Quality Assurance in Initial Teacher Education. The Standard for Initial Teacher Education in Scotland Benchmark Information

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1 Quaity Assurance in Initia Teacher Education The Standard for Initia Teacher Education in Scotand Information OCTOBER 2000

2 Convener's introduction This document is a statement of the Standard for Initia Teacher Education (ITE) in Scotand. Preparation of the document has been undertaken within the framework of the nationa procedures for quaity assurance in ITE in Scotand. The document offers those who have a direct or indirect interest in ITE an opportunity to identify those key issues which ought to inspire and infuence programmes in this area. It has been subject to widespread consutation. The framework for the benchmark information offers a comprehensive view of ITE, and one that shoud not constrain those who design programmes. Particuar attention has been paid to the main aspects to be considered in deveoping programmes, namey, professiona skis and abiities; professiona knowedge and understanding; and professiona vaues and persona commitment. Transferabe skis have aso been identified. Attention has been paid to the nationa requirements for ITE and the document incorporates the competences in the Guideines for Initia Teacher Education Courses in Scotand (SOEID 1998). The programmes wi be undertaken within the context of the partnerships among higher education institutions, oca authorities and schoos. This document has aso been designed to provide a foundation for panning the professiona deveopment of teachers throughout their careers. The benchmark information wi require to be deveoped and refined through appication and refection. It is hoped that a who wi use this document wi find it to be of vaue, and that it wi offer support for the design of programmes targeted at the Continuing Professiona Deveopment of teachers. The benchmark information is designed to encourage and enhance deveopment and change, and not to inhibit it. The current framework being deveoped for quaity assurance in ITE in Scotand wi incude a range of processes and practices which wi buid on this benchmark information to ensure a system of high quaity. In time, there may be the opportunity to rationaise nationa requirements for continuing Professiona Deveopment into a framework for teacher education in which benchmarks form a key feature. Bart McGettrick Convener ITE Group June 2000

3 The Standard for Initia Teacher Education in Scotand information 1 Introduction This document has been prepared to estabish a comprehensive and unitary set of benchmark statements which are the requirements for each programme of Initia Teacher Education in Scotand. This is the Standard for Initia Teacher Education in Scotand. The vision The benchmark information is based on a vision of the newy quaified teacher who, having successfuy competed a programme in Initia Teacher Education in Scotand, can function as an effective faciitator of pupis' earning, is committed to professiona deveopment and refection and is abe to engage coaborativey with coeagues in the profession, with other groups and agencies, and with the various members of the communities served by education. The benchmark information directy informs the process of designing suitabe programmes of study, rather than reating directy to the assessment of student teachers. However, since assessment is integra to the design of programmes and the deivery of earning and teaching, there wi be a cear reationship between benchmark information and criteria for assessment. Attention has been paid to the identification of the distinctive features expected of student teachers who have successfuy competed programmes of Initia Teacher Education in Scotand. The benchmark information therefore specifies the standard of skis, abiities, knowedge, understanding and vaues which programmes shoud address and assess. The educationa framework The Standard for Initia Teacher Education is defined in terms of benchmark statements which beong to the suite of such statements being deveoped by the Quaity Assurance Agency for Higher Education, but aso takes account of: the professiona nature of programmes of Initia Teacher Education which entai both academic and practica eements; the Quaity Initiative in Scottish schoos and the roe of schoo sef-evauation; the range of other requirements to which programmes must conform, and in particuar the Guideines for Initia Teacher Education Courses in Scotand (SOEID 1998); the Accreditation and Review Procedures of the Genera Teaching Counci for Scotand (GTCS); the benchmark statements of QAA in reation to Education Studies; the deveoping nationa framework of professiona awards; and HEIs' continuing and deveoping partnerships with education authorities and schoos. (A fuer statement of the forma status of the benchmark information in reation to other mandatory requirements is set out in Appendix 1.) page 1

4 Audience It is expected that this statement of the Standard for Initia Teacher Education wi be usefu for: those invoved in designing, approving, accrediting and vaidating programmes; those who teach in these programmes, incuding staff in HEIs and schoos; those engaged in externa examining; prospective empoyers; those who are responsibe for the assessment, review and monitoring of programmes; the students who undertake these programmes; those who are responsibe for buiding CPD on the statements indicated in this document; and those members of other professions, and the pubic more generay, who have an interest in the professiona education of teachers. Purposes of the benchmark information There are severa purposes for which the benchmark information may be used. These woud incude: the design of programmes of Initia Teacher Education; acting as a tempate for 'coverage' and baance in assessment of students; in providing a framework for reporting on student achievement; and in identifying areas for progression in teachers' CPD foowing Initia Teacher Education. There may be other purposes which wi be identified through use of the document. page 2

5 2 The nature and scope of the benchmark information Professionaism Initia Teacher Education programmes are concerned with the professiona education and deveopment of teachers, preparing them for work in schoos in Scotand and beyond, and acting as a basis for continuing persona and professiona deveopment. These programmes are professionay demanding, seeking to ensure that teachers are committed to exceence and are abe to work in a word of change and accountabiity, in an environment infuenced by its socia, economic, cutura and poitica contexts. Expectations The benchmark information specifies the expectations of programmes which contribute towards the design and quaity assurance of a programmes of Initia Teacher Education in Scotand, incuding those taken as: dedicated undergraduate programmes (eg BEd, BTechEd, BMusEd); concurrent undergraduate programmes of Initia Teacher Education (eg BA/BSc with the Dipoma in Education); postgraduate programmes (eg PGCE Primary and PGCE Secondary); and additiona teaching quaifications. Leve of performance The benchmark information has a reationship with the eve of performance expected of students who successfuy compete a professiona programme eading to the award of a Teaching Quaification (Primary Education), or a Teaching Quaification (Secondary Education). Programmes of Initia Teacher Education shoud enabe students to achieve an appropriate threshod eve of performance in reation to each of the benchmark statements. Programmes shoud aso enabe them to deveop strengths in some of them. Programmes of study can aow students to deveop and demonstrate evidence in specific areas with a view to transferring these skis to other areas of their practices as professionas or through Continuing Professiona Deveopment. The benchmark information for programmes of Initia Teacher Education incorporates the competences in the Guideines for Initia Teacher Education in Scotand (SOEID 1998). It does not, however, contain detaied requirements for specific contexts, methods of earning or teaching, or approaches to assessment. Those who design and deiver programmes wi be expected to take decisions on these matters, indicating how they reate to the benchmark information. First stage in a nationa framework of professiona quaifications The benchmark information wi serve as an important reference point for those engaged in deveoping other standards in the emerging framework for Continuing Professiona Deveopment. page 3

6 3 Programmes of Initia Teacher Education in context Core professiona interests Programmes of Initia Teacher Education are dynamic, changing and deveoping. They prepare students to undertake progressivey the professiona duties required of teachers, and to refect on the nature of the education system, not ony to respond to changes in the professiona context, but aso to contribute to that process of change. The range of core professiona interests and requirements for the teacher wi incude: having a secure knowedge and understanding of the subject area(s) for which (s)he wi be responsibe; being accountabe for contributing to the education of the whoe chid or young person, and taking professiona responsibiity for deveoping the personaity, taents and menta, spiritua and physica attributes of each chid or young person; engaging with current educationa issues and contributing to the processes of curricuum deveopment, staff deveopment and schoo deveopment; undertaking a range of approaches to teaching to faciitate the earning of pupis, incuding the appropriate use of information and communications technoogy (ICT); supporting the pastora care of pupis; promoting equaity of opportunity among a peope in an incusive society, and activey taking steps to counter discrimination; promoting the earning of those pupis who encounter barriers to earning, incuding those who are in need of support for earning in particuar areas of the curricuum; and those with emotiona and behavioura difficuties; reporting the success and progress of pupis to parents and other interested parties; taking responsibiity for and being committed to their own professiona deveopment arising from professiona refection on their own and other professiona practices; using research and other forms of vaid evidence to inform choice, change and priorities in promoting educationa practices and progress; reating appropriatey as a deveoping professiona to other teachers, coeagues from other professions, para-professionas and agencies in support of the pupis, and experience of working coaborativey with them; and undertaking administrative duties as required in a schoo. It shoud be noted that these core interests have to be put into practice in different socia, cutura, inguistic and educationa settings. This wi incude taking account of the education of chidren for whom Engish is an additiona anguage and of Gaeic medium education, as we as denominationa education and education in other distinctive contexts. From the above, it is cear that programmes wi invove students spending a significant proportion of time in schoos or other reevant educationa estabishments. As a resut, they wi have opportunities for direct experience of teaching chidren or young peope, and engaging professionay with other teachers, para-professionas, parents and members of other professions. page 4

7 Key educationa principes This document contains statements which represent core professiona interests. Other requirements may emerge with time and in the specific contexts in which teachers are working. Since these professiona requirements and interests depend on an understanding of key educationa principes, programmes of Initia Teacher Education wi be expected to: draw on a wide range of inteectua resources, theoretica perspectives and academic discipines to iuminate understanding of education and the contexts within which it takes pace; provide students with a broad and baanced knowedge and understanding of the principa features of education in a wide range of contexts; encourage students to engage in discussion with pupis; encourage students to engage with fundamenta questions concerning the aims and vaues of education and its reationship to society; provide opportunities for students to engage with and draw on educationa theory, research, poicy and practice; encourage professiona refection on educationa processes in a wide variety of contexts; deveop in students the abiity to construct and sustain a reasoned argument about educationa issues in a cear, ucid and coherent manner; and promote a range of quaities in students, incuding inteectua independence and critica engagement with evidence. page 5

8 4 Learning, teaching and assessment The processes of earning and teaching In programmes of Initia Teacher Education, it is expected that particuar attention wi be given to the processes of earning and teaching. Institutions wi work in partnership with schoos and other agencies to provide a variety of approaches to earning and teaching so that student teachers wi have experience of a wide range of strategies and approaches to education. Programmes wi incude individuaised study as we as active participation in group activities, working with other professionas, and working as part of a team. Particuar attention wi be paid to the effective use of ICT to faciitate earning and teaching. Schoo-based work There wi be a significant invovement of student teachers in the schoo setting. Learning through working with practising teachers and other professiona staff is a centra feature of Initia Teacher Education. It is expected that each institution wi deveop a scheme to faciitate partnership with oca authorities and incude independent schoos. Assessment The assessment of student teachers wi be undertaken using an appropriate range of methods of gathering evidence about their success and progress. It wi incude the use of data from HEIs, as we as from schoos and other paces in which the student teacher is undertaking her/his professiona education. Schemes of assessment wi be deveoped as part of the programmes of study for students and these schemes wi reate to this benchmark information. page 6

9 5 Aspects of professiona deveopment Programmes of Initia Teacher Education need to promote three main aspects of professiona deveopment: Professiona knowedge and understanding; Professiona skis and abiities; Professiona vaues and persona commitment. The significance of pacing these aspects within a triange is to emphasise that they are not simpy ists of competences or outcomes. They are inherenty inked to each other in the deveopment of the teacher, and one aspect does not exist independenty of the other two. It is this inter-reationship among a three which deveops the professionaism of the teacher. The inter-reationship is iustrated in the mode beow. The programmes which are deveoped wi be the resut of the interaction among these aspects. Each programme wi offer a distinctive baance and emphasis but wi deveop a three. statements have been produced for each of the aspects. Programmes wi be designed to give their attention to each of these and to their interaction. The benchmark statements incorporate 'competences' and other nationay specified quaitative requirements in Initia Teacher Education as we as the requirements of academic study. Professiona vaues and persona commitment Professiona skis and abiities Professiona knowedge and understanding Transferabe skis Programmes of Initia Teacher Education hep students to deveop skis which are transferabe to other areas of study and professiona empoyment. These transferabe skis are not additiona to the benchmark statements, but are the outcomes for successfu students who have competed a programme which addresses a the benchmark statements. The benchmarks and expected features The Standard for Initia Teacher Education contains the foowing key eements. s which are statements specifying the design requirements for programmes of Initia Teacher Education. for each benchmark which are intended to carify and iustrate aspects of student performance which the programme is designed to achieve. These features wi be used by HEIs in designing assessment strategies to ensure that the requirements for student teacher performance in Initia Teacher Education are met. By the end of programmes of Initia Teacher Education, newy quaified teachers are expected to be responsibe for a cass of pupis. However, they shoud continue to receive appropriate support as probationer teachers. During the period of probation, they wi be working towards achieving the standard of a teacher fuy registered with the Genera Teaching Counci for Scotand. A cross-reference for each benchmark is given to the reevant Competence(s). These competences are the statements currenty in use in ITE programmes and are set out in the Guideines for Initia Teacher Education Courses in Scotand (SOEID 1998). Transferabe skis are generic abiities derived from and integra to the benchmark information. They shoud not be considered as additiona to the benchmark statements. page 7

10 Standard for Initia Teacher Education page 8 1. Professiona knowedge and understanding 1.1 Curricuum The programme of initia teacher education wi enabe students to: By the end of the programme of initia teacher education, students wi: Acquire a knowedge and understanding of the reevant area(s) of pre-schoo, primary or secondary schoo curricuum Demonstrate knowedge, understanding and practica skis in the area of the curricuum or subject(s) to be taught, referring this to nationa guideines as appropriate. 1.1 Know how to match the eve of the curricuum and subject(s) to the needs of pupis. Know how to use and adapt materias for earning and teaching to stimuate and chaenge pupis Acquire the knowedge and understanding to fufi their responsibiities in respect of iteracy and numeracy; persona, socia and heath education; and ICT, as appropriate to the sector and stage of education. For student teachers at the pre-schoo and primary stages Demonstrate knowedge and understanding of the content of the curricuum in reation to iteracy and numeracy as set out in nationa guideines. Demonstrate that their panning and work with pupis is based on a secure knowedge and understanding of the deveopmenta stages of iteracy and numeracy in chidren. 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 Demonstrate knowedge and understanding of the methods and underying theories for effective teaching of iteracy and numeracy; and seect the most appropriate methods to meet pupis' needs.

11 Standard for Initia Teacher Education page Curricuum (continued) The programme of initia teacher education wi enabe students to: By the end of the programme of initia teacher education, students wi: Acquire the knowedge and understanding to enabe them to pan coherent and progressive teaching programmes, and justify what they teach. Know how to pan for effective earning in the area(s) of the curricuum or subject(s) to be taught, or themes being studied. Demonstrate the knowedge and understanding to justify what is taught within the area of the curricuum or subject(s), in reation to its vaue in the curricuum; its contribution to chidren's earning and genera deveopment; and its reevance to the needs of the pupis being taught. 1.5 and Acquire an understanding of the nature of the curricuum and its deveopment. Demonstrate an understanding of the principes of structure, breadth, baance, progression and continuity in the curricuum. 3.1, 3.2, 3.8 and 3.9 Know about and understand the processes of change and deveopment in the curricuum. Know how to draw on reevant comparisons with other sectors and systems.

12 Standard for Initia Teacher Education 1.2 Education systems and professiona responsibiities The programme of initia teacher education wi enabe students to: By the end of the programme of initia teacher education, students wi: Acquire a broad and critica understanding of the principa features of the education system, educationa poicy and practice. Demonstrate an understanding of the nationa framework for, and deveopments in, the Scottish education system. Know about and understand the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Chid and the Chidren (Scotand) Act , 3.3, 3.9, 4.3 and 4.7 Know about and understand internationa, nationa, and oca guideines on chid protection and teachers' roes and responsibiities in this area. Demonstrate an understanding of principes of equaity of opportunity and socia justice and of the need for anti-discriminatory practices. page 11

13 Standard for Initia Teacher Education page Education systems and professiona responsibiities (continued) The programme of initia teacher education wi enabe students to: By the end of the programme of initia teacher education, students wi: Acquire a good working knowedge of the sector in which they teach and their professiona responsibiities within it. Demonstrate an understanding of the system in which they are working, incuding: the roe and organisation of education authorities; the organisation and management of schoos and resources; how cassroom earning and teaching reate to schoo poicy and deveopment panning; quaity assurance; staff deveopment and review; and the work of schoo boards and parents' groups. 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 4.6, 4.7 and 4.8 Demonstrate a working knowedge of the teacher's contractua, pastora and ega responsibiities. Demonstrate an awareness of their responsibiities for contributing to the ethos of the schoo, for exampe, by promoting positive reationships between staff, pupis and parents. For Cathoic teachers, an awareness of the distinctive ethos of the Cathoic schoo is expected. Know about reporting to parents on their chidren's progress and discussing matters reated to their chidren's persona, socia and emotiona deveopment in a sensitive and productive way. Demonstrate an understanding of the roes and responsibiities of staff within the schoo, incuding their responsibiity for schoo improvement. Know about the roes of other professionas and how to work with them. Know about the informa schoo curricuum and the contribution they might make to it.

14 Standard for Initia Teacher Education 1.3 Principes and perspectives The programme of initia teacher education wi enabe students to: By the end of the programme of initia teacher education, students wi: Draw on reevant principes, perspectives and theories to inform professiona vaues and practices. Demonstrate knowedge and understanding of the stages of chid deveopment which they are abe to use to take account of their pupis' needs. A Demonstrate knowedge and understanding of the main theories of earning and draw on these in thinking about and panning their own teaching and pupis' earning. Demonstrate the abiity to discuss the principes informing their own view of education, the curricuum and professiona practice, drawing on a knowedge and understanding of mora and reigious vaues and phiosophica ideas in a changing society Acquire an understanding of research and its contribution to education. Know how to access and appy reevant findings from educationa research. 4.4, 4.5 and 4.10 Know how to engage appropriatey in the systematic investigation of practice. page 13

15 Standard for Initia Teacher Education page 14 2 Professiona skis and abiities 2.1 Teaching and earning The programme of initia teacher education wi enabe students to: By the end of the programme of initia teacher education, students wi: Communicate effectivey, using a variety of media, to stimuate pupis and achieve the objectives of essons. Demonstrate that they are abe to use appropriate strategies to motivate and sustain the interest of a pupis during a esson , and Demonstrate that they can communicate with pupis ceary and offer expanations in a stimuating manner. Demonstrate that they can question pupis effectivey and respond to their questions and their contributions to discussions Empoy a range of teaching strategies and justify their approach. Demonstrate that they can use direct interactive teaching and homework to reinforce and extend work in cass , 2.1.5, and Demonstrate that they can seect strategies for teaching and earning appropriate to the subject, topic and pupis' needs. Demonstrate that they can seect and use a wide variety of resources, incuding ICT, in a considered way and in a number of different earning and teaching situations. Demonstrate the abiity to teach individuas, groups and casses. Demonstrate the abiity to evauate and justify the approaches taken to earning and teaching and their impact on pupis.

16 Standard for Initia Teacher Education 2.1 Teaching and earning (continued) The programme of initia teacher education wi enabe students to: By the end of the programme of initia teacher education, students wi: Set expectations and a pace of work which make appropriate demands on a pupis. Demonstrate that they have high but reaistic expectations of pupis and match tasks and rates of work to the needs of a pupis, incuding those with specia educationa needs, and ensure that the more abe pupis are effectivey chaenged , 2.1.8, 2.1.9, and Demonstrate the abiity to identify and respond appropriatey to pupis with difficuties in, or barriers to, earning and recognise when to seek further advice in reation to their specia educationa needs. Demonstrate the abiity to respond appropriatey to gender, socia, cutura, reigious and inguistic differences among pupis. Demonstrate that they are abe to encourage pupis to take initiatives in, and become responsibe for, their own earning Work effectivey in co-operation with other professionas and aduts in order to promote earning. Demonstrate that they are abe to work co-operativey in the cassroom with other professionas and aduts, such as parents and cassroom assistants , , 3.7 and 4.6 Demonstrate the abiity to identify the ways in which additiona support in the cassroom can assist pupis' earning. page 15

17 Standard for Initia Teacher Education page Cassroom organisation and management The programme of initia teacher education wi enabe students to: By the end of the programme of initia teacher education, students wi: Organise casses and essons to ensure that a pupis are safe and productivey empoyed when working individuay, in groups or as a cass. Know how to pan and provide a we-organised cassroom, designed to stimuate the pupis and ensure their heath and safety. Know how to co-operate in panning and organising working arrangements invoving, as appropriate, nursery nurses, cassroom assistants, parent hepers and other anciary staff , 2.2.1, 2.2.3, 3.7 and 4.6 Know how to make fu use of space to accommodate whoe-cass essons, group and individua work. Know how to make use of the environment and resources outside the schoo to support teaching and pupis' earning. Know how to enabe pupis to make fu use of we-chosen materias and equipment, incuding ICT. Know how to use dispay effectivey. Know about and be abe to appy appropriate heath and safety reguations.

18 Standard for Initia Teacher Education 2.2 Cassroom organisation and management (continued) The programme of initia teacher education wi enabe students to: By the end of the programme of initia teacher education, students wi: Manage pupi behaviour fairy, sensitivey and consistenty by the use of appropriate rewards and sanctions and know when it is necessary to seek advice. Demonstrate the abiity to use a variety of techniques to encourage pupis, promote positive behaviour and activey ceebrate success. Know how to carry out a schoo's discipine poicy, incuding strategies for preventing buying , 2.2.4, and Know how and when to seek the advice of coeagues in managing pupis' behaviour. Demonstrate that they can justify the approach which they take to managing pupis. page 17

19 Standard for Initia Teacher Education page Pupi assessment The programme of initia teacher education wi enabe students to: By the end of the programme of initia teacher education, students wi: Understand and appy the principes of assessment, recording and reporting. Know about the principes and purposes of baseine, summative, and formative assessment, incuding criterion and norm-referenced techniques , 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4, 3.2 and 4.2 Demonstrate that they can use assessment techniques, appropriate to the age and stage of their pupis and have a knowedge of those required by SQA. Demonstrate that they can use techniques such as teachers' reports, marking of work, observation, questioning and testing, to estabish the eves of attainment of individuas, groups and casses. Know about a range of ways of recording the resuts of assessment and be abe to keep good records. Know about the ways of producing reports for parents which are in ine with nationa guideines Use the resuts of assessment to evauate and improve teaching and to improve standards of attainment. Know how to monitor progress against nationa expectations and individua targets, diagnose difficuties, confirm attainment of earning outcomes and set targets for next steps in earning , 2.1.4, , 2.3.5, 3.2 and 4.2 Know how to use the information obtained from assessments to encourage and reward pupis, to expain errors in earning and to advise them on ways of overcoming difficuties and making progress. Know how to encourage pupis to assess themseves and engage with them in diaogue about their progress. Know how to use resuts of assessment to set onger term targets for a cass. Know about studies of Scottish and internationa surveys of pupis' attainment.

20 Standard for Initia Teacher Education 2.4 Professiona refection and communication The programme of initia teacher education wi enabe students to: By the end of the programme of initia teacher education, students wi: Access and evauate professionay reevant iterature. Demonstrate that they can use appropriate search techniques to identify reevant iterature. 4.5 and 4.10 Demonstrate that they can anayse and evauate a range of texts. Demonstrate that they can use what they have earned to broaden understanding and improve practices Construct and sustain reasoned and coherent arguments about educationa matters and professiona practices. Demonstrate that they can frame cear questions in discussing educationa matters. Demonstrate the abiity to justify and substantiate an argument, using evidence as appropriate, and draw appropriate concusions. 1.6, , 2.2.6, 3.2, 3.3, 4.4 and 4.5 Demonstrate that they can produce written reports which are westructured, convincingy argued and technicay accurate Refect on and act to improve the effectiveness of their own practice and contribute to the processes of curricuum deveopment and schoo deveopment panning. Know how to draw on evidence in making decisions about professiona practice. Know how to adopt a questioning approach to their professiona practice and engage appropriatey in professiona enquiry and action research. 1.6, , 2.2.6, 2.3.5, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.10 page 19 Know how to contribute to the processes of curricuum deveopment and schoo deveopment panning.

21 Standard for Initia Teacher Education page 20 3 Professiona vaues and persona commitment The programme of initia teacher education wi enabe students to: By the end of the programme of initia teacher education, students wi: 3.1 Vaue and demonstrate a commitment to socia justice and incusion. Demonstrate that they respect and vaue chidren and young peope as unique, whoe individuas. 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.7 Demonstrate respect for the rights of a chidren and young peope without discrimination as defined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Chid and the Chidren (Scotand) Act Demonstrate that they vaue and promote fairness and justice and adopt anti-discriminatory practices in respect of gender, sexua orientation, race, disabiity, age, reigion and cuture. Demonstrate commitment to promoting and supporting the individua deveopment, we-being and socia competence of the pupis in their cass/register groups, and to raising these pupis' expectations of themseves and others. 3.2 Vaue themseves as growing professionas by taking responsibiity for their professiona earning and deveopment. Demonstrate a commitment to sef-evauation and continuing professiona deveopment. Demonstrate a wiingness to contribute and respond to changes in education poicies and practices. 4.4, 4.5 and 4.10

22 Standard for Initia Teacher Education 3 Professiona vaues and persona commitment (continued) The programme of initia teacher education wi enabe students to: By the end of the programme of initia teacher education, students wi: 3.3 Vaue, respect and show commitment to the communities in which they work. Demonstrate a commitment to promoting and responding to partnerships within the community - with professiona coeagues, other professions, parents, other agencies and the earners themseves. 4.6, 4.8 and 4.9 Know about environmenta issues and be abe to contribute to education for sustainabe deveopment. Know about the factors which contribute to heath and we-being and be wiing to contribute to promoting heathy ifestyes. Know about the requirements of education for citizenship and be wiing to encourage pupis to be active, critica and responsibe citizens. Demonstrate a wiingness to work co-operativey with other professionas recognising their different skis and possibe different vaue bases. page 21

23 Transferabe skis The knowedge, skis and abiities acquired in Initia Teacher Education have a wider potentia reevance in higher education and empoyment. In particuar, programmes of Initia Teacher Education wi enabe students to demonstrate that: TS1 TS2 TS3 TS4 TS5 TS6 TS7 TS8 TS9 TS10 they can deveop and manage effective reationships with others; they can communicate and report effectivey both oray and in writing; they have a capacity for sef-knowedge, sef-criticism and an understanding of education as a ifeong process; they can use research, gather evidence and adopt a rationa and critica approach to choice and decision-making; they have sensitivity to the needs of others, respecting their individua rights, and supporting their deveopment; and show sensitivity to the needs of communities; they can justify a persona stance on educationa issues by reference to appropriate evidence; they can ocate professiona action in its socia, poitica and community context; they can be effective in administration and management, using new technoogies with confidence when appropriate; they have the capacity to work with and manage change; and they can be systematic, we-prepared, and capabe of panning ahead. page 22

24 Appendix 1 The mandatory requirements of programmes in Initia Teacher Education The requirements of the Quaity Assurance Agency (QAA) for Higher Education In No 5 of its buetin, Higher Quaity, the QAA states that it wi use benchmark information on standards in the course of review at subject eve. Initia Teacher Education is regarded for the purposes of benchmarking as being a subject. In Higher Quaity the QAA expains: These (benchmarks) wi be a means of determining fitness of purpose of individua programmes. Accordingy, they shoud enabe broady comparabe standards of attainment to be identified...institutions shoud be abe to demonstrate how benchmark information has been used to inform the specification of the intended outcomes of a programme, and in caibrating the overa demands of their assessment framework. Other uses of the benchmark statements reate to: pubic information; deveopment of programmes; and supporting externa examining. In the majority of subject areas, the QAA has defined benchmark information at the eve of the Honours Degree. However, many programmes of Initia Teacher Education do not ead to such quaifications. In this document, the benchmark information is taken to appy to a programmes of Initia Teacher Education, whether these programmes ead to awards of BEd, PGCE or ATQ (Additiona Teaching Quaifications) or to TQ awards within concurrent degree programmes. The requirements of the Secretary of State (now Scottish Ministers) A programmes of Initia Teacher Education in Scotand require the approva of the Secretary of State, under Reguation 4 of the Teachers (Education, Training and Recommendation for Registration) (Scotand) Reguations Scottish Ministers' poicy on the content, nature and duration of programmes eading to teaching quaifications for the primary and secondary sectors are aid out in Guideines for Initia Teacher Education Courses in Scotand, hereafter referred to as the Guideines. The Genera Teaching Counci for Scotand advises the Scottish Executive on whether programmes of study in Initia Teacher Education shoud receive approva in terms of the Guideines. Partnership arrangements and Initia Teacher Education The Guideines aso make it cear that staff in Scottish schoos make an essentia contribution to the deivery of programmes of Initia Teacher Education, incuding the assessment of student teachers. Therefore, oca authorities and schoos wi have an interest in and commitment to the use of the benchmark information. Teaching competences and benchmark information It coud be argued that the Guideines have, to some extent, anticipated the need for benchmark information by aying out in Section D the competences which student teachers shoud demonstrate by the end of their programmes of Initia Teacher Education. The main difference between the Guideines and the benchmark information is that the Guideines incude conditions for approva of programmes and particuar requirements of programmes (eg specia reference to BEd(Primary) etc) which are not contained within the narrower scope of the benchmark document. The benchmark information deveops the interpay of professiona knowedge and understanding; professiona skis and abiities; and professiona vaues and persona commitment. In future the Guideines and the benchmark information may merge into one document. page 23

25 Appendix 2 Members of the ITE ing Group Professor Bart McGettrick (Chairman) Professor Gordon Kirk Mr Donad Christie Mr Robert Stefanie Mr John McCarney Professor Ronad Eder Professor Peter Cope Dr Vaerie Haam Mr Jim McNay Mrs Christine Poock Mr Nick Marra Mr Gordon Mackenzie HMI Mrs Margery Browning Dr David Bottomey (observer) University of Gasgow University of Edinburgh University of Strathcyde University of Paisey University of Gasgow Northern Coege of Education University of Stiring Genera Teaching Counci for Scotand (GTCS) Genera Teaching Counci for Scotand (GTCS) North Lanarkshire Counci St Mary's Primary Schoo Bawearie High Schoo HM Inspectors of Schoos (SEED) Quaity Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) page 24

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