Ontology-Based Filtering Mechanisms for Web Usage Patterns Retrieval

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1 Ontology-Based Filtering Mechanisms for Web Usage Patterns Retrieval Mariângela Vanzin, Karin Becker, and Duncan Dubugras Alcoba Ruiz Faculdade de Informática - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre - Brazil {mvanzin, kbecker, duncan}@inf.pucrs.br Abstract. Web Usage Mining (WUM) aims to extract navigation usage patterns from Web server logs. Mining algorithms yield usage patterns, but finding the ones that constitute new and interesting knowledge in the domain remains a challenge. Typically, analysts have to deal with a huge volume of pattern, from which they have to retrieve the potentially interesting one and interpret what they reveal about the domain. In this paper, we discuss the filtering mechanisms of O3R, an environment supporting the retrieval and interpretation of sequential navigation patterns. All O3R functionality is based on the availability of the domain ontology, which dynamically provides meaning to URLs. The analyst uses ontology concepts to define filters, which can be applied according to two filtering mechanisms: equivalence and similarity. 1 Introduction As the popularity of World Wide Web explodes, a massive amount of data is gathered by Web servers in logs. These are rich sources of information for understanding Web users behavior. Web Usage Mining (WUM) addresses the application of data mining techniques over web data in order to identify users navigation patterns [1]. The WUM process includes the execution of specific phases [2], namely data preprocessing (used to select, clean and prepare log raw data), pattern discovery (application of data mining algorithms), and pattern analysis (evaluation of yielded patterns to seek for unknown and useful knowledge). While WUM techniques are promising, many problems need to be solved for their effective application. Two challenges related to the pattern analysis phase are pattern retrieval and pattern interpretation. Mining techniques typically yield a huge number of patterns [3]. Hence, users have difficulty on identifying the ones that are new and interesting for the application domain. Thus, pattern retrieval deals with difficulties involved in managing a large set of patterns, and setting focus on a subset of them for further analysis. Pattern interpretation involves analysing the interestingness and relevance of patterns with regard to the domain. For example, the rule users who purchased in an on-line shop also visited its homepage is trivial, considering that a homepage is the main entry point of a site. In the context of WUM, the challenges of pattern interpretation refer to understanding what usage patterns reveal in terms of site events, due to the semantic gap between URLs and events performed by users [4]. To K. Bauknecht et al. (Eds.): EC-Web 2005, LNCS 3590, pp , Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

2 268 M. Vanzin, K. Becker, and D.D.A. Ruiz reduce this gap, recent approaches (e.g. [4, 5,5]) investigate the contributions of domain ontologies, possibly available in the Semantic Web. Ontology-based Rules Retrieval and Rummaging (O3R) is an environment targeted at supporting the retrieval and interpretation of sequential navigation patterns during the pattern analysis phase [5]. All O3R functionality is based on the availability of the domain ontology, to which URLs are mapped. Analysts explore pattern semantics interactively during the pattern analysis phase, according to distinct abstraction levels and dimensions of interest. This contrasts with classical approaches (e.g. [7,8]), in which semantic enrichment is performed statically in the pre-processing phase. The ontology-based functionality of O3R allows the retrieval and interpretation of conceptual patterns, i.e. patterns formed of concepts in different abstraction levels, in opposition to physical patterns, composed of URLs. The pattern interpretation functionality of O3R is described in [5]. This paper focus on the pattern retrieval functionality of O3R, which exploits the domain ontology for defining filters that allow users to manage the volume of rules, and to set focus on a subset of patterns with specific characteristics. Functionality allows users to specify filters that represent their interest in terms of contents, structure, and statistic properties; and to retrieve patterns that either match the specified filter, or are similar to it at some extent. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents related work. Section 3 provides a brief overview the O3R environment, describing the relevant underlying concepts. Section 4 details the filtering functionality. Conclusions and future work are addressed in Section 5. 2 Related Work Filtering is a very common approach for dealing with issues in pattern retrieval. A filter defines the set of proprieties that patterns must present in order to fit in the analyst s current interest or search space. Filtering mechanisms are responsible for finding the patterns that match these properties. Filtering can be applied both in the pattern discovery and pattern analysis phases [3]. In the first case, the filter is embedded into the mining algorithm, restricting its output. If applied in the analysis phase, the filter is used to focus the search on potentially (un)interesting patterns. The advantage in this case is that new filters can be defined dynamically and interactively, whenever the analyst adopts a new interest focus, without having to re-mine the data. A filter can express statistic, conceptual and structural proprieties. Statistical proprieties are based on objective and subjective measures [1, 3,9]. Objective measures are generally based upon the inherent structure of mined patterns, i.e. statistics such as support and confidence [9]. Objective measures aim at reducing the number of rules generated by the mining algorithm. For instance, association and sequence mining techniques [9,10] are both based on the support measure, e.g. the fraction of transactions or sequences that contains a specific pattern. However, rules with high support value very seldom are interesting. Most often they represent common sense in the domain. On other hand, when a low support value is defined, many patterns are generated, making the analysis process even more difficult. The authors in [9] discuss the advantages of mining using very low threshold values for objective criteria (e.g.

3 Ontology-Based Filtering Mechanisms for Web Usage Patterns Retrieval 269 support, confidence, lift) in order to produce all the potentially interesting rules, combined with a rule filtering mechanism for analyzing the yielded patterns. Subjective measures depend on prior domain knowledge, and they can be further divided into unexpectedness (if a pattern is surprising to the user), or actionable (if the user can do something with it in his advantage). The literature provides techniques supporting pattern retrieval based on subjective interestingness. Most of them compare discovered patterns with some form of belief [1,3] expressing domain knowledge. Thus, any mining result either supporting or contradicting these beliefs is considered interesting. However, the effectiveness of these measures is related to the ability of expressing beliefs for a given domain. Conceptual properties in WUM are related to domain events, which are represented syntactically by URLs. There is an urge for semantic approaches for providing meaning to these URLs in terms of domain events, i.e. contents and services offered by a site. Most existing work (e.g. [4, 5, 6]) concentrate on exploiting semantics, possibly available in the Semantic Web, for the pattern interpretation task. Structural properties establish constraints on how domain events relate to each other, such as which events should appear in the pattern, possibly in a certain order. In [8], the authors present the mining language MINT, which allows users to focus on the search of sequential navigation patterns presenting certain structural, conceptual and statistical properties. MINT assumes that the conceptual properties of URLs are stored as metadata, statically provided during the pre-processing phase. [1] uses concept taxonomies to express filters over association rules, which express conceptual and structural properties. Filters are expressed textually using regular expressions. To define the filters, these works assume that the analyst: 1) has a deep knowledge about the domain; and 2) is skilled in the syntax used to specify the filter. 3 O3R Environment Overview O3R provides support for the retrieval and interpretation of sequential navigation patterns. All O3R functionality is based on the conceptual representation of patterns, which is provided the mapping of URLs into the concepts of the domain ontology. Pattern interpretation functionality allows analysts to rummage around representations of a same pattern according to different dimensions of interest and abstraction levels [5], and is not discussed here due to space limitations. Filtering functionality is detailed in Section 4. In the remainder of this section, we introduce the premises and fundamental concepts upon which O3R was built. Current implementation of O3R is limited to sequential patterns extracted according to the sequential algorithm described in [10]. It assumes that these patterns were extracted from a dataset resulting from a typical pre-processing phase [2]. No particular data enrichment is assumed for this data set in the pre-processing phase, since patterns are semantically enriched as they are retrieved and interpreted with O3R. 3.1 Domain Events Representation Events in a web site are roughly categorized as service (e.g. buying, finding) and content (e.g. Hamlet, television) [4]. O3R assumes the representation of domain

4 270 M. Vanzin, K. Becker, and D.D.A. Ruiz events in two levels: conceptual and physical. Physically, events are represented by URLs. The conceptual level is represented by the domain ontology, which is used to dynamically associate meaning to web pages and user actions over pages. We assume a domain expert is responsible for the acquisition and representation of the domain ontology, as well as for the mapping of the physical events into the corresponding conceptual ones. Fig. 1-a depicts the ontology structure using a UML class diagram. The ontology is composed of concepts, representing either a content of a web page, or a service available through a page. Concepts are related to each other through hierarchical or property relationships. A hierarchical relationship connects a descendant concept to an ascendant one. Two types of hierarchical relationships are considered: generalization, in which the generalized concept is ascendant of a specialized one; and aggregation, in which the ascendant represents the whole assembly and the descendent represents one of its parts. Every concept has at most one ascendant. Property relationships represent arbitrary associations that connect a subject to an object. Service Content Content Service Hierarchy type ascendent descendent Concept name subject object Property name URL predominant dimension a Relationship b Fig. 1. Ontology structure and URL mapping URLs are mapped into ontology concepts according to two dimensions: service and content. An URL can be mapped into one service, one content or both. When a URL is mapped into both a service and a content, it means that the URL provides a service that is related to some content. In that case, the mapping also defines the predominant dimension. A same ontology concept can be used in the mapping of various URLs. The above constraints are represented in Fig.1-b. Fig. 2 illustrates domain events of a hypothetical tourism web site according to the physical and conceptual levels. Services include booking, searching for information, visualizing, etc. Content is related to the subjects available in the site, or related to some services (e.g. a user can book a room in a hotel or search for a restaurant). In Fig. 2, page URL1 was mapped into the service Booking; page URL2 was mapped to both content Hotel and service Searching concepts. Page URL3 is mapped into the content Indian. Notice that URL2 was mapped according to two dimensions, where the content was defined as the predominant dimension. The domain ontology can be created by hand (quite expensive) or using semiautomatic mechanisms. In the latter approach, machine learning and information retrieval techniques have been employed to improve the ontology engineering process (e.g. [12]). This work does not address the issues related to ontology acquisition and

5 Ontology-Based Filtering Mechanisms for Web Usage Patterns Retrieval 271 Event Conceptual Level Service Content Booking Search Visualize Content About Acc omodation Restaurant Hotel Indian Italian URL1 URL2 URL3 Legend: conaggregation generalization Physical Level property relation predominant mapping secondary mapping Fig. 2. Domain ontology example validation. The future semantic web will certainly contribute in reducing this effort [4], in the sense that the creation of the respective ontology layer will be part of any site design. 3.2 Physical and Conceptual Patterns Since no semantic enrichment is assumed in the pre-processing phase, patterns yielded by the mining algorithm are sequences of URLs. We refer to them as physical patterns. O3R uses the mapping between the physical and conceptual representation of events to present these patterns to users as a sequence of the corresponding ontology concepts, i.e. the conceptual patterns. Users manipulate this conceptual representation using O3R functionality. For that purpose, users have to set a dimension of interest, which can be content, service or content/service. Service Concept name 1.. Content COrder order contains Conceptual Pattern dimension of interest URL predominant dimension 1.. POrder order contains 1.. Physical Pattern Fig. 3. Physical and conceptual patterns Fig. 3 shows the relationship between conceptual and physical patterns. Notice that considering the 3 possible dimensions of interest, a same physical pattern can have up to 3 different conceptual representations. By exploring the dimensions of interest, the

6 272 M. Vanzin, K. Becker, and D.D.A. Ruiz user is presented with alternative conceptual patterns for the same physical one. Considering the example of Fig. 2, according to the service dimension, the physical pattern URL1 URL2 is displayed as Booking Search; whereas according to the content/service dimension, it is visualized as Booking Hotel. Conceptual patterns can also be interpreted according to different abstraction levels of the ontology, through the rummaging functionality. For example, the physical pattern URL1 URL2 can also be interpreted as Service Hotel, Service Accommodation, or Service Content, by exploring the hierarchical relationships of the ontology. 4 Retrieval Functionality Retrieval functionality is targeted at managing a large volume of rules, as typically produced by sequential or association mining algorithms [9,11]. The basic idea is to reduce the search space for inspecting the meaning of the rules in the domain, by finding related rules. Two approaches are provided by O3R: rule clustering and rule filtering. Clustering functionality groups related rules in different sets, such that the analyst can set focus for further inspection on a whole set of rules (or discard them all). Presently, we implemented only the maximal sequence criterion of [10] (rules that are subsequences of a maximal sequence rule are grouped in a same cluster), but other criteria are possible. Filtering functionality, detailed in this section, addresses filter definition and filtering mechanisms. By providing filters in the analysis phase, it is possible to focus on part of the result set without requiring to re-mine the data set. 4.1 Filter Definition A filter in O3R defines conceptual, structural and statistical constraints over sequential patterns. Conceptual constraints are represented by ontology concepts, in order to define the interest on patterns involving specific domain events, at any abstraction level. Structural constraints establish structural rules upon these events, more specifically to start with a specific concept, to end by a specific concept, or that a (immediate or not) subsequence of specified concepts must obey a certain order. Statistical constraints refer to objective measures, such as support in the case of sequence rules. Fig. 4 defines a filter using a UML class diagram. start Filter dimension elements end Concept name 1.. Element preceeds succeds Fig. 4. Filter definition Fig. 5 shows the filtering interface of O3R. The domain ontology is represented graphically on the leftmost window. It allows the analyst to visualize all concepts and

7 Ontology-Based Filtering Mechanisms for Web Usage Patterns Retrieval 273 relationships defined for the domain. The upper right window is the area where the user defines the filter, according to some dimension of interest. The filtered patterns appear in the lower right window.to establish conceptual constraints, the user chooses concepts from the ontology and places them at the filter definition area. In the example of Fig. 5, the user is interested in patterns including the concepts Booking, Search and Restaurant. Then he uses the structural operators (buttons at the right of the filter definition area) to establish order between concepts. In the example, the concept Search must precede Restaurant. He also establishes a statistical constraint (at least 5% of support). Users have the ontology support to understand the domain, and establish interesting filters. They are also not required to learn any complicated syntax, because filters are defined by direct manipulation of domain concepts. 4.2 Filtering Mechanisms Fig. 5. Pattern filtering interface Once the filter of interest is defined, the user can choose among two filtering mechanisms, referred to as equivalence filtering and similarity filtering. Equivalence Filtering. The pseudo-code for equivalence filtering algorithm is shown in Fig. 6. The inputs of the algorithm are the set of physical patterns (PP), the dimension of interest and the filter. The output is the set of filtered conceptual patterns (FP). First, the algorithm converts PP into the corresponding set of conceptual patterns (CP), according to the dimension of interest. Then, it examines each conceptual pattern of CP, verifying whether it meets the statistical, conceptual and structural constraints of the filter. The functions used in the pseudo-code can be understood from the UML class diagrams of figures 1 and 3.

8 274 M. Vanzin, K. Becker, and D.D.A. Ruiz Algorithm: Erro! EquivalenceFiltering Inputs: PP, dimension, filter; Outputs: FP CP := PP.convert (dimension); For each cp in CP Do If cp.support() >= filter.minsupport() // statistical constraint Then // conceptual constraint match := true For each element in filter.elements() Do c := element.concept() If not cp.contains(c) Then match := false; If match Then // structural constraint If cp.start(filter.start()) Then If cp.end (filter.end() Then If cp.order(filter) Then FP.add(cp); Return(FP); Fig. 6. Equivalent filtering algorithm The statistical constraint is verified if the support of the conceptual pattern is at least equal to the minimum support defined. A conceptual constraint states concepts that must appear in a rule. In the equivalence filtering, a concept is contained in pattern either if it explicitly composes the pattern, or one of its direct or indirect descendents does. For example, considering the ontology of Fig. 2, if a filter includes the concept Restaurant, all patterns containing Restaurant or its descendents Indian or Italian, satisfy the constraint. Checking the structural constraints involves examining the position of concepts in the pattern. The filter of Fig. 5 specifies that Search must antecede (immediately or not) Restaurant. All patterns in which these concepts do not respect this order are not included in the filtered pattern set. Fig. 5 also illustrates possible patterns that match this filter according to equivalence filtering. Notice that Booking can appear in any order with regard to Search and Restaurant (i.e. before Search; after Restaurant; or in between Search and Restaurant). Similarity Filtering. It extends equivalence filtering by retrieving also patterns that are similar to the filter. Similarity is defined is terms of distance between concepts in the ontology, considering the hierarchical relationships. The adopted similarity function is an adaptation of one proposed in [13], shown in Formula 1, where c1 e c2 are concepts, LCA is the Lowest Common Ancestor of c1 and c2, and depth is the distance of a concept from the root of the hierarchy. The result of the similarity function is a number that ranges from 0 to 1, where Sim(c1, c2) = 1 iff c1 = c2. Sim(c 1, c 2 ) = 2depth (LCA(c 1, c 2 )) depth (c 1 ) + depth (c 2 ) (1) To reduce the number of filtered rules, the user has to provide two parameters: the minimum similarity threshold and the Ancestor Scope Level (ASL). The ASL identifies the farthest common ancestor in the hierarchy to be considered for similarity purposes. Consider for instance the ontology of Fig. 2 and the concept Italian. If ASL is defined by the user as 1, Restaurant is the farthest common ancestor, and therefore, Indian is regarded as a similar concept. If it is set to 2, then Accommodation and Hotel are also assumed as similar, due to the farthest common ancestor Concept.

9 Ontology-Based Filtering Mechanisms for Web Usage Patterns Retrieval 275 ASL is used to produce a generalized filter, a filter in which each element of the user-defined filter is replaced by the respective farthest common ancestor. For instance, consider the filter of Fig. 7, which states that Booking must precede Hotel. For ASL = 1, the corresponding generalized filter would be Service followed by Content. Any conceptual pattern containing subsequences of these concepts (or their descendents) would be considered similar to the specified filter. The minimum similarity threshold provided by the user is used to prune the results. Fig. 7. Example of results yielded by similarity filtering The pseudo-code of similarity filtering algorithm is presented in Fig. 8. It takes as parameters the set of physical patterns (PP), the dimension of interest, the filter, the minimum similarity threshold, and ASL. It yields a set of conceptual patterns (FP), with the respective similarity measure with regard to the filter, as illustrated in Fig. 7. Algorithm: SimilarityFiltering Inputs: PP, dimension, filter, similaritythreshold, ASL; Outputs: FP // define generalized filter generalizedfilter := filter; For each element in generalizedfilter.elements() Do element.setconcept := element.concept().findfarthestancestor(asl) // find patterns that match the generalized filter CandidateFP := EquivalenceFiltering(PP, dimension, gf); // calculate similarity with regard the user-defined filter For each candidatecp in candidatefp Do If candidatecp.calculatesimilarity (filter) > similaritythreshold Then FP.add(cp) ; Return(FP); Fig. 8. Similarity filtering algorithm Fig. 7 exemplifies results yielded by similarity filtering. Filtered conceptual patterns with similarity value equal to 1 are totally compliant to the filter. All other patterns are similar to it in some degree. For example the conceptual pattern Search Hotel is similar because concept Search is similar to concept Booking, since both are services. Comparatively, the pattern Search Indian is less similar because the distance between concepts Indian and Hotel is greater than the distance between Search and Booking. Pattern similarity is based on the similarity of specific concepts composing it, according to the defined structural constraints. These are referred to as similarity points. Hence, the similarity of a pattern is the arithmetic average of its similarity points. In case a pattern meets a structural constraint in different ways, the algorithm always considers the highest similarity. In Fig. 8, for instance, the pattern Search Booking

10 276 M. Vanzin, K. Becker, and D.D.A. Ruiz Hotel has two possible combinations of similarity points with regard to the defined filter: Booking Hotel (equal to the filter - 1) and Search Hotel (similar to the filter ). This pattern is thus assigned with similarity 1. 5 Conclusions and Future Work In this paper we focused in the filtering functionality of O3R, an environment targeted at supporting the retrieval and interpretation of sequential navigation patterns. The availability of the domain ontology allows analysts to provide meaning to URLs during the analysis phase, according to different dimensions of interest and abstraction levels. This contrasts with classical approaches, in which semantic enrichment is performed statically in the pre-processing phase, limiting the possibilities of analyses over the mined patterns. The proposed filtering functionality require less expertise from pattern analysts: 1) they have the support of the ontology to understand the domain, and establish interesting filters, and 2) direct manipulation of domain concepts and structural operators minimize the skills required for defining filters. Filter expressiveness is also a strength, since filters define structural, conceptual and objective statistical constraints. Two filtering mechanisms are provided, in which users are allowed to establish degrees of similarity as convenient. Once patterns are filtered, users use the rummaging functionality [5]to interpret them. Since related patterns are presented to users, they can validate (or discard) several patterns at a time based on similar properties. O3R is currently under evaluation at PUCRS Virtual, the distance education department of our University. The ontology for a course was created, and sequential patterns revealing students navigation behavior are being analyzed with the support of O3R. Although an empirical validation was not performed, users (domain expert) have expressed a generalized satisfaction towards O3R functionality, particularly in comparison with the difficulties they faced in a previous WUM application [14]. Future work includes, among other topics: empirical validation of O3R at PUCRS Virtual, extension of O3R functionality to other types of patterns (association, other sequential algorithms), adaptation of O3R to ontologies with no constraints, particularly the ones available at the semantic layer of the Semantic Web References 1. Cooley, R. The use of web structure and content to identify subjectively interesting web usage patterns. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 3:(2) (2003) Cooley, R., Mobasher, B., and Srivastava, J.. Data preparation for mining world wide web browsing patterns. Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems, 1 (1999) Silberschatz, A., and Tuzhilin, A. What makes patterns interesting in knowledge discovery systems. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 8, 6 (1996), Stumme, G., Hotho, A., and Berendt, B. Usage mining for and on the semantic web. In National Science Foundation Workshop on Next Generation Data Mining (Baltimore, USA, 2002). 5. Vanzin, M. and Becker, K. (2004). Exploiting knowledge representation for pattern interpretation. In Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Ontologies- KDO 2004, pages 61-71, Pisa, Italy.

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