actually schedule the meeting. It is therefore not known immediately when a new event has been scheduled. This may lead to conflicts such as suggesting two meetings at the same time. If we assume, and this seems a rather reasonable assumption, that it is the user s responsibility to resolve such conflicts, then the scheduling library can be easily parallelized. This is a trade-off that has to be made when looking to improve performance Multiple suggestions Deciding on the best meeting time for a number of participants is a complex issue, as many factors have to be taken into account. While including preferences in the algorithm enables users to specify their idea of the suitability of possible options, it does not allow the system to schedule a meeting with 100% certainty that it is in fact the best option as judged by participants. The initial idea was therefore to design the algorithm in such a way that it can present a number of best solutions, in order to give a human controller the flexibility to choose the most suitable time. The methods for solving constraint satisfaction problems used, specifically the implementation of the Branch and Bound algorithm attempts to find the best solution as soon as possible and does this by discarding parts of the search space. Therefore, it does not allow the user to find multiple best solutions in one go, but only a single one. It is possible however, to return multiple solutions by running the search once for each required suggestion, adding constraints which exclude results obtained earlier. The disadvantage of this approach is its performance, as for n suggestions and T - the time taken by a single search, the procedure would take n T time to calculate all suggestions. In cases where the domain of the problem, that is the meeting window and number of participants, is small, the benefits are likely to outweigh the time disadvantage. However, on a larger scale, it is possible that it will not be feasible to suggest more than one meeting time. Most realistic situations result in the search space being manageably small, making multiple suggestion a possibility. In order to allow users to take advantage of their benefits, this feature has been implemented in the algorithm and can be set by the user for each problem separately. 3.2 Inputs and outputs The following section describes the data representation and structure as well as the relationships between the data. The mechanisms of the scheduler will be made more clear in order to help the reader understand the implementation decisions made in the algorithm. The following are described below: events, preferences, calendars, meeting window, meeting length, the relationship between event and regular preferences, as well as the output of the algorithm.

19 3.2. Inputs and outputs Inputs The algorithm requires the following inputs in order to schedule a meeting: List of calendars (one for each participant) Meeting window Length of meeting Number of suggestions required A calendar represents the schedule of a given user. It consists of a list of events and a list of preferences, which will be used to build a full image of the scheduling possibilities for that user. An event has only two properties: a start and an end. Both are dates with times, specifying an exact point in time when the event start or finishes, respectively. Preferences are functions, defined in the library, which take as input a time interval and return a number describing how much the given interval is preferred or disliked. This number, called the preference value, is in the range from -5 (highly disliked) through 0 (neutral) to 5 (highly preferred). A set of such preference functions can precisely describe the preferences of a user in the selected meeting window. The values of individual preferences are added together, however if the sum is less than -5 or greater than 5, it is set to -5 and 5 respectively, so that it always fits in this range. This forbids creating unusually high or low preference values, which would unfairly increase a calendar s importance. A number of general preferences are available to choose from in the library, along with constructors for creating more specific ones. Because of the wide variety of possible uses, the library does not discriminate certain times, e.g. through disallowing meetings at night. This can be handled better by the caller who can simply specify that every participant has a dummy event scheduled through the night, which would effectively prevent scheduling events during the night. Preference design is described in more detail in Section 3.5. Example preferences are: dislike-nights - dislike intervals which happen between 10pm and 6am spread-events - dislike intervals which are close to scheduled events clump-events - prefer intervals which are close to scheduled events prefer-tuesday - prefer intervals which happen on Tuesdays dislike-lunch - dislike intervals which happen during lunchtime In order to make it easier to visualize the structure of a calendar, example data is presented in Table 3.1. Apart from a list of calendars, the scheduling library requires additional data in order to perform its task. The first of them is the meeting window, which has the same structure as an event, i.e. only a start time and an end time. The next one is the meeting length in minutes. It should be a multiple of 15, as the library divides the time into 15-minute intervals. It will be rounded to the nearest multiple of 15 internally, therefore it is recommended to use multiples of 15 in order to ensure that the meeting is scheduled as expected. The last input is the number of solutions required, which must be an integer

20 20 Chapter 3. Design Events Preferences Start End Name 03 Jan :00 03 Jan :00 dislike-nights 03 Jan :00 03 Jan :00 prefer-monday 03 Jan :00 03 Jan :00 prefer-tuesday 05 Jan :00 05 Jan :00 dislike-weekends 05 Jan :00 05 Jan :00 dislike-lunch Table 3.1: Calendar structure with example data greater than 0. It is important to note that, as discussed in Subsection 3.1.2, increasing the number of suggestions causes the performance to deteriorate proportionally. Table 3.2 shows an example of a complete set of input data for a meeting with 5 participants, with C 1 through C 5 denoting user calendars, of the structure shown in Table 3.1. Calendars Meeting window Length Suggestions Start End C 1,C 2,C 3,C 4,C 5 03 Jan :00 06 Jan : Table 3.2: Structure of all inputs with example data Outputs The algorithm outputs the requested number of best meeting times, all being fully inside the meeting window. It is important to note that, when using the suggest-soft function, it will always return the given number of suggestions, even if there are no good solutions. In extreme cases, such as when all participants are very busy, there may be no mutually free slots and the algorithm s best suggestions will all require one or more users to reschedule. The suggest-hard function returns an empty list if there are no times when every participant is free. The suggestions are sorted in decreasing order of total preference. That is, the first suggestion is always the best, with each next being equal or worse. There is no guarantee of order between suggestions of equal preference. The solutions are annotated with additional information, which may help the user in differentiating between them. Each meeting suggestion consists of the following data: Start time End time Total preference for this time The preferences of each individual participant

21 3.3. Cost function 21 The only situation when the algorithm will return less than the required number of suggestions is when there are fewer different meeting possibilities in the meeting window. Remembering that the window is divided into 15 minute chunks, assume a 60 minute long meeting is to be scheduled in a very small meeting window of length 1.5 hours (e.g. between 1 May 4pm and 1 May 5:30pm). This window will be divided into 6 chunks. Each meeting slot takes up 4 chunks, allowing 6 (4 1) = 3 distinct possibilities. In this situation, the algorithm will be able to output at most 3 solutions. Requesting more solutions will not cause an error, but only the 3 possible solutions will be returned. If the meeting window is even smaller, so that not even 1 meeting will fit, the algorithm returns an empty list. The total preference value is a measure of how well the suggestion fits the participants schedules. This value corresponds to the preference score obtained by the constraint solver, but is normalized so that it is always in the range of 0 to 100. This is done present a clean interface to the users of the library and separate them from the algorithm s internal representation of preference values. The individual preferences are similarly on a scale from -5 to 5, except when the suggestion clashes with a participant s schedule. In this case that person will have the number -100 as their preference. Note that a suggestion which borders on an event (e.g. starts exactly at the end of an event) is considered a clash, as the user will not have any time to make the meeting. The range from -5 to 5 is the same as the input range for preferences, which should make it easier to understand the preferences of each user for a given suggestion. Table 3.3 shows the structure of a possible scheduling output for the input data contained in Table 3.2. Individual Preferences Total preference Start time End time U 1 U 2 U 3 U 4 U Jan :00 06 Jan : Jan :00 06 Jan : Jan :00 06 Jan : Jan :00 03 Jan : Jan :00 03 Jan : Table 3.3: Structure of the output, with example data 3.3 Cost function An important design decision must be made with regard to the choice of the method by which the preferences of users are combined into a single value that can be used to rank different solutions. A higher preference indicates that the solution is better, so that the system will attempt to find a solution with the highest total preference possible. Formally: Assuming that for two solutions s 1 and s 2, s 1 s 2 means that s 1 is worse than s 2 and given tuples (p 1,s 1 ) and (p 2,s 2 ) we have: p 1 < p 2 s 1 s 2

22 22 Chapter 3. Design The cost function is defined to be the function which maps the preferences of the users to the total preference for each candidate solution. It has a large influence on the behaviour of the algorithm, as it decides which solution is optimal. However, there is a wide variety of candidates from which we can choose the cost function to be used in the algorithm. It is therefore important to consider what effect the candidates will have on the ranking of meeting suggestions, as well as what characteristics and behaviour is preferred for this particular problem. The end goal of the algorithm is to find a meeting which will be most suitable for all participants. Ideally, the meeting would happen at the time which is the most preferred for each user. However, in reality it is highly unlikely that such a solution would be possible. Trade-offs must be made, leaving some participants less satisfied with the outcome. This gives rise to the question: how should the satisfaction of one human be compared to the satisfaction of another and how can values composed of distinct people s preferences be compared to find a truly preferred outcome? Modern utility theory deals with finding an answer to this and similar questions. A number of systems for interpersonal utility comparisons have been proposed, such as those by Edgeworth, Hausman and Harsanyi. However, these theories find little practical application in the problem at hand, due to the restricted knowledge present in the preferences as well as the criticisms to their practicality (see Binmore [11]). Therefore, in order to arrive at a function which yields the best results for the users, a number of possible alternatives will be described and compared. One possibility is to use the utilitarian collective utility function, which is the sum of each user s preferences for the given meeting time. This method in effect maximizes the average of users preferences and the trade-off between its constituents is linear: assuming preference values between 0 and 10, for two participants the intervals with preferences 9 and 1, 3 and 7, 5 and 5 are equally good. I conjecture that, in accordance with the law of diminishing marginal utility, the difference for an individual between two times with different preference values decreases as the values increase. Therefore, when analysing three such possible suggestions, the first certainly appears the worst, due to the fact that although it is a very good time for one, it is very unsuitable for the other participant. In this case the last suggestion, equally preferred by both participants, should be chosen, as no one is very much inconvenienced by this solution. The evaluation analysis in Subsection shows that this hypothesis holds. Trying to make sure that participants are inconvenienced as little as possible, the cost function could be set to be the minimum of all preference values, also called the egalitarian collective utility function so that the algorithm will attempt to find a solution which has the highest minimum preference value. This method however, essentially takes into account only the minimum value and does not distinguish between different solutions with the same minimum values. This could be done by then reverting to a sum and comparing two sums, but there is a simpler way which meets the requirements set out earlier. The idea is to use the Nash collective utility function, that is the product of each user s preferences, as the cost function. It will favour balanced solutions, discouraging solutions where one participant suffers for the benefit of another. Returning back to the

23 3.4. Use of Constraint Logic Programming 23 above example, for intervals with preferences 9 and 1, 3 and 7, 5 and 5, the products are 9, 21 and 25 respectively. The difference between the first and last solutions is significant, in agreement with the intuition that lowering one preference in order to increase another one leads to worse results. The negative aspect of the Nash function is that its results grow exponentially with the number of participants. While the language used can handle very large numbers, the solving library can only handle variable values that fit in the range of the Java int type. In order to be able to find meetings for large groups, when there are too many participants the egalitarian function is used. As described above, it also has the desired properties, but fails to distinguish between similar situations. Therefore the egalitarian function is used in the solver, with the Nash function being used to rank the suggestions returned by the solver. This allows the algorithm to find a number of suitable results and rank them according to the total preference of the group. 3.4 Use of Constraint Logic Programming The search for an optimal solution with the given constraints is performed by a constraint programming library, which implements the handling of constraints as well as performs the search according to a suitable algorithm. This library is CloCop ([1]), which is a Clojure wrapper around the Java constraint solver JaCoP ([5]). It is a fast and open source finite domain constraint solver, which supports a large variety of global and finite domain constraints. The design of the algorithm was created in two stages: first based on hard constraints with preference sorting applied outside of the solver, then using that framework with soft constraints, to integrate the preferences into the problem solved by the CSP library. The initial version specifies hard constraints on the meeting time with regard to the participants events. The meeting must not overlap any event in order to be regarded as a possible solution. The solver then searches for all possible meeting times, such that every member of the group can participate in the meeting. The possibilities returned by the solver are all equal, as they do not have preference values assigned to them yet. This is managed by a separate routine, which calculates the cost function using all the users preferences and sorts the events according to their cost. This allows the system to return multiple suggested solutions along with their cost and let the user make a more informed decision based on other factors. The soft constraint design can be thought of as an evolution of the first phase, as it uses the same flow of information and conversion of real-world data to internal representations, but can find solutions even when no single time window is free for all attendees. The events and preferences are both represented by soft constraints, with events being conceptually analogous to highly disliked intervals. The solver computes the cost function as a variable and tries to minimize it during the search. The solution returned by the solver is then already the current best possible meeting time, so that there is no need to process the results, except for conversion back to a format understandable by the host system. As a side note, it should be mentioned that representing events by preference values enables the algorithm to be more flexible when accounting for them.

24 24 Chapter 3. Design As an example, the system could be extended to apply machine learning techniques to event data (such as its name, place and time) to predict the importance of events and difficulty of rescheduling events. Events which are deemed to be less important or easy to reschedule, could have a lower cost, while important events would be assigned a much higher cost. The algorithm would then be more likely to schedule meetings overlapping unimportant events if that fits the group s preferences better. On the other hand, it would be less likely that a suggestion overlaps a user s important meeting, such as a wedding, and unimportant meetings would be sacrificed first. The performance of the algorithm depends highly on choosing suitable values for the preferences representing events. These values have to be chosen in relation to the domain of user preference values. The range of possible values can be narrowed down by considering the desired outcome of the scheduling algorithm, then further fine tuned using empirical methods. An initial observation is that, lacking knowledge about the importance of events, the algorithm should strive to schedule meetings that collide with as few participant events as possible. 3.5 Preference design Preferences used in the algorithm perform two related functions: checking whether a given time interval fits the preference, and providing a numerical value for it if it does. A simplistic approach would be to design preferences as tuples of the form: < f,n >, where f is a function that takes a time interval and returns a boolean and n is the preference score, or cost, of that preference. The algorithm would then check whether the function returns true, and assign n as the cost of the interval. However though it makes creating preferences very easy, this approach causes them to be rather inflexible. For example it makes it very difficult to implement smooth preferences, that is ones which can be partially satisfied, making the cost a function of the satisfaction of the preference. In order to allow such preferences to be implemented, they should be designed as modifiable functions. This method has been utilised in this work. Each preference has a corresponding constructor, which takes some arguments and returns the preference function of the type described above. The constructor arguments depend on the preference and can range from a constant to a function which takes some arguments and returns an integer. The preference function now takes a time interval and the list of events, and returns an integer describing the cost of that time interval. This allows a wide variety of flexible preferences to be created, even with relatively complex behaviours and the ability to describe preferences in terms of the whole of the user s schedule, rather than just the time. One example of taking advantage of this ability is the clump-events preference. It is used when a user prefers to have their events close together, as it gives higher preference values to intervals which are close to already scheduled events. Additional preference functions can be added to the system by simply implementing new functions with the required signature. Some existing solutions, such as Doodle ([2]) and ScheduleOnce ([8]) do not incorporate preferences, leaving it to the user to decide which slot is best. Timebridge ([9]) only allows users to specify one slot as a Best slot. The preference system designed

25 3.5. Preference design 25 in this work is much more flexible, enabling users to utilize patterns in their schedules to specify multiple preferred or disliked slots simultaneously, such as disliking lunchtime or clumping events (as described above). The preferences are also composable, e.g. disliking Mondays and lunchtime yields a strong dislike for meeting during lunch on Mondays. This also has a positive impact on the conciseness of this system, as it automatically orders meeting times using the preference scores.


27 Chapter 4 Implementation The algorithm is implemented as a library to be used in a larger system. It expects the host to pass data to it in a valid, recognized format independent of the source of the data. The system itself must therefore be able to convert users events and preferences from the structures it obtains them in to those used by the algorithm. As suggested in Subsection a separate module can be used to this end. It has not been made part of the library and was not in the scope of the project, because of the large amount and variety of possible representations used in a system. Such a conversion module could be reusable in other domains, if it were able to convert from a number popular source formats. Sources such as Google Calendar, Apple Calendar or Microsoft Exchange would certainly be used often, however many systems would still have to implement conversion mechanisms for their own data sources. In this chapter, we will describe some of the more important details of the internal implementation of the scheduling algorithm and its use of the constraint solving library. 4.1 Description processing steps This section describes the entire process of computing a meeting suggestion, step by step. 1. The algorithm can be called using the function suggest-soft, which receives inputs of the form described in Section These are: An array of calendars, one for each participant, with each calendar being a hash-map containing a list of events and a list of preferences The meeting window - a hash-map specifying the first possible start time of the meeting and its last possible end time Length of the meeting in minutes, which should be a multiple of 15 (the time resolution used by the algorithm) and will be rounded to the nearest multiple of 15 if it is not 27

28 28 Chapter 4. Implementation Number of solutions required - as described in Subsection 3.2.2, the algorithm will always return this number of solutions, except if the meeting window is not large enough 2. An array of preference values is created from the calendar, for each user. Each element is the user s preference for a meeting starting at that time. The time of each element is specified by its index, with the first being the start of the meeting window and each next element being 15 minutes later than the previous one. The last element s time is such that the meeting starting at this time will finish before the end of the meeting window. More formally, the nth element contains the preference of a suggestion starting at windowstart +(n 1) 15minutes and ending at windowstart + (n 1) 15minutes + meetinglength. The preference values are normalized to the range used internally, described in Section 4.2. Note that when a time clashes with an event (by overlapping or bordering with it) it gets a preference value of 1 in the internal scale. This is its final value, which is not modified by preferences. 3. In order to represent the meeting window (the space of possible meeting start times) using a finite domain variable, the window is converted into integer form. The start always has the value 0. Each following number represent a time 15 minutes later than the last. The end has a value which is equal to the number of full 15 minute intervals in the meeting window. As an example, for a meeting window with start: 15/05/2013 2pm and end: 17/05/ am, the integer representation has start: 0 and end: 176. The value 16 would correspond to the date 15/05/2013 6pm. Note that this conversion process is the same as the one used when creating the preference arrays, which means that the integer representation can be used as an index into the preference array. 4. For every suggestion required, CSP variables are created, constraints are set on them and the CloCoP library is used to solve the CSP. Each iteration is provided with the solutions from the previous iteration, which have to be excluded from the search space. (a) A start variable, which represents the start time of the meeting is created. Its domain is defined using the integer representation of the meeting window. The minimum of the domain is the start of the meeting window, while its maximum is the integer describing the last possible start time. If there are any solutions that should be excluded, hard constraints are put on the variable to ensure that it will not be the same as any of the previous solutions. (b) A person-pref variable is created for each participant. Its domain is the same as the domain of the start variable. It represents the person s preference of the current meeting time. Its value is the element of the person s preference array at index start (the value of the start variable is used to index into the preference array). (c) A total-pref variable is created, which represents to the total preference of the given meeting time. Its value is the combination of the individual

29 4.2. Preference values 29 person-pref variables using the collective utility function. Using the Nash product during solving may result in integer overflows for groups of more than 5 participants. The egalitarian function is used then, with the Nash product being used for sorting the results. (d) The created variables and constraints are passed to the solver library (Clo- CoP), indicating that the value of the total-pref variable should be maximized 1. CloCoP solves the given CSP and returns the values of all variables for the best meeting time found. The resulting suggestion is added to the end of the array of suggestions. This results in all the suggestions ending up in order of decreasing total preference if the Nash product has been used. 5. If the egalitarian function was used, the Nash product of each suggestion is calculated and assigned as the total preference value. The preferences are then sorted in decreasing order of total preference. 6. The values of the preferences (both individual and total) in all the suggestions are converted to the scales used for output, as described in Subsections and The results still have the meeting start found by the solver in integer representation. It is now converted into a DateTime object and its appropriate end time is added to the suggestion, also as a DateTime. This is the final step, as the results are now in the form specified in Subsection 3.2.2, so they are returned. When calling the suggest-hard function, the process is similar, with the exception of the CSP variables and constraints set on the problem. Here constraints are set on the start variable to disallow the meeting to overlap with an event. 4.2 Preference values Internally both preferences and events are described in the same way: as numbers which describe how much the user would like to meet at this time. There must be a large difference between the value of a user preference (e.g. prefer-tuesday) and an event preference, in order to ensure that free slots are chosen before scheduled slots. Because of the fact that a busy slot is simply one which is very disliked, the ratio between the values attached to the user preferences and those attached to the events is an important influence on the characteristics of the algorithm s solutions. This ratio is not configurable by the user, but was chosen by the author with regard to the characteristics of the problem domain. Internally, when using soft constraints, the algorithm treats events as very strong preferences, because they need not be respected - the library allows solutions which clash with a user s scheduled events. However, it is the assumption of the author that such suggestions should be avoided if at all possible (this assumption is tested in Section 5.2.1). Therefore the weight of an event is set so that slots which are disliked by everyone are rated as better than ones that are liked, 1 To be specific, the solver minimizes the negation of total-pref, which is equivalent to maximizing total-pref.

30 30 Chapter 4. Implementation but cause a clash in someone s calendar. It is also desired that slots that are unbalanced (i.e. highly disliked by some user, but highly liked by others) are rated as worse than more balanced ones (i.e. neutrally liked all around). In order to help balanced solutions have a higher rank, the neutral score should not be in the centre between the worst and best preferences, but should be moved closer towards the best score. This will cause neutral slots to have a higher score than they normally would. The criteria are met by setting the range of preferences to that shown in Table 4.1. Event Worst Neutral Best Table 4.1: Internal preference values 4.3 Constraint satisfaction implementation The CSP solver library used in the implementation specifies finite domain variables, that is, it solves problem defined on integers. The dates and preferences describing the meeting scheduling task must therefore be converted into an integer-based representation. Time is divided into equal-sized chunks, called time-resolution units, according to the time-resolution of the algorithm, so that they can be indexed easily. Every chunk is converted into a natural number, with 0 being the first possible start time (the start of the meeting window) and increasing by 1 for every unit of time-resolution (e.g. 15 minutes), until the end of the meeting window. As a result, each possible start time is uniquely identifiable by an integer, which allows a variable to be defined on the integer range. The events and preferences are combined into a preference array with one entry for each value in the variable s domain. Each entry contains a single participant s cost of scheduling a meeting at that time. Each participant has their own preference array. Using the nth piping function, the solver can create a CSP variable which will be equal to one of the values in an array. The array and the index into the array are given as arguments to the function. The array can contain constants or variables. The index is specified to be the value of a variable. In the algorithm, we use the preference array and the start time variable as the index. The result of the piping function is then a variable which holds the user s cost at the currently evaluated time slot. The individual costs are combined together using the collective utility function. The solver uses the Branch and Bound algorithm to find the largest value of the function and its associated start time. It returns this time (in its integer representation), as well as the individual preferences and the value of the cost function.

31 4.4. Data-structure preparation Data-structure preparation The constraint satisfaction library used as the solver is a multi-purpose tool designed to be used in a variety of domains, to solve a large range of problems. The data passed to the algorithm must therefore be converted into a problem description that fits the framework of the solver. As described above, the problem data is represented using integers. Possible start times are always between 0 and N, where N is the number of time-resolution units between the start and end of the meeting window. The preference arrays are constructed by using either the sum of the values of preference functions or the event cost (if the interval overlaps with an event) for each time interval between the start and end of the meeting window. The index of the array represents a candidate start time, while the value at this index represents its cost for the given participant. Due to a sign error in the implementation of the solver library, the start times had to be adjusted to fit the array indices, as it acts as if the array starting index was 2, rather than 0. These start times must then be normalized back to their initial values after finding a solution. 4.5 Library consumer interface The use of the library should be influenced as little as possible by the internal representation of data structures and preferences. Presenting a clean, fixed interface will allow the users of the library to continue to use it in the same way even after changes to the internal mechanisms are made. This allows the developers the freedom to improve the design and implementation of the library without disrupting its users. A clean interface is maintained by expecting and returning data in a specified, uniform format to and from the user. Firstly, the users preferences are expected to be given as an integer in the range -5 (disliked) to 5 (preferred), with 0 being neutral. The individual preferences for the suggested timeslots will also be returned in this range, for ease of comparison and understanding their values. The total preference for a timeslot will be given in the range from 0 to 100, with 0 being the worst possible scheduling and 100, the best. Such a fixed suggestion score is designed to help users of the library understand how well each slot is liked by the group and whether all are good fits or not. Another important conversion must be made in order to allow the users to understand the library s suggestions and let the constraint solver do its work. That is, as described above, the conversion of dates to an integer representation for constraint solving and then converting the integer suggestion back to a date on output.


33 Chapter 5 Evaluation In order to judge whether the algorithm may help simplify complex procedures involved in scheduling meetings for groups of individuals, its suggestions must be tested by users to help decide whether they could be satisfactory in real-life conditions. To achieve this goal, an evaluation procedure must be specified and carried out. The data gathered from this measurement should give the opportunity to identify both strengths and weaknesses of the system, so that they can be addressed and the algorithm can be improved. 5.1 Evaluation method Users will be presented with multiple scenarios, each of them a situation when a number of people want to schedule a meeting together. The experiment should ideally be completely repeatable, so it would be best if the scenarios were predetermined by the author, rather than dependent on the particular time or subject of the experiment. Synthetic scenarios, consisting of calendars with events and preferences will be created beforehand. Using the same sets of scenarios for all experiment participants will improve the consistency of the results and improve the repeatability of the evaluation. When crafting synthetic data, it is important to address the issue of representativeness of the created data. The scenarios should be varied enough to test as many different types of situations as possible out of the many that can arise in real-world usage of the algorithm. Experiment participants will be asked to rate the algorithm s solution as well as suggest a different one if they consider it to be better suited to the scenario. This will provide information about the suitability of the answers returned by the algorithm and help show what could be changed or improved in the implementation. This could be achieved by gathering participants into groups, with each receiving a persona in the scenario and then having them negotiate with each other to agree on the best time to schedule a meeting and on the rating of the algorithm s solution. The advantage of this method is that it imitates the negotiation process that happens when meetings are 33

34 34 Chapter 5. Evaluation scheduled in real life, which in theory could result in more realistic outcomes. However, the variability and significance of human group behaviour dynamics could have a strong influence on the results. This would be an added undesirable variable in the experiment, decreasing its quality. An example of this effect can be a situation in which a single person in the group has better persuasive skills than the others and is able to get them to agree on a time that is more suitable for that one person, but less suitable for the others. The software is not only unable to predict the negotiation strength of participants, it aims to ensure that its suggestions are as good as possible for all the participants. The experiment would be made more reliable if that dynamic behaviour can be avoided completely, or at least diminished. This behaviour can be avoided by performing the experiment with individuals rather than groups. In this case the subject is asked to look at the calendars in the scenario, rate the algorithm s solution and describe a better one if the algorithm s suggestion is lacking in their opinion. 1 The order of rating the suggestions and looking for a better one is important for the results. If the algorithm s suggestion were presented after asking the subject to name the best meeting time, there is a risk that their solution may not be as good, yet they would feel pressure to justify it and rationalize their choice. This would cause the algorithm to be rated lower than it is reality, hurting the reliability of the results. Therefore, the algorithm s suggestion should be shown first, so that there is no pressure for the subject to agree or disagree with it and they are likely to be more objective. Performing the experiment with individuals does make the assumption that the subject will be able to take into account the preferences of the personas and make the decision about which time is best for the group and that a balanced 2 group would also find this solution satisfactory. An additional advantage of using individuals is that the experiment can gather a larger amount of data-points using the same number of subjects. This means finer and more reliable conclusions can be drawn from it. The evaluation was performed according to the rules outlined above, by creating a web application which presented the scenarios and gathered users responses. The scenarios were represented by a visualisation of a calendar with events and preferences marked as coloured boxes. Initially the events were marked as blue, in similarity to the default colour of Google Calendar events. The preferences were marked by a range of colours from red (disliked), through white (neutral) to green (preferred). Before launching the evaluation website, a beta test of the survey was performed. Participants were invited to complete the survey in person, having direct contact with the author. They were encouraged to discuss the survey and were asked a set of questions and tasks regarding their understanding and behaviour, including: Do you feel the survey instructions are clear? Explain, in your own words, what is expected of you Could you explain why you have chosen to give this suggestion this rating? Describe the schedule of Person 1. When are they busy, which times do they like 1 The calendars should all be presented as other people s in order to avoid bias towards a particular calendar. 2 A group where every member has equal say, is truthful and there are no dictators.

35 5.1. Evaluation method 35 and dislike? The beta test revealed a number of flaws in the survey, which allowed it to be improved before being shared with a larger group of respondents. The first issue was the constant order of algorithm suggestions, which were shown from best to worst. This, combined with the fact that evaluating the calendars required attention and thought, caused laziness in testers. After agreeing a number of times with the suggestions presented, they started paying less attention to the calendars and automatically rated suggestion in the same way. This would decrease the reliability of the results. In order to fix this, the suggestions were changed to show up in random order, thereby causing subject to need to evaluate the calendars correctly to determine which suggestion is best. Secondly, some testers, who used a different computer to perform the tests, noted that it is difficult to see the colours that describe users preferences, which prompted them to be changed to more saturated versions. Thirdly, it turned out that the choice of red colour for disliked timeslots and blue colour for events confused participants, who thought the red meant busy slots, with blue being less important. For the final version, events were coloured red and preferences ranged from grey (disliked) through white (neutral) to green (preferred). Lastly, the beta testing prompted a number of changes in the text of the explanation and instructions for the survey. Figure 5.1 shows the appearance of the final version of a scenario used in the evaluation. Figure 5.1: Illustration of a scenario used in the survey The survey consisted of seven scenarios with three calendars each. The scenarios were created by the author to allow the drawing of conclusions about different aspects of the algorithm. In order to test the benefits of presenting multiple suggestions, three best meeting times chosen by the algorithm were presented to the user. Scenarios were presented and submitted one by one. This allowed results to be collected even if a participant quit midway through. In order to prevent the distribution of completed scenarios to be biased towards the first shown, they were presented in random order to all participants. The evaluation lasted close to 3 weeks. Participants were found through social networks and . The evaluation was performed on a group of people of varying age, sex and occupation, in order to improve the reliability of results. The survey form consisted of the following inputs:

36 36 Chapter 5. Evaluation 3 radio-button controls, one for each suggestion, with the following choices: Best Good Neutral Bad Awful An optional text box for the user s suggestion An optional comment area, for giving reasons as to why the given suggestion is better 5.2 Result analysis The survey has been completed by 38 people and 163 answers have been collected in total, which yields an average of responses per scenario. Figure 5.2 shows the distribution of answers and suggestions by scenario. We can see that scenarios 3 and 7 were completed the least times, 20 and 21 respectively. Scenario 6 gathered the most responses The number of suggestions was relatively small compared to the number of answers. Most suggestions (4) were received for scenario 1 and least (1) for scenario 7. Figure 5.2: Number of ratings and suggestions for each scenario The first issue tackled in the evaluation is the satisfaction of respondents with the meeting times suggested by the algorithm. In order to determine this, the ratings given to the scenarios must be reviewed. As each respondent was presented with 3 algorithm suggestions to rate, measuring the satisfaction of users can be done by calculating the percentage of respondents who rated at least one suggestion as Good, termed here

37 5.2. Result analysis 37 the satisfaction score. This measure describes the percentage of users who determined that a suggestion would be viewed positively in the given situation, implying that participants would be satisfied with it. A distinction must be made between a suggestion being satisfactory and convenient. Satisfactory means that the meeting time is one of the best in the given situation, even if it is inconvenient for participants (as may be the case when all participants are very busy). Convenience is a measure of how preferred the time is and is not a good measure of algorithm effectiveness, as it is highly dependent on the scenario. The data gathered from the evaluation show that 123 respondents were satisfied with the results, which corresponds to a satisfaction score of 75.46%. However, the measurement is complicated by a possibility of ambiguity in the users ratings, which could indicate that the actual satisfaction score is higher than this. The survey instructions explained that when rating a suggestion, the user should choose Best if there are no better meeting times in the scenario, and Awful if the suggestion does not suit the scenario at all and many better ones can be found. However, despite this explanation, there is evidence that some users may have misunderstood this and have instead rated the suggestions based on their convenience for the participants. Firstly, especially in scenarios with full calendars some responses have all algorithm solutions rated Awful, but no other suggestions or comments, which possibly means that the user thought that the suggestions were not good, but could not come up with better ones. Secondly, as can be seen in Figure 5.5, scenarios 3, 4, 5 and 7 received more low scores than the other scenarios. These are also the scenarios where either any meeting time would cause a clash with a scheduled event or the only free meeting time was disliked by all participants. The other scenarios had at least one meeting time which was not disliked by the participants. Figure 5.2 shows that scenarios 3, 4, 5 and 7 did not receive more suggestions, despite getting lower ratings than others. These reasons, taken together, make a case for hypothesising that the number of satisfied users is higher in reality than portrayed by the satisfaction score. These results imply that the suggestions computed by the algorithm are acceptable for users Avoiding event clashes Scenario 5 of the survey was designed to test the hypothesis that slots where a participant has scheduled an event should be avoided if possible. The results of the survey for scenario 5 are shown in Figure 5.3. This scenario contained only one timeslot where no one had a scheduled meeting. This slot was highly disliked by all three participants and was marked as Suggestion 1. Suggestions 2 and 3 were slots which were the most preferred by two participants, but would clash with a scheduled event for the third participant. Figure 5.3 shows that Suggestion 1 was marked positively ( Good or Best ) in over 50% of the answers, while the second and third suggestions received this score in only 25% and 10% of answers, respectively. This allows to draw the conclusion that scheduled slots should be avoided in favour of even highly disliked slots when scheduling a meeting. This behaviour is implemented in the algorithm by specifying a very low preference for scheduled slots and much higher values for preferences chosen by the user.

38 38 Chapter 5. Evaluation Figure 5.3: Rating distribution for suggestion in scenario Collective utility function The second hypothesis posed earlier in the work states that a Nash utility function is more suitable for ranking preferred meeting times than the utilitarian collective utility function. Scenario 6 was devised for the purpose of testing this hypothesis. It contained three timeslots which would not cause scheduling clashes: Day , Day and Day As stated in Section 4.2, user preference values in the algorithm range from 20 for most disliked through 35 for neutral, to 40 for preferred. This range is tuned to the Nash product used in the algorithm. In order to compare the ranking of suggestions between the two different collective utility functions, another range of preferences values must be assumed for the utilitarian collective utility function. As the user input is expected to be in the range from -5 (disliked) to 5 (preferred), with 0 being neutral, the same range can be used for the utilitarian function. Table 5.1 shows the preference values of the three timeslots for both functions. Nash product Utilitarian function User 1 User 2 User 3 Total User 1 User 2 User 3 Total Day Day Day Table 5.1: Preference scores for three timeslots calculated using Nash and utilitarian collective utility functions The preferences were chosen so that they are equal when measured using the Utilitarian function, but Day is best when ranked using the Nash product. Figure 5.4 shows the distribution of ratings for the suggestions for scenario 6. Suggestion 1 is Day , suggestion 2 is Day and suggestion 3 is Day Suggestion 1 received most Best ratings out of all three. Suggestions 1 and 2 both got over 80%

39 5.2. Result analysis 39 positive ratings, with the third suggestion (Day ) receiving just 50%. These results confirm the hypothesis that using the Nash collective utility function gives better results then the utilitarian version. Figure 5.4: Rating distribution for suggestion in scenario Multiple suggestions It is important to evaluate the benefits gained from presenting users with multiple suggested meeting times, rather than a single solution. In order to analyse this, the ratings of the best suggestion must be compared to the ratings of the other suggestions. It is obvious that giving three suggestions rather than one improves the satisfaction of users. However, this improvement must be weighted against the performance penalty outlined in Subsection Survey results show that 81.60% of respondents agree that the first suggestion made by the algorithm is at least as good as the others, while 77.91% agree that each next suggestion is no better than the last. This supports the view that the algorithm s first suggestion will be the best one in a given scenario. On the other hand, had the algorithm given a single suggestion, the percentage of satisfied users (given in Subsection 5.2 as 75.46%) would fall to 68.10%. Comparing Figure 5.5 to Figure 5.6 shows that giving three suggestions does not significantly improve the user satisfaction. The above arguments make a case for not using more than one suggestion, or at least constraining multiple suggestions to meetings with a small window and number of participants, however there are potential arguments for utilising this feature, which could not be verified in the survey. Firstly, the survey is a controlled environment with as few variables as possible, which means that all scenarios are treated the same, when in reality every meeting situation is different. Sometimes there may be a reason for meeting as soon as possible or another heuristic is added when setting up the meeting. The algorithm is unable to know about those factors and is therefore not able to take

40 40 Chapter 5. Evaluation Figure 5.5: Distribution of ratings for first suggestion by scenario them into account. Suggesting a number of best times makes it more likely that one of them will be actually the best time in reality. Another issue is psychological and it is that of control. Humans prefer to have control over their lives and any tool aiming to help in life should be able to give that sense of control to its user. Suggesting a small number of meeting times enables the user to take control, while still relieving them of the need to process a large amount of information. These could be evaluated by creating a targeted study of the effects of the multiple suggestion mechanism User suggestions The survey contained fields where the participants could enter their own suggestions for the meeting time. Out of 163 answers, 16 contained suggestions for alternative meeting times, however only 12 gave a reason why the suggestion was better. It is important to note that many suggestions were mainly additional to the algorithm s solutions, as 8 of the answers with suggestions rated at least one of the algorithm s solutions Best. A common suggestion was to schedule meetings early if possible. A user rightly commented that scheduling meetings early gives the participants a chance to reschedule in case of an emergency. Further study is necessary to determine whether users would agree that earlier timeslots should be preferred over later ones and what trade off should be made between preference and earliness. Another useful suggestion was that if there are no free slots, the meeting times given by the algorithm should be such that in each one a different participant has to reschedule. One user wrote: None of the suggested times suit Person 3 - at least one of them should. This would make the suggestions more varied, making it more likely that one of the participants would find it easier to reschedule. On the other hand, not all events are equally important. Therefore, as proposed in Section 6.3, a better idea may be to

41 5.3. Concluding summary 41 Figure 5.6: Distribution of ratings by scenario, taking into account the best rating assign priorities to individual events, weighing how difficult it would be to reschedule them. The last idea given by users was taking into account free space around a timeslot. For example, if a timeslot causes a clash for a participant, it is more likely that they would be able to reschedule if they are free before or after that time. This however, is difficult to predict without additional data about the events and is certainly something that would need to be tested in a realistic environment. The user suggestions reviewed above show that there are many factors that make up the suitability of a meeting suggestion and that often what works for one meeting may not work for another. It is useful to keep in mind these additional suggestions, as they show different perspectives on the problem. It is evident that more work should be carried out to investigate influences on meeting scheduling. 5.3 Concluding summary It is important to discuss how the results allow us to answer the research question posed in Section 1.2: Can an automated algorithm, which uses information about scheduled events and user preferences, suggest meeting times that are satisfactory for the users? The survey measured the rating of the algorithm s suggestions. Users were asked to specify how well each suggestion fit the situation. This metric was chosen because it describes the user s satisfaction with the results and can be used to judge whether the suggestions calculated by the algorithm are correct and satisfactory. Most users (over 75%) were satisfied with the solutions, which indicates that the answer to the research question is affirmative. The hypothesis cannot be answered conclusively, however, because of the inherent complexity of the meeting scheduling process. Meetings take on a variety of forms and can have different defining features. In order to get a more

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