Piccolo corso di inglese Daniele Scuto

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1 Piccolo corso di inglese Daniele Scuto Remind and Remember Remind (fare ricordare a qualcuno) I remind you to study (ricordati di studiare) I reminded my father to buy some bread ( ho ricordato a mio padre di comprare il pane ) Remember (ricordarsi) I must remember to post the letter (dovrò ricordarmi di spedire la lettera) (ci si proietta nel futuro poiché must ha in sé l idea del futuro) I remember posting the letter (mi sono ricordato di spedire la lettera) (ci si proietta nel passato, dato l uso della forma in ing con il verbo remember) To leave (dimenticare una cosa in un posto) To wear (what) To dress (how) I wear casual clothes I dress casually Importantissimo!!! (sono le 2:30 del pomeriggio) When I arrived the teacher 1 ) did 2 ) had done 3 ) was doing a dictation (sono tutti e tre giusti, ma cambia l orario) 2:30 did ; 3:30 had done (azione finita) ; 2:50 was doing To use to; To be used to; To get used to I used to + infinito (indica un azione che facevi in passato o eri solito fare in passato) I use to è sbagliato. Per esprimere un azione che fai abitualmente nel presente: I usually + verb senza il to ( I usually go ) To be used to + object o gerundio (essere abituati a qualcosa o a fare qualcosa) ( I m used to going )...by Daniele Scuto Pagina 1 di 10

2 To get used to + object o gerundio (abituarsi a) Es: I used to live in Liverpool when I came to Sicily. I wasn t used to the chaotic traffic and it took me a while to get used to it. Now I usually drive about ten hours a day. I have got used to it. To be used to living, to doing something I used to go ( di solito andavo ) I usually go ( di solito vado) I use to go ( sbagliatissimo!!! ) Important! What does he look like? Come è? (in senso solo fisico) He is tall (to look like) What does he like? Cosa gli piace? Music (to like) What s he like? Come è? (come carattere o pure come fisico o in generale) (to be like) Es: What was the film like? How is he? Come sta? (to be) Very important!!! Present perfect and simple past The lesson started at 2:30 I arrived in the classroom at 2:30 Now it s 3:10, so I have been here for 40 minutes (sono qui da 40 minuti) Notare il valore di tempo presente della frase e l uso del for nell indicazione del tempo. My grandfather has been (present perfect) in hospital for a week (è in ospedale da una settimana, quindi si trova ancora in ospedale) My grandfather was in hospital (è stato in ospedale ma non è più lì) Quindi il present perfect (has been) indica un azione non ancora terminata e il past simple un azione finita Es: Salvo has been living in Catania for 2 months but he still isn t used to living far from home (Salvo vive a Catania da due mesi ma non si è ancora abituato a vivere lontano da casa) Notare l uso del for, la posizione di still e la forma in ing dopo il verbo to be used to ( Salvo has been living è un present perfect continuous ) A proposito di for, di since e di ago: I haven t been to France for a long time ( Attenzione: mai scrivere It is a long time since I don t go to France, sbagliatissimo ) I haven t seen my friends there for three years ( e mai scrivere I don t see my friends there since three years, sbagliatissimo )...by Daniele Scuto Pagina 2 di 10

3 I started playing the piano 6 years ago ( 6 anni fa ) So I have been playing the piano for 6 years I hadn t seen her for ages It had been a long time since I had seen her I have been playing the guitar since I was twelve ( da quando avevo dodici anni ) Attenzione all uso corretto delle preposizioni: The same as Different from Similar to To be good at (doing something) To be famous for being To be interested in something Verbi e forme in ing I like going to I prefer playing in defence I prefer having a shower to having a bath ( preferisco fare la doccia che fare un bagno) Vari utilizzi del verbo To Think I don t think he has (giusto) I think he hasn t (sbagliato) (perché è il primo verbo che nega) He thinks he is nice (mai scrivere: he thinks to be nice) What do you think of Salvo? He is thought to be nice; it is thought that he is nice (si pensa che lui sia bello) I think I will go to Spain next year (giusto) I m thinking of going to Spain this year (giusto) I think of going (sbagliato)...by Daniele Scuto Pagina 3 di 10

4 Il futuro I m meeting john at the station (incontrerò john alla stazione, e mi sono già messo d accordo) I m going to meet john at the station (è solo un intenzione e quindi ancora non è sicuro che ci vada) It will rain (è una previsione, lo pensi ma non è detto che pioverà) It is going to rain (sta per piovere ed è sicuro che pioverà) It is raining (sta piovendo) Costruzione di alcuni verbi (verb + object + infinito) I want you to do something (voglio che tu faccia qualcosa) Così anche I verbi: to prefer, ask, tell, want, like, advise I advise you to study if you want to pass your exam I want you to study (voglio che tu studi) He advised me to study He advised me not to go to study He asked me not to tell anybody He is teaching me to play football I reminded you to study My father wanted me to go to England I would like my daughter to marry a rich man ( vorrei che mia figlia sposasse un uomo ricco ) ( verbo + soggetto + verbo indicativo ) ( to know, to think, to realize, to imagine, to suppose, to feel ) He knew he had a problem Sapeva di avere un problema ( Attenzione, mai scrivere He knew to have a problem, sbagliatissimo ) Amleto felt he was in danger Amleto sentiva di essere in pericolo ( mai scrivere Amleto felt to be in danger, e così sempre con questi tipi di verbi perché è sbagliato) Italians think they are friendly Gli italiani si credono amichevoli ( mai scrivere Italians think to be friendly ) Very important!!! Conditional sentences 1. If you heat (riscaldi) ice, it melts (si scioglie) (è il grado zero, doppio presente, e si riferisce a qualcosa che accade sempre, quindi falso condizionale) 2. If (o anche when o as soon as ) he comes, I will phone you (se verrà ti chiamerò. Attenzione all utilizzo di un solo futuro in inglese ovvero quello della proposizione principale, mai usare in inglese due futuri nella stessa frase) 3. If I had a lot of money, I would buy a yacht ( se avessi tanti soldi comprerei uno yacht)...by Daniele Scuto Pagina 4 di 10

5 4. If I had left early, I wouldn t have missed the train ( se mi fossi liberato presto non avrei perso il treno) Unless ( If not, se non ) If you don t study, you will not pass the exam Unless you study, you will not pass the exam Enough (abbastanza) ( prima del sostantivo, dopo l aggettivo) I don t have enough time I m not good enough at doing Domande di conferma Devi lavorare, vero? You must work, mustn t you? Ieri sei andato al mare, vero? Yesterday you went to the sea, didn t you? You are married, aren t you? ( si rende al negativo il verbo della frase se il verbo è affermativo, o positivo se il verbo è negativo; se il verbo è to be, have, can, could, should, must e tutti i vervi modali il verbo non cambia; per gli altri verbi si sostituisce quel verbo con to do) He can t speak French, can he? Must, should, have to You should study! (dovresti studiare, non è un obbligo imposto ma ipotetico) You have to study! (devi studiare, è un ordine che ti viene imposto) You must study! (devi studiare, perché è un dovere ed è giusto farlo, ma nessuno te lo ha imposto) Al passato: You should have studied (avresti dovuto studiare) You had to study (si usa sia per have to che per must che non ha la forma al passato) Al negativo: You shouldn t study (non dovresti studiare) You mustn t study! (non devi studiare, te lo proibisco) Attenzione!!! You don t have to: you don t need to You don t have to non si usa nel senso di mustn t ovvero di non dovere fare qualcosa ma nel senso di you don t need to ovvero non c è bisogno che...by Daniele Scuto Pagina 5 di 10

6 Should and ought to hanno lo stesso significato ( dovresti ), ovvero sono sinonimi Had better ( sarebbe meglio, dovremmo, è meglio ) ( è più forte di should ) Sarebbe meglio non arrivare in ritardo: We had better not be late Attenzione!!! Had better si usa senza il to ( we had better go ) Might It might: può darsi che, potrebbe He is probably sleeping: He might be sleeping He was probably sleeping: He might have been sleeping He will probably sleep this afternoon: He might sleep this afternoon ( ha in sé l idea del futuro ) Likely, unlikely It s likely that I will phone you; I m likely to phone you ( è probabile che ti telefonerò) It s unlikely ; I m unlikely (è improbabile che ) Anche: I will probably phone you Very important!!! Past perfect When I arrived the film had finished Quando arrivai il film era già finito ( the first action was completed when the second action happened) Past perfect è il past of the past When I got up, Julia had already gone to work Quando mi alzai lei era già andata a lavoro ( ancora prima che mi svegliassi, quindi ancora prima del passato espresso da got up) Discorso indiretto ( indirect speech ) He said to me: I want to He said to me that he wanted to He said to me: I had He said to me that he had had He said to me: I ve found He said to me that he had found He said to me: I m leaving tomorrow! He said to me that he was leaving the next day He said to me: I will write He said to me that he would write He said to me: you can come!...by Daniele Scuto Pagina 6 di 10

7 He said to me that I could come. Quindi: Pensavo che sarei andato I thought I would go e non I would have gone (perché proviene da: I think I will go ) Interrogative indirette: Are you married? She asked if I was married ( la costruzione è uguale: si va un tempo all indietro ) Both, Neither (entrambi, nessuno) Both of them are studying Neither of them are studying Altre posizioni corrette di Both: They both have a lot of homework They are both students ( prima del verbo avere o altri verbi; dopo il verbo essere) Così anche Still: He still hasn t arrived She is still here Nelle interrogative e negative si usa anche e preferibilmente yet: He hasn t arrived yet Preposizioni On the 6 th of February, On Monday In November, In the afternoon, In 2001 At midnight, At Christmas, At lunchtime, At 7:30 Bored with, confused about, frightened of, interested in, surprised by, worried about Napoleon was known as era conosciuto come It s difficult for children to study in this weather ( non è facile per i ragazzi studiare con questo tempo) Most people live (la maggior parte ) A lot of people (un sacco di persone ) (a lot of in positive sentences for countable and uncountable; much and many in questions and negatives, much for uncountable, many for countable) Not many people (non molti ) Very few people (davvero pochi ) Too many people (troppi ) Nobody, no one ( nessuno) None of my guests came to my party ( giusto ) Nobody of my guests came to my party ( sbagliato, non si può scrivere nobody of )...by Daniele Scuto Pagina 7 di 10

8 Some of them Many of them Few of them None of them are ( plurale ) Not one of them is ( singolare) People are ( mai scrivere people is) He is a person whose life ( la cui vita ) is fantastic She is a person who loves She is the person I love Which solo per le cose Write to me! ( giusto) Write me! ( sbagliato ) I have been to I went in I have been in ( sbagliato ) I haven t been to France for a long time I have been with my mother ( mai scrivere I have stayed with ) It s time I went É tempo che io vada ( notare l uso del verbo al passato ) It s time for me to go É tempo che io vada ( se si specifica il soggetto preceduto dal for si può usare l infinito ) It s difficult to come ( è difficile arrivare ) È difficile che john verrà John is unlikely to come ( e non It s difficult that john perché It s difficult si può usare solo se c è l infinito ) Get, do, make, have To have a party ( mai to make a party ) I have got a brother ( ho un fratello ) ( si usa have got invece che il semplice have quando si vuole indicare un possesso) Quindi: I have got a lot of money ( ho un sacco di soldi ) To make: an arrangement, an appointment, a decision, a plan, a mistake, a noise, a cup of tea, a sandwich, lunch, a profit. To make someone cry, smile To make something possible, better, clear, difficult....by Daniele Scuto Pagina 8 di 10

9 To do: English, Biology, some research, some studying, an exam, a job, military service. To do well, to do your best. To speak English, to talk in English ( to speak è parlare e basta, to talk è discutere, colloquiare ) ( parlare inglese, discutere in inglese ) To tell: The truth, lies, a story, a joke To tell someone to do something, to tell someone about something, to tell the difference between two things, to tell someone what to do ( o semplicemente raccontare ) To say: Hello, goodbye, thank you, yes, no, you are sorry, a prayer ( o semplicemente dire, disse che: per riportare un qualcosa che qualcuno ha detto ) It is said that, they say that ( dicono che ) Si dice che Marco sia diventato Marco is said to have become The Passive: French is spoken in France ( in francia si parla francese ) They make fiat cars in Italy Fiat cars are made in Italy They made fiat cars in Italy Fiat cars were made in Italy They have made fiat cars in Italy Fiat cars have been made in Italy They would make fiat cars in Italy Fiat cars would be made in Italy They would have made fiat cars in Italy Fiat cars would have been made in Italy They will make fiat cars in Italy Fiat cars will be made in Italy They could make fiat cars in Italy Fiat cars could be made in Italy They are making fiat cars in Italy Fiat cars are being made in Italy They were making fiat cars in Italy Fiat cars were being made in Italy Have something done: I have to have my watch repaired ( devo fare riparare il mio orologio) Tutte le estati mi faccio lavare I tappeti prima di andare in vacanza Every summer I have my carpets cleaned before going on holiday ( notare la forma in ing dopo before, lo stesso anche con after: after going ma anche after he has..)...by Daniele Scuto Pagina 9 di 10

10 Although ( sebbene ) Although the attendance was poor, the show was a succes Although he treats her badly, she loves him More and more Sempre più More and more Sta diventando sempre più interessante, sempre più ricco He is getting more and more interesting, richer and richer To find work To find a job To find a work ( sbagliatissimo ) There were other boys ( other senza la S perché è aggettivo) Where are the others Where are the other children I m looking forward to going non vedo l ora di andare Ma anche: I can t wait to go To go on trip: viaggiare ( to go on holiday ) Stiamo aspettando che arrivino gli altri ragazzi We are waiting for the other boys to arrive...by Daniele Scuto Pagina 10 di 10

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