量 子 科 学 技 術 に 関 する 国 際 動 向 と 展 望

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1 資 料 4 科 学 技 術 学 術 審 議 会 先 端 研 究 基 盤 部 会 量 子 科 学 技 術 委 員 会 ( 第 1 回 ) 平 成 27 年 6 月 2 日 科 学 技 術 学 術 審 議 会 先 端 研 究 基 盤 部 会 量 子 科 学 技 術 委 員 会 ( 第 1 回 ) 参 考 資 料 量 子 科 学 技 術 に 関 する 国 際 動 向 と 展 望 自 然 科 学 研 究 機 構 分 子 科 学 研 究 所 科 学 技 術 振 興 機 構 CREST 大 森 賢 治 - 1 -

2 1. 注 目 すべき 国 際 動 向

3 ダボス 会 議 でのEC 副 議 長 の 演 説! Neelie KROES Vice-President of the European Commission A vision for Europe World Economic Forum Davos, 22 January 2014 Like by ensuring safe trustworthy cloud services; imposing legal obligations to manage cyber risks; having effective systems to prove you are who you say you are online. Better cooperating and combining our strengths. Investing in research and innovation including for, say, quantum computers and encryption technology. And with a vibrant European market providing the tools you need to stay secure. Ensuring the safeguards that mean people can trust big data and seize online opportunity. europa.eu/rapid/press-release_speech-14-49_en.doc

4 英 国 の 量 子 テクノロジー 政 策 (2014 ~)! UK National Quantum Technologies Programme by EPSRC (UK) 270M( 500 億 円 ) / 5 years (1) 120M for New Research Centers; The University of Birmingham - Quantum Sensing and Metrology The University of Glasgow - Quantum Sensing / Imaging The University of Oxford - Quantum Computing / Simulation The University of York - Quantum Communications (2) 150M for fellowships, student training and several major innovation activities and defense.

5 英 国 の 量 子 テクノロジー 政 策 (2014 ~)! UK National Quantum Technologies Programme by EPSRC (UK) ( 重 点 分 野 1) 量 子 通 信 : 盗 聴 不 能 な 情 報 通 信 Quantum Secure Communications: As the secrecy of quantum communications can be measured directly, they have inherent potential for distributing secure digital keys on networks. Quantum key distribution is widely regarded as one of the first quantum information technologies with commercial applications. Working systems already exist and are applied to niche applications. The opportunity now is to realise the breakthrough in affordability and secure network integration that will enable widespread use of the technology. Next generation quantum communication technologies will be based on distributed quantum entanglement. This can be used to create quantum networks that implement more advanced protocols, such as quantum-secure database query or distributed quantum information processing. Here the emphasis should be on the realisation of scalable network architectures, low-cost solidstate sources of quantum entanglement alongside the creation of new secure protocols and applications. From EPSRC National Network of Quantum Technology Hubs Call document

6 英 国 の 量 子 テクノロジー 政 策 (2014 ~)! UK National Quantum Technologies Programme by EPSRC (UK) ( 重 点 分 野 2) 量 子 測 定 : 量 子 デバイスの 性 能 評 価 ;GPS; 電 子 株 取 引 Measurement underpins commerce; the definition of standards for trade and industry is the basis for a thriving economy. Next generation metrology capabilities will be based on quantum phenomena, and will deliver new standards for time, frequency, mass, length, charge and other key fundamental measures. These will have immediate important applications, such as miniaturized, robust, atomic clocks that can act as "fly-wheels" for GPS. These will enable better standards for rapid electronic stock trading, for instance, as well as new navigation opportunities. Further, new measurement methods and devices derived from quantum metrology approaches and new methods for certification of such techniques and instruments, will enable validation of other Quantum Technologies, such as detectors for quantum sensors and register readout measurements for quantum computers. From EPSRC National Network of Quantum Technology Hubs Call document

7 英 国 の 量 子 テクノロジー 政 策 (2014 ~)! UK National Quantum Technologies Programme by EPSRC (UK) ( 重 点 分 野 3) 量 子 センサー: 超 高 感 度 医 療 検 査 ;セキュリティ 環 境 モニタリング Sensors are now ubiquitous, but are often limited by their precision, size and efficiency. Quantum sensing technologies harnesses the advantage given by quantum systems to provide measurement precision beyond conventional methods. This approach will enable sensors to be deployed that can detect at the single molecule level; that can sense ultra-weak electromagnetic and gravitational fields with unprecedented precision. These sensors will provide new paradigms for healthcare and medical imaging technologies; security and environmental monitoring; and manufacturing of high value materials. From EPSRC National Network of Quantum Technology Hubs Call document

8 英 国 の 量 子 テクノロジー 政 策 (2014 ~)! UK National Quantum Technologies Programme by EPSRC (UK) ( 重 点 分 野 4) 量 子 シミュレーター: 化 学 スケールの 量 子 現 象 のモデリング; 医 療 から 材 料 開 発 まで The modelling of real molecules or materials at the atomic scale is key to technological problems ranging from the interaction of drug molecules with their targets, to the nature of high-temperature superconductivity. This approach relies on modelling quantum phenomena at the chemical scale and is very difficult using purely classical computers, because the effort required to achieve an accurate result scales very rapidly (in fact exponentially) with the size of the system. In the long term a full quantum computer could perform this simulation exponentially more quickly on any target quantum system. However in the shorter term significant gains could be made by engineering well-controlled quantum systems whose behaviour mimics the specific system under study, either in an analogue fashion or through a digital simulation. Promising quantum systems to use as the 'mimic' include trapped atoms, ions or molecules, multiple photons interacting via linear optics, superconducting circuits, or electron spins in solids. From EPSRC National Network of Quantum Technology Hubs Call document

9 英 国 の 量 子 テクノロジー 政 策 (2014 ~)! UK National Quantum Technologies Programme by EPSRC (UK) ( 重 点 分 野 5) 量 子 計 算 : 量 子 力 学 の 基 礎 研 究 からコンピューターハードウェアの 組 み 立 てまで Quantum physics offers the possibility of a computing engine capable of solving problems that are completely intractable on current and future generation conventional hardware. The hardware required to build such a computer would also deliver revolutionary capabilities for other Quantum Technologies. Quantum computation encompasses all elements of the field, from foundational studies of the generation, manipulation and utilization of entanglement and other quantum correlations, to development of hardware and components with the properties needed for fabricating a true quantum computer. From EPSRC National Network of Quantum Technology Hubs Call document

10 Academic (partners.html)9 Industrial (partners.html)12 Government (partners.html) 7 英 国 の 量 子 テクノロジー 政 策 (2014 ~)! & Contact Networked Quantum Information Technologies UK National Quantum Technologies Programme by EPSRC (UK) Menu ネットワークの 例 ; 量 子 計 算 / 量 子 シミュレーションHub NQIT (pronounced 'N-kit') stands for Networked Quantum Information Technologies. The NQIT Hub, part of the UK National Quantum Technology Programme, is led by the University of Oxford and involves 29 globally leading quantum centres and major companies, all working together to realise an entirely new technology sector. The Hub's focus is on systems that can connect together to form flexible, scalable solutions for diverse applications. These powerful principles of flexibility and scalability have caused the network to become the single most important concept in modern information technology, with incalculable beneficial impacts on society. A quantum network inherits these features, but because each subsystem contains a quantum core, the overall network can achieve things that are effectively impossible with conventional technologies. We have already built small systems that store and manipulate quantum states with exquisite accuracy and we have harnessed light to act as a near perfect information carrier. We will now bring these together to deliver a suite of networked quantum information technologies. These systems include new forms of computer designed to accelerate discoveries in science, engineering and medicine, as well distributed sensors and multi-party 'hacker proof' communication. The Hub will foster the emerging quantum industry through not only our technology development, but also an international effort to define standards for compatibility between systems, and by training the next generation of quantum engineers and users. Strathclyde Warwick Bath Southampton Academic Partners Edinburgh Leeds Cambridge Oxford Sussex Technology (tech.html) Organisation (organisation.html) Partners (partners.html) 1/2

11 ロシアの 量 子 テクノロジー 政 策 (2010 ~)! Russian Quantum Center On December 14, 2010, the Russian Innovation Hub Skolkovo announced the selection of its first 16 resident projects. Certificate No. 13 was awarded to the project "International Center for Quantum Optics and Quantum Technologies" - the Russian Quantum Center (RQC). This day can be considered the official birthday of the RQC. The Russian Quantum Center will conduct scientific research that could lead to a fundamentally new class of technologies in the near future. Among the potential results of this research are safe data transmission networks, new materials with superior properties, optical sub-micron transistors, high-frequency optical electronics, new systems for ultrasensitive imaging of the brain and accurate clocks for navigation systems. The Center will bring together about a dozen research groups, totaling about one hundred scientists of both Russian and international origin.

12 ロシアの量子テクノロジー政策 2010 ~! Russian Quantum Center!! RQC(Team:(best(minds(in(quantum(physics(and(business( International Advisory Board Wolfgang(Kederle( (Professor!of!Physics,! MIT;!Director,!MITXHarvard!Center!for! Ultracold!Atoms!! Mikhail(Lukin(!Professor!of!Physics,! Harvard!University;!Director!of!Harvard! Quantum!Op6cs!Center! Eugene(Demler( (Professor!of!Physics,! Harvard!University( Tommaso(Calarco(!Professor!of!Quantum! Informa6on!Processing,!University!of!Ulm!! Peter(Zoller(!Professor!of!Physics,! Innsbruck!University! Juan(Ignacio(Cirac( (Max!Planck!Inst.!of! Quantum!Op6cs!in!Garching,!Germany! Immanuel(Bloch(!Max!Planck!Inst.!of! Quantum!Op6cs!in!Garching,!Germany! Rainer(Blad(X!Professor!of!Physics,! University!of!Innsbruck! John(Doyle(!Prof!of!Physics!and!Director!of! the!harvard!quantum!op6cs!center! Artur(Ekert(X!Professor!of!Physics!and! Director!of!CQT,!University!of!Singapore! Carl(J.(Williams(X!Chief!of!the!Atomic!Physics! Division,!NIST!Gaithersburg! Alexei(Kitaev,!Professor!of!physics!and! computer!science,!caltech!! Eugene(Polzik,!Director!of!the!Danish! Na6onal!Quantum!Op6cs!Center! Board of Trustees Serguei( Beloussov( H( Senior! partner! in! Runa! Capital,! 15Xyear! track! record! in! building,! growing! and! leading! highx performing!tech!companies! David( Jonathan( Gross( H( director! and! holder!of!the!frederick!w.!gluck!chair! in! Theore6cal! Physics! at! the! Kavli! Ins6tute!for!Theore6cal!Physics!(UCSB)! Paul( Maritz( H( CEO! of! VMware,! and! a! past!senior!execu6ve!at!microsob.!also! worked! for! Intel! for! five! years,! was! founder! and! CEO! of! Pi! Corpora6on! which!was!sold!to!emc! Alexander( G.( Abramov! X! Chairman! of! the! Board! of! Directors! Board! of! Evraz! company,! one! of! the! world! largest! steel!producer! Alexander( Galitsky! X! CoXfounder! and! managing! partner! of! Almaz! Capital! Partners,! an! advisor! to! early! stage! venture!fund!runa!capital!! Alexey(Mordashev!X!Main!shareholder! and!the!ceo!of!severstal,!another!one! of! world! largest! steel! and! mining! companies! 18!

13 ロシアの 量 子 テクノロジー 政 策 (2010 ~)! Russian Quantum Center Quantum computing Quantum bit Classicl bit: either 0 or 1 Can be in a superposition state Example: atom in a superposition of being in the ground and excited energy levels Multiple quantum bits can also be in a superposition state Example: a telephone book Abbott Adams Ahmed Albrecht can be encoded in just a few qubits 0 1 Abbott Adams Ahmed Albrecht A commercial quantum computer D-Wave, Canada Quantum mechanics permits massive parallelism in computation

14 ロシアの 量 子 テクノロジー 政 策 (2010 ~)! Russian Quantum Center Quantum cryptography The concept Encode information in (polarization of) a single photon A photon cannot be split Quantum state of a single particle cannot be copied Measurement destroys or alters a quantum state Eavesdropper will prevent correct transmission and is exposed Security guaranteed by fundamental laws of physics Existing technology; not science fiction Transmission by tens of km possible Commercial devices exist Longer distances will be possible by developing quantum repeaters A commercial quantum cryptography server Id Quantique, Switzerland

15 ロシアの 量 子 テクノロジー 政 策 (2010 ~)! Russian Quantum Center Quantum simulators Goal: understand physics of materials A complex quantum many-body problem (atoms, electrons, ) Cannot be efficiently modeled with modern computers Idea: simulate the material with another quantum object with known properties Applications A quantum microscope allows observing individual atoms in a quantum gas simulating phase transitions in a solid (M. Greiner, Harvard) Obtaining room-temperature superconductivity Eliminating losses in transmission lines Magnetically suspended vehicles Ultra-strong, ultra-light alloys

16 ロシアの 量 子 テクノロジー 政 策 (2010 ~)! Russian Quantum Center Optical clocks What is atomic clock? Pendulum = optical transition between quantum energy levels in a single atom or ion Atom must be isolated from environment Precision: 1 second in 3 billion years Current challenge: compact atomic clock Application Precise geopositioning (GPS) Obtained by measuring delay between signals from satellites Currently a few meters Can reach a few millimeters Fully automated operation of vehicles

17 ロシアの 量 子 テクノロジー 政 策 (2010 ~)! Russian Quantum Center Quantum sensors The concept An microscopic impurity in a crystal (e.g. diamond) Microscopic magnetic fields lead to quantum evolution that can be seen using lasers Spatial resolution: few tens of nanometers Applications Magnetic resonance tomography of individual biological cells or their components Full understanding of biological function Reverse engineering of human brain

18 ロシアの 量 子 テクノロジー 政 策 (2010 ~)! Russian Quantum Center Quantum technology centers in the world RQCが 意 識 している 世 界 の 量 子 科 学 技 術 研 究 機 関 の 例! IQST! IQIS IQC MPQ MPL NIST CUA JQI ICFO IQOQI CQT EQuS! ARC

19 中 国 の 量 子 テクノロジー 政 策 (2014 ~)! China's top quantum tech center founded in Hefei :06 chinadaily.com.cn Web Editor: Wang Fan The CAS Center for Excellence Quantum Information and Quantum Physics was founded in Hefei, Anhui province, on Wednesday. The center, based in the University of Science and Technology of China and under the leadership of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, will be built into a top-notch academic institution with an international influence in quantum information and quantum physics, Bai Chunli, president of CAS, said at the founding ceremony. Earlier this year, the CAS launched a program establishing five top innovation centers in China in wake of President Xi Jinping's call to deepen reform and innovation in science and technology to enhance the nation's strength. The CAS aims to build the Hefei-based center into a model for the other four centers, specializing in the earth system science of Qinghai-Tibet plateau( 青 海 高 原 の 地 球 システム 科 学 ), particle physics, brain science and thorium molten salt reactors( 溶 融 塩 原 子 炉 ; 第 4 世 代 ), according to the CAS president.


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