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1 Summary of the requirements of this form 1. Information about the members of your research team (see p. 2) 2. A list of your publications and conference papers relevant to your RAB funded project (see p. 3) 3. The title of your research program (see p. 4) 4. An 800 word summary of your research program organized under the headings Aims, Methods and Results (see p. 4-5). If your research included only one study, describe it here. If your research included more than one study, summarise the overall program here and describe the individual studies under Component Studies below. 5. Summaries of the component studies of your research program (you may include up to five component studies; see p. 6-16). The summary of each study should be no more than 500 words Summaries should be organized under the subheadings Title, Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusions. You may include a limited amount of supplementary illustrative material as outlined below (item 6) 6. For each component study that you describe, you are invited to include up to five brief supplementary items to flesh out your summary (see p ) These should link to key words in the relevant component study summary; please indicate where the hyperlinks should be in the summary with the text SUPPLEMENT 1 HERE Examples of suitable materials are figures or tables each accompanied by up to 200 words of explanation; case vignettes; illustrations; photographs; or expansions on concepts or findings mentioned in the Summary If you are sending graphics, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Adobe PDF and the standard graphics file formats (tiff, gif and jpeg) are all acceptable. 7. Please provide a set of keywords to assist site visitors in their search through the materials on the database. E.g. transference, child analysis, perversions (see p. 32) 8. If you have longer articles relating to this study that you would like included on the site, please list them (see p.32) and attach them separately when you return your form. If the articles have been published elsewhere, you must get permission from the journal or publisher for them to be included on the IPA site. Only articles in electronic format can be accepted (common word processors,.rtf,.doc etc.). They will be included on the site as PDF files for users to download. 9. Please summarise the implications of your research for psychoanalysis in no more than 500 words (p. 33) 1

2 Information about your research team You are welcome to supply photographs of team members to be included on the website. Photos should be sent with your completed form in jpeg format. Corresponding author Name Institution address Telephone number Mailing address Team member 1 Name Institution address Telephone number Mailing address Team member 2 Name Institution address Telephone number Mailing address Team member 3 Name Institution address Telephone number Mailing address Team member 4 Name Institution address Telephone number Mailing address Andrzej Werbart Institute of Psychotherapy; ; Björngårdsgatan 25 SE Stockholm, Sweden Sonja Levander Birger Jarlsgatan 97 SE Stockholm, Sweden Gunnel Jacobsson Institute of Psychotherapy Björngårdsgatan 25 SE Stockholm, Sweden Björn Philips Institute of Psychotherapy Björngårdsgatan 25 SE Stockholm, Sweden Peter Wennberg Institute of Psychotherapy Björngårdsgatan 25 SE Stockholm, Sweden Continue on a separate sheet if necessary. 2

3 2. Publications relevant to your RAB funded project: Publications Bengtsson, A. (2004). Unga vuxnas förväntningar på psykoterapi [Young adults expectations in psychotherapy]. Psykoterapi: Forskning och utveckling [Psychotherapy: Research and Development], Report 26. Stockholm: Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapy Section at Karolinska Institutet. Claesson, M. & Werbart, A. (2002). Unga vuxna i psykoterapi I: Vilka är de? [Young adults in psychotherapy I: Who are they?]. Psykoterapi: Forskning och utveckling [Psychotherapy: Research and Development], Report 22. Stockholm: Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapy Section at Karolinska Institutet. Diamond, D., Blatt, S. J., Stayner, D. & Kaslow, N. (2001). Bedömning av differentiering relaterande i själv- och objektrepresentationer II: Manualen [Differentiation-relatedness of self and object representations II: The Swedish translation of the manual]. Swedish translation by G. Blomquist, A. Werbart, S. Levander, & Y. Hjälmdahl. Psykoterapi: Forskning och utveckling [Psychotherapy: Research and Development], Report 21. Stockholm: Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapy Section at Karolinska Institutet. Edenius, A., Jacobsson, G., & Werbart, A. (2003). Att jaga en flyende grupp [Searching for a fugitive group]. Psykologtidningen, 2003:18:8-9. Edenius, A. & Sandberg-Kempe, K. (2003). Men vad vill jag då? Fyra unga kvinnors väg till förändrad självbild genom psykoterapi [But what do I myself want? Four young women s way to changed self-image through psychotherapy]. Psykisk Hälsa, 44: Ginner, H., Werbart, A., Levander, S., & Sahlberg, B. (2001). Tillförlitlighet i studier av subjektiva förklaringssystem: Ett kodningssystem för privata teorier om patogenes och kur [Reliability in studies of subjective explanatory systems: A coding system for private theories of pathogenesis and cure]. Psykoterapi: Forskning och utveckling [Psychotherapy: Research and Development], Report 19. Stockholm: Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapy Section at Karolinska Institutet. Halvarson, C. & Lilliengren, P. (2003). Private explanatory systems and informed consent online: An ethical and methodological discussion. In M. Thorseth, ed. Applied ethics in internet research (pp ). Trondheim: Norvegian University of Science and Technology (Programme for Applied Ethics, Publication Series No 1). Hjälmdahl, Y., Claesson, M., Werbart, A. & Levander, S. (2001). Bedömning av differentiering relaterande i själv- och objektrepresentationer I: En validitetsstudie. [Differentiation-relatedness of self and object representations I: Validity of the Swedish version]. Psykoterapi: Forskning och utveckling [Psychotherapy: Research and Development], Report 20. Stockholm: Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapy Section at Karolinska Institutet. Jacobsson, G. (2001). Om manliga och kvinnliga element hos unga vuxna [Male and female elements in young adults]. Insikten, 10:4:

4 Jacobsson, G. (2003). På tröskeln till vuxenvärlden: Unga vuxna berättar om påfrestningar och svårigheter i livet [On the threshold of adulthood: Young adults tell about strains and difficulties in life]. Psykoterapi: Forskning och utveckling [Psychotherapy: Research and Development], Report 25. Stockholm: Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapy Section at Karolinska Institutet. Jacobsson, G., Lindgren, A., Werbart, A., & Boalt Boëthius, S. (2004). Unga vuxnas förhållningssätt vid påfrestningar i livet: En enkätundersökning [Young adults attitudes towards strains and difficulties in life: A questionnaire survey]. Psykoterapi: Forskning och utveckling [Psychotherapy: Research and Development], Report 27. Stockholm: Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapy Section at Karolinska Institutet. Levander, S. (2001). Jag var rädd att jag hade dödat Deng Xiao Ping: En ung, vietnamesisk kvinnas berättelse om hur hon tänker kring sin psykos och dess bakgrund [I was afraid that I killed Deng Xiao Ping: A young, Vietnamese woman s narrative about how she thought of her psychosis and its background]. Insikten, 10:2: Levander, S. (2002). Problemformuleringsarbete: Ett identitets- och jagstärkande arbetssätt med förstagångspsykotiska patienter [Working with problem formulations: An identity and ego strengthening method of working with first-episode psychotic patients]. Report 2002:3. Unit for Mental Health, Social Medicine, Stockholm County Council. Levander, S., & Werbart, A. (1997a). Rorschach-records from three apparently well adjusted women suffering from long-standing and diffuse somatic disturbances. In A. M. Carlsson, A. Cederström, & H. Janson (Eds.), Research into Rorschach and projective methods: Selected papers from the First Nordic Symposium on Research into Rorschach and other Projective Methods, Uppsala 1995 (pp ). Stockholm: Swedish Rorschach Society. Levander, S., & Werbart, A. (2003). Different views of a psychotic breakdown: Complementary perspectives of a bewildering experience. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 17: Lindén, H. (2000). Mellan terapeut och forskare: Utprovning av en konsultfunktion [Between the therapist and researcher: Testing out of a consultant function]. Psykoterapi: Forskning och utveckling [Psychotherapy: Research and Development], Report 15. Stockholm: Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapy Section at Karolinska Institutet. Nilsson, G. (2001). Det subjektiva perspektivet i psykoterapi: En underskattad ansats i arbetet med ungdomar och unga vuxna [The subjective perspective in psychotherapy: An underestimated approach in work with adolescents and young adults]. Insikten, 10:1: Nilsson, G. (2003). Två tonåringars syn på sina psykiska problem jämförda med deras föräldrars och behandlares [Two adolescents view of their psychic problems compared with their parents and therapists]. Psykoterapi: Forskning och utveckling [Psychotherapy: Research and Development], Report 24. Stockholm: Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapy Section at Karolinska Institutet. Philips, B. (2004a). När patientens och terapeutens teorier möts vad händer? [When 4

5 patient s and therapist s theories meet what happens?] Insikten, 13:1, Philips, B. (2004b). Psykoterapi med unga vuxna som vuxit upp med en förälder med psykisk störning [Psychotherapy with patients who have grown up with a parent with psychosis]. Psykisk Hälsa, (45), Philips, B., Werbart, A., & Schubert, J. (2004). Private theories and psychotherapeutic technique. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. (In press) Werbart, A. (1998). Where the horsetails grow as high as palms: The case of the Wolf Man. In I. Szecsödy & I. Matthis, eds. On Freud s couch: Seven new interpretations of Freud s case histories (pp ). New York: Jason Aronson. Werbart, A. (1999). The dialectics of psychoanalytic research. Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review, 22: Werbart, A. (2000). Our need of taboo: Pictures of violence and mourning difficulties. Free Associations, 46: Werbart, A. (2001). Freuds fallstudier: Inifrånperspektiv och den vetenskapliga metoden [Freud case studies: The insider s perspective and the scientific method]. Divan 3-4/2001: Werbart, A., & Levander, S. (1998a). Ont i kroppen ont i själen: Behovet av privata förklaringssystem vid upplevd ohälsa [English version Werbart & Levander, 2000a]. Psykisk Hälsa, 39: Werbart, A., & Levander, S. (1998b). La construcción de significado y las teorias privadas de la patogénesis y la cura. Revista de Psicoanalisis, 55: Werbart, A., & Levander, S. (2000a). Pain in the body pain in the soul: The need of private explanations when not feeling well. In P. Nilsson & K. Orth-Gomér, eds. Selfrated health in European perspective (pp ). FRN Report 2000:2. Stockholm: Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research (FRN). Werbart, A., & Levander, S. (2000b). Varför blev jag sjuk och vad kan göra mig frisk? Patienters och terapeuters privata teorier om patogenes och kur [Why do I get ill and what can make me healthy? The patients and the therapists private theories of pathogenesis and cure]. Insikten, 9:4: Werbart, A., Levander, S., Sahlberg, B., Ginner, H., Philips, B., Jacobsson, G., & Claesson, M. (2002). The research programme on private theories of pathogenesis and cure. In P. Fonagy, ed. An open door review of outcome studies in psychoanalysis, 2nd rev. ed. (pp ). London: International Pychoanalytical Association. Werbart, A., & Lindbom-Jakobson, M. (2001). The living dead survivors of torture and psychosis. In P. Williams, ed. A language for psychosis: Psychoanalysis of psychotic states (pp ). London: Whurr Books. Wiman, M. & Werbart, A. (2002). Unga vuxna i psykoterapi II: Hur uppfattar de själva sina problem? [Young adults in psychotherapy II: How do they perceive their problems?]. Psykoterapi: Forskning och utveckling [Psychotherapy: Research and Development], Report 23. Stockholm: Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapy 5

6 Section at Karolinska Institutet. Manuscripts and submitted papers Claesson, M., Werbart, A., & Schubert, J. (2003). Self-image, personal meaning constructions and young adults perceived ability to manage strains in life. (Manuscript) Jacobsson, G. & Werbart, A. (2002). Förhållningssätt vid påfrestningar i livet, ADEL [Attitudes to Difficulties in Everyday Life, ADEL]. Stockholm: Institute of Psychotherapy. (Manuscript) Jeanneau, M. & Werbart, A. (2004). Unga vuxna möter påfrestningar i livet: Young Adult Life Events Scale [Young adults meet strains in life: Young Adult Life Events Scale]. (In preparation) Lilliengren, P. & Werbart, A. (2004). A model of therapeutic action based on the patients view of curative and hindering factors in psychoanalytic psychotherapy with young adults. (In preparation) Philips, B., & Werbart, A. (2004). What may help me with my problems? Typology of young adults based on their ideas of cure before psychoanalytic psychotherapy. (In preparation) Philips, B., Wennberg, P., Werbart, A., & Schubert, J. (2004). Young adults in psychoanalytic psychotherapy: Patient characteristics and therapy outcome. (Submitted) Werbart, A. (2004). Subjectivity as a starting point and the scientific method in Freud s case studies. (In preparation) Werbart, A. (2004). Which therapist suits me? Young adult patients view of their therapists. (In preparation) Werbart, A. (2004). What kind of therapist am I for my patients? Experienced therapists view themselves. (In preparation) Werbart, A. & Dahlén, Å. (1998). Young Adult Life Events Scale YALES. Stockholm: Institute of Psychotherapy. (Manuscript) Werbart, A. & Levander, S. (2004). Understanding the incomprehensible: Private theories of first-episode psychotic patients and their therapists. (Submitted) Werbart, A. & Levander, S. (2004). Two sets of private theories in analysands and their analysts: Utopian versus attainable cures. (Manuscript) Reports and diploma papers Arnberg, L. (2004). The relation between patients ideas about helpful and unhelpful factors in psychotherapy and outcome: A longitudinal study of four cases. Thesis for University Diploma in Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. Aune, C. & Olsson, I. (2002). Samband mellan samspel, beteende och innehåll i semistrukturerade forskningsintervjuer [The relationship between interaction, behavior, and content in semi-structured research interviews]. Thesis for University Diploma in 6

7 Psychology, Department of Psychology, Lund University, vol. 4 (2002):26. Bengtsson, A. (2003). Unga vuxnas förväntningar på psykoterapi [Young adults expectations in psychotherapy]. Thesis for University Diploma in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University. Elfhag, K. (1996). En Rorschachstudie av personligheten hos 6 patienter med odiagnosticerade somatiska symptom [A Rorschach study of personality in 6 patients wiht undiagnosed somatic symptoms]. Report from the project Chronicity or improvement? The interplay between the experience of psychic problems, personality and treatment situation. Psychosocial Research Centre, Stockholm County Council. (Manuscript) Elfhag, K. (1997a). Problematik och karakteristik vid kronisk psykos enligt Rorschach [Problems and characteristics in patients with chronic psychosis according to Rorschach]. Report from the project Chronicity or improvement? The interplay between the experience of psychic problems, personality and treatment situation. Psychosocial Research Centre, Stockholm County Council. (manuscript) Elfhag, K. (1997b). Personlighetskarakteristik enligt Rorschach vid akut psykos [Personality characteristics according to Rorschach in patients with acute psychosis]. Report from the project Chronicity or improvement? The interplay between the experience of psychic problems, personality and treatment situation. Psychosocial Research Centre, Stockholm County Council. (manuscript) Eroselius, A., & Stöfling, M. (2000). En kropp som lider lever: Om hur personer med fibromyalgi kommunicerar psykisk smärta [A body for suffering: How do people with fibromyalgia communicate psychic pain?]. Thesis for University Diploma in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University. Ginner, H. (2000). Att skapa ett kodningssystem för subjektiva föreställningar [Developing a coding system for subjective ideas]. Thesis for University Diploma in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University. Hesselbäck, A. (2002). Uppfylls målen?: Målformulering inför psykoterapi och upplevd måluppfyllelse [Attaining goals: Goal formulation for psychotherapy and experienced goal attainment]. Thesis for University Diploma in Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. Hjälmdahl, Y. (2000). Svensk version av skala för bedömning av differentiering relaterande i själv- och objektrepresentationer: en validitetsstudie [Swedish version of Differentiation-Relatedness Scale: A validity study.]. Thesis for University Diploma in Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. Håkansson, S., & Carlsson, L. (1996). Hörde du vad vi sa? Du är hivsmittad En studie om hiv-/aidspatientens upplevelse och bemötande i vården. CHU-Report 1996:5. Center for Development of Health and Medical Services, Stockholm County Council. Kusz, M., & Svensson, M. (2003). Den frånvarande fadern: imaginär konstruktion eller symbolisk verklighet. Thesis for University Diploma in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University. 7

8 Larsson, G. Teorier om kur hos tidiga avhoppare i Young Adult Psychotherapy Project. Thesis for University Diploma in Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. (in progress) Lindén, H. (1999). Patientens konsult: Mellan kliniker och forskare [The patient s consultant: Between the therapist and researcher]. Master thesis in Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. Nilsson, G. (2000). Med egna ord: Ungdomars egen syn på sina psykiska problem jämförda med sina föräldrars och behandlares [In one s own words: The adolescents view of their psychological problems, as compared to their parents and therapists]. Master thesis in Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. Nestler, Z. (2002). Att förvandlas från jag till den främmande: Hur integreras invandrarbakgrunden i patientens förklaringsmodell om problem och patogenes? [Turning from Self into Alien: How do patients integrate their background as immigrants into their explanatory models of problems and pathohgenesis?] Thesis for University Diploma in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University. Nolkranz, K., & Mansén, T. (1998). Turebergs kuratorsmottagning för flyktingar: En modell för psykosocial counselling för flyktingar på vårdcentral. [Tureberg counseling center for refugees: A model for psychosocial consoling in primary care for refugees]. Information Unit, NVSO, Stockholm County Council. Runeson, R. (1997). Beskrivning av diagnostiska hypoteser i tre olika patientgrupper: Akutpsykotiska, kroniskt psykotiska och somatiska [Description of diagnostic hypotheses in three groups of patients: first-episode psychotic, chronic psychotic and somatic patients]. Rapport från projektet Kronifiering eller förbättring? Samspel mellan uppfattningen om egna psykiska problem, personligheten och behandlingssituationen. Psychosocial Research Centre, Stockholm County Council. (Manuscript) Smedberg, C. (2003). Personlighetsrelaterad problematik och privata teorier [Personality related problems and private theories]. Thesis for University Diploma in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University. Wahlund, H. Vad är det som hjälper i psykoterapi? Om samspelet mellan terapeuters och patienters teorier om kur [What is working in psychotherapy? On relationship between the therapists and the patients private theories]. Thesis for University Diploma in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University. (in progress) Wiklund, P. (2001). Att inte räcka till: En berättelse om en berättelse om berättelser om arbetsliv och psykisk ohälsa [Being insufficient: A story about stories of working life and psychic ill-health]. Thesis for University Diploma in Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. Wiström, M. (2003). Om rörlighet i psykoterapi med unga vuxna [Flexibility in psychotherapy with young adults]. Thesis for University Diploma in Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. 8

9 Papers presented at scientific conferences and seminars (in chronological order) Levander, S., & Werbart, A. (1995). Rorschach-records from three apparently well adjusted women suffering from long-standing and diffuse somatic disturbances. Paper presented at the First Nordic Symposium on Research into Rorschach and other Projective Methods, Uppsala, 21 August Werbart, A., & Levander, S. (1996). Tid, rum och kausalitet i patienternas och behandlarnas privata teorier om patogenes och kur. Paper presented at the 15th Nordic Psychoanalytic Congress, Malmö, 31 July Werbart, A. (1996). Privata teorier om patogenes och kur. Seminar at the Section for Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, 12 November Werbart, A., & Levander, S. (1997). Tid, rum och kausalitet i patienternas och behandlarnas privata teorier om patogenes och kur. Paper presented at the scientific meeting of the Swedish Psychoanalytical Society, Stockholm, 13 January Werbart, A., & Levander, S. (1997). Construction of meaning and private theories of pathogenesis and cure. Paper presented at the 40th International Psychoanalytical Congress, Barcelona, 29 July Levander, S., & Werbart, A. (1997). Private theories of pathogenesis and cure: A comparison of interview material obtained from psychotic patients and their treaters. Paper presented at the 12th International Symposium for the Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia, London, 15 October Levander, S., & Werbart, A. (1998). The patient s and the treater s understanding of the presented problem. Paper presented at the ENMESH-conference Multiple Perspectives on Outcome, Santander, Spain, 16 May Werbart, A., & Levander, S. (1998). Pain in the body pain in the soul: The need of private explanations when not feeling well. Paper presented at the conference Self-rated health in European perspective, the Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research (FRN), Prague, 19 September Werbart, A. (1998). Den psykoanalytiska forskningens dialektik. Paper presented at the scientific meeting of the Swedish Psychoanalytical Society, Stockholm, 13 November Werbart, A. (1999). Att forska om subjektiva föreställningar. Seminar at the Master course, Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 28 January Werbart, A. (1999). Patienters och terapeuters teorier om patogenes och kur. Seminar in clinical psychology, Department of Psychology, Linköping University, 24 February Werbart, A., Dahlén, Å., Knutssön Johns, L., Lindqvist, C., & Murray, A. (1999). Metodval utifrån verklighet: Att implementera forskning i kliniskt sammanhang. Paper presented at the annual conference of the HSFR s Branch Board [ Områdesgruppen ] for 9

10 Psychotherapy Research, Sigtuna, 20 May Jacobsson, G., Werbart, A., & Claesson, M. (2000). Presentation av YOUTH, Young Adult's Own Thinking, Understanding and Handling of Everyday Life. Research seminar at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, and the Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 16 June Werbart, A. (2000). Osäkerhet och tillförlitlighet i studier av subjektiva förklaringssystem. Paper presented at the panel Systematiska studier av subjektiva fenomen, 17th Nordic Psychoanalytic Congress, Göteborg, 3 August Werbart, A. (2000). Betydelsen av subjektiva förklaringssystem hos patienter och behandlare i olika typer av behandlingskontakter. Paper presented at the Psychiatric R & D Conference Psykiatri på 2000-talet, Örebro, 20 October Werbart, A. (2000). Unga vuxna i psykoterapi: betydelsen av patientens och terapeutens subjektiva förklaringssystem (Young Adult Psychotherapy Project). Lecture at the Department of Psychology, Lund University, 7 December Claesson, M. (2001). Presentation av ett projektplan. Research seminar at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, and the Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 9 February Werbart, A., Levander, S., & Ginner, H. (2001). Uncertainty and reliability in studies of private explanatory systems: Research on private theories of pathogenesis and cure. Poster at the Joint meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, European and UK Chapters, Leiden, Nederländerna, 8 March Werbart, A. (2001). Freuds fallstudier: inifrånperspektiv och den vetenskapliga metoden. Paper presented at the scientific meeting of the Swedish Psychoanalytical Society, Stockholm, 26 March Jacobsson, G. & Claesson, M. (2001). Tillskapandet av enkäten till "vanliga" unga vuxna. Research seminar at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, and the Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 20 April Werbart, A. (2001). Inifrånperspektiv i psykoterapiforskning: några exempel. Seminar at the postgraduate training in psychotherapy research, Psychotherapy Unit and Psychiatric Clinic, Umeå University, 24 April Werbart, A., Levander, S., & Ginner, H. (2001b). Uncertainty and reliability in studies of private explanatory systems: Research on private theories of pathogenesis and cure. Poster presented at the annual conference on psychotherapy research arranged by the Swedish Research Council, Stockholm, 10 May Werbart, A., Philips, B., Jacobsson, G., Claesson, M., & Wiman, M. (2001). Unga vuxna möter påfrestningar i livet: somliga går i psykoterapi, andra inte. Paper presented at the annual conference on psychotherapy research arranged by the Swedish Research Council, Stockholm, 10 May Werbart, A. (2001). Subjektywny punkt wyjścia i metoda naukowa: przypadki Freuda 10

11 [Subjectivity as a starting point and Freud s case studies]. Paper presented at the 3rd Psychoanalytical Conference, Polish Psychoanalytical Society, Warszawa, 19 May Jacobsson, G. (2001). Centrala teman i unga vuxnas berättelser om förhållningssätt vid livets motgångar och påfrestningar. Research seminar at the Department of Education, Stockholm University, 6 June Ginner, H. (2001). En historia två röster åtta berättelser ur 3 första åren av psykoanalys. Research seminar at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, and the Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 24 August Sahlberg, B. (2001). Narrativa jaget mellan livs- och dödsdrift: förändringar under och efter psykoanalys. Research seminar at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, and the Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 19 October Wiklund, P. (2001). Berättelser om arbetsliv och psykisk ohälsa, tolkningar med ett psykoanalytiskt perspektiv. Research seminar at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, and the Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 14 December Werbart, A., Levander, S., & Ginner, H. (2002). Uncertainty and reliability in studies of private explanatory systems: Research on private theories of pathogenesis and cure. Poster at the 3rd Joseph Sandler Research Conference What works? The current state of the evidence base for psychoanalytically based treatments. The International Psychoanalytical Association and University College London, Psychoanalysis Unit, London, 9 March Jacobsson, G. (2002). Unga vuxna män och kvinnor på tröskeln till vuxenvärlden: Kvalitativ forskning om vuxna år som ej går i psykoterapi. Paper presented at the scientific meeting of the Swedish Psychoanalytical Society, Stockholm, 22 April Claesson, M. (2002). Unga vuxnas självbild, privata teorier och personliga strategier vid påfrestningar. Research seminar at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, and the Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 3 May Jacobsson, G. (2002). Tiden som ung vuxen. Paper presented at the annual conference on psychotherapy research arranged by the Swedish Research Council and Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 30 May Werbart, A., Hjälmdahl, Y., Floberg, U., Härdelin, S., Levander, S., Lundmark, B., & Norman, L. (2002). Bedömning av differentiering-relaterande i själv- och objektrepresentationer. Paper presented at the annual conference on psychotherapy research arranged by the Swedish Research Council and Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 30 May Ericsson, J., Ginner, H., Lundmark, B., & Schewenius, K. (2002). En forskare, tre kliniker och flera hundra intervjuer. Paper presented at the annual conference on psychotherapy research arranged by the Swedish Research Council and Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 31 May

12 Halvarsson, C. (2002). Stories from cyberspace: An internet study of young adult's strains in life. Presentation at the conference and research course Internet and ethics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 1-6 June Werbart, A., Claesson, M., & Philips, B. (2002). Young adults understanding of their difficulties and ways of approaching them with and without psychotherapy. Panel at the Society for Psychotherapy Research 2002 Conference, Santa Barbara, California, USA, 27 June The panel included following presentations: 1. Werbart, A., Wiman, M., & Jacobsson, G. (2002). It is my parents fault young men and women talk about their difficulties. 2. Claesson, M., Werbart, A., Schubert, J. (2002). Self-image, personal meaning construction and managing of strains in life. 3. Philips, B., Werbart A., & Schubert J., (2002). Exploring the importance of private theories in the patient-therapist interaction. Jacobsson, G. (2002). Förhållningssätt inför livets påfrestningar: Hur tänker unga vuxna som inte söker psykoterapi. Paper presented at the R & D conference Mental Ill-Health and Existential Choices in Life among Young Adults in Stockholm County, arranged by the R & D Section at the NLPO psychiatric clinic, Stockholm County Council, 26 September Ginner, H., Halvarson, C., Jacobsson, G., & Philips, B. (2002). Unga vuxna: Hur tänker de kring sina problem? Panel at the 3rd Psychiatric R & D Conference The Foundations of Psychiatry: Values, the Notion of Human Being, and the Basis of Knowledge, Örebro, 24 October The panel included following presentations: 1. Jacobsson, G. (2002). Privata teorier hos unga vuxna. 2. Halvarson, C. & Ginner, H. (2002). Psykoterapeutisk förändring: självskattad och självberättad. 3. Philips, B. (2002). När patientens och terapeutens teorier möts: vad händer? Werbart, A., & Levander, S. (2003). Investigating implicit theories of change in analysands and their analysts. Paper presented at the European Psychoanalytic Federation Annual Conference, Workshop What can clinicians gain from research in psychoanalysis? Sorrento, Italy, 26 April Philips, B. (2003). The patient s versus the therapist s private theories of cure. Paper presented at the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration Annual Meeting, New York, USA, 4 May Werbart, A., Jacobsson, G., & Philips, B. (2003). Young adults private theories of their difficulties, Panel I. What can psychotherapists learn from ordinary young adults? Presentation at the fifth Conference of the European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, 4 July The panel included following presentations: 1. Werbart, A., Jacobsson, G., & Philips, B. (2003). Why are we conducting research this way? 12

13 2. Jacobsson, G. (2003). On the threshold of adulthood: Results from YOUTH. Werbart, A., Jacobsson, G., & Philips, B. (2003). Young adults private theories of their difficulties, Panel II. What can psychotherapists learn from their patients? Presentation at the fifth Conference of the European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, 4 July The panel included following presentations: 3. Werbart, A. (2003). Which therapist suits me? Young adult patients views of their therapists. 4. Philips, B. (2003). The impact of private theories on the patient-therapist interaction. Claesson, M. (2003). Samspelet mellan självbilder och föreställningsvärldar hos unga vuxna. Paper presented at the Research Conference Young Adults Days, Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, 4 December Edenius, A. & Sandberg Kempe, K. (2003). Men vad vill jag då? Fyra unga kvinnors väg till förändrad självbild genom psykoterapi. Paper presented at the Research Conference Young Adults Days, Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, 4 December Jacobsson, G., Philips, B., Wennberg, P., & Werbart, A. (2003). Hur har det gått för unga patienter i psykoterapi? Vad förändras av själva livet? Från projekten YAPP och YOUTH. Paper presented at the Research Conference Young Adults Days, Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, 4 December Philips, B & Smedberg, C. (2003). Personlighetsrelaterad problematik och privata teorier. Paper presented at the Research Conference Young Adults Days, Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, 4 December Jeanneau, M. (2003). Young Adults Life Event Scale. Paper presented at the Research Conference Young Adults Days, Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, 5 December Lilliengren, P. (2003). Vad var det som hjälpte mig? Unga vuxnas perspektiv på kurativa och hindrande faktorer i terapin. Paper presented at the Research Conference Young Adults Days, Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, 5 December Lindgren, A. (2003). Personligt förhållningssätt, coping, symtom och personlighet vilka är sambanden? Om utveckling av ett frågeformulär om personliga förhållningssätt i svåra situationer. Paper presented at the Research Conference Young Adults Days, Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, 5 December Werbart, A. (2003). Patientens bild av terapeuten: Vad upplevs som positiva respektive negativa terapeutegenskaper? Paper presented at the Research Conference Young Adults Days, Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, 5 December Wiström, M. (2003). Om rörlighet i psykoterapi med unga vuxna. Paper presented at the Cölinical Conference Young Adults Days, Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, 5 December Boalt Boëthius, S., Jacobsson, G., Murray, A., Wahlquist, L., & Werbart, A. (2003). Ömsesidig befruktning eller hur? Hur kan kliniker och forskare förenas i ett aktivt 13

14 samhällsengagemang för unga vuxna? Panel discussion at the Young Adults Days, Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, 6 December Werbart, A., & Levander, S. (2004). Czynniki terapeutyczne w analizie: utopijne i osiągalne zmiany z perspektywy pacjenta i z perspektywy analityka [Therapuetic action of psychoanalysis: Utopian and attainable changes from the perspective of the patient and of the analyst]. Paper presented at the 6th Psychoanalytical Conference, Polish Psychoanalytical Society, Warszawa, 22 May Jacobsson, G., Lilliengren, P., Philips, B., Wennberg, P., & Werbart, A. (2004). Young adults: Change processes in psychoanalytic psychotherapy and in everyday life. Panel at the Society for Psychotherapy Research 2004 Conference, Rome, Italy, 17 June The panel included following presentations: 1. Philips, B., Wennberg, P., Werbart, A., & Schubert, J. (2004). Young adults in psychoanalytic psychotherapy: Patient characteristics and therapy outcome. 2. Werbart, A. (2004). Which therapist suits me? Young adult patients view their psychotherapists. 3. Lilliengren, P., & Werbart, A. (2004). Young adult patients view of therapeutic action in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. 4. Jacobsson, G. (2004). On the threshold of adulthood: young adults attitudes towards strains and difficulties in life. Other lectures and seminars (in chronological order) Werbart, A., & Levander, S. (1995). Personligheten och privata teorier om patogenes och kur. Seminar at the R & D Unit, Södermalm psychiatric sector, Stockholm County Council, 5 April Werbart, A., & Levander, S. (1995). Inifrånperspektivet. Seminar at the Social Medicine South, Stockholm County Council, 3 October Werbart, A. (1995). När två subjektiviteter möts: patientens och behandlarens egna teorier om patogenes och kur. Seminar at the training programme in supervision, Unit for Education (Utbildningsenheten), Beckomberga Hospital, VSSO, Stockholm County Council, 30 November Werbart, A. (1996). Systematiska fallstudier som forskningsmetod. Seminar for Dagmar projects within the Stockholm County Council, Centre for Psychosocial Research and Development, Social Medicine South, 7 May Werbart, A. (1999). Young Adult Psychotherapy Project: Betydelsen av patientens och terapeutens subjektiva förklaringssystem. Lecture at the conference Young Adults, organised by the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 11 December Werbart, A. (2000). Betydelsen av patientens och terapeutens subjektiva förklaringssystem: forskning om privata teorier om patogenes och kur. Seminar at the Psychiatric Clinic, Huddinge Hospital, Stockholm, 26 January

15 Werbart, A. (2000). Ett misslyckat projekt ställde patienten i centrum. Paper presented at the symposium Freud s cases, arranged by the publishing house Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 22 March Werbart, A., & Levander, S. (2000). Varför blev jag sjuk och vad kan göra mig frisk? Patienters och terapeuters privata teorier om patogenes och kur. Lecture at the Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 19 May Werbart, A., Claesson, M., Jacobsson, G., Philips, B., & Wiman, M. (2000). Unga vuxna på PI: vilka är de och hur formulerar de sina problem? Lecture at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 7 June Jacobsson, G., & Werbart, A. (2000). Kodning av subjektiva föreställningar: Hur hanterar unga vuxna olika påfrestningar och svårigheter i livet? Paper presented for the working party Psychoanalysis at the University, the Swedish Psychoanalytical Association and the Department of Education, Stockholm University, 19 September Werbart, A., Claesson, M., Philips, B., & Wiman, M. (2000). Workshop on YAPP: Vad vill vi veta om unga vuxna på PI? Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 27 October 2000 and 10 January Werbart, A., Claesson, M., Jacobsson, G., Philips, B., & Wiman, M. (2000). YAPP och YOUTH: Unga vuxnas berättelser om hur de hanterar sina problem och svårigheter. Lecture at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 6 December Werbart, A. (2001). Betydelsen av samspelet mellan patientens och behandlarens föreställning om patogenes och kur. Lecture at the Psychiatric Clinic, Norrland University Hospital, 24 April Jacobsson, G. (2001). Unga vuxna kvinnor och män på tröskeln till vuxenlivet. Seminar on YAPP and YOUTH. Psychiatric out-patient clinic Solna Sundbyberg, NLPO, Stockholm County Council, 1 June Werbart, A., Philips, B., Jacobsson, G., Claesson, M., Halvarsson, C., & Ginner, H. (2001). Unga män som går i psykoterapi och unga män som inte går i psykoterapi: Jämförelse av intervjuer inom YAPP och YOUTH. Lecture at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 6 June Werbart, A. & Levander, S. (2001). Privata teorier om patogenes och kur hos förstagångs insjuknade psykotiska patienter och deras behandlare. Lecture in the lecture series Subjective explanatory systems in the work with young adults, Norrtälje Psychiatric Sector, Stockholm County Council, 11 September Philips, B. (2001). Psykodynamisk psykoterapiforskning. Lecture for students at the Professional Psychology Programme, Stockholm University, 19 September Philips, B. (2001). Hur intervjuar vi patienter och terapeuter om deras privata teorier? Ett fallexempel vid terapins början och efter avslutning. Lecture in the lecture series Subjective explanatory systems in the work with young adults, Norrtälje Psychiatric Sector, Stockholm County Council, 25 September Werbart, A., Claesson, M., Ginner, H., Halvarsson, C., Jacobsson, G., & Philips, B. 15

16 (2001). Current psychotherapy research at the Institute of Psychotherapy. Presentation of current psychotherapy research for students at the Professional Psychology Programme, Stockholm University, 25 and 26 September Jacobsson, G. (2001). YOUTH från ett forskningsprojekt om unga vuxna som inte går i psykoterapi. Lecture in the lecture series Subjective explanatory systems in the work with young adults, Norrtälje Psychiatric Sector, Stockholm County Council, 9 October Jacobsson, G. (2001). Unga vuxna män och kvinnor på tröskeln till vuxenlivet: från forskningsprojekt på Psykoterapiinstitutet om unga vuxna. Lecture in the lecture series What is psychoanalysis? With psychoanalysis from cradle to grave, arranged by the Swedish Psychoanalytical Association, Stockholm, 17 October Halvarson, C. & Jacobsson, G. (2001). Klinisk forskning forskning med kliniker. Presentation for assessment groups for psychotherapy in psychiatry, Institute of Psychotherapy, 22 October Philips, B. (2001). Forskningsprojektet YAPP samt en studie av fyra avslutade fall. Lecture at the Åkersberga out-patient clinic, Stockholm County Council, 8 November Ginner, H. & Halvarson, C. (2001). Förändring hos unga kvinnor med låg symtombelastning vad säger instrumenten och vad berättar de själva. Lecture at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 21 November Grebo, U., Lundmark, B., & Ginner, H. (2001). Dumma pappa: Om problem med den nutida pappan. Lecture at the conference Young Adults, organised by the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 23 November Claesson, M. (2001). Självbilder och föreställningsvärldar hos unga vuxna. Lecture at the conference Young Adults, organised by the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 24 November Ginner, H. & Halvarson, C. (2001). Den "symtomfria" kvinnan: behöver och kan hon få hjälp i psykoterapi?. Lecture at the conference Young Adults, organised by the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 24 November Jacobsson, G. (2001). "Vuxenlivet suger." Lecture at the conference Young Adults, organised by the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 24 November Lantz, P., Floberg, U., & Philips, B. (2001). "Det bara blir en jättespärr i huvudet": Från tankestopp till tänkande. Lecture at the conference Young Adults, organised by the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 24 November Philips, B. När patientens och terapeutens teorier möts: vad händer? Lecture at the conference Young Adults, organised by the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 24 November Werbart, A. & Levander, S. (2001). Att förstå det ofattbara: Egna teorier om psykos, dess bakgrund och kur hos nyinsjuknade patienter och deras behandlare. Lecture at the conference Young Adults, organised by the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm 16

17 County Council, 24 November Werbart, A. & Wiman, M. (2001). Det är mina föräldrars fel : Unga vuxna patienter berättar om sina problem, bakgrunden och kuren. Lecture at the conference Young Adults, organised by the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 24 November Philips, B. (2002). Psykodynamisk psykoterapiforskning. Lecture for students at the Professional Psychology Programme, Stockholm University, 23 January Werbart, A., Claesson, M., Ginner, H., Halvarsson, C., Jacobsson, G., & Philips, B. (2002). Current psychotherapy research at the Institute of Psychotherapy. Presentation of current psychotherapy research for students at the Professional Psychology Programme, Stockholm University, 29 and 30 January Halvarson, C. & Lilliengren, P. (2002). Presentation av webundersökningen om unga vuxnas påfrestningar i livet. Presentation at the Centre for Graphic DeisignCentrum, Tumba, 20 February Philips, B. (2002). När patientens och terapeutens teorier möts vad händer? Lecture at the conference Young Adults, organised by the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, Stockholm, 15 March Werbart, A. (2002). Forskning om privata teorier om patogenes och kur: betydelsen av samspelet mellan patientens och behandlarens föreställningar. Lecture for the group of psychologists at the Psychiatric Clinic, Sahlgrenska Hospital, Göteborg, 9 April Ginner, H. & Halvarson, C. (2002). Symtom ska man bry sig? Förändringar hos unga kvinnor med hög respektive låg symtombelastning: vad säger instrumenten och vad säger de själva? Lecture at the Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 30 May Werbart, A. (2002). Vilken terapeut passar mig? Unga vuxna patienter ser på sina terapeuter. Lecture at the Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 31 May Claesson, M. (2002). Röd tråd och trassliga nystan: Om självbilder och föreställningsvärldar hos unga vuxna. Lecture at the Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 1 June Ginner, H. & Grebo, U. (2002). Dumma pappa! Om den nutida unga kvinnans pappaproblem. Lecture at the Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 1 June Philips, B. (2002). Mamma var galen : Unga vuxna psykoterapipatienter med psykiskt störda föräldrar. Lecture at the Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 1 June Edenius, A. & Lilliengren, P. Förändringar i självbilden och patientens perspektiv på verksamma och hindrande faktorer i terapin. Presentation from YAPP and YOUTH for assessment groups for psychotherapy in psychiatry, Institute of Psychotherapy, 23 October Werbart, A. & Philips, B. (2002). Psykoterapiforskningens vardag. Lecture at the Advanced Psychotherapy Training Programme, Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 3 December Werbart, A. (2002). Vilken terapeut passar mig? Unga vuxna patienter ser på sina 17

18 terapeuter. Lecture at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 18 December Jacobsson, G. (2003). Participation in the radio programme Tendens, Young Aduld and Depressed, Swedish Radio, 16 January Lilliengren, P. (2003). Vad var det som hjälpte mig? Unga vuxnas perspektiv på kurativa och hindrande faktorer i terapin. Lecture at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 29 January Jacobsson, G. (2003). På tröskeln till vuxenlivet: ut genom dörren eller in i väggen? Lecture at the workshop Self-power when possibilities correspond with prerequisites, The National Board for Youth Affairs, Stockholm, 6 February Philips, B. (2003). Psykodynamisk psykoterapiforskning. Lecture for students at the Professional Psychology Programme, Stockholm University, 11 February Jacobsson, G. & Werbart, A. (2003). A review of the current psychodynamic psychotherapy research: examples YOUTH and YAPP at the Institute of Psychotherapy. Presentation of current psychotherapy research for students at the Professional Psychology Programme, Stockholm University, 19 February Jacobsson, G. (2003). Vad vet vi om unga vuxnas psykiska hälsa? Överdiagnostiseras unga vuxnas problem? Lecture at the Assembly for Public Health, Stockholm, 13 March Jacobsson, G. (2003). Patologi eller utvecklingskris: Vad brottas unga vuxna med? Lecture at the Meeting for the Psychiatric Social Workers, Stockholm, 15 May Werbart, A., Jacobsson, G., & Philips, B. (2003). Forskningsöversikt: Unga vuxna mäns och kvinnors vägar till förändring. Lecture for students at the Professional Psychology Programme, Stockholm University, 3 September Werbart, A., Philips, B., & Jacobsson, G. (2003). Unga vuxna mäns och kvinnors vägar till förändring: Pågående forskning på Psykoterapiinstitutet. Lecture at the Advanced Psychotherapy Training Programme, Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 23 September Werbart, A. & Wennberg, P. (2003). Hur går det för unga vuxna i psykodynamisk terapi? Presentation for the psychiatric out-patient units assessment groups, the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 15 October Werbart, A., Philips, B., Wennberg, P., & Jacobsson, G. (2004). Unga mäns och kvinnors vägar till förändring: Pågående forskning på PI. Lecture for students at the Professional Psychology Programme, Stockholm University, 18 February Werbart, A. (2004). Dagens psykoterapiforskning och forskningsprogram om privata teorier. Lecture at the Advanced Psychotherapy Training Programme, Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 10 March Werbart, A. (2004). Orientering om kvalitativa metoder i psykoterapiforskningen [Overview of qualitative methods in psychotherapy research]. Lecture at the Advanced Psychotherapy Training Programme, Psychotherapy Section, Department of Clinical 18

19 Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 4 May Philips, B., Wennberg, P., & Werbart, A. (2004). Hur har det gått för unga vuxna i psykoterapi? Lecture at the Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 13 may Jacobsson, G. (2004). Livet som psykoterapi: YOUTH tillfälle två. Lecture at the Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 13 may Bertolo, A., Härdelin, S., Högberg, E., Lantz, P., Müller Boberg, L-L., & Werbart, A. (2004). Psykoanalys "inifrån": patientens och analytikerns bild av förändringsprocessen. Lecture at the Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 13 may Andrzej Werbart, A. (2004). Vilken terapeut är jag för min patient? Hur erfarna terapeuter ser på sig själva. Lecture at the Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 13 may Werbart, A., Floberg, U., Hjälmdahl, Y., Härdelin, S., Lundmark, B., Levander, S. (2004). Inre bilder av själv och andra, panel del 1: Sidney Blatts integrativa personlighetsmodell. Lecture at the Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 14 may Werbart, A., Floberg, U., Hjälmdahl, Y., Härdelin, S., Lundmark, B., Levander, S. (2004). Inre bilder av själv och andra, panel del 2: Kan man bedöma kvalitén i mänskligt relaterande? Lecture at the Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 14 may Lindgren, A. (2004). Är det ett problem eller? Lecture at the Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 14 may Boalt Boëthius, S., Sandell, R., Werbart, A., & Öst, L-G. (2004). Morgondagens psykoterapiforskning [Psychotherapy research of tomorrow]. Panel at the Psychotherapy Fair, Stockholm, 14 may Philips, B., Wennberg, P., & Werbart, A. (2004). Hur har det gått för unga vuxna i YAPP? Utfall vid avslutning. Lecture at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Stockholm County Council, 19 May

20 3. Title of your research program: Please give the title as you would like it to appear in the Table of Contents on the research website. Private theories of pathogenesis and cure 4. Summary of your research program. This should be restricted to no more than 800 words and should be organized under the subheadings Aims, Methods and Results. If your research program consists of only one study, describe it here. If it consists of more than one study, briefly summarise the overall program here. You will be able to describe the component studies in greater detail below. Aims The overall aim is to investigate private theories of pathogenesis and cure, obtained from the narratives of patients and their clinicians in different treatment settings, and from a non-clinical sample. Main hypothesis: The relationship between the private theories of the two participants has an impact on the process of treatment, thus influencing the longterm outcome. The theoretical starting point is that every person from psychological necessity constructs private explanatory systems, containing implicit knowledge about the problems, how they have arisen and how they can be remedied. We define private theories as implicit conceptualizations or preconscious derivatives of unconscious ideas, linked to different segments of conscious material and hold together by the conscious system s striving for coherent narratives. Private theories incorporate elements of wish fulfilment in fantasy and make use of material from popular ideas, preconceptions, available pieces of real or distorted information, common themes in the current culture, story lines in myths, fairy tales, and art. They function as implicit schemas for interpretation of new and past experiences. Problem formulations point to the past (ideas of background and previous cures) and to the future (the wished-for cures). Methods 1. Chronicity or Improvement? The interplay between the experience of psychic problems, personality, and treatment situation In this exploratory study, patients and clinicians in primary and psychiatric care were asked to describe the patient s problem, when it began, why it started, and how the situation could be improved. The interviews were repeated 6 and 18 months afterwards. Three groups were included: 6 first-episode psychotic patients and their therapists, 6 chronic psychotic patients and their clinicians, and 7 long-term patients in primary care with diffuse somatic symptoms, as well as their doctors. 2. PSA, Patients in Psychoanalysis and Their Analysts: The relationship between the parties private theories of pathogenesis and cure and its impact on the process of change The total of 8 analyses is investigated with regard to changes in these private theories during the psychoanalytic process; the relationship between the two sets of theories, and its effects on the process and outcome of psychoanalysis. The analysands and their 20

Research programme: Private theories of pathogenesis and cure. Included research projects, partially supported by funding from IPA:

Research programme: Private theories of pathogenesis and cure. Included research projects, partially supported by funding from IPA: 02/07/2012 12:09:00, 108645werbartreport2012.doc, Andrzej Werbart ANDRZEJ WERBART 15-03-2012 Research programme: Private theories of pathogenesis and cure IPA funding 1999, 2000: The interaction between

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