ta UUYYQcllJ.lJ.ata autou, tilv XQOvoAoYLav UUtWV xat ta<;; ExMoEL<;;. 'EnLaUVcl3ttEL

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1 KPITIKON KAI BIBAIOfPA<l>IKON TION jjeorg Sfadfmuller j Michael Choniates, Metropolit von Athen (ca I 138-caI22Z) Roma (Orientalia Christiana vol. XXXIlI-2) 1934.'Ev tii EVaLO(lJ.ql tavrn rrae(on EL<;; to ITavEmOtll' IJ.LOV tou Movaxou, 0 VEaQo<;; rerogylo<;; Stadtmiiller, ave-. tva. naqauxu 0l,V8ntuYIJ.EV'I']V 1J. v aha ;tallq'i'] tou M'I']tQ01tOA(tOU 'A{}Ylvoov MLxailA XomatOu xal EX{}80tV tiis CPLAoAoYLxii<;; UUtOU 'Ev Ti\l 1tQrorq>,.1IlQI!L tii<;; 1tQaYlla- BXlm'l']OL ta xata rl}v veaqtlv autou llalx(r.cv 8v XrovaL; tlj<; <l>quy(ac;, lac; oncum; aurou sv K[JOASL, lnv aiitou 00; MYItQonOALtOU I A{}'I']vo>v Xllt ta; taaamooqla; au tou Sv KEq> 8v{}a xat toy 6 MlxallA. To /)EVtEQOV IJ.EQO<;; tljc: 1tQaYllatELac; tilv CPLAoAoYLxilv v tou IlEydAOU 'IEQaQXou twv 'A{}'I']vw\!, 0 o. 3tfQLYQacpEL EV auti\l to"<;; EV or; ta UUYYQcllJ.lJ.ata autou, tilv XQOvoAoYLav UUtWV xat ta<;; ExMoEL<;;. 'EnLaUVcl3ttEL Et/)lxa<;; EQEvvaC; 3tEQt tou EL<; toy MLxailA. X(OVLcltTlV E3'C(OvVIlOU tou «'Al(olJ.lVatOu», 3tEQI ttj; XQOVOAOYLac; tijc; BXAOyij<;; xat XELQOtOvLac; autou WC; MTltQonoAL.ou' A 8T1voov, 3tEQt tou c'y3toilvtl0tlxou) rtqo<;; toy r.(utoioqcltoq<l y', 3tEQL tou EMu- IlLOU MaAax'l'], M'I']tQ03tOALtOU NEOOV ITatQwv ry3tcltyl') xllt thoc; 3tEQL tou'iooclvvou XQUUclV{}Ol', MTltQ01tOACtQU 8EooaAov(xTl<;. Tijc; OA'I']<;; 3tQOta008taL 3tA.ouo(a BmOUVa3ttEtaL /)' Ev leael A83ttoIJ.EQilc; 3tLVOS OVOIl(ltOOV, AESEOOV xat 3tQUYW.ttOlV. '0 ouyyqaqjeu; tauttl<;; lo avoatlqj{} V E3tLOtTl}.tOVlXOV EQYOV IlEta IlEYclA'I']C; EmtUx(ac;. 'EmJ.tE- AOO<;;. Il AEt1l0ac tilv Et<;; auto avayoj.tevtlv xal ta OUY- YQclllJ.t0ta. tou MLxailA XOOVLcltOU xat IlE{}' VYIOU; xal oq{}lj<;; XQLU800<;; xova tij<;; J.tEyclATI<;; cpvoloyvooj.tca<;; tou BV J.tEUql twv te h- XAl)UL<lOtlXOOV xat twv 3tOALtLXOOV YEYOVOtOOV tfi; 3tOAVtaQdxou E3tOXlj<;;, v fl Tlxlla<1e xat tlie; CPLAOAOYLXll; autou ansa-use at; OQ6-a ouj.t3t QcCollatu. l':uv'iwoo<; Myw.CL OtL 6 MlxailA XOOVLatl); eybvv'll6-'i'] 1tEQl to 1140, aaa' <> ouyyqacpa,,; MX8fUL on 0 MLxaljA EY8VVll/}'I'] J.taA- AOv 3tFQl TO 113tL "OVtOOC; YQacpoov ex tij<;; VllO"ou KEOO 3tQo, tf,v BV [JatQlaQX'I']V KIT. MLXUljA AUtooQELavov, 3tQocrxaAEcraVta avtov J.tEtU tou autoxqdtoqoc; a' AacrxuQEOO; tva Ei.<;; EAEY8v OtL f,to 3tEQLnou. 0 Fr Dolger cpqovet on 3tQo tou 'Iouv(ou tou 1206

2 188 hcl. tii yev to o-ox1 Jt1 IICltQH.lQXO'U A YOU aaa' EnL tou 'Iroavvou L' KCLJJ.Clt'Y)QOU ( ts6). 'A n' tj/lll 0 QW<10; 0. OUOnEV<1x'Y) nclq tltqllo V on i'l BV A1),'ro- Q LClVOV un' 95 (Zn. A a,unq 'li, M XWVL<ltOU ta <1WSO!.lEVU B, 152) tclvtoxqovwc; JA.El:a twv ujt' aql8ja.. 94 toy 0EO/lroQ')V Cl' Aa(J)(ClQLv xal 129 nqo; toy {) tov tou 0EO/lO)QOU (<<YUVClL)(o8ELOV») BCloLAELOv KClJA.Clt'YlQOV. Touto lie uno/l X8tClL xcll 0 Stadtmiiller. 'AH' EX tijc; un' aql{). 129 <1Cl!pW<; ItQo)(vntEL OtL 0 /llewlvel' v KEq> ano (,..XClta {)E(ClV 'IIIij!pov 'A&ftV'I1{)EV JA.EV A'I1Aao{)(XL JA.",!PUYCl/)SVt'YlQ(q> lie t'fjlss tii ho, Zn, Aa,unQo'll EV{}' av. B,259). '0 etc; tilv vl\<10v Kero till 1200, y\,ro<1tov XciVBL, f,46ta to)v ci>(lciyx(j)v xat almi)v xaocci- I.YJ'Vw tow 'A31]vwV (1204) 8nt xal 1A6AL; 6V t8alh toil 1205 et; "EYQ!l'IjJE AOLnov tilv 1CQOC toy Bcxa(AELOV KUlJ.at'l1Q6v, aqa xal. nqo; toy IICltQLciQX'Y)v nal toy Ba(71A U Ev Et8L 'rc$ E)(fi(Vq> fito 1tEQLnou' Mev 1tEQL to 1138 ( =1138 :. MEta tac; ev tii JtlHgL/lL autoti <1novMc; 0 stc; Kilo" ALV XQ'Y)JA.(hL<1S M J,tafr'Y)ti]:; tou ElJqtClfr(O'U Kat:t!pAwQou, <1&11 on 1ito 0 JA.Eta tclum MlltQonoALt'Yl; 0s<1<1cxAo\"(x'YlC; EiJotU&LO<;, liij{}sv to 1tC.oVUJA.OV EX tijc; Movijc; <fjac.oqou. 'AH' nqolteltal neql toti "totf. EU<1tCl' fr(ou, O<1ttc; Uc1tEQOV Bye v&to 'EnLoxono;; MvQ{() V tij; AVXLUC; BV it tel 1174, tovto'u <lqu nqo)(vnm Ott (, toti "HyE lie tote to 360v 'tijc; fjalxlac; autoti, xat!.leta 'to nqo tow IILroQL<18l] IIatQLaQXou 0EO/)0<1LOV ujtoyqaja.ja.c&tbv; tou IIlltQLClQXE(OV KIT. BnL BOQQal\Lc.OtOU ( ) J,tSta otooyij; toy IIots axql 0 E;EAEY'Yl Mil tqonoa!t'y); >A{}'Ylvrov ; '0 QC/)rov UXe/lSL;EV tou; AOyoU<; tov<; avvl1yoqouvtac; urreq tou 1182 (At'A {}lj VClL nsql ta teal] tou /)(()/lexato'u ULWVOC; Aa. 1878, rj. 22 <1W') aaaa tou; AOYOVC; l:ovtouc; liev a.m<'i x811<1qv XUL 0 ('IrJtoQLa tile: noasro<; twv 'A{}l]VroV,JA.8- tu<pq. AalJ.nQou, A, ). 0 anomxstul toy nqo<1ax& vta ujto tou Aa!lnQou XUQLOV AOYov xa{}' OV to v tn MovqlMCl toy MEA!pov autou uno 'tou MLXCll)A XrovlCltov A&y6JA. vov on enl tqlchovtu 6tl] cxal U1tEQlll(!LVU' (Zn. Aciw!1CQO'll MLxuilA XroVLC(tOV, ta A, 357) ]vi'y)tqono- 'Afr'Y)vwv, Mov v' a<pcllqeaii ano tou xa&' unol}e<1lv etouc; tou aavcitov tou NLX.q;U '0!PQOV.L on ta 30 «unsq XI!Lva» Bt'Y) ' Mov v' d<palqs&w<1lv ano tou 1205, XCl&' 8 0 MLxal)A su(llaxsto!lcl)(quv trov 'Afrl1vci)v. co Stadtmuller Ena- Y8Q;(Etcn SL; yvcolj.'1" too.\iij. tqol!, a t06co; 1182 cb. ho; tiii exhoyf1; Hal tou w; MntQonOALtOU

3 194 'A{}'r)voov. V1tEQ tou tq1hou O'UVl')YOQOUO'L ta Kata ti)v EV KITOA L JlEydA'r)V atuo'w _tov Aaou X«ta til\; BacILAlO'CTl1fi; tou av'r)ktko'u B (OLAECO; 'AAe;LOU B'. Ko- 11' 'l]vov (1 t82-82) 0 MLX(ll)A XcoVLaty); EUQLoxetO Btl Ev KITOAEl "H tn l)n:' be 0 flyy){lsi; 'trl<; afaasco\; 'AVaQOVLXO<; a'. Kof.A.vY)vo; Kata tou 1183 tokqatcoq 'o MLxaitA fifo if""l MTltQP1COALt'r);' 'A{ly)voov. Kata taiha 1) EXAOYlJ xat XEIQOtOv(a autou EyevetO xata tau; {}sqtvou; tou 'Aq>LlfStO Bt; 0 YEO; xatu to cdito 1182 Kat &1t.qyveLAe toy AOYOV Ev lip Ev O<XQ{lSvooVL vaei> 8eoto)(ou. Ka{}' OV XQOVOV 0-1ito ElL auvautoxqutcoq tou 'AAe;(ou KoJA.v'l]'Vou 1282)3 alcoq(a{}l') C1tQaLtCOQ» toov 'A{I'r)- Yrov 0 NLXy)q>OQO; ITQoa01lX, ov 1tQOO'Eq>o>\'Y)oev 0 MLx(1)A. Oi'JaBJl(a AOl:JtOV aj,lq>ibo1.lu auyatal va U1t(xQ;'l1 on BUQlOXStO tots EV 'A8'l1VOL; 00; Ml')tQ01tOALtl');.-Kata tou 1284, q>oveu{levto<; tou 1:Tiy aqxtiv 00; autoxqutcoq (, go; xat 'A Kof.A.v'r)YO;, tote 1>E aniomasv EtC; 'A{l1)Ya\; YEOV c:n;qa(toqa» TOV \tlf.a.l1tqiov \QLJli'iv. OV ooocc'ljtro; nqoosqjoov'r)osy 0 MtXatlA. Kata tllu 1185 tou 'A"aQov(xou xateaubs tilv autoxqutoqlxliv aqxtiv 8V 0 'Iaaax ( ) Jletu ndvtco; EV tou st\; KITOAIV 0 MtxaTjA nqooeq>oovt\as ae tov YEOY autoxqc.ttoga xal n((qecytllosv el\; autov.&; dvtiyxa\; trov 'A{}T1VooY y.ai tij; 'A.tLKfj; ey yevel. 'Ex trov altlloscov tou "IeouQ- X,OlJ :n;qo\; wue; Kal tou; uqxovtac; EV Y8Y8l <> Stadtmiiller OUV<XYEL ta 1tsQt tile; xataa.daeco; tfj; x,ooq<x; auf.a.n:eq<xcyjlata, xal UA"rov 1t'l]Yrov. Toiho &s nolletet l()(ro; EV tal\; st; to naqattftej,4svov EV teaet,,"yno- JlV'l]lltlXOY st; toy B.: at:aeil xug 'AM;LOV toy KOf.A.vy)voVJ. EtalKOOC; 0 ouyyqaq>eu; to tou Eno>vUf.A.Ou CAXOf.A.l- OltsQ a1fo&l&erat lei> 'EK fro" M aura-u ano/)slxvu8fot on to 8nOOVUJlOV Toiho e.tval clvujt'aqlc.toy. wov_ Tro; /)8 to nqroto'v to EnWVUJlOY touto f.a.q>u BY tii VitO Trov-taTOQtKIDV 'lou NLX'l)ta Xro\'L*----- tou, aaeaq>oii tou Nicetae Acominati Choniate. bistoria» Basilea To EnWVUJlOV touto XUL sk ta; EX/)QOSL; toov autoov auyyqul.q.uxtcoy 1593 ey BaalA!:!!} BY IIaQL- QtOLOlC;, 1729 EY V B6vYll) 00; )Cat st; tel; skmasl\; troy Aomoov q>t"oaoyu<roy (!uy'l'qaj!!lutcov tou avfou m EXIl6TaL tov M1XaYtA XroVL<Xto'U atclacttj1wqcoc; a1[e&coxa" )Col etc; aulov to Enw- ' Uf.A.0V,,,1 tcp AOY4) Ott a/)eaq>o; tou 8vei> <> Mtx,aYtA O'tH.Acov ttl> a/)ealfei> 'YQ<xq>SL «IIQo; toy &asaq>ov autou NLx'l]Tay toy X Q",uit?1";o?tata _ tou; - Kw.bbX6t; 3n. Jidl'nQOv, Mtx,a-nA XrondtoU f ta arotollsva B, 1 omtva -iwv xe. QOYQc.c.:pcuv.. )<0>5(I(O>Y UriciQX8L to "AHO(4wcifO;. ",0 as_

4 :n:eqleqyov dvctl touto, on \,Q>.0 :n:qwro; hmtlj; Wolf EV tn RltL- YQa<pu tf}; ExMoEW; «Nicetae Acominati Choniatae his- v dg;di tou X Lj..lEVOU EXEL «... HVe[ov N Hllt;a t;ov Xowuhov lm;oe[a». 'An' v tu Le; Variae!f:ctienes 0 Wolf EOljllELWOE :n:we;: «N H.,j-r;OV 'AHQ)ttL'JIci.J;ov Xro'JI (hov-nicetas latinis Victor est sive Vincentius Acominatus gentilicium nomen Choniate patriul1lb. I10&fV AOLnov to ('Axof.,l.LV<ltoc,; ; Kctfa!ae; :n:oqcttljq1}oele; tou Stadtmiiller 0 \\ olf ro; Baow tlie; hmo we; (lurou iloxe lqelc;; XELQOYQCi<pou; xwlhxue;, OLHVEe; EtL. Tovrwv d.c;; avteyqa<plj UItO tou f.,i.. XoQCO<pUAUXOe;, 'I) naeovaa xeo'ji wi} P{PAot; NU(ll-r;a 7:0V Xro"E: (l-r;ov naq' 7:0V Uax[at;ov lee ocstctle6'j1o t; 7:0V tteyaa.ov Xa(r 7:ocpvAaHOt; "fir; 7:0V X(lU1liO fi tte:yaa.17t; 'EHHA.17ulCtt; tv (1063=1655) ttctqr;!«p 11 ijtttfja csq.». co Stadtmi\ller U1tOtUlljOLV Otl () OUtOC; i)w 0 auto; 1tQo; toy yvwotov 'AM ei Quxa, xata toy outov XQOVOv 'AU' (} (\Qoe; A<iLy.Oe;, OUXi be XAllQLXO;, roe; () tou XELQOYQU<pou UVtl- YQCl<PEV;. cqijavtw; lm:ot({)1l0lv (} Stadtmiiller OH (} teaeuwloe; ovroe; fjro tf}; caylae; (==cf.,i.eyaall tou XQLOtOV 'ExxAlj- OAA' 0 vooe; xatelxeto U1tO t4)v T01JQXWV. «MEyaAll tou XQLOtOU VOEi:WL to IlatQLaQxsLov KIlo/,Ewe;. 'Exto; tou uno tou XCtQtO<PUACtXO; uvnyqa,<pevto; xai OL AOL:n:Ot Mo X, LQOYQo<pOL XW/)LY. ;, ov; EIlEV uir' 01j!EL 0 Wolf xai OLtLVEC; <1); Oljf.,l..LOL 0 Stadmiiller toy N ChtAWC; Xro'JIE:ta- 7:17'JI 1} XQ)'JILat;17'V, ouxl be 'AHOtt 'JIij.,;o'JI om' ELVCtL UUoX,O&EV yvwotov toloiito OtKOYEVElCtXOV E1H:'oVUIlOV. M xat f] 0<pQCtyle; tou ML- X,('J.1]A XwvlatOU {In Aattneov, MLY,Ui]], XWVLatOU, ta B, 452, liv{}a :n:ctq(xti{}evta,l Ctt 0<PQClyLOf.e; MJ 'Ir.QaQXwv twv 'A{}llVWV, fioba.xctl o<pqa,y(ba tou Xwnatou noqu G. S cb 1u 111 b erg er, Stgillographie de l' empire byzantil1, Paris 1884, ), av u tou EnWVU!AoOu,'AXOf.,l.Lv(itOe;' 'AAAa ltolt8v AOLltOV CtUtO 0 Wolf; "Ayvwotov. or u.'tovola on xaxw; av yv(o '{ow; Ol'lI,1 LWf.,l.a tl ],CttLVLXOV «a C h 0 n is» xal f.,i.ete:n:ohloev Cturo de; omaj..lwc;; :n:qo; titv EYVWOf.,l.8Vllv txctvotlj m tot; aviiq(k, OMUf.,l.O&EV 1'lE OUVCttl1.L v' u:n:odely,l}n EtEQa ELKCtOLCt, X(l{}' l\v fvq8v 0 Wolf to «YEYQllf.,l.f.,I.E vov nou xctl UVUlto:n:tWc; ltctqeaobr:v CtUtO. 'Ev 1[(1011 lt8ql1ttwoel 0 te MlxaitA xal 0 ao ].<poe; CturoiJ E<P QOV to Ex ltcttqlooc; autwv 8nWvUf.,I.Ov «XCO'JILa7:17!;»' O{hwt; wvo- IlUtO-U; X'll olhw; :n:aqa t6 toit; ouyxqoi'ol'; xal to j..letctyeveoteqolt;. 'Ano M t1i; h06oewe; tf}t; LOtOQLCtt; tou NLX-D til UltO tou 'leq(oyvf.,i.ou Wolf (1527) amb6{}'y) CtVtOLt; to 1j!Eub :n:wvuilov «A 07tEQ ExtOtS Mi&sY OLXOYSY6LaXOV avtwv 7tWVVIlOV.. '0 G. ev ftl dy(jh8qoo RQtlYI4Cm(1I ClOfOV Q\lV6xh

5 186 na'y]3 uv no.(hxt'y]q'l)aewv Xo.t ex toov n'y]yoov xai. tmwc; ex 'nov auyyqclj.l!a(xtwv tau MtXftlJA Xwvtatou l>et\lltaeatatac; xu!. noa1jtlj,lot(ltu' na'y]qocpoqlu'-, neql tij; toov 'A&l']vrov xal neql xu{}6],01j oi.xovoj,llx'y];, XOtVWVtxij; xo.t ou J,lOVOV tij<;; "A fr'y]vrov UAAU Xltt 'A tijv eno- Xl)V tov fvltxo.yta Xwvtato1J. ToUtOll RVExu 1] n(luyj,lutelu o.vt'y] Ol' J,lOVOV /)tcrcpwtttet xctt<x /)to.rcqenecrtatou elf'qctqxo1j aaau xcr.t &rcoteael an:ou/)ulav tnoqluv TooV 'A{}'Y]vrov xat ev yevet xuta tp' ul.&v<l. EK 1H:E re.pmanikh:e 9I!OAOrIKH:E ctjiaoaoria:e t 0 AElHNQN XPY:EO:ETOMOI: Kl. JUssen: Die dogmatischert Anschauungen des Hecychius Von Jeru. lsalam. 1. Teil; l'heologillche Erkenntnislehre und Christologie, MUnster, 1. W II Teil: Die Lehre von der SUnde und SUnden\'ergebung. Mun ster I, W (bei Aschendorffschen Verlag). 'Ev 10U troy MUnsterische B eitrage zur Theoiogie )(ai toic; un;' 17 )(al 20 autrov {O, )(QOXQOVLOU tou EV MoVaOlO1'\QL<t> tijc; Mac; <bc; ucp1'\y1'\'{ou x. Jiissen eni '{roy )(at (tsroqlrov, "rov Etc; '{o, BQIl.1'\V61J'CLXa XUQL(I); EQya liai. <laaa liat '{ove; Ihacp6Qouc; Myouc; loou xal. 'RouX(ou tou 'I6QooOAuIl.C'{ou. 'R stc; '{ov avayvooolo1'\v ano 1I1\e; n;qoo{1'\c; alolyll.ijc; lotjv 8Hun;roOLv Alav 8Qyao'ac;nA1'\Qot. OUaLaatLXOOlOa,;Ov ltbvov 6V "aic; l'taloqoaoylxai;; l'tsqi 'tij; aqx.a(ae; 'EXlIA1'\OLac;. ilsql loou 'RouXCou, sav Mv an;atool.\s{}a, Ot6QoUIl.Bt}a etlhxije; loij; n;sql. au,;o;:; un;aqxouo1'\c; aloqeq>0 1l.6V1'\e; xuq'roc; BLc; "TJV e;sloaalv loou YV1'\a'o'U 1i ll.ij lorov!!la<poq(i)v ';ou, lorov Il.V1'\Whrov 6tC;,;ove; en;'a1'\c; 8e liat lorov tou. ALa ';0\)1:0 0 a, nq" 1OijC; Bta6110u.,.ou etc; loo,;ijc; Il.sAS,;1'\C; tou ev ItQOO1Otp 8Q6uvav Sltt 100U fi'ou liat 1OroV BQYOlV,;ou 'Raux.Cou, M liuq'(i)c; J.'slOd 1mAAii; ltqmx6lo1'\looc;,;a ltoqielc; loa Oltoi;a l<aloearj;o.v al loouae en;i 10mv BQYroV au- 'liou RQsuva, O'aq>ij (teow an;evavtl aunay. 'H,;rov )(at tou 'HauXL011, linc; an;oloba6t ';0 ttej.'a 1:0U a. 'ilveloal Bitt lou ll.b),,6lo1'\c; 1:rov It1'\Yrov. '0 (I. Bl'tIl1OUX6V, on;roc; '{(vroow elc; auloov '''Qom,;4 elc; 1'8 loa<pqmw xroq'a 8X loiic; atli (J.l3lOatpQagW,,6\,oy eq(j.'i'iu'a; ai, 'SOY 00; xa. ClVVB\hBYlleyOy

6 187 8xl\()oLV (I-li) exllo{}ev BtOE'H) U'i..LXOV B)( 'COQ d\; '1! II6Qi 'CClU'&Tl\;!4e/,8tTlC, xcli VEOV <PW\; liw!4<plo/3tl'tjthv,a XaL lii) BV,iiJ xe<pa1..a(qi lt6qi exx'i..tlolaan- XCl'C' lll'av tle lil' axqi/3eo'&ci.'wu xai e">lo-, 'i..0xql)o'cou BUQe,&TlQLOU 00; xai 111<1.!4ef' al1:uqal-lcnou nlvaxo\;.ij; /31/3AIOYQClq>(a\; BSBq>Qao{}Tlnav etj!46veota.cl 'COOql i) xa{}0'i..nil1 xal it I1:A6UQa. P'. Epipbanius de gemmis. London: 1934 (p, VIIIt427t27)' Sturlies and Documents erl. by Kirsopp Lake und Silva Lake. Vol. 2. ilaqa.wv x, )(. R. P. Blake xal H. de Vis luml.a 'l:t'i..ll'l:oo ltijq8'i..1t6vto<; ih;ou; ev!4bta<pqo.obl leal ev ttl a'i..oxatlql'l'urd.ou.tb 8Q'i0V 'Coil UY'Oll 'EltI!pClViou, 8THO.x61l0U 10ft; ev KUltQql Koovo,&av,;Ca; two 'i..iltoov twv o'vtrov tlv loot\; O'&OAW!40t\; tro'v AaQoov., ouvtltl'eo';bqo'y yvroo'&oii -De gelnmis To )(BL!46VOV '&f)\;,&cluttlc; av6uq6itlj I1:Qo!4axQoii 0XB ' XQovouv BV.U u.ito,&o\i )(. Rlatke ltclqci. '&oil 011:0'0\1 itai a.v,;eyqo.q> Tl, litl!400leue'&al be Illj!4E ta ltqotlytj {) 8Vta lit' d axql/3ii l!.a{}oqi0!46v. '&i)v EXlIOOIV 'wu'&tjv "QOO,({}BV,&ClL XIlL ta yvooooa Av x01ulxfj. OUQIElXij lcat aq!4bvlxu!4etaq>qaobl IIsQL.OUtoov avaq>sqel 'i..e 0 l!.. O. BIII'rlenhewer BV '&u lotoq[q.,;ij\; XQlotLanl!.ij; rqo!4l-1a'&o'i..oylcl\; sv '&6!4q1IIl. OE]". 300 x. E. 'YBoo.EQCl\; 118 ltatlqoq>oqla; i) ' vsooto.,&tl EAA'lj'VllCi'}\; q>laoaoy ae; UItO W. Schmid )lai O. Stahlin B'V '&iij!4eqbl oea. 1449, ltclqa 2. Toil EQYOU '&ou.ou xa,' Clt'&1101V '&oii t.loliooqoll TUQou ltqo loti 394 lileooo{}tloav, (0; yvroo'&ov, Blt '&oii ltqw1;o,&unou XBL!4EVOU!40vo'V altooltao!4cl1oa nsqtexo\levll ltuqa.]. P. Migne E. II. 43, 293-3'04. ' ; ';0 lta XBCI-IEVOV B'V lcui tll'\!teql 1;0 daoe; eaal- ItS, e!4q>il"il;o!4evov tlleoooit'lj h Aa'LVIl!.n!4B.aq:QuoEI, itewqou!4evtj ltat)q8l, lie YS'V0I-IEVU ltaqa '&oii IIQBo/3. 'leqwvu!4ot', ItQoe; '!>ov onotov XCl.a 'i)v B'V IIuAalo.(yu IiLCl!40VT)V.ou BYExe QLos nqoooo- 1'tLl!.W,.0 ltqoo,&o';1)lto'll X8LI-IE\,0\,. 'H au tlleooo{}lj xa.a lteq(eqyov M,&Qonov s'v 'Cn OUt<Q ltcla01)!48vtj cavellaua. CluAAoyij xai ItllltLX(i)'V enlo,&oarov alto '&OU StOll\;, fl8qlsxstal lie XClL naqa J. P. l\ligne E. II. 43, W Av ltai '&0 6QYOV.oiito OUaeflO'CB altb1)6lttl olll1clo a XClL alto!4aaaov o.n:o\ll8oo; Mov, 00; liat 0 lc. G, Kruger EYQao q>ev BY.n 8eoAoYLxU Eq>l1!48Q lil (1936,8), va AsaQitif f] asia 'Cij:; IUl'&aq>Qaonol; ClI '&rov aqxalo'&o.'&oov )tal a;lo- AOYO'&ci.1OOO'V!4'VTl!4c(oov YAOOOOljC;, ev ae'v {ta eltqbn8 va 141) <'Ilt(O<; e5tl!400leus'&0 xal liil 'l:wv.!4tj!4cltoov 6xe'voo\', (!llya sa'i..e'flouolv B'V ItQOO'&O.Uflql etta 8V ltqoiavllijoovbuh'''tl ev

7 188 y', Suidae lexicon (Le.l:ic:ogroplii grneci, rerogniti et apparatu critico inslructi) Edic1it Ade Adler. Lipsiae in aediblls R. G. Tenbllcri, Partes 3, ' H 6,n;0 XQ6\'oov YEll 'CoO AS;\)COU 'Coli ::EoutlSu, l'ialjv o)j.oo; lia1a \0 /hoi; 1928 iyy(l;et 'i\/)il R8QL '\:0 'CsQ141l 811ilK EL).lSV'1; tij.; ou",nlo.llqc.oobc.ol; til'; I)lel. 100li RQoaexO)(; X\)x;"olpoQoilv'Co; U tliqlou ).lsooue;. whll 11 s;8(s601l0tlv ';0 RQWlOV (A l'), 'Co 118u'CBQov B) ICcd to 'CQ"OY (K- 0 ; (0) ).l801) elc;; XOj.l'lj!OtUtou.; 6Ll!l'H,l1iOll )Cai BY 8xbOaeL tau-eu ij tou OtOLX6ioll 00 eui)uc; 14Eta to 0, T1)v 8ltLj.l8A8lUV -Mic; 6x1\606oo; '1;(IU1:ll" Q,AAa xot to &n;lf.toxitov "ij; 8Qyaa(uc; -eoli 8,(/)6tOU 140QtUQEL tlliutdoooc; 1) tou ltuq el. ltmac; tou X,1!1I.l.Iivou 'ni}8-118v01l ltlvlll(oc; heooyqo.cpoiv XAlt. Tou.o ' 80tOO xal. u.n;;"ij OUYXQLOLC; ltqo;; tljv euo'toxodqav a XQL -eo iiae uqtlooteqo.v E)(/)OOL'V BV Buol 'to f,tol<; uno Go dolreclus Dt'rllbardy, ll;..t)v OJ.lOO; navtotb i}el. ltuqu).levu oac;; ltoaut(140u; u ltllqeo(w; t il; 1) 118yr.i;"1l EXaOOL; -eij.; '0;ql6Q61lC; (1834) xni 6.k;"roc; X(.l1.rov emouvolt. rof.tevoov 8... ltaqaqn'w.nn 8t.; 'I:Q"{Ov t6\1ov Itl\'axoov ItQuY\1Ut01l,0YIK OO,?tat Bi) tou 'flilv ouyyqocpswv. Trov ltwul(wv toutwv cpo.(veto.l, on ita 008QijtUI TJ It(loxeL- ).levi) 'AltBcpeuX{/-1j XU1 BV tij 8xb6061 'Call'tu 1) ItUpU ttool; 'IOfl lo Aunvuclj <; ou vljltt]<; It(.loa toi; noa'll ItQoyeveOt6(l00;; xoo - QIl'\' ixmoaolv, ' IaLo.tteQ uv euxclq(o't]olv ltqo)(.i;"ei.o 011,00'; 5\iXQT]O H,v 'to)'\' 'C0f.twv, ouxt al: oalywtequv ii YQacplj. d' Karrer Otto: Das Religiose in der Mellschheit unci das Cbristenhlm. Frciburg i. Br. Herder, a. X+264.So RM, 5,20, geb. RM. 6,50, Kata toit;' 1:8A8Uto.(01l; ftijvclb tou ltuqs;"i}ovto.; c01l; BUQ1ho.'Cu el.; ":1}V 1161H Q UV Bxaooiv t01l 100 avoo.8qoo EQYOV lou BV A01lX8QVU 6L Clft BVO V1:0'; xuitoalxo U 91.l1l0Xelo;"6you x, O. Karrer. To.oiito ci.vaytvc.oox,8l al!-lbtel. ltoa;"ou.ou evawcpsqo\'toc; i..6yq.l aa/..w, t6 yevlxotllto.; toil i}e!-l(.i-co;, ci./..1i,ci xul A6yQ.l -eoi:i el1tlltv. XU- 'toy 0 'Lalo e; () OllYYQucpe'll; ecpqovtl OB vel. ltuq cioxn Et<;.0 EQYOV tou louto Toiho J1UQllloet xat to YBYOVO'; tile; JtQ06A8uoeooc;.011 8X xui olll1i,1l nxrov oelqrov,.a.; ORO Ue; 0 o. Slt QL il0ulo BV AouICsQvU xai all BV Zu- Q(xn 1tQo Ihcr.cpoQ01l 0110AOY(1 '; uxq t'(j,twv. l:iulbq OV UA1I,ooe;.6 la 1;11'tlJ.lIl'Co. Jt BQl itq1l0ic811uxotll(0e; Iiv iii ci.vitqw1totll tl yevlxwe; XQi l i]c; oxeoeooe; tou XQL- OtL<I'V LOfLOU n,o o<; toe; AOUtel.; {)Qlloxe a e; IIUliBO'1l0aV \l1tso ltolie xat.uahois cpmyovttt xui (hslctov, OltOO; ltoo. 10.oueo lcai sltdh).lou,liiv vu. ltaquoxoojlbv fv 6u VQ'tll uva;..uow lou lou, tm "1i1x611.86a lie OIGOO; () I\QQ ' \tc/l"1yt)l'l\; 'foil 'Athlvrov x, Il... BUQL' axs loy XQ\Q6v, tv<l IIQI'HlC'I\V!litO etlhx\ic;!las ",i.suquc; loii lwhou lqv10\l iqy91j.

8 '0 0. &lto )!tidoalii;;1; va tou 'toil tqoltou, I/u{l' ov Ileov va XQ1V11tm it 001; noa l(ui ltoau8lbf!dihpf1v(tb'tal 8LOq>OOOIC 6QI10)(8LCHC:. To (3tI!A(OV 8LClIQPLtal etc 'tilth-una, 'Ev tcp ltqc.otcv IIrQ81 (lcn"tb1 0 ouyyqoq>s'ij'; to llei t(lu st.; to\' XOOIIOV l'wv l(a\ ItQoolta'6et va 'to ft/lo<; trov lteo! Eleou It(lOQOTUI1SroV nrloa 'tot.; /lwqloqoic ArlO!';. oltotm ll'la(lii-i) (Jihfll ijnflv )(Ql etv(ii, CTuY;WOVroC /le nc'lll; ltoq' flutotc,'l-q'i1' CTllsla XU! l1fh)(6tllc )(o! rrolov {Henv IIOteXOuNlv )(UQLroC,;- rr(lo' neuxt) )((Jl f) '/}UCT((I ysvl)(c!rteqc.t </)(1IVoIl8va, '0 CT. to oulllteqflctiiq, O'.L OCTOV acpo()<1 't-l)v ItfO! Eleou 1T(JonoTUCTtV o{ tjqnt.l/r.ot QCH 1\ v CTUV(OH1VtrH ftc to vut}' EaUTb 'AnMoutov TU FVVOrf} -':01' SEIOU (lilts ell 'tt'bv '/}ettlv tou rlvfl(lr;lrfoll 1TPOe. TO «i,l quo maills cogitnri non rote"st. &na 1t0Ucp IH'.iAAov T-n" nvah1l'ljlw 1/01 r'llntlll<oltolllnl". 1:\)/(0'; r')n :rtav"taxou,;flliitt yvr;,mc linl tjot)).ll'''h:,,; Itl )(OV q>oovllllrt Mcf1vTii tell liat 1t0AI.cp ItASOV EOmtsQI )(ci)t- Qa ltqoolluxl1 tl)tel llv IIO! etl; ItnAUItOli'AOllc 1I0Qcprk. Etc; "to /leutsdov 118QOe. OltVIl,t(JITIICP lilill IlLalt'tllxftfLOOC;: '/}F.ro(lCrte. she /lux ILSt}6/)OU, Itac...'t "tote R. Otto, J) W. Shcmi<1t, J, 'Vin thl1 J, NewmRn er"b alto 'Tic p,ph)(yie. 0 o. 'to It(lOP1..11Wt yevens(oc "tiie. V "tfj avl}q<orco. "t'ljtl. IToooltflfiet \'a '1:0 lioivov,;rav avc1n:tuxaelct(i'w,'l-em- (l((0", nth"e" VOILttEL, on C11'l1nA11Qo\o(TlV '0 0.,lIlOtJHrrel EY 'wi.; PlflAl)(O'(C ItClpull6aern lteqt "tnc flpylitl'8u1:llinc ItQo'!'lT.OOCfJ\: Toil (h&prorco\! 't-l)v "tbal)(of)v )(ai,clviiovlxl)v OUV{}WI" TOOV Iho(poQfl}v lioov {)ECJ)(lLOOV. '0 'rn 1HnIiLIli\ ilh,!ir,t &vaq>ip81 lj 0, en IW":c't 't'i1" taia" 110. Eu!Solliav to;! eso;!, roc to;'-.:r,v -f) )(ClQl'l:n).oymc;: nil- PLypa.(feL, ltqooctollote'tru arcotu'fm: 8V 1:ote IT:\.OLITI 01<; 'roov lln:oimv 4l IhaCllfrllO'LC; d,v 0'11 lieplwii V lirtt \IIl.I"tOMyolV vtt Tov:te. QLl!:\'Il(n '0 SSOAOYO<; Ilf.V stilt) va on lv T'/I ItClLlh)(\i "tou&vfrqc.onol.l -Illtvro't'tOV, ourro.; dns!v ouquv{a IlroQul, 01JQ(hLOV tl O'xelllOv XClt ltqooqujllo,;. To tql"tov rlq>leorovel 0 0. etc "tf]v 1:0;; tll'''llfltoe. 'tl\e; It!!- PULteQro 't'iie; {lo'l'\meij"tlilo1:11wr ev H\l a.v{lqc.orrcp. '0 o. OlltAet It pt DQ11ITIIEU"tl)(n.; 0ioVEl liallqo"oilllc6"11't0c;:. T TiC ortn ll<; XUQlOHf.QU IllutJASltel BV ete;: BEnv n o"tel BV BV T ltqo08uxfi xol '/}ucrlrh'; lial E;E"tritSL to I3s8L)(uIOAOYlllI VOV ii 1If! "tli.; 'l:iic: elva. ALXtLXotll1:0C; )(ClI tlie; ltaqoii"qcpmosrol;.. ITflQul3exetaL on Ihl!ClloiltaL n<; IIS1;' rlltoatltou "n OIlIAj'j lteql a.1toau"tou elv8allitlxn.; 'tuo OOC, nltsvavn Tn.; olto(ac LOtr:t"tuL r, ItDO, "ta y.al XfiollUAc.OHOCl 'toole;: AO'I'ql die; toil )(0110;;. 1\o[(Cl ltqonltu'6eltj 'toil auyyqc1.cpeooe; ltqoe. ton )(al til'rpo\'ltolllh'ou xa1;ocpavije; tlll<;i v lou tolv liu'ta 'to, A )(ul IIClva '(01l6v. To "tf1;'uq"tov n!loe)';8l YOUllllaC; Illa.e; {}Q1l0)(810AOYllIi'jC; auyliq(o roe;. '0 0. x(n' ri,...rpavnxov lie "tq6ltov 'to aanlcov liv 1;U1:;,...iJ 't-l)v IlLU'II(?LOLV

9 190 Mat altoica).u'vecoc qjuoli(1)y?tot vnsoq:uolicyly Mllyo{loaY nop(1yollow, EqJ' 500'1 ICflAOUItEYll qj"olicyi rlitoluia"'vlc; MYO'tOl ICaU LO'E(1 '-a aeoooll6u un8qqju(tlllr.. 'IoX"Qtoltot AL(1\1 n8lo'tlicol. 'ElIEh6 TO Oltotov 0\J0l008eoto1'( l1aauj't(l 8LQ)(OLVEL 'toy XQLOflll- 'IlOilO 'I nooa 'to n000i10too08l<; alto TOOV aaaooy a(}'i\oicelooy ehlcl ';0 ysyoyo;, ICClit' 0 i} toy SYClyitooonl]O<XY'ECl 960'1' EhClL CllhOCln:O)(a- AU'VL<;; tou 8eoil EV ';CQ hi cpclveooof}e"'cl X(ao'tQ). 'H 0"1l0o(a tou 'Colhou )(Clf}(O'tCl'tOL <poyfqa EY oau r1\jt'i'\c; 'tu n:cloa 'tcq ltlotsuoytl. 'H 8e I(Cli un:f<o nay 'COU XOLOtLClYL0l10U nhcll UltO tou o. 8V 'Ci! lteq' tou 9EOil EV 1jlh)(otc t8 OL<;;, ey til /lat\ OtUOeL '(oil XOLCI'ClOyoli EVClnL 'Cou 'tou. XOOUIC'CllOLO-L)(OO- '!;(no ICOt aulloqltclo'tl)(oot.cl1:0 0I1LA8i: (, (I. 8Y"tCQ '( A8L,;oil ';OU1:0" n801 'toli O;tOAOYLICOl; u'l\jou,; )(01 o;loaoylicou n:sql6x0i1 YO"U t.oii XQLOttll\ LOlloil. 'to XQLOttOVL)(OIl t8s008ec;, ajtqoon:eaootoy h 'EU (jan ltatlpot.l]tl,;ou etg Yl]tY01JG <pope!,; ';01), rf'uo'totli(oy )(01 tou';o &n:aooit'l\toy tou xqo"csoou o.yoovoc It(lo<; "C';tY 8uyoto"Cl]"C0 'tfig "C1}e;; ouyoaou 00;: uitoo((!!j:tltoc; (hollooll xul.ouiio- Aooy. 'EltL'yQOPlltl"Ct)(OO1;o"CtI XCltOXAE(eL TO )(E<paAmOY tou ASYooV: <'H "f{)oyqj- Ma 'tlie XQI01:La\-ooOUIIllt; tvul '0 Ol1mt; etyol &f}olla- '0 XQlOtOC xol rfl]iieqoy 0 (JlitOC; )(01 sl<; "Cout; oto)\'a<; 13,8»>' Et; "Co "CSAU'OIl XfCjH1A(JIOII suo((!xnllell "Cilll iteoaoylxilll o.;ioaoy(oy itollollsu"cl)(otll1;oc ey 'Cl) o.liitooono"cl]tl. '0 o. "a s;l]yl]ou 8la 1:(110 ).6. YllY o.voyvwqlolt; o'coixe(ooll OAll{}Elo<; 811 aaaol<; itql]o)(s(ol<;; 8sy eo q xlltol sit; OllYIIOOUOlY Itooe; 'til'll dn:oit'1'i0lll, IC01;ci 'l;ily onocoy 11-0"0'1' n alo 81YOL adl181ptl )(UI l) IlUIIClQlOITOloiloa. '0 11. naoouolot8"c0l h qnaoiql toutql b 6nol\Oc,6'lY 8Ilia!!!lUAIWV 't-i'\; 8t; 'Il}v bno ClII dv1ixsl. '0 o. yo. "1]'1' dno.y't"oly l08u"'\] 'Iij<;; 000'l:i\c: )(Oi!lopcitou 'E)()(A.lll1(OC; ouxt {,no ",,'I' y"coa illl 80Yllonll1)Y hyoluy. «TIPOI toy XQIOtQII" AtlyeL,,,0'1' '1' 80'CTioa 'tiie OOl'Cl]Qeat;, UnaQXEI na'!}oieoteqot; Oornoc. dveu 00(00'1' cpoo"cslyot; 1(0.\ et<; 'YnoQXBL 0 XQlO"COt; ecpoii 'til'll' An:O)(cJ.AII- \lily lteot ttic dyio"cl]to<; "fou esoi', O,yo{}Otl]"Cot; XOL ayaltl]<; 11000<; "Coue; tl]c: we EyitO 0 XQlrno<; 1\' ou/loiloo<; 1\ iloilo'll OXlm1ioo,; ICOL 0.'1<1- natul lilitoauel8eol )(01 noautqonolc; evot; till 8sCQ SUOQ60tOU Meo E"ito "Cn {)8a Ta t-y!<; YIIWOfoo<; ICot ttj<; XaQI'to<; ill QeouoL )(OL EVitO xaql<; st<; toe fuaoyio<; oi 8i)(OLOL, oi rlylo\ 'toil 8sou, 6J<; IItv8Qo all{}oullto «IIoQa 8let68ouc; too'll U/l(i"Coov» ('l'oail, 1,3) )(ot etfqo 1l0xQo'ttlQo Eyito "CaUtCl 6'1' o.yu8qqj l'i 1nmxu Btt; Qoa<; um..tooy euq(o)(o'uoty SAOX(O'Cl]Y naily ouxt oltay(oot; 8X01l0LY t8lay 1t1.l}y tqoxstoy OOQOIOt'l1tO lle1:a ICOQn:OOY ItQot; "COY geov )(ot 'toy I'IAl]oioY,, YIta.OXS1 )(O,;n ilia tt(}llo)(e(a 8v tij "COOII 8LO<p0000y 110QCPOOY', Tou'Cl]Y BUg((!)(SL 0 O. EY 'Cfj KOitOALl(ij, 8Lon, wt; AeYEI, "0 Elti Yii<; OAO)(Al]QOU StVOL "CO f}elo,", to 1l0XOQlO- 1l0\0\;v»,

10 1tl 'to 6la)..cov 1'0(1't0 a;lov &voyvwl1p.mc; Itot &1& OhWBC ana 'tile: ni..8\1qiie; 6a lxmflbv nqor;; IIHl1:UnmOLV 8t:EQtl\; XQtosror;; xtll d),)..ocrov aulionsqnofl(itrov. 'Exnvij XtMIX1}V 'tou eilloflsv BV 'U!J un' aqi&/1. 'I 'tou 1984 tpu),i..rp 'tt1c; Knttoi..lxije; x. A. Anwlt\1der.,{Qoq>etollv "0120 'tou 8' Muncker Th. Die psychologischen Grl1ndlllgen c1er Kllthollschen Sitten. lehre (Bd. 2er des Hnudbuches der Knth. SittE'nlehre von Fr. Tillmltnn). L. SchwAnn, Dusseldorf s Br. 10,80 RM. Lb; RM. Kata toy naqei..{}6vta 8'ti{}YI xuxi..ocponcav liai 0 8BUteOOe tou uno tou li. tetotlt6110" 'Hlhxou ltaol 1:00 ono(ou sy(;vsto liv t:1ii Ult' OQt{}]l. MZ'. (1984) 1: uxet tiie c8boi..ou ycne» a. '0 (lliyyoflcpeic; naqa 1:0\) \I. Th. Muncker, Ka6Y1Y'ltoii h tlii I1avemotYl!t(rp BreslAu nllqfxet Ij!Uxo).OYlXa\; 1Orov (mocrov Ot'lQ!tBtln i] -I}lhxll IhIlMlIai..Ca. - T1}v nqrototun(av ev tn I1U\,{} OEt liat tmj oi..ou EQYOU "a nooououll1l1 BV.OfllllOiP lial 0 )., 111J"YQacpevc tou tfl"flatoc: t 01it: 011. O,hm, 'ije; 'Hihllije; 0soi..oyCat;, ii tic: n(>066')' i..el 'tove: u'toue: -I} lhxovc; xavovac; 'nil; Bxouoa ltqo 6!p{}ui..flOOv toy O'''{}OWltOV, I:)C o!psci..elva elval, I'IQOtlVeLtat 6V tip t6wp t0111q> i] 'Hlhxi] 'l/j")(oi..oylct ltooyflo'tb1l0flll-''il f lnelv tov tqonov ECPltQflOYiic 'tliw -I}lhv.r7w tou1'(ov liovovrov Ani toy avi}oroltov m; ou'toc five II OWflUtlllroC; {'Yli]C II O(li} V,,('. /),)..". va liatao'tiliot ooq;ii o).a 8l!stva 'ta xooi..{'!lato, atlvu "tllv ow 'tliiv 1}{}LlIOOV xavo,'w" liuvavtat va lillt noaov dltaqol't'lltoc ali} "to xo()ltoq;noov 1i{}IxoltCllllaycoylllij(' tllv- XdVBl i) yvlbate; t'l't'lll1a'twv axettlloov ltooc; to nllv'tola l'i'bql tile: 'tl\c; d;tofll><1\g Ij!IIXo).oyCae; xai 'ljjuxo- Elval yvwatov ete; ltnv'ta, ootle; olt(t)('iitjlto'tb acfxobhal ehs!ail 'to "''IjJ'l).ov 31:olliaymYll(ov veo'tf\'co(: eoyoy, ehs 'fa UIj!'l).Ov 31:fll80voo.,.,110" 'tile; tioyov, she '1'0 hi..6tpoov 'toil nvbu"u"mtoil lhs1:qoc. )..OlltOV troy touiunl1: cpuasror;, tyln'iilfhrov IIUI 81) rcoobulayro."y! alt: ilj.l800v s"'qll'ilio\.lev'r} nqoc: '1:1}V npoocp8q81 tuioll8alo"cu,;y\v \)1tYlQ8CCOV &notsi..sl Drcar;l!IC'1:'l'HlV npo'\lnottealv.. Ouxi orcavcm, tiofi-qv{}'lflev Ei..)..F.llj!lV hoc '1:QLOUto\J liut /Ii} ti'ijjlv 'tl]v 'IjJ"xnv sv 'tip x).lflfllo)"oyutip. cpuaix!ll, {}(lylol!buttxqi, xolvrovilii'i>!tal no).i'tlllip "{SVQa!Afl V(lU naoa nenelpoflevou xal XPlatLaVOU eltlcfttlflovoe, /llotl OU)(t onuv(roc;!tatd 'tnv e;aoxy)cflv tou l}/loov liat lin me iho).oyou BQYOU BUQEflYJI.lB'\I noo 'tquyq>lhffiv )(Jal IIi! ltqollblflevoij l'i'bqt VSrov 'tijc;,,6arp SUSltLcpoQou Elc; 'ljj1/)(lxac IIlataQaxae: liai avmfla).(ac y\'romijc fj).lx ac. '0 a. mc; nqoei..ex{}n, ltow'to"tultbl. l:uvoqj.loi..oybl 6i..6l1).noov to U).I)(OV 'to;:; 'toll np.ot to YEVIlIOV 1;"P;'lflO rju,'elll"oero\;. Ms'ttt 'tflv eiaayoly"v, ev 'tn onocq. e;enitovtal i] Evvoia, to uvtl?lstflsvov, al liat.., [atooca 'tije; 'H{}lxTjc; 'ljjuxoi..oycac; etc dooeqa tflytflata: a'. 'H 'l/j"xtlfl) Aelt01J(>yCa J.lEta noflfle(>o;:;c; e;etaoeroc: axb'tlxrov W. 'H 111TO ijitlxllv BVVOLaV flata ltaoa{}eoewr;, ltltoroy troy clvaltt1jx6sl000v ElIaOtOte 'IIIIoltEPCOc B\ 0 (I. ftc: tov eaeyxov liut 'tll" uvtlliqouolv tr7w 6smQHilv "ttj, BfllTfI(>Oll(l(1'tiur;, liat 'tolv 81ocpoQrov voolaqxlllo)v 'tolout'ro\'. y' 01 l1q;oafo(jl lia'(8u{}uvaflc; tfi floq!poooel 'tiic; ouvei8l'\ofro<;; liat,;fi anotsi..pofl troy ij61l1(iw xo osoov. Etc; 'to tfltjflu,"outo imi IWlIo6tsQov 6 0?lOL J.1Bta 00- CP'lveCac; qli..iyov'ta yevllim"sqou E'I'llLaq;eQoVtoc, lie li,a tove: aaxo).ouflevouc; stc to exltallleutlllov BOYOV to to.:rctj lluoxo).ov sllte!) nots xui &).)"O'tE O"flSQOV. ev til 6naVMtOt'l!1SvU!tQtlla'tclv, S'l'ti}o

11 1M W l'i:fi) th lvc1 ClX8'lil;OYlOUl toy "Wy IIOt oemy, Td na..."otu \j)uxuiu fltrhllqtu )I at' ul,puxonai}oaoyi)lal )10- Ils)'QI )Cat OiHiilV TOO V 8... "'U!IOoq>rh!JI!L loou IlU"'OIJuv, at qvse; 't6ijyjy (nhl.o(j(a... x(l1:a "by... ICQtosoov /l81:0 liul UltM1O'rj"'O!;,*c11 f,!{t(jol'tolv...eooteg(j)y,,!to '!;b nu... 'tols th:(j)qohoy(ur, MIIIIQ01:8QO Etc; 1:b :ov 100;;1:0 "-6yov nse' 'tlily EITLIIOrl060lV li Ut S.ltl QOOOOv 1:oii q>llo"llloii 'liou \'WVllIOU 13 o u, 'die "'ou Ii'. 'Ev T/il.8Asll udfll 't OU up /ulo8l 6 ". 'Ill'Ii 0 flii AJ.l!1 :n:(iijuv ojt{jlc; to'ou u O'nrhuQOY.0 Vl1'I'Hia 100" '(QolCm) 'tiie "'ltxo1..oyllt i'j: 'tii, Klli IIi) 8'\1 't6 uno 'tde.ii )(li T)AOOOEt<;; TIoootaYQriq> BI xat8\,.6uvoeic, olnvee;; BEov va a.ltoaoutliiiv't1ll l" 1:D nqo(jitc.dhl q. ngoc;; ngoa.lj'i\iw RICO q>uyi)v xrr.i. "FQllnf>(uv oncooli1jltots noolta't] 6 El(100 v fits stt8 u>').ooe nroc; 8tQIJ'tQoq:(1)v 1:i'jc: uvloiie lillt o(l th'j, UIT'I\QfO Lnc: 'to eqyo... 'fouto )l1l1 lila de lullu 1f8q>uAOta 118, V S)(cl.Ofql,,6)... T/l'l\I.ultrov licll 6'1, ijc; 'A "'''',(,iiie LlO...OY il 'Eq;' ooov,,}& it8uvc.t/ls&a va ex.m/l!!v Y"Olll'l'\V, /le v 6a MLlllli!;o!l-s,,, va StI(0)/l8,V, on 8{lO(OltO/lB... 'tb EQYO ;';0 TIQ IlY/lCl't'B U- STa L lia;i.wc 't8 etc rc AUL(J'ttt {faliv b 1:00 'H6Llti'\C ltui 'ti'j:!ii'?.nr1oq>'l(ijc: llq.lmmlill ac, 1:11'1 oltll,av )lotllsq(i)06 KUQ' f}" t v "J:b Tl!A81,1'tO LOY 000" UCOOQ Q. EVVI'8i'fcH 1:0 11'1,Ixoi..oyt)( OV U ci v'to1:s <hlolc 't o st un A(elV 1:o'Y uoxoaoulle... ov IlS10d tau 8QY01J. Arcbiv fti r Reli gionswirllet1schnrt Blind X XXI, H eft 1-2 Leipzig. T eqllixs't(.ll /le16'('il "J:OU 8'11 R ostotk,)(lltt1'ly'i\'toii If, J. Geffoken 8ltl '(OU f}tt1j\l.cir71:oi'l Y8yo... An t'lol!'" 0 A BV 1:q) )I-q1T1l) '11\-; Av Melh om.vol c 'to", ol'o. lila 'Cii<: 'tile: b ayalalli!il' \lo UI1 '1\1;; toile et lege (=A-fJf!e 1(11\ &'vtiy"(i)lh )!).vuyv mtfl", 'Iii!; liul.d... 'to -ijc "Qo , n Uoy!llt8q?doLoe...\ 00<; 0 tllloe; ).BYB\. (Con o fesslones va 6sx6ii '1:0 teoov '0 0. DIAOA-OYrov 'ti)'" OJ.16v"co J,loV 6ltt liut 10\1 YOYO\'01:0 e;; xq ulo'iioov /toga ai rrl 'l: ooy Cleco" ri. v, (1..I1'l\llV, 1t8 LQ U1iCH EV 't f:j /lbhe'l:u 'l:ou 1:ulhll oux.i " a 1I10!Iq?U!fltll-qO'll 'Iilv ahtlttblrlv 1:oil O)c; claaa va 100"1:0 )«(Jt neo io... )(ct t iv"j:tatllj!scov l'i')<: eltoxfl r;: XU\ IIi) BV l'u qilaoaoy Lc;t' 'l;oi),;oov ' xeli sl1io/le...mc;-!;l1l'st...d "eou '1oil'to 'O"oAoyo""evwc 0 i... ' ')(01 A')( '1WV cn.- Amy 1;i)y a01(flta... 'E)(xA.tjo(av (hoq>eqoll vcoy JleA8't iii... 'to" liul 1I'ij 8)(,;ijc; 'fou czwei gnechiscbe liav "Qoonutte'i:...a xal BV 'tou'tq>, 1:/il i'eyovon BI1AI\/)i) 'tnc OA ro C; ex tln"u- 'fa '(tjc; Ittmod)tloswe BlteA60{'0\,) <; 1:lJ" \' EeI'Y!;w'ijv soro't8qt)(ije;; EA81Jtt8gCrr.C;; leqou a v6qo" 'toy ih;lo'" AuyoulnLvov 1 EltVOV en:oxiic; 1:0U, 8X- '1:1J ItCOC; ttql)o)(quuxoo'" SCJOO1:6QlX6)V tll(j) lla'twv XUL i)a " - " a'c(li..oy loo y. {t ei. eot6net'to o[aol\tllto't'cl CJT) Jl.f1o(ag i} 1tgOOIta.6SlCl o il.'i\, sav OItWO/)tllt01:B 11 "llv Oltf.'i'l C; eyevsl'o Va b 'liou «al neoi ';Oll1iOU 0JlLhSl 0 OUYYQ(J q>ei, c;. l. ll. Cl>P Ar KOYAm:

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