Schizofrenie, Psychose Van Rijn, Aleman, e.a. (2010)

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1 REFERENTIEKADER De resultaten van een groot aantal studies, veelal patiëntgebonden wetenschappelijk onderzoek van uiteenlopende klinische populaties in Nederland en daarbuiten laten zien dat het instrument een grote sensitiviteit bezit om afwijkingen in het neuropsychologische functioneren te detecteren. Ook is uit de literatuur veel informatie te halen over validiteitsaspecten van de ANT. Er zijn nu al minstens 150 publicaties verschenen over onderzoek waarin de ANT gebruikt werd. VELD ONDERWERP REFERENTIES ONTWIKKELINGS STOORNISSEN METABOLE STOORNISSEN PSYCHIATRISCHE STOORNISSEN VERWORVEN STOORNISSEN Perinatale problemen, Intrauterine groeiretardatie De Sonneville (1988, 1989), Van der Reijden-Lakeman, De Sonneville, Swaab-Barneveld e.a. (1997), Van Handel e.a. in vitro fertilisatie Wagenaar e.a. (2009). Minor Neurological Dysfunction De Sonneville, Geeraets, Woestenburg (1993) Dyslexie De Sonneville, Neyens, Licht (1993) Nonverbale Leerstoornissen Serlier-van den Bergh (2002) Fenylketonurie (PKU) Niet-PKU Hyperfenylalaninemie Huijbregts e.a. (2002, 2003), Pietz, Schmidt, Matthis e.a. (1993), Schmidt, Burgard, Pietz e.a. (1994), Ten Hoedt e.a. (in press) Weglage, Schmidt, Fünders e.a. (1996), Weglage, Ullrich, Pietsch e.a. (1996, 1997) Galactosemie Widhalm, Miranda-da-Cruz, De Sonneville (2002) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Oppositional Conduct Disorder (OCD), Angst, Depressie, co-morbiditeit ASD (autisme, asperger, pervasieve ontwikkelingsstoornissen (PDD, MCDD)) Schizofrenie, Psychose Van Rijn, Aleman, e.a. (2010) Gesloten schedeltrauma Acute Lymfoblastische Leukemie, Wilms tumor, hersentumoren Epilepsie De Sonneville, Njiokiktjien, Bos (1994), Kalff, De Sonneville, Hurks e.a. (2003, 2005), Slaats-Willemse, Swaab-Barneveld, De Sonneville e.a. (2003, 2005), Slaats-Willemse, De Sonneville, Swaab-Barneveld e.a. (2005), Stins e.a. (2005), Swaab-Barneveld e.a. (2000), Rommelse, Oosterlaan, Buitelaar e.a. (2007), Rommelse, Altink, De Sonneville e.a. (2007), Marchetta, Hurks, De Sonneville e.a. (2008), Rommelse, Altink, Oosterlaan e.a. (2008), Rommelse, Altink, Martin e.a. (2008), Greimel, Herpertz-Dahlmann, Günther e.a. (2008, 2009). Günther, Konrad, Jolles e.a. (2004), Kalff, De Sonneville, Hurks e.a. (2003, 2005), Swaab-Barneveld, De Sonneville, Cohen- Kettenis e.a. (2000), Van den Bergh, Mennes, Oosterlaan e.a. (2005), Rosello-Mir e.a. (2005), Mennes, Stiers, Lagae e.a. (2006), Günther, Konrad e.a. (2010). Althaus, De Sonneville, Mindera e.a. (1996), Njiokiktjien, Verschoor, De Sonneville e.a. (2001), Serra, Althaus, De Sonneville e.a. (2003), Herba, De Bruin, Althaus e.a. (2008), Bruining e.a (2010), Lahuis, De Sonneville, Pieterse e.a. (in press) Bouma, de Vries, De Sonneville (1997), De Sonneville, Njiokiktjien (1988), Van Heugten et al. (2006) Buizer e.a. (2005, 2006), Mennes, Stiers, Vandenbussche e.a. (2005). Franken, Klappe-van Bakel, Brunia (1994), Weglage, Demsky, Pietsch e.a. (1997) Multiple Sclerose De Sonneville, Boringa, Reuling e.a. (2002), Lazeron, De Sonneville, Scheltens e.a. (2006) HIV Koekkoek e.a.(2006, 2008) Hersenbloeding De Groot-Driesen, Van de Sande, Van Heugten (2006) Type 1 diabetes mellitus Rijpert (2010).

2 GENETISCHE AFWIJKINGEN CIRCADIANE RITMES INTERVENTIES, MEDICATIE ONTWIKKELINGS DETERMINANTEN TESTPROGRAMMA Klinefelter syndroom (XXY) Van Rijn, Aleman, e.a. (2009), Van Rijn, Aleman e.a. (2010, in press) Fragile X Steyaert, Borghgraef, Fryns (1994) 22q11 Vinck e.a (2009). Neurofibromatose Time-of-day effecten Dieet, tyrosine, L-dopa (PKU) Rowbotham e.a. (2009), Huijbregts, Jahja, e.a. (2010), Huijbregts, Swaab-Barneveld e.a. (2010). Huijbregts, De Sonneville (in press). Van der Heijden e.a. (in press) Huijbregts, De Sonneville, Licht e.a. (2002 a,c ), Pietz, Landwehr, Kutscha e.a. (1995), Pietz, Schmidt, Matthis e.a. (1994), Schmidt, Burgard, Rupp (1996), Schmidt, Rupp, Burgard e.a. (1994), Ullrich, Weglage, Oberwittler e.a. (1996) De Sonneville, Njiokiktjien, Hilhorst (1991), De Sonneville, Njiokiktjien, Bos (1994), Hanisch, Günther, Konrad e.a. (2004), Konrad, Günther, Hanisch e.a. (2004), Konrad, Günther, Methylfenidaat (ritaline)(adhd) Herpertz-Dahlman (2003), Konrad, Günther, Heinzel- Gutenbrunner e.a. (2005), Günther (2005), Günther, Herpertz- Dahlmann e.a. (2010). Sertraline Günther, Holtkamp, Jolles e.a. (2005) Melatonine (slaapstoornissen) Van der Heijden Smits, Van Someren e.a. (2007) Risperidone Günther, Herpertz-Dahlmann, Jolles e.a. (2006), Troost Althaus, Lahuis e.a. (2006) HAART (HIV) Koekoek, Eggermont, De Sonneville e.a. (2006) Aspartaam (ouders van kk met PKU) Butschko, Stargel, Comer e.a.. (2002), De Sonneville, Benninger (1996), Trefz, De Sonneville, Matthis e.a. (1994) Carbamazepine, valproïnezuur Franken, Klappe-van Bakel, Brunia e.a. (1994) Uridine suppletie (galactosemie) Widhalm, Miranda-da-Cruz, De Sonneville (2002) Transdermale nicotine (Down s syndroom) Seidl, Tiefenthaler, Lubec (2000) Zileuton (Sjögren-Larsson Syn) Willemsen et al. (2001) Normaal cohort studie Kleuters (5-6 jaar) Gedragsgenetische (tweeling) studies, familiale studies, endophenotypie (ADHD), genen/linkage/alleles Brunnekreef (2006), Brunnekreef, De Sonneville, Althaus e.a. (2007), Van Eijsden et al. (in press). De Sonneville, Visser, Licht (1999), Kalff, De Sonneville, Hurks e.a. (2003, 2005), Wassenbergh, Feron, Kessels e.a. (2005) Groot, De Sonneville, Stins e.a. (2004), Slaats-Willemse, De Sonneville, Swaab-Barneveld e.a. (2005), Slaats-Willemse, Swaab-Barneveld, De Sonneville e.a. (2003, 2005), Stins, De Sonneville, Groot e.a. (2005), Polderman, Gosso, Posthuma e.a. (2006), Polderman e.a. (2006, 2007), Rommelse, Altink, Oosterlaan e.a. (2008), Rommelse, Altink, Arias-Vásquez e.a. (2008), Rommelse, Altink, Martin e.a. (2008), Rommelse, Arias- Vásquez, Altink e.a. (2008), Rommelse, Altink, Fliers e.a. (2009), Altink, Rommelse, Slaats-Willemse e.a. (2008), Polderman et al. (in press), Wassenberg (2007) Altink, Slaats Willemse et al. (2009), Huijbregts et al. (2008), roken zwangerschap Mennes (2008). Spina Bifida Vinck A, Mullaart R, Rotteveel J, Maassen B (2009). De Sonneville (1993, 1996, 1999, 2005), De Sonneville, Njiokiktjien (1993), Günther, Herpertz-Dahlman, Konrad et al. (2005), De Sonneville, Swaab (2008). Markovska-Simoska et al. (2009).

3 Literatuur (in chronologisch-alfabetische volgorde) De Sonneville LMJ (1988). Information processing and neonatal neurological suboptimality: a longitudinal study into primary school age. Thesis, Med. Faculty, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam: Free University Press. 2 De Sonneville LMJ, Njiokiktjien Ch (1988). Pediatric Behavioural Neurology, Vol. 2, Aspects of information processing: a computer-based approach to development and disorders. Amsterdam: Suyi Publ De Sonneville LMJ (1989) Behavioural and neurophysiological follow-up of neonatal neurological suboptimality and learning disabilities. In: DJ Bakker, H van der Vlugt (Eds) Learning Disabilities, Vol I: Neuropsychological Correlates and Treatment. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, pp De Sonneville LMJ, Visser SL, Njiokiktjien Ch (1989). Late sequelae of non-optimal neonatal neurological condition in ERP at the age of years. EEG Clin Neurophysiol 72: De Sonneville LMJ, Schmidt H, Michel U, Batzler U (1990). Preliminary neuropsychological test results of the German Phenylketonuria research project. Eur J Pediatr [Suppl 1]: S39-S De Sonneville LMJ, Njiokiktjien Ch (1991). Een procesbenadering van informatieverwerkingsdeficieten bij aandachts- en leergestoorde kinderen [A process approach of information processing deficits in attention/learning disordered children]. (Belgian) T Klinische Psychologie, 21: De Sonneville LMJ, Njiokiktjien Ch, Hilhorst RH (1991). Methylphenidate Induced Changes in ADDH Information Processors. J Child Psychol Psychiat, 32: De Sonneville LMJ (1992). The importance of dietary control of early-treated phenylketonuria in relation to sustained and complex information processing. In: F Güttler & B Francois (Eds), Proceedings 5th ES PKU Meeting, European Society for PKU, pp De Sonneville LMJ, Bos H (1992). Neuropsychologie [Neuropsychology]. In: FC Verhulst & F Verheij (Eds.), Kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie: onderzoek en diagnostiek. Assen/Maastricht: Van Gorcum, pp Njiokiktjien Ch, De Sonneville LMJ (1992). Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorders. In: A Benton, H Levin, G Moretti, D Riva (Eds.). Developmental Neuropsychology. Milano: Franco Angeli, pp De Sonneville LMJ (1993). SVAT: A computer-based Approach to Development and Disorders of Information Processing. In: FJ Maarse, AE Akkerman, N Brand, LJM Mulder, M van der Stelt (Eds.), Computers in Psychology: Tools for experimental and applied psychology, Vol 4. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, pp De Sonneville LMJ, Geeraets MHW, Woestenburg JC (1993). Information processing in children with minor neurological dysfunction: behavioural and neurophysiological indices. Early Human Development, 34, De Sonneville LMJ, Neyens L, Licht R (1993). Leer- en aandachtstoornissen: vroegtijdige onderkenning en samenhang [Learning and attention disorders: early detection and relations]. In: EJM van Aarle, K Henneman (Eds.). Dyslexie 1992, Proceedings IDA congres 1992, Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, pp De Sonneville LMJ, Njiokiktjien Ch. (1993). Process-oriented localization of attention deficits: Illustrative results from a computer-based assessment technique. In: FJ Maarse, AE Akkerman, N Brand, LJM

4 Mulder, M van der Stelt (Eds.), Computers in Psychology, Volume 4. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, pp Pietz J, Schmidt E, Matthis P, Kobialka B, Kutscha A, De Sonneville LMJ (1993). EEG in Patients with Phenylketonuria: Longterm Follow-up from Birth to Adulthood (Part I) and Shortterm Diet-Related Changes of EEG and Cognitive Function (Part II). Develop Med Child Neurol, 35: De Sonneville LMJ, Njiokiktjien Ch, & Bos H (1994). Methylphenidate and Information Processing. Part 1: Differentiation between responders and nonresponders; Part 2: Efficacy in responders. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 16, Franken MLO, Klappe-van Bakel AM, Brunia CHM, De Sonneville LMJ (1994). Carbamazepine en valproïnezuur bij epilepsie; cognitieve bijwerkingen en verbanden met serumconcentraties [Carbamazepine and Sodium Valproate in Epilepsy: cognitive side effects and relations with serum concentrations]. Epicare, 5, Schmidt E, Rupp A, Burgard P, Pietz J, Weglage J & De Sonneville L. Sustained in adult phenylketonuria: the influence of the concurrent phenylalanine blood level (1994). J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 16: Schmidt, E (1994). Der Einflusz des aktuellen Phenylalanin-Blutspiegels bei frühbehandelten erwachsenen Phenylketonurie-patienten auf die Informationsverarbeitung, Ph.D. Thesis, Ruprecht-Karls Universität. Heidelberg, Duitsland. 20 Steyaert J, Borghgraef M, Fryns JP (1994). Apparently enhanced visual information processing in female fragile X carriers: preliminary findings. American J Medical Genetics, 51, Trefz FK, De Sonneville L, Matthis P, Benninger Ch, Lanz-Englert B, & Bickel H (1994). Neuropsychological and biochemical investigations in heterozygotes for phenylketonuria (PKUH) during ingestion of high dose aspartame. Human Genetics, 93, Waisbren SE, Brown MJ, De Sonneville LMJ, Levy HL (1994). Review of neuropsychological functioning in treated phenylketonuria: an information processing approach. Acta Paediatrica, Suppl, 407: De Sonneville LMJ, Trefz FK, Lanz-Englert MA, Benninger C, Matthis P, Bickel H (1995). Information processing in individuals heterozygous for phenylketonuria, given the sweetener aspartame, which contains phenylalanine. Amino Acids, 9, Pietz J, Landwehr R, Kutscha A, Schmidt H, De Sonneville L, Trefz FK (1995). Effect of high-dose tyrosine supplementation on brain function in adults with phenylketonuria. J Pediatrics, 127, Althaus M, De Sonneville LMJ, Minderaa RB, Hensen LGN, Til HB (1996). Information processing and aspects of visual attention in children with the DSM-III-R diagnosis "Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDDNOS)": I. Focused and divided attention. Child Neuropsychol, 2, Althaus M, De Sonneville LMJ, Minderaa RB, Hensen LGN, Til HB (1996). Information processing and aspects of visual attention in children with the DSM-III-R diagnosis "Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDDNOS)": II. Sustained attention. Child Neuropsychol, 2, De Sonneville LMJ (1996). Amsterdamse Neuropsychologische Taken (ANT): een computergestuurd testprogramma [Amsterdam Neuropsychological Tasks: a computererized test program]. Psychologie & Computers, 13, De Sonneville LMJ (1996). Amsterdam Neuropsychological Tasks: a computer-aided assessment programme. In: BPLM den Brinker, PJ Beek, AP Hollander & RT Nieuwboer (Ed.) Proceedings 6th Workshop Computers in Psychology, IFBK, ISBN , pp De Sonneville LMJ, Benninger Ch (1996). Evaluation of behavior, cognition, and electroencephalograms in PKU heterozygotes. In: C Tschanz, HH Butchko, WW Stargel & FN Kotsonis (Eds.), The clinical evaluation of a food additive: assessment of aspartame, Boca Raton (FL): CRC Inc, pp

5 30 De Sonneville LMJ, Visser M & Licht R (1996). Attention and information processing in 4 and 5 year old children: results of a computerized assessment technique. In: BPLM den Brinker, PJ Beek, AP Hollander & RT Nieuwboer (Ed.) Proceedings 6th Workshop Computers in Psychology, Amsterdam: IFBK, ISBN , pp Schmidt E, Burgard P, Rupp A (1996). Effects of concurrent phenylalanine levels on sustained attention and calculation speed in patients treated early for phenylketonuria. Eur J Pediatrics, 155 [Suppl. 1], S82- S Ullrich K, Weglage J, Oberwittler C, Pietsch M, Fünders B, von Eckharstein H, Colombo JP (1996). Effect of L-dopa on visual evoked potentials and neuropsychological tests in adult phenylketonuria patients. Eur J Pediatrics, 155 [Suppl 1], S Weglage J, Schmidt E, Fünders B, Pietsch M, Ullrich K (1996). Sustained attention in untreated non- PKU-hyperphenylalaninemia. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 18, Weglage J, Ullrich K, Pietsch M, Funders B, Zass R, Koch HG (1996). Untreated non-phenylketonurichyperphenylalaninaemia: intellectual and neurological outcome. Eur J Pediatr, 155 Suppl 1: S Bouma A, de Vries M, De Sonneville LMJ (1997). Neuropsychologische gevolgen van traumatisch hersenletsel bij kinderen. Een overzicht. [Neuropsychological sequellae of traumatic brain injuries in children: a review], In: JAM Vandermeulen, BJJ Ansink, PB Defares (Eds). Handboek posttraumatische stoornissen bij kinderen met niet-aangeboren hersenletsel.utrecht: De Tijdstroom,pp Burgard P, Rey F, Rupp A, Abadie V, Rey J (1997). Neuropsychologic functions of early treated patients with phenylketonuria, on and off diet: results of a cross-national and cross-sectional study. Pediatric Research, 41, Van der Reijden-Lakeman IEA, De Sonneville LMJ, Swaab-Barneveld HJT, Slijper FME, Verhulst FC (1997). Evaluation of attention before and after 2 years of growth hormone treatment in intrauterine growth retarded children. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 19, Weglage J, Demsky A, Pietsch M, Kurlemann G (1997). Neuropsychological, intellectual, and behavioral findings in patients with centrotemporal spikes with and without seizures. Dev Med Child Neurol, 39: Weglage J, Ullrich K, Pietsch M, Funders B, Guttler F, Harms E (1997). Intellectual, neurologic, and neuropsychologic outcome in untreated subjects with nonphenylketonuria hyperphenylalaninemia. German Collaborative Study on Phenylketonuria. Pediatr Res, 42: Swaab-Barneveld H. (1998). Information processing in a child psychiatric population. PhD thesis, University Utrecht, ISBN: De Sonneville LMJ (1999). Amsterdam Neuropsychological Tasks: a computer-aided assessment program. In: BPLM den Brinker, PJ Beek, AN Brand, SJ Maarse, & LJM Mulder (Eds), Cognitive ergonomics, clinical assessment and computer-assisted learning: Computers in Psychology, Vol 6. Lisse, Swets & Zeitlinger, ISBN , pp De Sonneville LMJ, Visser M, Licht R (1999). Attention and information processing in 4 and 5 year old children: results of a computerized assessment technique. In: BPLM den Brinker, PJ Beek, AN Brand, SJ Maarse, & LJM Mulder (Eds), Cognitive ergonomics, clinical assessment and computer-assisted learning: Computers in Psychology, Vol 6. Lisse, Swets & Zeitlinger, ISBN , pp Althaus M (2000). Visual attention and autonomic adaptivity to attention-demanding tasks in children with autistic-type behavioral problems. PhD thesis, Medical Faculty, University of Groningen.

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