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1 2008

2 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Bilateral exchange IT R1 Dialogo Interculturale e Nuove Tecnologie insieme per i giovani Applicant: Squeezezoom Bottega Associazione Culturale Applicant Address: Via della Battaglia, 9 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: Bologna First Theme: Media and communication/youth information Second Theme: Other The Cultural Association Squeezezoom Bottega, specialised in audiovisual projects for young people organise an international exchange between 15 young Italians, from 15 to 17 years from the city of Bologna and 15 young Spanish, from 15 to 20 years, from the small villages of the mountain community of the Consortio de Guadalteba in the province of Malaga. In this phase, the group of Spanish young people and 2 group leaders will be hosted in Bologna. Squeezezoom Bottega will organise all the activities together with the Italian participants. The main idea of the project is developing intercultural dialog through the use of video and new technologies. The principal objectives are fostering youth participation in the public life of local communities, establishing a deep dialogue between cultural back grounds extremely different, using Internet and new technologies as privileged language of European youth. Concretely, it will be organised a permanent audiovisual laboratories which will follow all the activities and cultural visits of the groups, in order to produce a video, a travel journal and a pictures reportage that will be exploited to promote and foster intercultural exchanges and Youth in Action programs among the local institutions and communities. Young participants will be involved in all the phases of the shooting, editing and production of videos and other digital materials. Venue Town: Bologna Granted amount: 4.764,00 Pagina 2 di 434

3 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Bilateral exchange IT R1 Videocreazione: una vetrina delle nostre culture Applicant: Squeezezoom Bottega Associazione Culturale Applicant Address: Via della Battaglia, 9 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: Bologna First Theme: Media and communication/youth information Second Theme: Other The Cultural Association Squeezezoom Bottega, specialised in audiovisual project for young people organise an international exchange between 15 young Italians, from 15 to 17 years from the city of Bologna and 15 young Spanish, from 15 to 20 years, from the small villages of the mountain community of the Consortio de Guadalteba in the province of Malaga. In this phase, the group of Italian young people and 2 group leaders will be hosted in the small village Canete la Real. The "Centro de Information Juvenil Consorcio Guadalteba" will organise all the activities together with the young Spanish participants. The main idea of the project is developing intercultural dialog through the use of video and new technologies. The principal objectives are fostering youth participation in the public life of local communities, establishing a deep dialogue between cultural back grounds extremely different, using Internet and new technologies as privileged language of European youth. Concretely, it will be organised a permanent audiovisual laboratories which will follow all the activities and cultural visits of the groups, in order to produce a video, a travel journal and a pictures reportage that will be exploited to promote and foster intercultural exchanges and Youth in Action programs among the local institutions and communities. Young participants will be involved in all the phases of the shooting, editing and production of videos and other digital materials. Venue Country: Spain Venue Town: Canete la Real Granted amount: 4.070,00 Pagina 3 di 434

4 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Multilateral exchange IT R1 A stranger is a friend you haven t met yet Applicant: Comune di Settimo Torinese Applicant Address: Piazza della Libertà, 4 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: Settimo Torinese First Theme: Art and culture Second Theme: Media and communication/youth information Il progetto A stranger is a friend you haven t met yet si propone di costruire un percorso tramite cui isogge coinvol, giovani residen in cinque differen paesi europei, possano conoscersireciprocamente e possano sviluppare il proprio senso di ci adinanza europea grazie al mezzo dicomunicazione interculturale che il cinema può rappresentare. A par re da questo strumento, infa,e avvalendosi della posizione privilegiata di vicinanza a Torino, prima capitale italiana del cinema, siintende realizzare un percorso che, snodandosi a raverso i nerari ad hoc lungo luoghi torinesi resicelebri dal cinema, serate interculturali dedicate alla proiezione di pellicole scelte dagli stessipartecipan come più rappresenta ve del loro paese di provenienza e, con l ausilio di giovani giàa vi nel campo cinematografico, conduca i giovani, u lizzando la telecamera come tes mone idealedell esperienza, ad apportare il proprio contributo nel ruolo di regista e personaggio protagonista nelrealizzare un cortometraggio il cui tema è la visione della realtà metropolitana dal punto di vista diuno straniero. A stranger is a friend you havent met yet wont to build a path through which involved youngsubjects, residents in five different European countries, can reciprocally know and develop their ownsense of European ci zen with intercultural media like movie. Beginning from this media, in fact, andfrom the privileged posi on so closed to Turin, first Italian movie capital, the project intends to realizea film that, with young subjects involved, represents a vision of the metropolitan reality from the pointof view of a foreigner. Venue Town: Settimo Torinese Granted amount: ,50 Pagina 4 di 434

5 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Bilateral exchange IT R1 JOIN IN AND SHARE IT: HYPOTHESIS FOR YOUTH PARTICIPATION Applicant: Brazzale Mirta per Conto del Gruppo Informale IN MOVIMENTO Applicant Address: VIA PASINI, 27 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: SCHIO (VICENZA) First Theme: Youth policies Second Theme: Media and communication/youth information "Join in and share it, hypotesis for youth participation" si svolgerà a Schio, Italia e coinvolgerà un gruppo di ragazzi inviati dal Comune di Landshut, Germania. Lo scambio avrà come tema la partecipazione giovanile come possibilità per i giovani di prendere parte nella programmazione e nella realizzazione di azioni che permettano loro di diventare protagonisti di ciò che fanno. I partecipanti misureranno il "grado di partecipazione" delle loro esperienze passate ed avranno modo di esprimere (tramite brainstorming e workshop) alcune ipotesi e opinioni comuni riguardo ai criteri da osservare nelle attività di coinvolgimento giovanile.i ragazzi discuteranno anche sulla comunicazione come un importante aspe o della conoscenza/informazione per i giovani: che tipo di mezzi solitamente si utilizzano? Ci sono differenze tra la cultura tedesca e quella italiana? Quanto utilizziamo mezzi virtuali e quanto quelli fisici, come ad esempio il nostro corpo?il proge o è una combinazione di momen di confronto interculturale e a vità pra che durante le quali i partecipanti produrranno degli strumenti multimediali: un blog, in cui introdurranno i risultati dello scambio, un video in cui si riprenderanno le attività quotidiane e un diario con idee, suggerimen e commen personali sullo scambio.infine, lo scambio darà l'opportunità di conoscere meglio Gioventù in Azione e illustrarlo alla cittadinanza, agli altri giovani incontrati durante lo scambio e all'amministrazione locale. Venue Town: Schio (VICENZA) Granted amount: 3.816,00 Pagina 5 di 434

6 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Bilateral exchange IT R1 MI VEDO CON I TUOI OCCHI Applicant: ASSOCIAZIONE ON-OFF Applicant Address: Via Borletti, 50 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: Piscina (TORINO) First Theme: European awareness Second Theme: Art and culture 36 youngsters from Poland and Italy will meet in Badów Górny k. Mszczonowa and work together during 10 days on construction of a theater performance about the idea of social and cultural "revolution", and the values the 1968's events transmitted in western and eastern Europe. The theme of the exchange is both pedagogical and cultural: the reflection around the idea of "rebellion", considering the exemple of the past; the difference of perspectives about the recent history of European countries, in particular about what happened in Poland in 1968 (Anti-Semitic persecution and the March 1968 events) in contrast with the idea of the 1968 in western Europe. During the activities participants will discuss and build together with Italian and Polish theater animators a theater performances about the points that will emerge by their meeting.the performance will be open and involve local people. In addition, a documentary movie about the exchange and the play will be filmed and spread. Venue Country: Poland Venue Town: Badów Górny k. Mszczonowa Granted amount: 6.952,00 Pagina 6 di 434

7 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Multilateral exchange IT R1 Open to Diversity: young adults meet multiple identities. Applicant: ARCIGAY Associazione lesbica e gay italiana Applicant Address: Via Don Minzoni, 18 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: Bologna First Theme: Anti-discrimination Second Theme: Minorities Le project vise à réunir jeunes activistes gay, lesbiennes, bisexuel(le)s, transexuel(le)s ou transgender provenant de Bulgarie, Turquie, France, Espagne, Pays Bas, Italie et de différentes réalités au niveau local et national pour se confronter et échanger de bonnes pratiques sur le thème des discriminations multiples : on partira des expériences et de différentes définitions des identités, pour aller au racines de la différence, du respect des autres, de l'échange et de la construc on d'espaces surs pour tous et toutes. La base commune des droits humains (LGBT rights are Human Rights : ILGA-Europe Conference, Vilnius 2007) permettra d'utiliser le dialogue interculturel comme instrument pour inviter à la participation active les jeunes gens et pour faire interagir le différentes réalités. Les local case studies vont enfin permettre une confrontation avec les réalités locales et un apprentissage direct de bonnes pratiques dans les différents milieux. Le projet d'échange interna onal est inséré dans le calendrier des événements de " Bologna Pride 2008 " et permettra aux participant(e)s d'avoir expérience des différentes réalités locales, se mettre en network avec les réalités nationales concernées dans le Bologna Pride 2008, pour offrir exemples de bonnes pra ques à travers une rencontre publique. Venue Town: Bologna Granted amount: ,00 Pagina 7 di 434

8 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Bilateral exchange IT R1 Movie in Action (MiA) Applicant: Violetta Aucone per conto del Gruppo Informale Promethea Applicant Address: c/o Cencetti - L.go Beltramelli, 1/b Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: Viterbo First Theme: Social inclusion Second Theme: Inter-religious dialogue The project previews two fundamental moments for the activities. One first is dedicated to the movie vision centralized on the topics of the democracy, of the Inter-religious dialogue, the discrimination and the respect of the atmosphere and the nature.the second part of the ac vi es is concentrated on the realization of a short movie by the young people on the topics over indicates, taking cue from movies seen together and discussed.the movies will directly proposed from the three groups par cipants. In fact in the previous months before the beginning of the activities in the house laboratory, every group will meet in order to discuss which film to carry up, discussing during this time with the groups partners too, to having therefore a complete panorama of the topics that will deal.the main language in order to communicate will be English. Probably the visions of the movies will see in participants's own language, while the forum that follow will be in English. This in order to allow to a greater understanding of the topics of movies, concentrating the understanding and the dialogue during the arguments that follow the visions, and the collaboration and the cooperation in the realization of the short movie. But we try to understand and respect each language we will use daily in our country, trying to learn something new too.the topic of the short movie will decided during the meetings of participants. For the realization of the movie, we will divide the participants in mixed work groups: there will be the players; a group will be taken care of the scenario, an other of the cameras and the direction; there will be the group of the customs and make-up and the group that will promote the short movie once fact we think to promote the dvd realized to informe schools, local associa ons, obviously all under gratuitous tle. Venue Town: Orvieto Granted amount: 5.364,00 Pagina 8 di 434

9 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Bilateral exchange IT R1 "A challenge to the exchange" Applicant: AIPD Associazione Italiana Persone Down Applicant Address: V.le delle Milizie, 106 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: Roma First Theme: European awareness Second Theme: Social inclusion This exchange follows, after four months, the first exchange in Rome. The two goups of youngsters with Down syndrome, one from Italy and another one from Austria, will be the same involved in the exchange which has taken place in Rome. It is based upon the theme self-consciousness to be adult for a person with Down syndrome.planned ac vi es for the exchange are: discussion sessions, visits and significant experiences both for professional and for personal life. The youngsters will be the protagonists in all the daily activities where the ultimate aim is to develop their wish and consciousness of independent living and autonomy, which are necessary steps to their path towards an adult condi on. Venue Country: Austria Venue Town: Vienna Granted amount: 3.740,00 Pagina 9 di 434

10 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Multilateral exchange IT R1 YOUNG PEOPLE TO THE FORE Exploring Youth Participation in Europe Applicant: Vedogiovane Soc. Coop. Soc. Applicant Address: Via dei Frassini, 16 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: Borgomanero First Theme: Youth policies Second Theme: Other Young people's needs, wishes and opinions have little influence on the decision taken by politicians and adults in general (within schools and associations for example); and it happens locally, nationally and interna onally.the partners involved think that par cipa on is the key element in the defini on of youth citizenship and that an international exchange dedicated to the exploration of such topics can concretely support and encourage youth ac ve involvement in the local communi es.the mee ng would be an important opportunity to share and compare the participants and partner organizations' views about youth par cipa on in their countries through the explora on of the experiences they had.the par cipants will be asked to express their views and share their experiences in a crea ve way. Venue Town: Borgomanero Granted amount: ,00 Pagina 10 di 434

11 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Multilateral exchange IT R1 "Per un' Europa sostenibile" Applicant: XENIA Coop Soc Applicant Address: Via Pablo Picasso, 30 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: Napoli First Theme: Social inclusion Second Theme: Environment This multilateral project in Naples is born from the conviction that generally the exchanges and the opportunities of the Youth Programme are an effective resource and a real opportunity for our young people. The project wants to be a connection and reference point for the young people promoting spaces for the protagonism and the direct participation, leaving from the requirements of the young people in order to be involved them in the crea on and realiza on of the ac vi es. A select theme for the ac vi es (the environment) is not casual: the young Neapolitans involved in the project are of the district "Pianura." A sadly famous district not only for the environmental fools also provoked by the building abusiveness but from a dump that for years it has served the Region Campania.In an atmosphere of expressive freedom and of mutual respect, the youthes will acquire a critical awareness on the themes to social character and they will have the possibility of live an only experience and far from the their runch for the condition of economic and cultural deprivation where they are living. An experience that gives them the possibility to reveal they as possible promoters of "a sustainable Europe" Venue Town: NAPOLI Granted amount: ,00 Pagina 11 di 434

12 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Bilateral exchange IT R1 L'ECOLOGIE PARTAGEE Applicant: CESVOL- Centro Servizi per il Volontariato-Perugia Applicant Address: Via S. Penna, 104/106 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: Perugia First Theme: Social inclusion Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities Le projet " L'écologie partagée " aura lieu dans l'agglomération orleanaise (Loiret) du 21 au 28 juillet 2008 entre 13 jeunes italiens et 11 jeunes français. Ce projet veut offrir la possibilité aux jeunes de vivre et de partager une expérience interna onale liée à l'environnement. La méthode u lisée sera par cipa v, direct et non formal. Objec fs généraux : -Echanges interculturels-perme re aux jeunes de s'inves r dans un projet-favoriser la rencontre entre jeunes issus d'horizons différents-favoriser une démarche collec ve-sensibiliser les jeunes à la nature et à l'environnement-observer le comportement des uns et des autres vis à vis de l'environnement -Développer une conscience environnementale Venue Country: France Venue Town: LOIRET Granted amount: 4.967,00 Pagina 12 di 434

13 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Bilateral exchange IT R1 L'IDENTITÀ E L'INTEGRAZIONE SOCIALE: IL FUTURO DELLA CRESCITA DELL'EU Applicant: PROMOZIONE80 COOPERATIVA SOCIALE Applicant Address: VIA BARI, 92 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: OPPIDO LUCANO (PZ) First Theme: European awareness Second Theme: Social inclusion The Cooperativa Sociale Promozione 80 is a social cooperative which favours the social integration and gives assistance to disadvantaged young people, between the 10 and the 25 years, and to their families.the plain is to meet and to receive a norwegian group young people with mul cultural background.during the days of exchange experiences related to iden ty, integra on and everyday challenges in a multicultural society will be addressed in different ways. The program for the week will focus on different activities, from sports and sightseeing to workshops and discousions. The aim is that these activities will create relations and reflections among the youth from both groups. The projects aim is to provide the youth with a better understanding of Europe and to create a field for participation, coopera on and comparison. The youth in both groups has experienced social and cultural exclusion. Venue Town: OPPIDO LUCANO Granted amount: 9.900,00 Pagina 13 di 434

14 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Bilateral exchange IT R1 Art Jamming Applicant: Francesca Bellomo per conto del Gruppo Informale Travelling whitin art Applicant Address: Via A. Grandi, 6 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: Domodossola First Theme: Art and culture Second Theme: Media and communication/youth information Lo scambio giovanile si svolgerà a Villadossola, provincia del Verbano Cusio Ossola, in Piemonte. Il gruppo italiano ospiterà il gruppo spagnolo. Attraverso diverse attività culturali ed artistiche - visita nel territorio, workshop artistici, momenti di improvvisazione - così come numerose occasioni di confronto e di festa, i gruppi impareranno qualcosa in più l'uno dell'altro e potranno confrontarsi sul tema oggetto dello scambio, ovvero le possibilità di espressione, sperimentate, nei rispettivi territori, da giovani che condividono interessi artistici. Il progetto è finalizzato a fornire a giovani artisti (musicisti, pittori, graffitari, ecc.), provenienti da due diversi paesi europei, la possibilità di discutere sulle diverse forme di promozione della crea vità giovanile, in par colare allo scopo di confrontare: - le difficoltà incontrate dai giovani nella ricerca di spazi dove realizzare performance dal vivo - difficoltà incontrate dagli ar s nel promuovere le loro creazioni e performance-modalità u lizzate allo scopo di o enere visibilità nella zona in cui i giovani ar s vivono e agiscono-rapporto con gli amministratori locali e con il pubblico giovanile- lo scenario emergente nel mpanorama del'espressività legata alla cultura "underground" L'obiettivo finale è quello di permettere a giovani artisti di realizzare un confronto in merito alle difficoltà e le soluzioni adottate per promuovere la propria presenza e capacità di azione nei rispettivi contesti di vita, senza trascurare di lasciare uno spazio ad un confronto artistico e creativo, che troverà visibilià, anche in riferimento alla comunità locale, mediante la realizzazione di un evento pubblico finale, di presentazione delle performance espressive, nate dall'interrazione ar s ca, realizzata dai ragazzi durante lo scambio. Venue Town: Villadossola Granted amount: 8.302,00 Pagina 14 di 434

15 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Trilateral exchange IT R1 "OK" - Union of Cultures Applicant: UniTS Università del Terzo Settore Applicant Address: Via F. Turati, 6 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: Pisa First Theme: European awareness Second Theme: Social inclusion The project "OK"- UNION OF CULTURES will take place in Haskovo, Bulgaria, from July 10th to 17th 2008, involving 24 youngsters and their group leaders coming from Bulgaria, Italy and The Netherlands.The tle we chose for our Exchange Project came from the fact that the year 2008 is pronounced to be the Year of Multicultural Dialogue, and the topic coincides with our general interest of young people, who are actively involved and interested in language and culture studies.through the discover of the local culture, history and traditions, the young participants will appreciate the diversities among the different cultures; thanks to group building activities, visits, workshops and cultural nights they will understand a little bit better how important it is to be ac ve ci zens, future European actors. Venue Country: Bulgaria Venue Town: Haskovo Granted amount: 3.946,00 Pagina 15 di 434

16 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Multilateral exchange IT R1 Going together in Europe Applicant: AmbienteSociale Associazione Applicant Address: C/Da Belloro, 9 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: Benestare First Theme: Social inclusion Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities Going togheter in EU born to develop the EU opportunities for teenager in EU involving them in outdoors acitivities and cultural workshops to help the integration in the europe context by means of no formal methodologies and ICL ac vi vi es: Sport (basketball, volley,...) Workshops of theatre and pain ng (theme: Sport expressing yourself)icl ac vi esvisitsmethodologies: no formal (games, team building,...)icl(games and discussions) Venue Town: Bovalino Granted amount: ,00 Pagina 16 di 434

17 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Bilateral exchange IT R1 POZZUOLO & GINES: CONNECTION WITH EUROPE Applicant: PRO LOCO POZZUOLO - GRUPPO ANIMATORI GIOVANILI Applicant Address: PIAZZA JULIA Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: POZZUOLO DEL FRIULI First Theme: European awareness Second Theme: Youth policies The project consists of hosting a group of Spanish Young sociocultural operators with whom we would like to build up acquaintance and friendship. We would like to have a debate and reflect on the relationships between countries and people, on the stereotypes that influence our behaviour and on the difficulties of mutual understanding. Since we carry out the same type of sociocultural activity, we would like to discuss about the situation of young people in our countries and about the projects that we are organizing for other young people to improve sociality, to counter the social alienation of the weak and to prevent the youth's discomfort. Therefore, the exchange project implies moments of discussion and reflection on what we are living, moments of shared activity and moments of proper life in common, in order to facilitate an authentic meeting between the young participants in the project and the young who take part in the activities of the youth centre in Pozzuolo del Friuli,"Centro di Aggregazione Giovanile". Meetings, discussion groups and workshops are organized in order to reflect on shared experiences. Venue Town: POZZUOLO DEL FRIULI Granted amount: 9.276,00 Pagina 17 di 434

18 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Multilateral exchange IT R1 Let's break our stereotypes! Applicant: GOING TO EUROPE ASSOCIAZIONE Applicant Address: Via degli Adelardi, 4 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: Modena First Theme: Anti-discrimination Second Theme: Art and culture This project aims at exposing and breaking stereotypes in order to avoid falling in the trap of prejudices which are often the cause of unjustified hostilities. The project wants to promote a constructive intercultural dialogue based on active listening which can enable us to recognize also our interlocutor's specificity and uniqueness. In this way people will be able to avoid standardizations, or fixed patterns which depreciate what is different from our own culture. The knowledge of different national stereotypes and their daily manifestation in people's culture will be provided through discussions and artistic activities (such as drawing, dancing, acting and organizing a photo exhibition). Discussions will be used to deal with all these different themes and will be enriched by youngsters' active participation. Most of these discussions will be led by a facilitator prepared on the themes at stake in order to provide a theorical support to the participants and help them to understand such difficult topics. The youth exchange will lead to the exploration of possible worlds which are different from our own and it will enable the expression of diversity in order to achieve a cultural enrichment, to ask ourselves new questions without melting or confusing cultures. Venue Town: Modena Granted amount: ,00 Pagina 18 di 434

19 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Trilateral exchange IT R1 Move it! - The active exchange Part II Applicant: Inventare Insieme (onlus) Associazione Applicant Address: Via Cipressi, 9 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: Palermo First Theme: European awareness Second Theme: Anti-discrimination The youth exchange "Move it! The active exchange part II" will take place from the 8th to the 16th of August 2008 in Blossin and Storkow (Brandenburg) and Berlin, Germany. Participants come from Northern Ireland, Italy and Germany, 10 persons per group and they are in the age between 14 and 17 years. 1 young one from each country will be a older and work as a young leader being the link between the young people and the group leaders. From each country there will be two group leaders, male and female, experienced in international youth work. The project is based on the former exchange between Germany and Northern Ireland (held in August 2007 in Northern Ireland).The exchange is build on three different elements: Firstly, we are planing various outdoor activities and group exercises to develop mutual understanding, trust and a positive learning atmosphere between the participants. This part of the programm will take place in the residen al center Blossin.Secondly there will be workshops on culture, partcipation, anti-discrimination ("Anti-Bias") and intercultural learning. Visiting the homes of the german participants will foster the experiences learned during the workshops.this will take place in the residential center Hirschluch, Storkow.Finally: In bringing the young people to different sights of Berlin e.g. visi ng the Berlin Wall, meeting people from the former East and having discussions about historical changes we are trying to show how differences and similarities matter in coming together as one. This element aims on the widening of the european awareness of the young people, the learning from each other and the meaning of sharing as well as of par cipa on. Venue Country: Germany Venue Town: Blossin, Storkow and Berlin Granted amount: 4.105,60 Pagina 19 di 434

20 Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Bilateral exchange IT R1 MULTICOLORE Applicant: VICOLOCORTO Associazione Applicant Address: V. PAOLI, 39 Applicant Postal Code: Applicant Town: PESARO First Theme: European awareness Second Theme: Social inclusion This project is a follow up of the exchange " Stella! The child inside everyone of us", held in Pesaro in january 2007, centred on the themes of education to human rights and the traditional games as part of personal culture and educa on.this new project, involving 22 youngsters coming from Italy and France, wll be done in Dinan, France, and will last 9 days. This exchange is the result of the liaison established between Vicolocorto and Dinamo, and it has born from the wish of carrying on this common project to organize a new meeting in the city of Dinan. It will be centred on the themes of interculture and European awareness. The exchange will be the second approach to the educa on to interculture for the participants, who will be able to become aware of their own cultural strongholds, comparing them to other cultures for a best mutual knowledge, to fight prejudices and prevent discrimina on and racism.the acivities will be both educational, with workshops on human rights, tolerance and interculture, taken from the Compass manual, and dedicated to the preparation of the final event, the realization by the participants of educational and recreational workshops for the population of Dinan, especially for youngsters, in line with the final event of the previous exchange. The working method taht will be used are inspired by the non formal educa on, with group works, dynamic ac v es and wrokshops.this new project is made also to strengthen the liaisons between the Italian and French associations, to multiply the active actions of youngsters, developed both in a partnership between the two associations, or individually at local level. The exchange will also introduce the European week in Dinan. Venue Country: France Venue Town: Dinan Granted amount: 5.796,00 Pagina 20 di 434

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