Estar is used with adjectives to describe how people feel, both mentally and physically.

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1 GUIA DE ESTUDIO. ESPAÑOL I Lección ESTAR WITH CONDITIONS AND EMOTIONS ESTAR is used to talk about how you feel and to say where people, places and thing are located. Also ESTAR is used with adjectives to talk about certain emotional and physical conditions. Estar is used with adjectives to describe the physical condition of places and things. La ventana está abierta. El carro está sucio. Estar is used with adjectives to describe how people feel, both mentally and physically. Pilar está triste. Yo estoy feliz THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. The present progressive consists of the present tense of the verb to be ( Estar ) and the progressive of the main verb. The present progressive describe an action that is in progress at the time the statement is made. To form the present participle of regular ar verbs, add -ando to the stem. To form the present participle of regular er and ir verbs, add iendo to the stem: Bailar (drop the infinitive ending and add ando ) = Bailando. Comer (drop the infinitive ending and add iendo ) = Comiendo Escribir. = Escribiendo Estoy bailando. (I am dancing.) Estamos escuchando música. (We are listening music.) El está comiendo. (He is eating ) Ellos están escribiendo. (They are writing) When the stem of -er and ir verbs ends in a vowel, the present participle ends in yendo. Leer = leyendo Oír = oyendo Traer = trayendo. The verbs (Ir, poder, and venir) have irregular present participle: Ir = yendo, Poder = pudiendo, Venir = viniendo.

2 -ir verbs with stem change will also have change in the participle. Ex; Dormir = durmiendo Pedir = pidiendo Servir = sirviendo Reflexive pronouns can either precede estar or be attached to the participle. Add an accent when the reflexive pronoun is attached to the participle. José se está vistiendo. Jose is getting dressed. José está vistiéndose SER and ESTAR The following charts summarize the key differences in usage between ser and estar. Uses of ser Nationality and places of origin: Mario es Argentino Profession or occupation: Francisco es medico. Characteristics of people and things: El clima de Puerto Rico es agradable. Generalilzations:!Es fabuloso viajar! Possession: Son las llaves de don Francisco. What something is made of: La bicicleta es de metal. Time and date: Hoy es martes. Son las dos. Where or when an event takes place: La conferencia es a las seis. Uses of estar Location or spatial relationships: Tu habitación esta en el tercer piso. Health: Cómo estas? Estoy bien, gracias. Physical states and conditions: El profesor está ocupado. Emotional states: Marisa está feliz hoy. Certain weather expressions: Está lloviendo. Ongoing actions (progressive tenses): Ana está leyendo una novela. SER AND ESTAR WITH ADJECTIVES With many descriptive adjectives, ser and estar can both be used, but the meaning will change. Juan es delgado. Juan is thin. Juan está más delgado hoy. Juan looks thinner today.

3 In the example above, the statements with ser are general observations about the inherent qualities of Juan. The statements with estar describe conditions that are variable. Here are some adjectives that change in meaning when used with ser and estar. With ser El chico es listo The boy is smart. Las peras son verdes. The pears are green. El gato es muy vivo. The cat is very lively. El puente es seguro. The bridge is safe. With estar El chico esta listo. The boy is ready. Las peras están verdes. The pears are no tripe. El gato esta vivo. The cat is alive. El puente esta seguro. He s not sure. 5.4 DIRECT OBJECT NOUNS AND PRONOUNS Subject Verb Direct object noun Alex y Javier están tomando fotos. Alex y Javier are taking photos. Direct object noun receives the action of the verb directly and generally follows the verb. In the example above, the direct object noun answers the question What are Javier and Alex taking? When a direct object noun in Spanish is a person or a pet, it is preceded by the word a. This is called the personal a; there is no English equivalent for this construction. Don Francisco visita a la señora Ramos. Don Francisco is visiting Mrs. Ramos. Don Francisco visita el Hotel Prado. Don Francisco is visiting the Hotel Prado. In the first sentence above, the personal a is required because the direct object is a person. In the second sentence, the personal a is not required because the direct object is a place, not a person.

4 Direct object pronouns Me me Te you Lo you; him; it La you; her nos - us os - you los you, them las you, them Direct object pronouns are words that replace direct object nouns. Like English, Spanish sometimes uses a direct ;object pronoun to avoid repeating a noun already mentioned. Direct object Direct object pronoun Maribel hace las maletas Maribel las hace. Vicky tiene la llave Vicky la tiene. In affirmative sentences, direct object pronouns generally appear befote the conjugated verb. In negative sentences, the pronoun is placed between the word no and the verb. Adela practica el tenis. Adela lo practica. Adela no tiene las llaves. Adela no las tiene. When the verb is an infinitive construction, such as ir a + (infinitive), the direct object pronoun can be placed before the conjugated form or attached to the infinitive. Lidia quiere ver una película. Lidia la quiere ver. Lidia quiere verla. When the verb is in the present progressive, the direct object pronoun can be placed before the conjugated form or attached to the present participle. Toni está mirando el partido. Toni lo está mirando. Toni está mirándolo. Lección NUMBERS 101 AND HIGHER 101 ciento uno mil 200 doscientos/as mil cien 300 trescientos/as dos mil 400 cuatrocientos/as cinco mil 500 quinientos/as cien mil 600 seiscientos/as doscientos mil 700 setecientos/as quinientos cincuenta mil 800 ochocientos/as un millón (de) 900 novecientos/as ocho millones (de)

5 The Lumber 200 through 999 agree in gender with the nouns they modify. 324 bolsas Trescientos veinticuatro bolsas. The word mil, which can mean a thousand and one thousand, is not usually used in the plural form when referring to number. Un millón (a million or one million), has the plural for millones in which the accent is dropped zapatos faldas de clientes Mil zapatos veinticinco mil faldas dos millones de clients To express a more complex number, string together its component parts cincuenta y cinco mil cuatrocientos veintidós 6.2. INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS Indirect objects are nouns or pronouns that receive the action of the verb indirectly: Subject I.O. pronoun Verb Direct Object Indirec Object Roberto le presta cien pesos a Luisa Roberto lends 100 pesos to Luisa. An indirect object is a noun o pronoun that answers the question to whom or for whom an action is done. In the preceding example, the indirect object answer his question: A quien le presta Roberto cien pesos? To whom does Roberto lend 100 pesos? Singular me - (to, for) me te (to, for) you le (to, for) you (to, for) him INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS Plural nos - (to, for) us os - (to, for) you les (to, for) you (to, for) them Spanish speakers commonly use both an indirect object pronoun and the noun to which it refers in the same sentence. This is done to emphasize and clarify to whom the pronoun refers. I.O.pronoun Indirect Object. Ella le vende la ropa a Elena. Indirect object pronouns are also used without the indirect object noun when the person for whom the action is being done is known. Ana le presta la falda a Elena Ana lends her skirt to Elena. Indirect object pronouns are usually placed before the conjugated form of the verb. In negative sentences the pronoun is placed between no and the conjugated verb.

6 Eva no me escribe cartas. Eva dosen t write me letters. When a conjugated verb is a followed by and infinitive or the present progressive, the indirect object pronoun may be placed before the conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive or present participle. El no quiere pagarte. El no te quiere pagar. He does not want to pay you. He does not want to pay you. Because the indirect object pronouns le and les have multiples meanings, Spanish speakers often clarify to whom the pronouns refer with the preposition a + (pronoun) or a + (noun). Unclarified statement Clarified statement Yo le compro un abrigo. Yo le compro un abrigo a el/ella/usted. Yo les compro un abrigo. Yo les compro un abrigo a ellos/ellas/ustedes. The irregular verb dar (to give), as well as decir, are often used with indirect object pronouns. Dar Yo doy Nosotros/as damos Tú das Vosotros/as dais El da Ustedes/ellos/ellas dan Mi abuela me da muchos regalos. My grandmother gives me lots of gifts PRETERITE TENSE OF REGULAR VEBS. In order to talk about events in the past, Spanish uses two simple tenses: the preterite and the imperfect. Preterite of regular ar, er, and ir verbs Comprar Vender Escribir Yo compré / Ibought vendí / sold escribí / wrote Tú compraste vendiste escribiste Usted/el/ella compró vendió escribió Nosotros/as compramos vendimos escribimos Vosotros/as comprasteis vendisteis escribisteis Ustedes/ellos/ellas compraron vendieron escribieron The endings for regular er and -ir verbs are identical in the preterite. Note that the nosotros/as forms of regular ar and ir verbs in the preterite are identical to the present tense forms. Context will help you determine which tense is being used.

7 En invierno compramos la ropa en la tienda de la universidad. In the winter, we buy clothing at the university stores. -Ar and er verbs that have a stem change in the present tense are regular in the preterite. They do not have a stem change. Present Preterite Cerrar (e:ie) La tienda cierra a las seis. La tienda cerró a las seis. Volver (o:ue) Carlos vuelve tarde. Carlos volvió tarde. Jugar (u:ue) El juega al fútbol. El jugó al fútbol. Verbs that end in ar and zar have a spelling change in the first person singular (yo form) in the preterite. Buscar bus qu- yo busqué Llegar lleg gu- yo llegué Empezar empezó- c- yo empecé Except for the yo form, all other forms of car, -ger and zar verbs are regular in the preterite. Three other verbs creer, leer, and oír have spelling changes in the preterite. The i of the verb endings of creer, leer, and oír carries an accent in the yo, tú, nosotros/as and vosotros/as forms, and changes to y in the usted/el/ella and ustedes/ellos/ellas. Creer cre- creí, creíste, creyó, creímos, creísteis, creyeron Leer le- leí, leíste, leyó, leímos, leísteis, leyeron Oír o- oí, oíste, oyó, oímos, oísteis, oyeron Ver is irregular in the preterite, but none of its forms has an accent. Ver vi, viste, vio, vimos, visteis, vieron Words commonly used with the preterite anoche / las night pasado/a (adj.) / last; past anteayer / the day before el año pasado / last year yesterday la semana pasada / last week ayer / yesterday una vez / once; one time de repente / suddenly dos veces / twice; two times desde hasta / from until ya / already Acabar de + (infinitive) is used to say that something has just occurred. Note that acabar is in the present tense in this construction. Acabo de comprar una falda. I just bought a skirt.

8 6.4. DEMOSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS In Spanish as in English, demonstrative adjectives are words that demonstrate or point out nouns. Demonstrative adjectives precede the nouns they modify and, like other Spanish adjectives you have studied, agree with them in gender and number. Esta camisa aquellos zapatos ese vendedor This shirt those shoes that salesman Demostrative Adjectives Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine este esta estos estas this; these ese esa esos esas that; those aquel aquella aquellos aquellas that; those There are three sets of demonstrative adjectives. To determine which one to use, you must establish the relationship between the speaker and the noun (s) being pointed out. The demonstrative adjectives este, esta, estos, and estas are used to point out nouns that are close to the speaker and the listener. The demonstrative adjectives ese, esa, esos, and esas are used to point out nouns that are not close in space and time to the speaker. They may, however, be close to the listener. The demonstrative adjectives aquel, aquella, aquellos, and aquellas are used to point out nouns that are far away from the speaker and the listener. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS Demonstrative pronouns are identical to their corresponding demonstrative adjectives, with the exception that they carry an accent mark on the stressed vowel. Quieres comprar este suéter? No, no quiero éste. Quiero ése. Do you want to buy this sweater? No, I don t want this one. I want that one. Demonstrative Pronouns Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine éste ésta éstos éstas ése ésa ésos ésas aquél aquélla aquéllos aquéllas There are three neuter demonstrative pronouns: esto, eso, and aquellos. These forms refer to unidentified or unspecified nouns, situations, ideas, and

9 concepts. They do not change in gender or number and never carry an accent mark. Qué es esto? Eso es interesante Aquello es bonito. What s this? That s interesting. That s pretty. Lección REFLEXIVE VERBS A reflexive verb is used to indicate that the subject does something to or for himself or herself. In order words, it reflects the action of the verb back to the subject. Reflexive verbs always use reflexive pronouns. Lavarse (to wash oneself) Yo me lavo I wash (myself) Tú te lavas you wash (yourself) El/ella se lava he/she washes (himself/herself) Nosotros/as nos lavamos we wash (ourselves) Vosotros/as os laváis you wash (yourselves) Ustedes se lavan you wash (yourselves) Ellos/ellas se lavan they wash (themselves) The pronoun se attached to an infinitive identifies the verb as reflexive: lavarse. When a reflexive verb is conjugated, the reflexive pronoun agrees with the subject. Like object pronouns, reflexive pronouns generally appear before a conjugated verb. With infinitives and present participle, they may be placed before the conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive or present participle. Ellos van a vestirse They are going to get dressed. COMMON REFLEXIVE VERBS acordarse de acostarse afeitarse bañarse cepillarse despedirse (de) dormirse ducharse enojarse (con) irse lavarse levantarse to remember to go to bed to shave to bathe; to take a bath to brush to say good-by (to) to got to sleep; to fall asleep to shower; to take a shower to get angry (with) to go away; to leave to wash (oneself) to get up

10 llamarse maquillarse peinarse ponerse ponerse (+ adj.) preocuparse (por) probarse quedarse quitarse secarse sentarse sentirse vestirse to be called; to be named to put on makeup to comb one s hair to put on to become (+ adj.) to worry (about) to try on to stay; to remain to take off to dry (oneself) to sit down to feel to get dressed 7.2. INDEFINITE AND NEGATIVE WORDS Indefinite words refer to people and things that are not specific, for example, someone or something. Negative words deny the existence of people and things or contradict statements, for instance, no one or nothing. As the following chart shows, Spanish indefinite words have corresponding negative words, which are opposite in meaning. Indefinite words Negative words algo something; anything nada nothing; not anything alguien someone;somebody;anyone nadie no one;nobody;not anyone alguno/a(s) some; any ninguno/ no; none; not any algún ningún o o either or ni ni neither not siempre always nunca/ never, not ever jamás también also; too tampoco neither; not either There are two ways to form negative sentences in Spanish: 1) You can place the negative word before the verb, or 2) you can place no before the verb and the negative word after the verb. Nadie se levanta temprano. No se levanta nadie temprano No one gets up early. No one gets up early. Because they refer to people, alguien and nadie are often used with the personal a. The personal a is also used before alguno/a, algunos/as, and ninguno/a when these words refer to people and they are the direct object of the verb. Perdón señor busca usted a alguien. No, gracias, señorita, no busco a nadie.

11 7.3.PRETERITE OF SER AND IR SER (to be) IR (to go) Yo fui fui Tú fuiste fuiste El/Ella fue fue Nosotros(as) fuimos fuimos Vosotros(as) fuisteis fuisteis Ustedes/ellos/ellas fueron fueron Since the preterite forms of ser and ir are identical, context clarifies which of the two verbs is being used. El fue a comprar champú y jabón Como fue la película anoche? He went to buy shampoo and soap. How was the movie last night? 7.4.GUSTAR AND VERBS LIKE GUSTAR. Me gusta ese champú. Te gustaron las clases? ENGLISH EQUIVALENT I like that shampoo. LITERAL MEANING That shampoo is pleasing to me. ENGLISH EQUIVALENT Did you like the classes? LITERAL MEANING Were the classes pleasing to you? As the examples show, the construction me gusta(n) does not have a direct equivalent in English. The literal meaning of this construction is to be pleasing to (someone), and it requires the use of an indirect object pronoun. The forms most commonly used with gustar and similar verbs are the third person (singular and plural). When the object or person being liked is singular, the singular form (gusta) is used. When two or more objects or persons are being liked, the plural form (gustan) is used. Observe the following diagram: Singular me, te, le gusta la película. gustó el concierto. Plural nos, os les gustan las vacaciones. gustaron los museos de Lima. To express what someone likes or does not like to do, gustar is followed by an infinitive. The singular form of gustar is used even if there is more than one infinitive.

12 No nos gusta comer a las nueve. Les gusta cantar y bailar en las fiestas. We don t like to eat at nine o clock. They like to sing and dance at parties. The construction a + (pronoun) (a mi, a tí, a usted, a él, etc.) is used to clarify or to emphasize who is pleased. A ti te gusta cenar en casa, pero a mí no me gusta. You like to eat dinner at home, but I don t like to. The construction a +(noun) can also be used before the indirect object pronoun to clarify or to emphasize who is please. A los turistas les gustó mucho Machu Picchu. The tourists liked Machu Picchu a lot. Lección PRETERITE OF STEM-CHANGING VERBS PRETERITE OF -IR STEM-CHANGING VERBS Servir (to serve) dormir (to sleep) Yo serví dormí Tú serviste dormiste El/ella sirvió durmió Nosotros servimos dormimos Vosotros servisteis dormisteis Ustedes/ellos/ellas sirvieron durmieron Stem-changing ir verbs, in the preterite Orly, have a stem change in he tiradperson singular and plural forms. The stem change consists of either e to i or o to u. (e i) pedir: pidió, pidieron (o u) morir (t odie): murió, murieron. 8.2 DOUBLE OBJECT PRONOUNS. * When direct and indirect object pronouns are used together, the indirect object pronoun always precedes the direct object pronoun. El camarero me muestra el menú. El camarero me lo muestra. In Spanish, two pronouns that begin with the letter L cannot be used together. Therefore, the indirect object pronouns le and les always change to se when they are used with lo, la los, las. Le escribí la carta. Se la escribí.

13 Because se has multiple meanings, Spanish speakers often clarify to whom the pronoun refers by adding a usted, a ella, a él, a ellas, a ellos. El salmón? La dueña se lo recomendó a ellos. Double object pronouns are placed before a conjugated verb. With infinitives and present participles, they may be placed before the conjugated verb or attached to the infinitives or present participle. Te lo voy a mostrar. Voy a mostrártelo. Nos las están sirviendo. Están sirviéndonoslas. As you can see above, when double object pronouns are attached to an infinitive or a present participle, an accent mark is added to mantain the original stress SABER AND CONOCER Spanish has two verbs that mean to know; saber and conocer. They cannot be used interchangeably. Note that all forms of saber and conocer are regular in the present tense except their yo forms. Saber (to know) Conocer (to know) Yo se conozco Tú sabes conoces El/ella sabe conoce Nosotros(as) sabemos conocemos Vosotros(as) sabéis conocéis Ustedes/ellos/ellas saben conocen Saber means to know a facto r piece(s) of information or know how to do something. No se tú número de teléfono. I don t know your telephone number. Mi hermana sabe hablar francés. My sister knows how to speak French. Conocer means to know or be familiar/acquainted with a person, place, or thing. Conoces la ciudad de Nueva York? Do you know New York City? When the direct object of conocer is a person or pet, the personal a is used. Conoces a Rigoberta Menchú? Do you know Rigoberta Menchu?

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