K b ^ V O t. th e pow er c o n tro l o f its fin an ce T h e lo st p ie c e wa:

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1 n r A " N S D E :------THURSDTSfl Jo y6,2006 SO cents *P«Gomt ;ns rules Gon emplo oyee spend ng RATESARE la G K lg Al ontnt Vy: Japanese food n TWn Fa F a lls BHjH perence Fddlng n Shosh( shone Create; Chldren s artwork nl j m K b V O t. leyxan k e f a g tb r s hl O l - u s a jge bresaks reco) d L a x c o n t r o l l s l e f t " 6yMkb«leDnk)p p e t t y c a s h h! f u n d s \v C a 7 >. llmes-newt wtter sr o p e n t o a b a s e g BO SE RcR eco rd s. ore m e a n t to b e broke ken. At th e e n d o f ; June, d ah o B yh hpoptao o tv e r Co. hu a n a d -tm e, Tlfn»»New wrtter re c o rd o f elccrc: cty u se d by ls r o u g h ly 45f 55,0(1() cus- TW N FALLS - T- Tl lree years tu rn e rs. C o m p arn y offcals a fte r a c o u n ty d c r kc em b e zz le d a ttr b u te h c suu rg e n c o n - m o n e y fo r gamt bllng. b l th e K m p o n to h h e su m m e r c o u n ty h a s fn sh ed cd t tlcnng h e a t. M eanw hle. th e pow er c o n tro l o f ts fn an ce c o m p a n y h a s re r e q u e ste d, an T h e lo st p e c e wa: as a polcy e x te n so n fro m h th e sta te ulg o v e rn n g p e tty tes com m sson f for th e la test a p p ro v e d W ed n e:sday m o rn - u p d a te n s!s lo n g te rm n g by the-t \vn Falls Fal C ounty resource plan. c o m m s s o n e r s. T h e po lc y O n Ju n e 27. d ah o Pow er w as th e Jast o f mn any rec o m - c u s to m e rs use sed 3,042 m e n d a to n s m a d e to th e co m - m e g a w a tts, b reaakng k a fourm s s o n e n by nn d e p e n d e n t y e a r-o ld fe c o rdd o f 2,963 a u d h o rs a fte r form -me er C ounty m e g a w a tts se t o n July 12, G c r k B o b P o n pleac leaded gulty w h e n Bo.s.se saw 108. to m s u s n g mo o re th a n d e g re e h e a l. Wth h ncreased $60,000 n co u n ty fu funds. ar condtonng cc Lax oversght mn ca a n t m a n y p c tty -c a sh transactl c tlo n s w ere f f depuhe froo Uncoln, Coodn ( u nd TWfl Fall count nrreund r r g a to n p u m png, p d ah o the hm e whtre nrettlptor* u y r boy admlted HMoetday to p o o rly d o c u m en n tc lc d, sa d M«d l b f hootnc ht brethtr. o w e r e x p c r c nces c ls peak p o w e r d e m a n d r n he sum * (T o m m sso n crt om M kesell. m e r. th n k th e re wc ere s o m e T h e c o m p a n y u se s ts gasp e tty * c a fu n d s tha fred p la n ts a t lm r es d u rn g. k n e w w h o h a d th e n Lnecon County y Sherff s j h e s u m m e r to o ffset th e audo." h e sad. n c re a s e d re:q q u lrc m e n s. TTe n e w po lc y wll wu prevent d a h o P o w e r off] flc a ls h a v e t h a t AU p e tty -c a sh. n v eestgaton contnues j d e n tfe d a n e ed :d to develop w ll n e e d to b e bpprov u rc c s n th e a p p r o p r a te elec:ted o r ld a l fu tu re. a n d tlc co m m sso soners, r a n d By Casskljr FF ra d m u a c c ld ec nnally s h o t h s b ro th - H E very tw o years rs h e ully c ash fu n d s w ll b«e lm L te d to Tlme»M aw* w rter er," Ells Hs sad of the shooter, H H B. fle s O -yc; e a r e n erg y $200. n a d d to n, the e com m s- w ho w as la te r rele a s e d n to. r e s o u rc e p la n w h ll th e dalo slo n e rs w ll a b o lsh au petty- T W N FALLS R eed th e cu u s to d y o f S c o tt P u b lc U ltes Cc om m sson, cash a c c o u n ts for tle Je m om ent. Sm m ons. a G o o d n g.a re a S m m o n ; D e p a rtm e n ts wll h a v e to te en a g er, v w a s lsted n crt- H es * T h e c o m p a n y ask sked to p u sh s w th h s p a re n ts." j g b a c k th e p la n d e a d ln e to a p p ly fo r th e a c c o ua nu ts a g an to c al c o n d to tlo n w th a gunshot Ells sad. a. "W e a re n v e s tlg a -. u m S e p. 29. T h e c o mnm n lsso n has get them n the news; w system. w o u n d. WcW ed n esd ay nght, ng the boy. b Tlls w hole sua- H 1 n u t ru le d o n h e m a tte r ycl. O th e r re c o m m e n d a to n s a c c o rd n g ; t to a M a c Valley lon s ; unn d er nvestgaton." * s a d a sp o k e s m fro m th e a u d t, w hch b egan n R egonal. M1 c d ca l C e n te r D ep)u u tes fro m L n c o ln,,. ta u ra m M l a n fo r th e A llgust 2003, n c uu d e d c re at- sp o k e sw o) m a n... G o o d n g tth Hmsoo, m n t depu wth th< PU C. ng a n d TWn F a lls. theuoeolncoaattsherffr d a h o o w e r offcals f lke n g p o lc e s o n trau raud, travel C h ef D)ep u ty Kevn Ells of countes le s fo u n d th e alleg e d tpartnm rtt redl tnffle lenc West 470 North R H M m d y Karl B o k e n k am p d( e cd e d to e x p e n s e s a n d clar m s, a n d tle L ncoln )ln C o u n ty S h e rffs sh o o tecr r u n a rm e d n a feld «? UflWOR. «e x p a n d th e p la n to O lake a look re a rra n g n g th e coum lunys bu sl- D c p a rtm ent n w ould nol nam e about tw tv o m le s n o r th o f a t th e c o m p a n y s s n e ed s over n e ss p ra c tc e s to d et e te r fraud. w h o h a d been e shot. The ve- w here h ll e s h o o tn g h a p - "W e s e n t (rac k n g dogs) h n rrlc a d e d th e ro ad arout ound h e n e x t 20 y e ars.. B okenkam p All o f th o se h a v e bee e en m p le- lm. Ells sa d, w a s sh o t by hs p e n ed,.ee lu s s a d.h e n e ld s a ou 11 t b u t dey dd n t fn d h m. h e S m m o n s h o m e an n d re c e n tly lo ld M agc c V a llty re s- r e n t e d. b ro th e r a t t] th e h o m e o f Scott h a lf mlle east of_he_goodng _ H e_ c _ h a d,r o n c.f a r _ e n o u g l,". w ere n o t le ttn g m fllc pass d e n ts th a t d ah o 0 Pow er wll - - W o d d everythn; h g ex cep t S m m o n s,, an d w as aken Couny y lne L and about seven Ellsls sad. "S o m e o n e sghted- Ells s a d d e p u te s hav h a v e c o n s d e r b o th nlu u c le a r a n d. - fo r th e p e tty c ash tl,. M lkcsell sh o rtly befc e fo re n o o n lo h e m le s w e s t o f Jo h rtn y s h mm and callcd." f o u n d n o c o n n e c:to n c o a l-fre d p o w e r to t keep up s a d. "W e la d p)cope e o j w o h o sp tal, C o u n try ;ry S to re, 421 N. Du rn g th e h u m a n d e n su - w lh e n e rg y d e mla n d s n th e really sa d th e y neec leeded t. t "H e s clc la m n g th a t h e H gway ay 75. ng g n v estg ato n d e p u te s See SHOOfnNG, Page 5e A2 future. ju st to o k a lo n g tmm e to get to- t." terdayss studentsareno\ n th e y e a rs snce, Vshapng M kesell - T - Lgeducat don sad, th e n e e d fo r p e tty c ash Y o Q t h a s m o s tly - dsflf sa p p e a re d, 1 V / v th a n k s to q u c k e r tun rn a ro u n d for fn a n c a l request: lests n th e B y o sk u P?abtMr a b c le rk s o fflce. Even /e n S h e rff T lm e -N en w t w rtw. TNvln Falls Hgh alu lumn W ayne b u s le y p lans m s to close g e t th e r o w n W eb b st l t e. h s rev o lv n g a c c o u nt t, leavng T W N FA -ALLS M ost p e o p le agree p e t t / c a s h o n ly u n d e r th e Safe. th a t o u r sc See page A2 s c h o o ls a rc p re p a rn g th e H o u se a n d S ta tu s OC ffe n d er fu tu re o f o u r c o m m u n tes, a n d th e p ro g ra m s, th e la ttee r oc f v h lc h a a s s o f l e s vn j p r o o f o f th n r always been etsy. o n ly uses! S30 to m ake k e c h an g e. T h e TVvn F alls S e n o r Hlgl Class o f "t s b e en a very lu m u luu c o u s couple C u r r e n t C lerk ; K rstn a, h e ld ts 30 -y ea r c lass reunon last o f d ecades," D o h b s snd. A "J nd. quc G lascock s to b e tha a n k ed fo r. w ee k en d, a r n d a m o n g th e a lu m n ore frankly, t h a s b e e n unco mnfortable f for lha. M lkcsell sad. tw o p e o p le wv h o n o w sh a p e educaton W trb*,t»nf H ts choe»ol Crardoastaol] som e people." " W h e n K rstna~cj r c a m e ~ o n " n TVvto Falls, n 1976.aa n d tp d ; d u e f td ndrt, h 196 :.M d today. W lere te a c h e rs c o u ld o n c c teach b o a rd a s clerk, s h e got th e n 1976, 5. W ley D o b b s g ra d u a te d s tu d e n ts anyvay th e y s aw u ft. th e y clerks ofr cc w o rk n g n a very fro m TWn n F a lls S e n o r H l.w th " a b so lu te ly d d n t have VC any. dea un q u e sluat a to n w h e re h a v e th e abll- m u st now s tru c tu re h e r cu urrculum s, e ffcen t m a n n e r " h1 e sa d. d re a m s o f b t e rg a te a c h e r a n d coach, tht a t w o u ld b e w h e re a m now, sa d ly to se rv e th e d strc t th a h e lp e d ta ro u n d s ta te te sts a n d feden eral requre - "W e h a v e m oney,.f j n o t n a Tbday, h e ov«v e rse e s h s o ld hgh school, DE o b b s, s u p e rn te n d e n t ol f th e T\vn m e." m ens. c o u p le h o u r s, n th e s a m e a s w e lla s cevery v oth er publc school n F alls S c h o o l Dstrct.* Dt.1 o p p o rtu n - E d u cato n h: a s c h a n g e d d u rn g th e day." TWn Falls. tc s c a m c to m e, a n d nov ow m n a last 30 years, a n d th a t c h a n g e hasnt P lease s e e EDUCXTOR» S. P a g e «Butnettand ServM dtrm Clusnodt... Hgh, Contlc#... H DESERT HG GHWAYS CMcket nyaso t n s t p p p >ed. ComufJdad... tomwofd... : O w y h e e U p l a n d s B yw a y a n n M H U h... w a tc h b c c a u s e th e lns< n sec ts p la n ts o f all folage., O w A» y...m. r th a Tte»e»ttww m a k e a stra g h t m lg ato tlo n n " T h e n th e y tu rn efd d back after HofOKOpe AS ee n d l e s s p a t h o f s e e n w h c h e v e r d re c to n they cy a re cadng th e D d d s an Uld d e a n e d M?;eVWcy......A4 Money ;... Dl k U M O A rea fa m w n w asl- - trav eln g. o u t e v e n th e stalks, a," H enson e d. r n o tm e c o n ta c tn g th e s / f tw o b a n d s o f th o crcl T ckets sad. O n e h o m e there e h a d ts Moves... A nlm n al a n d P la n t H e a lth...a AU12 1 c ro ss each o th e rs p a lu 5,, e a c h e n tre b a se m e n t wm n d o w w e lk OoWon > p e o n Servce (APHS) to 2 b a n d J u s t k e e p s gc g o n g f u U o f th c a c k c ts.th h e y d le d ln Sport!... ; fo; h d p n sto p p n g th e s s tra g h t,- sa d A lm o resd en t th e re a n d h a d tb b&e e shoveled Sloekt... r c h - o f M o rm o n c rc k e ts s L a h y H e n s o n, w h o to u re d ou." Soldojtaj ro ss.so u th e m O ssa C du n ty s o m e a re a s h t by th e axckets d H e n s o n a n d o th e V ry A lm o area... tw e ek.., v d th C a ssa C o u n ty com mn m s- fa rm e rs frst sa w th e crckfus W hen fa rm e rs n G ro u se } soners Monday. sh o w n g u p o n th t h t b o rd er. H e eek, Yost a n d P o rk VaUcy, n G ro u s e C re ek, Hem le n so n a b o u t tw o w ee k s ago. h, begaa losng th e O ght to > sa d fa rrn c rs t h m w atchec h e d a s A call to C a ssa County C Ag lttfn.n L M o n n o D.c rc k c 3,_, th e _ c r c k c ts. m o v c d -b ro rdaho n d b o r b e a a lfa lfa n d d s, strp p nlg g hc Pleaso ses C U CS, P a g e « J am a n acro la stv :.W l assmmmm A S P w P A l N O j B u s n e s s m success a C j o o d g W!. Chanceoftt AKUEY n a n f n d s a t q u a n y. o m u d d, - * nofulg Hgh: 89 Low; 62 ttunderttofm*. rt«llka2. / e r

2 Tbdy: Pertwp a teltes eo«. TonHtt Clearng and a - TbmoffDw. Une lo no k 90, - : l l : ll:lv J = J d Totlcy: Plooaon wtl a n (h]ftdo<oo«mo-po90b>or Toolflht A flmlnshlng e T otnom w : Mostly dry o cl<ds. Mghs uppor 80: SUNVA] rw M M AttgnttfkD datfymnsoo W *1 f M C f wdxs And BOS - CM M S 00/62 " SUM CtP ; b :w e< {cred t :GOODCHEDfj?-m W aan h8lp you! (208) : CARS TRUCKS Toda B E N E F T S A N : FU N D R A SE R S S p a e tt l dnner fundral spqnsored by the Kmbe School Dstrct s Get on Com m ttee at ; Lorrane Jesser. 7 p.m.. Kmbefly. Paj<. $ 1 0 per person ar perfam lly, c a lu ! EDUCATON Cvl U b ertle s n W artr sym posum featurng pr( sors, attorneys and.exp Japancse-A m ercan ease WW and on current ch lenge of balancng nat securty and protecton c lbercs. 8 a.m. regstra 8 :3 0 a.m, presentatons dscusson, and 7 p.m. Human Rghts Educaton Center Drector Arhy Hen the Fne Arts theater cn - cotpus-of the College o Southern daho, no cost, E X H B T S _ Sun Valley C enter for the The Char n Publc," a bton of proposed and a outdoor seatng projects local a rtsts and archec noon to 6 p,rn,. The Cen nd Ave. South. Ha cost., call FAMLY Unversty of daho Tlg Tour, an educatonal farr about Ul agrculture and r e s r c h and a free barb 5:30 to 8 :3 b p.m., Ul K R&E Center N35C KmbeHy. no costrcall 4J Tn Publhher Bfoa Hur<] Newsrootn Edtor Cw* SertwcH CommunlYflejK CltydH...73 leners to the edtor Jarw Goffln...73: R*ua m m nu n a r lrvjo Fscher CUttffed departnm Cu«o»rt«_ - wvfc#., OnM departnert Orllne monoger, GrejTtylof Crcafartoa«Mrtm CMtMMfMTvte* Twn Fols ar«other STMS.,, , BurtoHWpcft- _ PwKt»kley..., : : t 7 1 U,mrn tlteahlng hurkloretortn. Hghs uppo nd dryng. Lows low 60*. no local ronfol oxpect*d. Hghs no 1a round o( lota day.to ooxly ovonlnf WoWOhO-SOO ng 6lo»m vool. Low oppor 60s, ry ond worm wtt o blend ol sun on( rsos, VALLEY, SURROUNDNG MT! tfkbtka Ol moutam mmmrtlorm* wll rouflhoul tfw weol. BaywW»ny lorm «e MalrBunvnerw«art>clsfl>pM»d Sl( rx) llghplng mey secotnpany smt. m o n TDorgnrs u m 4at< 3 S E Tha sben mgn g«lucky tn 10 «o«a law pnklos o<o> t low day*, nowevat ha <nanco turn. TflRparavet vr (lowly y L upward no ma waakano Toajr M«haae«17 w M / «N O RTH ER N U Nol a t t>ol today a -F.Tdby-Thundo.»1< W R - A ata pomwe, Sllgr S a O C n w wama N» wosvo p«g«er>l aotm a Ctramw; HallMnaon Low: UalDut V, well* jrmss m ADCREnn?"-WO}tDT?" 208)736-CS99er , m t. CKS VAHS» SUVS M, N T H E. j y. M A G C V T o w M t o U To have an event dralser, submt the name Tberly a btlef descrlpto on Track place, co st and c lne ber to Suze Brow ery Cty to sbrovme9cnas la n d $ 2 5 fax to nm e*n ew 8,132 W.,P a B o x 5 4 8, ku Q 8TDe noon; four days l rtlm».-a 11)4 m o n l.n - profes- expertson :a s e s n Q ()V E R N natonal Twn Fall* County onofcvl straton, J S S h o sh o n e St ons and m.ld a h o Bollflvuo Plannng,1- Com m sson, 7 p. HeTfeld E. Poplar, cal o n T Zonng C p.m..com m unt ost call M adson W., call / Kmberly Publc U 7 p.m,. lbrary. 12 W,. call * Wendell Cty Coun tho_art8 Cty Hall, Ma : an exh d actual MUSEU S e r FaulHner Plonetarl Haley, no -M ysteres from tl 191 Space a t 4 p.m.. th e Edge of Space a t 7 p.m, and "Pr Dark Sde of th e ylght 8 :1 5 p,m., the He farm (our, for Arts and Scen nd campus of the Col larbece. Southern daho, $ Kmberly $3 for senor cllz sw d en tsan d $9_f " (no chldren under call nes-news Cfcuaon phone lnos Oeweon 6;30 a.m, am and 6 to 11 o.m, on w geneal queshons ol». Cfy. odudmg new sos vnuton slops, and ol! ; you eto not lecervo yo ! ClteuUUondlfrtof- **, Trsho Mtchell Kal nfomu Tho Tlme»New3 ;PS publljhed dally ol 132, W Twn RlllJ. Oy LM P nc.. a suosldofy of le> Penoacalj pad ot TMj efl. 2 Tmes-News, Offcal Clt rwwspoper pursuant to 108 of the daho Caa. deslgmted o» tl y, on yrfjch legal rw t -. puplhed,. Posuraster, ploaso serx address lorm lo; fo, B<, 3 1 c. 1 Copyrght O 2( Mflftlc Valley Nowsp ~ l spar P»m«p«a lucky nlng tnuodarsorn H l ~~89 T e m p e r a t u r e VMMn«r-s Lew S» 4T S. s r s s K -. - s E s ;. Q C, ( 3wly oaga c,. UTAH «««>y ana ewmy V flo B«t> M 10ma Ch*M M S4 th65 llflhlly Coawtf -» «< «t Bvoflown n BClvly m» Qnt» se at ffl M H E s s l S n. l J U M - n «n n PMMa M u n - n n m w n m & w». - n n m v - e S: sssst 7#4*S*»0 GEHS V a l l e y b e tw e e n tu t, j : - : "<1 BHS C l e B l r. S m m o n s rc «.tlls lm,p l» a». t o l n h L d m e o ftln o v e n t, r a.-r w ere ton, tm e,, kj contact num- row nebym all aaglcvalloy.com, fo r lo lay 38orrTM lto m vcst L32 ftlrfleld SL B 8,TW nftlls.d. D e a d m n s : " -., «ra<j«nce of! - t fro m lls fath -: ) : sad. tnment T r r l ty commsson-,c o u rth o u s e, Cootfawedfnxn : S l. N.. call U xloson ng and Z onng G arru rd b ro p.m.. Cty Hall., a c to n th a t call , o f t*> g Com m sson, mty center, AP S, G a n Ubrarv Board RCHngthcm T m L 0... ( h e r c d n p c, _ o n to ths.stu u n d l, 7 p.m.,, t o n St., call w u n 411 h h a s b e e n trcr C o m m lss EDMS s o u th o f A m a tlu m, " y " n ne Depths ol m - J o u m e,to b, H errett Center,,, e e le s sen lence on he p u p.,n s e d College ol a n d c o w tm l, $ 4 lor adults. O n c e th e tzens. S2 for ja jt -nj jtjg 9_f6 rfar7lles, c am t; n fcas d er 4 years), n se cts a n d w pnson sad. really hr /\P lh S a n d tl a g tlcu lu re, < r e m m ed a te ly ms arc open averted som e p,m. datr your paper ly numtwr for >«ur W v. for redeltvery. - P K - Vlle rm ton - : S 3 S. r«putxcouon*. t» 7 p :w c w le«entofprtsos. jo , Mn Fols ty The. <1cty and county t to Socton 6C- S n M m ode. Tnutsdrry s Mthedoyoftho nocos Wll tw w aeao lerd ckange o f --ww Wea. >,80X540,TWn D2006, rspapers nc. Tonght Ft. a *. CMWg end dryng. utoajork ttw t 62 ~ l o re Precptaton -.o a u m m - -js r..u m a m S» HonthloOM* 0.0r- YaHRl 001 TMraOat* tu * Todr* nrux <> < nougn 9 pm ymuroay P h a s e s Q- MowMaaft nramu. CS3SZE Tana>»> Salutfr Kl Le W H La * Clr y < so n M n ««e M M -, a 1 «l u p o - K M p e w w -. v l ek4sm «SW n S lav to. 1 > pe 0» S0 pc 7 ss s s S "J 1 oa Sl m 47 s? p: Om>«w>m a» 4t ee t t 40 ee d m --r *80 W f!..at M n M M.-.:. 7 sa u Dl PC r«9] a l 5 S S 5 S? S 7«40 «t W «B B U neam :v.rta ; K s r!? s s z s - >.W.W1W -W W H -,W n «a > w -E M H aam K BS e M T n a r - M - s w wws h m 3» «M 47.n BrJB.M rw M m!!, B 74 «m Ontm K «SEee*«-nS g.g.! n jg M E «5.;cn>«)otmg_ R raapagtu th e sh o o tn g a n d a n d m ller th a S cott rep o rte d sto len c a r- Tfto A e day. T le tru ck a n d!rc ft)und a b a n d o n e d BO y e a r x c le a rn g (he a re a $200 r h e S m m ons lo m u n g C ay a t 5:;O p.m., ljts W edn tstgaors h a d d e te r- slallv le g u n thll w as u s e d nont.*; l e fro m n.sde th e fo r h( u n d u lta ln e d a h a n d g u n ly. fath e r s draw er," EUls T h e fro m : ck ets_ p u,a l u n J e l daho: n A gent tlc h u rd tax. tc bro u g h t.m m e d a te prope lat m ay have sa v e d p u b lc th e rarm ers n th e a n d o H e s m edately got ho ld o f th e ll <arrrd sad. Usually sch a lem lo (ake acton on Sena«ces a lutle tm e for nl vote d pe, but they got rglt mea.su stuaton m m edate - rsng ad bat down here out re 1 hours and the kll angert trem en d o u s." v n o u g ssoners toured heart Mmo w here thc7 saw Hu ndful of lve crckets, on lav st, th e p o p u la to n cal se. b u t m o st o f w h a l c o n sd w ere ples o f d e a d S e p t. U n 1sad they b a ted fo r p a ssec wth people on foursc attern g th e a p p le _ - :d b a t alo n g ro u d s h / 1 m ls. - l l h e c rc k ets a te h e b e g an dyng, o tlers eastn g on th e d e a d /\n d d w ere klled as well, from 1 ld. assault / have to c o m m e n d o n - s l d th e d e p a n m e n l o f c n fo ro e, Garrard sad. "1 rt ju m p e d o n to th s h o o k t ely and thnk w e ve th e crc m e real tragedy." th e hlf H m n r 9 B H b H H H H fro m.tl r.:7333:-gol a lo p p c D o b b s W w L "h o PW ;30- g e h n m g B - l ;., " a ± 2 S h o m y, J3 F a lls s J l! - B u tg 8 s 3 away, Mon. 801 w h a ty t. Slan b e c a u s f t f e - S >nolocal rom Warm whh sunny x o d portoo* 9 0 /S /6 7 B a r o m e tr H u m ld tf tf P r e e tu K jooyttw 4»» y»o<>run ZTfc. n B B B H R B C n n B S E S C l c M o o n r l s e a n d M o o n s e t Today Temottow - 1 H Lo W H Lo W clr H - M».w f w w O M, > vnaq n «o tl Bl ao K PWM0K*M to ea-m r ea «n Po«MkC -74. >m9b«r«rwp(w4w plk>:.v37l 7» M PC «; M lu S«n>nM> 00 «*. *?» w.m Je w.ttt* 74 le K 78 M pe a u M.- d -s v m -.m * 7 W & u5.-eetl -2Se r.s Mf* S7 W «Mto W pe WW«9cn.0C W wsm To0a Tomorrotw n r MM - Valdtoflpjn.t. **»Jm6«0S0pc YMtWday-aNatlo Lowt 30 SOt< L sch:$200 lakes spec Assocated Press OSE d ah o e n d e d fscal r.2006 o n Ju n e 30 w th a 0 m llo n s u r p lu s, p ro m p t- : Gov. Jm K sc h to say nesdoy that a specal leg- 1 lve se sso n lo d rec t th e u*y to p ro p e rty, ta x relef h o m e o w n e rs, b u sn e sse s u tlte s s e v e r m o re lke- «h e s u r p lu s fg u r e s u p ] n $17-1 m llo n a t th e e n d May, h e lp e d b y rs n g >me a n d sales ta x recepts. ; sch a m s to u s e so m e o f flush treasury, plus a stll- J e te rm n e d n c re a s e n t lo s c urrent 5 p e rc en t sales to c o v er $25 0 m llo n n ( lerty taxes that now cover { le school m a n te n a n c e - o p e ra to n s.. es try n g to m u s te r a t le ast H v o tes n jjc es sary to p ass. p lan n tre 35 -m c m b e r / ate, a fte r th e c h a m b e r f d 2 0 -t s a g a n s t a sm la r c su re n A prl. H e th n k s r lg tax a s s e s s m e n ts, se n t recen tly b y,c o u n te s, h a v e c tre d - d a h o - r e s d e n t s - - r jg to p r o m p t a c h a n g e o f v 1 n leg sla tv e o p p o n e n ts, s le p re ssu re s g o n g to b e A w m akers to h o ld a sp e - c se sso n, lsc h sa d. H e s / d e rn g s n c h a s e sso n by a 1. e lk e re le f m e a s u r e s r :ed n th e se sso n ducators_ n e d lb ff lp a ff U d s o m e so c a l b e h av o r 1976 s n o w c o n sd ere d ult: toduy, th e re s ev en an te p o lc e o ffc e r to rc e ll. r e m e m b e r th e r e vjas a c th a t alw ays h u n g fro m :ro ssro a d s n th e halls at lg h sc h o o l, D o b b s sad, t w as n o t u n c o m m o n to a s o p h o m o r e h a n g n g.that h o o k by h s clo th es Etmes." h e s a d th e b g g e st ge n e d u c a to n s w hus red to s u c c e e d today, r a n e asly s a y th a t stu - s w h o a b n o d u a e a n d * to D ddu bnal e d u c a to n - portunltles are doom ed," 5s sad. T 1976, G ra y d o n S ta n le y h h o p n g tb d o a n y th n g (o rt m o u t o f W n Falls.. e n g r a d u a te d fro m sc h o o l, th o u g h t th e re s c a y m go n g b t o W n - d a g a n,- s a d G ra y d o n F) cy, d e a n o f s tu d e n ts fo r Jc lo U c g e o fs o u th e m ld tth o. h: g u ess, u n tl y o u v e g o n e d y o u d o n t o p p r o c a tc y o u a lre a d y ha v e." st nlcy s a d h e r e tu r n e d d!j u s e h s fa m ly w as n " Sunday Me % 1 ly A doughtul day CMn 8 9 /6 0 a E H E S S S B z S S f c w m r U.V.ND.Loo M e*fw Th»h(>»Mn Today Tomorrow To< H LoV m Le jy c m 10 as X»«OS pc y j r a n - a S 3 H.& «.-.V «W "7o m 2 * m S_ "0«W H n pc MMOOr 71 f 7 ~ *,>*ss~8or\ aosj m.to<t»y l«tloo»l V. mllon bu al sesson ] h a t bobst ed tax b re a k s f h o m e o w n e rs, H schs p l w o u ld c u t taxes broadly, g n g resd en ta l h o m e o w n ers S109-m llon break, v a ca t h o m e o w n e rs $5H m llo b u sn e ss a n d ndtstry S6-t m llo n, a g rc u ltu re SO.5 m lo n, a n d utltes a b o u t S9 m llo n, a cc o rd n g to s ta te fl ures. B u sn ess g ro u p s favor t p la n. " h av e a varety o f c lle r fo r w h o m (p ro p e rty taxes f sc h o o ls are) a lot o f m o n e) s a d P u s sell W esterberg. J o se-b a s e d lobbyst for b u : n e s s e s n c lu d n g ttl P a c llc o rp a n d la g a d o C o rp., a s w ell a s p r o p e r g ro u p s. - S c h o o ls a n d ad v o ca tes f low - a n d m ld d le-n c o m e res d ents are lghtng the plan.. T h e U lalo l-d u cn tlc A sso c ato n h a s a rg u e d th m a k n g sc h o o l fu n d n g re o n th e sa les tax s a n u n sta b a p p ro a c h w h e n an e c o n o m d o w n tu rn cones. A nd adv c a c y g ro u p s say lo w -n co n - r e s d e n t s w th o u t h o m w o u ld se e n o b e n efts h stll pay the hgher sales uuc. S e n a te D e m o c ra ts wl o p p o s e d d e fu n d n g shft A prl sa y a specal se sso n a n " n sd e r d e al" b e n g cra f e d b e h n d c lo sed do o rs, v a m all and phone calls. "T h e fx s already n." sa Bruns n ; Twn Falls Hgh School alumn wll have tn easer way to keep n touch wth ther fello> c lassm ate s. S tu d en ts a t Twn R}lls Hgh School h o alm ost complet-.ed TFHSAumnl.com, whch s a Web ste th a t s smlar to the popular Web ste, C assm ates.com. Alumn can post nformaton about themse lv e s and vew nfotnaton on other graduates. W e-thnklt wll m a k a tla s e --.for reunoncom m lttees t o Wln Falls, a n d also beca u s h e felt t w a s a great p la cc t rase hs kds. - A nd t m u s t h a v e W orked - E x ac tly 30 y e a rs a fte r h. c o m p le te d h s te n n as stu - d c n b o d y p r e sld e n t-a t TW F a lls S e n o r H gh, h s so n Jordan Stanley, was begnnn te rm os stu d e n t bo d y p ts H e g a v e h s e le c tlo s p e e c h o n th e sa m e sta g e a s d d 30 y e ara ago " S tanley sad " ts really been a scntlraento «S & n n s c M S mncauouod T l... r a a / 59- n r l s e a n d Potk S u n s e t w C o u um m m m m j S f f a a *U fcnmtlfcllfm Ofss.fW11e.Rw* M.... Ml StmaaCSclTPM SmU.CU4os<orta MDEX DoyWeatt H? L a X ; T c ly.» > W T» g y.. v w t r 5 S «* :-. * 8 «w T j t u u S n v»qo»w w S00**l n-w lj<rwm- Ldgetsurpl Lmore lkely s fo r S enate M n o rty L ea d p la n S ten n e tt, D -K etchum., gv- hed rather wat untl tl lers a Legslature n lanuarj aton " the publc wll be -n llo n, o u r p arty wll b e nvo S6-t,G n th e n h a n a tw o -d ay ml- when we have n grea S9.2 that sldes hrough." e fg - lusch w an ts aw m a: se t asde m o re m o n c r th e sp e ca l s c h o o l s ta b ll fund, currently at$ 1 3 t llent.s that could plug holes :.*s fo r sc h o o l m a n te n a n c mey," o p e ra to n fu n d n g sl rg. a e co n o m c d o w n tu rn b u s- daho s sales a n d nco tlty revenue n future years d o n e *l w ant to h e.a b le p e rty th e p eople n th e e y e a We ve provdl d for tn s fo r sad. res- Hes also w a lln g fo n. A ugust, w h e n s ta te to n m sts wll an aly se t h e : h a t to d e te rm n e h o w m rely m e re ly " o n e -lm e n ta b le fro m d ah o s h o u s n o m c co n stru cto n b o o m h dvo- b e co u n ted o n n th e ft rom e T hree m o n th s a fte m e s law m akers v o te d - but shftng the school furn x. a n ncreased sa les tax w h o sa d W e d n e sd a y fl n grown tnore amenable, [)n s because of the rsng s :raft- a n d p a rtly b e c a u s e a e * p ro p e rty -ta x a ssess have h o m e o w n ers cltr sad for relef. n your browser jm nl keep alumn posted on reunon nformaton, sal Jlow Wley Dobbs, supernten -of the TWln Falls School T Dstrct.-And thnk t w et- also help c lassm ate s fn h s look up frends. - to Tho Web ste now h a s S members, m ost of th em can th e Class of em- OntheNet, -.. School Alunml Web *ne au se Jo u rn ey se e n g m y k. 0 Jljrough tle s a m e c x p c r...but h e d d sa y h s kl h e ex p e ren c n g a n c d u 8 t u - _ h a w as dfferent fro m 1 tw n ;t sces lke w e kno s o n, teach ers a n d a d m ln ls t lung b e tte r b o t* th e n." S res- sad. *But thnk ts be th e rgor w as le ss.b a ck t n o r S o,d o c 3 th o tm e a h ( Of o f stu d e n ts a t CS w o lad, h av e been a b le to o n r ntal years ogo? 7«so : r HS-; T >Oen sotwstls * - n w R g :.*y;dgjr-ta _V, w-*ew»r athcr, fk.,.. : 5, K. T f c m n m < S U m -.m r a u S S & - w.:» n a a Fronts Cold T - r Worm Occludod [us y d e r C lnt., n. a d d n g th e ry: T h e n. nvolved v olved ; ly sesson.*ased pg la k e r s to *. n e y n a 3 llza to n 3 m llo n.. - :s n s ta te - c e a n d - o u ld a n n re d u c e,. c o m e tax e to lo o k } a n d say,. h a t, " h e fo r e arly, J e c o n o - c su r p lu s. m u c h s -V m o n e y " - ; n g a n d / h u l c a n t fu tu re. V te r m o s t a g a n s t m d n g lo > ax, s o m e - th e y v e. le, p a n ly J s u rp lu s e rs n g ts s m e n ls la m o rn g sad sn d en t. 31 wll fnd and { 15 5 a t : U. v. : k d s g o M e rle n c c s U d s a re UCQtlOQ!*% n h l s. : 3 now our stators *S Stanley 9 because S cthen." s n r o t l S

3 N a t o n Wthf fewpn x)blem! shutfl fetcead. H O U STO N (AP) E arly n s p o n s h a v e revealed no H q n H t B C T m l d a m a g e to th e sp a c e shu u u e H M n M M M D scovery. NASA sa d y H m t r a W e d n e sd a y a fte r a day lay o f c h e c k n g o u t th e sp a cc c w ld on*boord cam eras. T h a t m e a n s th a t w h en BK th e s h u ttle m e e ts u p w th th e n te r n a to n a l s p a c c statj la to n T h u rsd a y m b rn rg t lkely Uk w o n t n e e d e m erg en c y repa -epalrs w h le h o o k e d u p w th tht e orb tal o u tp o st unlkcc e y c a r d a rn g Spacew alk flxe: axes. D scoverys d e lc a te h h e a t sh e ld a n d e v e ry th n g ; else e a p p e a r a t frst g a n c e to b e n n e a r p e rfec t sh a p e. NASA A o01 n - c lals sa d, a lth o u g h t s stlls very early n th e analyss. s E ngneers a rc n o w h ere c nn«e a fnshed p o rn g o v e r 70 mln* S u te s o f \d e o th a t a stro n a s h o t u sn g a n e x te n d e d boc b o o m a rm e d w th a la se r a n d coj am - e ra s to n sp ec t D scoverys sdd el- cate rcln fo rce d c a rb o n wl ng and nosecone. t t o o b D sc o v e ry s co crew m o re th a n sbc h o u rs to get 70 E trth m n u te s o f v d e o b e c a u se th h a d to m o v e th e b o o n slow s o n o t to b u m p th e frag: ragle a n d r e p o r t a nly y p o s s b le Q e a n cx cep t fc shuttle skn. lo sse s o f fo am fro m th e ta n k o r l k e po w erfu l brd n a p lc c c o f ffo o a am d a m a g e p o n ts o n de s h u ttle. T h e frst vjjco n su la to n fro m th e shutt! u tles So far th e Ust o f a reas o f n ter- w n g o f D lscov C xtem a ta n k k n o c k ed a 1 he o le e s t" f o r p o ssb le d a m a g e s w h ts h sp lo tch es * ) n a w n g d u r n g la u n c h, caus- c a t e m p ty, le a d fght t d r e c to r c o atn g. W len C n g C o lu m b a to dsntegn jgrae T ony ( c a c c l s a l d n a n e arly th a t n M sso n a s t re tu rn e d h o m e for a land* a fte rn o o n new sconfe ference. s a d h e laugl AnOyFo*4«*AP {H ng. L a u n c h p h o to s sh o w o n ly b c c a u se th re e wc A nd lost year, flm c ap tu lun red fv e m n o r c a se s ol t for w h u t looks o f d e b rs h a d n o tc ed te d a m ag e d u rn g th e frst spa< a ce s h e d d n g, all o c c u n brd droppngs. H H n n g a fte r e s o n D lscovcry aj flght a fte r C o lu m b a, requl qur- th e s h u td e w as a t sue dco o f d e rght H such a h g l n g la u n c h. He n g a s p c c a l o n -th e -b belly e l c o v c sh o w ed a lttu d e, th e re w as 1ltlle a r lo o k e d lk e b rt em ergency repar spacewalk»a!k. p re s s u re a n d n o force ceocau-c fro m a d sta n h c e s o n th e b la c k,... E n n e e r s x l panstakng dngly - d a m a g e, s h u ttle n ( c c a c c l saw p r o g r a m - - f e e l go over W ednesdays m ages o f m a n a g e r W ayne H on C o n tro l, h e ale sa d o n W c d d n t touc D scovery a n d o th e rs sh o t n te sd ay. lu g h e d. T h ats th a t s w h a you by c a m e ra s d u r n g T besdaj day s "W e h a v e a very w eeks earler h e clea n veh* C c cc ac c to ld rep la u n c h fro m.v aro u s locatlo tons cle," Ceccacc sad. le sa m c s p lo tc h - n g a bg lau g h. ry 05 t sa t avral- H e sa d th e y Aspopulat LtonnearsS 300nllon, b rd d ro p p n g s ce o f a b o u t 10 s fastest gr ;rowmgnd lustralnat( ouch anythng f N o rved. Member folc y o u re ask n g," W ASH N G TON (AP) - As N atons. By 2050, t ; s project- rep, o rters, draw - th e U.S. p o p u la to n spee< leeds c d lo lose a total o f : 75 m llo n ( h O l b l tow ard 300 m llo n, th e grow B w d p e o p le, s p r o d u c n g h e a d a c h e s f< for T h at ougl lo gve e n m otorsts B ab k w The fert A m e rc an s fed u p w th traff rafc o n G erm an y s A utobal, U. S. G e t y b a h n so m e th «UnltM State c o n g esto n, sp raw a n d dw w n- e x tra r o o m to c h an nge g la n e s. abouttfnough tb dlng natural resources. B u e x p e r ts w a rn t could stable polatlor B ut th e a lte rn a tv e s a rc pro rel- c a u s e la b o r sh o rta g e o n S u m n 02006Wel ges w hle percent of the na. E u ro p e a n d.j a p a n ore no o w - e n o u g h y o u n g peopu p c o r. - tb n a ln tb n fac n g a p o p u la to n p ro blem le. n g th e w o rk force lo rn : su p p o rt ton. About 4 0 ln T h r o u g h. h u m a n h s to ry dech nln n g H a n s-p e te r Koller, ana n s s o c l. l a l o n s f e jcones r t fron p o p u la to n o v e r tm e w lh h a n a te p ro fe sso r o f socc.dology ar cause labor slon ncrease n th e p e rc e n ta g?e e of c the Unversty ;y o f tax retrem ent ;> prt ectw - 3 o ld p e o p le," s a d Bll But: 3u2, - P e n n sy lv a n a ; latlonwul. p re s d e n t o f th e P o p lalo tlo n "P resu m ab ly, m a nny y p e o p le R u ssan *resde llltn around R e feren c e. B u re au. a w o u ld n o t b e s o cor c o n c e rn e d P u tn s s o c o r W ashngton th n k tank. a b o u t th e n u m b e rs ; dd e c ln n g r e c e n tly p r o pylndubfrfallz o s C ountres h a v e lo st peop lople f t w a s n t c o m b n e;d d w th a n w o m e n m o n e y shrtnk{ tc 4 pbpu> b e c a u se o f w ars, d se a s e an n d a g n g p o p u la to n," K o h le r d re n. ta rth s wd n a tu ra l d sa ste rs b u t n e v er - sa d. th n k ts m ore re the age -nst year. Franc h o r ta g e s B n d a t le a st n m o d e m h sto ry 7 - s tr u c tu r e th a t gves ss rse to m o n th ly stp e n t d programs. s b c c a u sc w o m e n sto p p e d hav* th e s e c o n c e rn s, amn d th e s e w h o la k e tm e o ff \ ng e n o u g h c h ld re n, But utz c o n c e rn s a re well justfed." for a th rd chld. sad. sdent V ladm r- T h e U.S. s th e fastest grow row- c o n c e rn e d h e S * : * 5 * K 5 * n g n d u s tra lz e d n a o n l p5 o se d p a y n g " th e w orld, a d d n g a b o u t 2: Servce e A u to R ep a r & M anten / 10 have chlncreased L l l r e c e v e : n t h y o u r m e m m llo n p e o p le a year. T hats : lttle less th a n 1 p e rc e n t, bu e n o u to m tg ate th e knd nd to o f p ro b le m s fac ln g Ja p an «"<< am ork 10 care ; 2 6 l 1 3olds Gym F tn ess m any European countres., E u ro p e, w llh 728 m lllo lon " [ S 7 3 f s m 5olds Gym B each 1 p e o p le, s a w ts p o p u la tlo to n O j W c h o n olor r m ost extended warrantes s h rn k b y 74,0 0 0 s n c e th e 5 5 Major Servces *F * F ltt t Vthleles C om puter D lagt tenance V K jocs Gym W a te r b e g n n n g o f t h e d e ca UC, d c TUnc-up a c c o rd n g to th e U nte lted Sods Gym W rs t B f H! F ree T ans from S -CORRECTO ty sc ary, to o. J u s t. lo o k a t s tr a n n g re tre m e n th a t s u n p r e c e tle n te d 1 n K» Front E nj. Healng & Coollnft Electrcal Sc Brakn * TUr 7 m A{ nds msm rmm off w rto c u st Street South lnn «n< ostjons nsve shn 9 natons o j lent a n d laton growth con E u ro p e a n d Japan, w h c h tl a ore h ealth program s, ult u ltm a te ly mmgraton., o n th e verg e o f s u c h b g p o p u - th r e a te n n g e c o n o mc c o m - L a m a rc P H MtnesE la to n lo sse s th a t sevv en eral p e tllv e n e s s. c o u n tre s a rc p rac tc ally beg- bej T h e p ro b le m s th fertlty r a ts n /: gng w o m en lo have babes. cs. r a le s a re s o low Uter a te s l s Z O S.;. a n. a g n g p o p u la popu- f S HMtama B p k. 2 4 O L B o t t K l 9 1 l a H l y t o HM a nvtn M a r uper b h s e n s e stores th a t No(! : W EST (AP). n o t fac e G. B c a c h C o 1, 1 A V agra fo f - th a tw a s j: c h o lo g lst O C K p la n o tu a!l annng Loton lutoprdc Express C ;o C ream f-om oodc B ngs from 5 j D K e - T f b E n c Q fr u ;ln ;cl ;t. S rlmbaughj ad W ednesday. P alm B e ac h a rp o r t o n Jur u n e 26 C h a rg e s co u ld hav e nullfed?d a f tc r h c r c tu m e d o n h s p rvr ate tc co n serv atv e rad o hosts p la n e fro m a v a c a to n r n tle le a a g re e m e n t n a d o c to r r D om ncan Republc. h o p p n g " case. L m baugl. 55, vras dclolned d r m o re th a n d ree h o u h o m d R e O p e n n g 5 J u ly 6-8, n c R h p. r v n g.d a.ly been to the p lately, the Black Sheep! la c k S h e e p G a l le r y 5 Craftcrs Boutque! m d G ft S hoppe" 1 B lu e L a k «Plvd. N. ; Twn FalU. D ; (208) 73J-9971 j a.m - 1:00 p.m76 rdn Saturdays!» d Fler A ve < M a re H ours: Lobby a n d Orve-up up... la y - T h u rsd ay 9;30 a.m,- SKX) 0 p.m. Frdays 9:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. a tu rd ay s 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. n..v- n V a c a s e ; ; ; n 9e Next Stage Apex N utrtonal Counselng NASM Certfed Personal Traners r s W om en s Only W eght Room Kd s Klub DayCare GGX P ro g ram s PLATES FREE WEGHTS R acquetball C ourts! S and M ore.147_1_fllmore Twn Falls, daho L D : m E A m o B ty SN CE B( S f-. t......

4 - 1HURSMY J«6,2006 C v t B j h A t t h M r Tfcne»W*w wttw.t W N F A L L S - T h e y nbuch a -p o r t o f d a h o ; p lo n e c ra w h o f ln t settj ard landscape... d a h o ym s o n ; o f th s ta te s to rec ev e s p l n u m b c n o f Ja p a n e se a n t s a n d t h «so o n bee larg e p a n o f la b o r a n d m e rc e n so u th e m daho ;T h e y o p e n e d re sta u form s a n d e v e n churches th e y w o u ld ev en tu a lly 1 all. n 9 4 2,fo U o w n g th c t n g o f P earl H arbor, P re ranklln D. Roosevelt slgr E P A reports mercur decreas M l M D n l o p T1h w -Nbw> wrtt6r T W N FALLS M e O n s s lo n s n a to n w d e tucn c u t a lm o st n h a lf : s a o, a c c o rd n g to a r e p o n relcm cd by tle fc g ovem m eht W ednesday. ; {*lcrcury u se n p ro d a n d p ro cc ss-s a lso tfc c ln c d sg n fc an tly b; p c rc c n l o v e r a 17-ycar p c a c c o rd n g lo h e K n v ro n m c n ta l P ro tcc cncy report. T h e - n e w s c o m es a s : ctffcals \ dcb at" w hc d a h o sh< : T o t e a m lo n a re ; m e rc u ry ( - m o r e n g pro{ v s t th «c o a l-1 EPA s Web f? " " S te ot M e rc u ry S L T, ls h c o u r t B E Q s s l e n a t c d w t l, " " P V / p o U u ta n r. ««w.deq. -w c - r c n J d a h o.g n v / l., h c t N vaste/prog d re c to n L s s u e s / m c rc u ry e J a z.w a ste / sons* 1 mefcury_ d e c ln e d new.cfm. m acally t th e p a s t. _clj;cadus, Sd S usan Ha; a c tn g hsss ta m a d m tsr fo r UPA s O ffce o f Prevent P e stc d e s, a n d T S u b stan c cs. n th e lust 15 years, E A fd cu sc d ts m ercury red u c effo rts o n large pont so u o f a r e m sso n s from m u t p a l w a ste c o m b u s to rs a c n e r a to r s, m e d c a l w jc n e r a to r s a n d h a z a rd v ja se co m ln so rs. jw h le th e agency h a s d a Z c om m endable jo b w th g tn e rc u ry fro m th, so u rces, ts acto n s a re lag{ % h c n -t-c o m c s to reduc. f e r c u r y fro m co al-fl r{jw e r p la n ts a n d gold m r c e m to n s. sa d Justn H a.. w th tle d ah o C onserv:u " l a g u e r T le L eague th rea te n ed gfcton w h e n h g h levels r e rc u ry w ere dscovered tb c S a lm o n Falls C r n p se rv o r ju s t n o n h o f sev ljrge N ev a d a gold m n e s. s ja te o f N ev a d a h a s s nnng operatons. H a y e s a lso c rtcze d ETAs m e rc try re d u c to n p g ta m f o r c o a l-fre d p o M ants. T h e p la n allo w s o n e c o m p a n e s to sw ap e m lss c je d ts n a n a to n a ltr a d p ro g ra m, th u s allow ng o c c n tr a to ru o f m c rc u ry c n sfons. G w. Jm Rsch n tends... nace a d e cso n o h d a t f A u d p a to n n d e p ro g r ltc rth lssu x m n c r. 0 d a h o D t a n m e n r o n m e n ta l Q u alty B o tly n d c a te d t t s to o p t o u t p r h e p, a s h a v e th e m a jo rt) LM CMUbnteshV ley are as Thursday, July 6 10 as the Buldng. Speak rttledhe. FHday, July 7: S : maty sesson b< the frst gtflcant Tn MWdok P% se mm* Satvrday, July 6: became a 8:10 a.m. from md com- ndvdual parkr h a Guded tours w: taurants, Sunday, July 9: F * c 3 -b u t 8:10 a.m. from ly lose t tes wll begn a te bomb* P re sd e n t e x ec u tv e o rd e r sgned a n tm yone o f Japan 7T\ ry B se! M e rc u ry h a v e s n c e a n e w fe d e ra l _ r o d u c ts h a s by 83 LS s t a t e... s h o u ld f e d e ra l - 7 tr a d - ro g ra m a l-fre d p la n ts. ry c a n n e u r o - d a m - l u h a n s O th* fre* s t m t n s u m e tta m U nd by t n a m - cn w n r t tnt vth th e s ; Fores >n yems* By WcfaMe D have Tltne»New» wrte d draly o v e r SO U TH MLL st HWO lover s dream an HaMn,: mare.... s tra to r n tle Sjvrtoot e n to n, tc re d -sd e d c T oxc b e tw e e n lodge aspens. Te cab :PA h a s Recluson w hle a u c tlo n 10 recreatonal tr o u rc e s But, s o m e o f n u n c - gve Forest Servc o rs o r Just nches abc w a s t e h a n g s th e lm b a r d o u s -.Several tre e s sta.the cabn. Lmtc s d o n e n (he area woul th lm - n o t m possble,! ( h o se defend cab n s n l a g g - w ld n r e - T h a t j d u d n g la u n c h e d - a (n d - fre d Recently n p a n s m n n g H ansen. H ay e s, "W ere tryng ry :don.. around hom es," Forest Servce ra cd 11(1- (he project. /c U o f T h e agency s s red a t a n d fo u r o rg o n l C re e k S o u d Hlls for tn se v eral d e Eagle Sprngs 1*8. T h e N an n c n g a, dstr s n c e g n ted th e 250- )ns o n pfo Pumpk p o w e r erte rg y moncy t ls s lo n RUPERT 1 la d n g P um p k n C aper" g c on* rasor fo r M eals c m s - n th e M n-c ass B usnesses and [ds - to J au are nvted t dahb s pumpkn tbcomp ogran, cal categores. Th s $25 and entre ent o f -... regstered by Board R trato n shoul u t 1 at (he Mlndok e pro- Senor Center, 702 rtyof Rupcn. or Golde Senor Cente A ( ; t e s fyougo... W u to ts n p o sn 1 6 : Regstraton begns a t B a.m. jakers wll begn at 8 :30 a.m, ; SpeaKers wll begn a t 8 a.m ; wltl n begnnng at 3:30. p.m. 10 : Free bus transportaton wll be )m th e Amerltel nn on Blue Lakes rkng s not perm tted a t th e Natot. v begn at 8 ;3 0 a.m. ): Free btjs ransportatlon wll be p ]m th e Amertel nn. Closng cerem 1 al 9 a.m. cr (h a( fo rc cd n to n tern m c a n e s c a n ce stry T h e Jap an h n n M tttfawnt proem t ru d y to b< rta o y tw F e m t S m k f, tr te t lnbt ofl of tlul b m UaHtd accou u d Uch fuels ;st Servce w LLS t s e v ery n a tu re and every foreuers ngu-.... po 30th N adonal rc s t, a ru s- ho c a b n sts tu c k e d aw ay g c p o le p n e tre e s a n d flrc abn boasts the benefts of s le also provdng proxm ty C 1 trals. ha» o f ts e n d ea rn g q u a ld e s ho rvce offlcals fts. (hu above th e cabn s chm ney 1 n b o f a lo d g e p o le p n e, un ta n d o n ly a few fee t fro m Sav ltc d a cc ess a n d h gl fu els yea )uld m ake h dangerous, f c, for the Forest Servce to de n th e Soud Hlls ag an st 1 a t s w h y (her a g c n c y als( (lm b e r= h ln n ln g p r o J e c t ~ o f m s o f th e fo rest s o u th o f nt Sev lg to red u c e th e tm b e r loa s so ld Karl F uellng, a uns ran g er, w ho h e lp s overse e w r Y s staff targeted 20 cabns hor n z a d o n a l c a m p s n th e S e r tm bcr-tllnnng follow ng o f ngs Fre n 2002, sad S cott dw strc t ranger. A c am p flre A nt 5 0 -acre Are th a t, a t o n e sce dn event wllra formestson\\ T h e G re a t O v e rla n d A v t n :r" s a fund-. T he wegh-n s o n W heels O c t. 16 a t tl ssla area. H e rta g e Senl< m d ndvldu- T here wll also to e n te r a U n c o o ld n g cc m p c td ln SW* e v en t sstonsb T h ee n try fe e Bell a n d au p ro c le s m u st b e to M eals o n W h y " A u g.- 1. g jw n th a t prov o u ld b e m a d e fo r.d d e rly sh u t- loka C o u n ty F o r m o re n th S L n canb arbaram U. der H ertage o r Z cb ler, T m e s N e k ; mpos already s e n t R elocat m. n the F1n» Arts thouso avny c wth Ue fnal sum-. a n d O n T hey a lm o st T hs b e provded a t wll b e kes Boulevard. Ubertlc Jtona Monument. s lu m at d a h o u M provded at "Ths remony and actv- fo r dah h o w p sa d Jn. o f b o a m ent cam ps. Frends janesc, who w ere has the ln g M w nd fre a the m belns prtprtd fo ftm sntlm S outth lt c lo M to l «eu tnt eokl be dffcult to defend 3worres c " W e h a v e s o m e c o r w e a p p r e c a t e t h a t - t l pon. h e ad e d fo r a g ro u p»l hom es, "TlR w n d shfted lo Odegre flrc w en t back o n to tself." 1 sd. O lhcrw se. (he c a b n s lke have b e e n lost th e a re a a h o m e s \vas to o d e n sely fore th u s to o dangero u s, to s e n d fr l l a s logc cab n o w n e r tay u n d e rs ta n d. Hes o w n e d a cal S aw tooth N atonal Forest for years. "We love lh a p la cc, h e sd d e serenty. T h n n n g tree s n e a r h s cal: also provde StrolberR w th so o f s e c u r lty h a r th c r c e s wo n to h s h o m e a n d c a u se S everal tree s c o n ta n h eavy lo a d s at d e r crow ns, m a k n g l u n sta b le u n d e r h eavy snowre w nds. Yet, Strolberg says, n o ever) h o m e o w n er fe d s d e sa m e. T Servce n te n d s to c u t tree s wll; o f h o m e s re m o v n g so n dw ellers s h a d e a n d se n se ol A nd, th e re s th e a g e n c y s lac seem to attract com plants fro rase Con Wheels. n Burey. BOSE n wll b e h e ld c o m m lss th o G o ld e n > sm a fl-p o c n lo r C e n le r. d a h o Pc so be a pum p - two Cass ; c o n te s t. The ects. n sb rcd b y Z cb ~ T h e d > r o c e e d s \ g o C o m m ss W heels, a p ro - f o u r dec rovldes m eals po w er p n lut-ns. tre com { n fo rm a to n, agrc em e n vm erg ordaat f a n n s on Z e b B a t d u c e r n c s a lso sgn JWS A L sunft dy Uvlng n d aho, w ere c to th o M a d o k a d a U o n C e n te r a lo n g w th rj um ds o f o th e rs from a s for a s A laska. W ash n g to n s] Dregon. w cy w o u ld re m a n th e re fo r N stfveyea-s., b s s th e sto ry th a t m a n y p )C dscussng at th e Cvl oj te s n W artm e sy m p o - p a td e C o U c g c o fs o u d c m p ) today, ls s a very specal event cc a h o, b u t t all d e p e n d s o n S p e o p le e m b ra c e th s,".p Jm A zu m an o, p re sd e n t lard o f d re c to rs fo r th e g d s o f M n d o k a. d a h o N le ablty to form a lot of Sj tm rtd for fre w to n a > loeger, worj B Made Mountan Sk Area. Tht fons d f threatened by flre. about fre j n s t e r n a t o n f o r t h e - t h e y r e t r y n g t o p r o - R o y! o f su m m e r. - lkcstroberg.-. "We lave son re e s a n d h u a p p ro a c h, h u t v N anncgu tryng lo pruec T h e o rc s ; kely w o u ld nfurng h e l a ro u n d h c a n d receved resed. a n d N a n n c n g a sad frefglcrs. ed. c o n c e rn s a y S ro lb e rg h n n n g n e a r 1 cabn n th e m c e l w res r n e arly 20 c a b n ow n er ca tm e n a val d. "W e love -uelng wll t c o n sd ertto n ab n w o u ld rc*estocu., so m e se n se S om e o f th e n l to p p le wll go to de co e d a m a g e, u p for publc y m s le o e F o re st Servce J d e n m o re a b o u t S n a n d hgl, Strolberg s e c o u t o f th e exp ;ry c a m p o r o w n e rs vho a T h e F o n a t p ro je c t. Frst, ln a o fe e p la n t Rrc-rcsst m c c a b n. a ro u n d h e lr o f prvacy, b a n d e d th e m c laclcs th a t W c wll dev< rom ow ners hom eow ners nc [msson app t»»n ow o p c a n a E The stale utltes nea sson- a p p ro v e d fo u r Tl low er a g re e m e n ts wrlh s a P o w er C o.. n c lu d rg wll ssla C o u n ty w n d prd j- tu rt n d a h -b -P u b H c U tltlc T L L C sslon g av e th e OK o n. ty c als b e tw e e n s m a ll m c( ro d u c c rs a n d d e elcc- ects u p a n y B esdes n k n g 6 p e e n ts w th th e tw o vrnd proj md a sm all hydro pro - Jore car Kuna, dah} Pow er D ;ned u p ts O rst d e v et- pro]. L E begs c o m p re h e n s v e oversght.fo dvu U berdes be ca u se ts hsto ry." T hs s th e flrst y e ar d a t dn sy m p o su m s Jonng togeue vrth th e M ndoka N atons M o n u m e n t, b u t A zum ano sal b o th g ro u p s s h r e th e sam p u rp o se. H e sad bou group: ore focused o n educa d n g th publc, w tlch s th e p rm a r p u rp o se o f ts year s e v e n t T h e sy m p o su m, w h c h l c o -sponsored by C l a n d Bos Sale U nversty s free to U«.p u b lc. T here wll b e a n an n u al pll g rm a g e to th e Mndokx N ato n al M o n u m e n t o r Saturday a n d Sunday. b e r W K u n arm w k n >rjng for a prrate contractor onst unrce targeted about 20 e danger e r a p p r o a c h, b u t r o t e c t o u r h o m e s. y S tro lb e rg, c a b n o w n e r < onccd.scrnaton for der 111 wc ap p recate th at leyre cc o ur hom es, h e sad, t Servce se n o u t leers le ho m eow n ers o f hur plan d te to no res obc, ad. Afer o )erao n s sart- s grew, le agcncy, haled ar h o m es so d a l hey can esdents. n th e m eantm e, c an flag rces d al hold.sen* a h e - a n d. fo resers lke take h er req u ests n to >n w h en d e cd n g w hch SlH.jmb-LfJrnn.de.JroecU- c o m ra c o ra n d so m e wll go :c bd. Fuellng sad, n e ce wll p a y a c o n ra co r 00 for de project, ees so m e postves com ng uqerence even for hom c- ) a d a m a n ly.o p p o s e d h c ll. t e n co u rag e s th e m to lstant trees su c h a s aspens r c ab n s. S econd, lus 1 together. evcop a n organluuon for now. lcsalcl. proves small-] )p er o f e le c trcty fro m an naerobc d g e ste r a t a dary lear Caldwell. T h e C assa W lh d Farm LLC s a 10,5-m cgaw att faclty th a t vlll n clu d e flve. 2.1 m egavran u rblnes. T h e C assa G ulch W nd Park C s a n 10.9-m egaw att facl- ty c o n s s tn g o f n n e, 2.1- n eg aw att tu rb n e s. B oth proj- «ts arc antclpatc-d lo begn p e ro lo n by D ec. 31. T h e roject roanogcr. fo r b o d s ared G rover o f g e n n a n. D evelopers o f,8 m al-p o w ct rojects arc endded lo a rote Y M. Cty Edtor MatU f Brady: 73&S2 r t o f a " Bll w G u lc Z add land S WWcar monume h s ByCW ttopbersnu o lse A w d s te d Psss wrter d e BO SE T h e U.S.B u pll- H eclam adon h a s agrec loka p ro p o sal to tran sfe r 10 a o n la n d n s o u d e m d ah o N ato n al Park Servc expan d vstor serv ces a ~ rec o g n zn g a W o rd \ p rs o n c a m p fo r Jap A m ercans. Sen. M ke Crapo, R-d s p o n so rn g legsladon tc VL7 tw o parcels o w n ed fed e ral w ater m a n a g t ag en cy to th e P a rk Sc w h ch m anag e s d e n e a r a cre M n d o k a n te rn Natonal M onum ent. D esg n ated as a na. m o n u m e n t n 2001, M ndoka ste w as org r.33,000-acre p rso n com p o p e ra te d by th e y. R elo cap n A u th o rty a 1 Jerom e C ou n ty farm n g m u n ty o f H unt. t opc 3 from 1942 d ro u g h 194! h e ld as m any as 9,397 U. zcn s o f Jnpanesc d e : m o st o f w h o m w ere rcsl o f SeaUe a n d P o rd a n d, (. C npo ntro d u ced legs to transfer the. tw o Bure H eclam aon p a rtc s th w thn th e orgnal 33,00< 1 c am p to th e Park Serv D e c e m b er. A 2.3-acrc { a ncludes a n old w arehous h rce hstorcal buldngs de or{nal c u n p h te " a c re parcel w as u n dcvc w h e n d e com p op e ra ted j "T h ese tw o p ublcly o p ro p eru esa rc crd c a lfo r c r;n d e v e lo p m e n t, v serv ces a n d p ro tec to n p rese rv a to n o f h lst s tru c tu re s a n d fe a u n. M n d o k a n te rn N atonal M o n u m ent," ( > sad o n th e Scnate.floor. m y colleagues to jo n r en ac tn g th s sm all la n d t fer th a t w e m glt m o v e a c lo ser tow ard p ro p ery m ralz n g a n m p o rta n t, o fte n forgotten, c h a p te r c nadon s lsory.".. D u rn g a h e arn g last b efo re a U.S, S enate sub m lle c c o n sd ern g th e C bll. A ctng B u re au. tcc la m alo n C o m m ss -W lla m R n n c -te s tfe d D e p a rtm en t o f n te ro r s portv e o f th e legslaton urg ed ts approval. h c n u rc also c ls for tran sfc td e o f o th e r parcels a n t M lncr-g oodng C an al w th e b u reaus M ndoka \ pro jec t lo th e A m ercan rrgaton D strct, n n d th o f G o o d n g. T h e D e p a n m e n t o f Fsh a n d G w o u ld a lso recev e R m a to n land n d e arc w ldlfe h a b tat u n d e r th e "nee a sso cated tran w ll p ld ttt- th o s e * p ro p e m o r e d r e c tly - - u n d c r - < a d m n stra tv e c o n tro l ol a p p ro p r a te g o vernm c e n tte s a n d w ll o U cclam au on to b e tte r f o n ts corc m sson o f d e l n g w ater a n d pow er." R to ld d e S e n a te E n C om m ttees w a te r a n d p< su b co m n tcc June 28. P ark Servce o ffld a ls 6W bul w o u ld h e lp realze th e fo r develo p n g d e ste n vstor desdnadon. l-pdwerprojec tn n o w a b o u t $61 p e r m eg av ry h o u r th a t s d e te rm n e d th e n p u b ls h e d by th e, c -C m s s o n a s re q u r e d ly a t P u b lc U tlty R e g u U n P ou des A ct o f T h e fe al a a req u re s d e c tr c u d l rk to - c f f e r to -b u y -p c» w et < U- qualfy n g smal p n x u c e 1- r e n e w a b le e n e rg y prole j*. T h e p u b ls h e d ra te to b e n d e v d o p e n s called a n r a v le e d -c o st r a te e q u a l to tb e s d e u d L ty av o d s f ( :w h a v e h a d to g e n e ra te c r p o w e r tse lf o r p u r c b a s te fro m a n o d e rs o u rc a 1 r... tthew 3234 # d : : t o m p : Jnt;; ; u rta u o r. c d to a acrcs of 10 to d e. vce to, s a t a ste W ar : apancso. d aho, s". to c o n - d by d e. g e m e m ; Servce, a rb y rn m e n t la tlo n a l 1. th e fnally a n p o u n d. W ar. a t the. g c o m - - p erated. >45 and, U.S. ct-, lesccnt. sd e n ts", O re. y sla d o n.. u «a u o f th a t le- H)0-acrc. rvcc la! : p a rc e l; u se jn d, gs from - e a 7.8- v c lo p td xl. ow nedj- o r lo n g - v sto r o n a n d, s to r c a l. r e s at, r n m e n t! CrapOft r. " ask m c n 1 tr a n s r, 2 a s te p, m e rn o -, t. lutj r o f o r j t w ee k, bcom.._ t C ra p o ; lu o f s slo n e r c d de,: s SUpT on a n d. m cas-., fcrrng,.,nd th e - w thn- 1 w ater,. nfalls L h cd ty dahq* G a m e. R ecla-. rea for*. c b lu.,. [n5fcrs. n e rtlc s, r - f t h e - o f th e n e n a l allo w fo cu s cuver:., R rm e., n c rg y poyfct oy thcf. l e p la n, n to a ttw a tt- d andl, c o m - jy h c lu to r v ) fed e r- dudcsc; f r o m Bjectt/). e p a d :{ - t e d m ; a s e l t «

5 PlMtteseeA-Uand SERVCES C llv e G k n d o n Gle C appa o f Jerom e, funeral L D S S tak e C e n te r T g e r D rve (100 E.). vr B shop A ndrew L o tt offd ng; fren d s a n d Camlly nu c oll o n e h o u r b e fo re tl fu n eral today a t th e c h u n (Farnsw orth Mortuary). M y rn a Y ngst o f K lmber] fu n eral a t 10 a.m. to d a y t h e B u h l F rst C hrstla C h u rc h ( F a n n e r F u n e r C hapclln BuhU. R u th V e rn a L oul O ra h o o d o f Burey, fu n e r a t 11 a.m. to d a y a t t: B urley. LDS S lak e C c n tc 2050 N orm al Ave.; frlenc m a y call fro m 10 to 10:4 a.m. to d a y d t th e c h u rc (R a sm u sse n F u n e r H om e).. M a ry E. V an ce o f TVr F alls, fu n e ra l a t 11 a.n to d a y a t th e C h u rc h o f U B rethren. 461 F ler Ave. \, (P arkes M agc VaUc Funeral Homo) R o lo rd N ew a n o f TW Falls, f u n e ra l a t 11 a.n to d a y a t F a rm e r F u n e n C h a p d. 130 N n th Ave. N. Buhl; gravesde se rv cc w follow a t th e W est En C em etery. re n e L. W lk n s o n c G o o d n g a n d fo rm e r of Burey, fu n eral a t 1 p.n to d a y a t th e B u rle y 1 W est S lak e C e n te r. 242 Ave.; fren d s a n d fom ll n a y call o n e h o u r b e fo r th e fu n eral At th e churcl (D e m a ra y F u n e ral Serv c n Goodng). K rs M a tth e w K u n zler c P a u l, f u n e r a l a f l l a. n - Frday.at th e Paul LDS Stak C e n te r. 424 W. Ells St fren d s m a y call fro m 6 lo.p.m. to d a y a t R asm u sse F u n e ral H om e E. 16t) S. n Burley, a n d fro m 10 t 10:45 a.m. F rd a y a t th c h u rc h. S h lre y M a e S llte R e p p elo o f TWn Rlls, cele b r a to n o f. lfe a t a.m Frday a t th e Frst B aptls C h u rc h. 910 S h o s h o n e S EL; frends m a y call fro m 5 1< 0 p.m. lo d a y a t. Re y n o ld F u n e ra l C h a p e T 246 A ddson Ave. E L yle W lla rd A d a m s o Sublet. funeral a t 11 n.m Sa tu rd ay a t th e M a lta LD! 1st a n d 2 n d W ard c h u rc h fren d s may. call fro m 6 to p.m. F rd ay a t th e R as m u s s e n F u n e ral H o m e 1350 E. 16th St. n Burley a n d fro m 10 to 10:45 a.m Saturday al the church. _ S h a w n a M are c k h a n M lu eroft V vnpalls, fu n era a t 1 p.m. S a tu rd ay a t th«k m bery LDS C hurch. 222 Brch St.; v sllaton fro m 4 tc 8 p.m. F rd ay a t W h n M ortuory n TW n Falls a m o n e h o u r before th e fu n e ra S aturday at the church. E d w a rd E d d e" A ller R eed o f R u p e n, gravesde sc rv cc ot 2 p.m. S a lu rd ay a th e V ew C e m e tery r Burey; fre n d s m a y ca from 6 to 8 p.m. Frd ay a R a sm u a sp F uneral H o m e 350 E. 16_tf S; n Burley. - Wat RU PERT W alter A m en, 0 2 -y ea r-o ld R u p e n resd e p a ssed aw ay July , M n d o k a M em oral Hosp: o f a lngerng llness. W alt w as b o m July 10,19 n F rultdale. S.D., to H etu y a H z ab e th A m e n. H e resd ed n th e B urey a R u p e rt a re as all hla lfe, far ng a n d lan d levelng. H e se rv e d n th e a rm y. W o rd W arll. - H e m a rre d M ldred Kng D ec. 27,1969. H e vtras a m e m b e r o f R u p e n Elks a n d R otary O u l H e a n d h s w fe, M U dr ow n ed a n d o p e ra te d Amc Coftf fo r 22 years. W alt e n jo y ed p la y n g h m onlca and occordo W all s survved by h s w M ld re d ; c h ld re n. D a (M ay) K ng. R cky (Dot K ng,. M a rv a (Gayl O ste rh o u t a n d Cart> H o p U U g ra n d c h ld re n ; 3 2 gre g ra n d c h ld re n ; a n d,8e> b ro th ers. H e w as prec ed e d n d e a th t.-" -... _ J B U H L Longtn; 3 le n " d e p t N a n c y M; ral at Saturday w hle v ro m e d a u g h te r-n -A la sfc :6 N u sk a Valley, w h ere 8 w th h u s b a n d F&t o n c e d a t - farm ng. S h e w a s 9 m a y S h e w as b o m n th e Hlls o f N eb rask a ; lu n ) by a n a u n t a n d u n c - d e a th o fh e rm o th e A fter g ra d u a t berly, school, s h e t a u t t oy a t.school u n d l sh e ma s ta n (Pat) M ajor o n Jurn n e ra l T h e n e w ly w e d s O n ta ro, O re., w h e n fo r tw o years before >ulse n C a sd e fo rd. wl n c ra l f a n n e d fo r 2 6 yea h e sa d sb c fell n lo v e n te r. th e m n u te sh e four e n d s w o u ld hav e electrc! 10: N an cy a n d u rc h a n d m o v e d to thel n c ra l N n th A venue, wh lved th e re st o f h e rl N an cy w a s a n ac Vvn b e ro fth c B u h lr e b e a.m. th e p e e p C reek G: f th e th e D ee p C reek C e. W. a u b. S h e w o rk e d p a lle y th e B uhl S eno r a U ; cookngfor th e old s h e w as 93. n h e r 1 l\v ln s h e en jo y ed h e r se r a.m.. bcs. c lass es, da c ro l q u ld n g w th h e r fr N.n S h e a tte n d e d : w ll M ech o d /st C h u rc h E n d th a n 40 years. N ar tm es sa d s h e wo se c a se rm o n th a t h o f th a t sp rt, h e r lfe sc le rly e lo q u e n t le sso n p.m. d e te rm n a to n a n d l S 2420 m lly jfore u rc h C A L D W E a vce, Yates, 74, e n ere d n o n July 2, , a t h< C aldw ell. daho. n o f C arm en w as b o m a.m : SoraroSr. o n d D o lo takc T cp cch tlan, 2!acate St.; co, o n A ug. 6, ] l o 8 w o rk ed h a rd as a ss c n wras m a rre d a t 15 ye 1 6 th Lvng n M exco w 10 to h a rd lfe. S h e lost -a th e a n d uranted h e r Qve d re n -to -h a v c -a -b c tt s h e m m t c d lo t lte s Slates. :ele- S h e lv e d n W a.m. s ta te fo r a few years p ts t b r th.lo a d a u t c r! S t. m o v e d lo th e Burlev 15 to w o rk e d a t O re -d a fc o ld s a n d h a d th re e m ore 2466 S h e also w o rk e d a t a fro m th e J.L Smpl H ey b u m. d aho. Sh o f a n A m e rc an ctzen a.m. C a rm e n loved th e L D S w alk n g b a re fo o t h rch: le n d n g lo h e r roses, to 8 g a rd e n n g a n d p c [las- w as a n excellen ho m e. a n d loved h a v n g h e rley,, vsl s o tlat s h e coul.m. th e m. S h e w o rk e d entre,lfe (u n tl s h e g s u p p o n h e r c h ld ren l a m th e m fed, s h e lte feral c lo th ed, th e - C a rm e n d e v elo p e t 222 a n d w a s o n dalyss 4 to fo u r years. S h e neve h te h e r love for lfe a n d a n d m p o n a n t th n g lo 1 e ra l fnal days w a s lo b e : c d b y h e r ch ld re n a c h ld ren. S h e d e d o llc n c a to n s rela te d lo da sd e S h e s su rv v e d b y ly a t d a u g h ter, M a ra R S n a n d so n s G n a n d call S to n e o f Paul, daho;; y a t so n, M a n u e l - Jc s m e, M guel, Jo sh, Jonatl d a u e r Jonel) d e j alter Amen a n {(lent m. at 3spta, 1923, r y a n d c y a n d farm - ng on th e 3 u b. Udrcd, h s p a re n ts; so n. TVo un e n s o n e b ro th e n a n d fo u r A m e m o ra l graves 7 h a r-. c e w l l b c a l 2 p j n.f r a t th e s wfe, C em ctey-w th-m U t) D av d by th e local veterans. D arla) T h e fam ly w o u ld ay len ) th a n k th e M n d o k a h pu ns: E xtended C are fo r h g re a t- c are th e y gave W alt drec to n o f H a n s e n f la th b y R u p e rt C h a p e l w t o Nancy A. Major tm e B uhl res- M a jo r d e d vstn g her, s k a - M a t o n H :e A h e a n d h e r c e th o u g h t o f t9 6 y e a r s o ld. th e Sand U a n d rased m clc after the h g h 11 e lem e n ta ry n a rre d Lesle u n e l m oved to good tm es and cre they lved b ad tm es. She o re rclo c ad n g re m e m b e re d w h ere th e y m s s e d b y h e years. N an c y m a n y frends. - ve w th daho N ancy w as d }und o u t th ey g en erato n. She rcty here. n n d e a th by h e r d P a t re tre d h e r sste rs. Ma le r h o m e o n L ette C alh o u n ; # h e re N an cy Franlc S a n fo rd crlfc. H a a ls ; h e r da actve m em - Brenda Major; t :becca Lodge, so n. R obert M a G ran g e a n d v v e d by h e r : C o m m u n ty M a jo r (D an e ) 1 p a rt d m e a t daho, K enneth ltlzen Center o f P ortland. )ld folks u n tl M a jo r (K aren) sr later years, and Bm ce Maj se n o r s aero - TVvn Falls; h e r c d a n c n g a n d F a rch ld (T on; frends. A laska; 16 g ra r th e B uhl great-gm ndchllc c h f o r m o re g rea t-g re at-g ran lan cy so m e - T h e f u h e u wojld rather June 16, at 1 p.r t h e a r o n e. n M e th o d st C h u n t se rv e s a s a n A rr a n g e m e n t o f q u e t V olley F u n e ra l n d g race, n C re m ato ry n W< Carmen Yates C a rm e n [ n to h e av e n h e r h o m e n m to Slvano alorcss olo n. atecaz, Mex- S he a ch ld a n d. ; ye ars o f age. w as 0 very t -a d a u g h te r v M ve lvng chl- >ctter-llfo,-60 0 d e U nted S alt L ake Cty; W ash n g to n t ln a (sons Seal a rs a n d gave d e la T orre o f Na te r a n d th e n A n to n o (V sron ley area. She Adam ard anot 1 fo r 13 ye ars a n d d a u g h te rs o re c h ldren, a n d C eln a) dc u a n d retred S ac ra m en to, Col n p lo t Co. n (d a tg h te r Jess S h e b e ca m e Kyle) V ales; h c n n Soux (Randy, an h e o u td o o rs, d a u g h te r D cva h th e grass, g ra n d so n s K obe cs. c am p n g, o f Z lah. Was pcncs. S h e E rn est (T trr a m lo u sck c ep e r Tffany) Y ates ol h e r c h ld ren h e rd a g h tc r. Q o )u ld c ook for L ow son) o f Bell jd h a rd h e r a n d h e r so n. W e g o ts c k )to (lo e G allas) ren a n d keep C aldw ell, w h e re tcred a n d (nal years.... A p rv ate m er ped dabetes - for the famly v«n s d e p a s t h o m e. m ;r gave u p n leu o f sen n d th e m o st p le ase se n d a do 0 h e r n h e r A m e rc a n D a t )e su rro u n d - d a to n n th e nar \ a n d g ran d - Y ates b y p 1 o f c o m p l ; o r d abetes. A m e rc a n ; D ab y h e r o ld e st la to n, P.O. Box Sylva (JR. VA ; ld D elm ar) w w w.d ab c tes.o o; h e r eld est w m artln@ cabteo e su s ( s o n s e-m ol a d d re ss fc la th a n, a n d by th e A m erc: e la r r e o f A ssocaton. Rob SPOKANE, W a K eth "Bob- Maj< aw ay Jm e 2 6,20( SpO kane,w ash. B o b w as b o m y n TVvn Falls, da: a n d C hares Majc o ld e s t o f f lv e c a tte n d e d lo c a l g ra d u a te d n 19 Falls H gh School S o o n a fte r, gn m d v r f t o P o c a t e -hs p a sso n fo r a h e m e t a n d m C ra n e o n Ju n e - a n d Vcky m oved Voy A m en; O re., ; 1991, w h }ur ssters.. u a te d fro m tj k«sdc serv- C ulnary nsttute. Frday, July B ob s survvet l e R u p e rt V cky M a jo n llta ry -S te s H o s l ; ( a e r. C u. a n d sblngs D en u ld lke to, M a jo r,. M c h elt a M em oral F tzg e rald, Tter th e lovng B e a rd e n a n d L : Stew arl.h e s al» e u n d e r th e h s g ra n d c h ld re n M o rtu a ry A n d a n d Cac a n d n e p h e w s : L, - Edw W END H u e s, TVestlay, G o o d n g H osptal. A grav c e w ll Frday, Jt E n d O C re m at d rc c to r W cndcu m d p a rtc u la rly n h e w ll b e fo n d ly U n r m a d a n d g re a tly W n l a h e r fam ly a n d. GO OD s. W ag em a s d e la s t o f h e r d e d T h >he w a s p re c e d e d, a t h e r res h e r h u s b a n d, P at; A m em M a ry L o n a a n d by a barl m ; h e r b ro th e rs. 11:30 a. o rd a n d A lb e rt d a u g h te r-n -la w - )n a n d h e r g ran d - M ajor. S h e s s u r- C H A U c r s o n s. C h a re s (C otton) n e ) o f S a lm o n, th s c a e th M a jo r (Betty) M onday, 1. O re., S t a n l n (au : tn) o f TVvn Falls. by fam l Vfajor (T eresa) o f co u rag co e r d a u g h te r, Ja n et H e w as o n y ) o f W aslla. Blue Eye g ran d c h ld ren ; 24 Faye (M a h ld re n ; a n d o n e c a m e to pnondchld. a n d gra ll w ll b e Sunday, H gh Sch p.m. a t th e B uhl Mc m a lu r c h. so n a n d e n ts w e r e -w th Janet anc r a l H o m e a n d n th e Ed W aslla. A laska. m a n y yc S a n d ra d n D u b o relu m n g sold hs n K m berly C halls n c love tans, (sh h s M urphy, o n fo r r L j H V T ley ma a n d bull) jack fenc< H e w a rendsh h a rd all ( ty; her daughter, m an of n Scott a n d Slvano) chldren t N a m p a ;h e rs o n. n o t only r o n c a. a n d s o n play ed h n o th e r so n N oel, gross rop :rs C tla ll. L ctlta e n t for p d e la T o rrc o f h a d 3 q Colf.; h e r so n, O z voce. He c ssc a a n d so n fsh n g, h e r daugt ter, m o to rc y c ; and son RJ. and lous n c \ va,.n d g re a t- b e c o m c a )b c a n d JJ) E ncx m a k n g fl Vash.; h er son, sccrct lsl: and Brttan and to many 5 of Yuma. Arz.; enjoyed 1 Q o ra M a rtn (Jll a n d h a d B ellevue, d a h o ; sh o tg u n s, W endell M a rtn re lo a d e d ) o f N a m p a - o m m u n t ere she lved her heord] w>3 h e ld n h e r - F n l a t O : se n d n g flow ers, RALEG 1d o n a to n to d e Rev. W.W. )o b e te s F o u n - o u tsp o k e n a m e o f C a rm en w ho c h a r t p h o n e, (800) d u rn g h o r b y m a l, d a y o fp n c >obetcs A ssoc- o d o f poo ox Farfax. R n o to r 131; o r o n ln e. M em oral s.or. P le a se lst Ralegh fc lc o n e.n e t a s d e rc d re d n s fo r n o d B c a lo n w ho sp o k!rco n D a b e te s. from h s p _ : z Dbet Keth Bob W ash. R o b e rt «lajor 46, p a sse d 2006, a t h o m e n m A p r l l 2, 1960, d a h o, to B re n d a 4ajor. H e w a s d e e c h ld r e n. B ob :al sc h o o ls a n d 1978 fro m TVrn.g r a d u a to n, :ate]o~ to p u r s u e j m a rr e d V cky l e B ob rved lo Portland, Chrstoph w here Bob grad* M ajor. S th e W esem Dahl. Brg tu te. S te w a n, ved by hs wfe, Brooke Ft son, S hane Ftzgerald r. C h a res M a jo r; b ob whs >enns (R am sey) by hs lovtn : _ J D rad Ear Hughes «4 D m l- = d w a E a r t G o o f W endell, d e d un ly, lu n e 20, 2006, a t th e. De. n g C o u n ty M c m o rjal. al. a vesdc m e m o ra l scrv- b e h e ld.a t 11 a.m. July 7, , o tth c W e s t Bo C e m e te ry n B uhl. Wc lo n w a s u n d e r th e Lo o n o f D e m o ra y s / U C h a p el n G oodn g. an< Roj a Mare Wageman DNG N o rm a Morc l a n. 64, o f G o o d n g, h u n d a y. M ay 25, 2006, h resdence. Ra: jm oral servce followed We a rb e c u e wu b e h e ld a t Go a.m. S a lu rd ay. Ju ly 8, Ho: Russell D LLS R ussell D e a n H tl) H a m m o n d, 70, le ft e a rth ly f o u rn c y o n ly. July 3, at h o m e lls, d ah o, su rro u n d e d u nly o f tc r a lo n g a n d H ecus batdc w th cancer. a s b o r n F c b.2 8.l9 3 6.n H ye. Ark., to O vtren.and H 4aUock) H am m o n d. H e H 0 d ah o w h e n h e w as 16 r a d u o te d fro m V aey :h o o H n l n a rre d S a n d r a. Petter- H d l a d tw o dau g h ers. n d D eb b e. H e farm e d leal k le h -H a ze lto n a re a for /u l wars. After Cotton ond \ dv o rce d, h e ra n c h e d lovt jo s fve y e a rs b e fo re so n ng to H ttzclon. Mc d c n 11 s farm a n d m o v e d to p a r ry b e fo re m o v n g to dau n o f vcd sharng th e m oun- (Ge slg a n d h u n tn g w th Lev rrcant o th e r, le n e Jm h s c o n s ta n t c o m p an - " H a a m o re th a n 20 years, d m la n a g c d a c attle ran c h chl, daho, for trce years hs llt ne.ry 10 m les o f Occ ce by hond. Jcat SS on avd s p o rtsm o n w as r m e d m a n y lfe lo n g p a n hps. C o tto n -w o r k e d tw o 1 o f h s lfe o n d w a s a T n te g rty a n d tougl h s th e [ llo sc su m c v a lu c s.h u Hea ly w o rk e d h a rd b u t th e h a rd a s w ell. H s b lu e - Fal p ts n flu e n c e d h s tal- p layng gutar, a n d h e q u e t, sw ee t sn g n g p e loved snowm oblng,. h u n tn g a n d r d n g ycles. le w as m ctct- e v ery tln g h e d d a n d ta n e x p ert at tyng flcs. lly ro d s a n d fndng shng holes, w h c h led y g rea t fsh stores. H e 1 h u n tn g o f all knds d a fn e co llecto n o f l S, rfles, p sto ls ancl d m o s t o f h s ow n Jto n. H e crafted fne rghts champon or des at age 93 [GH. N.C. (All le. W. Bll" FlnLor, a n J cen B ap tst m n ste r o m p o n c d cvl rglts th e 1960s, d e d M o n - n e u m o n a afte r a p e r- lo r h e alth. Me w as 93. t o o r w as p a sto ra l >ullcn al B aptst C h u rc h n 1 fo r 26 years u n tl h e n A w h te m a n [ 3kc u p fo r cvl r ts 1pulpt, h e also openly th c V c m a m W a r.-...j- Major h e r (S te p h an e) S te p h a n e (D avd) g ttc B earden, C rag 1 B y ro n B e ard e n, F tzg e rald. S a v a n n a h d o n d jo r e tt M ajor. D -p r e c e d e d n d e a th - /n g m o th e r. n.oral servpc w ll b e m. S aturday. July 15.. V sta B onta Park n s.a grav e sd e scrvcc : 11 a.m. Monday, July }. a t th e S h o s h o n e yn Shoshone. 2006, a t th e fam ly res- d c n cc, E S. n G o o d ln g.~ A rran g e m e m s a re u n d e r - -th e d lr e c d o n o f D em aray s G oodng C htpd. Guy Baughef BURLEY - G uy V alroy B o u c r, 82, o f Burley, d e d W ednesday, July , n S alt L ake a t y. U ta h. A r r a n g e m e n t a re p e n d n g a n d w ll b e a n n o u n c e d by R asm ussen F uneral H o m e n Burley. Donald U erasf HAGERMAN D o n ald L ee Rost. 72. o f H ag e rm an. d e d W ednesday, July 5, , a t th e G o o d n g C o u n ty M e m o ral H osptal. Dean (Con) Ha c ath e n v o rk a n d b u lt a b e a u t- ul w o o d dft boot. H e w a s a \e A m e rc an co w b o y th a t ovcd cow s: h o rses a n d d o g s as lom e of hs best frends. c s survved by h s c o m - ja n o n. len e M u rp h y : h s uuglters, an (Jm) L uckock )f TVvn Falls a n d D e b b e G eorge) E llsw o rth o f w sv lle, daho; a ste p s o n, m - Oncke) M u rp h y o f azclton, dalo; 10 grnndcll- ren; a n d seven g rc a -g ra n d - rhldren. e s also su rv v e d by ls ssters, B etty W ate rs o f D ccanslde, Calf., a n d V elta c a n P ope o f C elsea, O kla. H e vas p rec ed e d n d e a th by h s larens, a granddaughter and w o b ro lh ers-n -lo w : T le fam ly w shes to -tla n k h e k jn d n u rses fro m H o m e le alh a n d H ospce n C hulls, h e d o c to rs n C halls a n d TVvn als, h s te n d e r lovng c o m - S «OM t COD b e h a rd to le ll w b to d a y s w o rd o r b g b u kn o w tb a l u o llk e s o m e famly owned and opera o u r.fa c lllty.w jd.ltlo o k «b w ln e a*, th e r e U a gc f Par Magc Funeral om< 2551 Km TWn Fals H O M E.-EA LTH H O S P O E Hospce s a pw/mr, help people facng a reman comfortably fn tl Carng for 9 (ovfd one nt a d fffkvltendoflm ff Our hospce team wll be wtl Patents and careglvefs are tre...o v e r t )e * n,-«f ta l._ to u stt/u n d re d s of.fan TbLetmA U800-3L TMn FalU Rupert Senng daho fof On. wjdahohomeh OBrruAR :es 2S- : A rra n g e m e n ts a rc pe n a n d w ll b e a n n o u n c a r e D e n a ra y -F u n c ra l-s e rv - o f - (Soodng ThdmaA.D}cldfu G O O D N G T h eln lo y D cklnson,93.offarflclc{ e d TVesday, Ju ly 4, 2006, t G o o d n g R e h a b lta to r Lvng C e n te r n G oodng n g. A rra n g crn en ts a re pe b y a n d w ll bo. a n n o u n c e n D e m a r a /s G o o d n g Cha{ ;. Km Kay MetzM D U ll - K m lk a y M e j»! 28, o f Buhl, d e d W cdnt c d lu ly 5, ,a ta B o s c h o! th e - A rra n g e m e n ts a re pe ral a n d wll b e o ru o u n c c d b Funeral H o m e n Bose. lammond p a n o n o n d h o u r n lene, a n d w c c o u ld n t d o n e w th o u t th e h e lp o f c o m p a ss o n a te n cg h b o n A servcc fo r R ussell (Cc w ll b e o t W h le M ort C ape by th e Park," n Falls ot 10:30 a.m. S a lt Ju ly w a o v c w n h o u r p r o r to th e sc n te rm e n t w ll follow ot S M em orol P a rk n TVvn Please dress cowboy casu t-. m t a s >e ; B E BC B o r CU o f R S S S M M S S ta - n k ls, rn. O u U e S v e r f m n E thmotntermmra rmht nmtt w h o ow n«a fu n e r a l h o m e n : b u sln e a*. W ed lk e y o u to a e o tb e r lo c a l frm s, wee o re e ra te d. So a e x t tm e y o u se e oka lk e ts a fa m ly o w n e d. g < r e a so n f o r H...Jt ls. Parkes - agc Valley J H E ome & Crcmaloy 3 2 Kmberly Rd. Palls, D > ? for the Termnally h ram of care deslskd to V a lfe lmtng llness n ther home surroundlnp. n these drzumstanees can be l frghtenng experence. wth you every step o f Ute way. treated wth dfgnlty and respm. tf ta j been our prtvffeje. - famles la Southern daho... m More Cad; «rt--c 6-5 S 5 5 Buhl O m 28 Yean featb.com, S m f JES p e n d n g c e d by rvjce-ln nson (m a A. d d.d le d, a l th e o n a n d g. je n d n g, -. c ed by ;. la p c L..; ner. letzncr; nesday. losptol: )cn d n g by Bell n u rse, t have jfm a n y ors., Cotton T S uurday, n g one servce: ; S u n set n Falls, sual. s t U f, : t,. 3 t

6 c:om Jb6,2006 k 1HURSMY h s u B y K rtbanm m llm efrn fewb e 7 A6 M JL N ] T a M e y mans S trv er f t j T ccess n fannly,b lusnes T Secton Edtor Wllllarr 3m Stes: L OAKLEY- Y All th a t gltters snt ncc-. c ssarly gold ;old. n th e lf lfe o f L eo R odrguez, th e sp a rk le four b u n d w th n dahos fam ous A H axcanw U krkm ptk B OaW cy so to n e h a s tu r n e d a boy w ho d u rd of the dtpott when bllet boxes, bo: rv rt. are o n c e la b ore red. n fa rm felds n to a suette n d ta b n K h o fttm NNtlenl O edon ntttte n M»c rco Cty, ea cessful bus u sn e ssm a n. Wednetdy. Tht b e m arn t tnnspertcd t to the room where the electofl body R odrgues ;u e z w a s b o r n n D el Ro. ncount th* rete. lexas, o n 1 July, Jl th e o ld e st o f r e g h t c h ld lclren. n h s fam ly «m o v e d lo 0 C alforna, settln g n the a re a. t w as th e re th a t 9-yoar M e x c o b1 e g n s r e x ; v e w s s xo n e d h s fa th e r n h e felds - p c k n g to mn a to e s, stra w b e rre s a n d sd u c e. A fter school, h e also o f v o t e s n c r u c a ll t e s t "SeSn" n lo c al p a ck n g h o u se s packn g vegetabla b le s to h e lp su p p le m e n t the Tho A «soclated Presa» r e c o u n t o f ever ery ballot, say - famly ncon c o m e. n g W ed n e sd ay y: : " T h e polt* F rom \ a very vc y o u n g age. R odrguez M n k lc O CTY - r M c x co c al sta b lty oof f th e c o u n try re c g g n lz.d e dth a t h e h a d a great desre b c (;a n a m u r a th o n revew of hangs n the-bal: >alance." lo su c c e e:d. d. H e w a n te d to h av e thngs v o c tn llu s W cdncsc le sd a y to L o p ez O b) rador c o u ld - hat hs pare la n ts w ere n o t a b le to prod e te r m n e w h e th e r c o n s e r - m o b lz e m llons n f he does - vde for lm hm, h e snys. H e longed f o r a v d v e c a n d d n e F elp e n l get hs w ay, n a new s con- chocolate.*b ba a r a n d o th e r d e l c t s dat C ld c ro n rea lly w o n 1 th e tglt fcren cew ed n esd L sday. Calderon were beyondo n d h s g rasp. H e w as deterp re s d e n a l ra c e.,ww h le h s ra s e d th e p o ssl sb lty th a t h e m n e d la tht a t h e w o u ld so m e d a y be le ftst c h n lle n g c r ss ssted he would do the sar m y. su c ce ssfull, l, A / c h ld h o o d m e n to r a n d w a s v c to r o u s a n d, W e c o u ld aals o c all f o r m o tv atom nal b o o k s fu ele d h s fre to.. ( le n o u n c e d w h a t he e callcd protests, but thevole can t be eventually ly a c h e v e th e A m ercan w d e s p re a d rre g u lartes. rep la ce d by dem tm to n s ra to n s," d ream, C a ld e ro n.to ld d T h e h e jjad. "T h ey y are tryng to Hard work ork-anl dlffcult lvng con* -c A s s o c a te d P re ss th a t h e u n d e rm n e a n eel le c to n w th - d to n s c on ntn u c d th ro u g h w h e n w o u ld b e w lln g to 0 n c ltd e o u t h a v n g th e! results rc to back Rodrguez /.Jo Jo n e d th e A rm y T h s m ove h s c h a r s m a tc c la llenger t n t up." p u t h m n ( th e m d s t o f th e K orean h s C a b n e t h a n efl ffo rt to F e d e ra l llecto ra l n s ttu te conflct amn d h e b e c a m e p a rt o f tho a v o d r w e e k s o f pc o ltc a l P re sd e n t L us ; Cja rlo s U galde Sgnal C orp: srp s, w h e re h e tra n e d to m p a sse. H ut h e sa d 1 h e d d n sa d la te H e s dlay a y th a l 2.6 m l- e re c t le lep u pl; h o n e p o le s a n d strn g th n k A n d re s M anuel lel L o p ez H on v o te s w e re e nr o t n c lu d e d w res, W / ] O b r a d o r w o u ld a c c e p t, n th e p re lmn n a r y c o u n t n l9f>k.. U R odrg u e z returnecl to San a d d n g tla t th e tww o m e n b e c a u s e o f" n c o n s s te n c e s," Jose. O n e da) a y n A ugust, h e sp o tte d a h a d n t ta lk e d s n c e the e e lec - s u c h a s p o o r hla a t n d w rtn g o r grl n a m e:d d j Jenny th a t h e h a d never to n. e x tra n e o u s m ark rks ; o n th e ta lly se en b efo re, re. H e a p p ro a c h e d h e r and A p r e lm n a ry c o u n t shes a tta c h e d c outsde each hree m onth! s later, th e y o u n g couple. s h o w e d C a ld e ro>n. n. u f b a llo t box. w as m a rree d,. ll e y ha v e four chldren, P r e sd e n t V c en te oxs c o n - L o p ez O b ra dlo o r h a d n ta l- Joseph. V cto r, D avd u n d Yvonne, s e rv a tv e N a to n a l 1 A/ cto n ly sa d th o se 2,6 m llo n w ere L eo a n d c Jenny b e c a m e frustrated.. S arty. a h e a d by ju st t 1 p e r- "m ssng." nl w th lfe n O lforna. W ar protests M U M cuu ak c p o n t...1 L o p ez Leo.]{odfuu.aLhlt.ne«busloe laess.he began «or«n an OaUejr stem busness as a jm m fn a a at O b ra d o r d e m a n d etd a Please SOC RECO 20UNT, Page A7 Please see RODRKUEZ, Page A7 bou(m the busness. SS. r. Abrlendo Al Camnos* W / O w e H $ s & m, 1 Contro role m ejor sus H gastos, )s, grats, con la H ayudaa de Wells Fargo. O Nlo cd e je p a ra " alg u n d a os s g a s t o s q u e p u e d e m la a n e ja r h o y e o n W ells Fare rgo.vea cla ra m e n te e n q u 6 s e le va el d n e ro cac : a da m es graclas _. -a n ut e s tr o ex c lu sv o report* j r t e d e g a s t o s g r a t u t o - p o r n te rn e t, q u e reg stra ra-y-ordenc~por care gott, fa s c d m o c o m p ra s d e ;l f s su p e rm e rc a d o,. a so ln a y restau fan th,"td lo o T d r g b s e f e c t ujaa c d o s c o n su T a rje ta d e 2 C rdo.y T arjeta Chec 2ck Card d e Wells Fargo j 10 y c o n n u e s tr o serv rvco d e p a g d d e c u e n nt a s y f a c u r a s p o r n t e r n et....., ;, Nlo o dc e je para "algur da" loo q u e p u e d e c o m e n z a r h ot y c o n W ells F arg o, Hab lable con u n Vepresenta tante d e Wells Fargo e;n n p e rso n a hoy msmo, Ham eam -800r-3n vsftenps e n w ellsfargo.com e;0o6wr<t«>ga(un.ha.tm»(nkn

7 f NYC rmayol r: Econt omyw( ro U ld sthou tllegal grants ) Lo» Angotds Tmes By agreement ofdeu ft.s.and M ecah governm< ments, more ThsAMoetotPd Pn%» Leavng behnd hs puel lueblon. than 2.5 mllon, braccros came p p l S W E S S m Gufyajato. Mexco. Jose Gasca ( across the border bcwl>enl942 be PHLADELPHfA A- - The. Border Paltol Of trawled nonh across de the bor- and 19G4. Some we /ere contract-, econom y o f the der.o pck fnt ud VL*gc c colnttys geablls ed.to worcon de ralroads and largest cty a n d 1 the t{ entre. tc. n places he ncs-er heard of oder ndustres, but luttcm ajornadon would couaps s s s a a a m apse f llegal, H Arkansas. Mchgan,,Arzo rzona. ty labored, n agrculurc. a Z m m grants were dcj B Lvng and worung deported en g cond- c< Contracts rongcd from one 10 m asse, New York tons vvere gruelng. He ork Mayor. le often sbc. months, wth many M chael Bloomberg )crg told a. slept n cramped barrack* cks wlh braccros rcumng several > Senate com m ttee :ee hearng - M ~ dozens of other men and md woke tmes, Wednesday.. at daw n to tol 12 hours. rs.n de The bracero program was <. New York Cty s felds. s hom e to 5 *, prasc*d for provdn lng an nexy m ore than 3 mllllo lllon mml- - A Lke hs father before hm. pensve and steady supply of >: grants, and a half-r Gasca. 70. was a "bnce f-mllllon of JJ; cero." a laborers for de nal adons grow- ;«them cam c to ths co Mexcan worker conmck country lle- acted by ers. But crtcs sad mn any of the j: - galy, Bloomberg tcst th e U.S. government estlllcd. t< to fll foa gn workers lve ved n sub- Although they brol labor shortages durg >rokcthelaw g- and standard condton. ms and dot V by llegally crossng our bor- j j H j n "... w aferw orldw arll. de program creat ated unfar ders... o u r cty s lle work was hard, econom y the tn pay compclon and depressed w ould be a shell o f low and de experence tself had : n nt tmes t fannworkers wages, ;s. humlatng, but Gasca * they not, and t would >ud collapse a credts ct "he slartlng pon )lnt for every th e bracero program > fthcy were deported. led, he sad. n wlv guest-vvorker progn om s how V "The sam e holds changng hs lfe. Me was true for the S able al to docs my program dffer c from naton." buy furnture for hs parents, the bracero pogr gram." sad The hearng, led d by b send hs younger sbln{ Senate lngs to Unversty of Calfor Orna. Davs. Judcary Co school and purchase C om m ttee hs own Professor Phlp Marln. V an hom e.. "Many of us Charman Aren Spec >eccr. R-Pa., had ha an expert n mmgralo lon and farm S opportunty to ptosper." n Phladelpha, wa was one of ur." sad labor. "Tlc bncero 0 program j s Gasca. h naturalzed U.S, several held naton orwdc as J.S, c- unversally dscre redted... " zen who lves n Harbor > congressonal Republ blcans take >. _. or Cty, because t had lots of ol rules that to the road to dscuss >ss overhaul- ( nd " Slunu), tfl. dtpljrt ; ch charts thevln ttw lack of cnwth * Calf. ol tha UnltMl S ttt Bortr werent followed.". ng mmgraton Mws. Pjtrosoc»S«pL p 11,2D0, * cemptnd to 2990s o M ore lhan half a cer ll te Um mem&tff of Uw w njrtttoa century -or example,.wor OMSobcoamttHon orkers were after, the frst Mexcan House GOP leaders 2TS callcd for lrtmteul TBrm mrtd fld NoflproOftntlM lsten g guest- supposed to be pal( ad he prete whnemt n tha tubcomntth flrttlm*rng t n nperal Bttch, w orker program was the hearngs last mo: m onth n a ClH.. W»dnetd<)r. mple- n valng wage, provde dcd santary tj. Conxreunan Bob Fwr, Mall.. t to Shcflunt rlt nentcd. de Hepublcan- blow to Presdent Busl an-con- housng and affordal Bushs ambr plan p Jabc mcds. trolled Congress s tous clectlon-year sharply shn hey were no( supp thal Ths s a 1 charade, c posed to be sad enforceme ment and has no pro- nay< lyor who has pushed for ncludes a guest r dvded over wheher ler lo used to break worker pro- Rep. Bob Flner lrkes..sr But er, w hose dstrct vson for jr l: llegal mmgrants or local :al ordnances crackng g approve a new program gram and path to duzc m dal rl*searders say emp Uzenshpfor ncludes th e patrol ] staton, future gucs ployersdd xcsl workers. dow wn on llegal m m grants s would gve an estmated mllons n ths country ted 1.5 nol always adhere 1 n lllc y, ts a cover-u; 00dese 1 pollblggl*s df- up for the fact Preslden le n t Bush, vstng a aske <ed for federal government t m llon undocum ented At a House subco d farm f des, jcommlttee that they cant produce u bll Dunkn D onus shop n asss stance. workers a chance to cam m eetng at a Border :r P m per- Martn sad the Patrol sta- and hey can t t secure s our bor* Alexandra, rla, Va., prom oted hs "VX We m ust dg d eep nto the e nanent legal resdency : f ton n San Dego, Republcans ders." ference n the Se - ales provew that «mmgraton r leglsla- ctys accounts to pay for lle- Under the Senate prop tred to-focus o n the le [ roposjl. posed gul-st-vvorker potental. Spccer and,d fellow r prognn f s senators ton shou lould provde som e gal! mmgrants, w hle llegal elgble partcpants» for. terrorsts to enter cn would w dal t would creau the arc tryng to buld lle a dlrcc support for means for forllegal mmgrants mm: mgrants do not pay ther r have lo prove 11L7 worke Unted States th r ojgh u g rked n, pad to legal satusur Mcxco. a Senate bll thn andevenuorkers also h a t would allow a w ho lave rc been b n the U.S. for a far r share s: of taxes, ether to the L- agrculture lefoa* de m m graton rcfor law was al ctzenshp, :form m ust majorty of the llegal mml- long tme le to k stay. cty, y. the couny, the stale or r enacted and work ano be natonal securty m other -uure guest wor reform," grams to even en\ually become "We canr annot kck people out jhe : > country." sad Lous.. three to fve years before sad Rep. Ed Roycc, e, ( X! beng b would have more tle sub- legal perm ancn - rghts, n ent resdents and who have been lere for Hark rlettn, th e m ayor of f granted resdency. The. com m ttcc charm bll p a n because there an. ctzens after r payng p - re are far at least awhle." Bush B sad, addng Hazeltoh. w ould allow up as man Dem ocrats at the lany as more wage and work hearng $3,250 n fnes, rkers com* fees and back that they :y should s he "treated Th rhe panel that m et n Sal 1 2( people outsde s o u t to portray GOP (30 the pensnon laws now mm- laxes and learn Vto 1 proect rnng Englsh. wth respec pect nnd dgnty." Dleg.-go was set to m eet agan graton and border po old esas The com pc, _ falura. by th e House Recount 1 country to fll vacant jobs lbs (hr- 1 helr nterests. Hut t under the Clng bll passed At the hearng n l-rday n the border ty of f ng th e lrs year wth h the Senate proposal, farmworker fa Lse- focuses on Phladelph pha. a Pennsylvana Lrec edo, Texas. opportunty to gan perma manen housng would not 1 be l provdresdency after workng lg four 1 ed so workers wo ould ncur ye:rrs. t -.G as.cl JK :aceros. suduas-rent-and-tr; L ohcl -bract.transporta-- C o rtm tro n p c A e nam ed for the Spansh v word Uon. Ugnklu sad d < offlcals would The revew thu began grave nconsstences" n al- - "hnzo" for arm. sad they} cy sup- Guadlupe Garda uncounted open ballot box a (on/alez. 30XCS tt) conduct W ednesday day s crucal to prov- least 50,000 p o lln K places.. port thc_senatc_plan.j3u lut 1llcy 74. a former br;cer< : the num - ndlvdualcour jro. sad hu tunts-only w here ng-thcball ballolngw astcnrm ctu Trdlng rh.r>4 R n whch 1 hope hat the new foregn fon favors a now gucs-w sheets are there are tally /sheetproblem sl worker ))ros, a naton h hat em erged sx votes cast oun(nbered bal- workers would le pad 1 becr b gmn because t w< vould slll n a n n( vould help n tal m eetng years ago 0 from 71 years of lots? dstrbuted by offcals, wages, receve long-term m ( con- reduce the deads 64 percent between elect of mgnus ::cora offcals o ne-party rule replete w th Then L re was no m m edate ; lrac.s, and be gven an oppor- op] crossng he border, fa revew of th e tle-llm un l- an d p arty representatves, rc electon fraud. fra Some fear that respo ponse from electon off]- lunty 10 gan ctzenshp. 1* votes nsde prove Jde th sad. Horaco D uan >. "Poor )eople woul uld not de larte o f Lopez falure lo Dconvnce cr the publc clals. s, "They deserve t beca ; bers on those lally ls sh across Obradors lecause n the dcsens aynn more.".sad D em ocratc and candd dldatcs t was a far "Tl The entre handlng o f tje! they are gvng a lot 10 the Garca, a relred vald, C alderon wtcw o allth e Revoluton P arty demancjed vote could landscaper la: ld spark wdespryjd prcllr llmnnry count was rregu- country," Gasca sad. lead, but by just 0.64 nesday, a that offcals recount who lves n Anahem, n. Clf. all the cvl lutrest. Lst. lar," " Lopez O brador told. abou 250,000 of.tlc m ust con- votes "for theclock untl republc." m arcscenar aro/ saldtedlews. nterv.rvew Hesday nght. "We e.h e a lth of he Suchac a close race s a nght- Mexh xlco s TV Azteca n an! Hon votes.cast, Ugalde ; Electoral offcals result s There s one WORLD ( thng mssng an electon )CUPSTM DOUTa r observer for the are convnced c that we won [ Mexco began to rcvc\ 15 unclear n ths proccs :ess: certanty," San Prancl* nclsco-based Global ad u we re gong to prove t." tally sheets W tdnes u Duarte sad. Exchange. L*. "f the rulng party Dn lrectng hs rem arks to! proccss that by l w t m t wll be N atonal Act.ctlon s G erm an wns by.-a ; h har, a o t of people clectc. loral_ornclals, h e sad; ; tnuc around hc clo< sco s-clcc- M artnez-respn so n so ; th e flnal. offcal e rc poltcal p o n d e d r-t h e y wlt-jnp want to throw out o te elecon p t to th ecd n d u lhal someth ethng s amss." ""Mak"! kc the rewew thorogh all wl vll b e satsfed, determ ned, t w as p u te the bccause t ddn dn favor them. Lopez Ob Obrador ade Clauda Ug. galde sad offcals wll! w hen that mght be. al court s Pressure andn d blackm al Shenbaum nn sad W ednesday open n up ballot boxes to con- The flnal count r Sept. 6. should not prev eval." hat th e p party found "very duct ndvdual counts only f R \ ] H -----; turned-overo-m exc< there :c s evdence of specfc! p arles c a n dlspu :. results. The electoral ; to certfy the w nner S( u tv eu ;ulnres,-mexco-became- - u sto m ed to wdespread " c c ul ssatons o f electoral shena tangans.durng seven decades o f rule by the nstll tutonal- R evolutonary. loral courts, w here f Party. or PR. Tea!ars of such fraud have sharpl ply dm nshed snce the electo: tora nsttute w as found*. L o c a l d a l y ed n l 1990s. T he now- )nom ous n sttu te overn e w s ( p a p e r s r e a c h 636% 6 o f r ; Foxs peaceful defeat of. the PP PR n 2000 and has been Mexco antwert quettlont of {ounull lalbbdurr R tfertt BenKoArdunda(naM< l b H s p a nl e s n a n y 7 - d a y w e e k. - prased as a world-class dec- ng a rtftrm tralnnc tetsoa n n Neu senburs near Frankfurt, Cent ermany,.. toral-l l-body..hal-hasodvk ed Monday. Arthtnda w t the refere feret for Uw Word Cup temlflnal tocc xcer natch rgng. - dem ocraces, j " betwten Gtnnty and taly n Dortnond on Tuewtt). Arehunda also to wn be Jdng raqand Hat. = he Rret refree ever wth fhrt mauhet mal at ona Word Cop. advertse a t here call 16 C m u n le te a at Prepara FrJlnU rrm.call etlclb Coronado n]3s-323 : vtr l t l t t ar tarca adt la Caa Caa laaaaa art Htaaaft a 3aa tdad rsr-e Rc odrguez-_ DaedtroapBM W httle, the Oakley Sto Stone son. Joseph, becc com e a volent and the couple quarry, t known as he Rock Ko Deacon n th Catholc ( n.d a better lfe for them- Garden. ( Church." he sad, "Ml Vll of our ATE PARA U Cl cs and ther fam ly n o pa Mundal He has found great joy n chldren are succe.ssf sful; they, the coupc pad a vst to workng v there. have had opportun untes L20061gJenny s ly s sster who was lvng "Every tm e you spllt a rock, would never have drear ued of." %. U nn S o l o P a q u e t ee n Ool Jaklcy, daho. They both you y see the beautful comp mpo- The scm -rered 1.. couple Tel6l }l6fono nternet Televson, fell n love w th daho and stons s and realze the majes ajcsy enjoys travelng and sj: spendng d cddc dcdom ove.thcre._ S olamente l a $69.95 al mes~ -.o 0 f..g 0 d s.creaton n UtlC; cse. tm e wu ddr.13, grandchl- ; drgucz found a job at the stones. s dren. Tlcy wll -celcb :brae 50 - f CW U. >lmplot plant n Heyburn. Oakley stone s extra spc- years o f narraf age n 974, after a labor strke dal. c T hs s the only place-; ce-n November. pmolyanwp>ftal:. VHa hs lfe and the lves of the tl U nted Stales where! th tlls Leo Rodrguez rem m em bers lodrguez famly changed stone s s larves6d. Ths qua :)uar- hs hum ble begnnn( ngs, and < forcve cr. r ry r hos provded m e and J n m y condnucs,lo have grcj )sponlble en Jackpot y Fler real hope Got o d p ut m e n th e rglt famly f aw onderful lfe," he fo* the future. > Para mas nl nfomacl6 n comunlcate con 1 Daysy D, plocc at the rght-tm e, he sad. S " w ant to enjoy my ny famly sad. Rodrguez stll owns ( ) the tt now," he sad. ".w an m t to be o p portuntyfor a new quarry, q b ut scveral-ycars back sure that my grandd chldrcn pened up whcrt Freeman M onth ly P ack awo d e d d e d to lease the open e { g te. : pera- -a re well educated so tb (hat they o ne o f th e orgnal ton. Recently, h e and hs : so son, too can achlcve a t Telephone, DSL. Vdeo. ll thngs. founders of the Oakley Stone Davd, D ventured nto a new tell my chldren and d grand-, Prce $89.95, Quarrl Tcs, asked Rodrguez to busness, b Mn Cassa Stor llonc chldren lo look back on all e low prce for three servces,. work : Jos a forem an at th e an a d Supply they ve accom pllshc cd,-.see valable n Jackpot and Fler quarry, ry. Rodrguez agreed. Leo a n d Jenny Rodrlgut guez w hat you have done w vh your rt. Soon 1 afterwords, Rodrguez are-proud o of helr famly. lves and contnue to tc push a l l ( ) f had th the opportunty to lease O ne o f m y greatest accorr rom* yorsclf to always do d y our then, p u rch ase from pllshm p ents n lfe s seeng g m y best.". Tkar Ex-Brac( ceros cons -atonplan - H u n g F a afafc,mt» M C q m u n >DAD : j d e r 1 -

8 = KH** ThrrtWraPW B.C. ByJnnyHart. Bab; by Blues By Rck Krkman & JerryScott J, KH9W M ChDlM CaMeyOL.THSfe ~ 6«e» S a J5 &OAL- f ty:sb ny p R o e Vu>< LVOK /MMATJWlfl "c N tto y y., 50U1 Bakto 7U ae* K»WK*rrOu c n - rovoukhcwthjtlwt G 6 T «v a g lw B JHCJ?E? m 2 ur»csaeemjhoctnv;e, U«tfTOlW«W0 TE5*5 NOHSfMC WWTH5? D llbart THE SOCETY y C OF jl NSANE CHCK! [CKS faaybe HtHE JUST LKES RACQl CQUETBALL. tf KNOU HE H1ATES. M tae BECAlfSE HE L: LKES TO PLAV RACQUET JETBALL. AND WANTS TO STAY HEALT LTHY.- Lr v.all llr J The Efderborres [jw Em R L O T l % h drve do» Aemoryaw F rank and E rn e st J H o n T M r m JACK A n P s u T X : ( ONLY H/ve 5 V Th PAtMDe GO. \ f<x>y DOT o r n THE 0aE. >. -M\/ee oouo U K top* M-ou, VOU u x K j pce -njuc OFUS \ VC<<?1 GCWWFL A V CE THfN A P n n N O UUGH C M O N e r A CASt Of n KMPA M F F E P / \ UCxtf \XlfJS1 CO*tfUwr wrfh L0 «u A 2 P U asa N D VCANT,. fl O O > N 6 m y l m n 5 nacn" Fts MOB J S T M D U W / K W jt Of! j, oep«w *tfftryv c o v p l H o u j e..., t r V r ZPLUMflK M v - S M M." J5 Q M allard Fllm ore > 0 - y \ Fof.more 1 \ ntormaton.goto H l t wdtw.ncl.ofg/heafth AT-THl w e Act. Partdpae. U voe W a wwwnclr.orgave t W e p e P f e p E P y / L 9«. ~ l r T t r s t e b r j f 1 1 ; nfras& v - _ -jrr ~ : «v Tj.. By Hector D. Cantu and Carlos Castellanos : K r o. / C f 1 V A \ J By PM Frank and Joe Trose L l / r s c f m \ * Brev Bvrty -V By Scott Adams - Doon sn e sb u ry LEAVE NOUJ. a & > wecn, (T N. / JJ M cm r f C By Bob Thaves OCX SOOVK W JU9T f je/f. out ectajoe. uh tn A O T ftraan ;Rff] 9 rrnnsk- )* tcner 0 «., \ - \\gm r T tnwtk m t = J, % -! T XTt For B etter or For W orse. 9MDa3.N<Ave A, (DPOTHCOffV Luann n T j r C z r t j.j _! l11 By Bruce Tnsley. AT AfPROXlKlATEty M - W e r W W P ffe«l f v w o n &. THE 6000 VTHfBAPUEvJS Evs N LETStRV TO STAV POCt NEttY OMSATflNT PRl/fNG- A., cush. NEWS S \ S THAT -twgp -to a «e e Q N THEPOSlTyg. /A/ sm.!.au3epatt M?TE)T0P(,AW T- e.. THAT THE 1 TrtATVttS- SJSPlClOU OCE OM YOUR c m c t t y - p s c o v e z H *: J THREAT OUR - x f «H. WAS FORCED T O tls H T - 5 HAS BEEN A tfllman. : O W lv - lu V / UPH HS VEHCLE WTH A R O «T - -J ttfutralzep/s t r a y r j - t o m e w ct r _. s!? R 0 P ae [> (R ErAPE..1 l o o K e p h 3 - : f c k l e s By Bran Crane R o se s R o se ; : P EA?.AR6VOO 7 WA ljs E A P jl v e e e e r J s b p v M n 1 A1 PPAREHTLV O K J 6 0 P 1 W E F 1 r ByPat Brady. r -7 u p o M c o w e o v > - T R S. A -G O W T W eem O O P oppvoor&efftawp - fr 0 t 5 J& V«HJ ME>;e B U SE L. 6J6 «R 6 «f& T 0 6 & r? V -to FN A 6.., -. 6" * L W tv VOlRWoCW.OUSA V - H G l p o o T ; _ R J P W :M 5.TE AD O FT.:: WPltGr RoPChJ MSreAP U W s AROUNC? m k M M r a l 0 m FEFFE MUtaEWW6l)U U m f m o 9 m e c o m & > w 3 e m m m t f m m c By Jm Borgman and Jerry Scott J ) Qazzewthwth your t: style, Taur W H A TeTW A 7 TWs: ms W57 TUaCSMCMWm ms <CH} H tt?(jrnax / V HAVE*(Cy / DAY: H oroscope you and. RSR. / grndsto tone for lje next several. um, startoverw tladeansla -!::,j=r:_ --w eeks, y slatellts. Anyhng-worth havng Jeraldne Saunders tm e to pay auenon n to the. s wroo 3rtl-w oru ng hard.to - educated opnons of otlers n... achfcvc. K. By exerclsng dscplne chance. cl By alterng your out- close connecton und d honor eng carcruuy organzed look lo< and embracng someuln{ llng ter desres, bevrecn now and md-august, unusual ur you can altcr your buy juy- SAGrrARUS (Nov. 22-Dec2 h M S S l {5 2 ) 1 can n lay the groundvrorfc for ng n; power or earnng ablty. 21): Put fortl what you wsh v to Jtur& or handle added CANCER dune Zl-uly 22): get back. Wtl Venus n your mon; efcenuy. Look for Float H lke a butterfly, stng l«; «;a opposte sgn, t sect wms as a chan ncc to nchlevc your bee. Your own unquafootworv vork though everyone s 1knder - Non Sequltur S or the answer to your By Wley Ss tr t a n g e B rew E can keep you gong untl tlu ByJohtDecrng tle tov«ml you than usua ual. But s n September. Wl rev- end of lle ro\nd. l»ut effort nto ntc.m aybethatsjustyourth thoughtocltt«.1tr( *N(. oluuono; lary Uranus dandng n M l naurs. N ~ K formng fo allances wth those lose, fulness reflected n ther rfaces. f MKTM. UAh&U* To wjc Mt<o m r step wth your part of the zodac who wl share your oplnon.s. c n emul CB CAPRCORN (pec Jan. Tram the be bcnnlng o f de year JJtfP, LUCS... LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Dreak BC.mND..-, 19): Look forward to new w cxpem V uoush the sprng of be out o f a slump. You-seem to bbe e renccs. You cant see who here you red to m ake m ponant over the proverbal hum p y txvss Use. are gog by lookng s s g 5 n the csandcm braccanew set an opporm ne nbm ent to tc rearvew mrror. Open 2n your m E B S m V C w a nr m m J M o f g o s and objecuvcs. launch la major projects wth vth mnd to unorthodox der leas and M f v e w t e a H w f a w ees_{march.21-aprl. s 1 9 );_ show-busncss h flac lat, technqucsj-.-a n mp p o rta n r" -~ ~ - natve. Underlyng ten- Fr S f f S w a g r...s ;!, Frlendllrcss and objectvy arff ore. m eetng can chonge ;e - y o u r... J u S fs tm a noy act as a sp u r to your best tools. future. accomp plshment. Let loose VRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.,222): 2): AQUARUS (tan. 20-F6 ahh6 B J. \ l K your nr F eb.l8)t, _ nncr Pcasso. Put your Rub shoulders wth the hgh lgh Blast o L Whatever has been nlque brand on and mghty, A ltde bt of the holdng you back may 1 - E y J thng yo t)u toud. Dscuss your spotlght sp< release r could sllne on you, wu. you from ts chans. Th Ts s a P B l r V r a r M ams wt] /thlrcnds. llumnatng l ways to clmb good tme to take advan 1 T TAURl ntagc of RUS (Aprl 20-May 20): heron hj the ladder of succcss. ess. ncvrfy won freedoms. Sh 0 K 9. b g/ftygr*3c Dazzle tj them wth your smle. Slne by UBRA 1 (Sq>t23-Oct22): Get makng new contacts, «ru:t Ub, /. j Network] rkng ctons can be pro- your yo 15 mnutes of fo m t Your bur PlSC (Feb. 19-Mard ductlvc J and jump-stan the bell nnovadve nr.touch wth, certan - on-thc : cash rcterrttts s a detals del could c a m y o u sotne goodtlm m ctoforgcncw relaton-. applause apj on the job or U w shps n J P S f S r, 6 \ 2 0 ):. lan Shft happens.-one day yvfjvey-. l me ono seems aganst w u and aj the - [ : at ncx day you are the ccn 1 the busness world. least enter of ;. som e extra respect. Be attento n. Use a Ug G EMlN r (May 21-fune 20): your yo tgerng j sgnfcan jother s best lest undertone o f tenson w lu.tsmat.um C hange) c your luck. Gve n lo a. frend He wth a - -b : to ovcrcorne a spat w5 n y W a a» vhlra and ar loved one as a sprngtwa spn the wheel of SCORPO S oanl to.- (OcL 23-Now. 21): romantc moments. T ljfs /W : W flasl M fcm fo R ta YFK HOES.y ) W A P R B C O. MOLOGer/ U ULY 6 S YOUR DRH- Keep K your nose to he StraJtcn up and Dy rg rfl. Put anm ostes behnd [ lf - V k w f e P earls rs Before Swne p w t x ; > < s s! h j H M : j. jl B f e r > 3 ( Foa CENTusGS we-h EHAVG.-.K STAJED DOWN AT THEw N.,bLA /;:ft t j l j. AWE, But wth ths <S NEW / L tn\/entlon, WE WLL. FNALLY Ff Be A8lE TO HAANE< NESS - -,Y 5 l. THE AWESOME PCW CWER. (J V V OP WAUNS. \,, By;cu Guy&Rod \ a g ;. g g g s g / l _ "V T /l KMOW11 By Garry Trudeau w 5 w r «n CAK.MOH.S {] <wtvso»n9\\ \n t. By Lynn 1 Johnston ByGre res vans BecAjssso* a J - By Stephar lan Pasts

9 zzrz - Beetle Baley SOkrTflfeVTJVE p W H V, PURPCTUR8 0N VWEBy V-! WHAT WAS Y He BARRACKS /PLATTERBP; BP- \ WALL j O M C S Debate! orchur rchattr V By M ort w alker f re: Shovnq Dnsha[)wrespe 3 C t - DEAR ABBV: May respond DEAR ABBY MN o re m p o r- ~ = =. to y our reply to Dsmayed, tant th an -w ht at p e o p le a r c. ceer.4 Marysvlle. M Mch.." rcgardln; "S d e a.wearng s therca lason fo r b e n g k - - / O / p»! atrc n church? 3B Y n church n tlc le frst p la cc. As a prcs and pastor. n Maybe t would btb e b e lte r f w e Blondle " B ypdean Young Stan Drak«f. appalled f at how som e pcopl pc Jeann nne could ol enter GC ods houso*. ( MOM. 0AO...O UK, - CG LKE V O u )," ~ l r WUSBE U k65 com c dressed for SundaV wor e s ON MV CELL PHONE twcetom [,- blnd. fw ecan t-st sec w h at p e o - 0MESTY(3U.M(?, AM Jf...T O M E E T E M C f...*lohgvflthhts< So slp. PhnOp MPS. e U M S T E A O UUps pu ore wearng,, wv e c an le a v e fcjv PcTuge... You sad that "Drcss code des our judgm ents am m d prejudce.*} have been greatly relaxed 8. ; -OE*U.V n l never allow ther chld lldren to outsde and use c th e tm e, to 5 o L 5 SH/ recent- decodes." whch fn«[nd play n deportng eventent out of. learn more about u t G ods N N>v (,> to be naccurate. unform, o r apply for a job pose for our lves, W hat has become relaxed d : s ntervew lomsclves s dressedd the alttude, the respect an< and napproprately. Sunda] day wor- CEDAR RA. tapds.ovss. s f c reverence -people have for shp should be no den fferent! Ssft===," worshp ard church buld q u PRESTN N QUD DEAR A fby: Sal a ta n w a n tjt From brdes walkng dowr nvn DEAR PREST: also so sad embdrmss the ch th e asle chew ng gum t( k E BEj.sU t :h u rch. s o : l < to vas rased to beleve c people ( sends people dress» s c d a n y kfafd funeral pallbearers wearn( ng should dress "respectfu rtfully" n of dsrespectful wa.vay.rey d b c The Bom Loser r tenns shoes, 10 mem ber! lers the house of the Lord - and sent home from By Art S an so m. & Chp 1 th t e r Jobs -f; wearng flp-flops, shorts anc m d that means fully shod and cov- they dressed lke th tl: a t.w o n \p n ; tank tops on Sunday, the lack d ered up e n o u sp d mon ftm SVOURSeC ecretto TReKT H lf\l lk. N ( e R n M P t R O N! of of respect and reverence to tc W0 RWK6 F br ve l /e 6LE.F TK N, A.V..P.!, h t doesn t dstract the o ther wo worshp- Cover up! You are e worth than your skn- >0 L0 NG.;. worshp s dlsslng.. pers, However, reacton to my. PAS1 STOR SW Fg Tlese sam e people woulc uld reply vared sharply. Read on: NST.LOUS r V r n O 1The Beates ] flm debut w a s t o d a y n 1191 Ths day n hstory: A Hare ard bccausc the hexagonal al shape bats taste lke part Day s N l, the frst featurt ure makes them easer to g S 1S w rtrdges; qo 0 grp and boa constrlcto to rs ta ste lko y P \ V J l s fll llm starrng tht Beatles: es; t s because theyre lesslj slkely to veal; monkey, fox ;aa n d a rm u d U» y n W - de! Jebuted at PccadUy a rc u s 5n Jr roll off your desk. h lasc lke rabbt Jt; a n d Lo. -ondon.o n J u ly 6, Do you wont to know low what wasps taste lke G a rfe ld e sc ra m b le d, By Jm Davs Trhousands h of people sur- ur* tat exotc meat s gong to eggs. V O POC. ARE S«Ou\ / rounded the sold-out theatre tre taste lke? Accordng to 0 certan c fleerng ANVON6 V r HE*# NTwe to 0 / E R E PP \ { warno ROOM catch a glmpse of the Fah!:, ab epctres. wom bat, croc :rocodle Ern Damttaul d Jack M rugo TH eee p a v s? J PATENTS HE S O? j C KasNO A *01 our. and beaver taste lke pork: m r be rvachch flf a fa c m Q H. hppo and zcbn taste lke beef: gm e?/7/go-«jrren ct.com. r..?>»<»»1,2cw n cc T e D e btt R e l e f A g e ( r n c y M? V o f d a h o rp erh aps m tatng, the f - mco G e o r g e P. E ssm a m a A tto r n e y A t L aw H a g a r t h e H o rrb [ ble le ByChrls Browne = o o und c.*ts make, the early y ff Egyptan nam e for cat was ;v t n r w n tla v e.w. FREE Sute 200 CONSUu Lt a t o n. - Hl.HBUSA yvwu J U t e v e f z r o u T H e t zz N N T t A M AZJN 6! / \ F o c p s r A m nau. We Are a Debt Relef Agency. We help people fle for m e e e j v T A L x - n e \H 0 V jp ld Y 0 U K t4 O r /?? j/j N e m u e A Bonobos, hum anty s clos* Bankruptcy ~ Relef und«nder the BANKRUPTCY CODE u s r rf t n z e s J c o f A L c m st lvng relatve, wcren tx*wn F SPAN, AtJC. f j p lscovered untl Unlke *. ww V r s. feaf<ce V V V oth er nonhum an prm ates, f f ey walk on two feet, S. r, L y dla t W o l v e r t o n W r Q < hu lunced over. lke early ~ h ulunvans. Eucal natves along Jy L v n g 1 E s t a t e A l c t o n r. ; the e Zare Rver, wlere botohos os S a tu rd aay, y,. J u l/ 8, :00 a.m. { lve. have creaton stores n Locaton: tl th A venue East, Jerome,-d. t d a h o f r KfllB /hch bonohos and hum ans - - * U U s e 2 J w/ere c AUTOMOBtE; once broders. V>5 Red Clrvnlcl Lunna 4-l)oof Sedan So..ru hjn n H5,()()() H M!c5. Mnt Condton? H l a n d U s A read er asks why pencls By Chance Browne FK.W.)lvtrtonf«cnll ccnly ntovod lo lltlduevlcw E.<4rs. Nlrs rc usually sx-sded. t s not. fs. Wolvejtnn / v y f l anclltrrjchubjnc band acumublrd lols of jnll( u<-\ and nd<lecl>le;c \nrnm-t-v WHA.TS r s o u s e V c, E r e «e E. N /ER S ljcg \ m r. A V Al<stv(l<n hculc bll. avalable al n. hsauclln H A ve e -J y o u / 3 ve e o r?vacator \ B L B t l am lnclul» an <-mlfc house) lusehfllj of furnmln and l>u«ehcld ldtemvako. : TTEM., HoWEWORKBt-ygS.* e p - v e M AP! fclurcd l an mmaculalc : cnl cntlrcllon of mlt, rangnj ftom anlc llquc vw%». fa B? echooup)6 0U)ea* R-S BLOCK A jffl n a cvetyhnj(o<lmjtn.blc. c. PT15R*A 9 l [ t Q y A» h v 7le Wolvrdont lurrd a patl Devl Wears Predaoa \ M j C y \ e rw l f e lafnn for ar(t anl rock lolleclnjc. Olfc llfercdfor!>. arr numrruv crallcm, nclu ncludln {luttoflolcpalnll <uppln,fr framcs(ew)* and vafldu crafl ltcn». A complete con colcctun ol lapdary len S < wll be»4d Oj S ncludln,a CuMon O bncl lel furcul S polshed ropk shrcl, roc ock pokh - JS jjj j5 _ * cqu»ncnl and UU «f Ktk%. kv hc 1.apdary Aclon «arn at p.n On con<l ;nmcnl t an antque. sold cuk round table wth 2 leaves tand(>chan\ u! u \ M W l / f L nulcalcly carvcd wl fljlnal lllnal leather oord seals. E llt l J < ualty aucton r»trl C ars Q) D«>«n s - s u trnk a lfetme nf reaturrand pose vmsonv V lf ; FnloTuw S.M$ fot complrlrulellll. Classc Peanuts.... By C harles M. Schulz - ; 3 A 5,M 6R E T \ ~. / TAK 5C0URASETD),r-\ M/V.* J xt lns1».»osu-todwseux» Nncyft Sale by: S u p e rm a n R elu rn s lu) JmHom«ld,,, D*v730FnteTu«12M-400-7M Owncf/Auconctr / J A u c t o n s LLC- RorR Re99* aywsy"?v"ap9--,, 20H-34-S742 2l S742 Audo loneer.. SALNONCMARTEP/» V. Clck {O DW»7D0-9 ts ww.jjnuctonsllc.com -s»l Sal-Tu««7& S-700-9S y U A T E R S - - lns»f«oswtoun<a<wl - ~ T - \ -ast & Furlous;Toyko Drft T W N F A L L + 1 (t])0*»r7.00-bs.l S C O U N T Y F F A R j... v l ; s»t. >t-tu«t 12 S }-700-9S ncwalsuftcumsound S U P L.U U S A U C T O N Summer Malnoo ms Saturdad a y, J u l y 8, S S S S S r Cu«:uwu* G«org»««( Legtnd ol Zono n. Local >catcd: rler, daho Twn Falls Count unty Far Ground.s n Fler, daho {» The Wzard of d p r _ l?afkeb> f/ R E T H E R E A V WTH THS > tfwe-e-lk HAW» ] J Q, f Denns the Menace r. : Wh e n.h b r r T M r r o / k\ c e By Hank K etcham Jl j j s a B - Sale Tma 11;00*m. Luncf tecvedt J b y K a tfa r By Branl n P Parker & Johnny Hart q, PranolnoCanbboan V A N S T ; R U C K S T R A L E R S E>«ad MonChW. OgjM July 7,u. WZChtfvy 10 pauvnger van vjt 960 Ford o n luck wth gravty ««fwsl r r c r JSOO Ral water tank. 292 V8, ve, 4 spc-cd. ran wlc-n prk-d Dw otge -D.SOr. : S u p e rm a n R e tu rn s (13) pckup (Mlvagc) ft Jcml lem svrnl flat bnl tralers, were uset le d as taa ToMy12 00-< ] 54.>00.7M-tOO.,».>..,K, FA R M M A C H N E R Y /C - f y o u A 5V[ :VPCToa»>2)0-:<.tM.r40.gt0 Kawenc«.-12ft toler harrow, nw, nsde rubl)er. crowfoot on bac> jck. hydrak le lft - new Case ntcrallc lallonal -22.S.S- Quck Tacl Loade der w lh bft * _ H A vea Tom Hnha DO Vnc Code 0 hydraulc luckc 13 jlanl lank coll sprng shank renovator, <r. 3p htlj - Joat, ;».jm.c4}.h} / g v ARPEN 7 tnncu - Evmna loft pull type C land plane on steel - 6ft melal 1land : p la t Over he -edge po w th 3pt hlch -G c h l -110" Toan 12l5-;M-4<f-70Q.gS lo feed wagon on ru)l>er. plo drve.. nj<5 27S". 14ft wldrowvr, conc rondltloner, g.s motor 6ft rotary harrow! C a r s (G) T o a ty u j.to o.js. wltlpt hllch K a DO »,...,., ~. n. N D U ST T FR la L E Q U P M E N T X-Men;The X; Last Sland }) eaw {o.a»-a».m.9a SwMjHtcf pull type Jtfcc 1 sweejcr w hh Wsconsn V4 hcav\ vy duly ga ;. engne Waye "984 self pro] propelled stcet sweeper, doesnt ru un-acfort: GSarfeW 2: Talf Two K ls lft, no tajt. FoWlft m ajt X wll 3pt hlch - Molne forklft - oldanllquo hojc Orawn water wagon,, convcrtcrd to be pulled behnd traclor (ra. Cl DlCk(t3)Tod*Tl2S S. S-44S.530.7t.74S-9M-9M A S S O R T E D E Q U P M E N T John Deere gator, no m otor ar -1 -Red folly, dosnl run several ru tubl)ertrc d. T H E F A f tn t C R C U S B y Bl K eane Summ«rMajnee«S folly tralles leaf vacuum Tl traler r noutg*e<b«smuo»nsoj2offo>»a - M S C E L L A N E O U S Metal drop jprcader -1 0 bc bench saw - AC 22S Lncoln weld der-3 full sze pckup toolboxes lprlj prlght shop hell sander freadml mll. need> y X _ 1 electrcal work- B&S 71/22 hp engne - two 3hp pumps, needs ;dslm pelbr 3 T! j l S Z Z r \ F as aat & Furous.3:-Toyko Drft w ork. 2 weetl-eatert - wootlc <)dcndeak_-, melal lesksm all.old )ldftrelrlg A : 2 22t eralorsem l traler axle anc n d parkng : gear largrsteet frame n e b u lld l ; a > \ - An Al nconvenent Truth (pg) uprghts and supports tots MS of ( scrap ron T aa»r?4t-00-att.t».m The Omen mj, The Break Up wu J NOTE: Hj an excess and surplus su auqtlon. some good and d! some n o t «so good. There vlh be m ore >rc : added before sale day. O W N E R S : T WN f F A U 3 C O U N T Y FA R 5 _ * OTHER CtTY ANDN D l y U N T Y H U N C P A L The Lake House m t Jnr E «; 1 l -1 Terms: Cash or Bankable Check Day of Sole ;...Sale managed by Masters V Aucton Ser r v c y : 1 h e B usne: e ss th a t S e r v c e B ult* - Fhdty - at the AUCTlONEE le E R S - adlerk JwoTwand Ly)aMa«tar» Q O s bmnw o n Joe Bennett LAmsr rlovelard L ; TwnCn«na Buhl. daho Qbodtrtg, daho dal. Hagerman, daho -Hogmv man. daho * y r e a l l w h l t b l Th n t s w h y w e - J -(2O0)643-S22?-{2O934-53J (208) (206)8: :. h a r d l y e v e r sh em e t h e m Jm ChrtttanMn - Rup«rt. ldaho ,or d S M New n. n - c o l o r n g b a -Both Taunt. Moble Phones j- ; 1 1 Knoskh Phone S5»FAX FAX- S » »w w um na fssjetodcan

10 j -. A, Opnon E«lt( p " 7 3S 09 E b n m g S Q noprot. M lo g ja m m S o u t h. # m t h e -M. m. R v e r ju t h e. sy n lb o l f o r g o v e r: l a ; d - m a n a g e ; b a u c r a c y. S o m w h te w te r f a n s ca w h lp h o n e s m o r e le m a c t h e o b s t n a t u r e o r ( h e p o lc m a n a g e t.. B ll ts c lc a r y a j t h e ; F o r e s t S e F V c e,... a g e n c y w ll S e r v b e : d o n g * s o m e lo g r e q o v a l offal ;S r r n Bose m f l ja fc - r W h a d S s r W e w o» from s c n l r J - W s a a l o n g t h e SoAh F o r k c h a n g e d " th s y e a r t t o o m e f a lle n lo g. h g lj r v e r flo w. n M: w faer flo w e d a t a. * pacc 4,0 0 0 c u b p e r: s e c o n d m loo.<c d e b r s d o w n s A p f r o x m a tc ly 3 0 b e c a m e - j a m m e d, p r e f e n t e d r a f te r s f lo j n g t h e r v e r b e lq w D a n s k n B a p j o x n a t e l y. q u a rte r s o f a m le 1 - S m th C re e k. N n y r v e r r a f te rs w a te d fo r y e a rs s u m m e r lk e t h s w tu r a p d s f o a m r m o l e p o p u l a r r u d a h o. B u t tr a v e r s r l o g j s e e m s e a s e n a v tg a l n g w h c h a; s h o p l d t a k e c a r e c p r o b le m. e a r e a s w th r F o r f e t S e r v c e la n d M o u n ta n M o m e R; b s v r c t o f th e N a t o n a l F o re sl A ll t s c u n sd e re d p u b lc { e r t j t h r o u g h t h e T S e m c e, s o r e m o v a l v s e e O (o fall n ts ( e n Y<a ( h e lo g s a r e n< ( h e : B o s e R v er, v flo v fs w t h w a t e r... b e l q n g s ( o t h e s ta Tn qrad Hurd.... Pubfs n mwnbof* of th» «n Brad Hurd, Chrs \ Blt Bltze - f - ] Deded letter wrfer wll be mlssc O n c o f tlc M a g c V a l m osk n n cn n a m d; K shcd d t l / c n s u n d rc Tm(s-Ncws e e rs (p tl f d to r co n rh u h r.s lj G lu n n C a p p s la s pl uw ay. G p n n w a.s o n e o f h c m o re w c ll-rc sp u c tc d pj a rc h c u f Jero m e, w th p ny tl!a( la s g o n e o t to huccmc teachers, prnt pasfrcrb hters. d e n al lypnsv s, b u lt le r s,. H ealtors, b a n k e rs, com ] g e c te, m u sc a n s a n d, > buy (laers.., H s fam fy w n s m p o r o h» n n n d,u n ( l.h s a «d ay. }c w o rk e d w th hs s o n a n d g r a n d s o n s se r th e jrcas d a res, tn c k n h a y a n d g ra n, su p p o n g th e lo c a l.econom ys b c d jo c k n d u str H } w a s dw ays nvolv w lth th e c o m m u n ty, sc n g (n th e Je ro m e Cty C o u j d lo n d w rtn g m a l c t r e p t o ( h c p a p e r a A d. c b n rc ssm c h o v er d e y P te > m dtor Davd O jo p e r: B c T A L : d ou b led 1 )blemforag( m o n th e d a h o. B u t th e h - F o r k o f r e s p o n s b le fo B o s e a c c o r d n g lo a r r ju s t- m a y - th e d a h o D ep ; l e p e r f e c t L a n d s. B e sd e s, / c r n m e n t ( h e rv e r s ac(; j e m e n t. s e e n b y th j m e a v d D e p a r t m e n t c a n t (cu R e s o u rc e s, w h t o r e p r o b - g e ( n v o lv e d b s ta c l e o f a U e rs d e s ( re a r lc e s th a ( S o ( s b a c k h a n d s o f (h a j o b f o r S e r v c e, w h c : r< n r vew : Tte Forest jj: rvce s wse to tread n ter on the ssle J fallen trees n the, s lse Rver.. la t d o you th n k? 1welcome vewponts p m our readers on s s and other ssues r Rj r th a n k s tr lc t o H lc a ls pla lo g s a n d. - t h e lo g s la te r r tylay, ( h e P o r(a g e o f b o a a h e a v y th a t s p o t h a s b u b c f e e t " d ffc u lt to m m o v n g R a th e r th a n h a n s tr e a m. r s k lf e o r lm b, 3 0 lo g s S e rv c e w ll rem, w h c h n c lu d n g s o m e r s f r o m s u b m e r g e d u r v e r j u s t w a te r. B r d g e, R a th e r th a n ( h re C f n f le x b le to (h le. b e lo w t h e F o re s ( S e n a v g a te d ( h e rt.e rs h a v e o n ja m m e d tr e t s f o r a t s a le s s o n fro r l s o n e, l a n d - u s e -d sa g T n g o n s u c h a s ( h e w r u n s n J a rb ld g e R o a d r rsn g ( h e E lk o C o u n ( y, s e r t h a n T h a t r o w b e v J a g e n c y a g e n c y a n d ro e o f t h e w e n t o n f o r y e a r o f e x c e s s v e r h n U.S. ( o n o f t h e la\ d n ( h e e n d, ( w a s a to ts R a n g e r (m e. ; B o s e R e m o v a l w o n ( m b e r u n tl th e rv e r d n le p r o p - ( c fs, m c j j T o r e s t. h g h w a t e r w ll a l w o u ld B u ( la te s b e l e rr ( o y. n e v e r fo r w h (e v! novv n c a n o d o s. W th s. w h c h.u r a l r e s o u r c e e r t h a t t h a t s (h e b o s t d c s t a t e - o f - g o n g (o g e t. - mes-news bfsher Chrts SlelntKch; 0 edtoral board and wrter* of e hrs Stenbaeh, Steve Crump, Tra< tzenburg, and Oavd Cooper. - LETTER h s m v olvcm en c c m ] < ;rcat e x am p le (o m a n y oth e rs. May Valley s ls sprl o f servce 1 d stll- h e a rts lo fu rth e r h< 1 reg u la r c o m m u n ty.p th e Cod sp e e d y o u o has left way. G randpa Qp > passed wll be mssed. SEAN CAPPS (h e TWn F a lb 1 p a trl- h p r o g e - rnc- W r t e t o Tw letters from raaderj m p m e r. subjects of publc t. Because of spaco e stralnts, please lm p o ran t to 300 words., nclude your sgnatt h s o w n ng «M res9 and tel s e n g number. WrUef9:wh *ckng -tersw lthfalsenam - [)p o n - permanently barred»y»- llcalon.,. Lfltters may be bbu]. Wn Rlls oltlc«;.m S - E 0.B o x 5 4 a,h «ln f y ta K lto ( 2 ( S S 3 8 ;* m b s. tott«b«magkmlley, le y e a rs.... OF 1water, jency -tf-cs 5 d e a n e e tr h o s, a. c s n. ; ror t t a t Job, HacllhQrel an oflcal a ( Coun ded: e p a r tm e n t o f, R chard N; es, th e flow o f V le lb u jc tu ally b v e r- hs own res ( he d ah o would neve o f W a te r poston to h c h w ll o n ly o ran y o n c! a L h = j a m c h a n n e l. c o u r t dec ck n ( o ( h e Nxon to tu ( h e F o r e s ( nan g e v c lc h h a s a p lc ty n th r e s o u r c e -. u p t h a t s e t m anage- th e p re c e d m e n ( p la n decson St. p ro h lb K n g w eck.elln r e m o v a l o f c o u ld n o t _,, _ L adensfor H fhr*; m com m sslo c ersb cc n u s streams p a s s e d r o l a n d rv e rs. s u c h c o m rr T o ( s n g s u c h tr c re d h o w -. h e ch e fex e v e r,- ( h e re m n d e d l F o r e s t th e law. Servce N o m o re w o n t b e s o reats Nx( rgd o n h c order lo jus r.u.los... th e w ar o n 1 R an g er d s - presdent b p a n t o m c j v e m p o sed by m s u m m e r.,o "radfull o a (s a r o u n d la x v s.- e cc J b e e n ls ( e d d e m u p to m p o s s b le. ence. h a v e ra fte rs For anyo b,( h e Fores ( red hat (h e m o v c ( re e s, " m e t h a t a r e Proousfre - " o p n o n wm a n a p p e a r. n d e p e n d e r llc p u b l c. T h cs u p rc S e r v c e h a s. h e lp e d nstj r g h t c o u r s e.....jjr c s d c n c y j r e e s. M a y b e re c o u n n g o m p r e v o u s. se n t h m a c a g r e e m e n t s, m u st o p t w a s h e d o U C ongress a r l n c W e n. n y, N e v a d a, c l w c c n tl o le ad e rs Sy r o a d u s e r s. th e ru ln g to. ars b e c a u s e n t e r p r e t a - a w s. n t h e # o D tal w a s t e o f V j J. C l o n t, h a p p e n d r o p s O A le a n n g ( h e / - % ll b e g o n e. le d e r ( h a n p u t u s o n a ] e w a ( e r a f f - lo n. T h a t s.- h s o m e n a ( - r o a lt n th s u d s p u te s,* k n o w eo u R d e a l t h e y r e n w arm n g m a jo r cch hroughs a lo u l l.t h obvous. Let ron 2003 p o p u la to n ft Edtor.g ro w fro m 6,.n,... M t o r lo j.lb l o n > l«llto rlal.. n c re n s c.fc [raclblls person and c r.-m.nn llc s u se a n d gree e m sso n s (n doxde) wll T h g le rn Z O B u (h ats t nt h a s b e e n m o f? en erg y 10 m e u n d d e m n h e wc ny we keep her presen c e.o u r fre ez e overyc r b etter o u r sandards n o m c grow t u on your grpwh, ener upps. Yo greenhouse th a n dtublc ke ep n g ann gs e m sso n m b a h s l h a t 0 u s ncreases. T h e re a rc t welcomes lm p ro v c.cn c lers o n...s lft.o e n e r lc n te r s, low er (o r no) :o corv em ssons. r lmt letters sen se ths s C h n a, for lature mall- about one cc telspbm «. plant a weelt w t» sgn let- r c p o n f r o m t a m o jw lllb E n etsy A g cn ( r o m p o b - a lu c d lllc u V - la to h o c p n o ro u jh tto o u r e n erg y proje maled, to above com e lnfbll8.1d. T h e le A re ] 1208) < exstng naled fo npldlyjmpn lley.com. deplo y ed. Vel cency rcrca T1mes-N( U M Dtutdel ce Jo h n Paul Stevens a u th o r o f th e.m ajo rty n o n n la st w eeks h s - c so n o n G u a n tu a m o e (rals, w as a p p o n te d. u p re m e C o u n n 1975 dent G erald R. Ford.!re b e e n n o Sprem e e d s lo n o rd ern g N xon (0 tu rn over th e lo u se ta p e s th a t led to resg n ad o n, Ford. lever h a v e b e e n n a to a p p o n t S te v e n s n c else 10 judcal th a frst S u p re m e ecson requrng 0 tu m o v e r th e n c rm -. evdertce o fh s com - n th e W ate rg a te cover- se t h e to n e f n o t. :edent fo rh e S tev e n s vttoe as llng th e p re sd e n t he D ry O sam a bn f o rm e r d rv e r befo re a s lo n o fm la ry o fr- 0 :ause Congress had LL to law a u th o rz n g m m ssons o r regulat- trals. O ncc agan. f cxccufvc h a d lo be ;d h at h e s n o t above are th a n th e se cu rty xon nvented n justfy h s rogu«- L! lattjoperalons wn * ol terror releve the by en b f th e b u rd e n a lve 1 by th e C o n stu o n d e n t fully ex ec u te th e egy. 7 e can l ju st m a k e d u e. to su th sc o n v en - de 9. g a v e: lyone w ho w as w or- authc he U nted Slates try or a n g e r o f lo sn g h s ro rst fre ed o m s a s ( m ob- a ten :o m b a d e th re a t o f ye ars errorsm, the Stevens ty wa; w ns th e best po ssb le addtj dence Day gft. assun jp re m c C o u rt th a Hon. nslall B ush n (h e A s J ;cy.w enll cut.q ff.dc ln.th c n g of Florda votes - Yorke a cleor m essoge that a n d h o perate n w ays that- A ddlr s a n d th e h e s. (on perm t. Repul elghed that nvtq ;an congressonal and n ay dey hope to lurn u lv e : g t o h er ad v an ta g e b e e n arfjng Jore calls glo b a l r Z!, ; rm n g a n "n c o n - n e n t r u h," a s f -. cognzng t co u ld l a p a h o a s o l u -.,t s a h lluson. T le ls tat w e dont ough o releve glob- n ng. a n d b a rrn g A rho o g cu llu cq k - - w e c an t d o m u c h T h s h a s lo n g b e e n /, 9 Let m e explan. Jm 1003 to 20SO. w o rd / C T ) n s projected to n 6,4 b llo n p e o p le f B lon, a 42 p c rc c n l V fe n e rg y u s e p e r 1 d te ch n o lo g y le sa m e, to ta l e n erg y Sreenhotse gas J P s (manly, carbon T,vll be 42 percent n th ls to o low. b e c a u se tlat grow rcher use rgy. U n le ss w e c o n -! w o rld s p o o r to lent poverty a n d cen t. 1 ;ryone else s lvng tlon, tl 5 w c n e e d e co - fu el vrj wtl. W th m odcs house nergy use and abou se em ssons m ore p ercer ble by just doxld nnuaj greenhouse gong lons co n stan t Llle 1 a th e w o rld m u st N u d e : r offset these huge, do "ret re tw o w ays: slare < 2n c rg y.c fn d e n c y ;)c p u L rls le rg y so u rc e s w th to a b o n o) g re e n h o u se S o m 5. ntufuvely, you - seem s tough. requln for exam ple, bu lds regula E coal-fred power nolog c e k.n o w.a n c w a c c e p t m th e n te m a tlo ra l - p rce s.?ency n Pars show s Nev( nculdes ((he popu- la (ed a jn o m lc grow th a n d le A slr o ]e c d o n s l(e d w th d l ne from the,repon). lo,cal Lreport asaum cs grcenh n g technplpges arc 2050 o prov(*d.and Vehcle fuel ehl-, percen :rc a s c 3 b y 4 0 p e r* S lnct Jews J O l Uversn DaVd Broder m e n g a g n g th e D em o crats n vely d e b a te a b o u t th e pres- n ( s c o u n te r-te rro lsm stra t-. T h a t d e b a te s lo n g ovcr- ;. n t h e lrst rea cu o n to 9 /1 1 a ttac k s, C ongress.. e B u sh b ro ad ly w o rd ed h o r ty to p ro te c t d e c o u n - a n d strk e b k k a t th e ter* sts. A fter th a t, t pad ltd e m to n fo r th e ncxt four r s to th e w ay th a t a u th o r- r a s b e n g u se d a n d how lto n al p o w ers h a d be en u m e d by th e a d m n sra -. s Ja n e M ay er h a s detaled h a Ju ly -3 s s u e o L T han ew ken V ce P re sd e n t C h eney 1h c o u n sel, O avd ln g o n. sa w th e laxty o f su p e rv so n fro m (he lu b lc a n C ongress a s an ta to n to rea ssert m orj 1m o r e p o w er fo r th e exec- e b r a n c h. O n e resu lt h a s n d e m o st w d e sp re ad ; the nc m S Robert j. ; Samuelson s H k H.. n e le c trc ty genera- r, th e sh a re fo r co al (the vrth th e m o st g reen - >e gases) s h rn k s fro m.. t H O p e rc e n t to a b o u t 25 s e n t a n d m u c h c arb o n c d e s c a p je d b efo re..1 g n to th p a tm o sp h e re. s a s c ap tu red today - h [ea r e n erg y n c re ases. S o 3 ren c w o b les" (w nd, solar, 1 la M, g c o d e rm a l); th e r - t e o f g lo b al electrcty o u t- c rses f ro m 2 p e rc e n t n o w >out S p.c rc en t., v m e o f th e s e changes* : 1 h e ro c. T h e y w o u ld q r e to u g h g o v e rn m e n t la to n, c o n tn u e d te ch - o g lc a l g a n s a n d p u b lc p ta n c e o f h g h e r fel tl Js. c rver m n d. H av n g postu- s a c ra s h e n erg y d e t, th e c lm u la te s Qvc sc en a ro s t e r l n g ra te s o f tc c h n o - v l c h a n g e. n.oach,, n h o u s c e m sso n s n s: o re h g h e r th a n (o d a y ll n c re a se s v a ry fro m fl.. s e n t to 27 p e rc e n v > \P Jce 1800, there s been d nessag (. k 10 f 1 M m o n to rn g o f p h o n e calls a n d o th e r c o m m u n c a U o n trav e l a n d rm an c la l tra n s a to n s n p u r hstory. O th e r b y p ro d u c ts ha v e b e e n th e le n g th y d e te n to n s o f s u s p e c ts n G u a n ta n a m o a n d o d e r o v e rse as lo c ato n s, w ltlo u t fo rm al c h arg es o r re c o u rse to law yers, a n d n terro g ato n ta c tc s b o r d e ng on tonure. t w as on ly n tle p a s t ye w h e n th e frst a n t-le rro sm sta tu te, th e P a tro t Act. c a m e u p fur rcncmrol a n d w h e n n e w sp a p e rs dscosc so m e o f th e ste p s th e a d m strato n h a d se c re tly ta k e n th a t C ongress b e g a n to rals q u e sto n s a b o u t w h at w as gong on. Now, th e c o u n h a s plaln l sa d td C ongress a n d th e a d m n stra to n. "You h a v e t b r n g lesc p ro c e e d n g s u n d e r th e law. We re n o t lcu lng.yoa-w hat.thc.law s h o u ld be, b u t y o u h a v e lo h a v e so m e m le s th a t a rc w t te n n to s u u t c s a n d c o r fo rm to th e sta n d a rd s th e C onsttuton sets." A s Stevens p u t t, Salm A h m e d H am d an. th e C u a n a n a m o d e ta n e e, m a j be "a dangerous ndvdual conven JT. } & M. m o d e s t glo b a l w a rm n g. lr unqatncd to judge bctw et w h o b la m e m a n -m a d e gree h o u s e g a se s a n d th o se (a s m a ll m lnort(y) w h o rnger n a tu ra l v a ra to n s r (h e glo a l w e a (h e r sy ste m. O u( f (ht m a jo r(y vew s c o rre c t, th e lea re p o rt n d c a te s w e re n o w pow erless. W c 6a n e n d a n n u a l gree h o u s e e m sso n s, a n d o n c e th e a m p sp h e rc. th e g a se s s e e m to ln g e r fo r d e c a d e s. conccntradon levels rse.. T h e y re th e vlllafls; th e y pre s u m a b ly tr a p (h e w o rld s h e a t T h ey re a lre a d y a b o u t 3 6 p c rc c n t h l e r th a n n E ven w th ts p ro g ra m th e lea says a n o th e r 45 p e r c e n t n c re ase m a y b e -u n a v o d a b le. H o w m u c h -. _varm ng th s m g h t c re a te! u n c e rta n ; s o a re th e conse* q u c n c c s. 1 d ra w tw o c o n c lu so n s o n a polltcal o ne practcal. N o g o v e m m e n w ll a d o p th e d r a c o n a n re s trc to n s o e c o n o m c gro w th a n d p e r s o n a l fre e d o m (lm ts o n e le tr d ty usage, d rv n g a n d trav el) th a t m g h t c u rb globt w arm n g., Stll, polltclarls w a n t to s h o w th e y re d o n g gom e- d U n g " T h e re su lt s gran d s ta n d n g C o n sd e r th e Kyott \P ro to co l. t allo w ed c o u m re thatjolned to castgate thost HURSDAY M r 6, nlltakehlw \MrtlLETOSET VUSEDT O... lls, w h o se belefs, f actct ons, w ould cau se great hd sac- even death to nnocc c r, /a n s... b u t n u n d e n t h e try M a m d an a n d subj JS- to crm nal prosecud n d exccudve s bound to 5, w lh th e ru le o f law tl o r vals n th s jursdctt 1 T h e re s n o rea so n rder- D em ocrats n Congre the com ng debate. Tl t year n o t feel e m b arrasse d trror- affrm ng de rghtncj \ct. Stevens decson aad d w ays to le g sla te th e r oscd rules for handlng the m n - detanees. Far fronvb ken defensve, D em ocrats rase challenge the Republl a s m a jo rty to ta k e h e 0 n ly to e x a m n e all th lnly sdo ng o rn o td o 2 c o u n te r a l-q a cd a and v e to o th e r th r e a ts (o nad o ; rty., C o n g re ss s c o m n g,.-th ls.ta s k.b u tl s n o t to to m a k e o u r law s a n d ; w rt- p ra c tc e s c o n fo rm to c o n - C o n sttu to n. A nd (0 r le th s p re sd e n t d a l th«apples to hm, (oo. Tl Davd Brodcrse-mc n a y address s davdbrodet ual post.com. d e n t t r u : th a t d d n t. B ut t h a sr re d u c e d c a r b o n doxlt -so n s (u p a b o u t 25 pe sn c e 1990), a n d m an] to re s d d n t a d o p t to e n o u g h p o lc e s to ht ta rg e ts. By; e stm a te s. E u ro p e ma; sh o o t by 15 p e x e n t a ljff Japan by 25 percent. A m b to u s U.S. po y also p ra c tc e th s self-; 1 hypocrsy. Gov. Am olc S d w a T c n e g g c r h a s a w a rm n g p ro g ra m. Go c o u n ts 221 c te s th a t 1 k w "rotfed" K yoto. Som e to c u rb U er g re e n h o m e m sso n s. M onc o f th< w ee n g ra m s w ll re d u c e glot orty) w arm n g. ;reen* T h ey re p u b lc rcad ex ercses a n d f the;!cr m p o se c o sts a re ur glo b - able. (N o te: o n nallon h c rty g ro u n d s, favor (a th e ol; b u t th e global w an e. crfec w o u ld b e trval. T h e p ra c d c a l c o n d u reen- (h at, f g lo b a l w arm n j ce n p o tc n (a lc u lu m ty, de ;s sa lv ato n s n e w.cc h n es. So o n c c rec ev e d a t c-m a a n e n g n e e r. T lorum, p re - sad. h d n e v e r heard th o ru m, m t t s, h e a rg u e d, a nu 1 fuel th a t s m o re plcntl a m. sa fe r th a n u r a n u m w c r- w a ste d s p o sa l p ro b lcr an ext from th e global n g tra p ; e s A fter re a d n g m a n y se* 1 g av e u p try n g to dec] w h e th e r h e s c o rrec t. 1 la rg e rp o n (.l9 C o rr«t: al. a n a g e s s lv c resc&rch o p t d e v d o p m e n t p ro g ra m s o n.a n d w ay s o f brea k n g c r-. d e p e n d e n c e o n fossl f d e c - d e a ln g w th t,,, The tr o u b le w th d e o b a l w a n n n g d c b a te & (h a ( J> c co m e a m o ra l crusac 5 w h e n l s rea lly a n eng s* ng problem. 3- T h e n c o rv cn le n tru Koto thu( f w e d o n t solve h tre s, n e e rln g p ro b le m, w ere lo se less. J * sh te d up o n,- h a rm a n d c e n t dvu - najd n g to bject U m d o n, d e to co m p ly d a t p re - don. n for ;ress to fe a r.t h c y n c e d!d a b o u less o f \d fn d n g c n e e d e d hese ben g ts co u ld b llc an. to p p o n u * th a t B ush o n g to n d th e lo n a lse c u - n g la te to 3t w o la e d o u r o h e rem n d h e law n a l th sn t ; xldc c m ls- 3c rc cn t n y s g n a - *. ou g h ; lt th er ly so m c nay over-. a n d )ltcans f-scrvng 3ld.. s a global jo r c u have nc p le d g e o u se these pro- obal adons cy un d c sr-.. >nal sectj (a x n g a n n n g f t al.) :lu s lo n s ng s a h e only n o lo. n a l from n, h e r d o f lu d e a r n d f u la n d w thout cms. l s )alw a rm -, j y a r tld e s, u d d e - t.f lu th l s ;t:o n ly, :h a n d m m g h f- j o u r fuels o r, l e global a( t has m de, gneerm th s (he cngl- J 1 rehelp.

11 Ptoeseg pages fl 8 h a w f l o o r t,. c o m TWN FALLS - L LaVeme adventure for thom she spent A spe Reynolds Requa Schoth pedal thank you to Susan wnero Graat Floors oth, 85. of 5! sbedn Be tm e wth.. Some S< of her best and Vvn Fals, passed El Tblamanes and ther sd away. _ y.,fqr.the.lqvlng fjm.»hry - l e r. h f f 11 c D anncnhauer and gave to m om durng the lost T{tmames_As8stcdl!d_U vng h e r daughter «er.-m arllyn. They year.ar Horae n TWn Falls, /Vnd to Frst Choce Home daho. * (raveled to D Butchort Gardens & Hosp spce; Darla Raralch. RN. wtl her d a u te r by he v n g s. C A R P h er sde. L *ET E n Vctora. 1. Canada, and the Jeanne LaVeme was bom le Benson. RN. LaRelle. at hom e k C E R A MMCS Oregon Coast last n n.l994 LPN,an n SprlngvUc, Utah, on J and all the other wonder- n jo n.. L A M N AATES they decded cde]ose6on.gary, ful aldt to. Charles des, thank you for tle 1 Albert and-h s wfe, ( MAN AVE NO (ORTH lfe. Shelly, needed gentle Reynolds and Florence 1 t and lovng care durng - TWN PALS cc Thorpe! sc so wth Marlyn the past two m onths for Reynolds. LaVeme was s th tl e fln t -Walkcd on Snce 1974* drvlng,thcy arrved. n Blox,- LaVcrm ne.thanks.also for the chld of ths unon but t Jo joned a. Mss. LaVeme m c and Marlyn left concert :rn. tears and advce blended famly of nne q other M about a 1 vreec and traveled shared ctudren. She loved bcl d w th Marlyn durng beng the o n to arleston. S.C.,Bnd ths mo: lost dfncult tme, centcrof attenton by herolder. ponts betw b( een to vst Specl cal memorals may be brothers and ssters mtu un she Graduate wll frends and d f famly. Ths trp gven t( to MADD dalo Stacl perform sen was 5 years of age and he erb ab y a garden club w herever she took a full ll m onth, m ostly RO. Dox 0X 3443, Bose. D sster, Phylls, joned the.faml- lved. She helpc p ed start th e because Elol> Jolse and LaVernb o rto F r pano rectal Hrst Chocc Home Care& l on Frday nghh t ly- Kmberly Hobby /QC u b. Many of refused to have an agenda and Hosplct ce, 147 M an Ave. E., At th e early age 2 o t f. 18, her excursons vlthherfrends there was always al> one m ore TWn FaUs, D or to a T f my H arrs wll LaVerne and her grl: grlfrend and daughter and m dm other-ln- cup of coffee cc t< to stop and enjoy,.favorte charty of your own. 1 perform her ser enor htchhked from Sprn rlngvlle. law, Bernce Schoth. Scl w ere H er latest adventure was a The funeral servce for Utah, to Burley, dahc pano rectal at t aho. She through junkyan rards. deserts nostalgc trp t back to LaVerne nc wll be- at 2 p.m. stayed wth h er brother, ler.stuan and felds lookng 7:00 pm, July 7th, ato t( u r lg for treasures Sprngvlle.. U Utah, to vst Her Frday, f. Ju ly 7, 200G, at Jordan, and hs fam m ly n to moke nto some mefhlng pretty sster an d fam lym em bcrs and Reynold Savor L utheran Chu lurch, lds Funeral Chapel wth Burey for a dme. Shortly rtly after, or useful. LaVeme nc was an avd see for the last d m e where she Fred Cc Coggburn and Marlyn 46 4 C arrage Lane n n she m et Edward C. Requ; :qua, and reader. She espe pecally loved grew up. They ley contnued on to Hemple lcman ofnclatng. Twn Falls. he swept h er off her feet, eet.they Englsh hstory bccausc b her Phoenx. Arlz \rlz., to vst her Frends s may cau at tle chapel ter. were marred n T To ths grandparents hat ad m grated grandson. Jeff, Jefl and hs wfe, from 9 ) a a.m. to 1:45 p.m. before rrs unon, two chldren were ere bom, wth th e Morn- trm ons from Stacey. All ofm )fmarlyns kds and thcscrvj rvce.! lated Warren Edward n 194] 941 and Darley>Dale. Derbyshre, spouses flew w l n and great tm e ntern rm ent wll mmedately th e Marlyn Kay n Eddl kldeand England, w hen her h m bher was had by all. follow at Sunset M emoral. LaVeme were dvorced d after 11 was just 2 years old. LaVerne was preceded n ark. years o f marrage. She jmj arred F ro m th eageofl fl6,s h e w a s a d e a th b y h erp ; ay. ;r p a re n ts j e slb*_. Dale B. Schoth o n Ma ay 31, Magc Valley resde ldenl lvng n lngs; her husbmds, Edward jyng, Warren and-maryr yn were Kmberly untl Dale and Requa ard 1 D Dale Schoth. n N( NCCDHCP UJTH pano for 11 years; Marga tor. adopted by Dale three BO years she bought t) t) acres n June of 1988, a drunk drver A tt H er program wll ndude Emly, the daughte later. Hagerman an d staned rasng klled her r ; granddaughter, JGKBOOKS«? Chop.n, Gershwn, Bach, of Bll and Jayne H arr LaVeme lad numerous ous jobs ba% calves. They y c cam ped out. HeJ Jolyn Hempleman; Ht and r a l w hen she was younger randllv- n a dlapdated d shack : 1Usa at (( Tle publc s nvted; ac o f Twn Fals, graduat untl on Aug , 20< she suffered TRAJNr ng n Kmberly. She was c >jng, S etup & Valedctoran from th Suppobt one of they could remod o d d t-nto a the loss o f her beloved son, Twn Falls C hrstan the Qrst pzza pe make akers n beautful showrplao lacc that over- W arren Requ qua Schoth to a. Magc VaUey. She worlcet Academy ths past Mc ked as a looked the Snake :e Rver. : They heart attack. L M any of her good \valtress at several estal stabllsh-. had lots o f fun ras -asng gapcs, frends, nclud She has b een study ludng Elolse, also Q. m ents b ut prm arly a at the makng ther own OTv w ne and preceded her?r lr n dead.» rgaret V ncent s h er nstructo Town Tbvem n Kmberly erly. She playng pnochle : wth w frends. LaVeme s s survved by her * REPARATE * PAR RALAC0PA. jde com postons by M o zart, was a potato nspector on a n about they cy purchased daughter, Ma: M arlyn (Marvn) ch, Lecuona, and Poulenc. crewllne at the frst J.R. eght acres n Jerom e and Hem plem an oftwn ol Falls; her Slmplot dalo Frozen n F Foods agan rem odeled d the 1 house, daughter-h-la U n S olo 1; admsson s free. w -law, Pamela fc plant. LaVeme was always rays very Dale was klled n n a freak acd- Schoth o f Wen Vendell; er sster. Tel6fono tnterm artstc and gave ol,. a( acrylc dent on May 9, 19Q4. 19 n 1988, Phylls (Dck )ck) Wley of Solarrente$8 and watercolor lessons m s and LaVeme moved.to a beautful Sprngvlle, Utah; UtJ her grand-» L J E W p A L ~ o «w w o» r «** partcpated n art sh sl o w s, hom e on Seventh tl A Avenue East chldren. Da ana (Annette) Tcu - UWvWoB. HtKM througlout the state wll AFlh her n TWln Falls so she could be H em plem an 1 of Jerome; Kassle «p o rtt)w (E S P ) fv.ftm husband. Dale. Dale : w as a closer to her dau laughter and (Duane) D kor xon o f Merdan: mau N D O > O nemmundal2 tv 0 0 M ( " woodcarver of gam eland brds 1 frends. Later, she te agan was Jeff (Stacey) ) F Hem plem an of ; tvbr>temaaowa» ; : CfcxM... and anmals. Dale was s a car- moved to several J a asssted llv- Glbert, Arz.: z.-. Cornn (Steve) D sponble en J a penter by trade, so they y w would ng centers untl July u > P a q u e t e 2, when H unter of Edcn; E Damon P a ra m a s nform aclfn cc buy (xer-uppcfrs and LaVerne her fnal Joumey hom e began. (Jennfer) Scho :hod of Bull; and J t f 9met Televson would dream up the plans and LaVeme always s had h the cof- 11 great- tat-grandchlldrcn, ( ) 3 2$89.95 C al mes decorate, after Dad rebul )ult the feepot on and her rr mr any won- Descrec, Brand andon and Justn louses. The famly would luld lve derful frends n Kmbery, H empleman,, Chrstopher C and O ne M onth - there for-a-w h lle-and d th e n Hagennan.-Jorome ne-and-tw n Derek-Eacker- er-and-new -aby T elaphonerd : move on to anotler projec oject. Falls were always welcome. Jentry Jolyh n Dxon, Daca. LaVeme had m any mm erests e She was a great lstener l* ard Maren and B3lake M Hunter. Dale Prced WMtW..., durng her lfe. She love ovcd to the type of frend d who m ade and Sydney Schoth; also m any - O n e low p rce for 1 J a c k p o t y Fler garden and always belong! ngedto lfe nterestng ata n d a fun nephews and d neces. H Avalable n Jack 1 comuncate con Daysy \ C a l l ( ) a t e a a r R Same ol some ol... mstl *Dorm«: rm stllam alne Coon mlxadut. and m stll watng for a place (0 call. home. Can you help me? We hamnuutydcg taw ed fv m thejlreworkt. Comete* (fumhaveyourmuslnpet. TWN FALS ANMAL SHUBl. 420 Vctory Avenue LaVeme Mlldretllfney Antlreasen grandcludren; a lso 50 by : a SBrer, of The Church o< f Jesus Chrst S o l a ShoTer o f Ma Vlarsng: and o f Latter-day Sants.. Sal brothers, Reuben n Sauer of The famly r danks tl the won- H H Jc o m e and Roy ly Sauer o f derful staff at t the th Kolob Center Hagerman. She was ras preceded n St. George! for te excellent n death by her hus lusband and care gracously gven to ther H her parents. m otler n the e last years o f her lve golfer for lfe, served n the A gravesde e memoral n servral d u b s and ce wll be held 1 at the am ents over Shoshone ceme mctery on Aug. 6, num erous cr scrvcc at erans Home *To«/JolntPaln ls«tm(ullproblm( \»Cefm/CtlB«;»QthtfFootPobl«m»C M llyw asanaclv most of her lfe, se vc r m em ber " j;" - * ) : «1 lbmlluo,dpm - CoodUg S29 leadershp of several won m any touman ST. GEORGE, Utah Mldred rene A ndreaser former resdent of Jerome, ths lfe on May 24,2006, r George, Utah. She perform ed r Shtvwas bom n Jerome hours of volunteer Jan. 9; 1923, to WUam j tle Calforna V eten Emma Sauer. n Barstow before She m arred Randall down wth th e ( Andreasen n 1940, and t) Alzhemers dsease. " spent ther m arred lfe h She was an actve souhcm daho and Solt.L sen, a Cty, Utah, before movng nc, left... Calfoma, where they lved 3, n St. m any years. She and Randy celebra ther 50th weddng annv tn and! r sary n 1990, fve years bef p t o a r he passed away. all Mldred s survved by ft they chldren who blessed lfe th n. unon, Jm Andreasen o f t vl.lake Utah, Alan Andreasen ng to Msson Vejo, Calf... d D fo r - [ ) 0!! Andreasen ofyreka, Cnllf.. a qullng 1 0 ( t C Sand a em en tso n of Bem brated T T S - j l Mnn. She s also survved nver- p 11 grandchldren and 36 gre before R e c e v e u ; pand ask for full detal - 1 * r S N S T A T D. S! M S C O U l t,a n d.w(h(kjrehuco»qu mldjl, by, great- f t m C a l l US a C o m f o r t * ( 2 0,, m PBobtuares ln t > Us LJNT-! ;, t & C o n f d e n c e S n c e 1 9 0!08) la Schoth 1 1 a l l! H J H j m n 2 n d A v e. E, T w n F a lls, D D AU llbon B u r le y Tw n F a lls Blue La Martta& &MakStr««t 307NofthOvsland ndavonu*. 215 BhM 8M ; K t u s a w w w.b r 2 e e. c o m..... (M eje jetwo,,, (20a)67B-B07 e07e< (206) m m y AUKW Bone a E gffls USXFUMUnAnnMlPmMNwYM. E. 1 m* otv. Apy tamln M o( 0741«8. ounrr hauv jcnotc ue KETCHUU UenOUM NA«W OBTUARRES HLY P a c k a g e rdslrvdeo $89.95 for th ree se rv ce s, ackpot an d Rler ) la k a s Twn Falls Downtown r(l;nonh 222 Man Avtnu* South W.. _(2M) M l V m ---,. _ h m J.S n

12 m 1 O B nruary/ldaho j ; y v m Davd Kal Sorensen DETRCH :H Davd Karl to serv e r v a msson for the Mc organjtsqulres. C. Jacob, Sorensen, age 2 0 ro f D ettlch r~j5s Church....SoSorensen, Davn A. Sorensen The Next Stage d ed luesda; Mlay, Ju ly 4, after Survl xvlvors nclude hs p ar- S.J Strat Sorensen a n d Shane S > wpaently ste su e rn g a sdzure ents., Crag and M aranna Sorensen; So num erous uncles, jto e s w lm unlng m l n th e Mlner- nsen; four brothers. Crag nm re.- r GaodHg Uc atnal n U ncoln R. (Sara arah R.) Sorensen. Eron L ceded ce rt death-by hs grandparents, T m e r poj Wallace S.- an d Clare County..... (Danel Jelle M.) Sorensen, Albcn Davd b o m Aug. 23. A. (Jessca K.) Sorensen, S. S BlnsJum: 1 and an unde. B. H C hangng 3 So Are 1085,nBoud lulder a ty, Nev.. the Sam uel S. (Kathryn R.) Albert Blnam..so n o f Crag alg w d M aranna Sorensc nsen; Qve ssters, Jenne R. Funeral F servces wll be conducted du( at 11 a.m. Saturday. ;&lngham Sore; orensen.. (Jeffery H Bankers Hours :ry D.) Pugmlre, Sprng -.H e U v e dn ln f Henderson. Nev.. (Noel A.) j Squres, A ngelna July Julj 8, 2006 at th e D euch unu the sprn jrng o f 1990, w hen, Sorcnsc nsen. Vola Sorensen. Church Ch o f Jesus C hrst of ;h e moved wlh w hs famly to Emma m L. Sorensen; gd p ar * Latter-day Lat Sants w th Bshop 3p Wells Fargo recognzes ces that your Ufe b he0cthere are not enough hours n a day to > g e t thngs done, V Cogondole,, Nev.. w here he ents. LaDru U C and/rue S. Stan Sta Ward conductng. >g. ndudng managng yc your fnances.thatl about to Jp en tm o sto : o f hs lfe. n Sorensc ) char>ge wth our,newfy-expande< le d store hours -: rsen; seven neces. nterm nt ent wll b e n the Davd moved edvbthhsfatnllyo V Mogdal lalcnc B.. Alysa M.. Grace Shoshone She. desgned to ft your Cemetery.Vewng r bt busy schedule. Gvng ya more ore tme to get H all done s just one more way ; (D etrch. daho, w here he attended and graduated from E.. Ma M aranna, K. Pugmlre: Olva a Squres, Ncole M. wll be rom,10 a.m. untl servce tme at tle Church. y. ce Wells Fargo can hepyo you get to your Aterr Stoje of flnar nandal success. Detrch Hgl tllgh School. He Sorensc s e n, -a n d Mklya Demaray D Shoshone Chapel,d. f e c t v e J u l y 1 0 th,t h e W e ll: lls F a r g o B a n k l o c a t o n s attended one jyear a t CS pror Sorensc sen; fve nephews, n n ddrge c of ommgements. l s t e d w ll b e o p e n u ntl th.7 p m w e e k d a y s : Landsld de destroys lome le n eastern daho;] >; nobody njured >. Store Hours: Loo b & D r v e U p - WESER. daho (AP) A hem an anaged lo Jump out of hs one anc was njured, oflclals sad, d. t u r d y landslde *ear early W ednesday bedroo jom vrndow and run ts [ts not d ear w hat caused the le 9 -J0 «> n :> J7 k )d p..v. % destroycdaho hom e Just south of toward 0 t neghbor s hom e jus sld) Jlde, bu Washngton Comty here. before e cearth and debrs come con :ommssoncs sad they have «! P e n ln e t! Store 1868 N.Bue Lakes. BK BJvd Twn Falls ; 187. l a loud nols lolsc woke up Rex crashng nto hs home. The kno (novn for years that the hll ll u d so n at : about 2 a.m., and slde ols also ht three cars, but ho was 0»W WtOl Ftrgo K A. «s adanger. AH tlgml m«fvcd Mcmbtr FCK. w ett rgacom B e» T J g r A r e r v fl r n a v t n v H H b H H > F or he.jen;ce yoh C L A n t M. f. n W A G E. 1 W N B A N U O f m A mz t y n v v n s f p n n v v z s KlMKGRLY.lb 8 1 (l0cat«blm lt6b BASF,Of KtMUKLY ehtstdkc tc H H W A y so ) w v c M n o ttm l N a» - «M 6 C t l tqr ttc ta lfco R W 6 0 w jj 9! «J & T f# cff yow? DW»ew B fdw to uentnutj Porttlean Rtpxln 6#rj4M CtnmeJUe Snk»Tl TUbt ange Floor Raurfaeng 5Ao»m ff T & T Relnsl! E U S T r a r e s D p p a n. c tn U e d (M«) M 4M 9 C «ttrd M» V /jb y A rk flyjjlgl SL lm Cetefrt <fp0d l9e S Br K s o w H m m S S S t e m F h e a t n c ONDTON N C. a w e j B K! gn s a f B. G t n a o E l s m H y f n a p H a c e t k e l u fmt. r / n S A L E S S E SERVCE NSTALLA ATON * fa W h S ) S * * * U u t e n u l : 9 Proud to support J leff e F rost. B our comm m unty 7 a axdermst ; (form erly th e g ft s h o p a at Kmberly Nurseres) 3 4 -tl\. A n rtu.. 1 l.e A S A O T 217 Man St. N. K Kmberly K.» b t r l j 0.n eto re epee sca ls durn g n c e l e b ra t l o n o f Good Ne0h hhor P a y s!.., 5 6! K m b e r l y G o o d j b f n Kent J. Al A llen, D.D.S. n d lbookng Agent f p 1 1 N e g h b oj r D a y s H Shannon Wd e s l e s [ B E p l t e x - W dm!5r,d.d.s. ; Om Bmer m* 1 R o n W a Bmt ALES \t Brng n CO!oupon&\. : n 702 Cente t e r S t. W e s t J c u r r 342 Jefferson rre n t locaton n " St : W Get a FREE EBucket, Kmberl] : [ y, d a h a K m berly. daho.. ll Kmberly, dof 423-( !.ocat(ontoop«n(oo ! ofsolfl Balls ; > A d lw n Aye.,W. _» GoodtlwuJuy y13,2006,... 4 a».* 4 e « : K m b e r l y r d a h o T h a n k y o u to a l l o u r c u s t oomers for y our patronage, ge; SOO 1 r o u d t o s f p p o r t K m b erly n Good Neghbor Day cjn«.rs;,*rawa«r,t*»?:r.l s l ; l v gc HTE Wb jep RTO FTllBtaaaN TY _ C all Gl.>rJl.*7vM(x Proud to PP" celebrate, 1 Kmberly s H e 34 Annual H Good Neghbor 0 1 g f P «: [ f c.... * C t l t b v A t n ) c o u v, - M m m S S & CB O BW / g r m l. Antque 8c C Collectble Clock Ref w B, Authorzec led Howard Mller" an H : Rdgew eway Repar Center j y ; d a h o C

13 f T:. 1KURSDAY W y 6, ,! Ttw-A«octat«l P>T6t«n t m m T n e s t PO] Nefr R T t ; MUNCH. Gcrm any Leave t to B y B n d G ln ; the Frcnch lo gve lve ths Wodd Cup a T1m»»Ndw» wrrter ; sense of dcjavu. : Zlnodnc Zdane anc had been there before, standng b TW N FA LLS- Wll d o r { bellnd de penalty 4 H wont they? spot, wlh a chana mce to gan ory for Fortunately for hmself and France, de fafs of H th e Wn Falls Cowboy C AA t Wth sweat drp rppng off h s bald squad, de team n wll resume [j pme. he faced RJ RJcardo Perera, 12 play next Wedncj csday o Skp H yards from the goal. And vtrh the M M Walker Feld. S com posure ganec ned from so m any A q uote from m Wn Falls \, tougl gam es over :r tl de years, h e kcked head coach Tm S Sadclmer n.* the ball just nsde le t de post. the June 30 cdl dllon o f the Tle shot was perfect. Though the H m cs-fjnvs\clo to speculndon! goalkeeper correct] L-ctly chose a dve to on w hether th< hc Cowboys hs rglu, the ball 1barely eluded hs fnhat turned o n. o ne would be able to 0 feld a team gertjps. to fnsh d e seaso son. a m atcl tha H "Hopefully wc ;e hove n n e penalty kck awan varded a n d an o th er players elgble by then."sadened, Zdane s s goal n h c 33rd dclm er had sad d of ( the Cowm nute gave Fhmce nee a 1-0 vctory over Portugal on Wednc nesday nght and a B - r > boys team -wde wo-week suspenson. "Well ll see." berth aganst taly lynonall-bluew r orld Cup Onal, Lcs Bleus 2Usvs.thcAzzurr. f we wn, t wll be wonderful for. thosew ho have supported us. m n ot talkngabouttheom o nesw h o ju m p ed o n j m vm H B A g the bandwagon, but- those w ho supported us from sart lart to fnsh. 2dane Sladclmclr woul >uld not com sad. H u m cn t W ednesday on f ony Others may avc ve not expected the players a re lo lon >ngcr wd de 3-l.year-old Zdane m e, w ho s retrng Cowboys, but tha hal could be after Sundays fnal, lol, lo carry hs agng H H apparent w hen du h e team takes team rhatcs ths f far. Pardon hm, H H the feld next week ck. dough, f he feels ll lke tlls has all hap- However, the1 coach has pent before. - M assured that TNv vn Falls wll Sbc years ago, Zd Zdanes penally kck l!l"»l»m> have a( least nne ne players to w thtlree m nutes left n extra lm e Portuj [usa]* P«ulo Fenln, left, looks on at FraM Therry Hey, rcm, eth xlebretet wth teamaate Znedne e Z Zdane after France wat Portotal»1 M 1 feld a team. beat Portugal n the E uropean n Mr Word Cup tentflul tocctr match ch o the Word Cup tt«lttn n Mtal talcfa, G em, WedHtday. At the tme, d: ddnt know," Cham ponshp sem umfnals to set u p a he sad. "Bul were okoy." Unal aganst who w else? taly. Just Lst three m nutes ofter Zda jdanc Ronaldo sad. games. ts. Fnnce : started the World 1 Cup C The mplcatons o f dsng France won dtat one. scorec red, Portugal s players and Scol colar Scolor. who spcr ctt m uch o f the slowly y \ wth tcs aganst Swtzerla rland. players at ths pon )n sthcscograve conse : T re!tm a.c laampon-taly-wlubo m w ere- re-lvld-<ha U ruguayan-rcfe cfccc m atht n frdntof tls sbcndandduow b and Son kjuh-korea before beatng ;Togo To; son coud-have g appearng n ts sxtl fnal. Tte last Jorge JC Larrlonda ddnt award them cm O ng hs arm s up n fru rustnon, w a e d to get-1 t- to the knockout phase...11 T lc.quences. Tle Cow Dwboys rbster tm ethea zrurwon twas 19G2. penolt lalty n retum. Crstnno llonal naldo a fnger at tlc offcal os as they walked French :h then defeated Span, dcfen :fend- ncluded no mo lore than 12 The Frcnch were supposed to be w ent 11 down n de oler penalty or / area off, an d wus blockc ked from gettng ng cham ch pon Brazl and fna: nally players ds year, whch w cans soccer s over-the-hll hll gang, w rtten off tryng to rcach a cross, clamng he close to tlem by a Flf FA oflcal. Portugal :ga to reach the fnals, that loslngl even n one player osoo old and too )0 t tred, n ls wll be w asp >pushed by Wlly Sagnol. Zdanes goal was s hs 30th n 107 Watr tng for hem wll be a famll mlar would keep them n from p u tcther second appeal learance n a World A. yellow y water bottle w as. kck dckcd ncrnatonal nppcan aranccs, tyng lust trcolor or ( opponent. pang n postscz coson acdon Cup fnal the otjer ou cam c n SSO, onto 0 the t feld from Portugals ben jench Fontane and Jean- -Perre Papn on n c FFrench ralled to defeat taly 2 -l beyond d e dlstrl trct tournaw hen Zdane score ored twce n ther w hen :n no coll was made. Frances carccrlst. n the e 2000 Euro fnal when Sylva /van m ent. Tlc rule e allows an fam ous 3-t) vctor} tory at hom e over Me le was rght when he called d de " lold myself that ll f score and we Wllord : scorcd w lh 30 seconds left n excepton (o de Bra/l. SU players s r ; tournam ( ent reman from that penalt lalty o n de Frcnch player b ut t was w dont allow any goals, s, we wll be n the socond- d-half njury (mo and Davd host, allowng l\v team. [Wn Fols to wrong >ng w hen he dd n ot call l t on fnal," Zdunc sad. "1 l ddnt thnk of hacgu f.uel got a goal 13 mnutes,n.nto partcpate wd c less don 12 They earned der ler chance at a sec- Crsta tono," Scotorl sad, anythng else." suddcn- n-deah extra lme. France! also ol: elgble players, ond ttle after H Rcardo Carvalho Afte fter the fnal whstle. Ponugol leca a p. W th just a few m nutes to go, beat the talans on penally kcks ks n : Evcnso.dcA Ak t team cannot trpped up llerry y H Henry a yard nstje tan 1Lus U Fgo walked over to the ref refer- French fans n one co :om croftlcsnd- de World Cup quarterfnals, brng up A talent t because of lle penally area. ce, spoke sp wtl hm, hcn gave! hm um started sngng La Mnrsellalsc. org tgal, a 20-1 shot as Dccemb nber, Amercan L con >rules whch "t was a penally. /.WW ecantconesl," m o ccc k, applause. tlc French anhen, and a followed wth advancc ced to the World Cup senfna fnols state dat rosters ;rs m ust be Portugal coach Lus ls FclpeScolar con- Any Uyone who understands occer chants of Allez Lcs Gl meus!"....lockcd.n by. Juno 30..1daho...ceded saw tl that the referee wasnt fa far," Now unbeaten n nne straght Please see FRANCE. Page J E Amercoh Lc(on Baseboll charm an Dcrrlck Ater confrm ed th at the tl rosters Apprec atng socce :er on TV ale learnng exp T C were receved by dcadlnoand perencefor ramercan{ are fnal. Sladclm clr sad _ By Frak FHzpattck ld th a t: hc After a bref flurry ry of ( early actvty, John Hark rkes us happened yesterday Jay dccde.thc outcome, team has been dong d< m c Tha Rlledolplla nqul qufbr boldly lold hs collcj lleaguc, J.P. Dcfacamem, that n tc Wall Street ournal Jou reported yesterday dal d "soul searchng" wl whle prepar- "there could b e a flood 3od of goals tonght." avd soccer fans have been upset by the Amerca rcan ng for ncsx{ week s j gomc& ts n ot easy for 3r a non-soccer-com prehent L-ndng n cose you mssc ssed l, one goal was score rcd. broadcasts, ncyrc fdng fn all (he graphcs and loll talk- "Were pracdcng." he sad, Amercan to vrach a World Cup m atch on V. "Scored" mgt be too no flatterng a verb. The ploy Ua tl ng too dsrdcdng. "All s well an d were w getdng Among otler dng: ngs. you need a bladder the : sze s:; of decded the gam e con come on an unm peded penal lalty After havng wachct led rance vs, Portugal, my only on ready. Well get aft fter dcm n a Frcnchman s c*go; ;o; an ablty to keep remln lndng kck from about 13 nd nches n front o f the Ponugue uese queston s ths: Wlu 11 cxaclyare e they beng dstrac- practce and sec - w hat hap-, yourself dal despte: tc all the evdence to de conn ntrary, goalkeeper by a bald m an on de verge of rereme lent, cd from? pens." what youre watclln! lng really snt tedous: and a wll* \. Tlat kck was award /ardcd not becausc of some! flu- nerc appeared lo ) bb e less happenng n de ga lae n e Cowboys should have ngness to forgo beer ecr for 45 m nutes ot a crack. grant volaton, but t b bccausc tvo players nadvc ver- don n an average "Am \m ercan dol epsode whcl hch, played aganst de d: Mnco Speakng o f beer. :r. how does a World Cup hel d d n tenuy touched (oes r n whatever t s they call (hat perhaps not concdc dcnally, s another w orld\d wde Spartans Wedncsda day b ut were Germany end up sp sponsored by BudweserT H Tlats box n front o f the goall ;oalkcepcr... phenom enon dont get. gt servng (he suspe )cnson dat akn to havng Chef Uoyordcc sponsor an talan to At least now know low why soccer passons run n ; so Howcvv. 1 would Qgrcc agr wth thoscsocccr dehan lards cos lcm a spot n n last weeks : World Cup. hlgl). Snce no one s capable o f scorng durng ; ll the who complan that. ESPN/ABC E may be dum bln bng Cowboy Qosss an> Uld sbc con f nolng else, Fra France s vctory over P ortugal; ;ol yes- r e o r course of ploy, ay, tlc only goals happen on free fn down ts broadcasts ; n an effort to capture he vaj vast ference road gomes ths vw ck.... terday on ESPN prove roved thot.color com m entator tors n kcks, penalty kcks ond corner kcks. {Why docs es a apadcc Amercan audence. au He Cowboys hos: ost de daho soccer arc no more re prescleat-than theh-coun umer--- rgam c wth so m any y "1 "kcks- provdc so few?) Th hat Falls Russcts on Jul ulyl2 fqran ports n the major U.S. sports. leaves far loo m any opportundcs for referees to 0 Please P see CUP ON TV. Page e B2 B Area C doublehcadc der at 6 p.m. SacUoa B S p o rts Edtor: Mke t C hrsten3en H e s a r el all s t a r... s o m e o n e wv h o b r n g s s o m e t h n g t o h } s t e a m a n d h e lp l s t h e F r e n c h p u b lcl e t o k e e p d r e a m n g, " : ~T t rac«c o a c h R a y m o n d Domencch on Z nlne r Gowb )oys retun ntd cokm red fn< al r dam( o n d nextvveek j France beatspp rtugal, Wll j g l take on t AA team las :alynworl done some :ld Cup fne amm, soulseachnj ngdurjg twb-weeksus( spensoh. t M s m L a t c h e d r e m a t c h ;: F e d e r e r w h p s A\ n c c t o r e a c h s e tm rhe Awochrtwl Pre * ball lal hard, youre not afrad to go for aces. Or the two Jol jokcsters who jumped o ut of -Ha lats de sensaton you get whc vhen you re de stands n de frs( se( wd racke(s and d f WMBLEDON, Engl ngland The Ooohs". play (layng so well. Tlats exactly wl hat fell bolls but were rc quckly shooed oway by and Aaals from y an apprecladvc cnnvd tod odoy." securty, r began d urng warrr arm ups. w heh Roger. Anccs Aj assessment vyas m ore sucdnct:! Federer volleyed one ball t h r o u.jlflw lu. "Hes just Roger. Who* can 1you yo say?" Or, most mf npressvcly, anythng Ancle :c. threw al hm. hs legs. Hs artstry try grew m ore O k Federer wll be joned 1 n Frdays t wos Federer rers 26lh consccudve vctory y mpressve oncc play :)lay began for H B semfnals by two far-lcss-e ss-cxpcctcd a t d e All E n land Q ub, and 4Gh n a row B a red; :... H p a r tlc p a n s. U nscedcd le d jortas o n a grass cour un, extendng hsopen era Facng the last rh~un~to~defl a mu: r V n m H V B j6 rcman b rs w cd cn cll clm naled rccord. Hs last loss on the sface cam e c hm o n gross, hree-tlm c K H j H W p No.!4R adckstcpanekofth >f the Czech aganst Ancc c n th e frst round a. W m bledon chamm p plon Federer Republc 7-G (3), 4-6, 6-7 (5). (5), 7-6 (7). W mbledon n quckly turned the Ce Centre Court rem atch.6-4 (0 become, at 34, tho o ldest» t Wmble- \ He s a compl plctclydlffcrcht grass-court t nto Q msmatch, beatng No. 7-scedcd don o n semlfnollst snce Jmmy Comot n player jlw n.jc he was then," sad A ndc. M aro A ndc on W ednesday to 198: 987. And N a B M arcos Baghdatls of whose servc-om nd-voley sklls carred hm a PH jr. reach tho semflnnls. s..., Vprus knocked off 2002 Wn Vm bledon to dc VWmblet ledon 5cmlfnols two ycars A / f (ho stwrc was rot routne, Federer s p lay chat harapon Ueyton Hewtt 6-1, ,7-G (5), o g a s very h hard to say, e oggrcssve. was anythng but.. Some S< shots w ere so Attack hm. Be< tecause f yvun; Just a ltdo sublme that even the es1 w lsssurw astakcn The T? lost member of the fnal fo fo rw o n t bt off wld de le speed o f de boll (on the) aback., be e tdecded untl hursday; Na fa 2 : Rafad approach, youn re passed." : deflntclyhfldapc 1 perod w here t w as so Nfadal quarterfnal agalmt Na X 22 Z JarUco Federer fnsh shed w th m ote than twce T?W. _ good, ll w as Just ncw 0 cdble.!.8a(t.rcdetcc:_. Ne leqnch ftf Pntdnrt w n pbned after. a s many.wxme en.(35}.asunf»ced e n x u s.- : bddng to bccoxno e th tl e frst m an snce two VOndn delays totalng neaty 2V4houra 2\ (17). He broke A ndc four tlmts, hutchng ~ M O a f c & 9 M R c F M r «( S trta r a l w U k c BJom Borg n 1976 tb ( wn W m bledon ntej teupted play eary n the day. ly.. th e total of servl vce games lost by de Croat \ M M tfgbrea K feotc w» U a b tm rle * % * lk «N rt«fl ; wdoul droppng a s8c e t "Youre n ot a fr d. Federer wasnt bodered one \Yhltbythe \yh W ha M otc M & tc M rtow M e n r w a tha n U to a n y th n g, youro ro o o ta fra d to h ltth c weal eader. Please se e m B. Page 84» S A -r..-. s...

14 TS S p o r t Amlercan temefg McEw( ven w ns f o u n l rr s t a g e H m gasf T lm» Wew» zar-balted l.of nonfnr hffttgets whle Preston [) Hlls bdted out a JEROME Jerc Jerome Tgers doublcandatv two-nm home run SAlNr-QUEl UENTN. Francc head coach Jesse ssc Kbopman ndcbottonc lofdednl (A W -rn a ssport p ruled for so couldnt have sad t better HllandS lone run cam c on longbylance ce Armstrong, fd* Baseball s a funny nygame., apossball.,a, and s t n r t ptchlo w Ame mercan Lev > After troundng ;Hglland20-l H) er Joey Rochau strck out nne Ldphexncr s hardly ] a house- n G om el, de Hger had some batters. The Tg lgcrs ddnt allow a. hold nam e.. n r (h e next two trouble late n Game 2, but hndegsme, ne. weeks of tho 10 7 bur de Francc. managed to ckc out )Uta3-12wn. t Jerome ( , 12-2) travcu to t u m ght l>cco!come a lttle more They bad the her one bg Pocatello Fr± day for a S.p jt famlar. nnng, and wc were etc havng a lt- doubleheader. T.. The conslsk lstenty hgh-pcr- Ue trouble takng g cn care of bussad sal of H -.» n» formng Butte, ttte. Mont., nadve te M l ness. Koopmon has reason fancy hs land s sx-runeffort.l rtln d eto p o f JJJJJ* l t l atua.d u n c e s o f becom ng Arm- de drd. But Jerome jm cbeatthem Mn.MM.OM strong s h e r :: O: fthe 172 raccrs NhSmMMnWback wd lorunsn slndebottom S S T t S sull left n cycu yclng s showpece of that nnng only lly t to have de racc that lost t top contenders lead taken away ogan ag n de td dopng aleg Uegatons. a crash sevend The Hgcrs prs connt.ctc-d Qmt3 and llness, o only four have B dmes durng de rtegama e ever fnsh lshed above m t- u u a Theprevousrout lutsawlerome {S7(M«M%rn. Lcphcm er an d o ne of those s now hhj s teammate. Lcphcmer fnshed com* fortably n the m an pack n.t... y j Wdncsdays s fourth stage. V _ lke»m of A ntno uctt M bt CTMS rmsm th t flnhb Qtw te va tk t 4tk tt«c c ( lb t9 3 R lt o a r f «F n w on by Austr stralan sprnter* ttw S* rk t b«tm«a Har, Bdttaa, u d Snt-( nt-qmotn, mrtlwra Franct, Wtdatt Mtdty, jum p out cory on m and almost takng a shutout Justn raegt- n sub\ way F a n PUed Robbe McEv cewen wth a rem arkable H fnal burs o f few rders crs n ths year s fdd, a fourth: hs Gcrolstencr durng d de tough d m b s of th speed. Tom m Boonen of he sad: 1: Thats the past, and tcamnm m ate Georg Totschng. PyrencCT P and Alps. accde 3nt at World dcup Belgum k t t the overall lead, ths s a ddltctcnt year and rd- le : Austran A fnshed seventh! Wc have two Jokers to plo play proudly wearl arlng the yellow ers gel s stronger and m ore at de 2004 lour, two spots wd," v sad de teams pres ress PARS (A P )-WVd shouts of a tran at de Opem 0 m etro sta- Jersey on ttls hom e turf. expcrenan e e." above )vc Lcphcmer, who was oflcer. o Mathlas Wleland. Zzou, Zzou! and m d "Were n ton. n central Pars bencad Lcphcmer, er. who s 27th t mea leans a lot, but ts not then n racng for Rabobanc The real racng for the ove ver- the fnal!" on delr lps, tens of the famed Ope lera Gamer, and overall, s the Drst to ad m t anabsolut >lutetrud that you can Lepl Aphemers spotty memo- all a tde won t start undl de thousands of Frcnch fans fell at around n tha s su ealy ea. days n the placeyqu 3ur bets on," he added, ry vpcrhupsnocaccdenra.ac PC tme l (ral and mountans. poured onto (he :hc Champs s.d crcumstan onces o f the acdthree-week race an d that a When 1 «asked. Lephem er sonc :c pont on hs Tour, he Lephemer fnshed 56d h L n Eys.ecs after France ce advancc*d dent remaned d u ndear. surprse w nner ner could emerge nam es three t! rders who may y have h to shelve hs own. Wc*dnesday s V 129-mle stag [age to de \Vorld Cup C fnal Most fans rem n aned unabefore the fns nsh n Pars o n placed abc above hm n de three ambt btons and rde n support from ft Huy. n Bdgum, to Sant lnt- Wednesday nght.. O One fan was ware* of ony trouble ro followng Jly23.Ncvcrth rtheless, as others Tours he s le s fnshed: Spanard of Totschng To( f the team Quentn Q n nortleast Francc. X. klled n a subway >ray accdent. the 1-0 vctory oyer Portugal, have dropped d Ol out. hs star has CarosSos kstrc of Tfcam CSC, the decde! des Uat the Austran has McEwen dc-dcated hs Od Od dsruptng traffc \ whle the however, runn nng, gallopng rsen. Dscovery :ry Channels Portu- de best chance to wn. But the stage sl vctory n nnp lo u rs s - m etro system was s packed wl and partyng lowarddcarcde to\. Som eone! could a pop u p guese dn :lm bcr Jose Azevedo reverse. rse could be true. too. and o hs stcond ths year - to 1(. people. Tromphe onn Pars most and do really y vrtll." he sad and T-Mo Moble racer Andreas Tor the moment, the squad hs h Arnercan team m ate Fre< a*d He vctm had dr clmbed atop famous boull>va vard. after.wednesda a/s stage four, Kloeden., a frend and team- saysth: thal both are team leaders Rodrguez, R who crashcxl out o w here he accom t>mplshed one of mato of f Jan Ullrch, who was and : that th: the decson on who the mce n lyesday s accdcnt hs top prortk rtes for the fast am ong nne rders barred s n ( de best poston to rde strewn stage three whet 1 and dangerou! ous frst week: before hon France, the start because of for the Tour crown wll be another a favorte. Alejandrt dro stayng safe. dopng ollc allegatons. judged ;c*d on Saturdays long dme Valvele, V broke a cpllarbon one CoaUsoedfnaptgeBl 31. "1 les a real star, s but a real Of havng bee leen beaten by so But Lepl cphemer s forgettng tral. ar; and der performances and a dropped out. for Just the seco ;cond tme, star n the real :al sense o f the Eusebo, the hero lofponugal s word, someon m e who brngs 196R run, was on la hand as was somethng to > hs team and Tge] 3rs blasts Athletcs s to avo( d sweep 3form er French capta ptan Mchel lelps the Frer ench publc to Platn, consdered ed by many keep dreum nng," France hs natons greatest Ls player. \ coach Raymon 3nd D om enech. France s wn end nded ortu- sad,. -OAKLAND,, Calf. C (AP) ng one of Texas four, home dated t to tc de sea-son.., RFK Rl Stadum. gals 19-gamcunbea leatenstrcak Ronaldo nea eary creatcd a Kenny Rogers won wc hs seventh runs,andv] dvcente Padlastruck Scott :ou Lnejrk (G-2) pchc-d lle Marlns set season hgl* gls datng to a Febru; 3ruary 201)r> tyng go.l n the 7 a h, when s r a t decso son aganst hs out a seas ;ason-gl 10 for the a scoro orelcss nnng.nd h. vor n m ns (H) andhts (PJ), l- {1- exhbton loss t at reland. l t French goalke keeper Fbben former dub and ld Crag Monroe Rangers. loffma m an fnlsllxl for hs 21st lghted l( hy a ffth nnng n n also stopped Scol colar s 12- Barthez anod 3therofthel99B ht-a-two-run-h( -homer.-lcadng Thrpow owershovrvhchtlso v c n-22 r r l chances: w -whch-lo-coaccuth c-bancn [CS Barar-TmdcfcaTt!t- t-<trtn{r"tfthcroc!r= lc rh Detrot over Oa hlrsoyardfrct; l ~ Oakland 10-4,on ndudcd J four f doubles, was re*acled base and glt straglu glt World Cup matches. es. kck bounce off Wednesday lo 0 avod a )ff hs arms and a three- owrdue forjle fo Rangers, who C ubs S 1, 1 Astros 0 scorcd. Zdanes goal mvas s de frst up n front of g9m e sweep. f the t goal. Fgo, had scored! edonly2 runs n ter Dan Uggla fnshcxl 4-for-C >r-g goal Portugal allow lowed snce anotherform Brandon nge er world player ge added a solo prevous 1 nne gomes and lag OU: USON Sean Marsdl wlh two doubles and fout our the 29th m nute of ts frs- oftle year, had hom er for d an J open headfar behnd.last years club- allowed ved sbc hts and struck out RBs, R ajd e\-ery starter scorcd red - round fnale aganst: st Mcxco. cr that he sent.the H gcrs f l t over o de bar. ncord home run pace. two n seven s strong nnngs to at at least once as Florda ( ), h d p Qcago beat the Astros. snapped a four-game losng who have B k j WhteSoj MX 4, Oroles 2 dd Walker had an RB skd and ended Wnshngtons thtbcsrb- double )e n the ffth, the only run four-gune fo wnnng streak. conj n baseball Cup on T V Hll but ld lost CMCAG( VGO Jon Garland off Osw Jswjl (f).5), who lost hs three of four fouo allowng a seven- won lus fourth fo straglu dec- second stnght com plete P( game wnnng ; Rockes 5, Gants 3 CooUnBtdftmnpceBl stre son and CWcago Q cansay about W mbledon s, had a four- game. Me lost lo Texas 3-1 nn Eary n yesterday days game, 1 was glad van Rodrgue guez had three run fust nn to sec that the nnng and de held on June , Dl-NVER - Josh Fogg )gg for example. Delata hts, ncludng lg two tamera felt c;mera operate doubles, fortslslv tors arc Just as Jwnn Sganes. p ptdld SL*ven strong nnngs gs oblged to offer ths and Chrs Shclo ls fascnat- obsessed wth clton lt a two- Qcago ;o doser c >the t managers Bobly Jenks BaVeS /es 14, Cardnals 4 and nn helped ls own calse wd l ng nsght: rursn en thle esecond nnng gave up hree hut reactons n soc< )cccr as they are smght lts and lls frst lt and RU of the season as Colorado eat San an - Pars," ca- "France s captal CO sakc-rogers cty s n baseball. n c rs-{ll-3) -to -a a ru n n lle tle 1 f fact, watchng nnd before strk AlLAf LAN-A h e Unu-s won so quck lead. Me e g gave up four ngouttlef the formally attred ol F rench... C fnal dree batters to cos>cu ecutve.seres for de frst Tn nucsco. Yesterdays gam earned run.*! and ( e took m anager furro eght hts n 5 earn hs > 2Gth 2 row hs brow save n 27 tme snce May and extended -ogg (7-5) gve u p two runs ns place M uncl (not 2-3 nnngs. the cap. whle hs P o Roman Colon chances, ruguesc n t counally scurred up St..ous )us road woes, nd aj struck out two lefore gvng way to Ray Kng n the Arena was flled ;v- tal of G ermany), ptched tlc fnal; lal nnngs Garland d (8-3) ( y). Allanz terpar frantcal gave up sx hts HeUr euravesscored lonnsofl ( for hs frst save. wlh wt; ft.dol) and down the and one nrun e sdelne n a n n nnngs. Jeff Suppan (G-.)), knockng ej :th. Kng pldc-d a -2-3 fans. Most of them Marco Scutaro ro ht a two-nm :m whstled Forman Mlls hm out ouqt o was betof de gome n the o ltl. and sang the cnro homer forlcaa,whuc lre»0- )us ler theater than n th e game, Bobby R oyals 6 S,.1. w n s 3 rojnh nnng, to wn for de Al-St.r y closer Uru Puentes m nutes. _ behavo Kclty homered d and ; doubled vor that. (f Pars the tl captal of second d t: tme n the thrcv-game pt ltched the nnth for lls (>th 5th m akes perfect sej and Mark Kotsayt a y a d d e d a n R B l KANSAS S crry ( ensu when France, by th e, M a - 7 John seres. <. lc 11! w ay truly s Bnves Ue -1-2 n a s;\ Mven 19 chances. you consder the double. Buck and [ Kc only alter- the w orld s h hautc-coulure Regge Sjuders each 10-game me hom estand as dey After J gong.nnngs wth- h-.natve w ould hav KfcSaaroosO-!>(3-5)]asted41- hadtw blts lave been hotbed, why w lls and two RBs and try to rec vas-(hc a bespccrc-cover from a 6-21 June, ou lut gvng u p a nm. Fogg s g w atdng the game, 3 nnng, gvng up nne lt.s Mark Grudz dzdanek had three the won. lad ed French r m anagcr d a d rtrst month n franclse stn tre-ak >vas snapped ly Pedro ro At least the Genm: and eght ruas. rman stad- n a sut that hts for Kans nsasqty. hstory, ( appeared to ry. Fd elz s 15th hom e run of de he urn s grass was tck and have been pure... R ya lyals, who lave won rchascd at Lc cason n de thrd. green, whch s mor nore than 1 Durp?) Yankees n,, ndans 3 n of ther clr l «t 16 games. M atn lns! 18, Natonals 9 snapped a te wth a tlree-... eeveland 3 Rooke run severh..... WA.S11 usllncrron - -lorda Mclky Cabren a ht 1 hs frst. Sanders s scored the go-ahead ted a 1fnndse record wth an career grand slajn: n New Yorks run on a pas; lasscd ball charged to egl-nr nm nnng n a rout of eghl-nn fourth nnng and loc Mauer rand aj Buck s two-out the Nat >tonals n the hglesl (he Yankees bo bounced back double ther len scorcd Esteban scorng lg j game ever playcd at from a hsorc c loss wth an German, wlo had a pnd-hlt agc Va..easy wn.. sngle, and d Angel / Berroa, wlo One day after a 19*1 pum- waswalkedl xl ntetonally, W raelng by Qevclaj land, tyng de Realtors Onlne second-most lopsded op< defeat NafOf kxalleue n ther famed xl hstory, the. - k * G o l 1 Yankees matched led ther bggest nlcts 9 f Pm r a t e s S nnng dlls season onor>aulbyttl NEW YORK Ageless o u r s f l (6-6). The Yanke akees stole sx Orlando Hk ernandez bafned bases and starter st: Mke Pttsburglor o n four hts througl 7/ ? Mussru (10-3)) shovred no ll seven nn nngs Wedncsday W J u c t effects from a sgh lght gron pull n lt, ptchl chng de New York - Mets to a vctory over de M R S >RedSox2 R Hemandcj dez. lsted as 36 but M f l a l f S c a s o W TC h r s B a r b e r ST. PETERSBU: BURG. FJa. beleved to 0 G a y l e B e e be older, used hs»lf r Pass 1 : n g o e c h e a On Salll C anyonsdc R ealty.car Crawford sngled sr twcc, full arsenal,, r mbdng hs ptches. Century _ drow n two \vlthle July lol runs and stole wth hs h wr-jerlgr m oton three bas«ncl ndudlng hom e and cpng ngthe Prates offbal- n the fourth nnng and ance as the c : Mets becamc th e A d u lt ;. k m p a Bay wot won ts thrd Qrst Natonal nal League team to strato v crb o ston. sta wn 50 game; Tes C o u p l l Tm Corcoran n (3-0) { allowed tho runs and four 3urhtsn62-3 PSdreS 6,P. 1N fes3» H B e c k y K u k a l nnngs, h tm n gdcr h edsoxto A d u l t l l. M solo-homcr n PHLADEL Weslerm )E L P H A ---K h a ll- ~flmtetm m the sccond and KcvnYouWls Grecnc tht Real Estate. hrec-run homer off L y n n, sudlfce fly n the ffth. Bran All-Star dose m u s s e n user Tbm Gordonr * 4* u>gon««(cuck CK 5 S t u d e n t l l - Meadows got the fnal three the nnth 1 nnng r lfted San l a n H u t c h s o n H p u p for hs fourth Thsave.. D e o v sth rthcphucs. _ ty Alpne Realty - Peav avy ptched seven h eay3 strog-hrg r and Hfhnrst, ARLNGTON. 1 bxas H on career homo mcr for thc Padres, p a g v a l l 0 y. o wto srupped?cd an ll-gam clos- f c O H terhadtk ttel ee hts, ndud- ng streak to lo P h lad d p h th at D h nes-ten Onlne- "...ndm-n n w s s. n s. m g k M a favorte g Jerome le belttles, thent battlesh an d ndh

15 ; C O R E B < l O A R D B a s e b a l l ac aMftrMn,lMM8(M! S a» S!»... _ r 8. ; _ y -L km E P L A N r s s» r S BWJcSS M n Sw*VtM«s s s r. round, at HuUNnson, Local K*. Kl 2 ; r! S 8 8 " ** S?MU«Mw.l«MSUl rsum.c4rmm. s a a a s a r s a jh S ffonbs «0N ot joj USA -PGA Tour. Westen M U S UHMMMrtUnMRMkP - j u. j.j* NnwnywTFCftHw; W ~! M»A-lloe[ttTT31 - otrsa.boft Open, frst round, at ten MuSMKOKgnrr Usl/W«?8wS tw a.u.s4. BeW.DH.4pja L ~ S 2 r r «<. S. 1 UlMM»3(S, Sl.rMMSMlMLbtr.OWa OtKaarrOMNl tm pjo.. MUM.nmMa/Sa*SMa rnmmt* S J7 S aten Play» " * tlh O TTbHtm-poluplDke Clnlal» 44 J70 T ; : 7 " T V S C H E D o U M. : J S S j r S und, at HH0LM 6 9 S p a S» f SU - -» * sss?«** cw sr 8 S 3 6 Gladstone, N.J. (swr>»<] 411 «:3 0 a A,. tape) > - ll l l KSMKlMnCSC T*nUlVlun*TM t ««OW Tourdeffanee.st». Stage 5. pmor l AOUE BASE!»EBAa F«aW74 4 1! 1 BeowsJt lo Caen. Frono a s u S S 1 S 8:30 p.m. l«m N P» H J 6p.m.(7p.m, Poelflc)»C)- TBS-O ndtw uot Altar!!!! Ot/J Tour de France,». stase 5, 6 pjn. k.t4)tu.lt«gm. S - (jueae(sbmst.m.l«oesuvals to Coen. tsnc rence ESPN > St. Lous at Hou louston. MNMZtaMllUMO (ume<loy tape). TENNS T-3J.*..JX4«(J0,44»l a r * - " * K l f e s s r a g = K a - " - B«A k T u e > d < s l y V. g - ESPN2-Wml>l«OO KLBOXM luslm M ulsm rd M TGC EurOMSnPGATo A Tour. Champonshps, nomcn.nv «.w«l «m rro BJVU S«oM*llc wv*u#».oj sn 5 SWnt- loyq aakut Dnmm tkwf trmm. S7 R MO. European Open, frst trowxt.ql fnals. t London t rk H b t a -, Outjln. reland 10 u n. Z-.l. SSSESSKSS S a J S f f S NBC Wmbledon Cham K. U S s " ESPN - USGA. U.S. Seto< Scrt shps, womens semrna nals.ol n» p o o o Ou«>«c> M S o w s s r f -(1MLS3.U 1MMBLA7 U4T B S O Open Champtcnshlp.. frs frst London (samfrday tape) «) " rt lls«mrhekm.uumw.l«w.l«emt.«4na t*m k v * C*Men. M M M. Or r. MM (us!s»n5amk RlmU.401 OURcaU AuMnlt.S714) ,... Umdet313 llj«lnb CM>M>t.terr] r :. k MlMxa DlDgUC Jtocrf 4 11»nm«p n S S t. -. K " a : s 8g.Ml 8 M!!» S T J S S S f f t H.MUR 04 MMlMMHJMMntStan,!»! «S T S r s F **"" tap W M S S H s o S S?.!! a! 8 8!! K H f S r nm.61m AbtUOOO 0 tvtts s s s s s j s a s.m.mubwc- s & : «- nd(lmto> - SShlM M?M SM nnt6< N«(KMH<ll PMMC W«4» KWMp 100 OOHm 3 Y.M«UcUpA 100 OMrmspn f w s s f f s l)uw.t««nqc. a ; MMnrad.AatrtU.74.Sl. u. c S S S p &<6oB OBr4loMp 0 any.tmh.34. **" l L * S s s a s teaom D««m (!>> Rm a S s S L # " j j s f a? 1 r?l K»rn**.Sprt(Ul>e*«>MM.ura>ra. ts$?*p2njtorfctt*! OOl t W«(ULR«M<U(171tn V ;!! r K S J - lm.tmmcsc. llnn<pmn.cncfftw«k» S S s f r - T J S S.! S S S a * n u SO * ** lmoacgw) sjslsm** ALBoxm a f!!!!ss *! l l l 2 * 1» «Chn#«V»9c«m,Wd 1 dtm401 OftQMc 41. S! a S. " = PltMqA«nMl M&.OS = s a 5 js! a *»! J S S * *.!! 5533 JMWWph«rw.U»M«lr T r a n s a c3t0ns t O l l - e x. - nem u m m u kmffasjs U3 0 0 l? a s!!5!sn?!l SS.*!! 88 s s r s j n s a s. g OSmM ;;;j. p r r KDramOarMl : **15 AwSOWnS wjotamtkcm «*pt t l 0 B 4 4 MBMMCMen«).T«9»n HS?-(>r(w»(g w P 0 MBW* «M on tu Ml -» StnftKfece«U.(M(M.SJOfj fll.tspmukom?s S 2.?S L " SSSS; S HSneOranl RMr l*«a TN ltam *4 2 2 JAhw * 0 S v. S l A. T o HtnMM J nh*w.cm<afwpu wowoudoo nnnwwcluldeyp. r 1-MS, A-40J40157JJ31 rtrhpt*.* W J S - S K V S s S«n«. hratn M k W OM lutomwwj. 5{J[5o!nsoj( 5J2 k«a J tot mvuu,eaw nq j, t41a-47.u4 SlU}U llcmuamhormt.mms, U n. l t l Louu rukn. CUSTUOOMWOaSw! S S lh l, 525 " ms * ««* tmnuk m otw - H " "!! s! S s S f f r l l s S K 9 Wknrf 0 OCnCs.. J S O C C; Ee lr T S j V S f.! KSlJS 8Sr[. : vtoj«<u 1 osvwd d j, ; nortp 00 ocm>«]» "! S S.- S!! S S,V j S. Ramu 4 3 1BUM3» 0 CemRC 0 0 OMy»cl j 4! sr» sh L S WwHrot-Urwdlalm wmrnrkt ).l rt 4 0 M S S.»! S, Unmcf4 3. Z m pa 10 mw;mr43on MtttCCtffTa(S-«9M4l9l S l S ;! S sgl \ll r.*-MJ» 4a<Ul.! «. ;! r a?, s ; U m ddlo FfMun 4 tnaar S S S S J.T4ctU(41 OUROWU4, t»n»pf* 0 onmp VggSKnU WH>g««)lo wm u a * r S f? 3 0 SS? U n» 4 1 3L/«M> 4 0 a n o m. UMAoT OTT Otnvf OD : s<#map 1 0 OJtmp ]! >! 8 t A s s a n Cs-4#pM4mnStt> s r!» r M Bren* lo 100 Q ltnp 10 onrmpl 1! J J u S S l 3SSS, S ta«4m0.t/> M0.Pc<n> l> ulltolla Cwwetolw\j8M»J««RTe S a r GN* » Uta*M,a«w OoBMT UrrtSOUTKSHORtRUm-!! B K r lls J S l!! tawc 10 1 SMndcaU SO 1» - «r.w«atmo.mnof TM«H«Q s2lud (dlm» W«h CN Sk» CS4 «lt 401 0»«rt J r s S s w l U r s, s!, ) 0 0 e-vmj9l0mmlwnr*< M: L O 110B-S«F»MK«S.U«M S! &C»USm!p Mmc tacakmnlmpn MtMMOO OlMhwn.O JS S r S s a R f f w S J MnrML lhr-ht«en Ox4lU«(Ul L1G-SUV.M C lu) 3.C<fm»,0.ll>llln«MCCrtfSUWM t-t».* 5 3 o o! l "" lls ll.)31 o S S t* 40 E g t» a a %!as t e B - J s S s S* ; l - - H S k hsswrof* ll "** r<n*c M n rn v c u n u w MU4 W H n l ** ltm <» N " t»»? -S S J! J 3! W NUead SS 2l ux ; K L r - gncuobuus-ummmh es (MWJ. «u s s o s S 5 J! ll 10 0 ayfca m MtuewmK.> < * «>umck 13J1 1 J g W amp NCWTDRKKMOSVadFH a t s r s a - M " l n(4lu> OtewaLM 1 4 s S l? e ls a tls S lmk.ee 11 8 S a S t S S K & S S S \ \ S. >»» KUnku { l 1 OW>lont4WB-<«a4t» - s s s r h r. 10 0!* * * w.. aan to }: MmnV(.M FrtdpcMetknn)«& LL A : Un(*«-«an«.mMK«:FVw.R X, l t K S S S ; T E N NNL S wwudca s. s? n ] ! s a a S " S c l - H -! WnhblBdotHft w a e m S S T H S s r a l - f "" S w s f s l r t a t C y c l n N( G u u u w S K4a4ttCn«M«j - c*lcawfwmtl-t5s7m C -r.n r nwb m m ON - S e w J W S S M S S K V t., E-4HM ] (UL DMM* Ml 2.10e-N< tm 4,am M 1»-hU41 (Ul Km l-3.*-3s,7ds MJMl). TordeFrancs Rl flhwnmc 5-.-! S 2, S.! 0 1! 0 -Ul.A.U.441<4Ut3l B kcttn m un»-cmr XMram MM.KM M BJULUUH 0 0 tanocm M U ** CHKAM HOUSTON fe r k W tk 4 * s. T ft rk W ntntd S n.m.n,m«,. >>«t«fm«h!ls>)u«tu4.m utf. M). Um Mx RywtfcfJUw&wuBaC tdmu.m.&4.m.. S«nd.HME>«ttnMUeMKt s r K J j l S K s - l 1 4 Ma.*-llO«$(4ft7MJ, Otp.-p*Oc»,,4,3 S! ) S!! S a! l 3 00 NATONAL LEAQU T)K<)«aM.N<nt.CMat4 a r. j s s K., S attk0m.um. H» t r a r.u w j u «r l B B S U S S!!! " T T m -» SS o!! tsss 0!" 00 OmcUp 0 0 OMmac Srtm»MM(. 4VumOukkW JSn>M«{.«c. 2?* (nascmtm. } HMYtr U 34 JOS 13 WWlu 4 3 OOPtmofft 5! HS4fHuMM(H«>n 0 1 a 48 4U u,.u Kr>MU4 3 3 D tm tt 40: UH CMb»4 0 1 RmUc 0C ss T c L a S d M k 2 M s s «2 S J? a T-M1.MUU(4WU1 a s r s *? 15 y. EM socen HnMlp OTmnpf 0 llt J «* C. c «H. hlnw>.um«r - lurl bsmss!! Ha«>p 000 OOwMp 3! 88 8!! r.j888 * UOT t l.ft»>c«mv«rtmfcs<l«ln.s*yff n SU>* 46 n _ Mt M l ttalt 33 a 313 t 1 H«ntM 000 eeo eto S ; r *. :. MMTM UMUT CMMd *4 40.U4 S S & u SS S % : n - u. S S g? t a 2 ;& K S 2 V s l " s l WkMf 4 MM w_jf n - c-mr*umdm4mw.u)» naum tmmmcskk. 10.S«nl>t<dOH(.4uUH.rrKM KMMtntnL QwUrM* 4LS-anM. - cupn. r»n«, bulc t..cllbut»uan69«/rent«jl nmltt>l3l. MAmtteMMPMPBpoh «.Cn(X ntca. JT 17H WW>(Wj. RWWM U MUl V M R utl t t SO 13.l*>MlR<«m.*Wtb.J4o M0M.um«Mmn».l«.74 BM-NtmMUMuMwlp UrMntlU). Chlu(0 p s = 0 J J?MwrC«a.rfMt.»onu munlrkon. mm H«6«. Semn JUrtu/KvtM Ntaenrf J Tetattt 0 00 (vnuhmrakt BntMn ? C «40 g J» s r "!!! 8 <71 Ul. n. Th ZV2 «( «t 4lC 11 0 lajb«m t 40.&U» - tm tm 8! S S w -.. am.d)csnr. t4o*»s4,4. 52 ;222 j ; j 5... s a s OwSm )m«% a.8 S 3 -. «!! J JW g p.,(5 v U S j 1 s j s SSJS ) 0 0 [nt rr * * > a a s s!!? " ~ n«t4132< rukm 16.4nweb*M.r<«a.M«t.H WnMl0m(.nx1M4! s r s. - l t 4 HT.Mr.netaae 1 0 S KXKhMCdHeMatM-lM. M 3! SnWOTluTswuSl WMRWM UOMMOnCMmtfS : K S S f,= -! 0.. T54j,*-31.»S3(40,»«l... rncsm SMn/?Ma Smtk t,l((m<su.74(4). hp. OTmMMtMMoM - U. Mm KMn. Ctfmwy. 4l>tM.um«Tb 37.W>p.«t>«]s*U. Noawfuxa* wdmas SKSfflS."* -...w e u u j. 3 s s? * U»lr»»4krw,e(FrR*d«0B:rhtJV SJ?> S ts & SK V. StJMWntltMURHuM. lannun CUONAM. Dmmnlena. Mftaol 4 55SKleh!lK5!S22 W»tM/C< SKk Dl. bnmm. MM.M.Ma OMA.!!!! l wm: l>m4.*-4a3k(43.647l so 2 3rtot4l«<at.lNMSUM.PM.PBon»K.urM BWCWlllyW tutus M,nmm>, PdTtnMH WWTOM assjssssr!! * 1 Ub Jeue> We/nckl* ft tk H ec<7l 401 0UM36 33 ; 0 S S b.jm s a u. JtHrt Oltqwn tormp OKnptlf 4] ormlmk. Sacwtortwffan tlwmma OMUmonUn>.uml»t. «(SKt««fW K s - s r " SM <KM nd mmmt H«* B a o n ds t r a rn e r s e n t t o j a l1 f o r r e :( f u s n g t1 o t e s t SAN FRANCSCO (AP) Bany Bonds per- axson. fomcr gcnen mnnngc sonal tmnerwds-hdd- ddrt-contempt of c o u rra n d = taken to prson Wedncs nesday for refusng to testfy portsshots ;cr fo W e... d Qvallcrs. was hretl Wednes esdaysu consultaml by the Bulls. to the federal grand 1 Jury nvestgatng the Son Francsco Gants s ljgger u for perjury, N hlrrk was mllpurposc." John ln Paxson at t o n a l a n d M a g c V/ a l l e y b r e f s sa u T n la : sndnunt. : " les pnyed. scout )uted, ( 1 Greg Anderson, who trho served three m onths n most mpo ponant of all. he brngs addt-d L-d e x p - prson after pleadng g g gulty,last yearfor hs role Base s e b a l l - ence and d t lslgh to my role havng becn (vcc nthcbayarcalaborat )ratoryco Opcratve sterod, presdent) t)? and GM of the Cleveland O nvaler*,! scandal, was led out 3Ut o f U.S. Dstrct Judge Cans seco seeks trade one pgc m e n t o feltstrony y. hat at ths crtcal tme n thcb tl bll V. Wllam Alsup courtrc jtroom by two deputy U.S. ment. an experenced voce wou ould sl fve marshals. He wll be housed at the Federal neback due to famly ob )b lg a to n s nlzatlon well a t m any levels. Correcdonal nstltutjor ton n nearby Dubln, but DS ANGELES Only one J game g nto hs hs stay.may be short % cback, Jose Canscco hns oske M o t e m d c d j p y, T hat becausca nda derson wll be set ftee once lusc of famly oblgatons, : V a l l e y th e grand jury term n e esqlres, whch wll occur olden Baseball League conunl mlssloner Kevn BurfV hosts HO: mens scramble toa wthn weeks, Alsup sal sad. calt sad W ednesday thn hcgc cgotlatdns were O t m - Anderson was ntal tally ordered n March to.cted to be comptclvd soon toscndcanscco : BULEY Burley Golf Coursc wll 11 h o ld ts testly to the grand ju Jury nvestgatng \N4ether 1 th e ndependent San Dcgo! josurfdnwgslo annual 3urley Bul Mops Q u b Fup Nght Scm S< rrbfc Bonds perjured h mselfvrhen he testlded to th e - Long Beach Armada.-...tongh;Thc The fo u rp o so n rnodhed scran a m blehas - orgnal BALCO grand Jury n December 2003 useco asked for a trade bccnu :ausc hs daugl- an entry fee of $10. w hch ncludes dn nner, rtd that h e never knowng! [ngy tn e d sterods o r other rll b e spendng the rest of the lesummcrlvng s nne-hole event e wll have a 5:30 p.m t..: s h o t. banned p e rfo m c e Cl enhancng drugs. < k n M t t m, m, n a a b > \ m h COK 1 hm. and he wll need (o 0 b be n tle Los start. Call l the pro shop at 878*9607 to al( sgn jn "Every person, cve -ven th e P resd w t of A p. Unted States as held the Supremo Court has «W M ta t«m y lb ro m { o t,w t LOS d es area m ore than he nmlcf cpotcd. Outcalt advance so parngs can be made comcl. Long Bcach s about 25 mllc les south of Los to rve twtmonv.* l.aa hup_«u,d_n_ordcrng:-w < dtd g.a «l«w B.-h n T Ja ta bccau: Y o u H randadulteolt n l K S s n n l - Anderson to prson. m t teu l CMrtMM ( M art Jtcalt sold Canseco chld cus rusody arrange- Alsup dened Andenu e ru n request for bal or to Gol( rrbd«d tmtfr te tw M m l m t changed suddenly, but dd 1 n not know otlcr JEROME.E T he. Jerom e Rcc e c re a lo h rem an free whle hs ds < attorney, Mark Geragos.,. Outcol ttts M F racm am tsslw v fc s... D e p o n echt n t along w th Jerom e Count ntry CHb cxpcct appeals th e dedslon. w M d a ttfm p rm J M v v wll offer rgotf gol les!«ns for Junors and ad dultsqy, Ttou have done a ma m astetfuljobofbostponng fro m t ll-13atjct Jerome Country Q ub. V bu ls ths day of reckonng," lg," tbe.judge td d Gengos, _.j..ju d g e, all h e a ;ln g..;d ts e thcl o.wll ru n ron [lom 8-3:30 ajn.w th adult class ssc sh > and f yow araftwfmore\veeks,nho nn grand ] u x tcm w lllexplresoonrallded Can wllgoaway." (oactlyw hcntfaatw llbe.. terwll sh re flm R D H W» n n t dp.m.m.. Cost s $25 for youths and d $30 fq r adults. Cal! )all the Jerome Recreaton Dept!part)Mfa( Gwagos sad Anderw ersoh w ont testfy,and wll Geragoe sad outsde o f cm lcago Jm PaooD b goln ong to wbtk for at324-33fl9 )89 for (horc nformauon.., b e r e le a o n c e th et ggrand n Juryl term oqjrea thngs n your refhgerator lh.w ta S rn K b M, >rothcr Chcago Bulls gem c n manager,. W hle Geragos, th e sfederat ftt prosecutor and th e lfe 1 than tho grmdjurys term. < l-w m U llf, A n g epaxson.. C w p M frm b ffa rtn l«l n t «U «d «d m d te prtee fer O u u v-, J. grand fny fam ssptv m enc km Z Z E : :

16 ..., - f; S p o r t Wo todloo tmanound a s t e n u fteto S. Oren a - H.: :l M O N Tn,.n.,{A P ) Tger, everyday lay. t happens. Thats mlent. cnt Put th e ball o n the green J weeks lo regroup, \b pods w ent t speafshlng. 9{ He somethn hlng ve done a nd wll and d t s over. Obvously, that t. Besdes spoarfshng g s p ra t tm e >ylth rlthhlsfunlly, too!, contnue uc (0 do probably for ddnt dnt happen." spendng d m e. w th famly, fan A nd yes, he e w atched th e th e rest (ofmo ylfe." Woods h ad an unusual v a n -.Woods wprked on hs game, lu u l rounds ; of o f de U.S.- Open Mckeb celson would probobly tagej gc p o n t Fbroncc, hevras an " w d cxchangcd text hcss ater mssng { thecut T la t was m y j punshment," hesaldw cdnea l e y lke (0 fo forget hs perform ance attheu J.S.d p cn.h ced b y o h c headng )g nto, the fnal hole obser )scrver and not o p arddpant.. Andl d t was a strange feelng. Ho thought he was ready for wld U.S. Womans O pen n» n er Anrdka Sorensum. The Ordsh Open s later dlls ; He hopes to do better ths before a double-bogey de e U U.S. Open. He had p ut n m onth. Bu( frst com es the, weekend at the Western Open, dropped xl hm n(o a d e for sec- (he e tm tlj e n pracdce, b ut cvery- W estern. w hch sta n s 1 Thursday.. The some goes for sr Phl Mlckclson, ond w1th th Coln M ontgomere a n d Jm m Furyk, o n e shot thng ng was off. Furyk sale] W oods h ad a 1 ve had some good so lccess here," Woods sad. Even the >ybosc meldow lown on the fnal behnd G O epffo vy. v ery: aggressve look" on that tm es ve played poorly f c( comhole a t Wnged ;ed Foot cost hm Mckels ls o n m ade som e ques- Frldaj day, the look of a m an tryng : ng n, ths golf course 50 has the U.S. Open pen. Woods and (onablc decsons and (o get gc( back n con(cndon and allowed m e (o (tun t arot round. Mlckclson head cad a s(or-packed b r o u t t back b m em ores o f (he not n merely m survve de cut. So hopefully, ths wll be on eof Qcld (hat ndue :ludes Vjay Sngh Lefty wh w ho w as O-for-42 n "Hes lookng (o wn all (he those years where can 1 really and Jm Furyk. lc. majors as a professonal before tme, ne, w heder hes lad off for play well and wn d e chan lamp- A three-tme ne Wes(em Open breakng lg drough at the 2004 nnec ae or 10 weeks o r no(," Flryk onslp and then head ofl off (0 wnner. Woods hopes (0 rcds- Masters. s. sad, [d. de Brdsh for som e good, a. r poscover s stroke 3ke af(er shootng He uset scd a drver nstead of a Wo( Woods used th e past few dve vbes.", ZOverparand n fallng (o make (hp cut n a major for tle frst (rne n 10 yedr cdrs as a professonal. The rough \\ ( gong on (he course came durng tle most 4-wood on de 18th tee. and (he ball landed lo off to th e left. near the h e hosptalty tents. Then, he le w ent for th e green, raderthaj hon a safe shot, and lt a branch, ch. And hs next shot dfncult tm eow away from t. land(kl n ; a bunker. Woods (ook k r nne weeks off " thnk th e bggest thng between the Masters and U.S. about tha h at s don( wan( (he Open to tend to hs father Hal, one hole (o Ml affect m y play n who ded of con cancer on May 3. the next jxt couple majors," and he w ent a n month w thout Mlckclson sad. k f pckng u p a goll golf club bt-cause Furyk c was dsapponted, gys ff n w n ll was just too to panful.. t too. Hs putdng gam e deserted rem nded hm loof flsfad eran d of hs loss. hm after cr de frst 12 holes on tle fnal ldc ayord cu.s.o p en. He needed a break. m pn proud o f th e way! M A r «E W a W 4 X 4 M E m sure l( t g gets easer, but played," sad Furyk, the ts som edlng ; youll never for- defendng rnsnn ng W estern Open Ml vt.m ge," Woods sad. 1 don( thnk cham pon, on. " ddnt close the t s ever sometl [dlng you rcully door lke e 11 could have." w ant to forgc ; or every really Woods s duught D c w Lohn want to truly put behnd you Montgomc m erc should have because havng lg a parent that s so lovng n you r lfe and that you love so nuc nuch, you never, won. The c ball fc was o n the rglu sde of the th< farway, on a Hat spot, v/th h { a good angle. Hert Prcc FX4r( ever, forget (hat." "t does )csn( gel any better Lfe lessons S always come. than tla(," H, Woods sad. "Wth about, cach and everyday," he added. "ve talkc lked (p a bunch Phl on d( de tee, anydng con stll happt [pen. He could stll j M S of frends who ;ho have gone m u k e b odgey g t on the last hole through t befo L forc, and they (hlnk about (hcl her los( paren( an d.lo se e ( the tournam ent. 1 (houglkhv t was Montys touma- Sorens stam and\ We set M : -for-m [atehplayopeners " GLADSTON:. N.. (Al») - "jus(-ge(t :e ltn g o u rle l o d a y Annka Sorenstan tam got a ltde was mpo poran," We sad, M m ore rest than nn she w anted "After c thebad w eather ths H H * before tlc stan Jt < of the 1SUC mornng,, t twas nce to be able Women s World d Match lay to get out t and a wallc som e and Oamponshp. play some le. -shots. 1 played a *. After takng l\j l\esday off fol- lot of par- r-3 courses growng lownghcrplayoft Off vctory Mon- up. but nodng no lke ths. ts J M day n de U.S. Women* s Wc Open, awesom e... T he holes are so JU B Sorenstam mssed ;sed a chance to sccludcd,, not n lke sorte lttle c S play (he Hamlton Farm course rlnky-dnk k par-3 f course."- Wednesday wtcn,,cn heavy morn- We went :nt to work soon after. y M g ran forced o1f olfdals to move te ran stopped, stc fne-tunng M the pro-am round nd to e adja; her wedge 3c play and blastng, M s... cent p:r-3 course. s;. 7 som edrves off the back o f the " rem em ber ;r t qute a bt." range. She le also spent a lot of sad Sorenstam,, a quonerfmal- lme on tje practce green st last year on the hlly course, before and d after de pro-an, H "My cadde has us been b out and stoppng occasonally to chat.he s been able o lo.maneuvcrme n.. wth aulaca Creamer and josstlrouglalotofdf rdfferentcours- ble sccond nd-round opponent cs. m nol too ) worred w about Clrstm Km durng the frst... that." sesson, Tle top-seeded Swede Avll Fourth-sC seeded Karrc Webb, open aganst No.* 64 Vrada. set to play Nancy Scranton, H N rapathpongpon )om on Tmrs- mssed a chance t. tu see de H day. On Monday lay n Newpon. course Wed ednesday after takng R.., Sorenstam beat *at llurst \esdayoff. - 7D-74 n an H-hol hole playoff for T m not overly concerned her thrd U.S. Womens Open about t, especally ej w th the dtleand lotlunajc lajor vctory. ran." Webb sad. "t s gong to Hm l got some rc rest yesterday play pretty (y smlar (o w hat t - and rested a bt )t on Monday dd last yea ear. Tle farways are aftemoon," Soren: renstam sad. " probably the tlcwdest we play on H thnk when you go througl tor. Then ;n wtl th em beng som edlng lke (h ths, ts just so wet. t ma nakes them doubly m uch energy and so m uch wde. adrenalne stll t that dont "Mentally, lly, dlls course snt as thnk about how w feel... 1 was challengng as a U.S. O pen fh l lucky had two weeks off course.... Us l more of a mndbefore the Open. :n. 1My batteres set where! youre y( settng up to are (otally rcchargc rged." try and play pretty aggressve," n the oler half laf of de draw. Webb, the Kraft Nabsco and m second-seeded M dellc We Mchelob U(ra U Open wnner. wll face 63rd.set seeded Cndy reached :he the quartertmals lost. H am em ann. Tle G-year-old year before losng to eventual We, com ng off a thrd-plocc cham pon 1 Marlsa Baena. f f P V tc n the Womens 2ns Open, got a - -ts o dfferent dlf m nd-set," u S r a look at th e cour ourse Tuesday dcaustraa llan sud. "Youre just m ocnng durng a practce playng you Q uropponent on.the round, then had la a long 1 practce dav and obvously ol you can > sesson and playcc lyed n the pro- shoot 64 and lose or shoot a a n Wednesday aftem aft< oon.. cquplcpver erand.w n.1 / t H tenns TS.- - ; S W Olsorj ughjls VB n shrug from Andc, as f to say.. throu rf the frat four rounds. D urng o n e s(re«retch, Federer W hat mon lore can 1 do7" On- - another po lolnt, Federer walt m w on 30 o f 34 pont )nts, ndudng - tmdl the lost possble nanosec- U stragjt. ol hs ls c own serve.,ond, walch (chng w hch way j j j j H, Ybt num bes.dor dont do justcc- Ancc was leanng,, before- H, tpfedercrs flar. He flcked passng shots whlppor n a foreland wnner. Federer brol roke r Ue second through tny ny spaces left sets openn; lng gam e Wth the UtKOvered by th e 6 -foots O ne nm nn nln g forehand, e d d t o n a alln l eo n d d n m h d p of a bad lackhandh so forcefully Ancc stum bled to hs knecsw hehl h he tred to volloy. H H nktn t u w 10 NM WL t a M HM M s : 9 9 Hertz Prce 1 9j9 9 8 H c m P rc t- «f Hertz Prce _, L H ""a. Ullho Hmsg atktt. toolull Q r tv.um. >.cm(.. CD. K R 3 S T o u m H n S o M T w m B fl n { } 0A& t a ftw m TWavw M faamtf, Av 1,300A, Aoow n t «wmn nltto p «ttea twstrnn dattafttecud EnBsM m M U P ro atelftt lnwtttm O nav M M tdt taum rt.ld. SSESH rwlsr cx N tsr. [wtw.u cn : Prce J 4 j M SrtSf»PmWL.M Prcc g j MM CREWCAB SrtW-Ul * u w. Prce g j m b gls Potw.l.m TlKm* tt hrtl. Uhn Prce 3 j XLT 4X4 N.St 5 TJyCrw.. cn. WSc., * RnAu Prce. 5 j9 9 5 M u /V -, tvw.u... Prce K n B n m n

17 . t. y P «E1J gagfl UBM B lb M M 01 N THE TH DSTRCT COURT OF THE Fl FFTH JUDCAL DSTRCT NOTCE : e OF TRUSTEE S SALE err CTY OF TWN FALLS OF THE STATE OF DAHO, daho Code 45-1! 1506 Todo/s doto; Juno )06 NOTCE OF PUBUC HEARNG N ANO FOR THE COUNTY OF TWN FALLS Fllo No.: Loon No,: Sale ale. MONDAY, 4Y, JULY 17,2006, 6:00 P.M. dato and tme Cose No. CV 2004*2210» (loco ( lme): October >210 ol TWN FALLS LS CTY COUNCL CHAMBERS NOTCE OF SHERFFS. 10:00 AM Salo FS SALE AGANST HAGERMAN N FARMS. F NC, lo locaton: n the offce of Frst 306 THRD AVEN /ENUE EAST, TWN FALLS, DAHC HO RHL FNANCAL. NC. NC., a Nevada Corporatloh, ond Amercan Trto lo Company, 260 3rd Avenue d FARREU J. JONES, ndlvktually lue Pflnonol Roprountatl< ttatvo ot ho ESTATE OF GLORA A MARE JONES, and JOHN R.? d D. a \ S «S North. Twn Fo -ols. D Property address: ss; For tho Purpose ol Hearng Publc F Comments Regardng the 10 ncrease n. DAVS and , 3 -BlANCHO.OAVtS.h 3, husband and who. rd Avenuo W est. TWln Falls, D PlontfTs. S330J Success ssor Trusloe: Northwest Trustee [gg BudJnp Ptrmlt F«* > Scfteduto S - O thertr«pactter<a V* Son/ces. nc.. on daho CorporaUon 503 N. UtCHAEL L. LARSON ton and BETH LARSON, husban bond and wlo. and d,b.o. LARSO SQM UAQC Tustn Avo., Sute 243 Sonta Ana, CA Beyond tho Lmts Presc escnbed by daho Code Secton 63- )3-t311A FARMS, HAGERMAN AN FARMS, NC.. an, daho Corp orpomtloo. ond FRST SECUflmr Y 8 aank OF (714) Oood of Trust nformaton Orgh The Proposed Foes ; Exceed Ex< 105% of tho Fees Lost Coll «llected DAHO. N.A. ana TS ASSGNEE, WELLS FARO RGO BANK OF DAHO, N.A... F, FARMERS Ofaf Of: Chr hrlstne A. Welton, a n unmarrfed Notlco 13 hereby gven that NATONAL BANK, and JOHN DOES A hpugh E., pertonorglnol tho Cty Coundl ol tho Cty of Twn lol trustee: Rrst Anrarlcon Tle ol n Falls, daho, wll hold 0 publc hoorng Dofpnttama, Twn Fols Grg rglnol benefcory: Rrst Securty g for consderaton ol a proposed d valuaton nrly croaso, sad hearng to be UNDER AND BY VRTU >heu he al Twn Fols Cty Coundl Cha RTUE of tn Order. Judomonl and hambers. Twn d Docroo ol forodosuro onlerod n tho Dstrct Bank. N.A. Roco cordng date: December 27,2000 Falls. daho nl 6:00 p,m Court oj to Ffth Judel on July J deal Dstrct ol the State ol daho. 3. n r ond lor ho County of Twn Falls s o on tho 27" Reconfers nsl slrumonl number: doyof Oocemlwr. SOO 2005, and n a Wrt of Executon ond or Notce of Levy ssued on tho 0 H 16 day of County; Twn Falls Sum owng on he obllgntlon: 5_n: Tho proposed ncreases w?uld Juno n Mtch h P uld lave the followng mpoct on Palnlfrs FARRELL J. JONES, current fees. bdvkluolly. and as Personal Ropreso resontatlvo of a s of Juno : $55,386,36 Because ol ntho ESTATE OF OLOR LORA MARE JONES, ond JOHN N R. F OAVS and BLANCH O, DAVS. /S. husband torosl. lato choxq xgos, ond other charges hat may oy Fee and wtfq, obtalnod a D Currant Fee Proposed Fee. Docroo of Forodosuro ond Order (er of Solo ogonsl HAGERMAN FAR S ncrease ARMS. NC.. vory from day t( to day. the amount duo on the Re-lnspoctlonfoo an doto Corporaton Ml lor c $4?.00 $50.00 tho ortgno judgmon omoun 19 jnl ol tho total sum ol ono muon. fvo ftvo hundred day you poy mo twontyftu tousand,, w nay bo greater. Hence, f you pay ay Rosdonal demoltlon wo hundred fortysovon donots or.00 $ S and ton cents ($1,526,247,10) plus nterest ol ho amount sho Wty-nlno thouaarxj. tw( hown obovo. an adjustment may Commercal demollon Boso 3asod on value $42.00 two hundred hroo dolars and vares wonty-sovon cents ($59,203,27) c amount duo os ol Juno Lno ol ono mllon, flvo hum lundrod olghty-llve thousand, nno L Slrt rv f ocossay ol alter wo receve your chock, Por or of cb toon dollars and hlny-«hundred sx- f rthor lnfomat( ny-sovon cents ($1, ). lawlul monoy of tho UrJod Stales of aton wrlo or call ho Successor. Movng permt Boso Sosed on value $42.00 varks ndudng prncpal, nlor neros, ottomoys loos andexponso nses ncurrod undar ho terms ol sold 0 oddross or telephone number ofjob end ho costs of suh; odmortgogo provded obovo., 0., Bass ol deloult; falure lo make Swmmng pool Boso asod on value $50.00 vares SALE UNDER THE HAGERM RMAN JUDGMENT payments when tn duo. Please toko notlco tha ho or job. thofafofo om commanc w dod to sell coraln real property bong t moro portlcolatly doscrlbod Bd aa a follows Successor Tnjs slee wll sell at publlc aucton *1 to Sgns roqunng to-w«; tho hghest bdd dor for certfed funds or equvonspecton Bose losed on value L esshon$l00.0l n vores Roal proporty. woor rghl rfghls ond rrgaton oqupmont owne med by Hogorman Forms, nc. lonl ho property rty descrbed obovo. Tho property of job Sgns not requrng Parcal No. 0 address s donl nlllod to comply wth C nspecton. Base Townshp 8. Sooth. Rang losed on voluo Less than $50.01 lor>go 13 Eost. Boso Merdan, Twn Falls County. daho. Socllon 27: :7: V WhSWM, but s not worror rarod to bo correct. Tho propervares Socton 26: EMSEU. >. S«ofjob Secton 33: SEW: EhNEW. Sector alon 34: W1/NWW; SW«: WWSEW.. S Subloct lo; ty9 lego doscrl{ :rlpton s; Lol 2 Block 128 Twn n Re-roong pormt Varlo Twn FaHs County Hlgh arles (.00 lo $50.00 lghway Rght of Way, Townshp S vores - 9 South. Rongo 13 East. Bolso Mord odon. Twn- Fols Townslto.-T.Twn Fals Coupty, doho (Hod n Falls County. daho,, Secton & lr> volu 3: SWH; SKNWU. Sectt /olueoljob) ecton 4: Lots 1, 2. StNEU; SEU; U: EWSWU; ho olfco ol ho 0 County ( Recorder. Moro corroct- cl- Rosdontal plon revew SEWNWM, Secton 9; 0; NVSNEH: N NEHNWU. Subject to: Twn Falls County Hghway Rght t of Way, y descrbed os. 9. Lot 2 n Block 128 ol Twn Falls Watar UeanM ls for changes after Townsllo. Twn F H o u n t y J d a h o Q L So-moetroHhfrwatw-lCff Jn p.onnuajssuod lconserowsd by+laoonnarfhtj $50, m st lncnnnnm W J» rngolo Porco Brco t> unaor Book 1 of Ptals, Watar Ucflnsa Mo. :s. Page 7. Tho sale s subject 24128/ whh prorty date B ol to Stampng duplcoto of 2/11/lOSJ ol C..S. to Mogc Water condons. rules Compar>y. nc. from Salmon Fals Crook, rbuoy ol S ond pr6cedures a s cfescrlbod 3d plon sota.00 $22.00 Snoko Rver lor rrgaton rom Mar 100% at the sole one N ovomborls, pont of dverson d SEUNWM. Socton 2.7 md whch can bo revewed ol al RoQuosts for temporary 2, T. 1.0S, R. 13E. County ol Twn Fol not lo axcaod 27,56a;ac Falls. Jdaho. 6acro foelporyoor. Hrusloe.com or USA-Fcroco ;to cortllcotos of occuponcy.00 $1, % M lacallanm us Equlpma )m«nt suro.com. The st sale s made wthout roprosonto- (rolundable) All or so mucholhaoom lorman Forms nc.s rrlgalon equpn lpmonl and occessores oppurenom or covenant of orfy knd. {TS» usoj*<o tho otmva Para >arce 6. ncludng ol rrgaton pumpf mpfng plonts and sprnkler systenu sll FE * Tho ncronsod rovonuo S noce ocessory to offset he costs ol sen/lc ce. the proporty abovo-dosc jescrbod (Parcol No. 6) consstng g of c oloctrcol oqupmont. storers. po statonary, surfoco onde ndor undarground sprnkler lnos, 1. plpo p: ond ppelnes, couplers, hoses,»r?p "S k ls ;. PUBLSH: J» l, 6,1 3,13.20 and 27,2006 At sold hearng ol ntoroslod d persons p may oppeor ond show c couse. f any hoods, dscharyo and d ntoko r hoy have, why sold proposed setups, rsers, varvos. ppo ncreases should not bo adoptet ted, }po fttngs, tubngs, plugs, reducers. ors. nozzles. sprnkors. olbows. dran ran valvos. sfeds, pepo trollorv and Uld clamps, wtlch ore now or hereoftc or used n connoclon 3n whh v sad ntgalon ond sprtnklor <ler systems, horoofler placed n or o r " L T th e NTHEWSTR RCT,COURT OFTHE FFTH Dated hls 26" day of June propoty or usod n conn :onnoctlon or whch oro necessary f to tho contnued exstence or oporat.ratsjofse JUDCAL DS STRCT OF THE STATE OF. larmng buslnoss whch PUBLSH; JuySand lch may bo carred oul upon the e p property, whether or not tho same.r or DAHO, N 4 AND FOR THE COUNTY 306 would bocomo a pan art ol < sad ond by attachmon herota h The obovo denlltlod prop< ropony and «Of OF TWN FALLS oqulpmon doschbod heren ho are located upon or may ly bocomo b fxtures on the lonowng d NOTCE :E < OF PUBUC HEARNG proporry: (Parcol No. 6) g descrbed coso No. CV-06-U 1960 Notlco s hoceby gven by the e Plannng P and Zonng Commsson on for the Cty PUBUC NOTCE S HER lereby GVEN hol on Frday, tho e a; of Twn Fols. daho. hot a doy ol July at tho hour. of 10:30 SUMMONS 1 pul publc hearng wll be hold on July ty , a AM; at tho front ol tho 10 Twn T Falls County Courthouse,. Tuosdoy. at tho hour of 6:00 localod ol 425 ShosJono Stroe North, Twn BRADLEY PAUL JL ST1MPS0N ond UNDA L. c o ckxk, P.M.. n tho Clly Coundl Chambers, Fols. daho wu wn. n obodlenco lo aod Order, Juc - bcaod at 305 Thrd Avenuo Judgmont and Docroo of Forectosuro luro ond the STMPSON, husb sbondoftdwke East. E. Twn Falls, doho, lo hear a request by:... Wrt ol ExocuUon ssued pursuant thorolo, sol the aak) d proporty obovo-doscrbed. or so much JAYCO, NC.. there- Planllfls, Al AN NDANA CORPORATON. of aa may,bo nacossary ary lo satsfy tho ndobtednoss duo DO f Requests tho Commssons Plolnttfs, FARRELL J, JONES. nd ndvwually, vs s recommendolon rc on the onnexa xaton wth., a and a s Personal Ropros: jrosontotlvo ol ho ESTATE OF GLC zonng doslgnotlon of M-2. 3L0R1A MARE JONES, and JOHN N R currently zoned M-2, for 177 acres R, DAVS UWRENCE WLl S (*/-) ol land LUAM HARNEY: and ODES and BLANCH O, DAVS. husband and wfe whh ntorosl. s located eaal ol Hankns Root QSl. costs and accrung costs at publc =tood oka 3200 East Road, south bllc ouctk)n M O a s ndlvduo :h of EUrldge uos wth on ntorosl fn tho real to tho hohoot bddor - for cash. lawful monoy ol tho Unlto Avenue and Oregon Short Lne nted Slates ol Amerca, You oro noll Une Ralroad, and west ol 3300 Eas notfed that property legally d( ast Rood. descrbed os lolows: S Ptalntms. FARRELL J. J JONES. ndvdually, and os Po Poroonal Roprosentatlvo ol the EST«AMERTEL NN. N. t NC., C/O RUSSELL COBURN STATE OF Townshp 10 So GLORA MARE JONES, >ouh, Rongo 16 Eost. Bolso ES. and JOHN R. DAVS ond BLAN e Requests a Specal Use Permt ANCH O, DAVS, husbond and wfo. n lo construct a hotel a l 539 Polo may pur Merdan. Twn 0 Uno Rood, chaso the proporty by Fols County. daho: f makng a crodt bd aganst tho am< amount duo thorn from tho sold Defenc DAV 3AV1D JACOBSEN.. You may contact Murray ray Jm Sorensen whose oddresa la s L *2232"*. Socton 29: A portk rtlon ol tho SEU NEl descrbed PO Box eac<f00t. D S d RoQueats a Specal Uso. Permt Perr to ostabllsh a professlono ond aslollows: nol offce on. whose lelephono numbc mbor s S lor spedlk: dflc nlormalon rogordng tho kkotlor proporty localed dl 727 Shoshc sshono Street North.... otoo ol the- - From no Nonheo; property and the lorocloe ctosure, oost corner ol sad Socton. a Q MA MARKGARDOSK No property belongng to Defondants C Mchool L Larson - dstance ol 2383.( or Bolh Urson dba Larson Magc Fo foot on 0 bearng ol South h Requests a Spocla Use Pormt mt to operate a pant booth n conju orwh be sold. : Forms con qm9 Eos; Thonc njunctlon wth <nco a dstanco of 216 foot on a Q an automoble son/lco and 1 re repar busness on property locot :otod at 1406 there remans unpad upon sokj d Hogorman H bearng of South h Wost lo the Pont ol Judgmont tho totol sum ll Kmbory Road, j, eghty-fve thousand, nne huno undrod llty dollaro and thny-sovor. beglnntng: Thonct KO a dstonce ol foot on r ARTHUR B.A. AND MARY NOLAN HOAG jdng accruod nlerest os of Juno D 14, 1< :!006. plus occnjod and occmln m b n S 0 soarng of South S< 0*19 East; Thonco a B Roquost a Spoclo Uso Porm Jrmlt to operote o honcfcrafted woodworong wc gal nterests a s pormtted by low, mng costs. dstanco of lool on a boarng of Soulh 89* buslnoss on proporty kxoted d at a 436 Man Avenue North. As Of Juno Juno. ho VWost; Thonco» a dlslanco of foot on a B DENE E / AND USA MASON mllon, flve hundred VN el FALLS COUNTY SHERFF bearng of North 0*19 0 Wost; Thence 0 dstance 9 Request» a Specal Uso Permt c 10 expand by more than 25% on n cexstng HV ($1,565,950,37). ncudln luty Sherl ot 20,00 lool on 1a a bearng ol North 89*41 Eost t ond compng port on property rty locotod al 2733 Kmbory Rood. 1. attom o/a loos and logal lo tho pont ol begl Dglnnlng., JAMES A. ANDERSON SON, JR.. AND E L U MAE HAMMA HAN DATED ths 2 0 -day oljur lysard 13,2006 * Oofendonts. Roquost a Spodol Use Permt nt l to construct a 2500 sq. ft. dotod Bched accos- WAYNE TOUSLEV. TWN NOTCE: YOU HAVE H BEEN SUED BY THE ; sory buldng on proporty locate coted at 2406 Bowln Lono.. By: Pamela Davla. Deputy ABOVE-NAMED ) PUNTFFS. THE COURT r CORE 3REN El. BUHLER PUBLSH; June 29. July a n MAY ENTER Jt JUDGMENT AGANST YOU 1 Roquosts a Specal Uso Permt to oporate on n-home doycoro ro focllty on W rmout FURTF THER NOTCE UNLESS YOU property localod at 204 Tth Avonue North. RESPOND WTH THN 20 DAYS. READ THE ESPRESSO AG< GO GP. g o MARY.MURRAY FOLLOWNG BEU ELOW. frequests a Specal U s e.flrtnrtcjofterdte n r.acjrvo-through- h-foclltywf* " TO: LAWRENCE WLUAM HARNEY proporty l66oted at 114 Lttus Stroe North. You are hereby not NOtHled then n order to defond LAKE a T Y NTERNATON/ ONAL TRUCKS. NCyESP FUTURE, LTD News n. ths lawsut, an Requests a S pedal Uso Permt rmll lo operate a retal farm oqulpn pmbnt soles B must bo (od wtth tth tho abovo-desgnaled court, ond senrco busness on prope roperty kxated ol the southwest co comor of 4th lvers wtthn 20 days ofto ftor somtee ol ths Summons on Avenue West and Fotleld Stro street West.- A TmesN f you. f you fall to so respond, tho court mdy, c CRA< RAGJ. MANNNG enter judgmont o( aganst you a s demanded by Requests a Specal Uso Permt rmtl lo operele a doctors olflce on o property a cash the Plolntffs n tho lecomplanl. localod at 333 8th Avenuo East :ast. route del Tho naturt) ol tho clam c aganst you s (or. omong p CRA RAG J. MANNNG the extra. other thngs s c for quetng llle to the roo Requests a Varance lo allow Vless lea than tho requred parkng wnd d loss than Vfc property-locotod cat 605 Man Avenue Soulh, tho requred landscapng on property k>cated at 333 8th Avenue j o Eosl: ( Kmbory. daho p ntm CONER Requests o S pedal Uso Permt to amend Spedal Uso Permt * - py f Complant a served wlh ths nt H0619 lo alk)w a second doctor on propel operty locoted at 777 Addson Avene you need. R v v Sfmons. f you J v h to seek the advce ol or A complete d e s tf o n s on n fle f wtth the Twn Falls Cty Plar y an attomey n ths matter, you tannng and Zonng Admnstrator at Cty Hall. 321 Second Avenue East, 735 shouw do so pn promlly so that your wrtten Any a ond al persone desrng c response. f ony,, may n to comment may appear and be heard al the be fled n tme and other oppolned tme. legal rghts prolectt cted. ppersons needng specal accrmrr mmodatlons ol a publc meetng An appropratod wrttton response requres aro a askod to contoct the Cty y of T\vln Fals at at lea sast fve (5) complance wth-r Rule 10(a)(1) ond other daho worcng < days pror to the meetn <etng. Rules o( Cvl Proc«x«dure and ehal alto nclude: /s/ ReneV. Cartwmy, Zonng J and an: Development Manager t.t h e ttle and numt mber of ths case. h f o r a c a r p a y m e n t? C o nnsder s startng your own bs onse s an Answer to the PUBUSH: P Thursday, July hust contoln odmlssons or _ f-a fev d s t r b u t o r. A ll o v/er e r the area our ndependen l e n t denals ot the separate» ak>gatons of the t t ;;;;! Complant and otha N e e d e x t r a c a sah r e f r u n n n g t h e r o w n bs: her defensftsyoumay clam. asnewes. TheyVe Qp earfy y and a J. Younyanro, malng m a d d re u and telephone. n e s s a s a T m e se - N w th ~ tk e r~ w 6 rk d a y b y 6:00am.~ ~ number, a the lg lgnature, malng address and.. telephone numberc rof your attomey p a p e r c a r r e r s e a s re -N e w s d s t r b u t o r s c h allengng an revfafdfto yvork. 4. proof of matllno or. c delvery ol a copy of your U s u a l ly 3 6 n ln e \ g ly p r o fta b le. x p e re nnee, c < tlff sttpmey, d o n a t e d the freedom.of Jengfo B e n g a )uv e b e e n l o o k n g f o r a plart-tme a r buamew up sher you must pay a Drg fee respom M. contact tts Clerc or the A n d t s s u r p r s n h, g c a ll r j abou*>nam«d Cour Uft - V o w n b o s s. f y o y u v o f e x tr a m o n e y t o b e * S. - r ; DATED Th# 25* day ol Aprl, T. CLERK OF.THE.Olff K ST.C OU R T : s o m e e x t r a c a s h n, rs < e... ;, magfmffn n "..By;noDynK(n*,Dej tepulyclefk T h e r e s p l e n t y o.. m a d e b e fo r e su n r ThDane vj, 1 PUBUSH: June 16,2,22.29 and July 6,2006 j Hwrsdff. d»jb ly6.200e Hnm N ew.t W F,?. c t

18 Bhs t On Octobor ) f Amercan Tltr*. 2t t NC.. fts Succen : bkuor. fof cash, tnw ot-sala.-thof of Twn FoJs. Slab,, PmreaLt ThM part of U t t - MCOnKna to th« ra c o rta o fa a W O Begnnng a t tha M Thanoa W aat aloo! pont: ntrfne* South ajon of 175 faat to a DO Thane* Eaat along of.88 faat to a poll T hanca North aton OF BEQlNNlNa P a rca l2 Tha South 3S faet 1 "Datong AddlHon tharaof racordad Tho Tnjsloo has n< Sdclon kja of-21shayt>umat wlh ho SflU rool p Tblq Tnjsloos Solo maft or any oher < cojso tho canch* oxst. hls solo may rom od. and tho successlul bddorfc Sold 90)0 wll bo mac slons or oncumbro lolho powor ol sah V.:Raval. a s hor a MartQogo Partnors. Btlnoddory. under nslrumont No. 190 TKb Bonoddal nlor 10 ConlmortgaBo C Tho 1 quonlly osslgnod rustoo, on boholf o. CflfWrtoloc. Soros n the THE ABOVE GRANT 1S0e(4Ha]. DAHO THEY ARE. OB A OBLGATON. Thodolnultlorwhtch duo under tho corto callod for hereund S tor the mo otlsalo. logolhor wl sum owng on tho o as! prncpal, plus s> suro. ony ond all tu ntorost. ond ntoros togothor wh dolmq salo. - Tho Bonolcary oloct* sad oblgaton.. Doled ths 2 0 doy of /s/poula Poterson Trust Offcer for J For nformaton cor. PUBLSH; Juno 29, Jl Youl K(,;yj M o v n g.. Shoppr M TlwHwn,T» N O n ce OF TRU8 TETS 8 A t tha hour of 1:00 otjoclc. 2b0 ThM Avenue North; Twn F< x a a o t Tfustoa, wll am at puwlc h. n lawful money of_ the UnHed S s a S a k K S d * >t 18 Of DCUNa AODfnON, TM the plat thereof, fvconled n Boa County, daacrlbed a a; - - Northeast oom er of aald L o a ; long the North lne tham f a dt long a lne parallel wth t a pont; 9ng a tne parallel wth th* North pont on the E ast llna th e f ; tong sad Eaat lne a dlau nce of Q.. set of tha North 210 feet of th e E Hon. Vrn Falls County. daho. M n Book 1 of PlaU. p*g* 57. r*< s no knowodgo ol a moro panc» d real proporly. but for purpos kaho Cods. Oo Tnsteo has boor n Avenue West, Twn Falls, 10. s ol proporty. 010 s subjoct to a bankmptcy fllna er condtons ol whch tho Trustoo rellatkn ol ths sah>. Furthor. f a nay bo null and vokj. he succosslul ho Tnsteo and tho Sonoflcfofy sh orforonydomagoa. mado wthout covenant or warranty brancos to satsfy ho owlgouon so sak> conforrod n ho Dood of Trus or sole and soparoto proporty. os o r s.a CoJomla L.P. DBA RMB Fr der tho Oood of Trus recordod n the rocords of Tw morostol sold Oood df Tnjst w o s: fo Corporaton, rocordod Aprl 26, 11 ho Bonollcal ntoros ol sad Ooo(»d 10 Monulaeturors and Tradors nt of tho hoklors of tho Homo Egul ros rocordod Juno tho rocords ol sokt County. ANTORS ARE NAMED TO COMPL HO CODE. NO REPRESENTAT B ARE NOT, PRESENTLY RESP lch ths solo s to bu modo s tho fall orton.promssory Nolo onddood o undor as follows; Monthly poymo monhs ol March 2006 through am r wth late ch&rgos and monnly pa «o oblgolon socurod by sold Dood S sorvce cha/gos, atornoys loos. 11funds exponded by Bonoloory K arost accrung ot he roto ol 7.9*0 fr hnquon toxos plus ponaltlos and locts to sol or couso ho trust propo / of Juno JutL aw. nc..... T concernng tls aale ploaso contc :laho.com or Toll Free st : ), July 6.13 and r Classf (eepyou. g... S t a f f s ng... C o v e V : b BALE NT d( PM ol sad day. al R a t OFS 1 Falla, klaho. JUST LAW., )llc aucton to tha hghest } Slates, all payable al the p., u, r h a J j d h tho County HEAfll rwln Falla County, daho k» k 1 of Plata, page 57. JO S JP,d.o.b.1< 18;. A Chld dstak * of 88 faet to a tat Bna thereof a dstance* Act ha and W th lne thereof a dstance oxanlr of 176 feet to he PONT Cassa Tho foll< at ho t Eaat 7 t faat of Lot 16. GLORA 0. accordng, tct th a ptat Tho abc records of sa d County. that sh mcular descrpton of he counso loses of complance wth Q ofno N«n nforrrwd tho a d d r thohoa. S sometmes assocated oato6/l: lng. a payotl. a rolnstato- 1? 00 s nol awaro that would f any ol thoso condtons slul bdder s funds shall be PUBLSl shall not bo lable to tho nty roga»dlng llllo. posses- m tv secured by and pursuan ju run oxocuod by Franc«a q f O os Gronor(s) wth Royal Fnancal Sonrces a s ho 3d Fobruory S r «.«Twn olls County. daho. S n c D DS subsoquently assgned 3, 1999.oslnstA.m onno. lood of Tmst was subso- [ " S n Jors Trust Compony. os qulty Loan Pass-Through os nalnjmont No, d.o.b. 7/2 PLY WTH SECTON 45- JESUS E ATON S MADE THAT d.o.b. 7/1 SPONSBLE FOR THS ChlWron 1 falure to poy tho omoun A Potrtlor d of Trust, n tho omounts Act hos moms n tho omount of ond Wo and ndudng 10 the dale examne payments accrung. Tho lodol Trust s $84, Twn F los. coss ol hls (oroclo daho, y lo proloc hor socurty Tho folov ;b from Fobojory nlhoh( d ntorost to ho dolo of PATRtC porty to bo sold to satsfy Tho abov thol tho) counsol. an atton ntact Ju st Law. nc. at , Thank you.,, 5,3 hlsclalm wth ho - - Buroau ( _ such put tcs of 11 feds B 0 Notorv result n on octor ond cons 1 mont pur Code. A A A Dolo Aprl * * /s/rogor H PUBLSH; N On Oc1«c PM ol 5) Thrd Av F j LAW, N 0. publc au has boon Court, Tv wlh ho a; H a H TrusK F T c Q A Mng. o ( condtons would co Further. moy bo r lundssha Bonoldor bddor lor - Sold salo worranly r brancos tc m pursuant t J /. Dood of K J f wdowor, Roglstratc O undor tho \ os rocords of. THE ABO\ B K COMPLY 3 1 HO CODE THAT THE The dofaul tho folluro conan Prt ho amour a p e d r r n,s ; E l V U t l l ng to hc B chargos a sum owlnc Dood ol Tt sorvlco ch foroclosuro Bonefdao nteros ac Docombor taxes plus solo.. The Bonofc pmportyto Doted ths 9 -./B/Paula Poll Trust Cfllcor 6,200S N THE OWTWCT COURT OPTOE JUOtCUU. OtSTfUCT OF THE 8T )F DAHO. N ANO FOR THE COU CASSA MAQ8TRATE DtVlSK eno.cv *m DER, NOTCE.. AND SUMMOl =AnNG» te nteros bl: ! tephne NEVAEH GtmERREZ b.2m en» - hlld Under Eghteen Years ot Age oltlon undor tho TemtlnaUon of Pa t has boon fuod by ho Department d WoKere. Tho merts of the pett< (unlnod n anovdontla/y hearng < 2006 at 1:30 PM n tho Magstral ssja County Counhouso. Burlw, kt< followng ndvdual shall porsonal ho hearng; RA ESTER MORALEZ, Mother abcvo-namod ndvdual s luthc sho s ontluod q bo njproeenlet jnsol. f sho s fnancally unablo to Dtnoy, sho may apply lo tho Cour e /g lw counso chaol R. Crabtroe slrato LSH; Ju ly n d 2 0, 2006 THE DSTRCT COURT OF THE JUDCAL OSTRCT OF THE ST/l F DAHO. N AND FOR THE COUN TWN FALLS MAGSTRATE OtVS No. CV R. NOTCE. AND SUMMON ARNG ) nloros of: la P. BALDERRAMA, 9/23/99 A. BALDERRAMA.. 7/22rt)2, JS BALDERRAMA,.7/l6rt)4 ron Undor Eghtoon Years ol /)0 trtlon undor ho Termnaton ol Par has boon llod by tho Doportmont 1 Wollaro. Tho morlts ol tho potltlo mlnod n an ovdontary hearng ot :30 AM n tho Moglstrao 1 Falls County Courthouse. Tw 10.. olowng ndvduals sholl porsonalt) 10 hoartng: mtca VLLALOBOS. MothorofC ARDO BALDERRAMA, FahorofC JOHN OOE, Posslblo Fothor bovohamod ndtvduols oro lurtho thoy oro.onttlod to.bo roprosontod 1S0. f thoy aro llnanslally unablo ttomoy,. thoy moy apply lo tho Co 0 hoarng. for oppolntmonl of couns lalhor s luflhor nollllod that pun 513 of ho daho Codo that ho may lalm as fathor of a chlw born out of ho Dopartmont ol Hoalth and lau ol Vtal Slallstlcs. on forms aval 1purposes rom ho Buroau of Vto of ho Oopanmon ol Hoafh and fahor s lurhor notllod hat ho s amplotod lorm to tho Bureau ol Vt and t sholl bo sgnod and wtnosso.tory Publc. Your faluro lo so roql t n your bofng borrod n your mol don to osabtsh paternty ol tho s< constutos a pdma loco coso of al : pursuan to soctlon of th». prl lor Hatrs, Maglslrolo SH: Juno 29. July 6 ard 13, 2006 NOTCE OF TRUSTEES SALE ttor oltho hour.ol 1:00 3l sad.day. at Frst,Amortelan Tl Avonuo Nonj}., *jru Falls. daho, NC., os Succossor Tustoo. wll : aucton to tho hghost bdder, for ( monoy of tho unted States, all pa) mo of salo. ho.lollowno dosab rty. sluolod. n tho Couny ol Tw ol doho, and doscrbod os follows 1 m d he North S feet of Lot 10, FA TES PHASE 1. Twn Falla. C >. accordng to the offcal plal ded n Book 16 of plata, pa< ds ol Twn Falla County, daho, rustoo hos no knowledge of a ulor descrpton ol tho above role roporty, but for puposos ol ;om Soctlon (»}-l 13 daho Codo. 11.? eon nformed tho oddross ol 6S5 Ca, Twn Falls, D. s sometmes ass 10 sad roal proporty. rustoos Salo s subjoct to a bon 0 payolf, a rolnstatomont or an) :lons of whch ho Trustoo s nol ow CQuso ho cancollaton dl ths r. any ol thoso condtons oxst. f 30 null and vod, tho succossful b shall bo relumed, and ho Tastoo dary shall not bo lable lo tho suc lor any domogos. alo wll bo mado wthout covon lly rogardlng lto, possessons o r «S lo satsfy ho oblgaton socurod n to tho powor of.salo conferred of TrutK oxocuod byjra_h. Col: or, a s Grantor(s) wth Mortgage Ele :ratlon Systoms, nc. a s tho-bono tho Oood ol Trust rocordod Ap as nslrumont No. 200S s of Twn Falls County, daho. BOVE GRANTORS ARE NAME LY WTH SECTON (4)(a) ODE. NO REPRESENTATON S THEY ARE. OR ARE NOT. PHESE ONSBLE FOR THS OBLGATON, aun lor whch ths salo s to bo m luro to pay ho amount duo und Promssory Noto and Dood of Tr nounts calod for thoroundor a s c ly payments n ho amount ol $913. mlhs of January 2006 hrough and tho dato ol sak, together wll 13 and monthly payments accrulns wng on tho oblgaton socurod b] LTrust_l9_$.tQ _nfl.Drnclpal charges. aromoys loos, costa c suro. any and all funds expend :aot to.proloct thor soojrty ntdres accnng ot ho rote ol 6.125% bor togothor wth dolfp )lus penalllos and nlorost lo tho d lofldary elects, to sol or causo hc y to bo sotd to satsfy sold obngalot s O" day of June Peterson Hear for Just Law. nc -contact-juat Law, hc. a t Of - Free at 1-«00«3-«10e, Thant yo -f; June July e and 13,2006. ( He FFTH PUBUC luhtyof Purauant to daho <. S r M a. DATE OF NOTCE: nuq CT.B DATEOPMEEnNC WNS FOR ACommlaslonfleW 12. begnnng a ll; The Commlsaon n...a.m." MOT on J l through Frtay, Jul matevnoon.- Parent-ChHd A pumk; hearng wll tntolheah h July tton wll be PLACE OF MEET 0 on August Offce Com MOS Court ktaho PERSONS ATT1 nallv BDoear Dlctor. Staff PURPOSE OF ME bghorn sheep 1 ther notfed O" Anlrr t b y to g a l S S T / S S r t t o! d a te o n M a n a xjrt. pror to proposals. Rule: \- a«!.. Chld, ndvduals wth dfsa. aommmodalons offlco at the kloh G am e drecfy al 2 daho Relay Serv1& PUBLSH: Juno 22.: ERFTH TATE AOVERTS JNTYOF /SON Formal seakd bds daho Mltary Dvlsl Guard Stroot. Boh ONS FOR 3:30 P.M. local tl Project: Twn Falls, o n o d and publcl] dalo n room 104, Boso daho Tho project, located FBs. daho ltkm ortd new con tons of oxslhg ro<, unts (0 provde fc Romovo exstng w arent-chlld t of Hoallh 2* S a 1 «S s o r S n boams and assoda r n Falls rwn Falls. antonnao fth, nrvwn. accoss doots a ally oppoor proposes, 50 opo, obovo hour and dat accoptod. Pll fchdron, (orms ond othor nfo! natlon a ho folkw hor notflod Contractng Offce, 4 od by togal Ph; (208)-42J lo to rotan M cg rw Hll, Dodge -ourt. prtor Blvd. Boso. D 8371 nset. daho Plan Exchan lursuant lo South, Twn Falls, 10 layrogstor A aaoclated General ofwodlock 27h Stroo, Bose, d Wotfaro, vallablo lor Aaaoclated Gener al Stots- Rllmoro. 703A.Twr d Wollaro., (206) sholl moll Maney Tookay Arch. /tal Stalls Boso. daho 8< sod boloro Bd forms and nlormt fllsler eon Clayton. Andorson 1 lalnlalnlno BOO.-GOWon-RolO.- sad chld or FAX (20 abandon- A bd bond lor 5% of.t the daho >>g add altomolos s Spocalty Conlracto daho Publc Wotks prato for tho work. Ouosllons regardng ; Work. otc. con bo Mr. Joll Hll 01 ( or o-mol jo E Mr. Joll Hll wll conc projoct slo 10 bocom 00 oclock ol 10:30 amkcol tlm Tlllo 2G0 T hoostm otodcostlsj ho JUST Cloyton B. Andorson. { «llsou ot WohoMlltoryDvlsm Myoblo ot PUBLSH: July l and 6 rbod rool wn Fols, NOTCE OFT fslowt: -ARWAY On Tuosdoy, the17"d. County, hour ol 10:00 oco thereof Alllonco Ttk & Esc page 30, Sto Twn Poll Falls. State of daho a moro Succossor Tnjsloo. v> oloroncod tho hghos bwdor.fo >mplonco the Unted Stoles, 0? Trustoo solo, tho followng Callaway stuated n the Coun ssoclatod daho, and doscrbod LOT 12 N BLOCK 4 onknpcv nvn FALLS COUN my olhor TO THE PLAT TH wrothat BOOK 10 OF PLATS, hs sole. SAD COUNTY.. hs salo Th Succossor Truslo 1 bdders partcular do: 0 and tho foforoncod.roal prop uccosslu complanco wtth Soct tho Successor Tnsto enon or addoss of.r encum- daho. s sometmes Kfbvand Property. w S rans r" r 5 n sterone brancos to satsfy the S r y pursuant to tho powo Aprl 13. Trust ex( 7 n thn STENER, an Unmar Chares W. Fawcott. S JED TO beneft ond socurly «(a) D. COMPANY, -rocordoc MAHf: nslrumont No V ot Twn Falls Couny, SENTLY Housng and «Asslgnmonl of Dood rs w l Fobmary n t s w to r COMPLY :, s t l PRESENTLY RESP % OBLGATON. S r : " 0 dofaul for whteh tl the fahure to pay Wher S Poymonts ufdar tho C n atd each rfo rth o months c >% trom nckslvo: ond fc theroaflor. unuldale.o: dato of All donquont poymo accumulatpd late cha ho trust accrued nterest s at annum fn m January balance o n g a s of tl secured by aakl D e.. plus accrued nterest t P****------annum trom-januaryt; D A TE D T hls14"da/ofj /sxjharles W. ffm C to o.. klaho State Bar, SUCC J6,. PUBUSH: June 22.29, J - r JCMECnNONOTXe 10 Coda Secton , nouee of an open pubc meetng of he. GameCommlsakH. :E ; June 10,2006 m a :J u y leu trp on the South Forte of the H.-0 0 p.m. rt meettng wu convme at 8:00 JU V , and cont(nue-l July 14,2006, endng at apprpxw lllbenekjat7:00p.m.m D T on > ETNQ: Upper Snake Rogknal ommerce Crcle, klaho FaOs, D TTENDNQ; Commssoners, MEETNCVAQENDA: Releaae of 9 lottery and aucton tags, Jtlmal Damago Control Funds, mgratoy gome brds. Land- ton Program Plot Project. Up-. nagement Plan sta tlv e >: Hunt of a Lfetme for Mnor S by contactng the daho Department ol Fsh and C or hrough he rvlco at (TOD). F a. 29 ond July TSEMENTFOR BDS ds wll be rocelvod by State ol vslon. at room Wost Bose. daho untl tmo on July lor Uls Armory-Ro-rool, BldswUbo ltely road ot tho abovo hour and West Guard Stroot od at 1069 Fronter Rood. Twn M l. conssts of sek>ctve domo- constnjdon ol romoval of por- roof slructuro and mochanteal for nstollollon of now roof, * wood polo antonnao ond flag * factory llnshod standng soam stem and a new entry wth roof * lls ond oxtorkr fnsh systom, ; wnspous. columrs. footngs. Jdated mochanteal and oloctr- * rojoc also ncludes nstatlatkn nao and new lghted flag polo s ond new buldng agnago ; Dponod and publtely rood at tho * date. Facsmlto proposals shall* nformalon aro on flefor oxam- jwng locatkns. e, 4040 W. Guard St. Boso, D g e Plan Center Chlndon 37l4Ph.208) lange, 124 Bluo Lakes Blvd. D Ph: (206) tral Contractora, 110 North * so. daho Ph: (208)- nera] Contractora, 1415 wn Falls. daho Ph; ch. LLP, 2417 Bank Dr. Sullo dt Ph;(208) F rmaton ore avallablo rom Mr. S n Catl. R o o m.104, Buklng 2 r8otsorfdohor-pnorv6-{208) f (206) ** cf.tho total bkj amount, nclude. 5 s s rocurod. Contractors and ctors must hovo a State ol S ks Contractors lconso appro- ~ c. C ng Slto vst; Statomom ol bo addrossod by contactng 208) or FAX (206) lljoll.hlllokl.ngb.army.mll. onduc contractor lour of tho 2, omo fomllarlzod wth tho work 21 lmo. July s $697,000 & n. Contractng Olfteor. State ol S td yc ~th F TRUSTEES SALE p fa " day of October ot tho ta cfock o.m. ol sold day ot ot Escrow Falls Avo. E.. «Polls. n tho County ol Twn at Qho. Charles W. Fowcolt. as cc ). wn sell at publc aucton, to be. for cosh. n lowful monoy of Lc. ol payable al ho tmo of Tv ng doscrbod roal proporty c 3unty 61 Twn Falls, State ol P< «d os lollows to-wt: T C4 OF HANSEN ESTATES, pn UNTY, DAHO ACCORDNG ca THEREOF, RECORDED N or TS, PAGE 23. RECORDS OF wl: an stoo has no knowkdgo ol a descrptkn of ho above- PUE roporty, but lor purposes of locton daho Code. tsof has boon nformed hal Hnh of 639 Calco St.. Hansen, nt os assodatod wlh sakl rool So 20 mode wthout covonont or Fr } ttle, possesson or oncum- Ko tho obllgaon secured by and 3 wor of solo conlorrod n the Su executod by CALVN R. Se narred P erson. Grantor, to Tu tt. Succossor Tnsloo. for tho (71 ly of MELLON MORTGAGE na dod August a He S Mortgage rocords rn ty. doho; and assgned lo ho Tltl rxl Rnonco Assocotkn by - mo ood of Trust recorded on Mk 197. as nslrumont No. 191 gago rocords ol Twn Falls 9< HE ABOVE GRANTOR S the ly WTH SECTON Be< QQE. NO REPRESENTA- ch< rhat HE S. OR S NOT, am SPONSBU FOR THS S h ths sale s to be mode s yo hon due, monthly nstanment - fce 0 Dood ol Tmst f4oto dated phc n the amount of $ lal S of February through May; tak d for ooch ond every month at j».ol sale or tplmbursoment.. fee monta are now duo. plus abc >d»5m*hsfor*"lo** con 1 at the rate of 7.23% per Lot ry The prtndpal. FaC f ths.date on the oblgaton ol, e of Trust la $51, reo «at the rale of 7.23% por con y a ofjune7200a WCETT, a Member ot tho wht C C E R TRUSTEE any S. July.e and PUB * NOTCe OF DRAFT P le Notk» s hereby gven that th le. permt has been ssued lo al operatton of an njecton provlskxts of Ttle 42. Chapter CODE.- The tolowktg;web 10 operated by.cmr OF KH water (domestc) storage tank w 00300t,0tyolK m berly, m -Polnt of njectton; TOS. R 18E.! «- SE Kmberly. Twn Fate County n Averngo rate of njecton: 800 gp Copes of the draft permt may 11 the klaho Department of VV D Southern Rofn Otfco Twn Falls. D r. may submt wrtttsn comments fact-fndng hearng to the kfah ll W aler Resources Southern Ro(.. 30 days ol the ntal publcat. nouce. Al the dscreton of the - fndng hearng may be granted». of allowng ntorestod partes e closed nfonnouon or othor role r he Deportment to old n tho o ton ond lor consk)oral6n n a ol pennt outhcrlzaton. s KartJ.D roher 1 Drector s Publshed n tho Tmes Nows J 6th LEGAL NOTCE NOTCE OF PUBU COMMENT PERO t The Department ol Envranmont:,1 s seekng publc comment on t water Rouso Permt for Glon, (GF). RlchfloW fadlty. (permt 04). The dralt permt, spodf lmts and montorng requlrom by DEO to adoquatoly protoc, surface water qualty, and grour. Copes of draft permt 0. documonts aro avallablo (or requost. at the followng tecatlon OEOs Slafo and Twn Falls Rog ; DEO-S Web ste. n PDF format. A publc nformaton meetng wll b 2006 ot 7 pm Bl he Senor Ctb South Man. Rchlkkl daho, al explan tho drafl permt and t make oral comments. Wrnen comments must bo sul contoct nomo below by 5 p.m. day. July Subml questons. requosts.v commonlto: Davd Anderson OEQ Twfn Fatls Regonal 1363 Fllmore Sree TVvn Falls, D 6330 Phone: Emal: Davd.AnderaonOdeo After a revew ol ho commonls s wll provde rtoteo ol ts fnal porr Publsh n Tmes Nows June J u ly NOTCE OFTRUSTEE-S daho Codo T oda/s dalo:. Ro No.; Looh No. Sale dolo and tma (local tmo! 2006 ot 10:00 AM Solo locaton: Rrst-Ametcan-TloCompanyrZ North. Twn Falls. D Pro 544 Meadow Lark Way. Twn F Succossor Trustee; Norlhw Servces, nc., on doho Corpo Tusln Avo., Sullo 243 Santo A (714) Deed Of Tu Orgnal grantor: Brad R. Carson, man Orglnol trustoo; Ponoor Tll Ada Couny Oflglnot bonofteary Homo Mortgage, nc. Recordng Rocordors nslrum County; Twn Fols! tho oblgaton; os ol Juno C Becauso ol nlorost. oto chorg< charges thot may vary from da omoun duo on thodoy you poy rr Honco. f you poy he omount she odjustment moy bo nocossory ol your chock. For furthor nformoto ~ tho Succossor Tmsoo ortho od phono number provkfod abovo. B falluro to make paymonts whon take notlco hot tho Succossor T ot publc ouclon lo ho hghos bl Hod funds or oqulvalon tho prop above. Tho property oddross la comply wlh C but s not bo correct. Thp proportys ogat.< Lot 6. Blodt 4. Eostwood Subdlvl Twn Fols County, daho, occordl cal plot horool recorded n Bool Pago 25. rocords ot Twn Fols C Tho sale s subject to condltor procedures a s doscrbod at the s can bo revewed at or USA-ForockJ8uro.com. Tho s any knd. (TSf ) 1002.«PUBLSH; Juno 29, July 6.13 ond 2 NOTCE OF TRUSTEES S daho Codo Todays dale: j Ro No.: Loon No. Salo dato and tmo (locol tme); 2006 at 10;00 AM Sale locotton: r Frst Amercan Ttle Company. 26t Nonh. Twn Falls. D Prop 380 POLK STREET, TWN FAJ Succossor Trustee; Northwo Servces. nc.. an doho Corport Tustn Avo., Sute 243 Santa An (714) Dood Of Trus nfo na granlor: Burdette Ray Hrach red peraon and Joyc*.rene C marred peraon Orgnal trustoo: F Tltk Compony Orgnal bonollds Mortgoge. Dlv. Of Ofd Kent M Mlchlgon Corporotlon Recordng d 1999 Recorders. nstrumon Couny; Twn Falls S tho obllgaon; as of Juno Becauso o l nterest, late charoo: charges hal may vary from doy amount due on the day you poy ma Hence. you pay the amount shb«odjustment may be necessary afte C check. For further nfonnaton Successor Trustee et the add phono number provwed abovo, Ba falurp_to_make.,paymonla, whon_ lako notteo hat tho Succossor Tru a t publc nuctton to the hghest bw led funds or equvalent the prope above. The property a d d r o s comply wtth C bul la not coftect.-tho-property l t d. Lot 1 1n Bkck 1 of Wlknson Subd Falls County, klaho acconlng lo h ol, recorded,n Book 6 otplou records of sak County. The aale ; jutoa.aod.pfoceduba and_wweh.c a n b e www,northwesttfustee«>m. The a< any k ln d? 0 1 M 7 M O O «UBUSH: June 29. July 6.13 and 20 FF. rpermbt thefolaw ng draft allow the renew al wen under the sr 39 of the DAHO. eb - owned a n d - HBERLY and the. jf-otya-ptelreatkl koverttow. owrter -. Sec. 20,S E. SE. -r jpm»y be requested at Water Resources O 1 Rllmore SL STE - nerested partes rt- nts and request a. aho Department of logten Offce wthn, atk jn dato of ths. to Drector, a fact-. ed lor the purpose s to submt unda- j levonl evldonce to ogency nvestga-! the dotennnaton Juno 29th & July -! 1 - )UC tloo ntal Ouallty (OEQ) / 3n 0 drafl Wosto-...* onba Foods nc.. lt no. LA :to8 loodng rato. oct publc health.! >und water qualty. and supportng.!or revew, upon, ons: egoral omces t.o t,. p. mmon.cfm bo hekl Juno 27. lllzon Center. 130, ol whteh DEO wld the publc moy submtted lo tho MDT. Wodnes-. and/or wrtttsn n.. al Offce eet W l... :190 leg.ldaho.gov ; rmlttng dodslon., 20, & SSA LE lo: Juno o.: no); October 24. n: n tho olfco, ol - roporty address: : Falla, D fjwost Trust poratlon 505 n. Ana. CA rust nformaton 3n. on unmarred nlo Company of ry; Wells Fargo g dote: October. jmont number; s Sum owng on 1006: rgos, and other - day to doy. tho * - moy be greotor. thown above, an - alter wo rocovo ton wrte or call _ oddross or o t o -... Boss of default; on due. Pkoso Trustoo wll sell bddor lor cert- jporty descrbed - s denlnod to lot warranted lo? t.descrpton s: - vslon Phaso 2. rdlnglo the off>- 30k 18 of Plots, Counr/. daho, ons, rules and sale and whch wosttrusloe.com O. salo s mode.-n t or covenant ol FE SALE 1: Juno lo.: vr 9); Octobor 24. : n the otfco of 260 3rd A v e n u e oporty oddross: LLS, D * % west Trustee orotlon 505 N. na. CA formatkn Orgl- ch, an unm ar- Croaa. an un- - > : Frst Amercan dnry: Ropublte Mortgage Co.. 1dolo: Juno 17. ont numben Sum owng ext T 06: $71, JOS. ond other * oy lo day. the v* n a y be greaer. town above, art -,, fter we receve *, on wrtte o rca «- ddresa or late- > }ass of delauft: > n-duo. Please--U rrustoe wu sell Sddor for certl- - >erty.descrbed, s kfentlfled to 51 warranted.to descrpton la: bdmslon. Twn the plal there- ots. P age 34, e la subject.to laa.descrtbed-ta B L rav ew ed.at.:j aale s made or covenant of v L61194-FEr -y e - >

19 1 HOTW EOFPTOPOa»08ED CHANGE OF WATERP «W O H T, PUBUCNOTCE N O n c e o F H e AARNG f ON NAME CHANGE N THE DSTRCT COURT ro01 FTH ER FTM «N a B 6 ons planned end taken by your aovamment gov > No. CV» JUDK:AL DSTRCT OF TH THE STATE OF KW PRODUCERs m l ATON { CO, a o MKE contaned n pumk: notlc«8. -They ar g e the name of SopNa-Lynne DAHO. N ANO FOR THE rhecourfty J J o e t y S OVEFTON, 800 E 288C N, MONTEVEW D jr rght toknow and tb be nformed «A)t n Las Veoas, NV r e n g OFJEROME 03435, hm fltod Applc «t3 1 S T err D r.. 5>lcatk>n_No> for- yo«f f oovamment t s-dolng.-a8 8elf.oov r., TWln FaUs, D has been fled c h tn o tf lo he f o d n jortm m ent n Twm Fols Coun unty Dstrct C ourt daho. Th«: ""flgw aw lthln v g e s ad dtzens o bo nlormed, : C ase No. CV JEFFERSON County;, ths news: name w> ctange» to Sopha Lynne Parent, bo NOTCE TO CREDTORS B.»M J!aft«-W «X -CttzflU tljaadju RgM-Nora rta l.nrtd.study causa-her-fathw-k - n the-malter-ol he-eetaleol! No , 10 SM a «e notces. We advse those cktze :tltzens who have not been abk be loflnd hm n fve yeon. A J JOHN PKUPTHOMAM, rtflht ploam SM )k further nrormallon to exerdse thel ther rght to hearng on the petton s scheduled for 9:00 Deceased... T hspurpo»ofh»anaf«f»s8 publc focords and pobbc meetn tetngs, owock AM on 4ul uly 17, 2008, at the.county to change a porton. o lth e v o rlo h a o a lofoltowa: n c M P O R T A M T - Courthouse. Ob)ec ectons may b e fled by ony NOTCE N S HEREBY GVEN N t that m e under- - Tha a p p l proposos a lo 10-odd fve wens at tho P 8 «SO «address all toga! advertsng to:,. person who can show tte court a good reoson sgned has been oppdmed Co-f Co-Personal Repre- hfo pl«c«ot USA to servo tho aganst the n a m e changes. d > oentallves ot the above-namoc these canal uses. Below LEGAL AOVEmSNG mod Decadent, All v ffflffllrw a ttw ponts ol dlvofaon. D ote:june14, , persorw havng dolma agunst me t decedent or 0"-S W N E Sec22. NESE The Tme»>N«W8 Sec 22. NWNW Sec y 23 /WDepuly ChKt, hs ostote are requred ovw me m ther clams n \ W n/w -.S E S E Sec 10 and PO B 0X 548. SW SW Sec14T0N R33E wthn \ four months aflor ttw «d dale of the lrs V -,/ W Pretests may b e Bubmtled Twtn Falla, daho PUBUSH: June 22,2 :, 29, July 6 and 13,2006 publk:allon of ths Notlco or sdd sd dams wld be W bosodonthecrten, of Sec daho Cod< lorevor barred. Any pretest ssonsl the 9 proposed. emal t o ClClams must be presenod to tho ndersgnod at chango musl be luod wth tho- Da NTHED8TR2C1 C T C O U R T O F T H E F nf (he 1 address ndcated bekjw.. and ar fled wth tho Departmonl ol Wator Donrfl Resources, Eastern Rook logtoo, 900 N Skylne Dr «duncr (or legal ads: 3 days pror topubdco. JUDCAL DSTO TRCTOFTHESTATEOF Clerk o t the Court, Sle A. daho Fols D a: 1, noon on W ednesday lor Sunday, y.-ssnon: 1 D FOR-THE COUNTY OF c/o $/ Penelope Parker preles fee of $25.00 lor t Tsdoy lor Monday, noon on Frday jy t lor Tues- TW1N FAL13MMAGSTRATE DVSON. PARKER LAW OFFCES. P.C, 2034 Addson Avenue East boforo July The prolestaht must also 2? and W ednesday, noon on Mon C asen o.c V -de-24f t l Twn Falls, D copy ol ho proosl lesltotheopplcont. Thursfl rsday and neon on Tuesday for Frfc Frday and NOTCE TO CREDT ltors Dl Dalod ths 3 0 day ol June, , KARLJDREHER.0(f0cl0( la o r Saturd urday. Holday deadllnos may vary /ary. 11 you n (ho Matter ot tho & Estate of PARKER LAW OFRCES. P,C, havo 0 ( any quosttons call Ruby, kgal a l der1<, c al NORMA JEAN BRAt PUBUSH; July 6 and ADSHAW THOMAS, By Ponotope Parker 1, Deceased. Attorney for Co-Personal Reproso osonlotlvos N «THE T DSTRlCT COURT OFTHE R NOTCE OF PUBU BUC HEARNG JUO luoclal DSTRCT OF THE STATE 5REBY pven (hal tho PUBUSH; July 6,1 3 ond Nollc«s hereby gven n b by ho Plannng and been appdhtod Personal DAHO. MAND FOR THE COUNTY Zonno Commsson for h O F. RopresmtoUve ol )r the Ctt/ of Twn Falls, Vf, U (he obove-nomed os(a(e. Ad NOTCE OF PUBUC HEJ HEARNG TWN FALU MAGSTRATE DVtSK daho, hol o publc hoorln. flson persons hovng < NotkM s hereby gven by ho arlng wll be hold on July dam s aganst he sold } Clly Cty Councl for the a Tuosdoy. ot h( deceased ore requ Cty ol Twn Falls, doho. that ho hour of 6:00 oclock. Casa Nt lured to present (her clams ; 0 pubdc hoorng P.M., n he Cty Councl ( No. CV a27 wkhn four months S aflor the dato of the lrst wll bo hold on Monday, July y 24, 2< tho k C Chambers, located at u n - n rc 305 Thrd Avenuo East, Twn Fans. daho, to CE TO CREDTORS publlcollon or clan hour ol odock. P.M.. n alms wll t>e lorevor barred. / n the tf Cty Councl hoar a request by: > Clams mustbe pre Chambers, locoled ot 305 Thlro resented to Sondra Paton, c/o, rhrd Avenuo Eas, DAHO POWER COMPAQ ANY. a o PERRY VAN " h } «Matter o( he Estate of Ncholas M, Sta Twn Fads, daho, (0 hoar o roquc Stoloy, Benot, Alexander, X)uost by: Honwood, Hgh & PATTEN. SOUTHERN REGONAL MANAGER LARRYRY BENJAMN HEOEMANN, Voldez, \ LLP, PO Box 366, GARYS WESTUND, D, 1 LLC.- m m Requests ho Vacaton ol, _Twn Fads, D 833C , and fled wth the p, C/O GARY STORRE =RER o l publc rghts-ol-way Ooco ocoasod. locoted between Los ; Court., Roquosts the VocoUon ot Lols through , 7, 8, and 9 ol Bkx* 1, Moons Subdlvso DATED ths 25" day /olmoy.zooe. 0 J Bk)Ck 2. and Lots 1 through 28 BkKk 4. Ol ho /ston. and ncludng hot NOTCE S HEREBY GVEN hat Conn onne Lynn /sondra Poton Nobk) Subdvson, locood soulh and west ot f portksn ol Qordner Street )ot 1and Ash SUoot odjo- Helden cent to Lots 1, 2. 3, 8 demann has boon apponted p personal Personal Ropresontot Rock Crook Conyon, oosl of Not Nobto Avonuo and 7, 8, and 9 ol Block 1, Means Subdvson, for a o total lo of sq. ft. rosenlaljve ol tho above-namod de north ; of Hghland Avonuo. A complete descrpton s on c fto wfh he Twn persons havrg dajms aganst ho o ld< S S r l PU 8LSH ;Juy6,l3.; 3.20 and 27,2006 Any and ol por.><jns desrng 10 comment may appear and bo hoard o( thooppo ppontod lmo, Falls Cty Plannng ond Zonng Admnstrator ot Oftf * ne estate are requred lo present thor thor dam s A comploto doscrlptton s on fle llo wth he Twn H / H 7 Cty HaD. 321 Second Avon kvonue East wwln 1(our (4) months ader the dato of o( ho frst N THE DSTRCT r r COURT OF THE RFTH Fads F Cly Plannng ond ZonlrKj»g Admnbtrotor A al Any orxl all persons doslrt slrng to comment may publcl llcallon of hs Notlco or sad dam jms s wll te JUDCAL o sstrct n OF THE STATE C Clly Hall. 321 Sccond Avonuo } Ea etu appoor and be hoard a t ho appontod tme. forever verbanod. OF DAHO. N ANC ND FOR THE COUNTY OF Po Persons needng specal occomrr smmodotlons ol o Persons needng spoclo J accommodatons oc at a Clams s musl n bo presenled to he undorst rsgnodat QOODNQ MA( AOtSTRATE DVSON publc mootlng-aro asked lo contoct ho Cty of publc meetng are asked od to t contact he Cty of tho add address ndcated and Hed wth the ( Twn Fols at at least st fve l (5) workng W Twn Fans at al at least fve (5) wordng ho Clerk of c o se No. CV 2003)0 days pror lo tho mootng, Court, doys pror to tho mootng, ORDER. NOTCE,, AND, SUMMONS FOR /s /s/lancow.ctow, Mayor /s/ Rone V. Corrawoy, Zont M n g m d Dov«locm.nl HAN, KVANVG, STONE & TRANOf NOR HEARNG Monoger Jssoll G. Kvanvg n the norost of: PUBLSH: Thursdoy.July ; t Altomey! teys lor Personal Represenlatvo TRNrtY STOCKWEL ELL Thursday. July 13,2006 PUBUSH; Thursday, July ,1 PO Box 0x83 d.o.b Thursday, Juty 13,20063 Twn Fads, daho ORON STOCKWELL N THECMSTRCT COURT OF THE FFTH - Tolophor hone: d.o.b JUDCAL DSTRCT OF THE! STATE OF - ChlUren Under Egho Keen Years ot Ago DAHO, N AND FOR THE COUNTY OF NOTCE OF TRUST JSTEPSSA LE -puaus- daho Code 45*1 S06 T o do/8 o /s SH: Juno.29. July 7 ahd TWN FALLS MAGSTRATE TE DVSON d o lo;juno A Pelltlon under (he) Termlnotton of Porent.Chlld Fllo No.: Loan No.; , A d has boon flk)d b) by ho Ooponmonl of Hoarth Case No, CV Sale dale ar>d tme (local x:q tme): October 26, and Wettaro, The mors ol tho potllon wll bo NC NOTCE TO CREDTORS 2006 omo.oo AM Sale loa locotlon: n (he offlco ol NOTCE 1 OF TRUSTEES SALE P exomlned n an ovd rdontary hoorng on August n (ho Matter ol tho Estolo o l- Rrst Amerlcon THe Compa Tpony rd Avenue doho North, Twn Fols. D 8330 Code 4S-1506 Todays dale: Juno 12 1-j ot 1:30 PMM n ho Moglslratos Court, MADALYN M R. CHADWCK OLAGl AGUE, 3301 Proporty oddross;. na No Goodng Cpunly Cou 682 Hallee A venue, Twt No.: Loan No.: 1702S47 ourthouoo, Goodng. daho. Docoosod. TWln Foll D Juals shad porsonolly appear Successor Tnjstoo; N and lmo (kscal tme): October 12. Northwest Trusloc / =. 2 at ho hoorng: NOTCE S HEREBY GVE hot ho Servces, nc., an daho >0 Corporaton < 505 N. 0 AM Solo kkollon: n ho or«o» 0 ol Rrs CLARNEY DAVD FO ORTNER, Logal Father u undersgned has been oppoln - Tunn Ave.. Suto. 243 Sanlo Sa Ano. CA rcan Tlllo Comfjony, 260 3rd A ponted Personal d Avonuo The obove-named ndvdual s further notlflod 1 Roprosenulvo of tho abovo-nam< All (714) Oood oltnj Trust rnlormalon Orlol- orth, h. Twn 1 Falls, D Property»r ac address: that ho s entktd to tc be reprosontod by legal persons P< hovng clams ogolnat ns tho sad do- nol grontor; KMBERLY A CARPENTER AND 737 Pqplar, P Twn Falls, D Su(? Succossor counsol f ho a llna nandolly unable to retan an ceased ct are requred lo present t Uer the dams wth- RCHARD R CARPEN7 ENTER. WFE AND Trustoo too: Northwest Trustee Servces,1 :, 1r nc., an adomey, ho may app pply 10 ho Court, pror lo the n lour (4) months aflor (he doto ol tho lrst publl- HUSBAND Orgnal trust rustee: Poneer Tllk> daho 0 Corporaton C 605 N. Tustn Avo.,, Sute 243 hearng, lor oppontm ment of counsel; «caon of hls nollco or sad dams ms wd bo lorover, Company Orglnol bonoflda fdary; WELLS FARGO Santa a Ana, A CA (714) S D o o d o f D olo5/l9/0e bf barred. Clams must bo presonoc mod to ho fnn of HOME MORTGAGE, NC. Recordng.doto: Trust 1 nformaton Orgnal grantor: r: Kevn- /s/cosey Robnson C. Coloman. Rtche & Robortson, fl ! 2~-Avonuo October 6,2003 Rooordors ers nsln<ment number: Nelton on and Mchelle Rene Nelso.l«>rt. aa Judgo wwost, PO Box 525, Twn Fols, lls, doho } County: Twn Fols Sum owng on Huban bar»d-and_w lfe-orlflnal-trustoora , 0* and Hed wlh the Court the obbgotlonr a s Of Of p u b l s h JU M T n and s Escrow Corporaton Orgnal : J. n. a.» 29 and July OA DATED hls 16 day ol Juno, 2006, )06, P $101, Because ol nterest, m lole charges, fjrnn/- ; /8/J /S/Jack Jordno ond othor charges that ma y: Mortgoge Electronc Rogs moy vary rom day to svstom day, tho amount duo on tho < orrts. nc. Recordng dale: October 8 NTHEDSTRC =»CT COURT OF THE Personal Ropresonlolvo graoter. Honco. you poy rders nslrumont number: ALDSTRCTOFTHE above, an adjustment moy ty: Twn Falls Sum owng on tho obl! HO. N AND FOR THE PUBUSH: Juno 29, July 6 andl3, 13,2006 we rocolvo your chock. "forksssr.?: For S =?s Juno 12,2006: $69, Bocaust OFTWN FALLS- PUBUC NOTCE :e wrtte Of call he Success sessor Trustee at he lo ras tll 1, lato charges, and olhor charges J that th may Case No.CV address or telephone number t provded above, vary fro (rom day to day, tho amount duo < on the NOTCE TO CREDTO rors Edge Wlrolosa. LLC proposes to 0 construct 0 now Bass of default: falure to a moke m payments when day you /ou pay may bo greater. Honco, f you yc pay n he Matter of ho Estj salool 100-foot cellular towor ot 2043 )43 Kmborly Rd J due. Plooso tako notlco a thol t tho Succossor ho amc moun shown above, an adjuslmen ment may FRANCS F. GUNNNC Twn Fols D Twn Fols ls ( County, daho A. Trustee vll so j at publc : ouctk>n to the hghost bo noco ecossary alter we rocolvo your choc :hod(. For Deceased. (10227). n occordonco wth m tho Notona] bddor for corllk>d funds ds or oqulvalont tho furlhar ar l nfomallon wrlto or cad ho Sue* Succossor S! Hslorc Preservaton A d ol 1966, )66, os amended. preporty descrbed above.». Tl The property oddress Trusloo 00 ol ho oddross or tetophono B n number W EOS FARGO BANK, s Menured to comply wth th C t K, N,A., has been appontod and the 2005 Naonwdo Progrorr jrommatlc Agroo bulls not provldoa dod above. Bass of deloull: laluro 0 lo moko Porsonol Reprosontol worrontod lo bo correct. T lolvo of tho obovo osoto. All S, monl for revew undor tho Notonal Noll Hstorc " descrlptkn s: LOT 13 N 6 lents when duo. Please tako notlco w thal the Persons hovng clarr lms ogonst sad doceosod, Preaon/allon Ad. Fnal Rule; : Edge Ec Wrotoss, VEWf ESTATES P.U.D. r ossor s Tnjstoo wll sol at publc auct BUdonlo P «w n w e requred sd 10 present helr clams LLC s hereby notfyng the 0 publc p of tho FALLS COUNTY, DAHO 5o fcof5v K ghost bkfdor (or certllod funds or r o< fwnun wkhln four months aflor o the doto of tho frst proposed undertakng and sdk:lt lk:ltng commons J BOOK 18 OF PLATS, PAGE PAC 39 Tho salo s ho proporty doscrlbod obovo. Tho 1 pr( publkmlon ol4hs nol. otcoatlheoffcosolfrodor. on Hslorc Propertes whch nuy ay bo t olloclod by. V. M... aubjecl lo condltlohstluks les and p ro c u ra s a s "?o»ss s dentfed to comply wtth C C Sm 6 - WUams.-Mej tesorvy-a.lo(hspoch,-ap, tho proposed undertakng. Accor ccordlngly, f you & 1. M descrbed ot he salo or ond whch, can bo.b u tls1 nnol t wananlod to bo correct. Tho «p 1 7 South Adorns Stn 5troo(, PO Box 168. Joromo. would lke tb provde specfc clfc nlormotlon Woho 83338, or eal revewed at 9sttruatoo.com or USA- lys logal tgal descrpton la: THE EAST 40 FEE sold clams wd bo forover regardng potental ollecls thol ho proposed 9 borrod. Clams mus Forodosure.com. Tho sale ust bo presented to (he undortokng mght hovo on propo oportlos thol oro tale s mode wthout LOT 3 AND WEST 25 FEET OF LOT? lj * Personol Reprosontol reprosentolon, warranty totvo ot the above address l!s(od q n or elgble for lstng 1 n mo No(onal or covenant of any POPLAR.AR SUBDVSON. ACCORDNG 1 TO TC THE ond fled wth the Cour»urt. "O Regster of Hstorc Places end ore localod wth-.. knd. (TS# ) FE OFFCA CAL PLAT THEREOF, RLED N BO BC O K7 D A TE D thlsgdoyof. 3f Juno L" n ono-holf mlk ol tho obovo ode oddross, ploaso.. P U T S 5 > AT PAGE(S) 40.OFFCAL HECC ECORDS FREDERCKSEN, Wll PUBUSH; Juno 29, July WLLAMS. MESERVY & submt (he projoct numbor (provde vfdod obovo), (ho 13-and OF TVVlf WN FALLS COUNTY, DAHO Tho W s salo s LOTHSPECH, LLP hstorc propert/s oddross, ond 1 your commono " subjod Ct to condons, rules and procodun duros a s /a/robort E. W lams - to:. Edgo.Wlroloss. 650 SW Columba, Sute N THE DtSTWCrr COURT JRTOFTHEFFTH doscrtbo bod al tho solo artd whch can bo ro- Atomey ror Eslole Bond Oregon or.«to B. JUDCAL DtSTRtCT O)F F 1 THE STATE O F vewed d at a chopman edgowlrele3s.com by Tho 3yJu>y J DAHO, N ANO FOR THE COUNTY OF [5 nado do wkhout roprespntatton, warran ranty* m PUBUSH: Juno 2 2,29 1and July 6,2006 TWN FALLS DtSTHC RCT DVSON covononl UBUSH: July 3.4,5,6 and 7, Mn of ony knd. (TS# 7t04,2 M,25807) t002.60{ FE Cose No. CV N THE DSTRCT COURTOFTMERFTH C N THE DSTRCT COURT OF F THE Tl FFTH W SUMMONS JUDCAL DSTRC CT OF THE STATE OF JUDCAL DSTRCT OF THE ESTATE S OF. 1 z TWN FALLS COUNTY PROSECUTNG PUBUSH: Juno 22.29, July 6 and 13,2006 )06 DAHO, N AND FC FOR THE COUNTY OF DAHO, N AND FOR THE COU X>UNTYOF ATTORNEY,. TWN FALLS MAG AGSTRATE DVSON T\< N FALLS MAGSTRATE E Dl DVSON Plantff, Nl NOTCE OPTRUSTEE S SALE CosoNo.CV) > Cast lose No. CV ONE 1990 PONTAC OF GRAND PRX LP C a te No ANOTHER SUMMONS S. ANO.NOTHER SUMMONS STATEWDE COLLECT # m t8 0 2 VN fa2w J14T4 4T4LF278861, CnO N S. NC., STATEW1DE COLLECnONS. NC.. W.. m Dofendonl. On Novom P ombor 7,2006, at ho hour ol 2:00 o Plolntlfl, p.m. of 3f 8sak day ol tho lobby of Trustoo, too, 183 VANESSA SMTH, NOTKE: YOU HAVE BEEN SUED BY THE Fourth t Avonue A\ MC CHELLE ROUSE, North. Twn Falls, daho TTLE- Oefondant. ABOVE NAMED PLAKT1F m FFS. THE COURT FACT. ; NC.. W DefondantH. an daho corporaton, os Tn Trustee MAY ENTER JUDQEMEN1 ENT AGANST YOU whl sol ll at a pubk: aucton, to tho hghost t bl bddor. NOTCE; YOU HAVE WfTHOUT-FURTHER-NCXn E BEEN SUED BY THE NOT 3T1CE-UNLES8 YOU <orcash loflce; YOU HAVE BEEN SUED BY THE -j;:: sh, n lawful money of tho-unlted S States. ABOVE n a m e d PLAr RESPOND WTTHN 20 DAYS MNTFF. THE COURTMAY AB. ABOVE NAMED PLANTFF. THE COURT MAY yable ot the lme of sale, the (oda (odowno e n t e r JUDGMEf A READ THE NFORMATON - BE AGANST YOU WTHOUT EN" ENTER JUDGMENT AGANST YOU YO WTHOUT - - bod real property, slluotod n the > C< CounW FURTHER NOTCE U TO: JAVER QUEVARA. UNLESS YOU RESPOND FU FURTHER NOTCE UNLESS YOL COU RESPOND of Twn F 845.EMBand Drhw n Fols, S(a(o ol daho, and descrbe xlbod as WTHN 20 DAYS. RE HEAD THE NFORMATON WH WTHN 20 DAYS, READ THE NFORMATON TWln Falls, D follows J lo-w; BE BELOW. Lots 9 and 10, Btock 69, TWN FALLS TOWN- TO: VANbSA SMfTH TO D :l :MCHEaE ROUSE You are hereby notnod that a t n o rter to defend ST Twn Fads County, daho, accordlr 1 You are hereby nollfted ths lawsut, on approprate late wrtaen response fnal and.amondod < plot herool recordc that n order lo defend You aro hereby nottfed thol n order ord«to defend " hls lawsut on opprc musl be fktd wth ttw above wve desgnated court 1 O ol Plats, page 7. records of Twn «n hals 1 oroprote wrtten response ths hls lawsut on opproprate wrto /rton response, must be Ded wth tho whhln twenty (20) days alter alt s e r of ths County, /. daho. 10 above desgnated court mut c must bo flkk wtth the obovo dosj ksgnalod court wnhn 20 days oflor t Summons on you. f you fol r servce of Summons on - wth lo so respond the The abov xwo-descfbod proporty s somel vlthn -20 days alter sorvk» d f Summons S on y mellmes. you. fyoulolosoras nl.. court may enter ju o m1 e n t esporxl ttw court may enter you /oul f you, fol to sotespond the, a n s t you a s known as: A vent North, TWfn n Fola, F courtm ayenler - - judgmern.agan you demanded by the Plantff n OS demanded by the Ju the Cplolnl. daho udgment aganst* you a s deman nonded by tre PlaJnUfflntheComploln A copy ol the Ckmplalnt s PlaFntm n the Complalnl,. senred wth ths Sold solo lo wll bo made wllhout covenan nant or A copy ol the (k>mpl olnt s served vth ths A Summons. f you wsh to } s< copy ol the Complant s serve seek (he advlco or warranty ty regardng 1 erved wth ms toe, possesson or anc encurth Summons. f you ws sh to seek tho advce or Sun representaton by an attomey leylnthlsm ottor.you summons. f you wsh to seek lh< ho advce or S lo satsfy the obflgattor secured J by and representaton by an atomey ol n ths matter you ropr should do so promptly so opresentatlon by on altomey n mat your wrtten S C S ",, ms thj motter you reeportse. f any, may b e fued nod n tme and other ml V lo the power of sale conferred d n the * eo prompu puy so that your wrtten - sho houu do so promptly so that your ] wrtten, legal rghts prpecled. )f Trust from A rthur Short, a n unmn ua n M - respcnse, any, may Tbe b fled n Umo and other rose esponse, any, may be fled n Um An approprate wrtten respon» onse requres compll- to TlBoFact, nc., TrusJee and Raa Ramona.l*0«l1fl»»P«>eded. lego egal rghts preteded. *... arke wlth Rule.10(a)(1) and other.ldatw 1 R u a _ r.!..cra r An ppproprlale wrnen ro Crandall, an unmarred.worn Qn,:Bof responsft requres compll--an opproprate of.wrtten response requ re<ro8.complk ance wth Rule-10(a)(t ol CMl Procedure and shall al also ncudo: cwy. dale lalod June 29, recorded June (t) and other daho Rules amoo n a wtth Rule 10(a)(1) and ou>er daho Rules a? - ofcm Prooodurem cts d shod also ndude: ol C 1. The tne and number ol ths ls case. 2004, es a s l nstnjmen No r«o )l Qvtl Procedure and shall also ndude: nd H K w B H Q oords.t hetm eandnum bero lth lsc as e. l.th«2. lf_yoor_rospof)se, la an Answer to the oltwlnfa Fads County, daho, The UUe and number ol ths case your responsels an n answer 1 to the Complant 2.K y «Complant t must oohtalr taln admbstons or Default [or for wnch \ your reaponae b an answer lo hs sole s to bo made s 8 falttre (a meckwnplalnt, t must contan admls lsslons or denals of the. t m denlaja p he separate auegattona.,ol al the lopay: 1 must-contan admssons or der denals of the - Complant and other defenoes Com plal and other -sept aesyoom ayclolm.- a)-a ocum umulatod «parate ahegatons of the Complan >lanl. and o - dofdeocy n >paym«f>ls ants o d a e a y o? m a y d S r 3.Your sgnature, malng oddn lefensas you may daln. ddress ond telephone $352,00 0 per p month, for ho month ot May V 2006, 2< 3. Your sgnature, maung r address, at)d 3. V n u m b e r, he sgnature,_ma Your.. a t u r e, maung add malng address and.and-ab}-»ub8«)uent-montha -s and l8 -( X ).-The **phone-number, - or-the-slgnature,-mblbr>g -telec telephone number of your atto tlephono- numbof,- or the-slgnatu nature, mallng Mtomey, - baloncow 9 owng a s ol ths date on the obtlga }(lgatlon oddresa and telephone «1number of your attomey. addr 4. Proof of mallng or dervery < ddress and telephone number ol >1your attorney. a cu red b. response to Plalrttlfrs attome d by sad Deed of Trust ts $22,685 dwvery ot a copy-ot-your 4. Pre l l Proof of maung or delvery of o >mey, aa desgnated p y j8 % ln a oopy of your H H H H above. 6 nterest and (oredoaure costa.. a a n w y. aa desgnated reap ssponse to P f T s altomey. aa sg n aled T o determlrw whether you rtu tho p«y mmo!. v H a r pl.tha 2005 (tm s, whch above. wkh your req u e st contact d the Clar1( of tho o««n9u«m «nt n the amount of *243.09, 9**plU8 determlne whether yco u m u r pay a nnq fee To deterrnn*whether y o u T n u p o v e-n am Court penau yro w t rttdtbstrrocaprnorester- -X ontact.the.dertc-ou ttw -.w Sh- «h-your-response,-oontad - the-0 above rw ned court DATE) N sz8"day ofjun -2» lw»2rtsayef-juno * * DATED ths 30" day of Ml CLERK TTTEFAC M ay DATE CT, NC. kted thla 6 *day o( June, K.Gsscod(.Clerfc K.Qta B y D e p u ty O By:R.Todd Glascock, Ctarc >ddblacs,vlc«prosldenl By Deputy. Maototrate Court ByDeputy. Magstrate Court PUBUSH; June 29, July e. 133 and ar 20, PUBUSH: l:july6,13.20an(2720be J % \0. -PU B U S H :Jurw -20,> J u fy e a n d 3, V m PUB" lb> oh:-june July 6 and l12606 Je»6,200» TteMaWs»s,T>AMm.Matw W J HT «*

20 C 4 T M h T h w d» j> J» >,a o o g m m m j M l s u l d o ku FOUND > Australan LOST L< Whts malo CARP PUB) VSUC NOmce OP MEETWO Shepherd, male., rod Cochor < Spanel, dn- jo e h. WCTON D P u z z le s by t Pappocom wfth orte brown aye namon colored pota. but w tvl tm h. Career 8 nllo - Th«TVrtn Falls Fl Rural R re Protecton Dls 2500 East on oftqle- oront mod. Pay base S s SMk- n ( \. wr hold 1he m«4* quarter meetng for 2006 S S ; lne Rd )234 $ s 4 t Tu««dy.. Jy Ju 11, at AM a t FVe Sta - Found on 2300 E n $11/hour t DOE * r lord workng. T ~ ].. maaon. Drug tnable nd- Rter on 7/ » 1.3 «S «< 0 Workpaco. Call or a full-tmo * _. - - B a d f Q fz - Z Z Z ZZZ...FOUND Border CoHo. J ; PUBLSH: July Jul) 6. Band 11,2006 S J S n n, oonstruc- - much older, south of -auto-body - ; ; sugar fktcnv on 7/3T w StN Q te whko male, Calf knd hearted and a «* n «< S S S S T but not NOm 0 T1CE O F p u e u c HEAfUNO P r v a t e requred. 1 Pay DOE J _ 2 J.easy gong. Lookng p, 7. - r Notc* b herel wretw gven by tho Q ly CouncU for the FOUND dog. sman lor ft sngle woman 48- P a r t y A d s - Call Bron m , C«y trf TVvn wn Fa&, daho, hat a publc hear loarng black male, possble 55, s -who loves lle, o«o.. wtll bo hold eld on Monday, July 24, 2006, a at the Terrler/Lab mx. SW qualty q tmo, & beng H}ulrespre:pay- DARY borf ot 6 }«0«) oclock. P.M., n the Cty Councl of Twn Falls. CaH outdoors. o lentprlortopub- ExDorlone*d «d Hord Chambors. *. k)catod a 305 ThlnJ Avenue, & Eosl M lon. Ma»or M m o o f for Dary,. Jwn Fads. d Waho. to hear a request by: FOUND dogs yoltow o «- edt/debl cards. R es r?n«s e s roquntd, 3 8 PATFEN0ER80N Lob pup & a black DOE. Call. RMUftsts tha the annoxauon wth a zonng deslg accoc e c k sgn Lob mx about 3 yrs. pfpg fco of fl t R*2 PRO. artd R-2 CRO. curre enlly o\a & Qokfen Retlev- q{ Mon-Sat mz» n o d R -22 and R-2 CRO. for approxmaloly 2 GENERAL ly29.5. er pup on nterstate the phone. sumo to k ro a of property pto( locatod south of Federal jrallon between Docto & Bur- Foster Homes Poad. woat»st of < Washngton Sbeo North, t. t and [oy. Mle morker 213. N M d e d 5. 1 DENTAL northoflhev levllla Del Ro Subdvson. Coll M 756. Servlco Alternatves lor TlmoaJowa 9 5 Aaalstant!... h ACy and all ll p porsorts desrng to commenl ll n may daho c s lookng tor full-tme wth rth bonofls. A R appeorandb td be hoard at ho apponted tme. ). FOUND Gorman Shop- full-tme l and respte CLERC Acofnplato > doecrlpflon d«experenced od requred. * + 1 O la on ne wth the T< Twn herd n the southeos therapoutk: t k>vel los- Part-tm< me Focoptlonlat Falls Cty PU; punnng and Zonng Admnlstrolo slor ot orea ot Burley. Vor/ resume: :. ter homos tor chldren tor law wfrmeom-12pm Crty Hal. 321 Second Avenue East frendly, weorng col- wllh w behavoral/ emo- submt nt Resume o X Fasons noodl wdng apodal occommodatlons a at a lor, no logs. Coll 206- llonol lt challenges. Ex- PO O Box 2349 c/o Tlmoa- lea-nowa : publc mmtln etng ar* askod to contact he Cty :ty of or cellenl c. tronng and TVrln 1 Falla F D PO Box Twn F als at at least fh (5) work orkng supportl Remburse- Z o L o MEDlUf # 7 2. days pror to Ghe meetng. menl rate of up to CONST! /f/u n co W V..Ckw. Mayor wth locaton lost ond $1000 % per chld. For Exper erencod Steel DENTAL descrpton to donly.. more» nfo, call Anjo ot Sden tr s and Helpers, Hrng for r a a Dental Fll fl t h e grl( g r d s o t h a t e v e r y ro w, e v/e e r y c o lu m n, a n d FBLSH: Thursday. July 6,2006 Coll 208-S37-S042 or t-e88>268-e «. 02 or lomllla lar wllh Sleel ond A aslatont ?641 t for Burley e v e ry 3 x 3 b ob o x c o n t a n s t h e d g ts 1 th tl r o u g h 9. emal vnyl \ sdng t noeded. Offco. Bll : NOT FOUND mole Chl- <OTCE OF APPUCATON ycwan]le mlnrf- S Monday-Frdoy Spanlsh/En «5 «? s T h a t s a ll th th e e r e s to t. T h e r e s n o rnm a t h n v o lv e d, huohua n the vldntty aprng.con -12pm prelorrod. Co t a s n u m b e r s, b u t n o th n g h a s t o a d d u p to Pljrsuan lo 0 Secton S of Bluo Lakes ond 4 p : M m S S (g) and S6-13( CONSTF. Send re- a n y th n g e lse ls e. Y ou s o l v e t h e p u z z le ) wv lh r e a s o n n g et seq.. daho laho Coda (The Lake Prolecton 1 Act) A rl.ncodfr«.r..um o.covorl lnd mlosof of tl the State Board of Land Comm Tms- FOUND mxed brood noodod ap.olosson o n. r,. r a n d l o g c. F lfr n d tlp a n s w e r s f o r to d a y s p u z z l e o n alooors. r>btlc«otlco s hereby gven that Tho dol doho dog. smoll. Found n, ««. o, o o. o n o o, Deportnen FHS,J Attn:. p a g e C t ol Lands s seekng wrltt< rrltton Goodn f-makjrlght KARAOKE W«pommoft on the atatewldo Jont applcatton Can Ml tor coffee cotorod. who CONTEST: CC July M Eaatlan oncroochmeft lent from the klaho O artm ent nt ol pows & lummy, black 6pm, 6 g bon tourn- ~ Hand Dr. 2-0 U n d s and 1 h«he kfaho Department of Agrculu ulluro tps on eors, swoetl mem n stortng ol Twn Falla.. C D V? for strategc lc placement p of boront barrers for ortho l or pm. P Moon Bor, n, 3E. E m p lo y m enn t E m p to y m w t wtro: and <J pradfcaton o of Eurasan Mlfol,. Man Sl. Fler BD Ul Y T noxous wood eed. n all bods of navlgabkt wolo oors FOUND PH Bull north L DRVER CHLD CARE CONSTRUCTON c KKhn tto Stall Stale ol daho. of Rupert. 2-3 yoor old no* w.. SsE e l l T 2.3 rnvu n Feeaol NW ol Poul >oul s Begnnngs ChlkJ Experknced 0 Concrete/ Whtton objoctk lalons lo or requesu /or hearng ng-tn fomolo. Coll to den- o o l Conlor seekng < (hts mattof r must m be. on fle wth the dal doho >y or ProQnency woek. Sond no resumo rs to polent octlvo onorgel- Wage w $12-$2Smr DOE Department t T -..-A or brng n lo of Lands Drectors Offco. 954 Wo West»3»-<029- Attematves Al oodlo cporson Urlorson. Bose. Bob TMES D r.r oberta. & HaD O" faxrooum oto. daho wthn thrty (3 (30) FOUND Pl Bull, brndfo = = A 256 Martn r V commodtes. Coll ll or f DRVERS S EOE gays after ho he frst appearance of hs nolle Bllco. fomolo, vory rendly, PREGNANCY CRSS NEWS Twn Falla,,OM D 301 OPP (2) Long Haul Drtvera D fomatlon regardng ths appllcallc ollon no colfqr or tans. Froe Tests. Always DRVEFS of wltn 2 years OTR exbo obtar Jtaned from the Bureau of Surfae rtoco Found N. ot Ruport. Contldenllol CLA! ASSFED DRVER Local. Drvers N d l {DRVER poronco wth a vald Mneral ll Resources, R( Oopartmen of Unds. «Js, Call Twn 7 Falls area Mlk, Wonted Long Haul CDL. Mnmum ago /awlchael. Murphy. J. Mu Bureau Chef VW L L ts ;? po.; Renderng p Compony. mot on Drtver lor doho 0 to to 23. Jerome basod Co. FOUND rngs n Shop- Straght e Tnck & Sem. W BLSHJulyt 6 and 13,2006 ko parkng lol on May.L E V E R Y y ;, Calllornlo. out 3-4 Plooso call Jm or C? lossa orbcd L rvera joys. Freght wll n bo Robn Coll 10 denltjf, M E c n torourvans ond,,oon foods ond Pod Voc4 Holdays nd Mon-Fr 8am-4pm. N O nc E O)F F C C U roelos, Stort HEARNG ON NAME CHANGE Bankruptcy Chapter 7 lortlngpoy losh produce. CompanyPok) -f : Case No. CV FOUND Tools on Hwy c s 35c a mll Guaronlood lowest mmo wth Poy,0,0,32 por mle. nllo. DRVERS. FRolromont J eos of Kmberly. Coll n, bonolls & 40 prce for attorney top- p Coll s u n or Soon Medcal & Dental K PotWo to change cht the name ol Ooonno Joyc rosenlolon. We are a JUYT! heolh nsuron * * T O P G U N nsuranco ll $45/mo > Metcalf, born 3rn n Twn Falls. Jctanc E s OOdoys.Ploo! TRuc«0«v»«KA0C»rr debt rollef agency. C e ndudos l DopendontS > <v reswng a( 351 em-st N.: #3, Twn Folls?fto. t»on mod n 7 LOST Bosg Hound. Froo ConsuNatlon ELLT Claaa A" COL $ Safely nconllves \ TWn Fals County Dstrct Cour t»lwoen 9om-3 T-3pm osk. Th# yoa> our b >>- nstructon.< fdaho. The nar «-Lucy Boob- 3 yors Cal SahrPlusO vertnte name wd chango to Deanna Joyo tor Tlm or r Dove,. CUs»l«<s Metcalf, becau Old. tl-colorod, brown. «, _ 1-60l> cause of error.on blnn certfcate Therapeutc Touch e petlllonor - - block & whte; Recen. - Vj ler foher hos ded and th«nomo: M assage Therapy \ and addresses SOS of hs do&est blood relavos an ly gone through hp *4 S4smr lor Swedsh. Bart)ara Walkn Bdns, 353 Bm St. N. *1. Twn Fols surgofv, vory dslln- see, SSS/hr lor Knesology h o petlbonofs lers.moher has ded ond the nome: gushng scoron hnd Calt , hnd oddrossos M>8 Of her closest bk»d rolatlvos " * art quonors w/shovod Marvn HaUey. ley. Callfomo. A hearng on th< hotr. Real frendly. No k0 m «tdon s schc collor. k>st by Cty schedutod for 9:00 o c AM ot August r «Pork. Reward) Plooso at the County Courthouse Kealth& D lctons may Toy be fled by ony porson who car call Wellness Show tho court lurt a good reason aganst tho nomc mo LOST cat. brown J o b - = change. by lomalo. spayod. f you have a Co: lost on Blue U kos broathlng hrot problem & By Deputy Clerk ark.blvd S. Pnk collnr,. need no rosh olr. may ndoorcol S hovo ht ho soluton. PUBLSH: July V 6. 13, 20 and Bom Bouor Lvng Products k LOST Cocker sponol, : mole, golden brown. : NOTCE OF TRUSTEES SALE short har. Answers lo WA Off October the hour ol 2:00 oclock PM of sad tfo) Erne. Wearng blue P doy, at Frst Amercon Tlllo, 260 E m p lo y m e n t fw collar. Reword. Coll Thrd Avenue le North. Twn Fols. doho. JUST ? = La w. n c.. os Successor Tnjstee. wll sell al tuble auctlorf n 10 lo ho hghest bddor. for cosh. n LOST Englsh Ponlor; Al A llad w sfn g j k lawful money ofl tho Unted Stotos. ol poyoblo, at Qt purebred, lomolo. no s subjoct 10 tho he tme of sale, tho followng descrbed real onl collar, lver ond whle, j newspapers 1 property. stualo joled n ho County of Tvrn Fols. lls osl seen n Hghlown [ Elate of daho ond descrbed as follows o wl: ; and Hankns.area. 1 standardol Q > Lbt 12. Block t 5. 6, PACE ADOmON. Twn Falla,11. Freworks scored hor. * County, daho, accordng to th e offcal plat,,n, Reward j 77o TtmoSNows thereof recordo rdod n Book 11 of Plata, Peoo rosorvos tho rght to 68, r «;o r d osf fp 9* LOST lovobrd, groon. Twn FaHa Couny, daho, odt. abbrovato Tpe Trustee has u n......onsw ora.-lo -JBoby*.- l. noknowloduo of a moro portculax dosolptlon n < noar Acequla bn doelno " f or property m ot ho above retoronced rool roporty, but for 0 6/15/06. Reward l 1 J classfy * any ad. purposes of complance wth Secton doho.codo. the Trustee has lound Rocopt o! copy va poen nformed, 1 or2o romoto ontry (tax. od he oddrosq ol 451 Troner prve. Twn Fall Falla. D, s somotlmos assoclaled o-mah. otc.) doos \ LOST Malamuto. Lost ; nl wltn the sold real property. not consfrfufe Unat on G Street n - Ths Trustees Sa Solo s subjocl to a bankruptcy accoptanco by ths cy Jerome. S200 Jlng. Q payoff, nowspapor. Tho g B 3ff. a ronsotemenl or ony othor or REWARD ga tondnons of whch whc advertsor. not tho ho Tnjstoo s not owaro hot would couse > he concalloton ol hs solo. LOST rod Gome Boy newspaper funner, f ony ol heso condtons exst, hs solo j,o Advonced SP w/yu- 1 fljsomos lull may be null and vod, the successful bdders r-s gl-oh game. July 4" ot rosponsbuty tor \ tnds shall bo rohjmed, roll ond tho Trusloo and tho KMVT lawn. Col he frutf/o/conwn. Bonefldory shall tal nol be labk> lo ho succotslul,u,. Austn C 0/ thor advonsor bdder for ony damages. dar mossago. S d solo wll be LOST Schpperto dog...., made wthout covonon or small, black. 20 b. warranty rogardln rdlng ttle, possessons or encumt n c e s to satsfy tlsfy the obllgalon secured by ond JV over weght, female, Askng j onswors lo boby. On OQu ueatlon* * pursuant to tho 10 p power.of solo conferred n tho 7/t/OO near Nozorone Cc Conduct publc Pood of Tmst exe exoculod by Paul W. Ortogel and Church ond CS, Cdn opnon opt: polls ovor u r s Marca S. Orto{ Ttegol, Hutbor>d and Wle, as Crantor(s) wllh h Peoples F 3 2O O98or2O8- he telephone. Choce Home Loon, nc., a Wyomng Corporaton C REWARD fa bsoluely. os the Benoncaty, NO SALEStll under the Deed e d ot Trust recorded Januory 3. LOST shovng bog. sfr! f003. os nstrum Slrk:ly research, m ment No n he 10 smoll. block, contan- $700 ocords of Twn n F 7.00 to $9.00/hour Fans County, daho. Tho Benot st e- ng sdssors. trmmors r (d al nterest of Casual work S U P S ] r N D sad Deed ot Tnjst w as subso- 0- nnd razors. Vdcly of or quenlly assgned onvronmonl. rtod to Wells Fargo Ban)<. N.A., k., Honson & 2 Ave E. Flexble f«> ovenng. Successor by merger to Wells Forgo Bonk Mnos t n- on 6/28. StOO Ro- aav nesola. N.A.. joy. and w<nd h rs.. m. trustee, n trust for ho Holden ra word. 2O0-3O ]S hours/week. v f ssot nvestment Loan Trust Mort- ) Pass Throu rough Certlcotos. Seres t LOST Shh Tzu Black Greol, port-tlmo. recorded H June J as nslrumonl and gray b y lob or second job >65. n tho records ol sou County., Shoshone Fols. Con ose to CS campus ABOVE GRANTORS QR> ARE NAMED TO orm 3r more nformaon COMPLY WTH :all TH SECTON {4)(o). a ). LOST Terrer, male. «a f f K e! s e a m j, s? t)aho CODE, E. NO REPRESENTATON S S black, gray & whle, MAOe THAT Jt THEY ARE. OR ARE NOT. r. wearng collor wllh ro- - Pr e s e n t l y r RESPONSBLE. FOR THSS bk» & Kmberly log. CASK lsker - OBUaATON. Mssng on 6/29. Coll Frondly outgong t(o defauk for whk whch ths solo s.to be mode s or lnd\ G akrage S a pe fabun to pay VLE he omoun due undor the e for a agreat customer certan Promlssor soty Note ond Deed of Tmst. n n LOST, Welsh Corg 5,enrf lenrce experence. fhe amounts callc called for thereunder as foltows: j: mo. old, red/whlto Wo ore a 24 hour Monthly paymentf onts n tho amount ot Sl weorng pnk collar, buslnesato S p e c a l - tor ho months of f January through and n-. looks lke a small lox. requres a flexble - eludmg to ttm dal date of sale, togolher vrtth late 0 Nome s Bryn, Burey schedule. sc Prvate p Fost! party and consecut tve chagot and mon Ttonlhly paymenu occrung. The 0 orea. Parke, South ot noc«loce and multtask sum-owlnb on tfx the obtgatlon»oeured tjy-sald g... 27M_. Call 2O g ablty.. days onl) prefortod. ny. Ad deadlne s 2:00 p m - O oeooft nm tas $161, a s prncpal, plus s 2824 or enetlts f,a pkg. aval, ; servce, cfw rprt. k. anomeys fees, costs of ths W ednesc forocloof*.- tfty ny and an funds expended by ; LOST Wesl Hlghtond Caahlers SSThr. sday to run Thursda; ay,. Boncrfldaty to prob protect her socurfty nterest, and 3 Terrer, whte, 13 lbs., Malntononco/ Frday and ar Saturday. - morot ocnlng. ng at the rote ol % from _ answers lo Maggte. t" JanltorlaJ " $6/hr.DocemtMT , together wtth dolnquen on 6«on M co Fun & pan-umo laxo pktt penarut afos and nterest lo tho date ot St. just W. of CS. losltonsavallabe...»ajo._.... " MOO Row«rd._Call kpply n poraon The Btnvfldary 0l0( ooct to sol or cause tho trust, Flyng J Travol e x t. 2 PUza propcy o bo sold lold to aatsty sad owgatton. F f A X Y6U fe 6380Hwy.93 63«., D jm d tftt d a yly oor Juno, Jorom o C L A S S F E D _ ooro o llfo T t O ft lm rfo rju JuatLaw.bK. A D n eonew ntno M a M o plom * C ssfeds a ct J u a < L, lr>e. at T M E S - N E W S MWWjUrt ] C L A S S F E D f - l b l t e a ; T o a f tw M -l-ao a o M S M lo e, ThOTk Y ou. D E P A R T M E N T P ( «J 8 H ;J u n e 29,.J July and 20,2006, Far! 55SSS* rf.eld Street W e t» TWn Falls V...lH

21 k mmm g l l 9wmm T todn;jo> M ye.200e ThM»NeM.1WBMa,l la,ldate M 1 CpNSTRUCnON ; OmVERS CONS m.f u m e ts needed, NSTRUCnON QENERAL DELVERY MSCELLANEOUS CONS NSTRUCnCN FARM P«yOOE.BwM lbt Drve Wante< nted TS* Setter. nterstate Feec Beverefle DelhN hvrv MEDCAL! 1 CU wanted. CDL tpertenoed n t l hrng lor Per PenRM er. P tn o n. must h Brdgevlew Estates Experenced * Preeser, PFratT*ere f " wanted. Wanted exp requred. Pay OOE, Phta«taes ol tle eettng. Full benefts. (Jart-tme, Apply n Wag Adages $12-SaAr. L oederq fts. 401k. CDL AppV 9<9pm fn Aasbted Uvng, F u B b e n e f lta.j a t ll 20e-rM -e224 nsurance. Oru( person a 872 Far- C Cad Can 20»-a S T t w lere eatjandd)r. CNA. CtM«A&BCOL W ho Corwrate C a anddrtverao Full-tme nght shft dftvewneeded.-. la M A d d leo n A v e... 22!S NEWAL rw lfo dpfk.mawaoer 1 :CHNCANS WAREHOtJS 51 Frl-Sot-Sun... ; W.*rvnnFaH*,D B P ymant Full-tme Asatat PROFESSONAL Agrcu rcuttut»/constn«- w a r e r w u llyery atant 8XX>pm-6:30am. f P y O O E T Dnjg Fraevtfcplaoe H H» -a» 1. Manepef for ra Program Drector lor Uon. «xp.f.n<«a. J, - -llrrw. < ; plww EEOW >M/F hardware store. PSWManat Hsam Tech Cab 86e-7t02. Lo coted n Paul. 10. Cnnc. Master Level ed S S. o Furnture ;Mon-Ffl. OanXpm, q DRVERS - Awvallabatyfor j o E N E R Customer senrfcs» &,. - wth lcense. Excellent aq.fl,,h. M»p. Fuj n A v e E Reed Bmtljora needs O eya y and sw na Shrt. re ta l-sa le s expt,per. MEDCAL job. nce people, good bene eneflts. health. Falls *, lofuvers. experenced Track Poem f ons. ence preferred. Call! salary. Coll Paul <>enu enuu. vson,- lfe, m m m m Drvers for local and. N0 osales nvolved. f S r a l k o r 4: jwok. llt Must relocate PUBUC SERVCB n o w h r n g refltonal.col Sut\ Survey Reeaarch L U l D m m Salary DOE ) Cakwell area.,. MESBA r.. - A ; RESTAURANT Send SAGE resume to. requred. Excellent ; O r v e r a l Calls Onlyl js S M g tcs C = 1 T V F A L L S benentpockaoe& Baa< USSXto n /no Plscurrentty Servk ervlce Techncan, fer m e d c a l ClaMACDLtankafs. Jase Pay Up To S a S S Car» C anttr 401k. Salary DOE- $7 jpoftq Mekrxj Cooks and POO B cxt106.c ald-. Empteyr >ynwnl ; loct mk haut Rase after oaolcatons ons for: Dshwashers, wed. od nformaton sn s free. BwwttoofforKJ. «t 30 clays. X» m T. S Truck/ r l e L Full-tlmo or>d port- doys & nghts. = =, Remember. ruuon RalmburM- ShlrtgleStod tme CNAa t Blue LkeeShrd T : or can T T T T T T canproms lse a Ttylor - ent - for fuu part- O a a s A fs a r TW N y F A L L X S. Comploto bonoft t>. For ree TrucMng nc. D DRVERS meemptoyees. preferre package avaloblo RESTAURAHT J \ S S F E D S xlblo Schedul- FranMln Bulh ; 2o a ts - M, R oute Drver/Dock. l * BuUdng ndudng PTO & 401k on about g You Pck th4 Supply offers m o groat Marketmg Drector» r / Apply mmodlotoly pays to road the federol jobs. fc : 20»-54M 044or. W orker. Class A )ays You Wont to wage & bor, beneft Nuree Lason n 874 Eaadand Dr. lno pdnll Call Cor Career ; a o M n p x.. COL Must be flexble package. age. T hekjeal canddal date Twn Falls, kj The Tmes-News Amerk rk» on shfts, startng.vs* wage *12.06 p S " hfl Stort nm ea Please see 100 Grody wll have a stron ona Fax to place your od Connect ctfon. DRVERS hour. Pck op on, Onede wth 515 West st MMan marketng bad a rt appltoatlooat:. chool Schedules Jenptne. M.daho ground wth oxco ceel- We aro Drug Free Now hrng A A A A A A A -. J 0 S X. daho Cortmetr:e leneflts avalable... lent dlnlcol an and Etptoyw ZO&WfN ALL POSTONS r -! assessm ent skld klds. M r t a E. l a t t S Labor Pu". un. postve work QENERAL Addson Locaton. SALE: LES Must hovo o curre rent MEDCAL 2392 Addson Ave E 771 Colleae Dr. onvfr nvronment N O W HR N G : LPN/RN lcense wt A Ad dvertsng Sales Represents ta tlv e : N o w h r n g Twn Falls, Maho Rels teferral bonus ro o D wth MR TechnologlsL 3D the State ol ldah< T h»ho. ARHT roglslored or a e ett m es-n ew s s lookng for a n enthus- < ; D rv e r s avall ollablo. PROCESSl SSNQ Wo are Ue Provo RESTAURANT astc won regstry elgble, lor Stc, self-m otvated a n d goa oal-drven DRVERS Pleas sase apply al our All shlfls. Shlfl Shfts ore leaders n Patlot tont part-tmo wort n a Warned Cook. nhjv dvdual lo jon our adversn Late Modl Trucks Wonted for weekly NEV JEW LOCATON 6 hours days, lys, swng Outcome, njuranco ond boneftts., ~ ng sa les modem outpatent.a(8tfjn».qoad4. * dedkuted refrgerated ocr across from tho & grave avallablo. Wo lake prde n 01 ThoOoss lam. Ths ndvdual wll develop p a1 n d sol our magng contr>r. Day Curuntldes runstocalromla. CScampus at S7.7S/hr, Pk Please successes. Qro( 1007 Blue Lokos. adve Jvenslng cam pagns to exstng dlentb real Ume hours and no r ; &FlaO>eda. We offer: S40 1 Meedowe M< Drve. opplylnpe person bonofls. educaton Drug Freo Workplace a nd potental advertsers, senrce ons call. Call Denns _ c e adver- Sute 1. SOS STAFF! AFFNG relmbursemont. Sw aer a t s. >er accounts, wrte a d cop opy and poglonal & Natloml Company pad Twn T Falla. flea Blue Lakes N nursng schola )lar m-epare L sales presentatons..portons avatablo retrement Or callu s at TWnFall Falls shps. LPN. RN. c Auto Sales Poston. to Of MEDCAL Pad vacatten [20e) Ahora necesj cesnamos BSN. student too Now 4 usod car solos,,, Part-tlmo A aaletant to Qreat Pay ncentlvoa Late { model pofsonos par, nsuronce, pok)vaca- n e 9 8successful applcant shoukl p p o sse ss para vor- payback progron f"- Physcan wll troln. Bonofts «oqulpmont OENER ERAL n *0 401k. Don. prolt shorng. excel (ceont verbal a n d w rtten communca* r (Not a dorcal posh. Trabajos. 6 Apply n person: lon Home on overage *CNAa 8 horas. - l y mmodlptoly jn sklls, effectve lm e mana 1 agem ent 7 uon) Send resume to Must hovo a 2, Hayded(a,n< a, noche y 874 EaaUand Dr. Canyon 1 Motors. nc., and d 1organzatonal sklls. T h e ablty al 2-3 days a week Labors P.O. Box 413 Twn Ooss A COL & Twn Falla, kl u-task and wor< wth deadlm Apply at Experh 2yoaraaxpertonce >ertencod Framers $7,75 al horo. Ol Falls, D or lnes n a >ra. S es Fax 1VdFaBl.*D,asJ!p Denns Clark nc..kousal «fox to St-paced envronm ent a re es&entlal. e s jsekoopers tas nleros erosodo/a Truck RL & Brch SL oru a Des experence or a bach e lo rs d e g re e ConftK to a L A Dffvers porfavor W»»r»DnFt««- s preferred. M ust p o s s e s s a vald (» 6 ) M - _ reo Vonga a nuestr estro ofk> Emptoyx EOEAAf drvers r e p o r t e r lcense a e, relable transportaton an and good,(b00}44m 6M EDUCATON e o Weldor = T h e G oodng (bounty t o j n g. The T J " S b s STAFF /LL< eader has a drmm vng rocord. CasUoford.tolnt Cooks m ed c a l er>3 Blue Lak ful-lme open )enng (or a School Dstrct la Malnte C o _ grow wtr ntenanco Twn Fell Report! o rter W e otl offer an excellent benefts package advortblng for School.fu c h EquttOprtunllv J Charge! _ = whch nch ncludes m edcal, dental. Counaetor poston ll. vson, kkeeper HAR STYLST M ust h av e prevous oun Dumasm experence, lfe forthe2c0e-2007 ) nsurance, nj 401 (k) retrem ent,, employ- e Operator Current Oponr.school year. b e a se ro u s sel-su sarer, and enjoy e e stock p u rch ase plan, pad h o B d a [ drv e r s TWs poston can be full v rtonnel Plus S ty lst workng wlh h he t publc.. a nd d vacaton. or part-tme. Prefer-. 11 Fler Ave, PT/FT n busy s To leaf am m ore about th e Tmes-Ne once wll So gvon lo T< Hourly woge $7.! w Jew s and. E x le n t benellt jewpackage. ts pap a re n t com pany; c h ec k o u t our webapplcants wth do Overland * o» o 8 Wo oro expandng PayD O e a t w w w.m ag lc v alley.c Ulled knowodgo of 6 M 0 Commssons :om o o r our toom. SAT tostfng and Pow- «ww.p* Vacatton tk>n Duotoncroosng WWW. vw.leenet Now hrng fo re * or School mansgo Modlcalrt)onta ontal Send resurr ;umes lo : c l e n t e l e tulj-ume mont " software. For an QENER _ Pkms Now hrng. N orm a DeVoe, De To ) apply, p le ase se n d a c o v er let etter and old w aste applcatons pkaso - Corr ommunlcare lld o y s CNA-S, a NAS 133 E a s t M an, Jero erom e, D resun* sum e to; - contact eolleclor. for all shfts. o r em al to norma( na@ m vtro.com T h e T lm e8-n ew e, A ttn ; Must bo able to lft 75 Olatlct Clerk. Now aec Como fll out h lbs. ropoalpdty. Brenda Thomson at Uons lo H u m a n R e s o u r c e s, B o x 548. Class A or B COL , homos. M0 E lla S D r A pplcatons c an b e plclt c k c d.u p a llh e above. T w n F a lls, D requred. Benents _ Caalteford Jont benofts 1 a l b e r Twn Falls, EOE 3E a d d re ss o r a t 438 dal d shosl jg oodlng 01 o r em al m ary.karren lee.ntn e t nclude medcal, School Dstrct #417 Call dontal & vson nsurance+401 (k) CaaUeford,DS3321. or got otupplcatk>nat u n l o 900 Man SL 20S- lental OT-3SM572 S S flew n plan. Apply a t, br«m«ono(ml2.l(l3.ld.us 111S 18 N. Uncoln. MANAGEMENT rome. Oam-flpm Manger posluon lon n TF. EDUCATON The warehouse, s startng Valley School Ds- GENERA «AL woge $11.14/hr. TWtoFana. Bontrct «202 n Hazolton, nterstat jlotofoodtotnow efts avalable, Apply - daho d haa the follow- hlrtn( Wng for Doctor n person wt wth DRVERS ng H! vacances for the Crew. >w. Full 1 benefts, - sumo: 3778TO North OTR drlvors lor school 401k. t nsurance. r Drug 3386 East. Kn Kmbery. Wostom and uppor year, screer reen and drvers D 83341, daho M ldwaslnnt Elententsry *E Teacher Ucense so requred 1 pror Youth Ranch 01 Olstrbu- Homo every Pert-Ume loon ) employmen. ton Contor. Also..... daya.zyoorsotr Aaalatant -A Foott>all MS ovolablo As Assstant oxporonco, tankor Coach c«eeom/f manoger poslto ston, ondoraement An appucaoon may be 1 requred. requested re( by. contact* NEWS! VSPAPER Food grade ng ln( the Dstrct Offce products. Earn up aat t 208-e2» TTT he C a sp e r Star-Trbune h a s a to,38epm(doe) Applleattons wll full-tme openng for an w/monthly Saloty & ao Portormance po td e A dvertsng S a le s Cbnsulta Jtant bonuses. Ot ulck.«r..p a.n. >u a re an energetc self starter, h have For dela:8 call ad )d oral a n d wrtten communca ncaton S S s,. aro well organzed a n d can rr man* daho Mlk FEEDLOT 808 ) rr multple prlohlles, ths job wll rll c Offer T ra n p o rt, nc. FoodlotN F * W ofpoulhas youcl challenge w d success. an openng lor lull- zume feed lot helper. Salary s b a se-p ay plus co m m sson.l e e m c o h M DRVERS Dutes ncluded help Enterp erprlses offers excellent bonent bor to l OTR, nood Q asa A ", wth feedng cloonng proora o u r c u sto m e rs. A re y o u ava lable b e tw e e n 3 a n d 6 a.m gram s ncludng medcaj, dental a..,.,» n d. seven days a week? CDL wth good MVR, of pen. repar fences on plans, flexble spendng a and. S" >ee h o w m u c h e x tra ncom e t you yt could m a k e n J u s t a few W \ ho u rs each w eek. and Ught mochanteal rement plan. bonolttaftx)nuses.. work. Call lor appont- B77-6a8-<113 m<t.20<m31-knt - subm ll nt your resum e, cover letter.r 1 d b o YOU referer trences, together wth your sal U LVE N EA RANYOFTHES SE LOCATONS S? MEOCAL ectatlons by J u ly 1 5, to: HAVE YOU SEEN N C OUR NEW H um an R e eo u rc ea r lasc TSAN EASY WAY TO T PCK UP El. ALZHQMERSCARE VRECENTER7 EXTRA CASH.. e e C a sp e r S tar-t rlbune f you wqukj enjoy worwng Jng n a settng that PO Box 80 <7oster9 ndm aual acl achevem ent for M otor Route C a sp e r V/Y * W hbperk gpkeor. j MV Rncl SuMlvlson on [00-500Buchansn em ployoes a s well a s & f ts s T resdents, p le a se SGNONBONUS CarraBt lane Way Coltonwood Dr.. Asen endr. C 100-5C0 Uncolon.St. apply n person at Sunb unbrdge C are and Prom Cedar Par Rehabltaton for Twn - too-500 Psrcs SL Falls. Full-tm e C e r tf ee d N u rs n g NEWS tffpa PP P _ Ltwnfal (LLS twn FAL [lls [twn FAL S twn FAL sj A s s s t a n t p o sto n a v s a la b le for th e CRCU CULATON rght person evenl m ln g sh ft. The rte T lm es-n ew s h a s open n g s for r s Fremont MtDr. * Alturat V Dr Evefreen " " " r - -Z O H FllrA n.w.. TWo D atrtct Sa le e M anagera Lynwood BB M. T eton St-T elonc t. 120O-1600HoJyOr.».3 0 M M B n tl» n S u n B r d g e lur growng Crculaton D eportmn en n t SGN-ONBONt NUS Doran H. HGH PflpFTT ROUT H e a l t h c aj r e O n ed Dstrct s located n Twn Falls a twn FAL fo rt W n F* alla h th e o th e r b n tho Burey a re a. LLs twn fal LLS TWNFAL jjls TWNFAL.LS...& 40R to ra vra e VW eat j... Vvln F a llt. DS: Thlsls s s a n excellent opportunty for,f aa n * Btabetl ettbm Adams BltlerbmslC upr a A ld e w n l* Am e n erae rgetc a n d am btous p ro fe ssona n a l: to 2M thAvB. n.e, Jefllru n n Palntbnnt null Dr..2 tw o c.rta o.l. brng g ther t sklls and d ea s to a grown, ln g OetunO Dr Madsonn T h )tla rd r. -24X 2K )0hlllno(llta to, 5 =! = ore organzaton. T h ese entry-level TWN FAL Q RA PHCO ESQ N En 1 ma LSl twn fal LLS TWNFALL m a n ag e m en t posklons nclude LLS twn FALL L S J The TlntMNews s loc kwkng for an respon X)nslbltles n m anagng youth a n ndvdual wth com puter e r q graphk: desgn adu t« mave ve.e. * Caswell Ave dult carrers, sa le s prom ottons, * " -21l»2!m*«aV W «Dr * Ave. H. experence a n d sklls s tc to work n our Addun on Ave.E H (hlncy St. 3lect(ons and custom er servce. -go O -H nm llbrkk nd Avs.W. V. T w n F a lls offl fn ce. e- 1B0O-1900Sprnflt jl n " Monroe St.- s< - M t a o o T S S c C. l, - - 3nl,4th.5thAvfl.N.aw W. T he successful candukate wll desgn _ advertsem enta on tght ht deadlnes, c and su c ce ssfu l candkjates m u st have a TWN FAL LLS twn FAL t-t-sm TWN FALL LLS TWN FALL! g enerate a d kjeas a nd c cam pagns wth valu d drvers d lcense a n d g ood drfvnc vng LsJ. th e sa le s team. The applcant m ust rc reconj atong vyth goo d tm e p o sse ss th e ablty to mantan m qualty rn *30& «00Sun(tsa Bh BM.H. - * Walnut S.N.- < Center St. E WrnnlngSL m an ag e m en t sklls. M ust be control of a d producton from start to H a y tuham.e. n / * Elm SLN Montana S t ependable and be able to wor1< fnsh. S eob C L & E rea Wllmors -SOMOOJamonS. Qualfed applcants wll n have a n A ssosssws;. alternatng weekends. f SJQN ON BONUS... d a le D egree n Compu tons, Com puter Graph TWNFAL L151 twn fal tlls KMBERL\ LVy GOODNG ]_, s Tlm es-n ew s offers a n excellent e n t Arts o r th e equvalent t n experence. t>en eflts p a ck a g e w hch ncludes * ] Mln lt Ave.E r! MOTOR R O U n Experence wth Macnto ntosh com puters medlca leal, dental, vson, lfe nsurance S h n lo n B lo w n Rr T ]. usng Adobe ndesgn )n 9. llustrato 401(1 R lnbow Cr.Bn)okj k l th Avs, a.e. E 3Htxas* 80 mles >1(k) retrem ents em ployee sto c k. - and Photoshop,stron s m - s m m r 4 w m t 4 a a - * desgn sklls are es: Lrchase p tw, pakl holdays and BlHL JEROME g E v B y 4 w e g k st Ths s a full-tme, pemtanent ar posttjon. acatton. C hock ou t o u r w ebste a t. E JEROME lk,h e a lth nsurance,»,p aw v acaflo n and com peth h«pay m w ths a great place to work «. To epp ppty, p te e e e a e n d c o v e r ettw rtsr Call now fo or mom nformatlo an about routes avallablb n nyouratat eal Serkus canddates send n d resum e to: n d r e e u m e t o : A ttn: K en t 8 dch n m d t flm.t m ee-n ew a T h e T lm e e N t P O B O X 548 M8 A ttn :T rla h a H ltc h e { l T w n FaO s, n> > PO B O X B 48 o r e -m al re s u m e a n d o0 o9 v e r le tte r to : 1TVvtn FeOa, d ah o B3303 ; & nan: B ; ; t

22 BMa l C 4 H n l l. T B JW B ;Sl o s s l 2 3 M M T r ~ [ T r ~ nt r - n r. -WELXMQ H O HEM SPecnO N S TW )ps., rww FALLS 3 b«t- TWN FAU Fafarc«(on«M l slrK *t9«. ftxxn. rec 2 b «h duplex, (. brtefc, tttz 1 y B L 4 5 n t h e ar W M w m.e«p«1«nc«bw Bakf uly u fencwl $169,000 borm, 2 baths, 1 0 W o u nd rx E=laE= -. pra(«t»d. Top. JEROME 3 badfooffl. 1 nc*. 20&-73MS28 *177, cm dy n o u o r rng * W * o Som*»«w#l Drve. H batn. o>no*- P = CU " w w f a D 20.» s - 4 s s ;, * 2 o 2? C 4 5» 4 :S nm tm M L HWY24 vaual4b(] 1 5 W a s te e condut 1 _ 20e e7 - R 9 «t daho Or call q.n q ; tl. yoar ana t 6 S O U nd qualty _ h a q» Z - B o g ejyman » y * -. J sq. ft on an Laann O r.c a 206- S. C h p ddp P » extra lofbo lot wown. TWJN FAXS bom :, S: 1 9 c o a s Now nsldo arxl OOL, n-03. Beautful = t t e l e a j w n p a >;o ppo m «h m t $107, » q,n.5 b T a g g e =. C all20»98t-0572 roorh. [ 3 h bam s. r 2 2 : o n e g gym : shoe 33 C M rlnq butlam S Bonno 2 4 F a t e d _ wflh sdd O«nt bas«- donual Homos o r Ar*tnr G(«o! r * neomo. Cal <26 /W O r.. 42 ford«tbd «3. f n Roek CfOO* TWN FALLS H s W aters rston ; Pont SoOtfAWon Opw Houm Haa. llh o r BfOOkl Wets «> PUBUC SERVCE n *430,000. nson Sl MESSAGE JW OM E & w d w «r Cl S l, satunjay 2 9 C o n l e r Call Joly 1 «> end - B H PP &g pro<ts usual/ homo n Joromo Es J Gorgeous 32W alkn n g taos sub sq f». moon b>o ftjks. 3 bdrm. 2 bom, g, rv- WN FALLS, B t n Pfosdent street s Cus- 3 6 B e as th M s. - Bofofo you do ng ond don. Lg. back cdrm,. 3 bam, tom.wortt rk 0/ orm updates 3 8 C ro Bt or ( Serb busness w m a yard, spnnklors & sod sq.ft.. fully» ««Ohout. company. ctwdt n n front yard. LocoJfd foncod, outo -spnn. >y omodo. 3 9 s u b l e5ase a out wth ma Bonof nox 10 futuo park. klors. Cu-oo-sac landmop-hj p n g P e r c h6d d u p o n Busness Bureau. ready to movo (n July localon «wth hugo Astur>g onty back yord fhs-222 > o b. 4 2 R o s e E Bowl w For froo nformoeon S LooAnn Drtvo,. 30B n! - P a r a d eje.cty ot»utavo>dng Evotgroon Sl. Call Call206-3& WENDELL X 3 bedroom. 4 4 D e e p )., lustrous : Er: nvoslmont seam!, w bam..am b la c K f f l wno to mo Fodoral JEROME homo ond H B K S a Z a j S l Possble ro< Trade Commsson. No smokng S O ne Nl 7/5A)6 N C O aaeago, $325,000. p Wosnroton, D.C. Call for more nfo Eaal AA v*no«a. 46 ssuedd an edct T u e or call mo V. msg *. Call206-! 49 Buddyy 8 _ up (adm t) p e r u Natcnol Fraud uesday B Puzzle S olved la lh TWN FALLS Bult Money ly m ade 9 S end nformaton Contor [ k m b e r l y T l-bq0-e room, 2 both, n «2005,1.546 sq. f n m / R a r C E A a n c h u / s s Pospo oned 10 Vapor ft., 4 bdrm. 2 bam. J foncod on t aero. 22". car gorago N«0 UM llam u 59 O cean n extract - 11 Bottle 5 M J_ stopper. r p r r P Kmborty School upgrades. land- Ostf<t. 5139,900. ; = r T r : : oecars >rq 12 Q ueen EBoleyn P E R scapod. stanless ELKO hvmlrowt Call Stool jt( appharxsos, of mjm S o n,. M nmjently e 13 Plsner c p p p o j. 00 ood foploc hghts. hts. Under-.61 K n d odf f book or porter r E S D R A C O PAUL 660 Crocus. Just Parkwood Dr, ground outomac r e le f fnshed, rood/ for occupancy. Now, 3 bod- wm Mrnt.. 2 bat bam*home, S t e a d 2 3 C om pasa s s R A N spnnwor s 21 temze e H A W E D? A W NVESTMENT : C O R P room, 2 both. 2 car. Call C* douolo car R E poly readng go/ogo. Opon noor o ( c S X : g L p m m d pofl wth vaulted co- -runn p a y m oent r 25 A ssert f L E t p MN FALLS By Own- 1 " r- ng Jonodtubfsm as- ".. 3 Mm,. 2,. no =teo Estoe 6 5 D a la L am a s 28 Exst r S T tor bom. Bonus room (2 08)W M 21 otwvo garage T.od j «, jdw/nowoock.316 SHOSHONE East. 280 h o m e land 29 Presden ental H H E l l tferson SV aeros, ttcfton, laundry, ontry undovoopod, 6 6 B a y h or Hunter - power a both bams. Cus- TWN - l VN FALLS By Own-. s 000 ] r C a f l e3ra r 30 Skllet m. School nttnctton n lom cobnols: 1 Quor- or* m a te ra l a d [ l [T b r* Cozy 2 bdrm 1 ler aero on comor lot bath lath. nowy lomod- S 1 3 c a r r e r 31 Catch sc H sg h t o f N 0 0 N E D S ts64 s«ft 5169,900 okm. 6 8 H e a d l lners n 3 2 S o m e v CaJ S69. A c r o g e.. v p e rs g g g v T st t 6 9 C a m p ers e 33 P ennant nt RUPERT 2 borm. {n 042 ; } hl p..m. 7*00 omoro v«w S h e ltef r 34 Hops klr <ln *.1-S»a Tvr\«m Good nogn-, horrw Slo S.O a o a r bohood. Auto sprnk«r$, Panalty foncod V W acres ( DOWNJ 37 Bar bll 47 Less 3loy. U k o s Ro. 3 5 Latn egc ggs wsnge car googo f Call R e p r m Roofod n r j Tand j 39 Votes n 1once complcate 54 Publcty pc So. Mapo a rc lo. aoo pasture. 2 P o n d growth r agan FALLS By 43 Puts up or rado tor X, ated : 55 Flt J ST. EDWARDS TFarea 73S-7473 OV.T50J. Now norrw access lo m n S s 3 D ressese s 40 B usness SS letter 49 Celebrato 56 Of all tme h e CATHOUC SCHOOL 4b0fm_3.rull8ohs.. TF. freeway cto 4 Sugaryy abbr., 51 Map dot e ", S accopng totfs-. TWN FALLS 1796 sq u raunod groat room, S ratoo for P«0-K - 6 h 3/2. lvng/dnng.-g tots of tfe and gran S Acques ton 57 Oln of "Thg ssce n ce 4 3 6/6/ Wet behn t Nnth Gate" th n g for mo den. otteo, upgraded te ano storage 3- holuster H e a d h honcho ( 44 "Gant" a and "So ears scnool yoar. Ploaso ktehon, dock, loncod, My garogo. ovo»y call 20&-734-M72 storogo bldg. spnn- JJOdJ for moro >nferma>on. klors. londscapod, groa pood, pcws W «. rango, an cono- om T T V T T V, parcel on 7 N o C tu m loor plan sq rnal Bg" auth t n d th e. 58 G et.som eth Jthor 53 Gather d o n e g r e e, t. Shll m tme to X " raptor Ferber gradually Jooso colors, near 62 C E O s d egr Dot at rompo. 5319,900. ly often tonofs. 124 Moreland O 406 Rvondoo S V 3 M _» --.-T tao2 eo2 C L A S S F E D S._jAvo_2O0M97 W q SHONE ls 5 w a c r o s -. H m C d t n d Umuntoho l Hoawa Urtun. t pays to rood tno 1TVnN FALLS " T s - subdvsndn. lnnm a-- a. e a t.\.. S 7 S...roo prnt bdrm., now ovory- 1 f. 535, n w BUHL 3.5 bdrm.. 2 FLER f 3 bdrm., 1 bam. TWN LS beartfu Call Tmos-Nows htng 550 r Avo. W...op both, wth 16. aco detached garage, - roon. s S S J S JEROME Broodm me.2 bam moro posture & corrals to ploco your ao Th,ss Adoll Sl. garag< N S spaobus homo at tu o c c et«t = x70. 2 bdrm rm, f dop. Coll 208- Call rwoo ext 2 TWfN 1 FALLS 2539 sq bam, walk n do; aosot or J A A A A A A A ft. beautrful country MOf 6on reoucod 10 only REALST ESTATE gnrrton tub. separ. nomo. 3-1 bdrms. 2,5 > Aoprox * BUHL FALLS 3 SKS bod TWN FALLS,*. 1.5 bom, 3m. 2 hom, 2 -car vntage homt 500,-* KMBERLY Newly ro- /ago, foncod yard, possbk) 3" Modem 2 modeled 3 bdrtn, t Sudos gardonor, AC, must sot s o t - cam. nugo shop, 1, sqt!, 3 bdrms.. w «. 6 0 bdrm wrth anaeftod bom,w/d hook-up, * aobkj July 26*. *600 dop, X73S Brond aero, groat ;*ew$, 2 wm am. oouow garage )mo. G/Mt HO S. garogo on 0 quet. storage, c o rw, $ ", >nh Pomto Ranch, rm 2 both. londscopo r O p w H o u s e many amenmss. By tome noods lots of o S t cu-o-soc. Sovo, TWN T FALLS Spcoous J P 9 - Owfxsr TLC BUT S A F u m M. H a m >nth ± :. doposn. Call» bdmj, Wors. ovoll. refng, drshwosher. 3 bdrm. 2 bam, apps TWN PUBUC SERVCE Col or 5REAT VALUE AT,. S295.0C SSSOftnonm plus toncod, 850 * dop.. Garago, spnkter sys- room, t2a. THS PRCE" 2Acro*w/2, ; dop. Con Jm, tom. W/D hook-up. nohb N FALLS 3 bod- jufy N. MESSAGE = C l a s s f e d llj m o rj o a n Barker RaaRofa D0t8/sm0*cng.S875 Ckan. )m, 2 bam. goot Ca ,8 good 10- SoUy>9 Pjoporty? n-4144.am erlcan bom D e p a r t m e nt t Call5A3-«37t Tha Mgmt pels. ghbomood. S vory lrm bath Dont pay ony fees Roal E atate a Classfed Sales an. No smokng / TWN FALLS monl, dou-.» EDEN nexj. 2.bdrm. 2 PAUL P 2. bdrms. W/D, untl t;s sold. For pralaal S. $895 mo. + dop. caton 4 bdrn vogo. Now Ropfosontatvos are a bam, moble homo rofng.. sovo, carpon TWN F wm bosom* d n t. bg troo nforrrtaon r ovalabo from 1 storage, $47S/mo. 5250/ooan- 2 balh, bo cor Qoro pets/smokaoou avodng tmo b a» v * w t q " k LS 6 m.los S " 5:30 pm ng dep. s monm & total JEROME 2 bdrm., 1 N FALLS 4 bdrm.. noorng ond mo. + *900 snafo ar>o lea eonro ] ar and hoar 4 S W. 1 o are e bl wag Lot. Monday -Fndoy coanng oop ktehon»y bam mooco home. lam, bg comor tot. yard. No 18 pt Uncoln eslafl scums. Poo sovo tnson. B 9 5 b S. Ou«l. GroQ.k Q.vows.of... Coll ourcffco.- 3t2-4165or3l2-4l98 now applb,.ncw. AC.- Un- - c remodotod r>g. * V mo - 16x24 hoal«l"shoo, r P W--O to outs-do, o Valtoy, K, S ntwmfojs con Court Spoco «6. TWN T FALLS ;hon w/all oppls, dop, 1016 sorogo shod. j Fooe-a Trade 2 ; j t * 3 U W M <all C 20-0S o«. 2 $420 mo. dop. No 2-3-t bodroom opts K «4, -Carpel, control S L N.208-ta S T o g T T car garage. Extra j m neat, partal utls bam, W/0 Commsson largo lo Sa«>-!oom := - dogs, ond hotos aval now. B r a S M aval now. Coll TWN FALLS don/play Wasfngon D C Senoo D>stnc; For or solo s Cuttng EdQo... TWN or lease JncO m epro j JEROME 3 bdrm.. 2 f FJ bdrm rage. b CaB-. 20S60 0 can :n«sts7.000 Call L Lrcom Stfoot operty n * S» n a h a d H ««. Propertloa 53M9OT. bdm, mm bam, 2 car garogo. on - Other- 2 Na«na fnud 6496 or Vmt ntago Bungnow TWN FALLS LS 9-plox 7. Joromo Go«- Course. TWNFALLS «FALUS5M n.m. SSSwrw able. ntofma-on Ce-e- TWN T> FALLS 3 bdrm. Xmo 3 eorm CatlWrford ort SL W. ~ ~ l AvaJ, August }*. m, w/hugo famly ( NE, qu«cu!-de-sae.. bam U pdooj $405, Furn. or unfurnshed : S um t lvng room. oj bdrm. avollob 5 3 bdrm. 2 bom$695 call20l. 1 gavac. 5 RV oarxng, ehen. hardwood tenants choce. Call 2 car garago. Control V. _ Borbor..corpo. - ValarKla floors, bsm TWN FALLS LS romoa- - - J lutful homo. $650 t w n FALLS am$ft95 garago, fencoo son Kofs P-ncoton N<atufO trees ng. 4-pktx,. 5* 5* New 14841Vl SpACO 2 acros, oppsvun?5 JEROME 3 bedroom, 2 smkts! * kjtssn Sl39,50a 0«or 3250 N )0 E. E South bdrrn.2batf, Central H o m e s F o r S a le J Call 20e bam mowo hbmo. No opploncos. NO smokll * F ler EQUAL HOUSNG pots, long lorm. SSOO mg, pets nogonowo N FALLS op«n Mng auhsprn- s TWN FALLS 3 bod- Call »-3179 OPPQRTUNmES BUHL. room. 1 Dan largo. TWN FALLS s t s All roal estoo odve mofrth- doposrt J Call Beta SL 9"»0«. hon oppllsmokng./ V3 bdrm. 2 bolh, Jf & boot a yaro many uograoes Fo l«mg n ms news or T> TWN FALLS 2 bdrm., ps.,s 2 heal, conrol ««0473 bo CAPE COD Tt.s 3 Cdrm. 2 Balhs ona S135 e MobleHo U n m M paper «suboo 10 l -- 1 bom,,1,0-ogo, sprtn- fencod :. All ktchen ap- oncos. NO s A Froo. 00 MLS Soatcn tho for housng oc klof system, $525 w/spr. 2-car qoroao. P*** LS NEW groat corrtef ot ano dop , No Doasts gktam-ng nard- TWN TV FALLS sq Wha Own wm cod sm yard 2 bam. 2 wn, 5225 Bal lo odvenso an; sprnkktr sysom. TWN FALLS go. No wood floorson:/ fl. 4 sorm m TWN FALLS 3 bdrm, 2 Sn.OOO Can J.m cksses c month for 36rTwnths. r d.scnm.nawr base< smokng or pols. 3 bdrm;. ets. 2 $930 orce- 3 tan. Jbom. 2 car goago, n w : OT, tboth 25 tj«$825 dop. car garag< Kscapod. tany foot> enooso Mth motxo SOOO.. S1& " " B A R K E R ; room Custom p.g. - homo «* - handcap Teton J smoklng/>ett» d dop. Col Troy lamtla status, o KAQProp J Twn Fols, 3 dep. Lands REALTORS croen onctammcrn f MARLETTE 67 14x70, notonaj ongn or ar - z a t a s K m boths, fowfl. >7575. Coll SySTom Lg encoo «3t ODpls., AC, C, W,0, ntenton lo mok«ko Monykxotwns. TWN FALLS 3 bdrm., oppls,, moslor bdrm, lre- Valenca 31 Wltn matufo lanocao- 14. om g...2 any such proloroo«co.. szos ar>d pctoos l_ both, now.corpot.. to. CO _f nson. Wtchon or S -N aw T -...ELKO mmoeu ao ng. " auo sollrk:«rs " batn, vory lmtaton or d«cnm m. avadable. " n«m homo. $700 spmnkf pls covered pa- * m. ~ garogo so tt fno on C ca- garage 15«20 0 j *;l F U S N G xc cond naton. *Famal no. sta W h«n landlofas 46 acres FuMy landscapod arxj teaoy lor QC uc e>j-oc-sae. rea»«cuw. Mverr». Call undor the ago of e 16 oyjwkvoftor., utlty sned v ctec. OPPO PORTUNTES thooghout. SS tus nckjdos chklrof ren arxjtacans -jy,mo tk «o ovor Partly. 9ea 9 nognsonooa rs n socudod wn a fan- S S Call for a.».«cu tw n f a u _S 70,1.4 "9 *"th paroots or o Call s on; p tastc wow of mo vewng * dr - a -na«,»,.. 2 bodoom >on KMBEftLY Baautrful. month..73t S255. corpofl. -foncod. -oulo -TW N FALLSnkfor. onclosod bdrm.. 2 both, No smok- 00 dep. TWN FALLS 3 bdm.. 1 bath, 5575 mo, * rpon. shop/slor- *895 t- * Cadar- 0 shed. No yoor lease N SS75 dop. No a ls u u petsrtmokng. See at t loklng. m *850 * ng/peta. S22 4 Ruby Mounans _ , *e9> to, 439 Von Bu-on. Coll oltjs. 50 doposn. bfook : S nca 3 bath, no S24.d00 Coll Rus- TWN TV #na, mt-cn «Sky1or>o Trotfof mg now homo n Kmborty Xlla* l TWN FALLS g. 1 yoar PALLS 4 Dod- Sdl at S300 room. r( b a t«coh c on Meadows, 1650 sq.- 2 oam LFundor 18. TWN FALLS 3 bdrm,..4 bdm fl. A r c n.. comer p WO NEW honw 5 + *785 Ptps Boa Estate sq n. 2 car garage eoof f M> WANTED Moble Jblohom o... 2 both. W/O hook-ups, car - lo t.-*1100 mo. CaB c. FloK<stono, Subd, Aog 1*. ~ R L r"n <o older nony, on-racto-ot-snoe :n~ oo.(».-7a.$uy». to-boyrcash.l $h.-plonso n»9-now»pop*f-w wl _ c r_ w /srt ).._ slo f-.- ktchen reot.con 1.450,sq. fl. 2 bed-,.: bock S2t5.000 nc-u of S ar call >-6554 h01 knowmgty accept ony odverts<r>g KMBERLY Countor lv- * $700mx). loss w/1 yr. loncod *on-appla.;-oaa ago. near CSl. heat. d T A t r / - 19" to Tako any rooms; 2 hoatns. lots 1546 Brlarwood Lane e>«e«onc«> l»nm- 51 for- real ostate ng doso to town. 3-4 le loaso. Colt _sprnl? 1 No lease M. conttol AC. tg q ja n lw 731 ol.uooraaat.. ncua.no Baautful w tt5cn-tuat.o«----- C m r m vl Lllt e wtch s n volaton W.~uso"ofpttsturw~,T. fow wcfof Has a TWN FALLS boaujfu ka -u» f<ctu09* w w TOwy.w of mo low. Cur road- S & outtmkjngs. *650 TWW FA O S 3 bdm.. "g ced ", yard w/auto TWN FALS Ncanyon. 20x46 shop tnat ras 33 bdnn, 2 w m. Don, S rrw + *500 dop. C al 2 car garago. FencM 1, 3 Bdm fuh Dam and 220 dow- formal (0 UEMC EMORa l J; dmng. 1 levol. «* B Jback yard. Spruklof >. 3 co/ 1» Do*«lormoo mal al or. PottSWo n-nomo system. Ck»so to CSL od floors. Now n pan floong. Of logh e salon or moro J»o sq fl m oosr.- *«wenab*o a Woodland Hs»«ewng B u v r r w/brool a b ta.c U *725 *. dop. 1..VTloose. Col / 3rm «[ 2 both. g aoraaa. wood O. omer M«0O-per, lurs SOC- * howspopof rooms. 215 G S trvet * Estates El o"«no< S F Call f"** Dood 10 CVC Sc «ofoam- opportunty TWN FALLS 3 bdrm., range. _ bass. To compla S E L L m 2z\ octom, ktchen mo. dap. 54; rt bom. 2 car W/D. f Of fwnemt.l not Call T3> foakfos nook. homeaavallab TVflN FALLS,Brockonr>dgo Estates, Dy own- aovana JEROME ~ (25,000 oocn lol. Groal or 3 bdrm. 2 bam. «< Swtu r r. for monufactuod swmmng * pool, wofc- 0* m» #» Ou homo.-n«o rwt;hbor _ng_tro*_ ,------s * - JvKooy.n- _ * 4.9 f>oho.. nood. CoJ WaB for Cal!0e M. B\«M Can ng* (dvwt/mo n......, of dscrmnaton cal «g< garago. sprlnmor sys- No 90. srow. rolrtg, » You can (l)p lo te t HUD tot-froo tele- tam (nsnt & back. nog. *1 own naw Memoral phooo numbor ol A - n M E s - Hugo bock yard, AJ depost TWMFAUSy Panna * #4 Lot eoo , Tho apps.. 3 year old 1973Aal «N E W S s. *875 $675 owm your o«strtot 3..S400. tolkfnw tolophona _l>omo.wtt.frbplocb-ta- Qtaa.hc )oslt. homa fc U h,.2.cu >-5778 number lor tho how- - C L A S S F E D "» que noghbornted PoLUe 1Aahlay School Dlstr too down, ctoso to new olemoh- bdrm.,: rrtofo tnfomatton at 1 ; n«wpao«r wa or 737- F A X Y O U R SSm S S? W L L lary 2 l.homo(n-noftft mth. 8ar achool No dep. ng roo on an «qu«. no Rar*ch. 3 S " 5 * - onlyl No MLS/ C( *tun«ry tem.to B H l F L L E V E B Y J R«. *800 flra and appla. m.. 2 bath, l llv loooam ont - a m L A S S F E D S S S S PC#5701 M odkk xm M u- r"-lm ltal. last avabable now. fonood ro o m.a «k «n o u a h q u l o...a d - - w " cal > HUO ToMro* N E E D Ct * 1 R E M E M B E R Contact Troy 212- w/sprtnl *a. gas haat, tp YOU 4007 dr Krona car 1 T M E S - N E W S b S 5» ThS Naw com pany ly ln nacm 0- r ntal? amokln PrtnWar ay sto S W H O canhalp G E M C L A S S F E D TM Mprtone buyng a l»>p type o B U Y m e d s 3«rbrm«hMrwa r»al astala. Any A U 3 M m. w «yoor ran D E P A R T M E N T S S S J, - STATE REALTY, NC. M» aoo-927. anycond.ra*tc 3 hath. 2 car g a r m. 20& j _ f * t SJT?- awpbrfwcuetw S E _ L L tt 5, $ StadSm, = = = = 1 - "» _ BM1S B4»»aftPR>pwty C a n S L 1 7 =! f = - l r

23 . Thtwdayj ay.w ye,2006 H pa> N aw».1m A C R O SS s ft T z R TT 7 B 9" 10 n { B rought up r n O tte llth d j p a a 7 Jurlsprude dence - r q : w k r?. y? : 10 Sprng res< «S 0 r t8, - - Z _ TWN FALLS Groot k>- T TWN FALLS vory nco. Tw TWMFAXS 14 M adden 19 calon. Prtstln* n* 3 bdrm,. 2 both..op- Offce/ Rotolt/ Sorogo PUG STU TUD SERVCE 15 h the past cmul 3 bodroom,. 1 l ps.. W/0 hookup.ac aq, tl. Call S00 both, $750, some utll- tll- gorogo, garbage, wa- Several Locotlons. f 16 W. ml. alla llance tloo pou. * doposl, sll, tor&soworncu. 1 yr. Hammack AUSSE HEELER X._ Crayola te tem ? No potsor smokng. - (oa50,"$ $ L-{ 4tu.r<n;7 m a Pot, S dnp gob.7m.7htn jjfp S S ty yn puppes, s, roody to go presentthraughout 3Ut 30 TWN FALLS Urge 2 [ twn FALLS TWN FALLS Profos , ~ bdrm,, 1 both, dean. slonol oftco spaco on r 20 B roadcast st..... No pots or smokng, Expect to be f Fols Ave,- Approx. / V- 21 C h aracter , $600 a month plus lus lmpr*«j sq, ft ," 1. $350 dop assa ssnlaton a t _ > Spacous 1 & H ead cove verng TWN FALLS lorgo 3,34 m m S bdrm,. 2 bath condo cc o n d o m n u m / Q r t V f l S r 26 Dsney clas Jassc wth hookups, appls,. undorground 30 A ggregate t e deck, Woor pad. No parkng, 357 Bluo T lm e S tm M oe A ofe.es. $ Lokos Blvd, fomalo mnlos, 31 T hurm an lo0 f 44 H pets, no smoklng- TWN FALLS 3 bdrm,, mom H? $600 mo, + $500 dop, JO; Call & 1dad on so- 2 both, 1268 sq. fl.. all v. msg,,. "PulpFlcto :tlon". CO uls pad except eloc- _ WENdELL Lovoly now. {Jl! 3 2 A nlazemlent. F trlcly, $735 month, BRDS qulot 2 bdrm,. t balh co 2 y e a r, okj. 3 3 S p an sh larat TWN FALLS Largo Coll Coona a»,on ~ doon and quol 3 n llrplox. lorgo mas- 1 Chook Conuro, or Ron , - S s o. 3 5 Bg n am e tor bdrm,, ol oppll- Block Bl, hoqded bdrm. bath wth oncos, B1C R n S* Cc Coruo, $150;, lttle _ all oppllancos. Now Both como rwlh palm and carpol. L S to ra g e eagos, , locomolvej ves 55 Oroal k)coton. No B» 38 C atchphras ses. w.... Ct smokng, no pots, 5 noone ro nent W a re h o u se b o r d e r COLUE c $650 f dep., 539- }., = pupptes, >, rod&vrfe. r 41 O ne of twel welve 6913 or TWN FALLS reody lo g o, Oufof 42 Least sprt rted ~ Mcrowave, rolrgorator u u goodronct d dogs Pcture puz luzzle * * J J _ J TWN FALLS NE 3 3 Coll for pcos,.1 r J )1S9 v, msg, 44 A ctress! L l 3 r 69! ne bdrm,, 2 boh, carport.,rt No pos, CapH Motel BOSTON * TERRER appls-. AC, $650 SO SZ j pups. Go Joot markngs, G ardner month t $500 dep- P- TWN FALLS MOTEL S T O R A G E. dowdaws vs romovod. 4 5 Bshoprc 7/6/06 Call Seoul unts Daly and wookly 20 or 40 conlonos (3) boys s $400 S 00. (1) 4 6 K enneth or 7 Canary slan days Puzzle Solved TON FALLS Now ~ 3 Z rotos, Quot. cloon, lor solo or ronl,. grl $450, 1* shots E bdrm,. 2 both dupox.offordawo , Dolverod 10 your and road) dy 10 go-ond Bart 8 O rder of W ednesday w/doublo car gorogo, homo, busness or ol July,, Como pck 5 0 Lawyer n n b u sn ess S T M l 11 E. 767 A llsa, $825 constructon slo ono out London Q monh dopost. M oble H o m e s 9 V erbose and fc. A w B s E Call APEX CONTANER 9 mo. Old > 54 Scholarly /. pj paper 10 S p eak angrl GOODNG 2 bdrm, J - ddo k fomalo. 5 TWN~FALLS Now daod. nl shots, 5 5 U nder the mn lu- $350 + $400 dop. No A- A o s l 11 Tablet plo*..3 bdm,, 2 balh. S16 oxcollonl morklngs h. pels. 7 ms north oast, negatve 12 H ad supper c 2 cor gorogo, AC. 655 poslon, $400,. Goodng: drcum stanc ances 13 D stress sgr jrly Bota Sl,. $825 * dop, nqures only, " P_ Coll * JEROME 2 bodroom ( Wr santed f? * cm tomm norvowod. 57 S ecreted 19 TWo-fnger vory small). 1 both = 2O8-4; H orsem ans: nshp g e stu re S" n o T o? l B j y1 tw n FALLS nowor mobllo homo. $350 TW1 rwln FALLS room- eoxer AKC / pups, 3 bodroom. 2 balh.mo, * dop. + uttffos. malo ma wanlod. row tals toc lockod. dowdem onstrat raton 22 O afs gnal s L A v M r Te 4-plox noor CS. Yard. Cnll 20a-32.f-2753 houso. yard, doan, n- dn g romovod,,5, 1* 61 W ear out : the 24 C olossal and garogo. W/D lonot, cobo ond olh- jtou hook-ups. pad walor J, TWN FALLS 1 bdrm., 0 " Ready p July or nmonlos. $300 g -, pop welcome mm at 25 A ppeals 64 OK Corral )l 27 Cantrell-bf r p O j A TR N N gt.. and garbage- $625,. W/0, vory doan ond omlly rnlsod nd all utls, M s monh -t-dopost. quot. shod, no pols, porsonoltysl p partcpant M Turner : ( d M S e S A L t 576 Jackson St. #4,4 $350 mo. + doposl, 7r0 n oa, la. Coll 208- N Call Cnll ? , 0 or 3) tac-toee -28 W ashstand " 0 1 c h L E u J v e s to d tf Poultry z for solo n ~ = 66 C loser tem T T M E V A N TWN FA U S 1. Fols- Malo. 67 Lvely Ovor 621 O ffce A nd R etal lulls Koop hom le o o o - Fomalo 29 D epend (on) n T A R s B r E N T Premlor,llvlngl M S8 68 Soldfy. 34 Pcnc pest [ t r a y B s t R e n ta ls ro w r n r r e j f Glonoaglos Sonlor 69 A ccent 35 C hem sts Communty, locaod Smmontal bulls, yoar. CHHUAHU HUA pups, lng or two yoor old, AKC rog. g. ol colors, fl) AlflhteMvM. nonr ho canyon.. hangout f---- polled, thck maqo, Roody bko pnlh, shoppng, 7/10 $400 DOWN 36 Currently t modorno romod, up, Cnll 2C Sw ngs of the bankng nlc, > camng E onso, woll or Change pla) Jayers occuped 41 M ocks bat We olfor conlrn or., , lompored and oosy fros froo rolrlgora- : 2 Nobelst Ferm 37 E vcts 43 Put back up 56 Muffn pans tor. sol cleanng O T ta L, Sgong, COCKER SPANEL kd " rased ar and spoled, 3 Arks peak lk 38 Sudden 45 C heap cgarla 5 8 Mones ovon. DW/Dsposol 1 1: 4 S u n b eam percng pan 47 On terra frma plus many moro BUTCHER LAMBS. Do you wont Puff D addys omolles, Rased tho naturar }st frond you 5 B raggarts s 39 Kllauea flow 4 8 E levates am style Clenoaglea Apa K & G Prop«rty way. Wll dolvor 10 ;d? Bulf and problem 40 Sharf or Epp 4 9 Albert Pnkham 60 Blunder 1846 Harrson St.N. Monagemon, Sc. Scorrows Moas n kjrod. AKC. 10 ln and Wnona Coll ! > Many locatons, 1 Joromo, Jo To placo old, nl shos, 62 Ran nto szos nnd pncos, an Older coll , w 51 Gravelly avalnblo, 4715 or , DACHSHU bl 63 Golf standard UND puppos, ; VWoro LondlonJs \ pps 5 2 not my job! 9 wookss <1) rod loj And Tenants ll mnlo. (1) ) black long Como Togolher. A p ts. C O N N E C T hared malo, m $150, Call , - : g j S g le x - tw n FALLS studo. 0. L = 7 = r W TH w ono (ottor to ooch oquar uofot *** f * JLEDWORDGAME s h e d A p ts. U n fu rn sh e d A clean, qutot, no dnnk- k C C U S T O M E R S OOG KENf :NNEL. Cham H, to form taur ordlnofy words. ha* told and Mka Arglrler> UnfUnlSn* D u p le x A n d D u p temj rm. ng, smokng, drugs, :s, t w n f a l l s,, )x10x A n d D W/0 P05. S275 $200 X) ; Beaullully fnlshod W H O N E E D a :-423-6t20,. : l DYGUP AN 3 bdm. 2 TWN FALLS 2 mo. b *.. ckjonng : nsdo and oul, y o u r ;. HAGERMAN wnhouso. op- 2 bath n 4-plo*. 5 pols/ : sq, MASTFF 1317 TWN FALLS Sludo, :. u : r " [ f vood pakng, ncludod, S575 rr 0, otlcos, 2 confor-;. SE R V C E AKC pu pups. hugo. v V / Pls Covoo Prop-Mgml, $500 dop, No vory cloon. no pels. s., onco rooms plus Advertse A n (he adornblo.». oxc, c proocbdrm,. $220, , J 5.., O Tr Co. Prop 2734 lcpm,u3, smokng, show room or slu- Buslne»& lorfronc»nd. S1075/0doan. f do aoa. Fully cor-1 Sq, >, Con dolvor. V l a Cnll LY 2 bdrm,. TWN FALLS 2, b. smok- TWNFALLS potod. kchenollo.l 7. -S YNCC /«. \ 1 * E ,0 KMBERLY nonth dop, 2 twu,, v<,ry month c Tho Fols Apts, > $2,250 month- L l : 1143, Pheasant Vow Town ENGLSH W/D. oppls. No a "Ave. E.#1 PONTER homos.ac.2 & 3 puppos. rog,.; 4 : r r 324 Hwy. V 31 spaco S135 ng/pols. S595 Mm,. m pdrm unts. No pots. ; Call malos. 1 lomato. 1 A sorv s + dop, «5 0, S385-$515, V ",.. mo LY nlon/ow- palls 2 b< TWN FALLS Now oflco. comor ol Eost S43-636ec 9 or Hn worse a q a n w d Tack lawa owclaws; ro- 5 wooks.s3so, YULTG KMBERLY bdm, rango, huoo duolox S TWNFALLS vflhat THE bed- Varous dupox, 4-plox. no *or 2 bd. 1. lond and Julo Loo, H E A P E P scl L L c - V w*» r «s 1-orgo Stownhousos, 1. 2 or r fnshod lo sul _ HORSESHOENG O FREE Bg ] block dog,...c O N S lp g F r * pd NO S525 s * d o p r TWN FALLS 2 monm, 3 bodroom avalnblo,. sq, n,v,*543,sq, H.. - ~ oloblo son/ce, 2< neutoed mnlo- n- Hghly, L O " _ B A R B E R S -532S. room dupox. S,Cafl L. " No pbta/smokrg, slorago spaco. Coll /rs, oxp, Mko B70-" dnorgoc, :, Lovg, H E B A L P - C f a f l v Call or , msg Seekng actvo human YENCT C U S T O M S? - M flo a St s. loan 2 on, QHA-99 GrullO,bud(- %l Now OTTongo Jtho g R g p t h e - - TWN FALLS, N o ;o bonus ;kn geldng, Woll FREE Cuto- C hou J lo lorm tho surpr? r tartod, Lovos poopo, ktons 3 : molos. N / _,! suggostodbylho ; f B r a n d N e w! % 52500, , s 1 fomolo, 1, Ploaso cnll,k fw N FALLS Jllrtos. Cozy,00m. garage. OOOOOOOCKXXK CludOS Ullrt > 0 < > [ 7 rprlso onawof. os. bdrm r co T ln T 7 T RAB FHEE Gold< don Rot ovlokjng, yoors Old. or. l vows (An hoabovocortoon. cood. Cotl rs old md>o.. bloa: TGER NAVE TUXE 9704 Of L 404. r [- O0od lhh kds, houso S 1 studo 303 G- Avo. E $2000/olfor. Cnll boko to good a hbmo, - r wor: r Whon Uo nvoators bought h > L J TWN FALLS nl S200 1 Nothon ;6 p ggn , hoy termed a - * J0 N r :Answors VE tomorrow) 25 " "- = ; r s 3R SE5yoarold. rog, OoWo Won Rotrev- XEOO JUNKET j j s»okng, * > e «l3h moro. Ooc Bar or. lull 3loodod. bo and t ho doody bor. Oovo at 734. LLS & garogo, $535 Call OOOOCXXXXXXX Joedng. oxtromoly Goldon- Rotrovor R -X X>OOCnX hx>coc>c> M 575 lco horso. $2,000/ Pup, Call : l & l l l d A p t M bodroom No pols. no smok 1,2.3b0( 5-$850 Closo 10 CS. Junoa pg, - N D E P E l V D E N T calv TWN FAX8 Nortt) ) 4 S31S-S Dlls Ronlols or312-1 ddng, oxcor- Pdnlo homo. 4-5, Lookng lor bdrmg., boauuful yard, S; je R O m n fu r h U w d A p ts. /onlol3,com TWN 2 FALLS SCl l S E V O R% L l V l l V G HORS 3RSES Small black & somoone wth mo, oulo sptlnklorb. $1250 Coso Dolpfodo Apts. T mo.call l. A n d D u p le x - t w m o LLS M 2 bdrm ffoploco. oppllom $630 whle Kho Toblano yoar- Coll , Fomly housng. 1 TWN FALLS oppls. gos w/0 hookup, 1-551B cn S pacous C:o qse ts J "o ng flly, would mnko goat chldons. M cals (2), bdm., for mmodl- o e nrngo. $550, wwor lumlshod, S how losl $500. Sorrel Tousobokon. n _ ;voto movo-ln. (odor- F, Prop, Mgml, + $400 dop ; "pl - - C e n tr a l A /C. oly- ossslod rental 4, tcpm,us : C......,. Tob obnrw mao won. nouluod brok roko, $1200. Coll rporsonalty, J rotos bosod on n- Lor 1 come. h W75, N e w s e lf-c le ja n n g oven s! or 312- hoy go 10.TWN FALL3 2 bdrm. PloMo Conoct FAWNBROOK T»1NFALLS 8 cnr gnrogo. vv/d hook-up. AC, 0739 no, youao t n addpng noar CS. sl ull. rv Cndy wor APTS. both. 1 ryor cot lur- jtrool porkng, $57 C o m m u n ty cy L b ra ry m ujles le (1) Block John, hom plensc SO call Chs eludng HBO. Show , «Lorgo « bdrm wosber/dryor homos. COM10 nshod. r lropl * S lo b * ; yoars old, (1) Sorro J767, tme, rto smokng/ shoppng, dnng. condton, e* C o m m u n ty y : R o o m w th olly, 17 yoors old, pfee Hus luskos (2) pats. «7 5 «Jo p. Con t w n f a l l s k)th rkjo nnd pack jwt 3 mo s m no, OW, Call ovonjnqo. r e o " o o o SSOO dop. LLS 7: 2 bdrm freplace and d T V... or TWN F A O S lg com- - y **! Rents Startng tw n f a 3AW. l l s AC. cor- TURNOFTHE smoklng/pols, CENTURY >n. 9 wooks., fortabla studo. au utls * JEROME Unks Apts. als399 ~ pon. no smol :3742. CHARMl N e w d s h v raa s h e rs s a dddle d Bon Torrol ow malo 0, black & pd.-fumlsh*d-w/«ppls bdrm.-mmodlato v ;7.Or $ Laundry & sorag* toom mm ropors. lke now,,nkkw y.-7-yoar.ow & uulltm, raol cman. movo-ln. all oppls. LLS 2 bdrm,. studo. 1 bdrm.... dosa..parm na. aval -MontlVsrent w n f a l l s N e w r e f r g e n jpng saddle, bought rom W soml sr long W/0 hook-up. AC, wth gorogo. ops. from $375, ~ " L Ssed rom Vckors, knj, <u,nvn «<* lyod. ndoor now. Kara 404»2005, hgh tpeod nlamet. smokjg, Shoshone N, 2500, wll sol for S «cal>le, garogoslha no pea/smol ve W. $ > E u ro p e a n Sty ;tv l e c a b n e t s,.s 2po S llv arl!tl# v J- ;= u aecsped FovmbrooK Avo. shouo Ave 100 dep. Coll ddlt :hom.-l odo»-f n E -_K t.contact Cmdy rm landlcop jp accossblo. o» $ < 1 1, O v e r s z e d lo o ( c k n g s t o r a g e ngllh oaddle, oxc monhs old. d. reody for ond, $350. Can 208- now homo nos. Block, 3 20B g, tlts-apj;: TWfTFAHS 24-58S8 before com- yellow ond d whhe. «Coll = - 7wN FAt;t:8 P rv a te p a to o! s fl OU. ww«(.hobby ; >136 5? n S 2 H om»sw»h Hom... H e ar th e oraoranch.com prpg quet! - kchon op- Abundant omonho tens, cule, S T( c «. e n. *. P ro fe s so n a l X gos hoot. * profossonol al o n - s t e sadd DDLE groot condl- gray and WhKo. = L tot m Sr. $025, otmosphorootsn. $350. Also hovo 6 weeks ou, )kl. Coll m a n a g e m e n Laural Parte - - r s n t dop. No Saratoga d<, $450 lakes ol JEROME Proswck or pots, Apartmanta COM2 O , FREE klltonj *n8, mbvlnj 17fMaurlc«St Apl.0ver62. hondlacken Sl. Luxury 1.2& 3 Twn Fads 7»4-41ft8. cappod Of dsabled. (0f l o f3 l o rs? d rm o o m 37 m S o C r l, s _ J D e v * 5V;, need good >d home, 3 bdrm. homos, o n _ 7 «. 3-mUnn,.lf; = rbarmrbpcr»rnp-- t,, BUHL 3 bdrm.. aval- 1 both.oloct EHcont conutl ol S o r C o D m m u n n y >d, multple 1- ps, prfvnto pato. Ront determned 2 Mrm 1 ha ol kchon ond heal. Full sze colors. 208-( , tb* now. Rant basod d AC ncluded.- HA bylncome.hud. o T a c on ncotna. Equal m 7 S 7 S * W/DTnco3oa.~ r N o r tthc h ollcr e,1. occoptod. mmodl-... FBEE -t.ab, dep. N o. Rosldontfllnossa lb. Cockor f. Ola movon. T v rn F a U s, d a h o r " = Contac Clftdy ots. busness contor. T T T T T T T Spanel X pup, A pr, ndvdual patos whm., , c oockatel 6 h brds, ell behaved, J M , jeoue dup«x. 2 c s s. " K Un s Btomgo, Swlmmlr>j [jy d e v o s u m hom aonly,.-1. m tre.c o n... bdrm., 1 balh, qum S u r S S S Z r t V 1.S boths. pool w/bbq area, and md cotofljl. greal - a ooa e ; nalghbottood. ad ap- B O S B t f b d 15 f e. appls., W/D. Call er v(ajt lod«) 0 hove around. pnee Lab/ German. ps.. W/D hook-up. >... conb*) loll u S m o MNo l smok- 661 Saratoga Dr. Mus usf son, $100 c L o h f xx m a la, 11 nraplk*, garaga. no O f a99 ho<p."?& $550 20a-T3B _oact ptl».ss2s-«-d«p.call S. amnb.b0lhadywt X B 3 needs toom / ot 20 r vanlngs. ] x»v»auon»eantm?to y T,; vary sm art, >b»lon.m«kehn VaahProp J \ s s S = = B. danwnudenafld U anagan - l l ldcomplmly.spol Lyl#

24 ftfc,kw e T b an W j a,ao O M> a n 1 c OMBNE o»3 Case H ORAW CARTS CA Brent r w HotvOennw m SCOTTSH TERRER ; hours Sl3.( J«M * J S hvptm d mte. (» puppes. AKC reg- foot header, excellent 750, $3.7 3,750. Both n m to. To a 9ood )d terad. bladt & brlndle. condton. $37,000/of- good cond. snd. Cob 731- B f w m only, e H & mud temperament. fer f n n montttt ow, exc au vrd d $600-$500. Burtey. OMBNE *97 Case H SWATHER Heston dog. OTMt wttt kks t , 3189 hours foot header, n d oowr doga. CaO BMH TZU AKC female taporaof houra.. condttlonor. ner. poll typo weeks. $300. Call 25 S ft header,.naw feld roo«h» lody. $2.700, p n e r s h v.p o j. m««. a! 20y64-4:snB.. AP? t f y ro to r.c. c ar2oa:ajt5,000/w er WANTEOTO ra JT T g se sr T c r a t V e r t l s e " c a r c l a s s f >«3S man a yav- Pup* SHH TZU AKC males, py mbod bread maa. TO BUY red. 8 weeks, dew- _ Call20B e DARY a, FARM». runnng, n. / 3 claws removod. 1" e)rt. 2 n shots, cuta. adorawe,. EQUPMENT splr/solvage; G E R M A l John Deere 544 H «xbor drve f f andcuddly.$325.call SHEPHERDS Of43l-070fl kjodor; 900 Supreme.??, Bob Bfown feed boxon t2-37!-3746,aves. A B X G A L L ER Y c(x>6najcnon*1 H E A T N G 1 r LAW a N CARE NSTAL.LATONl SHH TZU AKC rag. 2 St to n tfud«(low. WANTED: n tr colored. 1 black usage ; Wotts Four >: 10-Wheoler Pnfeuooal art, A N D A C. and vrtha. Coll Boh Bale Straw Spreader: rtth host. Of. ndudntl RanodeUuddlana; g, lamnates, Pret» ftatoa at u h o> lv..m8g, box )ox scrapers: push-up. >d. runnrn or tnmrtmtr. J a roofuaroofrepar. ctfle. vnyl <>J120639& !! ur< ford C atle,e dp kk deck»,porfm». Je m r H e D tn g a a d repara. SHH TZU AKC. rog, 8 j lrud<o4 gne. 18 to 20 ldng. buldnsmao Ar Coodltknfav Snce M1966 W w /m ounta/n* weeks om. 1* shots ln bed. Call L a a te M e frta and tsuum,lnun«bnd Scrvce ftlastallatdn Lk»nse A ABonded. Bh0phmnU.eom and dowdows ro- «c M ofbsm A tmntca - B < S e» rmhcanxnty., 2 0 & moved. $ L b»> G at»g «n / flk T V QERUAN W RE or DAR MRY* FARM SALE a9m»n Bob nncrspnca 1 f3 E E R { HARED Polntara, ] You Need t. WoVo (TnOat SHH TZU Cuddly sov- B ««>n FUcr,DS4346E MBO U M l l l H O M E :, C A T R RENTAL ] AKC roo. Oood hunk 3ot H JD Nno shank - " on week okl fomalo.. - FV.&Sot.An!ma Twona R E P A R S LAL A W W C A.. tng tlna. 2 (enalas, 1 rfpper ( modol 915): GROUND WATER r.dafly.ad mala. 7vrt(8 731-Oe6 Beaullfu markngs. Krm (rauss Solfsotdsk: rghts for s = - CONSTTRUCnON dyratca. red-brown and whflo j John - Oooro S flal "m m, " A R T S C H 0 J< O s S. e «W.L o w n ravalabls! QOtOEN RETREVER ) wth btac<, AKC log., chopper; Slngor more nformj G rff n DedcB AKC rogsterod pup- /r«shots, dowormod. lome ntpnn, Can Nojob [obtoo nonoro box on a O llp A N nn C plm. Your naw bast vet chocked. $400 s d F c tc b r Prt«tlk«hfw lantng. groucovcr. Can*! rnuu A f n / x l TrM lltcnrm n frjond b only a phofw 9 cosh J c A H O N ford«batedartl R tc Estmated U cc>b(4rct-6s M008 call away. Happy. ] ACmSVEMASTE TFjrv Lcensed & nsutd KeUh bntock lownff.tnx trmmnff. *. SHH TZU puppes, T RCT C«D STT hoalthy puppos hom. l M L tr-colorod, AKC rogs-, an axporloncod. ra* lorod. Culost puppos *T"RVcf5s". S p r t t o M W m r Tll n C a U 2 0 & c r o R spofllble broader. nm ea rt-a W J<Jfar H O U S E = = Z SER\ XVCE ; ovorl Call Frst ahots. cte-. lepro"., ntw nfuy wanned, dow dowa»! Mun CnU B2&-1119 for y. C R E A E S P A C E C L E A N N G LA W N M O W E R SHH TZU-a AKC tog.. 670; John Dooro 2840 L n o t Wheel Wh< Unm, fve nformatoru tn Y O V R U F B R E P A R S A N D C o e bdtodo t offlfeved. Prk»d rght t S300/S3S0. 6 wooks & moro Can Rck lovcnnthc thuneld). pnekct K m bely T U N E JU P S T V aco tor famles at S27G. r Sr e r v k e ow. flrsl shots, 431- < , L - UeluUu-cwdnB CkxmDg Wccdmowo Coll or r 2553 or t-486e. j AN AUGER 8* you out? tlounckfcpcr wth ra Jafa n R q s o T levelng.gr n S S d S r - SPANEL Cavolor Kng Allov jx 1 otnhclpwucmuunft Sy-nn* Mposxu, lld lljdcrb,pu.h&adr ways.cem >mport saka QOLOEN RETREVER Chorles pups lor solo. Ovc Reakl<ntn]& proptu«lp>ekup& uror jnang, puppes, 3 fomalos. 2 Call , fltlo allon bulk ol tanka Rvm * R J & D A s p h nmlt l CommfroL dclvco-rvnl. fv tr& jrvnrto. males. 7 wooks-old. - nd stands, hko now. Sealcontng.asph Call 20M)eM039 Rcamnablo b mtu Joe 306 V306063S ready for o good STAFFORDSHRE * PT $Slo M atynokmltoag x75 hay tarp * Ccl CeU20642&42l2 o r 208-7! 7344)834 homo. Paons oro, BULL pups, Rondy vy/rot «6 20S-7324S22 /ropes. SSOO, 532- H O U S E 1 2 sraal woor dogs. nowl Mom Brndlo * a s :? : 0799 $ S dad brown. $200, Lo- P A N T N G - = r s r o R RAGE ganofdflr»2»g QRAtf!AN 1818 C U S T O M COMBNES MC V O B H E R V l aoloen RETREVEV - F 860 w/920 hoad- - CaUKlrc43 k4314»07 = : r ra = SW A T H N G nttrorandexlmor ] LAB puppes. 6 wks [ SUGAR QUOERS (S) R E P A R j S ; old. and dewomod. ndudlnrj cogo. wll. HC h 1460 w/810- ppf num Sprln- B U SN ESS S100. Coll 2U sol ndwlduojy. Coll 5 ) hoodor, GMC 7 5 V., FornUvourhny 3400 atef Spm. _ 208-S » 0 dosol tnjck. V-6. l" s o a S E R V C E S»vmlh»w n «* Rck orc<mvm>vn M a sc V U cy &31Blor320«880 MV obfcsr V 3- bed w/2.rom sets- LAB 7 week ou pups. TOY, POODLE puppos, sor.r host, t t- 8400or C M ko S = = = = l Wecometoyou! W«2Q or-oco contanns AKC. yellow ond AKC reg., S5SO-$600, S or TWNFALLSS 20»yntnftro, Sunv foraako (torrent. h v a c m<zznr eectral, Dvllvcndtoy )yourhomc. CASH ONLY, PLANROOM Wory., mult-champs or NH 1030 pull typo hay S eed an d R e*c.hunlor»f>dcom- _ F e n lllz e r jomtobdforra 3, D R Y W A LL S E R V C E S pumung.alla(peet. Pj busno nenor. Ooncla nd<or, 540 PTO. panlons. $200. Coll V VZSLA pups. AKC coutructon. R E P A R S lcto.pata lat avl.,apexcon XO-ANSt Mds a 10 work, or rog., both poronls on S2.S M & W 54b ALFALFA r "se E D l Blu*->rnl co-a. Ol. a A W T O on Frtv cstmtol 206-7X SUECT MCTAL, slo. Proven hunlors. p j o LAB Adbrobk> purogroat! ro dlemeter lo : Grand Vallo falloycomj. NoobuKooamnll. J c ff R n k * Hnln; m vre nd 2( famly pots. Up chock brod puppos. 7 to ock troctcr hp. wh sood. Cots 3ats. pas-j 7M-PLAN(7B20) rvj»r.cotm.aod - M S T O R G E doto on all shots, monu weeks old. yolow. dowormlng., nual. SSOO. 3 pt turo. mxos. cos.,grass-! 2 L asypnmofexma. nd Booultlul ggar black ond chocolate. and., an or corn planter., os. Bob Ha = r # R C r e-733«4«or : V o lle y woll socalzed. 3,0* $ $650, ows, SSO. MF«S5 Saed.? 20S " S l. CUEA N -UP P C ( 24 h f. 3080*44 P A N N G r o g t)0 bottom roll over 6686 or H00854 LAB AKC black, bg WEMARANER AKC P?" W, S axle* C«nu*.wM»l d - E N K & T O N E R 1 L U P H E H (Behnd Shlo nn) puppes, 6 wooks..rog,, pups.! shots, :onguo htch, surgo cunc.flowvrbklf roodylo go, 1 shots, - \ wonderful pots. Coll kos, out nl U-Houl - Jf- F E N C N G C A m U D G E P AD N H N G N C R E F L L S Pnnt dowclows romovod, j S2S0, Horso H ay G ran n 4& Feed S375 femalos. $350 wn eprng tooth C r e n lv o T o u l TmlTcxturng, T R LwnMownR m tles. Pafonls oxc. WREHARED Fox hotrw Eccxxm y R epar rrow wth spo, ALFALFA fooc foodor hoy. pju nvetnnub -> S E R ns, huflors and polnors. Terrer, fomolo. puro- $250 50, 2 g galvanlzod 1 cuttng, tb 1 ton balos. 3]>aUzuu;x)wood. S(.vc200%lna00 fqn CallBU -M vv V C E Call or brod. t spoyod, lovoly encb ck waterng No ron. no wc clun lnk nnd ml nk&um-rcrtnd.n pot, P $125, ,rount ugha, SO. Can tqns, SeSport J o n o a C S L E A N O T S3&. fcncut.aoycncxp. 530B hcl nteb (208) oc A + Jm abtne l LABS Dowclows ro Sese boforo Call20S-CSS- v c OUfonojranov! a0-l44 M6l727-12Q7CeU Serv rvce [r s n ; ; h a u l a w a y movod, 1* shots 6 nlng out, www,hob. or Call20MO&«>70 p Toppng, n 1 wks on $150 1 J S M S LAGE,QE FrMk C k U». R R G A T O N REJ te M O T E U N G l S p r j j Chocolalo. SlOO P P E BENDER com- S31 por lon. Shredded llaula w ays crvk. F E N C N G block. Coll rdal Groon Loo boat pulp. Sl S P E C A ls r lenovanon L l h n. j m Servng Mog agc Valley K LHASA APSO 0 bondor w/atl HD You plck- lemale p u ;. APRl. WOLF/MALMUTE V PP«0 ond l<ght duly Call wonlsj-t B ettd orbw F aux! S f f K A. «t o Z n te r o r a l4yerra. B ahots. $300. puppos. Culo & u f g SummcrfcnonR.tno HjuvlLn«t.ArmnUn<t X R ar C E lg lm rsd«76 n Call e766. groal dsposton, O" roll c b a s s. h a y s lobuldormcnd luvlwhwlunm. M(«nR.llyour ht Cull wh 1 hydraulc pump &, 5 Alallo, 1 (cvcnnthe frlj). rmrntelngand j:=:s== LHASA APSO pup- $300-$400. < hr. msg, /O.M O M d W ndudos do- FWEctnvoH rcnuvnlonnood/, T O E E SE SERVCE j pes. AKC. (2) molos. = C L E A J4N G Martn PortT = Lem owod & numl CAU20fr30&039 r (3) lomalos, $500 YORKE puppos. AKC boon Y mx, S4 0 K T C H E N 1 = osorvces oach. Call rogstorod. rc (1) fomalo. fncturr : ; s? r a «: Rnnovnl,Tr Trmmng. 30 por lon H m m y 5953 or S (1) mnlo. o. ba A N D E A T H rje m :,ShnM cul of.hotold lold. Small H o t u d s c m s s h a n d y m a n! E M O D E L N G Rrewood. 5950, MANX klttofls _ schodu nos aval- )nay.«r.-u7<u duo 80 3 ;s r fo?*rr jy H & S N C. ued. (2) fomolos. Also (4). YORKE puppos. A K C _$3,5> (ra charge Commc«J& frm for nn 15 rto Wll do a royljob Klch-nudBu Can S71 B!o_Udus_.. n -ntnl - xroxw#ptalttfl-- - ond banly chckens. 3 ond or lls Alrpon, nonttol&nwmd.- glls. S600- locks. 300 oal fuel sm arpurchoso GcncnlwmS! OtvernB tlwmrbc mo. old. Call , S Call u n k dojuntnjf. Vallfy&Mn-Cnwn - 7 ~ E E or ! S522 or stand, r. r s Jrc«L»RC&625 SERV C E S - - MN- AUSTRAUAN T7 0 O * 0 down talgates, HAY 1* cuttng =7 SenordscounL SHEPHERD puppos. p,» _. tallgau late rnmps for car balos, r solo f f C L E A N N G5 - Rfgnl 20B-t23-t004 -!= V a T n t, black tn ond 2 lod F a m E q u p m e n t ls,, s$50 on. Now omount K O P O N D S pqv W-s. NSDR roglsorod Z T doo ground gr< drve mo or lynaweck «h a n d y m a n! boloro CARRY-ALL A screpere nura n»13fn,nmml S t t e trnunngl S hay mx. MockOfAllTrKcs 7on or oflor Spm, for sm trocor, 60 now mc 0/rf & C L E A N U P " jndsop*. wklo, 1 w/hydraulc floor. 5 hn R-forervxM Avalnblo! lo!.. (uuffew 13 Yean Exj pentnob Cof owned Ko PonL-. Dvmol JSN AUSTRAUAN ralso & owor. cut & door 2* lo vo\l halo volt halo- S9 a balo 3 Strlrg molton, plumbng, F o rra a s B-aajeoo Yc 2 0 & 3 2 M m S o la z u rs SptnkJcn,Dock>., slcrtraldttha. elcd * ~ Shepherd pups, fog* sp spread. Both on rub- gon n,nlgh.n -ghj..p.2 a t42l»e6 Wood & Tle Ploorus. b«lh. (lh.naddton«f rn jc T storod, purobtod. bor b«ltos. Cut drt, hgh mounlo S o l u tk n a nteror PuntnA. andrtx-um. a l l UEJE Color ossonmont. spots, Jll dlchos. $250. }. 18 ruckbod HAY alfalfa. no r. WefxpmlUau, LcoMeRCE-42fl Cnll2 U 2 0 fr3 S M 3 S 8 $350, Soulhhllls holos, he WvoUcarry an. 550, 44 mercury va- cuttng, small SnbSos C O M P U m Fn«SHUmM Mack S E R V f C E S Ranch gravol 0n on rubbor ros, por nght 1 lght* $60 a ton ( R E P A R oddjol)h.nmcxjebn«. L No JobToo&TM2U! or ovonlngs Qront Q> for propanng mounlo< mod on polo or RES] m w tfrraft*] F o m r t s a R w buldng s;os nnd S25, >, Coll < MN PNSCHERS 1*0 ronds. SSOO 00. An ) boforo b comng HAY soflht gra ox- m WfdotaUmort, LANDSCAPE &. CO> :O M M ERClA L C o f o y purebred, 3 lomaloo, to tque jet ekl, noods ou WWW hobby lly, l"y- small R ubw 20B LAW N V r r n r r v Opcfl7ys yaawvek $350, 1 malo, $300. qj MAlNldANCE LLC O CA T O R trmmngl outbonrd molor. SlOO. horsoro oroncn.com n c o m batos, no ram, : Shots, tals dockod. n-homc n-jmr md 2 hydraulc sm acla* dowormed, roody lo tulornl. GuumUux [ h a n d y m a n n o r h s d e M V P owned P l t o t o L o c t o o r lft host to pul F A > gof Coll tn fx your problem LAND9CAPE Loal 21M080 xxnte curomnr L hydraufc lfj on qr , jl. rt olffa. orbofvcecnllu&vo. W O R K SQVCES own ruckrtrr, Sovorol 13.4 CLA! A S SFE D 1ran. Call <Ol) pnvcoru S2!JSm a& gn W TODD MN SCHNAUZfR &* 13,5x16.1 usodd- 10 or 539- LnwnCn) locnto >cnta.«ownta & B R SSMADS Very culol Rog, Molos omond 7 awather tlra. f \ \ j 3106 loave mos: S >nnkkr,po& lno. er.vrell DRESS fftt-m 7>essago. c O N C R E E $425, Fomoles $450, $ *62 10 whool LfudncnpeMnL lnm nu, phone, gu. Wont lost long. Call dump tnck. 10 yd T M /le E gnum >00 CRACK REPAR f t s a K j s, Backflow TflfOw wnlcr,,; lcr S WEDDNG G 8»(X> S -N E W S S. r C tarpod, ; Lftncfecnpo.Pond.4 Rota& SelUU D n m, or J * hll bult ong S-»4 trons. e A J \ S S F E D C.11 M M e s - j Done C orrm y r a a s r SprnUtrlrutell*.,----- lotema , 54, Cnll Tod nt Joto K179 R O o o m G S d e pp aa R T M E N T t. s. c H«y r etrtovng m Concrete Se(tl«-Qul.ty&Svc» htodshoca CommFntt- o l, dt-vels ww»j.ol>bl>yh<,reo o le r R o g nce vconen ronch.com H A N D Y M E N "Frrc ftfnxn-fl- UoowodCofrjeor Napkn*. 20& 40* _ J Gentml Homo S n-tlaw K E E P U P W T -cdmmblm. Whto &Brow] >wn Chan H T H E A U C T O N S * C O N C R E E LANDSCAPE a!nael537s-d3 210S.M an7 7 m ; PEMBROKE 3 sunsl " M A N EN A N CE cwtc* rt!a]bandf<d& - - WELSH CORQ AKC pups, NOW; M olur C oncrcto d/ywsusdmov. OTTNGl DfptndaUt. blood lno, mohbr< yuhjjxbojjeonavte Lon0dazeL«wn m N G H o S ta a n & S a n C oreft Propczty 06- _ from Calforna.; found«on!.4«c & G adssandn* M w ynn ddd frorr owa. Ua-nMlS375-D3. Lnwmownft«so p alty.. ohots, dowclows t Bon(Jo(l&munxL tnmmu«.tnah K U T C r n G l l o y S S SxrloDCo. ; removed, tals HOTff r«removnl.fa>c«&dod( & N E matta a G a C O N 3 H U C O N wr.pantngnlrn-. ; C n S 314W gol $350, rttt, oneztcnor.anyodd,m o r2 0» 4 2 SSM115 [ -sawos. & lowns. = H E J lw Y > ; Cash onfy or 539- m A N D S O N S B or , BuftmlaalntJevaUoy C s f l f l ~ B U Y m «RCE«2S.Ccntn>ctJ( r W E L D D SomorDaeount* SmallJot>tnUnr& C (.U 2«W a> 6«. [ C E S * POMERANANS"2 ro: ~C j j j g S E L L t T! - Exteror, Covernd the b== J S A, molos. 6 weeks old. " C f r n w T m es s - N e w s C a sslf led! Mfl{rcVftU«ynnd T rood/ to go, $300 -CAmunnn. LL, A N D S C A F N G l rotmdulg M a U e r WTeldw e a n d th e M a g each, c V a lle y s e c t o n s, Lbw) JwnSaxag* a n d R e3 p] A T M E S a«8 Gntnul RAO DOLL kltlons. a n d log on to FREZ N E W S T ltw lg t ng ( A ond Owyhaa Bobcat c a l l w w w. m a g c v a l l e y. c o m, «B klttons. vocelnalod. C L A S S F E D» H O M E Y o u rw y 8 E V E L A K E Y. "dewormed."" Uttobox ** traned, long har blue W L L R E P A R S & RoushGnd... S208) K w n n W r ] SpraklaSod B S ta H C N yae. seal blue or llnx F o r m ore nformaon F L L E V E R Y LAND6CAFNG nttydro-secd, & F = - A N D R E, poru, $250 each Call EPAm J! Hollon n Shzub RomovaL 1 R O T O m U N G l Of N E E D Tonynome Rfan, Trmmng. Pawn;, : D E K T[E E K, ROTTWELER purebred pupa, parents aad Lmdraffae preutnns Wall & Gnnkr nfcwalwn Spoealangal T h e T u alot-aad m p s J S f e w s,,. Pantng, dywall. C n o r n u a n a. cedarbose reabn n KQe and beautful, B U Y m faucets,deavouts. fe worlc&mcre. tatauln& 2nM>oe. great temperament. m a g \ t v a l l e y. t o m haul-on».wodowhl -Qualty Not l e e d $ M141 S E L L m you eantdo.nny Q uantty-----» or «-41(M»ll * n a Jo h n aaoaoea M34a

25 . a s ORAVEUtopsoU. J M lvttm dl p= Call 208*30e-7B5d Q O O O m a dary f_ rent. 3 se CAFO dou- bto e polor, hjd sor. H Vco t» m. 4S0 lock* upa. ram ho dalcy or tha ccktols. Qrool a n place to rosa twfors. Roasorut>lo rotes. 539-a)69 or p» CUOTOMGRAN 8h U ARVESnNG 97GOSTSt{rvat(r [ opotol p.. Wecaroobout ", C U S T O M H A Y l Cu Sw nthnc balng, Tfy d t m g aulo and haulng, t 1 ton bales. C nl T o. a d v e r t s e c a ll c l a s s f e d s e x t. 2 RLER Sourday Ortlyl KJM - 7am-1pm. Compulor 7or desk, a a lts & molotl- sol ol. Jr. roshlon dotes. fu» Small applorkos, ms sowng mocmrh). A k)t 3851 or mlscohoneous Strrup Street Rl pr HANSEN Frday & Sot- clolt urday 9am-7 Wom- K ons plus al2o clolhos or>d choap, baby Horns, co Chrstmas, lots ol e mlsoollarwous Calco Street TWf UEROME Fr. & Sol. 8om-5pm. Hugo ngn Barogo solo. Clohoa, 05. msc. ar>d colloctluos. 4 mllaa S, A mle E, TWr a n d % mle S. 7-7 >EROME Fr. & Sot.. f U rgo goroffo solol j f T ods, huntng, n&h-,9 ng. huntng vohldo, X,. lumkuro. knlclt knocks, dog konnol & TWN houso. doop (roozo, sat. Poneer jterao, slot Qur machne, and moro; fflh 198 W aat 100 North.315 JEROME Frday nnd 215 Saturday Largo TWN sajol Dnono sot, com- so pulor dosk. clolhos 3001 kntek knocks ond n w mlscollonoous toms. ttf ftl-r lnbow O r: JEROME July 7 - A 8". HUGE MOVNG SALE Lola ol qualty houaohold Hdms rv-.... eludng kng hood- e board & drossor unt. plono, dosk. drossor. S onlkjuos ond col- loclblos. molorcyclo,.. comp lallor and much. moro. TwtM 538 Sllvert>each gam (Bg Ltto Ronchos). gale JEROME Sat onlyl 8-. mulwamlyl Oak onlorlalnmont contor. hmlturo. household lloms, plus szo cloth- tu/m ng, VMS movlos. plus snu e 3 4 A ( ) r: JEROME ow Satufdoy onlyl 0-7 Chrstmos Docorallons, ontk]u«s. dothos, tools, ond morol 409W.5"A vo. 400b<OCJ(OfW5 Ava Tn JEROME Saturday vk Onlyl 8om-5pm. Mov ng Salol Pallo fuml- TWN ture home/houday d*cor. WtAen nook. HUO plants ond ftowers. Fum, ok doors and wn- M«8 dows, crofts, more. 1 S tra v e n u a W. KMBERLY Sat. only, and 8-3. Hugo Yard Solo! Wosf Lazy Boy rodlnor, lots 0 boby" btrbllor/carror hob- combo, futon, ccnp book suppllos. wowor. mlsc..hous«.ond furrt--_ly " tura, kds ond odult V clcthos ond moro. 810 Eaat Cantar S t.. (Nor RUPERT Frt. ond S a l. Nc 8*1. H uga garaga aata. Sofa, recllnor, booka. dresaor, Ds- TWN ney VHS. Ford tnxk Frldo rack, lawn edge bookcaso, computor nec montor, turrkabo & t LPa. mlcf more. kj 87 Eaat 100 South bran (1 ml & FalfgrourxU). fur F A X Y O U R C L A S S F E D! _ A D - m TM ES-N EW S CLASSFED trm DEPARTMENT. g jg, m C U S T O M ~ Antlqu S E E D N G Coll G nna.alfall.ota» 227 Ma O p«-ovg<lrt)»>a» 20M 1M lop 8 0?...v... wnf t.:* n a q u M A W : : C b O l w S ld GOLD CLUBS 2 ron hrough 9 ron. Thoso Th» t clubs oro dmong frs. stool shaltod dubs. Pror to hls. Hfckory shajls. wore- usod. a o a Ths sol was pro-. - l. ducod by A.G. " P P Spauldng Compony. ond aulographod b y APPUAN Robert T. Jonos. Mon- All typos ulacturod n 1934 or Slanng Thoso Clubs warran hovo oxra kng doop wrapped loalhor grps. Dollvo Excollont condtkn, 7; $300 or bos olfor Coll STOVE condtlor Tryng lo uno 0 good usod aulomobllo? Chock out ho classfeds lor ho works largest solocon avallablo dran ho n >our aroo today-73w tfa V f g V c OMBERLY Sat. Onlyl TWN FA 7am-3pm. 3 famly Saludoy solol Roclnors. baby Colloctlbl furnluro. clolhos. and several t mlscollonoous. 717 Qra 1851 North 3500 East TWN F RUPERT Sot. 8am- 8-2pm.! 2pm. Clolhos, ctolhos, - or, old tn elolhosl (boby 10 adult) dnolo, < Knck-knocks, olc. ctolhlng, nd moro toys thon you machno. can shoko a slck ol mk odd 614 S,D Street 2901 WN FALLS Estate Sale, lurnluro. oppll- c oncos, household lloms ond moro, "c 1058 Grandvew Or N. 10 shoe WN FALLS Fr & Sot )ust mov " whool htch. ndolovo rdng lown mower, 2784 Su; lools & lols ol msc. T w U n r 2479E 3700 N T V m. (2ml5.SolCuny Crossng m W) WN FALLS Fr. 4 Sot. 8om to 5 pm. <S4 Rd Gun cabnet, trood- tw n FAL mll, connng Jars, ond olsofmlsc, bom-st 1 7S4PomeraleDr. ckslhos, 7 WN FALLS Fr. & SO., July 7-8. Bom 10 3pm. Mulllomly Solo. Nowltonwdoly Som m ar S lraet TWNFAL Megc Volley Ranch 7-7 Mulll m r the w ater tower) szo mon WN FALLS Fr clothm l S a L -e a m...mulllplo-. houses n Park Vew oround 0 Subd wth mony j gotf oqu fllforont Horns. Take 362 7* Soulh Blue Lakea lo Park Ave. Park Ave TWN FAL 10 Karrlaon Mulll & adull ck ATN FALLS Frl.& Sot. or. mn b 3om-5pm. Movng or. brood 3alol Fow antkjuos, of msc. tllo-of everythng thul Meadowa S S E y E S S S V 179 Bracken SL S. 7-7 Fomlj Junor sz VN FALLS Frklay & Xbox 00 Salurday. 8-7 Former- gamos, l y locolod ol 1202 troosuros Monaco, gun safe Rch low sdo by sde ro n g, sofa bod couch. rossors. TVs, lols of J tolhes n oxc. cond. Housohok) lust movod hovo a to dojhlng. hot needs 10 gol 5!.?= l57uatvmesklowa 2058 Hlllc, Tral (off of Grond-.,,.. vkw & N. Cologo) WN FALLS Frday lamlly sa nd Saturday 7-2pm. brand grl: UGE4 (amlly aale. der-dohl um, trampolne. ready, s: hes, toys, bnd morol baby bu 1110SparfcaSt.N. clothng, v dng dr VN FALLS Frday corset, s nd Saturday 8-6. Sharp (ox /ashor/ Dryer, stovo. g. color ts of msc. Sellng by pact com tobox "lom nkor 34 Hghland Ava E. lors and uly 7" onlyl 0-4. m,ns one vorythng prced lo clothng, Dll 1419 Brwlley SL new a o s (Nonhpolna Subd. sks - one North Collego to * Rosslgnol - BrodoySl)-, sgner pll... tots of MN FALLS tems, gre rldoy. July7"only. hard cove Vory nlco (our and moyk pece, black halher tton scrap fumlturosol, thuslasts: kayaks, nama of nbber srand ctothnp. msc prced to fumllura, books. crnfts, ofl vkjeo games.. ples, ma 076W ammprrtea yam. we Pteea frama. * drasmrs. N FALLS Sal 7-> m & Sun. 8-2pm. «n, lko new mat- «8, moc offce sup- M. books, -planera, rkhlng, kltchan. tnlsc 973C»ndlarldga l»7 9 Dort WASHEW C : a lls S S? l Sfr l 105 for nfo. WA8HERrt)RY0 M alna vm uae seb). work wall R T H D A Y r. V P H O T O S ro you forgotop WASHER/DRYEl 0 pck-up your Konmoro. Ex vo hovo som a warronty los wo oro sure U dont wont us ;:; loss. Theso con B u l d m l l l l l «pcked up at 10 Tmos-Nows RALROAD TE ossfed Dept.- solo. 7-8 foot lo pne and oak, qt dscounts aval..,. lvery ovoll. SO p p lla n c e t 5581 or20e-64s l A w W S pos and modols. E lsdro nh: ng prco $85 wlh tlt SUBWOOFERS S OOOVaOVC, n (t) Konwood K ER Konmoro, V«00512lrv a good, noods 700W.now.(2) hoso, $40. Ca Konwood 10* cy FALLS July 8- TWN FALLS St day. 8om-7 4pm. Movlng U abos. msc.. omsl Fumluro. oltamlos. household. Grant A vanua 601 P cabo. FALLS S.t 1. -Swamp cool- -N FALLS Salt S g- TWN FALLS Sal FALLS Sal 8-7 July 0" 9om-? 0 clothng, baby othy solol Com. 5. many houso- wo have fo toms. dgtal oryono 0, womens, szo 37S Rdgeway [ S T o S d Bvorythngt 8 0am-4p S u S n la D r. "y lo l Spo hunlng.- (urn =ALLS Sot onlyl aulo, toys, JJls of loms ctothos and he ulor dosk, hold lems. s, loys, ond tols Ra-Max Parkng coanoous. Shoshone Str» Rdgeway Df ALLS Sal onlyl 8 * * u l 4 lamlly! N.W- ram ly V o rg S 11 7 J L rsj chldren s books, s, / POM anng otoctrlc drll, onlo 2. drossors. mont conlor. lly, homo ac- noms, B & D olc los & ctoon loys,awn mowor, r 14 Stadum household Hems. ALLS Sot onlyl 2424 Longbow O S 1. DVDs, books oqulpmonl. «J uypraea w TWN FALLS Solu; ALLS Sol onlyl Onlyl 0om-Noon. ullamlyl Kds. Oak enclosed c 1 ctolhos. trooz- cobno; - 1 l bko, compu- hoovy msson lab lod maker, lots loavos. Now rod n « Park bunk bod & mottr. vn Dr 03- TV. 28 nch P sonc cotor. An ALLS Sot only, 1050s ond tj mly yord salo, Slondord 4 dro sze clohng,. gray nwol lto c access.. PS nets. Area, lnons. msc. greens and mar os lor on cotors, Europ llchmond Dr. slylo. European ( U o s,01 ms- 72SHawathaW a lllcraaldrfva TWN FALLS Solur BA«cTT! 8am-Nc =., x. S T h P " " S" 9, whte wod- nud more,,?,"-? akwoodC o. or TV, com- TWN FALLS Saun omputor. sys; OnyL8am;?_Mov le new. monl- sael Fumlturo, b md scanner, tems, crafl le boots and books and much m.o (_ o n.szes, N o M rty B ln tl. ond women s l69bcam lno J, on szes. TOM country TWN FALLS Salurt and boots, onlyl 8am-? Att no sks. D c. nfant to y-ars. Everythng V f household mlgh* need ond mo ta a te y a o m A v.. oytos. Atten- tww FALLS Solure rap book on- only. 8am. Furnrtu tt: Lots, tots clothas, wheel ch ber stam ps. toys. msc. Hems, to sell fast SharryDrtve offlca sup (nalerlal and WBW bad TVnN PALLS, a r t Frday s. U na«o( M. pctures. H u g a ( n r and DOls movfng aale. Baby sr ( w «oms;nowre(rlg< Rl27soddk) table w/chalfs.to2 e n e w. Flrsl m lsch o u se* y art rst S erv to.. E *? r ta n P r. 121 Taytor a a p j p t DRYER TGER RlVEn 04 Bar : years.old. gal ho tub, S;porser». P lea sa 120 volt.l(a haw $3,995.20e-»6;S93 m " S m w e d d n o., M ES! up vory pretty. $37 YER set w/v6l. Brdaamald Excoltont szo 8, rtot alleroc $250. $50, har $ O o f p d f t-, f Dol&*Qolowoy TES (or,$275. Ponllun,, 1 : ;.. - e l l l k " W MO0/E170S - W M a l O m :.>»,r n,. dsplay, lg MEMORY 60 gg. hord drve n e *. $1200/offor. Coll w B o a Excoton. W D BtOln. n fw O O O 1Excelon FREWOOD cut & splt!5db 1 n. you lood. $150 (& C now Standard sze pckup <1KFC- >«< toad. Cal nch J2)US0d 39?vs! F u m f t u y t C a rp e l BABY FURN. Booullu Color 4 Kkls. 7 pc E boby (urn sol, ndd crb, changng lablo. drossor, 2 end lablds & sholt. Whlo w/pr- mary cotors BED Black ron w/canopy, molross & box sprngs sol. Now, stll n. plastc. Lsl $709. sacrftao r $299, Con delver., Sat l Lo>5 Oj BED, KNG PLLOW: uro. and t0p.$239, maltross &. box sol. Novor usod. f Factory warranty. Can dolvor Salurday BEDROOM SET 5 pc... Hero sold wood, now novor nl Good usod. Ust $1295. Wll sol (or $ Street Can dolvor. Saturday BEDROOM SET: 7 -? Mul- p "- ncludes.bod, lomo 600 nahtstand,. drossor 0 for ov- mrror, chosl. Stll boxod. V/orlh $4,000. -avor Socrlco $1,499. Can dolvor. Call Saturday,. -4pm. 8 COUCH & CHAR, 3 Sportng. years old. g. 2 ploco lurnlturo. socttonal & g. ehar,>, kkls Must gol $700/otfer houso- Call ng Lot COUCH, almos now. Street $200. W ashara. $25/ ooch. Dryera. $25/oo. Saturday Water aoftener. $35. h2pm. 3 Coffee table, blonde, Soklon & $30. Lamps, otc >ks, now Burloy mtorton r. croft DESK 1950s Stylo sol- 1 eloctrk: d hardwood, oxcol-, msc. lent condllon, wth la.. chor, 80*32. $200. MOrlva Snurdov OLNG TABLE now, rons o( sontf pno table and 4 da and ohara ndudos tool. wch.»2 - New Wosnglturo *225. 2,VLr,w " rto cobtnots, S75 oach DNNET SET, msc. lur- nturo. Quarry llo., ball) vony... mlf/ob. Ca >d moo LAUNDRY EQUP. (4) wttross- 35 lb, Mlnor washors. h Pono- 21 Maytog washors. Antque n Maytag Slacked toblo. dyors. 8 Moyog g. drowor LP.dryors 390 gol. Hot lo cob- walor storogo tank, n- a rug. dvdual pkg. Soop maroon dspenser, ronrllo jropeon ron & Homon jw dork change machno. Bd able. 34 w bo lakon for onlro nches, nvonory (rom 7/Srt)6 S, lown 10 7/07/06 ol 2;00pm. <0. Coll Way MATTRESS Calforna alurday Kng. 100% lolox -Noon. (oom monross wth Solol prow top. n porfoct ) turn!- cond. Only W yrs old, y, qual- Comes wth mattress jsehokf pad. $500, S MATTRESS SET $119 o rln r 11 orthopedc, new n, plastc. Con dolvor. Cofl Call MATTRESS SET momtt! PUOWTOP Q u e e n - ><9 $129, mattress and box sol Brand now, «u r t wth warronty.._ Con dollver, no y o u - sle(oh BED aold : more wood, brand new, stll kva.e. n box.. Lst $699, sol $249. Can dolvor. turdoy Col f y ; S G o a m ltm o *r acw nanea/. pyc, / a «r. K)n, r = =. r AUCTON t S a t Ju ly a m g W olv«rton_llvlng E state, Ja ro m e _2.Anttouos.Locklorv. 5 7 Crafs, Garden, Tools, Dshes, Cor C Ad: Tmaa-Nawa, 7A» S l - j g f. g y. - f ; -. a U p c o m n g A u c t o n s F 5 1 KE - A u c t o m S nd., S Chock Out Tho JC Mogk: Volley Soctlon WC o( Tho Tmos-News ry for ho ouclton B calendar, everyday be and On Uno 24/7 ol s (0 lo A ucton. Bl Adverllng sl Jll Hollon or ) sv J.JP! 2C OB V l >et la W ra n d Q a rd e n n ful AROTOTLLNG CH Wood mowng, blade work, dump njck J,08 ond loader. 3(1- Corrugatng. bn 72 Denver Fne SS 70 K O P O N D S Z M udco fa U T rdo -. to)l Pond, yv: SjrnUcm.Dclu.. A :& Wood & Tle Floorng. >d. nttcrl untc, c< on UcuM>RCE-1412 n( Mack 2 0 & 3 m a 4 _ No M T o o S n «ll! W MOWER Dxon ZTR m w/38* dock ond blow-.!0- or unt w/bogs. 5 yrs. old. good condton. a 2 S - - $ SWNG Log sol. wth -,or slde, you haul.-s500, u;a nl Call q M S; B O a " n. M s c e lla n e o u s to F o r S a le S U COMPUTER DESK, vory nco cond. mod chorry f.nsh. $75. Old gun cablnetchast. - $ / DODGE 89 D-50 shell Pat,0. (bod motor), -95 Sal- rttt.5 um SL-2 noods work. 0. Blaze Kng slovo, roll- 0. lop dosk. Moke olfors ollor 4pm. HTACH 52 nch, ultro- WA,l. vson projocon TV, od $ Hondor-- f «0 son uprght pano, $350, " toys HOT WALKER tor horso and telephone , poles (or sale. Col lor WAN nto ol doo 2 KTCHEN CABNETS hol 5 $250 sol. Snk. DW. 25t _ and olhor m ltcella neoua. Wo romod- WAN, olod. Coll Mol >- - LAWN MOWER Hor _ da. gas walor pump, roll up door, door WAN. oponor, chansaw and mol. ar bkjwor $400 (or all pane g / mas. MSCELUNEOUS WAN >l tools, 220V extan- smo * slon cord on rool. mxc P electrc and gas mo tors. 5/16 nch X 2 0 (1. pra (orm slonloss fl stool cable, $2.00 por T > length and S/16 cablo. r.n 5 clomps $.50 ooch. 16 lool doop hull boat WAN and traler,, noods Uso lborgoss, polch, tnjcl 1 $ dom 1 RECEVER HTCH & 8* WAW 1 drop. $150. Damond e foe palo runnng boards tubo: > (or oxt. cob, $175, 208- Konmoro ranga. now r or. WoekAvho, sok cloon. super ctoon/ nk». $225. Coll or RUNNNG BOARDS (or Ford 05 F crow cab. CooK Stove» d : j ~$400/o(tor: e NVA SHOWCASES, gloss, Pow«- good condton, $50 o a c n r C a l n 7 4 ~ ~ y TOOL BOX (or 0 Della uso. : mw-slze pfckup -wllh V $s.9c key tock, above tho trade. bed, $ Pro- whee Fon«-e35Q T -Spoce largo Saver TraadmlP. onco good condllton }ust equp needs belt adjusted =. $ HOSP ~ALTO SAXOPHONE Cadla; brand now. n- T r rr r; eludes casa. $500. Call ORGAN.Lowrey P a - sc o rado. perfect cond., condl padded bench w/stor- 20 sh, age & musc lamp, e s 0 Rhythm * orchestra- $500 tlons2s00 735~«192 Call 2 W1NCHE PANO Lata 1800s gjj" Tger oak uprgh 20, grond, excobent eon- cond. 5 dlton. $500. Col ( e o C L A S S F E D S k h s Ru 11 pays to read he S8CM. fne prnt. «Cbll Tho Tlmes-News. jj, to place your ad jor. 736> 20C oxt. 2 A A A A A A A * 0 1 B 2 0 A T o o t o f t t o f t t e w y S o fh T RADAL ARM SAW De hartuy**. Wall 10 nch wlh leg sol of sond, $400, Ban Saw $eoo. Bock& Decker,$125. or206-3 Coll WORK STATON (acto- 8(525 ry bum, 2x4x6,6,.gg TR Bond 2*4 (t., 4x4 pog Ymohs board, 8 drawers and <qon n, soroflo space. Wrod 4, (,5 (or oloctrfcly and nlorcom. $275. Work YAMAHA Bench slool wth 2 4, Excol storage compartments runs gro and a 6 nch Wnston bos olf swvol Vco, $250, Cal a 400, nov V a r e t y F o o d s A n d S e r v c e s CHERBES n o» loady a A U tm 7828 e N Buhl. U-pck 70 cents u.. b- Opon 8am-6pm, bnng contonors. Call HARLEY : h e r r k you».». ; S, = S 70c 0. b., noor Twn pjcod l< Fols, Senor Ctzen c Frendly U-PCK KELLEY. m Roo CHERRK Annvors 75 cents lb.,0,, q,, At Kelloy Orchard mhos 5 10 mllos wost ol Costco, thon 6 mtos north n ho,conyon. HARLEY 10:30-6:00 dally Brng your Spurlslor ranlanors. Aval at rddon Kooy Gordon Conlor 58900/ofl. S - S.9 5 l» - l a a lke -W a n ted T o B u y S w : = = = =. $5500, 3 VANTED. msg. or 5 g»? * l o S Z r a. HONDA sq VANTED Old doho hqmoa Nallonol Guard and Ar Naltonal Guard, unt patches. Payng m,«$50,575 S for old?"? age loo FTR Sq, j" jockotod pachoo, s 269f/of P» =>-1691 VANTED TO BUY 18 HONDA f to 22 lool boot. Good <,xc cond shapo and roosonably oxhatsf. prced mnod (rc MNTED TO BUY Any Old ostatos: Ponory. ncuros. ndan tems, r S Levs,.horso tod<, owory, qults, tools, oys,-and tokons; 208- KAWASAK or SoMto 1 r - M a r ;B1M , ANTED TO BUY Pa ownod Molo Poocock and a snco no ntr of Gonnys. Col tako t or bggor E bko n ANTED TO BUY , nolol powdor rver jonels. and 3 lo 4 KAWASAK nosh wre R600. oxcollon ANTED TO BUY wth nlarn mal. ooctrc comonl bost olfor nxor. Plooso ca (41! ANTED TO BUY rhroo Wheel bcyde.lh bosko on bode. ;a ANTED TO BUY Hardly USO Jsod dosol dump p ruck, gravel bod, on- x- lomoxlo k<. ftnted Woghod ran 1fool whoos ond lork noad ST bos. Ploaso call Mdnkht TNED old unt ppos, h( alchos form MT. wndshok omo AFB, color or lhan ts( ubduod, up to $50 $12,500 C 0. P0U ,...hps the t hoovy. Ca a VACARE Jot 3 Ura 17,000 ml owor dtar, wth a jre stop, hos oxygen ndor-carrlar.. h a -206: ry drven, very l«k» SUZUK Now,, value.. bho runsc 5,900. Wl sol or <79 XL 2 do (or lke vauo 4 noods worl hoo scooter wuh K n w ; rgo wtwelrforctosr , CO ond smlar SUZUK 9: upmont smka cf SPFTAL-BEO now J o 20 2( ectrto pad $2285 crftoe (or. $1000 YAMAHA Sll FZ1:,Slre - 098cc,4<yl comfortobla..offtff-calls: z : r ; = = r - : r - r r y a m a h a *0 whester Moclal Scooter o - y y». (eather mbaaoe Jjghl wtth L a o Ca ; ope rng, p e r f e c t odon, only shot. YAMAHA ( 1shells. No scratch- Majesty or wear marks, brand naw. 00 or bast ofter. been rtddor Call <y6,2006 Thasaflews.TVHnMs.ld :HESTER Sho- export o 96-,ALUMNUM Bl over/under, oxc. lo S S ho ol d. $750/offer. Call s good Cal 2 0 6! CANOE 03 Ok 17, w/oora, ft =. 5 hp mercury Rood Roco Bke, lemal lank, b :M. All Shlmanp cond,. now comp, mmocu- moor wth. Wos $800 now. pkg for $500 or best o(- Rased bed l Rk:k box Ford, wl.. whooors, Scroll saw ; u A j y g, $ :,.=2 CARBBEAN OA X, 3 Opon bow, fj oor, very ctoan, sk boat, Uy,rk»don. oxtro Berkeley Jot. of poddto. tres, dvorlor, bm ) Oxc. COnd (16. $15,500,539-4 WA -05 Grzzly. flberform :, $2,100. Honda cl«>s«< TRX300 $1, cylndol sha load traler, ). Bost oflor Cal fr 105So> KAWASAK97 WA 88-22S MolO xcolonl condton. S : 04M groot. $1,600 or ollor. Cal 200- SEA RAY 96 2 SB56. pross Cruser. HA 99 Kodak many oxtros. 01 n ow opond.su- cohon. $ 10. swamper tros. p 9 covers, hoatod or 21 O r ; grps, sun TRACKER 5 ; s s r f s r w. - kchon, bot stoopng, qt lo to rc y c te s wuntrator. 539 EY DAVDSON 3P0CH. w n sru c C a m p e rs A los and Cloon. d 10 sol quck. oh ets 3729/ USED SHEL EY DAVDSON QuaMy Low P =oadkng. 100th Soloclkn orsory, Edton.,,,,., o( chromo 18K Al-OHA 10 (ool. $11,750, Call campor. Furna. r35-oa0 0* : jacks, good cor EY DAVDSON $495 or bost 200 XL Custom Co208-43l-6S t s M F E R /o(lor, *«rks campor, groal A 01 Magna, $ Coo pe,oo nrav Sr or Oll A -04 CRF450. f f.. tow, wth ols ol M otor Homes Cul. 09: WNNEBAGO 9 Advonturor. 34. " t a now, oxc. cond- /ottor. Call S n o w V e h c V 97 XR250-R, ond, Whto Bros. SNO JET 440 St. cusom Scorpon 400 (ront suspen- - rolor. Run 52,000. Rat bed S650/ol(or rcyclo traler, ond. Wll hold 2 07 Travel Tralle st kt O Vucar G A R 02 f v c, fuol njoclod. 29 S, sv mn fnd nnrt now, $1, w Z.d 2 2 b o O Col Chromo ppos...dutchman,-92 Hold, saddle wth sdoou. < ond moro. Ono lon condton, $ (ul bke, Grond- Ca 2O0-28O-O77 nod ond rddon, r--- now. $7800 FPTH w h e e l ko ojcr 250 or 25sloops 6 Enduro hroo $2,500 n trodo. Col OQSml HTCH S-whool 1 AV ne htch. Make an 10 low m lo Ca20e ml condlon, KT. -94 Companc lam), $7,700 or (ool 5" whool, c lfer. Call 206- lon eondlton,»(4 alter 7pm, bods, $6,000 or s o o,» o < < pj r tor campng hunlng. $ _ SPRNTER.J04,_ STAR 1700 condton, pulls Jhl SlNorMo. Hugo slde, roc, /anco & hlnos Booulyrdsl quoon bo**, soporolo- 1 ooopo solo, Cto 15W mltos. nkm. $ 19,500, 30 0 to bod B " S. 2» ; logs, mustang TERRY 92 Rbsor $3,950. Ca Fleetwood 5*- wt M S14 28 f(. mlcrowavo v v. ~ s s - s s j, ; ns graol $ M12 v runs.. work. $200/of- t e r r y foo wheel, used very "arh lln~exeeonr dllon. $8,900. drt bs< <>2-.a TJMBERUND 00 rt. bumper pul, Ul k- 02 Slver deck, AC, new cc,9lreel blka.- ton, $10,900 or S:yHnder.fa«: o((»r » _ / WANDERER «U539H&41... GMe Ue w/shde. L *03 Zuma P*V. ecalent a T reat w S 208-J $ leave mass* R E M E M B E CC * tomtftmgoh TTwT SW. never h a Sden. $5, )780 S S 5 S ; S l<m» C-g m - BOAT fe ol orgnal. J. $ S 4 6 d... OWTowfw. both -oxf- w roblpg 1 battery, $ (or.km n. ll haul 2 4 $100. : u se d rtx : 90 V s r (omty, ;, 502BBC ; 01, ploco mn tw. J. 6Juo, : 18 dbaf. -, /O 150 Jor. Easy, $2, traler Ex- >r. cuddy,, oxco(k)nl or Call 208< R 92 33, ty CnSor )or>orator. johroom.: - quarto ts. $16, «7 A n d s LLS* PrccKJ S 01 pcktjp naco, ce manual»ndon. st olfor ovory. Good al prco ELL 8 bo(gas5.... s offer n t / m 96 _ 1, s ). ; or ptolo: osl okor, 1520 lc r a * ;- 40 and 30 Wllh grt>nt :;4. l l e r s " whool. 0 s/jdol 517,000. >714: oxcp-. $70<fe; )774:. * } tratoc n oflor >. non, OXCO;, thjnk or bqst., cam p Has 2 sloops >orfoct an«0. Coll ; 1._noW. : s w o u ; clnors, on, (ul r tolet, : :k»an &, Call : Travol t h dkjo" ndtlok k Cll. Mn by whoe. /o, AC, 1 -o y t M/oKar v.w tb.. oofs* ry lltflo :. 11 eon-*.. CM upper* concjl-.; r best, a -scr le.ww - cdm « : - aagrf E F?r-TMm-»r«u

26 1 T at>d>»e.20q eooe < mm m m B M mmm j CHAftMAC 0 8 C «roo 0? CHEVY *01 Z7 4x4. D0( >ODGE VT dub cab. FORD 9$ * 9 F-160 axjraat condwon. S T J s x or tan doth nlarky, good Call *16995_ S h. 22 fl X 8 B CHEVY 02 S u b u tw 2? TORO D t B oadm tm CMC 3UC *01 Yukon SLT. UNCOLN_ < *02 LS. VB, ft. axl cab, aho.-. bad. 4K4.V8.PW.PL.aBoy 4x> tandadeab nofemd tramr. u c. Thomp- LS. loklad, Edda Bauar, graan 96X 9 9 msaa. >o«lad... laathar. loaded, aupar. «c. AC. cfulaa. PW. PL. whaa(a «ock# 8253d 3,0 0 0 n «$ a C U C ta k m laa, S22.1XXlM>ar. wbh lota of chroma, aw exc. cond. * 16,000 claan. stock ate #6391d : u P8. 67K mllaa. *» $17, p b l M l g all condlon. $ F L A t BED t» trtar FORD se s e 4X4 short e8. B cao 2oe-s7o-34o m g e «r, newer Ortt, wwcc«r ramp. * r xw- ***» Ml. carpel kt, TTWCK K D H W M l r o B D W Exploref. B C a ll -9 4 a OO- AX Jl tho g m la *. hxg froma. 1 XLT.V0,l(»w(nlla. H l100k»fra«sraaway mllaa. $ s oo. Call ?: CHPOrjoa-SubufffttuL r aloefc#e3flmsl W u m Y T f 4w < rt or m r JTfffTSvla CHEVY O S C r e J c S f t H 4x4,. 20* whaala. CD, landkopno or haulng l whaeera. *300. 4x4. SUverado, vary raar.ar. tow pkg.. canaoo-asy). claan. $22,870. S H s t a o e $209M ot Pathfnder, ncoof, laathar, UTtUTY TTtAlLER 8x0 M S n u H e y J S r e boards, tow f»«c U-tMd. 12 nch 8 % ton. 4x4. SUVS WANTS s d f boards. $900. X. 32M os» U l _ » > 3 % SlocM 1953 aa. auto, AC, Sal your vawda. CaC e9. an, $6995. mmadlata- CHEVY 7 7 H ton Wth S4-00eS CASH TODAY AY S W " K cnjjjo. AC, & campar. t 20B Only 70k muo9. Bet oner. Call ! S S S. S. S 3UZU *88 Trooper, ORD 01 F-250, Larfat FORD»«e >:250 F craw door. V8. AT. 4W0. guz needs transmlsskx, n CHEVY»«4x4 w/sholl. cre Edde Bauar. PW, PO, crew cob. power cab. 2WD. VD. 460 good. erglna. Coll. N O T C E mkts, naw stroke, 4x4. short box. 104K. axe ex cond aaaalflad tres. $5,995 or bost 99K ggn mles red. S73C EXT, 4x4. GM Carlloffor. Call $19,500 «n or bas offor. e n n rt w e 0340 or Call mo- ned, k>w mtes, tow :L > g-24«0 roon. V8. pkg. 3rd seat power,w FORD OS Bronco - / Wer. CADLLAC00 ea- Pw so csack your CHEVY -97 Sllvorado.- «PW. PL. PM. CO er Edda Bauar, 4x4, r, auto catado AWD. laa o d r accuracy tho, 1500, 4x4rfllyloaded, chromo bdmpor MH N U l l H H H looher sobl 5 $3,400/ offor jlam lndm father, S tock#cl784$2l995 rkjovra. cnjtee gun roof, OnStar.0 5,8U AC. looded. NJMAM dl (trat day ll mns. M o a 97,791 a t,, ; n g " : EEP 04 Uberty Lmt- 4c4, V6, 8,8portutlllly guards & bod caps. K mles. $ 10,4 Tho Tlmos-Nows Ml 10,460 Stock# 2005 $43! or ,(,eo ed, 4x4, V6. outo, ar, J w $ " oxc, cond. 169K FOH ORD 01 Ror>gor oxt, FORO *97 F- only bo rosponslblo FORD ed, PW. PU CO. lntod Q j a l > mllos :ob. cob. XLT. 4x4, outo. V llor oS glass, roof rack: Now orony errors or CD. PW. PL, cnjso. outo locks xka/wlndows. reported on ho frs low ;ow pkg. Slock# 1871 cruso. loaw loalher soots, o S m " day o( publtcotlon mlk mles. $ f Colt 208-: Plooso Coll CHevnOLCTl Call Mke BBl al EEP SAJS NSSAN-91 Pamflnder X1.2 J CHEVY 99 K2500. ror M R, Rongor su- CHEVYM Suburban JEEP Cherpkea 6cyl well V-6,, good { condl- 4x4. ext cob, kng bod, *3o33 P f COb 4x< 4x4 V6 XLT 4x4 LT. laalhor. load- squlp.c ho(coof4ol on- «.0C,000 or best lo o a oxc. cond on- - Stochfe 263< 263d $7995 k M l U H H ed, sharp (ruck. $ Stock# 6376dp <>««208-e 8-67O-l10e. Auto Putt And glne, $14, S E. A a s a r A v r o H m mm S m a U e j r J t s J H H Aecassorlw CHEVRO.ET-06H x m T n - m r m m g S / B - 2 M! d a h t * f o3rd r X3 F-150, 51K FORO 99 F W0, l-s. 4 door. 2.2T1, ( S - ENGNE Wondu!l mlo nlos. 4x4. oxt cob. Larat. dosol do: oxc saver. Now $ CHEVY *06 Suburban wde block (poly vory ory nlco truck. cond. oxt. ox cab. LT Seres. block), loss lhan n ll! S13,000/o»O Cotl W M 16SK. $5.700/onor , Runs portoct. A a t u r A u r o Call Coll QMC 01 Yukon SLT. (t!rklor!/?vd. fully loodod, AC front power. Bt. 15d7or ?4 Coll Q 900 CHEVY 98 Blazer, ex- - * roor. cruse. CD J S S " 14,867. osk tor Dan f Wo ondol>20a-s36-»900 k Z : cellont coojnon Mfy >port choose w p p u a w ( player, power ovoy- goo, FORD a CHEVY pckup ports. 70 & 60.,_ 5 spood. AC. S5995, m m O M 2x2 low mues. $6000. ~ CHEVY-MSlOptokup equpped. 4 door. rom. auo, AC. CO. y mng, bucket seats..t r hoots & Ures. 4.0L r. loothor nteror, momtransmssons, trons- Ranger quad a f a g g H H Call Oavo ory seals, from heated <Jfo <04 4-Run. lor casos & body ; S m a ll e y j te r s f a g door. 4x4. 4.0, soots. Onstox, sun 7 WO. aport * CHEVY»» Suburtjon, ports. 302 englnea & - roof, thrd row seats, /8, golactk; - le eo s Thunderblrda H LT teohor,. towtr»g packago, 4x4. S m a lle y M & Cougara j CHEVROLET S2 Bl Baz- VCR, 100K. oxc cond, o 5 (coltont corn. low mles, oxcollon * nskfe atkl L DODQE * x4. 2 door. rog. cob or S to. outo. 4 dl sot of studded snow. condton, excotlent ;ep-- 86 Cherokee out. Exlen lertded war- FRONT AXLE for S8 3 funs and k»ks good. $ (> X4, leather. V6 3 thkh *9-500, Coll malntononco records, JEEP mles on now ronly. $ /offar. Joop Comancho S9,500/olfor,. Plooso - u a W or $22,000/offor. Call 89.0C nglno. new tres, CD, , rallo,$250, Auo uons., catl or j V GMC J engr x4, Make greatfrst w/transfor coso 90 b.»0 «-»935.. m Slorra Z71 ar.s 1.800/offer TOYOTA Joop Chorokoo, 4,00 1 r. - l : mllos. 5.3U 05 OJ Sequoa or SR5 17K llor. $ S14. j ,,1, AT. $11,200. >00. Call any- K mles, lke EP e a, M ded. worrarr- MOPAR 3S3, 4 barrel 7 FORD 05 F-150 Lalal. T T Z JEEP :horokoo Lorodo j wllh loodors and ou-. tjtack. 20K. fully toad- 0 M) 3500SLE, tomatlc ronsmlsson. 1, DODGE01 quod door. od. J. 532,000. Mon ffo w c o b d u S500/offor S4 SLT. Cummns. 4x4 -lb0-{ W loodod, - loadod, vory sharp, f o r d..parts transmssons, R n,.s F.a o.,..., S o n * " ranslor casos. onos.. crow u o orvjno ports, axlos. r s m <dually. 4x4, desel. Umled. k>ad- Chon xc. cond.; 6 cyl. Now -.w lllea od. vory sharp. HYUNDA 02 Sona Fo oxc. ans. brokos, etartor, /T ju Q S 454 V.8, mfos. now $21,850. LX, 4*4, loalher, CD. rans, aor.& fuol pump, $16,900. _CHEVy;00Bla2Of.,4 f PW. PL PM. prvacy. waor gloss. Stock# 1975 $500( door. 4x4, V6. W a S m k l l g E P W W r o n g f e r, T J ~ LS. AC. PW. PD, ohoro Edlllon. 5 con nslall , S m a le y M 6 T 8 oek# 6398d $31995 l - u p, o, cnlso. $9958. Jood. lols of oxtras. TOYOTA 88 S8Landryng 10 rma a gooo u»e«l " 9ry S nlco. $17.000/of- crusor, 4-s( -speod, 4x4.. TCNNEAU COVER. : 1 suomobt*? Cheek ort undorcovor. lor short 1 «2 e a 7»» - a w tn# clsr«ds lor tt>« r A rare nnd. 1. $2933 J bod GMC or Chovy.. u r vgss s««et»n avauable oxc. condtk Q>vr>a, upgoll7adye>>m Brano now out of box. t.2 n your VM today < s m nlng boans, your dub«n ClasslM. Thu MfWds. yo. Woghs only 58 lbs., DODGE-02 c dosol 4x4 O g U packago, Ol ox- Cal7» ClaWf you con stand on l. 2500, 75K mlos. vory ras. $24,0C 4,000/Offor. Black, oosy all. aasy cloan, S on, PaO $650, wll sol RD-05 Rbnoof.oxt Call J B B T A u t o ab. for SGOO/offor. Call lb. XLT Efluo. 4x or, bod mor. ak B m m 733KW31 S BMork nnr>g boards, B M J f l Wondoll OCk*1607 $16,995 A ntques And OODQE c 7 6 Power CHEVROTl Collectbles wagon, bg block au- [ j S r 9 f o n lomac 4x4. :tt kts, GMC x 4., n t H O W W * CHEVY 7 9 B Camlrw 33 nch ros. Haro S oulo V-8, sholl, now Royal Knghl. 350 V- club cab, short box, FORO no 75 F-250 very Uros. 55K mk mlos. Nlco, 8. AT. RS. AC. Oloch Runs ported, stragl aght 429/ cloan truck, k. $ $13.99S. and beautful throughout. 56,500, Call tS87or20a-410- S160C 600/Offor M C t l S 3? 3 S2.500/otfor. Call 208- barrel 1284 ond osk for Dan, or D 89 F-150, short Chfls DODQE 7 5 Oort Slonl DODG 84 Ram bod. 6 ouomotc. $ 1300/ Chargbf.! 318 V8, now good. orwmo SLE or bos oftor. Call 208- ; 33- mud tros, new S150C condton, S & ,. tune up. rons son/lco! offor. & radator. Runs woll, Coll S K S H CMC -98. V6. 8. sold S as s S e m s A n d H ea v y 5 Wllh c DODGE 85 Prospoclor & S AM/FM storoo E q u p m e n t 2WD,- j 360 hoadors oroo. Loco HONDA A ACCORD V P 2006 od n Wondoll 2006 HONDA ODYSSE EY EX custom motor and pord D 89 F-3S0 crow 2 Avo, W. C ~ v c.., wvlcmhfl.njn, Sm.ll.c 06 HONOA CRVLXFW D } ;4...t,,50ncvec?u.rp" FREGHTLNER oxhaust. very fasl, not cab. kjng bod. V ownor tlhnm S (vo.n ««btlt. M >11«CD-»mcl4W0 hp, 3 SUV. vnlh J tpttd tulo FL112 flay cab wth gas fflondly / cjoso Vrbl*Cy<.n)fr Mng.ffl,nt(VCM )50l. XLT. AC, d ual;. sooakb Spans PTO, 1 oach. Frogh- -offer Jor whools., ansh. t/.ou*l.ug.du«.m tun(mlt»n«bte( XM.rtt hp,]4tl»hvt{c engnt $ ~ ftem tcumtntbg conwol rttdy Kfoplut S dtc CD ttngal wth f/nor FL day Clxlpnc Acra NotfCtnctOtonl jnlanc cobs wth PTOs, 2 xumlcovt.1 WlOs :)d row )>luto< Sl ooch. All run gtoa U Am, lock bt«b<4 <1 Role 10 sllf MK lold up ot wy lor 17 cu. UrTSutntolbngorgr wll low mn., Qn C Chll) me.ocr.0. ((.to. lemooom PowteondtovxwndomnlMU JOO &160. g ncho>>>d>rn.rlor. «n«m«tt lbl* SbxrontdK TELELECT S tl boom ns s a oh TllonSE o "ll-n doublo man, norna- outo. f 2x4, clean ruck. crow cal Toptlt Kndttt l}vol) powvroullal s-*y(o««ffm Psw«> Hd* «oer> tonal 466T 13 spood, long bod. $3, B PL. PM, CO. to Goca rubbor. Call Stockr2034 $ Slock«l<W \ C * or Al Can buy boom or PS or os gor. ( W rtwletl A-t«/A/C.PV,hoc»lruck, Mako offor. _ Chrs , r, 4x4, supor cob. was *21,969 LfWnWMowl \,g uto. AC. CD. 20S-733T 0 UVLpy REEFER VAN * 1 8, o r j ; xl02. Stan- 2 S f t S - foss qulled rpar R _ doof, slanloss ron f corners, heavy duty T a g 5 S sa B S w a s *23 w a s! 3 W y! 4 9 / m o. _ S 2 0 -,9 4 5 o r g 4 9 /jm. _s26,53p«s319/n m o.. door...tandom.sprng f ldor. ultra.caror. B 9 S! K NSSAN 97 vory unt, Brakos 90. DC Tros 60». Call 208- SLT. 4X4, e T cob, f o r D d 94F.150.4x ,, ~ H T V8, supor sharp, local ll lr rurt. very good S m au cym W WHTE TRUCK 60 Now $11,988 COMlK dllon. S5950. MSt A v TO lbs. 6V92 Do- -4 rot desol w/9 spood " S S s? < : k s W«N R oad- Ranger rons* S o f l Used C ars H O N D A 0O D YSSEY EX -L : j woryjo a " m2006 H ONDA CVC HYE rb R D. mbwn, 12,000 lbs,.. Slate v.s trom oxfo, 20 ffot bod Call * Q0 Thc # l Honda -,pyv. CASH TOD> CVTtr»<tmrt.on ODAY Fronl.nd P -... Wth rnmos.was usod_r... Buyng all yo _ 10 haul D-4 Cat (roc-_ TRUCKS Tl WANTPnt ~ wh-r Certfed Dealer Horvdn.gtKWyum.. m okasondm...am loekbrk..... tor, S5.500, C or 208- Sol S ydjrvahcle f o r " n M M 248. l8elt»dt ask forjm mmodmo *. o«ntr Soek/lln CASHTOOAY TOYOTA -84 M ( pckup, Buvlno ol voors, C O N N E C T U - 4 x 4 r 190K-,rnlle: r r t to jr Z a R r mokes and modols- FORD» )94F-50.f0ng erxjlne. rnoy ay extras. sockxaaja ; WTH bod, V8. oulo. 4x4. $1700/Offor CUSTOMERS - AC. CC CD, opltonal fuel lank. :. to< tow pko, $2498. TOYOTA *89 19 Pkkup < WHO NEED -tew A jfr oxt. cob w/shell, V8, ;_ Y 0 U R m 5? WD tu rw - welt $2500/otfor SERVCE m FORD ) 94-9 F-150, XLT, Advarta* n th a cob. 4x4. good TRUCKS WAM1 j H n (2 4,9 8 0 w a s» 2 4, B ualnaaa 4 Sarvca po FORDJPO F-150. super n lrunnng ruck. Sell your vohksf htefefor _ O lracto cs cab, short bed. 4 0.?" W nodlate «- 3 m L door. V8. auo. CD.. 4 " CASH TODA 5"d".v n o w * 1 9,8 1 _ f l o w j 2 2, > - - _ -o a m o rp S rs Buyngo-yea yeara-; " C ns S dtta U E makes and 3 models me l U S-2480 M M * <, 7 FC FOTOOO E j B TRUCKS VANTEOr F-250 XLT Supor, f ORD «) M Power, Sell your vehcla for Duty, C clean <?r.nk«ke. 4x4. XLT, C v tfa d a D r t mmedate mlk»,ltftk«.wow h r tw d fnd. $9995. Vf-, CASHTOOAY. whwls.kn fner. Buyng all years, Flowmoser. fmaw f hell, new, mokes artd models t bedllner. $19,500. t.s300or.,1-fl COrag e 3 2» o.. WnP D L E K A l k h k M H m n u n j g H o m BUB HONDA. S U «. # f c # s k ; FORD*MBroooo a

27 Mm g g n CKOFF F r lassffedune Ad: / Specals S 1 LNES ft 1C 10 Days For tems f tooo 0or less. 5 L LNES $ 1 0 1Days 1 For tems f500 or le< less. T tam law.t N *M a,mdre l LNES j 1 0 Days For tems SS f SOOor less S2 each addtonal lne. Ptva rfvate Party only. \ Merrhdnde onty. P rc o must 1 6e ncluded n Maxmum of 4 tems. m N a S u l d o k u A n s w e r s : mv Thursday, July ,2( _ l 7 ;9 3 5 ;2 = FORD 02 Muslong, fl HONDA 93 Accord LX. l a s s l f e d rod. VS. 7 \ 9 6 s T : loadod.. oxc. cond.. nco car 3 t T s P r v a t e 5 t.ooomo mpg, now Mag wheals P a r t y A d s oxcolon cor [ 2 4 T! oondltoo. tros. $ THE AC CES ON BRE [PGE. Bobby Wolf )lfr LL 7.:96 "" $ ; S :9 lundorblrd. bfcotlon, - S K Major,> "N ature has made u p h er m n d NORTH 07.6 A.. 9 1! a l 627 a " odlvdoblt, cards, r?, S : - 0 th a t w h a t c a n n o t d e fe n d ts e lf 4 A J 8 5 coshoccopted, _ Col SK 6 l : 4 1 ;3 5 g sh all not be d ended." d e V A Check FORD 94 Escort 2 pfocossng door halchbac J l - R alph 8 ; S! l hback. 2 WaWo K Em erson J 3!5 2 ;6 j4 ovsn orhopfwno. WD. good condton. cor HYUNDA 05 Accont A A J js 8 " 6.;; grool gos mlk)ogo, GLS. PW. PL. AC one nd.;2 9 f 73-0» 3 1 «x l2 $1,100, moro. 7 to Chooso WEST 1ST EAST Tlmo»-Nowa. or e{ D619 - from. Bost oquppod T o d ay s bddn ng b rn g s u p a vl Q K r 9 : :3, _, go frst n u m b e r o f teachh n g p o n ts. To V Q J V K $f0.9sfl start wth, North d a e wwoo01 o Lanos.. h a s an. entrely A Q Q K lo t f l o a....t: 4 doot oor sodon, AT, sound double of the th< openng bd, 4k K <6 6 Q 10 ( 8 only 6SK mlles. a n d despte th e un: unfortunate outr 35 mpg, Kolly r" com e, he would e qute be wrong ( to SOUTH. TOYOTA.*97 «thunnof rfo o n o W Aorosofvon 5 2 f o r d 96 Taurus jrus, LmJtod Edlon. fully wh wth bock toodng $3,000 tokes L Buto doon tow mllos \ p a ss or to bd one A 6 3 spade. V a 4 loodod. S6.S00. Cor wh wfwol ctajf Wt. Also Poymonts wth th no- - T he redouble b>y y : E a st s clearly ek olocfc whool chof, P6S6. crodl chocks ) $3, ndcated, and Sout uth can only bd TOYOTA C««2 o a.3 2 «o o, * L tw o clubs and hope )pe for th e best, t a S f «L A m _. 1 0: 1 0 V,;--rr;, loonod. C Ww- W est and North she should pass, and Vulner, OulO. AC. 30 Chrs lerable: North-South g r A u W * - : : SSS 90% road on E ast, although hs 5 c clubs a re mod- D ealer len West - Toyo tl tros S? y * 3 1 KA 05 Rto, 4 door, e ra te, should not hestate to dou- F c ARS WANTEDlf or / & l sodon, gas savor;. ble; Hs p artn er s pz ass suggests a The bc bddng; Sol your vohlco (or Now $9988 relatvely balanced d hand, so E ast. mmodlolo ea Londcrulsor, CASHTODAY m u st ty to explot tl th West N o rth E a st t tthevulnerabl- 4-Bpood.4x4. Buyng f on yoars, B ty. Any rescue alter. 1 Dbl. Rdbl. tem pt by North- 2 A rwo Jndr« makos.ond " modols- S. K m m m :. _ Pass, Pas_s Dbl. - South can be set 80C DODGE C le 00 SUatus. sodon. 4door. or. < 4 cyl o rm o re, and All pass outo. pc powor optons. AC. PW. for ths, a nonvulne; nerable game s PD. tm. l e x s 93 ES300 monthly pay- cruso. $4135. s s a mlas, AT. a poor exchange.... Opcnn nng lead; Heart queen s. $4,995. loodod, 4 door, vory fj W hen th e h e a rt t q u e e n s led Mortt M R M g lf t *480 sharp car. $5,000. a g a n st two clubs, South s m ost 5 o o». - E 0 M Metro ro now Col BD WTH TH E ACES CUflA 04 TL, only Ctrls! ra «ngn<, 1 lkely play s to wn dummy s ace V a n s A n d B U M t s 15K mlos, 1 ownor...r $1600/otfor. Col a n d play a damond nd. f E a st s al-! < loo local trado. sun roof. DODOE - E 6 7,DlpJo-l 9761 oskfortod VANS WAMTEDH Now $27,980 mot O-D lowed to hold the tr( Lrckw ththelo, "jja M w jn jm M. borounc lundy.oo h - l HONDA *00 4 d h s n ex t play s crt :h holds: rtcal. He m ust * Q »-7700~ > Wrtw n good-«flgn*.l...nhoafle. shft to a tnm p.for hs p artn e r s Ca s h TOOAYl body damoao. wbfcnms 1 V Q J - 3 quk 3UCK 03 LoSabro 10. v rtu ally m ark e d [.w th th e kng, Buyng ol yoars. mlod. n mllos, FV /.7c, 25 mpg, $12,000 loamor. low cossottt lono ptovor.l or hjtl power, cmtoo. Ht. A Q lt- a n d t s m p o rtaa n t to p re v e n t mokos ond modola h loohor. sun roof. A K 6 j m -eo»57<.24a « < 324*566?* c OX 2 $6974. dum m y from ruffng, ngwns the trum p S t th h West N orth E a st door. AC, CD. g W hen declarer BUCK 92 Road- S h h mlks. okcellont rn c?» S sh ft n dum m y and lea d s a sec-, \ Pasg 1 4k 2 A master-vp Sorfas W j g w g f lon. $10,750.». Coll M l l llnw. 138K mlob, <649 _ o nd dam ond, W est s t can overtake s h h r wnto w/rod nteror. HONDA 03 Accof ceord EX UNCOLN LS th e kng wth hs ace to lead a sec- CHEVY flaconvofslon roor L controls lor Coupo. V6, Ust kothor. ond trump. S WWER: Bd two spades. Pas ass-, von. S posmfv porthon. etc.. mood spoler, lnt, sur sunroof. V8. 4 door sodan Now all o f dum gof. AC. loodod. Ughtlng, TV. cooler. DODGES *97 Stratus, tul noso mask. load- wtth P<wor moon mr m y s tru m p s j"g vould o t not be a huge mstah ake. 3? * gloss doconters. Tlptronlc, powor op- ed $17,500. Col 206- roof. Only 46K c a n b e d ra w n bef< efo re a n y d a- but ; lke lt to rase p a rtn e r when sn front/roar AC wor1( tlons. AC, $3, mtos. Kelly Blue! m onds a re ruffed,, an a d South wll c a n. N( N ote th at a bd of tw o n no- S m a l e y J r 8 o< groot. Cor s sll n g n m Book vftluos up to USD wftf mo busl- PJU $18,320. asklngl b e set 800. B ut f Ea ast, for exam - trump p here h would show 18-19, n not CHRYSLER *00 noss n NV. $5,500. Mark 30: $ 16,800 or bost p e, w ns th e frst t d dam ond lead 2-14,, so s you cannot do that. nc nc- Voyoflofvonwlfchld Con Cc 77S.7S ~ - offer. Plooso conl a n d c o n tn u e s h eat ja rts, d e c la re r~ d e n taally, ll; a support double" - l f soato. Ono ownar. CARSV B y , m ay well escape fore r down one a yo jse that conventon wou md areo condton, W H, S.SOO or bosl offor. B p o o r re tu rn for Eas :asl-w est, who show a three.-card sp ad e rase 2 to.* Co]l20e-67M 139. D H H E j r cord can m ake game. d e s ctn be t th s h a n d p e rfe c tl; ty. OODOE 05 Orond Cor- BUC ruckw LoSabre, e x -vl. v6, outo. luto. olr. More! on or ths n another colurhn! ovon. Roody for voca-* 74Kmllos. nk;e clean - " T haatod cotnor r soas. S4 Hon. Powor soot, cop- cor. $ ) , pyj, pl_ CD. Now, lf)thwauu ouu lltol Ulac n.by Wom. c.m ll hm tolns chors, CD, 54K. J * U s w T A v r o lx*b>w.tfr-.. (7)1109. oxc. cond.. B f u m s u u c - j j Q CopyrRt >T(h2m. Unlnl Vatucr Syrxlcalr. nc. $13,000, s. doho St MAZDA door Of20e e Won. Vondo g t m powor wfndows, ADLLAC *64 4 door. 00 Conlour, lo to 1011 DD «r y suolghl, not njn- K nllos. nco nlng. kjts ol chromo, >050. K : A u h a. AO uuto*. A u td» > ; ; lost ot ho bg tns. - l a r A u r n OLDS 7 8 Torno, rock- SATURN S800/Otfer N mpg. oa q e wafttfr s s? ; ot 455 outomolc, mns G 9 axcotont, 75K ED. groot. $650/offor. Coll J H CAD ADLLAC -98 DaVo Wonda 20a C HONDA03 Accord,»rd. Col x " s$3800. Col :lo for ,000 mlos. OOd oodod, rms, good c o n n sun roof, loathar, er, r nov or mmodato0 sloops 2 odutts ond 2 cooc :ooduon. $6,900 or 03 F-150 XLT. gotlon. oulo. $17,9 7.OT osk tor Don CASH TODAY AY - - chlldfon. snk, comp 5««JOSJ offor. Col 208-» - lb, short bod, a.t. Buyng ol yoar: ars. 1 OLDSMOBLE 02 Au- SUB; JBARU -03 tmprozo. stovo ond potly. Lols 4Z0- J20-B Mefce<tos S m a ll e y J J p. mokos and mod lodos roro, loohor. foodod. ndo " C l24{ >46. ; ot -elorooo. Excollont CHEV nco cor. stock# ruhj HEVY 00 Metro, Ford Crown Vtotora onglno. ntoror ond kmh lo tc aeh. 404fnpg., roro holt olf plox glass j r MAZOA07 Protogo. e379ds10995 f -worof, S0;W Hror AC < 57K mfes, $4000. top. V8. 0j. AT. alt org, -...now.--onglne. low CWJSSS.VOLKSWAGEN 00. -bosl otfor... Ca :al 20B-73M471., -z# Ford f Roadster, ol mllos. ctoun. Moke : J Motk powor op loothor,-.... o p T % -. Call Coll CHEV S monlhly poymonts. «7»»-»77» g y g nanclno BARU -a L00. C Mnemg torms torm $,0, "too 731. HEVY 03 mpala v6 5 $4,495 Awc WD. vory good proved $2 lutomatlc PW. PL. cond. Noor now tros. n r rtlnlat. r t OO JOtlO VR6, tocm 6273d $ Col C e VA a s C s B * 78,000 mllos. loadod. loo W J T H M HONDa (M Accord or , Chrs, S30.?4f 53 *c. condl ndltton. 1cErr7 kn~s> K ~- outo. olr. PW. - CD. ADoy who Bum. PONTAC 01 Grond - $9.000/otfor Prx GT. slver, oxcol- S UZUK a 00 Estoom. 4 dual or bogs.. p C Chrs EVY -95 Berreto. lont condton, sun dor sodon, groot WAR! ARNNG VW 88 GT Hochb hbock, K A 0 5 d o n Q U.4 "jw uns,, noeds work.! * * MAZDA *98 Protogo. 4 roof. Only $8950. " loogo, AC. PW. PL. Whon purchasng pun a oxcolen shape, po..... doof wogon, lonvfy------s * ;600/Wror/os s, Call - door, stondord trons, _, _ t o w T A m» oyloss ontry, 5 vohldo, o. make n sure spood ransmls: lsakjn.-... von. Now $14,988...,5 p m :- =. n* u AC, PW. CD. pood.- $3.600/offor.- -,hnt th< lolto th lsn h " C a l l ,----- ;T... - V. RDU cruso. HONDA 04 O...$2500/OttBr..73S-a k? ms S s ; :ol nomtnft nf tho ssler * door, 39K m:, Wondoll m b. doho motor VW 98 Bug. good dcon. >. J L A l 2 S / offer, - ( r r MtTSUBtSH 93 Ml- vehco lcle coda o d»ton. $7500. CaB... S S 3 1 S T «- flo AC, vohlco locannol.be c o>r r : 208- * Con SOe , ~». CO. 5.pa.. raoldrunlos nlowmotlbo t W W f e S L hgh mlos. grool mpg. tha nomo ot CHRY T groon. $ CnlB :rulsor. slvor. Tour- p o S K H K YOTA 04 Avalon hosouer. * WHOcanhopYC YOU»g E Edton. 10K mles. 1 molnng todory wor- j p LS.. sun roof. PW. «copllo Ml your car?, k«hew. $13, ronty...llka..now._vofy L Alloy wheels, low ( 1 laaonr HuTO nk» cor, $16500,.flos.-Now?2feao ThoM w le v ff l C ra «8 tfl6 d8 s H H B H O N D /T o S A m X >MCKMrPM{ u provme W ethenow C a n! B J U m tc r J U r r o W Z7S =,S S 5 S? S lo, ar, c a CD (a c tm warrar K r s ; s S.2 0ndall2O OO FaM 276 S. daho SL; W w T o n - Now $18,080 flowng: Full u-ft Wortdan j m j l dosolptk: rtpttonolthe 4 doof. mw/on. n j lactory warranty. Now PONTTAC 83 vonda. vohkje m B M l M B M " j yw r > om AT $119M Am, wl)lte, 4 doo, tdamfb mncotkm M ja. S m g u m a locl(fe414dp runs groal $1500/ number, Mr, amount faf lw B M B W B oftor. Col , TOYOl YOTA OB Camry LE pad and nd namafs)., BtJtO. rto. ar. PW. PL. CO. and addro M rossotlha, MBHS r NSSAN 92 Mtttlma SATURN W S U,- d e factor ctory warranty. Now nowpurch S L M 0X1. loklad. loathe..- - tomauc. runs good, $18,9 JSl oht Bm «o s slver,.» nyslea 08 8*- r o R O W R M CD payor; new tros. groat mlee por gallon. QR&. dated and leather, 4 p ng groal gaa Lo«d«d,, 0T)ly o 1800 H O ND A A coom $2.250; , Mus sol $2,500 or stk>w»v actual Haw Uro*. Uon am B«carCD.A C,3 Tlos. Uko k0 now, facto- EX-t. M lhtr. po* boat otter. CaJ Loo at = 3 = «al (he tme» < m L $2000. S r ; rtdmob?cttoekjur).. c h o M fro m o (ywwranty. $14,eoa. m o r. locks. All f CARSWANTED TOYOT njta JT MH2, d, S u l T.fyouhava l h HMcUMHMttorpa t o g «MT M m m whmls. 1 ownor. 00 M. Sal your vahlco tor. M N ad. ln»«. 8A TV R N M SL1.71K $7960 knmadlato, runt groat, quk*. my<xr«mk>d.73kn- - ; - S j ku hosl., f. Now CASH TODAY. Jod Bloreo. $2300/ and 1 :: x m w u m W o o d W)6-S36-1Q Buyng an yaara, o r.c a lj a m «206- > J J.U 206.S 39<SB a (Rl m ak aaajd n o d»4666 Q FORO99 Econolno

28 V V-.c >, \ ales rce H H > on tl n ay, Fr 0 Je B w mvef M -. f 4- V 7 T \. # J ~ t / m m r n r n * «.f.:.,-r r. ;. [. m - * f :, 2(l ClattC r Fhta/ chuj Avalable 3 n a y B.y. r ~ : s l l Ford Taurus AT. PW. F H B H 7 p a ssen >enger. moon roof, heated seat; n Was =\ 16,995 Bl 2003 H H a t. pw. V. PL. p AC. Cruse St. «5763A J ; WasM -,H 2005 V. PL, AC. Cruse Sl. #5409B O n l y DVolkswagen Eu 13 Toyota Camry L M6, Hyunda Sonata 5!. PW. PL. AC. Cruse, CD. JK m H Was 14,995 M AT. PW. V. PL. AC. Cruse St. «576SA.. M W asjl 1 8, Jeep UbertySp _ F S p S S S f l j " -A..y, 4x4 St. N o w * 1 1, u r e Now 8, N o w 1 6, N o w 7 t N o w 3, J-,- f : w r. T T r T r r «T» j

29 Sec edkn URSDAY l o : Y D K «, 2 b 0 6 Busness Ec Mller. Edtor: S a n 7: M aletw dlroad ptanslmprov remmt tsrld al KJTTSOW, N a ttu q ~ r the success o f dal Jahos cconomy com w lto p ; V C r a p3 0 g e t s a f r s t :- -] h a n d l o o k A beuusc transport rtaton s a key ; elemenj n.nllovl wng pandpa- * SUndrd A A k don n natonal and n t a - Pors50 b e W -. carres heavy 1 axle ralcars tlat tonal markets.,270.0t South tdhofw P w hook c onto o Southern Pacfc Several local U com panes R uall tran3. s.! Tlc rcplacemcnt cost o f P S * t..loum : - BURLEY -.depend o n th e ; ralroad. For Y Theyll be work-, each 1 te t s about $65. wth 710,85 ng on lte r example, t carrl rrles n about. e ralroad all tle lve-. about Jt 3,000 : les per mle crs of sup] pples such as,. long summcmcr. th ogh u not all tle tn wll be. 3 Stocksoflo coal and cokc to dl ntsfbst lstern ) Amalgamated A t daho Regonal replacetl ced at once. - f l w Sugars plant n Ps Paul and hauls «. Ralroad s parent 1 company. OnW Wednesday.Crpo vsted out 4,000 COTS Watco Com of sugar prodjm panes nc.. plans the ralroad ral, lne n front of ucts. sad Bryan 1 $4,5 mllon Whpple, \ de ConA gra , n n captal mprove- McCan aln to watch te nsala* ments to ) r.. com panys sales :s and transnew and exstng ton ofnew n ral tes. A machne. portatlon admlns nfrastnctur lsmtor. ture. tanks n part to called d a te rcftover drove along H dacorp a tax credt; "Eastern daho o ls just crldcal lt supponed by U.S. the ral. usng a pncher to pull for us to gel ou 1 SenatorMlkc lur product to lkecrapo.sadwatco defeclv :lve les from beneath tle market." Wlpple e sad. Tlere Mjcron Clef Comn mmercal Offcer Ed rals. AnotJer Ar macllnc. aptly John jj Brown, Watco Cflef Opentnt g m m m j. McXeclme. nt Offlcer, < left, explans to daho le.. callcd d a ; Sen. Set Wke enough trucks." te n s e rte r.-th e n pal m provem ents grabbed Crapo, rcm, how ralroad tes re n jcd the new les and.sld _ -e replaced alons a semon of track c kan d r Crapo supports de exten- n c M e S uplacng ; ral- them nto n place. A m an on de Bure Wednesday. son o f tax nucs U da allow a 50 perccnt lax crcdll on renvest- JM oe oad tes tl: ds year. McKeclne ground Comnodt replaced the- tnetal ment n ral facl: sad.aponc :lltles. The tax rton o f those les wll pla between tlc te and ral. A dc docs n Washngton docs local cal- job." he sad. "Seeng lg «succcss credt for Wa «cnarg# be nstalled /atco, about on the short ral hrd machnv. mr called a splker. ly." McKeclne sud durng th the happen." S , wll help ol, by barrel A 1.26 lne thal ppayforraplruns from Bull lo thennsc nserts le spke that holds press confcrcncc. cdcra actons such ch.xs the tll mprovements s and also (Aug., lght sweet t crude) cn Rupert, servng com panes the ral ll to t the te. Crapo.sad he cloyed ht the!x credt help people c grow the funds so the comp; M M H such as McCan panycanpur* Foods and "nls lss an opportunty to experence, cconomy. he sad, uddl tdng that chase new ; July gold Amalgomate equpm ent, Jted Sugar. le lne show Senator Crapo what he "nls s de fun pan, of n; ny nfrastructure s sgnfc lfcant for McKechncsad. PageD3 N.Koreat mssle te record ol prces we /egh on stocks wrter ByMkluel.lWart>u Aa«oclated Press wr Tlmes- hnews K( en n eeul y td es NEW YORK -.Concerns r over N orthkorcas- asnucear am bllons and rcc prces 5m slocks lower Wednesday nd ad to Wall Streets \vore (he economy and rates. After North Kor«fred a seventh Wednesday, stocks: (he globe sag((( nvestors worred ( tensons between North Korea and the 1 States could nensl nsfy. f l.. Nervousness North Koreas a< along wth concerns p gasolne supples, p crude ol futures to a new nr-nday record of per barrel before retreated slghtly. A of lglu crude nonet set a sutdement rec S7S.9,.up- «1.2 f>, c New York Merc ercantle xchange. Wlh the U.S. ecc econom y stll strong \ rcp< on M factory orders W ednesday was sr n than expected nv w orryng about nterest rales remaned hest estant to Enm founder Km K nntth U y, ctnttr, * bached by neme n ben of ftl defente (ta n Ceorp buy stocks. t» Secm t, left, and Chp l t out»l ut»lde the federal courthoute h «mtk tt tea of hu fraud Od d cocuplncy trll Aprl 4. Lay, wfn H e Labor Depart: wat wa conded of helplnc perpetuate te one of the most tpravlnc buslne neu frauds n U.S. hstory, ded of a bear! report on June rp-s;* er m ent due Frday ad( added to the m arket s hes snce a strong report encourage the Ped S= tc Lay: rado. _ lfe ech loedem ron s rseand fal. tnue rasng nlerest rates. "nvestors arent really lookng for opportu )rtunles Krtsteo Hajfl to get n. lle y rc : lookng Assodatod Prest rom wltw g u ess w h e n you lu re fa c n g th e rest of f y o u r lfe n for reasons to get ;et out," sad Scott Wren,. equty e HOUSON J - Enron Corp. jal a n d n y o u r hea sart y o u k n o w y o u re e a n n n o c e n t stm tesfora.g. Edwards Ed founder Kenn nneth- Lay! w ho. & Sons. read tht m a n, gue: the Fed faced decades!s n l prson forone ess t s to o m u e h to b bear." statem ent last week as oftle most spn prawlng busness W lllle Alle x a n d e r, L ay s d o s e f re n dovsh, but wth that frauds n U.S. J.S. hstory, ded. em ployment report rt com - Wednesday whle vacatonng Sklllngoffn )ffruud and conspracy tence :ed Oct. 23. along wth c cy protecton n Deccmb ng up, nobody war ub e r wants to n Aspen. Colo.: He was 64. for lyng g u 10 employees and Skllln Jng, wlo Jlso faces a long lle crash oblterate rated get nto the market tn front. Hlspastor n n Houston sad n \ o rs s al aboul rons flnnn- prson term. LEnron s more than $60 buo of that." llon Lay ded of. r.a a heart attack, dalheall Skll dlllng, reached by tele- j n market value and tlousant _ A «o rd n g lo.prc ands prelrnl-.. _ whch hnd not lot yet been con- Lay. who 4o descrbed lmself phone nc at hs hom e n Houston, of o jobs, Old Lay was pushe shed. l l - nufy calculatons tle tlc D ow fum edbyjnautopsy as-naurall; rally-optlmstc.-dls- lold- -He Assodated-Prcss that o ut-ascharm am udc E O Jones ndustral av average Lay ascende dcd from near- played no lo sgns of* health hcwa: rasawareoflaysdeah. January J; fell or 0.68 perccnt, pet poveny as a mnsters m son n droughout )ut the gruelng four- No, Jo. dont have any com- Tlcgoverhncntlaunded to S2. oftcr.ga led a gonng M ssourtotlc cplnnado of cor- monh ualj al4hat.«artedjanr30, m ent; tah 6ad-quey.-But-lls -ww despread fraud rvestgao 77.G0 n, hollday-s:,y-shor- porate Amerca, lea. Hs lead d lawyer. Mchael lawye rcr, Danel. Petrocell, that tl enveloped lnron ened tradng Monday rons day. He\vascons nsdered a vson- Ramsey, wa* was sdelned for sev- descrl :rbed Skllng as dcvastal- fnancc. tradng, broadban Broader stock nde dcators ay w*o hnd Prcsden P Bushs eral weeks cks durng the tral cd." and retal energy unts. Tl also fell sharply. T h e ear durng En Euons halcyon becauscofh ofheartproblcm s. JcT :rand F n worked doscly p probe amassed 16 gulty plea...standard. & Poors leos, >rs 500.days, but hs s reputaton r and "ts a very Try sad endng for the overth theycars, and Jeff wll mss ftjm cx-exccutvcs. eght t c of - ndex lost 9.28, oro.72 }.72per- monumental : w edt shattered whole Lay ly famly f saga. Tlere hmdc dearly." PotroccU sad. w wlom tesdllcd aganst Sklln lung cent, to 1,270.91, and nn Uc wth that of hs company. He arc very few people o f hs,age. Layl ly led Enrons mecorcrsc and oj Lay durng ddr tral. Nosdaq com poste :e 1 ndex spent hs last t y ycos optltlst- and abltes who flew as h l; from 1 a stad natural gqs Lay and SkUng nssted fell 37.09, or 1.69 pcrccnt, per d no m callylnslsdnghc (h e w a sn o o m - or who fell so low," sad John ppclln lne com pany formed l a fraud occuttcd at Enron cxcep (0 2, nal even after he b e c a m e -a - 01son, cman 1 onatyslwu) angered 1905 n merfecr to-onencjb od -from --fcw -cm ploycesw h Bonds.fell sharply,1 cxqc- felon, Lay wth hs skcpuca] takes on tradlnj ng conglom erate that sl skmmed m oney behnd d d ebatlng. ho.drop n " guess wher hen youre la d n g. Enrons.ofte often n d cd p h erab le. readc led No. 7 on the Fortune b; backs. Jurors w erc ufcbn stocks. ronthe rest of y ov lfen jallandln fnancal reports. rep n. ln.2000 and dalmed.$101 v The yeld on the year your heart you l k know youre an Along wth wltl fraud and con-, bllon n n annual ruvenues. 1 loved Enron very much d. Veasuy rotc shot t u up to nnocent man. 1 guess t too splracy chat] hargcs, Lay also was Lay y traveled fn the hghest A And 1 loved Enrons employee: yecs 5.22 percent from m 5.15 m uch to bear, "sad st d o se frend convlctcdn 1 a separate federal busne: less and poltcal drdcs, vt very m uch. spent half m y pro- )>erccnt late Monday, lay. 15)0 WlfloAlexandcr- c r / tral of bank, nk.baud and makng. lved a an cxtatogtmt lfestyle fesslonal lfe rurmng Enron, )n. 1 dollar m ade gans ag aganst Lay had stay laycd out of the false staten temcnts to banks, and g gave generously ds thnk wcbuu tagrcat company any. m ost m ajor cun:n nnclcs. publc eye slncc CC a federal Jury Those charg larges related to hs m uch has $6.1 mllon n W We changcd energy mukct: kets. whue gold prces m moved on May 25 eorv nvctcd hm and personal flna fnances. "Lays cout evaporated when around de word," Lay tcsdfct.1. hlgherasw ell. fcd former Enron m CEO Jeffrey L y w 5sdeduled.loboscn- s d lenrom n splraled nto b a n l t - - d durng the ral \> a t e A WM Eu-on sv contemp] H justce now /ctms jlate Assodatad Press.wt wttef H cw asam an.af after all "no just sonc abstract ct symbol of corporate thcven cry and van- shed nvesorblllo lon.s, Kcnhedt. Lay. founder of E Enron Corp., was also a grandfal father to 12, a hasand to de woman w who sobbed at hs sde. ondcdayof 0 hs convcton. And yet hs udden death early Wednesday n 1, Colorado hs pastor sad d Lays heart "smply gave out" :" - deprves de dousunds o f vctms v< o f de Enron dcbadc de le sadsfacdon they sad they woul< uld feel at ls spendng perhaps s decdes n prson, rellecng on lls crmes., Ue Enron foun nders death, three monls befon ore he was to be sentenced, left r many grapplngwthdfncuq r q jc o m of forvene, rctrbul ulohahdde me:mng of justce. tself. t On nternet bt blogs, som e went so far as to ) suggest de dead) was convenle enty tmed.,, Tlerc was ths, for example, frcm a poster to a fo fonunon de Web ste of Lays s hometown paper, de Houston )n Q ronlde:, " He only sad end! dng to-ds sory Ls that Ken L> -y wll rcver sc-e a day n prson."." A smtemen ron am a famly spokeswom.n gave /e lttle rore de[.- tlan sayng Lay had ded n the eary momn; ng hours n Aspen, Cola,where re he vacatloned. Ms pastor n Houston sad de&4-year-old d Lay ded of a hean attack. lb sy de least, t. t was an unexpected twst n n the saga of deenron founder, tb tl ncchlgh- Hyng Houston cvc cleadcrjwho J convcted May / 252 o f fraud andcoaspracy. And t left som me vctms scratchng ther het leads aboul just wta to moke of de news. - Some, speakng n n rellous tems, suggested Lay y w asnow facng.- dfferent kndofjusdcc. :0 ln "1 hate ths happer lened.per- sonally wanted 10 secc e llm to,. j. Bul maybe ds s Gods way sdon of-havng-jusdcc dc xlonc. sald Charles Prcstwood, J, a former jand - - ppdnc operator who retred Tle from Enron n 2000 X) and k tec lost $ U mllon n rctrexbcnt savngs Others were less s forgvng. Flu-less. Hcgotoffcasy, sad a blunt re p t Sherr Saundere, wh rto worked w ho...for Enroh and tsppredecessor r h e _ company for 24_yca tsars. b r e su!waslald<rrn2001 and lost $l-mulon-n-rbdren ngs. < "Tb those o f u s w h o lo st evcrythhg,, w sdll H have \o s t r u every day," Saurden) sad, addg (bat shql badttken comfortlnknow ng J lh l a t-jfh e was gong todes h e V gong todonpson.

30 S K S ;?...S. S 1 3 t S - r S S S r - ff :. - a j! o S r n»-fl S v * S : - S 3 : s j r s : s L. 5»: e.. l!!! : S J f s a. " - s s r?.. S f f g S,, SSS,!!:! SU L" s r. p. «g a». «S w a s - s ; - B s s - s x j m.g USHeTr.o H 3 r : S :*. s s - 2!«?* 22?. «J!2 w* >» : K J. ;n*4*» nno.s a J. S : H : S ls w S S S : ; S sl s " j S w S jm-m 5 5 ":j P - E L, l : ; r -, S : S 2 2 l «- «5to* 114.«S r :, m M a t S h «2 b *S *?»» SSm.» 3 :S S J S, S! a * 55 S j s - s S F " N m Ov Ul Dg Cuwttta Mtt) Ml :q.<1 M. >«Utav.utH >H MfttUM.AOO» «:S. >MHn 14 ]rc.» <X/rr : - g r - «. S 2. j s 21? : 0 n terfb V» s r n s s :S SSJ " s,» S5 :! &» A M ]D &] DanAn;n T S! 5 S :1S!S MM»4a.41 OuhM 1.41 ta. «B»<.» cu>en<» 2 K s s :S S S «s a r s 2 :J S. u m m. n «.«(mccs _ ; s r s a s :S S C.? o.»*nr J» 73a.» a ««. Mw«< M MO» CaxnWM A M lt4 tu n -l too*" *).. «p,o J4M.10 Wk Cb,l _ Mt W UM.181 f>" r r - S S. ; S M«SM> X S S -. S s s ; s a. 2 ss :!! S S s s r,s s s :!1! = 5 1! ] " Swn n «tcw 40 «t. o { =... fcw. u a a.«am tv m b <}7 * awe»jm.4!»;m ;* USrca JO J * «* " MRC2» n o -W» «*» J 0 75 Wl tens W KO - u <«u«na) tmm< : «4117.o«<», SWT»4 K49. r >»»yw. tm w u a a - u moat n. S r = 2 S S :S» : S S.! 3 ; S S. JS; S J w a m «Sw, BMHfllW s o Ol C< «X - K» o S 2 ol!oj w S *.... ". MvS.J» 2 -J4. (n»rt*11l 71J -Tt t-wrt» l>/fcr» 7U.W (Mnw. UR t nn.24 Qvn asm 7n»74 - n Ouemut cou 10 n» -41» CWW JS. QN -H tl«cfl M».n AH Cotkng.tl S S S! s s :S S,?,, gw nw n.n o «- Cr%, Fjarn 07 ClnmlE. ta o. w a.m «*** M...- g S r S SS-:5 & -.. untkm n u.n»«o w. s =. 3 ;! - : s» «:. : s r s s s : a a. S :, S S! ; ; o j - M O :» s s S L S!!! :S 1 S S ) J K n S S2 11 S 4 CM rs m»r»-n* S X T S r S S S S T J ar.nm a3.01 arorfhn VS7.75 *» J b n b T u tto -f knou.l* : -. : S " 5! J ;? S s S S :,. s s s S T ; , «J4>4 SsM a *. 4 1 gta» «. l l s! S 2 * 77 n v lj HM s n. a ns a s - a hm m n m a v*. K. MM &M.4* 5K- am t»-}4 u w n- u n.o uu v».: um BM.3S a«n< a».;4 t*o»>»»> a«.m UStkn th.tl HH JH- V11.10 USWlXH.X MM* KO. km mvwt no.js w«> t44. S S? ; ; 5 : 3!S 2f SS. S4-a utl. Ktt* tov. a].m k«v» rm.s MM ll. a n.41 <u«>a-0 Skv»»». E nus» S4-a»M fl. a«.j» nhv 170.* av«s»«. t&utm U14.4 UO.ll ts a e.jo nvft.o wah loaomk a u -t»u> >41. n s - a MuMMc. usut 7t. *: CnK» a l. vtlud (9B..a e - n womk Ut4.0 l«m 044.U M l S). 11*.71 ta x 1777.M UJU» :». (. tea u n -u UHU 7<7g. tu.u a a luu-j Cc m o ttm 40D.1 flt; 4n! t mlf n v -» asm lu Or4H n4.«hm 771 Toa.a D«n>l J777.2 MM 1«. S 3 :S a, ;S :S S l S: QTO-a S C b. u. 1 *l; Mk nrjw lll-u U M l M- sst.o CMaaa UOO; a<7. nu.17 fm 1311 KolJp 771. a w h M f e u S S m" k laamarm MUceM4}! l}m.<> aoal 401)..1 tuamlb. e non tsm \UM nu Utv» SU-n r M s m 4.a SSM l vco c-o smf 4;.. 11*.H ta«mk WWlMOS.l -----UM 4»l1 gcoul»«;:to AM at3.l )4t.B UM.41 l».a An»t> 73U-1 lo-tl ba«mk MC M-( MMl 11B.3 VSfC 74M (MfMC UnC ) ).( r.1.1. a, tal SJ.W cac ls.6 C AMU 17: Hr<C 771 l».a M l 10M.17 *» \ HJl.t 71.V t M«U73.17 MCM t}k-t l«7.n SKn 511.S tls.4 75->a (ata M ; >9<C» lu-s Dk v#n 4 D.<t rtna f t-l r.l m t e u*k t ka.o Cm 4.U u C» 2:«- 15:5 K: S5.C K 5 ls: Bt** SlSc a! w-s S w jn S.M 133.K UnfWt a.«kukntj-: lo.tt sbc» lu.m KTns»«.c «.c SSM UTt.l) lom l tm-: K.H b u t a n. ofk a-u M WJ( M 24» -01 V w S ns! j4 k : S S 3.;S S. 3 S S :! ; s r s S s s!! s M >04 UUcCt13> M40! «S«4J M.W Uft» H 40M.1/ su Ml 4«.a loxn S Ml -8; Scf t 3J«1 9 CW.Jl J » w e l4! «nodm» Kntftma 120 >21 U f Us ; s T - l r!! s r12m 2«a -74 lmtc4r.25».«.1,11 rllll U l*rfu Ul a n.n m lm-*.4» « Sm n u.s X M22.14 SM. a w.41 nju 112 StOl.l So, - on <01 Mn j4 :;.t. x sr 24 21U.74 unlm 41» n >111 «s S " S S3 s s s j s 2S!;S S A4 Ull <.M unajy 37U -s tc JJS *4025 S SW M2* -21 Um U»4*.8* W 10 4SU *> klbc92j> )1U. Stf< 211?l4t.01 UcCUUfJ? MU.18J n gzt H. luna n U7.21 t a Mt4 uhu l u l t H.m!!! ; 2 S 3 : S K - S S S :! S <121 C.U >40 Wan 4Sv42a >11 Tu M 4124.M unn»» -tl M 47 a «-M MWU.M»J1..M Tmt104 4«0S.M UmCm.lt 31M.t 07 TM X Um* m W«.TO Tm UmtSWC* UU -37 m t M24.R uttm» g»4. u m 24 ust.48 ««C» X41.21 Tm 40 *11.10 Kncc»n UCD.» To«n* 17S0 «m S w S " * rtlj! u w w ra - u S - n s. 12) a4«.1j USm 12 23S2-47 T>«Kmua 2)17 - m nm SnrtJJSl 4»4.07 -JUt ( <a NtMTCU «3 SlOl -O nr J HvCeAlt U< X Ua/u O?28} >1) cdo. 0*1 >71 HM 124 KU -121 Tn 0 *4J7. Httbrp.ll 7SM.71 TrC CO NtMntJO 4«U.77 T<M m n «B7( }? S * MU.n lumtt ce 2fM m. 3SU.Q MMVC20UH.74 u «shu*.34 UWXBC n M a. a x» *s 31K a 4cS l «U U. S «a.47 osst 370 lj5 M ll4 l«m.17 Vkdtu U Un«U a x. 0* OMOtraTO M11.11 urur w.nl..12 M MU -41 >Ct(C».a MU.» VMM... t e ftc l«7l u u.47 VM 141»? -.74 fn.c««.o r2 -.tl vmc *.a hwm n 7t4«-111 wp : s - s s - ;! j s f - s - s s - s - s ;!! K a s s! S l a l s s * S ;4SMM.77 hlha 17*1 MU >11 MD.a B77.» rtn «a u.10 Vm> to R M t 7SnD:2.74 Ml J3Tv4l.tl.21 MlC.» 24M.0* Wkft.»1 J07 -Jt fww *.11 w»». O l 01 (MU J4 4*80.M wtu M Met.10 rte>u2.d414j.14 MM. u*aj»~ A<>cn.w uas.oa hm _ 5T.10 mn tjru s ~ n wx< a n u -.14 u>n jo uo*-j7 w«n m -n a - M fnmojo-xj} a Ywr» tl «.41 M M.. ]t*4.11 MS. Sa 440*-.n hhm *SlcM20.10 KM 144 1U -M PnaSnJ4 1J«3 -x mnc a*»177j.71 fre»w(a<2 0«3.18 M* V a> * msm a s.. mtu n u M.n 7OO.M WnC S N4S.11 hvcrwloo 21J.17 Md JO HU S h<m«.1* a*7-07 MM.1* * OMSK. 1M.41 WM M 4n.( OmM.M OJS -1J4 XlOb n tn -3% OmCn _ gl2s.0 Jatj t* e a B unt (4 rtos -j xm n JS J l f l r -.11 T«* 74 1*0 0> k «aa M Ztm OS S4 -A M<S * 7«.03 7m«(l92l-0 a «-rt JO)*l* u n S d M*9 bm.81 M to u M b l l o l a l! S T - - g t r a - - g S M T r Ml.41 u «nw M.t te>».» u.a N.04 Mke la.83 Q «n ll.c9 cwk un-77 Sl.a >UWcS l«0r9> R.11 U>>US lom.t* 17M.07 1!*. tow tb-or. Cnlm 7tn.72 nl.o CmS tu-m tmsn 3n-U JH.O Ond 10U.U CM». nl.!; a l s H S - s s S:g,S f S!!:S S. SS:? H.n * 1 lu w u«*;l rta tte. CMA>» 1347.M lb-81 GrUx 1M.3 town Q.M l 2 : E " ; k v B J P R H 192-M nw<< Xl.7«OB.O ramfs n&) 3X-Q n a n»7.o rtmko t.01 3U-1 KMSSf raoc 0R.» >tyt/>l 9.C1 r«c»> 7t77.St Mm 114.B -scj«lll.q 47t.1t UlCK a 2.t J«jn llgj-ll 7 «.0 kutel 71».1l 1lfl.4< tos.e U «n7-» um> ]». O.M UnCc n.t UCoS»n.143.» UMoa 1770.M lerf«47.1.jj 771 lu m 171-D ;;Mt 3 «.a 17.H nl.q S0.41 U«l U.O< MCcn 7171.)7 n.a.uuua 130 utk 74.w 172.t7 m r 171-t 17U.S) »m 171-C hutn «tr.a MO 91M lon-o huk H.57 V«SSe c:c«x u.u r7.1t».44(as.o o.<u,b 101.et :*u 1171.t fjtso jjt.13 S:3 1S.3!:S S. p:s 10.0 tolktj 13.1-Q s: >«;.o l.k tms JT-O S *». tju.tt 143-B l*>1 B -S-OtwJn.J gt»s B s-jctjmrr.u 147..a rmmfar. tccsr. ju.o; 15.0 M<l 72«-77 erc- }B-U M.a kcj a u «l«tr 1M *1. tjs.cj n w A e e >««_ :tt.t3!cj *» 4o» kt.* *.; U.1 U«{A; 73<-:4 b-j;- l-b.l.- « UU-)t 2 b wstan * S t a *? Jt * T.4 mb u -u W t u.m c.a l? r l ; s n«tt» UOurxrlle.U 7».«r?3B«1723.M Jt;.(4 l.!l ll.:u«1o-0) K.C4!" a r a. tl,7- TcaftwvrB.M U.C»!n tjjj.11 «.D Bmn 3l.O S 8 ; "!S :S w o s t a c t v e Mamo Vo<(00), Wbw n ass. a P*"* StM> 3111-Ml CtnEkc ;16179 SC»rMO M lw»flt J34U CTn S.?J?H73» H H * ;«. " >««9WM s t" a. a GAff RS n SmSc( S Namo Ul Ch 1:2 103 Jtn! SeM t t S.1 *<" Sfjc 1JU -11. CP M?1.: Fut(!A U r. S : S l o s e b s «0 JOM.ol Namo H t cm «S? USGrt«. lh - s 3!.w m " ll ««M 0 «StSP* t» a -M, furtmo Cnx8>a- S S n l S l DAHY H - x s! S? (4 -M UnOunjM S-«(<0>10 n o - Toulr.vn S H s! r«a S 2J m.volume 25; TWC«llU Mt;.108. T n» «.30 TMTfl.ll.JC r!!m a.c709 lo.tk T«m 24 21M »5 H «V u :2 <9 mmt U>»1.M l.4;91 m M... «U.J7 M75W 20«1 T««2 70»a.7 jjcro.mj s. s H s... s s S ; r s s T>>nKU. 3*11.?6 nm > t:n J7u.j? JUCo W BU -17 Wunlln. MS TmWvn Allumrcr 21 5! AnCrtno JJ SS» S «noo> 1130 lo ACMnSm 174 TrCrt BlteJlV 122.! «S S 11 S f S» S 2 2" S W n a w ;S - C ««... 57T JSArayn. U13SS.143 0«1>M U -D Otj 1281 SS2 15 uauoe Ot( Ca«4«80 UP * P4«t<tll 451 W OO -» nrcpt 170 u S? w, S l.10 Mm 171 «U.]7 Urmo BM -K Ur«rJn>.a 17U.4* H«raantt)eS23r S f r S!S :S S S, S a V *«a «H ; 5. of.mofolnprteo S? r f J :» N ««.:s««k.a, v w o n o a a.-2«- - too).compenvn* ladcm.11»}4 177 CH»:CuB».«4nm«-117-4* ttrjualcwctoraten \Ancn M Lm ; Prtc«NQCk vwwl t. 2* w SSSJzM U4 a 2*"= N«l «M«vah Mtrt lt Chg: Dalyftoeha mzejm MU. l WotkFoalnoMrce MMAn Jl MM..10 backs <t«y.d-dma 3«-M C0Ma.M><uu*llw ««JB - H -44 JOulOB.M DMawd Fe«n«»: >*««24Ct nl.td4~ AMdwNLt-XelOK S L 2 5 J S T O a a 1.71 u r * MM. 44CD.B. &«B«ypanpn tea n<*mee«nu*en4 (lobmjcb D M U lh hlulr-b to*w»»t3»..;- S L T S.. 1:S S f f l : ; :! s r, t ;., 1.64 l«cv4> 3*13.31 jg ~»M. a g ljl.0 S4ft» a l?-a b?». e * -77 nuhfc c«4(»4r-43 cmm «.o n t 4.-t-n..11 M ««M k SOM n n.n.07 «*» 2S-.C WWttfc.72 Unt KV.W MAp 3tM.«-U U nt < M M H ll.ll : tlls j; W t tb -n CMttMSN..3 n o /l <371.U MMteC U raujp 3C. c*j( l at.,<7 :S ;5;;S S S,.v : CMWt 77 4t.x MMUH:.M CmrA; H. ftn KTTK to-.o- CMe B nra» 2«7 C»W< W»! ly.o Sm "»j4.!.71 Mat SV-B Rk a n - a B»gW J!r-M» llna 77*c7 CMP 12a..V f n M M l tu t.t? 1«h«tN»MC.71 C«>>t ton.11 gctva 73 7>-tt.}! (9tC 7C2.3 UXcVf lt 17.1.M H/4»»«S3. nsk 7U.01 EOar*.37 rm/tm»bau M f «7» n S W l ;»-7t Uu«5(31(! ca.tmvtmla. TntopttCkB: * :*!.u >Krft 7».;*.tl TTAt n r -.01 M!>( UftVn!ll>.7» w«a* t m 47 7 rta-ttkl* JP1krat.lCk «- t-r, a l e««s» 37-M a"? rj 71 Mln t:k.m CsKt 711l.2t V MM 410.» f-vt. «7M» t». r» -0 r«t n.» 74 t./.n ll.j n.mo ts.c 0 OBTMK M 71»-a 14 a. nc- lon.m Hna )uc : w t U71.U toa/, 7J».7 n l-xakj JM-J U*v< 7l: l a OOTarr trrpa HU.a U bkvkc».» CrcK l l. 17.? -oa :»-M a rt»r r u m 11 -AA 1 «c7 <n.. ll ll U (O>ltt (A ("Jlto7ta-»l Unw a USCa>(9 1B.13. N Onk. J3 M M -oae 5M»«t 44J0.4, MM 1S))-14».ftOl t r«.!!-l k-.w«f U«.O» huj.r tor.o SUA U41.1! tpq-tah.g M,,a p g M M U J M n V E n o..., M O ST A cnv E m o.. 0) tal Oho NatK VoUOO) Laal C E29 23Ce.10 SPOR / )31-02 lr: OCO 7l»7-t tu 239 SPEnn S7S2. 73t Q93-01 CMSvrr S1.2S m 62».40 S4m.l(r S m ck..) GANERS <oc.»«chg %CHa Name Laat Cho SC cotl 29C.69.: r»pm >102 nlos«a«> 706.U.1» gtlogctn 4t S.86 KA(U7v 6M.93 vl m c - x LOSERS ( B.o.) CtQ %Chg Nama LaH Chn SC 75.94,77 C4»wSn H -J».76 V»4lcoE 90? -t08 - M PJl«ntSB ,5 ClCp M-.J nvcjplu 3 S STf DARY 923 MtVKtl CktlMd ( 119 Uxlungtd 3,464 roulljuo l.c 67 N«wM«hJ ,040 Volume OwrJonoWnlrutt 11, DwtJontTufnpoUlw DoJowUllle 41569,1?495 ftstcompom a AmlnM S Compoet 2.1U34.16(20 $&PMO G R1KU2OOO 719( W.K.rue» W.75., HortrtP HomOg 3( luorp Kcyt«p ln m l0a?.fd U<mT 2m « ,W.91 On«Mu Mas RwT.n ( , s<m«nl »yWnl a» TvMW M usbancp Vm WlUtl 523 mol ncovo stoek* on tn# N#WY6nr DhaNM<JaqNalonalMftMUBnd loot Mulual tu«wo srs torqwl SWek Vnamw ns»clr!tl& tnnual dvktend nle pod on atocfc. b«mm ston, urkom ottwnrtm lootnolod was tradng al wtwn «zchano«cot«gan lor me day. No chmge ndkated by Name o4 wmual h»nd and b3<» lvalue.orpttms whch fund coum be a 1 change nsnav. ; oe - PE gr»mm nan M, Od - LM m M l 2 DMdtnd n CvKte 1 aeek VM MU.S4. n j*l Nrtt no PE eaeumml. - Spa or toct «v wan W of * «<* edc W dw du->»e U- rt (Ntnsft marhe trmenmd. rfearttfntta 1 xc-pmnmpphawewtfmubnm WhM awuutu. rt - WMn Mlad.! - W«r «asa: a-alm eura ar MrM. b-amu(l rsm p eum nr {«M M pr«a*b» ma. r - Mmnt r M B«Wd fmdond ot tpk,. PMd M (W M mmwe-b - OMwM or pm VW year, ascu Ul nu. r«a<e*d en lm McMaen p - M «M prm«*g ta me* t*ub M l Mdna t - P» en er M«ueen dam. > x-m r-8<*mhmlv-lnbefa»n«e»etf»o*rl * j «l be wrt t SUM a.a f r * t M km k S(CM< n.u 37 Q m rta.l fcfaa, H tam ts-s X- - r- 8W--S-.17- s - - S r * - E S - - S lst *",5? * ;o.a 1 Slta a m *»» -» VW km42 M9U M lm k - MScCtrO.G n>» S77- b2,* (>«yk9. tld.71 LhhsH l«4l 1771.a teotl lll.71 MS U..14 ;, s s s : s - s r 5.., - a r s s., 1 r -..!, 1 Wfm Ml llo.14 3 <»»> kph n.t gcrt»_ 171 la (**!> tu l «uav7jr.w Ja ln.s7jt "2lla 1 lusfclpmk Sw llew " W>?">rr 8 J «-S tt -lt»x llj-h»,rj ftu m-ot cj«r*mmtn js s w m alsatrat. lmra*: m \ flt?c 1 Cffnvu 1777.t»MTm: Uplhnn. «c» Pmn UU,]-»M takrt n.l K.vA;ncB.n V-Oc 7-l SMMQt Sfcra 13U.Q O M U t Ubn«3U.S [JAT 71t «na -1 MMMl ma. Ta-S Astt n -n cft*m«47.n W» , «ar«mll-» MC«Ap MMMMc CW«P l*.d n 1771-H U t 71n.1l, Ca>(A( 4JH.l >!>«BS.lt tnm m.v w c T N ft n hs» coat u o.n 44-n 1 * ls r J -" S s s s! : ; ; B s r,?..., «31T.1 ll - Ta -- m M C ctm t; CM 7M.3 MRM M M A rm k Mft; JU.O amlptnr MStA tlb.a r.» B «) MOST ACTVE («>»«1 A Chg Name VeKM U lt Chg! 7-73 rttuoof 919( M«.Mon J 2.26 nr S -45 S<utS t,! -.92 SonUco t6 «>., Q A V E R S«c«<) VChq Nante Uat Chg %Chg a,.31.2 BlOo S.211 StchMO. 3« u.18.1 Atlrfnf A UM »154 HN09rn LOSERSn».«) tchn Kame Laal Chg %Cha ".145 TUUct 159C Ar.107 Arnttn Cwlnlo lowjryttl 2J7 -J) -122 J -7.G Slunmcm >11.3 «( DAJRY U( WTnud 962 W 646 DKkrad - 2,084- Ao 74 Uxfarmd 106 1,058 loubwn. 3,152 JJ 22 -NnrllqM 52 Z l Volum 1.613,120,697, « U « « fc " » J6 409 tc tc ( ,?; , cja 3( 13 35, CV ,1 C« Z , » S S.J ««,. 14 J7(.54.54,88 16 n n.3* S? >38 c» C cc U d l u a S l H H H H nrs»e»e)cn#n0*;mo4oo... to )On»e«#et)voonAme«lean- ew xkaln.bowchanoeds percent Cot tel sn/* hd name (not K«abOtavtA- c<n mtebeoltv*>oo)ettjh«ner» ledonlbem quen»rtyof«eml. eo lor me day, : OMld.. Ha «vlmn) pet ot/note kkmu J J 2 llwanto. wft W r rtra, wt m S S S S s 3 S 5». S w x k S S s : >eran..,... CU Prwrttu(d(y«M «.n.m>*ad Cea R«aen<MercanlrMdMaM C>k ndr..em a«\*2om. HQ dm fksmnr M* n c - > AM MWt 410-l r CoanM tmht H-l - cwdr-mt.m t4nt--t»f«- 0 [MM H71.M Va>» D71.lt U - -t»«tjot«- -g s. s S H J r ; t 1SS1 SS. jol? tktn 3H.a vn 17.» b T«t. l3t o KSWtl 3B.0 x TU nhn 3».72 - >«TM B.es- { 4 l.a n u S tf a.a ScTan-TO «CcoMt H.M m m n k j* KarfU; «l 2lj-E«T«l 1J1J.O >rtl, 4M-0!«W M k cnc a4..t!c TM 3l2.a "ft ]K M AMK jwas. 1» m» h#» DD.e HoMfMc n TcM o>.a t.>a»«.7 1 W FM k Cjmu 130.U B. 2 5 j * - S j v : j n. «n l.17 { msp*3*7j.a t nu,, Tto UXMt 21.?3 vc4:s< 190.!* tt Our«5.U!1-3» «4 VU> Dlll 13 73, 1) M tm Ak MeCOK V«(CR( Xll-tt M K t l«ll71 (t o>.»(«:3-3 areb*!"-*» hurw tmfwjtf.l «M> am am r TM» * «- r. o.» wtc ;4?].s Ol tfja»7. m>lco le-x 13C {Mt>.TJn-l lk.1 77fJ-) ut (o«" a n -t lopr t tlfronn Jll.71 CcnU" *B-S S" Ooan 71U.11»Ma J.1-2 tr 73U.lt 11U-t» TV 7ll.77 VXoln111-23!;( «>. S l*-u7j»-ll Tn» t4).c7 lea>«llu-31 u rtths ll.jt 2H-0 Ul rela«na-c tm M &c 113.» SfM nc.ll. ca l*xje» SJl-,1 S«Ct& 7U>M ca cr. >%7»-n M nttm m «>»> EM;S«Ul-n T» m.111 «.! «ca»r.a.n ca nv.-n 37C-4 loxla UB *JT» W U TO!" tal! S4»S* t n l * M530" 17C2. Slfta 13M.07»» Sutsn l».3 tfu tu VUl SOMnlll.ll WMNfM. A l«cet (>41U-4 A-VO ll,31 ba SM» AaSfe Crt!{«U.M U b w. MU «-A.«7<H. to-ura,t».lmomkr nj. lm77. ts rjlt.-.-v.a.san»» *.» UP holhcmm SlaalaK t V<* ll-j Uu.7 T,H hm taak au»«af. rta CAap tt ?Wtl37,l7 A C(4ot Toc.n?:x*>»3<-K. (Ml At CC?:>MtC<310,» On CcA Rv«:e3H-n m; CMp 3u-; jmc m.n vr Map n t.n u Hj m Tu Ham* n«ul Chg 2ta f f 1 -,J5 U 0«n«rO«747. «*2»* E J s H S J : s r!s 2 S -... S : S S h,! S.! 3 : -! ; S S A-n-o 371t.110 «S» m c ;J * «SnT k J : _ * * llh.1. uu. «(J -g!!«?«ll /om**-*#-m17..1 S S - *?. " J 5 SmT*«jo -.!J tm 41 t. A»r 1." S }} " F««k. U l :?! - s ; ; eusn * * tmn u n.«js S T -t!«t-.wm»-2: K r J.!!S a «: K s s s r l : S. H s S : s- twcorj» 1211.n J2 O t «B71 1 H» 2J 1 cpofl a>7 21 5v ) c«9 4J.25 jjj; C"* M«12 ;:; C «w UM.» Jl* ;«SjSSj.l l} K S. S S :S s J!! CttS, MB * Sl S S t! :* s s j - s - s s a z j s z ; c. m.a K D S B S,. s S j ; j ; "AK 4 40M.ll Kama W» Jt Chg Httto 4lt,e S -»V!!! «r - - \ - :«*>!««lu.17 S E Jy, * -a a ~ : r s S - - «2 2 « a S S S 2 S - ; to S S T L a n «s s v. *. "! S S S S S 5 5 CkMl ~ M n -11 a : s g!! j j r! s S»S,:5 E S 3. HO U34.1S V ESS ls} S. JSS S FMC l». M la M C use ndc 3S.O l#t U4-e M..MUA..a71.M-,M««aBME...M MU a.lo,1 g - -waue-wn-m- -a»nrt»a** m {axap kmm»07.41 H M M..U SOO CrUrtt Wt**»10n.#1 * Cr<w«a -2t u A n n a.o dm M-a (Kew* 73*.n on u, Krwn, lj-01. l*tletr.77c*-1h,(tfc> rktp ll» -a UMaSH.43 ttk tld p la.]! OMMalUC. m rd l 107.» CHUWn-W M mc#ap su-a CRR>«S2.r nr!s?"!s:5 S S S S :: S :cml 3*1-0 H*0* 10 - «UV«lp 7M-0. HTtWdtlO.01 - STk lancf tn.c* tuwn 117.K T* nn>l 12c. 0 TnVWKlOa.M T0 M U S.l lbma>72l-1m V*a ux- n.m ndnd *m USM B-Ol rcrm». M.M * n t a k Uf;AJ DM 4(»K H-u t**r«t.n cm T.«M M VlMMtOa.M UM >fas»72.21 Me>79t.l4 Ma: TMlM<r*: PlAntle.a Hfl re, n u.l WU>r>Ba.O TA MtlM n7.l Sl>AMa131l-0 ht: </«a»u -» SWflfOlTl.O u«vu 1710.u auk», SO tlmnf*: STOUl too-o TM tn-»p nu-71 KA9.«x}.a TR m w -71 >-?1 l>»cft-.ta-m (Ml ThM7«k tbxmun.l bo* [>rttrt 611.«1 ra«> 1M.M»>» jaa» t-l lu»>»73-a DnSl uftm n.m nm-oj M l udtu n-2t MjAn>e- nb (n«a tu.;«wamatul.a H tm; J.OS lrxmma 1711.a, MS S b " S l! : ;! a ) CMVoa km lcok (174.a tam &Ccl4p 1U,» (gr«a l.] hn ctta;.t _(5 73*.1» kl8 COM Ta-! 0*4«" M 1001 tt- &tn<?7. :.74 CM> T>Ml lnh> M 3. OM-14 U e UBMgl eon tmo-11] d na.fr *»5o 1U.01 tste cuab!-n ««< " ykc«. MOx 27H-n M-C tktl ;?U- tet M Se t< vuftv TOkn la.o aoe Aj*».1-7 lulfr" 134.M lstf» Crc Jt«?J u*on» 71ms M l UU 17.M ftnn Ha.C* M l «> tu.c lmue» HW-ll VM UP..-.- l- -Uaj 7B.71 gcw.!» tjb-o fc/ts 3H.0 ta»r» T,m 17,tl Wn llo.o SOW. rfeubm <uur> tetl-ol MF (abapma nccoall 7-17 (guv t-nat l.t Prrn WW,71 M n jfut M-B SUf, l1u-tl Cn 2,~- llcun Wta tf jt.;;-5 5<n 3.e ww t»mlllu.3 u w ul747.a Wtu =» K * s ;.;s lu! J [{ 5SSl* JJ «t* ?** l, * * U o M a _ 47. a ut, *t}jt.41 KxrMn.. * -<4 - (u. a M>»101a S 5? *5 * " l t 2» [2 ; * o S S " 12c o.04 H K B E H» m w / o l ) t s 5 U»,., "U. h» unve. 2a -e S«a» Jl «MraaT,.. 4a -3l S>c>» u «J77.«Wtfla M -11 koaa 3, u,,bt.. a - a how TtM -41. «" fcufe 7H.40 JM* ;so.20 Srt.» UnU< n - a Srwa n.411 Uc;«.-e U Ml.131 SrtnS..»l.m Uc/strt 36 23» -B SWrB 2 a " a o ll % 6M u.142 S H S *0 s s * U -l WtS TOM 1 S S t» 1 : cath,., 171. a s o n M «-17 naw,, KJ,.,g, SMU.. t.«y.jj -20 lukjwlm. Ml -B Mk» - 2 :! S3. S5 :!! S S : 0.» knm nt7 o s Sc " «-A«3411.M S m u. m m Mon DAmMOO; «cft-o B MM -71 TmTm " w * ** *** g ;»! 24a lt S S a.! 2 -JJ lu<*n 1240, 13. THrttc TM TOU.17 thm _ J ; ow*a, a a -TJ7 wh _ * * JJJ;".141 toao. 1 S l l a : «OMft - H.51 T«Um n «l Omnlr H77M_ * M Opm Jt Mln 3 J «Wn a 24a.04 lohw 12 1 >» n t c 11a. a 1 1 : 1! E S 3 - : S S * 1 jjs.m : 1 ««SSSt. t » 4.0 rta»4s-, r«m n * -:j- wm,- K>an,, ]u. 0 XUSK. H h»<»4 (c a n. n SHA.. n. a x» M S l 177 -,t1 VtCMl _ C fcuth.,. HJ..T4 TM* _ t s " «-3 a» - 1 (k«c. UM.44 Ztafts ttl 71 ; Oatm-4»»T7 ta t n - V a - = r ; «S - *0( EWOCMOaaTJH.B hmfl M H O unookaj n)o.a tc»aa jo 7 J!. 2 S K - J S - : ;. :! - S U a S S -» XK<A.J4 u n..u 9 M JU a - 38 w nc««.gm M -.n t r w c - o - s 5 5? -. «* ps Z» a & " M 17 J S?? r-»u» O tr m m a S s ; - S rj *5 2S «a n a *»» t S M M w t, t a (M M j* t t t.la homop tl8 mmb Z t 1«WllSalH.! S S - S S :S S ;, 5 :5 E - J - soo vo-a g r ;!! 5 2 J,»M;M Em«a u la s r. v 2 g ttm MOB.a MOaa 1134." SfCW SN.ll STMa Tma «-6 Tea a72l2l <*»a aa.10 l*aa.hh.13 MaaaaB.jl 3a.47 la>a BH.a, trawoa ao.» MK lltl.l >f1a lltl7.d l<oaa4m-ll»t»..;m-2t. «j*.ll4.13 r - H :, l : a*a* ta lt MMMMk E l s ; OTw «a-u MoTtp B too. 1ffl.,l & 71B.S. «to< JTJ.ff CCV 2B.0. K-C* 177.C «c. xa.u SK jjh W* 22M.73 wn u >«r!ps4.: s s y.t T cav 41B-H M M nrva on.a m ~ a.tt ta, C*. a27.0,, 17a.41 - u n.a H 41* S jor.11,. UM.Ml - tm -M 121 a 073 la MB -n.,. 4,12. a a l a JS u 5 m - OC. tn.41 S a n... a M4 w Z a lj! m 1 1U8.a a. t2«.u» a o.m r n 701 -a 74 M 4 a. t -a Ul -Jl 3101.H J -M * S «*3 S - a n ** ; 5M.a SM.n. tn -n 40.&, tn -M H77 -B._l79_*Jt, m o t : *15 «t a n -4* a a a a.o H a j -UJ 32* tl) 471 -,11 n e -Jl - S J. _ - xvk -n a n J t , -3U7.» Mtl -J* n t) -a 170» s s s a4 -J* 7jg» u s, t a AJ7 8J tjl

31 , n,nzt "! K- C a X ) S N G F U T U R E S..2. J s. ~ n 410 M. WMonUMMattlvS. DlMMrttUJSaataM. s a b>olm(mw>mtuu0wt040& W JK n n. s s r *.a.a s!. «u n ktm Tm WO TM e»m M0 n jmo 04. * Mr tj rjs t as b Z T * " DHdlMltMlM S S S S S S S K s ue. J* WWA?) - seec «e*ne«b mfll phc* to V M u s a LBsr u x 5 s r : s r. «f s * s s k ; g S S S f f S B S ; Or U B a u W lm M«mt<u<l lu.7cmpn».menl4«ultkt U S H s s s! w s! s a S S s s E. r S ) U G A R s Ccc»«W}McMCacM«M»lm. U&«M.. B a s - " * - h* uoonvkt u m u m u n -... Dw tmamnt -tmwotwuw m u o S m S m S w m o c H90e5OMMU»4tSO< 4J0 L Hh* m»7!os j7}ou(< [d. to? S T S S u j > U2 MJS au! a - p a g s s s s T f t K s r * To4*«S» 17tB *0 M a :! t s s f f s <! z : a a s " f &SooSn3a«joStsSa \ UtRvfT tus OOpn 76 B AMk N 694.4O«n406V40<U00 P t n 4 so 7 ln «M r > *400 n<tnm-t3;oov«)u.m.r (omndl S S S S mjda.j# jj» w ««u n w M loatotm OK s<«chm ru m 1o! 1 1 f : r r.. l l M Coon < 4«X OR Obb SXJ U «U4< M btdlm. ruo rm rmt.j# Sf* s r H5S (U007OOKCSa00 700K>lU0 f }uoon.o«2aoo».o6 > nnmm lusure.u. NT H«n tm ««M 7KCO7n.007}aM7»S0>l 90 M r>r :U75JW«JU3UlM s ; s - r H l S l R «««MW4. KAflfl outow H M < 11 JO.uo 1U9 UO O l D«7X 7M0O76O.M7X0O;UO<U70 NN{WTbRH(tf) K*ttrwotu»Hf»t nt ne*>»*ew 7 )«< «n w.» 7 ju WMxmSn ce<r«m4 Ml Utt rmur >>w* tw.ok ;k o o j S U S S S S :j3 S ; TK* BM b> pm to trm M Fnm t m n. us US f j s S S & a a * PKnmmnMMcnHonUMtwd «KMUc<nhMn Oa }09»»e7»9;«7»967 t to cna<a lu s rtn mw m l.j4 «JOJ w «T )M K2B7»}e7»]7Xa7«M utrajm Qjjnt S M * " oa Mc«M too aajo tou M rjj o UJJJ l l rfr S n o s r - s s r a s Ok 197J3197.U l 3197C] ture U a U7H ftxrtl l&m?. J.S4U Wl M U lm BU SJW n-: M - :, l ; - K T M S«u>rv«UK U JU 2.U a 4 n o *01 dk u CMSU<<Oa«l.U10 L S4J»4J >0] JM s s a r e f " - " * H«K«.pno JU90 UOMO m 9 - l 5 f.> J = M, M X«0 tn 71 S *4lM nt«>!.«70re 7e> 1! S T. *«. K«w r. ". u to r. tm HM KJ F o s s l F u e l s S?. t S H f! t S g : k4 PMM*r w.o n» «to K,S E. s " L V E S f O G K w. Ul l t l H 5 f! : m u u s U6U<4t* «5? 25j l 552. * ** S, K S S S S S Hn ta lo m o S a jm S S s a * ss w l* m * to lh * to l!r 101 a g = S K f K S t. ; ] sstod*«um«c*u.«sr lj UMHUtOlMMlM. f t E S v B u. S s s s s a«n««4;0»4100u«. M U7 S S S S S B S 5! : s a g= a!s S : s s. s ta K l l s - : ; - S T y 2 : 5 - : On 7SW 7JjO 7S06 J uecwfumnl0o»l 0OOU4OO VxroumMo Ok ««7MMMtMnUM>n/( NCW1WK tu? 7J70 75M ta p v... S S X.. - *---- bttxnlavt U»«k.taXOM ltrmluoo«7.00 r.oo hr Hdtt h«f*m H&Ht*frto E s C P U tr,?s«:j - K 1 10& J S S 13 X13 *5 9L0» mm <MlN«MM)m»OOUSCO txnamm McMpAulwWwnUMgnllUg j jf* J4». M *J 11 MW.04» «- MocM.M«r»u(»l SoOUOO Usckamn/ MUM. Hec e«oa M attll.» MH 3* J471..H tuxtaw/cmcnvl!o HPUk jjj *JJ!««WmtUJ40. h!s51tt.ewt!»tsl»«lgg nvr :J S S S S r J T " m*«u«7smumtt :? g g w - p * l l : 0 t n btm OC., tot 2S n u 7U2 : s s ::S :We canlhelp yo r u l B e a n s! E E l g jt g g l l., r s 3 McMMMUnnn.UOtMtt.U. K S W.v«.T4T,. n «n l 1 You have quesons, Wee have answe *M.. M«n g-)3 lo o m u -u o U. dm & m!la l S L s! w = ~ ">ww UOJOUOJOTUO;. 1 - Bob McKnstry c S a S f f S S s E : SX SSS luwlswtlm lsomto*4«ht US.30U7jTl STnTomasu? ll*»wwsstflotlm S? 7X0U1»U&H < D 3. M a r k : p h u m d n / LsoBLsojso otf m u m to j S R J S S S S f r s f t S S " SooSflSaS! n v e s t m e n t A< d v s o r «M U J90V u j OBtKm f j W BSOUUOUO] tat moosuouzjo uoocjoouo>.o u o u o o. Hu osadso 4.701M «L10 G r a n s E E 9»10S010SSO*UO [ ssg;55 VAtM * Danny Karrcn WH W. U M,0M.es><lMd M w a M U U n K & - J S S r S S!? A / r / r X : f w r w /. HMUHU(tf -«M V t?7s TJl$ 08 UTS om. 0 H «* - «H l f! n v e s t m e n t A d v s o r g r w t S S? a! f v, tlp u m H n. S ( E E S S S s k ab r e? r g s s s [T ll " s l _ J S S s S S M S K m Vcrlcnc Claborn «0M»r Un«OU n tw. t hm r«*l Pll a.!» u mknjomn. ll 4K -S>; lm.uto2uh.ha 3 A h r k P Ftncl y s s j s. -!!.!S S?E!r " n v e s t m e n t A d v s o r SJJ «0 4M Jao J Kwno - m u.km. uo (WMtf) s.,, E S S : K t»., n» «* j j.1,,, w s s ; 5 s n, a S l a 1 s 1 1. J. -Log-on-lo-www,fr lamogcvolleycom SES& E? s f g a5k 1 S S K Clck on Ask the te Export a b S. s " r ««. d Subml your quos joslon onlne ond Wl-WM «!«< 1. m e t a>l l s / m o n e y a local oxperr wll answ er t for you wlh ease ond spood dl a a s K S " " -*-* *" P O T AlT T o e s S s H S S S m s M0**** "* ***** OOC«CO(*P)-USOA-lb «40«MMmMnro«S f S T t S o G E T T H E : NFOVMTON, m a g u w a l h y Mr o m f * M s 5 S r * m *5S?**.jw s» e 2 r 3 s..o *. sw 40SMm Uumn,0mt S & S rs S.;!! m 404H ].. H. M40;lM«MM»Wa. BO«K19»offjLS Y O U MNEED N O W! T m es-n cttso nfw - S2?Z 2uM : f: = S f f ll- S? M -»71w «3 For moro nformalon about )ut onlne odvertsng opporlu )rluntos on magcvalloy.com, n, call kmmu7lmwtlo» C k F TMU:7MsmB0. Gfeg Taylor, onlne Soles/A/ /M orkolng M onagor for ho Tmos-Nows. ol U4MkTM>E00Mm00 or emal gloyldr@ magtvollt lloy.com. K 1» " a s.! K F s!. : s ll t sla W h e r e Y o u Go - -. f o r mv h a ty o u N e e 1. JPU M(V)-fMm*ln* atonm Mn ta a l * l, a K.M m l l F,MH * M K 34w S!!> 2H B H -. 1 v m R - u o m " U -O W s P O U T K KTCHEN SNK SPO U T m m t-n?. n le r v a? KTCHEN n FAUCET * H E N F A U C E T Wfl4»«h*m»mwy - suwu St a Cntrt m tt,w. M-on. M, ET lu C H r.w/u/w/«, jpplm on. wpftj/ltf«.s0wfaj 9 * Mrt sp/. O ta m puled, " W N B U G H T Sr s :_ eorunjchcot on Cenv pu M tut fully unaetojed. m el consvcuon M w n w slw less ;j OJuNta PQM wlf loltd JH, gls. vjlvts. U l n v t lunats. _ ORBfGpa r.jn w b u j - j F ctm Chnne p u td n n ETHCHCH c n o m * 4. n 7S320SH Stt M n k M «f.w > oma fjfo {y. 2-fb worn r r T2l04SW Cl M n c k e t lu7»t S. BHttroUKluSta K x a. er$; 1 fo : CK!» :. nk ona. T O T O - j n / j r j / / * n m m m x a a p a E t BOSCH - - TOLET K-aWWHTlRcvndnent nntctr.- ly. r r x r ynustlwm. <d) ~ ~ coknmer t e s a j X. f W >g B n T w f H f f l t f s ch, H H A L A V 5 0 Gs j/ m c r a / c tystm ontohf*tf. tm/hoamafoftu tjmwh. «*r tmra.uh-mmng tk VATBR l HEATER enthtmr*mmuy. my.heundhn. wheoncejt mt.flvyur Kteamovtnew. futede yurwrmy. Uses4ctU ctulvcs. m u. 5 tf cmnve ; l>nf. Tm) J500 wa (TeUksMno, nolhcmtd) fttpueesmol smoasuntvulnk. mtns. Jpltttltaoraubrf ue wtnnty on unk tnj puts. tt 9 9 ljj lt»sv MSwn W3 t C>f5W04 w sv u - m m ao t m a m. S U N R R tt m - U H E 4, M r M W E H C r... SP R H K L E R l b m s W A m f l m H O SEW ATERNB / n o M F o m m c o H m n s M V A L V E S &m r u m r - nr rtkjwkb b :. S S S S c " J E T P U M P S..m.ltantttlM ratape.pn prtnttr. d*s)m»mwmoylngptm.htnf<»m«lerft*a/rat(f fuc. la m loe n n l w tt tuppty. Cj s m tm.w$att-mlsanptsae S o. ottstmmaaralcntostuntyu* 41M. ttsceot*: etotntr. too%mttftt ffw/kt/«**)«?s /mh0 ntf toot powtr cold tna M [W dt0 4yt»m fa mwm» (A/ a u n g. S W lo w M d H P wtu u u up lo 0 )tp*nm*ywtolurv»ct.s w. SOttl. j Oetp rttlln K to r n g b a s n o w amntfo>ah*.2-yt»fn»mntf mtpngmm., UJnM Mm-flm nm ;fl m* fjvm lo/aaoeu ny.. confrataavmetomtf JO S O p m u t* fwmnly flw;mrttrw«s «" - fotf/rutvbk ttf wjn tmlfft f*f/4juett)n, a u t a r f..z -y u tm m n tf. j f m B E E 2 Q 3 2 ; W! W M 4 J.4 J W k CHEysG} an a e n z B z a a B a a a a e E z a a a a M S S B TWBHU* - f r m. : : ME L E C T R C -A AND P L U M B N G 3 S U P P L Y - 1 J : 130 Bastland Dl D r v e S o u t h T w n Fal afls, d a h o, SSUr. r s tworth the Drve! a * p Monday-Frtdsy 8:00S:0. m * SUurHtr Sanday9:0(H:30. 1 K lo nouk Tk. Certan tems mynotbe tudjly tn t n u M t t J l h c t t l o n s. <, : W Q B < B«B SpacUlorOruanJnclKk Ql$Oy g/ven. Prces effffcffw Urougt uolt July T A H H L E S S G A S _ - W A T E R H E A T E R KOSX C M kts rt m lej lor tm) nuc VpCJhv t 4 (w ff J (M/ton j. p erm T N T E R R U P T E R.. nah l R K laetsenem eoss onutom ww Cem>etmtr S H - x : 2 y, 8 LCD mngvp kskju ks jw Wo ll.y w tn u H w v a M y OfrW f f f g g g 6 0 X X - 1/2 tp t$.e o 7 m rn ttm W M n " " " g c " " f m s m, e B S SEMENS A M P M A N B B R E A K E R P A M U W M W T H B R E A K B S. BMrnmCT.MOuatmttn tn retto n o rvm 9 g o o T a! " 1

32 -. - -Wo r l d Vdeo rshowsa \rab fght ters n Sl lomala C W llm lb O l rado over the le weekend, sad and a sabe ober flutterng n the As s t the sun rsl-1, the locaton M lo c lt P tw w rtto t t w f... hls movement tha d n o c o n u c ts..w nd.suchl chblackbaruew have- of th the Arab c«m p north o f.-. wth bn Laden n oc r al-qalda. He only recen cently appeared n M op gadlshu becom es d e a r and lr O B -toyb A acom tonsthot Som alabut b u th a v e -b -to e d b y, s xtnore-trucks-loaded-w th log vdeo ssued by mn em et b erso f He fundam entalls st slatnlc foregn lghte ters Somala, were n slotlc ex extrem sts n raq, Afghanstan and Lebanon for Soma) lall lghte com e nto vew. Asen!nor m en.ber of the slamc tnovcmcnt t Somalk lala shows But the vde deo, shot on a years. group Lp, Yusuf ndohoadde, s Arab radcals O ptng along* handheld recbrd )rdcr, shows Arab After a fcv few mnutes of battle flmec ledwalung am ong the men. sde th e local cxtren jremlsts n. Ogluers preparn trng for a m ajor footage, the tape docum ents before >re the pckups roll out of Mogodlshu, atd nvlt«battle on the non lorthem ouskrts.th e Arab b f fghters predawn an old >d warehouse compound. M uslms from arou round the w orld (0 Jon n the Jelr holy of Mogadshu. Aj.Arabc antlem s and poetry play on the audo preparatons ons for battle. ncludng prayers ers, 0 com m anders, The he rest of the footage follows ; cone group o f Somal mll- j Jhad." The vdeo, obtated led by The track urgng Ml Muslms to Jol the global holy y wv, ar to advance speech to 0 lls h troops and de preparaton lon of weapons. The tamcj len as they batde troops loyal ll to warlords who con \ Assodatcd Press, prov rovldcs the slam and defeat. at ts enemes. Arab fghter ters then clm b.om o trolled M ogadlshufor 15 years H a l m t f n l n m u U U a k B ab tk t ncrak m st rdte pwkkts tts to th e v - had tes to de Unted Gst hard evdence that h; non- The vdeo san larts w th a black two pckup cup trucks m ounted ond h Somals have Jolne ned w th flag featurng a Quranc veree wth heavy n B A nb flmw ad jn tk v U t Omachne guns. - States. LS.. bwdbud n a fm wtth fron th Q o m s l c extremsts n 1 Somala, laprtparrtoq forbah otallcpd h e Supreme slamc Courts Councl, W tlch dcfeatc U.S.- Plc backed warlords n Mo Mogadshu S A V E W T H R E X B U C h last m onth ond s > now the country s m ost powerf erful force, l l has repeatedly dened ed lnks to H U \ K 500 OFF extomsts such as al-qj UQada. w s % j j p s s 3999* UP P. But th e one-hour 3 v d e o a p p e to confrm U. fears J J l n *t a n d -Qada s boasu. Presdent Bush ex] x p ressed S A V E W T H R E X B U C K j concern last m ontl >nth that Somala could becomc me.n al- 300 OFF Qada haven lke Af fglanstan w as n tho lae 1990s. And,SES, S S >2999 to recordngs atrbucd to Osama a a a f bn Laden poruny Som m ala as a hn»l<>gmnd n hs w.r n n thn, Unted States. - S A V E W T H R E X B U CK The vdeotape, prod oduced to both recrut new flghc ;h te rs a n d OFF rase lunds. glorjfc flc s (he 98 slam c vctory over backed, sccular wato 2,1 AR t CONDTONERS S BGSCREEr s S ENTVs WTH HDC/ CAPABLTY Somala. U.S. offcals s cooper- ated wtl the warlords. h o n n o WHlRtPOOL 5,000 WOBTU 115-VOLT f»- SONY SS 16:S WEGA"*: " 3LCD REAR to.captun: ln al-qald ler WTH 2-SPEEO t H M l PROJECTON DGrrAL L C CABLE READY W T H R E X B U C K laldalead-?45"*snlrab" ABLE THERMOSTAT... HDTV W/BULT-N KD TUNER, ers allegedly protected :ed by the.9 9 DOLBY* DGfTAL a SRS< - slam c councl, especlully nu.uognuuw Tm Suround* XT «3* * ««- 1 0 nso OFF three, m en accused d 1n the a s s M deadly 199B bombngs g s at de AR..C,..o»«.*89 U.S. embasses n Kcm :enya and «Coupon, $ S y Thnzana. WHRLPOOL BTU 115-VOLT AR R r 7 7 ~ Those sngled out Jt by 1 the conononer wrr WTH ELECTRONC WHpo. U nted States nclud l.ul,. lude >)w. the aj,j. COMTROLS, «0lOOUNO 0 SPEEDS... Hff MfTACM S A V E W T H R E X B U C K thehmosta TAT a REMOTE * courts councl leader. ler. Shek omn.fcp**.cvk.>f.t l»» Conrol Hpssan palr Aweys,, h branded 100 OFF ESSEs a terrorst the Aterc rrcans. «ctr 8 - s - E " s a s s z >999 to 1498 "Ssf- C h l l H H y 3 3 t whrlpool 10,O( B.OOO BTU PANASONC S4- TvD talan T l 230-VOLT AR CO CONOmONER _ S 8>JSUN0Sr 16:9 WDESCREEN urr S A V E W T H R E X B U C K w m n c o o u NNC c SPEEDS AND - -B.f WDESCnCEN PROJ. PROJECTON HDTV J!./ HrrACH4r 16:9W10E - - ADJUSTABLE TH THERMOSTAT * 3!«:t HOTvwrrHBeE* W/DLP" TCHNOLOOY. 2 CREEN. PLASMA HDTV j; SOUND. AUTO SELF CabUCARO SLOT. BBC* SWTHHOOlOrrAL offcers hell s l d yoz, 3 g _ BK FOCUS" ANO SOUND AND whoow* splrr 80 OFF CREEN <* lnu1 Mfl HACMMXS «8w. 3 0, Ml UNVERSAL J B REMOTE» *2599 «J! K S g g 799 to =998 n a lle d C A.H ;» o o» > < ap a ;"! c.;s=1099 c s c. j s S A V E W T H R E X B U C K abducton1 CAMCORDERS The AMOctated Pres JVC SUPER VHS a VHS ET L C D TTELEVSONS c 50 OFF CAMCORDER WPTH 25x». ESCREEN LCD HDTV PANASONC 2S WOES >.Q a OPTCAUtOOOx DGTAL ROME Prosccuor: tors sad HYPER ZOOM ANO 270* VVrrH 2 HDMNTERFAC ACES. M> COLOR * tound SOUND W ednesday they had an arrused R0TAT1NS2.S* T l e S 2 0 j 0 MANAGEMENT. SURRO a PEDESTAL STAND >.g S n P LCOMOHTOR tw o talan ntellgence nee offl- c. s cers as part of tlelr nve nvestg.n a <249 to 498 S A V E W T H R E X B U C K ton nto the alleged Cly CANON MJnlbV DOrTAL CAMCOR (SONY s r 16:9 BRA VA" LCD )HDTV H WrrH 16:9 WDESCREEN FEATUR WTTH ATSC OCrTAL TUNER. HD nappng of an Egyptan r " 25H OPTCAL/SOOx DOfTAL s. s. s r a PC NPUTS. SRS* TuSurround. n Mlan, provdng the V ZOOM & 2.7 ROTATNQ >*2 LCD SCREEN H S U d H XT. UOHT SENSOR a FREEZE p 30 OFF fuhcnon offcal sgn tlat talan were nvolved. O n o n l, a g lc y also announced they o -... wore seekng the arrest o m ore Amerc.ns after r / c a S DVD P UJ\YERS & COMBOl )LOR TVs S A V E W T H R E X B U C K dem andhg the extrddt d to n o r COMP, MPACT DOLBY* 2 CHAN. PROGRESS t e, 22 purported CA agents. n SCAN DVD PLAYER WTH DVO/VCO/ lessve, * lh e arresls of the two.o SSM J a s CD/CD/CO.WRW/JPEO PLAYBACK a ntellgence offcals { fu f Ll H H m f. ( 10% OFF REMOTE e le d 9r allegatons by a luropean $ 3 D TRNrrROH* WEGA *. " An*. Coupon B nvestgator that taly raar n d A O UTVW/REMOTE,. SONYZTFDT EN DGTAL HOTV 1! ON-aCREEN MENUS. jrtal TUNER.- o n = n y other European countrc tres had josm SHBA DVD PUAYER/4-HEAD H-F STE Ons vald hmgt Saturday, July f t ; aded the Unted Slates R COMBO WTTH PROGRESSVE OUT, E - s - s r - - K S 7 les wth M Coupons cannot bo combned wlh tb D-RmWCD/CtMt/RW/VCOrSVCD/, the secret transfer of f terror WMAAtP3 PUYSACK " Z -6 9 o any ottor morchandlso coupon. CONTROL * c suspects to decnton 1 cc centers a REMOTE around the world. cw ponfl = * K 5». MCROWAVES O sam a M oustafa H: a ssan * * 5 0 SHARP? 0.1 Nasr, ah Egyptan clerc O.S c u. FT. SOO-WATT MCROWAV OVEN terrorst saspect also k k n o w n MAJO OR APPLANCES V WTH w n TURNTABLE. ) TOSHBA 20* TV/VCR DEO COMBOS m n hrc e p as. Abu Omar, was alle llegedly 4 COOK, K. e S REHT VE ddnapped from a M lan: street W H rre-w E snn O H ouse COMBO WrrH OLOW-KE Lpv TOSHBA 24- FLAT a 4 OEFR FROST - *55. REMOTE. 0 9 D, ( _ SUPER CAPAOTY WASHER SCREEN STEREO o h Feb. 17, l*rosec secutors WTH 8 CYCLES & 3 WASH/ R SLEEP T M E R -JV T.6 P 9 B TV/DVD PLAYER n u l AND FRONT say the operaton repres( resented >4 RNSE TEMPERATURES COMBO WTH S C AA/NPUTS j n J AgUWSn SpComb,n.lo<l. DVD-VldM, VdM a, severe breach of l.lan lan sov- M eregty that com pron nvw33»2 * CD, DVD-R. CO, m n n a., J!! CD-RmW.WMA, rom lsed?. * W m -30. MP3 PLAYBACrC JPEG ther ant-terrorsm efforts. efl Q P VEWER a REMOTE FURNTURE ahd hove already ncrmr m naed «E... A«*t Ca 2?purported ClA.gcnts. ts. Prosecutors s.y Nasr a s r w a s " FRODARE 18.2 CU. FT. ; A U D O taken by the CA to the h e jo n -» - l f REFRG.-FREEZER WHTH ) & HOME THEA ATER s l O SULLVAN Os 3 u7 1 STAND D H PONEER 180W 3-WAY BJ U.S.-talan Avano ar lr b a se... GALLON DOOR STORAGE * SM.ng Sfwlll 3 Cl»»- ClUMt. QE BOOKSHELF BASS REFLEX WTTV tu l flown to Germany and 1 then o l l h Wtm lumdty Control CWw Davy t. LOUDSPEAKER *»y WTH6 1M* X Egypt, where he says he»fhtenj W COKE WOOFER m tortured. * MF4aR w!t he operaton s beleved *34 H 9 9 S s An«, f Coupon YSTEMWrrH5<0 J l p a l of an allcrcd CA :A nro- g / RCA AUDO SYS1 gram n wjjch terrorsm susto. th r d c, t Z V B _ C H A N O E O tt S5S5*--8» CAR STEREOS pecns are transferred.lo. 9 WHtTE-WESTNOHOUSE TUNER. DETACKj TM -a AH««Coupon B 26 CU.-FTrSJDE.BYtDE SPEAKER SYSTE, odual 120W TOTAL POWER AM/F l/fm/cd countres w here s som e WTTH.CRUSHED/CUBEO a REMOTE RECEVER WTTH DETACHABLE! F FACE, W W -snvaamaton PREserSr rbabs- : allegedly aresubjccteutc lto lor- CE a WATER DSPENSER ltsm BOOST AND 1.G 1.0 DN ture. The GA descrbes a WATER FLTER J CUM 3 Ml 0«*on Ooor Ora l E z a ERS.1 CHANNEL [ operatons as extraordl )rdjary jjw T«) Jnw Ooot Om J CM* Cn»p«f» 3«0W TOTAL POWER: YSTEHWTTH U... CM«Dory Door TM Pua Oul - HOME THEATER SYS1 AN DVD PUYER. H M n 69 7 yerfor rtndllons." rnwh OatMl nvr3«r}cw t j - PROORESStVE SCAN Prosecutors and a lawyt M A a m TUNER, 00LB1 *99 B OOTAL. 54PEAKER >0>w -» 1 0 H b. Afm f e.coupon % Nasr say h e s beng held leld n a Caro prson. 2 9 talys new, center-left An*r e n u n c n t released a stater DEHUM late W e e sd a y sayng th /Df ers T l. MAOK»«mV utj M K. nlcu lgehce servces WHRLPOOL 25-Pt H»«wf BL EAK p o w en * 8 9 S h ad DEHUMDPERW _WJTH, 3 F m 1 j u S n vcasscttbcw o u. dened any port n the all alleged a d j. humostat - _ AcrossFrom UA RECEVSRMffn _ kdnappng. t vowed to ca o o p. S " " " a M all m OWN DETACHABU Magc Valley LATE.a R E M O T E H a n t e wth the nvcsdgatlo to n... s e c u t o r s n Mlan n sad 5J~!S!5 ***# 1 jp g g l fl tm ec o f th e latest Amerl lerlcans, - 3B 31 t>tng sought were CA agents, ag v e th e fourll workc c d at * 141- * 1 4 P o l e l l n e R o a d E a!. Avlono. T her statem ent sn d d a s t * M t-p ro v d e th e n a mncs e : o f,! fe targeted. u$mttttm,eatmuo UOTWaOHSCMOOU, /. ;

33 n f T h u d a y T j l, r tc k et.co m s t l U l H Fnd somethng to do ths weeken( nd J -, V 1 Johnny De lepp s s w a sh b u ck lng n sty le agan c Paa g e 3 * F d d l n a r o u n d n S h o s> h h o n e P.- - ).- < : 1 4 H A l s o n s Movt ve gam e m a d n e ss......pag e 2 S p eca! d s u s h......p a g c 1 2 A K ds: s and a r t......p a g e 15

34 staple: les M o v es...f N ew o n D V D.... E vents c alen d ar TELEVSON Date Move," 20th Century...F, - nba Hnals Gamo 5: Dallas Fox. D nng g u d e "ABC. 5.-F l Runnng Scared." New Une K a ra o k e s o m e r.. : Mam,CBS. Home n e m e r t l o c a l...pag ages a.n B A FRnals Game 3: Dallas atm lacn.-a "ABC. On the CO.«OVer 4.,-NBA\ FRnals Game 4: D las r t e m o t o t r t t a t Mam, A ABC. C A M 5.-C S :C Crme r Scene nvestgar;om 1 Wan Dfsney w.n«.m n.m nt. 2. "T "B deh.ftc a Dream." U- tao rm n act. H«*» \tftk tk h ton." CBS. en l fmmo(tt«ca CarUMKDwrf onsga :6 ate ;k)nbttertalnmont? l\m S 3.. -S " S e s.s t e t : Guess That 1.C a rs." s," Dlsney-Ptxar. Shape tpe and Color." Sony Wonder. 2. "Nacho M) Lbfo," Paramount, 4.. Ttanc-.; (Fm Screen Ver- 3. Tho} R Fast and the Furous: ston), 1).- feramount Home Enter- Tol<yo Drft. ft."untversal. talnme menl 4. -Tho. 3. Lake House," Warner 5.. "The 1 -t)rd the Rngs: tlje M M Bros. Follow: owst>spvt the.rng." New Une S.-ThoBreak-Up.- Unversal. Home ne EjtertalfOTenf fom Ula neuuons Co. Ts M P M CE 2 THURSDAY_JULY_6._ m A p u b l c a t on n ( o f h e _ hh O TRVE DVD SALES T m e s - Nl evw s. Do MakoYouProud.Taylor j 1.. Undorword: Evoluton r Hcks.-Arta, Sony- ly-plcturss-hom e-entortan P u b ls h e r 2. -Hps )s Don t Ue.- Shaklra monl. -more mp 9/fevdeogames (leat.w ydot Jet Jean). Epc Frewall." Wamer Home H radlltrcl <j5 3.-Promnlscuous. Nolly S Furtado Vdeo, JO. BYBKlHnCHBe 9 6, These are mov nove gam es that ((eat.tmbal baland). Mosley. 3.. ( Glory Road." Walt Dsney JUDBtNESTAlJASH UM should never be m ade, along E d to r 4. t s Go Goln Dovm," Yljng Joe. Home no Entertanment TacotnaNewsTrtxjnc uno wth some notes tes about what ScvLCmmp r>-3223 BOCl<. 4.-D. Dumlw." Wall Dsney Home they mght look ok lke f they were: 5. Rdn.- n." Chamllonaro (foat. Entcrta crtalnmont Nothng s sacred. Not Jodngls Anchormo non: The Legend of D e sg n e r Krayzo Bon )ono). Unversal. (Plat- 5.. Runnng fl Scared, Now Lne safe. Ron Burgundy" y" lrc Goodell num) HomeE ne Entertanment n a frantc land grab. Fn [Mmvdtraoune b.gam { e Wth voce actng from Wll makers ore snatchng up Holly- Fcncl, Steve Ca arcland Chrs- A d v e rtsn g ALBUMS TO) Pm J N E $ DOWNLOADS wood TV and m ove prof ropertles na Applegate,. ths gam e allows JanclG onn M, le Bg Bang." B u sta St. Elsewhere.- Gnars and pum png out gamn; lng you to play thleroleofladles en Rhymos.Afte Vftermatt. BaWo kjey scllock lke there s no to tomorrow, m an Ron Burgur d y. On early C la ssfe d 2. Takng ng the Long Way." Dxe 2.. T Takng the Long Way. Dxe The atrocous console le gomes mssons, you 1 use your groovy C ustom er scrvcc «cc Chcks. Chcks :ks. Jaws" (you play as the s sl shark] stache. swanky polyester suts CX D)ecen;berunderground." 3.. "Cars (Soundtrack from tho and "The DaVncl Code" c arc just and the ever mp mpressve can- AP. Tny Evl. vll. Moton Jon Pcture)," varous artsts the latest offenders to chagrn nnrtut/tt/tmfnf naaaaahlll to sees, M al n fo rm a to>n n 4. -Hgh School Muscal." 4."One-X,"."0 Three Days Grace. d m m n g gamers. uw w yeahl ducethebabes.4 T lcn m cs-n cwvs s (UPS( 631- Soundtrack. :k. Walt Dsney. (Plat- 5.. How to Save a Ufe," Tho Gome publshers once or sat- Collect enough {h ; power-ups. drop 080) s pubushcd 1dally at 132. ntm) Ray, f. sflcd wth producng gam ga cver. sudylnessuch uch as "You have a FtomAnHtcenvumM. - Farfeld St. W., TWr Wn Falls, by 5. "Ono X." Three Days Grace. slons of the latest acton* on-hero. fantastc helne; d e lw a n tto b e Lee Publcatons n< nc., a sub- BEJ BEST-SEU JN G BOOKS moves have gotten ther frends wth t." { and theyll be slday o f Lee Enterp erprscs " "Wsdom of Our ftthers:.- mtts onsom e classc pc pecesof. - -U keputtynyou r o u r h a n d Perodcals pad ld a t. W ln CONC NCERT.TOURS Lesson sons ar)d Letters from Oaugh- Amercan cnem a and televson. tcl That s. untl you encounter FaUs by th e Tm es s N N ew s. o ra..t lm HklcGraw/FthHlll. c ( tors 1 and ar Sons by Tm Russert. Sure, T h e Godfather" wa w Bsade- yotu nemess,, Veronca Vc Co mngcal cty and county n n e w s p a - 2. Poal Jam J a. (Rando f)dom. House) (non- ccnt ouerng from the deep- de stone. n a scres o f trass battles, p e r pursuant to Sc Sccton 6C - 3. Crque ledusolel-deurum.* C fwonfl on/hardcover) pocketed Electronc Arts, ets. But t 2 u h a v e to thtwart v n h n ne&tous 108 o fth e dalo Ox C ode. T h u rs - 4. Kenny y Chesney. C 2.. T "The Da Vlnd Code by Dan stands almost alone amd n ld th c plot to establsh shoedlbllk yfor day s hereby dcsg e slg n a le d o s 5. RBD. Brown (Anchoc) (fkon/paper- rubble o f dozens of dsas uutrously thelttle lades» o n network news, th e day o f th e week -ck o n w hch -FrernPoam* back) rushed move andtv-shc show Beat the game e 01 o n m edum dfllegal notces wll 3.-G. "Godless: The Church of Ub- games. culty, and you cca a n also play as lshed. VHS/D /DVD RENTALS erahsm fsm" ty Ann Coulter (Crown There are games th at t» should Brck-nunland.C C ham p Qnd or Postmaster, plea.lease send J ;, fkferworld: Evolutkm.*. Forum) jm) (non-fk:t)on/hardcover) never becom e moves..bb ut, m ore Bran Fontana, changc o f address SS form to: tures Home Entertan- 4. The a. Devl Wears Prada" by mportantly, there are m moves e o. Box 548, W n.ffa Lauren alls.rd aho " f Welst>erQer (Anchor) (RcewaJ." Vtamer Home tk)n/pa that should never becom /paperbacw e FalrudB Balanced; a: Pox VWeo. 5.. A0\ 4 at Juty" by James Paton. games. Lets p ut t ths way: w NewM begwne me* Cw t W 2 M ( y * Maxne Paetro (Wamer \A- 3. Gtory fy Road." Walt Dsney terson, Would you rather lose S8 S o na n ths role-pl -ployng game,.you H om ee ntart ertalnment stonkf lltf F tw W W g W,.,.. bad game move o r $50 O 0 o n b a tt canchoosethec l e c h a r m c t e n movle.g*met v ;! - / P U tu t 0 GAME REVE W k a tv m lh m p y ttlmtaft l A M«M fra a m UatouM," Httco. ew " Stop the] 1madness: No F

35 Shlvern te tnaber Cox Nows Servce vka j P M 3 TTHURSDAY_JULY_6_2006TT H T J o h n n : y D e p p & C o. n avene tradtc Thc.convcntlonal wsdom la sad Pratss Of the B Carbbean: C Dead hat Jeny Bruckhelmcr crwascrazy \ O nako "Plmtes o f the Carbbean." The lost couplsof / Mans Chest* start taxts Frday a t Wtn Cnemas, Century ry< an e m a o rb r> ley, Bg Wood ( Ctn e m a of H ley, prate moves Prate ates,"cut- \ Magc Lantern of Ketchum and throat sland» h ad lo os s te n o u m oney to float the econc onom yof. 1 - Jerome dnetnas. an Eastern European >naton. P- s so( fth c Also, most o f these actors ddrate moves were Jus on nt have the requs Llste lght loud), g e m >ose tm e the. as Dustn loltman lan would prove through the*40s had n hs remarkably lyhumh oress. ahd gone. Captan Hook n 1 the remarkably Gtess a n.p r a tee humorless "Hook. 3k Modem flm-* Carbbean* succeeded d l n fnally makers couldnt qute fgure out m akng Johnny O cpp ) a commer- - - a way to brng the prate f move d a l move sar by dnt tofhum ol or- y r nto the m odem age. as people ousy deconstructng ; th«the prate r. move, cross-breedng g tw lth a... MMmv) ~~_2 suchassam Peckr :knpu and Serghost story, and stu mnantanlng C#»L J«*Sp«ro KTMT U elny D tff) M th (M fm tn bmwt h PklM ol tht CwMMM c D u d M u -C W fl go x>one. for nsa sance. dd wth the western. Roma m an Polansk s ts essental narratve! a t r- m adeasatsfac factory, f notceably "Captan Kdd," once, God help Tle 60s brought a gradu Jua end -pnjes" never eve: even fgures out than-llfe caracten, a Qsense sc of softened. Long ngjohnslvern u s. dd Abbott and Costello. to prate moves; a new gem enera- w hether or not ts t s a j spoof. humor, and some swash a.shbuckllng MGMs verson of "Treasure s- By 1948, w hen Gene Kelly and.ton of actors was largely re: reactng u, dlsrepuu )uabte Captan fur. t was. n csscnce. c, a muscal land." Judy Garland m ade "The Prate, aganst the tradton of shov lowbz, ck Spanow brouf o u g lasenseof comcdy wthout songs a and t had By ths tme, le, t seemed that t seeme m ed th e m ost natural thng derrng-do, and they were c above a woozy fun back lo to the prate the nestmable help of o ft beng practcally any leadng m an w ho n the wc >word for the ttle charac- such chlds play, although h c chlds thereby pro provng that based on a theme pork r: rde tlat looked good n n the pouffy peeves ter to act actually be a self-enchant- play s, at bottom, the pont o fa chlds play s noth n h n g tu b e everybody loves. "Senfeld" would atcr have so e d h a mm actor who was only play- prate move. snee7.ed at. All those qultes wer vercprcsent m uchfunwth lhcould d o a p ra te - -ngot 1beng a prate. at the creaton of the prate pn move, move, whch took place acedurng Deepyunlk Jlkely prates such os the 70s,.stmulated mah nalnly by paul H enrled 1 ("llc Spansh the novels ofrafael Sabo abatnl Man") and Lou.xjuls ayward ("Son B a s s u ("Captan Blood") and d t r~ the palm - o f Captan Bloo lood") dd t wlh ngsofhovrardl yle and m d N.C. Wyeth, wo wore n tum stlm u- lated by the classc advc ventureof Robert Lous Stevensons TVeasure sland." som e success, «, and tle stnnuous help o fthe stun luntmen that Farbank.sSr. had Jlauglcdaw ay.lt ucstlon of tm e untl to-the-m anor-l r-born Fatbanks Jr. M H De moves could cap r T h e C o r s loan n Brotlers") as.sertthat color and adventure lurcw.h h ls b ln h rght. s h ease, and they dd,.n calysllcns ea» e men begat B G 9 lke T h e Sea Ftawkjmd tan Blbc, both o f vc S f 1, Charles Laushu }hton. D a re s... T c k e t s o n vhlcnwcrc uughontycs.!s. Because rght remade wth Errol Flynn, around the nd-40s. md the prate S a l e Bll t was Douglas Fa Sr, who made hc p rale te move ; m e. whch fl vras w almost nvorl- K! t V e d n e s d a y J u ll y 5 t h culturally respectable -h by v.h n n a y n b o u llh le ecaptured nno- - / ccnlrcbcllnga g and sezng the p- lr had 1101 E lba A ve. B urley A t the F ar B oard Off )fflce lnghlsl92g"the Black! m tesh p fo rhnself, early two-colorlbchnlcc rc.d.o d o d e a d sgular offcc hours: loan lam -5pm today, "The Black Prate YOU could lell t had readed a share of exhlaratng ph) ten Bob Hope m ade Grand S tand & A rena Scats < and some early example pesolcoldwse old p- PTUcess s and a the Prate," a B le a c h e r s *. * 1 2 blooded hum or a %ds rate taps hs fngers mp mpatlently paroly ronventonal prate O p e n s e a tn g n th e arena whle a prsoner s gutto ttcdoff. Pc«ure.andap a pretty good one. camera n order to retrle trlevea So Hollywood d flpped the plot (b r n e y o u r o w n c hlars),. vauablerng.,t o n d m ad cthe en man c h c t e r the Rlrbanks.bogat Errol: rolflym. p n w U aghlm mself. Laughton M j, ; T c:kcls k c avalable u t : Cus.sa Pu Purcrounds. V / T t e A3, : Bandldo. Burley; Horse Pft PW.Slop n R upcrt. and Corral Wcstl Tn t w l n F a l s... wer and n playpt C aptn l n d j c g v j o r ; bct>mn*thescwallace e Beery tmes, once nam a ovleendted F o r rm o r e n fo rm a to n c a ll Co\ e r a b l e H o l l y w o3c 0 d es 2 Starts Fr o n w t h P r a t e s over story renew Frday

36 M oves Nowpay lng *. A P r a m TWN FALLS Wln Cnema Cars Clck" The DaVnc Code- Garfeld 2: Tal of Two o K Kttles* Hoodwnkod*. B t WVlfYMORttS Muppcta from Space* D* Bos Doson Globo Over tho Hedge* Plratos of the Carbtxsar «a n :D c a d urly ry m o m e n s n Man3 Chost" Suporman Returns AU n ans "A rare X Mcn: Tho U s t S tand- n d H o m p C o np p a n o n " su(u;em th e d re c to r s o n o n e o f h e n> OtfytMy Theate r n o ra d v c n tuur: re s th a t p ro d u c e s a Tho Break-Up* d o tty p c tu re llk e s * D r.t Tho R stan d thcfurou lous: Tokyo..n d th e W o mc e n." B ul h e a n d Dfa* *An nconvenent Truth* (rrsu n Kcll tu r n e d The Lake Houso* KL-lorsl)L>lov show NachoUbro* n lo tlc so rt t o f h a ck sta g e e n te r - The Omen* tn n c n l sllef llegory h at b rn g s o u t lhcl)l>s n Tho OrptMUffl n s a m th hc e a rlc a l fe a tu re s- The Devl W ears Prada* nl a s )u lc ;ally :ll ncsve PA fe4t> «THURSDAY_JULY.6_20()6T1 WT Dovwn-homele magc fromam novemaster H H H j H R E H o s ME C o m / P A N O N M? Up e n N a sh v llr" nn nor assatlrcajly v- The Fast and th e Furlou: ous: Tokyo cous as "The >e layer. 1 Vyht Drft* " ra rlu lnnl- m e C o m p an o n ". *TheOmen* d o c s, how ever. e r s b rn g u s th e H l-y e a r-o ld AJ A J tm a n J n a re flc c - C*»*oq soa KeUtor, Meryl S m p and Uadu) u y Lohan-Bake beantfol n u tk top loecuer.. MotoVu Drv»4n Posedon lve s ta te o f m; n d. Superman Returns* D stlln g hl th e ra d o sh o w to ts w rd l c h m a n sh o h e pc - w orks a s.h e b a c ks sta g e d o o r- lve p e rfo rmnances r a n d hom e* *APrare Home lure.) k eeper. Me k n o wvs s a b o u t th e sale HAtLEY/KETCHUh* m a d e c o m nne e rc als. A Jm an n n d Companon* KclHor pla y s th e b ro adleasts c a and spends the moo v e try n g n B lcw oodc lnem a K ellor -npln: la s K e th e m e la n - Stafrtn ftng Garrson Kellor, Meryl n a rra to r. G.K.. w hom Y oan anda hs own nept fash Cars* s h o n t o s a v e cholc underct rc u rte n s tjat flow rcep, Kevn Klho Clck* ch d o s for b e n g unfeelng, lg. n - h e s a o n., tod PG-13, for rsqu«5 hum or Tho Est and th e Fuhous ous: Tokyo! a rw a v es d u rn g d e e d. K ellors ex p re sso n w pcylne Qt Magc U n to m nless K lnes c o m b nn a to t n o f p rat- Drlf h rn n d c n sts Oo f l hc show. nema n Ketchum c a rra g e rea lly s m a d e fot r r rado, falls and u rb an ty s : fu n n y, hu Nacho Lbfo* n d o n g so. o. th e s e tw o M d Hut h s vo c e s s o m e th nlg g e«lse. t r u b s ag an st tble e re t st o f th e Superman Returns* w e s te rn e rs m a k e a su rp rsn g ly No o n e wll h e a r a loveler CT m oves effurtless S r u s tc c h arm, co zy par. Am; lm an s hostlty daughu hler, Lola (U n d s a y L o h an ) s o u n d n a m o v e th s year SklTme C lrw m n a rth a n Hes lke Hrrol luyn y n n b n a w o u ld se e m to short-crcut behnd Clck* th em ; a n d D u sty a n d lls n o n n g h e w o rd s "rhu u b a rb hayrde. *Tho Dovll W ears Prada" [g- Kellors earc n c; stn e s s. But n e - Lefty, r, th e sp a rrn g, folksy, a n d pe." But h e d o e s lus s a fte r th e th e r m a n h as s r m u c h n e e d fu r v u lg arsnglngtr.ll r hands, Js d c o n s so jpecca cable moves.bes nvent e n tlo n : V rgna Moflc Larttemm se tm e n llty o r nostalga. played Ld ; hy W ondy JarreJso n a n d you c a n h e a r th e * h " a n d 1all lm o s M ad sen, w h o w antl a n d e r s fro m Cars h ey v e tu r nle ed th e r co lla h o ra - Jo h n C. Uelly. sm ell he pe. The Lake House* scene to scene, lurr m n o u sly, n a to n n to a pluu n g e n t w a k e fo r a A ltm a an n teg ra tes th e p e r- *A Prare Home Compan( T h e a c o r s h a rm o n z e on whle trench coat, p la y n g an *Superman Returns" fo rmcrs ers a n d b a c k sta g e p e rso n - sta g e a n d o ff w th th e e n eerg rf etc angel of d eath. Som o n o characters Thu flm lna a B ln e s h c no l w>>lh h s usu a l d e c e p tv e ef- off k<7 d o s y n crasy th a t Al lt c a n se c h e r a n d s o sr u m e c an t. B BURLEY e v e n } ;o fthh e fm al lve b r o a d - fo rtle- ssness. t T h e sm a ll-sc a le m a n p refers. T om ln a n d Streep St, th e r way, her a p peae a r a n c e h e re C«ntury Clrwrm no cast or~ rarlerle lo m e." A cco rd - m a y h!em en feels frm ly lu u le r con- w hos b u sy a n d hlow sy. ha\ av e a n g o e s from slly lo 0 eth e r e a l to ut- Cars n g U) K ellors r s c rp. th e o w n - tro l.tt hhe e co n c e rn e d m a k e u p a m u sn g honey-a u l-v lm [ j!ar g a lerlyloly, ra n s foo rr n n g a trfle "Clck- e rs o f tle S., Paul. Pj: M n n., th e - la d y (Sue (Su Scott). h e n e u ro tc ra p p o rt th a t ev en reures -Nacho Lbre*.shem nto a genunely affe c tn g a le r h a t p u ts S : o n th e.show h a v e s ta g e m : a n ag e r (11m llu ssell), "Supeman Returns* lu sn g ov e r e a c h o h e r..oh ohan, m ove, so ld l lo a Tex; exas c o rp o r a to n th e p rranksh, a n p re g n a n t sta g e- mcauvhle, can frequently Burloy Ttw ctor lly he Jke " N asbvllle e,","" 1 ralrle. w hose cy C t-0 1:0 C lam m y L ee h a d (M aya tu d o lp h ), a n d th e - co Ago 2 : The feltdown s e e n sc rb b ln g n a eom po* pos- lom e Com panon" " c u lm n a te s Jones) w a tc h:>es e s fro m a skybox. se aso3n n e d w o m a n (M arylose lo n h ook. c a n on ly h o ple e s h e n a ja m b o ree, l d d s OK* m oves H ackslake.!. e e n te r ta n e r s a n d H urke) n JEROM E c) ru n n n g th e fo o d s ta n d p la n s to u s e h e r n o te s to get ge T om m y Lee Jo n ess ;ss c h a r a c te r to Jerome Clnetu crew carry on n u n a w a re th a t th e a n d c:arrylng«m n r r a lu sty a ffar h e rse lf n to m o re m oves hs h o b se rv e th a t t mla ak k e s flm fec Cars* p lu g s so o n lo to h e p u lle d. T h e y w lh one n e o f th e sh o w s e v e n good, lke an anhcopolog loglst wjos "Clck* n c lu d e tle lol ln so n S ste rs. m o re! sc: se aso n e d p e rfo rm e rs T h e se em n g ly n e sse tla tal dscovered a lost trb e, le s nol -Corpse Brde* Y olanda a n d K Klonda (Meryl (-Q. )or Jones): h e y all m o v e c h a ra c te r h e re s p la y ed by *Tho R}st and th e Furous!>y w rong. Before o uj r ec y e s, t se em s ous: Tokyo S tre e p a n d.ly T o m lln ). w h o senm lessly les: n a n d o u l o f tle Drft* Kevn Kllne. le w anders nccon- lke a form o f e n terl rta ln m e n tls M arch of th e Per uns"_ blo w n to th e r dxcslug ro o m...sjqrysxc > X ocus..(jal>.c rpyqrpft.s. j Jljro u g h U;e.rlqv V play.* F dyng rght along 5 wth th e peo-. "Suporman Retums*-.lrtJK RlngYoan anda<:aft>vbd - R u n n n f A Vt j. ; pltfw hb rjflkelt.

37 D e v l W e a r ss PPrad3 (3 J] D»#V700-0 D-OtS S jt-s un33q.4<5. j vh«o.n.f.cars (G) >) 0. 0ady7.ts.0 30 ; FrloStn S 1S-71S.9-30 Mnd Sound } " S u p e r m a n R(e e t tu m s (13) ;; Da»y7:30Sa»loSunl UQ2,S2UQ9, 3 C l c k (13)0»ty7 % S Sat-Sun121S* < nstbceosufreund KndSownq? P r a t e s o f Carrb< r e a n 2 ( 3 ) D»ty7000«l F«1. Sun J lnoo.tasuttound. und Sound ;j Sum m er Matn< tnee ; Legofld of Zwro cwof Cuoout Cw GM>ge.c) r> S n(r!fm umjbowtow < $ 9 U L & > P ra te s of th e Car Dead Mans Ch«us. rvs* 900 l J-. tm (or AO Shows f. nfpw rp» &» A Z X M e n 3: T h e ) Last s tra n d H k ; J)7oOt»lOO.l,1S.SJ<.SJ0-74J.9M y. -- : S u p e r m a n RReturns e t {lo : Today «;; S4S.70Q.730 r3?*9 00 * * Tom Honks D a Vnc :> Tod«Y \7M -32t-a SS & & S 2JZ 2B B! u - > sss? s w M S S S S S! O v e r h e H edc f Teow ;S.23Q.44f ; C a r s lg)tottoy 12 S..315.OO.0 O J G arfeld 2 : Tal OfT )ft w ok»jes 1 1 <PG)To»r12 30.?4t.SC C lc k (13) To<J»y12 2 S fn :t 3 1S-445-S S-7> MuppeU rom Spacoccof ;O Hoodwnkod.1- V/tUUda Jf Takng g o v e r th e Ne g h b o rh o o d O) n e S nack at a Tme u m w w o w M Al G or«s \ \ f l a n n nconvenent tru th s ono of tho scoros documonlary movos of tho year- P l 3 E L 16 tho ond or earth hoar Now Showng at tho M>- O d v M e y T h b o lf o A n n e H ath aw ay \ v v : l / X K S»om a t N o w S h o w n g a t t h e O r p h e u m J ; S M o to r-v u D rv e n s O P E N F R - S A T -SUN -5 \4 F rl-s at-s u n at 9:30 C o -H t Fr< S a t S urn a t 1 0 :4 5? DC ONa".;f, K d s U n d e r 1 2 F R E E - F M S t e r e o n Y o u r C a r J G r a n d - V u D rv e rj n Y s O P E N F R - S A T - F r «S a t S u n a t 9 :3 0 C o -H t F r - S a t - S u n a t 1 0 :4 5., Et trom -:T., v j. sa B R. K ds C fnder 12 FRE %EE ~ F M S t e r e o n Yo ouu r C a r J ; f W h a t f Y o u h a d a J n v e r s a l R e m o te... Th a t C o u td V C o n tr ool l Y o u r U n v e r s e? m e LCK L E S 3 S. A d a m S a n d l e r K a te Ble e e c k n s a le wn & Jerom e Cnen ERMAN? r-sun S )MENj; e m a m S S k.f a s t& f tu r o u s S l.t l r S y k r O 1 9 ] S An nconvenent rvtuthmto) 1? ToatTl Q.S1S. T h e O m e n (Rl N o w S h o w n g a t t h e Tw n C n e m a to(l»y ? T f-75?33o ~ y A hh h f h. t s G o t T h a t N e w M o v e S m e ll! HOU! lo u s e (PC) s< T h e L a k e N a c h o Lbre S S P o s e l d o n T j! ) 7<»x»tnC 9 x () j S u p e rm a n R elujm ; s [ t*?» m K a N o w ju & J e r o m e Q n a J s a M M a s U n u r o uus.3 s MSMBN p N o w S h o w r T h e W r e s t l n g W o rd HeH e a d O N? : la m rng at the Odyssay. --L. - --sl;--.

38 M o v e s MB* The Break-11] n c an d th e voce of BU Mu klurrey. Johnny >!pp.olan( landb Bloom So broke even th( M r n v w - m n g Wrtten v by Joel Cohen and Alt Alec andkeak alley x e u n ta ln a o M o v e cant Ox t. The move m s b d n g sold Sokolow, based on the comk: k; (alo chronldlttg tle befttherq ( kt; J V f m a s a c u te r o m amtlc n comedy star- - strp "Garfeld," created by Jn Jm. advehttresofc)ta? ta n a d c S p u > n u g g e t e rhgarc-hcy-or- jr-arcn-thcyho M tv g n d M ln h e M c sp - Davs. : Drected by Tlm HUL LPG P< row.pg-3. couple JcnnfcrA ja n sto n and arebyrevlew m fbrtham -. for r some off-color dements. VnccVaugtmas) osactcagocou* SfltB JonaH>m8ttuton JO ant P o M td o o T /B 3 pcwtovcbrokc ken up. Problem s, T heu0 a# 8 A n g e l 6 8 l K - " - An nconvenent Vuth. Jl" / B Water, w ater evcryw) hcreandnot J hcllhcrjs wllng to leave the con-. -. V,,. Lghts! L Camera! Dke Acton! a thought to thnk c wl whch b Just as T J f l do lcy share. Rc Reportedly, t was thanborlx orlng (fyou know the That 1 the message of ths ent mter- shouldbc.t hlskln knda-sortare-, m can llo b caddarker, a flm, but. a book) or o r confusng c (fyou dont tonlng, exceedngly well-rc- e- m akeofthechcesy 1972 dsaster s.thcabysm alsc t scrpt sends hcl- know tle he book], the flm s, scocheddoctunentary S about 3ut classlctheposcldo donadvature" crskclcr mxed cd spuls that. please rem ten cm r. fcton, not. global g warmng. Narrated by 3ya ( treads w ater w hen 1 80 somethng t \ f leave an audlcncc at fnt con- vtrcu, gosp< ospeltruth.) RatedPG-13 new n and mproved Al Gore (fun- n o tcqjlo d ln g o rso lomeonesnot n Herrett Cente fused, tcnfrankl nklyuncom fort- (dlsturbn, bng mages, volence, ny, n passonate, personable), the tl bengherolc (orgctt ftttng klled), Arts and Sce lo n C O able. bo bad, t>c( bccausc tus had som enud ludty.dematlc materal, flm uses statstcs, charts, ph( pho- But thats wha movt oves lke dlls some ntrgung lg possbltes. Rat- bref drug references and 9cxua tos, «graphcs, even a cartoon nto l avallaboutn ca-o o s specal ef- H B m s u m m H0U m 8S edpg-13(scxual< lal content, som e nudty and langu guage). 1 hour. <tg content), t). 2houn,29m nutes. show s us a planet cookng tsel selfto death. Goro. wlo corocsoftaa fas fects, not complexen c emotons. losh Lucas, Kun Russell U O and Rchard OOSaSUMWSWWlK mnutm T hhed e l cvu W eanpradjra A T hs dshy comedy s dressed to your y favore sdence teacher cr ever. c nssts ths s a moral ss ssue. Dreyfuss arc am ong! those tryng to k6ep ther heads sobovcwaer. al.-c T S - /C A, crtc-proofhor- kll. KlUer ler cast, khler clothes, kller not " a ppltlcal one. Rated TO G Rated PG-13 (ntense nsc prolonged Faulkner Planeta tarum Lsy, soulless, surehnl asseterand laughs., And you dont have to know thee dffcrcnce between (mld them atc elements). 1 hour, h 40 mnutes. sequencesofdlsute sterand pertl). 1 hour, 39 mnutes. te folks at Plxar. Yes. the same Donna 1Karan Ka; and Donna Sum- S n l C genuses who gav ;avcusthe"toy. m er to delght n ts wcked worktoutcs. Based on Lauren The 1 son <f move you ether rgo g /A A snvltngasapl a plaeo(bu- > H e Loke House"/C+ A lw re H o mn e tcompanon" SK>WSCHED M U U Story" moves,w Monsters, nc. place pou m m s s ROMM WfflHS OF and "Fndng Ncn Jemo." En route to Wesberge rgcr s rom an d e f about wlh «or run from. Based on ako- 1> termllk bscuts, as s u unexpected as.. - arace.anartogan jant hot-shot race lfe as a low o> lyandabuscdasss- rean r flm, lsalm e-lrpplngr >gro- aslceofrhubarbpe pleandasw scar(voccdbyow OwenWUson) s, lanttovogues feared edtor Anna mance n thats part "Ghost," part, fu as a round of "Red RlverVal- :bndoy«lrough $Q(urja) t. 4 p m. forced to spend d tme n a sleepy Wlntour. r. the l move casu Anne *Wllgtl Zone," part "Youve re Gol ( ley."ths comc coual llaborauon belttle lown. where L-re hc.dscovcrs lfe Hathaway vay (ever more mpressve) Mall." N brm er "Speed" co-sar lars tween drector Rober b n Altman QCMjM JO U S ffy T O T B > G O f out of the fast tan lane. And gets as our luckless d herone and Meryl Sandra S Bullock and Keanu Reeves Re and rado raconteur u r Garrson ( somehgh-octan anc tps from a Streep (beyond (be; mpressve) as her share s a lake house outsde Ol lca- Kellor s just plan 1 W( wonderful. ts mys.terousold H udw n Hornet m onster sr boss b at Runway maga- go g and fall n love va notes tn tley the (nctonal) fnal 1 p< performance XMdOys K X Saturdays p j& (Pal Newman).! ).The anmaton s znc. Crsp as a starched wtc. leave c n ther magcal malbox >ox. of Kellor s beloved d rado show a terrlqc, but the ;Ufc lessons are shrt, clcvt lever as hc perfect par of See, S shes lvng a) the house n r hodgepodge of home mespun hu- mparted wth zero ze charm o r nu- Jmmy O oos n and os sclf-conll and hes there n Rated m orandold-tm eym musc and PMK FOYD: OABK SDE «OF ( n c ance and. at almo most two hours. t dent as asupcrm a s odcl. the move PG P (some languabcjnd.a.dsl ls: stars lke MctylSlrccp w p. UlyJbmltu :! MON somehow monag lagestobeboth s devlsh sh fun. Por anyone. luted turblng 11 mage). hour, 3Amr nn- Lndsay Lohan. John tn C < Relly and rxoy; tfvdugh Softfboy tl-k nm frenetc and leadc aden. That sad. >G-13(sot (some sensualty). 1 hour. ules. u Kevn Glnc m ne : wlll the pro- the kds wu love /e ll though you 46 m nute utes. grams regulars, whle lle Vrgna may feel lke you luvc been run "Nacho U bre"/c Madsen wafts aromd n n an cth e- > srabsgns over, llatcd G. 1 h hour, 56 mnutes. «*11101 he Fast and (he Furous: Te T deadpan allure ofdrecto ;tor real whle trench coat oat. fltsmeanl S A r to y... \... 2 p j n bkyolm D rft"/c l Lucas Jared J; 1 less "Napoleon Dynatn amte" as a farvwcu (Altman annowod.lts CUck"/CW Wll clck best Black ("Slj "Slng Blade." "Frday doesnt d qute translate 10 ths ls a lovely one. Rated PG-13 PC (rsqut fr e e Solar Vewng! ll Look wth de-hard Ada VdamSahdlcrfans. Nght Lgh Jghls")U abad-boya ner- south-of-he-lxrdersendupo s( p of humor). 1 hour, 45 mnutes. sa fely a l th e sun tf?rc J J*-*Pl"*!* n workah kaholc archtect can street reel raceras the thrd n- "tocky"-slyle " spons flcks. Jac lack through whos puttng Ws. ls carc*er before sallm:nt ent«of the "PRtP" franchse Hlack H plays.1 Mexcan monk kwho m * "Superm an Retu ctu m 8 /B + our sp eca lly equp H pped hlsnmuy.wlct ;n cra/y a> rs moves n to Japan, J where rew ed-up dre.nms d of beng a luchnlor,, a A hgh-flyng pcture re wlh epc te le sc o p e from J to > 3 p.m. Walken offers hn- lm a magjcal re- car culturc lure Ls spol-welded to ds- masked freestyle wrestler. A lo n U otof ambtons. Drected fd by Bryan e a c h W ednesday (wee mofe conlrol so» h he can better. aftcctedyc lyouh culture n a vdeo- tolle tt hum or and prafalls cns rtsue. Snger, who Jum ped K lsllpfrom perm ttng), m e. tlme-nanngc hs ls lfe, Sandler phone verson ven uf "Rebel Wthout Kds K wll probably love l, and nd. he "X-Men" moves cs to breathe makes sonc bad< duccjlons.so acause."! 11" le adrenalne-charged m.ybe n so wll he grown-ups S v who new lfe nlo one ofourmf 01 ost ~ o eslc lck tryft] rtng to graft sentl- racng su seqecesh ay cak ln d.o f.. get B on he onbe.t wavelength. Jth. conc superheroes, s, lhe flm s the n c k e M k A U w Y dcrfuljfe"onop :opoopjokes.the w henhe her fngers slp from the cmde c humor, ncludng dalogue). - lywood does best. Su "Superman Re tsof-tsaw dn- brutallymodem elegance. u led K *G (sume rougl acton?n 1and son of satsfyng blod lockbusterllol- * Y* asult s a movo o a t odds wth t- nltrofuel-l c-ln cclon buuns. and : 1 hour,3) mnutes. - turns" begns fve yea years after L... $ 9 self sometmes ; sweet, s% som cdm es the teens a are forcedo say a few Rldard Danner s venlon r funny, bul mostly tly schzod. Rated syllables,!] - s, blgchunks of the move Over th e Hedge"/B (he frst one wd Chrstopher Ch F m A B u m x t mlu A U PG-13 (language. je. crude nnd sex- com c to oatrescreechnghall.. a 1 ll»ls T energetc famly-pleaser er. Reeve) left o ft Ncmes neslslcx related humor, andsom edng And that stop-and-stan s acton ul- should s m ake a lol of kds and d Luhor (Kevn Spaccy: ccy) plans lo o A u a a s A m u t tfuseum s references). 1 hou lour, 37 mnutes. tmately y makes m "Tokyo Drft" ex- her ll aduls hhppy. Wllh wntc) ter become a god. crealr alngancw T hed av lnd nclcodc/b haustngu lg to watd. Rated PG-13 gone, g< some woodland chums ns w orldbom outofasl] aslnecrys- fyou lked the book, youll prob- (rccdess nnd a: llegal behavor n- greet g sprng, only to fnd a sub lubdl- tallneshardofuccaq! exploded M lj MjtK ably lke the mov ovc. f n o t... well. volvlng ; teens, let volence, language vson vl n the m ddle of ther rfor> planet Krypton. As >the th Man of. tsardtosay.ro Ron Howards very an d sexual (unl content). hour, 44 mer n fotest.the excellent voce lce.steel, Brandon Routh tlh assumes the lteral adaptaton onofd anbrow ns mnutes, s. lalen ta ncludes Rruce Wlls,.Steve St< cape wth authorty y andgrace, a LT bcst.scuerstars-n slbm Hanks osa Carell, C Wanda Sykes and Garry rry The move has somnc e thngs on ts \ r l Harvtrd symboloj jlogstlhedocs "Garfl ufleld-alueoflw o Kt-. Shandllng. S Rated PG (some tu< rude mnd, most notably lythe tl r d o n - tdmta.org codes, hence the 1C ttle) unwttng- tlca~/no b ratng n He bg onuge hum h< or and mld comc acton; on). shlpbetwecnfathctb UB and sons, /rtmnll HOBHB/D a mystery that fur ball s smstaken r for royalty hour, h 24 mnutes. But t has fun. too, ndudng nc sev- BmlUcnoumso s->c w honhefc le follows hs owner, Jon, lo eral stumng acton nsequencea» l ST LR* * F-M55 tradtonal Chrst stan doctrne Engtohfl.V a.w h B rc ck h M jjy e,... " n r a t t o f t h e C a r l b M " Rated PG>V3(Bomo o m n c n o c u tto v - www,c.tfgl7r>tfffoh rfott wklc-open.lesab 3 blasphemous JenrferLc rlovohc»tt,dlllyeon- Dead D M an Ches /No rttng- ng.. volence)<2 hour9.34 mnutes. M S E e T HrHU U R S0A Y _JaY _6_2006 TWT r

39 ..., Ma7THURS0AY_JU1 JULY6_2006HT l e v e s C S E - T h e l l a t e c l o r - offth e kng n plays and poetry try, brotherhood, an unsp.nsparng su- R and a deeply held dsdan for hs peror an d an unexc xclng boxng n *The M atador.a delg ellghtfulty slydtvenon, ferce Bros r o s n a n breaks th e m old and m nl u { n J f l H nn nunoral tmes. But nstead,. h he s {ust a petty nhlst gven to gn gramltous nsults and preenng gself- s move, B2arrely, Annapoll polls" snt a glmpse nsde the workngs of %vhat m ght be consdered ed th \ c an offcer farm wh vhch mght p erfom toaceofhlscareer. (he cnd of wtty, rdaxed star jrporofc p ft doesn t hefp m atters tha t "The Lbertne* seem s to udo load have m ade for an antt mthropologcolly nfty ljc bull: nstead.. a ry trsyol th at recalls thoseofc every olde pnglsh clche on f ne. Pocky* n occasonal na pressed Gnm an d other Golden c g - ends. l k for w hores wth heavng cleavage and lusty laughter,, al ale whtes, wllh Jakes latenl talc n the rng represenlatvc!ofh ssh o tat Sellng hm up O perfccl s frothng over pew ter cups and respect n hs compan pany. Greg Knncar, every b t as» amus* ng and assured. As f ths w enough. H ope Davs, onn ol m ost protean young actrcs: resscs rbald. post-post-chauceron m Englsh os f (he charocters rs fave been forewarred of a 21scentury Englsh- d ass passt» ln g The story s drama< lac buldup s toward the academ) mys real-lfe Brgade Champlonsh shps. a puglst smackdown Tn r whch vtrotldng n flms, lends furtl lu h r o u. lamt Bmm CDM ta Md arf (k«g Kb Jake hopes to waylayl ayyrescgb* sparkle and dolery. m t t m t u k m m h n t Washngton n Post sons ex*marne mdst: dstlpman 1 (. Tlc M atador" marks oflne a m Cole, the flm s nomln nlnal vllan feature d ebut for Rchord d Shep* S crack marcsman, 1, rreveals that he **Annapols but really jus your garden ga var* ard, who exhbts thal precl -eclous s on assgnment t aas. he lkes to B / f l H P G -1 3 ctyboot-cam pm ovlel ve tard case. gf of beng able to work (n n hc m anstream yet m antan n th U e u t- mos sophstcaton n hs s pont o f vew and n dalogue that :hat cro(!clcs wlh nspred,wt t a and humor. magne that James Bond md. the role from w hch Bronan 1 has just graduated, has begun (o os lose hs call hmself, a f adcutalor d of faal* tes." At frst Danny s: s struck wlh dsbelef, then hon lorror. T h e Matador,* n whcl lchabullfghr becomes 0 metaph phor for professon and hs ls rom antc vew of t. deftly m«moves ahead sx months. Now Jula lan s on n job n Maay Dtfp, e te fu td t CV( Nether laggng mlllnry re* :m lm en n or move atendan lance cc s lkely to be helped by Anfro lapols,* a t?y*lhc*numbers un- rb Jerdog dram a set at thestorec red En J.S. Naval Academy n te Ma vtaryha and port o f the ttle. cejames Franco stars as Jake c uard, an Annapols shpyard rd trsnltletn rd o g :ct ctv worked up over Coles m eanness :*ss when lle worst thng le does s s follow procedure n gettng jgptcbes p kcked oul over a rule ale nfracton orforfalngaphy.slca?lcalesl.but Gbson goes for bad*g d-guy broke anyway n n performn mance comely of steely posed almost entrely ncrvcona sarted lo go to o s( 8ccd. ~ Drdapest n whal 11 ; h(s controller, worker who rvets by day and d glares. lla t s a rough descrpton m oc f Brosnans Julan Noble, whe vho has Mr. Kandy (Phlp p Baker Hall) rcm nds hm s a mal nakttor-break ph-ywrghl z ordnare. W lolss beers wth hs laborer r juddles al ngh. b ut luns long lle drector s lusr snun. whose stylsh, stereaty atype-dsn.s* arrved n MocJco Cty for r rea* sluaon, snce Jul lulan s clearly but. alas, cx larborcd a noton that he be* semblng breakhroug augl move sons not m medately clear, car. Un* shaky after 22 year ars n the racket, -ture. Tlls Br ongs l at the m posng mltary ry from a few years ago, ;o, Better shaven and m usached. he s raff* A couple of plot developm c ents also feature! M nsllluon just across the wae aer. LuckTomorrow -about Asan sh, wllh a roughncck qual laly, and gven lo knockng back ck qute a few drnks and smokng heavl- h ly. Attractvely weathered, 1, he knows full well hes stll dev levastatlaer, Julan knocks ccs on D anny s front door late one snowy nght. The stage s set for one fnal ud* venture for he two m en. Shepard s a gen enune hghthe dng and as a young a most all De] n ths case, As WUmo sl rhen, l) he strans o fa clouds ds* )arlng musc score thal pracl cl- :ally anonts hm, Jake s accep ceptd nto the academy, where n ls plebe year he encounters s un- Amercan hgh school oolers caught up n very bad thngs - ndcal* ed he m ght tave a future fu tweak* ng m anstream genre fare. Bel* ter luck lomorrow. ngly handsom e, can turn n o on the wre artst, and alth lthou Julan ently of sypl brglvng rules, unwaverng Los Angeles An Tmes del charm tke a faucet and has las a gft may be losng hs s g rp.t h e 1600,Depp u.: of outrageous gab. ndeed. d, hs 1 Matador.whch jm anagestobe n 17h*cent lar mleage m ay actually heght ghten stylsh wthout cvc n/crseem lng thechsel hs appeal. slck, never docs. t s contem po- gcous locks, r»>«ttlsam«thallorl<w,l ftrulnmukwtm.* Hu Hs frayed-around-the-ed!*edges rary n lone but htt! has thal comb- satny jacket aura also bespeaks an unde den* naton ofscntlmen lent an d world- hose. But n h and debaucher extra* ho able vulnerablty, even des[ lespera* ness of beloved Hollywood cbs- story, D epp t }. Well, awal no longer bu. - lon and nstablty, as he! deter- scs wth ther conf mfdent cort- sple hs sgr, cxpect no royal rap* ha m lnedly latchcs on to Knne nnear s lessness and throw; aw ayhum or eye.sexypw s Brsh move, whch lor Danny Wrght, a D enver bus- BlUy Wlder com Dmcs to mnd.. of-darkness ures John Malkovch as ns nessm an who has a lot rldln dlngon Los.os Angeles Tmes We are su a nd Sam antha M onon Th a pendng deal. They t sss s F paths thedevll-nu lg actress, may beal* pa n a Mexco Cty hotel tu r.,. oj d T W lb w b w tn o " ths Byronlc Depp all the lme, bul. cal Julan just w ont le o f Danny, R ft never fnd Ol se, more s less. ed even though Julans sudden denout- fy o u areajo h nhnny Depp fan. what he stan mol. w ho ded appar- hs bursts o f crudeness and ns nsensl- youve aurty been m awatng n *The Ll!yphlsaagc3 3 lt fo; tvty threaten to drve Danr anny word on "The Lber bertne, stanng Laurence DC p p s certanly allurng mmy. But Julonls persstenc snce. D epposjohnw Um m ot.thes ec- untaultyl entury bad-boyregalo andln n ae«h arlsm a preval vauwlth* - o nd Bar esroohcs Kston frondamk h g h e r.. 4 seled face, th e gor D annyfondpretty soon juus uuan, a < a d v c r s afk ng gchutesll,* C lesshones, h h n m l h fc.. :ks. lacy w hle sleeves, - :kelsand hgh*huggng tn ths ll-conceved

40 M Q S T N UURSOAY_JUy_6_2006. f TOT TH U R SO A Y _.6 _ TMT E v e n t s E v e n t s Event tepale ndar Afalk- J u l t : F D n t classc : f o r U d s ; f r e n z y s n a d w a y TheKkgtan U t y 6 cover charge. D t ln Q esta u.: Jensen Rfngmaker akers. Also tea- MoyMdotw rantlsat 117 Man lana vs.e? v. turng gutarst 1 Chrs Arenz. R o c k /U ta t Varety/Wfn Fa! Palls { *, Jensen Rlngmaker akers s a t 109 SpRaNWd wl CKtupBosR»; C.C D rlm a la M B. <W -Tlm am >n«d - S n C 2 S wll play Avalon m B R wtoalnon DJ MgM vh b«be foaturod R p d / M n F M : Man Ave. E. n Salt Lake Ot) aty at 7:30p.m. B W V S l Ja from 10 p.m. untl tl dotng at H M ds U ka Tt TMs wll play> Tctots, wflch ) $ j 8,c a n b s r a - S B J b J Phat Eddys. Covor rar cftarge s- from 9 p.m. unt ntu -dosng a t F o llc/jac lc p at >t served by phonl nlng.smmstbr M t e S M e M? - X S S t S S S V- $3. Age 18 and ] older. Pbat Cover c t a v e s S a.. T to Kngston n lh 1) o wn play a t (800) B88-TX nxx or onlne at f l H n B... L Eddys s at 233 Rtth WthAve.S. W M dy% lsat213f l3fm ha ve.s. tw o shovre at Cact actus Petes ne* w w.8m m th stx.c o m. sort Casno, at Q a and 10 p.m. Avakm s a t 360S O SS.StatB St by fun runs,, parade p at 10:30... phonng (80 BOO) on- $35 on Frda! Hp-top/Bose R o c k /B u h l Tckets, whch ars are $20, $ 2 5 a jn.. food, gam esandlvem u- R o c k /B u h l lne a t www. rw.tckotwob.com, or and $20 an d : M M toss sor f nduoanca Mlestone wu rll play fnxn 9 and $30. can be reserved by P t a m t a r lu m n W n B n * a c. f t r ktom (matkm. call Jule Mfcstone n e wd play from 9 a t Atknsor sons Markets n can.be reser S S s s s.:- wthporfonnatthobjo BJflEasyCon- p,m..to 1 a.m. att. t U.-a lounge, phonng (800) T t o M t o w r Ptanetartum Reeves at or vst p.m. to 1 aun. m. a t T J.s Lounge. Ketchum and am Haloy. Tha Bg (208) 336-9: cert House at 7:30 >p.m.t1ckots, p.r No cover c h a B! T t- s UXflgo ts w H o m a C a rter lo r A rts mberty.org. rto cover char *argo.t J.l8 Lounge EasyConcer»rt Houso s kkated phtheater s L.srn r wtlch are $15, can nboroservdd tk b a t Broadway (vayave.s. R o c k /B o lse a n d S d e n c a on n the cam pus of r b at 5657 Wfarm Tto M slca ptay- of Spaco and T m e al 7 p m, at WOod/a No cover charge. form ot the Sandy Oty Am- notadmltted. sat1l2b rdwjadwbyave.s. a at416s.n JnthSL rr -...SprngsAve. ty phonng (600) 965- )65-4d27,ontweb.com. or V arety/t V (n Fa sto o s and Bg lo 0 & tt o K l d s TWn Falls wll pre sresent Myster- Shoshone ) Art A kl tto Park, Varety/W Catch 22. Voodoo Glow thocoregeofsot kxthem daho n A rts h o w /S h... w» «wll present UmnAhems a n d Pnk Royd: OartcSWa of Woody s ls a t2 l3 R n h A v e.s. phltheator n tto Salt lake Cty lne a t Stephen Raherty ttom oon, at8:15p.m.t1cket8 sub u rb o fs an d y a ts o m Tck- N B C T W E E K E N D Vrn F a n s R o c k /U tabh h Ja z z /K e tc ts. at Atknson s Mart(ets Ma n O JK u rtk n osrw e r U petforn) TW)le wll play The Tho Venue a t 7 les from tte Dep spths of Space,* ono of the large xgest summertme D JK w tk n C o n w d y /B cre y,eb. v«l,lcl, ere a s and S3S ;K nnarw m perform CatOe 0 Decapltstkn wll Paul TMot Ketchum and Haley. Jley. The Bg from 9 p.m. to 1 a m. a t p.m. Tckets, whk:l vhk:h ars $15, a t4 p.m.,jou(v m ey to the Edge arts.-and-crafts fls shows n tho from 9 p jn. " S T c«too.j2torfl«lentsnaj9 Coom y NKM Ml be tea- can be rosorved by phoolng U ttn n tlll m to 1 a m. at play The Vem enues 7 p.m.tck* onttopatloof Easy Concert House a s locatod at Kruzors Nght Ufo. Cover can bo reserved ed by phortng of Space and Tn nm e a t,7 p.m., M a\w ley,wl " r *. * l * r o» o a t t for laulto. Ctl<lro.,un(lor 4 t«rodlrorn7:30to9p.m.ott» Sm «h»tt<ot(800)b88.toaor B v lc n e p o M lp e rto rm at wll be hekl from 8 Knzer Nght Nlgl Lfe.-Cover els,w htehar arc $ 10. con be re* L odgeat6p.n.. 416S.Nnt)Sl chargels$3.k ruze uzer% lsat121 (800) , onlne a t and P tnk Royd; t; Oak Sde of a.m. to 6 p.m. on the lawn of charge ls$3.t >3.Kruzer3 s a t t 21 served by SteaMouse and Conventon onlne at, n tte Vonuo n Salt take Oty at phonno (600) 965* Fourth Ave. S. or a t ttem oon.at8:1 >:15 p.m. Tckets the Lncoln Cour nty Courthouse.. Fourth Ave. S. 4627, onlm < «B =. ; n W l. l S y p - C onter.(kneronon,elam.t be T lasandyatya npllltloaterls 9 p.m. on J t l - l T l c t o t,. lno al v».«ck- V B W y /S llo Rock/Bols8 Atklnsons Markets n Haley are $4 for adults, ts. $3 for senor fsfree.. S lo o W o o s o lsat1 3 «o a< ley a t E.9 «O S. w tlk»» e S 2 0, can be s e rv e d etweb.com,, or at Atknson T to Shoa. H atsbreed and d Bleedng C o u n t r y n» F ftlls and Ketchum. The n o rto n a H d d k n oral admsson tckets ao S6 Tto Maho S M c a a p o n Avo. bvotonno Sm lm nh M B nm r h e V W u e b a t cttton8,$2forst students and $9 V a re ty n w MarketsnK* Ketchum and Haley. Ja n b o re e, fe Thnwghwlllptaydub dubboom Va Mbed Emoton ons wll play 523 Broad S t for famllos. Chf hu drenundor4 A fts lra w /K otcftum s l DJ M g h t».. f t a t r t, t l» O M eac lan d a..a v ala llo ln T V * f «. a l «p,» n n «W R l «l f lj ta l l J S n T lt wn be fe a tu re T to Venue : s ot 521 W. B r o TbneFlddlerG n Ogden al 6 p.m. Tlckots, from8:30p.m.to 0 1; 2:30 a.m. at aro not admtted., d.. Tto Ketchun w m Arts Festlnl from 10 p.m. S w r t,- B a o r Bar- J a n W n F a lls l m t t g l o n - l,,, Ml p la y -««jm la lx c» m. n tho.m. untl dosng a t S l a D d a y n a ty whch $18.50, can berosorved t» MontanaStoakHou louse, ftocovor T h e a ts r /B o lsae - m be hcw from fr 10 am.-7 Phat Eddy*a N c a n e a s - bar.-atap.m.nlbolostlyals Bob H on Band Ml play the Uban U»m(e n Salt ta k e, Venuelsat219S.600W. a fto cover charge for ntam. by phonng Smths Tlx a t (800) cttago. Montana a S teakh ouee Tte daho Shakaspw ve S f f H R O A nj U frormatjpn. Soda Fountan and Oowloys amphtheater on Boses east from8p.m.tomwnlghta!th6 Otyat9p.m.Tlck8ts,whtehare Y 8... p.m.n the new* W FesttvaM oad- A ge21andold odef. Phat Eddys s R o c k /U tah h 888-TlXX or onlne on: a t s at 1826 Canyon Ml Crest C Drtv. Fasthn wll prose rosent George T to Q u They are also avau- end. Tckets, whteh are $20 and Oass. No cover charga Tto $17.50, can bo reserved by R o c k r tlta h ow sakm gs un Valley Road, lt8 at 233 Ffth Ave.S. Av M asonje Jennbftswplayln A r ts h o w /S t h ttp ;//w w w.sm lths stlx.co m. B em art Shaws :--» < 4 o rb «w R g u r e s k a tl nsg / free.. *29 on Sundays, can be r - Oass s at 1007 Blue Lakes phonng Smths Tbe ot (800) ButtltoSpBLfeatufngn tto Venue al a 7 p.m. Tckets, Shoahone a u b Boom \A s s locatod at V ar6 ty/tw n f tm s b ara" at 8 p.m. n tt the festvals S u n V alley C o u n try /D m h! Jerome,Sav-MorDng n Buhl, served by phonng (208) 336- Bvd.N. 888-TOX or onlne. at FaUs* Doug Martsch v S play, D «cto whch aro $ can be re- o neotttolarb 2701 Washngton Blvd. Blvc OJ NgM wll tbe featured amphtheater on n Boteos & east R a n aln au e and John BaU - O an c e /F le" r to g e «a m m «tlm e a n y c a s t member, or at tto Tto amphtheater s a t. The Urban The Depot n Sat Lake Oty a t s H er gltlv ttuvee wll play from served by phonng pt Smths Tlx arts-anct-osna fnvn 10 p.m. untl ntll dosng a t end. Tckets, whch ch are s $27 and w n wll headlne 10 the Sun Volley T to Rosear land Band wll S p.m.to 1 r r f t o S d h L? S 5657WarnSprmg8Ave. E le q tn m te a rtrta h. Lounge s at th SL p.m.on7/yrattckets.w hld a m. at Shakers, fto at(800) S8S- Country/Utah SS-TXX or onlne at MagtoVaSey.w Phat Eddys, tto cover c h a. $35 on Rdays sy.w KM netonnnb form ancea p t O akantbd wn uer- om t m ka *... and Satunlay co Show on the ) rnk rl bohnd the play for a d an nco a from 8 to 11 cover charge. }e. S Shakers s a t tlx.com. n the a m. to 6 p.m. Je sse Dayton wll portorm Must bo 21 or >r older. Phat arxl $20 and $29!9 o on Sundays, Sun Valley Lod }dge at about p.m. a t tho p.m. on tto ta rn of W EDNESOAJ J O Y 1 2 form a t n tto Venue n Sat C o u n try A lta ll phonng Smths TU at (800) Roseand Crystal HlghwayS. V enuesat2l 219S.(»0W. theuncolnco a t Egos n SaR Lako a k o Q t y a t9 Eddys s a t 233 FmhAve.S. Rft can be rosorved )d by t ptwnlng 10:30 p.m. Beac acher-soattlck- Ballnxxn. Cover,t:«,n t,c 00,tt»..s.. W 0, «m «u m ta k e <*y a t 3 p,nt. T,C«ts.,a r w o r t.. Ml pla, Tea.- «o l ver charge s $5 p.m. Tlckots, whch h ar tfsfree. r a s s, can (208) !1. The am -, ots aro «9, $34. 4.S 3 8.$ 4 7 a n d per porson or X $9 S per couplo. F e stlv a l/dd eec H e a tw /W ta F a lls Mlch aro S20. can bo m Bar and GrlB n ojo e n at 9 wwwamltltlxcom. tte Depot d o P fa n eta rlr lum/twn Falls beresorvodbyphonln nlnostnlbs C m m ty /J e o m ( e phldoater s at s 5657 Warm $52; seatng n the thosunroom s RosoandCrystal. n r. M.. n Kotcnom Allvo summ er con- D e Jaor Muscal l «y - served by phonnj Smth s Tlx p.m. Tckets.»Mch are SS. lsa tl3 N 4 Q 0 W sta Ballroom s at D edoo ayw lyw ltlbeheklnand T to Fftuk loaer Planetarkm A rtsh o w Tlx al (800) 888-TXX 1XX or onlne Country Classc tslcs wll play Sprngs Avo. $52 and dnn r /K /n c r a n u m cort senos a t 7 p.m. n Forest tn a e MU present Lym Ahems at 800) 888-TOX or onno at can be reserved by pboono nnof-and-buttot..523 Man S t around Nwans Park. Fbr nfor- a ttto H s r re mt tt Center for Arts Tto Kelehu a t com. Egos s from 8 p.m. to md nwngm a t tte. tckets aro $60 and$84,or$66 lh a ala ttaf aa lly l.servce Park. Unt and Wash- andstophenrahotys-seaaat n tho Sm t!sttcat(800)e8a-t1)aor R o c k /U ta h matton on events, cah 654- andsclence located at 668 S. State l a t e s t Snake Rhwr B ks ULodge. Cover age/u tah M on the campus o( wslboheklfror " and$70forchwklren.forrosor- r F b lk /J a c k p) o0 t 2t24. S l " " * " c l:t h a M u ac l,-a t8 p.m.n Venue stocated at219.s.6(m onlno a t * H wll pertorm ot me Utah tto College of Southern daho n nthenew F e! cfarge.tssspofp< r person.or $9 JonSchm U twwll l perfom a t vatktns. phone 62 B T to Khgstoc rton THo wu do llrau(«lot1n.bosorvodeoat W. stlx.com. Toajors Bor ond Ckl State Rolpark n Sat Lake Oty Tw n ftlls wll R R M j U l Y? 7 " vlllptscnl-mystof- akxg Sun \felte per couplo. Evoryo lyone s wolr tfe Sandy CtyAmpf mphltheater n M o y».l f s t r e e. F o lk -flo c k /V lll F a ll«kjots are S8 each and are lsa t th S t at 7 p.m. on J 4 y M.Tckets two shows at : Cactus Petes Ro- n tea ts f/b3o ofa se lea from the e CDepths ol Space, : ~ come. Dnner also 0 wll be aval- tt>e_sart LBKo_Oty. aty. suburb-of-. A ft show /TW Hn F alls sort CaslnO-at st ( Jolol>lB lm lplayft O m 9 avollauo only at mago At Etc. f l U M t w / B o l s e _ whch are S 5, can bo m - 8 and-10p.m. The daho FesttvaWamberty ho Shakaspeara a t 4 p.m., Jo JoumcytoteEdge B h m /B t h l- r ty abe from 8 to 9 ( p jn. Snaka Sandy a t 8 p.m. Tldcets, Tld. whk:h K M sa tk thte a P v fc w U lb e Tldcets.-wtteh ars, p.m. unta cksn al Woodys. lntholynv«x«lshc«*olsntor Tho kw o S h a k a a p a n H w atm T /Haltoy. served boy phonng Smths He $20, $25 F esthal wo >111 present George of Space and Tme* at 7 p.m., Hoavanbou Nmbertywncelotn lebrots Good FUver Bks Lodge } s.at 4;;2,.E. are $7 and $10, can c be re> hekl n a ty Par ark from 6:45 and $30, can T bo t> bound BkMtraaa Covwchorgo b S3. Wood/a la n TMn Fells, tmenladmfcshn Fasthtt Ml prosent (George tkxvanyoffoolam lpros- at (800) 888-TlXX or ono ot reserved by Bemanl Shav" laws -M 4 o r Bar- and Pnk Fk. W ghbor D m m landanm am nd 200 S. on Hghway! Ftoyd: Oark Sde Of Band wa sy93.. served by phonng Smths Tlx am.-4:l5p.m.t The 1 Magc Val- phonng (800)) 821 play lor Buhls Sum- nt23r «ha *e.s. Ockots are S6 each end are Bemad S haw S -M alor Bar- ent Dwakl M agbes-sght wwwjmlthsttx.com. The Utah t o n a t 8 pjn. p n tto festval s tto Moon.* Cty Park. Fbr nfomu m a tto n call at8:5p.m.tlckots mercoocertse :. ut (800) 888<T1XX C( 0 or onlne a t k>y Arts Councl pr rese n tsa d ay > t S a t 1 p.n.ln ovallabklntwnfalsotevery- l».- a ta p.m.ln th o te s lv a «> tta e «- a t7 p jn.a tlto U b e t- State falreark s a t 15S N. amphtheater ( JuUe Reeves a t or C o u n try /D e d o er on Bose s eest a re $4 for ad dults, $3 for sonlor McOuskyPark. hstlx.com. The of fne arts and cc o n tm p o r v y R o c k /W n F s P a *.m tre o. R o c k n ta ll bod/sb utlno8s,k t)p ham a- amphtheater on Boses oast ty Theater. For tcket ntorma- tooos.., end.tfckets,wt,w hkare$27and ctttzsns.$2 fa y.org. TtofHonhreswl forstu(lcnlsands9 wd play from Sandy Cty Amphttv htheater s a t craft wortehops.t ut toeventalso Heads U kta a O nlo TK tadaa Ml play cy.oomoyvsodarxlalnand ond.t k*ets,w hlcharej20and tk n,c a ll7 8 8 «2 0. TWs wll play $35 on FrWay days and Saturday for tamlues. ( 9 p.m.to 1 a m.aatshakers.n > Chldren under 4 M O N D n r.j o 1300 E 9400S. features a chlu W rens varety from 9 p.m. ur f, J U y O Tho Depot n Solt take a ty a t CWMeyTs Tho Quad. Thoy ere $29 on Sundays, can bo re- T ltfla te r/b o lsa A rtshow /K etchuf untl dosng at and $20 and d $29 ( on Sundays, arenotadmlttod. cover ctargo. Shake akerssbt82e show and food be booth a t noon. Woodys. Cover 7:30 p.m. Tckets. Mlch ara also aveuaua ata deno Fkw- aevod by phonng (208) 336- P la n r ta rtm /lv lln F a t e tho M a m S h a k a a p a m er charge s $3. can be reserv Jorved by phonng T to Kotcfwm Arts tftsf e sttv l HlghwayS. R o ck A ttah H p-hop/b o Workshope are fw nn edonanst- W O od/8lsat2: B o n a S20,canbores<vedbyphon- era n Jerome. Sav-Mcr Drug n Tho arepblhoaterls at T1» FalkoaPlaM tm um Faalbal wll p re s e n t- L o n 21JFMthAve.S. (208) : Tto am - S U N O A Y.J wb be held from 10 1C a.m.-7 J U U 9 m a p M < RayO avlas vml vlll perfom { a t c»mo, frst-served ed bass. Fee s ««portorm at the log SmlfflU Tlx at (800) 888- BuN,tnxn any cast member, or S657W amspdngsavo. a tth o H a m tlc a ta rf o r A la l» n U > P a ta p.m o o J H y phweater s a t 5657 Wrro pjn.lnttw new *R «tlv sthralm ead- A rts h o w /T W nn Ff t l l s,. The Depot n Salt Lako Lat< a ty at 9 $2 per chld, C o u n try /Wdn n r a l s Sprngs Ave. fflmgo al 9 p.m. TK X ofonano atw w w jm n- a tlh o d o o r o n lh e n lt o llh o a n d S o to n c o n tb e ca n p o so l (3-M, n tho losttvats am- TTeater/Bo ow»ak)ngsun\w loy leyroad.ffs A rtw ak byrwtnownod m artst p.m. Tckets, whch are $25,- na«j.wwc Mbced EftKtf * h a r e S 8.c a n t «stx.com. The Depot s a t 13 N. pertormances. B o < * o t««tho CoHogo o( Southem Waho phtheater on Bolso east end lotons Hfll play Tto dahc free. J o tn H a c w lu bbo o * 0 S l a k n p o n rssonodbypta on dsplay can be reserved d by bl phortng F e sttv al/w m bt» rty a trom 8:30p.m.to 2 :3 0 a m.a t R o c k /B o se,phonlno(800)?b -,, W.. SocW l"l> * " » «P ro s e n fh y s - TlckoB.whlchoreSZ7andS35» e F e s tm wll throughout July prestm Gcohb «2 7. onlns and August a t SmthsTlxat(800)8J 0)888-TWXor WmbertywDc«ceebrateOood MontanaStoaJH ne a V a * l t» f t» a,, p a ra c k a. M l play the Bg terles hom the Depths o t o n F ru ayaand$20and*29on House. No oov- Spttafletd U v wu perform a t Bernard Shsw JtS... Jonseo/.R ntfm ak u k e o. >.and..onlne, a t J/ttmMO}- -HeghbafOaln etweh.eol. tnand W o u fk f..d a tb e..m S teak: thtfb lge C Concet oc. or a t AtWn4bn» P l a l«a 1 ll n \«B H a a B ro «a raw «p la y.lh..,e asy C o n co rt.h o u so at7 p.m. S o ac e.-a t4 p.m..-jo u m e y to T hur»da,3,can;oreaonodby. H o te eftta-m * * " \ 7 p.n N 2A M c«wulptay( layfrom T to G ah A sah eryk rk akw U Jw. c o m,t h e.d e ppb btj u.m.nthefesuvars MafcetslhHdBe t t S N..Ctty>aW.T»e-aVer renlwlll nblude. House s at 1826 H H eym lk lclusl. t n F a d k» t.u a l«k»» T M ttot bnloabs oart. fd rtm n llj< (» tld B :al(8t)0)-th<.e l9»-osp«e,am,1no* (hohlng t o 1 &.. C6C4ftybh Crort. p.m. tnaua S; d B.T ld» t w tb.b rtv ath e a ter 9p.m.atO O n 8Ro*ta «taurant.no hew from 6 to 9 p.n p.m; Frday at 400W. - sr on Boses east.t h& K em kxb a breakfast al<6 8.m.; a. fonowed tktre. * * < a r e.$9, can n b u x to u n g e B Jt1 1 1 a U l» ll.n «( W ( *.l»» tta.p.n l.b y lh < > lo u «a l( o l.lm n ( th 4 - B f E s y C 0 n - ll- rp.tt..-.s n d -pwk-.ytyd: a m (lm n < a t*.la 4 ts 6 5 7» m be reserved by end.ttekets,wwhch ore $27 and N.11thSl a so le n o a o n th o c a p o so t *vonud.fre«. eert,h ou8olsat416s.nlothst. D aks d erlo l.th o M o o n,-at SpdngsAvo ,Vart8tyVfln.Fajte.f k... - V

41 #.Vv Beex.Sm easy! Just fll put the entry e forrh below an tnd mal t n. You cp o u l d w n H a $5C 50 gft certfcate to any of these restaura ants. A new wnner.v.w ll b e -» chos 3sen every week. H tk d J k e B p r d e t J. W n a J $ n jogft ; c e r t f c a t e F E A T U R E P R E S T A u RF A N T»!» 1 m a A---- * «««A «M f f l T l (Mustbepunhattdat um e tme.) ye.) M on, T u es 8c F rd *day: H a p p y H o a r C l X t M V M S A uthent/ca.mexcan d Pood m c j 1288 Blue uuaket v B oulevard N orth - r r a n y T T rn yjt -g? Twn Pj>U«. daho a A u th e ntc C h n e s e C u s n e 9 ~ - Canlun lunete Sxcchaun Hunan D4lly.uncl unch Specals Banquet Room U prepare your wld game! (Ootnl MondJr) & 7, R estau ran t ( N a m e f Vekn tt R estau ran t 82-tH lucl. C U kcs luulevard N orth Behnd WeUys Dne FTCn 1 or Take Out A d d re ss C ty S -- ta te 1 * M a llto DD n e O n Us, c /o T h e T mv e s -N e w s, P O B ox-548,. Twn Falls, d a h o , o r d r o p ) o ff fo rm a t o u r o ffce: 132F arfe e ld ( S tr e e t W e st, T w n Fall alls. S : U B B E H. ; N T R Y n t - r b u s n e s s w o u l c o n t a c t y o u r 3 V... w ; M t a H l S S l F O R M ld lke to advert rtse n Tm es-n ews aes rer0$jek11 J a s p n W b O d s d e?! T - C o n g ra tu la tc to n s o Mary Pa o f T w n F a ll w n n e r o f a < %KgM raau atu k q u r a 5:30 tll J a w P h o n e fc a te 4060 N. 1200E.»Buht» } _ $ 5 0 g lftc e rtf tq J.o o n H n J R estau ra n t a *... NOWQ] } f f c h V n f o r d 3PENFORLJ] TlUl un, Fr., and Sat 11:30 Oa.m. - 2:30 p.n D on t For orgct Frday N ght Steak - B K 410)<TJQ:0]l j:b-ujt ns.sllfst.ml«ll7-43.vl 171 \ «3r!0M l.-0lu». M «S«d7:0u>.>Cp.dL T M S p A -O p jo. ) M B Em ytttftacb b E1 w ry S P rm c R a ( S D a k c a B r e a k f r o m U c S S t n m cc r H c a» D n e ( w t h u s B as d R U s S r C r e e k hxf. hnfnulr mnt HltttLs.. llttlutul (ul Kmlnf Shrm. <S; Vney JNCH T.!,-1

42 gwch T U N m O h W f H a f T w k h s s f m a a n v r r f *.M tsfyar«n fpprth «.11 S T M U tta «A -T w <» «a l M fttn h f S b a H M b m w M ordm b u n m r y mf. Prnt* R M s a v M h r T««r bnlmu «r M y paty. 1 N t w O t a M f H M d H ts easy! Jus ust fll out the entry foj form below and mal t n. You could wr a $50 gft certfcate to any of th< these restaurants. A. hew r wnner wll be H m chosen eve ery week. Eg M_ ABm >.1% r«at, 5 ( [ j r E 1 l B ) l g l l d b l lc Hl Be B S B B b B Stll f f f,! u s t o n e r s g hneste Buffet C h o c e =ESH SALAD BAR, GRAND BUFFE1 ET AND CO M PLET ETE MENU EVERY lyday! B E STV A L U le ced tea, coffee or rhottea/lu 1 K 4ySncl cludcd wth meal ly B F R E S H H g h QUA JA U T Y F O O D B E S T RECPES» for Wld Game Dnnc ers g C O N V E N E N T r locaton and parkngb EX PER E N C EDD COOKNG STAFF B, M a n pa m v f f owsb KEOUTandDEUVe /ERY 5 Op«nDo9y 11 am-9pm k735 B l u e L a k e s B lv v d. N. T w n F a l l s « rs Frkkr&Sotvrday H 9:30 am SB t a t w n a C B u S c M o t 2 n t e m a t 0 gft ce Ttfcate n a L u n d e o n C o n : t n f w n a r r t w = J l a l l E J l a l l E J l a l l E f Et e l l a l E l l E l l l a l l c a l t C a n B a r B c q u c " ll r O O A)AM H 4 K N t b A C AOmt e r r e d w d y» y y frkdfkc e «n d m r o l b Potk ork Chowmen 6- Deep ;p Frn Sump (6) 2. SwM &; Sour So aucken or Pork 7. Deep ;p Fred Fth <6) 3. Chcken 1Almond An Dng S.Moo< ogoogptn 4. BroccoU Chcken ot Beef 9. Spcy achcken ot Beef ho.) Curry ChckenofBeef(.pkTl»4 lo.mwd«n Chcken S e a f o o d S p e cd a l $ 6. 9? 11. BroccoU Frc Prc»hShtoyccSc«nopt U.PoP< PodR w hshayofscallop* H l l H TAKEOUT U T O R FREE P E U V E R Y ( VmORD R*y-ORMOM) ( K A 1MBERLYRD. * WK t F A L L S J D : O R : 8 B M. SSE m n LgS

43 p PM «s E12 THURSDAY_JULY_6_ TKP F o o d TwnFaus ls TMROfaunnt. nt Dlu«Lakes Blvd. N. GonofnlsTsaoC aochkkofl, Mongolan A h bout th e dnng boe(. olspy prawns. ls.s4.95-sn.95.wwc. S- ays ttrougl Satuntays.l gude Sundays days, a.m.>10 p.m. Lv Tsc.mmer.7V Every *ry «v(ek. TNT publshes a rotatng lst ot restaurants n WokNGra,118, 1188 Eluo Lakes 01vd.N. sfluth-c h-central daho, along wllh arwnc»e«du«.m; MawJarneftfckw.Mon- Qollan tntfot.$ S9,50.Wloo,beef. $< 81 hours, food s p l t e s and Hours-Mondap mrou{ roooh Thursdays. 11 pnco 1 r ranges. For r e a s o n s. of a.m.01 pm.; Frdays t and Saturdays. 11 Space, e, not every restaurant wll a.m.-11;30p.m.:sund kndays.11a.m.-10:30 bfllstec rted every w eek, but they wll p m, Xcn ran, oktn«7; « b a,5 rted, on a regular bass. Wootf)r%.2l35n 35tnAvo.S. Ctlcfcen tfyoul tmr restatffan t s not lsted stlps. hamburoon wtntt(»o(qts.tatj> wt) and you would lke to have t n and bml oyro sandwtc Jwewwmeucumbcr th e W8 weekly dnng gude, call soura on p4a broad, p. B Crump a t 735*3223 o r e- spcy hol clkken sond ctckcn wngs, S3.50-J.50-S5.50. full Bar. Hoofs.-. mal hlf hm a t s c o jm p a g lc v a l- Evotyfcy 11 a.m. 1 ]a.m.danamjtrta n.n ley.com. om.ltsa free servce. Wooaneaa. owners Wendbjl m M b tn uwatwtoaynn m mu El S. daho SL Fajtas. Fam* mtwum Rttttwrant, xll 1S7 ott O c w o ftw K» tp o M v ealf > t SBshl Tokyo n Wa F ab - Salaon TerfyaU an! Tw pbn ra > tachdm tkrap Bleak, soalood. M.99-S12.S0. Wno. boor, hterstato Stoak. saafood, prtmo rtb. M d Vecrtable teap ara, ud d u te o n o n am o fa o o d let. Hours. Mondays Urouoh Thursda 11 ospresso. 0-.! $ , Mxr* Sundays nsd< Le Susl htok kyo: o.m--3:30 p.m.: r-rtd* r-rtdays and Saturdays, n through Th Thursdays, 7 a.m.-9 p.m.; FrMap a.m.o p.m. Mtme Ponce, otmer and Saturd urdays. 7 a.m.-10 p.m. flsno»and Counneytk yhchnhorst. owners A l b o n Albon Catt.2 (4,228 W. north S t.- SagoH }0 MounUn Grll, 221W. North S. - Scaks. sealood. sand> andwchcs.s4.95- P«n, p.st] uta. burgers, salmon, nb-eyesleak.. AtastysuT] prse S15.35.Hours:SunOa md.-)ys. 7 a.m.-7 p.m.; S5.S0-S5.<.15.95, Full bar. Hours: Mondays Morvdays Mrnjgt) Thurjays, 7-9 p.m.; Fn- through Tlursd.ys, Tn 8 a,m,-9 p.m,; FrWays j days arnl Solurday..73.n.-l0p.T).Wnoand a andsalurda urflarj. 6 a.m.-lo p.m.; Sundays, 9 beer. Boger Jenkns, ns.o»ne/;g o a.m.-9 p.m,»,m, lom and na DGmno. owners )6. BYVRaMAS.HUCHNS KS 5 0 [ S B Tmcs-Ncvfswlcf e l l e v u e Je tm Country ntrygru.40n.mak Oak k SStTMt 109 Oak S t Takooul T W N FA.5 Q j Jl ll n u e Buroars,chlckon-Mo( Mod8toak.meat-loverdo- soups and Uld sandwches, lasagna. macaron, Uohl.SS-S7.50. Goer. Hours Mondays and ctwoso wso. castww ctmon taad, spodal L k esb U n d n cf». Urouoh Salurdays, s. 6; 0a.rn.-3 pm ; Sundays. lunctmmn n coftrcos dally- Howx Tbosdays F o r a lm o s t n n e m o n thh s a fte r 7 a.m.-2 p-m. Jerpa «tm Utm OMnoR 788- travugn Frk FrUays. 11:30 m.-4 p.m. m k> < S u s h T okyo o p e n e d src c Walkar.owr owrwr, B.. ; sd e o n EUtc [M-kus n o tl 1N o rth 1 Taled 10 c o n sd d er h e D e c l o Torm ur s a n d w c h s h o p loc o c u to n n C u n lrc P o ln tv PyM an 5 n an op..... :..C ow gm :cow Countrv.CooMng..75.N.. *Jakg ka Over ttm Top. 232 Norm lugh-.. _- lo 1 n f o r a n u v e n ln g r c r c Clark Pftmo no. rts. sealood. homcmado way 77 (Tal aako Ext 216 on Ulcrstato 84) etlewn sopj, port ork 1tcndcdoM sandwtdcs. Burgers,!, chk;kon lenders, fest fnjlt shakos B ul h ls sn t la s t su m n e r s hambutkw and Wc fres, fresh (1109. S3.2S- n uason. on. $2,30.$6.49, Hours: Mondays < quckscrvc rcsaurant. SC.SS.HouwTwsKt esdoys Drough Thursdays, (ftrpug/ Sa Sjurdjys. W a.m.-o p.m.: Sunn&.m.-7p.m.;Ftaar. lasrsondsatjraays. 7a.m.- days > t a.j. top.m.debbykevan. owner l c m e n u s extensve ve. th e 9 p.m.;sunays. 7a. B.m.-4 p.m.: dosed Mon k tc h e n slaft ta le n te d, th, e c» r v.» - M eta - d n p O v - a r p rz W t SMk ktu Tokyo. Oays-DckmctMySl oysswt Otwwtt ce g ra c o u s a n d p r o m p.. h ll e a t- o p e n s to th e k ltc thh et n, w th s c a ts m o s p h e rv soolhn{;. -2 -nsde T o r a h a n d ru lo r sush u s fancers to bout Sush FARHaj) Almc VO S u s h okyo. la n te rn s, v w ood- w atch sush chef :f MN lch S aw ad a Tokyo w o rk, a rt. m u sc, sc re enn s a n d a w ork. Hs wfe, :, Yoshlko V Sawa* -m bm BlMLakMB<d.lUS(AtB,. T)M PnM* t mkxdmc Ham-and-.A r Almo Crwk Outpost Elba : su n lg h t n le re d h ro u g h reed da. s the face 3f of hosplohty 1 at to Sutf and nsmrnl. U 05- Swta hog burgar gor WKhrkSea. p r Ajmono: noad Spoea«y steajw, hamburg- -»13,95.01t«W«r Japonose cubkw: kjnct nxb] boot nndwctx.s h a d e s a re re m a rk a b ly eft ftcclve th e co u p le s rcstau *W w.nsha«j(«pa.t- crftshor a u ra n. tpecso dorchkacnsondwkhes.servcdwltn S0.9$-S0.05..S and dbwer tpebow sthrcs. S3J9-! JM «x * r **«-.nm m dumalo apple and rasn Plorwor Pud- n tu r n n g th e s m a ll strp m all O n o u r bclaled d frst v s h, m y S b S S5«G.S5.8eer.Ja(anM 5 - l O ty s g n u g tt h ujndtys7a.m.-z30p.m: n d,]uv] na made tom. a 250 year-old recpe. lo c a to n n to a d a le -w o rth -thy o a - h u s b a n d a n d t stndat»dmtaelec9onot M a y s a n d S ttu mrdays. n b 7 a.m.-e p.m.: S1395.J b y p a s s e d th e JS ettonc 95-S flours; Monday tuwgh twk Wough Satur- Sund>)«7 a j j S p.n (W*fdr ftewal. salurdav rday 10 a.m. 9 p.m.; cktsod Sundays. ss. su s h m e n u n favca v o r o f a d n n e r dky.11:30a a j a to 2:30 pjn. and 6 to 9 S e o tta n d B e n lpmtlm tx M nn s and Jennlne Oowsnup. owners > A n d thooom pactlayout t offors sp e d al an d g y oyp j-.a. S a p p e. ledsuntyaandmontya... >.., Kff557 >577. :. v. v r. V. v..-yll»ajvbmnc>a6nall wlndow Please eb& jfush,page16

44 Doum w w n sx PA6C13 THURSDAY. AY_JULY_6_2006TT up for r: rapperl M u s c u n g j o)c KARA \OKE S!.PotcfstxfoHmos H H B lot o f snap nfluences. When snapstart?" Sncc rapper Yungloc panc- Bankhead (a pred edom l- _COR NER hkon-sounclng sn t s atcfy black nclghborhoo< Dod on T hursday, J uly l y 6 Con Down ht (he c n: rado ths tuncr. everyone fron rom grand- he west sde o f Atlana). t gol to he pont w here them cats ;ts sjld Wn llls : Karaoke wll bo 0 l( featured from 9 nollers lo grade-scho< has they w ere gong to m ake :c ther P - *0 1 a m. at Km; Knzer s Nght Llo, hl>en m m ckng hs prc p ro n u n d a - - ow n»sc,:j1jt7 stared naklm- Doofs open.at 7 p,m. No cover lot of ther own heals, and they s charg».kn,2.rslsat ;at121 FourthAvo. le sngle from "New loc cd usng snaps nstead o f sn snares, Karaoko wltl Loo Cty- hurled the ycaV-old newor Enlertanand before you knew t. e«mcnt wll bo fealurml red from 8:30 p.m. Trom Georga to No...on 1 ran. b par $13 Of $14 to bqr >y CO, tkt U h l m. \ body was snappng. m not n n lo l a.m.atthepono( meerclub.nocov- boards H8<B/Hp-Hop Op album s snap artst: a lot o f snap records. or charge, Poneer r Club s at 1519 dnrt.. tell you w hat to do. lke! Shake S Kmberly Road. Wc cauglt u p wth h hp-hop s When get to 0 Cthe cty, ts gong de tape: pes, and w c all sad, W e Dal UfTy nffy.-hut m ll not P & D Karaoke 3 wll w be featured tooke o r the Year to fnd o ut down." need to do hat. " dlng t you whnt to do.* from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Montana whnt wosgongt/ou/wu/, vw n: Q. "you hav Steak Houso. No covo lovor charge. Monave a dance called Q. "W Where-dd you get the Q. For m ost o f the album \m you lana Steak Houso sat a 1826 Canyon Jocn vhtch :h, s sort o f a lean nam cym Ymg/oc?" com e a ff kn d o f han con, m.b m ctosldlvo. Q. Vts Con Down, vn. has beroe he song o f thc e summer, : Dd you th n k ll w ould d k such n succcss u hen you u v v rt* recortlnf n and bop wth h hand movements lke youre rd dng a motorcycle, How dd you lu come up w th la? YJ: My m am a, nem em ber the show Dallas." D wth J.H. lwngt (J.R. Ew Swng s father was nam ed Jock lw wlng.) My m am a sad she tlen yo u ht us wth "Frst r Tme." F a lovy-dovy. H&B-nfuscd w l rap song. s Hns joc found low?" YJ: An t nothng aho Karaoke wll be 3 featured fo from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m, at t the tt Klover Klub Loungo. No cover t charge. Klovor Klub s at 402 Man nn. N t?- Y: "W len frst 1 started per- loved hs swag, he was very re- lovey-dovey. 1 1 sad n the be y j: " knew t felt goo ;ood. t was formng ( t s G( Burtey rley Gon Down ), peo- spected, ;:d, v e wealthy, and she nng o f the song, "llls an ln t no Kroakors Karaoke wlh Danel catcy. t wns th e fuct!(.( that w e pe thought t t was a snap record, sad he she wanted mc to be the., love 1 song, ts a (sex) song." B- >«Kregerwllbofcatun tured rom 9 p.m, needed to m ake a gooc ;ood record People wanted cd to snap to t. sam cway." a talkng about the frst lmte e a r grl to 1 a.m. at tho Rvc lverslde. No covcr for the people to chant n( to." sad, m gong to do somethng Q. A A lot t o f people dont know mt eets a real (man). Bul for m c, chargo. Rversde s at 197 W. Hghd Q. So w ha docs s Vts gan dfferent. m \ g gong to do w hat theres r a adfference n Southern love s everywhere. 1 Qnd d love way 30. o down" ncanv com es from. mn y swagger. Wc rap mtsl luslc. Theres cnm k. whch every tm e step onslagc..wv len Y): Tlls ntervew w s gong were on stage e a and had my lttle s more uj r Jon. ftg h t club-type they t say. ts gong dovm, tl Declo <lmvn rglu now. t s happenng. haf George lefferst Karaoke by Lou Brown wll bo foarson walk gong, /nuslc,, a nd then theres snap, love. 1 W len them folks pay ay 51 tured from 6 p.m. n. to t mdnght at ts wlt s up, (he best t thng you and started 1 d dong that on the w hch s more slow a n d easer lo oc r $14 to buy my CD, tl s Shakers. No covor charge. Shakers s * can be dong at that t moment. n hook-westarto rtedlookjngbackat dance to. ts Con Down has a love." 1 at 826 Hghway 81. F rday, J uly 7 G S m C c M nunted mm page TWn Falls Karaoke wll be 3 featured from 8 O Kclly or Scan Hannry. lry. And f and do anythl hng aboard or a t. ow n prv >rvate sland a n d get L l: M ake a pass p.m. to 1 a.m. at ho tf Klover Klub you e n te r th e rght clu cheat code, you can even be b e c o m c ports o f call.. But you ll score h gher f you a get other char-. m arred to Charol Fnsh th e gam e to tounlock "God M o d e L2: Take n drn k H: P u sh so m e o n e over-.f. Lounge, No cover jr charge, Kovor Klub s at 402 Man nn. N,. c o n servatve supervlx vxen A nn a cters to fall n r love w th a n d turn th e w hole m ess n to board Lonp Woll Enterta rtalnmenl wl be C oulter. you. the "Fos< oseld o n A dventure" 112: Get a tan featured from 8:30 ) p.m. p, to 1 a.m, al the Poneer Club. No cover chargo. Use re a c to n a ry rhel h e to rc. The gam es complex artfl- B u ttonsn X nvoke laugh track Poneer Club s at Kmberly bo} us s ta s a n d outran [ragcous cal ntclllgenc!nce system al- nmmnmm hyperbole to defeat t th e flp* lows c h aracter ters to regster E Z Z j U nn floppng lb eral horde: dc.s. dslkcjf your j j r..burley [ley : b o o stng y our r a tngs g s ; nnd. m an c h aracte rters w ords and C K 3 K rlllcr Tme Karaoko wll bo tea > look sa le s sco res n 1 the actons. Dancc c e well, and you K tured from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at. process. But b e c a recful. Go m ght w oo Jul tte shps K Cheers, No cover charge. Cheers s K at163westu,s,hgh llghway 30. U) over he to p o r < w orse. actvtes drec rector. Do favors K Karaoke wll be 5 featured from 8 t;e b ln d sd ed by a dm am ag n g for G opher, Dt Doc. saac and r 0VERS600. p,m. to.1 a.m. at tho 610 Club, No sexual b u rassm e n sut Cupt. Stubng lg to ncrease E, cover charge. The a 6106 Club s at and y o u r c red b lty -mm eter your re p u ta to lon ponts. Turn E Top Brand Salt Lake Cty y Hh otel-$250value, 1054 Overland Ave..» wll p lu m m et to dangv ero u s th o se p o n ts > nto r cash fur V Dnner and Entertanment nton u s -$ 5 0 Value Bonus Welcome Packa( cage"-$300 Value lows. And so o n youre o ff th e your w ardrobe t Rupert»ort ar, nnd t s gam e over. /er. t s your cho hoce: Ghent or P f Kroakofs Karaoko )ko wth Danel r f Kregorwll be featured jred from 9 p.m. to chnrm y our way nto the up- r A H 4 c a l l u TODAY! *, 1 am.atthomelodyby Bar, 502 Sxth St Love B o a f per c chclo n of the Love f, mks UmttJ. jumc /rjrnnoo apyl (rnnd T heft A uto" d" m e e ts Uont s socal 1stru c tu re. W ho fl Paul lul The S lm s."a boord th e Love knows? You m g h l.eo d u p... b. 3ttakgCttyForlt d 6SS.com -.. f, Kroakors Karaoko (O wll featured H o a ty o V tfll g b a ry w l ownng the.tq tlq V.andyour k n, Please sec KMU RAOlKE. Page 14 7

45 ( L o c a l l K A Rl A O K E 1, Jar mboree COF RNER J [onk] mbertlyfor re ;news contnued d from J page S B n [odnveghblord alys Sh [law s from 9 p.m. to o l 1 a.m. a t Reds Bar on Sxth E. daho bsl; St gacy - ;Tlmcs-Nows H S aturoay. r.j J u L v S TWtn Falls KGMBEELY l ts th e. H Tnds-Nows to 1 a.m. at th Karaoko wth 1th Lone t Won Entertan* b c skwcckcnd-afcr-thc- v m erttw llltw feat (eatured from 8:30 p.m. 1 the Pkmeer Club. No pourt rth o f luly party youll J SHOS OSHONE Rosn u p your d.. bow: Southern daho famly of cover charge. Poneer! Club s a t Gmbctly hosts ts 35th H H fddlers rsvt \ evoke tho sprt o f. 1519KmboftyR lyr oad. Karaoke wll m be (eatured from 8 nuol Good N dghbor ~ Monnc le Shaw 5 on Sunday. p.m. to 1 a.m. m. at the Wover Klub D ays Frday and Saturday.! W, who was from Comas Lounge. No cover, c charge. Klover Klub s a t 4022 Man N. nvt tng 2,S(» to negh ghbors to a weekend o f * ty, was the unchallenged klngoflc )f daho fddlers bcforc hs fun. n n n hs memory, Bl Vstreet dancc at 7 p.m. H several dozen fddlers are cx- Karaoke wm lll be (eatured (rom 8 day wll help get the d t( to partcpate n the anp,m, to a.m T).. a t the 610 Club. No rty started. Al 6:30, H Ma Vlannes Jamboree Sunday cover B. The 610 Clb s at charge. 7 Overland d Ave. A h eres : the annual commu* n Cty ypork. P 1054 Kroakers Ka Karaoke wth Danel n ltyy b beneft dnner n Cty V Th e ppony s started as a fddlng.. Krle{er wll t>e (eatured (( from 9 p.m. p a rk.. followed by he on*. Jambore orce on Shaws farm n to 1 a.m. a t the Rversde. No cover noun< unccm erttoftheg ood Corral. J. Eventually, 1,500 folks charge. The Rversde Rv s a t 197 W. d ghbor g h of the Year. d show up and cam p n the Hghway 30. Karaoke wll be (eatured at 9 p.m, rcakfast at (5 a p late H felds around arc hs house. So a t The SteakhOL (house and Conventon follovtrs Saturday morn* Shaw m oved t the party to Center. No cover )ver charge. The Steak- - n g; ffrom n 6-9:30 a.m.. then house s a t 1340 Oakley Avo. nflag- ag*rasng and the Good Shoshon lo n e n the 1950s. Thcja a jamboree, whch s free N dghbor g h Days Parade. He ~ lo b o th Fpartdpans ond specto- Rlupert p roccsson begns at 10:30 tors, last; losts from 10 o.m.-5 p.m. Mounta ntaln Karaoke a Hgh wll be mn. c on Center Street West. T he park lark s located north of he featured (rom rt 9 p.m. 1 to 1 a.m. at tho n s left on Man Street to ralroadad tracks. Blue Room. No cover charge. Tho. nroe. rght on M onroe w, whocold nol read Bluo Room s aa te3 t F ro m o n ta v e. Rler Wld Sde Karj <araoke wll bo (eatured from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m, at the Moon -lo A\sh. s rght on Ash to Cencr,, nr nnd then rght agan on Cvntv nter lo Man. -hrtores k horseshoe plchc. s best known as founder! Old-Tme Fddlers of do- SGl.AWyonngnatvc who :om c wlh hs famly to the Bar. No cover r ch; charge. Moon Bar s a t 306 Man. n g ;and.,r a thrce-on-lhree S Ptnlrlc at age 1, he beboskv kvball tournam ent fol* H gan ddlng for communlly fng the parade, a nd n dances- (1 one pont Hdlng n D odo >afternoon games, food. H s and then pckng up Mller Tme e Karaoke wl bo (ea* a nght more wllh hs fdrng tured (rom 9 p.m, to 1 a.m, at the Bg c ra ft Kahuna. No cove :over charge. Bg Kahu- m cn. n a s at 9 E. MalM n. Mo vlost Good Neghbor TTrnrr hc Great Depresson, Durn,...b a y sysaclvlw arc Tthc Mad: MadbM SHstt. lstkswl ad;braccdhta( s haw"orce" on traled fv e c a l S und a y, JJUY ul 9 pnrk. Coot Good McUor ttoyt h 200}. k t 351 Utk a n u l vmlea of eood Ntlglb (kbor Dart tv t Fr* and brol >roke Q ndglbor s bronc n... day. exchang nge for a used fddle. TWnFalte Karaoke wvll ll b e feahjred (rom 8 p.m. to 1 a.m..m, a t tho Klover Klub Lounge. No cover charge. Klover T * Klub s a t 4022 Man N. H J uly 10 M B C U T H U R S O)AYjWy_6_2006 A TWT elp D ec] d o celebjratets rday Sat turday M onday, J u Tares-Nows t s Saturday, and ley re repuuhg, A paradewend! ndsllsw nyfrom B. Burey out hc slops for Declo Daj the LDS church to Declo Hgh Karaoke wth Danel Kroakers Ka a dawn-o<da<kcdel Kreger wll be» ( (eatured from 9 p,m. DC;-0 o :,-:-n je lardworklng.school at 10:300.1 to la.m.a tthhe e F Rendezvous Lounge. Uon. startng nt 7 a.m. wlh an.n o cover charge R o n d e a u s fnucs les n Declo only party one day to u n g d tf a tw ayrear. ca Declo Kwans Park clalrs to watch h the precesson. A flaga lg ccremony follows n tle poa tmround 11:15a.m. lve enter- talnment entcommenccsat 12:15 p.m. T he! annual Lons Q ub Dorbe*.S W P K Y f f f l l.s P - bralo, l, stonso pm. %

46 N S JsArt] { Tlfnes-Novw lows t starts att 8 :S a.m.andasts sgnec pned to take advantage of ther r For more nformaton, jn, cal the m tlateaft afternoon. abllt lutles to conceve, desgn and 1 ans councl at )7. -K D ssoulh, ) TWNFALLS nth, 121 N. M an Kds Art n the Workshop lops emphasze cxplor- mplc plem ent a complcx project. Kds A n n the Park s s spon- s New breakfast Park, the Magc VoUc) ast burrtos, tocos, luey Arts Coun- n g th e e dlucatonalaspcctsof u c \ Acl chldrens varety show qt sored by th e Scagraves sff o u n d a- fsh, $6.25-$8. cus annual alfresco M festval r< $8.75. W ne, beer, of the ans. noon on showcases locd sngers, ton, (he Kcvercn Found; ndaton, Hours: Monda; color and Am, Turns S 1 days through Sat* 15 on Satur- Preschoor JoJ-aged kds enjoy musc slcans, dancers and actors Olve Brownng Chartoh table urdays, 11 a.n a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday. kshopadcvelopcd cs* from m theansa. t TVust, th e TWn Falls Dep >epon- days, 11 a.m,.m.-8 p.m. Bran About 400 chldren aged 3-14 pecjally for >r tlther age and motor- fle Sclee te d artwork from fcfds An n m cntofp arksandr ecre :reaton,, Krleslen, ou/ner ner are cxpccted n a t ty y P Pork, takng skll develop: opmcnl Elementary nthe: Pork s dsplayed at the th e Optmst Club oftvv; \vn Falls, port n vsual and pcrl performng school-ajted e d ch ld rn can try ansco s councl ouco on Man Avne mmedately followng the! Meyer, Lamb-W eston, th e Pep. S. M an P Pork ten d erlo n Rc/Max, daho Power. Fred Red Eleph phant S aloon, arts workshops. Pnrtlc rtcpants are cla-sses n m any areas, whle Jun* cnuel provded wth materj erals and n- or hgh- age< ged youngsters m ay at- event mt an d th ro u o u t the m onth h s-cola bottlng com pan; any an d. prm e rb, lun lum bcrjack pasta. sruclon for a $2 reg: eglstratlon fee. tend a three- cc-hourworkshop de* of \ugust. Aug the Ttmcs-Neun. Full bar. Hours >nra; Dally, 5 p.m.- 11 p.m. Sa/ / Carcdda, C owner S o u n d b n m ;WTHURSPAY_JULY_ w > W1 T n th e] Parkretm ns ltesrrece ENTCD REL LEASES L o c a l / M u s c S horty s Dner. Dlt ZG S.M an St. Burgers, s. sandw lchcs. sal- Theatest album 1 from fn Chrs ads. S5.25.S Beer. Hours: Carrabbas supcr-succ uccessful M ondays throu rough Saturdays, 7 cmo-rock outft Dash DshboardCon- a.m.-4 p.m.: Sundays. 8 Tcssonol contnues s tl the artsts p.m. Jacob au w d Jeanne Green-. emotono excursons nto tle berg, otuncrs. r world of young love v wth all ts hcjghtoned yearnngs ngsandfre- ft M ondays thro trough Saturdays, \ VlvnTaqueru e rla,4 H N ;M an qucnt sorrows. Pork carnta; ltas, burrtos. fsh tacos, $5-SlS. 5. Full bar. Hours: D a s h b o a rd C onfasslonaln Dusk and S ut um ner 11:30 a.m.-9 tp.m p.t.closcds un* (Vagrant Rocort days. Rob Cron v n n a ld Brendon Bennehy, owners And f there arc hnts of U2- ked Spud. 305 N. st)4c producton textu as ferlyau chckcn, the standout secondu d tn tc k H e a * pastas w th son tobclcve,.wcu. t U2 collabo- :45.$7.95. Hours: ntor Danel Lanos shaa d a h a n d n.-9:30 p.m. M ke n the producton, though Llnkn rr ParkproducerDonGl Glmore, wo produced Dashboards rds2004*spl- T h e W lcke dcr-m an2"soundtrac rackhtv ln- M an Terl Pleaso sag OASHBOA OARD, Page 16 ftm rtfw lla rf ham burgers, M arys Cafe. 141 cheese, $4;45-. Steak, praw ns. Dally, a.m.* :d steak, c o u n try Brom a, owner. akfasts, 7 $ M agnflcentaty"t y - b r l n g s to Combread, Edde & Me," a...thcp o o n tangst h cs g n l d u rj; T uesdays ecthermuch*respecte< cted South. cm Calforna ra p peraceyalone e r/ andphladelphu-bam «s e d b e a t- maker RJD2.Acey, s ash h e lo f le n k-ap num ber nfluenced by Os moves, and M o o o re,.»hlch ch ls full o f electronc blps and arla rhythm that fotces Acey to > Monkey." "Magnfcent O ty snt terplece. Some o f the beat w hle good, can grow repc H a g e r m a nurdays, 5 am.-8 ys. 5 a.m.-3 p.m.; L arry & days. Mu L arry a n d S tate St. vn, S owners. Q37- called, helped to establah un- a s a gold -moedalgynuasth ec ecaa- stretch tch hs vocals, so n o f a espedaly alter a few lste chckcn fred t 5 dergroundw cst Coast a s t h p -h o p - g o s m o o th andpou a n shedfora chopp opped and screwedextra w hen ts on pont. t lves style breakf ree k R e s ta u ru L.? os a foundng m embber e r o f th e L o v e rm a nnp n f or hard-edged for lte. A ce/s boast n F re: gnlyng $ ta Hour N cw Y ork/rb- Freestyle FdlowBhlp. a sledge -ham m m erlng dsmssal. A cot completely dfferent and Oght. soarng to hgher h< th ro u g h Saturd flnger steaks; g Theyve worted togt o g e th e r o n a T h e t w omo akeuseofa u cey hlghlyt ty entertanng nm ber 1s m so t l t tha God bless nt a m as. p.m.: Sundays, h salads. $5.95* 3 coupeofsoqgsthe] h e p o s t a n d v e rsa tlty mand d create a vared Sdom lomon Jones.* Acey tells the everythng vnte/ Plus eats, s clo sed M onda) bar. Hours: 3 the tesulta made thlan a re le a s e a s o u n d o v er th t he CD 14 trades. t story y o< over a smple, straghtfor- your rbs at nght/ m lke jpetltlve, M ary Cobdwn, through Mon* hlly antcpated o>ne.tu vesup o p e n s w th a ahom l -drlvenall for wardfo d folk-blues sound. «Hng to ) m eal, peanut buner. bean!tens.but *10 p.m.; TXes- to expecutors for the e m o st U f o llo w ed by b the t t y U slce m nds td such decades-old under* rce." es u p to Rley Creel p.m.ftm m y a n d A p a A c K u V v ocea n H ex b le b f s b u ltle.tutthatbfobowed T - - u nftd d n s c o td a 8 s S ra ( & take 171 State S t. MS o w h r,. 7 * : h e s t s / eye steak. C esses shrm p, fresh. stck to - $ Full ke oat* W ednesdays tl a n s a n d days. 11 a.nu*l

47 F o o d Susl MCE S THURSOAY_JULY_ cobbagc to th e plate, s A u. Corned trom page 1 2 fresh (nsh, tny s c r t s x r o r s lxcdumpllngs. d Orgnal* chc :hoppcd seaw eed sprnkled cd frut geladn and watcrr ly a C hfncs ncsc dsh, gyoza h a ato; top the dressng. Never m nd th e str! grow n popul pularlnraponcsecul- The T entree plate was pure, rc., - 1 sne, l e! S; Sawados use a sea- artl mstry. so n cd nllnj lng of dlcken, ca SalmS on ffles n a soft-spo- * bagc a n d green onons (rather, ken cen tcryak saucc, d usted w th th a n pork, a com m on m eat sea csume sccds, rested on a bed chocc> and nd cook her gyoza- of ]f flour : noodles, m ushroom s oand ; w th a comblnalon b of pan-fry* and m d vegetables. Sush Tokyo ng a n d stca team ng (never deep* grll ;rlls ts chcken ond beef but lut : frjrfng) to producc n the ret{ustlc par lan-fres th e salm on n soy* cru n ch y bod jocoms. bca )can ol Tor flavors sake; the. " 1? r ordered red a S2.S5 dnner kte ltchen wll grll the salm on at specal hnl s lal spartcularlypopu- a«s jtstom ers request. X l f lar am ong lg Sush bkyo cus- n fantastcally lglu and ary lom crsts;lm aln on Tcryak and len em pura (cooked, once agan, l l " t a > Tem pra,. served s w th mso n nsoybean ol), dscovered -ed soup, salad d and rce. slr lrmp and a surprsng varety Tlu m so soup a : Japanese >f of vegetables: green pep))er, brcakfast su Maple m ade from fer- ton ong beans, w hte on n, zucm cned so; soybean ptste and ch :hn, squash and sweet potato. revered as s a nutrtonal wonder 1u He Sawadas u sed to p ut broc- c- food was garnshed n ths coll roll n (her tem pura, Yoshko casew U hgr green onons and thn salt ;ad, b ul found that custom ers toodlcs. A fne start lo any.sup- left t on ther plates. per. n e smalt sde s;lad was =br 1= nutrton, the Sawadas las stan d ard fare except for tlc adc dd a small m ound o f slredded " ffm to the Pep ;petm Co!j * " JTtS-.TK. ncett Hl T a n y a T u c k e r, J u l y 1 4 r r y G a t l n & T h e G5 s a t l n B r o t h e r s, J u l y 2 1 T h r e e D o g N g h t, J u l y 2 8 O l v a N e w t o n- -, J o h n, A u g u s t 1 2 Sasbl Tocyo s o * ) ue SMpler,for $8.95, lrtrodtk Ktm dbmf to fosr TarfetlM ef tbe rtc«rne - tl three»erred cold and one bol At Wl. Kprl, or c\oodf uke, t oofo- onfn tered u d b u a bokt, tweef tue. n tn f as m tacodd : fron tfl, tloy com flakes nark tu suuecesuettuk*. U Dasl s h b o a r d t / t f / r ttu e d tan page ts "V dcalud led. s responsble for m u s o f t. [x*ad trad rack/frst sngle "Dont Wal" sets S tl the overall nne, wth - sunny gula llar chords evokng the S u r r e a l seas easorc where Qarrabha scvlu ntm macy. Such poetcally expressed d passons, p proffered n h s ever sne nncere. ntensely emo* Long. Ltn wth ts seamless vocdl ass: sss from Countng Crows \d»m Ad Dur/.. wstfully evokes a nng-goc [nn small town summer romance ron bul so does le nck, n Dusk and Sutnmer. Sllll, S C rabhns fans wll fully relate re. wh the hopes and fear> uhtnw oh love mnnfesed n lvehgh-pl ptded whne, can looftbps tc and nvtatons, and have an ant anthem c(ualy;they "Slow "S Decay. a pujt-rlddcn.... w, also trend d t( toward monotony, as conversaton cor hetv/een a solder r m n 5 jc a l{ y d fx rlc a > ;;;.cc or m f e tj d h sfn h c n "... kjcfld Bcldo dom atra)?.so.t)ng;so * --T lk A ssocalctl Prexs H 1 N e l S e d a l < ka. A u g u s t 2 5 B u y T c k e ts at D O V ESRFUN..COM ; O RCALL P E P P -T X 3 0 W Pe/nj >l»ermll t, Mo J c g e T E c j o B f

48 re THE LG D O K O F Y O U R KH O M E f * 9 9 RESTA ADVANnS 25,000 BTU GAS GM 240. ;B775 ) R Y o u c a n d o t. s c a n h e l p : >79 / T WAS *99 RYOBrBVOlT TORQUE r r ORU KH Por oj ho Ryob*ONE+ tylom ) 4 BUY! RYO WOBT 16-PlKE TOOL BELT SELT Brr CUP HOLDER :5 5 e \ 54=* 1-GAUON ASSORTED PERENNALS ( s r ( G P T p G TO THE HOME DE?,EPOT BY MAL-N REBA H r k E S O F $ h O O ; O R M O R E. W y : * S f ; * 2 v "x4"-8 PREMUM ; g WHREWOOD KN DRED STUD Grade lamped. (161M0) S \ w4 *-Wcn.. J.olM ALSO TAKE AD DVANTAGE O F THE GFT CARD EVENT O HOMEDEPOT.C T.C O M WWL.MFWU!W!!fllff dkttdl>.*flrttn {nbcnmvth

49 ( FREE H O W -T O CLr FOR JULY 2006 CREATE A PAVESTONE WAU( ALXWAY *> rhuhspay JU. f o NSTAUJNC HARDWOOD FLOORNG SAfUHOAV JUU d,15,; 2 C SEUCT1NG, MANTANNG G A ANO. CLEANNG CARPET. SUNOAY JULY , EVENT WEEKEND; ENERGY EFFCENCY ENERGY EFFCENT UGHT1NG NG H B h UPGRADES; DMMERS, TMERS AND BULBS mupsoay luv 27 ; 7 ENERGY EFFCENT COOLNG SOLUTONS SArUROAY JULY A.M. SELECTNG AND NSTAUNG ENERGY EFFCENT DOORS S AND WNDOWS SUNDAY JULY 30 P.M. 12 RETANNG NG y a t C g g t t w a u - tan 8U96) E LOOK OF ST TACKED STON NE A FRACTON OF THE PRCE : e CHARC UlCOAl/TAN CAP <372c H NEV fw B B S s n NAT MURAL MPRESSON )NS FLA( AGSTONE evor boon e oler to creole he loov C. lod lo d lold. noturol»lono woll. Avolobo he r> c)otco< tcoolaon. Con lonvcnen ond durable Eov) ovy lo nloll? n 9 9 S x b k 7 eodm 4M S $ 1 75 H 12" RETANNG WAU TERRACOTTA [240361] JS B S s J97 ]6 RET. RETANNG WAU-< 1-GRAY Eojy / lo ntloll. eu35) 35) r o : YOU CAN oo T. WE CAN H U>.- & W EED j H H H )LN E B S y O N E EASY STEP The e a ty wo)> >) lo t a booullful londu Noluro! mulch oho conlrol wecd d» for up lo 4 monlh. Fa For odded prolocton, ue,»oo Vgor londscopo fobr $ 9 9 VGORO* MULCH WTH WEED STOP 2CU. FT. d2l89) TAK KETHE. B j l l H j GU( U ESSW O R K OU U T O F WA: ATERNG - - H H S - dcq gronulo hl t poln lng profec 2 OQoln ove H H H lofwolorng. S ; : d t plonl *or op $ C monlh, X50-VGORCM " ) SUPERSOL POTTNG, 2.5 CF MJRAOE-GRC GRO* S WEED CONTROL SOL 2 CU. FT. POTTNG MX FABRC ) 3U486) (SS7406 3

50 jssm ]QQ2 WATERNG $ 2 0 $ YOUR CHOCE GAlON PETUN UNA GAUON SHRUBS Avoloblo n all colon o( he ranbow and Chooo from Boxwood, Eton uonymu}, look oxcellent t t n tongng bokl. and Burnng Buh. (434S31) (603929J $ * GAUON CUPHEA Heot ond dfought.olofon plant pll (hot oltrocs bultorflbj and hummnqbrd. {136050) J # 6 REAR TRGGE: GER J H > 7 PATTERN ft AC AQUA GUN. # (471173) 8 FRONT TRGGER 10 PATTERN HOSE NOZZE (170696) * 9 7 GAUON EAAERAD 3CRE «EEN ARBOftVTAE J. donto columnor ever- teon wlll brgtl, merold grean loavo ) SUNC/ NCAST HOSE SE REEL CART 5567) 3 S * 3 9 f l P B A d, S HDEAWAY gct HOSE REEL BOX 5 (24SS93) (673 T o o l R e n t a l Jl b * 1 7 j, O PEN 7 DAYS A WEEK lek. 5-GAUON ROSE BUSH " a 19 Jumbo»*o elujter of Get n, gel oot and get bock lo nvot work fol wtl beoollfully lormod budt T every lool you need. Renl by tho ] hour, day or G N COfEC and bloomt. four CHOCE wcvk, ol for 0 gvoronlecd low prc prce. " M<«Wmvj <»T>ogl k {96298B SAUON ASSORTED ERENNtAlS Vranbow of cqlor lor )EOPSS Our londkope. H $ , b lls pvrnnol wll prodko p YO r bloomt >p<<ng >o o to V 3B047) 2-GAUON DEU>( Showy spro/ ol blossom look q boekground cole (3063?3) O 1 2 l-gauon LAVENDER Jreal herb garden lont wlh fragronl G/U lud flower. < 4(ww nwmmt wtol Not (rrtswje <1 ol toconc lxanm PER «7?1 S«Sm («;«7/ w dcrah o( ou low pkt <nodt«a r you 7( MOMro..r...v...n.., UVE COOOS

51 f OUTDOOR PES EST CONTROL f f e - w Uw 0 granular 0 kller} on lownt o> o bor WEEC -EED BOON* almen around ho outdo permeter leler AX- yoor ur home. For bol rojulu, apply who when WCENTRATE»oO.oOj frjt oppeor. To control UART under derground no«t». wolor g ro «27B93, Koro. }roughly oflor opplcalon. QUAf 527B g 9 8 $ 7 cod Nt T R O L P E S T S F R O M t HE h e O U T S D E N UU)Y-TO-SfRAY UART(51900) 997 READ KJ-BOON* MAX* TOAZ C D E SOL &. QUAf JSEO KU R FOR TURF RF NSEa KLLER $97 WVNSOLfS LBS. B 1384) Treos jo up lo S.OOO tq. ft; W< Works 24. l.0urs Complooly. B l»olvo for more NSEC 1 0 «s lng power. OUNO-UP* READY (1070: }7022). 5 USE 1 GAL UWh LBS.[ : $ 1 5 8B 8 rsummer sc o n s * TURF fertuzer XR PtUS BULDER* WT Anm n s e q c( CONTROL SUMMERCUA -UARD. 5,000 SQ. O. a 5,000 SQ. FT. 0( lb. osf f: r formula. fertlor forn ormulo. m P l l P P H (129986],] ( s c o rr s * standa 4DARD BROADCAST SPREADER Hold lo.oot) 1,q. q. fl. Scoltj* Ferllzor. tor. New control ponel.. Fully ouem bled-,no colbrolon. (5363 >36365] - V - ROW (1319 ftstc SOLUTONS* r /ASP " & HORNET U R 15 OZ. - BASK WAS KU 20-fo. jpro> M66 _ * fool rarfge ol }roy kllt on ] W M 2 $ (RTHO* HORNET, WASP KLlfR HOM OME DEFENSE* MAX" 5 OZ. NSE< S E a KlUER GALLON K111 llj. anl, roacho, pder, ond moro loro.. Spfo; )foy along outdo parmotor of houv 5U10 OJ o barrer lo keop bog out ] ORT>- r. WJ CAN H P.- & w ; 9 w M m. R U E l* Q l YEUOV LOWJACKET - CONTR k U b V L pejcd. for lown, t polot, c r TROt.TRAP f H L > or cdo. deal campng, ond moro. f? [798825] M1 8 _ a jfl v > - $ RC ROUNDUP* ORTHO HOME DEFENSE SE* EXTENDED D CONTROL M B L g C 3 l M A X ln SEa KLLER PUUN SPRAY PULL NSP SPRAY 1.33 w m m j 1.33GAUON GAUON (549522) Kll ont. foocho, pc pdor4, and moro. - S K f Spray along ouudo purmolor ol houe o o borror lo keep bug 31 oul,, 15/9700]

52 !». 1 m p a J?!. EXPLORE ) b NTHRACnVE DEMOS AN w ; 3 W W WAS 299 :«3 ONY13 PER MONH f TORO 6.5 HP ; s 22" 3-N-1 LOW V WHEEL MOWER -. - ~ ~ t. T O R O ; loaded wtl» fcouro lo holp gol the job dono quckl/. From llo } pal polonlcd Porjonol Po<o- Vjll p r e l tyllor lloft, lo ho poworful guoron1oo<{lo->t cognoj, lorn lo Toro for mowcrj «r» on tlo cuhng cdgo. 2-YEAR WARRANl NTY PURCHASE HOH O M ED EPO T.C O M /TRA ao>rs R: g ONlY 13P 3PERMONtH* BAGGER R buho ho capocy, ncludes 2 nylon bug. (S35607 k TPntu 299 ( G A S T R M M E R S 2 0 G5F T C A R D V :.v.u K PUAll Al. WHH TM!. Ol any tchalvl-.. «ONlY37P PER MONH* A fclo!;: NDEXf ANDll Vn.\CHM N! P, 42" g «3 AUTODRVE 31 K l a w N n T R A ao R. Kohler V. wn earn OHV 5Q A Aoomolc CVr 9» 9 w «.,., J»on wlh «ru»e RYOE rob* C C (6 62N66 STRA FRAtGHT SHAR STRNG TRM «MMER Mrf632j XPANO-tr ATTACHMtm COMPAG mabe fl w «TOR< DRO* 34.S CC 1.2 HP STRA rragkt SHAFT STRlf reng TRMMER (U J f TOR< 3RO* 15" 4.4 AMP / STRAGHT SHAFT ELECTRC TRM MMER/EDGER ) b o G51FT F C A R D 6 a [ P - E L E C T R C T R M M E R S> ;5 S R EaclER * CUTTNG ;» a SYSTEM WTH :5 t ATOMC* BLADE : ONlY l7p R MONH* H* TORO* 6.5 HP 22 r PERSONAL PACE* 3-N-1 MOWE )WER M45086] *399 / BLAC JCK & DECKER* J4» r 5 AMP CURVED SHAFT ONlY l7 PER* R MONTH*., e ORC o TRMMER/EDGER TORO* 6.5 HP 22 PtRSONAl, PACE* 3 N-1 1 MOWER (438569) " s - lrrj>lulktdlm>n>vatd]>7bhfa>lltrm.-v Ul(,/r?«/D7/Ulfdr*td«(>(u<hMdryg d my be Caltt W n httm UUnta US S[RlaA)b«l\ft)noolA%MnKl h n» Knt b(l Stn U <U(X 1WUA. lxnc CntDAudccd n: (yca>.bcn6ae.o«ff>(e<da legdtl A.ta.brnrvlfut DldbrB/l/Unnmlmbhr [d((t<l<rthlla tu/7f8/1?/ut>rn<r>t t>u$lcl>ktl 4)t><ftnb«USY>7<>. m ln Tof odft (bs o uade, a a.*avaato(m]lca»ar«lw>lntpth * th*t ud m m U n tan nv> ta VjnW lt>r9/la6alnnnjrst*hr8/3)/t tt WUNea ea)<(d«bma 2 ntnktdcrbcbwm OMN POHTAB KTABLE POWER V»

53 FREE ;50 THE f l K B HOMA\EDEPOT E g f t ccard BY MAL-1 L - N REBATE FO R EVERY > 500 SPEN > E N T O N T R E X H DECK N G P R O D U ar S s RECEVE A <50 f M THE HOME DEPOT GFT CARD." B Ouallyng lold n bofd on pe lo >01pKC ( We tld on a 5ngoe(»pl[we(h(n«Offn vcw J on [ pukhosej node bcrween ///0 6 ontf fl/7/06 ol pomrpfllmg olmg U.S. he Kon* Depol H Vocs (e(lu K ondkdtmr? r7p(hov»hou pc Snebce lom lo lomplte detol - 3 & ks fl 1 0 % ( T R E X * C O M P O 0 5! 1 T E W D E C K N CG A N D R A U N G " Trox ye you unprecedsnlod froedon lo creole deek eu fal go beyond whol you dro< droomod pottlblo. Co Combne colort, curvot ond potto lottorn. SPECAL ORC 3RDER S<ZE j - L - l * : 2a 20 TREX* ORG GNS* ColorvW/nehottcr nc Groy ond Saddle. 5 / 4 x 6->25" - ; *33«414 1 V TR X*ACCEh CENTS Colort; odoro. Saddle, Wncfeler Groy 3roy and Woodland d Brown. 5 /4 X 6-, ; *28" *37 * * TREXBRM ASUA* Burnhed Amber and Coyonno S / 4 X *32«*42«* V B H M n V E R. A N D A * C O M P O S T E D E C K N G V x ung VV. Voron ondo t o compolo motoral mo.u onufoelurod - od d lbor and ro>n». N a nood for r ro: \ J j J roy rqy (foalufod) t w o l e r f lerp»oohng or jondng, Slalo G avolo aloblo r\ t«l<; CoKodo Redwood, od, Tutcan t e h. Wolnt jnut or Boll Codof colon avaloblo blo llrougf jcal ofdar. Soe Jloro lor detolj. f f S v P & Pec Q S a S E f l P -Eh -! = 1 r.6- M4" >21" < % A < OO MUmPLE COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM 4X 8 WHtTE VERANDA VlNYl <4YL LATTCE PANEL O no pofo dolgrt wont seporao.»ep< Tormto and n»cl proal. (536: ) 1 NEVER NEEDS PANTNG. Durable novor noods > - A..r a-x S co. a lulttllkll KnTtn(nlomen vnrhnodejt ray ron ntxdkdtneclstkntoltuhnt t* WeoVMou oup<mu<lot»luntc>cr>tnr,tt>>ul Ollot Olh >M 7/06/05.7/79/ Sn «d3n(6U a ; YOU CAN DO T. r. Wl WE CAN HJU*.- patkwn «Ong US he Wne Ottm sk>n Km nm n USV. 1, A.H.nf«o ttokenpwpmtena laaoslexrq.pnetownrtflwn loswqv r?v 1SwStoeAvxoteladeoh.

54 H H BB S p r e d w ox)ddeckng c Our tvo cuttng pro«ut lood lo (owor c ond wofpod wood. Whch moan. lo}> lmo teqr oqrchng for the rght boord. REDWOOD ) C< CONSTRU010N 1 1 COMMON LUl LUMBER s! Z _ L x4»6 «JQo $947 _ 2x6 *9*4 S12" *15 *20 3 H H B NO. PRESSl SSURE TREATED LUMBER SJZE B »4 W *597 $gw»8 MO" *13 * " 2 1 " 13" 22" 29 2x12 25" - NOBODY GVES YO )U MORE w a YS y ; TO BULD > a s6 4 6 X 6 W N D H A f $ M M., f t T l t! VNYL FENCE P p a n e l - -, : 3 X0 CAS5 VNYL FENO. Eoy to njt( W m u >} SPECAL OR 6-X6 TANV PRVACY PAJ Eoty to nsc tesb fw end povt 1«rt \howt Mld wpofohht. fwth onth nrv br tne. Ook lotoaa fe wnel jnomtwkffrtjettr c hxftjtotdftlwpoxhs fh sr.d pln wjf; prelovanol ««ttllct«w n fro e-mhoml (ha.}c. Wef mm?/06/04- ;/79/06 l/o onlu 333?;0<nJ 34&6l e por<«««xg )US kltonektemtn HottnllSV.U.Ml.ca H. o Pumo be. Mo.«U on tra puchw o.oo 4CE 10 PANEL** P«sfom rf«n OSw»vvS«5*ete«e»l< :o)clo>l>lc4l s 1 0 /< E O N (* SPECAL-ORDER 1 ALTER ERNATVE DECKNG" lot rol. doeoy. worp, plt or crock, ock. jfalo n Mohogony, Redwood, Horn lonoy Teok, Codor and Cootol Groy. A Wll nol Avallobc M p Pne. Coc SPECALC B SZE K S/4" X 6 YOUR DECK C ss>z - % OFF a ORDER «,6- *29" *39* *49 OR FENCE SPECAL ORDER R 6X6 REDWOOD X)D FNSH PRWACY :y PANEL** 57. SPECAL ORDER ;r.l t.- 4 XB VNYL ARCF SCH. TOP PANEL. nc. HAS Onll COMDlflll COM Of OtCK 7

55 1% 1 V V k \ \ y - > H U S K K. a \ SPEC PECAL BUY!. $ f E G ALUMNUM AU 8 6 ALUMNUM k 4 V. STPt rpladoer WnH TOAY STEPAODER Wm- WTH TRAY V lgllwogh ond lglnwoolt. tobl table ond "\ o»h BKlromol durablo wfo. Renforced ed bottom \ > \.RRoJofced o. boltom bfoce, 250 b. ca braeo, (330B91) C, \ < b. capqcty,,, 30920), = 1 \.... *5 V. N E W! 17 A L U Mm h m u n L E g a n T t L A D D E R S Y S T E M \? W T H W O R K P l A lt F O R M B B 24 d/foront bddors n one cor compact dojgn. Tronformj nto oxonson loddor, on Afromo m ladder, a toreoe loddor. o 90-degrco 9( ladder, ond o tcoffold (plonk lold leporotely). ncludo l«eo e work B r W te plotform. Now wlh whcou for oo»or portablty. 300 b. cop H (579239) * lm GANT r LA LADDER SYSTEM (579919) H U S K V : 1L t U e ONlY17 G a n t PtR MONTH*. FJ v \ SPEC >ECAL8 UY! \ 8 9 reg, J > 20 ( ALUMNUM Al 1 K 24 ALUMNUM M V 3 f f l EXTEN TENSON ladoer a EXTENSON laod VODER \ \\ deal For pontng 1 _ to r r c d b y o n e.p person, * V v " 1!! «doc 1 L0» onoogt lo b V ond lght monenonee fcl Anl-»lp Am foot for jofety A*1- - mona lonogo. \ \ and oo»y to V 11 * b. eopocty. ; * 225 b. copaety. %. \ \\ \, r % ) ) 1 n. capocfy., y j \ J < > H U 5 K K *90 8- FBERGLASS STEPAODER WHH re.. 1 Non-conduetvo moterol. Ronforcod botom bfoce. 250 b. eopocly. (3B2O01 L T < w B. s V R 2 B k s 3 M79 1 «2 0 FBERGLASS EXTENSON LADDER * H \ u s m.a ndutrol. hoovy-duty $ » uc. Non-conducve. 250 b. eopocty ALUMNUM WORK PtAFORM/BENCH f j (637555) lohtwoghl. lockng jofely leg». leg: Slp. ; r.ojlont feel. Exro wde platfo atform. 225 b C copocty. (374054) \ HANDY HELPERS f < > H u s c e M * 5 9 n AOJUSTABU HEGHT WORK PLATFORM WTTH TRAY % Adjustoble heght <20* and 3C 30-), Tray end 3 legj fold down (or quck and < ooy Jtorogo, b. copoety. [492465) *? L \ S s 8 YOUCANDOrr. 3 WE CAN HflP.- Wl Wltn puthmtj wlh llte tlome Depot Consuct n(t (tcd ( Caj Adtfjoncl tmv ep(>>; Sce»g 3 77 cufy (rt rtrmv

56 m m. * A M E R ZO A S C H O K CE FOR BULD D N G M A T E R lals TOOLS YOU J NEED t ] g u aranteed r a L O W DRYWAU. PRCESP SZE TYPE b r s w b 4- X 0- REGUAR DRYWALL 4 X 8 REGULAR DRYWALL 4 -x 12 REGULAR DRYWALL 4 x 8 FRE CODE 4 x l 2 FRE CODE 4 X 8 WATER RESSTANT telclon ond ddxfr >o» try Moe. Ste an mvdtmtelodcf n 4" HfMMER ;R-ENO H JONT KNFE ( (694343) p l : 39,S50) «GH MPAa HAN landle B. Mulal nalng eot mod lo..,,.-1 J0 ld r; o.llnol r \ DRYWA /A U. f t SOFT HANDLE \ DEUVEF ERY OPTONS BLUE STEELTAP rapng KNFE F-Dolvered ] A Profeltonul qjc q/alty, f l eub»do< lo ond placed lghtwcgll and llurdy. >woy.. : 6 a ) DELVERY < * ) orybulldlng! 8 14" 3H7a a SCATTER! f l H dtrbucd ; hrouglok..out joble 49 $ /2* X 4 1/2 X " X " x 4 j DRYWAU POLE SANDER Swvol head d lc lo. land j 9. V _ ony port o lo ). j U B t m H B U nnova eompn 1/2 X 4 Podud telc B7 T Ol heovy B DRYWAU. SAVk SAW Extra ll blado blac ond -...coofjo leoh. 8H351 t 1, S49 $ y YOUR CHOC. AU-PURPOSE O(NT COMPOUF OUNO 18 B. EASY SAND r X 19P«rMonll* W 2"x3x5, OUROCK* CEMENT BOAt lard Good for lopng, loppng and, SETTNG-TYPE JONT 6NUMTEXTURE ( t rong, ft ooy lo nholl ond w ont deerorae <a reporng ploler crack. Verto orollo All purpojo compoun SH SPRAYER woler. Ue on w oll, colng and S porformor for embod, fnh, h. jmoblhcr (nlng. ovolvo A machno >un1arlop. Boord wllnot well, t flen, -. loxluro, lomnolo or-km cool. oo.. ond 90 mnulo tot nbno lr loppor wl or >lamnalo or dtnlegralb, (m9to)w prosor. Jut lold lo 1309J Wen pghmtd wh fh«home Dtpo (onwmt (onu Cedl Cod. AMonol lertu opplr. :zlo S«and >proy drywall Om» loty msla kktgaon. ohtned wd p((«moj nuy ol lmo of ptmhwe,, d on colng wl losv >rt. No moro holdng a vyhbpporh K.- T X T M.A. 14" PLASTCS MUD PAN 10 plac p.pan wlll 2 : corbon CO leel blode. (49873 >8735)?7, ltn T-SOUARE t < Roverto ruled blode lor. * precse meou louremont.n ellar droc rocton. (963166) ftulldngmf ;MATfRtMS 9

57 j ONLY 7..J9 PR 8tA0{ R W M. $ M / 4 " 24-TOOTH FRAMNG NG/RPPNG - SAW BAD6 Coturuco. 11 groto eorbd; for longer llo. 73BOl) TH\ HE LTHlUM-Or ) N A D V A N T A C w GE. POW ER 8& CONVENEt ENCE. ;; / V Wm rjclud LUDES 7 Q Q 36-VOLT PO PC W ER, f 1 8 -V O lt WEGHT f f W W ONY y 2 23 rcr MONTH 37-PECE SCREWORVNG SSF U W A L T V O L T L T H U U M - O N WTH TOUGH CASE ( ?) 4 - PP E C E C O M B O K T 3 lrno no\ 110 eycc Jo vj N-CAD bomor* lero (2000 cycles).. ncludu jdu larnmerdrll. crcular ;<w. recf recp sow, lloodlgll, 2-ballc 3llcrot, hour clarrjof ond cae. 0.( ) (J NCLUDES FRffc 4 txunson MCLUOLS CAf>HYMG *649; ()/>G R C PG D BEST LTHUM-ON VA A L U E l 24-VOLT PO W E R, LES: ESS. ONY l9l KMONH- THAN 18-VOLT W EG! GHT, : R D G D V< O L T L T H U M - O N 4 - P E C E C O M B O ncjudcs lommor drll,, crcular ( sow, lght, rccproctltq saw, 1 lour le Ropd M ax chorgor, (2) 2rf Voll ballerlcs and an. currytg bog (d354l7 m w N. B 5, g - 9 MJLWAUKEE* 28-VOlT k UTHUM-ON 4-PECE COMBO KT (A22511) r/w.w jn > H k *629 ONLY>19P RMO MONTH MAKTA* 18-VO VOTXT UTHUM-ON 41 4-PECE 1 COMBO KT (607557h j r- J 729 ONLY 22 P R MONTH-. MPR0V D8-WECE SPEEDB0 3B0R* PRO NClUC SE Polonlod Bloo-Goovc v co d g o (or FoV. cloon lolot (20l83: 83Q).. ml J H r l ft Jl B O S C H S-PECE NDUSTRAL. HAMMER ORU BfT SET - deal (or concrclu, brck *379 *. *329 *129 JL l7 l th MONTH* ONlY l71 ERMONH CX and matonry. (6645S) ONlY 3ltR MONTH BOSCH* 10.8 m UTHUM-ON : OV// /A r 36-V&LT UTHUM- RDGD* Rl 24-VOLT XU. - MAKrTA 18-VOlTLXTUTl UTHUM- POCKET DRVER Drves " ON N HAMMERDRU ncludes UTHUM-ON Ul BATTERY SYSHM ON MPACT DRVERncU ncludcs loos" lerows /s per ballery boltoroj. l-louf clargor. 3 Amp Hr Up lo 160X (2) le Voll Llum-on 1 bolluros. b< cforge. led lglu lgll-for tght 2-bo d kt b o., (632899),, longor.fun lme. (ft35s721. smorl cborgof ond <o»e. (607658) spoeos, (632866) B66)- ond» * *10 YOU CAN 00 T. - W.. Wct pwlowl Hrt the tlomc Otpof omu.-nn»(>(<11 ( lo U lvd rom on»r. Se«page 2; f

58 NCLUDES CASE J A - 1 ONLY M3 P R MONTH* *259 m K # BERGER* 24X AlHOMATK fvel NSTRUMENT ndude eoo power mognfeolon. Accuroe/up lo W orkng range up to 30C 300. W re-. hung eomponolof. 34S74) ) NaUDES CASE L *23S P R O Q U J> A L T Y. G U A R R. A N T E E D L O WN P R C E S / on ym operm onh* n ) BERGER* 20X TRANS N sn l VEL A ceurae/up to t / 4 - ot j<:fo levelng bo»e. 20-powc - mognfeolon. Workr fongo up lo 200. (36768 S H SQ 7A 1 1 V NCLUDES! Lojor. loer deoclor. j alumnum rod trpod eolng mount _ - L L n o $ $, $ 2 74 $ 9 6 JTWNG* HUSKY* Y* f FODNG ALUMNUM RWN* 100 HGH- EMPRE* 72- E70 ESTV lamng HAMMER lock-ba( BACK- RAZOR CUTTNG GU! {> RFORMANCE REEL PR PROfESSONAL BOX FRAft OTH MUED FACE muty Y K KNFE (714910) WTH CHAtK (360349). E\ level 6709) w m (108011) l) sr. lorgol. * , * 4 9 * ) od and CHAlk (f2772j 5 - ArtnedoblM * C3 4 * 24- (616097) V (> loy (Mr mm *Sm pv> V b dcha *HVn pufmed «t h«lome M «nnc m (ta n (od. Wtoftd wmo«. Sn poje 7 /1 g H U v s m HUSKY f STORAGE S SOLUTONS r-grode lolt-tdod bog dogned led (or hc - hondymon. Conlruclod ol Spun! untul( y. w olor-rejlant molorol to hand landu all oroge necd. : Conlroeor-g [189281) l<ou»l.old he heovy-duty. v ol your loro ElECTRVN- 9» toragep or. 12-p:ecodrl hobtor orgonzor. any [1 * 3 4 HEAVY-DUTY PRO TOC TOOL BAG 19 poekou ond 12 <qmpoflm( (or lolal organzaton ) < US BAG 4 m CARRYAU5 14- LARGE MOUTH TOOL BAC AG lorge for oo»y tool. ( BAG (191278) a 2 5 tttef, BAG (192445), *< DRa, floolf. 1

59 f 1 0 % O F F P L U S 1 J F R E E S H P P M G _ _ RP R O T E a Y O U R H O U SSE E ; ALL CUSTOM Bl B U N D VW T H U F E T M E G U A R[AA Nt T E E BY HUNTER DO X )U G L A S Goofonleed (of olmoo duroblly. y. ouhlondng coverage. j H P p B B M m m r n H BunBbmBk)/ T OOC-MM OV ER 2,0 0 0 COLORS! - V - l : $ 0 X 98 \ J GAUON BEHR* PREMUM PLUS KTCHEN & BATH SATEEN LUSTER E loox ocryle lalo*.,mode wlh o unque ond nnovolva lormulo hol onhon«e» pon perlormonco ond ercoos o prbeclvo jholl. 41( * 1 2 QUART (410033). ; l B S V a )) 9wl C! l 1 M m. ff l f l C H O O S E F R;OM O / O U R N - S T O C K sstyles n A N D T A K E T H O MVE E TODAY a Extremely hard,, durojlo lnl ll. K Exeeljnl woler rotlonce Eoty lan cmovol & on bloc o e U g H K jt C H tn & B a t h ; 3... H E S E B B R m E $, ss : :_ J _ J ± J $ 9 9 7, $ $ J 3 99 WAGNER ROU N GO RU RUBBERMAD* UNZ GRANDWOOO 2" " FAUX WOOD BUNDS 1ZER«6- PACK 203 WVALUE GE* SlUCON :ONE t KTCHEN Bollory oporolud. PAJ: Cul to o whlo you jtop. Tlo poflott PAJNT BUDDY ROUJ aer COVERS UNZ <1Z R* 8-PECE & BATH TLE SEALANT (S0579 Eo w ndow jolulon lor any - cjocor.ooty 10 Easy pon touch-up.,9xx PA1N1 JNTSET Advoneed >d 100X 1 Slo Sloro pon lor (4362 nlall. 23 x 64,, ) 16221). 530U 10005) llcone lull luluru uo. (103516) DRlPLfSS >CAUUC GUN 13 1 YOU CAN DO O T. W CAN HEP.- "0!ftycUJ6/ «J 6/?9/?006-8/?/2M6 on!w [ulow ol! luttc W Stylt f.dng (.csttw w(nl (xjo o>] wnjow Mtmm, QHn tow n US he 1C He Honw Depot W Uorc e«ft PctTwnon onon (rafl bcomlbr wt otf of«oho. ond d ntc n vomon %-Kfd olc podml a/ Druounl do«lo«f»l o»f» 10 tn-snxv podwl or mtobnton wv WTrtC, or on pro Ho ej«.mll olln cl«<l Sft «c»e ooktt lo wpkf lcwk

60 H O M E WTH TC O P BRANDS AT / GUARANJTEED LOW P r H p GAUO S _ n t ( THE 5 GAUON S - UFET1ME GUARANTEE BEHR* PREMUM PUS*.us* EXTEROR FUT S G ud anlocc) lor ultmo lmoto durablty. t 5 Acrylc loto*. Mldew ew resttan fnsh. protects end sheldt o t ogonst mosture. * GAUON (S. (5JU6 2 1 = 1 GAUON (154121) b3 s9 a s _8g SAVE OVER n 9 5 v w... g 5 c.lll T 3 0 n,(.,l.n rc!.u 8 a HUSy 2200 PSJ S ; GAS PRESSURE WASHEP rs2 Fully enclosed desgn. HP Dr<gg> & Slrotlon SO s e fl? valve, vertcal jholl) en 2.0 GPM,,Telescopc le c handle js? 4 quck connect nolo! Top fjaa panel occessory & dote - «s storooo S2 V s H NEW ANO MPRO ROVED-UFETME GUARANTEE GUOOEN* EV RM< tmofe EXTEROt FUT Gol a durable ln fnsh hat ressts mldew, drt, fadng, poeln olng and blsterng. B T O j M 8 N G A ULON o r (429009) " 1 eroo K, M.PER.CAUON WHEN.YOU BUY HE 5 CAUON O N (429057) 1 1 H M99 9 WAS HUSKT PS PRESSURE WASHER ggs & Strallon SO do volvo, vortcal hoft). 2.0G 3 GPM. Toleeope londle lh 3 quck conned nozzles. Mes Wesh bog lor hose, trgger gun n and a wand. (620735) W O O D P R O T B w A m E * S 6 OFF GAUON CANS By Mfr.Mol-ln R a b o lte 9 25 OFF j GAUON CANS ByMt.Moll(>R«booL $ p O o f c f 3 5 ttum.soalgglcnanqds: O r mol-r> roboto" Hamons(U WmS<d(l) Mo WmrndexnfWoodPntKmt WAGNER* XTOA POWER OhfnU purtm trade btt«pant WtOESHOrMAX 7/12/06. PtomoOTvoUln US PS Fourspoed pattern J E<< jo m stprt 1 1. Vod prohed. 1 5 t. juclon sot Sone Gudo tsnd by br. Etbete ttoesn rx-r best tproy dstonce. Sproyjo lonf/12/d.smese rhrtnlo varety of heaver boded enterlo malerols. (631421) w T H O M P S O N S AC e tktrttsso.oonhepuhoul h»> o( fmtlvay 7200 PS Pnue Wnhn (Uu lu S024B4 S by d. mo4<n cboe. Ofn nbj on pu 5/05. hamohon nd x US he Hom Depot u«ttw 8/11/6. $M rttotg lotn w (omatt dtn. Kl Wd«Shot MU (suf 67M; ). S30 lebote o< r K w j s. t e lj -n l sra.etoe on 01XM llome t (u/ SC SOJ 72B) a 520 rehw on cn 1eS PS ktso! w Uv/ S27-966) PomoW«*d«lJS tkadnonwran-joratlcnat flh ttflmd. ptto MfMt (tnjntcudtvb* OHtKomobecortewdwhany h Ota tutmc Ced«ncra lorm nmtt old of KC onl orqrd ta (ode fron bo r>mbe pou cft», p» «vr«p(rtpt5,trrttoto.»«rjfltntr<o (an (om«(olve6&8/&s360. o 5 S w w JH t.erah f lol cn lelurtnlcd a 6 PAMT U Dlll4rb J

61 * 5 7 B A V S C N S T A L L A T O N O N A N D E R S E N B R > S A N D E D S T O R M D O O R S " L H B Ande rserlle U Comf mr ; S P E C AL L B U Y * W : 36" 3001 ) O O T R U E A S E " W - H S T O R M < [ D O O R W T H m V n c k e L l hh A R D W A R E 2 9 W A S j :. \ r a > H ( ( r a \ V \ \ 1 EASY ONE HAND HAC OPERATON. ollowj wndow! fowl 10 glda W \ P down vn }moolh(y S wll V t \ \ unlmlud wndc mdow plocemon 09 M _ t w a EASY-mrWNt /NDOWS J mako cloong ng o brodzo. No need * toromovownd vndowj lor cleanng j36" 2000 FUU.V1EW STORM CDOOR WTH ETCHED GLASS f FlpAwoy landlo wngj Qoot ol ho way for ooy,11, cleanng and wlclng {.) CnONSaACQ ACCESSOttlES from g lojj lo njcc crocn. Choolo from c (018170) b fo o r n.«koh ;kohnj 1 * lardwau t - * " 2000 FUUV1EW f STORM DOOR VmHCt AR GLASS Full-lengll vew forbet beauy ond lgfl. G lo» and d nec ccoen m op n/ou.. Sondlonc Alto ovoloble n wle lro, 16)6234) r r <! NSTALLATON SERV CES W ORRY-FREE D O)O O R < NSTALLATON Coun) on aur notwork ol. ; lconocj and njured profo ofo- lonal lo handle lo ob ) ffom lr<,._ j >lort lo mth. O nd-jtopjlop convonor nonee Fnonco opont avolobl oblo Plo all work t goafonlc tnccd.... by. Tlm Homo Depot STARTTODAY: VST YOUR LOCAL ST< STORE Srtpo8e7/l«l«tffM nurtoj (<rl«eckba!l. Sn (onttm fa goontn lcoh \ * V j 36 RETRAaAfll ABLE SCREEN DOOR JR M M 3 s 7 4 «1 32 OR 36" VER< VERONA 32" OR 36" VNYL SCREEN N DOOR STEELBREEZE- SCREEN 5 WTH HAROWAR VARE. DOOR VkOTH HARDWARE H- ( (73449) 149) (! 86) J -, -, $ 3 g c r - $ 3 5 c 30", 32" OR R 36" VNYl 32" OR 36" 16- BRAVO? TBAR SCREEN EN DOOR SCREEN DOC >OOR.. (49393)(493937) ) (673791)( ) YCXJ CAN DO T. WEGVNHfljP.* S/tcvc nt: on trjr.vrt Br;:-dd (tr.n (tm D!<>l rtw cw o» 0 wtcmmoj» hxtm 6/??/06 e-4 ;/1?/ l7/d6slpe"<cctn;;slhehan«hpomlon OMn OM ncl nw on W(0 o>crrm t>end MSn lowv 0!ln Kl rtlrft.ptf»<l p.t l«n, llf-.rcrsf 0.»l(lCn4l. [ltfllo C*T*l f* 10 loj«rt,l«{n {c nc U lefwr mrt»t, ert< e" ofr rt ht r.;«r>{l <cmuo.. cr.t olltt old No<t4lcllttl (LenuKaxw,h.v A

62 + m. 63 :l t e n. NDOW.S & D O O R S J " M O L D E D 6- P A N E L P R E H U N G N T E R O R P O O H A molded 6p< 6ponol door eon neroajc ho oppeol of ony room, wllo lng a hermct orellocurol ;78. - DR NEW & EXCLUS SVE! NTRODUCNG h NUPORTE N DOOF DRS l? H H ; l n f l SZE SKU PRCE 7 «u, 6 4 =, 7 «5 «, = 6 5 (742576) 6 6 (742609) * "X80" ESPRESSO 5-UTE READY-K ly-to-nstaa 2240 ( Starlng ot f - S - 48" SAVOY WHrr START. o «2 9 8 HrE FRAMED sncum :UMORDCR H t H SUONC MRROR RDOOR 0 48SSJ SSHOUEnrDOOR d H n S Foaluro c o / gldl lldng tfoekj ys wnhf HMYSnOUF GLASS ; V l ( n and o lr quolty plalo mrror. 9 ctoo Oo (rom brgll whto, * M3759 laln 1 eloor, joln gold, brgll, eloar r. brgll gold, btuhed ; J H M 60" ) 109 [.1 nckul and dork bronzo. 72" Heavy gougo olumnum K UMlru Jon>. Sdo mold aro H p a hollow 3w dvgn (or added Jlrcngl gl and tuppol, Groal. foroll sllco. Horage. ponlry, n porllom and clool? 48". 18"X80 WHTE 3-PANEL READY-TO -TO-ASSEMBE 1110(374428) l l Snnng ot NOBODY G VES Y O U AMORE WAYS TO CUSTOM >MZE -A S N G /4 CLEAR - 2-1/4" PRMED 2-1/4" PRMED P, j - * 3 PNE CASNG MDFCASNG ; MOf CAJ ASNG W61769) (326297) !ASE. $] /4" CLEAR 3-1/4" PRMED 3-1/4" PRMED P H * PNE BASE MDF BASE FBERBO) OARD BASE ( (549391) (549291) H f ; s y /8" PRMED 4-1/4" PRMED P 48": 18"X80" MAPU 3-UTE READY-TO 3-ASSEMBU A; PNE CROWN ** MDF CROWN - MDF CRC ROWN 121 l210( Starlng ol ( (411669) ( : MouUu<ghpkKlptflntdrHl..r..,.,. DOO«. / Mouro <> s K \ 3-9/16" CLEAR

63 \ r 269 F R E L E S S A R C H T S H 0 W E R R The bojt how ofsewq jgjh k Dllnclvo crown mouldng. rovorjble top h o o d o o lj afefeadone buln lowol bar. jmc smooth gldng 8 mllmetor heaver / e r C T h e a, EZ* Kleon track k ) yjlem ondjlto rra n ty. 54*-5 - T - 1 G U A R A N TEED BATH H U N E R N S T A U A T O N VC A U ;D E P»OT 0 1 f $ SHOWERHEAD Chrome. 2 jpray pomerns. j. (GCaZS) 1321 C3SE HTECURAL, kl * " FRAMELESS, K _ S SHOWE tverkead Chromo mo. 6 howerhoad. (517707) 07) lllllllllllllllllll n " SLVER TUB t u b e n c l o s u r. D O O R W r m Clear g la n h m m "SUM M ER m neludo 2 chrome q. BREEZE" GLASSS. lowol b a n 1! Or»e (aclory Chromo top and md h u 1 nlolled olumnun botom rock. f a r - ow olbor EZ Kleon* rock " m H H * Kleon* Botom j/mom. Trock wpo coq lfetme worranly v.lh o ponge / 2 - W. * * Ftlortdord opc >pcn /8-H! ngol57-59 W, 57 3/8*H [ lfolmo worranly - «* (589715) f *97 J 19 AMERCAN STANDARD" AMERCAS! TUB 5j3 AlOHA TUB W hlo porco jrcoort on jtoel. negrol kr md,d d.d. l /2 A.w. oght l of covt ron. Amercot moe loerol H holdng wolor lemperauro ond d reducng S? R g h lo rtfll tf hond L x.3 0 * W «! 5 -l/d /4-D. T o o l. u mnr>g l " wolor. ( ) (471 1( l SSSSP 9 s: S HP S ] 5 9 FARFAX* MULTFUNO JCTON SHOWERHEAD Chrome. 3 proy poll loltornj. ( r ht% $249 J $ 7 9 / / f t A ( WAGON WHEEL SHOWERHEAD Cl Chromo. Fxed mount detgn. (475196) 3. 1 s! Se SH 5= rsquart>sc> n - 1R S =R5 t " 3 16 YOU CAN op. T. VWE CAN HtU>.-»

64 ?a *5?. 6 M O NM T H S N O P A Y Y M E N T S, N OD N T E R E S T ON ANY PUR TJRCHASE OF 299 OR MORE MADE O N THE HOME DEPOT CONS vjsumer CREDT CARD. Shwt 699 UFETME 5-X32" NTGRAL APRON WHRLPOOL _ Acrylc 6 0 " L k 3 2 W x. 221 M / 2 " ) UFETME OROP-N WH1RLP< RLPOOL A cryk. 60:L x 36 "W x 19-: l9-3/4"d (5185U) r y jh329 / vf-. 3 RENASSANCE WHRUOOL 30L Wlto ocfylp. 60*L k 32-: )2-3 /4 "W * 19 3 / r D (3S020) f- O $ UFETME* WHRLPOOL W1..0 acrylc. 60 L x 32V l2 - W x 2 M /2 " 0 (518554) $ NEW COMFOR FORT JETS* U F E T M E C O R N E R Cculalo moro ore 1dlfued W HRLPOOL walcf lhouf)houl houl ho >ub Relaxng s ooy wtl. lo Comlof Jut. vo llnl yoor onlro (>ody and 0 (aclory nlallcd huol Qolor for ecc»u; : o 5oohlng wafnof. longer loav. Wlt, hto ccryhc. hydrom romakjgo. wlh molded (SQ3S3) 53). } All Lfelmo Whrlpools (eo n-homo jcrvcu Moro powerful Ul Doupur jook. Oulckcr opofoton!....r : a y > s l l F >=: :S5 m...,. n r a J r S l s, M «3 9 MASSAGE HANOSHOWER ft FUaSPR/ PRAY HANDSHOWER MASSAGE HANDSHOV 3WER RANDANCE HANDSHOWER 7, Chromo. 3 Jpfoy pollorn: g gunlle Wl Wl.lo,, P. Puh bulon reduco water How (or Chromo, 6 proy palo llorn, 6 0 hose. Ch Chromo. Ovurjzod Jproy (oce. 1. ()rqy. nlono lroom Of mo»ogo. mo cow o» ( bballng chldren ond pol. 86* Ko hoo. (760076) 5» 5 jpoy polcrn. 72 hoe ), 6 0 loo (4W781 (170610) A1 BAHROqMS 17 " M<nputchr<d*nthh#llon>Dt(ol(m (omunw CcH (»d M w d lom o»f» S««poje p. 2/ w ff td Pn -...

65 - f c - m - dp r0.,. * 2 9, TEAPOT BATH FAUCET 4" cenlur jol. C»omo lnl)l> (028S6) $ 9 9 WOODCRAFTtRS COLORADO VANTY WTTH TOP O ak. Fully ocmbled. 24-Wk B-D ) * OAK TR- VEW MEDCNE CABNET (952272) r Q O m o h * AFTON BATH FAUCET... 4 conlor lol. Chfomu fnjl S) M29 - KNGSTON VANTY Wllo lnjl. Fully a»»ernblod. Mopo lnlhed nloror wth conccolod lngs. 24-W k 18-D. (2168M1.. * X18- ( *169 36"X18" (390307) *39 24 TR.V1EW MEDCNE CABNET ( R E M O D E L Y O U R B A T H R O O M \ A F O R L E S S T H A N T S E A SY W T H NN --S T O C K C O L L E C T O N S f r o m g l a c e r b AY a Creolo your look wlkoul spon [ w n d fortune end wlllwul wolng another day. Toko homo lh» complfllq «bolhroom onomblo ond tronjlorm llal odnory baltc htoom nto jomelhnq o»lroordncr ncfy. All for o fluaronood low prse f P A C K A G E P R C N N G A. 1 8 FAUCET ( b 8 9 TOLET (292J 92295, ) 0 * 3 4 MBXONEO ECABNET (535230) D. 7 9 VANTY (7B ) + / TOTAL P> PACKAGE A N D EUER ! N J B 18 YOUCANDOr. M T. WE CAN HER- *S«po9c2/ le 2/ h lelo

66 6 MONT THS N O PAYf rments, N O NTEREST b O F O R M O RE M ADE E OC N THE H O M E DEPOT C O r :r P E G A S U S. ; T O THE H O M E DEPOT CAUOONA 30" O N A N Y PURCHASE O F S p e c a l O r d e r jf.w A N D EXCLUSVE TC a (fuullully land-curvod dou!ou<ls u Fully ();vnblcd s Anortcd Jlylo lor conlempo nporury unc old wrld clurn 0 Ducoralvn lngu, knob one ond londloj 1 All wood and wood vcnour lur. y Dolvcftd lo your lomo wll vlln 7 lo 10 doy M>n [Mlwud wh h«kma Deool ComuTw (om (tdt (a m n w d pm c«*f S««pc po9«(«key (rftkm f- HH ;ONSUMER CREDr CARD VANTY COMBO Clurry {nltcd Old J World tylu vcnlty. Hand-cacvcd detals. j 2 tquaru rased panol ( doors. Sold wood, j and wood vuoor / conslruclon. (<66J9r T T 1 ~ M 39 j COORADO VANTY WHH H T TOP HERTAGE EURO VANT VNry [(Cnum ovol culluffd marl COMBO 10() nclydpd To >.dotlcd,,1 Dolo" drower Fulv llv cosm.?j490. brd M lror 211/2 l / 2 W x-- Also avdtbk- c< whle.?4«h51? /2 " H Vanty. 2<1"W 2 «8 D «31 H ll7.j7fl 47H T. : J - 1 n 9 5. MONTEREY OAK VANTY Ook llh. Mapo lnshc shed nlq ror wlh lull/ adjusoblo lo ton- «ealod hnges. Fully osso ssemblod. 3 0 * 2 1. (576410) / - :lr.. l Z Z J M MONTEREY MAPE VANTl JTY SANDALWOOD VANTY Comlorl leghl. Fully ajfl jom: Furnlufo stylo too >0 k.ck. k full bled, lurgo capffy. mo moolh overlay door(s) and drowors,.gldng drowm Con««ol jolod ". 424J?3 lj?3l odjuslom-. hnges 30- «21- (6101 jul T» r 6 9 FU a DOOR VANTY TY COMBO nteror s muplo fnsh l for uqjy eloon!r*g, Top ncluded W * 32"H k K K 10-D. (784100)...- T r L l, r _,

67 F R E E E-Gf T C A FRD U TO THE HOME DEPOTS r BY MAL-N REBATE WTH W, A N Y KTCHEN CABNET PURCHASE PU O V ER 5 2,0 0 0 FS FR O M 7 / 6 TH RO U GH 7 / /0 6.* * 1 - P T O M50( 0. d S f e - -* - 3 PRtCNG STARS AT EXCLUSVE T0UPU8O<A$E vseam ount gft caso receve T H O M AVSVLLE S C A M D E N M VUVPLE / B R E R W O O D PURCHASt 20C otft CARD M83" PER LNEAR lear n Rd. wood lonc ofq o Tlomajvllo* KjlmOfk. Brng r>g them *o your ktehcn wth,. PURCHASE *300aFTCASD Cabnolry Cotndcfl Moplo door jt;ho n Brorvnsod JnK, Get greot X10- ONLY94r ««S = : ; l l ; : stylo S foo, wr our ereolvo occmtoret decoratve lofl, llulod oceefll PUROtASE MOC Gtrr CARO or>d gla doofj. 3rs. Avotablo n 14 moplo ortd 7 chorr) wrry lnho. PURCHASE PLU S a n CARD 70 YOU CAN DO rt WE CAN NEU*.- When pvkhmfd ntd wth hc Ume flcpol (omumc (td Ccd «d«fol lems opplf Stepj 7/lolertfd tdttens "BowonoulOlOunvtlxU lcl«n S«n»olofJeloh Volldonwnlc(c<e: only (Ml mldr ludnj dclrref, wlfj m or nvodaon) or ho Home D([ol US ton. too. Ktwon. Pvelo 0 Cj (<<0. USVL Kot rcdo w Dtjgn (tnter No (led ll ojle leluted See reboe fom lot det s. e. A f a C

68 .WCNCSARSAT... $ PER LNEAR FRE EE " S N K C A B h < B A S E O R N E T H A R D W A R E 2 2 / 5 10X 10ONLYS7 PER RMONH* J (UP TO * VAUEJ WTTH PURCHASE OF loouaor KfK R A F T M A D ORE CABNHS. BUY 18 OR MORE RE. CABNETS >AND Al RECEVE BOTH THE FREE FRF R E E M O N T B R C H N. CABNET HA HARDWARE AND THE FREE SNK K B> BASE C Hf O C O L A T E G L f t Z :e E. cclo. lean llno dolvor a lrad>tlonal y sophstcaled >opl P H ktchen. Freemont s o( o lll the Dstnctons Colleclon, ova volow exclusvely ot The Home Depot. m Also ovoloblo n calhedrol styl,tylo m Square veneer recessed panel door Wllh 1 /2 " overlay P erform as torage orgonzoto ton 0( optons ovalable PRCN< :NG STARTS AT H 6 2 ", K M 24C PE PER UNEAR FT. 4O l0x 10 r ONLY *34 [4 PER-MONT P MLLS S P R D E C L A S S C W H T E - - Combmo closslcal cal stylng wlh _ modern lochnology.. G< Ganlly orchcd B... dcxr (nthod n a ] durable moto wlo lnh, Enhonco n-lc -stock cobnot wlh specol-ordar opor >Monslkeo1o» door} ond pcedrow p ers a S B \ V Greot For clotelt. laundry lour rooms, offce storage ) and or both, too Easy»y to otsemble r «a (Wt<\M/7?/06tn txmh/;7/06 Put<74 10(11 rot vdntw. c(nnu.tlm lon hcrncrt, lcftmod, mcko Woodral a fte ; rncmcntldulrllm ;l l(«cdmtt (oncf o lt«w bow up to o S09<tluc M B.Yl8»r»;.ccnn. ntn 01U K«cnJ K tnt oth the fw lon l«ss«tond hossr n Nttnurttne (Um: lrc tunsoe ko«t«j» m put ot ld pn dmrf nrfndctt o H w:tk[rec<soab cbeto. WcKWoH sphdellt K.SvtnSnl. K H L, W, J, UA Sw Sup. <ol«n«30s,. 33S, :S.36S B 3aSlS.3nS.cnd3S1: 3S1S. cl v toum n on ntjottuns sa»v,<( An : nflmh OHaraUlt bbbous en)rutwl<alttntdnohlbnoftd(j AdllFO l H * OcvT((««WonVf xv,kmonl:>sftwalcb«(cllmdnm(ctf. > rrt«(wn t Anvnon Woorrol. cnj FnrM (cbncj n Putls W sho ;!: n s t aala l l T O N S E R VCES NOBODY REMODELS Rl MORE KTC( Updoto your cobr sbnolj, countertops and more Wlho U B lftng o lngur. Our nowock of lcensed prolussonc wll nsloll your <u custom desgn lo perfocton, And d w guoranloe all work, r C H E N S B B B B B -W(ftC.rt»ttrrhf1k«VBcp6tfSrBW BftSerrSJrrtfrAlWJ tfrnrrjpfrtsrrojr ;!CMe)S«([no(llog«flnlee(«tBls «ta.ls. BmtdmcMlOlO-empfeh.U cn SMStaefudetofv Coucon, ltun, cnfan f(toxn ond mollcton >;«cttrfnnm<fnmylr fdoosfyfe,w fe, START TODAY: \Y; V lsrt Y O U R lc local STORE.1 rl r.t.mmlclfo-, r. lall KlCll

69 E B E m : BENNA NAB. r mmm ) sr-c som lorcfcfl PRCE Jt JENN-AK AR* 30- DUAL- FUELDOt DOUBLEOVEN WHCO CONVECTON m 1.22 Cu Fl. upper - H. ovon. 4.0Cu, Fl. lov.er ll.-vt bolc/bro brol oven wtl> j., MulllMod vodo convotton. ;DRB895A 95AAS Drpo D.c<t504l11) D> H., OVER-THE-RANGEMCROWAVE n $ c n >, 10 PtR MONH* 6 Cu; Ft. 1,000 wot 10 pow lower levflu. [XCU :US1VEMAYTAG* LEGACY" SERES LEGACr SERES EXCU ClUSVEMAYTAG* LEGAOT SERES MC060UW ( CANS NSTERVACUUM kcuum CARPE RPETCl ANER,.Stote5,Kl(rrt.W--t;n)«"0l(nt Va.loL tloblo peod 2-omp motor Powor. CTtAYAC ) tem. -Z Empty 20tr omp molor. Hootod cleanng. nozxe cxe Hoor brurvvllt hoadloll. (535 - Aulo«lOdetergcnl mxng jylem. (53508 JM84)... Vlenpurh uhnd va he Mm Orb Cotwfe.Oal (odj 09/06/06c 06 c«j KfTrt $W (nh Uxk by monutatwo nojfl $ f ur lof-j. Swpogc V lo<jccjs "&;/ onelj 1 clfma GlnhMnlx hehww 0/l)//0& end :rwn cnte onmr SO 00. Olfc nu wue lunmknt un Noran(ht<UnubtuTc<vW<; 1 YOU CAN DO rr, Wt * CAN o HER- telhn l«l<»h ES EXCLUSVEMAYTAG* LE BAGESS UPRGHTVAO * f er, ONlY 17 17PERMOH*... NEW EXCLUSVECE* h 30 FREE :ree-standng ELfCTRC FRCRANGE Radlon eoolop. Supor-lo ovon. eopocty lety. JBS54WLWW (Depot >1OKl O> ) -3 ONLY13 13 PtRMONH* Excusr USVEGEFREE. STANDh DNGRANGE Plotlojj o» gnton. * CcorVc rvov/* wndow. JGBS17P) t7pfkww Drpol Dll OK ) NU0»eCtw f* M 3 9 EXCLUSVEMAGCCHEF* B h H E ( 4 9 Bu 1 : 1 E ) CCLUSVE GE JLT-N DSHWASHER Glont ml lub wlh doluxo copocly rockng QootP etpowor* 1ound pockogo. CH0A4 3A470MWW(O«po DxKl Q m ; W bnly13p RMON MAYTAf j SHOP ONL >99 EXCUS USVEBADGER* PLUS S HP. # MAL-NREBATE" lagedsposer, W W ONLY >23 PtR MONTH-. unco ehopbor L G SEM M-NTEGRATED 1=3 efy. Golvan.od BULT-N N DSHWASHER eonnrucon, Supor quot LoDeebel opcfoton. 6-vrtuh ey ** ) wlh dgtal ]l e. eonlrou, DFSelST(DepotDoKf 14 s s a a 5 x p - a GARBA 24-oun eopoet HOMEDE )EP9T.COM ted ec LNE ANYTM :... S t l-p r. H ==* an=r= E3M 3 /\vta (; j y ;. - y u l th. - s - ;83 38S.. - ll j..5= ; :=S - s a

70 WASHER oa O R Y R 7 9 9»* J ONY 23 PER MONTH* Of O N Y *19 PER M ONTH *..SOMAllNllEBAf. PU PUS SSO MAL N l g LG 5 -C Y C le F R OD h N T -L O A D W A S H E R A N D DR 3RYER l bundry par odds ease ) and am peoco B m, 1 of mnd wlh nlollgent fabrc c< * Lorgo eopacty wnlar dru LoOocbol Qoet Sysom. 5 Dryor foolvro electronc controls.. J automatc senor dry for ntol!g«jnl / fabrc coro: WM8UCW(Dcpo0r«l U0.d9; 3493). - VD112514W Dcpot OKK 1435B *, STACKABLE Optono drowor podetlols or>d Or>d lackng,, Lt (vdloblo at oddtonot cost R 5 = 5 «b 8 S s S S 8 H CTMAVrAR _ J - SHCR. DRYER * r OKRWCNTH a-»y l 4 Y l 3 r a M C N H - >v SUPERCAMOTYVtf r WASHER AND EXTtA LASGE DRYER V.C11. cyclo. 2 dry cycloj. S. { -l/0. DetxH D»k ) AS?W, On*.. D.« ) J N r - FREE GFT CAR BUT A MAXNt APPUANCE ATTHE T FOlOWNG AMOUNTS ANO RECBVE RK A HOME DEPOT G(Ft CARD BY rmah-m M> REBATE 07/06 THROUGH OT/30, / 3 0 / 0 6. S299-S496 $2SGFTC/ TCARO H S S50 GFT TCAltD O S747 - S996 S75 GFT-C/ T-CARD S997-S1496 S100G1FTC CARD $1497-S996 SSOGFTC CARD S1997-PUJS $200G C CARD 6 MONTHS- NO PAYMENT! NO NTEREST ON ANY PURCHASE Of 529«OR MORE ON KE HOME OEP KPOT CONSUMER CR OfT CARD. $55 DELVERS RY REBATE" ON AU APPUANCE PURCHASES SS OF S299 0RM0ft.0FRRVAlE AlD >.. BY.MAl-N REBATE. n H N WASHES * o a.y 7 r[r w o t.! 1 M > E DRYER * CMYl7rtRM>H* - WASHER n 0 9 < CN ly O lftrho EXCLUSVE MAYTAG* ;* U LEGACYWASHER AND DRYER LG XL CAPACm DopodobloCleon wo wash ystom. WASHER AND GenlcSjooze dryng sysom.,dol-a-cyclool MAV20B0AWW (5139, 19. Depot 0;<ocl5U20U... Aulomotc Sens MOE308AYW ,0 17, Ovpot 0;r« WM2277H5 Dcp -. OlE5977SDepot n/dr/l 01 n«ltot» ltc* CcfTuH(n «(m<(cd SnmvP/lcttw tnml)krm*s«me7<>crdc«h "V«pn74to 7 d r K M M r < c Gw M ad/a f t [utccv (l<o nme a d n R tote M M b crc «:> nte [

71 sxm s E m J E S ONY 17 tr MONH" 18.2 c u.n. TOP-FREEZER REFRGERATOR Voeable ok! <u crspcr Grllo (Joo lungu Dolux <un;l do.jjn. _ 7?7.m\ $ f OJlY 1? lk MONTH*! fxcluslvf AOMRAl ,0 CU. FT TOP-FREEZER REFRGERATOR Foclofynuollod Ccmok-f.Cloaf dory eonpolmunt lr?1l2ahw D.-,«jl>-cr.W701?. -xmmm O. n s 9 9 E r ONLY 40 rermonjr G 26.0 cu. FT. TTANUM REFRGERATOR Aulomoe es mokur LoDcebol <u*u lycn. lfsc269?5r DcpoD,«a2r?t WATER AND CE DSPENSER Dgtal ED Olploy, conrcs wl clld lock 34- rou CANDOtr. T. WE w CAN HEP.- 0 M A Y $ 9 < 99 f QNLY -28 Pt 9 PER MONtH MAYT/ TAG** ULTRA H STEEL L SDE-BY-SDE : H REFRG GERATOR n Hoclory nlollod culu. cuhcd co Old wolur dpvntor wll a. uflclcon- MS02650K DKtU lofxj Uc.x.OVQ) 25 6Cu «.Dfldra druwv l Fnyo Mognel wrfocc D WATER DSPENSER PurCluan an rulroctoblc Fllor. - 1 CE ANO V ]; } J B HOTPO DNT < 8 9 D O 7 70NY 25 PER MONtr $ f l ONLY22 PER mon aonh HOTPON NT 25.0 CU. FT. G 9 EXCLUSVE 25.0.O Ccu. FT.. SLVER Ml METAlC R V M k m SDE-BY-SDE REFRGERATOR SOE-BY-S r-sde REFRGERATOR St R kc. FrolGuord lucln eelmology. Doluxo Extornol ll lempcrouo controls. Cl quol dotgn. (Depol D;«4502W) HSM25CF CFTSA [V X>1 Olrml ] <f*rtdmllcjw(!rt (7 JJwclrwtn*/ fl Wojt lr,rtrr> "CHn «W7/J1/ Uth W 04 t snjfl ctat Kf erf c rtn p J (n) S.So luw, KOS cn, bhm u mu> kt< o uck bb;.» mub OS. bljol cytc>thcr«>teltn< ; tn* (TO (nrt.r>c Srt rfctt bm ta dcct-o rt.aa «funnro(fv(x>«>ounssslnrf! Ea n.vu cn mtd tu(tc.n (na nbvq dth vjn U.-. W.! e.). m Of «! rfdrun 0 Dn-T Dw, (trff Xsrrl J cfft S«trtrt ots no lo k $n[o23f3d>)oh FREE GFT CAR vrd! BUY A MAJORAPPUANCE AT FOUOWNO AMOUNTS AND DRECEfVE R A HOME DEPOT GFUARD BY )YMAl-N A REBATE 07/06 THROUGH 07/3< 7/30/06. S299-S496 S25GFTC CARD S497-S746- SSO GFTC CARD $ S75GFTC CARD $ $100CFT CARD $ S150GFT< CARD Plus $200 GFT CARD. 6 MONTHS NO PAYMENT NONTERES =ST ON ANY PURCHASE OF ST 5299 OR M0«ON THE HOME DEPOT DC CONSUMER CREDT CARD $55 DELVER REBATE" ;ry ON ANY APUANa PURCH> OF S299 OR MORE. OFFER VAgD W BY MAUN REBAre. M

72 @ L G r *24 ONY >63 PCRK fr MONTH B -O CU. FT. FRENCH m D O O R: R REFRGERATOR P WTH C CE AND WATER M Tll-A-Drow tfowor botlom freezor B v H B <<door bokols ba> (3 door Qollon txo. BHH t moll) ) ond dory corner B t f l n Exlcrnal ll ct co ond water dpener wh n j a j premum m w. wolor {roton lystem FX25940S (Depol (De OlKl ) M a g c C h e f 1 SMOOTH TOUCH OGrfAL P P P U - TEMPERATURE CONTROL ; -.*- - Eaturo pr«to cte tomperolure,. control n tho ; ;efrgorolor ond frwzof f comportmenlt. C» YOUR CHOCE : * o n, 13PERMONH* EXCLUSVE MAGC CHEf HEF* 50 BOTTl BULT-N VtflNE COOL R Free londng or Bult-lt t-ln. MCWC50DQT (502384) EXCLUSVE MAGC C Cl CHEF* BULT-N BEVERAGE 3E < COOLfR Storo up lo ozcons Auto defrol. nlerot MCBC580DBT ( 02484) L Q o : l q PLUS $50 PUS SlOO > O n n MAL-N REOATE O T TONLV 25 P R MONTf- NH*.. >JY31 PER MONTH* H 7 Q f Q f MAJL-N REBATE ONLY45 FtR MONTH n c G 22.0 CU. FT. eottom FREEZER :ZER REFRGERATOR GE* CUANSTHEl" J CU. FT. BOnOM- FREEZER REFRCERATC ATOR WTH CEMAKER LG 25.0 cu. C FT. FRENCH OOOR REFRlGER SERATOR n 3 9 M ;-S?2WW (Depot Dfoct ) fc!( rttynvlollod CulomCubo > co Hcr LoDcebol bporolon, OcpotDrKl579lS) ) Uplforr llumnolccj d c< conlrol. FocorynjloHw camakor,, GDL20KCSaS Gt FSC2S27< S27A0ST (Depot Dlrecl 378S9) CutlomC. mcubo~ oulomalc co maker. coplur 0occolorood freezng Functon. EXCLUSVE MAGC CHEP HEF* 4.4 CU. FT. REFRGERATC MOR Adjutoble qo» holvn> vng, ;-fe-<oo ht llome Depot Cccura (edl(od (lod tutodtnm Sn[»7Mc on U ttd tcrtn **B<;jone9U«!Crt(n9«fC!obet» M 06/07/06 nd 09/04/7004 onl «m. -Full rongo lomporoluro < control. cl. n era t2cle pm(mm. Muxr tocnun tl e otnour. SV) Ou Dn «u«ln W bu. No ton <h«l( cr utmmon c. Sc«ScctMlcrrafalcoA. n BwcnellGn} MCBR445W (196446) t-*rff06/0//06 an) 0?/06/?006 unte nltmm$oomru>k lnnnrttentnracr WWBH. *Wr trt»«btttrt 5W 00-Wn wwh owmswtetet Nowdwhotnfatwom m., "rttetlcrntov Av-.-otn.l W M:.o APPA l

73 M mm SZ STC ORAGESOLUJTO N S THAT CGVE YOU M< \O R E R O O M TTO G R O W r, S. f e : H 1 ll 16 YOU CAN DO T. T, WE canhep.- [ _ K.. :. f l H HOLDS UP TO 4,000 POUNDS Durable, aad oxtfemcly eoy lo ntlall b v j m m3 91 *174 - : m AS SHOWN a? f WORKFORCE E SYSTEM p 5 Eoy lo o»»omblo. Eoy ly lo l confguro. Sol tlown nclude udcj 5 S 5-lolf toogo unl,, 3-lalf lorago cobncl ond 30* basn cobnel. b Eoty lo am(mble-no 10 lool r ruqurod l ded for gofugo, ban toomukl or ulllly room g s largo lorago copaelh.eley 53? A. * SHElf STOR Of(AGE CABNET(S30046) O B.* " BASE CAB :ABNET( C 3 9 8"5-SHEUV J VENTUTEOstorage UN(T ) ALSO SHOWN...t 5 9 AL-NONEUnU mutytubkft(763b14}j

74 9E ol oragc. 0 S g. 1HOSE HOOK { Froo op moro lloor»po and ooly. FF" TRPLf S-HOOK (508548) RUBBERMAD MAKES T E> EASY T O R LAM YOUR SFPACE 8 9 H RUBBERMA MADLARGE DECK BOX 3XWnHSEAT 2 form 0 RUBB6RAAA0* ROUGH TOTES* V-J <,ullof> (20? GAUON ) 2 fos20 t 0.Ollor* toolng or sorvng Q spoco combned w 54 CAUON )2 FOR* ) t f T K T t./h RUBBERAMD A. M l : 0 nlfodocng FAST-TRACK [SYSTEM lo foj on* J b. 8 ond lloxblo J.97, - goroge Jlorogo tololo.lon hol uses your VYoll lor vofleol: FNDTH THE STORE NEAREST YOU ; j M B M. HOMED! edepot.c o m -o r -d o D-79DEPOT BUY SOW, PAY LATER WTH EASY f CREDT *Xn OkS d l TtnsK No PajmtfL No ntetl Ct Crt(Bt S > Olln: (Ofl (Offtf Mt ovoa wlt m H»a«0 Otp«>» Rtoadt!t MN ln ttk v ) rhana E CHjUtCES O 0(0*0 (to a tu dot* of podt. wdrs* oad o l 0((nNd o«n rhana CHARCS w9l b t om*d M*dto _ vear Ahom lom lor tn M tlr proon tood pnled H «wrcfcawt {bdodba pttr bas let ople M X ll «t h fol btloco tbtnd tta d o l lb«kpwtl M tkhj ptfod w l yo«loa lo M*y k > M r OMy voty by offor. Sm»p*<fl( ol df.ohnubmnaxlorpoycl APRpuxhc whcm K V ;B 4 21% ord % lo>puxhnn ol $7,000 n raeor low S A S? lloram*! «rcorwtw((*(o,d htwwllbclcapro. tvno ol S7.000 S3 0. more. 19%. M.n,,,y. flnan ]h-te gflm flk SlM. <HABGE E S1.00. S APR lor pwloscv 17.99% 1% ond P 13.99%d. la pucfmn ol 57,000 o. mac on *e KPO )-tk Dc U t l W jr CwH (cnum numtf (n (ad. 1l«Delout Coc APR lu pul - u / n ols7.000«r )o rwx 17.99%. Wun (HANa CHAR & Sl.OO.Sn >n (vd ogrrfflcf b densh. dn n lot nhvjuck, duck, ml mhom m v MOnftftncK (ncle ol VMKqwcd mfflufn norrfly pcncnr, <nr,crd. nvmfnyo or you hm no cjrslmg htlcme. md«no obond Wcj(W.hm.tetro rou per Sc mnrun poymtn [7 ftwwfrntf.l nvf.ldc 1 (toe sxhmof monlh, oul Hat you do nol nw orty omhond xd ct l( m 56" FAST TOACK HANGNG RAl lal [508097) JUntfTBtfw wwn matt* pumfrn moy wy 1hr.» puf* pujmbft POWER TOOL HOLDER ) owonmof 10 te Homt Dw Ctmumn Credrt (md TKUSr r oour 10% PRCE GUARAKTE s(tee UnUTY HOOK (508414) (flbwprntronjcrtd.nodwnttcfnjxf OrttKt mahfemtrdbcclsly CT. {uu«(fctrne,)t nt.mof to mfce. na od nudtfao, da K v<d rtot rttftn. [cursblatt talhc/uftraxt omtpwdb jtm bf ll«hocwdetn outoncd njeqefdtn mmat <n laknnlnu nunh l((n«nunheld[»o>ont)tmelho ol Home A.k.:U/;86936SS01<B001(): OR<9SB KNWO<O95}0.M/3773O.ND/79O73ll). Cwwral mtthc towkt trxn mcry vty >H 7/17/7006 hce A oremolevonc t vonoftck<tommoh««j(wrt). Wo rn«v«,tt,r5hr th* n.. lotmm) mrnw 10 tht omou wmnntl» fw homcgnw nwond 1 MegAaon Kflww «tomtn. t n ou po<y to rw mrfw, m«h o<(«l«o*ert drtftnng. n he Mftt ol on to, wt vnl mol«rr **5 moralt efort cflo lg o((ommod3e (M <uuomh. Pcoh 01 ( podwt moror jrony w»l*le 01 vto«e Horrw DC. ht nmtd. rrtd. Ob VOVl OUKJOB MOSAG SOlUrONS Nsvus. V OM[n-OtcOM < SORAC (RACE J7

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