Docker Java Application with Solr, Mongo, & Cassandra: Design, Deployment, Service Discovery, and Management in Production

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1 Docker Java Application with Solr, Mongo, & Cassandra: Design, Deployment, Service Discovery, and Management in Production You can clone this sample Names Directory Java application from GitHub. git clone A Step by Step Guide for Dockerizing and Managing a Java application consisting of: Apache HTTP Server (httpd) and Nginx (for load balancing) JBoss, Tomcat and Jetty (as the application server) Solr (for the full-text search) Mongo, Cassandra, MySQL, and Oracle (for the database) This is an extension of this project ( The application now supports Solr for full-text search and both Mongo & Cassandra as the supported databases. To run & manage the 24 Java application templates in this project on 13 different clouds and virtualization platforms (including vsphere, OpenStack, AWS, Rackspace, Microsoft Azure, Google Compute Engine, DigitalOcean, IBM SoftLayer, etc.), make sure that you either: Sign Up for FREE on -- (no credit card required), or Download DCHQ On-Premise Standard Edition for FREE -- A Step by Step Guide for Deploying & Managing a Docker-based Java Application with Solr on Mongo,

2 Cassandra, MySQL and Oracle Background Containerizing enterprise Java applications is still a challenge mostly because existing application composition frameworks do not address complex dependencies, external integrations or auto-scaling workflows post-provision. Moreover, the ephemeral design of containers meant that developers had to spin up new containers and re-create the complex dependencies & external integrations with every version update. DCHQ, available in hosted and on-premise versions, addresses all of these challenges and simplifies the containerization of enterprise Java applications through an advance application composition framework that extends Docker Compose with cross-image environment variable bindings, extensible BASH script plug-ins that can be invoked at request time or post-provision, and application clustering for high availability across multiple hosts or regions with support for auto scaling. Once an application is provisioned, a user can monitor the CPU, Memory, & I/O of the running containers, get notifications & alerts, and get access to application backups, automatic scale in/out workflows, and plug-in execution workflows to update running containers. Moreover, out-of-box workflows that facilitate Continuous Delivery with Jenkins allow developers to refresh the Java WAR file of a running application without disrupting the existing dependencies & integrations. In previous blogs, we demonstrated the end-to-end deployment automation of various Java applications (like Pizza Shop and Movie Store apps) on multitier Docker-based application stacks across 13 different clouds & virtualization platforms. For full list of these blogs, you can visit this page: However many users were still confused on some of the fundamental aspects of application modeling. These questions include: Where do these environment variables come from in your YAML-based application template? How is the database initialized with the proper schemas needed from my Java application? I already have a deployment plan for my WebLogic Application Server. Can I run my own script for deploying a Java application? To address these questions, we created a sample Names Directory Java application in this GitHub project that can be deployed on these application stacks: Apache HTTP Server (httpd) and Nginx (for load balancing) JBoss, Tomcat and Jetty (as the application server) Solr (for the full-text search) Mongo, Cassandra, MySQL, and Oracle (for the database) In this project, we will provide a step-by-step guide for configuring, deploying and managing this Java application using different application stacks and on different cloud/virtual infrastructure. We will cover: Configuring the Java files for database and Solr connection environment variables Using the liquibase bean to initialize the connected database Building the YAML-based application templates that can re-used on any Linux host running anywhere Provisioning & auto-scaling the underlying infrastructure on any cloud (with Rackspace being the example in this blog) Deploying the multi-tier Java application on the Rackspace cluster Monitoring the CPU, Memory & I/O of the Running Containers Enabling the Continuous Delivery Workflow with Jenkins to update the WAR file of the running applications when a build is triggered Scaling out the Application Server Cluster when the application is resource-constrained Configuring the Java files for database and Solr connection environment variables You can clone this sample Names Directory Java application from GitHub. git clone This is the most important step in Dockerizing your Java application. In order to leverage the environment variables you can pass when running containers, you will need to make sure that your application is configured in a way that will allow you to change certain properties at request time like: The Solr URL & port you would like to use The database driver you would like to use The database URL

3 The database credentials Any other parameters that you would like to change at request time (e.g. the min/max connection pool size, idle timeout, etc.) To achieve this, we created several Java files to declare the environment variables we need to use to connect to the database and Solr. The Java files can be found in the config directory: Let's first examine public class SolrConfig { public static final String SOLR_HOST = "solr_host"; public static final String SOLR_PORT = "solr_port"; You will notice that solr_host and solr_port are declared as environment variables that you can pass when running the application server container. Now let's examine

4 @Configuration public class DatabaseConfig { public static final String DRIVER_CLASS_NAME = "database_driverclassname"; public static final String DATABASE_URL = "database_url"; public static final String DATABASE_USERNAME = "database_username"; public static final String DATABASE_PASSWORD = private Environment = "release") public DBPoolDataSource datasource() { if (!isdatabaseprovided()) { return null; } DBPoolDataSource dbpooldatasource = new DBPoolDataSource(); dbpooldatasource.setdriverclassname(env.getrequiredproperty(driver_class_name)); dbpooldatasource.seturl(env.getrequiredproperty(database_url)); dbpooldatasource.setuser(env.getrequiredproperty(database_username)); dbpooldatasource.setpassword(env.getrequiredproperty(database_password)); dbpooldatasource.setminpool(1); dbpooldatasource.setmaxpool(10); dbpooldatasource.setmaxsize(10); dbpooldatasource.setidletimeout(60); return dbpooldatasource; } You will notice that database_driverclassname, database_url, database_username, and database_password are declared as environment variables that you can pass when running the application server container. These will be used to connect MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle databases. Next, we'll examine public class MongoConfig { public static final String MONGO_URL = "mongo_url"; You will notice that mongo_url is declared as environment variables that you can pass when running the application server container.

5 However the is also used to populate the database with the right schema & table at startup -- if this table is not already found. Finally, we'll examine public class CassandraConfig { public static final String CASSANDRA_URL = "cassandra_url"; You will notice that cassandra_url is declared as environment variables that you can pass when running the application server container. However the is also used to populate the database with the right schema & table at startup -- if this table is not already public CassandraTemplate cassandratemplate() { if (!this.iscassandraurlprovided()) { return null; } Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPointsWithPorts(Collections.singletonList(new InetSocketAddress(host, port))).build(); session = cluster.connect(); this.recreatedatabase(); session.execute("use " + keyspace); CassandraTemplate cassandratemplate = new CassandraTemplate(session); return cassandratemplate; } protected void recreatedatabase() { boolean needtocreate = true; List<Row> rows = session.execute("select * from system.schema_keyspaces").all(); for (Row row : rows) { if (keyspace.equals(row.getstring(0))) { needtocreate = false; break; } } if (needtocreate) { session.execute("create KEYSPACE " + keyspace + " with replication = {'class':'simplestrategy',

6 'replication_factor':1}"); session.execute("use " + keyspace); session.execute("create TABLE " + keyspace + ".namedirectorynosql (\n" + " objectid text PRIMARY KEY,\n" + " id int,\n" + " firstname text,\n" + " lastname text,\n" + " createdtimestamp timestamp\n" + ")"); session.execute("create INDEX id_idx ON " + keyspace + ".namedirectorynosql (id)"); } } Using the liquibase bean to initialize the connected MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle databases We typically recommend initializing the database schema as part of the Java application deployment itself. This way, you don t have to worry about maintaining separate SQL files that need to be executed on the database separately. However if you already have those SQL files and you still prefer executing them on the database separately then DCHQ can help you automate this process through its plug-in framework. You can refer to this section for more information. Initializing the Mongo and Cassandra databases is covered in the and files. For MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle, the liquibase bean is used in the file to check the datasource and run SQL statements from upgrade.sql. Liquibase tracks which changelog statements have run against each database. public SpringLiquibase liquibase() { if (!isdatabaseprovided()) { return null; } SpringLiquibase springliquibase = new SpringLiquibase(); springliquibase.setchangelog("/web-inf/upgrade/upgrade.sql"); springliquibase.setdatasource(this.datasource()); return springliquibase; } Here s the actual upgrade.sql file with the SQL statements for initializing the schema on the connected MySQL, PostgreSQL or Oracle database.

7 --liquibase formatted sql --changeset admin:1 dbms:mysql CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `NameDirectory` ( `id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `firstname` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `lastname` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `createdtimestamp` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; --changeset admin:1 dbms:postgresql CREATE TABLE "NameDirectory" ( id SERIAL NOT NULL, "firstname" VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, "lastname" VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, "createdtimestamp" TIMESTAMP(0) WITHOUT TIME ZONE DEFAULT timestamp 'now ()' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id) ) WITH (oids = false); --changeset admin:1 dbms:oracle CREATE TABLE NameDirectory ( id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL, firstname VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL, createdtimestamp TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CONSTRAINT id_pk PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE SEQUENCE NameDirectory_seq; Building the YAML-based application templates that can re-used on any Linux host running anywhere Once logged in to DCHQ (either the hosted or on-premise version), a user can navigate to Manage > App/Machine and then click on the + button to create a new Docker Compose template. We have created 24 application templates using the official images from Docker Hub for the same Names Directory Java application but for different application servers and databases. The templates include examples of the following application stacks (for the same Java application): Apache HTTP Server (httpd) & Nginx -- for load balancing

8 Solr -- for the full-text search Tomcat, Jetty, and JBoss -- for the application servers Mongo, Cassandra, MySQL, and Oracle XE -- for the databases Plug-ins to Configure Web Servers and Application Servers at Request Time & Post-Provision Across all these application templates, you will notice that some of the containers are invoking BASH script plug-ins at request time in order to configure the container. These plug-ins can be executed post-provision as well. These plug-ins can be created by navigating to Manage > Plug-ins. Once the BASH script is provided, the DCHQ agent will execute this script inside the container. A user can specify arguments that can be overridden at request time and post-provision. Anything preceded by the $ sign is considered an argument -- for example, $file_url can be an argument that allows developers to specify the download URL for a WAR file. This can be overridden at request time and post-provision when a user wants to refresh the Java WAR file on a running container. The plug-in ID needs to be provided when defining the YAML-based application template. For example, to invoke a BASH script plug-in for Nginx, we would reference the plug-in ID as follows: Nginx: image: nginx:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: 0H1Nk lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - servers=server {{AppServer container_private_ip}}:8080; # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- servers=server {{AppServer container_hostname}}:8080; In the example templates, we are invoking 4 BASH script plug-ins. Nginx is invoking a BASH script plug-in that injects container IP s of the application servers in the default.conf file dynamically (or at request time). The plugin ID is 0H1Nk. Apache HTTP Server (httpd) is invoking a BASH script plug-in that injects container IP s of the application servers in the httpd.conf file dynamically (or at request time). The plug-in ID is uazui. The beauty of the Nginx and Apache HTTP Server (httpd) plug-ins is that they can be executed post-provision as part of the application server cluster scale in or scale out. This makes it possible to define auto-scale policies that automatically update the web server (or load balancer). This is part of DCHQ's Service Discovery framework. Service Discovery with plug-in life-cycle stages The lifecycle parameter in plug-ins allows you to specify the exact stage or event to execute the plug-in. If not lifecycle is specified, then by default, the plug-in will be execute on_create. Here are the supported lifecycle stages: on_create -- executes the plug-in when creating the container on_start -- executes the plug-in after a container starts on_stop -- executes the plug-in before a container stops on_destroy -- executes the plug-in before destroying a container

9 post_create -- executes the plug-in after the container is created and running post_start[:node] -- executes the plug-in after another container starts post_stop[:node] -- executes the plug-in after another container stops post_destroy[:node] -- executes the plug-in after another container is destroyed post_scale_out[:node] -- executes the plug-in after another cluster of containers is scaled out post_scale_in[:node] -- executes the plug-in after another cluster of containers is scaled in To get access to the Nginx and Apache HTTP Server (httpd) plug-ins under the EULA license, make sure you either: Sign Up for FREE on -- (no credit card required) Download DCHQ On-Premise Standard Edition for FREE -- The application servers (Tomcat, Jetty, and JBoss) are also invoking a BASH script plug-in to deploy the Java WAR file from the accessible GitHub URL. Tomcat, JBoss and Jetty are invoking the exact same BASH script plug-in (plug-in ID: oncxn) except the WAR file is getting deployed on different directories: Tomcat dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root.war Jetty dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root.war JBoss dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root.war Solr is invoking a different BASH script plug-in (plug-in ID: dox8s) that will get the file and unzip it in /opt/solr/server/solr/ cluster_size and host parameters for HA deployment across multiple hosts You will notice that the cluster_size parameter allows you to specify the number of containers to launch (with the same application dependencies). The host parameter allows you to specify the host you would like to use for container deployments. This is possible if you have selected Weave as the networking layer when creating your clusters. That way you can ensure high-availability for your application server clusters across different hosts (or regions) and you can comply with affinity rules to ensure that the database runs on a separate host for example. Here are the values supported for the host parameter: host1, host2, host3, etc. selects a host randomly within a data-center (or cluster) for container deployments IP Address 1, IP Address 2, etc. -- allows a user to specify the actual IP addresses to use for container deployments Hostname 1, Hostname 2, etc. -- allows a user to specify the actual hostnames to use for container deployments Wildcards (e.g. db-, or app-srv- ) to specify the wildcards to use within a hostname Environment Variable Bindings Across Images Additionally, a user can create cross-image environment variable bindings by making a reference to another image s environment variable. In this case, we have made several bindings including database_url=jdbc:mysql://{{mysql container_hostname}}:3306/{{mysql MYSQL_DATABASE}} in which the database container name is resolved dynamically at request time and is used to ensure that the application servers can establish a connection with the database. Here is a list of supported environment variable values: {{alphanumeric 8}} creates a random 8-character alphanumeric string. This is most useful for creating random passwords. {{Image Name ip}} allows you to enter the host IP address of a container as a value for an environment variable. This is most useful for allowing the middleware tier to establish a connection with the database. {{Image Name container_ip}} allows you to enter the name of a container as a value for an environment variable. This is most useful for allowing the middleware tier to establish a secure connection with the database (without exposing the database port). {{Image Name container_private_ip}} allows you to enter the internal IP of a container as a value for an environment variable. This is most useful for allowing the middleware tier to establish a secure connection with the database (without exposing the database port). {{Image Name port_port Number}} allows you to enter the Port number of a container as a value for an environment variable. This is most useful for allowing the middleware tier to establish a connection with the database. In this case, the port number specified needs to be the internal port number i.e. not the external port that is allocated to the container. For example, {{PostgreSQL port_5432}} will be translated to the actual external port that will allow the middleware tier to establish a connection with the database. {{Image Name Environment Variable Name}} allows you to enter the value an image s environment variable into another image s environment variable. The use cases here are endless as most multi-tier applications will have cross-image dependencies.

10 Multi-Tier Java (Nginx-Tomcat-Solr-MySQL) Nginx: image: nginx:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: 0H1Nk lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - servers=server {{AppServer container_private_ip}}:8080; # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- servers=server {{AppServer container_hostname}}:8080; AppServer: image: tomcat: jre8 mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - database_driverclassname=com.mysql.jdbc.driver - database_url=jdbc:mysql://{{mysql container_hostname}}:3306/{{mysql MYSQL_DATABASE}} - database_username={{mysql MYSQL_USER}} - database_password={{mysql MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}} - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root.war

11 - delete_dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= MySQL: image: mysql:latest mem_min: 400m - MYSQL_USER=root - MYSQL_DATABASE=names - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD={{alphanumeric 8}} Multi-Tier Java (Nginx-Tomcat-Solr-Oracle-XE) Nginx: image: nginx:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: 0H1Nk lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - servers=server {{AppServer container_private_ip}}:8080;

12 # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- servers=server {{AppServer container_hostname}}:8080; AppServer: image: tomcat: jre8 mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - database_driverclassname=oracle.jdbc.oracledriver - database_url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//{{oracle container_hostname}}:1521/{{oracle sid}} - database_username={{oracle username}} - database_password={{oracle password}} - TZ=UTC - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root.war - delete_dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Oracle: image: wnameless/oracle-xe-11g:latest mem_min: 400m

13 - username=system - password=oracle - sid=xe Multi-Tier Java (Nginx-Tomcat-Solr-Mongo) Nginx: image: nginx:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: 0H1Nk lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - servers=server {{AppServer container_private_ip}}:8080; # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- servers=server {{AppServer container_hostname}}:8080; AppServer: image: tomcat: jre8 mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - mongo_url={{mongo container_private_ip}}:27017/dchq - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn

14 - file_url= - dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root.war - delete_dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Mongo: image: mongo:latest mem_min: 400m Multi-Tier Java (Nginx-Tomcat-Solr-Cassandra) Nginx: image: nginx:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: 0H1Nk lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - servers=server {{AppServer container_private_ip}}:8080; # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- servers=server {{AppServer container_hostname}}:8080;

15 AppServer: image: tomcat: jre8 mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - cassandra_url={{cassandra container_private_ip}}:9042/dchq - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root.war - delete_dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Cassandra: image: cassandra:2 mem_min: 400m Multi-Tier Java (Nginx-Jetty-Solr-MySQL) Nginx: image: nginx:latest

16 publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: 0H1Nk lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - servers=server {{AppServer container_private_ip}}:8080; # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- servers=server {{AppServer container_hostname}}:8080; AppServer: image: jetty:latest mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - database_driverclassname=com.mysql.jdbc.driver - database_url=jdbc:mysql://{{mysql container_hostname}}:3306/{{mysql MYSQL_DATABASE}} - database_username={{mysql MYSQL_USER}} - database_password={{mysql MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}} - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root.war - delete_dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false

17 id: dox8s - file_url= MySQL: image: mysql:latest mem_min: 400m - MYSQL_USER=root - MYSQL_DATABASE=names - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD={{alphanumeric 8}} Multi-Tier Java (Nginx-Jetty-Solr-Oracle-XE) Nginx: image: nginx:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: 0H1Nk lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - servers=server {{AppServer container_private_ip}}:8080; # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- servers=server {{AppServer container_hostname}}:8080; AppServer: image: jetty:latest mem_min: 600m

18 cluster_size: 1 - database_driverclassname=oracle.jdbc.oracledriver - database_url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//{{oracle container_hostname}}:1521/{{oracle sid}} - database_username={{oracle username}} - database_password={{oracle password}} - TZ=UTC - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root.war - delete_dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Oracle: image: wnameless/oracle-xe-11g:latest mem_min: 400m - username=system - password=oracle - sid=xe

19 Multi-Tier Java (Nginx-Jetty-Solr-Mongo) Nginx: image: nginx:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: 0H1Nk lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - servers=server {{AppServer container_private_ip}}:8080; # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- servers=server {{AppServer container_hostname}}:8080; AppServer: image: jetty:latest mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - mongo_url={{mongo container_private_ip}}:27017/dchq - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root.war - delete_dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m

20 publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Mongo: image: mongo:latest mem_min: 400m Multi-Tier Java (Nginx-Jetty-Solr-Cassandra) Nginx: image: nginx:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: 0H1Nk lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - servers=server {{AppServer container_private_ip}}:8080; # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- servers=server {{AppServer container_hostname}}:8080; AppServer: image: jetty:latest mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1

21 - cassandra_url={{cassandra container_private_ip}}:9042/dchq - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root.war - delete_dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Cassandra: image: cassandra:2 mem_min: 400m Multi-Tier Java (Nginx-JBoss-Solr-MySQL) Nginx: image: nginx:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m

22 id: 0H1Nk lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - servers=server {{AppServer container_private_ip}}:8080; # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- servers=server {{AppServer container_hostname}}:8080; AppServer: image: jboss/wildfly:latest mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - database_driverclassname=com.mysql.jdbc.driver - database_url=jdbc:mysql://{{mysql container_hostname}}:3306/{{mysql MYSQL_DATABASE}} - database_username={{mysql MYSQL_USER}} - database_password={{mysql MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}} - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root.war - delete_dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s

23 - file_url= MySQL: image: mysql:latest mem_min: 400m - MYSQL_USER=root - MYSQL_DATABASE=names - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD={{alphanumeric 8}} Multi-Tier Java (Nginx-JBoss-Solr-Oracle-XE) Nginx: image: nginx:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: 0H1Nk lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - servers=server {{AppServer container_private_ip}}:8080; # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- servers=server {{AppServer container_hostname}}:8080; AppServer: image: jboss/wildfly:latest mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - database_driverclassname=oracle.jdbc.oracledriver - database_url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//{{oracle container_hostname}}:1521/{{oracle sid}} - database_username={{oracle username}}

24 - database_password={{oracle password}} - TZ=UTC - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root.war - delete_dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Oracle: image: wnameless/oracle-xe-11g:latest mem_min: 400m - username=system - password=oracle - sid=xe Multi-Tier Java (Nginx-JBoss-Solr-Mongo) Nginx: image: nginx:latest

25 publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: 0H1Nk lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - servers=server {{AppServer container_private_ip}}:8080; # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- servers=server {{AppServer container_hostname}}:8080; AppServer: image: jboss/wildfly:latest mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - mongo_url={{mongo container_private_ip}}:27017/dchq - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root.war - delete_dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s

26 - file_url= Mongo: image: mongo:latest mem_min: 400m Multi-Tier Java (Nginx-JBoss-Solr-Cassandra) Nginx: image: nginx:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: 0H1Nk lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - servers=server {{AppServer container_private_ip}}:8080; # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- servers=server {{AppServer container_hostname}}:8080; AppServer: image: jboss/wildfly:latest mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - cassandra_url={{cassandra container_private_ip}}:9042/dchq - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983

27 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root.war - delete_dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Cassandra: image: cassandra:2 mem_min: 400m Multi-Tier Java (ApacheLB-Tomcat-Solr-MySQL) HTTP-LB: image: httpd:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: uazui lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking

28 - BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_private_ip}}:8080 # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_hostname}}:8080 AppServer: image: tomcat: jre8 mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - database_driverclassname=com.mysql.jdbc.driver - database_url=jdbc:mysql://{{mysql container_hostname}}:3306/{{mysql MYSQL_DATABASE}} - database_username={{mysql MYSQL_USER}} - database_password={{mysql MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}} - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root.war - delete_dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= MySQL: image: mysql:latest mem_min: 400m

29 - MYSQL_USER=root - MYSQL_DATABASE=names - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD={{alphanumeric 8}} Multi-Tier Java (ApacheLB-Tomcat-Solr-Oracle-XE) HTTP-LB: image: httpd:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: uazui lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_private_ip}}:8080 # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_hostname}}:8080 AppServer: image: tomcat: jre8 mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - database_driverclassname=oracle.jdbc.oracledriver - database_url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//{{oracle container_hostname}}:1521/{{oracle sid}} - database_username={{oracle username}} - database_password={{oracle password}} - TZ=UTC - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983

30 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root.war - delete_dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Oracle: image: wnameless/oracle-xe-11g:latest mem_min: 400m - username=system - password=oracle - sid=xe Multi-Tier Java (ApacheLB-Tomcat-Solr-Mongo) HTTP-LB: image: httpd:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m

31 id: uazui lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_private_ip}}:8080 # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_hostname}}:8080 AppServer: image: tomcat: jre8 mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - mongo_url={{mongo container_private_ip}}:27017/dchq - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root.war - delete_dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Mongo: image: mongo:latest

32 mem_min: 400m Multi-Tier Java (ApacheLB-Tomcat-Solr-Cassandra) HTTP-LB: image: httpd:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: uazui lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_private_ip}}:8080 # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_hostname}}:8080 AppServer: image: tomcat: jre8 mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - cassandra_url={{cassandra container_private_ip}}:9042/dchq - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root.war

33 - delete_dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Cassandra: image: cassandra:2 mem_min: 400m Multi-Tier Java (ApacheLB-Jetty-Solr-MySQL) HTTP-LB: image: httpd:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: uazui lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_private_ip}}:8080 # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_hostname}}:8080 AppServer: image: jetty:latest

34 mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - database_driverclassname=com.mysql.jdbc.driver - database_url=jdbc:mysql://{{mysql container_hostname}}:3306/{{mysql MYSQL_DATABASE}} - database_username={{mysql MYSQL_USER}} - database_password={{mysql MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}} - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root.war - delete_dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= MySQL: image: mysql:latest mem_min: 400m - MYSQL_USER=root - MYSQL_DATABASE=names - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD={{alphanumeric 8}}

35 Multi-Tier Java (ApacheLB-Jetty-Solr-Oracle-XE) HTTP-LB: image: httpd:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: uazui lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_private_ip}}:8080 # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_hostname}}:8080 AppServer: image: jetty:latest mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - database_driverclassname=oracle.jdbc.oracledriver - database_url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//{{oracle container_hostname}}:1521/{{oracle sid}} - database_username={{oracle username}} - database_password={{oracle password}} - TZ=UTC - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url=

36 - dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root.war - delete_dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Oracle: image: wnameless/oracle-xe-11g:latest mem_min: 400m - username=system - password=oracle - sid=xe Multi-Tier Java (ApacheLB-Jetty-Solr-Mongo) HTTP-LB: image: httpd:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: uazui lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking

37 - BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_private_ip}}:8080 # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_hostname}}:8080 AppServer: image: jetty:latest mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - mongo_url={{mongo container_private_ip}}:27017/dchq - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root.war - delete_dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Mongo: image: mongo:latest mem_min: 400m Multi-Tier Java (ApacheLB-Jetty-Solr-Cassandra)

38 HTTP-LB: image: httpd:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: uazui lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_private_ip}}:8080 # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_hostname}}:8080 AppServer: image: jetty:latest mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - cassandra_url={{cassandra container_private_ip}}:9042/dchq - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root.war - delete_dir=/var/lib/jetty/webapps/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m

39 publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Cassandra: image: cassandra:2 mem_min: 400m Multi-Tier Java (ApacheLB-JBoss-Solr-MySQL) HTTP-LB: image: httpd:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: uazui lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_private_ip}}:8080 # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_hostname}}:8080 AppServer: image: jboss/wildfly:latest mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - database_driverclassname=com.mysql.jdbc.driver

40 - database_url=jdbc:mysql://{{mysql container_hostname}}:3306/{{mysql MYSQL_DATABASE}} - database_username={{mysql MYSQL_USER}} - database_password={{mysql MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}} - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root.war - delete_dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= MySQL: image: mysql:latest mem_min: 400m - MYSQL_USER=root - MYSQL_DATABASE=names - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD={{alphanumeric 8}} Multi-Tier Java (ApacheLB-JBoss-Solr-Oracle-XE) HTTP-LB:

41 image: httpd:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: uazui lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_private_ip}}:8080 # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_hostname}}:8080 AppServer: image: jboss/wildfly:latest mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - database_driverclassname=oracle.jdbc.oracledriver - database_url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//{{oracle container_hostname}}:1521/{{oracle sid}} - database_username={{oracle username}} - database_password={{oracle password}} - TZ=UTC - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root.war - delete_dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m

42 publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Oracle: image: wnameless/oracle-xe-11g:latest mem_min: 400m - username=system - password=oracle - sid=xe Multi-Tier Java (ApacheLB-JBoss-Solr-Mongo) HTTP-LB: image: httpd:latest publish_all: true mem_min: 50m id: uazui lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_private_ip}}:8080 # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_hostname}}:8080 AppServer: image: jboss/wildfly:latest

43 mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - mongo_url={{mongo container_private_ip}}:27017/dchq - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root.war - delete_dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s - file_url= Mongo: image: mongo:latest mem_min: 400m Multi-Tier Java (ApacheLB-JBoss-Solr-Cassandra) HTTP-LB: image: httpd:latest publish_all: true

44 mem_min: 50m id: uazui lifecycle: on_create, post_scale_out:appserver, post_scale_in:appserver # Use container_private_ip if you're using Docker networking - BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_private_ip}}:8080 # Use container_hostname if you're using Weave networking #- BalancerMembers=BalancerMember container_hostname}}:8080 AppServer: image: jboss/wildfly:latest mem_min: 600m cluster_size: 1 - cassandra_url={{cassandra container_private_ip}}:9042/dchq - solr_host={{solr container_private_ip}} - solr_port=8983 id: oncxn - file_url= - dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root.war - delete_dir=/opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/root Solr: image: solr:latest mem_min: 300m publish_all: false id: dox8s

45 - file_url= Cassandra: image: cassandra:2 mem_min: 400m Invoking a plug-in to initialize the database separately on a 3-Tier Java (Nginx Tomcat MySQL) We recommend initializing the database schema as part of the Java WAR file deployment itself. However if you still prefer executing the SQL files on the database separately then DCHQ can help you automate this process through its plug-in framework. In this example, MySQL in this 3-Tier application is invoking a BASH script plug-in to execute the upgrade.sql file. The BASH script plug-in was created by navigating to Manage > Plug-ins and looks something like this: #!/bin/bash apt-get update apt-get -y install wget cd / wget $file_url /usr/bin/mysql -u $MYSQL_USER -p$mysql_root_password -h $MYSQL_DATABASE < /upgrade.sql In this BASH script plug-in, $MYSQL_USER, $MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, and $MYSQL_DATABASE are environment variables that are passed at request time. $file_url is an overrideable argument that you can define when creating the plug-in or when requesting the application. For example, this could be the upgrade.sql file from GitHub: Using your script or deployment plan If you re deploying your application on Oracle WebLogic Application Server and you would like to use your own deployment plan or custom Python script, then you can easily create a BASH script plug-in by navigating to Manage > Plug-ins. The plug-in for WebLogic may look something like this: #!/bin/bash cd /oracle/fmwhome/wlst_custom/ wget $deploy-python-url wget $deploy_app-sh-url wget $war-file-url chmod +x


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