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2 Table of Contents Introduction and Approach. 3 External Analysis. 4 Internal Analysis.. 5 Communications Audit.. 6 SVM Mission and Vision Statements.. 7 SVM Goals/Strategies. 8 Strategic Communication and Targeted Marketing Plan Philosophy 9 StrategIc Communication and Targeted Marketing Plan Key Messages.. 10 Strategic Communication and Targeted Marketing Plan Positioning.. 11 Strategic Communication and Targeted Marketing Plan Branding 12 Strategic Communication and Targeted Marketing Plan Audiences.. 13 Strategic Communication and Targeted Marketing Plan Tools & Tactics. 14 Strategic Communication and Targeted Marketing Plan Metrics and Measurements. 17 Strategic Communications and Targeted Marketing Plan Timeline 18 Strategic Communication and Targeted Marketing Plan Resources. 19 2

3 Introduction and Approach The School of Veterinary Medicine is in transition with a new dean, a new leadership style and the advantage of a newly completed Strategic Plan which defines the future goals and strategies for the School to advance its missions. This provides an opportunity to capitalize on these new strategies to create momentum and energy within the School, and with external constituents to further promote the School Plan Goals : Better position the School by communicating its contributions and impacts Build awareness of School s program breadth and clinical expertise Enhance the School s reputation and recognition as the Gold Standard in veterinary medicine Support philanthropic efforts through coordinated communication efforts Market clinical services and expertise to strategically increase clinical caseload OUR APPROACH Strategic Communications: The dissemination of information through multiple media and public relations channels to educate and build awareness of the School s value, specific programs and expertise. Targeted Marketing: The promotion of specific programs, services, activities and achievements to targeted audiences to advance a specific defined goal (i.e. VMTH service for more caseload, oncology donors for additional private donations). Internal/External Analysis Our Strategic Communications and Targeted Marketing Plan will be built upon the internal and external analysis associated with the School s Strategic Planning effort, a communications audit of our current decentralized communication efforts, coordination with school-wide development communication needs, and input from selected campus and key constituents with communication/marketing expertise. Targeted Audiences School of Veterinary Medicine University of California - Campus and System-wide Alumni and Veterinary Profession Donors, Foundations, Clients and Friends Industry, Legislators and Government Agencies Public-at-Large Key Messages are based upon the School s strategic planning goals and program expertise Tools and Tactics will guide where and how we communicate and market for best results and efficient use of available resources Metrics and Measurements will allow us to assess impacts and define success Timeline with implementation benchmarks will assure projects are moving forward on schedule 3

4 External Analysis Strengths Faculty expertise - National & International reputation for excellence & leadership Highly-valued graduates World class clinical programs Research programs & funding & publication/productivity Species/Discipline focused centers & programs Innovative new approaches New curriculum goals & focus Weaknesses Aging faculty ranks need for 20-30% faculty replacement w/n 10 years Client caseload decline in last few years particularly equine & FA Dependence on declining state support Tension between missions Opportunities Improve Institutional Capacity: Target new funding sources and operational efficiencies Identify program strengths for targeted growth, development & promotion Lead the Field: Lead on important national and international issues (One Health, Food Security, etc.) Strengthen gov t partnerships to influence policy Leverage research capabilities to strengthen partnerships with industry Foster Growth of Research Enterprise: Leverage Veterinary Center for Coordinated Clinical Trials Leadership role in Translational research at UC Davis Develop interdisciplinary research collaborations with CAES, SOM, Eng, Nursing, Public Health Refine Education Programs: Recruit/Admit DVM students to fill societal niches (Food Animal, Academia, Public Practice) Collaborate with other SVMs to provide specialized training Utilize technology to expand geographic reach of continuing education Operate Clinical Services Effectively: Build larger community practice Bolster availability of support services laboratory and diagnostic services Strengthen relationships with private veterinarians to increase referrals Revamp resident program for academic career preparation reduce specialist competition Challenges Need new sources of revenue Faculty recruitment and retention High educational costs student debt, constrained employment market Competition from other veterinary schools and specialty hospitals Potential loss of relevance: diminishing focus on food safety and agriculture; extensive clinical specialization creates risk of being perceived as only for the rich 4

5 Internal Analysis Strategic Priorities for the School Continue to be a national and global leader in academic veterinary medicine 61% Maintain excellent, accessible clinical care programs 54% Identify new, stable sources of funding, including philanthropy, to achieve financial success 52% Demonstrate School s value to California in food safety, nutrition, public health, agriculture and vet med 45% Be at the forefront of high impact research 39% Position the educational mission as a high priority for the School 39% Recruit, retain and mentor elite faculty who work together to fulfill the academic missions 39% Build strong collaborative relationships across the School, UCD and beyond 29% Create school-wide culture of financial transparency and accountability 23% Strengthen community outreach and marketing 19% Major Issues Limited resources-pulled in too many directions Conflicting needs of faculty and audience Conflicting needs between units, depts., centers Too many separate cultures Aging VMTH facilities Curriculum implementation Funding paradigm changes Faculty salaries Student debt Implications Create and communicate clear priorities Commit to end audience needs first Create clear School approach Clearly communicate about all the good things done by college Inspire donors with vision of hospital Promote faculty participation Develop faculty & staff understanding for successful implementation Obtain UC approval and implement Promote UC understanding and action, raise more private scholarship/fellowship funding 5

6 Communications Audit Conduct a communications and marketing audit of major units in the School involving both the unit leader and the communication or marketing staffer for both vision and current activities. VMDO: Executive, Development, Academic Programs, Student Programs, Research, Personnel VMTH: SAC, LAC, Lab Services Departments: APC, PHR, PMI, VMB, VME, VSR Centers: CCAH, CEH, WHC, VGL, CAHFS, VMTRC, UCVMC-SD, WIFSS, CCM, CCEH, CCC, VORL, Extension, International Programs Discuss with major units their communication and marketing goals and how can the centralized communication effort can support or enhance their unit and current communications. Assess: Communications and Marketing Goals Messages Priorities Tools and Tactics Materials Spokespeople Publications (print & electronic) Audiences Measurements Successes Discuss opportunities to combine or coordinate publications and efforts with SVM Communications Identify the target audiences for the SVM and the individual units. Identify the initiatives the units are planning in the future. Catalogue the resources (people and funding) they have for communications and marketing. Develop a school-wide organizational chart of communications & marketing personnel Discuss opportunities to coordinate with internal communicators to promote SVM and individual units/initiatives. Develop recommendations based upon audit discussions and assessment 6

7 SVM Mission Statement Advance the Health of Animals, People and the Environment SVM Vision Statement Leading Veterinary Medicine Addressing Societal Needs 7

8 SVM Goals/Strategies 1. Educate the world s leaders in academic veterinary medicine, veterinary medical practice, public and environmental health Attract mentor and support best and brightest students and trainees Design curriculum and training programs to meet the full range of current and future societal needs Lead the field of veterinary medicine by sharing educational expertise and best practices locally, national and internationally 2. Be at the forefront of high-impact trans-disciplinary research Provide supportive infrastructure and efficient services to facilitate research Actively pursue trans-disciplinary research programs and extramural support 3. Provide cutting-edge clinical programs that support education, research and service Provide outstanding patient care and customer service Foster excellence in clinical teaching Capitalize on the clinical caseload to support excellence in translational and clinical medicine Maximize the client relationship to promote philanthropic support 4. Advance the well-being of animals and people in California and around the globe Identify pressing societal problems where the School can make an impact and align efforts to develop meaningful solutions Broaden the diversity of the vet med community and UCD and beyond 5. Ensure effective school-wide management infrastructure and sustainable financial resources for the future Optimize the financial position and sustainability of the clinical enterprise Strengthen internal communication, transparency and collaboration Elevate the School s capability in marketing, branding and public relations Review and optimize the School s organizational structure 6. Recruit, retain and cultivate excellent and productive faculty and staff Provide a supportive environment to foster faculty and staff success Recruit faculty as needed to support strategic initiatives and for succession planning 7. Build strong collaborations across UC Davis and with other academic, government, agricultural & business partners Promote collaboration with other Schools and programs at UCD Lead UC system initiatives in veterinary medicine programs Strengthen external collaborations in all mission areas 8

9 Strategic Communication and Targeted Marketing Plan - Philosophy SVM communication will match our brand quality, both in message and execution We will promote communications as one entity School of Veterinary Medicine with many components and expertise Our communications will build equity in the college brand through coordination, consistency and repetition Effective communication is an effort by everyone and will affect our reputation We will focus on strategic audiences who can help us meet our goals Our communication will be based upon insights that will help us meet our audiences on their terms We will develop and use standard templates for posters, Powerpoint Presentations, one-page fact sheets, newsletters, web pages, etc. to promote recognition of the School as our primary entity. We will establish a School Communication Council to promote cross School communications, coordinated communication/marketing approaches and common tools and tactics. 9

10 Strategic Communication and Targeted Marketing Plan - Key Messages Our key messages will be based upon the School s seven strategic planning goals Educate the world s leaders in academic veterinary medicine, veterinary medical practice, public and environmental health We educate the world s leaders innovators in veterinary medical education, research and patient care Be at the forefront of high-impact trans-disciplinary research We are leaders in trans-disciplinary research to solve societal animal health issues Provide cutting-edge clinical programs that support education, research and service Our clinical programs support outstanding patient care, cutting edge research and leading education programs Advance the well-being of animals and people in California and around the globe We advance the well-being of animals and people across the state and around the globe Ensure effective school-wide management infrastructure and sustainable financial resources for the future We embrace a management structure and approach to ensure a sustainable financial future Recruit, retain and cultivate excellent and productive faculty and staff We recruit and support faculty and staff excellence to advance the School s missions Build strong collaborations across UCD and with other academic, government, agricultural & business partners We promote strong collaborations and partnerships with academia, industry and government Using these key messages as the foundation of the School s Strategic Communication and Targeted Marketing Plan will result in a number of critical impacts: Builds pride creates internal alignment Gains public recognition - inspires donors Sets a foundation for capital campaign Builds respect from broad SVM community attracts top talent Defines approach clarifies program priorities 10

11 Strategic Communications and Targeted Marketing Positioning Communications Excellence, Discoveries, Impacts, Excitement Alignment of strategic communications and targeted marketing with the seven strategic goals will provide a fundamental platform for the units across the School to create cohesive messaging and greater impact. The School s communications and marketing efforts have previously been decentralized to individual units and the school-wide efforts have largely capitalized on distribution opportunities media interest, web site, social media tools, campus projects and publications, and the core brochure and newsletter publications. By aligning the School s communications strategically, we will maximize resources and impacts. Although we will still take advantage of media opportunities to disseminate information broadly, we will now focus concentrated effort to tie communications to specific goals, develop specific communication pieces to support those goals and highlight the programs, faculty expertise, research discoveries, teaching activities or methodologies and patient services that specifically encompass those goals. Through coordinated use of common branding, tools and tactics, and an integrated culture of communication, we will better tell our story, support development efforts, educate our audiences about our breadth and expertise, and promote synergies between our major units. By tying communications back to the central themes, we will focus attention on the expertise and activities that support our goals and the School s reputation for excellence and we will address the current public confusion with our diverse organizational structure. We will enhance our strategic communications by employing a targeted marketing approach to proactively promote specific goals and programs. Through the development of mini-campaigns we can promote a specific clinical service or area of the School to specific audiences for a defined goal and outcome. The creation of minicampaigns will also allow us to employ the variety of tools and tactics that pitch to different audiences, but promote a consistent message. Too often efforts are focused on the medium to be used (i.e. web site or Facebook) rather than a coordinated effort of messaging and images that employ a variety of mechanisms to cross different informational channels. Example: Goal #3 Provide cutting edge clinical programs that support education, research and service. Identify one service, such as Small Animal Surgery, for promotion. We develop the web site, impact sheet, patient stories, videos, photos, brochures and featured newsletter articles to promote: the clinical service and its dedication to patient care and success; the faculty s expertise; innovative approaches to difficult health problems; the development of new techniques/therapies; the added teaching component for DVM students and/or residents; and the collaborations with other services, centers, and departments. By repeatedly tying back to the goal we can use these messages and materials to promote the key units involved--vmth, CCAH, VSR and SVM--support our development efforts, engage multiple audiences and effectively use communications resources for maximum impact. Through a coordinated positioning of our messaging and tactics we can use common language and branding elements to promote the importance and contributions of veterinary medicine, the excellence of our programs and faculty, the uniqueness of our School, the outstanding educational experience of our students and further enhance the School s reputation and prestige. 11

12 Strategic Communication Plan and Targeted Marketing Branding How we deliver our messages is just as important as what we say branding We must: o Be bold and confident in our communications o Deliver expert Information more than just an educational institution o Assertively promote ourselves, with pride and confidence o Confidently ask donors, funders, clients, top talent, and reporters will you. Present a more unified brand identity for the School aligned with university standards Cultivate a cohesive and synergistic communication culture across the School Integrate communications to bring together multiple SVM partners and units Promote the School rather than individual units Set up regular communication with internal groups on branding, public relations and marketing Develop focused and consistent talking points for the School that promote our strategic goals Identify a small group of spokespeople to do all media interviews not specific research related Determine how to respond to inquiries; who will answer the phone; who will speak on behalf of the School Rebrand VMTH messaging to increase public recognition and support for the role that the teaching hospital plays in education and research Adopt consistent/coordinated designs for all SVM web sites, Facebook pages, publications, fact sheets, PowerPoint slides, newsletters, brochures, etc. Employ tag lines on web pages and 12

13 Strategic Communications and Targeted Marketing Plan - Audiences Create Alignment & Pride - Build Awareness & Understanding Audiences - What do we want them to do School of Veterinary Medicine Have pride Become Clients Recommend VMTH to friends and family Understand broad impact of SVM University of California - Campus and System-wide Have pride Become Clients Understand broad impact of SVM Alumni and Veterinary Profession Have pride Become Clients Refer Clients See opportunities to give, help advance animal health Understand broad impact of SVM Recognize SVM as the Worldwide Gold Standard for Veterinary Medicine Donors, Foundations, Clients and Friends Become Clients Recommend VMTH to friends and family See opportunities to give, help advance animal health Understand broad impact of SVM Recognize SVM as the Worldwide Gold Standard for Veterinary Medicine Industry, Legislators and Government Agencies Become Clients Refer Clients See opportunities to give, help advance animal health Understand broad impact of SVM Recognize SVM as the Worldwide Gold Standard for Veterinary Medicine Public-at-Large Become Clients Refer Clients See opportunities to give, help advance animal health Recommend VMTH to friends and family Understand broad impact of SVM Recognize SVM as the Worldwide Gold Standard for Veterinary Medicine 13

14 Strategic Communication and Targeted Marketing Plan - Tools & Tactics Every Audience Strategic Communications Proactive media outreach press releases, interviews, events Media response cultivate SVM as a resource for media and actively respond to those requests National Stories (set targets i.e. 5 USA Today stories/yr) Web site increase and refine content, more stories, videos, more dynamic materials Use front page of website more aggressively highlight services and units, put mission statement on every page Encourage SVM community to use Vision Statement tag line on s Document SVM contributions to society and State of California Economic impact study work with CVMA to commission professional study Develop a concise summary of SVM success stories and research accomplishments Develop Strategic Goal Impact Sheets that promote specific contributions and accomplishments tied to the goal Engage faculty in communication activities to better define how SVM work benefits animals and humans Cultivate staff participation and consistent messaging at all levels; staff are the first point of contact. Teach student leaders to promote veterinary medicine as a profession and resource Organize and host symposia around issues of importance (e.g. food safety) Create experts list on key topics and issues Develop Points of Pride for website, slide deck, impact sheet Use Vision Statement tag-line on s, we pages, etc. School of Veterinary Medicine Strategic Communications Dean s Perspectives Activities and Impacts weekly electronic publication Recognize faculty contributions in clinical, research, education and service Communicate regularly with all faculty, staff and students using a variety of communication modalities Organize a School Communications Council to coordinate & share communications strategies Develop monthly VMTH electronic newsletter to share information across the School Disseminate information about strategic planning progress and results to faculty, staff and students Develop an annual State-of-the-School address Share innovative entrepreneurial ideas across the SVM Enhance About Us web pages expand the facts to add paragraphs to leverage the new strategic planning positioning, topical issues, new program initiatives Launch the Awards web site to promote faculty, staff, alumni, supporter recognition Better communicate the SVM organizational structure internally and externally Targeted Marketing Advertise to SVM community VMTH clinical services with 20% discount Create open house events to promote SVM community engagement 14

15 Cultivate students, graduate students and residents while in School with improved communications and information about school-wide initiatives Develop updated core brochure of SVM general info piece for student, faculty recruitments, donor cultivation, media contacts, VIP mailings, etc. (Print and PDF formats) Develop school-wide events to promote faculty, staff and student engagement Organize town-hall meetings on a variety of topics feature aprogram or project and invite the schoolwide community Develop slide shows for communicating major initiatives with internal audiences Develop school-wide events and mini-campaigns to promote School spirit and engagement University of California Campus and System-wide Strategic Communications Develop a vision piece based on strategic planning outcomes Target UCD and UCOP web site front page with key stories Utilize Impact Sheets to educate UCD and UC leaders about SVM accomplishments and contributions Maximize position as the only UC veterinary school Targeted Marketing Advertise to UC community VMTH clinical services with 10% discount YouTube videos faculty research, lectures, clinic services VIP Mailings 4-5 items 6 times/year: one-page position papers, impact sheets, news articles, newsletters Host campus and university leaders for tours, presentations and targeted messages Help campus and system-wide tell our story; find out what they need top issues and address Alumni & Veterinary Profession Strategic Communications Expand Alumni web pages and use of Facebook to promote key messages and activities Expand use of Spotlight electronic publication Utilize alumni in videos and slide shows to engage them in SVM outreach Develop a quarterly VMTH update specifically to engage veterinarians ( alumni and referring veterinarians) and encourage their clinical referrals, participation in clinical trials and to support development campaign efforts Repurpose information in the monthly VMTH electronic newsletter for a quarterly VMTH electronic newsletter to clients. Targeted Marketing Mini-campaigns to DVM reunion classes feature class members engage in SVM project Mini -campaign for defined patient cases for instruction Mini-campaign for species specific referral cultivation Advertise Graduating Seniors: Senior directory, career fair, other services for graduates Advertise clinical trials opportunities for referral cases Utilize CE events to further engage the profession, promote services & clinical trials, sell apparel 15

16 Donors, Foundations, Clients and Friends Strategic Communications Coordinate school-wide communication efforts with development campaigns sync program priorities Utilize quarterly VMTH Newsletter compelling stories that clients and donors want to read Promote specific stories about clients who became donors and why Targeted Marketing Expand VMTH advertising campus, local communities, region (200 miles) Videos/slide shows for website and VMTH waiting rooms: clinical services, virtual tours, clinical trials, patient success stories, new faculty, symposiums/events, SVM contributions and impacts, how you can help suggestions Thank you postcards to clients 2 months after visit to VMTH with web address Mini-campaigns on specific initiatives Survey clients at registration - how did they hear about us? use to target marketing/advertising Create web site feedback link and monitor and respond back for improved client relations Industry, Legislature & Governmental Agencies Strategic Communications Engage community leaders and stakeholders in identifying societal problems for focused efforts Develop Animal Agriculture Impact Sheets Develop industry liaisons for regular contacts promote key messaging Promote partnerships through media for increased recognition and support Targeted Marketing Actively cultivate legislative representatives & staffers through regular communications, Impact Sheets, presentations on topics of priority to them Develop one-pagers to communicate succinctly health issue, SVM activity/expertise, result or potential result of research Expanded use of electronic Spotlight Public-at-Large Strategic Communications Identify extent of local community (200 miles?) and target media outlets to promote School and VMTH Identify community events for possible veterinary exposure, booths, information dissemination Engage community leaders SVM activities and initiatives Create speaking opportunities with regional groups (Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) Targeted Marketing Communicate discoveries to appropriate constituent groups Leverage University expertise in marketing and public relations 16

17 Strategic Communication and Targeted Marketing Plan - Metrics & Measurements Foster Pride Increase faculty and staff engagement (pre- and post- surveys) Increase sense of achievement (internet traffic) Increased alumni involvement (increased reunion participation, increased alumni giving) Create Awareness About the VMTH (new clients) About the School and our programs (website traffic, media articles/coverage) About the impact of veterinary medicine, expanding role of veterinarians (new clients & partnerships) About One Health (new funding opportunities, programs) Increase Opportunity More recognition (media coverage) More partnership with industry (grants, clinical trials, gifts) More collaborations (increased research, teaching, service partners UC and external) Increased Financial Support More donors (converting news stories to online giving) More financial resources (success of capital campaign) New collaborations (increased multi-unit grants) Expansion of research programs (increased grant support,) Increase Reputation More faculty awards (national and international) Number of grants (demonstrates success of faculty and breadth/depth of faculty expertise) Total amount of grant support (demonstrates sustainability and growth) Number of research publications and citations (promotes faculty expertise/recognition) Student/Graduate Student/Resident applications (demonstrates program excellence) 17

18 Strategic Communications and Targeted Marketing Plan - Timeline Spring Summer 2012 Launch Strategic Communications and Targeted Marketing Plan Present to Dean s Cabinet, Academic Council, Staff Managers, unit communicators and other key internal groups Post Plan on VIPER website and announced to faculty, staff and students Conduct Communications Audit Develop monthly VMTH News electronic newsletter and distribute to entire internal SVM community Hire VMTH Communications Officer Hire School-wide Communications Officer (Narlesky replacement) Launch Strategic Plan updated/revamped web site Initiate SVM Communications Council set up regular meeting schedule and list serve for on-going Fall communications Identify key SVM spokespeople and promote media training as needed Develop coordinated communication designs PowerPoint Slides, Impact Sheets, Newsletters, Web site, Tri-folding brochures, etc. Ask SVM faculty, staff and students to employ taglines with vision statement on web pages, s and other electronic /print communications Gather information to support development of SVM contributions and impacts Work with CVMA to develop an economic impact study Establish benchmark metrics and measurements Winter Develop VMTH branding messages, tools and tactics consistent with school-wide Strategic Communications and Targeted Marketing Plan Develop initial cadre of SVM success stories research accomplishments and patient stories Refine SVM contributions and impacts Develop a cache of Impact Sheets for each Targeted Audience Address additional communications resource needs. 18

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