Spreken Presentations G. Holtappels

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1 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch Spreken Presentations G. Holtappels

2 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch A practical reader helping you to develop your language skills through discussion, role- plays, presentations, vocabulary development, language analysis and negotiating practice This reader belongs to: Name: Class: 2

3 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch Inhoudsopgave Info leerjaar 1 Studiewijzer periode 2 Introduction Choosing event Target group description Mission Statement SWOT analysis PR strategy Budget Fundraising call to action Fundraising letter Graph/chart Presentation Wrts Nedercom- Highfive Reflection Resources blz. 4 blz. 5 blz. 6 blz. 7 blz. 8 blz. 9 blz. 10 blz. 11 blz. 13 blz. 14 blz. 15 blz. 16 blz. 17 blz. 17 blz. 18 blz. 19 blz. 20 Schrijf- lees - en luisteropdrachten/ Webquests Werk alle opdrachten uit in Word. Per periode kun je een studiepunt verdienen door inzet te tonen met het uitvoeren van alle opdrachten en met het behalen van de toets. Vraag regelmatig om feedback en laat je studiewijzer aftekenen. Vocabulaire Op wrts.nl/engelsmarketingkw1c staan 11 woordenlijsten klaar. Neem ze over en bestudeer ze. Grammar - Nedercom- Highfive Elke student heeft toegang tot het Highfive programma. Dit programma behandelt de Engelse grammatica. Regelmatig zal de studiewijzer verwijzen naar dit programma. 3

4 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch Info leerjaar 1 Beste student, Zoals je straks kunt zien op de studiewijzer, is het programma opgebouwd uit 5 vaardigheden: lezen, luisteren, schrijven, spreken en gesprekken voeren. Lesmethode We werken met readers en met beroepsgerichte webquests op MasterEnglish.nl. De oefeningen variëren van dialogen, uitspraakoefeningen en woordtrainingen tot schrijfopdrachten en presentaties. In de taallessen werk je aan je taalvaardigheid om straks aan het einde van dit jaar met succes je examens af te ronden. Dit doe je samen met je docent, zelfstandig en eventueel met de native speaker. Examinering en toekenning studiepunten Examinering vindt plaats aan het einde van leerjaar 1. Het examen bestaat uit een toets Spreken, Gesprekken voeren, Lezen, Luisteren en Schrijven. We beoordelen volgens het Europees raamwerk. Dit is een systeem van 6 taalniveaus: A1 - A2 - B1 - B2 - C1 en C2. A1 is het laagste, C2 het hoogste. Het gewenste eindniveau is B1. Per vaardigheid krijg je een cijfer. Compensatie tussen de vaardigheden is mogelijk maar gemiddeld moet Engels minimaal met een 5 worden afgesloten (let wel: je tweede moderne vreemde taal moet dan minstens een 5.5 zijn). De examinering staat los van de te behalen studiepunten. Per periode kun je 1 studiepunt behalen. Het studiepunt krijg je op basis van je inzet, de gemaakte opdrachten en het resultaat van de periodetoets. Tot slot Mocht het zo zijn dat je Engelse taalvaardigheid ver beneden het gewenste niveau ligt dan heb je de mogelijkheid hulplessen te volgen bij een instructeur; meld je daarvoor aan in het OLC van de Talenacademie. Good luck and see you in class! Regards, De docent 4

5 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch STUDY PLANNER Resources: Masterenglish.nl Vocabulary WRTS No. 1-12: (wrts.nl/engelsmarketingkw1c ) PERIOD 2 Class: MHE Department: Marketing & Communicatie Week Writing Speaking Reading/ Listening Introduction Examenopdracht Spreken Organising an event Step 1 and 2 Describing your event; Description of the target group Step 3 Mission Statement Step 4 SWOT Step 5 PR strategy Presentation examples Presentation tips Examples target group features Vocabulary WRTS Grammar workshops Download WRTS lijsten 9 & 10 Practice WRTS 9 & 10 Nedercom.nl: chapters 4 t/m 8 Practice WRTS 9 & 10 þ Step 6 Budget Examples Budget Examples SWOT Step 7 Fundraising - CALL TO ACTION; Step 8 Fundraising letters Step 9 Find a graph Christmas holiday Nedercom.nl: chapters 4 t/m 8. Workshop Graphs and charts Step 10 Make PowerPoint Step 13 Write reflection Deadline werkstuk Werkstuk mailen Practice presentations Practice presentations Periode Toets WRTS 9 & 10 (E- N/ N- E) Toetsweek marketing 5

6 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch ORGANIZING AN EVENT Voor degene die liever een digitale versie hebben van deze opdracht, kunnen deze vinden op - webquests - organizing an event. INTRODUCTION The success of an event relies on getting things right, down to the last detail. For everything from top- class catering, outdoor activities, venue theming and transport. There are many different ways you can organize an event, ensuring that whatever you decide to do is a great success! In the following assignment you are going to prepare a presentation about the event of your choice. This involves: - Identifying consumer needs and wants. - Setting the price. - Deciding the best place to have the event. - Deciding on how best to promote the event. - Communicating the need and purpose for fundraising 6

7 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch STEP 1. THE EVENT Describe your event? Think of answers to the what, when, where, why, who and how questions. 7

8 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch STEP 2. TARGET GROUP DESCRIPTION Give a description of the target group of your event. The following features should be considered: Demographic features: age, gender, education and income; Geographic features: where does your target group live? Psychographic features: hobbies and interests (lifestyle- kenmerken zoals interesses); Behavioural features: response to a product or loyalty to a brand. (use the resource: target group segmentation in detail) 8

9 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch STEP 3. MISSION STATEMENT What is the message to the target group? Keep in mind that a message is not the same as an advertising slogan or a marketing line; A message is a simple and clear idea that summarizes the essence of its program or projects. An example of a clear message is to inform the target group about the company activities regarding durability, energy policy, planning, and customer service or sponsoring a charity. Keep your message short and simple. Look at the example below; it s the mission statement of your school. 9

10 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch STEP 4. MAKE A SWOT ANALYSIS Describe the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Strengths: what are the strengths of your event? Your specialist expertise Sole event in this market sector A new, innovative product or service. Location. Very strong customer loyalty Any other aspect of your event that adds value to your product or service Weaknesses: what are the weaknesses of your event? Event not so appealing to youth market Lack of expertise. Location. Poor quality goods or services. Damaged reputation. Opportunities: what external factors have a positive effect on your market share? In SWOT, opportunities and threats are external factors. A developing market such as the Internet. (New technologies) Mergers (fusies), joint ventures or strategic alliances. Moving into new market segments that offer improved profits. A new international market. A market vacated (vrijgekomen) by an ineffective competitor. Favourable Government legislation Threats: what external factors threaten to reduce your market share? A new competitor in your home market. Price wars with competitors. A competitor has a new, innovative product or service. Competitors have superior access to channels of distribution. Taxation is introduced on your product or service. 10

11 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch STEP 5. PR STRATEGY a. Read the text on sponsoring and PR tools below and look up words you don t know. b. Answer the following questions. 1. How is the event promoted and advertised? Describe different advertising campaigns. Is there a saying, a slogan or a pay- off for your event? If not, invent one. 2. Read the text below on sponsoring. Are there sponsors involved? If so, who are they and describe the type of sponsorship. 3. Are you involved in Charitable and Community Activities. 4. Do you distribute posters or flyers? If so, where do you distribute them? 5. What type of venue will you use? Describe the venue. (A large outdoor stadium, an indoor arena, a community center or a theatre?) 6. How can you create more brand awareness for your event? Marketing your event can be a difficult task, especially when there are other competitors around. Try to be more original in using new marketing methods other than the traditional radio and television. Describe this idea in detail and try to convince your company of its potential success. To sponsor something is to support an event, activity, person, or organization financially or through the provision of products or services. A sponsor is the individual or group that provides the support, similar to a benefactor. Sponsorship may be an arrangement to exchange advertising for the responsibility of funding a popular event or entity. For example, a corporate entity may provide equipment for a famous athlete or sports team in exchange for brand recognition. The sponsor earns popularity this way while the sponsored can earn a lot of money. This type of sponsorship, known as cause- related, is prominent in the sports, arts, media and charity sectors. Then commercial radio stations began broadcasting in the early 1920s, the programs were aired without advertising. Many radio stations were established by radio equipment manufacturers and retailers and programming was provided to sell radio transmitters and receivers. This led to a system where radio and television programs were financed by selling sponsorship rights to businesses. Eventually, the broadcasters began selling smaller blocks of advertising time to several businesses. Sponsorship is also becoming increasingly important in education. Many companies want their logo on sponsored equipment in return. Formula One teams for many years relied heavily on the income from tobacco advertising, reflected in the sponsorship liveries of the teams. Other types of sponsorships revolve around companies paying for parts of television broadcasts and sporting events which bear their name. For example college bowl games now contain the name of their sponsor such as the Tostito's Fiesta Bowl. Many times a company's motives for sponsorship are altruistic in order to create goodwill in the community which increases their good reputation. However, sponsorship is more commonly used to derive benefit from the associations created for a company's brand(s) or image as a result of the sponsorship. People may sponsor an individual or group of people to undertake a fundraising task, usually for a charity or other cause requiring funding. 11

12 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch Public Relations Tools Definition: Public relations (PR) is the management of internal and external communication of an organization to create and maintain a positive image. Marketers should be aware of the tools used in the public relations function. While some marketers may prefer to handle their own PR tasks, many others will seek the assistance of outside PR professionals rather than attempt to handle these activities themselves. Skilled PR professionals offer many advantages (voordelen) for marketers; the two most important being: 1) their ability to understand and unearth (onthullen) good stories about a company and its product, and 2) their knowledge of the media market may place them in a better position to match stories to the news angles media reporters look for. Whether handling PR internally or hiring professionals, marketers should be familiar with the tools available for public relations: Before choosing among the various tools marketers should begin by identifying their key targeted audiences (e.g., target markets) and key messages they wish to send. These should align with (aansluiten op) the messages and audiences identified for the product being promoted or corporate goals for non- specific product promotions, such as corporate image promotions. The purpose of key messages is to provide a consistent point of view over time and across numerous PR methods that reinforce product positioning (i.e., customer's perceptions) and reach the desired target audience. The key tools available for PR include: Media Relations - Media Tours - Newsletters - Special Events - Speaking Engagements - Sponsorships - Employee Relations - Community Relations and Philanthropy 12

13 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch STEP 6. BUDGET Describe your financial plan and take the following into consideration. PR tools - Transport and travel services - Catering - Ticket Sales (In- Person, through the Internet, by Telephone) - Use of merchandising. What type of merchandising products will supply the largest revenue? Look at the tips in the resources. 13

14 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch STEP 7. HOW TO WRITE A CALL TO ACTION FOR YOUR FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN What do online fundraising campaigns live and die by? It s not their supporters. It s not their timing. It s their call to action. A call to action is a specific, defined, and measurable action, such as making a donation or sharing your fundraising site on Facebook. Laying the Groundwork With any online fundraising campaign, you have to have a compelling story. You can share this story through video, images, or text. It s up to you how you want to do this. The main purpose for your story is to communicate the need and purpose for fundraising and to build up an emotional response from the donor. Your call to action is their release to that emotional response. Why is a Call to Action So Important? Two big reasons why you need a call to action. a. It drives action. You can have the most compelling video storytelling and the largest support base, but if you don t clearly tell them what you want them to do, then they re not going to do it. b. It is measurable. When you are directing your supporters to complete an action, then you can see your progress towards a goal. Make it Clear What You Are Asking For One big mistake that many nonprofits make with online fundraising is burying their call to action within a wall of text. Reading online is much different than reading offline; your site visitors scan text rather than reading every word. To make your call to action clear, you should do three things. Be concise with your fundraising appeal ( words as a general rule) Use styling (bold, headlines, bullet points, etc) to make your appeal skimable Have focus. Don t have no more than two tasks within your call to action, otherwise the actions become diluted. Never be Afraid to Ask Multiple Times In a fundraising campaign, you should have at least one call to action that asks people to donate. This can be done through a donate button as well as the text that leads the person to the donate button. However, you can also ask in softer ways throughout the entire fundraising site or appeal that drive the individual to the donate button. Having the same call to action multiple times throughout an appeal can help drive more results. What Should a Good Call to Action Say? A good call to action for an online fundraising campaign will do three things. Provide a brief, one sentence summary of the online fundraising campaign itself Build in a sense of urgency so people take action now instead of later Use active language through verbs (click, donate, share, etc). 14

15 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch Here s an example of these practices at work: The goal of this campaign is to save the lives of 100 homeless animals. You can make a difference by donating before July 31, so that the shelter will not need to start turning animals away. Click the donate button today. STEP 8 FUNDRAISING LETTER One way of collecting money is by sending letters to your friends, family and colleagues. Now write your own fundraising letter and include your CALL TO ACTION from the previous step. You may use one of the example letters from the list of fundraising letters. 15

16 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch STEP 9. GRAPHS AND CHARTS Find one graph or chart that is relevant to your event. You can choose a linegraph, a barchart or a piechart. Then describe what this graph is about. This graph may be about changes in visitors, in sales figures, in personnel, in promotion as long as it has something to do with your event. First describe what can be seen on the Y- axis and the x- axis. Then describe what is happening and why you think this is happening. For more vocabulary about graphs, go to webquest graphs and charts on 16

17 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch STEP 10. PRESENTATION Put all steps into your PowerPoint. (Length presentation: approx minutes) Please note: Only use key words in the slides. Wait for feedback. Study the words and the pronunciation of WRTS number 9. Make sure you have a table of contents. This may look like the one below. For presentation tips check the resources. 17

18 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch STEP 11. VOCABULARY - WRTS Study wordlists 9 and 10 from Practice the words regularly by making sentences with them. 1. Meeting people 2. Asking & showing the way 3. Appointments & Invitations 4. Telephoning 5. Reservations 6. The Media 7. Products 8. Complaints 9. Sales & Marketing 10. Organizing events 11. Recruitment 12. Management styles Heb je nog geen account, maak er dan een aan op STEP 12. BY THE WAY, HOW S YOUR ENGLISH GRAMMAR? Open Nedercom - Highfive on your computer and do chapter 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. How did you score? 18

19 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch STEP 13. REFLECTION a. What have I learned? b. What was difficult for me? c. What went right? What went wrong? d. What will I do differently next period? 19

20 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch RESOURCES 1. Target group segmentation Why have target group segmentation? The main reason why we have segmentation is because we have so many types of customers. The variables used for segmentation include: Geographic variables Region of the world or country: east, west, south, north, central, coastal, hilly, etc. Country size: metropolitan cities, small cities, and towns. Density of area: urban, semi- urban, and rural. Climate: hot, cold, humid, rainy. Demographic variables Age Gender Male and Female Sexual orientation Family size Education Primary, High School, Secondary, College, University Income Occupation Socio- economic status Religion Nationality/race (ethnic marketing) Language Psychographic variables Personality Life style Interests/ hobbies Attitude/ opinions Behavioral variables In this approach buyers are classified into groups on the basis of their knowledge of, attitude toward, use of, or response to a product. Some behavioral variables can be - usage rate - readiness for buying the product (readiness- to- buy stage) - attitude toward the product - loyalty to the product (brand loyalty), and - occasions on which the product is used etc. When numerous variables are combined to give an in- depth understanding of a segment, this is referred to as depth segmentation. When enough information is combined to create a clear picture of a typical member of a segment, this is referred to as a buyer profile. When the profile is limited to demographic variables it is called a demographic profile (typically shortened to "a demographic"). A statistical technique commonly used in determining a profile is cluster analysis. 20

21 Talenacademie - Koning Willem I College - s- Hertogenbosch 2. Tips for organizing events 3. Samples of fundraising letters an event/fundraising_letters.htm 4. PowerPoint and presentation tips 21

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