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1 Chapter 7: Using JDBC with Spring 1) A Simpler Approach ) The JdbcTemplate Class ) Exception Translation ) Updating with the JdbcTemplate ) Queries Using the JdbcTemplate ) Mapping Results to Java Objects

2 A Simpler Approach The Spring JDBC framework is built on top of the Java SE JDBC API. The focus of Spring's approach is to make it easier to use the strengths of JDBC while abstracting away the cumbersome parts. A typical JDBC operation requires the programmer to: define connection parameters; open the connection; specify the SQL statement; prepare and execute the statement; write loop to iterate through results; do some processing for each iteration; process any exceptions; handle transactions; and close the connection. When using Spring, the developer only codes the items in bold. The Spring Framework takes care of all the lowerlevel details. The following packages comprise the Spring JDBC abstraction framework. org.springframework.jdbc.core org.springframework.jdbc.datasource org.springframework.jdbc.object org.springframework.jdbc.support 7-2

3 The JdbcTemplate Class The JdbcTemplate class is the central class in the org.springframework.jdbc.core package. This class provides the following benefits. Creates and releases resources Avoids common errors such as forgetting to close the connection Executes queries, updates, or stored procedures Catches SQLExceptions and translates them to unchecked exceptions The simplest way to use the JdbcTemplate is to provide a DataSource and then use the execute() method to run an SQL command. Our first example is a program that allows the user to create or drop a table. TableUtilityTest.java 1. package examples.jbdc; // import's not shown public class TableUtilityTest { public static void main(string[] args) { BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory 10. (new ClassPathResource ("jdbc.xml")); TableUtility util = (TableUtility) 13. factory.getbean("tableutility"); util.run(); 16. } 17. } 7-3

4 The JdbcTemplate Class TableUtility.java 1. package examples.jdbc; import java.io.*; 4. import javax.sql.datasource; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.jdbctemplate; public class TableUtility { private JdbcTemplate template; 11. private BufferedReader br; public TableUtility(DataSource ds) { template = new JdbcTemplate(ds); br = new BufferedReader 18. (new InputStreamReader(System.in)); 19. } public void run() { int choice; while (true) { choice = 0; 28. while (choice < 1 choice > 3) { 29. choice = getmenuchoice(); 30. } if (choice == 3) { 33. break; 34. } processmenuchoice(choice); 37. } 38. } 7-4

5 The JdbcTemplate Class TableUtility.java (continued) 39. private void processmenuchoice(int choice) { String sqlcmd, sqlcmd2; sqlcmd = null; 44. sqlcmd2 = null; switch (choice) { case 1: 49. sqlcmd = "create table product " "(id varchar(8), descrip varchar(40), " "price decimal(10,2), unit varchar(20), " "qty int)"; sqlcmd2 = "alter table product add " "constraint productpk primary key (id)"; break; case 2: 60. sqlcmd = "drop table product"; 61. break; 62. } template.execute(sqlcmd); if (sqlcmd2!= null) { 67. template.execute(sqlcmd2); 68. } 69. } private int getmenuchoice() { System.out.println("(1) Create Product table"); 74. System.out.println("(2) Drop Product table"); 75. System.out.println("(3) Quit"); // rest of method not shown 78. } 79. } 7-5

6 The JdbcTemplate Class jdbc.xml <bean id="tableutility" 3. class="examples.jdbc.tableutility"> <constructor-arg ref="mydatasource"/> 6. </bean> <bean id="mydatasource" class= 9. "org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.drivermanagerdatasource"> <property name="driverclassname" 12. value="com.mysql.jdbc.driver"/> <property name="url" 15. value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/test"/> <property name="username" value="root"/> 18. </bean> 19. Note the use of the DriverManagerDataSource class. This Spring class provides a simple implementation of the standard JDBC DataSource interface, using bean properties to configure the JDBC driver and URL. 7-6

7 Exception Translation Note that in the previous example, we did not have to catch any SQLExceptions, which makes the code easier to write and to read. Spring catches any SQLException and translates it to a Spring-specific exception class that extends org.springframework.dao.dataaccessexception. This is an unchecked exception so you don't have to catch it if you don't want to. Since many database exceptions are unrecoverable, it is often reasonable not to catch them. However, you can always do so if you wish. The Spring exceptions wrap the original SQLException, so you can always get to the root cause of the problem. Some of the classes in the Spring database exception hierarchy are listed below. BadSqlGrammarException - SQL syntax error, invalid table name, etc. DataIntegrityViolationException - duplicate key or missing data value DataRetrievalFailureExeption - error retrieving data CannotAcquireLockException - row is locked and database is configured not to wait for blocking locks DataAccessResourceFailureException - problem connecting to the database 7-7

8 Exception Translation Which exception is thrown for a specific SQL error code is controlled by a configuration file called sql-errorcodes.xml. This file can be found in: spring-framework-3.xxx\dist\org.springframework.jdbc-3.xxx.jar Here are the entries for the MySQL database. sql-error-codes.xml (excerpt) 1. <bean id="mysql" class= 2. "org.springframework.jdbc.support.sqlerrorcodes"> <property name="badsqlgrammarcodes"> 5. <value>1054,1064,1146</value> 6. </property> <property name="duplicatekeycodes"> 9. <value>1062</value> 10. </property> <property name="dataintegrityviolationcodes"> 13. <value>630,839,840,893,1169,1215, ,1217,1451,1452,1557</value> 15. </property> <property name="dataaccessresourcefailurecodes"> 18. <value>1</value> 19. </property> <property name="cannotacquirelockcodes"> 22. <value>1205</value> 23. </property> <property name="deadlocklosercodes"> 26. <value>1213</value> 27. </property> 28. </bean> 7-8

9 Updating with the JdbcTemplate The JdbcTemplate class includes several update() methods for insert, delete, and update operations. The update() methods return a count of the number of rows affected (the update count). The simplest form of the update() method takes an SQL statement as a parameter. int update (String sql) To use a prepared statement, the values for the placeholders in the prepared statement are passed to the update() method in an Object array. int update (String sql, Object[] args) A third form of the update() method takes an array of integers containing the SQL types of the placeholder values. This would be used to make sure that the prepared statement is populated with the correct data types rather than relying on the default mappings. int update (String sql, Object[] args, int[] argtypes) See JavaDocs for java.sql.types 7-9

10 Updating with the JdbcTemplate This example reads data from a text file and inserts rows into the product table. The name of the text file is configured in the Spring configuration file. LoadProductTable.java 1. package examples.jdbc; import java.io.ioexception; import org.springframework.beans.factory.beanfactory; 6. import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.xmlbeanfactory; 7. import org.springframework.core.io.classpathresource; public class LoadProductTable { public static void main(string[] args) 12. throws IOException { BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory 15. (new ClassPathResource ("jdbc.xml")); ProductTableLoader loader = (ProductTableLoader) 18. factory.getbean("productloader"); loader.run(); 21. } 22. } 1. jdbc.xml 2. <bean id="productloader" 3. class="examples.jdbc.producttableloader"> <constructor-arg ref="mydatasource"/> 6. <constructor-arg 7. value="c:/spring/setup/products.txt"/> </bean> 7-10

11 Updating with the JdbcTemplate ProductTableLoader.java 1. package examples.jdbc; // import's not shown public class ProductTableLoader { private JdbcTemplate template; 8. private String datafile; public ProductTableLoader(DataSource ds, 11. String filename) { template = new JdbcTemplate(ds); 14. datafile = filename; 15. } public void run() throws IOException { FileReader fr = new FileReader (datafile); 20. BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (fr); 21. String line; Object args[] = new Object[5]; int updatecount; while ((line = br.readline())!= null) { 28. StringTokenizer st = 29. new StringTokenizer (line, ","); if (st.counttokens()!= 6) { 32. System.out.println ("Invalid record"); 33. continue; 34. } args[0] = st.nexttoken(); // productid 37. args[1] = st.nexttoken(); // description 38. args[3] = st.nexttoken(); // unit

12 Updating with the JdbcTemplate ProductTableLoader.java (continued) 40. args[2] = 41. new Double (st.nexttoken()); // price 42. args[4] = 43. new Integer (st.nexttoken()); // qtyonhand // Insert new row into product table updatecount = template.update 48. ("INSERT INTO product VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", 49. args); if (updatecount == 1) { 52. System.out.println 53. ("Created: " + args[0]); 54. } else { 55. System.out.println 56. ("Error creating: " + args[0]); 57. } 58. } 59. br.close(); 60. } 61. } 7-12

13 Queries Using the JdbcTemplate There are five primary query methods in the JdbcTemplate, each with a different return type. Each method comes in two flavors: one that takes a static SQL statement (shown below), and one that takes an SQL statement with placeholders, along with an Object array containing the values for the placeholders. int queryforint (String sql) long queryforlong (String sql) Object queryforobject (String sql, Class type) Map queryformap (String sql) List queryforlist (String sql) The queryforobject() method assumes a single column from a single row will be returned by the query. If the query does not return a single row/single column, an IncorrectResultSizeDataException is thrown. The queryformap() method assumes a single row will be returned by the query. Each entry in the Map has a column name as the key and the column data as the value. If the query does not return exactly one row, an IncorrectResultSizeDataException is thrown. The queryforlist() method is used for queries that return multiple rows. The List returned contains a Map for each row returned by the query. 7-13

14 Queries using the JdbcTemplate SimpleQueries.java 1. package examples.jdbc; import java.util.list; 4. import java.util.map; import javax.sql.datasource; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.jdbctemplate; public class SimpleQueries { private JdbcTemplate template; public SimpleQueries(DataSource ds) { 15. template = new JdbcTemplate(ds); 16. } public void run() { int numrecords = template.queryforint 21. ("select count(*) from product"); System.out.println(numRecords " records in product table"); Object obj = template.queryforobject 27. ("select descrip from product where " "id=' '", String.class); System.out.println("Description for Product " " = " + obj); obj = template.queryforobject 34. ("select descrip from product where id=?", 35. new Object[] {" "}, String.class); System.out.println("Description for Product " " = " + obj);

15 Queries using the JdbcTemplate SimpleQueries.java (continued) 40. List list = template.queryforlist 41. ("select * from product where price > 10.0"); System.out.println("Products with price " "greater than 10.00:"); for (Object row: list) { 47. Map m = (Map) row; 48. for (Object colname : m.keyset()) { 49. System.out.println(colName + ": " m.get(colname)); 51. } 52. System.out.println(" "); 53. } 54. } 55. } 7-15

16 Mapping Results to Java Objects Another set of query methods allows you to map rows to Java objects using a RowMapper. Object queryforobject (String sql, RowMapper mapper) List query (String sql, RowMapper mapper) The queryforobject() method assumes a single row result set and returns a single object. The query() method returns a List of mapped objects. The RowMapper interface contains the following method. Object maprow (ResultSet rs, int rownum) The maprow() method maps a single row in the result set to a Java object. The next example demonstrates a query that returns Product objects. The Product class is shown on the next page. 7-16

17 Mapping Results to Java Objects Product.java 1. package examples.jdbc; public class Product { private String productid; 6. private String description; 7. private String unit; 8. private double price; 9. private int qtyonhand; // getters and setters not shown public String tostring() { 14. StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(128); 15. temp.append("prod Id: "); 16. temp.append(productid); 17. temp.append(" Desc: "); 18. temp.append(description); 19. temp.append(" Unit: "); 20. temp.append(unit); 21. temp.append(" Price: "); 22. temp.append(price); 23. temp.append(" Qty: "); 24. temp.append(qtyonhand); 25. return temp.tostring(); 26. } 27. } 7-17

18 Mapping Results to Java Objects MappedQuery.java 1. package examples.jdbc; // import's not shown public class MappedQuery { private JdbcTemplate template; public MappedQuery(DataSource ds) { 10. template = new JdbcTemplate(ds); 11. } public void run() { List list = template.query("select * from " "product where descrip like 'PENCILS%'", 17. new ProductRowMapper()); for (Object obj: list) { 20. System.out.println(obj); 21. } 22. } 23. } class ProductRowMapper implements RowMapper { public Object maprow(resultset rs, int rownum) 28. throws SQLException { Product prod = new Product(); prod.setproductid(rs.getstring("id")); 33. prod.setdescription(rs.getstring("descrip")); 34. prod.setprice(rs.getdouble("price")); 35. prod.setunit(rs.getstring("unit")); 36. prod.setqtyonhand(rs.getint("qty")); return prod; 39. } 40. } 7-18

19 Exercises 1. Modify the TableUtility program, adding two more menu items to allow you to create and drop a table called "customer." The schema for the table is as follows. ID VARCHAR (4) (primary key) NAME VARCHAR (24) CITY VARCHAR (24) STATE CHAR (2) ZIPCODE VARCHAR (10) BALANCE DECIMAL (10,2) CREDLIMIT DECIMAL (10,2) Solution: solutions.jdbc.tableutility 2. Load the customer table with some sample data. Read the data from the following text file. c:/spring/setup/customers.txt Solution: solutions.jdbc.loadcustomertable solutions.jdbc.customertableloader 7-19

20 Exercises 3. Write a program to perform the following queries on the customer table and display the results. Find the name of the customer with id = '0114' Hint: Use queryforobject() Find the name, city, and state of the customer with id = '0118' Hint: Use queryformap() Find the id's and names of all customers in California (CA) Hint: Use queryforlist() Solution: solutions.jdbc.customerqueries solutions.jdbc.customerqueriestest 4. Write a Customer class with data fields corresponding to the columns in the customer table. Write (or let Eclipse generate) getter and setter methods for the data fields, and provide a tostring() method. Then, execute the queries from the previous exercise, this time returning Customer objects. Solution: solutions.jdbc.customer solutions.jdbc.customermappedqueries solutions.jdbc.customermappedqueriestest 7-20

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