t i i k e '. C 6 i relim inary l," ihjcause spy satellile.s helped a ct a s a del Jel Iver y vuliicietfr' li«at* '.

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1 : - C a arter o t k e. V "Oan a r s t 1 UNTED NATONS lu P l 1 - P resdent o d y PovrCll told rep o rters Ual th s w as Ma, M ayonr canduatce(wad KCoch, ot who. n restrctng ccer ertan c a te g o re s o ovall alon C arter lotlay oered lo cul he U.S. U e rst t1c e tht e Unted S ta te s h a s ban handed C a rter a le tte r pralestlr;g g the onl w eaponspedalw al conc crn (g c a c h o lu s. - -U -t 1h c t w o s u p c rp d rs succot ccocd n solenly declarc on behal o the Unted -n u c le a r-a rs e n a l by M p crr- - c e n t- lh e oresw orn lrsl l us< se o nuclcop w ea p o u ; -r U;9 U;S;-SlTrt8ta tc en t onho-m dd ooh sas. -.w c c w also start trt th e crucal proccss o ltl ltlng w capons.he sad. Ucy "wl ;w llaso. s ta te s thal w e-ww l nn.»«; clcar... nussl.us <lo lkew se and pledrc drcd A e r c a l s a chnngc ln;pohcy; h e sa d a s th a Tlw Tle.ta ld c n t ltt edlalely an a n d e d th e : c u rb n g th e rrcle e n tle s s a r c h o crcat lalc a oundalon or leller n-lat ;latons n weapoas except :sel el.ctense; lhal s. n wll never use lle weapons cxccpl cx n sel presdental party larty lew to New Y ork ro lett tte r to Poucll. w ho had oved q quckly to (cchnolcal develop vclopent w hch a k es olher lerspheres,! crcu stances ot anatu.n a L n u clca r a c W H p w lnrlrt A r o rw O n e : B» BlocathoO ghrrorapnotbe nprcr s c v c n - D rcd lcu ltt o Tto-UnttcdStnH!!rt.<r\MnROT:(r t r ntrnsta* conventonal attack k on a the U nted Stales, n a speech (o the U.N. G eneral, C a rter w as n > N ew York tr a w c a y C a rter arrved a l th e Unlled. d N ato n s control, he sad,. a s possble, conslhlcnl wu our r se< cu rty o ur terrto res or ar r ed orces o r such an A ssebly, lle Presdent sad a Sgncant round o cngage gc ents, talks w th h ead s o! a d Ughl securty and w a s g ree w t te d a t b y Carter, speaklpg pg 1n a stra n ed voce a t nlcrc cresl.s, n l tng,and rcducn; cng o u r a tta c k o n o u ra llle s,, -o r s-l la to o a g rc c c nl l..la..: \vthn.dclcglu ansrp t. around th e wortd and- U.N. U.> S e c re tary G eneral K u rt Walh lh e a n d th e outset, w as nlc nterrupted by applause nucc d e a r w eapons." le sad. "«O n a Tle Presdent ocus cused lls ad d ress on the slglll. cruclo consultatl llatons w th tho E o l a n ho tho y-ora» s c u l tr p r B t d ow tt l a z a r -only--oncr-ln-4te l» -q - > e o d when h r ttcl ;lnrocal bass w e a rc w llng g now n to role th r UnHed S talt tales ntend-s tn pny "M y country beleves Hnt t hc ll t e has a n d srael Ore regn nu lcrs n te r today. Mo osovoy ugoslavla. declared th e Unled lled Stales, w ould nol u se reduc luce Uc by to p e r cent, by 20 ) per pc cen t, lrtltng and rc d «Kng ln MTns. conlrollng w u c o end all explosons o h d e a r H e w as rsl l akeh ll by ellw ptcr to, th o l l s address to h e G cd cralatvssebly,* s - n u clear w eapons exc c x c q l n sddeense.,- - even tn by 50 p e r cenl. Then we wll wo w ork o r - n u d e a r technology, 1rrtrlClnR th e a r s devces, no a le r what th tte e r clalted W dllslrcctlk lpo! lport wcrc h e w aa e t by a - Ca: a r le r saldt n - S t r a t e g ;c c A r s H e w as apploud u d or alw ut 30 scconds (urun Uer reductons to a w orld truuly re e o tra d e and scltlng g dsputes d by peaceul ustcaton -p e a c e u l osr r llra ry," dclesa llo n hcade caded by M ayor A b ra h a Ln taton Talks wc a n d Ue Sov lovlcts a r c a t the concluson o De spcecl, Tle nucc d e a r weapons," eans, Carter sad. B ca e. wt thn slgll ot a sgncant agre ce ern cn to n delegntcs re aned,ned se ate d ex cep t or tw o To Fo reduce he relance o nato latovs on E arler, Wlle House p ress rtas secrctar; n the recevln lvng lne w as D c 9c ra tc l l tng the total nu ber o wcap :np6ns and ro Grenada; who gave h a -slandlns nucc clcor ar s. C arter sad. M hereby (Contnue o u e d «o p.) tdlay : M R e a l l y w h s t l n C.AHSON CTY. N ev. < L T ) - l H a n ey Pollock. ; law yer ru u WlnnlpcR, Mantob;!, s he whsll sllnk cha pon o the w orld,. Pollock puckcred up :n(l hlcw W tllrouul a -strnn classcal tunc.s nc.s loh nlhe/rs /n k rn. lloral M.s.slh-O/.Monday, Asked how le elt.alw udsvc vctory, he >>rnned and cut hwse Kse w lh hs verson o "A W lsllcr;»!( and ls l)pn." A noller contestant. Son Ar. A rk evtl. an ollerly an ro O aklnnd. Cl.. -aplured thl> e c crovd s a d raton when he peror ed wlh a outhul n ca. ars. The copetton drew colesla stant.s n hngloul the nted State.s and Canada, W e e o t h e r 1 g = u n A u t S su n sh n e Cbntnues Page \V\S.NGTQN g P.L ll - l> ens.se creta ry oper le ra le at lower allludes but nol a ganst Huroll nrow n dsclosed d 1 loday the Sovelthot hgl gle ro e s... hn. ;dcvolopp(:{)dcralon: onn c apablty to knck Tl T h e UnkHl S tales s suckng le luvulop - n u " out.soe l.s, space sate ;atelltes and voced con- ant :t-salelllte w eapon tor outer r sp ecrn over Ue develop un lenl. 7 desc L-scrbed those eorts as prel rel nary Hnwn a d e he.staten tenent on tussan space plor loralon" and sad, 1 would ho; hope- we could, - w area a h lly at a n e wvs st conerunce. n whel he kec[ Lcp sp a ce tro beng an a rea a o a ctv e con- T* also held out hoe that. s neat s leductos n lcl l," Hcause spy satellle.s helped a ct a s a w eapons could l>e acle heved n the nexl U.S.- detc eterrcnl low ar. Sovet stra tec a n rs agrt grce enl.. B; B row n descrbed Presdent Ca C a rte r s polcy The slale enl ca e. on ot Ue 20th a n n v trsary spe peech a l the Unted N atons carl< larler n the day SU NNy o thesovet U nons rst Sputnk launchng and. a s.e s. o n lln n g the rst announc nc en ent o Brown sad he ound tld( D dev.eldpent " so e w h a l, "ex explcl polcy" under whch, hel the nled S tale s troubleso e." wo ld use nuclear ar s, but saa ll.t. lllld o L tu lc M a g c: "T ncn?- s. r Q c rt.~5rs<vlol";l sa ld l{ e but lut rstu.se o such weapons, V a l l e y operalonal capablty." B1 ro w n sad n response A s p a r o SALT L soud ld : te possble lo lo (luestonnt aw ul Sovel satellle w eapons a a k e sgncant (weapons! reduc educuons beyond P L A N O K A Y E D - T h e 1 T w n F a l l s V W C A b o3rd a r d llal n he pasl have Ken k descrled a s n nol ho,hu levc se al V aldlvostok ot 2,4002 slra lcg lc a p p r o v e s a p l a n o r h e Y W C A a n d Y M C A to b e alway.s.succcssul lcbl nghlanes, nn del el ver y vulcetr l«at*. s lg lu y r e o r g a n z e d. P ag g " T h a ts y l.d(;enl - agansl so e k n d so Bll B ro w n.ad d e d Ual allho llhough the ade salellltes." to sa d when wk asked w h e th e r t h e n slralo n s orgnal proposal ;al 0 o r a cu l lo.lh e 7- ; R nssans-trould-nelully :lty-kno k-oul.a ercn 1.& 1.5Q0.1evel slrru an ed on the le table, la "w e ay - D E N E D : - T v v n - F a l lls s. C t y C o u n c l- lc e s a spacc saetlle.:. lc dccltn :lned to elalro ratr ; vcl-havc lo seue-wlt-de-sovt; ;(Vve!tttl-cTnn?= s h e l t e r h o e r c q u e s l.- P a g( e ; * O th e r-d een se-o rclcal.s-sad-.lheu-.callcd rcb rcstre le d and less arreadng.set.sellle enl." H ussan -kller salellte- les," wld destroy ther " T h e re s no <lea; y e t: Tlerc erc s tll-re a n C O N F E R E N C E ; P h ott o [ay larets by explo.sves, (, a; re beleved to be e- d [lterences...we a re sucent ;ently a r ro h g r a p l s l g h l t w o -d a y Q tclve annl-w e :-U.S-.spy salellleslt;tl.,a ;gre ennhalcaruol o re c :;st ; when l nghl a r l c o r e e n c e a l U e C ol lle g e o S o u lerlt T aa h o T co :o e o r whal ts nature lglllw : P a g e 17. N o Lt t o a L E C O N O M Y W A R ; P r c. e c u t s otv d o e s l c c a r s. a r k th e e s c a l a t o n o a b a t t l e b e l w e e n A e r c a n a u t o a k e r s a n d p o r tee d e c o n o y o d e ls. P a g e C 6 SoveBts can kayo soe3 US saltelltes Vetnaa vet o anesty prog ra end s tonght d a h o s Largest n E venn. 5. WASHNGTON (U( P ) - P re sd e n t reccve th e benets s stll not. C a rte r s a nesty y nrnura p or Ve tn a - UgslaUontlat x w;ou[d speclcall; cally rec]ure H B -. D E C S O N - N E A R - T t r p r o s e c u t e a o r e r C A e ra v e teran s ends s longll Only alxul.") a c ase l»y:case revew o u11 p g r a d e d UPl" d r e c t o r o r n o l t h a t s a ( d e c s o n p e n d n g o r U.S. S -1 p e r cen t o DOS oso Wlll uulesrnble d d sc h arg e s leore he VLlerns eler Ad- A lly. G e n. G r n B e l l. P a g e H. d lsctarg cs who sland sl to gan th e - o sl nslraton. could granl the e x: H-nets s TAKNG TH E sta n d b«beore. Ue Senate have souttlo lake k e; a d v a n la g e o l. nc now onc arlersde.sk,.f o re g n R elatons Colll nlllee today s.s en, A c c a h t.cr-n-5b-bts-4hau c r ah T k nsl vclolle le hll, whch S tro T hur ond. R-S.C., lel let, leado w tness n t)cenhandln-telepl lephone ures wll stop w as passed as a re.sull ot cong.ongressonal BATQod week o hearng ngs on th e P an a a T r d r t y ) o r t s ~ ta k n g :ppllcatlon.s ns at l p.tntt.pt. wten o opposton lo hs a nesty prog ro g ra and C an al reau ea. At rg h t la sen en. tllc l PureyrR P L A Y O F F T M E : M w n - the sx-onlh prour ogra C arter establshed w hch contans a nu lw r ot provsons on n. T hur ond has long oppos pcscd gvng Ue canal.. a o r le a g u e d v s o n n opp onent a n d. to u lv capag agn pledge wll or ally ou ot er subects, by he end o ths \ week o r t " to P a n a a. n a rela te d developd e ent, Ronald n e r s K a n s a s C y. N e \ w Y o r k, l s A n g e le s n c w ll aulo alcally lccoo law. w, R e a g a n h a s decded not to testy beore Ue P h l a d e n la la u n c h th h e r p l a y o s e r e s to n gtt..n announcng,g thal a d, Pentagon P entagon spokes en.sad tl th ey conwul b c causc h a s declned an nvtaton to a p p e a r.. c o ltee and o r er Pres resdent G erald Ford P a g e 19. spokes en who ter te ed the p ro g ra " a "sd s! c rc d the progra successul succes s -Tclcasw- «-guror-whlch-cowcd : -alwuuo -pcc- cnl-o-u oseupgc pg cad cd u d hat osl o hosc 3sc who had bce1 b a rre d,. coc e ro undesrable ranks,.. L l v n g ro v eteran s benets be ecaase o n--. S o e « veteran s n v a ro u s d e srab le dscharge rges gnored th e p ro g ra. c cate g o res w ere elgble or the he u p gradng A B B X : T o p le s s n T e x : A total og,000 veterans who rcc elv c d p ro g ra, bll th e PyU agon dd d r nol expect G a t e g u res n want ter s cut a s s l e g a l. P a g e 13. s undesrable dsch: c h arg es n the V etna n a n y o lh e "lo apply l>ecn NGTON l P l - The hree che and the tapes o thus htse ntervew s were played n.--...war. y e a rs v.ctc,el : elgble. As o-s ept. 27. a lre ad y were elgble or benel «n]y;l),(w9hadappl pplled. " tle r." g e to r.n r:d ro lh c r-a dd n b lrn llv e n v d tll W atergale cnnspralors n dra d a llc the ederal court t hearng h on M.helter the :«(ape record rded pluas,asked.udge o h n r. S rc a onth n elghl-yc 1-ycar sentences shtuld le ee 3 o p l e O those, dscha charges or 13.QG so a r d dsc h arg e s,. h av e l>een upgrad adxl to honorable, gvng n all. applcants w ere.re c slc ra l laylorcl -educe thur sentences to t e served. ser*. reduced. he a cc ess to buct uch benellh a s ho o lo a n s a and 1C.227 have wen upgrade<l tal so (.r, A Slr-asal. sad he would n le la ler n h e cases ea: o - w as truly orrv son or and rctrrelle<l those op Nxon ad nslralnn a des on aclonsot ne lat thatresulted n y covlctun, a n d G bll educal calon grants, and se v eral r lo la l o al ost 60,000 n( Ur Kulrlcs w e re. M tcell, 11. t. laldenan and ohn K hrlleh -llchan. Mtchell sad: lea adle<l thal snce he rah s, U u u sa n d arestla llaw au ngconslderalon, recr evedasos epl.27. nanu D ogpatch * sual order. Srca lud all hre hree en relectons "have.c w e lo.nslcrale n W hether tose sc so a r upgraded wll y nlervlew,ed ly a probalon deparlenl nt ocal ol reor.se and dstres: ress.- sa tre h e a r end, % P age 6 rdmot n d a l e Wc l e l n d T g a - / "X NGTON (U P) - S enate De leocralc, ll was alw) an u: Uy nunel n the Scnate.s Rolerl Byrd, standng behnd hs h-s r o n - " s lo r y... A u s e e n s..... P - cen te r lesk..snatched the a end ents ts and a one T otally sty ed by l> Ab}.nrek.nd Sen, H oward enu he lullerlng to ho lwr. M etzentau. DO! lolo. who b tterly, oppose C l a s s e d... 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and ore - one e v ery deregulaton bul have aled lo u ster nougt C o c s... tvp sccor roods - lu lerlnt; the blue opal a llcrn l d voles lo kll l n ;n three lest voles, B yrd and F o r.... carp elng g n lh es en a leu h a b e r, S enate G O P U a dder e t llow arl lakl-r wc an.., 7. 7 "! 7 sles wny. Sen. a e s Utoure»ro7.k, b - - assst ro.mondah ale leae?t~ntto ensh the lv n g,. ; ; r v ;. 11 s~ sho lhk r: ponl-o-orler,-ph r,-po t ;0 t ([n slo r M a g c V a lo y.... v... V ; " W M o r d e r.p oont o order... Ths s aslearo rol le r," n a seres ot oves. lle S enae ppovltr..m a r k e ts l l B Facng" g lle";n n e, T c e T r s u ;PX w.lo r prccedenl-brnern rng rutes w hch allovv the : M M ondalee gnored the Elouls to 1 p a y a presdng ocer : l< lo rule a end ents out o O b u a r / e s..,..., rs we ll-rehea learsed duel wth Byrd, o rd er, allow a senator to pul hack hs own O p / n / o n " yrd callcl up an a en d e O o tuuuurtntcd" n l rartcwdnknsrand" nd"ban- osl~ T cconsu tng e - > S [ H l oul ol o01 rd er. Byrd called up an a:n( «:nden. quoru calls.. S p o r t s Mnnrl-!nl-l t l n order. And on 1l wv ent a s n cecl. B aker.r and Byrd strpped Abourezk.... ost-, lt he senators w atched, so e and MelzcnbaHo o lll; w aponallcy h av e used F A S T S A L E, Q U C K P R O F T S! - passvely, so e wlh approval, soe e r n u tte r to S tale ate Uc c Senate S.even a te r a cloture dsbele.. resoluton h a d l«cn ;cn opproved to end he debate. T h a t s W h a l K e n G ob b e: l g o t w th h s s u c c es s s u l - - > rw a s 511 the w gnnlngot an o rch c slrale ated t eort W hen th e Brd-M 1-Mondale tande had dsposed G u a ra n te e d R e s u l t s ; C l a s s e d A d. T o s e l l, by Depc pcrallc and R epublcan le ad enso n s brng o 32 aendents, the ury c n p led. l was s o e lh n g a s t c a ll a T e s - N e w s A d -V ls o r to d d a y! SCNS S: rlo W A lu ) M K TN AA l lm r A >! K S T \B ( ) U llk 7K K - ; Uc/llbtsl tslcr-on h en a lu ru l gh b llto 0 nn en d n r d «l Byn: lu V D k o t ro o n e r t c r lp ll u u ls -.d.ays ater Lcr t-slorted. tcontl 3ntttBedont> ;2--* w ; y e s p a p e r - 7.-nlrul7 T s - : CO>HT dclwpy b - u s t e r ~ ~..

2 2 TS-r>.s,TMnF.llr, d.mo ll.l T uesday,o clobe.g/? e s p h e * r r s H ) ~ a Heaalth nsranc se pushled NKW N VOUK tum) - Presdcn lent C a rter ade a.slp W ASHNGTON lu P) - c are uch longer." C a rter s expet xpected to send a and clnc," :,"C altanosad. o the tongue (oday tow ard (he L e; end o h s address to Kvl- nancally co ortahc O penng a day-or long eetng healu nsurance propo.<al to T h e l H K W - s e c r e t a r y y U.N.. General Assebly.. persons soon wll w ; r lnallc lo on nato n al health lasurancc Congress early ly n next year. returned a- recently ro a trp Whle y dscussng tbe Mddle K; ast proble. C arter aord-lhe-rnln-cokt-bl :t-0 -hualth-!l5su c s. r n lln n o s a d th e "Althoug)! the ter e an s to C anada da (0 study (bat sa d." Kor the Arabs, the legt gt ate rglts o the caro, KW Secretary ry o.seph D e p a r t e n t o) H e a lt r d rc ro -h lnlng5- g s - (o - d l e r c n l countcy ;atq na.lealthcare -P a n a a n a ns u.sl l>c recognzed. cd," - X C ltlanonaltllodny E ducallon -nnd-wwc elare bus people onc-udng hlng h> c e rta n.. p la n, le plans p! uture health, - lu cau Palestnans... B "Our people need d rnatonal ade no decsons > o o n d e ta lsb natonal health lth nsurance s n su ra n ce s study (rps to West \. h e alth sunncc."hc he sad, le nato n al healt ll p la n t wll gong to aect eet every an. G e r a nly. y. E n g la n d a n d - a "H ven the aluent r n n n o rccbtttcrra to P rc s td t w o an-ak l c aord the h>h cost o lcallh Carter, country, every?ry docor. e v ery Calano 10 sad the publc has hosptal, every ry n u rsn g ho e ndcated l wants natonal T -l\ P h o n e s T healll nsu surancc. the healll ( O r u s e o u r t o l l - r e e ln e s ) - -.c a re ndust: stry h a sln a c n rw lls - n pn tr lp.le. and Garter rrppos e s T e s t - -ssl l - a t e d.c ongress ; s s ready lo debate the.. nuke ars slas r HOUSTON ( (U P ll - T he ssue, 1 space- agency cy wll conduct F o r 26 3 r llon Aercan.s, A o M another approach and landng p o o r h ec a lth c a r r e s an V S - * test o the Shut ShLlc Ocl. 12 a l unusually y heavy p rce tag. V ( M U Dryden Test ; Center, Ce E d w ard s T hey don" )n t bavc healtb-- n-. {Contnued ro p.l).. recognton that all have the Ar F orce Ba; Base. Cal., a surance. M attress or B p x s r l n g K. Me noted the nuclea :car club rgd to e x st n peace, p wth o h n so n Sp; p a c e C e n t e r. h a s not expanded ls e - e a r l y o s a b l ss h e n o spokos ananho hounced today. \ o W % you k n o w ( C hocq o N o r a l F rr B lershp n l years and ar sad dploatc relatons Dns, econo c T h e 9 a. n.m.n D T (e.sl w th H " h y genune codperatl *atlon, wo and cultural exchana n g e s.". a stro n au ts oe E ngle and B yu ntedl s P re ss nternatonal T " E can ake ccrtan that nt t grows G ood a th ne e g o ta to n s R chard T ruly..; aboard wll be F ro a lxal»ut700 to ll0 0 A,D... T W N S E FULL SE e a n s rec o g n ze zcd se c u re (he rst wth h the tl (allcone o the Moors ars who then rultn. R.g R.g. 8 9.«O n (he.subect o o con- bord ers or srael el. h e sad, (he. Shuttle, resultng re n d- Span orba bade non-moors lo eal H..c n lo n a l ar s.c arlc r lc t sad,, addng "T h e co r K cnl a t crcn n g ltccharaclerslcs, h a oranges, ur u nd e rp a n o td e ath. w o r ld w d e llulaa r ry ex- (he U nted S tales ;s (0 sra els : pendture. a rc now w n the securty s unqueslb sllonnble." e s U e n l r u s r u l e d p l nekhlxrhood o S:uo 0 b bllon a For Arabs, le he sad "the * * - Q U E E N 52e l ; : M y e ar. le g t a te rghth s o( hc nelm ONT, VM ass, ( U P ) c e n t e r. ; ",asl year Ue naton a n so th e P a l e s t n a n s Rosalynn C a rte r Asked l Presdent C arter w orld spent ore than ncoes C recognlzcd." and l addc-d; a "Wc L-sdent soet es ever elt t dscouraged, Mrs, " V MT< a s u c h equppng ng c a c h do not ntend lo n pose ro r u s t r a te d a n d C a rlcr rc repled: "O course.solder a s.w c..d ld.eetlucalng. tl the outsde a settle ; c n L o! ; C h c,.,, by.lu-govern-- so e thn] lng.? wlher you,-lke - l e a c h chld," he added. d, natons o.them ddl ldlce..m cnllnw a-shlne hngton. (tc Bert L ce thng, hut you g H e suld th a l whle He only a hlnk he the slownc.ss o do what youcn," handu o natons ; prxucep p rogra s ovr lovng hroug/ (! Ars, Ca - a re r al.so sad tasc.w ph.slealcd weapon pon.s. the process s verye ru stra tn g a l.r e s e a r c h nto the causes ot W M n u l r o natons seekng sec.0 B a r bd S t es." Mrs. ( Carter nld a ental llln llness s "c ru c a l" and W. p u rch a c-tu. s n nc c r e a s n g c T t o r r conerene rence.. M ondayalu rg ed thh e p u b llc lo -su p p o d - TTO K rapdly. B y P H L PA S hc.lealcalton o. a new $3.2 o re o tlt. t, - t e P n A rca, C a rter sad, l s lookng or r the "w hy" llo n n.sycba cbatrc rese arch., e.sscntal that all oulsdc o trouble, the boss orgetsnaton.; exercse re.str ;.strunt n,at bottlenecks arc rc always at (h er actons n hab labw eand the top. * N anla so that we ca A d d l» y. «r c ocollccton l ol U UPl P about aorty rule h ta l l c «ll«u v c n..n s :; A / trend o v / h n, e s t a d t, A A. D. P n w denng w a r that. 1.. polltakers. engul tho soutbenhal hal ot the S h o u p A v e. yv. 7? L 9 0 w O Fues ell 1 - A rcan connpt : T w n tr o lls d a hll a l But C a rter sad "o o a M e F F T H GRA la D E p? l ro M arlborough 8" ro B lo n a lco n n ctsln lh (he e world, "3 / wvrould o lk e to a n n o u n c e a Q c h a n g e school n K ansas s Cty, Mo., holds hs sto ach as none holds ore cna nace than v v t n a t e r n o o n o c e ho u r s : l be s led to an aa bulance by a le a th e r. More the Mddle Hast." than. 100 M d rdrea a -b e c q n e ll ro u es ten- -UAVar laroras-carr arrcd the M U ll72lm la ch :0 0-6 ;0 0 p,.-m o n d a y -th hru-e ( r-day tatvely kenulo ted a s carbon onoxde, spread" w orld to (he «lr e o at nuclear P o n e e r n g..,. h r o u he school s h ventlatng syste when c o n rontallon"be.sad, dd, urgng lghtng th e grll 1 wv thout the 9 : : 0 0 a.. S a urrd a y the u n cc was #as turoed on. T tc chldren were "K o o d a th negot otlnllons ad o t c h arco a l ta sta rte r. treated a lb o 5>ltals lu and sent hoe. w lw cen (he A rabs countres a n d s r a e l...wklth ll th e NGMASER rnr Extra Fr K l S 1920 Kberly Rd. Twn Falls y G a s b l l l b u s t e r e n d s l n a e r n o n y (Conllnued ro p p.. l) up to rc]) re]ly to lls to r e n to rsrh a n ds-sbkng; s-; Sen. Paul Sarbanes, d., sad the eect voce (ul\ ulvcrn;. ace red, Byrd sad; w o u ld -ltc -lo Klablsl -a dlclalor.shp-lnu; dd ;:.vcb k o-boen e spcar:c a:rerl ol >. (hose th a t g S c n a c, r d now nov a re seekng lo denegrate c e." he TtnT acnt) ;lnvlts.-kn:y:. sa d he wns-ed np c h a R o d r :... w th the llllnslcr hul th e ncto ;to n n lry n K to slo p One by one he tcked o lberal-lacl lacked blls t n all (ccuncy atul tu sty) ly u\ v e n t wyond the w here e BV yrds eorts cracked llust lusters and twnls o vvha s ra so all. L anl 111 prudent." secured edpas-sago. p Sen. Gar- llarl; D-l olo., call allwl t an"-l)use ol tlltr l r r e w ere llet n e n T -.v rc ntctapa: e l leadershp atlhorty and an o< u lrak co u sacl. "Bul,-,. c; c a rry the scars, and stll carry those W S Sen. Ed und Muske, D-M: Mane, unurled to sc ars," ts ull G-(X)N KhL.s hohltul k1 l hs hack row seat [ (r tryng to put a stop lo (hs lltn: bustcr," he and, wll hs wllknown turn te p er u nder tot addwl. d. "TlKd s w hat (he ad lnstr stkton s control, wraltl Hyrd. (rylnn g to do. T h at s w hat th e vce pro presdent s 0000 THRU AU>M.W.* TluTs usw H n h a d tonrc :,rort." MuRko sad: rylrto Rtodo:" take ll llu naorly h ad-r (ler has the voles to lu sak sal l M ondale w as not prosldn lng lo tu.hp unorce any rule.te lus. devsed d< over lu.steanrol nroll the bll,, a s so e cnlkrs rs charged, w eekend,; H es s tryng r to get the ox out o (le he d lch,..." And h tohl yrd o clan lane the rules "so B yrd 1 sh slouted. " he s tryng to get tbe ox nut ot tnonrarhy, sn onr*-lh;nr- n r n - n T n c tr tn nrdtt r lt lbuster n tn Uure tl-y L-y wll v he oreclosed Slowly wly, very slowly,--<le anger r 1Rgnn to l>ecauseo your wsdo and or resln h l." su b sdeand e ; even a toueh o hu or returned rd to ( He dd not rend th e V H Tatc leader ot t!esen; cnale, hs past tll- any t es s yrd H had Hcn an -The h e s ste a ro ller that s sa d lo cxxsl today s. actve par4- )at n ltln,. lnsters hut be nothng ng lke the ste a ro ller o the p; p ast," sad rende<l h Uat any o those lu w th hn now Sen..la.la es Allen. D Ala. "M y body has wcn w cnrlhtstn-t ln pnns-w r-\vt-nn«t -.-an-tn nnrnc r rncrt-n n d --c T -o h scn e -t -lh n d c n y tln o th e r s " dlstnul ngusbed S enator ro Soulb ulh n akota " Y o u lave (he v n tq. 10 abead w th tbe lahore nure/k has nut tkcn lattened." a end ents, canrc th e rulr,des.".\hskesad T he le rotund A lxurezk ro.sc on a "pont ot Hyrd. Aho.s.Tblrd (urusl lusly on a noe pad as personal,onal prvlege H-cause th e shape.e ol ot ny l>ody the torrent o Ttes lxdd ohd over l, soh lasheer been pugned, 1 can t help l n a t. Pay be] eh ll d Boe >eng strl ke S E A T.K r l h \e aarly r l\ nach sls aganst Boen; oeng n e ployes ro Plslr strct 1/Odge 24,CX)0 enlkts d the n-!l?years n orllaul. Ore.. and tc rn a lo n a l.\ssccal t (,( o Any ullnate selller llle enl a n o th e r 740 unon 1 e bers M achnsts and Aen>p;K lace K-lween loent; and tbe three 11 scatlerwl al ssle V bases b and. W orkers went on strke a;.s sl 1AM.Hals nvolved S s ox. olher acdtles n Wa: Vasblngton. he gant Hoeng Co e.rl; arly pe t<<l to scl a naton lonw de C alorna. Mssour, r. Nevada, to day a hc ons che.le p a ttern te acnspae aee n- W yo ng. Montana :na. U tah. 1 n c K o talo p r e d c te d "TTTT: TTTl rn stn : ;, r l h - ) a k o l a - a ;lul OUth "walkout would ball prorturlo rlon n addton to Vchta-s Wcl on Bon. slhu rs». L o d > ;c -:u -th e slrh e-co. covcr-n S e h u ll c tc d B o e n g s Waes w ere llveenl ral ss..sue l. >- wlrmts ro Dstrct reconltreakng sles des nr (he n th e dspute The unon ) - UKlue the PUet Sound, l - onths and td calhxl c the seeknk-a Ht per cent pay nk hke Wash..Seattlc area..- 1 (]>7. co p an y s per cent ct oer. n cach y e ar o a nn-eyua "H sltng.".. contract, hut tle lam say.s slhe ll... co pany rorcl only 3 pc ccnlcach year Tt>a. ru evtdeucc o h es u>s strke ca e at a.. (oc; local. TtTvlNAUS DAHO S U B S G R 4 > n O N - R A T E & : ol lam-dtrt trct }odg070 W.llk d n rh e -o ot t.- ~HOME DELVERY: " b y M AL: n o.strlk e spread to nrhn! nls w - o»ot)l.-.nnh.o.ho e plan! near S a ttle tu two r>nr S Sundo, 4UC.ay: * Ī M.onlh lluralalcr. 4 7& Al Schultz, che nc lal( o T " SUBSCRPTONS S S s.,o n n.v M DELVERY SERVCE or the 23,l00 1AM nenber S 00 w arned t could h- a lot on: , QCallYDL,! Mol vubcnplun Q(p p vod on)..strke." S chult also prcdct ctd,;un,.,r L.Uc walkout would shulluu producton o km-nk s W TMES-NEWST VS TOLL-FREE PHONENUMBERS ERS: 737 and 57 ctlnen. but lut a, «t, Rog»on. c o p an y sp o k e s a n 2 sa lll B u lv.c o.k to r d..-.4 * : Holltcr;T. v; rr; : : ; Boeln[{ woun a lten p to kltp Kw 0«1*T Rupel Pool W *(1}b. *ro e, H sacltesopcn, Ooklnr.Noqnd,,,, 67( 6782S] - Goodng. HoBton n.36-2s35. w as hc lrst strke ;e y ** A & u r 8 R.s V SA y -;... l.: : \ }. 11 L \ wnntww asllorcre Bank [O uf -s three tes belte t At Bank o daho, 0, you v can have thebes 3 S t o all bankng worl ords... VSA, MASTEF1 E R - CHARGE and DAY and NGHT TELLER servce. Any one tool these cards wll get you oast anyte e rorh bur Day and Ngt Teller ant hnps Anr wth VSA, 0 or laster Charge, you yo can buy"6tent~ al ost anythng, 1, ala ost anywhere. Wt th all three, you have ve the best o everywhere. rheyra.easyo.ge get at Bank o daho, s p l E Helpng penlopeustlke eyou AN[<or O KO*HO, NA,.. *.. O l

3 ---Asy lu orr hac] :k gang Concorde battlee contnues Envo} )y denes stt teel dup. C l.e V E l\n D (UP UP) - The a p an e se But beore a speech beore, a -gro group o A bassador-to-the- le-u nlcd States, says Cltxcl evolnnd luslness leaders. Abass: :ssadoor a p an e se steel akers <ers are not -du png Fu lhlko ll Togo plcdu ere s -no tkrs no ther steel n the Unted Ur Statca. as the or rlle theclarg c.- ; T rea su ry D epartlenl ent h a s charged. There -T h s no sucb thng a s a govert e rn en t The T rea su ry De epart ent ssued a subsd bsdy n a p an or the sleel copa: panes." te n tatv e rulng Monday that a p an e se,c told [q] an ntervew er. E ach con tu p a n y stceco panes are sellng ; carbon s te e l.,.opcral c lc s on ls lwn n Hc ree : n; a rk e t... plate at a substantal llal loss n he Unted - saa l lr.n n n o p e n e c o n o y H Santtos V p ro p o sedh Break kdowntes!s s Money!! - O e t lb eady or Har nrvestn ow!! Strke ends w ord. H e callcd (o loldups lasl ecodoc, polllcal and V and Mnnsonclkns aganst srael )lc a total o. B ourceothcdlscord. $lor), 200 ro th ree o th e r savngs hanks. T T - 4 S:..: " -n " ts srp rsn o to 3 se e how vour wor L0 rk. d a y g g e s l g p aly y th e blls, A stu d y by th e T ax F o u n d a to n she s h o w s t h e h o r s - - a n d d n u te s th e a v e ta agev erlcan h a d.t t o A o r k, d u r n g S.M A D lb. S p an n P Y r -... ". Rank g uards ended led a sx-day , to p ay pcaq Q uslsng co sts.,.trk e today - b ut t not l)eore g u n e n hnd sue c c e ssu lly N ote how low ho lo e en e rg y cos ts [8 a r e r e l a t v e t o nm rr,!t«r staged.th r ourll u r t, M adrd l l l KUWATTS-Forelgn-Ml.,. anthollupolbew; T k u lt ta xxesh e; ousg -and-o o( o d H Sbelkh Sabah A had Tl,r.c-.r n.r n en stole T S S abah told th e U nted N. S7.7P0 ro» a su b u rb a n.. G eoero] Assebly Mond. ler orderng M ddle E ast crss could plode nto a "nuclcar car w r " P. yees " and a down on he whch could destroy the pporton O F PERCENT OF - E X P E N S E \ WORKDAY W ORKDAY TAXES...2 hours and 39 nutes 33% %, \ H ousng h odu u rand 32 n u tes 17% % Food : h od uurand r S ln u to s 1% - T ran sp d rta lto n n u lo s.- - l C lothng ln u lo s M edcal n u tes 5% nprro,tnr...,..,,. 19 n u tes,. 4% 1%, V E L E C T R C /G A SE S E R V C E nutes 2% % A llotho, ln u lo s H 1% /", " T O T A L Tuesday, Oclooot 4. W l S o a l s c l l o s e r n g Q Tes cs-news, Twn Falls. ll,ho. 3 n c t y,... B hour# 100V. )V.. C o plete Hed 5dvy Duty Servce & P Part Depart ent Too A sst You W th All Your Yc GM Ttuck Needs. T H S W E E K S E! S P E C A L.. r Coplete e Mnor Tune-Up llncludng 3FPonts, Plugs. Condensor 5or and Labor * For Any GM B Cylnder TruckEngn gnes., Ml NSENC H B B u b... r n M n K e e p t : P G M F E E g r E w N t t TH A TG REA T EM W rw T \ etg M P A»T S! CHEVROtE u n n r D u Y - TrtUCKSHOP---- t LKT !! " - 4 NAUOU H. Kenya lu P ) - portanc lancelolhes alls. battla lles last week the n - Soal nsu surgents npk-r to w Hs s loss lo; wtuld leave only one strg rgenls advanced to w lhn 15; A.OKRS. A lyer. lu l H - tre ss anl return (he, e,t ran- rcgretlable." destnaton. Polce b ro k e.h t A c o sn g a lethal t rng around he town n - Dre Dawa - n le lles ol H arar on the east and AlTa s cxpccw lo t;rav ;rat sorn to apan, as l has lootlcr lool - - A s e x p e c te d, u s t c e rbs o one TV cca e ra a n y Ethopan [1 cly o H arar. a Klhop lnpan hands n he Ogaden sout outhensl..-sylu to U.lap.cs le se c o u n t r e s n p r el vv ltot u s M n ster H a e FK u k u d a who tred lo l lu he departure *1 a o r a n c h o r o, t h e a rea -a an d vrtually co plete.tlheradosad lls E lb o p a n ; lorvorsls \ylo leld up lo : h)acklks. Hu there was w no suh llled hs reslgna -naton n ro lh* an>ort rl and conc o ra s o beleaguere< red governents last the So So al conquest that has soldo le rs w ere klled lasu ; losla;ps- durnp a sx-day day. ocal assurance that lat bs w h at w a s d e s c rlb bbd l by sc a te d th e c lneodee tense. Kvn n engulng e large parts ol Thu hursday- n a b a ttle au ; G.w-to lacklnn. n tl t s ; w ouldlw lhecase. apanese Rovcent sources s e v e r a l a: p a n c s e 250 les ro the lowe er r Ethopa over the last Hls llsdlo to the east o the cty. ; n e U w -u l cl L u llloturn u n n Tokvo, he lvernn: Tntnenl a s a n apolog to plce po or p h o to g ra p h e rs, n.c a p lta l. lla ru r h a s, h rec T onths, ;d l(m Elhnpan troops were; a 6 llon raso n lu lle ncknow eded today Tth a lc TeeaS0-0~ th c - lx. co c-ar an obectve o xlh So :o alas Mogadshu rado kh <lled n a lallle the pnvt«n«.lapanest-boverntnl. PoreK n.mnstry oc )lcals terrorsts- a s c d - llltry andsy l)olle -. repartc lartcd Monday lhal n w o <h. t lv al G ara ulo tn the soutlr»«... T lc -ap u n c sc Red Ar;.ry - w n ved-apans-rght to -a sk - n lc "d e p a rtu re lo n d a U P n -. - cnlers e nded he lon lnr Algera to return eller the A lgers arport. h t].cknn wllout l)lwklsh-< she<l extre slsrlhe$( ll( ls lo c a c l. F o r e r P r e M llnster n ndra, K > 4.. hostages drank toasts :l Monday on M ondav. surreuerng lle : lasl "A s.or-llc decson n nol to v.l orange ul ulc-. lle o lle lrn o -n n stn p c s n and r e q u c s t r e l c a s e o th e strongest drnk prov lb l l)v o t r u l l " " " O- releasth.casl S v trnlay. C a l l e d» U p U ton;tdvc: ln Mv aau----- da prkanortl rel -o - and Thousands o - nuuorlles. ranso. 1- w as nut conta ncaclcl- ovcrknl. L t. G en. P r e n Most observers lure sad sal beorelanl," Pr e Mn M nster- T h r e e g le a n M g b la c k, l>l rtc - - been callcd o u t o U. h e l l l.cr.ssl,elellll,e=, Alera probably wll :ra :rant T akeo Fukuda sad,a lousnes then whk by th e U nted pollcal asvl» le ex- c.alnet eelnk,"h s lerrhv terr o ck e rs to an u help negotate a D ayal told a packe< n the guerrlla w nr " \ W. th ere w as "no la. C hand w as ground lo order ",l,c,e, tl c au sc the sson o he accused T H U R S C C T. 6 t h & F R l. r lo C T. rc<tulres ltar lltarv tranng and release." S p e e la to r s gr re e te d th e s a rvy. w y.. Coe r n an d se e our beaut tul rulng w lh shls lls.o "ndra n ew sto re and eet our rer endly G andh nabad 1,1 a.o.b lve " " U*, sta durng our Open Hous< sem ndrag adh)!" O utsde, rot polt ;)lce red te ar Rght tsconerenee opens DAMO H D S? g as to sc aler a crowd ot 3 - t \ REFRESHME REGSTER FOR lousa s who nobbed the SERVED r * # BEUGHADE.-Yuros. :oslava tu P ) Esl E urope; opeanecurtv and cooperaton,, courthouse, n ct te n lra l New DOOR PRES! and West European ; natons plus the T lo lo s- sad every a spect" o le acc( ccords Dch n a slow o,support tor.. Unlel S late s and Cat anada wan hree ust t b( be oxanel n a "ran k and ad ar M rs. G andh. Thev clanled onlls o la lk s lo<lny y to tc sec how well they------w ay and danced wll udv n the - have kept tlelr prose ses to respect bu an Wrlle soe pnrtanl results have / e U1 r n. slrees T h n k P E N G E R soges S u p p l y - rlglts-as-ucll-as otlcr- ler pledkls.oltle.two- acheve eved. tb c B5-year-old Y ugo; g o sla v M rs. G andh s B M E ycar-old Helsnk accor( cords. -. prcsde sdent sad, soe develop ents S o v e r Tler wves, ades a n d Prlco! o YugostavTresldoT Tto, n a essage to -th e pak pakt lu o years h av e bee.eonlrar rary.to, ocals, pushed, d. the Tw od.., lh llh A V L W E S T W N FALLS : B 8 0 ;.ona>»:w; (le openng sesson 1 o the 35-naton eon- th e Hel: Helsnk provsons, "p artc u larly th e asde so th a t she,e cold!cl erence. called on 1 the tl p artcpants to ; ltar: lary aspects o securty." he rw atn g c ar. p r a c t c e ;p o ltc c a l r e a l s " n Tlo to dd not speccvlly r c k r to hl. strcnstlen; the lvlslnkl provsons on h;n n;n rlghl:; provsons l)ut dd say y that heenl entre accord rust be revewed. *.. NEW YO lk lu P; ) Ar. F ra n ce and by the e 2nl.y.S,..Crcull, Court o Ap; \p p e a ls - B rltlsra lrw nysaresec! seckne a court order th at t l lted the Port Autorty s H-c -nontb- d begn edlall lu SST operatons at old ban. Kennedy Arport. T he. decson o gve the SST a 1 r H ow ever, the Port A ulhorty o New nor ally would tw coe eectve n r k a n d New e rsc rsoy..operator o the- weeks. eks. The appeals court was expcct lo arport, w as reported cd ea d y to le c o u r resptu [ptndursovernl-lnysln-thr-ohonp ap ers seckln to-nan lalnlan ls barrnganst by thet\voarlnes. t the C oncorde untl the ssue s decded by Trhe h e : appellate court agreed wll a l the U.S. Supree Court ourt, -... court.rt udg ent lhal e banwas H leyal Thc.latcLaclvty- tv-m Q nday-ln.lhc.lorb e ca c a us e l w s» n re a s» n a b le a n d dspute resulted ro ) the rtllnr lasl week dscrn cr nnlory. ET lahopo)werco Dpanv. A CTEN ) WHEREVER T SE SERVES g ;..,

4 l o l h, - d t z W lla E. H ov Chrs P e e k, M( TucGd.y,O WctOt ol Aud. 8-0u ol c-t( lbhny Nw»pO U purvuo" 10 Sp - l«->bt Hrpor o» o dor pt bo pumtntpt Pubt.thrr doly.ot.l Untl-aVusl-n-odo l>n u<t nc Second clav potlaqp pc Phone 7. K o o or lanla ; T w enly y o a rs a g o tod.n : o n to hc w orld s c e n e w het ; 2 3 -tc h sle rc to o rb l a : T le (T:c( tlal (hs! A e- s c e n ls ls \vtl on (he d raw n g l)o ard s \ pacl on w orld h sto ry o A erca stu b le d all c a tc h up to R u ssa n a ; agan, though, the Sovets b g g est blow c a e n DC G a g a rn o rb lc d th e ( ; A stro n a u t A lan S lep an ; a n n e d su b -o rb tal lght, b a r g e s c a le a d u st rr ; e d u c a to n al s y s le w as ; L yndon o h n so n -s e e r ; p ro n e n c e lh ro u g h " h s ; th e " s p a c e g a p w a s an re a c h n g eect w a s th e a n d (echnologcal obl: P re s d e n t o h n K en n ed A c rc a n o n th e o o n b e n th e e n d r A e r c a s te rosources d d p re v a l ov Sovets could user. B ut A e rc a s s p a c e ex] co ld w ar, n rc tro sp c c l, s e rv e d a s a k n e e -e rk,re a c s u c c e ss. B esd es th e hrea ach e v e e n t, P re s d e n t = n tatn g th e-! sp aoe-racg - n o b le and ar-sg lted. / wanted to take A ercan P g s a s c o... T h e pont s th a t A e r th n g by choosng to explo all the wrong reasons. T l a g e c re a te d or t d o d ed t to th e d o ld ru s h a s la te r e x p e re n c e d. ThU u c h on w orld p o ltc s an( t c o n c e n tra te d too u a s p e c ts o L s p a c e lg ll r r l)en els a nd a b u n d a n t retu w e re re c e v n g o r th e r sp T o co p o u n d th e pro b l c a p e o a g e d u rn g t h e r a r r r T - th e - T n n d r " tcchnolo g ). peaceuorno r b l l a n! - D e tru th s th a t th e sp T )P e h a n.a :a c e. U n c e d o n a te d by lta ry nt " o r c th a n s p ly p u ttn g been beore. T h e ed cal technolo g y.space a c h e v e e n ts w! a g rc u ltu ra l a p p lc a to n s llons. T h e e x p lo ra to n o r e about t sel a n d h u n d re d s o p re v o u s ye a b re.tq earn... P u b lc d sllu so n e n t p ro g ra a u e d d u a s s v e c u tb a c k s n Ac g o als. But th e p ro g ra s s T h e d ev elo p en t o th e nl6 a n e r a o ap p lc a to n a n d h o peully th s e r a wll p eo p le u s t how benecal " c a n b e. Tre-..solutlons to. prolle sp a c e p ro g ra now a y c n h e W a r n tr e a c r n u r n g ll KCoe act a t a n astounc tr a v e l and lve n,sp ac( n e c e ssty. T h e applcaton: e a r th wll c e rta n ly bo p o p u la te d a n d p o llu ted p la W e u st s u re th a l -space co n tn u es, n ot or p h n n stc «n esr-h e-d ; c e n tu re s w hen th e su rv v d e p e n d on th e teclnolo w h ch w e lay n th e re.st o t Berry swo (D W t " W e ll, q u te r a n k ly. rr\alpractcq n s u r a n c p c ve gorb o u t o t y h < l t c U ) S o M u r n h v ow od, P u b ls h e r - - M a n o g n g E d to r y.oclobum C<t(ulo.or ond UPl O(.<.q Cl, o 0 Srcl.O 6C 1PU dnlo Code Thutdo, clhrwrokortvrhrklptolnomcesw.ot<{ Suwor cucop Sotudoy al 13: dohb.b33q.,b».mag Vllloy No». )ppa(ol!»mfqllk daho6]30l. c l pro pra alve ara rea.sons oday, th e s p a c e a g e blastec h e n th e S o v e t U non th re w la n d c a llc d l S p u tn k, s a c h e v e e n t su rp rlsec th th e r o w n s a te llte s stl s w a s to la v e tren en d o u y o v e r th e n e x t 20 y e a rs, all o v e r ts e l n a ru sh lt a c h e v e e n ts. T e anc e ts o u t-s p a c e d A e rc a. T n lagl w h e n C o s o n a u t Yr; : e a r th a o n th beore )a rd le w A e rc a s rs ;h t. s e n ts o o u r - n o to n n -as o n e re s u lt o S p u tn k n e rg e n c e to r e a l n atonal ls S e n a te n v e s tg a to n V o a n o th e r. B u t th e o st ar- e to ta l eco n o c, poltcal )zato n o u n te d (o reac e d y s g o a l o la n d n g an beore s technology- d- anpow en o v e r th e b e st e o rts, the e x p lo ra to n w a s born o the :l, th a t b rth g h t b e ob- e a c to n lo p r e a tu r e S ovet re a t o S o v e t te ch n o lo g cal nt, K e n n e d y s, o tv e or CG wa&-,ore p o ltca-u an. A o n g o th e r th n g s le ;a n s n d s o th e B ay o le r c a w a s d o n g th e rglt lore a new ronter, but or r th e p r o g r a a t ts o u ts e t n s a n d p u b lc a p a th y t h a t t h s a g e c o n c e n tr a te d too a n d e a r o S o v e t o tv e s, uch o n th e gee-w h z ra te r tta n.te..p r a c tc a l eturns A e r c a n t a x p a y e rs space n v e s t e n ts, oblenr, th e -s a c e p ro g ra e a t o n a r t r a u a l Vet- ) T n a n y A 7 n e r lc a n B ~ th s not, could not b e separated s p a c e p r o g r a w a s uch c e d.n o t a n d.h a s.n o L. been n te re s ts. t a c h e v e d uch nga an w ere he had not )gy w h c h h a s sp u n o obr w ll s a v e llo n s. T he )ns h a v e h e lp e d to eed on o s p a c e h a s to ld a n d h s e n v ro n e n t th an y e a rs o s c e n c e h a d been nt w th th e e a r ly sp a c e nuch to a c c o u n t o r te e r c a s lo n g -ra n g e sp a c e s s lll a k n g s tr d e s? h e s p a c e s h u ttle h a s p u t us on r a t h e r th a n ex p lo ra to n, ll p ro v e to a n y d o u b tn g a a n s p re se n c e n sp ace b le s b e n g o u n d b y the,y be c r u c a l to th e w o rld n g tt s e n lu y T T a la y n s u n d ln g r a t e. T h e a b lty to a c e.so ed a y b e c o e s a ons o s p a c e te c h n o lo g y on le n c c e s s a r y o n an over- )lan et. lal a n s d e v e lo p e n t- o r p o ltc a l r e a s o n s, b u t or -d ;n x v H - o tr~ n ~ u tn n r v v al o a n k n d a y well logcal s p a c e o u n d ato n s o tho 20th c e n tu ry, b r d - T - y. th o r o B s o n e s c a la t n g y} c o s s d o n t b o th o r. o s n d." 5..., ond ndoy 13? ve S s te d e w a sed slll, o n s h o 1 a n d L T h e U S u r o re r s l onal s o a r - Fan W er-..- noston -.Tt:u.d.W - th e. pult-l - ratlu r :s- - - socnnc \vl(ll>ccn-l)ra - plncdlhcrlu.ntnnnlov.she td a rend wto 11 Ob- wth lcr oucr.al. U et brolct. On so e weekend c al o r >.nn- / le Sr g h t a E N o r GOODMAN Hh t t t to o.. vslteu wth the. too. all, wth ls oucr a Mep! tlls rend went lo-vst c a l stcpnllerr-l-thtrw-o- / e r s ollers rst arrage, lle slelrotlers wcren- w ere vstng U elraner chldren... le t- Tlc chld rcctcl-thls a t h s sc>eduk.-noln(4 ns l e d an) accepted the dea U c ls artlolenh a. a re txrr ed and retur lbrary xks. n her exp leen.. Fods rush to t l l O y e P W H ecd n a n * t t, let or the slt ot 1 deprvaton, oul o the K ordas ok. -SL-cess. alxul heavy a c «tle \! us - T.C d n lts kttdn-ntnn,?r-ttn-a to cesstul executves slows less llan th n ones, and a as (luckly o r a s hg. O wrtes, re arked Uat e r- penally o St.lKW a.un lesh when they a re we o - t- e s... o.u.le a n a s a w h p u l che e u -e u tlv e o te e ro t happy, ll w a sh a rd ennu e ll d e lo tc o tla ee h ese an o n s personnel senl you statlsl w asen R llosend a o pleorsy, - R e By RO BERT 0 Ncw bousc N«MOW YOllK - lu7;on; K audeaw hom M nelas T he.southern Governor rst. orl-d n Ue earl coon prolle how ut rapd urowu T he CoalKon o,n (CONKC) w as orced la: - queston: Hnu dnw ehold andrlvenale rselve!,: 1 ; CQ.NG.was cre ate d lu.., ot he aknr ur-av an-as. k and pdpulaton lo the Su V enera<:rst3 whch ltt. than any-olher a re a lut wnter. TUverQt.Uu.M l pnhes.so erealn thor hey h.veolw l wth the a tll lo ste the low eddllurrs southward - - A.slut!y,- ontly-c<nd P < & " nly pe d-w us benn su[)re e!y - ou she w ere talkh to lran d. acod, Slo cx-. ;. nd ; overnna... 0 lved lr lle week n \ l. ste p ath e r and halt- w tl, Lnds, tleslep atlersso n th e h Now. W H O Sh( although ho really lved ro.tepalher. On w eekends, h s st w lh h e r ather aul n.; w-trthllrtrel.dy ler kut a n ne. Ot course, soele.s to.l en t there hecase they lle rl ler and ls we and tlolr Ue 1,\t S as, t w ere h er stlool l:h usual, t e ;rl tad lunn. anol t th a t, n any a les,ds ; calendar.-and ehlde \.turned on schedule lke red; Lxpereee, ales were wan >the n>scu< 1there w ere no Krtes H h e art to rescue ro sv the al co es Mchael eas ss, wll n.n alnc d ala lle uo Sn ---, RUSSELL BAKER \S 1 the -a-:.tnv-y-h.-r,«w -Mc- w sta le x e c a v s a re a u l.l.lt d a re unlkelv -. t.-..;;-- ;«h, -One leadhunty; \\\. hal, F at phple pay a wc nd, or th e r excess w eed n he conorale wn lel nhss24l),0(h)char,.s r ot ( ons<ldaled, w asul te [Uuuh lo sla y hap>y o a and sod.t w ater, hut w hen o tlsle slk e th e.se well, l onk on a hanana crea - pe gonal T M N D L N * Pul. N cw ss crvcc.md onal coaltons appear to. k lasco e dtl nors Conterenct nvas llu- [,.arly us to w ork on a -.,, :)w lo avod he pnles tsl.,.ullhe;st(!overno s last year to.a n sw er tle N, ldoleadsalxve vlvr t e? P a l. lq.ucubluealel.-».,k;»t.ns. he lt ol nsness ne Sun Hell slates, and tle ecn: ll.the N o rth e a s th a rd e r. c urnr nsl y e a rs hlter,n; h ar L.MdwastlaUs;»r«n lln> - to )row neoaltllon A lready, ; the.nrlheast eoallt n,\ w ol ederal deeh- exr, o ndu-l l;y he CO.SKt,, rane un stre lch c d n u l n o n c h a n s o s (rtrsllncs - chans tnrged o: d r c M lo d arrag e bo- Th vth s were. t w as he other who had dtte all hs, She d low n up w lhhe hlotoclcal a ly w as xed. Pe W. he conlnal spllttn and rt c lea r a les re nded her ol etera, croscopc socal dsease: :-w asn t-th l the-w o n-cour ndwrt.nh on the dvorce a«ree rt-ane contracts. She kn«w : people wto had a or er hustra nnon. She d once K-en lo a party uests w ere nt alely conu Hut l stll sounded -s lollywoo( nde<l so R chard Burton-lCl7.ah de sher-d elhe Heynnlds, She d h e ard recenlly lhal the las th e novel -C ouples had spll, sel, ohn tpke, was p r a rry M nrtha-1c hnnt"lr 5 arrel to Alex R enlard who w as r.loyce H arrnt-ton who was once e rh e rt U arrln lon who was he c,e H arv ard C lass ot 1951 had prodn \U,U ds- artal-)ew s.all..o-l :hts - w hch had heen [ro! other deca d e -. tasled. slenralon!tlelreaw owo.s \ see, th e w oan was slll une.dslrhlon o lushauls and anted lo he alle lo tell the arrta n e r a n s He w aved th e slaltslcs hunrl. vmrh, who, al 107 pounds andlh asly oulaevera-d the l.". po he eoveled poslon o vce p n p la n cc -w th -K ttlc n d -n n t r Holas \Ve a re not n eo pance :;nnsw orth..1,0 read the r. onlhly executve we n. hel nt lhl Washnlnn Toht-nt n:sdents: :7. Tula! werlt ot vu;,.r,;.7 xnnds A verage wehl o ve lkhlv over M pounds w ont ;w or1h" -.No, Mr, sad S a rn sw o rlh..we.don t put M)c.l;rd on 1 he,slee D eparl enl s ;nn«<url " - : : a\cra eam-;hm:ur(s l.ll.. S arnsw orlh sad - W e ; UH punder.s lo vce presdences Ul o ur weuhl up to he ereral n.\e also had lo hrn; n-ve wo e lt n zonked or sex dscrn : w n l-an;e ro? to loh pound vera-e ucul dow." "And w hy.- askel.1 H wlh ls leans sle, "ldn l ll n tr U> -n n rrn rn n tn1t%r»«-pndat vewoen ann /roy7(o 111 -H e rea s a h le, - H S )lea(led. ynu usl dont ):o(>ut n oul up :o pound woen any coalth ol.e> le>*;a-ch Center nc. and h ldw esl U eseareh tnsllule, lh»unl-lle t; sta le s covered ); ona..vcr -r. per cencr pt opulao: lhe.se sla te s n re v e d enl ol the w ane aul salary d ade tor deense SDcnd: ll y7;>- s urm -eu-ade--- dutese. 7r)... New V.CU k lov. llugt 1. C.nrey. \ le stdy "A C ase ol neuly a lten s n D etensc Kxpedlu-e ud l clea-k-.showed ww hc-ed en s delesc prlce.slad eonn cnnone pnhlc saleclnthen. C arey charged lte.se.dete.se p creas-.-d uenploy el and creal a-dsh-\ n he re;o, wh -o n n r-tn ) s-n -th c -o» r-rr lalon. -. Al t s nol (lu) to (;el ny helu ohe.nv, V ork.ovcrnor. w losau: oslneton ndket or t.seal U7 nly. per cent o the unds!o,llur ence l lo sle p parent.s -sco rccard. S d oul o broken contnual re-> - T h a t w ; r n e we; reuc< s atched r tteully con; hl, on he he noton th a t She overhear. P er anently..startled her: d reor nc o "A te r gel v T o oves,o h a t tor every ases. w as lannlly, e ents. Or. on steps, nrslep-] w any nul>er W as ths w( band o r w e n hnd lved n ; a rty w here hal w;ys unable onecled bv a w e re now ole Would the! wood d her.. se n se o lux l7.abelh T avlor- unahletocopc T he woan lasl o couples th a t every (;e pll. The atllor to accept the p rep a rn g to T hey a re e w lrrw.ts~t5nco w ar. Btpcr:.-as now a rre d orth eu n k n o ce arred to Thnknn ; he onlv tulcher especally l oduced. - a t a n. Th- -ter-co p u ler palron-ntly ro;ra ed n lh h e ra ll -.srupto: d ld -.b y -a. os ocety w(;n who. uneasa- wlltlhe per anence, nd wves. She T heb o;,rra;e wlhoul a Was...; l-rly al S ar - all deted d d-llwdhn);, h as c a re po/d Bendel or,l.h. sluh e p esden or lo relace l t rw rllh n a n o u W ell.hestll to a crunch nee w e);hlwse. vu.uld o; a- reslls o he uore.seen,heh would havr he kept : t-ntntlh*r-4(-w>» ;rnnt!r t r veep-esulents- oves he 1 v ee presdents- (,.slnvu n -onl do. S ar - "All Con: dered to p ll. present <ua on tns copany "Youean n«lo have us "T ha e Bl,ll e S slead :. pound, l Ve nnlt lerw r sraro - es ths ontl lo -U nder - al dehnes, hul t....verwe w oen lo av.nd ;,s you very :rnat..t h e -lul vou uls.,pulls our nl huhl e v u n u -u -s.. hs a ous n o r presdel n r U. yor, S arn lhal nl w-e ndarn-nsttvtrt: r K r t n h l lonnp nds. see a lol ot S a rn sw o rlh l,v " n lh e s lr e e l and "You a n ly um-e The> M red.t H ons sp d he.n orlheasl- N»rlh<-asl an e, slkuvs tal Sx slale: d by h r repurl M nnesola. p the natons Wsensln ved only 17 per -.. V dshrseenls Carev, en. CO N K C and se-.speudnn-n...w,rk. r«l h ho.sted n W; 5y. wh reased onth lly Re-oal, co M O d w a s lures, y3u.77. ls enle ;-eder;u-uv;r-. o... nlnbutel lo th e M assachusel lenorthea.sl sland. Kln pollcle.s led lo shappo-lc eated econo c V er ont. A w hle spurrr vnocral.s r -rr};on-5o(- th e - rnv" -..n dependent, bellec, aeeord ; oul teeause: sad he n llary, n,c sta l :U7 appronales U llraconsen Ur, Slates o tle,t s,.w lla l B leetng She was unco ortable w th -e-.seuleenl o- ehlhlren a s tl ces. They all- see ed to n dnacsand.addre..sc.;.. he whole. he chldren accepted a rd snatches o converhalon? t r: -A re your p a re n ts stll a rre arred and dvorced,,." l.seen.ry one o the chldren w hose an ly, rrevocaw y ;-d cstro y e d." th rw hnson ltntnw onoxtcdetl,p-parents. w orse?.m ost o h e r qwn general l lrht orever" stru c tu re s l so e locpe wlh change a s adults. T len ter nally ntlcxhle. le kds who w ere Krown up wt Xw ore/lexhle? O r would the npew hpor. cnce? lan ddn t know. She had a Kul ee! ( eneraton o chldren s lrourll le world n whch th e r p a re n ts l\ otlonally equpped to hl he lorhnpsthey arc-equnllyunptvpt now n:tlerow nadulu ood.. alkut t Rave h e r a heada snce she w as-lsten n d c a re t h e c h ld c o n tn u e d,.slo v ;ly. She had another conl wo aler and her sen nlher w ho l;.cx-l sbad-wlo s a rre d lo.,.\yoprphahyonce beleyec Boston Globe N ew spapcrc o pan: ashlngton Post W rters Group dow nlo skeletons out there,..h. relh n erlla n y o u are." ddered.s o - so w oen w ere ph e h a l.lle h ea d or.consoldnted ;l ll had a pound or wo toose t ch n he hoarl roo. Meanwhl ; ore and eat less to w rea :n crses. Hul tor now. WashlnRto,1 aw av ro the d(hr.b. ste tr M W tn r n tc n -.s n tw y : e had.-nn Fu s le a s le p re p a t.ondon. onsoldaleds vce presdents ar pul a :!D pounds hy he end r luarler, he sad. :;ut;..u.," uaspeds ar sw orlh ncludes vou, S arnsworlh.,he, sad S a r sw o rlh, " a ls l Fll cost each and every one r Federal l.awwerenol allow ed t ve ;ll chare on exeellves ay ry well know,"-sad.l.h., (lu-knuw whal tll. ean..b..sur ;hl now that Wasln»<ton s kecp -S.-S:uwe.kecp la rd lubs on the 1 roser, lt you know and know, ve let the do \lh en theyre leslu h rrtrn rs n e T p d o rn n ttp c c tn r o atly tssue r.sl o when they a re HrK e, Sar.sworlh-. H "C o e al a banana spll " )rout Ol andmdwesl. les.m assachusells, Mch :. llode sland. V er ont wll (el no conslnclon und credted wth lyunnh e archlec nd wlh nakh tlc reonal cou bruachud be dea-al-a lunrlhh Washnnlon, t).c., n F e b ru ary. 1 llh s ta le r al hs New York o: as ornnl. ler-s nclude Carey. B rendan 1. B ;u ra ;y. M c lu d...s. D ukaks sells,.los<-pt -G a rra h y o lu n Ura,s.soo CVneccul. Mln lcnnsvlvan. and Rchard-Sncllr All tnt SnellhK. n HepuWcnn..s. O sl/np.tpy-t M a n cr-a n 1, w asanork nal heylrt bul <lro[ se he nelullv.-d lled he ddn t needed lo ully, p a rtc p erv-atve Cov, M eldr Thos<n :.she ll(5 the other novornr H Lab( suc losse 1#! The proverbal ru deceptve oes b a d W. but conte porary > a l ost any day o tn s* tls vvdly talc to lw r S. when the 1 * 5 1 n u w agebll. By the t e the 1 l>eore l (vlock. or; y r p - co tnly had won l) l not a lall the way lle W = = n r = n. k L p a tre k. hav e turned oul n 7 Deocrats who tnvtr.support. On paper, tlt tt lhc - -. a s s v e advanla(e; they halprcsu Ld.spero ) have T h e bll beore tle lornoon w as H.ll. S?-)-! pled t. T h e leadershp called n? th a t Bg L ab o rs bg pack: rre d? " also ncludes H.R. W see ed lle o r " easure; 11 a ly stll nco ttec. but there Tls has been a bad dc B (rn a t)o r, B.c lrlr d sa stro u s sud; leratnn. pckelnr bll. Ths.l so n e e a se st vclory, pn s.t le y s tougler lls aheat - buslnc.ss county w th a tb e th e r and latxrs they b e vote w as so decsve tl rea ch e d to avod a» eellnr re p e a l ot Secton URlt lp provlsonot al-h arl s lved. T hs l e around, B he last ro overcondence. a * p a r «l- - ClO-workd-dllKenll; pllet local pre.ssure adachc. O n thc-day set asde areully w age a end ents, lo w ly. lobbysts w ere ane l5 B.l.. klcanwllc. -busness LQLd-! p ou ngldl polnl ed lo a ar(sht:-n ol»dyw as eyed ln T hs s,w!.nt..l.app,c n crease he t e r a l pany ro the preet S2.3 T hs w as less than 1 de anded,-but-t- w: honestly had expect co unty was res! negllkrhood Tle k ssues, H oth-sdw -w nt-l 7 queslo o a.suh- a n d teenagers. A cn.b. Most conservatves, concer une ploy ent ao L phttlnr proposed a odest n te d.,er/,;,ve per tted a n e r l c a e n. por cenl o the n whle, h e. onths o hs eploy eady or H.coes eect R to n h ad eanl the <t lled hs s 2.-:-. - not nkhdcd w y C lo ake the der ep ared to c en a g er and not hlrl w e n ld o w n 211-2lO. s a re or- T hat w as Bn l.alk ld o the O n he one vole thal r re st, lalw rlosl 22:-19: thrll. -ndexng uture t w age at anaulo atc lsl.lhha anuacturng wage e o us nendnenl to conl ed to levy os a th nl l e on ex y o re. e ployees n s aller ourth t e on an e Sure, at seasonal a use ent Lcpng an T te re arkable thl h e.v c c -..(tls w as supposcd lo low...b., w orked as,sduously n eshe<l out <7r. to eh c a.u ousc tn rr\lt ll X ocratlc. L lw r b, they drop contrbuted sgnca wa.s the "vto-prh h." ur- p c aran c es w ere arv 1 0W abhlngton: wer nw w ouldcohsow w av. chtan. W aller. Kcnsk nl a n d d rec to r or the C( r«nds at C enter, «d the Nor concentratng un th n llect o spendng, energy, and concept A bll w as nlnmluc hhn h e -week lo nulhnrze-ll( ry;. 15*71-., C onoraton.o the.n ( oce, th e parlclpaton o h p rv a te -sec to r,n d tn. B yrne CONKG. aka u l..l r u -sp o :u u r.u.l luode w tlch s ndepede lllon,1. c?u rgy prousals. ss dlng o W ash.).-.char an o can. a re n a tu ra l Kc.sources Cor Co-spnsors ncludc -a n - n-- N rrt.tat u c o y r <ln>ppe<l C ase K-N..), larr. n lh a v e N-,.M, A brata K. l e p a te., p, W elcker r (R-Co wn r. E M,).R chants,s chw nnr? he T.S tato rd H-Vl,), or ers es :rus hat -a p p ea ra n ce s are lack a l least a s ar.a.s Aesop, y exaples can ; ound hc w eekon C aptol Hll. We ;atc on the aternoon o Sep- he hou.se voted on tho pendng 1 1, le House adourned, a lttle organzel lalwr had won one t another w ay.-th e husncss... pon our and lost one. Ths s these thngs were supposed to n a House do nated ty TvtrTnoT d-tat rrp o tte. l the lt>erals a p p e a r lo have a ;e; n practcal appleatun, rorlysprovng elusve. :he House th a l T hurs{lay at- 7-t, the n u w age bll, led up the bll a s a key p a rt o ckage or 1977, T he package. MO. the so-called "L alw r : llat proposed legslnllon s but t wll be along soon, lad season or the lobbysts o " n -M a rc h,- th e y a d o a gent on Ue connon ste s w as lo have been ther provdnt b ehtu or ead. As t tu rn ed out. the ty or once pulltnl ls orces rs troop.s got d o w e r e d. The e th.t a tactcal decson w a s, a second cn.shng d e e at on n H-B, he rghl-to-w ork : arlley, ;, Bg L a l» r w as nol suerng ce. lo b b y sts or th e AFL- n llv -n d v e u n lq n s an- re durng Uc A ugust rcc ess.. e or votng on th e n u :s. whole platoons o labo nncuverng n th e corrdors..cssen.-wert; H SncU vln lnt n vew. Thls-was a L00d.,vas a b u sh e d : ppened; The Hou.se voted to al n u w age n stages ;2.30 an hour to S:.O. ty 19O. n Rg Unbor org n ally had was a b o u t-w h a t-b R a b o r ccted to get. T te busness - ;sgned to an ncnasc n ths, : key battles nvolved other -l-l-r-hg-ltlma OlMn-ho- r nu w age or students coalton o o d e ra le s and corned al the earul lev els o ong. young people, r lad st a end ent. T h s w o d d - e ployer to pay a youngster lnwage or tlp rst sx.! loyenl. L nder tle new level d v e anuary, ths w odd lercnco wlween S2.G5 and au uucutuuu M tuu L tlrencc wtween h rn g a hrng h. The a end ent lkr s onv vctory o th e day, al atlerx-d ore th a n all the -9:. Tts w as on th e a tte r o ncreas( s n he n u tc.):! per.cen o th e averag e ge. Ul>or lo.sl a g an on an nlnue the -t) cr-d t or exe ptngretal a n d.servce enterprses. And la b o r lost a n exe pton or w o rk ers n nt parks: thng, a s 1.say. s llat none o lo lu p p e n. O rganzed labor y n the ca pagns o 1974 and tsclat-k ludtku lnls r backed y C a rte r and c a n tly o h s d e c llo n. Ths roo stuaton. T h e ap- rvetously av o rab le." DnSlar Syndlcote, nc. ton k o New Y ork, executve CONKG H dcy R esearch, N ortheaslern g o vern ors a r t :lree aor.ssues: deen.sc nd w elare reor, duced n.congres-s lh.spa.sl -tle-crcnton-o thc-k ncrtv N orlleasle N C O N O ) wuh 1he cderal govcrn cnt. tlu;.. te seven etut states o l. thcll-p a rllsa n ca stre.. del o Presdent C a rte r ; ssen. H enry M. a c k so n D -- o the Senae, E n e rg y nnd C o ltle c.- ude Sens, acot) a v ls (R- QyratnrrN TY ntclrordp.- rrs<n H. W lla s r. tl>. ltco D-.Conn,), -owdl :-Conn.), Clab e P d l (D- ;hwdkerlr -PH.l and Robert..-

5 \. " ( W A SH N G T O N lu P ) - up.the am reso ete enext congressonal battle: tes over have oned lo gld llt l under a l e a d g,o o p p o n e n t s - U t-shmot lo ovorlaul lod. al \e a r. la b o rlaw blls; Tall-H Hartley a n loobclv knt coalll :lnn known a s R e p u b lc an R e p s. o h n M " nlr law,» dnlod 1)> the lu The l)!l No. 1 le te on tn» 9os and Landru u-grlun t,o -N atonal Acton Co - Erlenborno and ohn Ash- M g AFL-CO., -aod endorsed b; by lalw r s legslatve agenda da ths t n(hel<50s. lttee. brook Q Oho. )ho. "T hey a re P r e s l o H C a r t e r, s 1; year -vould c ekdow own n on Th.s h as been our ost Lutw r enters the lo lr ltw tla tryng 40 ake la k e th s nto a s pcncr.tt: tlo osl U lkcnu: rnus" eployers \\ho persste stently co prehensve lobbyn lyngcort d s al re c o rd ths year, crcus. sad lonelaborocal. test o u lls bclwo and ;u volate alxr lac Many? also ever, and we ve aced the Busness ntends to l u s t n h e - E rlenborn and a A shbrook-- *... busness on C.plol Hll n vew t as an organ.ng ltooo llo toughest opposton,". : sad he s o e s l r a c g y on t h s vowed to lg glt h t0 House rule nnyyo.n;. revtm the erent decllc dne n. A FL -C lo s Al nck ck. 0b- legslaton (hat successullyprohbtng the ro oerng.. - The House w as sclcdled k1 to t< unon nebcryhp- vously t s gong to t k- close deeated o r w eaker cened several a e n d e r? ( ch o sen ro * 7 / 5 CRn dcbatc o tle bll today Klay, Both nlor and anage geent and lough. other key lab o r blls llsea rller. her own -anl-unlon -a bll, wllll botl sdes predctnp ey le; "ve nounled anbl( b o u s t r~a P L -C O has las spent. Aboul 250 a cnd d ents w ere known as the? Eplovc E Rghts n B would-prenlr A lbuster tr : s 10 b 1) y n g c a p a g n s Slon.ooo lobbyng or the bll, oored,-hol o the,tl l)v tho A ct p x p rc trd t rn trs n T rtrtn k r S a l e s R E P. Mckey E dw ards, R- DKTHOT l T - Ford crd.p rce s o ts 197H Pnto, ndw ell sad the s all c ar and so e o s ts d n s te r C o lllo rn l.1. «, w h e r e s o e O kla., and SO other e bers o Molor Co. s cuttng stcker ker M ustang H and- Merc u ry reluctlons wll enable le tl the No. 2 nleredales. popular Plntp nlo odels a re C o n g r ut asked a ederal l a $123below 1977 d la trcl cc court n W ashngton,, prccs by ns ucl a s 9.1 per Roleal odels, a u to a k e r to cc o p o te But Ford lad cla lo e beng togged als cenl on ls new uel-oclunt l-nt Also lke tm, lowever, T, F o rd a g re ssv e ly - n the he prce- cheapest do estc odel on slcker prccs. :e P n to s and D.C., M onday to d e c ld e subco pact odels n an wll be annncng prce n- senstve s aller car ar arket the arket by gvl vlng ts Pnto Bobcats n Calorna already w h e th e r th e C oq stltutloa o ld at low er p rces rw u lrts s the t House to vole on. escalaton o t a buddng.1978 creases on the nteredate partcu larly agalt ganst the Pony a stcker prce o S2.99. were bngsold ;re. y e ld n g [control «o the P ana a sales w a aganst Ue apanese st* and ull-szed odels that go a p an e se subcopacta d s - and ust $4 less t h alle n! b o tto - than elsew here. ports. on d s p l a y ln dl e al l e r n encourage he pure urchase T h e r c d ua c to n s n th e C anal. T The sut does not o lne Chevette, c r 1 sla te s a re n challenge se tho S en ates rght to F ollo w n g te l e a d o - showroos Frday, a cdnp; npany ore s all, uel-e 1-elClOt M o slo lh e ro llb backs : vvll U- -naton s other tr n u r n o rll/ ;n range. ra tu y orre rn e c llh e trc o tle s. du slry p a c e se tte r G eneral spokesan sad. GM ral rased c a rs. a cc o p lsh e d bv b \ o e rn g lh o 5,7 p e rc e n lr optonal la equpent "We re glvr M o to rs. F o rd a n n o u n ce tl prces an average ) 7 per )er c cent GM alread y has a announced prevou.sly ;lvng a bgger (tl ta tr l;o VSC reductons Monday o up l to last onth prce cu ts on ts s ; popular such a s pow er dsk brakes, break to the L- people out We.st v n U y o u k o u S.123 n the suggested relal al Ford vce pesdent Dt Hen C hevrolet Chevette L ncar tnted glass and ro n a r wndow beca u se thl a t s s w h ere the W Cwov : d e r o s t e r s a s s t a n d a r d port b a ttle c lays U a n d th a t s B yu nlted led Press nternatonal. a td w al -G cne a LU M o lo r-d c d d cd F-l-n-hr T he hggest red eductons on lolt-ntdld d 5poko.?na-!;.TOr sp lpha s the oldest = *? = H the subco pacts s wll be - The hgl-lc leage a p an e se conllnuo"u; usly nhabted slreel / r \ e n N O W A, ple eled n egl lght w estern n n orls have e been reg stern g laton: l h as been oc- TAKNG C W OMEN r a a l l - - s l a t e s. not n c l u d n g record U.S. - s.n sn!*-!* ll v e ar... c u p e d -wwthout nlerruplqn..a APPONTM rr ENTS. CHLDREN snce Ue e 17h century V Delecl BltlM N G T O N, Vt. (L) (U P ) - Doctors - losla la o ( V er ont, w here the tea o sa y lle ap p aren t outhr threak o x*gnn c n c ddoctors o e t h a s net up tso e esrsa d n a re s dsease n Veru unt ay not U an "hghy ly p ro b ab le a l.hh person also 0 ded d. outbreak a t all. bu nerely en the resulto o he y; ysterous llne.ss. b e tte r e d c a l detec le c tv e w ork n Two 0 do d( cto rs ro th e hosptal 1 and dagnosng the dreaded lh llness..-nother ler ro th e CDC told a n e ws.con:. A tea o nvestga tgalors ro the ercnce, ce, how ever, the current r a.s- s., natonal Center ro Dse lsease Control sad cases : a, ay b e ore the result o ens nsve 1 M onday,lests now slow (nv 12 persons have edcal eal re se a rc h than o a new oulbrt break ded n the state ro the pneouna lke o the dsease, w hch tley.-;a:l ay l: have "t.. - dl5vasc.slcc-:\uu b eeaaru a n d u c e a c s 1 A spokesnan or Ue le.mcdlal Celor S ollc N K W Y O llk -b T h - Federal edator Assocat.latons ro hs W ashngton oce tce. Wayne L. H lrvtz says,s k he has spoken wth. H orvt: tz. d re c to r o th e F ed :d e ra l. both sdes n th e our-da; --day strke hy : u,<ku Medalo lalon a n d C onclaton Serv rvee, X q dockw orkes bul has s nt nol scledukd any recessed.sed c o n lra c talks ndentely over or al contract talks. th e week.veekend so Mth sdes could "reap- The strke, whch :h lk gan S aturday.p ra setherpostlons." e ornng, has stoppedped contaner sp Dockw orkers M onday conllnued to.-) opuralasn.m A ll;u(l»ltlcap<l Gul coaht unload.1(1 g e n eral cargo reglters, s shps ports. carrytt vtt; pc slal510 P d n n d )assen s e n g e r A spokes an or llorvtz r sad Monday shps. ate v ery port except New Orle; reans.. A th e edator w as n co contact wth (le n- where e th Ure docks w ere deserted by l llanl tl te rnalonal lngshoet re ans A ssocaton w o rk ;ersdenadnga e r ull walkout. and the.coundl - o Nortt )Ht Atlantc Slppnc ~ L o n g tee - - t o b e c - t t l ) - R E T n E D G en. Rlcha chard StUell, who * co anded U nted Sttc tcs orces n South M K orea untl last y e a r,. to told the House Ar- - ed Scrvccs C o lllc cc c : Monday t M-ould ta k e South K orea about t 15 ye ars (o reach a polnt.wlcre t could deend tsel alt - A ercan orccs w ere re ren oved. V A l l to)nakers ra D E T K O T ( U P lll l O o e s le ndustry s to ta l nr he thrd quarte r to... auto akers, slow ng.condence co n on- ], 2l,7(ll, 1,7(11, an p e rc en t gan over the sa s; e lnud hgh s a le s, have scheduled ([uarter r last 1 y e a r that toppek he old M B produclon o ore lan l 2 4~nlK)n cars set n n.lu lulys epte ber 197:1 o 1,yr.,.17;t : s l k l T a W g a r l 5 a nnc c n e w h o u s e atta p ast, andtoy lo w w e a v e u sed o lo n e y ro t or he ourth q u a rte r o t T hen le d u stry s planned producton n t le e s e years! W e re c o d e le d th e ktcher e n, to d o o u r re rt d e c 2 n g - a n d r? re odelng. G eneral M otors, Fort *ord, C hrysler and lasl quau a rte r would nol eet the prev revous Aercan Molnrs annonh av e scl the O ctolw r out : output alk l,)oantl addel. lo n th e nul>er o c a rs bult du lc d d n t: really w a n t to b uy a new r h o e, onced Mondav they rccorl rd ourth duarle r hnh. But when w C O o! n v e rte d o u r s p a re! b( b e d ro o n to a stud durng a n( d televson ro o 1,, h\ u n g n e w d ra p e rt Ue ourth (u arte r pn)due duclon;.t2,l().>.(hh, H uly-s eple lw r perod l wt ould b u t th anks s t( o o u r savngs w e have h e o n e... The ndustry l)ult t 7! 1 A. e a rs last p«luc6 a new rccord or the.;lx onth ( a nd b o u g h t sonre new lew. u rn tu re. w th o u t hav la v n g to n c re a s e o( u r h o u s e ; onlh, Ul) ) n c r cent?nt rc> le l pccw(mk-nu)r*mhan44-lll»»t kl pnxluced n the sane e olh last year The le p rev o u s record or the perod V et)dnt3tnt0w."t0" t c r d r r a l h :T T w e V p a y e n t ono n e.p e n n e y l w hen auto produclon shrank because o a ore e than -1.2 llon c a rs produee c r n s aavng. v natonw de strk e a t Ford ord. %r>. Producton n Septe lw r xosled the )u r Frst F ederal savngs a c c o u n t h< has know weve e b e e n ab le to ) lve beu er hlelped e us acco plsh any thngs n th e b e c a u se... w e re savng. ~ Stock tes tale dened WASHNGTON ( U P ll - T he Wlte Mou.;e h as dened ed : a report that Pre.sUent Cartel rtc r *. w a s n v o l v e d n th< anage ent o p rv ate stocl portolos, ncludng (hose o - O r ] 78 2sU er o r so e sx oh: L., a lerlakngolat ThcW ltc House stnte en t o n n] n g O c t. 6 rec-cllng c la ln s a d p n th nogazlne New ))r.k as d e n e d th a t T a r t o r Sha e T h e Al: -rtlkcussert~ue- handln g ;-Cr o p rv ate stocks w tl Clarle KlrlH). hs tn s tee a n d clos condante, or anyone else, r euhl ? Tle Wlte House sa d Carte prevously had lw en execute culor " ~ " o hs ather s e state, bulla tlad. --v rcs(yed llal [Hstlon on a 111. est o w!swar aga ;anst port cars>escalate es lv e o r l t > Strke talks set k T C H E y -. - v l l s o v ( T T t t n a -n e a rr- W -ra rp nprovg " se sghts 5 V R 0 L E 1;t. ~ ( P C c t l E P S 20 NORTH BROAoWAV * / ) er labcor law r Wk y ll. 1. w - t - - % 5.25* r P A S S B O O K S A V N G S V " - : / r> *- w r # : )% O FFC E S; 9ll S e e rs o n, B ro a d w a y at Bo o se A ve., a n d 10 So. O rc h a rd,. B ose 515 C le v e la n d Blvd vd., C a ld w ell le ro e C ry sta l B e ac h, M cc :C all E. M a n, le t :S. CERTFCATE SAVNG c rd a n 1001 N a p a-c a ld wcl! el Blvd. Ncs 712 E. 151, M t d N TERES T CCC O M P O U N D E D DALY llvd., N a p a at M d lan d Blvd.. Fcd-, Ldc! rckoblon rcquc a subnan wthdt.w.l un (rrv 3nl ncsl pcrhy (ot cly wth< e ERO QMEBRANCH FEDERy..."< F r t n g u s k o d h C r S c - A t u ll :a l w n g OF BOSE T u o ;,d y. Oc-lur 1977 T ner.-nev/s, e Twn Falls. daho- 5 F u n d n e a s u WAS A A SH N G T O N at ) :F o r War Varren Magnuson, D-Wasl., " k o agree ent on a ew clal lnran o th e Senate conlcal words. Senate-llnuse ere erees a rc all lhal a rc conen nerees are staleated over nee leeded or an agree ent lo the ; use o ederal unds or rcs( esolvc the thorny queston o alwrlc orlons, and a 5C>0 bllnn A hchcategores wh o abortons proprlatons bll s, beng wll All l)e unded under ederal heldhr d h n s ta g e a s a re s u lt. Medcad Slc progro s or hc The re nal words - " a cheap poor. ccrn r-arnrdlnr to - S e n h - - tgs,$ w l ure stalls w ] l L : Wll,.

6 CTcs-News. Twn Tl. s.ho l( Tupdy, Oclotr 4,197; L - / X A ( ~ ~ ~ 1 L o g a n1 c e l e b r a t e? ss 4 0 t l y e a r T a t NEW lew. YORK (UP) - Hroadway ay and SMAM (UF tu P ) Ronny televsed cs be way TV actors bold ll under a year-long Hollyw( lywood d re d o r ost xgan, (M.. n ade a o r a S; r o t b e r sa y s cxperen( cn by tb c Florda cr pstols. M «c l rs u p su p p c rclu cn u rm o n d a-n tggt-nt elevson-tagl aglu rtm on-w w S t> p n t Ho sad. M v, [h s s B, Rockc :kccller Center s Ualnlw G r (0 speak Engll nglsh. Hs law yer M rs. a o ra.sad tba( the e way w they bold (be gun. >bra(lng 10 years o th o. us sa y s ( (auglt h tld d b n w to k ll, wrore s(a ;(artng.school her son - >wkb )ok how well dolng".she S L - V (lealcr. a(er. Y olanda ar a ora lo o k -(b e -s(yod-bc ho e and.wa(c!ed sad, r.rnl.ullllt»;.or lls l.-llong - Sland n b e rs son s o r u rd er tral lelevson w hle sbe and her W eepng a s sbe dsclosed. M *M- c o rww r. r, sngng ennrahle songs ro Monday and u l sad ; h e r boy hlsbandw w orked M,-. such [ producton a s South Pac pokc only Span.sl Sp: when be "H c wa; Aas us( c ra zy alwut Cosla sla Rca. Mrs aora.sad p -. "Anne e Gel Vour G " and Cael :a e(o A erca loyearsago. Superana n. M rs, a o ra cha le had to leave (be boy behnd, setd n g the sccne or th ree yo He draper! a (owol - len P" sbe cae (o Aerca n od E nglsh wa(- a rn u n tu e rs - Suellen Ksley. e Rcba - ts lk neck and asked y GS * to nd work. He dd not» l d Mrs a ora. t Howard Ross. to open tbe w ndow so n h cr-undl l% r-w ben sh e. e he sot up n Clc ~ s n noslal c rentlknn o.seplc u p out.! (red (o rrl arrlcd Frank aora, who, Song" g ro Knckerlcker Hold. le lll,l V K. vvasnok rue." opledtbelw y, V hroglt glt (be audence (o Ks eel n a s(( He grad aduated to K oak. Mrs, aora sad one nglt pplause. 15.1s charged wkb v,., ch Mr; Urs. a ora sad be le «- cauglt her son readng H g Dgan a n wll 1)0 al tbe Hanltnw G rlle le or ncghlw r. E ln o r never l; Ts.sed and lked so llcltcr S kelter," the txk O S H l.l,( ) ( ;.\ N "o"*- *- w eeks.. durng a robtw ry uch h e! w anted hs slep atb er tout (he C harles Manson ls law yer. Ells to sbavc c bs 1 head lke acto r urd( lurders. e n d s tbc youlh w as Telly Sav >aval:s, Rubn sad sad. Ronny. orget l, TV ln(oxca(on" Savalas.. t subpoenaed by (he ba( guy scrazy." she.sad. h... T t l e h o l d e r b e g : n s c a r e e r not d slh g u lsh deense, sscbcduled (o ap p e ar Rut- be repled. ts all (h o a n ( a s y o \Vcdne.sda ay, gk glt youdon t allow e to H e learned DENVER ( UP 1 -Mss Ml Aerca o 1< : T lcn C or er Mss Colorado.ade h -vvral v«h O N N V 7. \ volence, and (he M rs.?. a o ra, w ho w as t;ad tbe ok. 1 know tbe c b ln g T V." ~ soon Kns her c;ror e er as a lav yor and lucradv v e personal appcarancos wl whle., bs sa l( actlons a t (he lle d bat back lo (he Vtne.ss lovle vt s gong to co e on TV -: says sn* S lapy lo : h; x; akng a lvng attendn ndng (le Xnvcr U nversty y.... M T s,!, ro tbc ( l» e t «R- stand.kla day, al.o sad her.son real Ml soon." s V ().A M )A A M < ) ( A ornng untl 2 w K llerlr.nsnsk ndo d o h erle aty. school. X)l. ( tsel s beng... \» )c s tc r> to sleep." < n.p r/lty -lrp l o» Kntt. v-pvscal cx:bcaut>queusconbl(l;r (ecng atlrt)les."!adlkl)ecc; lecca Ann Kng, one o erstr ro svcra law lrtnrntthroglt glr-*(: a ora, y 41Cpcrsonsnnll d lts hspasl weekeul (ley ay r tw w a cut n pay to wcoe an at- kllng a nc; p.ss«(le Colnrdo bar< laroxa, attorney. H aggart. 82. du r M ss K:.s;d she wants t n start usng Sle le sad sbe probably wll sl:y n r r l u n e A. Hs U yhrh nto lm lvn vlng, Coloradc rado w here a poltcal c a re e r ay nay. be RuDn, contend; 5. p Vave goo y d b y e - k n d e leong. o l a vct o " P 7:1SP.M0NY - P r n c e t o b e g n[1 t r a n n g vst and could n< b e tw e e n (h e Rac9 P er b u r U «, r,- tl.!"" l Yokurgang t C h a rla lre w n l e realty o bs ( c l r s l eo deshoo z \ - E N T E R PR S E. Ala; (U P) - A r y " trncl.o p ro p erty," and a local c a r de: l e a le r KMPH.S, Tenn T e (ral e ( c( r y M d o w a NEW Y 0 q < ( U P r - : ocals sad Mond.y > P Prnce Molaed, s;ld le be t; las l>oc contacted atxul leasn sng a p,. t- 1,. and (aken Say-g ly gthklbylo (le Yku /O l u d. s e ] A F asal o Sdl Araba A wll xgn leet o c: c a rs or Fasal and hs entourage au-- vew the graves n a ly a n d D o g p atcb. \ * ve ste lcllcoptor lll ralnln nng Feb. 13 a( Ft. - Tle(n e (ranng class wll lasl nne ond nnds p r e s e v and bs,s,a, " r: Ruckcrnsotlhc.nstcrnA rn Alabaa. bu( n an A r y spokes an sad ( w as G ladys.sltb Pres eskes cannot.be Cartoonst Al Capp s ; A real c slatc agent nnearby Ozark sad known,n how long F a sa l wll stay- st; M cdlalo G arde lyonc outsde hc. S. ;. \ relr ;Urng and hs satrcal 1 F a sa l s sta has en twenarrangng a one- R c prrc e s e n ta d v e s o o ( b e r n a (n ;-acre Presley cst; (he - 1. \ 5c strp. "L l A bner." t11 y e a r lease on " a large e loe nn a large.soetl d es co plole cohal ranng. s n g e rs ather sad w lle end nex( onth. 7C0l9:00P.M. -r< - (lerown ncountres orb ecurtvrea.w s. The strp, whch l>egan n V ernon - Presloy-.WALT D S N E Y S c le c trc gales a l )3-1rw lllbe"runn-daly l)cen -scheduled h V. (0 G racelad Mans opers across the country a Sunday but was P a t ( e n t n g o o )( d s p r t s -- opened ncx( onl t s O K d K>r (be las( (e on Nov, 5 H 0 S u nday nlgbt g - - o rn n g to e arly at and 1n SundayT apers on t» trac w as ex- TO PE K A,, Kan. (UF (UPH - Howard snce } FFr rd ay when be wgan the sccc ;ccond We ll allow the n n.-(t;p n - H ll C e e (c A Nlov! ov.; 13. X ng E lvs Presley T W alker, a (erlnal cancc ncer patent who has pla.se * o o hs(rca( enl. vew tbe graves l)e allowed to Sunday nght 11 NotN othng was sa cred n k r b u c T a u a n d 5 begun hs (hlrd week o(rcatnen(w ( ltttlo.t le,e or er heavy equp enlopcra e (o r c e rta n hours o the es o Elvs G ra c e la n d n M a * Capp a p p s carloons. w hch. nly a ew e b ers. controversal druk Lacd aetrllc, Monday was had- experencetl cx an l p ve en( n c an get (he pre lls other, hearses, r a p p c d e v e r y o n e a n d c date a ly w grc, V reported n good sprts rls. de.sple ls ex- condtor lton, only psycbologcally. a a te r.re a d y or vew ng resley. n tbe T he gravesk. every verytbng ro corporate ra ce la n d w hen (be >, tre ely serous conddon don, bcglnnn nnng (o reccve L etrle, Howev w v e r, sad, dens" on (be.seen by anyon c hl 1 e s ( G e n e r a l x> bured wthout r Hs physcan. Dr. Sdney S Colen. sad Cohen ;n hl a s sad (be d rag s edc: c a lly. He sad no stale, nr (he lale.stone ence tha lull oose) to th e ncere ones. 2 { W alker. -53, o Rossvllc ;llc, Kan., ns wen useless ess and s s only p a rt o support ve e.care,c allowed " ayuhen d.mnndav. anson ground.stu ttuu to n o a rra g e } rec cvnb -larger-dally ly d( o sos-o-lctrllo (hat lns bnh helped,(ocoorl-w alknr, ( G r a c e la n d r prou va& -a- o cnl.o.. (Sad Sade Haw kns D ay) n e ltr a v e s lte r n lll p y pr.-* he;;sad: (2app enraged c sls- th bsportraya[ o bg- SHOWTMES uurt, ston w,l be an s, er s atter sad. - wvlth 7;30-9! - T h e su p e rscllro r llc.vlu, be covered wkl * chest hestcd, leggy woen who B a b ty y s t l l l s t e d c r t c a l n o tler w ere nn.ytcrnnnn, - - n arbc o r bronze v«anged ro th e All M edtaton Garde publc s allowed (o, A ercan sw e e tlc a rl... p e c lr along S :: :----- tn T L E -R O ek T -ArkHM rk ld octor.. : gravc.sltes; whch A L C. V r r. -D3asy-M as; ae, to Uc eartly-.- U n,p n K = - - be kd vsl l " «B o u lev a rd.lth [ a rc p l c a w lt lhc h pod! ;lcllltlw nlorod by- closed r 7 rt --ctr t kloonuaucswne «pound baby grl wo survlvedlle r surgcal He 15p opt e ra ro -T ro n r-cn n B C tt(a l-b t nc saw only : ro the au.sn[ vson ca eras. \. separaton ro hors Sl; la o s e-lw ln ro v o d a alagcrt K c : bc-tw ns-x v-ereoned-at- n Prclcv p rese n t a( G rac houg Ue cllld ren, eaned n crtcal torso, D, z condton. Goll.d ll.day. a pedatrcs..surgeon bodes w ere one wll to a n y o c a lc e n D r.-s leve G olladay,-» y,-w ho-dlrcc(cd4hc /rknsn ;nsns.c hldrens HospKal, sad : Pan $1 ll l p n P Ll-e else on tbe - T H E S P V U U H O w! te a o surgeons -ul Uto separated (le (wns s we w ere born Scp(. N at a hosptal l ounds -except tt h o rc-w as - cononed nans as( S Salunlay..sad be D orado, a d o. A rk ::" a n d tr a n s e rr ecd d to w as "lappy wth (le- b e-p ro g ress" o (be Chldren dren s HospKal n L ttle R(wk. D O V lt, N l l lrvst t snaccranclprn cold w ater.,. ( "urt. Tlr The r w bch ;de to V E D M E r p a re n ts n a grl - T h e e n terta ar-old n grl suered the unlrea ealed cotton ateral. TONTAT baby, wlo was undergo!; rgong rcal-n nn a s e v e r e ly turd ::r an d ds (h e g rn v c swthrd llll degree burns.la(ex nc.r n and tb e paa a r 7OO:aO L.. d ro p p td -u lc- bured n (be grnnkc. rcen a rt t o h er xdy. \Otole.sae ler. Coc P a a a s BC O X N G B a u n tr e a te d cotton rden.s" south o beore d e publ c T w e n l e g l l lttton NDw-<crtnnlrMnsTr: tver-welrltr7:p.n- yg - - : D o l e s L g g e s t s n a n e c l a n g ec h a v e been aw ard w l.swng le by (he betw Rr een Nove- agreed to cnpesale Raona.. ; oul-o-courl ws ere reoved w lh x onltc ond uly. She orbern nures,.t (Bo«ers SEHup Now) 2: - WASH SHNGTON lu P - Sen. Rox lolk-rt (11 NnvetKT.!eu al Fore.st crcut lctcvls( :ays at (he S brncrs- Charges es agansl th e retaler Dale. R-l< R-K an.. w ants (o na e the Dep: Lpart- S tllw a g o n w;ls c rn B o s(o n lr depart ent stnre, Ds * - LOUNGE /> o leallb, E dcadon and Wel: el:re. nred when the n le ent c a e last weredrop; opped. Twn Falls ng or " a an o uncoon decur eency h e r la p H er :.wore the eas- w as "Solelxxly s eb gut sl:nd up h ents gvea H. - - and lo passon...a great natonal assel" ss rpped o her paa (o he (red n and w counted on thngs lke BEYOND ATLANTS n - H u lx lwrt T t H. Huphrey, o th e r dnmcl C outv Su>erlor tba(," sad sal R; nn;s atter, AT?:30 X l Dole sad s; he wll sponsor egslad ladon lv l - The ha(bb(ubocolc Bernard ( : Stllw agon. Maybe nang ng ( (he new buldng or he Mnnes( r who w.s T he 5-year-ol.hey ll st down w th h e r GRAND-VUOPEN FR.-SAT.-SUN. 3 % T B ~ Dctnt)cr w:r. >t-l>cc>a(lhws-o-4ht»<>n- d when a second and (ht TS and co e u) wth 1 - A crcar rcans He old, the >oun;;, S e a r,untel her, over G5 pcrcer.e.st.-) t r 7 n ; v n t~ " dsadvan vantaged a re tw der lo<lay bcca cause.ol p a a a s S h e u n d e r grownups won t get lurned.. S h c r o c k H o l 1 1 ;. rt H u phrey l.s nol beslated ed (0 led $1 nlllon operadons be S K n d F K: cbapon por unpopular cau-se.s. sellenent. w r. 1972, ond be people o (he Unted Slal.- or st r. Raona spent 1-O d a y s \vhate%-cr e%-cr(hctrpar(y-old(n, w bne te v e r ; ;ls severely Burns Center r n c s e e ts W g (her pblosopby. a rc ortnale (o bave b: N.\v YORK ntb ell Dll Tbc.seKle ssue<l th e stolen - r lul>ert rt Hupbrey n tbelr,;ervlce. s; FB ssen-lgostcbrolber week ust wo F r c d (ran.spor(el across \ H O H K U n M o. K S:<nlln\«lbo anas and ter scheduled (o o r reporlcl* - rl her 111 a S tra o rd C d o ( b e F B n l)sn esse?, l tc v e -a t-tls-t r » [ r l e s d a y w z D anul D slrlct es are related. n to pastvek tbs rohlkry occurrel DUO SN ESSH EN S.. \! F ll.spokes dncotn P 4, whensl llon n RHCCr V ork sad the ageu s w as (aken ro P V l FET.-~ h or altos nlh Gros.bard Co.. the. EXCllKS X DAHCE R c s - ln k - n - l -sad rh c -w a s-trt a - TSTH51llSr~ P.M. Q ) ro b b e re s aul tolen ; gen(be exact x o- - Q : a - O - O O GC c a sh.ta k e n n that SOLUTH 1 : a -! : B a Moknl Tolovsor. Donc< T onohtg -otlecnrl s h u n llllo 111 ]«" O O Nows ).d a o n d l>rc>ke l l The a n d.t s a ssu r, Al)MV,H5Al KUAS Q... O Throes oo 0 * : O CBSNaw s Copany O MOVE: El Condor Cor.la()awK/. ua? : or nuv tban ge s w ere :sbard tra n co pany s C PEFCENT.* Mstowgors o - O (D when be was kll ol (;es sclen sla te lnes, th e sa e buldng - 8 :3 0 P.M. > Nolghbohood Aorcnnn.,, n addton. be sln; rtn H e s a «d y o arosbwle?., ron 0 " O O Ono Day O.. oo O -. O MOVE:,M-arehng or Stu. ~ T r ~ n r s a o csro rt«!tc d n \ tbe oce o a L lt-0-tb : o (o Notonol Looguo slone.m anhatan ct lnng be (ba( ( h e c a s e s a P G ]. : : : ; O. Fnly - Choponshp Ployols A >raha Sha//a T he rs( roh 1 0 :4 5 P.V., 6 : 3 0 P.M. O Soap Epsode-V hs«>sse,ssn wle ;s an n New la st Aprl, wh O Gunsoko - t > O Rookos hsnes.s (rp to 1 uv 1 S l(mkng c ash and g e s 9 : 0 0 P.M. / O MoY Tylor Mooro 1 1 :0 0 P.M 1.. last.nly :!! Tbe llt vmrb o tbe H chry Gro: g > l O O O - -o>- ; Q x. :. CE) MocNoll- Grnnl O - Sloryto ytollors Sba(7.ad b bas -ln nn e -T r w l p a w s a n - s a tohror op. " v.,.town sn c e.. annter S c ertan o LECT (be YOUR O Colobrt r. O >:. Crosswss Corcort: Ann Murray 1 1 : 3 0 P.. : A ccordng tl the v\el-s w brb ew els and cas! FXTURES FRC? O M DAHO S LARG 0 Cor-.ornrotlon O : O. (E) Mar M.,k M OVE:An.t natoy ht FB las ur ker nebos thet- > - 0 -Sho-N o-n o- Russol Coody 5 Spc pgl o n Cno eae h c a n beeaus.a s e n y n g T he Gro.ssba r O Notonol Looguo 10 O -rn ly the lo.ss o ore 111 Sept ;l) hk aed n th e O -. CD - S g n D l BEST Chaponshp PlBy-ols be agenev s w here (be body * O - - o n Who Onroc oc Q. 1- Cn[onod/ )da.b C Q, C Y C D n lo a u Q HGHlNC-eM O T T d T n r th - D.HM) worh l 2-. w as ound r / MOVEUOE-OR (D Happv Days n-gc-ren tuslncsa nssoe 7 :0 0 P.M : 4 5 P.M c O 0-9 ; 3 0 P.M. ;. 0 - T h o F. B... ben be Mt on 1 Ftzpatrcks O -.. O ( B - Tho Th> 1 lerl K ao ; O Tho Po;sylo BUDGET or HGH S PoGOnno o( Mchgon STYLE ~. 1 2 : 0 0 A.M. be :1 \e ;ro ld Saoa 5 O. Soap p50d!.4 4, O a r - r C HnppyO nvs Toorrow... r O!- As W a Soo 11 O, Pco S Rgbt " O arry Felwoll ~ - ~ y r e e b e r... ( D -Lavarna & Sbrloy be.-<)kmua, U G h l»l».. e T -.. r O l : B nv 0 ot "zt T o p T T O Nows... lurmlcu W E O N L ytlo lrtx P E N! > - 0 «v r O lv8rnb 8. 6t use t nvclves : 0 0 P.M. Shrlov o o oo< 1 2 : 1 5 A. M /.. e tban $:><.x V. O ".:) MdcNo-Lohror O O O GD 0 - O - - Lovo, Ao.orcan ~ * R«PT: Now s.;:... ; -...Stylo : O t1 E -S *: 8 : 0 0 P.M. 1 0 : 3 0 P.M. ; 0.. C o 0 - O - Koak M 1 2 : 3 0 A.M l..... O. < O - News,s... o l h r t e s l t o s V taght son to spe 3 a k E. Se.n,h,! l)r S, T glsh S W S S E S B W

7 d ah o n *T O n. ;,. a > e 5 e.. : e (C C» S S C S * = l a t o n a l x K M B E R L Y - A b o v e rb n o r a l»>elwecn the wel loncsaranlhl.«year." or ; prec ecplatlon, t)clow noral le pcrr p e ra lu res: Sol le pertur tures rean avorable or. T e p e r a t u r e es s r l T la ls the. outlook or Oclabc b e r,. ac-.. potato harvest ht Tet p e r a t u r e s h could drop below tb e 1 S E A n E #, rtlng lo the N atonal W yalher e r Servce S. crtcal 45 derrec level uckly wth onsel [ B y U n lte Max, H 1 dpress P n nternatonal oc lce or agrcultur here. o any cold, rany perods.. Abcrrpcn G5 Hgh Low Pe p.- w He o w e v e r; M e o u o g sl MM a u rc e N or al te BOSTON /Mllanv osc G p e ra lu re ra n g e s and auhon says whle lhal nrospec soecl sn t precptaton nch Hth XCr - uhheap{ rmbuucrqut- WC 7 L S 2 lelde: > A tlanta D urlcv couraglngrtleprccptatlnn-shoul u ld -h elp MaRc-\ a llcr- r H R hrrrthc-tow ur-and SEAvoRK B akerseld E ll 66 r / d 90 63!!!! g crnlnalon rn and grovvl n all M.seeded. ddle 60s. wh lh lows n the ddle and Fnrcll M66 13 B s arck C ur.- anmnd should also KneltranRel.nRclands. upper 30s. Prc Precplaton ntals ro 1 \ Boston GO 47 Goodng >7 Fven -F n wet all we narly alwa>.7 :O - \ - lway: h av e.around.07 eb to,75k tn l.,... - Brownsvlle lo t t-no Q rancclc r>> duk r&o< do.vs to ron)el«h CSC3 Mapcrnan (5 P x.l : Bualo hr.y(ng..c a asc ount> t>tlr T W ood-hvcrvalley T bh.ans. tw laloes. hay, nnlnns, rut, l, su g a r Hl>;ls60 loor., w71»ws n the ddle 20s Halloy CW. \ - Chcago M s a n d.o le r crops, Me saa. sad. l- to the low 30s. reeptalon around an Hoerntc 67 daho Falls M ;OS**NGEL GELES S ty / y 1.r r - \ C lncnnal V lances are we wll laves*c dry perods nch. - k C leveland ero o ;o y ( D allas KlHTly., 3 :w Kuna S 05 2y V DALLAS. } D enver 8; D es Mones L-s W Lewston 60 &0..30 loatst TC< D etrot SB ;«) A u g u s t s l a u g h t e r t o p s a r k McCall S5 N E V.Q O.E A N S \.M A M.Ml Duluth Mounlan Hane (15 E ureka P a r C7 Pocatello. 65 :. C \, (h h ) F a rb an k s - 44 S SK U Pl - daho.brh d r hogs o 231 pounds s llree August s.elglt percent less F resno produce- ced 44.7 llon pounds poun w u n d sb elo w a y ea rag o. Prcslot 6l. than tl Lst year. The av erag e. w\ V \: 1. H elena W o redd eal durng August She-p Sh slaughtered durng Rupert C5 C5 28 n... [ v SNOrt Honolulu l ] v e w e g ll o s h e e p ;,ccordr Salon > dng to he daho Crop the he 1onth tolaud KK) head, 13 AH ndanapols s w ;w, slaugllcred..througl.august SodaSprnt Ol M 29, [ S H Q.V E R S * Plow ( L v e sto c k R c p n rln g percent ore lhan lasl year. Kansas Ctv W : * was 112 pounds, up our pounds West Yellowstono r>ll >26 U P,W *.H * t h d O C C A S r Las Vegas s vce, :e. Cuulal ve slaugller througl ro ( a y e ar ago, ; L os A ncelcs les t-u ulnulallve slaurhler or L ousvlle! thr through August s 2y7. M epls llonn pounds. That s 19 M a M lwaukee - M nneapols N ew O rleans Not uch chan lagcval C A R - - P c r c e ncnl o re lh a n h e 3US rccord pace o 1974, 73 GO ;: T leg8,100 8,l head slauler. n! C L E A c :, August 3t a re r r p e r ten : ore " tle th a n la 1, st y e a r a lth o u g h O akland ge slaugller weglt was Oklahoa :.cct y n «83 pounds- lo l.ou T w n F a lls. N orth Sd de, W ednesday 60 lo 65 degre<.-grees,- tougter plants wll,ll su r\ lve. g e n e ra l w eatln th e r p a llc r n. s. - -Burtcy-Rupert arc: - Synopss:......So e o ho ore te n d er o n e s...sunny da>-5- w w lh p le asa n t P a so R(ble.s e. 87 S5 -;::: slaugllordrng August C o a tln u e d a r hroup ougl. T h e grow ng season o- W ere klled a ew w eeks a;o te peratures and ar a r cool ptladelphla C re an ned e at 100 head, the A N Y! SE! W ednesday, wlh no porta rtant c a ly e n d ed c n ry rly th - s wllt-lhe-rsl-gl-n.-rost-d-n nglls a re e.xpcctc cted lo contnue Phoenx sa e avas Ue prevous nonu d a h c n le peralurcs. Lows o rn n g a s te ple era l lu rcs low o33. tlrougt the rc ; a n d cr o he Ptlsburg- h an d U es le sa e as a year ago,!! lonkl)!.12 lo 37 degrees, hgls dropped lo below reezlr eczlng al T here a re stll no ndcatons week, P o rtlan d. Mo.. 57D Hl r h tc r - o r August 1 W ednesday K5 (o 70. Llgtt lgt Ue College o Southern ;rn daho o a a o r changc nge n the Bean tarvesl «w as l,. l Ore T r V LVNGRG OOAA-plusy d 7,000. whcl bruugll wnds to{l;-prol)nblyt ly -o reportlng-slton-and d a! also u t sw ng Monday a and *th n ly le --- BT SO - th e -lomtn n l-o r-a 7 7 -so ar tn- - p r e e lp ta lo n n e a r zero, e r th e weau er servce oce t tuck ost o He e lbeans.slould Reno T hat s down lrce tlrou Wednesday, K bcrty, Twn Fa DNNG RC [QOWVus a l l s x ln th e b ln b e o [or re th e h u n tn g Rch ond percent ro u year ago. The loley, Ca as Prare, Low( o w cr B urtey reported 29 de{ seaso n opens ntxl w eek.. Sacra ento % a n u ary-augusl lve werll [ H A L L W A Y Wood R ver Valley: w hle lager an and l XR c r t Teperat... all or - \ t U r C 8 Potato harvest t should also C n n lln u cd a r th rougl u g b a d 28, F areld and d C; Caas M n, Mn 800d pro )n.sre ss, wth < 73 65,,,, w- 1 Wednesday, wlh no portar rtant P r a r e had - a low o: 3- Y esterday G4 % n u.sol te p era tu re s R,nFranclscl changc n te peralures. Lows degrees, Sollle p, GC 47 atw ve the crtc; leal 45 d egree Seallle :::: W aho a ar S longll n. he letas. hg lgls As usual, so e o the P ank vaporaton,2; level... Spokane M T lc r al W ashngton r n - : : r r e C G a r t e r VUE ALSO GUARANTEE THAT YOU CA N N OT HAVE <1 B O S SE U P l r C a 1 " A GENTLER, MORE EFFC lcent b R FNER O B O F - WASHNGTON lu P l - breng Frday, be k c re ta ry o a. grculture The bll ncr creases g ran a b ro a d n an eort to wosl rcccpls )ls lo daho ar e rs 2 CARPET CLEANNG AT AN VNYPRCE ; P resdent C arter snys he h Bul, le conceded, an ar ers w h ern y crop w as S poor. p And supports or the e crop and o v e r s e a s, s; a le s o a r g 1970 d eclned one loesnl llnk he has lo.st lo.? a rc " d stu rb e d beeaust ausc bg when t w as good, o course. provdes salle ler. contnung products, perc enl t ro 1975 and w ere,13 pollllcal support aong (at ar- overall crops natonally lly have ddnt gve the p resl esdent and ncreases or gra ;ralns and other Asked why Ahy the govern ent Pcrcenl lclow 1974, accordng [ STEAUl Cl L E A N E D l n e rs tl by low prccs s n : d e p re ssed prces whle ar- the secretary any cn credt or t crops ro-t97auu hrough ltn-: d d -n o t-h a a vc c - a n - e r> -tn - a ;ccnt4x-portssued.by.uc recent ontts, hut he wleve leves e rs n so e localtes tes, had -urcd l-was s t> tkcause o C rtcs e arler ;r charg ed th a t recent aor ar a t Cologne. cono ) c R esearch Scr\-lce o \! - S T E A M CtEAHEO the ar bll te has..slnc«gncd - - yelds c u l sh a n ly l)y drou; rou(.lt. e." C a rter had renc; negetl.on ca - W est G er a any..h e sad he U.S. D e p a rt e n t o ggnw/dc Telp rep a ran y daarc EC he " know ro.exper; <per*n;e. He sad Ue ar r bll le ptu gn c o n t l e n t s b y ddn t know and scraw led ullurc. : gt l. suered. lh a l a r e rs tend to blatn )lac Uc slred a ew days : report also ndcated : T d o r U h k any o our pollng ro.sults.,ndcalc have lost support n he ar t)cll. >ell." lou-." sad C arter, a or er produclon next year, y. wll bracng he legsl, slallon. The adnl nstraton also wll ar nco e n he sla te C arler. old. nel>ers ol : l e Gcorgl peanutxart- LT-.slow nr ers heh e h a s an [ do thnk- L 4ut-U»-H ew r-avor-tpn p a ln g -ag ra tu n l wd-2(;-p<>rr<>)t-ronv-(he PlnB-or-lpot t e l - 8. A, M. P. M. - - NpM.ypnnr Fnr FHnpT/ : :\V }en-w a5!)4tol ro ltc c H rrdgtst7nnttt~ ; o T a r legslaton-1 h.t lave helped lo re se a rc h.. Ca C a rter sad, notng Prcvlou: o u sy e ar A ere-al-(-\v lte Hous louse. used lo cu.s.s Ue prcsden dcnt-and n c c d s :" " p v d r n w e " l n ndcalon ltn th e (TTuTw- r ra n r" b T ll nrly b e c a o s c - th e t S ---- ~ Honday-ttr l n l l u r s d a y ,... that ar alll lles c an tru st. autlorzeanan expanson, 10 n arketngs o c a llle, : uenutonlyl -lo-und*rslaud an d caalves, recepts ro sales her proble s but lo c a rry o u l y capagn co co t ents." nd sklle( ll E 0 S /S sl rt T p. p n «l d <:p s declned egtl per- r p d...- h e - -lo ld - the --v-v lsg.-.a r w...!».-.p.pt)(nhrr.,u>tn L e n t rn Crop c ash S you hone /re y etuckn;rtro relelp.s, edtors. t.s, cx by pol.ocs,von Uusnou D C a rler also sad h e would cmsstm ;c luer h,.-rose ve B A V AV R A N percent n lro l t ( 7 5. u s t a b o u t g{ u a r a n t e e " C A R P E T C L E A N N G S E R V C E! A ercan p a rt r tlc p a to n " n - «turc aor oo< ood exlbllons...*34" UlWoStsl «a w, and lls seekng lo hold ncreases n th e ll scu a 1 e o to check l " p re sd e n t w hen hey / have a a d n ln tlr a to n s;-p rah s. -lo - --bll below be levels h e nally wu Agrtcu rtculture Secre tary p r o ccllon t expensesose elgll short c ro p or when prce rces are r e s t r a n s u r p ; and, percent nl durng 1976 an d,lo tal n... l u s g r a n accepted. Dut lt he now s c - Bob Bergland M a n < (Courtesy Slncar&Co.) >.) c lo sn g 8.00 p e r lun- low er to 10 ponts bg) lgler. onths closed up 15 to down 20 CHCAGO - Ran n Mar la n e drcdw eglt. N earby co n tracts w ere n ponls. Pork bell cles wound up pusted potato utures t»t l» th W lent closed 5 lo S"* 54 ( cents d e a n d, n a a x e d vll 77 lo 25 poln 3lnl gans, a le r Mane ancl WeslcD russet «l - h g le r,a te r ew sellers ers t could a rk e t n lve caltlc.w U selmng shavcl6( 6po W.polnlU lt up Monday. - be ound when spccunlor nlorstop- O ctobcr pacng gan,ans wul K advances, T rad e rs e.< w o t o d - u a rally. nolnts. The 97B B..tUlvercs... New York Sugar 11 surged n gans today wth Ue pt- S lro n g buyhg by cxperers ended steady to ) 17 ponts tu n rn n B rc!ld!lllg o tu lssble l t up to 75ccnts ts n and cosson crcl crchanls low er. V olu e w as pontshgler on or a tra d e o Mane tradng. Coodt odty d r e w s p e c u l a t o r ss h o r t c ontracts. F e e d er cattle cr drew 5,375 lots. News Servce sad. Novebc ber coverng and let co 21 co.sslnn bouse s -Co ex slver Manes nshed up -8 cents ;sbul b ccnts lo 3 cents hgter a llle O ctober whch produ K lucedaran nshed near the th< d a y s lows oucr raolus.were up Ue ;e 50 close. M odest hedgng early o 42 ponls n th ttaa t onth- bll an 180 lo 24C 240 ponts ater cent lt on volue o ! and late, plus soe specu peculator Olher.onths closc* sed 2 to 32 reachng 400 p- ponts ahead. May closed wll a, pool d o c proll lakng. brouglt t co cor o ponts bgter. Vlu u e w a s4 4 l Volue w as 500»01ots.. unsatl.ck d buy orders hul t Ue sesson lgls, contracts. n le r n a to nlal a l M o n t r y Y slzc w;:! nntdsclo.w l. 1 S dso y b ca alcld sbla percd L v e h o g s s adw w s p n d M arkct R01d"ros o sn M o oo M an e harvesters w ere shut sl b a re v c slln g and he theco; trad n g w den the. Octoler- w nts n a heavy tra d e o down by wet weather a t least lea; o d lty s recovery, wlu lu beans t D ece ber spread bym pont.s.. contracts. nta tal tra d e s n V utl dweek. endng 2 c ents hgler to a hal wth Dccclwr postng po-s a 55 M arch 1979 took k p la c e a tp r c e s ". 1. Tlc May delvery o W cslc ste c cn tlo w e r.m ca lclasc cd d1.60 l. up polnl loss beore : recoverng n 250. polnl abov ovc D ece ber / ru.ssets also shot up 50 cent: rents, lo 1,70 o, wll o r ~6 6 ponts p s l g h tly. O le r d e e r r e d H e k : w T thnks le ran se a r b ll e n d s s p u d A M O N E E R AND l C DRNK: reg g T ho p oopular p H a onoor h as a 100% 100. b e e p a tty.. ha, ccheese, h e s p ecal s a u c e. louuce lu c e, to a to s l l c o ; : ; ; B - S n o n a.u u bo tb a ste d s e sa e bun. lul rep ds soarn g today ONLY. Nal a r d a t s ; : : : ;.. h e r o ss tctots o g o o d ealng and loo s ts o( g o o d v a lu e..... led eer "**, o» ho he ptano and organ nghtly, E W od. d. hrough ll Sun. PcYlng and F!!!*«(neng Qng.your. ovort* requott*. L t H r S e N o R e s e r v a t o n s ;.r N e c e s s a r y.,... 25Blu< l u e L a k e s B l v d. o r t h LA A d d s o n A v e. E a s t C o e Q s y o u < a r e, E n }o y - - U v e r y M l an u t e l! s e e e e s - / :. ;Go ::::: D n l l ; t o UU c lage asto DhngrAAol [>teh : OPEV 24!41OURS G o u r e t B u e ts e v e r y F r d a y. S a U y a n l S u n d n e D a o e e - n u s c - t Muste Braun oolda np Octobber due c e p t s d p a t t hl e F r c n l l c s t CD l l u b : S o M t l o t h e l l o r d c r, 3 l(rung T ONGHT : *11 Tueslry, Octoher 1,197? - T ros-now5. Twn FaMs. caho 7. > 2 S W E E U A H T E E < The Hlar rous " Ba laty Matys >Bros. day. ACKPOT, ) NEVADA r X - [P E T S 1 V N E D 1; 1 4 * M L l! W

8 Tttor-NLHv, T;vrn F.lls, tlono Wor T uesd.y,0--obe1,1977 / Decson near orn HelS case b Lottery chance z AVASnNGTON lu P l H - on H el s nnd the CA :A n- lo rcgn cllgencelhal hat woua progra about rcp c pons he l s, ent ocals 3 a ll lcense to le to HARl krrsburg. Pa, U PD - To and ga e. Bul the odds ds. are nowlere near as CnlllRll - o sl.c tlv c tlng ; n volve ent n Chle - ost nc e be nvolved on the one le hand h under e xtre e press ssu re nol lo Congress? ) ena D rake, who spent tour or onths good.. \;,.o»ce," Allorney G eneral lo s ply drop he controve and on ll«o l,o r to hand r tle ndct Hels, who r e c e n tly " T h a t s the e dcult dl thng. SH.OOO tryng lo wn $1 llon n n n be D rake sad le and d hs 1 w e - w h o stayed legatons. rellret as a bassad d o r to lr a n. O rdnarly, you w wouldn t thnk - Grn- Dell-snd- Monday he tc bccnspahclspubc tt sylvanla U lle ry, losl llcr bg a l ho e because ol l a c o ld. - ca e oul wll locldc soon w lclher to lo g h t d n o g e n a to l o r " W eve; SOL lo - no o d o w n - -.-lwcll.under r a good deal - o dong th a t." hh e s a ld, notng soel? a ederal ndct ent nl securty, so ew h ere. betw een the tl wo "o don tconsld( der t to be tbcustccl >epar eparl ent e arle r chanco COMonday ,aheQd. nol countng tl; w ages thcy a draw ng or be 06lb nalst st- o: out o osl durng he our-n- r- onlh eort. nualnsl or er CA D rector o r "ll ake a decson 1 nt an ex tre e s. pressure. ncdentall ally - but th s y e a r obtalr btalned the rst. lualers n tbe llonare draw rawlng. " T h s was our b)lg g chance, D rake sad. -H!c lo T n o rrt h n rp? s-dt e a r l y - d a t c - o n the Hes Helr; Hell who-* serve rved a s know how people U eel and t e d e r a l nd lc ct t e n t e v e r la e o P aul E. Baer. o.mount Holly "W e re w nners, bul bu nol w nners o thc.. ynplocomrress.. a tte r." hesald. d lrcc to ro lh ec A roalocgo ranges ro.sen alo lo rs to or- aganst an FB? ag a g e n t ngs. P a w a sd ra w n... p rze we were ater, U 8 about the ost actve 1973, las been accused ;d o o lyng e r lgl gove le cr n t olcas " ve R0tt«3n, n. -thnk,-only : le D rakes, o Mc.Murray. P a a.;. r bad W e don t urge olh olher people lo ake bs Bell conccded he hns had ;t thng n y oce. sppo. ppose, to a congressonal co ttec to people n tlc gc govern ent tw o o r tb ree edl edtorals oul o tckets out o 42,000 n he drawng ln or knd o atte pt. Bul ul we could bccausc we penty-o-advctrro -se tors-,p3 b e c a u s e. ve B ol.ta.kc- ake a n.denyng close CA n- now. sad Bell, th e whole countr untry n avor o nstant Bngo.gae, or ocws o al abouthavc no chldren, wc we had soe oney s c l td oler Bovcrnncnl ocals ]s d e c so n. c o n sdd crc rn g ltraton and nvolve eent n Vuu know Hes- ese so rt o ndctng the EB agent. Most e ttr b c o r c - a r d - d urngh rr he------o a w s- no-one-cve.ler-o eta -veryhody-moppo6od4o4hau ppt! asde, and because Ks ga e; benets ley stll have a sl chance to 0 wl n S senor ctzens and d we tbouglt that w as ; a H a d n s tra to n o le 1 ts t you and sa y ep ro sc wc culo. T hey "E verybody ly w ants th c.a w on o r S50,000 n lle lottery s s BtrSO better than spendng g ln L asv e g d s," PrcsdentS alvadora llcr llcnde,. all sa y d o n t proscc :cute," enorced untl 11you yo enorcc t n The atto rn ey genera eral w as He w as asked reusal to a c ertan nsahc [ahce w here there ntervewed on tle NDC. DC.Today prosecute would gl\ gve govern- s so e sy patl lathy r a s e d X. y l g t- r ttl (;tffmkll KHH.MDHE.M.S H T H w... u u U T n... y C A c l n Hgh cou urt ducks, 8 2 FREE M 1 1 reversal dspute ( nfems. K M X W S. ; VASHNGTON (U P ) - tre d to "re ove o r cllerwl lse. tle S u p r e e Court decded dscplne Rtter "thnu rougl..-.m onday.lolay.oulq L aspule lt. clockw ork reversals, o[ ) 1. b sn a- u )C t c t w e e n a c o n lro v o r s a; l decso n " - (ederal udge n Salt nke Cy,y R tter, 7H, s;d n an. and tle lott Crcut Corl o davt led n the case thal 1 he? O T Appeals. wlch he says keeps w as convnced " a prop ro p e r ---w n n lo n ly " r c v «r s n s lls,1s udg ent rendered by >ltny TLL 1 1 n hlllnrs. -. c o u rt h a s been w anton ntonly 1 T he ustces reused wlllnt reversed on the l)ass o exlr tra; U n l y :! Coent to revew T appeal udcal consderatons a and by Royal W. S s, a n nventor-. or., "personal hostlty drect reeled and anuacturer o concretc te -agansl e by ChleClrO :?lroul * xers wlo protested lle 10th ll, u d g e D avd T. Lews s a: and " C r c u ts rev ersald -D -n ln ;- a v c rl lh c L u u l5 on n, lle byw llsw. nu cr. che ud-e appeals court. o( the U.S, D slrcl Court n "R a n co r h as so perh eated. a a h. Ue.lOU C rcuts rclalonsl lonslp **..S s appeal sad ore tlan lo ne.v,.llul lle rglls llts o S llon n aw ards he won,,n ltg an ls lo due pn)cess S b; bave. agansl W estern Sleel Co. n a t)cen c o p ro sed. le e sad, ptcnu nrngunent clse w ere re th u s eel co pelled lo 0 spt speak l Y M s s tcralv sn alccd" aw ay by b y o u t? a court ot appeals bent upon,on T T sllu atto rh a st n ad e - the syste allc rev e rsa l o ederal co.urt sysle n- n UU t a b,. Rtter s rulngs due to " btler, tbe obect o publc scorn D ra n d. : k l e s e. D urng 1970-V5. ll sad, H lter XT wls tested at Sen. enate w a s sustaned n.. only,,;y, ;{4 subco ttee hearngs t last y T t S decsons and reversed n ycr7dn~egslallona leed d a L C appealed to (he lotl C rcut.- lt. - orcng R tte r to retre beca «cau.sc, - a e a r or an ncredble" C7 p er cent ;n o hs age. sayng the vele reversal rate. The appeal nl udge was a cause o "const, H H charged the l h Crcut las ;,s tur ol" n the lotb Crcut, rew con sttuton 1 L y s! r.wns party s OK Bl\ \ \ 6.,.MOSCOW (U PH - The h e Ku?,netst)v, 7t, h as lacn n Sovet C o unst p a r ty y s s deputy oregn nster snce " W S l C O U P O N / [ et Monday and unan ously ly A ercan and n led.nat alons a p p r o v e d th e a e n d eed d aars. n a to n a l c o n s ltu lo n oo r Chernenko, C., s telcvcd. ved to sub sson to a specal sesson b e a c lo se a sso c a te le o o l th e S u p r c n e S o v ee t l B rezhnev. He has l)een head load o para enl) tklay th e general d epart erot Hrtbe >s 1, Central Cottee..Moscow Hado announced R ado Moscow sad l l a t P r e s d e n t L e o n d d th e C WRAP llexlble ll. C entral Co tlee votwl <ll-d to n re ln c v r( P<rted to the ln en lru st-b re /h v w th lh11. u duly R C entral Co ltee.on tle our Kl}Q -2! ol reportng on the new c( nnlhs n natonal <lscu.sslon s tllu lo n to th e spp ec c a l! otthenew consllutn. UPON S u p r e e S o v e l s e- s s s o n rst 6 WTH T he rado sad the Central openlngt uesday. Co ttee also voted lo ap e n tc -rs a s c a n d d a t e sesson wth an address, *P- Brezhnev s.s-hedukd lod to.u otellly-n[m*n-<h«>-»ala»u enlhts nl lle p a rty P oltburo. K rday. and wll end wtt.lll an llt- Tlo sesson wll n n llrou hrougl Tappetl as candd;les or (.xptled unan ous appro proval e n try lo tbe ranks ot he the w rtng the new consttut ltuln Poltburo -su p re e organ o nlo law. Sovel power - w ure Deputy ly Tle oonstllon, wlnoh h.s Fnr.l{;n M nster Vasly V R-en n prtparalon or lu-a nearly Ku./..L<.MS.t.v;uuUXc!U.rt. a-yc:trvull4e[ac4:4b-l; C o ttee su c re ta ry K>n- on- Slahu()n->llutonaslul.u.L lw o - sla n tln l,. Cleru-nkn the land V s t o r s o p p o s e d valu a bte CO)u p d : c p: n t k a l c t y. c dlo. o. tlun he cll He lulnl sa> t) tup1> Vhe ow ners u tho thu Hedldnt Kvlo ". G lory Hole.Mnv &.Mll should Uhl The (lp roly Volunlt ln lw r b e p ro lb le l ron cn- Search and t-mce ul,. adts au A eburagng.sgltseeng al Uo Ue by a S tale Mnos lurontt lun tbandyed ne slatx,rescue L-uo dtpuly co sm o rad rd w l n Y d t h - s o n a eth ln wultrs,, vto-lrecuverw l the e.. state nes ll;letlors. located.. local w d y o lh c la lesl ala lly at ttu the Mortons xdy.alter a..ve- a - nesadsurday h o u rsw rc h A u lb o rtes" s a d ArU-n "Y ou should put a nnloo loo n M oron, 4n,-(-!;lk-v((H><lrCt)!oT lot - he paper- «vory-«r-vwh-kk o r e o n e r : rxe lance a rlst, war. pc- )c- bal p w p le sloldnt eoe e lo nlckg wth hs wk- and [our the (lory Hole. sad ono one o rela tv e s ro (dahonu on te nearly 20 rescuu WDrker: rkers. b e w aste ple ovcrhxktru,ue Llc. Ho sa.d.al.ta su e u ll ll,p.pc: Woool-d-cp.ne wlcn he ol ell sons rescultl ro G lry y M Mne alwut ns.eet lohsdeall. shats snce luca and U ltc also He w as ust ;tandng on lavcvlx.un several atalt n n w h at looked lke sold ground Sll! ovurlwkhg the bd ~rnc.r~ lhc~ sl r" w ln g sorc rc ng town, how ever, chcken. sad M rs.m orton. on.,>ugo ycllow-and-black s "H e sad Tts s a orctlvspot. ot. encourap.ngsltsrn;. - R ob. l / B M H n s ~ g lh Q C WTH COUPON - p - p, ls s your yo last chance to gel let n on the savngs and the a specal buys hat ths year s coupon co book has to 0 oer. All oouporsp specals-bxpre on the ) 31st o H hls so hurry onth, rto soyour net learest store and pck k up your coupon boo)< k today. Stll only ; B l - D

9 Tuos ruosday. Octol-o S. 197? Tlo5-N( -Nows,Twn Falls, daho 9 H B a O - = : / t l : nls at Sawtooth " 1 koo entered S - -.V - a ys n a tontest N c o n u nsawtooth c t PTA. - w r C tzenshp and eluded, C a l let, E tl -x Week;; ou students,- s U th - g r... >- v EU e lary Scbo< rc Uth; T -" posters and essays, and Whtney sponsored by Sawl ro let. Shown r Top wnners nclud ro ler. B a n y ; -...Thad-B roneu l,-sb grade;k retn E rn Anderson, e rg a rte n, and.,;, Shaub, ourth, rst. ar The lop S th, thrd, ro cv ed school Dt rght are, ro 1 ree cc crea M S llhsccond d graby Baskn-. M a rtn, klhderga ca Parlor. a so n Lloyd, rs ; w n n e r rcecv ) l :! :. - Contc est w n n ers c : sw eatshrts and rc. c ones donated t Robbns cc Crea H H c tlo n w th p a r a d Consltutlon WEy PV : e w s o r e c o r c l tro o F th D strct C ourt HRSTTUTON ORDERED - r Carranza, Eden, was brdsed to pay back $291 to the dal D epart ent o lenlll and«w clare and nes and cout costs o $57.50 when she A u«w 23.-The atte pted ex(- torton cargc w as a ae n ranctc w th an atlcged d thrlt tom rs. DeStter that t h u ro u sc w ould be burned unlues sh e pad 52,000 the n e xa l day- pk;a«l gullyto a charge o obt.lng publc -.a sssta n c e under alse~prc{escs.~t le chne w as - rcduced : -a. nsd eanor ond-a 30-day al- sentnce>-.ls suspended..sst E N C E D - D onald Groves, ero e, was sentensd tdthe dato Eoard-o } Cor(t«t(ys or a tc not lo :o : w cxcgc o u r y e a r s a te r -pleadlnggullty-to-rsl-degreeb u la ry and atte pted ex- lortr n n conncctlon w th a h re -n )nd-robbery o SSbal 3l tlc o e o..paullta-d csuttcr--! r - dclw ry o cocane on our r - s e p S rn te o c c a s o n s n n -F e b n ry - a n d -M a n :h r M ls s - Bro5n alleg ed ly -gold h e controllcd substances to art dlto B ureau o N arcotcs and- -D n-s ntccncnt-ae onr )ur>2lal has been set or Nov. ---*.3 F l -D strct C ourt,: t, T he deendant las tx.enreascdons t)ond. TwtFaUs F th D strcl C ourt D{V05CES - P e r s o n s - ncludes Mdd( lo d e l S p e e d Uraed dho rc cs here recently yhdob&lrlsua u le rl lg..s a w, aa*>! a n c e M, Nllller and 4woodcutt! lln g b la d e s, e r M r M ller, L aure Ann Rult a n d L eroy Donald Rutto,,, 2etalcuttn n g b la d e s K llnbclh canne ohnson and d M O D EL Steven A. o h n s o n. A y Qrlltnc Verwey and Donald d. Reg E dvq rd V erw ey, M arrcne e M ew y and Tlo as Melody, A ngulta T. acobson and [ G erd L. acobson, Dorothy 99 <OW19 E. g le y ond Blly C. Heley, a tc a Anne Ferguson and ttnnh P Fnrc nhh n A nnsykes and E e sl Tll an n SykS, a n d Donna D ale G alley nnd Max DcW ayne Galey. a n a c Dy t c d Press nte atonal -T ac ay T st u e stla y ro c r-t.tte e " :!77t day o l 77 wth W to 0 l0ll( Tll o o n,s n e ar ls last tuart;r.. - nl ornng s ta r s a re Ey: Venus. M ars and plt a Saturn. T la -ru no evenng stars. Tllsa rn on ttls date a re sgn o Lbra, Hlh<5-(ord Mayes, the 1 th h )ru.sn.o the Unletl Statc.s. asx oralct, 4. lt)2, T hs s cl(g CHlHL-lon Heston s 53rd O ttls ay n hstory; lwlho.morons n Utah h engceu p o lyga y. Ht rn(lco-onavrg"7norc than " n e w lo a ta tl e. 327, Al olson sta rre d n n T lg a z/, Snger. tte rst ll-lngtltalkng ovle, nrtu.?. R ussa launched the r s l a n - a d e s p a c e a le t e. calkd "Sputnk," -g07c re url B ulx-rcstpned d s M rc u llu ro - rc tn ry w tl n apoloy (orm avlng ade h a g h e caled tte gross KlMreton" o ut rg n. n t ln c k ra c a lrc a rk A.thouult or tll- day; lllhn w rter M eander sad. W clve, not a s we wsl. but svscon, : ( l.wwrnlccc ttmh n 11 d ;e 1/ t / P ge A EN T ER E D - B erta a - c a a - B r a w n Q.. e r o 1. c. ple.2ed nnocent T uesday to 0 T T w dcounls o delvery o ) n a u a n a a n d t c o u n ts o rt ; S p eed e g Sa\ P r e n r * 7 1 H L 1 For /9 Handyan nshed dngs //// w r n 7 SALE ENDS TUESD ;DAY, OCTOBER 11. CASH AND CARR RY ONLY - PLEASE HC «~ : B : U.- ; W K t , M T h c n c N p e c t a l t on Patrot C onstltuto Panel! Reg erson elng N O W AAt. e«- 6 Panel! Reg slqht Brck elng - NOW Abtb Gosl Panel Regn849 d Panelng Sheets 2ow o lo r s M ardboord W t x8 Sh Reg NOW s l G O t - 3 C o lo W lasontec, Panel! B o n o M o c h a LET US HELP L O U S E REMODEL OR S FREE! U R H C ADVCE S F R E E Wth ths coupon 1-tube Panel adhe: wth any 3 panels n stock O w re x p lro sk e l n g V 1 4 Crestw all elng c h a * W h o o t LP YOU >R FX-UP 9 9, hesve p KnlAMxl, PcVTd n tuta ol 1,7.3 t«(oo1l(noh»,.,e»c lucucco.rrt 33x(lU( ccl. Now htte t no nwl lowlu wth 01 l>lywocx) pnell, ull,co.t vuuhv «ny lulx* Tlr-vrtulonal ntw t(xluct 2 N VYtlc< n( Crdr or CKotn 1 O W 2! ;l M» * p-clng - Reg rtlltulnlbal ,rlo --l-l th/tvyn Falls/ - l NEW! : glue-lt-yours rsellwlth CtHlantrs and Rekuoad RealwoolstDswlll Nlll dozens oldecorallteusc uhry MXCtbt Pxluc (co <o 1. *«l»ka.t,\.hnc. 1 / * 1. tk t Mr a n - h guuolc l o«p«mtelohtn sell you can un n2 U<nbu d.rs trov o ro a- t:wwcall locav *13 M3l - lp A y e. South,- -/ T V--

10 TWN FALLS-211Add BUHL-TncLane SM!,llata \ M n \ S -B lr L V -2 9.U ll- lll-67t g " r RUPERT-124 SctR Are, All / PAUL-aW KtDls- S B # to Tcs-News. Twn F.ls. s. dalo Tuesdav. Oclobcr W d e w l a n d s s t u d e rt loanrr e p a y etl [ B l H M v v n K. A WASHNGTON lu L l country, and ts only llng collccl." one. de andng edate o pe rra a llol n c a lle d P r o e c t stu d e n ts who never patnctn T h e D cparlon o Health, thal we pul our ( (wn-bnu.m: n H E W spnk pnke.s en d d n t repayenl enl. Follow-up le tle rs CroS3-t oss-check, whch checks ba< back. Tle Oce o Educaton p H y. E d u r a l l o n a n d V W elare order." sad - U-o Korneld. denty the wwo orkers by na e, \«ll be se sent to.supervlw rs o -g uara a nr tec d -slu d cn L o an les.cst cst a te s o n c ln.slx b l-tlc. M onday sent letters e lo!!r> d e p u ly c o nls s o n e r o r. sayng prvac; vacy ssues were those who 110 1al to respond. agalns alnst HEW payroll records. loans l guarantees are never } y - e ployees - soe 10 o the student nueal la o ld n H E W s. nvolved, The: hey dd.denty Should ld the deaulter reuse Sxpaason Exp; o Cross-Cleck to repad. e a rn n g ore lhan 1 $:).ooo O ce o Kducato on, Ue sa la ry level, levc addng lhat to ake ; payents, p hs or her olher lor ederal agences s beng, / An average loan s alwut O Y dcnandlrr Hnt the: lley rep a y T h ese c p lo y e e s a r e the govee: en t pad ore ease wll 111 x reerred to the consd nsdcrcd. HEW sad., tsooo, tw but a sngle sludenl $-503,000 n govcrnne ent loans rakng-al least $ $5,800 a year than $4C.rooo 50 to tc guaranlec-lle.. Departe nehl o ustce. sad FT axpayers ax have pad an. e a y g e t o rc th a n o n e. k thcyladascollcgest students, and, n so e ease; scs, ore than deaulle<l loans, lans, the HEW VannounceL-t. a o st a te d H.G - llo n U n d e r. p r o d d n g r o., We are slep[g ng up hc s:w.0()0." ho sak ad, "TheyV e The Oce :e o 0 K ducallon s The:l61 16 lew eploye.-; w ere naton; lonnly lo cover guaranteed Co C ongress, the govern entns.. collecton eort all 11 < (ver lle n b le lo pay, and d wo ntend lo sendng a sron trong eltor lo each denteded by a c o p u ter sluden dent loans taken oul by tw gun lo c ra ck dow n-on dela u lts % UPl " V Chldren t lr e a t e d \ SMLNG G Cl c a r look any young c creb rnd l palsy chldren, dudngt d o y Hanson, 14, or rrc rdes n O U alwa a Cly ths post weekend. D rl\ rv er l K a W UllaW/ole ol uses th e c a r to pro ote a lo local l l CPW eumn. FCC plh nnprule challenge reused S T tcsupre e Court. Mola lay handsets, recordng ach rceclcd challenges to he and olher Hes be regsu gstercd F o (!er«l - C o n n lc a lo Lons n vlll Uc cos.slon Cosson pror n -unc dcr.le.c arrlcrs-co n tc nd d e e ta u L - V whch clephone custo ers cosson has no reguh gulatory -. -, M c an reely use hclr own n t n- a u th o rty o v e r letr l ln a l,. y Q W M sn entsnulnttach ents. equp ent and thal the new T he court acted n a bre hr( rules properly nvaded [ded an * F A M O U S order, wthout coent. a rea hstarcally let to s la te *.. A ppeals w ere led, by / the ursdcton, t r ul-bol A e rc a n T elep h o n e an a n d n D ece ber the hgt ;t court 0.*!* * V «b. T elegraph Co., ndepende dent reused lo consder suc a co p Q u les-n n d -stato -u llu llly chollenge.-thntcqsodoall?all wltl- c o s s o n e r s ro n a unsucces-sul eorts by s decson M arcl 22 by the e 4tt regulatory cossons S to b ar -U S C rcul C ourl-o.a ppcu: p e als u s e ln. l l r a s t a l c cco : FREER REPL A C E M E N T u p h 0 n B t h e F r C C uncatlon o ecpn lp c n t... > regulatons. a d e by n d e p e n d X G U A lr R A N T E E T O T H E Snce 19C9, busnesses ; and anuacturers, r FRST % TREAD resldentldl c u sto e rs. ha% ave ATT sad w ll be cop< pelled b e e n a b le lo p u r c h a s e to regster Us own cqutp 5 who at a cosl ol o re lh lhan a n $8H co pete wth te clephor hone llon n the rst y ear r a co panes, but al rst hc hey t sad here a re ore ;th thaa n l0 0 F R O l l. had lo use aat gr-proyldt vldcdlllonplec.er o tc terr r nal conneclngdevlco. equp ent n the country. - - U nder the utest n!c nles, W V L E T H E Y - L A sa S T! - - P O N T SERV C E KLQUCy ,lOOMllE P r s e l r H-eployee TRE- F R E E r q ta to n o r th e. B FREE MOUNTNG lfeoftheta*. B - *-*!, *1* C D C C R E t R E 1 - FNAONC ON RUBBER STATC VALVE STEM APPROVEO CREDT E - FREE lalance... «......; - (NOTHNG O O W N.- E u : B OSEtUPT) - T le ldal dalo " sad th V c ra ss a c t s l. NO NTEREST. 3 E P ubc E ployees Assocalh allon organzaton ntends lo le ONTHLV E PAYMENTS) E - " ndcnled Monday l a y br brn g could" c o s t" lh e - s tale lc- u p l o s su tl ag an st th e sto le lo SO.OOO. recover overl e wages S or H e sad such a-sut wll seek = e p lo y e s a l lle bsta T a re n 53?nent"T )nch T nc~ re~v a v e E : N B pcnllenllary.. and nterest orpersonne Dnnel who E TRU c S t e p h e n E. S w a d le y. w orked al the prson ron- ro u ly *., = \ assocallon executve dlrecu eclor. 1,1975, louly , [ None 36 wthdrauvs SVHOCK T A L L A H A S S E E. F l, l a. he w lhdraw y na n a e." = (U l) - F lo rd a Uou; lo u se T uckersad. Speaker Don T ucker w lthdn drew T ucker sad Flord da s a tw o = Monday a s P rc sa e c a rte r r s senators, -wton Chlc tles and ~ O R B R S no nee lo be vce chalr r an -R chrdslune.hlssponso osors ur r F R E M t U Vw M o tte Cvl A eronautcs Boar {card. the GAD post, lold h th a t. = sayng h e w as told he ad ;ad no "cven-llougl 1 can n clearly = S A V EE O N R E S, chance o( l)clng conr ed repudate al allegatons, ons. here =. - because o ethcal scond nduct s no way can receve rve a ar = B R A hk E S, - W H E L. H G 7HWA allegalons hearng" ro hc.s e.scnalc = &A h a v e.to d a y wrll< r lle n Co crceco llet. S P resdent C a rter -skng { 111 that V V A l l G N A A E N T x PLY- 1 WASHNGTON" lu P ) ) - the only reslrtllon s lhal a l tte S \ NOTKCE: - W E ; -W th res sp e c tto th e book o coupons S dstrbuted to 0 3 : x * : V the- aort rty o-ho es n w 4 G -. A ; th e Twn Fc Falls a r e a... ; p le a se dsr sreg ard the l taton 1 n so ar as 5 0 A D th e nu be >er o coupons one n e / custo er r ay r use. w a y s t o t n a n c < K / p: W e a r e1 sorry o r th s nconv venehce. b w F n a n c e P lan a [ MbDOVrHPATMt - O NO FNANCE CHAtC tce 1 MTs > A L L H H E r r H C K K TRE SE :e s»es A T RED )UCED PRC AND TYP TRE 1 * \ TR PLUS RE {ECAPPABLE EXC! X H A N G E USED NOWF RES S CES- KVr" n P F - t N D < A R G A V N S r n l 7 -, l

11 S l S " S l o r....xu " n KW Y O R K lm M -.SK-ks. ndwl by a brllcnn oroo p c tu r e, lurn od MNtnl -Tly T «l;y -nu snt: nvestor conccrns tlal lcrcsl rale s w ould rse soot. Tralng w nsacllve. The CouTC D epart e. n c o ra g c d n v e s to r s ly rporltb la te M onday rses n aclo o rc rs. nnn(conse (rnle noods o rd ers anl nn?rn->~s pt np r-rnrn7r Tle novernrncnl last ueok rcporled a surge n ts econoc ndcators..bll nvorcublcdlndd to slnv concern over publsted n p rls lhat d e sp te tle 7 a l R e s e rv e B o a rd s recvntrcp>rt o a dcclne n te Ktols oney supply, the Mply la rg ro w n at nrakv.r avc the b o a rd s goals. Tle vd-nay have lo tlten credl rlu ro slc lle rse. v\»!5st tlls backuround.-lle Doewones ndustral averae \s3too 1.30 ponts to S50.M tt y " b e o re n o o n.t :! ). v a n c e s o u tn b o r e d declnes. 656 to -tt?. a ong the U>W ssues crossng tle tape-- Nev4 York.Stock Kxclang*.. )u n \ al th e Uvo l ur ark M ourtnl to about a r e s slarcs, conparc wll C5tOOO trad e d durng lle c l a b k p cro d Monday. p C o w as lle osl actve N Y SB ssue: u p ~ ; 16 2C. Tle co pany.monday reported thrl-uartcr e arnngs rose to Ct c v lts. sh a re ro l? ccnts a y ear ago...a e rc a n T e lo p h o n e & T cltrapl w as the thrd ost at:lvc-ssu e, o (o ghlysbed re p o rts sad a rcccn ederal appeals rulng ra s e s so e. u n c e rla ln llc s alxsu tle- ulurc-o-a T & T s pn-dslancc lnes operatons. /K V.M. PHCS.M.nXttk.K k K \ \ ;k HV/SoHr. lupl «;«coreos-n P««s* Cl rw Nnr Tot Swk K 5..,».l» < UllCh) S R g ",!! 55 r Aco~35! 15 1» *W. H t 1l{ >. A U 9W 1-15.}-«-H -»n B «uv, u u x tu «r»3ltw» 6 3h H *«4.1 tm Sl 95*»cty-«]w» n «;* * nn n ;, 5 M U 1!H l.... A r t a. 11 a.a h a;., st nx 7 < war.:; M t u *S -. tns 1 re n un ss ps*».t r t ) -MN x a - % ~ ) ll at* o>» OS h.\tcr* 190 e 31* 31* Cl* - Atnetw? 10 Ul M U* ]!*-1 Aa corp : 1X «8». ( # : : e o S t *» D u c!s«t k GcrSMlH 11 nt a» - - B " * BrOv t «7,;0H. D Mllt-.H 1H«t M a.- ll!» l«t» h 71H - DaHT 1.«t» nn O-* 3H. "Muns B e «OH UN» OH. H 8 H MH- u h h Sh 1 M S M* ca«. W S l F 3S(Tl 1., 10 lt» H n CtMo n «5» c-4. 1?3» n 9S nn nt. no «6S las.uw -c OrtP a 9 9 WH 10Hlth- Ou5«O e H XH BH CpTl h t» u e ) O* u - C"tn,o D 9 3» 3H HlH- CA.»«. 1. : e» SH sn. c-/c«: M a r <Ht 6Tl.n «a» D«Vh 3H tkcr> ca» H * *» g r«-» - r s r s r x - CMEl -M M BH UH 3H. OtBCq a 9 :/ tlh 1H 13n- E S -,S,! S SS S5 S ; colu «t 11 n?h -. s n?. ;. ".! s ; s 3, s t s s s - C o o l ; " < > M onlb Cobdt M ay VVcsle ru s.«ts M ay M ane potatoes v v Ocl. lve callle Kcb. lve callle Nov. ee d erm lle F c b.llv e h o g s Dec. w ea V D e c.c o n -- D c c.g g s /. Decsllvcr D ecrgold ; / M a r c H s c rr.r r. V..t..n :ks at M ~ OOW-ONES SOC*, AVlRUt; Bt P- tt.ook "g»l»tt 1V0UB nod!a!t.:;sn u : d. r :.h: : bal, cc s c 13 :t r. rl r-. on. Cv- ; s.s.n :» t p; :.; : r s \. s n 15,S. nse anl u.h h h st,s. l r ; n T ts, -cp ; u.! to D,,;c l -, ltd S S! he «6;?» ds «;?*!! o- t? 15-1]: h 1 -.ll- TM v n o d ««l " h -> t t e - r n r; [).66 [>.-<1.»-...9 l. l)t. ccco «) 15 u.-rrrh ;> ed ll:" hc rnccp } t 1] 3. T u PC no xt r: 1.-. tr. C-- r-cc 116 t :H HH SH l Sl x : \ S h 5 rs s S 1 5 lh r - M -5 U H H F»:4 «31 U; H H lve l s r l r r? ; PCo 13 9 ; U. Ut t - * PtT-y: ta -L. 16. r. sa ";=» " r r - n : - n r4f, r 7 :. :</, r & 3 \ -[ 2 ;5> Wl?, 2%.!.:?u,«) l 7. ; S ?.;?. ;?> tcs G*«n 13 l t X 3V. X tt-s.y-h y : us, cr> l«s tmust. H t;,, ;K Ql W S?5 * - ce lut M n 311. (tl S Gto C13 S M Tl -- V.H 1*2 1 a GU4 U4> <3 9. 9H 9 1 Ch D 100 SH?. - H CkXx W t!>. ch; * CtMPC66 1???! l l cw»n 110 T snn -T - T 3? 1=3 loa u 4 1. H l/ ll 1. H OuO 190 r :«n. sh : CdlSlU M 11H 3H C13 rt----- CKWll H 7!3-r» V r 11 V- lu/rx 1 ; r M. tlh 1.«10 1«l!!: X X n» Hctules- 1 t ta l/ 6 1 HtF 1«* w HMP «} t: h..5h. ;s H:txHo!7--5-n5r-7H -tt ; r ; s? «, -! - r s T s ~ ; ; S s tws X w r» 1 11 s H la-rk 14 3r ;«:«r* u*wp ts 13 u ;h rtn-:/. H M;O 1.1!.T 3, kl H L*oc(.C «*37 ts> s>. s. 4 Ce?M! ns ;. CH «*, s w.co».-1 W7 nh :; u 5 " t l!s h * 3 1% * :,. 1: b. P ; ; H : l u l u -. ~S l», XllnUnc * ll" ]H H 7 * ) : e; 3V; yn 3 H**»ww >3 urth r < r 5 r «13 h - h l h! H. S.» w S u - ",? - { t" t H- H l *{ 5 U, «r S v H «H B3 «!* «H» ;- r 1 B :h H K [ b l : l 1?: 3 U UH!? l H to ll 17< tl S* H tv Co>B»» l \ a - " a n s s :? s w SH l s::; s r?! - - K K, 5 S 5. S 3H U,thr0 73 [ t» «7 H- ;«tuc.m tre ;«t c; H w«tru K, «! n :H r UlU 1 d 6 S l- H- U[ro> so! " :«.1 K : 1 s r S Cl. H WcH. T> ;H 01.h, O-MCVO " K odty Futures a;. Today Prcv. V» : xlty a 6se ~ n r g h U w " n C ts.v7.50 l.oo K.OO ll.o CS , ( ,: 8.97 ; :» 4; ;H.5d W.l - r 5 r5 -» o :w -r!t -5 r-2 rv w on /(r ut C 54M -S: ( : 15G.40 15B S0 15«.( -.- l:33 «.ao - - a,.a 8.<..n.r...»..rln r.l... \Hdday RUtS O S l M>. WUtMM ucu s.-h r l a u.-et v u B 3- r. t ; H u :?!. u.-np 1?, \ ;:h. Uc-uco K - 3H 13: ; Uyn.T 6 5t -«l * -, M; llch M> ; Uc-uO - 93*7H «. «- " 13 M «H ; u S w t u 5 * n l ::h n!. 1/H. NWO U «. «s S, &!" M r se n tt- l,, 7 r n! r T T 3 7 r w r c p t * s s " : - B l U SL-.!.«! 1* t l!h, / h a w M 1* th H ; S! 5 { 3 S S.aw..» 9N?3> 73H» s s s a! S 3 s S ; 0:K E -l«2. ~4 u " s s ~ ts u,., O-a. h n -XS. S. ; Olk.l ,SH SH. o..x* l e u "!.,* O.-C t 3» 6? S..,*, o.r, ca l a n< t T - S - <th l l l l t y : ;!. repo;?3 t ; 7) /. ; h -. S.u!, 15w-w M *H 7; ;.v, - pr ppc 13M 3 B. h H.;., e "n X-»H TO:. l!- 6 n 30 3H -, PaC SC 1! S;. Wl l l 1 «"73 *., * lu.sn 43 : M lh t5>. U. >: «H H lo b ; R o;; ta a t r- n.!?>,-. 3 MH Ul l! l r r a : H * S.tS h S. U.., n;r-.m.-3? «13. ;;, :s.. n:,oc" 9 Mtt; stvr! ) 17, *>M c 1H s; lh H.! 5<{3 u 9n s rs,.-h-h no 7?a-sr, U :» rl n *. * Str,Vs «l «Sl S * TH--* TO r~t-rr«. S.-.-C s r-. S :.- s,».t.. n tt s U. U SCtl M V s.h t H Cl3? DxrOa «67. r - -. M 97S H 17 ). ~7 a 7 s s T r " > r X -> ;! p : 13l.1 75 r l l \ t.t t3«l h! 5 H 3 l.. C:tOO.? «4H <; H -tr ot-s:;-!-!7 >- lh~ K 3H 3t tl X Cop! ll 3C. r* - r - r rslco 3 9]? C l o - ; E ; g,! S 1 19H- 1 w 3; s - S v ; ; ll-u H 6 U ll 14; lt l-w * 8> V ;-, TC SCO l rrtn tm n» 15 M t«co -T 93t ;H «,. K -.. UU S ;3H- M 9 S 15. H.. w pp t«h 73 L E l E L L! n... - LaT« » H l! l lo n M.T 19, t«.. > Vl lr< 4 B :?.H U!h 1:h. \ n-, n ( u-h l H 79. w H 5 r-th- -HM 176 a r UH ; ;> MH- H WV.L «,«7 ; l u ; l. ;1 S cn t \ r ; 3 u ; ; > S3 t ;c B a ;. ;-l H wrrel :< Wrl U;:o. M S. Co 9M ;. ( (H l rt :./*.;: 1 7 OH. P : : :! g C r«~ lctyp "k l/rl ( 5. - ;. 9 t*h 1 ;h cw luc - -1 S ~ - *.;cl 2X 9 1 T9.?! s s S ;l s l-*an sb «9H t s Ol - -, 6, l \ n :M " s -non.- -" C n» t-».4h- C/wO (Oe 3 H 3,r. &4-> r 7 : C T \am B u \\\ : 97 (L!a.n, - u -. u ; U97 *t.- r ta 5«H ntn M0.5?«?,y S Sh : 4T2.:O. k lv SC. 1 n t u wkcc- O! 1M UH 15U.OO 0C.1-W D. 131r. s s. S., r t w,o[).x u 1 r. V a l l e " G r e a t N / ; 2 d» P n t o s : d e a l e r s a l S a l l r c t,;?sv :: SH 20.00; d e «. S L. U. k d * L h T -1 ( u o l a l l» : d e a l e r s,!! l H - H -. A s s o c l a t l c 5 - S : : ;. (3»«,a yt-. rv-. : : h ; h. T P. L.7H.. - S c e n V. ts, t (nsp S H S E W V O H K n M - M - V p c - t ) p l - c h e c «!ss t s T 1 n e c e s s ; r l l y p ; n k k \ l l? 1 h d a n g e r o t a n k e r n l s. «). >. K c a n o l h l o w o v t ;..? r e c o n t - k o l l s k d N o r \ \ a y? N o. s a y a n t 11 r. M u - u t >\ ; K c a n o r a n l u T s M H M H -. h e y h a v e o b s e r v. r.... l o n g - t e r o c o l o n c l e a s a n> n l : o.-sla! o r dee s -. pllut. Tley ( rlnle shrnkkcs K* 5 * served nunters o?;l a n ; and c x \. - shes n.soe u \ l»gt n>t; l;rg e -a 19 C 9 -. p e tro le la rsn lh t l ; " And l s l l: r, r. cases o brds r. 4.. anuas belrg k 7. > - - : ol slls n ve-\ tl. t>... H. V S, also shelllsl b ; S - l., c l e a r l y a r e 1 T. vtherableloollslk H u t - n n y - n l h - r l d s a g r e e. : -. D r. M d a e L t e». bh! l e d v s o n o e \ H ; l \ r s e e - e s a l t b e S ],,l- ; h l l u l e o. M a r l u : { l e e s l e r P o n l. M - l S -. T T " "! > > >15 * S c e n c e M a g a - 37! h T p u b l c a t o n o b c A c a d c y lo r! 1! n \ 3h r e c e n t l y p u t l l s l r: T * n s s t g t h a l :! * - ~ u a r n e o l s p l l s o c c u T c d n t b e p ; l «s 4 H *. l a v e p o s e d a r e ; «> H * l n e a l l o h e c c o l o : v n n - ;. B r t a n s t - ;- h h a c c o r d n g t o A l r w h o - w s - l.. > n d. «. l u l u d*l o tbew aslln ; H! 4 ;" - tbe l e, 1b;l be ; - ;.;z,.* ;- llc :::v \re c k t t 1 h u!7 ;. Canvo o C(rnu; ; u " H l U7. dd :bsobl. ; S ; : S :. : M n e r s.s o v c t u, ; ( k u a g e., v : n e u 0 ;. *3;. -» b e a c h e s w e r e p 1 C H c l -. b r g e n u b e r s o r T H w b e l k s a n d l 1 l H k l l e d. ; v. S B u t F r e n d l y u o ; b e b a s s o t b 4H u l - ;» U h o n t o r y s l d l, H s h d e l e r g e n t s u s e d 1 u > 11-1 cle;n U] he splu. « da ag e lh an lb eo. t9. - h d tley Mbe C " l { l l l 11 nol been used, h > w. ; ; - d ; a g e n l g b t b a \ 61.* s o e v v b a t l e. s s, " ; " h u t t b e n t h e n o > 3 ) > n l w o u l d K v e ; 1 T9., T.. H n c h e s u n d e r tle ; d u n d t - u p - y u a 1 31 a n d C o r n w a l l s * d u s t r y w o u l d K v e, ;. r. n r y e a r s. " : t. s w o r t h r l l.. H t H C o u s t e a u a n d ; l l S H " o c c a n o g r a p h c r s, n n. - 1 t h e n o t e l e x p l { l : ) ; H e y c r d : d l. o, K o t ; ; v t n r > 1 7 a r e c o n c e r n e d n o t > 6» 1. o l s p l l a g e h u t w h o. p e t r o l e u n v a s S l l l l l 11. t \ l l -1 L - x K u s t u e s H U H 1«H.. e n g l n c s n d o t b e r H 211 2v l., E d to r A b e ls o n 8. n *. M a g z l n e s a d n H n t ; a r v t b l r 1 s s / h T h s e a. a n d n n b e «H D 3; - H l o n c p r o c e s s e * s p l l s, a r e - t l l uoc> p e s e n t n s e ; w a l "ut F. - s l n a l e s o r l r s p r o d u c l k. " l e w?91 l.. n t h r e e l o t o n l M l l l l l l c o p a r a b l e a,h h >. k 0 «t T!» - ( S M Ml. H.... n... H ««H - H... lu. [ r \!. S H l l B a n k o A c r, \l *,11*, S t c. C o H H V - n. - n? r a T : r - l - r - r r - l d u, P w r. P d, ) n n t e r t. G a s ;» H s H K e l l w o o n " 7 H H t s - - o n g. F b r e l «>» ; P ; k -? t M p » * v. h S e r r a l. l e 11% S 11 *. t h o n t c x e y b e a n s N orllcrns; A verage 2 1 ); 2 d w dealers at s; av erag e 21.75: 11 dealers a l 2 a l red s; a v e ra g e 20,00; 3 d a le rsa t Pnks;--aV erago19.50:- r deal dealer.t kldtey; average 20.00; ld e ;le r a t; tlons represcnl oerngs o re ;, courtesy o U e sle rn B ean ton nc. P rc es a re net, : S No. K;an lax and storage charges. t s t s s p l t n l e e c t s r P l ~ Are ullln ons \V; ll! u n r««l>lt*,ky alut tbe.7l. 01 the lol ol splls ;ul to.s w;s losl ts lke the sporl;to. A dusler- o a n o u l.-w as r v e r and urh;n 1 Dr, cucs D r. Bender; T hey sa y nllshrd hy ( rved serous o rp,, ;u ;M e cal hreats-to -- nopar ent ot a- result.o hotl ;o nlo llu ep se; o! splls lurnu lend l> a(- ;long He All; es n he ob- orslsmcd h; o trds ; d l stors!* even oce; B e n d e r cted,e ;re;s to M absacluselts -a n n n ls - T t ebu!tn.v say lheoce;ms. -,") nllnn n;l l:ud lo nd plled ;lonu Ht ;nd.one ; rsll o ;T klled ol-ly stl) ;rles a y larke n- e an sn g ;ny, sl. Tbe brls n,ent da age b e o s t slcks..mother l-:at lll-teen!b----- loakng-ol-nl llons o ye; Llldeead olt-;kng ;.hu.ovnncnml etrc ons a Slrgn; n- sad. There so.1 Scences ;l M exco c;scd. Va. nd ault th;l l;s.ol- edtor o n a vsble s r a/.ne, be knows low l bc A ercan \vayoc;png r th e Ad- Render n;t Scence, xlh observalle er slcd alcles ol splls have 1: none d b e H e sad tb e l Us lhal h a v e B a rb a ra cha pasl X> ye;rs C;lHorn;. s rw llt gt er nbo-tnnrn lony. lo b a v e rc lu rn t p l V Ml 0 1h Bender ;nd W TT W lttdcr: k u y W h o ed Frendly, U al becoes lngton Post al seas? e.spll;ge by t does ; lo lt...t o rre y coaslal areas, w ;lla Faster. But tere now ulelv no per- o cleanng up ,\d-utde. Kngbnd both le callcd he -u enpor;ry o ol splls.".,l,r»nw..s. «c ro tlav.s. Lvapor, n " 11,. lvcll,,lcs. ll.a lll,,, O T lrl ebrts to c;usel ore... be d etergenls M l - c o logcal » * - * lave bave heen ;," b e wrote, noe lsled L sunk a ew le s;nd only to -nc lbe v.ver o t l l e c c a r!! s tourst n- ve been runed 1110 o th e r the ro n [ n ucl o tbe le sea Klton, he ( bsynuel; L>. W D.r.>!> Ml h.l. rrr.n T O ] TTO "? HrOO -1H:00 185, l L 6 2 S 7.7.V.H T l n o s t d r e r s at a t 21.0U; 2 SCllC r a s a w, " *,, coon stc " r" T1,L-Sl«k l";; rt-nu..,1 oer to p sh ares o t S28 p e r sta sller. Tle oer rglt to buy 5Q0.000st: - dered lotab - Bose Ca ;ll shares holders o Alxt :H p( t-nderc<l : nure sb a r by th e co ; w;s contr;t,led e -M u re. 111, co ence lo;l. 2.1 llon sb a re san d losl.lurng ran- not purcl A ne;rly e<u;l posslle. ;s dt%-ed ro Knrunol." S l X l d e rs ;rlcle, n * 7, ; a g a / c nk\v-y( ly oncl Ol etal ar rep<rt by he S M onday ot th e - ln le ro r- M etal Mu 1 be bslory ol ol el;lsput U \V(rld W;r Alunh All;ntc ; (.ul p e rc e lp l dbyne y ;clon c lb. Antlon led ; rep l hy per cenl [ Llts nstlte o Tex;s,boll say!(that alxul C o p p e r ;llons o ol were delvered H be K;sl Coas ;s L e a d, ltcks by Cera pr ary p s alone wlboul U.S. non p ly apuen er- prw lucers age lo arne lle. Magncsl ngot t-:arl! lus been Mngav - n lu -lh e -e.s -o r-. x «x rc? years and slll s Mt-rcur> out b;h a llon s a year. Bender N c k e l s one n the gul o cthodes. sed by a geologc q,,, o.n ;s been leakng ol strea or no one Patlnur lung. T here s no p r o u c n g t- dealerapp ;ntalnet all be p e rtro y o eects o arne Steel. N ve been slort-lved. p u sb els.nstus Sanla tconsu c c h a n n e l..-pll o s no excepton - prlcc5;: nrne syste s sc TTr~N" u rn ed lo n o rn a l." cbeck prk ;nd Abelson wll g bo n < -s; a tw rp r c so alltle o ll;n d. 7 u g; c :l k splll-l nlo he Q p-pr,,. $ a lol.11 <la,u ;c a eas, 1h>1 conceded o o c lb, now are ;ny \v:) s ;upco:slal splls.- dc-dls bed.vbat he "SMS ele;nsng NEW Y - r -. ; l llllm ar b reaks down.soe slv er a l : ncal cop<enlk, dow nl.o c Wthn s\v n To 14 Ku,elh; poralon re oves h;.se prc p e r cenl o be c e n ts a o n s n a v e ra g e abrcate! d o w n l.lt Sot w bltc w beat 2.15, barle, xetlgrnlns3,33,,. W beat prces are gven by W arebouse Assoe;lon. nc.,. O lher gran prces a rc ;n uv l)cardealel4lu0tnlan!mnlne c h a s e s t o c k e d u l e d. r P - Bose Corp. sad Kxly l rhase. o n a pro r;ta b llon shnrcs o ls -yc stock. K.k was tendered ;s a sc the r s Sepl 13 u purchase* 2 llon p tscoon slock at larc n cash net lo the g t cr gves ttc r he >uy tp to an adtknal! sares. S hares ten- e lalodsoc7,3 llon. Cascade wll pvrcbase s tendered by r r d o.50 shares o r less. por cent o Un shares by holders o.-l or lares wll le accept-d OMA pany. Hogs :o panv s;l t wll low er; ce - pay ent to r tbe nd the return (t.shares -SO OO, rlasel as propllv ;s - :W.50, closed )o.> letals cat V O H K -rl P.v,, 2S-V1 ll Y ( ) llk T tp lr - ;n trs hgher larket prces as quoted - by the A ercan M ark et,- aullortatve lutlcallon;. lu, prl al-y. 99,5 choce : plus pure 5(111), ngols 41.50;? lony. lo eslc, 99.,1 pure,.o.b. Laredo,,o(.e lolk c lb. 41) e r. e r e e t r o l y l c, - K lu.s..625clb, 1, c o o n. L..S. L-o.producers c lb.; 1 pr ary secondary Ts:l.ooc lb, csu, 99.1! per cent, OOt.b.,];n,O,ane p er cent Cpllaro.OOelb: ury. St3a C lb. p"] l e l. e l c c t r o l y l c S..o.b, Porl Collwrne. Ml -2,21) lb. la. Mel.,, le klyesl aletlprlcc,), lu. sot ne,, c e r S ; pprox., S ounce., No. heavy elt scrap. urgl S5G.00N p e r ton, c r buyng prlco>;-a Vlkl, co poste sc ra p pcrton,., N TY TTnrvrM cn-m kt: >rlcc39a,50clb, N,Y. A. M et. Mkt. prtwcootsob: stc n pow der (H-Retl, P n Hnl-n>tntn-puro s.47pcrll.. pr e w estern. U.S, y g...» -E e e uncha - S l - ; * Y O R K (U P )-H a n d y.la rg e nr nn Monday nuoted edu al $4,050 per lne ounce.0 cents, llud uotd a slver rce o $4.(150 down 1.0 a n d a p r c e o r, p. led slver.o. $4,7GG,ce n ls,... AU 1.20 P up n : ;-TTOR rley ;33. o ats 3.110, y he Bean C ro ers e., daly a t 11 a n average o l sever;l,.. abrc p e rtr Tonshv. Or.lol;.; Tr>r, l r t s h c r o p LONDON.UP.»:.-..Te.B rll nnnouncd Monday Uat based n over tbe l;st w w eeks ths yea crop s expecled to produce v lllon elrclons. ac)ev«l, H s gure woul " bl;ler poducllon ban n any -ycan. P e te r l\vke. Brtsh su g a rs d servces, sad w hle grow hlu unknown actor, tbe pot nt;t th planl Mpuloton s -near- tho- sullly rec o pests and dse gn*cn nnd heallby. and be le; tcularlyblt." He s.d thal l>ccauseo ths p lle nal out tu rn o su g a r s dc extent upon growng condtons Lvesto )M A H A P > -L v e sto c k ; 1 lugs C>,2U0; blcbers 25-5 ver; No H lb ( OOl).5U, 240-2GO lb ;t9,50- K; 00, No U-2S0 lb a 50, lb ;« ; No to,3l) ll 37,00-:8 00: S41WS sc > sedste;dylor.blgler; :«)0 - de )lb L a tlle ;sla u g llc rsters, ca -50 hgher; heers ostly >0 tra t;ter. nslnces V:. llglor r n w sr lo 5 0 h g ler; sle ers4 ut a d s c b o lee and n r o sh; lb 42.7-H2.l5; W 24. d choce 1325 lb 43,(K); se Dce lb ,50;- s; xed go(kl and choce b 50; a part loadcbolce 1075 ll) s; ers 41.50; several loads. 3lco and pr e lb ; cbolce»75-l0.5n lb 25-40:5r uppd -n d - low olce :H ; utlty a n d a erc;d cows 25,00-2G..50; ; nnerandcullerr.« Sheep 1.000; only around :!(( a d s a le a b le, w th tb e lance drect lo deale rs; auglter la bs 25 bglt; ce soe pr e 95Tl) b 7)rhslaut;b0nalHt).-wnp;o p ells ; wooled 90-,01b54, , , T uesdays csll ates; c allle,500. hogs 3,.500,sbeep 000. P lo L K T.. (U P ) - 1 veslock; l, C a l t c ; t r a d e oderate; ste ers 50 cents (cr; heers steady lo 50 nts hlger; hgl choce and e s te e r s ; lolcc ; cl]olceand neleers4).o Hogs 1,500; tr a d e a r, arrows nnd tlls 1.00 lower te l n S rs O ;- 1 o t lbs T ( reduce Prces.2 llno prces a s reported by u SDA: 1 Eggs; prccs pad o d o llv c r y - - -«changed. < Prces to retalers 1G rade A, cartons delvered); e x r.! rg e 5C-5U; la rg e 52-5); n edlus47-49., c W o r l d g o l d NKW Y ORK lu P U - orelgn and Doestc gold rlccsm donay;london t M ornngxngl55,t0up0.h 5 Aternoon xng 155,45 up t 20 P a rs (ree arket) 158,84 p l,14f rankurt 155.H3 up Surlcb 155.2S up 1.25NEW XRK H andy and H ar an, pl.50. E ngelhard, base prce or clnng se ttln g a n d un- brlcatchl gold up c r-tro y ounce. Sellng prce. brcale<] gold up.l.44 e rlroy ouctr" } B H B l tor.-nuws. Twn Falls, c.-ho 11 p clbs rltlsb su g a r corporaton. d o n sa p le noralon,e a rs Brtsh sugar l)oet vclween 900.OOO and 1 ould ark substantally y n bo three prevous sd lre c lr o agrcultural lurlnu he auln s an th ls y e ;r s hgh because e-opl nn. tbe crop s lsease.- be lop urowth s le; to rmt rato s par-, potenll uncsll aleo-. dependent lo an unusual ns ths autu n," 9 c k PORT.--\N), Ore. >UP) - lusda).ve-slnck; C attle and calves l.oo. Krly delvery anly cows a! le r classes.co pnred to prevlou-s.monday cows steady supporled by good de and ro slaugl tc r and le r huw rs; nol enougl e a r;y sales the classes -or trade test. Slaunhter cows lew c n r r c a l 25tU0= 27t25: utlty ).7.>, ew well shrunk 27.OO-27..S0, cultcr 2hO( V ew canner 17, , severl lotslrc cows n utlty sbuuhler llesb gong nack (0 h e c o u n tr y ; sla u te r bll.s lew !.lUH)lh32.(HKl-l,75. *, NORTH SALT LAKE, Ulab lu P l) lahv daho and e asle rn Nev;da eedlot and r;nnes;lesm onday: W eekend and Monday trade r ;lh e r slo w ; lew s a le s slaugllcr steers and heers la te lasl week ostly r; d e and good; only l ted oerngs nolbd, llese heldn -lronh hands ; Slaugllcr ste trs, good ad.v choce 2-3, ew 4:,,050-,50 br42,oo-oo,-lat cr prce blgl dressng n w estern a re a s. Slaugllcr heers, good and ostly choce2-, 950-1,000 Ul, n,00, la tte r p rce lgh dressng n eastern.rcas. F e e d er cattle lr to.50- hlgler; choce lb steers ;19, , Potatoes OENV El (U P l) - Potato TW rk etlow ttrtom lrsackss; No, la unle.ssothenvsestaled. Colorado round rtds, r>.00-.7s; 2-. to a. n ch.t S lt arh n ) ncb.4.00; l b o g s -H th b hated; WO-rSO b ull!ty.-1.20; norgnld l bags 10-11) baled, ,23; 20-lb. - - u t lty ; - -1,20; W asllngton - O regon russets 10 01, 10,00-11,00; 50-lb Oarlon BOs-lQOs.!,>5-l!,50; dho ru.sses l&oz n u, ll.00u.50; 50-lb c;rtonu0s-100s.«.50. Oun DENVFKUP - G ra n ; No. 1 harw nler w heat 3.50 cw. No. 2 yellow n rn ,36 cwl, - N o,2brley2.90cw 1. O G D K N U P - G ra n :, B err44roton 2,32 bu N o,llp ro lc ln 2,3 4 b u, No. 12proteln22bu. No. 13proleln2,50bu.. N o.l sotw hle w heal 2.32 bu. N o.2 b arle.c 5cw l ~ A rrlv.ls :2 r2 0 w h ea r Hve barlct s va-. ~

12 17 Tos NCws: Twtn Fnl.-l l-kl.ho-tu.y.0 cl0l)u(. s 9 7? ;/ g r o r X X a» e s g p - o t r " rfor years, t :seeed s the e only way tc ;o get Test t D a t a C o n c l tle y e real Ltaste ro; 1 a cgarette :was to sol )ke M. 4ERTand MERT 100 )0s were botl th atb lgh tar branc n d T t e ted aganst a anrrtrnber-o Dhghe-t-a: Hgh tar cga ;arettes had an H c g arettes. ; The lousands o - ) c e l u s v ~ r F aekers were-t e-4-nvolved. Today, all tbe le standards s are M ( Overall, s( nokers repor >rted cha angng becau luse o a nev M t h e.ey lked the taste o ba D t h tast( ;te breakthro ough called 1 lertandh MERT 1005 } s as. M E R T,.. E rched F-lavc /or tobacco,.uch as the tc taste o the - - MERT v s pa< lacked wth :gher tar cgo yarettes teste ed. E ched Flavc /or tobacco. ). / H - ( Cgarettes havng h up tc to. Tob >baccp orne wd cert tan 60 }%ore tar! key y lavor-rch h ngredents ts. Only one cgarette has 3 -. sol lated n cga ette soke ce nrched Fla avor tobacco O. and d p r o v e n to ) delver c lav vor \ And you ca :an taste t. X.. rd a P o p r uptvn=to: tarr- MtK [ lo-v s ;; 2rr..V lr.q 9 ".y.ncoeav pert percgaec byftc Meod. rove 1( ow ta C T t a r x9a UL ;52DQaD.c;.C. S ( a : 1 M r M E l r a rettesr ] t. R T d T W a r n n g : Ttn> S u r g e o n G( G e n e r a l H a s O e t e r n e d R! R t G U. A R ; n d M E N ThH O L TTh h a C g a r e t e S o k n g s s td a n g e r o u s loyour Healll lh. e e lv e r» Kngs d rslav( & «o r V t T =

13 M p B y A bg a?prthchc*ao D E A R ABBY; S o rry, but ev en though th e re w as e x p o su re nnd/o r dsorder!; N ot so. A ccordng lo th n n u n ry 1,1974. a e ale w not g u 3 ty o ndecent ex t n enclosng a copy o ch S. P A r t D E A R l> A n K ;T h an k 7 o t read: pedes who go tople 7 o r nd e cc n t-ex p o su re sa d Q th e y a re also BOTTOM LE T o p l e s s O K n T e x D E A R ABBY: How can h s re lu c u n c o to a rry? W h av e been a rre d beore...ay a rra g e ended n d b a d sceho ro th e s ta rt year honey oon. T h en llness. H e says ho wll n could n t b e a r th e cxpercn< o th e r, w th who ho lves h e d oesn t, ne ed n. w e.to n He cla s th a t h e loves r. a rra g e. W e a re so rg h t- a rry agan, How can gt D E A n O W A N : d o n l l h h sel happlneea today bee d o e sn t e uch se n se. a rra g e n nd. H e base D E A R ABBY: My b e s t g about everyone n the nog hnabecu L goq drcd d. to- lko her. So e o y o th e r a ro u n d w lh h e r, wll g e t a "b ad," and b rd s o a eathc b e e n n a n y knd o trouble W h at should! do? D E A R U N D E C D E D :B r o]\wyb dock to g e th er, b u t sa y o g ; O ne sw allow docso a e d o e 8.tako-a-glr stck by h e r. Sho n eed s yo e v e r. F o r A b b y s new booklet, K now, te n d to A bgal B everly H lls. Cal. se l-d d re ssed, s t t a p e d 24< P W By LAWRENCE D e a r D r.l a b - W hy don t doctors do ore se e s lo e doctors spend e prolong soeone s le who s g b e a lo t bet ter to prevent ths su rg ery and treotng can cer lha D e a r R e a d e r - D oclors have dscoverwl the r Ogo and there snt uct wc can D octors would ovc to prevent successul n ths area to the advce ttcy have been gven. E n e e s o h e a l t h L e t s look at autooble nt aulo oble speed l ts w ere b< autooble accdents dropped 1 w ant to slow down to save enorg; elsoslle. D d you know that your chanct les.p e r hour a rc only about. survval prove thd slow er th e : 00. tle chances a rc 31 to l.ln your drve ast ust reeber the l co on cause o deatl n ale; or 15 and and osl o these a n lu le doctors can do o prevent otlers. You arelheproble. D octors ask people to qut so person qut sokng? Yet can c cuuse-o-tlealh-and-lungcancer c a n c e r deausvdd yb Know (l could be stopped toorrow cvc the doctors outlaw s rnoknr? F a ta l leah atlacka aro th ree t n nots okcrs. Y et snlokng s d u rn g co ercal travel, ntel! ncreasng ller rsk contnue lo d octordo? T here s abundant evdence ll and kccplng-your physcal act obesty wll benet your hca p ressu re, elevated atty-ctolesu -W cad to h e a H a c k s a n d s tro k c yoq c an ll l your talo res and «: C lrrtosls o the, lver s th e : deau n en b c tw t the ages hcso a re caused by hlcohol. Do< pcoplcq ultab u sln ;;tlerlk)dlcp,» people.ollow sensble llvn h c allh longer. To gve you soe - know a b o u agng and how to p a sendng you Tle H ealth LelU A gng. O thers who w anl Uls ss sta ped, sel-addressed envelop o ths newspaper, P.O. Box ls5 NY : (N ew tpaperentetb lb y gall Van Buren C<Q0 T{un».M Y Newt Cr»4 c b u t you blew t w hen y o u sad th S no law a g an st e a le s go could bo a rr e s te d or ndece: le rly conduct.. tho T ex a s Penal C ode, eec c who goes boro-brcastod,n -pub1 exposure or dsorderly conduct. th e P enal C o d o.l, ARK RANGERS, A U STN, TE: you. th e re b y rev se y a n sw e r opless n T ex a s c an n o t be o rre a lt a n d /o r d so rd e rly c o n d u c t unle [LESS! P XQS n help th e on love overcon? W o oro b o th n o u r la to 30s or rc;» 1 dvorce o te r 15 y e a rs. t w as rt. He sa y s h s a rra g e w os on hs.w o d e d a te r a.u ngtrn n e v er a rry ag an b e ca u se h encc o losng a n o th e r w o. H ves, s ra s n g hs tw o chldrok s :o ake a ho e o r h s chldre es e, b u t th o t he c a n t consde ;h t-o r e ac h o th e r D n d --w a n tl g e t h to change hs nd? lo W A l llh ln k y o u can. F o r a a n to den because h e ay lose t toorrow e. D o n t co u n t on h you hav lasnt. t g rlren d s n tro u b le a n d u s oghborhood know s o to u t l. Sh 0 r or-a-long-t tr-and-l-r)all; le r ren d s te ll o th a t han ct a bad re p u ta to n b e ca u se sh e lh cr lock to g e th e r. S h e s neve lblo.wpro; U N D E C D E B rd s o 0 ea th er a y o r a y no b u t a re n d ed o aoothe: csot ake a su er. A n d o g lrl-b ld. -e h e V y o u r-rle D d y o u r ren d sh p now o re tha let, W h a t T een-ager* W a n t t gal V an B u re n, 132 L ask y Or P le a e e a c to e a long 1240 envelope. C E E,L A M B, M,a ore about preventng llnesses? 1 ost.o th e r t e Ust tryng l s gong to de anyw ay. W ouldnt Person ro Rettng scr ln th e rs brs ace ore oney dong hear lhan they do preventng t? he real en e y to hcallh a long t can do about t. Tle en e y s YOU ent llnesses but they can only b he extent th a t people ollow goo< 1 accdents. n w hen lowe e beng olw yed the death ra te rotr ed 17.4 p e r cenl. But people do no orgy let alone th e r own o r soeon ances o survvng an accden; a l 71 o u l nl best?. H e <hanccs.o. the speed. At speeds betw een 51 anc /our avor. W hen you a re nclned t le gures. A ccdents a re th e osl laes and e ales betw een th e age; : a re aulo oble accdents. T here : enl you ro rskng your le o sokng. Do they? Who c an ake ancer s th e second n o sl coor T c e H s-lh e - o o o rc a a w -o (hat bo p e r cent o all lung cnce everyone would u sokng? Car TC t es a s co on n s okers a«s per tted n publc places anc tclllgent people wto know they arc E lo s oke clgareu es. a t can 11k :e tal ll lng your calore nlakt ctvly up to d l ln a te o r prevenl health n preventng hgl blood csteroldqw sls n bc-arlorles tlul okes and prchulrc scrlly. Only odcxerclse.,= he ourth osl co on cause ol ges o 33 and 54 nnd 60 p e r cent ol Doctors have no authorty o ake lc5tll U lcolo: vng habts they c an lve n good o e ore nor aton on w hal wc o prevent o r slow ls o c c re n c e l -etler nu b r 1-V, P e rp etu a l Youll, ssue can send Sp cents w llb a long, elope or t. u sl w rte lo e n carc Wl. Rado Cty Staton, New York. atetprlsea asoclatlod ) P H d th a t gong N E W Y O nk (U l w obcclm uklns e ctlvc p u b l c dsense-rce or uct. ( 0 doctors rcporled F TEX. The cancer spec the past15 y e a rs v er to anllcancer drugs eated D seaw represer nlcls - spectacularadvan h ew ara g aln stca -W e don t und(. a ll," sad Dr. S; l l...h arvard M edcal; H lqw t s caused. \ W spreads. But dc > l >s n * a v as a 1 - ;erlng.. [ so ho > H s l H - 3rKso xlren sder W B n t l b - F l d? [. r T W A N den y rrow have. She «ouy han g lever D E D * th e r l n t to r D r ll ng lo ; rst h eart t e o u! w A l *, " ly b e good ow er... ro 0 not leone a l 7l =. W o r l.. LONDON <UP1) - r e s pensve car, a H 6,125 R e or Monday. Tle gold-plated, velve ake a condtoned ll oaslne w nn usncssan Bhal 7 r lu tc a U s lr a U a tlo n c e r pclcd as a Slver ubllc C a n notor ndustry to Q K aranl s lnclude.sever P; 35 queens w ll be less ado \ and y a rc ll n tlc - Hake U - S " K ( thut Only NEVVYOKTu.= Ralroad barlcndc c o w ent o u t n style 111 o( cars hooked up loll nake loaded wth hs cus good rends. ll we Al. a stocky 56 ) c e l a n d a b u lld llk e a oulb, Uc last.16 year? long, and poppng xxr care - Long slanders n or.k., garbarc cn wlo ralroad not only Hodgk (U P) T Most youngadulls n s Dsease, once an al ost ll cancer, now a re lv n g... oro th a n ve y e a rs wuh lve out nor al let es, d Frday. pecalsts sad p ro g re ss n ars n uslng radaton and gs to deal w th H odgkns senls one o (he ost t-anccs o (he past tlecadc n cancer.. nderstand ths d-scase at Sa uel H el an o the ;alschool. "W e don t kn o w - d. We have no dea how t despte tlal. wc have k - M / U / ( d s o s t - The w orlds ost -.s- ch S Rolls-Roycc. ht the rond to (vet-upholstcrcd. dual lr- Ka w a slw u g lt by llonare tatlak aranl. Me to-a4loll»;-now-lk>lnr-eom bllee gt ro th e Brl st, Queen E lzabeth. H l» e ry porsl)lcoptlon the,. dlt adorned and about $.14,000 : l l c p a c (U P V r Wen Long sland T dc ra ls erzanlrelred, he c ~ w th tw ospcclal bar- ( o lh e 5 :4 4 lo P o r t e rs o n custoers and rends. a p L n - asto crs- a n d 36 year-old, wth gray har alddeweglt, has spent... asll nng bloody M arys ecr cans o r Uousands o : ro W all 1- brokere ( o l0.long.ag(ldlscovcrcd.uc <- lly drves you to drnk but ns ds«reasonably eectve w;ays o c Hodgkn s dsease, a allg ly ph- syste, s r a re populaton as a whale, tut l : rah Oly coon a ong the ost oten strkes en bev.een 20 and 40. About 8,0( arc expected.tlls y ear n the U D r. M ort er le c h e r, o tl Sloan-K etterng C ancer Cen Y ork, sad al a natonal conc dsease that eght ol ten HodRt p a ten ts now aro sur\vlng ore w lh any exptctec lo b By cure, 1-acher explaned lls p a ten ts that the posslbll s alw ays prosent. but he sa P S S.O N A R E B U Y S$46,. :w lh $ 6,8 0 0 w o r th c t e x p e n s cheaper, " C a rs aro hs hobby and h e s w to co ng to l>ondon lo.ta k e del K aran a.-;soclalo, M ayab Abhasl, "H e alread y has one R olls 1 M crcedes but thnk ths wll be lls lnol,-ltb l)oeagoodlry, " t has e verythng exccpt l»dy\clrk,c sad V ctor Barela drector n the U ndon.r olls,dl; a d elcsalc, d bgrt provdes the acllles or dong s F rd a y nglt as th e tra n l al N om h.shorc. Al. all dressed u; bengnly al the crow d unchln; bee and red chcken and putl trlwtryoulhul bartenders: " l s b cn soeung e lse, he... ellngout. ve h a d enourl. Al-.short lor A lexander e arle r 14 years on th e Pe..la lln u d. And w th all Ue dlplc c a re c r bartender, he reused (0 --a n y -b a d -tt c srh o -g v c sllc l t al he can knock you oul w th 01 ;ease r o c rn g t,. expected allgnancy o the Wetl re a o n g lle - Hodgkn l s consdered cu re d," theage group They len a n d w o en dsorder, 8,000 new c a se s vcr-d le nlled States, ntornpl o th e M e oral lterally C enter n N ew. dnary ] oncrcncc on th e ortgag o dr knsd lsc.se chldren ng ve y e a rs o r and the lo b e cu rcd. dsease, ned that ho lolls " ls a :)llly o a relap se cxperen e sad osl a re odevelo. 9 K ROLLS-ROYCE h o g o ld plang s y e c a r l The Pla s lookng orw ard-.- w hte roo d e lv ery," sa d a the Flyng u rg larak s R o y c e und.a nsde s elsbcstyet. nn ntcroo T h c chau cpt bu lle t-p ro o p assengcn relay, an ag n g Barchy vdlstrlh lor.,llat, ,.ln, tookcoc ender ngso. -. Troubl. a bled up th e w lh anyc Ml up, grnned. custoer, chlng lls ro ast F o r h puttng a rusl - -. donated t the-pcsh-: "h e s a d ; but and Mon ur." cuslo cs :r p u t n,a n hlngsasc Pen n sy lv a n a,1 Son ol d lp lo a c y o ra.. hand, su r d lo r e c tw r a n d th e s bcl prc.s lon " bealra h o n ep u n c h. nds, " X..,. Tl 10lone ted lo lve a s long a s th e r p e ers, lother (her le s changed :lns D sease or nut. hey r e rea ltrlkl e y x stn c k hy a vory dc cr. tleyrc oreedlrto a perod lcll treat ent, have th s terrl upllon n helr lves and then ly set he rglt hack nto the. proble s, w orryng alw u t age. w orryng alut w h at th en arc dong, arrage and dvor ley al ost can orget alxul th 9 s a ralh e r spectacular and pleas; ence lo have lved hraugl ths clop ent." h t s r o a c hanto V. l.,nndauletle s grtcn» nnd 50,800 o gold plallng.-lnc ng -ady hood orna ent U at has alar,! s an 11-nch televson, u coc-ktc co, and a specal sle rco -ra d o c; au cu r"slls ltr~grch. n lcalre e rs on green velvet, ay sad He c a rs p rlco ta g n ln.nuloowle,aldvaluc added, nen one year lo hulld, retre! u b le -lv e never had any trouh nyonc not one a rg u e t wl e r, - - rh ls Frday nglt basl. th e n lro ; l lwo specal parlor c a rs-u s e d h S u trrtra d eto -S o u lh h a p tt [onlauk, and so e o A l s 0 cs.were ovenvhcl ed..b y su t s co ortable chars and a sllra y o, a gun," sad one old art ;urveyng the chro e a n d carp cl! sudden nlux o young wo e n wl ul w dw and u n d o te d ly -r "la-tls get Al lo r e tre ever Tuesday, Octobor Tes H < ger at s, U chcr sad there;,ed by Hndgkln s Dsease, 1 r e a lly...serous s he a d 1 - patents a re dyng lcull do, Specalsts ar rod o eort to nd out wl e r r h l e Anothe r proble lon we "co p lca to n s 0 the or- p a re n ts develop ca lt th e a sa ro.su llo lh era< th e r drugs, vorce, One reason or h th e r Dr. Saul -Hosenlw Unversty School leasanl probat)ly hal o lls age patents are ben. doctors nol knowng need all the real c 9 D a y d pw A CTY,.low; l don l take le agnatons arc su Unversty o owa p: l "Postve anlaslc p, ourselves, add to nrcrour.c.pdy K.lthleen Slale>7c! B unversty Counscln "These arc rcaso H H respeclable. So the L l l when you daydrea. Daydroa s a re on reasons, she sad. T because people bell ~ ~ ~ l ea n d b ec au sc o lornaudh and "W lenw ew atcha have (0 agne wla wc do when wc road saw the ove G exa ple, beorc yo l agne vsualzng: l anybody but Clark G Becau.se o (hose n. ode A ercan r os hosc o persons 5 had to pcture place; saw. They used the crtal cnt raller th gong to a ove. -» 5(111, ost o u; < agnatons, My 2> on agnary teleph T n e lg h b o cs ccn d w le rs, slcsad, "B ut, ourl agl asw e g ro w u p, well t e or u.sp o t}e.«;e ~ tho lo w o rk o n." However, she sad alsobe Kanul. 3 lnlasles shoul sloudnt w our total T o v \ / n n t a x e s d W t HERCULES, Call: H H has.so uch oney l The prosperty s 1 H M n e v e r a very popula l l, to, lve nexl lo one ncotnfstnncoc M H U c a te d on S a n P l S * csco and north o l p M dstncton was k W K anuacturer o llgl l S l and one o the bg one But the explosve. vlcll ogencnlpc; KwtchnH-tocrtlc bgplat, * One o the copa P acc Renng Co. ols, desgnated sa le, and Uus thee;. ta x generated by hc ltue less lhan $2 ll Q. A couple o other n ncoe ro sales co pares wth $7.00 ty wth a taxes, 1 ncludng aganst the c tys ann lastm w n. Tle cly tax rale... School taxes have klal ta r. luer;. (he Tle arga around tl,,, to be let vacant o g ncludes w ould-go: t s n cu ax. R... resdental and busln 1.659resldentsadls s n sty rouble - - F rd a y, wll a S crzannsldlels caterng servce n Sy lroad and slay ol the ralro. ed or " r v e r o d e a.lo tp r lo t-o d rn k ta lt ld. s old good thng about hl -s u c h don copanthcy trays, ay be downng a cv lartn w aylo e. pclng.. Frday, h o c r. r n wllh derent - lt.s.unrc -e (h c re g u la rs. S e a t every Ue young lades wth nec-nows, Twn Falls. daho 13 ( Q / lal ;rc stlla rep ro b lc sw th «, however, and th e ost ct that two o every ten a re now devotng ore vhy. ; s whm he c a lle d lo ; o s u r v v a l." So e cancers o o lh e r org-ns radaton and anllcancer he coplcatons, sad -.. nlwrg., the Stanord ol o.medcne. s that o Hodgkn s D sease eng o v ertrealed. w th dng whch paten ts-d o n t cnt, r e a s > r t a n t UPl,> -r- A ercan s u s l. e to daydrea and helr suerng a. a rcsu ll o l 11. a a psychologst sa d F rday, sles ake us eel good aboul to our personal g rowth and ly orcto:llvo work7 ahtdr. cl sapsychologsl o r h e lngservce:. asons (yougl lo ake (he [heres no need to eel gulty," ; on the way out or a couple o 1. T heyve gotten bad p ress" Klleve the to b e a w aste o o the b o bard ent o actual canned antas " :h a play on televson, wo don!t llat the c h a ra c te rs look lke a s ;ad a novel." sle sad, " yo Gone w th (he W nd, o r you rea d -th e novel, cr you ng Rhed B utler a s lookng lke kc able? e reasons. M rs. S tale y beleves n aglnallons a re nol a s good S.50 to 100 y e are ago. She sad E lsand rcntgrandonrenls ces they rea d about but never helr agnatons to plan en-. r than turnng on a televson o r [ a s aro born w th excellent r 2-.-ycarold d a u g lte r c arres ;phone conversatons wth e, g ln a tv e sk llsg el no w orkouts ell lose he. We need to ake csaaku snd.ptovdedcas.or., ad too uch daydrea ng c an nuld add o o u r lves but 3talle."sle.sald. r T c h T r o p :all. (UP) - T hs lttle town ley t hardly know s w hat lo do s new; how ever, H ercules w as ulr place lo be who w anted )ne o he bggest explosves TTO? Pahlo B.y e a st o S an Fran-- o Berkeley, H ercules only l>clng the w o rld s larg est lg explosves n W orld W ar o n esn W o rtd W arll,.ve.s actory s gone now - a peace. The H ercules Co,, tred panes lhal cac n-was.u. Co.. -a aor su p p ler o uel - ;d H ercules a s ts "polnl o e cty gels a s h a re o the sa les - the co pany - n ths case a nllllon. ;r hew r s boosted H ercules S taxes lo $2,5 llon. Ths,000 hat used to be returned s, and 11 looks p retty good nnual budget o $745,450. le was dropped 25 per cenl, /e gone down, and the cty sewer and re dstrct (axes db yresldenls d the e,xplosves actor> used or ear so eday th e plant now beng developed or. slness use. T he tow n now has-.- s growng. ye ~~ s gong to open hs own Syossct, n ear h s ho e, road, *. D, les a n d s c r v c d u nll "Rt l l t ellv o u o n e hls b a r c a r. T h e w ves cy know th e r lustards ew bh lthey ro o tlc....nght have been a bt,. recordcd how any.o a U c rr slo p s; ralrlrtrto lh Ue ne rrnds,-

14 - Tlnos-Ncws. Twn Falls, camc amo Tuosday, Ococr V " / B a p t s t s h o w o c o n v / c t o n b e c o e s kb o o k b u rr n n g NORTH O lls TED, E r Otlo (U P ) - A, h throw aw ay po ograptlc a ter: teral, booze opt ora dup du tr u c a n s l gasbu,tt: ner.but nlw wod sell the te TV scl and donate, M eltod.stnl)lc study dy book a d e th e tra s h and lb?nck~recor ard lapcs 1. becaum o(( cls o ths ClcveTand suburb urb te oney lo ch rty.. " tenp. So dd the wrt vrtlngs o-,ot Dewey "W c had lo accept the act lhtat a t t l w as not sad local 1 law lr prohbts open-ar burnngs ngs Anolter an sad he te would rd hs to e w and B ertrand R us«ssell. t- p le - o - p o r s s ply a personol co ll ent t to God, but larger Uan n a b a rb e c u e. o lhkk.< wrtten ty Dewey Dc because "lley nographc - agaznes and.books, se v eral,. a a de onstraton o convcton," n sad th e "We dld lldnt anlclpalc lhal t wn.s vn.s conlct wlh y current bele o s o - * boltc.s o booze and d a cache o tard rock R< R e v,o l W. W ttcrs, w h o : :along lt w lh. newsworthy hy, but Uat t would lgltcn our Ctrslan." rec o rd sa n d ta p es. evangelst Sonny Holland o Cas astor, -a., tearts," W thers sad. "W e dd antcpate nle Soe p.nrlsloncr3 \n lled rast b a g s - O nelady orgol lot)! ot>rng h er bkn? along. ol ocated al Sunday ngll-s sc rvce. lhal 11 would ud please th e Lord." whle others used tte le \ glowng re to b u ntnnnonced she d hrow ll t aw ay a s soon Only about one-ourtt o the C 400 e - Wte Vlhers, Wl 34. burned a ew pager pages o phosopty / b( books by Dewey and assleg o lto e. becrs o te congregaton stowed d u] p.. ro a.blbl bllcal co cnary nnd pulltc tc Ru..sell..,...R l3d l» e n blled d a s a worshp,.wrvlcc:, l ust w,nsn:.ttc. w ay w e.p 2.plaed-l h. rest o toto ll-volu o-6ol-o a plnslc Stc "Soe o lho.w guy ;uys-nre hard to d e." w here par.shloncr.sol s-o a Soulte B a p tst - but t w as good," W thers sad. " "1 su-specl rastbag. olters c c a e orw ard ond lllchl lchl une sad okngly. y." S e lle." : Convenlon clurch could co rd lte.sclve.s o. a. ew o our people chose not to lo tat k e p a rt sx bags wll vlh "obectonable a te ra l. W llcrssaldttebh: lhcal co entary he ; " teptaton and ry lo lend people to e su s K w cause l w as publc a n d not p rv ate. t was ru trucked aw ay under polce gu a rd..lyrntd, the "n lcrp r rc le r s Dlble,.w a s Chrsl. hougl h pthers lold e they e lt t they had to lobecopa pacled and dsposed o txlay an t tn a put)lsled ulwut 20 years ago by a Dut hen, lle congregaton o tte partpale lobe a real wlgnes.s. landll. Methodst puhlstng lr and sells or Colurhba Road Bapt nptst Cturct c h osc lo The p artcpants orgnally nt* ntended to One an 3n told tte gatterbg he satsed cd alxut $200, l)urn-plohh>hy-ond-lheolo«y-t)ooks-tnd «r r rb u t-h a d to h r u s n ur o r e.sn uy wclng televson, r"; "t contans a c rtc lcal approach to 3b]e! slndy, he.sad. l stc to o lb e ra lo r e." \ w BRDGE - Cocert Oct BlR A D S.14 Vel ers enplece wll Oswald ad a n d a c o b y n o ly CsDO DtapH) POCATELLO - Tte daho S ta le > R A P E R Y? ~,. U nversty Mndoe, Poc: K alello, w ll HARDW RDWAtSBSAllAUH.Senng ngllel&elcv1le)a[» Doubled sel et scores best p r c «n t C harley P rd e n concc c e rta t3 p., n o rtu n ate or the snce none COct n un ll ld e lra(o llta(e(e s, * NORTH o th e g o t plus, whle ost T ck ets or the concert a re C.50, A o th e o n e n o tn p bdders bt dd and $4.50. AH SU students t s w th den- W MR. A N D M RS. s. ROBN SHARP VQ&3 ake the seven tre trcks they. t o p elellv l Prcts lcallon rcccve a $1 dlscour ount on lcket Q needed. Pprces. T ckets a re on sale at a t th e M usc Fl [le-a1n BlDd *A Q...T h e b est East-WVest e score cc eher n Tw n F alls; tte Wng agon Wlecl n ca e when South dec. lecded that E B urey:-u e-su -M ndo c-tt WEST EAST AllorzelllllSCHDele CanPSr ST(D) he h a d our spades!s and was tl th e Studnet Unon Buldng M a r e L e 3 C l a r A A S 3 * 2 ; tcket,occ. 2 gong to overcall, H e wound r FREE ESTMATE..., -» V A K P ocatcllo. The Mlnldotne \K 9 l6. up a t.tw o p a d c s.d o u k tl k ct oce.. loublcd r - r k e a r a t a * - - A e * telephone nu ber s W est opened hs sngleton A 7 S * K h e a rt. E a s t cashed two th hearts SOUTH a r r e s St h a r p and gave hs partne ter.a ru.. A K Q 8 S B ack ca e a club and a when V th e s o k e o ba ttle had. K 10. T W N - F A L l - - M aro P P :d w ard s Parsh Hall clea re d aw ay South hhad gone. : LeCalp; dqugl(c -o-m r. an(l - c d l a e l y o l l o w l n R th NelUcr vuln«rablc. down tw o and E a st and W est - - M rs.-lloyd -eclar, bccano a c ere ony. had acqured a nce :top$core,. tc.. th e brde o Robn S arp,son 1 oyceg lcse. cousn o h he.w elt.n o rth..e u l..s o 6 /G rc ta Sllarp nnd hc latc*lcc e " brde, w as n cltarge o te t V 1* Sharp, on Sept, 17 at 4 p.nr.-ll guest xwk and L u re Sharp harp. N.. U Pas Pa T h e n a e M ls s s s s lp p l - S t. E dw ards Catbolc Clurch sste r o th e brdegroo. a ( an( Double p a P a «Pa re a d e r w ants lo knov )0W t s n Twn Falls, S u n d e e o tn so n,.t o n ett t t e O ptng lead - 4V pro p er to a k e such :h re ; arks F a lh er P erry Dodds p e r - C ra n d all nnd ule, Davd a and a s. " l l p a ss and d le t y o r e d tle d o u b le -r n g { D arren H ow ard, Sabrna 1 a and ByO w ald & a e lcl lcoby p a rtn e r blcl.,< :e r o o n y o a t tto ro «x L ancchull, od ohnm>n nson, When an opponent opc )pcns th e T he -a n sw e r- s -th at-su c h c h a n g e d - beore an a lln r : M a ran n e S harp and Dush )usly bddng aganat you, there s re a rk s a s well as doubles decoraled v.1h pnk gladolus S tarp c a r e d or tte g t. no one who puts a gun 1 to your w c h a s T H crack c t th a t our and burgundy bows. T le b rd e s table wa.s cen ccn. head and o rd ers you to bd. sp a d es" a re decde dedly - Mrs. oan Cubt wns tlc ;. tc re d w ll a llre e-tle cred ret you never corr :o pete, p roper. N everthelesa css, whle organlst"ond so o lstw a sp a t 1 Wcdang c a k e arran g e d ot on y o u - ss- a n y -o -th the c b e st th e y -a re -o rb d d e n n tour*... Wolllver. p lla rs o v e r a pnk ountan, thngs n brdge le. na ents, they a rc con londonedn Tlc brde w as escorted (o H e a r s h a p e d c a k, e :. n a r c c e n t tourna n a e n t any so called " rendly",, about hal the E a s t players p. ga es. th e a lla r by h er alher. Stc su rro u n d e d the base o the, passed w tereupon th e! bddng b (NEWSPAPER E.WTEn FUS FUSEASS.l w r o h e r olhers weddng ; w hte c a k e decorated wll w as short, sw eet and sh d ress whch w as asloned o w ttc a n d pnk rostng a 1s ple. (Do you tao a qub lubaon lor. The hand w as passed out. tho oxporta? Wrte AaH he antque saln wlh long sleeves pnk ro ses. T he cake wa; When E ast Opened 1 w th a o c o b y $ " c a r e c o l h ls Aod-a;L->Qkp wth nn ot-. topped w lh pnk carnatons KLs, heart, the atandl roct rocedure ncwspapor. Tha aeo coby wll Shoulder collar acccntcd wlh 1 w hle d a se s and Eurgurul S r~ o h e anawor-ndhltu-qua lumools la ce. T he ull sk rt w as styled roses, wtt a slver. Moa ccns H S ta p e d, aol-odb a b r o a a d c ro ss...-9 tn n R,b y East and ~= onve/opm ere-enclos loaad. Tha - wu a chapcl raln. Tlc lohr t t :- passes to close th e bdd ag. ntonatng (ub s«t/on«wll la c c antlla vel w as ade by / M rs. acx G lese, aunl ok llle Soe East-W esl pars rs got to o uaod n thla colun and wll M r% L arrys acl(cll. brde, a n d M rs. W ard Toone oone,, two h e arts o r tw o or o r even rocolve coploa ol AC O BY h ; H erlokcnoscnll ent w asa 1 cousn o the brde, cut an( and th ree notru p. Ths wa as un- MODERN.) ;od daond locket wtch tad.served hc cake. n a Bohrn, c o n g c d 10 H er g r u a - grnnd olhcr.. coee, a n d M rs. Seve Cowger Woe The brde carred a bouquet. s s te r o te lrldegron p t w hle dases, bur nlv s e r v e d ttc b u n c h. M rs p s e s a n d p n k c h ry sa n - D eanna ohnson, aunt o hc H o h o s... :... - h e u s ted wlh burgundy b rdegroo, w as n ctnrgco; strea ers: thu b rld c B ro o stntlc. Cndl Lowe w as ad o( G u e s ls w ere s e a le d a % c h l d ] e n honor and the brdes ads cuartel ta b le s whch w ere lacc -T W N.F A L LS - w ere Magge Cnrpenter.rend covered w lr~cl(lhs orpll : Thc-Tvln F a lls W oen o he.n oc Uo-brde. and an a Sharp, --wlh low ers loallg n brand} e.moose No, - ; ~ ~ a.? w lll n s t-n-.-p;- pproclaon cousnothebrdcr roo : p n rly at 4 p.. (M7 : Servng as best an was S pecal guesls w ere Mrs l, H loal chldren wto h-pe T o Boyd, cousn o tte A nn U -C lar, granl olter o. ped n the y. Moose ar booll. )cdcgroo, nnd ushers w ere t h e b r d e, a n d h c Also, n lalnwcln M chael LcClar, brother o tle : b rd e g ro o s g ran d p a rents, n n parly or - FE EATURE: chldren o Moo.e brde, and Rck Starp, brother M r. a n d Mrs. Floyd Starp 1! ncnbers T L C larp- /{VvV- wll lx..led Oct. :l. o tlcbrdcgroo. O ler s p w la l and nl-o-lowt. Cllldrer. MHE t SMPLE PEASA ANT AT A llar boys w ere ol nnd gue.sts w ere ro A ustrala ala, T ay brng a ge.s p up lo.g e 12 L - to th e p a rty whch w G regg Basch. S al L nkc Cly, daho Fals \ls,. -. wlllt>etcld nhe t TOP OF THE S 5T A R... allhe Moosellone. Tle brde and brdegroo P o c a t c l l o, G o o d n g anc n d Prcecls w ere dsc w ent lo the Blessed M rlhers ; e ro e. scus-scd a l SuD ; pge r s u e d e g a t h e r e d n to O a tte T w n F alls Wo cn o tte a lta r and lt tte nrrage. Tte hrde was honored wll wlh Moose eetng Tc c an d le ro wo ndvdual pn npll.l. -stu,u.sly -) esday. All o r on a n t c b l o u s o n. T h e cth.s wuru asktd c andles wct synbolettwd Shnrp-n ltc T-nM htrh neto :rrt--hrtt r t we E e c K e e n n g 3 r e s s c o rrslaled ttergu olleo c. t p ersons beng oned a s one- M rs. Bob C randall, anl n llc. l eellng-, te A r e c e p t o n o r te b rdegroo, and a personal onal M RS. D O RS EN<;PN N 5,M o o se hle e; a r t and r / n b o w o c r a l/ o r n /a newlyweds was held a t St. show er by Cndl l.owc and T w n F alls, w as nstallc tdled M M ooschnven Chrst st as. A $ h K Mrs. M ary ( onk..leroe. ch ar a n o he daho, Couae Co baked ood sale wll.ll w held Tte S h a rp a ly hnsled. a lo rth e ee ln g, a on Hosptal A uxlares d rrh c a r s n l dnner lor tlc brdal. a costu e.... a l the d a h o HospM -Assocl C h a r t y ontecvs plnneo-ort rrhrt-s: p a rly a( tle tone o M r. a! convenlon a l Sun V alley. Mel)ers were a M rsq b L tandl asked lo ber-o rcc en tly start- -S h e-s-a-rac akng hnoa b Foll ng a rp lo Sun radele s - " B n S e "1 th e M agc V alley Men: w le oral lo n He ta per V alley,-ttu newlyweds wll lve lo 1)0 gven H o sp ta l A u x la ry, T w n aw ay al Ke M ard south o Kl>erly. rcl dnner F alls. dance. g a e h e l d \ TWN FA L L S -M c l> ers ( h e R a n d ll D uplcate Brdge CTub recently std $-10 lo contrbute lo lle A ercan C o n tra c t lrd g e.en g u e C harty Fund ty ldlng a n - annual charty gae. W nners w r c : Mrs. U. K. B u rg e ss and M rs Rqt)cr1sn n,r.l..m rvl,k ; H ack and Mrs. A.. Lnde er, sc c o n d ; Nr. and Mrs..Max H ogg. h rd ; M rs. o h n S to d d ard and M rs. M.A. Cucrry. also ttrd. une Towle pnd Ruth Ca7.zt. nurtt; lare O llarrow and K ltd Nelson. t;-ar(l Mrs. K. A.! T u ck e r and Mrs. B, K. Santllw,n t. ~ TW {N->7rlTTS-- - M rs. G eorge Ross and Mrt. A. V W lla s; and Mrs. t, t. WaLson and B. E. Sn: dee ted (or rst place n (te cast-w est lotrna en o lla- : S A V E M agc Valley Duplul- Clu. M rs. l, 11. Slptcts and -M r K - A T u c k e r p a c c d U PTO... s Urd., n te orll-soult dvlslc;-- - t x M rs. H. ). F tzpatrck and M rs. L. K. P a y n tc r reccvw rst place, Mrs, 15, B, Benson nnd-m rr -l.- Rowrtson-wtn Kccond; Mrs. ohn Stoddard and Mr.«u L. M. Hall placed, ly y y p o p shqpp P P N G C E N T E R : X h ln ); : S C H l4 O O L T R l A D E N S! A L E!! P Now You Can Have rhh atelna C F " you ve been ws stng or... These aclnesar are copletely : recondtoned and guaranteed. - r A All a re ro local :al schools. 3 ; - Several Models lochoose lo ro Ma(e Your Select cton Now And P... RHONE=733-S : 9 l e *... c,.., n, 9 M r

15 } D [ l ( E ( Q ) p OASOLNE ALLEY - { Gb...loo 3oK T C a n t b e! O n c e \ [ V ( t see at hst t a l! a p q s t a l - r \ H n y \H s curl r l u n c u r h t n e / e r c u r l a q n! - V H e s r n s h y P \ r t s c u r l a q n... T h e s o v r / M l r a c l e. ) Tuesday. Tos Oclobcr Tos-Nc Now3.TwnFalls,l(3aho 15 w l h a l t : : \ r l l n u r T ; Hlslor; torns have read lh a l the G retk ek : scentst Archedes n- FORECAST FOR WEDN abt)ut 200 D. C. used a bg b u rn n g{lass tu lo set le to Ro an 3NESDAY, OCTOBER shpt bcs besegng hs ho e tow n o S yracse. ; But nasuch as (h t Crctk tctks ddn t have he savvy to a! ake that sze o burnng- GENERAL TENDENCES ES: Use your own specal char th o u hstorans c o u ld n t gure ou < t ust how h e dd t r M to press others nnd to >gg c e t the to go along w th your L Recently. l, a odern G reek engneer nsursed r that Archedes wshes. You se t oton n th e energetc respoas o othora h#o dc t) den.pol$h h e r shelds and oe ocus he suns relectons y that s n eccssary to ake your yo d rea s co e tru e ; ro urnu e on the ene y shps. N o l t long ago lo prove the ARES (M ar. 21 to A pr.. 19) Make prove ent a l hoo )o pont D Greek salors, usng sl u ulaled shelds, lkewse th a t wll ake t ore char r ng and e et w th approval o zetoed-lnd n a la rgel.oshore n d sel t are n three seconds. kn. H andle busne.s atter: ;crs wsely. BONDE s lkely you knew h s t th e old holr lalry chcsltd Vkng drank TAURUS {Apr. 20 lo 0 M ay 20) H an d le roodat ato C A W T VvR X kn r )u CAN r w n / g - ro O M T p e e l t TWAT. hs lquor out o a huan headbone. e. When dong so, n act, chores ecently, Moke sun re blls you havo been neglect- ect- (BOSS-HAVEA.TERl RRlBLE (. R X -nat / X x V W h e a d a c hme e t W, ) skuh \" 1%w hat he eant w hen he to asr ng lately a re pad. D ont ake.aoy. tak or«.rskath ero d l X, -. \. = : H e A P A C H E S TV GEMN (M ay 21 lo un n / p< peror en co n ten d that lelev ;levlson adds abol our e 21) M ake rep a rs to property e r t y th a l ate r d r e "valuable K nches s o hnr heghts and l le u t 10 0 pounds lo ther weghts, t ble and co ortable. Talk OVCr w th an e x p ert how lo have 0 greater g abundance.. SAUSAGE SLO LO MOON CHLDREN (une lne 22 to u ly 21) Analyze your- Q. Wl What s a sa u u g e suo7" sel and see w here to ake k c prove enta and use ore / " " v e X A. A bg p lu t c b a g ore than 100 yards long. T h e * ode ethods or best results. M eet w th th e pow erul Cet»n3 lans nvented l. A ar er can ove l ro year to year or advce and backng you u n need. atywhete here n hs barnyard. A specal rg taps nto t corn, LEO (uly 22 lo A ug. 21) S pend a s uch :eo t e as. B S r.. 01 or whatever, and th e uces 1 ol sae, u n a verllc»l. you can w th a loved one. Mt ake b e tte r p la n s or th e uture cylndtct drcal slo, x che cally to nake al a pretty rch eed o that you hove ore prospc sperty a n d happness, lvestock.. VRGO (Aug. 22 to Sept. 22) G et ou t socally snco you l Q,, "W :y hats the derence, y, between eans, Levl u( ake a e presson b o o th e rs a n d g e t good results. dungtee: arees?" Personal a s a re good, so 10 go ater the ntellgcdtly. ANDY CAPP A. Nc Nol uch. eans are so called led because ther alerltl LBRA (Sept, 2 3 lo O c l, :, 22) M oke a good presson * on \ orgnally lally cae ro G enoa. Levs are so called because lhas bgwgs and gan ther suppop p o rt. P u t good ta len ts to w ork soo / l WONT B e ABLE L E /LtNttOPOSTR TPO N r ~ V CONTKHOW THE ullsbcxatcul.o.«horoor#----- L s (A E K t P ta Ya,y.4M - S E A v E M N -F o n.- E O N E - - 0Wt«.WEU.-ENOUGH g A ,1 l d e - n t - o h r T L -S tra S u s psnh -A nd-duag ar«« V r o t t v w s FNA SVkLON CaMYORTWO? REASON TO A«K FORTHAT r r t t. O Cl cslled because they vere lnn t seen by western-world O R P O (Oct. 23 to N ov. o 21) Follow your hunches, e s, S A T U R b A X AhN Y TVMR 1 salors n he East nda p o rt o Dunga. whch a re cxceptonallgotg ood tod a y. A good,,t qw h se rrn * Wends p o 3 8 lb e.~ SADDLE BOL )L SAGTTARUS Nnv 221 tn Dec 21) Ynu know how to A stst statue or tw o depcts G e a U. S. G rant astrde a chargng please o th e rs now a n d gan n th e r goodw ll. C o p l e n t tced.. Bul Bl no statue show s h alop p hs son s avorte black lov-d on*- ta n also brng ne \ S r pony,, t th e horse h e uch preerre rre d ater he battle o ; results. p Q Vcksbur; sburg where he developed a boll ll < on hs saddle seal, lls a - CAPRCORN (Dec. 22 to lo a n. 20) p ress assocates a aler o 0 record th a l h e endured ths o s p e n b te n t pan vorably you w ant the to go ( along w th your plans now bw., - only wth the rele o consderabl able nle tl edcaton. M x stuatons arse lhat.1 st show you w h ere you sta n d wrth Whskey, pardner, ore whskeyl - otherst M ake hct ost o thst... 7 \ AQUARUS (an. 21 to 1Fee b ; 19) T ake c are o an phys- le bg book al han d says our.w.word t."hlp" cae ro : cal al ent you ay havo, s, oven l s only a nor one.,n. E Y. O O P.... thcsqu sound ade by strkng he gas S t bag w lh he th u b." t, Make needed changes and d addtons at to wardrobe... H r o ) r H 0N7,.n T LOOKS U K E 1 H...H O WCAN C.D0N!T-EVEN.T!?Y.,c V..UST...A N > D U L L B r E T rn **y* urther lh a t o u r w ord "drgble ble cae ro th e Latn PSCES (Feb. 20 to M ar. r. 20) 1 Plan recreatons you need leed. T S ysa M E NOW/ THANK >1 >OU, GETCtrrTHECE.AN ANDO US BOTH A BG r 1 eanna ste era b le." B ut a sch Kholarly eltn nssts th l v o R eary so lh a l you relevo > tc ten so n s you are under; Show LUCK X a l l e y OOP y p l MDUR THNG. - both were derved ro Navy ter: s: "Class B-Ll p" and O ssd sd-rgd." W hos rght? ate, loved one you a re devo cvoted a n d b e h a p p er yoursel. F YOUR CHLD S BOR )RN TODAY.. ho or sho wu Q 0 Ree e bcr, about one o u l o eve very 100,000 M aseru can have th e a l l y to oke th e ho e char ng and coort«l cl tho that dstncton know n u the 33rd 33 Degree. able a n d o u d T e gven a chance to e x p re ss sel e a r ly ln.. H Adotc al to L. M. Ooyd, P. 0. Box 16a;w»h«rrora.TX S6. le. Feelngs a re easly hur u rt, so te ac h early to bo ore...,copyrllnu 977 L.M. Qoyd. obectve. S lant educaton )n along ln es, o sellng publc w ares o r producng th e t an n d th e re can b e uch success durng lete. PEANUTS OCT. 8 5~1 n a t o n a l S 6 1 N 5. P A y SHORT RBS : t c z : ± L = - BEETLE BALEY AS OF TOPAY, Y GUESS WELL, TH THATS Y W HAT PNUPSWLL NOT 1 WELL THE FRS R S T TME V "2 { - - BE ALLOWED ON. ) HAVE t o. THATS S H A P P E N E P / 5 A THROW. (2 a, y \ THEM WARD OF D? l w e F u s H e p W y 11, ~ T \ N HOW 601. D O T C H 1 { = < N e A0<3U5hn \& e ALL o oos-5 e - PCR EF E F F E C T... 2 O UT T" 1r<3 r T t>55 V AYVWUTl T o \ / H A?r T NTO * y r T N6 &D t o e t a v n K 7 SOMEONE VOLUNTEERED FOR V T R H DUT/. e p DOONE! >NE5BURY s e s. w T r y - D O H T S P - OFCORSe. H A V S. V M S rn T O T A K E. S / v c a F (M a a d u r / cons/pemvon th T M T v & s c, H r a r ea n r o v s c F e $ R? x M L p/we p/ AT s ON BOTH /, S /X S / \ - Y r r 3 <r.. n sttv e A D o a M E /r A tt.. w v B / / C N SaA S& tm N - LAh u e O F n. K. 5? «-w6vr VWEW V77aV MU M u sb B " o o r k t: v B hh s xb $ r o t " p As o p o e s M T e - /} a s5 «a> c / ysasm hb Q u \ HFAMLY CRCUS R E X -M O R O A N : L - " S 17 la 9 lo {11 l p y " F T B B - E T T Tt 14 22, 23 2 [ ~ n r r z ~ 27 [28, 2 9 l l l : T T p T p L \ s T! ~ T * U ~ " W h y " d c r y o u " h a v B B; - 0 C lta N -te sh?-t 4 4, c o u ld n t g e t.- - d d r ty n h e w d t e r /. 98 ", L.1.4 [ 4

16 16 Tos-Ncws. Twn Fols. tlah taho Tuc5a.v.O clobc: ll Healthh plan underre BOSE lu P) - Gov. otn n su ra n c e plan a re con cod eer r r E v a n s u rg ed th e l. S. endable; Hue w e would D o p a r t o n l o H c o H h r - w ere w e lo alle pt lo ec E d u c a to n n n d W c ta ccc c hose obectves w lh naton: M onday lo c o n sd c rn ll optloas ns h o a lll n s u r a n c e h e o r beore nstltng n p rogra n a l ccallng rst Wth the olher nd llonallcau hnsnrancc. aor ssues., E v a n s spoke at one o ohn Hutchnson, oxecutv :utve se v eral eclngs the agency :y vce-presdent, o the dah [ d a h o " a s called across the noton 10 lo H osptal /\ssoclaton, was le d evelop reco endndons or neutral tlan Evans. a nallonal hcalll nsurance :e "W e lolally dsagree wll p ro p o sal P re sd e n l C a rter :r g o v e rn e n ts nlentlon h c x p ec ls to subl to Congress nsttute a natonal health can early nexl year. progra. he sad. " s s not / Tle govcnor. who aced the le easble or Ue governent t skyrocketlnr cost o health h sa tsa c to rly u n d e rta k e ; c.1re servce w hen he und e r w e n t a t o l a l h p p H utchnson, w hose grou] n- p r o g ra a tlh lstl e, replace ent operaton durng g r e p r e s e n ts o sl o tn th e su er, sad "w e ast.st hosptals n daho, callcd tn e v a lu a te all o u r optons" " ssue o natonal health can H p o n beore a co t ent s ade e n.surancc "one o He o.st os n a v o r o a n a to n al l c rtlc a l" o o u rtl e. p ro g ra." H e c t e d n s u c le e nl \Ve us acknow ledge U-a ;..p e o p le, a rc b e co u ln g n :, t> r r [? c c h n o lo g y d e v e lo p n e n l crea en g ly dsllusoned wth slowdown, and downgradet -alto p l* by govo ont lo edcal care a.s prolle! SS t A B R C solve all proble s wlh plans whch cdld rcsull rtn ; a ld p ro g ra s." E vanssald. nallonal progra. S O» F T E N E R ; E v a n s reused lo endorse a "W e support catastrophk n alona healh n su ra n ce h e alth re g u lato n hrogl 5llRh p ro p o sa l e s s two aor prvate nsurers." Hutdhso nson" p roble s - hg health care ; sad. c p sls and tte "uncoordnated M r «a -.n a n n e r n whcl lealu care... c... persons expected d tn to $ 1. 9? s c rv lc c " lr T 5 la n o d - a rce -- " testy d u rln g -h c-d n y -o ong-- n g th o roughly-exr ned-hy-lho 0- eelln g - a re oe.k!n>»;>. ch, ed e ra l and s la te govern ents. n s u ra n c e A ssocaton ol ]. char an o He S late ea lth - a urgng h at we e. A e rc a; N orrs otnsnn. co t ourselves to gettng g V* execulve vce-presdcnt o the olr health care house n ord e r. he contnued. "T he c C o ncrcc: and Dan Duncan, - G re ater Bose Cha ber ol obectves o a natonal healthh BueCrosso daho. Dscrno laton law changes pshed BO SE (U P!) - GovTT n severance to conquer a han- [g- - V. E v a n s sad M onday le wll 11 dcap and then be denle urge th e daho L egslature lo 0 " e p lo y en l. " T h a t ole a g an consder a endng the c happens because an eployer - s ta te s o n ll-d lk rl ln a U o n ) does not rca lle that the sta tu te s to nclude th e handcapped, V h a n d c a p T a l b e e conquered, he added. T he governor sad there " E v an s told th e G overnor s 9 a l o st no h a n d ca p Uu Co lltec on E ploy ent o cannot b e.o v cro e.a n d l "heh a h d leo p p e d that a han-; productlvy o.those clllzer tlzens A o r c a s ovorlto o a ly goo. "cltcnppedw orkehas-ust as wo hawlrlsen above wh: wal HnCltW(5lW<K-uWh3l-t«-nT n a v c ~ l?h as~~hc h o r = = peror a s any olher worker. lta llo n a "h as been ar a r n M t would gve e a great 3t -cx c css o-soccly s erronn neou3 u n deal o pcasure..to..slbn-lhat ;,t. «p e c la to n s a bout w ]n nt t U - tru th nto law." he sad! " couldte." ", : { $ 4 ; 9 9 w ould not c o n s d e r h al t "H andcapped ctzens ca n - legslaton n the specal nte re st ot he handcapped but do a s u c trto buld a greatc t A erca and a g rea ter dah n th e best nterest o all the lu a s any one o us wc can onl people o dalot a oten le ad p., ther dsa E v an s sad le ell t r), polnl ent and dsllluslor trag e d y or a w orker th ro u g l.. r- e n l." E v a n ssa ld. d e te r ln a lo n and per- T o t c l a s s s( e s l a u d e d - B O S E ( U P ) - na- when t w as auhorlzed by tn kndergartens S legslature. He sad 101 o Hn vest ents n " a r e good nvest ents n he le sla te s publc school dt.strlct. uture o daho." Gov. ohnv /.. have kndennrlen n -r.- ras E vans lo nrb se eetng ol D n operaton, he daho K ndergarten n n- " n hose 101 dstrct wll sttute today. klndergartens 89 p er ccnt o "T he beller ob w c do n a ll 5 -y c a r-n ld s a rc p ou r- t \ v / -p re p a rn g our c h ld rc n q cope >c tlcpalng, ndlalng hnl ll he - ) - l l \ - wth th e chalegc.s o the le nterest, he need.nd 1 h the- / l l u tu re, th e b e lte r tho.se e potental or support o kr kn- challenges wll x; e t." he le d e rg a rten sslle re." sad. E vans sad he would lke ke to E v a n s s a a th c ldar(5"kn-~ - o n c * dsrntls pa par d e rg a rtc n syste h a s ade c tlcp atn R ln th cp ro g ra..... " g re a t strd e s" snce 1975 T - N P h o nl e s ( O r u s e o u rr t t o ll= r c e l n e s ) B 0 y y BEFORE E YOU BUY! You con n ront o b r a n d n o w BALDl DW rpano or 6 onths l«s M otpo tl bn) 1 ul a ttd.ttt KV!a4UB«;»cl te U h - C*t u b lan -l»t«()p rt tk C l a u d l e B r o w n s 4USC-;FUR N T U R E - C A R P E - T C A R M O D E L S r-; t «\. r 1 * llypt ttt- - Stac*. V.1311 C h o o so lrc ro a s s o rte d k ts, l t A y A n o H Ss H R N K Y D H N K S 3 ox. BAN BASC $ " 8 o z. rr M & FREE... S2.09 1,5 o z. BRECK SHAMPOO M z : R Q d o L 6 :o.: FLEX CON- DTONER l A o z LO G CA - Prces Eoctvo Oct. 4 : 8 k B M S Y R U bea POP C ~ O P R eg.$: $23.99 w y r L ls to r >nt12oz. l n t g Mou )UTH \ \ WA! S H.. solno 15oz. 11 V a «l l n e Y = - r - s s b ; Cl CLEAN RNSE 3 r... l \ SHOT WER TO lower 4 - A, -g )LDFAS SHQNE W r o rog. $ C O R H ) l P P E R >9 l l... W $ sea d s. 9 w S.3 7 t Brock 8 Q. 49* M og- S.3 4 S o t Soko Crat 4/ oz. 4V B E E F 179 S A N D W C H u u n ~ : S P R E E A D T - - $ / H E A l T E R Wolotto Flter 6cup~ 6 < COFFEE ;e R l K c MAKER W t n d o x 2 0 O X 7 -* --W NDOW y«cleaner CLOCK RAD Bln 10 lb. Coll U T E T W N E KYS under & oo t o t K W le U n d o rw o o d > P s Educotlona - E R T r( O E M < O N O P O L Y S C R 9 T RAC MUET ~ ( BALLHRACKET, ~ G. E C a» o t t o M O 97 R E v $24.99 P lh w oy F l r s t A l o r t SMOKEDDETECTOR T = 3 $ l g SA/: A/76RS n BBLE o r S uper ToucF H ours o un >nal > W un rog. y r o g. S $ $ C H M o n c ~ 7 ~ L F E BGW V T9- H E E L C ro a tv o un o rth o adlv". d A k Faly F( gbo.-dgos 9 -ddutl [ N o w w ld o ro ck nt V r e o r r o c n g a lc k s rog. g g r o g $ 4 ; ~ - $ 1 9 ; V - A V E E N E R G Y? S M O N E. y A O M F O R T S E N S O R NEW! Q99 4 rog- $47.99 L P r o t o s s o r 7 POCKET COMPUTER 9 9 $8.99 ECORDER

17 M a g g g Ph& K s wkw. )().M 1N A >.... n o n - - t e r o e - p c de R 0M E Wnr t nx* -protc? ero e, w ore to ;ppc:r tod;y n Court n nose ns the result o nn S107 n (eteral nco e tnxos n l ; TlcV ln T olts gnvc ttn t porl deense spcndnb to n n org.nz; wounds o w ar." n appelnr 11 F rst A end ent Kuarnntee o tle d ;ll to be recl ro on whld they consder oral." n ord er to prevent te nlcnnl ttqr property o r oney, te Va centage o ter ederal ncoe ltnry purpose to a-hunnt sad the HS lns no statute rear payng "w ar taxes. n th e past, Sen.-Mark Hatel! ConBres-s whcl would allow uc s ply ly aknn a ark on lu The hll altracled lttle support. F a R y r e n BOSK - An dal a ly rc bttulonalty o the Sawtootl (SN RA )here-n U.S. D strcl C«...r rc d..u. S te w a r. ancl-a prevously ounted an unsut Supree Court lo lle law wlc a ttorneys have asked to an spech lcally challenrc the e<] S N R A lsod nslered. H 015( un c>t crr>-c o(ln tlclr ult aganst SNllA. ar«ut "Qvcr-hroal and subeclve constltulnnally vague,"llow caprcous acto n " by those C rccrcallonaren., T le S tew arts have been l) wthn tle SNRA a t 01)sdlan. SNRA las K cn dest;naled r ederal Bovcrnent las been conde naton, all the area o C nu es aw loolhbasn, A s s a u l t TWN A.U S - A n e ld erly! to ace an assault c lan e n>!h lle slnbhnr o unolher an al ago. C lau d e D.o h n s, 71,Tw nf.1 deadly w apon wth ntent t wlh th e slabbng; o W allace neck, eye and nose on Aug. 12. E H O M E - Tle dalo coducl a sh kll at l.tlle ( orgnally scheduled. P ublc, nor aton oc supply ofretenone breat tlel H e-sad U edepart ent wll t larw yk tw ctnrpatrrd-a la te r n O ctober condtons a F lsler en a re encouraged M urrell sa d calcles rc alne sler er usl use conve : F sla n d G a e cx p e ctsw n U alow w Q lert o. r svadd > t e g p M , X.. t e, s ;.\n t a. \,( ; a 4 str( lo e y - : p d r - n - c o u r - t OtCTtors-Huberl-and-LoH-V To.-, n U.S. S all Cla s A ppeals Tax an aucll.showngtley aled o pay l orlon o-ller ta x es hu elch-or- nzaton wlch atte pts to hea! the g the ad! lle couple clarns tle o r.edo o/ relgon gves the orced payent o taxes or uses nal K eveneservcc ro sezng Van Tols sad lley sent lh a t per- e tax wlch would w used or antarnnorgrhont-the-eotple- gardng con,scenlous obecton to cl, H-Ore. has presented a bll n ucl tran se rs o ndvdual laxes he Federal ncoe Tax Return. H =» e w s - a + - t 3 k - y renewed ther a ttac k on the con ootl Natonal llecreatonal Are; [Court last week. -laudtur. Plyls...AHnc.Stow nr succcssul chalenge n he U.S vlcl created the SNRA. Now hel end the Stewart.V co plant t CKerat-TTRulatons-by-hch-U )(n,-rcpcscnlng hc Stew arts rgued thal he SNRA regulatons ar lve," and lhat they a re ur lowng roo o r " a rllra ry an oso who ad nster the naton, gtngslnce 197G to reta n lan lan. However, th a t area w thn tl d or natural p resc r\ aton and ; len accurng. eth er by purchase c o Obsdan, west o U.S. Mway! + H T o r - g e d ly Twn F alls an h as lee o rd er >!h D strct O u rl n connecton wl n al llo Sccond Ave. W., tw o ontl n Falls, s charged wth a.ssault wl t to co t u rd er n eonnectc ce ). Coanor..0. n tleack, ha 12. M t p k t t t D e t ho Fsl and G an o D o p t. >Alll le C a as-lekt vylr Wedc.day ; ce r Stu M urrell sad an :de( ta []e reservor could nol be accurett vll tre a t Lttle Ca as, wheh s alw -and-wounlllt>41oth<-ht«lwa>u: sa a su ta h le. ged to keep.shng he reservol aned good and th e re s no ll l. h nventonal gear, and ollow olh wnler kll at the rew rvor wcause h s - h t g B 8 " ByGBOF M. Tles- M tw n FAL.S - e thal you see he L k.... thal.you see.* soetl.so ew ay, thal s n [ San F ran csco ;. Bernhard had ust s(.ocnns rorrtlcr 9 H A any,p pl audence lh a s on lhat screen." sll - - ] dont queston Me CS au d en c e." *" pholographslw c; choce.". More lan once, descrlkd the vls V back to the caer; MM th e -ancy-drt B p ey es: leaves slandl an al skull drape< eale gure con randrops runnng the a r s ol a c;, coon ste than the known," s lernhard, w hob lulo. sad she had t: h utunsatsacorl;...., - ac k an d w h l * * -sv p ly n g -len * - o grey l>eeause tl she sa d.-, "F o r e,", sle lgl s thcessen draw allenton to your eye to gu...f u sn g lg ll.t h a s K Bernhard told h....c o e, to plor co uer g a yo edu. Sho descrbed h assstant - "Wc hued-w ur.s:: d ont know how lo tut-g c n tu ally alu la te r stnt a s a co: - " houghl t w; lyelhh)d. -b e ( ByBOBU - Tes-N( - The To Moly-unously n Tax VWCA and YMCA ad pay reorganzed and relter; e n s and w o en sg rc l-or p artn o rsllp he L asl week YMCA o the planned lo b rea k a lor le w th th e YWCA bcca uses p o raln g phlosoptyt - -co uncalonsbrcakd ng r-y W A -T )n ctalr5 3 clper- groups should end Ue p or llc tw o groups had o tpk buu dld tocaa.ycars.-,n lo M e lers o the wone to pre.sent her "rcrga n r, N e s h b o n L., Co ByBOBU Tcs-Ne... T W N F A L l - A p h,, F a lls w o an to lake,, entally handcapped ] {" lo an e otonally cla -Ue K al.?rt7 C ot cl M l,.. * B ul when hc soke c r, votng Gl o n s»-">rc..(.vey denyng the any per sson lo oper. nlherre.sdence. ton. The vole led her allor M rs. Doyle ght lake 1 l cty n --.lale oc edcra,, sp e n d lh e o n ey o n th c d the D urng an hour-long. resd en ts o ho es nc; 21G0-A K lzalwth Blvd., allow ng handcapped borhood would endan towoolr.propely.v a] M rs. D oyles suppo: dered nw lh A rrsc t wth e y ta R R Tcs-N GOODNG -. A ha - a rr e s t or drvn wh slnpotl out a back d Courthou.se whle oc /lllnot.d av d Ksond, 2 lay as* rc ta p lu x d a te r a tw w he\,;l.cly pblcel M tale c a p e r ra le r nnrk ret coulhouse! alxul E s ond s now be,:a>ua----- ~~Hnly4al-wtl.nHX>o d ah o -S tale Patnl.Tvor. -Slopped E s ond, wlc ll. bul nterstale-ho alw ut a other Polce ollcer Bob Uou togd odngonbookng use o Houston sad whle l T T hcr s-otcclwul-: ;ORGE WLEY. s-news w rter -., "t s nol porlant to here w hal put here, )ut netlng and a re oved n ph s p o rta n llo e. le CO p h o to g rap h e r R u th ye 1st nshed a slde show o crw-nrkr W ph-.»; :tn- n t hs s how any p c tu res a r e. W she sad earler. on y ntuton." she lold a e. "1 only ake th e th e be K)cause 1 really h a v e no p tce the 72-year-old a rts t dc lsons lhat had sent..h e r te lera n h e r quest lo p e rec t st dressed dolls w th nulsl h ndlng n sot e brace, an ped wth a crucx, a nude sc 3nned n a cardlmard 1)x. ng logelher on g la ss lke p; candelabra onng n a p ly-l;(ho-unknouur4therd. " s h e s a d. -. b le-ncver w orked n eulo, c b e g a n takng p c tu re s ln d exper enltd w th c o lo r. h rlly.. P hle s a arvelous w ay o H enoy very u n le to n e s V e they are.so e otonal,".1 le added a qonent la le r, d scncco-lc:!.l:usc-lglt to-. < to exactly w here w an,,-t...fholography, or e, s sw lal llsall aboul." o.1her lsten ers lh a l she h a d o o lo g r a p h y o n ly, a t e r youtlul d sta ste or he s ( h er start, a s a d a rk ro o We* photographed tnons v t.s;nn1 thatk ort-( th n g r, long they ul up wlh e. -tle.y -rrd - t.."-, ;d-u co ercal p h o to g rap h e r ; was a nce w ay to a k e a heore a vst lo th e hpn e o. G A o k 1UCKERMAN -N cw sw rlcr T lw ln a lls VWCA bo ard -W c y npproved a p ln n -o r-th e eo nslrallons to l>e slghtly terated ts eelng lh a t the group should not end ther olals announced they long-stancllng p a rtn e rsh p ], ecause o d eren c es n! y, ancal w oes a n d a akdown l>n l1dtn;rlrt-nt-1lt»-thc» le partn e rsh p u n d e r w hch ontly run th e YW-YMGA en s group voted M onday <1* rganzalonal ch art to the n r s p r o t e s t UCKERMAN a -News W rter " -phn hy- ).vyer-ol( Twn - - t a c are o ore lh a n tw o w ed persons n her ho e led largcd b a tllc a l,lh e T w n. \ M lngm ondhy nglt-: w <e cleared, the councl st d s e v e ra r re.solutlons, ele w oan, B e rln a DoyU*,. p e ra tn a sh e lte r c a r e ho e c a llorney Randy S to k er to say a ke legal acton a g a n st he crnl courts she w a n ts lo hcgll : g h earng on th e a le r. s near M rs. D oyle s duplex. \ ;d co planed b lte ry th a t ed persons n h e r neghlanger her c h ld ren and ;porlers. n c lu d n g S to k e r. < oner rc R R V SW SER s-n evlw rlcr ll handcued p rso n e r under w hle.ntoxcated S a tu rd a y H.door-DLtbc-Goodlng-Counly ce rsw e reb o o k n g h. S 27. E ugene. O re.. was lwo ad-!(;lul-hour search <- Tound h h ld n g n a P rk c tl-o u u -lo e k. conu ul s beng held n ho G oodng nl an G ene B oulton rst, who w as trav e ln g w esl on a le c a st b B lss. S late louston transported the an < n g e he w as bookng h n the > uh :30-pn:rK st on[l~]s t 2 - d a y pholograper E dw ard W eston her le - "T hat w as the begnnn wlng a photographer or a.second l Allhough sle contnued hor co photography, the eetng w th Wc h e r unable lo w ork a rllstlcart year. Bernard sad. " let y eyes and took yours," W eston ale r he vb lo hls,hou«.v "D ont w orry, y eyes w o n l h W eston told the young ernlard. U sng coe-cnl photography a lvng, n h e rp rv a te l e E began lakng the etculously photographs or whch she s now O ver he years she conplelhl a dolls, a second on shells and te te rn s and began the e ale nuc studes whch would eventually the ost accla. E ven now thal lcr photogr; sougll ty collectors and h e r r -a p le. B ernhard conlnucs p anstakng process o co ng v pelure. 1 keep ll s ple to avod ll»;r.-u-on..." she sad. " do al beore 1 ake y exposure. V< lol." B ern hard s pr*rentalon Monrt h e r co ents lo prcsenlatons b, P w l R chard.shelton. Calorn R chard M cu an and New Vork W aller D arby Hennard a ong ol M onday allernkn conerence.erry Blunl, orner head o ll depart ent al Los Angeles Cl cnphaszel - whal- he called.. l s o arl, "A rt llsel s opl stc." he s obect, whch s creaton,, coul ou crw se, le calkd wrks ot a rl. whe b tageplay or a pece o ; telc.ss..,nexhau.stble." "W e ax akers and ere; w elders o p o w e r.." Blunt sad a brothcrho<kl.- trust w cw llp re P resentatons scheduled or (k H ncse-(eu?v c a st ng And- de onstratons by Corge W a sculptng de onstraton by Gas t thset ortllaternoon. sl ull YMCA board a s soon a s possb U nder the chart, desled lyy \ R oberta Dalln. YWCA a n d \ Would stlldevelopler own progt control ovor-lhr-owuudgel----- Bul a c entral ookkeeper. who w hat s gong on n all budgets. VWCA and YMCA d rec to rs b u d g c tra n d the hrd-budget cov operatons whch lh groups r D ahllnsald. " Belw een he two ards woul l>oard ade up o two o r th re e ex e lw rs-ru -cad-group-d e ron out derences betw een th e tv oversee the work o the Mokkeepe --.ll.not really too sure how v d rec to r Charles E. Uplon s. eetng. " thnk d have lo g u e d handcapped persons w danger lo resdents lhan olhe - enllly rcarded ndv d u a U lu w lerethey wanted..mrs. Robert Bngla and Mr. M rs. Doyle s negllwr.s. lold th y(.,.,)rrchl-tlulr-dtlldrc-woul shelter care ho es Were llowe O thers who lve near M rs. D E d Woods, counly zonng co planed lhal allowng a shell* a resdental zone would lo \e r p and run "nvest ents o le sav " don t have anythng agans M rs, Bngla sad. " appreclat these (laulcapped) people hav sorry she has ade such a la rg e 1 dont eel 1 should have lo lose nvest ent. n response, Rulon 0. Gk t o the Purple.Sage Manor, anoll n,n e,... tnt state ents ade when he h: ecaptu walked oul.one o he back dckr know w as here. Es ond was handculs. There wea* olhers n the roo heescape. "O ne ule le w as tle e ar goner;* loustoasald. The ens.reslryo w as ll cheeked, llen slers ocers, polce tegan searchng the ld lll01l n<lllto(c tlno shops, Esond glt (ry lo seel lng ree t the handcus. noadl,ltclt,s w-r;,scl,p.gl)] or the eycapet-n-velcles leav hglways 26 and 4G and th e Shoshone. Houston sad ocer G oodngs slrcls and alley s :.eucryuolttn(l.erannya>u) n. OlcTs exp ce<tf;sond totrylo-l-b>ek.«n-couw.ror, v3... a p t o n changed nnng o ny o n d ll e. co ercal W eston let ly T o r a ull " - rs," she told. use d. - hurl y o u." -4 rct n ~ Y p h y lo a k e le B e rn h ard * sly planned > ke n low a ous..?l.h la serle so n W U leach pat- n nude g u re ly brng her ograpls a re c r re so u rc e s 9 H s the s a e V ng up w th a H M od onlooker H c t [ al y w ork H, Vou p r a y ; H - lonrtny-uddw l H ; ns by Arzona orna p a n te r B ork arl crtc W C g ollers, nee keynoter.) the d rs a. P, Cly College. eu. Ue. o p he sa d 7 " T h c could not h e w helher a s a } sc u lp tu re, c re ato rs and sad. "W e a re 1p re v a l." rlck layalc S a n d w tlc y W allon a n d a.san G us F low ers,, l g t e ssblc, thougll. t b>» YWCA d re c to r D ahllnh. d - Y M C A l) o a r d s - - each grou ro g ra sa n d h.-v e probensl ; ouellcdt wl,, would know M lte n w, w ould,e,, c r o u p s!,a r s pro p u ro llclr co TlB buldlb :c x c c )ltn t ps p a n,d p,. n, 1 «;l * could "prol ono Rscl-Q would be another. 0 executve ward Ttp h.l. would rccolul le tw o groups,.-nd n -eplt. ways wca,, vov ll.y M C,\ n rd ercr sad a te r the U nder 11 lo gvo t so e yw CAtnk Hsketo w ere nt o re a d.scu.sscd. a lhers a n d added Handca K lu d a d g rl lo lv e tratolle "M ost rc M rs, D avd U*ntz. people," 1 d the councl they enally l o u ld cn -d an g c c chlldrnna owed nexl door. suspect h s. Doyle, ncludng socety as g a d n s tra to r. dcapped, le lte rc a rc h o e n But Mr; e r p ro p erty values Che Fra sa v n g s. handcap ansl.mrs. D oyle," h ep asl. d a le hc needs lhat Barnett have... And entally rge nveslent, hul wthout a lose b e ca u se o her several ca. Barnelt l>erl, ad ln.stra lo r person lu nolher local sheller years ago nt-npp.>; ntlose UltPr r e h andcappw l a r e securty. red wrs 1 du uv X». V w as stll w earng CO oo. but none saw. tea helc!. tn n o n cfxrnne: ow s he rst place y e a r e rs. d y a n d s ta le Qstv edate area. An nnted (hoodng Sund seek a \\ a> o gel- Sal ount slot) trac to k Ue leavng Goodn[> on Pton he old hghw ay lo ot r leers cr.ss-cn)ssed Ml ys and looked "n slnc( y gll tak e reuge wa» nd to return to -«0 ToosC n e r e n P - F M».. s, N K R, \ N ( : S (. 0 1 l l ( ) l ( l ( n > s l r a r r ( o e x h b t s. H u Fe >Fg ts a trcky hlng," 1 h as al.so proposed th a t the sta roup eel once a w eek to c l n roo.sclelulg n e dudr lnleal derences, w hch le sal w orked ol n he p a st bccnu.se t h aven t co uncaltd." sad the weekly eetngs wc nt" dea, a nd sad " so e t,1 p?bb!(.s"*belw e he wo robably be solved that way, Th t-ocdutsday. : w arned lhat phlo.sophcal dc: to deal.wth he w ere to u ch er luton-approved-by. Uc YMCA- ral the wo groups go th e r se cau.se. aong other thngs, they rcntlngs., the current setup, w hen ho n: n kes.aand on conlroversallopl T» l l O l T l cd.". cappcnl persons a re no ore dnn ;rer- e bcrso. soccly, h e. : rtqurng help a re nol dan he sad, notng lh a t he h as ; ly handcapped p ersons lo baby»a lncvcr.w orrcdnrad a probl there s a la rg e r d angerous gr as a whole than n groups o th d, lrs. Doyle s nelgllw rs and Cly rank Rarnell dsagreed,.sayng pped persons, had.created probl t. clt sld polce o cers had pc ly landcnpped persons " ru n n n g ; any dolles on and there has rea sesw h e re lh e y.attac k ed nurse; elt also noted a enally hand had klled a Twn F a lls resde go, and added he w as nol convn (arc hoe w as provdln ac etchun n CORRAL CR EEK - A -lperson a, usng bloodhounds, horses lcopler h av e been c o bn otlolhs here-oboul-lo-llcelortl nt ncst or trw ra y s-lrrso a rc r :ar-old K lclu a n rc rtcd stw eek. An ntensve s e a r c h. w as la day and contnued today or / nloncy. whose l97tbtuevolk.swag unds alurday. Qle oon abundo e end o C orral C reek Road onecrudnlw,abulvc!rtlt Trull Crock road. Moloney had been reported r nee Sq)lr27, -wct an nll-polnls t ns ssued lo polce througl dal [alt O5(l.y.0clot)ur4, 977 T;a-Ne c e ~ a t X S T n > c. s l \ r H u ll) B r n l t n l w a l e d o r K n z aborton, gun cont tas ro A end ent, he st: 10- dlsc a ss - e nsg ro u p,th e re.s TTdng and lacal-ywca-tc: sad hav e dd nol slare lle ve se the w a H he- eelnl-o w oen asked why were an decsons or both g 10 o th e The re.sponsc ro,10 groups nalonl w o ens gr T he rst a ove, and there w, > o both groups ll lerences w ould l>clo.st. ersse s. -Y W C A.board. c CAM atd cocanzalq nalplr - separate nlternatlves: Hnt or they stood Hc buldng, that h, th a t the wo group V ~[latlonal grou5~v,0.ld 0\ topcs lke buldng. Davd -enu, one dangerous co planed one < le argued, - who had llvc-d. wl dangerous outhed hsw en a s allow ed Stoker sad he )ahysll hs recue.st volated a ro b le n u. ;::n>hancu)pwll s group n dscr nalonusl the han- A denal o the r poston" whch.co Cly Polce end ederal undr g entally llegal dscrnat,roblots n Stoker also agu allowed M rs, Doy: pcked up persons n h er 1 lng around denng-a ly wh h av e been a s 10 perstnslolv rses. planned lo care or andcapped herho e.. Sdenl two " T h eres a lol ol v n c ed a n y tally handcapped]! adecalc a re sa y n g, 1 c. as theyre not nexl an stll son search Kelchu sc s and a seen aboul noon la; b n g th e lo be dcpre.sscd a a ru o a su B laloncl dyppca clothngor-wssesc cd ks-sng -H.-; w allel was. K elchu resdenc launched and rescue ocal: o r A ndrew > sta rc l, w.s U, w agen w as TnsndnTors ndoncd a l the a re a. - tad n th e S earch and rcsc - rt,\tnlo >y-uas nlssng sephcrdw ere un ts bulletn ou e an. daho and Tlc only surcc ll bandoncd.vch News, Tv<rFalls, caho 17 d H V H Goor;. Wtluy/T.O!.-Nuwr. Y ynn t.-s V V s 1 >r h e r o w n n ld - ho w 11 atoa ontrql and Ue E q u al Rglls stands "adversely aecl" hc re.soluton co planed tcalstrto-alcd-m ondby-lley vlew.s o he natonal YWCA. ].QLhewoL n s roud, so e ly one w nrd ak n g nal h groups could nol b e set up. o YWCA ocals w as the ; group would nol support such.. w as a chance un der a e rg e r llbt so e YWCA p ro g ra s e bers. n approvlg the t one group gll ove out o 1 the two g roups w oulc erge. oups would dssolve, o r wu Tovo e ls c w h c r c r ll n g th c xl :ne o M rs. D oyles ncgllw rs. entally handcapped person w th M rs. Doyle had "bad- ennd th ro w n o ck sa lh tsd o g. -7: : ;,c elt denal o M rs. Doyle s a ederal slatute whd says d person shall l>e subect to sl Kcause TcTEcappcQ? le requcsl w as a " q u csto n ab e : could cause ederal ocals lo dng n th s a re a wcau. o, aton,s loker w arned, gucd c u rren t 7onng o rd n an c es;. )oyle lo c a r e or handcapped r hoc.. ncludng, a.secton w hch allow s, he sad, a s any lve n a duplex. M rs. Doyle has or cglt handcapped persons n ot preudce aganst th e en- el people, Stoker sad. "P eople - -.l -see anythng w rong a s long - x lto e." sshg an was reportedly last g 1lasl M onday and w as sad g d a l Ue t e.-p o lce say w a re d w thout takng an y 8 *!t6los.(ranul2aane-- ;as. rep o rte d ly le l a t hs 1 ence, accordlpg to s e a r c l u rals;. 9 s bundled Sunday wth 25 3 lors cgtvlth r t d u.srscoutng s cscue oclals-sald no sgn - B -g n)h Snrny. Two. uad a~tr!>1ned G er a n unablolo pck up any scent C d u e te y h a d w ay w as. vcm dc.

18 18 Tes-Nows. Tw Falln. d.h VlDll - UnUCV - AHrt rr.sn;o l to""- Brlv. vttv 111 t;l tnnd tlel:st 10 ontts,, k w as lrn At. 27, Hrrson, Nl. Tte : D rnpor; U ;lt Wcre le a and " w k w. H e nu Rlnl on Fel) Dl, l Cly.D STp pl, He ca c.lo d,ho, r;l; nnd t)rnty o r-10 \ a r Hurlv n wtero le- usllco o r tn.- Pnco nl c a >.cllyorllym rs, Me st rvwl.on llc thr Board-a tlc Board tor U. Pow er, He w as actve n 11 and served a sson lo En w as a counselor to llree c ouncl anrscr\ C<l.a stak nvarousnllerpns. PAUL - sle r Albert resulcnt, ded Sunday ollow a olorcve accdent. H ow asborn.an.-;!, 9.!7; all(5(led schools al Hupe ro luperl Hh School, Carol Ann osteron une 1.: K W.5.T v o rrn n o -tlrc e lw r.( the Presbyler Drley. le had l)cen an c h u r c t. Ue had.alm l-sunk, ctor and served a s.supcr,clrch Sunday school. Mr. RoK was a lcensed receved several sae lyn w as aclvo n snowob lstn! and nolorcyclng. / hs death, he w as a lne an E lectrc a had been sho;.. P A U L -L u c y Balderas.:! n the Mndoka Meorlr Rupert. She w as bo.lune 7. T S u n e n -N ;M :rs h c - T.lt n d.. Texas. She arred M artn Bald. 1067, at Plan Vew, Tex. daho sl.o*:y a te r-h e r settled n tho Paul area, snce resded. Sre was a r CaUOllc church. Survvors nclude her h np so n Rll>pHn F ln n tw o daurltcrs, Downo B P a tte Ann Balderns,- Paul - B v K -. u s l = M h r c Falls, ded Sunday h c r l ancxlendedllness. Mk Fnw lpk wn l)o S ordon Valley. Ore. She o\, a s a young Rlrl and to Twlr Slc a rred K dgar Fenw Ontaro, Ore. l c d l n 1052 She then arred /\1 Lne lnt w lnf alls.h edle<ny7l.... She w as a e ber o M ethodst a u rc h, W ar Mot and Proc.sslonal Woen, CAUFY - Sanul K..1 Frday al hs lone olh llhe.ss. He w as KrnScp.., l unty o Ulaser. near Ln\ He arrcl Mldred l>o<ln w erescparatw l. Mr.,lolns had hyc-d o.st - Cnrcy a re x " He lad llvw l es, and had been resdence snce lo. He!), Caaw.ns church..snrvvo-s nclude lls Beach, la.: two sons Soulh D.ylonn. F la.: a Dayloa lra clrn le (launl (rlalo, Kn,; one u n o r u l ; TWN FALLS -Servlc S th wll l)c conducld nesday al Wttc.Mortuary V ctor S th. Last rtes - Sunset Meoral Park, ~ 1 H U c \ { l V A d tted ArOur Bell. Bb!; Mrs, M otor->»n-r»tpw 1-06nald- Rcks, Mrs. RolWlM.rU. D ane N elson. M rtw lo L aros, all Twn F u sv rs, Cle P al er. Nlurtul; Mrs. klol»ar< l X u ra n c - M cx D arrel Fsher, both Twn F o ls; Mrs. l-cstcr McAnulty..G lenns F e rry ; Mrs. a es " Xca 1re ~ ero tn ; w eston B o y. F le r ; M rs W ade " QugTcy, Buhl; M rs. ot. E l l o t t, B l s s : L n a a d ""L ln g n aw. achar Wlks, both T w n T a lls T. lc.ro-stcrout: D awn Hess, wu Burley; Ada. -W a lk c L B u p c ;. - V -. daho Tuesdav. Oclobor A sy tol A l r e F C r a e ~rae S r.,-la; e d ~ Survlvo hs dauclt n C rane.r nade hs hoe or Rtrley; W ash.;. 27, t«u!. a t F t, d a u K h to a ly oved (o )arrn «h,e altc lcl sdrxl W lla d K vclyn M ary M urray,. (1, n he Salt L-ke N ev.; tw U tnh; U ral-sed sheep and grandch! v a rs. He oved to He was he-w as apponted th n,l stved n lh a l and two g Funeral Burley rrk atlor a.. Thu r Unty. Lght and l.d.s Cha[ n he.ds C hurch blelatn: England. L ater h e Pleasant ee bshops, a hgl call a t th stakp ls-slon-and lcrn(x)nn :>ostlons. hourpror Lester R o < t Rong. -lu. Paul M atthew [ llowlng nures n Survvo; dauglters ).!7atH eyhurn. H e and Apr!.pert, g rad u a tn g brother, lool. He a rre d cn eslster. Ll.yH Burley. Paul; one -th c-n v y ru l-o -Marco8,-C le rla n.c h u rc h n W esley : an elder n th e o th er, M ng ne chrc..hewas Lrnlendel o he twoha1-b Funeral sed plot and had a.. Wc( lyng a w a rd s..h e P re sh y te r lobllng. golng. B gler o! g. Al he t e o n th e H nan or th e R u ra l F ren d s shop ore an a t Tuesday a L e y B u l t l e r - a s S. :E2, ded Sunday -. Mr. a n d M oral Hosptal n brother,. ssters..s , a t F o rt Hood, He) ndcdt 5chool5H n P o llrb a ld -oua hnb, alderas on Oct 9. Funeral ex. She ca e to a.. Thu er a rra g e a n d C atholc ( a, wcre she h a s M edna ol a e ber o th e n th e Ge ay call a r hu.-band, P a u l; aternoon lq 3alt!ras..Paul; cvenlngo: B ldens, P a u l; also cull nul; her parenth, pror to se R d F e n w c k cvlck7?~, wr ~r-\lxlary. cr hoe ollowng ; Hosptal. She s } nsept. 16. a05. n w ck. Tw oved lo Caldw ell ketchu, w n F a lls n 93G. Servce; lc k n (H n.ath e.t y t o s Tlopso Lnder an n 11)6(! C hurch ol a tth ec al r o the nltetl Frend.s Mothers, Bu.snexs nesday ar non. and.;dlcs the chape S a n e l E. o l r nl s, 01, ded -lons. 1 allowng a bre Rodrgue: He was, l. n.th e corn- (raves Lnva Hot Sprngs. 2 p.. Wt lolnand they la te r y Bslo) call a t 11. lo.sto hs len th e tonglt an ved here se v eral nn unll ;n a p e r a n en t le belonged-lo th e Ls w e.d a y to n a T ho as ohns. TWN! :l Dnnv ohns, % :ughler. Fl/alnM l dauglter (ncurouur.-lrl H osptal, a.. at F a th e r P. ay call evonnga Q C GLKNt., or er rvces..r T a n k A., Caplw l a ry (.h a p o ll)y K ld er tes wll l,c held 1: Hou - y t e l p < llr> >l< o r l a l D sssed rs, B ena n Vce, Twn Fa: ad c - 5 h rtlc trtn d --s tl. KlK.Tlv; R oger.muld tlo W endell. M r. C hrst. Fr trs, Bull; Tere.sa Colec. Rupt rs. M rs. W lla B rock, K berly..g lc u lu rn,. wn G epncr. Rose Wse, W lly. RLSsell Dobbs.a son. 1-et nes,-spad, all Twn F a lls: V T P e d Trevno and daugll d e Buhl; M ark Allen, Hzelton. ot s d Brths xth A dau ler was xrn n, o u c M nam rsr.l6rn Rk)ttrnh: Ada son was lm)rn to Mr. a \ a es Auclrc..eroe. 77 SlFDeS te vlvartncludc.-o u r-o n s: -Alr«e.r. and Ralph B, Crane, bo ry; Phl W, Crane. B ro erlo.;.lohn R. Crane. Bose; ot h to r. M rs..e r o y (M n n l«nglon, tlurley; hree b ro th er a C rane. Preston; Kla C ran ay,. U lahd.n-c rnnp.t l-s-v cga : tw oslstcrs. Sade Morgan, R vcrto ;.crtha Sth, D raper. Utah, chldrcn, 27 great grandcllldren, was preceded n death h y ls we ; three brothers, two grandcblldrc wo great grandchldren, leral scvces v.lll? conducted at Thusday n tlc-rurley F rst Wat Chapel, wltll Bl-shop H arry. Sha atng. L ast rtes wll w held n tl ant Vew Ceetery, F rlendt- r t the P ayne Chapel W endesday a on nd cvenng and at the church or ;)rorlost.tvlces Thursday. l - lew Ferguson. vvors nclude hs we. P aul; tw ters. Athena Mara Ro lg. 15, Paul A pr e a n Rolg. 9. P a u l; or er, F ran cs A. Rolg. Sale, O re ster. M rs. Rchard (R a ona) Erw one hal-brother. Ralph Ro g. Sa n8.-c a l a n d :0ULlarSsler.-Mr :y (K dnal ve. M ockoy, nnd h :r, Mrs. Anna Rolg. R upert, was (rocwled.n death by tls atlc; :1-brthers. and one slslcr. leral se-vlces wll l>e conducted a l 1 Wertnesd.y at the Burley F n y te ran Church, w lh Rev. Robert * ocatng. Fnal rtes wll w hcl c R versde Ce etery. H eyhun ds ay call at the Payne Chap lay aternoon and evenng. a s d Mrs. Slberlo Barela, Burley; on :r, >Vntonlo Barela, O akcy; ll 5. Lsabel Rsplnosa, R upert; M ar H eyburn; Dora Calderon, T exas B aldcrasrt cxnsrg lora-b nrtta-an nnbardarwllt3urey?... eral.servces wll be conducletl a t 1 T hursday at the Lttle Flowe le Church, wth F atter M aurcl a ocatng. Last rles wll be hel Ge Meoral G ardens, Frend all at th e Payne Chapel Wednesda, oon and a t the church W ednesda gor-a-ro5a r y a l -7 p;>nrf lends a ull 111 th e church T hursday one hou oservces, ek ary ~Q r Mngc Vnllcv~~M rbrl tal. : s survved by two sons.,don F e Twn Falls, and a es R.Fenw c lu. and lvegrandcnrarer vces wll be held T hursday a t 10 a.r e.ty,-nfalschapelw tl, R.yo pson. nster, Unted Methodl :h ocatng. Last rtes wll be le (Caldwell Meoral P ark. end.s ay call ths evenng. We ly and untl. servce t e T lursday lapel. l n s. Twn Falls: one sster. Lucll guez. San Francsco, w as proce<etl n death by one son. vesde servces wll w conducted 1. W endesday n He C arey Ceele slo) D arw n M. Parko. F rends n; t llo WtHMl Rver Chapel, Hale lt a al he Carey t.ds church ro ll 2 p.nttwedtesday. S a t u s n a n t N FALLS - G ravesde se n d ee s n a Conne S a ln a s, n-w oeko lter o Sergo and Tna Salnas, wl M tldolll 111!-.Twn F alls-c n tal. wll w held Wedncs<!ay al 9; at the Twn Falls C e etery wl r P erry Dodds ocatng. Frlc call al the Whle M ortuary Tue.sd; ng and W ednesday untl 9 a: : Durrell D. Rose -KNNS FERRY - D arrell D, Ro: lor G lcnns F erry resdent, d rday n. a ltary hn.splal n 1 plw ll.k y. oral servces wll! tw aouncc-d pherys Funeral Hoe, Mount: lu C n s s n M c r a o r l A dtted 1 Falls: K v c l y n L a r s e n - d bo. Dnc Gnpbcll. b o trt -ulder. Melwl M cdanels. R., Frey, Wla ensen and Fl lluporl, L nu.toth e y l :k a n, GMoVeyC.Pscn anh ---- Muns6c>otlL lc(oan, M rs, Cry.stals. Paul.. S luglut. - and Catherne S all Burley; W lla Oakley; Scott Spcvak.! andc oleent uttle. Abert nhya B rtns lmrs,...,a.«n.l <>.n.to.mr.an ll, Ken.Moore. lcybu,, rr. WASHNGTON ( Te nteror D cpartr wll announce a sere:..earln g s on- l t rrg ate d, acreage a ]re<! n-uc. West, tl C W both " s a d Monday, rlon. D eputy press se en one G ranu told rcportc n le ) vews o th(> publc \ te rs. be explored n the ran c. would "gve g reat w pgas, --w lplhpr-lhead l rton,, 22 u - y o n S area s 1 th e a y WASHNGTON (U y a- bll to authorze the o n o e n L o L a 5cnear(. a ck so n Hole a re a p u rch ase ease ents a re a s on prvate l been ntroduced S e n a te by S en.. W allop. R-Wyo. W allop calls the one radcally new a )rc.; wn. 3 Q L y o u s t u d y ] at 10 b y a h e ld lurn. pcl CALDWELL (U P 30 daho chldren are th e r educaton thro stu d y and enrou«llnos school corre; c o u rse, a cc o rd n g h e ad a ste r o th a t n la r y And sta le supernt. publc schools Ro n p e d L l a w l...stu d e n ts undcr.lq.yc,. ro conventonal w e r sy ste s, such a s p rv ate, d r parocha :,. s not aganst the la S s c o n t n u e to r e d u c a t o n a l n s u av co parable lo that ventonal school s stc... T ru b y s a d tn naton o w hether s tu d e n t s re c e l educaton co parab oered by the cor s c h o o l s y s t e s rorln l~ T espnslblllty ~ o ~ t school board. Fen- E n ro ll e n t o Ack, dahoans was reveal h c a d a s le r-a t-lh e - a.. L berty Acade y n n o n d. H elglts,ll,!odst. h e ld Obtua W eda y a t- Betty ean t w n FAL-S - servces-or-m rs. E. Lee, 50, Twn Falls. M onday ornng Valley Meoral Ho: be conducltd T hur r l Chapel.,] She was born Sop n Phllpsbcrg. Kar la t M u n a r x c d L ee n Twn Falls, lved n Twn F alls co ng here ro M rs, L e e a tte n s o r L utheran church, k.o ll Sun>l»ln6.re her w ho n n l c CuMer tlc!a e l C 9.30 R ck Cutler, all Ken w th "1 cnls d.a B lle r. C.thy.sday /\bcrt.son, Konal; cllldren a n d l.th re D arlene Young, r la,; Annctta Flyr V alley, C al,, a: D ockstader.t w nf r Ro.sc,, F ren d s ay ca d d W hte M o rtu a ry n F t. e v e n n g. W edncs T hursd.y untl t ] ed by rte s wll wll w lct taln Meoral Park, "y R obe L. V TWN F A L l - Phllps. 56, ded Sur Vew M anor ollow lllne.<a., He w as bo Feb- M u a.ld. Survvors ncludt L*n- a n d G eraldne Ph llp s, h-ltnct :- a nd ttn w alstcrs: R u p e rt; H o o n, A u b u rn. F lorecc E v e ly n S c h o a l. y lm r n ; Colo., and Babe n3 Kelly Phtwnlx; A rl..an d ccd llctvlapnsccdcl hs pare n ts and Hre Funeral se rv c e s. 1 T lursday a t 4 p. M ortuary d le s ta rtn, T h o p so n, Gee, M ethodstchurcl, <, K upert, U s t rtesw lllw lcl w rdccn. M e oral P k.. Fr...c lp a l~ th e cla.-.nd.mrs,w cdntadayal 1. T tu r a y. rgaton a (U P ).,= :. se c k s a change nt rtent.won Presdent Carl ts o publc. group o ar nltaton o. F rday th at the allotents be changed but rvlltc House any altcatvcb the law." c rc tary Rex But h e sad he le r s th a t the th a t 75 years ago \ c whch wll was passed, 32 he hearngs rrg a te d land welglt" to husband and wl( lnk t nun (c. Mng sce suggestec (UP) - A developed concc] c establsl- p r e s e r v a t o n a rc a ln h c ;: c ase e n t acqu ea and lo.. sad the pont o ts to scenc protect th e aesthc lands has tle a ck so n Hol( nto th e recognzng prlv;. M alcol rlglts. T le Wyong the bll a th e S enate Monda and locally a cres o pr T eloh county.! tn u n g p re ssu r ranchers to sclth l l t r l G possble $50,000 : L U. l O orcc.the.lo.scl called th e ackso he la s t o Hc 0 n g - -a lu re to p ass-tl O re td e rth c la n d o a co ercal devel T lc S enate vers to a bll ntrod House by Rep. T«D -W y o..earlerth P) - Soe re recevng rou ho e cnt n an Tcsponscncc ng to hc nsttuton, nlerdcht d Roy T ruby U u lo L n g O U REX - ycars.o.age u /T F R P educaton a s publc, Ml,Llsl«, lal schools. law they O T r e c e v e s t r u c l l o n lat n c - S ten~ th e d e te r - l O l O r e le r.o r not a e lv n g an able to that conventonal S s th e ~» 0 ~ lo c a l... } th e 30 ealed by the lec hrstlun n Prospect A w r e s 9 0 n Lee Funeral 1. Belly e a n Us.who ded at M agc Hosptal, wll lursday a t. 2 - c.mortuary opt. 21, 1927, van. On an, ls, She had. 1 s snce 1941, ; n N ebraska. - H e n d e d th e? ler husband, sons. Robert - b H Cutler and ena. rmaska, n Falls; one hy C u tle r 10 grand- ree ssters... D avenport, lynn, Apple ASEPTt and re n e, THERM Falls. call at ho M)o.U:t y T u esd ay csday and t p.; Last cld n Sunset.G L L E n T W N B Phllps Holwrt L. $ 0 undayatsky wng a slort!b al G lett T W N B de hs we, C A H T R s. Twn Falls. 9 rs.- c rslle D e n v e r, be S ta ps. " :dn.dcau)y., 1 rebrothersr :s wll be held 0 >.n at tlc \ Clupel wth - )n, U n,lted :, ocatng, held n Sunset Frends n y apcl today. -lnlll -p.. alloten :n tle la w. - N o w, \ C arter told a d e v e lo p e. edtors last a h n e ry. a the law needs to necessary o l we dont have.vable ar c but lo enorce Carter. h e recogoc-d Tho.sube go when the law connecton 320 BekS o rased conc d was all a S e c re ta r y we could han- R obert Meye n tero r Deo. on land pol land n Cal V alley, e n A u g r ~ - ncept o scenc l o n t h r o u g h cqulslton." He. g ro n re " b rs~ lb ATea ;sthetc beauty o ost o Hole area whle today, prvate property - Te p tlcg eo ng senator told to rea ch anday there w ere. sunrse, prvate lands n c. He sad con- la rg e h; s su re on a re a c o o M e *l ther lands al a G re at P» 0 an a cro a y N ew E n ).s c l L o u L,W llo p l rkson Hole valley >>... C Old West and - s3-(hc bll-w ould d o "g ro w th an d levelop en. A l U verson s s lar reduced no the g Q l t l p. Teno Roncalo. e rth sy e a r, E X OUlEX R PU S WATER PLL8- M ;t U,00 Mg. lst U U>Mpeuna»ol«Mbo}r r v T WHO rucv* «po>rr, uktntadvxxpbrmn ard t««v«ooac wl*r n»necn.natm.«* g U S T E X. & l L z bu stk - UpO>ntrnenl.]4 (u.oap w Ml9.tsl69*uA E NOVAHSPNP/ " N a EUXR 1 Mlo.LS1S2.39 b 32 H NOVAHSTNEOMX - OKongeUnCouttouU Mtg. LSlC,99 2 ULll.1 11 U PTO ORAL RMOMETER 1 Q U:tK.39. k 1 E n E H A C t 53,50 R.12 B ta E T T ET R A C 5U. 4 8 U U )E g M l l FOA D G E w W CRE/ Reg p ll n MAH SHVEW F H «& F n. l M O R E l l H F A l l S ; - - t hearng w th a s s v e S e c e ta r l e n t a n d.- l a r g e pro p o sed. a la rg e r acreage s orcng 11 or an econo cally. ndcated operaton. sad rrgaton. resdent U n d e r - 3e ct ca e up n ahsenlee n w th questons corporat ncernlng Asssta la n d s r / o A g rcu ltu re recla all lyerlscussonsw th perod 0 a p a rt e n t ocals dependn )0llcy. M eyerow ttshave wll alo as peral cnt... The pro g u s, " n t e r o r nteror : Fall chll Byynlcd Prcsante atona]- e arly all chll w as n the a r acn o the eastern wo-lhlrdso the nat n p e ra lu rcs dpped no the low UOt (orgla ountans and wore predlc cl the-tos n central /Uabaa w se.! N atonal W eather Servce sac hlgl prc.ssure syste nluenod te p era tu re s stretchng ro ; P lan s lo the Gul Coasl and r n g la n d to th e S o u th ca st.- -., FLER n " w ll n- t t e s e l today. P Q o tb al dtcb-sse r o y o u r n e lg M B a s s o c u t q d x Q c tl8 r s - 1 1,1 a sk y o u r a. 0. PERSONAL / PHARMACSTS F YOU HAVE ANY QUESTONS ABOUT * YOUH PRESCRPTON. WE. / ARE HERE TO HELP YOU USE \ YOUR MEDCNES SAFELY AND PROPERLY.. / T / 2PAnPACX /( l-c r P A N T Y H O S E - / Mullaen vt nenlott PaAty. lte. Tupe&CotlK. M (].Ls1S139pc< 33 GALLON L A W N & TRASH BAGS wth Ts Tes M. Lst S 69 l. l. P hoe blood pressl S MEASUREMENT KT t!y Bll) « ((ce wth toratruhon,cruns CuaunK. *9 lst $ 1 K k. [e WORLD SER ES B nrtaan wttn you My SM Atu 6 pn>ductt tl BET DETALS AT YOtR A.D.- S t a r t b e, 0 0 0, n e t t a t y w l D. 8 tbp6. LLETTE G u n lamy SHAVE M DRTl ea T s E l lubclqnw-uew W g ".. ; nttwactvdnntttwkb l SUG0 5T 0A0 PW S OPOHA. W E M U H L -t?u.r.w.nu.!nnbgr * gs sched ta r y C e cl A n d ru s lo te r )scd re g u la to n s en- select g the 1902 law w h c h who c ted w ater ro ederal all, ton p roects should go to n l 7 \. nt aly ar ers. Callo le r-lh e -p ro p o se d -n le s, n- lee owned ventures and nounc ralnns ust gve u p, he wo s r e c e v n g e d e r a l the p alon w ater over, a would d o 5 or 10 years. ear dnon the contract they The w tnet crrargovc : o r a - wtht ; proposal would allow th e - by a r o r S e c rc ta ry lo lo ld a Land ll sweeps! - A nother surge o actss:: ov[cacro55:he:n r naton N orthern Plans. The a kllng rost was v 30s n N orth D akota tonlglt. edlcltkl Very lttle ranall y wore hours endng al 4 a. the ar w est Texas sad a Mexco recorded ao cedlho Skes w ere clear ) he natons dsecton. ( d ro o New E ngland and nlo Texas, L E R - The F le r Hgh ol W ldcats Booster G ub e e t a t p.. g] y. Plans or the alu n g b a ll g a e w ll b e " sa-d. g h b o p h o o d / RUGG8TS 1 1, AYDS REOUC VwH. Cho. CtxxobttM Buttncotd - t.. Mlg.Ltdl C L «AntMpe6o.w5p rv p ) M Ma.Lst r "wmots B R H TAMPAX YFM TAMPONS tcguttsupc 1 40s «A H Mlg.ll».49u< GS. } W *T t RO / \ SK / so S S U R E * T. s w t n c u nce. 1rp p r ) l l S BONUS O FFER n R e b a te " g rttowlw. -P.-STORE ttas epsta s" pe. ETTE H D GLlETT ro O K B g SUPER STA Str Spray STEEL tvsys KBMTrOUBTTa. WH PAlTCPATlNO STORES VMOMRCl 137 MAN AVE. WEST THEH A LLrTW H FA LlS uled te ry o r o th e r rando ecton process to deterne 0 could buy th e land - n, ore lhan llon acres 17 w estern sta le s, prarly llo la. n- akng-the-a ugusl-an- nce ent, A ndrus ndlcalcd would acccpt coents on! proposals or 90 days and ud consder holdng puhc arngs warratcd. rh ed e p artrn en t s o rd g rc d a to d tra lc o n o c o e Up tl the rules n a sut brougtt a group callcd-, Natonal.rd or People, n c r * East o very cool a r was rn orthe -R ocklcs-and h c w ea th erse rv lce sald ; lkely n M ontana and lt.. ll w as recorded n the 2-t a.. EDT. Portons o :as and southern New ounts up to.39 nches. ar over ost o the n. Clouds covercd p a rts nd the Southern Rockcs W o t T p w N r r r l " OR FEED T... Goe Seel Wll Nave 11! G L O B r c o. Bctlx t n. C1NGCANDY UMOeact ROSE ML( SKN CARE CREAM Sonled orunsctnla 12 w. Mg. Lst $2.39 Ud 9 GERTOL 1 TABLETS H <0-*-7n E H Mlg.LslS3.74 PC G lu E RGHT GUARD Oeodonnt Bnxn M. tr tc.og 1 E, PANLESS ~To/ l ~

19 Lc NEW YORK. (U P) - S n:ln«l a s otlcr rakcs" c tnlro. wll a pparently pla, dcter lnns.llc outcoe o.. clanpotstp p ln y o lls r T he Wc slc rn Dvson cln Royals d-lavl h u r ourne worked out n th e r ho e hallp; E astern Dvson tltllsls, ho took hc day o. Rul ro l«lh a round all hosc lot-hnndlts blkolleplchlnb. n W ednesdays opener n anager BllV M arln wll go c ra ty lely who so dsln " oney" ga es or the Cne two years. Opposn.Gllelt w (ler oyalf tonhandedacow nt 2-0 versus the Yankees. -5 D o d g Russ WASHNGTON (U P l) - O ly pc sp o rts w as assured ] - "u n b ea ra b le de ands ror coverage o he 1300 Su er would pull out. But NBC Televson Netwo; told thcsubco llec hen pressu re ro hc Sovets to : N B C T ar3 r -t)uslncs gong to sacrce ls ntegrty Mulhoand also w as asked de onstraton by Sovet ds govern ent told lle network "W e tell he Sovels Ual w n Ue stodlu," he sad. so elhng. we ntend lo say s T he House co unealor. V an D ecrlln, D-Cal., ealle NBC 10 exa ne the devel grantn g rglls to NBC or ll or be 1080 W nlerg a esat NBC agreed to pay a total techncal rglls lo th e S u n dtonal-cotl-uat-wll-uklt ABC s p ayng about $15.5 G a es; Tle tkrec se ts o execul b a llle or he rglls lo lllyear. n D ece ber 197G, be th n o h e bgl rsks and cost negotaton:, and would con: resources whcl would exe pton ro be ustce The o llo w n g onth. C rnpplrlly lp.nl-g ot COnt U lcsoves Wo d b a d t," CDS Tel( R obert VusRler lold Ue s l." ABC News and Sports P n Uc Sovets w anted $5o ll y e a rs beore he G a es wl th r w b c ltte c also t W est G er an natonal who Uo negotatons bul ten w out. Bock reused to appeal > C B S> W ussler sad Ue n sc v cratw e tk rg n atc d T Ue n eollallons. Wben Bo( " to produce a tola! o 15 rl: etes - Southpaws, soqllen And s" or. worse, "reak s o t les play prncpal roles.n Mrlln o tlo Aercan 1/Ongue season T le lzo l chapon K ansas Cty o r Ln rney lo New York a n d. Splllo llparkm ondayw hlelhc rc ho New York Y ankees, sad M «lb ca ps, lalk cenlered ptch l ers who gure to do the w th bu er n New York, Y ankee " go wth Don Oulletl. tbe rog. "1 slngusled h sel n stuck t nclnnall R eds the past G ull t wll be Paul Splltor. the Y. wlq-was lc-0 thls--ear - n rsl R Seres :, g e r s t a r t e r sans w A House subeo lllee exa ln ed Monday that,t NBC s subocle< ro the Sovel Unon n prcpar er O ly pcs n Moscow, the nelw twork Presdent R oberl E. Mulltll. here s no ndcalon so ar-o-un ; lo alte Rl lo control NDC coverag lncss(rr50year3r!h>-k>(l.-cs. [rty or two w eeks o progra nr ;ked wlat NBC would do there w; dssdents durng the G a es and ork not to cover t. al well cover cverylbng Ual lap.. w ere prevented ro cove a y so o n U c a lr." llons subco ttee, chalrcd t)y L aled execulves ro ABC, CBS :velop enls th a t ted up to contr Dr the 1980 Su er G a es and to / sa tu k e P la c ld.n.y ; olal ot llon or broadca.sllng Sucr G a es. plls anlcpat-d 5 llon or rglls lo handle tte W :ullvc3 each gave Uelr versons ol be Moscow Gaes wlcb began three netwxrks announced lhal twc costs nvolved, Uey w ere suspen eonsrdcr the possblty o poolng Dud ldve needed a specal ant ;ce Departent.. CBS announced l w as pullng onllnucd dcultes n ncgollallng Televson Network Dvson Pres e s u tx lu c o. l usl w asn t v ; Presdent Roone Arledge sad one bllngblock&mar-do-aanouncunen llon n casl by Ue end o t07«~ w luabelcld. so exa ned hc ro lc -o -M hac-bc who was hred by CBS a s a consult; :n wenl tq o rk or NBC a te r CBS r e a ra lh e b e a rln g. he nettork had contracted wth Bw cd-progra ssa-w eu -ash ls consult Bock w ent o NDC. he landed a eo rrlnstvcra-pcrlodo ve years ( expec \n d n the second ga e T hursday n tes have been pencled n or s rtn havng chusen hs young s son Ron G udry, whle R oyals w zog w a T H n g betw een eth er L n rry G ura --dep(:ndng on wl lllorc.nwnth (rst gae. realze ls the way he tato d M artn. "B ul wante<l Gulett :d b e re. Tle reason s obvous. Y Ul ls short rlgtl ld porch.s te rsb a llp a rk." " Spttl throw s good, lell l»e ok g. "B u l w eve gol lo get h so c k th e bals up our whnds tw ce th G ulett, who sgned a Sl. llon e Y ankees last w nter a le r beatl s ga e otlc76w orld Seres.- rles and playo co pettlun ove LEFTH A ND E talkng to news Wll S tart or Lo to n g h t, nh c( lnng llon, accordng lo ecledto When bolh execut ep arn g dtlonal progra Ulw ork Sovels. they.d ll networks age wll lltlland But wll.sad they -undue -were under no.obl!rage. ceplatle. n l n g. " rt was a and the ~ M lto n B coverng ly Lonel W V :BS and. 7, o n trae ls 1to ABC ;llngand np:w YORK (U P : n., an portant part o nllllqu e W nler consder lls ball ch playo ga es than le a rgan last lou whch n a way s a. lwcau.se recu spendng surgery a n d hs do lng th e r agansl any tneccs: a n ttn sl Rul you know Cha down or long, no.lng out operatons n our ye lng w lh Mesnontlsnart ol doclor& -bavo4nslrut resdenl. no,(.r p,rt o Ue outsde b s (tpart e. A s ow ner gets o u t : one o hs o n g and anouc )7«~l-.-; " co ng alo great and he doct than.cvrrt w o-o-n sultanln closed but Uey sl :BS pulled operaton turned ou.d own,u ugl ll been he ocal p sullng n. -ror;tn$,c5rnat a contract, uneo onl r9or57.s c te d t y n g ll. wo ore. years. Spllt r s ta rtn g rotes, o n tw o ru n s; su rp rse o ths la sly e arsp anager Ulley ".bs s.l retatuy n T s r:?plnd. w h eth er o rn o l Yankees, t, soelhng on worked out,",mlhougl :.t and Gudry to agansl the Y ankee Stadu relyng too s a lel-handel G ura o r Has ths y e ar o k a y." sal ler-, wcause o :)e ru n s. Gulelt b ats n hel.th s y e a r." bl<a and M on co n tract wlh vuln erablet atng the, n the Bul that s.- s l-l n World- have added ver be pasl.tw o. Regge ac DER-Tontny-oln..8lllnB.wll w s en durng workouts Monday Los Angeles aganst Phllndelphh ow NB( to Mulhoand. u tlv es w ere asked. Dock w as g lng co n lraels n order lo r llted ll w as p ar o an eort to e wlb the USSR. ey only contraeled to buy the pn blgalcuro -run-ue -l-uey.u K c h n g e r y p, P ) - T le plyoshave!>an o hs le. 7URh-ttr«nderstandnvhcrtT0H club h a s partcpated n ore lan any olher a o r league. bs c lu n g not nvolved. ; a good thng trecause Charte.cuperatlng ro open heart doctors bave caullond h rcssary ex clenenl. rarlle. Nothng c an keep h nol e v e n two aor la rt - years, o llp day resung n l>e(lrnshls u c le d l to do. an d devotes h e day to w alk n g,a the p ark en t n Chcago. The Oaklnnd ul and w alks a hal-nte every luer hal-le eae aternoon. along ne. " be sys. " eel K to rs tell- e ll be stronger -y a rtere s Were 9.T per een- l ply, by-pa.sscd the and Ue out ne." the y e ars, C harle Fnley las, pont -o any bller con- ru 7 n t5 t«n c n a r.c 6 c tr only sel-servng, sclcentercd lltor. eanw hle, sloppetl the S and seven hts n hs only appva splayosagaln.sl the. 5.the bggest sta r t ol v care lul h e w n y r v n r p - a g a 1 thnk d e s e n ed to sla rt. lls a w anle<l," Splllor hs alw ays erny- le Yankees (11-5 lell e. len.og lo uch on pa.sl peror ance n e lassler r both o who have.lee [or ga e tw o. Last y e a r he Y o the overabundance o lelly-s ler lneup G rag Nettles, Chr; Mckey R v ers etc. - w ere sal etosoulbpaw plclng. t w as lasl y e a r and allhough tn led yel an o th er lel-landkl swl ackson.21w, :52 ho ers and 110 R Do l n ] B. :] ll.1)0 wthout H E P the rs two g; Angeles Dodge g v e sh sc h b a Tle wst-o-l longltandcon S l.. "T h e Phllle: G arry Maddox -1 M cbrde wll d l l K y good]oblnrlgl M cbrde, wh H B lgures.to gell Danny O zark b b a llo h lsk n e M g M M-lHnv.ttl b c c u u sc ls c M arone sad ll rst wo gae? W cw onls " G arry s ou - there or h." n tonglls ; C arlton , w hle l/o assgn ent W( seres resu e are L:rry Chr Carlton, the a-use ohn. o.w ll or the "n ord er o bcllnd on t o k : SoetxHly plateau as the le loy* C hla.. h o t sl te X You: cycl s gven he ad-. Thu nluence the pro< ) enhance ther s that progra s, and "On.w ercnollt c- V, pby; orr ) r o v e s l ndvdual, one wto Ls absolute those he e ploys. also. Aong th e hou-sands o gel receved d u H n g -tls stay : M e oral H osptal n Ch relu n g ho e, any o the ro hosc who euer worked do so now. All he low ers, c a rd s and lo apprecated by C harte F - co prehends tte serlou-sness denvent. H e s enorously vyln rn n v y n llh P trlt lneslo co uncallons he retekxxl ore pronounccd eecu upc other.-. w as a le tte r w rtten ty ; oncc played ball or h whle H splal-andcuarllcke M! le ltc r or anythng n th e w ork slould be sad he never volunl - e n nd dd-»k)nly-<ler4-nsk( -b e e n one essage whlct ov t h e rest. He Sld yes. Uere w as one. Fnley hnd to leave hs bed read ll lo e, l asked ll ( c lo havng,11 prnted,.;he sad h tean he Y ankees w.-ason, the actu pvaraceln ho ers and :2 renassane o l < R er," s.d. RB) h av e ade ( aganst h c atm tlllrowlngsu s an tuor. Hev.og need ths: Snce.Aug. 1 y scces!:- --nders s 20-:, r7.og ay n* B ecause ol th e n elkwsng uggle hs rst ga loen erratc. sta rt n letleld r le Yankes, w ho tasnl l>een lly-swlngng late) and.lohnso. hrs rn - The R oyals ln > sa d to 1)0 one w hch carre y e a rs plyol l ll he Yanks ho er l)y C h a l sw nger- n- - lelt-elder and 10 RB l ths P o rte r wll be be odgers Phls :E l.e S U P )- T le P h lla d e lp b. houl helr regular center elder. 0 ga es o the N aoal,[ agu Klgers M anager T o y L asord; ub any advantage. -o-ve NL R res gels underw ay conlnucs W ednesday nglt. llles have gol rep la ce e n ts," dox c.l play, and w ould a ssu ll do a good ob n c en te r and c r rgll.". who oned the Phlles ro St. eeluc celer eld call ro P h rk Kcausc Maddox, a.stellar d e knee whle ballng n a g a n es u n d ldqltuk e.puru U ndl!tc sknctw as5w olle Tcanph d the nury lel M addox an un es. 115 oul o ga es wll Bake n c s out. ts nce to know w c h av e." lls opener, whch s ta r ts at ll MO. wlrgo a g a ln stle D odgers U nlorg. H. has draw n tl( 11 We<lnesday nlglt ag an st Don S u es al.plladelphla F rd a y, U Chrstenson, la-c, o the P h lle s:, the lendng Nalonal U -aguc Cy used lo lalk lo rep o rte rs a t Mo wll talk lo anyone who wll lslcn. Phladelpha ace le n a n d e r s : r or e to l>eat the P h lle s," o her hllters. especally (G reg) you donl plch ro n ront, y 5 d y n ;k T d lt F rle> h llle s)rd : the Chclnnall Reds. W ell, let e (Mrlton g h ts horhythnuodds NEW YORK (UPD - D anny Oz ) the Phladelpha Phlles, l slake" sta rtn g ptc h er Steve C the l-os A ngeles D odgers n T N atonal U a g u e playo opener. Vlncnl M allard, au lh o r o " n Your Behavor." sad C artlons c y c le p re d c lsa "llg h ly e rra tc pc Tle llles plcher loll tu ltr T hursday and M allard ctes h s p proo o hs physcal sla te. "C a rl s w ere n a rple low and hell th a t w ay." sad Ue Penn.sylva "O n Tuesday he ll w n a c physcally w h lc h l ea n s hlghl or ance. F n l e y lulely ercless wlh not l>e. - and on dc-< :hnrle-f n!ev l-woh secu re gelwell essages he ahlou :y at Northwestern letter n Chcago and snce----- T b c! the e.ssages ca e "D e; ked or h l)eorc or "Nov Fnley d loters w ere deeply lo tell Fnley, who ully corr less o the surgery le any sly grateul lo those convn cnll hlt n,-ll lh " F o r :lve<l, one had a ar and vvr r.upah Unn an t would! by a young an who durng hlle he stll w as n the one re ldnt part w th.he * you.orld, nthat rcgardh e. Dlunleered lo read l to lskcd h herc had..rgl..; oved tn ore llan rt!spcc dealln ne. oyou bed lo.;et t, Aler he would T? Fhad any otectlon lla lt ld he precrredthl t re.spec To. ne M (lusllun o CU olns4>n.20c. 2 RB a s a part-ll er) and l u P n ella.(.:tlo, r ho ers and e opposng anagers ore cautlo su u tlp aw rat he tn rh o rk ers..-ds any ore convncng, how alx,. 1. the Y ankees record acalnsl l le pre.s< nce o Spllllor/. M arln w ga e lneup sonu-wlat. Pnella w n place o swltclrlllln(> Roy Wh en hllng eth er rlgltes o r letes ol wll 1k hedeslgnatnl htter, lneup s nol uch changed ro el l!e Y ankees to vega es n ; K orc bowng to a lnthnn blvs. tmkle oe deb s the n ul ol season cqulslon Dan he openng ga ecatcher. - see no losng 5 h Phlles.pnt. )ly -T has r. G arry Mad<Tttx-. or by." ge playos. l)ut- /)s T :-da dosnt tllnrlfat lalker, D<Hlge V a l D odger Stadu Cey a r to ht 3 ;," sad L.sorda. " "Pe( ;su e h e w o n l. Bke llrow le rr y.martn wll do a o a pt "He St..-ous n dune, hu t Mlladelpha Manager " years leensve player. l a le sb t n day, Oza e s workout Molav Ue Rt u h v slclan Dr. Phllln okng nlkely s ta rte r n the chara lk e lh n c en le r." O zark.sad. "H o c a guy who can play do yo, " l,;15 p.. ED T. Seve n hs rst o y-ohn " ro 1 th e Phlles startng Oza S u tlo n.l4 a.w henlhc Mond Ue probable ptchers Bowa :s and Burt Hoolon, 12- b a base C y Young Award can- -wcor M ondays workout but rlgll cn. ore Uan ade up cenlc retucu nc locono ve o h n sad, " cant gel U ult ) Luznsk and (Mke) back, you have lo be pretty.m want tl a r r l a t l l e sa e Cnrll e tell you soelhng. N N urc retlr O zark, anager s " ak n g a C arllonagan.sl T uesday nghls B orhyth s and n s bortylh c p e ro r a n c e " s peror ance as rltons borhylh- 11 conllnc lo l)c H (, vana publsher, qq, c rtcal perod p, hly. e rratc ) e r - y ncs d o e s h and beleve h. U ll ately. nly aler coaslderable persuaso.l<}-lh.h-ll-tgluwlh.hl-provldlr re Ue lelter-w rlers persson. 1 lugl he also was relelant lo h; r ade publc. celtorsad:.-... >earctarle: low lhal tle world s convlncbtl tl; ;y does have a heart, hougll wc?11 you how happy a t( hav< r alon and support o llal y unsuccessul years o a len nceskeplcsotherw se. o r vears, have been eanlnn to w rte you a note to tell you a ew d lke lo t a ke thsopportu ty to do w as Wlll uy deron ball"? n g n y undstngusled baseball re aled e ore ar Hu you dd, have l>ecn orc ar n your tre, ound you eoplelely hone.sl ; l,.a n d to Uls day. nnlan a grt c c t-o rro u r-n o l-o n ly -a s a rest ngs wlh you. but duo also lo otln n u r ch arac ter. n y dealngs wu d hope Uat one day they could T w at ralran d lo n cs tro n d lh a t >ecuor e. A Toeday. Oclober 4,1977 Tes L rc. 12 o therw se, ts the s; d he ( :112,22 hoers, 88 RB :nd ho ers and 2 RB a: utlous rst t)ase. F rank W hle; s. shortsto), H ow cvrr, lt, alhut seres oul o Aos (Mts sl let- ankle n the openng. relu ed lothelneup. tn wll And, o course, llere a wll weapon" Al Cowens..Whte lecause ew olks rel; les o ye;r wth 23 ho ers a r. AL. o the Another lttle known ; n lasl hey won ore gae: nnng baseball ths year le new "W e won all those a D arrell no one even knew ll -M nnesota." ) bele Maddo a ls lke ask n g e wlat knd o w r M cc ar\ cr. Carlton s prvate ker," a ln ltel. C a rll6 rac cd a l xlgers pow er ourso e o Steve G y and D usty B aker, the rsl quart ht 30 or ore ho e runs apece n : "People a re say n g." saldm c( rowng lle sa e now a s he dld l a ptcher now th a n he w as then wh "H e s not conslstenlly a s ast a s h t p retty good on occason, Wlal ars s th e ablty to get hs breakr sbehlndtvuocounl,"* OzarK. w hose club w as nl«?d out e R eds n the N L playos a year- kng ood bn th e cve~onbe p; laraclerlstcally, snapped a t sever (c her questons, "H ow do ec?" he repeated ate ) you eel?" " Ue D odgers lave a weakness, hs eye, aybe ls To y s > o GQ pounds lo 200 Uls season." O zark a n d so rd a na ed llclr londay. T le Phlles, n o rd er, wer ow a. U lrd base an Scb ldl, a a n D ave ohnson, M artn n r lase an T e d Sze ore and plcher ocond b n sc an D avey Lopes, slo gll eld, Cey a t Ulrd base. Ga: en ter eld er G lenn B urke, catcher -b aso rd a-sa ld he-wns gong lo go v v e teran R ck M onday n cen te r b hal any.southpaws n th e sccond lack proble s. M ondays back s ok ay," l-aso ;a n t lo la k e any chances, esp( r a ro n ; R o b n s o NEW YORK (UP15 - Brooks P U lrd-basc en n baseball.hstnr: retre en t a le r a record 23 yean M onday w a s na ed w nner o the p The trophy, an annual league pre o F a e C h a r an o Ue B oard o presented by Cronn pror lo the laaguo cha ponshp ga e al Yar Robnson, who wll ly here w presenlatlon, recorded the hlglesl base en o.7l, lls 23 y e a rs wlh playenvttrbne loan. r~ Robnson was,-a el>er o 18 r All-Star leans, was lle league s P the W ortd S eres MVP n 1070 an Glove a w a rd s a s he lop eldng U P r evous w nners o Ue Cronn C aornla.v\ngels.-d ctrou :sl;\l-k ; nesola T w ns and P al er o tl h a v e a ely. how ever, "A s one o > slon, he sd w lhered e or.ur.); -ltl (cd ln g S -ab o u L l on. dd lh a l. w hch know lob :o h a v ln,h ls you so beore. So n e lh lsletlerln C " would lke...tlalho.splallx.-d d tlal C harte h a rd e r than ey< would w rte beleve n. but H have edcal have co e oul sw al ael a le r " contnue llenplng to you wch do tu know lhen wll g to st d o wn. o e l>eca;se ew thng.sn know rk cqrgh odom), "B estw lshes, a! cltb s-n n d T h e le tte r was lall carh.t no You ay re dd, nor could selln g a W orld: treal enl o plnch-hltter eve HMAratglayng!.sl and orth- h o ers helped b 1 g rea t d e a l o E ssegnn also resulu o, y dlu:ls, Ortoles, o th e ra s p c c ls.t w V cnk aasast w llhpeople,.! ; Cal., now. u ld.s a y - o. c :,. "W hen 1 read h at-th e x td t1n l-b e -«d C harte Fnley., 1... h ow uch.hlsle es-nows, Twn Falls. Wato 19 sa e cast - G eorge B retl S ;B la llh lrd. lalm cr ae (.3 l2, ;. a slh c D H,o h n M a y l> e rry a l ; le al second nnd Fred Palek at lle Royals hope to gel a ull.!- s ncenler eld. le tw sted a n } g ga e lasl year and n e v e r eres also the R oyals "secret ens - n rgltel. " S e c r e t" ; lze that Cowens ht.:12 hs. d ll 2 R B - llu K.sllnlhe.ct almul he R oyals s lhal es han any other lea n 102. : aos, sad Mayberry, "and except T exas. Chcago and t :! - wb d lke lo gel blown up ate c atc h er a n d d csg n aed a lougl challetge rot the e Garvey. Regge Sth, Ron 5 lartel n aor league hstory. - - n a season,, lccarver, Uat C artlon s ll 1372 but le s not. H es ore. when h e h ad a record), s he w as then bul h e can sllll \ la l he has developed over th e kng ball o v e r the p late when Qutln.threestralglt gaes by * lorago, was lnn relaxed and "pltyot w lle s o rda, un-, crol reporters whehe dd not terqueslon, " eel ne. How, :ss," sad Ozark wth a twnkle s walsunc. h e ar hes gone. 1." el lenlatve sta rtln g llneups- Acre M cbrde, slortslop L arry Luznsk n let eld, rst n rglt eld, M ccarvcr, sccond ; her Carlton, Tle Dodgers were slortslop Bll Russell, S ltlu n G arvey al lrsl. B aker n lel, hers teve Y eager and o h n w th Bur-kCra nw ko rn placc--:------;. :r because M onday h a d n t aced n d h a lo b e se a so n b e c a u seo nsorda sad,!hut ust ddnt specally aganst a guy lke o n - e t e l + s Robnson, one ot he prcer ry who recently annouhced hs; lars wth heb altl ore ()rolos, le presu glous oe Cronn Award presentaton n honor o the HalC o th e A ercan U ague. wll l)c the sla rt o the rst A erlcat Yankee Stadu We<lnc.sday,. w th hs we, Conne, or h... lesl eldng average o all thrd th the O roles are a record or a 8 coseculvc A ercan laagu s Mosl V aluable ay c r n 1 W, and w nner o 16 slragltt Gold g Ulrd base an n Ue league. n Aw ard w ere Nolan R yan ot th?, K allne..k (xl.larcw -oru e~m lthe Oroles r V h e a r t [ vour or er players, t hls or.soe l e to know y re v<n. lo h e ar and read llnus lol>econlrary, and nol lo h av e lold. So. nothng ela-, please ndulge l)ecause H akes e th;! good, le lo tell >ou o u p rglt out o x.-d and to keep gong stro n g e r and eyer l>crorc lor he th n g s you s neelless lo say lecause you swgngall yourle. lue lo rend and h ear tlngs aboul 1 not rellecl the C harle Fnley All.ennllnue lo have a s le lasde e wll know so elhng theyrdonl ghng-nrcharlo, Ls.", k assgned by Chuck E > e tl a ( reel)or Chuck E ssc g an or d Sertes record n Sy a s hersl ;ver lo conned or tw o ho e ruas. n(t or the Dodncrs hen and hs two.. dbeatu ew ltesox. lso pl.->;ed or the P hlles,.c ar- M, ndans ahc A s w hen hey stll a s Cty, le s an allorney n Enclno. ad hs letter, 1-wantcd to do exactly, d -u p -rg ltu o u t o l b c d,l a y s cy. "1 dor t Ulk h e ll e v e r know, slettonlm nl lo..e.;,.,,,

20 # TS-Ns.Tw-nF.M.ulano H o o p l e c l b y c a g e r s Bv MAORAMOS B.H O O PLE (P eerless predctor) - " TWN F A L L S -. E,;!!!! "nls lo bl n.uks Mvt.sly?, sn t lllk cnorl ta puer ltr(;. cll-nss up k wlht : bask-b.ll "crtclstowt otn.mp? ouu: We reer lotcn p? l h;sk.lb;ll Coach Mke.. Mllu-ll, wlo. a re rdlnbly n h rn u d. ok sw Twn F alls rts sladu atul.skod an acq:tla.e "wta; :.at " Told was a ootball sndu. lp rplou. "vlal dc l vdh l r?" St. (learlarls, M ld d ldl nnl wn tn- weekly cla plnnsl) nor dd le eolkcl an noncv. u be erslwlle prr "ors nydcr. Tex., dd creep nk.lle lo to r a b le tn e n ln le c lt s and lal s etov};! vcarly.lo.danpellhlaror-0 apk skn prop slcalor o ; tlonlcalber.h nrrutnpl!..,-m e a n w h le s t.n lc y - - R " nerlakoll o Wetukll rppc phc- res ol V.-lcy l) -. w lv o l-h p p n s!s w a; ;l7)r«url 20 na es lasl wecl w lt otly tw o lsccs. lndee< a c rc d lla b k d c c d.slr!.... F o r lhal olurl BerlaKnol xvll receve LhtvSW rs prze Tbe sccond prze o S5 rocs t SleveG alleyot w n F.llsw b ssed hrcc toll hl[;l. ;cloc (anes by be way. Thrd ptz ot $2.r>0 goes lo ohn Croy o Tw n F a lls who also sso Oates ] lk L T ANGFXES (U P l) - Show ng le s a c lass gen- llc an all the way, ohnny Oatcsw nnl3-lq-akc -t:c tc n r..he b e a rs no alce tow ard hs old d u b. the Phladelpha P h lle s... n a d, he says, the Los AnKcles DodRors don l ake t to th u W o rld -S crc 3,-h e cn n t thtk o a ncer butcb o Kuys bantbe Phls loro. T raded lo the Dodgers ro P tln d e lp h la o r s tc o n d end o l.nsl seasot. O ates wll k! on the wnch wlcn the N alotat L catue playo seres; l)ctw ecn-.os-a ngclcs-nnd-th P b llle s g e ls u n d e r wa> lnklt. A, ld - a n n e re d, sot spokel catcher, he 31-year-ok v eteran o our a]or league organlallons - U altnore A tlanta, Pbladelpha and x): U s c t k C N C N N A T ( U P n - "T lls w as the w orst." Broane C nclntal Bcn alsldeeslv - ta c k le -e o y Hneon, the at solotcavorstr* H e was talkru alw ut th H cngals luulalng 2V3 los to the San Dego Charger Sunday. W ords lke "lle w orst hav now re p la c e d p n :S ea S 0 b a n te r a l» u ( the Super Bowl the wa<e-o l\v«upsets Cncy s rst bao gaes. n hose two losses, ll k n g a ls have scn.d a gra lotal ot two eld goals.. Bacon s callng on soeot lo answ er or he ds showng tm»lh>dy-v.a-atauluu w eve glt to start pullng tla e w here l les and take S k n s W w,\.s n (:t ()N M Tln-< g a r.s ut he seas< W aslngtn Uelskns Co; (leorge Allen s pn-parng lallle a proble he ne r-thot;ll-hedh cxr-tn-ls7?- rverednulence The S. l>,s ga e»>e; ean a thng nnw. un w e re ready tn pny T; Bay and wn," /»lle s M onday n a- post nr. Sunday s bg 24?do>o tlcc rd ln als.. "W e c a n t be brng a) D allas (Oct. Ul. won b e c a u s e, lh a ts l)ee " proble. We have a vclc {ea -and-s» ctl (;sall.l Ulnk hey have to do s s... uplcw ln Altcrsald hs Hcdsklnsr l a h o T t c s l a v. O c l o t > e 1. -» ; h a g r n e d s p r o w e s s hree - a s dd several nhe bll w as rcllcd to poston by G.lleys sper pont eslalons, H onorable entons go KnUlecn G npe, K hnbcrl; s- C hrs M eyerhoeer. Tw, Falls, the cba pon o 11 sccond w eek; Ron Folklng q:v,ln Falls, who not that lor lke.,g() was throw ng loucldow or another strong Buhl nd; " ootball tea : P a trc k Clayton, Twn F alls; Han Plankey, Twn Falls, wbo tl c barras-ses hs alher > *0 badly a s Coacb M lchdl c b a r r a s s e s e ; H o g dd G reenup. Twn Falls, who all houghl knew noth >y beyond sloatd sotball, at oeoursc. Coach Mlcbell. *no.,, l Sw tdng lo ths weel slate. 1 nd that T exas w r n outlast Okalhoa n an o a C slv e d u e l. Hy 1,1 O klaho a can t nd the a :- R - w l c o - l h a l -» a \ a l l - a e l nnct Oho State. /l y y 1 se use prevalng by v a v - e ag e r argn over Alban vcck n a rv d lhat G eorga c l.-ed rally ro the h eartb reak o loss last week to D a a, n o l b y o v e,- r scc-thc -»llrt laknga neasc o vengea cs to " p ls rm > s s s s lp p... ;w bo 1 would lke to re hool you that lle nu lw ro 1 p d z c entres las wen ereas ly o weekly. We had seven p< ssed a rk e d a s la te a ss a lu rd a y y reer Angeles was a eger en- Ue PhlUcs a y e ar ago wl nny Ucy el the C ncnnat R cnr n the N L playos. hs A lot o t es when a pla;»hla strad c d," O atcssad. " h c l, a (levnco aganst hs Los club nnd les b t to kll. 1 cet lookng orw ard to nn t pla-os o ra derent reas* ;uys " w ant to go to tbe Wc S eres ysel. Bul don t ro logo. d lke lo sec tle Pbl ond. go. spent two years th ere wll P h la d e lp h a a n d on th e b alldub. Tes "T ley treated e ust g -th e and happy lo see Ue w ay helrdlvlslonagaln. N atur don l w ant lo be nega ;ot- about t bul we lose n r-old playos, t stll would be gue to se eu e P h llle sg o o n. lore.. Los Angeles acqured 0 ; s 31.- ns a backup catc h er h n L T l t a t e 8 -< - lke en," ho sad. There aned reason or cver-tbng :slve, penng and ts got to a! a t > - - s o H n o, l-an rsck n d ln K lo tl the ob wth nothng happe loss 1 don t do y ob. w e [ rgers replace ent or e. ol son co es n and do have All h e ar s C o e a s o n deense. a tred ot le: w ln l. s n Sad a e ber o tbe d le ss oense, center he ohnson. "T here s otvc.yad so ethng wrong when w only score hrcnr wnls. aeone certanly cant pul t all o s al deense." Asket whal w as w lu duuarlclback Ken At<l< g tbe sad. " really dont l ake l Kach one n us has lo v a r n e d o C ( ast re.lze low dang eason, T a pa Bay c a n.tw, C oad tlougl tte lucenn-ers ng lo lost every N FL ga e U never ever played l7)..s7? T n pn Bay U - a odlbul t e a l o - loesnl M nnesota w as lucky unless oul () llerr and wn!): T;pa th e B ucs b e a t Ball sad decsvely (H-0 n tbe n: ol season g a e ). o v e r Ater.pcndnRnc-T r e v e w n g l s, g au ul pnk la w h sel p worred Atb every phase o Uu n our s k n s e o r t S u veteran e s p e c a l ly c o p a r all.uey -lac k u let-ctu rts.a g al s slow New Y orr.lans and At ".Tbe te a p la y d l< ltwr2-l-. (or the rsl l e-w o h: Tl G r d c a Hoopt* Opponants cholco B O..S al Uonl... Tc.a.Tech others a!aon, -,. C o r n s., p o r -, - -Mlsssspp - - Gco/0 algcotla. tw rly; T w n Mnne50t.1 " r,1 l,0 - >» s,c u,c «t long M,ryMna. downs s s la ly P a a 10 thus OhoS.o o r as,, Washnllo WSt 11 alocoon 23-l t o g e r lo we To.5.nl Te»a othng 11. and, uah Slalo PunnS [1 alponn Slalo 41-K w eeks HYUa BYL as wll OogonStalo -l! -o v o ; lusc * Skylnual SXylr ba a. wnco ) Catdvu Cadw k o lls alutoo l2-» la, bul, llrtogs - Wopdol-... v;<nd geance G.o.nsPcny UC.A: UCL-. re nd SantoO.?4. o lac r,..-.sne\1ountan±ldcdut r-asn,. n postday! NAME ADDRESS-; T7-: Entrlet rslrlctqd lo on* the TloNowt by noon nbers geles b nger o Seve Yeager and he : 0 w hen our-year c ontract. Al tl R eds o Ue season. Ue,, obtnncd v e teran e n 1 pla y er a s o re catchng nsur "he las A t he t e, Y cage h s old b a d back and th e re \ ;ll. But e c tu rp th e D odger to th e u nhappy w th O ates eawn. a r U n d a ra c te rstc a ll SlS. tc r all. he ponls h e sta rte d a t ca td e ru s t g rea t Unk dd a t le -w nw hen got n Uu tu ra lly, --se a s o n, he s;d,. negatve lookng orw;ard to get e n Ue playos. M e r r y gel: ; b e ncc a h e a d o e. ll," dsapponted, d O ates. W len w c got c rr) Cher o r w as w cause w e w: - G n e l n t here s a dow n-nsde o us ar ng bap- logelher. 1 bale lo sa; b all o tlo.se days, bul l. lu seo a.: ;. - o rtonr Anrtcrson-Tt prtc ppenng. o - 3 l pas-ses and w e gel a le rc ep ted brh.lns e. Kvn Sad Bcngals be; 1 does ll. B ll o h n n,3 l; e on, peces, hearn g T hngs a re all a l ost t)v desgn. S the pun- u st w.so obvous te r Boh RC<-»- K Vpuzzlng, Dtvously w orst p a rl o l," n w c o.n T h e B engals try l<, ls. We ««l. Sunday ;lto n h c a g a n s t th e C n P a c k ers, w rong. "W e v e got l. gel AtuTsn sa d Baeo. "W e gc l know, g a es. d ln g y lo a ;cb to g d l gong. c o p l a c e n langenus n drve and cnllus t>c, even sad. hope we r.-ers luve thnk w ere tack. tul le they ve wll te ll - a - g o o d -----,Mlcn wa.s especal :ky to get bu rg er, who return n -3, und lneup a lte r s; [lal nore g:es rwoverg 1, nalprc a p p e n d e c to y. K levchl Chrs coul c o n g w hole -hallgne. s, A lle n A lle n p / He stwcc p le ase d slarlra ;d calk the Red- g a e. S u n d a y, K re d lo H e s;d le w ;s p l galnsl l he ob lus d d e se d A tlanta. runnng ba *<1 log,.11,t M c lta l- " ", lo had a lol Bv H- r es-n ew s a s t n g C o n t e s pt«> Your sce cholco ao M,..... )CS ).17 son /Ha, neaol 8-7,.. yland M6 -. -avy osulu 21-7 tnon!3-m... C z - nsalc DYU use 32S T " llon- ~ Kylo 0-U... ldwcll andolm S, CLA......?4.1 Dutll- M n* p«r reader. Alt enltlet ut be lon Ftdoy or polotec! by dnght Phls b >etter At t end antcd lo plnch-hll C D odgers realze e rr y h a d crryg rolc. at the end o the s surance. uscdloourpltchc -: ager had a also rea lz e 1 c wos con- Uc velocty o Sle g crs Acre but try to a k e s hrow ng a q u c k rc le a s c u r a c y , O ates got lo Un al y, O alcs.,50 t es ths seas llh h o ld n g s llu b c lte rth a n la s Grote dcal. a p p a r e n ll.... U lusl su ulg r n ges ;ru u sy ea r. ra ctu re d coll: a good ob ho e p la te col here hls P ttsb u rg ls D avt and ddn l g e l back u get n n th e and Bob Boone gels lo play * ckked up by then 11 be very h e b a lle d u s l ))t O th e Pllllc?rry. e llll tc u la rly c lo se wanletl an.second base a n a n d r g h l- h a n» Chrstenson, t "! O ates reu ses * prw lctonalw un: atd pull l.... tv OM,. close, he sad. l s oneo Uat U on-c cy-an v e v avo~gooa~5c, we hold G a-g, d e ck. M ore tha r S a d U «lr clu b,lcsh l USl, Sdetllng he y to relmu d a nd t gong." got 11 ore gyou, we;;ol At nss." he e re taek 1 t)ut (nly t e ;ully pleased urned to he., W ntll ssng (<ur ng ro an 1 n e v e r. oulr play hc A ued a lul o. lled n great. A : pleased wll s ld o S l. w p o 3 l);ek" Terry lradlon;lly,kns hble. >st Score...S h Oa -K A N S/V S -C O ctober :w a s n be Oa kl and R. le dellvda 10 :d or :to hthurtday. [ aanst 11 H X t C o l t s a c u s t B A L T M O R C oach Ted M ar Uc B a lt o n tllu.y;-u3> dd eat..-llr,m M t l o r S l c v c. S u n l l a y t e a u d l o p l a y s o e l o a w l l o w n.m s o n l o e t l " e l d o n l h, v c C o l l S e v e o r - e r r y B l l b t T p o u > l o r l l w l l l l W n B S l l o r a s o a n d - a c - l l. e s - e r c e o r " n o l. s u r 11,0 p l a l o o n l y n n b e l l l o n? M S a s o n l u l l l l. a l s M o n d a y. l a s l y e a r, - l l y h a d l l. c - T l l a y l o l l e r r. L calchluoob len he suered w T H ry e peo]! llarlkne n a vehad. L - o l l l s l o n w l l, l a r e h. r o a. v e P a r k e r, l e l > n n l l l l d - n a o l s M t e a n S s e l a d l l s o b H» l > G l e - O S e n, A s a a s o l l, n l e l l l B e n l l l H e s,, l l e S M d w d. l e s, l e s p a r - X l > ; e 10 l l o o n e, M o y d M n n p l. L a r r y l o w a l "» l > a n l e r l. a r r y " " * K l r a a r e. e l o. s e. v e r y 1, - F o u r o r r v e. p o r l a n l l o r n s K b r a, r a, «- S l e v, G a r,. - s c r l K. a n d l l a r S n. n,,» s H - n - t h r w t o n d.. t a n a n y o n e o a h n s s n n u s "» 1 ", M P A O C T O B E B UE WlttlAUS ESTATE. WENOEL Advertleent: October 3 Auctoneer: Werl. Elerl t Meertttl O C T O B E R S DOROTHY KEtlY.COOONC AdybrtleTentOcobert Aucloneer*; Lyle Malert t Gory 0»b. O C T O B E R S SNAKElVER AUCTON, T.. Ad>er1l>eenl: October 7 O C T O B E R S CASSA COUNTY SCHOODSTRC Ad»e-Hrtl»MrOnob*r6, Ete Auctoneer* «$out Monage O C T O B E R 9 RUDYVASAK. DUl Advertleenl: October 7 Auctoneer.: LyleMoler* Oory O l - O C T O B B R T T OHN HOVE. ClENNRRY - Advelleent; October 11 AuOloneett: lylemoart t Cory Ol O C T O B E R 1 3 pavtrshrneclubcharty AUCTC Ad«ertleenlOct0Der 1~T Autlor>»er»: Wer. Ellet Me»er»r :.... h o t g a n kland -C T Y (U P ) - a s nol a knd d:y to they glt R a d e rs lasl ve;r» w;s nutes Monday Hl st Ue Kansas Cty Natonal rplg Sue------dr»))png- N ew E ngk T he Ra a te r one a c n g - S S : ; dow ns, g a e Clarence p ossesso : o n E lu P - u? -." M arelllrnada says n o re C olls ust v - l-".m a n n lp M n s! :.; c au se l.e wlanln! w n sole possesson season,e e n llo K aslc lnulcst s K.-l lle llr.lo l a s l w eek en d ;, lefr r e e S, l T o l - - r - l " ".cord as Ma, d Mal.surprsed M a s 1, M arclnlroda sad T N ew K ngland beng., bggesl.,.bv:lh... r record onls out o u r d u ll h;s done. rn-t-tnt-wo w -»u e, quarter. ro ad a sal he ex- Hul>.«un lo ;ke ew S sad qntlerbnck s ; tale n te d ;ud llow er. wde recever (lenn ~ nd leensve back n p h o rlw lre lu rn lo nr the showdown, oger ( a r r ;nd.loe ;reoubrul. e v e l l. L e a k s s tl nr ths n te ly n hg one or sa d. " C a rr and ;re (estonahle. lakng everycorl. n to u llx u L ln a n ndr-wth.oc.wthoul s a g; e we have lo \ R :L trtllh / r *. Otborne l., < 7. TRCT lagebttco. lolborne RY Oborne, CTON. EROME tertllh u p e r outlas hanpons- looked lk> o 37 a glt lose ;nolllt ga e, n,s on Oclotwr :, 97., P e lc B TtDlcrs la!a;l{w nthu RouQr ll Football L eague, w n Ul g t.n - v crd cl lalt; Q cs g la n d P a lrd s. Kcs, R aders traled Ml»t e hal on the a n - T D p a: ry o th a t loss beore o across hree touch- r e su rr ncludng tw o by Odec ;e Davs n ther three -v sons o the th rd wth a.lo b lo w o p n th c g a e 4:41, : 1 gong away 37-2l. 1-yard Staler, who throw ound nlerccpllons and w as yard o n to - trs n l e ths Kans n be rsl h a l. v a n E dx n, he nal M s lo ht nnc-o-o passes! te you gve a hoe r o n M onday ngl;... Ubler. "hey-go on lo D d «tte r lhan they really Co ler nshed the ga e ) copletons n 20 tre s 17 yard.s. ncludng a,1 louddow n p a ss lo H tlulko{-n4ho-up«nng r. 19 tw a slh lrd -q u a rle rru n s L N o w c A A o n T W N F A L L S 1390Hlgatrd Avo. Ph o n o l - HURTLNG Tony Reed c over te a ate Bob Sl gan aganst O akland Mo won sts KC-t 37 and wo y a rd s by Davs D 1 a 1-yard scorng plunge by sec tc B anaszak lhal llcd the dov dorto-lhe r-ulrd-lralblt Ba 1 lls season and kept Ue sco cs wnless n a s. any 1n cs P<» Mke Lvngston threw three ro )p a sse sw th n a sp a n o 5 ;2 0 o th e sccond q u a rte r to pos surrect Ue Q es ro a 10- l>e lect. t d Lvngston ht Waller Wlte 1 th a 48-yard scorng strke at on 4L ht Wllte agan w th a -a rd TD pass al 9:32 and und Henry Marslall o ra u )rd score: one play ater n ansas Cly recovered a Mark o aneeglenu blcallo to l. He Hunters! T o p p r c e s - o r y o u r.e a n K r.- D e c - E l k M o o se C o n v e n e n t d r v c - t h r u H r o n S t e e l \ H g h la n d Eost 7: o r t h e r s t t 030 re wglls< lesson 1wth Wdl-T< Y o u ll s a v e ot s ty le a n d p o tlern, n your ho e : e; l o r - y e s g n s r - r o d o ls, w e t looks. / / W all-tex s bell / /. w o llp. / lss C l a n d ec se l. Lo c o e d e o l on A e n a b r c b a co v ern g. h leol pr TSTVotMoln": P h o n o 3 W - e 6 1 " N d o K ansas Cty u ps n ons tor a th ree -y ard K B Mortday nght. O akland But hc R aders look th e u- sccond hal kcko 69 yards downeld n 12 plays beore BanaszakpundedDvcr-or-UC. score.o akland ovedt O ards tn U rcc plays on ts,n e x t p o ssess6 rw rd 3 v rsc o n n e 7= " ro the 37 and then used u st-< - o u r p l a y s o n ts U lr d l\- possesson o the q u a rte r : - l)corc Davs added h s nal. : TD. Tle Ches pulled wun sx.. on a 13-yard end around b y. ; w rc n c e W llas on h c ourth play o th e nal q u a r te r ; but the R aders drove G8 y a rd s nlvplays lo pul the ga e o t o reach on M anns 22-yard - ld d coal. t e... EL\ o r t e y n u n e rex. o n e v e r y W cll-t e/ rn, o r e v e r y r o o e x c tn g c o n le p o r- a d lo n o ls rc o lo n a ls, letter lh a n o r d n o r y p a p e r, too. B e c a u se.c u b b o b le.s trp p a b le... e a sy to h a n g t y o u r- e n or a rs t-ra te n e rc a s rst n a e b a c k e d vnyl w all UlNer N ro v o r ld n d P h o n o 678-g36B

21 V p : x - ( ; s u. s K K Tr l A L L - n L. l Y R -. R O N ]... w a s s h p p e d t o ) A l l u a n K o b n s b t c< c o p e n s a t o n SBEUAG >..Tuo-.day.Oclol;. 197?..Tn) Tos-Nows.Tw Falls, daho 21 stay(s ust ahead o chgartruf P ranl kngs NEW YOR ORK L P) - The uscal ral v h a rs agan n the..lootl lootball ratngs announced :1G-14, ; droppng ro nnth tol th re e top )p college ootball o u rth h U n te d P r e s s n- Monday, bul Soulhen Cal H tllntheratlngs.. H P te a s, Uc counlry played lerato lonal Board o Coaches " anaged lo slay ust a u p, Oho Stale, 3-1 deeated ahe: ahead o Mchgan wth 15 SM U. 35-7, clbng ono notch V r.st-p s a c c v o te s to th e lo the No. 6 spot whle! \ Woh olvernes 14 as.mellgar -..N e b rask a -d c rca lcd -n d an o. - C S n t r o d Kuces pus push e d O klaho n l o 31-13, lo ove ro-oth to» ; ;.... r seed second place. se venth, c a g e p l a y e r rs ! : l!s C -po lcd~ w,nshnpon B e ar B ryants Crson Tlde, St., 41-7, Frday ngld lo hold w hch dd not ake the top cn onto rst place, tl Mcllgar TV TWN FALLS - College o S( outhern daho - la sl w ck, downed a tougl also turned n an pressve wll hold n " ee t the players n{ n g h t a t 8 p.. G eo rg a squad, 18-10, as p e ro r a n c e S a tu rd ay n k WedW ednesday a t th e school caelerlo ra..a laba a took over the No, 8t...to nco ng Coach Mke M ltchcll ll w ll n tro d u c e d e c a U n g th [ l-ra n k e d - -.spot-ater beng ranked 12UU - - T exas A&M Oklahoa h s U ] p la y ers and gve ans a n nsght loto hs A rk a n s a s re a n e d un- pckel up 10 rst placc voles expectatons (or th e approachng gscnspn, s deeated al 4-0 and oved... - bul dropped hack tu thrd aler >o l to nnth wth a 42-&.-s - cnc e ergng wlh a 24-D vctory vcrtory over Texas a rlstla n.!, over K ansas. All three tea s C alorna bull s record to4-( ave4-0rccords. a n d u ped ro Cth to Qll P a t s s e e k r e sr e d e s tt exas. 30, oved tro w th a 52-3 shellackng ol S an egldl to nrtl ler cnn- o se S ta le. \ ORO, M ass. lu P l) - theywaould o w "rcu red" o rlh e elng l Rce, 72-15, and Colorado B rgha Young. ove< buck Farbanks held a season. noved up one spo lolu ro the No, n spot to No, }2 ) n- eetng wth hs F arb rba n k s spoke lo the place p* ater slllng ot Ary, N otre Da e oved ro Dnday and tle players players!rs and coaches aler 31-0, -U-0 15U lo 13lh; Plllsburgl aong ong henselves a- revew w ng the l o the Penn Stale, ranked ourth dropped back one spo lo No{. le rw a rds s lo d sc u ss th e Palrol ;ols loss Sunday lo last lasl week, suler-d a loss 14; Houston, 3-1. vaulted ron{ proble s thal have led to the - the Ncew Y ork e ts. "Tle to >«Kentucky S a tu rd ay and l7u to 15th and Texas Tech,C w a s.nnlgt A tgron d -droppct-altle-w ybaek loue ov cdtpolo. l6r0rrrn 073 w orkn :ln g h a rd enough n No spot:texasa & M.ch w th a 3-1 record, - eetln ngs or p rae lc es." sad held the No. 5 spdrst w eek, A rzona S late dropped out o he nanuge cnl and p a lrblanks a M onday. "1 had a dropped <1 lo 17lh aler ts loss lo th e top 20 a te r beng dcealed. (> plnyer vers w ere conce cd e<;ng g th e y w ouldn t play well M chgan, Florda suered s l)y M ss o u r, 15-0, w th w leller r A/ ll-p ro oensve all 11 th ree o our ga es,. rst r lo.ss ot llc-eason and xusana State, 2-1, eergng lloen - ohn H annah and ]»l,.nc ng b y rre.lspc ed. a n L w atchcd ] ls hopes or-lts rs t o r the rst-t e tn the N o n? U*on G ray would rew rt by le po (0 th e y showed n prac- S1 E C n r c?lltrcraw ay-7s hc spot, W lscbnstcr4-orcane Tuesday k-s deadlne or whtlher tces. Gal ators losl lo l.,oulslana Slate. asn o.20, a z z e d a t B e h b, a g e n b e n s e n t t o H H a w k s n c co p e n s a t S o n - - " NEW YORK (U P ) - T he gu a rd To Hcndersdn rson and a Robnson. G pounds, Atlanta Hawks Monday / w ere No.! d rat ctocc. - played or tbec W ashngton aw arded New OrlcQns.orw >rw ard B aw.> d -o n -llu ; a a U lu le ts-o r 2--v -vcars-beore Ron BclaRcn.and S17S.OOO,000 b y. W lkes decson, wo uel eel hs s wng traded to At Atlanta h l 76. N a t o n a l R a s k c H b) ; a l l punlve," sad xw ssc chap, Ho averaged ponts and A ssocaton c o lsso so n o r azz general anager. cr. " ths 12.B rebounds a gga e n hs L a r r y O B re n a s co c( - lad been the rst doc: decson, t l>cst proessonala season lasl pensaton tor Ue azz sgnng ay have been dlcrenl ;renl." year, o r e r. H a w k s b rw a r d The 1-os Angeleses Lakors- Bebagen was Ht the rst-round Leonard "Truclt T obnson son. e arler hs year were r e o rc e tlto pck o K ansas CCty and hc O B ren ade lle aw w a rd gve up $250,000 and ra rst- seventh player scl sckcled n the u n d e r U c c o l l c cc tl v e round drat cholcc to to ( Golden 1973 college drat. tl. 1Lasl y e ar he barganng ag re e e n t 1t>el- S late or sgnng Wll Wkes, a p la y ed n GO! ga es and ween tle NBA and the Pla> layers or er No, 1 drat pck who av erag ed 8.G por lonts a ga e Vssocaton and tlc seltlcn lenent av erag ed r. ponts per ga e wtl-131 retw unds, ds,, agrcc cnl ot th e R obort o rtso n lls rst two years rs n th e O B r e n,a class-acllonsut u n sd tc tlo rrle tle case Aug Roblnw n b eca e a ree "Baswl on tlat decs lecson. we ater hc two tean a shad aled agent last season a te r playng eel our lng s excessve, oxc lo rea ch an ag agree ent on out hs opton w lt Uc aw n ks sad Barry n.- a z z c o n p c n s a lo nn o llo w n g and sgned wth N ew OTloans. rc: -exceut ve- g l e e p sdept. d " We a l o s t tw o n o n lh s O H TlaU lw r rtdcd r AAl llanta eel very s ln n gyly lhlf a l l s negotatons. ro Washngton last yeare a r or. puntve," W w n us 0 * " b a c k e b K E W TO KK luhl - Tlc vetory o verlndna ; attlpps T ho as l/tl nru rust T T orltn ; G llord Nelsen- Show A- con- yard a g e n k e y -sllualons yards and three louddow lo ns n tnues at Brgla Vouk. g, lelped Ntraska told toll o a he Sooners 24-U vclory \ over Tlc 6-oot-5 Nelsen. ;n. the stullw rn ndana learn,.a. Kansas and Gra bllngs Uoug -natovs cadng passer, g av e Ca pbell scored 1our uu touch- Wllas passed d or c 329 y a rd s. a n o th e r n c r c d lc p e r- (tov.ns, Uroe o the n the and ve louchdnw owns n a 70-7 or ance Frday nglt. lt- He rst hal, lo spark ; Texas Te> to a rout o P ra re Ve\ /lewbad our TD tlrew ve louchdown p asses. t rout o Rce,, CaplKll, F re ta s gvng h 11 tn the plast two na ed to the Baekcl kcld o Ue passes to lead Long Bcacl ga es and 13 overall, anc a n d lll Week nr lle rsl t t l e ths S tale to a vctory v over on 19-O-23 a ltc p ts lo 0.s.spark season, scored on runs ol one, Drake and Col rolgalc s Bob Uc H th-rankcd C ougars n> to a. 21 and sx yards lo le a R eph threw or r llrec scores 55-1 rout o New Mcxcd, school record or touc toueldows and ran or anoth uther n a :a-13 Nelsen, who had a passng n a gae. truph ovcrllarv arvard, percentnges-o-n2: orga c. ttus ganed U P lsb Back- l-l yards lo lead lle lo lop p -ran k ed y a rd s ad two lov touchdowns )n. eld o the Week honors s o; c h e T rous lo a l- 7 r.op p a s l lx)usvl!e s wn over sccond consecutve week.?k. W ashglon S tate le., F o r d s M e p ls S taa le. C h a rley onng Nelsen n Uc h e U P, 53-yanl n n nthe the second Young had Uree, c TD passes n - --b a ck lc ld a r e - l M. Hp pp - o MrlpdnuLSouUe-C; Tl C au luad----- C a lo F n t M-3-r)Ul - o(-san= ;Nct)rlska, E a rl Capl>e: plkll ot 2--O, o se S lale and 1 Rck R T rocano "T exas and Dwglt For< ord o Several oler nolal notable per- th rew to ro n e scon core and ran or SouUcrn Calorna. or ances earned 1 lr lonorabe two ore lo lead d Plrsburgl lo H lp p r a n o ra schqol 1 record enton. a4r>-7routob nslo ston College. 25 yards n Nebraska s s:l-13., O k la h o a ul a rlr l e r b a e k ; S p e s e x ; O a k l a n c e l s e n h e a a< d s L P T s d o, w e e k : a g a n t p e c t s t o b e r e a d y o r d d e s p t e r n o r l l s r... BEREA. Oho (Up P) l) - "Spe s nuel l>cl l>elter." a oensve lne hok lolds, trp s and : Bran Spes sta tu s s " sllll up. B ro w n s sp o k e srn,a s a d clps ore than any a olher. ls ; n the ar," bul Ue Clev leveland Monday, " ls status s s l sllll up not ootball and d dont enoy ; Browns-<unr1crl)ack-t*x -t*xpt*clk- 4lK alr-lt-hoesnm esnh-ph.-«r lo b e ready to play ngans snst bc to l>e a serous nury." And deensve end Dwlgll. O a k ln n d R a d e r s ; n e x l Dave Mays would d lake over W hte sngltnl n out Cleveland. wtckcnd sbuldspe be unable b l( lo p la y. t a c k le D o u g > 1D e k e n a s took a pretty good healng be. Coach Korres! G Gn reg al- "lag ran t. - and sore, sad Spc, wlo ll.w l lll loss ll) lo uneven - " T h a s th e way v Deken - was knockcd out o Uc hc 21M- execullnn. p la y s," W lc sac sad, "H e starts, loss lo U S le c le rs-n - the W epulourdeense ;nse ll tougl gettng lnal and d tl then h e sta rts sccond hal, " b u r con :onldenl sllualons; p a rt o he the l e the rollng up on you. T h a s not a can ploy next Sunday -aganst en responded, part ot the ootball p lay er, e r. G ve e - : O akland, l e hey dd n t," he les; sad. "W c C onrad D obler r ; anyt e. Al Slpc was nured on n la te lll ddn t play good oolba: olball. c a s tlc a n lte hh n back." by P llls b u r g l d ee r n slv c "Ptlslurg dd a g reat ob.... p e k cn sad Mo M onday he has ; lne an Steve K u ess. css. Tle on us. And wen wc c tn Ured n the ad rallon c or dcenpve. ocals assessed a 15-yard- ourh quarter, -tcy llcy really- ncklc oe Greene, :n e penalty aganst F u Tcss e s or p o u n d c d o n o s.t hnl s n rs Ue rst- d take (Brow rowns deensve : dlvlng-on Spe out bounds, tl ew ellred llk clhhat." a t- lacke) erry Sle lerk any day," nurng hs- hrownr? (rlgll) ( The ga e w as pu punctuated Dlekcn sad, " c er rry s a class -. shoulder by 21 pcnallles, a d dozen o b a llp la y er and d th e re s no \ The quarlc-back was S rushed r the agaln.s 1 he Sce Slcelers and coparson belwc wecnuc * to-l-bodrllrbut-no-trac {raoture s -nnu-agaln st-tle Bruu Bruw nsthc C l rk-nlolu oll )vor-l»ad-a rcparaU on.w crc3lelecovcrcd.. C 0 bad )(oc. ULLs. hls-clorlc:d a n c c. - trad d ue -G rce n c-o r : n X-rays. T lc nury u w as lerlzcd recent Steecr clcr-b rnw ns. Sherk, hed do t., and throw n- dagnosed aab bruse, ga es w as very- y n u c lr n - C.C. Greenwood od and Dwglt - : Slpc s also ghtng { a ] pulled evdence agan, Wllle,. gron uscle and las :as been P l t s b u r g l s r d d l e " l l c.s tee leb b keep sayng bollcrcd by lud on hsh rglt nebacker, a tk hanlxrt, w e rcc )e a p slol lot a rtsts and - cllww snce th e nal [nal prt? snld, ;ve-sald-ll-be l-beoro-nnd h e d lr tc s n c a l -lrnbclcague; ;-tta» n R n c. : L say 11 agau.t-au uo u v elan d s, A ] \ T - sw eathergardsnow > w s d e s g n e d o t st wnter dnvg-co. C. ll ost :s ro dry hghway ays t o snowy-back roads- ;. Save V tosnc /o o the regular stal aton, < - Y-" 11 prce ce at partcpatng t H xevron Dealers now C h e rough October 23., V thro heck out the sale v -.v \1 Che V prc rces on Atlas wurter. adals, too. Budget ters tl l, 11 tad.valableonyo C l: Chevron > NatonalTS Carcr d r av n M. l \ l t T ~. a = s w FE20% WEBTl ERGAS R D SNOT 0 C «W l w M r g l V O l V a\ets S, L r;,.v -v r, - V S t e ; l e r v h

22 >22 Tes-News. TwnF.lls. S. daho t Tcr.ay, Octobcr. 1977, O n e b u g l e a d e e l k F o s tt ee r s t l l e l t a a p p r e c a t o n : : : C L A S S l F E D MP V C N C N NAT A l (U P ) - " wan anted lo do so ethng h u n t p a y l v G eorge Foster sler sllll had bs rglt then c n to slo w th c ans how T ~ nnlor -orrcw rc\t n -th o u g lr o st uch roally a p p d a lta l ; TWN F A U - A dsh dsln- : o ls Ctnc :n c ln n a ll R e d s v.hatthey ley lad done or e. - llc rc stc d b u lc tu n c d o u tlo l: tx! - ; tc a a le3s s h a d a lr e a d y could hav lave wlled a torne run hc undong o a Wood lv dressed and dlel lhecluwou.se durng anyt ar e n y le, l elk and lre concluson lo. A o rllcln altl t c lb sy e a r. w ouldla\ lave been r glt ttcn." successl -lunllng story c ; / / ] C eorclngc ngcred wth reason, Bu hot hoe runs usually take * M yrnac larkot w lnf alls. \ ; [.le had.soc o elhlng portan Ue rglt t knd o pllch, ad M y rn a nd or slat latd.. to say. but tsnco sr t s notn ust, was: a sn t n tte c a rd s ths M c r n were n hc Bg Woo Vood vv G eorges pers( w rsonalty.to ssue - t e o rffoster. lllv e r d r a n a g e w est o, V -O v decarallorsr s le w aled untll a -... Bellevue on he seool day c o... 7 lud.lell ro he rst. roporlcrdropp opped b y.to a sk ll.p (, l w asnt gong to gel th e. per t hunl and here. V a certan qucst ucston, a n y ll ng g good, to b t, be sad, ddn l a p p e a r, lo be.uc nuch Fnally. h te e r reporter and tbe decded to go lo rglt oveent Kons on.. S t]uc stonca e. - ct.n, tl one and try lo gett M erw yn-ave. a.lo o t.o n s l - T he query :ry to the aor out o the le ballpark tb a t w ay." e lk bugle and a ve-ponl. nll league s hoe loc run (52) and Q relu ed tlc c;ll. Rut ater ale -- ge g e ht deep to rglt - t RB (M91 kng,w as: Wlat dd deep onougl - and lhal. nothng happened. >! you e d nsde Hde when tte crowd ere no ore a l-b a ts let So he wo look o on a stalk stall o gave you a lone and, rl,l to ry to thank tb e ans. tow ard hc one return bugl )ugle. ttundcrou.s ; standng st. ovaton they d heard and "on lop th t e. a s o n c a 1C o lo hal or hc last O cou our.se, F o ster sad, l slccpesl ountan ve over eve A V " " " " H tnc nlhennl nnth nnng?. ade trr l ee! good to h all seen" tetw ospottedtw otull l)ulls G eorge sled, sl edged or- hose hons seat se and began hc stll stuck ck lo hs opnon that o ers ths year, but he [ bclded dowt (or the day. W rd on lls M y a pcked oul tle lldrcs ROSt a n s w e r he had a lre ad y he greatc atest thng to happen lo one and had he an al dow own, careully prep: reparcd. b wa as s hc opportunty lo wtl th ree shots ro her : S " F rst. wos so arad 1 w as start playng regularly several calber rle wore ll had (ou none gong lo strke out. he sad, y e a rsa g«o. o -25 yards / : recallng hs ls l dgetng near tbe Me wa as s now chucklng a s be : T hus ended he rst elk hunl". b a tle rslw X x ddurng u te several ocked those tl lard y e a rs a s a o ~le r c a a tr" alllltntgrur U S : nutc-slanda n d rlrt v n to n l bonchwarer w ork w as usu L artg started.hrkn nkng lhal lle worst "There were a lot o good. "W e had a horse, tan lank thn g lco u ld d dc o ssrk eo u l. lhng.s." be gred, "rr.ld a 1, goodness," she sad o takln klng "Then, ltouglt~aboul lu tho rea l good Kx sent n th e dugout lle eat out lo the road, A F T E R F ts T HUNT, MY ly R N A C L A H K, No. 1 tlng ; w{ Q n tc d to d o - h l and each ;h nnng got lo talk to w os all we wo could do lo ge " h c h c a d o l." ! b e u M o v e r v e - p o n ( e l k r o p h v,. loutol/eta tapark. al h.sla ;lars. on O S t P E N F R D A Y lo N Gr w[ NGHTS UN T L 9 P. M. ANNOUNCEMENTS FARMERS F MARKET oorrtnvu ~~0?VrcrnU{,l g Top bol Dvt &ound oun Seed 003 Annnunccvls 077Hay. 0 GOn&cgd! 004 5p,.{al Nol>t< Ort> or Rent 005 M..otoltoltuv Postures or Rt;nt 006 P.tsnnoU Lv.stock Wanted 101 An,a10n-.dn l07cott SELECTED OFFERS lohovus - -- QO? ol)\ O nktcm lotswne Ol Oobct.. lotlshutu Suo&v V/nncc 1101 PoLltty & Rabbs.0L7-Bul(U!..Onp0Ul tkoto n 020 Mony To loan 1 n Fors «Ronth Suppls ~ 021 Monc» Wotnd 1 14 Fora npltcns 02StnU.uChon 1 5 Fot Vork VVor-d 036Mu\.cl!)"v REAL EST.ME FOR SALE 0?5 Oprr lloums RECREATONAL 030 or Sol..120 A.,,nt,on 031 Oul 01 Tov.n 121, Uoots 8 Monn. n,.rn 036 Rral [Mar Wott..< 122, Spor) Goods 037 F(r.v8Ronh-S 123, 5kn.U)En.pn-.;l 03U Accog.. a lo n l74sto.vv...l.;s 039 DuSllll Opc.ty l25to...h-n.u.rs ; aoccn.orvy lot-...., V0tat0» Prolrtly, 044 Cuc.lus o 5(ll. 04Mot»l.- Hotx-s Po Sole.- RENTALS 050 Fu/n S U.luM. Hou.c. AUTOMOTVE / 05? Fu Apts RDupl.( 131, Au.oSl.r.K Unlutn Ap g Duplcn-. U2, A o Ports K Ad.ssot.rs 056 Roo\ For Re 1A losv/ont,.d, llrlol.tobtu TrTx-nnTrn OllccS DL;>rl..R<.r>ll 135Cycl,.s«Sup()..s, Ol-Caoguunlol 13., H..cv,q,;pt.-.-nt 063Wor.odloR..nl UO-.Kcs, 065 lour l Tolor R.ntnl, U2l-.pcrlSporKCa.s U 64\V h..old..-. MERCHANDSE 140 } A.t,( u.- Avos 0(»7 M.scollon-ouso Scl.-,.SOAulul.. AMC \vontl to Buy , 152 Autos Bucl Shc.o:d.Cloh:[U 154-A;cT*.--Cod(lnr Autcs, Chrysk-r 074 MMtol lmrc-nlv 15l Autos Cl.rolrl 077 Sa(.o v SSn-rro, 150 Auto.. 0( (l(- 070 Fut-.rutr. a Cnrpo., l(2.auo ;d 07A7,r:uK.s OUOHcQr] S Ac. Concl,. 166 Aulos Mercury 007 Buldng MoK-nol, Oldsot.l 0B3 Goog-Solts?0 Autos otor l72autos" Plyrnou-- 0a7 Pla S tr,.,.s 174 Aulas Otlrr OU) Good U o Eal 0«0 rx? Suppl.-v \75 Aulo Ool.rv b>2au(.ons k PRO-MAC 10 % C H A N S U M P P U M P REG. C S S. S O < WAn " LGHT = R E G. r T /9 7 T O.BR BROWN.ERSEY W O RK G L O V E S 99 1 / REG. / M.29 S A W S TEEL A HP. REDESTAtz- ACME WRANGLER K - 10%OFF TAPPAN S C R O W A V:V L REG rbt 2,. r 7 y l5 } 22.9 W REG. 2 5.; a T R U C K S E A T C O V E RS S W.951 H Reg. : S 8 ARVN 1320\ )W A n BLACK SDE 3ECKER /8NC 1CH.. ;N G CORELLEEXPRES. 20 PECE a O N N E R W A $ M d G T T p Vl U REG. 1 = Lzrr 1 BLANKET :r s L L -, r WTH o g FOTCt U et h:rr= reg W n s WMS y H E S s /Y SWEATS! R T S o c : - :L * u a y V g! SANYO 19" l a l - CD :O L O R 1 T E L E V S O N v49t95 31M- 8200W K T " P O R T A B L E l E E R L E S S. ; DO PlKsts 0(M 0 Specal Holcts W A S H E R L E S S, PANDOW Grls wll COOCDtd Wud Fo cm rv r oc nowspapob r W ll pckup. Cll C.sons, (orlcbs Dll»(n. 3 W5 733.M01a1lut4p.n... T C H E N : = Sp,rk3,731.M21 p PRVATE ROOMS, Horruy a- * rnosdtoro, r 24-tour suposon lot oldltly persons A(lLT4p Losl S Found tu C E T black!EG L t - SLOW-POl D K EM O SL L O W 1 ; r ~ w o O K E R " X 19 MARBLE LETOP : " "GUARANTEE! EDHESULTS~ FUNNY B U S tcss Y y y ~ A D < 3 k t t A M D y s x % c s e -T r r M o S \ C K O:> r e C A p e { FOUND; Whu wlh bto«n.nd colornn, r.or har,. ctaly, wrc-alcc arcdalu. Youno, LOSr w * stvtr 27" Conluron 10-pud bkc. Scolch on (otk. lolwatd LOST M A LE D N G O, onwon 10 Bulo losl Fa<»ld 01 on l v»ay lu ALONE?, Scparalud, dvocud, Ooodg. Rcwod. Phono or wdowed? Corro nwvu now runds, ool now pcopto oducallona socla and ay yn Spetl Holcts ooned. Call , or HtDMEMAKEHS. Cw:.o you o*n tous, e.rn 5 V) 16 put rto H.Yul,rnc-.,.L 0 )l. l.mcln] Holly C No l«- V.ClKunl OlpotlllKly C.ll Collcc, a?> 5?&3. /M ? 44?9, 4B HOKY CARPET S«M:po.. H,ppnos5 15 l HlV.y H.vol t dmeand CAnC l Cldrty.ldLT. nu. hl.- cty cml. aco to Cly P.V Pv.lrr, OON-T TOUCHhosc<l> Ot, lol - 1 VOQUO Dtapury Cluancta do l ol. Wu lako OTT down, ctmn, n -----o}-teh#«o-r>«t>-«-#««*o- - Twn Falla. Fltor and ul. PhonoW3-55a2.. ALCOHOLCS ANONVMdUS" 7CALL ; r y By Roger lo/en* / / - # " 4 - S C BAR DDE. n ( l L e Ptruuls Da rlng KTTENS!~FRee AssorlcO SO and colors, ono Sla050,7M-1797., CASH LOANS on lowulrvrouns or osl anylhlno ol valuo. Open untl 6:30 p , daho Con Gallorloa, 113 North ShoshonoSlrcol. M A R K E T c la s se d s

23 M t e (! odm 01 lo ek rq, T otn p w t Sorrr, ll.s bo acc, n publlot W ;,ou od tonthc.... l a 2 w e 7 : : F O U N D ; W H A T *s W E 1... W A N T E D! " W e o u n d o u r " ; n e w. c a r c d u e t l l s e d :! n C l a s s e d!! ~THES-NEWS C la sse d A ds» Plone p M r w n l ~ K t t l t E l k 1 V K Pttspnals ALCColegrnuuaosocko tcttol- too.no. M5 tx) >nt to sc nousowok.l.r,c-r.-.oo allor 3 p.. AtklOrC., EXECUTVES o Cn.trt wll cwucl.,1 rcclor. onno M.tnv.n Twn F. rn Oc- lokt For lurlhor totlon ho dulslandlno HWOrlulLS wth Clatro cwl,kw,yn Mlls M?34190,v;r r.-r ;;, HM WECHT w,lh l.-u (>»,... c.,, C.-[)clt l A ll.v V u -rlm K " Out) Sloro. 1?11.Twn F5 tc )otl7orr 7l" GO(NE~Saor ov Bcauly Vlnl cpooncod DoauhCan, lull or pamo work. Good atuls, (ood porcunao Dolutal, Coll lor ap- Mntrronl NOW UlNG "warl-s5l-5 lull le Counlry Klchn 734- "ONEST; person who can rreu people and.kt "urs (or our buslnoss Cor l-llul.oponnglor t anand 1 Oan wn opoolunly lo earn Mawook.Coln CO00 WEEKLY p5t)e, - Mlt(] cn»c-opo5 Sund sel- nldt55ud sapcd envelope l?5 cenl. 10 Fhcu,r En-,,r E 5 s 5 r S l) - ppandlng SALS:* n(.!. lo Mvel Telc... u,2ulqsa ay.o3.d00..,-.!. ann prolra Mo1ro )owan Lle. 733-raOO, An Eou.H Op- oluty Eployer. ULL lme lulysllut noodtd n «>yrotrerorr Ga lo 12 roon u 2 Chldlun. Call alter 5, 734- H3;r OPPOnUNY lor person wlh-.pcrlcncd ens clog. Ern-Upnl honnls.nd salary. <;:ll DouVTHrOOHOt KEEPlOKSFtraER- Wu h a v o o oponnt) our nlo cllkcqt-or.e onu who <on oo! p>o;.:u >->rll. onuo gurov occurol. --- lxn.vo.tcunpula»pu.sdoywook COvrnonlly ucdo>c» Salary Open. - Tt) opplyoomr. Brooon-. Cenuro Fnonco CorpoaloH!. 105 Slohono 5l. An tquol OpluHH) t - tlpsl" lel-results Or Your \A( -OU tpll bwy o. o d p.n, <,o u r od b elo.«s r 10 doyt n c up So ll o > h, n d o l lo d o y.,,, n ho. -9 lo. 0.,o u h o.e n l.o d /d ho. Np,yl OHtP an d vrr ll ( h p c l u ll,.clu n d 0,. 0,0 up coll ond <l t*l, our od. Yc, nppoo.od or«d,00 wll r o ( rr.» a rd>;n T. «hl oer gobd lor prvate party cteplbd. Deadlne or retewng sd llaton..c Hpod..(<-.(u * TO PLACE YOUR AD; M lhersl MAKE $2M 10 S3M Ael-> L.r P - nusu)»*ou.no/lvl;ll)l!3 5Q Fuller ntn Poducl C.ll ru Dl.cklcol. 1-7B548-!8, or..nlo 1)0 300 UC/.UOO. O,CKl(at.- l.lo, cc re; Fnd sklled v.oker-; to n,.l Av yo.. hoe h r c ck;;" e " Qusn..;,:. O.Clov n> M. lusmlud -s..c;<w. ol-.7;t.ys ;ap.;r ; HELP WANTED: surney Tn " Pluber. Pono coled e" DAHO STATEMANplC>r >5u!e.! carrer wanted.n Goodg- Wololl area. Eeonoc.l car no noeded. Good p.y, snon hours, an WANTED; ExponenccO catbct layer. Poanent cployon. " onthly snb,-. Send nqurlos 10 Cononelos Fur- P nluoco.cgll. Nevada ull te help" wanteo: Food Dcpl. Cookng CKpenence p o lo r r o d. ust havo w. anaoouol potenlal. lull pa copany Doneha, salary open. he Parl ho; caera and cwelry he dopt. Mghls and weekends, op Mature help need only apply. Mt Contact posonno anoqu. K- Mal 10 a. lo 12 Monday thru M Frday1p..lo4p.. s: WANTED OUEVMAN capol u layor,boboo»00.3/w)«- PAHT 71MC P.M.»nr.Ht;Lac Flyng.Scrvce.-.RcluclB ar-, p ctall. 8year9oroldO.2»pcr n hour slart.ng wage. Apply ( poronmondavlhouqhfrtday.-- o WOntTovERSEAS. Australa,? Al.ca, Soulh Aerc., Europe,, ote. Conaructlon. Saloa,. CTUTODnrcDncaroc.-Mooo- - to *. Epunses pad. 9 -For optoyont tot,lon wrte: Ovoscas Ernployon c BOKlOll.Boston,Ma.02l03 YOUNG Man or woan needed " son needed, Evonl snlts, ~ Applyn personaltor 5 p. only al Guorae Ks Kberly Road. An EQual Opportunty Eployer, g, STANLEY HOME prod.ucls q needs three dcaleu lull or part- g to.fo.nlervewcaw3-:ol0. WANTED GENERAL larhatd lor year around work. Nce but q sall house. plus usual otras. >?: WANTED EXPERENCED -...rnoaton Person. Fooan «.V. Patch rnoaton Copany, P.O. 0O«159 Townsend, Montana H444, Phono G6-3459, MLLOPETORS ;------Now-hrnng-evr-«p«oto» MG» b-«ltllng o-wotk-ro% - lolonol h!lt. Apply ot G.conSlo Co(>any. Fowl- or Rood. K.nbv.ly, daho An Cquol Opportunly rrployer SPECAL REPR h g h CALB ntonsvo l. u.. n y.ogr co o o S,0 0 0 per tnon ton w th o n o g o o n p o ro n co n o c o sso ry. O u a n co a n d ro tro o n bon«~? olocalorrd honu n u l tt.srclly c o n d o n to l. n For p e rs o n a l n te rv e w 9 A.M P.M.. Sopto : F w A h! young PERSON V WORK N TMES ROOM PART TME PAPER B. ~HQURS:1:0C >" Monday Tl 8 P.M. Soturdoy 1 A pply n p o rto n b s o o.tmes- : CRCULATON : : z ~ z A Gl T o p R c Hohes rsnloda Aoney Back r.n ou Clo%t,l,<-/Ad.r.,;VqSo-,on c n 8(p» nrp ho\pd on h ubrr ol «o n.honolrt OU hn«rn ou(ho»pd V. hp p,00 %YonP) lo ««op COM lo"d,oo. M.onc, F YOU DO -p.oh }d- Yo; l hr cho<<»d only lo h*- do.t, rclonc rhptl. <o> hr dllrnkp rty adt only. Deal ttate adverltl D : P H O N E W ;a 0/ hlw M PlANT MANTENANCE prt- H..onnclnanu Ectcct u ruourod n rgh pressure.. H bolets. eoolu syte s. c: cleclrcal and plbu Send n reste lo Aosr.tor. Elko w Guneral Hospar 97 Cooo P Avenuo.Elko.No»ad.e930t to WANTED: E«p0nenc0d sdt;? nsmllers Top wages the c valley. Can2-4270o FULL TME Maed responsble ale eploye wtn ncneral achnery and v eh cle " knowedue. Salary based on r epeence. Phone OR MEn o«worhvare now akng 150 to $200a wee> El and woulo Uko lo belehecossary. Cat nolptul. Must bo. abtous and wllng to learn. Ttl wlt bo. a peranent poston wth l.ltge copany. Personal nletvew wll be ado by callng o clock to? oclock noon.. WANTED: L 77ady co- t* panon (or odct lady. La! house kecptg. Lovely now hoo. Murtaugh ate. S.Haty open. Holu/onoos (coutcd M03or«2-S422, at re ads wttned, S3.40 per hour plus benets. ; See Alce Blunt, housuveeper. Holday nn ~ AOTUMOTlVEVHELP-VVneO:. -leal uxuununco ano orocnno etchanlso. Full 40 hours and lull copany bonoms. S.lary - opcn. Onlv apply. Apply Monday through 1 Frtday 10 to 12 and "w Falla K-Mart. - -SECRETAhTTuK ln«>, lypt).... sklls nocessary. Call lor ntervew: SERVCE STATC. AtlennT, e<ponenced cook, and watress needed Ylna POvded. Call C klor Rnvrt ; (TeNER/Tro F F cr T k lt?, needed lor hs Ot. 30 hours, ; weeklv. soe Donols C.H K.y V -.11 THE OB SHOP th AVQ. Norh. GENERAL CONTRACTOR N SOUTHERN XAHO requres a young strucurn or evl - onqneer. Dulo wll cl.de, osrt.alng. nnd aastraon Conlac Pat Ch.p.n. t POBo. 341 n Twn Falls, or c.ll 734-eOOO. n r a M M E D E D r THOUSAND SPRNGS ROUT For l now hnng work- (or lrsr and lucond Ull n pro<esr>9 plant..ooe woo., nu rcorly.. n all - ; n p v W h..,el,l>.,0 per.on, 6 North o( Ouhl on Cl<-ar lako Rood (An Equo Opportunty Ernployc-r ) M F [AnCouolOl)(>0.lunly- Eployet.lM F p r e s e n t a t v F.BER PERSON.,o g u y v o n. lu.u n g n- n o n th. Ths s o c a ru o r pos- on l o p p o r lu n lo s. N o ex- O u ls to n d n g g ro u p nsur- b e n o ls a v o la b le. - ott U CO S saryra H -ntervew s- e w lu ll pto ber.9, V / / o r w rlo - l d o h o ynted >N WTH O W N CAR TO AES-NEWS M A L N G ME A LSO DELVER TBONDL-ES :0 0 1 o 5 : 0 0 P.M. ly T h ru F rd a y o y to 5 A.M. S u n d a y o o l 1:00 A.M. W obkdoys... E S-N E W S- - O N D EPARTM ENT? 9 3 F r e a t le a lto rs n The st ors alet nt H k., " l l :., -d v.ho you. OMt» hp S..Hbplo.p.hp } «<.,oo< od o c lltlr<q«nr<ot & ] PA to V r > - r > woe Sal 8l 0 Qua... ehl Coll X lt! ll WBlSl - ag( HEALTH SOCAL SERVCEG -uonl2cn.a-w onu*.uto- He.d Start Polr.vlot Mgrant AP chl(r(;n.d also work VC n the (lolo ol soc.l :.elv,ce5, C»p wththe Chldrens p.ltews u PcleMlly. l»-t(n(hu( Apply M td.lho M;r.nt Councl-ChlO Ave Developent Center- 204 S : MMEDATE OPENNG For cet Rcceptost/Genetal Olhce, Who can typo and can tea. kq copy wltng. Contact Mart wc Ovorstreet, Ollco Manager cal KTLC Tenler Lovng Counlry l-Ualn--V;5ol-7w7n F a l l s. EEO/M/F. -vvoreorr-unon-dnnp rant,- «D shop wotk, OCKl Knelts, r.eno Blv res.nc to l>0 Do Tw,n gh WANTED: Polra crerk to ndnser lor progras. Typng and sectclanll sklls rorutod. Fao knowledgo u heplu. Appc.tons wll bo..leeepted through Oclobcr 14,» Applcaton ors avalable at AQeulluta. Stablzaton and Conservaton d ServCQ. 00 Falls Avonuo. So H 11, Twn Falls, daho a330l 0 Phone An Equal Op- E pott,eployer N STOR SALES[ S e v s bacltound prelcrteo. 40 hours c por-week. Snory based on k e«per.cnce Call lor. aodqht e n MOANNG WATRESS WAN TED. Apply at Club Royal 1000 M.l,n.e.,l AVON MN0TSAlt5PERS0N. SO HOW CAN SEll AVON. Mony o tho bol Avon Hop- hg boloo ohg Avon. Coll today ond dcovcr how. y0 con buld an o«ctng., bovreu lot younoll wlh- p SAll ony provou o«por-, lorko. Coll or wr.o, Phyll Mclntutl. Oo Kberly. doho.. 35 and 40 oot lo wth sdes. Must b< tors and 2 axle. -QctQber-4 RQy-t.w C ontact Clarl P0CA1 V V A N ; P a r t - t e p h o 5 a s s S T c r w o r k n n g b l o c k a n d akng haltone processng eq sc. other dut are Monday ;.ornng and N «Frday n tle c ; :-edrly "evenngt a p p r o x a t e l y - w e e k.. P r e e r wth soe-phc ground. Salary rrdlv dual "hrec oraton call : /Ext. -:00-and T e } M agc V alley P l a y s C l«s EEK & MEEK.... Q D6 PersoAs CD? ART TME ONLY, Mus bo ablo 0 work 6:45 to 10 p.. 5 days a voek or A evonnga and Snoroarnysatt-apptanc t) toro. S260 por onlh uarantoeo salary or proll-, hartng. Whchovor you pcler. ; ::all ; W A N T E D p a r - l e * ousokeeper. rclconccs. no * ago l. Monny, Wedncspay. u and Frday , Mrs Fo«, 733-, \PPLANCE REPAR SER VCEMAN. Full le. Prevous A openonce not requted but Tust bo cohancally nclned. W Y ELECTRC, 441 Ma. Avonuo Eas / SECOND GRADE TEACHER. wot ust havo daho eleentary g curtlllcato. or bo ed.tcy g, cetthablo. Hoyburn School, Heyburn, daho HOUSEKEEPER, 40 Hour work <on week to s ta r t.c o pad.,ot Call Dottha at THE OD SHOP,ho S0 SnAvc-Non DAY HELP WANTED al Taco un Te. Musl bo rendly, neat n olt appeat.cn.d..lhgcole A»c Appty-person 659 Blue Lakes -;a Blvd. North. (1) SHARP PERSON NEEDED lor lal. dealng wth custoers. Also (2) (oceptonst and secretary,ol dutes per rout. Call Kay n,, at THEOB SHOP MATURE Day To help, apply n person beloto S p.. al Tho Butgor Pott 761 Man Avo. East. LA0Y*1N WHEELCHAR NEEDS dcpchdablq help, alcrnoots, lghl housoheoplng. prep.to ovonng cals Musl dtvo, Evonngs 423-4S74. Q) EXPERENCE Sales person n Spottno Goods. n Cera -dopl cellcnt benets and salary. Call Kay 111 THE OB SHOP t Avo. North. A N E X P A N D N G " C O W P A M rn E E D S " V DESEL DRVERS s Accoptablo ago. 3 yoor dool on(.2 yoorovor tlo rood 0. poronco. Good avalable n daho.and Utoh. E*collen poy ond C bere(1»- Contoct Dole p Roynold. Lolghtor N Mool. Tucdoy, Odober 4, A N EQUAL O PPO R- -. TUNTY EMPLOYER. t l a t l o o r e d t r a l e r s b e d u a l d r v e t r a c - t r a l e r s. S t a r t n g >/rp n n t h l y 1 rk t a n k Lnes 2370 UELLO T P : * r t «F M E D l o t o g r a p h c l a b T c l u d e s e v e t o p - d w h t e, l s, \ l e p r n t s, c l e a n n g q u p e h t r a n d S t e s. W o r k h o u r s ; a n d T u e s d a y M o n d a y t h r o u g h. l a t e a t e r n o o n t o g : o b e n v a t v e s,r 3 0 h o u r s p e r ~ e o F e a l e - l o t o g r o p h c b o c k - ; / w l l d e p e n d o n S e d. F o r o r e n - - { 1 t h e T e s - N e w s, ; 6 0 b e t w e e n * - M , , o B Y A re Oernc e S e r t l N ] - e - ts 1.1s Dl W nnl 11 T H N M O tlls E u! [DVAUE WOMEN s ac.nlum.ln n tutl te work 10 d o. El MENDNG SORTNG S PRESSNG ll FODNC E ll-.oonod-opply o 20 - q 2nd Ave Wo» Twn FolUL : S A REAL ESTATE CAREER V Tl!> nol to ovsryono! t. l the hghcl pod hotd *- work ond ho lowot pod P coy wotk you con.ndt To holp you oko tho tght. docnon wo olor on n depth nlovow,. PUS <odtohot.vo optludo talng whch noasuro tho rolotvo trongth o 16 -poronoltr~lol»- lhot-at«----- undoentol to lu cco n, lollng roal»lato. you \ COoor. youwltlbbolorod: ; (1) Portonol (quck tnrt) lololronng. (2) A otot.on wth o luld progrove.r, or : n.e.vowcou: Dalo Patterson G E M STATE - REALTY M tltlllblht.tkm -. - N M H l N S. PEllSO N N E l...s E R V C E - TO FND THAT BETTER OB YOU W ANT CHECK WTH u s FRST PARTS MANAGER... Should hovo knowlodgo o octncry., potl, nonogo- ant ablty. Long lo cotocr. Notthdo ;...SBOO.ACCOUNTANT Copoblo o! gonorol lodger, payroll, oncol totonent. Norlhdo....$800 SECRETARY Typng, hotlhond. Corcor lob...s500.s550 COOK Cho n.poronco needed. Potanott poton....s700 FEtSBASEDONSAlARY Vrono Bocroll. Owner D15 B b s l t u s t Chld Ce u N C O N b ro.w : u a u v - SlTTlNG24lou.,ada, nl.tntn lo4yts a"b Y T T Tn G V. 0 e k d.1 y s, Saturdays,.d <vo>.":;. Any.go.734-l6C2. 1 DO wtysllng (or., n. others l RELABLE.OEPENDAULE bal)ysltng..any.gu. South- west Twn Falls. Lcon Bus Route WLLGABYSlTbotweunCa..- 5 p.. nnd take 2 or 3 chldren only , ; StllOl WW -.aevucuvahh-athutl- «tro n ch n g. P p e.n os, baboorxts, c p lc tanks. ponds, slage pls, and cones Q., W ng. a n d r a,.-- 1 llfng. - HOUSER Drnth.rs custo roto- ; lnng ond bl?do work. Wood «owng. WELDNG.~cuttn(. tneclanc wotk done 202 Soulh Blue ODD OBS. al " >5, - donel«o. =VP - )!l,csur3l S:raa11nr6p- NEED A BASEMENT DUG? Coll-? o lor oo oslalos *. on Basres Oppotlual 2 llstadanr-ratptss- - anq or caso-opnon. Easy -towa.-coll Hagoran. Realcsstogonl owned - Tu.SC u y A g Soe O utrto N D CA U T LET EM G ET ) R C O c S 1 ) T D - «X W - ow Busntss Oppoluntr EXPANDNG SALES FoCe, no S! tr,vel Tetnl.c nn.e Denet- n Starlnl r,.y to l.l.ooo 3; veas td"!l npmn Srl ct?csu. to 1,.?l. Twn F.lls ch E< u.lop- "t. -. ( nlv.et ar b SMrnETALSHOP SPACE lor lease the old Tnneu News Buldng Phone { (TuSl ESr and VENTUnF. "t Loans kvlc 10 ack S Fc.ur;,! Sevcr;. G3 -?<3 Tw F.ll-, daho HlAunANT One ol Malc Pt Valleys Fel Shows e*., «coll.t rgtn on vutonl, b Ltuot Lcense.nd Re.l a pt( >etty ncluded Call Ed.t o MARKETNG ASSOCATES 734-4a75lordetart5anvle - q,...:..:. Y LOANS tor any wotwhte 2 purpose. Venture.captal, e«- - p.nson. DOs Western Facul > Consullants, o Kl OFnCETOlnEMTTTV.Trads -C,1ro Ma Street on Soulh o; Lncoln tn etoo EnOMtTT H ot~c oranc5 - busness, groeslng over ;SS0 s por orth. Pl;8 5 year old la qualty bull house, all lot ;; S57,000. weslct(\ Really >. or734-8lt2,anyle. - MNATURE GOLFTounSES, earn t l ,000. nstalled (, outdoors or.ndoors. No oto 3 seasons. Prced at }9,900 Exrnen Fnancng. LOMMA { ENTEPRlSES. NC, Scranton, Pa Telo7U H. DLMPES. Tho natonally t aous ranchso sandwlet ; shop s cong to Twt) Falls. Excollont opporlunty n- 1 vosant pattner(9). For.n- < Qlnullancon1s.l Mr C, ohnson BAR BUSNESS, one ol th best - aclllos n Twn Falls, located - Bluo Las Gvd. Nonh. Owner- - has ade other busness n- veslenls and usl sell. Call Bruce at Globe Realty Brk G2 PllnhClulnSllCW; - ol equpent, land and buldngs ar tanks, servce salon ncluded. To>*<n and Country Rcall«s713.07l6. Ono o Magc VoUoyl ol popular oolo partnv close n ondo tool onoy oke. ntaralon ond appont- rren n poron only. S23S,000, coll Aercan Rool Etato ond Apprall ;0 Me; 1} Ld SECOND MORTGAGE MONEY Real estato loans avalable 10 t40,000 or oro- To hoe - -OAnorrA oqty-provw- property lor any good reason, lor consoldaton, school expenses, hoeproven ont and vacatons. Ter, balloon,-ana extended lrs payent loans.. also avalable. Call ho oney peodo s N.tonwcle Fanal. Corpcuaton... located - a 3l7 Yellowstone. Pocatello ask tor Duane, 0ravt or Grog Morrs. 1C50 Hot lo S ByOWner Crn Dull Btck Eecrc hoe. Two beotoos, htepaco, doublo gatage, largo landscaped lot. Phono , HOUSE bt. sale byownuttwo bedroos, on v* aero wth 24x30 shop and other out buldngs , SUPERB Faly hoo, Qualty buhl, now 4 bedroo, 3 up and ono down.n lull baseent., Lovely ally roo wth htepaco, adonng convenent largo ktchen on an lloor. 5. garage, covered pato, wth s- wautlu landscaped yard. Walk s to Sawtooth School. Qy owner. 55.SOO 734-a38!l. a. OWNER -TRANSFEnnlor u r sell ths clean 3 bedroo hoo wth loumh n tho baseent. 3. Ncc corner lol, Proaldonl streut. Only 2.500, C.ll Tony: Barnes Really tewtastaddrson, 3 bedroo to- 2 up, 1 down. Dnello n ktod Chen and dnng too, carpol hrouahoul. Ready provo. 9 c woekund3c.hl OUSTANblNG Duple.: choce dtoned, heat pup, aulonuuc sprnklers. Oarnes Re.llly 1043 ; BLuo Lakes North, 73H22?.,5- -P.ulconW-< FOR SALE by owner: Nce, 3 bod/oon torro, h [ly all.. -.WTwloo School Olsrc! r C Phono or allot 5 p l, ONLY 32,50o73 OedToorr* hoe n excollont condton. Close to» lnshod tasoont. gatage. Call, Kay Snder ,-ot Globo Rbalty7a3-G2B.... u.sdav, Occtw «. 077 Ttc5-Ne H onr l a n d n g by H ow e - A U D M r t w e t t a 030 tas lor Ss u SEE TO APPRECATE lovely nualty tult. electrc -Qd. ledallon lnck noe. e«. cellcnt coltun Handy k. Chen wth ol appl-ncos.dnn,; area, den, lteplace. rooy 2 bpdtoutr.!. lth, ol)lo oarse. tu.t reus. udun... ncely landscpaed. stotage and large parkng arcs. Se.rural. ocalon. r3-<»tt. -H~BE0R6bT7cMsc hoon Khetly on Center Street. Call -Conc O 6«r>cs Hoaltv PRCE REDUCED onths 2V; acres wth newer 3 bedroos, 2 bath hoo. Flcplaco. and. laly too. Call Tony orbarnesrealty TWO BEDROOM, ully Too, garage. luncud and landscaped yard 434 Taylor, $21,000, TWN FALLS very choce corno lot. pcssblo 3 duplexes Harold Kothloy TOWN ANO COUNTRV-neALTOnS b uced To 47l(o7quTcK "anlq" 4 bedlootts, tolhs, aly hob"s"cloar(3rooks Subdvsor*. A touch ol country la avalable. Ple-se call l7or, altor7p ana lx)(nr»9o. BY OWNER: s ltodtoorhouoc. Vt log. ao. Wth or 6 acres. V, lo Soult o Fler , 100 PER CENrFNANClNG 2 ot) bedtoo townhouses cunenly avalable al Fllore Park, ] eroe, call lot add.lona rn- lotato. Ge State Rc.lty ; COUNTRY LVNG, vew, qu. Charng 3 bedtoo. ACE REALTY , Mort s n = - - n E : h E S T A T E, * TwnFoll n Buhl ACRES->6 thore Mud OuuK Wnr-pur-lre troo. 14» 70 Von Dyke Moble. Gorgeou. vew. Only 530,000. UST tlsted; 201 ocro Hogoron Valloy Hunt, on porodle. 2 acru h pond. Duck pond,.potuo lor cotto. Rvor rontogo, wlh landy ~ beoch, Sprng. LOVELY 2 BEDROOM HOME: y CarrO lot. aly roo. 0 boonnl. uloctnc heat, e ollaclu gougu. Only r s37,5uo: N Ma GERMAN: Largo beau- (] tlul hoo or 4 loll, a Attroctvo londcopg 3 Hoot pup wlh ptocp- y ron. Good to.. ll n rr REDUCED OWNERS W a n t o M ove 3 Bodroo up, one-down.- 15, r.. boh. Wor. Co:y [rck go Foploco wlh blower and 1, horotot. onn-ar rongo ond oven. Full baoonl. wo oncod yard. oxcolon roglborood, 541,000, ALMOST NEW. 3 bodtoo. 2 both, oly too. ro. ploco. pato, or condlonod, all bulllln. Pre Non), EotAroo. 555,000. BRAND NEW: ednlo roo, 2 both. Don, lotgo,lk - brck (roptoco. n lonly let. roo, top quolly oxro-. ol on 1 3 ocre noor oroe Gol Course. 579,500. Wll >nr LOVE H O RSES??? Acr. wlh lorrlc <or. roll, born. and lchlrd rdng arono. Nowly ru o odoled ho, tp 3 bodroos. 3 bothv plu» dor (roploco, huge loly L9o h-rrnl col. X: lo >Q«n: to. twn FoH», ON OUlEt lheet n e.col. t...,qnlhnl 3 brl-- UC touts. > bolh. loro 343 dnnl roo, booont, r- gorago, : tu-hu c -tm H C A N - 0 Real Estate t Apprasal! owl» l -News, Twn Fols, wala?3.. : n e! 1 e Schnedcr F lw D L ;- B30 Hoes te Sale " G l o b e HK.V.TY ; 7 3 : BtuCoC, Meochb. Brbkor ; r PRlCC-tEOUCEO.to opptecolo 4 bedroo, r, boh. lovely potb and bockyord. Double eor garage, Seo Roto... Mont. Prco Reduced * S ; -. T RMS.AVAlABL.ot- lottl-1.1 noor oroe. 5 aero porcolt, * SO.OOO. Ncobudngllo. lotslnnewsuodlvlslon - NHAETON ;. low loxe. underground ull9».bqonlhlyptcod; OnulolroTwnFoll., -, NTERSTATE-80 ond HGH Oond buress loranon, BeltyMllon KoySnldor SlonHoyo k OobMnErosh * L oc ow an,,,,, BlloKohlon, Klkpallck.,, B 0 = s a w ONE Ncely.lnlhed.3 hodtoo l both hoo wth aly too. Plenty ot tooqo pocb. Ncely londtopad " " and rendly nelg>bbn,. n Eol Twrt Fol ocbn. * 5 S ; KMBERLY SPECAL \ Bettr ;,onn-v. bedroo., ktchen. D od o a o g» \ lor work hop. Lovoly on. V lromdol c26 X 28 booont, V. Owner could corry papers,. CollWollHo our 24 hour nurrbor * Addsor* Avo, W os -. / s t a t e e. k& ; B luo L a k o s B lv d : k.... yourchldrenwllbe, surrounded by AN DEAL NEGHBORHOOD, " Grodo school and HTgh! wthn walkng dtonco., Sall pork nootby. Excsl- lent NE locolon. A co. lortably led lvng roo 1; lo you wlh unque re- pla;o- 3 bedroo, 2 bolh. Fu portly hod boe- 0 ont, Ht{M3F<-AMPE{>LVlNG Wont roo wlh plenty ol bollung paco Yooll ovo " t,,, older two -lo-v.tln.-e bedroo hoo Plut lludy * lorr.ol dnng loo. lotgo. ktchen wth all od e -----: opplcrco. 2 lull bolhs ond lotgn lvng roo. Could eoly bt cor>vonod p 2 d oporlvnt coch wth ll. own unlronco AUTUMN WHEN THE HARVEST MOONSHNES, t DGGER N THE COUNTRY ~ 3TnH>rgonrtotr»gT)~Twt T~ huge slonn llropo<o, p a t o, lorgo <Sunry lol wlh oddl-.- tonol octooqc ovolloblo! 51 ncloed.r» cho lnk toncor T, All >rraoground,prnkln({ lytc Sponbh-Tlo lool».. REDUCED TO 559,BOO. oonfrenk oonhollor b, GlendoSnyd.., P olllon olgor, ] -,, Roy5ebdo WondoFarenhott B 06 - Ve Dohler TS6 P Ogshtr..;- 733-telt 15 oyo...a24-2 O >» Ken Roy H»65

24 - Tu S Twn rlls. o. 030 Hoes lor le SUPER LOCATON v,05l0tv. 5 4 Mly/oO" Fa. U). tuc l (00n>,n(l. ctonctl n top srapo! Call Dco Mcc" 7n-" t SW0C0Dcnw/33?6?t., 5; NEW HOME r,n cott. uucon, 3 (odtoo. 1* Mns, vo 00"- ""V 0 -,1. lno too. lull n.lcol. -Mtpur. l.rcckodcc.?c, (l.vc /:t Alpn. > C.r-e Wns end o CoswH y n4.0w3 NoRc.ll0r3Plu.50. C OnAND NEW 3 Ptloon roo on actus ll* 0*tor LocaleO : uvc.p Nrh, and 1C Wosl [,n:l 1(16 Soulh oucoe. Goll C.llllCOl.ll l CU tock ltpcc n lon loo.n..onl rcdauod ctck l/n P MO.oc Tto pnd-. cn ppey Ptu a?-5/0? (01 [p orlo.lono lxa n MODCnVCED/.l-Rusdcc-. 0 O) 175b r-nc Ocstcdnd R COnsclcly nnlro\5 P L.nc,>HoTK Ocvloncdl.? Sp.C.()uS SC] ( honc. r-mhrnr..,;!; (..ly, oo. 14?1 klcen. d,-;, loo. vn,; roo.? lull;. over <10 vn.cc tu. C/Cu.V[O. C.hrtrll COrln ;:. Cuson c.tkels.nc p.tly.,, bndsc.pld v.l M.n, ol -Ton, -3no-a5tc-nC5 "1/ R NEW DCdOOtn 2 -; b.uh, all 7; carpotlcl, laly roo wlt opaco. lstccl cccalon loo, rcly ktcmk vn tots ol a cabo. OC.H.Sl l>a. dg loo Out?300 5C. o»l/a laroo douw.: lamlo Pao, r undcotound. lawn prko Ptccd $62.7W. V.C below ap- H prasedvauo. Plone n S h T o T ~ (ncoc y a d. codcl-d los. 0»ly 17,OO. ACE.n AL.y-/a3 ;.-.. D 12 16O. T-lK-doon 2 ba, L«c(;lt shape 900 -Ho«R-7«-766a d T T u T r r T G b L D MEOALLON. all cccllc -luvcl (U-l)cOoo Sol lo str.ll 1 hoe 733?344 o n S A tla OWNER. MOa 301! duo 10 lllno«sall acroaqc wlh > n Kberly * \ 1 and snod-.rtt. - %COo3, t vrdon. nce C. « Phono 2} u733.(l50, Lot O w ners, --3B)SEcSEH0MEF Moo hon 33 lloo plont 10 choo# (ro. TWN FALS DUHl MAEY Sol Our Atodel Hoo A U a. llla n d,k B ose C ascade Ho os A EVERGREEN M - REALTY, QUAR NtW Cotnlruclon on ocootu ol odgn ol Tw al!». Rooy B-lovol 3 bod ;6o, tra, n o o <nuon) col lnvhod wth lull un- nlpd boornont. $50 $00 Monlyn Woy , Dorothy Kolor ConoConnor / H8E3EDE6cn3n ACR AG WH PRVACY. 5 QCruA logo v>pon\».u!own turtoudng llu loo pt. A, condtcond.. bk-k 4 bdroo 7 bas toc Vpv. th conyon Ookloy M onc"!rnploro. Snock bor ond bult \ n, ktchon Whto bncl. lrvplq(u tuolulcll n lvng roo Covvu pulo 2 <o ootlud qaogt Huo pu, $ convrn hov b<«.n coplvtrly r» nodo[;d lkly port and»ol»o.>rtll, d-coro <d 3 b-droov 3 boltn - -HWlng roo.ct. poto godon»pot.to nvulo lon lor low. con ctlucnc hoot Sol ll l.nu lort you wll 11 ploooly»ur pruud $4) 000 ENOY COUHRY UVNC to Cly lokc lot 100 uul 13 d(h ol unulgon 3 bedroo rv l, roo lotnr Cotou\-l l.rplot O O -MlVoC/ov. B 1 Broker Rlo Cray. O.R CU- -. BonMotorn , - HonkWoodoll , Dck rwn. O R, ChrUMottorn Oud Hpnon..., ; -t-outchorx)» Clavchnon.., Po Dowd B3 "* TSHCroTr. : l.o Tuesday. OctoDOr.HO?! 030 Hcrats or-sale 03c 4 QCDROOMS? anl..umlv Ca ltopl.lco, lolllc. ", 5?MallV5oo. UV OWNER np<hcec $3, P< $40,500 tlrck. 4 lcooo, 7 Mlh, duhv-.shul. «.tet cnndlotnr, ytd*m>t!!o«! D.o by OMDot M.u Dtvr! lcr.-.u-d call 734?0.U )00, r /.ATTRACTVE,B.rTonn"ocl 3. [ bodroo hoe. ban, uly roo, aachud oaraoo, all,. Olcctnc. app.ncos a».nlat)lo Mus sol! Call 324-8?D or Ma5k(orSan. L PANSTAKNG REMODELEO AND NOW THE OWNEH S 73 TRANSFennEO. you us 300 r, nslo ha one! 3 b-dtoo poo wlh boaulll ltoplaco bl and natural dark wood lnah El, Only $27,900. Call Lynn to RatTSSOn 733-:M7 01 CHUCC -»u. PERKNS REALTY. tl ts POSSnCe llu arua 0<!3(nle-nv3lnnl wll provde ou lusc advantates wth c.ch brnaa you a bollur rultn han - bank nterest 1 C.r.M Flow 2 -<r]1y tlurldup 3-Hnttrnl-or lorcud apptucmlon 4 Ta shollor Wo wll bo ro.ucd 10. suvtlyoulnclnno-waoc l/aluy L5ln(3 Town t Country». Ronllora C, Qll Ralph) b 3 lrrn!w!pn!n c s ARE YOU"NTESEST D n M havng ho odvontogo ol ownng o hoe wth nono ol nvtng atosphoro ol--- Prvacy. Tronqulty. ond {rocou lvng. Coll So! ColSoncro. l ho grootol n loly roo», "VVo vnotk bar. and roploco, ll» ol n 0 3 bodroo, 2 bolh. culo bull hoo wth lo» o( po- col qaturo. $65,900- A»k, "Mory Luncln Cdrtor, about l- CORNER DUPLEXES, gva g you o.u rolutn lor your nvolonl dollar. E»-, cuob lo lo tchoot and hopptng. loll ot o«lro (oo- 1 1uto» F.nancng a«llob1o, O tr 2 4 H o u rn u b o r A d d s o n A v o. W osl - * - 1 C O W -H O W A R D & A SSO CA TES REALTORS HO SCOSE SHULL Plonly o roo or ol wlh 3 bg b>droo lorgo lvng roo oral dnnn nnl pocou ktchon. porol boocot double gotoge. and lovoly correct lot QUARTElBACK wll bo oul ol ho way q h> cnortou >(.-poral<> oly roo. 3 bodroonn. 2 bol. ond nol (g " roo oto lun \oo o tho gtoo loouru o lurot - horrc. Lol u> how you 1>% cthc loly hon lor -, HUOW. HCKFROS! loo-your lou by onu ol thu 7 ltuplocot n <h pooo 3 bedroo. 2 bolh newer hop n Notlhwol oroo. Hoot otllltthtly-roon " and lot ol torogr tlocltc lool ovtcd doublu to logo od orgo lunc (ad. Clooocollrgo S Addton Avo Eot ohn R toword Droko lock C o x...733:2000 BobVcuh Audrey Howard CotlooCo Mot-ll McCut ShloyHuck ;o Young ;, "H A G ER M A N &xt n c u 4 -b c d ro o n,ocrq. Fa ly ro o, lore b ath. Excollont condo L E S T E R s A G To r B Hoe 03Q Hod (or Sle GaV.tP.vl Twn FANS, tots ol N -.tn<xlol.»()- U»- W U-"! Frut Krbco pl. 3 b; bnlrcon-. S?0,800 Euco ar CcHpet / 43DT roa-n r, lo Cotntryn.,allos/3-0/«R. FoT lu large or Qrowng l.ly Well bult aluloctc? year old lotat anuaro ro on 3 b. levels Loc.tod C.tr.co n Er.lales. ol Tclk 6-/«7- A Town Couly H.ul->r ;3.1- C o! TAKE LFE EASY n lls roady 10 ove n hoo. 4 bcdtooa. 12 h rn3hed bnseonl V wth neat laly roo wth Frankln,r llroplaco. now suuor and sor wndows. Dcaulul llowored lot wth sprnklot g 3y3loT. Ens locaton. Only p $30,500. Call LynrtRasusson al or Chuck Porkns Really SHARP 2Dodroblouon? El Sret Mot.l ny. now y root. Slor.lo shod, aovo,, olrc.raor ant (t.e;ot -. cucu.. -.5; ROBERT UNES RCALrv / : w :.3 BEDROOW BRCk HOME, bolh, aly roo, boloent ord gorogo. h s o booutlu hoe wth any olrot. on o lorg lol - and pre lecolon S ; 4 BEOROOM5,,2. both Tn lovol hoo on nearly ; 3ocrov. $68,500 Fdy C o g o SlovoFoldlon.,, MorylouNuwV ~ k FR E PLA C E S ; 2 bolhl cnc double goroqo. Evorylhnq lor your colotl and convonunce. Control or condlonng ond tpocou- lvng roo: hololod rocrooon-oty roo (or onlorlonng gu<m>, Lu«unou» corplng ond dropo»., h olol 40 oko on ollor! lcd 01 $51-a00- - U A M L E t T - R E A r t Y OFFCE PAVEHAMU.OBOKER..... BLANE C-ANDERSOr Rudonlal S Co,t rco! OYCECOE Rvdonol & U e l l W l l s 1 / R e a l t y M L S D FollsAvo-E. OFFCE HD7PT733: ACRES wlh bcoutul 5 bodroort> hou. 2. bolh. dng roo, lorgt. lvng > roo uaro lorgu loly roo 2 car gorogo. All lor NEW DUPEX wth 4 btd (oo\ 3 bolht bovonunt, largo kkhon gorogo. lond- scapnd All condlond Coll Today. UNDER Con,l.«clon. now. dupl 2 and 3 bodroonv lm> >l0l 0 lngo lvng looll. ottochcd. gorog. All lot - S bdroo l>o; wlh boo- vn 2 cor9qrng<. & N Hoolton 0 lovely 3 b«d roo brck ho boutlul dnng roo, klchon ond lvng roo. plu» lorgo luly loo or odcu 11 < 22 Plu (.nhod bovoun. Gorogo carpom ond undur gour lllllkpr. AOotd MudolKon hoo. Qnty $48,900. CALL louro Ooln.r * Louoyru W.llv A N A C R E A S E : ro n ch sly lo h o o o n o n o lo rg o o slo r b o d ro o a n d lon, S R N - R E A L T t l , 7 r r e a t R e a lto rs n Th( es o r S a le lrl So ~ Hoots Slt 031 WEST Lls rlng n SawooTh Q SchOOLDUCt3.tcdOOnSr-1- -Vn balh, utlty roo, l.y roo, be and lull lasun v.n pubq dn torenrxnappatc Tynn La Rasussen al?33-a07or Chuck kl PerlnRoaty.l ba VERY sh arp HOMEn lor locaton!! 3 bta/cos...- balhs, ly roo wn lropmco, plus a ull baornen T All ths lo only $38.>X Plear.o call Lynn Rsusst-n S07. or Chuck Purkns Realty.l C hoe or sale, ErccT, Snsrp-Nolhg to do bul Ove n 4 bedroos, (;rounc oor aly roo, two cr.g/acu $1500 ptco reducton Tts s ono ol tho tesl ttuys Twn Falls Owner has ourcn,r.t. othc properly u-,.1 son Only 554,500Call OruCO Mccna or Goto Roly UEDROO.S G.urn.-..nl, nucln t- ACE HE/.TY /:3-5;W SEAY.KC Addlon-Ave- r ,, Twn Follv daho ,Mul S.-r*h 3 bodroo, hoo on hc old town%lto 11 0 doc. you ull 100 lo r op...-cot.. TERMS t o -, OUAFEOBUYER., usl lvt<d Th, b.-out(ul 3 bedroo hoo ly 1 yeor oldl ho% :<;t/thng 2. boht ull party ln%h-. od bounl onclood poho- and lou o ro r Coll ododoy. l l l. 4 b(droo\. bolhv, ull lnshod bav- c ent. extra lorgc lot. prh- c C tvle. ontrood octr* ton tor only S OO-, ohrobbr U307 Ar>,llaRobbn n M c s g REALTY ; 610 Bluo LokoNo.lh U PRM E L O C A T O N On Alluta Drvo. (uoturo o -booulully oncured-loe ornoruraptgvtt-tnont " n«tr. 0 or condtonng, undorground prlmng-por- -. tolly lnhod botoonl. $60,000. N E A T C L O S E -N t)edoo"*b t> onn o nour- * qarogo WuNp Tc<!S Reduced a FTERC. ockohcp HorloyMotherv, 733-B ROlOTT Schwcndon \Ue.v R n lo - - t O A D S - O F - L U X U R Y - - roomnng roo 3 wood burnng lroplacov lull > bavor.onl lorgv doublu gorayo E«tro uol. Mot choco Norlloas locoton 5 yoor old An -.ll.nl = =a= S,S5M l!q SPACOUS AND SHAR 3 bodroonv 3 nulrv Eo»l d wa. UOOq. t. o lloor. lorg avler bodroo EKo lorgo lol Now corpo g ond pong lorgu low ntorelt loo» Qu- oblo. Soporoto work hop ut S Reeber Vo TrodoM EVENNOSCAU UlDurho larv6n« Churyl lobor OordonL Cockul B«t>ko G31 [ta Dl TonD Hla!. ust.cotnp.!ot<?.drlhp.9 or Rock Front, od oto C p r o te c lc d oroo wth ap ; t, lol. *36,< Olltc ;... T e le M agc V dlle] rt o d a y s Class! 5 5 Hoes lo 031 BY OWNEt- On bculul MoTk- -V>r,l3-ne8l--50wl00lh-5ct00t bodroos, 2 b.hs, lotat ""* d.nnl roo wn hrepl.u Lar{o -Un;]-rco, -eaern klchen. -all carpeted. t..n baseon.dalo rool. double c u Orage. covore p.o on hnrr sde, under SW) OCO C,H 733-,v, 0844 RE/ -----: Lou Lovely 3 bcuoorn hor:e on corner lenced let Covered CA palu Only $25,900. Duns horr [aaros To,vn A Country qe.h>-:7?3 0? 6 y,... sccl lath / G S M. t / S T A T B 1: ca / o P A r t c H - 3 E / / t T C - A r Me s rs* hor *. 002; DOWNTOW N " E OFFCE HO 135 N D ST «o( sun A-ORt5-N:THKtY-hen- -oe rght.. ond woll ovon throw n a louyoorold - hotr-o-t.gh-(o-on-o.- - ->?C!3 pondng loly. low lolo prco ond low hoolng Coll 7 v/onh your te and oney. EF deol hoolo u uto ro Cty qu«t lollng u,;! h t-: l4-ocr«. rottrctvo Covcnonl $ Lovely otroolocolod out- vdo ol Hoolton. our bod-. roo counlry hoo wlh h( aly roo ond tporo bod nc- roo - downolr; - Appro*- o oely 6 ocro wh or.. chord olol born, poturo (» ond all hoy ld d, -A,;T.na2! 6T o Two no ranch lylo hno An cn 2 acre porcou located south ond oot o( Twn Foll. ev choco o( neror ond oxter- or colon... Morngdo ond OLoory \ShooL,dlr*U-bodroo: ; 1 both hoo wlh nglo cor gorogo, recenlly ponted.ouvclo and porl nde. Cood Slortor Hoo wth a coonoblo prco o - $33,900, - RckKngh ohncondoll., bs9 ohnalton ClaroWllo Conne Dowon cc d lrlll Ro, Abnd r DonSholby RMocGecr., D W lll D,. t.t! BY OWNER 3 letlroo $ 5,000 CW 6lh A-.e Eas,...t; MUST,ELL.11 S.crlce pnco.. nw -.,[1 ;vot. 3 bedroo, 2 * t),lh, c.rpeled house wth 7 car S 11,11,1 ;e deck,nd Olher etr.n;, a! r.c l.v 5-10,900 V/llnecolale p,»honm37-?l?rallot6)n FOR s ale 1 bcdo house P Modern e.cop heal lo U bo ro.ed Oosl olc. Call 837. R 4l5or637-C6M FOR ;;;.LTT6 QWdvEbTraru tulcnn C Twn -0 Falr Only $ only $ OY OWNER 3 bcd/oo, 2 bath ho, on.crealo soull ol 1 eroe Large assuable lo.n, R Wo consder lood carrrp Sc 1.,veloe u.ly44-3«4..- -;r:. ; -. v(.d 2.; tmv 1.1. ;..,.:.,. ell cuc heal. Euncc C.. r /33./&0, Dons L..MtOS Town A Courlry e.:-.-: /16 OY ONEH n ror?ovdry [; -Mc.e. 3 bedroo wn e>cellen lloor plan. Newly 3; recolec, lully carpolud Fdce.l y.d. carport, garano N,d Atrk hop Soo 10 ap- c r,.-c,!, S r.ean:;..prce REDUCED. OWNEH -AH*.ouS.-TO SELL Low heut, :lcc: brkoo wlyr E..M-e lo yard Vey nce horv.e.11 nl,rc,eas crou, Call Lo:. Cu,-..n or Globe.. -.» )! 031 Ol ol Towo Hones r... s : o r o n, Sq. Ft. Lovo *:. ) O ccuponcy. L ocotod n. p p o to o s o n x ". [. 3?,000 E.:s E.:a E A U E S A H!-o ;1 ( B o s e C a s c ld e H o e s 3 T o E e y A re O ern sh ed S ecton Oul ol Tcwd Hones 5? l-h0me-3-wdrr-o-rlr; - llual-2-blt!;,c;aras*;--.-» n.c. th-.o,l. p(,sr!»,.. S3C00 Vc Call Harnd KnhK:, 7T> 3-:00 uu Town Cn,,lt> le.ll;a. /-12-. no 3/16 - on cuteuttle 2 bcdoo :tarer Y-, hnrro, 4ory Frankln slovo now lvoroo $18,500 FELDTUAN y REALTORS or Mary rtt Lou Nowbry , CANYON VEW, conteporary hoo on acres lust wesl Ol oroo Goll-Course. Sunken lvng roo wlh hroplaco. nn; secludod aster bedroo and 73 lah.olu32oo. tcd/oos Custo cabnos roo lor o p a n so n n unlsnod 87 baso on. $45,000. Call Q( Canvongdo Roally, c 3 QEDROOM, 2 bath hoo V Mesa, Arzona, 1300 square loot 1,, lvng spaco. Wlh stovo, ds-.< washo. and now capot. Maluo Shado rooa n lon and back. C rod wood lonco. Cash 10 Mor- -- loalo or wll rodo eauy lor hoo n Burloy area. Call or EROME, BEAUTFUL NEV/ HOME wth cathedral cohrs. woodoh hora pane wndows, - p cedar sdng, shako rool, red- ro wood docks. Heal pup, u sunken aly roo wth l.v -4«ck.optacr: Gustotn --r cabnos.- auo.nc OouDo -.OarQO door, gualty 2 Dlh, 3 -t?c!raouno/!eeuuyan[ll scapod and loncod. Reduced, onco $59.000,.3l Eas 6; lor appontent rome Nce 4 bcdroc hoo. P rllly" ln-hec! c baseent Redwood lonce, $ largo yard. Good locdton a -S34-onn-r?-l(rl HAGERMAN VALLEY, OldTO roodoled 3 bedroo hoe, h hroplaco, on 1 aero. Machne C shed, and lago garden spo. 2 nlc locaton. $ S ;or87w (orthtoaror ~. Real EsUt t -APAnTMENTS-Rentat houses------r Any condton. PhonoM : SELL SELL SELL ll.tl r.,.ll,-, do C,llur, lod,.ndlolu.ht vou T.rr. Nc-.vs LSTNGS NEEDED 5% SELLNG FEE Real EoO Pro(o*.onol Over 30 Yoorn Oporo- ton 9-Aeol ElOteSoloon. 2 0ldov Burloy ond Twn Fols -F u ll Sovlco-Olc* Wll All n Voluoton Wll Cooperolo wlh other Brokors., a K. wlnfol Dur] , 03? Fars ll2kles VSH TO Purchase largo ranch lhal can handu 1500 lo 2000 Lovoland Ay Road East. Mendan, daho BS acre ar located os Soulh ot Ouhl, Largo ldds. alos all trqated wlh gated ppo. 650 ol now concrete dlch. Colottable 3 bedroo eoctnc hoe wt older oultuldgs 10 guallco buyer Ge St.te. Realty Dyw /NER - Good- productve 190 acre rtoaodlar Located. on Qasclnu Road S les SUulh olbellevlo " eoacredary.wlhloutonllu slo. Horrlnotono barn, 96 covered ree stalls. Nce hoo wth lrepaco, Call Far Bureau, Roally, or Glenn > Schroeder ACRE Horso ranch wh water lghl. sprngs, 3000-squaolool - Hoohoorull/-cuWo,parUaly., urnshed, 15 les soulh ol Sun V alloy. $260,000, lu s avalabo. Ed Redan c/o Pcor B Alen Really, Bo 630, Sun Valloy, Our sales stall has specalsts coercal. agtculuralandrusdonl. 320ACRl:5rS005ulabo o r,lt>y area crop B.lance pasture Now engne.nd pup n- loaton or 906 tl SlrtctRuuert. APPROXMATELY 140 acres (atablu land Good nch d-ep sol, souheas ol Haolon EQhl praclcally now wheel lnos Ma lne butud 25".. down, owner wll crrybalanco Over long ters. 8,. nter ol per.nnu. Wnlo R g Y Oo. 323 " ~TwF5rr;nro HEALTH FOTcESOWNER to.d< or Ull lor.llel l.o W>;.tever 600 -cro dro 3 U.tt hoe? M,ll-r hdt-. D-ry t.rr a CorMl;..nd bldnt)-.. Cort!,,d 7,cnlnety.>.an bu purth.-a-d l p [,ACE a.lu4...nl..ud cuul a-,ls$7 90llr lod.yt, l>,,lor N o..d letore t e.pres tl ne lcloomt M.lt you C-r run "V-*d10nHro doy ro or ;;;l.1 3l dy OWNER 320 acros, teep 3! l. pcntyor-v. a o r 60 acres sptnko. 160 oavty. Frosl- rec. Grows hay, gran, bo.ns, sr a w b o r ro s. Corras. -<]l»rmr>07,-aul-guo<3 4 bouoo houso ~ \PFR0*.TCCT-8-ACHe9W?.. 37, br«,k Shop and lack.. V/lh. s slalls 3 UEDROOM HOME, approatey 2 acros and oul buldngs, , Near Rupert BUHL 80, 2.edoohoo and - -<)o«*u.a4t 4 «.000-W4lly Kaste Mllord Sch a..cckdopor;.54rw9 Tp vn L Conty Reulns. 7?3-0/ 3 u y A ng S o e O ust No. 030 ot Ftrns t lunchts UM 120 ACRES, an ccellcnt Ner- - -0R hstdcsr wth tut water rgh - Q Very ce hoe wlh Oul buldngs. Owner wll acc.-pl. noo n Twn F.E or oco WARKETNG ASSOCATES lor 6ltdclals anyte Ht 250 acros. Onc~Qcaulull Ow crop lar Ocop sol, long growng season, otker rrgaton wth no shctt.t;o 01 v,.nor. ccelcn producon ot beans ths year Pnc- ;l 210,000. Call Ul Ralphs 733- M33, Town S Country Realtors , 67 ACRES. NorthS ol tuh, Beautll vew ol canyon, e.- / clten lll lo,,ol. lull!,h.re:, 1wnF.l:;v.,er. lotool rt.me -\ -.,.er,3l)edroon.lullbr.ern..nt lr.ck hoe C.ll cr V.rkelng.-..oc.le;, 731-l«75 / e EESl.T LOCAON 40.cr o - lar norlh.vet ol Fler Good > row crop See p.-.tre C.ll Lynwood Rr?,t»/3M2H 130 ACRES -th.(.4 bodroo hoo, lull boseon Ho dory born and ol lond under pr.nk/or. Hat 130 TRSl-teFTSTTd.,. - > Orxy S \ down, L balonco ooy ACHES wth 2 bedroo -..L hou and 2 lorgo buldng utoblo (or orogo. onu- 3 laclurng or ruck ropor S wth oll down ondooytorv. y S HAVE NCE HOME n Oerloy lo trade lor one n Twn. / Gono Lonon Solo, Al Hob,, r SPECAL 04Qcruwthopon lroo r (or year oround nock water- L All n hoy and pahuro 0*- copl--l ocro ol ol gra. An deal lock ronch, very nco hoe, achne hcd S ond born, Crnn lo Goodng o on olec rood. Call or prce g ond lort. Frl to lsted. b VERSON BEATY , Goodng or ocko Heath ACRES ; Soulhoot o Twn Foll. * -Hr-lSarSnd loy k« \ loble. One hcodaote and - -2Q-shPQrg> ol Twn Fols wolo tock, 2 lyo» ond other provocn, Sol- do con wo oer o (ar ] ol hls qualty ond :o n-- hu~twn Fo! loc: DorVr wat lo toko odvon- logo o th,roreopporunly. Coll HAMLET REALTY ACRES 291 shores NS Conol V/oler. Two sall hoos, nol ancy, Eourh oroo County, woll prcod 01 $212, AC. oy ranch. 273 shores NSC.wotor, pvo, new hoe, S GOOD GUY - ovon now AC. wlh 104 shores o( wolor. good l>oo. only S AC wlh woll. soplc lonk, well londsoped roor o- roo. or>ly $13, n LS hnnw yaur.tc.cb Wn hovo l or wo gel <. Olco* Corl.....,, Louso oo A GOOD 392 Aero ar, wlh wo older hoos, >0 ] lowng woll producng up word ol 300 cubc ncho] plus ro«crook wolor. Would be on deol tolup or rasng Collsh, Prco ro- ; ducodloonly $400,000, Wo hovo olhor lstngs lor- ngros25,000ondup. 5 A t P N r R E A r r r 1 D or, Vorlon Soulhwlck 01 ( L w e l W l l s. - L R e a! - - ls E B )6 5 3 F o l5 A v o,e. o p p r r p 7 A.7 < )9 7 HOME ACRES wlh 5 bodroo. 1 bolh hoo. E«{ollonl corrals, drgo loorhg shos Mo:htn6 hcta; 2 whool.lnet, Mony othor oaluros. Mut opprocao. OnlySUO.OOO ACRES UNDER RO- DUCON wlh 2 pvos. ~ "PTSTBvrTnrs Lne ond 6 londlnos. - S303,00C:TER«S V H o n sta n d n g CU R BOARDNG HOUSE UM ya5 WAS A MERE TAP VWEN BRONKb N6UH$K1-aMET2775W FO! K P ew N M. APPEARANCE. WHEN HE TEA6EP ME TO ATlEM t a c k l e MY5ELF TMROUGH TrtE AR PEARLEY --KA<;-KAFP.--LL K W W REMEMBER MY RELEF WHEN HE RNALLy OPBHlD Hl E.VE :?N TA 5TRE:TCH R (5 Frns RuckV Acrcrdory-oH-rrgolcd: Low Down ond asuo A<r«.»-Tw.ollt-wo« : 3 bedroo hoe, ,.O..Low Down. 373 Acros slock or su o We-Ollo.hqvo a nuber o good doru lslod. ol Robbns ArvlloBobbns lak Val Y N c h l c k D ) P E R K N S ; ; : - n = R E A l. T Y z : S g 23 FARHOFTHE VEAR. $117,000 volley orno. 763 bu ocros, 0 shores water, super r grdy Wnorlnq.-Hoy.-groln bns. shop. born, lk parlor. F loong shod, gronory. Good v """LtESEH -. Hatohon. 3 yoors old [ squoro leol- 3 bedroos, - 1. boths, sprnklng sys- tu, lull booonl, nsulol- od. double gorago, sand- Hone-palQxly.nQlC und L sowar., Kocloonlyllo,, Ttvncr/drrrTT Chuck Perkns,,., lod R oss Ph! Porkns ) -----Lynn Roucn-rr M oryolong p V 0 F 2 Dares n Wondoll. 8olh. goud producers. Owners wll corry conlroc or rodo Coll lor otqls. ONE o Mogc Volleys usl - (or. All concrolo dlchos. [ Gonlhr slope. D. p sol. on MurlDugh loke, lo.eostlur.,,, ocro or 5 les t, Souteos ol Mounla h Horn ool elovoton. 1. rvor wolor rght, 76 now T brd whool lnos \-Ull - grow ol prgl crops. Good valuools905poracro. ~ Eldon Anderson o u r 2 4 h o u rn u b o ; ~ lo S A d d s o n A vo. W est k t n t t toll ( 14 acres wlh sall two : bedroo hoo, north Sde. Call Stan Hayu M or Globe : amy CHOCE QULDNG LOCAON 1 lor now hou V; acros lor $17;500 FELDTMAN REALTORS cullunl l.-rg buldng lol n NE locaton. Good rosrctons. Excullont vew. Soo beaultul hoos already consrucled $14,350. Ge Slalo Roally [... - ~ 2rACFNcrrrw03rol For - Call Stun Hayo 734-2BW or Globo Realty * LETu ssrdbu a uuly * Wau Mul 3 15 acres o.erlooko b Canyon- E.dusve locaton w rostrcuvo covenants. Call r.»nr-r4-n2o-errrrw.-l0«l1y ~ S-ACRES--cose 10 wn Frlls Has otath storaoe. deep w*h, lululcllu-1464l2ak;l(ootn. oble loy SalcnGd and nsullod wll housu $29,aX) (;;,-llm<.rln at M.ukolnq A39ocntos?5n7?anylo lo 4 ACRE plots now avalablo och onu on goo(1 hoage road wlh boauhlul new.- soo rcslrclons.734-4r* S acres wth 1 buloo hoo : nolhe«t Ot-Ourley-Nw sephc lank and well. H2,50b Carey : and-adason.. Ruq noansor, n e w th Maor Hoopl«<EN- T ( OLLY; P p r T... ;; ca.n *\AcXAtwn ;M Pn rardly V V B U E V E / H6. -UY/ -H - V - C>5?M aw T E N E D A " & & A N D E " :] s/ t;. T R M N E t;! 033 lcre{e l;lks S~E~n~V R vw r.nc.ww. - Buhlaroa S and lo..ce Easy cr. Owno ln.ar"* 40 ACnE-G close n. l a u Vew ol v.lley Only $1200 per.cre C.lll All al M.kln,; Asocalur,, 734-«75anvl<. 10 ACF1M: Fas East oc,ton wth super vew ol ounlr :, nnd v.oy, only $3)0 pet acre. M.1kClnn A5SOCS B7S 2 10 e ACRET srth breath- :akg vew ol the Ha;ean Valley, and S,wloolh Moun- las. ust north wuol luhl Phone S43-558? ONE Acre on Ers/n d D,Nh 01 Addson, Currently-rorrd. -u3dunllallowccoo(a: voslon opportunly. Askng $25,000. Wostcn Roally? , 5aCRES~w7s o auhl, ;d(h Dulnl Ste, now nay Fn trecs.>.ll H3na FOR SAlc bg buldng Tq Ts wde «250dOCp. $8, ?<)24. QUHL AC REE to doro odern noe wth ltcp.ce.td. lull taseunl Large -.hvp buldng V/ell-nsulaed.,::h electrc lurn.ce hml. 2 ;ar g.ragc. Good corrals, -..hud gran.ry. West End Re.ll, 130 South Bro.dw.y. Buhl, W3-4d 45,5bo X cfptl6nal-ly CHOCE 3 acrcs. very nce hoo, w.ver shatesut, l(rea,wcy7733?9k 24 ACRES wth 3 bodroo horpo ursalo.quyallorparl.543-:082. -CUlLTn3-.cro5-:ubOvEo polcnal. oned resdcn.v- low. On edno ol Duhl. 585,000 Western Realty, ; 5 acrep arcel. WlhTcd rnnt.-g-.1 Son-,nd-3-We,Lll oroe $2,000 per.cre Tos Phonu usmlstcd 4.cros n Flerea 1 wlh-/eodeed 4 bedroo hoe, well has new pup, lor nlor.lon call Eunco Coopor C0. Town 4 Counlry Realtors PRlCE~e)uced on ths b.uht l.rgcr hoe n Skylne Anns?/; acro3 wth cnted r,.r.tures 3 bedroo wlh ;<?00 r,g. leet, ull laenl. car- ng vew and loc.hon, pnced,al $5,000. N.dnu Ko;pruck Town Counlry Rtwllors 10 ACHES tnck. l:d(wn ho- 2 Mlhs. l;ute l.n ly tcx, r.wg pool,,tle.!de.>llktlrrr R»<.r vlw Edna l,.n lluat Estae. y «*- oyce, Munroo, seeded to»>" and hay- Closo V w-.down pyen S w /r or Markeln/ssocles,7;M-«75 anyte FOR S-TlE 64.l30 DupTe. l, 384 ShOup Avo. Wosl. Phono < 4 «. - OWOEN TERRACE h;s proved los lor salo nclldns 5l!cots u*d(arond ulhcs. Prced Horn An outstandng nvuslenl, Call 423- or sale B owror Tv.0 pne. acre lots on Hghawn Drve, wth waler shares, rustcod cqy(alh.cl7-?80.,.cles Solh--d.M nl ouxe. 13 st.ror. nl tat $16,900 r.sy-ler:. CllTot Floyd..l?4-()yv or Chuck Perkt He»(ly )W -... W-«n 1 - ll. W HANX.S MSH ty43-ew4.o5 «*-M*uh bcro.boaullur uck hou nt)or, ooo...coll S-0C «-ntrw -3 bodroo hoo, lull- booon, lr«. place,- hool pvp - lags -.hopcoll,-c<»n<<t*-? ocro ncor Fler; -96bd hoo ond oul bulldlng. CollMko ACRES noor oroo, 3 ho c, and nuan/du. outbuldngs.. "

25 w TMES- -NEWS n r YO UNTO luchw GLASS THOW le-pros rrt tls n l ( 110 Days ql tr P O r Y o u r M o n e y B a c V. V * % T Fbd. Apts. &DplEUS BNSHEO on«--bedco ~ ~ V E O U S T B R B T W E R E ;S N O T A M A N / D O N T k N O W W H V rtont All utltes?a.d 165 p E A p N Q - T H E e A L V/ E W H O B O n H E R T O - T B U L nonlh $20 deanl Uopo.t F U M F e L e r l L.S e K. N.- C A N S T A N D c:3n \ V H M A N V T H S K RulMPtzE X l W l-lcho W otel. c k! - ; e,, n, all utltes urnshed, also chonutte. Oe*p>Sl Echo G L F FELLOWS s.ll one o, lurnsheo apartenl, 3V0. toraeraor,.h umus Md 575 No ro le BEblbOM ctoon, br-.hod aparton, all ut,os d. $165. No pels ,, )H Hent,T.crrus~nd WNTHROP z C>-eurrs7~ TuOGlay.l lay, Oclot)3r a. 977 Tcc-Nows, s.twfallu.waho 1 25 SPEGTS by Dck Covoll Plote Tox ad lo tvll buy or trode n our Clotled de :p,w,t E :;Mntu A-e O n - Spct.onbr lodon.pqylo y lor you> ad Loore tbc 10 doy oe u etotk 324.;;G8. 3?4. V g F bde! on lh» nobc o v, v>o>d\ n your ad), ll Ql bo ento ntblodoy 2009 l [tln. Aps. &Ouplees 06 Rcelantos lot Sale 06) Mscellaneous lv Sale 067 Htscllaneons lo Sale Allu yc havent purchoed Horyoute raolt V.CHMNO -.1 r.t.trl 9 n 01 you hovcn ttodcd ed or hp te you wanted!o ; op -op COME N S u,n.nn.k,., M9 M...n W -... Xu 10 the lre New OHc ce ond we choorlully to(und your e LLS " a p a r t e n ts 3 KMn.-. r oney. OU X 7.13-/3 3-.>..9 c S; ) n y DO get.eult heor roon ap.rwnl, lor d-nl -H r-r.t ,chB ad s 247n7h"$25. and Boy sts REASO VS otablt Ruslotalon and""- - - tbe 10 doyt... call ond concel yo ;Ch Bke. $ cpar, r, by experenced rettel y be chntged on (or bv e dc day yout ad actually oppoered - OKNG FOR-.1 house or -hone e no ed C Cr.t. 11 (.l,l-:n.ct, M.>. g o ld LD Maser"ea deluctor. GOOD pe Furnture.aps. ch.. OOD >65 tlle wth, shells and recevoo rotund (heck (or (be dketonce, lorlonl Coll OulCS, 733- DEn] ;.UX 3he,l-. or-.. - Two 0 B-naon Sde o.s la-ks lo dea. $ Free eslates Phone 734- les. $75 US bartol new. * H Sorry, tht elr good od or prvate p n H y a d only.,.... R» " carp.;lr;; 1,, [HV( pckul ku C.per toot, cuputu never 1 lyng SELlNG T().M)W-..,,-0, over used, $25. Wall urnaco, advsru ng <onnol be le ec<eped. Deadtlno or rc«elvlr RNlSHloltudd, 5enar,Vc rel(-;; o l. Goll Cuts Pno- nns $3 1» llood..lorlhe ollow day* publuollon. c E ChOn S.d Mh 130 a rnonlh condl T5C7T73TSG7r pqg $35-2.-L4a3- - T r clulstrbu ORSALE: Dated claw bath tub 34thcotN rn deck,, ----ll.ul RPETS.rtllllWaKt; Ue a 6Gcl 6 chcs lono, 32 tnhoa wtdo.- 2C 1 ( you odvello ore-lho -hon one He and you vel one ot 1 VO LaRCE roolmsect urlul:,;ltallh Blue Lustre Also C )R SALE; 1 Lylo Baaa $tobr lso dated hand wash lavatory,.m youod u»t be condccd ueceu1 lartcnt. odern, clean, 154 nt etulltc stanpouer. n u to ; Bass Got. $100 1 Fonde.- 1 nt condlon. Phono S34- Lyto 0 BEDROOM ap.rtnunt, 1,- NOlc OBCDY (CADS a.ull t-ut Krenr.-nrel; blnet 1 W2 B" ensen $ g TO PlA Ce YY( O U R A D ; P H O N E S S 201. Cat*" - ba ths hs, range, relnnorator, ; tot dtolepl.-n..nt.lurt 01 sold lld Stato Fender V/3 12 lnlsheo /.P/.K7ME.VT,<// (apo pos, carpeted,- carport thn nl M..C SV/.-. StOP -ll 3 AMP tn:atn lo, npul /pra tcrt27.c(/73a nttp!rtlt5-tt*tnctlh PnoU Lynwc wood Manor W, na,av-.t T/,l:, l.-,c.m ;,a:t,ce. Fr COMPRESSOR, Seats twn -a:6. 111! $1 $!/!, ;7 AMP t.lwln AC owx lder tunk typo, 50 to 150 (15 g K a p unda pressure. rcquato MUS SC S OU lotono -.un lnshed. Aparcntn rnon RTHVl.lAOn-APArT. lused. S D.rRC -sa(dwc-u..... TnclOdc cludod. 3 horsepower, 7CFPS prolos: losson. We put our know tt M * t, W corr loe depost MENT NTS ALL ltlltles PAD "cll ClCe C -..le 326V0.-8 Alter SKH.KNU l-or nobu toes. at ppounds- Lalo odo, used- how V ( on tho o lot you. Ulll lesoad lter 5 30 Coll ,-1372 T. VVasnnaton -T -....M 50 per runn lo<t F.n- vpry t sons and dscount sales ty httlo. $150. Also Rodac. LosM K (.oss.lle, HacelO R rn N ls H E a~o coon - blun Vo ar wrench. Ntltly now BaKc lc3 R20lstC Musc 129 nunswck ANt) DR MO.u7 ho,, e;;,,-, $ 50.73; Fourth rtave N.73-O lp.rt ),rtom $110 onth, 535 NOV/ )V; AVALABLE new 2 ->1-. t.l-.;, n.;-c,.u-al-/::-.. - [E Xceae t lots M «Hon!s or Sale T W - - MoblerlonnSptt coar eann) depost. V/.lor.d bodrc droo apartents, ap-, ock.. CCk.y, oo.-lml Serv.....t DOYS lys ocyce s.on st.vdard, A STEEL CLEAR Span DWG CHROME Snare dru snt: taton pad No cndrcn 01 panc nces, water and satoton " kes.kes 0 11T1rvTM..;;, UM 10 one e 224 upnohl Grand pano, lld r> 03 w a r o h o u s o Sto 14-rvlDE TnALCnO.;a:. u. P-* ts urns nshed o tkc tkck..-.:,k /, e.cel :ellentconal.on caranco:25x5l.8e.tonon.872; 50 X 135 X15-3" 1.9 sq.. FEND NDER- F-85., Ooadnaunn... ecmot.ake HANCHETTES. SPAClOla DOUBLE wde all uluctnc, sh,!!!!.. D.ln:, - loa.t tntrrccs P.slor.l ledroom Duplex 1: tath, pnccd (or qucv salo, oxccllenl lowno, Sel co.t.d c.lltht O b~rth V-rMATOn APART- OR BULDNG. F-cnn. HGHLAND Park lock Sw t,40»!» 54»15-3" $1.89 sq t. Froo Spl: nlsh Outat. $200 Can 733- : ; t.nyor rtn vcws SclC local locaon n7tr.,ndn.or.rl.onvM.,l.nnn MEN1 ENTS ALL UTXTES PAD pet and drapes, lull lshea landsc ndsc.pd, utc. 2,000 leel ol l, h gl utnp. now blade, o«- 4 lon s steolsdo aloraao bn 50 * ootl )0tltor6p »GS hreo bccl0~tnobc ADULT Ul COURT E,..l ?rWashQlon leont. Pato and n-ane used ;ed cellar t polos, 5 loot to." O l-nt :,h,po 10 1 saw, 60" " w wdo. Ptco lood un d,r.-;rou.-d ulllcs, Srl.ccl hoelot salo Pont- Po"> -. rco.tl :, North 0 -Sorrv.nopets oot ct on;tn.. c 4 nch to 9 nch w bl.de. and grkndsnd OclObO - MMER TE b o, :obor 15th, Call and tesorvo 0 R U lshnt) unt on twn otors your. d-et lura. toll roo 24 hou, Estab tabhod daho ltoup Froo rwur.. Tcrrna 5 rn.c On.l ol tulrcc!-; halcl tla -o tl.t 054 V 3 bcdroo duplex, 2 cnrth nr]th 7, eroo, travnl.a7a :-7700o«l,809, -S; TAr.l5anF.na 4a -51l. ralc ralc, 1-; twhs, (ood con- Counlty Conn t 1.1..Mnt 7.-1-/67. hs, o.raoo, adl:un.r-> [ AMES For sale or trade 1 LAS ASS FlREPL-ACrs6\un7lV"u Te"AKV E"AKWOOO B-lun cabnel wlh dt dtnn» « oet parkno, a-r condt.uned, w,30»38" C.ll druw YAMAHA PANOS. AND -. tlaler SPACE lor r.-nt lar,arce SrtbFd oplon, (]0.anclrelra«ralor.wash,n( nball. 2 orplne rockets rawors and cupboards, 1GANS Used panos, lund :r(]nt pon] (]o5 1dult:n;u 17C0 a GALLON (.soertank. $25o... oplooty "pl lockaolo. Sca wc TWO DEDROOU traler house Huners Hut< Traler, P/k. b O Mtuonls, Solnu. Conn,.e porote ktchon - >tovu Sl any Colt ra4.?oto or /.-?33l- C«l?: cr POlOS rolossonal cutler saddle, lke n BslgsrPrw!: lomonrl-ocood ol Uo-Coo K-t>«rrlr>«rt-?,>1-4?4l nano»r>dy..vvadner.muslc::-,-: k o tu lo tdut U 5 u! EatT-tho-HansorrenaRorTa----t t O-peruonh- pu5-aod05~ 9 Shoshono North twn MOOLE H0ME"SPACES FOR Shobono St. Nortb. 1TON OF hay, 555 por ton. 2~ C.ll.llC7S-5S69.Bur1oy, 67...os. Coll lor 300 MC. CAN "pop achne no* lls low tles. st:e 14", ncw..so cnn < SPRNG CLEANNG SPECAL -,1C7 RENT. Pay tho ltsl onlhr.ren detal nlo/ml Servcc - Rc,lOy 10 1W612» MBullon. Well kel, and a d tals, Candy and coarette co-,).leel 5.,, ll,l ted.5100.t talcr ORSALE SNGER TOUCH-n <el the second one ree Go??.000 L A N Real osalo o.y e«lro3, S5150. Phono 43&- bnotc noton ochno $315 or toh r Harden tractor, ; ow, wlh w.tnut catnol. $110 WAN ANTED TO buy pano, lko EdsMoDleArPotk. Fhono 324-,p7; e7 /" 3.-lLu duplex 2 NCE CE, CLEAN 2-l)edroo lor >r $55 $575. Sell or trade Call 734. nversa tow bar. S now.: w. Spnel odol bostrakos. Co, roo, dano 32<-8l? or324-?009.eroo. lhs, utlty ror :;.t,;.. eat OupK plox, lully capeted and S}S: ) H., 6553 M312. Alter Hota 34-41M. 3?4.20G0. <HT 7H.7/53 NEVrTcO 00. Condonu unl wn.pvalc BO r* tuataa.kk ous lus 5)50 depo.t nclller. h05p )5plol. No pels, relerences noool lo.ooo BTU, 550, Pone 733- work ork, $100 v/sconsn otor, 30.. pur[:... $325 drap aped, prvate (laraoe, near WOOC (OOD Burry cl lurnace. $125 2 horso trator, needs KNG NG B-Fla clarthot. Phono 734- toblu ( oro(e(outootc, **,tor,nd -..n.on No pets ru (lured, SeSpta detust , MAM--5ttco-Tocaton, o«l Mod lodctx,«;re5l343,arcoood. WNTERE YOUR HOWF r.c do-, eoroor lol, lols ol door opunctro (OU orllon* nt - MONTHLYTyTTV-TrttM U.1P Porto-pull. now bdo.n.lslbto RocH Gottlun CoHlortuta,. :USOyAuo ona euuprturl W;k.n, paco, deal nurance, ro S30 00 on two.and ttreo -.yq,v0 BEOHOO opartutac?or»»rc;r- <n 3.ce O <o:al woa?3,500, 375 per onll Call or bedroo Towntotr.es, 100 per. WBEDRdoTuaExTu.., cls antn or :s, chldren okay, rent $155 nuatorr-wnolhor-tup UAGNAVOX~*Ctr-*ntl «.th lurs Hcold Kotnluy. n cu cent lnancn).yal;bl!, conloct alhs,, lull nshed Usoont. qqd epost urooo 0 SE ewelry andsvur FOR SALE- Ono ralroad bo. ear, (,nn, png Coulkng. Pla»< 21 llocon»olbtvo.s4-»771. W. Towr nd Counry Moally.,r r Ge Stale Re.lty, <ater and yard work urnshed, dollar :otl. belt huklcs. reasonably to 3 L C L> oved, $2,000; Call 324- Slot L L Wndow, Storn wtuo ncls WLL VLL PAY CASH: For a largo lood locaton. No pots.- - pnccc cod, laro selecton Ooort, Fcoplaco* ord lhc( hreo bedroo, two baths, NEWER DUPLEX, Elootrc heat, walablooctoler 1st na; B Roos lo Rent 8503,.503, luaho Co Galleres. 113 Qy,. EE TRNDAp 23 Channel base uncan PHYFE Dnna too Acc. Acccorcv 212 3rd Avo, SEE C TATON*Motcl and loublo-wdu ollc hoo tar.qo Phono 733-l altcn - - orh Shoshone Street, Tw -y. lh turner pus-threo powot.,et. 9 p.oco.-$ ou 5ou.b, ,. y:t).,c Park, even nclutc TVVC TVVObedroo house, sovo ond ew "or LEAE. Unlue VX le VuRNbtEh ROOMS (or -all5,ld.->lo. lk«.$175.7w-2370r esln 2 tdroorn, ntol ELERC Moor, alsleaand roccrn 3 bedroo hoe.low. CLEAN, ce new c.lrpcl, 18 ll. d terncraor. Carpd n ;,oo<l onl by the week Reasonalle GOO 300D usedporlahle b.r,(lus 2 Takos, ro 1 horso power to tu-obbwtunl q: ratterswa-llo-adosett-atp:----- Oatt -ppoll Phn.«/ T?7,,Op,loarc. 7-1" , bar >ar stools. C,l t EACRooMoreol. ac auto roverse. 10 horse power or 734- onths old. Phono 734-4S2S vrmdnr Bll Ralph , w7; W7338S4,,.-g : -x/ SOtAGEln«rMa3oHr?c~ 4/1-1 tore p.. TCHrotora733«?16 2 BEDROOM, den, eleclc heat- lew ond unodeled roos, udrq and bul- dolvw]. WA WANTED TO BUY; MoQrlo hoo at ar condtoned, < bcautlul yard. ug ucen q,h. s. c hdo-. Dod, ct. - S P O T C A S H - u7tfuw SH To~sTubT6 ard nd ktchcnler. by the week }2q ; laldwn EXTERTnaT :2X.32-l:S32ullur.7.D. -cel, sr,ey uluom Excccn----- :elle.l condlon $250 C.ll For.. bal sp,trter?c3 tl3tnn! Nontr ooulonal apler. Must rE033 W VcalM Propel) 703 ; S (o.vlovn loc.non, c.vv oc- No o puts or chldren. Also onu SED CO.O(.-llSWr sakrt.ed "...FuDturclApalces *a,.all, $300. Phono cupancy. 215 onth plus -.. tedroo op.runt (or rent ;T, and colors, S-.POLn:!! utlhles, Haoeran, sunvalley areavduplex 1" academy 14 X 70, B2, W 17 RU Motle Hoes r/r Voy Noton.ll,?01 2nd A»e HlE KE now Ford owor" B W K E R F U llt U r - or?»le-by-ownur$t37,a)0. "bed bedroo,:-6600-skl.llnb-ana Roaloslateanuno.vnud v;or.t, Vest, Twn Falls. 195 Pl%r.nr324-34M E\V--anO 2 D 0roorn-3p3n V/O Qedroun l..lnl nollle, H 1 E C O H D 1 H O H E D - ls cne year old Sun Volley. cooler coo Selup.73-4G34,, On MONTHLY PAYMENTS Fro en rents. Applances urnshed,,q,, - AR- klr-tcmp Ol urnaco. ecollont loe, no chlden r-pels Sr ;H>ourt)Ov.-;n.l. > v -;-l < -,g, 3t, shopor work roo. Makoan OCM D«l0wnh0u50 oacl. SUy 110/ 3 bwroos. 2 UtD, WUSrTTLLTTar? [V, 4x70 van 585 ond 100 per cenl ln.cnd utll tllus pad. Fro $145. Two p>,n hone cht.,., lter. Suo Maunco St. 010 USED o».obleon helor-t su Fllore loc.n ocolons. Fler , duv/uova.;! Dyko Moble Hoo. Total r«kt o;)l,ue,ltoca,ra(. v,h Llecrc, 2 bedroos,? l.ns,. Pork. Towhour,*- Hurry and oro leroo, weekend or o»cnnla, W awab,- l,c"l COORTVSPCAS slolte any a conbo Go Sl.lo n. lamper For sall pckup,. 30 v;t extras. Excellorl cpn- N WENDELL "unutr "new (g a Oce t Busnts BeW wx n Eb T(D DUY 77hl.OQR cs-uta-lqtu nanatccnt Ranetto VetOy n «,, G,t.u»-aat l------gu gmolno.r< o(ly.~ ]ru7.»u»y carpultno, nnte hood, lan, now. Old Reduced, $13,DOO, Phono or Fbn REN:NEv/ALL ELEC- Vpanonts, now ono and two louhrcd blnds, coalc Me 6439 (5431 TkSTLD bce center now Addson vu. Wes Ac korcon wtlbmotcbng ollcre:30p. trcbeautuldouto wlctno- (loou (oou locolon C,ll or hsh lshod, ro $ nd pck>p:a()holr S Aulo TRC.-3 QEOnOOM. <;,1t,:;e. Dcdr lodroo. all aplurces u-, enc ollce r.p;ce 451 ur.>;;!;.;t;:r;v:;rc:r counrr lops, llo sun-decks lll wc vews. le lawn 4""b nl nhed t oa Closed Saturdays. Ston.land... $249,95 -. ;osland Drve or 733- oa,rono7?6-964sweck. le hoo on one acre. larqc days SUPPLY.05 Shosh.. St 5 O"! 1 v7anto vtan t6"buy Leal culler r,o, lvn tdorn, dnq roo wth -t tw,v0 o Bnt)>.--OV Al-.rENT loth FRO RONT END Tu downs and 2 QetlMtds QutH Call7330t41or enllbporablo $149,95 UVO rdroomf7nhrrd beautlut hull- chna dowt. 5 BEDROOMS, redccoraed 1,-,,,r..nl no OFF FFCE Sp.co lor ron - - cks or capers Sol lupor All decoratve attlcal, ca.h om de ol M..(]c Faly roo and 3 bedroos. or hoe, no,r Twn F.lls Call, owntown, snnlu ollco n sute arrors lor cycle. Adusl.lblo w o "leono OM V, )lants wth tasos, $30. e.ch, k-..-rvq Powu, Sepc Tonk, The asler bedroo hos a larlo 73MB 1 olces Wltll recelon ;rea. P -"; tor Clovy buper. Easy Sway F5r URN1SHE0 aparteth, ol S ", ;75 an three; AC-OC ponotle , BUYNG BUY Cons, slapa. scrtp 23-?3-G.,CONSOlEOR walk- cosol, ho other two 3 or 4 BEUnoOM HOME. You. carp opy achne, telephone.n- ontromar. Phono Ptcu,..e. Leased land.t M arpeted ond droped, 1. twns. r rack stereo player, B nold. watches, daonds, oc..-., l3 MotorploConato hove luw.robo cosua. The dec decde, reodeled, near school (rep werno and accrut.nl help /te.r U,500 Low dawn, u.sy ""! replace, or condtoned, h( t lter 5 36" r.oc, sellveannn Con Shop. 113 OUR c h o c e :... 99,95 ktchen h.s bult-n opplanccs and shoppnl cenler 5250 tc.-n soavalable r.-. ven, alost now. $ HP Shoshono Sho: Sr North. p.,uwu* Ponc 72C-5H, ca colpos Ktchen op-, nctodnq.. nrbanu dsposal, onlh plus Uopost p[,,- U,,ho dshw.sher anceu. No k,ds under V/ANl VANTtO TURn your HEAT ololr, roto hko new. $250 Phone and nco laundry over ovcnnos 4182, 182, p"n )FF? n stall an ELCO ot ( XMA ROFESSlO NAL OFFCE 9npn XMAS TREES, Douolas t. Mag Aagnovox D«lu»o 23 Color acltes. lac s copletely cor; REPLACE n your oxstr( p s a l l FURNSHED one vq WO BEOROOMS, cafpted, SPA ;PACE lor lease- he old. ORTABLE o Typcwnror, Spruce, Noble Fr, and Balsa.,er lo r eo lb o c lro..,, $ roplacc. Wll custo td,,,,; W CoulKns lv Sale pcted. p and oculato bedtoo house Ouh, one rapus. relncrator and stove. T er. News Budr Phone c ruscreen, 35-loot traverse tod, Traler al or Ral Car os only. Call reu standn odels aalale.condlon Ths hoo oy be yuar luaso reuuted 5125 a oundry servce No pets WO TOOO. ; p, ( 8g - nun ptotoclo. oxocullvo or wto w to Mr Bruce Scarpullo or hoes wthout a replacu. OR SALE: Crost Vew Con- pur purchasud w the acre whch llce p,(. char lus depost Coll or or ore nlorolon or to see, at RQ 1 Box 350 Routo 31 S l llv A N S leroos,.oato, large cular cul. dtwe and corral.re.. Or t 33: KT l... Kaae Rtnlls w;a l n-h-kn ubcacly. w - WastlnoQn-M-37al2oc-c:LlL- W5l WSVSTE-Mu;,-.,,r(;l(,u,T e n s, Mor,oc roo, Copluely oy a bo oved. Tho purchoso ; Ca:. ao tedroo apart e eulrr ptecon tass E«. OLD = w s c - - ndlcd. ncludo woahor and ces e tho salaton ol your NEW2 nev tedroo. 2 balh cor- nu lull,, o.ovu...loerator, SM/ MALL Varehouso spaco, rdon condlnn alter OLD "ber CON CANS ~N GOOD 0n,T. Novc Doen unod, own 0*1 well, ll ho properly s poled pou and drapes Oupo>. but corp arpetod, no puls or chldren. aval valablo Ftosprklers. n "0~x " 45 FURNSHED traler 5" CONDTlON.Call324-e610. Ly Lynwood Sloppng Center Cope has Sauna ard dcsted.-prced dc: a only wlh Quu loor plan Adults Nck» S5 185 Glole Or 733- dow owntown area Phone US0 wlh cooler. svrte. anr n Poneer Traler Park, sell or VANTEDD eut a ;;rok skns,.1cu/.-1 72B-3122onylo. PnonuS36-6taor P pets peose 954 Blake Sreu 254C or r : - gny rent or $ cabover,r-lc ron and SteeLl34,744g, R [ -...!4rM. 3 ttearootrs, 1.7 baths. lon Nolh, 260rnon *91 oler E C Y C L E - Y D U R S 5 DPLEx g,gcc"a----- Q.aoartr, UHHand Eaal-Twt Flla. - p Hacenda. 53* n a a -T; 1 r t-n-ota ro r n 0 B u(l?e t Crpts ancus ncludng washer ond w, M ob tok sr Down S VANTE-b TOlUY; Moblo Hoo and 140 pur onth ONE ;,.VC ledoqnot:yno lds. n!s;m2w-chey/,qq,.aoo -V! S C R A P M E T A L T ntt;rc.s! V/nrpcran? - TADEND7OMES*73375C55: tntr els or chldren. $240 pet WA?ANTEOo RENT Shop wl- horl»"0 wneeltase, 6 cytdr, H: co COpporrBraCAutw TTr arge K n< st/; roo cash rof-b,5, lonh , r doors, 30 X30 wrk.p.ce, ood 0 shape, $350. Call " ount and reove, and payno B< DattoroS.B.M. Card All Mlood, - very e- Askl 1971 MAU.E1E Mot.le Horne. est posmdlo dollars u BSO to ot 1? wdu. also T.vel Phono?A)-4391.ller5 30pn. : -rr 1«70 2 ledroq. 1 talh, - unper vll/c~2m~ Nolh d lot lor p.rknn To rrp.r F on por SALE utle Beavet )t or rl, H. K O P P E L C O, *" Tt.,lr od pcvup c.tnprs rnutl.le po:.u:.-,.ot 9,900 2 BEDnOOM5. D Moble Hoo: un, unper Street. NOW tako rractos, and Trucks lor For-1 Cable-drvo Cu, post nole dncr 1,52 2nd Ave, Soutb NFtNSHE"D FurnTe:"DeVk5", (HOCKMAN:SUOQlL Ml-GtlyB..-olly. 734-(H)0. Ktnlr.hod - eroe. Nco.,n- l;e Co n country, M.pc 55)5 ppcalons lor lease 2 ad 3. $500. Cal o FO!.r..M. ;,.ll,-.v Not.-lcp, "MCS Ask lor Ed or Vl Carpeted, adulls,nopets 23- ledroo unts, rc.ltor owned - /alloyaro. htno * drcb OBOors. rockors. opkcases, n-l:h67or3?4.4?03 FC rsnsalecr rm1973 MoMe 5104 Phor hone or Globe Realty -ve venns a:;k lor Bol char halts, stools, whte ware, ew low COST W.ter t1:,lll-r Rl M,.l;;,. t,,uratd wnrktk,) Ho Hoo. Phono ays, evennq:! ash 012 ( 12 Atlqes cas asng, plaster olds, Takes 12 ;allon p-r d.y $1:). or ro, u«let unts nuach- ur tcrao, h Avo. East. H«70 SKYLNE, 3 txklroo, OH [». «[ls. cpls ~ l.h, 500(0 shed, klod. Sol. 3N6 Bedtoo duplex, ull 1. Dealet Oe.l Oscouns.v.l.Mr (n udnouhl.h3w4, 1% agt.lrl.-; 17. Crl v.t e»- nr. nshed twsoent, water ond WOULD WC lke totont3 or roru 501 Prx.tll6. * w FOR. SAE Annuu wod- OVE SEAT, Gooo brocade W,lt/;r Md-lMtd rt;d,.u Uck Char, dhctc sel, two, LOV [).ndo, p.rv.d n Skyl.ntr P.tk AVALAOLC S<;[tnt;p, tlh, yord ord work tushed $200. O bedroo bc country hoo on oakdunk q/vk Deds, lke -n.v, V,, wlcral, excellont condlon 192 FLEETWOOD, 12 > 60 lu Owner wants tuck :;alo, wll new 2 hclco amtonl, chlc :hldron cr pels. Closo 10 llos l ro Twn Fall Pols, call $100 tnn.uh.lr. w.r.hur Call4;a 5M 5n snlu beds, ht stands,, ratlut llch 5 «5 $ OCC.- 1Mort>estoler up, ncludesawnnas, deck,.d rade eruly lor car, OCkup, or or reltkeratur. r..c?. ;O ASor Lyrv,yrwood,734-35l8or alter olbMGp ocmsonl chars. Call , OR SAL ot rent,t lonu atlo u-.< -hed.call733-s8. 7? Prced 1 o only 7 WO N.dne»n urnshed SoOEHN 2 tedroo,.ll car-,d Tcyl. knttr] taclnus. bt 3EAUTFUL / El ra large Koepnck , Town A - - )/? CEaV lakfsu.w «h leted. drapes, appltoncos,, VANT TO RENr Counry hoe hos HOSPTAL uld $50. dn..m /.! xccutve oak desk. Matchg rlll Av.u N-edl;crall U5 LAR County Reollors G ONE d7e~uedr00 APT.ENT. or couple. Pasture or- a lew 1,0 LARGE Roll lop desk, repar, oxc ablo.$l500. Phone Dol, lrcrmco. 3 uudroo, vashe, dryer hookup, corpo,. ro 51H. Kds. >>l:,. a:.,nl (:,( Fl Avenue W.",1 eroe 324- toshod. tu oxccptonal. $1,000 ladl lully lutaled,.mutlles p.d t,/. lorsos, hovo no chldren ,.. "dt,csncd, swap, cooler l2 - \ MDrplOMAT.acr con- Ca Call per onth lot;, ol tscd.cnt, All r.» 733- elore noon. ;,pp , applance:.,re rer,(rd on OR SALEUsedlron lone 90.Nrn,llr,. luon wll down V,.,... FOR My.nl?3-4RM nt 7n - tltonor, awnlnns, etc. L.-uy. 1 ( BEDROOM, all carputod, LAR.ARGE 3 tedroo aparlens, v/endell new ano ;seu th THrK WM t. V,..r let nctrltnr733-36?>* wrn»- -tut3twt7uy»rttcs-r34 T099: turn PSO-Sr-Pl-yllr-MxHwtr REO BARN V; tnles N.-. on nch ch sola, lal;. condon, $55 to.txkl romm 1k b " l vm T/r T o ONt n e BEDROOM Funshed noderr ol eeclnc, ranae: 06/ ; Hscelaoetu or s "T/anTttsTrarrTnrtopr- -pno -.- OU -r.,-:;l- r.11..::. Pr.r >0/; NASHUA lovo Wn lpol apartrtent per onlh wlh *- er[)er.tor. dshwasher, closo KEROSENE Flkts. B.llenu-,? Prtlvc.Buyanscll... contonol, Skrted, sep. OE deallfltltctean, Plcod 10 g 550 :/. ctoannt) depost requted.? 0 schools, and shoppnq. 664 STC ;TOW-A-wAV>ed or en $6 OO No. 1 Fuel Ol. Furt.te Ol, - trn-.heo, washer and dtyul sc sell x70 Concord. C.V Dlweon 8 30 a 3uncy Ave. Near collono; $220, 1 week * BANNER FURNTURE Msc Contnent.l Ol Co. M? - S op.u auty-.laku P ve;. Qc Gouoll, 2 tcdpo andsp..,... nd depost. Phonu 734-WOO nd Ave So, Twn Falls Falls Ma luyetns, ot cash pay ot --ronlonduar.ll. wlhs, rew gl w Tr] t] W NFNSHEOCHESTS,Vd"wwur ANOLes/COLLECTBLES al ro ro $33, Now and used bunk yout rnalc Swap Shop, 451 t)«3: >«5. $75andup Wendull Now Ma Avo E. Twn Falls. ond nd Used / / lr ltepaco, skttnq, power pole. : K LOVELY DoublQ.wde Moble NASHUA, 2 bodroos, 1 W hoe tqhoce locaton, n new balh.carod. Shed, Adult Court. n v v p l * oddon n Lwy Moble Park. l.ooo Coll /3>*90. O Shown T T T r H * tyopnonlronlonly, > 65 CONCORD.- 2 * bcdroons, larqo on loo. A 9 T ->OukNltSALE Fluel«wd cooler, ct d.anos t,.-,lroo , 3 yene otd,. rt -T o!:. n c.«c n WAMtEO rr W 1 1U UUT-t. totrttotr tu. Sle 14G5. Down n QOOd condhon. Wll pay l7t onrny, PhQrc..n3;. gl nt: L",rnd3.X0-71l;}E77--!0y, spas;; -,.,, " uo.tewdo rabtr hoe 3,.. patoos. 2 lull ba-a.-lsly SGOVDlRS otvn wot bat. L-ou»ntl. on( dltlng aua, wth tw-.tlul AREOU!!.. ;l!?u*tt3t\w83hc..05po5.m All - ur Dons Lazaros 733- U» ony old (COtOnoblo ollor 0K8, Town ( Counlty Rcatos, ontboo 1<»77nn.loll,. V 7aM76,- 0 l BROCKMANS. FtELOOVlTcu.racr.AanK, 10 * Phone *1-6W3. «? oble, hoes 0 3 lt-5nh r-f7rw o :..GSVFLEETwbobcw BrdQB on.93 ah«y * A. r:;)cl!no 111 ttt*l loo wh, -lrto 0unn Qn wnlMQ, skrtno. now ea Phon«734-3l67. g Shed, nowwllo cooler. « ls L c PCK CA. \ ;

26 rc res-nt ws. Twn Fols, Poll; 111,ho Tues.y. OclObuz-l.Tg Ovrer 2 w, D o e s n t Tr h a t S a y S o ) Gloa s s le d Ads Sc5 ( d nethng? Call N An Ad-Vso >ortoday! ) M runle S Crpc :rp!ls Good loal [a! 08a Eood lns lo Ha Eal WO. P{l Supples 5 PECE DNETEVcntpnO DOUDLE RED DELlcbuS "d APES, several vareea.w M and T0,GV /WAY; 3 lonn old,d Oono. looo con:on Roan Beauty apples. Now bushel. QULCS, 795 kllens-.cll <;»unq} Ca a 7337.,V roaty! Nesbtt Ocharo. c.ll 733- Wendell Streol, Twn Fals SOFA, b.n n ooon. Drn. - O FOR SALE: Full lush Sollur.. lu<uo!:c. w.nmc. vcy CARROTS, and Chng «y APPLES. Reas. Goldens. u MlL-.-Quod doo. Phone M3- nco. >119 3a. C s, toaloos, loa Nonh ol e ne onathans and Roans. Pnono l)hk n Fler on F.nr Roal Call... 4 Pece Cutvc Sd-onl. )nl, rh-? M015 noon or e»enn(3 1(13 FREE PUPPES, L.l) pupr. Towt tvrnabatonoorr Torr APPteS YOU-PHM-OH-TOKEO- :KS0. -Ma.wo;:*Ca<don C3lLS43;5U,lU l6) H9 95 Cn a beglnnlnl Oclober lsl, 1 ll, WE nuy. SED lurnlure.tto.,nd orth ol Haooran, Ock Pope ope OSO Pals t Sapples ples ree Culo lu::c puppca Tes r ~ P.H3pl.nC03 Con ; Orchard. T,t)tn;c. Phone 734?46 TOO on TBEE pece beooon AKC OnTrAN..r. ;s, oorn FOR SALE: Alonds, Ts yovrs PET GROOMNG ANO suua 3U0, $15 Trtopoco K/oehlc. ears p o o d le s. A lso.er.n Hc. crop. 329 Addson V/es Phono Tnc Dodhouso, 34l M.r sectoralsso C97, lono sleph.da, r,p/, a,m,r «. Avenue Soun, phono Kac 5Kurnc.-l 6r,. l/ 9 SOFA-LOvo S0ll7n wth CUTE larly long-h.cd Tltcrr. **5 BEEF, P0n"K7AD l!amd FOR nylon covers. 050< "cw. 6 SALE; HALVES. HNO.S, pro esso nal groo ng G <rcu 10 a good hot Call 733- b h h pece ctoro lo sc. oood lood FPONTS. AND MXED OUAR. Stud servco. Vacatonng? N n shape. 803 rals Avonuo Vrts. CS- TEHS. ScaV packs, (aty board your dog Chcr Mller le PURE BRE6s,wo»ud oupps allbp.. packs, and ccono p.cks ka Konnols, 423-5p4. lor s.ly, c.lll M Ross, steak, ond h.luror, ;e?, -AKC REGsTereD pmale 0?3. /pplaues *LE REGlStERED Geran Stonhar es 01c.. Guaranoed eals t at black/red. Doberan PGCho g U M M Dudool Pnccs Horc s Custo 0,n pup. Molho (AKCl ConMct s o H E S LKE NEW GDson ptgh 21 2 Meats 903 h Ave Wus llor. or cubc lroe:o «00 c best )OSt otly at Eons Mct-. Phono oler. 32-M5t 32.M?8 o AKC BLACK AND GOLD lab AKC n GSTelEb bot)crrn,n FOR SALE Cerurd~7,1 PNTO HORSE (or salo, car ? Cvonnas puppea. Pnonu 8<6-20a8 untl M7 7 Pnscher puppes. Fawn,/d Ruaet seed poaloes Ctevcco CO 5222ovonlnQ5. Fatrns Ncwdae, daho Phono - FOR SALE: Heath 6 rcw dty U PCK APPLES M 00Vnd ak- all,. p.. or U nvonngs,d rrt " DM: r d OLDE o.cvltcnl l.nl 2.C0. Groenrldlo Orchard, one wookonds. Rus Chnpon cod hnea 208-4M YEAR OLO are,"u50d n Dean cuer and 6 row oonlor tdng clubs. U75 Pono 734- delvery wd-rowcr UsVtry o ecllun.acnot-na B-sourr.o-Aa3n>n~ 570 Pnone 7a-3;S4. south ol South Park GERMAN SHEPHERD cale.-lo laly pels loo lo nerwngodetct Pnanopuppes, purebred., black lor 7755 Cotonwood, daho zw M year old nu.ncr norse rrarc APPLANCE n p\tr~ solo. 3e-«13G R- POP SHOPP e " regaty QREYHOUNr,.;",ear rd Real ounllo. handles good. ONE, NTERNATONAL.Bor nolta e,,)o s.!o<e/s, 5. S2 76/case. NOW 12.40/ ease; so TWO DODERMAN* l-nschers g lealo Gooc cdo.cnl lun LARGE BALES n?on c,tly hay -- Sl allcr530. " bed culvaor, copcle wth wasnns. (tvs,../anoa 9. c r a c k e r s.nd c h p, s 3 ;.,-ua;onall) pnced Cntl 6?-3S8, a. Or>0,S2S.Pnonc le Cty. S3 pr ac. 73- U- : all tools he.llrnl.nd.nr condtonnn no. hoooonzed k cat hall- a(; O a y.?2l a reah OLO MARE (;enllo, GeneM(tolt>cuMon 4?3-<368 8 Ollo/), copl 0 n n town TWO DOOnl.lANpTnscnus lor Mtl n td dull, ecollunt O -langes, le-oults, M5. ;S5. Regular g, 61.9/Ol. ORlNG Or\crs lo 50. Wonclcll Now low THS AD N a YOU LL GET anause,h6?77«: YOUR GAS FOR 60 9 gallon Tho Pop ShopM KOcrly vlsr l"nc -c, x Road. conulon v.ll.ll, [) 733. lno nsrtucl 733-0M7, TOMATOEsTcuCuWETsaTd rr~ chec WANTED: Good used lar excep non.\c A( "p u ps, s, 3.1( / N e 5 ~ e.x l. tltny. nu. od 1,1-1.oa horse 73 ->509 achnery. V/e buy. sell or sell CT "shhakctcpun;; /340n? gran.,,ndoola Fed Prs, o? LTTERS: Ono Poeranan, - tor y o u, MOLYNEOX Cvcn Lve SlocK, nc Ue,o 2a9*NTHOW..r<CD<;l:any oodlo, olht r 1,o Aorcarr" 6- RABAN OcLuNLb.O-/-l MACHNERY CO Flora! - 75n:5;:?35r,ly pupalorsalo C-,? 579 Esko other , 733. Broke,nd (;en le Phore v/a n FO Salo: Pupp". 45 dollars T ro luy hre-2<l.1?4- nd oach. Your choco. FORValF T kc R.steed 12U8 QEAUlFUL PAlOMNOS "two 3l.ck L.115 S?5.,Cdll ~ Ca- Froo kllton to W\;ven away.green cvlbwlvg, Pho;32t. M<l«les. ond two.).o,o-1r,nlcr- - : C K T H S M OS. N?W c o n v e n 413 5lh Avo East Twn Fals 733- Maytao wahng acno wn lub. 7M916. FRESH Gorden vegoloblot, 7896! Y Uvengs, OOSDENCE. gun dog,nd. coo trann Also bardlnn lo ooe, poppon, cucu- MEDUM SED brown.o dog Q Phono ; NT 10 Owrr WhttpooL-.-p----, -bsr.-on; 4quo»h.7.0? >2 nds n horro Young.d v. ry y. ~ pl.lncua As low no lo put o tao. Fue M onlh 733-MO?0~ r : PAGEF( FORYOUR - Avenue, Twn Falls, , 4703 or , Leos Custo n - Call4?4M2 F.rnn, Fler ar WNEDS! 1 WANTED: Beet trucks tethro 320 acres on Bell RapSt, Good APPROXMATELY 20 ons Ol oood ouahly 3rd Cutg huyrnot----- D R A N D N E W - haul W evenngs. Mnud on Approaloly 400 2HorsTandoTroller, CUSTOM PLOWNG wlll or " ons good ruay r S. $50 a lon. ld " Phono wthout anhydrous aoa ; open ornund.510.com> or CHEST TYPE Froozc. 15 cbtc c of *" Btlls Hleruls ll! H» -, Blld MllBlh ls LCaRN l d a y Fh;hl. PLANT FALL OARLEY, havo rock.mkegoll oot, no. Wnndell Now S usod., Mcu.nd Ar Crl )(, bluo tlo cc/tlod Kaakseed. r n t t Avalable n 50 lb tans or bulk ; Clurl;rPtcu cu-rouhy d- CUSTOM HAY STACKNCTnd - PnonD0r0A0r3l32-573B0r Skyw.ya?33.«:61 cven.;;:; haulo. Super rde HOTPONT Slovo. wrlo. n n b.v77 S 3 l 0. 5t.Kker. V/lt haul straw-olso QOOd C0nd0>. Phono?4-3?S3, SECOND CUTTNG nay lor a.llo Senng ho Magc V.lley."Cnll D O T Y O U R" SE ts E E C la u T T 2a-2S9,, Oavo-ChOrctrtsrlrTTOnro relllcao-loozor, walor ana l9mcessnal72ab,r low laloevenngs, , eroe te ar cr.ll, new poly pal co dlspongor. wno. Call 733-? 4 x 7 /.MONTCELLO, Ml FollSALE~r7 lontot 1st d a l M r r t a y 70l0 oyonlnns or 7-wn n.v. cnor, wheels and trakos 2nd cullng nay. Mrs, Pastoo DAHO TRACTO] salvage. Cash WOOD PANENG. Rog. :og. S 8, N O X S 5,49 Engne, r.do. ELT, seo lo USED GAS Appancos; 30" appocao / o v T n 5 O M sr.. lo 1n 0 hn DEERE COMBNE wth [L lor used, wheel and crawler rango. SE9 95. Mayag dryer, S /e" C O X... * MACHNERY rl.. Lc... 1 wndrow pckup. Also 450 n- tractors. Savo M por co on... S M,1(?rd C;rTlNG Hn W9.95. lopo Mayao delu.o Su.k. Wc..a.s um.-,.,1. lernatlonal dosol lor or parts M -. PrOtOK H.y,n :,lck Oudllv dyo. avocrto, was M35 now 1 /2 - C D X... Huors Aulo To*n K RV ,...,S a, Euls t Hvoa lltns.llall..d.ll.ll, Done - Cener, 522 Addnon Avo Wcul PONEER CONSTRUCTON: Wlon Bato. 702 Man Gannett.uoa N L Y M Nor. " 1 /4 " x 4 x 8 W( O O D PANELS OHN~DEEnc. Ouad. a.. Earth- ovng, r*«aw«g.! 16 LARSEN lo.t lor Mlc. tn good rubber, low hours, LKo <0 baseens, slt ponds, land V n s AUTOMATC washer, G lacor rg o ld oor,d t.ler, wald r.. H U N T E R S FOR SALE: 15 onth Appao;..a ; new. Phone825-5l7 levelng ocellon condlon, ouaranood andllo.ckvs S1200./33-46M sluacoh, twoandthreo year old d Excollont or Boso onls n ls...s 4, 9 5 o o. A u lo T o w n S R V C o n to r 18FLAT TRUCK bodtalnalod «l HAY. GRAN AND CORN lo 90 days1194lca3n5- appaloosa goldngs. Good FOR SALE 44 acroa ol g Od loo , CHOPPNG ; SEAns-u:Atulnu.boal and 522 Addson Ave. Won colored, top qualty horses, 324- QualUyUla«UaaA»«d.. USED w estln GHOUSE E taaeu lul UL-<»,StvtlTllll.-4p.{) tr.l.r, 500 lor bolh Anlcue lelt, n MOO..FORO-ESEL,- tuckho «- - CUSTOM-PL-OW1NG 4-b)]3-.WASHER.»collonl conlon, rale wlh WHO wheels 825- and loader Ste, K TON Watts plow. Dscng, lolor roocrbostollor.73«9m and 2nd ALFALFA hay lor - H ORM SP 14-whool drvo. S harowro..rolorencos. Able to *- DSHWASHER. Frlgldalro, T PLYW OOD SA L E S sale t45ldn, , FRUEHAUF Sde and potato belt " transpon oqulpon; * (B«hlndUnl>. porabto, sold chorry lop nl>.do]791.s»0 ENCT(W F"DOATORA(rE $a, SNGLE DROP allero:oop., luaranlood , Cans. 73> C.H FOR SALE: Nce two hors# S T l A N ; r 3 e.3 5 y,, rs# LOWBOY, S H D, 9-G Morrs Horso Traler, Tande c LOADER wth cpor on, back.. CUSTOM-P-LOWNG a n d Chovrol pckup Wllll.alock 15 CUBC FT, Cnos Freoor,. rack POOdconllllQn.ptono32415 L n. / w llrlt aval.ttlers, S p l rle: nefllgehaton, Hotpo, 40 TON Thrd cutllng tay, bated laroo slzo, oconalonot and : SotD axlo, oncoaod, n good con- 3n- O.OOO Two Pck up oer-shot, dlsclhq, Phono Larry Crut- dlon. 995, , capers. *1,000 cach. One 122 cmleld (or schedulng, B- -yarodupbod S300 Phono543-* }.*,..Haooran 9963ono le wesl olduhl a «- n llld. SOporon. C.ll SPRAYNG. Wll spraysmbrta. ouarantoed Cans, or , W S.ces and l.vger. Wo lurnsh TOP OUALTY Spol ond Duroc FOR SALE: Used two row 7111, M Y Bo09-Phono or lotons Frsl cullng ltplor 080 Helnrlr Cssnoaa{ W l -.le. GoduaClr , Farhand bool harvoslor. r. checal - or - (urnlsh o» n. -nucbouao Spray. 7348W., "R«otrono(r%»59: l PLOWNG Wllll 4-bolto Walts TayFORSaUe" Mck7t~cH, a12 FOOT TRUCK BED wlh all r plow, dscng, roller ap.tr O- All-TEMP Dll uaco - o- Bellevue San Carler, steel slock rack. deal lor 1 or 0 cult-haow, gra plantng, - cellon lor shop o wq<k roo. 9 eroe, V; ton truck. Mako reasonable awalhng and balng. Corn * Mako an okor. Soo at 7S0 D utully MarkoTl;; o((er choppng and hauln("pnone TOR SALE?p ons ol r.ty: -lkng Goata (or salo. Pnn "0 ; ovonlnos t:0. --K F T O 5: , }436 - secondand hdcrop 55aon H!------e;&-NEW~->lOUtQ-lStac>u:. =.-ckod BEANS S corn hrashurcal. ONE >egalcrod Glok Ra. 4 Ray Has, : WANTED Fall Pasture lor W ~ ~ - "laltte; t A L L R E M l A N N G yearsold Phor,o825-SO. 4 o r s a l e 510 MasVoy MODELS»slock cows OCk Howard, 543- Ferguson Colne Hydrostatc v;ant To do drt andock , drve. Ar condtoned call Good nang wlh yravol truck and 4- raloao Tes rna- NST O C K M U S K ALFALFA HAY, lop qualty Hrt<l 5 c a p.n o, lo n c n o or G O!! Q B B g g g ;}[t condton Alter 8, 645- wheel loader crop. M per- ton. Bel Rapds DENVER FNES Custo Far- whaovur.. Fro one lo a YOUNG GEESE FOHsalE d g and horsoshoonq. 5c.load - varous prces Can DEAL Approxaloly 8 onths old, -E lockwooo /? Mark 6 Spud Eouppcd to go anywhere, all - delver. «3-4«7 aller 5 p. wucvdays or «3-59«anyte; conlorod, No, T-197, (ust rght ro laton lor d, HarvMStor Phone typos o( eutotarrn.free y DEAL { E M l M T n W A S!. S6 Thanksgvng or Chrstas. S6539,, Also older Qoeso lor breedng. WANTED 200 bu7nel por hour eslales Call lor apponlrrenl CW el rock SlonTCoMny,. natural, OoVloy Slono: pao, W 23. soh conlan od, 1, Nc N o. T W ANlb.vlolo.weorluy Call between 6-10 p Q, capacty corn dryer Fler.... brown surlaco alono. buldes, W A S..,S NOW. >0n conltac 320 lo ONE YEAR OLO LebhorTayno OnT chatn Foorbed M 7on o 3 POTAToULNG 10 or ShM.,ca"-.5.U.5090ovcnps aurlaco slono PhoncM-33» hens. Also lood (or stewq. 10 hydraulc dvo, and heavy duly> dstance. Guaranteed work, call. orlc-331boakley $ C O D : / 19] ll HtrK.ney.-.kn.nOV , Acl Hardng. 0 snal. Double cha l M E O R L ; UDHrroEERrFMT-rrcu.rrr " - cu5tokrbf;>n~~t>rnesramc conton cd. No, T-133. > nard, t.l.u 1 D llacluncs \ W A S... S { Q U K B O g 0 Ron Alger. 375:4680 : S 1977L )0Y OY MODEL77WorDvoShl Saw, A os e v e r y thh n 2 2. h g. N o. HOW.. less than 3 hours used. 125, *-776aoTontrT5: t ; r W A 5 - r T S 5 5, ! V l t l\k c X s F T a R D u K T T cbo - W M METHODST woon wtll w 30- olh =6r sale co 33tru aated, olttoonot:no;m30: by dv«57*dbtrto-drp,5r- t sponsor a scellanoous w A $,..S B r anch, aoulhwos ol eroo. srago salo Thursday and d?4-(557 Frday, Soplutcr 8 29 l ho \ N O W......W, Rod Barrel.? ANGUS and Dlack Bally " 1977KOHFOR :.veo lbs Call FORT 1 ll?!t T cconton odrt tlrn ort.;124r 97K 0M F 0R T *! llet.oa..... lurnuo. chldrens cohn ol conlood. No, T176. scellaneous a - # W A S.,.$ , W A S...S 6 9 REGSTERED ANGUSoULLs,. -lu.vnd Angus Ranch YARD SALE: seuos, lecoto. //ANT TO B u Y: 100 head or playors, rados, ono lols ol ; NDW noe Hulslu Slocrs, 250 lo 400 scollanuouso Hus 3«5t Avu Weal. 1 to 5 Monoy S T R O H F O! ou:. pnone hrowcdnusdy W, llcottqrnod.no.t77. * 1977 NOMAD ON. (lu hvo d.yold c,lves. WD. l. r...>» Lvestock Nol on -. PATlOSAL Vcdn;d,ry an d A 20. 5th w h e el, so l ll C c o n tan od, H gq yy Sn-(l,t, 5.-?503or536?3a THursdayOctolur bhandgll 9 T N o,t -12,W A S,,,SS : o E Muscal nluvnla eohmu. ue nnnnrp.-ratrv Los ol t:.-,n rUA>u E.151, N O W.... r 2 0 ( T W rwntern NGSPECAL! L. eh>* lo M a u, ;:HnN(,uur 6cer.MK] c. 731 Mrt. l,y%.d TEMS, M P allte WE5TKMN.NDSCAPNG Planlg, rcnov.l nntnu G e t Y o u r T r a l e r R e a d y Spnnklu syalc s Gooo SOlClon ol olonls. rues nd F o r C o l d W e a t h e r N o w... v ; (AHC SEUCON ol do y, hrl.m ond cowl, Soo clot# 1 tptqu. Buy, toler rado, PLACE AN,l Soulh cn Soulh Duo lak..l,lv() AD N THE.-.ny M N Culorn ll cvcrorecns 703?697 W E N l-.-.u.-. M.d.up chulo. ro E E D T R A CD E -N S ) -p, 6/o t027t>oloto 7 30,1 TMES-NEWS [ 5 ~ tll ts u. APPLES, Coes Orchard3 n.us ; FARMERS :;ShoOunM3.«r5 ; " R.V.s A r o O u r O n ly B u s n e s s APPL6SLnud-.dul<cout ;S& SSS3S -lx -- osalhanr-coldon Oolctous r T T T N o r u v r A Ss d e L n e ",, RgPtt. Wlnll: thmm Al-.n-H S lg ;C,.,-.l ----TT poachus and ooara Orr O. Wl. ~ M- v - ;. - chara.o norhol buhl,. -" , -DN :ALOMlNO "UAHVeH o pochos.and pua/s no- on l ( H0aLl.M/.ue.3y.>rr,ol.l,l«..-d Bt o s u r o t o o s k.hand!wll lako ordts lor U R.V. : - z z l ; ;,l.l,;ulolna,, C.1.,11, s a b o u t o u r g u a r - rosl ol he wuok. ud/yoo* dollcous. onalhan. R»o... d n o o d r e s u l t Roan, Maclnlosh apples t>r <... ; n. ho pound or bushel. Also, " 1 ; p r o g r o. ~Tt0O n WaTo>rtolons: M (W olob W ork corns o8cr.ca&tmoos;ocena onf ord ), lb.; new onlona and polaloos. " 1243 Blua Lake Blvd..N N FolMrly. on4,.sou Blu«> ( # Lakos oooss ro tho Cannng. Ktchen r X n. «2 H O W M 2, a 2, W $ w A - -,... : : W K O M F O R r.... all PASTURE lor rent.hold " too cow5.oro(cphone t RESULTS N SELLNG YOUR FARM AND R A N C C.; MARKET TODAY -CAtL GATED Altnu rrgaton ppe. Conlact V;ayne Aoth O! at LODGE POLES.ceeled.a " lop,? "to 14- bull.?5 leel» DG DSCOUNT! lonr, 80 cotla a loo Nol re.nled ! Woro o v e rsto ck ed on Dscs & Plows, RALROA; TES lor land- All Szos. wh,never Fro o; 10.1 sc-load vaous prces Can 1 COX BROTHERS, NC. CU&OM - GREEN CHOPPNG Sl.ce n-.l CORN Cobnng, reasonable supree doalur, Llll)t,d(;, ralos, phono ,4n;lW. ; ; " new BEHLENTran slorv.go MCHGAN Lt>.der, lor 4-whcel! CUSTOM COMBNNG Cokacl taa. wo 14,600 bushul, o.a go drve, 2v, yard tuckel C- branw ag,.dou45]s,»>, 4.BOObuShel *-4035 nd Farall, Dean cutlor and cultvator orrnls ardevonns.. - HAY-srr.CKNby hand. Cl Bt975luERNAlONALl4M 4 Dollo V/alls plow 1975 GMC : CUST0Tl sackntrl0 ALL METAL GATES lor (.r/ns, on truck 1965 Feohllcl balos, nches Call ranches or y,uur. Alsc poalll ns, wthsst bell traler Callt>elotu Rudy :0t ,; Uu ns.nd p.ypens Call :ll Ba oratlerop evennds cott T rct l qt T n THRASHNG, trucks avabto or ,.- : - douvor 4?3-«457 nllpr 5 p L U C C H weokdaysor 423-5g42anyl : E D H D R A ; 0 SOM Q vncl ToELTE w.ll KW Kborly Rd., East o.ealo. 10 hp Onuus ud Str.ltlon enlrd Man 21.p:; ld HAYswathng and Mlp(, 20lo240voll.(e Hanaen, KtKrly aa.»« naton sun act Bulk lank (or salo. Coll r -N EW HOLLA N D DENVER FNE S cuslo-la7. g now takng ordora lor b<.an Now 1495 loll-propolled cullng and wlnlowno, wolhor wlh cab - Pwnu, dscng, (otothn) t 33r,t1 ( > ly... SU.500 Supur 040auoacboto NTERNATONAL 4 row te.»t(nkor loooht.. o.collen. e A THFTASHtNd tllno Cullur. lke now condton. ohn " colorv old ov* n 1976 Lllslon, 6200 Call nm "lor Deere * secton stool lnrtow " $13,506. arrangeenl Drty Don. <*.1 ohn Deere Manure sprcsaer " N-w 703 -l pro(.ll«. on rubber. Olson lon boater.twne.lqalo, cob S r CUSTOM HAY Heullng;v*lth Phono L suponmtnowhonlha vto ~ =" VV.».c l<r ; OH 3 U e Tv/o o!-<.<. balms, Phone 82M3M M> Now 283 w bolnr, hnov7 -Chept)c)r-we-HH<H«vU.hl: and ono pull lypo Call ? V/ll S3100olor wlh tar- CUSTOM SPUD DGGNG; te«k- ot soo at Mulo Shoo lt R.nch or S6500, All hovo llolorolr wood wth 2truck8 5? n H.on... tuq. wth ODPrQ. 10t» n. OLVER oxccc <rod»o ll p.co on DSC, ~3lup6:W00: : ThMr lh~orer C U S T O M " Dorgons."ll sol ho MASSEY uyod ctr.- lolvo. Call ooloro Cong. C O RN COM BN N G wth cat), lus lhan 2,00C howrv. a.o) on ccc«o> u - o - Call alter GEhl 7-. "STAGKERAAAN" - buhol wth SU.OO «n acr* nu.". row corn chopper, Q?od con- ;.. STAMP.. dlon Fro end loader,.ll 1 Lyon,, Colo, -rt!ttl -r. -Cntl-ltpr :,.C»ara«.M«r<l*-4aa. - -Con«Hwoy661-3c - lout* Kr*p<llc Ph T - ; ; ; - - WANTED: Beet haulg, go anywhero. Keth Pollard custo CORN CHO)}56G Havo largo chopper wth 4-row co head and 10-whe0( M?k3. : GoodngGruenChop,9-:1730 nollo Coy ons Plone H M-rlconus 324-4)2,, *

27 BM: t Hyt llros rthtspovso boat olo ant) QRU tkml- K5Q. «3- bu «/ Hock.. om tlsoat SPECAL NatoM = Co/otudo. 15-5, «D l o«,v Now SW95;- Fully l - d A.tn lullc. Caana?/:n4lK <.-SAtL-MAU9-333: : LocSt FOR; ach ThO SE Evntuto otor, u; collor Ucn Ctestner alunu g?2 Ml acccsotcs and talor. rao/ Cl C between 8 a. ana 4 («34. rn CHYSLER 0o«5 and omy Cks a.lct»,*ootco Kr.. lcntco CT-l11,c--. TTuCkTTunTERS apecal. 7 HP WWl enone. neloos l((tado. Call «3-57d9 eves KO M H HMHS C O M lodel 70, 300 aonu, copc.wsobos ollor. 73«- U ytewnna- NOTCN loo 2O-aau0O. "t>!col rl. 2*". u l 1» 7W595, AUTFUL GUN CABNET. - P 5ltllW «. SO.>?4 44e6or SStrwcrncr-... a n C3EL 326 Maln catono,!w. LO Stn l&-gau(]0 stol- n.ood condllon, collecos. Colt MatK lt 357 onu, HU ry cood condton. Phone... NCHEST 12 nauqc. Model!, U5V/nch05t0 12 (au(]o odel 97, or 3T- tpnngs trker HALE 300 Wnctestor annu 4 x 32 scopo. Lke new a 75-.,440t6t)0«0 tos 6C0PC Q M -3W !6? M cnra tubl 16 Gaulo sol celcnl condton, St95 call 7-45S5. M l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l STARTNG t- a n e w BUSNESS? : t / s e O u r P e r s o n a l z e d ) r e c l o r y l ~ l l l t l t l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l AAHCe REPAR ; EDonoSllaCLOt podance. roasonauo raos, washers, dyo*.»noo, ole.!, ; APPLANCE REPAR \ RFRlQERATdRS, FREEERS, \ rnloa, wuhore. dryers, Vorn s Applances Ropalr , 875. Flor AvonuoWoaL A~PRANCE REPAR HAFFNERs housedold ap- \ pllanco rep«lr, Pxno 73M5M or ATQuWETsHTNo ~ M.lko t a sh o w p e ce, omona totauta. yln;c5.324-«4(1. BACKHoe ~ ~ ~ : BACKHOE work or btmtlng. ; -WMtMntl tr a lock pl«9. Trowb»;do«tUng.73Wte....»onrc«, Excllng. S«wor lnet. G«no Rndtll, M. : CASH BUYERS aro watchng tho Want Ada ovoryday. Tloyro Qotg to buy ro sooono andltno O woll bo you tOAOORAPER Culol blade work, Dave Oottlrpdson. Phone8a8-22B7. CARPET NSTALLATON AND CAlP TaEANHO > -. BEST STEAM CLEANa Foo* eulnutos. Best orlces n town CARPET CLEANHG CALL 8ERVKXMASTER - to "Cwcxpot, dnpes. ulturs. wtlls. Wntowt. tree etlllos tusntmd wrtt; 74<M7.R PENTE~ CARPENTER, shlnlles, tl cotwnl Free estltas. By -bar <k lob. Wayne Kennedy.73:W - pute nesooeta M*cdee tnclodlno M ttlllllll --- p l u b e r S y S... X T h Q Spota tods K QRUNSWCK /,.0 UEL.-O (h)0 V,> blcs - a r.c,\.l EDUC Kockcy. OO.-t.1l 5ct»c.-. l Mtcs open ttl.l ly P3 : SMw V(t]cl!V SAE 1973 Skrboo sto*,-7t wchno. Used vo, nne E.- Ollent condton. 475 Also 372 Tutl noor, Goll Con wn coa alo. 450 C.ll67a-3478or43&- REDUC Runner contan, SUPPLY. NOT LMTED! ARCTC CATS, 2 ~ t Avotoblt Alow Al Phones *998 H U N rtr S. r S n w n t.. -, -----, - 1 = - -CU23 18V; C( 7 8 MODELS S ARE HERE s r s : NOW!! F0.-5 new c P olars 440 st X s, anltlaa nazl tllm Cooled 1 H U R R Y...-SaECDH - SHTEDTO. STOCK!! CENTURY AUTOMDTVE 261 A d d so n A vo. W os t dhkqultuukq se < d L C A R E R ~... S lor~-or-hnlsh. reodel S oddltlona. panelng. Call Al, r. 2578, - CEMENTFNSHNG real CRAnSMANSHP: F a your concrete toors. patc aldowalks. drveways, otc, C * The FnlaMng Touch. Bl 4: 48eO.ohn, CONSTRUCTON RonodoHrB. Addtons. Pa coon vrot. Froo ostat Loo s Contrueton, e s - n e w s GUARANTEED 1 RESULTS r = C L A S S F E D = S E C T O N z A Cw of V o h h nackhoe lorv.c - k,<11 "O"! Dulldno dcorton, c«caoh< MEATCUNO * WLOOAMECUNOat ac : Custo Cuttlno. QUCK senk douwo#w«p.-:c!kr HOME MPROVEMENT., NCREE the vatuo ot y ho e by wlco tto na voson, lcodelng by R Rvc Constructon, tz HOMt: REPAr r MR, HANDY-MAN. Yow s >]ob Spoclaltat. Carpenr n tln g. general repars, r. EAOTH MOVNG \ PONEER CONsYruCTO!«~ Trenchlno. bsaents. gl ponds, nd tan lorulno. Us S 73M570? t... C A R P E N T E R l l l l l l l l l l l l l M l l l l l l l l l l y h e t o r s s l n 5 Trut ralers 125 rduced r3g3 B ROAD { T T l NNER nalleb-ouse-. tuxot-: -ep3 >. lots ot oxts. very lton.,n. r.oll.conlnod. $2, ?tg9. \V051H( -.n.uh.g r n u c l".;/..u-m Pto". 1 5lh whect pntel ALERlLllysollcont,,ned,nr notnn. 5, l5 :DUCEdl Ft od- -STORA nner ttavol r.lcr, sell- rauer nnod, lk nurt, 2?M HSALE lv ToatlnnewTh w a er.not, tolet. Sleeps 4 Ou 733-«973 or 733-9M3 FOR < Traler TRAVEL E.sy Cpur. 4, nol: ono543-l20 MUST R SALE 197 G SEL - NTANEO PACFC 5ttl l1c.c./3.!-?0/, r) 7t Ro.d lnnor Traler, 17,.U aHtnCp., v/t--y CONCORD 1970, E.CuHont ndton. G.5-oloctn c (]oratot, l;r(]o tunacu. Sell- ( ntacd wh sttowo. Ar ncoed 4-bu;nr sov wth Por Ouovun.Saups(U788.27a) n 17.t Tr.uler. Lke )w condton. C lys ltorC30. RV S - H O T O URONLl Our ovvthood n not pad by RV a con undonoll Enoplo: LAYTON TRAVEL TRLR. Q voloblo. s c l -c o n t a n o d.. MotorHo«Slh Whoolorr tor Trnvcl roler Pclup Coport PldRp>«Arctc Cot Snowoblot,. H U N T E R S A d d so n A vo. W ost M n c gude drecory t t t t n u u V = MEATCUNG - - whnvtte you to n now cttlor-andw; «eal beng cut. ack 1 Custo Moal Cuttq - Easterly s Mobllo 0 Servce ,P: For :, " 5 = MOTCUnNG llk 423. ~ LARO Moat Proccs = les South oloroa Mlo. cuttng and 1 qucl ruong, so 2 curng, cold storag 1. Pato sorvco, napoctod tatos. d aho Depart ,. AarlCullurO-324-3t03. : Mol)lubulcho(lr\1t l \ processng t A V Phono days, c :o = - CUSTOMBUTCHERK ~ - MOBLE unt lor can - and hogs. 10 years e Rodney Lattln.Phonn.. GRAVEL - CRUSHED : n R U N -0P S2U.-,, z Wo wll delver. Or; o sewer rock. Nothwe S ondrtolng notnq! PANTNG aolo. z PANTNG ol all type. and oxtorlor, paper ~ colng and wall tel typoa. Froo ostate t ack s " Lo*prtccs.Pono73 sorvco, = MOWERANCTT repar now opon. lo «oerlenco. work 0 ot yout ~ sales-servce, 183 = RADp.... csom Electroncs srnat coercal busno enlry.-: S Sales end Sorvtco. n, C, VACUUMCLEANEFtS. WDE SELECTON Vacuus, rebult.?n,on tor all- skosr ~?0?7. * n r ER. t... g e s t A l h e! < «rrrattt Scll-contcd Forester, at naler Eccllcnl cott- 1 n. Call 733-X982. evcnos 2043 Can be soen thoyburn. luced TO?tlL M-Go lol Tr.let G. conhon " AL2ER htches nstalled, watng, traler brakes and g.oldlno.phono733-8?61. 3RAGE Foo hoes ant lers.clll =?SALE: 97t Aladdn 2l~30taned, lke new Call R SALE: Nce 17 5 Shasta. or. Good condton. Stooo! 101 sell-cont.ed, < tsr SELL l.k- now 1972 Kt 1 t.le d.ll 7 PG l.uks C O M P L E T E Porl* & Sorvc* D opt., «S; G A T W A T A t T r o ltrc o n ttr 8loktA AldlonAve.W. ynfol 731-2MS ~ N LY B U S N E S S! :» olonomh S why we *2875 lorosmoehtney Troler ank, bu rt Now S ted Con & S : /-1-LS locav C A U T 0 T 0 W 4 7MA1 8 RV CENTER T-l- 9K1A SELF ton ct M n A Me S e r v t W l l r A Pre lm X n V - S SWAP SHOP 0 nspoc our BUYlNG-SG rwach-you D«r"oVcl ck Easterly s - tquea, Swa( ttl, Datrcll Avo, E Twn 1 Butcherng - treeservk WLL CUT teos, culup cosslng Ut. nsured oe. Moat lor < wrappng, WNDOW CL sokng and ",g l.~ n, onl ol 2 o 3-63acall1 UPHOLSTEF nraranrra -prkesl, Avo. West. FW ostl.,s, or C0 d8llvery.324 r UPHOLST - SERVCE RNG = GUAHANTE s U l w r r l n = H0b M n! M a SAWnUNG h dt n o =, Sharp Sbo Dran FeW ; Nost hwest cane -,-cxst = FRUT -. Sbbene reovtl, Fl t Letv0 -» ROBNSON types, nteror 7,n,nn S 3 ] les, nsuod, phnno ns-c 173* Phono 733-C nut o n rr---- S KAW0TMA1. 10 year* e hanoy MA ouaranteedt 1838 Kberly. owed a G ol reac " Reasonable SManyr. les.c.b. and oawtm = s - a s s. S ar>d e»er< coercla ERS perlo>ce. F N ol Hoover Evert arxl t. now and S. 3M0. s and Mrvtce. -FLCT r VACUUM t t n H M U U D E R..C A R P E l l l l l l l l K, u t o & 1 s s l e d HclW Horas " F A N T A S 1.= :> A E 2S3 -,-~-T=TL-n:7 SLGHTLY USED 191 l-ton TOGA VAN CO T H S W E E 5 0 G a l l o n g a s t a n k A r c o n d t o n n g R e r g S t o v e S n k D u o ) B o t te P E R F E C T S P O R T S M A P R C E D T O S E L L NTERMOUNTANMOT l o r l M d a h o S t. W EN D El Crpc Shells,2S bull-na, alaopo two. 7M ncluled,703. sloops 6 : AMPEn-0veRSM0T;<»9; Altor6D S to pcr wth over shot Fts a chasss. QOOd condton. g,, py O. Call evenngs q t l l l l l l l l l l l M,, 1 w.tt. PC l o n t h l y # Equopo c e T h a t = z x M a k e! : :.... = 12? OU Nap. o t... = e: S w. NorlhC, - vrode t t n dodge DP SELLNG-TRaoNG KCTar(?r.«-rn ~ wap Shoe. 451 Man =.lnfall,?345m3. oroe ovonlng VtCE T down. r your»970 OC up your wood lor loss, S , sdng, and sot CLEANNG onlt oxpoenco. servng 568 Valloy, Prvate hoos - poclalty,genl-taluo, allorleoesurmles. - ERY : = 2 3day wottrunrr llalos, pckup and - uy 5TERY CLEANNG- -TTnaW TEED w ot krfe s r -nsured. - Dave. FOR R Magtc Cloan Man. Call ; asl-co legpn - - -n o o - :. 8244, NG lck dopendawe sor- S Th e to dltson8 Magc = otor t >bop, lom 2nd Ave. M34, TOECME : : :!.=," ;," T r e e # p r o n o d. S rocroall ne». alao toppng and L FREE estlales prcos, rv«message N TREE SERVCE - E.colle no, toppng, and approd 0. FREE ostlalos, - y,, 20 yoar* cporlonco. «( hoos call z t o r r MAN, pant, repar, x- sloops ulawsy. Yards doanod Wosl red. garden relo-ltlng, - days. = S e. " " an. stoorn s! tes. R# PANTNG, ntoor 3 eror. ResWentlaUary - --anr; dal. ten.years ox- 1. Free estates. Call n.l n : ,000 ol wrr>g.~mtsacton.....ooos 41- -ay-3 M l U t l l l l l l l l l l l l : orhe - Wonde b: 5T < \ k 1» E T C L E A N E R : : T r u c k d s T o d < HotOHons n FOR S S c H s duty tra l., : a s ; ;? L -ntta.l-.m ;rpwab. 111 H PORS 1974 CHEV. CONVERSON S P E C A L! - S ; - extra cn 350 V -8 e n g n e r g e r o tc r wae tte r e s n r A N S V E H C t r abbot LLNOW! OTOR HOMES l 3E U : NEW 0 -raall nuaran 7687 al CapEs X Shells woekor :.,a Lner Caper, acks uled. slove.-cel)0«, k, - ] ops 6 to 8. Very dean T538 Falls AvcnuO WANTE convcrt rsale" caperttell lor rt bot ockud t. KT CAMPER, alost V can ovonlngs. only 733- ;. wlhcb 1 FOROt ton buptt c.;npc O. power brakes, power h arl orlnu. a.o allc,an. sson. >2 nct tros n tear MODcdwhAMEnnntv.l npor. wlh 4 burner range, tmhc ).lovet oven. 2 exhaust ans, LllC: tp-out bed b.ck E- GOOD llcntc&ndton.m3-84m S3 ; AT THE 1978 PrCc cc.so c stll.a»c Slar.Oust and.?7(h< p. Ctol Capers, S w l- brakos HRS Motors Hoos, all t cos Conr n 78 SportK n V/heol and Travel ralo p< rlhcountrystoro. N Lncol No ds so ro(>e.td,ho. V - DGESwnGER MolorTno, 1975 M lono anv e«lr,s. shape, t)261- c On s PECAlT For rent serve now, oroo Fscua. roo or S xcdl 70 DOUBLE WDE. 3)cdroo Stnolc tool, wood ng, all electne. Delvered dsctup l200downand150 L?; : nlt Hacenda Hoos : 68 wll tunod - Tl rust at BR«D«W1S,a77T 2r,tUSS"*HO10l80K go, * Whore Ele Out At,.. FOR H M R S K S larh r, ?> K/ ,LV.( l RnT bw Hun san l 9 lm -conalnod n olor cond e.-catl-lull llemy 33C- -CallS: 14, E THE new 22 Toga "cw. tor oo ond copare our *" ces and qualty. Goodng g t- rd, nc,, South Mala o d n g, N o r t h s ld o adquarlero (or all you: CUSH :toallonal votlcte needs, 934- good l. Loss overhead lower 320-5C : w R 5 76 OMC Royato Molor Hoo. black los. Lots o extras, oxcoll collen condtor. Soo to chan, ptodate. Phono Bclo M MAX STORAGE. Walt d, lor olor boes; Moble V os or boats. n Tw Falls, or r"r NT Now Ttor hoe, 5!! oops 0- Hadenda Hoos. 902 osl Addson. Phono lys. * 76 MOTOR H020oot Solltaned, 300-Dodge, power Borng, powor brakes, ar, 2300 tes. S Call 7W-2329,.tlold. 74 Chapon 24 Molor Hoo, 1 eano. oxcollcnt conon.m5o0.43&~-w MN, All ho oxras,000 llos. n slotaao OHEOO r.ooos undor copetton-on n un yaarauol zo..cru*»u.,- - 5 ho PUun Swnoer. only a CUT Ottontan Motor Hocs-n u. l,. ndell, whero wo take tr.dos Wwr l e r polessonat sorvco., ; B M E W S RECSEAllHVBCltS H :=---PlRTSSQlVlCE.. «L. SUPPLES 12Addton-AvorW , l» Tuesday, M a r k c o y l SALE: 18 lll bod. gnock traler, $1550, lrn 7Plon«734-S377alut t SALE; 48 wde,hea7y trater ales wtt electrc M wth lltes lor 120 Call T.;Kualeulhly ---- r. Bpy ls- Htct.; :.t., Ul 7: bld Pyls Acce\;ves SAvF- Dup boo -,;lh host pup. Phone X 8" ppanco ags / TA 3, two lor «.V vy U 7 Chov truck 4-spoed ssson T D: Older Trale house sw brakes. Can CHRYSLER HBl, Batan- 67tGMC-bowo. any v- 7 >pans, alter, TED OLDS otonsdo 68r r. wockod or daaged, UKA.1 have good chasss, low 3, also cat ltatct-73-62a RFBUtLD Hvdrulc aeka at OTTS AUO SUPPLY. 305 honn. South. - SALE: 1966 VW transaxlo., pull t, loo you pull l., : S/ KS Transsson, alrol.$150. Phono or y ad used VW parts T,lt onynes, all sob,fully - Travol;, tantoed - wn nsa 733- specal altor 5 00 and an)tt on, brakes,; konds.. - crdh TED TO QUY Older an OR SA crtblos ?6 or 734- D Cu. Alloy, 4 Rdos, * Ces t Supples, ostato, HARLEY 1200 cc. lull dross.- CB. *3350, :00 to S, - - cdlenk nev avdson" otor, les. oroo DloonrCo.33l1,eroo, HONDA 500, Call ~ 20 DRT AND TRAL bke V, 3 125cc Yaaha, Phono 733-1D95,P W 3 750CC Honda, 10,000 los, Cnovy dlaor, bags. rnk. batery, got;,-ron bar,-runng lghts,- -hortoa 1978F HOND.AC0 360T.!roohK-. RadaU <os. oloc. Stan. $ FORSA onda 305 Scrabor. cab-ovc loo work. Bosl ollor. a, g, wtlh-c: A HUSKY, excollont Good po, bosl Odpr, , llon.: 3 Dual Suzuk Motorcyclo, cc. wth los n o- ohtcondnurr-noo: C ~ : r n ; a,m CH speed. r. Yaaha 100 ec Enduro,.lorSp :olcnl condton, $395. Call , 1M3 Fl nowlyt CEPTONAL 3UY! Gong " ke, 1074Suzuk , CC Honda Super Spon..To/ n- 1 Farng. AM/FM rado, u/n,, r" lod oxhausl. crash bar, back L tandoherotras, , FOR S -.. passon 4 HONDA 135 Racer. $435, Olno d condton, call MW>455 or ssor.,, Ford-4 )R SALE:-g70 trlumph sslo 16C, b<. Sl ollor B cc Truph, oxcc.lon,g, 8 TRUMPH Dcrnevllo. lke 1977 w Call alter colont KC lgl T) HONDA t7s! $300. Call ,000 r EXCEL STOMEO Honda, Truck, X condllon. $375. Phono drvo. -5C50., -power NDA 500 CC. 4 cylnder.?? [![. ck. larng. back-orown lank., :ollenl appoaranco. New - ~ n. 733<!90 Exl, & G 31 ollor ovor $ D notor. ; Htr (Gspneal conda FORD4500 Elackhoo toadr. orrado O hopcr :...KK U SE D s S g B S S l 3 y * n S D S x b a...ssod 9 ru G nler...\. ~W 3 d a 1251 Loader.. {SSO s 74 o...oqup " E lllo T r S r N C 111OverlondAve,,. t Utley, d. Phono $- AltSREP-.BOBHOUSTON roh sophono CCw c - Cheyo condtl L.!r> a«lo G $2700 ( 74C-5tl> Kv. nk-,,,-. V- FOR 5.-3-<,p««-po-UuA y. OTKOra Call W condt: clay, Oclobor 4,1977- Tes-Ncws, 1 - KAY, l l «... BUT 1 w on lucks tll RSALT- TwoTurpln.cM. - S >3and 1965, T-750 Ford Twn pckup, tew wn l2-»ard )cd3. Good cylnder r«lton Phono rado, s Good c 3 TON NTERNATONAL 2554, vo;lt:, -tr30t- pt(ng * cal,392 onrne. power g;5 qa kcs.stcotnt].at «thr,hc rrdl97r» ton, 3 cb ~~F( oed.m,koolcr celent R SALE wth or wthout ob U-pDtQr3ll!50-Cu<!< -XcklD- 110 Brake: 1974 Peorbll ,,. 5x4 ake Brake; 1973 qt q oy, 40 Hat rallot. lull down -, , 109, wll consder rado n roal ta0,alc r g 70 0 SFOROV.onRangor Power autoa!crng. powor btakos, ar cooler ndtonno. radal ltos, 0.- a, llentcondlon [y "Ford V. on pckup wth c " c! Tpor sholl. equpped lor plno, Reasorubto ollor L - X 12 2 ton Ford, 4-spood. v-8, Ecenu 395, Phone , ton pc!r SALE OR TRAOE 1956 lovy 1 on. now brakes and lory, Stock rack, $500, or slp >ts(»andcaeh.» dean,. Ford Couror los...gnpr dal and snow tros. Must sell. lr3.52ollor. 3RSALE973 Konworth tuck,, b-o»or, 1963 T Cat olor. 3 le, 240" whool base, loaded,5ch h-ctrasrtopconton.-also -eu-ws 75 AMC 40 labed traler. >od rubber. Excetlenl con- 973Ct lon oxcollc 3,GMC 40 passungor school would s. Good rubber, tuns <;ood, - q, 3M Call nltor eed. $ c O - o sp*. lo S p palnl.. 3 -FORD - C«O.~CabovcT. l 975 C wlytebul V-8 olor wlh loss lko r sn 10,000 los. Good lros, power s real good. Fully nsulated cond bo. Conac Atzy Lanco at le<>( oy Nalonal ne, 201 2nd Avo nr, *»1, Twn Fans, R SALE GMC 66 any c ssonger school bus, V-6 glno. wth 5-spoud trans c sson, good condton: Nonh sson, good condton Ptono, or B ><>,1 ton pc 170 FORD l on pckup, $ H $700 and t.lkc over payents. - Catl93 l3 a U c r C }62 FORD Ranchoro. uood auto, ondlton.. Movng, ust senl com lakoollor altotlpn,----- n DATSUN PCKUP, ox- opp;! )llont condlon, Wlh tow bar. r,. C llhts, and push bar, 1,000 (gro s. wonch. back lube bupor. wnnr 1,000 llos. Call S.V>.S7 XCELLENT Heavy Ouly"Spu"d SUPEF uck. Wth now otor, landu -. ton y vo. 5 and 4 transsson,!:.. wgr stoorng, ar brakoo nnd r!0 lros. and 20 Wllason $3495 ulnu t»d wlh- bell and Honu- otor GMC PCK UP-$50 needs ~ ~ Olne.S altor 5:00p..»2 109 DODGE 2 ton ruck. New otor. OOOd llros, oxcollont. )ndton wth spud bed, eto dayln 172 CHEVY V.- ton, 4-spoed, - ry-pood-ct>dttonr?3-«7??: ask lot Mac. Excd 964 FORD ton Pckup, wt oneado caper shell. B op no wth 4 overshot. Good ltus, goo at -Spood tr.nssson Runs 51B. lood. $645 CASH! Seo al nle V;est ol Ootnurve Stotn,5, OR SALE OR TRADE Ton ax ;h(!vtolol wth 454 enlno, loerlnl/brakos. lr con- " loned. Tll slouro wheel, 0? rulto control, 1,200 bu traler Men. brakes conltol and 565 FORD Super Van, low SELL ragrguud cwntonrpncno -buoy heado 974 DODGE on pckup luy qupped. Call C7B vested BS~TCnD n 5~Doy~tugalr 530T3T ncchanca xcotent Dup- lod. b e s t r !.- bh ;;ATE: 197 ChGvy 1 ton ecello row L-.1) pckup. du.l wkluls, t3rm61 heyonno Supot, Excullonl ondlton, $ Bucko Fl /OO Call b7a-37b0t 4.)tH2OT~~ OR SALE: t964 Ford pckop 19,;h-tapehott. Excellent.:lnd: ondlton. Nowly panted. $1,000. r best oler. C r s, TwnF,ll5, l[}.ho 27 ck! sud en E R CHAMP up, nlct wheel base, 8 loer, 4-!;pocd, postradon. 3, snow lues, all orgnal, d condt.nn. $ DATSUN nn-1 te(tpckup r,hcllan;1;.lra, ord pckup. Ex- ; unt condton, $1100, Phone 4337 or , - -lon 2-lonod groon.lld-f3![l125q.oqq24., FOROplckup.wttldully contaned caper. Ptono 0717, FOHD ton pckup, -. " ac wlh transsson. lor. 3 gas tanks, stool bood 1, doal btlcros, extenson bupor. Vory oood con- n, Ptco $2200. Soo at 808 h Slroot V/os, Flor. Phono 4389, =1955 nletnatonsl ttuck, 8. 2 box, 5-spood. 2-spood.. enonl olor Dodgo A -..! pckup wth caper shell, no actual ues, 4-6peod.-6. ndor onono, oxcollen po Ponac Bonnovlle Mt h.tdlop, radalros, roal n,324-32l7aler5. )FORDF-700 wth 5 and 2.8 dup ted, wth Holt H oh, )d rubber,, oxccllont con- n,sco alll2nonh Far Fler all , ~ CHEvTnAvTRCK T 2: = 3 t : CHEVnOLETTlCKLP; runs ollont, lhavocul250 olly vous ptco lot quck sale. uld consder trado lor older or pckup plus cash. Mus.1 FORD rt on, long box, 4 ;od V-8 now tros, wheds and nt, gcth vv Duly W ton.. u now 15,000 les. V-8,- wer stccnd,.lutoalc, ndlon Dcollcnt qas cklo B DA~pckup~voodb lno. Encelont condton and ly extras los Call 4932, 2 GMC V ton pckup wth nhland Ld. Lowleano A-t nrr,r7tnv " R s T L n c V G R : dal lros $100, 960 Ford /;, 1 pckup, new pant $ ) Honda now onge. $700. tt934-5e25allor6p.: ] Ct-tlVY on c-ltdt! o.lc t.nrtr >dlon(],.w V-H, r., ] 7 p h~c,rr:h * p;( Vty clc,n ut t> ox-. lent condton. $2495 at n- ountn Motor Hoes >n undoll PER ANTAn. ya.uy. : n V6. l;,l Mlks, o.chl-nl c-dhon Onty 95 ll.rou-l,-(n!,- rt.. u-.nwe<oll.a36-230l. pol - Spols CCS 73 DASUN 2402 ECUo ndnon, 717 Sou Lncoln, too. $3 95. Phono ,yle.6?8-1625cvcnnos. 7l~TnvnAnONA Dcluxo,colont condton. $M rtm 97 )9 SQUARE BACK VW : Tplotdy retu onoo, $ al 708 Taylor, KDotly 423-! speed, nuns, a-r, l.moft ,. 53 OPe Walon. newer onotcal, 4-speod, $ : 9~tOYOTA M7t"ll~ 0~n. onatc. oooo snapo, call/- T" " ctltclu Lr~1 w / Oaa Ounc ooy 1965 HOT w*(h adota, hgh backs buckl-ts, oe weeds, wo ol toad S, any extras, $1,950 nted, Sdl»50cash-call ;; 7s;TLET976 H"o,.- Cvc 5-" gg; 40 tn, w nebr:c ullont coton. $3,000. C, «68altor7.00. TaT spder, convonbo, pocd. call allot 6p ATSUN one ofa, d; COldl 5 spocd. ar con- lonmq, n3r73=898t30lorc-;» alo5:00,,,

28 S -ToSNLwa. Twn P.ns, llr, d,ho Tuesd.y, Ocolor! S T l e C d t g e s L A o t o & T u c : k W V a rr l k e t s n T h e C q & s et d s T o > d g y! Sl/c GUNCES > COulNEKNAN.M 4 *. cgtn(«rtsxr??4.«6 whcol d«o, panl ot 4 TTADE"C Cr..toc-1 ov. lyr oood lur-.e,r S.HD,. tor 1973 Chevy / ron.,,4-vv:>-,. >., th() 904.0;«rlvo, Lock.-cr~>u)5?,!an,utone transson cw - trn gc: - aver,ge rr,. w. - $ ,15 r3 37t.evenus nv DwrnnM hmr 4.w e~ t dryo auturl-n An rondlntt powor DaKDs".no ecnn 5 track 310(00 and 4 spe.kprs 1956 CHCv tc r r>3 Vto.;. -.-1< ,0 GOM condlon. 39M condton.,,,, -----days ghr= c-:vorrd--,-7:.-:" ,, ] by G[ Fox V M - Utles.lodge t 152 Ford O Alos - Ponlac 3C 172 Auls - Ploull ll Aulo - Pnoull ovtl l?2 Aulos Plrranlh h DODGE Won,co W.non 1975 F-150 ord Van, power 1976GRAND PRX. Mons slver, t n PLYMOUTH ROAO RUN PUMOUTH "SAON SEBRNG Plus, l< Full power $700 Phono ] slqonng, 351 enlno, Croo 0 U Ooluo odel. Auo.c, Plyouth, sport Suburb,n NER, 340. autoatc, now - pltpu lad. a condton, sall V-8 autoalc wheels, luonao,-$4,om-«(- u 400.ongno,-Mwur.-Ukur ylhg.- L Oneo*n>r Etreon conaon.,aron pnt. ags, racnn ET-T5oooe-tNr-OOCh- > - T3DSl-oH:r M U9T-5 ttr-l OTterr?3>7905~~ Claculu MLucc ucod 3 lon TAla-poacr-olay-lcco tunnng order Or t). 5l - e r e ly or av.ttaoe, et 3 wheet-rtcd 3Hss:~ - -OHor6-OOp : CO. low tos, O.ys CU ncluded, vn,l upholstery. oler POHTAC "Porar s- MACH. new ento. new wdo W dp lywouth FURYtUlsv--. Eccllcn..condlon. Call PLYMOUTH Duller, 7 good. condlon.no, 4.speed, radal. tros all.round, AM/Fr.l 8 rack, 8 cood nas le.ge and condton All oowor a.n.-; and 7010 tlro. lood loago, $ ? H!o7~7d ltd loloscoptl AM;FM7CQ on- t03. us sch C PLYMOUTH GT X or salo, to, !8. d noods -carbureto,~ c ooo~ooqy~ lonr-terrrcsrsr-snccktrrsp olor. 361 CeveM nd, 135 Aolo Dtlers t7tkur«5 =,5-2«7--- $ altor5 00p ord" GlAN T0»r0,7- [ 175 Aa!8De:le$. ooo hardlop. very cooo condton, $ l-C.r.7 trakos, re,nty cle.n. 52, auloatc, power seenno. due 8097:.» s A]lo Oesl7 175 Aulo Delc$ $ WS Aolo Dealers lets R sale SMFORD 4 door wl 4 now lues. Run: good actual les Nce panl. 250 Ponc 374--HM 165 Sulos-Mercury.. - cnngs 1976 o r d "s u n " DAL, 1976 COMET, 4.door, 6 cytn(or, r r aulorralc, powor r.teern, loss lan n.ooottes L.v.enew powor brakes, AM-FM rado,,nr Ptone?3-5-:a?alle5p H U N T N G londlono, c.rpced and 1T7T MERCURVMONTenrv 7*. l panolod, radal lrcs, chroy p r [ * door hardtop, ar CQPUlonno, wocls. Allot 6 p..- call 36- low tos. C«lr dean S P E C A L S R G H T S«B)B Y HKTEGO 2-DOOR 1977" Pnto S]ure staton n 1974 c6 ugar xr.7 "Twor k brown, ton vnyl.tool, oll V-0 wagon. Autoalc, r,.l tnus 3ocrn(]/bra,C5, aulorr.c Phonn3?4.3M7 transsson, ar condlont ; 4 - W H E E L E R S olc ranlnlon. or condton- n » ll llro, porly and oconocol. T H E R E tucku co4.-s,w.lce Gall or 733-«9C2allor5M 7 s Fun To Drve l 7 8 C h e v y = A n ~. 654 B10 [ l o o L a k 6 s B l v d. Opent! 8:0 ( T E A l c A R S & P C C K U P S B Y T H E M Q Q N r t l W E E K O R P t s A Pleas s u r e Dong Bus n ess At... A C E 1970 SCOUT 4X4- V-0 rgo 3»puud on-. N S E N C H E l 7s-TATornvTgotrTassoaT,. - 95MSB EV ROLET p - A l - A e r c a n C 1 : : B c o T H E o vnyl oo(. oconocol 302 C..D. 1975c6 :T engno, ouloatc tronlson, H 1973 ()(]n ted Gran Torno T w U cor ol llo luur uro. horo todoy. Dont t, Spon, Lxcellen condton Usosno lq8 0 l 0 ll...t unao a on tho rodloactvo onorgy n Askng ?3.5974, h o a ro torn /lloull cvenns MEFCURY COLONY PARK URY MARQUS 2-DQDR HARDTOP B L L W O R K M A N F O R D.0,n.1;:-<*na;rw, rd!!ll.:cl: )vny( roo, grond Morqu tr t o FOtD GALAXE 500 power dll on ng, power steer ;, 1975 OLDSMOBLELE C U T A S S S U P ER E n (bno loungo tool lnlhod Slt ( (l)ta Cl ar con- brakus, wndows. Puwnr noats H H d : velour, one own or ust trodod. V-8 engno. Qutootc ron rontson. powor dlonng, nood pant, e-ccltnl.nd door toch AMrFM-!c-rc--.leerng, power broko>~ noror. Wl/wnhoul Us Good COruMon $2195 C,ll 734-» 7 bpwl,)ols tts ll 16 4 Wheel Dves S SCOUT 4X4-4 FORO CUSTOM4-DOQR condtonng. No, P6S... r * " *3795 u%lo gl! vnyl ntc.or. regular V-0 engne, tpccd no- - t97/ranch n6 GT. r.lvc. nson. rodo. heolor. no. outoolc ronson, do DODGE COMKE NET 2 DOOR HARDTOP W 5 DATSUN O-O." wtobl C 1977 CHEVY qlaer Roll lu/.- r.- ol.llc, V-8, auloalc. ar V-0 ongno. oulootc tron los. Catl 734-Wa. e«cullon condton Phone condtoned, stoeo rado and SS. Autos - OloEle powor teorng. pawor broke* 1971 V.W. Gun. G.OOO ;...?l-:.530p tape.s,crlc(,788-34tt. 193PORO COOHRY SQURE WtOH.. AMrodo, No. P190A... t r : QOOd condton. SHOO Pnoto SCOUT, 4-Wnel d(v, 1974 blosmollle 442 Cll.-.s ulo.lc. Nce $3,895.,5 19G6 THUNDERDnb. new rod ; s \ n n n 1 tluo ol nolollc. corotlng yoclt dock Suprern, Swvel r.e.ls,.r T % U ponollng. ho oboluloly ovorythng ncludng 1971 ORO TORNO n o z d d o b h a r d t o p. Phono pant lob. Ocaulu uach n- cudlo, lape duck, now VW" SOUAnTOACK ENGNE, tonor. Phono6? X U U U -> U < -<!<>w 1whardoMoclor. V-8 engno. oulootc ron tros wtn cnrot?5, pow.r power oprng, poworbrokot $ luol roclod. obull (;y du.l 1 1W4 OLAER CHEYENNE e- steenn:!, power trakes. Brand 976MP.G.>nloSllonWaon HUEPCHEE RCURY MONTEGO lx 4-DOOR AMrodo,No, PBO,.,000 lds OQO, coplute «th cellon condlon, ota ol emrs. newcn:;r-gar.ned lorsatu Catl v-8 onge. ouoalc rats- How. whto vnyl lop. 302 C..O or 711 8C67 copulor.d all.ccossoo! -467? HhUnl Drve. P.ul, OutOratC ronon. doluxo., : FORD HAVA V E R ck g r a b b e r»50. 7l6-< FORD RANCHERG P.S. P. 97OLUSMOULE loron-.do odo. oolor nor. Faly cor. V.0 engno. oulootc rontn AVEUN, oood.conaon, 4.S.51 V-8. $7150. Catl t6!oo.lr(M,l,(M;- Wlh a1l.c. powor loorng, power brol<u WKlloa, cal pooa les » - -~ 19C9 MUSTANG Svlndut. 3- cewonct /.n 4//tl,. \\ D OlLAXE-2-DOOR HARDTOP - andbucl<otscou:no,7c-wd l C9 orono. speed. Sharp! Phono or ] ; t,, vnyl tool, regular go V-Oon- S n n TOyOTACOnONA-MAn»U» allcrS.- T g--. ouloolc lc troson, powor loorng ls 7 K H E y R 0 L E T Ba a ARE 4 DOOR SEDAN Slallon walon. PS.. A.T. * wolaerr 327"nono, 1972 DELTA 3 Old:...ubau. l U U U Sbrokos. locol o1onv;:;h-ot,-- <, V-0 onlne, duoolc ron: AM/FM ado, low logo, auloalc, low leao,2 g.s 5 FOR SALE W Fo-d"Fa.rlane < ecpllentconllon See.tL..-y powor loorng. power broko, o«collonl condlon. Phono 536- lanka, Also rett 763 snorl hock CorH35 qrc,ll73-4b97 197eEEPC-5...$ T 9 5 : 19)3 HE MERCURY COMET 4-DOOR or condltonng. No, 7C-291A W5 4. 4, oatsn; 28;00b 3 Chovy X4. 6 cylnder c"9"0. olo1wllo rool, oconocol llos. Ccollon condton otdsmodlle 83 <9.C00 3 \po-d lotunon rado 19C5 VOLKSV/AGEN OAA DUG, 1973 PNTO V/AGON. rebult $4,000. PDono acl.,lu-s.ar $ :cO 7000 CC engne, wh 4.speed, S S S S s.-.now. oo. oooo contllon. phono allosp..733-m4. MUST SELL 1976 ToyOlVlal Ce.rPhono : Cruser, uol n culur, e.l, 170 Autc onlac OlSALE; 1975 FAT X-19 Now Sh,p,lol5olctr, ] F0rSA{e:974 Ford Courer * *1795 5S; ngho, oulootc tronlon, 1S72 CHEVROLET CAPS PRCE 4 DOOR h a r d t o p r. ocollorm whtewall tros. V-6 engno, autootc ronl Wl powor toerng, powor brovo, 973 FORD LTD 4-DOOR orcondtonng, No, 7C-2230 r. - : v :.... n olollc, groon vnyl <ool. ocuprdlal llros. U.SOO call «S88evon(]5 lko row. very (ood (as would o»pott wth or condton P y H 0 D T H D 0 allor e.00 p.. l?orpontac F lreqtnd hth. ST n R 2 DOOR HARDTOP lloaao,$1900ot best oler Call loolng S brokot, AM rado. lto Wy# 4-whool drvu staton n pcrlpr.co, 350, 4-spood. V-B engne, oulootc ron - WaDATSUK PCKUP. S l o, headots rocket als AMFM : a n n powor tleorng, power brokot, waoon. Ccyllndor unqlno. OOOO t»3l ollo. llos north ol 1974" gfand Tor no, "351 rutbor stereo. $1400 or b.st oler 733- ON PCKUP 4.X-4.V1 lercury MONTEREY 4-DOOR.,. rodo. No, 7C-235A-,. M Burloy cono: n Quhl.. ca Auloulc. yk"cohlttlulh: le600 engne 4-»pccd nonnn- 1, dork green ol nylon nter,or, «AS. days and avonlnqs. - powor sleetn. power t)r,kes. on, rado heotor, rool onu now and hot boon o»portly 1975 CHEVROLET :E 4 D 0 0 R S E la H - 1(8 «tnue lato$ Vnyl top. new radal tres, vety l O V -nolnvd--loodod! - 19G6 PONTAC tcevhornood V-0 ongno, ouloolc ron 1973 MAA WACbN; uood d. lood condton $730} Pnone condlon, ovno ust sell condtn OO Ph.:.c 371 #971 powertloorng, powor brokot CADLLAC SEDAN DeVLLE Mor twlollo. Call , l l57pf?s7o~ent STUDE6AKE~R rado, or condtonng. No, eon. controtlg vnyl rool. all SC5- r alorsp.,,,, nl ordln and n UOOa COn n FORDMUSTANG,;uoot aon : EDOCO, E- y 1)5 ulo OuTr OATSUN 2 «. Huw Sl.Notthv C H EV R O EH PA P A la 2 -l0 0 R HARDTOP ranaason. Clroy nrheel. T g o" T h U N D e r 0 R-D, Prces E lccllvo V-8 engno. oulootc tront: C.D, loaoeo! t3600. FnM! ochanclly rusored..pone potuc CGR#HOV11E4-OOOHHABOOP. power tloerng, power brokot. Phono ltO5o e, HFNlEnQRd VsrTk c..thu 10.l.77 on, dark groon vnyl rool, ths cor - or condtonng. No. 7C-224B. r - M now 5,000 los. all te e»ras Bank Fnancng lh or condlonlng, powor toor VOLKSWAGEN, Real l 1954 CHRYSLER MPERlAL - Catl n the <.ylu, a z n a WondorDul. ar condlono, C7Maller l U U l l»gsb-ol.o.whto wall tro», wheol covon D 0 0 G > E 4 DOOR SEDAN, body n nood cwrllon, 374- ladal llros, 47,000 lo $7,000. -oy T-Qrd, ow les ul B osses power;-ec-ollur.-l37s33mr- Hond., lahng, t/eclc start, D E M O W V 8 ongntr. oulootc troru lolehp/lla-ooohharoop V, powor loorng. power brolsot tl. "gold ou-vny-nrorlot- logulo rodo. orcondlonng, No.-CS SUUK (our whclrn- no. oulootc ronnlon. pow- lowlts. besollor lls -----»17.n-M;.eMt.»ltrS " ag~rrwc or condtonng, now lrer. tarp TOYOTA COROU ONA 2 DOOR HARDTOP -96a-OHO-O At-AXe?w T A M C * ) P 4 cylnder ongno. 5 tpood 1966 VW SEDAN, now p.ral -- Clean, $ ,.lter 5 S L E - Wa" AMCEOEL STATON PL Y M O U T H lrar>non, or condtonng., now runnng ae ncludng nurnlcod 600 on <} and WAGON CcyloOer,.ulon.lc n FORD RAHCH WAGON AM.FMttoroo.No,7C-17BA r. W T O Y O T A ondonod luggogo rock vhlo- OreaUeOO Phone ttnhles -" - W N la L L S = ::~ adytoroll - " H MC-PACEt-C B lock Cylnder onono. oulootc ls < W.el Des rontntton. power tloerng. r llk Butk W o s h o w Y o u T h o Sloshono St. W. S S. Or condtcrnrrg. No. P-167A;= *" QLAEl custo, ar don- n v o c o ; A n d T h a ts N ew C ors Eett dlllonno, AM/FM & CO rado. 1«7 b OCk T lectra 275 ~ a, r o n " Usod C ors FORD GRANAD lada 4-DOOR SEDAN rallor htch 4 braxos. Mkt-- door, lull powur. ar con- ; C A S H A ll Y ou P a y!! 6 cytndor engne, power ollo. Evonlnos call or ; OtcnnQ, tr. snoalrcs E«lra - B U H Y - L tleorng, ttondard rontlto nce condton Call or E a s lm a n V rado. No. P. B ,nd.shtorLc5 FOR SALE, 1968 COuvy - on. F o r Y o u r C a r CARPENTER S 67B «4onono. needs work «M or HPOREOAnOHOBlES T H E S E N M O T O R S Plyoutll Sold Only 19 )5 CHEVROLET HlONTE Ot CARLO LANDAO Ousollcr. 154 Hos - Cadllac ; WLLS USED CARS 129 3rd Avo. N, wfatll T h o o a o t place n n th o w o rld to b u y a c ar V-0. outoolc rontlton,, powor pc loorng. t l n r 1977 SUUKlour vtheu drvu h.. MogloBldg power brokot, tll wheel,, crute c contol, < - TO t M A M A V r l ls M Sol or radc.tor t95awwooocadluc , ST «7 T 0 0 AMTFMT5rba7T40T7C793A-T ceonoyrratgt doortlop, a careo rnoqet. l4o oldur car ccottonl lor D G U H A RB EP 1975 WAGONEER, dl,dr.l.,c, rosloralon Pnco $495 Phano 0 V-6 engno, outoolc ront powo stcuro, anu br.kes,,vt , luootl. power tleorng, power broket, condtonng, cruso rontrol or condtonng. No. 7C-254A o«traoatank, russe 595 CHRYsUn NE>V YOrkER. *57 El Sroot Nor a, power 5(.-eta;brakes, 1975 FORD nunderbd V r SAlV 1877 OHO M. -S. 4~ - cpcrte woow!. cod con- CulO O-cor, -cnpcr snrtt..dton $ V-B..ouloolc. power tleorl»ortng 8 brokot, C r O n C. t!t.whcot..am.m.rodo.;po; p o y vorv.n d ow,,»n Q ln -- olr larks. n,ny -t.u C.ll powor teot. No, P M Auls Cbetolet T -:3 n A T -H O M n N r ~9 re FORD ton pchup lull te- CAR nnoke DOWN, -ls w TRW auloahc, - whool dn.o, any ro work on l%7 Chcvrolel accossorosavlablo E>coon Supor Swn pala wl T 0y01 CKS ro T A P C R O P condton,, low cosl/loaoo c H enlno, prce rudoccd 10 S:50 Equppodwlh 4 cylnder ongr or 733-<?99 See at 446 Su Avenuo North e 4.tpood rontton, rodo. c l977ch vnol. on call oneownor,no, 7C-204C S - n r,l(,.. (ood condton.s:g 30C0 n-5704ovon:n(3 * CHEVETTE hatchd ack. [ # 1973 C H E V R 01H T / 2 TON P C K U P actory or, nutoalc V-0 engne, power loorng, %9 DnONCO6 cyrndur ssson. loadl-d. dear 17.wy 4-tpoed ronlttlon, AM/od Custo l/ont tucnno, t;u ; lor No,7T-34B6... crno, carpus, v.cuhunl L : w a condton 73-)-33/8.-.cnnts 1969 RALLY Sport Cao, CHEVROLETL E T % T O H P C K O P ano wcckonds 4-sooo(3 Sharp! Call alter 5.1 V 8 ongno. oulornotc ront MSOODGE P.e. uoy V powor tleorng, powor broke Oncullonl cotdt-on non-837. AM rodo. No, P-076E) *635 SltAMP 19/TC..rn,,o -.u-ll.-l condton LOA t.l-,,;c C- HUNTERS SPEClA. %V4. 4, c H E V R olet L U.V. PCKUP o«ner 713-5?SO.llot 5 lnlcnon.l Seoul pch) 4 cyllndor engne, 4-peedtro V!l Plon.-77CTT rCHr/YVAN.or,";n~5ual nnoh, rodttrtwocroadoa condlonr. wndows. lo.no,pl9l SCOUT v l 4 r.dal lres, $ opocd. po*; -.c-o-w r:o,;..r o.onnos 1973 CHEVROLETL E T / TON PCKUP akt rk- 5OO t,-8. 7cMlwp CAMARO V-a 4-opy--d lor V-8 ongno, ouloolc ront ontltlon, rado, t A H C vlo, oquly and take Over le d(r r = T h r d ( G, e n e r a to n rror loor top tllctl. low lov* lloogo and - / l W >975 ocout tl,u,(-,,k,. payents 0. 50(H cloon.no,7t-3boa... prced to sell c, U664M , 1974 CHEVROLET: ET:% TON PCKUP t97vscout lk,. 196C CHEVY ltp,l, $ nl.vm.uu C( 3239 S K 6th 350 V-8 ongno. outoct tr tronttlorx. ta A lp. powor tleorng, powor broke CHEVY Vou 9,ortandduo1.exhoutt,No.7T.7< Vo " EEP vvagonce 4 WO ), pvnov, 5 oood body Ok OWc-rp a"o..,,e.,, 5,, -on CHEVROr BLA L A 2 E R 4 -W H E a DRVE ollur 731-M3? $375 M.ylr.-.lL V-0 engno. power tleorn 197Gl>Gl)Gr; 4 >,t»..l n...c l CHEVFOLET CAPRCE. powor.brokot. 4-tpeed ront o t H : :::=THlnl0Hr«aalgrHar>l48U.... L 3 M 5 = = Povver«>}ecrtn3- n.kc: S5 Pnone W3.4 P h0n.o74.4w l G o -, Beore You Buy See Us V 0 U S W S E EXH.: 7 PASSENGER BUS - - CDngtnt-tTylndertngTTtgr 4 tpeodlronlon. AM7ndlorNcr7.381&-?T-r:-r-r 1376 FORD BRONCO CO 4 - «L DRVE ;, t : 3 r v r. $ V-b ongno. londard power loprng, AMFM loroc tonk.no.7t-3b5a S M, Aalos - PlECWl!! z z : n ~ BLL WORKMAN-FORD H l? 4 3 B r : a FTBvdrN n o: nt)-

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